
Monday, February 06, 2017


My husband who passionately (so far) professes dislike for Donald J. Trump and Steven Bannon asked me about a movie he said he understood had been made with PAT ROBERTSON and Bannon.  I did an internet search.  The movie instead was made with Christian duckhunter PHIL ROBERTSON.  The movie completely destroys allegations that Bannon is "anti-Semitic," "racist," "Nitzschean".  As I never watched Phil Robertson and his reality show before. I had no idea of the depth of the convictions of both Phil Robertson and Bannon.

The movie is COMPELLING and FACTUAL.  I recommend it to all!

I ordered my copy at a very reasonable price from AMAZON.  The link gives you other options.  Here is an article explaining the movie and the reasons for its making.  Having watched it, I'm sleeping easier at night knowing Mr. Bannon is advising Mr. Trump.

Watch it -- PLEASE!



  1. Anonymous8:50 AM

    "A human civilization's best chance of survival is to anchor itself in the God of Creation" - from the trailer. The opposite was the case for the Roman Empire! In the fourth century it went from pagan to institutionally Christian and then promptly crumbled into the Dark Ages. I am a Christian but let's be historically accurate.

  2. Anonymous10:42 AM

    You missed it, 8:50 AM.

    The focus is on the perfect Creator and His perfect Salvation. God the Father, in Christ the Son, whom we worship in spirit and in truth, is not the church.

    He works through human need and frailty so give Him His place high above the affairs of men, as He works, even now, to bring His church to perfection.

  3. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Your husband is on target.

  4. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Just wondering..and just asking......
    if that is the case 10:52 AM, then why would Trump (and Bannon) be so inclusive? Are you into all brands of conspiracy?
    He is the mix of traditionalist and progressive, so the battle is on, and a sign of the times. Progressives think he is too much one way, and traditionalists think too much the other.

    God knows what to accomplish out of this mixed bag. And out of that mix there is much pride that is just of the regular man sort, one way or the other. I say they fit right in today's world.

  5. Anonymous12:52 PM

    11:52 Unfortunately they do fit into today's world. Ya pays your money and ya takes your chances. Under which walnut shell will you find the pea.

    This video may give you a clue as to what is going on.
    Peter Pomerantsev: From Information to Disinformation Age - Russia and the Future of Propaganda Wars

  6. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Your rudeness knows no bounds, 11:52 AM. You have something of Illinois about you!

    Excellent post, 10:52 AM! Well supported information in the links you shared! I don't know what is wrong with 11:52 AM.

    She? should be more careful next time before she digests any mushrooms she may have picked back in Autumn!

  7. Anonymous2:02 PM

    10:52 and 12:52 same poster out of the Midwest! 1:11 who is 11:52? Maybe all of those 52's are confusing you.

  8. To 10:52

    I have to doubt that you watched TORCHBEARER. The movie railed against racism, the Eugenics Movement, Nietzche, et al.


  9. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Constance, if you look at the Pomerantsev video interview and read what I posted to Christine in the third down comments section, you might see how someone can pretend to be all things to all people. It's the way of politics these days. The Memory Hole is very active, faster than anyone can keep up with what goes into it, while new disinformation is posted on today's screen. We no longer live in a world where we can trust that someone who tells us the truth today wasn't a liar yesterday and won't be a liar tomorrow.

  10. Anonymous4:44 PM

    I'm 11:52 AM and I've never set foot in Illinois (but would if I had occasion).

    Trump is Trump. And Bannon is a good advisor to him as far as I know, but I don't expect them to be perfect. They are a mixed bag like I said. Trump is better than the alternative.

    That is not a mixed bag at all, that bag is all bad.

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      "Trump is better than the alternative."

      No 'alternative' was offered. Trump was chosen by the same cabal as chose Obama and Bush.

      He is playing the role he's been groomed to.

  11. Anonymous8:28 PM

    God picked him. For His own use, His own reasons.
    God sets up kings and brings them down. Daniel 2:21

  12. Anonymous12:18 AM


    Pat Wood just sent out an article on Trump's Tri-lateral pick Kenneth I. Juster as Deputy Assistant for International Economic Affairs and he will sit on the National Security Council.

  13. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Antichrist Donald Trump's Outrageous New World Order Sparks Protests Of Outrage

  14. Anonymous said..."A human civilization's best chance of survival is to anchor itself in the God of Creation" Indigenous peoples' human civilization's were destroyed by Christian's obeying their "God of Creation." Psalm 2 KJV. says: "I [the "God of Creation"] shall give thee the heathen [Indigenous Peoples] for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel."

    The International Organization for Self-Determination and Equality (IOSDE) recently posted a press release entitled, United Nations Declares The Holy See Legally Responsible and Accountable To Indigenous Peoples For Effects and Legacy Of Racist Colonial Bulls And Doctrines. The press-release is about the Apache-Ndé-Nneé Working Group Shadow Report/UN-CERD 88th Session: Review of the Holy See.

    One Apache-Ndé-Nneé Working Group Shadow Report statement reads: The Holy See's Inter Caetera not only blessed policies and practices of colonialism that caused what is expressed by Indigenous Peoples themselves as genocide, cultural genocide, and generations of suffering, slavery and loss, but it also put policies and practices into action, such as, but not limited to, through its own missionaries and missions, churches and subsequent schools, that operated and continue to operate in alliance with Kingdoms and subsequently States for own mutually-collective world dominance and at the cost of Indigenous Peoples and their lands, lives, self-determination and cultures.

    "The United Nations (UN) Committee on the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) has recognized that the Doctrine of Discovery, the Holy See's Inter Caetera and related Papal Bulls are within the legal scope of racial discrimination under International Law and therefore require redress." - IOSDE

    "The UN-CERD Committee has also recognized in its concluding observations that the Holy See is responsible for the past and present effects, i.e. the ongoing legacy, of these historical racist legal documents, and that, in addition, the Holy See must be in direct dialogue with appropriate representatives of Indigenous Peoples to discuss its accountability." - IOSDE.

    reference links can be found at:,HolySee.html

    Steven Newcomb, an world renowned Indigenous activist, recently wrote:

    The doctrine of Christian domination, as used by the United States, in the name of U.S. “law,” argues that our nations are rightfully subject to the ideas and rules developed by the “first Christian people” to “discover” the non-Christian lands of “natives, who were heathens” (U.S. Supreme Court’s wording). According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “heathen” is “a word of Christian origin,” which means it is a word of biblical origin used by the Supreme Court.

    How has the United States managed to get away with officially using doctrines of Christian Fundamentalism and the Bible to claim a right of ownership in relation to our lands and territories? Answer: They claim a “right of domination” over our nations and peoples based on the Chosen People/Promised Land model of the Old Testament. In other words, because the Bible [or, the "God of Creation"] told them so.


  15. Wait a sec... I thought the Antichrist was supposed to be attractive and well-groomed, like in those Left Behind movies. Just the Donald's hair is scary, let alone his entire appearance.

    I think a better case can be made for Gorbachev as the Antichrist. His name comes out to 666 somehow (I don't remember how, but it does.) And there's funny spot on his head. Is that the deadly wound that was healed?

    Actually, Barney the Dinosaur is the Antichrist. Yep. In case you were wondering, here's the proof:

    1. The character of Barney is well-described as a "cute purple dinosaur".
    2. The Latin alphabet used the letter V in place of U.
    3. Therefore the above phrase is modified to "cvte pvrple dinosavr".
    4. Letters that do not represent Roman numerals are removed, leaving: "c v v l d i v"
    5. When the remaining numbers 100, 5, 5, 50, 500, 1, and 5 are added, the result is 666, the Number of the Beast.
    6. This also works with "lovable purple dinosaur". This gives the letters "l v l v l d i v", which in turn gives 50, 5, 50, 5, 50, 500, 1, and 5, which also add up to 666.

    What further proof does anyone need?!?

  16. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Conspiracy theories are almost as common as navels.

    To distract and distort being their common denominators.

    Is that the new flavor of the month conspiracy 8:24 AM?

    Have said this for a long time and I think Paul here basically said it too.
    Jesus said watch, not figure it out.

    Some are turning inside out trying to figure it all out.

    Watch, and with your faith in the Lord where it belongs.

  17. Anonymous said..."A human civilization's best chance of survival is to anchor itself in the God of Creation" - from the Trailer. Indigenous Peoples' human civilization's were destroyed by Christian's obeying their "God of Creation." Psalm 2 KJV. says: "I [the "God of Creation"] shall give thee the heathen [Indigenous Peoples] for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel."

    The International Organization for Self-Determination and Equality (IOSDE) recently posted a press release entitled, United Nations Declares The Holy See Legally Responsible and Accountable To Indigenous Peoples For Effects and Legacy Of Racist Colonial Bulls And Doctrines. The press-release is about the Apache-Ndé-Nneé Working Group Shadow Report/UN-CERD 88th Session: Review of the Holy See.

    One Apache-Ndé-Nneé Working Group Shadow Report statement reads: The Holy See's Inter Caetera not only blessed policies and practices of colonialism that caused what is expressed by Indigenous Peoples themselves as genocide, cultural genocide, and generations of suffering, slavery and loss, but it also put policies and practices into action, such as, but not limited to, through its own missionaries and missions, churches and subsequent schools, that operated and continue to operate in alliance with Kingdoms and subsequently States for own mutually-collective world dominance and at the cost of Indigenous Peoples and their lands, lives, self-determination and cultures.

    "The United Nations (UN) Committee on the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) has recognized that the Doctrine of Discovery, the Holy See's Inter Caetera and related Papal Bulls are within the legal scope of racial discrimination under International Law and therefore require redress." - IOSDE

    "The UN-CERD Committee has also recognized in its concluding observations that the Holy See is responsible for the past and present effects, i.e. the ongoing legacy, of these historical racist legal documents, and that, in addition, the Holy See must be in direct dialogue with appropriate representatives of Indigenous Peoples to discuss its accountability." - IOSDE.

    reference links can be found at:,HolySee.html

    Steven Newcomb, an world renowned Indigenous activist, recently wrote:

    The doctrine of Christian domination, as used by the United States, in the name of U.S. “law,” argues that our nations are rightfully subject to the ideas and rules developed by the “first Christian people” to “discover” the non-Christian lands of “natives, who were heathens” (U.S. Supreme Court’s wording). According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “heathen” is “a word of Christian origin,” which means it is a word of biblical origin used by the Supreme Court.

    How has the United States managed to get away with officially using doctrines of Christian Fundamentalism and the Bible to claim a right of ownership in relation to our lands and territories? Answer: They claim a “right of domination” over our nations and peoples based on the Chosen People/Promised Land model of the Old Testament. In other words, because the Bible [or, the "God of Creation"] told them so.


  18. Anonymous said..."A human civilization's best chance of survival is to anchor itself in the God of Creation" - from the Trailer. Indigenous Peoples' human civilization's were destroyed by Christian's obeying their "God of Creation." Psalm 2 KJV. says: "I [the "God of Creation"] shall give thee the heathen [Indigenous Peoples] for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel."

    The International Organization for Self-Determination and Equality (IOSDE) recently posted a press release entitled, United Nations Declares The Holy See Legally Responsible and Accountable To Indigenous Peoples For Effects and Legacy Of Racist Colonial Bulls And Doctrines. The press-release is about the Apache-Ndé-Nneé Working Group Shadow Report/UN-CERD 88th Session: Review of the Holy See.

    One Apache-Ndé-Nneé Working Group Shadow Report statement reads: The Holy See's Inter Caetera not only blessed policies and practices of colonialism that caused what is expressed by Indigenous Peoples themselves as genocide, cultural genocide, and generations of suffering, slavery and loss, but it also put policies and practices into action, such as, but not limited to, through its own missionaries and missions, churches and subsequent schools, that operated and continue to operate in alliance with Kingdoms and subsequently States for own mutually-collective world dominance and at the cost of Indigenous Peoples and their lands, lives, self-determination and cultures.

    "The United Nations (UN) Committee on the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) has recognized that the Doctrine of Discovery, the Holy See's Inter Caetera and related Papal Bulls are within the legal scope of racial discrimination under International Law and therefore require redress." - IOSDE

    "The UN-CERD Committee has also recognized in its concluding observations that the Holy See is responsible for the past and present effects, i.e. the ongoing legacy, of these historical racist legal documents, and that, in addition, the Holy See must be in direct dialogue with appropriate representatives of Indigenous Peoples to discuss its accountability." - IOSDE.

    reference links can be found at:,HolySee.html

    Steven Newcomb, an world renowned Indigenous activist, recently wrote:

    The doctrine of Christian domination, as used by the United States, in the name of U.S. “law,” argues that our nations are rightfully subject to the ideas and rules developed by the “first Christian people” to “discover” the non-Christian lands of “natives, who were heathens” (U.S. Supreme Court’s wording). According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “heathen” is “a word of Christian origin,” which means it is a word of biblical origin used by the Supreme Court.

    How has the United States managed to get away with officially using doctrines of Christian Fundamentalism and the Bible to claim a right of ownership in relation to our lands and territories? Answer: They claim a “right of domination” over our nations and peoples based on the Chosen People/Promised Land model of the Old Testament. In other words, because the Bible [or, the "God of Creation"] told them so.


  19. Betsy DeVos may be the most telling of Trump's cabinet picks. Her intense dominionist mindset, coupled with her billionaire family ties to Amway and Blackwater, and her involvement with neo-con Condi Rice in Jeb Bush's think tank, "Foundation for Excellence in Education", would certainly seem to qualify her as one to watch. DeVos has stated that the goal of education in America should be to "further the Kingdom". Un huh, who's kingdom?

  20. Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer4:32 PM

    Anonymous said..."A human civilization's best chance of survival is to anchor itself in the God of Creation" - from the Trailer. Indigenous Peoples' human civilization's were destroyed by Christian's obeying their "God of Creation." Psalm 2 KJV. says: "I [the "God of Creation"] shall give thee the heathen [Indigenous Peoples] for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel."

    The International Organization for Self-Determination and Equality (IOSDE) recently posted a press release entitled, United Nations Declares The Holy See Legally Responsible and Accountable To Indigenous Peoples For Effects and Legacy Of Racist Colonial Bulls And Doctrines. The press-release is about the Apache-Ndé-Nneé Working Group Shadow Report/UN-CERD 88th Session: Review of the Holy See.

    One Apache-Ndé-Nneé Working Group Shadow Report statement reads: The Holy See's Inter Caetera not only blessed policies and practices of colonialism that caused what is expressed by Indigenous Peoples themselves as genocide, cultural genocide, and generations of suffering, slavery and loss, but it also put policies and practices into action, such as, but not limited to, through its own missionaries and missions, churches and subsequent schools, that operated and continue to operate in alliance with Kingdoms and subsequently States for own mutually-collective world dominance and at the cost of Indigenous Peoples and their lands, lives, self-determination and cultures.

    "The United Nations (UN) Committee on the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) has recognized that the Doctrine of Discovery, the Holy See's Inter Caetera and related Papal Bulls are within the legal scope of racial discrimination under International Law and therefore require redress." - IOSDE

    "The UN-CERD Committee has also recognized in its concluding observations that the Holy See is responsible for the past and present effects, i.e. the ongoing legacy, of these historical racist legal documents, and that, in addition, the Holy See must be in direct dialogue with appropriate representatives of Indigenous Peoples to discuss its accountability." - IOSDE.

    reference links can be found at:,HolySee.html

    Steven Newcomb, an world renowned Indigenous activist, recently wrote:

    The doctrine of Christian domination, as used by the United States, in the name of U.S. “law,” argues that our nations are rightfully subject to the ideas and rules developed by the “first Christian people” to “discover” the non-Christian lands of “natives, who were heathens” (U.S. Supreme Court’s wording). According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “heathen” is “a word of Christian origin,” which means it is a word of biblical origin used by the Supreme Court.

    How has the United States managed to get away with officially using doctrines of Christian Fundamentalism and the Bible to claim a right of ownership in relation to our lands and territories? Answer: They claim a “right of domination” over our nations and peoples based on the Chosen People/Promised Land model of the Old Testament. In other words, because the Bible [or, the "God of Creation"] told them so.


  21. Marko5:01 PM


    That is what concerns me most about the Trump presidency - all these "prophets" placing mantles on him, praying over him, etc, and essentially appealing to his inflated pride, knowing he'll promote their agenda because he feels good about "bringing God back into the picture", while not really understanding what it is he's being used to do.

  22. Anonymous5:36 PM

    What did I miss, 10.42am? I probably agree with your theology and ecclesiology but that is not the point I was making.


  23. Anonymous5:50 PM

    The movie is hitting the high points as an overview to make a point. The lows are another topic entirely, in this instance, 8:50 AM.

  24. Anonymous8:36 PM

    The name Donald Trump means deceiving (& mocking) World ruler. I am not stating he absolutely is but he fits the attributes of the Antichrist.

    From the Website, Behind the Name:
    Meaning and history of the name Donald:

    From the Gaelic name Domhnall which means "ruler of the world", composed of the old Celtic elements dumno "world" and val "rule". This was the name of two 9th-century kings of the Scots and Picts

    According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, Trump means: fabricate, devise," 1690s, from trump "deceive, cheat" (1510s), from Middle English trumpen (late 14c.), from Old French tromper "to deceive," of uncertain origin. Apparently from se tromper de "to mock," from Old French tromper "to blow a trumpet." Brachet explains this as "to play the horn, alluding to quacks and mountebanks, who attracted the public by blowing a horn, and then cheated them into buying ...." The Hindley Old French dictionary has baillier la trompe "blow the trumpet" as "act the fool," and Donkin connects it rather to trombe "waterspout," on the notion of turning (someone) around. Connection with triumph also has been proposed. Related: Trumped; trumping. Trumped up "false, concocted" first recorded 1728.

  25. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Interestingly, Donald Trump's mother was Scottish. His German grandmother's name (on his father's side) was Elizabeth Christ Trump (maiden name, Elizabeth Christ).

  26. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Inconvenient Antichrist Trump

  27. Well, vis a vis antichrist speculations -- one important part of the prophecy is that he (whoever it is) would have no regard for the love of women. One could hardly say that about Donald J. Trump.


    1. Anonymous5:31 AM

      Constance, I see you've chosen not to view this short video or you wouldn't have made your comment. I strongly suggest you watch it rather than risk leading people astray: no desire of women doesn't refer to no sexual desire for women nor to a rejection of personal relationships with women. When taken in context of the passage within which the statement is made about the Son of Perdition, that is clear!

      Here's the post again for you.

      Busted Myths About Antichrist. The Bible does not say he's gay and Jewish.

  28. Constance,
    Shoebat believes that the wording of the verse you above is that he has "no regard for the desire of women" and that that indicates he is a muslim because the desire of women is to be treated equally.
    Just thought I'd throw that in the mix.
    My interpretation is that we won't know who he is until the very day we are raptured, which will be exactly 3.5 years into the Tribulation period. That will be the point at which he enters the temple and declares himself to be god.
    Speculation is fruitless, but we are commanded to watch, and as you've pointed out, Ezekiel's definition of "watch" is the relevant one; Ezekiel 33.

    1. According to 2 Thessalonians chapter 2, the Antichrist clearly precedes the Rapture.

  29. Anonymous7:10 AM

    The name Donald Trump means deceiving (& mocking) World ruler. I am not stating he absolutely is but he fits the attributes of the Antichrist.

    Sure, you can even find him named in 1 Corinthians 15:52 in the King James Bible, as "the last trump".

  30. "So you can even find him in 1 Corinthians 15:52 in the KJV, as "the last trump"??? Really? How absurd!

    Truly some wacky speculation about the meaning of Trump's name, yet why no reference to the fact that even "The Donald" admits that somewhere along the line, his ancestors likely changed the family name from "Drumpf" to "Trump". I suppose "Drumpf" just didn't have a prophetic ring to it, or is as scary or open to speculation as "Trump", so it's probably a good thing they changed it to make it fit Biblical prophecy, eh?

    A family name change is not out of the ordinary or surprising, as, being of Irish/Norse descent myself, I can attest to the many name changes that have occurred in my own family line over the years, especially prevalent when coming to America. Yes, there is evil in the world, but good grief, until Trump issues an E.O. mandating we all receive the mark of the beast, I'm not buying this crap.

  31. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Agreeing with you, omots.
    Some people are tempted to get out ahead of God in this arena, too.

    It can get ridiculous.

  32. Way back in the late 1970's I stumbled across a book on prophecy (from a purely Dispensationalist viewpoint) written by John R. Rice. Written during the early stages of WW II, Rice emphatically stated that Hitler was the Anti-Christ and he would soon conquer most of Eastern Europe which would then constitute the 10 nation revived Roman Empire. All of this, in time was revealed to be false. After more research, I found that WW I also had an abundance of speculators that were just as sure that the Kaiser (Germany) was the Anti-Christ and the rapture would be occurring "very soon." The early 1980's had the Soviet Union conquering the "required" 10 nations of Europe, and Gorbachev as the "new" Anti-Christ. Before him, Mao of China seemed to fit the bill.

    If God wanted us to know everything regarding the end times, He would have made the intricate details perfectly clear. He hasn't. I believe prophecy is somewhat of a test, in that, there is way too much speculation based on God purposed vague Scriptural information. Speculation is not fruitful, but rather a major distraction from what we are supposed to be DOING to advance God's Kingdom.

    One more thought on the subject; have you ever noticed how much emphasis the cults put on prophecy? They use it because they know that fallen nature loves to "know the future" (evidenced by the fact that fortune tellers, Astrology, etc. are so popular). By "appearing" to have the answers to future events, the cults are able to attract future members! I have personally witnessed this and know it to be true.

    Concentrate on the things of God that He has made clear to us. Leave the speculation to the speculators ... most of which have been proven wrong.


  33. As a follow up, read the following verse regarding what Paul had written, much of which regarding the end times (I Tim. Chapter 4, II Tim. Chapter 3, I Thes. Chapter 4, II Thes. Chapters 1&2.

    "As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction." 2 Peter 3:16

    What is interesting about this particular verse is that it appears near the end of Chapter 3, which deals mostly with statements regarding the "last days." I believe it is a clear warning against undue speculation which leads to distortion, and ends in "destruction."


  34. Those obsessed with spending their time looking for occult meaning in numbers, words, letter combinations, statistics, sequences and numerical totals in order to divine some prophetic meaning are walking on thin ice, theologically speaking. Is it all that surprising that the practitioners of such arts usually find what they are looking for?

    While there is indeed symbolic meaning and patterns in Biblical names and numbers, the practice of nameology (or it's mathematical counterpart "numerology") should be considered a form of divination, which God condemns. Assigning meaning to words or numbers outside of their normal literal definitions, or using mathematical equations in order to derive some implied prophetic meaning is highly speculative and produces questionable results.

    For example, anon associates “Trump” with “the last trump” noted in scripture. Ignoring the original language and plain meaning of the word- the absolute absurdity of such a statement surpasses all reason. If we look at the Wikipedia entry for “trump”, we find that “Bahlow (1982) derives the German surname Trump from a Bavarian word for "drum" (Middle High German trumpe).” So I guess we need to change the scripture to read “the last drum” so we can make Trump’s name a better fit for anons last days scenario.

    There are some scriptures, including Revelation 13:18, that can be interpreted as encouraging the practice of gematria, defined as “a Kabbalistic method of interpreting the Hebrew scriptures by computing the numerical value of words, based on those of their constituent letters.”

    The scripture reads, “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding calculate the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

    Many scholars simply believe the early Christians found a convenient way to secretly reference the Emperor Nero in their communications.... a shrewd way to reference "the beast" of their day so as not to be immediately targeted and put to death.

    But maybe we shouldn’t be so quick to judge someone’s intentions or interpretations. Maybe we should all be thankful that some anonymous poster has calculated that Donald Trump is indeed the final “anti-christ”. Well, at least now we know.

  35. I think 7:10's remark about the "last trump" was tongue-in-cheek, but I can't speak for them of course. I got a laugh out of it anyway. :^)

    I have read an interesting theory about the abomination standing in the temple, and the mark in the hand and forehead. I'm not sure where I read it, or who was the original proponent.

    The idea is that since we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, when we set up Man as God, in place of God, that is the abomination. God certainly isn't pleased when we begin to embark on journeys of godhood (as in the Tower of Babel).

    The mark in the hand and forehead represents the wisdom of Man and the works of Man, which are part and parcel of setting Man up as God. Whoever partakes in this endeavor is "receiving the mark".

    Far stretch, I know, but an interesting spin nonetheless.

  36. Marko,

    Anon 7:10 claims that Donald Trump's name literally means, "deceiving (& mocking) World ruler."

    Other name-ologists claim that his full name, Donald John Trump, is more accurately deciphered as "Donald- the big boss, head chief, or ruler of the world, John- graced by God, and Trump- a descendant of a drummer." It would be every bit as silly to claim Trump's name really means "God's Big Boss Drummer".

    Whether anons "last trump" reference was tongue in check or not is of no consequence. The entire assertion that Trump's name is a fulfillment of prophecy and indicates his true hidden (evil) nature and secret purpose on earth is ludicrous.

  37. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Um, this is 7.10am and the only words I posted which were mine were the ones about the phrase "last trump" appearing in Paul's first letter to the Corinthians. That was satire, of course, expanding on an earlier post. Glad that at least one person got it, anyway.

  38. Anon 6:02, (and 7:10?)

    Well, I certainly apologize for assuming you and the earlier anon who posted the name nonesense were one and the same. Sometimes it's hard to tell one anon from another anon. I seek accountability, and don't shy away from open honest debate, which is why I do not allow anonymous comments on my own blog. It is a weakness of this page, in my opinion, since anon posters can cause confusion and are an opportunity for subterfuge.

    Is it just me, or do others find it ironic, even comical, that one anonymous poster can claim to be quoting an earlier anonymous comment, and making fun of what another anonymous poster posted anonymously! The time stamp means very little, as I suspect there are anons who post a comment, then post another comment supporting or arguing with their own earlier anonymous comment.

    In any case, please excuse me for assuming one anon poster was the same anon poster as the earlier anon poster whose name-ology I targeted in my non-anonymous comment.

    I am indeed sincere when I ask that you (anon 6:02) please excuse the fact that my comments were misdirected towards you, (as anon 7:10) and not the earlier anonymous comment, which apparently, is the same anonymous comment we both wanted to address, each in our own unique way.

    (I am almost tempted to post this comment anonymously, but I won't.)

  39. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Regarding the Last Trump... Shofar, so good!

  40. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Anon 6:02, (7:10?),

    I wrote a rather lengthy reply earlier, but it seems to have been placed in the spam folder. Maybe it will show up later. In the meantime...

    Sorry for confusing your anonymous comment with the other anonymous comment. Sometimes it’s hard to tell anons apart. It would help me, and I'm sure other readers, if all you anons would use accepted journalistic norms. For example, if one anon is quoting another anon, they should start out by indicating such.

    Example: Anon (time stamp) said (or wrote) “so and so.”

    Journalistic integrity requires the use of quotation marks and references. This would prevent a lot of confusion. Unfortunately, anonymous comments from anonymous sources cannot be held to any standard whatsoever.

    That said, I would appreciate a response to my comments indicating agreement, or disagreement.



  41. The NFL Super Bowl (which I haven't watched in over 35 years) is replete with Satanist symbols during their half time show, a show that is watched by 10 of millions of people worldwide. Don't be fooled by Lady Gaga's reference to "god" during her act, she is in fact a deceiver, and literally worships Satan himself.

    Do some research re: Satanism and the entertainment world, including the music industry, Hollywood, TV, etc.

    Here is a very informative 30 minute video on the Satanist Lady Gaga, along with her associations with various fellow Satanists. Also covers extensively the "Spirit Cooking Dinner" that Hillary's campaign manager John Podesta attended.

  42. Anonymous11:59 AM


    Is there any evidence John Podesta attended a "spirit cooking dinner"? The email hacking indicated that his brother simply passed on the invitation.

  43. Evils of Satanism are clear. That John Podesta wasn't the nicest of folk is probably clear, too. But as a lawyer I have to agree with 11:59 absent an admission from John Podesta himself (probably not likely) or the recollections of somebody at that dinner who interacted with Podesta.


  44. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Omots, I agree with you and always use quotation marks while referring to the source.

    Life and everything connected is a complicated thing. The more complicated it appears to us, the more we want to put a handle on it. For many the the plain words in the Bible work. Others want to think God put out a challenge and it's up to them to solve the puzzle. God wouldn't leave them stranded in this complex world and there has to be an answer in the Bible, somewhere. I don't think predictors are showing off. They really believe they are helping others as they feel helped. The problem is that such predictions are distracting.

    In the Bible we are taught what we should learn from the words given to us. This is a good compilation on learning.

  45. Anonymous3:11 PM

    This is 7.10am, which was my first post on this thread, and which I followed up at 6.02pm explaining that I had been conducting satire when I spoke of "the last trump". (When I said at 6.02pm that I had been "expanding on an earlier post" I meant someone else's earlier post which I was quoting from at 7.10am.) I take all comments here in good heart. PS I added a little further satire at 6.58am but am responsible for nothing more above!

  46. Anonymous said @ 11:59 AM ...


    Is there any evidence John Podesta attended a "spirit cooking dinner"? The email hacking indicated that his brother simply passed on the invitation.

    I haven't found any concrete "evidence" that would indicate that he actually attended. However, I think it would be very unusual (IMO) for a 3rd. party to extend an invitation to a person that is NOT familiar with a "Spirit Cooking Dinner." The 3rd. party extended the invitation via John Podesta's brother. The two Podesta brothers are VERY close and own a lobbying business together. The fact that the invitation was meant to include John Podesta indicates he must have been at least knowledgeable about what it entailed.

    One more point, it is a fact that homosexual (and heterosexual) perversion and pedophilia go hand in hand with Satanism, in keeping with Crowley's "do what thou wilt is the whole of the law." Satanists love sexual perversion because they know it is an affront to God. Also, John Podesta has a well known "art" collection (that he does not even hide) of depictions of naked children. If that isn't consistent with a Satanist mindset, I don't know what is.

  47. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Brussels is plunged into darkness as EU capital is hit by massive power cut

    Brussels plunged into darkness following power cut in the Belgian capital

    The northern part of the city is believed to be the worst affected

    It is currently unknown how many people are without electricity

  48. Anonymous9:51 PM

    3:11 PM, what you have dealt was sarcasm, not satire! The irony is you have shown your hand without heart and although you may be a card carrying Trump supporter, that, in the end, has hardly left you with the Trump card!

    1. Anonymous9:55 PM

      Oh, 3:11PM...

      Trump loses appeal court bid to reinstate travel ban.

  49. Anonymous12:53 AM

    10:36 I'm not a Trump supporter. In fact I'm rather happy the court ruled against him. We don't need a dictator occupying one of the three branches of our government, particularly not a dolt like he is.

    However, you really do have it wrong. Lot offered his daughters because he knew that crowd outside his door wasn't interested in women. He gave his hospitality to strangers, but he wasn't about to give them over to those who wanted to do "wickedly" to them.

    1 And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground;

    2 And he said, Behold now, my lords, turn in, I pray you, into your servant’s house, and tarry all night, and wash your feet, and ye shall rise up early, and go on your ways. And they said, Nay; but we will abide in the street all night.

    3 And he pressed upon them greatly; and they turned in unto him, and entered into his house; and he made them a feast, and did bake unleavened bread, and they did eat.

  50. Anonymous1:02 AM

    If someone doesn't like the descriptive word dolt, here's a video that goes into more detail Psychologists warn that Trump is displaying classic signs of being mentally ill Frankly, I think dolt is being kinder. Those who think Trump is so wonderful, well.........

  51. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Dear 9.51pm, If you think that a jesting reference to "the last trump" is heartless sarcasm rather than satire then I suggest that you would do better away from blogs!


  52. Liberals and Homosexuals alike love to distort the Biblical account of God's judgment upon Sodom and Gomorrah as something other than what it was; judgment against the sin of Homosexuality and other sexual perversions.

    What an incredibly weird perspective that they would actually think God destroyed these cities due to a lack of "hospitality" to strangers! But then again, practically everything they think and do is weird and perverted, as evidenced by the fact that God gave them over to a reprobate mind.


  53. Anonymous said @ 1:02 AM ...

    "If someone doesn't like the descriptive word dolt, here's a video that goes into more detail Psychologists warn that Trump is displaying classic signs of being mentally ill Frankly, I think dolt is being kinder. Those who think Trump is so wonderful, well........."

    Anonymous ...

    How about sharing your words of wisdom regarding Hillary Clinton? Was she a "dolt" too? Was it "doltish" of her to enthusiastically support the extermination of babies in the womb? How about her enthusiastic support for everything LGBTQ? Did you favor her Middle East strategies that produced countless deaths and chaos? I can't wait to hear your response.

  54. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Dear 7:10 AM et al

    Re: The name Donald Trump means deceiving (& mocking) World ruler. I am not stating he absolutely is but he fits the attributes of the Antichrist.

    Sure, you can even find him named in 1 Corinthians 15:52 in the King James Bible, as "the last trump".

    I couldn't possibly comment.....

  55. I will be in Lansing tonight and during the day tomorrow for the State Republican Convention for which I was elected a delegate. Cliff Kincaid is not available to guest host for me in the morning and Joe McNeill will be picking and running a "rerun" of one of my back shows. Please pray for my traveling safety. We have light but slippery snow conditions.


  56. Anonymous4:38 PM

    RayB's comment asked that I respond regarding Clinton. Since you can't wait RayB person, Clinton is a very corrupt individual who has been as selfish and self-centered all her life as Trump is. Neither knows of a single moral standard which would get in their self-centered way. She did what was good for her in her eyes and didn't care who suffered as a result. She was and still is a narcissist. She was as useful to the big system players as a piece of toilet paper, and they discarded her when she was no longer useful. She was put in their stable early on, just as Billy Boy, Obama and Baby Bush were. There must have been a very small stable left for them to use Trump as he has is short both on brains and short on political experience, a dangerous combination. Why do I think there is a stable of potentials around? People with big money don't want to take a chance by letting someone be in charge who won't go along. They try to plan decades in advance, deciding on what they want to achieve and how to go about it. In case you haven't noticed, the goals are spelled out in New Age system sources which if you have been paying attention have been written about here for years. Trump doesn't control enough of the political system to upset the moving locomotive. As far as Trump supporters, as the saying goes, If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

  57. Anonymous @ 4:38 ...

    Re: your comment:

    "There must have been a very small stable left for them to use Trump as he has is short both on brains and short on political experience, a dangerous combination."

    Let's see if I understand what you are saying. You think Trump was a part of this "stable of potentials" and "they" turned to him because this "stable of potentials" must have been "very small." Really? How do you explain the fact that Trump had to defeat 16 ESTABLISHMENT GOP candidates in the primaries? Did the masters of this "stable of potentials" control that too? If Trump is product of this conspiracy (my term, not yours), why is it that virtually every establishment figure here and around the world (including the Globalist pope) opposed him? Why was the main stream media lined up completely against him? Why was the establishment GOP working so hard to defeat him, including denying him the nomination via a brokered Convention?

    Trump has an almost impossible task ahead of him if he sincerely wants to make real change, change that the establishment both fear and oppose. I thought it quite interesting (unlike establishment politicians) that he has made good on most of his campaign promises, including pulling out of the horrible Trans-Pacific Partnership, which was a furtherance towards a One World Government. Quite an accomplishment for this "short on brains dolt" don't you think?

    Let me clear; I don't have any illusions as to what the final outcome might be. Washington has many layers of very powerful, selfish, power hungry individuals that do not have the American people's best interest in mind, and they have had control for decades. I am not naive to this at all, having worked for politicians for the first 10 years of my adult life. But to refer to this man as a "short on brains dolt" is really obnoxious and vulgar.

    Furthermore, by describing Trump in such a derogatory manner indicates a pretty severe superiority complex on your part.

  58. Anonymous12:10 AM

    RayB's comments refer to the stable I talked about.

    Yes, I think Trump was in a stable of prospects. He regularly talked about and tried to run for a major office since 1980. That made the public familiar with him. He did everything possible to make his brand known, from extended publicity stories, many bit parts in movies and television series. He got much publicity through his tie to the real estate "university" scam. He was well known to the public for decades. A nice friendly face with an image of being self-made wealthy. As someone said, he was a poor man's idea of a rich person. Self-made at that.

    For many years very well paid ring of conservative talk show hosts kept up a running model of what conservatives needed in the government. The tension was building. Come this election one man gets a huge amount of free publicity given by the controlled media. The media has dumbed down the general public pretty much so Trump fit in with his braggart style and lack of basic specifics. The other candidates who wanted to talk serious mattes were considered boring. Even though Trump just got one quarter of possible voters excited, it was more than any other candidate was able to do. Although I tried to see material from all sides, there appeared to be no positive spin coming from the Democrats. There was a lot of noise coming from the Democrats, but nothing positive about Clinton, no reason to vote for her and many reasons not to vote for her. Democrats had habitual habit going for themand that Clinton wasn't Trump. Other than that, nothing.

    As we moved toward November, there was a bandwagon effect. The clamor in social media got louder and louder. Saying anything anti Trump brought a huge amount of criticism on one's head. Anyone who criticized Trump was put in the same camp as crazed Clinton supporters. No one could give solid reasons for supporting him. It was Trust the Trump Personality. It was all Trust His Promises. It was Trump Isn't Clinton. Nothing of any substance that an intelligent person could accept.

    Now he hasn't been in office for even a full month and he's being hailed as a Savior, a true Messiah figure by his supporters and the controlled conservative media. You play both sides of the fence, giving yourself an out just in case something pops up that you disagree with. I don't like anything about him. I don't trust him. I'm not impressed by anything that has gone on so far. You insult me because I don't like him. You like being a political groupie. You are a typical Trump supporter. I have claustrophobia and so I don't like being closed in by Trump and his supporters.

    It's a shame, but a truth, that those with power and money want to lead the public around by the nose, and they are doing it.

  59. Anonymous1:26 AM

    It's not about globalization. It's about control of the government, and if the government can be controlled by using the hands of one with a slow brain and his unthinking followers, that's how it will be as New Age takes control. This is how Trump appears to people with the ability to see further than the moment.


  60. Anonymous Anonymous said...12:10 AM
    RayB's comments refer to the stable I talked about.
    I have claustrophobia and so I don't like being closed in by Trump and his supporters.

    I do not see Trump as a Savior, but I do see him playing a great role in creating derision and anxiety among the political establishment, bankers and media. For this I like. He has kicked over their rocking chairs from which they are still trying to recover.

    You say you do not like the claustrophobia of Trump? (try a break from the boob-tube) What was your opinion of the Obama that brought the HOPE to CHANGE the USA into Havana?

  61. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Fascism never comes about without leftist rioting. Trump and his supporters will be used to bring about laws to control the mobs and everything and everyone else seen as protesting what is going on under the label Trump. There was once a theme called SDS which was Supply the Demand for the Supply. The protests and rioting are needed to supply the demand for further control of the population. You are seeing a further reason for further control. Dan Bryan, you might like to look up how Agent Provocateurs are used to rile up people who otherwise might just passively take what is going on.

  62. Anonymous2:01 AM This is your president.

  63. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I am pragmatic about Trump. Because he is only a man.
    He is in office for a purpose, and it is twofold.
    Yes, the globalist agenda will go forward because of some of his policies, and in spite of them too. In the book of Hebrews God says everything that can be, will be shaken.
    So it's all both sides of the same coin.....for such a time as this.

    Let people who are of that persuasion think Trump is "savior"...
    And let people think he is the devil himself.

    Doesn't matter in the big picture.
    The globalists will have their day in the sun...
    ...but God engineers our circumstances, of each and every person, and as peoples the world over, and He is presiding over the human flood in this world of wrongs, with islands of right floating in the midst of it. God has the tally sheet.
    Ever notice how nobody cannot stop God?

    Be careful how you, yourself, will answer. I'm not pragmatic about God, though. We're all need of a good Lawyer.
    Jesus Christ is the Advocate to put our trust in.

  64. Anonymous12:32 PM

    10:39 God gave you a brain as well as a soul. With your brain you have free will. The question you should be asking yourself is how much are you responsible for your fellow man? If nothing, then you might as well skip the last commandments and the second great one. "Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God, The Lord is One; Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind",[2] before also referring to a second commandment, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."[3] Most Christian denominations consider these two commandments the core of the Christian religion.[4]

    I guess the difference between some of us is what that second one means. If you don't give a darn about your physical condition, the dangers you face, what your relationship is to your family and friends, and you just sit like a little lump in a cave somewhere, then you can fulfill the second one by doing nothing about loving your neighbor. If you care even a tiny little bit about your condition in life, then you will know what loving your neighbor as yourself means

    Translating your message I see, "I truly love and trust God, but my neighbor? Eh!" If you see something else, give some examples of how you love your yourself.

  65. Anonymous Anonymous said...1:46 AM
    Fascism never comes about without leftist rioting.

    Kristallnacht was hardly the works of Marxist Stalin.
    The rioting in the streets are hardly being orchestrated of the Trump administration.

    As Anonymous 1039 said ... everything that can be shaken will, and I agree, but it lso includes the church.
    But I am no so sure that the Globalist 'day' will be that of sun, but it may be of darkness with a moon of blood and pillars of smoke.

    We are to be aware of the signs and times but keep our eyes on the Lord. If we, in our flesh and carnal mind rally behind a strong man, we might be in trouble. If the Lord is using Trump and we fight against Trump we may be fighting the Lord's will.

    The correct answer in my belief, is that in all cases we are to have the mind of Christ empowered by the Holy Spirit in these days if we are to stand...... if at all.

    I do not think too many that are engaged on these blog discussions will be caught by surprise, but we most assuredly will change our views over time.

    Constance, thanks for hosting this board!

  66. Anonymous4:26 PM

    12:32 PM

    I am talking about the political scene out there. My personal life is not on the sidelines and I actively serve my family, neighbors, and beyond. I wasn't touting what I do. I gave an assessment of what I see in the world.

    Maybe I should have tooted my own horn for you?
    Nah. That doesn't matter to you in your assumption or you would have bothered to at least ask instead of tell.
    Judging much, eh?

  67. Anonymous4:38 PM

    "As Anonymous 1039 said ... everything that can be shaken will, and I agree, but it also includes the church."

    Dan Bryan,

    Oh, most definitely. Everything is exactly what I meant. I have a wait and see attitude about it all. There are telltale signs of what to watch and what to do too, even if 12:32 PM isn't convinced that I know and live that out daily....
    God knows if I'm blowing smoke or not, regarding that.

  68. Anonymous4:55 PM

    "But I am no so sure that the Globalist 'day' will be that of sun,"

    That means their "day" (opportunity) to do what they will, for a time.

  69. Just when you think that a name, (Trump) might be ironic, even though we all know that such thinking is ridiculous, along comes todays news with photos that Trump is having lunch with the Japanese prime minister and his old friend Bob Kraft, the owner of the NFL Champion New England Patriots.
    Doesn't Daniel chapter eight say that he, (the antichrist), would cause craft to prosper? No other tean in football history has ever won more championships, or set more records. But of course that kind of thinking is childish and immature. I mean some people wanted to bycott the Super Bowl because both Kraft and Quarterback Tom Brady endorsed Trump, or at least said that he is a friend.

    My favorite irony of all, though is the word "sword" wherever it's used in the Bible; what with the Bible being God'sword and all. That has to be more than just a coincidence of translation into English right? I mean, just because the Bible talks about Jesus (who is God'sWord incarnate) coming back to destroy his enemies at the end of the age, and destroys them with the "sword of his mouth", which is Hisword, that's no reason to think he intended that accident of words to happen, right? It just a coincidence.
    "For the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit , and of the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart," (Heb 4:12)
    ..."And out of his mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of almighty God." (Rev. 19:15)
    ..."and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." (Ephesians 6:17)


  70. Anonymous said (in part) to RayB @ 12:10 PM ...

    "Now he (Trump)hasn't been in office for even a full month and he's being hailed as a Savior, a true Messiah figure by his supporters and the controlled conservative media."

    Please cite where and when ANYONE has "hailed" Trump as being "a Savior, a true Messiah figure."

    "You like being a political groupie."

    A truly comical statement. Anyone that knows me would roll on the floor with laughter at that one.

    "You are a typical Trump supporter."

    I like the fact that you don't deal in generalities (wink, wink). By the way, what is EXACTLY is a "typical Trump supporter?"

    "No one could give solid reasons for supporting him. It was Trust the Trump Personality."

    Another interesting generality. Do you really believe "no one" supported Trump because of his stand on issues, such as withdrawing from the TPP, renegotiating NAFTA and other trade deals, clamping down on ILLEGAL immigration, securing our borders, stopping the flow of drugs, supporting our law enforcement officers, replacing Obamacare, Supreme Court nominees, reducing the size of the Federal Gov't, ending Common Core, etc. etc.? I could give you more issues that I Trump campaigned on that I supported, but I'll stop here.

    We all know you "don't like Trump." And that's fine, but WHO DID you support for President, and why?

  71. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Anon 12:10 echos the left wing media.

  72. Worship at and to the bed of fornication.

    Everyone has heard the Leonard Cohen (RIP) Hallelujah.
    Without listening too closely I thought it very worshipful.
    But one only need to study the lyrics to see it is a diabolical worship song.

    Hollywood can't seem to get enough of this song. Even Cohen in one of his last interviews stated that people should not overdo or sing this so much.

  73. How could anyone think for one minute that Leonard Cohen would be worshipful,
    or even respectful of the God of the Bible? He's Leonard freakin' Cohen for goodness' sakes.
    The words of the Bible bring a certain authority to everything they touch. Just as using Jesus'
    name as an expletive brings a cetain power to any sentence. That's the real reason people
    pepper their sentences with Jesus' name. It's to bring attention to their statement, and it
    Hemingway, Steinbeck, and others used a snippet of the Bible to name their novels. The
    content of the novel had nothing to do with God or Gods' word. It was just there to sell books,
    and it worked; over and over then and still does to this day. Leonard Cohen had a New York cult
    following but he, in his hubris, wanted so much more. He broke out of obscurity by taking God's
    words in vain. Hooray Leonard Cohen. He's a genius!
    Think about it the next time someone uses Jesus' name in a sentence, or just says; Jesus!
    Aren't they just trying to get your attention and make you sit up and listen to them? And doesn't
    it work? Yes it does.
    That's because Jesus name is THE name of power. He sits at the right hand of power. No so
    muhummit or booduh or krishna etc...the power just ain't there, sorry.

  74. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Instrumentally the song of Cohen is good.
    Worshipful? Well...not to me.
    But the words are horrible.
    With the gratuitous Name drop, that takes it to really bad.
    Your comment nailed it, Paul.

    Thank you.

  75. Paul,

    I agree with you 100%.
    When I said worshipful, it was not in context of the words but the music.
    I am really amazed that in the Christian community at large, there are a lot of them that believe the song to be ok.
    I am most pleased to see your reaction.
    There is a power there, it is demonic and seductive to the unaware.

  76. Anonymous8:30 PM Even if one takes it to feelings about other relationships such as religious ones, there is depth in those lyrics and the music. There is the excitement and promise that comes with something found and new, the disappointment that reality brings and the hope that springs eternal.

    I think as far as the two of you go, the lyrics and music that fits best is
    "We belong to a mutual ad mir a tion society....." Stay with that.

  77. Issues raised in the article about Torchbearer movie, some in legal trouble for Christian
    faith and teaching, this decision could be the start of
    reversing this trend.

    Yes, GOD RAISES UP KINGS AND PUTS THEM DOWN. God has His own plans. one
    analyst watching the globalist and corruption scene for decades figures globalists split between
    globalism first and profit first the latter worried, Trump might represent the latter.

    too much concern with politics, New Age is BOTH occultism and mysticism (most people
    know only of this) and politics Limiting it to one or other is flawed. occultists sometimes
    oppose NWO when it clashes with their own goals. (e.g. Agenda 21 get us off the land
    clash with back to land) or too much regimentation of their own lives possible.
    Frankly, occultism sneaking into churches enabling spirits and miasmas to operate is more serious (re the review of a book on the subject that complained the book
    wasn't concerned with politics.)

    a youtube poster said "what Trump and DeVos are actually fighting against.

    UN Adopts “Education” Plan to Indoctrinate Children in Globalism:

    Schools Ditch Academics For Emotional Manipulation:

    Bill Ayers and the Legacy of ‘60s Radicals in Education:

    Proffesor Mary Grabar's Dissident Prof.: "

    "... promptly crumbled into the Dark Ages." Dark Ages idea was invented by atheist Enlightenment.

    paul, tribulation is 3 1/2 years not 7 TIME TIMES AND A HALF we are caught up to meet Christ as He returns to destroy the antichrist the sword ofout of His mouth is declaration of destruction, not preaching.

    "It was not only because of sexual perversion...Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed,...Repent, you lovers of mammon and self. Hypocrites!" Indeed conservative Christians worship
    mammon confuse free market with Christian liberty HOWEVER the perversion was the
    last straw other sins resulted in attack on the stangers (the guest is sacred in Middle East 3 day

    Marko, I never heard of "moral equivalence" I researched it It is a false argument. Jesus says u judge others u are condemned by own words for doing same.

  78. Christine,
    The sword of his mouth is the Truth, which convicts them. The Tribulation is one week; 7 years. The Time of Jacob's trouble is one half of that. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because, as is clearly spelled out, the men of the city demanded that Lot send out the angels so that they might "know" them; that is, have sex with them, which is a story that is mirrored in Judges 19. Where do you find any other reason for it and why would you bother to, other than that you are a oneupsmanship specialist with no point to make other than that you are smarter than the rest of the world? "I've already read that...I already know that...I knew that years ago, " etc etc
    Lovers of mammon? I don't line up to collect food stamps and general assistance like you in your wisdom do. I'm barely able to survive on my income and I depend on the grace of God every week, and He helps me every week, miraculously. Amen.
    Christine you're so full of baloney, and your arguments are becoming weaker as time goes on, with your ever more silly shorthand /texting as if you're in some kind of major hurry, being chased by a monster. It reads like the Dr Bronners Soap labels. Wild-eyed.

  79. Anonymous9:58 AM

    The monster of her own making, because she still has nothing of importance to say Paul.
    She's just trying to squeeze something in here due to her major limit Constance imposed (because she abused her privilege here) so she must take advantage of what little she has to pontificate.
    She just wants to be sure to "correct" (and therefore "educate you people") least one somebody, and often many somebodys.

    It's her thang sitting there on her duff, drawing assistance, and demanding to be heard.
    And boring as ever.

  80. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Speaking of new age panentheism... "The Shack" in movie version is coming out soon. The fact that Mary may also get a new name this year seems appropriate.


  81. Anon @ 11:53 AM ...

    Thanks for the link. I went there and read the article. All kinds of rationalization for naming her "Co-Redemptrix," of course none of which is based on the Scriptures.

    The blind continues to lead the blind into the pit. Absolutely nothing will change that outside of the sovereign work of God's grace applied to the sinner's dead, dark heart in order to give them the spiritual eyes to see.

  82. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Part 7 of the Shoebat series which describes the Islamic and pagan attacks on Christianity that seem to parallel the New Age movement happenings is up now. The history of Chrislam is much longer than described here when Joyce of Messianic Judaism and Chrislam was posting here on the blog. Fascinating material. Someone who goes back to those days might be able to add information on the Shoebat website. I think someone shared information on Messianic Islam at the time. Shoebat really does a good job describing Chrislam.

  83. Ruth of Exeter, UK4:36 AM

    How do this fit into the mix?

    Strapping on the Sacred: When Religion Enters Virtual Reality

  84. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Senate Bill 109 Would Outlaw Microchipping Humans

    CARSON CITY — State Sen. Becky Harris said a bill to prohibit forced microchipping of people is not as far-fetched as it might seem because it happens in some places around the world.

    Senate Bill 109 would make it a Class C felony to require someone to be implanted with a radio frequency identifier, such as microchips placed in pets.

    The idea for the bill came from a constituent, the Las Vegas Republican said.

    “As I began to look into the issue I was surprised with the merit that I believe the issue warrants,” Harris told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday.

    She said sales of radio frequency identifiers are escalating around the world, and a company in Australia as of June 2016 sold more than 10,000 implantable chips with do-it-yourself kits.

    “Each kit costs about $100 and includes a tag and an injection tool,” Harris said.

    The Wall Street Journal has reported an estimated 30,000 to 50,000 chips have been sold globally, she said.

    Harris said the technology is used by companies in Belgium and Sweden to identify employees.

    “It’s done under the idea to unlock doors or use copy machines or maybe pay for lunch, you could use your hand,” she said.

    Besides privacy concerns, Harris said the concept raises ethical questions, such as who owns the chip or the information contained on it. And how does someone get “de-chipped” if they are no longer employed by the company that required it.

    She also wondered if a chip could be hacked to harass or stalk someone.

    Harris said the Nevada bill is modeled after legislation passed by at least 10 other states.

    “It wouldn’t prohibit the voluntary decision of a person to be microchipped,” she said, adding that a nightclub in Europe offers microchipping to customers so the establishment can provide tailored service.

    There was no total opposition to the bill, though some witnesses said the technology could help patients with dementia.

    “Some Alzheimer’s patients wander away,” said Jonathan Friedrich of Las Vegas, adding the technology could be used to help find them quickly.

    State Sen. Don Gustavson questioned whether military pilots are microchipped so rescuers can find them if aircraft crash or are shot down.

    Harris said she would check with military officials.

    No action was taken on the bill by the committee.

  85. Ok, how many of you have watched the TORCHBEARER movie? It is downloadable on demand from Amazon. For only $9.00 I was able to "own" it as part of my online Amazon video library that I can watch from any device that can load and/or stream it. It is probably the most powerful film I have ever viewed.


  86. I remember Joyce but I don't remember her saying anything about Islam.

  87. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Joyce was associated with a Moody Bible type group that was funding Messianic Judaism. She was pushing it on this comments page, giving much of what she claimed was her background. She sounded so sincere and many trusted her. Several of us became "concerned" when her information was, let's say, dodgy, and so we looked into it. Turns out she and her husband were using funds from the same source to push Chrislam in Europe. We were to think it was so wonderful that Muslims were becoming Christians. It was very hush hush because she said Muslims didn't want anyone pushing Christianity and it what they were doing got out, well....dangerous. It was when I started to learn what Chrislam was. Interesting times. Who was that other person she was tied with? The guy with ties to the EU? We were accused of chasing this valuable source of information away from here because we let her secret out. At least that's how I remember it.


  88. Here is a variation of "Chrislam," only adding a few more religions in to make a nice, ecumenical, One World Religion stew:

    PS: at the end, the Pope declares "we are all children of God." Not true. Only those that are united with God through His Son are "children of God."

  89. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Ray B, moral suggestion for you. Your belief is taken one step further by your faith. You live in the real world however, and it is different from what others believe and have faith in. How to handle that? There are commandments that your belief in Christianity orders you to follow with regard to others. Study them. Remember them. Practice them. It will show you really believe and have faith in Christianity.


  90. Anonymous said to RayB @ 1:29 PM ...

    "You live in the real world however, and it is different from what others believe and have faith in. How to handle that?"

    The Bible declares that people reject Christ because they love "darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil." John 3:19

    If those in these false religions (as illustrated in the Pope video) truly loved the light, God would reveal His Son to them. Instead, because they "loved not the truth" he sends upon them a "strong delusion" that "they should believe a lie" and "be dammed" because they "believed on the truth." 2nd. Thessalonians 2:10-12

    The "belief" that "we are all children of God" because of the expression of "faith" in a false "god" is based upon one principle; the rejection of Jesus Christ being the only "way, the truth and the life." John 14:6 Rejecting Jesus Christ as the "Lord of Lords, and the King of Kings" is the foundation of the One World Religious system of the Anti-Christ.

    Keep that in mind as you feel warm and fuzzy over the Babylonian unity of the world's false religions.

  91. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Ray B It would be helpful if you learned how to comprehend things that are posted. Yes. it is clear that you believe the world is being run a certain way and you have words on paper that tell you that you are right.

    Many other groups of people also believe they have been told how the world is being run and they have words on paper to prove it. That's how faith in something works.

    They have faith they are right just as you have faith you are right.

    Christianity teaches commandments on how Christians are to treat others, no exceptions. Christianity does not teach it is just fine to murder, lie, covet what others have if their faith is different than yours.

    Christian commandments teach how those who have faith in Christianity are supposed to act. Shout from the rooftops what you have faith in and what you "know" is the truth about how the world is run. Just when you come down from the rooftop, follow the commandments of the religion you believe.

    No one is asking you to believe all religions teach equal truth. All religions don't teach the same values, so they can't all be equal or whatever. Some religions teach things that make better rules about how the world should be run by human beings, how a person benefits from following the rules of that religion, how a community benefits from following those rules, how the world would benefit from following those rules. Example: Islam isn't working as a religion when people are told "You better believe or I'll kill you." Islam works out of political fear, but as a religion it isn't very attractive and in the long run it has destroyed people and communities, just as paganism does. With your "You better be a Christian or my God will get you" you make Christianity sound more like Islam than the Christianity I know and respect.

    If you want to get more people to be better Christians or change over to having a faith in Christianity, tell them what the rules are. Just telling them what you have on your piece of paper isn't going to work. They have their own pieces of paper which look good to them. They will have to learn how your system works. Kapiech!

  92. Anonymous8:45 PM

    That was a bunch of blah, blah, blah that was overstated and overrated opinion 6:47 PM.

    Kind of a kaput comeback instead of a "kapiech" (actually spelled capiche), but whatever....

  93. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Did you mean: dictionary capisce

    Search Results
    Urban Dictionary: Capice
    This is a common misspelling of 'capisce'. This is a slang word in American English borrowed from the Italian. It translates to 'to understand', as in 'Do you ..

    Capiche | Define Capiche at
    or capiche, capisce. ... 1940s slang, from Italian capisci? "do you understand?" from capire "to understand," from Latin capere "seize, grasp, take" (see capable)..

    Kapish or Kapeesh is the Anglicized [AE] form of "do you understand" as used by the Italian/Sicilian community[Mafia?].
    So, pjharvey, you are correct in your thinking that it came from "capisci".

    kapish is formally spelled as capisce (pronounced as cah-peesh) which is derived from the Italian word capire "to understand" and from Latin capere "to grasp or to seize".

    It is now used in American slang to say "got it" or "understand."

    common alternative spellings you might encounter are capice, capicé, capiche, capeesh, capisch, capishe and coppish.

    EG: teacher: everyone shut up otherwise you will all be in detention, kapish?

    So many different spellings if you go to dictionary. However, you just keep concentrating on what is important to you 8:45. You'll get it right one of these days. Whatever. One of these days you'll move on and begin to understand Christianity.

  94. To 10:24 pm -- I am most certain that your accusation of CHRISLAM against Joyce is a dangerously false accusation.


  95. Furthermore, just as you, 10:24 were sensitive about people stalking you, Joyce likewise was sensitive about you stalking her -- particularly when she was living in Europe.


  96. As the old Gospel song goes:
    "How to reach the masses, men of every birth
    Oh the answer Jesus gave to see
    For if I, if I be lifted up from the earth
    I'll draw all men unto to me

    Lift him up lift him up
    Still he speaks from eternity
    For if I, if I be lifted up from the earth,
    I'll draw all men unto me. "

    Just lift up Jesus, as opposed to lifting up ourselves as examples of the right Way.
    People will always look at us and say where is your God? but that's just them
    deflecting the conviction that they feel inside, so as to ignore the Son of God.

    Lift Him up!

  97. Anonymous10:11 AM

    "as opposed to lifting up ourselves as examples of the right Way"

    6:47 PM & 11:14 PM does not understand what you mean, Paul. That persons "way" is the correct one according to them.
    Wants others to "get it" about Christianity and does know that what you posted said it all.

    Their choice.
    We're all given a one.


  98. FYI ...

    "Christian" University in Texas Opens up Prayer Room for Muslims:

    More evidence of the American's "church" and its continued slide into apostasy.

    PS: I attended a memorial service this past Saturday at an Evangelical church. The "pastor" wore a "black tie" in honor of the Satanic rock group AC DC, because the "deceased liked AC DC." A couple of days after the service, I looked up lyrics for AC DC ... not surprisingly, it was full of "sex, drugs and rock n roll" along with numerous references to Satan. They had great "hits" such as "Hells Bells," "Highway to Hell," etc. The Devil must be rolling on the floor laughing at "pastors" such as this!

  99. Pope Francis is at it AGAIN ...

    This time, he has injected himself into the Dakota pipeline controversy, and has taken sides with the "indigenous" people. Why would he do this? Because the Pope is a Globalist. If America truly becomes energy independent, it will also help America to become a more powerful, independent SOVEREIGN state, which does not work well with the Globalist plans for a One World Government.

    PS: ever notice that this man (who claims to be the "Vicar of Christ") never proclaims the liberating Gospel of Jesus Christ? But rather, injects himself almost non-stop into the political and economic affairs of sovereign states the world over?

  100. Susanna,

    Is the Church in crisis or is the Pontiff a New Apostolic with ties to the Copeland style Evangelical?

    Pope Emeritus Benedict breaks silence: speaks of ‘deep crisis’ facing Church post-Vatican II

  101. Anonymous3:03 PM

    12:47 Constance. You call it stalking. I call it research on the people who post here. Those who post here are as open to scrutiny as you yourself have been. Otherwise every comment should be viewed with scepticism. Joyce posted here for many, many months before anyone decided to check on her story and how accurate it was. For many, many years I posted using my own name, something very unusual here. When I was repeatedly lied about by anonymous posters, I decided to stop because it was detracting from the factual material I had shared. Since 1979 I have been open. Many are and were able to check out who I am. It was obvious that there were people who wanted to make sure information I was sharing didn't get out. The heading you put on this website/blog is News and views of Constance Cumbey concerning "Radical Middle", New Age Movement, Communitarianism, "planetary humanism," "global governance," European Union, Javier Solana, Jeremy Rifkin, "New Age Politics," law in the USA, combined with life in general -- sometimes humorous, sometimes not!", almost all very, very serious topics that affect this country. It's not a site where opinions really carry no weight, opinions such as which kind of lemon meringue is best. Truth about those topics is extremely important. I just admit I enjoyed the trip back in time, the years where Joyce and information about her had been posted.

  102. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Everyone reading here, I replied to Constance's 12:45 and 12:47 comments. I hope we aren't again into posts disappearing, where everyone has to copy and repeat posting over and over again. I didn't copy it, but if it doesn't appear, I'll rewrite it and repeat it.

  103. Anonymous2:00 AM

    This is amazing, a rabbi in Israel who wants to have a retrial:

    This is very powerful. Wow!!!

  104. Marko8:22 AM

    3:59 pm, and other who might be interested:

    If you use Firefox for a browser, there is an extension you can install called "Textarea Cache", that keeps everything in a local cache on your computer that you've typed into any form or blog post or whatever on a website. I find it quite handy for when things disappear, or when my browser crashes, or when I leave a page accidentally without posting something and lose it all. It's quite easy to use, and doesn't take any resources or slow the browser down. It's saved my posts many, many times, so I don't have to go back and remember what I've typed.

    It can be found here:

    Nothing is stored "in the cloud" - it's all local storage on your PC. And you can clear it any time you want to.

  105. 3:59 pm, and other who might be interested:

    If you use Firefox for a browser, there is an extension you can install called "Textarea Cache", that keeps everything in a local cache on your computer that you've typed into any form or blog post or whatever on a website. I find it quite handy for when things disappear, or when my browser crashes, or when I leave a page accidentally without posting something and lose it all. It's quite easy to use, and doesn't take any resources or slow the browser down. It's saved my posts many, many times, so I don't have to go back and remember what I've typed.

    It can be found here:

    Nothing is stored "in the cloud" - it's all local storage on your PC. And you can clear it any time you want to.

  106. Susanna11:49 AM

    Dan Bryan, 2:34 PM

    There seems to be a lot of fake news floating around about Pope Francis these days. In fact, just this month there has even been a fake edition of L'Osservatore Romano making the rounds which is analogous to the fake Washington Post publication which was also peddling fake news not too long ago.

    For non-Catholic Christians whose knowledge of Roman Catholicism might be understandably limited, I think it needs to be explained and emphasized that as a Roman Catholic I already KNOW what I must believe - regardless of WHO occupies the Chair of Peter. Moreover, what I MUST believe never changes. There are those who try to portray church teachings as having "changed" down through the centuries but when all is said and done, this is found not to be the case. In matters of faith and morals, not even the Pope has the right to officially teach anything contrary to the Catholic Rule of Faith, which, as you know, is Scripture and Sacred Tradition - the written and oral Tradition of the Catholic Church which are inseparable from one another.

    So far, I have not seen any hard evidence that would convince me that Pope Francis has committed heresy, but if, for the sake of argument, he did, then the old Canon Law phrase would kick in "If the Pope is in error, he ceases to be Pope." There are provisions in Canon Law, moreover, for the deposition and removal of a heretical Pope should the need for such canonical provisions arise.

    The "Copeland connection" has its origins with Episcopal Bishop Tony Palmer who is an ordained bishop in the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches, a breakaway alliance of charismatic-Anglican - Episcopal churches.

    Bishop Palmer developed a friendship with Pope Francis when Pope Francis was a Catholic official in Argentina. Prior to becoming CEEC bishop, Rev. Palmer was the director of the Kenneth Copeland Ministries in South Africa. Palmer also happens to be married to an Italian Roman Catholic woman......which may be one of many reasons why he later moved to Italy and began working to reconcile Roman Catholics and Protestants.

    At least since 2004, Kenneth Copeland Ministries was one of Mr. Palmer's first financial contributors in support of his ecumenical work in Italy.

    And so what if he was?????

    Palmer and Copeland were not peddling a false irenicism which, in religious matters - especially Christian - involves pretending to agree where one actually disagrees. On the contrary, it was Palmer's and Copeland's belief that Roman Catholics and Protestants could work together without compromising their beliefs. This is no different from other ecumenical initiatives of Catholic and non-Catholic Christian communions in the past. Among those who most vociferously oppose these ecumenical initiatives are the successors of Father Leonard Feeney and his ilk. Feeneyites are people who believe, among other things,
    that Protestants are going to hell in a handbasket for no other reason than that they are Protestants. Unfortunately, there are Protestant versions of these "Feeneyites" who believe the same thing about Roman Catholics.

    At the end of the day, do I agree that the Church is in "deep crisis?" Sadly yes.
    And insofar as this crisis appears in part to have its origins in the treacherous behavior of certain members of the Catholic clergy, there are those are talking about the crisis in terms of "the Judas Syndrome."

    But because I believe in Christ's promises, I believe that while the Church is down,she is far from out.

  107. Susanna11:54 AM


    Dan Bryan, 2:34 PM

    Cardinal Burke: "No, I am not saying that Pope Francis is in heresy."

    December 19, 2016

    In an interview with CWR, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke discusses the current controversy over "Amoris Laetitia' and the questions he submitted with three other bishops to Pope Francis.

  108. Hi Susanna,
    One additional question, are you implying that the links I sent were fake news?
    If so, how? If It is, please accept my apology. If it is basically factual, then you are disingenuous by deflecting with some real fake news? Will all criticism of the pontiff now be considered fake news?

    We have a media today in the USA that has spread so much fake news, one can now believe we have a fake president by implication of the fake news?

  109. Susanna5:33 PM

    Dan Bryan 1:54 PM

    I was not in any way implying that the links you sent were fake news. Nor was I implying that any and all criticism of Pope Francis was necessarily fake news either.

    In fact, I have a question for you. Did you even bother to carefully read my reply and the post script I went to the trouble to add?

    Do you accuse everyone of being "disingenuous" when their replies do not happen to be to your liking?

  110. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Susanna, as you once said, those who want to learn about the New Age movement don't come to this blog. Understanding the New Age movement requires more than quick glances at a few words and repeated cliches from a few regular posters. It's all about faith, hope and charity. Faith in Christianity. Hope springs eternally in the possibility of maturity in others. Charity when it doesn't.

    Dan Bryan, of course we have a "fake" president, based not on the results of an election but on the definition of the title president. We have a elected a great entertainer. Problem is when we begin to desperately need a president, we will learn the harsh lesson of electing an entertainer.

  111. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Dear 11:01 PM, That post of yours offered nothing helpful to learn about the New Age Movement you are supposedly interested in. Maybe you are a tad cliche with the topic, too?

  112. Anonymous1:07 AM

    12:11 Is this blog about the New Age movement? I never would have guessed that after reading the posts here.

  113. Anonymous1:10 PM

  114. Marko6:14 PM

    Re: 1:10 pm....Javier Solana's article linked to.

    If I had the inclination to, I would register at that site and leave the following comment.


    Solana is an idiot if he thinks this:

    "Experience has shown that the most effective way to prevent conflicts is through inclusion and cooperation."

    His understanding of history is incomplete, at best, including recent history. Let's see... we had the League of Nations after WW1. How'd that work out for ya, Javier? Oh, so we put together a better one after WW2, the United Nations? How's that working out for ya, Javier? Not so well? Well, I'm sure after the next world war, you brainiacs will come up with an even BETTER arrangement.

    The thing is, we live in a world where coercion via technology (and a will to comply due to the stupidity and fear-based lives of the masses) will make your attempts to bring us a perfect world union almost succeed.

    I certainly won't be helping things along, that's for sure, so you'd better just round me up now, to save yourself some irritation later.

    I laugh at your stupid plans, Javier. I laugh at the face of tyranny. I will keep laughing until you silence me.

  115. Marko7:55 PM


    My posts keep disappearing. Can you check the spam folder? Thanks

  116. Constance regular news won't tell you but this NATO buildup's been going on for months.
    If anything happens to Trump, "The Family" is in charge scroll down to qui bono

    paul, in Rev. the woman hides a time, times, and a half so either 3500 between advents and all persecutions
    aka tribulations, or 3 1/2 years a 3 1/2 year figure also occurs in Daniel. Tribulation begins halfway through
    antichrist's reign, when he starts demanding worship.

    falsely accusing and dishonest as ever, you say I sought a reason other than perversion
    for Sodom's demise, I WAS RESPONDING TO AN ANON POST Isa. chapter 1, Jer. 23:14 Ezek. 16:49-50 lists the other sins and adds did destertable things. This sort of thing is why I don't believe you about posts
    on my blog. I made it clear perversion was the main thing.

    I don't get food stamps, but getting food stamps isn't worshipping mammon.

    worshippers of mammon - complain of taxes for the poor ignoring the big drain which is "corporate welfare" and bloated budge they gain from if they have stock in relevant companies
    - increase property value to get equity out in mortgage and thereby destroy American dream, prop. taxes go up driving rents up cost of goods and services demand for raises spiral goes on.
    - shop at expensive stores
    - buy expensive cars and clothes
    - feel bad about receiving hand me down clothes
    - don't lend to those in need who probably won't pay back
    - are ashamed to beg or borrow feeling in advance the scorn they feel for others like these
    - will do anything for money or other gain and argue everyone does it.
    - yell that the needs of children or whoever is someone else's "responsibility" so they won't
    help them
    - steal and take bribes.
    - charge interest on loans to the poor
    - compound the interest and get laws passed allowing this stuff and redefining usury (a process of
    - sell or publish outrageously heretical books because it makes money
    - deal in derivatives (and got the relevant sections of Glass-Steagall removed and work to keep
    them removed)
    - inaccurately call everything "socialist" or "marxist" that doesn't exalt the aggressive and clever and
    condemn the weak or badly positioned to poverty and early death. (This attitude might be called nietzschean.)
    - consider competition a sin (unless done by themselves) and aim to eliminate any that threatens them.
    - work hard, earn everything they got, consider they did it all themselves never mind roads and
    infrastructure and employers and buyers willing to deal with them, and never give a cent unless there's
    a tax write off if then. Scroogey.
    - consider they own everything they got instead of its on loan from God.

    in Matthew 25 some of foregoing will get them sent to gehenna by Jesus at the Last Judgement for having seen Him hungry and without clothing or shelter and done nothing (or perhaps for worse yet by getting some welfare law gutted, took from Him what little He had?) AS YOU DO IT TO THE LEAST OF THESE.....

    paul, if you are eligible for assistance, stop being proud and get assistance. PRIDE IS A SIN.

    Deuteronomy the third year tithe is for the poor and the levites the producer of wealth had to make a public accounting showing he had done so. That's mandatory welfare.

  117. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Marko at 6:14 PM.

    You summed up pretty well about the idiocy of little men with dreams of a world without God because they believe themselves to be gods. We know the outcome already, and know the devil's empowerment awaits the "right" moment and "right" man (Solana?) for the ultimate in wrong..sheer idiocy and evil to finish this course.
    God still sits enthroned in command over it all.
    The devil needs only man's pride, apathy, hate, and ignorance about God to get that show on the road. The tipping point is close, real close..
    Meanwhile the Lord has a harvest to see to.

  118. Christine Christine
    I agree with you on so much, but please don't throw Nietzsche at me. I hate the guy, after liking him for years. And W. Reiche too.
    If faith can throw a tree into the ocean then faith should be able to provide for little ol' me and lo and behold it does. I slept in my F150 all last summer and used the Dennies bathroom every morning, though I also bought a nice 2 scrambled, toast and coffee from them, and after climbing trees all day like a monkey I showered at the Y, and got up the next day and did it all over again,but when late fall came, two dearly beloved friends insisted that I stay with them and so I have all Maine winter.
    God is good and I've never seen his people begging for bread.
    I'm not proud.
    I just don't need assistance from anyone but Him.
    You think way too much. But your mind isn't going to rescue you.
    Look to the hills from whence cometh your help.

  119. Anonymous1:32 AM

    Paul, I hope you see this. It's interesting what you've gone through. You've been around since almost the beginning, I think, as I have, fighting the cultural move to the New Age movement. Back in the very early '80s I would call in to a radio show out of a western suburb and talk about the New Age movement. Those were the good old days when conservative talk radio was very open to local public comments. A group of women were also calling in about what was going on in the schools and we agreed together on how it tied into New Age. I don't remember whether they were 7th day Adventists or Mormons. We got together to share information. The woman who was one of the leaders pointed out that whenever they were about to succeed in getting solid information out, it was as if something would go wrong in order to stop them. They attributed it to something evil without being specific. I've never talked about what I've gone through, but based on my experiences they were right. Many things happened to me over the years that would have stopped others, and in fact did. Whatever you were meant to accomplish as God's plan for you, you've overcome. That which tried to stop you has failed thanks to your moral strength and proper use of your free will.

  120. I read disturbing news reports tonight -- the same report was running on CBS, BBC, and RT (Russia Today) about a Nigerian woman allegedly burned to death in an "exorcism fire ritual" -- it was claimed a minister and 4 or 5 others were involved. They claimed she had wielded a machete and praying over her hadn't worked. They claim she was levitated above the fire by spirits, but I don't think that defense will fly. I'm fearful that this will be used as justification for the long-sought "New World Religion" and/or repression of Christian denominations. Expect to hear a lot about this in the coming news. NOT GOOD!


  121. Check this:

    Nicaragua woman burnt on a fire in exorcism ritual - BBC News
    1 day ago - A young woman in an isolated part of Nicaragua has died a week after being tied up and allegedly thrown on a fire in an exorcism ritual.
    Nicaraguan woman dies after being thrown into fire in exorcism ritual ... › News › World › Americas
    14 hours ago - Outside a church in a remote part of Nicaragua last week, a pastor and a group from his congregation stood around a bonfire for a prayer, their ...
    'She was demonized': Nicaraguan woman dies after being thrown into ...
    16 hours ago - ... Nicaraguan woman dies after being thrown into fire in exorcism ritual ... of his wife, Vilma Trujillo, who was burned in a bonfire in Nicaragua.
    Nicaraguan woman thrown into fire during exorcism, dies | Fox News
    Mar 28, 2017 - A 25-year-old woman died Tuesday after she was thrown into a fire to drive demons from her body, Nicaraguan authorities said, quoting ...
    Nicaragua woman burnt on a fire in exorcism ritual - BBC News
    1 day ago - A young woman in an isolated part of Nicaragua has died a week after being tied up and allegedly thrown on a fire in an exorcism ritual.
    Nicaragua: Nicaragua exorcism: “God told us to make a fire to expel ... › In english
    Translate this page
    11 hours ago - The Nicaragua National Police force has charged five members of a religious sect with murder after they allegedly burned a 25-year-old ...
    Woman in Nicaragua Dies After Being Thrown in Fire for 'Exorcism'
    7 hours ago - Vilma Trujillo Garcia died early on Tuesday at a hospital in Nicaraguan capital Managua, after suffering burns over 80 percent of her body.

  122. Anonymous 10:12

    While this blog is largely about the New Age Movement, it is certain NOT just about that topic!


  123. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Constance, I have read your books and they influenced me a lot when I was writing my dissertation, but I also felt that you focussed too much on one line of thinking, namely Solana, ignoring the broader western esoteric tradition. We had some contact, but I never heard back from you when I was writing my dissertation.
    New Age is an interpretation of the Hermetic Tradition of the Corpus Hermeticum. There is a kind of dark side of the Tradition, which probably is best represented by the followers of Giordano Bruno, who is considered by some to be the founder of Freemasonry, but also Nietzsche.
    Bruno was burned at the stake by the Inquisition, under the command at the time of Roberto Bellermine, a Jesuit. We have to understand Bellermine in the context of the Reformation. Bellermino was a holy and brilliant man, but young, and I would estimate under pressure from Venice and Rome to ensure that the Reformation - in its mutated form under Bruno -- didn't mutate. Bellermine was too inexperienced to resist, although it is clear that he did not want to do this. But the pressure didn't only come from the great powers, but also from the victim himself.
    I wrote an article which attempted to show how Bruno desired to be a scapegoat and be burned at the stake, which he believed would bring about some kind of alchemical transmutation into the philosopher's stone, a metaphor for divinity. Anyway, since that time, many esoteric thinkers have vowed revenge against the Jesuits, even today, and as crazy as it sounds. The Pope is a Jesuit. I believe that Bannon is setting Trump up to be a scapegoat either as a willing victim or unwittingly, time will tell.
    Now, I agree with Susanne and an anonymous writer that Bannon is not the good man, who you think he is. Everything that I have read about him leads me to believe that he is an esoteric thinker, who believes that in order to create a new world order, this present order must be destroyed and he is the man to do it. In that sense, he is far more radical than some of so-called New Age adherents, but is nevertheless aligned with theosophers like Blavatsky and Baily, who believed that in order to bring about the new world order, chaos must be fabricated.
    There have been several articles written about his apocalyptic mindset, and I think that you need to read these, before you so quickly jump on his bandwagon.
    He is said to be a student of Jean Rspail, Julius Evola (a radical traditionalist), but also Hitler. At least Trump has expressed his admiration for Hitler.

  124. This comment has been removed by the author.

  125. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I think that Bannon, Putin and the New Right in Europe are somehow connected, but we don't yet know how. I do not think that the American Catholic Hierarchy, e.g. Burke is in any way in on this, but he is being used given his fierce opposition to abortion. I've seen on your blog and elsewhere, praise for Putin and the Orthodox Patriarch for their opposition to abortion. But let me be clear: These people are not really concerned about the lives of unborn children, but they use the issue in order to manipulate and get good people -like you- on their bandwagon. They want to undermine the organizations and people who can oppose them.

    One of those persons, who has sufficient global clout, is Pope Francis, but also the institution of Catholic Church; the Protestant Churches are too divided. You can see already that Bannon is trying to align himself with Burke against the Pope and get the US Church behind him – even though Trump is anti-Catholic and hardly a Christian. They think that because Bannon was baptized a Catholic that he is one of them, but they forget that also Hitler was a baptized Catholic and hated both the Catholic Church and Christianity.

    Here you can read about the Pope’s and Burke’s conflict and Francis’ clipping of Burke’s Wings as a patron of the Order of Malta.

    Finally, I think that you have looked far too much at the present construction of the EU as the evil empire. The EU has brought unprecedented peace, freedom, security and prosperity to Europe and Russia doesn’t like this. He is using or working with (who knows the truth) with the New Right in Europe, in France Le Pen, in the UK Farage, I am not sure about Wildiers in the Netherlands, to destroy the present European order but to create one that Hitler failed to achieve. If such a Europe was created with the help of people like Bannon, then, your nightmare of Europe would be well founded. And who knows seeing how so many Evangelicals are falling for it, they might just achieve it.

  126. Anonymous2:49 AM

    I finally think that you need to do more investigations on the Stelle Dossier, Christopher Steele, the former FBI asset, who provided a dossier on Trump's activities in Russia. He is in hiding now; so that doesn't bode well for him, but also shows that if everything he has said is false or fake, he wouldn't have to go into hiding with his family.

    Part of the Steele Dossier includes information that Trump paid Russian prostitutes to urinate on themselves on a bed in which the Obama's had slept. For some that sounds like a childish prank, but to me it sounds like a magical act, a curse on the Obamas. After all, it has been shown that Trump was in some ways behind the Birther scandal and has an immense hate for Obama. If you are interested in the allegations against Trump, you can google for "Golden Shower Gate".

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