Friday, April 05, 2024

Let's not so easily dismiss crazed cultist Jan Halper-Hayes

by Rich Peterson

Constance Cumbey has taken a lot of flak in the comments section for posting this ElijahStreams interview with Jan Halper Hayes.  I commented in that thread that I recognized the video’s entire contents as being Qanon. 

I expressed concern with this because Trump has aligned himself with Qanon.  My understanding from the discussion board is, that’s ok, he’s doing it for votes.  In response to a recent comment “If one takes the position that QAnon, and by extension these wackos at the Elijah List, is part of a psyop, then WHY would one accept anything put forth by such as being in the realm of truth?!”

The truth is Qanon advances a lot of crazy notions:  For example, the Clintons (and others) have been tried and executed at Guantanamo and those we see today are body doubles masquerading as those dead individuals.  (With all these body doubles around, I surely could use one to avoid ever sitting through another boring meeting.)

We’ve established Halper-Hayes is a crazy Qanon cultist.  The problem arises when cultists are placed in positions of power.  Halper-Hayes has an extensive resume as a clinical psychologist; she served as Vice President for Republicans Overseas; she served on the Trump transition team and hopes to again. 

Hayes presently serves on a Department of Defense Task Force.  The role of the task force is to monitor social media and identify the sources of resistance to the Great Awakening.  That information is handed over to military psyop operations, one which she says Trump has appointed.  And, as usual, she expects and hopes the dark forces to be paraded then executed.


Does Trump know of  Halper-Hayes Qanon ramblings?  Both she and Charlie Ward says he is well aware and a participant in Qanon.  It was reported by the Gateway Pundit that he watched her CBN interview and praised it on Truth Social!

As I indicated in my last post, behind door A is the Great Reset and behind door B is the Great Awakening.  

They are both the same, perhaps having different demons in charge of different decorating committees.  Many will be surprised when they see both the Reset and Awakening lead to satan’s throne then, ultimately, God’s judgement.


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Anonymous said...

Trump's 'unbiased' jury selection process...

Prosecutor Josh Steinglass asked each of the 18 prospective jurors in front of him to look across at Donald Trump and then take a long look inside themselves and decide whether they were up to the job of deciding guilt or innocence. "You have to be able to come back from your deliberations and look the defendant in the eye and say 'GUILTY' and only you can KNOW that."

Trump trial analysis: How jury selection unfolded

Anonymous said...

Don't look at me,
as if you never know....

Joe's vanity!
Is all he ever shows....

Lusting fire in his eyes,
rejecting Jesus Christ......

Voters of the Lie!!!!!

Anonymous said...

4:20 pm

She was right about one thing... you sure sound like you are still harboring anger & resentment towards her.

You must be still sore about Couric's interview of the quite moronic (and certainly anti-intellectual) Sarah Palin 10 years ago???

CBS Evening News: Katie Couric Interviews Sarah Palin

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Clare Prophet REAWAKENS AMERICA - re upload

‘This is just for fun and is satire. But actually pretty close to the truth. This is a re upload and I thought fitting with some of the recent videos I’ve done.’

‘To be clear, it’s important to emphasize that Elizabeth Claire Prophet is a theosophist, a new age cult leader and a Luciferian. Notice how she blends new age thought, Jesus, st Germaine and patriotism all together just like reawaken America.’

‘What happens when you blend nationalism, Jesus, Christianity and the New Age altogether?: This is the plan’.

Video uploaded by Magical Mystery Church YouTube channel.

Anonymous said...

Christian Nationalism, AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM and the April 8, 2024 solar eclipse

Video uploaded by Magical Mystery Church YouTube channel.

Anonymous said...

See this link (mentioned at 10:30 in the video, Christian Nationalism, AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM and the April 8, 2024 solar eclipse):

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The Bare Necessities of Trump (False Equivalencies / The Jungle Book Song Parody)

By Patrick Fitzgerald

"False equivalence" is a logical falacy that Donald Trump masterfully takes advantage of to distract from his crimes. This song parody of "The Bare Necessities" gives a couple examples, you know, for educational purposes.


Look for the false equivalency
When talking to your devotees
Compare yourself to others with some lies
I mean a false equivalency
Should be your favorite recipe
To make it seem as if you’re justified

When you are indicted, 97 times
Just accuse some others, of similar crimes
If you find Biden and Mike Pence
Had secret files, there’s your defense
But just don’t mention that they complied
While you tried to hide files that were classified
And maybe sold a few

That false equivalence is sure to work for you
It works for you

Look for a false equivalency
When talking to your devotees
Compare yourself to others with some lies
I mean a false equivalency
Might help prevent a guilty plea
From co-defendants that you terrorize

Now when you find a laptop
From the President’s son
Use it as the backstop
For the crimes you’ve done
Investigate Biden for crimes you invent
No need for a trial, just cause dissent
It doesn’t have to make much sense
Just buy some time for your own defense

Have I given you a clue?
The false equivalence is sure to work for you
‘Til your next coup

• The Bare Necessities The Bare Necessities (written by Terry Gilkyson, cover by Mumol Dixie Stompers)
• Phil Harris, Bruce Rei... The Bare Necessities (orginal from The Jungle Book)

Anonymous said...

The Bare Necessities of Trump (False Equivalencies / The Jungle Book Song Parody)

By Patrick Fitzgerald

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting The Bare Necessities of Trump (False Equivalencies / The Jungle Book Song Parody) ... for educational purposes ... and a good laugh on this very gray morning.

Anonymous said...

Good, informative video on American exceptionalism by Magical Mystery Church. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Only Trump Can Save America and Israel (Jon Voight video)

Jon Voight says that ONLY Donald Trump can save America and Israel “once and for all.” That ONLY Donald Trump can “make these countries safe again.” That Donald Trump is the “ONLY way” and he will bring “peace to all nations.”

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your kind words, 10:17 AM & 10:19 AM,

They mean a lot.

Yes, I think some lighthearted humor is needed sometimes.


God bless you richly, in Jesus Christ’s Holy Name.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing nation that imports people from all over the planet and lets them do whatever the hell they want while the people in power focus on the terrorizing the native born who are respecting the laws.

Anonymous said...

Possibly the worst President ever. Watching anti-Trumpers desperately wriggle around trying to find anything to justify supporting him is one of the saddest displays of self-delusion I have ever seen.

Anonymous said...

Woman Reveals How She Snuck Ivermectin into Hospital to Save Dying Father

Anonymous said...

11:59 PM

Speaking of 'moronic'... you just described yourself. Anyone who is a fan of the vicious, vile Katie Couric is a MORON!!!

Anonymous said...

Everything bounces off Teflon Don... and the people just love him!!!

They HATE Joe Biden with a passion.

Anonymous said...

JPMorgan Chase announces it is selling 80 million customer transaction histories to third party advertisers

JPMorgan Chase announces it is selling 80 million customer transaction histories to third party advertisers –

Anonymous said...

Geoengineering finally goes mainstream as Dubai cloud seeding program blamed for historic recent flooding in Dubai...

Anonymous said...

How Covid vaccines are actually destroying people's IMMUNE systems...

Anonymous said...

WHO official admits that vaccine passports were a SCAM to advance a vaccine agenda...

Anonymous said...

Good example of the vileness that is what remains of the GOP.

Oklahoma county GOP chair arrested in alleged murder-kidnap plot

Excerpt: “Tiffany Adams, an Oklahoma resident who last year was elected as the chairwoman of Cimarron County Republican Party, was arrested this week and charged with three other people of participating in kidnapping and murder.

Local news station KOCO reports that Adams was charged with participating in the kidnapping and murder of 27-year-old Veronica Butler and 39-year-old Jilian Kelley, who both disappeared a little over two weeks ago.”

Anonymous said...


RFK Jr.'s own siblings just endorsed Joe Biden for President.

Kerry Kennedy, who is RFK Jr.'s sister, and the daughter of Robert F. Kennedy, called President Joe Biden "my hero."

This certainly can't be a good look for RFK Jr., having several of his own siblings campaigning against him.

Anonymous said...

PS: with all due respect to Katy Couric the interview seemed disingenuous. For one, Couric being not overly bright, was obviously coached by someone before hand and the slight lag in Couric's spontaneity suggests to me she was wearing an earpiece. Pretty easy to look smart with a huge New York media apparatus backing you up.

Anonymous said...

When Katie Couric was recently interviewed by Bill Maher... she had nothing but her New York smug 'rarified air' arrogance to keep her warm... and Bill (himself) to take her down a few pegs (as only HE can).

Anonymous said...

I hate that mealy mouthed word disengenuous. Just call it what it is - dishonest.


Anonymous said...


The spelling of the word in question is: ‘disingenuous’.

Anonymous said...

exact spelling doesnt matter as long as you get the idea. spelling has changed over centuries anyway


Anonymous said...

MAGA Marjorie Taylor Greene, Qanon Christian Nationalist is leading the pack in spreading Russian propaganda. Moscow Margie is hoping to be Trump's VP.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear Christine,

You really haven’t a clue as to why the word is spelled the way it is, nor the spelling itself, let alone its precise meaning.

Well, at least now you know the correct spelling of the word and can confidently google its meaning before coming back here to double down on your nonsense as usual.

You’d have done better to have kept your vacuous ignorance to yourself in this instance; you never learn, do you?

Anonymous said...

you are the artful dodger here and typically when you cant deal with something you fall back on grammar and spelling nonsense,

disingenuous was suggested to me by too nicey nicey Constance as a substitute for nore direct language.

call it what it is deceptive, dishonest something in that category.

meanwhile you can play your games and hope to misdirect us away from real issues.


Anonymous said...

yep the word means deceptive

Anonymous said...


Oh, how you project that which you yourself are guilty of onto others. Have you so soon forgotten your initial post to which I responded here?

The definition of disingenuous is as follows: not candid or sincere, typically by feigning to know less about something than one really does. It is to be hypocritically ingenuous and, thus, insincere. That is, lacking in candour, or giving an appearance of frankness that holds no real substance.

Oh, the irony would be somewhat amusing if it were not so sad, Christine. Given your weasel-like responses here, due to the narcissistic injury you have indubitably suffered, would it be fair to conclude your words are evidence of dishonesty, coming straight out of your unrepentant and wicked heart, albeit somewhat threadbare due to your wilful and blind ignorance, or a clear example of disingenuousness on your part?

Anonymous said...

Like3 I said, deceptive or flat lying. I am the one who has been honest you spin it falsely as boasting misrepresent seeing something as conjuring, and even falsely accuse me of lecturing on tantric sex.

All this started because I showed how a david icke notion could be used to aid apologetics and lead new agers out of some of their delusion.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear yet again, Christine,

You clearly understand very little, if anything about the denotative and connotative qualities of a given lexical item.

Your ignorance is the kind that spurred Pol Pot to murder anyone thought to be an intellectual. Why, you may ask? It is because the arrogant and mindless attempt to correct the poster at 12:31 AM, who properly employed the word ‘disingenuous’, by reducing its meaning to a simple denotation of ‘dishonesty’. Your pointless bellowing is indicative of that which Orwell warned of via the use of his literary device called ‘Newspeak’.

To further necessarily patronize you, your reductive and, therefore, destructive attitude towards language is an expression of educational subnormality at best. I’m so doing, you display an utter ignorance and mindless disregard for the specific linguistic functions within lexis, including their connections to socio-anthropology, psycho-anthropology, cultural anthropology, more specifically, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and corpus linguistics, to name but a few.

Oh, of course you switched to using the word ‘deceptive’, after the fact of my having corrected your earlier rude and fallacious assertion, in an attempt to weasel your way out of your error, yet I refer you back to your original claim and my original response to it in conjunction with my latter replies to your nonsense.

If you could, you’d no doubt argue against Genesis detailing the subtlety of the serpent, perhaps calling such descriptions ‘mealy mouthed’ and in your ignorance coupled with your delusions of grandeur (due to your grandiose NPD) would indubitably scoff:

‘I hate those mealy mouthed words. Just call it what it is - dishonest.’

Anonymous said...

Back to google you go, Christine.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear yet again, Christine,

You clearly understand very little, if anything about the denotative and connotative qualities of a given lexical item.

Your ignorance is the kind that spurred Pol Pot to murder anyone thought to be an intellectual. Why, you may ask? It is because your arrogant and mindless attempt to correct the poster at 12:31 AM, who properly employed the word ‘disingenuous’, by reducing its meaning to a simple denotation of ‘dishonesty’. Your pointless bellowing is indicative of that which Orwell warned of via the use of his literary device called ‘Newspeak’.

To further necessarily patronize you, your reductive and, therefore, destructive attitude towards language is an expression of educational subnormality at best. In so doing, you display an utter ignorance and mindless disregard for the specific linguistic functions within lexis, including their connections to socio-anthropology, psycho-anthropology, cultural anthropology, more specifically, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and corpus linguistics, to name but a few.

Oh, of course you switched to using the word ‘deceptive’, after the fact of my having corrected your earlier rude and fallacious assertion, in an attempt to weasel your way out of your error, yet I refer you back to your original claim and my original response to it in conjunction with my latter replies to your nonsense.

If you could, you’d no doubt argue against Genesis detailing the subtlety of the serpent, perhaps calling such descriptions ‘mealy mouthed’ and in your ignorance coupled with your delusions of grandeur (due to your grandiose NPD) would indubitably scoff:

‘I hate those mealy mouthed words. Just call it what it is - dishonest.’

Google is awaiting your inquiring mind, Christine.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear yet again, Christine,

You clearly understand very little, if anything about the denotative and connotative qualities of a given lexical item.

Your ignorance is the kind that spurred Pol Pot to murder anyone thought to be an intellectual. Why, you may ask? It is because of your arrogant and mindless attempt to correct the poster at 12:31 AM, who properly employed the word ‘disingenuous’, by reducing its meaning to a simple denotation of ‘dishonesty’. Your pointless bellowing is indicative of that which Orwell warned of via the use of his literary device called ‘Newspeak’.

To further necessarily patronize you, your reductive and, therefore, destructive attitude towards language is an expression of educational subnormality at best. In so doing, you display an utter ignorance and mindless disregard for the specific linguistic functions within lexis, including their connections to socio-anthropology, psycho-anthropology, cultural anthropology, more specifically, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and corpus linguistics, to name but a few.

Oh, of course you switched to using the word ‘deceptive’, after the fact of my having corrected your earlier rude and fallacious assertion, in an attempt to weasel your way out of your error, yet I refer you back to your original claim and my original response to it in conjunction with my latter replies to your nonsense.

If you could, you’d no doubt argue against Genesis detailing the subtlety of the serpent, perhaps calling such descriptions ‘mealy mouthed’ and in your ignorance coupled with your delusions of grandeur (due to your grandiose NPD) would indubitably scoff:

‘I hate those mealy mouthed words. Just call it what it is - dishonest.’

Google is awaiting your inquiring mind, Christine.

Anonymous said...

the last thing you want to deal with is the realities language taks about, and frankly some language renditions of English are so v ague as to be inexcuseably open to any interprretation you want to put on them.

Eve should have told the serpent to get lost once it started questioning God's words. One of the epistles says to resist the devil amd he will flee from you, but run from temptation.


PS the new age and others officially deny we are fallen merely something gone wrong, not specified or fell into ignorance or some such thing. But this is an admission something went seriously wrong with us, and Christianity is the only religion that really addresses the matter.

Anonymous said...

Dear Christine,

You’re projecting again and rambling ever more incoherently.

I refer you back to my earlier posts.

Anonymous said...

Do try to stay on topic, Christine.

Anonymous said...

The only thing transparently vague here, Christine, is you; indubitably, you’re all the more vague and obscure to your very own self.

Anonymous said...

I am not rambling and the topic is NOT proper English, it is your lies twistings and exagerrations, YOU are the one changing the topic. Iam trying to stay on topic.

Now, you have REPEATEDLY OPUBLICLY BORNE FALSE WITNESS AGAINST ME HERE saying I filled the blog with filth of tantric sex.

WHEN AND WHERE? never haveyou produced any proof, and I don't recall even mentioning the subject except perhaps once to warn against it. that's all, if that. briefly.

i think it was you who looked at a video of mine and said it was filled with obscenity when i only ONCE used the word bullshit in it, that is NOT "filled" with obscenity.

Now you adopt a weird hybrid identity between English teacher and psychotherapist. I notice not a squeak about my supposed poor long suffering mother you railed about my supposed abuse of, once I told you she molested me. I think she may also have pulled off at least one murder.

As for people going off world to escape the Flood and filtering back later, the time between the Flood and Abraham is not enough to account for the population needed to make all those civilizations, which were a lot smaller than our typical cities of course. Unless you have more than just NMoah's descendants in play.

Ubaid, a Sumerian city state, is famous for some pretty strange figurines, sort of the like the reptoid alid. hmmm. mad sceintists trying to make superhumans by misxing in animal DNA is a game our own DARPA is experimenting with now, they want a soldier who can go for two weeks without food or water and be fit to fight and think at then end of that time, see in the dark, and so forth.


Anonymous said...

“…and the topic is NOT proper English,’:

It is most certainly not when viewing your inability to employ language adequately, Christine.

Once more, I have to necessarily patronize you.

You simply (let alone complexly) cannot distinguish between the current topic of this blog and the topic at hand, which concerns your erroneous attempt at correcting 12:31’s specific and contextually harmonious use of the word ‘disingenuous’ , highlighted by your inability to even spell it properly.

If you still cannot distinguish between the current topic of the blog and the topic being discussed between us and still mindlessly consider such to be off-topic, then you should have kept your mealy mouth shut.

Do stay on topic, Christine. If you can’t keep up,, then take a rest: I’m sure we’d all support you in that.

Meanwhile, I refer you back to my previous replies.

Anonymous said...

You are the only one writhing, twisting and being utterly dishonest here, Christine.

Methinks your unrepentant history of fornication, both of the flesh and spiritually speaking, with your unrepentant ‘Resident Seer’ (your capitalization, not mine), with whom you remain shacked up with and out of wedlock, yes, that unrepentant dabbler in witchcraft, your unrepentant ‘“Ex’ Satanist”, as you also boastfully refer to him.

You are of your father the Devil, Christine, the father of lies, for you do the things he does, who has been a murderer from the very beginning.

If you cared anything for Mike Tinge ‘s eternal predicament, then you would move out and leave him, unless and until he truly repents (as you should do) and remorsefully accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, and after which you have both married, in the eyes of God and the true Ecclesia.

I once again refer your lying and loveless self back to my earlier posts regarding your erroneous yet bigmouthed attempt to correct the loquacious harmony of 12:31 AM’s post.

Anonymous said...

no one pays much attention to the main post they just rant on about who is or isn't the antichrist and snipe at some others on the side.

"current tone" Oh, I am suypposed to kow tow to the herd animal effect lose my identity in the mob?

try something less weasley and lacking in itengrity .

to put it bluntly you are doing everything you can to get off topic which is your dishonesty.

I was personally challenged by Constance a couple of years ago, to use the word disingenous rather than liar. make nice.


and you, madam are a liar as i have complained several times. not once have you p[resented proof I am wrong. your best response is to complain of a wicked and unrepentant heart.

Well, you can't even accurately summarize a statment of mine without twisting and changing it it, so don't give me your nonsense about how to write well. you don't even try to write accurately.


Anonymous said...


Rant, deny, project, deflect, lie, twist and writhe as you will.

I refer your narcissistically disordered self back to all my earlier posts made in response and reply regarding your brash, arrogant, ignorant and erroneous posts from 4:06 PM, onwards.

Anonymous said...


A word of advice.

I corrected you, in no uncertain terms, not because of your erroneous attempt at pedantry, regarding 12:31 AM’s use of the word‘ disingenuous’, per se, but rather due to your narcissistically driven, bombastic, arrogant and rudely bigmouthed, belittling attempt to control the aforementioned poster.

You’d have done well to heed the first five verses of Matthew 7 (paying particular attention to verse five); others would do well to bare in mind the verse immediately following these five verses when dealing with you.

1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Anonymous said...


A word of advice.

I corrected you, in no uncertain terms, not because of your erroneous attempt at pedantry, regarding 12:31 AM’s use of the word‘ disingenuous’, per se, but rather due to your narcissistically driven, bombastic, arrogant and rudely bigmouthed, belittling attempt to control the aforementioned poster.

You’d have done well to heed the first five verses of Matthew 7 (paying particular attention to verse five); others would do well to bear in mind the verse immediately following these five verses when dealing with you.

1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Anonymous said...

5:08 AM
You lost the plot.

Anonymous said...


I understand my having corrected you, triggered a narcissistic injury in you, yet the cause and root of that injury lies (being the operative word) within you.

Furthermore, it is such overwhelming fear coupled with a lack of true love and empathy for others that causes your psychological defenses to reinforce your false sense of self through self-aggrandizement, so as to protect your fragile and retarded (infantile) ego. In order to do so, you deny reality, lie and project, deflect, use false equivalencies, (whataboutisms), attempts to gaslight and manipulate, and do anything you possibly can (devoid of any position based in reality) to protect your false self.

Yet it needn’t be this way, Christine. I understand that you’d be hard pressed to find a shrink who wanted to take you on as a patient, yet were you to truly cry out to Jesus Christ in true repentance to save, heal and change you (rather than relying on religion, which you have in your delusions attempted to include license for your sin and to tweak to fit your fantasies of genetically altered humanoids living on Mars, with claims such humanoids were evangelised to in the Nineteenth Century).

Yet such repentance should be one of remorse and sincerity, coupled with taking decisions and actions in accordance with God’s Will.

As I stated earlier, If you cared anything for Mike Tinge ‘s eternal predicament, then you would move out and leave him, unless and until he truly repents (as you should do) and remorsefully accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, and after which you have both married, in the eyes of God and the true Ecclesia.

You really have to get away from Mike Tinge (for one shouldn’t be yoked with unbelievers, especially ones unrepentant of Satan worship and dabbling in the occult). You should seek out prayer for deliverance from demonic spirits in your life.

Moreover, you should forgive your mother. Pray to God to heal any trauma you may have regarding her, to soften your heart and to give you the strength and grace to forgive her.

If we don’t truly forgive others their trespasses against us, then neither will God forgive us.

I suggest you take a break from this and other social media, and get yourself right with God first. For you don’t know if tomorrow will come and you will still have the chance to repent.

Revelation 21

8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:16 AM,

You clearly have never had it; you wouldn’t know the plot if it hit you square, bang in the face.

Anonymous said...

you haven't corrected me worth a damn, and my corrections of you go ignored while you misapply Scripture at me and give yourself a way as a hypocritical narcisisst by slinging the anti0narcisisst movement lingo at me, in some cases inappropriately. exactly when did I gaslight anyone, do you even know what that means?

repent you damnable fraud!

Matt. chapter 18 shows BTW that forgiveness is not without repentance being needed and may be withheld and the council throw the miscreant out.


Anonymous said...

5:46 AM

I'd notice early on that posts on the internet could take a direction totally unexpected so as someone said explain it like you're explaining it to an 11 year old which works sometimes but as someone else said (and to be frank having to kowtow to every Tom, Dick & Harry on the internet isn't productive, IMNSHO), IYKYK.

PS: Christine's post are improving, for awhile I thought she was using voice to text which I find alittle disconcerting ( - :

Anonymous said...

9:50 AM,

Well, well, Christine, that fragile ego of yours is far more retarded than I gave you credit for.

Revelation 21

8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

It’s easy to see why a grandiose NPD fornicator, as you clearly are, who hates even her very own dear mother, is devoid of forgiveness, shacked up out of wedlock with a witchcraft dabbling, unrepentant “Ex”-Satanist, could easily be drawn in by a grandiose Narcissistic sociopath, MAGA Satanist, rapist and sinner in chief, Donald J. Trump.

I shall cast no more pearls before you, as you clearly are as the pigs into which Legion was sent.

You are of your father Satan, for you do the things he does. He has been a liar and a murderer from the very beginning, and unless you repent, you shall be tossed into that lake of fire and sulphur, reaping the rewards of your evil rebellion forever.

Your poor mother. If you were as pleasant to her as you are to others here, how she must have suffered. Your demonic toddler-like tantrums don’t upset me, they just make me pity you for I know you and the demons possessing you are headed for eternal damnation. Oh, how thin is your old skin, Christine. You cannot face the truth and reality of the impotent, vile and cowardly narcissist you are. You are utterly riddled with the demonic, lying, projecting, and screaming like self-absorbed a demon-possessed person, lashing out in narcissistic injury, as you wonder out of your mind through the graveyard of your own seared conscience.

Repent, child of disobedience. Or suffer the coming Wrath of the Lord Jesus Christ and the consequences of your wickedness: to be thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone prepared for the Devil and his fallen angels, where the smoke of your torment will rise forever and forever without escape.

Anonymous said...


Have you repented for your writhing in delight as demons possessed your blind and unrepentant so-called Resident Seer’, as you boasted?

Have you repented for engaging out of wedlock in sexual intercourse with an unrepentant “Ex”Satanist, with whom you continue to be shacked up outside of marriage with?

Have you repented for hating your very own mother and lovelessly refusing to forgive her? Or, is forgiveness, just like your idol the Antichrist, Donald J. Trump, you don’t bring God into the picture of?

We should not reconcile with those who would further hurt us and remain unrepentant, we can wipe the dust off our feet, yet we are COMMANDED by God to forgive them. Yet you are too hard of heart and cowardly to do so. How poor, wretched and blind you are in your loveless wickedness, Christine.


But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Anonymous said...

Well, well, Christine, that fragile ego of yours is far more retarded than I had given you credit for.

Revelation 21

8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

It’s easy to see why a grandiose NPD fornicator, as you clearly are, who hates even her very own dear mother, is devoid of forgiveness, shacked up out of wedlock with a witchcraft dabbling, unrepentant “Ex”-Satanist. Furthermore, it’s easy to see how you could easily be drawn in by that grandiose Narcissistic sociopath, MAGA Satanist, rapist and sinner in chief, Donald J. Trump.

I shall cast no more pearls before you, as you clearly are as the pigs into which Legion was sent.

You are of your father Satan, for you do the things he does. He has been a liar and a murderer from the very beginning, and unless you repent, you shall be tossed into that lake of fire and sulphur, reaping the rewards of your evil rebellion forever.

Your poor mother. If you were as pleasant to her as you are to others here, then how she must have suffered. Your demonic toddler-like tantrums don’t upset me, they just make me pity you for I know you and the demons possessing you are headed for eternal damnation. Oh, how thin is your old skin, Christine. You cannot face the truth and reality of the impotent, vile and cowardly narcissist you are. You are utterly riddled with the demonic, lying, projecting, and screaming like a self-absorbed demon-possessed person, lashing out in narcissistic injury, as you wander out of your mind through the graveyard of your own seared conscience.

Repent, child of disobedience. Or suffer the coming Wrath of the Lord Jesus Christ and the consequences of your wickedness: to be thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone prepared for the Devil and his fallen angels, where the smoke of your torment will rise forever and forever without escape.

Your demonic possession has manifested clearly here today. You are in severe need of deliverance. Do you not know that via the perverted, sexual acts you indulged in with your co-fornicator, you opened a door for demonic entities to be transfered to you from your so-called ‘Resident Seer’, that very same, unrepentant “Ex”-Satanist, with whom you remain residing out of wedlock with? Indubitably, he remains demonically possessed, those very same demons with their lying signs and wonders of conjuring the orange blobs, green ether and other evils you have previously gloated about here.

You are unclean, Christine and need deliverance.

Ephesians 5

11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.

13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

Anonymous said...

You're only showing your own ignorance by bashing Christine. Before that, it was X, whether it was you or another anonymous person, it doesn't add anything of value to the conversation.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11;56 AM,

Exposing and bashing are two very different things.

You are a false accuser and Satan is the accuser of the brethren.

I am exposing Christine, she is attempting to bash me, yet neither you in your deliberatey blind disingenuousness, nor she in her writhings or dishonesty shall dissuade me from exposing her works of darkness and reproving them.

I understand ever since she demonstrated her devotion for that vile man of sin, Donald J. Trump, quite a few of you have cosied up to her, regardless of her wickedness and nonsense. This, however, will not silence me from speaking out in truth, even if you hypocritical snowflakes don’t like it.

I shall reprove, correct and expose, in season and out of season, in Jesus Christ’s Holy Name.

You obviously care nothing for Christine’s eternal predicament if she continues to live in sinful and hateful rebellion. Therefore, her blood shall be on your head, just as that of Mike Tinge’s (her co-fornicator) shall be on hers.

Anonymous said...

Exodus 29:12

12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.

Ephesians 6

1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.
2 Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise;
3 That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

1 John 3:14-16

14 We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.
15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.

2 Timothy 3

1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Matthew 6:14-15

14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

1 Timothy 5

20 Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.

Ephesians 5

11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

Ezekiel 3

18 When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.
19 Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.
20 Again, When a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumbling-block before him, he shall die: because thou hast not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at thine hand.
21 Nevertheless if thou warn the righteous man, that the righteous sin not, and he doth not sin, he shall surely live, because he is warned; also thou hast delivered thy soul.

2 Timothy 3:16-17
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

Anonymous said...

1 Corinthians 6

1 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints?
2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?
3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
4 If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church.
5 I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren?
6 But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers.
7 Now therefore there is utterly a fault among you, because ye go to law one with another. Why do ye not rather take wrong? why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded?
8 Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren.
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
12 All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.
13 Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.
14 And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power.
15 Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.
16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.
17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.
18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

in the days Paul wrote all that, you were not considered married until you had lived under the man's roof for a year and a day. And absent any ritual in a pagan temple or whatever, such living under his roof for a year and a day would classify you as married.

the laws changed over time. Women often absented themselves one day ayear so they did not come under the man's manus or full power which included killing them and their kids on a whim if he felt like it.

This sort of thing was an overreaction to the vcile excesses of women of the Etruscan period the Latins overthrew.

pledsged for life is not fornicaqtion or whoredom. But one could raise an eyebrow at a legal by our standards marriage done entirely for money and dynastic reasons.

And if you have given yourself to someone of the opposite sex with usual love and loyalty forever passionate statements, then demped that person to legally marry someone else, it looks a lot like the adultery of divorce and remarriage.

Really, if both parties aren't either virgins, or all prior sexual partners had willingly had sex with someone else, or were dead, then the legal first marriage you all here would consider okay has a sort of cloud on it.

you want total purity? its a tighter walk than just wait for a legal arrangement with the state.


Anonymous said...

as for shacking up, when this is experimental in nature instead of something you can't undo without a taint attaching, then it isn't shacking up. Several states still allow common law marriage which used to be nearly universal.

all states recognize common law marriages contracted in states that allow them to be contracted, standards in those latter states vary. Public claiming and presenting as a couple is a key elementin all cases though not all there is to it.

even the lumpen proletariat sort draw a distinction between tramps and true hearted women.


Anonymous said...

all ststes and DC allow no fault divorce, some require them to agree others allow either one to quit without cause and without agreement from the partner. So where exactly, when you add this to lack of criminal procedure against adultery and/or sleeping around, no public flogging for instance, is "marriage" as people here are likely to consider it?


Anonymous said...

I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm a truth supporter. Christine and X may be polar opposites, but that has nothing to do with your posts. If you have a personal problem with Christine and her living arrangements, you should be addressing it with her personally, rather than on this blog. If you don't know her well enough for that, then keep it to yourself and pray about it.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

@1:02 PM

I removed your comment.

I agree with 4:42. I don't know Christine's personal business nor do I think anyone else should be airing whatever it may be on this blog. If you have a difference of opinion with what she has said in this thread, then address those issues fairly.

Anonymous said...

Challenging original thinking

William Tapley: Third Eagle of The Apocalypse - Four Holy Groups Reign with Jesus During the Millennium

William has been a watchman for awhile now and still shops at the Goodwill. A good sign.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rich,

You may note I didn’t respond to Christine’s last three posts. My reason for not having done so is because her attitude had changed from one of attack and an attempt by her to vilify my character, to one merely expressing her opinion regarding marriage (even if I don’t agree with her appeal to such claims).

I called her out on her erroneous and brash comment, where she both arrogantly and ignorantly tried to correct the poster at 12:31 AM. This caused her narcissistic injury, as shown in her rants of outrage, highlighted by her comment at 6:29 AM:

“I was personally challenged by Constance a couple of years ago, to use the word disingenous rather than liar. make nice […] nope“

Even so, I did rightly bring up her present situation and once more exposed aspects of her life that she herself had in the past posted and promoted as being acceptable here. The reason I did so was because she herself raised an aspect of that issue and dishonestly denied it, calling me a liar, etc.

Christine wrote at 4:04 AM,

“Like3 I said, deceptive or flat lying. I am the one who has been honest you spin it falsely as boasting misrepresent seeing something as conjuring, and even falsely accuse me of lecturing on tantric sex.”

Repeating and projecting her false accusation at 6:01 AM,

“it is your lies twistings and exagerrations, YOU are the one changing the topic. Iam trying to stay on topic.

Now, you have REPEATEDLY OPUBLICLY BORNE FALSE WITNESS AGAINST ME HERE saying I filled the blog with filth of tantric sex.

I admit I have in the past challenged Christine on the vile content she has boastfully posted here and gloated over. I reproved and exposed her, as did Constance and many others. At that time, Christine had indeed posted content here regarding tantric sex magic, and from a very nefarious and demonic source indeed. She gave no warning as to the nature of the site, nor did she make any negative criticism in her initial posts about it (her attempt in her aforementioned posts at denying her having done so is in itself an attempt to gaslight others here to believe something other than the truth). This was at the same time she was boasting about and promoting the wickedness going on at her home, which I have partly addressed in my above posts here. At that time, Christine was also promoting the New Age lie of chakras, even to the point of claiming Ecclesiastes 12 mentioned such in verse 16 (Ecclesiastes 12 only has fourteen verses).

Once she was called out for such lies, Christine then attempted to backpedal and claim other aspects within the actual fourteen verses of Ecclesiastes 12 related to chakras. Equally, she tried to backpedal and change her story regarding her reasons for her vile link promoting tantric sex magic. Moreover, she would boast of fornicating (that is, committing perverse, sexual acts) with an unrepentant “Ex” (her citation marks, not mine) Satanist, which she admitted only stopped due to his “dodgy ticker”.

Of course, when caught out, Christine (who at that time would sign in) would often speedily delete the post in question.

Christine remains in that ungodly relationship.

She has NEVER repented for her promotion of acts of sorcery here, such as her “Resident Seer’s” (her capitalization and nom de plume for her co-fornicator) [demons using him] conjuring of orange blobs, green ether and scrying.

She has NEVER repented of her nonsensical assertions of genetically modified humanoids living on Mars. Nor of her delusions that people set out to evangelize them.

And the list goes on and on.

Some years ago, Christine claimed her mother was a witch along with a few other women and yet was instrumental in the running of a Protestant church. The vitriol she has expressed for her deceased mother here has been utterly shocking.

Anonymous said...

Yet Christine herself has boasted of the conjuring and clairvoyant ’talents’ of her “Resident Seer” here, over and over again. I don’t know whether Christine was sexually abused by her mother, whether that is a false memory or an outright lie, yet the vitriol and hatred she has shown when mentioning her mother is of the same acidic and narcissistic nature as her posts attacking people here over the years, for which she has never apologized.

I will not accept being falsely accused of lying here, especially by a grandiose narcissist:

NPD in DSM-5
NPD is diagnostically defined in the DSM-5 (APA 2013; pages 669-672) as a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy, with interpersonal entitlement, exploitiveness, arrogance, and envy. Five out of nine of these criteria need to be present to meet the diagnosis of NPD.

The nine criteria are:
* DSM 1: Grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievement and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements);
* DSM 2: Fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love;
* DSM 3: Belief in being “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should be associated with, other special or high-status people (or institutions);
* DSM 4: Requires excessive admiration;
* DSM 5: Sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations;
* DSM 6: Interpersonally exploitive, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his/her own ends;
* DSM 7: Lacks empathy; is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others;
* DSM 8: Envious of others or believes that others are envious of him/her;
* DSM 9: Arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.

Taken from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, (2013). American Psychiatric Association.

Christine clearly meets ALL of the above criteria for a diagnosis of NPD. This is why I have taken her to task in no uncertain terms. She has proclaimed herself as a ‘genius’ here, yet her grandiose assertion has never been supported by evidence.

Even so, there have been times where I have defended Christine at this blog, yet would certainly not do so when it comes to exposing her nonsense and standing up against her unwarranted, rude and erroneous attempts to belittle others.

Perhaps my post at 1:02 PM was unfair, yet it was certainly not untrue.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 4:42 PM,

I refer you back to the posts from 12:31 AM onwards.

You are seriously mistaken if you think I will let a grandiose narcissist falsely accuse me and try to dominate me.

Furthermore, I specifically refer you back to the reply I originally gave you and suggest you read it more carefully.

Anonymous said...

"Christine herself has boasted of the conjuring and clairvoyant ’talents’ of her “Resident Seer” here, over and over again."

I have NEVER EVER EVER boasted or described any CONJURING in fact I repeatedly forbade it. conjuring is inviting or demanding the presence of something, being able to see something already there, or just arrived on its own IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT.

Mike inherited what is called objective clairvoyance (depends on part of the retina, as distinct from subjective clairvoyance which is strictly a learned trick and sometimes of outright occult origin.

Mike got it from his father's mother or grandmother, who advised him to ignore any entities, unfortunately he didn't and communication with stuff like that is a bad idea.


When we all met in AZ and went to dinner, before meeting him and Mike's mother, I put some holy oil on my sleeve, it was invisible to normal sight.

ALL THAT EVENING MIKE'S FATHER KEPT SNEAKING PEEKS AT THE UPPER RIGHT ARM WHERE THE OIL WAS. To him, you see, it glowed. and it would have puzzled him.

This validated the story.

The rest of that DSM stuff doesn't sound like me at all, or describe my behavior which was to lash back at those who lashed at me.

So strike one, you lie about boasting (I never boasted about anything I only described) about conjuring (which I didn't allow to be done no conjuring allowed).

"Christine had indeed posted content here regarding tantric sex magic, and from a very nefarious and demonic source indeed. She gave no warning as to the nature of the site,"

again, WHERE IS THIS? theonly excuse for you is that you jumped to a conclusion because of a jewelled ganesh drawing on an article, which was NOT ABOUT TANTRIC SEX bgut showed that a couple of frequently appearing words in "tongues' are in fact Hindu fase gossesses and/or suchlike worship I forget the details.

strike two on you as a liar.

Then you run a bunch more lies, and show you do NOT know what gaslighting is, what it is is an effort to make someone think they are going insane, as distinct of course from driving them nuts with stress. simply trying to get them to believe stuff that might or might not be true is not the same thing at all - just standard political, advertising and conman to get money games. that's not gaslighting.

I am probably running out of space but you a bunch of other lies there.

I never advertised Mike's skills to make money or any other purpose and merely seeing ifyou have demons or whatnot hanging around is NOT psychic services, those are tarot reading, palmistry, fortune telling future telling sort of thing, chakra realignment (real bad idea) and other stuff that I had nothing to do with regarding him, whatever he may have done on his own away from me.


Anonymous said...

as for the witch status of my biological so called mother and her mother, both presbyterians, that is not a self evident self contradiction. Until the end of the 1800s and early 1900s, most witches maintained total secrecy and presented themselves and regular churchgoers. The most dangerous were often churchpeople.

A person who took a rescued ex satanist to the largest baptist church in Denver at the time (I can't recall the date and he didn't give its name) found his guest bolted. Asked why, it seems the pastor was ALSO head of the cult she had escaped!

There are books, articles and videos on the subject of satanist infiltration of churches. Until spiritualism and theosophy in the late 1800s made the occultism thing a bit respectable as the interests of excentric elites, witches, occultists, etc. tended to hide in churches and keep to themselves.

In fact, while back in the 2000s when I did research on egroups online, the identities of other witches was considered "oathbound" and techniques and spells were bandied about, originally the latter category was "oathbound."

The present flaunting of witch, satanic or occult identity or paraphernalia or t shirts and jewelry as real recent. A lot of it the result of rebellion in general, and special jewelry or whatever alchemic symbols something not too scary might have been in use among people who were theonly ones that knew what it all meant.


Anonymous said...

"The reason I did so was because she herself raised an aspect of that issue and dishonestly denied it, calling me a liar, etc."

of course you can't be bothered to quote what I said.

The aspect of the issue that I denied and called you a liar about was your repeated (capitalized all the way through) use of the term "BOASTED" to refer to my simple description of facts, no boasting just statements of fact.

you also made a fally incorrect statement or two,which I corrected.
as for allthe demands I repent of thinking that modified humans live on MArs ( or hollowed out asteoids) can she prove otherwise? if not, no need to repent. Then thereis the repeated claim I said people set out to evangelize martians,


I said that some Christians on hearing of the probability of people being there said that they should prepare to evangelize them, but actually doing it of course depended on technology that did not exist then.


Anonymous said...


You won’t gaslight me; I remember very clearly.

I have written what I have written and have done so in truth. There are many here who will remember your comments regarding orange blob nonsense and the rest.

Hopefully, you won’t gaslight them either.

I refer you back to all my posts here since your erroneous outburst against 12:31 AM, where you transfered your frustrations towards Constance onto that poster.

I reiterate, I stand by everything I have written here. Deal with it.

Anonymous said...

again you use the term gaslight incorrectly.

talk about uncorrectable andself exalting.

I did not deny that blobs turned up I DENIED CJOURING I.E., INVITING THEM.



Anonymous said...


No, I use the term correctly. Even here, your attempts at gaslighting don’t work. 😁👍

Anonymous said...

You’ve been here for years, Chritine,

Trying to wear others down through your endless repetitions of madness and lies, hoping to get them to a point where they don’t know whether they are coming or going. You hope to get others to accept your untrue version of events and dismiss that which they know via their senses, logic and experience.

You try this on the macro and the micro level. For example, your nonsense of your unrepentant Satanist co-fornicator. You claim his clairvoyant powers are physical. You have made this claim several times in the past, but only AFTER you had been exposed for promoting and taking gleeful delight in his conjuring up of orange blobs, grew ether, seeing chakras, etc.

I know the truth, Christine. You won’t gaslight me and hopefully you won’t gaslight others here, now I have exposed you.

Anonymous said...

trying to wear others down into nelieving lies is NOT GASLIGHTING. gaslightimg is where you attempt to persuade them they are insane and should therefore igWhen gaslighting occurs, the abuser or bully in the relationship misleads their target with false narratives, leading the target to question reality and their own judgment. nore suspicions about you. The term comes from the title of a movie.

"When gaslighting occurs, the abuser or bully in the relationship misleads their target with false narratives, leading the target to question reality and their own judgment."

This is not about rival political geological etc views, but about getting you to ignore red flags and let youn their lives and money.

Anonymous said...

you neever exoosed anything. I NEVER said the blobs or abything else were invited.

now you call all this nonsense. do you believe the supernatural or paranormal exists, or are you a materialist pseudo or semi Christian?

I had to go into more detail after your ignorant blather started up I wasn't covering my tracks.


Anonymous said...

let youn their lives and money should be let them run your lives and money.

I dare not delete and repost or you will lie about whar was in the original post.

Anonymous said...


I shall call you by your correct, primary name.

To conjure is not synonymous with ‘invite’.

The verb ‘conjure’ means to actively cause a spirit to appear by means of a magic ritual.

It is quite clear to me that your “Resident Seer” invoked through Satanic means the false wonders you have marveled over and boasted about here over the years.

Moreover, your dear mother, who was active within the church with her friends, suffered deeply because of you.

Your ramblings show the workings of a mind demonically possessed (here, has been your inviting such demons to possess and influence you ((ouija board, perhaps?)) ). Your psychotic delusions truly cause me to doubt the slander of your dear mother, which you have engaged in here over the years.

I should imagine your poor mother was a homely and kindhearted lady, bringing round apple and blueberry pie for the children after Sunday school.

Your claim she was a witch and the Satanic Ritual SA you falsely accuse her of doesn’t hold true at all. Especially when one considers you remain unrepentantly shacked up out of wedlock with a sorcerer and unrepentant practiser of Satanism, with whom you have committed perverse, sexual acts outside of marriage. Such a person would be the last person anyone who has escaped Satanic Ritual SA would go to. One would feel a deep sense of utter revulsion, repulsion and horror around such a wicked man.

I should imagine your poor mother suffered tremendously due to your relentless barrage of the worst kind of false accusation and your intolerable presence. At least she is now in Heaven. If I knew where she was buried, I’d send a bouquet of flowers for her.

Anonymous said...


You will not cause me to doubt reality, despite your incessant, abusive efforts to do so.

I am not your poor mother.

You are the one that is clearly unstable and psychotic.

Anonymous said...

the one or two times I confrontedher on anything sex relevant, (I never said or described SRA regardingher which is more complex) she made excuses or denied it. I saw no reason to pursue talking to such a liar with her liar's smirk on her face. Perhaps I should have hounded her and broke her will but I was too quick to pity.

your display of ignorance whether psychiatrically or otherwise is spectacular.

I used the word "invote to make it easier for your simplistic, ignorant and overly self assured in your inadequacies tmind to be able to process easier.

yes, for once you are correct, conjuring does involve some ritual and so forth. But I figured you were too stupid to understand. you must have checked a dictionary.

Neither by calling (like a spiritualist or suchlike) nor by ritual did myself get a spirit or blob or whatever to appear, or allow Mike to do so. (I won't discuss whatI did in my teens or eary twenties got a good scare and turned to Jesus, that's another matter, but in caseyou track that down somewhere on the internet and want to accuse me of lying when I said I never did or allowed comjuring, I am referring strictly to the time frame of 1999/2000 to now.


Anonymous said...

In my experience wherever witchcraft is practiced there's always a mess left behind for someone else to clean up.

Anonymous said...

Diving to the bank yesterday we saw a strange women with a pink cap (you know the type) sitting at a busy intersection holding a Biden/Harris sign foolishly grinning and then at the gas station I was standing behind a a seemly normal young man covered in satanic tattoos dressed in red and black (and parked in the handicapped spot). Something has changed and not for the better.

Anonymous said...

“I used the word "invote to make it easier for your …“

Yet, you were wrong once again, Mary.

This time, your misspelling reveals much about your true intentions and your dabbling. Once again, you had wished to write ‘invite’, yet your preconscious slip of almost writing ‘invoke’ tells much about you.

I doubt you showed your poor mother, with her gentle yet perplexed smile, one ounce of pity.

At the time of your outrageous claims against your mother, relating to sexual abuse, you were adamant she was a witch, dabbling in witchcraft. I don’t recall whether you stated such was SRA, yet it is clear that you were hinting at such alleged abuse being linked to her alleged involvement in witchcraft with at least two other ladies active in the Protestant church she attended.

I believe your mother was completely innocent of your wicked accusations borne out by your own psychotic and narcissistic nature.

Anonymous said...

heh, heh, the liar's smirk some experts in detecting liars can tell you is not a gentle perplexed smile.

that mispell was atypo no freudian slip.

I found among thins from those days so of hers a piece of tatting, which used to do, which had the sheen of old dried serum from a wound that did.t bleed just oozed, like a skinned knee (I had one of those as a child) and a pin with a large head on it stuck in it. I figured I'd better pull it out, sure enough a tightness in my upper back just under the neck went almost but not entirely away.

witchcraft is a technology not just some cult activities. many are loners.


Anonymous said...

High tech(nology),N-Dimethyltryptamine#Reported_encounters_with_external_entities

No good

Anonymous said...

Your psychological resistance borne out by your lying nature to prop up your false self is fooling nobody but yourself.

Your initial laughter is an attempt to mock, revealing the nature of who is trying to dupe who.

Clearly, your mother’s gentle yet perplexed and half-broken smile revealed her utter heartache, not duper’s delight.

The evil coming from your posts tells much about you. You are clearly demonically possessed and are a classic example of grandiose NPD.

There is nothing Christian about you. Everything you emit here is utterly Satanic in nature.

You have no love whatsoever for Jesus Christ, which is why you filthily stay shacked up with an unrepentant Satanist, dabbling in the occult (which you delight in, even in your utter delusion, as can be seen in your 5:47 AM post by your capitalized gloating, “I TESTED MIKE'S FATHER WITHOUT HIS KNOWING.”

This you had written regarding your resident Satanist’s occult talents, claiming they were merely of physical origin and inherited from his father.

Either it is a generational curse and demonic influence brought about by acts of sorcery, or your resident Satanist’s physical father experienced and expressed no such thing, and your boasts are based merely in the delusions of your twisted mind.

Anyway, I refer your demonically possessed and lying self back to all my posts here in response to your narcissistic rage against and transference to 12:31 AM

Anonymous said...

Moron Cretin Erickson,

Your psychological resistance borne out by your lying nature to prop up your false self is fooling nobody but yourself.

Your initial laughter is an attempt to mock, revealing the nature of who is trying to dupe whom.

Clearly, your mother’s gentle yet perplexed and half-broken smile revealed her utter heartache, not duper’s delight.

The evil coming from your posts tells much about you. You are clearly demonically possessed and are a classic example of grandiose NPD.

There is nothing Christian about you. Everything you emit here is utterly Satanic in nature.

You have no love whatsoever for Jesus Christ, which is why you filthily stay shacked up with an unrepentant Satanist, dabbling in the occult (which you delight in, even in your utter delusion, as can be seen in your 5:47 AM post by your capitalized gloating, “I TESTED MIKE'S FATHER WITHOUT HIS KNOWING.”

This you had written regarding your resident Satanist’s occult talents, claiming they were merely of physical origin and inherited from his father.

Either it is a generational curse and demonic influence brought about by acts of sorcery, or your resident Satanist’s physical father experienced and expressed no such thing, and your boasts are based merely in the delusions of your twisted mind.

Anyway, I refer your demonically possessed and lying self back to all my posts here in response to your narcissistic rage against and transference to 12:31 AM

Anonymous said...

Moreover, Mary, a preconscious slip is not the same as a Freudian slip, which is an unconscious one.

There’s something else you can search on Google and become an instant expert on: not!

Anonymous said...

things go right over your head that test of mike's father proved his story was real and this was real.

that is not conjuring or dabbling in the occult. this was as close to a scientific test as I could do and not let anyone know what was up, so they couldn't hide or deceive pretending something was going on that wasn't.

for the details on objective vs. subjective clairvoyance check the internet.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

There are many layers to the Great Awakening Map. I've spent an enormous amount of time investigating and still have a lot more to learn. Here's a page I discovered regarding end-times deception to fulfill prophecies of various religious traditions. The scripts already in play and probable identity of future antichrists are explained in detail. "while the fundamental storyline of the play is set, the acting-out of it is flexible, allowing for existing elements/scenes of the story to be reworked or removed and for new elements to be added — all on the fly."

"So as the globalists / Kabbalists stand on the threshold of bringing in their Fake Jewish Messiah, it is their intention to schedule the major events that lead to his arrival on Jewish and Christian dates of significance. This will make it appear that the events were “set in motion by God in fulfillment of prophecy.”

This is lengthy with the oldest posts first and more recent updates at the bottom of the page.

A Globalist Fairy Tale: the NWO Narrative

Anonymous said...

Orthodox Talks

Talk 60: Exposing Psychics, Clairvoyants, Mediums, Fortune-tellers and Astrologers in the Light of Orthodoxy
Orthodox Talks by Priestmonk Kosmas

Dec 09, 2022

Many Orthodox Christians fall into the great sin of employing psychics, clairvoyants, mediums, fortune-tellers and astrologers to gain knowledge of the unknown or to learn the future. Some are unaware of the Church’s strict condemnation of these supernatural practices, and of the danger involved. Others are aware of the Church’s teaching but choose to ignore it. Whether aware or unaware, one thing is certain: these people deny their baptism and therefore their salvation.

In this talk, Father Kosmas presents in detail the Orthodox Church’s teaching regarding the forces behind these occult practices and their consequences. He explains how these practices are tools of the evil spirits, who use them to turn people from worshipping God to worshipping the demons. He notes that to be reconciled with Christ and His Church, one would need to repent, confess and promise to never again be involved in these demonic practices.

The following questions are also discussed: can psychics, mediums, and others tell the future and do they ever speak the truth? Why is consulting one’s horoscope, trusting zodiac signs or believing in fate or chance considered a denial of God? What is the reason for the growing interest in the medical world in the full moon’s “negative effects” on human behaviour? Do demons and magicians really know what is in a person’s mind and heart? Could some Orthodox Christians be acting as mediums without knowing it?

Other points covered in this talk include: an account of an Orthodox couple whose neighbour turned out to be a psychic medium who ‘communicates’ with the dead; how one international clairvoyant, spiritual healer and astrologer uses people’s problems to attract business; an Orthodox explanation of the haunted house phenomenon; the tragic consequences suffered by psychics and their clients; and a frightening account of a man who was told by a possessed person to become a preacher.

Duration: 3hrs 58mins

Anonymous said...

Vladimar Putin - The Mobster Who Would Be the Globalist Messiah

marko said...

1:41 / 2:14 PM, re "" website.

I find it interesting that there are so many New Age websites like this exposing the "dark, evil cabal", and that call for an uprising or awakening of humanity. The Great Awakening Map is probably the best illustration of this in a condensed format.

This is a prime example of the "false light" arising. "Hey look! Over there! A bunch of bad guys wanting to tyrannize humanity! We must wake up and rise up and fight against them!"

And they are correct, or mostly correct, in what they have to say about all those bad guys.

Yet their solution, of course, is going to be even worse, because it's just a different set of bad guys dressed up convincingly as good guys.

White hats vs. Black hats. Spy vs. Spy. Not everyone fighting the New World Order is good. Not all that glitters is gold.


Speaking of spies, someone earlier here mentioned a period of time in the early days of the Soviet Union, and how there was a disinformation operation called "The Trust".

There's an excellent book written by Natalie Grant-Wraga (published posthumously) called "Disinformation" that has an entire chapter on The Trust. Each chapter in her book focuses on a different case study illustrating the art of deception and disinformation that was used by the Soviets in duping the West in various ways and for various purposes. I think it's still in print, but if not, it's worth trying to find on the used market. Published in 2020 by Leopolis Press.

An interesting video about Natalie and her work can be viewed here:

Anonymous said...

1:26 PM

Should you be proud of that post?
Because you are right up there climbing for the top at an awful competition.
Between the very vile "poet", self-righteous, braggadocious, pretender "bro" x, and very vicious you, this blog is a bog of ruin.

Anonymous said...

premarital cohabitayion as distinguished from marriage is wrong they figure marriage is more serious than sex. idiots.

but when Paul addressed the issue of fornication, roman law in force over all the empire, defined cohabitation as a form of marriag there three forms and none were accomplished until they'd lived together a year and a day.

Paul did not address this. such people were claiming each other by words amd actions.

what we now think of as the only form of marriage developed over a long time.

meanwhile legal marriage can put one or both on the chopping block financially antil the past few decades most abuse was either legal in mariage or overlooked by authorities.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Moreover, 2:58 PM,

Although I don’t support Biden or any of the other candidates, I think your redneck, trailer-dwelling, idolatrous, treasonous self should pay heed to this warning:

AI Joe Biden: Civil War!

Rich Peterson - Medford said...


Take a break and cool off a bit.

Anonymous said...

Moreover 2:58 PM,

My forefathers fought against and defeated Nazis such as you on the beaches of Normandy.

Anonymous said...

Alright Rich,

Good advice.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Rich at 6:29 PM

This blog was not designed to air personal grievances.

How could anyone possibly KNOW (with absolute certainty) so many DETAILS about another blogger's personal life? Unless you live in the same house with that person... and have walked in that person's SHOES... YOU DON'T KNOW!!!

Then, it just becomes SLANDER!!!

Anonymous said...

3:30 PM,

It is not slander for she herself had spread such information boastfully here over the years. Moreover, she is the one who initiated it by accusing me of lying about her promotion of tantric sex magic here. I have exposed her.

I know very well why you support her.

I have decided to share this information with her church leaders and shall do so over the coming days because this is what the Holy Bible instructs us to do with such people.

You may continue to try and draw me in here, however, for anyone with an ounce of honesty in them, especially those who have posted here for years, will know I have not slandered her, but exposed her in truth.

I shall now take a break, regardless of whatever slander you attempt further here.

Anonymous said...

"I have not slandered..., but truth"

That is pretty much word for word what x claims about his posts.

Sorry, it's still slander and smear.

Anonymous said...

what does boastfully mean to you? that if I am not telling something with shamefaced sort of statement then i am boasting/

you have a serious problem if you cannot tell beteen extremes that only those extremes in all matters are reall. That a mere objective telling of what happened is boasting shows you need some mentaL HELP BRAIN SCAN OR SOMETHING.

yes, I have put a lot of of info on me out there this blog and elsewhere, so her posts aren't IN THEORY mere speculation and slander EXCEPT.....they ARE SLANDER because she twists, makes things up and spews lies.

and refuses to locate the proof I eve posted on tantric sex here. I think maybe to be generous, she saw that article that EXPOSES CHARISMATIC TONGUES TWO MAJOR WORDS AS HINDU FALSE GODDESS NAMES AND/or WORSHIP OF SUCH TERMS, never read it, I repeat DID NOT READ IT, saw the bejewelled ganesh picture on it and jumped to the conclusion it was about tantric sex. it is possible the article (which I did not write merely located) made some mention of one of thoses false goddesses figuring in that, I don't know, I don't recall seeing the subject in that article at all.

but this woman (I was right apparently in figuring it was female long time ago) is way too sure of herself.

Pride goes before a fall, Proverbs I forget chapter and verse. I see she is already drawing fire, glory to Jesus Christ.

BTW Ms. whatever your name is, just which of 15 canonical Eastern Orthodox Churches are you going to pester about me? might as well get it right first time so.....which one do you think I attend the past several years, as distinct from the jurisdiction I came into Orthodoxy through do you know which one that is? do you intent to pester both, which would puzzle the priest and bishop in one case greatly having not heard from me (and the priest at issue having relocated to a branch in SF) in probably over 10 years, or the current one who knows all about it, but would find your
version amusing.

so which one is it? what are the two jurisdictions at issue and which is the current one? think you can tell me or are you going to pester all 15 (incl. serbian, romanian two or three russian derived, not to mention a group of schismatics you might as well throw in for good measure?

When you get baptized (I was rebaptized for good measure) you are given a saint's name. My baptismal name is Justina. So are a lot of other people so leave that out or you might get some crackdown on an innocent person who never heard of any of this.


Anonymous said...

Expand your conscience. They're giving us a clue, we're about to enter the Golden Age.

This active volcano in Antarctica is spewing real gold dust

Anonymous said...

Blavatsky, Christian Theosophy, and Russian Orthodoxy
H.P. Blavatsky had a deep respect for Eastern Orthodoxy that is seemingly at odds with her other writings on Judaism and Christianity.

Anonymous said...

Blavatsky once said she wanted to go back to Orthodoxy but couldn't something held her back.


Anonymous said...

a priest in the 1800s said a strabge dreaminess had descended on a lot of Russians, and in general there was a lot of "dual faith" going on, whichled of course eventually to volshwvism. even the tsae was interested and the Church had to persuade him to dump a predecessof rasputin. the latter being more apparently Orthodox was more acceptable.


Anonymous said...

2 soccer players and 1 rugby player died of sudden cardiac arrest in 2 weeks in Belgium … 2015

Died Suddenly truthers are baffled!

Anonymous said...

why are they baffled? were these guys some who did not take any vaccines for covid?


Anonymous said...

The Best Question I’ve Heard About Ukraine: “Where’s All The Video?”

It’s funny how sometimes the most obvious things are right under our noses and we don’t see them.

This is one of those instances.

I’ve criticized so many different aspects of the Ukraine “war” and the funding of that “war” by America, but one thing I didn’t really stop to realize is the most basic question…..

If this war is SO big and has been going on for SO long, where is all the video footage?

Think about it….Israel and Iran have been engaged in their own “war” since October 7th and we have hundreds of videos of rockets, drones and airplanes striking all over the place.

We have videos of buildings being blown up.

We have video of on the ground skirmishes.

But now think about Ukraine.

Have you EVER seen any actual war footage?

After what, 3 years?

And so many billions “donated” that I lost count…..

If this war is so big, where is all the video of the battles?

I can’t recall seeing even ONE, can you?

In today’s day and age, there are video cameras EVERYWHERE. Worldwide.

If something happens, you’ll get 10 different camera angles of it uploaded to Twitter within 5 minutes.

But a 3-year Ukraine/Russia war?

I just spent 20 minutes searching Twitter and I found almost nothing.

Try it for yourself.

Credit to this lady for blowing my mind today with that question:

Go here to see this short video and the rest of the story:

Anonymous said...

I've now lived quite a long time and have seen many ridiculous theories, etc. come into play under the banner of Christianity.

Trump being the AC ranks right up there with the best of them. It is so far fetched, that I truly have to question the sanity of anyone that would believe such a thing.

Anonymous said...

Leaked Russian military files reveal criteria for nuclear strike

Doctrine for tactical nuclear weapons outlined in training scenarios for an invasion by China

Vladimir Putin’s forces have rehearsed using tactical nuclear weapons at an early stage of conflict with a major world power, according to leaked Russian military files that include training scenarios for an invasion by China.

The classified papers, seen by the Financial Times, describe a threshold for using tactical nuclear weapons that is lower than Russia has ever publicly admitted, according to experts who reviewed and verified the documents.

The cache consists of 29 secret Russian military files drawn up between 2008 and 2014, including scenarios for war-gaming and presentations for naval officers, which discuss operating principles for the use of nuclear weapons.

Criteria for a potential nuclear response range from an enemy incursion on Russian territory to more specific triggers, such as the destruction of 20 per cent of Russia’s strategic ballistic missile submarines.

“This is the first time that we have seen documents like this reported in the public domain,” said Alexander Gabuev, director of the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center in Berlin. “They show that the operational threshold for using nuclear weapons is pretty low if the desired result can’t be achieved through conventional means.”

Russia’s tactical nuclear weapons, which can be delivered by land or sea-launched missiles or from aircraft, are designed for limited battlefield use in Europe and Asia, as opposed to the larger “strategic” weapons intended to target the US. Modern tactical warheads can still release significantly more energy than the weapons dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945.

Although the files date back 10 years and more, experts claim they remain relevant to current Russian military doctrine. The documents were shown to the FT by western sources.

The defensive plans expose deeply held suspicions of China among Moscow’s security elite even as Putin began forging an alliance with Beijing, which as early as 2001 included a nuclear no-first-strike agreement.

In the years since, Russia and China have deepened their partnership, particularly since Xi Jinping took power in Beijing in 2012. The war in Ukraine has cemented Russia’s status as a junior partner in their relationship, with China throwing Moscow a vital economic lifeline to help stave off western sanctions.

Yet even as the countries became closer, the training materials show Russia’s eastern military district was rehearsing multiple scenarios depicting a Chinese invasion.

The exercises offer a rare insight into how Russia views its nuclear arsenal as a cornerstone of its defence policy — and how it trains forces to be able to carry out a nuclear first strike in some battlefield conditions.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

What Is Iskander-M? Russia's Nuclear-Capable Launchers Head for NATO Border

Published Apr 22, 2024 at 7:32 AM EDT

Russia has formed an Iskander missile brigade in its region bordering new NATO member Finland, while another alliance member, Poland, warned of the nuclear-weapons risk that Moscow poses.

The Iskander-M ballistic missiles can fire conventional as well as nuclear warheads. Kremlin-friendly newspaper Izvestia reported that the system is key to the presence in Russia's Karelia Republic of the Leningrad Military District (LMD), which was formed after Helsinki joined the alliance last April.

Meanwhile, Poland's President Andrzej Duda said in an interview released Monday that Warsaw is willing to allow NATO allies to deploy nuclear weapons on its territory, in light of the nuclear threat that Moscow presents to the alliance.

Russian Ministry of Defense sources told Izvestia that a separate missile brigade had been formed equipped with the Iskander systems, which were likely part of a corps within the LMD.

The 9K720 Iskander-M, which has the NATO reporting name SS-26 Stone, is a mobile short-range ballistic missile system at the heart of Russia's modern precision strike capability.

First developed in the 1970s to replace the Scud-B, the program was accelerated to replace the SS-23 Spider, which Moscow retired in 1988 because of restrictions mandated by the INF (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.)

Brought into operation in 2006, the Iskander can carry conventional and nuclear warheads weighing up to 1,500 pounds. Its missiles can travel at up to seven times the speed of sound (Mach 7) and can reach an altitude of more than 30 miles.

The system employs a maneuverable reentry vehicle (MaRV) and decoys to defeat theater missile defense systems, according to the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance (MDAA).

First combat-tested in 2008 during the Russo-Georgian War, the Iskander can use include conventional warheads such as cluster warheads, fuel-air explosives, bunker-busters, and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) warheads.

The MDAA described the Iskander as "the weapon of choice for Moscow when making threats throughout Europe," adding how, in 2012, Moscow said it could be used to target missile defense systems in Europe, including a threat to deploy some of the missiles to the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad bordering the Baltic states.

Read more:,-Published%20Apr%2022&text=Russia%20has%20formed%20an%20Iskander,weapons%20risk%20that%20Moscow%20poses.

Anonymous said...

Map Shows US Cities Russia Would Strike First if War Broke Out

Published Mar 19, 2024 at 8:38 AM EDT / Updated Mar 21, 2024 at 11:02 AM EDT

Anonymous said...

9:43 AM You seem to be quite easily influenced by Russian propaganda. Twitter now X, is not designed to be a search engine. This took less than 5 seconds to find using a valid search engine.

DATTALION is home to the largest, free, independent, open source database of Ukraine war footage. In addition to compiling footage from Ukrainian and russian-occupied territories,
DATALLION hosts a database of verified eyewitness accounts of russian aggression, war crimes, and acts of genocide in Ukraine.

Please access the DATTALION database of Ukraine war photos and videos to find the latest updates from the frontlines.

DATTALION so far has more than 6,100 videos and 40,000 photos. They show all regions of Ukraine. Our database of Ukraine war footage is updated daily by our dedicated team of volunteers.

Anonymous said...
NEW: Thanks to order by Judge Cannon, key evidence related to classified docs case is now unredacted.

On the left: What DOJ/Jack Smith wanted to conceal.

On the right: Now we know why. More proof of collaboration btw Biden White House and NARA to concoct a case.

To coin a phrase from the title of this thread "Let's not so easily dismiss" what actually appears to be corrupt Biden administration antics against Trump.
Who is the real threat to Democracy, pray tell????????

So far, at least half but likely quite a bit more, of what has been thrown at Trump, doesn't stick and brought unconstitutionally, illegally. Political hacks (criminals) have been ruling the day.
Of course, including what the corrupt media says and is regurgitated here by blog owner, etc.

I say:
NOT SO FAST you rabid anti-Trumpers.

I'm not buying what you're selling until it's all been said and done because the assumptions all across the board against him have been atrocious here, while very loudly, boastfully, and condescendingly, presented as fact. I remain on the sidelines with a whole of what I see until real evidence comes out, not hearsay or contrived manipulated "news" and "facts".
The truth may be slow, but worth the wait.

Your countless rushes to judgment are killing our free speech and right to see real justice in real time.
Why do you not let the truth come forward instead, chips to fall against whomever and whatever, regardless?
And you actually demand (CC) that people think you are professional and ethical when your sources are dubious and your opines so biased???

Anonymous said...

Trump Threatens Obama, Bush, And Biden With ‘Big Trouble’ If His Legal Problems Don't Go Away

Anonymous said...

Trump isn't their threat, 7:10 PM.
The repeatedly misrepresented and ripped off American public is.

Anonymous said...

6:50 PM Oh, sure. and how do you say kool-aid in Russian?

Anonymous said...

molten weapons of chemicals,
his arrogance has won;

annihilation will be swift,
destroy without destruction!

paul said...

Molten lava flows from voting centre halls....

Bugs and bodies fill the air and stink your sneeze...

Vomit from Joe's nostrils rides the breeze...

Falling Fog!!!
The lethal gas brings goblins to their knees....

Trump steals his corpse and sends his soul Ghetto Hell!

Anonymous said...

"Map Shows US Cities Russia Would Strike First if War Broke Out"

Ezekiel 38-39

"I the Lord will send a FIRE on the coastlands and those who dwell safely (carelessly)"

The land of Gog and Magog also get hit with a 'fire'. I think it's a nuke exchange. That takes America out of the picture so the others can finally invade Israel.

Anonymous said...

Gog and Magog which means ruler of Gog, is or was somewhere in the land now called Turkey. Something particularly loathesome abut that locale's uler long ago, made him I think an antichrist prototyp.

Its an open secret Israel has nukes also.

If an earthquake splits The Mount of Olives (I think that's the one) in two, the Second Coming is a maximum of one thousand years (a "day") away.


Anonymous said...

"The threat of hazardous and illegal biolabs is more than just a remote threat. You don’t have to travel to Wuhan or Ukraine to uncover these breeding grounds for the next pandemic – indeed we have seen them discovered here in the United States. Our government must immediately step-up efforts to shut down these dangerous biohazard labs at home and abroad and until these labs are shuttered for good, I encourage all Americans to stockpile the medications necessary to protect you and your family."

Did you notice..?...or Ukraine...

And Ukraine is much more important than our own totally insecure border.
Protecting Big Gov, Big Pharma, Big Names, who traffic against the American people and any sovereign nation and person at all costs. (So who is the threat????)

Anonymous said...

👀 RFK Jr on Why Fauci is Not in Prison Yet

"He's not in jail because Joe Biden is President and because unfortunately, Donald Trump...was run over by him. Donald Trump knew what was wrong. He knew not to shut down our businesses and he knew about lockdowns, he knew about ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine. He said it, he tried to speak up but his own bureaucrats told him to shut up. And he unfortunately did what he was told. And that's why I think that he doesn't deserve another chance."

Anonymous said...

Ivy League cesspools. How spot on.

Anonymous said...


Have you researched the New Israel / Heavenly Jerusalem project? If so, would you please share your perspective? I would love to hear from Constance and Rich on this, too.

Anonymous said...

DEI is dead

Anonymous said...

Sorry the link @ 2:41 PM is wrong

Anonymous said...

“A Description of the Antichrist” [Note: Permission is given to copy.] Prepared by Darryl Eberhart, Editor

Many individuals have failed in their attempts to “pin the tail” on the “end-time” Antichrist. During World War II, some believed that Adolf Hitler or Benito Mussolini was the Antichrist. In more recent times, some have “nominated” the following “candidates” for the title of end-time Antichrist: Ronald Wilson Reagan, Henry Kissinger, Mikhail Gorbachev, Prince Charles, Juan Carlos of Spain, etc. Some folks have gone to great efforts – such as writing a book – to prove that their “candidate” must surely be the end-time Antichrist!

But why all of this guessing and speculating on the identity of the man whom these folks believe must surely be the end-time Antichrist, when the Holy Bible clearly identifies “the Antichrist”. Author and former Dominican priest of 22 years, Richard Bennett (Internet website:, tells us:

“The identity of the Antichrist is proclaimed in Second Thessalonians Chapter 2 as BOTH a system AND a person: the ‘man of sin’ and the one who would sit in the ‘temple [Ed.: Greek: “naos”] of God’ calling himself God. And the only one in the pages of history who has done this is the Pope. [Ed.: Every time the Apostle Paul used the Greek word “naos” for “temple” in his epistles – his letters – found in the New Testament, he always applied that Greek word “naos” to the body of believers in Christ – and not to a physical temple or building!] To this day the Pope calls himself ‘the holy father’, which is a title of God and he calls himself the ‘Vicar of Christ’, which is a title of the Holy Spirit. So the Pope sits in the ‘temple of God’ [Ed: i.e., the body of believers], calling himself God...
Now the Bible believers of old saw these things, and they saw that it was historically true – unlike many Bible believers of our own day, who say they do not know who the Antichrist is – and they are looking for something to come in the future times whereby they will get implanted with a computer chip or something in their brain or some other of these wild ideas that go around. Whereby in the pages of Scripture we see these things prophesied and we see them fulfilled in the Papacy.

In earlier centuries, Roman Catholic cardinals wore scarlet and the Roman Catholic bishops purple. And to this day the Roman Church still boasts these two colors for their cardinals and bishops.

These are the real colors of Papal Rome, and this is what was prophesized of her. And that’s only one of the details. She, that is, Papal Rome, i.e., the Mother Church, holds the golden cup in her hand. She is the only system that has drunk the blood of the saints over such a long period of time. The monstrous “holy” Inquisition was carried out for over six centuries, and it was responsible for the murder of up to 50 million Bible-believing Christians! This is fact! It is not something that is surmised. This can be verified on the pages of history.” (Quote is from the DVD, “The Inquisition: 605 Years of Papal Torture and Death”.)

Anonymous said...

part 2

Most of these speculators on the end-time Antichrist fail in their “identification mission” because they fail to see that the Holy Scriptures describe the Antichrist as a “man”, as an “office”, as a “religious system”, and as a “religious-secular power”. The Holy Bible gives us numerous clues as to the identity of the Antichrist through its use of such terms as the “little (or, other) horn” (Daniel 7:8, 20-21, and 24-26); “that man of sin” (II Thessalonians 2:3); “the son of perdition” (II Thessalonians 2:3); “the number of the beast” (Revelation 13:18); “the number of a man” (i.e., six hundred and sixty-six: Revelation 13:18); “the great whore” (Revelation 17:1, 15-16; and 19:2); the “mother of harlots” (Revelation 17:5); “Babylon” (Revelation 14:8; and 16:19); “Babylon the Great” (Revelation 17:5 and 18:2); “that great (or, mighty) city” (Revelation 14:8; and 18:10 and 21); and, by the term “Antichrist” itself (I John 2:18 and 22; I John 4:3; and II John 7).

Additionally, the Bible at times uses the term “beast” figuratively to refer to a “kingdom” or to an “empire”, for example: Daniel 7:7, 19, and 23; Revelation 13:1-8, and 11-18; 14:9 and 11; 15:2; 16:2, 10, and 13; 17:3, 7-8, 11-13, and 16-17; 19:19 and 20; and 20:4 and 10.

Obviously Papal Rome is not being referred to in ALL of the uses of the term “beast” mentioned in the previous paragraph. (Remember, the term “beast” is often used in the Bible to figuratively represent a “kingdom” or an “empire”.) SOME of the “beasts” mentioned in Daniel (chapters 7 and 8), and in Revelation (esp. chapters 13 through 17) obviously refer to kingdoms and empires that preceded Rome. HOWEVER, one of the four “beasts” described in the book of Revelation is clearly the Pagan Imperial Roman Empire, from whose “ashes” the proverbial “phoenix”, called the Papacy (i.e., the “little horn” of Daniel chapter 7), arose!

Here are two other major mistakes made by those who are trying to identify the “end-time” Antichrist:

1. Many of them fail to understand that the Roman Empire had at least two major phases: (a.) the PAGAN Imperial Roman Empire (which was later divided into Eastern and Western sections); and, (b.) the PAPAL “Holy” Roman Empire – a secular-ecclesiastical power (under the leadership of the Bishop of Rome – later called the Pope), which arose like the proverbial “phoenix” from the “ashes” of the Western portion of the PAGAN Imperial Roman Empire, and which eventually came to be called “PAPAL Rome”.

Anonymous said...

part 3

2. Many of them apparently fail to recognize the fact that Papal Rome is not strictly and simply a “religious” power. For many centuries Papal Rome was BOTH a religious power AND a secular power. The pope was not only the religious ruler of Western Christendom, but he was also the secular ruler – and the sovereign – of his own Papal States. Additionally, for over 1000 years the popes “ruled over” the “kings of the Earth”, crowning and dethroning European kings and emperors whenever they, for the most part, desired! Indeed, Papal Rome despotically ruled the European continent for over a thousand years! The Holy Bible also clearly shows that Papal Rome is a religious harlot/whore who is riding a “beast” (a figure of a “kingdom” or “empire”, or a composite kingdom or empire), steering that “beast” in whatever direction she desires!

To this very day the Pope is BOTH a religious ruler AND a secular ruler (i.e., ruling over Vatican City – the Vatican State – a geopolitical entity that has diplomatic relations with many of the nations of the world)! As BOTH a secular AND religious power, the Papacy can easily be found in the Holy Bible as BOTH a geopolitical “beast” (i.e., a “kingdom”) AND as a religious “whore” or “harlot”, i.e., counterfeit Christianity!

Please carefully consider the following two quotations:

“The word ‘antichrist’ literally means ‘opposed to’ or ‘in the place of’ Christ, and in its most subtle and diabolical manifestation it concerns something which [Ed.: or someone who] claims loyalty to Jesus [Ed.: Christ] while really leading away from Him.” – Steve Wohlberg (“End Time DELUSIONS: The Rapture, the Antichrist, Israel, and the End of the World”; Publisher: Treasure House; 2004; Page 89)

Anonymous said...

Michael Knowles: Michael & The Exorcist: "I Saw Her Crawl Up A Wall" | Fr. Dan Reehil

The Devil is getting bold because The End draws near?

Anonymous said...

Fauci Predicting His Own Future: "What Have You Done?!"*


Anonymous said...

This blog lost credibility sometime ago.
All the good work in Constance's original books which were ground breaking and thoroughly researched with evidence and not heresay can lose credibility from this

Anonymous said...

8.36 sadly that's how the deciever operates.
I heard the very apt saying "stay in your lane" several times recently.
Getting of track is sadly a to common occurrence.
The Lord warns us against deception in the last days.
There's far to much talk about anyone other than Jesus Christ.
Time to preach the Good News and focus on Him rather all the other (anti) christs.
When people are shown the real Jesus Christ the fakes become obvious

Anonymous said...

When AI ChatGPT 3.5 makes a reasonable case instead of actual people its concerning ...see below

Can you list the differences between Jesus Christ and the Antichrist
Certainly, here are some key differences between Jesus Christ and the Antichrist:

Identity and Role: Jesus Christ is believed by Christians to be the Son of God and the savior of humanity, whereas the Antichrist is often depicted as a figure opposed to Christ, working against his teachings and leading people astray.
Nature and Character: Jesus is described as compassionate, loving, and forgiving, while the Antichrist is often portrayed as deceitful, manipulative, and seeking power for selfish reasons.
Teachings and Message: Jesus preached messages of love, forgiveness, and salvation, while the Antichrist may spread messages of hatred, division, and destruction.
Actions and Deeds: Jesus performed miracles that were seen as acts of compassion and divine power, while the Antichrist may deceive people with false miracles and lead them away from the truth.
Outcome and End Times: According to Christian beliefs, Jesus will bring about the ultimate salvation and redemption of humanity, while the Antichrist is often associated with apocalyptic scenarios and the ultimate defeat by Christ.
These are just some of the fundamental differences between Jesus Christ and the Antichrist as portrayed in various religious texts and beliefs.

Certainly, here are some additional differences:

Birth and Origin: Jesus Christ is believed to have been born of a virgin birth in Bethlehem, fulfilling prophecies of the Messiah, while the origin of the Antichrist is often depicted as more mysterious or malevolent, sometimes associated with evil forces or ideologies.
Purpose and Mission: Jesus came to fulfill the will of God and bring salvation to humanity, while the Antichrist may seek to establish his own dominion or disrupt the divine plan.
Acceptance and Rejection: Jesus invites people to accept him willingly and follow his teachings, while the Antichrist may use coercion or manipulation to gain followers and oppose those who resist.
Legacy and Influence: Jesus' life and teachings have had a profound and lasting impact on human history, inspiring countless followers and shaping cultures, while the influence of the Antichrist, if any, is often portrayed as temporary and ultimately defeated.
Symbolism and Interpretation: Jesus is often associated with symbols of peace, love, and redemption, while the Antichrist may be associated with symbols of chaos, darkness, and rebellion against divine order.
These differences highlight the contrasting nature and significance of Jesus Christ and the Antichrist within Christian theology and eschatology.

Anonymous said...

The thing the whole pope or papacy is antichrist thing misses, over andover and over, is the glaringly obvious:

WHEN AND WHERE has any pope required anyone to receive a mark, proving they made worship to the pope or his image, in order to be able to legally engage in commerce?





end of subject. papacy/pope is n ot THE antichrist

Daniel chapter 7 is about matters of near present to tfuture. Chris White on youtube discusses this but didn't try to identify who the beasts are, A little probinh and match up and I figured out, I THINK, who they are.

A fourth beast empire must come barelling out of Africa and conquer all Asia and at least north America.

At tome point later, the antichrist will take it over, and turn it to persecution of Christians. After 3 1/2 years of this tribulation against the Church, Jesus will return, snatch us up out of range of the wrath of God He will pour out , and not take us to heaven but to Him in the lower heavens in the clouds, when the dust settles He will continue His descne to rule on earth forever, with us.

I guess those who rejected the antichrist for whatever reason but weren't Christians will be those in the first thousand years of Christ's reign on earth, when the devil will be so fully bound (not just partly bound now) that he can't tempt anyone anywhere. then he will be loosed to tempt mankind one more time, there will be revolt against Christ's rule it will fail and then the judgement, then the new HEAVENS AND NEW EARTH AND NEW JERUSALEM, 1200 OR 1500 MULTILAYER MILES HIGH COVERING MOST OF THE MIDDLE EAST AND PART OF EGYPT. THE LAST TWO OR THREE CHAPTERS OF REVELATION DEAL WITH ALL OF THIS.


Anonymous said...

8:36 PM Before the planned fake return of Christ, there will be a false Antichrist on the scene. The stage is being set. Many world leaders are being prepped to step into the role of Antichrist, depending on which script they go with.

Anonymous said...

7:59 am

I've heard this idea in morre detail just what biblical basis is there for it? none as far as I can tell.


Anonymous said...

10:04 AM they are using a false interpretation of Revelation to create an end time deception with a false messiah.

Anonymous said...

"WHEN AND WHERE has any pope required anyone to receive a mark, proving they made worship to the pope or his image, in order to be able to legally engage in commerce?"

There are "marks" that are mentioned in the Bible that is purely spiritual in nature. The Papacy had almost total control over the known world, i.e., the European Monarchies ... which were all Catholic. They controlled all religious activity and literally murdered those that didn't bow their knee to the Papacy.

That very same Papacy exists today, although in a different manner. Today, they undermine the authority of Christ in a far more clever and effective way than their overtly despotic manner in the past. In every way imaginable, the Papacy is an Antichrist system of falsehood and deception.

Anonymous said...

What is the Deep State? Can it even be defined? If you want to really know, here's a start. Whether you acknowledge it or not, it effects your every day life as an American, and its power continues to grow:

The “Deep State” Explained

Anonymous said...

riiiiight. like all dubious heretical or whatever sorts, you spiritualize away whatever doesn't fit your ideas amd only take literally what does, regardless of what the Bible says.

prots killed a lot of RC and each other, too.


Anonymous said...

Do you accept all of the Global Warming, uh, I mean, Climate Change science? Good! That means you're not "stupid."

Pope Francis: Climate Change Deniers Are ‘Stupid’

ROME — Pope Francis told CBS News this week that climate change deniers are “stupid” even in the face of compelling evidence of a climate emergency.

“Some people are stupid (necios), and stupid even if you show them research, they don’t believe it,” the pontiff told CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell when asked what he would say to the deniers of climate change.

PS: During his extensive interview, Francis never mentioned the world's biggest polluter: Communist China. Maybe that's because the Vatican announced the other day that they will be renewing their "deal" with the Chi-Coms. Several years ago, a Chinese Billionaire said that he was privy to the details of the "deal," in which the Vatican receives $2 BILLION annually from the Chi-Coms, and the Vatican agrees never to criticize the Chi-Coms policies, including human rights violations and the persecution of Christians residing in China. Also, the billionaire said that the Communists are to choose Catholic Chinese Bishops ... naturally, only those that are friendly to the despotic, totalitarian Communist regime.

Anonymous said...

"They are trained to “rise up, to revolution.”

The radical group received at least $300,000 from Soros’ Open Society Foundations since 2017 and also took in $355,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund since 2019."

Globalist heyday, but come on, Orange man bad...

Anonymous said...

11 am

Oh no, not $655,000 over 6 or 7 years --- that's like $100,000 per year.

and George Soros gave that money years ago to a foundation that directs the grant-making itself. George isn't directing the funds himself anymore -- he's in his 90's.

*I don't support these protest groups myself. They are young idealists who don't understand the entire history, including biblical history of the region and all its peoples. I support their right to peacefully protest and I support the police & riot forces tactics to disperse them and arrest troublemakers and those not protesting peacefully & orderly (in a civilized manner).

Tying that all to boogey man, Soros, is just ridiculous.

If you want something to be concerned about, consider traditional roman catholic secret society, Opus Dei. One of its leaders, Leonard Leo and the roman catholic Federalist Soceity (which controls the USSC) directs a $1.6 BILLION non-profit fund they recently "inherited" from industrialist Barre Seid. Barre was an elderly, ultra-secretive Chicago businessman. He has given the largest known donation to a political advocacy group in U.S. history — worth $1.6 billion — and the recipient is one of the prime architects of conservatives’ efforts to reshape and CONTROL the American legislative & judicial system, including the Supreme Court.

By a rough estimate, Opus Dei probably easily takes in tens of millions of dollars per year in just the US through routine and exceptional donations and has hundreds of millions of dollars in assets (cash and real estate, etc.). Together with this recent donation & worldwide assets that would put the organization controlling many billions dollars worldwide, much or all of it TAX-FREE.

These people control many individuals who keep their affiliation a secret despite disclosure rules. They operate directly in multiple branches of our government and DOMINATE the USSC, while you wax on about $100,000 a year to some small protest groups at Columbia University.

You are just way to worried about the paint peeling in the bathroom deep inside the Titantic.


Anonymous said...

Do you have Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)?

Do you find yourself wide awake at 3 AM, staring at the ceiling, haunted by the visage of one particular septuagenarian? You might be suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), a condition not yet recognized by medical professionals, but fervently diagnosed in social media comments and family gatherings.

Key Symptoms Include:

Chronic Sleeplessness Induced by Political Fixation: You toss and turn each night, unable to shake the image of a certain former President from your mind, replaying tweets and speeches instead of counting sheep.

Financial Symptoms: Individuals may experience an uncontrollable urge to invest in memorabilia of dubious value, including but not limited to flags featuring the aforementioned 77-year-old man brandishing a machine gun, custom bibles, digital art of dubious value (NFTs), and currency that may not be accepted at your local grocery store (affectionately known as Trump Bucks).

Delusions of Grandeur: Patients exhibit an inflated perception of the man's capabilities and achievements, despite a documented history of legal challenges including fraud and accusations of more serious personal misconduct.

Disillusionment and Denial: There’s a persistent belief that this individual, who faces charges related to 88 felonies, is the optimal candidate to lead the free world—a sentiment that often leads to heated Facebook comments and the occasional unfriending.

Treatment: There is no known cure for TDS, but experts suggest a healthy dose of fact-checking, exposure to a variety of news sources, and perhaps a social media detox. In severe cases, engaging in local community service or adopting a pet may redirect energies more constructively.

Remember, if you or someone you know is displaying these symptoms, approach with empathy. TDS is a powerful affliction, but with support, sufferers can find relief and return to a more balanced view of political realities.

Anonymous said...

What's coming in the very near future. Brilliant and brave, independent journalist spills the beans on what they have planned for us:

"They will CONTROL everything you do very soon." Journalist Whitney Webb | Redacted News

Anonymous said...

x, no doubt, works and draws a dirty paycheck for some type of subsidiary belonging to Soros.

Soros has left a long trail of his handiwork of a violent or disruptive nature, and across many borders. He has a worldwide network working in the social engineering and social upheaval business. A finger in every pie for conducting mayhem.
Thing is, x, he no longer hides it so anyone ahead of the curve, or even behind it now, can see it, if they want to.
This tells us all we need to know about who and what you'll defend no matter how indefensible.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Opus Dei I've noticed they tend to support Putinism.

I figure Opus Dei imagines Putin is the new St. Louis

"Saint Louis IX, King of France: Wisdom and Justice"

In the Catholic prophecy the Grand Monarch will be French not Russian and Opus Dei is foolishly trying to force God's Hand, I think.

PS: St Louis was born 810 years ago yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Save Our Children

From another typical Republican…

Kevin McCarthy Protege Under Investigation For Sexually Assaulting Daughter
Republican Kern County Supervisor Zack Scrivner is being investigated for sexual assault after his other child stabbed him in the chest twice

Excerpt Zack Scrivner, the Kern County Supervisor, is under investigation for allegedly sexually assaulting his pre-teen daughter, as stated by Sheriff Donny Youngblood during a press conference on Thursday.

Scrivner, a Republican, is currently the Supervisor of Kern County and a long-time friend of former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy.

Sheriff Youngblood recounted the incident where Scrivner, apparently experiencing a psychotic episode, was armed with a gun at his Tehachapi home, following a call from Scrivner’s aunt, District Attorney Cynthia Zimmer.

Deputies dispatched to the scene discovered Scrivner had already been disarmed and had sustained two stab wounds in a physical altercation with his children, sparked by the assault allegations.

Thirty guns, electronic devices, and psychedelic mushrooms were seized from Scrivner's residence, leading to forensic examinations to determine potential influence.

A criminal protective order currently prohibits Scrivner from contacting his children while investigations are ongoing, with the case referred to the state Attorney General’s Office and possibly involving the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office….

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, Pope says climate deniers are foolish then a massive tornado outbreak hits MAGA territory. Thanks you Mary for your intersession, no lives were lost.

Anonymous said...

What are they really hiding?

Anonymous said...

25 Reasons Why America is Being Destroyed (in 2 minutes)

Anonymous said...

"Hmmm, Pope says climate deniers are foolish then a massive tornado outbreak hits MAGA territory. Thanks you Mary for your intersession, no lives were lost."

The Catholic "Mary" has that kind of power? Who would have ever known?

Anonymous said...

its not Mary having power it is her INTERCESSIONS for others with Jesus Who then intercedes with The Father forus.


marko said...

It could also be that Ryan Hall Y'All's YT channel, which has 1.8 million subscribers, and hundreds of thousands of live viewers during outbreaks like that, had something to do with it. Don't be scared, be prepared.

Really, if you want to get the latest on severe weather, there's no better place on the internet for it than Ryan Hall Y'All.

Anonymous said...


And your Biblical reference for Mary's INTERCESSIONS is what?

Anonymous said...

6:03 pm

1. intercession. Jesus is the only intercessor like high priest with the Father for us and all creation. however, when we pray for anyone, we are engaging in intercession for them. it can go to Jesus, or through Him to the Father.

2. There is no biblical reference to MAry praying for us, because she didn't die until some time after the Bible was completed. While RC and EO make a big dea; anbput them deciding what was to be the biblical cnon, this decision was obviously made by choosing only what was eyewitness reports.

the big council referred to that included this, was only because of various dubious and fraudulent writings becoming popular and had to be excluded. Some of the influence of the contents of them continued in some popular ideas.

When Mary died, Jesus came back and resurrected her and tooke her alive to heaven, this according to people who saw it but were told by her to KEEP QUIT EBOUT IT< SO IT WOULD DISTRACT ATTENTION FROM JESUS. This angle is why I believe it, itis consistent with her behavior shownin the Gospels.

400 or 500 years later, a church was being built in her honor, and relics were sought from the city where she died. (i.e., clothing bits, body parts,) there were none except a belt and a robe. that is when the resurrection and assumption story came out.

This happened before in one of th Gospels it is recorded that after Jesus' Resurrection He resurrected some of the ancient dead and they were seen come out of their tombs and be in town a bit. So it wasn't unprecedented.

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner" the Jesus prayer, is a real big deal in Orthodoxy.


Anonymous said...

Biblican quality of EO vs. RC marian iconography.

Roman catholicism regularly shows Mary alone, while EO has maybe one icon of her alone. All the rest are with her holding baby Jesus, or standing beside Him while He is seated as an adult on a throne.

The usual picture is she is holding Him in one arm, while other hand points to Him.

This is consistent with the bible description of the wedding at Cana, where, regarding wine run out, whe tells the servants to (referring to Jesus) "do what He says."

Thus RC tends to run with Mary on her own, but EO always has her relating to JEsus.

RC says all marian doctrines are actually Jesus doctrines bcause He is the origin of everything unusual about her, but that's not vistual message you get.


Anonymous said...

typo I can't delete qand rewrite for fear I will falsely accused about the original post.

Mary told those who saw her resurrection by Jesus to keep quiet about it so it would not distract people from Jesus. This is why I give credence to the story, this reaction of hers is consistent with her personality such of it as is shown in the Gospels.


Anonymous said...

I think I finally figured out that rooster. As long as you give him day-old donuts he doesn't attack. Just his nature, I guess, looking out for the flock (but he going to change ( - :

We had a cat that had a bad habit of catching birds and eventually she broke him of it to were he would only sit and watch them and the birds were fine with it. I called him our Christian cat.

Anonymous said...

Moment evangelical pastor Loran Livingston torches Trump's 'disgusting' and 'blasphemous' $60 MAGA bible in wild rant

Anonymous said...

"Explain To Me Why We Don't Have The Right To Exist?" - Eva Vlaardingerbroek Warns Whites Against Massive Demographic Changes In Their Native Countries

Anonymous said...

Brave, Christian young lady speaks the truth ... a complete remake of society by the New World Order elitists:

Eva Vlaardingerbroek Warns Whites to Take Stand Against Globalist Great Replacement Agenda

Anonymous said...

What documentation do you have that conclusively proves the efficacy of your statement?

"Mary told those who saw her resurrection by Jesus to keep quiet about it so it would not distract people from Jesus. This is why I give credence to the story, this reaction of hers is consistent with her personality such of it as is shown in the Gospels."


12:54 AM

Anonymous said...

go search online you will find the story. people didn't stop writing or talking after the Gospels and Revelation were penned. I didn't keep copies of everything or URLs to everything. its easy to find.

as to her personality, read the Gospels Andyou will see humility, obedience to God, self effacedness and at Cana when the wine had run out she told the servants to do what Jesus said, so they filled containers with water at His orders, and He turned it into high quality wine.

The story, that she wouldn't want to distract attentin from Jesus so don't tell about Him resurrecting and taing her up alive to heaven was to be kept quiet is consistent withthe little the Gospels say about her. real simple to do that research yourself.

RC figures she had no original sin, so didn't die. EO says of course she inherited the warp that came into our souls and bodies ahen that forbidden fruit was eaten so she died, but was resurrected. Makes more sense. God is not helpless that He needs a woman without inherited warp aka original or ancestral sin, to have Jesus be sinless. If that were the case, all the females in her line bac to Eve and Eveherself wiuld have had to be sinless. nonsense.

There are many errors in RC that need to be repudiated. this is only one of many.


Anonymous said...

The Gloves Will Come Off In A Second Biden Term

Anonymous said...

The soon to come MOB

Anonymous said...

The dew of prayer quenches the fiery conflagration

Akathist to the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Unburnt Bush" ~ in English ~ Neopalimaya Kupina

I can understand why the Orthodox reject statuary but their thinking is lame. What's the difference if you gaze at the face of a statue or gaze at the face of an icon? Horses for courses. For instance the other day I got out my stack of old atlases, then (since it was a convenient spot) set a couple of our daughter's porcelain dolls on top of the stack. See, she would always laugh at me when she saw me through the window sitting at the table because she knew that I was looking at maps again. Now when I see the faces of the dolls I can see her face laughing at me for being so damn predictable. Matter of fact, I think if they're still there on her birthday I will light her a votive candle next to them in her memory.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read all the EO case for flat vs. 3D. But there are two things I can offer.

1. The Ten Comandments say no grAVEN images. no CARVED images, in other words. no 3D. the closest icons get to this is a kind of bas relief effect but not much.

2. it is easier to get delusional (or to have fraud pulled, and the pagan temples large idols sometimes were found to have machinery in them that made them appear to move) with a 3D object than with a flat object.

I had an interesting experience. I was at a crisis point, and I went to the statue of Christ crucified inan RC church and I don't know if I talked to Him but it was a whole hearted leaning on Him in pain. (emotional). and the impression I had was that my head was level to his upper pectoral muscle.

Decades later, looking close at the statue, it was more my height. So did I have a delusion or a comforting miracle? probably the latter, because when I left a mystical attitude towards the unrequited love object was stymied with the idea developing in my brain that only God was appropriate to think of in these terms. My guess is something real happened.

Eucharistic miracles have occurred over the centuries in RC before AND AFTER the Great Schism of AD 1054. The Lanciano Miracle was BEFORE the great Schism, when a visiting Byzantine priest monk was invited to do the Holy Liturgy, in a LAtin church in Italy. And he had doubts that this could be legitimate in an azyme (unleavened bread) and the miracle, which retain strange chemical andphysical characteristics today, showed the azyme wasas legitimate as the leavened bread.

Frankly both sides engaged in sacrlege. By that time it was established that the proper form had to be WHAT bread,but given that passover was connected, if I recall correctly, to barley showing in the ear, it might have been barley bread originally for all we know now and for all they knew by then.

bread that is soaked in wine doesn't lend itself to the sort of eucharistic miracle that bread separate from wine does. Mixing them developed early on, to weed out heretics who wouldn't take wine, and who either thought there was no transformatin, or that a mix that retained wine was left after the consecration, later the total transformation idea was accepted both sides of the divide. in any case it starts with wine and those heretics wouldn't [artake for that reason, tso the bread and wine were mixed in one cup and became typical of the East early on.

However, there exist photos of EO Holy Eucharist with blood on it, and another with The Holy Light pouring from it.

Hardliner EO traditionalists consider there is no grace with RC and other schisms. My guss is there is some grace, just not as much.

Someone who was Latin went to Byzantine Rite rc churches found more spiritual strength in them and much more when he joined EO.


Anonymous said...

This blog is dead.

Somebody should bury it.

Anonymous said...

God came down into the as a column of smoke between to gold angels on the Mercy Seat and spoke the Word then after the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us man was able to achieve the Beatific Vision. A statue of a saint is not what the Ten Commandments was referring to unless of course you're of the mind Catholics are idol worshipping pagans (a common misconception promoted by the church's enemies) - :

Anonymous said...

7:52 PM

Post some gateway pundit and zerohedge links.

Lifted from

quote - "It's amazing how the world tries to get you to hate one side or the other, thereby polluting our hearts. Then we get to milk the feeling of the perceived injustice of others towards us and further pollute our hearts. This then leads to a kind of feeling of altruism or self-righteousness further polluting the heart. Which then leads to the justification of harshness towards those we perceive being victims of, even further fouling the heart."

Truer words never spoken

Anonymous said...

Orthodox Easter holiday in Crimea

Anonymous said...

April 29: St. Catherine of Siena, Virgin & Doctor - YouTube

St. Catherine pray for us

Anonymous said...

RFK Jr: This is What I believe in

Anonymous said...

March 25, 2024

from The Great Awakening Map

Craig said...



Defendants are now aware of over of at least some 50 (fifty) undercover informants among protestors of January 6, but the government is withholding information regarding this exculpatory evidence

Defense DEMANDS Dismissal After 50+ Informants Discovered

Robert Gouveia, Esq.

Defense Attorneys for Proud Boy Dominic Pezzola file a Motion to Dismiss the case after discovering over 50 government informants embedded amongst the Proud Boys on January 6th.


Anonymous said...

I dont understand whats wrong with having those government informants unless they think they will lie.


Anonymous said...


Interesting legal maneuver unlikely to achieve much in a trial that I do not believe entailed any informant obtained evidence.

It could still work as courts can be political too and they terrorists have access to better more expensive attorneys than most felons.

Again, it would be sad if our law enforcement agencies didn’t have informants among the proud boys as that’s where the anti-American insurrectionists seeking criminals are/were.

Their insurrectionist activities & plots were largely caught on video and electronic surveillance. To me I can’t see how the identity of an every individual among thousands of insurrectionist who have ever “informed” on anyone is exculpatory in the least.

Further, Informants aren’t agents. They are criminals & often idiots who are more likely than others to get caught up in the worship of Trump (a fellow criminal and Luciferian). Many “revolutions”/insurrections looking to overthrow the gov are lead by criminal thugs with nothing to lose.

You don’t really have empathy for Pezzola, do you? Or is this just a further attempt to pretend Jan 6th involved gov “instigators” making them (and Trump) somehow not culpable for their criminal behavior??


Anonymous said...

I posted a lengthy explanation of why BOTH positions on the events of Jan. 6 are correct, it dependson which side of the building the videos you atch were taken on, and explained the rightnessof killing that women climbed the broken windown, but it hs disappeared.


Anonymous said...

Ol' x.

Ever the apologist, advocate, and troll for big government abuse and extended overreaches because he looks down on the little man, the everyday guy and his family from his globalist perch. This is how I know he will be an informant himself against the real Christians who oppose the government (who will not kiss the emperor's ring) when the Anti-Christ is revealed as he persecutes the Church as never before. x is already in that camp.
Far and beyond anything Trump, (whom he uses as his excuse to abuse the truth but also all those who dare to speak up against any government corruption)........he's already practicing on us.

Anonymous said...

x you say Trump is a luciferian. years ago whenhe was first running, someone on video complained that he had never taken any initiations.

So of course in all this time that could have changed. But on what do you base your statement that Trump is a luciferian? Are you talking a kind of general culture and mentality of it, or about some official alignment with or initiation into it?


Anonymous said...

PSS: I just informed her this is her mother's Day gift. She said I thought it was Ryan Hall. I said both, but the look on her face was my gift ( - ;

Anonymous said...

Useful idiots.
x's camp...

Anonymous said...

8:32 pm

In the general sense, Trump, his new age allies & associates are and have all been seeking enlightenment apart from the truth of God. These Luciferians may see themselves as lovers of light and goodness, but they are embracing falsehood. Satan does not care if people believe in him or not; he can still lead them astray.

In a more specific sense, Luciferians, like Trump, seek to become gods themselves, a position attained by living a life of supposed feigned "goodness", seeking after knowledge, seeking crowds & adoration, practicing magic (like the power of positive thinking & "manifesting" events like Jan 6th), and opening one’s mind to the cosmic mind of Lucifer such as the blowing of horns on Jan 6th & even retweeting Lucifering Qanon posts portraying himself as a messianic figure.

Another bit of evidence that Trump and his New Age Luciferian allies & worshippers specifically & secretly worship satan can be gleaned by the fact that Trump & his administration granted the satanic temple "religious" classification under the Internal Revenue Code in 2019. He/they affirmed satan.

Lucifer/Satan is not a being to be worshiped, nor is he anyone to be trifled with. He is a very powerful being and the enemy of our souls. The Bible describes him as “the devil [who] prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” 1 Peter 5:8. Those who get involved with him (even if only via Trump Worship) will eventually regret it, as he will devour their souls as a reward for their worship. “Resist him,” Peter exhorts in verse 9, “standing firm in the faith.” The faith he means is faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, because He alone can save us from hell, the ultimate destination of all who dabble in Luciferianism.


Anonymous said...

4:24 pm

Does your apparent pseudo-Christian concern for the "little man" extend down to struggling minorities, immigrants, asylum seekers and/or Palestinian women and Children?

You claim you are concerned about big government overreach, yet I've not heard you utter a single concern about Trump's Project 2025. I'm sure you probably endorse it since it's full of Trumpism alongside big oil & big finance "conservative" talking points & propaganda you've been fed on Fox News for years. But don't be fooled, Project 2025’s Mandate is iconoclastic and dystopian. It offers only a dark vision of a highly militaristic and unapologetically aggressive (both Dominionist & Roman) America ascendant in a world supposedly "on fire” (in the New Apostolic Reformation sense of the term).

Those who truly wish to understand a reprobate like Trump and the Luciferian Heritage Foundation (built by Opus Dei, naive ecumenical evangelicals & other heretical partners in the NAR) movement behind Trump and the active threat they pose to American democracy are obliged to take it seriously.

Please Repent.


Anonymous said...

More typical Trumpian Cultist GOP behavior...

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem — a potential running mate for presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump — is getting attention again. This time, it’s for a new book where she writes about killing an unruly dog, and a smelly goat, too.

The Guardian obtained a copy of Noem’s soon-to-be released book, “No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward.” In it, she tells the story of the ill-fated Cricket, a 14-month-old wirehaired pointer she was training for pheasant hunting.

She writes, according to the Guardian, that the tale was included to show her willingness to do anything “difficult, messy and ugly” if it has to be done. But backlash was swift against the Republican governor, who just a month ago drew attention and criticism for posting an infomercial-like video about cosmetic dental surgery she received out-of-state.

In her book, Noem writes that she took Cricket on a hunting trip with older dogs in hopes of calming down the wild puppy. Instead, Cricket chased the pheasants while “having the time of her life.”

On the way home from the hunting trip, Noem writes that she stopped to talk to a family. Cricket got out of Noem’s truck and attacked and killed some of the family’s chickens, then bit the governor.

Noem apologized profusely, wrote the distraught family a check for the deceased chickens, and helped them dispose of the carcasses, she writes. Cricket “was the picture of joy” as all that unfolded.

“I hated that dog,” Noem writes, deeming her “untrainable.”

“At that moment,” Noem writes, “I realized I had to put her down.” She led Cricket to a gravel pit and killed her.

That wasn’t all. Noem writes that her family also owned a “nasty and mean” male goat that smelled bad and liked to chase her kids. She decided to go ahead and kill the goat, too. She writes that the goat survived the first shot, so she went back to the truck, got another shell, then shot him again, killing him.

Soon thereafter, a school bus dropped off Noem’s children. Her daughter asked, “Hey, where’s Cricket?” Noem writes.

The excerpts drew immediate criticism on social media platforms, where many posted photos of their own pets. President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign surfaced the story on social media alongside a photo of Noem with Trump.

The Lincoln Project, a conservative group that opposes Trump, posted a video that it called a “public service announcement,” showing badly behaved dogs and explaining that “shooting your dog in the face is not an option.”

“You down old dogs, hurt dogs, and sick dogs humanely, not by shooting them and tossing them in a gravel pit,” Rick Wilson of the Lincoln Project wrote on X. “Unsporting and deliberately cruel ... but she wrote this to prove the cruelty is the point.”


Anonymous said...

Glad you brought that up 11:40 AM, because they are included and have been trapped in the schemes of the many schism's you promote. They are just as caught in the power grab to control and use and abuse them and any other little man regular guy in this country. The web of deceit to make them believe for their own good, that your team--the socialists/globalists pretending you are all about democracy and freedom--when you are anything but that. You are about the polar opposite of that. You love lording over others and why you are on the globalist ("I'm from the government and I'm here to help")team.

They are harmed because your camp has been systematically crippling them for many decades playing the victim card, pitting people against each other, recklessly, needlessly.

Your camp should never have held them down and back to begin with. You keep the lies going. You must profit from that somehow. Your pretentious compassions/beliefs forced upon others are from the pit of hell.
And even worse, you personally try to pin Jesus' name to your unchristian government handiwork.
You can't serve God and Beelzebub at the same time.
You repent.

Anonymous said...

x + ... seem to have signed onto this...

quote - "Church and State have today both been eclipsed by a power that has usurped them and now uses them for the opposite purpose to that which the two institutions ought to have...The assassination of JFK by the CIA has been repeated with the fraudulent elimination of President Trump on the occasion of the 2020 election fraud; but even before that with the forced resignation in 2013 of Pope Benedict XVI...In a famous speech at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel on April 27, 1961, JFK said: “For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence: on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.”

But I'm not sure if Abp. Vigano isn't in fact really a Russian agent and not a Catholic.

Anonymous said...

3:02 PM

Isn't the governor a evangelical AIPAC supporter, Miss? Amazingly people get more worked up over a dog then Arabs.

PS: Cricket? Did she think a fay name would make her hunting dog tough? (think A Boy Named Sue)

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