Friday, November 24, 2006

Texe Marrs Disinformation for the "New Age"


I did not meet Texe Marrs until September, 1987, a day before I finished two weeks of Texan speaking engagements. I shared a platform with him the night before leaving at a Baptist Church in Austin, Texas. It was then Texe Marrs’ home church. His pastor, to my surprise, said to me when picking me up from the airport, “Now I don’t want any conflict between you and Texe Marrs.”

I must confess that I felt so isolated doing the original public work against the New Age Movement, that I was then happy to have company. I had not read his book word for word and did not then realize that parts of the book had been copied – word for word – from my original THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW.

I had, however, fears from the very beginning that Texe Marrs was turning a serious subject into sensationalism via The National Enquirer type sensationalism.

In the early 1990’s. I perused Pat Robertson’s book, THE NEW WORLD ORDER. I could not help but notice that there was material evidently directly copied from THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW. I called the publisher and complained. They called me back. They acknowledged it was my material and that they would either have to remove it the next printing and/or give me a credit. To add insult to injury, the material copied from me was attributed to the ads by Benjamin Crème proclaiming “The Christ is Now Here.” It was obvious that whoever had penned the words had clearly not read the ad, reproduced in its entirety on the back of my 1983 book. I was then sent a letter from Robertson’s publisher telling me that the material they used had appeared prior to their using it in Tal Brooke’s 1989 book, WHEN THE WORLD WILL BE AS ONE.

Since Tal Brooke had gone to extreme lengths to work to blackball both me and my original work against the New Age Movement in the Christian community, I was justifiably puzzled and angered. I called and wrote his publisher, Harvest House, and complained. They wrote me back. They acknowledged that the original work was mine and that they would either have to remove it and/or give me a credit. Again, it was perfectly clear that Tal Brooke had evidently not read the ad content he purported to quote. I then received a letter from Harvest House saying, “Mrs. Cumbey, we think you should know that two years before Tal Brooke’s book was released, Texe Marrs used this same material in his 1987 book. As I had enjoyed an evidently pleasant conversation with Texe Marrs two weeks earlier, I was surprised. I wrote him a letter and requested an explanation.

Texe Marrs was the only one not man enough to admit he had taken the material from me. He composed several pages of circuitous writing saying that the materials had been taken from books newer than my 1983 book, therefore, how could he have copied it from me? He then went on to say, “look, the Holy Spirit gave you that material. Why couldn’t He have given the same material to me?”

Yeah, sure, Texe. Word for word?

Well, Texe has much material that was not copied from me in his writings and for which I would never care to take blame and/or credit. I noticed he was advertising in NEXUS Magazine, in and of itself a New Age periodical. I saw that he was shamelessly pandering to both Jew and Catholic bashing. I recalled the very well documented strategy of the New Agers to pit the target groups of the “Old Agers” off against each other – Catholic vs. Protestant; Jew vs. Christian; Jews and Christians vs Moslems, and I frequently went, hmmm, I wonder?

When I saw Texe Marrs and Terry Cook in an ugly public fight I appealed to both to stop bashing and devouring each other. I still believed that even though Texe had obviously and shamelessly plagiarized my original work and research, that we were on the same team.
Now I know that we are not. I wonder if we ever have been. He left Pastor Bullock’s church under very ugly circumstances, threatening litigation against the good minister.

His new catalog IS “New Age,” -- in the very skimpiest of disguises -- and in the very ugliest sense of the word. It carries as allegedly reputable works books by unashamed anti—Semites such as Des Griffin and Ted Pike. His table of contents carries a section, “Judaism, Jews, Israel, and the Talmud.” It even carries the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,” a forgery put into circulation by one Yuliana (Justine) Glinka, one of Madame Blavatsky’s foremost Parisian disciples. He presents a tape of his own: “The Hidden Agenda – the Ten Awful Goals of the Illuminati’s World Zionist Council.”

I am writing this material while I am unquestionably VERY ANGRY. I hope I stay angry at this perversion of legitimate work against the New Age Movement by one who sometimes managed to get his name associated with mine. To a lesser extent, I have had the same quarrel with Gary Kah. The Jews are clearly a target of New Age planners and as both Texe Marrs and Gary Kah claim to be familiar with the Alice Bailey works, they well know the same as well as I.

Please, please, please – NEVER ASSOCIATE MY NAME AND/OR MY WORK WITH THAT OF TEXE MARRS – we are obviously coming from very different perspectives – and most likely headed for two very different eternal places. Texe Marrs (and to a lesser extent Gary Kah who relied on anti-Semite Eustace Mullins for a significant part of at least his first book against the New Age Movement) is propagating the very same theories Hitler used to incite a German generation into genocide of the Jews.

Jesus said that it was inevitable but that evil would come, but WOE TO HIM THROUGH WHOM IT CAME. Let’s hope that Texe Marrs and Gary Kah will get that message – quickly – and focus their considerable talents on the real enemies instead of pitting off the three major monotheistic targets of New Age planners against each other !


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Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:01 am
I presume you aren't married. If you united in marriage, you would expect that your wife would merge into your body. Now you might unite to form a new unit, but you still wouldn't be merged. But then in your case...

I'm sure you believe you are the pinnacle of all important knowledge about the New Age movement. You probably believe if you save Connie's soul everything else will be right with the world. That's how little you know about the New Age movement. Live with it.

Connie is much more generous toward you than I am. I think you are more like crabby old Uncle Earl who comes to a Thanksgiving meal, invited there out of generosity, and proceeds to keep talking about how the neighbor is really not a good Christian. Crabby Old Uncle Earl doesn't really care about the neighbor. He just likes being the center of attention because his own life is so lonely.

Does the shoe fit Uncle Earl?

Constance Cumbey said...

>>As for SUBMISSION...the Bible preaches this...

Duh, this is why both Catholics and Protestant religious leaders claim the right to have it . . .

>>When men preach things against God's Word, or God, we do not have to obey them. I am surprised you did not realize that!

Yes, I too believe this -- however, most Catholics I have communicated with at least claim to believe this and that if they hear contrary to God's word, that is an "anti-pope."
Interestingly, when I pointed out many things over the years from Pat Robertson that were clearly at variance from God's word and clearly in unity with New Age teachings, there was in many parts absolutely spiritual blindness and a belief that it was REBELLION not to follow his teachings which included most interestingly,

-- God had chosen him, Pat Robertson, to usher in the coming of his son

--CBN University would be used to train the leaders to take us all through the Millennium

--When the Bible said 'every eye shall behold him,' it meant 'on television.'

What do you say about his. I must have done my job warning against Biblical deception VERY WELL if you are that concerned about truth and I certainly rejoice that you are -- but if you believe that God intended to ignore Catholic and Orthodox believers and not have them learn the truth about New Age deception, in my opinion, you are very much mistaken.
When the

Anonymous said...

I wrote 9:01, but I think everyone knows who I meant. As long as Crabby Old Uncle Earl keeps disrespecting Connie on her website, I will answer back.

Anonymous said...

Why would Benedict attempt to form an alliance with Islam and Judaism? Because the New Age Movement targets Christianity, Islam and Judaism, that's why.

When the antichrist appears there will no longer be denominational division. There will be only two denominations. Those who worship the antichrist, and those who don't. That is Scriptural.

Anonymous said...


all of your posts have centered on attacking the messenger rather then dealing with the facts or scripture presented. Most I have ignored. You are here to simply to divert.


So you believe Islam is a salvific religion that will lead people to the truth and that the Pope should unite with Islam and with the Jews that reject Jesus to "fight" the antichrist?

Where in the Bible does it say to join with false religions to "fight" the New Age?

Id love Constance to answer that same question too.

When you folks preach that Christianity should unite with two false religions for world peace and "unity" how are you preaching any different then what Alice Bailey preached?


“He [‘Christ’] emphasized the necessity for cooperation, indicating that if we truly follow the Way, we shall put an end to competition, and substitute for it cooperation.…

“Love, brotherhood, cooperation, service, self-sacrifice, inclusiveness, freedom from doctrine, recognition of divinity - these are the characteristics of the citizen of the kingdom, and these still remain our ideals.” —Alice Bailey (Emphasis added)

Alice Bailey, From Bethlehem to Calvary, Chapter Seven - Our Immediate Goal, The Founding of the Kingdom, (Caux, Switzerland: Netnews Association and/or its suppliers, 2002), --

Sounds exactly what I am hearing preached here.

Anonymous said...

"Sounds exactly what I am hearing preached here."

Then Crabby Old Uncle Earl, you had better clean out your ears. No one has said that here.

You want scripture? Well go to Matthew 18:15-17 where it says to rebuke gently and in private. You knew how to contact Constance. Of course you didn't try that. It would have been Christian on your part to do that.

Anonymous said...

When the saga of the antichrist is complete, all who are left will worship Christ. That could happen in an instant. It could also happen over a period of time, in which case there would be a time when people from other religions were beginning to move closer to Christianity. That may be Benedict's vision.

Anonymous said...

******You want scripture? Well go to Matthew 18:15-17 where it says to rebuke gently and in private. You knew how to contact Constance. Of course you didn't try that. It would have been Christian on your part to do that.******

This is what you have to say after everyone of your posts have been an ad hominen and attacks on the messenger?

Anyhow this is nothing new to me, I know the gospel is of offense to much the world, I know making a stand against the false interfaith movement is not going to earn me popularity in this world.

1Pe 2:8 And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, [even to them] which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.

As for Constance, every blogger with a comment board, has to know they are opening the door to public opinion. Some of what I am discussing surely cannot be all new to Constance, surely she has encountered one or two evangelicals who have dared to tell her the truth.

*******When the saga of the antichrist is complete, all who are left will worship Christ. That could happen in an instant. It could also happen over a period of time, in which case there would be a time when people from other religions were beginning to move closer to Christianity. That may be Benedict's vision.******

Carrie, if a Muslim or Jesus rejecting Jew is not born again in Jesus Christ how will they avoid the delusion warned of in scripture? How will they have any discernment to seperate truth from lies? How will they have truth without the Holy Spirit indwelling to lead them to it?

2Th 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

Some of you write about the antichrist as if he is going to show up wearing horns, carrying a pitchfork and wearing a sign saying "HI, I'M the Antichrist."

2Cr 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

The Antichrist will be decieving the world, in fact the antichrist spirit is already here deceiving. Anyone who seeks unity in lies {false religions] instead of unity in Jesus Christ {the true gospel, truth and God's Word} is already helping to build his kingdom.

The New Age is just one component of MYSTERY BABYLON, and MYSTERY BABYLON incorporates every false religious system in the world opposed to true Biblical Christianity. Rome is leading the charge to unify it.


Christians are to preach the gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ, not follow the world in its plans for false peace.

Jhn 3:7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

Anonymous said...

Crabby Old Uncle Earl, as Medved says, "Focus like a lazer beam", you have made yourself anonymous, I couldn't contact you privately to chastize you. Do you want to share your identity with us, so that others can chastize you privately?

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:25 PM

I do not believe in "merging" religions, but as a Christian, I am very alarmed and intend to combat a movement that has planned genocide for the adherents to other monotheistic religions, REGARDLESS of whether or not I agree with their doctrines. As little more compassion might be in line. For as long as I've read Connie's writings and talked with her, I know she is in Christ. Your approach is very disrespectful.


Anonymous said...


Do you have any links that shows Solana is interested in the AoC High Rep position. This is very alarming.

I have also found some very important links I will share once this thread has run its course. I'm afraid if I post now it will get overlooked.


Anonymous said...

Awhile ago I posted this link to the Alliance of Civilizations working paper. It promptly disappeared from their web site. This report lays out exactly how they intend to deal with Israel. If you have not archieved or read it, I recommend doing so before it disappears permanently.


Anonymous said...

Just what if "Mystery Babylon" is the United States of America" and not a particular church. When she was destroyed by the beast "in one hour when her destruction" comes, ships at sea bewailed her burning and said, "now who's going to buy our merchandise"? I hardly see how that prophecy fits a 200 acre compound in the middle of Rome. Further, how did the myth that the Roman Catholic Church was so fabulously wealthy begin?

Anonymous said...

Carrie, if a Muslim or Jesus rejecting Jew is not born again in Jesus Christ how will they avoid the delusion warned of in scripture? How will they have any discernment to seperate truth from lies? How will they have truth without the Holy Spirit indwelling to lead them to it?

I'm not going to tell God what he can and can't do with a non-Christian heart. Are you?

He handled St. Paul nicely, don't forget. Mircles happen.

Anonymous said...

Curious_Catholic_Bible_Student said...

"Just what if "Mystery Babylon" is the United States of America"

Revelation 17:6, "I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus...."

Looking at this verse, do you think that it disqualifies America? And if not, do you think that America martyred enough Christians to be given mention in the book of Revelation? I agree that the whole "who will buy our goods" part does kind of sound like America though and not yet like Rome.

Also Revelation 17:18 mentions what it is, "And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth."

Given, this verse, we are supposed to be looking for a city and not a nation.

Anonymous said...

Constance: I admire you and I will pray for you. This person has been trying to get at you since the beggining of the posting. I remember where Jesus went to the desert and satan quoted scipture to him. It shows you that even satan is a master student of the Bible. Something is deffinately warning me hard about this anonymous person. Granted they might have a lot of info. to back up a lot of their comments, the motive seems to be manipulate, control, then confuse after the submission. The truth is offered bit by bit on thier own timing. There is a lot of truths here, but something is telling me Diversion or disraction from something else. Don't know what yet, but it'll hit me. I'm praying for your guidence! God bless!

Anonymous said...

Constance: Do you remeber the sofia sedek woman who commented here this year? I responded to her to get out of the occult while she can. I wont say the vision I had of her, but I am getting the same vision of this anon.

Constance Cumbey said...

Scammer/Spammers with their porno and sales ads are requested to STAY AWAY! A word to the wise should be sufficient. Courts are handing down CRIMINAL penalties for spamming!

Anonymous said...

Jason of NC:

Isn't it true that the Bible generally uses the word "Babylon" and "City" to refer to a prevailing civil/government power of its day, i.e., Rome was called Babylon as it was the seat of government when St. Paul was there? How by any stretch can you call a 200 acre "country" powerful by any stretch, especially when there are as many camps of dissenting Catholics as there are? What are your sources to substantiate that the Roman Catholic Church rules over the earth? How do you know those sources don't, as Mrs. Cumbey earlier wrote on another comment, use Madame Blavatsky as their "unimpeachable source"? I really want to know because I am a BIBLE BELIEVING CATHOLIC!

Anonymous said...

Constance, those are spambots. They won't read any messages in here.

Anonymous said...


"What are your sources to substantiate that the Roman Catholic Church rules over the earth?"

Did I say that? I think you may be jumping to conclusions.

Anonymous said...


Isn't "reigns over the kings of the earth" like saying "rules the earth"?


Constance Cumbey said...

My personal thinking is that "New Age" thinking that "we are gods" comes far closer than the Roman Catholic religion, with all its accretions, to fulfilling the scriptural requirements of what Christians were to come out of lest they share in its plagues. That did corrupt all nations, starting with the temptation of Eve and succumbing of Adam!

Anonymous said...

Carrie had this over at her blog, and since I don't think anyone will be going back to the previous message to see updates, it appears that Kissenger was not asked to be an advisor at the Vatican. Read the story.

Bhedr said...

I regret that Tex may have plagerized you and I don't know much about him. A couple of years I found your book in a stack that my Dad gave me. Good stuff...but I must admit that I am surprised that you don't see Constantines vision and almagamation of pagan dieties into his theonomy as being one of the first new age churches. The New Age movement may boast of being new, but there is nothing new under the sun. I will say that it is moving at a more powerfull rate today than ever, but it seems to me that Revelation 17-18 makes some clear discriptions of Rome. It is my hope that you may someday see that Rome is the seat of the synagogue of Satan and that everything is spinning from that factory and the New Age movement is a major outlet of it. It seems to me that there is more biblical basis for seeing Rome as clearly the Reformers and Ana-Baptist both pointed to her...but I do believe that the New Age movement is breaking down barriers across the globe and making this accessable.

Anonymous said...

How did this blog move from "Texe Marrs" to Catholic bashing? I am a Catholic - and proud of it- and I have READ the bible MANY times and I find nothing in the bible against the Catholic church! In fact it consolidated my catholic faith. If you think about it the way of Satan is to divide and conquer, and that is exactly what happened in the threads of these comments. Interesting... The more Catholicism is attacked the more I am convinced that it is valid.

Anonymous said...

As to the last visitor, we trust you will find that this is NOT by any means a Catholic bashing board, although some participants obviously (Jason) did. I think you will find much that you will find of comfort from Carrie Tomko and others who were not bashing, including "Bible Believing Catholic". Certainly, Constance did not bash and she took plenty of heat from Jason for not doing so!

Constance Cumbey said...

Hey, up until Constantine, it was perfectly legal to crucify Christians. Ending that is not "New Age" is it. Most New Agers DESPISE Constantine!

Bhedr said...

I never agreed with the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I can find plenty of Arabs that hate Arabs and at the end of the day they all combine to hate Israel.

So you agree with theonomy? Where do you stand on the reformation and the fact that some of the reformers hated Ana-Baptists?

Anonymous said... - VIP Taxi and Private Transfers
[url=] VIP Taxi and Private Transfers[/url]

Anonymous said...

Its amazing how some Christians fight for thier 'religion' against other ones. Not to be mean spirited here, but look at the divisions it has started, even on this blog. When are people going to look to Christ and not the 'religions'? As long as we who are believers are divided, we will not accomplish the spreading of the gospel. We will be focussing more on what so and so said against me and my 'religion'. I am not looking to merge anything in 'religions'. Infact I cant stand 'religions' when they are used as a wall or border to seperate one body of Christ from another Body of Christ when we all celebrate the same Creator and Saviour. At that point the church has lost the ability to be a point of congregation and become a point of division. 'Religion' has become the distraction for relationship with our Savior and other members of the Body of Christ! Protestant or Catholic. When people finally understand this, the 'religion' would be dropped and proudly so. After all, all true believers are followers of Christ. This is not combining anything but dropping unnessesary baggage from the Body of Christ. When we drop the baggage, souls will be won. Until that point, we will appear as hypocrits unfortunately because of biccaring.

Jesus has given us a special warning to the tearing up of other Christians. It is for ALL of the body of Christ. Not just one denomination or another.

Matt ch.13
Jesus said
24 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: "The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field;

25 "but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way.

26 "But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared.

27 "So the servants of the owner came and said to him, 'Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?'

28 "He said to them, 'An enemy has done this.' The servants said to him, 'Do you want us then to go and gather them up?'

29 "But he said, 'No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them.
30 'Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers,"First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn."'"

vs 29 gives us the warning about trying to 'rip' out the tares. You will 'rip' out the wheat with it. When you rip out the denomination that is part of the Body of Christ, you rip out true believers with it. Of course all Christian religions have tares sown amoung them. It is clear that the Almighty will be the one to deal with them. There are plenty of other comparrisons that this parable has, but this stands out to me as the one needed to shut us up about 'religion' and spread the gospel. Yah, we can sound the alarm, but don't tear each other up!

I believe that all of the Christian faiths have something of value that need to be taught. Revelation gives specials warnings and blessings to the different churches. Now maybe this could be representive of the major different denomination. I don't know. There are numerous ways to look at the letters to the 7 churches. All the churches there have a job to do. But it does not teach to castrate another in the process.

I personally regret being in some of the comments on this thread with this topic. I know I have said some things out of anger and I appologise. I just hope that the people who have been offended will accept my appology.

Anonymous said...

Well here's the latest...

"Pope: In mosque I prayed to the one God for all mankind

:Pope: In mosque I prayed to the one God for all mankind
In today’s general audience, Benedict XVI recalled his prayer in Istanbul, not foreseen but very meaningful, and he augured that secular Turkey will guarantee full religious freedom and become a bridge of friendship between East and West. From Istanbul, Bartholomew I said he was sure the apostolic journey would bear fruit for dialogue among Christians.

Vatican City (AsiaNews) – The prayer in Istanbul’s Blue Mosque was “not initially planned but it turned out to be very meaningful”. It was a prayer to the “one Lord of heaven and earth, merciful father of all mankind”. Addressing today’s general audience, this was how Benedict XVI described his silent prayer on 30 November in Istanbul.

The Pope “thanked divine Providence for this” and said: “May all believers identify themselves with the one God and bear witness to true brotherhood.”


When a person cannot differentiate between the pagan "Allah" of Islam and YHWH, that person loses any claim of being a Christian.

Considering that Islam, denies Jesus is God come in the flesh [even directly stated in the Koran more then once], the Pope by admitting he follows the "god" of Islam, is admitting collusion with the antichrist.

The one "god for all mankind" is NOT the God of the BIble.

1Jo 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

Considering every poster on this board except for me and two others, SUPPORT this UNITY with an ANTICHRIST religion, that is very disconcerting.

Oh and the claims of "Catholic bashing", people who love Catholics want them to know the truth. That is just one way to silence people, militant homosexuals also used to shout homophobe!, Bigot!, Hater!

Interesting how Catholic apologists have adopted that SAME EXACT TECHNIQUE.

Anonymous said...

From Masonic handbook....

"Masonry earnestly anticipates a day when all religions of the world kneel at the same altar, while at the same time retaining their particular religious beliefs"

"....[Freemasonary] looks forward to the time when...there shall be one altar, and but one worship, one common altar of Masonry, on which the Veda, Shastras, Sade, Zend-Avesta, Koran and Holy Bible shall lie untouched by sacrilegeous hands at whose shrine the Hindoo [sic], the Persian, the Assyrian, the Chaldean, The Eygptian, the Chinese, the Mohammedan, the jew and the Christian may kneel and with one united voice celebrate the priases of the Sumpreme Architect of the Universe"

Hmmm how is this different from Catholic Popes kissing the Koran and praying to the "one god for all mankind" in a mosque?

Anonymous said...

From Masonic handbook....

"Masonry earnestly anticipates a day when all religions of the world kneel at the same altar, while at the same time retaining their particular religious beliefs"

"....[Freemasonary] looks forward to the time when...there shall be one altar, and but one worship, one common altar of Masonry, on which the Veda, Shastras, Sade, Zend-Avesta, Koran and Holy Bible shall lie untouched by sacrilegeous hands at whose shrine the Hindoo [sic], the Persian, the Assyrian, the Chaldean, The Eygptian, the Chinese, the Mohammedan, the Jew and the Christian may kneel and with one united voice celebrate the praises of the Supreme Architect of the Universe"

Hmmm how is this different from Catholic Popes kissing the Koran and praying to the "one god for all mankind" in a mosque?

Anonymous said...

Anon. Have you studied the Bible for the purpose of hating others? Love is love plain and simple. Not only is truth love. Truth is first and love is the delivary tool used. I am not going to call the catholic church the antichrist! You are the one who is claiming that we all worship the pagan gods. Since we have stated quite clearly that we worship only Jesus, you in turn are calling Jesus Christ a pagan god. That is the spirit of anti-christ! Like it or not. Your own arguements contradict yourself. My granfather always said you give someone enough rope and they will hang themselves. Are you about to choke? You cant rearange what you just admitted to!

Anonymous said...

Anon: here is your own words

"The one "god for all mankind" is NOT the God of the BIble.

1Jo 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

Considering every poster on this board except for me and two others, SUPPORT this UNITY with an ANTICHRIST religion, that is very disconcerting."

You have just stated that you do not profess Jesus as God. When you go back over the peoples postings that do declair Jesus is Lord, It makes you and your 2 other friends the liars. See your problem is you can't leave religion out of it. Its all about Jesus!
By the way the God of the Bible IS the God for all mankind. His name is Jesus Christ! By you saying that we cave for the belief that allah is God you are wrong. We have already professed who we believe in. You cant change those statements in writing on this page. You have just denied the messiah in your own words.

Anonymous said...

Replace word "God" with antichrist in this display and "Christianity" with Roman Catholicism.

There you have it, synthesis of world's religions via the antichrist.

and Rome is leading the pack starting with the ones they consier "monotheistic"


*******IS the God for all mankind. His name is Jesus Christ! By you saying that we cave for the belief that allah is God you are wrong. We have already professed who we believe in.*******

You do cave for the believe that Allah is "God", in fact it is repeated throughout this entire thread, that Rome SHOULD join with Islam....and Rome already teaches that in Nostra Aetate anyhow...

You can say you believe in Jesus Christ all you want...but it is ANOTHER CHRIST...

The one of all religions, the antichrist...the one NEW AGERS FOLLOW as well...

Mar 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if [it were] possible, even the elect.

The so called COSMIC christ, the one that doesnt have a problem with people following Allah--of Islam as well, or Buddha or any other false religion as well.

The fact of the matter is that with the exception of the 2 or 3 Christians on here preaching Gods Word, the rest of you are Masonic supporting Universalists, who have no problem with your so called "Vicar of Christ" embracing Islam and its false god.

For all of Constance's complaints about Matthew Fox, given that she has SUPPORTED the unity of Islam and what she believes is Christianity {Catholicism} she is not that far from his teachings...

Anonymous said...

********the real enemies instead of pitting off the three major monotheistic targets of New Age planners against each other !***

This quote stood out to me...Doesnt Constance realize that Islam and Judaism--jews who reject Jesus are FALSE RELIGIONS?

That is what I meant by her support of the UNITY with Islam.

Anonymous said...

******Since we have stated quite clearly that we worship only Jesus, you in turn are calling Jesus Christ a pagan god. *******

You dont worship the same Jesus Christ I do. In fact if you did, you would be appalled at any religious leader seeking after the false gods of other religions. You would realize the Koran which DIRECTLY denies Jesus Christ, was a book of a FALSE RELIGION, not one to unify with.

Anyone who believes Allah of Islam is YHWH, doesnt even understand the basics of Christanity....

Deu 6:14 Ye shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the people which [are] round about you;

Anonymous said...

Crabby Old Uncle Earl, aka Anonymous 2:38, I guess you didn't want to make your identity public so we could admonish you in private. You know you could always contact Connie and then she could share your information with those who contact her if you don't want to make your information public on a website.

Oh well, here's the public criticism until then. You are doing the old army drill song: Same song, second verse, a little bit louder and a little bit worse." I doubt if you know very much about the political or religious end of the New Age movement. Nothing you write indicates a brilliant analysis or even an accurate simple analysis. You pick up odds and ends, put them in the wrong context, and expect others to see the "truth" you present.

The simple fact is you like being the center of attention and will say what gets you attention. You don't give a care about others because if you did, you would do a lot more work to document your views.


Anonymous said...

Dorothy, every one of your posts is a personal attack, an ad hominen and a technique to divert.

Do you even know what the New Age is?

Considering how much you defend its viewpoints against the Christian ones here?

When you put down a someone who is putting up scripture, warning of Gods prophecy and telling you that false religions do not save, what side are you on but the New Age?

In fact most of what has been written here except for the few Bible Christians has been NEW AGE 101...RELIGIONS SHOULD UNIFY FOR PEACE...YOU HATEFUL FUNDAMENTALISTS!

And you claim you're a Christian?

The LUCIS TRUST, ALICE BAILEY want religions to unify for peace.

So does Dorothy...

and anyone who disagrees and defends Jesus Christ as the ONLY way to heaven is seen as Dorothy's enemy.

I see what side youre on all too well Dorothy....

Anonymous said...

Dorothy, every one of your posts is a personal attack, an ad hominen and a technique to divert.

Do you even know what the New Age is?

Considering how much you defend its viewpoints against the Christian ones here?

When you put down a someone who is putting up scripture, warning of Gods prophecy and telling you that false religions do not save, what side are you on but the New Age?

In fact most of what has been written here except for the few Bible Christians has been NEW AGE 101...RELIGIONS SHOULD UNIFY FOR PEACE...YOU HATEFUL FUNDAMENTALISTS!

And you claim you're a Christian?

The LUCIS TRUST, ALICE BAILEY want religions to unify for peace.

So does Dorothy...

and anyone who disagrees and defends Jesus Christ as the ONLY way to heaven is seen as Dorothy's enemy.

I see what side youre on all too well Dorothy....

Bhedr said...

Baptists are often accused of seperating and causing division, but it was Roger Williams who pressed for true religious liberty in this nation and he was a baptist. Go read THIS DAY IN BAPTIST HISTORY and discover how they were always persecuted and throw into jail by both Catholics and Protestants from their own state models. It was only Patrick Henry that was sympathetic to them. Reformers such as William Tyndale modeled what a Christian should be as well into the Puritan tradition but all who go there will get the whip from any religion that models itself after the Roman model. It is such a travesty that the wolf is always favored while the sheep are whipped and scattered.

Anonymous said...

Crabby Old Uncle Earl,
My my my, the fangs are out again. Give Constance your contact information and I will chastise you privately. Since it is very obvious you know nothing about the New Age movement, you are no judge of who is on what side. You just like slinging mud, hoping it sticks. Not very Christian.


Anonymous said...

I'm interested to know where in the world has Constance Cumbey supported uniting all three monotheistic religions. Unless I've missed something, I've not seen it, nor have I read it on this blog! If this is a concern, maybe we had better pay a little more attention to the Alliance of Civilizations as they intend to jive all religions into one. If the Alliance has their way, not one of us will have a voice to say that our religion is right and another is wrong. Threads like this certainly won't be allowed. Enjoy your freedom while you can because another era is knocking at our door.

As for Christians being Dorothy's enemy, I've never read that here either. From what I've seen, Dorothy has been a serious researcher. She has provided many useful links for us (Christians). Recently, about the attacks on homeschooling in Germany.

Research is time consuming and very tedious at times. Not all have the fortitude to do it. I believe it is a gift from God. I personally am very thankful to all those who research and share (Dorothy, Constance, Rich, David, Carrie ect.). These are busy people with busy lives and yet they are willing to do the work and share with us. Kudos to you all!

Anonymous said...

I'm interested to know where in the world has Constance Cumbey supported uniting all three monotheistic religions. Unless I've missed something, I've not seen it, nor have I read it on this blog! If this is a concern, maybe we had better pay a little more attention to the Alliance of Civilizations as they intend to jive all religions into one. If the Alliance has their way, not one of us will have a voice to say that our religion is right and another is wrong. Threads like this certainly won't be allowed. Enjoy your freedom while you can because another era is knocking at our door.

As for Christians being Dorothy's enemy, I've never read that here either. From what I've seen, Dorothy has been a serious researcher. She has provided many useful links for us (Christians). Recently, about the attacks on homeschooling in Germany.

Research is time consuming and very tedious at times. Not all have the fortitude to do it. I believe it is a gift from God. I personally am very thankful to all those who research and share (Dorothy, Constance, Rich, David, Carrie ect.). These are busy people with busy lives and yet they are willing to do the work and share with us. Kudos to you all!

Anonymous said...

Right now you have those folks joining with the world, the global elites, Dominionism, and interfaithism. We see it on this board, they all believe "Christians" uniting with false religions is a good thing. They can tell me they believe in Jesus Christ all they want but given they don't even have the first commandment down when it comes to their man in white silk who can do no wrong, it is obvious to me they are following not only another gospel [which Rome does not teach the true gospel] but also a false christ.

As for Baptists, plenty are joining the SAME system that the Catholic-universalist interfaithers here so love....think Billy Graham, and others and the Emergent Church [basically a remarketing of Roman Catholicism to infiltrate evangelical churches], there are many "baptists" lining up as well. Baptists who reject these things are finding themselves more and more on the fringes....Read Christianity Today sometime, last months issue was "The New Internationalists", and this month's issue spoke of evangelicals working with the Orthodox church...[more acceptance of false doctrine and man-made traditions].. Im sure Rome couldnt be more pleased. I also am not surprised that online I read Constance is a Baptist despite her very PRO-Roman Catholic beliefs...[I am certainly not ignorant to the fact how deception has infiltrated EVERYWHERE in the Christian church]

BTW I attend a Baptist church but refuse to be part of a church that accepts these things...they are out there though harder and harder to find.

The early Reformers and Ana-Baptists would be in total shock to see the apostasty of today's Christianity. They literally would be horrified.

[There too, Constance and Dorothy cant claim I am only picking on Catholics]

Here is what is going to happen and it's in God's Prophecy. There are going to the "saints" who stand for Jesus Christ alone and reject the world's system of "peace" and the false antichrist interfaith gospel. Jesus warned true Christians the world would hate them, and persecution will not only be a localized thing as it now is in countries like China, it will be worldwide for anyone who refuses to join with this system. Notice how in respond to all of my posts here, no one deals with the facts as presented but play attack the messenger. That is nothing new to me either.

I dare say that some here are already under total delusion. No amount of evidence, God's Word or anything else seems to have any effect on them. I can tell when one has their mind opened to new facts, [Lee Penn at least was willing to take a look at something I posted] and when someone is spiritually blind wanting to shut their eyes and cover their ears, even in the face of Gods Holy Scripture.

In fact the depth of confusion shown on this blog has been an education in itself. Those who believe that Christianity should join with 2 false religions to "win" against the Antichrist, discounting Gods prophecy with lack of trust in God. Carnal human answers to world problems, instead of seeking after God's Will. Those who dont care about Jesus Christ, or the gospel, though they say they do, they have no problem with millions of Muslims having been left in the darkness of Islam last week.

Those who use the term New Age in a manner which seems to denote they dont even know what this word means whatsoever...that the New Age is anything but new and actually its origins are in ancient Mystery Babylon which lives today via interfaithism.

Every false religion that stands against Jesus Christ, "monotheistic" or not is part of this system.

2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Anonymous said...

**********Give Constance your contact information and I will chastise you privately. **********

You are Constance right?

I think you slipped there...

Give CONSTANCE my contact info, and YOU will chastise me?

Anonymous said...

**********I'm interested to know where in the world has Constance Cumbey supported uniting all three monotheistic religions. Unless I've missed something, I've not seen it, nor have I read it on this blog!*********

There wouldnt be an argument commencing right now, if Constance had not defended the Pope's actions of unity with Islam, I also quoted her a few posts above.

So please try and follow the conversation rather then trying to confuse on purpose.

Anonymous said...

who wants to be called Bible believer. Its very strange how you want to be called Bible believer but dont put that as your name isnt it? It would take 2 seconds, maybe 5. Are you ashamed to be called that? Not too worry, your rescue name is here. How about Bible reader? Bible believer means that you have applied the meaning of that name to yourself personally. So I will call you Bible reader. I also like Dorothy's name for you. Now there is a voice with experience.

Now to the problem again you have created for yourself. Here is your statement again.
"The one "god for all mankind" is NOT the God of the BIble.

1Jo 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

Considering every poster on this board except for me and two others, SUPPORT this UNITY with an ANTICHRIST religion, that is very disconcerting."
This is your own word Bible reader. Your first comment you made sounds so atheistic.
This is a reminder of what you said compared to what we have stated we believe. Out of the heart one speaks! The rope is still tight and you are tightening the noose a little bit more now.

Here is some more that you said.
"You do cave for the believe that Allah is "God", in fact it is repeated throughout this entire thread, that Rome SHOULD join with Islam....and Rome already teaches that in Nostra Aetate anyhow...
Out of the heart one speeks....How many times will you continue to tighten the noose? You say we believe allah is God? So you are still denying him by your comments in response to ours. Thats too bad.
Sounds to me you are now trying to cram islam down our throats. Are you muslim?

Another statement by you Bible reader.
"You can say you believe in Jesus Christ all you want...but it is ANOTHER CHRIST..."
Would you care to tell me who the real Jesus Christ is that we are refering to? If its not the same I feal bad for you some more. The reality is if I tie the last 2 statement that you said together here is what I get. You give us a lesson about how alah and the Jesus we worship are not the same. Well in the koran the believe Jesus is not God. It sounds to me like that is what you are telling us we should believe.

Here is another.
"You dont worship the same Jesus Christ I do. In fact if you did, you would be appalled at any religious leader seeking after the false gods of other religions. You would realize the Koran which DIRECTLY denies Jesus Christ, was a book of a FALSE RELIGION, not one to unify with.
Here we go again on islam and a different Jesus to believe in.
I think I am getting the point quite clearly now. I don't believe we worship the same Jesus as you since you dont even recognise the Jesus of the Bible that we all love and worship.

Out of the heart one speeks! Out of the heart comes love! No love, No Jesus! If a man says he Loves God but hates his brother, he is a liar and the truth is not in him. I forgot the verse but you are not displaying love to the bretheren. Don't be decieved.

Wow how appropriate when considering your next statement that I will refer to Bible reader.
"In fact most of what has been written here except for the few Bible Christians has been NEW AGE 101...RELIGIONS SHOULD UNIFY FOR PEACE...YOU HATEFUL FUNDAMENTALISTS!
"YOU HATEFULL FUNDAMENTALISTS!" This is getting more exciting by the moment! I love to see the moments where satan's influences are cracking up. This is great! Bring on some more! I know we are gaining rewards in heaven at this moment for taking the heat for the Jesus Christ we claim to follow!!! I am proud to be called a hatefull fundementalist! It relieves my heart to the core and I am smiling ear to ear! Come on Give us more. This is good stuff! I love this kind of pain! This kind of pain brings joy to my soul. Jesus said in John 15:17 "these things I command you, that you love one another." Well.....youve blown that apart. Let see...John 15:18 "If the world hates you,you know that it hated Me before it hated you.

19 "If you were of this world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of this world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.

THANK YOU JESUS!!!! I love it when I recieve this kind of hate especially trying to give the love that You commanded us to give!! Thank you for the rewards I know I will recieve. Thank you for sending this kind of hate my way. I am waiting for the day where I see you in heaven where I can look back and remember the crap I took to obtain this reward!!! Thank-you Thank-you!!! You have raised my heart and I am flying high Bible reader Or uncle earl as Dorothy puts it.By the way thank-you for the lovely name Fundementalist! I recognise the term because that is what I am and proud of it! I do believe that the word of God is the Bible. Man call me a fundy some more. This is great stuff!

P.S. I hope to hear from you so I can recieve some more rewards. I don't own anything made out of gold. But I'm going to be walking through I pile of it in heaven. Thank-you for your kind words.

I'm sure Dorothy is looking forward to these rewards also since she was mentioned by name By uncle earl.

Dorothy congratulations!! I will be one person to be standing there to see you recieve your rewards. I'll be looking for you!

Anonymous said...

sorry I didn't put my name on the post of 6:20

Anonymous said...

Child of God...

I know your main perogative instead of listening and even disagreeing sincerely is to discredit me and my message.

The fact that you would say the below which is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of EVERY MESSAGE I have posted here, shows your degree of desperation to DIVERT, DENY and DEFLECT...

**********Sounds to me you are now trying to cram islam down our throats. Are you muslim?***********

******** Well in the koran the believe Jesus is not God. It sounds to me like that is what you are telling us we should believe**********

Considering in almost every post Ive written here, I have posted the COMPLETE and utter OPPOSITE...!

I know Satan's workers are not opposed to using OUT AND OUT LIES, even BOLD-FACED ones like this that even the most intellectually unskilled could catch in a minute.
I have been online long enough to know the techniques. Twisting things is one of those techniques, even if you go against previous statements. The father of lies, and his workers lead people to CONFUSE on PURPOSE.

I plan to keep exposing the evils of interfaithism and standing up for Jesus Christ as the ONLY WAY.

Act 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Anonymous said...

Is this the longest thread yet?

Just some observations as I have checked in over the last week or so.

1. It is hard to convince people, especially on chat boards, or with quick replies. Diction, sentence construction, and even uncontrollable events like reader context all vastly affect interpretation. Misunderstanding then complicates dialog.

2. Agendas vary. For example, I have the impression that Dorothy is far less concerned about prophetic realization as imminent cultural change. I remember when she posted a question that if prophecy were not to unfold/occur, would we on this board even care about New Age encroachment? [I am paraphrasing] To a lesser degree I would characterize Constance the same way. I do not mean that as a slight either; it's simply an observation and if true represents a framework.

3. People are flawed and incomplete. We each have our strengths and weaknesses, and those affect our walk with God (or lack thereof). Some are meek in spirit, others are not. Some are inward-looking for areas of improvement and others look externally or around. Some are well read, others are not. Some are new to their relationship with Jesus, others are not, etc.

4. Few people enjoy criticism. Most people believe that they are justified in their beliefs at any given moment in the day.

5. I believe that the bible is the inspired Word of God, inerrant in its message. I know that Jesus is the Son of God and came to earth to die upon the cross as salvation for and forgiveness of our sins. I know with all of my heart that God's plan was known to Him at the creation of the earth and that He loves me, and you reading this, and that because He loves you and I love Him, therefore I am to love you as well. I do love you.

With that framework, here are my points for consideration:
Pray often, especially when addressing another member of the body.

No religion is perfect or right or just. Some are more than others and you can see that in the book of Revelation. Where's yours? What admonishments did Jesus give to your church? Mine is Laodicea I believe.

Go back to your teachings, the Word. Every single one of us has missed something and will continue to until Jesus returns; not one of us has a complete understanding.

Witness in word and deed. Offer praises in prayer and ask for the Holy Spirit to be sent to others.

People err, and rebuke and discipline of people we love is a part of brotherhood. Are you your brother's keeper? How you minister to others is an outward expression of your strengths and weaknesses. At the most base, I would rather offend or be offended than to leave, or to be left, in the dark of sin or falsehood. To me anyway, where there is no debate or discussion, acceptance is implied. That is not to say that everyone should behave as I do or hold to the same approach.

Forgiveness of sin does not obviate or mitigate repentance. We are all commanded to attend to the Word of God and repent of our sins! If Scripture tells you that something is wrong, then stop doing it! An amazing thing has been happening right under our noses that illustrates this: If it is wrong for the Pope to bow his head in an attitude of prayer in a mosque, facing east, surrounded by Muslims praying to Allah, then how is it OK to bow your head, close your eyes and ask Mary to respond to your needs? And no, I am not deliberately "picking on Catholics;" it's simply such a sharp example (in my opinion). My church has many an issue as well!!

Why isn't the anon poster that been labeled "earl" or whatever being lauded for his (I assume he's a he) being "on fire with The Lord?" Even if you think he's dead wrong or misguided (or me for that matter), isn't it better to develop and encourage evangelism than attempt to quash it? Perhaps this isn't the appropriate forum, and perhaps that's where you're coming from; I don't know, but this point did strike me over the last few days.

And THAT meandering discourse was much shorter than what's in my heart, but it's as good a segue as any. I wish you each good fortune with your agendas and the watchful attention to New Age movements, etc. I came to this board for discussion on prophecy and scripture, less for conspiracy and who's who so I will take my leave with warm prayers for you all.

-New in Christ

Anonymous said...

New in Christ, you are right on target with many of your observations. Over thousands of years many hateful and ugly things have been done to people while many have just stood around waiting for prophecy to unfold. If you saw a car heading for a child, would you try to help the child or wait for prophecy to unfold? Waiting for prophecy to unfold is too akin to believing in karma, that is the people who are bad are just getting what is coming to them; no need to get in God's way.

From the very beginning Crabby Old Uncle Earl came in here slinging mud and with a chip on his shoulder, pretending to be mild as a lamb while attacking everyone who didn't follow his message. No one, as I see it, has a problem with his zeal. But the world is full of people with zeal for one thing or another, all of them believing they have the final word. If every believer in something took his attitude, it would be a pretty ugly world to live in.

Many, many people have been brought back into the Christian fold from their beliefs in the New Age movement, people in all parts of the world and over 26 years. She could tell you their stories if she wasn't so modest. She did this by her research which points out the fallicies and evils of the movement,
not by pounding on her chest and telling people that her way is the only way.


Anonymous said...
Check out the article on the CFR Social Gospel movement of the past and its repeat now thru people like Rick Warren. All for the success of one world government.

Earlier on the thread you can read Warren's sponsorship of Obama, who is being anointed as the next president of the US. A mature culture should be led by mature men and women. Obama was groomed by the monopoly Democratic party in Illinois from the very beginning of his political career, packaged and sold.



Anonymous said...

Does this happen to anyone else? When I try to get to the website I get the message "forbidden. You do not have access to this server." or some such. When I try again, I get right thru.


Anonymous said...

Robin, I just wonder if that discourages newcomers to the website.

Anonymous said...


I get that a lot lately.

Constance Cumbey said...

I was with the Chief Probate Judge in chambers and he tried to access my blogspot to view the article on my meeting of Barbara Bush in 1980. I witnessed a "you are not authorized to view this blogspot message." Then on a retry, it came up. My best guess is they were having network problems. Worst guess -- discourage people from going there? But, on reflection, I suspect it was temporary "denial of service" problems -- I hope!

Anonymous said...

New in Christ, I couldn't agree with you more. You are right on!

Now to anon. That says I intentionally misqoted him.

Yah there is a little manipulation of words there, of course. However some of those statements are a direct copy from yours. Now about the misrepresenting some of your comments or thoughts. Yes I did. I have no problem admitting to it, and yes It is wrong no matter how it is done. I took what you said made it more obvious the lack of love that you did not care to give us by some of the statements that you made. I didn't have to repeat some and add my twist. But I hope you will respond out of a little more humility when trying to do the same to us by claiming to not follow the same Jesus as you. We have admittedly said who we follow hands down, but you tell us otherwise. I do believe you follow the same Jesus. However it should be communicated through love. We are brothers in Christ forever. Forever is a long time to be repromanded and reminded by Jesus of how we did not respond out of love when He specifically commanded us to do so. I do not want to have that as a reminder when I see your face through out all eternity. I appologise to you. I hope you also consider how much hurt you give the body of Christ when you tell us that us people here do not worship the God of the Bible Jesus Christ. He is our saviour as well. There is plenty of Him to go around. I personally understand a lot of your comments. I agree with a lot of your comments. However, because of a few disagreements from our own experience you chose to label a lot of people that participate on this blog as unbelievers. And also after that you treated us with contempt. The majority of people on this blog are the body of Christ who celebrate His defeat over sins for our deliverance. I am forever gratefull and I know the time is short. I am looking up every day wondering what cloud is Jesus going to call me to to meet Him. This keeps me going. I would love to participate with you on this blog just as much as anyone else. Just do it with love and learning. A lot of us have learned it the hard way. I myself have. Thankfully that stage of my life was very short lived. I respond quick to the paddlings from God. I do not know as much about new age stuff as the most here who comment. But I love to learn. Especially when it is compared with God's word. I hope you have a little more compassion in your responses. We have all been shown a great deal of mercy from God. I'm still alive and I know I don't deserve it. So I know I need to show mercy to others. I hope you stick around. youve got a lot of info. Name your postings. It is much easier for a back woods redneck like me.

Anonymous said...

*********Now about the misrepresenting some of your comments or thoughts. Yes I did. I have no problem admitting to it, and yes It is wrong no matter how it is done*****

So you admit You LIED?

Well glad you admit it.

Sad when someone will sink to all levels to discredit the messenger because they do not like the message....

I'll let the readers decide that one for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Child of God,
Nothing changes Crabby Old Uncle Earl.
He isn't going to learn from anyone. He is stuck in his ways and darn proud of it. You are one of the neighbors I talked about earlier who isn't Christian enough for him, and by gum, you need to know that. This has nothing to do with Christianity or lack of it. It has to do with Crabby Old Uncle Earl's personality.


DavidinBattleCreek said...


I haven't been online in a week. What happened? Sometimes I wonder if some people making comments here had their hands slapped on Herb Peter's message board, so they came here. He can at least kick out the people who just want to do nothing but scathingly attack others.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Texe Marrs, I noticed Texe is now claiming in his latest newsletter that the Israelis are going to launch an attack on a US Navy carrier in order to get the US to attack Iran. This bit of information Texe plagiarized from

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Anonymous said...

"Anonymous 9:20 said...
As to the last visitor, we trust you will find that this is NOT by any means a Catholic bashing board, although some participants obviously (Jason) did."

Thou shalt not bear false witness.

Anonymous said...

As I've been reading this blog thread and in particular about the Pope praying east, scripture in Ezekiel 8 comes to mind.

15Then said he unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations than these.
16And he brought me into the inner court of the LORD's house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the LORD, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.
17Then he said unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? Is it a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the abominations which they commit here? for they have filled the land with violence, and have returned to provoke me to anger: and, lo, they put the branch to their nose.
18Therefore will I also deal in fury: mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity: and though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them.

I agree with the blogger who finds this very serious offense. But to that blogger, I've been watching for a more compassionate approach toward the Catholics who post here. I personally know Catholics who are saved. Their testimony is that it is by faith through grace and not by works. That is sufficient for me. As I read through these posts, they are looking for a possible explanation of what just happened.

There have been Protestants on this board who have reported the introduction of meditation into the congregations. Same thing as what just happened in the Catholic church, they needed to deal with the issue and make some decisions. People who find themselves in congregations that split report it very difficult emotionally--it's as though a family is splitting apart. It is easy for an outsider to point an accusing finger, but we have no bonds to understand the emotional stress of their situation.

Lastly, it is improper to label Constance as one who is promoting a globalist or "unification" agenda. That message is completely inconsistent with what she has been doing over the past 30 years. I believe you have seriously misinterpreted her words.


Anonymous said...

Sorry about the wording in the last post, I meant to say by grace through faith and their belief in Jesus Christ.


Anonymous said...

off topic, but for your book, Constance:

just anounced:

Solana will be awarded with Charlemagne prize 2007


Anonymous said...

Rich, Constance defends the Papal desire for "Christianity" to join with Islam.

If that wasnt true, there wouldnt be a discussion here would there? There would be no disagreement.

The fact of the matter is, most of this board is defending and promoting Rome's interreligious programs which are TIED to the NEW AGE.

By the way the POPE DID NOT LOOK EAST.

Look at a MAP.

Mecca is SOUTH of TURKEY.

Anonymous said...

Elements of Islam is still mystic and considered eastern by western standards. I'm not referring to a geographic location here.

Constance is not advocating that Christianity and Islam blend together as you suggest. You are sadly mistaken.


Anonymous said...

When I go to work, one could say I "united" with others to work towards the common goal make money for the company. I work along side Christians as well as non-Christians. That does not mean that I united with them in religion. You're grabbing at staws here and misrepresenting anything anyone has to say.


Anonymous said...

Rich, you quoted the words: "and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east."

Sun worship has been a staple of paganism for thousands of years. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The apostates were worshipping the rising of the sun, just as the followers of Bagswan Shree Rajneesh did. The followers wore red robes for the sun worshipping ceremony.

Those of us who do research always come upon "shockers" to us, even as we are jaded in many respects by the overwhelming amount of material available. One of the shockers was when I saw that UNESCO put out a huge coffeetable size book, complete with 400 glossy pages filled with 520 colored plates. Title: The Sun, Symbol of Power and Life. It documents sun worship in cultures around the world. What in the heck UNESCO was doing publishing such a book seemed strange to me. Inexpensive copies are available thru Amazon and bookfinder.

Oh yes, the Mayans in Gibson's Apocalypto were sun worshippers.

Just some random thoughts, undocumented by academic researchers:

Lucifer Trust, now called Lucis Trust, is based on honoring the morning star, Venus, the light bringer, herald of the sun. Lucis Trust celebrates the solstices
Lots of information available thru a websearch.

Is it possible that somewhere a connection was made between the fire of the sun and the symbolic fires of hell? That the "god" of both is the same?

What does this have to do with what is going on now? Check out this paragraph from

"The suggestion is made to increase global awareness of this serious environmental crisis. The UR proposed solution is to promote 'solstice and equinox festivals which celebrate the changes on the planet.' As incredible as it may seem, the intention appears to be the revival of pagan sun and moon worship. Don't be surprised if we see Christmas, in the future, replaced by or merger with a celebration of the winter solstice's birth of the pagan sun god."


Anonymous said...

The paragraph was from:


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Constance, you say the three monotheistic religions are targets of New Age. The online book "Rainbow Swastika" about the New Age, by orthodox Jewess Hannah Newman at , says New Age is much more sympathetic to Islam than to Judaism or Christianity. Perhaps you are assuming that Allah is Yahuweh because the Koran includes some Old Testament stories. But the Koran, dictated to Muhammad by Allah, denies Jesus' divinity and that He died on the cross. Would Yahuweh say that?

Anonymous said...

Too anon. You still havent got the message of love yet have you? Too bad! Do unto others as you would have done to you. You are deffinately a nuisance. I noticed A comment deleted by the administrator. I would love to see some more of that.

With almost 300 comments here, I scanned back through and I see the manipulation that has come from "bible reader anon'. It is progressive. It is insane! I hope someone with some pull goes back over these comments and starts yankin before it divides the Body of Christ. Especially misrepresenting the love that is supposed to come from Christians. I never thought I would be saying this stuff. But it is from a person claiming to be a member of the Body of Christ, but trying to destroy the body of Christ.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:36 PM

Give up the unreasonable attacks, please! The new age movement is hostile to orthodox Islam as well as the other monotheistic religions. It does favor MYSTICAL Islam. Is also embraces Christian mysticism. Once again you're misrepresenting what has been said here.

I detect the spirit of strife within you. Perhaps edification is not really your aim here.


Anonymous said...

Hi RichinMedford,

My attack is on Islam, not Muslims. It is because I care about them that I wish to rescue them from it. Howver many people they kill in the name of Allah, they are his biggest victims. I am prepared to accept persecution to offer them rescue.

Allah and Yahuweh both claim to have created the world, and there is only one creator. But it does not follow that they are the same. What if one is an impostor? And, since you took me up, would Yahuweh say that Jesus is not divine and did not die on the cross? Please don't duck the question.

Anonymous said...


Your attack was on Constance and I have no intention to feed your spirit of strife. Enough is enough.


Anonymous said...

Hi RichinMedford
I put a differing point of view to Constance's about Islam, quoted from another good book against New Age. That is surely legitimate debate? If you think I have attacked her personally, please say how. If convinced I would need to repent and apologise. The 5.36pm post to which you replied was my first, and this is my third - perhaps you are assuming that I am one of the other Anons.

Anonymous said...

There are some reasonable forums to debate the inter-relationship of faith and works and likewise there are some reasonable places for discussing baptism of children, the eucharist, "once saved- always saved", the date of easter, and indeed a conglomeration of subjects that not only are said to divide Catholic and Protestant but indeed divide Protestant denominations also.
As an Orthodox Catholic I find, however, it is not unusual for me to accord with many (but certainly not all) opinions of more orthodox Protestants as distict from certain "trendy" catholics.
If nothing else that at least tells me that there is a certain naievity in labelling those "predestined" to salvation and those who are not.
There are nevertheless some essential tests of faith. He who denies that Jesus is The Christ is the antichrist. Likewise he who denies Christ came in the flesh is not of God.
The enemy will hate the orthodox jew, the orthodox catholic and the fundamentalist christian with a particular vehemence moreso than the lukewarm nominal christian whom he can tolerate (for the time being).The massive increase in prison accommodation is not designed solely to house traditional criminals but the "dangerous radicals" who confess to having received The Way, The Truth and The Life.
I do not find ecumenical dialogue to be offensive nor do I think that communication with Muslims and Jews is counterproductive. On the contrary, whilst Judaism may have missed the point and Islam lost the plot Abraham remains the father in faith of all those monotheists.
Nor is the enemy in the ranks of agnostics or atheists.
Satan and his followers know full well who The Christ is and they deny Him under acts of free will. They deny Him to exalt their own thrones and will use all and every diabolical method to bring down souls.Such is their level of hatred.

Constance Cumbey said...

I'm deleting the spam from this site!

Anonymous said...

I used to trust Texe Marrs until a year ago. Now I know that he's nothing but an agent provocateur working for the controllers of our world. Last days, my ass! He tells some truth, but then mixes in his own lies and fabrications.

If you want honest research, go to Daryl Bradford Smith's web site,


Anonymous said...

I was impressed with your video and your books Ms. Cumbey, but something seems amiss that you could notice all this about the New Age but miss that the Pope is a big part of it. Sure the pope will make anti new age statements and then offer decrees that it is ok to believe in UFOs and that the Beatles were a fine young band and should be forgiven for what they said against Jesus. The hierarchy of most established denominations are all in it too but most certainly the Pope and the vatican are at the center. Anyone can watch u tube videos of the pope making devil worship hand signs and giving masonic handshakes. Yes average catholics can be saved but there is a lot of false teaching that makes it difficult to hear the truth in a catholic church. Sadly most catholics are not encouraged to read the Bible. That's where the truth is.

Anonymous said...

How does one get "saved" and what is a Christian? These are two important things that need to be clear on a Christian website seeking to combat the enemy New Age or otherwise. Our sin, trespasses make us unfit for heaven no matter how small it seems to us,so we need the Savior. We are saved when we receive the gift of salvation the Jesus offers by faith.
4 but God, being rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,

5 even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace have ye been saved),

6 and raised us up with him, and made us to sit with him in the heavenly places, in Christ Jesus:

7 that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus:

8 for by grace have ye been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;

9 not of works, that no man should glory.

10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God afore prepared that we should walk in them.

We get to heaven only by grace through trusting in Jesus. Good works are prepared for us to do but these are God's plan and his work in our lives which bring about the good works and not our means of salvation. A Christian is one who has been saved and is following Jesus Christ as Lord.

As to prayer, we need neither Mary nor a saint to intercede for us. Jesus does that for us. We have the privilege through Christ to go directly to our Father.

Hebrews 4:14Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens,[e] Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. 15For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. 16Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

About confession the Bible teaches that we are to confess our sins to one another James 5:16 and Christians are all part of the priesthood 1 Peter 2:9, Rev. 1:5,6... To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood 6and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father...

False teaching can be found in most denominations somewhere, but the most important of all teachings is how one can be saved. I dare say there are unsaved individuals in most churches of all kinds, sadly. Some seem to think that being in church makes you a Christian but that is no more true than going to Mc Donalds makes you a hamburger.

I pray God's blessing on all, that the truth may be known to set us free, that all lies and deceptions may be exposed and that God's will may be done.

Tony Cisneros said...

Constance: I've Recently Posted A Video On YouTube Where I Warn The Whole World That Texe Marrs & Former U.S. KKK Grand Wizard, David Duke, Are Going To Hold A Joint-Conference On Nov. 7, 2009 In Washington D.C.

I Would Appreciate It If You Would View This Video On YouTube Entitled:

"The Commoner's Corner: Texe Marrs Has Compromised Himself With An Open Racist !"

And Please Give Me Your Thoughts On My First In A Series Of YouTube Exposees & Informercials (Not-For-profit) On THE COMMONER'S CORNER With Regard To Exposing The NEW WORLD (DIS)ORDER & Their Chief Sponsors !

Respectfully Yours

Tony Cisneros

Anonymous said...

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus

Rick said...

I have friends right now how are being recruited into Texe Marrs circle of friends ie Lynn Fulmer and a militia type group in Idaho. If you could provide me with any advice or resources to help to prevent this further deception of my friends it would be greatly appreciated.

Anonymous said...

I applaud you for putting distance between you and a person like Texe Marrs. I don't know how a man like that can show his face in the Christian Church. Considering the healthy living Marrs makes, there shouldn't be a day in his life he doesn't thank the God he worships for the existence of the Catholic faith. His attacking and vicious turning of facts to batter my Church have provided a fantastic, brilliant career for Marrs. What he doesn't get is this: the days of Catholic and Protestant conflict should end. With hate groups creating sex abuse stories which incorporate false claims with true claims in a global plan to reduce the Christian religion to the scrap heap. My last comment is not to attack the victims of real clergy abuse. The victims of such disgusting abuse are re-victimized a second time by lawyers and Godless people in a greedy money grab. They are being abused again by the people shouting the loudest. I now see that Southern Baptist youth directors and preachers are now becoming targets. It all amounts to a war being fought right before our eyes. Christians of every denomination need to work together to keep the integrity of Christianity alive as long as possible to get the message of salvation to every soul in need. That we will see in our life time the physical presence of the Church destroyed is a fact. However, the true Church will live on. And good will win in the end. God bless you, sister in Christ

Anonymous said...

I just bought "Conspiracy World" and it is terrible. His tone is trite, his Christian bias distorts his thinking, and he predicted that by 2010 the US would be married to Canada and Mexico. Didn't happen. He also said that China and Russia would adopt the euro. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Why is everybody against the New Age spirituality? Why are you trying to stamp it out? It runs a continuum from white witchcraft to angels. It doesn't have anything to do with satanism. There is satanism, but it doesn't have anything to do with New Agers.

SMT said...

Anonymous is now SMT.(not Earle)I am Catholic and know Christ. I mean I've experienced the presence of Christ and He has a real sense of humor. However, my father's house has many mansions, and it is useless to deride other religions. I say Live and let live. All people will find their appropriate place in the afterlife, but it is all up to God.

Sherry said...

Anonymous is now Sherry. I am Catholic and I know Christ. I mean I've experienced His presence and know He is real, despite my ocassional doubts about the Bible. He said his father's house has many mansions, so it is a waste of energy to deride other religions or New Agers. Everyone will have their appropriate place in the afterlife. I say Live and let live. Also I've read that terrorism is bogus, so Arab "terrorists" might also have a soft landing. I know that's a stretch, and I don't believe everything I read, but the idea is out there.

Anonymous said...

first of all Jesus didn't say that us man did! second of all, look up Horus, "where the creation of many gods followed including "yes" Jesus. Third of all , since Horus is the earliest known god, find out why this god was created? thus you shall find the truth! its not what you are taught its what you can prove !-)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Clark Coleman said...

Can it be documented that Tal Brooke was aggressively promoting the writings of Eustace Mullins? I spent a lot of time searching for this, and can only get this page and quotations of this page. Thanks in advance.

Unknown said...

Why is it that we never hear about Protestant bashing by the Papacy?

Unknown said...
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Constance Cumbey said...

With apologies to Clark Coleman for this delayed response, I was sent copies of correspondence Tal Brooke sent to correspondents urging them to read and adopt the viewpoints of Eustace Mullins vis a vis Jews. I placed a call to Tal Brooke to discuss same. He refused to take the call and instead immediately faxed me several pages of a book attacking me by the Passantinos' and Mr. Alnor. It was clearly his correspondence to the people concerned enough to contact me. Does he have it in a book -- we might have scared him off with that phone call!


Tess said...

Anti Semitism is telling the truth

Amos 9:8
Romans 11:5
They are not Israel. Christians are. ((Matthew 2:6 & Micah 5:2 ))
Jews are the EDOMITE GENTILES trodding down Jerusalem today.
Look up JUDITH in your BIBLE CONCORDANCE. Judith is listed as a Canaanitess..

Tess said...

Sometimes the truth is So called “Anti Semitic “
BOOK OF AMOS 9:8 the remnant of Jacob
BOOK OF ROMANS 11:5 the remnant of Jacob is the disciples



Jesus is God. There isnt one god for Jews and a different God for Christians .


They dont read the bible. The TORAH is many books such as the Talmid, the Zohar, the Kabbalah

The god of Talmud, Judaism is LUCIFERIAN.

IT LISTS JUDITH, WIFE OF ESAU. as a Canaanitess, a JEWESS.. .

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Anonymous said...

Catholics are not saved. They're an idolatrist and apostate cult and when Catholics get saved they come out of Babylon

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