
Sunday, March 27, 2016



Among all the present chaos, all the sadness, all the violence, all the confusion we now face, we may still with confidence view our future -- the event that will be in all of our futures one day -- our eternal future -- whether with or without God.

This day, Easter Sunday commemorates in the Christian world the resurrection from the dead of Jesus Christ.  The scripture, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved," (Romans 10:9) should give us hope for the long run -- not our transitory lives, but the eternal future promised us.  The Resurrection of Jesus Christ was about hope.

Today, let us rest in that promise.  Happy Easter to all!



  1. Anonymous2:45 AM


    Happy Easter to you. We will be, as He was, resurrected to eternal life with God forever. The Bible says that the pain and trouble of this life will be remembered no more. The only true hope for our world.

    Dave in CA

  2. Ruth of Exeter5:54 AM

    Happy Easter, Constance. We need this Good News more than ever. Blessings and thanks for all you do from England.

  3. This was touched upon in the last post, without much discussion.
    It appears ISIS is doing the 'work of the Lord' more than his saints?
    Reading what occurred in these temples, one does wonder why it would be culturally significant to keep these places of abomination, as the blood screams from the ground.
    Of course, we have that same blood letting here in the USA through abortion and otherwise.

    Interestingly, right in your back yard, Constance, is a statue erected to honor Satan.

  4. Anonymous1:40 PM

    In that case, Dan, given the Apotheosis of George Washington fresco which covers the inside of the Capitol Building's rotunda, the Baphomet style statue of G. Washington in the same building, the fascist reliefs where the speaker of the House sits, etc... (In fact, all of the Babylonian symbolism which makes up the map lay out and various edifices, shouldn't all that be destroyed too by your logic?

  5. Anonymous1:44 PM

    By the way, the word 'apotheosis' comes from the Greek and means the same as 'deification ' or becoming God! Utter blasphemy!

  6. Anonymous2:17 PM

    My point being, Dan, that there have been no more sacrifices to Baal at Palmyra for millenia and the only murderous lowlife that have been at that site recently have been those sons of Satan, Daesh (ISIS/IS/ISIL)! There is no more murdering of Christians, etc, at the Colloseum in Rome ... would you propose we blow up that too? What purpose would it serve? They are only rocks and mortar now and no slaughter of Christians or innocents is taking place there yet both those sites have been tourist magnets bringing in much needed currency into the economy with which to alleviate the poor, etc.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...2:17 PM
    those sons of Satan, Daesh (ISIS/IS/ISIL)

    My point being that in sympathy we allow the erection symbols to the same deities of old, here in the new world? Sticking in the face of the devil and image of himself?

    It would be a good conversation to remove all pagan and Satanic symbolism from the Capitol, but then again we were not founded as a 'christian' nation, IMO.

    ISIS being a creation of the CIA and the advancement of all three names by the political leaders and media is telling of the Babylon in which we live.

    I have visited the tourist traps/ruins all across the Mediterranean and saw little help for the poor. (Yes I did drop a coin or two in the cup, hardly a living)

    Throughout the history of Israel and Judah nations, their safety and prosperity only came when they were faithful in tearing down the 'high places', Not the building of the same.

  8. I think Dan has some good points. pagan gods treated as mere "personifications" of this or that virtue was a trap. deification in paganism is becoming a god instead of human. Deification in Christianity is partaking of the divine nature not acquiring it, 2 Peter 1:3,4 restoring the image and likeness of God that has been warped by the fall and by personal sins of thought and/or word and/or deed.

    "mythology" is in children's books since the 1950s at least and so called great literature and poetry. "culture." a trap is holdover paganism and wrong interpretations of the Bible and wrong practices and ideas legal or otherwise that are entrenched in a culture that considers itself Christian so all this stuff flies under the radar.

    I agree, those pagan statues on public buildings should be torn down.

    Palmyra and other places however, might be best left intact for archaeological reasons. But one dig was destroyed by someone who was aiming to stop release of some evil spirit trapped there, and he was probably right. I suspect spirits may be bound in some places and objects and released by their being dug up and put on display and REVERED there is an attitude of reverence to these things and times which is very dangerous. Ancient Egyptian buildings, ruins fit only for bulldozing in pragmatic terms, are viewed with AWE. this is the wrong attitude.

    Isn't it a bit odd that the very people who were rejecting Christianity and Biblical spirituality for materialism were also reverencing antiquity and even getting into spiritualism in the 19th century? educated men and leaders. what does this "education" consist of? in part, pagan philosophy, history, great men, etc. etc.

    re your post on the last thread, I have left the wierd stuff alone and it keeps getting dragged up. (pornogaphic minds with prurient interest I guess drag my de facto marrage up also. I have said all that needs to be said.)

    gnosticism is the denial of the goodness of the physical creation, or dismissing it as illusion. the original gnostics said The Most High God didn't create the world it was some lesser being, dismissed YHWH as Most High, said the soul was a divine spark trapped in matter. An emotional bias like this infected some Christians though verbally opposed. Augustine for instance. Christian terms were used with a different meaning. They denied Christ's real Incarnation and Resurrection.
    Typical today and then, "Christ" is seen as here to deliver us from material existence (not from worship of materiality and bad priorities) and as something lower than "the most high." nowdays evolution is in play. sometimes it includes both ideas.

    This has nothing to do with anything the anons call "gnostic." though some modern gnostics deal in it from the wrong angle.

    SOMEONE is grabbing humans many need NO hypnosis to remember events, or a little to get past some screen memory, THERE ARE ODD WOUNDS LIKE SCOOP MARKS ON THEM, and now Derrel Sims has brought forensics into it. Tracking and influence tiny devices that broadcast in the 3 point something GHz range have been dug out of people. This is PHYSICAL. Calling on Jesus can stop an event if done before the mind control sets in. But that is true regarding strictly human mental attack, even if you can argue it involved a demon, the strictly human physical person was involved.
    My videos are hopefully to benefit those who have heard the alien "spiritual" propaganda. This got rolling big time after a mass abduction in the late 1980s, with a few preceders, when the aliens found out researchers were tracking their activities. Then researchers suddenly found the abductees being brainwashed into a positive attitude. Ever the old sci fi movies depicted telepathy and something like possession some aliens did as BAD? nowdays you find this presented as good. is doing a great series on the Star Wars thing about how it is bringing occult metaphysics into the mainstream.

  9. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Dan , thank you for clarifying your point. I am the 1:40, 1:44, and 2:17 PM poster. In what you have just written I agree with you!

  10. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I hope all the brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, here and elsewhere, are able to enjoy peaceful and joyful celebrations in remembrance of the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

    To those that don't have a personal and living relationship with Him , I urge you to humble yourselves, repent and seek Him with all your heart, mind, strength and soul in love and truth. He is faithful to hear you and fulfil his word that you shall find!

  11. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Easter - mix of the holy + profane

    Friday March 25,2016 post

    Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras), Ash Wednesday, Lent and Easter - Re - Posted

  12. I'm going to do a post on Mother Angelica whom I was privileged to meet and spend some time with in 1987 -- just about the time that Doug Coe (International Christian Leadership - Fellowship Foundation, "The Family", "The Fellowship", "The C Street Foundation" were doing their collaborative thing with Paul N. Temple and the Institute of Noetic Sciences together with other New Age leaders. Barbara Marx Hubbard and Doug Coe chaired one of their "unity and reconciliation events" in late October 1987 in Boulder Colorado, only two months past the "Harmonic Convergence" event of August 16-17, 1987.

    Mother Angelica contacted me to come down and do a 90 minute special on the New Age Movement to send a clear warning about that and apostasy including that of Matthew Fox. She reran that program many times and I did more work for some of those she influenced in Tampa, Florida in late summer 1988, not too long before I was to return to the full time practice of law that I had back-burnered in 1982.

    The Catholic bashers here won't much like this, but Mother Angelica did enormous good and I'm certain her reward in Heaven will be very great. I did not agree with her on everything, but her motives and spirit were pure IMHO.

    Susanna is invited to make her contribution here. Others may add to the discussion as well. I probably will put up a new blog article about her life and work.



  13. Susanna8:20 PM


  14. Susanna8:38 PM

    Dear Constance,

    As you are probably aware, Mother Angelica died at 5:00 P.M. today at age 92. Isn't it ironic that she died on Easter Sunday? During her lifetime, she went nose to nose with many liberal priests and prelates - especially those who seemed to be making second careers out of undermining Christianity.

    Eternal rest grant unto her soul, O Lord
    And let perpetual light shine upon her
    May she rest in peace
    And may her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace, Amen

    Mother Angelica Dies at 92, Founded the EWTN Global Catholic Network

  15. Susanna8:46 PM

    P.S. Constance,

    It so happens that I saw the MOTHER ANGELICA LIVE program where you appeared as Mother Angelica's guest. I thought it was excellent.

    This program epitomizes how it looks when Christians work together for the sake of those things that they DO agree on - namely the Person and Work of Jesus Christ - while honestly acknowledging their differences before charitably and cheerfully agreeing to disagree.

  16. Susanna8:51 PM


    by William Donohue (President of The Catholic League)

  17. Thank you, Susanna!


  18. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Happy Easter Constance. And Susannah and all.

    Its no surprise Mother Angelica departed at Easter time, is it? What a woman. She didn't stand for any nonsense, loved her for that. (Where might I find the Mother Angelica and Constance episode?)

    Eternal Rest Grant Unto Her Oh Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her, may she rest in peace.

    From OZ.

  19. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Has there been Catholic bashing, Constance? I haven't seen any! I have, however, seen brave Christians here exposing Rome for what she is: still , such doesn't sit well with your RC ecumenicist agenda here, now does it?

    Opus Dei? I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised!

  20. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Ms. Cumby accusing the Christians here of 'bashing' when a lot of nasty words have been hurled at us who trust in Christ here, but NEVER a correction of their nasty hateful behavior. Very telling of were Constance's heart lies!


  21. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Even Catholics, who at least are not lukewarm although I urge them also (as I did) to 'come out of her, so they suffer not her pestilences, recognise EWTN for being on board (even if in the back seat) the Vatican II vehicle driving headlong through Ecumenicism and into the One World Religion!

    With Sister Angelica having taken part in SMOM Benny Hinn style charismatic debacles.

    This website (emphasis on the 'web') lures Christians who are beginning to investigate the diabolical goings on behind the NWO and One World Religion, including those contemplating leaving RCism, into an ecumenicist stance and a defence of, or being blinded to the principal culprit in all of this shananighans : The Romish Babylonian Cult!

    Rome has its fingerprints all over it!

    Given the choice (which I have been), I would rather hear Jesus Christ tell me, " good and faithful servant", than here it from the Heirarchy of the Roman Catholic Cult!

  22. Anonymous10:20 AM

    This website is of course:

  23. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Constance, you should stop bashing born-again Christians for exposing Rome and rightly rejecting her ecumenism, claiming they are 'Catholic bashing ' : some may , but the vast majority of Christians are exposing that God forsaken cult of Rome , they are not 'bashing Catholics ' but are rather standing up for the truth: you should try it!

  24. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Even Catholics, who at least are not lukewarm although I urge them also (as I did) to 'come out of her, so they suffer not her pestilences, recognise EWTN for being on board (even if in the back seat) the Vatican II vehicle driving headlong through Ecumenicism and into the One World Religion!

    With Sister Angelica having taken part in SMOM Benny Hinn style charismatic debacles.

    Your website (emphasis on the 'web') lures Christians who are beginning to investigate the diabolical goings on behind the NWO and One World Religion, including those contemplating leaving RCism, into an ecumenicist stance and a defence of, or being blinded to the principal culprit in all of this shananighans : The Romish Babylonian Cult!

    Rome has its fingerprints all over it!

    Given the choice (which I have been), I would rather hear Jesus Christ tell me, " good and faithful servant", than hear such from the Heirarchy of the Roman Catholic Cult!

  25. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Christians are no more bashing Roman Catholics just because they expose the cult of Roman Catholicism than they would be bashing Mormons or JWs by exposing their cults! If such be an offence to you, then so be it!

    I would rather risk causing offence to some than be negligent in my duty as a Christian. I shall therefore continue to expose the Babylonian cult of Roman Catholicism , so that in so doing some may turn from it and to Jesus Christ Himself and be saved from the flames of Hell.

    He who has ears, let him hear!

  26. SIGNS OF THE TIME: Persecution of Christians --here in the USA is stepping up!

    ATLANTA (AP) — Georgia's governor on Monday vetoed legislation allowing clergy to refuse performing gay marriages and protecting people who refuse to attend the ceremonies, after an outcry and threats of boycotts from some large corporations and Hollywood stars.
    Republican Nathan Deal rejected the bill on Monday, saying, "I do not think that we have to discriminate against anyone to protect the faith-based community in Georgia."
    Republican majorities passed the bill to broadly protect people acting on their religious beliefs. It would have protected clergy who won't perform gay marriages and people who won't attend a wedding for religious reasons. Churches and affiliated religious groups also could have declined to serve or hire someone based on their faith.
    The bill's opponents said it excused discrimination and could trample local ordinances protecting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.


  27. To those angry with me for saying kind words about Mother Angelica:

    1. I'm not familiar with the Benny Hinn aspect -- we did discuss our mutual concerns with the Charismatic Movement the morning I spent with her in Alabama before returning by plane to Detroit in 1987.

    2. I'm aware of some problems with EWTN as it was being run by Mitch Pacwa, SJ. You might want to refresh my concerns on that by reading this:

    3. I have transferred the video of the program I did with Mother Angelica to DVD format. It's lurking somewhere in my collections -- I'll have to look for it.

    4. Again a reminder of MyPerspective -- Mother Angelica contacted me because she really wanted to know. I remind all that Walter Martin, James Bjornstadt, Art Lindsley, Doug Coe, Gordon Lewis, etc., ad nauseum were busy collaborating with the Institute of Noetic Sciences and working to convince Christians prior to that there was no New Age Movement and as Walter Martin had loudly said on his radio program, "The New Agers are not politically networked in any way" after they could no longer deny the existence of the Movement. I know who helped and who hindered in getting honest messages out. Mother Angelica helped. Mitch Pacwa hindered. Walter Martin (curiously, a close friend of Pacwa) hindered; James Bjornstadt hindered; Doug Coe hindered; Gordon Lewis (Denver Seminary) hindered. Southwest Radio Church HELPED; Marlin Maddoux HELPED; 1st Baptist Church of Houston, Texas HELPED, etc., etc.



  28. Oh, and as long as I'm on the lists of who helped and who hindered:

    1. Fr. Paul Marx, OSB, HELPED with his Human Life International. Dr. Monteith and I were both frequent speakers for him and he distributed thousands of copies of HIDDEN DANGERS and A PLANNED DECEPTION through his networks.

    2. John Barela (Evangelical) HELPED.

    3. Fr. Eduard Perrone (Detroit priest) HELPED -- in fact, he gave me my first serious help -- after my Baptist pastor treated the matter at first lightly and the dismissively.

    Lots more -- so many memories over this 35 year war -- yes, it was and clearly remains -- A WAR!

  29. Constance Cumbey said (in part) @ 8:20 PM:

    "The Catholic bashers here won't much like this, but Mother Angelica did enormous good and I'm certain her reward in Heaven will be very great."


    Jesus Christ, in John Chapter 8:31, said to those "Jews which believed on him" were His disciples only "IF" they continued IN HIS WORD." He went on to state to these very same "believing Jews" that they were of their "father the devil" in verse 44.

    QUESTION: WAS JESUS CHRIST A "BASHER" of those "believing Jews" that refused to follow His Word?

    I find it very, very revealing that you continue to lash out at Bible believers while standing firmly on the side of the heretical Roman Catholic Church. Your "Mother Angelica" held to numerous heresies ... which I will list in a later post. Scriptures condemns heretics, a clearly states that such "will not inherit the kingdom of Heaven." Yet, you assert her "reward in heaven will be very great." Who should we believe, Constance, YOU or the Word of God?

  30. Who was “Mother Angelica?”

    She was a heretic that proclaimed on EWTN TV show that Jesus Christ and Allah was and is one of the same by stating “you call him Allah, and we call him Jesus.”

    She held to all the classic heresies taught by the Catholic Church.

    She was a “charismatic” that “spoke in tongues.”

    She made numerous appearances on Jim & Tammy Faye Bakker’s “PTL” TV Show.

    She was a life-long mystic that professed to have experienced “numerous visions.” For example: on more than one occasion, she claimed to have seen “the child Jesus dashing down the halls of the monastery.”

    The mystic “Mother Angelica” claimed that while standing and praying next to an image/statue of the “child Jesus,” the image “suddenly came alive” and told her to “Build me a Temple, and I will help those who help you.” Mother Angelica did just that, collecting millions of dollars in order to build the “child Jesus” a “Temple.” It is, or should be, crystal clear that she either lied and made the entire incident up, or fell into a self-deluded hallucination, or actually saw a manifestation of Demonic trickery. Whatever the case, this “mystical” experience was not of God.

    From the very outset, God condemns the making of ANY images via the 2nd. Commandment: “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth …” Exodus 20:4

    This woman at the very least was a deceiver, proclaiming her entire life a false “gospel” via the Sacramental system of Rome. She experienced and proclaimed numerous New Age type “mystical” visions, etc. Yet, somehow, Constance is sure “her reward in Heaven will be very great.” I’d like to ask Constance, upon WHAT do you base your assertion?

  31. In defense of Constance, during the early days of her ministry against the New Age, she may have accepted any willing ear that would receive her NewAge warning? Throughout the years Constance told us how she would be very careful of who she would entertain or align herself with, however her tender heart for the Roman church may have dissuaded her to appraise the Angelica ministry? I am not sure.

    Constance, I really would like to receive an update/critique of the New Age movement. Can it really be stopped? With its infiltration into religion, politics, education and business, and the medical field I would contend that there is no dike holding it back, the dike is now a break water that will soon disappear below the waves?

    Please provide your critique as to where this is going, we are all aware where it started, thanks to your clarion call.

  32. Our Spy Agency is out of control.

  33. As I see it, two VERY FALSE GOSPELS:




    The GOSPEL as I recall it was "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved."

    The two others are definitely "different gospels."

    Are you getting your theology from the Bible or from Alberto Rivera comic books? My paternal grandmother was the most Godly, bible immersed woman I have ever known. She took me aside a few years into my work on the New Age Movement when she was 94 years old (she died in 1989 at age 99 1/2. She told me that the Lord had shown her in no uncertain terms that she was to REPENT OF HER BIGOTRY TOWARDS CATHOLICS.


  34. Where is the NEW AGE MOVEMENT going? Same direction it has been gone since I started observing in 1981:

    1. New World Order
    2. New World Religion
    3. New Age Messiah (they sometimes differ whether it is a Tibetan Buddhist, a Pakisani Ahmadiyyan Muslim, or Rev. Moon and/or his successors)
    4, Changing times and laws - e.g, homosexual practices a "God-ordained" practice vs, the Biblical revelation;
    5. Changing "Revelation"

    Much more -- but a quick snappy answer to the above question. Not much has changed that much since I started observing it, except many of the players have become much "longer in the tooth" (older).


  35. Anonymous3:57 PM

    "Constance, I would like to receive an update/critique of the New Age movement. Can it be stopped?

    You have your answer in scripture. Try reading 2 Thessalonians 1-12.

    The Lord is the restrainer. He will allow these end times evils to progress according to His plans, and in His time frame.

    To try to STOP the New Age by secular/sociopolitical means etc is futile. The kingdoms of this world are not the kingdoms of our Lord.

    What we should do, is point out to others the error of the New Age, and point to the Savior as the only hope of man.

  36. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Rita Antoinette Rizzo aka 'Mother Angelica ' (of the fallen kind?) , just like her Jesuit infiltrator comrade John Hagee and the Vatican itself, claimed that Jews don't need to accept Jesus Christ for salvation: in so doing, she put the eternal destiny of many Jews in grave danger!

    Matthew 24:24-25- “For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect. Behold I have told it to you, beforehand.”

  37. Well, RayB, I'll leave Mother Angelica and your judging to God. Her earthly work for good or for bad is now done. I never heard her deny Jesus was THE CHRIST (as in one and only) and my own observation was not that she was a "pefect person" (none of us are), but that she at least to my observation appeared to be a good and humble lady who was doing her best to please and glorify God.


  38. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Rita Antoinette Rizzo aka 'Mother Angelica ' (of the fallen kind?) , just like her Jesuit infiltrator comrade John Hagee and the Vatican itself, claimed that Jews don't need to accept Jesus Christ for salvation: in so doing, she put the eternal destiny of many Jews in grave danger!

    Matthew 24:24-25- “For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect. Behold I have told it to you, beforehand.”

  39. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Constance, where are you getting your information from? From your Roman Catholic 'advisors' or from the Holy Bible?

  40. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Constance, while your answering Dan's question, why not answer Ray's???? Is that something your not capable of?

  41. Anonymous4:04 PM

    OK, you answered while I was typing thank you!

  42. Anonymous4:30 PM

    3:59 PM

    She was a liberal nut

  43. Anonymous4:37 PM

    3:50 PM all of the churches are run by catholic thinking or can be easily linked to the RCC, all of them wonder after the beast now (as does this blog) thanks for showing the audience you are clearly and definitively against Protestantism and the reformers as well as being anti-sola scriptura, we knew it anyway. This belief makes it easy for you to take the completely BS position that there is some mysterious New Age movement you gloriously discovered in the 80's. Luther warned us all as did the reformers centuries before your Grandmother had a vision. It has nothing to do with trailer parks or Alberto Rivera.

    Shame on you.

  44. Anonymous4:40 PM

    It's not PC to speak of the Pope here. Same with the POTUS. Possibly these two men could be the biggest New Agers on the planet! Obama may well become the UN Secretary General, and his unholyness is hugely helping to usherin the one world religion of Antichrist, who, his unholyness serves well. It seems impossible to 'fight' New Age on this blog! How do you think that fight would go down on a global level Dan? Let's not ask such silly questions again. OK?

  45. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Welcome to Cumby's Perspective, which is a perspective concocted by Rome and brought to you by her greatest. All bow.

  46. Anonymous4:52 PM;_ylt=AwrTccZmmPlWtOEAQ3UnnIlQ?p=roman+lauran+leaves&fr=yhs-mozilla-002&fr2=piv-web&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-002

    THE UN IS ROME;_ylt=A86.JyRVmPlWtw8Ak3AnnIlQ?p=un&fr=yhs-mozilla-002&fr2=piv-web&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-002

    and the emperor is the spiritual head, wow can it be more obvious? wait here come susanna ...uh dur duh that ain't official church teachins' so the symbols don't count naw it's just the words that come from my linguistics and communications mean from that UNESCO North Central accredited university? Uh huh. From UNESCO the ones building that baal worshiping baby burning/orgies center in NY and London? Uh huh.

  47. Blogger Constance Cumbey said @ 3:59 PM ...

    "Well, RayB, I'll leave Mother Angelica and your judging to God. Her earthly work for good or for bad is now done. I never heard her deny Jesus was THE CHRIST (as in one and only) and my own observation was not that she was a "pefect person" (none of us are), but that she at least to my observation appeared to be a good and humble lady who was doing her best to please and glorify God."


    May I remind you that you "judged" Mother Angelica by making the assertion that you were "certain that her reward in Heaven would be very great." As to her "never denying that "Jesus was the CHRIST," what do you make of her making the claim that "you call him Allah, we call him Jesus?" If that isn't a denial, I don't know what is. But, I know, she was a "good and humble lady." Mixing up Allah and Jesus Christ is just, well, being mixed up. No denial of the ONE AND ONLY WAY to the Father there, is there?

    Also, apparently you have no problem with Mother Angelica making her mystical claim that a "statue" of the "child Jesus" suddenly came alive and spoke to her. Of course, you simply ignore the fact the the 2nd. Commandment strictly forbids the making of any image. But hey, maybe God really didn't mean what He said regarding those pesky Commandments.

    Getting back to "judging." Using your reasoning, we shouldn't "judge" anything ... that means Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, Islam, World Council of Churches, the UN Agenda 21/30, etc., etc. We should just "accept" everyone that seems "good and humble" ... at least as far as their intentions are concerned, right? And of course, your Grandmother should be the STANDARD by which to "judge" Roman Catholicism ... not the Bible ... right again? Who needs the Bible, Constance, when we have your Grandmother and Mother Angelica to tell us what to believe!

  48. To RayB 6:01 pm: I didn't get to listen to her often, but I don't recall her saying, "you call him Jesus, we call him Allah" ... Do you have a cite or a youtube reference where I could personally locate that. If perhaps she would have said, "you call him Allah, we call him God" -- those familiar with the Arabic language know that the Christian Arabic bibles use the word "Allah" for God the Father and Creator. I'm enough of a lawyer to demand evidence. What is yours? Also, I point out that Mother Angelica suffered a severely debilitating and incapacitating stroke several years ago that kept her, according to reports I heard, bed ridden and my old nemesis, Mitch Pacwa, was running the operation.


  49. To 4:02 pm -- This might shock you, but I read the Bible, investigate my facts, and think for myself after praying that God will show me what's from and him and what's not.


  50. To RayB:

    Please give me your opinions of the following from a Christian perspective:

    1. Jacob Boehme
    2. William Law
    3. Owen Barfield
    4. Norman Grubb

    Thank you,

  51. My line of cleavage between Apostasy and orthodoxy is rooted in 1 John 2:22:


    The Institute of Noetic Sciences people clearly deny the Father and the Son; Rev. Moon and Mrs. Moon clearly denied the "Father and the Son" and even though they proclaimed themselves as God, Christians such as Tim LaHaye and Jerry Falwell were making common cause with them as also was Christian mailing list guru Richard Viguerie because of money Rev. Moon was throwing their way at the cost of compromising their Christianity.

    There are clearly New Age Catholics with the same New Age agendas as the rest of the New Agers (one name coming to mind now is a Jesuit priest named George Maloney, SJ with his shameless book MYSTICISM AND THE NEW AGE: CHRISTIC CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE NEW CREATION. He was teamed up (they endorsed each other's books) with an "Evangelical" writer named Bruce G. Epperly with his CRYSTAL & CROSS - Christians and New Age in Creative Dialogue.

    But a spirit of self-righteousness is just as evil a spirit as any other spirit. The test of who was taken in by the antichrist and who was not is outlined in 2d Thessalonians, Chapter 2 -- THE LOVE OF THE TRUTH. It was not those having necessarily "perfect truth." Read Romans Chapter 2, VERY CAREFULLY.


  52. Anonymous9:13 PM

    This might shock you too Constance, but I read the Bible, investigate my facts, and think for myself after praying that God will show me what's from and him and what's not: so do I yet I also follow what the Holy Bible says, know the Jesuits are as insideous as has been claimed of them over the Centuries, and recognise Rivera is far from the only source exposing the Jesuits over the Centuries for the den of serpents they are! By far the most of it, not put in comic form either... RE your comments at 3:50 PM : "Are you getting your theology from the Bible or from Alberto Rivera comic books? "

  53. Anonymous9:52 PM

    In addition, Constance, why should Ray B have to answer your question about such people you list at 8:44 PM? To my knowledge, he has not mentioned such individuals himself and I am confident he stands against all heresy whatever its origin.

    He need not play any game of drawing him in and causing a destraction from the matter at hand.

    You should consider not bashing born-again Christians, and as for self-righteousness I am sure you could write a book on it!

    There is lots of convincing evidence of Rita Rizzo having said the things Ray claims she said. I am sure any video would have already been ripe for removal, after exposure of her elsewhere. Whether one still exists , who knows? Still, what does exist is a bunch of very credible sources all making the same claims about her. Why not Google it?

  54. Blogger Constance Cumbey said @ 8:44 PM ...

    To RayB:
    Please give me your opinions of the following from a Christian perspective:

    1. Jacob Boehme
    2. William Law
    3. Owen Barfield
    4. Norman Grubb

    Thank you,

    First and foremost, I have never studied anything about these people, nor have I read any of their writings, etc. If you would care to give me specifics as far as what they believed, taught, etc. fine ... ask away. Otherwise, I have zero opinion and am more than a little baffled as to what exactly you are hoping to achieve with this approach, aside perhaps some deflection off of the topic at hand?

  55. Blogger Constance Cumbey said @ 8:59 PM ...

    "My line of cleavage between Apostasy and orthodoxy is rooted in 1 John 2:22:"



    Do I understand you to be saying that this verse in I John is the ONLY test by which error is to be judged?

  56. Anonymous said... 4:40 PM
    How do you think that fight would go down on a global level Dan?

    First the only silly question is the one not asked.
    I have seen creative thought products pig-tailed to a ridiculous question of a dimwit, less challenged than myself.
    Second, 'the fight' is the Lord's, we need to be obedient to his will.

    My eschatology drives my thoughts on where this is going. (Post Millennium)
    The historical Bible stories teach me there are no bridges over troubled waters.
    It will continue to grow even darker until such time as Satan's days are fulfilled.

    I see that we are on the cusp of the millennium reign of Christ, though I do not believe it will happen as many suspect. With the Lord a day is as a thousand years, first comes evening/night and then morning/day. If this is the start of the millennium as I suspect, then we are in a period of darkness that will grow ever darker. at such time, Satan will then be thrown into the pit with all those attached to him which will usher in the morning of the millennium.

    I believe we are at the door of Ezekiel 38, Joel 2, Psalms 82, Psalms 91~(the hope of the living saints), Psalms 110 and Revelation 19.
    This I believe will be the end of the Gentile age of sorts, and God will focus again on Israel (read the balance of Ezekiel).

    With Constance's obedience and sacrifice innumerable souls have been saved by opening their eyes to the deception. God may have used this exposure of Lucifer's work, so it had to be postponed or delayed. The delaying net effect is the shortening of his days of rule? The days shall be shortened. If Lucifer had the start of his final rule in the 60's no flesh would have been saved? This is my speculation but is it too far off base for you, then reject it.

    Sorry for the long post.

  57. Blogger Constance Cumbey said...3:56 PM

    Where is the NEW AGE MOVEMENT going? Same direction it has been gone since I started observing in 1981:
    1. New World Order
    2. New World Religion
    3. New Age Messiah

    In-so-much as nothing has changed, I think allot has changed. New Age philosophy has permeated every element of society, do you agree?

    Should the Vatican be instrumental in the 3 top elements you numbered, I am curious if you will continue the silence of this working? Does the ascension of 'the church' and the priest, in the minds of the faithful supersede all judgment? Does the Bishop of Rome have the right to be wrong? Or will this just be another story of the emperor's unique clothing? Where is the line in the sand for you regarding these developments?
    Maybe the statement of Jesus when addressing Peter will come around one more time. 'Get behind me Satan' in addressing the seat at Rome?


  58. Blogger Constance Cumbey said... 3:56 PM

    Where is the NEW AGE MOVEMENT going? Same direction it has been gone since I started observing in 1981:

    4, Changing times and laws - e.g, homosexual practices a "God-ordained" practice vs, the Biblical revelation;
    5. Changing "Revelation"

    Rome has accomplished both of these points over the years.
    4.a Rome changed the 10 commandments

    4.b Rome has claimed authority to, and has changed the Sabbath

    4.c Rome has changed the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus from that of the Passover to that of the Pagan holiday of Easter, never allowing it to ever coincide with the Passover.

    5.a Rome rejects the Jews in its replacement theology, much as the Latter Rain/Dominionists, ignoring the prophetic from The Prophets of Old.

    5.b Rome and Latter Rain, has denied the millennium reign of Christ (the millennium is now)(Revelation)
    Amillennialism is the current view of the Catholic Church, it is said that the Council of Constantinople 381AD made the view of literal 1000 year reign on earth anathema though the records of that council did not survive to our time.

    5.c Rome and the Latter Rain both dismiss most of the book of Ezekiel as allegorical instead of prophetic.

  59. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Why doesn't Susanna respond to Dan for Constance?

  60. I have plenty of issues with the PRESENT pope. Not so many with his last two predecessors both of whom at least for awhile tried to correct course on New Age theologies.


  61. Dear RayB:

    Let's start with Jacob Boehme who was an occult mystic and a primary inspiration for Madame Blavatsky's title THEOSOPHY.

    Boehme was a primary inspiration for William Law who translated him into English. It is Law's painting of "The William Law" that is an important illustration in Manley Palmer Hall's book on occult groups and secret societies.

    William Law & Jacob Boehme were primary sources of inspiration for Norman Grubb, the biographer (MODERN VIKING) of Abraham Vereide. Vereide was the founder of International Christian Leadership. It now appears that Paul Nathaniel Temple was part of his core group from the near beginning (1943-1944).

    Norman Grubb was Dave Hunt's original publisher. Dave Hunt said that God had called him to finish William Law's unfinished book POWER OF THE SPIRIT for him. He also was the original publisher of Dave Hunt's book CONFESSIONS OF A HERETIC (later renamed "On the Brink).

    I remind all that the oft and consistently repeated strategy of the New Age planners was to pit target groups (Jews, Christians, Moslems) off against each other with subgroups in each category battling both each other and the other categories.

    It appears to have been an effective strategy. You might want to take a good look at Dave Hunt's first two books -- you might be very surprised. He continued to market and sell POWER OF THE SPIRIT until his death.


  62. RayB,

    Dave Hunt told me he had never met nor known Norman Grubb when I ran into Grubb's "Union LIfe" at a Chicago Christian fair in the 1980s where Dave and I were both speakers. I accepted that then as true. It obviously was not. The following is from the foreword to the Law/Hunt POWER OF THE SPIRIT:

    In writing various forewords by the kind request
    of authors, I have never felt so honored as by now
    being asked to write one on a book by William Law.
    The reason is that it was an epoch in my life, about
    thirty years ago, when a friend gave me Wholly for
    God, extracts from William Law's writings compiled
    by Andrew Murray. I too , like Dave Hunt, was nicely
    and delightedly "caught" by the fact that it was
    an Andrew Murray production, who, though not
    quite my prime favorite as with Dave, certainly
    meant to me that it would be a reliable book on the
    Life in the Spirit. But I had no idea what I was
    getting into! As soon as I started, I found Law difficult
    to follow. His magnificent English was in the
    longer and more involved sentences of his generation;
    but that was a triviality compared to the
    tremendous inward insights I began to have. Here at
    last was a writer who took me to ultimate foundations
    and a totality of understanding which I had
    long been seeking. I drank and have been drinking
    ever since.
    I found there were two William Laws: the one
    who wrote that classic The Serious Call to a Devout
    and Holy Life, but who at that stage did not know
    more than a Christ to be imitated rather than the
    Christ imparted; and for that reason John Wesley
    always had a negative opinion of Law, because
    Wesley only knew him as the author of that legalistic
    book in Wesley's unenlightened and Holy Club
    days. But then Law tells many times in his other
    writings how he later met with the works of Jacob
    Boehme, the cobbler of Gorlitz, Germany ("the blessed Behmen" as Law called him). Through
    Boehme the midday sun of God's revelation in
    Christ shone into Law; and while Boehme, as an
    illiterate shoemaker, could not put his inner insights
    into coherent German (and his translators into
    English have the same difficulty), William Law
    could and did reproduce the essence of Boehme in
    Law's matchless Spirit of Love and Spirit of Prayer
    (recently published in England by James Clarke).
    I had not previously read this one, The Power of
    the Spirit, which I am so glad Dave Hunt has now
    produced for us.


  63. This is from Helena Petrovna Blavatsky's THE KEY TO THEOSOPHY, page 17:

    "In the following year (1856) another volume was issued, royal octavo,
    of 600 pages, diamond type, of 'Theosophical Miscellanies.' Of the
    last-named work 500 copies only were issued, for gratuitous distribution
    to Libraries and Universities. These earlier movements, of which there
    were many, originated within the Church, with persons of great piety and
    earnestness, and of unblemished character; and all of these writings
    were in orthodox form, using the Christian expressions, and, like the
    writings of the eminent Churchman William Law, would only be
    distinguished by the ordinary reader for their great earnestness and
    piety. These were one and all but attempts to derive and explain the
    deeper meanings and original import of the Christian Scriptures, and to
    illustrate and unfold the Theosophic life.


  64. Dave Hunt was doubling people back to "Western Mysticism" in the form of William Law and Boehme while trying to convince us that all was Hinduism. Western Mysticism played just as great a role as did Eastern varieties in the New Age scheme of things. What was the motive and the agenda?


  65. From Dave Hunt's CONFESSIONS OF A HERETIC:

    Since discovering Andrew Murray, I had been devouring Christian
    writings at an incredible rate. Books by A. W. Tozer, F. B. ·Meyer,
    Charles Finney, Torrey, Simpson, Redpath, and Ravenlilll affected
    me deeply. But next to Andrew Murray, the man whose writings had
    the most profound influence upon my life was eighteenth-century
    William Law, unquestionably one of the most brilliant minds in western
    Murray quoted him often. This aroused my curiosity and created a
    strong desire to read Wilham Law for myself. To my great joy, one of
    Law's more famous books had just been brought back into print after
    many years. When first published in 1729, A Serious Call to a Devout
    and Holy Life had shaken the western world, changing the lives of
    such famous men as John and Charles Wesley.
    I bought a copy one morning on my way to work. Taking it in As no other author I'd ever read, William Law in his writings
    spelled out in detail with irrefutable logic just what my surrender to
    God's love eighteen months before was intended to mean in daily living.
    As a result of reading A Serious Call, changes were effected in
    my life that I would not have dreamed of a few short months before.

    NEXT is from Dave's later book, A SERIOUS CALL TO A DEVOUT AND HOLY LIFE:

    William Law had the gift of expressing with unusual
    clarity the choice between heaven and this world. He
    pointed out that a man would be considered insane who
    spent his life planning the house, tennis court, swimming
    pool, and retirement condominium that he expected to build
    on Mars-yet someone who spent his life equally absorbed
    in planning, achieving, and enjoying such things in this
    world would be respected as successful and prudent. In fact,
    said Law, both men are fools. The first is obsessed with a
    world where he cannot live-while the other is attached to a
    world where he cannot stay.

  66. William Law, it turns out was well known to New Agers - he was the favorite of Aldous Huxley and had been the inspiration for Huxley's PERENNIAL PHILOSOPHY. It was Canadian Christian researchers who directed me to look at this in the 1990's. They were alarmed at the blatant occultism and "extra biblical revelation" they found in Law's books that they deeply researched. They sent Dave one of their "Dear Brother in the Lord" letters to discuss their concerns and to their shock and surprise received a letter from Dave threatening to sue them for slander and suggesting I had put them on to it. (I wish I could have claimed the credit.) I had broken with Dave in early October 1987 for compelling reasons. I kept silent to keep from spreading even more confusion in the Christian community than already existed.

    Interestingly, while Dave was writing Catholic bashing books including accusing Cardinal Ratxzinger of starting a "new inquisition" over basically doing what both Dave and I were doing -- fighting the New Age Movement (or at least then I thought Dave and I were on the same team) -- curiously, the Paulist Press New Age Catholics thought Dave was pretty cool. In their CLASSICS OF WESTERN SPIRITUALITY edited by an all star New Age cast that included John Huston and Brother David SteindlRast, Dave's book POWER OF THE SPIRIT is highly recommended. It is recommended also in other books sold by the Theosophical Society that they house in their "Hermetic Section".

    I will have to dig that book out of my library. Right now, it's like looking for a needle int he proverbial haystack, and I need to go to bed for the night.

    William Law was a great big flag for the New Agers that somebody was "cool" and I wasn't. It was too subtle for most Christians to see it, but knowledgeable New Agers immediately recognized it. I'll have much more on this later.


  67. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Governor of Georgia vetos 'religious freedom' bill

  68. Anonymous9:00 AM

    What keeps getting rehashed, and fine tuned here, over and over again, is core material for teaching a class on the origins of the New Age movement. What stems from that, is todays news.The Popes push for unity among the world's religions, Obama likely becoming the Ambassador General of the UN, another Clinton possibly becoming president of the US.
    If that isn't an unholy trinity of New Agers, then what is? We are at the threshold of a fascist cashless global monetary system, and as evidenced by the Georgia governor vetoing the 'religious freedom' bill, a fascist one world religious system. Shouldn't we be living in the now, and reporting on the current situation?

  69. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Dear Constance, at 12:25 AM you wrote: "I have plenty of issues with the PRESENT pope. Not so many with his last two predecessors both of whom at least for awhile tried to correct course on New Age theologies."

    Yet we see JPII kissing the Unholy Koran and receiving the mark of Shiva. Then there is the 1986 mixture of religions abomination held at Assisi in 1986 hosted by JPII and again in 2011 hosted by Ben XVI.

    If you mean by New Age theologies the march towards and promotion of mixing all religions together as though all are equally acceptable alongside Christianity, then I am adamant JPII and Ben XVI pushed forward such unholy "theologies" at record pace. Is that would you'd call trying to "correct the course" of such?

  70. Anonymous11:18 AM

    9:00 AM!!!

    Thank you!

  71. Yes, Pope JPII tilted dangerously New Age -- it was Cardinal Ratzinger, it was reported who turned him around after the 1986 debacle -- that incidentally was organized by MARTIN PALMER a key religious and environmental advisor to Prince Philip of England. The same New Agers who bragged that Pope John Paul II would perhaps be "the Master Jesus" and bow his knee to Maitreya then wrote that it was not going to happen as long as JPII was Pope. In 1993, JPII issued a strong statement to gathered American bishops that New Age beliefs and Christianity were incompatible. It was reported that he was working on an Encyclical against Theosophy and the New Age Movement. Matthew Fox was excommunicated under his administration in 1993.

    Benjamin Creme wrote disgustedly in one of his later books -- somewhere in my library -[- I will have to search -- that Pope John Paul II was too old and set in his ways -- that he had not believed a word of Creme's message and that it was not going to happen as long as JPII was pope.

    Once when I was speaking at a conference in southern California for Human Life International, I had a priest approach me. He asked me, "how does it feel to be the first Protestant to start a serious in-house Roman Catholic reformation?" He then went on to say that Pope JPII had required every seminary in Rome to give serious warning instructions against the New Age Movement.

    As I have often said, both support and opposition came from where I least expected it.

    I'm looking for the Creme book I referenced which is somewhere in my library. My library is vast, so it may take me some time.


  72. To 9:00 a.m., Didn't you see my earlier comment at 12:15 pm yesterday? I suggest you take a look at it before making accusations that I am ignoring such momentous developments such as the actions of the Georgia governor yesterday.


  73. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Dear Constance @ 1:20 AM

    Isn't that just like the enemy to turn christian's words against them and use them for evil?
    The devil has always done that with Scripture (since the garden of Eden).
    Robbing some truth from God's sources to repackage for his evil ends?
    And some men have started out well in early writings and ended off track in later times, isn't that a convenient thing for the devil also?
    The Bible warns, take heed lest ye fall. That can happen to us too (so many examples in the Bible as well as Christians even many decades back), if we aren't careful to examine things carefully against the authority of God's Word and not our favorite personalities and heroes of the faith.
    The enemy of our souls is extremely crafty.
    Only the Bible shows us how to cut through the lies to see and know the truth, I know you know this so this site is no exception that it can have some slight of hand going on here as well.

    I do know you are trying to be careful and respect that, realizing that you, and we, need prayer for discernment at all times.
    (and sorry but needs to be said: for this very reason this is why Christine Erikson needs to go quite frankly. She keeps things confused because she is confused (or worse ?) and won't take heed-even from you).

  74. Anonymous12:06 PM

    RayB said...

    Who was “Mother Angelica?”

    She was a heretic that proclaimed on EWTN TV show that Jesus Christ and Allah was and is one of the same by stating “you call him Allah, and we call him Jesus.”

    She held to all the classic heresies taught by the Catholic Church.


    Who is RayB?

    Not for me or anyone else to say, but whoever he is, he not only doesn't even know what a "heretic" is but he also consistently fails to present any evidence for his false accusations because his "evidence" chiefly consists of Jack Chick, Loraine Boettner, Alexander Hislop, Charles Chiniquy and other members of the Catholic-bashing radical right wing lunatic fringe who are nothing more than fascists disguised as "Protestant Christians" who can only schnooker people into signing up with their CULT and its larcenous tithing mandates by means of their Manichaean strategy of setting up the Catholics, Orthodox and Jews as "embodiments of evil."

    This strategy has been thoroughly described in THE STRANGE TACTICS OF EXTREMISM by Harry and Bonaro Overstreet......the same authors of WHAT WE MUST KNOW ABOUT COMMUNISM.


    RayB ( et al )WHO IS A CATHOLIC BASHER, thinks that all his accusations and everything he says should be believed just because he says so. None of it is in the Bible. Even less of it can be found in extra-biblical sources.

    RayB and his pals simply distort the meaning of the Bible to make it fit in with their twisted version of "Christianity" which involves hating one another instead of loving one another, as well as the ongoing formation of THEIR OWN NEW WORLD ORDER. never think for a moment that RayB & co. are against a "NEW WORLD ORDER."

    They are not. As long as it is a NEW WORLD ORDER as envisioned and stitched together by them from the filthy rags of their own heresies ( even by Protestant standards ) - in spite of Our Lord saying unequivocally "My kingdom is not of this world."

    And then RayB has the rotten nerve to say that he is doing his "Christian duty".....the "Lord's work"..... when all he is doing is diverting attention away from the glaring infernal flaws inherent in his own manmade religion of hate.

    He has the nerve to accuse Mother Angelica of saying "you call him Jesus, we call him Allah" but hasn't cited a CREDIBLE source to back up his accusation that Mother Angelica is equating Jesus with the Muslim "Allah." He merely assumes this in spite of what Constance pointed out earlier that Arabic Christians have uysed the term "Allah" to refer to a title rather than as a name.....since pre-Islamic times when Christianity preceded Islam in the Arabic world! Only Muslims use "Allah" as a proper name.


    When modernism reared its ugly head to reinterpret the truth of Christ - which is the truth of the Catholic faith - Mother Angelica refused to remain silent. This got her in serious trouble with powerful bishops. Suffice to say, she was right and they were wrong. The Body of Christ has been strengthened through Mother’s steadfast faith and determination.

    However, RayB is one of those "enlightened" Catholic bashers who thinks that if he tells the same lies often enough they will magically cease to be lies and become historical facts and/or Gospel truth.

    In which case, he may be allowed to spin his wheels and be safely ignored!

  75. Marko1:21 PM

    I think one issue we have here occasionally on this blog is that everyone defines "New Age" in slightly different ways. Some use it as an all-encompassing term that describes anything related to a worldwide government, the New World Order, a unified world religion, false teachings in the church, or anything that is opposed to traditional Christianity.

    Others might only use it in relation to, say, the unifying of world religions (and the rejecting of the "narrow-minded" fundamental religions) and the world religious leader who would head up the resulting mess.

    One problem I see with defining it too widely (as in applying it to anyone trying to advance a "New World Order") is that you end up with "New Agers" who are directly opposed to each other. For example, David Icke is no doubt a New Ager, but he also vehemently opposes the New World Order. Maybe that makes him a special case of Loonie Toons though...

    I don't think anyone would disagree that Constance has done a lot of work in initially documenting the New Age Movement. But like all revolutionary movements, they tend to morph over time, both in the people involved, and in the execution of their plans. It's important to keep up with and make note of these changes as they happen, and to also be able to see when certain aspects of the movement that might have been very relevant 20 or 30 years ago might not be so relevant now.

  76. Constance says:


    I have asked this at least 4 times over the last few years and have never received a response from Constance concerning her view on the test for antichrist.

    Once again, as the below verse indicates, verbal affirmation of Jesus as the Christ is just NOT GOOD ENOUGH!
    Even demons recognize Jesus as the Christ!

    Matthew 8:28-29
    28 When He arrived at the other side in the region of the Gadarenes, two demon-possessed men coming from the tombs met Him. They were so violent that no one could pass that way. 29 “What do you want with us, Son of God?” they shouted. “Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?”

  77. Anonymous4:44 PM

    3:29 ...

    Look at it this way:

    Both bad and good can affirm that Jesus is the Christ (as you have demonstrated).

    Only the bad will deny that Jesus is the Christ. So that's why it is the best test as to who the bad guys are, and who the good guys are.

  78. To BVS @ 3:29 PM ...

    Much can be said on this subject, but here is some Scripture to illustrate your point further:

    "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in they name? and in thy name cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Matthew 7:21-23

    Many shall proclaim that Jesus is the CHRIST, and yet will be deceivers!

    "And Jesus ... said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For MANY SHALL COME IN MY NAME, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many." Matthew 24:4,5

  79. Marko5:29 PM


    One of the scariest passages in the Bible is the one that you quoted from Matthew 7. Another similar one is the one where if we do not forgive those who have sinned against us, the Father won't forgive us, in Matthew 6:15:

    14 "For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions."

    Both of those I find pretty humbling.

  80. Mother Angelica's "true story" (wink, wink) about the "child jesus" statue that suddenly came "alive" and "talked to her." I'd like to state here and now, there is nothing (wink, wink) New Age about this whatsoever:

  81. Anonymous7:05 PM


    RayB is certainly no Catholic basher. However 12:06 P.M is certainly a Protestant basher, as well as very nasty. Are you only one sided here???

    Will Wait to see.

  82. Okay, I'm going to weigh in here. this will probably add up to three posts because it will be comprehensive, the one after midnight and these two.

    (yes Rayb is catholic bashing and 12:06 is just telling the truth. something you
    people don't like. but this is not about that much.)

    Marko is right about the views about New Age, both views are partly wrong partly right. yes, some new agers oppose NWO because they don't like controls and lack of freedom. back to the landers wouldn't like Agenda 21 rewilding anti rural life plan.

    The origins focus is IMPORTANT
    a. you can track organizations and individuals networking to the source of their activities, and spot the same ideas, see where something is a front group.

    b. it is not just world government, which probably can't be had by peaceful means. It is mystical ideas and PRACTICES,
    meditation types,
    opening chakras instead of shutting or guarding them,
    putting your energy flow into reverse
    fighting the sense of personal identity distinct from all else is precisely what might facilitate what Constance expressed concern about several years ago, a kind of mass possession resulting in massacre of Christians. And cripple those who would resist such actions.

    NWO is the political arm of the NAM and NAM is the spiritual side of the NWO. At the top you can't separate them that easily, just look at the UN.
    EU had Nazi origins to some extent. many nazis were pragmatic realists, but there is a mystical angle to nazism also.

    the political focus I see here tends to ignore this.

    NAM cripples your sense of reality and teaches you self reinforcement with a mild high, and can make you susceptible to demons and telepathy. the same is true of the
    whole William Law, Jacob Boehme etc. trip. THIS SELF REINFORCEMENT BY A BIOFEEDBACK LOOP YOU LEARN TO DO, CAN BE THOUGHT TO BE PEACE FROM GOD AND/OR WITNESS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. I recognize the tone in William Law books online in books I read as a new Christian in the 1980s that compromised my walk in Christ making me inadequate as a soul winner and so forth. A lot of what he says is okay, but there are specific problematic and slippery statements and you end up with some altered state of consciousness. Seems his focus shifted from practical obedience to Christ to this mystical walk, sense of assurance which is easily manufactured, because of Wesley who got his concerns about a second baptism from Moravians, who were decent enough but the founder had his own wierd agendas. (new age site but the article heavily documented.)

    exorcism is important. NAR spiritual warfare tactics seem useless and
    dubious and they have their own NWO plans, and their eschatology is
    almost identical to New Age Aquarian Theosophic eschatology, as some new ager noted
    which got Constance's attention in A Planned Deception when she wrote about MSOG.

    This blog is about the NAM and its NWO goals AND SHOULD NOT IGNORE ANY OF THIS.

  83. William Law - I suspect the SOFT SPOKEN poster who wants me out is a fan of his. or of what derives from him. something about the tone reeks of the flowing gentle whatnot culminating in a bad idea that is fed by the deception of assurance by sensation All you have to do with this mentality, is to start thinking of the Holy Spirit as a force or attitude or empowerment more than a Person, add mechanistic "spiritual principles," and then shift from the historic Jesus Christ of Nazareth of the Nicene Creed to the cosmic christ or whatever, and you have NEW AGE. This is the kind of thing that makes possible what Bailey said, that the

    bottom line: Rayb and the anons who support Hebrew Roots and Hislop and twist the Bible by taking a few things out of context, and Grant who disingenuously offered us Frank Viola's book while claiming not to support HIM but supports his ideas, said he didn't support house church BUT ONCE YOU ACCEPT VIOLA'S HISTORICALLY FALSE IDEAS YOU ARE LEFT WITH NOTHING ELSE BUT "THE ORGANIC CHURCH" which confuses a bible fellowship meeting with a church service.

    organic church is a perfect New Age type of organization,

    at the mercy of a good manipulator,

    is the main operating style of NAR and recruiting ground for it,

    NO OUTSIDE ACCOUNTABILITY so anything is possible.

    Viola presents an option that is New Age in its essence, and NOT biblical (even twists what the Bible says about elders) introducing subjectivism and lack of order helps NAM.

    THESE PEOPLE HAVE TO GO. or shut up and learn.

    Rayb etc. have brought the real disruption and chaos here,

    attacked several people over the years,

    went ballistic when I posted nothing controversial and now attack Constance.

    yell and scream about nothing

    confuse the RC's New Age and satanic infiltration problem (shared with protestantism) with RC doctrine and liturgics,

    waste space.

    they may be demonically deceived or just of the flesh. They may be bible Christ
    focussed enough that the real Holy Spirit restrains a lot. But if the
    deceiving spirit can't get you into heresy and finally gnostic paganism (which is not about aliens or chakras but about "ascension" and becoming more of the "divine spark" instead of your physical nature, and very subjective) then it will cripple you with subjectivity.

    All these people are slippery. no one who can defend someone citing Bill Hamon under any circumstances, and think in terms of learning to prophesy or practicing prophecy which Peter says does not come by the will of man belongs here.

    no fan of Hislop belongs here.

    no one whose idea of reading Scripture is to soak in it to get a feeling or mood and
    rejects collecting all Scripture on each topic and calculating with it and reading it consciously like any other book you had to learn from belongs here.

    no one who doesn't get the relevance of the psychic side of the New Age belongs here.

    except to learn.

    no one who sets aside their personality and lets their mind go slack so "the holy spirit" can speak tongues or prophesy through them belongs here. THAT IS WHAT PENTECOSTALS AND CHARISMATICS DO. THAT IS WHAT SPIRIT MEDIUMS DO. God SPOKE to prophets or gave dreams and visions. He did not do automatic writing He said to write what He said or showed them. Paul said that the spirits of the prophets ARE SUBJECT TO THE PROPHETS not vice versa re the Corinthians.

    and anyone who advocates Hebrew Roots etc. what they do at home is one thing, but not here. paul's post about correct holy days, for instance.

    now, nothing to keep such snakes from silently learning here but they really shouldn't be allowed to harass or preach their nonsense.

  84. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Anonymous 3:29 P.M.

    Defending RayB's anti-Catholic rants makes you a liar too. While you clowns think it is perfectly OK for you to bash Catholics, you don't like it when you get a good taste of your own medicine from Catholics who are not in the least bit intimidated by your vicious un-Christian attacks and who are more than capable of "bashing" you right back. I just love it when you start whining to Constance and try to make yourselves out to be the poor persecuted "martyrs."

    Well boo-freakin'-hoo!

    Why don't you just take your mindless, whackadoodle, unbiblical, Catholic-bashing lies and rhetoric and hit the road? No one is holding a gun to your heads in order to make you stay here. You are the ones who have freely chosen to worm your way onto a blog that is not yours and start this Catholic-bashing crap while Catholics have been peacefully minding their own business and posting here on the New Age Movement - which, for your information, denies that Jesus is the Christ by embracing pagan Hindu-style or Gnostic beliefs that separate Christ's human nature from His divine nature and deny either the humanity or divinity of Jesus Christ. This is what is meant by "severing Christ."

    Nestorianism, 2nd century Gnosticism (which declared that matter is evil and denied the humanity of Christ) and Arianism, which denied the divinity of Christ are examples of these Christological errors that manifest the "spirit of the antichrist."

    As the saying goes, you are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts. You don't get to make up your own "tests for the antichrist" which, in your case involves anything that doesn't happen to agree with your version of "Christ" or Christianity....or your own fascist "new world order" agenda.

    But since you are so long in the habit of letting your mouths overload your rearends, you think all you have to do is wave your "reformed" (reinvented) bibles in peoples' faces while you jump ugly on them and they are going to just uncritically believe your mindless rants as if they had just been delivered from Mount Sinai.


  85. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Yes, 5:29 PM.

    Case in point right here for the whole internet to see, is MCE, the church lady. She is not forgiving by the Bible's terms, but by her own. Obvious in the verses you quoted, God has set his own standard about this issue so she won't get away with trying to squeak by on the notion of setting up her own forgiveness standard. Hers falls very short of the glory of God. Shame, shame...

    Proof that she has no reason to be correcting anyone here. She's not one tiny bit of humble. Unforgiving (= unforgiven) people are then guilty of getting the whole Bible wrong, regardless of which Christian denomination they belong to.

  86. Anonymous7:56 PM

    "fed by the deception of assurance by sensation All you have to do with this mentality, is to start thinking of the Holy Spirit as a force or attitude or empowerment more than a Person, add mechanistic "spiritual principles," and then shift from the historic Jesus Christ of Nazareth of the Nicene Creed to the cosmic christ or whatever, and you have NEW AGE."

    Justina, you're the one floating around out there in the cosmos.
    This blog's New Age plant.
    Dry up, you old mystic wisp, and blow away...I bet you can make it all the way to Mars. LOL!

  87. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Christine 7:22 P.M.

    Re:"no fan of Hislop belongs here."


    BINGO!!! The thesis of Hislop's book holds a prominent place in the conspiracy theories of racist groups such as The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord which is dedicated to "Christian Identity."

    Christian Identity is an extreme religious sect which holds the view that the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Nordic and kindred peoples are the descendants of the ancient Israelites and also the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

    The Christian Identity movement itself emerged as an offshoot sect of British Israelism in the 1920s and 1930s. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) describes the emergence of Christian Identity from British Israelism as an 'ugly turn.'

    Indeed, links between Christian Identity and the Ku Klux Klan also emerged in the late 1930s.

    A lot more could be said, but I think you get the picture.

  88. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Anonymous 7:56 P.M.

    Why don't you go dry up and blow away along with your "bruders?" Oh I are already dried up. I'll bet that on a windy day (with the great wind provided by your bloviating, etc.) you might even make it all the way to those UFO crafts said to be hidden in secret underground bases in Antarctica!!!

  89. Anonymous8:30 PM

    "NAM cripples your sense of reality and teaches you self reinforcement with a mild high, and can make you susceptible to demons and telepathy"
    Spot on!
    You have successfully identified yourself as what we have known to be true about you for a long time now (and have previously admitted to several times for anybody paying the least bit of attention).
    Jolly good show Christine!

  90. What does Satan fear and hate more than anything? Well, according to "Mother Angelica," Satan fears "The Hail Mary" more than anything! How could anyone believe this nutty stuff?

    Watch this short clip from her TV show:

  91. Let's hope the good folks at ETWN see this Youtube video ... starring none other than our very own Christine aka Justina aka Infowolf. Personally, I think she would be a very good fit for their network.

  92. Anonymous10:08 PM

    "and anyone who advocates Hebrew Roots etc. what they do at home is one thing, but not here. paul's post about correct holy days, for instance.

    now, nothing to keep such snakes from silently learning here but they really shouldn't be allowed to harass or preach their nonsense.

    7:22 PM"

    From the resident snake herself.

    What a hoot!

  93. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Back in the year 2000 I purchased Sky Angel Christian satellite television, which has a mix of old movies, old TV shows, Christian ministries, and far as I remember one or two Catholic channels. I really mostly listened to some sermons, and some old movies. One day I put a Catholic channel on to see what it was like. I only watched it until it was making me feel too ill to watch it any longer!!! It was some priests, and nuns, and they were discussing the blessed virgin, and various apparitions etc. They discussed praying the rosary for this and that, and praying so many number of hail Mary's etc. I checked the channel a time or two again just to see if this first viewing was the norm. Sadly it was the same stuff. If Constance or any luke warm posters here have any doubt as to whether or not Catholicism is a nasty cult or not, just watch their channel for a while, and if it doesn't eventually begin to make you feel ill, you probably don't have the Holy Spirit!

  94. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Hislop's book is an embarrassment to all thinking protestants. It was debunked by another evangelical protestant, Ralph Woodrow, who had briefly fallen for it, in his own book "The Babylon Connection?" Disagreeing with Hislop does not mean becoming a Catholic. And nobody who supports Hislop has been able to present here any refutation of Woodrow's arguments against Hislop; instead, all we get is assertion repeated.

  95. Anonymous9:16 AM

    British Magistrate fired for opposing gay adoption: 'I believe we need to stand and say what is right'

  96. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Top German Journalist Admits Mainstream Media Is Completely Fake: "We All Lie For The CIA"

  97. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Was Prince Phillip's advisor 'jesuitically' behind Asissi 2011 with Ben XVI as well Constance?

    I have noticed some of your publishing has 'Thomas Moore ' written on it. I wonder why that is? You know, the same Thomas Moore who burnt Bibles and Christians alike, the same Thomas Moore seen as the patron for Roman Catholic lawyers, the same Thomas Moore who is upheld by Legislators, Cardinals , lawyers, SMOM and Jesuits galore at the 'Red Mass' debacle!

  98. Anonymous11:18 AM

    7:47 PM, I used to be a Roman Catholic but now am a saved born again Christian, so stick that in your incense... it may sweeten it somewhat!

    Lots of exposing Jesuitical types like yourself to follow!

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      It is some Roman Catholics here (including some supporters of such heresy , such as this blog's very own "EO " Jezabel herself! ) who are doing the bashing and attacking Born Again Christians here.

      Born again Christians are not necessarily 'Protestants ' just because they protest against all cults including Romish cult !

      There are of course Eastern Orthodox followers (the resident Jezabel excluded) who protest against the cult of Rome, are they 'Protestants ' too (even though EO is a cult anyway and thoroughly infiltrated by Jesuits)? I don't support Calvin or Luther, nor any supposed 'pope ' or 'patriarch '. I am a born again Christian!

      You who are using such ad-hominems and wanton baseless attacks on born again Christians here are doing so to try and stop the truth from being told about your God forsaken cult. You brood of vipers!

  99. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Anonymous 11:18 PM

    Why don't you cut the crap about being an "ex Roman Catholic."

    Your creepy snake-oily "Jesuit jive" gives you away.

    But if you really are an ex Roman Catholic, the fact that you are so obsessed with coming on this blog and gratuitously attacking Catholics here is a sign of a very guilty conscience. We Catholics don't have to accuse you of anything. As my other used to say "A guilty conscience needs no accuser."

    If you were so sure about "being saved" by leaving the Roman Catholic Church to become a "born again Christian," you would have so much love in your heart that there wouldn't be any question about the authenticity of your claim. The Bible says "They will know we are Christians by our love." John 13:35

    But there is nothing "loving" about your "born again Christian" claim...which merely translates into a justification for attacking others who don't agree with the choice YOU made and refuse to make the same choice.

    So you can be a little Hislop Jr. or Jack Chick Jr. do all the exposes of "Jesuitical types" you like. My Catholic friends and I have agreed to simply ignore you and your ilk....confident that anyone with any brains will see right through you.

    As for incense, I think will keep it just as it case I need it as an antidote to YOUR Judas stench!

  100. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Lol, 12:31 PM! I really am a former Roman Catholic! Praise God I am free from that Babylonian cult!

    The only snake oil here is that which inks the stench of your jesuitical posts!

    The Jesuits are the most insideous bunch of locusts on the planet: even Clement XIV himself understood that when he issued a Bull in Rome (ex-cathedra) permanently banning them as imperative on faith and morals, as did John Paul I when he set out to dismantle their finances, which is no doubt why they were murdered! If you want to identify Iscariot then go look in the mirror, you child of Nimrod and Baal!

  101. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Dear 11:37 AM

    May I tell you that our tone harms your message?
    Please let this be about the message, not the messenger.
    God defends persons who are righteous in Him, we don't have to defend ourselves, so let's not let your defense become an offense. The truth is the offense to sinners, we shouldn't be. And sinners who choose that they want the truth will let that lead them to repentance and faith in Christ. So what, if they who are offended by the Lord, take that out on us? The servant is not greater than his Lord. In other words, Jesus told us it goes with the territory.
    James and John, those sons of thunder full of zeal, got put in their place by Jesus isn't that correct in Luke 9:51-56?
    They later learned that humility to go with that zeal when Jesus said: "receive ye the Holy Ghost" in John 20:19-23, that awesome grace that is His and that authority that is also His, but with these came the responsibility to handle His words and reputation in His Spirit's manner. Flesh cannot do the works of God.
    Their tone changed, and I notice, their message got out.
    Those that are the Lord's (He already knows who) will hear it and receive it.

  102. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Anonymous 11:37 AM

    Re:"Born again Christians are not necessarily 'Protestants ' just because they protest against all cults including Romish cult!"

    Born again Christians ARE necessarily Protestants because they are among the 20,000+ contradictory "Holy Spirit-approved" denominations that emerged out of the one created by the heretic Martin Luther. And strictly speaking, Martin Luther WAS a heretic by virtue of his having been a Roman Catholic who rejected Catholic teaching. So don't say "born again" Christians are not necessarily Protestants unless you don't mind being laughed at for telling such weasel-worded whoppers.


    Re: "You who are using such ad-hominems and wanton baseless attacks on born again Christians here....."

    YOU and your drama queen "bruders" started with the ad - hominems and baseless attacks when Catholics here were peacefully exchanging information, minding their own business and not bothering you!!! So how does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine? You are the perfect example of the kind of creep who doesn't hesitate to bloody someone else's nose but then starts whining and complaining to Constance when somebody has the moxie to bloody your nose right back. We Catholics don't apologize one little bit for defending our faith, and we are more than capable of exposing the evils and telling the truth about YOUR God-forsaken cult.....which hasn't been described as "the halfway house to atheism" for nothing.
    Doesn't get any more "God-forsaken than that!

    As for vipers.....well.....check your own bosom to see what it is nurturing!!!!!!

  103. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Anon 12:47 P.M.

    LOL Check out the "I know you are, but what am I?" drama queen in a high snit. GROW UP!!!

  104. Anonymous1:22 PM

    PS, 12:31 PM, the only ones lacking true love is you, and gratuitously attacking is you and those with you in spreading lies about the actions and motives of true believers. You are of your father Satan the accuser of the brethren, for you do the things he does!

    You won't repent and get into Heaven yourself so you block the road for others to do so by coming out of that cult to which you belong and accepting the Biblical Jesus Christ into their lives!

    When I see a house on fire I shall shout, 'fire, get out!', even if some of the more selfish and blind occupants like yourself have a tantrum and screech demonically because with their seared consciences they prefer being bewitched by the foul smell of the smoke billowing from Rome's blasphemous incense, drunk on the wine of her fornication ... mixed with all manner of abominations!

    So, I shall continue to love my neighbour as myself and warn Roman Catholics of what kind of ungodly spirit their cult really is, and urge them to come out of her (the Mother Harlot), and seek Jesus Christ earnestly so they may come to know the truth and be saved as a new member of the one true Ecclesia founded by and on Jesus Christ, which has its Temple in Heaven and the living bodies of the priestly saints (all born again Christians) and not in Rome and her traditions of men, with no need for a "wizard of Oz" so-called pope because their High Priest is Jesus Christ Himself in Whom alone salvation is found!

    That is love!

  105. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I hear what you are saying, 12:50 PM and may soften my tone somewhat but I will not cease from rebuking and correcting in Jesus Name those Pharasees intent on blocking the escape for many ordinary and sincere loving Roman Catholics who know no differently
    from Rome and coming to freedom in Jesus Christ alone!

    God bless you richly!

  106. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Dear 1:31 PM
    God bless you too.
    I only say wouldn't be better to site Scripture, first and foremost for your position, and let it do the talking, rather than only your words, that are not allowing grace to tell that truth making them appear to go straight to judgment? Should we not let the conviction of the Spirit address the truth His word states, be what God wants others to hear?
    Though not raised Catholic, I was freed from religion, myself.
    The religion of self is taught at the front altar of many a church and walks back out the door to practice it, regardless of denomination.
    May God bless ears to hear His Holy Spirit and all put down their defenses that He may speak above what we ask or think.

  107. I would be interested in hearing what some of the readers here think about the Palmyra Arch, the entrance to the ancient Temple of Bel, as it is currently being reconstructed for display in London and New York in celebration of UNESCO's WORLD HERITAGE week.

    What does the erection of such a monument, albeit a replica, represent in this NEW AGE of ours?

    Surely there are many who believe it is vitally important to preserve such religious and historic relics, but then again, one man's "god" is obviously another man's devil.

    Question: Who's "god" is represented by the Palmyra Arch?

  108. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Makes me think of the contest between Elijah and Baal's prophets.
    The showdown is coming much sooner than people may think.
    Bible prophecy is on the fast track to fulfillment.

  109. Anonymous6:17 PM

    1:22 P.M.

    Apparently, it is just rotting your socks off that the Catholics posting here are not just sitting back and taking any guff from the likes of you and the "bruders."

    The bottom line is that however much you rant and rave, you can't make a case for your beliefs - especially "Bible only" and "private interpretation." The Bible teaches neither. For you to say that it does is false.

    It just so happens that we Catholics also regard the so-called "Christianity" that has schnookered you into joining as a CULT - especially since the utopian "millennium scam" wasn't invented until around the 19th- early 20th false prophets!!!

    If ever there was an antichrist scenario, this is one that has already been proven to be bogus historically with false prophets falsely predicting the Second Coming of Christ on more than one occasion.

    Who is going to be drafted to be the false "messiah" in this so-called "millennium?" A BRITISH ISRAELITE or some other "Aryan" claiming to be a descendant of one of Jesus' so-called "brothers?????"

    Given the very real possibility of this "Fourth Reich" scenario disguised as religion we Catholics have even more reason to shout "FIRE!!!! GET OUT!!!!!"

    And we fully intend to love you right back by "rebuking and correcting" you with every bit as much zeal as you have presumed to "rebuke and correct" us!


    To be fair to Protestants in general, not all Protestants believe in the Millennium either! So your brand of "Christianity" is basically a renegade cult of fairly recent invention.


    In Christian eschatology, "Amillennialism" is the rejection of the belief that Jesus will have a literal, thousand-year-long, physical reign on the earth. This rejection contrasts with premillennial and some postmillennial interpretations of chapter 20 of the Book of Revelation.

    The amillennial view regards the "thousand years" mentioned in Revelation 20 as a symbolic number, not as a literal description; amillennialists hold that the millennium has already begun and is identical with the current church age.....

    Amillennialism holds that while Christ's reign during the millennium is spiritual in nature, at the end of the church age, Christ will return in final judgment and establish a permanent reign in the new heaven and new earth.......

    Amillennialism has been widely held in the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Churches as well as in the Roman Catholic Church, which generally embraces an Augustinian eschatology and which has deemed that premillennialism "cannot safely be taught."

    Amillennialism is also common among Protestant denominations such as the Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, many Messianic Jews, and Methodist Churches. It represents the historical position of the Amish, Old Order Mennonite, and Conservative Mennonites....

    It is also common among groups arising from the 19th century American Restoration Movement such as the Churches of Christ,:125 Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and Christian churches and churches of Christ. It even has a significant following amongst Evangelical Christian denominations including Baptist denominations such as The Association of Grace Baptist Churches in England......

  110. one post on prior thread, one on this. hope that isn't too bad.

    the falsity of chiliasm is the idea of the "thousand year reign of Christ." early
    chiliasm at least held His reign was LIMITED to that, and afterwards He would turn
    this over to His Father, but The Father is always the ultimate king anyway, the
    Whole Trinity is the King(s) but Jesus would then be the anointed King under The
    Father and no reason to assume this would end even though God The Father dwells in
    the New Jerusalem.

    The condemnation of this kind of limiting chiliasm then is what was done. The Creed
    in response to this says "of His Kingdom there shall be no end."

    the earliest church writers or Apostolic Fathers believed Revelation literally.
    it was after the Second Coming didn't happen immediately that amillennialism was
    broached by Augustine and maybe others. ORIGEN was a big driver, whether he
    discussed it or not he despite being anathematized for a list of bad results of
    his semi gnostic inclinations and hyper allegorization, remained an influence. One
    of his students or a fellow traveler started denouncing the idea of a literal
    physical reign of Christ on earth, and a literal physical resurrection of the dead,
    as too, well, physical. not "spiritual" enough for his taste. a lot of people with
    pagan philosophy influence went for it.

    Augustine got famous and positively mentioned in an early church council for his
    fight against Pelagianism. But they didn't read Latin and he didn't read Greek, so
    his and Tertullian's influence ran amok in the west. (Tertullian is called the
    father of Latin Christianity, but not a "church father" because he joined the
    montanist heresy. Augustine had some gut level baggage from his Manichaean gnostic
    days that influenced his mind.)

    True, we get a foretaste of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth to some extent. But that
    bit about the devil being bound 1,000 years should put you on guard, because it
    says he won't be able to tempt the nations, presumably unbelievers who survived into
    the millennium because they rejected the antichrist, and we know that he tempts
    believers as well as unbelievers NOW. so he is CRIPPLED not fully bound.

    The truth then lies between extremes. But RC visionaries and teachers and writers
    have been warning of the antichrist all along, and is an issue with traditionalists
    who can hardly be considered to be protestant cult products.

  111. Marko6:48 PM


    Sometimes I get the sense that we are going to go back to living in ways not unlike in ancient times, where the "gods" battled for the hearts of men - when the God of Israel set himself apart from all the others that men worshiped. The revival of much from primitive times is taking place. The veneer of civilization that has been part of our makeup since the Enlightenment (which wasn't all that enlightening) is being stripped away. People are letting their baser instincts rule, and to heck with self-control, higher learning, and the virtues. "Let's have a little paganism and chaos for a while! We are tired of all the rules and difficulties in maintaining a civil society!"

    It's possible that soon, men and women of power and blood will be revered. The kind, the loving, the compassionate, the educated, the ones who hold the values of Western Civilization dear - these are to be despised. They provide no value to the tribe. Individualism is also a threat to the new (old) ways of thinking. All must revere the collective - the tribe! If you think on your own, or go your own way, you are a potential weakness, a possible breach in the wall protecting the new ways.

    I've always thought Constance was perfectly correct when she subtitled her book "The Coming Age of Barbarism".

    What's coming is an erasure of a thousand years of civilization. ISIS is a part of that, and it's only the beginning.

    If this is a correct assessment of where we are headed, then the "newly" enlightened ones - the champions of LGBT rights, and all the rest of the wimpy, non-combative, "why can't we all get along?" Left - will find themselves being eliminated just as quickly and as mercilessly as the rest of us. Enemies now, we all will be in the sights of something much darker and more powerful.

    That's one possible future, among many. I hope I'm wrong.

  112. Anonymous8:31 PM

    God wrote the Bible, not you 6:37 PM.
    If God said he is bound for a 1000 years, he is bound for a 1000 years.

    You don't get the bible, you don't believe the Bible.

    You should shut up until you do.

    You need to be forgiven and saved. Then you'll know who wrote it and that it's not your book. Then you'll stop mistreating it and torturing it, to make it fit your erroneous pagan beliefs.

  113. Hello Constance, I am impressed by your numerous commenters. You truly have touched on a powerful subject.

    If you interest in more on Charles Wesley, here is a link to an article on the amazing hymn writer. The website is Enjoy the article.

  114. " Anonymous said...
    God wrote the Bible, not you 6:37 PM.
    If God said he is bound for a 1000 years, he is bound for a 1000 years.

    You don't get the bible, you don't believe the Bible.

    You should shut up until you do."

    If you would READ WHAT I WROTE you would see I DO NOT DENY satan is bound for 1000 years after Jesus comes back.

    The issue is the alleged "thousand year reign of Christ," which LIMITS CHRIST to a thousand years, after which He allegedly CEASES to reign.

    all you people say "thousand year reign" no it is Christ's FOREVER reign of which
    the FIRST THOUSAND years has the devil totally bound (not partially bound like now).

    then ACCORDING TO REVELATION the devil is let loose to tempt mankind one more time,
    then thrown into the lake of fire forever after the resulting revolt is put down. Jesus reign never ends. The earth is not destroyed just overhauled, new heavens, new earth, and a high rise building covering the whole Middle East just about comes down so new laws of physics it looks like.

    see how you EITHER can't read OR you are maliciously falsely accusing?

  115. Anonymous9:58 PM

    I saw what you wrote and quoted it for you.

    You don't get the bible, you don't believe the Bible.

    You should shut up until you do.

  116. Those closest to Jesus in the first church believed he was returning in their lifetime. It did not occur.
    Ever since the faithful believed it would be their generation, only to be disappointed.
    Additionally new eschatological beliefs emerged, (apply pointed out by Christine) with more to follow, of which I doubt will be accurate. I will withhold my own as it is probably as faulty as all the rest.

    It does say in Act 3:20, 21
    And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.

    So if we are to believe this verse, and we read all the prophetic written in the Tanakh, we will see much needs to be fulfilled related to the return of not only the Jew but also that of Israel.

    "Jesus Christ ....Whom the heavens must receive ...'until' the times of restitution of all things ....spoken by the mouth of his holy prophets.

    We would be remiss to think that this means anything else.
    For us to say that the Church replaces the prophetic promises to the state of Israel is a fallacy and is nothing but the 'dreaded' private interpretation so often mentioned here.

  117. anon 9:58

    "I saw what you wrote and quoted it for you"

    no you did not. you are lying as usual. you did not quote anything.

    here is what I wrote:

    " that
    bit about the devil being bound 1,000 years should put you on guard, because it
    says he won't be able to tempt the nations, presumably unbelievers who survived into
    the millennium because they rejected the antichrist, and we know that he tempts
    believers as well as unbelievers NOW. so he is CRIPPLED not fully bound."


    elsewise, why would Peter writing AFTER the harrowing of hell and AFTER the
    Resurrection of Christ say "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil,
    as a roaring lion, WALKETH ABOUT, SEEKING WHOM HE MAY DEVOUR:" I Peter 5:8?

    the devil is not bound. crippled, but not fully bound. if he were, he could not
    walk about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

    if the devil were fully bound, he could not lead the unbelievers into persecuting
    Christians. if the devil were fully bound, there would be no need of exorcists.
    if the devil were fully bound, there would be no demonic manifestations.

  118. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Yes, in this earth era he is seeking whom he may devour, but Who will be here ruling the entire earth in that 1000 years? The Lord with His rod of iron.

    And those who sin will do so because they are sinners, proving to individual hearts as well as to the nations once again, that we don't sin because the devil tempts. We only fall for temptation because we are sinners, so people will still sin during that time that the devil is removed for that 1000 year period and then released once more at the end of it for his opportunity to rally all those who want to rebel against God. God has his reasons for it playing out in this way. Mankind sins when he can't see God face to face...and sins even when he does. How rebellious is the human heart when the Lord has proven people had every reason right in front of their faces to obey Him, but still refuse.
    Then the white throne judgment after that.

  119. Anonymous9:03 AM

    happy belated Easter.

  120. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Would the moderator please ban Christine Erikson (Justina). All she does is rant and rave about groups and people, attacking them and even misrepresenting them. I'm a Pentecostal and I'm deeply offended by her constant attacks against my group.

    I like this site but if she's allowed to keep smearing people and groups I'm going to leave it. Constance, this person is not adding value to the conversations or your articles.

  121. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Where in the Bible does it EXPLICITLY and UNEQUIVOCALLY state that the "1000 years" is to be understood literally and not metaphorically?

    The bible says in 2 Peter 3:8:

    "But of this one thing be not ignorant, my beloved, that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."

    Or Psalm 90:4:

    "A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night."

    Even though Christ stated quite clearly to Pontius Pilate "MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD, millennialism (from millennium, Latin for "thousand years"), or chiliasm in Greek, is a belief nevertheless held by some Christian denominations that there will be a Golden Age or Paradise on Earth in which "Christ will reign" for 1000 years prior to the final judgment and future eternal state (the "World to Come" of the New Heavens and New Earth). This belief is derived primarily from Revelation 20:1–6. Millennialism is a specific form of millenarianism.

    Similarities to millennialism are found in the Persian religion known as ZOROASTRIANISM which held that there were successive thousand-year periods, each of which will end in a cataclysm of heresy and destruction, until the final destruction of evil ( similar to the Hindu Kali Yuga) and of the spirit of evil by a triumphant king of peace at the end of the final millennial age (supposed by some to be the year 2000). "Then Saoshyant makes the creatures again pure, and the resurrection and future existence occur" (Zand-i Vohuman Yasht 3:62).

    The Catholic Church strongly condemns millennialism as the following shows:

    "The Antichrist's deception already begins to take shape in the world every time the claim is made to realize within history that messianic hope which can only be realized beyond history through the eschatological judgment. The Church has rejected even modified forms of this falsification of the kingdom to come under the name of millenarianism, especially the "intrinsically perverse" political form of a secular messianism."

    — Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1995

    Millenialism was rejected by the original Reformers:

    "The Augsburg Confession explicitly states that they reject all those who spread the Jewish opinion, that prior to the resurrection of the dead the pious shall receive the administration of the world and then shall bring the ungodly under subjection, (Augsburg Confession, last Art.).

    Hallazius reproduces the Reformed and Lutheran view on this subject when he says, “A millennial reign of Christ, characterized by a pre-eminent knowledge of the mysteries of God, by a holy life, and an earthly prosperity for those involved, is not to be expected by God’s children in this world,” (Cf. Hase, Hutterus redivivus, Lpz. 1868, pp. 279).

    The view of the Reformed church on this subject finds expression in the Confession Helvitica, — “We reject the Jewish fancy that there shall be before the day of judgment a golden age in which the pious shall take over the control of the world after their enemies the ungodly have been subdued, because the Evangelists Matthew and Luke, as seen in Matt. 24-25 and in Luke 18, and also in the apostolic teachings as found in II Thess. 2, and in II Tim. 2, 4, give us quite a different representation,” (Art. on Judgment, translated from Dutch). So also in the “Nederlandsche Geloofsbelijdenis” no mention is made of a glorious reign of peace and prosperity of Christ and the believers and of a double resurrection after the coming of Christ. The last article of this confession explicitly states that the resurrection and final judgment shall both take place at the time of Christ’s coming.......

  122. Anonymous10:26 AM

    The doctrine of Millenarianism was rejected by both Luther and the other reformers with such absoluteness that it never appeared in any of their confessions, (Cf. Hoekstra’s “Bijdrage tot de Kennis en de beoordeeling van het Chiliasme” pp 29).

  123. Anonymous10:42 AM

    The Orthodox Communion on Millennarianism:

    ...... The Second Ecumenical Council in 381 AD., condemning the heretic Apollinarius, condemned his teaching about the thousand-year Kingdom of Christ. To put a stop to further attempts at introducing this teaching, the Fathers of the Council inserted into the Creed the words about Christ: "His Kingdom shall have no end." In other words, when Christ's reign begins there will be no interruptions in His eternal Kingdom. In more recent times, chiliastic views were resurrected in some Protestant sects. As has been indicated, in this teaching there are proposed two future resurrections and two judgments: one for the righteous and later another for sinners; and there are two future comings of the Savior. There is a purely earthly reign of Christ with the righteous ones as a definite historical epoch. Formally, this teaching is based on an incorrect understanding of the expression first resurrection, while inwardly its cause is rooted in many contemporary sectarians' loss of faith in eternal life and in the blessedness of the righteous in Heaven, with whom they have no communion in prayer. Another cause is to be found in utopian dreams hidden behind religious ideas and inserted into the mysterious images of the book of Revelation......

  124. Anonymous11:00 AM

    2:16 PM


    Please all rotten Protestant bullies allow the Roman Catholics to comment.

  125. Anonymous11:02 AM

    9:03 A.M.

    Sorry 9:03, but Constance is on the side of the 'ravening wolves' here. She prefers the goats to the sheep.

  126. Anonymous11:05 AM

    ewwwww!!! Creepier than I thought!

  127. Anonymous11:05 AM

    The Pope is the head of a lot of things, none of them being The Church!

  128. Anonymous11:15 AM

    11:05 He is the emperor of Rome above all an the head of Babylon.

  129. Anonymous11:17 AM

    In the heart of Protestant USA?

  130. Anonymous11:21 AM

    9:19 PM FUNNY!! The hail mary??? All occultists know that Mary = Lucifer in drag. What a joke she was without sin? Oh that makes Jesus chopped liver????????

  131. Mother Angelica's account of what happened at Fatima ... where the Sun bounced around in the sky, came closer to earth, then went back and forth, over and over again ... scaring everyone! Sure it did. Amazing how the SUN could accomplish this way up there in the Universe, and the only people that saw this phenomenon were those at "Fatima" and nowhere else. But then again, the Catholic Church at one time condemned anyone that didn't hold to their dogma that the Earth was flat.

    Here's Mother Angelica's account of what happened at Fatima ... a "miracle" .... for sure (wink, wink):

  132. To Anonymous @ 11:05 AM ...

    Trump should forget about Waterboarding ... force the terrorists to watch these for 24 hours non-stop ... wait ... that's too cruel, 2 hours would be more than enough. LOL

  133. To Anonymous @ 11:17 AM ...

    I took a long look at the photo in your link of Mother Angelica and the statue/image (forbidden and condemned in the 2nd. Commandment) of the "child jesus" (small "j" on purpose) with his heart in his hand ... it gives me the creeps. ALL Catholic statues are creepy, because they are inspired by the one that rules darkness.

    "And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil." John 3:19

  134. Vatican Now In Control of Jerusalem

    Spirituality in the New World Order: Is a One World Religious Authority in Formation?

    Soon the anti-prophetic will be fulfilled?
    Isaiah 2:3
    And .....: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

  135. Dear Constance,

    Are any of these people on your extensive list of New Age peoples?

  136. To all:

    Grant from New Zealand put me on to the activities of former New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark. She is now head of the United Nations Development Program and considered a potential future Secretary General of the United Nations. She is a strong proponent of New World Religion as part of New World Order schemes.

    Grant advises he had dealings with her over the years and we should take neither her nor her efforts lightly.

    Helen Clark to launch Religious Diversity Centre

    Tuesday, 29 March 2016, 1:09 pm
    Press Release: Changemakers Refugee Forum
    Helen Clark to Launch Religious Diversity Centre

    The Rt Hon Helen Clark will launch The Religious Diversity Centre in Aotearoa New Zealand at noon this Wednesday, 30 March 2016, in the Grand Hall of the New Zealand Parliament.

    The Religious Diversity Centre will be a national centre of educational and research excellence fostering an appreciation for and understanding of religious diversity among all New Zealanders. It will provide training and professional development for those working in a multi-cultural, multi-religious environment, high quality research, and educational opportunities. It will also offer a point of call for expert advice on issues of religious diversity for policy makers and media.

    As Prime Minister, Helen Clark supported New Zealand’s National Statement on Religious Diversity and was instrumental in New Zealand becoming one of the four sponsoring nations of the Regional Interfaith Dialogue that involved 15 Asia-Pacific countries. The former Prime Minister has graciously agreed to be the Patron of the Religious Diversity Centre. She will be home briefly from New York where she currently heads the United Nations Development Programme.

    The Hon Christopher Finlayson (National), MP Su’a William Sio (Labour), and MP Marama Davidson (Green) are sponsoring the launch.

    “The time has come for a Centre that ensures accurate information is available about New Zealand’s religious communities and the issues that impact on them—and on us all,” said Centre Chairperson Jocelyn Armstrong. “If sound knowledge feeds into wide public discussion then quality policy-making can be achieved for the country.”

    I watched one of her recent videos I found googling her. When asked about "Christian" she plainly and firmly said, as I heard it, that she was not Christian.



  137. To Dan Bryan re 4:17 pm

    I must confess this is a new website and all of the faces are so far unfamiliar to me. It looks like it would take a long time to watch the videos attached. What did you discover or discern there?


  138. Dear Constance: 12:26am

    I am looking at the move in Israel to globalize religion with it being headquartered in Israel, so this group popped up. I have yet to know about this group, as I just located them today.
    Thanks for your quick reply.

  139. To Dan Bryan:

    I just hopped over to the website after I posted the note to you -- I looked at "about" and it appears to be a collection of Jewish believers in Jesus as the promised Messiah. I'll have to spend more time looking at it.


  140. Following up on Dan Bryan's most recent posts, I discovered another organization called "". It appears that the same networking process that has characterized the New Age Movement is at work with many organizations networking towards the same goal and if one catches too much heat, then the others take up their slack. It also appears that religious persecution is being advanced as a rationale. It also appears that there are sincere people who think they are honestly fighting evil are involved. This again is what I call "The Hidden Dangers" of the present day New Age rainbow(s).

    It appears the Tanenbaum organization might have originated with a "Mark Tanenbaum." This is a Wikipedia reference I just found for him:



  141. signs of the times part 1 warren smith signs of the times part 2 warren smith contemplative spirituality ray yungen

  142. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Never mind about Tannenbaum, google "Greenbaum lecture".

  143. My intentions for noting the seven annual Holy Days as written in the Bible, is NOT to bring anyone under the
    Old Testament Law, but just to show anyone and everyone what a Holy Day is and where it comes from.
    This particular year is ideal to show what happens when the Roman church rewrites the times and Laws for
    whatever reason; in this case it was to intentionally distance itself from the Jewish traditions and their observance.

    What do you think? Is this years "easter" taking place at the proper time? Why is it called Easter? Wasn't Jesus in Jerusalem at that very time in order to observe the Passover and Unleavened Bread? Wasn't He also observing Firstfruits and Pentecost?
    Are there any crops that will be bearing first fruits in the middle of March?
    I do NOT advocate a return to the Old Testament statutes, when Jesus FULLFILLED all of them for us. I'm just saying that if you don't read the Old Testament and don't ingest God's Word in it's entirety, then you won't see the awesome perfection and power that is right there under your nose. And you won't understand what a Holy Day is and you will continue to get all bent out of shape over nothings, like Christmas, which isn't even mentioned as a holy day in the Bible, or Thanksgiving, which is something we should do every day, or Valentines Day or St Patricks Day etc etc etc.
    God hasn't changed over the centuries and His Word is still His Word.
    See Exodus 12 and 13 as well as Leviticus 23 and 25 and Numbers 29.
    He was crucified on Passover; the very middle of the month of Abib; the full moon
    He was the Unleavened Bread; pure, without the puffed up teachings of men.
    He was the Firstfruits of a new creation; a perfect and acceptable sacrifice unto God.
    The Holy Spirit came upon the believers on the very day of the end of Pentecost.

    When do you think God Himself will consider it Passover this year? Is it when the Bible says it is, or when the Roman Church says it is ?

  144. Anonymous9:13 AM

    We All Lie For The CIA

    Wednesday, March 30, 2016

  145. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Well said Paul!

  146. Anonymous10:32 AM

    I had no trouble whatsoever understanding the intent of what you had written about this topic, Paul because it was so simply and well said as noted above. It is a big picture view that should make people appreciate the beauty, majesty, and order of God's Word and His Ways. Should make hearts bow in reverence to see these things, with nothing to say-neither adding or taking away......

    Typical, MCE turns it into something else that you did not say, to defend the very teachings and practices that have garbled that said order and beauty of the Lord, because of men's attempts to "improve" upon what God has already said and done. Her fight is with God, but sadly, it's not private. In her tortured logic and calculatings, she rails at everything we all post just for the sake of argument. Have learned to expect no reverence coming from her. She has my pity for what she thinks she already knows and doesn't.

  147. Anonymous11:17 AM


    Re: "Mother Angelica's account of what happened at Fatima ... where the Sun bounced around in the sky, came closer to earth, then went back and forth, over and over again ... scaring everyone! Sure it did. Amazing how the SUN could accomplish this way up there in the Universe, and the only people that saw this phenomenon were those at "Fatima" and nowhere else."


    WRONG! 70,000 people - including some atheists - witnessed the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima - some from far away. It was reported in the secular atheist publication O Seculo.

    Before the miracle, many came to scoff, but after the miracle, many stayed to pray.

    Nevertheless, Fatima, in spite of being approved as worthy of belief by the Roman Catholic Church is a private revelation and Catholics are not required to believe in private revelations - including Fatima. So all your ranting and raving about Fatima is a moot point.

  148. Anonymous paul said...9:12 AM

    I agree with your points in your discussion. If I had a choice between the rich treasures of the Hebrew Feast days and that of the Roman holidays, I choose the feast days. I have long lashed out at the Pagan Roman Holidays, but have done little to explore the Hebrew feast days. I will take the tradition and the symbolism pointing to Jesus' life by through feast days over the fertility, death rites, and that Krampus any day.

    I have a Messianic girl friend (purely platonic and not living with me) with whom I am going to start exploring these feast days.

    Aren't we the ones that were to be grafted into the Hebrew tree as the Gentile? The separation keeps us in darkness about the riches of God's kingdom. Romans 11:11-26

    We see here also that the Jew will also return once again and be grafted back into the tree. (So much for that replacement theology - The Church replaces the Jew)

    We should not shun the law, but love God's law and allow it to be written on our hearts. We do have a choice:

    Mat 5:19
    Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

  149. Anon. 9:13 am....

    Interesting site.

    I can say with certainty that some of the story posted is disinformation, and some is not. What is difficult is knowing which is which. (For example, the part about America and Germany using media against Russia is about 180 degrees from reality - it is Russia using propaganda against Europe and the West that is mostly true - prepping for an invasion of Europe.)

    I know that in the past, and both have been conduits for disinformation. That means that I must vet the info presented on these sites, or at least read every story with a suspicious eye.

    I'm still in the "infancy" stage of learning how to spot DI (disinformation). (Like someone's signature said on another forum: "There's SO much I still don't know!") I'm working on getting some experts in the field to give me some pointers. When I have something concrete (as concrete as something like the the study of DI can be, haha!), I'll post what I find.

    One thing to note:

    When I try to call out political disinformation on a website, or media outlet, I'm not casting aspersions. If I, as a Christian, am duped into believing something politically untrue, that doesn't make me NOT a Christian. And if someone points out my error, I shouldn't see that as an attack on my Christianity.

  150. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Dan Bryan 12:03 P.M.

    Re: "If I had a choice between the rich treasures of the Hebrew Feast days and that of the Roman holidays, I choose the feast days. I have long lashed out at the Pagan Roman Holidays, but have done little to explore the Hebrew feast days."


    Since you and your likeminded associates still cannot make your case that the Bible teaches "Sola Scriptura" and "private interpretation," it shouldn't surprise anyone that all you have to fall back on is falsely accusing the Roman Catholic Church of celebrating "pagan" holy days.

    If the Roman Catholic holy days are "pagan," even more so are the Jewish holy days you acknowledge, because much of Roman Catholicism is based on the authentic ancient Hebrew tradition. And since you use an Old Testament canon created by anti-Christian Jewish Pharisees who were allowed to set up a "school" in Jamnia at the pleasure of the pagan Emperor Vespasian after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, it should also not surprise anyone that your Old Testament canon doesn't quite square with Christian beliefs. Historically, the Hebrew Bible was certainly NOT the Old Testament canon most frequently used among the Jews in the time of Christ and most often quoted by Christ and His Apostles.

    As a matter of fact, the Hebrew Bible itself smacks strongly of a pagan influence insofar as the Books of the Maccabees were eliminated PRECISELY to appease Vespasian who wouldn't have been too happy over the inclusion of a book that described a Jewish revolt against a client of Rome ( Antiochus IV Epiphanes who is a type of antichrist and who set himself up as "god").

    FYI, there is also an organization known as the Association of Hebrew Catholics founded by Jewish convert Elias Friedman, O.C.D.. I believe that Constance may be acquainted with one or two of its leading members, David Moss and his sister Rosalind who became a Catholic nun. Cardinal Raymond Burke is on the AHC's board of advisors.

    David Moss and the Association of Hebrew Catholics are as far from the New Age and any sort of paganism as anyone can get. They find the New Age repugnant as do the groups they are associated with. David Moss and his sister Rosalind Moss are deeply respected as CONSERVATIVE Catholic converts.

    They are perfect examples of those who are Jewish by birth, but legitimately feel they have a right to claim their Hebrew background as an ethnicity, like many people of other ethnicities do.

    If anything is "pagan," it is the so-called "MILLENNIUM" which smacks of Zoroastrian/Hindu pagan religions and is rejected by most traditional Protestant denominations as well as by the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Catholic communions. Not only is it pagan, but it is also anti-Christian since Christ clearly stated to Pontius Pilate "MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD" when Pontius Pilate asked Christ if He was a King.

    More importantly, the "millennium" is the perfect antichrist scenario. Christ himself said that there would be many antichrists before THE man of sin arrived.

    The last attempt at setting up such a "millennium" led to World War II. Its leader was what the late Father Vincent Miceli called a "mini-antichrist" .....a "precursor"... whose name was ADOLPH HITLER!

  151. Anonymous Anonymous said...1:56 PM
    Dan Bryan 12:03 P.M.

    I also concur with your points.
    I do not delve into traditions as much as I do the Tanakh related to the Feast days.
    I do study the feast celebrations and their foretelling of Jesus' life.

    I said nothing of the Roman Catholic Church, you connected that on your own.

    In ancient Rome, they had their festive pagan solstice holidays, etc. Should those dates somehow coincide with RCC Easter, Christmas, All Saints Day etc. etc. it would be better to ask of someone with greater insight into this coincidence?

    Another Ancient Roman tradition that I think is counter to 'The Way' is that of Birthdays. It is where people would gain special privilege close to the Emperor God-man status 'for a day'.

    The Enemy reads and knows 'The Book' better than we do!
    Will he try to create a counterfeit to the real? Of course, but it does not negate the truth.
    I doubtless will not see those millennial days as my own end of days is closer than most.

    Just because there can be found a 'Broad' consensus that the millennium does not exist, does not negate scripture.

  152. Anonymous3:19 PM


    May I ask what has changed your mind about Rome and its practices?

    Before the last few months, you were quite generous in your posts concerning the RCC and usually sided with its followers about their doctrines here at this blog.

    I am genuinely wondering what has changed your mind as I am in TOTAL AGREEMENT with you.

  153. Marko3:30 PM

    Repost of a "disappeared" post.....

    Anon. 9:13 am....

    Interesting site.

    I can say with certainty that some of the story posted is disinformation, and some is not. What is difficult is knowing which is which. (For example, the part about America and Germany using media against Russia is about 180 degrees from reality - it is Russia using propaganda against Europe and the West that is mostly true - prepping for an invasion of Europe.)

    I know that in the past, globalresearch and zerohedge both have been conduits for disinformation. That means that I must vet the info presented on these sites, or at least read every story with a suspicious eye.

    I'm still in the "infancy" stage of learning how to spot DI (disinformation). (Like someone's signature said on another forum: "There's SO much I still don't know!") I'm working on getting some experts in the field to give me some pointers. When I have something concrete (as concrete as something like the the study of DI can be, haha!), I'll post what I find.

    One thing to note:

    When I try to call out political disinformation on a website, or media outlet, I'm not casting aspersions. If I, as a Christian, am duped into believing something politically untrue, that doesn't make me NOT a Christian. And if someone points out my error, I shouldn't see that as an attack on my Christianity.

  154. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Since you and your likeminded associates still cannot make your case that the Bible teaches "Sola Scriptura" and "private interpretation," it shouldn't surprise anyone that all you have to fall back on is falsely accusing the Roman Catholic Church of celebrating "pagan" holy days.

    Dear 1.56pm, it is not me making that accusation but I have responded several times to Catholic claims here that the Bible does not teach "Sola Scriptura" or "private interpretation". I claim that my response justifies the protestant position, and I have not seen any reply, so I repeat it here:

    Re sola scriptura, the Bible is the word of God given to His people at a particular set of times. It is as special as He is - that is to say, unique. The job of the faithful was simply to recognise when God was speaking and collect his words. Saying that God's word does not include sola scriptura is like grumbling that the Bible does not give an argument why God exists.

    Re private interpretation, believers should of course read the scriptures for themselves, and as a result they will have ideas about their meaning. They should then discuss the scriptures with other Christians. They might end up not agreeing but without breaking the unity in Christ. The alternative is that an "approved" interpretation is given equal status with scripture. Bad idea.

  155. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Dan 2:35 P.M.

    Re: "I said nothing of the Roman Catholic Church, you connected that on your own."


    Now it seems like you are not being quite truthful because you were directly replying to Paul at 9:12:A.M. who said:

    "My intentions for noting the seven annual Holy Days as written in the Bible, is NOT to bring anyone under the
    Old Testament Law, but just to show anyone and everyone what a Holy Day is and where it comes from.
    This particular year is ideal to show what happens when the Roman church rewrites the times and Laws for
    whatever reason; in this case it was to intentionally distance itself from the Jewish traditions and their observance."


    You also said: "In ancient Rome, they had their festive pagan solstice holidays, etc. Should those dates somehow coincide with RCC Easter, Christmas, All Saints Day etc. etc. it would be better to ask of someone with greater insight into this coincidence?"


    Let's just take Christmas for the sake of discussion. The Roman Catholic Church has never pretended to know the exact date of Christ's birthday, but if the festive pagan solstice holiday coincided with RCC Christmas, it also coincided with the Jewish Feast of Hanukkah!

    The Jewish FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS, Hanukkah starts on the 25th of Kislev (the month in the Jewish calendar that occurs at about the same time as December). Hanukkah celebrates when the Jewish people were able to re-dedicate and worship in their Temple, in Jerusalem again following many years of not being allowed to practice their religion while under the oppressive regime of Antiochus IV Epiphanes - a type of antichrist who conferred divine honors on himself and set up an idol of Zeus in the Temple of Jerusalem and sacrificed a pig to it( "the abomination of desolation").


  156. Anonymous6:13 PM


    The Feast of Hanukkah and the history behind it is described in the Books of the Maccabees which are to be found in the Septuagint. The Maccabeean Wars of independence are also described by the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus.

    But since your Old Testament canon is presumably the Hebrew Bible, that probably explains why you are not familiar with these facts. Interestingly, the Ethiopian Jews never got "orders" from the Jamnian rabbis areound 90 A.D. that they were to ditch the Septuagint, because the Ethiopian Jews are still using the Septuagint Old Testament canon to this very day.

    Jesus - THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD - was a Jew, and the Septuagint was the Bible He used and quoted most often in the New Testament, so this could be another reason that persuaded the early Church to choose December the 25th - the date closest to Hanukkah - for the date of Christmas!

    It is truly ironic that when modern Jews seek biblical authority for their festival of Hanukkah - which commemorates their victory over what Christians believe to be a type of antichrist - and the miracle of lights that occurred when they went to rededicate the temple and ran out of oil - they have to go to the Ethiopian Jewish/ Roman Catholic/Orthodox Catholic Old Testament canon known as the Septuagint.

    Christmas had also been celebrated by the early Church on January 6th, when they also celebrated the Epiphany (which means the revelation that Jesus was God's son) and the Baptism of Jesus. Now Epiphany mainly celebrates the visit of the Wise Men to the baby Jesus, but back then it celebrated both things! Jesus's Baptism was originally seen as more important than his birth, as this was when he started his ministry. But soon people wanted a separate day to celebrate his birth.

    Most of the world uses the 'Gregorian Calendar' implemented by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. Before that the 'Roman' or Julian Calendar was used (named after Julius Caesar). The Gregorian calendar is more accurate than the Roman calendar which had too many days in a year! When the switch was made 10 days were lost, so that the day that followed the 4th October 1582 was 15th October 1582. In the UK the change of calendars was made in 1752. The day after 2nd September 1752 was 14th September 1752.

    Many Orthodox and Coptic Churches still use the Julian Calendar and so celebrate Christmas on the 7th January (which is when December 25th would have been on the Julian calendar). And the Armenian Apostolic Church celebrates it on the 6th January! In some part of the UK, January 6th is still called 'Old Christmas' as this would have been the day that Christmas would have celebrated on, if the calendar hadn't been changed. Some people didn't want to use the new calendar as they thought it 'cheated' them out of 11 days!

    Christians believe that Jesus is the light of the world, so the early Christians thought that this was the right time to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

  157. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Hi all,

    Again this blog gets bogged down in the age old Roman Catholic debate to the total detriment of the much needed discussion of what the "antichrist, new agers are up to".
    Constance talked above about Helen Clark a women ranked as the 23rd most powerful woman in the World by (Forbes 2014) by most accounts she appears a blatant globalist ,anti moralist, new ager with a distain for America (strongly evidenced through out her political career) she is now riseing through the ranks with eyes set on the top UN position.
    Helen Clark was the subject of a book titled "Absolute Power" by New Zealands top investigative journalist and best selling authour Ian Wishart... he later wrote the book "Totalitaria" which exposes the One World New Age agenda on many fronts.
    Unlike many authors on the subject Ian is a credible career journalist who approaches matters by supported evidence not heresay and has been involved in some of the most notable Court cases in his home country of New Zealand resulting from his investigative disclosers.

    Please could people stop and take the time to look into the subject... surpriseingly this has flown under the radar of readers of this blog which is of itself surpriseing.

    Ian Wisharts "Totalitaria" is a good read and very much in a similar vain to Constances books with more current evidence and plans being exposed including the UN, Vatican, NAR etc... all featured.

    Will await some comments.


  158. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Re: "The alternative is that an "approved" interpretation is given equal status with scripture."

    No. Sacred Tradition is given equal status with Sacred Scripture in Roman Catholicism because the oral tradition preceded the written tradition and is inseperable from it. This is not only Biblically true, but it is also historically true! The "approved" interpretation of Sacred Scripture by the Roman Catholic Church is the teaching authority conferred on her by Christ and as such is part of Sacred Tradition.

    Truth does not depend on a majority vote. If it did, then Athanasius, who defended Christ's divinity against the Arian heresy, would not have won the day over the Arian heretics who at that time were the majority and there would have been no Athanasian Creed.

    Re:"Re private interpretation, believers should of course read the scriptures for themselves, and as a result they will have ideas about their meaning. They should then discuss the scriptures with other Christians. They might end up not agreeing but without breaking the unity in Christ."


    I sincerely hope that you will agree that whatever else they may happen to disagree on, authentic Christians must agree on their Christology as defined in the Creeds of Chalcedon and Nicaea. That is our rock bottom Christian unity.

  159. Anonymous6:54 PM


    Have cut and pasted Ian Wisharts bio below.... obviously a courageous whistleblower worth listening to.

    Ian Wishart is a multi-award winning investigative journalist and bestselling author of more than 20 books, who's now in his fourth decade in the news business. His writing style has often been compared to John Grisham by reviewers.

    He's been a radio News Director, a Chief of Staff for TV3 News and a magazine editor. His work has featured in the Times of London, Daily Mail, New Zealand Herald and America's massive Coast to Coast radio programme - to name a few. His books Totalitaria, Air Con and Vitamin D became Amazon bestsellers worldwide.

    While writing his first book, The Paradise Conspiracy, Wishart's TVNZ office was discovered to have been bugged, his home was broken into, the manuscript for the book stolen, and an attempt was made on his life. Needless to say, he survived to write the story.

    The first four chapters of The Paradise Conspiracy inspired movie director Geoff Murphy ("Young Guns II", "Under Siege 2") to produce the movie "Spooked" starring Cliff Curtis ("Runaway Jury", "Live Free or Die Hard") in a loose portrayal of Wishart's role as an investigative journalist.

    He's been shot at, tear-gassed and stalked, but Wishart says his motivation remains telling the stories that "need to be told", whether its new leads on cold case murders, or government espionage.

  160. Hi,

    I know Ian personally.
    He and his wife are very committed Christians, commendable people who stand up for righteousness at great personal cost.


  161. Anonymous7:32 PM

    A Gateway Could Be Opened When the Temple of Baal Is Erected in Times Square
    7:00AM EDT 3/29/2016 Michael Snyder


  162. Susanna7:42 PM

    Helen Clark: UN must not backtrack on women's reproductive rights

    Millennium Development Goal 5

    Target 5.B: achieve, by 2015, universal access to reproductive health

    A health centre in Madagascar offering reproductive health services
    A health centre in Madagascar offering reproductive health services

    UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

  163. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Hi Anon 7.32,

    They go on about portals when we already have millions of so called Christians opening themselves up to demonic invasion via contemplative prayer, sozo, kundalini, christian yoga (so called), fire tunnels etc and a whole host of ever evolveing totally demonic new age practises being flung about the churches falsely advocated as long lost treasures.

  164. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Hi Susanna 7.42,

    thats just the tip of the iceberg... keep digging theres way more and its very dileberately well hidden.

  165. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Makes sense that someone like Helen Clark is not noticed... obscured in New Zealand remoteness and watchfull gaze of counter New Age watchers.

  166. Marko9:14 PM

    For those wanting to see Helen Clark's communist/Marxist credentials, this is a good start:

    Communism and Marxism are inseparable from New Age / New World Order globalism. They are twin branches sprung from the same root.

  167. Marko9:26 PM

    Here is a speech by Helen Clark to the Socialist International in July of 2015.

    The link below is a direct link to a PDF file, just so you know.

    As with all Leftist, Marxist, New Age people and groups, she is good at identifying the problems of the world, but horrible at finding solutions that are workable and that account for human nature. Instead, they think that they can fundamentally transform human nature. Stupid, they are. When in power, dangerous they are. Talk like Yoda, I do. (But only occasionally...)

  168. Anonymous11:58 PM

    60 minutes on the Gulen movement:

  169. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Sacred Tradition is given equal status with Sacred Scripture in Roman Catholicism because the oral tradition preceded the written tradition and is inseperable from it. This is not only Biblically true, but it is also historically true! The "approved" interpretation of Sacred Scripture by the Roman Catholic Church is the teaching authority conferred on her by Christ and as such is part of Sacred Tradition.

    Obviously the gospels were circulating orally before they were written down - Luke says so in the opening of his gospel. But there is no historical evidence for anything reliable about Christ that is not in the New Testament. I don't understand the last sentence of yours I have quoted above. An interpretation is not an authority.

    I sincerely hope that you will agree that whatever else they may happen to disagree on, authentic Christians must agree on their Christology as defined in the Creeds of Chalcedon and Nicaea. That is our rock bottom Christian unity.

    A bit too much looking at Christ through Greek-philosophical spectacles in these, but I gladly affirm the point: that Jesus of Nazareth is both wholly man and wholly divine (in the sense of the creator of all things); and that the Creator, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are undivided and divine and that nothing else is.

  170. Anonymous8:57 AM

    New Mexico Bans Forced Psychiatric Drugging Of Children

    49 more States to go

  171. Anon 3:19
    The reasons for my "tone" regarding the RCC are multiple, but my view of Roman Catholics hasn't really
    changed. I believe that probably most of them are sincere Christians, in other words they are saved by the blood of the Lamb, just as I am.
    It's the LEADERSHIP of practically any institution on earth that is suspect.
    I wouldn't trust the Pope as far as I could throw him.
    And as far as the Vatican goes, ditto.
    The Jesuits were concieved from the git-go as a special op's group to squash Protestantism and they murdered
    MILLIONS of Protestants over the years of the Inquisition and even after that. Millions.
    The RCC got all up in arms when the printing press was invented and tried to stop the proliferation of the the Bible
    in print. That kind of fear can only come from a LACK of faith, as well as a prideful sense of superiority.
    When I was growing up Catholic, and going to Catechism classes in the summer, no one ever suggested we actually read
    the Bible. There were just too many ways for simple folks to get it wrong, which is the same mantra that I hear even now on this blogspot. Catholic voices always chime in with the standard; "if everyone reads it there willl be hundreds of different
    interpretations, just as you have in the Protestant world now". But the differences between most Protestant denominations
    are minor, often insignificant variations on relatively unimportant issues, like which musical instruments, if any are allowable.
    We recite the Apostles Creed every week. The word "catholic" means general, or universal, until it has a capital "C".
    So I read it for myself and I have very good understanding of what I read.
    Jesus said that He would send to the disciples the Holy Ghost, and that HE is the Spirit of Truth and that He would teach us in all righteousness.
    The Catholics say no to that. They disagree with Jesus. The Roman Catholics bring up "Sola Scriptura" every time and say that the Bible doesn't teach that anywhere. That's just not true:
    What does; "Behold I come; in the volume of the book it is written about me" sound like to you? (Psalms 40:7 AND Hebrews 10:7)
    Or_ "This book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, and observe to do according to all that is written therein. Then thy way shall be made prosperous and thou will have good success." Joshua 1:8)
    Or read II KIngs 22, the whole chapter, but I'll just quote verse 13: " Go ye, inquire of the Lord for me, and for the people, and
    for all Judah, concerning the words of this book that is found: for great is the wrath of the Lord that is kindled against us, because our fathers have not hearkened unto the words of this book, to do all that which is written concerning us."
    Or see Nehemiah chapter 9 where all Israel returned to the Torah.
    Or just read the Psalms which are replete with references to the "Word of God", such as #130: "Thy testimonies are wonderful_
    the entrance of thy words gives light and understanding to the simple.
    Or Isaiah 8:20 "_ To the Law and to the testimony..."

    On the subject of Sola Scriptura my mind is settled. On the subject of Priests, I don't believe that they are necessary or relevant any more. Jesus is THE ONLY mediator between God and man. On the subject of Indulgences I say; what a transparent load of hogwash indulgences always were. On the subject of Mary, practically every thing that the RCC made up about her is heresy. Praying to her is blasphemy.

    I'd suggest listening to Walter Vieth's series "From Crete to Malta" on You Tube

  172. Isaiah 8:20 "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."

    2 Tim. 3:16 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness"

    These verses are used to support sola scriptura out of the Bible itself. However, they don't quite do this. More like prima scriptura. Everything must be tested in terms of Scripture. But the issue is not only is it in Scripture but is it CONTRARY to Scripture or is it compatible with Scripture?

    resist not evil was said about what? lesser evils. How do we know this? because Jesus said turn the other cheek when someone smites you on the face. "smiting" has an extreme connotation like the smiting given backslidden Israel in the OT, but it can't in that NT statement refer to anything worse that a sharp slap, maybe a backhand, because anything more or with an object, and you CAN'T turn the other cheek because you are unconscious, or on the ground, or dead. none of these situations give you choice at that moment except on the ground, well, you might get up. but the fact it could put you on the ground shows this is serious. not the sort
    of "dissing" people kill over.

    modalism, that there is one PErson no Trinity Who manifests as one or another role, Father Son and Holy Spirit, is ruined by Jesus praying to The Father (was He talking
    to Himself?) and His baptism where all THREE are present and speaking or taking some action. This sort of thing is of course ignored by oneness Pentecostal heretics.

    Liturgical worship is shown in OT and not forbidden in NT. So it is legitimate. Including incense and lamps or candles. verses out of context about God hating incense are irrelevant, because He was talking about hypocritical worship by people entrenched in idolatry worshipping pagan gods and other sins who had no intention of quitting but who played extreme syncretism.

    Hyper focus on Mary - well, lets look at her example. Mary said to do what Jesus says at the Wedding at Cana. The Assumption was secret and a local tradition until it got public when her relics were sought and none available but a few clothing items. Then it went viral. Why was it secret? because SHE SAID NOT TO TELL ANYONE OF THIS BECAUSE IT MIGHT DISTRACT ATTENTION FROM JESUS.

    Therefore it is not serving Mary to make as much of a fuss over her as RC makes. Prayer to her? depends on what the words are. what their implications are. If she is alive after all, then it isn't seeking contact with the dead. Queen of Heaven? Jewish queens were the kings' mothers, not one of their wives. Indulgences? that's another matter entirely. confession and absolution? did not Jesus give the Apostles the power to remit or retain the sins of others? why assume this wasn't passed on?
    is it mechanistically automatic so you can get away with anything? most likely not.
    "God is not mocked."

    repentance, metanoia is a change of mind but a change of mind if real means a change of action as a result. a belief or idea or attitude truly held will be acted on, and truly rejected will not be acted on. This is not only about sin but about any change of plans or direction. The people who denounce "lordship salvation" don' get this. IF I plan to go out today, and change my mind, I have "repented" from going out today. God "repenting" from some line of action He proposed or was engaged in and decided enough was done already, is the same thing. Those who argue that since God repented of this and that and God can't sin "repent" doesn't mean
    quit sinning. But in the case of humans, what we are told to do is "repent of your sins," quit that wrong line of action and of course the lines of thought that lead
    to such actions.

  173. Christine,

    "Prayer to her? depends on what the words are. what their implications are...."

    No, it doesn't depend on anything.
    Prayer to Mary is sinful and wrongheaded.

    Thanks for the obfuscation, and smoke and mirrors, as always.
    Are you a Jesuit yourself?

  174. Mary is not the "Mediatrix".
    Mary is not the "Co-Redemptrix".
    Mary is not the "mother of God".
    Jesus existed before the universe was created.
    Mary was his mother when He decided to be
    incarnated as a man, which is why she is blessed
    among all women.
    How could Mary be the mother of God?
    No one ever even said such a ridiculous thing
    until a Pope decided that.
    It's nowhere in the Bible.
    It's Gnostic and it's absurd.
    Jesus said: "Before Abraham was, I AM"

  175. Anonymous2:57 PM

    "Thanks for the obfuscation, and smoke and mirrors, as always."

    You said it, Paul.
    She is the epitome of religion on steroids.
    And has the nerve to speak about the topic of repentance.
    She doesn't know the first thing about the Living Word taught to real believers by the Spirit of the Living God. If she did, there would be a changed heart not her version of a sorta-kinda reformed one.

    Instead, it's just her "superior" "calculations" (lol) talk that has no actual authority and certainly no walk.
    No glory to God.


  176. Paul ...

    I for one agree. I might add that their "Mary" is falsely claimed to be the "Queen of Heaven," which that very title is condemned as a false, pagan "deity" by the prophet Jeremiah. Yet, that is the exact title Rome ascribes to their "Mary."

    Rome also falsely claims that their "Mary" sits on the Throne of God next to Jesus. They claim that she was "Immaculately Conceived" without original sin, and, that she maintained her sinless state throughout her entire life ... never had a bad thought, never had a wrong intention, etc., etc. Also, they maintain that, although married to Joseph, she remained a virgin her entire life. Furthermore, there are eight sanctioned "apparitions" of their Mary ... all either a complete manufactured lie, or, Satanic tricks used to fool people into the sin of Maryolatry.

    The 2nd. Commandment expressly forbids the making of "ANY" image of any being in heaven above or upon the earth. Yet, Rome has profited throughout its long and profane history via the sales of "images" of their "Mary," "jesus," their "saints," etc., etc. Again, ALL in complete defiance to the clearly expressed will of God.

    Over and over again, an honest reader of the Scriptures will find God on one side, and Rome on the other. "Choose you this day whom you will serve" ... Rome and its multitude of errors that enslaves the souls of mankind, or the Perfect One that came to "set the captives free."

  177. If anyone doubts that Rome's "Mary" does not hold a position in their "church" that amounts to the sin of idolatry, let that person read Rome's masterpiece on Maryolatry ... "The Glories of Mary." Written by a Rome-sanctioned "Saint," it is extremely revealing to anyone that wants to see for themselves what Rome REALLY teaches regarding their "Mary."

    Free PDF download of the American Edition:

  178. paul

    you can't be female and be a Jesuit. it is an order of priests.

    Mediatrix presupposes mediation with Jesus for us not with The Father but the
    One Mediator thing is about His High Priesthood, not that no one but Him can
    pray to The Father. But our whole relationship with The Father is through Him, and
    the term mediatrix is bad in its implications.

    Co redemptrix is a conceit of many RC individuals, it is not formal dogma. It is also wrong.

    "How could Mary be the mother of God?"

    was Jesus God at HIs conception and at HIs birth, or did He become God later? If the former then what came out of her womb was God as well as man. THAT IS WHAT THE TITLE IS ABOUT. against some heresies that either denied Jesus' full humanity, or claimed He acquired godhood or "the Christ spirit" or some such thing later.

    Immaculate conception of Mary is wrong and unnecessary for God to block transmission
    of original sin to Jesus.


    "The 2nd. Commandment expressly forbids the making of "ANY" image of any being in heaven above or upon the earth. Yet, Rome has profited throughout its long and profane history via the sales of "images" of their "Mary," "jesus," their "saints," etc., etc. Again, ALL in complete defiance to the clearly expressed will of God."

    the context which is part of that commandment is against false gods and implicitly against trying to depict God Himself.

    GOD ORDERED IMAGES MADE, Cherubim on the tabernacle veils, two statues of cherubim facing each other over the mercy seat, a carved pomegranate alternating with a bell all around the priest's robe's hem, and the brass serpent to cure snakebite by looking at it (later became treated as a god and was destroyed).

    I agree the attitude to Mary by RC is close to idolatrous, and in the misunderstanding of some RC individuals and in their inclinations, including I think Ligouri's, it is idolatry. I have grave doubts about all marian apparitions, especially Fatima. As I said, it is not obeying Mary to make as much a fuss over her as RC does.

  179. Anonymous5:04 PM

    "The 2nd. Commandment expressly forbids the making of "ANY" image of any being in heaven above or upon the earth."

    Not so, Ray! The Commandment forbids the making and bowing down to any image, etc. Does this mean no making AND no bowing down, or no "making followed by bowing down"? Since God told ancient Israel to make statues of cherubim for the Temple (Exodus 25:18, 37:7), it cannot mean the former and must therefore mean the latter. So Christian art is in general fine (although I think no artist could catch the absence of sin in Jesus' face, and I would not attempt to make an image of the Father). What we must not do is worship it.

    I'm protestant, by the way.

  180. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Paul, thanks for keeping it clear and concise what you believe. I know you believe the tenets of the faith once handed down to the saints.

    C. Erikson's mouth full of marbles answers make it clear she's an ain't.

    As for images, perhaps we would do well to think about what Jesus talked about in our thought life when in a wrong vain it becomes equal to the acts (think on someone with lust=adultery, hate in the heart=murder, etc) then the whole issue of images really gets deep. the mental to the actual is only a matter of degrees then. Coveting what someone else has puts images before the mind as another for instance. The lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life all spell that succinctly for us as to how and why we are all sold under sin (as in original) in need of salvation--the broken commandments are everywhere.
    Looks like sinners need Jesus' salvation even when we may have the best of intentions as we all get tripped up somewhere in these. Pretty plain and simple.

    Pride struggles with trying to justify and equivocate and excuse or explain away and that is why Erikson's calculations are wrong yet again.

  181. The 2nd. Commandment ...

    "Thou shalt not MAKE unto thee ANY graven IMAGE, or ANY LIKENESS of ANY THING that is in HEAVEN above, or that is in the EARTH beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God ..." Exodus 20:4,5b (block letters mine for emphasis)

    Clearly, the 2nd. Commandment forbids the MAKING of any image, and it ALSO forbids bowing down to any image. RCC is in clear violation to this commandment.

  182. RayB said...3:18 PM
    If anyone doubts that Rome's "Mary" does not hold a position

    This document is very informative. Just reading the index is sufficient for me.
    It is a great addition to my library on Mom's Catholicism.

    I get the picture reading this; that the graces were paid for by Jesus' divine sacrifice,can only be inferred to us through Mary. Wouldn't Mary being immaculately conceived, necessarily be divine? Thereby Jesus' flesh is also divine by super-nature? Apparently a mystery.

    One thing I have noted about RC's imagery is that of Jesus only being represented as a baby or a dead man on a cross, with his only reprieve that he comes down off the cross for Easter week......when in fact it is when he was on the cross? Of course he must return to the cross to provide that perpetual indulgence of his flesh? But of course it is another mystery.

  183. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Through mortal man is the transmission of sin as God held Adam accountable for sin in the garden. Eve was deceived but Adam ate willingly. God's order in the first and last. Jesus is the last Adam.
    Jesus' Father is God...sin was not passed on to Him.

  184. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Hi Constance,

    Can you set up another blog so that the same old people can go on and on about the catholic false doctrines there and not here.
    Christines constant undermining of scripture and defense of her defacto relstionship here is a terrible witness.
    Scripture is very clear about what to do with someone in the church who continues to sin and will not endure sound doctrine.
    Justice must not only be done, but be seen to be done.
    Christines open promotion and paradeing of a sinfull lifestyle with the accompanying heretical teachings on the blog warrants firm actioncsnd not just another telling off.

  185. Anonymous6:54 PM


    This blog was hijacked or maybe more lowjacked ages ago.

    Urban dictionary meaning of lowjacked
    "To have something taken from you by smooth talking or strong convincing. Not as violent or non-participatory as being High-jacked, being lowjacked involves ones own insecure or gullible nature.

  186. " Wouldn't Mary being immaculately conceived, necessarily be divine? "

    no. Adam and Eve were created immaculate, without original sin. They were not divine
    by nature.

  187. Anonymous7:29 PM

    "SOMEONE is grabbing humans many need NO hypnosis to remember events, or a little to get past some screen memory, THERE ARE ODD WOUNDS LIKE SCOOP MARKS ON THEM, and now Derrel Sims has brought forensics into it. Tracking and influence tiny devices that broadcast in the 3 point something GHz range have been dug out of people. This is PHYSICAL. Calling on Jesus can stop an event if done before the mind control sets in. But that is true regarding strictly human mental attack, even if you can argue it involved a demon, the strictly human physical person was involved.
    My videos are hopefully to benefit those who have heard the alien "spiritual" propaganda. This got rolling big time after a mass abduction in the late 1980s, with a few preceders, when the aliens found out researchers were tracking their activities. Then researchers suddenly found the abductees being brainwashed into a positive attitude"

    You're in fine form there Justina even after Constance said to stop it with the alien bunk!

    She just wears down the blog with this stuff every chance she gets hoping no one will say anything.

    Low-jacked for sure...long time ago.

  188. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Hi Anon 7:29,

    With all the perverse talk of aliens, living in sin, talking to dead saints etc ..I think its all to obvious that the demonic is present.

  189. Anonymous9:12 PM


    I agree with 6:44....

    I belong to a discussion forum where we prohibited the discussion of several topics, and told people that there were LOTS of other places to discuss them, but not there.

    It's too bad that is not the policy here. It works quite well for us.

  190. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Anon 7:29 PM

    Christine is right. A closer look at Hillary Clinton proves aliens live among us. Do the research! Google Hillary + reptilian and Oprah + reptilian.

    Fritos (run by reptilian executives) conditioned the population to ignore the abductees' surgical markings by marketing Scoops. Scoops were so widely accepted that people now look at abductee markings as fatty, flabby indentations.


  191. What is the difference between contemplative prayer, contemplative spirituality, spiritual formation, Jesuit spiritual exercises and mantra style meditation?

    Is it ok if it is Christian based and wrong if it is eastern religious based? If so why? This same spiritual formation and contemplative worship is being introduced into the protestant community lately by Richard Foster and others. Is it wrong in any faith tradition except that of the monastic Catholic monks? If so why?

  192. Anonymous4:15 AM


    Do you think God is being inconsistent in commanding ancient Israel to make statues of cherubim (Ex 25:18), having earlier given the 2nd Commandment? Please include a clear Yes or No in any answer you give. If not, why not?

  193. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Tbis blog is going so downhill... it was bad enough Christine talking about a month ago of salvation for Aliens (the extraterestial kind ) and now someone mentioned the likes of David Ickes Reptilian nonsense.
    David Icke claimed he was the son of the godhead.... a revelation he recieved via the occultic practise of automatic handwriting.

    This blog is being loaded with new age occultic dialog.

  194. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Dear Constance,

    SOMEONE is grabbing humans many need NO hypnosis to remember events, or a little to get past some screen memory, THERE ARE ODD WOUNDS LIKE SCOOP MARKS ON THEM, and now Derrel Sims has brought forensics into it. Tracking and influence tiny devices that broadcast in the 3 point something GHz range have been dug out of people. This is PHYSICAL. Calling on Jesus can stop an event if done before the mind control sets in. But that is true regarding strictly human mental attack, even if you can argue it involved a demon, the strictly human physical person was involved. My videos are hopefully to benefit those who have heard the alien "spiritual" propaganda.

    Christine has no respect whatsoever for your repeated requests to keep to one post per day and cut out the alien/martian off-the-wall nonsense. Please would you bar her as many of us who are not willing to see nonsense go uncorrected wish your blog to revert to what it once was? I for one would be grateful to you.

  195. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Hi Anon 4:15,

    What point are you trying to make?.
    The making of idols by the Catholic Church in New Testament times cannot be justified by references to Old Testament instructions to Israel re the cherubim.

  196. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Jesuitina aka New Ager (just like Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, at 4:33 PM you patronised Paul by stating: " Paul, you can't be a female and be a Jesuit. it is an order of priests."

    Cretine... never heard of Jeanne d'Arc? Yes , she was a little before the Jesuits emerged from the Spanish Illuminati (Alumbrados)! Then there is that other Joan who, disguised as a man to the general public, went on to become Pope John XIII (855 -858 AD)!

    Actually, Jesuitina, Princess Juana of Austria was a member of the Jesuits (yes, an actual member)!

    Besides which, there are a number of women's orders within the RC, for instance, 'the Congregation of the Sisters of St Joseph', and the 'Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus' [Jesuitical Handmaidens], etc. Moreover, whereas women are not ordained as Jesuitical 'priests' , there are several layperson organisations, with female members, working nephariously in conjunction with the Jesuits, such as the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, and Ignatian Volunteer Corps, etc.

    There has also been serious consideration about admitting women OPENLY in the Jesuit Order very recently. How many have been clandestinely admitted is anyone's guess.

    So whilst you may or may not be a Jesuit, Critine, I wonder whether your "ex" Satanist co-fornicator and occult practitioner is involved in Ignatius Loyola's Satanic 'spiritual ' exercises?

  197. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Btw, 'the Congregation of the Sisters of St Joseph', and the 'Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus' [Jesuitical Handmaidens], etc, are closely affiliated with and modelled on the Jesuits!

  198. Yes everything that Jesuitina says is consistant with Jesuit practices.
    She is just like Dan in Genesis 49:16&17
    "Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.
    Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path,
    that bites the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall

  199. can none of you here answer Dan Bryan? I am not surprised. your accusations show you incompetent to deal with REAL new age issues. assuming you are not new age sneak defenders with fake Christian personas of the most obnoxious sort to make us all look bad. but first

    "Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence." John 18:36 AS IN NOT YET, NOT AT PRESENT note that word "now."

    anon. 5:53, Scripture NEVER says original sin passes only on the male side, "adam"
    includes Eve who came from him like a cloned sister. Gen. 5:2 God called THEIR name Adam. By your logic, a woman's egg made to divide like a zygote (been done in lower mammals) would be without original sin. "man" as a category includes women unless explicitly male.

    "...RC's imagery is that of Jesus only being represented as a baby or a dead man on a cross, " they show lots more crucifix points to His death which saved us and to His Resurrection without which no one would be making crucifixes!

    "and defense of her defacto relstionship here is a terrible witness."

    ARE YOU or any critics of this DIVORCED AND REMARRIED? if so shut up. you are living in sin. (Jesus didn't rescind the Mosaic allowance, just told them they weren't that pure.)

    "She just wears down the blog with this stuff every chance she gets" I have tried to keep off this you all drag it up. you are a false accuser of the brethren.

    Dan Bryan,
    contemplative prayer, contemplative spirituality, same thing, empty your mind, spiritual formation may use Jesuit (guided visualization of being at various times in Jesus' life and sufferings) and mantra systems added, ALL THIS IS WRONG INCL. FOR CHRISTIANS.

    modern contemplative prayer (a medieval overreaction to the intellectual sterility of scholasticism) is NOT what the Desert Fathers did, they contemplated Jesus or words of Scripture, or prayed using the words in the Psalms to God. the stilling of thoughts is stopping your mind from wandering off God when praying or off Scripture when reading it.

    NOT EMPTY YOUR MIND. the modern form the idea is to meet God in your own silence, an illusion, as is shown by not bringing unbelievers into Christianity, and by Christians doing this to move towards apostasy emptying your mind lets spirits mess with you easier.

    ORthodoxy warns against mental imagery and imagination which can create delusion or
    attract demons. Orthodoxy warns against using the Jesus prayer as a mantra and/or going into a trance. Ray Yungen and Warren Smith can tell you about modern contemplative prayer

    modern lectio divina is NOT what the Desert Fathers taught. They read scripture to APPLY it. mantra can be misused Jesus Prayer, or other things.

    NO ANONS OR RAYB CALLED OUT PAGAN POSTERS I was the one who rebuked them. proof:
    one self assured in confusion answered as if new ager were anti new age only ONE worried by Dan Bryan's semi arianism YOU EVEN TRY TO STOP CONSTANCE TALK ABOUT OCCULT NAM ORIGINS
