Friday, April 05, 2024

Let's not so easily dismiss crazed cultist Jan Halper-Hayes

by Rich Peterson

Constance Cumbey has taken a lot of flak in the comments section for posting this ElijahStreams interview with Jan Halper Hayes.  I commented in that thread that I recognized the video’s entire contents as being Qanon. 

I expressed concern with this because Trump has aligned himself with Qanon.  My understanding from the discussion board is, that’s ok, he’s doing it for votes.  In response to a recent comment “If one takes the position that QAnon, and by extension these wackos at the Elijah List, is part of a psyop, then WHY would one accept anything put forth by such as being in the realm of truth?!”

The truth is Qanon advances a lot of crazy notions:  For example, the Clintons (and others) have been tried and executed at Guantanamo and those we see today are body doubles masquerading as those dead individuals.  (With all these body doubles around, I surely could use one to avoid ever sitting through another boring meeting.)

We’ve established Halper-Hayes is a crazy Qanon cultist.  The problem arises when cultists are placed in positions of power.  Halper-Hayes has an extensive resume as a clinical psychologist; she served as Vice President for Republicans Overseas; she served on the Trump transition team and hopes to again. 

Hayes presently serves on a Department of Defense Task Force.  The role of the task force is to monitor social media and identify the sources of resistance to the Great Awakening.  That information is handed over to military psyop operations, one which she says Trump has appointed.  And, as usual, she expects and hopes the dark forces to be paraded then executed.


Does Trump know of  Halper-Hayes Qanon ramblings?  Both she and Charlie Ward says he is well aware and a participant in Qanon.  It was reported by the Gateway Pundit that he watched her CBN interview and praised it on Truth Social!

As I indicated in my last post, behind door A is the Great Reset and behind door B is the Great Awakening.  

They are both the same, perhaps having different demons in charge of different decorating committees.  Many will be surprised when they see both the Reset and Awakening lead to satan’s throne then, ultimately, God’s judgement.


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Anonymous said...

Johnny Cash - A Boy Named Sue

Anonymous said...

4:20 pm

Take notice how Vigano tries to gaslight attention away from Opus Dei by propagandizing that JFK, Jr. was NOT talking about Andrew Dulles, then director of the CIA and his secret cult of roman catholic Opus Dei operatives who were actively destabilizing and spreading fascist roman catholic sponsored revolutions throughout South America, Europe and Africa. 60 years later and Vigano is trying to pin JFK's comment on the Democrats of today versus looking in the mirror and repenting of his new age Luciferian belief and murderous plots.

Recall the date that statement was made by JFK... April 27th 1961 which was also just one week after Dulles' failed Bay of Pigs operation (April 17-20, 1961) in Cuba.

April 27th was also just 5 days after Andrew Dulles and his Opus Dei operatives were implicated in putting Paris France into turmoil. On April 22, 1961 the CIA orchestrated that a group of retired French generals would seized power in Algiers to block President Charles de Gaulle from settling the long, bloody war for Algerian independence. Dulles worried an independent Algiers would become communist and provide an African base for Russian forces. Rumors quickly spread that the coup plotters were coming next for de Gaulle himself, and that the skies over Paris would soon be filled with battle-hardened paratroopers and French Foreign Legionnaires from Algeria. The threat to French democracy was real. By that Saturday evening, two units of paratroopers totaling over two thousand men huddled in the Forest of Orleans and the Forest of Rambouillet, not much more than an hour outside Paris. The rebellious paratroopers were poised for the final command to join up with tank units from Rambouillet and converge on the capital, with the aim of seizing the Élysée Palace and other key government posts away from the "liberal" de Galle.

By Sunday, panic was sweeping through Paris. All air traffic was halted over the area, the Metro was shut down, and cinemas were dark. de Galle implicated CIA involvement in the attempted cout.

This all led to fury in JFK’s inner circle over the CIA’s rogue behavior, in the wake of the Bay of Pigs fiasco and the French escapade: “All this has increased the feeling in the White House that the CIA has gone beyond the bounds of an objective intelligence-gathering agency and has become the advocate of men and policies that have embarrassed the Administration.”

(paraphrased from )

JFK, Jr. had uncovered these CIA operations and blamed Andrew Dulles. Andrew Dulles was blamed publicly for the Bay of Pigs disaster and unceremoniously fired. Whether that led to Dulles and his roman catholic operatives likely assisinating JFK the following November has been the theory for years.

Anyway...Vigano IS opus dei. They were the threat JFK was referring to in 1961 and remain an even larger and more financially overwhelming threat today. If anything, they "stole" the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton and gave it to Trump and were simply unsuccessful stealing it for Trump again in 2020. IMO, there's only so much they can do to control an election and they couldn't access & control Dominion voting machines and their paper ballot backup (unlike the ESS voting machines that lacked such auditable back up that Opus dei has controlled for years).


Anonymous said...

Provided by Soros $$$

Anonymous said...

varioius theories on who killed JFK now its the catholics (or catholic in name only perhaps? lots of people confuse politics with religion and end up putting politics first. Like THe Screwtape LEtters the demon tells his underline that it doesn't matter what the "and" is Christianity and something else, as long as the something else displaces Christianity as first in the phrase. or something like that.)

The House Committee on Assassinations decided JFK died as result of a conspiracy but couldn't decide which one, sent to the UStice Dept which was run by the same milieu killed him so fo course nothing was done.

My take is all the conspiracy theories were correct - people who normally weren't on speaking terms except now and then Mae Brussell documented some strange alliances all agreed on one thing: for variouis reasons, differing with each group, JFK had to go. a perfect stor, of agreeing but otherwise competing interests in killing him.

I think the Black Dahlia's murder was the result of a similar perfect storm of agreement she die, but not of course for the same reasons or the same players. Dr. George Hodel got involved, but there were apparently others in this as well. She wasn't the only bisected corpse to turn up, but the one most publicly placed.


Anonymous said...

about that dog Cricket, I suppose that rat bastard Noem never tried to discipline or train her or hire a trainer, just expected her to behave on her own and killed her when she didn't? I hope her kids ignored her birthday. Especially if she did nothing to help Cricket learn better.


Anonymous said...

Ship all the Palestine supporters back to there country and let them fight over there. In the U.S. our colleges and Universities are met for studying not a bunch of bull crap.

Anonymous said...

6:59 PM

Dulles gets canned and Kennedy is killed. Sounds about right. Opus Dei is your best buddy until you think outside the Opus Dei box then they turn into right b*****ds. And Abp Vigano used to suit my political fancy just like Q did but after listening to a Aleksandr Dugin interview with the wide eyed fawning princess the other day, and then reading Abp Vigano's latest, I had the realization these two were peas in a pod.

I do remember following the 2016 election night on my buddy's Facebook page. All his friends were so disappointed when Hillary won telling themselves not to be angry. And then when the news Trump actually won not Hillary there was a very palpable sense of disbelief and then pleads not to be poor sports (which lasted about a half hour). Quite an eyeopener after having been off the Internet for 8 years (my buddy had just gave me his old phone and activated a Boost account for me) and then watching the ebb and flow of a Christian/prepper Facebook event without the bias.

Anonymous said...

Seems a strange thing for a woman to do, shoot an animal. If she went to the trouble to take him to a quarry why not the Vet?

Anonymous said...

I would be cautious bout atrocity stories about Russians. TheUkrainians are surrendering en masse, especially if they have wounded they can't evacuate, because they know they will be well treated.

The children found roaming and suppendly forcibly russianized are likely from Donbass which is ethnically Russian so this isn't what it looks like.

An infamous incident of Russian massacre bodies in the street and so forth, two problems. One, it was said they would indiscribiminately stop and kill people. Actually they were checking ID and only took away some. There was apparently a hit list, specific inividuals they were slooking for, mostly I think Chechens were trusted with this task, this is is targetted not indiscriminate.

Secondly, videos show that the bodies litering the streets were NOT there on the day the Russians left, only turned up a day or so later.



Anonymous said...

Comment on the video:
*Eats a tide pod*...5 years later.. "free Palestine!"


Anonymous said...

X is an LBJ Democrat trying to pretend he is a Libertarian while he likes a Conservative economy..and toss a "little bit of Jesus" in the mix. Globalists love those who love excessive government so X is their kinda guy.

Covering all the bases to bow the knee to all things government.
That's the altar he worships at.

Anonymous said...

10:29 am

And your high priest, Trump, just campaigned on a promise to give police immunity from prosecutions for abuse & killing citizens followed immediately with a promise to deploy federal troops & take over Washington DC.

He’s already promised to swamp the federal government with uneducated idiotic, inexperienced, unwislified, maga loyalists. You think gov is excessive & bad now… just wait until newly appointed maga loyalists all simultaneously attempt to assert their control & make names for themselves while all trying to impress the Trump messiah.

At least a democratic majority gov is somewhat representative, functional & responsive to the electorate. There’s no way obstructive & divisive Republicants can achieve anything other than the desire of Rome to see our Protestant public institutions & government dismantled.

Trumpism is fascism and fascism is excessive gov at the whims of its criminal narcissistic leader.

The “little man” has no hope, other than the glory of death as cannon fodder, under fascist rule.



Anonymous said...

It's all starting to make sense

Anonymous said...

Lil satanist X. The new breed of dumb as dirt, and wickedly evil 'baptists'.

A real champion of worldliness 2.0

Anonymous said...

11:48 AM

I haven't voted for years. The election process is rigged.
The real fascists are your Bidenazi party and the Elites that prop him up.
The "big guy" hates the little guy like you do so you can quit with the pretense that you care.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them. Is Anyone Listening?

Anonymous said...

Pfizer is 'deeply sorry'.

Deeply guilty is what I say.
And all the bully's out there that shilled for them and abused their neighbors for resisting are guilty too.......

Anonymous said...


laugable..."sorry" for a Tweet from Nov 2020 by an Pfizer executive excited about how effective he believed the covid vaccines were going to be (and they were) is hardly an admission of guilt.

Amazing how far Dr. Campbell has fallen.

That said, I'm sure Pfizer is sorry for the small handful of people legitimately injured by their vaccines that saved millions worldwide. Their injuries were misfortunate but from a public health standpoint, clearly acceptable risk considering the benefit. Truly you don't think millions should have died instead of those dozen or so injured, do you?

Any Pfizer apology is in stark contrast to the disinformers, like you, who will never admit or apologize for conspiring, for political purposes, in the death by disinformation of hundreds of thousands of unnecessarily unvaxed covid dead in 2021 and 2022 including my naive cousin.

Repent ye murderers


Anonymous said...

Prayers for X's cousin. No. 104 on the list (right after Jesse Boone the ferryman)

Anonymous said...

2 Thessalonians 2

7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

Anonymous said...

Here ya go.
?another intended kaboom from x
But, nope........another sniveling, shriveling, excuse for the Big Pharma abusers he worships. Just another fizzle post from Dr Doom 12:26 AM

It's not easy being globalist.

Anonymous said...

Happy Eatster orthodox Holy Saturday, Some charismatics etc, preach wronly that Christ's sufferings didn't end on the cross but that He went to hell to suffer for us there also But Jesus said "itis finished" just before He died.

jesus went into hell, not to suffer nut to kick the devil's ass!!! the devil is not fully bound as some think but partly bound greatly crippled peter warns he goes about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he devour. But his power has beem broken. Like a bad tempered creep with weapons in a wheelchair.


Anonymous said...

Outrageous excess deaths


Anonymous said...

For real fascists

Anonymous said...

why Russia invaded Ukraine

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter
Holy Fire 2024, Orthodox Easter in Jerusalem #resurrection #live

Anonymous said...

I am going to have to withdraw my support for Trump, which doesn't mean I'll vote for Biden. This plan to get rid of birthright citizenship goes against the 14th amendment's clear wording, and I think he wants to get rid of one of the amendments also.

Maybe RFK Jr.

Granted,he's a common slut but all the heroic fine Kennedy men were common sluts. The only reason they went after the mafia or anyone else was not virtue, but intense competitiveness. Would share power with anyone they didn't have to - not that I think its good to share power with such people, its just that themotive was more sin of pride than love of virtue and hatred of evil.

Anonymous said...

Dr John Campbell’s snide disinformation on vaccines in pregnancy:

The dishonest rise of John Campbell:

5 Reasons to NOT Aspirate: a response to Dr John Campbell’s misinformation on vaccine injection:

Debunking Debunk The Funk - Dr John Campbell:

Debunking Dr John Campbell's "Best Ivermectin Meta-analysis" Video:

Antivaxxers fooled by P-Hacking and apples to oranges comparisons:

Freedom of misinformation: Dr. John Campbell's misuse and manipulation of Covid-19 deaths:

Anonymous said...

NURSE Campbell IS NOT a medical doctor. He is a NURSE with a PhD in Nursing Education. Actual medical doctors have repeatedly called him out for what they characterize as flawed analyses and outright misinformation:

Lies, dang lies, and Fenton/Campbell misrepresentation of ONS statistics:

Dr John Campbell - Brain injury or just more grifting:

Vitamin D, now conclusive that Dr John Campbell can’t interpret a study:

No, a meta analysis did not prove that Vitamin D cures COVID:

Eminence vs Evidence: Example of Dr John Campbell:

Dr John Campbell and Prof Norman Fenton CONFUSED by ONS/NHS statistics:

2 New studies show that ANTIVAXXER excess death claims are FALSE:

Dr John Campbell combines deception with stupidity in Swindon videos:\_VEBo

Anonymous said...

Logical fallacies EXPOSED! Dr John Campbell’s appeal to tradition fallacy:

Dr John’s Campbell’s 3 contradictory SARS-CoV-2 origin conspiracy theories:\_k

COVID vaccines DO reduce transmission:

Dr John Campbell resurrects old Israeli myocarditis study to misinform:

Excess deaths: Insights from Australia and Singapore that GRIFTERS ignore:

Vaccination is better than natural immunity:

Tricks Dr John Campbell uses to spread disinformation on YouTube:

Is Dr John Campbell's Pfizer vaccine transmission video IGNORANCE or GRIFTING?:

Grifters misrepresent deaths in vaccine disinformation campaign:

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