
Wednesday, April 27, 2022

 Requesting Prayer

First and foremost, I am asking for prayers for Constance.  She continues to run a low grade fever which is well into its second week.  She believes this to be a reaction after receiving a Covid booster.  I know right now she is feeling pretty lousy.  Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated.


The Shaping of a New Economic Order

I had planned to write more in-depth about the following articles.  Unfortunately time does not permit so I’ll let the articles speak for themselves.

Recently I noticed an article about microchip implants for use for contactless payments. Considering the  geopolitical realignment currently underway as well as the competition for who will redefine the existing economic rules-based order, Windows Central’s statement comes more into focus:  “who will govern this evolving global community and economy becomes relevant. Especially since nonparticipants in this system would be unable to buy or sell goods or services. 

A digital Bretton Woods or something different?  Whichever way it goes I expect this contactless payment system will integrate with a Social Value Rewards System.


Former EU diplomat Alastair Crooke writes that the West’s expulsion of Russia from the SWIFT payment system was “an act of self-mutilation.” 


"The current military operation in Ukraine will, in due course, be relegated to the status of little more than a footnote in global history, although the all-out financial war that has erupted in Russia will be instrumental in shaping the coming new world order."


"US hegemony over the so-called “rules-based order” has been much more financial (rather than military). That is, an order imposed by the US threat to 'sanction' any and all offenders with a 'neutron bomb' of US Treasury bills...And on February 26, this system began to die..."

"...They act only on impulse. We know this because both the Fed and the ECB reported that they were not consulted about the confiscation of gold or the expulsion of seven Russian banks from the SWIFT financial clearing system. And they clarified that, if consulted, they would have opposed both movements."


The International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies writes the Ukraine war is a prelude to the emergence of a new international order.

“It is important to emphasize that this is not a traditional war, nor a conflict between two states over disputed territory, nor a pre-election propaganda, but a war of an entirely different kind. This war is a first step on the path to establishment of a new order in international relations, that is a new division of spheres of influence at the global level.”


“The developments in Ukraine represent the beginning of the end of the existing world order…Put succinctly, the current developments are a prelude to the emergence of a new international order.”


The EU is flexing its muscle to dissuade China from siding with Russia. Meanwhile Russia and China profess to speak with “one voice.”

All of this is consistent with new age expectations that the forces of the old age would clash and from it would rise the new. But we know that’s not how things pan out.


  1. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Praying you are soon back to good health, Constance.

  2. Anonymous1:37 AM

    We are all praying for you, Constance.

  3. paul (not the fake one)8:01 AM

    Get well soon Constance!
    God bless you.

  4. I pray for your speedy recovery, Constance. Know that you are missed here, but take care of yourself as long as you need to.

  5. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Massive Fraud in French Presidential Elections

  6. Anonymous12:47 PM


    You may be interested in this regarding Randy Clark, Remnant Radio vs Holly Pivec & Dr. Doug Geivett

    Our response to “Apostle” Randy Clark’s interview with Remnant Radio


    p.s. - get well soon, Mrs. Cumbey

  7. Praying to God for you at this time Constance ~ comfort n wellness in Christ, amen. Shalom * Tony in VT. Get Well Soon!

  8. Marko6:33 PM

    Prayers for you Constance, that God's healing will be upon you and His peace will surround you.

  9. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Iran Will Have Nuclear Weapons in a Few Weeks

  10. Anonymous9:28 PM



  11. Is Elon Musk's taking over Twitter a 'good thing?' I'm not so sure. Consider this:

    Warning: Elon Musk is Supplying Globalists With the Technology to Control Our Minds (Watch)

    "Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum are ecstatic that transhumanist Elon Musk will start testing brain implants in humans this year."

    See the entire article here ... make sure to watch the short video:

    NOTE: Reports that Musk has become a 'Christian' are WAY overblown. Musk was recently interviewed by the satirical Babylon Bee and made several positive statements regarding the "teachings of Jesus." (I wonder which teachings he is referring to). Surely not the one in which Christ said that "he came not to bring peace, but division ..."). Many non-Christians believe positive things about what they PERCEIVE to be the 'teachings of Jesus."

  12. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Musk seems to be supportive of Trump. Sadly, in many people's eyes, that makes him a "Christian."

  13. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Is Elon Musk a Good Guy or a Bad Guy?

  14. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Russia's state TV tells viewers 'we're all going to die someday': Nuclear war is 'most probable outcome', viewers are told, 'but we will go to heaven while they simply croak'

  15. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Children's risk of Death increases by 5100% following Covid-19 Vaccination compared to unvaccinated Children according to official ONS data

  16. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Child dies of suspected hepatitis as mystery outbreak sweeps the world:

  17. Anonymous8:52 AM


  18. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Why You Should Be Very Worried about Biden's Plan for a Digital Currency

  19. Anonymous10:15 AM

    As I often say, in this world there has always been the good, the bad, and the ugly.

    Musk won't, can't, save anything--can't save himself by some head knowledge instead of heart faith, where real and good change can and does happen in lives because of the power of God through Christ Jesus His Son, just as none of us matter what people perceive.

    These days I see, like the rest of you here, the good, the bad, and the uglier by the day, well, by the minute, that the world is in the grip of.
    Makes me so thankful my hopes are not placed in earthy things, or people, no matter what we wake up to on any given morning.
    Read Psalm 139 this morning. What perspective. Wow.

  20. Anonymous10:20 AM

    8:32 am posted another "dailyexpose" article outrageously claiming UK children's lives were at a 5100% increased risk following covid vaccination

    I think this is the third time I've debunked the dailyexpose. They are flat-out lying and manipulating statistics to imply the covid vaccine has already created health issues at some alarming rate to children.

    In this instance it's simple. Of course the death rate for vaccinated children was higher in the UK through Oct 31, 2021. The UK had only just started vaccinating children ages 12-17 that were at-risk children in late summer 2021. The 11 children that died while vaccinated likely had one of the following conditions so it's not a wonder they died at a higher "age adjusted rate" than the 96 unvaccinated children that died in the same time period between Jan 1, 2021 to Oct 31, 2021.

    Not also, only 4 of those 11 vaccinated children that died in that time period had been fully vaccinated with 2 doses of Pjizer.

    Last September 1, 2021 the UK rolled out only the Pjizer vaccine for children ages 12-17 who were at risk based upon the following list:

    Risk of COVID-19 infection

    The children and young people at greater risk include those living with serious conditions such as:

    cancers (such as leukaemia or lymphoma)
    serious heart problems
    chest complaint or breathing difficulties, including poorly controlled asthma
    kidney, liver or a gut disease
    lowered immunity due to disease or treatment (steroid medication, chemotherapy or radiotherapy)
    an organ transplant
    a neurodisability or neuromuscular condition
    a severe or profound learning disability
    Down’s syndrome
    a problem with your spleen, for example sickle cell disease, or you have had your spleen removed
    serious genetic problems
    other serious medical conditions as advised by your doctor or specialist

    Your specialist or GP will tell you if you need the COVID-19 vaccination."


  21. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Millstone Madeleine Croaks

    Geriatric Globalists Pay Tribute Deceased Colleague Madeleine Albright

  22. Anonymous10:37 AM

    You are correct 10:15 AM. Our trust should not be in earthly things, and people.

    Unfortunately, there is at least one here(dr X), who places his hopes in child murderers, false science, and secular punishments for those who disobey the state!

    When called out on his NEW AGE Antichrist beliefs, he deflects, twists, slithers, and hisses, like the good friend of Lucifer, that he, indeed is!

  23. Anonymous10:41 AM

    10:37 AM
    And quotes the Bible at us with a resounding clang, clang, clang!

  24. Anonymous10:52 AM

    X @ 10:20 AM states

    "Your specialist or GP will tell you if you need the COVID-19 vaccination."

    With Luciferian X, it's never, seek the Lord's direction. With X, it is always follow the false science, and the Luciferian hierarchy who force their gods will on the enslaved!

    There's no liberty in your diseased mind X. It's blind, ignorant compliance for you, you foolish Pharisee.

  25. Anonymous10:56 AM

    8:40 am - re: Hepatitis and children

    It appears this "outbreak" of severe acute Hepatitis is affecting about 169 children worldwide right now (with the majority in England) and could be linked to an adenovirus.

    Adenoviruses had been known to cause Hepatitis before, but that was in at-risk kids. These kids are/were otherwise healthy.

    -74 of the 169 tested positive for the adenovirus.

    -20 tested positive for covid, with 19 of those 20 testing positive for Covid AND the Adenovirus.

    The WHO has also largely ruled out Covid-19 vaccination as a possible cause because a majority of the children had not receive the shots. Recall above...the UK only vaccinated "at risk" kids so these "healthy" kids were not likely vaccinated and this Hepatitus outbreak in the US is largely in Alabama, one of the least vaccinated states in the US (with a very HIGH percentage of persons who have had covid).


    Time will tell (the WHO could be lying) but in the meantime keep these children and parents in your prayers.



  26. World Economic Forum a Failing Criminal Organization – Clif High

    NOTE: Very interesting interview. I don't agree with everything, but Clif High makes some valid points that provides some impetus for those that wish to fight the evils of the World Economic Forum. Things are NOT going completely as planned for the globalist elitists that wish to own everything. "It's not over until the fat lady sings ..."

  27. Anonymous11:05 AM

    10:52 am

    Would you care to explain what falsities I posted?

    I simply pointed out that the age adjusted death rates of 10-14 year olds in the UK that the dailyexpose tried to imply the vaccine itself seemed, to their logic, to be killing more vaccinated kids than unvaccinated kids is not true because the UK pretty much ONLY vaccinated "at-risk" kids in the first place who were statistically at much greater risk of death anyway.

    It's like saying hospices kill old people at a shocking rate.

    It's beyond a simple's a lie. A


    p.s. - If anything, the anti-vaxxers should try to celebrate the UK for choosing NOT to mass vaccinate otherwise healthy children ages 17 and younger versus manipulating UK numbers to slander the covid vaccines that otherwise saves million of lives worldwide.

  28. Anonymous11:27 AM

    10:52 am says: "There's no liberty in your diseased mind X. It's blind, ignorant compliance for you, you foolish Pharisee."

    Says the woman who probably received every vaccine available when she was a child and adult (if required for travel or otherwise) but when she selfishly sits out on ONE voluntary covid vaccine, she's suddenly the hero of liberty with the un-"diseased" mind (as maga-qanon heretics died at alarming rates all around her)

    You're so brave.



  29. On Ukraine, the World Majority Sides with Russia Over U.S.

    Russia pivots to the dynamic East and fast developing Global South

    What led to Russia's invasion of Ukraine?

    "2014 saw two pivotal events that led to the current conflict in Ukraine.

    The first, familiar to all, was the coup in Ukraine in which a democratically elected government was overthrown at the direction of the United States and with the assistance of neo-Nazi elements which Ukraine has long harbored.

    Shortly thereafter the first shots in the present war were fired on the Russian-sympathetic Donbass region by the newly installed Ukrainian government. The shelling of the Donbass which claimed 14,000 lives has continued for 8 years, despite attempts at a cease-fire under the Minsk accords which Russia, France and Germany agreed upon but Ukraine backed by the US refused to implement. On February 24, 2022, Russia finally responded to the slaughter in Donbass and the threat of NATO on its doorstep."

    For the entire article, go here:

  30. Anonymous12:03 PM

    "Says the woman"
    Are you so sure that's a woman posting at 11:27 AM?

    And, by the way, what is a woman? Can you answer that one?

    In virtual world how can you be sure, because there's lots of anon posts here.
    Your posts are generally, 9 times out of 10, stabs in the dark, about basically everything.

  31. Anonymous12:13 PM

    No X, you are assuming again.

    Unlike you X, I am honest.

    I had all the required vaccines kids got in the 60's. After that I had one flu shot many years ago, and a tenuous shot 10 years ago. That's it!

    Try to calm down. You are triggered.

    Tell us about your doctorate?

  32. Anonymous1:01 PM

    1. "And, by the way, what is a woman? Can you answer that one?"

    I am not a biologist. I simply go by what I see; but, I have empathy and compassion for all those born that differ from me. At the risk of opening another can of worms, I find transgender and other LBGTBQ "lifestyles" sinful, destructive and abhorrent. Whereas many (some percentage) of the transexual and certainly the intersex are actually just BORN that way. They all need sanctification available to them via the Gospel more than our scorn, fear and hatred.

    There is nothing sinful, destructive or abhorrent with the way God made people. It's inconvenient to acknowledge them because they so often live abhorrent lifestyles (or partner as activists with those living abhorrent lifestyles), but some were born that way and then sinners just like the rest of us.

    2. "Are you so sure that's a woman posting at 11:27 AM?" - My most vitroil fan here revealled herself to be a woman and that disjointed rant resembled her writing. Can't be SURE...perhaps she's binary, I haven't seen her.

    3. "In virtual world how can you be sure, because there's lots of anon posts here." - There's really not that many.

    4. "Unlike you X, I am honest" - except for when calling me a liar without any evidence.

    5. "Try to calm down. You are triggered" - I am?

    6. "Tell us about your doctorate?" -'s mysteries. What's your name and address... I'll come by and show you my diplomas.

    Glad to see you've calmed down.


  33. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I am not a biologist. What a stupid answer.

    I am not a biologist either but I know that fallopian tubes do not run through the ears.

  34. Anonymous1:47 PM

    1:18 pm says: "'I am not a biologist' - What a stupid answer. I am not a biologist either but I know that fallopian tubes do not run through the ears."

    I very much doubt you go around inspecting fallopian tubes before deciding whether someone is a male or female but just in case you should be aware of this...

    Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome

    "Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome is a disorder of sexual development that affects males. Males with this disorder have normal male reproductive organs, though they also have a uterus and fallopian tubes, which are female reproductive organs. The uterus and fallopian tubes are derived from a structure called the Müllerian duct during development of the fetus. The Müllerian duct usually breaks down during early development in males, but it is retained in those with persistent Müllerian duct syndrome. Affected individuals have the normal chromosomes of a male (46,XY) and normal external male genitalia.

    The first noted signs and symptoms in males with persistent Müllerian duct syndrome are usually undescended testes (cryptorchidism) or soft out-pouchings in the lower abdomen (inguinal hernias). The uterus and fallopian tubes are typically discovered when surgery is performed to treat these conditions.

    The testes and female reproductive organs can be located in unusual positions in persistent Müllerian duct syndrome. Occasionally, both testes are undescended (bilateral cryptorchidism) and the uterus is in the pelvis. More often, one testis has descended into the scrotum normally, and one has not. Sometimes, the descended testis pulls the fallopian tube and uterus into the track through which it has descended. This creates a condition called hernia uteri inguinalis, a form of inguinal hernia. In other cases, the undescended testis from the other side of the body is also pulled into the same track, forming an inguinal hernia. This condition, called transverse testicular ectopia, is common in people with persistent Müllerian duct syndrome.

    Other effects of persistent Müllerian duct syndrome may include the inability to father children (infertility) or blood in the semen (hematospermia). Also, the undescended testes may break down (degenerate) or develop cancer if left untreated."


    p.s. - The intersex are often mutilated by well-meaning doctors attempting to transform intersex infants and children to societal binary social standards. I have no idea what the numbers are I just heard the claim that the last sentence above where they indicate "undescended testes may break down or develope cancer if left untreated" is close to the same rate women with breasts develope breast cancer but no one suggests chopping off breasts just because they MAY develop cancer. It's not wrong to have compassion for those so mutilated because God made them different as well as the doctors and parents doing their best too.

  35. Marko2:42 PM

    Good article but make sure not to miss the interview video at the end between Jeff Nyquist and Trevor Loudon.

  36. Anonymous2:56 PM

    You have no actual idea do you, X?

    Well, THIS time you really can be sure you ARE reading the post of a woman, and I certainly
    have no doubt of what one is.

    Today's "science" comes in real handy for writing reams of material (you swallow whole) to create countless maladies for poor wretchedly mixed up people..that too many doctors and the medical "research" community make their big bucks and big names diagnosing so their personal cash cow merry-go-round doesn't end. Their victims are out there in droves now. Funny how gender issues, and all other sexual perversions, that your camp backs and fronts, was all basically unheard of (very, very rare) until the leftist crazies got the upper hand and made "excuses" and "blame game politics" and so-called political correctness that is, of course, horribly wrong very much of the time, and of every kind, making mental sickness okay, even fashionable. Nice way to help the devil, X.

    It's a godless world..and you seem to enjoy finding excuses and blame for it instead of being actual help by standing on truth (you supposedly believe in according to you) that the world has universally acknowledged and accepted for 1000's of years. It's the end times alright..
    It is much more a spiritual problem. Shouldn't you know that?

    When in doubt don't, is wisdom. You have pretty much none of that.
    But won't stop you from assuming, will it? And spewing leftist agenda.

    You've gotten rid of all doubt that you are in the socialist globalist camp by your long-winded, too frequent, camp on the doorstep of this blog comebacks, saying nothing but the leftist extremist narrative that runs everything, and everybody into the ground.
    Leftists hate everybody, including themselves.
    Get some help for your hate problem.

  37. Anonymous3:09 PM

    P.S. X, Compassion is needed, you won't get an argument from me, but you forfeit a lot of compassion for your "know-it-all" one size fits all political agenda 'answers' and antics instead of the correct and spiritual way to love people in real trouble out there.

    If you are so loving and compassionate, show it here. Real compassion doesn't cherry pick the way you do.
    J called you out on that, and so do I.

  38. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Just one example of a mistake that was covered up by medical pride ruining a life.

    This type of stuff is happening off the charts now, a lot on purpose now, and makes big money for monster egos.
    Tell me it doesn't, as they rake in billions on people's suffering.

  39. Anonymous5:56 PM

    2:56 pm said: "Well, THIS time you really can be sure you ARE reading the post of a woman, and I certainly
    have no doubt of what one is."

    Since you claim to be so good at this "game"... what gender do assign to this biological male with XY chromosomes? I think she is a woman, you?

    The way we think about biological sex is wrong


    p.s. - My only "camp" is Christian. I'm in the middle politically. I don't support LGBTQ activism in any way but I don't hate them, individually, either. I also don't blame "them" for all of societies woes. Every time we comprise the word of God in our culture we tell the next generation that we don't really believe God meant what he said. Gray divorce and adultery are rampant. Hardly anyone blinks an eye at people living together anymore. Extra-marital sex, whether man/man, man/woman or woman/woman is sinful and destructive to our socieity. Electing complete reprobates like Trump is really more of the same. This whole maga-qanon-lying thing is so hypocritical for Christians why would anyone believe there exists any moral highground or righteousness in living biblically?

  40. Anonymous5:57 PM

    The Ministry of Truth will probably censor me , but I would highly recommend getting your hands on some Ivermectin. It tends to help in these cases, although that truth has been surpresssed.

    Thank you Rich for your analysis. I'm in agreement that the US is shooting itself in the foot. It's deliberate. We have someone in charge who is under blackmail and will do what he's told. The plan has been in place for a long time. Nothing new under the sun.

  41. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Marko --

    Thank you for sharing that article.

    Monseigneur Vigano Justifies Ukraine’s Destruction: An Essay and a Further Conversation With Trevor Loudon

    It's not surprising to me to see Opus Dei's Vigano aligning with Putin's white nationalism in Russia. Opus Dei has a history of supporting and propping up authoritarians. My theory is it is easier for the roman catholic church to control ONE man with money and lending him legitimacy than it is for opus dei to buy, profit from and control the republican party (and other white nationalist parties in other countries).

    Considering rome and russian orthodox eccemenical partnership, this is not surprising.

    I noted this on the other thread, besides a Jewish President, Ukraine had one of the largest populations of int'l students in that part of south east europe ....with many going to college in Mariupol (eastern Ukraine). IF "nazi'ism" was really that prevalent and pervasive in Eastern Ukraine why would so many int'l students risk going there?


  42. I'm glad X is showing Constance who he is with his LGBTQ posts. She will read these comments of his when she is well.

  43. Anonymous7:47 PM


    Why? I have not affirmed nor made "LGBTQ" posts as you say.

    I am not claiming people are BORN gay. That would be unbiblical.

    I just carved out a little area for extra-empathy and compassion for those persons who ARE born intersex.

    They are not "trans" and shouldn't be grouped with such (though as a minority, it's understanable they may be activists alongside other more sinful minorities). They did not CHOOSE such and "inter-sex" is not a lifestyle. They may be a man with breasts or a uterus or a woman with testicles, etc.

    I don't have to have Mrs. Cumbey agree with me but I doubt she will or would disagree with me on this subject.

    God doesn't make mistakes and these people are not biblically an "abomination" anymore than a child/adult with Downs Syndrome, Autism, or other socially stigmatized genetic anomaly.


    p.s. - are you OK? You've gone from defending persons that choose adultery to hating on people born with genetic anomalies and who read a different bible than you.


  44. X 7:47 PM,

    Oh, is that what you did? I'm sorry, because it seemed to me like you trolled a commenter just for saying she knows she is a woman.

  45. Allow me to quote it back to you:

    2:56 pm said: "Well, THIS time you really can be sure you ARE reading the post of a woman, and I certainly have no doubt of what one is."

    Then you replied: Since you claim to be so good at this "game"...

    Your tone indicated nothing about compassion. In fact, you called it a "game."

  46. Anonymous8:18 PM

    There is no politics about this stuff in my mind, X.

    It is a moral and spiritual issue and yes,, and at times it is complicated for those few, few, with an actual malady to contend with. Most the sex and gender junk is just that. Junk cooked up mainly by the left to engineer society.
    You seem pretty much on board with that.
    I think you make it what it is not.
    Sorry, don't agree with your take. A man is a man and a woman a woman. This isn't hard..and straight out of Genesis.

  47. Anonymous8:20 PM

    "p.s. - are you OK? You've gone from defending persons that choose adultery to hating on people born with genetic anomalies and who read a different bible than you."

    X called it right.

  48. 8:20, you and X should be aware that the Biden administration's Nina Jankowicz is advising for congress to create new laws to block mockery of women online. Better get in your mockery of myself and the other openly woman commenter here, before it's too late for ya.

    Recently she tweeted: "For @WIRED, I wrote about the online gendered abuse I experienced, and the attacks we tracked against @KamalaHarris, @AOC, @IlhanMN, & more."

    Biden’s Disinformation Chief Nina Jankowicz: Online Mockery of Kamala Harris a Threat to Democracy and National Security

  49. Nope, on second thought, you probably don't need to worry, X. Your kind of online speech will be just fine by Nina.

    Biden’s Disinformation Chief: ‘There Are Many Non-Binary People Who Give Birth’

  50. Anonymous9:00 PM

    I'm not a big fan of Focus on the Family but this article I agree with and might provide clarity on my biblical view of the subject.


    Excerpt: "...Whatever the cause, the fact is that intersex individuals – by virtue of a condition that often impacts the primary human physical characteristics associated with gender and sexuality – often walk confusing, challenging and lonely journeys through life.

    So when we consider a condition like intersexuality, does this mean that “transgender” activists are correct when they argue that the traditional understanding of gender as “binary” – or two-fold, male and female – is outdated and should be discarded in favor of the “more enlightened” view that gender is “fluid” and virtually unlimited in its possible variance?

    From a biblical perspective, the answer is “no.” Despite the fact that a tiny fraction of the population faces life with an intersex condition, Scripture teaches that humans are made in God’s image as male and female, and that there’s a complementarity of the sexes that uniquely brings forth new life and – mysteriously – reflects who God is (Gen. 1:27). Clearly, gender and sexuality matter to God.

    Yet, we humans live in a fallen state – and in a fallen world – which impacts us spiritually, emotionally, mentally and even physically. Indeed, there are a number of genetic, biological and congenital conditions that manifest themselves in ways that preclude certain activities and plague our physical existence. But we know that God is good and He intends to show Himself strong in our weaknesses. Moreover, His mercies are new every morning (Lam. 3:23) and He promises us the ongoing and sufficient grace we need (2 Cor. 12:9) in order to walk in ways that bring Him glory and more fully reveal Himself to a broken and dying world.... (cont)

  51. Anonymous9:01 PM

    So how should we, as Christians, minister to those among us who deal with the unique and often traumatic circumstances associated with intersexuality? Some intersex individuals will marry, and some may never discover their underlying condition. But Jesus’ own words, as recorded in Matthew 19, should serve as our guide for those who cannot or don’t marry due to intersex issues.

    Recall that in this passage Jesus is discussing eunuchs who were “born” that way, “made that way” by men, or have “renounced marriage because of the kingdom of heaven.” While the context of this statement by Jesus is clearly centered on the questions of divorce, marriage, and God’s created intent for human sexual expression, it’s comforting to note that Jesus frames both the beginning and end of his comments here with an acknowledgment that not all can accept this word – indicating deep compassion on His part with those who find themselves in circumstances whereby they are unable to enter into the “one-flesh union” of marriage, whether by design, mutilation or personal decision. Moreover, Jesus indicates that this calling is given to only a few – implying that abundant grace is afforded to those who, for whatever reason, are to bear what Paul refers to as the gift of singleness (1 Cor. 7).

    From these passages we see that Christians are called to understand that God readily seeks to strengthen and encourage those who find themselves unable to marry and participate in genderedness and sexual expression as ordained in the created order. Practically speaking, this means that we – as the Hands and Feet of Christ – are called to help intersexuals carry this “heavy yoke” and steward their assigned gender in a manner that glorifies God and, to the degree possible, reflects His created intent for human sexuality and gender.

    Beyond this, a biblical ethic toward intersexuals no doubt calls on Christians to reach out in compassion and love to those who experience life with this condition. And we should continually lift them in prayer to the Lord – humbly admitting that we don’t have all the answers, nor are we able to fully understand this issue through God’s plan and His eyes. However, we can undoubtedly say that God intimately knows and loves every person made in His image with a deep and abiding love – reflecting the fact that all are of inestimable value and worth. Regardless of what disorder or ailment any of us might have, we are each “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139) and have unending value in the sight of God (see Zephaniah 3:17; John 3:16)."


  52. X,

    You mentioned me hating on bibles in another thread. The only bibles I was very critical of, were the Good News bible (Good News for the New Age) and the Queen James Bible (the gay bible).

    Which one upset you? I recall you agreeing with me about the Good News bible. Were you upset that I was very critical of the Queen James Bible (the gay bible)?

    I think I recall saying that I respected RC Sproul and his Ligonier Ministry, which sells the ESV bible. So it can't be that one. And ESV is very similar to NIV, which is the other one I discussed quite a bit.

    No, I don't prefer ESV or NIV. Is that okay with you? I had preferred NKJV. Now I prefer KJV after having studied it more than ever before. What bothers you about KJV? Is it the fact that it is the only bible version, or almost the only one, that still contains the name "Lucifer" in Isaiah 14?

    Which one was it? By process of elimination, the only one really left, is the Queen James Bible.

    What upset you so much about my critical look at bible versions, X? The look at Lucifer being taken out of modern bible translations of Isaiah 14? Or the criticism of the Queen James Bible? Or was it both?

  53. Anonymous9:20 PM

    8:18 pm - I respect your opinion but I am not "on board" with such.

    I simply don't hate LGBTQ persons or place as much blame on them for the pitfalls of society as most conservatives. I find the most recent rounds of attacks against the LGBTQ communities overreaching, too late, misdirected and merely a dog whistle or convenient substitute for attacking/hating Jews and blacks. If not simply a political diversion from Trump/Jan 6/qanon.


  54. Anonymous9:27 PM


    You appeared to be taking a KJV-Only position along with RayB, not a KJV-preferred position.

    If you are fine with ESV, NASB AND KJV...that's fine with me.


  55. X 9:27 PM,

    What is your opinion about the Queen James Bible? Did you find my criticism of it bigoted or hateful?

  56. Anonymous9:38 PM

    J at 8:09 pm

    I read her tone as she was not just defining herself as a woman but could define ALL women...

    "game" was in quotation marks indicating I believed she was playing a game with in...

    she posted at 12:03 saying "Are you so sure that's a woman posting at 11:27 AM? And, by the way, what is a woman? Can you answer that one?"

    at 2:56 she also staked the claim that gender is a universal truth known by all for 1000's of years.

    and prior to that defined women as those with fallopian tubes.

    To is a conservative "game" to try to back people into illogical rigid "universal" corners when God clearly provides us with SOME grey areas here for some reason.

    It's certainly not a "game" for those who endure apparent genetic anomalies. Many don't even know at first -- people are finding out when taking a 23 and me test.


  57. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Didn't read your critique with any feeling it was harsh or hateful.

    I'm not familiar with it and I don't see it listed on A Queen James Bible on it's face is ridiculous. Probably heresy and/or blasphemy.

    Even if it was ONLY the name that was's still just trying to be offensive and disrespectful....but I'm assuming, like The Passion Translations --- it's all over the place.


  58. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Why would someone who says they believe that God made and assigns gender, and therefore should call it as God called it, (but didn't/won't) say this instead: "carved out a little area...for those persons who ARE born intersex." In order to make it a political call, and set sweeping policy, needing vast overreaches in legislation, such as the game playing in politics going on right now, to "carve out" not a little, but a massive whole lot of space, to the exclusion of fairness in the whole of societal issues of sex, gender, marriage, home, and family that have always at least been understood by the world as what is normal and right since time began, yet now we have to halt all reason to make very great exception for the extremely few people who happen to be intersex?? Like I said before globalist socialism's one size fits all really fits none.
    This is just one reason why KBJ got nominated and pushed through (by globalists) into the Supreme Court and I see how much you side with the extremist view she answered just like her.
    So, in your thinking all of society is to be redone/remade to accommodate the extremely rare "intersex" few? And who benefits? The abusers do--perverts of every stripe win by miles in this ploy.
    Surely there are other ways, better ways, one on one ways, one by one ways, to deal with the very few exceptions in such conflicted matters that you brought up, rather than try to make the whole of society, society as the round peg, made to fit in a very unfair way, that tiny square box.
    Politics is the very least compassionate way to deal with such a problem.
    You often overplay your "compassion card" with the politicking you play.
    And it's easy to see why, no matter how you try to schmooze (christianeze) your "answers".

  59. Anonymous9:55 PM

    "I read her tone as she was not just defining herself as a woman but could define ALL women..."
    Stupid answer, again.
    Genesis told us what a woman is...said it 1000's of years ago. God's answer isn't good enough for you?
    You know what a woman is yourself, you married one.
    I am not assuming that, I am taking your words at face value--what you won't do with me or others here because you'd rather assume instead. (I never made the comment about fallopian tubes btw)
    Are you so "smart" you're stupid, X?

  60. Anonymous10:08 PM

    So why does x love to play the lump and dump game on people who are Conservative? (all others get a pass)

    The answer is, Mr "Compassion" is hating on us because we find him out of touch, as well as out of bounds, in a host of ways, and......because he's always caught assssssuming like he knows every damn thing.

    And he can think, say, and do whatever he wishes, don't even care, but slamming and smearing others, aggressively virtue signaling others who disagree, that's ridiculous....uncivil.

  61. Anonymous10:14 PM

    "Are you so sure that's a woman posting at 11:27 AM? And, by the way, what is a woman? Can you answer that one?"

    X, I saw your reply and answered with my own reply to you about the post at 11:57 AM.

  62. Anonymous10:23 PM

    The ones who can't tolerate others who question them, ole x, and his friend @ 8:20 PM, are full of the usual snark again tonight.

  63. Anonymous10:36 PM

    9:48 pm said: "So, in your thinking all of society is to be redone/remade to accommodate the extremely rare "intersex" few? And who benefits? The abusers do--perverts of every stripe win by miles in this ploy."

    Not at all my thinking. This and most all of your other assumptions about me seem based upon some liberal strawman that lives in your mind. Like the democrats are the only ones making concessions to the LGBTQ community.

    I grieved when the republican supreme court legalized gay marriage and when they deemed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional.

    Niether the dems or the republicans really give a crap about these issues of biblical morality...they just want votes and money.

    For example, Dems just need more Christians taking over their party and Trump was the first president to name an openly gay person to a Cabinet-level position with the appointment of Richard Grenell as acting director of national intelligence.

    Grenell was already the highest-profile gay person in an administration with a mixed record on LGBTQ+ rights. As ambassador to Germany, he spearheaded a global effort to end the criminalization of homosexuality in nearly 70 countries where it is still illegal. The initiative followed the reported hanging of a gay man in Iran, one of the Trump administration’s adversaries, and in an op-ed for a German news publication Grenell voiced a call to arms.

    “Being gay is a death sentence in eight countries and criminalized in 70 more. LGBT status or conduct means arrest, imprisonment, and violence for people who are simply dating or falling in love. Governments that are Members of the United Nations have an obligation to protect, respect, and uphold the dignity and fundamental freedoms of their people,” he wrote.

    I don't know where the right political balance is, but to me, it isn't Christians versus the LGBTQ community. The problem isn't only THOSE sins, but lack of faith in Jesus Christ. Our weapon is the Gospel, not public ridicule, personal attackes and spankings of just certain types of sins.


  64. Anonymous10:37 PM

    2:56 PM, 3:09 PM, 8:18 PM, 9:48, 9:45 and 10:14 PM is me, a woman.

    How about you take a breath before you answer back for once, fella?
    I am sure you know you're a guy.

  65. Anonymous10:45 PM

    "Our weapon is the Gospel, not public ridicule, personal attackes and spankings of just certain types of sins."

    So why then are you assuming (again) that that is my approach because I am Conservative?
    Because this is my reply>>
    "Surely there are other ways, better ways, one on one ways, one by one ways, to deal with the very few exceptions in such conflicted matters that you brought up, rather than try to make the whole of society, society as the round peg, made to fit in a very unfair way, that tiny square box.
    Politics is the very least compassionate way to deal with such a problem."

    Take that breath and read my post at face value and understand that others can be honest with that and other topics and not put words in my (or anyone else's) mouth. You are guilty of exactly what you accuse others of!

  66. Romans 1:22-28
    King James Version

    22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

    23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

    24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

    25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

    26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

    27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

    28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

  67. David Reimer was not treated compassionately by John Money, who further mutilated the already partially mutilated small boy, and then piled on with sexual and emotional abuse of poor David.

    If you read the whole Wikipedia entry above, you learn that David's brother was made to do sexual rehearsal role play with David. Dr. John Money ordered both boys to strip naked and then ordered David to get down on all fours and be mounted by his brother. If they didn't listen and obey their orders immediately, they were yelled at.

    Small wonder that all it took for David Reimer to put a gun to his head in his 30s, was for his wife to talk to him about separation.

    Dr. John Money had a huge influence on the transgender movement. His case history of David Reimer was treated as a success story by the industry.

    One thing hasn't changed, and that is the weird celebration of mutilation and sexual abuse of children.

  68. An example of Christian compassion toward LGBTQ people is Rosaria Butterfield. I've read her book. It is very popular with conservative evangelical Christians. Most of us are nothing like the Westboro Baptists.

    In her book, she tells an incredible coming out story. No, her coming out as a lesbian wasn't the hard part. It was her coming out as a Bible believing Christian among her academic, liberal, gay and lesbian friends and colleagues. The woman has courage.

    She lost everything for her faith. Then she recreated her whole life. Eventually she married and adopted children. Along the way, she had an unofficial ministry of sorts, that included middle-of-the-night emergency counseling sessions with suicidal gay young people.

    Any Christian who really cared about compassion to LGBTQ people would already be aware of Rosaria Butterfield. Her book is very well-known and very popular in Christian circles.

    She is very well circulated. She published a recent article on the web site of Ligonier Ministries. She has speaking tours.

    You're a conservative Christian who is deeply concerned that LGBTQ individual are treated compassionately and not hated. Yet you are unaware of Rosaria Butterfield. Why is that, X? Wouldn't your wife at least have known about her book and told you about it? Or somebody in your church? Since you care so much about this subject as a Christian brother?

  69. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Yes J @ 8:09

    The end result of the lie of Dominionism and it’s unholy ecumenical alliance with Rome.

    In general, Republicans are by and large the “them” and “their” in the scripture above who changed the truth of God into a lie.

    Certainly some professing Christian democrats as well.

    It started with Eisenhower.


  70. X 8:40 AM,

    Not really. It doesn't start with politics and laws. It starts in the heart.

  71. X,

    You made a comment that, since I only "prefer" the KJV but I'm not a "KJV-onlyist," you're okay with it and that you thought I was a "KJV-onlyist" like RayB.

    For the record, I've observed RayB over the years defending the KJV when it is demeaned, but I've never observed him saying a word about it when people quote from other Bible versions here.

    I don't think your insinuations about RayB are fair at all.

    You seem to have a vendetta against him and your research of him is creepy. You try to find him on other web sites and forums. It borders on stalking and harassment. I hope you will stop it. It doesn't belong in this forum.

  72. Do you support this member of the Biden administration, X? How do you feel about a communist pervert having big plans to control online speech, using the might of Homeland Security to enforce it?

    Biden Disinformation Chief Nina Jankowicz Sang About Sex Fantasy with Dead Harry Potter

  73. Anonymous11:18 AM

    These people.
    Elites and their big plans for us.
    God help us, they are a plague.

  74. Anonymous11:30 AM

    8:30 AM @ J

    And how far back was that horror story, J?
    Decades ago. And that sick industry has well advanced in "therapies" ever since.
    It's bad seeds have produced a truly horrible nightmare "crop" today.
    Dr. John Money...Oh the irony in his name Money huh?....
    Thanks for posting the story from the link I shared @ 3:20 PM.

    X thinks he corners the market in Christian response to whatever ill is out there in the world.
    He's definitely part of the problem, not the solution, in his spiritual pride and ill treatment of others who disagree with his "superior way to Christian".
    His testimony is abysmal in my eyes.

  75. Anonymous11:38 AM

    AMEN J, @ 8:09 AM
    And thanks for the post about Rosaria Butterfield.
    I have not read that book but looks like a very good one to see the frontline approach people with real compassion have for the deeply troubled and abused people in that lifestyle. their struggle is real.
    The power of God should not be underestimated..
    Political abuse of this issue is a liberal mainstay, the socialist globalists are running far down the field with this ball.

  76. 11:38 AM,

    Rosaria Butterfield's story is very interesting and inspiring. I would highly recommend her autobiographical book, The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert: An English Professor's Journey into Christian Faith.

    She lost everything for her faith but eventually gained so much more than she ever had before.

    James 4:10
    King James Version

    10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

    1 Peter 5:5-6
    King James Version

    5 Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.

    6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:

  77. Anonymous12:06 PM


    Mrs. Butterfield makes me hunger for pancakes.

    She seems nice. I don't agree with her views that same sex attraction isn't a choice but her story is still encouraging and, perhaps, her views will change in time (not that they have to align with mine --- but with the Bible).

    I'm not an LGBTQ activist or supporter so to say "I care so much about this subject" is a misnomer.

    I find it "creepy" you want to police my words and actions while I defend the Gospel. I didn't go looking for cRay. It was that Richard whatever guy that was posting white supremacist material he'd copied and pasted from that white nationalist UNZ dot com website that Ray just happens to share links and articles from on occasion (like yesterday).

    Just checking --- did you speak out against such material as being not appropriate for this forum? Is it creepy to look for where anonymous and obvious "cut and paste" unaccredited white supremacist material comes from? Was Mrs. Cumbey creepy for exposing Richard (was it "Bowen") for persistently emailing her anti-Semetic qanon conspiracy disinformation?

    Yeah, RayB and I go at it. IMO, he is the biggest maga qanon liar actually undermining this forum right now. I disagreed with him on KJV-only'ism to whatever extent he adheres to such. Your opinion differs. I'm fine with that.


    p.s.- Mrs. Jankowicz is way more liberal than me. I didn't like the disinformation Trump pumped out of Homeland Security either.
    I think Homeland Security should be disbanded. It's also not as scary as it's being made out to be. I agree with this article:

    Homeland Security’s New Disinformation Board Is a Bad Idea, Just Not for the Reason Tucker Carlson Says It Is

  78. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I also find it kind of creepy sharing silly songs sung by an 18 year old Nina Jankowicz as though it speaks to who this accomplished young woman is today.

    She may be too "woke" and I don't agree with everything she says but she appears qualified.


  79. X,

    Ah, trying to square the circle. Defend Ms. Minister of Truth, but not.

  80. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Biden's new 'disinformaton' czar has not removed or apologized for her OWN disinformation!!!.

    Biden's new disinformation czar shared misleading tweets about Covid masks, claimed Trump presidency would 'embolden ISIS', and praised British spy behind the debunked Russian dossier... but she STILL hasn't apologized

    Nina Jankowicz, 33, has been appointed executive director of the Department of Homeland Security's Disinformation Governance Board

  81. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Abysmal, like I said.
    X, the confusion that surrounds you and comes out of you, tells me, tells this blog, you don't really take God's Word seriously for all your quoting and virtue signaling from it. You treat it like a cafeteria selection, you cherry pick favorites and dismiss or find some way to disagree with the rest, yet you claim it is the Word of God. That is, in essence, adding and subtracting from it, to accommodate your many and deep biases.
    Because you excuse and defend evil (what God calls evil across the board and above what you say) and mistreat and malign or purposefully ignore people you should find at least some common ground with. You manage to find some agreement with actual evil and applaud it. But good found in sources and people you can't stand is all bad to you.
    Your struggle is real because hatred is real in you, and why confusion is found so prevalent in your posts (no matter the topic). God's Word is not yours to trifle with. RayB and others, have warned you. And you hate on.
    And keep hating me all you want, I suppose. It's your baggage, your heavy load to bear.
    I seriously pity you.

  82. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Why The KJV Bible? - [Calvinist Heresy In Modern Bibles]



  83. As usual, X (X-rated when it comes to truth) got it wrong. What a shock!

    X stated: "I also find it kind of creepy sharing silly songs sung by an 18 year old Nina Jankowicz as though it speaks to who this accomplished young woman is today."

    Jankowicz sang her cringe worthy song favoring Government censorship of free speech when she as in her 30's.

  84. Anonymous1:28 PM

    12:56 - Interesting word salad.

    Sorry you are confused by a Christian that doesn't spout and refutes new age Maga-Qanon talking points.

    I'm not a pastor. I try to do my best with God's word. Godspeed to you and yours.


  85. Anonymous1:42 PM

    That 'salad' is good for your mental and spiritual health, X.
    Hate does not become a Christian, neither does the confusion you post. You can't seem to actually take a Biblical stand for all your talk, talk, talk, here. And you misapply your own confusion about others in a hateful way. Defending the indefensible is your gig.

    You are really bound up....and the toxic spillover in your posts tells us you are not in good shape. You should examine and see if you are really in the faith as Apostle Paul advocates.

  86. Anonymous1:45 PM

    As usual, creepyRayQ stalking my posts got it wrong. What a shock.

    My quote was about the songs Nina sang as an 18 year old as found in the link to Breitbart that J shared earlier.

    I was not referring to anything the woman ever sang in her life.

    At least she's not a white nationalist.



  87. Correction to my 1:22 PM post:

    I was unaware that X was referring to songs that Jankowicz recorded when she was 18.

    My mistake as I had not seen the article on Breitbart. Having now read the article and seeing the video, I realized my error.


  88. X,

    I am not a 'white nationalist,' nor a 'white supremacist,' nor have I EVER followed Q-Anon. I have never been unrealistic regarding Donald Trump and have certainly NEVER believed that Trump was some type of political 'messiah.'

    So why is it that you continue to refer to me as such?

    You state: "Yeah, RayB and I go at it. IMO, he is the biggest maga qanon liar actually undermining this forum right now. I disagreed with him on KJV-only'ism to whatever extent he adheres to such."

    I PREFER, and defend, the KJV, but I am far from a KJV only advocate. My position is that everyone has their own personal choice to make. Mine is the KJV. Yours can be something else. That is YOUR CHOICE. Again, I have NEVER advocated Q-Anon, so why do you continue to LIE about that?

  89. Anonymous1:57 PM

    God's great grace intervenes in time of need!

    And available to all..

  90. Anonymous2:01 PM

    1:56 PM RayB,

    Because he is a hater.
    And you stand for the truth, while he waffles, backtracks, and self-righteously throws the book, the Bible, at others yet won't hold his own feet to the fire.

    He needs prayer.


  91. Governments Worldwide are Working in Lockstep to bring in Digital I.D. & Social Credit System as EU agrees to EXPAND ONLINE CENSORSHIP with ‘Digital Services Act’

    "Under pressure applied by both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the European Union is working to expand online censorship to an extreme Orwellian level, as well as strictly regulate speech during what authorities deem to be times of crisis (we always seem to be in the middle of a “crisis”), and remove online anonymity by forcing the public to have a digital identity."

    "But these plans aren’t unique to the EU. They are also currently being rolled out in the UK and Africa, proving Governments worldwide are working in lockstep to bring in a digital identity and social credit system right under your nose."

    Read more here:

    PS: This obviously coincides with Biden's move for a "Disinformation Czar." They are ALL working towards the ultimate goal; COMPLETE CONTROL.

  92. Anonymous2:17 PM

    But... we already HAVE a Department of Disinformation (the Biden Administration)... with worker bees like CNN, CBS, MSNBC as very enthusiastic employees and spreaders of BS.


  93. Keep in mind, that is the "official" count, i.e., what they are admitting to. The REAL statistics are FAR WORSE!

    43,898 Dead 4,190,493 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions

  94. Anon @ 2:17 PM ...

    You're so right. The entire Corporate/Government run media ... including FOX ... they're all in it together. Really not much different from when Joseph Goebbels ran the Reich Ministry of Propaganda for Hitler and the Nazis.


  95. Pentagon’s Research Arm is Experimenting on Hacking Human Minds as Globalists Rejoice (Video)

    "Most Americans do not realize that their tax dollars are being used to fund programs that can lead to the enslavement of humanity in ways that have never before been imagined."

  96. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Nina Jankowicz was born in 1988 or 1989? She is either age 32 or 33? Well, which IS it, Nina? Why so VAGUE about your birth date, year, or WHERE you were born???

    Jankowicz attended Bryn Mawr College, double-majoring in Russian and political science.[5] She attended a semester at Herzen State Pedagogical University in Russia in 2010,[6] and graduated in 2011.[5] In 2017, she was a Fulbright fellow in Kyiv, working with the foreign ministry of Ukraine.[1] She has also served as a disinformation fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center and as supervisor of the Russia and Belarus programs at the National Democratic Institute.[7] She is the author of two books How to Lose the Information War[1][4][8][9] and How to be a Woman Online[10][11] and has contributed to The Washington Post and The New York Times.[12]

    She was selected in April 2022 to head the newly formed Disinformation Governance Board of the United States Department of Homeland Security.[2][3]

    Jankowicz has an interest in musical theatre.[1] She is married to Michael Stein.[13]

  97. Anonymous3:33 PM

    When Elon Musk first announced that he was buying Twitter, it was pretty obvious the Democratic Party would soon become unhinged, not just angry or annoyed in the way you're very used to, but instead legitimately terrified and hysterical. Imagine how you'd feel if an armed intruder broke into your home at 3 in the morning. You couldn't exactly know where things were going, but you'd be dead certain that everything was at stake. That's how Democrats feel right now, because, in fact, everything is at stake.

    Joe Biden cannot continue to control this country if you have free access to information. It's that simple. Biden certainly is not improving your life. He's not even trying to improve your life. So, the best he can do is lie to you and demand that you believe it, but to do that, he needs to make certain that nobody else can talk because if you were to hear the truth, you might not obey. How is Biden going to pull that off? It's not easy. Well, one option would be to get men with guns to tell you to shut up. Most Americans probably haven't thought of that because this isn't Africa or Eastern Europe. This is America and we don't do things like that here and never have. More precisely, we haven't until now, but now Joe Biden is president and everything is different.

    So today, to herald the coming of the new Soviet America, the administration announced its own Ministry of Truth. This will be called the Disinformation Governance Board. Laugh if you want, but just to show you, they're not kidding around here. This board is not part of the State Department or any other agency focused on foreign threats from abroad. No, the Disinformation Governance Board is part of the Department of Homeland Security. DHS is a law enforcement agency designed to police the United States and that, by the way, has a famously large stockpile of ammunition. So, it's not a joke at all. Here's DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.


  98. RayB 1:56 PM,

    I wonder if the reason why X minds your preference for KJV is that, according to Manly P. Hall (author of The Secret Teachings of All Ages and friend of FDR), the King James Bible makes you "intolerant" and a hindrance to the goal of a one world government?

  99. Anonymous4:17 PM

    It's the economy, stupid (and the crime)!!!

    Dow plunges 900 points and Nasdaq dives 4% to finish its worst month since the Great Recession as Amazon leads tech sector in brutal selloff

    Wealthy Chicago homeowners hire armed off-duty cops to stamp out carjackings and robberies as out of control crime spikes by up to 86%

  100. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Us KJV fans are 'intolerant' of both LIES and the New World Order (one and the same).


  101. J @ 1:56 PM,

    THANK YOU very much for posting that link. I've watched it and all I can say is WOW ! That was VERY edifying, and, enlightening. I've already passed it on to others.

    For a few years, I have pretty much put the KJV vs Modern Translations issue pretty much behind me, but, as a result of all of these recent discussions on this blog, I've been looking into it again. Quite frankly, I pretty much forgot about Riplinger's book, but after you mentioned it, I removed it from my book case for another reading. The discussions here have also prompted me to do some more research on this important subject. The results so far is that I have been strengthened in my conviction that the KJV remains the most accurate English translation that is currently available. I won't, and, do not, beat anyone over the head on this issue, but, if I'm asked for my opinion, I certainly will not hesitate for one moment to recommend the KJV as the best translation. I am more than ever confident in that position.

    Thanks again J !

  102. RayB,

    You're very welcome. I am watching the whole video series. I've learned so much from it, and I continue to learn as I watch.

    One video I'm watching right now, the 15th in the series, is called "No Doctrine Affected?"

    In this video, I learned that the 20th century textual critic C.S.C. Williams claimed that there is no reference at all to the Ascension in the "original" (i.e. Codex Sinaiticus) text of the gospels.

  103. One more thing I learned from the video, "No Doctrine Affected?" For all her flaws, Gail Riplinger accomplished at least one thing. As a result of her book, New Age Bible Versions, the Ascension was put back into Luke 24:51 in the NASB.

  104. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Vladimir Putin 'will undergo cancer operation in the near future' and is set to 'hand over power to hardline ex KGB chief while he is incapacitated', insider claims

  105. J @ 4:55 PM (duplicated from previous thread).

    It could be that the NASB ’95 added that final clause to Luke 24:51 as a result of Riplinger’s book. The timing would coincide. But that’s not necessarily the case. It’s possible that the translators wanted to update the NASB anyway. However, to be clear, I’m not dismissing Riplinger’s book as having some or even most of the impetus. I don’t know. And I don’t think Daniels’ knows for sure, either. But if her book had anything to do with it, I feel sure that the translators would not have admitted it.

    But there is a plausible explanation for its non-inclusion in the earlier version of the NASB. And I’m not saying I agree with all the following rationale, either—just to make that clear. That is, I am explaining it, as opposed to justifying and agreeing with it.

    Before explaining, I do note that the NIV ’84 has this final clause. And, like some other versions, it even adds the words “to heaven” in Acts 1:2, even though these words are not part of ANY Greek text known. According to the footnote, this is apparently to parallel it with Acts 1:11, I presume because “taken up” might not be clear enough for some readers. The NASB ’95 does the same.

    Now, here’s the technical part.

    I happen to have an old NA25 (Nestle-Aland, 25th version) from 1963. Years ago, I bought it on the cheap as part of a bulk purchase on eBay, and thought it might be useful one day. In the apparatus (basically a form of footnoting), the final clause is listed—as opposed to being placed in the base text. In other words, this version put that final clause in the ‘footnotes’. Now, ANY translating committee can reject a given Critical Text reading, in favor of the alternatives in the apparatus. The NASB chose to accept it.

    As a pertinent example, I found a printed copy of the Greek text underlying the 1961 New English Bible. The translators note that they rejected the Critical Text reading in John 1:18, in favor of monogenēs Son. The main reason I bought this (on the cheap) was that the notes ALSO reject the Critical Text reading of John 3:13, which lacks the final clause “the One Who is in heaven”. In other words, the Greek and the English of that old text included that clause. (And the text itself is in a font that, to my eyes, is the easiest I’ve seen to read.)

    But more germane to our issue here, the translators chose to accept the Critical Text as is in Luke 24:51. Following is the accompanying note:

    The reference to the ascension, absent from Aleph* D a b e ff2 j [ED: manuscripts are abbreviated like this with no commas in between to save space], was held to be a later insertion made probably when the Gospel was detached from Luke-Acts.

    Historically, at one point, the two books were together.

    At the time of both the NA25 and the Greek text for the NEB 1961, some of the recently discovered papyri were yet to be formally categorized and available to consult. As a result, they weren’t referenced in ANY Greek text. These papyri included papyrus P75, which DOES include that final clause in Luke 24:51. The cataloguing of THIS manuscript tilted the opinions of the CT toward its inclusion in the base text.

    The NA28, the newest version (2012), has that final clause in the base text. But I don’t know when this change initially occurred.

    Let me add: Daniels claims are quite inflated. Paul's letters ALL predate the written Gospels; and Paul most certainly speaks of the Resurrection and the Ascension. And the Acts of the Apostles--which was an integral part of Luke at one point--speaks of these events, as well.

    There's more, but I'll stop there.

  106. And as regards the Ascension in the Gospels, Daniels completely omits John's Gospel. What else does Jesus mean in 13:1-3?

    KJV: 13 Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end.

    2 And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him;

    3 Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God...

    NASB '95: 13 Now before the Feast of the Passover, Jesus, knowing that His hour had come that He would depart from this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end. 2 And during supper, the devil having already put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon, to betray Him, 3 Jesus, knowing that the Father had handed all things over to Him, and that He had come forth from God and was going back to God...

    And in 20:17, Jesus puts these two phrases together:

    KJV: 17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.

    NASB '95: 17 Jesus said [was saying] to her, “Stop clinging to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to My brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God.’”

  107. x, there is nothing vague or lacking substance in the article it links to detailed source. "We rated every member of Congress on their financial conflicts and transparency."


    Honoring people's marital privacy is respectful and godly.

    My marriage is no one else's business."

    Since whehn is adultery part of marital privcy, unless you got a swinger scene goig in which case,hell with you. your kind isn't needed around a place of business where you can undermine others' marriages

    ""for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. Hebrews 13:4 ESV (emphasis mine)"

    Sorry, but to uphold the truth I have to break it to you, you aren't God." NEITHER ARE YOU TO REWRITE SCRIPTURE. Paul calls for exposure of evil and public condemntion of evil doers so others may fear.

    God's tools include the police and judges and incl. any the community and anyoe decidig to teject the evil doers, which other Scriptures encourageus to do.

    J, first off, thank you for your kind words to me.

    Secondly, you are obviously influenced by Hal Lindsey, who is best tossed in the garbage, a sci fi sensationalistic money grubbing apocalysploitation writer.

    Tubal and Meshech were in Asia Minor aka Turkey

    And "Easter" is properly PASCHA Greek PASSOVER as in CHRIST IS OUR PASSOVER the Scriptural Day of Christ's Resurrection.

    As for whoever said demanding moral behavior is crammig the Gospel down peoples' throats, demanding moral behavior is not cramming the gospel message down anyone's throat. This is mostly morality share by non Christian cultures and religions. they can be atheist or whatever but have to not steal, not be messing with others' mates, etc. As for not enforcing moral behavior but leaving free choice that is just a formula for corruption lack of accountability lack of protection lack of anyoe to turn to and is NOT comparable to the free choice issue i theology. God in OT and Paul in NT says to publicly punish so others will FEAR. you and others are confusing totally separate issues. your kind of people are why we have all this pedophilia prostitution brainwashing corruption murder etc., you are the people who do nothing and make evil easy. Someone said that the problem isn't as much the evil doers as the ones who see and do nothing.

    x wrote "Kingston is not a doctor or vaccine expert in anyway. ... she claimed graphene oxide was in the vaccines)." not said to be a doctor but a biotech person from Pfizer itself. How do you explain the shipload of vaxxed people who came down with covid? The graphene oxide is in photos and first noticed without her help in Spain, Japan also found black materials in a batch.


    Secondly, at the anti charismtic conference, MacArthur referenced people who start out with "satan I bind you in Jesus' Name," and then says we donot have the authority to do this. SINCE WHEN? I've seen results of this. But a closet pagan or satanist or something is not going to want people doing this binding.


    Luke 24:51

    Byzantine Majority Text 2000
    και εγενετο εν τω ευλογειν αυτον αυτους διεστη απ αυτων και ανεφερετο εις τον ουρανον

    Textus Receptus (Stephanus 1550)

    και εγενετο εν τω ευλογειν αυτον αυτους διεστη απ αυτων και ανεφερετο εις τον ουρανον

    King James Bible 2016

    Now it came to pass, while He blessed them, that He was parted from them and carried up into heaven.

    King James Bible 1769

    And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven.

    King James Bible 1611

    And it came to passe, while hee blessed them, hee was parted from them, and caried vp into heauen.

    Green's Literal Translation 1993

    And it happened as He blessed them, He withdrew from them and was carried into Heaven.

    Young's Literal Translation 1862

    and it came to pass, in his blessing them, he was parted from them, and was borne up to the heaven;

    Geneva Bible 1560/1599

    And it came to passe, that as he blessed them, he departed from them, and was caried vp into heauen.

    Tyndale Bible 1534

    And it cam to passe as he blessed the he departed from the and was caryed vp in to heven.

    Wycliffe Bible 1382

    And it was don, the while he blesside hem, he departide fro hem, and was borun in to heuene.

    Wessex Gospels 1175

    Ænd hit wæs ge-worðen þæt he hyo ge-bletsode. he wente fram heom & he smat (sic) in-to heofene.


    Byzantine Majority Text
    New Testament

    The Byzantine Majority Text is the edition by Pierpont and Robinson. It is similar to an earlier production of Hodges and Farstad in being based on von Soden's apparatus, but without their stemmatic reconstruction of the Apocalypse and the Pericope Adulterae.

    The Majority Text, also known as the Byzantine Text, is a method of determining the original reading of a Scripture by discovering what reading occurs in a majority of the manuscripts. As the Greek New Testament was copied hundreds of times over 1500 years, the scribes, as careful as they were, occasionally made mistakes. The vast majority of these mistakes are in misspellings, or in whether "the" or a preposition occurs. The testimony of the thousands of manuscripts over 1500 years is entirely consistent on all the key issues of the Christian faith.


    Textus Receptus (Stephanus 1550)

    Robert Estienne (known as Stephanus) (1503-1559) edited and printed four editions of the Textus Receptus from 1546 to 1551. His third edition of 1550 was the first to have a critical apparatus, with references to the Complutensian Polyglot and fifteen additional Greek manuscripts. The fourth edition of 1551 had the same Greek text as the third, but is especially noteworthy for its division of the NT books into chapters and verses, a system still in use today.

  111. Why still use Hort's transmission model to favor the Alexandrian texts and almost completely disregard the Byzantine texts?

    It is a tradition of men that makes some of God's Words of no effect.

    "With the discovery and publication of Egyptian New Testament papyri in the 1900’s – beginning with Grenfell and Hunt’s work at Oxyrhynchus – Hort’s claim that the Alexandrian readings have a demonstrably greater antiquity than their rivals has eroded. Harry A. Sturz collected and categorized dozens of distinctive Byzantine variants which were supported by at least one early papyrus. Sturz’s data does not vindicate the entire Byzantine Text (and we should not expect it to do so). What it does do is demonstrate that Hort’s main reason for rejecting distinctive Byzantine readings was unsound."

    The Text of the Gospels

    A blog by James Snapp, Jr. about New Testament textual criticism, especially involving variants in the Gospels.

    Equitable Eclecticism - Part 1

  112. J,

    While your 7:19, 7:21 and 7:22 posts are a bit misleading, the 7:34 AM—the one with James Snapp, Jr.—is truthful. The most important part is this: Sturz’s data does not vindicate the entire Byzantine Text (and we should not expect it to do so). What it does do is demonstrate that Hort’s main reason for rejecting distinctive Byzantine readings was unsound.

    And the modern Critical Text does not adhere to such a W-H philosophy (‘Alexandrian as “neutral text”’) either. But let's think this through. By "distinctive Byzantine readings" what is meant is readings differing from the Alexandrian text. This implies there are areas of agreement between the two. In fact, they mostly agree. But we're still left with the question: What do we make of these differences?

    To accept the Majority text (the majority of manuscripts in existence, which means ca. 9th century and later), meaning the Byzantine text (which EXCLUDES the Johannine Comma), we are counting manuscripts that, on the main, were by scribes very faithful in copying. We know this was not the case in the Apostolic and early Church era. Scribes were generally not as well-trained. Mistakes were made.

    In any case, if we take the two ‘extremes’—using only the Majority [Byzantine] Text or using only the Alexandrian—we are left with a text that agrees about 98% of the time. No important doctrines are compromised. And we wouldn’t have that KJV exclusive, the Johannine Comma.

  113. What about variants in Luke, like the variant we were just discussing?

    While researching variants in Luke, I came across this Wikipedia article. What is your position on the variants described below?

    Scholars find that many textual variants in the narratives of the Nativity of Jesus (Luke 2, as well as Matthew 1–2) and the Finding in the Temple (Luke 2:41–52) involve deliberate alterations such as substituting the words 'his father' with 'Joseph', or 'his parents' with 'Joseph and his mother'.[4] Alexander Globe (1980) concluded 'that most of the non-Neutral readings under consideration were introduced to remove inconsistencies between the biblical narratives and abstract doctrinal statements concerning the virginity of Mary.'[4]

  114. J,

    Did you read my explanation of Luke 24:51 above @ 9:28 PM?

    The Wikipedia article is implying that it was the Byzantine text that "involve deliberate alterations...".

    Just look a the very first one, Luke 2:33, which, as you can see, goes from "his father and [his] mother" to "Joseph and his mother":

    Wycliffe: And his father and his mother were wondering on [upon] these things, that were said of him.

    Tyndale: And his father and mother mervelled at those thinges which were spoke of him.

    Geneva: And Joseph and his mother marveiled at those things, which
    were spoken touching him.

    Bishops: And Ioseph and his mother marueyled at those thinges which were spoken of hym


    From the way it looks to me, you are consuming a lot of information really quickly and not taking sufficient time to reflect upon it; that is, not viewing it with a bit of critical skepticism / looking at it from 'both' sides.

  115. Yes, Craig, I did read your 9:28 PM post. Could you please summarize your main point in one or two sentences?

  116. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Why is Canada euthanising the poor?

    Since last year, Canadian law, in all its majesty, has allowed both the rich as well as the poor to kill themselves if they are too poor to continue living with dignity. In fact, the ever-generous Canadian state will even pay for their deaths. What it will not do is spend money to allow them to live instead of killing themselves.

    As with most slippery slopes, it all began with a strongly worded denial that they exist. In 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada reversed 22 years of its own jurisprudence by striking down the country’s ban on assisted suicide as unconstitutional, blithely dismissing fears that the ruling would ‘initiate a descent down a slippery slope into homicide’ against the vulnerable as founded on ‘anecdotal examples’. The next year, Parliament duly enacted legislation allowing euthanasia, but only for those who suffer from a terminal illness whose natural death was ‘reasonably foreseeable’.

    It only took five years for the proverbial slope to come into view, when the Canadian parliament enacted Bill C-7, a sweeping euthanasia law which repealed the ‘reasonably foreseeable’ requirement—and the requirement that the condition should be ‘terminal’. Now, as long as someone is suffering from an illness or disability which ‘cannot be relieved under conditions that you consider acceptable’, they can take advantage of what is now known euphemistically as ‘medical assistance in dying’ (MAID for short) for free.

  117. P.S. Craig, please explain why you called the copy pastes I shared from misleading.

  118. My 9:28 PM was meant to provide the relevant info from which the reader could conclude whatever s/he wanted.

    To encapsulate, a few Alexandrian texts lacked the final “and carried up into heaven” in Luke 24:51. Modern text critics assumed that this verbiage was added later to conform to Acts 1 (because LUKE-ACTS was one text in antiquity). Thus, the Greek Critical Text (CT—the NA and UBS critical texts)—the Greek texts from which modern translators begin—did not include this in the base text, placing it in the critical apparatus (‘footnotes’) instead. But any translating committee can chose to either accept that which is in the base text, or reject it and accept the alternate manuscript evidence as presented in the apparatus/’footnote’ instead.

    Some, but not all, modern English (and other language) versions chose to accept the CT, while others decided to accept the text in the apparatus (‘adding back’ the final clause). The NASB (and NEB 1961) decided to accept the CT as is. That is, they chose NOT to include “and carried up into heaven”. However, with the finding of an early papyrus, P75, later editions of the CT put that clause into the base text, noting its absence in some manuscripts in the apparatus/’footnote’. The NASB ’95 chose to accept this revised CT reading into its English revision.

    In any case, whether accepting this final clause or not, no violence is done to the Ascension in the NT. That is, it’s well-attested elsewhere in Scripture. So, Daniels’ claims are overblown.

  119. Anonymous9:17 AM

    J @ 7:19 AM

    Although we KNOW there are many versions of the Bible where certain passages are similar in words and meaning, we are more concerned with the passages that are 'watered down' in words as to change their meaning. (GOD IS NOT THE AUTHOR OF CONFUSION.)

    (Actually, I am more shocked at the 'spelling' of words in the versions you posted. Wasn't a spellcheck available?)

  120. J @ 8:58 AM,

    Because it doesn't include any mention of the Alexandrian, and it doesn't include the fact that modern text critics accepted the final clause in Luke 24:51 once p75 was catalogued.

    Plus, the way it's worded one can make the (incorrect) leap that Textus Receptus = Byzantine = Majority text. This has been conflated in the last blog post, e.g.

  121. 9:17 AM,

    The point was that the Byzantine and Textus Receptus both contained the part of Luke that was removed from NASB because it was not in the Alexandrian texts (except in the margin as a comment).

  122. Craig 9:20 AM,

    I never conflated ALL of it in that post of mine. I showed that particular passage of Luke agreed between Textus Receptus and Byzantine Majority texts.

  123. P.S. If it is misleading for the Textus Receptus site to contain no mention of the Alexandrian, why is it NOT misleading for most textual critics to disregard both Textus Receptus and Byzantine Majority?

    Because that is majority scholarly opinion? And because of the climate of Egypt?

    Climate and academic scholars. That's what we depend on to know what God said?

  124. J @ 9:23,

    With respect, your missing my point. I never said you conflated anything. In my first paragraph I merely said no mention of the Alexandrian text was made. In the second paragraph, the conflation was made by another, who relied on another's website.

    @ 9:25,

    Let's not compare apples and oranges. Modern text critics DO include the Byzantine text. Whether in the apparatus or base text, it's there.

    The climate in Egypt is what helped preserve the papyri. Unfortunately, there are no surviving papyri in the Byzantine area.

    And with respect, you appear to be injecting emotion into this. Let's look at the information objectively.

  125. This is an example of a textual critic at Dallas Theological Seminary. Why should I trust this guy?

    Is he all textual criticism and no exegesis? Doesn't he know Ezekiel 28 and its frequent parallel reading with Isaiah 14? And he teaches future pastors?

    I bet Thomas Dahlheimer would love him!

    Is Lucifer such a bad guy after all?

  126. J,

    Wallace makes no mention of the allegorical nature of Isaiah 14 and its parallel with Ezekiel 28, because that's not what he was addressing in his blog post. I'm pretty confident that if you were to ask Wallace, he'd confirm that both texts are also meant to be allegories for SATAN, not "Lucifer".

  127. J,

    You wrote regarding Daniel Wallace, Is he all textual criticism and no exegesis?. You may not know, but Wallace is the author of Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the Greek New Testament.

  128. This is of relevance to changing "father" to "Joseph" in the KJV.

    Courtesy of RayB from the last thread. Thanks, RayB.

    15 Rules That Governed the Translators Efforts for the King James Bible

    1. The ordinary Bible read in the Church, commonly called the Bishops Bible, to be followed, and as little altered as the Truth of the original will permit.

    2. The names of the Prophets, and the Holy Writers, with the other Names of the Text, to be retained, as nigh as may be, accordingly as they were vulgarly used.

    3. The Old Ecclesiastical Words to be kept, viz. the Word Church not to be translated Congregation &c.

    4. When a Word hath divers Significations, that to be kept which hath been most commonly used by the most of the Ancient Fathers, being agreeable to the Propriety of the Place, and the Analogy of the Faith.

    5. The Division of the Chapters to be altered, either not at all, or as little as may be, if Necessity so require.

    6. No Marginal Notes at all to be affixed, but only for the explanation of the Hebrew or Greek Words, which cannot without some circumlocution, so briefly and fitly be expressed in the Text.

    7. Such Quotations of Places to be marginally set down as shall serve for the fit Reference of one Scripture to another.

    8. Every particular Man of each Company, to take the same Chapter or Chapters, and having translated or amended them severally by himself, where he thinketh good, all to meet together, confer what they have done, and agree for their Parts what shall stand.

    9. As any one Company hath dispatched any one Book in this Manner they shall send it to the rest, to be considered of seriously and judiciously, for His Majesty is very careful in this Point.

  129. (continued)

    10, If any Company, upon the Review of the Book so sent, doubt or differ upon any Place, to send them Word thereof; note the Place, and withal send the Reasons, to which if they consent not, the Difference to be compounded at the general Meeting, which is to be of the chief Persons of each Company, at the end of the Work.

    11. When any Place of special Obscurity is doubted of, Letters to be directed by Authority, to send to any Learned Man in the Land, for his Judgement of such a Place.

    12.Letters to be sent from every Bishop to the rest of his Clergy, admonishing them of this Translation in hand; and to move and charge as many skilful in the Tongues; and having taken pains in that kind, to send his particular Observations to the Company, either at Westminster, Cambridge, or Oxford.

    13.The Directors in each Company, to be the Deans of Westminster, and Chester for that Place; and the King’s Professors in the Hebrew or Greek in either University.

    14. These translations to be used when they agree better with the Text than the Bishops Bible: Tyndale’s, Matthew’s, Coverdale’s, Whitchurch’s, Geneva.

    15. Besides the said Directors before mentioned, three or four of the most Ancient and Grave Divines, in either of the Universities, not employed in Translating, to be assigned by the vice-Chancellor, upon Conference with the rest of the Heads, to be Overseers of the Translations as well Hebrew as Greek, for the better observation of the 4th Rule above specified.

  130. From the above, you can see that changing "father" to "Joseph" is consistent with these two principles used by the KJV translators:

    "2. The names of the Prophets, and the Holy Writers, with the other Names of the Text, to be retained, as nigh as may be, accordingly as they were vulgarly used."

    "4. When a Word hath divers Significations, that to be kept which hath been most commonly used by the most of the Ancient Fathers, being agreeable to the Propriety of the Place, and the Analogy of the Faith."

  131. Craig 9:37 AM,

    The fact remains that for century after century, Christians called Satan "Lucifer" in his pre-fall state. The fact remains that many New Agers, if they become advanced and initiated enough, see "Lucifer" as a real being who is good and is to be worshiped.

  132. P.S. In our last thread, we discussed that these two principles:

    "2. The names of the Prophets, and the Holy Writers, with the other Names of the Text, to be retained, as nigh as may be, accordingly as they were vulgarly used."

    "4. When a Word hath divers Significations, that to be kept which hath been most commonly used by the most of the Ancient Fathers, being agreeable to the Propriety of the Place, and the Analogy of the Faith."

    ... are consistent with the KJV translators using "Lucifer" even though it is Latin and not Greek.

  133. Craig 9:54 AM,

    You wrote regarding Daniel Wallace, Is he all textual criticism and no exegesis?. You may not know, but Wallace is the author of Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the Greek New Testament.


    That gives Daniel Wallace even less of an excuse for doing a favor to New Agers like Thomas Dahlheimer and occultists like Alice Bailey and Manly P. Hall.

    In an age of apostasy, when Christians are being confused by New Age principles dressed up in Christianized language, Daniel Wallace's cute article about Lucifer did not do rank-and-file pew Christians any favors.

  134. J @ 10:05 AM,

    I suppose you didn't read my response to you--just under your comment, in fact:

    J @ 2:53 PM,

    I would not disagree. At least in this case they followed their own self-prescribed guidelines.

  135. J @ 10:02 AM,

    I've never criticized the KJV for this specific issue. I merely pointed out that "his father" has historical precedence--predating the KJV--and I implied this has NOTHING to do with modern versions.

  136. Craig,

    I appreciate the clarification. I can't always tell what your main point is or what your own position is.

  137. Anonymous10:32 AM

    "Disinformation Governance Board"

    Such a laughable title, in it's irony, can't be a mistake.
    On it's face it is a board concerned with the governance of disinformation. That would indicate it is the official department in charge of the spreading of lies, which it is.
    How bold and brazen is that?

  138. Anon 10:32 AM,

    It's called equivocation. They can claim it means one thing while it means the opposite to them.

  139. Christine 6:21 AM,

    The pictures do look pagan.

    I've always had a funny feeling about John MacArthur. I've never been able to say why. I've tried to give him a chance. He seems well respected, and he seems to know the Bible and to preach an orthodox message. Yet I've never been able to warm up to him for some reason.

    The pictures can speak for themselves. I don't know about the rest of the web site, but as you said, some of the information can stand on its own. I didn't read it all. I skimmed a little bit and then looked at all the pictures.

    You know what they say about a picture being worth a thousand words.

    My son has had his face painted several times, but every time I've ever been involved in a children's event featuring carnival type face painting, I've never see it look like it does in those pictures.

  140. I’m posting the following so readers can get an idea of what the “apparatus” looks like in the NA28 Greek Critical Text (CT). This is the ‘footnote’ corresponding to Luke 2:33, specifically only that which relates to “Joseph” (Ιωσηφ), as opposed to “his father”. As one can see, it’s very detailed—and requires a LOT of pre-learning to decipher it (and I don’t intend to explain it all). Since it’s impossible to post the superscripts, I’ll place them in brackets { }. These superscripts further describe its corresponding manuscript(s). And I know the Aleph (Hebrew’s first letter), will not display properly, so I’ll put its alternate description in brackets [Sinaiticus]; the same for the “M” for Majority Text:

    33 ⸂ Ιωσηφ A K N Θ Ψ ƒ{13} 33. 565. 579. 892. 1424. 2542. 844 𝔐 [Maj Txt] it vg{mss} sy{p.h} bo{pt} ¦ txt ℵ [Sinai] B D L W 1. 700. 1241. 2211 vg sy{s.hmg} sa bo{pt}; Or{lat}

    After the Greek for “Joseph” is the manuscript evidence for this reading. After txt is the evidence for “his father”.

    Obviously, there are quite a number of manuscripts (mss) supporting “Joseph”. The first one is deemed a ‘mixture’ of Alexandrian and Byzantine, dating from the 5th century. Everything after that is from the 9th century and later. The Greek mss are typically ordered by date—earliest to latest. The ƒ{13} is a family of manuscripts that largely agree with each other; but, these are all late. The “it” represents Italian mss. And “vg{mss}” represents Latin Vulgate readings, which differ from “vg”.

    The evidence for “his father”, though much smaller in number, has much earlier dating. The first five are all Alexandrian. The first two are from the 4th century, the third from the 5th, the fourth from the 6th, and the last thought to be from the 4th/5th. The numbered mss. following are all much later—12th century and later. But note the vg here, which means the Vulgate, consistently records it this way. The rest are versions of Syriac, Sahidic, Boharic, and lastly, Origen’s Latin. On the strength of the Alexandrian early-dated mss, this would be considered strong evidence. (Of course, I understand some here may strongly disagree, having prejudices against the Alexandrian text, based upon quite a bit of misinformation and distorted truths.)

    This is what is called “external evidence”. But this is not the final arbiter. Next we must look at “internal evidence”. How probable is one reading verses another in its written context and the larger contemporary cultural context? From my perspective, “Joseph and His mother” just doesn’t look right. Why not “Joseph and Mary” instead to keep it consistent and parallel? This IS a narrator’s comment (Luke), after all. And is “His father and [his] mother” really out of place culturally and contextually? Compare to the context of Jesus as a 12-year-old boy at the Temple. Specifically, look at Luke 2:48 in ANY version.

    KJV: And when they saw him, they were amazed: and his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing.

    It seems to me that some were concerned that “his father” might be looked upon as disavowing the Virginal conception/birth—despite Luke having just described that very thing earlier. Along with that (non-founded) concern, some seem to be concerned that Joseph as Jesus’ “father” might somehow negate God the Father's role. But this is equally misguided, for this was well-covered by Luke earlier also.

  141. Wow! To my surprise the usual 𝔐 for Majority Text DID come through here. Excellent! And the Aleph ℵ looks good enough, as well.

  142. Anonymous12:32 PM

    From Isaiah 14:12-15 (KJV)

    12 How art thou from heaven, Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
    13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
    14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
    15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

  143. And I should add, just after Luke 2:48 is this in verse 49:

    KJV:"Why were you searching for Me?" He asked them. "Didn't you know that I had to be in My Father's house?"

    Obviously, the contrast between Joseph as "thy father" in verse 48 and God the Father as "My Father's house" in 49 makes the distinction quite nicely, thereby affirming Joseph as Jesus' earthly father and God as Jesus' heavenly Father.

    Apparently, the KJV is making misguided theological judgments, rather than adhering to Scripture and its contexts--both written and cultural.

    Interestingly, I was not even looking for this, as I initially sought merely to show what the NA28 appartus looked like. But, as I was writing it, I thought it instructive to point out that "internal evidence" is considered. Which led to the rest...

  144. Craig,

    Could you please explain what you mean by "misguided theological judgments?"


  145. J said...@10:04 AM:

    "Craig 9:37 AM,

    The fact remains that for century after century, Christians called Satan "Lucifer" in his pre-fall state. The fact remains that many New Agers, if they become advanced and initiated enough, see "Lucifer" as a real being who is good and is to be worshiped."


    I agree completely. Any professing Christian with even marginal Biblical understanding would know that Lucifer is Satan prior to his rebellion against God.

    I might add ...

    Freemasonry holds to the very same view that many New Agers do regarding "Lucifer," and their very own literature proves that to be a factual statement:

    "When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy (emphasis added).i

    I hereby promise the Great Spirit Lucifer, Prince of Demons, that each year I will bring unto him a human soul to do with as as it may please him, and in return Lucifer promises to bestow upon me the treasures of the earth and fulfill my every desire for the length of my natural life. If I fail to bring him each year the offering specified above, then my own soul shall be forfeit to him. Signed...(Invocant signs pact with his own blood)." - Manly P. Hall

    "What is more absurd and more impious than to attribute the name of Lucifer to the devil, that is, to personified evil. The intellectual Lucifer is the spirit of intelligence and love; it is the Paraclete [an advocate]; it is the Holy Spirit, where the physical Lucifer is the great angel of universal magnetism." - Eliphas Levi

    "Lucifer, the Light-Bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!"
    - Albert Pike, 33 Degree Mason, his book 'Morals and Dogma'

    PS: The New Age Movement, Kabbalah and Freemasonry are deeply connected to the old Babylonian/Occult/Satanic system. The packaging is just slightly different, leading many to be fooled into thinking that this is all relatively "new." It isn't. It's as old as its author; Satan.

  146. J @ 1:06 PM,

    I already did.


  147. Craig,

    There are over 30 short videos covering much of what has been discussed here on this blog regarding this controversy.

    I think it would REALLY benefit you personally if you took the time to watch these informative videos. PLEASE keep an open mind and consider what is being said here.

    Here is the first ... the rest are listed in order in the margin:

    Something Funny About Sinaiticus

  148. J @ 1:36 PM,

    I'd already addressed the bogus claim that the Codex is faked/forged earlier. You can look this up on the internet. This Daniels' guy routinely overstates things (as I'd noted above), as opposed to trying to remain neutral on the issues.

    Each and every text that is claimed to be 'taken out', thus providing evidence of this or that conspiracy, can be countered with other similar verses 'left in'. In other words, if someone is intent on removing doctrine, surely they'd remove it from ALL contexts.

    Just like Daniels' bogus claim that removing the final clause in Luke 24:51 thus removed the Ascension from the Gospels. Not true, as evidenced by John, as I'd noted above. This guy has a pro-KJV bias and anti-modern version axe to grind.

    You may continue down this rabbit hole if you wish. I think I've posted enough rebuttals, and at this point I'm not inclined to expend any more effort.


  149. Craig,

    That's a very sad statement. You don't realize this, but you are siding with Occultist Manly P. Hall on this issue. Hall HATED the King James Bible and was, like you, a huge proponent of Sinaiticus as a means to replace the highly influential KJV. Hall was also a supporter of Constantin von Tischendorf's 'work.'

    That's not the kind of company, along with Westcott & Hort, that I would choose to associate with. Wake up before its too late ...


  150. Craig stated:

    "Each and every text that is claimed to be 'taken out', thus providing evidence of this or that conspiracy, can be countered with other similar verses 'left in'. In other words, if someone is intent on removing doctrine, surely they'd remove it from ALL contexts."

    NOTE: Any number of times, I've seen this argument repeated by Craig and others as they address the issue of texts, or words, that have been "taken out." Their defense is that the 'doctrine' in question can be found in other passages of their modern translations, making the removal a moot point.

    I view such reasoning along these lines; let's say you are the victim of an armed robbery and the robber steals your wallet where your cash is located. What the robber didn't steal was your 'money belt,' which contained other cash that the robber was unaware of. Are you going to rejoice over the fact that the robber didn't get ALL of your cash, but only that which was contained in your wallet?

    No matter how you cut it, you were still robbed, and left with less money than you started out with.

    Having said that, there is ALWAYS something wrong with even the best of counterfeit currency, or, art work. Satan is THE master counterfeiter. He also understands fully the SPIRITUAL significance of counterfeit 'translations,' a point that is often missed. Removing ALL passages that deal with a particular doctrine is not the act of a deceitful counterfeiter, while removing SOME is. It may 'appear' to be insignificant, but, in the spiritual world, it isn't. Satan gains a victory whenever ANY lie is allowed to go unchallenged! Don't be fooled. This is way more serious than one might imagine.

  151. Anonymous3:30 PM

    6:21 AM at MCE

    Says you, the woman who lives with a man not her husband....

    And there is a time and place..and a proper way, for everything, in addressing personal and private matters if it happens to spill over into a public setting. Otherwise it is not for others intrusion. The potential for some type of witchhunt could get way out of hand. No thanks..maybe you care, maybe you don't, but it ain't fittin'....

    Some of us just go to work to do our jobs as we are paid to do, we don't go to work, or to blogs, and spill salacious or "too much information" details of our private, personal family and marriage lives like you have done many times right here.

    And when you were given Scripture about the wrongs connected with the way you conduct yourself (info you provided) info you admitted to of your personal business, I remember how much you disliked Biblical adminition, and excused and defended your beliefs that you were/are not in the wrong about that.
    So much for you having some kind of authority to speak on this issue.
    You should find other topics for your once a week.

  152. Anonymous3:47 PM

    "Let's not compare apples and oranges. Modern text critics DO include the Byzantine text. Whether in the apparatus or base text, it's there."

    As long as it's there I just don't see a reason to haggle over this.
    To me, it's simply pick a reliable version, there are still several you can choose from (God can guide you), and read and then obey the Lord (that is also a key point )and the Lord will surely direct a heart and mind toward the truth when that heart and mind are trusting God to begin with.

    Some people go at it like this like it's about the Father, the Son, and the Holy Bible, but it's really higher than even that, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit--the Very Spirit of God Whose job, Whose help, is to lead us to all truth when He trust Him for that.
    But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me. John 15:26
    However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. John 16:13

    I'm sure this means the Spirit of God can and will cover all the bases for those trusting Him to provide the answers and help in time of need. We will all need Him more and more the darker these days get!

  153. RayB @ 3:19 PM,

    It looks to me like you’ve been shortchanged in Revelation 14:1:

    Wycliffe: …having his name, and the name of his Father written in their foreheads.
    Tyndale: havynge his fathers name written in their forhedes.
    Bishops: hauyng his fathers name written in their foreheads
    Geneva: having his Father’s Name written in their foreheads.
    KJV: having his Father's name written in their foreheads.
    ESV: his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.
    NASB: having His name and the name of His Father written on their foreheads.
    NIV: who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads.
    …and, etc.

    So, Wycliffe had this verbiage, yet in the Tyndale, Bishops, Geneva, and the KJV and his Father’s name had been “taken out”.

    What do you make of that? Is this, as Daniels put it earlier, evidence of "Satan's claw prints"?

    Where else do we find this particular statement/prophecy (it’s not really a ‘doctrine’) in Scripture?

  154. The "Johannine Comma" -- the reference in KJV 1 John 5:7-8 to "the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost" -- was quoted by the early church fathers, and it existed very early in Latin bibles.

    Every Greek New Testament text that contains 1 John 5:7-8 was written during or subsequent to the time when the Arian heretics were in control of the copying of Bible manuscripts (a period of about fifty years). The Arians did not believe in the deity of Jesus Christ. The early church father Jerome was probably writing about the Arians when he wrote:

    "Just as these are properly understood and so translated faithfully by interpreters into Latin without leaving ambiguity for the readers nor [allowing] the variety of genres to conflict, especially in that text where we read the unity of the trinity is placed in the first letter of John, where much error has occurred at the hands of unfaithful translators contrary to the truth of faith, who have kept just the three words water, blood and spirit in this edition omitting mention of Father, Word and Spirit in which especially the catholic faith is strengthened and the unity of substance of Father, Son and Holy Spirit is attested.”

    (Jerome in the prologue to the Canonical Epistles appended to Codex Fuldensis, Translated by T. Caldwell.)

    1 John 5:7-8
    King James Version

    7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

    8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.

    1 John 5:7-8
    New International Version

    7 For there are three that testify: 8 the[a] Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement.

    Information taken from this blog, which contains a good and balanced discussion of the controversy regarding the "Johannine Comma." It's a lengthy read, but it will allow you to understand the objections of the textual critics, without giving short shrift to the KJV defenders.

  155. J,

    This Johannine Comma thing is getting REALLY tiresome. It is quite well-known that this is not really Jerome in Codex Fuldensis. James Snapp, Jr., the guy you referenced above is a big Byzantine text advocate, but neither he nor Harry Sturz (I have his book, BTW) think the Comma is genuine.

    It is first found in Cyprian, but this obviously a commentary on 1 John 5:7-8, NOT a citation of a "Comma" as found in Scripture.

    As I'd noted earlier on the other thread, look at the comments. One John-Luke Muresan ably shows how the information asserted in the blog is not correct.

  156. Regarding the above, see commenter Robert @ October 17, 2021, as he rebuts some other points. In both cases--Robert and John-Luke Muresan--the author doesn't respond, despite responding to at least one other which confirms his bias with a bad grammatical argument.

  157. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Shocked Tennessee family visiting Disney World discovers an Apple AirTag tracking their 17-year-old daughter who encourages people to change their phone settings so they can detect the trackers

  158. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I hope Constance is seeing some real improvement by now!
    Get better quick!

  159. J @ 4:00 PM (and anyone else interested).

    The Johannine Comma is a dead issue. No reputable scholar--even those very critical of the Alexandrian text--will claim this is valid.

    One doesn't have to read Greek to see the evidence (non-evidence) in the following. First is Bible Hub. Just look in the middle section containing the Greek text. None of the Byzantine/Majority texts have it. Only the Greek Orthodox and those texts associated with the Textus Receptus claim this reading:

    The Robinson-Pierpont New Testament in Greek (Byzantine edition, 2018) is available on Internet Archive. This is a Majority Text edition. Go to page 404 and you'll easily find that it's NOT THERE:

  160. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Luke 2:48-51 (Douay Rheims)

    48 And seeing him, they wondered. And his mother said to him: Son, why hast thou done so to us? behold thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing.
    49 And he said to them: How is it that you sought me? Did you not know, that I must be about my father's business?
    50 And they understood not the word that he spoke unto them.
    51 And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them. And his mother kept all these words in her heart.

  161. Anon 4:48 PM,

    Yep; and it's that way in the 1582 Douay-Rheims, as well.

  162. @ 3:49 PM,

    As we all can see, in my haste I bolded and referenced the wrong part of the Revelation 14:1. The part present in the Wycliffe and all modern versions, yet missing in Tyndale, Bishops, Geneva, and KJV is "His name and".

    With that blunder clarified, the main point still stands.


  163. Craig,

    I make no bones about it. I trust the KJV to be the most accurate Bible available in the English language.

    Which Bible is it that YOU trust?

  164. I trust all 'legitimate' Bibles. By that I mean all that are faithfully translated. This includes the KJV (despite some incorrect readings), the NASB, ESV, NIV (though I don't care for some of renderings), HCSB, NET, ISV, etc. But NOT the Message, the Green Bible and that ilk.


  165. The utter and complete hypocrisy ... and audacity ... of the Global elitists is astounding. Make no mistake about it; Fear Fuhrer Fauci is a member in good standing with these elitists and he exemplifies their elitist double standard.

    Flip-Flopping Fascist Fear Fuhrer Fauci Went Maskless at Correspondents’ Dinner Pre-Party and That’s Only the Third-Worst Part of It

    "After keeping as many Americans as possible cowering behind slave masks throughout the Plandemic, Anthony Fauci attended yesterday’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner pre-party without a mask. The crowded room would have been called a super-spreader event if there were Republicans there, but since it was mostly leftist politicians and corporate media folks, they didn’t even pretend to social distance."

    NOTICE that the servers all dutifully wore their mandated masks, while the 'useful eaters' did not.

  166. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Walgreens, CVS, join list of companies cutting back sick leave benefits for unvaccinated workers who test positive for COVID

  167. J @ 3:51 PM (yesterday) and RayB @ 1:36 & 2:02 PM,

    Here’s what David W. Daniels said:

    …We’ll see what the Sinaiticus might have to do with this…

    Yeah, what Daniels purports it to mean. So, what did Manly P. Hall mean by, “For the past hundred years, we have been trying to get out an edition of the Bible that is reasonably correct”?

    Do we think Hall is sufficiently trained to actually have READ Sinaiticus? I suppose it’s possible. More likely, however, he is reading second-hand info by KJV advocates who have completely misrepresented it as supporting a whole host of occult doctrine. This would certainly intrigue an occultist like Hall.

    Daniels quoting Hall, Of importance to students of occultism is the fact that Codex Sinaiticus contains many passages suppressed from the published Gospels. These passages in many cases greatly alter the significance of the text.

    Again, this supports my hypothesis above.

    But what does this mean to the average Bible student? This enthusiastic jot and tittle worshiper will insist that the very words of the King James Version are the very words of God Himself.

    Whatever we are to make of this exactly, it’s clear Hall is not a fan of the KJV. This should be no surprise.

    …the King James Version of the Holy Bible. This translation teems with error and is hopelessly unreliable from a scholastic viewpoint, yet popular acceptance has caused this mis-version of holy writ to come to be recognized as infallible so that the religious public would now reject a correct translation. In fact, it has already shown its attitude in the matter by refusing a revised edition. For over 300 years erroneous theological notions have been circulated, deriving their authority from the King James translation of the Bible.

    So, again, if Hall had read any of the KJV advocates’ rhetoric about this codex—and the scholarly criticisms—he’d want a ‘correct’ one, assuming Sinaiticus was the occult version it was said to be by said advocates.

    Then Daniels plays devil’s advocate, “’Are you saying that trusting the Sinaiticus, and the Bibles derived from the Sinaiticus, is a step toward occultic and New World Order thinking?’ That’s what this occultist [Hall] said, not me. I’m just putting all this together.”

    Daniels is putting together one non sequitur after another in syllogistic fashion in order to further his pro-KJV/anti-modern versions agenda. Whatever the reason for Hall’s reasons to favor Sinaiticus, there’s no explicit link between his NWO proclivities and his desire for a new translation.

    Daniels continues, “Each Bible that is made from or trusts Sinaiticus is not ‘just another Bible.’ It is the doorway to losing trust in the King James, and being open and tolerant toward the New World Order. At least that’s what a top occultist who communed with world leaders said…”

    No, those are words syllogistically placed into Hall’s mouth by Daniels.

  168. Anonymous10:54 PM

    It figures.
    X gives Rosario Butterfield an off handed dismissal talking pancakes (she is the picture of compassion) and gives the "singing disinfo czar" Nina Nobody (and bona fide weirdo) credit for being "qualified" to establish a "ministry of truth"..though she's still singing all these years later, the same discordant (and perverted) tune of her terribly misguided youth, intending to penalize Conservative people who disagree with Biden's (her) over the top liberalities (socialized globalized worldview) to see their free speech taken from them.

    Really now...X disses a real Christian acting like one, while favoring a government elitist extremist who hates regular America just itching to make rulings to further enhance the evils already burdening and condemning our society.
    Oh yeah, because the flaming liberal socialists are more righteous than Republicans, most especially Conservative ones.
    Sounds apostate to me.

  169. One more example to illustrate the fallacy of the KJV prioritists’ claims that modern versions ‘took out’ verses from the KJV, as well as the ‘occultic’ claim charged of Sinaiticus—Revelation 1:8:

    Wycliffe: I am alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, saith the Lord God, that is, and that was, and that is to coming, almighty.
    Tyndale: I am Alpha and Omega the begynninge and the endinge sayth the Lorde almyghty which is and which was and which is to come.
    Bishops: I am Alpha and Omega, the begynnyng and the endyng, sayth the Lorde almyghtie, which is, and which was, and which is to come
    Geneva: I am alpha and omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, Which is, and Which was, and Which is to come, even the Almighty.
    KJV: I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
    NASB: "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."
    NIV: "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty."
    ESV: “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
    Douay-Rheims: I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, saith the Lord God, who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.

    So, Tyndale, Bishops, Geneva, and KJV all removed GOD from the Bible! And the modern versions all restore God. I just don’t understand why the KJV would ‘water down’ God.

    The referent here is not exactly clear—is it the Father or Jesus? The NIV red letter has the quotes in red, indicating Jesus. Let’s assume this is correct and put on our conspiratorial hat in order to view this from a ‘Sinaiticus is occultic’ lens.

    We could see this as Docetic. That is, we could view this as Deifying Jesus at the expense of His humanity such that his body is ‘really’ a phantom, a mirage, for the Divine cannot be mixed with ‘evil’ matter. We could go back to the Sinaiticus reading of John 1:18 as monogenēs God, and say this means “begotten God” in an occultic sense in order to bolster such a position. However, this ultimately fails at John 1:14, in which the Word [preincarnate Jesus] becomes flesh, which is absolute anathema to a Docetist. So, alas, it fails.

    What we have here is an Alexandrian reading that resoundingly affirms the Deity of Christ. So much for an ‘occultic’ Sinaiticus.

  170. Anonymous12:07 AM

    It figures 10:54 pm can’t handle a Mrs Buttersworth maple syrup joke (obviously no sense of humor, bless her heart) and that she supports Mrs Butterfield’s position that people are born gay. First defending adulterers and now you support the born gay movement?

    Also not surprised she has no idea what limited powers that Nina woman has nor that I clearly indicated was too liberal for my taste. She’s qualified in the sense that she’s actually experience in the subject matter of her job unlike many of the deep state new age unqualified Betsy Devos types that tump appointed to many random offices and positions.


    P.S.-I’m mocking your tone. You really should clean up your tone and post more like the Christian you claim to be.

  171. X 12:07 AM,

    I think it's safe to say nobody here is looking to Rosaria Butterfield for their theological beliefs or expecting her to be the perfect theologian and perfect biologist rolled into one.

    She has an inspiring personal conversion testimony, and that is what interests Christians in her.

    You looked and found a gotcha. You took no interest in any other part of her story or beliefs.

    She is influential and outspoken, and its fair to criticize her opinions, but such criticism is of little to no value if it is done with no sincerity and no intellectual honesty.

  172. Craig,

    I've read your comments about the Johannine Comma and done further reading independently. I'm still researching it.

    It does indeed look as if there is a strong case to be made against it from the available manuscripts.

    I'm not yet convinced, though. Here's why.

    I'm tracking down the places where the early church fathers quoted it. That will take a while. I have a whole list. Next I'm going to try to come up with links if possible. Yes, I did note that you said that the quote I cited from Jerome was a forgery. I have seen mixed reviews about the allegation of forgery. Even if Jerome is crossed of the list, more names remain.

    The other angle of research is the grammar with the Johannine Comma included versus with the Johannine comma left out. Yes, I know that this argument from grammar is supposed to have been debunked, but I have seen a professor of Greek linguistics, who has no dog in the fight, say otherwise. He says he can't comment on the theology, but he can comment on the grammar. He says the grammar makes no sense without the Johannine Comma but makes perfect sense with it.

    Then a much weaker thing to weigh, but something that may still carry some weight, is that in 1 John, John will have made references to the Word seven times if the Johannine Comma is included. Seven is the number of completion. I've not yet checked this out and counted the number of occurrences of references to the Word in 1 John.

    I'm not looking to continue this debate here and now. I'm simply telling you why I respect the evidence you've presented from the manuscripts and from scholarly opinion, and I understand why most researchers would find it convincing. Yet I don't consider it a thorough treatment of the subject yet.

    I'm not ready yet to debate it again. I'm still researching it.

  173. J,

    Let me save you some trouble.

    The Church Fathers did not quote the Comma. They DO sometimes say "the three are one", but that's in verse 8.

  174. Did you know that words have been removed from holy writ before, and God has restored them again?

    'Then the "word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, after that the king had burned the roll, and the words which Baruch wrote at the mouth of Jeremiah, saying, Take thee again another roll, and write in it all the former words that were in the first roll, which Jehoiakim the king of Judah hath burned.'

    Jeremiah 36:23-32
    King James Version

    23 And it came to pass, that when Jehudi had read three or four leaves, he cut it with the penknife, and cast it into the fire that was on the hearth, until all the roll was consumed in the fire that was on the hearth.

    24 Yet they were not afraid, nor rent their garments, neither the king, nor any of his servants that heard all these words.

    25 Nevertheless Elnathan and Delaiah and Gemariah had made intercession to the king that he would not burn the roll: but he would not hear them.

    26 But the king commanded Jerahmeel the son of Hammelech, and Seraiah the son of Azriel, and Shelemiah the son of Abdeel, to take Baruch the scribe and Jeremiah the prophet: but the Lord hid them.

    27 Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, after that the king had burned the roll, and the words which Baruch wrote at the mouth of Jeremiah, saying,

    28 Take thee again another roll, and write in it all the former words that were in the first roll, which Jehoiakim the king of Judah hath burned.

    29 And thou shalt say to Jehoiakim king of Judah, Thus saith the Lord; Thou hast burned this roll, saying, Why hast thou written therein, saying, The king of Babylon shall certainly come and destroy this land, and shall cause to cease from thence man and beast?

    30 Therefore thus saith the Lord of Jehoiakim king of Judah; He shall have none to sit upon the throne of David: and his dead body shall be cast out in the day to the heat, and in the night to the frost.

    31 And I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their iniquity; and I will bring upon them, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and upon the men of Judah, all the evil that I have pronounced against them; but they hearkened not.

    32 Then took Jeremiah another roll, and gave it to Baruch the scribe, the son of Neriah; who wrote therein from the mouth of Jeremiah all the words of the book which Jehoiakim king of Judah had burned in the fire: and there were added besides unto them many like words.

  175. Craig 9:10 AM,

    Do you know that from first-hand research?

  176. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Insane DHS Head Mayorkas Lies Again, 'Claims Nina Jankowicz, His Minister of Truth' is "Absolutely" Neutral

  177. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Days After Creating "Ministry of Truth" Mayorkas Says It's Not For Him to Opine on Whether the Steele Dossier Was Disinformation

  178. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Not Making Headlines...George Soros Dumps $750,000 into Wisconsin Midterms as Democrats Gear Up for the Steal

  179. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Dr. Birx Says US Must Prepare for Summer COVID Virus Surge Just Prior to 2022 Election

  180. This is a REALLY strange argument that Craig is making on behalf of the Occultist Manly P. Hall:

    Craig states:

    "Whatever we are to make of this exactly, it’s clear Hall is not a fan of the KJV. This should be no surprise."

    "…the King James Version of the Holy Bible. This translation teems with error and is hopelessly unreliable from a scholastic viewpoint, yet popular acceptance has caused this mis-version of holy writ to come to be recognized as infallible so that the religious public would now reject a correct translation. In fact, it has already shown its attitude in the matter by refusing a revised edition. For over 300 years erroneous theological notions have been circulated, deriving their authority from the King James translation of the Bible." - statement by the Occultist Hall

    "So, again, if Hall had read any of the KJV advocates’ rhetoric about this codex—and the scholarly criticisms—he’d want a ‘correct’ one, assuming Sinaiticus was the occult version it was said to be by said advocates."

    NOTE: I'm really amazed that Craig would actually think that Manly P. Hall would 'want a correct' version of the Bible, because Manly P. Hall, the Occultist, felt that the KJV taught "erroneous theological notions." All of this was due to "KJV advocates' rhetoric about this codex-and the scholarly criticisms." Yep, the Occultist Hall seems to be all in when it comes to 'correcting' the KJV, while advocating a 'corrected' version that would, no doubt, be more in line with his own Occultic beliefs!

    The more this discussion goes on, the more I find myself shaking my head in amazement.

    PS: By the way, Manly P. Hall was in similar company with Westcott & Hort. They are on written record for "DESPISING the Textus Receptus."

  181. Craig stated @ 7:17 PM:

    "I trust all 'legitimate' Bibles. By that I mean all that are faithfully translated. This includes the KJV (despite some incorrect readings), the NASB, ESV, NIV (though I don't care for some of renderings), HCSB, NET, ISV, etc. But NOT the Message, the Green Bible and that ilk."


    I find it interesting that you singled out the KJV for "incorrect readings," but none of the others. Are you stating that there are NO INCORRECT READINGS in the NASB, ESV, HCSB, NET, ISV, etc." ??? You stated that the NIV has some "renderings" that you "don't care for." What, according to your definition, is the difference between "renderings" and "readings"??

    Also, would you care to enumerate upon what these "renderings" are, specifically, that you don't "care for" ? Versions, chapters and verses would be greatly appreciated.

  182. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Mark Levin on Fox News Calls the Jan 6 Committee "A Front Politburo Type Committee Set Up by Nancy Pelosi... Very Stalinist in its Makeup"

  183. 'The biggest challenge in identifying this content both for our team and for platforms is what we’ve dubbed “malign creativity” -- the coded language, memes, and context-based content which allow harmful posts to avoid detection.' -- Nina Jankowicz on Twitter on January 25, 2021

    Let Nina Jankowicz explain why it’s so vital that social media platforms and Congress work together to crack down on ‘malign creativity’

  184. Elon Musk slams Biden's 'discomforting' 'Disinformation Governance Board' on Twitter comparing it to the Nazi regime: GOP demands it's 'dissolved' as its 'head' DEFENDS linking Hunter's laptop to Russia

  185. Anonymous12:48 PM

    8:44 AM @ J
    Yes, you read that right.
    Very unfunny X doesn't make jokes, he is the most unfunny person of the blog with exception of the poet, he never misses an opportunity to dish snark and smear. The pancake remark was to dismiss what that lady is about, anyone can see through the obtuseness of X. He is heavy duty negative no matter what topic.
    If a man wants friends the proverbs of the Bible say he needs to be friendly first himself. X has no friends here, just another triggered fan who is nasty to you and others also just like his "pal" I notice. X acts just like the snowflake leftist he is. No compassion no humor, notolerance thoug he is from the "tolerant side", no humanness...maybe the Superman cape and pinching underwear is why, as somebody noted a while back. His hide is always chapped.

    Nobody commented on the beliefs of Rosario Butterfield (he read that in) I commented on her Christian approach of compassion as one from the trenches, and as you rightly took note of his dismissal with a "gotcha" enclosed because the woman is one to emulate in her way to reach out to disenfranchised (some are real victims) or very compromised people, instead of the fake armchair "compassion" of the loudmouth bias machine X. Dissed her to favor with an endorsement anyway, the extremist O'Biden picked (and all he picks is extremists) who are politically out to get all who oppose them. X flocks with the birds of his feather.
    Still the heartless Pharisee he projects himself to be. And he'll answer for it too someday. He is to be pitied.

  186. 12:48 PM,

    Exactly, Rosaria Butterfield has true compassion. She doesn't need to be the infallible "Popess" of LGBTQ ministry. If any of her opinions are considered wrong, it's perfectly acceptable to gently and respectfully debate them. If nothing else, she will always have my admiration for her "coming out" as - not a lesbian, but a Christian former lesbian, among her friends and colleagues - at the cost of losing her friends, lifestyle, and academic career.

    No, X won't find his voice to strongly criticize any Biden appointee no matter what. He says that Nina Jankowicz is a little too liberal for him. She is the first cabinet appointee I've ever seen who openly, unabashedly, blatantly opposes the First Amendment. That's way beyond a little too liberal.

  187. Anonymous1:38 PM


    I’m clearly funnier than you. You obviously have no humor.

    This is how bad theology sneaks into churches vis the women's ministry. Woman are just more inclined to fall for the emotional story, in general (I know some very theologically sound woman so this isn’t a knock on all women but, perhaps, a nod to the importance of complimentarianism.

    I didn’t go searching for a gotcha on Mrs Butterfield. J recommended her. I went to her website. Reviewed her writings and said she sounded nice. I said I didn’t agree with one of her seeming primary views but I didn’t call her a heretic or anything. Qanonymous is the one that set up the false dichotomy and made my joke somehow into a “dismissal”.

    Y’all are the ones attacking and dismissing without justification but that’s fine. I already knew u were prone to deception.


  188. Anonymous1:51 PM


    If you voted for Trump u supported a president that blatantly opposed the first amendment (not that Mrs Jankowizc does just cause you say so or that she sang some song about disinformation).

    You also appear to be falling for new age alt right medias overstating this appointees powers. I think her office might only rebut disinformation versus stopping anyone from exercising their free speech (I could be wrong, I really don’t care..,I’m not an alt right alarmist).

    I also said we should disband/dissolve the George Bush Dept of Homeland Security.


  189. X 1:38 PM,

    That's complementarianism, not complimentarianism. LOL

    That is, complementarians believe men and women complement each other - although they sometimes also compliment each other.

    I'm sure you care very much about complementarianism, just as you care about compassion for LGBTQ individuals.

    Go on. Tell us more about your complementarian theology.

  190. I'm waiting. Nothing yet? Having trouble figuring out the first part? What is a man and what is a woman?

  191. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I’m on my phone. The iPhone spell checked that. My bad. It’s a funny mistake many have tripped up on before.

    You had sent me to Rasario’s website. I just watched an hour long recent video of her being interviewed by Becket Cook along with my wife (who was familiar with her ministry). She sounds more much theologically sound in real life than one article I had read while looking thru her website.

    I would love to live more open doored like her. My wife is much more yankee like.

    We have many reformed Presbyterian friends.

    I would still debate that one issue with her but from what I heard in that interview she’s certainly my sister in Christ.

    I apologize for seeming to imply otherwise.


    P.S. -my late post last night was mocking the ridiculousness of qanonymous’s false dichotomy and not about Mrs Butterfields theology.

  192. I've said before that I don't mind my son learning the truth about history. He learned about Jim Crow and MLK, Jr.

    But this is something else.

    DC elementary school gave 4-year-olds ‘anti-racism’ ‘fistbook’ asking them to identify racist family members

  193. "I am afraid that there is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public."

    -- Booker T. Washington

  194. Anonymous4:10 PM

    J said: "I'm sure you care very much about complementarianism, just as you care about compassion for LGBTQ individuals."

    All I know is what I see. I could be wrong but Satan seems to get a thrill out of sneaking heresy into churches via the music ministry (Bethel Music, Hillsong) and the women's ministry (Beth Moore and other biblically unsound "teachers"). My wife and I watched "Bethelization" destroy our old Church and shipwreck many of our brothers and sisters.

    A good shepherd needs to oversee his entire flock and not delegate too much authority to others not as descerning or more emotional (whether they be men or women).


  195. Anonymous4:27 PM

    "P.S. -my late post last night was mocking the ridiculousness of qanonymous’s false dichotomy and not about Mrs Butterfields theology."

    No, you were as we, J and I, both, understood you. You back track now, but your off the cuff knee jerk dismissal of Rosario Butterfield is in print now where you can't erase what you actually said.
    It was post that dissed her (while you tried to "soften" it was clear that you took exception to her because of what J posted about her linking her to Conservative circles)..still showed your penchant to bias...and not just against her, because I caught you in the act of another of your frequent unkind, judgmental ideas about people with whom you disagree. But then, of course, highlight your extremist bent in finding a way to compliment a truly twisted person of the "ministry of truth" that is going nowhere near the truth and you're fine with "Nina No Truth" as she comes out swinging against people like J and myself.
    You keep wanting it both ways. Your dual idea of how christians should be (like you) is not realistic, nor truthful, and tells us a lot of who you really are from your armchair way to "christian", Superman, with a crocodile mouth and a canary behind.
    Your too many words have betrayed what you really believe and think of others.

    Judge yourself and stay out of God's business to let Him judge people.

  196. Anonymous4:27 PM


    Since you misused a Booker T. Washington quote as many racist Tea Party'ers have been doing for over a decade to justify their supposed victimhood, I thought you might like this opinion piece about it's origins and more "compassionate" application.

    Let’s Rescue the Race Debate

    November 2010 - Charles Blow


  197. X 4:27 PM,

    I don't subscribe to the NYT.

    But I don't think the four year old kids in the Fox News article are Tea Partiers. I dunno. I haven't interviewed them and asked them.

  198. Anonymous4:41 PM

    4:27 Please explain. Nice creative writing though. I made it clear last night I was mocking your ridiculous tone and false dichotomy. I talked separately about two women in one post. I didn't "dismiss" Mrs. Butterfield by joking about her name nor simply saying one thing I disagreed with her on nor did I celebrate the entire life and times of the inconsequential (except in alt right media) Mrs. Nina whatever her last name is again. The two separate discussions within the same post were merely coincidental and unrelated until you came along in your typical bulldozing way of speaking in generalities and broad labels and overdramatized the whole thing as interrelated and unbiblical?

    I'm beginning to think you don't like me. Maybe if you listened more and spoke less you could learn a lot. At least if you are going to speak, participate in the factual and/or biblical conversations versus the constant personal critiques, criticisms and negativity.


  199. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Let me clear that up for you.
    Of course, I don't like you.
    You're fake as fake gets.
    (using your words)Because...

    "if you listened more and spoke less you could learn a lot. At least if you are going to speak, participate in the factual and/or biblical conversations versus the constant personal critiques, criticisms and negativity."
    Right back at you.

    However, I don't hate you. I pity you.

  200. Anonymous5:05 PM

    4:39 pm -

    Exactly -- don't leave your silo.

    Misuse historical quotes by famous black men out of context so you can feel good about yourself.

    Your tire old JBS Maga beliefs are becoming history. Even my very conservative home state is getting on board with addressing some of these race problems.

    Tennessee is close to becoming the next state to require Black History education

    As a libertarian, I'd think you'd be fine with the Washington DC elementary school district educating their children as that community wishes. Don't be so afraid and alarmist. Racism IS a tricky subject. Mr. Richards and the school district seem to be trying to engage parents directly into this difficult conversation. I'm not reviewing the whole program.

