
Saturday, April 16, 2016

Earth Day is Approaching -- We should remember its ORIGINAL aims

That "holiest" of all the "high holy" New Age days is fast approaching.  April 22 once again brings us "Earth Day."  As the pressure for "Christian environmentalism" grows, we should remember the sorry roots of that holiday.  Those roots have been subject to much historical revision.

I was employed on the Speaker's Staff of the Michigan House of Representatives in 1970, the year of the first Earth Day.  Far and away, the most visible figure on Earth Day, the man who claimed to have come up with its very notion, was Ira Einhorn.  He was in those days clearly a New Age superstar operating on an international level with impressive corporate backers.

The New Age historical revisionists would now have you believe that the most prominent figures were Denis Hayes and Gaylord Nelson.  They have conveniently tried to distance themselves from Ira Einhorn and with very good reason:  Ira Einhorn is now imprisoned for life for the murder of his New Age lover, Texas native and Bryn Mawr graduate Holly Maddux.

There is a lot of current attention given to the proposed release of one of the Charles Manson cult killers, Leslie van Houten, being approved for parole.  Manson was not the only psychotic cult leader in the New Age Movement of the 1970s.  Ira Einhorn had then and still now a loyal following of those who refused to believe he could perform actions he clearly earlier telegraphed he would perform.

"Psychopaths like myself emerge when societies are about to change," Einhorn told his enraptured audiences to whom he oft boasted he was a "planetary enzyme."  In that same speech he proclaimed himself a "brother with Charles Manson The best place to read the about that is Steven Levy's well documented book, THE UNICORN'S SECRET:  MURDER IN THE AGE OF AQUARIUS. (Page 377, mass paperback edition)..

Einhorn was fraternizing with the nephew of the Shah of Iran, "speaking to an intimate gathering sponsored by the prince" (p. 13, supra).  Per Levy, Einhorn was given high academic credentials, as a fellow in the Kennedy School of Government.  Einhorn even had 1970 articles publishe dby the Catholic Art Association.

We have more than Levy's impressive and still necessary reading book.  I discovered that in my own library, accumulated during my years of research, I had a copy of Einhorn's post Earth Day, pre-1979 arrest book, 78-187880.  It is a strange, crudely put together book from appearances, BUT, it was published by a major publishing house Doubleday & Company as a "Doubleday Anchor book."  Its Libtary of Congress Catalog Card number is 78-187880 -- same as the title of the book.

78-187880 had many not so subtle hints to those who had eyes to see and ears to hear.  Many swastikas are positively pictured throughout it.   The New Age oft stated goals of population reduction to a maximum of 2 billion only alive by the year 2000 are contained within the covers.

Later this morning, (10 am Eastern time, 7 am Pacific time) I will be doing my regular internet radio program on  We will be discussing this -- for now I'm retiring for the night and hope you will join me in the morning.   Now that "Bill Nye the Science Guy" is openly calling for criminalizing "climate change deniers", we need to review both the foundations and current thrust of the radical Gaia Gang.

Does YOUR church celebrate Earth Day?  Join me in later this morning and we'll talk about it.



  1. Anonymous3:24 AM

    It should be October 22, not April, because that's the day of the year on which the universe was created (in 4004BC) according to Archbishop Ussher...

  2. Anonymous7:44 AM Good ol Shift Network preparing for their Earth Day Summit. Blantantly paganistic mob they are. *And very much tied in with Barb M Hubbard and friends.

    From OZ

  3. This article, one of those trying to evade Einhorn's embarrassing presence in the matter of Earth Day, ignores one important issue:

    "Time, in 1970, cited Wisconsin Sen. Gaylord Nelson as the founder of the event1. He “casually suggested that all Americans set aside April 22nd as a day for serious discussion of environmental problems” in 1969, and the idea went viral. (Or however ideas spread in the late ’60s and early ’70s.) Large observations were held around the country — 1,500 college campuses and 10,000 schools planned events, per Time — 45 years ago, with notable rallies in Philadelphia’s Fairmount Park and in New York City. "


    the article goes on to paint Einhorn as a bit player who didn't work well with others. But Constance's information from THE UNICORN'S SECRET shows Einhorn hob knobbed with a lot of important people, and people with access to important people, and that weird book with numbers for a title she describes got pretty odd support from a publisher.

    Most likely Einhorn was in contact with Sen. Nelson.

  4. Anonymous8:50 AM

    From 'Jesuits in Britain' webpage

    "WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2015-12:35"

    "Tags: environment, Ecology, Pope Francis, Earth Day, Henry Longbottom SJ"

    "Earth Day 2015"

    "Earth Day 2015"

    "Regarded by many as the birth of the modern environmental movement, Earth Day began exactly 45 years ago today. On 22 April 1970, millions of Americans took to the streets in response to a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. Mobilised by Senator Gaylord Nelson and inspired by the student anti-war movement, those early environmental pioneers sought to infuse protest energy with an emerging public consciousness about air and water pollution to force environmental protection up the national political agenda."

    "And it worked! The Earth Day Movement continues."

    "Around the globe today, thousands of environmental activities are taking place. My own organisation, the London Mining Network is assisting in a lively protest to expose and oppose burning biomass and coal in the UK."

    "But what, if any, might a specific Catholic contribution be to Earth Day?"

    "Well, first and foremost we can join in the activities with great gusto confident we have Church support."

    "Pope Francis’s eagerly awaited ecology encyclical will probably stress our Christian duty to be proactive stewards and advocates for the natural world. It will outline how environmental action is to be seen as a virtue, with ecological degradation as its corresponding vice. As with the early days of the Earth Day movement, there will be a call for Catholics to mobilize and take a lead on promoting care for creation. And it’s happening already. In the past few months we’ve seen instances of the Catholic Church heading up various environmental initiatives. Three important examples spring to mind. Firstly, Pope Francis’s personal involvement in the Lima Climate Change talks, which in the face of a distinct absence of political leadership, was welcomed by NGOs and charities. Secondly, there is the concerted action taken by Catholic bishops on the issue of conflict minerals. Third, this year has seen the setting up of The Pan-Amazonian Church Network to tackle specific issues facing planet and people (particularly indigenous communities) in South America."


  5. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Continued (8:50 AM) ( from Jesuits in Britain website)


    "Perhaps another area Catholics can make a unique contribution to environmental action is on the whole issue of motivation. Why should we value the natural world? It’s fair to say that in the early days of Earth Day’s existence, the Catholic hierarchy was by and large suspicious of environmentalism, viewing it as a form of new age neo-paganism. Of course there are vestiges of such a view among some quarters of the church such as Cardinal Pell or the influential Fr Robert Sirico of the Michigan-based Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty. But thanks to insights on the environment provided by John Paul II, Green Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, and of course Pope Francis, such attitudes now represent a minority view.Earth Day celebration"

    "A phrase Pope Francis is rather fond of is “Mother Earth”. Speaking to Italy’s National Federation of Farmers in January 2015, the Pope invited farmers, to love the land as Mother earth in the spirit of St Francis, making an alliance with it, so that it can continue to be the source of life for the entire human family. Similarly in a speech to business leaders on 7 February 2015, he reminded his audience that our planet is “a mother for all of us”, which we must “hand it on to our children, cared for and improved, because it’s a loan they make to us”. In another remarkable statement, Francis said, “God sometimes forgives, but when mistreated (mother) nature never forgives.” "

    "These references to “Mother Earth” can be interpreted on a number of levels which have a profound relevance to people of faith and good will, alike. Most immediately, he is making the basic point that we depend on Mother Earth for sustenance. Without a healthy environment, we simply cannot survive. Secondly Francis’s approach constitutes a deathblow to an understanding of our “dominion” over the earth as domination. Language indicating that the environment is on loan to us means that our “dominion” can only ever be construed in terms of stewardship."

    "Moreover and perhaps most significantly, there’s a deeper theological point at play. In characterising the planet as a “mother”, the Pope is following St Francis in saying that because the one Father creates all things, other elements of creation are “brothers” and “sisters” in a real sense. Thus we arrive at a more “horizontal” rather than hierarchical view of the world. As the Australian theologian Clive Hamilton observes, the Pope’s theology is subtly doing away with the notion that the divine order moves down from God on high to man to ever more lowly creatures. Instead there is complete interconnectedness between ourselves and the non-human natural world."

    "I believe there’s a real opportunity for enriching environmental thinking here. Secular environmentalism is generally based on a purely physicalist (i.e. materialist) premise, which I think struggles to convey concepts of value, or provide motivation for environmental protection. A Catholic position on the other hand presents the natural world as something we are part of, as something we are called to protect (and even improve), and crucially, as something invested with a teleological purpose, essential for God’s plan for humanity."

    "Happy Earth Day!"

    "Henry Longbottom SJ blogs as Green Jesuit."

  6. Anonymous9:13 AM

    The Web address & Earth Day Celebration topic by Jesuits in Britain for the posts at 8:50 & 8:53 AM is:–-connect-flourish

  7. Anonymous9:27 AM

    "Listen below as Pope Francis addresses the faithful on Earth Day 2015"

    (scroll down the page to watch the video.)

  8. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Earth Day Network


    "Pope Francis officially released his call to action, ‘Laudato Si.’ a 192-page climate change encyclical, on June 18th. The pope focused on the morality of climate change and the necessity of protecting the world’s poor, who are disproportionately affected by this manmade disaster."

    "Unlike previous encyclicals, this one is directed at people of all religions, not just Catholics. The document reiterates the importance of people of all races and religions working together to protect this beautiful Earth we all share. It is also the first encyclical that addresses environmental damage."

    "Crucial lifestyle changes are needed to protect our planet. The “throw-away culture” victimizes the poor and creates an abundance of unnecessary waste. Pope Francis calls on people to live simpler lives instead of striving for a life of consumption. There are many small things we can all do to help our Earth like taking public transportation, carpooling, planting trees, turning off unnecessary lights, recycling, and boycotting harmful products."

    "The pope called access to clean drinking water “a basic and universal human right, since it is essential to human survival.” Those who are powerful and wealthy are disregarding their actions and violating the Earth. Instead they need to use their resources to help those in need. In fact, a global authority of cooperating governments can help tackle climate change. Developed countries, who are mostly responsible for the environmental damage through the “export of solid waste and toxic liquids to developing countries, and by the pollution produced by companies which operate in less developed countries in ways they could never do at home,” have a responsibility to help developing countries, as they are bearing the brunt of their actions."

    "The pope argued that our dependence on technology is not useful unless it is coupled with values and conscience to enhance the Earth, not destroy it. The widespread use of renewable energies should be implemented, as our reliance on fossil fuels is contributing to climate change."

    "Other topics of the encyclical include urban planning and the need for better living situations for the poor, agricultural conglomerates that are pushing family farmers off of their land, conservation, and biodiversity."

    "The release of this breakthrough encyclical comes in advance of the Pope’s participation in the Climate Week and the UN General Assembly in September, as well as the upcoming COP21 talks in Paris in December."

    "Marisa Barley, Intern"

  9. Anonymous9:47 AM

    The language used in this papal encyclical is sickeningly New Age. For example, it likens the Earth to being our sister (Gaia?): "This sister cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her..."

    On and on the New Age shade of this encyclical goes!

  10. Anonymous10:17 AM

    WOW. I knew his agenda was bad, but the Pope is much more deeply involved in this New Age endeavor than I first thought. Thanks for the more revealing information to expose him.

    How can conservative Catholics abide this man?


  11. Here is an old article I wrote back in the late 1990's. It was first published in 2004 on Henry Lamb's website. I was surprised to find that it is still floating around in various internet archives. Seems appropriate to post it here, in honor of "Earth Day".

  12. on Constance's show, Ira Einhorn was working with powerful politicians and with Temple of Set founder Michael Aquino and talking NEw Age type apocalyptic stuff.
    sent carefully chosen mystics to his personal network of powerful people, his network was financed by AT&T.

  13. Anonymous11:27 AM

    'How to Deal with Arrogant People ' Aka...

  14. anon 11:27 am

    yes, sounds exactly like a lot of my detractors and a lot of the RC bashers. One of the former even misused the word "exacerbate" like described in the article:

    "“One day we were discussing something and he wanted to say ‘You should expand this idea,’” she continued. “Instead of using simple language to communicate, he tried to show off his dubious language skills and told me ‘You must exacerbate this idea’. ... The whole thing almost cracked me right up. "

    in my detractor's case, it was saying I exacerbated people probably meant exasperated people.

  15. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Ms Erikson aka refusing lawfully Mrs Tinge, you wrote: "...carefully chosen mystics to his personal network..."

    Including Jesuits and E.O. clergy, perhaps?

  16. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Critine, Anon 11:27 AM here, did you notice the 'Aka...' ? That's you, and true to character, you again project and behave EXACTLY as the article says about such arrogant self-lovers and haters of parents!

  17. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Ms Erikson-Californication aka refusing lawfully to become Mrs Tinge, you wrote: "...carefully chosen mystics to his personal network..."

    Including Jesuits and E.O. clergy, perhaps?


  18. Constance asks:

    "Does YOUR church celebrate Earth Day?"

    I again found it kind of interesting that in your entire posting you didn't once mention the man that is said to be the most influential in the "christian" (small "C" on purpose) world. You know, the one that leads 1.2 BILLION souls, the one that seeks to lead the New World Religion, the one that fully supports the UN's Agenda 21 and its sister on steroids Agenda 2030, the one that promotes the false science of Climate Change, the one that consistently proclaims the virtues of Marxism, the one that calls for a Global governing authority that has real power, etc.

    By the way, if anyone is attending a "church" that supports Earth Day, they have a lot more serious problems than that. They no doubt are attending one of those watered down, ecumenical, entertainment monstrosities that are so popular today ... all of which teach the lie of the "wider path" instead of Christ's "enter ye in at the straight gate ..."

  19. Anonymous12:22 PM

    The pope is the world's foremost cheerleader for global governance to go along with his catholic plan of governance of religion. His name and face are plastered everywhere compared to the names and faces of all other religious leaders and governance figures in the world today. Most of those names and faces remain unrecognizable to the mainstream, but the pope is the media darling.
    Why do we suppose that is, hmmm?
    Here's a hint: he is leading those of the "falling away" of 2 Thessalonians.

    Folks better abandon that ship pronto, before the deception totally takes them over. It's very close to almost too late now.

  20. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Dear Ray B,

    given the unbiased presentation in the posts from 8:50 AM to 9:47 AM, would you agree with me that Jesuitina's post at 11:31 AM about 'Catholic bashers' are nothing more than an arrogant ruse to detract from the truth of the Roman Catholic front seat involvement in the Earth Day debacle? Would you further agree that she does so in order to obscure the unbiblical practices of her own cult which is very similar, and in so doing she is doing an immense disservice to Roman Catholics who might otherwise escape that system, and therefore, ipso facto, fighting against the Gospel? She is putting a stumbling block in the way of those needing to find the truth and salvation whilst attacking born-again Christians for exposing the nature of the EO and RC cults. Typically, like her side-kick Susanna, she attacks the messenger to try and silence the message, whilst accusing born-again Christians of doing the same because of their message and falsely accusing them of 'Catholic bashing' (as does the blog's host) whist attacking true Christians themselves. Don't you agree?

  21. I have accused the RC of being infiltrated at the top level by illuminati, satanists and new agers, you accuse RC of being the origins of this and inherently all this. there is a big difference.

    when you point out what the pope is up to, it is to further your agenda which is against things many of which, as I have shown, are supported by the Bible and very little of it contradicts the Bible. but you are more concerned about your identity as NOT ROMAN CATHOLIC than you are about the Bible.

  22. Anonymous1:18 PM

    "The pope is the world's foremost cheerleader for global governance to go along with his catholic plan of governance of religion..."

    Indeed so, brother at 12:22 AM! Catholic meaning universal, and his venomous cult straddling the earth in it like a giant blue-ringed octopus!

    The beast rising from the sea (of people)!

  23. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Critine 1:09 PM, I refer you to the posts at 11:27 AM and 11:36 AM.

    You'll note, the post of 12:51 PM is addressed to Ray B, not you!

  24. firstly, o ignorant one, this is a public forum. secondly, it mentioned me.

  25. Anonymous1:45 PM

    You're so publically blatantly narcissistic you have to weigh in when only slightly mentioned, o arrogant, ignorant lover of your own self @ 1:24 PM. You are the only one the sun revolves around in your world, but not here in the real one.

  26. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Well said, Anon 1:45 PM! She thinks the Sun and World revolves the her and in her gnostic empty howls , barks that others are ignorant : if that's not arrogance, what is? !

    It's all about you, isn't it Critine? Oh no, you'll never let go of your love of self nor your arrogant ways, religious pride, and false beliefs for the sake of the Gospel! Far be it from you to put self to the cross, pick up your cross and follow Christ. .. you'd much rather be fleshly, proud, unloving, unforgiving, and arrogant in spite of the Gospel!

  27. Anonymous2:09 PM

    It did indeed mention you, Jesuitina, though it was not addressed to you! Interesting you inadvertently acknowledge the name given you there, how well it befits you, you deceiver of old!

  28. Marko3:22 PM

    I know this isn't what exactly was asked by Constance, but I'll tell you what I usually do on Earth Day. A combination of one or more of the following:

    1. Purchase an aerosol can of something I wouldn't use, so it somehow doesn't seem so wasteful (like hairspray, heh heh...) and empty it's contents into the atmosphere. Not nearly as satisfying as it used to be though, since they stopped using CFCs as propellants.

    2. Find some old tires, plastic, etc - anything that will make LOTS of black, thick smoke - and add it to my burn pile, and make it Burn Day. Lucky me! I get to have a burn pile because I live in the country. Poor folks living within the city limits must take care what they burn, and where, and when, and often they can't burn anything. I remember one poor lady who almost had to pay a $3000 fine because the health dept. found a partially incinerated cucumber rind in her trash, and you are only supposed to burn "wood and paper products" according to the city ordinance. Not sure why the health department was going through her trash....

    3. Burn a flag of the UN. Preferably downtown next to the court house. I actually did that once. My cousin and I. Across from the sheriff's main office. One of them came over to see what we were doing, and when we told him, he said "Well, just be safe" and walked back to the office. Before we burned it, we marched around the block, holding an American fly high, and dragging the UN flag behind us on the ground.

    4. Turn on more lights than usual. Or electric appliances. Anything to increase my carbon footprint. I want the carbon footprint monitor (wherever it is) to start flashing red warning signs... "Large carbon footprint alert! Danger! Danger!"

    Which reminds me - there was a day in March where everyone was supposed to turn off their lights for an hour to help "Mother Earth". My house looked like the Motel 6 x 10 - "We'll leave the light on for ya..."

    I'm just practicing for when the real stupid people get in power. Bad combo - stupid combined with the power of government. But there's a certain fatal flaw in that combination that I fully expect to try and take advantage of...and practice makes perfect! ;^)

  29. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Now, now, Susanna, I hope you're not going to claim Ian Paisley wrote that New Agey encyclical, 'Laudato Si '. Let's hope Constance doesn't dupe us with Prince Phillip having directed it, either!

  30. Anonymous5:04 PM

    If Erikson wants folks to stop bashing her posts, then perhaps she should stop promoting her idolatrous paganism cloaked with an oh so thin veneer of christianity, and lose the dictatorial, disrespectful, provocative manner of communicating.

    But that won't happen. Firstly, she is too arrogant and secondly, believes too many lies that she stubbornly, desperately clings to as truth.

    She's a glutton for attention, any kind she can get.

  31. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Very apt, 5:04 PM: you've summed the nut up in a nutshell!

  32. Marko7:22 PM

    Here's a good article about the monster Paul Erlich, who's favorite day is probably Earth Day:

  33. To Anonymous @ 12:51 PM ...

    I would have to believe you summed it up pretty good. What her motives actually are, I can't tell, but, I do know she spews forth an awful lot of convoluted nonsense, that I suspect, few people (if any) actually take seriously. So in some ways, she probably isn't doing an awful lot of spiritual damage. If one listens to her (alien abductions, cities on Mars, etc., they have much bigger problems than her. Susanna is another story altogether, because she is very much sanctioned in here by the host. My opinion (and it is only an opinion) is that she is some type of Jesuit plant used to steer away from anything that is posted in here that is Biblical. She swamps the blog, (often prompted by Constance) with her copious "copy & paste" antics .. virtually all of it is nothing other than RCC disinformation and Rome propaganda. What is REALLY revealing is the fact that Constance encourages her "Susanna." Constance also has a very lengthy, well-earned reputation for being an RCC sympathizer and supporter. The fact that no one can pin her down on what exactly she specifically believes regarding RCC doctrines & dogmas is, I think, again, revealing.

  34. Anonymous2:46 AM

    Bernie Sanders says he met with Pope Francis

  35. probably posting here anonymously, Eric Phelps

    "us blood-bought, born-again, Bible-believing anti-devil, anti-Pope, anti-Jesuit, anti-Masonic, anti-New Age, pro-Reformation Bible, Protestants and Baptists,"

    reads like a parody of Westboro Baptist Church and something out of the parody non existent Landover Baptist Church web page.

  36. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Is Donald Trump's Life in Danger?

  37. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Who needs Eric Phelps when we have you to ruin this blog, MCE?

  38. Insurers warn losses from ObamaCare are unsustainable.

    What most people failed to understand, including the insurers, is that this program was not about stabilizing and maintaining the private sector socialism, but destroying it, making room for the single payer system they always wanted.

  39. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Exactly my thoughts, 1:47 PM! She got a nerve, that MCE! Btw, her initials may as well stand for 'Mindless Cretin Extraordinare', which is precisely what she is!

  40. the single payer system was what was promised and what the people wanted. they were cheated with this system the insurers who own the congressmen wrote, only if they could do this would the congressmen go along with any changes. so you can't be refused on pre existing conditions but you can be charged a lot more for them, you don't get to keep your doctor etc. or any insurance plan you are on, the whole thing is a worthless mess that makes money for the people who own congress by means that are roundabout enough to avoid criminal charges, but everyone knows who they are answerable to and it isn't the electorate.

    the premiums are already too high for the employers so they convert employees to fewer hours and call them part time.

    I am not sure what you mean by private sector socialism. The entire insurance industry and welfare and whatever is a non extended family development of the safety net that the extended family provided in tribal and other societies and somewhat in ours long ago, but that forced you to deal with nasty relatives instead of escape them.

  41. Anonymous3:42 PM

    "but that forced you to deal with nasty relatives instead of escape them."

    So you must be one of those nasty relatives of Constance that she can't escape, then?

  42. Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said... 3:38 PM
    I am not sure what you mean by private sector socialism.

    So instead of pretending to know what I was talking about you could have asked a question?

  43. Susanna5:01 PM


    RE: My opinion (and it is only an opinion) is that she (Susanna) is some type of Jesuit plant used to steer away from anything that is posted in here that is Biblical.

    Since Constance herself has been elevated by Eric Jon Phelps to the status of 'Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor' I regard myself as being in EXCELLENT company.

    Constance Cumbey Responds to Phelps' Claims She is a Jesuit

    Wednesday, May 11, 2005
    Laugh until you cry!

    Tongue in Cheek Reporting – More on Eric Jon Phelps and Crowd
    IN MY NEW AND LOFTY POSITION AS 'Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Constance Cumbey'

    Well, folks, this is my second blogspot for the day, but as you will read below, this one could not be resisted! Laugh until you cry—I have!

    Well, one certainly needs a sense of humor to survive the antics of the Eric Jon Phelps and his Catholic/Zionist bashing branch of the New Age Movement. Periodically, I put my name in on to see what is being said and today I made a most interesting yield. It seems that I have a very high ranking position in the Jesuits, and/or maybe even Opus Dei itself! I am, per Eric Phelps and buddies, the "Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Constance Cumbey."

    Well, since I have been given that lofty title by Mr. Phelps and his friends who for the reasons shown below is obviously a high ranking Jesuit by the standards he has set forth, I have been thinking about changes I am going to make with all my new-found authority. Since "judgment begins at the House of the Lord," I will start among my new order itself. Here are the immediate changes I will make starting with the Jesuits and moving on to the larger Roman Catholic Church:

    1.Jesuit priest Mitch Pacwa is immediately discharged!! His disinformation book on the New Age Movement, Catholics and the New Age disrespectfully urges people NOT to read Constance Cumbey. Further in that book, he said another Jesuit, Teilhard de Chardin, a fellow-traveler with European Theosophists of his day, "saved his faith" by so loudly proclaiming cosmic evolution and about Matthew Fox, he wrote, "Is Matthew Fox a New Ager? That’s hard to say." Since Matthew Fox and his Bear & Company have long been since a prominent part of the New Age Movement, that’s not hard for any honest person to say. Out goes Fr. Pacwa. And by the way, acting in my new authority as Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Constance Cumbey, I hereby proclaim that he may no longer appear on EWTN networks of Mother Angelica. We will not tolerate such disrespect here in THE ORDER!


  44. Susanna5:02 PM


    2.Detroit area University of Detroit must IMMEDIATELY make some sweeping changes:

    a. A professor of management, Michael Whitty, is hereby immediately stripped of all tenure and discharged. He has been a notoriously open New Ager since at least 1980! He was an enthusiastic participant when Detroit’s Unity Temple brought Benjamin Crème to Detroit to promote 'Maitreya the Christ' on November 4th, 1981 and remains active to this very day in the New Age Movement as well as with Matthew Fox, a now defrocked former Catholic priest who is today an Episcopalian priest. (But since the Jesuits created the New Age Movement, per Phelps, maybe he is an Episcopalian Jesuit priest, rather than the defrocked Dominican priest he purported to once be—maybe they are all Jesuits!)

    b. The Jesuit priest Rev. John Saliba is hereby immediately discharged for his two-faced international activities on the New Age Movement—friendly to Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Constance Cumbey and critical of her in the British press where he obviously considers the New Age Movement a positive force for both the Church and humanity at large!

    c. Cardinal Mahoney of Los Angeles, Bishop Gumbleton of Detroit, Fr. Thomas Berry, Fr. Thomas Keating, and Fr. Basil Pennington are hereby summarily discharged and excommunicated!

    d. I immediately demand my fair share of the Vatican and Jesuit moneys—since they control the World Bank—I will accept my tithes of all moneys deposited therein!

    e. Bro. Eric Jon Phelps is immediately discharged from the Jesuits. Since he admits he is published by a New Age Magazine, Spectrum Press, and now tells us that the New Age Movement is controlled by the Jesuits, he is obviously a Jesuit himself. Therefore, in my new and important rank as Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Constance Cumbey, Eric Jon Phelps, you are immediately discharged from the JESUIT ORDER OF ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA!

    And, last, but not least, exercising my new found powers as TEMPORAL COADJUTOR CONSTANCE CUMBEY, I hereby summarily and immediately dissolve the New Age Movement in its entirety and discharge Javier Solana as Office of the High Representative of the European Union (he’s just another Jesuit, you know.).

    Well, friends, sorry for the spoof, but it was either laugh or cry over the exorbitancy of the lies told by this bunch. I weep for those honestly buying into Eric Jon Phelps and his lies calling for a bloodbath of Catholics initially and everybody else eventually. I weep for those who will have honest discourse challenged as 'hate speech' because everybody is lumped in with this bunch.

    Have a good – and a sobered up day!
    May 11, 2005

    Since "Jesuit plants" such as myself are not given the kind of lofty authority as "Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors," I must defer with traditional Jesuit "corpse-like obedience" to said "lofty authority" in what pertains to the operation of this blog.

    Jesuitically yours (and a wink to Temporal Coadjutor Cumbey),


  45. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Phelps is an ignorant heretical bully and no christian. He has been roundly disavowed by multitudes of evangelicals. To be insulted by him is a feather in the cap.

    Plenty of other things to look at to call a spade an spade these days, no matter what denominational camp folks are in. So when wrong doctrinal shoes fit, people should own up, wear that blasted things, get back to the Bible, and repent.

  46. Anonymous5:38 PM

    M.E. like her posts: minimally exceptional!

  47. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Who cares, Susanna! Jesuitina Erikson threw you a bone of destraction (the Eric Phelps ad hominem), which you're trying to offer here and implicitly superimpose on Ray B so you can hope the posts exposing your Cult here will fade into forgetfulness.

    Meanwhile, you remain silent concerning the posts here from 8:50 AM through to 9:47 AM, as well as Ray B's pertinent post at 12:09 PM, which show your Cult and its Jesuits for what it is, and your pope SJ for who he is!

    Now, can we expect an honest approach to such matters from you? I highly doubt it! Your response most probably will be either to remain silent in the matter, fudge an answer and disingenuously lace it with reams of seemingly endless RC cult propaganda and disinformation veering swiftly away from the banks of truth and exposure, and 'go on' about Eric Phelps and insideously connect Ray B to him through implication.

    If you are not a Jesuit plant or Sister of the Sacred Heart sect of your Cult, then you may have missed your your earthly 'calling'.

    Regardless of who Eric Phelps is, he may be a scoundrel and a Jesuit himself (who knows) that doesn't mean his assertions are all wrong, anymore than Stalin calling Hitler a Monster or vice versa! Ray B is not Eric Phelps and nor am I, yet given your constant tactics of destraction and deception, Ray B 's suspicions about you may not be so unfounded after all!

  48. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Should such Jesuitically deceptive distractions and disingenuous tactics of Susanna and her EO sidekick sycophant of all things abominable, Erikson be allowed to detract from the posts of 8:50 AM through to 9:47 AM ?Of course not!

    (Mary C. Erikson, spiritual daughter of Eric Phelps SJ?: Eric Phelps , a Jesuit? Of course it could be possible! After all, the Jesuits will say black is white and white is black and pretend to be members of the fiercest opposition to them if the Jesuit General so commands it!)

    Here are those posts again!

    (Anonymous8:50 AM)
    From 'Jesuits in Britain' webpage

    "WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2015-12:35"

    "Tags: environment, Ecology, Pope Francis, Earth Day, Henry Longbottom SJ"

    "Earth Day 2015"

    "Earth Day 2015"

    "Regarded by many as the birth of the modern environmental movement, Earth Day began exactly 45 years ago today. On 22 April 1970, millions of Americans took to the streets in response to a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. Mobilised by Senator Gaylord Nelson and inspired by the student anti-war movement, those early environmental pioneers sought to infuse protest energy with an emerging public consciousness about air and water pollution to force environmental protection up the national political agenda."

    "And it worked! The Earth Day Movement continues."

    "Around the globe today, thousands of environmental activities are taking place. My own organisation, the London Mining Network is assisting in a lively protest to expose and oppose burning biomass and coal in the UK."

    "But what, if any, might a specific Catholic contribution be to Earth Day?"

    "Well, first and foremost we can join in the activities with great gusto confident we have Church support."

    "Pope Francis’s eagerly awaited ecology encyclical will probably stress our Christian duty to be proactive stewards and advocates for the natural world. It will outline how environmental action is to be seen as a virtue, with ecological degradation as its corresponding vice. As with the early days of the Earth Day movement, there will be a call for Catholics to mobilize and take a lead on promoting care for creation. And it’s happening already. In the past few months we’ve seen instances of the Catholic Church heading up various environmental initiatives. Three important examples spring to mind. Firstly, Pope Francis’s personal involvement in the Lima Climate Change talks, which in the face of a distinct absence of political leadership, was welcomed by NGOs and charities. Secondly, there is the concerted action taken by Catholic bishops on the issue of conflict minerals. Third, this year has seen the setting up of The Pan-Amazonian Church Network to tackle specific issues facing planet and people (particularly indigenous communities) in South America."


  49. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Continued from 6:48 PM

    Anonymous8:53 AM
    (Originally Continued from 8:50 AM) ( from Jesuits in Britain website)


    "Perhaps another area Catholics can make a unique contribution to environmental action is on the whole issue of motivation. Why should we value the natural world? It’s fair to say that in the early days of Earth Day’s existence, the Catholic hierarchy was by and large suspicious of environmentalism, viewing it as a form of new age neo-paganism. Of course there are vestiges of such a view among some quarters of the church such as Cardinal Pell or the influential Fr Robert Sirico of the Michigan-based Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty. But thanks to insights on the environment provided by John Paul II, Green Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, and of course Pope Francis, such attitudes now represent a minority view.Earth Day celebration"

    "A phrase Pope Francis is rather fond of is “Mother Earth”. Speaking to Italy’s National Federation of Farmers in January 2015, the Pope invited farmers, to love the land as Mother earth in the spirit of St Francis, making an alliance with it, so that it can continue to be the source of life for the entire human family. Similarly in a speech to business leaders on 7 February 2015, he reminded his audience that our planet is “a mother for all of us”, which we must “hand it on to our children, cared for and improved, because it’s a loan they make to us”. In another remarkable statement, Francis said, “God sometimes forgives, but when mistreated (mother) nature never forgives.” "

    "These references to “Mother Earth” can be interpreted on a number of levels which have a profound relevance to people of faith and good will, alike. Most immediately, he is making the basic point that we depend on Mother Earth for sustenance. Without a healthy environment, we simply cannot survive. Secondly Francis’s approach constitutes a deathblow to an understanding of our “dominion” over the earth as domination. Language indicating that the environment is on loan to us means that our “dominion” can only ever be construed in terms of stewardship."

    "Moreover and perhaps most significantly, there’s a deeper theological point at play. In characterising the planet as a “mother”, the Pope is following St Francis in saying that because the one Father creates all things, other elements of creation are “brothers” and “sisters” in a real sense. Thus we arrive at a more “horizontal” rather than hierarchical view of the world. As the Australian theologian Clive Hamilton observes, the Pope’s theology is subtly doing away with the notion that the divine order moves down from God on high to man to ever more lowly creatures. Instead there is complete interconnectedness between ourselves and the non-human natural world."

    "I believe there’s a real opportunity for enriching environmental thinking here. Secular environmentalism is generally based on a purely physicalist (i.e. materialist) premise, which I think struggles to convey concepts of value, or provide motivation for environmental protection. A Catholic position on the other hand presents the natural world as something we are part of, as something we are called to protect (and even improve), and crucially, as something invested with a teleological purpose, essential for God’s plan for humanity."

    "Happy Earth Day!"

    "Henry Longbottom SJ blogs as Green Jesuit."


    Anonymous9:13 AM
    The Web address & Earth Day Celebration topic by Jesuits in Britain for the posts at 8:50 & 8:53 AM is:–-connect-flourish

  50. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Continued from 6:52 PM

    Anonymous9:27 AM
    "Listen below as Pope Francis addresses the faithful on Earth Day 2015"

    (scroll down the page to watch the video.)


    Anonymous9:37 AM
    Earth Day Network


    "Pope Francis officially released his call to action, ‘Laudato Si.’ a 192-page climate change encyclical, on June 18th. The pope focused on the morality of climate change and the necessity of protecting the world’s poor, who are disproportionately affected by this manmade disaster."

    "Unlike previous encyclicals, this one is directed at people of all religions, not just Catholics. The document reiterates the importance of people of all races and religions working together to protect this beautiful Earth we all share. It is also the first encyclical that addresses environmental damage."

    "Crucial lifestyle changes are needed to protect our planet. The “throw-away culture” victimizes the poor and creates an abundance of unnecessary waste. Pope Francis calls on people to live simpler lives instead of striving for a life of consumption. There are many small things we can all do to help our Earth like taking public transportation, carpooling, planting trees, turning off unnecessary lights, recycling, and boycotting harmful products."

    "The pope called access to clean drinking water “a basic and universal human right, since it is essential to human survival.” Those who are powerful and wealthy are disregarding their actions and violating the Earth. Instead they need to use their resources to help those in need. In fact, a global authority of cooperating governments can help tackle climate change. Developed countries, who are mostly responsible for the environmental damage through the “export of solid waste and toxic liquids to developing countries, and by the pollution produced by companies which operate in less developed countries in ways they could never do at home,” have a responsibility to help developing countries, as they are bearing the brunt of their actions."

    "The pope argued that our dependence on technology is not useful unless it is coupled with values and conscience to enhance the Earth, not destroy it. The widespread use of renewable energies should be implemented, as our reliance on fossil fuels is contributing to climate change."

    "Other topics of the encyclical include urban planning and the need for better living situations for the poor, agricultural conglomerates that are pushing family farmers off of their land, conservation, and biodiversity."

    "The release of this breakthrough encyclical comes in advance of the Pope’s participation in the Climate Week and the UN General Assembly in September, as well as the upcoming COP21 talks in Paris in December."

    "Marisa Barley, Intern"


    Anonymous9:47 AM

    The language used in this papal encyclical is sickeningly New Age. For example, it likens the Earth to being our sister (Gaia?): "This sister cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her..."

    On and on the New Age shade of this encyclical goes!

  51. Anonymous7:08 PM

    6:16 PM:

    Methinks that YOU doth protest too loudly!

  52. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Immediately after this I will repost Ray B's 12:09 PM post, which, in view of the posts starting from 8:50 AM through to 9:47 AM , logically and ethically demand an honest and direct answer (without reams of disinformation, ad hominems, strawmen, or irrelevant textual matter to his points here.

  53. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Here's Ray B's post.

    RayB 12:09 PM

    Constance asks:

    "Does YOUR church celebrate Earth Day?"

    I again found it kind of interesting that in your entire posting you didn't once mention the man that is said to be the most influential in the "christian" (small "C" on purpose) world. You know, the one that leads 1.2 BILLION souls, the one that seeks to lead the New World Religion, the one that fully supports the UN's Agenda 21 and its sister on steroids Agenda 2030, the one that promotes the false science of Climate Change, the one that consistently proclaims the virtues of Marxism, the one that calls for a Global governing authority that has real power, etc.

    By the way, if anyone is attending a "church" that supports Earth Day, they have a lot more serious problems than that. They no doubt are attending one of those watered down, ecumenical, entertainment monstrosities that are so popular today ... all of which teach the lie of the "wider path" instead of Christ's "enter ye in at the straight gate ..."

  54. Anonymous7:29 PM

    To reiterate more clearly my 7:11 PM, I mean to say Ray B's 12:09 PM post (in view of the posts starting from 8:50 AM through to 9:47 AM also) logically and ethically demands an honest and direct answer from Constance and Susanna without them clouding the issue with reams of disinformation, ad hominems, strawmen, or irrelevant textual matter to his points here.

  55. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Now, my following posts at 6:52 PM have just now disappeared! I therefore urge people to scroll up and read those posts where they were originally posted, from 8:50 AM through to 9:47 AM, which EXPOSE the Jesuits, the Vatican and their SJ Pope from Jesuit websites , the Earth Day organisation website, and the Vatican website itself!

  56. Anonymous8:15 PM

    7:08 PM, the more deafening the deception eminating from the Vatican and its voices of deceit, the louder I will be in defending the Faith once delivered unto the saints and the truth therein , and the louder I will be in exposing the Vatican and its minions!

    If you call that protesting, so be it! I call it defending True Christianity against the Worldly powers and cults (the principal of which, is the Vatican and her Romish cult ) , and exposing their folly in protesting against the Commandments of God through their vain philosophy, traditions of men, and false practices!

    Now, I refer you back to the posts made starting from 8:50 AM through to 9:47 AM , and Ray B's post so you can see for yourself just how deceived and deceiving those in control of the Romish cult and those who knowingly support her lies are!

    Your 7:08 PM protest, therefore, was without merit!

  57. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Constance Cumbey and the Catholic Church
    Exposing the New Age Movement whilst Defending Rome?

  58. Anonymous9:20 PM

    One World Religion
    The Beast Gets Ready for Delusion.

  59. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Anonymous 6:16 P.M.

    RE: "Who cares, Susanna! Jesuitina Erikson threw you a bone of destraction (the Eric Phelps ad hominem), which you're trying to offer here and implicitly superimpose on Ray B so you can hope the posts exposing your Cult here will fade into forgetfulness.

    Meanwhile, you remain silent concerning the posts here from 8:50 AM through to 9:47 AM, as well as Ray B's pertinent post at 12:09 PM, which show your Cult and its Jesuits for what it is, and your pope SJ for who he is!"


    If I were Susanna, I wouldn't give you or RayB the time of day either. The only thing being "exposed" here by the rants of people like you and RayB is the radical right wing lunatic fringe masquerading as Protestant Christianity.

    You and RayB have remained even more silent about the New World Order and One World Religion YOU are peddling.

  60. "they were originally posted, from 8:50 AM through to 9:47 AM"

    what are you screaming about? they're all there.


    this is my new blog, about you blog wreckers here. I invite you to post your
    "exposes" over there with a link to the comments section you are in. anonymous posts are allowed at that blog.


    everyone knows about Roman Catholicism as supposedly the harlot Babylon of Revelation. It is a slop job of Bible interpretation if ever there was one, topped only by some pre tribulation rapture and hyper charismatic/manifest sons of God types.

    so why not just shut up we all know where you stand, no need to repeat yourself. you have your own blogs already if you are galatians4 and phelps, and you can just post a link here to your latest rants there, a simple oneliner.

  62. Anonymous7:40 AM

    You, Christine, are the wrecker of this blog. For whatever reason Constance lets you get away with it, but you can bawl "GET OUT OF HERE" as loudly as you like and I am not going to comply. Yours is not the authority here.

  63. neither is yours. but you or your kind have told me I don't belong here, go away and don't come back, etc. etc. so I return the favor. :(
    meanwhile the only way I could be wrecking the blog, is that I address issues of
    importance regarding the New Age both its political and paranormal component, which you consider to be unimportant, and only the evils of RC need mentioning.

    you don't contribute anything. you are only here to derail it from its purpose. Sure the RC is currently up to its infiltrated neck in this crap. but that is the sort of thing it fought for centuries. The Rosicrucians and others made eager common cause with protestants and the Reformation against the shared enemy of the Roman Church, and all kinds of deplorable heresies found sanctuary for the same
    reason in some protestant lands though attacked in others when seen for what they were.

    your "vision" for this blog is to shut down Constance Cumbey, "expose" her as Jesuit agent (which a. she isn't and b. wouldn't matter to most people and c. would have no bearing on the accuracy of her research). and to abuse this blog as yet another place to bash Catholics.

    you bash her on her own blog

    Cumbey bashing on her blog:
    "Welcome to Cumby's Perspective, which is a perspective concocted by Rome and brought to you by her greatest. All bow."

    "thanks for showing the audience you are clearly and definitively against Protestantism ... makes it easy for you to take the completely BS position that there is some mysterious New Age movement you gloriously discovered in the 80's. Luther warned us ...before your Grandmother had a vision. It has nothing to do with trailer parks or Alberto Rivera. Shame on you."

    NOTICE THIS: "the completely BS position that there is some mysterious New Age movement you gloriously discovered in the 80's. "

    SO YOU DENY THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT EXISTS? how very interesting. (I have suspected some of these defenders of truth are actually new age moles. looks like proof.)

    and Constance didn't say her grandmother had a VISION but that it had been strongly impressed on her. witness in her spirit in other words.

    shame on YOU.

    "Anonymous said...

    As for Constance,... I tossed her books in the dumpster long ago. I find it so interesting the Yuri Bezmenov explained in detail how they seek out big egos to complete their subversion. Shall we endure one more radio show from her about how amazing she is and how the university is storing her documents? Skip Cumbey's books and read Tupper:"

    so you like saucy tupperware better? threw out Constance's books? what are you doing here? IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT HERE, LEAVE.

    "Shall we endure" etc. oh, the poor suffering martyr. YOU DON'T LIKE THE RADIO? TURN IT OFF. and she mentions the university once in a blue moon.

    "Ms. Cumby accusing the Christians here of 'bashing' when a lot of nasty words have been hurled at us who trust in Christ here, but NEVER a correction of their nasty hateful behavior. ...Sickening!"

    how about the nastiness from you RC bashers, and you sling accusations based on your Apostle Hislop, second to no apostle and so filled with The Holy Spirit that you can put The Two Babylons in the Bible as part of Holy Scripture. "todays reading is from Hislop chapter 3 paragraph 5," eh?

    anything however harsh you say is fine but the slightest rebuke after several days of abuse is "nasty words hurled at" you and "nasty hateful behavior."

    reminds me of "Plus she is very harsh with everything and everyone." after being dealt with harshly, slanderously, dishonestly misquoting me, flat out lies about a post that never existed, etc., repeatedly. yes.

  64. Anonymous8:46 AM

    EWTN's Raymond Arroyo panel explains reasons for alarm over Pope Francis Exhortation

  65. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Lol 10:00 PM, both Ray and I are both born again Christians! The so called protestants out there are ecumenicist with Rome (her daughters), infiltrated and infested with Jesuits and SMOMs, and other agents of Rome.

    Rome is the driving force behind the New World Order and Religion. It is itself the Antichrist Beast system, the Mother Harlot herself, Mystery Babylon and all things abominable! The Papal office is the Antichrist and Francis is now conquering through flattery and 'peaceably ' just as the Holy Scriptures YOU reject tell us the Antichrist will!

    Now, unless you have any answer for the posts starting from 8:50 AM through to 9:47 AM, and Ray B's 12:09 PM post , then I suggest you stop falsely accusing, leave your Cult and repent!

    Both Ray B and I are both

    Do I protest? Wholeheartedly! I protest against anything which is unbiblical and ungodly! I will continue to do so unwaveringly, in season and out of season!

    Now, I refer you back to the posts exposing the RC and its pope via their own websites and the no doubt Jesuit controlled Earth Day website, starting from 8:50 AM through to 9:47 AM.

  66. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I see the Devil's agents are protesting as rabid Pharasees lost in their cults at 10 PM, 1:27 AM and 8:02 AM.

    I now refer you back to the posts starting from 8:50 AM through to 9:47 AM.

    Stick to the topic of who is behind and at the forefront of the Earth Day agenda and the NWO and One World Religion agenda: namely, Rome!

  67. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Miss Erikson,

    Your immoral lifestyle in chooseing to willfully live with a man out of wedlock... your willfull rejection of correction and your willfull heretical twisting of scripture to condone and promote such sin leaves you with no witness.

  68. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Does the Roman Catholic Church or the Greek Orthodox Church condone living together out of wedlock..
    We know the Bible doesnt and I suspect they dont either.

  69. anonymous 9:29,

    like someone else in an article did, you have shown a bit of information that destroys your whole argument yet ignore its implications.

    " It’s fair to say that in the early days of Earth Day’s existence, the Catholic hierarchy was by and large suspicious of environmentalism, viewing it as a form of new age neo-paganism. "


    which shows the RC is not inherently what you say it is. (and only an idiot can call an office, or a series of people THE antichrist, especially RC of which NO pope has EVER even TRIED to get people to take a mark in order to be legal to engage in trade or business of any kind. I suppose you will "spiritualize" this but that is the way of Origen and all the major heretics and the NEw AGers who mishandle the Bible when they deal with it at all. whatever doesn't fit your agenda is something to be interpreted "spiritually" not literally. how well would that work if you called me up and said get me some groceries and I will pay you and I came with nothing but a grocery bag, said you only meant it spiritually and where's my money? )

    "Of course there are vestiges of such a view among some quarters of the church such as Cardinal Pell or the influential Fr Robert Sirico of the Michigan-based Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty."

    still some RCs who don't like Earth Day and are high ranking sorts.

    " But thanks to insights on the environment provided by John Paul II, Green Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, and of course Pope Francis, such attitudes now represent a minority view."

    When you put everything Daniel has to say together, especially chapter 7 which is explicit enough all else has to fit its parameters, the antichrist will gain control by flattery of an empire that does not exist yet, but will arise and crush Britain-America-NATO, Russia, and China (or whoever the leopard is) the latter two by then being permanent fixtures in the Middle East with their borders expanded to include parts of it, either contiguous in China's case to the main country or as a separate but fully annexed province of China. (to be in prophecy you have to be in the Middle East or such a play as shapes it, which has only been the case regarding Britain and America, the others will have to move in. has more details. start with oldest post first as to why the four beasts are NOT the statue and are NOT ancient but current to future.)

  70. Anonymous9:55 AM

    "EWTN's Raymond Arroyo panel explains reasons for alarm over Pope Francis Exhortation"

    A little damage limitation on the surface; beneath lie all the machinations of Rome's jesuitical implementation of the Hegelian Dialectic: Thesis, antithesis, synthesis; or, problem, reaction , solution. I.e., conditioning (bewitching) the general public to incrementally accept Rome's New World Order and Religion!

  71. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Not at all, Jesuitina! You are the one living in sin with an "ex" Satanist, you hate your mother and are as nutty as a fruitcake! You need deliverance and have 0 credibility here among the right thinking posters and readers of this blog.

    I refer you back to the topic and the posts starting from 8:50 AM through to 9:47 AM!

  72. Anonymous10:02 AM

    The Pharisee of all Pharisees Erikson has done so much to damage this place because she makes every topic about her own anx and issues, taking the focus away from where it belongs.
    Her own confusion about Christianity in general keeps the issues of New Age infiltrations, that are rampant in all the denominations, from going forward because she has flooded this blog too many times with her personal admix of Gnostic and Occult belief entwined with her supposed traditional Orthodoxy, to make it neck deep wading to get through her many errors.

    If she is so interested in getting the message out to help her friend Constance Cumbey (whom Erikson has herself contradicted and corrected to set her "straight" a number of times), she would bow out of the discussions here in toto.

    But don't anyone hold their breath. This one is on a mission and doesn't care whose blog it is she trashes.

  73. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Well said, 9:43 AM and 9:50 AM!

    Thank you! God bless you richly!

  74. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Exactly, 10:02 AM! Bingo and BRAVO!!

  75. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Anon: "You, Christine, are the wrecker of this blog... you can bawl "GET OUT OF HERE" as loudly as you like and I am not going to comply. Yours is not the authority here."

    Christine Erikson: "neither is yours. but you or your kind have told me I don't belong here, go away and don't come back, etc... meanwhile the only way I could be wrecking the blog, is that I address issues of importance regarding the New Age both its political and paranormal component"

    Actually I never claimed to have authority here. Bbut by giving me instructions such as "Get out of here" you are pretending to have authority when you have none. I shall not comply.

    The way you are wrecking this blog is by talking nonsense about Martians, graveyard miasma, auras, out-of-date and/or wrong science and a dozen other things, and by angrily refusing to listen to those who know better and seek to correct you. Are you not abusing Constance's hospitality?

  76. my lifestyle has no bearing on the issues either a piece of information invalidates your thesis or it doesn't. as for credibility, you have no credibility or witness with me. either the Bible (which does not rebuke usus marriage in Roman times and does say sex makes the two one flesh so agreement and sex equals marriage biblically whether it does legally or not) says what it says about a fourth empire crushing three empires and stomping them and their remains, so the four beasts are CONTEMPORANEOUS and then ends up persecuting Christians until the Second Coming, or it doesn't. not to mention Christ talking about eating His flesh AND PUTTING SOULS AT RISK WHO WERE LEAVING HIM, BY NOT SAYING HE WAS ONLY SPEAKING METAPHORICALLY.

  77. ANON 10:19

    I have already shown serious flaws in the thinking of those who "know better" and wont hash it over again. you fall back on anything you can as an excuse to claim I wreck the blog and the lie is put to you on this one, because you all scream about these things and my so called lifestyle over and over and claim I am promoting things I don't even talk about YOU TALK ABOUT THEM MORE THAN I EVER DID, when I post
    something with nothing to do with that.


  78. Anonymous10:43 AM

    "my lifestyle has no bearing on the issues"

    But you waste much space making it all about your issues and "correcting" others who don't agree with you. You would'nt keep up your end of that dialogue, if you weren't bringing it up in the first place, and then argue till the cows come home to defend your extrabiblical unbiblical stances on them.

    Your posts are only you airing your utter confusion and taking the focus away from Constance's work (whether all agree with her or not) to put the focus on your own selfish view of all topics.

    Beginning to end and all through the middle, your post are trash.

  79. are you so incredibly stupid that you think a person's belief system or lifestyle has any bearing on most subjects they might talk about? check their sources not their lifestyle.

  80. anon 10:43

    I don't even talk about my issues until hounded about them like you are doing. I think most of you anon posts are trash, especially the ones that class RC as the antichrist

    Constance's work does not deny the paranormal side of the new age, even speculated that a mass possession incident could occur to cause a persecution. beginning to end, all through the middle, it is YOUR mentality that is trash and is ruining any capacity to deal with and provide answers for deceptions. When some flesh and blood aliens turn up or ruins on MArs or current operations, people who think this disproves the Bible (it doesn't) will defect or some will. you don't care about them. I do care about them. a scenario that fits aliens in a 6 day creationist
    scenario with all life starting on earth, makes any garbage they are pushing questionable. might even make some people look a second time at the Bible.

    repeatedly I post either links to things THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF YOUR COMPLAINTS or make statements and analyses THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF YOUR COMPLAINTS and you scream about aliens and "live in lovers" which is all a married couple really is anyway, which have NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT I POSTED OR LINKED TO.

    you are obsessed with me and that is bothersome.

    I have seen as many as 5 and 12 posts to my one and you people dare call me a blog hog. you have NEVER respected Constance's request to keep Christine bashing to one post a day THAT WOULD MEAN IF YOU COME HERE TO MAKE SUCH A POST, AND SEE ONE IS ALREADY MADE BY SOMEONE ELSE, THAT YOU DO NOT MAKE YOUR POST UNTIL THE NEXT DAY. DITTO EVERYONE ELSE.

    now why don't you all take your worthless garbage to my blog comments section, and stop cluttering this place up with rants at or about me and deal with New Age issues, leave RC alone and stop preening yourselves as crusaders and complimenting each other and research IMPORTANT stuff.


    that is worth looking at. not saucy Tupperware, or gagonagnatlatians4 or whoever else is spewing their worthless vomit over this blog.

    someone noted an increase in major earthquakes worldwide. if you really were concerned about the Bible you'd be thinking "beginning of sorrows" and discuss that.
    not me or RC or whatever.

  81. Anonymous11:13 AM

    You are a rebellious snake. Of course it isn't about you but again you took that ball and ran with it.

    If you weren't so eager to make it about you, you wouldn't-would have learned by now but you are not humble enough for that one. But you do. You take the bite of that "apple" because you are tempted there by your own lusts to vindicate yourself (read James) and thrust yourself upon others (that's an evil and perverse conscience within you!) You are caught in the trap of your own making. Thanks for making my case against you.
    This make you the stupid one doesn't it?

  82. Anonymous11:19 AM

    On the contrary Christine,

    It is incredulous of you to think that a persons beliefs and lifestyle has no bearing on the subjects they talk about.
    Thats what hippocritics do..... live a lie whilst boosting to be truthfull in their speach.

    "Those who know what is right to do and dont do it decieve themselves"

    Ultimate example to us of correct belief with matching words and lifestyle is the Lord Jesus Christ

  83. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Your 'lifestyle' as you so new agedly put it, Ms (?) Erikson has EVERYTHING to do with it!

    You speak from a heart of deep wickedness, with an unruly tongue, creating mischief and confusion wherever you can, disseminating your deluded nonsense and promoting your perverted 'living' with your "ex" (so you claim, notwithstanding your "ad" which Ray B and Dan caught you out on) Satanist co-fornicator!

    You have no credibility here whatsoever, zilch, zero, nada!

    We know you by your fruits, infowolf!: Fornicating, Gnosticism, hating of parents, falsely accusing, attacking the flock, backbiting, lying, deceiving, without love or natural affection, blaspheming, boastful, proud and arrogant, unforgiving, Scripture twisting, coarse language, swearing, rage, and on and on the list goes!

  84. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Christine please consider going to a reputable Christian in deliverance ministry and talk to them about your problems.
    Christ came to set the captives free.

  85. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Good advice, 11:28 AM!

  86. Anonymous11:38 AM

    What are the signs of having a demon?
    Please take a moment to read
    What the ministry of deliverance should be!

    Here is a brief list of some of the areas in a persons life that a demon can affect. Please note that every time you find somebody struggling or facing one of the areas below, it's not necessarily a demon, but it's not uncommon to find a demon behind these things.

     Addictions, uncontrollable anger, lust, urges to murder or commit suicide, etc.

     Fear, depression, irrational heaviness in the soul, hearing voices in the mind, hearing auditable voices that nobody else hears, compulsive thoughts, insanity, mental illness, etc. Obsessive irrational worry is almost always a demon. People who are scared stiff over the unpardonable sin are in need of counseling and likely deliverance.

     Unable to get close to other people, sensing rejection for no reason, irrational emotional breakdowns, etc. Often more then just casting out demons is needed in this category, inner healing must also take place as well as tearing down strongholds.

     Arthritis, cancer, HIV, and a host of other illnesses are almost always caused by evil spirits. If it cannot be easily cured, then it's almost always a spirit that is causing it.

     Anybody who can tell a fortune, lift an object through levitation, break a solid oak board with their hand, etc. using demonic powers needs a deliverance. Martial arts are known for using demonic powers to break boards, etc. Unnatural strength is a sign of demonic power, such as the man with the legion in the Bible.

     Sexual attraction towards animals, unnatural sexual desires, unusually strong attractions towards somebody who is married, past lover, etc. can indicate soul ties and demonic bondage.

     Most often (not always, but usually) when people are visited by demons, hearing them, seeing them, etc., they are in need of a deliverance.

     If both you and one or more of your ancestors have the same kind of problem(s), then there may be a generational spirit at work.

     Driving interests in the occult, demons, and creatures of the dark such as wolves, owls, etc. can indicate a demonic bondage. Obsession with death is almost a sure sign of demonic bondage.

     Compulsive behavior such as cutting is a Biblical symptom of demonic bondage.

  87. Anonymous11:45 AM

    People can be under the power (influence) of demons, just as they can be under the power or influence of alcohol. The more a person drinks, the more it influences them. The deeper a person gets into demonic bondage, the more it influences them. Those who have gotten in touch with the occult and Satanism demons usually have significant signs of demonic bondages. The deeper a person gets into demonic bondage, the stronger of an influence the demons will have over them.

  88. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Anon, 11:38 AM, let's hope Mary C and her "Resident Seer" ( her capitalisations, not mine! ) take note, seek deliverance and stop living and sin! It's not too late for them: yet!

  89. Anonymous11:50 AM

    When trying to locate the source or root of a bondage, these top ten questions can be very helpful and save a lot of time. Think of this as a miniature deliverance questionnaire.

    It's always important to clearly identify the problem, so you know exactly what you are dealing with.

    Many bondages can be easily traced back to a particular experience in one's life. If you can get the person to remember when exactly their bondage started, they will likely remember what happened that 'triggered' the problem in the first place.

    Give the person you are ministering to a chance to see if they can come up with anything. They may not be able to come up with anything, or they may be completely wrong, but it's definitely worth a try.

    Countless bondages are rooted in some sort of occult involvement, either by the person or by their ancestors. False religions are a red flag as well. Freemasonry is well known for bringing people under demonic bondage.

    This is a good way to begin looking into the possibility of a spirit being handed down through a generational curse or iniquity.

    This can help reveal problems with guilt, strongholds, rejection, self-rejection, etc.

    This is a great conversation starter to help them open up about what's on their mind, and can be a great way to reveal the struggles they are facing mentally and spiritually.

    This is a great way to identify a very common stronghold. Many people don't see God as a loving Father, and it hinders them from feeling God's love in their life, which gives the devil a lot of room to play havoc.

    Finding out what things have negatively affected a person's life can reveal many doors that the devil has gained into their lives. Bad relationships can cause bitterness and cause people to become emotionally built up inside. Unforgiveness is a known way for a person to become defiled, which is an open door to the devil. Deeper sins may or may not have been put to rest in the person's mind. If the person still continues to beat themselves up for it, then they would do good to confess the sin, forsake it, and receive God's forgiveness of it, as well as forgive themselves for it. A clean conscience is important to a person's spiritual freedom, but if a person is unwilling to forgive themselves, they hinder their conscience from being cleansed.

    Many bondages begin in childhood, because a child is much more sensitive and easily damaged than adults. If a person has had a rough upbringing, it can result in a lot of unresolved problems later on in life. Any hurt feelings towards ones parents must be brought out into the open, confessed, then forgiven.

  90. Anonymous11:54 AM

    That should read, 'stop living in sin ', not, 'stop living and sin': they're doing that already and both Mary C and her "ex" Satanist co-fornicator are both dead in their sins , and therefore need deliverance 'toute suite' , to truly accept Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible (not the false Christ of the so-called alien 'ascended master' demons nor the 'another Jesus of EO and RCism, to stop living in sin, and to be born again!

    Anon, 11:38 AM, let's hope Mary C and her "Resident Seer" ( her capitalisations, not mine! ) take note, seek deliverance and stop living in sin! It's not too late for them: yet!

  91. " thrust yourself upon others " what do you think you're doing?

    ""ex" (so you claim, notwithstanding your "ad" which Ray B and Dan caught you out on)" purveyor of slander that was a lie they both made up

    " Satanist co-fornicator! " biblically married even if not legally.

    "You have no credibility here whatsoever, zilch, zero, nada!" speak for yourself. some here think otherwise. meanwhile, you have zilch etc. credibility with me.

    "We know you by your fruits, infowolf!: Fornicating, " no

    "Gnosticism," no

    "hating of parents," who were occultic foolish at best obsessed with "bohemian" and related nonsense, and especially my biological so called mother nearly destroyed me and invaded my mind paranormally on several occasions and you defend her? SHOWS WHAT FRUIT YOU HAVE, YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS UNSPEAKABLE AND WITHOUT CREDIBILITY ALL YOU KNOW OF HER AND YOU DEFEND HER? YOU ARE EVIL
    "falsely accusing, " NO

    "attacking the flock," I DON'T THINK YOU ARE ONE OF THE FLOCK.
    " backbiting," that's about lying behind your back doesn't fit
    I rebuke you and your unbiblical heretical notions and you call it attacking the flock and backbiting.

    " lying," no
    " deceiving," no I am very up front.
    " without love or natural affection," on the contrary.

    " blaspheming," no
    " boastful, proud and arrogant," that's you a whole lot.
    " unforgiving," Jesus doesn't say to forgive the unrepentant
    " Scripture twisting," no, I apply ALL Scripture not some bumper sticker proof text like you blaspheming heretical people
    " coarse language, swearing," not without precedent in Paul who counted his prior accomplishments as dung
    " rage," righteous indignation at your unspeakable vileness

    "Arthritis, cancer, HIV, and a host of other illnesses are almost always caused by evil spirits. If it cannot be easily cured, then it's almost always a spirit that is causing it."

    SAY WHAT YOU FREAKIN' MORON? WHAT BIBLE THUMPING CULT ARE YOU WITH? sure, spirits can play a role in these things, but there are very specific physical causes and characteristics of them.

    HIV CAUSED BY DEMONS? God have mercy on your soul if you have kept someone from medication or conversely made them think they were cured and they went and infected a spouse. demons can influenc the actions that result in an infection, viruses are not demons.

    The rest of your list has no relevance a few points about depression and as for obsession with death I've gotten over it, but YOU CAN BLAME THAT ON MY BIOLOGICAL SO CALLED MOTHER, WHO MODELLED SUICIDE AS A SOLUTION FOR EVERYTHING TO ME. THE HORRIBLE MONSTER WOULD HARM HERSELF OR THREATEN SUICIDE TO GET MY ATTENTION IF I WASN'T IN SOME TRANCE STATE SHE WANTED ME IN CONSTANTLY. from about 7 years old I think.


  92. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Hi Christine,

    I am experienced in deliverence ministry.
    I know this will be hard to accept but with all sincerity you need to find help.
    Deep down you know that this is correct advice, you do not need to reply, nore am I expecting you to.
    Your life can completely change if you make the choice.

  93. Anonymous12:12 PM

    11:56 AM. You've till no credibility! I trust Ray B over you any day of the week!

    So Mike's not an "ex" Satanist then? So the "ex" is superfluous, after your infamous "ad" Ray B , Dan and others brought to our attention and your promotion of his 'seer' talents, I thought as much!

  94. I don't know where you got that denial of ex from, "I merely cut and pasted what YOU wrote.

    Rayb's god is Hislop and his religion is being anti catholic and like the JEsuits he condemns the end justifies the means so he lies.

  95. Anonymous12:13 PM

    11:56 AM. You've still no credibility! I trust Ray B over you any day of the week!

    So Mike's not an "ex" Satanist then? So the "ex" is superfluous, after your infamous "ad" Ray B , Dan and others brought to our attention and your promotion of his 'seer' talents, I thought as much!

  96. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Re:Lol 10:00 PM, both Ray and I are both born again Christians! The so called protestants out there are ecumenicist with Rome (her daughters), infiltrated and infested with Jesuits and SMOMs, and other agents of Rome."

    Double Lol on you and RayB!!! I don't know what planet you are living on, but you are Protestants whether you want to admit it or not.

    "Born again Christians" are among the latest of the 20,000+ denominations that EMERGED out of Protestantism. To say otherwise is not only historical revisionism, it is also delusional.

    As for the posts starting from 8:50 AM through to 9:47 AM, and Ray B's 12:09 PM post, the Catholics posting here - none of whom are trying to convert you or anyone else, by the way - do not feel themselves in the least bit obliged to cater to rude, obnoxious DEMANDS that they justify their Roman Catholic beliefs by what they consider to be an erroneous and self-contradictory rule of faith - "Sola Scriptura." Since you and RayB can't even prove your own Sola Scriptura rule according to the Bible, you sure have one heck of a lot of nerve DEMANDING that Catholics "prove" their beliefs according to that same rule that you can't defend.

    Therefore, I refer YOU back to the fact that the Bible does not teach "Sola Scriptura" or "private interpretation" or which books belong in the Bible.

    Another thing is that since you can't successfully make your case for the validity of your own rule of faith, you don't look too intelligent when you demand that Catholics do what you can't do that same rule.

    Again, you and RayB have remained as quiet as mice about the New World Order ("millennium") and the One World Religion YOU are peddling ( Messianic Judaism which is neither truly Christian nor Jewish )......which hints at a loss of faith in the ONE Resurrection, the ONE Second Coming and the life of the world to come - and an obsession with a "kingdom" that is in and of this world. Jesus said MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD.

    Any so-called "messiah" that sets up shop in this world will either be THE antichrist - or one of his precursors......

  97. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Christine says

    "The rest of your list has no relevance a few points about depression and as for obsession with death I've gotten over it, but YOU CAN BLAME THAT ON MY BIOLOGICAL SO CALLED MOTHER, WHO MODELLED SUICIDE AS A SOLUTION FOR EVERYTHING TO ME. THE HORRIBLE MONSTER WOULD HARM HERSELF OR THREATEN SUICIDE TO GET MY ATTENTION IF I WASN'T IN SOME TRANCE STATE SHE WANTED ME IN CONSTANTLY. from about 7 years old I think.


    Christine your comment proves you havent gotten over it ... the anger and hate.... your statement bears evidence if things that are on the list for a person suffering demonic bondage problems.

  98. Anonymous12:26 PM

    "Rayb's god is Hislop and his religion is being anti catholic and like the JEsuits he condemns the end justifies the means so he lies."

    You're backbiting , attacking the flock and falsely accusing again, Jesuitina!

    Want to find a liar? She's right with you: yourself, infowolf!

  99. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Not at all ,12:20 PM! The Apostles were and are born again Christians, as were the Waldenses (long before the Reformation, and others your Cult so brutally slaughtered!

  100. anon 12:21
    anger is a weapon to oppose the effects. and Jesus could get real angry at evil.

    anon 12:26
    I am not backbiting I am calling it as I see it. no amount of Scripture that goes against Rayb's position on any point makes any change occur. Rayb's behavior here adds up to what I described. that is what he looks like to me.

    sure he condemns the end justifies the means BUT HE DOES THIS HIMSELF. I think Rayb is so obsessed with RC dark side because it is similar to himself.

    for whatever reason he considered more important than not falsely accusing someone, he falsely accused me of that post.

    And he denied that I was the only one to call out explicit pagan posts but I posted the blog comment links that prove it. no one of you said one word to them.

    The Waldenses were proper RC but did unauthorized public preaching and were told to quit it.

    "the emphasis of these "Waldenses" was, from the start, on personal piety and good works performed in imitation of Christ and the apostles.

    The movement did not seek to alter Catholic dogma and was not intended to be a separatist church. The bishops at first would have found nothing about which to object had not the Waldenses assumed the right to preach. It was unauthorized preaching in public places that aroused suspicion and led the Archbishop of Lyons to attempt to stop them...While Waldo and his followers had no doctrinal quarrel with Rome, their defiance of episcopal prohibitions against preaching led in 1184 to their condemnation by a synod of bishops meeting in Verona. Much to their dismay, the Waldenses were excluded from the Church and declared to be heretics.

    In 1207 Durand of Huesca abandoned the Waldenses and returned to the Catholic Church. He asked Pope Innocent III to authorize an order of "Catholic Poor," a move that would be completely submissive to the hierarchy. St. Dominic Guzman had assisted Durand in recruiting small bands of Waldenses who agreed to return to Rome. Later, clerical opposition to the Catholic Poor hindered their work badly, and in 1254 Pope Innocent IV directed the Poor Catholics to merge with the Augustinian Hermits. [3]

    Exclusion from the Church caused the Waldenses to re-examine dogma, with the consequence that they eventually came to espouse teachings that were heretical when judged by standards of medieval Catholic orthodoxy."

    let's see, I call attention to the serious menace of reiki and need to identify who is doing what in order to avoid and warn against them, and I supposedly have an obsession?

  101. anon 12:31

    The Apostles did not teach your kind of garbage. They taught anointing with oil, necessity of baptism most of the time (thief on the cross is an exception that might apply to others) the real presence of Christ's Body and Blood in the Eucharist, the rejection of all Mosaic Law ordained external practices needed to be in the Mosaic Covenant (circumcision, food laws which were NOT about health, mosaic holy days, etc.) as distinct from the liturgical practices which continued from
    the Temple through the Synagogue to the Church hence you find incense, processions with the Gospel or the chalice, kissing the Gospel, prostrations (bowing down head
    to ground, which the moslems stole from us), different categories of elders some with more authority than others, Elisha's bones validate relics and the blessed cloths from Peter validate blessed objects, all you FALSELY ACCUSE AS PAGAN are in
    the Bible!

  102. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Anonymous 12:31P.M.

    Oh Please. Spare us the histrionics. If you had done your homework, you would know that your Protestant predecessors, which came to be known as the "Protestant Inquisition," brutally slaughterd many more innocent people in 500 years than the Roman Catholic Church ever did in the 2,000 of her history. Not only in Europe, but right here in the United States. Certain Protestants even slaughtered other Protestants who didn't happen to agree with them.


    "Peace" for the "Reformers" who managed to refrain from slaughtering each other was largely defined in terms of Milton's "Devil with devil damned firm concord holds."

  103. Marko2:54 PM

    And as the infighting here continues, out there somewhere Agenda 21 (the nexus of communism and New Age) slowly and surely turns us all into collectivist slaves:

    It's really not a matter of "can we turn back the clock" anymore, but more a matter of "what do I do when I am no longer able to live as my consience and religious beliefs dictate?"

    That point is almost here. In some arenas, it IS here.

    And still we argue and fight with each other. We are all examples, are we not, and soon the excuse, that the collectivists will use to impose their agenda everywhere? So yeah, thanks for helping speed along their program.

  104. Anonymous3:25 PM

    "You take the bite of that "apple" because you are tempted there by your own lusts to vindicate yourself (read James) and thrust yourself upon others (that's an evil and perverse conscience within you!) You are caught in the trap of your own making"

    You love the constant fight. that's why you are a bomb thrower all over every topic here.

    Extremes of making excuses for yourself and demanding that others comply to your way of thinking or you start all the assorted smear tactics. That takes a lot of energy and takes up a lot of space here at a blog that is not called whatever Erikson thinks. I don't read your 'stuff', I just skim and find your own material that makes the point back to you that you think everything (every cotton-picking everything) is all about you. What world do you wake up in every morning????????

    The lust to vindicate yourself, and thrust yourself upon others in your overbearing posts to impose your will to correct ;) all others (including Constance) is all very self-evident. Yet you refuse to see your own behavior patterns that are ungodly in their root and practice, while attempting to apply some 'christian' spin on it. Wow, how bad off is that?

    You wear a huge target because you are the one with the sick need for attention. Still very unresolved about your Mommy apparently.

    Beginning to end and all the way through the middle, you live some hellish something out right here in a public forum, thinking we are supposed to be as supremely interested in your view of life (sick though it may be) as much as you are. Get over yourself!
    And get that counseling for goodness sake.

  105. Anonymous6:25 PM

    "so obsessed with RC dark side because it is similar to himself."

    We easily see you are obsessed with paranormal and demonic topics.

    Since that is your assessment of him, going on your premise perhaps that goes for you, then?

  106. you people talk about it more than I do. sounds like you are obsessed with my
    supposed obsession.

  107. Anonymous6:52 PM

    No, Christine. And besides you aren't at all interesting so you are quickly boring.
    You did not answer the question posed to you. The shoe is on the other foot for a change.

    It is good to take you down by your own words because lies deserve it. You are very generous to give that fodder.

    So quit believing them...(or not and I don't care either way..and obsessively telling them (puts you in the line of fire) , and that issue goes away.

    Simple isn't it?

  108. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Pagans' "positive" responses to Pope Francis

  109. "You did not answer the question posed to you. The shoe is on the other foot for a change."

    what question?

  110. Anonymous Marko said @ 2:54 PM ...

    "And as the infighting here continues, out there somewhere Agenda 21 (the nexus of communism and New Age) slowly and surely turns us all into collectivist slaves:"

    "And still we argue and fight with each other. We are all examples, are we not, and soon the excuse, that the collectivists will use to impose their agenda everywhere? So yeah, thanks for helping speed along their program."


    We are actually fighting Agenda 21 & Agenda 2030 by exposing Rome's complicity. How can you possibly think that “uniting” with those that PROMOTE these ungodly agendas is somehow delaying the “speed” of “their program?” Rome is very much behind these evil agendas, whether you want to believe that or not. It is all part of Rome’s push for a One World Government, which they plan on playing a major role in. Wake up Marko, "Christian" unity that is based on falsehood is doomed to failure, because God never honors a “unity” that does not honor Him.

    Check this out ... it was the POPE that the UN turned to in order to resurrect these ungodly Agendas!

  111. I see the question. I answered it. I said you people talk about it more than I do,
    looks like you are obsessed with my supposed obsession.

    just because I can recognize Freudian projection (which jesus called out in the Sermon on the Mount about the log in your eye vs. the speck in another's eye)
    doesn't mean I have a case of it.

    Someone can specialize in a line of research for several reasons. But when he acts in the same calculated for effect dishonesty that characterizes Jesuits, then either
    they represent something of himself to himself or he is learning from them.

    I didn't post that ad.

    RayB lied. So did Dan Bryan who also claimed to have seen that. so did the anon ditto.

    And RayB lied in mocking that I said no one but me called out the pagan posters, the ones who weren't just mildly new agey but PAGAN. I posted the links to the comments sections that show I didn't lie about that. Neither he nor Dan nor paul nor any anon said a thing to them. So that's TWO lies I can document.

    I get onto every subject because I've been looking into just about everything discussed here for 30 years. how long you been at it?

  112. Anonymous7:12 PM

    "what question?"

    Since you are much more spiritual than the rest of us put together, in your own estimation, then you can figure it out ;)

    L O L !

  113. "We are actually fighting Agenda 21 & Agenda 2030 by exposing Rome's complicity. "

    not one little bit. if anything you are making it look good to Catholics especially
    liberal inclined ones, and making more conservative ones hesitant about opposing it. Catholics are a big population contingent in Europe and America. your subcategory of conservative protestant or whatever you think you are is a minority.

    Rosa Koire and a few others are doing far more harm to Agenda 21 by exposing the fraud and failure to create the good they claim it will and the damage it actually does and intends to do. These things matter to everyone regardless of belief system and lifestyle. you got extreme liberal democrats and tea party repulicans working against Agenda 21 WITHOUT ANY OF YOUR DUBIOUS HELP.

    it wasn't your kind "exposing" Catholic involvement that got it put in retreat a bit, it was people like I am talking about that did it. the whole political spectrum and moral spectrum and religious spectrum, pissed off at the reality of "sustainable" this and that and "smart growth."

    "How can you possibly think that “uniting” with those that PROMOTE these ungodly agendas is somehow delaying the “speed” of “their program?” Rome is very much behind these evil agendas,"

    no as an earlier post from your crew showed, Rome was very uncomfortable with environmentalism figuring it was a kind of neopaganism, THEY GOT SUCKED INTO IT

  114. Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

    "And RayB lied in mocking that I said no one but me called out the pagan posters, ..."

    I usually don't bother answering you, but on this one I feel I must ...

    I don't even have the slightest clue as to what you are referring to, so it certainly wasn't me doing the "mocking." You've done this before, and you've done it again. Please PROVE that I was the one that supposedly mocked you by copying and pasting my supposed post. Don't hold your breath waiting for this one folks, because it isn't there.

    Also, I did see your ad for your "seer" friend that you mistakenly posted on this blog, as did Dan and several others. You quickly removed it after you realized your mistake. So there was no "lie" there either.

  115. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Christine 6:41

    ... a quick tally of nearly any topic's comments listed on this blogg over the years has you doing the " talk about" more than anyone else.

    As ponted out to you obsession can often be a indicator of demonic oppression/possession .
    There is overwelming evidence in your own writings of demonic activity being present.
    How they have gained a foot hold in your life in all likelyhood is related to your formative years as evidenced by your bitterness towards your mother.
    You need to take stock of the evidence that she to had demonic problems which drove her to do things ( of course this does not excuse her sins but she will be rightly judged by God not you for her sins) but you now have the chance to break out of the bondage and be set free... use your will and put your efforts into getting set free by the one and only Son of God... Jesus Christ.

  116. Anonymous said @ 6:56 PM ...

    Pagans' "positive" responses to Pope Francis

    Check this one out ... very revealing as to how modern day pagans view "pope" Francis' environmental encyclical. If this doesn't open your eyes, I doubt anything will.

    What was it Jesus said about false prophets? "Woe unto you when men shall speak well of you, for they also spoke well of the false prophets." (paraphrased)

  117. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Hi Christine,

    Thirty years of research does not mean you have the truth... one can claim to "always be learning" but that does not mean they have come to the " knowledge of Truth".
    Research the passage of scripture below which references the days we are living in now ... when reading it personally apply it to yourself ...use it as a check list compareing with your thoughts and actions.

    2 Timothy 3:1-17

     1  This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
     2  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
     3  Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, note
    4  Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
     5  Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
     6  For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
     7  Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
     8  Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
     9  But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was.
     10  But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, note
     11  Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me.
     12  Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
     13  But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
     14  But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
     15  And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
     16  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
     17  That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

  118. Anonymous8:01 PM

    They didn't teach the nonsense you spout, you lying deceived heretic, shacked up fornicating with an unrepentant " ex " Satanist, Miss Serpent tongued Erikson!

    They did not teach your Cult nonsense at all, but you wouldn't know that because you are lost in your sin and a lying reprobate with a seared conscience!

    You don't have a personal living relationship with Jesus Christ, if you did then you would see your folly.

    Your words in your post are those of a lying spirit, and no doubt you are demonically possessed. You need deliverance urgently and to repent of your wicked harlot ways.

    You aim to teach but forget the admonition of Paul the Apostle to foolish women (even those of the church, which you are not! You belong to a pharisaic OT style cult full of vain philosophy and the traditions of men): of course, some may respond that admonition was just to the Corithians and there's no difference between male and female for those in Jesus Christ. However, YOU are not a Christian but an unrepentant rebellious reprobate who glorifies in her "ex" Satanist co-fornicator's witchcraft. Therefore you should remain silent!

    You know nothing of the Holy Spirit or God. You don't know the Father because you deny the Son through your following another Jesus. Yet you still (falsely) claim to know Him? You do well (not) for even the demons believe and tremble!

    In the Name of Jesus Christ I rebuke the foul spirit of lying and fornication lodging within you. I bind it in Jesus Christ's Holy Name!

    You need deliverance and to repent!

  119. Anonymous8:02 PM

    "Blogger Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...
    "We are actually fighting Agenda 21 & Agenda 2030 by exposing Rome's complicity. "

    not one little bit. if anything you are making it look good to Catholics especially
    liberal inclined ones, and making more conservative ones hesitant about opposing it"

    Wrong oh gnostic breath! You've been wasting those 30 years then.

    How on God's green earth is there anything good one can say about what has been exposed in Agenda 21 and 2030 in the light of all that has been shown here but even more so in many other places, that plainly show the direction this is headed and who is behind what direction it's going?
    Deceived people from every sector and sect are going to like what they see in these agendas. They are drinking the koolaid.

    Those with some hesitancy still, better get off the fence and stand against this or they'll be sucked in too..

  120. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Creep into houses ... would imply blogs

  121. RayB

    "Anonymous said...
    Christians here and elsewhere have not only a right but a stark duty to challenge, expose, rebuke and correct the sort of ungodly nonsense you and others like you promote. One post from one person may expose you on one point and another on another. Or, one may confirm what another has said in exposing your gnostic heresies and promotion of sin, as well as defending themselves or others against you baseless attacks and false accusations on folk here, for which you are renowned.

    "Meanwhile, every time some overt new ager/pagan posts defending or preaching new age or outright paganism, none of them speak up, I am the one that challenges such people..."

    You have got to be joking!...."

    okay, RayB I may have made an error of memory and you didn't post "you have got to be joking!" however IT IS YOUR STYLE OF RESPONSE, and you have no credibility with me especially after you LIED about seeing that ad, so of course I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT YOU NEVER POST ANONYMOUSLY. I may have made an error, IF SO I apologize, but I doubt I made an error.


    " Anonymous said...
    New Age? Nothing wrong with that. The Buddhists have it right. Even closer to THE TRUTH the Hindus know what the world is about. Why argue with Christine. She is getting there and will surpass all of you in knowledge as you squabble among your petty selves with knack knack interpretations. Grow up folks. The world's knowledge has moved on. Now back to the rest of you who have been squabbling among yourselves, hoping to learn more about the New Age movement more than you will ever learn at a Trump rally, good luck. " 3:00 PM

    to which I answered very sharply on the next thread
    "No I am NOT "getting there," you are blind. I have been there done that sort of and I REJECT IT AND I ACKNOWLEDGE JESUS CHRIST AS MY KING AND MY GOD. such bits of reality as you guys think supports new age in fact DON'T support new age, they are irrelevant at best, and looked at correctly work against it. Hinduism is a mishmash of demonic deception, legitimate history and hysterical exaggerations. Buddhism of the theravada or hinayana the original sort was because Buddha had enough wisdom to see part of the truth but not all of it. Mahayana is reinfiltration of hindu and bon and other pagan bullshit and manichaeism elements into buddhism.

    The baghavad Gita is one of the most evil books ever written. After every "sermon" krishna concludes that since all is illusion and a manifestation of himself, there is no killer there is no killed so Arjuna (having second thoughts about a fratricidal war) should go ahead and kill. No reference to the evils his cousins did that started the war. No reference to how if he doesn't kill them they will kill him and his other cousins they are fighting against. Just a metaphysical

    no one else responded except someone so blinded by hatred of me that he
    acted like he was talking to an anti new ager when he addressed the
    new ager, talking of my "new age reek."

  122. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Really 2 Timothy 3:1-17 somes it up perfectly.

    I suppose it will now be rejected by Christine on the basis of gender specifics because it says men.

  123. anon 8:02
    "How on God's green earth is there anything good one can say about what has been exposed in Agenda 21 "

    because idiot if you make out that Vatican invented it you give it credibility to Catholics. maybe you should READ WHAT I WROTE before you make a fool of yourself.

  124. Anonymous8:32 PM

    There is a tabernacle of glory, which is the most holy person of Jesus the Lord, where the divine and the human meet in an embrace that can never be separated. The Word became flesh, like us in everything except sin. He pours divinity into the sick heart of humanity, and imbuing it with the Father's Spirit enables it to become God through grace. Amen Susanna?

  125. Anonymous8:42 PM

    8:23 PM I didn't say that and don't care who did. The point is that these agendas are very bad and those who don't think so are drinking the koolaid.

    You ole toxic gnostic heretic. No wonder you missed the point entirely.
    You crept onto this blog and should creep back out of it.

  126. Anonymous8:51 PM

    You can't spin your way out of your new age reek, Christine Erikson. Don't care how much you throw Jesus' name at it. You should go carefully read what was posted at 7:58 PM. Specifically the first 7 verses that sum you up very well.
    You say you use their weapons to turn them back upon them, ha! How can a house divided itself stand as Jesus said? You aren't fighting them at all. You are one of them.

  127. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Do not forget that you, in a very special way, can and must say that you not only belong to Christ but that "you have become Christ"!

  128. Anonymous8:59 PM

    So , Jesuitina, you (I dare say knowingly) falsely accused Ray B, he pulled you up on it knowing you were lying , and so to try and cover your tracks you posted anonymous posts not from him (although it is easy to understand the anonymous posters ' loss of patience with you)!

    Once again you have been caught out lying and falsely accusing. Ray B caught you out on this, just as he, Dan and others caught you out when you posted that ad!

    Well the passage, 2 Timothy 3 : 1-17 describes you and your seared conscience!

  129. Anonymous9:15 PM

    It pleased God, in his goodness and wisdom, to reveal himself [not only something of himself but himself] and to make known the mystery of his will. His will was that men should have access to the Father, through Christ, the Word made flesh, in the Holy Spirit, and thus become sharers in the divine nature.' God does not only say something, but communicates himself, draws us into his divine nature so that we may be integrated into it or divintized.

  130. Anonymous9:16 PM

  131. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Growth by individuals in the life of faith and spiritual renewal within the Catholic Church will lead to the fullness of the life of grace and theosis (divinization). In this way, the Church's witness will become all the more convincing.

  132. Anonymous9:33 PM

  133. Anonymous9:57 PM

    An essential aspect of your apostolic charge is to strengthen your brother priests in faith and to confirm them in their identity as 'other Christs'

  134. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Word of Faith = Catholicism

  135. Anonymous10:45 PM

    "it was people like I am talking about that did it. the whole political spectrum and moral spectrum and religious spectrum "

    So you are one of those very few and elite minds responsible for all this information being made available?
    No thanks to Constance, or anyone else for that matter, huh?
    That's funny, since I was made aware of these many angles to these issues a while before I got to this blog or ever saw a post from you, the lone info wolf in charge of dispensing all truth.

    Your pride knows no bounds, and I notice your information is extremely redundant, copious and muddled.
    I also notice it doesn't have to be true for you to post it.

  136. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Dear Constance

    Please would you do us regulars the favor of explaining briefly why you won't bar Christine from your blog?

  137. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Dear Constance,

    please forgive my getting dragged into arguing with these people. I will be quiet
    for a while to make up for it.

    as you can see, it is possible to post with a fake name and said fake could be banned if it acts up but bar anonymice. These people twist everything said to them, and spew venom and misinterpretation of RC doctrine and waste more space than I do. What good are they? the few worthwhile anonymous posts can be make using open id or
    name/url (and can use a fake URL or none it being optional to put the URL in), but it forces some accountability and probably the worst offending fake Name/URL could be banned under that ID.
    Choose an identity

    Christine Erikson (aka Justina) (Google Account) – Sign Out

    OpenID OpenID LiveJournal WordPress TypePad AOL

    URL in the space for this it says (optional)


    tell them they can spew their venom at the comments at my new blog where I have not banned anonymice.

  138. Susanna7:17 AM

    8:32 P.M.


  139. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Anon 8:32 says..

    "He pours divinity into the sick heart of humanity, and imbuing it with the Father's Spirit enables it to become God through grace"

    Thats totally New Age to say humanity becomes God.
    And Susanna at 7:17 says amen to Anons 8:32 comment above

    This blog is seems loaded with New Age Nostic heresies from two woman in particular whom I suspect have been badly influenced by their reading of to many occultic, pagan new age mystic teachings.

    This isnt a Christain blog any more its been high jacked with the doctrines of demons.

  140. Anonymous8:46 AM

    What Is Witchcraft?

    1 Samuel 15:23 (NAS) "For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry..."

    Witchcraft: Wanting to be a spiritual "mover and shaker" without submitting to God. Witchcraft is rebellion coupled with a desire to "stay in the game", to be a spiritual player.

    John 8:44-45 (NIV) "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire... When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me!"

    All supernatural power comes, ultimately, from either God or Satan. God gives power to those who believe the truth. To approach God, truth is the cost of entry.
    But it is the opposite with Satan, whose nature is deception. Satan gives power to those who believe a lie. Believing the lie is the cost of entry to access Satan's power. Witchcraft bolsters up the lie with: mystery, pseudo-science, ancient knowledge, new knowledge, etc.... The more absurd the lie, the better. The lie acts as a distracter.

    James 3:15 (NIV) Such "wisdom" does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil.

    Witchcraft starts with a heart of rebellion and works by focusing on a distracter, a lie, which is some technique purported to release power. It is important to have "faith", to trust in the technique and not God. Believing in lies is an "acceptable sacrifice" to Satan, the father of lies, who honors his children with real power. The irony is, that due to the inherent deceptive basis of witchcraft, the practitioners of it often think they are serving God, while accessing a power from below (earth)--not from above.

    The desire to be a spiritual free agent without submission to God or regard for His word in essence is rebellion.

    1 Samuel 15:23 (NIV) "For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has rejected you..."

    Psalms 107:11 (NIV) For they had rebelled against the words of God and despised the counsel of the Most High.

    Nehemiah 9:26 (NIV) "But they were disobedient and rebelled against you; they put your law behind their backs. They killed your prophets, who had admonished them in order to turn them back to you; they committed awful blasphemies."

  141. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I wrote the following about you Cretine, not Ray B, and I stand by it!: "Christians here and elsewhere have not only a right but a stark duty to challenge, expose, rebuke and correct the sort of ungodly nonsense you and others like you promote. One post from one person may expose you on one point and another on another. Or, one may confirm what another has said in exposing your gnostic heresies and promotion of sin, as well as defending themselves or others against your baseless attacks and false accusations on folk here, for which you are renowned."

    I am also the person who declared, "you have got to be joking!, for you are drenched in pagan nonsense (not least , your EO Pharisaic cult) and are as New Age as they come!

    So yes , Cretine, you do owe Ray B a full apology for accusing him on this, just as you do for accusing him of lying for having seen your ad! It was stomach churningly occult, as you lauded the 'talents' of your res seer. I saw it too and had to rub my eyes in disbelief at what I was seeing. I only had to rub them a moment or two and by then your ad had disappeared again, you had obviously realised your mistake in posting it here and so hurriedly removed it.

  142. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Gosh typed " Christian Witchcraft" into google and theres heaps of references to it and people involved.... just awful stuff.

  143. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Hi Anon 8:47

    Look at Anon 8:46 it seems to explain the probable source of what we seeing manifested in the blog.

  144. 2 Peter 1:3 becoming god by GRACE not by nature or essence

    "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust." partakers, koinoinos sharers Strong's Concordance

    koinónos: a sharer
    Original Word: κοινωνός, οῦ, ὁ, ἡ
    Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
    Transliteration: koinónos
    Phonetic Spelling: (koy-no-nos')
    Short Definition: a sharer, partner
    Definition: a sharer, partner, companion.

    my post saying I would be quiet to make up for all the posting didn't show so here's another post.

    "becoming god" in theosis is what protestants call regeneration and/or sanctification (something I see very little evidence of in the anons and Rayb etc)
    it is becoming again the image and likeness of God without warps introduced by sin, we are still in the image and likeness of God but the image is warped.

    it is not about becoming God by NATURE or essence, but by GRACE and the Mormon version is totally different however they may want to disguise it, or, having moved in a more biblical direction want to kid themselves that their idol joseph smith meant the same thing as orthodox theosis. he didn't.

    it is an unfortunate turn of phrase.

  145. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Absolutely, 9:04 AM, it describes Ms Erikson and Susanna to a T, as well as several RC cult anons, who are attacking Born Again Christians in here!

  146. Anonymous9:28 AM


    Dont quite understand your comment at 9:13am.
    Are you trying to clarify a comment you wrote at 8:32pm?

  147. anon 8:47

    " am also the person who declared, "you have got to be joking!"

    which was in response to my saying none of you called out the pagan posters, only me. Why then did you not do your "stark duty to challenge, expose, rebuke and correct the sort of ungodly nonsense " that Dahlheimer twice and one other posted"

    "So yes , Cretine, you do owe Ray B a full apology for accusing him on this,"

    I already told him that it was labeled anonymous not Rayb and that I had made an
    error and that IF it wasn't him posting anonymously (exactly the same kind of tone
    and content) then I apologize for the error.

    if you bothered to read instead of go into a blind rage when you see my name you
    would know that. As for Rayb, whether that is you or another he and the rest of you
    have NO credibility with me. I never posted that ad, and all who said they saw it
    lied (or "disingenuous" a politer way of saying "damn liar." it means exactly the
    same thing only more civilized sounding.)

    so, go find those posts on those comments links I posted, and answer Dahlheimer here now. admit your failure to do your duty and address them.

  148. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Christine you quoted below...

    "2 Peter 1:3 becoming god by GRACE not by nature or essence".

    What perversion of a bible is that from as it bears no resemblance to 2Peter 1:3 in any bible I know.

  149. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Anon 9:21

    I doubt that Christine could rally much support from the average RC on the things she advocates.

  150. anon 9:42

    are you referring to this from the King James Version as a perversion of the Bible?
    "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust."

    that is 2 Peter 1:3 which is what theosis or divinization is about.

    "ye might be PARTAKERS of the divine nature," koinonos, a sharer, partner, companion.

  151. Anonymous9:59 AM

    The End Times Forecaster

    Monday, April 18, 2016 post:

    Prophecy Red Alert! Obama to Pass U.N. Resolution Dividing Israel on April 22nd!?

    There is a reason why all these earthquakes, and volcano eruptions! Lawlessness, and deceit is increasing daily. Wait till the USA completely sides with the U.N to divide Israel. It's all over at that point! Bye Bye Miss American Pie!!!!

    April 18, 2016 post

  152. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Christine you actually wrote...
    "2 Peter 1:3 becoming god by GRACE not by nature or essence" which is not the scripture at all but if I now understand correctly from your latest comnent is to be taken as your summarisation or impression of the actual meaning of 2Peter 1:3 rather than the actual verse itself.

  153. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Obama Succumbs To Saudi Pressure, Will Veto Sept 11 Lawsuit Bill


  154. anon 10:14

    yes, it would be nice if you would read entire posts before making a decision about

    it is sharing or partaking in the divine nature not ACQUIRING the divine nature or
    essence. the New Age etc. error is that we have or acquire divine essence. the nature or essence of the Creator is always distinct from that of the creature.
    similarity is not identity. the essence of Gnosticism is to equate the soul/spirit with divine essence as a spark of it trapped in the material body, and gnostic "salvation" is not salvation from wrong prioritizing adding up to idolatrizing of the material, but salvation from the materal. Opposing this is
    the physical resurrection of Christ, when Paul speaks of a "spiritual" body being what is raised, he is talking like an Indian saying a horse is a "medicine dog." a much superior even supernatural version of the physical body but still PHYSICAL.

  155. Anonymous11:06 AM

    From Got Questions website:

    Question: "Are Christians 'little gods'?"

    Answer: What has been popularly termed the “little god controversy” originated with Word of Faith pastors and teachers. The basic idea behind the controversy is that humans are actually divine, created “in the image of God” (Genesis 1:27) not only in having a soul, having dominion over the earth, or living in relationship with others, but by being of the same “spiritual class” as God Himself. Evangelicals decry this concept as misguided at best, and heretical and cultic at worst.

    The main tenet of Word of Faith is that, when we ask something of God in faith, He is compelled to fill the request. As “little gods,” our words have much power. This error is taught by some television evangelists, and its roots in Pentecostalism have made it more common in Charismatic churches. The Word of Faith movement has a number of popular monikers including “name-it-claim-it,” “prosperity theology,” and “health and wealth gospel.”

    The basis for the “little gods” claim is found in two Scripture passages. Psalm 82:6 reads, “I said, ‘You are “gods”; you are all sons of the Most High.’” Jesus quotes this psalm in John 10:34, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I have said you are gods’?” However, both of these passages include explanations in the immediate context that clearly do not indicate human divinity. Psalm 82:6 is followed by a warning that “you will all die like mere men, you will fall like every other ruler” (verse 7). The reference is to mortal men who represent God’s authority in the world—kings, judges, and magistrates. (Please see our article on Psalm 82:6.)

    Psalm 82 is a warning to unjust leaders who consider themselves “gods” (Psalm 82:1) yet who “know nothing,” who “walk about in darkness” (Psalm 82:5). Jesus used this passage in response to those who accused Him of blasphemy. Essentially, Jesus asked why, when human rulers were called gods, “the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world” (John 10:36) was blaspheming by claiming to be God’s Son.

    Claiming divinity for Christians is insupportable, especially taking the rest of the Bible into account. God is God alone (Isaiah 37:16). We have never been God, we are not God now, and we never will be God. Jesus was fully God and fully man (a combination called the hypostatic union). If the “little gods” hypothesis is accepted, it imputes to Jesus a lesser divinity of some kind; He became a “little god” like us. John said that “the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” (John 1:14), but this does not indicate “a lesser divinity.” Jesus took on human flesh and blood in order to die for our sins (Hebrews 2:14), yet He retained His full position in the Godhead. God created us with a spirit, but that spirit does not hold divine qualities.

  156. Anonymous11:08 AM

  157. Anonymous11:08 AM

    US, Germany: Golan Heights not part of Israel

  158. Anonymous11:10 AM

    From Got Questions website:

    partakers divine nature Question: "In what ways are believers partakers of the divine nature?"

    Answer: Second Peter 1:3–4 says, “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire” (ESV). The verse plainly says that believers are made “partakers of the divine nature” through God’s promises, but what does that mean, exactly? To what extent can we partake of God’s nature?

    The key to understanding this concept is to recognize what the Bible means when it refers to our “nature.” Every human being is born with a sin nature, a natural bent toward pleasing self (Romans 5:12; 7:14). Our natural selves cannot please God (Romans 8:8). No matter how hard we may try to do good, our motivations and underlying desires are to please and promote self. That sin nature keeps us from fellowship with God, keeps us in bondage to sin, and leads eventually to spiritual death (Romans 6:16, 23; 7:14; 2 Peter 2:19). We cannot free ourselves from sin because we cannot change our own natures, just as a tiger cannot change its own stripes.

    That’s why we need a Savior. Jesus said there is only one way we can get a new, divine nature. He said, “You must be born again” (John 3:3). Only a complete new birth can bring about the radical change of nature required to fellowship with a holy God. Mental agreement with God’s Word is not enough to change our sin nature. We must be “saved” from that nature (Ephesians 2:8–9; Titus 3:5). Salvation implies that we were helpless and we have been rescued from the evil bent of our human nature.

    When we come to Christ in faith, accepting His death and resurrection as our substitute, we declare Him to be the Lord of our lives (Romans 10:8–9). At that moment, the Holy Spirit “births” us into the family of God. Our old nature is defeated, and we receive a new, divine nature that desires the things of God (2 Corinthians 5:17). When Christ died for us, He became our sin, so that when we come to Him in faith, we gain His righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21). It is a divine exchange: our sin for His perfection. To be born again means that we are recreated as new people with a new nature.

    Believers have a divine nature and no longer have to be enslaved to the passions and sins of the flesh (Romans 6:6, 14). First John 3:9 says, “No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God.” When we share in His divine nature, we begin to desire the things God desires. We love what He loves and hate what He hates (Galatians 5:22; 1 John 4:4). We have the power to conquer every temptation that comes against us (1 Corinthians 10:13). God declares that we are “more than conquerors” because of the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells within our hearts (Romans 8:37). Sin no longer controls the one who has become a partaker of the divine nature. By giving us His nature, God makes us His sons and daughters and conforms us to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29; 2 Corinthians 6:18).

  159. Anonymous11:12 AM

  160. Anonymous11:24 AM

    So it is clear to see both Susanna and Christine, along with the RC Pope and EO Patriarch, interpret 'partakers of the divine nature' in a Gnostic, Cultic and Theosophic way!

    Only God is God! Mere humans can NEVER be God and to twist Holy Scripture to suggest so is straight from the Devil himself (Garden of Eden)!

    This is because both Susanna and Christine are enslaved by their cults and obviously do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They are NOT partakers in the divine nature, they are NOT born again, they are NOT regenerated. If they had been then they would have NEVER interpreted nor agreed with such a gnostic interpretion of such an issue in the gnostic way they just have!

    You must come out of your cults both of you, or be partakers in her plagues! You must be born again!

  161. Anonymous11:56 AM

    "it is sharing or partaking in the divine nature not ACQUIRING the divine nature or

    We will never be equal to God, but believers will share the same space, we will live in His House, Heaven.
    The devil's lie was to tell Eve that she could somehow come up to par as a god in the knowledge gained by eating the forbidden fruit.
    That was the "hat tip" to pride to go for it, and man with a free will has been attempting that ever since.
    Only God can hit the reset (make us born again spiritually-not by works lest any man should boast) to give man the true knowledge - to know the true order of the universe - we will only and always, be the created by the Creator, with only room for One at the top.
    People are people - but God is God.
    All else is delusion and explains why the world is the chaotic delusional mess it is as humanity - as individual hearts and minds - play this out with eternity hanging in the balance.

  162. RayB:

    Here, in the quote below that you made, is the crux of the issue we seem to have:

    "How can you possibly think that “uniting” with those that PROMOTE these ungodly agendas is somehow delaying the “speed” of “their program?” Rome is very much behind these evil agendas, whether you want to believe that or not. It is all part of Rome’s push for a One World Government, which they plan on playing a major role in. Wake up Marko, "Christian" unity that is based on falsehood is doomed to failure, because God never honors a “unity” that does not honor Him."

    You simply fail to accept that there might be those who are Catholics who oppose what Pope Francis and other leaders are pushing, and who therefore are FELLOW BROTHERS AND SISTERS in the same fight, and on the same side, spiritually speaking. You don't agree with everything that all the popular evangelical leaders say, do you? Yet, you have not "renounced" your Protestant faith, or "come out of" that ... amalgam of confusion. (That's what you'd have to admit it is, if you were completely honest, and is what the Catholics here have an issue with.)

    I completely agree that Pope Francis is, by his very words and actions, a part of the push for Agenda 21 and lots of other nasty things. Maybe he has only been duped, and does not see any contradiction between what he says and the Gospel, but I think deep down he knows he is preaching a different gospel. (If there is any evidence to the contrary, I've yet to see it.) So you and I are on the same page in that regard. BUT, There are also Catholics who see through what is happening, and are joining the fight against it. The following link is only one of MANY that would demonstrate this:

    So as I see it, they are on the same side as you and I. (I should remind you here that I am not Catholic.) As within EVERY church denomination or grouping of people who call themselves Christians, there are some who are truly of the Body of Christ, and some who aren't. The wheat and the tares, growing side by side until the harvest. That means there is wheat in the Catholic Church, and in the Orthodox church, and in Protestant churches and even in places where there are no organized churches as we think of them - jail cells, gulags, remote villages with no church buildings to speak of - wherever the name of Christ and His Gospel is proclaimed and/or believed.

    You just can't seem to grasp that it's possible that our unity in the faith, when the OBJECT of that faith is Jesus Christ, and Him alone, can occur regardless of the "church structure" we find ourselves in.

    IF YOU PROCLAIM JESUS AS YOUR SAVIOR, AND LOOK TO HIM FOR YOUR SALVATION, AND BELIEVE THAT HE DIED ON A CROSS AND WAS RESURRECTED, YOU ARE PART OF THE BODY OF CHRIST. It's really that simple, isn't it? If you add other things to your faith practice, as long as it does not negate that first principle, what's the big deal? Can one part of the body say to another part, "I have no need of you" or "You are not a part of the body"?

    It is unity in Christ that I speak of, a unity which is spoken of throughout the New Testament. You and I disagree on who can be a part of that unity. It's that simple. I doubt you'll convince me to narrow my scope, and I also doubt I'll convince you to expand yours. I guess we'll just have to wait and see on that Great Day just who God accepts, and who He doesn't.

    I agree that unity that does not honor God is not that unity. But really, Ray, does every Catholic you know or are aware of dishonor God with their life and beliefs? If so, you need to get to know more of them. You really do. Some of them put us Protestants to shame.

  163. The "little god" heresy is nothing new, in fact, it is one of the oldest heresies there is. It originated in the Garden and was the second lie told by the father of all lies, Satan himself in Genesis 3:4,5: "And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day that ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and YE SHALL BE AS GODS, knowing good and evil." (emphasis mine)

    Becoming a "little god" is appealing to the fallen person that wants to maintain the mastery of their life, without submission to the Lord of Lords and His all authoritative Word. This is precisely what is appealing to the self-centered, hedonistic "name it a claim it," "word of faith" charismatics of the Kenneth Copeland ilk (the same Kenneth Copeland that led a gathering of his fellow heretic “pastors” in basically pledging allegiance to their "pope" Francis). The list of God’s enemies is too long to list here … but here’s just a few: Benny Hinn, Joyce Meyer, Joel Olsteen, John Hagee, J.D. Jakes, Kenneth Hagin, Paul & Jan Crouch, etc., etc. Practically anything and everything that you will find on “TV” under the guise of Christianity is a false “ministry.” The purpose is to “make merchandise” of you and “sell” you a “religion” that makes you feel comfortable while you remain in your sinful, self-willed rebellion against God’s authority.

    The “ye shall be as gods” lie is also one of the most “appealing” heresies (among many) in the cult of Mormonism. I’ve studied Mormonism, it is one of the most horrible deceptions ever invented by Satan (with the aid of his servant Joseph Smith) … and it is also one of the fastest growing “religions” in the USA. The “word of faith” movement, along with all false religions have one thing in common: rebellion against the authority of God’s Word. They may look different to the naked eye, but they all have the same basic rebellion against the true Christ of God’s Word.

  164. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...
    it is an unfortunate turn of phrase.

    Not! Hardly is it an unfortunate turn o phrase!
    Catholic 'god' Doctrine is NOT an unfortunate turn of phrase, it is heresy!

  165. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Anonymous 8:26 A.M.

    Hey, nice try. But just because you can't make your case for Sola Scriptura, private interpretation and which books belong in the Bible, don't think for one minute that you are going to be allowed to get away with bearing false witness and tossing out other pathetic little red herrings in order to change the subject.

    The quote you MISREPRESENTED was from the late Pope John Paul II who used the word "God" the way Christ used it in the Bible in John 10:34-36.

    "The door of hope is therefore always open to every sinner. "Man is not left alone to attempt, in a thousand often frustrated ways, an impossible ascent to heaven. There is a tabernacle of glory, which is the most holy person of Jesus the Lord, where the divine and the human meet in an embrace that can never be separated. The Word became flesh, like us in everything except sin. He pours divinity into the sick heart of humanity, and imbuing it with the Father's Spirit enables it to become God through grace" (Orientale lumen, n. 15).


    As a matter of fact, in 1981, the Holy See under Pope SAINT John Paul II once again RATIFIED the 1962 monitum against Pierre Teilhard de Chardin whose evolutionary pantheism implied that man was becoming equal to God.

    Communiqué of the Press Office of the Holy See (appearing in the English edition of L'Osservatore Romano, July 20, 1981)

    "The letter sent by the Cardinal Secretary of State to His Excellency Mons. Poupard on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Fr. Teilhard de Chardin has been interpreted in a certain section of the press as a revision of previous stands taken by the Holy See in regard to this author, and in particular of the Monitum of the Holy Office of 30 June 1962, which pointed out that the work of the author contained ambiguities and grave doctrinal errors.

    "The question has been asked whether such an interpretation is well founded.

    "After having consulted the Cardinal Secretary of State and the Cardinal Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which, by order of the Holy Father, had been duly consulted beforehand, about the letter in question, we are in a position to reply in the negative. Far from being a revision of the previous stands of the Holy See, Cardinal Casaroli's letter expresses reservation in various passages—and these reservations have been passed over in silence by certain newspapers—reservations which refer precisely to the judgement given in the Monitum of June 1962, even though this document is not explicitly mentioned."


    By the way, in addition to studying your Bible, you might also want to go and learn how to spell - or use your spellcheck. The term is "Gnostic" not "Nostic." Private interpretation tends towards Gnosticism to the degree that it is subjective.

  166. Marko

    I agree with you to a point. But, I see where Ray B is coming from.

    As a former Catholic for over half my life, everyone else in my family are Catholic. They are my brothers, my sister, Aunts, Uncles (I am from s full blooded Italian family which explains why EVERYONE else in my family are Catholic).

    Many of my relatives, in my opinion, live more pious lives than I do by a long shot. So, I know that there are many Catholics out there who are good, honest people. have to draw a line somewhere. Just because people seem good and honest, it doesn't mean we should have to walk on eggshells when talking about doctrines of the church. We shouldn't be purposely argumentative but we should speak the truth when necessary.

    I know for a fact that the RCC is steeped in so many traditions of men- I grew up Catholic, attended mass weekly as an altar boy for seven years, etc. some here would usually say that I must have been a BAD Catholic for leaving the church. Actually, I was a staunch supporter of the faith through my early thirties (I'm 48 so as you can see I've been Catholic for over half my).

    I am SO TIRED of people saying Pope Francis might be being duped.

    It's actually funny because this guy is surrounded by a staff that would rival any head of state on the planet- and he is a Jesuit- he is very educated man so- I seriously doubt anyone in is duping him. I think he knows exactly what he's doing.

  167. Anonymous2:30 PM

    8:26 AM's case is clear and aptly describes the apostasy and heresy of the RC Cult and Susanna's false beliefs thereof.

    Don't like it 2:01 PM? Tough!

    Btw, I believe Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit inspired Apostles of the Holy Bible rather than RC manmade traditions which all too often contradict the Holy Scriptures both in spirit and letter!

    JPII was a Koran kissing heretic and an antichrist!

  168. Marko3:30 PM

    BVS.... Thanks for your reply.

    What I have an issue with is when some here go over the top and proclaim with certainty things that they certainly don't know, as did 11:24 AM (my emphasis):

    "This is because both Susanna and Christine are enslaved by their cults and obviously do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They are NOT partakers in the divine nature, they are NOT born again, they are NOT regenerated. If they had been then they would have NEVER interpreted nor agreed with such a gnostic interpretion of such an issue in the gnostic way they just have!"

    As I've stated before, in the way we judge others - harshly or with grace - we ourselves will be judged by the very One who created us.

  169. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Listen Marko, IF Christine and Susanna were born again in the spirit they would not believe man could become God, period. There is nothing over the top about that at all!

    There are many Roman Catholics who don't know the Theosophy and Gnosticism of their popes and RC teachings. Susanna does and has just amen-ed it, and EO cult follower Christine has openly declared it. Noone who has a personal relationship would ever say such a thing, so, I do know!

    I was a Roman Catholic. ... were you? Are you born again, Marko? If so, why can't you understand my point?

    You do no favours to Roman Catholics caught up in the RC cult, Marko. They may pat you on the back for your ecumenicist and laisser faire approach, but your lukewarm wishy-washy niceness is not helping and is unbiblical!

    You cannot eat at the table of God, and eat at the table of demons. Choose this day whom you will serve!

  170. "Listen Marko, IF Christine and Susanna were born again in the spirit they would not believe man could become God, period. "

    we do not believe man can become God. or become Gods big G as in same nature and
    of the divine essence. the idea is becoming permeated with the divine nature and
    restoring the warped image and likeness of God.

    Like a rag soaked in water is different than a dry rag but is still cloth not water.

  171. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Christine, you stated (9:13 AM), "2 Peter 1:3 becoming god by GRACE not by nature or essence", and Susanna (7:17 AM) amen-ed the statement (8:32 PM), which suggested the sick human heart through grace is enabled, "to become God" (big G)!

    Now, no man can ever become God or a little god, Christine. I suggest you read the two 'got questions' articles above.

    Moreover, you are living out of wedlock with someone you have only (so you tell us) stopped fornicating with because of his heart condition. You see such as acceptable and are not convicted by the Holy Spirit to say otherwise. That is one reason of many why I know you are not born again, for by our fruits we are known!

  172. do you understand the difference between nature/essence sameness and by grace?
    its like being a family member by blood and by adoption. its just another way
    of saying the same thing protestants etc. do when they say "the adoption" and

  173. that got questions article really phrases it badly in saying believers have a divine nature. no creature can have the divine NATURE but a kind of second nature
    similarity and divine presence reforming our inclinations and giving more ability
    to resist sin if we are willing to use it.

  174. Marko5:48 PM

    As to the quote in question:

    "He pours divinity into the sick heart of humanity, and imbuing it with the Father's Spirit enables it to become God through grace"

    If this is in reference to Christ, born a human but without the sin nature, becoming God through the Spirit, then I agree. He was the ONLY man to become God, and the only one who ever will.

    If this is referring to any part of humanity becoming God, in the same way that Christ did, being by nature ONE with God, then no, I don't agree. That nature and office is reserved for Christ alone. We are not all "little gods" in the sense that we can be EQUAL with God - co-creators with Him to create our own New World. But is saying we can be "like" God the same as saying we can be EQUAL with God? We are to exhibit God-like qualities in all our waking moments - love, mercy, patience...the fruits of the Spirit. That comes by God indwelling us through His Spirit, yes? Indwelling is just another word for "imbuing". So perhaps that is what was meant in the quote above. If so, then I DO agree with it. God empowers His servants by imbuing (indwelling) them with His Spirit.

    Perhaps I am just repeating in a different way what was already stated by 11:10 and 11:56 AM above.

  175. "If this is in reference to Christ, born a human but without the sin nature, becoming God through the Spirit, then I agree. He was the ONLY man to become God, and the only one who ever will."

    Marko, your understanding of Jesus Christ is even worse than that of Dan Bryan, who
    at least recognizes He was ALWAYS God just thinks that The Father produced Him at some point and they are not coetenal.

    Jesus Christ DID NOT BECOME GOD.

    God (the Second Person of The Holy Trinity, God the Son or God the Word, the Logos)
    became man. without change or diminution of His divinity, without mixture altering
    the human and/or divine natures, the two natures were joined without confusion
    between the natures.

    Jesus Christ is 100% divine and 100% human. don't ask me to explain this it is
    one of those things called a mystery or musterion.

  176. Anonymous6:46 PM

    As close as we will ever come to "godness" is when believers are reborn in the spiritual realm by the Holy Spirit to become His dwelling place in the here and now, and also beautifully and eternally "come home" once again to be where He is in future.

    God is King ruling from His throne in heaven already, whether people believe Him or not, but the throne He has sought to win and reign from is willfully submitted hearts of human beings made in His image. His law shows us how rebellious and separated we are, His grace and mercy shows us His intention to have us back. By faith in the Lord Jesus Christ we enter that relationship and covenant again. No "have-to" works to earn it, it is a love and worship "want-to" from a freewill choice.
    His Home in heaven, His table, and His throne, He tells us He intends to share with us, as in Revelation 4:20-21.
    Do I profess to understand this? No. It is too high and too holy, and the thought of being in His presence forever is too much to take in, yet I know He is the real Home, this pilgrim and sojouner is longing for.
    I love His sharing plan and I'm real sure, not once, will I confuse Who is God and who is not when I get there. Jesus Christ never became God, He is God. And I'll never get to suppose myself anything but a sinner saved by grace in the light of His glory.
    i sure hope people will cut through all the hype of the world, the flesh, and the devil that confuses the issue for people now living in this bodily life, because there is a deep compelling from His eternal Spirit to draw us in repentance and faith to Him.

  177. Anonymous Anonymous said...1:55 PM

    Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...
    it is an unfortunate turn of phrase.

    This is just great! Anon/Anon 155! You take a blasphemous website to prove Catholics believe something? A website that promotes Pagan Roman God/Man theology! You are promoting Baal. It is almost as bad as Christine trying to explain it to us!

    Much like her attacking Marko for his 'inference' in his discussion as opposed to what comparison he was really trying to draw.

  178. Anonymous6:57 PM

    He is God, who took on flesh as a man, born of a virgin, led a sinless life, was unjustly put to death, and rose from the grave, on the third day. Much more could be said!

    What you wrote @ 5:48 P.M. sounds weird Marko

  179. "Much like her attacking Marko for his 'inference' in his discussion as opposed to what comparison he was really trying to draw. "

    what comparison could he be trying to draw that you consider valid?

    there as no "inference," his words were " Christ, born a human but without the sin nature, becoming God through the Spirit, then I agree. He was the ONLY man to become God, "

    Christ was, in his words "born a human but without the sin nature," and THEN
    "becoming God through the Spirit."

    is THIS what you consider legitimate Christian view of Christ?

    this is why Mary is called Mother of God.

    What came out of her womb was ALREADY GOD as well as man.

    Jesus did not become God, Jesus was ALREADY GOD, Jesus (before he had that name)
    WAS ALWAYS GOD, divine by nature not just by grace.

    no man ever became God-by-nature, and Jesus was NEVER ONLY HUMAN.

    JESUS IS GOD BECOME A MAN without losing any of His divinity.

    Three PErsons were present at Jesus' Baptism, The Father, Jesus The Son (Who was
    God the Son before He became ALSO man) and The Holy Spirit. Together they are
    one God.

  180. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Anonymous 2:30 P.M.

    YOU'RE the one who obviously "doesn't like it" since you are the one doing most of the bloviating........and all because you can't make your case for Sola Scriptura, private interpretation, which books belong in the Bible, etc. and you are not being allowed to get away with shifting attention away from that fact.

    Don't like it when your falsehoods are challenged 2:30 P.M.? Tough!


    Anonymous 4:44 P.M.

    As an ex Roman Catholic, you would - and SHOULD - have known that the Roman Catholic Church has NEVER taught that the incarnation involved "man becoming God." The Catholic Church has always taught that GOD BECAME MAN. (And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth John 1:14 .) IT IS IN THE NICENE CREED which you do not seem to be familiar with despite your claim of having been an altar boy (?????) who would have been REQUIRED to recite the Nicene Creed every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation at Mass!!!

    The idea that the Incarnation means "man became God" smacks of the heresy of Arianism which was formally CONDEMNED at the Council of Nicaea.....but then church history has never been the forte of certain kinds of revisionist Protestants - which is why they so often get hoisted on their own petard by shooting their mouths off without providing credible evidence for their claims.

    Man being referred to as "gods" refers to the fact that while we, unlike God, had a beginning, we are destined to have eternal life by way of participating AS CREATURES in the eternal life of God.....the key word being "as creatures" which precludes any idea of being "equal" to God. God creates nothing equal to or greater than His Word.


    Anonymous 4:44P.M.

    Re:"Listen Marko, IF Christine and Susanna were born again in the spirit they would not believe man could become God, period. There is nothing over the top about that at all! "

    You don't think breaking one of the Ten Commandments by bearing false witness against your neighbor is over the top?

    You don't know what is in Susanna's, Christine's or anyone else's heart. To say that you do not only shows you to be steeped in falsehood, but also hints that YOU might be the one who does not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ who sternly warned "Judge not, that ye be not judged."

    1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

    2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

    3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Matt. 7:1-3


    anonymous 8:46, 8:47, 8:53

    People like you embody the view that anti-Catholicism Has Always Been the pornography of Protestant zealots and sanctimonious secularists. If you were paying attention to your own prayers and your own relationship with Jesus you might not have the time or inclination to be looking around for more "exciting" things like snooping into what you imagine to be other people's "sins" while pretending it is your "duty" to expose "sinners."

    When all is said and done, it is not only a spiritual truth, but also a psychological truth that if anyone wants to find out what another person is really like, all he/she has to do is to listen and pay attention to what he/she accuses other people of doing.

    Marko had it absolutely right when he said:

    "As I've stated before, in the way we judge others - harshly or with grace - we ourselves will be judged by the very One who created us."

  181. Marko,

    as I recall you talk about economic systems as another Gospel.
    NO economic system communist, capitalist, mixed, whatever, is the Gospel.
    NO political system is the Gospel.
    Agenda 21, keeping all its goals and practices, and dumping gaiaism,
    could be pursued by hard core Christians, because Christianity is a
    THEOLOGY not an economic or political system.

    IT would still be a very bad idea.

    But it is not another Gospel.

    It could be viewed as very evil in itself, and its Christian supporters
    as mistaken. But without gaia worship in tow, it is not another Gospel.
    atheism is almost a kind of religion, and atheistic communism is also.
    to an extent these could be called another Gospel, in that they worship
    man or history or something. But communist economics is not another

    The Gospel is the person and crucifixion and REsurrection of Jesus Christ
    and the invitation to become new in Him and obey Him and be in His Kingdom
    our souls saved now, and our bodies also saved later in the resurrection of
    the dead.

    it is not about economics or forms of government, though these can be
    criticized on the basis of do they support righteousness or not.

  182. Anonymous7:26 PM

    "just because you can't make your case for Sola Scriptura, private interpretation and which books belong in the Bible, don't think for one minute that you are going to be allowed to get away with bearing false witness..."

    This is not the Anon to whom you wrote that. But as long as these comments about Sola Scriptura and private interpretation keep appearing here, I shall respond.

    1. Please state a proposition regarding sola scriptura. Saying "Sola scriptura is wrong" is as meaningless as saying "green tomatoes are wrong". You haven't yet said anything; there is nothing to reply to.

    2. The only alternative to private interpretation of scripture (followed by open discussion) is the privileging of one interpretation to the same level of authority as scripture. Doing that elevates man's word to the same authority as God's and is blasphemous.

  183. anon 7:24,

    yes an altar boy would have recited the Nicene Creed, but you forget something.
    reciting something can be like an actor playing a role. you do all this because
    it is classy to be an altar boy. because you will miss out on your confirmation
    part if you don't get confirmed. because you say whatever it takes to get what
    you want.

    it is all just part of "being Catholic" which at the end of the day means nothing
    to them, it means being Irish, being Italian, being able to strut in the pride
    sin inducing and vaingloriousness of Knights of Columbus or any other quasi masonic seeming special orders of laity it is a cultural identity. NOTHING MORE.

    you rub shoulders with these baptized HEATHENS every time you go to Mass, you may even receive communion from such in the priesthood, thank God the Donatists were
    wrong or you'd have no Eucharistic real presence, BUT GOD BYPASSES THE UNWORTHY

  184. "2. The only alternative to private interpretation of scripture (followed by open discussion) is the privileging of one interpretation to the same level of authority as scripture. Doing that elevates man's word to the same authority as God's and is blasphemous."

    both prots and RC here are wrong.

    first, the context of private interpretation is not about interpreting Scripture its
    about how Scripture came to exist, prophecy does not come by private interpretation.

    so it is irrelevant to this argument.

    St. Cyril of Jerusalem in his catechetical lectures and he was a bishop told his catechumens to check all he taught them by the Scriptures and reject whatever was in conflict with the Scriptures. you can read his lectures online, from the 4th

    I saw someone going you read hat the pastor is quoting to make sure he gets it right isn't misquoting.


    there was no chapter and verse I REPEAT


    until a few hundred years after NT finished, several hundred maybe though fast
    search and locate organizing like that was experimented with before.

    that's all it is, a fast search and locate indexing system.


    always ask, to who was it written, what is the book or segment of book or letter
    addressing as a circumstance, is anything in it applicable to me? WHAT ELSE IN SCRIPTURE IS ABOUT THIS SAME GENERAL SUBJECT?

    and to do this you have to read the Bible like any other book.

    when you do this and don't spiritualize what is inconvenient to your interpretation,
    making it irrelevant, you end up with the theology of the Nicene Creed.

    you also end up with a position more like RC and EO than prot.

  185. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Marko said at 5:58 regarding Jesus..
    "He was the ONLY man to become God, and the only one who ever will."

    Marko do you want to retract that... is it a typo?.

    Do you believe in the doctrine of Trinity "God in three persons.... the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit " because if you do your statement sounds antitrinitarian.

    Jesus has never needed to "become God" ....he was never only man.
    I note you put capitals emphasis on the word only.

    Jesus is uniquely God's Son (part of the Trinity)—as opposed to believers who are God's sons and daughters by adoption (Ephesians 1:5). Jesus is God’s “one and only” Son.

    To her credit Christine at 5:56pm said something correct ...albiet its her and Susanna's off the wall comments re "becoming god by grace" (which someone has listed as comeing from a catholic origins) that started (yet again) all this nonsense in the first place.

    Talk about confusion.

  186. Anonymous8:17 PM

    1. Sola Scriptura was the rule of faith invented by Martin of the "Five Solas." It means that one must be able to prove all Christian doctrines from the Bible alone. According to this rule, that would include the doctrine "Sola Scriptura." Otherwise, the doctrine of "Sola Scriptura" contradicts itself.

    The factis that nowhere, does the Bible clearly and explicitly state that one must be able to prove all divinely revealed Christian doctrines from the Bible alone. The passage from the Bible most often used by non-Catholic christens to indicate otherwise is 2 Timothy 3:16-17 which merely says that the Bible is "profitable" (not "sufficient" as some say) and certainly does NOT say that one must be able to prove all divinely revealed Christian doctrines from the Bible alone.

    The Bible does however indicate that BOTH Scripture and Tradition are authoritative sources of divine revelation concerning Christian fact the very passages that precede 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

    “14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it
    15 and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings which are able to instruct you for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
    16 Every scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,
    17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”

    2 Timothy 3:14-17

    Paul tells Timothy to remain in what he has firmly believed and then cites two bases for that belief:

    1.He knows from whom he has learned it. This was the oral teachings of the apostle Paul himself, so right here we have Timothy’s beliefs being based on apostolic Tradition.

    2.From childhood Timothy has been acquainted with the holy Scriptures. So this is the second basis for Timothy’s beliefs.

    Thus, right here in 2 Timothy 3:14-17, we have a double appeal to both apostolic Tradition and apostolic Scripture. So when non-Catholic Christians come and quote verses 16 and 17, they are only quoting the back half of a double appeal to Tradition and Scripture, clearly something that does not prove sola scriptura.


    2. That is probably true. Which is why the Catholic Rule of faith Scripture (written) preceded historically by the oral Sacred Tradition and inseparable from it......the original objective body of public divine Revelation transmitted orally by Christ to Peter and the Apostles ( and ending with the death of the last Apostle) who preserved the body of divine revelation intact and handed it on to their successors in a concrete historical Apostolic succession. This does not elevate man's word to the same authority as God's since it is God's original revelation that is being preserved intact and handed on to begin with.


    In any case, I don't expect you to agree. I am merely explaining what Catholics believe and why they believe it - and why Catholics regard it as both obnoxious and hypocritical when anti-Catholics arrogantly demand that Catholics show where all of their beliefs are to be found in the Bible - when "Sola Scriptura" itself is not to be found there.

  187. Anonymous8:20 PM

    And Christine its one thing to spout off about the scriptures its a totally another thing to actually do what they say and live a life pleasing to God that can be seen by our fellow man.

    You seem to totally fail to comprehend your disgracefull witness on this blog

  188. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Anonymous 8:08

    Re:"To her credit Christine at 5:56pm said something correct ...albiet its her and Susanna's off the wall comments re "becoming god by grace" (which someone has listed as comeing from a catholic origins) that started (yet again) all this nonsense in the first place."

    Get it straight. What started this all this "nonsense" in the first place was when Anonymous 8:32 wrote:

    "There is a tabernacle of glory, which is the most holy person of Jesus the Lord, where the divine and the human meet in an embrace that can never be separated. The Word became flesh, like us in everything except sin. He pours divinity into the sick heart of humanity, and imbuing it with the Father's Spirit enables it to become God through grace. Amen Susanna?"

    All Susanna did was to reply "Amen."

    After which the Catholic bashers proceded to misrepresent the quote which was by Pope John Paul II and make all kinds of groundless/weird accusations against Susanna.

  189. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Re Anon 8:17

    And on that rock "anti sola scriptura" the heresies of the Catholic church were started and a whole host of cults since.

  190. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Re Anon 8:30pm comment

    "All Susanna did was to reply "Amen."

    See below quote from re the word amen (used catholic source because other sources arent enough.. includeing sola scripture)

    Bottom line: Amen is an interjection associated with the Hebrew words for truth and dependability, it conveys the idea of agreement or emphasis, and its meaning can be translated different ways depending on the context.

  191. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Anon 8:30

    Dont confuse Heresy bashing with Catholic Bashing.

    We will bash heresy anywhere its to be found... like almost anything it can be found more frequent in some places than others.

  192. Marko9:17 PM

    You all are correct of course, and I misspoke. Jesus didn't become God, he was always God and was born God in the flesh.

    What I meant to say is that humanity cannot become God, no human can, and that Jesus was the only man who was God. I shouldn't have used the verb "became" - that was wrong and I apologize for any confusion.

  193. Anonymous9:30 PM

    8:54 P.M.

    Re: "Dont confuse Heresy bashing with Catholic Bashing."

    We don't. What you are doing is Catholic-bashing. And the reason why you do it is to divert attention away from your heresies.


    Anonymous 8:31 P.M.

    Re:"And on that rock "anti sola scriptura" the heresies of the Catholic church were started and a whole host of cults since."

    And on that rock "sola scriptura" the heresies of Wycliffe and Luther were started and a whole host of cults 20,000+......."

    Twenty One Reasons to Reject Sola Scriptura
    By Joel Peters

  194. Anon. 6:46 PM.....

    Excellent post! I agree with every word of it.

  195. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Thanks, Marko @ 10:04 PM.

    I felt I knew what you were trying to say in your posts above because of consistent things you have stated previously of your belief in the Lord, but it is good that you addressed what needed to be better understood. We find it difficult sometimes to convey things clearly but we try, right?

  196. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Hi Marko,

    appreciate you acknowledged it was a mistake.
    In the rush to type it can easily happen... like my spelling errors due to years of useing spelk check but not having spell check on the tablet I use for the net.
    (Some delibrate errors are made in this comment fir dramatic effect)

    And yes some of us have a sense of humour but we wont bring up Father Ted.... that would be catholic bashing.

  197. maybe Marko meant Jesus is the only man who was/is also God not became God.

    anyway here's this about how the Da Vinci Code's thing about RC is really more
    accurate about Islam.

  198. Anonymous6:31 AM

    "And on that rock "sola scriptura" the heresies of Wycliffe and Luther were started and a whole host of cults 20,000+......."

    Not that discredited claim again! The source of this figure is presumably the World Christian Encyclopedia compiled by David Barrett in 1982. Its second edition (Oxford Univ Press, 2001) refers to 33000+ total Christian denominations, but it defines the word ‘denomination’ as an organised Christian group within a specific country. That is an eccentric use of the word, for denominations run across national borders. As there are several hundred countries (and as smaller denominations are not represented in all of them) we should divide the figure of 25,000 by about 100. This gives a few hundred genuine denominations, consistent with the list recorded in Wikipedia:

    So, Anon, if you are happy to have the Roman Catholic church regarded as 300 denominations (because it is represented in some 300 countries), by all means keep quoting this inaccurate figure. This refutation has been quoted here on several previous occasions, by the way.

  199. Anonymous6:37 AM

    "Sola Scriptura... means that one must be able to prove all Christian doctrines from the Bible alone. According to this rule, that would include the doctrine "Sola Scriptura." Otherwise, the doctrine of "Sola Scriptura" contradicts itself."

    Rephrase this as "one must be able to prove all Christian doctrine from the word of God alone" and it looks eminently sensible to me! Catholics and protestant agree on what constitutes the New Testament and that it is uniquely authoritative.

    AS for the quotes you give from St Paul about traditions, these are the traditions circulating about Christ at the time of writing that then became the gospels.

  200. relics, blessed objects, gradations of elders with Crete as precedent for an overseer over several cities, Eucharist as Christ's real Body and Blood, liturgical
    style of worship and special garments for clergy during services (since priesthood has not been eliminated but changed from Aaron to Melchizedec, the priesthood of all believers was ALSO in the OT and the laity are priests whose offering is praise and worship ditto in OT with its gradations of priesthood and the law superceded was personal observations circumcision, food, holy days of Moses, not liturgy or morals), Apostolic Succession and extra establishing blessing from such, incense and lamps of which candles are a variety,

    are all in the Bible!
