
Friday, November 24, 2006

Texe Marrs Disinformation for the "New Age"


I did not meet Texe Marrs until September, 1987, a day before I finished two weeks of Texan speaking engagements. I shared a platform with him the night before leaving at a Baptist Church in Austin, Texas. It was then Texe Marrs’ home church. His pastor, to my surprise, said to me when picking me up from the airport, “Now I don’t want any conflict between you and Texe Marrs.”

I must confess that I felt so isolated doing the original public work against the New Age Movement, that I was then happy to have company. I had not read his book word for word and did not then realize that parts of the book had been copied – word for word – from my original THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW.

I had, however, fears from the very beginning that Texe Marrs was turning a serious subject into sensationalism via The National Enquirer type sensationalism.

In the early 1990’s. I perused Pat Robertson’s book, THE NEW WORLD ORDER. I could not help but notice that there was material evidently directly copied from THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW. I called the publisher and complained. They called me back. They acknowledged it was my material and that they would either have to remove it the next printing and/or give me a credit. To add insult to injury, the material copied from me was attributed to the ads by Benjamin Crème proclaiming “The Christ is Now Here.” It was obvious that whoever had penned the words had clearly not read the ad, reproduced in its entirety on the back of my 1983 book. I was then sent a letter from Robertson’s publisher telling me that the material they used had appeared prior to their using it in Tal Brooke’s 1989 book, WHEN THE WORLD WILL BE AS ONE.

Since Tal Brooke had gone to extreme lengths to work to blackball both me and my original work against the New Age Movement in the Christian community, I was justifiably puzzled and angered. I called and wrote his publisher, Harvest House, and complained. They wrote me back. They acknowledged that the original work was mine and that they would either have to remove it and/or give me a credit. Again, it was perfectly clear that Tal Brooke had evidently not read the ad content he purported to quote. I then received a letter from Harvest House saying, “Mrs. Cumbey, we think you should know that two years before Tal Brooke’s book was released, Texe Marrs used this same material in his 1987 book. As I had enjoyed an evidently pleasant conversation with Texe Marrs two weeks earlier, I was surprised. I wrote him a letter and requested an explanation.

Texe Marrs was the only one not man enough to admit he had taken the material from me. He composed several pages of circuitous writing saying that the materials had been taken from books newer than my 1983 book, therefore, how could he have copied it from me? He then went on to say, “look, the Holy Spirit gave you that material. Why couldn’t He have given the same material to me?”

Yeah, sure, Texe. Word for word?

Well, Texe has much material that was not copied from me in his writings and for which I would never care to take blame and/or credit. I noticed he was advertising in NEXUS Magazine, in and of itself a New Age periodical. I saw that he was shamelessly pandering to both Jew and Catholic bashing. I recalled the very well documented strategy of the New Agers to pit the target groups of the “Old Agers” off against each other – Catholic vs. Protestant; Jew vs. Christian; Jews and Christians vs Moslems, and I frequently went, hmmm, I wonder?

When I saw Texe Marrs and Terry Cook in an ugly public fight I appealed to both to stop bashing and devouring each other. I still believed that even though Texe had obviously and shamelessly plagiarized my original work and research, that we were on the same team.
Now I know that we are not. I wonder if we ever have been. He left Pastor Bullock’s church under very ugly circumstances, threatening litigation against the good minister.

His new catalog IS “New Age,” -- in the very skimpiest of disguises -- and in the very ugliest sense of the word. It carries as allegedly reputable works books by unashamed anti—Semites such as Des Griffin and Ted Pike. His table of contents carries a section, “Judaism, Jews, Israel, and the Talmud.” It even carries the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,” a forgery put into circulation by one Yuliana (Justine) Glinka, one of Madame Blavatsky’s foremost Parisian disciples. He presents a tape of his own: “The Hidden Agenda – the Ten Awful Goals of the Illuminati’s World Zionist Council.”

I am writing this material while I am unquestionably VERY ANGRY. I hope I stay angry at this perversion of legitimate work against the New Age Movement by one who sometimes managed to get his name associated with mine. To a lesser extent, I have had the same quarrel with Gary Kah. The Jews are clearly a target of New Age planners and as both Texe Marrs and Gary Kah claim to be familiar with the Alice Bailey works, they well know the same as well as I.

Please, please, please – NEVER ASSOCIATE MY NAME AND/OR MY WORK WITH THAT OF TEXE MARRS – we are obviously coming from very different perspectives – and most likely headed for two very different eternal places. Texe Marrs (and to a lesser extent Gary Kah who relied on anti-Semite Eustace Mullins for a significant part of at least his first book against the New Age Movement) is propagating the very same theories Hitler used to incite a German generation into genocide of the Jews.

Jesus said that it was inevitable but that evil would come, but WOE TO HIM THROUGH WHOM IT CAME. Let’s hope that Texe Marrs and Gary Kah will get that message – quickly – and focus their considerable talents on the real enemies instead of pitting off the three major monotheistic targets of New Age planners against each other !


  1. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Once upon a time (when I was much younger) I bought into the notion that Catholics were not saved. I have long since abandoned that belief as I now know it to be nonsense.

    What's important is that we listen to one's profession of faith as the test. Jesus said that what the Father gives Him no man can snatch out of His hand. I would hate to be the one attempting to do the snatching.


  2. Anonymous1:19 AM

    I encountered Gary Kah twice, once at the well publicized annual prayer breakfast. He denied that Constance had told him about the antisemitism in his writings. Connie had warned me about him and his antisemitism. He had promised her to remove the antisemitic aspects in his book. He never did.

    Again I saw him when he gave a talk at the Billy Graham theater. I made it a point to go there in spite of the fact that I got there despite time, distance and trouble it took me to confont him. He was visably nervous when I confronted him with his lies. He looked a lot like David Icke when he was confronted. Eyes shifting from left to right. Nervous. New Age people are very nervous about their sponsors. I've noticed that sometimes when you see them in person, the contacts make them nervous. The eyes tell the story. That is why face-to-face by opponents are importantt

    Gary Kah was a speaker at a Council for National Policy group meeting...CNP. Check it out on the internet. CNP represents a majority of the groups we are supposed to trust as defenders of the political right. (Remember what Beatrice Webb wrote...provision must be made for dissidents. CNP is that provision.)

    Anyone who doesn't see through Texe Maars is brain damaged. He appeals to the "what have they done to me lately" crowd of gossips. There is a whole group of people who want someone else to tell them what is happening. They don't want to buy academic anti-New Age books, attend New Age meetings in their area, or even do some research on the internet. They wait until they think someone is selling the information at a cheap price.

    Unfortunately for them, there is a whole industry awaiting to make money and turn them from real research. It's called the disinformation movement. There are both supposedly Christians and Jews selling anti New Age information. However, after you read their material with discernment, you can separate the real information from the bull...

    Welcome to the world of what is really operating Don't count on others protecting you. Don't sell your soul to some fringe group.


  3. Anonymous1:27 AM

    This is major research about the New Age establishments. Read all of the comments. Ask any questions you have. I am well aware of simplistic rearch both by Jews and Christians. You need to do your work in following threads.

  4. Anonymous1:30 AM

    This is major research about the New Age establishments. Read all of the comments. Ask any questions you have. I am well aware of simplistic rearch both by Jews and Christians. You need to do your work in following threads.

  5. Anonymous12:09 PM

    I use to gobble up Mr Maars' writings in the early 80s and thought him Christian and solid on Biblical truth. Then a few years ago when I acquired a computer and visited his site, I found his blatant antisemitism just too much to swallow. I marked him as one to avoid and I still do.

    Sometime ago, I had opportunity to speak with someone familiar with Gary Kah. This contact of mine is thoroughly reputable. She told me the truth about Mr Kah and his true views on the Jewish people. To say I was shocked is an understatement. Thanks, Constance for continuing to expose the truth. I have heard many Christians use the excuse that one should not cause divisions in the Body of Christ by speaking out against other "believers" so-called. I am of the opposite viewpoint. What good is served when one spots a wolf peeking out from his sheepskin and keeps silent? If we are to keep safe the flock and the fold then we need to shout to the top of our lungs when a predator tries to infiltrate.

  6. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Did I understand you properly--that Tal Brooke corrected the plagarism?

    I've been a reader of SCP Journal for several years and usually like what I find there. Lee Penn has a most interesting piece on the loss of freedom since 9/11 in the current issue.

    I haven't spent any time in Maars website. It has always seemed wiser to do my own research rather than looking for clues in conspiracy theorists' websites.

  7. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Carrie's blog is really worth checking out. Connie links to her on the first page of this blog. Just click on her name and you'll go right there. She is an honest researcher who has found the changes in the Catholic church to be of concern. Rather than pretend nothing is happening, she warns and still believes.


  8. Anonymous7:37 PM

    For a long time the book Riders of the Cosmic Circuit by Tal Brooke was not easily obtained. Now I see it is available at SCP. I tend to trust Connie's evaluations of people I haven't encountered. Nevertheless, soon after he left Sai Baba's compound he wrote this book. It gave me an awareness of the nature of evil that I hadn't come across before. I recommend the book. Check it out.


  9. Carrie,

    To the best of my knowledge, although Tal Brooke's publisher acknowledged it was my work, I had neither a correction nor an apology from Tal Brooke who has never once spoken to me, even though I tried to reach him by phone and told he was available -- and then I was told he REFUSED to take the call. SCP is listed in my oldest New Age directories under its original name and present address on Dwight Street in Berkeley, CA as a New Age community "where people live together in order to get on with the aims listed under 'Center'". I too deeply admire Lee Penn's work -- but I'm not sure what Tal Brooke's angle is in publishing it, but as St. Paul said, "For whatever motive they are preaching the gospel, still the gospel is being preached." I so very much admire your work and blogspot! Keep up the excellent work.

  10. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Thanks, Dorothy.

    Haven't read Riders. I did read When the World Will Be As One quite some time ago. I know I've read more of Brook's, but can't remember a title at the moment, and can't find a book. It might have been a library book, though.

  11. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Thank you, Constance. Coming from you, that is high praise, indeed!

    I wasn't aware that SCP was a "community". Hmmm.

  12. Dorothy,

    For the record: Tal Brooke IS anti-Semitic and aggressively so. This is one reason why I understand Ron Enroth (no angel as I am concerned myself) resigned from SCP. Tal Brooke was aggressively promoting Eustace Mullins' writings! In my opinion, he did not leave the New Age Movement -- he merely joined a different (disinformation) division! You may check with John Loeffler. He was one of the recipients of Tal Brooke's threats that he would be blackballed in Christian media if he continued to associate with yours truly.


  13. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Connie, I trust your research on Tal Brooke. I know that you have pointed out that Tal Brooke moved from one part of the New Age movement to another based on your knowledge of the background of SCP.

    I am also concerned about Lee Penn's publishing company, Sophia Perennis.

    It's a tricky business. We all look for community, people who think as we do. Speaking from my own experience, I've found it is hard to find people who are pro-life and know how pro-life is part of a larger dangerous picture. Over the years I've tried to make others aware of the New Age movement. Almost all wait for someone else to stamp a positive on the information.

    Those who are deep into the New Age movement know what I'm talking about. Though we may be on opposite sides of the fence, there is a body of information that we both know is true. It becomes a difficult tightrope line to walk. Using what they provide and yet not validating the source.

    Very few people, if any, are in the same circumstances as you are, Connie. Connie is in the center of things. Both former New Agers and Christians come to you with support and information. Because of the silence of the general audience for information on New Age, those at lower levels with information they hope to get out are dependent on sources that are willing to publish it, sources such as Sophia Perinis and SCP. Barry Chamish also faced the same problem.

    I've not had the problem because I've not worked to share information on a big scale.

    I don't recommend Tal Brooke's other writings, but I think Riders of the Cosmic Circuit is well worth reading as I believe he wrote it before he became entangled with SCP.


  14. Anonymous10:02 PM


    First, let me say that I respect and admire you for all the work that you do in regards to the New Age and current events.

    I must say though that in the religion of Roman Catholicism, it is highly unlikely that someone would get saved by following their teachings. Obviously, God can reach anyone, anywhere, that he wants to, with His supernatural touch.

    With Catholicism though, it's about works and earning your salvation, which is the same as saying we don't need the cross. The Gospel is about repenting/forsaking of our sins and turning to Jesus, and NO ONE ELSE. Not some usurping religious system that follows a man called the "Holy Father" and elevates Mary to almost a deified status.

    If someone is truly saved, then he/she would eventually leave that idolatrous church, and join one that teaches and believes in the bible.


  15. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Dorothy, I share your concern about Sophia Perennis, and I've shared that concern with Lee. He believes his writing should stand or fall on what he has written, not on the press that has published it. As you indicated, getting the material published can be difficult.

  16. Anonymous12:32 AM

    As a Catholic myself, I can see through your ignorance and clear misunderstanding of Catholicism, and I take umbrage at your cynical post.

    To say that Catholics are not saved is a sin in itself as that decision is up to God, not you!

    The Catholic religion is based on the teachings of Jesus and scripture, not idolatry as you falsely and insidiously claim.

    You've exposed yourself as being unchristian with your attempts to sway others from their religious faith, which in itself is bigoted.

    Perhaps Catholicism is too complex for you to grasp, so you bash it instead, as if you're some authority.

    FYI, You're not!

  17. I have been more than fascinated to see SOME Catholic bashing books use Helena Petrovna Blavatsky's ISIS UNVEILED as a legitimate authority. The, I believe, "Avro Manhattan" books promoted by Chick Publications highly praise Buddhism! The test of anti-Christ is a denial that JESUS IS THE CHRIST and that JESUS CHRIST IS COME IN THE FLESH. I believe that the Nicene and Apostles' Creed of the Catholic Church affirm, not deny, those truths. The Apostle Paul said that one could not have communion both from God's table and from the table of devils (1 Corinthians, Chapter 10). Definitely, invoking Blavatsky and praising Buddhism comes pretty close to Paul's injunction. I think it is safe to say there are no perfect churches here on earth because there are no perfect people. Hence, I for one will stick to biblical criteria. I read no where in my scriptures that one should believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be a member of the ABC Church to be saved (anything but Catholic). The gospel is clear, BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THOU SHALT BE SAVED. "Anything but Catholic, Nothing but Catholic" -- are clear deviations and accretions. At least that's how I see things for now!

  18. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I wrote: "Speaking from my own experience, I've found it is hard to find people who are pro-life and know how pro-life is part of a larger dangerous picture." I think I had better explain myself.

    I really meant to write that the pro-abortion movement is part of a larger dangerous picture. It's part of the larger New Age movement and surfaced under the description eugenics in the past.

    The goals of the pro-life movement are to be praised. I was active in it at one time, and received one of Joe Schiedler's awards. Joe was someone I could respect and admire. He did make a big mistake when he ignored the antisemitism of Bill G and went on a tour with him. He learned the hard way about that one.

    Pro-life leaders in general haven't warned their followers of the dangers of the New Age movement. Too many big name pro-life leaders have membership in the secretive CNP. Somehow membership in that group puts a cap on the information that is doled out. The above doesn't mean I'll stop appreciating the good pro-lifers do, but I sure don't jump on every cause without exploring it.

    By the way, there is a supposed pro-life group run by Jim Condit, Cincinnatus pac that ran at least one antisemitic ad on the radio here in Chicago this year. It was particularly nasty.


  19. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Constance and Dorothy, do you have an opinion about the work of Dr. William Alnor?

  20. Anonymous9:51 AM


    Over time I've come to listen to people's testimony. In some aspects you are correct, but there are spiritually dead churches across all denominations. I know many Catholics who would object to the idea that salvation is by works--especially Catholics of older generations.

    I encounter many Catholics in my community as I teach about the coming events. Some are saved, some I believe not. Some require hand holding. I'm very cautious not to tear out the good with the bad.

    Jason, I do understand your concerns. Thanks you also for your kind and encouraging words.


  21. Anonymous9:53 AM


    P.S. Some of the best writings on the new age movement are by Catholics. Lee Penn's False Dawn is Christ-centered and an excellent example.


  22. I have extremely STRONG opinions about William Alnor who formerly headed EMNR -- a group basically set up to fight my pioneering work against the New Age Movement. He was close both to Tal Brooke and the Passentino's. To summarize briefly, HE DID ME MUCH HARM! The kindest thing I can say about his wife, the former Jackie Miller, whom I once considered a friend is "She's treacherous."

  23. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Anon 12:32,

    Funny, I never said a Catholic couldn't be saved, but that it is EXTREMELY unlikely within the confines of those teachings. Yet, you took it the wrong way, showing "ignorance and clear misunderstanding" of what was just posted. Unbelievable. I half expected that there would be angry hateful tirade such as yours. But, never did I think I would be judged, and so harshly, by someone on this blog.

    Try actually reading my original post, slowly this time, and prove yourself to NOT be ignorant.

    Your violent and angry response, and judging of me.. should be a cause of concern for yourself. Your lack of control over your words, should scare you. What would give you such a spirit of anger, anon?

    Judgement should be left up to God, anon. You have no right to do it to me.

    Can you explain how one gets saved, FROM SCRIPTURE? Or does it have to be through the Sacraments or other such works? Tell me how one gets saved, please! Keep in mind, I am a former Catholic. I am NOT "ignorant" as you suggest.

    The fact that you say Catholicism is complex, is one of it's greatest problems!! The true Gospel of Jesus is NOT complex, yet the RCC makes it that way! Never giving an assurance of salvation... making people do works and their own "penance".

    Funny that you said, "The Catholic religion is based on the teachings of Jesus and scripture.."

    Where is Purgatory in scripture, anon? Where is praying to people? I could go on and on with this...

    Oh yes, I know about the Catholic church, anon. I know that it is huge on ecumenism, and welcoming of other religions as other ways to God, yet it is said that the Christians who are not Catholics are not saved.

    P.S. When or if you respond, please check the hate at the door, this time. It accomplishes nothing.

    P.P.S. One last thing.. if you want to see where the RCC and the office of the pope stand biblically, download and listen to these podcasts. Skip right to the sermon on both if you find the opening parts uninteresting:

    WOTM Catholicism Part 1

    WOTM Cathoicism Part 2

    In Christ's LOVE,

  24. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Jason did not say Catholics could not be saved, he did say highly unlikely.

    However, being Catholic and reading the post I could see whereas one might miss that part and take it personally.

  25. Interesting to me was the statement Pope John Paul II made to gathered American bishops from the USA's midwest as reported in L'Osservatore Romano on June 2, 2003. It was passed on to me. It was a clear pronouncement against the New Age Movement. In the speech one of the things the Pope said was that one of the major problems of the Movement was that it changed worship of God into a vague sense of duty to the earth and cosmos. He went on to say that this was clear error and a denial of Jesus Christ "in whom alone we have salvation."

    This was doubly interesting to me as so many evangelicals were then teaming up with Matthew Fox who was then being excommunicated as a Catholic in no small part for promulgating New Age doctrines and promoting witchcraft, voodoo, etc. and "The Cosmic Christ."

    The new pope, Benedict XVI, as Cardinal Ratzinger and head of the CDF (Congretation for the Doctrine of the Faith) aggressively fought the New Age errors and worked hard to flush them out of the Catholic Church. There is still much there, including Basil Pennington, Thomas Keating, Thomas Berry, various Reikki practitioners, etc., etc., ad nauseum. New Agers are now also sneaking into the various "renewal movements" -- as they are also in various disguises in Evangelical Christianity. I do believe the ORTHODOX Cathlic interpretation is that it is in Christ alone we have salvation. Their explanation of the various saints, etc, is that they HONOR them, not WORSHIP them. A priest explained to me that they genuflect only to God, not to saints and that their worship is only of God. Of course, there are always accretions and errors, but at least the Catholics seem to have it straight (apart from the New Age Catholics) who God is and the honor and respect he is due.

  26. I have also noted with more than a small amount of bemusement that for all Dave Hunt's Catholic bashing, the New Age Catholics seem to love him and recommend his book highly in Paulist Press' CLASSICS OF WESTERN THEOLOGY, in their book on William Law. Dave Hunt claims God told him to finish William Law's last book, POWER OF THE SPIRIT, for him. Interestingly, the foreword to that book is by Norman Grubb, the founder of Union Life (we are part of God and vice versa) and the book clearly presents Union Life theology. Worse yet, the book has a CROSS OF LIGHT (google those) on the cover and the "O" has a dot in the middle of it on both sides of the book. Don't know if the culprit was Dave, his publisher, or the cover designer, but those are clear OCCULT SYMBOLS. Moreover, William Law was the one who translated Jacob Boehme's (he called him "The blessed Behman") into English and it is William Law's artistry, THE ILLUMINATION OF JACOB BOEHME that appears in Manley Palmer Hall's work on occult groups and secret societies. There are times that I suspect Dave Hunt's true role was to contain my work against the New Age Movement. After reading his book, WHATEVER HAPPENED TO HEAVEN and his explanation that Hell could not possibly be a real physical fire, I suspected same even more. I hope I am wrong as I so highly respected Dave Hunt for so many years. It was curious to me that he accused Cardinal Ratzinger of starting "a new inquisition" for saying EXACTLY about the New Age Movement what Dave Hunt and myself had identified as its problems.

    Again, I go back to the basic strategy of the New Age Movement as Lemesurier summarized so cogently in his THE ARMAGEDDON SCRIPT -- to put the target groups off against each other. Divide and conquer?

  27. CORRECTION: Pope John Paul Statement was reported June 2, 1993 -- I GUESS I'M GETTING RUSTY -- MY DECADES ARE RUNNING TOGETHER!


  28. One item:

    I have a HUGE collection of

    1. Books by Catholics saying Protestants aren't saved.

    2. Books by Protestants saying Catholics aren't saved.

    Aren't we all so very happy that it is God doing the judging and not us limited mortals?

  29. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Constance, did someone here say that Catholics are not saved?

  30. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Abbas, Olmert Agree on Ceasefire

    Could this be a prelude to a Mideast peace agreement? According to the European Commission to Javiar Solana it's "time to deliver".


  31. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Arab League Welcomes Palestinian-Iraeli Ceasefire

    “the AL also asked the UN Security Council and the international Quartet…to dispatch an international observer force to the Palestinian territories to monitor the implementation of the ceasefire”.

  32. Hi Jason,

    Honestly, not here today, that I recall, but I have been exposed to plenty of that talk on other occasions -- used to believe it myself. My mother believed every Jesuit conspiracy theory there was. It took me a long time to figure out that that type of talk may have been in and of itself a type of persecution of Catholic beievers in Jesus.

  33. Anonymous3:55 PM

    This article is interesting:

    Gadhafi: U.N. Darfur force is ruse to grab Sudan's oil


    Constance, do you suppose that Balaam's ass rides again?


  34. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Interesting comments on William Law, Constance. I have found the same connection myself while tracing the history of Pentecostalism. Moving forward through this line of thinking brought me to the Pentecostals, and of course they influenced the Catholic Charismatics. It seems that Jacob Boehme is still with us.

  35. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Can you name me one extremely large organization that doesn't have a political side? Political people often rationalize the bad things they do with the noblest of intentions,i.e., to keep the organization going, to keep material things intact, etc. Everyday people do the same things. They justify the evil they do, not because they want to do evil, but because they rationalize it to themselves. It's a human weakness, subject to the greatest temptations.

    Some of those calling themselves Catholics, Jews, Protestants, Greens, PETA members, you name it, have all done things moral people would be ashamed of doing. And yet they started out with the best of intentions. God gives them a chance to repent. Are you sure they haven't?

    Are the people to be truly saved those who say they believe in Jesus and yet lock themselves away from all temptation by never coming into contact with the real world?

    In your scheme of things what is to happen to good, moral people who are not members of whatever branch of Protestant Christianity you believe in?

    Catholicism gives people guidelines to follow to make their lives and the community they live in a better place to be. I don't think the world would be a better place to live in if Catholicism never existed.

    For the life of me I can't figure out how, if everyone thought as you do, the world would be a better place.


  36. Jacob Boehme was the original Theosophist from whom Madame Blavatsky took her inspiration.

  37. Madame Blavatsky's other major inspiration was none other than Lucifer, the evil former archangel himself. She named the magazine of the Theoosphical Society, LUCIFER!

  38. Anonymous9:16 PM

    So the ends justify the means Dorothy? Anyone can perform righteous works, even the wicked. Your statement about Catholicism came off just like any New Age sentiment about reshaping the world.

    I agree with Rich that all of the Churches suffer from spots of corruption and ill, some allot, some less. I agree with you that we all rationalize our choices, thoughts and actions most of the time. I also agree with the general sentiment on this blog that folks should do some research because things are "going south" all around.

    But I just cannot get my arms around not denouncing Catholicism for praying to Mary, or idolatry, perhaps even apostasy. And yes there may be many very good people in the Catholic church, and no it is not my place to say if they are saved or not. But to answer your question, because of people like Jason, and like me, and like RichinMedford, and like YOU and like Constance, we question what we have come to believe and think is WRONG. To put it a different way, if I knew someone who professed accepting Jesus and then went to have an adulterous affair or to commit murder, I would know that to be wrong, and for them to be in the wrong. Professing Christ to be your saviour and then praying to Mary, or a cross is no different to me. Can Mary save you? Can a cross save you? Can either cause the sun to grow dark? Those comparisons occur to me because my walk with God has taken me through scripture which says NOT to do those things. If that offends you (or anyone else), then show me in scripture where I am wrong.

    And yes, there IS a difference between denouncing Catholicism and denouncing Catholics.

    But in any case, where did that last statement you wrote come from? What good did it do? You bash folks often on this blog, for grammar, for what you perceive to be lack of education, and then for not "doing more."

    Hey, I may be new to Christ, but I can still recognize haughty condescension.

    -New in Christ

  39. Anonymous9:44 PM

    I've often seen the charge that Catholics pray to Mary.

    Consider the wedding feast at Cana. Christ had not yet started His ministry. The Blessed Virgin learned that there was no more wine. She pleaded with her Son to remedy the situation. Her Son told her it was not yet time. He didn't want to do anything. She told the servants to "Do whatever He tells you." And what happened? The first miracle of Christ's ministry.

    Lesson learned. The Mother of God is a powerful woman to whom God listens. Not a bad person to have on your side, I think. Don't underestimate the value of intercessory prayer. We seek out the Mother of God and request that she intercede for us because we know that Jesus has a hard time saying no to His mother. Many favors have been granted through her intercession down through the course of history.

    But we do not worship her. We do not think of her as divine. We know that like us she was a human being who walked the earth and succeeded better than the rest of us in serving the God she and we adore.

  40. Anonymous9:50 PM


    You believe, then, that Blavatsky acted as a medium and channeled Lucifer?

    Channeling is the one question that I have not yet answered for myself satisfactorily about the New Age movement. What exactly is involved? Real contact with the spirit realm, or a kind of altered human psychology? I've seen claims of both explanations.

    In research I have consistently stayed away from reading rituals because I think danger lies there. But not reading them leaves a gap in my knowledge.

  41. Anonymous10:12 PM


    Being a "good" moral person does not get one into Heaven, Dorothy.
    None of us will get to Heaven by our own deeds. Our good works are as filthy rags before the Lord. We cannot contribute to our salvation.

    Your statement about Jews interests me. Are you suggesting to me that a Jew who rejects Christ, yet "repents" in some way, can go to Heaven? (Or were you meaning a messianic Jew?) If (and I say "if") you are suggesting that... then that would be directly contradicting what Jesus said in John 14:6 and what is written in Acts 4:12.

    I hope that I'm just misunderstanding you there.. because through Jesus is the ONLY way to Heaven, Dorothy. If you don't believe what Jesus said, then there is a serious problem.

    And you said, "For the life of me I can't figure out how, if everyone thought as you do, the world would be a better place."

    I'm not sure why you would take such a cheap shot. Needless to say, your insult is not constructive, nor is it appreciated.


  42. Anonymous10:39 PM


    At the Wedding in Cana, Jesus was doing his earthly mom a favor. She asked that of her son, and he complied. This does not mean that we should pray to her. Can you show me any scripture that says it's alright to pray to a human being, dead or alive? Can you show any scriptures that approve of ANY kind of intercessory prayer?

    Also, there is no such title or office as "Mother of God." I'm asking you to show me in scripture where she is called that. Jesus' earthly mother, the person chosen by God to be the vessel for his Son, was Mary. This in no way implies that she deserves such a title as "Mother of God".

    I would greatly appreciate that scriptural evidence.

    In Christ's Love,

  43. Anonymous10:56 PM

    I don't bash people for their lack of education or their grammar. It's very easy to make mistakes while thinking and typing and and then trying to proof one's own writing. I also don't bash people for their lack of education. Education doesn't have to stop at any point in a person's life. What does upset me is when people stop trying to learn. Either they expect others to do it for them because they are "too busy" or because they feel they have all of the answers.

    I don't defend Catholicism because I have faith in that religion. Faith enables people to overlook what does not seem logically acceptable to others. You have faith in one branch of Christianity. They have faith in another.

    It seems you know very little about New Age "spirituality." It involves no moral codes, rights and wrongs. Christianity does.

    You wrote: "To put it a different way, if I knew someone who professed accepting Jesus and then went to have an adulterous affair or to commit murder, I would know that to be wrong," so obviously acts do have a place in your view of religion.

  44. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Jason you wrote: "
    I'm not sure why you would take such a cheap shot. Needless to say, your insult is not constructive, nor is it appreciated."

    Your lack of response is instructive. Feel free to think about others as you wish, but know that your reality is not the reality of everyone else in the world. Also know that nobody is forcing you to accept their view of reality. I'm sure you wouldn't like that.

  45. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Intercessory prayer in Scripture:

    "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."

    As Christians, we are supposed to imitate Him.

    Do you pray for your friends when they ask you to? If you do, you are using intercessory prayer. Do you ask your friends to pray for you?

  46. Anonymous12:35 AM

    "Feel free to think about others as you wish.."

    Who are these "others"? People? Religions? Please clarify. What is it that you think that I think about them?

    "...but know that your reality is not the reality of everyone else in the world."

    If this is reference to the fact that I beleive that Jesus is the only way to Heaven.. then here is reality for you ----> John 14:6

    "Also know that nobody is forcing you to accept their view of reality. I'm sure you wouldn't like that. "

    No one is forcing anything on you either.

    In Christ's love,

  47. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Hi Carrie,

    That scripture provided had nothing to do with Mary. Also, it had nothing to do with praying to a a human being. Where is scripture that says it's OK to pray to anyone other than God?

    Also, do you have scripture that calls Mary the "Mother of God"?

    I would greatly appreciate this.

    In His Love,

  48. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Jason, I have no need to attempt to cast doubt regarding your beliefs. If you are a good Christian, you have been taught moral standards. What you believe does not interfere in my life. I will leave it at that.


  49. Anonymous2:10 AM


    Seems you can't handle the same kind of criticism you dish out against Catholics. Instead you attempted to patronize me to re-read your post (slowly) as if my comprehension was the problem, when it clearly was not. If you've read hatred into it, that's your own cop out, not my intent.

    I never once attacked you in the way you have responded to my response of your original comment. Hate is nowhere in my response to your negative view of Catholics. I simply stated the facts of your comments.

    Show me where I was violent. Was there any threat to you personally? NO! In my OPINION, you sound a tad paranoid and somewhat emotionally unstable.

    Jason said: "Your lack of control over your words, should scare you."

    A. There is no "lack of control" in my words, but rather your perception. B. I don't sugar coat objections to appease thin-skinned liberals, rather I state things as a matter of fact with logic, not emotional pandering and without trying to spin criticism the way you have here.

    I know an attack when I read one, as yours was very clearly an attack on how I choose to express my faith. Show me where I judged you. I did not! Criticism is not judging someone.

    However, you are the one who did the judging in this quote: Jason_nc said: "I must say though that in the religion of Roman Catholicism, it is highly unlikely that someone would get saved by following their teachings."

    You've exposed your own blatant ignorance of Christianity by claiming to know how someone will or will not "get saved" due to their religion or lack thereof. Are there other denominations you feel are not worthy of salvation? If so, could you list them for us with reasons, since you must know?

    Jason, you said: "With Catholicism though, it's about works and earning your salvation, which is the same as saying we don't need the cross."

    Since when is doing works not about the cross? Sorry, but Your statement sounds ludicrous!

    If you don't like Catholics, that's fine, I'm not hear to make you one. You said you know about the Catholic church, saying we "welcome other religions as other ways to God." That alone proves you don't have a good understanding of it, putting in your own bias into your description. Are you saying that Catholics believe there are other ways to salvation other than through Jesus?

    You said: "Where is Purgatory in scripture, anon? Where is praying to people? I could go on and on with this..."

    Please don't, you're making a fool of yourself. You don't pray TO people, you pray to the Lord FOR others in need. We pray to the virgin mothers spirit to carry prayers.

    Most people can grasp Catholicism through teaching and study. Those who can't usually lack patience, but that is no fault of the faith itself, rather the individual looking for an easy way. Get it?

    Jason, you may want to stop digging now.

  50. Carrie,
    I don't know if Blavatsky CHANNELED Lucifer. James Webb's book, THE OCCULT ESTABLISHMENT recounts a conversation a Russian compatriot once had with her that certainly indicates that she was possessed by something. As regards her book, ISIS UNVEILED, she wrote her sister saying, "I am writing ISIS, rather ISIS is writing me." She claims to have written the book 100% by automatic writing. Scripturally, we were warned that in the last days some would depart from faith and 'give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils." It is obvious to me that this is going on with Theosophical/Rosicrucian/mind control groups/Urantia Brotherhood/Oahspe/Ramtha, etc.,ad nauseum, BIG TIME. There is also some disturbing evidence in the Wayne Peterson book on his own ecstatic "Maitreya the Christ" experiences, that sometimes the spirits are not above impersonating the Virgin Mary. He claimed close connections, for example, with some of the Medjugorje seers as well as his own claimed experiences. Therefore, as St. Paul warned us so very clearly, all such experiences must be tested so very carefully because not all spirits are of the Lord!

  51. Anonymous9:55 AM

    You have reservations about Medjugorje, as I do. Some of the details recounted by E. Michael Jones in his book on Medj. give every indication that the apparition could never be approved. Yet JPII and now Benedict stall in their rejection of it. It appears that Medj. was used for political purposes, and now many of the faithful have bought into the deception. I find that very disturbing.

    The Medj. priest, Joso Zovko, may be operating here in the U.S. with self-styled neoCathar James Twyman. Twyman claims to have seen an apparition of the Blessed Virgin when he visited Bosnia. Twyman is working with an artist, Jacqueline Ripstein, who has created an image of Our Lady of the Universe. If I remember correctly, Ripstein has taught an art class at a United Nations event. I believe these are no small-time operators. There has got to be money behind them.

    Twyman's promotion of Indigo Children is spreading. I believe it was Edgar Cayce who first talked about Indigo Children.

  52. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Carrie, you did open a New Age nest when you wrote about Twyman. I checked out his website which led me to all kinds of websites associated with Spiritual Cinema Circle. I had just come across the name of a movie recommended by a Theosophist called the "The Secret" which was offered by them, but I didn't pursue the organization information at that time.

    Among the places it led was to

    While many on our side refuse to recognize how large the movement is, the movement just keeps growing.

    Interestingly, while doing the search, I found The Spiritual Cinema Circle had been written about by a commenter at Herb's site.


  53. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Yes, I included the Spiritual Cinema Circle in my SCP Newsletter article. These groups are growing, and new ones are developing all the time. Check out Devo 2.0. It has Disney's backing, and these children are working with the original Devo band. Some of those band members are tight with the Association for Consciousness Exploration and with the Church of the SubGenius. Both groups are Pagan and are located in Cleveland.

    There is no leadership in the vast network of New Age groups, but if and/or when a leader appears, I suspect they will all come together quickly, though this togetherness may be short-lived if the occult groups are any indication.

  54. Anonymous4:17 PM

    It's is my current understanding, that the next Pope will become "Peter The Great" or The Anti-Pope and betrayer of the faith. I am wondering if something terrible is going to happen to Pope Benedict XVI as he visits Turkey this week? If such a terrible thing were to happen, that would leave open the place of Authority in Rome to be filled by the potential, false prophet, who would then introduce the world to the coming, AntiChrist (Javier Solana???) ... and the confirming of his 7 year EuroRomed Treaty on Jan. 1st, 2007. Romano Prodi, who heads Italy and who was the European Commission President back in the late 90's ...just before Solana got into power via "Recommendation 666" .... Prodi's name literally means: FORERUNNER OF THE ROMAN ONE!!!

    Just some thoughts that I am poundering on these days.

  55. Anonymous4:27 PM

    It's is my current understanding, that the next Pope will become "Peter The Great" or The Anti-Pope and betrayer of the faith.

    Gracewalk, what is your source of this understanding?

  56. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Hi Carrie,

    It was from, Saint Malachy.

    Please check the link below.

    There is, I'm sure MUCH more on this from many other sources online. Keywords: Saint Malachy, last pope, antipope, false prophet.

  57. Anonymous4:59 PM Is just one other source. I am not endorsing these sources just to make mention that there are alot of people out there Catholics, Evangelicials, etc. who are having their eyes are ears tuned in to what "potentially" may be the unfolding of a major prophecy in Rev. where The False Prophet works with The AntiChrist during the upcoming 7 Year Tribulation Period.

  58. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Thanks, Gracewalk.

  59. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Shalom Constance,

    I stumbled across your work a couple of years ago when I came to basically the same conclusions that you had involving NATO, although you were about ten years or more ahead of me even though I have actually worked at SHAPE in the US Air Force - honorable discharge.

    I now stumbled upon your material again in your comments on the book the Armageddon Script so, wanting to try and contact you I did a search on the net and found your blog and, as I was planning on posting a comment I of course read through your last entry and saw that you have had a little problem with Mr. Marrs who has not acknowledged that he plagerized your material.

    This, then, allows me an Ice Breaker. Though I do not know this for sure concerning Mr. Marrs - though his lame defense of calling on the Holy Spirit leads me to believe I am correct about him, there is no doubt at all that many of the, so-called, prophecy experts are in fact working for various Intelligence Agencies to advance their own Armageddon Scripts and I am about to post some of this on my own blog tonight. There are alot of these wolves in sheeps clothing that have infiltrated the Patriot and Christian communities to bring about their downfall which is why they are always trying to say that the Evangelicals in this country are the ones who want to start Armageddon when, in fact, it is the New Age Insiders who are the ones pushing that agenda.

    Now, the main reason that I am posting to you, Constance, is in relation to your view of the New Agers pushing for their New World Messiah which the Armageddon Script named as "David" which is my first name.

    I am the individual that they are trying to place in that position.

    I know you may not believe this but it is detailed on my blog and various webites and, if you will lay aside your immediate reaction when you visit my blog, and take the time to read some of my material, you will see that I am not crazy or insane (by the way I passed a psychiatric review with flying colors) but that I am who I claim to be.

    I have tried to tell this to many people but, due to the nature of my material, no one will listen.

    Make sure you are sitting down...

  60. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Anon 2:10 said...

    "I don't sugar coat objections to appease

    thin-skinned liberals,"

    Liberals? You mean like liberal religions that

    water down the Word of God until it means nothing and then they proceed to shape it into

    whatever they like, with a little sprinkle of Jesus on top to make it look Christian?

    How about false doctrines? Like, the doctrine of

    Purgatory for instance, which the Pope, at the

    time of Saint Martin Luther, used as a

    money-making scheme to fund the building of St.

    Peter's Basilica. St. Martin Luther fiercely

    objected to this heresey. The Papal Commissioner

    for Indulgences in Germany, Johann Tetzel, was

    going around trying to scare money out of people,

    telling them they could BUY their way out of

    Purgatory saying 'As soon as the coin in the

    coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs.'

    Anon 2:10... whoever you are:
    You said, "I know an attack when I read one, as

    yours was very clearly an attack on how I choose

    to express my faith."

    This is a typical, turn-around argumentative

    tactic. Get the focus on me, so it is no longer

    on you and your hatred.

    "However, you are the one who did the judging in

    this quote: Jason_nc said: "I must say though that

    in the religion of Roman Catholicism, it is highly

    unlikely that someone would get saved by following

    their teachings."

    Really? Did I judge your salvation "anon"? Where

    did I do that? Please point that exactly where I did that, or prove yourself a LIAR.

    "You've exposed your own blatant ignorance of

    Christianity by claiming to know how someone will

    or will not "get saved" due to their religion or

    lack thereof."

    Whether you like it or not... someone's choice of faith OBVIOUSLY determines where someone spends eternity. I thought you would've known that already. And you said that I was ignorant. Anon, Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven. If you

    don't like that, you'll have to take it up with Him.

    "Are there other denominations you feel are not

    worthy of salvation? If so, could you list them

    for us with reasons, since you must know?"

    AGAIN, you misunderstand or distort; I said it is "highly unlikely" to get saved in an

    environment that does not teach correctly. I didn't say it couldn't happen. That is up to God Himself.

    It's not about denominations. The teachings need to be correct though. If I started a church that told people they need to pray to rocks in order to reach God and that they could sin all they want and never repent, how many of them would get saved? we need to come to a true repentance and faith in Christ.. confessing to HIM alone, our sins (like Mary did)...since no man on earth can forgive our sins.

    "Jason, you said: "With Catholicism though, it's

    about works and earning your salvation, which is

    the same as saying we don't need the cross."
    Since when is doing works not about the cross?

    Sorry, but Your statement sounds ludicrous!"

    Will you agree that there is nothing we can

    contribute to our salvation? And that works is

    merely a RESULT of it? Or will you deny the importance of what Jesus did on the cross? Do you think that by your good works, you contribute 3% and Jesus will pick up the remaining 97%? If that example is your attitude, then you are in big trouble.

    "If you don't like Catholics, that's fine"

    Where in the world do you get this from? You are, once again, trying take the focus off of the teachings and trying to distort what I'm saying.

    "I'm not hear to make you one. You said you know about the

    Catholic church, saying we "welcome other

    religions as other ways to God." That alone proves

    you don't have a good understanding of it, putting

    in your own bias into your description. Are you

    saying that Catholics believe there are other ways

    to salvation other than through Jesus?"

    Pope John Paul II did and there is no denying it. The head of your religion, prior to Ratzinger. Here are the references:

    -Buddhism is a great religion.
    Peter Lovest Thou Me? Abbe Daniel Le Roux, Angelus Press: CH:147, 1984

    -Buddhism is a religion of salvation.
    Crossing the Threshold of Hope, by John Paul II, Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. 1994 CH:84-85

    -Buddhists by higher help reach liberty and supreme illumination.
    Crossing the Threshold of Hope, by John Paul II, Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. 1994 CH:80

    -In Hinduism men take refuge in God with love and trust.
    Crossing the Threshold of Hope, by John Paul II, Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. 1994 CH:80

    -John Paul II prayed with sorcerers, calling out the "spirits."
    L'Osservatore Romano, Vatican City, Italy, English edition, 08/11/1985

    -At Assisi, 150 false religions "prayed with one voice to the Lord."
    Ut Unum Sint, Encyclical of John Paul II, May 25, 1995, Pauline Books CH:76

    -Muslims worship the One True God.
    Crossing the Threshold of Hope, by John Paul II, Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. 1994 CH:141

    What more proof do you need? This is from your "infallible" "Holy Father."

    "You said: "Where is Purgatory in scripture, anon?

    Where is praying to people? I could go on and on

    with this..."
    Please don't, you're making a fool of yourself."

    I ask you for scripture, so you don't like that and

    label me a fool. Remember what Jesus said about

    calling someone a fool in Matthew 5:22? Jesus said, "But I say unto you, That

    whosoever is angry with his brother without a

    cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and

    whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be

    in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say,

    Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire."

    You are putting yourself in harm's way, anon. Speaking

    to me like that, also puts you dangerously close to

    what 1st John 4:20 says, "If a man say, I love

    God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he

    that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how

    can he love God whom he hath not seen?"

    "You don't pray TO people, you pray to the Lord

    FOR others in need. We pray to the virgin mothers

    spirit to carry prayers."

    Go directly to the source. (Especially since Mary can do NOTHING for you. She is dead.) Also, I noticed you side-stepped my scripture request (a common theme so far in this blog),

    so I'll ask again: WHERE ARE THE SCRIPTURES, anon?

    I'll answer that for you, since you won't: YOU DON'T HAVE THE SCRIPTURES BECAUSE THEY DON'T EXIST. You are believing in

    false man-made doctrines that contradict


    "Most people can grasp Catholicism through

    teaching and study. Those who can't usually lack

    patience, but that is no fault of the faith

    itself, rather the individual looking for an easy

    way. Get it?"

    If I wanted it easy, I'd be a Catholic too. I could do anything I wanted and still have hope of going to Purgatory. Now, THAT'S easy, and false.

    "Jason, you may want to stop digging now."

    If you would like for me to stop, I will.

  61. Well, I see my blogspot is getting MUCH MORE COLORFUL than even I had anticipated!

    Don't know what to do for an encore!

  62. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Constance, it can't get better than making the following introduction:

    Jason meet David.
    David meet Jason.


  63. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Jason, I agree with you. I am glad you are trying to warn Constance here.

    I loved Constance's books but I have to admit I have been very disappointed by her acceptance of Catholicism as I have seen on this blog.

    I suppose she means well, people do not want to be unloving towards other folks, but the truth of the matter is Roman Catholicism is a false religious system, that does not preach the saving gospel and is warned of in Revelation. Many Protestants and Christians remain woefully ignorant of these non-biblical teachings, and Rome having learned to adapt evangelical language, has helped in this deception. In fact Rome right now is united with the New Age in every way in bringing the world's religions together. I am astonished that Constance cannot see that, and I have been praying for her, that the Holy Spirit will show her.

    I have many Catholic loved ones but I am not deceived that they are in a church that preaches endless errors such as Purgatory, praying to saints, and idolatry. Salvation is based on whether or not someone has become born again in Jesus Christ, not if they are a Baptist, etc, however Rome does not teach the saving gospel, but a counterfeit. Once a Catholic has put their trust in Jesus Christ instead of Pope, priests, sacraments, and purgatory, they cease to be a Catholic.

    Really, what is more "New Age" then Rome's interreligious dialogue?
    Alice Bailey preached that the world's religions should unite under "The Christ"--or what she referred to as "the World Teacher". The Popes teach that the "Great Religions of the World" should unite for "peace". Rome's endless teachings that Christ will save even those who do not accept or acknowledge Him is closer to Alice Bailey's Cosmic Christ rather then the Jesus Christ of the Bible.

    Both are avid supporters of the United Nations system. Alice Bailey saw the UN as a bringer of new "world spirituality" and everyday all one has to do is visit Zenit, to read Migliore's and other Vatican dignitaries including the Popes, ringing endorsements of that world body to usher in "peace".

    One never hears the gospel preached at any of these interfaith gatherings...None of the poor people in false religions are ever given the saving gospel of Jesus Christ.
    {I believe this is because Rome does not hold it}

    I have sadly disappointed at Constance's support of Catholicism given that religion's endless unbiblical teachings and actions.

    Ex-New Agers who have come out of the New Age have discerned that Rome is joined with the New Age on this very path. To be honest Rome's constant preaching of unity of world religions is no different then that of Lucis Trust.

    I found this right on the Vatican website, I hope it will serve as a wakeup call to Constance..

    quote right from Vatican:

    "Violence never again!
    War never again!
    Terrorism never again!
    In God's name,
    may all religions bring upon earth
    justice and peace,
    forgiveness, life and love!

    Does any true Christian see ALL RELIGIONS as bringing these things to the earth?

  64. Anonymous9:21 AM

  65. Anonymous10:00 AM

    By reading some of these comments on here about catholic vs. non catholic, I now see how the world thinks that us believers in Christ are all nuts! Jesus said a house divided against itself shall not stand. I understand a lot of the comments that have been said from both sides of the isle. I agree with some. I also disagree with some. I am proud to say that I am a follower of Jesus Christ and nothing else. The one thing that I see the lack of is scriptural references in this long bitter battle. The amount of typing that has gone one hear should have had a mountain of scriptures since we all have at least the same copy of the 66 books. This should not be about converting someone to my beliefs. That may not be the point to these arguements. But from a person who is not involved it sure does look that way. Like it or not. When others are crusing the web pages and happen to stop here, what will they see in you? I for one hope the mud will stop and love will rule. Jesus said you will know them by their fruits. I have not always behaved the way I should have and will be the first to admit it. I hope some hearts here change as mine has.


    Israel, Arab neighbors upbeat about Mideast peace prospects after EU meeting

    By ROBERT WIELAARD (Associated Press Writer)
    Associated Press

    TAMPERE, Finland - Israeli, Arab and European Union foreign ministers were unanimously upbeat about Middle East peace prospects Tuesday after Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert reached out to Palestinians and a Gaza cease-fire took hold.

    Ending two days of talks chaired by Finland, the meeting issued a joint statement in which Israel and its neighbors agreed in broad terms how to move forward to peace.

    They said a "just, comprehensive and lasting solution" to the Arab-Israeli conflict lies in a Palestinian state living side-by-side, and in peace, with Israel as foreseen in the "road map" plan of the so-called Quartet of EU, the United States, Russia and the United Nations.

    If anybody can figure out how to create a short url from this, please do so. I tried and it was rejected because of, I believe, dashes in the address!

  67. Carrie,

    Out of curiosity -- I recently read that one can be a perfectly good Catholic and never say a single rosary -- true or not? I understand that the Catholic position is that they HONOR and NOT worship Mary. What is your stance?


  68. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I know New Agers tell those who reject the one world religious system too, that they are "haters" who seek to divide and conquer. So even the technique used here by those who support the false teachings of the Catholic church is the same...

    As someone against the antichrist interfaith movement, I know this is the standard response that anyone stands up for Jesus Christ being the only way, who rejects the "peace" antichrist gospel of false unity is a "hater".

    Alice Bailey and even other New Agers have spoken of Christians who believe and defend Jesus as the only way, as viruses on the planet who "need to be removed"

    I am sad to see so many here deceived by the antichrist unity gospel...Daniel 8:25

    As for those who horrified over division, perhaps you need to remember these words of Jesus Christ ....

    Luk 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:

  69. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Robin, the link doesn't work.

  70. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Anonymous said : "Jason, I agree with you. I am glad you are trying to warn Constance here. I loved Constance's books but I have to admit I have been very disappointed by her acceptance of Catholicism as I have seen on this blog. I suppose she means well, people do not want to be unloving towards other folks, but the truth of the matter is Roman Catholicism is a false religious system, that does not preach the saving gospel and is warned of in Revelation."

    The Roman Catholic Church is represented by the Letter to Thyatira in the opening chapters of Revelation and is, therefore, a Church whether you like it or not.

    It can not be - as it exists at present - the Antichristian Organization described in Revelation 13 because the Scriptural Definition of Antichrist is one that denies that Y'shua has come in the flesh. As long as the Catholic Church maintains and teaches the Cardinal Doctrines of the Church - that Y'shua is the Son of God, that he was born of a Virgin, lived a sinless life, died a substitutionary death, was buried for three days, rose again, ascended into heaven and will return at some point in time in the future - then they can not be the Antichristian Entity of Revelation. That is the truth, whether you like it or not.

    After the Pre Trib Rapture may be a different story for even the Catholics themselves teach that the last Pope (probably the one after this one) will lead the Church astray into Apostasy and they will then merge with all the other religions on the planet to make up the revived Babylonian Religion but as it stands right now the Catholic Church is not the Antichristian System.

  71. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Out of curiosity -- I recently read that one can be a perfectly good Catholic and never say a single rosary -- true or not?

    True. The rosary is a Catholic devotional practice. There are many others. All of them are optional.

    I understand that the Catholic position is that they HONOR and NOT worship Mary. What is your stance?

    I honor Mary and worship God. A good example of the difference can be found in Roman Catholic prayers called "litanies". When we say a litany to God, the repeated response is "Deliver us, O Jesus" or "Graciously hear us, O Jesus," or "Have mercy on us." For example, in the "Litany of the Holy Name" we say:

    God the Father of heaven
    Have mercy on us,
    God the Son, Redeemer of the world
    Have mercy on us,
    Holy Trinity, one God
    Have mercy on us,
    From all evil
    Deliver us, O Jesus
    From all sin
    Deliver us, O Jesus
    From your wrath,
    Deliver us, O Jesus
    Jesus most powerful
    Have mercy on us,
    Jesus most patient
    Have mercy on us,
    Jesus most obedient,
    Have mercy on us,

    The litany is actually much longer than that, but these examples will give you the idea.

    The "Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary" does not use these expressions because they would be inappropriate. In this litany we use only the words "Pray for us." For example:

    Holy Mother of God,
    Pray for us,
    Holy Virgin of virgins,
    Pray for us,
    Virgin most prudent
    Pray for us,
    Virgin most faithful
    Pray for us,

    The same is true for "The Litany of the Saints" where we say in part:

    St. Peter
    Pray for us,
    St. Paul
    Pray for us,
    St. Andrew
    Pray for us,
    St. James
    Pray for us,

    Since we believe in eternal life, and since we believe that all Catholics must share in the burdens of others, we will not be finished praying for our friends and relatives even when we have died and gone to heaven. In this we follow the example of Christ on the cross who even prayed for His enemies.

    Many miracles have come about through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin or a saint. In fact it is these miracles that the Church relies on to declare that someone who has died is in heaven and worthy of canonization. But the saint does not work the miracle. God does. The saint intercedes on our behalf.

  72. There is PLENTY of leadership in New Age circles, e.g. Marilyn Ferguson, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Willis Harmon (deceased), Donald Keys (little heard of him since New Age Movement was outed in 80s), Ram Dass, etc., etc. Unfortunately, there has been PLENTY of DISINFORMATION denying the leadership and conscious political networking in the New Age Movement. The disinformation has come in no small part from Eric Pement and the JPUSA cult in Chicago (they keep their children in dormitories and live communally) and SCP. Plenty of leadership and plenty of lies denying the leadership!

  73. Oh, and I forgot to mention:

    David Spangler
    Bro. David Steindl-Rast
    Fr. Thoms Berry
    Fr. Basil Pennington
    Rosemary Ruether
    Matthew Fox
    Terry Cole Whittaker

    etc, et al, ad nauseum

  74. Oh, and more New Age leadership which has been POWERFUL both in Evangelical circles and EU ones:

    PETER CADDY (Deceased)

  75. It looks as though Javier Solana has been consolidating his hold over the Middle East and "Peace Process," as well as his European Neighbourhood Policy. At the same time, it appears that he is catching much flack from the EU Parliament for allegedly lying to them about his knowledge of the CIA

  76. Anonymous2:44 AM


    You really can't stand to be wrong can you? Obviously I've hit a raw nerve that has exposed your arrogance and high mindedness. I'm sure we could go on and on and never come to an agreement due to your argumentative nature where you must prove yourself right no matter your lack of truth and/or sense.

    Jason, you sound like the type we were all warned warned about in 2 Timothy.

    Jason said: "This is a typical, turn-around argumentative tactic "

    But that is exactly how you originally responded to me! You simply turned what I said around to fit your negative views about Catholicism, yet you fail to acknowledge it. You sound like the type who cannot admit their faults.

    I don't use tactics and I don't hate. As I said, I simply state the facts of your words, which obviously bothers you when explained from an honest viewpoint. If there is any hate, it is clearly your own, and you're blinded to it.

    You said: "AGAIN, you misunderstand or distort;..." Jason, I copied and pasted your words exactly, so please don't say I distorted anything by rationalizing your points, especially when my discernment is correct.

    For instance, you said: "It's not about denominations. The teachings need to be correct though."

    According to your views, some Catholic teachings may be wrong. According to my views they are correct. We have a difference of opinion, and it may turn out that one or both of us are wrong, as differing views have been argued forever, which is how other denominations came to be. God will decide when it is time, for he knows you better than you know yourself, so arguing the way you do is futile.

    Your rock example was funny, but made little sense as you did not qualify what you meant by "no man on earth can forgive our sins." Are you under the assumption that confessing to a priest is a substitution for Christ? Repentance must come from within oneself. Confession to an ordained priest facilitates repentance by cleansing the soul first, so that one can be forgiven. Please don't bother arguing against this if either you disagree or don't understand, as you're not going to get me to change my religion.

    Jason, You asked me: "Will you agree that there is nothing we can contribute to our salvation? And that works is merely a RESULT of it? Or will you deny the importance of what Jesus did on the cross? Do you think that by your good works, you contribute 3% and Jesus will pick up the remaining 97%? If that example is your attitude, then you are in big trouble."

    Wow, that is so condescending and wrong that it is hardly worth answering. But to set the record straight, I believe there is PLENTY we can contribute to our salvation in this life through doing good works in following Christ's example to the best of our ability, by helping our brothers and sisters in need all over the world by spreading the truth of the Gospels.

    Who's denying what Jesus did on the cross? Talk about arrogance, you're incredible! Then you have the gall to pre-judge another's attitude as if you're the one who will decide. AMAZING! Jason, you sound like you have alot of anger towards Catholics. Why?

    Sorry Jason, but it is truly YOU who are distorting, even what Pope JP II said. Just as the Muslims took Pope Benedict's recent quotes the wrong way, your using sources that report words taken out of context, to prove your points against Catholicism.

    Anon 8:50 said: "Roman Catholicism is a false religious system, that does not preach the saving gospel and is warned of in Revelation."

    Well that is totally wrong and massively deceptive! Of course Catholicism preaches the saving gospel... EVERY WEEK! In fact Revelations was just read in Mass for the past 2 weeks.

    See: Theoferrum's comment above some common sense.

    Constance, I pray you'll not be deceived by these types here who want to turn people away from their faith, as I'm sure you can see through.

    We should all remember that in the last days there will be many false accusers. So to everyone, be extremely careful concerning sources you quote from as there are many attacks coming upon the Church now, as Jason has shown here. He is the "know it all" kind that accuses blindly with angry thoughts, much like those who accuse president Bush of being the Antichrist using some made-up numbering system or code they falsely claim is hidden in the Bible.

    "Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and clever in their own sight!" Isa. 5:21

  77. Anonymous6:42 AM

    This is a link to a radio show interview out of NYC which may be of interest to Jews who read this blog. There are Orthodox Jews who are concerned about the effects of the New Age movement on the their community.


  78. Anonymous6:45 AM

    End that last link I gave with n4v.html, as the last two letters were unclear in the link as it appeared.


  79. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I hope someone answers the question, what is more New Age then interreligious dialogue"? I noticed no one dealt with my point that both Alice Bailey desired unity of the world's religions for peace, and that the Popes teach the very same exact thing, led by the same organization.

    As for the Catholic church not being antichrist because they still offically teach that Jesus is God come in the flesh, you have twisted that verse, that verse is to be used to test spirits {I notice Rome never applies it to those demonic Marian apparitions}. Anyhow given that the Catholic church teaches "another gospel" and "another Christ", this scripture definitely applies...

    Mat 24:26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, [he is] in the secret chambers; believe [it] not.

    Mat 24:27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

    Read the line about secret chambers...{CATHOLIC TABERNACLES where essentially they teach they have "jesus" placed in a golden box in the form of bread}

    As for the Catholic teaching they HONOR Mary and do not worship her, given all one has to do is turn on EWTN to see it is the MARY ALL THE TIME station with Jesus barely mentioned except as "her son", that tells me things have gone askew.

    Rome may even make up its own vocabulary words--hyperdulia, latria, etc, to hide the fact that what they do with MARY is indeed worship. Even the fact they teach that all graces come via Mary and give her the title Co-Redemptrix--{Im sorry but WITH does put someone at the same level}
    shows that Rome's promotion of Mary are anything but Biblical.

    New Agers all love the goddess as well. While witnessing to several Wiccans, I discovered two still considered themselves "catholic" and one aspect of Roman Catholicism they loved was its attention paid to "the goddess. The Mary of Rome is NOT the humble Mary of the Bible--Jesus's mother, but the Daughter of Chaldea, the Queen of Heaven of Jerimiah 44 who is now appearing worldwide to promote the false teachings of Catholicism, and preach unity of world's religions. Even in church approved apparitions, like Akita, this demon has demanded to be named Co-Redemptrix. Satan has always desired to be worshipped as God--"I Shall be Like the Most High". There is a reason Rome had the Hindu priests after all pray at the altar in Fatima {another event that Constance really needs to know about}

    Rome is purusing the CORE agenda of the New Age...THEOSOPHY/ can give it many names...which is UNITY of WORLDS RELIGIONS standing apart from true Biblical Christianity.

    Having studied the New Age, and now pretty much shocked at Constance's embracing of the Catholic church, I am wondering why Constance seems to turn a blind eye to Rome's New Age involvement.

    Let me list some....and this is just a short list, I dont have room to make this as long as I could.

    1. The Fact that the Roman Catholic leadership {including the Popes} are enthralled by Mr. Buddhist-New Age Master Guru himself--the Dalai Lama, who has been vetted even last year in a Mexican Cathedral by a Cardinal.

    This is related to other endless promotions of false religions..Priests in India have adopted Hindu rituals, Catholic Cardinals have praised Hinduism, Hindu priests praying at Fatima, the list goes on and on. There are literally dozens of these UNIVERSALIST pow-wows and Assisi is only ONE recurring event.

    2. The fact that the Roman Catholic leadership {including the Popes} even use the same language as New Agers..."Dialogue" was owned by them first. Interdependence is another one, "common good", "brotherhood of man", "universal savior", need I go on? Throw in "ecological conversion" and their support for "sustainable development" for good measure. You can google all these terms on Zenit, if you dont believe me. The Trad Catholics while they still are trapped within a false church, are not in error as to the CHANGES.

    I remember reading this right from Zenit ...does this sound like Christianity to you? It sure doesnt to just sounds like more of Rome's alignment with Global elites...

    "The archbishop, who for 16 years was the permanent observer of the Vatican to the United Nations, explained that "it is time to undertake a constitutional engineering of humanity so that the United Nations can carry out its irreplaceable role."

    3. The Fact that the Roman Catholic leadership as I've already pointed out, desires unity of the worlds religions the same as Alice Bailey, instead of actually preaching the gospel. I have studied enough of Rome's Assisi adventures, to know that the gospel is never preached, I even just pointed out in this board, the Popes prayer right from the Vatican website that ALL RELIGIONS will bring love and justice to the world. Proletzation or better said witnessing the gospel is outlawed at all these events. They preach false peace over and over, as warned of in Daniel 8:25.

    Heres the facts, Rome is leading the pack to form the one world religion and is in full support of the one world government--aligned with the global elites {including the UN} Constance constantly warns about, as prophesized in Revelation.

    Considering that worldwide, Hindus, Buddhists, and Islamics, all flock to Marian shrines, the entire world is being set up for deception.

    I am seriously praying Ms. Cumbey wakes up regarding the Catholic church considering the good she could do.

    Christian love is telling people the truth and that includes beloved Catholic people, who need to COME OUT OF HER and warning folks of God's true PROPHECY that is now playing out before our eyes.

    I really want Constance to take what I have written here seriously. This is not about hatred of Catholics, or those trapped in false religions. This is about telling people the truth and realizing how the world is being set up for deception and heeding the warnings of scripture.

  80. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Anonymous 8:22 am,
    What you do not seem to understand is how large the New Age movement is and how New Age thinking has infiltrated so many areas of the culture. Do you really think that the promoters of the ideology would have ignored the Catholic community, as large as it is, over the last 100 plus years? It would be nice to believe that there is some stone wall that would be protecting people, but the reality is that it doesnt exist, people being as weak as they are.

    Better you should name one group of people who have not been influenced rather than one of many that have. (See the Whole Again website for just a clue to the extent of the movement.)

    While you may want to believe the Protestant community has not been infiltrated, ask yourself about Warren, Graham, Promisekeepers, the Reconstructionist movement, and many others that Constance has mentioned. Work on your own backyard if you are so concerned.

  81. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Constance, what disinformation has SCP spread?

    Has the Center for Transatlantic Relations turned up in your research?

  82. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Who is saying the Protestant and other Christian churches havent been infiltrated as well?

    BTW, Warren, Graham and the Dominionists all support the same UNITY OF RELIGIONS, as the Popes do.

    All of these false preachers hold in common is the wrong view that other religions are other pathways up the mountain up to God- basically UNIVERSALISM.

    One common thread all Prot and Christian preachers hold, who have accepted New Age teachings is THE SUPPORT OF THE INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE That Rome supports and promotes.

    What we are seeing here is Revelation 17 in action, the daughters joining with the whore.

    Counterfeit Christian--Catholicism with its liturgical daughters and other apostates moving to join the world religions together under the antichrist.

    True Biblical believers who stand for Jesus Christ as the only way really will be standing alone. Jesus meant it when he said..

    Luk 18:8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

    I do work on my own backyard, all the Christian churches and preachers who have joined with Rome in the ecumenical movement have gone apostate.

    Right now the Pope is working in Turkey, on the plan to unite his church with Islam. Basically preaching that Allah of Islam equals God.
    The latest gaame plan of the world interfaith movement is to first join the three monotheistic faiths together [even though Islam is antichrist by scriptural tests as it denies JEsus as God come in the flesh, as does modern Judaism outside of the Jews who have converted to Christ]

    I am curious does Constance believe the same way as the Popes, that Allah of Islam equals the God of the Bible?

    Todays Papal Address:

    Pope speaking to Muslims...

    We "Belong to the Family of Those Who Believe in the One God"

    I think the New Agers would consider this a VICTORY of sorts.

  83. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Please clarify about Promise Keepers and Graham

  84. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Anonymous 11:38,
    I'm sure Constance can write more elegantly on this topic. I'll do the best I can until she responds.

    Just as all Protestants haven't jumped with both feet into the New Age movement with one bound, so it is with the Catholics and the Jews. If the Catholic church was so oriented to the New Age movement, over its two thousand years of history it would have melded with followers of the occult and disappeared from view, and there definitely have been these groups around for thousands of years.

    The current rush into the New Age began around the early 1900s, and yet the Catholic Church didn't jump in. It was attacked by New Age people such as H.G. Wells in his writings and the Bailey writings. As you probably know, in the 1920s there was a massacre of Catholic clergy in Mexico when New Age people were in power.

    The international movement was set back when Hitler went national with it and exposed it inadvertently. Again, the Catholic church as a whole fought the Nazi movement although some individuals were sympathetic because they held antisemitic beliefs in common with the Nazis. Catholic clergy were killed by the hundreds during the Nazi New Age reign.

    Now the three monotheistic faiths have been infiltrated by New Age thinkers in cooperation with followers who are sympathetic to New Age thinking. None of these faiths run chains to all of their followers to hold their thinking in line.

    Until you realize how large and powerful the international NA movement is, you cannot understand all of the responses to it. You are an individual and your response is of no consequence except to your own soul. The current Pope and the leaders of other monotheistic groups want to see their organizations survive to see the day after this current NA onslaught ends. So, they have become passive in the face of a very aggressive enemy. The leadership knows that they cannot depend on the followers because in general people are not strong willed and willing to stand up in the face of an enemy of truth. Almost all people expect others to do the work for them. This is a bad decision and doesn't take show trust in God, but humans in general are weak.

    The NA infiltration takes place step by little step over a long period of time. Anyone who is following NA can see steps in the change. A little bit of acceptance is asked for, followed by another little bit of acceptance of NA thinking by the monotheistic establishment.

    Where were you when these changes were taking place? All of a sudden you wake up and notice that things are not what you think they should be, and you want everything to be as you think they should be. Tough luck. You think you are the judge and jury and God help anyone in your court.

    Dream on. Do some research and find out why things are as they are and how they can be changed. You will learn more than you want to know. You might find members on your team, but they will be as useless as you are in changing the trends if stop where you are now. As it is, you are just a nuisance road bump.

  85. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Anonymous said :"As for the Catholic church not being antichrist because they still offically teach that Jesus is God come in the flesh, you have twisted that verse, that verse is to be used to test spirits...Anyhow given that the Catholic church teaches "another gospel" and "another Christ", this scripture definitely applies..."

    "The same judgment you judge others with, you are guilty of yourself." You are, in fact, twisting the Scripture and your own words prove it for, as you state, that verse above is specifically to test the spirits and, that is exactly what we are doing in 'investigating' whether or not the Catholic Church, as it stands now, is Christian, or Antichristian and, if they were Antichristian, they would not be able to afirm - for the last 1700 years I might add - that Y'shua Messiah had come in the flesh.

    Further, this is also the test for the individual so, why don't we all cut to the chace. Why don't all those people who are posting on this 'Christian' Blog, some of whom are pretending to be Constances' friend (s) confess publically (i.e. not anonymously) that Jesus Christ has come in the Flesh and, if they can not do so, then, not only are they probably not her friend, they also have no business posting on her blog for they have no part in Christ.

    My name is David Thomas Hill and I was born February 17th, 1964, and led to the Lord in a Baptist Church in Groton, Vermont and I believe with all my body, all my soul and all my spirit that Jesus Christ has come in the Flesh and, further, I believe that he is coming again to establish His Kingdom on this earth upon the Ashes of the New Age World Order out of Chaos and I plan on seeing that event with my own eyes.

    How's that for colorful?

  86. Anonymous3:51 PM

    And, by the way Constance, here is a cache of one of my old posts in case you thought I was lying to you in my first comment on your blog. The first URL is from my current website and the second URL is a Wayback Machine Cache of the original post on the Five Doves Website.

  87. Anonymous3:52 PM

    And one more thing.

    For all of those who are not who they appear to be on this blog :

    I rebuke you in the Name of the Lord Y'shua bar Y'hova - be thou removed and cast into the sea...

  88. Anonymous4:02 PM

    And here is the follow up article I posted a couple of days later on that same website which I called

    The NATO Nightmare

    which may interest you Constance.

  89. Anonymous4:04 PM

    And here is the last one in that particular series refering specifically to you.

  90. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh!

    {there I have passed "your test" though it is meant to be used on spirits, how many NEW AGERS use the word JESUS when even speaking of the COMSIC CHRIST? Ive had NEW AGERS tell me Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh, [but they believe as an avatar among MANY]...So you are mistaken that this is valid test for living individuals.

    David, I know there are even Baptists being deceived... your acceptance of Roman Catholicism as a "Christian church" is not that uncommon now.

    As for the three monotheistic faiths being infiltrated...I have noticed on this board, some very deceived people, who seem to believe the world is seperated into Islam, Judaism and Christianity {and Im guessing other religions} on the GOOD SIDE and the New Age on the other.

    The NEW AGE desires that these faiths join together to reject Biblical Christianity which pronounces Jesus as the ONLY WAY to heaven.

    Again do you and Constance believe that Allah of Islam equals God? Do you believe Like Pope Benedict the Jewish wait for the Messiah {the Jews that reject Jesus Christ} is not in vain?

    New Age is just another word for Luciferian, and it is the LUCIS TRUST and their pals and Satan who desires unity of the world's religions.

    " So, they have become passive in the face of a very aggressive enemy. The leadership knows that they cannot depend on the followers because in general people are not strong willed and willing to stand up in the face of an enemy of truth. Almost all people expect others to do the work for them. This is a bad decision and doesn't take show trust in God, but humans in general are weak."

    This makes absolutely NO SENSE whatsoever.

    Passive in the face of the enemy?

    If the leadership has no discernment or biblical foundation of course it can impart no strength to its followers.

    If there is no Holy Spirit there is no truth, there is no strength to make a stand for Jesus Christ.

    Well I know true Christians would not be denying Christ worldwide to advance the unity of the "three monotheistic religions"

    True Christians would not be defending papal interreligious dialogue.

    I suppose your excuse for this is creative but it is wrong, they are not simply weak, they are simply deceived and following wolves in sheep's clothing!

    Dont you understand that your support of the UNITY OF THE THREE MONOTHEISTIC RELIGIONS is a victory for LUCIFER and the NEW AGE?

    That this is NOT what Jesus Christ taught in the Bible.

    Act 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

    I stand on God's Word and I know without a doubt, that the only true salvation is in Jesus Christ.

    To preach unity to those in bondage to false religions is TO BETRAY THEM.

    I'm sorry but NO ONE is going to be saved under the name ALLAH.

    NO ONE WHO REJECTS JESUS CHRIST is going to be saved.

    Missionaries are out in the world dying to take the true life-giving gospel of Jesus Christ. They preach YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN and turn yourself over to JESUS. They want people to know Jesus Christ, and so do I.

    They are not preaching LETS UNITE ISLAM, the False religion of Catholicism, CHRISTIANITY and JEWS together. God has His plans for the Jewish people, as detailed in Biblical prophecy, but those who work against the gospel telling them you do not not need Christ, harm them rather then help them!

    I am not the judge or jury, I merely beleive what Gods Word tells me. God will be the judge of all here. I know what prophecy details...and right now the world is lining up behind for the future beast.

    Rev 17:13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

    Which side are you going to be on?

  91. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Wow! with some of the comments here you would think that the catholics should have bean crucified instead of Jesus. I wonder if it was this last election that has turned so many Christians bitter? I wonder how many new agers are taking bets right now wondering if us Christians on this blog will ever get our heads out of our backsides and start attacking the real enemy and start acting like the body of Christ.

    Theoferrum: I noticed in one of your comments that you basically stated that people who are not christians really have no buisness commenting here. That comes as a surprise to me. There have been many unsaved people that post here and it had turned into a great occation to witness to. The last one that I recall is the women named 'Sophia Sadek'. Just about everyone participated. It turned into a great oportunity for the gospel. She was in new age/occult stuff. This was a few months ago this year. I can't exactly remember what month. But this was how the body of Christ came to the challenge. Bible verse after Bible verse was listed to show her the errors in what she believed. I do not know if she became a follower of Christ or not, but the seed was deffinately planted.

    I see this strife over catholics being labeled followers of satan. That is too bad. There are real catholics who are truly on fire for Christ. There are catholic denominations that would be willing to die for Christ. In fact there are some litterally dying for Christ in Egypt. Its too bad too see these people defending Jesus to the death and others sit back and call them a harlotte. What trash coming out of Christians these days. One of my best friends aunts was a catholic who defended Jesus till the day she died of cancer. She new where she was going. To be with Jesus! Not with mary! Her hope was in Jesus not Mary! This women would put the faith of most protestant Christians to shame. Do not think I am defending the false teachings of the catholics, but also do not think I am defending the false teachings of some protestant denomination as well. I defend Jesus as my Lord and saviour! And I am not going to 'chop' someone head off because of what I believe. I am only a small part of the body of Christ.

  92. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Check out Herb Peter's website. He has an interesting posting on the Pope and the AOC (It is very thought provoking). And no this suggestion is not due to all the controversy concerning the Catholic religion.

    I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion however, this is a Christian site and the delivery of some of the messages (from both sides)is rude and insulting. (I am not attempting to attack anyone here) What would a non Christian think if they visited this site? I am a Christian and I am shaking my head; if I were a non-believer I might be totally turned off.

    I know we can be passionate about what we believe in and things get heated but try to express opinions without hurling insults. Just a suggestion as I have been guilty of getting into heated discussions.

    Anyway, God Bless. It is wonderful to see so many people posting again.

  93. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Anonymous said : "Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh!

    {there I have passed "your test" though it is meant to be used on spirits, how many NEW AGERS use the word JESUS when even speaking of the COMSIC CHRIST? Ive had NEW AGERS tell me Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh, [but they believe as an avatar among MANY]...So you are mistaken that this is valid test for living individuals.

    David, I know there are even Baptists being deceived... your acceptance of Roman Catholicism as a "Christian church" is not that uncommon now."

    Actually, it is not my test, it is the Word of Y'hova's Test. Further, you did not pass it in two particulars. One, you posted anonymously so it is not a public confession and two "God" is in the 'eye' of the beholder - the meaning changes with the religion just as you pointed out with "Your Cosmic Christ". The test for spirits - are spirits individual's or do they just possess individuals or is that just a semantic game you are playing - is if they believe that Jesus Christ (i.e. not the Christ Spirit) has come in the Flesh or, in other words, do they believe that he was really a Man as, obviously, he was. And no, I am not mistaken that this is a valid test for living individuals for many of these living individuals are, in fact, possessed by spirits who speak through them as I am sure you are aware, so I wonder why you say that this is not a valid test. I notice, like the New Agers themselves - who consider the Christ Spirit to be Divine, that you could not avoid changing the precise word of Y'hova and using your own paraphrase.

    Care to try again?

    Or, if you, perchance, would like extra credit, you could say the name in Hebrew, which has not been corrupted or connected with any of the ancient gods of Greece.

    Here, let me show ya how its done.

    My name is David Thomas Hill and I believe that Y'shua Messiah has come in the Flesh and, further, that all his enemies are gonna be toast when he returns. I here they like it warm, anyways.

    Now, to continue, I hate to burst your bubble, but I am not a Baptist however, I also know that there are Baptists being deceived usually by people who are pretending to be Christian but hide behind some kind of MASK - Y'shua calls them hypocrites like the actors of old that wore masks in public.

    And your abhorance of the Catholic Church (you just admited that they are one) leads me to wonder if, perhaps, you might be Mormon cause many of the New Age beliefs are very similar to the teachings of Joseph Smith.

    I also noticed that you accused other people of being deceived twice in as many paragraphs. I would refer you to the statements by Paul and Y'shua : "The same judgment you judge others with, you are guilty of yourself" for "what is in a person's heart will soon some out of their mouth."

  94. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Anonymous 7:21,
    This is not specifically a Christian website. Other monotheists have major problems with the goals of the New Age movement. They are encouraged to post here also.

    Monotheism means a belief in God who is separate and distinct from the world which he has created. Granted it is a hard sell to the "show me the money" crowd, a belief that must in the final analysis be taken on faith.

    New Age poses another set of beliefs, one of which says that everything in the universe is part of one big energy field. They feel a person can manipulate the energy to get whatever results they want to achieve from medical help to financial success. There are no moral concerns, just knowledge of how to control the energy. This iis how magic and occult beliefs operate.

    Monotheists believe that moral laws are God given to help the individual and the community in which the individual lives. In the world where results are viewed as knowledge of the control of energy fields, who needs moral laws. You just need to outsmart your neighbor.

  95. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Child of God said : "Theoferrum: I noticed in one of your comments that you basically stated that people who are not christians really have no buisness commenting here. That comes as a surprise to me...And I am not going to 'chop' someone head off because of what I believe."

    Well, then, let me clarify that for ya. When I said that they had no part in Christ and thus no part in posting on Constance's blog, I was refering to those people whose only reason for posting is to knowingly deceive - i.e. "undercover new agers" - bent on destroying the Church. As far as your second comment - may I ask where that came from? Or are you refering to the past history of some in the Catholic Church while ignoring what the Protestants have done in their not-so-rosy past? And, by the way, could you clarify which "God" you are a child of, just for the record?

  96. Anonymous8:36 PM

    And, actually, I clarified what I said in context :

    "some of whom are pretending to be Constances' friend (s)"

    So, I guess I fail to see what the problem was with what I said.

  97. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Anonymous 8:18pm - Thank you and I stand corrected about this not being a Christian website. I will say this though - those insulting one another are proclaiming to be Christians, that is where the problem lies. We are brothers and sisters in Christ. We want to be sure that when unbelievers visit the sight major attacks against one another aren't noticed. Again I am not trying to hurt or insult anyone, I just believe we are to be the salt of the earth.

  98. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Ah I've noticed Child of God's reponse is insuinating [just like New Agers do] by the way that anyone who preaches Biblical Christianity is "violent" when no true Bible believing Christian sanctions violence against anyone even those who refuse the gospel. People are free to reject or accept the free gift in salvation in Jesus Christ. Child of God sounds just like those same New Agers I mentioned in a few posts above, who call Bible believing Christians and all those who refuse the antichrist system as viruses...usually along with that rehetoric is the claim that Christians are "violent" which is totally based in lies given that any Christian obedient to God's Word would not be part of such things.

    I notice some who call themselves Christans here seem to have no problem with people being abandoned to false religions and not given the truth.

    Any religion will do as LONG AS its MONOTHEISTIC, seems to be the message here. Why is that? Again this tells me the posters here essentially are universalists who believe all religions lead to God which is very NEW AGE, and THEOSOPHICAL.

    Most Catholic people simply have not been given the truth, they are given a false gospel and led into deception. There are millions of Catholics who seek after God, nice and good people, but the fact of the matter is, they are being taught a false gospel. Gods truth can reach even into the darkest places, leading Catholics to salvation, but any Catholic who puts 100% trust in Jesus Christ, instead of Popes, sacraments, Mary etc, ceases to be a Catholic!

    Gal 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

    The claim that people have been rude insulting here is also false, and I believe centered in the fact that some want some uncomfortable facts silenced. I still want to know if Constance and other posters here believe Allah of Islam is God?

    David don't think I didnt notice how you used the word CHAOS in one post.

    I am not a Mormon....[thats got to be the funniest thing Ive ever heard, again more seeking to discredit the message]

    Dont abuse the "do not judge" message that New Agers and liberals so love to quote at Christians, Christians are indeed called to JUDGE [not the same way God does] several times in scripture..

    1Cr 6:2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?

  99. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Anon, 2:44 am,

    Your response is weak. You are a person who simply doesn't know the scriptures, nor has any willingness to even talk about them. You let your church do all of that for you. That is painfully typical of your denomination (no ALL). RichInMedford is an exception to that rule.

    I feel sorry for you, anon, I really do. Most importantly though, I will pray for you and often, that your spiritual blindness will be removed.

    You repeatedly fail to produce scriptures to support your position and you PROVE YOURSELF to be deceived and a distorter of God's Word.

    You have no scripture to support purgatory, praying to anyone other than God, etc.

    You asked for proof from me that your religion accepts others... and I laid SEVERAL examples of your previous "infallible" Pope making these statements, which calls Jesus a liar in John 14:6. Until J-Ratz says anything different, you and your church are bound by statements of a man who fills the "infallible" seat.

    Please read your bible, anon.

    I'm done with pointless arguing. When you feel like discussing what the bible actually says, instead of trying to support man-made traditions (the type of thing Jesus condemned)... I'll be here.

    In Christ's Love,

  100. Anonymous11:24 PM

    In the 1st paragraph, that should have been (not ALL).

  101. Anonymous2:49 AM

    You claimed my response was weak (an obvious attempt to put on me on the defensive), likely due to my not adding scripture to my response to you.

    However, I've read the Bible well over my lifetime, but I don't use it to attack others to either push my religion or blast other faiths like you obviously do.

    However, I posted some scripture you may have missed or didn't bother looking up, such as 2 Timothy 3:1-6, and at the end of my comment that I believe relates to you.

    Although I didn't know there was a scriptural requirement attached to free speech, I could post scripture all day long, but the point has always been about you and your hatred of Catholicism and the Pope, for which I find to be very arrogant and unchristian to say the least.

    Jason, you said: "You repeatedly fail to produce scriptures to support your position and you PROVE YOURSELF to be deceived and a distorter of God's Word."

    Well for one Jason this isn't a test, and I'm not here to argue scripture with you, as that is not the purpose of this blog.

    Two, my position in support of the Catholic Church does not prove I've been deceived, as you falsely claim, nor have I distorted God's word, as again you falsely claim, which actually puts YOU into the deceiver category of false accusers, of which you are but one of many, with more to come.

    Your attacks on the Pope and Catholicism along with your obvious anger leads me to think you have more problems than you want to admit, perhaps sexually would be my guess. I'm not accusing you, but you sound as if you're may be a homosexual who hates the church due its opposition of that lifestyle, which I might add, follows the Bible. See Leviticus, Romans, and Jude.

    It really doesn't matter, but to me at least that would explain much about your demeanor, if indeed you are.

    I checked your link. Looks like another false prophet site to me.

    Many have and will fall away from the church as foretold in the Bible. Do I need to post scripture for you about that, or can you look it up yourself?
    1 Timothy 4:1

    In case you didn't bother looking it up before....

    2 Timothy
    Chapter 3

    People will be self-centered and lovers of money, proud, haughty, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, irreligious, callous, implacable, slanderous, licentious, brutal, hating what is good, traitors, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, as they make a pretense of religion but deny its power. Reject them.

    Jason, this sounds so much like YOU, you are now rejected.

  102. Anonymous3:06 AM

    Anon. 9:56 writes more untruths on par with Jason, if they're not one and the same.

    "Most Catholic people simply have not been given the truth, they are given a false gospel and led into deception. There are millions of Catholics who seek after God, nice and good people, but the fact of the matter is, they are being taught a false gospel. Gods truth can reach even into the darkest places, leading Catholics to salvation, but any Catholic who puts 100% trust in Jesus Christ, instead of Popes, sacraments, Mary etc, ceases to be a Catholic!"

    Catholics have been given the Bible, the word of God and his Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

    So how is that a false gospel? And what deception are you talking about?

    Saying that Catholics worship the Sacriment, the Pope, Mary etc., above Jesus is OUTRAGEOUS!

    Saying that to trust Jesus means you are not a Catholic is totally nuts!

    This must be Catholic hater Jason who said those lies.

    Reject him, everyone!

  103. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I am not Jason, but I am glad there is another Christian trying to put some truth into the darkness here.

    True Biblical Christianity stands alone opposed to false religions of Mystery Babylon, of which Catholicism is one. All false religions preach "works" as opposed to God's GRACE.

    Catholicism preaches a false be saved Catholicism requires good works...

    These works include baptism, the sacraments plus many additional works.

    The Catholic CCC even teaches...

    CCC1129 "The Church affirms that for believers the sacraments of the New Covenant are necessary for salvation."

    Once again the teachings of Catholicism oppose God's Word, which states that salvation cannot be earned, but is a free and undeserved gift of God:

    "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Ephesians 2:8-9

    "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;" Titus 3:5

    The Bible repeatedly states that salvation comes through faith-never by good works:

    "Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law." Romans 3:28

    "And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith…" Galatians 3:8

    How do we become God's children?:

    "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:26

    Catholicism teaches a false gospel of works, that blots out the true gospel of GRACE.

    One poster here stated this:

    "Saying that Catholics worship the Sacriment, the Pope, Mary etc., above Jesus is OUTRAGEOUS!"
    To say I am in error for stating that Catholic worship their sacrament is FALSE. Catholics do worship one of their sacraments the Eucharist, when they kneel before and practice Perpetual Adoration of the Eucharistic wafer.

    Even though the Bible tells us this...

    Act 7:48 Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet,

    God does not dwell in temples {wafers} made with hands!

    Those who love Catholics, and especially those who have come out of the bondage of the false religion of Catholicism into freedom in Jesus Christ, tell them the truth, they do not leave them in a false religion.

    New Agers and other decievers will constantly claim that any Biblical Christian who rejects the antichrist, interfaith system are "haters". I have noticed this technique has been used over and over on this blog"

    Those who truly love others tell them the truth. They do NOT want them to face a Christless eternity.

    Eph 4:15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, [even] Christ:

  104. To the last "anonymous" besides the one pushing the mysterious phentermine labels:

    What do you say about the Catholic interpretation of John Chapter 6 as literal concerning his body and blood? We may or may not disagree with that interpretation, but do you really think somebody will go to Hell for taking that part of the Bible literally? I have my doubts!

  105. To the last "anonymous" besides the one pushing the mysterious phentermine labels:

    What do you say about the Catholic interpretation of John Chapter 6 as literal concerning his body and blood? We may or may not disagree with that interpretation, but do you really think somebody will go to Hell for taking that part of the Bible literally? I have my doubts!

  106. Anonymous10:09 AM

    anon the hater,

    your posts are now bordering on laughable. It would be funny, if it weren't so sad. Now you are claiming that I'm posting as another anonymous poster. PARANOIA.

    As if I'm the only person who knows that Catholic doctrine is false and heretical. You need Jesus, not some false church, anon.

    Your hatred of people who actually believe in Jesus (and not some church) is bursting from the seams. You never provided scripture to support your positions. In fact, you have been thoroughly BURIED with scripture and facts about your own Church, and have yet to post any real responses.

    Remember not to "call anyone on Earth, Father."

    I feel VERY sorry for you, anon.

    Let go of the anger and hatred. Those are footholds of the devil. Pray to Jesus (not Mary, that is idolatry) that he would remove the blindness from your eyes.

  107. Anonymous10:10 AM

    anon 8:25 --- great post.... watch out though... there will be many fiery darts coming your way.

  108. Anonymous10:43 AM

    ***********What do you say about the Catholic interpretation of John Chapter 6 as literal concerning his body and blood? We may or may not disagree with that interpretation, but do you really think somebody will go to Hell for taking that part of the Bible literally? I have my doubts!****

    As a Baptist, Constance {that is the type of church you attend isnt it?, perhaps I am wrong and you are now a Catholic}..... surely you should know the warnings in scripture regarding idolatry and graven images and that at least three times, the Bible states that God does not dwell in things made by human hands.

    Hbr 9:11 But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building;

    Question for you Constance...

    Do you believe this means literal eating of paper and ink?

    Moreover He said to me, "Son of man, eat what you find; eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel." So I opened my mouth, and He caused me to eat that scroll (Ezekiel 3:1, 2).

    If someone has chosen to believe in "eating" carnally, practicing idolatry, rather then realizing this...

    "It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life."

    They will not become born again, putting their faith in the Catholic Eucharist rather then in Jesus Christ.

    The Eucharistic "christ" is not the Jesus Christ of scriptures.

    Mat 24:26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, [he is] in the secret chambers;{CATHOLIC TABERNACLE} believe [it] not.

    Honestly Constance, as someone who has studied the New Age so intently, I am shocked you do not realize how Catholicism opposes what Gods Word teaches and that you do not realize the New Age underpinnings of Rome's interreligious dialogue, ranging from its vetting of the Dalai Lama to its teaching in Nostra Aetate that Allah of Islam is God to Hindu priests being welcomed to pray at the Fatima altar.

    Do not be misdirected, in accepting Catholicism as a Christianity simply because it calls itself Christian.

    Look to God's Word and compare, what does Rome teach as to scripture?

    What does God's Prophecy tell us?

    The New Age is not so new, it is the same lies told by Satan from the very beginning. The lines are being drawn between those who preach the false "peace and unity" of the antichrists one world religion, [which definitely includes the Vatican and the New Age] and those who preach the gospel and stand up for Jesus Christ.

    Love for Catholic people is telling them the truth. I thank God everyday, a Christian cared enough to share the true saving gospel with me which is about God's grace rather then Rome's sacraments.

    Please think and pray on these things.

  109. Anonymous11:47 AM

    It's obvious that this thread has been hijacked and taken off the topic of New Age. Perhaps it's time to do some editing/blocking and let the New Ager/preacher take his pulpit to another, more appropriate website.


  110. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Dorothy, I am NOT a New Ager, but a born again Christian.

    The very fact you would sink that low to lie, and call me a New Ager, means that you fully intend to deceive.

    I reject "interreligious dialogue" and stand up for the gospel of Jesus Christ and preach there is no salvation under any other name but HIS.

    That alone proves I am not a New Ager.

    To name me as a New Ager is ludicrous, as if you dont even know what that term means, but I believe you do and are seeking to deceive ON PURPOSE.

  111. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Go read a book on the English language. The slash stands for "and/or." Hijacking a thread is equivalent to stealing. Take some time to think about that.

  112. Anonymous1:23 PM

    This thread was passed on to me.


    The infiltration of New Age practices into convents and retreat houses operated by Catholic nuns appears to have reached the level of an epidemic, with so many reports that at times it appears difficult to find one that doesn't allow such spirituality, at least to some degree. (continued at link)

    Yes, New Age people have infiltrated all of the religious groups. The question remains how we can defend our country when we have been weakened morally from within. Feeling "spiritual" makes a person feel soft and cushy. Acting "morally" creates more self-discipline, making a person stronger.

  113. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Should have signed that last one.

  114. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Why wouldnt Catholic nuns be going New Age?

    Actually this organization which is POPE SUPPORTED all the way, is sponsering the Catholic nun's, monk's and brother's walks into New Age interfaithism. Visits to Ashrams, co-mingled prayer services with Buddhists, is the normal program for this organization.

    Why wouldnt Catholic monks and nuns be seeking for truth in false religions, given the message of their past and present leaders?

    VATICAN CITY, SEP 9 (ZENIT) - In his weekly General Audience for faithful from Rome and around the world, John Paul II spoke about the presence of the Spirit of God and the "seeds of truth" in non-Christian religions.

    Acting morally is standing up for Jesus Christ, in a world that denies Him.

    So are the deceivers on this blog going to try and confuse the issue and try and tell me Zen practicing monks and Rekki mistress nuns aren't deceived by the New Age movement?

    This is from the top down folks. After all they are following the mandates of Nostra Aetate...

  115. Anonymous6:25 PM

    This has been very interesting to see the debate going on between Catholics and Non Catholics (I don’t know what is the best term to use here). As a former Catholic, I have been on both sides. I am going to copy many of the comments on both sides and study the arguments so I can better talk to the rest of my family who are still Catholic. Besides the good information there is an animosity in the dialog that shows the main points where the two sides will never get together. But I think the biggest point here is:
    not all Catholics are aware of what their church holds as beliefs and not all “non Catholics” (even with the Bible) maintain and agree on the same beliefs. In fact on any given Sunday you can get almost any belief you can think of in both the Catholic churches and the “Non Catholic” churches. What is missing from this dialog and seems to lead to the acidy tone is the lack of humility on both sides. We should always try to stay clear of those who KNOW ALL THE ANSWERS. Christians don’t follow a set of beliefs, we follow Christ Jesus, the living, active and true God. It is very possible that the label you give yourself may not mean as much to Him. When I read Constance’s comments, I see the truth given in humility, whatever she is talking about. That’s a good model. So, I think it is very important for these discussions to go on but with more humility since I hope there are none among us who feel that they have all the Truth.

  116. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Anonymous said : "David don't think I didnt notice how you used the word CHAOS in one post. I am not a Mormon....[thats got to be the funniest thing Ive ever heard, again more seeking to discredit the message]"

    "The same judgement you judge others with, you are guilty of yourself." My, are you trying to discredit my message and, if so, why?

    And, you should also have noticed that I used that word in response to your use of the words, "New Age" - you know, like the Mormons.

    I also noticed that you captialized the entire word where as I did not...

  117. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Wow anon. of 6:25 you come here with the intent to humiliate and cut up without love? And no love is not only the truth. It says to give the truth in love. They are 2 seperate things that I hope you learn. Then we supposedly got a lesson on humility? Not from you. At least not this time. We got an education from you? I dont know. I'll have to tell you later on that one. My head is still ringing from the hammer. So tell me, how many people hate the thought of going to turn to Jesus because you slam them? Hopefully none. I have learned a lot by listening to others but I have to call this anything but an education on love. You have taken a lot of the verses and communicated your hatered at the people that you supposedly want to convert? I don't get your tactic to witnessing. I know the sence of urgency because there is no second chance when you die, but your anger comes out very loud. Now if you do have relatives that are truly unsaved that are catholic, I hope you use a little bit of patience with them as well as love. Not just the love of the truth. You can still present the truth and not use love. Some people take time. I am not the only one here who has noticed that your purpose was to tear us appart. It will not work. And we are not universalist and all roads lead to heaven people. You should have read up on past postings over the years to see what people believe instead of charging carelessly. You need to take a step back and read the verses on love and apply them. Not quote them. I am not saying this stuff to be judgemental to you. However I hope you realise what attitude that you have done this with. I do not take offence at you accusing me of anything. I know where my destiny is and what rewards I will be recieving. As far as telling you what god am I a child of? I am not offended by that at all! Infact that is encouraging! I am ready to fly up and claim my rewards! Hope to see you there! I am still your brother in Christ. Jesus is my creater and Jesus is my reciever!

  118. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Hopefully I got the right anon. on that last one. There are just too many.

  119. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Anon 7:37pm you speak with such anger. There is something about you that strikes me as an angry hurting individual. Everything is taken so personally by you. When someone attempts to use kindness you lash out at them. I seen nothing judgemental in anon 6:25's posting.

  120. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Wow, very exciting and heated discussion today. How about ALL of you go back to the Book Of Romans for a few days, then come back to discussion according to God's Word. ( After that move on to any of the letters to the various churches, for NONE have it all right, Phil 2:12-14 and remembering that can cover a lot of back biting.)
    By the way, one of you talked about the Catholic church being all encompassing~ Hello, I can give you roughly 90-95 % of the churches in my region of all denominations that are ecumenical and dialectic ( Marxists) in all approach to teaching and evangelism~ that is the PLAN and it is working for the enemy wonderfully! So, study and show yourself approved, a workmen approved,who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth (Phil 2:9-14;15 Eph.5:31,32; Gal.6 19-26) exhort, rebuke, correct and teach.....(1 John 2:1-6; 2 Cor 13:5;Hebrews 7:21-27; Hebrews 4:12; 1 Tim 2:1-6 and 4:16) that meant all of us have a lot to learn. The pick for the AntiC buddy, the false prophet can be picked, at this point, from numerous denominations, some even 'Fundamental based- in name only' churches. The deception runs deep, and we are challenged to make sure we are in the faith, that's for all of you~ not just the catholic, the Baptist, the Lutheran~ all of you better get of your high horses, check yourselves for a host of sins and repent to Jesus with a sincere and contrite heart. Tne issue you all eluded to is what Jesus cares about the most, the attitude of the heart....what I read so far scares me.... not one of you came at one another in love, with a correct spirit of correction or rebuke, and I dare say Jesus could write any of you right now, anonymously and each of you would argue YOUR stand. Again, please check your hearts.

  121. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Pardon me, there are a few of you who did lovingly convey correction to both the'catholic and anti-catholic', also showing a soft and trainable spirit~ I wrote before reading the last few blogs entries. Thank you. May the Lord teach and correct us all in these troubled times, with an attitude of love and thanksgiving, that we may grow in unity of the fullness of Christ. For it is by Grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God, not as a result of works, so that no one can boast. (Ephesians 2:8

  122. Anonymous7:42 AM

    What is with the sudden advertising?

  123. I would appreciate the advertising spammers staying off! After all, I started this particular thread with an article complaining of Texe Marrs' profiteering, advertising, and antagonizing!

  124. Hi Carrie,

    I wrote a detailed response to the SCP disinformation and when I tried to publish, it suddenly both froze and erased. Now, I'm trying again, but unfortunately, Idon't have time this morning for the detail I composed yesterday. Here are a few of the problems I have had with them over the years:

    1. They have at times identified some things as New Age while legitimating other forms of New Age activity in same article (e.g., "medical" hypnosis)

    2. They have untruthfully denied that the New Agers were/are politically networked.

    3. They were participants in the Gold Lake 1987 Boulder, Colorado unity meeting chaired by Barbara Marx Hubbard. Art Lindsley of their board was there and he went on to Washington to work with Doug Coe as well as a C. S. Lewis center. David Spangler bragged that they had helped write this book, THE NEW AGE RAGE (Karen Hoyt, editor) and that the theme of the book was the same as the theme of the conference -- there could be unity and reconciliation between Christians and New Agers.

    4. Privately, Tal Brooke has been circulating some of the worst of the worst Jew baiting theories and giving his personal endorsement to same. Some have been passed on to me.

    5. SCP actively worked to promote Jeremy Rifkin's very open agenda.

    There is much more -- I had more in the comment I tried to post and lost yesterday. More later.

  125. To the anonymous who wrote of the Dalai Lama and Catholic interaction with him -- you are correct about much of what you wrote and I share those concerns. However, I am not sure I agree that the Allah of the Moslems equates a "moon god" rather than God the Father. Although it is cult-like and clear error and denial of Jesus' role, I believe it to be a cult from Christianity. Still, the New Agers consider Islam (apart from Sufism which is clearly New Age) to be a form of "Peoples of the Book" and as such to be as Alice Bailey wrote in THE RAYS AND THE INITIATIONS to be "shut away into its own separate place."

  126. Anonymous9:52 AM

    While I am glad you see the problems inherent in Rome's vetting of the Dalai Lama...

    Here's the problem....Constance...

    I do believe that Allah is not YHWH/The God of the Bible.

    Research how Muhammed had his visions, many false religions of Mystery Babylon were started by false angels of "light", that includes Joseph Smith and his visions. There is no grace in the too is a religion of works just like Catholicism. The Koran also directly denies Jesus Christ in Surah 4, and according to scriptural test that means Islam is ANTICHRIST. Which means now that the Popes have aligned themselves with Islam, preaching it too worships "God", they condemn themselves as antichrist.

    Realize right now Pope Benedict instead of actually preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ {I do not believe Rome holds it} to Turkey, is promoting unity of religions instead.

    Even today the Pope prayed towards Mecca...

    Cardinals have already publically prayed to "Allah" using Islamic prayers.

    Constance, I really want to know how you do not see the NEW AGE underpinnings of Rome's interreligious dialogue. Why do you support the formation of the one world religion? {You do so indirectly when you defend the papacy and Catholicism so adamantly}

    Constance one will either be a defender of the true gospel of Jesus Christ, where true unity lies, or they will be a defender of the new one world religion forming the future kingdom of the antichrist with the false prophet. Rome right now is working on joining the three monotheistic religions together, but this also is being moved towards Hindus, Buddhism and Eastern religions.

    Alice Bailey channeled this via her demon:

    "First and foremost, there must be recognition of the fact of God. That central Reality can be called by any name that man may choose according to his mental or emotional bent, racial tradition and heritage, for it cannot be defined or conditioned by names. Human beings per- force always use names in order to express that which they sense, feel and know, both of the phenomenal and also of the intangible. Consciously or unconsciously, all men recognise God Transcendent and God Immanent. They sense God to be the Creator and the Inspiration of all that is."

    So Constance how is Rome's Universal Savior teachings or interreligious dialogue any different from Alice Bailey's demonic messages? That "God" works via false religions, that there is salvation in other names...

    JPII preached this, and Benedict is following this same exact program in Turkey...{instead of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ preaching unity and "We Both Believe in the Same God" instead never allowing the Islamics to come to know Christ}

    “It will be in the sincere practice of what is good in their own religious traditions and by following the dictates of their own conscience that members of other religions respond positively to God’s invitation and receive salvation in Jesus Christ even while they do not recognize or acknowledge him as their Saviour.*

    (Cite for this quote--(* Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue-Congregation for The Evangelization of Peoples, Instruction Dialogue and Proclamation, 19 May 1991 n29; L’Ossertavore Romano English Edition, 1 July 1991, p.III).

    {Many of the beliefs on this board seem to be centered in this very false unscriptural teaching}

    The New Age is an enemy Constance, but it is not the only one. Realize the New Age is anything but new, Satan is continuing the same lies of the garden and has always desired the worship given to God "I shall be like the most High"

    At the core the Popes are promoting Theosophy. {NEW AGE} After all one of the main tenets of Theosophy is when Alice Bailey calls for the unity of the world's religions for a "new spirituality" with the United Nations running the show, how is it different when the Pope's do the VERY SAME THING with the same exact, support and promotion of the UN.

    Do you believe in Bible Prophecy Constance?

    John the Revelator warned of the counterfeit church, I believe that is Rome, and it IS bringing all the world's religions together...

    This prophecy is coming to pass...

    Rev 17:13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

    and Daniel who was allowed to see the Last Days by God warned of this speaking of the antichrist...

    Dan 8:25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify [himself] in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

    The Catholic church in promoting its unity of world's religion instead of preaching the saving gospel of Jesus Christ, of 100% trust in Him, is preaching WORLD PEACE.

    By peace He shall destroy many.

    How many {including deluded Prots and evangelicals as well as Catholics and those in false religions} are being led down Satan's slide into universalism because they desire false peace and unity over God's eternal truth?

  127. I'm in a legal seminar today and just reading on the fly. This is for CARRIE TOMKO's hoped for response. I must confess my deep disappointment at Pope Benedict XVI's alleged "praying toward Mecca" -- I'm not of the school that would classify that as praying to Buddha, but it is being hailed by so many of the syncretists as their hoped for compromise from one who formerly stood so sternly against it. What do you make of it and what is your reading?

  128. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Anonymous 9:52 am,
    Why should anyone listen to you when you listen to no one else?

    You lecture; you do not dialogue. There is no difference between your methods and those of any cult operation. One of the techniques used by cults is information overload. The cult leader swamps the captive (and those who come here to read about New Age methods are captive if they wish to stay informed about the movement), with an overload of supposed information. The recruit is made to feel that he must make a decision on the spot or his soul will be lost forever. The cult leader doesn't stop, never taking the pressure off. There is no dialogue.

    The technique is called Snapping. Because there is an overload of information that cannot be processed logically, the recruit must make a decision whether to to accept anything the cult leader presents or risk losing his soul. After the recruit snaps, he is putty in the hands of the cult leader.

    This was the favorite technique of the Moonies, or Sun Yung Moon's cult in the 1980s. Information Overload is used by high pressure salesmen as well as "religious" leaders.

    I don't know whether you are a well meaning nuisance or are deliberately using this well known technique which is totally disrespectful of the intelligence of others. You rant on for many inches of space, applying pressure, demanding obedience to your point of view.

    If you don't like being catagorized, TOUGH!! You are continuously doing it to others here, and it is time someone spoke truth to you. Don't bother with the "I only mean..." excuse, or the "don't call me names" rant. You've already used that tactic several times.


  129. For the record, I had far more ugly opposition and compromise on the existence of the New Age Movement from so-called evangelical sources than the Catholic ones which admittedly were ugly in and of itself. When I started my research, the Catholic infiltration was obviously more obvious than many of the more subtle Protestant ones, with the exception of Paulist Press which had the coziest of compromise relationships promoting the New World Order with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. When I got into deeper digging with Norman Grubb, Abraham Vereide, Doug Coe, Sir Kenneth Grubb, Frank Buchman, it appears not entirely accidental that the Evangelicals and the Theosophicals have the same "holy city," Wheaton, Illinois, population 57,000. Is there anything much more New Age than the Marion Wade Center of Wheaton College? I don't think so. They are whole-heartedly glorifying Rudolf Steiner (who makes even Blavatsky and Bailey look VERY CHRISTIAN by comparison. Rudolf Steiner wrote that when Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit, he actually meant the Lucifer spirit"


    At least the Catholics admitted they had a New Age/syncretist problem and moved to clean house on it while Evangelicals were denying it had ever darkened their door as they simultaneously tried to push earth worshipping "Environmental Christianity"/New World Order "Pew Charitable Trusts"/ and Owen Barfield/Anthroposophy along with Jeremy Rifkin on the rest of us!

    Again, the two VERY FALSE GOSPELS as I see them:

    1. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be a member of the ABC Church and thou shalt be saved.

    2. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be a member of the NBC Church and thou shalt be saved.



    I will be much more impressed by the last courageously anonymous poster after he tells me what he thinks of Dave Hunt's embrace of William Law and as I see it an unashamed doubling back of evangelicals to the same brand of western mysticism that produced Rosicrucianism and the Theosophical
    Society itself!

  130. Anonymous2:51 PM


    I have preached all along that salvation IS in JESUS CHRIST and is not dependent on denomination or church. I have not denied New Age infiltration into Protestant and other Christian churches. One thing in common all the infiltrated Protestants and evangelical churches hold in common is joining with Rome in their "interreligious dialogue".

    Your outline that the Catholic church "BELIEVES ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST" is false.

    Why is that?

    The Catholic church's historical teaching...

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus

    "Outside the church there is no salvation"


    The Main Catholic Sola: Sola Eccelsiam...

  131. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Perhaps, in parting, I would point out that just because the New Agers teach that Christianity and the New Age can be reconciled, does not mean that they will be.

    Just because they teach that the Antichrist will deny that the 'Christ Spirit' has come in the Flesh, does not mean that this is what will occur.

    The point is, in fact, that the Antichristian System of the end days hates Jesus Christ and, therefore, it will hate all Christians of all denominations and seek to destroy all Christians - Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox, Unorthodox, Charismatics, Mormons, JW's, Indepenants etc, because they are proof that, in fact, Y'shua Messiah has come in the flesh.

    You people are really in for an extremely rude awakening, just like many of the people who run this world are, and many of the 'Intellectuals' that they have working for them, for things are not going to go as they plan, and as some of you think that they are going to go. The intellectual's are the first ones to go when they start their little cleansing program - mainly so they can take their property.

    The Antichrist HATES JESUS CHRIST AND ALL WHO CLAIM TO BE HIS DISCIPLE and, in fact, there are some people - and some religious leaders - who claim to be Christians, and in fact are not, and they also will be exterminated because they inadvertantly are proof that Y'shua is Messiah.

  132. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Child of God… I think that in your response to me you combined my posting (anon 6:25) with other postings. My name is John and I have read the postings here for some time now but probably not as long as most. I am a believer in Jesus Christ and not a Universalist. “…for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved” Acts 4:12. I have respected Constance Cumbey and relied on her for good information ever since her first book. I was very glad to find this blog and to see that Constance and many others are still working tirelessly to expose the New Age Movement wherever it goes. I have not really earned the right to criticize any posting here. It just seemed to be important to say something about the tone so the message and dialog could keep going. I agree with Matthew 13:24-30. God will separate the wheat and the tares. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge….”Proverbs 1:7

  133. Anonymous5:01 PM

    I must confess my deep disappointment at Pope Benedict XVI's alleged "praying toward Mecca" -- I'm not of the school that would classify that as praying to Buddha, but it is being hailed by so many of the syncretists as their hoped for compromise from one who formerly stood so sternly against it. What do you make of it and what is your reading?

    I'm not entirely happy about it. In his book TRUTH AND TOLERANCE Cardinal Ratzinger made it clear he did not approve of any syncretistic demonstrations. He refused to attend John Paul II's first Assisi event. Now that he is Pope he seems to be compromising somewhat.

    To be fair, though, he was in a tough spot after Regensburg, and he may have wanted to avoid unleashing a Catholic pogrom in Islamic countries, and saw this compromise as necessary to save lives.

    Catholic journalist Domenico Bettnelli

    has an interesting take on the action. While I can see Bettnelli's point, still facing Mecca in a mosque while others are gathered there in prayer conveys a certain message to those in attendance. It would be far worse if he had joined in prayer or kissed the Koran as his predecessor did. In any case, many Catholics question these gestures, and I've been among those who are skeptical.

    There is only one answer to "Who do you say that I am?" Facing Mecca and giving the impression that you revere Allah, who rejected the Divinity of Jesus Christ, would seem to deny the correct answer.

  134. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I think you need to look at the information about Jesus as taken from quotes from the Bailey material.

    Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - Esoteric Philosophy - Master Index - JESUS
    (page 1 of 3) »

    Thre are 100 quotes from the books on the first page. I haven't counted the rest. They fit Jesus into their own system. They don't "hate" him. They just reinvent his image. What they do hate is the morality, i.e., works, done by the followers of Christianity and Judaism.


  135. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Carrie, I'm not trying to be troublesome, but when you have a belief system, i.e., New Age, that believes everyone is part of God, it is very easy for them to accept the divinity of Jesus. What they do not accept is that God is separate and distinct from the human creation. They do not accept, as Christians do, that a miracle occured when God chose to appear as man.


  136. Anonymous5:28 PM

    John: If you were the one I was responding to please forgive me. I am attempting to speek to the anon. who seems to be the catholic hater. Again with depest regrets forgive me. You figured out that I was confused to wich anon. I was responding too. sometimes one anon. looks like another. My depest appologise.

    Ok now my problem is with the anon. of 8:25 , the one that Dorothy responded to.

    Your blanket statement of the catholic church is false and you care not to respond to other people with experience with catholics. You try to say on one hand that they are the harlotte but on the other hand you are giving this information for what? It is not through love you are speaking or communicating. You are not willing to accept that there are Born Again believers in the catholic church. You are hard. Friends that I have known have gone to there death bed proclaiming Christ Jesus the Nazarene the one and only savior and Messiah to all they met. Now Maybe this little bit of info might surprise you or it might not. But my friend that died of cancer being a catholic did not believe all of the teachings of the catholic church. She stayed to enjoy fellowship with other true believers that were also in her church. Does this still give you the right to label these individuals the harlotte? In fact there was a huge group of true believers in Jesus Christ at this catholic church. Will you still persecute them because they spread the name of Jesus to all they met just because of the denomination that they attend? No, none of them prayed to Mary. They prayed to Father , Son, and Holy Spirit and that is it! There are so many protestant churches out there that do not teach the truth now, but you insist on castrating the faithful with a blanket statement because of the church they attend that believes in Jesus. Summer of 2005 a catholic church in east Boston led by father Tom D'lorenzo is on fire for Jesus.It is not a neighbor hood to be in. Its dangerous. The healings that have taken place there are incredible. Now don't try to say that even satan appears as an angel of light for comparisson on this. The Bible clearly states in the last chapter of Mark vs 17-18 that signs will follow true believers in Jesus Christ. Now these signs on display at this catholic church are not of the anti-christ. 80 year old woman healed of her blindness at this church. Deaf being healed, criples walking and all giving glory to Jesus alone! Call me decieved or whatever you want but when miracles happen and the credit is given to Jesus Christ our Lord that is the real deal! It is just as the appostles wrote! When Jesus shows up you arn't going to stop Him or decide where he can go or can not go! Catholics in Egypt being killed by the congregation for the witness of Christ and proclaiming Jesus while they are being burned shot and raped to death in the streets by muslims. Lets see.... that makes 2 churches now now that are catholic and firmly proclaim Jesus is the only way. There are many more that I could list for you as well. This time you will be refuting the work of the Holy All Powerfull God and Creator Himself on full distplay for everyone to see! You have no room in your heart for catholics to even have the thought of teaching true repentance of sin and coming to salvation in Jesus alone. Have you ever considered that God is the one changing the tide for these catholics? You act as if it is a sin for a catholic to be born again and still remain at the catholic church. Well if all born again christian ran from the world once we were saved who then would be the light to the rest? I am glad my friends aunt that died of cancer remaned at the catholic chuch to be the light.I have room in my heart for the catholic people and to love them as anyone else. I am commanded to in the gospels. I will obey and share the truth unashamed to them and still love them even if they reject the love of the truth. The Holy Spirit is the one convicting them, not me.

    Again John I'm sorry!

  137. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Actually, Dorothy, there are many overlaps between the words of the Popes and the beliefs of the Theosophists. Lee has often called them magpies who take what they want here and there and concoct their own religion out of it. Certainly MORALS AND DOGMA would fit that description of magpies. That is probably the greatest difficulty in sorting out the New Age. There is truth in it. There is also deception. Separating the two is the problem.

    One example is the use of the rainbow. It has a legitimate Biblical symbolism, that God will never again destroy the world by flood. It has other meanings in New Age. One has to determine when the symbol is being used what the meaning behind it is.

    As I've written on my blog, I am a black and white person in a gray world. I especially find it difficult to sort the black from the white in the gray world of Theosophy.

  138. Anonymous5:57 PM

    I saw the picture of the pope facing Mecca. All I have is one question. Has anyone ever seen a mosque that is not facing Mecca? They all face mecca! It is required by thier teachings. I just hope that the pope's visit to the muslim nation Turkey has broken the ice for communication and destroyed the reputation of the anti-Christian propaganda from the muslim peoples trying to intimidate saying that Christians and Jews come from pigs! If it has started a controversy in Turkey than thats just great! People will be talking about it for a long time there. It now leaves the door wide open for the communication of the gospel. A lot of these people have never even heard of such a thing as the gospel of Jesus. I guess there minds have just been opened real wide! It wasn't a pig that stepped into thier mosque. I hear comments about dialog between Christians and muslims as being a bad thing. Isn't dialog what we are supposed to do? As long as it is not for the purpose of merging. Jesus said go to all the corners of the earth and spread the gospel and make disciples. That is the great commission. If we don't have dialog how will we communicate the gospel? By the sword? Not! I don't think the popes visit to Turkey was such a bad thing after all. I don't know all of his intentions. But everywhere the pope has had dialog it has opened the door for the true believers of Jesus to communicate the gospel. That's a good thing.

  139. Hi Carrie and thanks for the response -- that was my thinking on PB XVI as well, although I would have preferred not to have given them as much material as he did. Hopefully it will NEVER happen with a Hindu/Buddhist setting!

  140. Anonymous7:05 PM

    This talk of Texe Marrs and Catholocism has certainly stirred up a hornet's nest.
    I have not read all the posts so cannot say I have the full picture. However, there seems to be a distinct capacity to ignore the Protestant Reformation and the Inquisition. Also, I find no scriptural justification for a global 'Christian' leader to be headquartered in a massively rich nation state let alone circumventing the globe negotiating with other national leaders. How could this possibly be described as Biblical?
    On the matter of whether catholics are saved or not that is entirely a matter between them and God.

  141. Dorothy,

    I hope that you're not saying that I'm Jason. I'm guessing Jason is from North Carolina, unless I'm wrong about what NC stands for. I'm here in Battle Creek, Michigan. I've been reading the on-going debate/discussion and have no idea how to respond I don't know enough about the Roman Catholic Church to give an intelligent response. I'm a member of the United Methodist Church. I'm concerned about the blatant New Age infiltration happening in our denomination. I have to stop for now, I have children here vying for my attention

  142. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Battle Creek Dave,
    No, I'm not confusing you with anyone. You always sign your posts. I try to address the person I'm responding to by name or time. Though we might have disagreed in the past (I can't remember when, but it might have happened), you hold your own without stepping on everyone's feet, and I respect that.


  143. Anonymous8:25 PM


    Those spammers are nothing more than spambots that are designed to crawl through blogs and forums dropping advertisements in them. Addressing them probably will not help.


  144. Anonymous8:25 PM

    This type of anger and disension cannot please God. 'Doing battle for Him', How is that the 'Good News'? This type of squabling and self seeking presents to the world an all too familiar picture, but not one of Christ.

  145. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Stepping on people's feet and running away seems to be your speciality, Dorothy.

  146. Anonymous9:24 PM

    "Stepping on people's feet and running away seems to be your speciality, Dorothy." Said by a total anonymous. Cute! Someone can't run faster than that!

  147. Anonymous11:39 PM

    About a month ago, I was saddened to see that not many people were posting. This site has always been a wonderful tool for research and the sharing of information. Not so lately. For what it's worth, I believe that Jason is a christian as I believe also is Carrie. Let's stop this Protestant/Catholic bickerfest and get back down to business.

  148. Anonymous12:26 AM

    11:39 pm Anonymous,
    What do you want to discuss? What questions do you have? There are several of us who post much information on New Age, but some readers only want validation that what they see happening has been prophicized. They contribute almost nothing in the way of new information.

    Carrie is an excellent researcher on the changes that have taken place in the Catholic church as a result of the New Age infiltration. She really works at contributing new research. Check out her blog. Others have contributed information on Rick Warren and other false faces inside Protestantism. People come and go with input. Rich has done excellent work on the EU and AOC. BattleCreek David contributed much earlier, but has slowed down somewhat. I'm a general researcher on the overall New Age pattern, but I get discouraged when almost no one seems to want to see the larger patterns.

    So friend, what do you want to discuss?


  149. I can imagine Peter and Paul having some heated arguments with each other. But, they still managed to spread the Gospel. What I do know about the Roman Catholic Church is that it does have an impact on all Christianity either directly or indirectly like no other denomination. When Pope John Paul II died, all Christians felt the loss. When there are problems in the RCC, they tend to trickle down to at least other mainline denominations, including infiltration from the New Age Movement.

    The United Methodist Church is a denomination teetering towards spiritless liberalism. This is why mainline denominations are losing members. So, when a flash-in-the-pan superstar comes along with an approach that seems to bring in more member, we jump at the chance. Rick Warren seems to be filling this role. He reminds me of the Dr. Seuss story "The Sneetches." Some Sneetches had stars on their bellies and some had "none upon thars." Until one day some guy came along that could give the Sneetches stars or could remove them. It only made a mess of things, but the guy made a ton of money in the process. To me Rick Warren has this same quality.

  150. Anonymous10:50 AM

    The United Methodist Church is infiltrated as well, and well like every other going aposate church it is ecumenical with Rome and SUPPORTS INTERFAITHISM....[this is the common thread that runs through all apostate Christian and Prot churches]

    What is more New Age then "interreligious dialogue"...Ive asked that question several times here, to have it ignored. It must be the great elephant in the living room, the Catholics and Catholic supporters here do not want to admit to, given that it totally marks their very top leaders as NEW AGE.

    While Constance herself worries about a few of the actions, this inability to see the forest for the trees, and how things are being set up for the antichrist via the Roman Catholic institution with its daughters, is very disconcerting here on this blog.

    The internet is full of Carrie's, erudite concerned Catholics who know their church is leading them blind into a ditch of interfaithism, apostasy and anything but Christianity who refuse to realize the solution which is right in scripture...COME OUT OF HER. They will wring their hands for years, "These terrible terrible leaders!" but remain within imbiding spiritual poison. Its as if they never read the Bible, and totally ignore the teachings of the apostles, one of which was:

    1Cr 11:1 ¶ Be ye followers of me, even as I also [am] of Christ.

    {That applies to Prots and Christians who realize they are under FALSE leaders like Rick Warren}

    They'll wring their hands about the latest hiding of perverts and corruption, but remain under the tutelage of these SAME MEN. And unlike many Catholics in the pews, these TYPES KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON.
    Do they help anyone constantly exposing the wickedness of their church but refusing to accept the Biblical solution? I think not.

    Jesus didnt preach FOLLOW THE WOLVES IN SHEEP's CLOTHING and DO EVERYTHING THEY SAY...but warned of them for a reason.

    Catholicism via its sacraments makes its system all about its clergy, after all if a Catholic believes that only Rome produces the valid Eucharist [the one that is truly the god-cookie], they remain trapped in the system. Such is the genius of the false teachings of Rome. Catholics who know their church has gone rotten, with man-made traditions leading the show, who stay within for this reason.

    Pope John Paul was a false teacher, basically a Theosophist who even used Masonic language like "Universal brotherhood". Considering that Jesus taught that the true Christian would be hated by the world, this man was loved, and adored by the world. Even at the funeral where there could have been an opportunity like no other to witness the gospel to an unbelieving world, it never happened.

    The biggest problem in Christianity right now is instead of having Jesus Christ at the center of it's faith, it has put man, and that includes both RICK WARREN and the present POPE, who preach things contrary to God's Word.

    Salvation in Jesus Christ is putting 100% trust in Him instead of man, sacraments, and false churches.

  151. Anonymous10:52 AM

    The United Methodist Church is infiltrated as well, and well like every other going aposate church it is ecumenical with Rome and SUPPORTS INTERFAITHISM....[this is the common thread that runs through all apostate Christian and Prot churches]

    What is more New Age then "interreligious dialogue"...Ive asked that question several times here, to have it ignored. It must be the great elephant in the living room, the Catholics and Catholic supporters here do not want to admit to, given that it totally marks their very top leaders as NEW AGE.

    While Constance herself worries about a few of the actions, this inability to see the forest for the trees, and how things are being set up for the antichrist via the Roman Catholic institution with its daughters, is very disconcerting here on this blog.

    The internet is full of Carrie's, erudite concerned Catholics who know their church is leading them blind into a ditch of interfaithism, apostasy and anything but Christianity who refuse to realize the solution which is right in scripture...COME OUT OF HER. They will wring their hands for years, "These terrible terrible leaders!" but remain within imbiding spiritual poison. Its as if they never read the Bible, and totally ignore the teachings of the apostles, one of which was:

    1Cr 11:1 ¶ Be ye followers of me, even as I also [am] of Christ.

    {That applies to Prots and Christians who realize they are under FALSE leaders like Rick Warren}

    They'll wring their hands about the latest hiding of perverts and corruption, but remain under the tutelage of these SAME MEN. And unlike many Catholics in the pews, these TYPES KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON.
    Do they help anyone constantly exposing the wickedness of their church but refusing to accept the Biblical solution? I think not.

    Jesus didnt preach FOLLOW THE WOLVES IN SHEEP's CLOTHING and DO EVERYTHING THEY SAY...but warned of them for a reason.

    Catholicism via its sacraments makes its system all about its clergy, after all if a Catholic believes that only Rome produces the valid Eucharist [the one that is truly the god-cookie], they remain trapped in the system. Such is the genius of the false teachings of Rome. Catholics who know their church has gone rotten, with man-made traditions leading the show, who stay within for this reason.

    Pope John Paul was a false teacher, basically a Theosophist who even used Masonic language like "Universal brotherhood". Considering that Jesus taught that the true Christian would be hated by the world, this man was loved, and adored by the world. Even at the funeral where there could have been an opportunity like no other to witness the gospel to an unbelieving world, it never happened.

    The biggest problem in Christianity right now is instead of having Jesus Christ at the center of it's faith, it has put man, and that includes both RICK WARREN and the present POPE, who preach things contrary to God's Word.

    Salvation in Jesus Christ is putting 100% trust in Him instead of man, sacraments, and false churches.

  152. Anonymous12:29 PM

    You can call me Bible Believer...

  153. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Now I would like someone to answer the question...

    what is more New Age then "interreligious dialogue"?

    I have asked this several times and would like it answered.

    Is this group NEW AGE or not?

  154. Anonymous2:16 PM

    *******If the Catholic Church is so apostate that she cannot provide that fellowship, then where shall Christians fellowship together per the command of the Bible?********

    Together with fellow believers, who have been born again in Jesus Christ and who have discernment via the Holy Spirit indwelling.

    There are certain fruits of this, that a Christian can recognize despite even smaller disagreements, among them are:

    a} Love for God's Word

    b} Discernment to realize that the path of interfaithism is false, Jesus is truly the only way...not Buddha, Allah or other religions and that false teachers like Rick Warren and the Popes teach "another gospel"

    I by no means see Christianity divided among denomination. Christians are to be united in Jesus Christ. But it is unity in the Biblical gospel which is salvation via faith in Jesus Christ, not unity in Pope, which the Catholic ecumenical movement is all about nor unity of the world-which the Dominionists seek nor unity via the false peace "antichrist" gospel.

    I by no means expect a Christian to agree with me on every single little thing to have fellowship with them. However there is a certain standard. Not everyone who uses the name JESUS, has been born again in HIm, that includes New Agers and Wiccans, I have witnessed to directly who have used the name Jesus...{as an avatar and for the Wiccan, an additional world teacher with Buddha}

    Have they been saved via faith in Jesus Christ is what counts..Do they have the Holy Spirit inwelling as a Child of God?

    Catholicism does not teach the saving gospel of faith in Jesus Christ alone. Mormonism does not teach it, Jehovah Witnesses do not hold it given they deny the divinity of Christ.

    Would you folks defend fellowship with Mormons the same way you defend fellowship with Catholicism?

    If you do then you may as well join with New Agers, who consider Jesus "a great prophet and teacher".

  155. Anonymous2:16 PM

    The URI is heavily influenced by the new age visionaries. Lee Penn in his book False Dawn documents this as well as the official position of the Catholic Church. That position is is to resist it. Yet, there are individual Catholic churches that do not adhere to the Vatican's position.

  156. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Dorothy said : "Theoferrum,
    I think you need to look at the information about Jesus as taken from quotes from the Bailey material...They fit Jesus into their own system. They don't "hate" him. They just reinvent his image. What they do hate is the morality, i.e., works, done by the followers of Christianity and Judaism."


    Anonymous said : "Now I would like someone to answer the question...

    What is more New Age then "interreligious dialogue"?

    I have asked this several times and would like it answered."


    Sorry Dorothy, but I have better things to do with my time then read the words of New Agers and, Dorothy, you are very sadly mistaken if you think the New Agers don't hate Jesus and, further, even were you correct, this attitude would change in the near future when the Antichristian System rules the world for all those who claim to be disciples of Y'shua will have to renounce their faith in him and accept the Mark of the Beast or be beheaded. And, in answer to Anonymous' question as to what is more New Age then inter religious dialogue, the answer is the same - hatred of Jesus Christ.

    "Don't be surprised if the world hates you for it hated me first" - those are the words of Y'shua himself and I have found it to be true in my own life. If you love the world you are an enemy of God and vice versa, if you love Y'hova, you are an enemy of the World System ruled by the adversary and "all those who live Godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution" by that same World System for they hate Y'shua and they always oppose the work of Y'hova.

    If you have never seen the venemous spirit of these people in regards to Y'shua and his Kingdom, simply put, you are not living Godly in Christ Jesus.

    As I said, many of you are in for a very rude awakening...

  157. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Anonymous 2:16, so your message boils down to
    a} Love for God's Word

    b} Discernment to realize that the path of interfaithism is false, Jesus is truly the only way...not Buddha, Allah or other religions and that false teachers like Rick Warren and the Popes teach "another gospel"

    You sure do take a lot of words to say so little. Anyone setting up their own cult could start with that. What's your next step. If you are going to fill up several feet of space with your wisdom on this thread, at least use it wisely.

    You ask "what is more New Age then "interreligious dialogue"?

    First of all interreligious dialogue is not New Age. If religious people are going to get along in this age of instant communication, they had better talk. The Muslims aren't talking, and we see where that is leading. Dialogue doesn't mean acceptance of the truth of another's beliefs. Ecumenicism can be a snare, just as many other things are, where individuals can be pulled into the New Age movement. One might as well say "What is more New Age than the Animal Rights Movement" or "What is more New Age than (fill in the blank with words such as Holistic Health as taken from the Whole Again Resource Guide)? None are the basis of New Age movement, but they are snares.

    As a second point, you totally ignore the political end of the New Age movement.

    The New Age movement has as its two main goals One World Government and One World Religion, the latter providing a way to the common culture needed by the former. There are many minor goals or steps along the way.

    While the New Age movement can best be analyzed through its occult components as these are the ones most readily observed and more thoroughly researched, not everyone involved in the New Age movement is acting on their beliefs about the supernatural.

    You ask what is more New Age than interreligious dialogue. I say what is more New Age is any man's arrogance to believe that he has all of the answers to create a perfect world. From the top leadership on down, individuals are offered items out of the New Age toolbox which feed their pride, their need for power, their lack of humility, their lack of charity, their arrogance, their greed, their anger. Put these traits along with one snare from the Whole Again or any other New Age networking book, and you have what is the most New Age in action. Put these individuals together, and it is a time bomb.

    The New Age movement is a test for all of us, and not just something someone else is doing.

    Bible believer, I don't expect you know how to dialogue, so I've given this answer to show others there is an answer to your question.

  158. Anonymous3:58 PM

    David T. Hill,aka Theoferrum,wrote this, among many other amazing things on his blog description:

    "Since that time he has shown me that the many things that have occured in my life
    many of which are listed on this WebSpace was because I was his actually son sired via the Shroud of Turin by he Insiders of this Satanic World System to start Armageddon and I have Dates, Names, News Articles,Photos,Scriptural and Scientific Evidence to support this presented on this webspace. This was not told to me by the Insiders themselves for they don't want this information available to the general public."

    Those insiders sure can't be very powerful if you are letting this valuable information out to the public.

  159. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Forgot to sign in again. Anonymous 3:49 is me, Dorothy

  160. Anonymous4:37 PM

    More from the pen of David Hill, Theoferrum:
    "What is the Mother of all Conspiracies?

    I have presented it on this webspace and that is that these same Insiders have brought about the birth of the son of Jesus Christ from seed from the Shroud in the hopes of creating the Fountain of Youth and the Tree of Life and starting their version of Armageddon so that they can establish their New World Order and enslave the world and, ultimately, they hope to Defeat Y'shua bar Y'hova when he returns..."

  161. Anonymous5:25 PM


    Thank you for your kind words.


  162. Anonymous6:02 PM

    *****The URI is heavily influenced by the new age visionaries. Lee Penn in his book False Dawn documents this as well as the official position of the Catholic Church. That position is is to resist it. Yet, there are individual Catholic churches that do not adhere to the Vatican's position.*****

    Even Lee Penn had to wonder when Benedict chose URI supporting Levada for his second hand man...[something that happened after he published his book] by the way, Ive read the book.

    Right on the URI website, they describe their audience with the Pope:


    "We, the interfaith members of Cardinal Levada's delegation, have been privileged to experience and be a part of history in the making. Not only were we present to see the highest ranking American Roman Catholic in history - William Levada, former Archbishop of San Francisco and friend - installed in a position of high honor and great responsibility and authority, we were, from all we could learn, the first interfaith delegation to participate in a consistory.

    URI's charter tells us we are a bridge building organization. It tells us we are to respect the wisdom of each tradition and differences among traditions. It tells us we are to encourage our members to deepen their roots in their own tradition. It tells us we are to give and receive the gift of hospitality...and more.

    We were in Rome in the first place because we have practiced the wisdom of our charter and developed deep and abiding friendships, including with Archbishop Levada. While we were there, we were blessed to live the meaning of our charter for a week in Rome. We were blessed to be living witnesses to the new way of being spiritual neighbors to which our charter leads us. We were changed by our experience. And, in some perhaps indefinable way, the Vatican was changed."


    Perhaps he can do an abridged version...

    Dont get me wrong I like Lee Penn, he is correct about many things going on, but I believe is in error about Rome's LEADING ROLE in the push for a one world religion.


    The Vatican's "position" is one of double talk and given the Pope's and Vatican's leading roles in interfaith organizations like WCRP, Temple of Understanding, Parliament of Worlds's Religions, UNESCO, that just doesnt involve individual deceived liberal Catholics but Pope's and Cardinals, I was surprised at Lee Penn's blind spot in his book, that somehow didnt see this stuff coming down right from the top.....

  163. Anonymous6:03 PM


    I love your responce. Youve got the words!

  164. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Aonymous 6:02 pm
    It may be the Catholics who have to worry about losing their religion to the Protestants. The Protestants have been working at bringing about unity this time around since 1910, earlier if Wikipedia is to be considered.

    Protestants are not adopting Catholic rituals, prayers, beliefs or the organization. If you've been around Catholic churches in the past 40 years, you might have noticed how the Catholic churches have looked like Protestant ones, the prayers could be said in any Protestant church, And you also might notice that the Pope has lost a lot of authority in those years.

    All in all I think Catholics should stay away from those conspiratorial Protestants. LOL


  165. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Hello from Lee Penn, the author of False Dawn.

    1. In reply to the comment by "Anonymous" at 6:02 pm ... I finished writing the book in August 2004, months before John Paul II died. Things at the Vatican had not deteriorated to the extent that they have since then. The web page that you find is a good indicator of what is going on now.

    2. I will not update the book, but may start a blog soon to cover the issues raised in False Dawn.

    3. There were some comments early in the thread about SCP that call for my response - without getting into the middle of the dispute between Constance and SCP.
    -- SCP has carried my work on United Religions, New Age, Masonry, Opus Dei, and the emerging police state/New World Order since 1999. They have never tried to censor me, or to get me to pull any punches. They let me call things as I saw them.
    -- The same is true for Sophia Perennis, the publishers of my book. Their editing made my book better, without in any way detracting from the anti-New Age message.

    4. As for Levada's elevation to the post of Cardinal, it is a very ominous sign.

    Regarding that prelate, I wrote this:

    His selection by B16 as one of his first Papal acts is, I believe, a prologue to what he will do from here on.

    There's good reason why I am considering becoming Orthodox.


  166. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Thank you, Lee Penn,

    I am glad you are willing to examine these things honestly and take a look at what has transpired in Rome since your book was published.

    I think a blog for New Dawn is a very good idea.

    I of course consider the Orthodox a lateral move from the Roman Catholic church, being a Bible believer, but get into God's Word and He will lead you as to where you should go. Understand it is not sacraments or rituals that save but faith in Jesus Christ. Compare the teachings of WHATEVER church you go to, with God's Word.

    One thing I respect about people is when they are willing to examine the evidence, instead of closing their eyes and ears, this is a quality of a someone who does seek after God and who is open to TRUTH.

    Given that you have been willing to listen and examine this new evidence, this is something I definitely respect. I am praying Constance will examine some of the many things I have posted here on this blog.

    God IS calling HIS PEOPLE OUT, of the antichrist one world religion system....

    Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

    This by the way will include Protestants and Christians in false apostate churches that have joined with it. {Rick Warren, Word of Faith, liberal mainline churches etc} the so called "daughters".

  167. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Thank you, Lee Penn,

    I am glad you are willing to examine these things honestly and take a look at what has transpired in Rome since your book was published.

    I think a blog for New Dawn is a very good idea.

    I of course consider the Orthodox a lateral move from the Roman Catholic church, being a Bible believer, but get into God's Word and He will lead you as to where you should go. Understand it is not sacraments or rituals that save but faith in Jesus Christ. Compare the teachings of WHATEVER church you go to, with God's Word.

    One thing I respect about people is when they are willing to examine the evidence, instead of closing their eyes and ears, this is a quality of a someone who does seek after God and who is open to TRUTH.

    Given that you have been willing to listen and examine this new evidence, this is something I definitely respect. I am praying Constance will examine some of the many things I have posted here on this blog.

    God IS calling HIS PEOPLE OUT, of the antichrist one world religion system....

    Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

    This by the way will include Protestants and Christians in false apostate churches that have joined with it. {Rick Warren, Word of Faith, liberal mainline churches etc} the so called "daughters".

  168. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Oops sorry for double post...

  169. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Oh meant to write FALSE DAWN, typed too fast...too

  170. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Hi people
    I do not know what to give for Christmas of the to friends, advise something ....

  171. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Desperate to change the subject?

  172. Anonymous11:12 AM

    In Revelation 20 the earth moves into the Thousand-year Reign. How would one know when this had begun?

    I am convinced that John Paul II equated his "New Springtime" with the "New Heaven and the New Earth" of Chapter 21.

    Could it be possible that we are in transition?

  173. The seminal New Age writings certainly do show a hatred for Jesus as well as God the Father. They redefine Jehovah as an "evil spirit" interfering with planetary evolution and cast Jesus into the role of one of "many Christs". Last, they redefine Christ from Jesus to "we're all Christ." They do attempt to cause confusion with books such as THE AQUARIAN GOSPEL OF JESUS THE CHRIST by claiming Jesus was some type of an early New Age jetsetter seeking to proselytize the New Age gospel of salvation through everything rather than through Him.

  174. EWTN is a television station with many interesting facets and Mother Angelica had the purest of motives -- she did a 90 minute special with me on the New Age Movement in the late 1980's. However, it is not the same as the Pope speaking ex cathedra and what comes from that station does not represent official Catholic doctrine any more than what comes from TBN or PTL represents orthodox Protestant mainstream thinking. There are no perfect churches and there are even much less no perfect TV stations.

  175. EWTN's promotion of Fr. Pacwa (who incidentally worked closely with Walter Martin and SCP to try to shut down my work against the New Age Movement) is of deepest concern to me. Also, their sometimes uncritical acceptance of the Medjujorje and "Mary as Co-Redemptrix" doctrines when even Pope John Paul II had made an official, EX CATHEDRA, (as I recall) it rejection of a "divine quartet" also trouble me.

  176. I am delighted, HONORED, and HUMBLED to have Lee Penn on this discussion board. I deeply respect his work. I'm glad he had a better experience with SCP than me -- not sure what their motives were, but for whatever reason the gospel is being preached, still it is being preached. I probably have better feelings about Pope Benedict XVI than he has -- for one thing, as Cardinal Ratzinger, he took a strong stand against New Age heresies long before 1999 -- in fact he opened his file on Matthew Fox in 1985 and pursued the heresies since -- when SCP was in open denial of their existence!

  177. Anonymous12:16 PM

    *******However, it is not the same as the Pope speaking ex cathedra and what comes from that station does not represent official Catholic doctrine any more than what comes from TBN or PTL represents orthodox Protestant mainstream thinking.*******

    Constance, Catholics often use the paperwork defense all the time, saying only the offical paperwork counts...


    Christians are to adhere to God's Word, not Catholicism confused theology, manmade traditions and "doctrinal development". God's Word is what a Christian should trust in.

    Be careful of falling into this trap as well...and Ive had Catholics tell me it doesnt matter what THAT POPE, THAT COUNCIL, THAT JESUIT SAID...


    "But, then, there is nothing which they dread so much as the testimony of their own Church. ...

    There is even a marked difference between the tone of these Romish Divines
    who speak dogmatically for the instruction of their own members
    and that of those who attempt to answer the objections of their antagonists.
    With the former, all is matter of downright certainty;
    with the latter, all is doubt, difficulty, subterfuge, and evasion.

    When the faithful are to be instructed, every Priest becomes the sure depositary
    of the infallible decisions of an infallible Church;

    but when Protestants are to be confuted,
    the declarations of their most illustrious men are of no authority.
    Councils are discovered to have been but partly approved
    Popes did not speak ex cathedra;
    Cardinals and Bishops are but private Doctors;
    And who cares for the opinion of an obscure Priest or Friar?

    Thus nothing is so difficult as to know what the belief of Roman Catholics really is; and

    (Charles Elliott, Delineation of Roman Catholicism, London: John Mason, 1851, p. 23)"

  178. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Fr. Mitch Pacwa took a stand against the Enneagram. For that I'm grateful. He seems to be the most knowledgable about the New Age movement among the traditional clergy.

    I couldn't comment on EWTN since I don't have cable and have seldom watched the program. There does seem to be some talk that the program is changing since Mother Angelica retired.

    Do you have an opinion about the theologian that the current and previous Popes have embraced, Hans Uhrs von Balthasar, and his mystic Adrienne von Speyer? Was her material channeled? To the best of my knowledge, and I could be wrong, she was never put through the normal discernment process that the Church applies to mystics.

    I trust you know about the Catholic teaching on New Age--"Jesus Christ the Bearer of the Water of Life"?

    I think this teaching is a sound condemnation of New Age.

  179. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Anonymous 12:16,

    I can't disagree with your analysis. The same word-game has frustrated me as well.

  180. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Also Constance...

    just because Rome censors the one or two extreme New Agers or dissidents [often times the thing they hold in common is they make the mistake of questioning the Vatican's authority] like Hans Kung...

    Doesn't mean they don't hold hands with New Agers all over the planet. Even Carrie herself exposed the Dalai Lama New Age seminar held at the Papal Palace recently.

    I don't think you want me to write how New Ager Teilhard de Chardin's writings formed a lot of the basis of Vatican II.

    Honestly WHY DO YOU GIVE THESE WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING SO MUCH BENEFIT of the DOUBT? Look at their ACTIONS not just the platitudes meant to fool you. If you are worried about offending Catholic friends, don't be, because they need to know the truth as well. Love is wanting people to know the truth.

    You think that Benedict is unaware of what is going on in LA with its Buddhist-Christian prayer servies at Taj Mahoney, or what happened in Fatima with the Hindu priests?

    Both JPII and Benedict have referred to Mary as Co-Redemptrix, and there too you should realize the goal of their deceptive language where the excuse is..."CO" means WITH in Latin they'll say,---it is yet another elevation of the queen of heaven of Jerimiah 44, not the true Mary of the BIble.

    This verse in the Bible, proves that Rome's teaching of co-Redeemers is wholly false and the use of that title for Mary is an affront to God.

    No man can by any means redeem his brother,Or give to God a ransom for him--
    For the redemption of his soul is costly,
    And he should cease trying forever- - Psalm 49:7-8

    Constance, please please read the book...


    He compares directly the teachings of Rome with scripture.

    I think this is something that would really enhance your studies.

    I am glad too that Lee Penn is here to join our discussion.

  181. Anonymous12:38 PM

    ********I trust you know about the Catholic teaching on New Age--"Jesus Christ the Bearer of the Water of Life"?

    I think this teaching is a sound condemnation of New Age.******

    I discovered something about that document that is VERY TELLING.

    The Title alone contains error.

    IS Jesus Christ ever referred to in scripture as BEARING water?

    Jhn 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

    I dont think God is just a water BEARER...

    Jer 17:13 O LORD, the hope of Israel, all that forsake thee shall be ashamed, [and] they that depart from me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the LORD, the fountain of living waters.

    Rev 22:1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.

    Who is the WATER-BEARER...

    Aquarius the WATER BEARER...

    Dont just accept their words at face value...

    I noticed this the first time I saw the document.

    Carrie, you have excellent research skills but realize God's Word is what leads to most truth and discernment.

  182. As everybody can probably discern, I have been reading this blog in snatches and responding that way as well. HOWEVER, I just did go to the link

    as suggested by one of the Catholic critics and I must confess I am DISAPPOINTED and my mouth is greatly open! I understand the Pope, like other Cathoics, has a confessor, and I HOPE HE HAS CONFESSED that one by now! It is so highly unfortunate that the New Agers were given such a delicious propaganda victory!

  183. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Anonymous said : "Those insiders sure can't be very powerful if you are letting this valuable information out to the public."

    Unless, of course, you - who chose to post anonymously - are working for them, huh?

    And, actually, they have to let some of the information out so as their own little Vampire Prophecies can be fulfilled.

    However, I notice you failed to address the subject of my Blog, or to prove it wrong.

    Instead of critiquing my Scriptural references on this blog, you fall back on the same modos operandi of other deceivers and that is to try and call malign the person himself.

    And, I can see by Constance's last message that this blog is under the control of the little snotzies, which then calls La Penn into question as well.

    Ah, just one question though.

    Who is La Penn...

  184. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Oh, of course.

    It took me a minute.

    Supposedly, La Pan is one of the Ten Immortals huh...

  185. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Well, be thou removed as well, and cast into the sea...

  186. Last anonymous suggesting I read the Jones' book, I was critically commenting and knowledgeable about Teilhard de Chardin and the very New Age influences on Vatican II back as early as 1981 when I discovered both. The most interesting thing to me was a book by a Chilean writer (published by the Maryknolls, if I remember correctly) on the influence Norman Cousins had on the calling of Vatican II by Pope John XXIII. Also, THINGS TO COME by Foster Bailey (Lucis Publishing) had comments to the effect that as long as the curia of the Roman Catholic Church stayed in power, they (the New Agers) could not accomplish their agenda, but that Pope John XXIII had changed that in one week at Vatican II and now the Church was in place that they could use it.

    HOWEVER, that does not mean they were entirely successful. For the record, I have as big a collection from many Protestant, Evangelical, and beyond writers such as Bruce Larson praising Chardin, the Tavistock Institute, Jeremy Rifkin, etc., ad nauseum.

    Again, the test of antichrist was a denial that Jesus was the Christ and that Jesus Christ had come in the flesh (1 John 2:22, 1 John 4:3). Some Catholics meet that test - some don't. Some Protestants meet that test, some don't.

    What say you about those evangelicals embracing Rev. Moon who claims to be the 'Lord of the Second Advent," -- e.g. Tim LaHaye, Jerry Falwell and so many others willing to deny both the cross and the Blood for the sake of Rev. Moon's money?

    As regards the Reformation adn the Inquisition: The more I see of Jacob Boehme's role in shaping same, the more troubled I become. Killing in the name of God is NEVER justified. Jesus wrote: "They will put you out of the synagogues. Yea, the day will come when men will kill you and think they will do God service and this they will do because they have not known me nor him who sent me."

    There were horrendous deaths and killings -- yes, even systematic ones, on both sides. Like many of you I only knew of the Protestant casualties until much more serious research in the 80s and 90s and continuing. However, there were Catholics who died cruel deaths at the hands of English authorities for their faith, who died cruel deaths at the hands of Geneva protestant officials and theologians for their faith. I'm sure God weeped over all such deaths!

  187. Anonymous3:02 PM

    ***********As everybody can probably discern, I have been reading this blog in snatches and responding that way as well. HOWEVER, I just did go to the link

    as suggested by one of the Catholic critics and I must confess I am DISAPPOINTED and my mouth is greatly open! I understand the Pope, like other Cathoics, has a confessor, and I HOPE HE HAS CONFESSED that one by now! It is so highly unfortunate that the New Agers were given such a delicious propaganda victory!********

    I am glad you did go look Constance, because there is proof right before your eyes, and the internet is full of even more of the Pope's collusion with the interfaith New Age organizations and NGOs.

    Whether he has confessed it or not, doesnt matter-- {Catholic confession with its teaching of "penance" for sins is contrary to Biblical confession and forgiveness of sins}---this will not change the fact that the evidence is overwhelming that points towards the Pope and the Vatican working together to advance the goals and aims of URI and other interfaith organizations.

    So now knowing this Constance are you going to continue in support of the Pope and Catholicism on this blog?

    I sure hope not. I sure hope that what I have told you today has woken you up.

    I have prayed for understanding and for eyes to be opened here.

    Love for the Catholic people is wanting them to know the truth and saving them from the embrace of the antichrist that their leadership is leading them right into.

    By the way I have something else to show you...

    AND.....hopefully this will lead you to START WARNING about the POPE rather then defending him on your blog. We all have to change in life, I too was once a Catholic, not realizing the truth in Gods Word or what was going on...but I had Christians who preached to me the true saving gospel of faith in Jesus Christ! I thank God for that everyday.

    Ok please look at this...

    Here is the gameplan of UNESCO...

    "“It was also suggested that inter-religious dialogue should be preceded by intra-religious dialogue, and the dialogue should aim at the discovery of universal sources of consciousness. It was further suggested that all religions can come together in joint service to man. It was then pointed out that this joint service to man will be manifest in the promotion of human rights, justice and development that is sustainable and development that creates constant movements of harmony and good will.

    A suggestion was made that peace will come when we can accept in our own temple the divine presence celebrated in the temples of other religions. In a remarkable poetic expression, it was declared that as one advances in age, one learns more and more how to smile and wait. It was also felt that a truly spiritual being wishes sincerely that a Christian should become a better Christian, that a Muslim should become a better Muslim, that a Buddhist should become a better Buddhist, instead of wishing that one should be converted from one religion to the other. True conversion, it was underlined, is the inner conversion from egoism to universality, to the realization of the divinity of man , and to the program of action of developing good individuals and enlightened citizens."

    Basically Revelation 17 in action, ONE WORLD RELIGION...dont miss this line...



    Now you may ask why is that important?

    The Vatican and Popes support and promote UNESCO!

    #1. Cardinal Etchegaray Receives UNESCO Peace Prize

    This isnt an individual liberal Catholic but a Cardinal who has served on a Pontifical Council.

    #2 Director of UNESCO pays homage to the POPE John Paul II



    "This recent Message on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Visit to UNESCO of his Predecessor, John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI gave the assurance that the Catholic Church would continue to take part in the reflections and engagements of UNESCO, "mobilizing her own forces which are first and foremost spiritual, to contribute to the good of human beings in all the dimensions of their being" (Message to Cardinal J. Tauran, 24 May 2005; L'Osservatore Romano English edition [ORE], 15 June, p. 5)."

    "take part in the reflections and engagements..." this would include the UNESCO plans to seek after the "divinity of man".

    Dont forget that the URI is just as connected to the UN as UNESCO...

    "URI & United Nations
    URI is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) associated with the United Nations. The URI Cooperation Circle at the United Nations was instrumental in this great step forward. We are part of a global community of organizations dedicated to supporting the UN and each other in work for a more peaceful, secure future for all life."



    To my Venerable Brother
    Cardinal Peter Seiichi Shirayanagi
    Archbishop Emeritus of Tokyo

    It is with joy that I have learned that the World Conference on Religion and Peace will celebrate its Thirtieth Anniversary with a commemorative event in Kyoto on November 27-28 this year. I would ask you kindly to convey to all present my best wishes and the assurance of my support. God, as the origin and destiny of all, has created us to live together in harmony. It is therefore fitting to celebrate the fact that people belonging to different religious traditions can come together and collaborate in a spirit of friendship and solidarity in building a world of peace. I pray that your endeavors will continue to be abundantly blessed with success.

    How is that different from the goals of UNESCO that I posted on to start with?

    How is that different from the goals of the New Age URI?

    Please pray and ponder on these things Constance.

  188. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Constance, I know there is PROTESTANT and even EVANGELICAL involvement in supporting these same UNESCO--URI--NEW AGE--INTERFAITH goals, I have not denied that whatsoever. These folks too do the speeches at the UN, and advance the cause of Dominionism and globalism.
    You keep repeating that point, ignoring the fact I had admitted that over and over.

    The test of the antichrist is for SPIRITS in the BIble not for people. People can and do lie. As I told you before even New Agers will openly admit that Jesus was divine [though they certainly believe different] and came in the flesh.

    I already know about the evangelicals and Moon. Deception is coming from all angles. Satan is working hard to claim as many as he can. There are plenty of Prot and "Christian" wolves in sheep clothing to go around, and they are working for the same goals as the Vatican ones.

    ********** Killing in the name of God is NEVER justified. Jesus wrote: "They will put you out of the synagogues. Yea, the day will come when men will kill you and think they will do God service and this they will do because they have not known me nor him who sent me."*****

    I agree with you just as every other truly born again Christian would.

    Catholics just like any body else lost in a false religious system deserve to know the truth and to hear the gospel. It will up to them whether to accept or reject Jesus Christ's free gift of salvation.

  189. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Anonymous 3:13:
    This website was meant to be a place where research on the New Age movement is shared. It was not set up to be your missionary street corner. Your behavior is not Christian. It is rude.

    Carrie, Father Pacwa's book is one of the myriad of half-way truth books that filled the shelves in Christian bookstores in the '80s. His book gets attention from Catholics because he is Catholic and there haven't been many Catholic authors exposing the New Age movement. It's a book Catholics could pass on to friends rather than one written by Protestants or academics. We all still want to cluster around labels. The reality is that Pacwa could have written a more thorough book warning Catholics about the history of the movement, the dangers in the Catholic community and directing them to other authors. His book stunted the growth of Catholic information on the topic.

    I disagree with you Connie. The New Age leadership could not show hatred of Jesus while at the same time putting the known information about Jesus in a whole new setting. If they had shown hatred, they would not have pulled so many Christians into their belief system. Taking the Nazis as an example, they were able to convince a large part of the the Christian community that Jesus' story had been corrupted, that he was not connected with Judaism and that he learned his philosophy while traveling in India.

    What I see is hatred by New Age leadership of the large Christian and determined Jewish establishment that stands in the way of their coming to power. That's why there has been so determined an effort to infiltrate these communities. Do realize that infiltration takes many years of planning and work. Except where people can be bribed with money and/or power, it takes a lot to change people from true believers in Judaism and Christianity to true believers in the New Age philosophy.

  190. Anonymous4:57 PM

    You guess right. Dorothy, me, wrote the last one.

  191. Anonymous5:16 PM
    There is an excellent exchange regarding the Pope's actions in Turkey. The second comment at Have Strange Gods Before Me is well worth reading.

    What comes to my mind is Connie's statement that is the goal of the New Agers to turn the three monotheistic groups against each other so they will destroy each other. Perhaps this was the Pope's way of fighting back at their tactic.


  192. Anonymous6:59 PM

    **********This website was meant to be a place where research on the New Age movement is shared. It was not set up to be your missionary street corner. Your behavior is not Christian. It is rude.*****

    Dorothy what a perfect name, how is the guy behind the curtain doing today?

    I do not believe you even know what Christianity is Dorothy given you hate the fact someone is here preaching the gospel and exposing the works of darkness in regards to the New Age interfaith movement.

    The NWO IS setting up the war between civilizations {three religions}, and Satan, the prince of this planet is definitely having his way in leading people to destroy one another.

    However you are falling right into the NWO trap, to be kneeling before the false messages of "peace" that these wolves in sheep's clothing have replaced for the saving gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

    35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

    36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.

    The only true source of peace in this world is Jesus Christ. It is not in the United Nations, or the URI, it is not in the Pope or false religious systems like is not in Global elites who seek after their own power, and prestige while they lull the non-discerning world to sleep.

    1Th 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

  193. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Anonymous 6:59 pm
    You wrote: "Dorothy what a perfect name, how is the guy behind the curtain doing today?"

    The little fangs are coming out aren't they now. Sorry guy, but I was named after Dorothy Lamour.

    There should be no peace between the monotheistic religions and paganism and the occult. But then again you don't believe in the commandments. You don't seem to know very much about that battle. Now why don't you take your sword and really do battle. You have taken your sword up against other Christians and have let the occultists and pagans remain unharmed.

  194. Anonymous9:15 PM

    I keep wrestling with the possibility that Benedict may be attempting to unite the three monotheistic religions as an opposition force against the antichrist.

  195. Anonymous6:37 AM

    To Dorothy and Carrie:

    Why should Christians UNITE with Islam and Jews who deny Christ?

    Islam which denies Christ as God come in the flesh, which right in the KORAN denies Jesus Christ over and over...

    "The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, was no more than God's apostle . . . God is but one God. GOD FORBID THAT HE SHOULD HAVE A SON!" Surah (4:171)

    So when both of you say that Christianity should unite with Islam, you are basically saying that Christians should unite with an antichrist religion, a religion that denies Jesus Christ DIRECTLY. [that includes uniting with Jews who reject Jesus too]

    2Cr 6:15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

    Honestly Carrie, your Pope has marked himself as a WORKER FOR THE ANTICHRIST, in seeking to UNITE these religions.

  196. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Anonymous 6:37
    Unite doesn't mean merge. Get a dictionary.

  197. Anonymous8:44 AM

    *******Unite doesn't mean merge. Get a dictionary.****

    A deceptive quibble, if Ive ever seen one...


    –verb (used with object)
    1. to join, combine, or incorporate so as to form a single whole or unit.
    2. to cause to adhere: to unite two pieces of wood with glue.
    3. to cause to be in a state of mutual sympathy, or to have a common opinion or attitude.
    4. to have or exhibit in union or combination: a person who unites generosity and forgiveness.
    5. to join in marriage.
    –verb (used without object)
    6. to become joined together or combined so as to form a single whole.
    7. to act in concert or agreement.
    8. to share a common opinion, attitude, etc.
    9. to be joined by or as if by adhesion.
    [Origin: 1400–50; late ME uniten < L ūnītus, ptp. of ūnīre to join together, unite, equiv. to ūn(us) one + -ītus -ite1]

    —Related forms
    u·nit·a·ble, u·nite·a·ble, adjective
    u·nit·er, noun

    —Synonyms 1, 2. conjoin, couple, link, yoke, amalgamate, consolidate, weld, fuse, blend, merge. See join.


    You know some posters here are really desperate to deceive.

  198. To Anonymous 2:51 PM

    The antichrist tests of a denial that Jesus is the Christ (1 John 2:22) and that Jesus Christ came in the flesh (1 John 4:3). The 2nd KJV reference is as follows:

    Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

    1Jo 4:2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:

    1Jo 4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that [spirit] of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

    Just what makes you define this as a "Catholic teaching" that will not come true?

    I am aware of no denomination out there presently that does not teach some form of pastoral submission, whether to "the local church," "the pastor," "the Denomination," and just about all (from Seventh Day Adventist through Roman Catholic and just about everything in between) invoke the scripture" Whatosever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven.) Frankly, in some churches the difference is between one pope and many popes in the form of pastors of many local churches, all of whom claim authority over souls and claim the right of having submission. I'm not saying I agree with any or all of these claims. HOWEVER, as Paul wrote to the Romans, "anything not done in faith is sin to you." Further, it was written that "rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft." I'm sure you are earnestly contending for the faith and I commend you for that; HOWEVER, please remember as Paul admonished that everything must be done in charity and further we all see through glass darkly in this present age.

    Meanwhile, as we are arguing over the number of angels on a pinhead, the New Agers are making serious advances with their ALLIANCE OF CIVILIZATIONS and it appears the UN may appoint a "High Representative" to IMPLEMENT the report issued by the UN on November 13, 2006. Herb Peters has a link to it on his website, It is must reading. This morning I am thinking that maybe Solana with his "toxic brew" speeches about problems with "the use and misuse of religion" may be not so subtly campaigning for the job which bears a job title significantly like his present one. Also, knowing the EU plans for 2010 and having EU military in place by then (and that will be the midpoint period for review of the 7 year action plan), I watched the video 2010 - THE YEAR WE MAKE CONTACT by New Ager, Arthur C. Clarke. Towards the end of the movie, it flashed across the screen to the American and Russian astronauts that "ALL THESE WORLDS ARE YOURS -- except EUROPA -- YOU MUST NOT LAND ON EUROPA. GO IN PEACE!"

    Hmmmm -- another New Age writer, Marilyn Ferguson wrote quoting Johannes Qanier that Europe was the ideal place from which to launch their new political-spiritual entity." Hmmmmmmmmmmm. I wonder, I just wonder. Is Dr. Solana about to wear one more hat on top of his others. Just who will the UN's "High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations" be?

  199. Anonymous9:44 AM


    Charity is preaching the gospel and warning people about the one world antichrist one world system.

    How could you ignore the dozens of facts I have posted here about the UN, URI, VATICAN, false PROT preachers and more and then suddenly bring up the UN Alliance of Civilizations without dealing with those facts, Vatican involvement and that of other false preachers?

    You ARE ALL OVER THE MAP, and for someone who is such a good researcher, that really is scary to see.

    Many of these things one needs the Holy Spirit to "see", which really worries me for some here.

    Isa 44:18 They have not known nor understood: for he hath shut their eyes, that they cannot see; and their hearts, that they cannot understand.

    As for SUBMISSION...the Bible preaches this...

    Act 5:29 Then Peter and the [other] apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

    When men preach things against God's Word, or God, we do not have to obey them. I am surprised you did not realize that!

    Constance have you been born again?
    Do you have trust in God's Word?

    You know without God's Word as your light in the maze of Satan's deceptions, Constance, you are NOT going to SEE THE BIG PICTURE.

    Psa 119:105 NUN. Thy word [is] a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

  200. I certainly hope that I, with the help of God, do and have seen the big picture. You probably have the insights you do because I did the pioneering work that I did in 1981 for which I took persecution and blackballing for which you probably have little knowledge of -- from sources which would greatly surprise you -- and were deeply themselves compromised. I am so very happy it is God judging me and not you -- I pray God's mercy upon both of us -- that is all that will save us, you know. You have pieces of the picture -- I have certainly seen and experienced pressures from all the confusing segments of the New Age army. Well, I suspect I am on the right path because as the scriptures read, "Woe unto you when all men speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets." Certainly, all men do not speak well of me. I would admonish you in a friendly way (because I do appreciate your sincerity and research) that the spirit of SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS is as deadly an evil spirit as any other one. It too keeps one from seeing the BIG PICTURE. I too rather suspect that many of the elements you point to, you would not see had I had not done the pioneering work on exposing things that I did. Have you read my two books, THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW and A PLANNED DECEPTION: THE STAGING OF A NEW AGE MESSIAH?
