
Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Javier Solana: Still Relevant Stakeholder in Global Governance?

 by Co-Host, Richard Peterson (our long time time "Rich of Medford")

After reading some of the blog comments ridiculing the research time spent on Javier Solana, I felt compelled to respond.

Javier Solana is a high profile European diplomat. Solana’s curriculum vitae is extensive. Some of the more notable positions of which he was incumbent include Spain’s Minister of Foreign Affairs 1992 – 1995; NATO Secretary General 1995 – 1999;  Secretary General of the Council of the European Union and EU High Representative from 1999 – 2009; Secretary General of the Western European Union 1999 – 2009.

Javier Solana’s tenure as Secretary General of the Western European Union (WEU) is one which garnered the attention of several global governance researchers (myself included). In her book The Western European Union, Sally Rohan opens with the question what was the role of this short lived institution? The answer is this ten-nation military alliance served to develop the European Union’s military architecture which was purposefully kept at a polite distance from the integration process. The Council of Europe was tasked with the integration process.

Javier Solana is the chief architect of the European Security and Defence Policy, an apparatus which later was transferred into the European Union which now is known as the Common Security and Defense Policy. The Lisbon Treaty references this architecture as it remains in place to this day.

An aspect of the WEU framework which was adopted by the Council of Ministers is the transfer of power mechanism – Recommendation 666 – whereby emergency powers are given to the High Representative in the event of a crisis. The position of High Representative, created under Section 666 of the Europa code, was to be filled by an individual having a strong political profile and backed by credible operational capabilities so that a cohesive EU strategy would be applied foremost to Russia, and secondarily the Ukraine and Mediterranean regions.

All of the above is ample rationale for the continued observation of both the position of High Representative as well as the chief architect of the EU’s military apparatus.

The current appointee to the High Representative position is Josep Borrell.

It has been reported that Josep Borrell regularly consults with Solana on matters of foreign policy. Whether or not this is the case, their messages appear to be  harmonized. Before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine both men had voiced the solution needed to be derived from European diplomacy. This did not happen as the United States sidelined EU diplomacy citing its weak foreign policy. Both Solana and Borrell since have advocated for China to become the conflict’s mediator. Solana has long called for China to assume a leading role in global governance.

What’s disturbing is China’s assessment and proposed solution to the current crisis:  it is the US-led NATO which is problematic and that Europe needs to complete its security architecture by achieving strategic autonomy.  China calls for Europe sideline the United States and incorporate Russia into European security architecture which is what French President Macron had envisioned would be a counter-balance to US hegemony.

Both Borrell and Solana are working to achieve European strategic autonomy. While Solana says he does not envision Europe separating from the NATO security arrangements, he has articulated a vision of European control of NATO assets.

Solana’s work in formulating EU foreign and militarization policies has not diminished with his return to the private sector. He remains one of the movers and shakers of the EU’s Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) programme. Solana’s defense policy paper mentions the EU Parliament’s authority over the military architecture. There is none. The Parliament’s voice is consultative only. The paper paves ways coalitions of member states who wish to engage in military action would be able to work around the unanimity rule, i.e., through the instrument provided in the Lisbon Treaty called Enhanced Cooperation.

The Enhanced Cooperation instrument was explored several years back with the proposal that Core Defense Groups be formed so that military action would not be subject to objecting states’ vetoes. The 1999 Amsterdam Council had expressed concerns that Enhanced Cooperation could be used as a means to circumvent the Council of Ministers and warned that it should never be used in defense policy as that would be dangerous.

Solana presently chairs an initiative called ENGAGE – Envisioning a New Governance Architecture for a Global Europe – which is a consortium of legal experts brought together to explore the EU treaties and to form a legal basis to overcome the “bipolarity” of EU external actions.  In other words, while they pay lip service to unanimity, the intent is to find avenues to circumvent it.

On March 22, Solana addressed the conference hosted by the European Parliament Office in Barcelona entitled “2022 The Year of European Defense” where he called for the further development of the EU’s military capabilities. Soon thereafter, some Members of European Parliament (MEPs) warned of the dangers associated with the EU’s current militarization trajectory. MEP Ozlem Demirel said “the speed with which all this has now happened clearly shows that nothing has been thought up and decided upon on an ad hoc basis. We are talking about arming programmes that have been ready to go for a long time and which the EU is now taking advantage of the situation for.”

MEP Hannah Neumann’s assessment  that the EU Parliament is shut out of defense decisions reflects an understanding of the Parliament’s powerlessness over military matters.

Notwithstanding Solana’s calls for China to assume more of a leading role in global governance, some of his statements on the Ukraine conflict sound perfectly rational:  that the West is now experiencing the consequences for the false promise of Ukraine’s entry into NATO; that the world cannot afford a third world war with nuclear weapons; and that the Ukraine conflict can end only with a diplomatic agreement.

Solana acknowledges that at the present time he is not in a position to negotiate the diplomatic solution. Perhaps he is to remain in the private sector and only effect change without the backing of credible capabilities.  Nevertheless, the current High Representative position carries the weight of the architecture Solana designed should the Council or a Core Defense Group activate one particular instrument from their toolkit.

Before the Russian invasion, one article I found of interest is this piece published by the Kyiv Post:

Here the writer expresses the opinion that the EU hasn’t employed diplomats since Barroso and Solana  who are competent enough to handle Ukraine policy.  He then calls  for “a strong and serious commissioner…to be given overall responsibility for Ukraine, as Solana and Füle had.”  The writer’s perception is that Josep Borrell lacks the strength to stand up to Russia.

There are voices within the European Union who have said the EU would lead the system of global governance. In its Global Governance 2025 report, the US Office of the Director of National Intelligence  in conjunction with the EU Institute of Security Studies lays out the case that its best hope for global governance is a European launch.

Solana’s past role in global governance has been far from insignificant. Whatever his future role turns out to be, I expect it not to be minuscule.


  1. Anonymous2:18 PM

    "The EU must replace the U.S. as a security provider in Europe"

    This is true, as the U.S. will soon go the way of Sodom and Gomorrah, and cease to exist.

  2. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Liz Cheney's Sham Jan 6 Committee Will Hold Public Hearings Starting Next Week to Push Her Anti-Trump Lies

  3. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I'm with you, Constance.
    Solana is still in the game..on the sidelines at present, but still in the global game. He remains a trusted "go-to" person and I have posted links here and there about him from his writings on world events, just to keep him in mind..because he is still a player as you have well shown.
    If he does not turn out to be the candidate for AC, I insist he is "grooming" the one who will be...
    His age does not disqualify him. He is a veteran of all things global--and still a "squarer of circles"-powerfully so.
    Anti-christ will be revealed according to prophecy. That means he is hidden from sight till then.
    And many things can be hidden in plain sight.
    Good to hear from you. You're still in the game yourself, a different one, but certainly on the right side.
    I have been concerned and praying for you.

  4. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Pope Punishes Archbishop Who Banned Pelosi over Pro-Abortion Push

  5. Anonymous3:21 PM

    'Accidental Fires' Continue To Happen At Food Processing Facilities

  6. Anonymous4:12 PM


  7. Anonymous4:34 PM

    How to Think Like a Leftist!


  8. When it comes to be a "stakeholder in Global Governance," Javier Solana is a tiny little pipsqueak compared to Klaus Schwab. Furthermore, whatever the role Solana is playing, he doesn't have 1/10,000th. of the influence that the outspoken Marxist "Global Governance" Pope Francis does, who, incidentally, strongly supports the WEF's Communist "Great Reset," along with the UN's Agenda 21 & 30.

    But let's close our eyes, mouth and ears to that one and continue to concentrate on an old washed up, pretty much retired has been named Javier Solana. Why? Because no one will be offended by singling out someone that not 1 in 1,000 has ever even heard of.


  9. According to the Futurist Dispensationalist end time theories, the 'future' anti-Christ will declare himself to be 'god' in the REBUILT 3rd. Temple in Jerusalem (they cannot even decide WHERE the 'Temple' needs to be built). All those that receive the 'mark of the beast' will also 'worship' him as 'god.' In effect, the entire 'world' will follow after him. This future anti-Christ will be known to be 'drunk with the blood of the saints,' and will be the embodiment of 'Mystery Babylon,' along with all of its spiritual filthiness and fornications, etc., etc.

    Now seriously, Solana will be 80 in July. Does anyone in their right mind really think that he fulfills ANY of these traits that the Dispensationalists attribute to a future anti-Christ?


  10. I wonder how many of the Death Cult Democrats will sign on to this?

    48 Republicans Sign Letter Telling Chuck Schumer They Will Filibuster Any Bill Funding Abortions

  11. RayB,

    I'll dismiss your comments as an exhibit of your political ignorance.

    Incidentally Pope Francis is 85 years old. Klaus Schwab is 84 years old. Solana is 79 years old.

  12. Anonymous6:46 PM

    5:58 PM
    You really have not paid much attention in this arena. Solana was cutting edge in globalism right early (it's in his DNA) and is as involved as ever from many vantage points...with less public view, but much behind closed doors time spent with global heavy hitters, and they seek him out (even do his bidding)...still.

    6:22 PM
    You sure like to pigeon hole people's beliefs. Like most fit only certain molds. That does not always fit though.
    Yes, there are some diehards of varied views in prophecy. Including you.

    Lots of folks have some things right and some things wrong.
    Prophecy takes some patience. You have little.

    So I guess you will have to just wait and see, RayB, like all the rest of us.
    Won't be all that long now.


  13. Anon @ 6:46 PM ...

    I given a list that Dispensationalists in the past were ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that they had identified their futurist Anti-Christ, because their 'candidate' had ALL of their AC attributes. Here it is again:

    Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany, supposedly attempted to reinstitute the Germanic Empire across Eastern Europe, which contained much of the Roman Empire's territory. (WW I Monarch ... deposed after he lost the war)

    Vladimir Lenin, led atheist Revolution in Russia that overthrew the Czar in 1917. Murdered countless Christians and political opponents. Closed ALL Christian churches.

    Benito Mussolini, Fascist Dictator of Italy that declared he would re-establish the Roman Empire. Had close ties to the Vatican, and even signed a treaty with the Vatican (which many identified as the 'religious false prophet'). Quickly revealed himself to be an inept military leader, played 2nd. fiddle to Hitler in WW II. Executed with his mistress in Milan ... strung up upside down like an animal in a gas station.

    Adolf Hitler, German Dictator that sought to conquer Eastern Europe (revised Roman Empire). Had hysterical, fanatical followers. Opposed biblical Christianity. Also signed a treaty with the Vatican (again, many identified the Papacy as the end times 'false prophet'). Committed suicide in 1945.

    Joseph Stalin, Soviet Union Dictator that replaced Lenin. 2nd. worst mass murderer in history. Tortured and murdered millions of Christians, 'drunk with the blood of the saints.' Died before becoming THE AC.

    Mao Zedong, Chinese Communist Dictator. Worst mass murderer in world history. Murdered millions of Christians, 'drunk with the blood of the saints'. Murdered up to 60 MILLION innocent people.

    Leonid Brezhnev, Soviet Dictator. Dead.

    Mikhail Gorbachev, Soviet Dictator. Had a strange blood 'mark' on his forehead, which many dispensationalists (including Hal Lindsey) thought was some type of Satanic sign. Deposed after the Soviet Union fell.

    A few more to the silly list:

    Ronald Reagan

    Saddam Hussein

    Barack Obama

    Donald Trump

    As I said before, there were some nutcases that actually claimed JFK would be resurrected from the grave because he was 'charismatic' and died of a 'head wound,'
    and would declare himself the AC ! ROFL

    Of ALL of the Dispensationalists' mistaken claims, this blog is the ONLY one that I have ever come across that has seriously considered Javier Solana as a 'candidate' for AC !


  14. Rich,

    Solana will be 80 in one month and a few days. The last photo I saw of him, he doesn't look very good. In fact, he's looking quite a bit older than his 79+ years. (Recent photos of him are a little hard to find. No one seems to know who he is).

    Keep in mind, the Dispensationalist Temple must be 'rebuilt,' because it's in the Temple where Solana will declare to the entire world (I'm trying not to laugh) that he is 'god,' whereby the world will fall down and worship him (I'm still trying not to laugh).

    If you believe such nonsense, like Constance says, 'I have a bridge to sell you.'

    PS: They sure better hurry and get that 3rd. Temple built el pronto. Old Javier doesn't look like he has long to go.

  15. Ray,

    I have archived European press reports that Solana's health is excellent.

    I would not rule out Solana as the candidate just as I would not rule out Schwab, Macron, or any other global governance personality.

    Any individual who would connect people up to a "global brain", i.e., AI, along with promises of everlasting life could probably convince people of his divinity. It doesn't take a leap to recognize the New Agers already believe in their individual and collective divinity.

    Continue to laugh and ridicule as you will. The EU military architecture along with its association to a triple six is something I don't easily dismiss.

  16. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Dr. Kelli Ward: Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn, Lindsey Graham, Adam Kinzinger, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney... Are Trying to Destroy the Republican Party (Video)


  17. Interesting Rich.

    The Futurist Dispensationalists have quite a record so far.

    They've been wrong too many times to count for well over 100 years, including Hal Lindsey's PROMISE that the Anti-Christ would come on the scene 'no later than in the decade of the 1980's" and that the "rapture would occur" during that time frame. Lindsey was 'certain' of that because Israel had 'returned to the land in 1948' and that after the 'return,' the Anti-Christ would come on the scene within 'one generation,' which he determined to be 40 years. I remember MANY people believing his nonsense, and were sorely disappointed when it didn't happen according to his false interpretation. Many lived a frivolous, meaningless life thinking that the 'end was near.'

    But hey, why hold their HORRIBLE interpretation record against them, right?

    By the way, do you think the Papacy might be a 'candidate,' being that they fulfill historically pretty much everything concerning Revelation 17? Just wondering.

  18. In my opinion the Papacy appears more like the false prophet. It is my understanding that historicists look to on-one other than the Pope could be the AC.

  19. Anonymous8:50 PM

    You know things are falling apart fast when Yellen admits inflation is out of control.

    Treasury secretary concedes she was wrong on 'path that inflation would take'

  20. Anonymous10:55 PM

    I agree Rich of Medford @ 8:40 PM.
    I have suspected that might be the case ever since Francis was installed as Pope.

  21. Anonymous11:23 PM

    You don't have anything more figured out than Dispensationalists do either.
    You state many things pretty emphatically too. That doesn't make you right and others exclusively wrong.
    So why laugh at what others believe when you are in no better position in this matter? I am not pre-trib but I don't laugh or argue with those who believe that way.
    Besides Jesus said watch--not figure it all out.
    We need faith, grace, patience, and perseverance these days, more of those attributes more than we need to be "right" about end times details.
    God's got many surprises coming to everybody is my bet. We'll all get schooled.......

  22. Revelation speaks of seven blessings - for watching, yes. But also for reading, for hearing the words of the prophecy, for keeping the things written therein, and more.

    Revelation 1:3

    3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

    Revelation 14:13

    13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.

    Revelation 16:15

    15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

    Revelation 19:9

    9 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.

    Revelation 20:6

    6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

    Revelation 22:7

    7 Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.

    Revelation 22:14

    14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

    Moreover, we were intended to digest and process Revelation, following the example of John:

    Revelation 10:9

    9 And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.

  23. This is a great book for those who want to understand what JESUS said as opposed to understanding what Hal Lindsey said.

    The Last Days According to Jesus by R.C. Sproul

    As an alternative to buying and reading the book, here is a link to a video teaching series of R.C. Sproul talking about the last days according to Jesus.

  24. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Isn't it what Hal Lindsey said and what R.C. Sproul said? Both interpretations of what Jesus said.

  25. Actually, R.C. Sproul takes Jesus' statements of time stamps literally. Hal Lindsey interprets them.

  26. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Ray + J are not Dispensationalists, but they have not, that I have read here anyway, explained how the end times go according to their non-dispensationalist views? But we are supposed to believe them, which I do not.

    J posted from Revelation 16:15:

    Blessed are they that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

    This verse to me speaks of those that are not fooled into partaking of the Beast System. They keep their righteous covering. Not taking the Mark. So no, I will remain a Dispensationalist because I see Ray + and J as just plain wrong!

  27. RayB 8:35 PM,

    Many details would seem to line up, but one detail does not. The city where our Lord was crucified was not Vatican City.

    Revelation 11:8

    8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.

    This is the great city that is identified as Sodom and Egypt spiritually here and as Mystery Babylon elsewhere. The harlot riding the beast is called Mystery Babylon. (Revelation 17:5)

  28. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Just because Hal Lindsey etc., is a Dispensationalist, doesn't make the doctrine incorrect.

    I believe in Dispensationalism, and for roughly 37 years have understood the pre-tribulation rapture theory as false. You can't pigeon hole all dispensationalists.

  29. Anonymous12:17 PM

    J, The great city where our Lord was crucified was completely destroyed in 70 A.D., just as Jesus said it would be. The existing city of Jerusalem was built by the Romans patterned after the original city and named Aelia Capitolina. The city was dedicated to Roman gods. A temple was built on the Temple Mount and dedicated to Jupiter. Another temple was built and dedicated to Venus, which is now the site of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The Aelia Capitolina's name was changed to Jerusalem by the Roman Emperor Constantine, at which time he ordered the building of some Christian holy sites. An interesting side note, the migration of Jews moving to the land of Israel is known as "making aliyah."

  30. 12:17 PM,

    It's a fascinating and under appreciated history. It shows Jesus to be a true, not a false, prophet.


  31. J @ 11:21 AM ...

    Re: the "great city" of "Sodom and Egypt" ...

    Several things need to be considered. First, Revelation is a book that contains a great deal of symbolism, and also contains many spiritual statements that do not necessarily translate into an exact literal meaning.

    IMO, the 'city of Sodom and Egypt' is speaking in spiritual and symbolic terms, and does not present itself as being one that should be taken literally. (For example; the 'dead bodies' that are referred to in this verse are those of the 'two witnesses,' which are not named. A great deal of controversy exists as to who these two witnesses are. Are they symbolic, or, are they real prophets? Some have eveb claimed that, symbolically, the two witnesses are the Word of God and the Holy Spirit and that their 'slaying' is symbolic. I don't profess to know, because, IMO, there is not enough information that has been provided in order to arrive at a definitive conclusion).

    In a very real sense, within this 'spiritual city' resides ALL that are in league with the rebellion that Sodom and Egypt both represent. Egypt's pagan religion is certainly connected to that of pagan Babylon. Sodom, while following their false 'religion,' represents, in graphic details, the end result of sinful rebellion against God, which is utter and complete destruction.

    The 'city of Sodom and Egypt" is symbolically representing the collective body (city) of ALL those that reject Christ as Lord. Recall the cry of those that rejected Him: "crucify Him." Surely, that spiritual rejection was not limited to the confines of Jerusalem. This collective, spiritual 'Sodom & Egypt' type rejection continues on to this very day. The world that rejects Him would love to have Him be 'crucified,' die forever, and disappear, because He continues to convict mankind of their sins. Their love of sin is what drives mankind to reject Him.

    As John 3:19 clearly states: "And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil."

  32. RayB 1:19 PM,

    I know what you mean. You are getting at a more universal layer of exegesis, while I was speaking to the historical layer of exegesis.

  33. 11:30 AM,

    These are just a couple of many problems I see with Dispensationalism:

    First, Dispensationalism puts a 2,000 years-and-counting gap in between the first 483 years of Daniel's "70 weeks" (490 years) and the last seven years of it.

    Second, Jesus said that not one jot or tittle of the law would pass away till all was fulfilled. Dispensationalists are not keeping Mosaic law. Why not?

  34. Anonymous4:42 PM

    a 2,000 years-and-counting gap in between the first 483 years of Daniel's "70 weeks" (490 years) and the last seven years of it.

    I am another anon other than the one who wrote the post you are responding to and don't really know what dispensationalism is per say, but I do believe there is a huge gap, for a dual fulfillment to take place and finish it. Like God hit a great big pause button on the last week of the 70th week of Daniel so in what I read, and try to understand, actually all that is left of that final week is the last half of it. Three and a half years of that "week" (7 years) of it to be exact. Jesus completed the first half of it as Savior, the Son of God and Son of Man.
    When Jesus fulfilled his 3 1/2 yr ministry he was 'cut off' (Isaiah 53:8) mid-generation in His 33.5 yrs and the remainder of the week will be when Satan has his opportunity to 'finish the transgression' (times of the Gentiles) and fulfill his counterfeit "ministry" as world "savior" because the devil often wants to parallel, to mimic, Jesus. That will be when he enters the 'man of sin' with a 3 1/2 year go at it before Jesus Christ returns to take him out. And we are very close to seeing this final last half of that final 'week' come directly into focus.

    And..why would we be keeping the Mosaic law? That is what Apostle Paul was trying to do and found out that the Redeemer kept it for him when he was saved on the Damascus Road, calling Jesus Lord. He was saved by faith not his religious works of keeping the law of Moses that was under the sacrificial system. We are under the law of Grace that is received by faith since Jesus came and did away with keeping the law on our part (why the tabernacle/temple sacrifices were instituted) because He kept it for us (as the Perfect Lamb of God) fulfilled it, made it thereafter obsolete. We broke the Law of God, Jesus restored what was broken by mankind through Adam's sin and offered us His own Righteousness, and pardon, forgiveness, for breaking it, since our righteousness falls short of the glory of God. The Rags for Riches Story of the Ages!!!

    I think that may be (?) you are mixing law and grace in the salvation message in this idea about the Mosaic law.
    Ephesians 2 is clear--4 But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, 5 even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), 6 and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 7 that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.

  35. 4:42 PM,

    I agree about being careful not to mix law with grace. I was getting at the closing out of the Old Covenant with the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. It was literally impossible from that point on to keep the Mosaic law. The Mosaic law required families to travel to Jerusalem to make a temple sacrifice to atone for their sin once a year. If they didn't make it the first time, they had one more chance per year. We clearly agree that Jesus Christ as the perfect lamb of God fulfilled the law.

    I think we have so much common ground upon which we agree, but I think we are talking about two different things when we speak of the "times of the gentiles." I think this is where it makes the difference to have a Dispensationalist theology as opposed to Covenant theology.
    But I'm glad we can speak to each other respectfully about it.

  36. P.S. To sum it up, it's been said that Dispensationalism uses the Old Testament to interpret the New Testament. In contrast, Covenant theology uses the New Testament to interpret the Old Testament (as the New Testament writers themselves did, all over the place, particularly in the epistle to the Hebrews).

  37. Anonymous6:47 PM

    So what does the near, and less near future look like to Covenant theology adherents?


  38. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Yuval Noah Harari "we go beyond the Biblical God."


  39. 6:47 PM,

    The future looks like it is worth working for.

  40. Anonymous8:28 PM

    5:52 PM J

    Good that you clarified that. I wondered because I do know you speak of grace from the right perspective but that kind of made me wonder where that was going. I didn't know what you meant but now I understand the statement.
    I see it that the Old Testament is the New Testament concealed and the New testament is the Old Testament revealed. Some Covenants have come and gone, some only pertained to Israel, and some have more than one application, in a duality in an Old Testament application and then later the New Testament application. Jesus is pictured throughout the Old Testament as you and I have spoken about before. With more time and watchfulness we will understand what the Lord is showing us.
    I do believe prophecy is on the move...the needle is moving again in my view, after what I think was a long pause....

    I agree and enjoy the exchange between us...some differing here and there doesn't have to change that at all.

  41. Anonymous8:30 PM

    7:03 PM
    Yes, that freak who is advisor to Klaus Schwab is really out there.

    You can see a demonic influence dripping from this character..

  42. J, "Second, Jesus said that not one jot or tittle of the law would pass away till all was fulfilled. Dispensationalists are not keeping Mosaic law. Why not?"

    the answer is right in front of you if you read more than a few verses here and there. Jesus also said He came not to destroy the Law but to fulfill it. having fulfilled it, it passed away. The Law of course had to do with the rituals and kosher and sacrifices, not the moral law whichis reiterated all the time in the NT.

    piecemeal reading of Revelation and Daniel is part of the problem of wildly disagreeing and all of them lacking some point of Scripture eschatologies. Daniel chapter 7 verse 12 says the other three beast empires were allowed to continue to exist for a while, after the fourth was destroyed. The picture of this incl. books being opened and saints judging, and this looks a telescoped view of the Second Coming.

    The antichrist all agree is the 11the little horn that comes up among the ten and displaces three.

    Vs. 12 shows these are NOT ancient kingdoms but exist currently up to the Second Coming of Christ, in the sky, visible to all. Not hiding in a corner or the wilderness somewhere and revealing Himself lateror through some messenger like He warned not to listen to.

    Chris White on youtube cued me to this, but didn't try to identify them. Unless the big three, USA/UK/NATO (the winged lion) China (likely the leopard) and Russia (the bear) are all defunct and replaced by three others that fourth conquers worldwide, this looks like we got 50 to 500 or so years to go. The fourth empire doesn't exist yet, but the groundwork for it may be developing in Africa.

  43. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Dr. FAUX-chi Openly Admits Biden Mask Mandate Is About Preserving “Authority”

  44. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Blessed be the watcheth, etc.

    Yes, of course... and while sharing is important, no one on this blog should ever set himself or herself up as an EXPERT (or the last word) on HOW everyone on this blog should interpret scripture (e.g. the last days).

    Humility is still a virture.


  45. Christine 11:44 PM,

    And yet Dispensationalists do not think that all has been fulfilled yet.

    For example, Dispensationalism teaches that the spiritual reality that had been foreshadowed and typified by the Feast of Tabernacles has been fulfilled yet. It teaches this fulfillment will happen in a kingdom of God on earth ruled by Jesus Christ from Jerusalem.

    Therefore, if the Feast of Tabernacles has not been fulfilled according to Dispensationalism, why don't Dispensationalists continue to keep the Feast of Tabernacles?

  46. Exactly:

    If we were to summarize the report and say the quiet part out loud, we could say something like: “Let all the things that I don’t understand or control be gone — at last — and let the medical field be shaped after my views, with the financial help and to the financial benefits of my friends! Because I am obviously right!”

    How “Rockefeller Medicine” Is Killing Us All

  47. This is New Age versus New Age, quoting the article:

    The EPIC battle between good and evil is here. It's “The Great Reset” versus “The Great ReAwakening.”

    Yes, an elite project to accelerate a predicted ascendance of AI and Cyborgs is very disturbing, but an article like this is giving you a designer problem AND a designer solution. This is so obvious. Usually it's much more subtle.

    Yuval Noah Harari | "Authority Will Shift Away from Humans to Computers. Humans Will Be Useless"

  48. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Quote by Yuval Noah Harari:

    "The key to victory lies more in manipulation and cooperation than in exceptional personal skills."


    Cuts right to the heart of our understanding conscience, an attempt to reroute the mind of all people, that each and every individual heart and mind, fearfully and wonderfully made by our Creator, the Lord God Almighty--whose Son Jesus Christ has made the way for us to be personally redeemed, allowing us to find the ultimate expression of our personhood by, and from, Him Who is Author and Finisher, of Whom our being came exclusively from to begin with, as He seeks a personal relationship with each person.
    What the Gospel is all about...and here in this guy's "thinking" is what the devil, the destroyer, seeks to rob our hearts and minds of, posing this horrific choice as one that is superior, but to the destruction of our souls. Straight out of the garden of Eden, when Eve was tempted by satan, the liar that told original humanity that eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil would make her wise, ate, and Adam with her....
    This guy, and those that believe and promote this rotten fruit, are seeking a singular world according to themselves. They picture themselves (as godlike already with such "knowledge") as what we should all become.
    Demonism supersized!!!

  49. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Comment @ 9:58 PM last page of previous thread...

    Glad to see others taking an interest and posting some information about the crackpot Yuval Noah Harari, I was wondering about.

    I feel this is key information for this blog.
    He traffics with all the movers and shakers of 'global think' "inspiration" to them..
    Dear God this world is screwed with these devil powered people at the helm.

    So thankful for God's Plan through the B.I.B.L.E.--our Basic. Instructions. Before. Leaving. Earth.

  50. Anonymous12:14 PM

    9:41 AM

    The world is readied.
    The devil doesn't have to be subtle anymore.

    If you go back and really listen, Obama was speaking out loud exactly what he planned to do to this country (he as much as told Joe the Plumber), to deliver it to globalism, in absolute tatters, gasping for breath, on life support. He ratcheted up 'the plan' big time. Trump was a temporary clog for the "wheel"...
    ...but Biden, the (installed puppet) cog in the wheel, lets it fall out of his mouth continually, is putting America on it's deathbed.
    They ain't it hidin' anymore!

  51. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Undertakers are now reporting 'vaxxed horror show'...

  52. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Amazing Polly talks about 'magnetic vaccines'

    Must see video...

    How the war in Rwanda began with 'micro receivers of frequencies' in magnetic vaccines... and how they may have triggered a genocide. (Was this a trial run for an event in America's future?)

  53. Anonymous2:37 PM

    1:17 PM

    You do realize the article you linked claims to have gotten this information regarding undertaker(s) from "a friend of mine is in a group chat with a bunch of {new age} healers, homeopaths and other women interested in natural healing. The one girl in her group is friends with an undertaker. She and her dad recently had a conversation with him. Knowing her family was in the know about current events, he was very open with them...."

    Does that even sound like reliable evidence?

    Actually it's easily refuted because a friend of mine in a group chat of persons that know about current events recently said he was told by an undertaker friend of his that it isn't reliable evidence of vaccine injury.

    As far as the "Doctor" Janet Ruby video. The blood clots are not new and was reported prior to vaccines. The National Funeral Directors Association said embalmers in its network have noticed an uptick in blood clots in COVID-related deaths; however, it has been among the unvaccinated and vaccinated. This anomaly is reported to be the result of the coronavirus itself, since the infection can cause blood vessel inflammation, damage to very small vessels, and blood clots.

    Further, reports from individual funeral directors about any individual cases are bunk since embalmers typically do not know the vaccination status of those they are embalming. It is not on the death certificate.

    Source: No clear evidence that COVID vaccines are responsible for strange blood clots observed by embalmers

    February 9, 2022


  54. Anonymous4:05 PM

    X @ 2:37 PM

    While it's true that "embalmers typically do not know the vaccination status of those they are embalming"...

    The point is that, within these past two 'covid' years... funeral directors are observing very strange things that they did NOT see back in 2019. So, 2 + 2 = 4. In other words, their recent observations more than likely have a direct correlation to vaccinated people who have passed away.

    Furthermore... I am quite sure that the average funeral director does not want to go on record about these mysterious happenings... for fear it will hurt his business and his reputation (After all, no one WANTS to believe this is true, do they?)


    Recently, there have been MANY 'sudden' deaths of famous people (in both show business and the sports world). Now, IF it's true that there is absolutely no connection between these SUDDEN deaths and side effects from the covid vaccine (blood clots, heart attacks, etc)... their family members (along with the media) SHOULD report the deceased person's vaccine status... if, for no other reason, than to prove that the rest of us are wrong.

    (So far, all we hear are crickets.)

  55. Anonymous5:13 PM

    4:05 pm "more than likely have a direct correlation" to the vaccine?

    How? Are you ignoring the fact there is/was a pandemic and the things they are describing are known indicators of someone who died from a Covid infection?

    Like Ive said before...I saw my cousin sometime in July/Aug 2021 prior to him getting sick...the man I saw in his coffin at the viewing looked like half the man I saw 1.5 months or so earlier. He was almost unrecognizable.

    I don't know a single person who died from the vaccine or shortly after getting vaccinated. If it happens at all it's extremely rare and rare enough that a funeral director would be hard pressed to see more than one in his career. He/she could draw any conclusions or "correlations" from one specimin versus the tens to hundreds of those that died from covid (who were largely UNvaccinated and displayed those cadaver characteristics.

    The claim there have been "MANY 'sudden' deaths of famous people is simply untrue. You are just more aware of it happening and your brain is caught up in conspiracy mode trying to make loose connections. I've shown previously that just as many, if not more, soccer players were dying of heart attacks on the pitch prior to covid than after. As I recall FIFA did a study about mycarditis just a short time back and the numbers today are consistent with those pre-covid numbers. As far as famous people, in general, the burden of proof that it's happening MORE than before would be on you. There is no "signal" that I'm aware of out of the ordinary OTHER THAN covid becoming one of the leading causes of death and contributing to the earlier deaths of the elderly, primarily.


    P.S. - Bob Sagat died from head trauma. I'm sure he was likely vaccinated because he was known to be a very intelligent man. His vaccine status is meaningless to his cause of death. Head trauma deaths happened pre-covid too.

  56. Anonymous6:25 PM

    X of little faith

  57. Anonymous6:43 PM


    Your 7:52PM statement sounds a lot like NAR and Dominionism.

    It is sad you worship such a limited god. What you believe is depressing!

    I hope posters here are wise enough to dismiss much of what you post here.

    Is your husband a believer in Christ? He should be the spiritual head of the house.

  58. Anonymous6:46 PM


    Do you believe Y'shua would want people vaxxed, and boosted?

  59. Anonymous7:05 PM

    6:46 pm

    The Bible isn't clear on that at all. The Apostle Paul told Timothy to take a little wine for his stomach which is about as close as we can get to allowing for medicine treating ailments. There is no prohibition that I'm aware of.

    Jesus wept over the death of his friend Lazarus. Such sympathy, to me, is an indication Jesus would approve of life-saving medicines and vaccines (developed using the knowledge and wisdom God bestowed upon his creation) and would want people to take them to prolong the precious lives He created.


  60. Anonymous7:45 PM

    6:43PM are a tad over the top.
    Maybe a lot over the top.

    Just disagree with the post already, but don't try to dissect people's lives like a frog in science class.

    You obviously have no need to go there, but also none of your business.

  61. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Even CNN has acknowledged the growing number of Covid-19 deaths among the vaccinated...


    Shocking covid vaccine death cover up...
    Adding to the shock of being blind sided with her mother's death, was the apparent refusal from the government, and even the retirement home, to properly inform the public and other residents that people can — and have — died from these vaccines.


    Tucker Carlson asks "How many Americans have died after taking the covid vaccine?"


    P.S. Back in 1976, the U.S. government vaccinated 45 million people with a vaccine for the swine flu. 53 people reportedly died after getting that shot. The U.S. government immediately halted the vaccination program. Authorities decided it was too risky, it wasn’t worth it. My, how times (and agendas) have changed!!!

  62. 7:45 PM,

    Thank you. The blog was beginning to get a little too crowded with too many marriage counselors.

  63. Anonymous8:45 PM

    7:55 pm

    Can you read? The CNN article isn't badmouthing's just reporting that those who only got original series of two shots aren't as protected as those that got boosted; however, the UNvaccinated are still 5 times more likely to die from Covid than persons vaccinated.

    ... Of those vaccinated people who died from a breakthrough case of Covid-19 in January and February, less than a third had gotten a booster shot, according to a CNN analysis of data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The remaining two-thirds had only received their primary series. Overall, the risk of dying from Covid-19 is still about five times higher for unvaccinated people than it is for those vaccinated with at least their primary series, CDC data shows. But there’s a significant disparity by level of vaccination, too: When adjusted for age, people vaccinated with only their initial series faced about three times greater risk of dying than those who also have their booster shot.

    Also, the Swine Flu vaccine was not discontinued due to the death of 53 people. There is no official death number for the Swine Flu vaccine. However it is known that the rollout was halted because of a number of reports (362-500) of Guillain-Barré syndrome, and the fact the swine flu cases never reached pandemic levels. There was only a single swine flu death in 1976 of a Soldier on a forced-march who collapsed and died. Hardly comparable to covid-19 pandemic that has killed well over 1 million Americans and who knows how many worldwide.


    p.s. - Tucker Carlson is infotainment who according to his own testimony is not to be taken as factual news. He's also an imbecil who knowingly lies for profit and is partly responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of unvaccinated protestant conservative americans who fell for his schtick into their own coffins.

  64. Anonymous8:45 PM

    THE VACCINE DEATH REPORT (September, 2021)


    "Vaccine deaths are being hidden, suppressed and falsely recorded" – Dr Herman Edeling

  65. Anonymous8:55 PM


    Meanwhile, it is YOU who 'selectively' reads cafeteria style... choosing what you like, and bypassing anything that doesn't fit into your agenda (while 'trolling' for the radical LEFT).

  66. Anonymous9:01 PM

    19-Year-Old UMass Amherst La Crosse Player Dies "Unexpectedly" (

    Former Dallas Cowboys Running Back Marion Barber Found Dead in His Apartment (

    26-Year-Old Graduate Died from Blood Clots on His Brain Less Than Two Weeks After Receiving Covid Shot - Inquest Says Staff 'Reassured Him' of No Risks (

    'Goodfellas' Star Ray Liotta Dies in His Sleep at 67 (

  67. Anonymous9:12 PM

    McCormick concedes to new age Dr. Oz in PA today.

    Who are conservative protestants in PA supposed to vote for?

    A Trump supporting qanon con man & new age snake oil doctor who is a practitioner of transcendental meditation. Oz identifies as Muslim and said he "chose to align his views with Sufism, a mystical Islamic sect."


    every day Joe, John Fetterman, a Protestant & moderate Democrat who claims not to be a "progressive"???

    It's going to be an interesting battle. Dr. Oz shouldn't get more than 500 votes total but he will be conservatives don't care. It's about power more than our country or even God.


  68. Anonymous9:29 PM

    8:55 pm - Do you have evidence of me doing such???? I'm not obligated to dispute or debunk every bogus article or false claim shared here. I do what I can.

    Unlike you. I would never link an article to support a claim that literally said the exact opposite.

    Even the link itself said


    How anyone could try to say CNN had "acknowledged the growing number of Covid-19 deaths among the vaccinated" thereby implying the article showed even CNN was saying the vaccine was killing people is just deliberate misinformation.

    The non-boosted vaccines waning effectiveness is not an indication the covid vaccine is injuruous. It's just not as protective anymore...particularly against new variants. It still largely prevents deaths.


    p.s. - One of the only unvaccinated persons I know cuts my hair. She caught covid in February 2021 and thought she was going to die. The hospital was so busy after many hours waiting they wouldn't admit her because her oxygen levels were still high enough for her to go home. She recovered with lingering symptoms. Took her about 6 months to feel normal. Couple weeks ago she caught Covid again. 15 months between infections for a normal healthy 45 year old woman. She was not as sick but felt awful for two days and lost her voice. Immunity from infection is not perfect. Even those previously infected should strongly consider a booster as any covid wave hits their locality.


  69. Anonymous9:41 PM

    9:01 - You are well aware that the Gateway Pundit is a homosexual qanon maga pit of misinformation. Mrs. Cumbey has even rebuked people for sharing links to questionable information from such website.

    That said...4 deaths in anecdotal. Marion Barber's and Ray Liotta's causes of death aren't known yet. We don't even know if either were vaccinated and when. Ray died in the Dominican Republic while there shooting a movie. There hasn't been vaccinated rules for travelling to D.R. for many months so it's that's not something that can be presumed. A college Lacross player dieing isn't compltely out of the ordinary. The 26 year old Graduate student a Birmingham area coroner Emma Brown ruled that Jack Hurn’s death was caused by a rare complication of the AstraZeneca vaccine. He should have gone with Pfizer or Moderna.


  70. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Ho x
    You really are a piece of work.
    It would be comical if it weren't so sorry sad; the ignorance.

  71. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Well, X... I am here to REBUKE you for being unwilling to face the TRUTH about ALL of the EVIL that is happening in this world.

    If you want to walk around with your head up your a - - , that is your business.

    But, please stop acting like you and Constance are one and the same person.

    Many of us have been posting on this blog for a long, long time... and we think you are an absolute JOKE!!!

  72. Anonymous10:12 PM

    9:54 pm - @Qanonymous. Coming from a person that thinks "Ray Liotta died so the covid vaccine must have killed him" doesn't really mean anything to me. Enjoy your misinformation silo and expect to keep being called out for lying and posting childish Maga qanon lies.


  73. Anonymous10:16 PM

    In case you forgot what Mrs. Cumbey said about the gateway pundit...

    ....From the same source, I received other materials that sicken me: The "The Gateway Pundit", Lara Logan videos about how Putin is so very innocent and only trying to save us from the Globalist Agenda of groups such as the World Economic Forum.

    Nonsense! Only a very few short months ago, Russia signed a partnership agreement with the World Economic Forum to implement the "4th Industrial Revolution"!

    Well, just for the argument's sake, shall we assume that most European Jews were not "true Jews" but were Khazars -- a group allegedly converting to Judaism to avoid other unpleasant circumstances?

    Well, if that be the case, I want to go shake their hands for bravely undergoing the extreme persecution that Hitler meted out.

    I am not going to allow my blogspot to be used to propagate theories calling for a "final solution" and "war against the Khazars." Tbe sickening videos I viewed by Mr. Fulford were on the Rumble video site -- a site connected to the Gateway Pundit and its owner Jim Hoft.

    The Gateway Pundit seems to have no problems with the Russian invasion of the Ukraine nor with the United States Capitol insurrection of January 6, 2021. I have plenty of problems with both as all decent folks should!

    Enough said!


  74. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Nice try, X... but Constance doesn't control my life, or my opinions.

    I am very much my own person. Thank you, God.

    (You should try it some time.)

    Just out of curiosity... how much money do you earn trolling blogs???

  75. Anonymous10:31 PM

    X likes to use words like 'maga' and 'qanon' a lot.

    Those who lack the SKILLS for debate have to resort to labeling people.

    It's really quite sad.

  76. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Just a reminder, X...

    Constance once had creeps (like you) 'label' her a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist when she wrote her book "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow"... warning people about the New Age Movement.

    My, how times have changed.

  77. Anonymous10:35 PM

    "an indication Jesus would approve of life-saving medicines and vaccines (developed using the knowledge and wisdom"

    Stick to the subject.

    No doubt God has afforded people to have good medicine.
    And allowed people to make, and abuse, bad medicine, too.

    But your misapplication of Lazarus' death is you trying to bend things to fit your progressive socialist agenda (again). Because Jesus allowed Lazarus' death for a very high purpose so you made the wrong point in your example.
    You should have more respect for the Bible. And certainly for the Lord.
    And people.

    But nobody holds their breath waiting for you to practice respect...
    Learn to practice what you preach and we'll talk.

  78. Anonymous10:44 PM

    x doesn't respect Constance either.

    His globalist approving posts prove he has no respect for her decades of research.
    But he helps himself to her blog for his exorbitant need for attention.
    He'll take all he can get, even negative attention is attention.

    His business must be monkey business since he is constantly here to 'police' the blog lol...

  79. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Someone needs to 'police' X, who is walking around with his head up his A - -.

  80. Anonymous11:30 PM

    X @ 9:41 PM

    FYI: A dear friend of mine (who I have known for decades and still keep in touch) collapsed in his living room after his THIRD Moderna shot. His daughter called 911 and got him to the ER right away. He ended up leaving the hospital wearing a pacemaker. (This is a guy who was always slim, went for a walk every day, was very careful about his diet, and didn't smoke or drink.)

    Unfortunately, there are more and more stories like this.

  81. Anonymous12:13 AM

    11:30 PM

    Similar story of someone local here, too.
    A barber (cut my hair several years ago in a neighboring town so I know the gentleman), mid 60's, health nut type, slim build--got the Moderna shot and within a few short days was in the ER with a heart attack, blood clots. He barely lived through it.
    We got the prayer request for him at church a couple of weeks ago.
    Apparently his recovery is going slow, still needs prayer.

  82. Anonymous12:15 AM

    @qanonymous - You help yourself to her blog by posting gateway pundit articles and other lies over and over again.

    @10:31 - That was funny. I presume you were being ironic since you see me mocking the empty label game qanonymous's plays all the time (i.e.- referring to me as marxist, communist, liberal, globalist, etc).

    At this point, Covid vaccine and election conspiracies are both entirely debunked and thus solely continuing as Maga Qanon conspiracies so though I mock qanonymous, there is much truth behind such labels. Even Mrs. Cumbey has chastized the participants here for too much qanon.


  83. Anonymous12:32 AM

    11:30 and 12:13 -

    Very unusual for older men. Unfortunately, you aren't privy to their medical information and vaccine history to know whether the vaccine really caused these adverse events (that they both survived - might not have been the case if they experienced a covid infection) or if they had covid or they just had unexpectected heart issues they otherwise would have experienced (people did have unexpected health issue and just die prior to covid).

    Here's some recent research about myocarditis.

    MRI sheds light on COVID vaccine-associated heart muscle injury February 15, 2022

    ...Of the 92 patients, 21 (22%) had myocarditis following COVID-19 vaccination (mean age 31 years). Ten patients (11%) had myocarditis following COVID-19 illness (mean age 51 years), and 61 (66%) had other myocarditis (mean age 44 years). Patients with myocarditis following vaccination were younger and more frequently male compared to the other groups.

    Chest pain occurred in all 21 patients with vaccine-associated myocarditis. The pain started one to seven days after vaccination and lasted one to six days. Fourteen of the patients (67%) were admitted to hospital with a median length of stay of 3 days. No patients were admitted to the intensive care unit. Troponin levels were elevated in all patients admitted to hospital and substantially decreased in all by the time of discharge.

    MRI findings in vaccine associated myocarditis included late gadolinium enhancement in 17 (81%) and left ventricular dysfunction in 6 (29%). Cardiac MRI showed that, compared with other causes of myocarditis, patients with vaccine-associated myocarditis had less functional impairment and less extensive myocardial abnormalities. Patients with COVID-19 illness and other myocarditis had a higher prevalence of abnormalities involving the interventricular septum and worse myocardial injury measured by T1 mapping. At short-term follow-up (median 22 days), all patients with vaccine-associated myocarditis were asymptomatic with no adverse events. "These results tell us that myocarditis following COVID-19 vaccination tends to be relatively mild and resolves quickly," Dr. Hanneman said.

    The researchers emphasized that COVID-19 illness can result in myocardial injury that is associated with adverse outcomes in hospitalized patients, and this consideration should be balanced against the low risk of vaccine-related complications. "Not only is myocarditis following COVID-19 vaccination very rare, it also tends to be less severe than myocarditis following SARS-CoV2 infection," Dr. Hanneman said.... "Patients should not avoid COVID-19 vaccination for fear of myocarditis," he said. "The risk of myocarditis seems to be much higher following COVID-19 illness.


  84. Anonymous12:52 AM

    You do realize, of course, that the same evil ones who 'debunk' covid vaccine injuries and deaths are the very same evil ones who are trying to DEPOPULATE the earth.

  85. Anonymous12:53 AM

    From 12:13 AM

    He never had covid, but recently decided to get the shot evidently because of pressure from clients (had not retired yet-was still running his business).
    Now they need a new barber because he's out for a while, probably forced to retire now.

    You just can't handle the fact that the vaccine is destructive for a lot of people, maybe all people.
    Your longwinded copy and paste replies don't phase folks who know first hand how others have been harmed by the vaccines. I think you're a blowhard, assuming you know so much about this subject.
    Trust in government "solutions" all you want, I won't take their fiasco responses and shots. These are coming from wicked people in high places.

    This topic has made a dogmatic fool out of you.
    Come to think of it, several other topics have shown that to be true of you, too.

  86. Anonymous1:08 AM

    VIDEO: Biden Declares Treasonous Edict To Destroy 2nd Amendment

    Openly working to dismantle the Second Amendment is an impeachable offense

  87. Anonymous2:18 AM

    12:52 am said "You do realize, of course, that the same evil ones who 'debunk' covid vaccine injuries and deaths are the very same evil ones who are trying to DEPOPULATE the earth."

    I believe it is the opposite of this. The ones, such as opus dei and other agents of rome are the "evil ones" promoting covid and other vaccine and election conspiracies via their own media channels and personalities (Robert Kennedy, Desantis, Cruz, Hawley, CIA, etc) and in collaboration with new age ecumenical protestant associated agents and controlled puppets (like Heritage Foundation, Claremont Institute, Trump/Maga and Qanon).

    They have been successful to date with the US, the most Protestant of countries, enduring more covid deaths than any other western democracy.


    p.s. - Bill Gates saying that vaccines are to be utilized to reduce/control populations numbers was simple an indiction of the oberservation that vaccinated healthy populations where parents can be assured most of the children they bear will survive to adulthood because they have healthcare and vaccines tend to have lower birthrates than countries where many children die of preventable disease and illnesses.

  88. Anonymous8:27 AM

    To delusional X @ 2:18 AM (or 'HUA' which stands for 'head up a - -'):

    Your ignorance is showing when you don't acknowledge the fact that EVIL Globalists (who are gleefully watching the United States of America go 'down the toilet with a big flush') are made up of MANY people, both Protestants AND Catholics, as well as Democrats AND Republicans. Please do your homework BEFORE you post here (to avoid embarrasing yourself). For example, take time to study the membership of those who actually belong to the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations.

    The fact that you would mention Bill Gates as an example of someone who 'CARES' about anyone's HEALTH is beyond laughable. As a matter of fact, you are the only one who is still singing his praises. The rest of us,who are actually AWAKE (not to be confused with the radical 'woke') have had his 'number' for a LONG time now. Again, please do your homework on Bill & Melinda Gates, the Gates Foundation, and their history of testing 'vaccines' on poor people in South Africa.

    X, you are a primary example of how the covid vaccine may actually be affecting the brain (as well as the body). What is even sadder is that the vaccine can not be UNDONE. I truly feel very sad for you.

  89. Anonymous9:11 AM

    8:27 AM

    He doesn't get it.

    He doesn't want to.

    Because he'd rather call evil good, and good, evil.
    Pro-Glob x is not pro-life in the issue of abortion, or in people's life saving personal and family choices of autonomy and privacy either, because he worships the global gods of the age, the big gov, big $$$, elites. He is Pro-Death all across the board.
    Evidence is everywhere of what these people are doing.....have been planning and experimenting, and implementing, for a while now, now openly forcing their "solutions" on the masses, because they "care" (these power hungry, greedy, humanists know much more and better than we do).
    He ignores what has been posted by Constance and commented on at this blog long before covid. The elites are out and proud of their "global fix", their "plan for man" in this broken world.
    He claims to be a christian but he trusts them instead of God's plan. He does not stand with God's people because he'd rather stand with the priorities and practices of the socialist globalists-----trolling to the maxx for the vaxx, etc etc etc .......

    Tells us all we need to know doesn't it?

  90. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Pro-Globe x is what I meant @ 9:11 AM.

  91. Anonymous9:47 AM

    X blames vaxx hesitant folks for his cousins, etc., death, but since Constance is so fond of X, I think X, by X's logic, should be held accountable for Constance's suffering!


  92. Anonymous9:50 AM

    X, you have a lot of blood on your hands, you quakanon, New Age Globalist, Luciferian, you!

  93. 9:47 AM,

    There is no LOL in this. Constance is still sick. She didn't write this post. Rich did.

    I understand what you did there to turn X's game back on him.

    But I don't understand why you are here to defend the blog from X if you don't respect the blog owner.

  94. Nobody is ever 100% wrong about everything. X was right about one thing he said recently. It's about power, not love of God or country. It becomes more and more apparent with every passing day.

    You just showed that un-Christian spirit yourself. You only care about having some feeling of power on this blog versus the power you perceive or worry X has. You don't really care about the blog or its owner.

    If we aren't God's we're Satan's. It's been that way ever since the fall. It's everyday business as usual. No need for a one world government. It's that way with or without the NWO.

    Make sure you choose your side wisely - the most important side underneath it all.

  95. Anonymous10:18 AM

    The blog owner, and X, are VERY much in agreement! If this were not so, Constance would correct that assertion.

    They both are a broken record, of little current, and central relevance.

    Stiff necked, straining at gnats.

    Myopic and boring!

    They both end up furthering New Age Luciferianism, and little to weaken it.

  96. Everybody who keeps on repeating the same talking points pro and con about the vaccines is a broken record and is myopic and boring.

  97. Anonymous10:30 AM


    so X stated: "It's about power, not love of God or country"

    But yet X speaks in favor of punishments for the non vaxx compliant!

    X says a LOT of things here, but it should be clear to all here, that X supports statism. His "love of country" is warped.

    He thinks perhaps Jesus would support the vaxx.

    X lives in a very small world, and its a very sick and dangerous world.

    You are far too lukewarm J, to be feeding the sheep. You just end up a conduit for leaven.

  98. Anonymous10:32 AM

    J @ 10;30 AM

    And this from someone who posted about the vaxx incessantly!

  99. Oh, you're the one who calls me lukewarm. I know who you are. I do recall posting a lot about the vaccines months and months ago. Were you the one who complained about it at the time yet never complained about anybody else's incessant posting?

    I recall speaking kindly to you regarding your sharing of your bad experiences in the NAR with your ex-wife.

    I don't think you've ever spoken one kind word to me.

    But maybe you have and I don't know it. You won't even choose a simple identifier. You remain completely anonymous. So be it.

    I don't think I will purposely have any more exchanges with you at all if I am able to identify who you are.

    Our exchanges are never fruitful.

  100. One more thing. When I was posting about the vax I was trying to process a lot of medical material in spite of the blog being flooded with nothing but video links and alt-media links. I was one of the few trying to look at medical info both pro and con. Maybe the only one.

    Once I made a decision about the vax, I stopped.

    At the time, the mandates hadn't been struck down. At the time, there was a big vax drive. We were not yet two years into the pandemic.

    I know probably nobody remembers it or cares, because I didn't get it from a frequently parroted alt-media link.

    But I said before that two years into a new virus, it gets less virulent historically.

    We're there.

    I know it's not on Natural News so nobody will pay attention. It requires thinking and understanding and not getting a buzz from addictive click bait. So who cares.

    One more reason not to discuss vaccines here anymore.

  101. Anonymous11:29 AM

  102. Anonymous11:57 AM

    "I was one of the few trying to look at medical info both pro and con. Maybe the only one."
    I was too. Craig was. A couple others have I'm sure. His links and a few of mine were from peer reviewed papers and Doctors who have spoken up after being censored terribly, the whole rot that has made this a very heavy, extra heavy issue...

  103. 11:57 AM,

    I do recall now that Craig shared medical and peer reviewed info. I don't know who you are, but thank you.

    Many of the alt-media sources were often good. But often they are controlled opposition. I think they threw a lot of spaghetti at the wall and didn't know what would stick. Once it turned out to be really true that the spike protein in vaccines makes people get sick or die, it seems like they tried to redirect attention away from the spike protein and towards snake venom.

    To me it was a lesson in how these things sometimes work.

    Most of us know we can chew the meat and spit out the bones.

    One of us thinks if you don't believe everything you read in the alt-media, you're lukewarm.

  104. Anonymous1:38 PM

    1. I didn't "praise" Gates, merely debunked a well worn misinterpretation of his statements in the past.

    2. I didn't "speak in favor of punishments for the non vaxx compliant", I merely suggested ways to accomodate them, like smokers, where they pay the extra costs of their selfishness and destructive anti-social behavior. It would have been a better alternative than forcing people to take a vaccine they were led to believe by roman catholic globalists would hurt them more than the actual covid virus. Simply impose a waiver tax of something like $1,000 per year per person to cover the extra costs born by society supporting such dumb choices. Why should I have to pay for your extra healthcare? You want to punish me and have soceity pick up the tab for your selfishness. Why are you against paying your own way? You are sounding quite like a socialist to me.


  105. This is a former CDC scientist saying that the lockdowns resulted in less recently acquired immunity in people. (It's more serious for kids whose immune systems were still developing.) What it means is that our immune systems need to find a new equilibrium with the microbial world. It is thought to be one possible explanation for the waves of kids being hospitalized with sudden and severe liver disease.

    It's important to realize that this isn't new news in a way. We already had he hygiene hypothesis to possibly explain why the post-industrial world experiences more allergies and autoimmune diseases. It's just one more example of one more way that scientists already knew our immune systems were shaped by interactions with the microbial world.

    Viruses that were on hiatus during Covid are back — and behaving in unexpected ways

  106. Anonymous1:54 PM

    "One of us thinks if you don't believe everything you read in the alt-media, you're lukewarm.

    1:11 PM"

    Yeah problematic, in, and of, it's own...

    Keep posting, J. I read your posts with interest because I know you actually search, not mere copy and paste from favorites websites.

  107. Anonymous1:54 PM

    J said: "Once it turned out to be really true that the spike protein in vaccines makes people get sick or die"

    Of course it "makes people get sick" that's what vaccines do to stimulate an immune response and allow the host to prepare antibodies to help it prepare and defend itself against a real infection in the future.

    It's a controlled, mild infection - unlike the spike protein in the actual covid virus, it is my understanding the spike protein in the vaccine doesn't reproduce or stay in the body long at all.

    Adverse reactions were largely mild. Even the serious ones weren't, by and large, lingering. Very very few died as a result of the vaccines (I'm sure it happened in a few cases I've read about - but the absence of MANY verifialbe honest cases is very telling) and in comparison to the millions of lives saved by the covid vaccine prior to the cantagion becoming less deadly, it was well worth the minute risk.

    There are trade-offs in medicine. For example, the survival rate for a Whipple procedure has improved a lot in the last few decades. Thirty years ago between 5% and 15% of people who went through the Whipple procedure died from complications. Now the mortality rate is about 1% to 3%. If covid was more like chicken pox, swine flu, or even monkey pox, perhaps the tiny risk of death from the covid vaccine would have offset such risk and costs upon society of being vaxxed. As it is hundreds of thousands more young American men and woman were killed in red states and red counties throughout the country by the delta vatiant than the vaccine ever would have or could have statistically injured, let alone killed. NOT being vaccinated killed my cousin and a man from my bible study, whereas I don't know a single vaccinated person who spent even a day in the hospital from covid or due to a reaction to the vaccine.


  108. X, your mind is already made up. It always was. I dare say everybody here has his or her mind made up. The only one who may have changed her mind could be Constance, but she'll speak for herself when she is ready to, God willing.

    You can't force your narrative on people here through sheer volume of posts or sheer word count of your posts. You just can't.

  109. Anonymous2:14 PM


    I wouldn’t call it “waves” of kids with that hepatitis liver infection nor would I say the lockdowns themselves had that substantial effect; however, the idea behind the seeming political blame game is probably valid. IMO it’s been going on for decades as western society moved indoors and sequestered themselves from interactions from the environment more and more.

    Vitamin D deficiency because no one goes on the sun anymore very long without sunscreen.

    Allergies because children and adults sit in hypoallergenic filtered air conditioned homes, schools and businesses all day and night.

    Obesity and inflammation due to lack of exercise and horrible nutrition.

    Modern medicine does what it can to sustain our achieved longevity but we’ve reached a leveling off. Our individual (non government mandated) lifestyles need to reflect those of some Greek and Japanese cultures than live much more in community and outdoors if we want to extend life expectancy here. Our interactions with microbial world are important for our gut flora and immune system. That’s a hard sell when so many profit making us or keeping us sick.

    Gotta run.


  110. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Just to be clear, J...

    Those of us who chose not to get vaccinated do not feel any sense of 'disloyalty' to Constance by speaking out against the vaccine on 'her' blog... just because SHE chose to be vaccinated.

    Constance does not OWN or CONTROL anyone's thoughts here.

    GOD is the only one that we have to answer to.

    Furthermore, I am only concerned about CONTENT from various websites... and not with winning 'approval' from others who only post info from certain 'acceptable' websites. (Let other more insecure people worry about thinking: 'Oh gee... I'm afraid someone here might not like me if I don't do exactly as I am told."

  111. I saw what you did there. You acknowledged (almost) everything I said and added more ... but in your very first sentence you completely dismissed the Stat article with nothing but your own opinion. Then you very quickly moved on and tried to dissipate the focus on lockdowns into a focus on lifestyles. As if people were free to make lifestyle choices when they were locked down. As if being sequestered indoors is bad for the immune system every other time, except when being locked down.

    I'm still recovering. I feel too pathetic to speak about it. I feel like a rabbit who got used to being locked in a cage and had trouble going out the door when it was open.

    I'm still not over it yet. I don't feel the way I usually do in the summer.

    It totally sucked being frozen in a holding pattern for so long, getting a taste of freedom, then going right back into the frozen state.

    I'll never forget it. I'm so much less healthy. My allergies give me migraines sometimes. That never happened before.

    I don't even want to talk about it most of the time, because I hate it so much, and I want to get over it.

  112. Anonymous2:44 PM

    J, dear... I think you may be 'replying' to more than one person.

    Too many anonyMICE posting? It's hard to tell.


  113. Sorry, I was replying to X at 2:14. I thought my reply came right after his.

  114. 2:19 PM,

    Well, why would you feel disloyalty to Constance for speaking out against vaccines on her blog? Rich shared that she suffered a poor reaction to her third booster. He wouldn't have shared it without her approval. She's willing to disclose it. And why not? I see no evidence of her ever having been anything but honest.

    I don't understand your combative attitude.

  115. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I have never had covid... and NEVER have (and never WILL) be vaccinated.

    I will take a bullet to the head before I will be vaccinated. (It is EVIL.)

    And I have not been sick once during these past two years.

    (The last time I had the flu was back in 2010... a total of 3 times in the past 50 years.)

  116. Anonymous3:05 PM

    2:48 PM

    Take a look in the mirror... and see 'combative' looking right back atcha. (LOL)

    (Better yet, go back and read previous judgemental comments.)

  117. 2:58 PM,

    I haven't been vaccinated, either. Most of my elderly family members, including the vast majority of aunts and uncles have chosen to be vaccinated. Most of them are Christians and Republicans. Only one aunt decided not to be vaccinated. She thought it would lead to taking the mark of the beast. She was willing to lose her job over it.

    I think the mandates were struck down just in time for her - and for a few other people I know. There would have been some severe personnel shortages at my husband's workplace, even worse than there already are.

  118. Anonymous3:52 PM


    Like you, I know more who HAVE been vaccinated... and I pray for them daily.

    I know about 12 people (including myself) who will NEVER get the vaccine.

    More needs to come out as to the REAL reason for the pilot shortage.

  119. Anonymous4:19 PM

    A friend visiting us right now was just talking about the pilot shortage yesterday, J.
    He doesn't fly anymore for his airline of many years (a medical issue prior to Covid)
    but now he teaches on simulators for training. He personally knows of 5-count them 5-pilots now dead after vaccination, 2 of them were personal friends of his for many years.
    Something is fishy...period.

    BTW, why are so many food and meat plants burning to the ground in the last several months???
    Pilot, baby formula...what next?
    Oh but globalists good..
    ..according to a certain diehard progressive humanist who believe they're the good guys.
    And people like me are the ones that seemingly have trouble with the truth?

    Bias and denial are going hand in hand and through the roof.

  120. Anonymous4:54 PM

    USA DOMESTIC food production now collapsing due to fertilizer costs, scarcity, diesel price inflation and food protectionism

  121. Anonymous5:08 PM

    The Uvalde story never passed the 'smell' test...

    Texas officials revise story, say teacher closed school door before deadly Uvalde mass shooting

    Texas officials are now saying that a teacher at Robb Elementary School had actually closed the door after previously stating that the teacher had “propped open” a door used by gunman Salvador Ramos during last week’s deadly mass shooting.

  122. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Food Shortage Crisis? Dozens of Food Processing Plants Destroyed In Fires, Accidents In Recent Weeks

  123. Discovery should be very revealing! Basically, because Pfizer wanted the case dismissed based upon evidence NOT within the confines of the case as it is, then this evidence MUST be presented as part of discovery. Barnes says Pfizer's position is that they are not liable because "fraud is just fine when the government's in on it"--at the expense of us taxpayers, of course.

    Brook Jackson Pfizer Whistleblower Lawsuit Will PROCEED TO DISCOVERY on Motion to Dismiss! Viva Clip

    Viva CLIPS!

    This is going to be interesting. Whistleblower Brook Jackson gets to proceed to discovery on Pfizer Motion to Dismiss.

  124. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Searching The dynamic duo of "Yuval Noah Harari and Immanuel Macron" really brings some powerful hits.
    I've thought for a long time now that Macron is a great candidate because he's evil. But This Harari dude make Macron look like a Cub Scout. They really are chummy as all getout, and both, I would say, megalomaniacs.


  125. INFANTICIDE: 10 Million Babies and Toddlers Targeted for Slaughter by Biden Administration with Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Injections

    "The COVID-19 vaccine population reduction program is now entering its final phase, as the White House has just announced that they have purchased 10 million doses of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines that became available today for all 50 States to purchase in preparation for injecting babies and toddlers between the ages of 6 months and 5 years old within the next few weeks. "

    NOTE: While this may sound like one of those tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, what explanation is there for the Government's policy of injecting CHILDREN between the ages of 6 months and 5 years old, with an EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine'??

  126. 4:19 PM,

    Something is wrong with this picture, for sure.

    We're in for a lot of supply problems and a lot of personnel shortages of many kinds. In addition to the problems you already noted, bird flu is going around and making it necessary to destroy every chicken on entire chicken farms in some places.

    I never thought we'd go through this in America. Rationing toilet paper, shortages of cream cheese, shortages of baby formula.

    I was thinking of grilling steak, until I saw the price. I never did it a lot before. But now I think I'll only do it once, or maybe twice, all grilling season.

    It sure doesn't seem like America anymore. Customer service isn't good anymore, either. People who work in the stores are just not very nice. It seems that they are more frequently rude and annoying than I can ever remember.

    I recall that every job I ever took when I was young emphasized customer service. If I worked for the government, the taxpayer was the customer. If I worked in a corporate environment, the person or department I owed my "deliverable" to in the process chart was my "customer."

    Of course when I first got started at entry level jobs that involved direct customer service, I was trained to treat the customer as if he or she was always right, even if they weren't. That news that they were wrong had to be broken to them very nicely.

    The ONLY circumstance in which rude confrontations were allowed was SHOPLIFTING.

    Now the shoplifters get away with thousands if not millions in loot in some cities!

    Now you can be rudely confronted if you buy two packages of toilet paper, even if there is no sign saying you are limited to buying only one!

    It will get worse and worse unless free market correctives take effect. Competition can fix a lot of this. When I lived in Alaska, customer service was usually and routinely terrible compared to the lower 48, for the simple reason that there is not enough competition in Alaska. But Alaska is full of entrepreneurial opportunities! Retail stores that are new start-ups there almost ALWAYS thrive!

    I think it will get better eventually. But I think it will get worse before it gets better.

  127. RayB 10:18 AM,

    There can be no question that the risk of the vaccine is greater for the children than the risk of the wild virus. It always was the case, even when the Delta variant was sweeping through populations. It's even more the case two years into the "pandemic." I can only hope a majority of parents will have the common sense to just say no.

  128. Pope Francis fuels new speculation on future of pontificate

  129. 4:19 PM,

    P.S. It wasn't long after I moved out of Alaska that the pandemic and the lock downs hit. Then I wished that I was still in Alaska. But sadly, over time, even Anchorage seems to be getting more like other big cities of the Pacific Northwest. The Portland area seems worse to me in many ways than Anchorage did.

    I don't know where I would want to live next. West Virginia is trying to build up some cities just for people who work remotely. Before I left Alaska, I was looking at the Boise, Idaho area. Apparently lots of other people were getting the same idea. It's now exploding with people who moved there to work remotely. Of course the costs of real estate are sky rocketing. But that is happening all over.

    I have no idea how most young couples just starting a family will be able to buy houses. Already the Millennials were redefining rentals. Many rentals are geared for them. They sign up for two year rentals of almost-new houses in suburbs. The rents are very expensive. They are just as expensive, if not more so, than a mortgage payment. The big difference between a renter and a home owner mainly is lack of savings. (Other than poor credit in some cases.)

  130. Hillsboro isn't nearly as bad as Portland. It's quite nice in many ways. If you're there, you'd never know that a few miles away, Antifa is going nuts. And the Oregon coast is beautiful. I guess everywhere you live, it has its pros and cons.

  131. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Uvalde, Texas shooting: More questions than answers...

    'We want answers': Furious parents of Texas massacre victims slam Uvalde school board for shutting them out of meetings, not sacking police chief and staying quiet on security at entrances


    Funeral home worker claims police STOPPED him from saving kids during Texas school shooting and reveals he tried to help gunman out of car crash until he spotted rifle and his 'evil look'


    Texas officials revise story, say teacher closed school door before deadly Uvalde mass shooting

    Texas officials are now saying that a teacher at Robb Elementary School had actually closed the door after previously stating that the teacher had “propped open” a door used by gunman Salvador Ramos during last week’s deadly mass shooting.

  132. Anonymous5:54 PM

    FYI: What the American people have a right to know...

    Shocking wakeup call: Many of these mass shooting suspects are trained by MK Ultra.

    The Parkland, Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz (back in Feb. 2018) is just one example.

    I am including links from 3 separate sources for this carefully researched information (below)...

    MKUltra is essentially a code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects... at times illegal, designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency.


    MK Ultra: Nikolas Cruz heard 'demons' instructing him during the shooting.

    MK-ULTRA or the “CIA’s mind control program” — was the code name given to experiments on human subjects, designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Latest videos subscribe that it’s not the first time that a mass shooter has reported hearing voices shortly before and during a massacre.


    Was The Florida School Shooting Part Of The CIA’s MK Ultra Program?


  133. Weinstein provides an excellent breakdown, while Oliver explains his initial gut feeling, later confirmed:

    Consequences for not doing the “right thing” (Neil Oliver and Bret Weinstein)

    DarkHorse Podcast Clips

    Bret speaks with Neil Oliver about the COVID conference in Bath and on their experiences throughout the pandemic.

    Neil Oliver is a British television presenter, archaeologist, and author. He is best known as the presenter of several documentary series on archaeology and history, including A History of Scotland, Vikings, and Coast. He is also an author of popular history books and historical fiction.


  134. On the internet, I jumped around a lengthy video of the Queen's Jubilee celebration. What struck me was this; thousands and thousands of participants, standing, sitting and marching side by side ... with NO MASKS. The area where the Royals and other elitists sat also wore NO MASKS. What happened? Apparently, the dangerous Pandemic which was going to kill countless millions, or even billions, is over. Why weren't we told? However, the psychopaths are still going to go through with their program to 'vaccinate' kids from 6 months to 5 years with their "experimental" drugs. We're being played folks ...

    Here is a very good documentary that explains how it all happened, and how the globalist elites were able to implement their draconian measures that removed our freedoms. It serves as a reminder of what they put all of us through ...


  135. Anonymous10:25 PM


    The FDA gave Pfizer and Moderna covid vaccines full approval back in February (i.e.- not "experimental" <--- another RayB lie).

    We vaccinate children for Chicken Pox and other illnesses that aren't likely to kill them let alone many others in the community. Why is introducing this virus any different when we have the ability to stimulate a immune response and antibodies? Even J said children aren't being exposed to enough contagions anymore. Our immune systems are supposed to be challenged regularly. If your feigned upset, fear and anger isn't politically based, why were you not protesting and objecting to the chicken pox vaccine prior to the pandemic?

    Both you and J carrying on about the lockdowns is ridiculous too.

    1. It was a novel virus that we had no idea how viral it would spread nor how deadly it was (Trump, to the extent we knew it was airborn, kept that vital information a secret during the deadmonth of February 2020). The lockdowns were initially necessary to assess the situation. Looking back you can armchair quarterback anything but had Covid been more like Ebola, places that didn't lock down soon enough would have paid a steep cost.

    2. It was the red states' FAILURES to actually lockdown that caused covid to uniquely spread throughout the country and unnecessarily kill way more Americans than it otherwise should have. Political delusions replaced common sense. Lockdowns weren't the biggest problem; but, the LACK of lockdowns and the ramnifications thereof exacerbated the problem and resulted in prolonged lockdowns in the places where politicians existed that actually cared about human life.


  136. Anonymous10:31 PM

    RayB and Qanonymous,

    I think I found you some help. -X

    Addiction Center: Your guide for addiction and recovery

    Conspiracy theories come in all forms, but most theories involve political and social events. Some examples include the belief that certain celebrities are immortal vampires and controversial topics such as the belief that a small group of people are planning to overthrow the government. Often, one theory will have accompanying and sometimes contradictory conspiracy theories which can be dangerous if not challenged. On the other hand, it can be noted that some conspiracy theories have been proven to be true. With the increased popularity of conspiracies and exposure to information, it is possible to harm one’s mental health and relationships by developing a conspiracy theory addiction.

    Conspiracy theory addiction is a behavioral addiction that can have a hidden impact on the way one perceives events and has been linked to having more negative attitudes. Rather than helping one cope with their negative feelings, the belief in conspiracy theories can create a cycle of distrust and disempowerment. As a person encounters different sources, it is important to be able to analyze the information and distinguish between false theories and real threats.

    People who strongly believe in conspiracy theories and become addicted may experience some of the following:

    Anxiety or fear for no particular reason.
    A perceived loss of control.
    A need to make sense of complex topics or unrelated events, even with little or no topical knowledge.
    Low self-esteem.
    A strong urge to make connections between a series of unrelated events or behaviors.
    A belief in paranormal explanations for scientific phenomenon.
    A sense of not belonging or isolation.
    A great alienation, disengagement, or disaffection from society
    If the presence of the above feelings and behaviors significantly impacts a person’s ability to function in their daily lives, that person may have a conspiracy theory addiction.

    Why Do People Believe In Conspiracy Theories?
    Conspiracy theories occur when people create links between one or more unrelated events, a process that emerges from the need for the human brain to find patterns. New research also shows that people with certain personality traits, such as low self-esteem, are more likely to have a conspiracy theory addiction. Researchers have studied the different reasons why people believe in conspiracy theories, and many of the explanations include the following factors:

    A need for understanding and consistency.
    A need for control.
    A need to belong or feel special.

  137. Anonymous10:32 PM


    Need For Understanding
    When a person experiences distress over uncertainty or witnesses a large-scale event, the mind will start to look for explanations that connect the dots. Those with lower analytical abilities and less tolerance for uncertainty are more likely to believe a conspiracy theory. This is because conspiracy theories can often provide explanations for events that seem confusing or frightening, and believers can assume that they are being intentionally deceived. People are also naturally inclined to search for information that confirms their existing beliefs; this is known as confirmation bias.

    The ability to easily share and spread information over the internet has increased belief in certain conspiracy theories. Someone with a conspiracy theory addiction may seek out information to support something they already think is true, rather than seek out new information or challenge their beliefs. A need for understanding and consistency can lead to addictive behaviors such as spending excessive time on the internet and ignoring relationships and responsibilities.

    Need For Control
    Conspiracy theory addiction can also be caused by the need to feel safe and in control. When the human mind feels threatened, identifying what is causing the danger can be a way to cope with anxiety. One study found that people are more likely to believe in conspiracies if they are feeling anxious. Another study found that people who feel psychologically and/or sociopolitically disempowered are more likely to believe in conspiracy theories. People who have a conspiracy theory addiction may be drawn to the theories as a way of making sense of the world and feeling more in control.

    Researchers who have studied why people believe in conspiracy theories have found little evidence that believing in these theories actually helps reduce anxiety or satisfy the need to feel in control. People who have a conspiracy theory addiction are less likely to engage in actions that could improve their autonomy and sense of control. The long-term effects of conspiracy theory addiction may leave people feeling more disempowered and anxious than before.

    Need To Belong
    Conspiracy theory addiction can also form as a defense mechanism, especially in those who feel alienation and disaffection from society. Typically those with a strong belief in conspiracies have a distrust in authority, lower self-esteem, lower levels of interpersonal trust, and feel that they are the “heroes” in the story — while those who are conspiring against them are the “enemy.” As modern society becomes more complex and information is more easily spread, some people feel left behind in trying to keep up. When a person feels disadvantaged, they will often find ways to boost their own self-perceptions.

    Conspiracy theory addiction can have long-term negative effects on an individual. Although belief in conspiracies is often motivated by the need to understand, be in control, and feel socially connected, these aren’t the results that are being gained. In fact, some studies have shown that believing in conspiracies can reinforce feelings of confusion, isolation, and loneliness. The cycle of addiction becomes destructive as negative feelings contribute to the belief in conspiracies and the belief in conspiracies results in negative feelings. Conspiracy theory addiction not only causes a cycle of distrust, but it discourages people from participating in their social worlds. Someone who lacks a sense of control may stop viewing themselves as a valuable contributor to society.


  138. Anonymous10:38 PM

    X = shill for Satan

    Ever faithful

  139. X @ 10:25 PM,

    Can you provide a direct link to the FDA site confirming this 'full approval'? I cannot find it. Until I see that, the assertions provided by the Doctors at Johns Hopkins will remain unfounded assertions.

    Thus far, all I've seen are EUAs and extended EUAs, though there have been 'approvals' of different brand names of the Pfizer (Comirnaty) and Moderna (SPIKEVAX). By the latter I mean these 'approvals' are ONLY on Comirnaty and SPIKEVAX, which are not available In other words, this a big ol' bait and switch.

    E.g., from the FDA site here, click "Letter of Authorization (Reissued)" dated March 29, 2022. Once you download the pdf, you'll find this beauty on page 8:

    Footnote 13:
    "Although SPIKEVAX (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) and Comirnaty (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) are approved to prevent COVID-19 in certain individuals within the scope of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine authorization, there is not sufficient approved vaccine available for distribution to this population in its entirety at the time of reissuance of this EUA. Additionally, there are no COVID-19 vaccines that are approved to provide: a third primary series dose to certain immunocompromised populations described in this EUA; a homologous booster dose to the authorized population described in this EUA; or a heterologous booster dose following completion of primary vaccination with another authorized or approved COVID-19 vaccine."

    BOTTOM LINE: There are NO FDA approved vaccines.

    So, X, I think you should retract your charge of "another RayB lie" @ 10:25 PM above. We'll be waiting for it. That is, unless you can find anything later than this March 29, 2022 pdf to confirm your claim based on the Johns Hopkins doctors' assertions.

  140. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Speaking of all the supposed "peer-reviewed studies" posted by Craig

    1. One about Ivermectin was refuted by one of the main authors himself (Dr. Jose Gonzalex Zamora) when a much more reliable large scale double-blind study showing no effect supplanted his observational study.

    2. The Gundry Abstract 10712 he cited last November, 2021 regarding supposed measured vaccine heart damage went through a substantial correction to the abstract in December, 2021.

    Correction to: Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning

    The content of the new abstract speaks for itself—it includes observational findings, from a small set of patients treated at one facility, using a risk estimator for 5-year risk that has not been validated in this population,” Manesh Patel, MD (Duke University, Durham, NC), chair of the AHA Scientific Sessions program committee, said in a statement sent to TCTMD. “The research author has also clarified that there was no control group—no unvaccinated patients were included, and no statistical comparison was conducted. The research author’s conclusions have been updated to reflect these critical details.” source:

    3. As I predicted last fall, Dr. Steven Gundry (a well known Quack - see "Dr Steven Gundry – Quack Selling Harmful Supplements" @ ) has yet to publish the "study" he issued the heavily scrutinized substantially corrected Abstract 10712 upon. It has NOT been peer-reviewed that I'm aware of.

    I'm not saying they weren't worthwhile discussions or indicating Craig was being disingenuous. Unfortunately, he and others were too eager for anything that might support their politicized MAGA Qanon "feelings" and jumped upon preliminary unreliable small scale observational studies and the overstated, unverified, likely misinformation of a seeming snake oil salesman.

    It happens. There was weak biased information and studies put out by the CDC as well.


  141. X,

    Now go read my 11:07 PM comment.

  142. Here's the Pfizer letter, the Letter of Authorization (Reissued) on May 17, 2022:

    See page 11, footnote 21:

    "Although COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) and SPIKEVAX (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) are approved to prevent COVID-19 in certain individuals who fall within the scope of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine authorization, there is not sufficient approved vaccine available for distribution to this population in its entirety at the time of reissuance of this EUA. Additionally, there are no COVID-19 vaccines that are approved to provide: COVID-19 vaccination in individuals 5 through 15 years of age; a third primary series dose to certain immunocompromised populations described in this EUA; a homologous booster dose to the authorized population described in this EUA; or a heterologous booster dose following completion of primary vaccination with another authorized COVID-19 vaccine."

  143. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Correct me if I'm wrong, Craig...but I think a vaccine can be "fully approved" yet still under "Emergency Use Authorization".

    Developing COVID-19 Vaccines

    Excerpt: FDA has now granted full approval for Pfizer-BioNTech (COMIRNATY) COVID-19 Vaccineexternal icon for people ages 16 years and older and for Moderna (Spikevax) COVID-19 Vaccine for people ages 18 years and older. Before granting approval, FDA reviewed evidence that built on the data and information submitted to support the EUA. This included preclinical and clinical trial data and information, as well as details of the manufacturing process, vaccine testing results to ensure vaccine quality, and inspections of the sites where the vaccine is made. These vaccines were found to meet the high standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality FDA requires of an approved product. Learn more about the process for FDA approvalexternal icon.

    Further, the FDA and advisor panels will be meeting mid-June where it is anticipated they will be approving covid vaccinating kids under age 5.

    FDA accepts Pfizer application for COVID vaccine in kids under 5, clearing way for June timeline
    Pfizer's vaccine for kids under 5 is 80% effective against symptomatic COVID.


    p.s. - Calling covid vaccines "experimental" at this point, after billions around the world have already successfully taken the vaccine and it's safety and effectiveness demonstrated, is disingenuous. Yes, there are risks and benefits with any medication and/or vaccine. The experts will be assessing such Mid-June and approving their use or not. I have no idea if and when the covid vaccine will ever be a scheduled vaccine. At this point in the endemic, I doubt many parents will partake but that's their choice. I anticipate a slow uptick in compliance unless and until it gets scheduled in some states.

  144. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Fact Check: No, the COVID-19 vaccines are not experimental

    Excerpt: Since COVID-19 vaccines hit the market, several online posts emerged stating the vaccines are experimental.

    That claim is false.

    In fact, more research and manpower has gone into the COVID-19 vaccines than any other. The World Health Organization said because of the “urgent need” for COVID-19 vaccines, some of the steps in the research and development process were allowed to run at the same time. The WHO said it’s because of the unprecedented financial investments and political commitments to the vaccine that allowed it to be developed so quickly.

    That includes Operation Warp Speed, developed by the White House under the Trump Administration, which provided billions of dollars for the development and manufacturing of the vaccines. This allowed for increased manufacturing capacity for some of the vaccines while they were still in testing.

    Likewise, while both Pzifer-BioNTech and Moderna’s vaccines are some of the first mRNA vaccines to be authorized and approved in the United States, mRNA technology is not new. Researchers have studied mRNA vaccines for decades, in particular, because they can be developed in a laboratory setting with readily available materials. So, according to the CDC, once the information about SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was known, researchers were able to develop the vaccines.

    According to the CDC, Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines “teach our cells how to make a protein that will trigger an immune response inside our bodies.” These vaccines do not use the live virus and do not affect or interact with our DNA. These vaccines teach our cells to produce a “spike protein.” After that is made, our immune system recognizes the protein and breaks it down, similar to what happens if you become infected with the actual COVID-19 virus. The CDC says our cells break down the mRNA and remove it within a few days after vaccination. As for the spike protein it creates, scientists estimate it stays in the body for up to a few weeks.

    According to the CDC, the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have been held to the same safety and effectiveness standards as every other vaccine produced in the U.S. Safety monitoring systems are continuing to track the COVID-19 vaccines, in what the CDC calls the “most intense safety monitoring in U.S. history.”

    Both Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna’s vaccines have been fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration at the time of publication. Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine is under Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA.

  145. X @ 12:13 AM,

    I'm still waiting for you to supply a direct link that unambiguously supports your claim as asserted by the Johns Hopkins doctors.

    In the meantime, here are a couple interesting tidbits regarding legalities, first from the Moderna SPIKEVAX, then the Pfizer Comirnaty below that:

    The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine (supplied in multiple-dose vials with red caps and labels with light blue borders) and Spikevax (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) have the same formulation. The products are legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness. Accordingly, under this EUA, the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine (supplied in multiple-dose vials with red caps and labels with light blue borders) and Spikevax (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) can be used interchangeably to provide the primary series doses and booster doses without presenting any safety or effectiveness concerns.


    page 14:

    "The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine that uses PBS buffer and COMIRNATY (COVID-19
    Vaccine, mRNA) that uses PBS buffer have the same formulation. Additionally, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine that uses Tris buffer and COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) that uses Tris buffer have the same formulation. The products are legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness. Accordingly, under this EUA, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine that uses PBS buffer and COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) that uses PBS buffer can be used interchangeably, and the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine that uses Tris buffer and COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) that uses Tris buffer can be used interchangeably, as described above, without presenting any safety or effectiveness concerns. As described below under Product Description, the formulations that use Tris and PBS buffers, which are covered by this authorization for use in individuals 12 years of age and older, contain the same modRNA and lipids, and the same quantity of these ingredients, per 0.3 mL dose. The two formulations differ with respect to certain inactive ingredients only and have been shown to be analytically comparable.26 Accordingly, under this EUA, for individuals 12 years of age and older, the two formulations of COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) and the two formulations of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, when prepared according to their respective instructions for use, can be used interchangeably without presenting any safety or effectiveness concerns."

    If they are "legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness", then we aren't they BOTH fully FDA approved?

    The devil is in the details...

  146. I'm thinking the "certain legal distinctions" relate to LIABILITY.

    And the other difference is AVAILABILITY.

    Classic bait-'n'-switch.

  147. Anonymous1:03 AM

    When is someone going to get X some 'help' for his addiction to TROLLING this blog??? LOL

  148. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Here you go Craig;

    We've gone round and round on this dance you think means something it doesn't with regards to liability. There's no "switch and bait" that I see. I tried explaining the process as I understood it going from an EUA to a regular vaccine covered under the other ordinary vaccine injury funding but you didn't seem to agree with me assessment.

    Do you think the mfg's are holding back the brand name vaccines to avoid liability? But that didn't seem to be what triggered liability anyway. The government has to put it on a schedule with the other vaccines.

    There are a lot of officials from the Trump administration (and others before that) that were hired right out of the pharmaceutical industry so they could be in cahoots to some degree on this OR there are bureaucracies we just don't get or understand. As I recall, in mid-june if they receive approval for use on children it should trigger the application and subsequent approval to be put on the other vaccine liability injury schedule with other vaccines, in due time, according to the process outlinned in the administrative guidelines. The company doesn't control that. But maybe all vaccine ordered before that has to be used up first? Which means the company would want to delay it. These are HUGE lot sizes already. If the doses for kids are even smaller, one "lot" could make a whole lot of individual kid dose and take time to go through. Such lot may be in the works anticipating approval?

    "Bait and switch"....I don't see it otherwise in the language you posted. Maybe the government would want to delay it. Remeber, once it does make it on the liability schedule it will also involve a fee (was it $9/dose) which, if the government is paying for the vaccines -- just increases the overall cost to "We, the people" and then we'd be paying to self-insure ourselves on top of disability. Fortunately, there have been very few injuries other than typical soreness at the injection point and lymph nodes and slight fevers.


  149. X 10:25 PM,

    You sure twisted my words to make it seem like I had to necessarily support your argument. Talking about the hygiene hypothesis = I must have unwittingly said something supporting blind vaccination programs? What?

    I don't even know where to begin, because what you said is all wrong; it's not just that it needs to be tweaked or nit-picked.

    Do you imagine vaccines are supposed to fake the kind of exposure to the microbial world artificially to give kids the immune system development they need?

    If you bothered to look up the hygiene hypothesis, you'd see how much it has to do with the environmental bacteria and parasites - and the ones that are a part of our microbiome.

    Parasites apparently can cure allergies. They have to be the right kind of parasites. Even just their parasite eggs ingested in food, but unhatched, can still cure allergies. For instance rat tapeworm eggs, non-viable in an immunocompetent human host, can cure allergies.

    Parasites are just one example. Don't you know we can never, ever control the whole microbial world? Superbugs are bred in sewage sludge dumps. Hospitals are full of MRSA and C Diff.

    I've been trying to make a point repeatedly and intermittently over many months that it is not all about infections. Sometimes it's about auto-immune disease.

    You are not an immunologist. You say you want to counter disinformation. You are spreading lies about how the immune system works. I'm not an immunologist, either, but at least I've taken some time to read about the immune system long, long before the COVID pandemic. And I've spoken with doctors about allergies and auto-immune diseases many times.

    If you want to stop disinformation, stop your own mouth and fingers whenever you really don't know what the heck you are talking about. You didn't even look up the hygiene hypothesis. You didn't even read the STAT article, most likely.

    And now you know EVERYTHING about immunology for children? You know more and more and more vaccines must needs always be good for children? Is that supposed to be axiomatic for parents?

    STOP IT before you get more kids hurt.

  150. X @ 4:01 AM,

    You've not presented a new information. I posted that link above, which contains a reference to another link provided above.

    The language is far from clear. All we can determine is that there is ONE product (on the Moderna side) that is FDA approved, and that is SPIKEVAX. The latter has insufficient quantities to be distributed (and the way it's worded, it sounds like it's not being distributed AT ALL), as noted above.

    Have you seen a SPIKEVAX available to be administered and/or actually administered?

  151. Craig 7:50 AM,

    I wasn't following the details of your exchanges with X closely. It can be hard to keep up with the volume, and sometimes tedious, too.

    But what you describe about how your exchange went - I've been through similar things.

    It's as if he wants to create an appearance that he won the argument, even though he really didn't. If you dig into it, he was grossly inaccurate, but who digs into it most of the time.

    Maybe it's not for your benefit. Maybe it's an effort to persuade the comment readers. If he confuses or discourages you, that's a bonus.

    It's kind of similar to how Fauci operates, actually, from what I've read.

  152. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Agreed J 9:50 AM. It does get tedious. X seems to use all the wiles of the devil to get his point across.

  153. Lisa Miller Is Free At Last!!

    LTRP Note: For 12 years, Lighthouse Trails has been reporting on the story of former lesbian, now Christian, Lisa Miller, who fled the U.S. eleven years ago with her young daughter, Isabella, to protect her from a zealous pro-LGBT Vermont legal system who sought to steal custody away from Lisa and hand it over to a non-parental ex-lesbian “spouse.” Lisa and Isabella spent ten years in Nicaragua in hiding. After Isabella turned 18 in 2020, Lisa turned herself into authorities. She was brought back to the U.S. and was incarcerated for over a year, awaiting trial. On May 24th, that trial took place, and because of a plea bargain, Lisa was released the same day, sentenced to time served. Below is short report on Lisa’s release.

    (A comment adds: The two men, Philip Zodhiates and pastor, Ken Miller, have served their times in prison and are now released. You can find information about each of them on our site.)

  154. Anonymous11:44 AM

    X has a millstone with his name on it. Carved into a pentagram.

    X, don't you think your lack of concern for young children might affect you horrifically when your spirit leaves your body?

    Proof you have respect for institutions, corporations, politicians, etc, but not for God.


  155. From August 24, 2021 (Biden makes bogus claim re: 'FDA fully approved Pfizer shots'

    Biden pushes mandatory COVID-19 vaccines after FDA fully approves Pfizer shots

    NOTE: Perhaps this is type of 2 minute 'news' report from the mainstream corporate media that X relies upon, which in turn, qualifies him/her to be such an EXPERT on every subject imaginable.

    In spite of what Death Cult Leader Biden claimed, there are NO COVID VACCINES that have been manufactured, and, released that have the 'full, gold standard approval of the FDA."

    Human beings remain Big Pharma's official Guinea Pigs, while being jabbed with their dangerous, EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines' and boosters.

  156. Anonymous12:25 PM

    1:03 AM

    x has ADS.

    It's Attention Deficit Syndrome.
    He must constantly feed his need for exorbitant amounts of attention and since he is a very toxic person it's coming from his negativity, and our responses back to him help keep his cycle going. If he really had a business to run he could be occupied in a more productive way and help fill this bottomless pit in him, but trolling as a business, especially when you are Pro-GLOb, has a quite a demand built in to it in these critical times, so his 'sickness and cure' are all wrapped up in his ADS, right here at WCT...uh, excuse me, at What x Thinks.

    He also has a love deficit, his love meter is broke--for receiving and giving it, too.
    That is why his quoting the Bible rings so hollow.

    You know, he and Kermit the Frog have something in common..
    it's not easy being x.......


  157. Keep this VERY important fact in mind when viewing 'news' reports from the mainstream corporate media:

    Big Pharma is the BIGGEST money maker for corporate media when it comes to advertising revenue. NO OTHER INDUSTRY EVEN COMES CLOSE ... including the auto industry!

    Does anyone honestly think that the mainstream media is going to report ANY information that is damaging to Big Pharma? If and when it (rarely) does report 'some' truth, it is in order pressure Big Pharma for more advertising 'business' in order to counter act the 'news' report!

    Too often, people fail to realize that the media is a BUSINESS that exists purely on turning huge profits. In reality, it is a very dirty business ... every bit as corrupt as politics.

  158. Anonymous12:38 PM

    J and Craig,

    Nice try actually doing what you claim I'm doing.

    I do differ to the the ones that will meet mid-June who will assess all the data and evidence and approve or not approve the new covid vaccine regime for children under 5 years old.

    Craig is off on some tangent trying to claim the covid vaccines aren't fully approved because of some legal technicality between the vaccine candidates' names used under the EAU and the eventual brand names that will, at some point, be used by Moderna and Pfizer to distribute their covid vaccine. They are not going to just be called the "Pfizer or Maderna Vaccine" forever.

    The microbe theory, IMO, has some legs, but hygiene and advancements in medicine have their benefits too. Native Americans had all sorts of microbial interactions with the environment but still perished in vast numbers when the novel smallpox virus was introduced to the populations by European explorers and settlers.

    I also find it, I don't know, ironic, I guess, that J can make a truth claim like "J said: "Once it turned out to be really true that the spike protein in vaccines makes people get sick or die"" like she's an expert immunologist and I come in to refute that and other things, trying to defer to real experts and studies or matters previously discussed and common knowledge and then I called someone pretending themselves to be an expert. I just have to laugh out loud so often. Part of it is the medium. We are just having discussions at each other and because none of us are experts at some of these very technical matters we aren't communicating effectively.

    I looked over the Stat article -- I think it's overstated common sense. Yes...we "artificially" disrupted the normal patterns of infections because we were dealing with an unknown novel virus that appeared to be, initially, more viral and deadly than we it inevitably came to be. HOWEVER...that's hindsight. If the covid alpha variant had become the delta variant much earlier and before the vaccine was availabile mortality could have been substantially higher. We came close to the tippng point as it was several times in several locations throughout the US where treatable patients just would have been dying in their cars waiting for medical care. At that point, screw the "hygeniene theory", right?

    It DOES raise interesting questions for experts to figure out. How do all these viruses interact? Why did Delta supplant Alpha and then Omicron push aside Delta? Why can't the strains just co-exist in populations? I had read one big reason we didn't have much regular cold and flu season in winter 2020-2021 was due to the lack of travel back and forth from the Southern Hemisphere. That our "normal" virus circulation involves that process of winter illnesses being spread winter to winter bethween the hemispheres -- if true, that isn't really "natural" either. That's a 20th/21st Century problem, right? But under the theory, perhaps all that had/has made us stronger? If that's the case -- being exposed to Covid virus in controlled manner (vaccine) could be beneficial as the long run?



  159. Anonymous12:44 PM

    RAYB @ 12:26 PM

    No kidding.

    Big Pharma has successfully created debilitating dependency in this country and beyond.
    Whatever production of good that has come out of the years for life saving medicines has been far out paced by what is sheer poison coming from it also.
    That goes for Big Government, too.


  160. PROTECT the lives of CHILDREN ... stay informed.

    In an effort to counter the endless lies and disinformation, it is imperative that you check this VERY informative video out ...

    From the Children's Health Defense:

    Drs. Send Warning to Parents as FDA nears EUA of COVID Shots for Under 5

    PS: You will never see this type of information on Twitter, Youtube or Facebook.

  161. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Again with the lies RayB?

    On August 24th 2021 perhaps Biden was referring to the statement the FDA released the day before.

    FDA NEWS RELEASE: FDA Approves First COVID-19 Vaccine
    Approval Signifies Key Achievement for Public Health

    August 23, 2021

    Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty (koe-mir’-na-tee), for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older. The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorization (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals.

    “The FDA’s approval of this vaccine is a milestone as we continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic. While this and other vaccines have met the FDA’s rigorous, scientific standards for emergency use authorization, as the first FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine, the public can be very confident that this vaccine meets the high standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality the FDA requires of an approved product,” said Acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock, M.D. “While millions of people have already safely received COVID-19 vaccines, we recognize that for some, the FDA approval of a vaccine may now instill additional confidence to get vaccinated. Today’s milestone puts us one step closer to altering the course of this pandemic in the U.S.”


    p.s. - pretending that it's not approved since they have not yet put their brand name on the vials/bottles is trying to equate a legal distinction with an efficacy one. It's the same product. The FDA even clarifies such in the legalese. Perhaps such is difficult for us non-lawyers to fully understand but the experts seem to be fine with it because they used it again when Moderna's covid vaccine and it's brand name got full approval in February, 2022.

    It also occurred to me this morning. Another reason these companies may be delaying utilizing the brand name is once they do so...their Patent clock starts ticking? I'm not an expert so I don't know if that's a factor or not.


  162. By far and away, the absolute most honest statement ever posted by X (@ 12:38 PM):

    "I DON'T KNOW."

    Yet, that doesn't stop him/her from providing a very heavy supply of dangerous disinformation and lies!

  163. Anonymous1:22 PM

    RayB @ 2:48

    The "Drs" in that Opus Dei (Robert Kennedy) bogus children's health defense video are questionable.

    I'm not going through them all after the first two already tell me all I need to know about the whole shady self-promoting book-selling grifting group.

    Dr. Tony Rogers isn't a medical doctor or expert in immunology or vaccines. He's got a Ph.D. in "political economy".

    Then I looked into the Pediatrician, Dr. Paul Thomas. He had his medical license suspended for injuring 8 of his patients.

    Portland pediatrician Paul Thomas, MD, whose license was suspended in December 2020, agreed to return to work under a strict set of restrictions as the Oregon Medical Board continues its investigation into his practice.

    According to the "interim stipulated order" issued in June, Thomas's practice is limited to patients who require acute care and he is not permitted to engage in any discussions with patients or families about vaccine protocols nor conduct research involving patient care. That Thomas agreed to these stipulations "is not an admission of any wrongdoing," the document states.

    Thomas was accused of failing to properly vaccinate his patients and spreading misinformation about the benefits of his recommended immunization schedule. The board's original emergency suspension order against the self-proclaimed "vaccine-friendly" doctor cited at least eight different cases of alleged patient harm and gross negligence -- all stemming from their lack of immunizations.


    Read the Order of Suspension here:

  164. Anonymous1:25 PM

    No Ray..."I don't KNOW" is honest. I'm being clear because J tried to pretend I was pretending to be an expert myself (while refuting her and your "truth" claims"). You should try being honest even if it doesn't fit your Maga/Qanon agenda.

    It's what Jesus would do.

    Exodus 20:16, “You shall not bear false witness…”

    Proverbs 6:16-19, “There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to Him…a lying tongue…a false witness who breathes out lies…”

    Colossians 3:9, “Do not lie to one another…”

    Ephesians 4:25, “Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor…”


  165. Anonymous1:30 PM

    A reliable source...

    COVID-19 vaccines for kids under 5 with Paul Offit, MD | COVID-19 Update

    AMA CXO Todd Unger discusses the status of COVID vaccines for kids under 5 with Paul Offit, MD, director of the Vaccine Education Center and an attending physician in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Dr. Offit is also a member of the FDA’s vaccine advisory committee.

    Questions addressed:

    0:00 AMA COVID-19 Update for May 16, 2022
    0:45 Moderna has submitted EUA to the FDA for two dose vaccine for children 5 years to 6 months
    1:07 Trials are still ongoing for Pfizer's three dose vaccine for kids
    1:58 What's the FDA's timeline on authorizing COVID vaccines for kids under 5?
    2:45 Could kids under 5 be fully vaccinated before school starts, if approved soon?
    3:30 Some think COVID vaccine approvals take too long, others are skeptical FDA authorizes too quickly—what would you say to that?
    6:10 Why has authorizing a vaccine for this youngest age group been more complicated than for older children?
    8:27 What's your advice to parents of young kids right now?
    11:22 Why should we stop calling 3rd shots boosters for some groups?
    13:12 Are we going to need a COVID shot this fall?

  166. Anonymous1:45 PM

    The great pretender of the blog is x.

    He's past the moon, headed for Jupiter, in his persistent long distance lying.
    Even his "I don't know" disclaimer is bogus because he pretends he is the last word on any given subject.
    Then he doubles down with "what would Jesus do"....his bonus lying end in sight.

  167. Paul Offit is a hopelessly compromised Big Pharma shill.

    The Oregon pediatrician is being persecuted because he doesn't push the vaccine schedule on all of his patients.

    How do you know that Kennedy is Opus Dei? Aren't they ascetic? Don't they learn to feel ashamed about the Virgin Mary seeing them naked and sometimes wear barbed wire on their leg to hurt themselves every time they think of a sexual thought? It hardly seems like Kennedy behavior.

    If I had more time I would say more.

  168. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I believe Robert Kennedy Jr is opus dei (and/or knights of malta) simply because his family's powerful history necessitates Opus Dei affiliation as well as his current bogus "childrenshealth" misinformation website endeavoring to kill as many American protestants as they can.

    Meanwhile, the Pope is encouraging roman catholics everywhere to actually get vaccinated.

    It's not like he'll admit being associated with Opus Dei, it's a secret soceity.

    Did you even watch the Paul Offit video or read the damage Dr. Thomas inflicted upon several of his unvaccinated patients?

    For the record, if my children were under 5, I'd probably want to wait to have them covid vaccineted too. My wife would lean into the advice of our family pediatrician. I'm just not going to share non-expert quacks grifting upon, lying about and exaggerating the risks to feel better about personally preferring a more cautious approach.

    Paul Offit knows more than either of us and certainly more than Robert Kennedy, Jr., Dr. Paul Thomas or Dr. Toby Rogers.


  169. Here is some information about Dr. Paul Offit you won't read in the MSM sources.

    * Dr. Offit is on record as stating that "an infant can safely receive up to 10,000 vaccines at once”.

    * The Rotashield vaccine for babies gave them BOWEL OBSTRUCTION. This bowel complication in INFANTS was called intussusception. Wow, that doesn't sound scary or painful at all. Dr. Offit voted three times to introduce the 'Rotashield’ rotavirus vaccine to be approved to be given to babies. Dr. Offit abstained from the vote to suspend the use of the Rotashield vaccine even after it was known to lead to serious complications for babies.

    * Dr Offit seems to think that the following observations are evidence that aluminum is a nutrient with beneficial, healthful functions in a fetus:

    - The blood of premature infants has more aluminum than that of full-term infants.

    - The breast milk of moms with premature infants contains more aluminum than that of moms who carried their babies to term.

  170. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Could Emmanuel Macron be the Antichrist?

    At at this very moment on Planet Earth, the Antichrist is almost certainly alive, and there is much speculation about the identity of this Antichrist. Among the speculation, some of the more popular Antichrist candidates include: Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Jared Kushner and Pope Francis.

    Yet, out of all the Antichrist candidates who have come and gone, Emmanuel Macron, who became President of France on the 14th of May, 2017, has generated more end-time buzz than any other world leader that I know! This is because Macron seems to fit the EXACT characteristics of the Antichrist in so many ways...

  171. Anonymous2:31 PM

    10,000 vaccines at once!!! There's something X can add to his repertoire.

  172. Anonymous2:38 PM


    Dissident Voice and Open Democracy, really? Such an interesting intersection of the new age liberal left and the conspiracist new age alt right.

    Not that it matters to you but there is no aluminum in the Covid vaccines.

    Here's a good analysis of what happened with the Rotashield Vaccine retraction.

    Decision making regarding RotaShield, including the ultimate withdrawal of its recommendation for use, was shaped significantly by government health officials’ concern for preserving public confidence in overall U.S. vaccination efforts amid several unrelated vaccine risk controversies ongoing at that time. This attention to public perception and external pressures occurred in tandem with the evaluation of the quantitative evidence regarding the magnitude and severity of the risk associated with the vaccine. The decisions made in the United States resulted in foreseen but unintended consequences for international use of the vaccine, including in nations where the profile of risks and potential benefits was dramatically different.
    Dr. Paul Offit, a member of ACIP at the time and a co-inventor of a later rotavirus vaccine licensed in 2006, regretted that the committee had never had an explicit discussion comparing the risks and benefits of the vaccine, even if the outcome had been the same. The committee chose not to have such a discussion because of fear that it would be perceived by the public as “sacrificing the few for the good of the many,” Dr. Offit suggests (2009). “We said this is unsafe for American children, period, without ever defining safety. What we meant by doing it the way we did was absolute safety, which isn't a reasonable definition. It's a lawyer's definition. It's not a doctor or scientist's definition” (Offit 2009).

    Dr. Offit, a participant in the February 2000 meeting organized by the WHO, reported on the event at the ACIP's June meeting (CDC 2000). He explained that WHO members had criticized the ACIP for failing to consider the risk-benefit ratio of the vaccine in the United States. They viewed it as a missed opportunity that would have provided a more clear contrast between the context for use of the vaccine in the United States and that in developing countries.

    Within months of the end of RotaShield, researchers challenged aspects of the data regarding the association between the vaccine and intussusception (Kapikian 2011). The consensus estimate of the likelihood of intussusception following vaccination eventually declined from approximately 1 in 5,000 to 1 in 10,000 based on better estimates of the overall incidence of the condition (Matson 2006; Peter and Myers 2002). Other researchers estimated the risk at 1 in 32,000 or lower still, theorizing that the cases of intussusception observed shortly after rotavirus vaccination led to a decline in cases later in childhood among “intussusception-prone infants” (Bines 2006; Cohen 2001; B. Murphy et al. 2003).

  173. Anonymous2:44 PM

    This is just all too easy...

    Expert Commentary Series: Ignoring Context and a Lack of Common Sense: Antivaccinationists Absurdly Misusing Dr. Paul Offit’s “each infant would have the theoretical capacity to respond to about 10,000 vaccines at any one time”

    By Joel A. Harrison, PhD, MPH
    March 18, 2016

    A recurrent concern among parents is that the mounting number of vaccines now administered to babies is a major challenge to the infantile immune system. Leading advocate of childhood immunizations, Dr. Paul Offit, has sought on numerous occasions
    to reassure parents by emphasizing how robust and effective babies’ immune systems are at responding to the daily threats from the enormous number of bacteria and viruses they are exposed to. He has illustrated this by showing how - in theory - a baby's immune system could cope with the number of epitopes (parts of a microbe recognized by our immune system) represented by 10,000 vaccines at one time. While 10,000 seems like a lot, as Dr. Offit explains, even this number is small compared to the
    capacity of our immune system and, yet, it is exponentially greater than the epitopes represented by all the vaccines given to children.

    Well-organized, well-funded groups have sprung up trying to persuade parents of the alleged dangers of vaccines. Their arguments are mistaken, confused, lack scientific rationale and logical cohesion. There is one claim, based on one statement/sentence made by Dr. Paul Offit, repeated umpteen times all over the blogosphere, that I think encapsulates their flawed thinking. This claim takes one sentence out of context, ignoring the entire lead in to it. However, even without the context, antivaccinationist’s use of it contradicts common sense. Rather than doing their homework, they amplify each other in a near hermetically sealed self-reinforcing closed circle.

    I believe that there is not a single book or paper that I couldn’t find one or two sentences that I could take out of context in order to prove any point I wish to. The purpose of this paper is to once again explain how our immune systems work, how vaccinations fit in the picture, and to show just how flawed antivaccinationist thinking is.

  174. Anonymous3:11 PM

    2:31 PM

    I say that should be tested on X himself. The protocol for him should be 10,000 jabs all at once, with the largest gauge needles for maxmium effect.


  175. Aside from everyone that X doesn't like being Opus Dei, how's this statement for an illustration of classic X? Not much judgment there, right X? Virtually all of this is based upon his/her imagination:

    "I'm just not going to share non-expert quacks grifting upon, lying about and exaggerating the risks to feel better about personally preferring a more cautious approach."

    NOTE that X labels these Drs. as "non-expert quacks" that are "grifters," (i.e. 'petty swindlers') that are PURPOSELY "lying about and exaggerating the risks" in order (how X knows this is a mystery) "to feel better."

    X repeatedly, as in countless times, has stated that he knows the inner workings of people's minds and hearts. It's as if the utterly delusional X actually thinks he/she is omniscient. Cult leader Charles Manson thought he could read people's minds too ... is he still alive? Interesting thought.

    Notice to X: only God knows, and judges, the minds and hearts of people, and, bulletin, you are not God.

    The rest of us mere mortals only have to put up with X here on this blog. Try to imagine having to deal with him/her on a personal, daily basis! Talk about nightmarish scenarios!

  176. Anonymous3:32 PM

    And hopefully, X will receive at least ONE of those jabs 'where the sun don't shine' (LOL).

  177. Anonymous5:19 PM


    When I read your posts, I typically have to read them twice. The reason? Most of what you write displays a twisted logic that is almost impossible for a normal mind to comprehend. You consistently draw conclusions that are based upon flimsy, non-verifiable evidence. In short, you arrogantly state emphatic assertions that are almost entirely due to your convoluted imagination.

    For example, the "to feel better about" phrase was not referreing to the feelings of the quack, grifting, exaggerating and murderous Doctors, but, rather, my own feelings about cautiousness with vaccines. I am, was, to some extent prior to my arrival here and still, yet, a vaccine skeptic. Not as much as I used to be as I realized how much misinformation is out there and the very few people it actually and largely originates from. My kids were all fully vaccinated but I spread the schedule out further than typical and insisted such vaccinations largely occurred in summer (or after sunshine-filled vacations) when Vitamin D/Zinc levers were naturally the highest. Our kids were not sequestered indoors as todays children are.


  178. Anonymous5:34 PM


    I also note you don't even try to defend yourself for specific accusations and/or rebukes for lying here.

    Their indefensible....thus, you just resort to labels, personal attacks and taking things I say out of context.

    Only God condemns. As Christians, we are called to exercise judgement. If you are just making mistakes and didn't mean to lie or make fun of the handicapped and all the other things I called you out for doing here, then just apologize and go and "sin no more".

    As a Christian, I stand ready to forgive the repentant. I pray you receive that gift and forgo this political Idol you seem to worship above all else. Soon would be nice but all in God's time.


  179. Anonymous5:34 PM

    ugh! "they're"

  180. Why does the same culture that sees dozens of genders only see one immune system?

    Differences in immune responses due to age, sex, and genetics

    It's a summary of this study:

    Human genetic variants and age are the strongest predictors of humoral immune responses to common pathogens and vaccines

  181. Anonymous6:37 PM

    "I stand ready to forgive the repentant"


    First: You have a ton of repenting to do all by your lonesome, so you can start with that malicious spirit in you.

    Second: You are not anyone's judge, you bogus ass! It's a blog, not a place for you to 'police like a Nazi' according to your own bias and manipulative liberal spin.

    Third: Go run your own business and stay out the hell out of others, you snooping, peeping, gaslighting, gossip hound.


  182. X @ 5:34 PM to RayB:

    "If you are just making mistakes and didn't mean to lie or make fun of the handicapped and all the other things I called you out for doing here ..."

    NOTE: I have already refuted X's bogus claim that I made 'fun of the handicapped,' but that doesn't stop him/her from re-telling this lie. This is what happened:

    I posted a video clip of someone that was ENTHUSIASTICALLY signing (for the deaf) for some Biden spokesperson and stated "that this is how I picture X, the Death Cult Leader follower." X in turn accused me of 'making fun of a handicapped person,' implying that the signer was a handicapped 'deaf' person. When I pointed out to him how ridiculous it was to claim that the signer himself was 'deaf,' he immediately backed off. He never apologized, but did admit that of course the signer 'could not be deaf.'

    HOWEVER, that doesn't stop this LIAR and SLANDERER from continuing to make his FALSE ACCUSATION that I made fun of a 'handicapped person.'

    I used to pass over X's numerous lies and slanders. I still do. But constantly being called a "liar," a "racist," a "Q-Anon" follower, even a "murderer" by this vicious, lying false accuser cannot always go unanswered. I've challenged him/her before to "copy & paste" his/her proof ... and he/she has ALWAYS failed to provide anything that proves his/her accusations.

    PS: The reason for my use of he/she, etc. I remain convinced that X is NOT a man. Trust me, I have concrete reasons to believe that X is actually a woman, wishing to speak her true radicalism through X while keeping her identity, and leftist positions hidden.

  183. Anonymous6:49 PM

    X said-----"you don't even try to defend yourself"
    Why should he? The one who is offended is you, yet you are the one who offends.
    A repeat offender at that.
    And nobody cares if you are offended, just so ya know.

  184. Anonymous7:18 PM

    He got mixed up thinking it was you making fun of someone else instead of making fun of him (yeah, utterly unthinkable right?) so I too, am guilty of making fun of x's "handicap", RayB and I saw the exchange between him and you that he can't manage to get over. It went something like this: --

    Disingenuous to the gills...wouldn't know a fact if he met one. Blind Pharisees are very handicapped.

    So I make fun of how bogus he is..because he's extremely sensitive about himself, while he is completely insensitive regarding others.

  185. Anonymous7:33 PM


    I told YOU that, of course, the American Sign Language gentleman you made fun of could not be deaf himself. That makes no sense.

    Further, the gentleman's "enthusiasm" you mocked is and was a part of his interpreting job, not a performance for you to ridicule.

    It's not like you were complimenting me for being enthusiastic. You were insensitively calling me "retarded" and you know it.

    Again, you can just apologize.

    I have provided you lists of Maga/Qanon posts you've made, called out specific posts you've made as Maga/Qanon and white nationalist post time and time again. It is YOU that have failed to provide a single LIE I have told here that I have not apologized for as a mistake or otherwise corrected/reworded based upon new or better information.

    qanonymous - I don't care other than maybe try sharing your own opinions on something other than me for a change. You're obsessed.


  186. X 7:33 PM,

    You use your terms like "QAnon" and "white nationalist" so much it's a joke, much like "unrepentant adulterer." It's about like the "soup Nazi" on Seinfeld spawning a hundred jokes and memes about this-or-that Nazis. It's about like a rock star singing about "love" to his thousands of groupies.

    You have over-used your go-to smears, only you don't do it to entertain. I filter your smear words out. I doubt anybody here can take them seriously by now, at least not coming from you.

  187. Anonymous8:48 PM

    "I don't care other than maybe try sharing your own opinions on something other than me for a change. You're obsessed."

    Just you doing you again. And deserve no apology.

    And me? Not Q, though I am anonymous, I have posted current and credible links here that you often "refute" to no avail----and--you're wrong again, of course...I dish it right back to you because it is fun to tell you what a sham you are.

    Your "enthusiasm" for trying to sell your "product" here reminds me a tad of the ShamWoW guy.. except he is legit when compared to you and he's harmless--your progressive globalist ideas are dangerous -- but you'll like what he's selling now...

  188. Anonymous8:55 PM


    So do you have an opinion on great replacement theory.

    Sounds like you had the choice to move anywhere and I believe you narrowed it down to Idaho, Oregon and West Virgina... 3 of the whitest most racist states out there. As a promotor/defender of JBS, RayB and that just happenstance?

    In the suburbs of Portland you face far more threat of violence from Patriot Pride and getting caught in their crossfire wars with persons with anti-facscists sentiments than "antifa" actualy hurting you. Even Rose City antifa is a defensive organization reacting to the white nationalists that surround them.

    Portland, Oregon, Is Ground Zero for Violent Culture-War Clashes. And It’s Spreading: The Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, and other far-right extremist groups have turned the city into a proving ground

    It would be interesting if we could meet someday and see if you would shake or even touch my hand? (I'm in no way implying I want or need that to happen -- if we do meet, may it be in Heaven and we can both laugh about how dumb all this stuff is/was).

    Alt-right denial is just fascinating to me. I'm a registered Republican as is Mrs. Cumbey and it's obvious to us both Rayb and others here are a part of the Mage/Qanon, white nationalist political movement yet they seemingly don't think they are. I'd always thought you were outside of that but lately I'm having second thought. Defending the indefensible yet claiming not to be a part of it. It's just surreal.


  189. Anonymous8:58 PM


    You're just made you've never won a debate with me and I called you out on your fake Benjamin Franklin quote.

    Listen and learn.


  190. Anonymous9:01 PM

    I also notice the more I'm winning arguments the more personal, sideways and hateful y'all get. What's up with that? Just stick to the debate, admit your mistakes or acknowledge a point you hadn't considered and move on.


  191. Anonymous9:03 PM

    The Drama Queen at 8:55 PM is a laugh a minute!

    Oh, I would touch your hand X, then show you some Jujitsu.
    You won't see it coming...

    RayB, you may be right.
    X posts sounds like a FemiNazi -- the bitchiest "b's" in all of trolldom..

  192. Anonymous9:15 PM

    X's rightly called ADS is in overdrive tonight.

    Did anyone attribute anything to Benjamin Franklin globalist X?... Nope.
    You are shadowboxing again.

    By all means blog, go easy on him. Remember it's not easy being a snowflake in real world, so let him think he's "winning". He'll go postal on some poor soul if he thinks he doesn't have the upper hand LOL


  193. X states to RayB:

    "You were insensitively calling me "retarded" and you know it."

    NOTE: X has now judged the 'signer' to be "retarded." ROFL !!!


  194. X states to J:

    "I'm a registered Republican as is Mrs. Cumbey and it's obvious to us both Rayb and others here are a part of the Mage/Qanon, white nationalist political movement yet they seemingly don't think they are. I'd always thought you were outside of that but lately I'm having second thought. Defending the indefensible yet claiming not to be a part of it. It's just surreal."

    Read this carefully. Another clue as to X's true identity???


  195. X lies again, so what else is new ?

    X states to RayB:

    "I have provided you lists of Maga/Qanon posts you've made, called out specific posts you've made as Maga/Qanon and white nationalist post time and time again. It is YOU that have failed to provide a single LIE I have told here that I have not apologized for as a mistake or otherwise corrected/reworded based upon new or better information."

    NOTE: It's never happened. X has NEVER produced any such thing because it does not exist. But that doesn't stop X who obviously believes in the Joseph Goebbels' propaganda edict (paraphrase): "Repeat a lie over and over again, and sooner or later, people will begin to believe it."

    FYI, Joseph Goebbels was the Nazi Minister of Propaganda under Adolf Hitler.

  196. Anonymous9:33 PM

    It is sad to see how much poster "X" deeply disrespects Constance, and her blog.

  197. X 8:55 PM,

    Calm down. I am quite selfish about home buying. I don't think of race positively or negatively or at all. I think of cost of living, cost of real estate, quality of schools (I used to, don't have to anymore), availability of speech therapy, availability of jobs (may not have to so much anymore now that remote working is here to stay)...

    After all that, I think about the trade off between nature and amenities and try to have the best of both worlds to the extent it is affordable.

    Boise, Idaho at the time had jobs, a low cost of living, natural beauty and outdoor opportunities, good schools, availability of speech therapy... Now everybody is moving there, so the cost of housing isn't what it was.

    But West Virginia pays people $12,000 to move to new cities specially built just to attract remote workers. They have the infrastructure for high speed internet. They have natural beauty and outdoor opportunities. Housing costs are not yet skyrocketing.

    It would be great to go somewhere that has not yet been discovered and has a lot to offer but doesn't have extremely high cost of housing. It would be great to have nature and amenities and high speed internet.

    Touch your hand? Are you implying I wouldn't touch a black person?

    My son attended a magnet school for a little while, and at this school, he had a little black friend who was very good socially with him and felt drawn to him for some reason. He was kind, sensitive, respectful and outgoing and drew him out to get social responses from him. I loved this little boy. I've seldom seen such a young kid with so much emotional intelligence. It was amazing. Most of the kids would either ignore him; or, if they wanted to help him, they tended to treat him like he was a baby at times.

  198. Anonymous9:46 PM


    Off subject. West Virginia is a beautiful state. I worked a summer break as a rafting guide on a river up there. It's different but Robert Byrd sure made it a convenient state to get around in with all the highways running through it. You can adventure off in many directions from WV.

    But I'd be partial to Tennessee with all the lakes and zero state income tax.

    I apologize for my snark.


  199. Anonymous10:09 PM

    9:46 PM At X
    Until the next time.

    That was a lot more than snark.
    And will happen again because this is how you fight and argue, with everybody, here.
    You are the one losing debates. A friend came to this blog and quickly left saying, that one (meaning you) is a piece of work. You are in fine terrible form this evening.
    You owe Constance, and her blog, a lot of apologies.

  200. Anonymous10:26 PM

    10:09 pm....

    J gives it as good as she gets it. She even mocks me the way I mock y'all sometimes and I find much humor in that. We don't see eye to eye on much and we aren't buddies but I respect her.

    You, on the other hand (whoever you may be) are just miserable. I don't back down to your attempts to control things here anonymously and I take solace in your inability to concede the last word. I showed my friend your posts and they vomited and convulsed wildly. Althought they had just received the covid vaccine I'm still pretty sure it was your posts that did that.

