
Friday, February 11, 2011


Up early at work on my computers trying to untangle personal badly undernourished but confused finances and looked at my blogspot links, including the very important BORN TO WATCH website.  A couple of minutes earlier I viewed a link in our comment section on the "New Age Pride??" article that told me that International Monetary Fund director Dominique Strauss-Kahn was calling for a "new world currency only one week before the G-20 meeting next week in Paris.

The Born to Watch website which I find to be chock full of important developments (I wonder if those guys ever sleep? -- they must be perpetually watching!) featured an even more ominous piece of news:  A CBNC article quoting analysts Nouriel Roubini and Ian Bemmer made it clear that LEADERSHIP was needed -- soon!

The New Age slogan remains as always:  Crisis = Opportunity.  Maurice Strong was a prominent voice now aging but still prominent that 21 years ago in 1990 called for the actual manufacturing of just such an opportunity by a contrived collapsing of the global economy.  Here's a link to one of many sites that discusses this and the open New Age motivation between his "inspirations."

Something appears to be brewing in these winds!  Let's hope it's not a toxic one!


  1. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Thanks to you and Born to Watch for being on top of this.

  2. This is not the first time Strauss-Kahn has made these kinds of statements. During the last G-20 meeting, DSK was calling for a transition to the Bancor as the global reserve currency, this wish was not granted. He was also calling for reforms to the IMF and World Bank that would allow the respective bodies to independently set global monetary policy. These reforms were given the green light by world leaders.

    The Bancor is the middle of the road as far as global reserve currencies go. If the IMF or World Bank is allowed to choose, I suspect we will see something far more extreme.

    Sorry for simply posting a overview of the information without links. Allie and I are both incredibly sick which is consuming all of my energy at the moment. I will try to post some links on all of this later, for now I will leave everyone with the summit declarations from the November meeting in Seoul.

  3. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Morning! Drudge has this as his top story of the day: IMF wants alternative currency to replace dollar. I've been watching the Mergers and Acquisitions as well. NYSE being bought by Euronext I believe-Bloomberg is following it as well as a few others. People are looking at Egypt. Rightly so what's happening in Egypt is along the lines of Isaiah 19- so I'm all eyes there too, but of course evil is as evil does and this 'crisis' is an opportunity for the global elites to get some of their dirty work done while we're looking in another direction. Obama signed a deal with Harper (Canadian PM) on trade and blurring the border to a complete non-existence. 'O' did so in the form of a Declaration and an Executive Order. It's out there. May not be the 'superstate' smoking gun but it could be a twin!my First time to this site-I shall bookmark it. Whoever runs this, if you're on Twitter plz consider following me we can exchange intel!

  4. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Today, Feb 11, is also the 32nd anniversary of Iranian revolution.

    It has spread to Iraq

    Google Iraq demonstrations.

  5. Anonymous2:05 PM

    From CNN (02/10/11):

    The International Monetary Fund issued a report Thursday on a possible replacement for the dollar as the world's reserve currency.

    The IMF said Special Drawing Rights, or SDRs, could help stabilize the global financial system.

    For more...

  6. Anonymous2:17 PM

    From World Net Daily (02/08/11):

    Obama signature creates 'continental perimeter'

    Move described as key step in advance of North American Union

    Barack Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper quietly have taken a major step toward erasing the border between the two nations with a new "Beyond the Border" bilateral declaration.

    In a ceremony designed to remain below the radar of national public opinion, Obama and Harper bypassed Congress to sign on the basis of their executive authority a declaration that put in place a new national security vision defined not by U.S. national borders, but by a continental view of a "North American perimeter."

    It happened Friday (February 4, 2011), the day the Obama administration usually pushes through issues that it prefers the media ignore.

    By signing the declaration, the Obama administration has implemented without congressional approval a key initiative President Bush began under the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, moving the United States and Canada beyond the North American Free Trade Agreement, commonly known as NAFTA, toward a developing North American Union regional government.

    The declaration signed by the two heads of state and titled "Beyond the Border: A Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness," was described as "For Immediate Release" on the websites of the White House and the Canadian chief executive.

    Harper followed Obama's lead in signing the declaration as a form of executive order, deciding to bypass the Canadian parliament, much as Obama had decided against taking a proposed bilateral "Beyond the Border" declaration to Congress for prior review and approval.

    For more...

  7. Anonymous2:31 PM

    The 'official' word . . .

    The United States announcement of this “merger” between these two North American Nations was made February 4th by a posting on the WhiteHouse.Gov website of President Obama and which, in part, says:

    “Today, President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Stephen Harper have directed the creation of a United States-Canada Regulatory Cooperation Council (RCC), composed of senior regulatory, trade, and foreign affairs officials from both governments. In recognition of our $1 trillion annual trade and investment relationship, the RCC has a two-year mandate to work together to promote economic growth, job creation, and benefits to our consumers and businesses through increased regulatory transparency and coordination.

    They have directed that the first meeting of the RCC be convened within 90 days by the relevant agencies in the United States and Canada.”

  8. Anonymous2:33 PM


    If this was all on the up and up - why bypass both the U.S. Congress and the Canadian Parliament???

  9. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Craig, most missionaries that have worked in Africa will have experienced situations involved with demon possession, I know I certainly have. I don't believe in giving Satan a lot of PR and press. But to know what one needs to know to deal with situations is different. I am not sure what it is you wish to know. I certainly believe I have also encountered demon possessed individuals in the states. I had a science background and thought before such exposure that it was probably schizophrenia. I have a whole different viewpoint now. The enemy if very real and not to be toyed with, but also not to be feared. God is greater than any enemy we face. Nkosazana

  10. Anonymous3:22 PM


    It's all picking up speed... Middle East, another call for a new world currency, Germany buys NYSE and now, while we are distracted by what's happening in Egypt...

    Obama's signature creates 'continental perimeter' Move described as key step in advance of North American Union

    By Jerome R. Corsi
    © 2011 WorldNetDaily

    Barack Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper quietly have taken a major step toward erasing the border between the two nations with a new "Beyond the Border" bilateral declaration.

    In a ceremony designed to remain below the radar of national public opinion, Obama and Harper bypassed Congress to sign on the basis of their executive authority a declaration that put in place a new national security vision defined not by U.S. national borders, but by a continental view of a "North American perimeter."

    It happened Friday, the day the Obama administration usually pushes through issues that it prefers the media ignore.

    By signing the declaration, the Obama administration has implemented without congressional approval a key initiative President Bush began under the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, moving the United States and Canada beyond the North American Free Trade Agreement, commonly known as NAFTA, toward a developing North American Union regional government.

    Dave in CA

  11. Anon 3:11pm,

    Thanks for your input. Since I have very limited experience in this area, I appreciate any sort of info.

    My hunch is that there are individuals under various stages of Satanic control with varying outward appearances. My belief is that some will manifest as potentially insane (in varying degrees) while others may seem in most respects normal. Here's an Alice Bailey quote to support my view:

    “Emphasis should be laid on the evolution of humanity with peculiar attention to its goal, perfection. …man in incarnation, by the indwelling and over-shadowing soul.... …The relation of the individual soul to all souls should be taught, and with it the long-awaited kingdom of God is simply the appearance of soul-controlled men on earth in everyday life and at all stages of that control. …The fact will appear that the Kingdom has always been present but has remained unrecognized, owing to the relatively few people who express, as yet, its quality….” [Externalisation of the Hierarcy p 588]

    Further, there's this video from a woman who appears to be normal yet she says some pretty bizarre things:

    "...No, this is not mental illness. I know it sounds that way to people who this is not happening to; but I have over a 100,000 people on this planet that are having the same experiences I am having. This is not insanity, this is Ascension…."


    LOL. I would be funnier if it weren't really funny.

    Interesting on the previous comment "...a two-year mandate to work together to promote economic growth, job creation, and benefits to our consumers and businesses through increased regulatory transparency and coordination."

    'Two-year mandate' because Obama knows he won't be in office after that and he wants to do as much damage until then?

    And, "regulatory transparancy" from two individuals who dodged their respective governmental accountability systems by ramming this through as executive orders. Hmmm...

  13. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Anyone I have ever encountered with demonic presence appeared as normal as the next guy till things manifested, although if you dialogued with them, some could tell you history that would make anyone immediately put their antenna up, that you were dealing with someone very into evil. The woman in the Utube video: does not appear to be operating with the modus operandi Satan normally uses which is stealthier and more hidden. Frankly she strikes me as a crackpot. But I am not there with her. The thing about demons is that you can FEEL the evil, it is palpable and very very threatening. Once you've experienced it, you need no further convincing, and no further encouragement to be respectful. Next to God Satan is the most powerful being in our universe. People who fool around with the satanic likes of Ouija boards and the occult play more literally with fire than they can ever know. Give him an inch and he will take a mile...or more like a soul. But our need is less to know more about Satan than to know the power and might of Christ. His Spirit can keep us whole, on any turf. Nkosazana

  14. Dorothy7:28 PM

    Nkosazana, I agree totally with what you have written. What is your view of the book Hostage to the Devil by Malachi Martin? On a short clearer level one can see it operating step by step in the movie Cabaret where along with the characters the audience enjoys the temptation to go along with evil seductive behavior until the abnormal seems normal.

    My overview is that a sense of evil is very seductive, and it operates step by step, pulling a person in deeper and deeper rather than in an overwhelming presence all at once. Only the use of free will to decide to stop the slide stops a person from turning control of himself over.

    As strange as it may seem, the more intelligent a person is, the easier the target they are because curiosity, minus moral religious grounding with too much pride makes temptation harder to resist.

  15. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Craig ...
    This 50 year old woman claims to be a contactee and that aliens are going to arrest Obama and the pope for crimes agianst humanity. Made alot of false predictions and used alot of info from others. It wasn't paying the bills so now she is using sex to sell her you tube videos and trying to expand the COLLEEN " BRAND" .

    plz stop thinking with your neither regions ... lulz

  16. Anonymous7:30 PM


    Two year mandate... from whom? Globalist Elite.

    You can accomplish a lot if you totally ignore the Constitution, Congress, the interests of the people, and do it all in secret with a simple signature.

    We truly have a lawless, rogue government! Obama has nothing to lose over the next two years and now that he can no longer count on Congress to mindlessly rubber stamp his agenda, he'll do it all illegally in secret.

    Dave in CA

  17. Dorothy8:25 PM

    So I went to the website and what did I find?

    "Original Here In Spanish

    "English Translation Here, As Seen Above

    "Thanks to Bjorn for digging up the above three articles for us to see. It's a little more difficult to find news in other languages since our Lord confounded them back at the tower of babel! (Genesis 11:9) However the computer powered language translation programs are making it a bit easier to communicate in "these last days." Is that a mini sign of the times?"

  18. Nkosazana,

    The thing about demons is that you can FEEL the evil, it is palpable and very very threatening. Once you've experienced it, you need no further convincing, and no further encouragement to be respectful.

    As I've mentioned I have felt this evil before; but, both times I could not identify it with a specific individual. I'm not sure what you mean by being "respectful."

    Next to God Satan is the most powerful being in our universe.

    Michael the Archangel is more powerful as Revelation 12 shows. :)

    But our need is less to know more about Satan than to know the power and might of Christ. His Spirit can keep us whole, on any turf.

    As I've mentioned earlier, the West tends to ignore or even deny the demonic which, IMO, is just as bad as putting too much emphasis on it. I'm looking for balance. Yes, Christ can keep us whole; but, what I'd like to know is that in assuming there are individuals who are unwittingly demon possessed then what can we as Christians do to help them? Must exorcisms only be performed by certain individuals with specific knowledge on how to do them, or can they be done by most any Holy Spirit indwelled Christian(s)? As Susanna has pointed out there are Catholic exorcism "specialists" (for lack of a better term); but, are we to be constrained by a relative handful to help these people?

  19. Anonymous9:23 PM


    In the Gospels, when the Apostles went to Jesus and asked him why they could not drive out certain demons in his name. He replied that this kind of thing can only be driven out by fasting and praying.

    The Catholic Church trains certain people to do these things and has with experience learnt what works and what does not in many cases.

    The devil is not stupid, Christians in a state of sin can be overtaken easily, which is why not all priests can be exorcists either.

    Not all Christians have the same spiritual gifts either.


  20. Anonymous9:47 PM

    I have not read Malachi Martin's book, sorry. But I will respond to what you have said about the seductiveness of evil.

    I find that many people are so swallow in their comprehension of the knowledge of the power of evil, and so over confident in their powers to cope that they play readily and easily with great naivete into the game plans of Satan. Halloween could be no finer example. I did Halloween as a child, but since dealing with real demons, there is NO WAY I would have allowed the church I pastored to celebrate it with our kids. I didn't harp after people who did celebrate it, but I made it clear that I didn't think dressing up like witches and globins had ANY funny elements about it that we needed to propagate. Satan has done an impressive job across the years to make people see him as red caped and mustachioed, innocuous, and someone to blame your mischief on. People want his bag of tricks, the power, the money, the ability to steer others in the directions they want them to go. But overconfidence, the idea that we are somehow equal to his vices is such incredible foolishness. We are no more equal to doing battle with him, than he is equal to doing battle with God but we make the same logistical mistake. When you go onto his territory, he leads the curious to curious things, till he has them hooked. He leads the lonely to friendship till he has them entangled in a web. Whatever you want he will supply. What he wants is your mind and your heart. I have sensed at times he wanted in my head so badly, I would not leave my mind empty one second, I just kept singing hymns, every hymn I could think of because I knew I had accidently ventured on his turf and he wanted me. The person I was with, not a Christian, wanted to go back. It was a very interesting place, but I would not go back. To do what you have to do to help someone is one thing, but curiosity for curiosity sake will show you far more than you want to see. Satan is real. He loves the person who thinks its all a joke. But he is no joke. He is the arch enemy of the one we serve. And he plays dirty. Nkosazana

  21. Anonymous9:54 PM


    It's also important to note that actual demonic possession is rare and nobody can be possessed without their consent. People have free will.


  22. Anonymous10:14 PM

    I won't debate the power of angels with you, God has all that well in hand. Suffice it to say, we are no match for angels, even the guys farther down the ladder. By being "respectful" I mean we can only accomplish anything at all in clear realization that God through the name of Jesus will rebuke them NOT US. We are outmatched, period. Christ is not. And in amazing show of partnership with us he allows us to use His name in this priceless way to help others. I do not believe only a few exorcists can do this work,...but I also don't believe most Christians are up to it. But when the need presents, God can help us,...but the power is HIS.

    Once you have experienced that evil power, thereafter you can sometimes just feel his presence without Satan saying anything. I talked to a man in the projects, for a while, with a terrible wicked history he gave me of having abused children. I said to him, "you're demon possessed", and he said "yes". I knew before he said it. I do believe some people are possessed without knowing it. I think that is the whole danger in the Saddleback introduction of Hindu meditation in Warren's weight loss programs. It's part of the new age emphasis, get everyone meditating with their minds empty and vacant. I do believe it can happen without consent. Some people that come out of this situation, did not want or knowingly seek it. People who do seek it, are not readily delivered from it. Hey I'm no authority. I can just tell you, it's real. But so is the power of God.

  23. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Anon@10:14 p.m.

    A lot of things are first ruled out such mental illness etc. These things have to be ruled out first. You know a person is possessed when all things have been ruled by professionals who cannot figure what is going on, such as a person displaying extraordinary strength, like a child lifting up a car and throwing it around and talking in strange languages etc.


  24. Anonymous6:34 PM

    From World Net Daily (02/11/11):

    Enough! Congress investigates defunding Planned Parenthood

    Oversight chair ready to pull plug over sex-trafficking exposé videos

    A string of undercover videos that shows employees of the nation's largest abortion provider aiding and abetting underage sex-trafficking has prompted powerful players on Capitol Hill to call for the cash-strapped federal government to stop funding Planned Parenthood.

    For more...

  25. Anonymous10:25 PM

    The European Union endorses army as 'guardians' of Egypt's transition...

  26. The last two comment I posted here did not make it up here, even though it appeared that they initially did. What is happening.

  27. Dorothy11:31 AM

    You've read how our posts have disappeared. Some have appeared later. Others not. We don't have answers either. Let's hope it's just something technical.

  28. Anonymous2:39 PM

    The "Chislem" link Dorothy posted two posts ago is a fake. It's an online church signmaker, you make your own signs and it looks like a church front.

  29. Dorothy4:30 PM

    Chrislam pulls up 148,000 links on Google. I would hope readers here would check things out on their own before they take the word of goofball anonymous posters.

  30. Dorothy4:37 PM

    My post was at 1:25 pm on the thread that has 117 comments. It refers to Chrislam.

    Anonymous, put your glasses on.

  31. Sorry Anon, Dorothy posted a actual article. Here it is.

    After reviewing all of the posts on Chrislam in that thread, not a single one of them posted anything like what you are trying to assert. So please point out to us exactly which post you are referring to by time stamp and title of thread.

  32. Tonight 60 Minute segment on Egypt had big bold title, "NEW AGE REVOLUTION." If you didn't see it, it is probably available for viewing and perhaps download on CBS website.


  33. From 60 minutes which Constance was referring.

    Wael Ghonim and Egypt's New Age Revolution

    I have seen quite a bit on alternative news sites and New Age sites about how Egypt is the first of many coming examples of how the collective consciousness of a people will shake off the oppression of the old order. Very interesting that CBS and other media have chosen the New Age banner to label this under.

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