
Wednesday, May 02, 2012


Seattle May Day 2012 Violence
Today was what I would term a "revolutionary high holy day" now merged with the New Age / 'Occupy Movement' ones.  From the looks of what happened in Seattle, the party threatens to once again get rough.

The Seattle event turned violent.  It featured hooded demonstrators and appeared to be carried out by anarchist elements.

The Occupy Movement "occupied" other places as well.  Google News carried reports that Occupy demonstrators took over parts of the London Stock Exchange and that the Movement was occupied by an informant on a Cleveland bridge bombing plot.

Oakland, California appeared to avert violence by meeting demonstrators with heavily armed police and tear gas.  Oakland, California experienced violence from "occupiers" in 2011 marches.

Current "Occupy Media" projects include:
> The Occupied Wall Street Journal

As forces unhappy over what I consider obscene tuition rates, mortgage foreclosures merge and blend with New Age forces 'harmonically converging" for their 12-21-2012 deadline meet, I foresee a danger that the new USA approval of UAV (Drones) for 'domestic use' will heighten.  As the demonstrations overlap national boundaries, it will also create a dandy excuse for 'global governance.'  After all, as the New Age community has so long and 'eloquently' put it, "crisis = opportunity."

Things could get ugly fast.  Hold on to your seatbelts.

Keep the Faith and stay strong!  Stay tuned!



  1. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Keep your eye on the right ball Constance. Occupy and investment bankers have the correct opinion of each other, but Occupy is negligible here in Europe. Your link to a demo outside the London Stock Exchange shows a tiny number of people demonstrating peacefully (a right I support). That was never a mass demo and they did not even get into the building.

    The real problem here is the effect of Eurozone countries losing control of their own financial destiny. The pain in Spain falls mainly on the poor (same in Greece), but there are increasingly many in poverty and democratic elections are coming up. I fear that we are in for some National Socialism. (That is its proper name - only the Left call it fascism, for obvious reasons.)

    And remember: Crisis = Opportunity for the church, too.

  2. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Anonymous 5:25 am

    The reason that Occupy is negligible in EU is because EU is already has strong Communist Socialist elements and has done this kind of protesting for a long time. Look what happened in Greece with the austerity moves. May Day is already an EU holiday. The US labor movement has been very weak since President Reagan fired the air traffic controllers in the 80s The Occupy Movement is now try to draw in the dissatisfied workers and enlarge the movement. Remember the movement was primarily disenchanted unemployed youth with student loans and then some fringe types.

    This latest move of the Occupy Movement to solicit the help of the labor unions in their cause has interesting implications.

    I don't think this is a different ball. Your point about the EU citizens not controlling their destiny and the failure of the US economy and subsequent protests on the part of the youth is part and parcel of the same elitist plot to create crisis and then control it. Henry Kissinger was very clear to point this out during the 2008 mortgage crisis.

    When the bottom falls of EU and economy and US too ( because one will necessarily affect the other) the protests movements on both sides of the pond will be poised to revolt and our respective governments will be ready to control the unruly mobs that riot in the streets.

    Yes it is an opportunity for the spread of the gospel and for those who understand the prophecies to speak out.

  3. someone recently said that American physical fitness had declined since the 1960s. Back then we marched, now we occupy.

  4. Anonymous10:09 AM


    I guess I'm talking about categories. Communism is an evil but it is not New Age - it is explicitly based on materialism. Occupy is New Age. What both have in common is a belief in an intrusive State, and strategic alliances are not uncommon in the kingdom of darkness.


  5. Communism is materialistic in theory yes, but buried in the Marxist view is that of Hegel, which posits history as some sort of conscious unfolding force, that works by a dialectical opposition cycle.

    Unaddressed of course is the question, once it has come full cycle to the no property unorganized stated faded away and gone origin style, what is to keep it from starting again with all the awfulness and so forth?

    Communism has been analyzed as a kind of Christian heresy, though I wouldn't go that far, because it has a kind of eschatology wherein the kingdom of heaven equivalent is to be brought into being on earth by The Party or the party cadre, equivalent to The Church, and the kind of emotion of mysticism of being caught up in some great hostoric force is present.

    The eschatology, incidentally, is equivalent to post millenialism, which is a mess in itself, and core to the dominionist position.

    But while I suspect both Marx and Hitler were possessed, Communism would seem to be the materialistic arm and mystical fascism the spiritual counterfeit arm, of two things.

    MEANWHILE ON RECORD THE BIG BANKS AND OTHERS WERE FINANCING BOTH OF THEM. Though this is usually brought out in "conspiracy theory," whether a secret order of Illuminati exists or not a MINDSET of elitism and greed for more and more power and money and control exists.

    A lot of it works in conjuction with or through the UN and don't forget that evil meditation room of the UN.

    environmentalism of the deep or mystical sort is in play, as an excuse for measures that just build the interest of elites, which incl. eliminating any effective democratic controls on things. Agenda 21 and the sustainable growth, smart growth thing and the idea of "stakeholders" who are not property owners but are of minimal or even only future mabye interest having a vital right and role is part of this also.

    Rosa Koire BEHIND THE GREEN MASK goes into this.

    In the long run, all these systems run together.

  6. "Communism would seem to be the materialistic arm and mystical fascism the spiritual counterfeit arm, of two things."

    should have read "arm of ONE thing."

  7. "Occupy movement seeks new recruits -- in New York it found some" . . . Article in Christian Science Monitor today about those motivated by the tuition and loan payback crises.


  8. Jenna7:02 PM

    I couldn't agree with you more Constance, as soon as I saw the picture of the anarchists destroying the glass windows, I thought "GREAT- PERFECT excuse for our government to up the ante on watching us even more" Ugh. I wish these people knew the REAL war we are to be fighting, the real battle against not flesh and blood, but against the dark and evil ruler of this world. :( But I guess that's why we need to shine the light of Jesus in the darkness, and pray for those who are blinded.

    Even so, Come Lord Jesus!

  9. Anonymous9:20 PM

    I would like to find demographic information on the occupy participants. Yes tuition and mortgages are painful and out of control, I know personally having a son in college. As to mortgages, read the fine print and make sure you can make the payments before you sign. I've lost property but I don't blame the lender. No one owes you a house.

    I can't help but believe, looking for evidence to the contrary, that these issues are not the primary drivers of those in the movement - an excuse but not why they are doing this. It gives them too much credit or validity for their actions.

    If there is solid, well evaluated evidence to the contrary I would appreciate seeing it.

    Dave in CA

  10. Their stated motives are not that personal, many are employed etc., they are wise to the game wall street and big bankers have played on everybody, not just personally but politically. Basically, they own the political system. As one person put it, our presidents are not elected they are selected. None of the past bunch for over 20 years got in without David Rockefeller's nod. They are sick of it, and it is no longer merely a big level game but one affecting everyone.

    Their analysis is limited, they are formless so easily diverted and co opted, and now are the tool of Soros precisely the sort they are protesting, but a useful bunch of idiots to further the creeping police state.

    as for reading the fine print, when you have a flexible rate mortgage, it only goes up, and you CAN NOT EVER count on always being able to pay because the economy and/or your health could change.

    Meanwhile, there are banks who bought debts and try to collect after these have been paid off.

    One counter move is show the paperwork! after enough changes of hands, these bought and sold and resold debts often lack the signed paperwork (I forget the legal term) that would make the original creditor liable.

  11. I see in the Occupy movement (and in any group of radicals joining the fray) the result of generations of "education" by Marxists and other fellow travelers who would first, reject, then destroy, the foundations of Western Civilization, which at its heart is based on Judeo-Christian principles and laws, and is based on a belief in an authority higher than oneself. This belief is anathema to those protesters and radicals and all enemies of the West.

    That there exists a growing rejection from within of a civilization that has provided these protesters with the best living conditions in human history is amazing. Ironically, free and libertarian societies contain the seeds of their own destruction, as human nature begins to run amok, unchained and unrestrained.

    As "injustice" grows in the minds of the crowd, a call for something "new" goes out, which is amplified in the cultural outlets of the day. "Out with the old, in with the new," which is not really anything new at all, but rather the old Satanic impulse of creating perfection by the works of our own hands, and rejecting the perfect order already established by God.

    Not only was the Tower of Babel an attempt to see what we could do ourselves without God, but it was an outright thumbing of our noses at God, who had not so long before destroyed the entire world with a flood. "We'll build a tower to God's doorstep! Let's see Him flood us out then!" I see that pride and arrogance and ignorance forming the background for what is breaking upon the world now.

    However, the fly in the ointment of these prognostications is an old fly, left over from the Old World and the Old Times - the times these protesters would like to wish away and forget. Those were the times when power flowed from the barrel of a gun (as Chairman Mao said). Those times have yet to disappear, and they will make at least one last flash in the pan, either through suitcase nukes in American cities, or via an EMP attack from high-altitude missiles launched from close by, sending us into darkness and chaos and stripping away whatever thin veneer of civilization is left here in America.

    And when the hounds of war have been loosed, enemies of old will attack. People will forget about how high their house payments and tuition costs are, and will be concerned instead about their very survival. It will be "kill, or be killed".

    This, if anything, is what keeps me awake at night, not what some frumpy protester tosses through a window in downtown Seattle, although that concerns me too, only because it is a very small peak into what people will be like when the crap REALLY hits the fan.

    I do not really lose sleep though, because my God is in control, He loves His children, and provides for the needs of those He loves.

    "And those who call on the NAME OF THE LORD shall be saved...."

  12. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Tension over tuition isn't just an issue plaguing the U.S. Montreal, Quebec is having its share of large violent outbursts. This just aired on the CBC News show called The National. 5/3/12 12:53 AM



    scroll down to First Second and Third, the violence could have been prevented, but the police planners wanted this to happen to give them credibility for more crackdowns and the growing police state.

  14. Marko,
    Very well said and Amen to every word
    of it.

  15. Anonymous6:10 PM


    ´Russia says it is prepared to use "destructive force pre-emptively" if the US goes ahead with controversial plans for a missile defence system based in Central Europe´

    "destructive force pre-emptively" ... as destructive a force as a nuclear bomb?

  16. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Or, are the masons in Russia, Europe and the US planning this to unify the EU militarily, etc?Hegelian dialetical tactics at play?

    Russia's Top Soldier Issues Threat Over Missile Defense

    "Published on May 3, 2012 by theTrumpetNetwork

    Russia's top military officer threatened that if the United States builds NATO missile defense facilities in Eastern Europe, Russia will destroy them with a preemptive strike.

    Chief of General Staff Nikolai Makarov said on May 3 that "if the situation worsens," the Russian military will "use destructive force preemptively." He went on to say that if Moscow and Washington fail to reach an agreement, Russia will "be forced to take military and technological measures" to protect itself.

    Last year, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev made a similar threat, stating that Russia will retaliate militarily if Moscow fails to reach an agreement with the U.S. and NATO.

    The U.S. says the missile defense system is intended only to counter Iran's missile threat. Moscow rejects this claim and says that the shield could negate Russia's nuclear deterrent.

    As Russia's desire to rebuild its former Soviet glory intensifies, so does its saber-rattling and its actual military capabilities. Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has said that Russia's resurgence is significant mostly because it will prod Europe to unify more quickly. Mr. Flurry said Russia's "power will be able to challenge Europe when no one else can," and added that Russia's rise "strikes intense fear in Europe." As Moscow's military might expands and its threats intensify, Russia's European neighbors will take note and consolidate their power."

  17. Constance,

    I would love to hear your take on the LCWR inviting Barbara Marx Hubbard as their keynote speaker for their August conference in St Louis.

    More here:

  18. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Sometimes you come across information that make you stop and go, Say What! Russia Today just put out a video and news report that Russia is building 5000 more bomb shelters in Moscow. This will be done on a hurried time frame by 2012. I was taken aback by this and the past rolled in like a huge wave. I remembered building homes in America with special areas in the basement that could be used as a bomb shelter. I also remember the many drills at school that had to do with a nuclear attack…

    It just struck me as very strange that it would be pronounced so strongly and with a haste that this will and must be done by 2012. It makes your thinking’s take off and go into high gear…

    The expression “Cold War” has made a huge comeback in the news and now it seems to be invading our lives again whether we want it to be there or not…

    "So Windows to Russia will watch this subject and see what comes of it. Because if they are going to build 5000 bomb shelters in less than two years, then there is going to be a lot of construction going on…"

  19. Anonymous6:53 PM

    These comments by the Russians can and should be ignored. A DEFENSIVE system is seen as a threat?? That makes it very clear who is genuinely bellicose. The system would defend only Europe (not America) from Russian nukes, and in what circumstances might that be necessary?

    Putin is bluffing. Buckle here and he will have rendered Western Europe effectively defenceless with a few words. Let the West, for all its faults, defend itself.

  20. Certain people are going to hate my guts for this, but as someone pointed out, a defensive missile system can be easily tweaked to be offensive. And the USA has adopted a doctrine of pre-emptive offensive force that puts criticism of Russia in the category of the pot calling the kettle black.

    Now for something really wierd.

    Seems there is a leaked restricted document, now available publically since it was leaked, that details plans to put civilian American citizens in re education camps. This is a govt. document by the way. Alex Jones made the big publicization, but here is the link to the thing

    America seems to lead the way in evil as well as good, China was about to outlaw black or hidden jails and unofficial detention, then we passed the NDAA and they went to work on making their own version, which is either passed or getting there, which would make legal actions they have been doing that are technically illegal there.

  21. Susanna8:54 PM

    At May Day Chicago, Mainstream Left No Longer Distanced from Radicals


    supposedly nonexistent type of weapon
    a 5 kiloton thermonuclear bomb goes missing, along with a ship, German origin, Brit. intelligence involved.

  23. Anonymous11:11 PM


    Friday May 4,2012
    By Macer Hall


    “Such a merger would represent a massive shift of power into the hands of a single, unelected bureaucrat. The Government should be taking this far more seriously and voicing its objections very strongly.”

    He added: “The holder of this new office would be both Europe’s political and administrative leader, giving them far more powers than those given to the US president.

    “It really is a great disappointment that we have a Conservative-led Government that is supposed to be Eurosceptic yet ministers just go along with this.”

    * * *


    * * *


  24. EU gaining dictator - well isn't that just special. An unelected ruler with more power than the US prez? sounds a tad monarchical doesn't it? All you need is for it to become hereditary.

    Anyone remember all that hoohah about Merovingians (from whose distaff side most euro royalty and many others descend incl. a lot of our presidents if not all of them or at least related), thanx to Holy Blood Holy Grail?

    I think that there is a move to restore monarchy, taking a multi pronged approach. First, there is the mystical Roman Catholic (usually) fascistic monarchism. Then, there is the heresy friendly merovingian dagobert descent or at least connected view. Then, there is just the pragmatic possible developments that this new development could lead to in time.

    Various and potentially conflicting views being primed to accept a royal ruler, perhaps at first a figurehead, with mystical emotional overtones, a nod to Christianity in his supposedly being descended from Jesus and Mary Magdalene, or descended from relatives of Jesus, and a nod to paganism if merovingianism is viewed in more, ah, "pre Christian" terms.

    the ever ambiguous Christopher Lee got a knighthood from Prince Charles I think it was some years back, in honor of his career and especial mention of The Wicker Man as celebrating the cultural heritage of the celts in general and the brits in particular.....
    you can see the cultural trend.

    that remark come to think of it lends credence to wild stories of closet satano paganism among royalty in England and probably the rest of europe.

    Read up on the Dutroux Affair, and the important even titled people peripheral to (or directly involved in) this horror. Belgian police and judiciary seemed to be compromised.

  25. Anonymous4:56 AM

    "Certain people are going to hate my guts for this, but as someone pointed out, a defensive missile system can be easily tweaked to be offensive. And the USA has adopted a doctrine of pre-emptive offensive force that puts criticism of Russia in the category of the pot calling the kettle black."

    I suspect that you get certain feelings when your arguments are disputed, and you suppose that the protagonist hates you. But that would all be in your mind, for I - your main protagonist - don't hate you at all. In fact I regard you as my sister in Christ. But I think you are liable to mislead many, and that's why I take you up.

    An anti-ICBM missile is NOT easily tweaked to become an ICBM. These things have very dedicated designs. If you think it is just a matter of unscrewing the warhead to put a different one on, putting a bit more fuel in it down at the local gas station, and pointing it in a different direction, you have a lot to learn.

    "America seems to lead the way in evil as well as good, China was about to outlaw black or hidden jails and unofficial detention, then we passed the NDAA and they went to work on making their own version..."

    America has its faults and it is going downhill morally, but it is a very long way indeed from matching China and Russia in its faults. Go and live there and openly criticise the government, as you do here, and see what happens to you. You see more of America's faults because you live there, but you seem blind to its better points.

  26. Anonymous7:12 AM

    The point about the Russians´comments on the MDS are that they are indicative of the warnings given by Dumitru Duduman.

    Dumitru Duduman Warning America Part 1 of 10

  27. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Top story on Drudge (05/04/12)


    SENIOR Eurocrats are secretly plotting to create a super-powerful EU president to realise their dream of abolishing ­Britain, we can reveal.

    A covert group of EU foreign ministers has drawn up plans for merging the jobs currently done by Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Council, and Jose Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission.

    The new bureaucrat, who would not be directly elected by voters, is set to get sweeping control over the entire EU and force member countries into ever-greater political and economic union.
    Tellingly, the UK has been excluded from the confidential discussions within the shady “Berlin Group” of Europhile politicians, spearheaded by German foreign minister Guido Westerwelle.

    Opponents fear the plan could create a modern-day equivalent of the European emperor envisaged by Napoleon Bonaparte or a return to the Holy Roman Empire of Charlemagne that dominated Europe in the Dark Ages.

    They are concerned that David Cameron’s coalition Government is doing nothing to prevent the sinister plot. The secret talks were uncovered by Independent Labour peer Lord Stoddart of Swindon.

    “This is a plot by people who want to abolish nation states and create a United States of Europe,” he said.

    “The whole thing is barmy. These people are determined to achieve their final objective.

  28. Anonymous8:27 AM

    The tale in the Daily Express of London alluded to above is in one sense true, but not really news; it is over-written to scare and to sell newspapers. (The Express is not one of Britain's serious papers.) What really matters is not power shuffling in Brussels but the stripping of power from the nations in the EU, in favour of Brussels. That has not remotely reached the point where a holder of both of these jobs would match the power of Obama over the States of the Union.

    I'm not complacent and I know what's coming, but this is shoddy journalism and should not be taken at face value across the Atlantic. After all it is scarcely a revelation that Eurofederalism, with or without Britain, is Brussels' aim.

  29. Anonymous8:29 AM

    I would love to hear your take on the LCWR inviting Barbara Marx Hubbard as their keynote speaker for their August conference in St Louis.

    More here:

    I am not Constance so please forgive this interjection, but the reason for this is the void that has been left by Catholics who ignore the Catholic Church's social teachings but embrace its moral teachings about sexuality, abortion, etc. Catholics who try to bring social teachings (which are wholly Biblical - and also "moral")) to the fore (such as those articulated by John Paul II, who was very prescient in his critique not just of Marxism but also of free market capitalism) are marginalized by conservative Catholics with pejorative names such as "Marxist" or "Liberation Theologian" etc. which shuts down all debate because it tells people what they want to hear.

    Conservative Catholics will blame this situation on the "liberals" but the truth is, most conservative Catholics are equally to blame. If they Catholics embraced their own Church's social teachings with the same fervor that they embrace its teachings on sexual morality, no void would exist for the New Age to fill.

    This void used to be filled by something called the "Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy," but most religious orders, except for the liberal ones, have moved away from them. They are hardly ever mentioned from the pulpit and in practise are largely ignored by most Catholics, except for prayer. Prayer is the most convenient Work of Mercy to practise because it asks nothing of the giver except for time. The Works of Mercy in their fullness are far more demanding than just prayer.

  30. Anonymous8:54 AM

    P.S. I am the anonymous who wrote the comment at 8:29.

    I should have made clear in my post that I myself am a conservative Catholic, not a "liberal" or "dissenting" one, so I write as an "insider" about this topic in that I am criticizing my own people, so to speak.

  31. warheads and hater - no you don't change the warhead, you change the other part of the system or reprogram it.

    Considering that chips from games being exported were a concern in the 1980s because they could be used for missile guidance, it shouldn't be so hard.

    my remark about hating my guts was mostly a joke. But don't underestimate the patriotic emotion. If marko can state a position that adds up to mine, but refuse to face the fact, you see what I mean.

  32. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Christine: To change an anti-ICBM missile to an ICBM then you very definitely would have to change the warhead. The former is non-nuclear, the latter is nuclear.

    Russia has put ICBMs equally close to the USA in subs off the east coast for decades. And a US sub could surface through the arctic ice and fire at the USSR with equally short warning period. So the strategic situation would be unchanged if the West put ICBMs in Poland. But it would change if we put anti-ICBM missiles there. These are purely defensive, and the West should not accept Putin's bullying words to the effect that it may not defend itself. He's obviously bluffing. Courage!

  33. "The interception technology used has varied over time. In the 1960s, missile defense against ICBMs emphasized nuclear warheads. In recent decades non-nuclear kinetic warheads"

    Just how recent is unclear, and I would guess that Russian intelligence is up to date on what might be proposed to be in place.

    Even so, a kinetic warhead would be very dangerous. These things could be deployed on targets and do a lot of damage without inhibitions about radioactive fallout.

    following the link in the article to kinetic weapons, we have this:

    " the energy of TNT is 4.6 MJ/kg, and the energy of a kinetic kill vehicle with a closing speed of 10 km/s is of 50 MJ/kg. This saves costly weight and there is no detonation to be precisely timed. This method, however, requires direct contact with the target, which requires a more accurate trajectory. Some hit-to-kill warheads are additionally equipped with an explosive directional warhead to enhance the kill probability (e.g. Israeli Arrow missile or U.S. Patriot PAC-3).

    With regard to anti-missile weapons, the Arrow missile and MIM-104 Patriot PAC-2 have explosives, while the Kinetic Energy Interceptor (KEI), Lightweight Exo-Atmospheric Projectile (LEAP, used in Aegis BMDS), and THAAD do not (see Missile Defense Agency).

    A kinetic projectile can also be dropped from aircraft. This is applied by replacing the explosives of a regular bomb, e.g. by concrete, for a precision hit with less collateral damage. A typical bomb has a mass of 900 kg and a speed of impact of 800 km/h (220 m/s). It is also applied for training the act of dropping a bomb with explosives. [1] This method has been used in Operation Iraqi Freedom and the subsequent military operations in Iraq by mating concrete-filled training bombs with JDAM GPS guidance kits, to attack vehicles and other relatively "soft" targets located too close to civilian structures for the use of conventional high explosive bombs.

    A Prompt Global Strike may use a kinetic weapon. A kinetic bombardment may involve a projectile dropped from Earth orbit.

    A hypothetical kinetic weapon that travels at a significant fraction of the speed of light, usually found in science fiction, is termed a relativistic kill vehicle (RKV)."

    Obviously these things are not without use on non missile targets. The very fact they do less collateral damage makes them dangerous because they could be deployed against troops, official buildings, etc., probably without violating some laws.

    The Heritage Foundation, a neocon think tank, had a lot to do with the disastrous sudden transistion of Russia and making such a mess, and the corruption getting in place, which Putin had a lot to do with correcting, though the billionare gangsters are now in place and hard to get rid of.

    During the transition, with nothing to gain from delivering meat to some places that normally got meat, it was left to rot by the road while people starved elsewhere, and the only reason people weren't dying by the thousands from Russian winters after eviction was that no mortgage holding landlords existed to evict them from shelter.

  34. one way to test a theory is can it be used to predict or to correctly evaluate something that is proved later correct or incorrect.

    notice the reference to a triple meltdown.

    I remember when this first happened. The second day into this, I read a statement from the Japanese govt., which I read the same way I would something from our authorities and govt. on something of concern, adding the "belly speak" as China calls it Oriental style of understatement, misdirection, and semi deception into this. The statement denied any meltdown.

    I said out loud immediately, "bullshit! they've got a fullscale meltdown on their hands and they're lying about it."

    Turned out I was exactly correct. Except I was only figuring about one of the reactors, not all three.

    Please don't bother to complain about my language. As for a "drunken sailor," to which I was compared once, they throw in a lot more obscenities than I do.

    It was not the denial so much as how they denied it. And since then both they and our govt. have lied about the amount and danger of radiation, and it seems the good ol' USA has taken up a change in rating of how much is dangerous.

    "toxic sludge is good for you" said a cartoon many many years ago.

    Meanwhile, in the alternative medicine scene, there are herbs and foods that strengthen you and help repair DNA damage. It is not just radioactive iodine, it is Cesium something or other and Strontium 90, which are not protected against by "radiation pills," potassium iodide or the more dangerous potassium iodate.

  35. Anonymous6:05 PM

    "Putin's palace? A mystery Black Sea mansion fit for a tsar" ... will this be where he´ll live once he´s carried out that which Dumitru Duduman allegedly had a vision about: A surprise nuke attack on the USA´s cities by Russia! Now those comments about destructive pre-emptive force seem more than sabre rattling, or do they?

  36. Susanna8:36 PM

    Anonymous 8:54 A.M.

    While there is ultimately little difference between monopolistic Laissez Faire capitalism and collectivist systems such as socialism....and communism, which according to Vladimir Lenin, is socialism's goal, it is nevertheless true that the corporal works of mercy have been hijacked by secularists - including the Liberation Theologians - and deployed in the service of their own Gramscian-style agenda, which has somehow managed to infiltrate our culture and politics here in the United States.

    Unfortunately, even many of the Catholic Bishops in the United States have "drunk the Kool-Ade" and, after deluding themselves - and their flocks - that there is no difference between welfare and charity, have gotten into bed with politicians and accepted government money while foolishly assuming that the government would never seek to regulate the religions it subsidized.

    Thankfully, the HHS Contraception Mandate just recently showed the U.S. Bishops just how delusional such an assumption on their part could be.

    I agree that if Catholics started practicing the true social justice embodied in the Corporal Works of Mercy, they might prevent that "void" you mentioned from being filled with poison disguised as milk by those who wish to undermine not only the Catholic church, but Christianity as a whole.

    By the way, have you heard about Pope Benedict XVI's big crackdown on LCWR?

    Vatican Diary / The Holy Office puts the American sisters in the corner

    The "liberal" leadership of the women religious of the United States has been effectively stripped of authority. By order of the pope. Here is the document from the congregation for the doctrine of the faith that explains how and why......


  37. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Hello Susanna,

    This is the conservative Catholic to whom you replied at 8:36.

    Rome's crackdown on the LCWR is a pruning that is long overdue. We can only hope that it will bear much fruit.

    You are correct that welfare and charity are not “the same,” but for the benefit of non-Catholic readers, I will point out that in Catholic Social Teaching, social welfare is not meant to supplant charity (caritas) but rather, a "necessary evil" that fills a gap where caritas has failed.

    In the conservative Catholic church today, "doctrinal orthodoxy" is thriving but the Works of Mercy are not. Doctrinal orthodoxy without charity is, in fact, a false Catholicism masquerading as Truth, and every bit as poisonous as the liberal apostasy you so rightly condemn.

    With regard to Catholic Social Teaching about economics I would draw your attention to Annus Centesimus and Laborem Exercens, for a start. The Catholic Church is not silent on these matters, and in fact it is every bit as vocal as it is on matters of sexuality morality. Moreover, all the Church's Social Teachings are, like her teachings on sexual morality, based firmly in scripture.

    Those who claim allegience to the Magisterium while willfully turning a deaf ear to the Church's very rigorous demands about "love of neighbor" are placing their eternal souls at grave risk. This is true regardless of how fervently they practise NFP, how lovingly they cultivate their own "domestic church," and how many First Fridays they complete.


  39. SmallFarm12:52 PM

    My little sister saw a drone flying over our house in Arizona last week!

  40. there is definitely a plan on to create a real fascist totalitarian out in the open kind of thing here, as distinct from normal controls and opposition to bad behavior that has been denounced as violating our freedom in the past.

    the problem with sorting out good from evil in this, is that the same people are involved in both, and the controls some of them were put in place with the idea of slow escalation.

    then there is posse comitatus which never prohibited military enforcement of law altogether, only required request or context of a law, and it has been modified since then, and only applied to army and air force, not reservists.

    There is an interesting video showing the incredible ignorance of Tea Party regarding the Constitution and even one argued the commerce clause was added later, when in fact it was in the original body, and also in the original body is the procedure to add to or modify the Constitution if needed.

    that said, Alex Jones, and others, are on target at present.


    joel skousen interview. note he says American answers do not incl. denial the ABMs can do anything. Also, they aren't very effective against missiles, makes me wonder if these are the older ones that do have a small warhead, and Skousen says this is a globalist effort to provoke Russia, Russia offered us a missile position near the border of Iran, which is the only place you can effectively use an anti Iranian ABM system from anyway!

    Skousen argues they will use tactical missiles to hit these sites, then a preemptive ballistic missile strike against the US, probably early 2020s, and American policy is to absorb the first strike. This of course would create a disaster in which the Constitution can be suspended permanently.

    Our enemies are not Russia and China, they are tools or something to be provoked to function as tools.

    The enemy is entrenched here and in Europe, and they are not Jews.

  42. Susanna11:07 PM

    Hello Anonymous 5:59 A.M.

    Indeed, let us hope that the long overdue Vatican crackdown on the LCWR will bear much fruit!

    I am familiar with the encyclicals you mentioned in your comment. Here are the Vatican links to those encyclicals in case anyone wants to learn more about them.

    Of course, the foundation for Catholic social teaching is to be found in the Bible where we have the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus.

    "Now there was a certain rich man, and he was clothed in purple and fine linen, living in luxury every day. A certain beggar, named Lazarus, was laid at his gate, full of sores, and desiring to be fed with the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table. Yes, even the dogs came and licked his sores. It happened that the beggar died, and that he was carried away by the angels to Abraham’s bosom. The rich man also died, and was buried. In Hades, he lifted up his eyes, being in torment, and saw Abraham far off, and Lazarus at his bosom.
    He cried and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue! For I am in anguish in this flame.’

    "But Abraham said, ‘Son, remember that you, in your lifetime, received your good things, and Lazarus, in like manner, bad things. But now here he is comforted and you are in anguish. Besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, that those who want to pass from here to you are not able, and that none may cross over from there to us.’ He said, ‘I ask you therefore, father, that you would send him to my father’s house; for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, so they won’t also come into this place of torment.’

    "But Abraham said to him,
    ‘They have Moses and the prophets. Let them listen to them.’

    "He said, ‘No, father Abraham, but if one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’

    "He said to him, ‘If they don’t listen to Moses and the prophets,
    neither will they be persuaded if one rises from the dead.’"
    Luke 16:19-31


  43. Susanna11:10 PM


    Oops! Here are those Vatican links I meant to post in my last comments.

    LABOREM EXERCENS ( 9/14/1981)

    CENTESIMUS ANNUS ( 5/1/1991)

  44. Susanna,
    That is such a revealing and deep parable.
    The last line is such a kicker too.
    "They" don't believe Moses and the Prophets.
    They just say that they do...
    Instead they invented the Talmud, which was supposed to be a commentary on Moses and the Prophets; and an ongoing deep dissecting of the Law, but which turned into a racist dehumanizing of all people not Jewish and a pack of lies regarding the Son of God.
    From there the Kabbalah goes even further; into Egyptian and Babylonian magic and ridiculous incantations and techniques to try to force God to make one "rich".
    If they believed Moses and the Prophets they would see the Jewish Messiah on every page, just as Peter, James and John did, and all the other Apostles. They'd see the Messiach, just as the woman at the well saw him and Mary Magdalene saw him and Anna the prophet saw him, and Nicodemus and Joseph of Ramtha saw him.
    He's really kind of hard to miss there in the Psalms, and Isaiah and Zechariah and Jonah and Micah and
    in the last great prophet who was the only one to see him in the flesh, John the Baptist.
    Of course he's all over the Mosaic Law: The Ram of Consecration and the Scapegoat and the shewbread,
    not to even mention the Lamb without blemish.
    Even the Roman Centurian saw him and one gets the impression that even Pontius Pilate saw him.
    But they don't believe Moses and the Prophets and they don't believe in Jesus the very Son of God.

  45. I read on Hal Lindsay that the Eu wants to have a super administrator, appointed not elected, and throw out the UK. Mr. Cameron is having a fit.


  46. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Monkeys Get Autism-like Reactions to MMR & Other Vaccines In University of Pittsburgh Vaccine Study

  47. I took the TDap and I brain was foggier than normal for a few days but i took a lot of antiviral herbal pills also, because of virus contaminants (or additions) in vaccines. I am better. Needed the tetanus it was due, but it comes packaged with the diphtheria and whooping cough too.


    quick introduction to something I have read about elsewhere.

    one of the reasons the republithugs can't be trusted any more than the dummycrooks.

  49. Anonymous4:32 AM

    "I read on Hal Lindsay that the EU wants to have a super administrator, appointed not elected, and throw out the UK. Mr. Cameron is having a fit."

    As an Englishman I hope that this is more accurate than some other of Hal Lindsey's writings. My Prime Minister can say what he likes but most of his electorate is sick of the EU, and tired of all major parties being pro-EU so that we get no choice at elections. The United Kingdom Independence Party's day could come soon.

  50. Christine,
    ..."foggier than normal"

    God bless you.

  51. Anonymous10:38 AM

    WHOOPS!! is the Dollar´s demise imminent?

    "China is buying crude oil from Iran using its currency the yuan, an Iranian diplomat has said.

    Oil transactions are usually settled in dollars but US sanctions make it difficult for Iran to accept payments in the US currency.

    Iran is using the revenue to buy goods and services from China, Mohammed Reza Fayyad, Iran's ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, confirmed.

    China is the biggest buyer of Iranian crude oil exports."

  52. re uk getting kicked out - I was thinking weren't they kinda not happy with it anyway? it could be the best thing for them.

    re the dollar's demise - I heard of this two months ago. check Lindsat Williams on you tube. the REAL govt. is the big oil companies and associates.


    catch the film near the center, from the Iran Contra Hearings where a senator got close to this totalitarian takeover plan of Continuity of Government, incl. a plan to suspend the Constitution, and Sen. Inhouye wouldn't let the questions be asked.

  54. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Hardly surprising that China is Iran's biggest market as industrialising China needs a lot of oil, Iran has plenty it wishes to sell, and the US is not going to buy from Iran. And hardly surprising that two such countries prefer not to do the deal in US currency, a choice which obviously reflects politics rather than economics.

    Too bad that the US prefers to get its oil from friendly paragons of Human Rights like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela when it could get it from Canada. Obama has never taken a clearer decision to acts against US interests than to nix Canadian oil - which will still be sold to somebody.

    "the REAL govt. is the big oil companies and associates"

    Funny then that oil companies are getting screwed by the US government in favour of Big Green. There is corruption going on but let's look in the right places.

    PS Hal Lindsey is building on a rather poor newspaper article in a rather poor newspaper. In one sense it's true, but it's not really news; it is over-written to scare and sell newspapers. What really matters is not power shuffling in Brussels but the stripping of power from the nations in the EU, in favour of Brussels. That has not remotely reached the point where a holder of both of these jobs would match the power of Obama over the States of the USA.

    I'm not complacent and I know what's coming, but this is shoddy journalism. And Hal Lindsey is too trigger-happy in his correlating of world politics with eschatological prophecy. You would think he would have learned by now.


    May 8, 2012
    By: S.R. Shearer

    As we suggested in our last main article, "Beware the Prophetic Daydreams of False Prophets & Empty-Headed Dreamers," there exists today a very stark dichotomy between the Bible's description of the antiChrist at "end of the age" and the portrait of the antiChrist that the leaders of today's church are presenting to their congregations; indeed, the dichotomy is so stark and so vast that it cannot help but elicit the thought in the thinking of any fair-minded individual, WHOSE PURPOSES ARE BEING SERVED BY THIS DECEIT?

    The fact is, the Bible PLAINLY describes the antiChrist in terms that reveal him as a bloody man of war; specifically as...

    Read Article -

    Homepage -

  56. oil getting screwed - not really. And my guess is, thqat if you track the ownership of large stock blocks, personnel on boards of directors, and parent companies (meaning not who started the company but who owns it or owns its owner now) you will find big oil getting a cut of big green.

    Secondly, the technologies really dangerous to big oil have always been (and still are) downplayed debunked and patents bought up and shelved by big oil and sometimes people die in odd circumstances.

    Diesel who invented the diesel engine, originally stated it would run on ANY kind of oil, and modern diesel owners before biodiesel were running their stuff on used filtered cooking oil, but you have to change the fuel filter a LOT.

    After Diesel died, the specs on the engines were changed some and the STATED specs definitely changed, and you can't run them on anything but big oil diesel or void your warranty. They also require so much maintenance the cost of this negates any saving on fuel (which is rising in price anyway).

    The development of electric and flex fuel cars took forever and are still prohibitively expensive which is of course of use to the car manufacturers, and the proliferation of gas guzzling SUV versions of everything helps big oil.

    A long time ago I figured, we will get alternative energy, when the only or main owners who get the money from it are the big oil crew.

  57. Anonymous1:36 PM


    Yes, I agree that the big oil companies diversified into green energy to get a slice of taxpayers' money from Washington's misguided green policies, but your previous post (on which I was commenting) singled out oil companies, and this called for qualification.

    All engines, including diesel, are a lot more efficient now than a generation ago - look at the mpg figures - but that improvement also means they are pickier about what you put into them. That's unavoidable. If you want to run it on vegetable oil then you will get different ignition and pressure parameters which will make it less efficient than with the fuel it was designed for.

    As for electric or other alternative-power cars: there is no other good way to carry around a large amount of releasable energy, which you can use to power your vehicle, other than in a tank of flammable chemicals that you burn in an internal combustion engine. You wrote "the technologies really dangerous to big oil have always been (and still are) downplayed debunked and patents bought up and shelved by big oil and sometimes people die in odd circumstances" but you rightly said that energy companies diversify, and the government subsidies on offer to car manufacturers to go electric are HUGE. If it was easy then they'd have done it to get those bucks, just like oil companies diversified into green for the same reason. There is no conspiracy; the problem is entirely technological, and to do with the convenient storage in a moving body of a large amount of energy. In the internet era anybody can publish anything, and a modicum of scientific expertise is needed to avoid being taken in by nonsense.


  58. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Canadian secular Jew Ezra Levant, a hero of the battle against political correctness, on relations between Occupy and communism:

  59. go watch who killed the electric car on you tube and draw your own conclusions.

    oh, btw, though I totally dislike the idea of hauling around compressed H and compressed O2 to combine, it is possible to electolysis separate them from water and recombine explosively, the entire process done while driving with only water stored. Of course that didn't get very far.

    then there is the tesla switch, a wierd feedback loop thingy that sorta violates usual rules of electricity and lets a battery recharge itself or something like that.

  60. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Violence breaks out at Occupy's second attempt on SF Church building.

  61. Anonymous5:56 AM


    You wrote: "though I totally dislike the idea of hauling around compressed H and compressed O2 to combine, it is possible to electolysis separate them from water and recombine explosively, the entire process done while driving with only water stored. Of course that didn't get very far."

    Indeed it didn't - but not because it was killed by THEM. It was killed by the law of conservation of energy. Start with an onboard tank of water (with perhaps a little acid added so that it will conduct electricity). Electrolyze it to decompose the water into hydrogen and oxygen. Then explosively recombine those gases in an engine to provide motive power. But where did the electric energy to decompose the water molecules come from? From a big onboard battery which you need to charge up beforehand. And, since much of the energy of the recombination of hydrogen and oxygen is dissipated in heat (show me a combustion engine that doesn't get hot!), only some of it is available as motive power. You would be better off running an electric motor directly from that battery. And we are back to the limitations imposed by our best knowledge of battery technology: to run a car, you go 100 miles and then you need to recharge your battery for hours.

    Alternatively, you carry a tank of fuel and burn it in a 'fuel cell' to generate electricity which powers an electric motor and hence the car. But then you have the usual problem: you are carrying around a tank of gasoline or a highly pressurized tank of hydrogen.

    Conservation of energy is verified in thousands of experiments done in high schools and universities round the world every day. It would be nice if it were not so, but there's no getting round it. The few people who deny it or who are ignorant of it on the internet, are merely propagating incorrect information to the gullible, either by error or as a scam. Don't be taken in. You don't give enough details of what you have seen on YouTube or of the 'Tesla switch' to permit further informed comment.

    If there really was a simple solution to this problem then someone would have found it by now and they would be very rich and famous and the product would be out there. You might talk cover-up in the US defense industry but nowadays there are many many Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Indian entrepreneur-scientists.

  62. Anonymous8:19 AM


    You wrote: "though I totally dislike the idea of hauling around compressed H and compressed O2 to combine, it is possible to electolysis separate them from water and recombine explosively, the entire process done while driving with only water stored. Of course that didn't get very far."

    Indeed it didn't - but not because it was killed by THEM. It was killed by the law of conservation of energy. Start with an onboard tank of water (with a little acid added so that it will conduct electricity). Electrolyze it to decompose the water into hydrogen and oxygen. Then explosively recombine those gases in an engine to provide motive power. But where did the electric energy to decompose the water molecules come from? From a big onboard battery which you need to charge up beforehand. And, since much of the energy of the recombination of hydrogen and oxygen is dissipated in heat (show me a combustion engine that doesn't get hot!), only some of it is available as motive power. You would be better off running an electric motor directly from that battery. And then we are back to the limitations imposed by our best battery technology: to run a car, you go 100 miles and then you need to recharge your battery for hours.

    Alternatively, you carry a tank of fuel and burn it to generate electricity which powers an electric motor and hence the car. But then you have the usual problem: you are carrying around a tank of gasoline or a highly pressurized tank of hydrogen.

    Conservation of energy is verified in thousands of experiments done in high schools and universities round the world every day. It would be nice if it were not so, but there's no getting round it. The few people who deny it or who are ignorant of it on the internet, are merely propagating incorrect information to the gullible, either by error or as a scam. Don't be taken in. You don't give enough details of what you have seen on YouTube or of the 'Tesla switch' to permit further comment.

    If there really was a simple solution to this problem then someone would have found it by now and they would be rich and famous and the product would be out there. You might talk cover-up in the US defense industry but nowadays there are many Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Indian entrepreneur-scientists.


  63. onboard batteries are what run the spark plugs in a gas engine. They recharge from the alternator that is cranked by the car's crankshaft through a chain as it moves.

    why should i give details on what i've seen or read, go look for it yourself. enter appropriate search terms at you tube and google. I won't get into another argument with you.

    the tesla switch I read about not saw on youtube. just plug in free energy, antigravity and stuff like that, you will get a lot of interesting demonstration videos, however. probably a tesla switch as well.

  64. Anonymous11:34 AM


    HE ENTITLES HIS VIDEO: "Message to Abu Qatada's students, act on his teaching and stop betraying him!"


  65. Anonymous1:31 PM


    Had you shown any positive response to my scientific explanations over several threads then I would have been glad to educate you further, but for reasons of your own you prefer not to. From now on I shall be responding solely to outline to Constance's readers where and how you are scientifically incorrect, to save them from believing the nonsense that you frequently speak.

    In a diesel engine - which is where this discussion started - there are no spark plugs. In a gasoline engine the onboard battery is, as you say, recharged - using a small fraction of the energy of combustion of the fuel. But this is not comparable to using a battery as the main power source to run a vehicle, and by bringing it up you are merely confusing the issue.

    There is no free energy from so-called "Tesla switches". If you believe there is, you have been taken in by internet trash. (You can find *anything* on the internet.) Scientific knowledge is an insurance against that, but you don't have it and apparently you don't wish to acquire it.

    "why should i give details on what i've seen or read, go look for it yourself. enter appropriate search terms at you tube and google"

    Because you are the one making the claim. This is not a private dialogue; we are conducting it in front of Constance's readers, who will form their own opinion from your making a claim then refusing to give any details. I have no personal interest in the claim, but if you want to be taken seriously then you would do well learn some of the conventions of public discourse.

    If you really believe in antigravity, why not find that genius backyard inventor and offer him a partnership to develop it? Put your money where your mouth is. You should make billions from the patents alone.


  66. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Whoo Whoo!!!

    Go, Mr. Physicist @ 1:31 PM. :>)

  67. fine start here.

    And I do mean START here, pursue other links and videos, surf around with lots of salt to nibble on while doing so.

    Most antigravity strikes me as ho hum. Like, fine, the "lifter" (lots of info out there on that) will hoist 5 or 10 pounds with 10,000 volts, just wonderful, so its going to need gigavolts to haul decent cargo? too much trouble, too much danger too likely to burn out and blow up. not practical.

    as for investing, I don't have any money to invest in, and I don't please to end up dead. (some of this stuff can do you without someone else helping it along, btw.)

    I concede your point about private vs. public communications and others onboard here, BUT I encourage EVERYONE to do research and not depend just on me, Constance, you, or whoever.

    I recently commented on a video, and got the answer "where in this video was any information" such as I brought to bear on the matter in the video. Would you believe it? naturally I had to answer the pinhead that I was drawing on all sorts of videos and articles that had bearing on the subject. As if the only information that would be relevant to the video's claims was in the video itself, or it didn't exist. I never said such was in that video either, I just said a and b and c relevant to the issue the video dealt with (disagreeing with the video on some point or all I forget now).

  68. I didn't say a diesel has spark plugs, in fact they have GLOW plugs to provide some heat but once going can keep going without them. I am not confusing issues, I am addressing the matter of batteries. you argued that an onboard battery system is needed as if it isn't an ongoing use in others. OF COURSE the electric car required charge up between runs.

    Apparently they saw fit to do without an alternator, which could be hooked somehow to the drive shaft, or a lot of recharging would happen while it was driven.

    I concede your point about people other than just us reading this, BUT I encourage EVERYONE to do their own research and not rely on me, Constance, you or whoever, surf around with a lot of salt to nibble on.

    to everyone, once you get anywhere, check links on the article page, check references or ref. at the links. if a video, take the subject and put it in youtube search and get more on the subject.

    bear in mind possible agendas, separate explanations, new age or other, metaphysical conclusions drawn, etc., from specific historical or observed physical facts.

    doing this on the last link, you will run into something called the Hutchison Effect. DO NOT TOUCH THIS WITH A TEN FOOT POLE.
    now as for antigravity, here is something interesting where gravity was partly negated in tests

    more videos

  69. I have posted three times with links and nothing shows. Even though it showed right after I posted. what is going on?

  70. there is no point getting educated further on the basics I already know, when I am onto people, with degrees from legitimate sources like you claim, some of them, who are onto something more than standard physics misses.

  71. trying again with links.

    configuration of magnets same poles forced together changes mass gravity effect repeated tests. put antigravity into youtube search for more stuff. always keep some grains of salt of course.

    you will run into something called the Hutchison Effect. DO NOT TOUCH THIS WITH A TEN FOOT POLE. or anything that guy is involved with.

    new age ideas proliferate in the alternative community but you can ignore that, like people who worship the moon don't thereby prove it doesn't exist.

    But the Hutchison Effect is dangerous, and if looking it over doesn't make that obvious, just extrapolate from minor stuff to big stuff and human flesh in combination perhaps, well, I don't know what to say.

    But the main reason is that this resembles something that happened years ago, a disaster I am not going to discuss here or even name or it will start another brawl, and frankly I suspect half the info on it is disinfo. But something happened that is consistent with Hutchison Effect in some cases.

    by the way, I am not making a claim, because I have done no experiments, I am REPORTING the claim that others make.

  72. investing - I have no money. But several patents do exist, and can be found online, that date from the days when you had to provide a working model that did something in order to get the patent.

  73. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I think the physicist alone is more of a resource than anything Christine has "cited." Although Christine's effort is a nice try.

  74. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Christine does not, contrary to her assertion at 4.34pm, know the basics of physics. Her posts have demonstrated that repeatedly. She does not understand energy conservation. She does not understand the first thing about how an engine works. Or a nuclear bomb. She believes antigravity. None of this is any cause for censure. The trouble is that she thinks she can usefully discuss these things. Now she writes: "I am onto people, with degrees from legitimate sources like you claim, some of them, who are onto something more than standard physics misses." If this is true then they too are deluded. Modern physics has its research frontiers, at which we scientists scratch our heads and admit that we don't know what lies beyond, but those frontiers now lie far beyond the kind of trash that Christine has spoken of in her posts. She is roughly at the level of scientific knowledge of the early 17th century.

    There is no such thing as "standard physics" and, by implication, non-standard physics. There is only one set of laws of physics. Physics is not an 'establishment' that rubbishes outsiders, but a vast body of objective knowledge about how matter behaves, founded on experiments that are repeated in every undergraduate lab in the world hundreds of times daily, and (as technology advances) with ever-increasing accuracy. Thanks to men like Newton and Einstein, a small number of laws have been deduced which account for all of these phenomena to the observed accuracy. When anomalous results are found, they generally evaporate upon doing the experiment more carefully.

    Good luck to you and your friends, Christine! And let's have a reference to the work they are doing if you want to be taken seriously.


  75. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Christine can relax. The Hutchison Effect was not behind 9/11, to which she obviously alludes, because the Hutchison Effect does not exist. Only Hutchison can get it to work, and he refuses to work with other scientists who want to check it out. Does that make you maybe a little suspicious? See


  76. Marko6:17 PM

    Christine, and those who think in the same manner as she, think something along the lines of this:

    I know that X is true. If you show me proof that X is false, then your proof is faulty. Look... here are people who say that X is true, so it must be true!

    It goes back to the black swan discussion. Suppose it is widely accepted that all swans are white, and history has shown so far that all swans found, no matter where, are white. There are youtube videos of swans flying, swans swimming along a lakeshore, swans herding their young to safety, and they are all white. There are experts who have filmed hours and hours of documentaries about the whiteness of swans.

    Then.... a black swan is found. Those who think like Christine would say that what was found cannot possibly be a swan, because it is black, and all swans are white. Period. No adjustment to the accepted "truth" that all swans are white will be tolerated or even considered, because the truth is already known about it.

    Every white swan found reinforces the known "truth" that all swans are white, and any black swans found are "obviously" not swans, and therefore they pose no threat to the belief that all swans are white.

    It is very difficult, if not impossible, to convince conspiracy theorists that they are wrong, once they have filled their heads with enough half-truths and theories that seem to describe reality, but don't.

  77. no, I am NOT alluding to 9/11, i am alluding to something many decades previously.

    as for black swans, you got it backwards.

    the standard thinker says a black swan is not a swan. the conspiracy theorist in the sense of read between lines, look at hidden history and deep politics, says, its a swan, and proof that all swans are not predictably one thing only.

    the conspiracy theorist worst case scenario type 1 says, all swans are white, some conspiracy painted or mutated it black, conspiracy theorist worst case scenario type 2 says everyone who doesn't know about black swans or thinks they are rare enough to ignore most of the time is part of the cover up, and then I suppose there could be some who argue black swans and white swans are neither of them swans, they are part of a coverup to hide the existence of grey swans. I could segment farther.

    the so called conspiracy theorist simply recognizes details and takes note of oddball things like behavior of people that makes their words seem questionable, and peculiar deaths and firing and so forth and takes a closer look, or is willing to listen to those who do.

    I TAKE A LONG TIME TO BUY INTO SOME THINGS, at this point I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that while yes planes from Saudi extremists were in play, so was something else to make sure the job got done right.

    The whole debate about HOW the 9-11 thing was done, eclipses too easily the more serious issue of WHY and WHO, which are issues that are NOT dependent on the issue of HOW.

    Even by the standard view I held until a few months ago, snorting at the 9-11 truthers, the surrounding issues of gain by Bush and the NWO and Halliburton and so forth and the relationship between Bush and Bin LAden families, and many other things, like the peculiar timing and stand down orders etc. MAKE SUCH PRIOR KNOWLEDGE AND INBVOLVEMENT BY BUSH AND CO OBVIOUS, and if you tie this possibility to the issue of HOW which is irrelevant to this, it stands on its own, then you easily derail investigation of such.

  78. Anonymous7:03 PM

    "I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that while yes planes from Saudi extremists were in play..." [on 9/11]

    Why 'reluctantly' Christine? Why would you *prefer* to believe that the US government did it than that a bunch of Muslims who hated America did it? This isn't a question about who did it, please note, but a question about you.

    "no, I am NOT alluding to 9/11, i am alluding to something many decades previously"

    Makes no difference, as the Hutchison effect is illusory. But how do you think Constance's readers regard someone who consistently makes passing comments but when challenged refuses to give the further information by which they could check for themselves?

  79. I have given you information to check. I have given you search terms and search engines. you are lazy, pure and simple. not only that, you don't want to take the trouble to check on many sources and views, you want something handed you that is absolute and authoritative OR that is easily refuted, etc.

    I also gave a specific link.

    If you had a shred of initiative, you would take words and phrases from my posts and go check on what is available, pro and con and so forth, not limit yourself to one article and smugly dismiss it as a hoax.

    If not prebiassed and lazy, you wouldn't be satisfied with wikipedia you would pursue every link in the article and your own research on the web. Then, if you decided it was a hoax, in the meantime you would have found other things not hoaxed.

    Go on a fishing expedition. When I was in junior high school, I was expected to find stuff in the library on an assigned subject. but that was in the 1960s.

    Hutchison may or may not sometimes screw with things. But at least one thing, the merging of unlike substances, metal and wood, reminded me of an incident involving steel and flesh, and these two, that event and Hutchison, sort of confirm each other. If he were going to try to model a fraud off that incident, he would do something more interesting than wood and metal.

    These things don't work all the time, when they do, they work well, or they fail and kill. Too dangerous.

  80. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Haven't been here for awhile and don't know why I bothered to stop back. Some things never change. Christine's blog lives on.

  81. Anonymous said...
    "I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that while yes planes from Saudi extremists were in play..." [on 9/11]

    Why 'reluctantly' Christine? Why would you *prefer* to believe that the US government did it than that a bunch of Muslims who hated America did it? This isn't a question about who did it, please note, but a question about you.

    REPLY shows how you don't read you get to a point and blow up.

    I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that ALTHOUGH the standard story is true as far as it goes, THERE WAS ALSO BACKUP BOMBS

    and besides which

    REGARDLESS OF HOW THE BUILDINGS WENT DOWN, it is perfectly obvious that there was foreknowledge and collusion to facilitate it.


    In fact, during all the years I FIRMLY BELIEVED IN THE OFFICIAL STORY, I also knew that the perfect storm of circumstances, failures, and buildup to this, combined with the long standing relationships and the evident profiteering politically and financially after,
    INCL. THE INFAMOUS STOCK MARKET BETS ON THIS, which by the way were NOT refuted by that pathetic effort someone made to do so,


    the wonderful gung ho feeling you enjoy feeling like God's chosen, nation with a mission and a trustworthy body of sacred leadership (whether republican or democrat is viewed this way) is an
    illusion of the FLESH.

    Most of the so called spirituality of politics and fascism and communism is not spiritual but fleshly, the sort of thing that St. Paul refers to as "puffing up and making emptier."

    now take all these key words and google and start researching. Not the wild eyed stuff, the material with sources to biographical and historical material.

    Think like a jigsaw puzzle player,
    and watch the pieces come together.

    It isn't pretty.

    Antipas Ministries flaw is to miss the role of Bohemian Grove, etc., sure the whole kit and kaboodle is of the world, the flesh and the devil, but some things are more directly of the devil than others, like the difference between getting something second hand which came from a retailer which came from a wholesaler, or getting it from the manufacturer direct.

    take a look at this.

  82. Anonymous5:09 AM


    I was well aware from what you said that you believed 9/11 involved both fundamentalist Muslims *and* US authorities. But your use of the word "reluctantly" was very - perhaps inadvertently - revealing. Regardless of whether it was one or the other or both who did 9/11, this word showed that you *preferred* to believe the US massacred its own citizens. What I believe (which is that it was 100% Muslims and don't believe everything on conspiracy websites) is not the point; I am interested in why you were reluctant to think that US authorities were not 100% responsible. I know that you don't much like the USA despite living in its freedom, but you ducked this question and instead accused me of doing what you were doing. Will you answer it this time?

  83. Anonymous5:35 AM

    "If not prebiassed and lazy, you wouldn't be satisfied with wikipedia you would pursue every link in the article and your own research on the web."

    Prebiassed is your word for educated, which in science you are not. And research is not done on the web, it is done in the head and in the lab, because it means coming up with *new* ideas. Never call what you do research. You trawl the web for people who have raided the trash bins of the history of science in an attempt to resurrect stuff that was found to be wrong, and put a new spin on it.

    You call me lazy although you haven't thought through the years of reading, exercises and training that it took to get to the research frontier. What you do is give links to pseudoscientific websites and use loose verbiage. That requires no scientific knowledge, no talent, and very little effort. Who is lazy?

    There is nothing wrong with being uneducated in a particular subject provided that you know it. There is plenty wrong in being uneducated and being deaf while insisting that you are right. Here is a simple test in elementary physics which I suggest you try:

    I could give you the references to a dozen pieces of failed physics that sound more plausible than Hutchison, and set up a website that fooled you into believing them. I won't do that because it would be unethical, but there is plenty of higher class nonsense out there than his, and the only way to determine what is and isn't truth is education.

  84. Anonymous5:41 AM

    "If not prebiassed and lazy, you wouldn't be satisfied with wikipedia you would pursue every link in the article and your own research on the web."

    Prebiassed is your word for educated, which in science you are not. And research is not done on the web, it is done in the head and in the lab, because it means coming up with *new* ideas. Never call what you do research. You trawl the web for people who have raided the trash bins of the history of science in an attempt to resurrect stuff that was found to be wrong, and put a new spin on it.

    You call me lazy although you haven't thought through the years of reading, exercises and training that it took to get to the research frontier. What you do is give links to pseudoscientific websites and use loose verbiage. That requires no scientific knowledge, no talent, and very little effort. Who is lazy?

    There is nothing wrong with being uneducated in a particular subject provided that you know it. There is plenty wrong in being uneducated and being deaf while insisting that you are right. I could give you the references to a dozen pieces of failed physics that sound more plausible than Hutchison, and set up a website that fooled you into believing them. I won't do that because it would be unethical, but there is plenty of higher class nonsense out there than his, and the only way to determine what is and isn't truth is education. We physicists have the awesome privilege of seeing something of how God set up and runs the material aspects of his creation. Do you expect that to be easy?

  85. you still don't get it, I RELUCTANTLY came to the conclusion that additional explosives were involved IN ADDITION to the standard story being true (but not the whole truth), and besides which once details came out about what surrounded the situation long before i considered the truther position valid, I already figured US was involved.

    the elites do not consider us their own people. we are pawns and peons nothing more. expendable.

    The stuff we yell about Obama doing, incl. FEMA camp activation, NDAA, upgrading emergency powers to be usable in economic and other emergencies, WERE ALL BASED ON THE GROUNDWORK LAID BY BUSH AND THE CONTINUITY OF GOVT. CROWD SUCH AS OLLIE NORTH.

    The plan to suspend the Constitution itself, goes back to those days. I think I posted a link earlier to an Alex Jones show, that incl. a clip of the Iran Contra hearings where precisely this came up, and was quashed as too classified to discuss.

  86. Anonymous5:47 AM


    Why not try this online test in very basic physical reasoning (no math required):

    I hope it would help you to see what physics is.

  87. laziness - one video, one article, will not do. posting a single link is a disservice. instead I provide a subject and means to research a lot of videos and articles. I hope someone has done this.

    as for uneducated vs. degrees, well, there are people with university degrees who are into this stuff. So reconsider perhaps what you know is not so much wrong, as incomplete. others are on that frontier.

    since you are unwilling to dig it is no point discussing it with you.

    if anyone else is pursuing research into these subjects, let me know I haven't wasted my time, whether oddball science or hidden politics.

    any one article, book or video can be an eye opener that starts you on the subjects but no one article, book or video is good enough.

    to get started, in the oddball science thing, read Tom Valone
    (and dabble in Bearden but he is half nuts), and DePalma in the politics thing, CIA and The Politics of Heroin; Blowback (by Christopher Simpson not other books by the same name); Old Nazis New Right and the Republican Party or a similar title by Chip Berlet;
    Dave Emory's research, though he has problems of one sort; Alex Constantine's anti fascist encyclopedia online though he has other problems; The Paperclip Project; CIA the Mafia and George Bush or similar title.

  88. Anonymous6:30 AM


    You are right, I was confused about your wording re 9/11. (It was your use of 'yes' in the phrase 'while yes planes from Saudi extremists were in play' that confused me into thinking you had changed from No). Often it is not easy to deduce your meaning from your words.

    "as for uneducated vs. degrees, well, there are people with university degrees who are into this stuff. So reconsider perhaps what you know is not so much wrong, as incomplete. others are on that frontier."

    Very very few of the people who talk junk physics actually have doctorates - meaning that they have tasted the research frontier - beyond just BSc's or MSc's. There are degrees and degrees and it takes another 6 years after your Bachelors. Also, make sure that your friends have full degrees in physics, not in some half-assed subject like Media Studies with a single module in physical science. Many cranks are deliberately vague about their qualifications. Then, of course, given the size of the research community worldwide, a tiny minority of genuinely qualified people go off the rails, just as they do in all professions.

    I do not consider that you are wrong to draw attention to some oddball politics. I differ from you about some of that but not all. Regarding physical science though, you simply don't know what you are talking about. Tell me: How do you judge whether an unorthodox physics website is kosher?

  89. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Christine wrote, "were involved IN ADDITION to the standard story being true"

    So planes just melt into buildings do they then Christine? When you see the ´plane´ hit / touch the one of the towers, there is a flash of fire between its nose and the building´s surface, yet (once the wings, which didn´t break off but just melted into the building like a ghost) there was no fire nor explosion from the apparent engines on impact!

    There were no planes, they were missiles at most if anything. Computer Hollywood style trickery was employed here.

    On 911, Saddam´s Iraq aired the footage without planes hitting the buildings. Is this another reason he was deposed?

    Strange how it was claimed that a passport of one of the alleged terrorists was apparently found in the rubble at ground zero, remember that? Yeah right! Lies and more lies. Hitler burned the Reichstag down remember!

    Illuminati controls Hollywood Movies - BEFORE AND AFTER 911 (New Version Full)

    The last few minutes are very interesting.

  90. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Christine, you wrote, "were involved IN ADDITION to the standard story being true".

    So planes just melt into buildings do they then Christine? When you see the ´plane´ hit / touch the one of the towers, there is a flash of fire between its nose and the building´s surface, yet (once the wings, which didn´t break off but just melted into the building like a ghost) there was no fire nor explosion from the apparent engines on impact!

    There were no planes, they were missiles at most if anything. Computer Hollywood style trickery was employed here.

    On 911, Saddam´s Iraq aired the footage without planes hitting the buildings. Is this another reason he was deposed?

    Strange how it was claimed that a passport of one of the alleged terrorists was apparently found in the rubble at ground zero, remember that? Yeah right! Lies and more lies. Hitler burned the Reichstag down remember!

    Illuminati controls Hollywood Movies - BEFORE AND AFTER 911 (New Version Full)

    The last few minutes are very interesting.

    Anyhow, someone is trying really hard to confuse the NO PLANE CONCLUSION. No Way a Plane or ANYTHING flew into the Towers on 911. If anyone had REAL Footage of a plane hitting either Tower someone woulda produced it... Every Single Video with a Plane in it is Fake. Period!  NO PLANES NO HIJACKERS NO TERRORISTS ALL VIDEO FAKERY AND LIES.. Rest assured tonite everyone.. Muslim Extremists are NOT tryin' to Kill you... The War on Terror is a LIe.

  91. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Christine sure lets her tedious posts get in the way of what the real topics should be on this blog. It must be the old baffle 'em with b*$@s(#@ approach...Sorry but there are an awful lot of posts to bypass just to get to some real info that is pertinent to Constance Cumbey's intent for this blog. Would you please consider that there are others here too that don't want/need your take on absolutely everything Christine?

  92. I am not of the no planes theory, just both planes and bombs.

    btw this false flag attack stuff DOES tie into the NWO conspiracy this blog is about, because the same people in the USA branch are back of both.

    and run both parties. The left right paradigm is a fraud, and the solution is not to go for fascist "third position" either,

    the solution as I see it is to publicize and wise up the population,

    AND to not vote party line, because these people LIE especially the Republicans.

    Do the research on voting record and behavior and associates of the candidates and vote as per what they are likely to DO not what their party affiliation is. There are Democrats who oppose abortion, for instance.

    The Libertarian position is unbiblical on several points, but in this environment it is probably the best bunch to vote for right now, such as Ron Paul if he gets the nomination, because they can't do the damage they want but can stop the damage the NWO FEMA camps COG mostly Republicans do want to do, and are well on the way to doing with the creeping martial law we have now.

  93. btw the creeping martial law is being implemented by Obama BUT THE GROUNDWORK AND THE PLANS WERE LAID BY THE BUSH CROWD AS FAR BACK AS THE REAGAN YEARS.

  94. Anonymous3:24 PM


    Christine pledged after a long previous exchange with Physicist to keep off wacky science here, but she hasn't. She also has her own blog where she is free to put off-topic stuff. But she still dumps it here. I suspect her own blog doesn't get many hits compared to Constance's.

  95. why all this interesting mis statements of what I said? I keep running into this.

    I NEVER pledged to keep off such subjects, I said on given threads I wouldn't post anymore on THAT PARTICULAR THREAD or blog segment, and usually I didn't.

    I DID tell physicist i wasn't going to get dragged into arguments but ignore him, then he or someone would put up some statement that so twisted something I said that I had to deal with it.

    is this dishonesty or semi illiteracy or just not paying attention, or you who do this are off med, posting too early after getting up in the morning, or otherwise disabled temporarily from illness or chemical ingestion?

    on the 9-11 subject I have had to THREE TIMES explain what I said that was the opposite of what I was accused of.

  96. Anonymous4:08 PM

    So Christine has to take things into the ditch getting very personally sarcastic when others speak of general ways to be considerate of everyone. Might the "need"(come on..3x's?)to explain everything to death be because you confused the issues of a topic in the first place?

  97. Anonymous4:20 PM


    This is the Physicist. You wrote: "I DID tell physicist i wasn't going to get dragged into arguments but ignore him, then he or someone would put up some statement that so twisted something I said that I had to deal with it."

    That's exactly what I found you were doing.

    "is this dishonesty or semi illiteracy or just not paying attention, or you who do this are off med, posting too early after getting up in the morning, or otherwise disabled temporarily from illness or chemical ingestion?"

    For semi-illiteracy, see the above sentence.

    "on the 9-11 subject I have had to THREE TIMES explain what I said that was the opposite of what I was accused of."

    Because you weren't clear first time. so your corrections looked like denials. I had to work out myself what was going on and then I admitted that you had been consistent.

    "I NEVER pledged to keep off such subjects, I said on given threads I wouldn't post anymore on THAT PARTICULAR THREAD or blog segment, and usually I didn't."

    False. What you wrote, at 9:25PM on the thread running from March 1st, is: "the issue about learning about the New Age and its hazards is very important, and I apologize for detracting from this blog's capacity to do this. From now on, I will only post relevant to the blog."

    How I wish you would. And I see that I am not alone.


  98. Granted I did forget that. However, this recent 9-11 stuff IS relevant because it is about the NWO's American segment.

    Constance' discoveries about Amphibian Gingrich only scratch the surface of all this. The stuff he does would help him feel better about himself silence conscience and let him think he is reshaping reality.

    But when you get to Bohemian Grove and Skull and Bones and other stuff, you got a potential more direct demonic involvement.

    The faces that showed up in the smoke in the 9-11 fire, were recognized by people who had seen demons, one the big narrow faced one was recognized by TWO people, one who had been to human sacrifice events, I do not mean Bohemian Grove, where this thing would turn up sometimes for animal and always for human sacrifices.

    One victim was one of those who mix Christianity and wicca aka christian witches. And she woke up in time before being disembowelled, and must have started praying to Jesus, because "suddenly the ritual went wrong, they were turning on each other, and she got away."

    I think I located her online but she was too scared to talk to me. Probably figured I was stalking her for "the group." At that point, the high priest would have been San Mateo County Sheriff Don Horsley. Naturally she wouldn't have bothered to go to the police, and the event was probably in a location where only the sheriff's dept had jurisdiction, how convenient.

    The other person who recognized the face in the smoke, was on a feri witch egroup, who identified it as the so called "winter king," of who it is said all demons have their origin from him. This was internal feri information that wasn't supposed to get online but did.

    Of course he assumed this thing was there to comfort the dying, not exactly consistent with the internal information about him. Not all feri are involved in human sacrifice or "the group" but that current plays a big role in it.

    The third recognition was of a more blobby looking face, not the narrow one, it was a demon that had been called up at some "party" in Corte Madera, CA.

    Manifestation in smoke is a common way of getting called up demons visible in demon conjuration.

  99. BTW I think the latest deviation onto alternative energy began when someone brought up how green is screwing big oil over and I pointed out that it isn't really doing so. Also, those wind farms, they could design those blades better.

    probably someone gets lots of money from that design who part of the insider scene.

    But I did deviate more than I should have antigravity has nothing to do with this, and I apologize for that.

    However, the general issue of research, that you don't rely on ONE video or ONE article but use it as a STARTING POINT stands, because this is true regardless of subject, and by the way is how Constance discovered the new age conspiracy.

  100. Anonymous6:07 PM


    Yes we got onto Big Oil and Big Green, and the latter is certainly relevant to New Age via environmentalism. But you then started talking inaccurately about diesel engines. Please keep your word of March 1st thread re science. There is more than enough New Age crap out there for us all to critique.


  101. I did not speak inaccurately about diesel engines. I said they originally ran on anything, according to the inventor, who after he died and there may have been an oddity about his death, the story changed, and most likely the engineering did also. I did not say they had spark plugs as you claimed i did I addressed the issue of onboard batteries.

    sure an electric car needs recharging, which is hardly green because where does the electricity come from unless you use a solar source? HOWEVER, you could rig a self recharge to some extent if an alternator were rigged to the crankshaft as it is in gasoline engines. the tesla switch was a side issue.

    I am so tired of your misstating what I said. Get some glasses.

    I refuse to get into this I already apologized for going beyond the zone of NWO relatable stuff. diesel is on the edge. antigravity and tesla switches are mostly over the edge, though in a way they relate, but are too controversial to use because before you work on their suppression as NWO big oil etc., you have to establish they work in the first place. i already apologized for this. ENOUGH.

    If anyone wants to study up on wierdo weaponry possibilities, they can do so using appropriate search terms in google, in case they think this relates to WTC and/or OKC.

    I do not need to do the work for them, and it is a bit debatable in my mind if anything RELIABLE beyond a onetime uncertain and self terminating system as likely to kill the users as the targets is in production anyway.

    But you DO NOT NEED to look to this when conventional explosives as back up to planes and trucks respectively will do, and SUCH ARGUMENTS ABOUT HOW THE WTC WENT DOWN are IRRELEVANT to WHY and WHO which is easily established by combining the official story with known but suppressed information about surrounding circumstances and persons and relationships and follow the money and who gains.

  102. by known and suppressed I mean stuff in the regular media quickly dropped.

    In a video of the original film of the JFK assassination, the newsreel film NOT Zapruder, I distinctly hear FOUR shots. Yet the newsman said three shots a bit later. The officials told him it was three so it had to be three never mind what he himself must have heard. the guy looked too much in shock to be calculating.

    IF those are shots plus echoes, then either only TWO shots were made and not three, or ONE shot came from a different location producing an echo or producting no echo, and two shots from another direction without echo.

    Because if all from the same direction, all would produce an echo. something is seriously wrong here.

    now, on another egroup, a fellow who is part of the Sons of the Confederacy or some such shithead group, got all convoluted to deny any JFK conspiracy or anything else, despite the fact that The House Committee on Assassinations made it clear that yes, there was a conspiracy, but which one of the various offered to consider could not be determined. (well, all the conspiracy theories were true, JFK had pissed off everybody and they were all in cahoots.)

    HCOA then handed it over to the Justice Department, which, being run by the very people involved in all this JFK coverup and probably kill plan as well, did nothing.

    now, as you look into machinations of the NWO when it gets to twisting and suppression of information (and you often get more information from the foreign press than from the American press on what is going on in the USA and Europe) and derailing things, changing stories, and silencing detractors, you will find similar games.

    Once you get used to how it works in one context, you will recognize it in another.

  103. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Well I guess the New Age movement has died off and there is nothing left to report. If there was it would be reported on here and I see nothing except some odds and ends like the Occupy movement. I'm glad to see I don't have to worry about it any more. And with Obama gone, everything will be straightened out and on the right path.

  104. anon 11:34 no the New Age Movement has not died out, and it is not just yoga and channeling. Bad as that can be.

    someone once analyzed it as having two arms, the regular petty occult arm all the metaphysical personal development self godhood, etc. stuff, all the stuff oriented to the interests of the individual.

    Then there is the form that is pure theosophy, the service to the supposed hierarchy, creating a political social context for them to manifest, etc. etc.

    At this point you are dealing with what Constance usually talks about.
    whether this has anything to do with the antichrist coming to power or not, it is VERY bad. At the very least, it would involve a revival of paganism so severe we Christians would get persecuted, political tyranny, and so forth.

    Obama is merely completing the plan set out in detail by the Bush administration and the rogue Ollie North types. A classic example of why the left right paradigm is garbage, and so is the focus on socialist economics as an indicator of antichrist activity and lack of same as proving divine activity.

    A detailed exam of The Bible incl. the directed, overseen and reported and mandatory charity, failure to do which might bring wrath of God the King and foreign invasion as punishment, among other sins that might cause this if allowed to proliferate enough, shows that God's economics are not so easily classified.

    In any case, the right wing emphasis on money, power and appeal to the sin of pride and vainglory, is one part of the NWO as is the other kind. Both move into an overt satanic form if left to themselves.

    The peace brotherhood at the expense of truth and vainglory of being little gods and demand for support all the time, is also a problem, HOWEVER, the real primary recipients of expensive welfare is not the poor. It is the corporations. Not to mention the outrageous expenditures on the military, which in turn is partly driven by the greedy contractors.

    And where is that mission 3 trillion no one can account for? into the rabbit hole of black budget operations, some of which are probably unworkable and overpriced, a contractor and inventor semi scam, and some of which may have financed what Richard Dolan calls a breakaway civilization, whether that is going on in space or underground.

    Google up D.U.M.B.s for an eye opener.

  105. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Christine, it appears you know very little about the New Age movement which is probably why you fill your numerous posts with such trivial opinions. If you are as lonely as you appear to be, I would suggest you get a cat.

  106. on the contrary, I have been studying it since Spiritual Counterfeits Project for all its flaws, and Constance with Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow turned me onto it.

    Just what is your definition of the New Age movement?

  107. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Get a cat anyway, they're great!


  108. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Christina, your questions is a good one for anyone reading this blog. It may get the discussion back on topic. If you don't mind, I'll just sit back and watch.

  109. ""I NEVER pledged to keep off such subjects, I said on given threads I wouldn't post anymore on THAT PARTICULAR THREAD or blog segment, and usually I didn't."

    False. What you wrote, at 9:25PM on the thread running from March 1st, is: "the issue about learning about the New Age and its hazards is very important, and I apologize for detracting from this blog's capacity to do this. From now on, I will only post relevant to the blog."

    How I wish you would. And I see that I am not alone."

    apparently you think the only thing relevant to the new age and occult connected politics is European stuff which frankly is only part of the picture. In fact, I am not sure you see the relevance of occult connected politics even if in Europe.

    But if you would re read Constances' books, you would perhaps see the point.

  110. FEMA camps etc. I think I only gave the terms to search not a link. here are a few. Iran Contra hearings touch on the matter. a take on this that relates it to tribulation Discusses the call for contractors in order to staff and activate the FEMA concentration and detention camps recently put out.

    more on the subject

    and youtube search alex jones and fema camps and you will get a lot of programs and program clips that usually incl. links or shots of supportive documents.

    part 1

    part 2

    part 3

    complaint that leaked army doc not for public

    investigator who originally was dubious about this sort of thing decides its real, and DHS plans to start a civil war to exploit for power grab purposes.

    a take on an army detention and resettlement document which while on its face is about dealing with combatant and non combatant persons overseas, ALSO specifies they may assist in civilian situations in the US and this would be relevant.

    I have read this, and it is buried in the text, I think the link in the article is to the updated version.

    now, if you google fema coffins, you will find videos and articles about shipment and storage by RR tracks and roads of tens of thousands of these grave liner devices, incl. ref. to a FEMA order for TWO MILLION of them.

    If used not as grave liners but as coffins (just flip upside down and bottom is now lid) you can put two to five people in each depending on size.

    And far more if they are ashes after cremation though those could be just dumped.

    Obviously FEMA is expecting something huge to happen soon, that will involve millions dead. Whether death camps are their intention or not, once something like this is going on it is easy to hide an additional agenda in it.

  111. yes, the new age is VERY acceptable to the American public has been all along in varying degrees, as anyone who takes a look at some magazine racks, not to mention the history of American interest over generations in the occult and pop occult like horoscopes and tarot card and other psychic readings for pay can tell you.

    There are many many books and articles from Christian sources, decrying the infiltation of occultism into all parts of American life, from children's cartoons to political and business life.

  112. Anonymous3:50 AM


    At 1.13am above you quote critically from a response of mine to you. Never have I said, nor implied, that European politics is primary in discussing New Age. Perhaps you are confusing me with someone else (I'm not the guy who mentioned cement on the next thread). I know more about European than US politics because I live there. I differ vigorously from some of your views on the USA in the wider world, but that's what debate is about. It is only when you talk about scientific issues, often wildly incorrectly, that I think the subject is not appropriate to this blog. When that happens I aim to explain the truth to readers as succinctly as I can, to save them from being misled.

