"During Spain’s presidency of the European Union, Dr. Solana convened the
Barcelona conference, launching a process which institutionalized and deepened the EU’s political, economic and cultural relations with countries across the Mediterranean region. This initiative is the foundation upon which today’s
European Neighborhood Policy and Union for the Mediterranean are built"
Stay tuned!
Page 1 text of the three pictures (which you may click on original to view full page):
Conferring of the Degree of Doctor of Laws honoris causa:
Francisco Javier Solana de Madariaga
Citation by Professor Daniel C. Thomas,
Director, UCD Dublin European Institute
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
University College Dublin
William Jefferson Clinton Auditorium
President, Lord Mayor, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
it is a pleasure to welcome Dr. Francisco Javier Solana de Madariaga to University
College Dublin, where today he will be conferred with the Degree of Doctor of
Laws honoris causa.
Universities sometimes confer honorary degrees to honour distinguished scholars.
And sometimes to honour distinguished public servants. It is our privilege today to
honour an individual with outstanding accomplishments in both the academy and
the public sphere.
Like many of his contemporaries growing up under the Franco dictatorship, Javier
Solana looked abroad for opportunity. Moving to the United States on a Fulbright
Scholarship, he earned a Doctorate in Physics at the University of Virginia. While
studying, he also joined protests against the Vietnam War. This simultaneous
engagement with scholarship and public affairs deepened considerably when he
returned to Spain to take up the post of lecturer at the Autonomous University of
At the same time that he was launching his academic career, Javier Solana
became the Socialist Party’s representative to the Democratic Coordination, a
broad-based opposition network that was quietly laying the groundwork for a
peaceful transition to democracy. This was no easy task. After four decades of
dictatorship, powerful forces in Spanish society felt threatened by the prospect of
democracy. But as one of his colleagues from this era recalls, “Javier embodied
the panglossian spirit of the democratic transition.”
In the final years of Franco’s reign, and then in the tumultuous few years after his
death, Dr. Solana worked tirelessly behind the scenes, and across party lines, to
Page 2 text:
banish the ghosts of the civil war that still haunted Spain. He thus contributed
significantly to ensuring that when the dictatorship ended, the backlashes against
democracy were few and unsustainable.
In the midst of all this, and just four years after earning his PhD, Dr. Solana was
promoted to Professor at Madrid’s prestigious Complutense University, where he
continued to publish scholarly articles on solid-state physics and advise doctoral
students for another decade and a half.
In addition to his academic activities, Dr. Solana won a parliamentary seat in 1977
and represented the Madrid region for nearly two decades. When the Socialist
Party won the elections of 1982, he entered government, where he would hold
three ministerial posts over thirteen years, including Minister of Foreign Affairs.
During Spain’s presidency of the European Union, Dr. Solana convened the
Barcelona conference, launching a process which institutionalized and deepened
the EU’s political, economic and cultural relations with countries across the
Mediterranean region. This initiative is the foundation upon which today’s
European Neighborhood Policy and Union for the Mediterranean are built.
Within weeks of chairing the Barcelona conference, Javier Solana was appointed
Secretary-General of NATO. This too was no easy task, with the Alliance struggling
to redefine itself in an era of more complex, but no less dangerous threats to
peace, security and human rights. The post itself -- far more demanding than that
of ‘Secretary’ but far less authoritative than that of a ‘General’ – required
extraordinary diplomatic skills.
Over the course of the next four years, Dr. Solana oversaw the restructuring of the
Alliance, negotiated a landmark agreement to facilitate cooperation with Russia,
and launched the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council to improve contacts between
Europe’s NATO and non-NATO countries, including Ireland.
In recognition of these accomplishments, the European Union then persuaded Dr.
Solana to move across town and assume the two posts that he still holds today –
Secretary-General of the EU Council and High Representative for the Common
Foreign and Security Policy. If any portfolio would test his formidable diplomatic
skills, it was this one.
The EU had long foresworn involvement in the sensitive area of foreign affairs.
Despite authorizing the new ‘High Representative’ post, the Member States did not
agree on what role the Union should play on the world stage. Dr. Solana would
thus have to create the office to which he was appointed, and every step had to be
acceptable to the full range of Member States. And that’s not to mention the
Page 3 text:
multiple contacts and complex negotiations on international issues that constituted
his official mandate.
To state that Javier Solana has succeeded in this post would be an overwhelming
In response to today’s terrorist threats and environmental challenges, Dr. Solana
drafted a European Security Strategy that sets out how the EU can be a force for a
fairer, safer and more sustainable world.
When others were trying to isolate North Korea and Iran as an ‘axis of evil,’ Dr.
Solana reached out to Pyongyang and Teheran to see if global security and human
rights could be promoted through constructive engagement.
When conditions in the Middle East appeared bleak, Dr. Solana co-authored the
Road Map for Peace and he continues to represent Europe in the international
Quartet promoting negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.
And when the UN has asked, he has mustered support for the rapid deployment of
EU peacekeepers that provide security while a longer-term UN mission is
For all these achievements, and many more, Javier Solana is truly an
accomplished scholar and a distinguished public servant.
His illustrious career reminds us that the values of the academy – particularly the
priority of reasoned communication – are also the basis for humane co-existence
in the world at large.
Praehonorabilis Praesidens, totaque Universitas,
Praesento vobis hunc meum filium, quem scio tam moribus quam doctrina
habilem et idoneum esse qui admittantur, honoris causa, ad gradum
Doctoratus in utroque Jure, tam Civili quam Canonico; idque tibi fide mea
testor ac spondeo, totique Academiae.
Why I blogged this:
1. It is significant that it came from the University Dublin -- Ireland is the country that has denied Dr. Solana the Lisbon Treaty powers -- a new ratification process is planned.
2. The award shows his powerful roles in
A. United States anti-Vietnam War Movement (for the record, I like many of my generation felt the same way -- we did not like that war. Dr. Solana was on USA's subversive list for his level of participation.
B. Dr. Solana's powerful roles in Spain.
C. Dr. Solana's organization of the BARCELONA PROCESS.
D. Dr. Solana's powerful role in expanding NATO.
E. Dr. Solana's powerful roles in the EU.
In a previous post you brought up the question of viruses (possibly requiring mandated vaccinations in the future) - this is an article you may find of interest on the history of H5N1
Dear Constance,
I don't know if you have seen the article on Salvador de Madariaga in the ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE ESSAY by Tracy Chevalier.
A biography appears on page 516
Here is Nieves Mathews biography at the TripAtlas.com site:
Her father was the distinguished Spanish diplomat and scholar Salvador de Madariaga. Her mother was the distinguished economic historian Constance Archibald.
Nieves was the older of 2 daughters. She was not allowed to be baptised because of her father's anti-clericalism. She is the mother of two sons, Luis Solana, a former Spanish telephone executive who opposed Franco's dictatorship and was imprisoned for his political activities. Her younger son, Javier Solana, is a well known Spanish politician, who was the former head of NATO, and is now the European Union foreign policy chief.http://tripatlas.com/Nieves_Mathews
My reason for posting this TripAtlas biography is so that we can all be eyewitnesses to the fact that at least one place other than Wikipedia reported that Nieves Mathews was Javier Solana's mother and that Salvador de Madriaga was Javier Solana's grandfather.
The following is from the author of an article on Spain in the HISTORICAL TEXT ARCHIVE (Donald J. Mabry) who personally knew "Don Madariaga."
He was completely fluent in French, and he added an English leg to his linguistic tripod when he went to England and married an economic historian, Constance Archibald. They had two daughters, Nieves and Isabel (now a Russian historian at the University of London). I got to know them well when I went to Spain, and they were so kind I felt like a member of the family. http://tinyurl.com/qhs6e9
The following was over at Bjorn's site:
According to the following interview with Nieves - a.k.a. "Prabhu Praveeta"
Prabhu Praveeta: Osho said yesterday "If I go and you′re not ready, I′ll send you to other Masters". To me that was the promise of promises!
Well, I was sent to him by an enlightened man, because since my childhood I have always been around enlightened people; I had that great fortune. My mother was very close to the man who first brought Sufism to the west in our century - Hazrat Inayat Khan. I didn′t know him, but as a child of eight I was given my first Sufi name ′Hayat′ by him. It means ′life′, and my daughter wrote to me when she heard I was now called Prabhu Praveeta [meaning ′pregnant with God′], "That′s just a continuation - being pregnant with God." Inayat gave me my first name, and my whole childhood and adolescence was under the wing of this form of Sufism which came to the West.http://tinyurl.com/pp9k8d
The following article was taken from Wikipedia. It names Nieves Hayat de Madariaga Mathews as Javier Solana's mother.
The following is entitled "OSHO ON SUFISM" and reads:
Idries Shah is said to have been a founding member of the Club of Rome. The former Secretary General of NATO (1995-1999), Javier Solana, is also member of the Club of Rome. Javier Solana's mother, Nieves Hayat de Madariaga Matthews, wrote a book on Francis Bacon. In it she writes that the book was suggested by "my teacher, Osho, who thought highly of Sir Francis Bacon and gave the book his blessing."http://tinyurl.com/pvjsys
Looks like the German Wikipedia is still reporting that Nieves Hayat Mathews de Madariaga is Solana's "mutter." It wanders off the reservation, however when it names Salvador de Madariaga as Javier Solana's "Großonkel" (Grand-uncle) and Constance Archibald de Madariaga as his "Großmutter."(Grandmother). Gee whiz! LOL By the time Squeakbox and company finish their revisions, Solana is going to wind up being his own grandpa!!! :-)
Is it possible that the Irish University (UCD) Honorary Doctorate may be due to greants the college may be receiving from the SALVADOR DE MADARIAGA FUND?
Or the following?
Here is the Home page of the same website:
Solana, his own Grampaw. Oh, that one is funny. I remember that record from my childhood days.
Anonymous 12:47 PM
This one's for you! LOL
Salvador de Madariaga y Rojo (July 23, 1886, A Coruña, Spain - December 14, 1978, Locarno, Switzerland) was a Spanish diplomat, writer, historian and pacifist.
He was the father of Nieves de Madariaga and the grandfather of Javier Solana....
Here is Moscow's two-cents worth...
In his youth, he seemed an unlikely future diplomat. Francisco Javier Solana Madariaga was born on July 14, 1942, into a scholarly family. His father was a well-known chemist and his mother was the biographer of Francis Bacon and author of the controversial book Francis Bacon: The History of a Character Assassination. “My childhood was spent in an atmosphere of scientific research and heightened interest in scientific knowledge,” Solana recalled in one interview. “My father was a professor of chemistry, and I loved to watch him conduct experiments. He took me with him to the university many times. But I was more interested in physics because it allowed me to understand the theory of relativity that was so fashionable at the time and to find answers to questions about the nature of the universe.”
Solana entered the physics department of Complutense University in Madrid and studied brilliantly until 1963, when he was expelled for opposition to the Franco regime. Speaking fluent French and English, he went to Great Britain to continue his studies, and received a master's degree in physics from Oxford. Soon after that, Solana received a prestigious Fulbright Scholarship and went to the United States to work, receiving a doctorate in physics from the University of Virginia five years later. He published more than 30 works on solid-state physics during his academic career....read more...
Forgive me if any of this stuff has been posted before, but my intention is simply to put it front and center before more data "disappears."
Nieves Hayat de Madariaga
information from those links incase it disappears.
Nieves Hayat de Madariaga
* 1917 + 2003
Padre: Salvador de Madariaga y Rojo * 23.07.1886
Madre: Constance Archibald * 1878
MatrimoniosMatrimonio I:
Francisco Solana
Matrimonio II:
N Mathews
Hijos del Matrimonio I:
Luis Solana de Madariaga
Javier Solana de Madariaga * 14.07.1942 Concepción Giménez Díaz-Oyuelos
Notas Biográficas
Data only available to Geneall Plus registered users.
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Be sure to archive!
...he will honor a god of forces,... and intend to make changes to times and to law...
"What ties all these things together? In other words, what is EU foreign policy ultimately for? The
answer is equally simple: the aim of EU foreign policy is to replace the law of force with the force
of law.
This comes naturally to us. The EU, after all, has always been a peace project founded on
democratic values and respect for laws. The EU wants a world order based on the rule of law.
I do not need to tell an Irish audience about the importance of international law. W.B. Yeats warned
us of the consequences of a world without laws in The Second Coming:
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world"
~Solana, Together we're stronger speech, Ireland.
My hunch on the genealogy of Solana is this. Nieves does appear to be his biological mother. There is not much evidence to suggest though that she raised him. I would have supposed that an aunt or great aunt (Obdulia) with means of support could have taken him in at grandfather's request. It would appear then, that he was the grand-nephew of Salvador even though technically grandson. It is not uncommon in genalogy to come across a set siblings or cousins marrying into a family, hence, don Luis Solana m. Obdulia de Madariaga. Neives de Madariaga m. Solana's father. As an adopted family to JS, I could see reason to leave meetings to attend funeral of someone who raised him, whether biological mother or not. Again, this is just my supposition based on years of genealogy type research, this would not be an uncommon scenario. Especially if Nieves was again a single mother.
Nieves' Italian language eulogy said that she was married with "due figli" (two sons) during the war years.
I would love to see Luis Solana's and Diego Solana's (Javier's son) itineraries for 4-15-2005. Nieves died in 2003. Solana was reportedly depressed the first four months of 2003, but then again, it could have been for other reasons.
Spain and WEU: the other Presidency
"The author explains that Spain holds the Presidency of the Western European Union for this half of the year and trusts that by the end of that time Europe will be closer to making a common defence a reality.
The beginning of the Spanish Presidency of the European Union has, naturally, been widely discussed in the media in our country. That was not the case for the other Presidency taken on by Spain on the same day: the Presidency of the Western European Union (WEU). Yet, that Presidency is a matter of great importance. Indeed, the WEU is the only European organisation which has competence in defence matters and the only forum in which the Ministers for Defence and Foreign Affairs meet regularly to formulate a common defence policy and decide on joint uses of military resources.
Furthermore, it is also the first time that our country has taken on this responsibility since it became part of the organisation in 1990. Even more importantly, it is the first time that a single State has held the Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the WEU at the same time."
Part 2:
The importance of the task entrusted to Spain is nevertheless shaped by other, more profound reasons. Our country has taken on the Presidency of the WEU at a particularly important time in the history of the organisation. Since the Maastricht Treaty, which made it the defence component of the European Union and the means of strengthening the European pillar of the Atlantic Alliance, the WEU has been immersed in a process of developing its military resources (known in the jargon as ‘operational capabilities’) to enable it to perform that dual role effectively.
This operational development of the WEU, which is still fairly new, is being carried out in such a way as to complement the assets of the Atlantic Alliance, which in turn can also be used in certain circumstances for European operations. Thus, duplication of effort is prevented and cooperation is fostered between the WEU and NATO which is also being overhauled.
In fact, the WEU has already carried out a number of operations of a military or paramilitary nature. I refer, for example, to the surveillance operation in the Adriatic and on the Danube as part of the regime of sanctions and embargo against Serbia Montenegro, or the cooperation of one year’s standing between the WEU and the Administration set up by the EU in the city of Mostar. Spain is involved in the three operations and two units from our Navy are in the Adriatic, and Civil Guard units are active on the Danube and in Mostar.
Part 3:
To that end Spain, as President of the WEU, has the duty to ensure during this six-month period that the organisation is able to perform its role as part of the defence of the European Union in an increasingly flexible and effective way. Accordingly, the Spanish Presidency is working to place measures already adopted by the organisation under the previous Presidency on a concrete footing. For example, the establishment of a crisis centre and a military intelligence section in Brussels, the continuation of studies aiming to provide the WEU with a satellite surveillance system, and the conduct of crisis exercises to assess how well the politico-military decision-making mechanisms work.
Action by the Spanish Presidency must nevertheless be concentrated at the political level.
As agreed in Maastricht the provisions which currently govern security and defence matters are to be reviewed in 1996; in practice those provisions entrust security to the EU and defence to the WEU, which is thereby enshrined as an autonomous organisation of the Union. That review has been in preparation during this latter six-month period and its results will be the basis for the decisions which the 1996 Intergovernmental Conference will adopt in that regard.
The main objective of this review is to be able to make progress, as agreed in Maastricht, in the construction of a genuine European Security and Defence Identity. The reality of conflicts such as those in the former Yugoslavia could not illustrate more clearly the need to pool the different resources for crisis management available in our countries, whether they be political, economic, humanitarian or military in nature."
Part 4:
"Spain has drawn up and already submitted to its partners a document proposing new measures to strengthen the operational capabilities of the WEU as well as a wide range of options for developing the institutional link between that organisation and the European Union in the future. Those options range from the Union taking on the role of European defence and the WEU being integrated into it as a result, to keeping the WEU as an autonomous body, with various intermediate formulae of gradual but increasingly greater convergence in between.
What Spain would like, regardless of which option is selected, is for the review to bring about stronger ties between the European Union and the WEU in the overall framework of European construction, which remains unfinished while it has no defence dimension.
Another priority objective of the Spanish Presidency is to bring to an end the ‘Common Reflection on the New European Security Conditions’ begun by the WEU during the first half of the year and which, when the time is right, could take the form of a White Paper on European Security. The value of such a study lies essentially in the wide range of countries involved because, in addition to countries which are full members, countries which have WEU Observer or Associate Status are also taking part (in short all the European States which are members of NATO and the nine Central European countries, including the Baltic States). This is of particular importance in the context of the processes of enlargement of those organisations. Furthermore, the conclusions of that study are to act as a basis for implementing the security policy set out in the Maastricht Treaty.
Finally, the Spanish Presidency of the WEU is working to maintain and strengthen relations between the WEU and those third countries of particular importance for European security, whether because they are entities in their own right, such as the Russian Federation and Ukraine, or whether because they are part of an area, for example the southern coast of the Mediterranean, which is of crucial importance to our own security."
Part 5:
"The programme that Spain has been painstakingly preparing and which it is making every effort to implement, is therefore an ambitious one. I trust that, at the end of our Presidency, Europe will be a little bit closer to achieving the objective we set ourselves some time ago, namely to make a Common European Defence a reality.
Javier Solana is the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Spain.
Published in the daily newspaper EL PAÍS on 31 October 1995 in the International section. Author: Javier Solana.
That article was written by Javier Solana for the assembly in which he later introduced "Recommendation 666" on October 31, 1995, less than a month before he executed the first Treaty of Association with Israel, chaired the Barcelona Conference, and obtained his NATO headship -- all within 10 days in November, 1995.
Yes, it is well known that there are countries who have to ratify the treaty. Their ratification is expected. It was the Irish who stood in the way -- they demanded a referendum -- a vote of the people. It was the popular election it went down in which is feared would happen in most of the EU countries where the "democratic deficit" of the EU is freely acknowledged.
I am truly baffled as to why there is such concern about JS's "bloodline."
Does this bloodline confer power on him, or is his power politically/economically based?
We do know that the Illuminati may value bloodlines. At least so we are told, with popularization of this in recent books and movies. Do they really value these, and what exactly is it that they value? Jewishness?
Some other ancient bloodline? Which one? Is JS Jewish from one of the ancestors mentioned here, or several of them? Is he from some other ancient bloodline, from one of these ancestors?
Unless this is understood, this is gibberish. There may be some hidden "reason" for concern with his bloodline, but I have not found it here.
This is becoming like a mirror image of the Da Vinci Code. Which code is based on untruths if you trace the genealogy back far enough.
A simple money-making scheme to sell books and movies and scare people the way they want to be scared because they are bored and unhappy.
Which does not mean that JS does not have great power. Somehow, he got it. Is it from a bloodline? It would be interesting to know which one is in question.
anonymous 4:47PM
This is just my opinion, but I don't think the concern is so much with the issue of Solana's bloodline per se as it is with the influence (religious, philosophical, cultural and political) exerted on him by his immediate family.
For example, Javier Solana is very much like his grandfather Salvador de Madariaga politically in so far as he appears to have been playing both ends against the middle for many years.
People like Javier Solana do not just pop up in history out of a vacuum.
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