
Sunday, April 10, 2022

Deception is at an all time high - Ukraine, Qanon, Trump cult

 Donald Trump spoke in Michigan a week ago.  I viewed the livestream presentation last Sunday afternoon.  It was hard to stomach.  He spoke again last night in Selma, North Carolina and his groupies such as Mike Lindell, the woman running for governor of Arizona on a Trump ticket were present.  At the Michigan event in Washington, Michigan on March 2nd, he announced his "RINO" (translated:  anybody who raises an eyebrow at Donald Trump) hitlist.  Two Michigan Congressmen Peter Meijer and Fred Upton were included.  The next day Upon announced his retirement and Trump has been  boasting about his success in chasing them from the political scene.  Brave Liz Cheney is on his list.  He already chased Adam Kinzinger away, but don't count Kinzinger out.  He has formed a brave Country First PAC (Political Action Committee.

I've written before about the LOVE JOY TRUMP book that clearly includes unashamedly blatant New Age themes and proclamations such as Trump is ushering in the Age of Aquarius, the Millennial Reign of Christ, and Gaia worship.  This should be shocking to anybody knowing specifics about the New Age Movement and their Bible.  I'm bothered by how little it is disturbing Evangelicals and some Catholics who once professed to know better.

I believe Trump is consciously operating out of the old Nazi/Hitler   playbook.  He has declared that if he is re=elected President in 2024 he will pardon those charged and convicted with the Capitol invasion on January 6, 2021.  He is running efforts to take control of the election machinery from the bottom up - precinct workers, clerks, public officials, judges and putting those in power who will reaffirm his big lie that he was elected by a landslide in 2020 but the "Bit Steal" intervened.  He is holding frequent large scale rallies that in some ways remind me of Munich spectacles.  

Brannon Howse has made probably an excellent living parroting the information I pioneered on the New Age Movement and its ramifications for Christians.  For that, I have no complaint, although I think it strange that he never attempted to make contact with me.  As those of you who hav e, you know that I  pick up my phone and am willing to generously share information and sources.

Now,  Brannon Howse and Mike Lindell have worked together in recent history.  Brannon Howse certainly knows enough about the New Age Movement to have set Mike Lindell straight.  Even a cursory glance at LOVE JOY TRUMP that Lindell forwarded and probably paid for the publication would have clearly shown Mr. Howse that Mike Lindell and the cohorts writing that book were either New Age activists and/or had followed into its trap. Why did he obviously not set Lindell straight?  I bluntly have to assume that Mike Lindell's money was more important to Brannon Howse than Mike Lindell's soul!

What about Qanon?

Qanon is obviously alive and well on Planet Earth.  A Trump enrosed Secretary of State candidate for michigan Kristine Karamo spoke to a recent Michigan Republic Club  meeting on the second Wednesday of March, 2022.  I was present, seated near the font and given the mike to question her.  I expressed my fears and concerns to her about Qanon and itss possible spread to the Michigan Trump circles.  She told the entire room she knew little or nothing about Qanon.  I wa shocked even before I learned the full truth because she claims to have a master's degree in Apologetics.  It is impossible in my opinion to be in that field and not be aware of Qanon.

Yesterday, another candidate for the same office, a Michigan State Representative from the Upper Peninsula introduced himself to me at a small political meeting.  I was there to help notarize precinct delegate applications.  I decided to tell h im my concerns about Ms. Karamo's statements to me and the large audience of which I was a part this past week  -- our local GoGop meeting.  He was shocked at her reported lack of knowledge.  "Kristine Karamo spoke at a national Qanon Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada on October 23, 2021 and he promptly handed me the evidence.   You can find it yourself easily on a Google / Duck Dck Go /  Bing or other internet engine search.

Bluntly, she lied.  

It is also looking to me sadly as though Archbishop Vigano is also falling into the Qanon and beyond traps including the theory that Putin is a hero trying to block the World Economic Forum and New World Order.

So much confusion -- hard to know where to start to fight it.  I am also fearful that some of you might be taken in by the Qanon cult.  We must be praying daily, "lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."



  1. Anonymous9:33 PM

    From (Australia).

    SkyNews Australia with form Australian Ambassador to the USA claiming Trump won't run for President.

  2. Anonymous10:01 PM

    So what's the alternative Constance more of the eco socialist anti moral agenda being pushed by some of the current politicians.
    Trump bolstered the economy and was making America great again whether you like him or not.
    Are you suggesting the current climate is better under the Democrats because there's some obvoius new age influencers amongst the Republicans.
    Wake up and look at the new age influencers in the Democratics and way the balance of the numbers and who has more moral high ground based on facts and outcomes not conjecture.
    Whether or not your sensibilities have been offended has little bearing.
    The destruction of the moral fabric of society is the purvey of those whom are Godless regardless of whether they claim to be otherwise.
    No one is good only God.

  3. Anonymous11:27 PM


    Please answer this question for a few of us.

    If you're so concerned with people who are 'operating out of the old Nazi/Hitler playbook'... what is your opinion about the Nazis who are currently running the government of Ukraine?

    100% Proof emerging that Ukrainian Nazis committed the Bucha Massacre


    Update: The Ukrainian Underworld Tunnels...

  4. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Yes, 10:01 PM.

    Why does Constance present such obvious slant against just one side of the political spectrum?
    What's wrong with that picture?!?
    In this very deceptive time that's as much a deception too, very unbalanced, and quite frankly, unhelpful.

    She's losing readership for her abundant lack of objectivity.
    And should.

    This blog has really become a waste of time.
    Too bad. Her work of years becoming all for naught to be so skewed at this point.

    1. Anonymous3:22 AM

      Anon 11.31 I totally agree.
      We are not seeing the degree of imparciality and balance in the world we previously had.
      I have observed quite a notable shift in objectivity with many people in the last two years so we all need to be very circumspect in our navigation of these uncertain times.
      The Lord is the only answer.

  5. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Answer to the above question:


  6. Anonymous11:42 PM

    FYI: Many of us (who have been posting here for a long, long time) are so 'over' Trump... and ready to move on to someone else in 2024, like possibly the Governor of Florida.

    So, please stop painting your bloggers with the same broad brush.

  7. Anonymous11:52 PM

    To 11:35 PM

    The word 'MYOPIC' (the meaning as defined in the Cambridge Dictionary):

    1. Not able to see clearly things that are far away

    2. Unable to understand a situation or the way.

  8. orange man badder

  9. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Straining at a gnat, and swallowing the whole rotten Satanic + demonic Democrat Party!

  10. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Yes, Constance we are all 'praying daily'.

    Many of us are praying that you stop being so obsessed with both Trump and QAnon, especially when all of us here have clearly moved on from Trump... and have NEVER been followers of QAnon.

    Let's see, Trump has been out of office now for one year and 3 months? When are YOU going to move on?

    For example, you often mention Liz Cheney (another person who seems obsessed with Trump)... which gives me some insight as to one of the reasons you seem to have lost your objectivity here on your own blog.

  11. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Has Trump moved on?

  12. Anonymous9:32 AM

    9:02 AM

    Well, you will just have to ask HIM that question.

    Whether Trump has 'moved on' or not... it has nothing to do with the rest of us who post here regularly on this blog.

    Stop painting US with that same broad brush.

  13. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Poor answer 9:32. You don't need to look very far to see Trump hasn't moved on. No need to ask him. You seem to be overly thin skinned when it comes to criticism of Trump/Qanon. Some self reflection as to why you feel you're under such attack.

  14. Anonymous10:34 AM

    "Has Trump moved on?

    9:02 AM"
    That's not my circus, not my monkeys...(Constance and "X" can play that game all they want to).
    Not how I look at this.
    There are many players in this theater and former President Trump being only one of them--the ones at the helm now being much worse (much worse) and purposely driving this Titanic aground.
    My own conscience and convictions from daily following the Lord's Word gives me my perspective because it fits the times we are living the world over, so this is bigger than American politics, for better or for worse--and the Leftist Socialist abusers of all that is decently right and honestly good are in power now (along with their all talk do nothing "opposition") are by far, worse. "Santa Klaus" eagerly welcomes them.
    It's not the "news" whether it's Fox or CNN, whatever, we can count on. I question everything these days.
    I pray for wisdom and discernment and see many still caught in their own obsessive predilections. There is much subjectivity that drives people of all flavors of political persuasion, but I don't need to go there. I don't need a "tribe"...our voting days were taken from us, anyway.
    My eyes are on the Lord and the circumstances HE orchestrates (that HE either allows permissively or intervenes in directly--and up to HIM since He is God).
    Constance has set her sights way too low to make it this much about one man, and those who surround him whom he may knowingly or unknowingly be getting support from, are not without their own aims to fulfil.
    God allowed Trump's removal (but we know the TPTB had to have him gone and got it done to make way for the rush of evil that is taking the whole world, not just America--my, my, how handy has manipulated/manipulative covid and it's "vaccine" been to further help the climate change fruitcake billionaire club take everything from the world's sovereign peoples) for such a time as this.
    I am looking for that unshakeable kingdom of Hebrews 12 as this earthly one is shaking apart. And don't anyone (meaning especially you "X" the dogmatic zealot of the global kind) try to make that Dominionist/NAR either--those are still earthly goals-----and not mine.

  15. Anonymous10:38 AM

    9:47 AM

    Actually, I would say that you and Constance are the ones who are 'overly thin skinned'.

  16. Anonymous10:45 AM

    How are WE the ones who are 'overly thin skinned' when Constance herself addresses US in her last paragraph on her latest thread by saying:

    "I am also fearful that some of YOU might be taken in by the Qanon cult."

    (It's rather SAD when Constance has more faith in the rantings of Liz Cheney than she does her blog members who have been her loyal fans and supporters for the past 10 to 15 years.)

  17. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Question for you, Constance:

    If you are so concerned with the rise of Nazism (as we ALL are)... why wouldn't you also be concerned with what is going on in Ukraine? If these aren't Nazi experiments on human beings, I don't know what is!!!

    (Meanwhile, Trump is your 'DEMON'... but not Zelesnky???)

  18. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Pinning any hopes on a Liz Cheney (and the DC war machine/establishment uniparty she represents as she has completely abandoned the state - I actually live here so she is a disgrace as a public servant to us - those she is supposed to represent (not her own damn "conscience" whatever the hell that tainted thing is now) is farcical. Paul Ryan, Romney, MC Cain...etc etc etc are the ones who helped immeasurably to get us into the Democrat mess (hell) we are living now.

  19. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Key word SOME of you. Did this line pierce through your soul? Maybe that was directed to the person who keeps posting how Putin is ridding the Ukraine of the Nazis?

  20. Anonymous11:09 AM

    No one is saying that Putin is a 'good guy'... but, he IS 'taking out the trash'...those EVIL monsters who would dare to perform Nazi experiments on thousands of innocent children.

    Stop focusing on me, Constance... and start doing your OWN research (which, by the way, you taught many of us HOW to do back in 1983!!!) into what is really going on in Ukraine.

    Even the Globalist-controlled main stream news media can't keep this HORROR from being exposed for much longer.

  21. To those quoting from sources like "beforeitsnews"....

    You are aware, aren't you, that websites like beforeitsnews, veteranstoday, sputnik, RT, and others, are Russian propaganda outlets or reflectors? If not, you need to take that into consideration before taking what they say as 100% true.

    I believe more and more what we are seeing is an influence campaign on both far left and far right (and even to a greater extent now regular left and right) to inject propaganda into the stream of information.

    Who is "corrupting the news" in this way? Good question. The ones I listed above can be linked back to Russia / FSB. There are other influencers as well, who have differing agendas. It's truly a wilderness of mirrors.

    Joel Harding used to write about such things. I think his blog can be found on Cliff Kincaid may have touched on the topic once or twice. But sadly the real disinfo specialists (those who knew how to spot disinformation) who were around during the Cold War are all but gone. It is a lost discipline.

  22. Anonymous11:14 AM

    9:47 am

    Exactly. Mrs. Cumbey is a republican delegate sitting in and commenting on her experiences at republican meetings in Michigan with republican candidates and; somehow, criticizing Maga/Trump/Qanon (who they claim to have moved on from and never been) triggers them enough they start calling Mrs. Cumbey a democrat.

    Myopic indeed - "lacking intellectual insight"

    Kristina Karamo (correct spelling) is a perfect example of what happens when you give a narcissist a microphone and a platform simply because they are willing to boldly lie for political expediency. She still believes Trump won Michigan...but she's never heard of Qanon, right?


  23. Anonymous11:15 AM

    10:58 AM

    It's also interesting that Liz Cheney (her father, Dick); Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, the late John McCain, etc. are either GLOBALISTS or Gloablist 'tools'!!!

    (Yes, keep connecting those dots.)

  24. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Michigan is only one place, and her portion of that place, so she can speak to that as she sees it.

    But her negative views (and perhaps right, I wouldn't know since I don't live there) impact to encompass much broader than that instance and place, are terribly subjective and limiting to the bigger questions and issues at hand. Because one size fits all actually fits nobody.
    And very myopic.

    "because they are willing to boldly lie for political expediency"
    What we are witness to every single time you post, @ 11:14 AM.
    You can pin that tail on your own donkey ass.

  25. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Hey, X

    You can know BASIC MATH* but NOT be either a member of, or a follower of, Qanon. (LOL)

    *As in all of those standing-room-only crowds all over the U.S. who heard Trump speak throughout the year 2020 (I personally have never seen him in person even though he has been to my city several times)... versus 'Basement Biden' who, when he DID appear, his handlers made sure that the cameras didn't pan around and humiliate him by showing the television audience how FEW people actually showed up to see and hear him speak.

    Now, please explain to me how that BASIC MATH 'translates' into a landslide victory for Biden in November, 2020? Oh wait... you can't. (LOL)

    BUT, now on to November 2024 with maybe the Governor of Florida... or someone else running for President. Looking ahead to the future.

    Meanwhile, when are YOU going to move on?

  26. Anonymous11:48 AM

    X at 11:24 AM

    Re: "Ukraine...... just elected a Jewish man president by a 73% popular vote."


    Just a reminder that George Soros is Jewish... and the entire world knows that HE betrayed his own Jewish people during World War II!!!

    What makes you think that former actor/commedian/Globalist TOOL, Zelinsky can't betray his own UKRAINIAN people, too?

    Stories are just now beginning to come out about Ukrainian SOLDIERS 'shelling' their own citizens in Ukraine and forcing them to evacuate. A huge red flag is this: Russian soldiers wouldn't be bombing residential areas where there is NO Ukrainian military in that area.

    WAKE UP!!!

  27. Anonymous11:58 AM

    X at 11:14 AM

    Well, YOU ought to know all about giving "a narcissist a microphone and a platform" (LOL)

    Also, we notice that you "are willing to boldly lie for political expediency".


  28. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Most of us are simply searching for the TRUTH.

  29. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I can't (don't) believe anything I read about Ukraine from the pro or con of it all.

    All I know is something doesn't pass the smell test when it comes to all Putin or all US "information". All, whatever dots, do not connect.
    The hands off, merry-go-round, huff and puff approach of our government (and many in Europe) tells me everyone has their own interests they don't want divulged.
    I smell globalism at work--Putin's nationalistic style globalism and Klaus Schwab via O'Biden globalism as the counter to it. Some of the nastiest business on the planet, and no one has clean hands in this endeavor...and at the terrible expense of the Ukrainian people, and add to that, the unwitting taxpayers in this country.

  30. Anonymous12:13 PM


    First of all, I never take anything that ANYONE says as "100% true".

    Instead of trashing news websites... how about PROVING to me that the Globalists don't CONTROL the daily narrative of the mainstream news media 24/7; that Ukraine isn't a HUB and base of operations for Globalists like Obama, Biden, Hillary for international money laundering and child sex trafficking; and that Ukraine's government leadership are not NAZIS?

    Now, THAT is where your focus and energy should be.

  31. Anonymous12:15 PM

    AMEN, 12:03 PM.

    (Well said.)

  32. 12:03 PM....

    I think as you suggest there are multiple struggles for control - the ongoing World Communist Revolution (Oktoberwelt), the progressive globalist World Economic Forum / technocracy stuff (which does have some links to the Communist one), and the "great awakening" New Agers who are still in a kind of waiting mode to take power in a grass-roots kind of "revolution of humanity" against the first two I mentioned when those groups take us all into WW3 and/or to the brink of destruction. They are the "phoenix rising from the ashes".

    But it is not so cut-and-dried as the above, really. There are multiple crossovers and nexuses among all those groups.

    And more appropos to Christians: Where, if any, is there a commonality between any of the above and the Dominionist / NAR groups within Christianity?

    One things I've always used as a measure is this: Is the group being talked about participating in a project that could be called "building heaven on earth", or establishing a Utopia of some kind, which would necessarily involve attempting to overrule the sinful nature of mankind by producing (always by force) a "new man"? In the case of Communism, this New Man was called Homo Sovieticus. The New Agers call it "Homo Noeticus". They are all doomed to failure, as was the Tower of Babel project, and the revived version of it today through Schwab et al. (I wonder if the reconstructionists / Dominionists have a name for their "new man" - something a little shorter than "a manifest son of God". Homo Spiritus?)

  33. Anonymous12:38 PM

    If truth seekers are accurately EXPOSING 'disinformation' news websites... then CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, and the Washington Post would certainly HAVE to be at the TOP of the list.

    Thereofore, we should ALL question WHO 'decides' which ones are ACTUALLY information vs disinformation... and whether they may, in fact, have an agenda.

  34. Anonymous1:02 PM

    In these End Times, all will be revealed. All secrets will be exposed.

    PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for the innocent children.

  35. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Things I have not really considered before but find very interesting in light of today.

  36. Anonymous2:00 PM

    1:39 PM

    Thank you for sharing the article from American Thinker.

    Very interesting, especially the following paragraph:
    "One perk that comes with existing at the margins of Asia is Russia's unique role as a glue holding together India and China. India and China would have difficulty forming a bloc with each other because they have heated border disputes. But Russia has managed to maintain good relations with each, making it possible for India's and China's massive economies to be indirectly linked through Russia into a bloc powerful enough to challenge the dollar-based West."

    (No doubt what is happening now will bring about THE GREAT RESET.)


  37. TO 11:01

    Ok, so what's YOUR alternative. Biden clearly is President until 2024. Trump will not be back anytime before then and I pray that the Republicans have better sense than to nominate and elect him! I suspect you are VERY deceived! There are MUCH better persons who could run and be elected on the Republican ticket! Somebody with decent manners and who does not insult everybody as did Trump -- correction ANYBODY - would be preferable to a power-loving, insurrection inciting liar such ad your purported "Cyrus."


  38. To 11:27 -- "The Nazis running Ukraine?" Boy, have you bought into the lies! I'm supposed to keep a straight face and call the Jewish grandson of holocaust survivors a "Nazi". My mother didn't raise stupid children!


  39. I recommend to all Professor Benjamin R. Teitelbaum's book WAR FOR ETERNITY about Bannon, Dugin, the Traditionalist Movement, its New Age agenda and ties.

    It should be REQUIRED READING!


  40. Most of the comments here confirm my belief that my fears about deception in the Christian community are right on the money. Nope, I am NOT "myopic"!!!!


  41. Most of you are seemingly ignorant of the theory of Hegelian dialectics, i.e. playing both sides against the "Radical Center" -- but when you think Putin is the "good guy", that the insurrection consisted of BLM and Antifa members dressed up in MAGA costumes, I think I could probably succcessfully sell you a bridge or two -- Chappaquiddick or Brooklyn -- take your pick!


  42. Anonymous2:20 PM


    I think that you and Liz Cheney are the only ones worried about Trump 'coming back.'

    No one else seems to care!!!

    (I know that I don't.)

    Meanwhile, Biden doesn't seem to know what day it is or what city he is in. So, I guess his 'handlers' are running the United States of America.

    Poor us until 2024 (LOL).

  43. Anonymous2:23 PM

    P.S. No one EVER said that Putin is a 'good guy'!!!

  44. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Meanwhile you must be quite okay with rude, crude, and criminal as they come, Butcher Biden, Constance?
    You speak no evil of him and his crime family. You say nothing of what an onslaught he has brought down upon us all to finish the hatchet job of Obama to deliver us upon a globalist platter.
    You are highly subjective and biased in favor of their godlessness while you claim some higher moral ground against Trump?
    Oh please.
    You come out with knives against him while the evil run amuck of this administration, run more like a regime, goes unchallenged by you?
    I have plenty of gripes with Trump myself.
    But your silence in the face of utter crimes against our people, our families and children, our livelihoods and abilities to maintain ourselves without government overreach, plus the effect upon others in the world doesn't deserve even a mention of the NWO/New Age underpinnings and overt measures to make this country cease as a Republic?
    That is worse than what you decry about others here.
    No wonder your blog is toast.

  45. Marko2:47 PM


    Your prater is silly. Just because Constance points out some dangers from Trump and his supporters does not mean she supports Biden. He's obviously evil and an idiot, so why even waste the keyboard strokes to mention it?

    Time is better spent on pointing out not-so-obvious deceptions, and how they worm their way into otherwise intelligent minds, hence her mentioning of dialectic.

  46. Anonymous2:50 PM


    YOU are the one who taught us about how global politics work... divide and conquer and playing both sides against the middle, etc.

    Your condescending tone (e.g. that you have 'a bridge or two' to sell us) is absolutely uncalled for.

    Many of us have been loyal to you for nearly 40 years... but, 'loyalty' should never be confused with our RIGHT to 'agree to disagree' with you.

    Meanwhile, I have faith and trust in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that ALL will be revealed in TIME...and that all secrets will be exposed.

    Meanwhile, we should ALL 'leave our egos at the door' because, no doubt, there will be many surprises coming soon (for ALL of us).

  47. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Marko at 2:47 PM

    Please stay out of this.

    I have been around here a LOT longer than you. Over the years, I have seen MANY come and go from this blog: from the late Dorothy, to J.D., Dawn, Savvy, Kate, Susanna. I think that I should be allowed to express my thoughts.

  48. Anonymous3:03 PM

    2:27 PM

    That post is plain crazy! Criticism of one by default means favorability of the other? Your religion seems to be so intertwined with political thought that you can't see goodness nor evil except through a specific political lens.

  49. Anonymous3:16 PM

    "so why even waste the keyboard strokes to mention it?"

    Are you kidding me?
    I posed that as a question to her because I don't think she is for it directly but seems very complicit in not calling a spade a spade. KBJ is just fine somehow for the highest court in the land her without question (only one example) because..Paul Ryan?? But we are showing a racist bent for not agreeing? Social experiments us us all with a globalist end are ok now?
    She has always managed to call out the extremes, the bias, the global ploys in social/political issues of governance/religiosity before.
    I respected her for that very thing. But that was then, this is now.

    What the far left of Biden admin is doing is NWO, unabashedly New Age on steroids...but somehow not worthy a mention, let alone point out the very ones doing the heavy lifting for evil globalism? She used to track that, call them out by name regardless of party, and now all she can manage to say is "Trump and Qanon", rinse and repeat????? Apparently New Age only happens on her highly selective view of some on the right?
    Many of us who have come here don't see Trump as a savior, we see the same things and say so--not good enough---so we are supposed to see him as a worse evil than Biden?

    Again, are you kidding me?

  50. Anonymous3:24 PM


    What Constance does not say is speaking louder than what she does say.

    Very Telling.

  51. Anonymous3:45 PM

    3:24 PM


  52. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Trump, love him or hate him, is not the real issue.
    It's deeper.

    Heavy bias, either for or against him, is automatically the issue.
    That is where the deceptions are hidden, Marko.

    Just like you brought out about my post on Ukraine in it's very complicated situation, and why I can't believe what the "news" tells us, so a one sided-heavy handed-approach to Trump (who is only a man but represents in our behalf the America we used to know) is not getting this right, in fact, adding to the wrongs that need to be clarified. But that won't happen in the fog and slant Constance leaves in her wake. Too bad. She used to be pretty much on point.

  53. Anonymous3:52 PM


    Liz Cheney's father, Dick should know ALL about "WAR FOR ETERNITY".

  54. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Is there anyone here wanting to look truth in the face?
    Above the bias, slants, the many extremes from whichever angle.

    This gets deep down to where rubber meets the road

    An interview with young person who didn't know she was hungry inside for the truth.
    Here is REAL.
    And it is stunningly beautiful to behold.

    Just. WOW.

  55. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Constance pause and reflect on what you are saying and how you are behaving.
    Set aside the Trump issue and look at how you are coming across because its out of character... ask your friends that are prepared to be truthful.
    You need to ask "who" and "what" is influencing you to bring such a change in how you used to address issues because its not beneficial.

  56. Anonymous8:32 PM

    I think Constance is about to drive her blog off the bridge at Chappaquiddick.


  57. Anonymous9:20 PM

    I think new age infiltrators have taken this blog off the rails for quite some time now and are frustrated when Mrs. Cumbey tries to rail it in with obvious discernment.

    Further, mainstream media urban and editorial bias is not at all comparable with homosexual alt-right and russian disinformation websites, like gatewaypundit, natural news and/or beforeitsnews you're way to invested in maga qanon.

    For example, US Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died Jan 7th. I'm going off memory here but the New York Times, as I recall, reported that witnesses told them he was hit by a fire extinguisher and killed by the protestors. CNN probably reported the same thing. It was a couple days of furious reporting and these media outlets HAD witnesses and sources claiming such and fact-checkers confirming the stories and sources. The story made sense because there WAS video footage of a fire extinguisher being thrown at Capitol police officers which could have included Brian Sickwick. It wasn't a reach to presume whoever that fire extinguisher hit was seriously wounded. Then when it turned out later to be incorrect, these media sources corrected such stories based upon new information. When the autopsy a month or so later indicated that Officer Sicknick had 2 strokes and a heart attack that night and/or the next day which much more loosely associated the injuries and stress he endured with the general attack versus any particular injury due to any particular blunt force trauma, the mainstream media reported that too.

    Alt-Right media like Natural News, Gateway Pundit and others just waited a couple days and then tried to play it off like Officer Sicknick's stroke had nothing to do with responding to the insurrection, that it was all just natural causes and, instead, focused on the misreporting of the fire extinguisher and Ashli Babbit's death as the much bigger stories to come out of that infamous day. They didn't have reporters on the ground, they didn't fact check or engage fact-checkers or correct misinformation (unless it can benefit a new narrative or political lie they'd like to make). It's just a gish gallop on to the next lie as though being involved in an insurrection and defending our nations capitol could never actually cause someone to have a stroke.

    There ARE right-leaning right biased sources like the Wall Street Journal, Reason, The Dispatch...etc that actually try to report the news with a lean to the right versus just made-up homosexual MAGA Qanon non-sense.


  58. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Anonymous @ 8:32 PM

    Now, that was funny!

    (Thanks for the laugh.)

  59. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Hey X at 9:20 PM

    I believe that it was YOUR New York Times that just recently caught up with the Hunter Biden story... and only about one year too late, after the alternative media had it thoroughly covered last year.

    (Of course, the NYT just barely 'dipped a toe in' since they didn't want to give away too much and upset Joe.)

  60. Anonymous10:10 PM


    You really need to focus on the here and now. Biden is a puppet for the Deep State Globalists. He can't form a coherent sentence. He's a tool.

    For all Trump's faults he, and especially his wife had a measure of care for people, and children. They had feelings. Biden is as evil as humans get!!! Biden has no love for children, other than to molest them. Biden has a cold black heart, and has no virtue at all. Not visible anyway.

    By your hateful obsession with Trump, and your lack of pointing out that we probably have the most vile man in US history now in the white house, you make yourself of no use to humanity. I don't see you as a Christian person at all. Your a religious Pharisee. That's plain to see. You need to repent! Your a stain on Christianity, and your a disgrace to the Rebubican party.

  61. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Actually my opinion is that Barack Obama is the most wicked man to ever be elected President of the United States. But Biden is a close second.

  62. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Whoa 10:10 PM.

    Constance isn't a stain as you called her, by any stretch.
    She is not entirely wrong about President Trump, it's just that she has made it too much about him, to the exclusion of seeing where the deeper problems are in what, and who, replaced him in the White House. For her to downplay how extreme O'Biden is is very problematic and skewed...and offers no help or warning. I think she has overplayed her hand on the Trump factor.
    That's misguided but not hateful. That's x's M.O.

  63. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Do people really need this blog? (Probably X does for copious amounts of attention)

    Just chill. God is the source of truth people need, not a blog.
    Really, it's just a blog.
    And the blog owner is not on the cutting edge like she was years ago.
    So what.....

  64. Anonymous11:16 PM

    She's certainly on the cutting edge and like me ahead of the curve.

    When the republicans like 10:10pm go full blown opus dei roman catholic and demand works and a social maga gospel, like supporting them, in order to be considered a Christian....the heresy has jumped the shark.

    Celebrating ANYTHING about Trump is ridiculous. He sat back and watch a mob of persons he incited as they attempted to overthrow our government. One of the reasons I think Russia is in Ukraine as they perceive the US as unstable right now and they want to keep up the pressure with, yet, another war and threats of more war. The most current news is they are threatening to use chemical weapons in Mariupol, Ukraine just as they did in Chechnya. Say what you want about Biden. I don't agree with all his politics; but the man has been a public servant for nearly his entire adult life versus playboy and elitist Trump who ran around adulterating on his wives, betraying all 3 of his families and carousing with the likes of Epstein AND Putin while Biden was working his butt off for the American workers, Police Officers and Unions. Biden has more integrity than Trump in his pinky finger. Remember, I'm a registered republican and probably would have voted for any other republican than Trump. I wouldn't vote for any of Vigano's opus dei clowns either like Desantis, Cruz, Rubio, Newt or Josh Hawley --- But certainly a republican ticket with Adam Kinzinger would get my vote and he's got a very conservative voting record)

    By the way, Melania Trump is an adulterous horror that pursued a still married man (Trump was married to Marla Maples at the time of their initial meeting and 1st dates). Beware the honey that drips from the adulterous woman's lips for she cares for no one but herself.


  65. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Qanonymous @ 9:30 pm - Here's an interesting discussion about the Hunter Biden laptop.

    The return of Hunter Biden’s laptop: A recent New York Times story has made it the subject of discussion again.

    Excerpt: "....Media outlets, for their part, didn’t block anything — there was ample coverage of all this in the conservative press and, albeit more slowly, in mainstream media outlets. There is no obligation for media outlets to run with conveniently timed opposition research pushed by one presidential candidate’s team shortly before an election. (For example, most media outlets did not cover the Steele dossier allegations before the 2016 election — only Mother Jones and Yahoo! News did. The dossier itself was eventually published by BuzzFeed News after Trump won, the following January.)

    Some commentators did go too far in asserting that this was part of a Russian plot, when the evidence hasn’t emerged to back that up. The Biden campaign similarly sought to cast doubt on the story by alluding that it could be Russian misinformation — when the underlying emails appear to be authentic. But in general, major journalism outlets did try to assess whether there was genuine news there.

    And here’s where we come to the real dispute, which wasn’t just about whether the emails were fake or real, but about what they show. Trump allies have insisted the leaked material proves that Joe Biden was corrupt. If you think that’s what’s being covered up, of course it seems outrageous that the mainstream media wasn’t devoting more attention to it. But that case is weak.

    There were two supposed “smoking guns” about Joe Biden that conservatives touted in the materials. The first was an email the Post called a “blockbuster,” in which an executive at the Ukrainian gas company Burisma thanked Hunter for the “opportunity to meet your father” in 2015. If you’re steeped in Trumpworld lore, this was damning because of the theory that Biden had the corrupt prosecutor general of Ukraine fired to benefit Burisma, and Biden had said he knew nothing about Hunter’s Ukrainian work, but look, a meeting! (Apparently, it was a dinner at Cafe Milano that Hunter had organized, with about a dozen people.) This appears to amount to Vice President Biden seemingly going to one dinner.

    The second involved a business venture that Hunter tried to set up with a Chinese energy tycoon in 2017 (after Joe Biden was no longer vice president). One email mentions that the equity split would include “10 held by H for the big guy ?” A former business partner of Hunter’s named Tony Bobulinski came forward to claim “the big guy” was Joe Biden. But a subsequent email from Hunter says his “Chairman” gave him “an emphatic no,” and a further email clarifies that the chairman is his dad.

    So this amounts to Joe Biden apparently refusing some deal Hunter tried to enmesh him in. An alternative possibility is that Joe was not actually ever involved and that Hunter had just been throwing his name around. By Bobulinski’s own account, he briefly met Joe Biden the day before and after an event, and the former vice president only said vague things to him (and the proposed deal never came together in the end).

    All of this was indeed covered in the press in October 2020 (I wrote about it at the time). So the real objection from conservatives is that they didn’t get the narrative they liked out of the mainstream media.

    Hunter’s emails contained a whole lot of embarrassing and arguably newsworthy material about himself, and the shady foreign business interests of the son of the potential next president are certainly a worthy topic of media coverage. But as for the Biden who was actually on the ballot, there was very little from him personally in those messages (other than an exchange where he comforts his despondent, drug-addicted son). The emails didn’t dominate mainstream media because, at least so far, they didn’t have the goods."

  66. Anonymous12:03 AM

    11:16 PM ahead of the curve are you?

    Brown nose x, your wake up call is coming, but do enjoy those copious amounts of attention all you can...for now.
    Your shelf life is very short.

  67. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Qanonymous @ 12:03 am

    I KNOW your ecumenical one-world religion roman catholics are after me and my progeny and we'll be forced to bow to her or face execution; but, no matter how hard that will be to endure I rest assured that Jesus and my Christian brethren will deliver the final "wake up call".

    Until that day it's not too late. I pray you abandon this maga qanon false gospel and stop worshiping her. I beseech your Bible and seek God before it's too late.


  68. Anonymous1:42 AM

    The goal of the GOP's QAnon-influenced "groomer" troll: More political violence: Republicans don't really think liberals are "grooming" children — but they know saying so is permission to violence

    PUBLISHED APRIL 11, 2022

    Excerpt: "... the audience for this nonsense, just like the people who peddle it, understands that the accusations are made in bad faith. Indeed, the obvious falsity of it amplifies the sadistic satisfaction for those who throw the term around. The pleasure is in being able to bully liberals by knowingly saying terrible, false things, and reveling in the helplessness of the targets to stop the lies. There's a real "quit hitting yourself" childish urge to bully behind it, coupled with the typically high levels of psychological projection from the party that actually coddles sexual predators and child abusers.


    The fantasies about child sex trafficking are about constructing a moral justification for what is, at its heart, a desire to murder people for objecting to Donald Trump's fascist political project. It's really no different than Vladimir Putin's empty lies painting Ukrainians as "Nazis" to justify genocide against them. Or, for that matter, the actual Nazis clinging to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to justify the Holocaust. It's about propping up a narrative, no matter how ridiculous, that allows villains to believe they're the good guys, even though what they long for is mass murder.

    This entire "groomer" discourse from Republicans is about taking the violent ideology of QAnon and spreading it throughout the GOP base. Whatever individual Republican leaders think they're accomplishing with this hardly matters. This is absolutely an extension of the same impulse that drove Trump to bring his most virulent followers to the Capitol on January 6, knowing full well that they were drunk on conspiracy theories and the hope that stopping the electoral college vote count would lead to his installation as president.

    Republican leaders and right-wing pundits are increasingly comfortable with the idea of using political violence to intimidate the larger public into complying with ideologies only held by a small fraction of Americans."


  69. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Thank you, X for the providing the 'entertainment portion' of this blog... for giving us a futher insight into what it must be like to live inside of your DELUSIONAL head.

    Although disturbing, it is also fascinating (very similar to watching a train wreck).

  70. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Memo to X at 11:16 PM

    Our government was already 'overthrown' between November 3rd and November 4th of 2020.

  71. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Awww... I love how the Globalist-controlled New York Times is so meticulous about 'ethical concerns'... and 'what is genuinely newsworthy in a dump of private information and what is an invasion of privacy'... and I am so relieved to hear that Hunter's referring to 'the big guy' was NOT his Globalist father, Joe Biden after all. (And what a relief that the 'Chairman' said, "No")

    Maybe I should buy a subscription to the Globalist-controlled New York Times, so that I can sit back and read about how other CRIMES are solved and swept under the rug, concerning children of Globalist politicians... and all wrapped up in a neat little bow. (Major eye roll)

    P.S. Au contraire: The 'real objection from conservatives' is that THIS CRIME HAS YET TO BE SOLVED... AND JUSTICE HAS NOT BEEN SERVED TO HUNTER BIDEN.

  72. I'm just about to write and post an article about these alleged "gnats" I've been "straining at" and I'm confident that those of you who have taken warnings about the New Age heresies will take them seriously. It's a lot of fun to laugh at others, but few want to hear what is taking them and their children in. I will have lots of quotes from Michael Lindell's endorsed and forwarded "LOVE JOY TRUMP". Too many of you need to replace Trump "your Savior" with Jesus Your Savior!


  73. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Constance, maybe you and Liz Cheney need to replace your OBSESSION with Trump with your own 'come to Jesus' moment.

    The rest of us don't see a problem with having voted for President Trump twice... AND loving Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The difference is that we have all moved on after the STOLEN election of 2020... and are looking forward to 2024 to whoever the Republican candidate happens to be. (Let go; let God... THY WILL BE DONE; NOT MY WILL.)

    Maybe Jesus wonders why YOU haven't moved on and are still OBSESSING over this man?

  74. Anonymous10:05 AM

    9:40 AM

    Maybe because this man is still very much active in politics and hasn't moved on himself?

  75. Anonymous10:07 AM

    At 8:12 AM

    So rinse and repeat on the old news.

    It is you that can't let Trump go. Why is that the case?
    The NWO/New Age rot is reaching saturation point in both parties, though the Democrats were "ahead of that curve" a while back--just like x boasts about and is a testament and endorsement to that in the ruin of this nation that those policies and practices leave in their wake--but the Repubs are fast catching up...your personal favorites of the RINO kind in particular, Constance.
    So while the globalism you used to track and warn about overtakes people, you remain stuck in the mud of your politics. I'd wish you luck in that but I don't believe in luck.
    I have hardly ever listened to a Trump speech, then or now (yes, I did vote for him, like you did, and glad he was, in the main, a good president but his ship has sailed-it's over--you are greatly mistaken to think that most everyone here thinks him a "savior"--and some might--that is for them to correct, not you...but your backhanding everyone to assume every one who finds some disagreement with you does, is beneath you). And Mike Lindell can keep selling pillows, I don't care. People should pick up the Bible to read rather than more books about people who are being misguided for their own reasons. To each their own. God will have to help them, but otherwise, I'm not interested in the warnings you give now because they belong in the dustbin--globalism has far outpaced that while you kept straining for more to justify your personal bitterness at Trump, but it's your time and your blog. The fun has stopped--long time ago. Trusting your RINO's to bring this country back is not what I'm the least interested in, will be only more disappointment. They helped the Democrats kill us all off. But enough of earthly's high time to look much higher...for the Lord.

    You're a nice lady, did some great work for many years, but that work is not out in the front like it was--it's stuck going in circles now and has grown mold.
    Glad I read your book (HDOTR) long time ago. It helped unravel some knots, so thank you for that. Your blog stayed current for a long time...but I guess all good things must one day end.

  76. Anonymous10:14 AM

    10:07 - enough of the whining! Obviously any criticism of Trump offends you. You need to ask yourself why.

    Since Trump continually suggests that he may run again, maybe that is a good reason to keep Trump on the front burner.

  77. Anonymous10:29 AM

    "10:07 - enough of the whining! Obviously any criticism of Trump offends you. You need to ask yourself why."

    Just stating the state of things as I see them. The Lord is in control and will sort this so that is not a complaint -- just an explanation.
    So, regarding what you think about what I wrote (and I don't care one bit), you are wrong. Wrong because, it's the over the top bias (and either way too much to Trump's favor or too much against him) is what is wrong---and why this blog is stuck. There are bigger fish to fry now.....

    Trump, like everything and everyone else of any flavor of politics, doesn't belong on the front burner.
    The Lord does. You should find out why you aren't allowing God that first place to set your sights so low at this moment of life.

  78. Anonymous10:36 AM

    "Since Trump continually suggests that he may run again, maybe that is a good reason to keep Trump on the front burner."

    Maybe you should break out your Bible and read that it is God who sets up kings and brings them down. Every one, every time, for all times.

  79. Anonymous10:41 AM

    "Maybe you should break out your Bible and read that it is God who sets up kings and brings them down"

    Maybe YOU should break out your Bible and read the many passages of resisting evil.

  80. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Already doing that in the capacity that has been given to me, 10:41 AM.
    You're preaching to the choir.
    But I will never write another email or call another Senator or Congressman again.
    I help my neighborhood, I serve at church to teach SS, share the Good News of Jesus.
    That does not waste time.
    But for politics, it's too late now. Biden is the last--the crescendo of our ruin, but thanks to all of you who hastened it and helped it bring such woe and offense (We all know of one here who is absolutely the devil's right arm in that).
    They have wasted so much, and they will answer.
    Is all in Gods hands now (as it always was).

  81. Anonymous10:55 AM

    10:14 AM

    OK, you can keep Trump 'on the FRONT burner'... while the rest of us CHOOSE to put him on the BACK burner (where he belongs)... as we watch him disappear in our rearview mirrors.

    So, what if he decides to 'run again'(who cares?).

    You seem to be living in FEAR... and a person with a deep faith in God would not do that.

    (Yet, you think that the rest of us are the problem here? LOL)

  82. Anonymous11:02 AM

    To all those living in FEAR of Trump.

    You are the ones who need a 'come to Jesus' moment.

    Fear is NOT of God.

    So, please STOP 'preaching' to the rest of us... and start getting your OWN 'houses' in order.

  83. Anonymous11:09 AM

    10:55 AM

    Fear not evil Qanonymous? You are embracing it.

  84. Anonymous11:15 AM

    QuaXanon peddles more fear in 2 minutes than others here can in 2 years.

  85. Anonymous11:25 AM

    So, please STOP 'preaching' to the rest of us.

    This is Constance's blog. She can speak out against Qanon/Trump if she so chooses. If you don't like it -- and clearly you don't -- then take a hike.

    I expect you'll return here often each day for years to come.

  86. Anonymous11:40 AM

    11:25 AM

    What Constance can't do (as she is UNABLE to!!!) is to read our hearts and souls (only GOD can do that)... and to sit back in judgement of our personal relationships with Jesus Christ just BECAUSE we openly 'speak out' (disagree with her) about Donald Trump.

  87. A good post, Constance. A few more people are exposing Trump's masonic, occult aspect here:

  88. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Something is up: Jim Jordan spots major shift in Hunter Biden story

    Jim Jordan, who is the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, remarked how "interesting" it is that the "story has evolved" in recent weeks, coinciding with rising suspicions that President Joe Biden himself could be drawn into a federal criminal investigation, even as the White House has been adamant in asserting that the president is not involved and that his 52-year-old son did not commit any crimes.
    "Remember, it started off as, 'Oh, it wasn't his laptop.' Then it was, 'Well, it was his laptop, but it was Russian disinformation.' Now it's, 'No, it wasn't Russian disinformation, but Joe had nothing to do with it,'" Jordan said.
    "And now, finally, it is, 'Well, Joe had something to do with it, but he really didn't do anything wrong.' In fact, that's what his chief of staff, Ron Klain, told us last Sunday on the Sunday shows," he added. "So, my, how this story has changed. And now, we find out these text messages and emails that link the entire family, not just Hunter and Joe and — but also uncle, the — Joe's brother, James Biden, is involved in this as well."
    Hunter Biden revealed he was under federal investigation shortly after the 2020 election. He has never publicly denied that the laptop belonged to him, but the younger Biden is "100% certain" he will be cleared of wrongdoing.
    One particular email dated May 13, 2017, from investor James Gilliar to himself, Hunter Biden's business associate Rob Walker, and James and Hunter Biden detailed a "provisional" business deal with a Chinese company called CEFC. The email, in part, asked about “10 held by H for the big guy," as well as "10" for "Jim." It appears "H" is a reference to Hunter Biden, "Jim" is Joe Biden's brother, and "10" is a reference to 10%.
    Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski, a Navy veteran, corroborated the authenticity of the email in October 2020 and insisted the "big guy" was then-presidential candidate Joe Biden. The Washington Post recently reported on "verified emails illuminating a deal Hunter Biden developed with a fast-growing Chinese energy conglomerate, CEFC China Energy, for which he was paid nearly $5 million, and other business relationships."
    Maria Bartiromo noted Author Peter Schweizer has said the laptop includes messages to and from Hunter Biden that show him taking in at least $31 million in shady international dealings. She also brought up a New York Post report published on Saturday about messages appearing to show Hunter Biden complaining to his daughter in 2019 about covering family expenses. “I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” Hunter Biden said. “It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.”
    Asked to respond, Jordan said, "It sure looks like Joe Biden was involved," and talked about how there are "4.8 million reasons" to doubt the president's claim during the 2020 campaign that there was nothing unethical in his son's business dealings related to China and Ukraine.

  89. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Something is up: Jim Jordan (Continued...)

    "The thing that bothers me the most, though, Maria, is the conspiracy," Jordan added. "The Left always tries to — always says, 'Oh, there's these right-wing conspiracies.' The real conspiracy here was the Democrats, Big Tech, Big Media keeping this story from the American people just days before the most important election we have, an election for president of the United States, election for who's going to be the commander in chief."
    The congressman said "maybe the worst of it all" was the 51 former intelligence officials who signed an October 2020 letter claiming Russian involvement in the Hunter Biden laptop stories. Joe Biden even called the story a Russian operation during one of the 2020 presidential debates with then-President Donald Trump.
    "That letter they wrote where they said this has all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign, that letter became the basis for Big Tech and Big Media to suppress this story and keep it from We the People in the run-up to our most important election," he said. "That's why we sent a letter to these 51 guys. We want to know who they were talking to, how they came to this conclusion, how they put that letter together, because that was the basis for the conspiracy that kept information from the voters right up before the presidential election."

  90. Anonymous11:55 AM

    10:36 AM

    It does seem strange that so many here believe that "God sets up kings and brings them down," and at the same time, believe that Trump is God's anointed Cyrus and Biden stole the election from him. Accordingly, the republican god has failed and the bad deep state god has prevailed.

  91. Anonymous12:00 PM

    "This is Constance's blog. She can speak out against Qanon/Trump if she so chooses. "

    She sure can and does. Don't totally disagree with her about that.
    It's just too bad she's stuck there, but whatever.

  92. Anonymous12:02 PM

    11:55 AM

    YOU are the one who is saying that "Trump is God's anointed Cyrus" (we are NOT saying this)!!!

    Please STOP and LISTEN to yourself.

    (WOW... no wonder you are consumed by fear, instead of placing your trust in God.)

  93. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Biden is your golden Cyrus, QuaXanon (and his fan or two here).
    You pray for his success. He is your deep state idol.
    And he's going down sooner, not later.
    And elitist you are, you'll follow him then too.

    Thank God for Jim Jordan standing up even though nothing will come of it (that will be God's job).
    QuaXanon's deep state has won that battle---but certainly lost the war for standing on what is Biblical and true.
    So be it.

  94. Anonymous12:18 PM

    anon 12:02 PM

    No, it is the EVANGELICALS who are saying Trump is God's anointed Cyrus. Maybe if you were more literate in past and current events regarding Trump you wouldn't be so offended whenever someone legitimately criticizes the Q savior.

  95. Anonymous12:20 PM

    12:09 PM

    Yes, X is guilty of the Biden-Cyrus BS too.

  96. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Shout out to RayB if he reads once in a while.

    Dr. "X" as you call him, thought you wrote a goodbye, cruel world post. LOL

    Nah. But understandably it was time to say goodbye, stupid blog--where he pontificates and pollutes it with his marXism.

    Has the Left captivated certain ones here so much that all they see is Trump (living rent free in the heads)....while everything else passes them by? That's funny and sad, both.

  97. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Once again deep bias. Way too broad.

    Beware those know-it-all's who think they can do brain surgery with a machete.

  98. Anonymous12:27 PM

    12:18 PM

    The problem is that YOU are lumping those who post HERE ON THIS BLOG with those people who 'worship' Trump. We DON'T WORSHIP Trump (and never have).

    So, THINK before you post a statement that is so irresponsible.

  99. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Canada denies training Ukrainian Neo-Nazis

    Canada’s military has reportedly provided combat training to members of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov regiment, contrary to stated policy and despite previous denials of any official relations between Ottawa and the notorious militia.
    The apparent connection came to light in photos posted on social media by the Ukrainian National Guard, according to a report on Monday by Radio-Canada. The pictures show soldiers wearing Azov Battalion patches on their uniforms while participating in training with Canadian forces.
    “According to Oleksiy Kuzmenko, a journalist specializing in the Ukrainian far right, the presence of these patches strongly suggests that the Azov regiment had access to Canadian military training,” Radio-Canada said in its report. The patches display a crest that is “firmly and exclusively associated with the Azov regiment,” Kuzmenko told the media outlet.
    Adrien Nonjon, who researches Ukrainian nationalism at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations, agreed. “I can assure you with absolute certainty that this is an Azov crest,” he said.
    Another picture taken during the same training program shows a Ukrainian soldier wearing a patch associated with the 14th Waffen-SS Grenadier Division, which Adolf Hitler’s regime created in 1943 to fight the Soviet Union’s Red Army with Ukrainian Nazi collaborators. Ukrainians held marches as recently as last May to honor its fighters.
    Canada has reportedly spent nearly CAN$1 billion ($794 million) on training Ukrainian soldiers since the former Soviet republic’s democratically-elected government was overthrown in 2014. Neo-Nazi fighters were instrumental in the US-backed regime-change process, and the Azov Battalion was used to quell dissent afterward.
    The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) have repeatedly denied providing training to members of Ukraine’s fascist militias. In 2015, Canada’s then-Defense Minister Jason Kennedy called the Azov fighters a “small number of rotten apples.”However, after a report last year showed that Azov-linked soldiers were bragging online about receiving training from Canada and other NATO members, the CAF issued a statement saying that it would conduct a “thorough review” and analyze whether its procedures were adequate to prevent it from “unwittingly aiding those whose views it fundamentally opposes.”

  100. Anonymous12:32 PM

    12:18 PM

    You confuse criticism of Trump with worship of Trump. Why is that? A bit thin skinned whenever there is criticism of Trump? Perhaps the shoe fits?

  101. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Trump is obviously 'living rent free' in certain people's heads... when there is an OBSESSION so great that they can't stop talking about him or thinking about him ONE YEAR AND 3 MONTHS after he has left office. So sad...

    (Obsession and fear are not from God... they are from Satan.)

  102. Anonymous12:42 PM

    12:32 PM

    Uh, the shoe obviously 'fits' the strange people in YOUR world. It does not 'fit' the regulars on this blog. Maybe you just need some new 'friends' (LOL).

  103. Anonymous12:43 PM

    12:37 PM

    Obviously this

    nor his multiple political events don't sink in for you. He put himself out there therefore he is subject to political criticism. He is not long gone as you claim. If you really believe that I have a bridge to sell you.

    Try, at least TRY, to wrap your head around that.

  104. Anonymous12:53 PM

    12:43 PM

    Trump's POWER as President of the United State and Leader of the Free World has been GONE for one year and 3 months.

    Except for people like you who WANT Trump to continue to 'live rent free' in your head.

    Oh, well... that's why God gave each of us a free will. Enjoy yourself.

    Please ask around... I am sure there will be a vaccine for that FEAR soon.

  105. Anonymous12:55 PM

    The latest on Covid and mRNA vaccines...

    Dr. Brian Ardis reveals BOMBSHELL origins of covid, mRNA vaccines and remdesivir

    Putin does NOT inoculate his troops with deadly mRNA vaccines; they use vector vaccines only

  106. Anonymous12:58 PM

    12:43 PM

    You and Constance keep trying to sell us bridges.

    Is that ALL you've got? LOL

  107. Anonymous12:59 PM

    12:43 PM

    "Except for people like you who WANT Trump to continue to 'live rent free' in your head."

    BLAH. BLAH. BLAH. More talking points. You're obviously out of touch that he has not left the political scene. You're not to bright my dear.

  108. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Man makes his plans, but God directs his steps.
    The Proverbs called it for us.
    Maybe he will, maybe he won't.
    We'll see what comes of anybody's plans in political world.
    Talk is just talk until it gets to walk anyway.

    Until then we probably should let our words be few because we often don't really know what the heck we're even talking about..(including blog owners and commenters).

  109. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Especially 1:12 PM

    When an individual spends $2.2 Million on a rally it's not just a walk through the park.

  110. Anonymous1:31 PM

    So what? People can talk and waste their time and money, or maybe it is for a reason that God allows. People might have a good reason or not but God is always doing things for the best reason (in spite of us). Besides, we don't know what a day will bring.
    And you (and I) aren't in charge of that.
    You're just an armchair opinion, just like I am.
    God will allow what HE will allow, where, when, how, who, and why.


  111. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Proverbs 29:
    25 The fear of man lays a snare,
    but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.
    26 Many seek the face of a ruler,
    but it is from the Lord that a man gets justice.
    27 An unjust man is an abomination to the righteous,
    but one whose way is straight is an abomination to the wicked.

    Thanks for the reminder of the Proverbs.
    What an uptight blog this is, starting from the top down.

  112. Anonymous2:23 PM

    You often post links to music.
    Maybe you'll enjoy this.....(something different).

  113. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Constance said nothing wrong. It gets uptight when people aren't able to handle criticism of their darlings. They then project upon the rest of us that we're the ones who are uptight. I'm willing to bet the ones now saying "relax" are the same ones who threw hissy fits this morning.

  114. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Maybe some here are above the fray and won't stoop to the invite.

  115. Anonymous3:00 PM

    So you are saying Constance has handled disagreement well?

    Really @ 2:48 PM ???

  116. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Here is what I DO know...

    That FEAR and OBSESSION are not of God; they are from Satan.

    Those who remain CLOSE to God will not ever be afraid or obsessed with anybody or anything (whether it's Donald Trump or someone else).

    Those who remain CLOSE to God will have faith and trust in HIM.

    Whatever will be will be.

  117. Anonymous3:30 PM

    You need to get over yourself.

    Writing about Donald Trump or any other new agers is neither FEAR nor OBSESSION. It is giving FAIR WARNING. You're so thin skinned at the mere criticism of Donald Trump. If you consider yourself warned them move on without all the hissy fits.

  118. Anonymous3:30 PM

    The only 'hissy fits' I see are the ones who are AFRAID of Donald Trump.

    I guess they don't put much faith and trust in their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    Trump doesn't scare me. I am feeling very relaxed.

    If God calls me 'home'... I am ready!!!

  119. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Warnings about Trump do not equate to fear. It is fair game to give those warnings while Trump remains politically active. While on earth we are required to give others fair warning. You throw hissy fits the moment criticism of Trump is leveled. Its as though he is your master.

    In Trump you trust, Qanonymous.

    I'll dance this dance with you all day if you persist.

  120. Anonymous3:40 PM

    3:30 PM (1st one)...

    I'll get over 'myself' when you get over Donald Trump and learn to TRUST in God.

  121. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I will criticize Trump until the day he leaves politics Qanonymous. In Trump YOU trust.

  122. Anonymous3:53 PM

    3:38 PM

    Why should anyone listen to your 'warnings' when they are so ONE-SIDED?

    Where are your warnings about JOE BIDEN?

    Where are your warnings about people dying of the mRNA vaccines all over the world?

    Where are your warnings about the New World Order, The Great Reset, the Depopulation agenda, etc.?

    Where are your warnings about the Globalist-controlled news media... that only presents the false narrative 24/7 that the Globalists WANT the masses to know about... not the WHOLE story that would reveal the TRUTH?

    (Yet, even learning all of this... I still have complete faith and trust in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ... and I am not obsessing over any of it.)

  123. Anonymous4:05 PM

    3:53 PM

    You make a lot of ASSumptions that those of us who are critical of Trump ignore other areas. It is you feeble attempt to shut down any critical assessment of your lord and savior "the Donald".

  124. The New Age invasion of christian groups and politics etc didn't start with Qanon its been going on for decades. New Apostolic Reformation, 5 mountain mandate,manifest sons of god doctrines etc have been getting stronger in the last hundred years.
    People need to be reminded of the real invisible war.
    God instructs as to pray for those in authority for good reason.
    When I was asked to become a politician I put it before the Lord and He reminded me of His words "My Fathers Kingdom is not of this World".

  125. Anonymous4:24 PM

    4:05 PM

    And it's your constant stream of 'verbal diarrea' on this blog that keeps you ASSuming your wishful thinking projected onto others that you KNOW isn't true... but, you have nothing else to say except rinse and repeat.

  126. Anonymous4:27 PM

    AMEN, GrantNZ at 4:16 PM.

    Thank you so much for sharing.

  127. Anonymous4:41 PM

    4:24 PM

    The entire day you've gone from hissy fits to turning in circles like a dog chasing its tail. You have nothing to say other than judge anyone who levels criticism of Trump as not trusting the Lord. You're shrill. And you assume those who criticize Trump have not been critical of anything else new age.

    You run to Trump's defence. You're OBSESSED with shielding him from any criticism because that sends you right over the edge. So when you write judgmental posts of how Trump's critics don't trust God, I'll respond with how much he appears to be your idol.

  128. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Amen GrantNZ.

    Much has been written here and warned about that and many have taken that to heart.
    A person can spot the errors if guided by the Spirit to test the spirits of these knockoff "beliefs" against what God has said in His word. They have earthly means and earthly goals that are opposed to God's heavenly plan. The majority of denominations and sects of Christendom are not untouched by the devil's ploys. The Lord said: come out from among them...
    Now this blog is concentrated on making it about one man's personality and is so distracting. What you describe is bigger than one person, and a network of some people who do follow him like a cult (want their best life now evidently instead of what God has for us instead) but that is short-sighted.
    So that's concerning, and should be, but it's wider and broader than that alone. There is a whole world basically unaware or at least unmoved by America's politics, but being effected by political cults as well as religious ones where they live as well. American's can be so narcissistic with their politics (in whatever extremes) and forget there is the rest of the world out there. I think that is a terrible way to focus when the devil's deception is at an all time high.

  129. Anonymous5:29 PM

    "Why should anyone listen to your 'warnings' when they are so ONE-SIDED?"

    True. That is deceiving all on it's own.

    And why we need the whole counsel of God to see what presents itself in front of us as "an angel of light" yet is full of darkness.
    One side never tells the whole story. The devil never wants the full story to get out but keep things confusing in mere half truths.

  130. Anonymous5:44 PM

    The Trump supporting followers of QAnon do not trust in God. They trust Trump and they "Trust the Plan." Anyone following Constance Cumbey for any length of time shouldn't have a problem discerning that "The Plan" is the same old plan she first exposed forty years ago. The QAnon psyop is a very blatant, in your face New Age movement. High ranking, retired members of the US military are openly involved. It's far from over. I don't have time to write anymore today. I just wanted to say that I'm all in favor of discussing and learning more about QAnon. Anyone who has a problem with it can only be here to cause strife and division.

  131. Anonymous5:45 PM

    One sided? This blog over time has covered new age actors such as Javier Solana, Reverend Moon, Paul Temple, Chuck Hagel, etc. etc. Don’t try to pul that. The fact is y’all are extremely angered that it is now one particular individual receiving the criticism. Trump and the cult of Qanon is not a half truth. It is real. If you want to speak of half truths maybe you ought to examine the Qanon friendly “news sources” that are being posted here. You all respond to those approvingly.

  132. Anonymous6:08 PM

    "One sided? This blog over time has covered new age actors such as Javier Solana, Reverend Moon, Paul Temple, Chuck Hagel, etc. etc."

    So why have all those topics gone away? There is plenty going on, plenty that continues with them--with lots of people besides just Trump.
    That is exactly why it is one sided around here, all other subjects have been dropped..

  133. Anonymous6:09 PM

    But, ONE particular person should not be the main focus... when international politics are so much more COMPLEX than that. There is too much going on all over the world to limit your focus to just on ONE MAN. (You are giving Trump way more 'power' than he deserves.)

  134. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Looking through the past posts, I see the following:

    Feb 24 - Putin & war in Ukraine
    January 11, Fetzer Institute
    December - Vigano & New World Religion
    November 7, WiseKey
    October 25, World Economic Forum, Lucis Trust & Pope Francis
    September 2, World Economic Forum Cashless Society
    August 12, World Economic Forum Microchip Implants
    July 27 Republic Profiles in Courage
    June 14 Qanon, Into the Storm
    April 19, Qanon Book - Love Joy Trump
    February 15, Duane Elgin & Fetzer Institute
    Jan 13, Revolution in France and America Planned by Leftist Thugs
    Jan 9, Trump Cult

    There has been coverage of Qanon and deservingly so.

  135. Anonymous6:37 PM

    "There has been coverage of Qanon and deservingly so"

    I did not disagree with that 6:20 PM.
    What I have said allllllllllll alongggggggg!!!!
    There is MUCH not covered now, but used to be. That's my point. Been my point.
    Go back 3 and 4 years ago and further, and see what the topics were then.
    But people get shrill if you say otherwise other than TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP QQQ.
    X being one of the very VERY worst. He makes the blog topics about his severe hangups so he can circle back on how much he hates Trump, Conservative Republicans and those who oppose Fauci and Vaxxing.
    Beyond stupid is what his attention hogging has been about.
    Enough of that Bozo already.

  136. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Yes, 6:37 PM... I agree.

  137. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Me Too

  138. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Donald Trump signifies something to the snowflake generation.
    His mannerisms evoke extreme frustration and a loss of control of one's "rights" to be perverse, and lazy, and spoiled.
    He is the spoiler of the spoiled. This is a generation which was never scolded or reprimanded, or corrected, _and then along comes Donald Trump...
    I hear spoiled juveniles whining and screaming hysterically. Their control has been taken away. There is nothing but hatred.
    There is rage and fury and vicious animosity.
    It's a deep deep hatred of "the father", basically.

  139. Anonymous8:48 PM

    8:41 PM

    Well put.

    No pioneering spirit within those flakes...
    They'd die off in a hurry without those who
    know what building lasting homes and societies really entails.

  140. Anonymous8:59 PM

    The QAnon psyop ... only one of many psyops going on currently.

    Perhaps you did not know that.....but you should.

  141. Anonymous10:33 PM

    I agree with you, GrantNZ. I think the convergence of politics and religion in QAnon is very interesting. Conspiracy theories, geopolitics, new age thought, kaballah, NAR doctrines, dispensational end times theology, etc. rolled into one and confirmed by a host of evangelical "prophets and apostles", with some military and news media pundits thrown in for good measure. That's why it caught my attention.

  142. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Talk about living rent-free is someone's last post was 1:41 am last night EST. Seems there's a new poster stepping forward to support Mrs. Cumbey and take on the childish antics of Qanonymous.

    As far as Donald being history...there are fights for control of the republican party occurring in states, counties, cities, towns, libraries and school boards throughout the US between unqualified, inexperienced and downright stupid Maga Qanon citizens/candidates who now think they are truly experts at elections, politics, economics, international trade and relations, UFO's, epidemiology, healthcare, etc. because they read it on the internet somewhere like gateway pundit, natural news or whatever alt right qanon disinformation website facebook links them to and that if you don't support them and their ilk you are a communist, traitor, fbi agent, nazi, unamerican, unpatriotic, non-christian, progressive, rino.....

    Many of these people are coming forward out of NAR type churches and speaking in dominion now gospel terms. They are extreme right to life in that they presume to want to ban all birth control and force their maga social gospel on everyone.

    All decorum and decency has left the party as these people try to take over. Everybody thinks THEY can be the most trump and win themselves a government job. They just have to lie about everything. Hopefully decent God-fearing and God-loving delegates like Mrs. Cumbey can stop them. But that's probably not going to happen anytime soon in many parts of the country.

    I'm reminded of the time a group of libertarians that set about taking over a town and ended up destroying it.

    The Town That Went Feral: When a group of libertarians set about scrapping their local government, chaos descended. And then the bears moved in.

  143. Hi all,

    With all the apocalyptic talk circulating has anyone given thought as to where
    America is featured in Endtimes Prophecy from a Biblical standpoint.

  144. Jesus was the fulfillment of the seventy weeks of Daniel. That's how Simeon and Anna knew to wait in the temple for Him.

  145. America is not in prophecy. America's churches, and all churches everywhere, are, because Jesus will come against any church that is in idolatry, as He said He would in His letters to the seven churches of Asia minor at the beginning of Revelation. The most important thing is to put Him first. America's place in prophecy is irrelevant.

    America is just another historical empire going through a stage of decline. It happened to the British empire before it.

    Any nation throughout history can be judged when God deems it has filled the full measure of its sins, and it would not be surprising at all if America was under judgment.

  146. Anonymous9:17 AM

    America is Babylon. Soon to be completely destroyed.

  147. Anonymous9:19 AM

    J weighing in on things she has no clue about.

  148. Babylon was called in Revelation that great city where our Lord was crucified. Was Jesus crucified in a city in America?

    See Revelation 11:8

  149. The only part you got right is that Mystery Babylon has infiltrated America just as it had infiltrated ancient Jerusalem. But that's hardly unique to America, is it?

  150. Again, the church is the Kingdom of God on earth. Not America or Israel. The church can be idolatrous. The church is the Bride. Is America the Bride of Christ? Can America commit spiritual adultery? The church can. Any church.

  151. Anonymous10:16 AM

    "One sided? This blog over time has covered new age actors such as Javier Solana, Reverend Moon, Paul Temple, Chuck Hagel, etc. etc." "Absolutely. So why have all those topics gone away?"

    They've all gone away because most current posters prefer to discuss covid vaccine info, post articles from faux alternate news sites, and continually bash someone posting as "x."

    I will say that the spiritual discussions here have been great and hope they continue. I'm thankful for Ms. Cumbey and the research she freely shares here.

  152. Anonymous10:18 AM

    America is the center of Babylon. Even though in spirit, its found globally.

  153. What's become interesting to me about Trump and QAnon is the parallels with the Zealots of first century Jerusalem.

    In both cases, people want a Messiah who will be a nationalist fighter against the NWO. Rome was the NWO of the first century AD. No, it didn't literally cover the whole world, but it covered the whole known civilized world of that time and place, in a world without airplanes or TV or the internet. If you lived in that time and place, the Roman Empire would be your NWO.

    The Zealots wanted a Messiah to restore the Kingdom to Israel and rule from David's throne on earth. They didn't want a Messiah who would overcome death to by taking their place as a sacrifice for their sins so that they could enjoy eternity with God instead of separated from God.

    Even the Apostles didn't understand the true nature of the Kingdom of God until after the Holy Spirit came upon them at Pentecost.

    By brushing aside any calling out of Trump's sins because it will hurt the fight against the NWO in this life, one shows they are prioritizing this life over the next life. It may not be consciously intended that way. But what else can it be considered when push comes to shove?

    If we're the church, we're supposed to be spotless. No, we never will be that way in this life, but shouldn't we at least show we value it as an ideal?

    I haven't always agreed with Constance, but this time I agree with her. I don't classify this latest blog article the same way as I classified her defense of Ketanji Brown Jackson.

    Do commenters here not see the difference this time?

    Can you name one dishonorable thing about Peter Meijer? Does he deserve to be canceled by Trump?

    Do you not care about QAnon enabling politicians increasingly taking office?

  154. Anonymous10:21 AM

    10:16 AM

    But I do feel sorry that Ms. Cumbey is slipping into deeper Mania.

  155. 10:18 AM,

    Mystery Babylon infests everything. Yes, it infests America and Europe. It infested ancient Jerusalem. It's always been a part of Asia and Africa, although the churches are growing on those places, and Asians and Africans are every bit equally made in the image of God and equally have salvation available to them if they hear the Gospel and accept it. Mystery Babylon has infested the Catholic and Orthodox churches, Islam, Judaism, and the Protestant churches of our day and age.

    You are mistaken to think the NWO is only identified with America and Europe Europe. The NWO 2.0 is the BRICS nations. David Rockefeller openly wrote about it. He knew the NWO couldn't become worldwide if it was perceived as dominated by America and Western Europe.

    Putin is a part of the NWO dialectic, BRICS is a part of the NWO dialectic. China -- remember China? It's the preferred government system for the NWO. It's a part of BRICS. It's an ally of Russia.

    Are you Russian? Why do you fervently anticipate America's complete destruction?

  156. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Yes J, but the Biden Death Cult is current, larger, and more dangerous than any real, or imagined Trump cult, or evil. Why the disproportionate focus?

    Straining at a gnat and swallowing an O'Biden!

  157. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Who said the NWO was only identified with America and Europe Europe?????

  158. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Yes, I am Russian, and Belarusian, and Ukrainian, and Polish, and Dutch, and French, and British, and Danish, and Spanish, and Khazar.

    Not sure what blood type though?

  159. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Anticipating America's complete destruction is discerned spiritually. You know, like Revelations.

  160. 10:29 AM,

    Point out where I have ever commented favorably about Biden.

    Do I really need to come here and parrot all the Biden talking points? You already know about inflation, I have little doubt. Right? You already know about the hit American energy independence took because of him, no doubt. Right? We know the Biden family has been in bed with China. Do I need to say it so you know I know it?

    If I think it's obvious, I may think it doesn't need to be said.

  161. Anonymous10:58 AM

    "I think it's obvious" Trump had many faults. Its also obvious the anti-Trump cult here, suffers from terminal head up the ass syndrome!

  162. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Biden is obviously an empty shell of a critter, but a willing empty shell!

    So his complete obedience to wickedness will not go unpunished!

    At least with Trump, and his many faults, and compromises, you got some honesty. NOT, someone reading from a teleprompter, having to be led off stage, because hes lost in confusion. Is it not dangerous not knowing who exactly is calling the shots, and writing the script???

    This blog is partially populated by lukewarm religionists. That is why false science is given weight here. It is why micro celebrities are given praise here. It is why there is so much passionate disagreement between the worldly lukewarm, and the followers of Christ.

  163. Anonymous11:17 AM

    11:12 AM

    I think Trump has the legal right to run if he chooses. You know, after the coup and all.

    Could he be any more dangerous than poop in my pants, demon monster O'Biden?

  164. Anonymous11:26 AM


    I asked you to explain how the vaccine is not a precursor to the 'Mark of the Beast' as you seem to believe?

    You replied with a nonsensical blah blah blah. Which in no way was an honest answer to my question.

    Please, with no run around, kindly give a real, straight forward answer?

  165. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Yes, Trump is bombarding America with mailings, and emails.

    While Satanist O'Biden is bombarding America with turds from his dirty diaper.

    You may enjoy those turds, but not me.

  166. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Well, duh--yeah, we know about Biden and his administration don't we?

    We see what he is doing but at whose behest??? What and who is making it happen behind the cameras? We are all living in Democrat hell right now watching things get much worse with each day. What is not talked about is who is behind these scenes, so cozy with Biden, Pelosi, Kerry, and overseas counterparts. And why I think deserves to be part of the discussion here instead on non-stop Trump/Q. There are many threads dedicated to that topic. Good grief. How many times do people have keep up some disapproval of the former President to get beyond what is not (by now) hidden on that topic too? It's like the keystone cops are running this scenario here looking for that "special" boogey-man and sure they have the ONE--while chaos driven by many an absolute gang of criminals are otherwise flooding the scene. I think that has been explored a whole lot at the expense of finding out who (and their minions) is running the global show. No one is interested in that? Because they're stuck on one person, one aspect?

    That's not even smart. The side lines get the attention and the main stream and flow of NWO advancement is basically a nothingburger? What? There is no New Age currently driving the extreme left???

    This merry-go-round here is spinning (leftward) in slow-mo by some real "serious" keyboard warriors!
    Oh devil, you're good at keeping 'em distracted from knowing who is pushing all the global buttons right now--here in America but also the foreign influences and decisions from abroad working tirelessly-round the clock against us and on the international scene! Crafty work from the dark side while some think they are being quite clever (really?), and thinking they're quite serious about it too (haha)!
    This blog's "self-importance" is so productive to uncover the "truth" just like Washington DC is.......
    Had a friend come look at this site (hasn't been here before)and shook his head...
    Good for a chuckle at least!

  167. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Trump does have the legal right to run just as Biden has the legal right to run. Evil is evil whichever direction it comes from. Yes, Biden is running America into the ground. Your fringe right Qanon savior Trump isn’t any better. I don’t enjoy Biden. Neither did I enjoy Trump. But say one bad thing about Trump on this blog and the Qanonymous posters become unhinged with what about, what about, what about.

  168. Anonymous11:42 AM

    11:12 AM Yes, In Trump we do have some honesty. He told us from the beginning that he is a snake. The same folks calling the shots when Trump was president are calling the shots now with Biden as president. It's all part of the same script.

  169. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Biden isn't "exteme left"

    Left of establishment republicans and way left of MAGA/Qanon but, at worst, would be considered Center-Right.

    Democrats still represent capitalist corporate strong federal government positions just not a vehemently and the exclusion of all as establishment republicans and not as crazy as Maga/Qanon who sought to blow the whole thing up and install a single central strong man dictator and his personal psuedo-religious oligarchs.

    Hungary's Viktor Orban is a good example of what a pseudo-religious strongman faux-democracy looks like and could look like if Trump were to run and somehow win again (with a tailcoat of other Maga/Qanon candidates behind him). With enough votes they could simply, as Orban did, amend the US Constitution, take control of all the media, ghost ban all political opponents and take control of the courts by passing a law forcing all judges over a certain age to retire and appointing political cronies. The political opposition in Hungary isn't even allowed to use the national mail service to send political materials. Last week, Orban's party won 123 of the 200 seats despite the fact most of the other political parties left, center and even the farther right consolidated into one group attempting desperately to defeat the Furher Orban. Like Putin, Orban is prime minister for life by institutional design.

    There are 'far-left' democrats. The few American disillusioned youth that might be considered "far left" vote democrat because they have no other choice. They aren't communists but, rather, progressive socialists that don't see any place for themselves in capitalism.

    Notice the Democrats control Congress but we're not getting even a hint of social medicine being discussed despite its necessity becoming abundantly clear. I mention that as a way of pointing out how democrats have shifted to the right in order to counter Maga/Qanon. They don't want to give Trump any ammunition to stoke up more white and red fear in his base.


  170. 11:26 AM,

    Straightforwardly, the word "mark" is used in the Old Testament to represent spiritual ownership.

    Buying and selling in Revelation refer to the buying and selling in the temple of first century AD Jerusalem.

    The first Jewish converts to Christianity were shut out of the temple.

    The temple sold the animals that were used to make sacrifices. All Jews across the villages traveled to Jerusalem at least once per year to purchase an animal and make a sacrifice for sin in the temple. They didn't tend to bring animals with them on their trips. The temple was very rich from this and more. It was a place of real estate transactions and many other economic transactions. The poor couldn't afford to buy larger animals, so they purchased doves.

    Jesus counseled the church in Laodicea to purchase gold from Him. From this we should become familiarized with buying and selling as being a spiritual symbol in Revelation.

    The Old Testament uses "mark" in a spiritual way.

  171. P.S. Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was a transaction that canceled our sin debt. Ever heard of the "wages of sin?" Are wages literal? Is debt literal? No, nobody thinks they are, right?

    Think about it, it is profound the more you meditate about it, and I don't mean transcendental meditation, I just mean contemplating it in a Biblical way.

    Think about the Led Zeppelin song about a lady buying her stairway to heaven. That will give you some idea of the theme of Jesus being angry about the money changing tables in the court of the gentiles. Recall what He said about the poor widow who gave all she had.

    Those little stories, you can miss their significance if you don't watch it. They were very profound and very significant. They match Revelation. You need to see the pattern matches.

  172. Ephesians 4:30 - read it in your favorite translation.

    The Holy Spirit is God's mark or seal of ownership. It's the guarantee that God will set you free.

  173. Anonymous12:50 PM

    J Are you saying that the first Jewish converts were not able to enter the temple because they did not have the mark to buy an animal to sacrifice? I have not heard that before. Would they have attempted to enter the temple after the veil was torn and the sacrifice was no longer necessary? This is a part of history that I need to look into more. It's hard to take it all in, there's so much. The red heifer giving birth to the lamb as it was in "the way" to be sacrificed is probably the most profound for me. Thanks for your insight.

  174. X 12:05 PM,

    If what you say is really true, then it means the MAGA movement is acting as a check and balance on Biden.

    I don't actually think you're looking at it with the same dialectical eyes that Constance, Rich, Marko and others do.

    I think MAGA and Trump have always vacillated between being controlled opposition and uncontrolled opposition.

    I actually think the best way not to be controlled opposition, is to be righteous. People who don't have bloodlust won't be led by undercover FBI agents into acts of violence toward people or property.

  175. Anonymous1:06 PM

    An example of MAGA/Qanon politicians that Trump enabled, including, but not limited to comments Trump made like saying John McCain wasn't a war hero because he got caught and avoiding WWI and WWII military cemeteries where the losers were buried....

    Majorie Taylor Greene

    What does MTG say about joining the US Military?

    MTG: "Not my's like throwing your life away"

  176. 12:50 PM,

    I'm still studying it myself, and there is a lot to it.

    I know this won't fully answer your question, but a very significant turning point came when the Jews said, "We have no king but Caesar," thus rejecting Jesus as the King of the Jews. He agreed He was but said His kingdom is not of this world. On His cross it said, "King of the Jews."

    Caesar was on one side of the coin of the realm used in the temple. On the other side of the coin was Herod Agrippa. One word for coin was "mark," so there could possibly be a play on words. But ultimately a mark is a mark of spiritual ownership, with Christians being marked or sealed by the Holy Spirit.

    There are so many things we don't know, and those things would have been a part of the life of the Jews who converted to Christianity in the first century.

    But we can still get the main messages about putting Jesus first and persevering in the faith in spite of persecution.

  177. Anonymous1:24 PM


    I look at democrats as a check on republicans and, to some extant, vice versa.

    Establishment republicans will, hopefully, be a check on Maga/Qanon republicans.

    Not exactly to the point but as an example, I think Mrs. Cumbey was fine with KBJ not because Mrs. Cumbey supports KBJ's personal judicial or even political philosophies, but, rather, because KBJ is experienced, knowledgable, and qualified for the position and the court NEEDS balance.

    KBJ is just replacing another slightly left-leaning judge. She's not an extremist at all.

    I don't fear a 75% Democrat controlled legislature as much as I would a 75% republican controlled legislature. Both would be/could be problematic but I'm certain a 75% republican controlled legislature with a republican president would be the end of the US. 75% democrats might fail too...but, at least, as things stand today, I think they'd TRY.

    Heck...if the Republicans controlled both the house and the senate after the 2020 election they MAY have overturned the election with Zero basis for doing so and simply "appointed" Trump our "cyrus king". In a sense, Nancy Pelosi saved America from it's biggest Constitutional crisis to date.


  178. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Here is a Math 101 lesson for all you boys and girls:

    1) The Globalists CONTROL the narrative of the mainstream news media 24/7.

    2) The Globalists are in power in Washington, DC right now. The main reason why they hate Donald Trump is BECAUSE HE IS NOT ONE OF THEM... and they are so relieved to finally get him out of office.

    3) The Globalists want every man, woman, child, dog and cat in America to be VACCINATED.
    Now, the masses are gradually getting sick and dying from the side effects of these Covid vaccines. But, that's OK with the Globalists because DEPOPULATION is one of their many agendas... and BIG PHARMA is raking in gazillions of dollars. (It's a win/win for the Globalists.)

    5) Russia is bombing the shit out of Ukraine... where coincidentally, Globalists like Obama, Biden and Hillary just HAPPEN to have their secret base of operations of money laundering and human trafficking. So, of course, they (Obama, Biden, Hillary) have a big problem with Putin getting into their business and exposing all of their secrets. (Fortunately, because the Globalists control the lamestream news media 24/7... they have been successful in keeping most of the sheeple DUMBED DOWN and unaware. Also, the sheeple support Ukraine... and actually believe that their Nazi leader Zelensky (former actor & comedian) is some kind of HERO (when he is nothing more than a Globalist 'tool' and temporary figurehead).

    6) Currently, the main goal and OBSESSION of the Globalists is to STOP Trump from running for President in 2024... because they FEAR that he so popular with the American people (remembering that our economy was actually HEALTHY and thriving from 2017-2021... and that Trump speaks his mind and doesn't worry about political correctness, 'canceling' people who don't agree with other, etc.)

    7) So, the latest is that the Globalists will continue to keep January 6th in the news (rather than the ACTUAL COUP of November 3rd to 4th of 2020)... and MAYBE they can actually get Trump arrested, prosecuted and put in prison so he will be UNABLE to run for President again in 2024 (a double win/win for the Globalsts).


    So, please explain to me exactly HOW this puts Trump 'on the same page' with the Globalists politically (as in two sides of the came coin)? Oh wait... you can't.

    If he was truly one of them... they wouldn't be so OBSESSED with keeping him from running again in 2024.

    They would have one of ther OWN in office.

  179. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Sorry, I left out #4... but, that's enough for now.

  180. Anonymous1:46 PM

    J said: "I actually think the best way not to be controlled opposition, is to be righteous. People who don't have bloodlust won't be led by undercover FBI agents into acts of violence toward people or property."

    1. Do you think Adam Kinzinger is an example of a righteous man? I certainly don't know everything about the guy and where his personal demons lay but he and that Meyers kid both seem to be fairly righteous younger men.

    2. There were many dangerous anti-American Anti-establishment terrorist groups and individuals interspersed with politically discouraged young men at the Trump speech and Capitol insurrection. Thus, I would HOPE the FBI was present and under deep cover infiltrating and monitoring these groups for the protection of our country, citizenry and leaders. When you are undercover you can't just sit back and take notes without getting noticed so a few FBI agents undercover were likely in and all about the insurrectionists crowd. They BELONGED there...because that's where the criminals were (more than 800 people have been charged with crimes and The FBI has estimated that 2,000 people may have been involved in the attack that day). Law enforcement has arrested alleged rioters in nearly all 50 states. A few or couple FBI agents did not LEAD the insurrection in any even insignificant way but it's so strange to see that claim using 5 seconds of one man purported to be an FBI agent (or informant) while also ignoring the weeks, hours and days of planning that went into that day by Trump, his campaign and his associates.

    Maybe that's not really what you meant. It's fine. I appreciate the discussion and your input.


  181. 1:30 PM,

    The obsession with Trump gets clicks, views, ads, ratings. Peddling the fear that Trump will run in 2024 sells.

    Trump has already stated that the only thing that would stop him from running in 2024 would be his health. That won't sell.

    Trump sells. Trump was great for the media. Trump, Trump, Trump made ratings go up, up up. He made Likes and Retweets go up, clicks go up, views go up, ad revenue go up.

    The media loved to hate Trump. Trump considers that the only bad press is no press. He's always been able to use bad press to his advantage. It increased his street cred with his base. It got him free publicity.

    I don't disagree with everything you wrote about the globalists, but I think you may give them too much credit for being competent.

    I don't know what to say about Ukraine, since I don't have boots on the ground there. It's all second hand. How should I know what's Russian disinfo and what's true?

  182. I don't think Adam Kinzinger has a personal motive for what he is doing. I think he is willing to take a hit personally. It's the same willingness that made him a veteran. In that regard he is like Peter Meijer. Both are patriots and veterans.

    God knows how righteous they are. I don't know of anything dishonorable about either one of them.

    I can barely focus on January 6th or COVID. I'm so tired of both topics. I'll leave the discussion to other people when it comes to either of those subjects. I just can't anymore. It's like eating one more stale, greasy potato chip after getting heartburn.

  183. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Qanonymous @ 1:30 pm

    I understand you don't see it but that's almost all entirely made up qanon/maga disinformation.

    1. What evidence is there that Obama, Hillary and/or Biden have ANY "base of operations" there whatsoever, let alone money laundering and human trafficking?

    a. Hillary visited Ukraine once for 2 days in July, 2010.

    b. Obama visited Ukraine once, with Dick Lugar (R) of Indiana when he was just barely elected the junior Senator from Illinois
    Biden. He never visited Ukraine as President, instead, sending Vice President Biden to handle one of America's top Foreign Policy imperitives.

    c. Biden visited Ukraine 6 times in 7 years on behalf of US interests in the newly free country stumbling to find it's way.

    Here is what Joe Biden actually did in Ukraine

  184. Anonymous2:28 PM

    2:10 PM

    Unless you can absolutely PROVE to me that what I have stated in my post of 1:30 PM is not TRUE... you are wasting your time.

    And posting a link from the LA Times just insults everyone's intelligence.

    How come those of you who are so quick to call out disinformation news sites FAIL to mention the TOP disinformation news sites... like CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times and the Washington Post?

    What is so IRONIC is that we are all posting here on a blog... where the New Age Movement was once ridiculed as 'a tin foil hat conspiracy theory' back in the 1980s.

    Therefore, it may take TIME for people to WAKE UP to what is really going on in Ukraine, for example.

    Enough said...

  185. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Anyone who continues to defend Joe Biden has lost all credibility with most people on this blog.

    Most of the time, Joe doesn't know what day it is, or what city he's in.

    Very sad indeed (but mostly for us, the American people).

  186. Anonymous2:41 PM

    To J @ 1:47 PM
    Re: "I don't disagree with everything you wrote about the globalists, but I think you may give them too much credit for being competent."


    Please let me make myself perfectly clear, I do NOT think the Globalists are competent. LOL

    Sometimes, EVIL people have the devil on their side temporarily... until he is finished using them (thus, the expression 'only the good die young' etc.).

  187. Anonymous2:54 PM

    To J @ 1:47 PM
    Re: "How should I know what's Russian disinfo and what's true?"


    Fair enough... but, videos are slowly being released, where ordinary citizens in Ukraine are being interviewed in various bombed out neighborhoods. They have been crying and asking why their own Ukrainian government's solders have been 'shelling' their residential neighbhorhoods... because, this doesn't make sense to them, as there is no MILITARY reason for doing this.

  188. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Just a reminder for us all:

    Revelation 13:16-17

    16 And he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character in their right hand, or on their foreheads.

    17 And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

  189. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Qanonymous said: "Unless you can absolutely PROVE to me that what I have stated in my post of 1:30 PM is not TRUE... you are wasting your time."

    Unless you can absolutely prove to me you aren't sexual molesting children right are wasting your time.

  190. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Qanonymous at 2:54 pm

    ...and videos are slowly emerging showing Ukrainian cities just self-combusting and crumbling all by themselves as peaceful russian soldiers and convoys just stand by on a humanitarian mission.

    Wartime information and disinformation may be difficult to obtain, discern and perceive but I very much doubt that the desperate and undermatched Ukranians, while on the run from invaders that already look horrible to the world, have set out to kill their own citizens (women and children) as some kind of optics war technique.

    It SOUNDS a lot more like Russian disinformation.

    Here's an example of a FactCheck regarding Russian disinformation surrounding the hospital bombing in Mariopol that was provided by The Dispatch. I specifically provide you with a link to The Dispatch fact checking because The Dispatch is a right biased right leaning self-described "conservative" publication.

    Fact Check: The Mariupol Maternity Ward Airstrike was not Staged Social media posts saying so echo Russian propaganda.

  191. Anonymous4:25 PM

    The Dispatch about us:

    Welcome to The Dispatch: We are a digital media company providing engaged citizens with fact-based reporting and commentary on politics, policy and culture—informed by conservative principles. We deliver that work in newsletters, articles, and podcasts.

    Why are we doing this, and why are we doing it the way we are? The internet puts an unimaginable amount of information at our fingertips, but it makes knowledge and wisdom harder to grasp. Social media connects people in meaningful ways but also manages to make it more difficult for us to understand each other. It is less a World Wide Web linking us all together than an accelerant, quickening trends long in the works. Our confidence in the institutions that once anchored us was declining even before the internet became a fixture in our lives, but its arrival has only made us feel even less fixed to a common landscape.

    Nowhere is this more true than in the world of journalism. Not only do we have too much noise and not enough signal, but the signals we should be heeding are often discounted as noise and the noise is marketed as prophecy. A great deal of excellent journalism is still available to those who want it, but one has to seek it out like a tourist trying to find a chapel amid the neon signs of some dystopian red-light district.

    We don’t apologize for our conservatism. Some of the best journalism is done when the author is honest with readers about where he or she is coming from, and some of the very worst journalism hides behind a pretense of objectivity and the stolen authority that pretense provides. When we provide analysis, we will endeavor to describe the opposing points of view with honesty and charity. When we report, we will do so without concern for whether the facts prove inconvenient to any party or politician. We’ll test our own assumptions and, we hope, challenge our readers to do the same. We expect people to disagree, but we hope they will see that we come to our positions honestly, without some unstated agenda."

  192. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Hidden truths about the CIA, Ukraine, Nazis, UN and more...

    Must see video interview with investigative reporter Lara Logan

    Scroll over to the end of the 38 minute mark: "The first casualty of war is the TRUTH"

  193. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Besides "investigative reporter" Lara Logan, who Mrs. Cumbey has already dismissed as a disinformer for her article in the homosexual publcation, the Gateway Putin claiming Putin was fighting against the WEF and the Beforeitsnews website which is clearly completely fake news and controlled by Russia propagandist...

    What else do you have to support your fantastical claims?

  194. Anonymous5:04 PM

    This is merely an FYI, for your own discernment, or not. I'm not saying everything the woman has ever written is untrue but it is kind of telling that for those claiming NOT to be associated with Qanon, that this South African "journalists'" name keeps getting linked and trouted out as support for your baseless opinions and russina porpoganda position...

    LARA LOGAN’S LATEST ANTI-SEMITIC COMMENTS ARE “MORE SUITED FOR A WHITE SUPREMACIST CHAT ROOM”: From 60 Minutes correspondent to Fox Nation host to guest on a QAnon-adjacent online show, former war correspondent Logan now spends her days spewing anti-Semitic conspiracies.

    March 29, 2022

    read it for yourself...i'm not going to repeat her anti-Semitic troupes here.

  195. Constance has criticized the anti-Catholic bias of Eric Jon Phelps, too, but that doesn't stop your anti-Catholic bias.

    I disagree with some Catholic teachings and practices, but I don't always think that Opus Dei dunnit.

    Lara Logan said on Gettr that the Rothschilds funded Darwin? That amounts to constant anti-Semitic tropes? Does it matter whether it's true or false, or is it just "bad, m'kay", to criticize the Rothschilds?

    I don't know whether it's true or false, but it's interesting that nobody debunked it. Instead she got immediately canceled from Fox News.

    If the overall theme is that the Jews are the source of evil conspiracies in the world, I disagree with that, of course. I don't think criticizing the Rothschilds, all by itself, should bring us right to the brink of another holocaust -- should it?

  196. Anonymous6:21 PM

    5:04 PM

    Telling Jewish people the TRUTH about what has been going on in Western Ukraine can hardly be called anti-semitic!!! They should be thanking her.

    (That would be like calling me a 'racist' because I decided to vote for someone other than Obama in 2008.)

    If you haven't got the moral courage to watch Lara Logan's video... you have no GUTS.

    And surely you can do better than Vanity Fair Magazine for a reference (as they are well known for their liberal 'hatchet jobs').

    But, enjoy living in your comfortable 'bubble' of preconceived ideas.

  197. Anonymous6:23 PM

    60 Minutes does a lot of 'hatchet jobs' too!!!

    Many have affected the outcome of presidential elections.

  198. Anonymous6:44 PM

    "I disagree with some Catholic teachings and practices, but I don't always think that Opus Dei dunnit."
    Thank you for saying that. I'm not Catholic but I disagree with heavy handed judgments made in big blocs against people who differ from me. I am trying to learn how not to be that kind of "ugly Christian" or "ugly American" without becoming the opposite--PC stupid--about it. But some make that a type of virtue and favor towards God. Uh..that's a big nope.

    The Rothchild's have done dirty business in the big finance world (there is a proven track record), and happen to be Jewish.
    But they don't do big dirty business because they are Jewish.
    Huge difference.
    People so often refuse to hold things and people accountable with equity (only God gets that correct every time).
    Prejudice and bias are alive and well in seemingly good people but need to clean their "filters" before they rush in to make judgment, but do they?? will they do that with consistency??--we all know the answer to that one--because we are just people--flawed people judging flawed people.

    Happens right here on this blog, too, every day. Certain people especially make it their business to correct everybody who differs from their opinion. Excuse me?

    And people take their own opinions pretty dadgum seriously. We all need some major discernment and it comes from God, and it's given to the humble, but the proud will never get that wisdom because ego drives them. I just read the passage today in 2 Cor 13 about urging us to examine ourselves by the standard of God's word which should put a certain godly fear in us--the right kind of fear. Wisdom can start right there.
    Pride and fear drive many wrongs (and loving money/status/goods has a big root there too).

  199. 6:44 PM,

