
Friday, November 03, 2006

Another "remit" for Javier Solana?

Friday, November 03, 2006


In 2004, the United States through President George W. Bush climbed on board Javier Solana & company’s “Barcelona Process.” The decision that the USA would back the Barcelona Process was a quid pro quo for increased EU support of the USA’s Iraqi operations. So far, the cost to Solana and its EU has been fairly nominal. He established an EUJust Lex program at a cost of 200 million Euros. That program was to train Iraq’s policemen, judges, police administrators, and court administrators. The chain of command ends, not surprisingly, with “SG/HR”. For the benefit of the “uninitiated,” “SG/HR” = “Secretary General/High Representative” = JAVIER SOLANA.Javier Solana headed NATO for nearly four years from December 1995 to October 1999. His initial appointment had been greeted by astonishment by his home Spanish press. They noted correctly that he, a former Marxist, had been the leader of the opposition to NATO. He was the proud author of a pamphlet, “50 Ways to Say No to NATO.” He was best known for haranguing crowds with his mantra, “we are radically opposed to Spain’s entry into NATO.”During Solana’s NATO career, he accomplished much. He increased the membership, adding many Eastern European countries to its roster. He was given unusual powers for a NATO secretary-generalship, usually ministerial in job nature. He was given sole power to decide when and if to begin and when and if to stop bombing the former Yugoslavia. (Now more commonly known to the locals as “Solania”.)He also split NATO’s command down the middle, leaving the USA operations under a Norfolk, Virginia, USA one and the EU’s under Brussels. He left the NATO job a little early to become “Senor PESC,” the head of Europe’s CFSP, “Common Foreign and Security Policy,” as well as Secretary General of the European Union. A few weeks later he was to be handed complete control of the 10 nation Western European Union (WEU) for “its last year of operation.” That year has sure lasted a long time. WEU is a bully pulpit and a nice format from which to hold the military-industrial complex confab’s that EU watchgroups have sounded clarion call alarms about. One such report is “ARMING BIG BROTHER.”Oh, and lest we forget, Javier Solana, was also given final control over the European Space Agency. “Like it or not,” they said, the power to shut it down had to be handed only to Solana.Since Solana did his NATO restructuring, the lines between NATO and Solana’s European armies have become increasingly blurred. While still at NATO, Javier Solana started making speeches that I computer archived since the 1990’s. They usually went like this: “The plan is to use NATO assets with European control of those assets.”Most clearly, Solana’s NATO successors, Lord George Robertson and Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, appear to have and continue to regularly check in with Javier Solana before making pronouncements. Presumably, they are talking with George W. Bush and company as well.For all of the foregoing, and many other reasons, I noticed with deep interest the call yesterday “coming from NATO,” that the EU now take a role in developing Afghanistan’s police and judiciary training!

"COPENHAGEN, Denmark: NATO's secretary-general on Friday urged the European Union to play a bigger role in Afghanistan and assist the alliance's military operations there with "nation-building" efforts. "I think that Afghanistan could have a higher priority on the European Union agenda," Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said during a visit to Copenhagen. The NATO boss echoed a call by the alliance's top envoy to Afghanistan, who on Thursday urged the EU to launch a major effort to develop the country's police and judiciary" International Herald Tribune, November 3, 2006."

Well, well, see my old blogspot article on “Javier Solana’s Word Processor.” I suspect the EU will act speedily on Howdy Doody’s (oops, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer’s) request that the EU launch a major item to control, oops, “develop” Afghanistan’s police and judiciary. And, here’s how I suspect one portion of the forthcoming document (probably already developed) will read:

    1. Article 8
      Chain of command
      1. The structure of EUJUST LEX shall have a unified chain of command as a crisis management operation.
      2. The Political and Security Committee (hereinafter referred to as "PSC") shall provide the political control and strategic direction.
      3. The Head of Mission shall lead the Mission and assume its coordination and day-to-day management.
      4. The Head of Mission shall report to the SG/HR.

5. The SG/HR shall give guidanceto the Head of Mission."

Interesting that Solana was not mentioned, but clearly he is there. He seems to becoming for a short while "an invisible man" again. Where’s Saturday Night Live’s “Church Lady,” now that we need her? Isn’t that convenient? Isn’t that special? Well, it appears increasingly to me that the EU and its Javier Solana may well be getting a good share of the Middle East -- oil resources and all -- on the cheap. Well, I’m going out to stare at that ever reddening moon again!


  1. Anonymous6:41 PM

    End Time Seminar
    Nov. 11 & 12, 6:30PM - 9:00PM
    It's free!
    Hear Herb Peters speak at the Gwinnett Justice and Administration Building
    75 Langely Dr.
    Lawrenceville, GA 30045

  2. Anonymous7:15 PM

    I think we are making a big mistake by asking the EU to get involved in Afghanistan.

  3. Anon. 7:15

    I wonder how much was our choice. The EU is weaseling it's way in many areas that have been the U.S. domain. Did I say weaseling?

  4. Does anybody have any thoughts on how the latest NAE scandal (Ted Haggard) might impact the situation vis a vis, "Alliance of Civilizations," etc.?

  5. Off the top of my head I think it could be used to fuel the argument against fundamentalism. Fundamentalism, especially Christian fundamentalism, is certainly an obstacle for the AOC to overcome. Since the AOC is the culmination of the work of the New Age Movement, at least a major endeavor, fundamentalism is the enemy. I hope it won't accelerate the establishment of AOC principles here in the U.S. This results of this next election may have more of an impact. This is all pure speculation.

  6. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Maybe they'll change their motto to SCANDAL = OPPORTUNITY.


  7. Anonymous8:08 PM

    When I first looked at the story about Haggard, I thought maybe he was set up somehow. Maybe he was in part but also took the bait. Anyway, I think the homosexual community wanted to attack the religious groups which refuse to sanction the lifestyle, so I expect setups to happen. Of course maybe he was just entrapped by his own sins...

  8. Anonymous2:14 AM

    Given the reported history, I am now wondering if this was a case of homosexuals deliberately infiltrating the evangelical world?

  9. Anonymous2:07 PM

    When I first read the article on Haggard, I immediately thought "set-up". The only tie I could see to the AOC would be if there were some sort of violence involved in the situation. That way someone could say, "we just all need to come together and agree with each other." As David said, it could be used to label those "fundementalist"

  10. Anonymous3:13 PM
    /article1956609.ece or

    Allow 'active euthanasia' for disabled babies, doctors urge
    By Francis Elliott, Whitehall Editor
    Published: 05 November 2006

    Doctors are urging health regulators to consider allowing the "active euthanasia" of severely disabled newborn babies.

    The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecology has put forward the option of permitting mercy killings of the sickest infants to a review of medical ethics.

    It says "active euthanasia" should be considered for the overall benefit of families who would otherwise suffer years of emotional and financial suffering. (more at link)


  11. The European Neighbourhood Policy goes into effect on January 1, 2007. It is a 7 year program. Its initial funding is the equivalent of $14 billion US dollars, or $2 billion per year for aid to participating countries for its "so-called governance facility." I think Javier Solana may be keeping a low profile as his name is curiously missing from the story. Here is a tiny URL link where you can read all about. Somebody post it to Herb's site as well, provided he has not already caught it:

  12. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Per your request, Mrs. Cumbey:

  13. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Hello well it's been along time since I've been on the internet. Just stop and think that Solana get's his turn at the presidency in January. MAY GOD HELP US ALL!!!

  14. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Very few Americans are aware of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP, also known as the Barcelona Process). I find this unfortunate because the EU represents the Process as the only vehicle that can solve the Arab-Israeli crisis. It is the mechanism, they claim, that will usher in an era of peace and stability throughout the Mediterranean. (Sound prophetic?) As Constance posted earlier, renewed funding for the EMP is scheduled for January 1. Additional info here:

    The Barcelona Process has what is called the human dimension. The European Commission found it necessary to associate a face to the Barcelona Process--something with which the member states can visualize and interact. This has been accomplished through the formation of the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF). The foundation is the Euro-Med “network of networks” and acts as facilitator for the implementation of the EMP.

    As one reads through the ALF’s foundational documents, it becomes clear that its objectives are identical to those of the Alliance of Civilizations (AoC). In fact, the Foundation is tightly linked to the Alliance. To exhibit this, I’ve listed a few of the Foundation’s goals and how they are carrying those out. The report I quote from is

    1) “The High-Level Group was unanimous in strongly condemning any doctrines or ideas which legitimize any form of exclusion or discrimination to whatever end.” (page 2) .

    This sounds very similar to Kofi Anan’s statement before the AoC: “It is important that we all realize that the problem is not with the faith but with a small group of the faithful – the extremists who tend to abuse and misinterpret the faith to support their cause, whether they derive it from the Koran, the Torah or the Gospel... We also agreed on the need for dialogue on these issues between people of different beliefs or traditions, and on the need to work together to overcome intolerance and exclusivism.”

    2) “Comparative religion should therefore be taught by professional teachers capable of providing a comparative analysis of religions…”

    “The difficulty of the exercise lies in integrating religion, which is such a sensitive issue in the Euro-Mediterranean area, into the field of education, taking into account its irreducibility and its mission to provide absolute truth…”(page 27).

    3) “Children and young people are rightly seen as the main target of our efforts…” (page 30).
    In the Second Euromed Youth Meeting of the ALF, the “Young Alliance of Civilizations” was introduced. One of its objectives is to “…Overcome the influence of those who want to have the monopoly of the truth.”

    4) Focus on trade unions, associations, etc. (page 24). The trade union aspect is interesting because the Euromed Trade Union has over 60 million workers. This is an effective strategy as the Euromed Trade Union Final Declaration shows: “The trade union organizations condemn all the forms of xenophobia and racism, of extremism and fundamentalism…”

    One of the main objectives of the Barcelona Process is to combat religious fundamentalism. From what I’ve read, they are doing exactly that.


  15. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Well, now we have that liberal wacko Pelosi as speaker of the House, which plays right into the last days.

    America will pull out of Iraq and leave another blood bath there. A Muslim has been elected to the Congress for the first time, in Minnesota, but surely not the last.

    Soon congress will be majority muslim. Get ready to hide your Bibles and find an underground. Churches will soon be outlawed as politically incorrect.

    America is going down fast!

  16. Anonymous9:41 PM

    The Anna Lindh Foundation, like the Human Rights Council, could not resist taking a swipe at Pope Benedict.

  17. Anonymous9:50 PM


    A few posts back you asked asked
    ”Does anybody have any thoughts on how the latest NAE scandal (Ted Haggard) might impact the situation vis a vis, "Alliance of Civilizations," etc.?”

    I just read this interview with Father Paolo Dall’Oglio in the Anna Lindh Foundation’s October newsletter

    (The capitalized part of the quote is my emphasis.)

    10. Proselytism and missionary activities

    TS:30 years ago, there was a majority in the ecumenical movement, organized by the World Council of Churches in Geneva, in favour of stopping proselytism, missionary activities, as a means to promote peace among religions. Today, this majority no longer exists. What is your position?

    Father Paolo: My position is that it is very difficult to stop missionary movements and proselytism attitudes without wounding the principle of conscience freedom and religious freedom. At the same time, those same movements provoke violent reactions of identity defensiveness. Probably it would be good to develop laws that, without fighting directly against proselytism, are able to fight against the worst expression of it, starting from concrete “criminal” behaviour, such as lack of respect for the education responsibilities of families for minority-age youth, attraction of people through economic or sexual power appeal, use of cult violence (like in forms of Satanism), PRACTICE OF NON-TRANSPARENCY WITHOUT THE CONTROL BY THE BELIEVERS ON THE BEHAVIOUR OF THEIR RELIGIOUS LEADERS, sexual/racial/social discriminations. Such laws are to be determined pragmatically through democracy, accepting pluralism between one society and another in the definition of these “criminal” attitudes…


  18. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Incidentally, Anna Lindh is an interesting choice of people to use as the face to the Barcelona Process. Lindh is reported to have been "anti-Zionist".


  19. Anonymous6:53 PM

    This was posted on Drudge Report this afternoon. Looks as though they may wish to use Germany as a vehicle for global prosecutions.

    Exclusive: Charges Sought Against Rumsfeld Over Prison Abuse

    “A lawsuit in Germany will seek a criminal prosecution of the outgoing Defense Secretary and other U.S. officials for their alleged role in abuses at Abu Ghraib and Gitmo”

    “Germany was chosen for the court filing because German law provides "universal jurisdiction" allowing for the prosecution of war crimes and related offenses that take place anywhere in the world.”


  20. Anonymous11:53 PM

    That is why we are not signatories to the world court.

  21. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I suspect that they'll put him on trial without him being present. If convicted, they'll take the case before the UN and say we are harboring war criminals.

    I think with the power change in the United States we're going to see the world become much more aggressive against us.


  22. Anonymous1:50 AM

    There is quite a bit happening...

    Abbas Sees Unity Gov’t, Urges Peace

    "I announce to our people the happy news that we have achieved great progress on the path to establishing a national unity government that can end the siege and open the way toward a political settlement," Abbas said in a speech marking the second anniversary of the death of his predecessor, Yasser Arafat.

    "I expect that, God willing, this government will see the light of day before the end of this month," he said.

  23. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Hamas PM Offers to Quit

    They have "solved all problems regarding the name of the prime minister. This is no longer a problem," Mr Barghuti said.
    "The announcement of a new cabinet could take place within two weeks but the prime minister may be announced in the coming days," he said.

  24. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Rick Warren is advocating religions to come together for a comprehensive peace in the middle east. From this article he basically stabs the U.S. leadership and praise President Basher Assad of Syria and calls him a wise leader. Give me a break!

    Here is a short article for it.

    The more I see, the less I like.

  25. Anonymous7:23 PM

    There is something that just came to mind that I have not seen mentioned yet. Every November Solana seems to gain more power like clockwork. But it is usually connected to the E.U. somehow. However I think the elections here in the U.S. was a big win for Solana. This election was a gift for Solana and Iran. God help us.

  26. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Rich in Medford,

    I think we're already seeing more aggression in the rhetoric coming out, and I don't doubt that it will transform into tangible manifestations.

    -New in Christ

  27. Good news, is my book on Javier Solana is making great progress. I hope to have it ready for publication by the end of November. I have located an attorney familiar with intellectual properties to assist If there is a lurking agent out there who is interested in representing an author with a proven best seller track they should make contact with me by email or by calling my office at 248-253-0333.

  28. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Dear Constance,

    Eagerly looking forward to read it...!
    And: if you would like to see it translated into German, maybe I can give you a hand.

  29. News flash:

    EU (Solana) says it will send study team to Afghanistan to consider NATO proposal for EU to train Afghanistan police force, BUT ONLY IF EU CAN PLAN MEANINGFUL ROLE!

  30. Anonymous10:01 PM

    The latest Alliance of Civilizations report was released on Monday. I have completed reading the first one but there are several supplemental reports.

    Herb has already been reporting so I would encourage everyone to take a look there. I will also post some commentary later on.

    This Alliance report reads very much like the Anna Lindh Foundation's report I previously posted.


  31. Anonymous9:55 AM

    For those of you who don't check out Herb Peters website:
    Go to the discussion board.
    Go to what you think about News.
    Go to:Homeschoolers Jailed in Germany
    By Dale Hurd
    CBN News
    November 16, 2006
    Waldemar Block is one of the homeschooling parents.

    "In public school, the occult is in all subjects -- be it math, language, or science. There are essays about witches and the occult. They have to practice all week and then they'll write about it. And it gets ingrained into their beings," said Waldemar.

    And young school children are exposed to a graphic sex-ed curriculum. Joel Thornton of the International Human Rights Group represents the home school families.

    "When you get a fourth grade class with a 10-year-old child," Thornton said, "and you're having explicit videotapes that are showing sexual relations going on to the child, to the children in that class…there are boys and girls in that class."

    Waldemar said, "We visited a kindergarten where they have places in the classroom where the kids are naked, and no one can bother them and they're playing together."

    The article reports that Germany wants to stop home schooling.


  32. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Or will it be this scenario as written up in a fiction book? Will the Muslims win? Will the New Agers win? Will we be able to keep our sanity in a world gone mad? This was sent on to me.

    Arlen wrote:
    Through perusing, I've also found a short work of fiction on the subject, also worth noting as a way of gaining perspective:


  33. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I have completed reading the latest Alliance of Civilizations Report of the High Level Group (dated 11-13-06) located at

    In addition to combating those who have “exclusivist ideologies” (consider John 14:6), there are some interesting aspects in this report.

    In a section of the report entitled “The Middle East”, we find the following:

    “5.2 We must stress the increasing urgency of the Palestinian issue, which is a major factor in the widening rift between Muslim and Western societies. In this regard, it is our duty to express our collective opinion that without a just, dignified, and democratic solution based on the will of all peoples involved in this conflict, all efforts…to bridge this gap and counter the hostilities among societies are likely to meet with only limited success.”

    “5.3 Our emphasis on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not meant to imply that it is the overt cause of all tensions between Muslim and Western societies. Other factors also create resentment and mistrust…Nevertheless, it is our view that the Israeli-Palestinian issue has taken on a symbolic value that colors cross-cultural and political relations among adherents of all three major monotheistic faiths well beyond its limited geographic scope.”

    What is being said here? Here is my interpretation:

    1) A successful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict = a successful implementation of the Alliance of Civilizations.
    2) The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is global in scope.
    3) Responsibility for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict lies with the adherents of all three major monotheistic faiths. In other words, it depends on our ability to get along.

    What happens to the adherents of the three monotheistic faiths should the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict fail, thereby inhibiting success of the Alliance of Civilizations?

    Also recall that Lucis Trust has been a contributor to the AoC initiative. Consider that Alice Bailey writing that says that the three monotheistic faiths are dead and gone religions

    I am interested in reading your comments and interpretations on the above sections of Alliance of Civilizations report.


  34. Anonymous11:51 AM

    The Alliance of Civilizations has an aspect on youth that is consistent with what Dorothy recently posted regarding the attacks on home schooling.

    The Alliance believes it should be responsible for eduction curriculum on a gobal scale--especially in the area of religious education. See my earlier post regarding the Anna Lindh Foundation for further information.

    I have long reported here that there is to be implementation of an "Alliance Youth". To me this is sounds too much like the "Hitler Youth". Per the Alliance's most recent report:

    "A Global Youth Alliance should be established as a mechanism through which youth can contribute to the implementation of all of the recommendations set forth in this report (not just those under the "youth" theme).

    Whenever I read about the Alliance or Hitler Youth, Isaiah 3 comes to mind. In particular vs. 4-5:

    4And I will make mere lads their princes, And capricious children will rule over them,
    5And the people will be oppressed, Each one by another, and each one by his neighbor; The youth will storm against the elder And the inferior against the honorable.


  35. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Dorothy - You say these inappropriate acts are going on in Germany schools? My God help us!

  36. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Post World War II Naziism has been well documented by an infiltrator & author named Yaron Svoray who wrote "In Hitler's Shadow". It is well worth reading.


  37. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I forgot to mention Naziism in Germany.


  38. Anonymous12:22 AM

    rj6sMM The best blog you have!

  39. Anonymous1:41 PM

    WhC9rJ Thanks to author.

  40. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Good job!

  41. Anonymous3:14 PM

    actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

  42. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Please write anything else!

  43. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Wonderful blog.

  44. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Wonderful blog.

  45. Anonymous1:31 PM

    actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

  46. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Please write anything else!

  47. Anonymous3:49 AM

    ni7mkk write more, thanks.

  48. Anonymous10:41 PM


  49. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Hello all!

  50. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Thanks to author.

  51. Anonymous1:40 AM

    actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

  52. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Wonderful blog.

  53. Anonymous2:46 AM

    Thanks to author.

  54. Anonymous3:14 AM

    Please write anything else!

  55. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Wonderful blog.

  56. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Please write anything else!

  57. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Wonderful blog.

  58. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Wonderful blog.

  59. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Nice Article.

  60. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Good job!

  61. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Good job!

  62. Anonymous8:31 AM

    When there's a will, I want to be in it.

  63. Anonymous8:58 AM


  64. Anonymous9:28 AM

    The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

  65. Anonymous10:03 AM

    All generalizations are false, including this one.

  66. Anonymous10:36 AM

    A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.

  67. Anonymous11:16 AM

    What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?

  68. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.

  69. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

  70. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.

  71. Anonymous1:22 PM

    If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.

  72. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.

  73. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.

  74. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!

  75. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.

  76. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

  77. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Clap on! , Clap off! clap@#&$NO CARRIER

  78. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.

  79. Anonymous5:44 PM

    If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.

  80. Anonymous6:13 PM

    I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

  81. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Thanks to author.

  82. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman!

  83. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Thanks to author.

  84. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

  85. Anonymous9:03 PM

    640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates 81

  86. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman!

  87. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.

  88. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.

  89. Anonymous11:34 PM

    I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

  90. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.

  91. Anonymous1:20 AM


  92. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Hello all!

  93. Anonymous2:41 AM

    All generalizations are false, including this one.

  94. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.

  95. Anonymous4:12 AM

    What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?

  96. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

  97. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.

  98. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Energizer Bunny Arrested! Charged with battery.

  99. Anonymous7:15 AM

    When there's a will, I want to be in it.

  100. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.

  101. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.

  102. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!

  103. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.

  104. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Thanks to author.

  105. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.

  106. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.

  107. Anonymous1:27 PM

    A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.

  108. Anonymous2:15 PM

    I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

  109. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Hello all!

  110. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
