
Sunday, December 24, 2017


"I heard the bells on Christmas Day, their old familiar carol play . . ."  It seems almost to me that like it can't already be Christmas, we just had Christmas!   Or at least that's how fast time seems to be going for me and my family.  "$God is not dead, nor doth He sleep" another line from that old carol should comfort us through these tumultuous times.

Puerto Rico is suffering.  So are Californians through massive fires; Texans still recovering from hurricanes and earthquakes, Floridians ditto.  Now yesterday, the Philippines suffered tremendous disasters.  Our prayers and support need to be with them.

We are having a quiet family celebration at home.  I wish the same for you and your loved ones through this Christmas season and the realities of the fast approaching New Year of 2018.

Stay tuned!

Monday, November 27, 2017

UPDATED 12-14-2017: National Press Club Speech - November 10, 2017: New Age, Javier Solana factors in "Global Governance"

December 13, 2017 Update:  Please don't call me unqualified to discuss this topic.  This certificate says I have successfully completed Dr. Javier Solana's taught ESADE University Coursera course in what else?, global governance.  There was a wealth of videos, background papers, most of which presented no small challenge to me as they were in Spanish.  However, Google has come a long way with its translation software and I made it through.  Students were required for course passage to grade the papers of 3 others.  Each final examination was graded in turn by 3 students.  Two gave me perfect scores.  The third grading me knocked me down a little, but still, I finished the course with a 90.3% grade.  Not bad in my humble opinion.  Thought you would enjoy seeing my newly found credentials in how to run our world, better known these days as "global governance."  Talk about going into the "belly of the beast" figuratively speaking!  The course tuition was an extremely reasonable $29.00 and I more than got my moneys worth.  I figure this combined with my law degree, 42 years of practice, 37 years of research and writing on the topic, plus 22 years (since November 22, 1995) intense research on Javier Solana and "global governance" more than qualifies me to speak on the topic, even though I gained most of my information "the poor man's way" through computerized research rather than flying to expensive international conferences.  I have to say that the course was well done and well worth the $29 I spent!  There were six weeks of hard course work, but I got it accomplished in approximately 2.5 weeks.

My course certificate from Esade/Coursera for Global Governance & Geopolitics - Risks & Opportunities.

Original blog posting:  Well, I keep getting these surprises just before bedtime.  Cliff Kincaid just forwarded me a link to the speech I gave at his Washington, DC conference on "Russia-Gate" on November 10, 2017 at the National Press Club, Zenger Room on that date.  I wish I had smiled more for that presentation or had been a few years younger when I was a bit more photogenic, but what you see is what you get!

My presentation centered about major factors and a major player in global governance circles -- Javier Solana and family New Age family ties in his relationships.

For what it's worth, here it is.  I hate to watch my own videos and listen to my own audios, but Cliff and Jerry Kenny do a first rate job of presenting the material.  Here it is.  I was able to download the video for my own archives from Youtube and because of the constant "Now you see us, now you don't" approach I have found those advancing the various New Age/Global Governance agendas, you might want to download and save it to your own archives.  Cliff has asked me to circulate this, so here it is.

Of course, as always I value your feedback.  Stay tuned!


Thursday, September 21, 2017

SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE! Javier Solana on Global Governance Vacuum

Couldn't go to bed without showing you this first.  Read Javier Solana's opinions on "The Global Leadership Vacuum"
by going to www.


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Was Lucis Trust behind Occupy Movement?

I've spent a great deal of time lately examining both my personal library and online/library resources on the OCCUPY MOVEMENT.  The OCCUPY MOVEMENT has also helped spawn the INDIVISIBLE MOVEMENT.  The INDIVISIBLE MOVEMENT is actively and shamelessly working to bring down the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION.  The OCCUPY MOVEMENT is actively and shamelessly working for WORLD REVOLUTION and GLOBAL GOVERNANCE.

I recently borrowed for a 3 week period (now expired) a video entitled "The 99%:  OCCUPY EVERYWHERE.  Upon viewing, I thought it necessary that I own my own copy.  I discovered I couild "own" a copy by downloading same from for a price.  That is often a convenient and good way to view worth watching twice videos.  However, I wanted the in-the-box copy.  I went to Amazon's online store site for that.  I do have it ordered; but I  was shocked to see that I had to PRE-order this video based on largely pre-2012 events.

Credits and comments at the end of the video boasted the successes the OCCUPY MOVEMENT had with various important very recent  political developments and initiatives.  That let me know its proponents considered it part of an ongoing current major global process.

The OCCUPY EVERYWHERE video was heavy with footage about global revolution and "SDG"s. "SDG" stands for SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS.  Jeffrey Sachs who originally hails from the Detroit Metropolitan area (Oak Park) was featured heavily throughout the video footage.  He is the primary figure behind the administration of the Agenda 21 cum Agenda 2030 cum Millennium Development Goals cum Sustainable Development Goals program.
Jeffrey Sachs speaking to the World Economic Forum

The SDG's were formerly known as MDG's.  That stands for "Millennium Development Goals."  In its turn those were the Agenda 21 goals published post-Rio 1992 Earth Summit chaired by now deceased Canadian internationalist Maurice Strong. 

This morning, I discovered an intriguing video on line making the charge that "LUCIS TRUST IS BEHIND THE OCCUPY MOVEMENT."  

You may view it by clicking this link.  

I have long observed that the current manifestations of the New Age Movement/Theosophy/occultism usually become dangerous when they team up with other forces such as "free thinkers", anarchism, and other forces that would force change through violence.

Those reading Barbara Marx Hubbard's REVELATION and her channeled pronouncements that "we come to bring death -- we do this for the sake of the planet" have been put on notice that major New Agers believe themselves guided by spirits.

This video claims a link between Paulina Arcos, Lucis Trust and the Occupy Movement.  The Occupy Movement website that was originally created on July 12, 2011 had an administrative contact of "Arcos, Paulina europeanrevolution@ . . ."

The needed "pre-release" order of the 99% OCCUPY EVERYWHERE video tells me that very likely a new push is on.  I decided to see what was happening circa 2017.  I have found plenty.  Behind the OCCUPY MOVEMENT financially in no small part was the TIDES FOUNDATION.  One of its prominent donors is George Soros but there are many others.  

One word of caution.  The video focused in no small part on the address of 866 United Nations Plaza as proof of the Lucis Trust connection.  That was once the address of Lucis Trust that has long since moved on to a Wall Street address near the docks in New York City at 120 Wall Street.  

866 United Nations Plaza is an office condominium building.  I do not currently know if it is owned or run by the United Nations. I also know very little about Paulina Arco and her causes.  For sure she is teamed up with the Occupy Movement from the evidence shown; however, I have yet to learn if she has Lucis Trust ties.  From Issue No. 3 of the Lucis Trust newsletter of 2012, we read this about Lucis Trust's views on the various global occupy movements:

Following on from the Festival Week seven years ago, we have seen great political, social and economic upheavals, manifesting in initiatives such as the Occupy Movement, the “Arab Spring”, and the continued focus, with varying success, on the importance of the UN Millennium Development Goals. Together they are making a significant impact on awareness of social issues and matters of spiritual principle. We have also seen how challenging it is for nations and communities to express these values and to reform the structures which will serve the common good. While self-interest or national interest is uppermost, there can be no "social harmony", no security or unity, no freedom or well-being. Perhaps the next seven years will see "the sacrifice of selfishness" coming into its own as people of goodwill recognise the need for sharing and the contribution of all parts of society towards the growth and prosperity of the whole. The word sacrifice means "to make whole", and the group’s work is therefore closely linked to the strengthening of the bridge between the higher and lower kingdoms of nature.

Whether they were/are directly behind the Occupy Movement, I'm still collecting the evidence.  Perhaps more of you out there already have it.  At any rate, they are applauding it and it appears that fresh moneys and determination on the coalition of anarchists/left wing extremists/New Agers/Occupy Movement activists now in obvious motion is on the march.

As now deceased Russian Orthodox priest Seraphim Rose used to effectively say:  IT IS LATER THAN YOU THINK.  HASTEN NOW TO DO THE WORK OF THE LORD.

Stay tuned!


Saturday, August 05, 2017


Two weeks ago,  our local Oakland Press had an intriguing article about something called the "Pontiac Holonomy Incubator."  Its leaders would be holding the Open House at 3 pm, a rally in a small park across the street in downtown Pontiac, Michigan would take place at 4 pm.  I felt it urgent that I check it out, as it clearly resonated with many "think globally, act locally" schematas I had viewed in the past in the course of my research on the New Age Movement.

I quickly learned from internet research that this was one of many projects being inspired by a new book circulating in both business and academic circles entitled HOLONOMICS:  BUSINESS WHERE PEOPLE AND PLANET MATTER.  Authors Simon and Maria Morae Robinson certainly do not look like idealogues or schemers.   Instead, they come across as a fresh faced relatively nice young couple.  They are are presently important players in stirring the pot of a concept called “holism.”  It also goes by the name of “holonomy” and the term they say they “coined” of “holonomics.”  For sure, they are true and sincere believers in their cause.  Their cause beautifully and unfortunately illustrates what I call “the hidden dangers of the New Age rainbow.”

Simon and Maria Robinson are now Brazilian based educators.  They are teachers at a college level school in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  It is my impression that they are perhaps cradle New Age believers.   They are passionately trying to convert the world, particularly at the business level, to what they call “holonomics.”   It appears to be quite the New Age stew of "paradigm shift", "Systems Thinking" "earth reverence," "holistic thinking," "all is interconnected," GAIA theories; Buddhist management, Sai Baba, phenomenology, and self-organizing evolution theories mixed in with let's all love each other so we can grow together type exhortations.  

They also mix a great deal of current science research they believe supports their theories.  Their work is receiving glowing reviews from varied sources.

New Agers I discovered as relatively young radicals (e.g. Fritjof Capra) are now aging academics who represent settled wisdom and knowledge to these young authors.  I personally just finished reading the Kindle edition of their book.  I’ve ordered the paperback copy as I want a copy I can freely markup and annotate.    The hard copy book is taking its sweet time to reach me -- that is part of the delay on this article.  I just finished reading the Kindle version as I write tonight.  It is a sizable book with many twists and turns -- while well written, it is not easy reading.

Marilyn Ferguson (1938-2008) wrote in her 1980 New Age landmark book, THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY (page 280) that “You can only have a new society . . .  if you change the education of the younger generation.”[i]   While complaining that young people were “limited” because entrenched educators controlled the system.  To gain degrees and academic credentials necessary for advancement, one had to go along with the established educational bureaucracy.

On the same page, she also happily wrote about the large number of conversions in the academic world to New Age thinking.

It is now appearing that those carrying the same new thinking advocated by Marilyn Ferguson and her many associates, e.g. Willis Harman, Maurice Strong, Hazel Henderson, Fritjof Capra, and so many others have become the new established bureaucracy in education.     More often these days, students must regurgitate as 'gospel,' the theories of this indoctrinated group of new academics.

These developments also remind me of another book popular in New Age circles, PARADIGM WARS (1996) by Professor Mark B. Woodhouse.

The Robinsons are interviewed as a couple by California New Age activist Gunther Sonnefeld.  The online video is available for watching by CLICKING HERE .  Several other interviews are available there as well.

Early on in the video, the Robinsons say they “coined” the word holonomics, fashioning it from words dealing with both holonomy and economics.  

However, that word has long been used by others and given very similar meanings by others in New Age and neo-pagan circles.

In my personal library, which I am far from done surveying, I have found that term used in the same sense as that expressed by the Robinsons in several books among them being

  • Barbara Clow in her 1994 book CHIRON purporting to be channeled writing concerning "Rainbow Bridge" between inner and outer planets.  Barbara Clow was and is a close Matthew Fox associate (the Catholic cum Episcopalian priest/'theologian);
  • Bob Samples in his 1981 book MIND OF OUR MOTHER.  This is one of the earlier books in my library; 
  • Globally & Locally, Seeking a Middle Path to Sustainable Development (1998)
  • Jose Arguelles (2011), MANIFESTO FOR THE NOOSPHERE."
I'm just starting on this topic.  To be continued.

Stay tuned,

[i] Ferguson, Marilyn.  THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY, page 280.

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Yes, there will be global warming -- but not for the reasons many think

Lately, I've been listening to all the international hysteria as one of the longest New Age agenda items is challenged -- "global warming" cum "climate change".

As long as I've knowingly observed the New Age Movement (since 1981), there were sub-goals in addition to their New World Order; New World Religion; and New Age "Messiah"  ones.

Some of the more important subgoals were:

1.  Reduce the USA;
2.  End separation of Church & State (so as to promote New Age, New World Religion concepts)
3.  Earth reverence and worship her as "Mother Earth", "Pachamama" and/or "Goddess Gaia".

Now in the early days that I first observed, I found small paperback volumes on the perils of a coming ice age.  A few mild winters later, and it was now "global warming."  After a few then colder winters, it was "climate change."

Well, I doubt if many of those watchers have bothered to dust off their Bibles, but had they done so, they might have even found some passages supporting their "global warming" theories.  As there are the fewest copyright issues with the King James Version of the Bible, I will quote from it.  One can find very similar language in the Catholic Douay Bibles.

16 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.
And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.
And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.
And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.
And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus.
For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.
And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.
And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.
And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.
10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,
11 And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.
But BEFORE all of this,  Revelation 14 tells us all were given fair warning:

And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
It appears that the prophecy warns that we were to fear only the God who created the heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters.

There has been a great deal of speculation as to who is the Beast and what is his image.  Having observed the New Age Movement as closely as I have for the past  36 years, I have become increasingly of the opinion that the "image of the Beast" is that of the "Whole Earth."

Indeed, that image was discussed as pivotal in Marilyn Ferguson's New Age coming out party volume, THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY.  Chapter 13 (page 405) of her book is even named "The Whole Earth Conspiracy."  I found  20 detailed references in the volume to "Whole Earth" concerns.  The New Age contempt for the beliefs and God of our Fathers is richly reflected in her prose:

Those of us born into the "broken-earth" paradigm have two choices: We can go to our graves with the old view, like the generations of die-hard scientists who insisted there were no such things as meteorites, or germs, or brainwaves, or vitamins-or, we can consign our old beliefs unsentimentally to the past and take up the truer, stronger perspective.
We can be our own children.

 The "spiritual values" to which the New Age cum "cultural creatives" cum "Mindfulness" crowd subscribe is clearly more Earth oriented than Creator based:

Spiritual values, indeed, are at the base of much of the ecological concern in our time, a quickening sense of the whole earth, respect for the matrix of our evolution, the nature in which we are embedded. (Ferguson, page 357)
 It is not just water conservation, nor air protection that the New Agers seek.  They  also aggressively put forth an "Earth Charter" accompanied by an even more more blasphemous "Ark of the Covenant".   Interestingly enough, they trotted that out for public display in a Vermont ceremony only two days before the "911" events of September 11, 2001 when the World Trade Center was destroyed.  Al Gore had a large Whole Earth poster behind him often shown on TV as he was interviewed in his Vice-Presidential office during the William Jefferson Clinton presidency (1993-2001).

Big money and big names are associated with the Threshold Foundation.  I have mentioned this organization in earlier posts, in views of Elaine DeWar's book CLOAK OF GREEN, and histories of the powerful convergences of the New Agers as they were seeking to implement their major tri-fold agenda.  You will remember that it was James George's book ASKING FOR THE EARTH was largely about the Threshold Foundation, its pioneering conferences and its work.  Marilyn Ferguson said of its goals in THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY (p. 410)
The Threshold Foundation, based in Switzerland, stated its intent to help ease the transition into a planetary culture, "foster a paradigm shift, a new model of the universe in which art, religion, philosophy, and science converge," and promote a wider understanding that "we exist in a cosmos whose many levels of reality form a single sacred whole.
The book of Revelation is both feared and despised by the New Age/Globalist/Deep Ecology Movement.  Indeed, an important New Ager who has lyingly denied being one, "Sir" Martin Palmer an adviser of note to Britain's Prince Philip  as well as his boastful claims of heading a trillion dollar environmental fund (churches' moneys, no less) spent considerable ink faulting me for that in his 1993 book

Well, even a broken clock is right twice a day.  The New Agers and their "environmental movement" compatriots/comrades in arms may well be right about "global warming" coming.  They are, however, dead wrong about its causes.  If they want to prevent "global warming" or a "New Ice Age" as still earlier books of theirs called for, perhaps they might want to give thanks rather than blasphemies to their Maker.

Stay tuned!


Monday, May 29, 2017

Merkel says EU can no longer rely on others -- Prophetic significance?

Donald Trump has just returned from his visits to Saudi Arabia, Israel, Palestinian Union leaders, the Vatican, and lastly NATO.  It is no understatement to say that things are in turmoil both home and abroad.  Reading about European reactions to his trip, it is another night when I wish that Herb Peters were still here to discuss what he called "".

Angela Merkel has said that it is now clear that Europe can no longer rely on others and must take events into its own hands.

The ten toes of Daniel immediately come to my mind.  Some were strong, some were weak.  Some were clay, some were iron.  They "would not cleave together."  However, ultimately, per the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation events would bring them together and work to eliminate some that would even be pulled up by their roots.  Which ones?  We could be possibly viewing the fulfillment of those prophecies with recent European events.

It is not new for demands to be made that Europe take matters into its own hands.  Javier Solana has long called for the consolidation of European military facilities into one shared operation.  He did this repeatedly during his long tenures as head of NATO, then head of the Western European Union (a military federation), Secretary General of the European Union (1999 to 2010), and "High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union (1999 to 2010).

In his "retirement" which appears to be as busy as his long-time official EU tenure, if not more so, he has continued to issue these calls and head critical EU military exploration operations.  In 2015 he issued widely circulated "wake calls" for a common European Union defense union.   He made that call from Berlin at the Friedrich Ebert Foundation where he went to present the CEP-FES report "More Union in European Defence,

Interestingly, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation's (in Germany called Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung) operations and interests do not appear to be purely European.  A Google search shows a broad international, global governance scope of its operations.  Such a search shows that it has a Washington, D.C. address of 1023 15th Street, NW.  It also shows a USA phone number of 202-408-5444.  It also shows offices in Ottawa, the capital city of Canada.

The USA based Brookings Institution, of which Javier Solana is also a Fellow recently released a list of Javier Solana's publications, book contributions, and articles.  You may access it by clicking here,  Given that the Brookings Institution is headed by former World Federalist head Strobe Talbott, it is more than fair to say that their interests are also global governance.

As regards the Friedrich Stiftung report delivered by Solana to the Berlin audience in 2015, it was the report of a CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies) task force chaired by Javier Solana.  Interestingly, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (Germany) was one of the sources of funding for the 1995 Commission on Global Governance Report:  Our Global Neighbourhood (page 376).  The person credited with bringing the parties together to form that commission which included Maurice Strong was Willy Brandt (1913-1992), a former Chancellor of Germany (1968 to 1974) and leader of the Social Democratic Party of Germany from 1964 to 1987.   Brandt also served as Mayor of Berlin for 9 years from 1957 to 1966.

I have always listened carefully when I heard the name Willy Brandt because Benjamin Creme made frequent laudatory mention of him in the November 4, 1981 speech I witnessed Creme making at the Unity Center for Holistic Living of Detroit's Unity Church.  Creme was so very confident that the "Maitreya" appearance was near because of Willy Brandt's then ongoing advocacy for global unification..

Creme's first book, THE REAPPEARANCE OF THE CHRIST, had similar laudatory language about Willy Brandt (page 250):

This information not only confirms that unique events are taking
place in the world. but aJso emphasizes, once again, that changes
must occur naturally through the actions of man himself. Maitreya
and the Masters can direct spiritual energies to stimulate the development
of all manner of plans, but it is up to man to react - and act.
How concrete these reactions already are, can be deduced,
amongst other things, from a report of the North-South Commission,
of which 18 well known politicians under the chairmanship of
the former West German Chancellor Herr Willy Brandt, are a part.
Edward Heath, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, and
Olof Palme of Sweden, are members of this Commission.
Maitreya's submission, that the world has only two choices,
sharing or total destruction, is dramatically underlined by the
Commission. The title of the Brandt report, "A Program for Survival,"
makes that quite clear. . . .
The German connection and the Willy Brandt origins are interesting.  Also making laudatory comments about Willy Brandt and his work leading to the formation of the Commission on Global Governance was former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev in his 1987 book PERESTROIKA (page 206).  Gorbachev's later book MANIFESTO FOR THE EARTH (2006) was even more militantly world government cum "Global Governance."

According to Maitreya evangelist and former State Department official author Wayne Peterson in his 2003 book Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Beings:

There was one individual, however, who made it clear he had no
problem with the public knowing he had met the Christ. His name was
Mikhail Gorbachev. Since he was now out of political power in his
country, I assume he felt he had nothing to fear or lose from such a disclosure.
I was not surprised to learn this about Mr. Gorbachev, since I had
heard much earlier of his involvement with Maitreya from a Pentagon
official. I had also heard, from people I place much confidence in, that
Mrs. Gorbachev had been to India several times to see the Avatar Sai
Baba. I find it interesting that the international press never questioned
Mr. Gorbachev more about his spiritual beliefs, since both he and his
wife became Christians during his term in office. From the freedom and
openness he introduced to the Soviet Union, it appeared obvious to me
that he was being influenced by the Christ. Eventually, we will hear
more of this story and how the Soviet empire collapsed. (page 100)
It is my present belief that what may be coming together is what I earlier wrote for this blogspot and for NewswithViews -- that this may well be a fulfillment or attempted fulfillment of the prophecy that 10 kings would come together and share power with the Beast for one hour -- a very short period of time, Biblically speaking where a day represents a year and 1260 days represents 3 1/2 years.

Writing this, I took another peek at current news stories and found this startling headline:  Is President Trump pushing Merkel to create a German Superpower?

To the New Agers I have long observed and studied, "crisis = opportunity".  Could this be the crisis that triggers their window of global governance opportunity?  Who knows?

Stay tuned!


Saturday, May 13, 2017

World Wide Cyber attacks reported tonight -- be careful on your own system

There are extensive media reports tonight about a major worldwide cyber attack.  The culprits have not yet been found, nor the source identified to the best of my present knowledge.

I've been relatively offline the past two weeks, my main computer having once again suffered a major crash a week ago this past Monday.  It was nearly 3 am, I had nearly finished an important Motion and Brief in Support for a client.  I had reached the point where I knew it was time to go grab whatever sleep I could get if I was ever able ever to be functional again.  There was not, in my then estimation, time to do more than to put the computer to sleep and resume in the morning.  BIG MISTAKE.  I wish I had at least emailed the material to myself -- that would have preserved it.   The computer was also in the midst of an indexing operation.   It may have also been time for one of those MicroSoft 10 early in the morning updates.  I tried to resume from the computer sleep but could not.  The computer hung for a half hour and then I received THE DREADED BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH -- a systems error.

My trusty computer technician was unavailable -- most of my friends like to consider me their personal computer "geek" anyway.  I tried every option I could think of and was starting to think I wish I had trusted the cloud more -- I am still leery of dependence on the "clouds" -- MicroSoft's, Google's, Amazon's and everybody else's.

I relied on multiple hard drive backups -- and those I have, but I still lost some material including pet vaccination records, etc.

Most of my client data files had multiple backups elsewhere and were safe -- the brief I had worked on so hard that night was not.  Mea culpa!  My old research files and digitized information  were multiply backed up and are safe.

The worst frustration is having to reinstall software and go through the Adobe Acrobat Professional processes again.
At any rate, that is why you didn't see too much of me on-line -- I'm still recovering from the disaster.  My computer was running Windows 10 but as it is now a fine computer from a mechanical perspective, it had to be reformatted to its original Windows 8.  Windows 8 had to go through approximately 180 upgrades to go to the necessary Windows 8.1 to receive Windows 10.

I suspect it was the Windows auto upgrade process that caused the system corruption -- that combined with my putting it to sleep.  I wish I had first halted all operations and then shut it down for the night.  I just do not know.

Fortunately, I found a computer with close (slightly less ram) to the same specifications that came with Windows 10 as its starting point.  I've installed it as my backup system and the downed computer is now rerunning with Windows 10 -- which add injury to the insult, now required a $119 plus purchase of the operating system.  The MicroSoft people were gracious enough and kept promising to help me with that problem, but somehow their calls they placed to me mysteriously went to busy signals.  Finally, if I seriously wanted to be up and running enough, I purchased a copy of the operating system from the local Best Buy.

Well, the computers are great when they work.  I am still going through the painful processes.  I've had a habit of maintaining what I call a "desktop backtop" of scanned information.  I will be busy for quite some time retrieving and OCR'ing those files.

Pray for me and my computer system.  So much was happening that was so very relevant in the past two weeks -- I was able to talk a great deal about it on my Saturday morning radio program on network.  I will be doing so upon arising later this morning.

I had enough backed up that it wasn't a total disaster, but not so much as should have been saved to prevent personal and family inconvenience.  Benefit from my mistakes and thanks for sticking with me.  A few of you have phoned -- I was happy to hear from you!

Stay tuned!


Tuesday, April 04, 2017



Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Did I Invent the New Age Movement? If so, I could surely make it go away! Ugly opposition from unexpected quarters to my long term labors

Did I Invent the New Age Movement?   If so, I could surely make it go away!  Ugly opposition from unexpected quarters to my long term labors

I once had a little respect for what I sometimes had opportunities to read from End Times Prophecy Report.  No more!  It is evidently edited/authored by one Jeremiah J. Jameson. Also listed as co-writers are an Elaine and Mondo Frazier.  I've, to the best of my knowledge never met them nor otherwise heard from them.  Those of you attempting to reach me know that I answer my phones and am, if able, willing to talk.  I've spent most of my resources doing this work over the past 36 years (since discovering the subject in early 1981) and have refrained from begging or passing the hat for my work.  I've refused to commercialize my work nor turn it into a cheap "ministry."  I've shared my documentation freely with those who asked.

I've occasionally looked at End Times Prophecy Report.  Today, I found something there that greatly saddened me.   I reproduce it below as written.  If they want to claim a copyright on their libelous piece, tough break.  I claim fair use of the material.

Here it is:

Constance Cumbey has made a name for herself as an investigative writer whose claim to fame is exposing the secrets of the New Age.  However, those who carefully read Cumbey immediately realize she offers something besides revelations of the New Agers–a great deal more.
Cumbey is a spinner of narratives for the same forces she purports to expose, either wittingly or not.
In her book, The Staging of the New Age Messiah, Ms. Cumbey went to a great deal of trouble to set up her narrative of a New Age conspiracy which is feverishly working to bring about a “messiah” the Bible calls the “man of sin.” She includes her reasons why this conspiracy should want to help fulfill the Bible’s prophecy–and make no mistake: there is a conspiracy.  The Bible speaks of it; and, this cabal does ceaselessly labor to bring about the fulfillment of end times prophecy.
However, any reader hoping to get to the bottom of end times questions by consulting Cumbey will find the truth elusive at best.  Cumbey weaves her narrative tapestry using strands of psychology, conspiracy, self-fulfilling prophecy and more importantly, the words of the New Age gurus themselves.
Which brings up a question.
How does one go about convincing the reader that the New Age is the epitome of deception (it is) while at the same time offering the reader what the New Age has publicly declared?
That’s the schtick of Constance Cumbey: trust me because I have the truth on the New Age from the lying mouths of the deceptive New Agers themselves.  It’s a recipe for more deception and that’s what the reader is in for. Nevertheless, she still leaves out a great deal and what she doesn’t leave out, she conceals behind her narrative wall.
Exactly who desires the appearance of the man of sin, for what purposes and what the Bible says about it all, is covered in her noxious smog of yarns, cunningly devised fables and cleverly-constructed counterfeits. Those who take what she has written at face value will come away convinced that the New Age is a dangerous crew. And while that may be true on the surface, the New Age is NOT the mystery of iniquity but only a small cog in its great machinery of  deception.
Again, the New Age is dangerous.
For a counterfeit.
For the mystery of iniquity doth already work:”2 Thessalonians 2:7One only has to remember that if the New Age did not exist, it would have to be invented by the mystery of iniquity. One also should keep in mind that once invented, the dangers of the New Age would have to be promoted.
Enter one Constance Cumbey, who has performed yeoman’s work in that regard.
Cumbey does give the reader some useful information–if the reader is able to extract such information from the narratives the author has used to frame it.  One example is the following quote by New Ager, Peter LeMesurier.
“The new mission to the youth of the world, then, will be an international movement dedicated to spreading the already developing ideas and values upon which the New Age is to be founded.”This info is useful because the “new mission to the youth of the world” is a priority goal of the Dominionist strands of pseudo-Christianity which the mystery of iniquity depends upon to help introduce its “messiah.” Readers can see this developing in front of their eyes.  It is not the New Age which is accomplishing this but the cults of Dominionism (including the New Apostolic Reformation and the International House of Prayer).  By a great coincidence, the programs and ideas of these pseudo-Christian cults and those of the New Age are nearly identical.
Again, if the New Age did not exist, the mystery of iniquity would have had to invent it.
Cumbey devotes thousands of words to what the New Age has to say but precious few on what the Bible says on the same subject.  For instance, she studiously avoids answering  the logical questions: WHO is it that is interested in a coming Messiah?  WHO does the Bible say is interested? WHO is it that desires a man (of sin) who will usher in a worldly kingdom?  The reader will find none of these or other pertinent end times questions answered by the cunningly devised fables of Constance Cumbey.
One may read Cumbey for entertainment value without much harm.  However, the reader of her work will be further from the truth after reading her spin on most of the topics she covers.
Our advice is the advice of Jesus, paraphrased.
“Take heed that Constance Cumbey does not deceive you.”
So, I invented the New Age Movement?  I wish I had -- if so, I could surely make it go away!  I do not know if Mr. Jameson reached this conclusion on his own, if he listened to "Queeny Cameron" tapes.  I will trust God to defend my work.  I also trust those reading it fairly to do so.

I knew I would take persecution for the work I've done and over the years, I've taken  much.  Some is more painful than others.  This one hurts!  If he did it for honest motive, I forgive him.  Otherwise, may the Lord rebuke him.

Stay tuned, but hopefully not to Mr. Jameson's station!


Friday, March 03, 2017

Will President Trump save Europe by it uniting against him?

UPDATE:  Joe & Kelly McNeill who own and run the MicroEffect,com network have suffered a terrible tragedy.  Their son was killed during the night in a Florida biking accident.  Both your prayers and dollars would help the family during this terrible crisis.  If anybody is knowledgeable about setting up on of those Facebook "go fund me" pages, maybe that might help.  They have operated the network as a family business on a very efficiently run "shoestring".  The son killed was one of those actively working with the business.  The network is temporarily off the air while Joe and Kelly are sorting things out.  Their website is active and it is

I wish Herb Peters were still here to discuss this one with me.  I'm sure he might see possible prophetic significance in it.  There is an organization in Europe that is the equivalent of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations).  It is called what else but "European Council on Foreign Relations."  Names very familiar to the research I have done on the European Union for the past 22 years since 1995 and very familiar to Herb Peters on the research he did between 1999 and 2007 when he died are on its leadership lists.   Here are both the link and a picture of a recent post of ECFR:

Will Trump unite Europe against USA and onward and upward to "global governance"?
 The propaganda war (a/k/a "The Resistance") against the Trump Presidency has been non-stop and relentless from the time of his election through the present time and continuing.  The present scenario very much reminds me of an old novel about an attempted coupe against the United States Presidency named "Seven Days in May."  There is also a movie by that name.

Looking at what is occurring also brings to mind Bible passages that Herb Peters and I once discussed.  There is a prophecy about the 10 toes of Daniel -- some strong, some weak.  They would "not cleave together."  But eventually, something was going to happen that the 10 kings would be brought together to fulfill a prophetic purpose -- "to hand their power over to the Beast and thus fulfill the words of this prophecy."  Whoever it would be would be someone, per that prophecy, "to whom they would not give the honor of the Kingdom."  He would come in peaceably, with the aid of a few, and obtain the Kingdom by flatteries.  He would pull up three of the kingdoms that gave him power by their roots.

Strange words indeed?  They don't look quite as strange in the light of recent events.  The current oft repeated strategy of the global governance crowd is "integration" and surrender of sovereignty. That includes somebody Herb Peters and I long and carefully watched -- the author of the Western European bill introduced in the Year 2000 by Javier Solana -- "Recommendation 666,"  Indeed Javier Solana's original European Union job was created as Section 666 of the European Union coded documents.  That job with the startling number was created for the Europa Code in December 1998 by the Vienna Council in session at that time.

Javier Solana "retired" from his 11 year held European Union post in 2010 after repeated attempts to gain European ratification of the new European Union constitution were repeatedly defeated.  Only after Javier Solana announced he would be "retiring" did the necessary ratification occur in Ireland.  Javier Solana "stepped down" and a lesser qualified candidate took the job with the very high salary that had obviously been created for Solana.  She was Catherine Ashton, a woman lacking prior diplomatic and elected political experience.  She held the job for the five year term.  When her term was up, a probably more qualified person was appointed -- another woman -- Federica Mogherini, who had served as Foreign Minister of Italy.  I will confess to personally liking what little I know about Ms. Mogherini, if for no other reason, her obvious hard work and her dedication to freeing Miriam Ibrahim of Somalia, a Christian sentenced to death by the Somalian regime for apostasy from Islam by marrying a Christian.  Ms. Mogherini and her then boss, Prime Minister Rinzo of Italy worked tirelessly and successfully for her release from the shackles and death sentence.  Federica Mogherini was pictured in the media carrying Miriam Ibrahim's small son off the plane the Italian government had dispatched to transport her to freedom.

Far from "retiring," Javier Solana has continued to work and campaign hard for global governance and for European ascendancy.  He serves on the board of ECFR, heads the Esade Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics, and advises on European affairs in many matters.  In my observation of Solana in the past, he so very often, using the vernacular, "sucked up" to USA politicians, particularly Presidential ones.  However, he has not done so with President Trump whom he continues to describe as a "despicable person." 

Looking at current events, I have seen some other things I would have loved to discuss with Herb Peters.  Javier Solana's former "hatchet woman," Cristine Gallach is now the Under Secretary of the United Nations for Communications and Public Information.

There are numerous reports on the internet that she has been operating in that job with a decidedly heavy-handed, even ruthless manner.  In my opinion, that job is hers because of Javier Solana's heavy influence in global governance and United Nations circles.

There are times that I think I may have paid too much attention to Dr. Solana, but once again, I'm not so sure.

Stay tuned!


Friday, February 17, 2017

Cliff Kincaid on "The Catholic Conspiracy"

I viewed an intriguing recent interview Cliff Kincaid did with a Catholic attorney, Elizabeth Yore.  Her law practice specializes in child advocacy.  Her interview topic with Cliff Kincaid, however, was about her concerns about an "Agenda 21" type takeover of the Vatican and her belief that George Soros himself might have played no small role in that.

I watched the interview and then phoned Cliff Kincaid to see if he would join me on this week's internet radio program at  Attorney Yore believes that there was "Regime Change" in the Vatican.  She has made Vatican trips as part of her child advocacy, anti-human trafficking career.  She made observations about new Vatican directions that were disturbing to her.

We'll talk to Cliff Kincaid about this in the morning.  I will also consider bringing Attorney Elizabeth Yore on as a guest in the near future.   I've had my own concerns about what appeared to me as something that might have been something of a coup d'etat in the Vatican.  Pope's don't usually quit on 2 weeks notice -- it is normally a job for life.

Please join us in the morning -- it should be an interesting program.  You can call in live by dialing 208-935-0094.  We did a rerun last week of the program as I was a delegate to the Michigan Republican Convention in Lansing, Michigan and unable to do the live broadcast.  My favorite guest hosts were unavailable, but God willing, we are here this week.

Tune in and stay tuned!  I personally would sure like to know what Susanna's take is on this Cliff Kincaid news.


Monday, February 06, 2017


My husband who passionately (so far) professes dislike for Donald J. Trump and Steven Bannon asked me about a movie he said he understood had been made with PAT ROBERTSON and Bannon.  I did an internet search.  The movie instead was made with Christian duckhunter PHIL ROBERTSON.  The movie completely destroys allegations that Bannon is "anti-Semitic," "racist," "Nitzschean".  As I never watched Phil Robertson and his reality show before. I had no idea of the depth of the convictions of both Phil Robertson and Bannon.

The movie is COMPELLING and FACTUAL.  I recommend it to all!

I ordered my copy at a very reasonable price from AMAZON.  The link gives you other options.  Here is an article explaining the movie and the reasons for its making.  Having watched it, I'm sleeping easier at night knowing Mr. Bannon is advising Mr. Trump.

Watch it -- PLEASE!


Friday, February 03, 2017

Courageous former Mayor Janice Daniel of Troy, Michigan is guest host in morning!

 Former Troy Mayor Hon. Janice Daniels, guest host of MY PERSPECTIVE Saturday, February 4, 2017
      My dear friend, Janice Daniels, has graciously agreed to guest host my radio program tomorrow morning.  For those of you who are not familiar with her, she was the victim of a successful, well-organized and well-financed recall effort after she published her Biblical views on the subject of homosexual lifestyles being antithetical both to health and biblical mores.

    Please tune in via your computers, Ipads, and "Smart Phones" (I Phones or Droids) to  She has guest hosted for me twice before and I had enthusiastic listener feedback for her programming.  Janice is a well known radio personality herself here in the metro Detroit, Michigan area, and I am pleased and proud that she will take the time to host my program that I have done for Joe McNeill and his network since early Spring 2007 -- very, very close to the past 10 years.

Tune in and stay tuned!


Saturday, January 21, 2017


Reading about "block chain" technology, I get a type of creepy feeling, similar to one I get when I hear Ray Kurzweil talk about not missing "the Singularity."  For the life of me, I don't see how the block chain system can be implemented without human connection.  Revelation 13 and 14 prophecies come immediately to mind as perhaps being possible real events happening now in real time.

Among the headlines on MicroSoft news this morning was a GUARDIAN one that might have been overlooked by many in the heat of the Trump inauguration hoopla:

"SWIFT adopts Blockchain as global payment initiative"

Succumbing to my worst fears, I googled and the first items I came up with were these:

It appears that things prophetically warned of may well be happening -- now -- in time, in space, in history.  Are we ready?

Stay tuned!


Saturday, January 14, 2017

As we exit Obama Administration, concerns grow

Chris Carr, one our readers and radio listeners called me the other night to say that NATO and USA troops were poised on the border of Russia and she feared that perhaps there was a real possibility of war brewing.  I didn't see anything immediately, but I have kept my eyes open this week.  Next week promises to be an interesting, if not a tumultuous week in American history.

An English paper, The Sun, carried the following headline:

US sends special forces to RUSSIAN BORDER as Nato is poised to strike back against Vladimir Putin’s ‘aggression’
I note here that I'm not familiar enough with The Sun to vouch for either its editorial policy or its news accuracy.  We have English readers.  Maybe some of them can fill in my blanks on that news source.

Then there was a headline from another English source, THE GUARDIAN, of which I am close to equally unfamiliar:  It read "Russia says US troops arriving in Poland Pose threat to its security."
The news is equally nerve racking on both sides.  Hearing about Russia's "nuclear heads" faced on the other side with NATO troops does little to improve my prospects of sound sleep at night.
In the meantime at home, it looks like the pressures against the incoming administration are unrelenting.  Like Cliff Kincaid, I'm not without my concerns on what we can expect from Mr. Trump, tested in business but not in government administration may do.  I did some review this week of British Eugenic Society material that I was directed to by readers some time back.  I did some productive on line searches for some of the leads and was led to extensive materials freely available for download at website.  There were extensive materials available on Oswald Mosley's British Fascist Movement.  One of the activists in it, Arthur Chesterton, was related to G. K. Chesterton.   The word "Fascist" is thrown around a lot.  Some use it as a synonym for Nazism.  Some use it to mischaracterize Christians and others with conservative values as "Fascist."  But what really caught my eye regarding the incoming administration was this summary of the British Fascist collection provided by the website editors.  It reads:

         "The British Union of Fascists (BUF), later renamed the British Union of Fascists and National Socialists in 1936,[1] was a political party of the 1930s in the United Kingdom. The party was formed on October 1, 1932 by ex-Conservative Party MP, and Labour government minister Sir Oswald Mosley after meeting Italian fascist leader Benito Mussolini in January 1932. The party was a union, composed of several smaller Fascist parties including the New Party which Mosley founded a year earlier.

"Mosley instituted a black uniform, gaining the party the nickname Blackshirts. The BUF was anti-communist and protectionist. It supported the replacement of parliamentary democracy with a system of elected executives with jurisdiction over their own industries - something similar to the corporatism of the Italian fascists. Although unlike Italy the British Fascist Corporatism would remain a democracy, replacing the House of Lords with elected executives drawn from major industries, clergy and representatives of the colonies. The House of Commons was to be reduced in size to allow for a faster, less 'factionist democracy'. Many of the BUF's members were drawn from aristocratic and military families and included celebrated military scientist J.F.C. Fuller.The BUF had the most developed political programme and ideology of any fascist movement, laid out in such publications as Tomorrow We Live, and The Coming Corporate State.Most of the BUFs policies were based around isolationism, an economic policy whereby Britain would trade only within the British empire as would the nations within the empire in a similar manner to the United States of America, the main attraction to this is that it would separate the British economy from the falls and fluxes of the world market Great Depression and prevent the loss of industrial production within Britain from the influence of "... labour the east, paid a third of our wages and working for ten hours a day.", and "Cheap slave competition from abroad." These were referring to the rise of western backed mass production in Indo-China similar to what is said about Chinese labour today.The position of the BUF on the Jewish Question was initially similar to that of Mussolini, however violent attacks and agitations by numerous Jews (imported in from Eastern Europe), trying to destroy the party and drag Britain into WWII for the interests of their tribe meant increased hostility. They were eventually banned from joining in 1933."
I was struck by the similarities between much of what was advocated by the British Fascists of the late 1930's, early 1940s and what is happening today -- much of what the traumatized workers displaced by globalization are hoping for from the Trump Administration.    It was the worst of times then.  It is looking more and more like the worst of times now.  The various fascist movements that in World War II were aligned with Hitler's Germany was then (both pre and post WWII) used as a rationale for world government/global governance.  The rise of nationalism in Europe and here in the USA is similarly pointed to vigorously by those now urging "global governance," i.e. Javier Solana, Strobe Talbott, 
These arguments are being made now with equal gusto.  The Trump election, Britain's BREXIT, and related developments are being used as calls to quickly salvage globalization and speed up global governance.  Within the last 3 months (October 19, 2016), an article co-written by Javier Solana and Strobe Talbott entitled "The Decline of the West and How to Stop It" was published by the New York Times.

I keep remembering the old New Age maxim that "Crisis = Opportunity."  I cannot help but wonder if the Hegelian dialectics of pitting both sides against the Middle ("radical center" perhaps, to put it in New Age terminology) is at play.

Again, may the Lord give us and our leaders wisdom and May the Lord Help us All!

Stay tuned and tune in with me in the morning to, 7 am Pacific time, 10 am Eastern Standard Time.
