
Sunday, February 13, 2011


Watching 60 MINUTES, the CBS news program tonight, I was struck by the prominent banner "NEW AGE REVOLUTION."   It is appearing that the Egyptian crisis = NEW AGE MOVEMENT long awaited OPPORTUNITY.  If only this were all about freedom, peace and justice!  Too many New Agers, such as Rene Wadlow, who do know the terminology, the agenda, and the underlying esoteric religions/ideologies are crowing that this might just be the start of a "global revolution."  Is this it?  Time and events will tell.

Stay tuned!



  1. On ABCs Nightline 2-11-2011 the announcement at the beginning of the episode was...

    "Its a new Egypt and a New World Order"

  2. Anonymous9:41 AM

    "Immigration | 11.02.2011
    Italy warns of an immigration 'emergency' due to North African unrest

    Italy appealed to the European Union Friday for help in stemming an immigration "emergency," as hundreds of undocumented immigrants arrived by boat from Tunisia..."

  3. Anonymous3:56 PM

    "Italy and Malta are pressing for special summits to deal with the "epic emergency" resulting from the upheaval in north Africa..."

  4. Anonymous4:42 PM

    "Italy-Tunisia migrant crisis highlights failed EU policy
    14 February 2011, 18:00 CET

    (BRUSSELS) - The EU, angrily accused by Italy of leaving it 'on its own' to deal with an influx of Tunisian refugees, remains relatively powerless to act on illegal immigration due to a lack of means and will...Italy's Interior Minister Roberto Maroni sent shockwaves across Europe this weekend by suggesting Italian troops intervene in Tunisia to block a flux of 5,000 arrivals in five days from the North African country...'Instead of criticising the EU, Italy should denounce those among its partner nations who block proposals,' said a diplomat who asked not to be identified..."

    Fwiw, of the EU big 3 (France, Germany, and the U.K.), only France has exposure to the Mediterranean Sea, and it is limited. Note that the article states that the U.K. is particularly reluctant to enforce immigration, and Germany has refused funding. All 3 are full members of the 10-nation Western European Union (WEU).


    "GLOBAL CIVIL SOCIETY" = religionless New World Order
    Check this one out -- also the Helsinki Citizens Assembly


  6. There is a FACEBOOK page for "New Age Revolution." Here's the link:


    As you should see, it is complete with just about everything, even Jiddhu Krishnamurti, their 1920's candidate to be "Christ"/Maitreya/Betraya.


  7. Oh, and another name for it is "Cosmopolitan Democracy" -- Google that one!


  8. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Where is everybody?

  9. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Anonymous 9:35
    Waiting for you to do some original research.

  10. Anonymous11:45 AM

    I checked out "GLOBAL CIVIL SOCIETY" and found

    From the site: "Once we recognize ourselves as expressions of the divine, we can see that the divine isn't a parent figure out there to whom we can appeal to save us from ourselves. The spirit that is manifest in all being acts through us, not for us. We appeal in vain for it to save us. Our hope lies in learning to live in harmonious service to the larger web of life on which our own lives depend. In so doing we find our human place of service to Creation and thereby secure our species salvation."

    Research the site and you will see where they are nudging us. The advisory board includes Van Jones.

  11. Susanna11:51 AM

    Code Pink has been involved in this revolution all along.

    One of the co-founders, Jodie Evans, was one of the chief campaign contribution "bundlers" for Obama during his campaign.

    Another of the co-founders of Code Pink is the self-identified "witch" named Starhawk

    Code Pink is tied in with the Muslim Brotherhood and together they were holding joint anti-Mubarak protests back in February, 2008.

    VIDEO— Code Pink & Muslim Brotherhood Held Joint Protests Together BACK IN 2008
    Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, February 8, 2011


    "The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt in 1928 by Hasan al-Banna (1906-1949), a Sufi revivalist thinker and activist."


    Ancient Persian mystical religious system which has been absorbed by Islam. Rather than focusing on the Five Pillars of Islam, Sufis seek ultimate religious experience through mystic trances or altered states of consciousness, often induced through twirling dances (the “whirling dervish”). Although the Qur'an is considered scripture, many practitioners have more in common with the New Age movement than with classic forms of Islam.

    The following is from an article entitled THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT:

    ....Judging by its name, the New Age movement ought to involve millenarian claims, perhaps of a glorious future age which is about to begin. As such it could theoretically be traced back to the time of Zoroaster, or to biblical apocalypticism. While such expectations are encountered often enough—e.g., the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, pole shifts and paradigm shifts, the imminent end of the Mayan calendar—the predominant themes of the New Age are mystical rather than apocalyptic. Hence the widespread interest within this subculture in the mystical traditions within the world’s various religions, especially Vedanta, Yoga, Tibetan Buddhism, Zen, Sufism, Taoism, Shamanism, Kabbalah, Gnosticism, and mystical forms of Christianity.

    Globalization was and still is an important social phenomenon of the 20th and early 21st centuries, with religious syncretism inevitably being one consequence. New Age religious developments are eclectic, hence multifarious. Some synthesize Christian ideas with beliefs involving many gods or goddesses, pantheism, include aliens, reincarnation, or the use of drugs, together with other spiritual beliefs from different parts of the world. Likewise, the movement may incorporate differing beliefs about, or attempts to practice, magic.

    Though many New Age terms are associated with Eastern religions, they should not be considered as being identical with the concepts and practices of those religions. Ancient traditions such as Hinduism, Taoism, and Buddhism can hardly be referred to as New Age religions. It just so happens that the New Age movement has ’adopted’ many of the ideas of eastern religions, incorporated them into their own beliefs and practices. The gnostic approach of experiential insight and revelation of truth may be closest to the New Age methodology of prayers and spirituality.

  12. Susanna11:54 AM


    anonymous 11:45 A.M.

    Starhawk has been closely associated with Van Jones. Both have ties to the Institute of Noetic Sciences and sit on a couple of IONS boards.

  13. Dorothy1:09 PM

    New Age Islam website.

    This is quite an extensive Sufi Islam website. Apparently like New Agers they don't like the fundamentalist right.

    If you put Theosophy and Islam into a Google search, you'll come up with many links showing a connection between the two.
    This one from the Theosophical Society

    Similarities between Theosophy and Islam - The Theosophists are ready to encompass Islam.

    Bailey writings have nothing negative to say about Islam as they do about Judaism and Christianity. In one of the books they say Muhammed was overshadowed by the Christ.

    Bottom line is that Islam is acceptable to the New Age movement whereas Judaism and Christianity are not.

  14. Dorothy1:15 PM


    Sorry about that.

  15. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Dorothy, The link you posted about Chrislam was this:

    If you go to that link , the author of the article does not leave links to any demonstrative evidence that shows that Chrislam is actually showing up in metropolitan christian churches, other than to point to a link to the blog, The last Crusade:

    Now if you really were such a great researcher, as you claim to be, Dorothy, you would have taken the time to read the comments at that blog which reveal the truth. Included within the comment section were responses by people who actually attend Beulah's Cumberland Presbyterian church claiming their pastor has never preached any such thing. Further comments reveal that this is the work of an online church sign maker, of which the blog author took advantage of, probably to stir up trouble.

    If you are going to post information, be sure to check your sources, as you have always said. And as far as posting anonymously, you advocated the practice here of posting anonymously for many years.

    In the comment section at that blog, Ron on Feb.6th says the following about the blog author that Dorothy's article linked to:

    "This man is not a true Christian, he is leading you with false story. Even the sign he is using is a lie see
    he made the sign to go with his story. Listen Brothers and sisters, false profits are every place not just in the muslim faith, but in ours also. Never take any thing at face value."

    There is a huge attempt to make Muslims into the enemy. It's the tactic of the Illuminati to create the third world war. Dorothy since you are such a fan of the Kaballah, go read Albert Pike. He was a big fan of Kaballah and a die-hard Luciferian who prophesied about the third World War through his occultic visions. We're all be played. The CIA trained the terrorist groups beginning back in Afghanistan to create the new enemy after communism, because the same evil forces that are at work in the world, are behind the work of the CIA.

    Do the research. The answers are there.

  16. Anonymous3:51 PM

    By the way, I am anonymous 3:47 and I was responding to Dorothy and JD's response to my comment about the Chislam link being false. They left their comments on the last thread, as did I.

  17. Anonymous4:30 PM


    It's interesting that I was in a debate with a Liberal Anglican and he kept insisting we better accept women priests, homosexuality, etc if we want to survive in the modern world. He was trying to talk me into coming on board, almost to the point of imposition.

    I replied with the fact that the church fathers were debating these issues centuries before today's Liberals and that there was nothing modern about them. Christianity did not disappear because they refused to accept these things.


  18. Anonymous5:16 PM

    From World Net Daily (02/14/11)

    All children to be registered in national biometric records

    Identity-tracking scheme assembled under radar for 'border pass' program

    Below the radar of public opinion, Mexico has started to assemble the type of biometric national identity database that could be used to document names for a North American Trusted Traveler border pass card, a plan already being developed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for Mexican citizens.

    It apparently would be similar to the program that has become commonplace in the European Union to allow free transit for EU citizens to move, live and work wherever they choose within the EU, disregarding nation-of-origin and national border restrictions.

    On Jan. 19, 2011, Mexico's President Felipe Calderon signed an executive order requiring within the next five years all Mexicans 17 years old and younger have a biometric national identity card that would include a facial photograph, all 10 fingerprints, and an iris scan.

    For more...

  19. Dorothy6:51 PM

    First of all you wrote Chislam, not Chrislam.

    was Chrislam' in Protestant churches by Chad Groening

    It linked to The Last Crusade website where you were right, they used a fake photo. But you are wrong about no other link in the article. There is a link to in the article.

    The article at the Last Crusade was titled QURAN IN THE PEWS JESUS IN THE QURAN By Paul L. Williams, Ph.D. It is a website with a history and a list of research topics. I guess they were tricked when searching for a picture for the article.

    Here's another article on Chrislam
    "In the same wishful thinking/ignorance mode of the “coexist” bumper sticker marketing program, “Chrislam” appears to be gaining traction in some Christian churches. This profoundly confused new Christian movement of appeasement/surrender to Islam, masquerading as “dialogue” and “bridge building,” should be the cause of great alarm. Bill Muehlenberg, a theologian, describes it succinctly:

    "Chrislam, as the name suggests, is a growing movement wherein some Christians are seeking to find common ground with Muslims. Indeed, it actually seeks to combine Christianity with Islam. It is a syncretistic movement that speaks about “spirituality without boundaries”. Whenever you hear that sort of talk, you should start heading for the hills."
    Here's Chrislam in Nigeria

    There are many other websites dealing with Chrislam. The Messianic movement is targeting Muslims also, creating a blend of the two religions.
    Chrislam Montage

    Are you saying all of these writers are being tricked and there is no Chrislam?

    It is to the advantage of Islam to promote similarities to Christianity to make it more acceptable here in the US. It is to the advantage of one world religion promoters to show how religions can be blended.

  20. Dorothy7:29 PM

    AHA - This one disappeared, but I saved it before I posted it.

    Here's another article on Chrislam
    "In the same wishful thinking/ignorance mode of the “coexist” bumper sticker marketing program, “Chrislam” appears to be gaining traction in some Christian churches. This profoundly confused new Christian movement of appeasement/surrender to Islam, masquerading as “dialogue” and “bridge building,” should be the cause of great alarm. Bill Muehlenberg, a theologian, describes it succinctly:

    "Chrislam, as the name suggests, is a growing movement wherein some Christians are seeking to find common ground with Muslims. Indeed, it actually seeks to combine Christianity with Islam. It is a syncretistic movement that speaks about “spirituality without boundaries”. Whenever you hear that sort of talk, you should start heading for the hills."
    Here's Chrislam in Nigeria

    There are many other websites dealing with Chrislam. The Messianic movement is targeting Muslims also, creating a blend of the two religions.
    Chrislam Montage

    Are you saying all of these writers are being tricked and there is no Chrislam?

    It is to the advantage of Islam to promote similarities to Christianity to make it more acceptable here in the US. It is to the advantage of one world religion promoters to show how religions can be blended.

  21. Dorothy7:32 PM

    Second time it disappeared, but I saved it. This should be comment #19

    Here's another article on Chrislam
    "In the same wishful thinking/ignorance mode of the “coexist” bumper sticker marketing program, “Chrislam” appears to be gaining traction in some Christian churches. This profoundly confused new Christian movement of appeasement/surrender to Islam, masquerading as “dialogue” and “bridge building,” should be the cause of great alarm. Bill Muehlenberg, a theologian, describes it succinctly:

    "Chrislam, as the name suggests, is a growing movement wherein some Christians are seeking to find common ground with Muslims. Indeed, it actually seeks to combine Christianity with Islam. It is a syncretistic movement that speaks about “spirituality without boundaries”. Whenever you hear that sort of talk, you should start heading for the hills."
    Here's Chrislam in Nigeria

    There are many other websites dealing with Chrislam. The Messianic movement is targeting Muslims also, creating a blend of the two religions.
    Chrislam Montage

    Are you saying all of these writers are being tricked and there is no Chrislam?

    It is to the advantage of Islam to promote similarities to Christianity to make it more acceptable here in the US. It is to the advantage of one world religion promoters to show how religions can be blended.

  22. Dorothy7:34 PM

    Third time my comment disappeared. IT WILL APPEAR AGAIN. It should have been #19

  23. Anon 3:47,

    I now see what you were trying to point out, I apologize for misjudging your post.

  24. Dorothy9:17 PM

    Fourth try:
    First of all you wrote Chislam, not Chrislam.

    was Chrislam' in Protestant churches by Chad Groening

    It linked to The Last Crusade website where you were right, they used a fake photo. But you are wrong about no other link in the article. There is a link to in the article.

    The article at the Last Crusade was titled QURAN IN THE PEWS JESUS IN THE QURAN By Paul L. Williams, Ph.D. It is a website with a history and a list of research topics. I guess they were tricked when searching for a picture for the article.

    Here's another article on Chrislam
    "In the same wishful thinking/ignorance mode of the “coexist” bumper sticker marketing program, “Chrislam” appears to be gaining traction in some Christian churches. This profoundly confused new Christian movement of appeasement/surrender to Islam, masquerading as “dialogue” and “bridge building,” should be the cause of great alarm. Bill Muehlenberg, a theologian, describes it succinctly:

    "Chrislam, as the name suggests, is a growing movement wherein some Christians are seeking to find common ground with Muslims. Indeed, it actually seeks to combine Christianity with Islam. It is a syncretistic movement that speaks about “spirituality without boundaries”. Whenever you hear that sort of talk, you should start heading for the hills."
    Here's Chrislam in Nigeria

    There are many other websites dealing with Chrislam. The Messianic movement is targeting Muslims also, creating a blend of the two religions.
    Chrislam Montage

    Are you saying all of these writers are being tricked and there is no Chrislam?

    It is to the advantage of Islam to promote similarities to Christianity to make it more acceptable here in the US. It is to the advantage of one world religion promoters to show how religions can be blended.

  25. Dorothy9:43 PM

    Fourth time my comment disappeared. It is a response about Chrislam.

  26. Dorothy10:51 PM

    Fifth time:

    First of all you wrote Chislam, not Chrislam.

    was Chrislam' in Protestant churches by Chad Groening

    It linked to The Last Crusade website where you were right, they used a fake photo. But you are wrong about no other link in the article. There is a link to in the article.

    The article at the Last Crusade was titled QURAN IN THE PEWS JESUS IN THE QURAN By Paul L. Williams, Ph.D. It is a website with a history and a list of research topics. I guess they were tricked when searching for a picture for the article.

    Here's another article on Chrislam
    "In the same wishful thinking/ignorance mode of the “coexist” bumper sticker marketing program, “Chrislam” appears to be gaining traction in some Christian churches. This profoundly confused new Christian movement of appeasement/surrender to Islam, masquerading as “dialogue” and “bridge building,” should be the cause of great alarm. Bill Muehlenberg, a theologian, describes it succinctly:

    "Chrislam, as the name suggests, is a growing movement wherein some Christians are seeking to find common ground with Muslims. Indeed, it actually seeks to combine Christianity with Islam. It is a syncretistic movement that speaks about “spirituality without boundaries”. Whenever you hear that sort of talk, you should start heading for the hills."
    Here's Chrislam in Nigeria

    There are many other websites dealing with Chrislam. The Messianic movement is targeting Muslims also, creating a blend of the two religions.
    Chrislam Montage

    Are you saying all of these writers are being tricked and there is no Chrislam?

    It is to the advantage of Islam to promote similarities to Christianity to make it more acceptable here in the US. It is to the advantage of one world religion promoters to show how religions can be blended.

  27. Dorothy10:53 PM

    Fifth time my post on Chrislam has disappeared after appearing on the blog.

  28. Dorothy12:55 AM

    Should I try to post for a sixth time? Anonymous, I have an answer to your post. Something just won't let it stay up.

  29. Susanna11:39 AM

    Hey guys....Here is one for the books.

    It was posted at Breitbart's BIG PEACE site.

    Top Islamic Scholars Say Jews and Christians Know Islam Is True, Purposely Removed Muhammad from the Bible

  30. Anonymous11:42 AM

    I just love to watch Hillary speak about the importance of social networking, and how no government can shut it down to keep revolution and 'freedom of the people' from occuring...well, I hope she's going to be faced with her words when the 'Untied' States begin their quest for state's rights and it becomes a 'new revolution against government control and she and Homeland Security do the 'shut down' thing, here...keep her words printed in front of you..let's see how long this lasts here in this country. Raptor

  31. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Interesting, Susanna.

    While we are wondering about that, I came across another site, the new protestants, that has me scratching my head.

    They claim that Lucifer is not Satan, that that's a myth Christians came up with. In truth, I've wondered about that myself. The word Lucifer is not in my bible or in Strong's Concordance. It only appears in the King James as a translation from the Latin vulgate of the Hebrew term "Morning star" or "day star". This site claims the early church fathers came up with the word, and that Lucifer is unknown to the Jews.

    Even more confusing is the fact that Jesus refers to himself as the Morning Star in Revelations 22.

    So how are we to reconcile this?

    Since Constance is always discussing the New Age movement within the context of Luciferians like Alice Bailey and Madame Blavatsky, does Constance or anyone else know for a fact whether or not Lucifer really is Satan? Or must we rely on believing the early church father's identification of Lucifer as Satan, via Isaiah 12:14?


  32. Dorothy12:52 PM

    Interesting. Top page says 35 comments. Comments page says 30 comments.

  33. Dorothy12:56 PM

    Here's number 6
    First of all you wrote Chislam, not Chrislam.

    was Chrislam' in Protestant churches by Chad Groening

    It linked to The Last Crusade website where you were right, they used a fake photo. But you are wrong about no other link in the article. There is a link to in the article.

    The article at the Last Crusade was titled QURAN IN THE PEWS JESUS IN THE QURAN By Paul L. Williams, Ph.D. It is a website with a history and a list of research topics. I guess they were tricked when searching for a picture for the article.

    Here's another article on Chrislam
    "In the same wishful thinking/ignorance mode of the “coexist” bumper sticker marketing program, “Chrislam” appears to be gaining traction in some Christian churches. This profoundly confused new Christian movement of appeasement/surrender to Islam, masquerading as “dialogue” and “bridge building,” should be the cause of great alarm. Bill Muehlenberg, a theologian, describes it succinctly:

    "Chrislam, as the name suggests, is a growing movement wherein some Christians are seeking to find common ground with Muslims. Indeed, it actually seeks to combine Christianity with Islam. It is a syncretistic movement that speaks about “spirituality without boundaries”. Whenever you hear that sort of talk, you should start heading for the hills."
    Here's Chrislam in Nigeria

    There are many other websites dealing with Chrislam. The Messianic movement is targeting Muslims also, creating a blend of the two religions.
    Chrislam Montage

    Are you saying all of these writers are being tricked and there is no Chrislam?

    It is to the advantage of Islam to promote similarities to Christianity to make it more acceptable here in the US. It is to the advantage of one world religion promoters to show how religions can be blended.

  34. Dorothy1:05 PM

    Top page says 37 comments. Are there five comments hiding somewhere? LOL Comments page says 32 comments. Sixth time I posted it disappeared again. I think I'll post it in sections next time.

  35. Dorothy2:36 PM

    38 comments on the top page. 33 on the comments page.

    Broken down into 2 sections on the 7th try.

    First of all you wrote Chislam, not Chrislam.

    was Chrislam' in Protestant churches by Chad Groening

    It linked to The Last Crusade website where you were right, they used a fake photo. But you are wrong about no other link in the article. There is a link to in the article.

    The article at the Last Crusade was titled QURAN IN THE PEWS JESUS IN THE QURAN By Paul L. Williams, Ph.D. It is a website with a history and a list of research topics. I guess they were tricked when searching for a picture for the article.

  36. Dorothy2:37 PM

    Here's another article on Chrislam
    "In the same wishful thinking/ignorance mode of the “coexist” bumper sticker marketing program, “Chrislam” appears to be gaining traction in some Christian churches. This profoundly confused new Christian movement of appeasement/surrender to Islam, masquerading as “dialogue” and “bridge building,” should be the cause of great alarm. Bill Muehlenberg, a theologian, describes it succinctly:

    "Chrislam, as the name suggests, is a growing movement wherein some Christians are seeking to find common ground with Muslims. Indeed, it actually seeks to combine Christianity with Islam. It is a syncretistic movement that speaks about “spirituality without boundaries”. Whenever you hear that sort of talk, you should start heading for the hills."
    Here's Chrislam in Nigeria

  37. Dorothy2:38 PM

    Third part

    There are many other websites dealing with Chrislam. The Messianic movement is targeting Muslims also, creating a blend of the two religions.
    Chrislam Montage

    Are you saying all of these writers are being tricked and there is no Chrislam?

    It is to the advantage of Islam to promote similarities to Christianity to make it more acceptable here in the US. It is to the advantage of one world religion promoters to show how religions can be blended.

  38. Dorothy2:39 PM

    First of all you wrote Chislam, not Chrislam.

    was Chrislam' in Protestant churches by Chad Groening

    It linked to The Last Crusade website where you were right, they used a fake photo. But you are wrong about no other link in the article. There is a link to in the article.

    The article at the Last Crusade was titled QURAN IN THE PEWS JESUS IN THE QURAN By Paul L. Williams, Ph.D. It is a website with a history and a list of research topics. I guess they were tricked when searching for a picture for the article.

    Here's another article on Chrislam
    "In the same wishful thinking/ignorance mode of the “coexist” bumper sticker marketing program, “Chrislam” appears to be gaining traction in some Christian churches. This profoundly confused new Christian movement of appeasement/surrender to Islam, masquerading as “dialogue” and “bridge building,” should be the cause of great alarm. Bill Muehlenberg, a theologian, describes it succinctly:

  39. Dorothy2:39 PM

    "Chrislam, as the name suggests, is a growing movement wherein some Christians are seeking to find common ground with Muslims. Indeed, it actually seeks to combine Christianity with Islam. It is a syncretistic movement that speaks about “spirituality without boundaries”. Whenever you hear that sort of talk, you should start heading for the hills."
    Here's Chrislam in Nigeria

    There are many other websites dealing with Chrislam. The Messianic movement is targeting Muslims also, creating a blend of the two religions.
    Chrislam Montage

    Are you saying all of these writers are being tricked and there is no Chrislam?

    It is to the advantage of Islam to promote similarities to Christianity to make it more acceptable here in the US. It is to the advantage of one world religion promoters to show how religions can be blended.

  40. Confused,

    Try Isaiah 14:12, some later translations also have this as Day Star or Morningstar, but mine clearly says Lucifer and the context is clearly referring to Satan. Both my Strong's and Young's concordances both point to this passage of Isaiah, so it may be possible that as the translations of the Bible have written the name Lucifer out, so too have the concordances.

    This is something some need to be careful of, just because it can't be readily found now, doesn't mean it was never there.

  41. Susanna3:49 PM

    Dear Confused,

    I do not know which Bible you are using, but before I begin this post, I just want to make it clear without getting into any disputes about which Bible is the real deal, that the Bible I use is the Douay-Rheims Bible which is based on the Latin Vulgate. But the relevant passages concerning the names "Lucifer" and "Satan" match up pretty well with the Protestant Bibles.

    That said, I will begin by pointing out that first of all, the Bible tells us that the real names of angels are "names" that we cannot even begin to comprehend.

    This is because they are probably something like the "white stone"/"white pebble" names such as the ones described in the Book of Revelation which will be given to each of us who are saved by God and will only be capable of of "being known" by God and the person who receives it......i.e. the self you call your self.....your unique "identity" as a person which no mere verbal name could ever adequately describe.

    Douay-Rheims Bible

    And he answered him: Why askest thou my name, which is wonderful?

    Judges 13:18

    Judges 13:18 (King James Version)

    18And the angel of the LORD said unto him, Why askest thou thus after my name, seeing it is secret?

    New Living Translation (©2007)

    "Why do you ask my name?" the angel of the LORD replied. "It is too wonderful for you to understand."

    Judges 13:18

    When the devil is referred to as "Lucifer," the reference is to the devil before his fall in order to give one an understanding of the magnificence of the angelic holiness and beauty which he lost as a consequence of his malicious and disordered desire to "be as God."

    In the Scriptures, God graciously stoops to our intelligence and describes things in terms that we can understand.

    "Lucifer" was actually the name of a King of Babylon with whom the devil and his fall was compared in the Book of Isaias by way of analogy. This is why the devil has been traditionally referred to as "Lucifer." In Ezechiel 28, the devil is similarly compared with the King of Tyre, but Ezechiel doesn't name names.

    Douay - Rheims Bible Isaias 4:11-15

    [11] Thy pride is brought down to hell, thy carcass is fallen down: under thee shall the moth be strewed, and worms shall be thy covering. [12] How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, who didst rise in the morning? how art thou fallen to the earth, that didst wound the nations? [13] And thou saidst in thy heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit in the mountain of the covenant, in the sides of the north. [14] I will ascend above the height of the clouds, I will be like the most High. [15] But yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, into the depth of the pit.

    [12] "O Lucifer"... O day star. All this, according to the letter, is spoken of the king of Babylon. It may also be applied, in a spiritual sense, to Lucifer the prince of devils, who was created a bright angel, but fell by pride and rebellion against God.


  42. Susanna3:50 PM


    King James Version Isaias 4:12-20

    The Fall of Lucifer

    12 “ How you are fallen from heaven,
    O Lucifer,[b] son of the morning!
    How you are cut down to the ground,
    You who weakened the nations!
    13 For you have said in your heart:

    ‘ I will ascend into heaven,
    I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
    I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
    On the farthest sides of the north;
    14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
    I will be like the Most High.’
    15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
    To the lowest depths of the Pit.
    16 “ Those who see you will gaze at you,
    And consider you, saying:

    ‘ Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
    Who shook kingdoms,
    17 Who made the world as a wilderness
    And destroyed its cities,
    Who did not open the house of his prisoners?’
    18 “ All the kings of the nations,
    All of them, sleep in glory,
    Everyone in his own house;
    19 But you are cast out of your grave
    Like an abominable branch,
    Like the garment of those who are slain,
    Thrust through with a sword,
    Who go down to the stones of the pit,
    Like a corpse trodden underfoot.
    20 You will not be joined with them in burial,
    Because you have destroyed your land
    And slain your people.
    The brood of evildoers shall never be named.

    See Isaiah 4:12-20 New International Version

    12 How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, ( "Lucifer" ) son of the dawn!
    You have been cast down to the earth,
    you who once laid low the nations!
    13 You said in your heart,
    “I will ascend to the heavens;
    I will raise my throne
    above the stars of God;
    I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,
    on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.[b]
    14 I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;
    I will make myself like the Most High.”
    15 But you are brought down to the realm of the dead,
    to the depths of the pit.

    16 Those who see you stare at you,
    they ponder your fate:
    “Is this the man who shook the earth
    and made kingdoms tremble,
    17 the man who made the world a wilderness,
    who overthrew its cities
    and would not let his captives go home?”

    18 All the kings of the nations lie in state,
    each in his own tomb.
    19 But you are cast out of your tomb
    like a rejected branch;
    you are covered with the slain,
    with those pierced by the sword,
    those who descend to the stones of the pit.
    Like a corpse trampled underfoot,
    20 you will not join them in burial,
    for you have destroyed your land
    and killed your people.

    Let the offspring of the wicked
    never be mentioned again.


  43. Susanna4:06 PM


    The way I learned it, "Lucifer" is one of the names that describes the devil before he fell ( another is "covering cherub" in Ezechiel Chapter 28 ) while "Satan," which means "adversary," describes the devil after he fell as do the terms "dragon," "accuser of the brethren," etc.

    Remember that Jesus described Peter as "Satan" ( Mark 8:33 ) when Peter appeared to be humanly unwilling to accept the fact that Christ's salvific mission involved Christ's having to die on the Cross.
    Like Satan in the desert, Peter was also trying to divert Jesus from the Cross, albeit without the malice.

    Douay-Rheims Bible

    Who turning about and seeing his disciples, threatened Peter, saying: Go behind me, Satan, because thou savorest not the things that are of God, but that are of men.

    New International Version (©1984)

    But when Jesus turned and looked at his disciples, he rebuked Peter. "Get behind me, Satan!" he said. "You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men."

    Mark 8:33 (King James Version)

    33But when he had turned about and looked on his disciples, he rebuked Peter, saying, Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men.

    Here is the "covering cherub: passage from Ezechiel 28:12-17

    "Thus says the Lord GOD, "You had the seal of perfection, Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. 13 "You were in Eden, the garden of God; Every precious stone was your covering: The ruby, the topaz, and the diamond; The beryl, the onyx, and the jasper; The lapis lazuli, the turquoise, and the emerald; And the gold, the workmanship of your settings and sockets, Was in you. On the day that you were created They were prepared. 14 "You were the anointed cherub who covers, And I placed you there. You were on the holy mountain of God; You walked in the midst of the stones of fire. 15 "You were blameless in your ways From the day you were created, Until unrighteousness was found in you. 16 "By the abundance of your trade You were internally filled with violence, And you sinned; Therefore I have cast you as profane From the mountain of God. And I have destroyed you, O covering cherub, From the midst of the stones of fire. 17 "Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; You corrupted your wisdom by reason of your splendor. I cast you to the ground; I put you before kings, That they may see you." (Ezekiel 28:12-17)

    When all is said and done, the devil - whether referred to as "Lucifer," "Satan," etc. refers to the chief of the fallen angels who led them in their revolt against God.

    The devil must have been very attractive and popular because he dragged one third of the angels with him in his fall.

    Certain heretical gnostic groups involved in the occult have claimed to know the "names" of angels. It would take another post to describe them. :-)

    The way I learned it, the Catholic Church doesn't formally recognize any names of angels or devils other than those found in the Bible.

  44. Susanna4:41 PM


    As you can see, here, it is the new International Version which uses the term "morning star" and not "Lucifer." Nevertheless, they are synonymous terms.

    Moreover, if "Lucifer" is a reference to the devil BEFORE his fall, then there is really no problem with Christ referring to Himself as "the morning star," since the devil before his fall is described in Ezechiel 28:12 as "the seal of resemblance."

  45. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Has anyone taken not of the fact that all of these countries except Saudi Arabia and Bahrain are part of the Barcelona Process???????


  46. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Dear Susanna,

    Thank-you so much for helping me out with this. What you have written makes sense.

    I really appreciate the time you have taken to help me. I am going to get a Douay-Rheims Bible!


    No longer confused

  47. Riots now in Madison, Wisconsin that look so very similar to events elsewhere. Question on CNN was "what happens when the money runs out" accompanied the footage.

    Tonight new breaking news that Israel is ready to act on two Iranian ships about to pass through the Suez Canal.



  48. The Theosophists and the Sufis have always been tightly intertwined. Nieves Mathews spoke of her families' acquaintance with Krishnamurti (Theosophical candidate for "Maitreya" / "New World Christ" and heavy involvement in Sufism. Her middle name "Hayat" is a Sufi name given her by her parents. Nieves is, I believe, Javier Solana's mother whom he tried to hide because of her open professions of belief in Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. At any rate, even given his current story that his mentor Salvador de Madariaga (also Rene Wadlow's mentor) was his "Great Uncle" for the genealogically dubious story that this was because their GRANDFATHERS WERE COUSINS, the Sufi link was part of the "bring on Maitreya" movement of the 1920s and appears to be again now.


  49. An Afghanistani citizen is on trial in that country for converting to Christianity. He faces execution if convicted. The World Evangelical Association has rightfully pointed out that this is an illegal trial and penalty as it is not allowed under the existing Afghanistan constitution. Now, we, the USA/NATO appear to be running Afghanistan, or at least those quarters where the Taliban is not in charge.

    WHERE IS THE USA ON THIS?????????!!!!!!!



  50. Susanna12:10 PM


    I am so happy that I was able to help you out.

    Blessings to you as well!


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