
Friday, November 24, 2006

Texe Marrs Disinformation for the "New Age"


I did not meet Texe Marrs until September, 1987, a day before I finished two weeks of Texan speaking engagements. I shared a platform with him the night before leaving at a Baptist Church in Austin, Texas. It was then Texe Marrs’ home church. His pastor, to my surprise, said to me when picking me up from the airport, “Now I don’t want any conflict between you and Texe Marrs.”

I must confess that I felt so isolated doing the original public work against the New Age Movement, that I was then happy to have company. I had not read his book word for word and did not then realize that parts of the book had been copied – word for word – from my original THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW.

I had, however, fears from the very beginning that Texe Marrs was turning a serious subject into sensationalism via The National Enquirer type sensationalism.

In the early 1990’s. I perused Pat Robertson’s book, THE NEW WORLD ORDER. I could not help but notice that there was material evidently directly copied from THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW. I called the publisher and complained. They called me back. They acknowledged it was my material and that they would either have to remove it the next printing and/or give me a credit. To add insult to injury, the material copied from me was attributed to the ads by Benjamin Crème proclaiming “The Christ is Now Here.” It was obvious that whoever had penned the words had clearly not read the ad, reproduced in its entirety on the back of my 1983 book. I was then sent a letter from Robertson’s publisher telling me that the material they used had appeared prior to their using it in Tal Brooke’s 1989 book, WHEN THE WORLD WILL BE AS ONE.

Since Tal Brooke had gone to extreme lengths to work to blackball both me and my original work against the New Age Movement in the Christian community, I was justifiably puzzled and angered. I called and wrote his publisher, Harvest House, and complained. They wrote me back. They acknowledged that the original work was mine and that they would either have to remove it and/or give me a credit. Again, it was perfectly clear that Tal Brooke had evidently not read the ad content he purported to quote. I then received a letter from Harvest House saying, “Mrs. Cumbey, we think you should know that two years before Tal Brooke’s book was released, Texe Marrs used this same material in his 1987 book. As I had enjoyed an evidently pleasant conversation with Texe Marrs two weeks earlier, I was surprised. I wrote him a letter and requested an explanation.

Texe Marrs was the only one not man enough to admit he had taken the material from me. He composed several pages of circuitous writing saying that the materials had been taken from books newer than my 1983 book, therefore, how could he have copied it from me? He then went on to say, “look, the Holy Spirit gave you that material. Why couldn’t He have given the same material to me?”

Yeah, sure, Texe. Word for word?

Well, Texe has much material that was not copied from me in his writings and for which I would never care to take blame and/or credit. I noticed he was advertising in NEXUS Magazine, in and of itself a New Age periodical. I saw that he was shamelessly pandering to both Jew and Catholic bashing. I recalled the very well documented strategy of the New Agers to pit the target groups of the “Old Agers” off against each other – Catholic vs. Protestant; Jew vs. Christian; Jews and Christians vs Moslems, and I frequently went, hmmm, I wonder?

When I saw Texe Marrs and Terry Cook in an ugly public fight I appealed to both to stop bashing and devouring each other. I still believed that even though Texe had obviously and shamelessly plagiarized my original work and research, that we were on the same team.
Now I know that we are not. I wonder if we ever have been. He left Pastor Bullock’s church under very ugly circumstances, threatening litigation against the good minister.

His new catalog IS “New Age,” -- in the very skimpiest of disguises -- and in the very ugliest sense of the word. It carries as allegedly reputable works books by unashamed anti—Semites such as Des Griffin and Ted Pike. His table of contents carries a section, “Judaism, Jews, Israel, and the Talmud.” It even carries the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,” a forgery put into circulation by one Yuliana (Justine) Glinka, one of Madame Blavatsky’s foremost Parisian disciples. He presents a tape of his own: “The Hidden Agenda – the Ten Awful Goals of the Illuminati’s World Zionist Council.”

I am writing this material while I am unquestionably VERY ANGRY. I hope I stay angry at this perversion of legitimate work against the New Age Movement by one who sometimes managed to get his name associated with mine. To a lesser extent, I have had the same quarrel with Gary Kah. The Jews are clearly a target of New Age planners and as both Texe Marrs and Gary Kah claim to be familiar with the Alice Bailey works, they well know the same as well as I.

Please, please, please – NEVER ASSOCIATE MY NAME AND/OR MY WORK WITH THAT OF TEXE MARRS – we are obviously coming from very different perspectives – and most likely headed for two very different eternal places. Texe Marrs (and to a lesser extent Gary Kah who relied on anti-Semite Eustace Mullins for a significant part of at least his first book against the New Age Movement) is propagating the very same theories Hitler used to incite a German generation into genocide of the Jews.

Jesus said that it was inevitable but that evil would come, but WOE TO HIM THROUGH WHOM IT CAME. Let’s hope that Texe Marrs and Gary Kah will get that message – quickly – and focus their considerable talents on the real enemies instead of pitting off the three major monotheistic targets of New Age planners against each other !

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Kissinger speaks

Henry Kissinger speaks and the world is most likely listening

I’m taking a break from finishing my book on Javier Solana to update my blogspot readers on what I see as an interesting new development. An article bylined by none other than Henry Kissinger appears in Saturday's Daily Aspen News. You may find it on line here:

It was Henry Kissinger who made the famous statement that he wished he had a single number to call to reach Europe. It was the Clinton administration who announced gleefully that this had been achieved – under Javier Solana. It was the Bush administration that handed its proxy on Iran to Javier Solana – to exercise on June 6, 2006, no less.

Henry Kissinger has now spoken again. He notes that Condoleezza Rice may be taking back the USA’s proxy given Europe and its Javier Solana under certain conditions. Those conditions are that Iran stop nuclear enrichment while direct negotiations with the USA are taking place.

Kissinger is skeptical that such will happen –or even work. He believes the USA is in no position to challenge Iran. Moreover, he apparently believes that the conflict is also Mideast regional – Moslem Shi’ite “ideology” (religion) vs. Sunni religious forces.

Henry Kissinger says that as long as Iran considers what it is doing a “crusade” vs. geopolitical realities, probably nothing will work. He notes that Europe will not insist on tough sanctions against Iran. He also notes that nobody has probably more to lose than Russia if Iran gains nuclear strength – Iran would then become a dangerous underbelly to Russia’s already self-evident problems with what Kissinger calls Shiite ideological extremists.

Kissinger says that because of the delicacy of that situation both Europe and Russia are hesitant to use direct confrontation. He says that Russia now doubts the USA’s staying power in the region.

Kissinger also expresses the opinion that the situation is too dangerous to ignore and will not go away.

So what does Henry Kissinger believe will work? What healing balm will calm that region and unify the now competing Shiite and Sunni forces? It looks to me as if Kissinger may be suggesting that Israel is the key. It is renewed Palestinian peace efforts.

Kissinger says Iran’s Ahmadinejad is empowered by knowledge that Shiite forces in Iraq alongside with Iranian sponsored Hezbollah ones in Lebanon are causing panic in Sunni nations. He suggests that the solution is two-fold: A Palestinian solution inside Israel and encouraging Iran to act “as a nation, not a cause.”

Kissinger further says that there must now obviously be a USA repositioning, but if it must not be currently perceived as a prelude to inspired USA withdrawal from the region. Such could cause Iran to perceive it as opportunity. It would see the collapse of existing structures, take advantage of a perceived opportunity to fill the power vaccuum. Ergo, there would be even more chaos in the region. Iran probably would not move aggressively, per Kissinger, unless it believes this would happen. Consequently, any strategic redeployment must take this type of Shiite (Ahmadinejad) thinking into account.

To me, Kissinger’s proposed solutions seem to lead us full circle to where Javier Solana came in when I first discovered him in 1995. Solana has been the only constant figure in all the “peace moves” in the Middle East, at least from 1991 onwards. Kissinger now defines religious fervency as “an ideology, "a crusade”, “a cause” and exceedingly dangerous, at least as it applies to Shiite Moslems. If Kissinger reflects and/or is shaping NATO, G-8, UN consensus, and he may well be, it may be inevitable that the “Alliance of Civilizations” with Solana’s concomitant “battle religious fundamentalism, worldwide” will come into accelerated play. After all, wouldn’t it, per that Alliance of Civilizations cum “New World Religion” combined with other equally “no religion” forces, be unfair to apply anti-fundamentalism to only Islamics?

As I currently read it, this may likely be a win-win for Javier Solana and/or any successor for the processes Solana began. It looks as if very sophisticated minds are calling for a consensus that will control both the Israeli region and world monotheistic, non-compromising religious expression.

When Henry Kissinger speaks, people usually listen. A very dangerous world is currently in play. As Herb Peters expresses it: stay tuned!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Another "remit" for Javier Solana?

Friday, November 03, 2006


In 2004, the United States through President George W. Bush climbed on board Javier Solana & company’s “Barcelona Process.” The decision that the USA would back the Barcelona Process was a quid pro quo for increased EU support of the USA’s Iraqi operations. So far, the cost to Solana and its EU has been fairly nominal. He established an EUJust Lex program at a cost of 200 million Euros. That program was to train Iraq’s policemen, judges, police administrators, and court administrators. The chain of command ends, not surprisingly, with “SG/HR”. For the benefit of the “uninitiated,” “SG/HR” = “Secretary General/High Representative” = JAVIER SOLANA.Javier Solana headed NATO for nearly four years from December 1995 to October 1999. His initial appointment had been greeted by astonishment by his home Spanish press. They noted correctly that he, a former Marxist, had been the leader of the opposition to NATO. He was the proud author of a pamphlet, “50 Ways to Say No to NATO.” He was best known for haranguing crowds with his mantra, “we are radically opposed to Spain’s entry into NATO.”During Solana’s NATO career, he accomplished much. He increased the membership, adding many Eastern European countries to its roster. He was given unusual powers for a NATO secretary-generalship, usually ministerial in job nature. He was given sole power to decide when and if to begin and when and if to stop bombing the former Yugoslavia. (Now more commonly known to the locals as “Solania”.)He also split NATO’s command down the middle, leaving the USA operations under a Norfolk, Virginia, USA one and the EU’s under Brussels. He left the NATO job a little early to become “Senor PESC,” the head of Europe’s CFSP, “Common Foreign and Security Policy,” as well as Secretary General of the European Union. A few weeks later he was to be handed complete control of the 10 nation Western European Union (WEU) for “its last year of operation.” That year has sure lasted a long time. WEU is a bully pulpit and a nice format from which to hold the military-industrial complex confab’s that EU watchgroups have sounded clarion call alarms about. One such report is “ARMING BIG BROTHER.”Oh, and lest we forget, Javier Solana, was also given final control over the European Space Agency. “Like it or not,” they said, the power to shut it down had to be handed only to Solana.Since Solana did his NATO restructuring, the lines between NATO and Solana’s European armies have become increasingly blurred. While still at NATO, Javier Solana started making speeches that I computer archived since the 1990’s. They usually went like this: “The plan is to use NATO assets with European control of those assets.”Most clearly, Solana’s NATO successors, Lord George Robertson and Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, appear to have and continue to regularly check in with Javier Solana before making pronouncements. Presumably, they are talking with George W. Bush and company as well.For all of the foregoing, and many other reasons, I noticed with deep interest the call yesterday “coming from NATO,” that the EU now take a role in developing Afghanistan’s police and judiciary training!

"COPENHAGEN, Denmark: NATO's secretary-general on Friday urged the European Union to play a bigger role in Afghanistan and assist the alliance's military operations there with "nation-building" efforts. "I think that Afghanistan could have a higher priority on the European Union agenda," Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said during a visit to Copenhagen. The NATO boss echoed a call by the alliance's top envoy to Afghanistan, who on Thursday urged the EU to launch a major effort to develop the country's police and judiciary" International Herald Tribune, November 3, 2006."

Well, well, see my old blogspot article on “Javier Solana’s Word Processor.” I suspect the EU will act speedily on Howdy Doody’s (oops, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer’s) request that the EU launch a major item to control, oops, “develop” Afghanistan’s police and judiciary. And, here’s how I suspect one portion of the forthcoming document (probably already developed) will read:

    1. Article 8
      Chain of command
      1. The structure of EUJUST LEX shall have a unified chain of command as a crisis management operation.
      2. The Political and Security Committee (hereinafter referred to as "PSC") shall provide the political control and strategic direction.
      3. The Head of Mission shall lead the Mission and assume its coordination and day-to-day management.
      4. The Head of Mission shall report to the SG/HR.

5. The SG/HR shall give guidanceto the Head of Mission."

Interesting that Solana was not mentioned, but clearly he is there. He seems to becoming for a short while "an invisible man" again. Where’s Saturday Night Live’s “Church Lady,” now that we need her? Isn’t that convenient? Isn’t that special? Well, it appears increasingly to me that the EU and its Javier Solana may well be getting a good share of the Middle East -- oil resources and all -- on the cheap. Well, I’m going out to stare at that ever reddening moon again!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Thus spake Solana!

From Russia: Thus Spake Solana

His influence in that organization is seen from the fact that he makes foreign policy decisions single-handedly, without consulting the chairman of the EU or the commissioner for external relations.” Commersant, Russia's OnLine Daily, November 1, 2006.

I flew from Detroit to California for Sunday speaking engagements via Texas Saturday night. I was originally scheduled to go through Chicago, but was notified at the airport that I was being rerouted due to Chicago flight delays. Interestingly enough, once I arrived in San Jose, en route from the airport, the half-moon was obviously reddish-orange -- a blood moon. I did attempt a photographic snap at it from the airport parking roof. I saw the same moon as obviously white, only a few minutes before landing. Maybe meaningful, maybe not. In the meantime, Javier Solana remains just about everywhere in the world press except the USA’s. Today, there was significant coverage of him in a Russian journa, Kommersant.

I amusedly noticed that significant portions of the story appeared to have been extracted from a Wikipedia article on Javier Solana with which I had more than a passing acquaintance. The most significant part of the article is what I have captioned under the photograph: “His influence in that organization [European Union] is seen from the fact that he makes foreign policy decisions singlehandledly, without consulting the chairman of the EU or the commissioner for external relations.”

The article had new information on me about Solana that I had assumed was only in the future with him. The reporter put it in the present tense. Presumably, the author had independent or inside sources:

Although that constitution has not been passed yet, Solana in practice already serves the function of EU foreign minister. His influence in that organization is seen from the fact that he makes foreign policy decisions single-handedly, without consulting the chairman of the EU or the commissioner for external relations.”[1]


“Solana can say harsh things to his partner and smile the whole time,” Kommersant reporter Gennady Sysoev wrote of his many meetings with Solana while he worked in Brussels in 1998 and 1999. “Physically, he is unimpressive, short and impassive. But he knows to convince his interlocutor in a conversation. Yugoslavian politicians said that it was hard to contradict anything he said because, in spite of his mild manner, he always got his way.”[2] [Emphasis added]

Obviously, Javier Solana, must be considered extremely important in Russia to have rated that type of coverage on its online daily organ. Most telling was the obvious play on “Thus spake Zarathustra” by the press excerpting Solana as “Thus Spake Solana.”

Even more telling? Today’s leading news hits on Javier Solana. Study them both for variety and scope of Solana's power and influence:

Javier Solana
Kommersant, Russia - 23 hours ago
This time, Europe's main diplomat, High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana, will be spotlighted. ...

Solana congratulates Serbia for orderly constitution referendum Xinhua
Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the CFSP, congratulates ... ReliefWeb (press release)
Focus News
all 6 news articles »

EU troops should leave Congo when planned-Solana
Reuters - Oct 31, 2006
... Nov. 30 after a presidential run-off election last Sunday, European Union Foreign Affairs chief Javier Solana said on Tuesday. "The ...
EU troops should leave Congo when planned-Solana Reuters
EU troops should leave Congo when planned - Solana Reuters South Africa
EU troops should leave Congo when planned - Solana Reuters South Africa
all 10 news articles »

Solana says Israel risks derailing Lebanon peace
Reuters AlertNet, UK - Oct 31, 2006
MADRID, Oct 31 (Reuters) - European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana made a fresh call on Israel on Tuesday to stop operations that risked derailing ...
all 5 news articles »

Al Jazeera: Mahmoud Abbas Will Meet Javier Solana
Focus News, Bulgaria - Oct 25, 2006
The President of the Palestine Autonomy Mahmoud Abbas will meet in Rhamala today Javier Solana, High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy ...

KUNA: Javier Solana Will Discuss in Lebanon His Visit
Focus News, Bulgaria - Oct 26, 2006
During his visit in Beirut tomorrow Javier Solana, High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Secretary-General of the Council of the ...

Javier Solana Visits Lebanon
Focus News, Bulgaria - Oct 27, 2006
EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana has arrived on a two-day official visit to Lebanon, RIA Novosti reported. ...

EU’s foreign policy chief Javier Solana back to Mideast arena
European Jewish Press, Belgium - Oct 17, 2006
... in Luxembourg on Tuesday. Meanwhile, the ministers agreed to send EU’s chief policy Javier Solana to the Mideast. "We are ready ...

Ukraine's President met Javier Solana
ForUm, Ukraine - Oct 20, 2006
Victor Yushchenko has taken part in a ceremony to decorate Javier Solana, Secretary General of the EU Council, with the Order of Yaroslav the Wise. ...

Javier Solana wants Ukraine to have stable political situation
ForUm, Ukraine - Oct 19, 2006
Secretary General of the EU Council, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana notes that often shifts of governments in ...

Javier Solana: Ukraine occupies special place in my heart
ForUm, Ukraine - Oct 19, 2006
Secretary General of the EU Council, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana arrives in Ukraine Thursday. ...

Well, I wonder when that moon will be red again? I wonder who else is watching?

[2] Ibid.