
Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Yesterday, the big news was that an alleged ringleader in the November Paris ISIS attacks had been captured in Brussels, Belgium.  Brussels is the headquarters of the European Union.  It is also the capitol city of Belgium.  Per audio reports I heard Sunday and  yesterday, the captured alleged ringleader was talking.  He told investigators, per reports, that there had been many more planned attacks on European centers.  

Google News Search on Brussels attack, 11:42 am, Eastern Time, March 22, 2016.

Today, the ugly plans evidently went into full blown execution.  Belgium, a country that depends heavily on rail travel for basic transportation, had both its main train station and airport attacked by suicide bombers.  At least 34 have been reported dead as of the time of this writing and the death toll is said to be certain to rise.

Among the televised reports I heard as I awoke to this news this morning were that Belgium had been vulnerable because it basically "lacked borders" and the foreign population was high.  This news is probably certain to strengthen Donald Trump's presidential bid hand because that is what he has persistently said about the United States.  

This development is also likely to strengthen the hands of those calling for "global governance," "global civil society," "interfaith dialogue", "Alliance of Civilizations", "New World Religion", and for those advocating for Europe to speak with one voice and with a multi-country consolidated military (Javier Solana has probably been the leading voice with this message starting in 1999).

Developments are diabolical and disturbing.  Jesus' words to his disciples about latter times in human history featuring "men's hearts failing them for fear looking after the things coming upon the Earth" sound increasingly like present reality.

May the Lord protect us all in these turbulent times.

Stay tuned!



  1. This type of violence will only continue, and unfortunately, it will surely get much, much worse. IMO, this is all by design. The New World Order elitists are purposely, through their open borders policies, creating chaos. Once it gets to the point where people are truly afraid, the elitists will step in and offer the "solution" to the chaos that THEY created by taking complete control over everything WE do ... all under the guise of restoring peaceful order. If history is our guide, opponents to this type of totalitarian despotism will simply "disappear." (Side note: in the past, I knew people that lived under Hitler's Germany and Stalin's USSR. These people all knew people that just simply "vanished." One Jewish gentleman that lived under Stalin told me that the worst sound imaginable was a "late night, knock at the door." He said if such a knock occurred, you knew your life was over, and that even after all these years a "knock at the door" brings fear to him)!

    As global economies continue to sink under a sea of debt, and as violence and chaos spreads, the Biblical prophecies of the end times seem to be playing out right before our eyes.

  2. Anonymous12:09 PM

    They have really touched a nerve this time since this is the headquarters of globalist power.
    I fully expect very upscaled actions by them in response over the next few short weeks.

  3. RayB:

    Your comment above brought to mind the following quote by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn:

    "And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the down-stairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of a half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? After all, you knew ahead of time that those bluecaps were out at night for no good purpose. And you could be sure ahead of time that you'd be cracking the skull of a cutthroat. Or what about the Black Maria sitting out there on the street with one lonely chauffeur - what if it had been driven off of or its tires spiked? The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt.

    If .... if... We didn't love freedom enough. And even more - we had no awareness of the real situation... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward."

    Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, 1973

    What will those of us do who know (or think we know) of the things to come? Will we fight back? Just because a certain evil thing is prophesied, do we refrain from fighting against it because "Well, it's God's Will that it happens, so why do anything to fight it?"

    An interesting question for interesting times. I think it's one we all need to answer now, while things are still relatively stable. Your answer might be "I'll trust God when the time comes." And that's just as valid an answer as any, if you are trusting God completely and have placed your life in His hands.

  4. Marko ...

    I have always been a great admirer of Solzhenitsyn. Because of your post, I was reminded of a piece he wrote (I believe it was from the late 70's)called "Warnings to the West." He wrote about the moral decay of the West's societies along with their collective complacency and apathy, and that such shortcomings always leads to despotism. I have studied the fall of societies and civilizations; what we are seeing now in America and the West is following a very similar path to failed states of the past.

    While this darkness spreads, ask yourself the question as to what the visible church is doing? Answer: for the most part, they are busy being entertained with the music of the world, and "learning" how to prosper financially, along with the need to compromise truth (of course they don't come right out and say that) in order to achieve "unity." Scripture describes this as "having a form of Godliness but denying the power thereof." And, "ever learning, but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth." Such is the age we live in.

  5. Richard1:26 PM

    "Jesus' words to his disciples about latter times in human history featuring "men's hearts failing them for fear looking after the things coming upon the Earth" sound increasingly like present reality."

    With respect, the above verse includes "for the powers of heaven will be shaken" immediately following. The fear referred to is caused by something far worse.

    Isaiah Chapter 5 is connected to the 'weapons of His indignation' where the rebel angelic hosts are allowed by God, from the far ends of the heavens to help in the judgement of the world. Joel 2 describes this non-human army and so does Revelation.

    We don't really know as of now who truly is behind this attack in Bruxelles.

  6. RayB ... Marko ... Richard said...

    I believe these are all valid points.
    The word says that a thousand shall fall at thy right hand and 10 thousand at thy left.
    Be the troops of Joel's army be that of good or bad angelic forces we will not have much of a chance to resist.

    It may be as the Passover in Egypt?

    The 'destroyer' has come several times in history, once at the Passover. Another with Joshua. With Hezekiah the sun went backward 10 degrees, coincidentally the angel of the Lord smote 145 thousand of the army of Assyria. If Habakkuk 3:11 is yet prophetic, the sun and moon will stop again?
    So I believe we need to hear the Lord and not listen to the media as our source. If the Lord says leave your house and walk north, we'd better not walk any other direction. He may tell us to stay put?

    If there is any science behind the earth to stop rotating or going backwards, it would be as it is acted upon by another large heavenly body enter and leave the solar system.

  7. it takes time to plan a bomb attack.Logistics is the reason...get the parts...get an expert to make it...find a dumbell to carry it...get someone to drive them to the airport...

    So the capture of the mastermind did not "cause" it: It probably had been planned anyway. The problem is: Why didn't they find the mastermind two weeks ago, and dismantle his organization? This shows lax security.

  8. Anonymous10:29 PM

    To Marko @ 12:49 PM

    Wow, it's been over 40 years since I've read "The Gulag Archipelago."

    Thank you for reminding us of the wisdom of Solzhenitsyn's beautiful words.

    If we pray and just place our complete trust in Jesus... He will guide us and show us exactly what to do when the time comes.

  9. Anonymous10:29 PM

  10. Susanna6:39 PM


    I once had the occasion to make the acquaintance of someone who managed to escape from behind the Iron Curtain. At first, he was reluctant to talk much because he wasn't used to living in a country where the people had the right of freedom of speech.

    When he came to trust me more, I asked him if he had ever heard of Alexander Solzhenitsyn. His reply was "Yes. And whatever he says.....BELIEVE IT!!!"

  11. Susanna6:44 PM


    One of Alexander Solzhenitsyn's more interesting novels was THE FIRST CIRCLE which was inspired by the INFERNO of Dante Alighieri's DIVINE COMEDY.

  12. Anonymous1:34 AM

    Two articles on Brussels that should cause everyone to ask a few questions:

  13. zerohedge articles support my suspicions. like a 9-11 for Europe, note the 322 issue.
    “ clear recommendation has been on the table: assemble an American-led, coalition-of-the-willing, professional ground component—one top-heavy in regional and European forces—to enter eastern Syria to close with and kill ISIS."

    yeah, lets look closer. As I said before (EU roots in Nazi post war planning,failure of denazification German authorities easy going on attackers on foreigners) it looks like
    a. let the street fighter type nazis proliferate
    b. bring in a problem only they can solve because the authorities won't
    c. population upset by the problem joins with Nazis, problem is solved
    d. nazi element now back openly in charge in German government.

    if Europe unites against ISIS under American leadership it will go against Assad. result, war with Russia, and yet more cries for restoration of old guard type against the eastern hordes. memories of mass rapes by Russian troops will be brought up. This was more the work of criminals let loose from prison by Stalin with explicit orders to do that, than of the usual Russian soldier, but most don't know that.

    "when certain Protestants demand that Catholics defend their beliefs according to the Protestant rule,("Bible only") Catholics are not going to feel themselves in the least bit obliged to do so..."

    try doing so for the sake of protestant souls here. (I already did with Rayb's list but he ignored it and reposted it.)

    "When all is said and done, the Catholic Rule of faith is similar to the Jewish Mishneh-Torah rule which consists of the oral and written Tradition....with the oral tradition preceding the written tradition."

    wrong. Abraham and Moses were literate. oral working out details was AFTER the Torah was written by Moses. Christian oral tradition is a short list of practices (NOT DOCTRINES, PRACTICES, listed by St. Basil the Great passed on by word and observed action) that apply the Bible. all doctrine was written down by the Apostles, after at most 20 years not "oral tradition" which implies two or three generations. THIS TALK STARTED WITH A FAILURE TO ENGAGE AT THE BIBLICAL LEVEL.

    BOTH OF YOU ARE WRONG ON "PRIVATE INTERPRETATION." what is the context? that prophecy doesn't come by the will of man but by God as He chooses.
    so what has private interpretation to do with prophecy? sounds like someone was
    presenting their insights as prophetic word.

    "The Hebrew roots of the Christian faith comprise about 2/3 of the Bible, actually."
    Hebrew Roots is about reviving mosaic holy days many are keeping the food laws.

  14. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Hebrew Roots is not necessarily what you define it to be, Christine. If a Christian, whether ethnic Jewish or not, wishes to conform to either the written kosher laws or even the many additional Talmudic kosher laws then it is entirely his business. What he MUST NOT DO according to St Paul is instruct other Christians that they "should" do the same.

  15. As I have come to learn, and have mentioned before, disinformation is an important tactic used by our enemies (both spiritual and geopolitical). Probably the largest disseminator of disinformation currently is the Kremlin, through many people and fronts, and especially through various websites, Twitter accounts, etc. It has not stopped with the "end" of the Cold War, and continues to this day, perhaps even more so.

    Regarding Zero Hedge and other similar websites as being reliable sources of information, it is my belief that they AREN'T.

    Without any further explanation (because I'm trying to change my ways and be more concise - haha), I leave you with this site to peruse, and come to your own conclusions:

    This is part 3 of 3. Make sure you click on the links to parts 1 and 2 in the page above and read them as well. There is not much reading, but the charts are fascinating.

  16. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Mr Erikson has her own version of the law and she is a thug trying to lay her law down here.
    We are under grace. Jesus fulfilled the law for us who could not. Something she has not received, therefore can't give it.

    So just go on ahead and go back under the law (and your own private interpretation of same), since that is your belief in your adding and taking away from the real law of God that you don't live up to yourself, in all your misapplications that you like to impose upon others, and let God judge you by it then since you are so convinced.
    James 2: 10-13 has your number. Verse 26 of James 1, also. Blah, blah, blah...into infinity.
    Your mouth is murder upon real grace and upon others, your version of marriage is adultery. You live rebellious, and wanton in spiritual matters when one simply reads what anyone can understand generally, no interpretation needed.
    And you ain't God.
    Capisce ?

  17. Marko said...

    "As I have come to learn, and have mentioned before, disinformation is an important tactic used by our enemies (both spiritual and geopolitical). Probably the largest disseminator of disinformation currently is the Kremlin, through many people and fronts, and especially through various websites, Twitter accounts, etc."


    All governments practice "disinformation" and the USA is certainly no exception. Our Government along with the Main Stream Media are running one of the largest disinformation, brainwashing campaigns in world history. The Internet is exposing much of this by simply providing what all governments fear most, the truth via information.

    America has always been involved in many clandestine activities that the American people are ignorant of. Some of the cloak was pulled back by the Church Committee back in the 70's for example. What came out in those hearings shocked the average American; CIA political assassinations, Coup de` tats in which democratically elected governments were overthrown, the CIA/Mafia/JFK/RFK plots to kill Castro (Operation Mongoose), a plot by the CIA/Joint Chiefs of Staff involving the shooting down of a passenger jet and blaming the Castro government in order to justify a war (Operation Northwoods), etc.

    And let's not forget that the war against Iraq was in fact "sold" to the American people via "disinformation." The justification for the war was all based entirely upon lies. The result? Thousands of American soldiers are dead, many more thousands wounded, along with countless innocent civilians listed as "casualties." I could go on with many more sordid examples of our own government's "disinformation" campaigns that resulted in death and destruction, but will stop here. In summary, don't think for one second that governments such as Russia has a corner on this type of activity. The first casualty in every war is the truth, and history is written by the victors. Few people realize that the history they have been taught is not the truth, but only what their governments WANT them to believe, i.e. "disinformation."

  18. Passion Week
    Why do we follow the traditions of men and not the commandments of God?
    The Traditions of men: The Roman Catholic traditions known as the liturgical
    calendar often lead us away from the truth of the Bible and events
    in it:

    He was crucified on Wednesday and taken down off the cross at about 3:00pm.
    He was laid in the tomb before 6:00pm so that the disciples wouldn't be doing
    any work after the sun went down.
    He was slain by bleeding out, just like the Passover Lamb on the very
    same day that all the Passover lambs were being slain on the Feast of
    Preparation. Jesus is the Passover Lamb slain before the foundation of the world.
    Just like the Unleavened Bread was hidden in the folds of their cloaks
    as the Israelites fled Egypt, He spent three days and three nights in a
    "pocket" of the earth: three full days and three full nights just like Jonah
    was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. Jesus is the unleavened
    Bread of Life.
    He arose as the Firstfruits of a new creation: in a spiritual body which is
    After He was with them for ten days, he ascended into heaven and the
    disciples waited forty days for the Holy Ghost, making Him the Lord of
    Pentecost and the fullfillment of the first four of the seven annual true Holy
    Days, as ordained by God.
    Notice that all seven are Feast Days, not fasting days. They are "solemn
    See: Exodus 12, Leviticus 23 and 25, and Numbers 29

    Unleavened Bread
    ( in the springtime )

    ( in the autumn )

    These are the true Holy Days according to God and
    his Holy Word. Our holidays are the traditions of men,
    usually by way of the Roman Catholic Vatican.
    They cloud the issue and awesome power of the
    Holy Days which are in the Bible.

    Jesus fulfilled all the springtime feasts 2000 years ago and
    He will fulfill the fall feasts when He returns;
    Soon and very soon.
    Why do we follow the tradtions of men and not the
    commandments of God?

  19. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Exactly Paul. Speaking of traditions this is a sick one:

  20. Ray,

    I disagree with you on at least one point you bring up as proof that the US has a large disinformation apparatus:

    There WERE weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I have talked to several people who were there, and saw the evidence. There were also news reports of large convoys of trucks leaving Iraq and going into Syria, just a few days before the invasion. They were not on a sight-seeing tour. They were removing everything they could so as to make us look bad. And who helped them do that? The Soviet military advisors that were also loading up in planes and leaving to go back to Moscow during that same period of time - the few days prior to our invasion.

    So no, it wasn't a case of Bush Lied, People Died.

    But once you've swallowed the narrative, it's hard to disown it and go back and see things differently.

    I've listened to quite a few experts in disinformation, and according to them, we are woefully behind the game in (1) the ability to spot disinformation, and (2) an effective disinformation strategy of our own. Part of the reason for #2 is that since our roots are in Christianity, we just don't consider deception as something that should be widely-used as a tactic. A negative consequence of that is that we don't spot it as easily.

    The thing is, Soviet deception strategies and disinformation for the past century has minimized the fact in most of the world's collective memory that they have already killed, and will most likely yet kill, FAR more people than the West. We're talking a hundred million, compared to thousands. Check out "The Black Book of Communism" for starters. But who gets the world's blame for being the evil, oppressive, imperialistic empire? The United States, who has helped more people around the world by far than any other nation in history.

    "The first casualty in every war is the truth, and history is written by the victors."

    It's easy to toss out adages like that that have been repeated over and over again, but sometimes things happen just like they appeared to have happened. Those of the "conspiracy" mindset, however, are always looking for an "alternate" version of events. This is what makes them more susceptible to disinformation campaigns than the average person.

    I'm not saying things aren't scripted (especially in the MSM), or that the truth isn't often hidden. I'm just trying to put a warning out there for everyone to be wary of your own predispositions in how you interpret events, in an attempt to avoid being deceived.

    If "history is written by the victors", then why do so many of our public schools teach pure Marxism and hatred of America and all the good we once stood for in their American History classes? We have an extreme and eventually deadly inferiority complex in that regard. Perhaps that should be rephrased as "history is written by the eventual victors", because if the Marxist propaganda claptrap that passes for public education isn't stopped in its tracks NOW, America won't last much longer.

    Russia, China, the KGB, its front groups and fellow travelers, all the young people who have been brainwashed into hating America - these are far more dangerous to our survival collectively than CIA plots and the rest of the things that conspiracy theorists love to spend all their time investigating.

    And that's the whole point of why Moscow plants stories and ideas on the RIGHT, in conservative circles and on conservative websites - to distract them from who the real enemy is, and to get them to distrust and hate their own government, so that when Moscow & Friends decides to attack us, we will be too busy attacking each other to mount any kind of real defense.

    Remember - disinformation is used by a nation to further that nation's strategic goals. The goals of Russia are to eliminate the US as a world power. I always keep that at the forefront of my mind when observing world events.

  21. RayB said...
    Marko said...
    All governments practice "disinformation" and the USA is certainly no exception.

    There is allot of good information on the web. Granted,some is filtered but allot is unfiltered. But then that is what I (we) want isn't it? I would rather see a broad spectrum of stuff and decide what to believe instead of the constant filter being applied by the corporate media. It does require more discernment, more study more learning.

    The take-away I get from those charts is that they feed each other with information, and discloses the nexus of the groups which does help in analysis. Thanks for the charts. On chart 2, to say that the Kremlin controls the 'wingnuts' as they call them is a stretch and attributes too much power to them IMO.

  22. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Thank you, Paul.

    Yes, indeed, why all the fuss when God has kept His Very Word decently and in order, so proud men (and women) can't steal His glory.
    The Lord explains everything so well to hearts that want to hear it straight from Him.
    And all contained within those beautiful 66 books called the Holy Bible.
    Enough for this kid......

    Man-centered teaching really gets in the way and some are going to answer for blurring and obscuring the truth.

  23. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Marko and RayB,
    There has been much cover up in many arenas for a long time. Much compromise that is resulting in the awful events of today's headlines. But I would only say that the truth has been purposefully withheld yes and for wrong reasons, but also God has not allowed many things to come into the light to test the hearts of men the world over. In all the wrong there has been much good done also. That has God's name on it.
    When Americans (government, etc) were used for good we cannot in pride give them credit that is God's, but also in pride to advance other agendas, we cannot take away blessings that God used them for to accomplish it. God will sort this all out for us won't he? And all will know that the Lord is the LORD of all ages and stages of man'e history on the earth, when all is said and done.
    I'm looking forward to that.

  24. Marko said:

    "Check out "The Black Book of Communism" for starters. But who gets the world's blame for being the evil, oppressive, imperialistic empire? The United States, who has helped more people around the world by far than any other nation in history."

    I've read the "Black Book of Communism." Here's a challenge; go to your local public library and try to find more than ONE book written re: the history of the evils of Communism. Also, try to find a book re: the evils of Joseph Stalin (our WW II ally) or Mao. Both were by far the worst mass murderers in history. Yet, you will find shelves full of books as to how evil Hitler and the Nazis were ... and rightfully so. But why the lack of info regarding the Communists that murdered 100+ million people? Is the lack of info part of our government's "disinformation" agenda as well?

    You defend our government, yet, the Department of Education (along with local GOVERNMENT schools) teach the very Marxism and hatred of America that you blame Marxists for. Which is it? Are our government officials simply naive` or do they have an agenda? Can we blame Russia or China for the mess that exists in our government run public schools, or do we hold our own government bodies to account?

    Do some research Marko ... you may have talked to a few people that were "there" that witnessed WDMs in Iraq, but there has NEVER been anything other than Cheney/Bush/Rumsfeld lies as "proof." Also, Saddam had NOTHING to do with 9/11, and that my friend is a fact. If anything, it was Saudi Arabia that had ties to the terrorists ... not Iraq.

  25. Marko1:37 PM

    "And all will know that the Lord is the LORD of all ages and stages of man'e history on the earth, when all is said and done.
    I'm looking forward to that."

    Amen, Anon. 1:03!

  26. Anonymous1:52 PM

    I see no difference between operation gladio and Isis, same crap different decade.

    MK Ultra girls used to crate 'a fluff of madness' wow what a totally bullshit diagnosis with a sweet french title. I'm not buy it. (but it can potentially help the bad guys get of when it comes to murder, just in case the burka falls off and we see the real guys under the ISIS hoods??)

  27. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Behind Russia? The Vatican!

    Behind the USA? The Vatican !

    Behind the EU? The Vatican!

    Behind Hitler, Lenin, Mussolini , Bush, etc? The Vatican with its
    Jesuits and SMOM's such as the Rockerfellas and Rothchilds ... bankers to the Vatican Treasury and Knights of Malta, with Knights of Columbus, Jesuit locusts, etc!

    Don't fall for the Hegelian cool aid!

  28. paul said...
    Passion Week

    You are right on. Decoupling the life and sacrifice of Jesus from the Passover and the other feast days is in-fact presenting a different gospel another history, another Jesus.

  29. Marko3:22 PM


    "But why the lack of info regarding the Communists that murdered 100+ million people? Is the lack of info part of our government's "disinformation" agenda as well?"

    There are scores of books, many recently written, of how much the Soviet Union infiltrated our own government at the highest levels, starting in the period between WWI and WWII. The attempts to hide how evil the Communist system is were everywhere - in government and media. For example, Walter Duranty of the New York Times was known as "Stalin's apologist". Diana West's "American Betrayal" is one of the more recent books documenting this.

    I think the difference between you and I, Ray, is that you see America's agenda and it's corruption as residing in a completely separate world or deriving from a completely separate source as the agenda and corruption that was/is in the Kremlin. I, however, think they have a lot more in common than most people I guess.

    I think it can be demonstrated convincingly that:

    1. The collapse of the Soviet Union was a mostly-orchestrated series of events, enacted for the purpose of causing us to believe we won the Cold War. There were some real changes, to be sure, but many supposed changes were surface changes only - window dressing to hide the reality of what was behind the "new" curtain that replaced the Iron one. This "Perestroika" was done for a variety of strategic reasons, one the biggest being to cause us to stop building up our military, and start enjoying the "peace dividend". Another was to have the West pour money into the old Soviet Empire, and Russia in particular - something the West was tricked into doing before, with Stalin's NEP. Both of those outcomes have been achieved, to Russia's benefit. (Always ask, who benefits?)

    2. A majority of corrupt and evil elements in our government and other influential places in our society have been directly or indirectly influenced by enemies that can trace their roots back to the Soviet Union and the October Revolution. In turn, those roots reach further back into history to Marx and other revolutionaries who sought to overturn the created order in their time. And on and on you can go, back through history, always finding gnostics and revolutionaries who railed against God and King.

    So I guess the answer to your initial questions, "But why the lack of info regarding the Communists that murdered 100+ million people? Is the lack of info part of our government's "disinformation" agenda as well?" is yes, but probably not in the way you meant it. The disinformation campaigns within our government and media are influenced more than most would like to admit by the disinformation campaigns of our "former" enemy, Russia (along with Russia's anti-Western allies). Most people, when hearing that, recoil and say "Marko, you give the Russians too much credit."

    Perhaps. Maybe I overstate the case just to get people to consider an alternate view of reality from the typical "Prison Planet" worldview. But so far, nothing has convinced me that I am wrong. (Actually, when I say "me" and "I", I really mean people like Jeff Nyquist and a handful of defectors and others who have presented a good case for the geopolitical worldview I hold.) Everything we see happening in Georgia/Crimea/Ukraine/whoever's-next, in Brazil and other Socialist/Communist countries in South America, in the KGB-trained terrorists making war on the West - these all seem to verify that Russia is continuing to adhere to a long-range strategy of creating a Eurasian superstate, controlled by them, from the Atlantic to the Bering Sea. For them, the time for the West is over, and it's time for the Eastern empires to rise up and rule the world.


  30. Marko3:23 PM


    When you said "You defend our government, yet, the Department of Education (along with local GOVERNMENT schools) teach the very Marxism and hatred of America that you blame Marxists for. Which is it?" you confused me. It's not a matter of "which is it", it's both, and I thought I made that clear; maybe I didn't. Marxists hate America, and our public schools teach hatred of America. So yes, our government in that regard hates America as well. We are committing national suicide by official policy and political correctness. Everything WE do is geared toward our destruction, not our survival. We have convinced ourselves that we are the enemy to be feared most. And our president and first lady travel the world singing the blues about how they managed to overcome the horrible persecution they experienced growing up in such an evil country. (They should have lived in the gulags, yes? Their tune would be different.)

    So all the world now hates America, and who will object when she is attacked? Who will come to our rescue? No one. That's why many, like Trevor Loudon, say that America is the last obstacle to worldwide revolution and socialism. If America falls, the world will become hell on earth pretty quickly. That is why we are attacked from within and without, so Team Hell can have it's heyday. (But only for a short while - hah!)

    The America I defend is the America that once was, and still can be, if there is a massive repentance. I do think that God is allowing America to fall because of our sinfulness, but that doesn't keep me from hoping that there can be pockets of God's light and goodness that still arise in the midst of the coming darkness. America is the best country this world has ever seen, because it was designed with a God-centered, Biblical view of Man. It doesn't "deserve" to be destroyed for the reasons given by the world's revolutionaries who are rising up at every turn.

    I do think Iraq was primarily a war of Bush Jr. finishing his father's war to save face for the Bush family name, and I'm pretty sure that the war was prosecuted on false premises. But "missing WMDs" was not one of them. And yes, the Saudis had more to do with 9/11 than Saddam.

  31. Anonymous5:33 PM

    "And on and on you can go, back through history, always finding gnostics and revolutionaries who railed against God and King."

    Such as the revolting Gnostic Deists of 1776 you mean?

    'Interesting year', as the Jesuits of Igoldstadt with their professor of RC Canon Law may have said!

  32. Susanna5:49 PM

    Brussels bombers DID plan to attack nuclear power station as police uncover 12 hours of footage jihadists filmed outside a plant director's home.

    Investigators found 12 hours of footage filmed by the jihadi cell in Brussels

    It included film of the Belgian nuclear power chief's home in Flanders

    The ISIS terrorists are believed to have wanted to kidnap him to gain entry

    It has now emerged the creators of the footage were the Bakraoui brothers

    The footage was seized following the Paris terror attacks in November

    See more of the latest news updates on the Brussels terrorist attacks

    By Nick Fagge and Corey Charlton for MailOnline

    Published: 03:27 EST, 24 March 2016 | Updated: 11:30 EST, 24 March 2016

  33. Anonymous5:53 PM

    "But "missing WMDs" was not one of them."

    Those missing wmd's went to Syria.
    A dear friend of ours went to Northern Iraq to train policemen. While there he met an Iraqi man (a former muslim who became a believer in Christ) who was captured by the Iranians just about the time he was leaving the country to return to America. They were trafficking wmd's skirting the border in Kurdistan to get them into Syrian hands. His own people had been gassed by Saddam in Halabjah and last my friend knew of him, he is still being held (if he hasn't been killed already). This was a little over 10 years ago.

  34. Marko7:08 PM

    In reading through my statement, I don't think it was very clear. I believe there were WMDs in Iraq, and of all the reasons given for going to war, at least that one was correct. Thank you 5:53 for adding to what I've already heard and read.

  35. I just read a Washington Post article on MicroSoft's News spot. It was openly contemptuous and mocking of Christian parents who happily succeeded in getting "Namaste" ("the god in me salutes the god in you . . ") banned from a Georgia school. "Mindfulness" is the newest ploy for trying to force acceptance of non-Christian beliefs in schools. Good for the Georgia parents and expect more of the same as the New Age agenda is once again heavily on the march.

    Yanan Wang - The Washington Post - Thursday, March 24, 2016

    Ga. parents offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned from school

    Tomorrow is Good Friday! Let's take heed to truly remember what it was about.


  36. Anonymous1:08 AM


    I don't think all of Zerohedge is disinfo, but I do take certain people with a grain of salt. All governments are involved in propaganda and disinfo including our own. That's where we really have to read with our critical thinking cap on.

    As for the Russia is the good guy, US is the bad guy theme that comes from some of these sites. I don't buy it. I think they are all complicit in working towards NWO. The US dollar must fail at some point in order for this to happen. Of course when it does, it will not only hurt the US but many other nations, but the globalists don't care because they are waiting in the wings to usher in their new Phoenix bird rising out of the ashes.

    ZeroHedge is just a compilation of writings of people in the industry, so for example you have someone like Peter Schiff who I really respect and many anonymous. Drudge is just a compilation of newspapers albeit with catchy titles to key articles. Everything is not disinfo but we have to be wise too. RT is definitely Russia's answer to CNN and the creator of it died or was killed in DC.

    My philosophy is to never accept any source as gospel, and since we do have the Bible as our source of truth, we can see which things line up and which don't. Russia and China good guys, US bad guys is an example of that. They are all involved in the game.

  37. Constance,

    Malnak v. yogi could be used against a lot of New Age in schools. notes religious nature of some things even if proponents call them secular also noted puja ceremony as religious. ceremonies might be absent (but present if native american or muslim ceremonies were done) several New Age meditation practices and goals use concepts that fit the religious definition of the decision.

    Anonymous 7:25

    "Hebrew Roots is not necessarily what you define it to be, Christine. If a Christian, whether ethnic Jewish or not, wishes to conform to either the written kosher laws or even the many additional Talmudic kosher laws then it is entirely his business. What he MUST NOT DO according to St Paul is instruct other Christians that they "should" do the same."

    "entirely his business" is not a biblical concept.

    yeah, its entirely his business if he wants to endanger his salvation. Read Galatians. it is not addressed to those TELLING people they should do this, it is addressed to people DOING these.

    The liturgical structure, daily prayers, two fasting days a week, use of crowns in
    weddings in EO are RETAINED FROM SECOND TEMPLE Judaism but are not the superceded rules of Mosaic Law. "Hebrew Roots" movement and similar people are reviving the superceded essential externals of Mosaic LAw.

    Pascha Greek for Passover is what we EO call Easter and is held around the passover
    time, calculated to timing of the Spring Equinox and full moon as it was in AD 325,
    almost the same as it was when Jesus died and came back to life. "Christ is our

    anon 12:18

    "These are the true Holy Days according to God and
    his Holy Word. Our holidays are the traditions of men,
    usually by way of the Roman Catholic Vatican.
    They cloud the issue and awesome power of the
    Holy Days which are in the Bible. "

    looks like you are on the edge of what Paul condemned.

    you strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. WE HAVE A NEW COVENANT. Jer. 31:31, 32
    The days the Church honors ARE FOCUSSED ON JESUS CHRIST and WHAT HE DID.
    The Mosaic holy days are a shadow and the reality (Christ) having come ARE DONE AWAY WITH.

    "But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage? Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years. I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain. " Gal 4:9-11

    "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body [is] of Christ. " Col. 2:14-17

    Marko 1:37 and anon 1:03,


    anon 1:54

    "Behind Russia? The Vatican"

    !??? The Eastern Orthodox Church (includes Russian jurisdiction) has been at loggerheads with the RC since AD 1054 when RC went into schism from us (and at times before that because it added the heretical filioque to the Creed, dumped most fasting, slacked off and allowed eating meat without any exsanguination or even blood sausage, and exaggerated its authority as distinct from honor.

    you know why we had the Cold War? because nazi friendly McCloy and Kennan decided to go for containment instead of rollback. Containment meant you could have the two sides play off against each other while the nazis and their flight capital worked slowly to build a fourth reich. There is so much documentation of the Nazi connections to American and British elites and state department and big business I don't know where to begin listing them.

  38. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Jesuitina aka Unrepentant Fornicator,

    you are as blind as you are arrogantrying in your lack of education (in both senses of the word, yet you have the audacity to attempt to patronise!

    The Jesuits had already fully embedded themselves I Russia by the mid-1700's. I am not going to do your homework for you but suffice it to say, when the papal bull banning that society of vermin was declared by Clement XIV in Rome (ex-cathedra) in 1773, they found their refuge in Russia under the protection of Katherine the 'Great, where they were encouraged to continue their Jesuitical practices! Russia was the only place to allow the Jesuits to remain on her soil (apart from the Governor of Quebec, who allowed a few to stay but with restrictions placed on them), with free reign to continue their diabolical practices!

    I can't be bothered to educate you any further.

  39. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Jesuitina aka Unrepentant Fornicator,

    you are as blind as you are arrogant in your lack of education (in both senses of the word, yet you have the audacity to attempt to patronise!

    The Jesuits had already fully embedded themselves in Russia by the mid-1700's. I am not going to do your homework for you but suffice it to say, when the papal bull banning that society of vermin was declared by Clement XIV in Rome (ex-cathedra) in 1773, they found their refuge in Russia under the protection of Katherine the 'Great, where they were encouraged to continue their Jesuitical practices! Russia was the only place to allow the Jesuits to remain on her soil (apart from the Governor of Quebec, who allowed a few to stay but with restrictions placed on them), with free reign to continue their diabolical practices!

    I can't be bothered to educate you any further.

  40. Marko9:54 AM

    This being the time of year that we remember our Savior's death and resurrection, I have a question. I've not really investigated it thoroughly, because I've only recently read about it enough to cause me to want to know more.

    What do you think of the "ransom" aspect of Christ's atonement?

    Here's a brief description of it from wikipedia:

    The ransom view can be summarized as follows:

    "Essentially, this theory claimed that Adam and Eve sold humanity over to the Devil at the time of the Fall; hence, justice required that God pay the Devil a ransom to free us from the Devil's clutches. God, however, tricked the Devil into accepting Christ's death as a ransom, for the Devil did not realize that Christ could not be held in the bonds of death. Once the Devil accepted Christ's death as a ransom, this theory concluded, justice was satisfied and God was able to free us from Satan's grip."
    — Robin Collins, Understanding Atonement: A New and Orthodox Theory

    'Redeeming' in this case literally means 'buying back,' and the ransoming of war captives from slavery was a common practice in the era. The theory was also based in part on Mark 10:45 and 1 Timothy 2:5-6, where Jesus and Paul mentioned the word 'ransom' in the context of atonement. The ransom theory was the main view of atonement through the first thousand years of Christian history (although the same has been said of two other theories, namely the recapitulation and moral influence views), though it was never made a required belief.[1] There were some who held different positions, however."

    I am reminded of C. S. Lewis's book "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe", which illustrates well the ransom aspect of Christ's work on the cross.

    I'd like to hear your ideas. And please, since I know there will be disagreements, let's agree to disagree in an agreeable manner on this while discussing, OK? No name calling, no blaming the Jesuits on everything, no Christine-bashing - just stick to the topic and present your case.

  41. Marko9:55 AM

    Link to wikipedia article mentioned above:

  42. Anonymous10:14 AM

    (whispering: "very theatrical" shhhh. )

  43. Anonymous10:16 AM

    1:08 AM It is disinfo, I figured that out a year ago. It's on par with Alex Jokes. Alternative media is generally mainstream media propaganda. They include the truth that slips out and mix it with repackaged junk.

  44. Anonymous10:16 AM this blog!

  45. Anonymous10:25 AM

    If they continue to follow the Spanish Civil War model of agitation then Hillary will win because Trump (her buddy) will split the vote. This will be followed by a Trump led media blitz of agitating propaganda encouraging "conservative Christians" to become convinced that they are oppressed my Marxism and not notice that they are in fact now the Nazis and both sides are completely controlled while the rest of the nano/aluminum filled/radio-wave-mind-controlled robots fall into their respective categories and radical hate groups. All the while "Christians" forget that -Thou Shall Not Kill- is not optional and the whole theatrical production is being run by the occultists in all churches and all political realms headed up by Babylon. Or what ever you choose to believe because in the Matrix your vision is your reality.

  46. Anonymous10:27 AM

    "I'd like to hear your ideas. And please, since I know there will be disagreements, let's agree to disagree in an agreeable manner on this while discussing, OK? No name calling, no blaming the Jesuits on everything, no Christine-bashing - just stick to the topic and present your case."

    in other words: allow me to control this conversation.

  47. Anonymous12:24 PM

    More I Am politics from Kerry, it's like a bad comedy or worse a Greek tragedy. I am Charlie, no no I am no I am what ever they tell me I am..

  48. Anonymous12:35 PM

    The family that has owned the McLean, Va.-based company since 1911 is notorious for being tight-lipped. Given the fact that Mars doesn't have to adhere to disclosure and regulatory requirements like Sarbanes-Oxley, the firm may have few reasons to change.

    Shults and his wife have lived in Brussels for nearly two years, working as accountants.

    Stephanie got her master’s at Vanderbilt. She works for the Mars corporation


  49. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Anon 10:27 AM, exactly!

    Marko, I will rebuke, correct and expose for the sake of the Truth in and and out of season, whether you like it or no!

    What I Have written About The Jesuits is factual and the ex-cathedra bull banning them in 1773 according to RCism was an infallible act: so tell me why, if not through scheme and murder (most notibly the poisoning of Clement XIV himself), the mass slaughter of French RC clergy by them during the French Revolution (the RC clergy in France fought to remove the Jesuits from secondary schools, 1761-62). Their regicide in France of King Louis XVI was revenge because his father, King Louis XV (Louis the Well-Loved, as he was affectionately known) had
    been, along with those many French RC clergy aforementioned, of the most ardent voices in demanding Clement XIV ban that society of locusts!

    The Illuminati (Alumbrados in Spanish) were the creators of the Jesuits, most notably Ignoblus Disloyola (Ignatius Loyola) himself!

    Three years after their banning, Professor Adam Weishaupt of the traditionally Jesuit University of Igoldstadt, where he had indoctrinated for sometime, brought back the ignoble Bavarian Illuminati as a Jesuit ploy to re-establish their prominence and dominance In The World.

    Now Marko, if I were to use your own logic I might say: "give it a rest in blaming the New Agers for the World's problems, and remember what day it is"

    However, that would be as ludicrous as the previous claims here that Pierre Teilhard de Chardin SJ, known as the Father of the New Age Movement, was ex-communicated and forever "defrocked" yet not even the Jesuits own sites tell us that! They claim he faced problems and was initially hushed up [an obvious Jesuit ruse to soften the blow of their insideous plans) but was quickly forgiven and his ideas positively acknowledged and implemented in Vatican II !

    Check it out for yourself. So no, do not see today as an excuse to be lukewarm even if you do!

    May God open your eyes to the Truth. You may fall (as have many already in this great apostasy ) for Rome's ecumenicist plans so seemingly ironic in their being pushed forward on this blog but I won't!

    Good day to you!

  50. Anonymous12:48 PM

    PS, I know we fight spiritual wickedness in high places and not flesh and blood. The Jesuit Order and the SMOM Order are the Devil's Agencies.

    I don't hate Jesuits or Knights of Malta, Columbus, et al but I hate their evil actions and philosophy which they use to destroy governments and attack born again Christians, and the way they blind others from finding the Truth!

    I will continue to expose them!

  51. Anonymous12:50 PM

    How To Make the AntiNano Device

    Forced Transhumanism, nano technology in your food, plastic in candy, recall millions of dollars worth of products, accounting at the candy factory, ISIS, missing accountants ...I am sure there is nothing to see here, move along.

  52. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Unlike yourself, Marko, I do not believe in forsaking truth for the sake of peace.

    Where both are incompatible, truth should prevail!

    He who is at peace with the World is at emnity with God! For when they shall say "peace and security then swift destruction shall be upon them!

    I prefer the peace God gives me and so shall expose, rebuke and correct in and out of season for the sake of the Truth and defending the true traditions (all found in the Holy Scriptures and not man-made ) once delivered unto the saints!

  53. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Marko is kinda like a Bud Lite version of Christine. He thinks his sources of wisdom are better than everyone else's, and he has a better perspective than us commoners. Shouldn't we all just be greatful for his attempts to enlighten us? He likes to be cool. You know, not tho hot, or too cold. Why he could even place Russia, and the US in the scales of justice, and give us their measure!

  54. Anonymous3:36 PM

    So right, anon 2:52 ... he's making himself the Goldilocks of the blog!

  55. Marko4:49 PM

    Anon. 1:06....

    Where have I forsaken the Truth for the sake of peace???

    I have only asked for something which for so long has been ABSENT from this blog - an examination of things without resorting to name-calling and other noise that we all have to sift through to get to the point.

    So yes, I *AM* trying to control the discussion - to try and make it more civil. And if the Jesuits have something to do with the question I asked, then by all means, mention them. Just don't blame every evil known to man on them, which appears to be YOUR mission here, in YOUR attempts to control the conversations.

  56. Marko5:01 PM

    The sources I use to form my picture of "how the world is" may be fairly different than what a lot of people interested in New Age, prophecy, etc, use. I believe a lot of sources to be tainted and either unintentional or intentional sources of dis- and mis-information. And because my picture of "how the world is" is what I believe to be true, then of COURSE I believe my sources to be BETTER than a lot of the sources used here and on other blogs and discussion forums (like Alex Jones, Zero Hedge, RT, etc, etc, etc). Does that make me wrong? Or arrogant? I guess one might think that, if they are not so sure of their own sources....

    The most unteachable people are the ones who think they already know everything. If I come across as "lukewarm" in my examination of the truth, because I like to ask questions and challenge the "accepted wisdom" of what's going on in the world at large, then so be it. My love for Jesus Christ and the Father is not lukewarm at all, and that's the only temperature gauge that matters.

  57. Marko posted (in part) the following:

    "Essentially, this theory claimed that Adam and Eve sold humanity over to the Devil at the time of the Fall; hence, justice required that God pay the Devil a ransom to free us from the Devil's clutches. God, however, tricked the Devil into accepting Christ's death as a ransom ..."
    — Robin Collins, Understanding Atonement: A New and Orthodox Theory

    Webster's defines trickery: "the act or practice of tricking; use of tricks; deception; fraud."

    It was the DEVIL that used "trickery" in deceiving Adam and Eve. By this idiot stating that God Almighty required "trickery" in dealing with Satan is to put God on an equal footing with Satan! God did not need to get Satan's approval for His ETERNAL plan of salvation ... ETERNAL as in from BEFORE the Earth was even created, and BEFORE the FALL of Mankind. There are people that spout this kind of nonsense, such as this author has written, and actually make money by selling this type of trash.

    Satan's goal is always to bring God down to the level of himself and fallen mankind. By doing so, Satan robs God of His glory, honor and holiness. Why anyone would post this kind of garbage is beyond my understanding.

  58. Pope kisses the feat of non-believers in Christ:

    By doing so, the "pope" performs an un-Scriptural ritual (what else is new?). The Scriptures clearly teach that Jesus did this to His Disciples in order to show them that they were all equal and should be servants to one another in their service to Him. By lowering Himself to the point of washing the Disciples' feet, Christ taught humility ... a far cry from the Papal Crown and Palaces. Rome ignores this clear Biblical teaching, which destroys Rome's falsehood that "their Peter" is superior, Monarch with power over the other Disciples.

    The "pope" also, by this false ritual, drew attention to his support of the illegal immigration/invasion of Europe by washing the feet of "asylum-seekers ...

  59. Anonymous said... 12:41 PM
    Anon 10:27 AM, exactly!

    What I Have written About The Jesuits is factual and the ex-cathedra bull banning them in 1773 according to RCism was an infallible act:

    The first time the Pontifex Maximus 'super-power' of infallibility was not invented until Vatican I took place on 18 July 1870, so maybe not so infallible?

    I do however think of the Roman church with their Dark side (Black Pope) and Light side (White Pope) very New Age-Star Wars type or anti-types depending on how one looks at it.

    Marko, what exactly is your opinion of the Jesuit order? Is it a valid Catholic religious order or a Catholic militant order? I heard it was an educational order, yet also understand from their creed they believe in relativism where the ends justify the means, so is it also subversive? So bad can be good? Isaiah 5:20 If it is sometimes good and sometimes bad, what can ever be its reform with a black pope sitting in the white pope chair? If it is/was established to reverse the reformation, then it has come along way in healing the wound.

  60. The Pope does it again ... denies the ONE WAY (through Christ alone) and declares there are MANY WAYS (through the WORLD'S false religions) to become a child of God:

    'All of us together, Muslims, Hindus, Catholics, Copts, Evangelicals, but brothers, children of the same God, who want to live in peace, integrated,' he said in unscripted comments at a shelter north of Rome that houses refugees seeking political asylum.

    'Each one of you, each in your religious language, let’s pray to the Lord so that this brotherhood is contagious in the world,' he said.

    Contrast the lies of Francis with what Christ declared (MANY more Scripture references can be cited):

    “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6

    “For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:26

    “And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” Galatians 3:29

  61. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Ray B at 6:11 PM, careful now, Marko may be upset!

  62. Anonymous6:50 PM

    With such cunningly deceptive declarations coming from Francis one would be forgiven for thinking him a Jesuit. .. oh , come to mention it, he is!

  63. Anonymous7:08 PM

    4:49 PM

    I don't talk about the Jesuits anymore, just say occultists and besides we don't have the luxury of theological debates and blaming, Obama, Muslims, Jews, Masons, Jesuits etc. Probably most Jesuit trained people know very little about Knights Templar or Mithraism etc. They are dropping chem trails on us and and programing our DNA for slavery and death with nano junk and aluminum- so we can all cry out for their little savior. It's time to stop falling for agitators and dividers and silly time wasters like you who want to argue theology.

  64. Anonymous7:13 PM

    At 2:14

    Exodus 16King James Version (KJV)

    16 And they took their journey from Elim, and all the congregation of the children of Israel came unto the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month after their departing out of the land of Egypt.

    2 And the whole congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness:

    3 And the children of Israel said unto them, Would to God we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh pots, and when we did eat bread to the full; for ye have brought us forth into this wilderness, to kill this whole assembly with hunger.

    4 Then said the Lord unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no.

    5 And it shall come to pass, that on the sixth day they shall prepare that which they bring in; and it shall be twice as much as they gather daily.

    6 And Moses and Aaron said unto all the children of Israel, At even, then ye shall know that the Lord hath brought you out from the land of Egypt:

    7 And in the morning, then ye shall see the glory of the Lord; for that he heareth your murmurings against the Lord: and what are we, that ye murmur against us?

    8 And Moses said, This shall be, when the Lord shall give you in the evening flesh to eat, and in the morning bread to the full; for that the Lord heareth your murmurings which ye murmur against him: and what are we? your murmurings are not against us, but against the Lord.

  65. Anonymous7:14 PM

    9 And Moses spake unto Aaron, Say unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, Come near before the Lord: for he hath heard your murmurings.

    10 And it came to pass, as Aaron spake unto the whole congregation of the children of Israel, that they looked toward the wilderness, and, behold, the glory of the Lord appeared in the cloud.

    11 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,

    12 I have heard the murmurings of the children of Israel: speak unto them, saying, At even ye shall eat flesh, and in the morning ye shall be filled with bread; and ye shall know that I am the Lord your God.

    13 And it came to pass, that at even the quails came up, and covered the camp: and in the morning the dew lay round about the host.

    14 And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on the ground.

    15 And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, It is manna: for they wist not what it was. And Moses said unto them, This is the bread which the Lord hath given you to eat.

    16 This is the thing which the Lord hath commanded, Gather of it every man according to his eating, an omer for every man, according to the number of your persons; take ye every man for them which are in his tents.

    17 And the children of Israel did so, and gathered, some more, some less.

    18 And when they did mete it with an omer, he that gathered much had nothing over, and he that gathered little had no lack; they gathered every man according to his eating.

    19 And Moses said, Let no man leave of it till the morning.

    20 Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto Moses; but some of them left of it until the morning, and it bred worms, and stank: and Moses was wroth with them.

    21 And they gathered it every morning, every man according to his eating: and when the sun waxed hot, it melted.

    22 And it came to pass, that on the sixth day they gathered twice as much bread, two omers for one man: and all the rulers of the congregation came and told Moses.

    23 And he said unto them, This is that which the Lord hath said, To morrow is the rest of the holy sabbath unto the Lord: bake that which ye will bake to day, and seethe that ye will seethe; and that which remaineth over lay up for you to be kept until the morning.

    24 And they laid it up till the morning, as Moses bade: and it did not stink, neither was there any worm therein.

    25 And Moses said, Eat that to day; for to day is a sabbath unto the Lord: to day ye shall not find it in the field.

    26 Six days ye shall gather it; but on the seventh day, which is the sabbath, in it there shall be none.

    27 And it came to pass, that there went out some of the people on the seventh day for to gather, and they found none.

    28 And the Lord said unto Moses, How long refuse ye to keep my commandments and my laws?

    29 See, for that the Lord hath given you the sabbath, therefore he giveth you on the sixth day the bread of two days; abide ye every man in his place, let no man go out of his place on the seventh day.

    30 So the people rested on the seventh day.

    31 And the house of Israel called the name thereof Manna: and it was like coriander seed, white; and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey.

    32 And Moses said, This is the thing which the Lord commandeth, Fill an omer of it to be kept for your generations; that they may see the bread wherewith I have fed you in the wilderness, when I brought you forth from the land of Egypt.

    33 And Moses said unto Aaron, Take a pot, and put an omer full of manna therein, and lay it up before the Lord, to be kept for your generations.

    34 As the Lord commanded Moses, so Aaron laid it up before the Testimony, to be kept.

    35 And the children of Israel did eat manna forty years, until they came to a land inhabited; they did eat manna, until they came unto the borders of the land of Canaan.

  66. Anonymous7:15 PM

    It would take 40 years to clean up our bodies again.

  67. Anonymous7:22 PM

    "It would take 40 years to clean up our bodies again."

    Isn't the soap any good round the trailer park anymore then?

  68. Marko7:22 PM


    You asked about the Jesuits.

    I don't know enough about the Jesuits to give you a good answer. Susanna would be a better person to ask.

    I do believe that I don't have to know ANYTHING about them to say with certainty that they cannot have the all-reaching power that some here would ascribe to them. If I can be proved wrong in that regard, then I will apologize and eat some humble pie.

    I'd like to ask Susanna if she knows of any good, brief overviews (reputable/neutral online sources or books) of the various Church orders and organizations, and the roles they played in major historical events.

    And just for the record, since I haven't weighed in on the topic yet, I think the Pope is either ignorant (ill-advised) or rules with evil and purposeful intent, in any of his attempts to unite the world, either religiously, politically, or both.

    It doesn't matter which it is. When someone of his influence is either ignorant or evil, nothing much good can come of it. Ignorance has a recklessness of its own that can be just as dangerous as a tyrant.

    But if you fault him for trying to make peace in general, then you are opposed to Christ, who said "blessed are the peacemakers", and St. Paul, who said to live at peace with all men, as much as is possible. Where peacemaking becomes silliness (or worse, much worse) is when you fail to see when it is *not* possible.

  69. Anonymous7:25 PM

    "It would take 40 years to clean up our bodies again."

    Isn't the soap any good round the trailer park anymore then?

    7:22 PM

    THANK YOU, God I love ad hominem attacks, thanks so much. I don't have a mobile home but I would be proud to live in one and yes I still can afford to buy soap (for now) but if it was that good we could was the devil away.

  70. Anonymous7:35 PM

    The Coming Civil War - Baal To Babel

  71. Anonymous7:43 PM

    7:08 PM, this is about soul saving. Why be afraid of what man can do to the body? Rather fear God who can throw body and soul into Judgement!

    The Jesuits and SMOM aka Illuminati infiltrated the Masons, as they have everywhere! The Rothchilds are SMOM. Stop rambling your nonsense and wake up!

    I shall continue to expose the Jesuit Order, SMOM Order , etc for what they are! I am a former Roman Catholic and shall rail against the Romish cult regardless of the offence it may cause because I love the ordinary Roman Catholic people lost in that wicked system and will shout fire when I see it so that some at least may hear, examine for themselves, come out of that Mystery Babylon Mother of Harlots so they do not suffer her plagues and end up in Hell but cry unto the Lord and get saved. Neither you nor Marko and others think I should do so. That is why Marko Is lukewarm, wanting a false peace, tickling itching ears (a rusty razor-blade wrapped up in cotton-wool ) at the expense of the Truth of the Gospel and history regarding that foul bird of Rome!

    Well, I won't shut up and the more you and your ilk rail against me the louder and more determined I will be for the sake of the Gospel Truth!

    The threat is not chem-trails etc, but is the false peace being set up by Rome and her flatteries in ecumenicism with the lukewarm and her fornication with the World and its false religions!

  72. Anonymous7:50 PM

    I suggest you wake up Marko and research the Jesuits yourself! Susanna most definitely would not be a trustworthy source ! You are lukewarm and complicit in the loss of those stuck in the Romish cult from coming to know the truth and be saved. Their blood is on your hands : the Lord rebuke you!

  73. Anonymous8:02 PM

    "you strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. WE HAVE A NEW COVENANT."

    That is so funny coming from you, who says it but doesn't live it.

    Chritine, you live by your occultic and new age wits with a splash of bible thrown in.
    You live by your self-righteous religious wits and call it faith ;) rather than faith alone in Christ's atonement alone, because you add your own measures of holy water rituals and assorted other ritualistic manuevers, and name it and claim it attitude spouting Jesus' name as a christianized mantra, with huge dollops of extrabiblical "helps" too numerous here to mention, that you've plastered all over this blog for what seems like decades.

    You're reckless with holy truth, and like a loose cannon taking spiritual vengeance (ha!) on anyone who disagrees with you and still you screech on...

    The just shall live by faith. The author of the bible said that. But not good enough for you, though.
    The long and the short there, but that doesn't register with you who must strain very bit of the patience of your host and her guests, while you strain gnats and swallow camels yourself. might have an audience with Martians ;) .
    Work on that. That should keep you occupied.

  74. Marko said @ 7:22 PM ...

    "But if you fault him for trying to make peace in general, then you are opposed to Christ, who said "blessed are the peacemakers", and St. Paul, who said to live at peace with all men, as much as is possible. Where peacemaking becomes silliness (or worse, much worse) is when you fail to see when it is *not* possible."


    The “pope” is attempting to “make peace” by uniting all the false religions of the world. That is a “peace” that you will never find in the Scriptures. Consider this:

    “Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.” Luke 12: 51-53

    “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth; I came not to send peace, but a sword.” Matthew 10:34
    And …

    “He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” “He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.” Matthew 10:37,38

    Those that “seek peace” at the expense of putting Christ and His Truth FIRST are not “peacemakers” … they are “enemies” of Christ. “Know ye not that friendship with the world is enmity with God?”

  75. Ray,

    You seem to have selective reading skills. Your first sentence seems to be a rebuke of what I said, using something I said in a slightly different way (but which you didn't quote).

    There are two kinds of peacemaking, one that furthers the cause of Christ, and one that doesn't. The Pope is engaging in both kinds, which I thought I pointed out quite clearly. Apparently not.

    You "argue" with me, and I end up agreeing with pretty much everything you say in your rebuttal, and I sit here and scratch my head. I guess when you read my comments, you read into them what you want them to say, instead of seeing what they really say.

  76. 7:50 PM...

    Pardon my sarcasm, but you are such a big help. If Susanna is such an untrustworthy source, you could have suggested some sources you consider reliable, instead of wasting a rebuke on me.

  77. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Paul, your 12:18 PM post touched another of her religious nerves. Quoted below is Screechtina's response to you.

    "anon 12:18

    "These are the true Holy Days according to God and
    his Holy Word. Our holidays are the traditions of men,
    usually by way of the Roman Catholic Vatican.
    They cloud the issue and awesome power of the
    Holy Days which are in the Bible. "

    looks like you are on the edge of what Paul condemned.

    you strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. WE HAVE A NEW COVENANT. Jer. 31:31, 32
    The days the Church honors ARE FOCUSSED ON JESUS CHRIST and WHAT HE DID.
    The Mosaic holy days are a shadow and the reality (Christ) having come ARE DONE AWAY WITH."

    No newness of life in that dead as a doornail answer from her moldy oldy pagan take on the great synopsis you posted, is totally proves the point you were making. You should thank her ;) .

  78. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Will a Gateway Be Opened When the Arch from the Temple of Baal Is Reconstructed in Times Square?

    This is the final proof for me, welcome to Babylon folks, all you Nimrods who have helped them build it, they don't give a rats azz about ya, you have been chem trailed too.

  79. Anonymous11:07 PM

    10:14 PM

    A Textus Receptus (KJV or Geneva Bible) and all of the reformers are the more reliable sources than Susanna.

  80. This all kind of brings me back to what I've been going on about, on and off for a while here - as we approach the time of the end, there will be two revivals.

    One is a revival of "religion", or the appearance of godliness, but lacking the true power of God. That this is now happening I don't think anyone would quarrel about. The rise of the Social Justice Warriors; the Pope's "Let's just all put our religious differences aside and all get along" message; Rick Warren and other Protestant leaders wanting to dialogue and even merge with Islam in those areas in which they "agree", which has given rise to the term "Chrislam"; mega churches that make themselves like the world to win the world's approval, and oh, if they get around to it, to save their souls but most have forgotten the meaning of being lost - these are all a part of the revival of "Religion", that feel-good movement that everyone can join, because hey, you won't be judged because Jesus is love and He wouldn't judge, so who are we to?

    The other is the true revival, where people are convicted by the Holy Spirit to get right with God, throw off the sin that so easily entangles, get rid of all earthly stuff that can drown out the voice of the Good Shepherd Jesus, and hold tightly to and discern rightly His Word, and discern also the times they are living in. These people will come from ALL walks of life, and ALL religious bodies, and ALL tribes and nations.

    There will be separation, yes. But in what way? What kind of separation is being talked about?

    Can a person remain in the place in which he was called, and still serve Christ? Well, that's the $10,000 question, now, isn't it?

    Consider this passage from 1 Corinthians 7:

    17 Only, as the Lord has assigned to each one, as God has called each, in this manner let him walk. And so I direct in all the churches. 18 Was any man called when he was already circumcised? He is not to become uncircumcised. Has anyone been called in uncircumcision? He is not to be circumcised. 19 Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but what matters is the keeping of the commandments of God. 20 Each man must remain in that condition in which he was called.

    21 Were you called while a slave? Do not worry about it; but if you are able also to become free, rather do that. 22 For he who was called in the Lord while a slave, is the Lord’s freedman; likewise he who was called while free, is Christ’s slave. 23 You were bought with a price; do not become slaves of men. 24 Brethren, each one is to remain with God in that condition in which he was called.

    Can a person remain within or be a part of some organized body (church) that is part of the false revival I pointed out, and still be serving God and fulfilling God's purpose for that person? I say yes. Go back a few verses, and let's use the marriage (which is a symbol used extensively to describe our relationship with Christ) that Paul is talking about to see if there are any clues.


  81. ...cont

    Back to verse 10:

    10 But to the married I give instructions, not I, but the Lord, that the wife should not leave her husband 11 (but if she does leave, she must remain unmarried, or else be reconciled to her husband), and that the husband should not divorce his wife.

    12 But to the rest I say, not the Lord, that if any brother has a wife who is an unbeliever, and she consents to live with him, he must not divorce her. 13 And a woman who has an unbelieving husband, and he consents to live with her, she must not send her husband away. 14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified through her believing husband; for otherwise your children are unclean, but now they are holy. 15 Yet if the unbelieving one leaves, let him leave; the brother or the sister is not under bondage in such cases, but God has called us to peace. 16 For how do you know, O wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, O husband, whether you will save your wife?

    So here we have the Word of God saying that by sticking it out in the place we are at when we are called, we sanctify those around us who haven't yet seen the light. Do we so quickly abandon ship, when the ship we are in seems to heading the wrong way? If so, might that ship and all its passengers become lost forever, because the one person who knew the way left them in their greatest hour of need?

    The separation Jesus spoke of is a spiritual one - one that divides those whose first love is Jesus from those whose first love is someone or something other than Jesus. It can be, but does not necessarily have to be a physical separation, like leaving a church or a marriage, correct? So when Jesus says he comes to divide a household, he isn't talking about them all leaving and going their separate ways. He's talking about a spiritual divide.

  82. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Say what you want about ZeroHedge, there are some very accurate articles:

    from chaos comes order.

  83. anon 10:31 if your idea of newness of life is to reject what Jesus Christ taught Paul to teach in Galatians and Colossians and Hebrews, then you don't have newness of life. Jesus said that the law would not pass away until fulfilled and that He came to fulfill the law. which ended it. SCRIPTURE CONDEMNS YOU. repent.

    ransom theory is about payoff to the devil which is garbage, because it puts God in the position of sacrificing to the devil! God has legal rights superseding all lesser legal rights. St. Gregory Nazianzus denounced ransom as abominable or similar word. Synodikon of Orthodoxy re basilakes and st. John Cassian re 6th hour prayers, St. John of Damascus it is ransom paid to the Father we are "made free through the blood of the Son, which pleads for us to the Father." "the wrath of God is one of the manifestations of the love of God, but of the love of God in its relation to the moral evil in the heart of rational creatures in general, and in the heart of man in particular." Archbishop Theophan of Poltava, On Redemption.

    we were ransomed by God from His own wrath and justice. it is said satan was caught on the hook of Jesus' divinity by the bait of Jesus' humanity, when Jesus was dead He went into hell NOT TO SUFFER but as the conqueror of hell and satan was severely crippled and defeated and is PARTLY bound or crippled but still dangerous, but easier to defeat than before.

    "Why anyone would post this kind of garbage is beyond my understanding." Marko was DESCRIBING the notion by the quote and asking for opinions.

    Marko said, " I guess when you read my comments, you read into them what you want them to say, instead of seeing what they really say." I've noticed that with him and others At first I thought it was a mental problem. Then I decided it was malicious. could be both.

    spiritual division precedes and can necessitate physical division. come out of her and touch not the unclean thing is still valid. the sanctification of your consort and children by you is not the same as just anyone around you, though in a lesser sense maybe.

    "...Russia was the only place to allow the Jesuits to remain on her soil (apart from the Governor of Quebec,...)" after the papal decree. Catherine The Great was German Lutheran origin, "In 1768 she formally became protector of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, absorbing them into the Russian Empire. [she wanted] to retain the Jesuit Colleges. [wanted] the loyalty of the Polish nobility [mostly RC] and assert her independence of the Bourbon powers." this was a slap in Rome's face. The Vatican never ruled, Orthodoxy nor Byzantium. The differences and divisions between Orthodoxy and RC run deep and are complicated. both seek reunion but both on their own irreconciliable terms.

  84. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Well said, Ray B! Bravo for all your brave and unwavering posts here so far! You are truly a courageous breath of fresh air here... thank you for defending the Faith once delivered unto the saints!

    God bless you richly, brother!

  85. Marko8:50 AM

    Anon. 1:00 am...

    You said "Say what you want about ZeroHedge, there are some very accurate articles".

    That is how a disinformation outlet works. A majority (usually 90% or more) of what is put out is accurate and true. The part that isn't true is formulated in way to get you to miss the fact that it is untrue, and to therefore sway your opinion or belief to think in a way that is beneficial to the one placing the untruth.

    If I can find a good example to help illustrate, I will.

  86. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Marko and Christine are a tag team now!

    Beware the leaven of the team!!!

  87. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Jesuitina, according to Jesuit sites, Catherine the not so Great converted from Lutherism to Russian Orthodoxy! In reality, she was a stooge of the Jesuits, who had already infiltrated Russia (not just the bit of Poland it absorbed and later gave to the Ukraine) for some time!

    You are talking halve truths as usual, with all the cunning of a Jesuit fiend minus the education!

  88. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Justina aka Olympiada? is well-known for her behavior elsewhere too...!topic/alt.religion.christian.east-orthodox/kSKyMe8kZe0

    very worrying indeed!

    Cretine, you continue abusing folk here with your brazen tone, until you leave this blog to function properly without you I am left with no choice than to expose you and your Satanist... this will be duplicated as and when necessary elsewhere.

    To all, please be careful if in Placer County, to not being take a taxi driven by an influential Satanist called Mike Tinge.

    This man is dangerous and should be avoided at all costs! Just to be on the safe side for your wife and family, here´s what to avoid:

    Ford, Reg No: D9520R1

    Loaned to the driver from:

    Yellow Cab of Roseville CA
    201 Pacific St.
    Roseville, CA. 95678
    (916) 774-0303
    (916) 862-1400


  89. Anonymous11:59 AM

    "Blogger Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...
    anon 10:31 if your idea of newness of life is to reject what Jesus Christ taught Paul to teach in Galatians and Colossians and Hebrews, then you don't have newness of life. Jesus said that the law would not pass away until fulfilled and that He came to fulfill the law. which ended it. SCRIPTURE CONDEMNS YOU. repent."

    You are trying to talk out of both sides of your mouth, that mouth full of marbles garble that lends itself to confusion that you do like none other around here.

    Sadly, 2 Corinthians 3:6 is how you approach Scripture. An able minister you are not! Your words that misuse and misapply God's Word are testament against you, making your posts dead on arrival.
    So too, your life that you have broadcast here and everywhere, is testimony against you because you don't produce good fruit, in fact, the opposite. The cast blame and spew tactics you are known for, are too numerous to ignore. You sew discord and lots of it. It seems by what you post then, you really are not a new creature in Christ. You appear rogue and unsubmissive to God's authority...and actually quite unkind toward the gospel (and adoring of man generated teachings), quite unkind toward the brethren. Your attempts to expose error have instead, exposed you.
    Oh you hate good and edifying summary such as Paul posted. But you love the tangle and confusion of multitudes of words which according to Proverbs lacketh not sin. Your baffle with "b___s__" take on scripture is ugly to behold.

    It's why many have left this blog and so many of those remaining skip your posts. When I come here I see the same old pagan roots of rot in them at just a glance, I am amazed that you get away with it. (but God sees)
    So like Apostle Paul was saying in 2 Cor 3:6, in that sense, we can see you who call yourself "the life of this blog" are the one who tends to be the one who kills it off.
    Will you never learn?????

  90. To Anonymous @ 7:56 AM ...

    Thank you for your kind words. But I feel compelled to say this, to which I am sure you agree, that without God's amazing grace and mercy, and His Word that can be fully trusted, we would have nothing to be "brave" or "courageous" about. We are living in an age (in reality, all "ages" have been similar in this respect) in which God has numerous enemies, both subtle and overt. Whatever stand we take, we must be faithful to His Word. Anything less is an exercise in vanity. "Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that built it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain." Psalm 127:1 God is the One that fights the battle because He empowers His people, by His grace, mercy, Spirit and Word ... so ... to God, and to Him alone, be the Glory!

  91. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Hi Ray B, 7:56 AM poster here. Yes , I totally agree with your humble reply. I know we should give God the glory and agree with you, it also helps when other brothers and sisters in Christ edify us with encouragement, especially when up against the ungodly and the lukewarm.

    God bless you,

    a friend.

  92. Constance,

    As you are probably aware, on each pack of cigarettes sold in the USA there is a label stating "WARNING: Smoking Cigarettes is hazardous to your health." That may not be the exact quote, it's been about 40 years since I smoked my last cigarette.

    Why am I bringing this up? If we are concerned about "physical" health, shouldn't we likewise be concerned about "spiritual" health as well?

    Would it be too much to ask for you to attach to every "Christine aka Justina" post the following:

    WARNING: Reading anything and everything "Christine aka Justina" posts on this blog may prove hazardous to your spiritual health.

    Just a suggestion. Thanks for your consideration.

  93. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Very well said, Ray!

    Sadly, Jesuitina serves the purposes of this blog well: to defend and promote Rome and her fatal ecumenism whilst diverting attention away from the real culprits (the Jesuits, SMOM, Knights of Columbus, of Gregory, Opus Dei, etc) for the New Age Movement push and One World Religion via the UN, etc.

  94. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Well said, 11:59 AM and 11:59 AM, whilst I don't agree with your tactics, 11:59, I understand your anger and frustration which many of us feel here. Meanwhile, the content of the thread at the link you posted with her in it is very worrying indeed. Olympiada certainly writes like her, should we take her word there that it is not her?

  95. Anonymous1:59 PM

    My post at 1:29 PM should read (auto-correct ... lol): Well said, 11:59 AM and 11:55 AM, whilst I don't agree with your tactics, 11:55, I understand your anger and frustration which many of us feel here. Meanwhile, the content of the thread at the link you posted with her in it is very worrying indeed. Olympiada certainly writes like her, should we take her word there that it is not her?

  96. Marko2:38 PM

    9:55 AM said:

    "Marko and Christine are a tag team now!

    Beware the leaven of the team!!!"

    Haha.... not even close.

    But she did understand something that you and a lot of others apparently missed, so.... make of that what you will.

  97. Anonymous2:56 PM

    A little too close, eh Marko SJ! You are both cut from the same Babylonian cloth! You're about as Presbyterian as Trump and as Methodist or Baptist (depending which SMOM & Jesuit) version employed as the Clintons and Bushes!

    Oh you and her are a tag-team alright, you even claimed in reply to Ray B that the former head of the Jesuits in Argentina, Francis, was one the one hand, "furthering Christ's causes" yet , on the other, not! An example of your lukewarm arrogance rushing from your forked-tongue once more. One cannot serve both God and Mammon, one cannot sit at the table of God and the table of demons. You speak out of both sides of your mouth as Jesuitine does! You are about as convincingly born-again as Rome's agents Billy Graham, Benny Hinn, Rick Warren (CFR , etc!

    If you're not an RC stooge, you are trying your best to come across as it.

  98. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Marko SJ, your forked tongue is revealed in your comment to Ray B that the former head of the Jesuits in Argentina, Francis, was, on the one hand, "furthering Christ's causes yet, on the other, not! One cannot serve both God and mammon. One cannot sit at the table of God and the table of demons simultaneously. You , like Miss Erikson, speak out of both sides of your mouth... you are both, it appears, cut from the same Babylonian cloth! You come across as a Vatican stooge ( whether or not you are RC), you are teetering in your comments so far in her favor ... you should stop sipping on the wine of her fornication!

    You appear as true a Christian as Rome's agents Billy Graham, Benny Hinn, Rick Warren ( CFR ), Hagee, Olsten, etc! You are lukewarm and complicit in the loss of Roman Catholic souls from coming to know Christ. You yourself do not enter in so you shut up the gates of Heaven to those who might otherwise enter!

  99. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Marko (SJ?), just in case you're confused , the 'her' in the text in my last post where I wrote, "you are teetering in your comments so far in her favor ... you should stop sipping on the wine of her fornication!", I was refering to Mystery Babylon Mother of Harlots aka the Romish cult of the Vatican: however, interpreting the 'her' in the text as Justina is equally apt!

  100. Marko4:58 PM

    Like I said before, 4:11, I am glad YOU are not my judge.

    As for speaking with a forked tongue, saying that the Pope (or anyone else, for that matter) can both further the cause of Christ by spreading the Gospel, and work against Him at the same time, what about this passage from Mark 9 (which seems to be the other side of the coin to the passage about people saying they had cast out demons and performed miracles but are still going to be rejected by Christ on that Day):

    38 John said to Him, “Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name, and we tried to prevent him because he was not following us.” 39 But Jesus said, “Do not hinder him, for there is no one who will perform a miracle in My name, and be able soon afterward to speak evil of Me. 40 For he who is not against us is for us. 41 For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because of your name as followers of Christ, truly I say to you, he will not lose his reward.”

    What does that mean, exactly? Does it not apply to what I said?

    And Paul said he rejoices that the Gospel is preached, whether by false motives or pure. Do you think God is powerless to use even an evil man to bring people into His kingdom? Do not be so hasty to judge.

    I understand why you are so intense in what you say, I really do. But try to also show some grace and understanding when I tell you that I am not any of things you claim I am.

  101. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Really Marko? The gospel spread by Francis is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ: Francis is disseminating a gospel which unites all religions, and a false peace! Jesus Christ is the Only Way to the Father, and He said so Himself! Jesus Christ is not lying, so Francis must be! I refer you back to Ray B's excellent posts at 6:11 PM and 8:05 PM respectively!

    When they say 'peace and security' sudden destruction is at the door!

    Neither does Francis reject the blasphemy of Papal Infallibility. Yet, John XXII did! In his Bull, Quia quorundam of 1324, John XXII quoted those who said, 'What the Roman Pontiffs have once defined in faith and morals stands so immutably that it is not permitted to a successor to revoke it.' This was a lie, he said, and inspired by the 'Father of lies'. He was not infallible. He, the Pope, retained the right, in principle, to be a heretic, like anyone else, but he didn't intend to exercise this right by espousing the new heresy of papal infallibility. The first pope to hear of papal infallibility called it insane, the teaching of the Devil!

    Nor does Francis reject the teaching calling Mary 'the Queen of Heaven'. The so-called Queen of Heaven was a Babylonian false deity condemned in the book of Jeremiah!

    So Marko (SJ?), you are wrong in your assertions about Francis and therefore my points at 3:56 PM stand!

  102. Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said regarding Marko's comments to RayB:

    "Marko said, " I guess when you read my comments, you read into them what you want them to say, instead of seeing what they really say." I've noticed that with him and others At first I thought it was a mental problem. Then I decided it was malicious. could be both."


    I'm sorry to see that you think I (and "others") have a "mental problem" and or that I (and "others") are "malicious" or "both." Could it be you feel this way because I (and "others") don't believe your "doctrines" such as:

    Life on Mars (and other planets ... all in "need" of salvation).

    Cities on Mars.

    The faithful plan to evangelize MARTIANS by "missionaries" back in the 1800's

    Existence of Aliens among us.

    Alien Abductions.

    People have a curse place upon them as evidenced by "gurglings and bubblings in your gut."

    Living in sin with an "ex" Satanist and somehow justifying it all via "interpretations" of Scripture, etc., etc.

    That's just the short list, but I think it is enough to illustrate who it is that has the problems that you claim we have.

  103. Anonymous6:53 PM

    "I understand why you are so intense in what you say, I really do. But try to also show some grace and understanding when I tell you that I am not any of things you claim I am."

    I have just noticed the last post you have written. Yes Marko, I am tough in my approach and where I have been too tough I apologise.

    I stand by what I have written but could have presented it in a gentler way. I agree with you on that.

    I have learnt on this site over the years that to be too gentle gets you nowhere. However, I will try and be gentler. I am sorry where I have offended you which has not been necessary for the message of the Truth I am defending. I am a former Roman Catholic and so I won't be swayed by guilt trips from people who claim I am 'Catholic bashing', I am not but stand vehemently against that cult which many of my loved ones are either still lost in or have rejected Christianity per se because of the falseness of that establishment. I therefore stand wholeheartedly against Romanism and am steadfastly persuaded it is the Mother of all Harlots that rides the Beast as spoken of in Revelation.

  104. Anonymous7:26 PM

    @ 6:53 PM

    Thank you. I understand the strong stances we have to take because frankly so much is at stake in eternal matters, but I also hope to be gentler myself. The truth does have a way of taking care of itself, better than I sometimes think, and erring on the side of grace is more often not as regrettable as harshness, because you may have another chance at things later because of a door left open by graciousness. What I am wanting to learn at least. Marko has stated things here, that when he went back and clarified when I challenged it, he showed that he had the same goal in mind toward the truth. I appreciate that.
    We do have to be careful with friendly fire.
    There's enough unfriendly fire out there that we need to be better aiming at.

    Whoever is trying to couple the beliefs of Marko and that poor Erikson woman in stating that they hold the same views is greatly mistaken. She is in bondage to her many errors that come from her gnostic beliefs and that is not where Marko is coming from. Plus she is very harsh with everything and everyone. There is huge difference between the two.

  105. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Anon 7:26 PM. Thank you. I agree with you that Marko is not on the same card as Miss Erikson. I have my disagreements with him regarding the nature and volume of danger posed by Rome. I find his 'niceness' towards Roman Catholicism to be dangerously misguided.

    If there were a vulnerable man or woman who hated being shouted at for whatever reason, yet he is hard of hearing, and one day any one of us were to pass by his house and see him at the upstairs window, with the downstairs ablaze and he unaware of it, who would be showing him real love?: the one who would shout, 'fire! Get out!', or the one who would not shout for fear of offending him? Moreover, what should the one who shouts fire do when another passerby tries to place a hand over the watchman's mouth, saying, shush ... you're being offensive? Surely he should rebuke that passerby and remove the hand. My point at 6:53 PM is that perhaps I could have removed the hand more gently.

    Such a scenario of the man in the burning house Is even more immediate to someone passing by who once was in the same predica ment to do something.

    This is why such compromising niceness leads to lukewarmness and is a danger to the one doing it, as well as the increasing danger to the lost because of it, and therefore a hindrance to a watchman's message. This has been my issue with Marko.

  106. Anonymous8:40 PM

    "The faithful plan to evangelize MARTIANS by "missionaries" back in the 1800's"

    Yet what if she had proof, Ray B? If so, she should provide it! No, not just link to some other Google article from the 20th or 21st Century but authors , dates, printers/publishers of books, pamphlets, or magazines written in the 1800's covering such wild claims. Even if she could do that , which she can't, it would prove nothing more, however, than there were people in the 19th Century with the same "problems" as she has!

  107. 6:53 / 7:26

    Thank you both for your graciousness. I am sorry for members of your family who have rejected the truth, 6:53, and will pray for them before I go to bed tonight.

    We all have our places in snatching people from the flames. Some may not understand what we do, or think it a waste of time, but it is God who we will answer to. He is the only one who says "Well done, good and faithful servant", not our pastor or priest or anyone else.

    Keep the faith, don't compromise, but be willing to change how you exercise that faith, if the Lord shows you something new. We all must remain teachable, adaptable, and "go with the flow" of the Holy Spirit, if we are to grow in the faith, as He leads, without compromising the fundamentals of the faith.

    Again I say, thank you, and I hope everyone has a blessed Easter!

  108. Anonymous1:19 AM

    As I said, Zerohedge is a compilation of articles by different people, so this is really the issue with Zerohedge. You have to pick and chose which articles make sense. Reading any media with your critical thinking turned off, regardless of the source is a bad idea.

  109. Christine, I have viewed some of your videos -- I have to concur that many are "way out" as I see it. The Martians and 19th century fantasies of same are personally more than I can swallow.

    Let's try to confine our discussion to the provable, the Biblical, and this planet for the present time. Your stream of consciousness on these matters lends itself more to sci-fi writing than to a serious discussion of New Age and political/religious issues.


  110. Anonymous1:57 AM

    This is just a disgrace:

  111. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Hello Marko, 6:53 PM here. Thank you for your gentle reply.

    A very peaceful and joyful celebration in remembrance of our Lord's resurrection to you too!

  112. Anonymous6:21 PM

    from Constance:
    "Let's try to confine our discussion to the provable, the Biblical, and this planet for the present time. Your stream of consciousness on these matters lends itself more to sci-fi writing than to a serious discussion of New Age and political/religious issues."

    1. The provable. Well, she won't have anything to post then.

    2. The Biblical. Certainly not this topic either, as she is totally and truly unbiblical with the Bible.

    3. This planet. Her penchant is for Mars and Martians, etc.....perhaps she should live on that planet rather than this one, so she won't be able to post here about that tripe from her blog and ebook.

    She's got nothing to add to a serious discussion here.

    Looks like 3 strikes and you're out, Chritine.

  113. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Thanks Constance for dealing with our outer space issues. And Christine tells others they have mental problems. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

  114. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Christine, defending her attack on the Hebrew roots movement: Hebrew Roots is about reviving mosaic holy days many are keeping the food laws.

    My reply: Hebrew Roots is not necessarily what you define it to be, Christine. If a Christian, whether ethnic Jewish or not, wishes to conform to either the written kosher laws or even the many additional Talmudic kosher laws then it is entirely his business. What he MUST NOT DO according to St Paul is instruct other Christians that they "should" do the same.

    Christine's response: "entirely his business" is not a biblical concept. yeah, its entirely his business if he wants to endanger his salvation. Read Galatians. it is not addressed to those TELLING people they should do this, it is addressed to people DOING these.

    Romans 14:3 tells otherwise, Christine.

  115. This is more likely about those who followed the JEwish practice (but not Mosaic
    law) of fasting two days a week, which came over into Christianity early on (with
    the days changed to Wednesday mourning for the conspiracy against Christ, and Friday
    mourning for what He went through for us). it is a "day" that is at issue, so might
    include the Sabbath, but it is NOT the Mosaic holy days which are more like holy
    weeks and mandatory along with circumcision and food laws as part of the covenant.

    But THE BIBLE DOES NOT CONTRADICT ITSELF. Galatians is start to finish a slam on the idea you need to keep kosher and/or circumcise. The Sabbath being kept by someone on the basis it goes to before Noah (when not eating meat without some exsanguination, no blood sausage, no chicken with neck wrung instead of cut
    off "things strangled" Acts chapter 15) would not be as serious as someone keeping
    it on the basis of Moses.

    the feeling expressed earlier that the REAL holy days are the OT not the ones that
    glorify Christ are exactly the problem. The message sent by people doing this is
    that sort of thing. you start just playing around, you end up taking it seriously,
    to the point that (a) you ARE judging others for not doing so, as paul and anon 12:24 are doing, and (b) the fact these are called the real holy days, while easter/
    pascha and annunciation (announcement to The Virgin Mary she would be the mother of the messiah) and Christmas or whatever date you want to claim Jesus was born on and
    so forth are apparently snubbed, shows the writer's gut bias is AGAINST CHRIST. how
    could any day be holier than the day of His Resurrection?

    you may be associated with a Hebrew Roots crowd that is treating it as optional.
    not all apparently do. Implying or saying that such holy day keeping is essential
    to your walk in Christ puts these external observances on a par with the personal
    righteousness Jesus and Paul and James keep demanding and John warns us to repent
    if we fall. At the least it is a warp in focus.

    Do the people you know keep kosher? I keep running into this and some argue it is
    health but you can get trichinosis off beef too, an the Law was clear it was about
    holiness. the clean animal was originally the sacrificial animal, Noah took seven
    of these, two each of the unclean animals, on board the ark. under Moses only these
    could be eaten, they were to be holy to God in all kinds of external ways, and
    every meal was to be something that could be presented in sacrifice (though no
    birds but doves and no fish were ordered for that).

    read Galatians start to finish, "the law" is not doing good works it is something
    that PRECEDED CHRIST and was DONE AWAY WITH in Christ.

  116. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Too many words Christine and too many swerves. St Paul is perfectly clear that (apart from blood) I can eat, and refrain from eating, any food I like, whether Jewish OT kosher, Jewish Talmud kosher, Mexican or anything else. This is between me and God. The only thing I may not do is tell other Christians that they "should" eat in the way I (or anybody else) does. I am not going to accept so-called correction from you on this. However many words you write, you may not add to or subtract from or change the scriptures.

  117. Anonymous8:40 PM

    "I am not going to accept so-called correction from you on this"
    You are right to put her in her place.

    Her own self-righteousness is proof she has no business correcting or dictating to another soul.
    This ole church lady (!) cannot even make her own soul and life adhere to what the bible teaches.
    She is the very picture of hypocrisy.

  118. anon 4:18 "Too many words Christine and too many swerves."

    no swerves at all. being comprehensive.

    "St Paul is perfectly clear that (apart from blood) I can eat, and refrain from eating,

    any food I like, whether Jewish OT kosher, Jewish Talmud kosher, Mexican or anything


    you are weaseling. the issue is NOT eating at a kosher deli. the issue is thinking eatng

    pork etc. is sin. If you think that, you have a problem. and the context of this
    discussion is a movement which practices OT ceremonies and food laws. precisely what
    Galatians was written against.

    " However many words you write, you may not add to or subtract from or change the


    I don't. you do.

    the Romans cite contradicts Galatians UNLESS it is about people phasing out of Mosaic

    eating habits, or worried some meat was sacrificed to an idol so are hyper cautious, but

    not making the kind of issue that the Galatians and some Colossians were making of

    Mosaic Law, and that some judaizing Christians are doing now. THE BIBLE DOES NOT
    CONTRADICT ITSELF. it is one thing to cut slack to those outgrowing Mosaic food habits.
    its another thing now that that has been dead among us for close to 2,000 years, to
    revive such habits.

    If an atheist can tell a liberal Christian (as happened once) that
    if he denies Jesus' divinity, virgin birth, Resurrection that such a liberal Christian
    cannot call himself a Christian in any meaningful sense of the term, because even if
    the atheist denied the essential doctrines of the faith HE KNEW WHAT THEY WERE,
    then I can correct you regarding the plain clear statements in the Bible on this
    subject. My credibility is not the issue. What Scripture says is the issue.

    kosher food often tastes better because of recipes used. you like it, fine. but don't
    think you are pleasing God more by doing this than by eating non kosher, because the
    Bible is clear that you are not doing so. Jesus said nothing of the Law would pass
    UNTIL ALL BE FULFILLED, and He also said He CAME TO FULLFIL the Law. and what happens
    after it is fulfilled? IT PASSES AWAY. the external observances required to be in
    covenant with God under Moses, not the morals or theology.

    As I said how could any day be holier than the day of His Resurrection? This almost

    never falls on Passover. CHRIST IS OUR PASSOVER. the talk of "real" holy days being
    the OT days is contradicted by Jesus and Paul. they are the foreshadow of Christ, but
    Christ has come Col. 2:16,17. "Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years. I am
    afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain." Clearly, putting your
    faith in these observances as essential to be in Christ (which is what this sort of
    thing morphs into if it doesn't start that way) compromises your walk in Christ. Gal.


    Why keep the OT holy days, when the new days are about Christ having come and the
    old days are pointing to Him?

    as for the snipe about me, Isaac brought Rebekah to his deceased mother's tent which
    still standing meant it was still in use, probably by him, and Rebekah became his
    woman (translated "wife" that by then had legal and ceremonial meanings it did not
    originally as a Saxon word have, it just meant woman). no ceremony or anything

    indicated. An agreement had been come to by proxy at he home, and she moved in with
    him and it was consummated. period. Gen. 24:67

  119. Anonymous4:22 AM

    I never said the Bible contradicts itself, Christine. My position is consistent with scripture, and scripture is consistent with itself. I agree that thinking certain diets are sinful is out of order - but that is, perfectly obviously, part of my position as we are meant to correct each other and I said that telling others what to eat is improper.

  120. Anonymous10:20 AM

    She's totally off her rocker there in Rocklin. .. She's as nutty as a snickers .... not on this planet in mind.

    There's something of the sinister about her rather than Orthodox!

  121. Anonymous10:27 AM

    She has the audacity to present the apple of her bitter gnosticism here, full of worms and poison yet tell us how our bellies should be filled. Does she not realise that it is not what goes into the belly but that which comes out of the heart ? Her offerings are far from edifying.

  122. Anonymous11:15 AM

    That's right so why do you contradict it yourself?

    You don't believe it.
    You calculate with it.
    That's not humble before God and that's not faith placed in who He is and what He has said.
    But rather, that is the pride of your fleshly mind and the gall of your evil heart.

  123. Anonymous12:16 PM

    "My credibility is not the issue. What Scripture says is the issue."

    Her lack of credibility is precisely why she so badly mishandles and misrepresents Scripture.

    Her fake bible faith is based on her own personal selfish take on it, not what it actually says or even in some places, implies.

  124. anon 11:15

    That's right so why do you contradict it yourself?"

    I don't. you do.

    you take a part and ignore the rest.

    "You don't believe it.
    You calculate with it."

    I believe it, that's why I calculate with it.

    "That's not humble before God and that's not faith placed in who He is and what He has said."

    on the contrary, that is humble before God ad faith in Who He is, and therefore
    in what He has said. If you cared that much, you would put your presuppositions,
    hisloppian and Hebrew roots and anything else, and study what someone once called
    "the whole counsel of Scripture," not just something out of context that feeds
    your itching ears especially once filtered through some cult leader like hislop
    (in effect) and the Hebrew roots leaders.
    But rather, that is the pride of your fleshly mind and the gall of your evil heart.

  125. Anonymous8:48 PM

    MCE @ 6:20 PM Your own multitude of words are evidence against you.

    Your head should be hung in shame.

    You're toying with holy things and you are answerable. I pray you have a change of heart toward God.

  126. my multitude of words agrees with the Bible.
    yours does not. the shame is yours.

    I do not toy with holy things. I apply them as
    they were meant to be applied, what they were
    given to us for.

    what do you do, "prayerfully" open a page read a
    few verses to get into a mood, thank God and close
    the book and not remember let alone learn from or
    apply anything, only what some preacher or a writer
    told you?

    you are doing "lectio divina" of emergent church fame
    a warping the medieval RC monastics made of the original
    reading of the Bible to apply it.

    you are New Age.

  127. Anonymous9:55 PM

    "what do you do, "prayerfully" open a page read a
    few verses to get into a mood, thank God and close
    the book and not remember let alone learn from or
    apply anything, only what some preacher or a writer
    told you? "

    Not at all.
    Once again you try to assess something which is only your stupid guess.
    The way your just treated me in your stupid guess is exactly how you mistreat the HOLY BIBLE. You'll answer for it.
    You proved my point entirely, and should hang your head in shame. But you won't.


  128. course I won't but you should. I treat the Bible as the source of truth,
    not some mood state. I can think of nothing else but that to interpret
    your words. either that, or any conclusions from reading more Bible in
    context than you do and not relying on "anointed" or whatever leaders
    like you do or traditions of men like hislop's slop, is viewed by you
    as toying with the Bible.

    If I come to different conclusions than you do, supposedly I have the


    I got news for you. the Pharisees were pretty reverent too.

  129. Anonymous11:07 PM

    You got it totally wrong in your-repeat-stupid guess.
    (and nothing new for you).
    I think it's great that somebody told you a while back that you ASSume.
    That big broad thing of yours is impossible to miss here at whatever Erikson thinks.
    Why? Because you don't know me. Not one thing.
    So you ASSume.
    You don't discuss-you dictate-like good a "bible nazi" ought to.


    Trouble is we know way too much about your calculations. That's why Constance has to reprimand you repeatedly. That is why posters like Rich of Medford left and he is only one example. We know way too much about you and what you think and YOUR STUFF DOESN'T ADD UP ANYWHERE.
    Your so-called Bible knowledge is calculating (manipulative) as well as calculated (very contrived). It's old paganism repackaged to quasi-sound "christian". How do I know? Because you have ratted your pitiful self out a 1000 times by now.
    Your bitter root of unforgiveness has grown mile long roots.
    What an awful way you treat sacredness. God's word is not the final one in your world. You must have the last word. You worship at the throne of self. Your pitiful victim lifestyle broadcast here is only more proof you that profane what is holy by living in blame and assumption based out of your own carnal unresolved life.
    God help you that you can write nothing of the virtues of love and forgiveness, those being the major themes of the Bible. The very basis of a real and worshipful relationship with God. Because if it did that would show up in what you write and promote here. But nada. If ever there was a pharisee it is you.
    You merely google your Bible "knowledge".

    No wonder you are profane with it.

  130. This is a very insightful blog atleast it allows freedom of thought thanks

  131. I need to read the article again, I need to understand. Thanks

  132. Hi Constance,

    I don't fully understand the New Age Hierarchy's purposes in allowing excessive Muslim immigration into The West. You alluded to the reasons here but I need them fleshed out more. Would you please expand the thoughts you expressed in the following paragraph?

    "This development is also likely to strengthen the hands of those calling for "global governance," "global civil society," "interfaith dialogue", "Alliance of Civilizations", "New World Religion", and for those advocating for Europe to speak with one voice and with a multi-country consolidated military (Javier Solana has probably been the leading voice with this message starting in 1999)."


    Ari from the SF Bay Area.

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