
Friday, February 17, 2017

Cliff Kincaid on "The Catholic Conspiracy"

I viewed an intriguing recent interview Cliff Kincaid did with a Catholic attorney, Elizabeth Yore.  Her law practice specializes in child advocacy.  Her interview topic with Cliff Kincaid, however, was about her concerns about an "Agenda 21" type takeover of the Vatican and her belief that George Soros himself might have played no small role in that.

I watched the interview and then phoned Cliff Kincaid to see if he would join me on this week's internet radio program at  Attorney Yore believes that there was "Regime Change" in the Vatican.  She has made Vatican trips as part of her child advocacy, anti-human trafficking career.  She made observations about new Vatican directions that were disturbing to her.

We'll talk to Cliff Kincaid about this in the morning.  I will also consider bringing Attorney Elizabeth Yore on as a guest in the near future.   I've had my own concerns about what appeared to me as something that might have been something of a coup d'etat in the Vatican.  Pope's don't usually quit on 2 weeks notice -- it is normally a job for life.

Please join us in the morning -- it should be an interesting program.  You can call in live by dialing 208-935-0094.  We did a rerun last week of the program as I was a delegate to the Michigan Republican Convention in Lansing, Michigan and unable to do the live broadcast.  My favorite guest hosts were unavailable, but God willing, we are here this week.

Tune in and stay tuned!  I personally would sure like to know what Susanna's take is on this Cliff Kincaid news.



  1. Anonymous12:15 AM

    This is disturbing also.

  2. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Check out this traditional Catholic's website opposing Vatican II and the latest Pope.
    Shows there is some very strong dissenting traditionalist views amongst Catholics even.


  3. Anonymous6:52 PM

    This Pope is all about syncretism and commonality. In the lead up to the 5th Congress of World Religions in Astana, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev said: “The future of our planet should be the co-operation of religions, not confrontation of civilizations”. Pope Francis seeks cooperation rather than confrontation, compromise rather than truth. He is the perfect "Pope" for the new age.

  4. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Norma McCovey (known as 'Jane Roe' when she filed the Roe v Wade lawsuit) dies at age 69 in an assisted living facility in Katy, Texas

    The Supreme Court decision on Roe v Wade (allowing abortions to become legal) was reached on January 22, 1973.

    The hidden story: The conversion of Norma McCorvey

    At some point during the 1990s, Norma regretted her decision to have an abortion and spent the rest of her life speaking out AGAINST abortion.

    (Interesting that the mainstream media chose to ignore this story!!!)

  5. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Correction regarding Norma McCorvey ('Jane Roe')...

    Roe v. Wade was filed in Texas in March 1970 on behalf of the named plaintiff and "all women similarly situated," typical wording for a class-action lawsuit. "Jane Roe" was the lead plaintiff of the class. Because of the time it took for the case to make its way through the courts, the decision did not come in time for Norma McCorvey to have an abortion. She gave birth to her child, whom she put up for adoption.

  6. Marko2:13 PM

    8:21 am....

    To be fair, I was pleasantly surprised to hear on the radio yesterday (at least CBS News, and one other one, can't remember which) the fact that "Jane Roe" turned against abortion, and even that she converted to Christianity. Sure, they didn't go into detail, but it *was* mentioned.

  7. Susanna3:59 PM

    Dear Constance,

    I agree with a great deal of what Cliff Kincaid and Elizabeth Yore said in the video you posted on this thread. There is a "Catholic Conspiracy," but I believe that it is a continuation of the conspiracy begun by the communists after World War II.

    According to various records, there was an organized strategy on the part of the communists to infiltrate the Roman Catholic Church for the purpose of destroying the Church from within. Among the conspirators was the late Italian-American communist Bella Dodd.

    The year 1953 saw Bella called up by a Congressional committee investigating the infiltration of Communists in the high places of the United States government. Her newfound faith strengthened her to face this ordeal with courage and determination. She swore before the Senate Internal Security subcommittee that there were a number of Communists in legislative offices in Congress and in a number of groups advising the President of the United States. She also testified to the Communist takeover of labor unions in the country and of her personal experience securing posts for members of the Party in the unions.

    Perhaps most frightening of all was her testimony that during her time in the Party, “more than eleven hundred men had been put into the priesthood to destroy the Church from within,” the idea here being that these men would be ordained to the priesthood and progress to positions of influence and authority as monsignors and even bishops. She stated that “right now they are in the highest places in the Church” where they were working to weaken the Church’s effectiveness against Communism. These changes, she declared, would be so drastic that “you will not recognize the Catholic Church.” A few years later, in a conversation with a new Catholic friend, Alice von Hildebrand, Bella told her that there are four cardinals within the Vatican “who are working for the Communists.” This was twelve years before Vatican II. The reader can draw his own conclusions......

    Cliff Kincaid asks an interesting rhetorical question during the interview. The question ( and I am paraphrasing here ) has to do with whether or not the election of Donald Trump may serve to put the brakes on the leftward shift of the Vatican.

    If you recall, the late President Ronald Reagan was elected President of the United states around the same time as Karol Wojtyla was elected Pope John Paul II. Assassination attempts were made on both the POTUS and the Pope within about a month and a half of each other. Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981 and Pope John Paul II on May 13, 1981.


  8. Susanna4:00 PM


    Before Pope John Paul II was elected pope, the papacy of Pope Paul VI was generally considered to be "left-leaning" mostly on account of the "Novus Ordo" Mass. And the papacy of pope John Paul I lasted only about 33 days giving rise to all kinds of conspiracy theories concerning his sudden and unexpected demise.

    Although the authors of the Mitrokhin Archive ( the Sword and The Shield ) produced no archival evidence linking the KBG to the assassination attempt against John Paul II, they do provide circumstantial evidence that the Soviet government had a cogent motive to order the assassination of Pope John Paul II by Mehmet Ali Ağca who was a member of the neo-fascist Grey Wolves in Turkey.

    On March 2, 2006, however, the Irish Times reported that an Italian parliamentary investigative commission had said in a report that leaders of the former Soviet Union were behind the assassination attempt against Pope John Paul II in 1981.

    ....A final draft of the report, which is due to be presented to parliament later this month, was made available today by the commission president, Senator Paolo Guzzanti.

    "This commission believes, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the leadership of the Soviet Union took the initiative to eliminate Pope John Paul," the report said.

    "They relayed this decision to the military secret services for them to take on all necessary operations to commit a crime of unique gravity, without parallel in modern times," it said.

    The report also says "some elements" of the Bulgarian secret services were involved but that this was an attempt to divert attention away from the Soviet Union's alleged key role.

    Both Russia and Bulgaria condemned the report.

    A 36-page chapter on the assassination attempt was included in a wider report by parliament's Mitrokhin Commission, which probed the revelations of Vasili Mitrokhin, a senior Soviet archivist during the Cold War who defected to Britain in 1992.

    Pope John Paul was shot in St Peter's Square on May 13th, 1981 by Turkish gunman Mehmet Ali Agca, who was arrested minutes later and convicted of attempted murder.

    At the time of the shooting, events in the Pope's Polish homeland were starting a domino effect which was eventually to lead to the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe in 1989.

    The Pope was a staunch supporter of Poland's Solidarity union and most historians agree he played a vital role in events that eventually led to the fall of the Berlin Wall.

    At a trial in 1986, Italian prosecutors failed to prove charges that Bulgarian secret services had hired Agca to kill the Pope on behalf of the Soviet Union....

    Interestingly, on December 27, 2014, 33 years after his crime, Mehmet Ali Ağca publicly showed up at the Vatican to lay white roses on the recently canonized Saint John Paul II's tomb and said he wanted to meet Pope Francis, a request that was denied.


  9. Susanna4:01 PM

    Dear Constance,

    The first part of my message apparently wound up in your spam folder.

  10. Susanna4:02 PM


    Now both parts of my message have "disappeared.


  11. Susanna4:06 PM

    Ronald Reagan's would-be assassin John Hinckley, on the other hand, was portrayed by the media - and by those who controlled the Reagan assassination narrative - as a nut bar who was trying to elevate himself in the eyes of the object of his obsessive desire - Jodie Foster.

    But not much has been mentioned in the mainstream media about the possibility of a Bush-Hinckley conspiracy or the fact that John Hinckley's brother Scott was acquainted with Neil Bush, son of George H.W. Bush, the man who would have become POTUS if Hinckley had been successful. The deeply troubled Hinckley oil company would have very likely fared better under a President Bush.


    At one time George H.W. Bush was also head of the CIA.

    And let us never forget the testimony of Norman Dodd who was chief researcher/investigator for the Reece Commission ( branch of the House Un-American Activities Committee) who said that the objective of certain Establishment entities here in the United States after World War II was to merge the United States with the Soviet Union!!!

  12. Susanna4:11 PM

    Now how might the election of Donald Trump likewise put the brakes on the even more radical leftward shift of the Vatican??? For one thing, the government of President Donald J. Trump could begin to cut off funding for agendas supported by so-called "Catholic" groups such as Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good. Agendas like illegal immigration, the "refugee" resettlement program, etc.

    According to WikiLeaks, Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good was cooked up by John Podesta and his pals with a view to undermining the Catholic church from within.....just like the Soviet Communists. Even after having been exposed by WikiLeaks, Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good is still out there.

    Left-Wing Catholic Group Sponsors Mass Outside White House

    ....It was reported during the 2016 presidential campaign the chairman of the Hillary Clinton campaign, John Podesta, created CACG in order to liberalize Church teaching on abortion, contraception and gay marriage, among other things. The group uses the cover of Pope Francis and his "message of inclusion," and cites magisterial documents claiming to support "human dignity," "the common good," "economic justice," "stewardship of God's creation," nuclear "disarmament," and other commonly proffered social justice issues....

    As Catholics, Cliff Kincaid, Elizabeth Yore and I are all believers in the Fatima Prophecies. The only reason I mention the Fatima prophecies is because this year is the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima and in honor of this anniversary, Pope Francis has proclaimed this year to be a Jubilee Year.

    Moreover, Pope Francis not only consecrated his pontificate to Our Lady of Fatima, but he also plans on visiting Fatima this year. It is rumored that he will use the occasion to canonize the two youngest seers Jacinta and Francisco Marto.

    If there is a Catholic Conspiracy afoot, I am not convinced at this time that it involves Pope Francis as a knowing co-conspirator.

  13. Marko4:37 PM

    I've had several posts at the end of the last thread disappear into the spam folder as well.

  14. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Marko @ 2:13 PM:

    My only point is that 'Jane Roe' / Norman McCorvey's change of heart about abortion and her religious conversion didn't fit the Women's Movement 'agenda.' So, it seems quite evident that they (along with the mainstream media) selectively ignored many of the following FACTS about her:

    1) That Norma McCorvey never had an abortion. She got pregnant in 1969 and filed her Roe v Wade case in 1970. The case wasn't settled until 1973... too late for her to have the abortion. So, she gave birth in 1970, and gave her child up for adoption.

    2) At some point in the mid-1990s, she had a complete change of heart regarding abortion, asked God for forgiveness, and became a Catholic... and spoke out against abortion for the rest of her life (for over 20 years).

    3) She also revealed that she spoke to a countless number of women over the past 20 years, as they were leaving abortion clinics... and that every woman she talked to had regrets that they had gone ahead with the abortion.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. According to a story appearing on MSN News tonight, Apple's TIM COOK has announced steps Apple intends to take against "fake news" -- the steps sound to me much like corporate fascism. That is not to say I condone fabricated stories - a lie is a lie; HOWEVER, Mr. Cook and others evidently intend to let the major media outlets determine what is news and what is not and curtail that not in line with same. Quoting from the source I read:

    Technology firms must up their game in tackling "fake news", Apple chief executive Tim Cook said Saturday, calling for a major public information campaign.
    "All of us technology companies need to create some tools that help diminish the volume of fake news," the US tech giant boss told the Daily Telegraph in an interview.
    "We must try to squeeze this without stepping on freedom of speech and of the press, but we must also help the reader.
    "Too many of us are just in the complain category right now and haven't figured out what to do."
    But Cook, who met British Prime Minister Theresa May at Downing Street on Thursday, said governments should also introduce a public information campaign.
    "We need the modern version of a public-service announcement campaign. It can be done quickly if there is a will," he said.
    He added: "We are going through this period of time right here where unfortunately some of the people that are winning are the people that spend their time trying to get the most clicks, not tell the most truth.
    "It's killing people's minds in a way."
    Fake news -- fabricated reports designed to promote a particular agenda -- came to prominence during last year's US presidential election campaign.
    Facebook in particular has come under pressure for failing to take action, and last month modified its system for showing trending topics.
    The change is designed to ensure that trends reflect real world events being covered by multiple news outlets.


  17. Anonymous5:19 AM

    No surprise Constance... Steve Jobs founder of Apple was very New Age in his behavior and outlook.
    No doubt they will research the sensorship regimes of Hitler's Gemany, Stalin's Russia and Mao's China.
    Free speech should mean the freedom to be heard.
    Tim Cook had the modern platform to announce he was gay without censorship.

  18. Hi Constance,

    One observation I have made is that if I do a Google search in New Zealand regarding something particul
    ar in the USA there is quite major differences in the content displayed when compared to the same search if done by someone within the USA.
    Maybe search filtering/censorship/blocking has been going on for years without people really knowing.
    I think its the reason why I often find information that friends in the US have not been able to... yet the content is of USA origin.

  19. Anonymous9:58 AM

  20. From the article Constance quoted above:

    "Fake news -- fabricated reports designed to promote a particular agenda -- came to prominence during last year's US presidential election campaign."

    What an ignorant statement for the author of that article to make. News reports designed to promote a particular agenda have been around since newspapers were invented (and probably before). What the author really means is that control of the narrative was slipping away from the Progressives and the Elites and was returning to the people, and that was especially so during the campaign.

    This hyper-focusing on "fake news" is a precursor to just what Constance is warning about: a call for more control over the information outlets we all have access to.

    And yes, you can bet your bottom dollar that Google and other search engines are censoring more and more what results you see in your searches. Time to go back to using libraries and read primary sources ourselves. Sure the information won't be instantly available, but good intel always did take a lot of time and effort to compile. That doesn't really change in the age of "instant information". In fact, it takes MORE effort and time, to learn how to sift the good from the bad.

    Here's an interesting short bit from Joel Harding about the difference between "fake news" and similar things:

    Fake News: Sources that intentionally fabricate information, disseminate deceptive content, or grossly distort actual news reports.

    Satire: Sources that use humor, irony, exaggeration, ridicule, and false information to comment on current events.

    Bias: Sources that come from a particular point of view and may rely on propaganda, decontextualized information, and opinions distorted as facts.

    Rumor Mill: Sources that traffic in rumors, gossip, innuendo, and unverified claims.

    State News: Sources in repressive states operating under government sanction.

    Junk Science: Sources that promote pseudoscience, metaphysics, naturalistic fallacies, and other scientifically dubious claims.

    Clickbait: A strategically placed hyperlink designed to drive traffic to sources that provide generally credible content, but use exaggerated, misleading, or questionable headlines, social media descriptions, and/or images.

  21. Anonymous12:55 PM

    This post of Christine's, at the end of the previous topic, should not be ignored. She has made some very valid points and such should be addressed without the usual ad hominems: which sometimes she warrants and other times doesn't.
    Christine Erikson (aka Justina)5:48 AM
    Constance regular news won't tell you but this NATO buildup's been going on for months.
    If anything happens to Trump, "The Family" is in charge scroll down to qui bono

    paul, in Rev. the woman hides a time, times, and a half so either 3500 between advents and all persecutions
    aka tribulations, or 3 1/2 years a 3 1/2 year figure also occurs in Daniel. Tribulation begins halfway through
    antichrist's reign, when he starts demanding worship.

    falsely accusing and dishonest as ever, you say I sought a reason other than perversion
    for Sodom's demise, I WAS RESPONDING TO AN ANON POST Isa. chapter 1, Jer. 23:14 Ezek. 16:49-50 lists the other sins and adds did destertable things. This sort of thing is why I don't believe you about posts
    on my blog. I made it clear perversion was the main thing.

    I don't get food stamps, but getting food stamps isn't worshipping mammon.

    worshippers of mammon - complain of taxes for the poor ignoring the big drain which is "corporate welfare" and bloated budge they gain from if they have stock in relevant companies
    - increase property value to get equity out in mortgage and thereby destroy American dream, prop. taxes go up driving rents up cost of goods and services demand for raises spiral goes on.
    - shop at expensive stores
    - buy expensive cars and clothes
    - feel bad about receiving hand me down clothes
    - don't lend to those in need who probably won't pay back
    - are ashamed to beg or borrow feeling in advance the scorn they feel for others like these
    - will do anything for money or other gain and argue everyone does it.
    - yell that the needs of children or whoever is someone else's "responsibility" so they won't
    help them
    - steal and take bribes.
    - charge interest on loans to the poor
    - compound the interest and get laws passed allowing this stuff and redefining usury (a process of
    - sell or publish outrageously heretical books because it makes money
    - deal in derivatives (and got the relevant sections of Glass-Steagall removed and work to keep
    them removed)
    - inaccurately call everything "socialist" or "marxist" that doesn't exalt the aggressive and clever and
    condemn the weak or badly positioned to poverty and early death. (This attitude might be called nietzschean.)
    - consider competition a sin (unless done by themselves) and aim to eliminate any that threatens them.
    - work hard, earn everything they got, consider they did it all themselves never mind roads and
    infrastructure and employers and buyers willing to deal with them, and never give a cent unless there's
    a tax write off if then. Scroogey.
    - consider they own everything they got instead of its on loan from God.

    in Matthew 25 some of foregoing will get them sent to gehenna by Jesus at the Last Judgement for having seen Him hungry and without clothing or shelter and done nothing (or perhaps for worse yet by getting some welfare law gutted, took from Him what little He had?) AS YOU DO IT TO THE LEAST OF THESE.....

    paul, if you are eligible for assistance, stop being proud and get assistance. PRIDE IS A SIN.

    Deuteronomy the third year tithe is for the poor and the levites the producer of wealth had to make a public accounting showing he had done so. That's mandatory welfare.

  22. Anonymous12:58 PM

    This post of Christine's should not be ignored.

    Christine Erikson (aka Justina)5:48 AM
    Constance regular news won't tell you but this NATO buildup's been going on for months.
    If anything happens to Trump, "The Family" is in charge scroll down to qui bono

    paul, in Rev. the woman hides a time, times, and a half so either 3500 between advents and all persecutions
    aka tribulations, or 3 1/2 years a 3 1/2 year figure also occurs in Daniel. Tribulation begins halfway through
    antichrist's reign, when he starts demanding worship.

    falsely accusing and dishonest as ever, you say I sought a reason other than perversion
    for Sodom's demise, I WAS RESPONDING TO AN ANON POST Isa. chapter 1, Jer. 23:14 Ezek. 16:49-50 lists the other sins and adds did destertable things. This sort of thing is why I don't believe you about posts
    on my blog. I made it clear perversion was the main thing.

    I don't get food stamps, but getting food stamps isn't worshipping mammon.

    worshippers of mammon - complain of taxes for the poor ignoring the big drain which is "corporate welfare" and bloated budge they gain from if they have stock in relevant companies
    - increase property value to get equity out in mortgage and thereby destroy American dream, prop. taxes go up driving rents up cost of goods and services demand for raises spiral goes on.
    - shop at expensive stores
    - buy expensive cars and clothes
    - feel bad about receiving hand me down clothes
    - don't lend to those in need who probably won't pay back
    - are ashamed to beg or borrow feeling in advance the scorn they feel for others like these
    - will do anything for money or other gain and argue everyone does it.
    - yell that the needs of children or whoever is someone else's "responsibility" so they won't
    help them
    - steal and take bribes.
    - charge interest on loans to the poor
    - compound the interest and get laws passed allowing this stuff and redefining usury (a process of
    - sell or publish outrageously heretical books because it makes money
    - deal in derivatives (and got the relevant sections of Glass-Steagall removed and work to keep
    them removed)
    - inaccurately call everything "socialist" or "marxist" that doesn't exalt the aggressive and clever and
    condemn the weak or badly positioned to poverty and early death. (This attitude might be called nietzschean.)
    - consider competition a sin (unless done by themselves) and aim to eliminate any that threatens them.
    - work hard, earn everything they got, consider they did it all themselves never mind roads and
    infrastructure and employers and buyers willing to deal with them, and never give a cent unless there's
    a tax write off if then. Scroogey.
    - consider they own everything they got instead of its on loan from God.

    in Matthew 25 some of foregoing will get them sent to gehenna by Jesus at the Last Judgement for having seen Him hungry and without clothing or shelter and done nothing (or perhaps for worse yet by getting some welfare law gutted, took from Him what little He had?) AS YOU DO IT TO THE LEAST OF THESE.....

    paul, if you are eligible for assistance, stop being proud and get assistance. PRIDE IS A SIN.

    Deuteronomy the third year tithe is for the poor and the levites the producer of wealth had to make a public accounting showing he had done so. That's mandatory welfare.

  23. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Marko, that's an interesting list. However I don't think anyone is going to go through that entire checklist when they come across a piece of information. One test I use when looking at sources is to compare how much the headline and the article are meant to arouse the emotions rather than provide factual information that can be checked out elsewhere. For instance Conservative Tribune is unable to link to stories without a garbage load of upbeat Trump promotional adjectives. Those editors must live in a world of perpetual shock and amazement. That test can also be used when listening to conservative talk show hosts. I won't give the names, but there are some very big ones that act emotionally aroused day after day, talking for long stretches of time at a hyper emotional volume. It's "LOOK, LOOK, LOOK. I'm brilliant but today I was shocked to learn.... and I'm doing it just for you because I care about you so much." One wonders if they live on caffeine.

    Yes, the press in the US is controlled and has been for decades. Before the internet the test was not what was promoted, but what information was missing in any discussion. Even now there is a parallel between the US and the Soviet Union. There was a line in a book on the FSU which read, "So much information was available the public didn't know what was missing." Even now in both places the public is blasted with much trivial information on purpose because it deliberately distracts from what is important to know. I'm reading a book on Germany in the late '30s, and the tactic was the same there. Put another way, fill them up with mashed potatoes and they'll never look for the meat.

    One can't even trust libraries these days. The method the ALA uses to determine which books get put on shelves is suspect. Over the years I've found used bookstores are one of my best sources of information. A more up to date method is to go to Amazon, put in the name of a book you trust, read the comments for leads and see what else they suggest in the "People who bought...." section. There isn't a single site on the internet I trust completely, so I skip around a lot, doing searches with key words. That, I've found, is helpful.

    Example: Through the London Review of Books I came across this article which is the best overall picture I've come across dealing with our new president. Much factual information which I've checked out in the past and more I can check out in the future.

  24. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Are you aware that the Muslim suburbs of Paris have been rioting for 10 days and that a week ago the riots reached the centre of Paris? MSM don't cover it.

    Two more lesser known facts:

    * Cardinal Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, reportedly refused to come to Rome for a standard meeting of Cardinals, in protest against Benedict XVI's "Regensburg Address" that told it like it is about Islam? From a rather wild but usually accurate (about Catholic gossip) source:

    * John Paul II reportedly told Brezhnev on the phone that he would fly back to Poland and standing in the way of the tanks if Russia invaded Poland in the Solidarity era. I hve no trouble believing that the KGB would try to have him killed.

  25. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Well, another post disappears. Playing the blog disappearing game is getting to be more challenging than finding new information to share. I'll put in three parts this time.
    Marko, that's an interesting list. However I don't think anyone is going to go through that entire checklist when they come across a piece of information. One test I use when looking at sources is to compare how much the headline and the article are meant to arouse the emotions rather than provide factual information that can be checked out elsewhere. For instance Conservative Tribune is unable to link to stories without a garbage load of upbeat Trump promotional adjectives. Those editors must live in a world of perpetual shock and amazement. That test can also be used when listening to conservative talk show hosts. I won't give the names, but there are some very big ones that act emotionally aroused day after day, talking for long stretches of time at a hyper emotional volume. It's "LOOK, LOOK, LOOK. I'm brilliant but today I was shocked to learn.... and I'm doing it just for you because I care about you so much." One wonders if they live on caffeine.

  26. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Yes, the press in the US is controlled and has been for decades. Before the internet the test was not what was promoted, but what information was missing in any discussion. Even now there is a parallel between the US and the Soviet Union. There was a line in a book on the FSU which read, "So much information was available the public didn't know what was missing." Even now in both places the public is blasted with much trivial information on purpose because it deliberately distracts from what is important to know. I'm reading a book on Germany in the late '30s, and the tactic was the same there. Put another way, fill them up with mashed potatoes and they'll never look for the meat.

    One can't even trust libraries these days. The method the ALA uses to determine which books get put on shelves is suspect. Over the years I've found used bookstores are one of my best sources of information.

  27. Anonymous4:22 PM

    (3) of the blog disappearing game
    A more up to date method is to go to Amazon, put in the name of a book you trust, read the comments for leads and see what else they suggest in the "People who bought...." section. There isn't a single site on the internet I trust completely, so I skip around a lot, doing searches with key words. That, I've found, is helpful.

    Example: Through the London Review of Books I came across this article which is the best overall picture I've come across dealing with our new president. Much factual information which I've checked out in the past and more I can check out in the future.

  28. Anonymous4:24 PM

    And for the record those are Posts 22, 23 and 24 and this will be 25.

  29. Anonymous4:26 PM

    #26 In the blink of an eye, (3) #24 disappeared. Here it is again.
    A more up to date method is to go to Amazon, put in the name of a book you trust, read the comments for leads and see what else they suggest in the "People who bought...." section. There isn't a single site on the internet I trust completely, so I skip around a lot, doing searches with key words. That, I've found, is helpful.

    Example: Through the London Review of Books I came across this article which is the best overall picture I've come across dealing with our new president. Much factual information which I've checked out in the past and more I can check out in the future.

  30. Anonymous4:28 PM

    26 Disappeared. This will be 27. A repeat of Part 3 of my original post. Here it is again.
    A more up to date method is to go to Amazon, put in the name of a book you trust, read the comments for leads and see what else they suggest in the "People who bought...." section. There isn't a single site on the internet I trust completely, so I skip around a lot, doing searches with key words. That, I've found, is helpful.

    Example: Through the London Review of Books I came across this article which is the best overall picture I've come across dealing with our new president. Much factual information which I've checked out in the past and more I can check out in the future.

  31. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Watch the funny games. The count says there are 25 posts up. In reality I had posted #27. This will be #28. What a lesson in how information is controlled. Of course it's all just by chance or how the machine has taken over.

  32. Anonymous4:34 PM

    #29 Part 3 just is not meant to stay up. Even here the "Now you see it now you don't game is played, you know the one Constance said happens when New Age information is shared by someone. Here is Part 3 again. Let's see how long this goes on.

    A more up to date method is to go to Amazon, put in the name of a book you trust, read the comments for leads and see what else they suggest in the "People who bought...." section. There isn't a single site on the internet I trust completely, so I skip around a lot, doing searches with key words. That, I've found, is helpful.

    Example: Through the London Review of Books I came across this article which is the best overall picture I've come across dealing with our new president. Much factual information which I've checked out in the past and more I can check out in the future.

  33. Anonymous4:36 PM

    #30 And the counter says there are 25 posts up.
    #29 Part 3 just is not meant to stay up. Even here the "Now you see it now you don't game is played, you know the one Constance said happens when New Age information is shared by someone. Here is Part 3 again. Let's see how long this goes on.

    A more up to date method is to go to Amazon, put in the name of a book you trust, read the comments for leads and see what else they suggest in the "People who bought...." section. There isn't a single site on the internet I trust completely, so I skip around a lot, doing searches with key words. That, I've found, is helpful.

    Example: Through the London Review of Books I came across this article which is the best overall picture I've come across dealing with our new president. Much factual information which I've checked out in the past and more I can check out in the future.
    4:34 PM

  34. Anonymous4:38 PM

    #31 And the counter says there are 25 posts up.
    #29 Part 3 just is not meant to stay up. Even here the "Now you see it now you don't game is played, you know the one Constance said happens when New Age information is shared by someone. Here is Part 3 again. Let's see how long this goes on.

    A more up to date method is to go to Amazon, put in the name of a book you trust, read the comments for leads and see what else they suggest in the "People who bought...." section. There isn't a single site on the internet I trust completely, so I skip around a lot, doing searches with key words. That, I've found, is helpful.

    Example: Through the London Review of Books I came across this article which is the best overall picture I've come across dealing with our new president. Much factual information which I've checked out in the past and more I can check out in the future.
    4:34 PM

    4:36 PM

  35. Anonymous4:40 PM

    #32 And the counter says there are 25 posts up.
    #29 Part 3 just is not meant to stay up. Even here the "Now you see it now you don't game is played, you know the one Constance said happens when New Age information is shared by someone. Here is Part 3 again. Let's see how long this goes on.

    A more up to date method is to go to Amazon, put in the name of a book you trust, read the comments for leads and see what else they suggest in the "People who bought...." section. There isn't a single site on the internet I trust completely, so I skip around a lot, doing searches with key words. That, I've found, is helpful.

    Example: Through the London Review of Books I came across this article which is the best overall picture I've come across dealing with our new president. Much factual information which I've checked out in the past and more I can check out in the future.
    4:34 PM

    4:36 PM

    4:38 PM

  36. Anonymous4:43 PM

    #33 And the counter says there are 25 posts up. At #32 it showed 26 posts up.
    #29 Part 3 just is not meant to stay up. Even here the "Now you see it now you don't game is played, you know the one Constance said happens when New Age information is shared by someone. Here is Part 3 again. Let's see how long this goes on.

    A more up to date method is to go to Amazon, put in the name of a book you trust, read the comments for leads and see what else they suggest in the "People who bought...." section. There isn't a single site on the internet I trust completely, so I skip around a lot, doing searches with key words. That, I've found, is helpful.

    Example: Through the London Review of Books I came across this article which is the best overall picture I've come across dealing with our new president. Much factual information which I've checked out in the past and more I can check out in the future.
    4:34 PM

    4:36 PM

    4:38 PM

    4:40 PM

  37. Anonymous4:44 PM

    #34 And the counter says there are 25 posts up. At #32 it showed 26 posts up.
    #29 Part 3 just is not meant to stay up. Even here the "Now you see it now you don't game is played, you know the one Constance said happens when New Age information is shared by someone. Here is Part 3 again. Let's see how long this goes on.

    A more up to date method is to go to Amazon, put in the name of a book you trust, read the comments for leads and see what else they suggest in the "People who bought...." section. There isn't a single site on the internet I trust completely, so I skip around a lot, doing searches with key words. That, I've found, is helpful.

    Example: Through the London Review of Books I came across this article which is the best overall picture I've come across dealing with our new president. Much factual information which I've checked out in the past and more I can check out in the future.
    4:34 PM

    4:36 PM

    4:38 PM

    4:40 PM

  38. Anonymous4:46 PM

    #35 And the counter says there are 25 posts up. At #32 it showed 26 posts up.
    #29 Part 3 just is not meant to stay up. Even here the "Now you see it now you don't game is played, you know the one Constance said happens when New Age information is shared by someone. Here is Part 3 again. Let's see how long this goes on.

    A more up to date method is to go to Amazon, put in the name of a book you trust, read the comments for leads and see what else they suggest in the "People who bought...." section. There isn't a single site on the internet I trust completely, so I skip around a lot, doing searches with key words. That, I've found, is helpful.

    Example: Through the London Review of Books I came across this article which is the best overall picture I've come across dealing with our new president. Much factual information which I've checked out in the past and more I can check out in the future.
    4:34 PM

    4:36 PM

    4:38 PM

    4:40 PM

    4:44 PM

  39. Anonymous4:50 PM

    #36 And the counter says there are 25 posts up. At #32 it showed 26 posts up.
    #29 Part 3 just is not meant to stay up. Even here the "Now you see it now you don't game is played, you know the one Constance said happens when New Age information is shared by someone. Here is Part 3 again. Let's see how long this goes on.

    A more up to date method is to go to Amazon, put in the name of a book you trust, read the comments for leads and see what else they suggest in the "People who bought...." section. There isn't a single site on the internet I trust completely, so I skip around a lot, doing searches with key words. That, I've found, is helpful.

    Example: Through the London Review of Books I came across this article which is the best overall picture I've come across dealing with our new president. Much factual information which I've checked out in the past and more I can check out in the future.
    4:34 PM

    4:36 PM

    4:38 PM

    4:40 PM

    4:44 PM

    4:46 PM

  40. Anonymous4:53 PM

    #37 13 times a simple piece of information was taken down. Let's see if it's the link from the London Review of Books that is the problem.
    Example: Through the London Review of Books I came across this article which is the best overall picture I've come across dealing with our new president. I expect when I refresh the page #36 will have disappeared.

  41. Anonymous5:01 PM

    #38 The link stayed up with the post numbered #37/ It must have been this thought that triggered the automatic machine.
    The counter says there are only 26 posts up.

    "A more up to date method is to go to Amazon, put in the name of a book you trust, read the comments for leads and see what else they suggest in the "People who bought...." section. There isn't a single site on the internet I trust completely, so I skip around a lot, doing searches with key words. That, I've found, is helpful."

  42. Anonymous5:09 PM

    #39 Just for the record everything I tried to post has now stayed up. Part 3 would appear, but when I refreshed the page, it had disappeared. The counter now shows 27 posts up.

    In the past Constance said to save copies of what you find because they play the "Now you see it now you don't" game. Even this blog isn't a safe space it appears. Could it be that even this blog is full of Fake News by the new standards?

    I'll check back to see if everything has stayed up. One never knows.

  43. Marko5:15 PM

    I wonder if it's certain key words that flag it to disappear as spam, or just how the "trap" is constructed. For example, if you post some sentences, and then end with an html link, maybe that gets it flagged as spam. If you write something, post a link, then complete the post with more writing, maybe that is seen as a valid post.

    I wonder if it would be worthwhile setting up a new blogspot blog for testing.... I'm sure Google wouldn't mind.

  44. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Interesting thought, but I had to pass the spam test at least seven know where you have to mark pictures. It can't be words as I used the same words from the very beginning until the end.

  45. Anonymous11:44 PM

  46. In a video entitled "Steve Bannon Allies with Catholic Theo-Fascism Against Pope Francis (2/2)" Rev. Matthew Fox, "the best known New Age apostate from Catholicism," says some interesting things about Bannon, Pope Francis and the progressive agenda of the Roman Catholic Church.


  47. Some food for thought:

    "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it withersoever he will." Proverbs 21:1

    "The Lord hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil." Proverbs 16:4

    "What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much long suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory, Even us, whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also the Gentiles?" Romans 9:22-24

    "Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honor, and another unto dishonor?" Romans 9:21

  48. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Excellent food for thought, RayB.

    Truly, God alone, has the first ... and the last ... Word ... about anything, everything. Period.

  49. Might want to read the Bible. Voraciously, for survival, if even half of all this (above) is so.

    If you'd never heard of Christianity, and someone you trusted said God has a son and he
    came to earth and said a whole bunch of things, wouldn't you want to hear what he said?

    Or if you'd never heard of Judaism and someone you trusted said God wrote a series of
    books and they are what God wants mankind to know, wouldn't you read them?

    Jesus is the author and the finisher of the faith, and it's the faith that gets one out of this
    worldwide mess. The Word of God is Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is the Word of God.

    There's no other way.

  50. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Paul, Thanks for the expound on the food for thought.

    Jesus is The Savior, our only Way of escape (Hebrews 2:1-3 and do read on) the Author and Finisher, the Very Word, amen!
    None other ... ever.

  51. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Ray B So which Concordance do you use and how much did you pay for it? Or are you using the free one on line. It sure does make you look like you know what you are talking about.

  52. Anonymous ...

    Actually, I didn't get the verses I posted from a Concordance. They are verses that I am familiar with, along with many others that teach God's Sovereignty. I have believed for many years, that unless one understands God's Sovereignty, he/she will struggle to understand the Scriptures. I can state that from personal experience.

    Re: "which Concordance?" I have owned a Strong's Concordance for a number of years. It is by far the best and most exhaustive for word studies, etc. When I was a young believer, I used it quite a bit in order to cross reference words that are used throughout Scripture. By doing this, you are allowing Scripture, in effect, to interpret Scripture. Just an example of this type of study; the word "fear" is used hundreds of times in Scripture (both OT & NT), and one can come to an understanding of how important the "fear of the Lord" is by seeing what the Bible says about it. Obviously, there are many, many other word themes that can be studied in this manner using a Concordance. Of course, the word can also be defined within its context by looking up the original Greek (NT) or Hebrew (OT)in the word section of the Concordance.

    I own several KJV Bibles that I use ... favorite by far is the Westminster KJV Bible from the Trinitarian Bible Society (leather, with the most references of any Bible I know of). Really a terrific Bible, and one that I wish I would have had years ago. I found it new online for around $60.00.

    Having said all that, there is no substitute for reading and believing what you are reading, even though you may not completely understand everything you are reading. That may sound like a contradiction, but it really isn't.

    One last item; here is something my wife & I have been doing (independently)for the last 4+ years; read a complete chapter of Proverbs every day in correspondence to the day of the month. In other words, if the date is the 1st., you read Chapter 1. There is an incredible amount of wisdom, knowledge and understanding to be gleamed by just reading Proverbs. Also, don't neglect the rest of the Bible, in particular the NT. Hope this helps.

  53. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Whatever you think about helping others probably reinforces you even more than it helps them. It's interesting to see how you see yourself as opposed to how others can see you. Do you really think everyone will see the same lessons in the same way in the Bible that you do? While others may see wisdom in the Bible, I'm not sure they use it to put into action the same lessons you do. Your write up says more about you than it says about the Bible. That's not a bad or good thing. It just is. Thanks for your response.

  54. Ray,
    How I love the Proverbs.
    It's a book in the Bible which is so down to earth. The Proverbs would and should speak to anyone who reads them, whether they are believers or not. It's universal wisdom and it's more valuable than silver or gold.
    I love how the Proverbs ebb and flow and there are motifs that repeat like refrains of music.
    I look forward to someday hearing and reading them in the original Hebrew for the alliterations and rhymes and plays on words and
    euphemisms that are lost in the English translations, all of which is probably very true of the Psalms as well.
    You won't find "money answers everything" anywhere else but the Proverbs.
    Proverbs is a singular book in the Bible. It's unlike all the others.

    _In other words, Amen, Ray B.


  55. There is a type of panentheism that is partially pantheistic, claiming that the entirety of the universe is contained within God as a part of God, who is, of course, more than the universe that is only a part of God;

    Much Hindu thought is highly characterized by panentheism and pantheism. [together they are a type of panentheism]

    Native American beliefs have been characterized as panentheistic in that there is an emphasis on a single, unified divine spirit that is manifest in each individual entity.(North American Native writers have also translated the word for God as the Great Mystery or as the Sacred Other) This concept is referred to by many as the Great Spirit. Philosopher J. Baird Callicott has described Lakota theology as panentheistic, in that the divine both transcends and is immanent in everything.

  56. Paul said @ 4:06 PM (in part) ...

    "Jesus is the author and the finisher of the faith, and it's the faith that gets one out of this worldwide mess. The Word of God is Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is the Word of God."

    "There's no other way.

    Paul gets it ... there is a whole lot of deep theology and truth in his statement. God alone reveals such truths.

    For those that diminish the sole authority of God's Word: you are at liberty to so, but do so at your own eternal peril. By elevating the "commandments of men" (i.e. "religion") over and above God's Word, you are rejecting the very person of Jesus Christ, because, HE IS THE WORD OF GOD. He is also the "Lord of Lords, and King of Kings," and will have no other person or entity that will diminish Him in any manner. Jesus Christ is not "a" truth, he is THE truth. He is not "a" way, He is the ONLY way. He does not offer "a" life, He IS life.

  57. Anonymous12:00 PM

    RayB @ 10:13 AM with regards to the link it appears you will most likely be speaking hate speech bringing up THE Truth. (and Paul, and others).

    The truth always does have (always has had) a way of being hated in this world doesn't it??
    So be it. We know already who "they"...of this world, will target.
    We must stand on God's Word, no matter the cost, if we say we believe the Lord Jesus Christ, as The Lord HE Is and Always Will Be.
    Count me in.

  58. For the geopolitical analysts out there, an excellent article by Jeff Nyquist:

    The methodology he writes about is easily applicable to discussions about the New Age Movement as well.

    "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist." -- quote from "The Usual Suspects".

  59. Anonymous Marko said...
    For the geopolitical analysts out there, an excellent article by Jeff Nyquist:

    Thanks Marko, this is a great paper.

  60. Thomas Dahlheimer said... 7:42 AM

    Much Hindu thought is highly characterized by panentheism and pantheism. [together they are a type of panentheism]

    Thomas, I love it how you an explicitly reject the God of Abraham because he sinned by creating all that exits in the physical realm, yet you will be the first to defend your belief using Christian apologetic websites, and the bible.

    I will repost my previous questions, that you ignored or failed to find time to answer.

    Since you view all physical existence as sinful and corrupting.
    Since you wish to become one one with the infinite, there is a simple ultimate solution to escaping what binds you to this earth, destroying your sinful flesh?

    Yet your Panentheism might say your god nature is intrinsically attached to all creation as to himself and your pet rock, why the hurry to transcend, isn't he not already one with his creation?

    Could not it be said that this very spiritual consciousness of which you desire, would be devoid of any basis for existence, when stripped of all the intangible illusion, to which it seems to be intricately connected or attached?

  61. The Father is in heaven.
    God the Father is not on earth and not in every tree and blade of grass at all.
    God the father is holy and holy means that he is separate from this evil world;
    far from being "in everything". The very word holy means separated; apart from the
    world. This panentheism is a big mistake. It's in every idolotrous practice from witchcraft
    right on down; shamanism, voodoo, New Age, hinduism, ancestor worship, buddism,
    earth worship, dahlheimerism, on and on.
    God is Holy. His very name is holy. He tells us, the ecclesia, (set apart ones) to be holy
    even as He is holy. Jesus fasted and prayed in the desert (apart) for forty days and nights
    before he started his ministry He often set himself apart in the mount of olives and other
    places before going on missions of having to deal with thousands of people.
    Does it sound like the real God is in every thing on earth? Not even close.
    He is eternal so he lives outside of time as we perceive it. There is no past or future to him.
    ( unless he wants to see it that way) He is the Eternal One of Jacob.
    He is omniscient, so he knows everything, that's true.
    He is omnipotant so he can start, stop or change anything. That's true.
    He commands the heavenly host of a miriad of angels to go and do whatever he wants.
    But this idea of omnipresence is a mistake. It's not true. It's probably preached in most
    churches today but it's a wrong doctrine and like all wrong doctrines it leads to bad
    The disciples asked Jesus how they should pray and he told them to say this:

    "Our Father who art in heaven; hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
    on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses
    as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not in temptation but deliver us
    from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever, amen."

  62. Three paragraphs from my new online article entitled "A Critique Of The Article: Pierre Teilhard De Chardin: Father Of The New Age Movement" are presented below. This article of mine is located at:

    The PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR CULTURE and PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE are the two "pontifical councils" that have written a joint document about the New Age. In their document entitled "Jesus Christ, the bearer of the Water of Life" they incorrectly state that for New Agers "God is no longer to be sought beyond the world..." and that "'Gaia', Mother Earth, is offered as an alternative to God the Father."...and that "the God of which New Age speaks is...not transcendent...but immanent in the world."...and that the New Age God is the "spirit or soul of the world [the world soul], the sum total of consciousness existing in the world." [ref. ...God?]

    New Agers believe in the "world soul," but we do not worship it. We only worship the true, ultimate and transcendent God, who is beyond the world, and who is the ultimate source or Creator of the universe. To find evidence of this fact read the New Age leaders' statements below. Because the pontifical councils are caught up in a religious delusion they consequently cannot see the simple truth when it is clearly presented to them.

    When writing about the "pantheist aspect of Christianity," Chardin wrote: “How does He (God) unify it [or, bring His creation to completion, to the "Omega point"]? By partially immersing himself in things [remaining a transcendent God, but also now immanent in the world, with an identity of being the world soul and living in a state of existence that is a little lower than the divine realm], by becoming ‘element’, and then, from this point of vantage in the heart of matter [the world soul is now manifesting itself as the cosmos], assuming the control and leadership of what we now call evolution.”

  63. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Dahlheimer at 7:53 This blog is not the cartoon section of a newspaper. You wrote "Because the pontifical councils are caught up in a religious delusion they consequently cannot see the simple truth when it is clearly presented to them." You weren't able to answer a few simple questions I asked a while back, but you would have others believe a religious establishment that has been in business for over 2,000 years is somehow delusional while your operation that has been around for just over 100 years has become THE AUTHORITY ON THE SUPERNATURAL. The description that fits your state of mind best is delusions of grandeur. Stringing together an interesting set of words is not a path to truth.

    Now that you have what God is all figured out, let's test your all-knowing on a practical matter. What's the best color, with a practical reason, in the rainbow?

  64. Anonymous12:51 PM

    "Stringing together an interesting set of words is not a path to truth."

    Emptiness trying to fill space and still leaving it empty.
    T. Dahlheimer's path is the path to nowhere.
    Nowhere good, I should say.

  65. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Paul, you wrote
    paul said...
    Might want to read the Bible. Voraciously, for survival, if even half of all this (above) is so.

    If you'd never heard of Christianity, and someone you trusted said God has a son and he
    came to earth and said a whole bunch of things, wouldn't you want to hear what he said?

    "Or if you'd never heard of Judaism and someone you trusted said God wrote a series of
    books and they are what God wants mankind to know, wouldn't you read them?"

    Response: It might happen if books and other printed materials were rare and seeing something in print could be considered a miracle. It seems everybody is selling something these days, and good advice is not all that rare. The only way something challenges my present view if if I can check it out in many ways, if it makes sense. As far as trust, I like the saying Trust But Verify. People can get emotional satisfaction from many things, but that doesn't make what they have faith in true. From one human to another, I'm glad you've found something you are content with and won't hurt you or others.

  66. Paul,

    A few verses dealing with "omnipresence:"

    "Where can I go from your Spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence? If I ascend into heaven, you are there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, you are there; if I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me. If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you." (Psalm 139:7-12)

    "Though they dig into hell, from there my hand shall take them; though they climb up to heaven, from there I will bring them down; and though they hide themselves on top of Carmel, from there I will search and take them; though they hide from my sight at the bottom of the sea, from there I will command the serpent, and it shall bite them." (Amos 9:2,3)

    "‘Am I a God near at hand,’ says the Lord, ‘and not a God afar off? Can anyone hide himself in secret places, so I shall not see him?’ . . . ‘do I not fill heaven and earth?’ says the Lord?" (Jeremiah 23:23,24)

    "The eyes of the Lord are in every place, watching the evil and the good." (Proverbs 15:3)

  67. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Tongue in cheek, I'll say: good luck with that, 4:25 PM.
    You'll need it. Only thing is, will "your truth" stand up underneath you at a most critical time? At the most critical time of all.
    I say "luck" because if you knew the absolute truth that is God's Word and the only hope (Jesus Christ, not church mind you) it offers, you would totally know what Paul is really saying.
    I hope so, for your sake.


  68. Paul,

    A few comments re: "omnipresence."

    I never understood omnipresence to mean that, although God is the creator (Jesus Christ) of all things, that should not be construed to mean that He is "present" in the things that He created. (From what I understand, Buddhism teaches that material things have a "spirit" or soul). Christianity teaches no such thing.

    I think omnipresence simply means that one cannot hide from Him. He sees in the darkness, as well as in the light. No secret is hidden from Him. He knows our thoughts, intentions and our hearts. Nothing is hidden from Him at any time or in any place.

  69. Anoymous above,
    Thank you for your kindness towards me, but:

    "From one human to another, I'm glad you've found something you are content with and won't hurt you or others."

    On the contrary the words of the Bible are quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword.
    The words of the Bible are a lot more than you're giving them credit for. Thank you for your, um, support? but you don't seem to
    get it at all. These words are more like nuclear bombs than Xanax for the masses which is what you seem to consider them. These words are words of war; war against the New Age. Yes war against the whiles of the devil who is smarter than you and I put together. These words of the Bible are both defensive and offensive. God is a mighty man of war, make no mistake.
    Jesus was no hippie peacenik. Jesus, when he comes back is going to scatter his enemies like wax before a very great fire.
    This New Age has been fomenting for two thousand years and now it's very near it's prime. It will be destroyed in a day.
    He was a meek silent lamb when they crucified him. He will be a roaring conquering Lion when he returns

  70. Ray B
    Nothing you quoted changes what I'm saying.
    Yes He is there when you need him. He was there when Jonah was in the belly of the whale and the pillars of the earth were all around, and seaweed was wrapped around his head.
    He was there in power and intimate knowledge and the ability to change the situation (prayers get answered). He was and is there
    for every one of us when we reach out to him. He sits high and he looks low. Jesus cried out to him from the cross aa he died; "My God, my god why have you forsaken me?"

    People today would maintain that God was in the wood of the cross and in the nails that pierced his hands. People today have concluded that Oprah Winfrey is right and God is in her chai tea. People today are lost. This doctrine is the mirror image of the incorrect and equally destructive doctrine that the scribes and the Pharisees had, that God is not on earth and doesn't see or care about a thing that happens. That was the leaven (teaching) of the Pharisees which ruined the Herodian temple and it's leaders.
    The truth is that God sees everything and God is not "in" anything on this earth right now. The world is corrupt and getting corrupter.
    God is waiting for the fullness of sin and then He will put an end to it. Wrong doctrine leads to bad behavior every time.

  71. Well, I'll be doing the radio program, God willing, 10 am in the morning. Hope all goes smoother than last week that was a technological disaster. As the Skype hookups all went smoothly in the past, it almost felt like a demonic attack. Pray for a smooth broadcast in the morning. I'll have more on what Cliff and I were going to discuss and I'm also going to discuss something out there called DIGINOMICS. The word was coined by Wallace R. Wood whom I knew in the past as an anti-New Age person. I'm not quite sure where he stands on it now, but I find the advance of the cashless society, a la Revelation 13 more than troubling.

    See you on the air in the morning at Call in live to 208-935-0094 and/or 208-935-0642.


  72. Jodie Foster was quoted as making the following comment at a Hollywood anti-Trump rally recently. Her reference to illumination and the light sounds New Age to me. What do the rest of you think of her comments?

    “As the very, very dead Frederick Douglass one said, ‘Anytime is a good time for illumination,'” Foster said. “And this is the time for illumination. I believe this time is filled with light.”

    Jodie Foster Leads Two Thousand at Hollywood's Anti-Trump Rally: 'It's Time to Engage'

  73. Gaians believe that naming the biosphere "Gaia," a primordial deity from Greek mythology, helps encourage practitioners and others to see the living planet as an organism with an intrinsic personality that expresses itself through evolution.

    In the pontifical councils' jointly-written document about the New Age they state that New Agers literally believe in and worship Mother Earth (Gaia), who is the world soul manifested as the some total of all life in the cosmos. And the only place that we know there is life is on earth. Hence, "New Agers worship the earth."

    In Pope Francis Encyclical on the environment entitled Laudato Si he says that we
    need to "hear the cry of the earth" [Gaia] and that the "earth is a source of life," but NOT the ultimate source of life, the transcendent God beyond the world. Here the pope is ether metaphorically or literally referring to the earth "as an organism with an intrinsic personality that expresses itself through evolution."

    The Christian organization Wild Voice has a youtube video entitled "Catholic Churches Welcome Gaia and Krishna ~ HD" and Tradcatknight, another Christian organization whose leaders also claim to be experts on the New Age, have this same video on their website. These two organizations deceptively claim that because a song was sung to Gaia ["a source of life"] during a televised mass that therefore Gaia was being worshiped by Catholics. The earth, or the world soul, was being honored Not worshiped by these Catholics.

  74. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Few share information here about the political side of the New Age movement. When they do, Christian missionaries take over the discussion, blotting out any political information. No wonder Dahlheimer comes here, as Christine did, thinking to do missionary work for the the New Age establishment. Everybody, let's get some more Christians, Rastafarians, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, agnostics, Humanists, etc. over here to get this blog jumping. At the very least it will give Paul and Bay B something more to do than going after Catholics and Jews. It's a wonder they don't get tired of preaching to their small choir who are already converted. I don't know. Maybe they think someone is going to wander over that they can convert. It's got to be more than just bragging on their part on how saintly they are. If you know any of these people, send them over.

  75. Anonymous6:44 PM

    No. This is not the New Age people taking a stand against Trump. The article is meant to be informative, but it's about as goofy as information can get these days. It's what passes as news for the masses these days.

  76. Anonymous6:55 PM

    5:53 PM,

    Touché! There's something of the 'New Age' about you too.

    You do waltz along the primrose way to the Everlasting Bonfire (or should that be, skip along the flowery yellow brick road: now what was the name of the protagonist again in that new agey 1939 movie? Ah, yes...).

    You should take heed:

    Matthew 7.13 "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat."

  77. What?...what happened...where am I?...
    [ It's okey dear you were just dreaming ]
    I name was Dorothy..and I was fighting something called the New Age...there were bad people all around; religious types that I can't stand...and crazy types that I also dislike, and...and I was the only one who knew that we had to fight the New Age IN A CERTAIN WAY, not with God and such, name is Judy,...Judy Garland and this was all just a Hollywood movie.
    There was a flying monkey named paul, yes, with a little "p". And there was my friend, my old friend the friendly lioness named Connie, but that was all just a dream. My real name is Judy Garland and I made a zillion dollars by the time I was twelve and now I'm a very boozy old Star who belts out songs on Merv Griffin and The Tonight Show as if my life were pure magic, which it is...Was...
    boy could I ever sing.
    Pure Magic. It's good to be home...Was good...wait...what?

  78. Anonymous8:46 PM

    LOL! You, flying monkey, you (paul)! LOL!

    Dorothy is pretty cranky tonight!

  79. Anonymous8:50 PM

    6:55 And that is why you will never learn anything about the New Age movement. You like the rest of the lemmings will march right into the New Age system, sure you know all there is to know, your head held high because you think generalities cover all there is to know about New Age. At least go read Cuddy material free on line before you babble on. How many millions around the world could quote from the Bible as they, their friends and families were being suffering, hurt, destroyed. Sweetie, not everyone who dies on a cross is a Jesus. Some are just stupid human beings. God gave you a brain as well as a soul. Use it.

  80. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Paul, you really are flying high tonight. Watch it or you just might fall off that flying trapeze. You aren't giving Christians a good reputation with that act. If I remember correctly, Constance was the one with the relative who was the Wizard of Oz author, not you.

  81. Anonymous9:13 PM

    "You like the rest of the lemmings will march right into the New Age system, sure you know all there is to know, your head held high because you think generalities cover all there is to know about New Age"

    I'll take my chances with God the ultimate anti-new ager, and He led me to constance to help fill in the blanks.

    With your self-righteous tone, 5:53 and 8:50 PM, nobody wants to learn from you.

  82. Anonymous9:27 PM This is why it was a goofy story. Anything they would try to do would be theater or could bounce back to destroy them after seducing them. It's a pity that individuals have a lifetime to learn how little they really know.

  83. Anonymous9:36 PM

    9:13 How foolish and full of pride you are to think you know all there is to know, that you can only learn more from one person in the world and you have been wise enough to find that one person. Life is full of hard surprises where one only learns more by bumping one's head into them. Did you know that lemmings can become cannibals? I hope you are wise enough to have learned that from history. Never stop learning.

  84. Anonymous9:54 PM

    "9:13 How foolish and full of pride you are to think you know all there is to know, that you can only learn more from one person in the world and you have been wise enough to find that one person."

    I never said I already know all there is to know. You assumed that. And I only mentioned one person so you are assuming much, again. I also look on my own and have sent links here to keep conversation going on threads, and other places, too. I believe God is the ultimate source for what we need to know and I mentioned Constance because she's probably the best one I know of.

    But take issue with these if you want to, and go on assume if you want too,...proving why nobody wants to learn from you.

  85. LOL this is too funny, Now that Christine is not here, you are eating each other?

  86. Robert David Steele-Deep State Isolating Trump from We the People

  87. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Listened to it and his bio. He's about as inside establishment as one can get. One doesn't get to all of those "admired" positions while taking a stand against the establishment. Steele push all the emotional buttons. He's not a fighter for anyone outside the inner circle. Trump should listen to Kucinich? Good grief! Kucinich is a New Ager everywhere down to his little toes. That video is just proof that the controllers really want us to love Trump and to let him become little Papa Dictator, you know someone for the little people to trust and admire.

  88. Steele is looking for a job. I do not think much of him, but he has an inside the beltway view of things. The point I take away from this is how vulnerable a position that Trump is in. I am not so sure that Trump can be compromised, however he is trapped with no friends on the right much less any one else. We need to pray for him every day.

  89. Anonymous6:10 AM

    No, Dan Brian, we're not eating each other alive, just standing up to a boring old and dotty bully -a has-been Constance wannabe - who has fallen out of favor due to her envy, pride, malice, a bitter root with a hard-heart.

    The only one who thinks she knows all there is to know about anything round here is Little Miss Puffed-Up herself. She is blind and wretched and poor of heart, her posts are nothing more than the hissings of a cold-blooded viperess,her tongue dripping with bitter venom. Little does she know in her hollow hubris, self-righteousness and self-convinced omniscience that without Jesus Christ in her life she can do nothing. She is blind and heading right towards the ditch of delusion and perdition, and those who follow her will go with her. Once she's cast out into everlasting darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, it'll do her no good clicking her heels and wishing she were back in Illinois.

    Repent and accept Yeshua ha Mashiach into youth, Dorothy MgGruff before it is too late.

  90. Rev. 13 doesn't imply cashless only you must show membership in the antichrist cult ID to participate. barter
    the likely black market then is also cashless. Diginomics sounds like technocracy a bit, I missed your show.

    paul, you say opposite things depending on who you talk to a reason I do NOT believe you that you never posted on my blog.

    " paul said...Christine, The sword of his mouth is the Truth, which convicts them. " this is in response to my
    reference "tribulation is 3 1/2 years not 7 TIME TIMES AND A HALF we are caught up to meet Christ as He returns to destroy the antichrist the sword ofout of His mouth is declaration of destruction, not preaching." (I archived
    the page so don't delete it.)

    like He's going to appear in the sky and preach at them instead of a physical smack down?

    but now you say (correctly) "Jesus, when he comes back is going to scatter his enemies like wax before a very great fire. This New Age...will be destroyed in a day.

    He was a meek silent lamb when they crucified him. He will be a roaring conquering Lion when he returns."

    Like I said, proclamation of destruction against His enemies. that's the sword of His mouth. Instead of the
    "be whole" the opposite.

    RayB Don't forget Acts In Him we live and move and have our being

    the "spirit" some sense in objects is more like a quality or essence not a personality (except when it
    is and it has no business being there).

    this is a transcendent separate panentheism seeing His hand in all something about Him in all.

    Chardin does not represent Christianity which is not just what people called christians believe or do. It is what Jesus taught and did. And He warned of false teachers
    God's locus of being is in heaven, yet HE also can at a moment operate anywhere, but our sins come between Him and us. God dwells in inapproachable light, and none can see His face and live.

    Jesus and The Holy Spirit sustain the universe and The Holy spirit is like lymph and blood in an organism knitting together the ekklesia metaphorical body of Christ The Father's word could mean His personal command, or The Word Jesus Himself, finite in His humanity He retains forever, BUT INFINITE IN HIS DIVINITY divine inifnitude is like the rays of the sun not the sun itself but something of it. This energies (actions) essence distinction about God (EO but rejected by RC as it drifted from its Orthodox roots into pagan philosophy while still the Orthodox Roman Patriarchate and finally went its separate way) is key to resolving these mysteries shown in the bible, God's transcendence yet His omnipresence sort of.

    The transcendence plus immanence of theosophy etc. is wrong assuming an identity between energies and essence, and explicitly puts you on track with someone OTHER than the God of Abraham!

    BTW witches twice worked spells against Trump so must be on the right track.

    "as Christine did, thinking to do missionary work for the the New Age establishment" total falsehood a false
    accuser of the brethren. I gave you tools to fight the new age using some of their crap against them. you
    hated that. you like to be "warned" and stroked, not FIGHT.

  91. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Paul and Ray B,

    You have stoked the scorn of the self-righteous twins from Illinois and California: you must be saying something right!

    Looks like the two edged sword has cut them somewhat deeply again, and has them screeching like a pair of half-mad banshees.

    Have you both, Paul and Ray B, become their, Dorothy and Christine's enemies because you tell them the truth?

    It would appear so!

  92. Anonymous7:18 AM

    'Repent and accept Yeshua ha Mashiach into youth, Dorothy MgGruff before it is too late', should read, 'Repent and accept Yeshua ha Mashiach into your heart, Dorothy MgGruff before it is too late.'

    Still, had you done so in your youth, Dorothy, you would no longer have been be such a heartless, loveless viper. You are a daughter of the Devil, and your evil attacks against born-again Christians here over the years proves it.

    Another thing, attacking and aiming to silence someone (usually born-again Christians) and declaring them, through unsubstantiated and hominem and false accusation, to be 'Anti-Semitic', doesn't mean they are. One can be Anti-Zionist and not against people because they are racially Jewish, for example. In addition, just because someone is a descendant of Shem (and later, Abraham, even through the line of Isaac) doesn't make them a true Israelite in God's eyes, even the Holy Tanakh tells us that not all those of Israel are Israel, and shows us those who were not of Israel (such as Ruth) can become true Israel through obedience to God: you wouldn't suggest the Holy Tanakh is therefore Anti-Semitic, would you Dorothy?

    You, Dorothy, attack true Israel every time you attack Christians, whether those Christians be racially Jewish or not.

    No Dorothy, you are no chosen child of God but you are a child of your father the Devil for you do the things he does.

    Repent and accept Jesus Christ into your life before it's too late, for why would you want to perish in perdition?

  93. I probably shouldn't make light of anything regarding these times we live in.
    But Dorothy, you're insisting that everyone listen to you and get on your bandwagon about the definition of what's going on and what to do about it, so you're giving me a choice to either follow you, Dorothy Margraf, or follow Jesus Christ, who also gives me a definition of what's going on and what to do about it.
    You say I don't understand the scope of it or the horror of it. But I do. Particularly from reading Shoebat, but also from reading Cumby and even yourself. I get it; it's going to make the Nazi regime look like the Cub Scouts.
    You seem to think that Jesus' words on this very subject aren't comprehensive enough or accurate enough, or something, I don't know...your position in that regard is, to me, pure hubris.
    You tell me to read Cuddy like I need to get better informed. Do I need to understand atomic fission and the dangers of radiation to "fight the Bomb" too? Are you going to "fight the Tsunami"?
    Thank you "sweetie" but you should read Zechariah, or Joel, or Jesus Christ; as in the Olivet Discourse ( Matthew 24 ) if you really want to comrehend the horror of it.
    My silly post above is probably ill advised. It was late; I go to bed by eight these days. I was tired. Consider it gallows humor.
    It is appointed to all men to die once, but after this comes the judgement.

    There is no works-based salvation, but the Biblical point of view comes with some Good News too.

  94. Anonymous8:09 AM

    What Dorothy doesn't get in all of her supposed wisdom is that the New Age Movement is the Devil's toy and ALL will be swept away by the Great Delusion about to come unless they put their complete faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

    So, Dorothy, no matter how high you have placed your chair of self-righteousness you will be swept away by the tsunami of delusion (as you are already being) unless you repent and put your full trust in He alone Who can save, Who is none other than Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, for no man comes to the Everlasting Father except through Him! No amount of knowledge will save you if you don't have Jesus Christ in your life, it will only make you more culpable at the Day of Judgment. Now, if you want to find an Anti-Semite, in spirit, look at Hagee who preaches Jews don't need Jesus Christ, and is thereby damning those who believe his lies to eternal Hell!

    I myself am not Anti-Semitic and have cousins who are half German Jewish, thankfully they have accepted Jesus Christ! Yet your constant attacks and false accusation here over the years so as to silence anyone you disagree with (which has been just about everyone) as being those people being Anti-Semitic does nothing but give fodder to use against Jewish people by those blind fools who are truly Anti-Semitic! You are, unsurprisingly, doing the Devil's work for him!

    Repent remorsefully and then rejoice in the Lord Jesus Christ!

  95. In a Google search on the topic "New Age/New World Order" I found an article on the first page entitled "How the New World Order Infiltrated the New Age Movement and Other Spiritual Paradigms." A statement in the article reads:

    .... she [Helena Blavatsky] quotes Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland's book The Perfect Way. "It is 'Satan who is the God of our planet and the only God', and this without any metaphorical allusion to its wickedness and depravity," wrote Blavatsky, in The Secret Doctrine. "For he is one with the Logos." He is whom "every dogmatic religion, preeminently the Christian, points out as […] the enemy of God, [… but is] in reality, the highest divine Spirit—Occult Wisdom on Earth. […] Thus, the Latin Church [… and] the Protestant Church [… both] are fighting against divine Truth, when repudiating and slandering the Dragon of Esoteric Divine Wisdom. Whenever they anathematize the Gnostic Solar Chnouphis, the Agathodaemon Christos, or the Theosophical Serpent of Eternity, or even the Serpent of Genesis." In this reference Blavatsky explains that he whom the Christian dogma calls Lucifer was never the representative of the evil in ancient myths but, on the contrary, the light-bringer (which is the literal meaning of the name Lucifer). According to Blavatsky the church turned him into Satan (which means 'the opponent') to misrepresent pre-Christian beliefs and fit him into the newly framed Christian dogmas. A similar view is also shared by some Christian Gnostics, ancient and modern."

    Here's my comment to the above statement: Most Christian authors who write about the New Age movement state that Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891), the "Mother of the New Age movement," was a "Luciferian," and that this means that she followed the devil or Satan. However, this is not true, Blavatsky believed that according to the Bible, Lucifer (the term is mentioned only once in the Bible) was not the devil or Satan, but "our Mind Principle , our individual self-consciousness and spark of intelligence," a "divinely emanated" ('created') supermind intuition faculty that was divinely placed in us, and "awakened" long ago, "separating us from animals," and enabling us, as well as helping us to attain oneness with Spirit (God) beyond the world.

    In Revelation 22:16 Jesus said that he is the “morning star” (Venus - "bright star"\Lucifer - a Latin name for Venus\ Lightbearer: the "divinely emanated" and "awakened Mind Principle" in us), the gateway (or "bright star" way) to our oneness with Spirit. We are grateful for this Luciferian Mind Principle, honor it, and recognize it (Jesus - "bright star" as the gateway to our Self-realization.

    These two (above) paragraphs of mine, plus reference links, can be found at:

  96. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Why hypocrite, John McCain is OVER!!!

    John McCain and his ties to Russia keep on getting more bizarre.

    Sen. John McCain was a presidential candidate in 2008 and asked Vitaly Churkin, a Russian ambassador to the U.N., to donate to his campaign, according to Wikileaks.

    Fast forward to 2016 and John McCain is now accusing Russia of hacking and meddling in U.S. politics. Even though, McCain solicited Russia to interfere in the 2008 campaign by asking for money.

    What makes it even more bizarre is that Ambassador Churkin died suddenly on Monday (February 20, 2017). According to NBC News, his death is suspicious.

    Supposedly, the Russian government sent this letter out to John McCain at the time:
    “We have received a letter from Senator John McCain requesting financial contribution to his Presidential campaign.”

    “In this connection we would like to reiterate that Russian officials, the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations or the Russian Government do not finance political activity in foreign countries.”

    The above letter has been verified by Wikileaks, but what does this mean for John McCain? It means that he is a treacherous liar and does not work for the American people.

    John McCain is songbird and we need to get this RINO kicked out of office! #SHARE this article 1 million times if you are tired of John McCAin’s lies!

    Vitaly Churkin is the 5th suspicious death of a Russian diplomat in 3 months...

  97. The following paragraph can be found on the website entitled, Blavatsky Theosophy Group UK.

    (Note: Jesus' loving Father is believed to be the true God, and a different "God" than JEHOVAH.)

    Madame Blavatsky asserts elsewhere in “The Secret Doctrine” that the title of “Satan” belongs by right to JEHOVAH. It is plainly obvious – at least to any sincere and decent person and to those whose minds and reasoning faculties have not fallen victim to the almost deadly poison of fundamentalist Christianity – that Jehovah is at best a demon, if not actually the devil himself, should such a being be considered to actually exist.

    Here's another paragraph from the same website:

    “And now it stands proven that Satan, or the Red Fiery Dragon, the “Lord of Phosphorus” (brimstone was a theological improvement), and Lucifer, or “Light-Bearer,” is in us: it is our Mind – our tempter and Redeemer, our intelligent liberator and Saviour from pure animalism. Without this principle – the emanation of the very essence of the pure divine principle Mahat (Intelligence), which radiates direct from the Divine mind – we would be surely no better than animals.” (Vol. 2, p. 513)

  98. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Thomas, sorry if I've missed it but are you really saying that you agree with these Blavatsky statements?

    If so, could you kindly give the scriptures to back up the claims, please.

    ~ K ~

  99. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Anonymous 6:10 plus, Your whooopin and hollerin tent revival style doesn't work work as well without the fans and folding chairs. If that's all you got though, go for it. The Lord wants to attract everyone by what they best respond to, and you do have an audience for that style of revival.

  100. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Paul, I never would say the Christian path was the wrong way to understand the supernatural or the wrong way to live. The teachings themselves lead to a better life for individuals and for the community. From what I have learned, Judaism and Christianity are twin religions, not identical twins, but twins nevertheless. Perhaps I have more to learn, but I do not see the same good results coming from the teachings of other known religions, atheism, agnosticism, paganism or the occult beliefs. Then I separate the teachings from those who say they are followers of the various teachings. Someone who puts a Christian mask on and bellows from the rooftops what a good Christian they are shouldn't be trusted any more than a New Ager who does the same thing. By their fruits you shall know them. I think you are right to promote Christianity to others.

    Now it may be that you have come to your Candide moment and I haven't come to mine yet. You've gone back to tending your garden, leaving the hard world behind. Your garden is Christianity. It's more peaceful there than in the outside world. It doesn't make me a better, wiser, or more intellectual, but I haven't. For my own good I should, but I haven't. Cuddy in his writings shows how the Power Elite aren't bothered by how many millions need to be killed in order to fulfill their world plans. The Bible, if interpreted correctly, predicts that, but it doesn't stop it from happening. I think God provided some of us with an awareness of the details, not so that we could snuggle down with the information, but so that we could use our free will to make others aware and hold back the walls of evil that cause suffering. But I also believe God knows when we have reached our limit and can do no more. Sorry to say I haven't found a place in the Bible where the Candide moment is spoken of. If you know where it is, please share it.

  101. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Why, thank you, 1:44 PM! Despite your loud and ineloquent post, littered with an exaggeration of even your high minded imagination, I shall take it as a compliment: who knows? Maybe that's the way you intended it to be received!

  102. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Do bellow away 2:45 PM, do bellow away! It is by such belligerent humility with which you're identified!

  103. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Dan Bryan, Help him? Trump put himself in the position he is in with his hubris. Read the Blumenthal article I posted on Trump. He deliberately took advantage of people who haven't yet realized how deliberately politically dumbed down they have become thanks to the kind of sharks he, his father and grandfather worked with. Trump will try to get out of every stupid trap he finds himself in. Only now, instead of working with the sharks he can be outmatched in a battle with the biggest of them from around the world. His hubris may destroy the US. For instance according a 2009 Cuddy book, there are plans to destroy the dollar for a one world financial system as of 2018. I can just see Trump trying to tweet us out of that one.

  104. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Pope Francis says WWIII will likely be fought over water. If only the world would listen to this man, maybe we could avert.....uh, no, on second thought, judgment will come, and it will start with those who claim to carry the mantle of Christ but who speak what their father, the devil tells them.


  105. Very interesting take (see link below) by David Stockman on Pres. Trump and what lies ahead with the economy, in particular, the coming Federal Debt Ceiling deadline coming on this March 15th.

    David Stockman was Pres. Reagan's Budget Director and is widely considered to be an economic expert, with a vast amount of experience both in and outside of Government. He tells the unvarnished truth about what we as a nation are facing. Hint ... it aint pretty folks.

  106. Anonymous said...

    Dan Bryan, Help him?

    3:22 PM, from a secular point of view I agree with you completely. From a Biblical perspective, you are wrong, we are to pray for those that rule over us. This prayer is for our own well being; as with God's blessing we are blessed, and without it we morn or worse cursed.

    Trumps 'God Revelation' as applied to governance. I good start I believe.

  107. Anonymous 12:34 - In answer to your question. I do agree with the Blavatsky statements that I posted. In respect to first Blavatsky statement, the "scriptures to back up my claim" are presented below.

    Jesus criticised and rebelled against the rules and commandments of Jehovah more than anyone else and the Gospels are full of such instances.

    In Jesus’ dispute with the Pharisees – a prominent sect of Judaism, naturally devoted wholeheartedly to Jehovah, he said:

    v. 38 – “I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and you do that which you have seen with your father.”

    v. 40 – “But now you seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard from God: Abraham did not do this.” (A very ambiguous statement which can only either mean “Abraham did not seek to kill me” or “Abraham did not hear from God and did not tell you the Truth.”)

    v. 41 – “You do the deeds of your father.” Then said they to him, ‘We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.’

    v. 42 – “If God were your Father, you would love me.”

    v. 44 – “You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning [see the many vengeful, capricious, and inexplicable deaths attributed to Jehovah from the very first pages of the Old Testament], and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

    Jesus said: ‘Ye have heard,’ he tells us, ‘that it hath been said, an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: but I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. ["it hath been said" Who said it?]

    If the Old Testament is a divine revelation, how can the New Testament be? Are we required to believe and worship a Deity who contradicts himself every few hundred years?

  108. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Dan Bryan, I agree about praying for everyone, but I think praying does more for our own souls than it does for those we pray for. Knowing that someone is praying for us shows that someone cares for us, and that also is a good thing. What we do with our lives is between God and us as He knows what surrounds each of us more than we know. He knows on what basis we act. Some do evil out of malice. Some do it out of ignorance. We can help and encourage someone to do the moral thing. To help an immoral individual or to do something to support immorality for our own gain is wrong. I have yet to see or read about anything Trump is doing or has done that is not self-serving. I would not help a bank robber who offered to split the take with me. I would do everything I could to stop the bank robber because his actions will hurt innocent people.

    That's the whole point of exposing New Age goals and those who support them. Even if one isn't a Christian who believes in saving souls, one can see the long term destruction caused by those who support New Age goals. Otherwise on a simplistic level one (not me) could ask what's the big deal if the earth controlling thing is called Jesus or Allah or Thor by John Smith who lives in Des Moines; it's not going to bother anyone. To know what kind of person Trump is, to give him the benefit of a doubt, keep one's mouth shut and cheer him on is immoral. Might as well cheer the bank robber on because he promises to give $100 of the stolen dollars to charity. How to oppose Trump's actions in a sane and moral way is a topic for another day.

  109. Thomas Dahlheimer states (in part) @ 7:32 AM:

    "Jesus criticised and rebelled against the rules and commandments of Jehovah more than anyone else and the Gospels are full of such instances."

    "In Jesus’ dispute with the Pharisees – a prominent sect of Judaism, naturally devoted wholeheartedly to Jehovah, he said:"

    An amazing amount of lies put forth within the brevity of two sentences.

    Jesus NEVER "rebelled" against God's commandments, He came to establish them. Had Jesus "rebelled" against God's commandments, THAT would have made Him a SINNER, which he was not. Your claim that He "rebelled" is a back door attempt to make Him sinful. His dispute with the Pharisees (a sect in which its leaders constantly conspired to kill Him) was twofold; the Pharisees ADDED to God's commandments by teaching their own "commandments of men." They were not "devoted wholeheartedly to Jehovah," as you claim. Had they been, they would have KNOWN who Jesus was (read John 8:12-59). Second, Jesus knew their hearts, which were full of pride, hatred and sin. The Pharisees also opposed Jesus because they viewed Him as a threat to the religious power and influence they had over the people.

    Jesus said this to Nicodemus, a leader of the Pharisees: "And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil." John 3:19 This verse applies to you as well, Thomas. Your false accusations against Jesus, and your refusal to obey Him is due entirely to your own sinful rebellion against His Lordship. Is your sin really worth losing your eternal soul?

  110. Anon. 2:45
    Why would the Bible address a book by Voltaire?
    But if you're implying that the Bible doesn't address some particular situation in life which we all face at some point I would really strongly doubt that.
    You've noticed it's a rather big book, actually a rather thick set of books, which taken as a whole leave zero stones unturned.
    The Book of Job alone is the greatest and most original book of philosophy ever written albeit from a theistic point of view. It's a tough read really. Many scholars say it's the oldest book in the Bible; even older than Genesis, but they aren't really sure.
    That's just the book of Job, and you haven't even read part of it. You haven't read the Bible much at all have you?
    I read Candide back in the seventies, but I honestly can't remember it at all. I remember thinking that the story teller was a very good one.
    Is there a Candide moment in the book of Job? I don't know and I don't really care what the atheist Voltaire had to say. He's dead. His philosophy was all the rage at the start of the 20th Century, when Sigmund Freud was all the rage and iltellectuals everywhere were clamoring for a world without God, in which they, the great Intellectuals would become the new pantheon of deities in a new Paganism.
    Jesus is alive. Three different Judahites and One Greek doctor each did seperate biographies of Him and they all three agree on
    every salient point. Even the Jewish historian Josephus reported about this Jesus of Nazareth. Who else in history can you say that about; where the biographers weren't just trying to make a name for themselves...who else has calendar Time itself measured by his birth?
    And Moses is alive. And Elijah, who like Jesus never wrote a book but was just so powerful himself that scibes wrote down everything he did.
    Dorothy, I'm ready to be beheaded for my faith in Jesus. It might very well happen too. It's really not far out of the realm of possibility as I peer into the likely future.
    Don't tell me that I'm resigned to minding some little garden. I looking forward to hand to hand mortal combat with these pagans. But I'll be in a glorified body like the one Jesus had when he arose from the dead. It's going to be bloody and gory.
    You betcha.

  111. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Thomas, thank you for pointing to the scriptures in John ch.8.

    In this chapter, Jesus is appealing to the pharisees, bringing them face to face with the truth of which He spoke and embodied. He even tells them quite plainly that He is the 'I AM'. John 8:58.

    The pharisees claimed to know God and the holy scriptures, they considered themselves the experts of their day, and yet, as RayB has said at 1:27PM, in their teachings, they ADDED to the scriptures thus placing terrible burdens of 'works' on the people and misrepresenting God. Many pharisees, but not all, hardened their hearts to Jesus, preferring to trust their own works based understanding, rather than entertain the possibility that the God they claimed they knew might very possibly be walking amongst them.

    In Matthew 5:17 Jesus says, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."

    The question Jesus asks remains open to all of us today, "Who do you say that I am?" Matthew 16:15.

    Could it possibly be true that Jesus is who He says He is ... the I AM?

    I believe He is. Immanuel God is with us.

    ~ K ~


    Constance, were you aware of this high priest?
    I was so shocked to find this out. What do you think about Dr. Steven Greers assessment towards his otherworldly friends and his self admitted "contact" .... I wonder if his friends line up with Morman Doctrine and he will be given the golden plates?

  113. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Thomas, if you have a few minutes, the lyrics in this beautiful song, Meekness & Majesty by Graham Kendrick, sum up much better, what I was trying to say above.

    If you're not familiar with this English worship song, Graham has recently posted it on YouTube ... along with many others.

    ~ K ~

  114. Surprised no post on the death of Doug Coe...

  115. Anonymous12:30 AM

    6:00 Paul, it is quite clear at this point that we can't have a dialogue. I understand you only too well, or so I think I do, and you completely do not understand what I am saying. No problem. You have many to talk with and don't need another. I'll not bother you further.

  116. What a blatant lie at the end of your post mr Dahlheimer:
    "If the Old Testament is a divine revelation, how can the New Testament be? Are we required to believe and worship a Deity who contradicts himself every few hundred years?"
    Either you didn't read the very quotes that you placed right above your statement, or you chose to interpret those words in a very twisted way.
    Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament requirements. He fulfilled the Law and The Prophets.
    What's this "every few hundred years" nonsense? Your question is actually a statement, of course, and it's just like the one that the devil asked Eve. It's not only a loaded question, but it is way off in it's scope; Moses was writing thirteen to fourteen hundred years before Jesus and now Jesus has been the Way of Escape for two thousand years.
    If a person wants to live by the Law, they can try, but they will fail and they will die under that very law; guilty.
    That's what the law shows us. It exposes our sinful nature. Yes the Old Testament is a divine revelation. And so is the New Testament. But I think you know that.
    But if one accepts and embraces the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. If one believes and follows; (actually to truly believe is to follow, so that's redundant), if one believes in the One whom God sent; his only son, then one is forgiven of their sins. This forgiveness of sin is the Good News of all human history.
    Anyone who claims that Jehovah the God of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob is "actually the devil", _is a liar.
    You are a liar. You've chosen to follow an old witch instead of Jesus Christ.
    Ms Blavatsky is an old, dead witch. Nothing more, nothing less.

  117. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) was a priest-paleontologist who struggled to reconcile his beloved Catholic faith with evolution, but failed. The Vatican still refuses to endorse evolution theory - setting a billion believers at odds with modern science, the science that is taught in very high school biology course.

    Chardin suggested that the Bible’s account of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and their Fall from grace as the ultimate origin and explanation for evil in the world, needed to be reinterpreted. Once you adopted an evolutionary perspective, Chardin argued, evil can be considered a natural feature of the world – a sort of inevitable secondary effect of the creation process itself. As for the age-old belief in a founding couple and an act of disobedience that universally brought sin and death into the world? It was no longer necessary, or even credible,

    In reality, the Catholic Church has been on the wrong side of history ever since the 17th century when Galileo was sentenced to house arrest.

    Science in general and evolution in particular have completely debunked the claims of the Abrahamic religions. Did God created the world in six days? And were Adam and Eve the first parents of the entire human race? And did evil, or death and corruption, enter the world when the first human sinned? Modern science says no to these three questions.

    Millions of people are walking away from Christianity; and doing so, because the the Christian church no longer speaks to people in a way that is meaningful to humanity in this scientific age.

    The Catholic Church has accepted the Big Bang, the start of the world’s evolutionary journey – but this isn’t enough. It must follow in Teilhard’s footsteps. Unless it embraces not just the evolution of the Universe, but the evolution of all life, including humans, and then claims the Cosmic Christ New Age view in which the faith makes sense, the Church is pulling the wool over its own eyes as its people continue to file out the door.

  118. Anonymous10:41 AM

    "Millions of people are walking away from Christianity; and doing so, because the the Christian church no longer speaks to people in a way that is meaningful to humanity in this scientific age."

    It is called the "falling away" in 2 Thess.
    People have a freewill and the Lord knows how to prune His garden.
    When all is said and done, there are many of all the generations through time who turned and walked away, for we all are given truth while we live topside of the earth that we can personally decide to accept or reject. Because we all are given some measure of truth to pursue that will lead us to more and directly to God in Jesus Christ, if we want to stay on that path of being humbled before Holy God, learning our need is to repent and believe solely in His redemption for our salvation.
    God wrote a Book. Is to anyone's harm to reject in unbelief, that message of God's perfect Truth and Grace.

    One day all the choices will have been made and before the Throne of God, the Book will come out to see whose name is written in it, the Lamb's book of Life. (see revelation Ch 20)
    There is no good deeds column.
    The names of those who believe God, as He had said from the beginning and fulfilled His Word in His Son, it is those names that are written down inscribed in the Blood of The Son, The Lord of Glory, that are recorded as citizens of heaven.

    Jesus died to put us back-sinful people made after His Image-into right and fully restored relationship with God Almighty. He bridged the gap and filled our each and every shortfall, singly and corporately for all that, to the saving of individually choosing to believe human souls. God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked but has made The Way through the body and blood of the Lamb, that Free Gift of Salvation (you'll never earn it) for the taking by faith in the Lamb of Sacrifice, Jesus Christ the Lord.
    "Lord receive me into Your kingdom" said the repenting thief on the cross next to Jesus as plain as day for our understanding that whosoever may come. This was his eternal soul's dying belief as he hung there, trusting in Jesus as Lord though he knew his sinful life was rightly punished. And Jesus took him to be with Him in paradise.

    Don't refuse the Lord Jesus and remain on the wrong side of Holiness.

  119. Anonymous1:16 PM

    No one to speak for Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Russian Orthodoxy, Shintoism, Messianic Judaism, Unification, Christian Scientist, Eckankar, Farohar, Soka Gakkai, Humanist, Mormon, Native American, Bahai, etc.? There's a full list here. Yes, I know here on this blog there is an ongoing duel, each side believing they have the entire truth. Faith vs faith. This could take decades between the few proponents. Surprise. There is an outside world that really doesn't funnel back into two possible faiths. That outside world holds many lives hostage. Then again maybe the two of you can do nothing else but argue with each other with an audience. At one time this place could make a difference. I keep refusing to accept no more.

  120. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Speak up then for Buddhism, Islam, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc....whatever/whomever.....all you want. Who is preventing your truth from getting told? The world is awash in the half-baked ideas of men who have come and gone.
    Half truth of religions won't fight the New Age or anything else because half truths are why there was always just another "new age", that is only old pagan recycle, to begin with. All others join up somewhere, so the real contest is between the plethera of half truths and the whole truth, and nothing But the Truth, so help us God, that is already (since the start) available in Jesus Christ the Lord, and He alone is standing (all others are in a grave somewhere). And from everlasting to everlasting He has been and will keep standing.
    People should get off their religious fences/duffs, and take the plunge.
    There is only room for One at the top. Jesus has no competition.
    Believe Him or don't has always been the premise, right?

  121. Anonymous7:09 PM

    2:31 Why speak for any of those when Christianity these days sells better. You are one of those who claim Christianity is the way to destroy the New Age movement. Baloney. Focusing on Christianity without the emphasis being on the moral teachings and enforcing them in the community in every day life makes Christianity just a fascinating, entertaining distraction. That's the way it is being promoted in the US and in places like Russia. It becomes a nice pillow and comforter for individuals and a way for a community to bond. Christianity can become the One World Religion. Judaism is playing the same role for a different group of people it appears. When Christianity and Judaism were powerful forces, a movement to the occult and paganism was necessary. No longer. They won't stand in the way of One World Government.

    Prove me wrong. Show by example how Christianity as it is lived today promotes a government of freedom, of respect for the individual. Here's a story making the rounds about that Trump 2020 Campaign rally in Florida

    Putting Melania on doing the Lord's Prayer as the opening act was an interesting bit of reality theater. We're going to see more of that kind of thing. It plays well. As a showman in the leisure and entertainment fields, Trump knows how to give the customers what they want. Trivialized Christianity and Judaism sells, but it sure doesn't lead to a deeper understanding of monotheism's view of the supernatural. It will do nothing to stop a developing police state. Then again it sells the idea that there is no need to worry about a police state as end times will come before that.

  122. Anonymous8:16 PM

    "Trivialized Christianity and Judaism sells, but it sure doesn't lead to a deeper understanding of monotheism's view of the supernatural. It will do nothing to stop a developing police state."

    Don't disagree with you.

    I'm pointing higher, though. When you want to know what the lies are and who is telling them then go to the source that is bonafide, tried and true truth. God wrote a Book like I said. Read it and then believe it, or not, your choice, everyone's choice. The church cannot be counted on when it wants to remain in the shallows and stay a mile wide and 1/2" deep, which is what infiltration of pagan error has helped to do quite effectively, and don't forget good ole apathy. It all fits the times we are in. Not all that calls itself by the name really is and it's God who really knows that difference. Definite wheat and tares together. Again the Bible calls it.

    That has been hashed over plenty. Right here. Lots of exposure (and still more) of people and orgs that are doing New Age bidding, playing right into one world government hands and there buying is many a regular church guy and family and his counterparts, Mr and Mrs Islam and Mr and Mrs Hindu, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.....,
    Plus the added extra hash you are tiptoeing around. So beat yourself up with it, or not. It is the information age. All any of us can do is all we can do. Or do you want to box all ears with it? Will that make them get on board with you?
    Nobody has stopped it because it will not be stopped until God Himself puts the stop to it.

    His name is Jesus Christ and He will return.
    That will be when the whole world, in all time zones will know and all at once, what shock and awe He brings with Him.
    The Book also says there is a time when His church will shine. The real deal, that is. Though it tarry, wait for it.
    God has always had a people, called out from the masses all through the ages. Things will be ramping up more and more and the happenings sooner and sooner now.

  123. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  124. Mahatma Gandhi said: "Theosophy is the teaching of Madame Blavatsky. It is Hinduism at its best." Paramahansa Yogananda (1893–1952) was a Hindu who was widely revered as the father of Yoga in the West. When writing about Satan, who is known as maya in Hindu scriptures, he wrote:

    Maya is "the delusory power inherent in the structure of creation, by which the One appears as many. Maya is the principle of relativity, inversion, contrast, duality, oppositional states; the 'Satan' (lit., in Hebrew, 'the adversary') of the Old Testament prophets; and the 'devil' whom Christ described picturesquely as a 'murderer' and a 'liar,' because 'there is no truth in him'" (John 8:44).

    "Maya is Nature herself—the phenomenal worlds, ever in transitional flux as antithesis to Divine Immutability. In God's plan and play (lila), the sole function of Satan or maya is to attempt to divert man from Spirit [or convince man that he is not Divine - the truth is, 'you shall be like God' (Genesis 3:6), Jehovah (Satan) refutes this.] to matter [individual humans believing that they are not really One and Spirit and that their bodies are a part of who they are], from Reality to unreality.

    The snake in the Garden of Eden was Lucifer's/Jesus's first coming. He came to set us free from Jehovah's/Satan's lies.

  125. Anonymous10:49 AM

    with all due respect, you ain't got no working plan, mister dahlheimer.
    just fables.


  126. Thomas Dahlheimer said:

    "The snake in the Garden of Eden was Lucifer's/Jesus's first coming. He came to set us free from Jehovah's/Satan's lies."

    “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man …” Romans 1:22,23

    “A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.” Proverbs 14:5

    “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” John 8:44

  127. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Not sure where to peg my many happy birthday wishes for you, Constance, as your birthday is quite scant. HaHa!

    If past, or still commencing, just know I wish you the best!

  128. The only way to believe the dalheimer/blavatsky/deChardin, et al is to NOT read the Bible, but have it paraphrased for you by fools, and then make the mistake of believing the heresy.
    It's an old heresy, which would vaporize before you even reached Exodus, but which serves snakes in the grass quite well.
    In fact I doubt one would even get halfway through Genesis before such foolishness would be disregarded out of hand for the shallow pack of lies that it is.

  129. It's like some spoiled twit who gets himself a job as a music critic and decides he doesn't like a Beethoven Piano Concerto because
    it isn't as much fun as Nirvana to him, (because it's way over his head).
    He pans the whole thing and praises Heavy Metal and says a few more or less intelligent-sounding things and his audience says
    yes! hooray Nirvana, or Metallica or whatever...
    Dahlheimer is an Intellectual !
    Hooray intellectuals!

  130. I read disturbing news reports tonight -- the same report was running on CBS, BBC, and RT (Russia Today) about a Nigerian woman allegedly burned to death in an "exorcism fire ritual" -- it was claimed a minister and 4 or 5 others were involved. They claimed she had wielded a machete and praying over her hadn't worked. They claim she was levitated above the fire by spirits, but I don't think that defense will fly. I'm fearful that this will be used as justification for the long-sought "New World Religion" and/or repression of Christian denominations. Expect to hear a lot about this in the coming news. NOT GOOD!


  131. Check this:

    Check this:

    Nicaragua woman burnt on a fire in exorcism ritual - BBC News
    1 day ago - A young woman in an isolated part of Nicaragua has died a week after being tied up and allegedly thrown on a fire in an exorcism ritual.
    Nicaraguan woman dies after being thrown into fire in exorcism ritual ... › News › World › Americas
    14 hours ago - Outside a church in a remote part of Nicaragua last week, a pastor and a group from his congregation stood around a bonfire for a prayer, their ...
    'She was demonized': Nicaraguan woman dies after being thrown into ...
    16 hours ago - ... Nicaraguan woman dies after being thrown into fire in exorcism ritual ... of his wife, Vilma Trujillo, who was burned in a bonfire in Nicaragua.
    Nicaraguan woman thrown into fire during exorcism, dies | Fox News
    Mar 28, 2017 - A 25-year-old woman died Tuesday after she was thrown into a fire to drive demons from her body, Nicaraguan authorities said, quoting ...
    Nicaragua woman burnt on a fire in exorcism ritual - BBC News
    1 day ago - A young woman in an isolated part of Nicaragua has died a week after being tied up and allegedly thrown on a fire in an exorcism ritual.
    Nicaragua: Nicaragua exorcism: “God told us to make a fire to expel ... › In english
    Translate this page
    11 hours ago - The Nicaragua National Police force has charged five members of a religious sect with murder after they allegedly burned a 25-year-old ...
    Woman in Nicaragua Dies After Being Thrown in Fire for 'Exorcism'
    7 hours ago - Vilma Trujillo Garcia died early on Tuesday at a hospital in Nicaraguan capital Managua, after suffering burns over 80 percent of her body.


  132. Thomas Dahlheimer, where are you getting THAT theology -- the snake in the garden was "Jesus first coming" ??? -- that's weird, even by New Age standards.


  133. Back to basics on the New Age Movement. The three MAJOR goals (with many minor ones):

    1. New World Order;
    2. New World Religion;
    3. New Age "Messiah" they for the most part cheerfully confess is NOT Jesus.


  134. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Paul, I may not agree with it in total, but it is an interesting and creative analogy


  135. Constance Cumbey, you asked: Thomas Dahlheimer, where are you getting THAT theology -- the snake in the garden was "Jesus first coming" ??? -- that's weird, even by New Age standards.

    The answer to your question can be found by going to the Gnostic website located at:

    Pope John Paul II wrote: “...the return of ancient Gnostic ideas under the guise of the so-called New Age." ... "It [the New Age] is only a new way of practicing Gnosticism - "

    Excepts from this Gnostic website read:

    Gnostics consider that the biblical myth of creation can be explained as follows: the creator satan of the world trapped Adam and Eve in his miserable world, and Lucifer, in the form of a serpent, offered them the forbidden fruit of saving Gnosis, and showed them that the creator was deceiving them. In other words, the creator said to man "but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die." On the other hand, the Serpent said "You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." The bible continued: "And the eyes of both of them were opened". It doesn't say "they both died", it says "the eyes of both of them were opened", like the Serpent had said. Later, the creator says "And now man has become as one of us, to know good and evil". The creator lied. He said that man would die if he ate the fruit, but man did not die. The Serpent was telling the truth. The creator himself ended up agreeing that the Serpent was right.

    Gnostics of later times, at the beginning of Christianity, who came to be known as Christian Gnostics or Gnostic Christians, regarded Christ as the Serpent of Genesis. This was because Christ, much later than the events in the earthly paradise, came carrying a liberating message, just like the Serpent. A message which frees man from this impure world. These Christian Gnostics believe that it was this knowledge which allowed man to make contact with the other world, the one opposed to the demiurge: the unknowable world of the True God.

    Christ, the bearer of this message, this Gnosis, has been likened to the Serpent of Genesis, who returns to Earth for a second time to help humanity. The first coming was Serpent Lucifer and the second was Christ Lucifer. According to christian Gnosis, when Christ came to the world, it was his second time, since the first time was in the earthly paradise. In both cases it was, actually, Lucifer, the Messenger of the Unknowable. In both cases, the message was the same: Gnosis that disturbs, causes changes, wakes up and liberates those who listen to it. For Christian Gnostics, the Serpent is Christ, the Saviour who came to this world twice.

  136. Anonymous11:43 AM

    This is twisted stuff Mr Dahlheimer. And you believe this, huh?
    Is not intellectual in the least, because it reads like this:
    a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.

    [[(in general use)]] a mentality or approach characterized by inconsistent or contradictory elements.

    Your version is a message dead on arrival. What you espouse has been around the bend many times before and has not made a dent in the truth. Will reach it's end having worn itself out in the round and round, getting nowhere.
    But have at it and blaspheme all you feel you can and should-----for now.

    One day your knee will bow, and your tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord as the Bible is very definitive to say. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus..1 Timothy 2:5
    I appeal to you that you let that happen willingly on this side of eternity--but suit yourself.
    For if not, then even in unwillingness, you will still find yourself bowing and confessing that He is Lord, but too late to fix your problem.

    Keep it up, posting all the mental fragmentation of the deeply contradictory elements of your belief, feeling the need to "share".

    It is a wonder and a blessing, great privilege, to keep letting the truth and glory of Jesus Christ shine against the meaningless, hopeless, nothing you say you believe.

  137. Susanna4:01 PM

    The "Alternative Government" vs. Donald Trump
    by Cliff Kincaid, March 2, 2017

  138. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Thursday, March 2, 2017...

    The price of one Bitcoin climbed above the price of one ounce of gold for the first time EVER on Thursday.

    The cryptocurrency climbed to $1,241.30 around 10:20 a.m. ET. Meanwhile, gold was around $1,241.25 at the time. Bitcoin dipped below the yellow metal minutes later, but then bounced back again.

    As of 10:41 a.m. ET, Bitcoin is up by 1.8% at $1,248.10, while gold is down 0.6% at $1,242.15.


  139. More lies from Mr. Thomas Dahlheimer:

    "For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." The bible continued: "And the eyes of both of them were opened". It doesn't say "they both died", it says "the eyes of both of them were opened", like the Serpent had said. Later, the creator says "And now man has become as one of us, to know good and evil". The creator lied. He said that man would die if he ate the fruit, but man did not die. The Serpent was telling the truth. The creator himself ended up agreeing that the Serpent was right."

    Adam and Eve DID die when they ate of the fruit ... SPIRITUALLY. As a result of Original Sin, all mankind that is born into this world ... with the sole exception of Jesus Christ, is born unto sin. The Virgin Birth of Christ bypassed sin. Being that God's Covenant was made with ADAM, and not EVE, sin is passed via the man's SEED, which necessitated the Virgin Birth.

    Because all mankind is born unto sin and possesses a sin nature, in order for ANYONE to have a spiritual relationship with God (and pass from death unto life), the New Birth is necessary due to the fact that the natural man is born sinful, blind, and ignorant to spiritual truth. Without the New Birth, spiritual truth is literally nonsensical and foolishness to the "natural man."

  140. Yes, we're all praying for the speedy conversion of Mr. Thomas Dahlheimer!



  141. To Paul 9:51

    Paul, I tried to download the video link about the "high priest," but I didn't see what you appeared to be referencing. Can you tell me the name of the person so I can "google" it?



  142. By the way, February 28 and March 1st were my annual "Non-birthdays". I'm a Leap Year Baby!


  143. I'm shocked that I've had no response to what I posted here about the Nicaraguan woman who was evidently burned to death in an exorcism rite. Am I the only person who noted it in the news? Does nobody else believe it significant?


  144. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Dear Constance (aka young thing) @ 10:16 PM,

    Yes, your birthday is rather nebulous thing in it's non-appearance!
    So scant I had to really think to remember it, and I hope it was a good one!

    May God bless you in all you do.

  145. To 10: 47 pm

    Many, many thanks for the kind words!


  146. Marko7:07 AM

    Susanna @ 4:01....

    This is THE story to pay attention to in the coming days and weeks.

    There is a war going on within our government, emanating from deep within the intelligence services, which have ALL been compromised to a certain degree with communists and leftists. Some were embedded there by Obama, but many have likely been there for decades, since the Cold War days.

    That they are risking exposing themselves and the whole "alternative government" to destroy Trump and his administration, tells me that Trump is one of the good guys, and really and truly has American interests as his number one priority.

    And by "alternative government", I don't mean "shadow government" as most conspiracy folks mean it. These are embedded agents of the Moscow-Beijing axis.

  147. The paragraph from the Gnostic website located at [] reads:

    "The bible says that the creator [Jehovah] protected Cain, not allowing anyone to harm or kill him. This is another interesting fact. Gnostics say that a man who has transformed himself into pure Spirit [as did Cain], although he continues to inhabit his physical body, is immortal, untouchable. Absolutely no-one can harm or attack him now and he has no fear since he is beyond everything and will never die. He is in this world but outside of it as well. He is outside of matter and time and now does not form part of creation. He exiled himself from this world by his own will. The creator god can't harm him anymore, because Cain is now superior to him."

  148. So Mr Dahlheimer,
    You want to cite the Bible and launch into your heresy from the starting point of the Bible being authoritative and the Bible being
    something to be respected, but then you take a snippit of it and disregard the rest. As I said before the only way to believe that
    old and moldy heresy is to not have any working knowledge of the Bible as a whole, which clearly destroys your heresy in more ways than I can count.
    You can't have it both ways. If you don't believe that the Bible is God's Word then don't quote a few verses, build and entire heresy around that and then ignore the rest.
    For one small example; who was Jesus talking to when he fasted and prayed for forty days and nights, and then the Devil came to him and began to try to get Jesus to worship him?
    Would you like me to give you a quick say, ten examples of why that heresy is a lie?
    I could give you over a hundred, because essentially every book in the Bible points to the Messiah, who is Jesus.
    There is a thread that runs from Genesis to Revelations and that thread is Jesus Christ.
    Every heresy since the time of Christ, ( and there have been hundreds of them ), begins with someone quoting a verses or two,
    isolating that verse, and then building an entire new religion around a misreading of it.
    It's amazing what people like you, who basically don't read or believe the Bible get away with. If you don't believe it,mwhy did you quote it? The only explanation is that you intend to mislead those who, like yourself, don't know or care what it says as a whole.
    You've got your Freemasonry, Islam, witchcraft, Mormonism, Scientology and on and on, all doing the same trick.
    Babylon and Egypt.


  149. Mr. Dahlheimer:

    Would you kindly take the time to watch this very short video and give us your critique and analysis? In particular, do you agree with the Pope's basic message in the video that there are "many paths" that all lead to the same "God" that has many names?


  150. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Constance @ 10:23 PM:

    According to the story... on February 22nd, an 'exorcism ritual' was performed on a 25 year old woman by a pastor and 4 members of the Church of the Assembly of God in a village in Nicaragua... when they tossed her into a flaming pyre, and it ended in her death.

    Details at link below...

    What is significant to me is that in my church, the Catholic exorcism rite has NEVER included the 'burning' of a victim of satanic possession... only the reciting of special prayers, plus the use of holy water by a specially trained priest (who is strong in his faith). Therefore, what happened to that woman in Nicaragua should be absolutely CONDEMNED by everyone... since the whole purpose of an exorcism is to SAVE that person's soul... not send that soul into Hell for all eternity.

    (It is also my understanding that legitimate exorcists have recently seen a rise in demand for their services, because of an increase in interest in the occult and demonic activity... which has now become 'a pastoral emergency'.)

  151. RayB asked me to watch a short video and then critique and analysis it. I watched the video and do not believe that the Pope's message in the video is "that there are 'many paths' that all lead to the same 'God' that has many names?" I believe that the pope's message was that all religions should be respected and that there are some common beliefs that people of all religions share and that it does not matter much what name for God they use. I do not agree with the pope's message that all religions should be respected. When scientific discovery proves that a particular religion is false, such as Catholicism, the people of that religion should leave it. Truth discovered by science needs to be respected. It is very difficult for people caught up in religious delusions to accept the truth when scientists show it to them. This makes our world a very dangerous place.

  152. Susanna1:52 PM

    Marko 7:07 AM,

    Re: This is THE story to pay attention to in the coming days and weeks.

    There is a war going on within our government, emanating from deep within the intelligence services, which have ALL been compromised to a certain degree with communists and leftists. Some were embedded there by Obama, but many have likely been there for decades, since the Cold War days.

    Have you seen what the top news story is this weekend? It is being dubbed "TOWERGATE!!!"

    .....During the summer last year, the Obama administration filed a request with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) to monitor communications involving Trump and several advisers but the request was denied, according to Heat Street former editor, Louise Mensch.

    Just a day before the 2016 election, Mensch reported that 'sources with links to the counter-intelligence community' confirmed that a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) had granted a FISA court warrant in October to monitor activities in Trump tower.

    On Wednesday, a New York Times report said White House officials took efforts in the closing days of the Obama administration to analyze and spread information about Russian election interference, driven by a concern that the material might get buried by Trump.

    Intelligence agencies rushed to analyze raw intelligence material about Russia connections, going over months-old material as the extent and possible motives of what the agencies say is Russian election hacking emerged.

    Officials made efforts to ask specific questions at intelligence briefings as a way to get the information into the record and be archived for examination later.

    In January, American law enforcement and intelligence agencies examined intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of Trump, according to the Times.

    The FBI led the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, and the Treasury Department's financial crimes unit.

    I never in a million years thought I'd ever be hearing the Republicans accusing the DEMOCRATS of "McCarthyism!!!!"

  153. Susanna1:54 PM

    P.S. Marko,

    Donald Trump Questions ‘Sick Guy’ Barack Obama for ‘Wire Tapping’ His Campaign

  154. Susanna2:03 PM

    P.P.S. Marko

    Here is a gem.

    Obama’s State Department Sponsored 2016 Meeting of Russian Ambassador with Sen. Sessions

    Gee. Wasn't it one of the strategies in Saul Alinsky's RULES FOR RADICALS to "accuse your enemy of what you are doing?"

    LOL I almost looks like Donald Trump studied the book and is now turning the tables on HIS (and AMERICA'S) enemies!!!! All he has to do to know what they are up to is to simply pay attention to what the looney Left accuses him and his administration of doing.

  155. Susanna2:04 PM

    Happy Birthday Constance - whenever it is :-)

  156. Susanna2:10 PM


    There's more.....

    President Trump Demands Investigation After Nancy Pelosi Lies About 2010 Meeting With Russian Ambassador

  157. Susanna2:16 PM


    And this......

    President Trump Calls for Immediate Investigation Into Chuck Schumer’s Ties to Russia, Vladimir Putin

    What I personally want to know is why isn't the Uranium 1 deal made by Hillary Clinton with the Russians being investigated

  158. Susanna2:18 PM

    This is the Mark Levin article being referred to in "Towergate."

    Mark Levin to Congress: Investigate Obama’s ‘Silent Coup’ vs. Trump

  159. Anon 10:55
    I can't tell you how many self proclaimed intellectuals ( if that means highly educated in the Literary way ), I've met over the years who are huge afficionatos of Punk Rock, Heavy Metal, Death Metal, and other such music? forms.
    There's no clearer example for me than that, to underscore Jesus' words when he said:

    "And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest their deeds should be reproved. But he that does truth comes to the light, that his deeds should be made manifest, that they were wrought in God."


  160. Hello everyone, I'm here to let the whole world know of a man called Dr. Ekpen he is a spell caster and he is the man that helps me in my restore my marriage when my husband broke up with me, he use his power and gift to restore joy in my relationship. I want to also let the whole world know that he can still help if you are been blackmail by someone or you want to win a court case he can help. Contact him today via email: or you can whatsapp him on +2347050270218.

  161. i cannot exactly relate in politics but God has his own way of manifestation.
