Wednesday, January 10, 2024

An excellent video from a political science perspective about Trump, Populism, cults, and followers

 To all:  My last and recent site still needs to be watched by all who have missed it.  I updated it so refresh your browser for that post -- on it I included in the middle a video by a Christian watcher who had concerns very, very similar to my own.  His conclusions were that Trump did some good things while in office, but his present positions in the "God Made Trump" video approached very, very close to blasphemy.  This morning I discovered a vifdeo from a political observer named Leeja Miller.  I know nothing about her religion nor other preferences, but I was an undergaduate Political Science major holding major political jobs (Administrative Assistant and Legislative Analyst to the MichiganSpeaker of the House) and thereafter before starting law school in January 1972 as Executive Assistant to the Mayor for the then more viable city of Highland Park, Michigan, an enclave of Detroit.  You need to watch her video.  She featured some material by Steve Hassan, a cult expert who was once a Moonie.  He left the Moonies after his parents had him deprogrammed and he has been eternally grateful to them for that intervention.  He has carefully studied cult tactics.  At any rate, without further ado, here is Leeja Miller's video.  Many of you will probably scorn it, but it is well worth watching and considering.

Respectfully submitted,



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Anonymous said...

What a surprise! More Trump, Trump, Trump and more Trump!


Seriously, do you EVER think of anything else??

With all of the things going on in the world, why not take some of your 24/7 obsession with Trump and apply it to something that REALLY matters? (I'll give you a list of extremely important items that you've ignored when I have the time.)

Trump will either be elected, or defeated, and it won't have anything to do with your efforts.

Anonymous said...


No, I am not going to SCORN your latest video, but I do have something to say...

If the election was held today: Which 2024 Presidential candidate (by his ACTIONS over these past 3 years) is pushing the following:

1) The Covid vaccine
2) Open Borders
3) Abortion
4) Human sex trafficking
5) The downward spiral our economy is clearly headed?

We ALL know the answer to this... and, therefore, know that Trump would clearly be a better CHOICE than Biden... if we hope to turn our country around.

Anonymous said...

So much time has passed (nearly 8 years), but it's interesting to note that...

Had Donald J. Trump decided NOT to run for President back in 2016... he would STILL be friends with Hillary & Bill; Mika & Joe; David Letterman, etc.

In other words, they never HATED him UNTIL he had the audacity to run for and be elected President of the United States in 2016.

It was only THEN that they became OBSESSED!!! How dare he... he's not 'one of us' (globalist elites), etc.

Anonymous said...

Seriously folks, you cannot make this stuff up!

Constance's latest video is put forth by "Leeja Miller" who states on her Youtube channel that her site is all about "Current Events, Legal History, and QUEER STUFF." You read that right. QUEER STUFF!

Some of Leeja Miller's videos on Youtube:

How Reagan Ruined Everything (Everything? Wow, he must have been pure evil)

Why Do Conservatives Fall for Fake News (right out of Constance's play book)

The Conservatives Plan to Take Over the Country (showing photos of Trump and DeSantis. How are they going to do that?)

The Woman That Took On the Religious Right (video depicting the radical anti-Christ atheist Madelyn Murray O'Hare as a hero)

Could America Handle Universal Basic Income? (Right out of the Communist play book. Dictatorship of the elite with peasant slave servants)

Why Conservatives Hate George Soros (George Soros isn't all that bad after all)

Why the Religious Right Ruined Everything (too bad they aren't like the Marxists of the Religious Left)

Why are Americans so Obsessed with Trans Kids? (Boys becoming girls and girls becoming boys is perfectly normal folks)

Why are U. S. Police so Bad? (Let's abolish these evil people that exist only for one reason; killing minorities)

Real Lawyer Reacts to Exposing Rupaul's Drag Race Contract (What a shock! Constance's Leeja Miller supports Drag Queens!)

Anonymous said...

Attorney Constance Cumbey & Attorney Leeja Miller.

Birds of a Feather? Who would have ever thought such a thing?

They sure do appear to share the same obsessions and view points.

It just keeps getting stranger and stranger in here by the minute!

Anonymous said...

If Leeja Miller said pedophilia in the Catholic church is bad, would you call it good?

Some evils are just so obvious that the whole world can see them except for the people who belong to the cult or the movement.

Even a queer Leftist woman would tell you not to drink the Kool Aid at Jonestown. Would you do it, anyway, just to show that b---?

Anonymous said...

5:01 PM

Leeja Miller calls herself 'queer.'

Do you know what the Bible has to say about that? By coincidence, I'm reading through the NT and last night I read Romans chapter 1.
In it, it refers to such people as possessing a "reprobate mind."

Definition of Reprobate:

REPROBATE, a. L. reprobatus, reprobo, to disallow; re and probo, to prove.

1. Not enduring proof or trial; not of standard purity or fineness; disallowed; rejected.

Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the Lord hath rejected them. Jer. 6.

2. Abandoned in sin; lost to virtue or grace.

They profess that they know God, but in works deny him, being abominable and disobedient, and to every good work reprobate. Titus 1.

3. Abandoned to error, or in apostasy. 2Tim. 3.

If you, or Constance, or anyone else for that matter choose to listen to the rantings of a person in possession of a reprobate mind, that's your choice. You'll live with the consequences of having to answer to God for listening to such a person. Don't say that you haven't been warned.

Anonymous said...

I suppose Constance will say that this lady is also a member of the Trump, Q-Anon, Trump is your Messiah Cult:

This is STUNNING! Contains videos by this brave lady explaining that there was massive fraud in 2020!

NEW EVIDENCE REVEALED… GBI Strategies Employee Who Turned In Fraudulent Muskegon Voter Registrations Gives STUNNING Interview — Lists Urban Cities Where Organization Operates In Michigan and Nationwide [VIDEO]

Anonymous said...

5:30 PM,

I'm familiar with the book of Romans, thanks.

Jesus said that by your words, you will be condemned.

Have you ever shared content that was written or produced by an LGBTQ individual?

Isn't the Gateway Pundit owned by a gay married man?

Need I point out that sexual sins are only some of the sins the Bible warns against? I'm sure you're familiar with the ten commandments and the Sermon on the Mount.

I recommend to every Christian to read the Didache. It was read in the Synagogues to the gentile Christian converts before the Bar Kokhba revolt. If you want to attempt to go back in history to the church as it was before it started to become Catholic, the Didache is a good place to start.

The Christian left and right tend to favor some sins over others. Both need to refresh their perspectives from God, without being selective.

You do believe in God, right? You do know He's not just a prop for political campaigns, right?

Anonymous said...

4:47 PM,

It really sucks that Trump proved Hillary right.

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is that Constance, and her comrade X, are so very different from any normal Christian I have ever met. Very different, and not in a good way!

The poster that said Constance was "radical", was quite kind.

As the end of this age draws near, these "radicals" will gain a much larger following.

Count me out! I will stick with the real Jesus in the bible. Not some woke, liberal, tolerant, religionist "jesus" that Cumbey is more comfortable with.

The Pharisees sought to kill our Savior, because He didn't fit the image of the kind of Messiah they wanted!

Anonymous said...


I'm afraid that there are a lot of Christians here who disagree with Constance who need to remember that Christ is Lord, and Trump is dust and will return to dust.

Anonymous said...

7:12 PM

Such deep wisdom from you. I didn't know that!

The wisdom of the Cumbey Cult is staggering.

Remember when X kept telling us he was trying to teach us?

That's how cults operate. Relentless non stop chatter!

Anonymous said...

Constance has brought up the fact...?

Insanity is spreading, you say? I say again, Jesus said that by your own words, you will be condemned.

Anonymous said...

7:24 PM,

If you don't want nonstop chatter, an internet blog comment thread is not really the place to be...just thought I'd share more wisdom you seem unaware of...

Anonymous said...

Yes, 7:28 PM, insanity is spreading, that's true.

There's no curse in speaking the truth.

Anonymous said...

7:45 PM,

It's not a curse. It's perfect justice and perfect mercy. He who judges without mercy will be judged without mercy. Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.

Anonymous said...

4:50 PM

All those things that woman who did CC video are talking points of X.
Ya know how Conservative he is ;) ..

Anonymous said...

Liberals make it far too easy. In a way, I wish they made more sense because then it would be at least a challenge. To answer just a few of these softball from the poster @ 6:38 PM:

1) Have you ever shared content that was written or produced by an LGBTQ individual?

Isn't the Gateway Pundit owned by a gay married man?

Answer: Constance's source is ACTIVELY PROMOTING the LGBTQ+ radical agenda, whereas, Gateway Pundit does not. In fact, GP is highly critical of the LGBTQ+ agenda, often REPORTING THE NEWS that proves their radicalism. That's what GP does; it reports the news. If you don't believe that, copy and paste a single article that promotes the LGBTQ+ agenda. You won't, because you can't find one.

2) Need I point out that sexual sins are only some of the sins the Bible warns against? I'm sure you're familiar with the ten commandments and the Sermon on the Mount.

I never said that they were. However, Constance's source, Attorney at Law Leeja Miller actually PROMOTES LGBTQ+ SIN. Not only that, she promotes atheistic Communism, attacks the Police, attacks conservative Christianity, promotes Transgenderism for children, advocates atheism by praising the radical atheist Madelyn Murray O'Hare, is an enthusiastic supporter for Drag Queen performances for children, etc., etc.

If YOU want to defend such evil, be my guest. But are you ever going to have a lot to answer for.

3) I recommend to every Christian to read the Didache.

What book in the Holy Scriptures might I find the "Didache?"

It is very consistent for deniers of the authority of God's revealed Word to find 'other sources,' when in reality, no other source is needed.

You claim that you are "familiar with Romans." Well then, you should know this verse:

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” - Romans 10:17

Anonymous said...

6:47 PM

Re: "It really sucks that Trump proved Hillary right."


WHAT exactly did Trump prove Hillary 'right' about???

Anonymous said...

I know, I know, I know ... as Anonymous pointed out at 6:38 PM:

"Need I point out that sexual sins are only some of the sins the Bible warns against?"

But the funny thing is that these 'sexual sins' often are committed against INNOCENT children, which are being raped, kidnapped and being trafficked into prostitution, and forced into performing Child Pornography, as in the following NEWS STORY:


A now-former president of an LGBTQ organization in Canada was just arrested for committing sex crimes with children, who were all under the age of 16.

But more than just the sex crimes, he was also involved in distributing child pornography.

More on this NEWS STORY here:

Anonymous said...

Trump loves throwing up the 666 hand sign.

Anonymous said...

Constance Cumbey said...
To 4:02

Any candidate professing dictatorial aspirations and receiving audience applause for same is clearly NOT a better choice. Biden has his faults -- many -- BUT he has not expressed dictatorial aspirations. Anybody who failed to condemn the gallows brought out for Mike Pence is CLEARLY not a candidate who even deserves to be on the ballot. The ballot exclusion for insurrectionists is plainly included within the 14th Amendment. The obvious trolls and blind Trump cultists here choose to ignore it just as Trump chose to ignore the Constitution and his duty for peaceful transfer of power.


4:13 PM (posted from previous thread)


Constance @ 4:13 PM

There was NO 'insurrection' from Donald Trump... or his tens of thousands of peaceful demonstrators who TRULY believed that it was their Constitutional RIGHT to protest what they believed to be the STOLEN November, 2020 election.

Now, those FBI 'double agents' who were obviously there to intentionally 'set up' Trump by STORMING the Capitol (with obvious support of Nancy Pelosi since she refused to call the National Guard as suggested by Trump!!!) were HOPING that the LIVE television cameras were recording this as an attempted insurrection.

That old saying 'nothing is as it seems' was on full display on January 6, 2021.

The Trump haters believed the worst... while the Trump supporters knew better!!!

And GOD was a witness to it all.

10:30 PM (posted on previous thread)

Anonymous said...

Constance Cumbey's friend, Detroit native and CEO from the radical ("No Salavation Outside of Rome") "Church Militant," Michael Voris has resigned from his post as CEO. Having appeared on Voris's (No Salvation Outside of Rome) show, Constance had subsequently expressed praise for Michael Voris in the past on this blog.

Why did Voris resign as CEO? Voris resigned over a 'breach in the morality code of Church Militant.' Prior to all of this, after Voris had been 'outed,' he admitted to have led a lengthy and sordid life as a homosexual. However, he claimed to have left this all behind due to 'recommitting himself to the TRUE Catholic faith.' During his entire time at Church Militant, an organization in which he founded, Voris (rightfully so) often exposed the ongoing clerical pedophilia scandal, along with Rome's efforts thwart legal investigations, etc. In particular, Voris blamed the scandals upon the rampant amount of homosexuals (which is true) that reside inside the church, masquerading as clergy.

Back to why Voris resigned. Although no official reasons were given, other than a serious violation of their moral code, in a youtube video, Voris gave clues that he had been caught lapsing back into his previous, 'dark' sinful lifestyle. Unnamed sources, close to the situation, claim that they had found homosexual pornography on his computer and was subsequently confronted with the evidence, and was forced to resign.

A few days prior to Voris's resignation, Christine Niles, who had been a senior producer and investigative reporter for Church Militant resigned. At that time, she did not give the reasons as to why, that is, not until Voris himself was forced out. In a video, Niles expressed her anger and outrage, clearly referring to Voris.

While Voris resigned as CEO, he did not resign from the Board of Directors. Just another stranger twist of the Vortex!

According to Voris, there is NO SALVATION OUTSIDE OF THE CHURCH OF ROME. I wonder what Constance has to say about that, or, does she have to consult with 'Susanna?'

Anonymous said...

4:03 PM

With those credentials you could get a job with Trump. Go with a winner (which reminds me of a story)

So these 2 cousins were talking about the 1984 election and I remember one cousin saying he was voting for Reagan because he was a winner. Fast forward a couple years - this dude got caught up in a redneck version of Miami Vice complete with a boat, a Z28 Camaro and a Ford F 150 4x4 (have to tow the boat. Right?) Poor guy lost it all due to the Reagan War on Drugs confiscation policy. Later on he showed up at my place and I gave him a cabin rent free and fed him for a couple of years till he got a car and a job.

But seriously if you don't let up on Trump it may be all your fault that he loses and then what?

Anonymous said...

To 4:11 PM (from previous thread)
Re: "I prayed to feel merciful instead of condemning and then returned to the blog to see the condemning of Constance and a pity party for Trump and all his supporters.


You might consider taking a 'reading comprehension' course... because no one on this blog is 'condemning' Constance.

SHE is the one who has chosen to label us 'cultists' and 'Qanon'... simply because we do SHARE her theory that Trump is the Antichrist. We have every right to 'agree to disagree'.

You can NOT make blanket statements like that without EVIDENCE... and she has NONE.

At this point... no one KNOWS just WHO the Antichrist is.

So, Constance has left us feeling defenseless against HER UNwarranted charges

The 'common denominator' here is that Constance CONTINUES to make these accusations... without merit.

Because she is an attorney (and should know better!)... we find this disturbing.

Anonymous said...

Here Constance, watch this and sleep soundly.

Donald Trump: I'm not going to be a dictator

Anonymous said...

Correction to post of 10:49 PM: "We do NOT share her theory."

Anonymous said...

Watch this video of an interview conducted by Greg Hunter of a truly brilliant woman! Unlike a certain somebody, she talks in detail about issues that really count, such as tyranny on a global scale and how to push back!

Pushback to Tyranny & Control Increases in 2024 – Catherine Austin Fitts

Anonymous said...

While Constance was asleep and dreaming about Donald Trump ...

Former professor tells Tucker how Big Pharma used ‘evil’ tactics to push deadly COVID shot

Bret Weinstein said pharmaceutical companies are highly effective in persuading 'the medical establishment, the [academic] journals, the [professional] societies, the hospitals, the government, to direct people towards drugs they wouldn't otherwise be taking.'

“We clearly are seeing an uptick in cancers, and an uptick in cancers that are unusual, especially in their speed,” he observed. “Cancers are one of the failure modes of the body. And this highly novel technology clearly had that as a risk.”

Weinstein also said he saw a “credible estimate” that the shot has caused nearly 17 million deaths around the world.

Read more and watch the video here:

Anonymous said...

Liberals make it far too easy. In a way, I wish they made more sense because then it would be at least a challenge. To answer just a few of these softball from the poster @ 6:38 PM:

Everybody who disagrees with you is a liberal, I guess. But at least this time you changed your mind about your sarcastic and flippant responses and made an attempt at a sincere and intellectually honest reply. I'll try to reinforce your good behavior.

1) Have you ever shared content that was written or produced by an LGBTQ individual?

Isn't the Gateway Pundit owned by a gay married man?

Answer: Constance's source is ACTIVELY PROMOTING the LGBTQ+ radical agenda, whereas, Gateway Pundit does not. In fact, GP is highly critical of the LGBTQ+ agenda, often REPORTING THE NEWS that proves their radicalism. That's what GP does; it reports the news. If you don't believe that, copy and paste a single article that promotes the LGBTQ+ agenda. You won't, because you can't find one.

Trump has ACTIVELY PROMOTED the transgender agenda in his Miss Universe contest. Constance has never ACTIVELY PROMOTED the LTBTQ agenda, and you know it. You just find it easier to argue against it, and to pretend you think she supports it. Because you don't want to deal with the information about cults. You've yet to say anything at all about this information about cult-like behavior.

2) Need I point out that sexual sins are only some of the sins the Bible warns against? I'm sure you're familiar with the ten commandments and the Sermon on the Mount.

I never said that they were. However, Constance's source, Attorney at Law Leeja Miller actually PROMOTES LGBTQ+ SIN. Not only that, she promotes atheistic Communism, attacks the Police, attacks conservative Christianity, promotes Transgenderism for children, advocates atheism by praising the radical atheist Madelyn Murray O'Hare, is an enthusiastic supporter for Drag Queen performances for children, etc., etc.

If YOU want to defend such evil, be my guest. But are you ever going to have a lot to answer for.

I never defended any of this, and you know it. I thought at first you were going to attempt to be intellectually honest.

3) I recommend to every Christian to read the Didache.

What book in the Holy Scriptures might I find the "Didache?"

It is very consistent for deniers of the authority of God's revealed Word to find 'other sources,' when in reality, no other source is needed.

You claim that you are "familiar with Romans." Well then, you should know this verse:

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” - Romans 10:17

9:27 PM

I only wish Pauline epistles would quote God's revealed Word through the mouth of Jesus, the earthly Jesus, the historical Jesus, in the Gospels. Instead, Paul gives us the Gnostic Jesus. He says he was caught up into the heavens in a trance, and he doesn't know whether it was in the body or out of the body, where he heard things that are inutterable. Only one time did he quote something that Jesus told him, and it was creepy. "My grace is sufficient for you, for in your weakness, my power is perfected." Beloved, test the spirits. Did Paul?

If you would deign to read the Didache, as you've probably read systematic theology books and other extra-Biblical books, you would find that it does not contradict anything. Mostly it helps you to expand your understanding of the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount.

But I can see why you wouldn't like the parts of the Didache that expand on the comprehension of "Thou shalt not lie."

Anonymous said...

Don't you like this moral standard from the Didache, 10:14 PM? Or do you like to think you can just be a big baby because it means you respect grace more? Don't you think God the Father wants His children to grow and develop?

You shall not covet the things of your neighbor, you shall not swear, you shall not bear false witness, you shall not speak evil, you shall bear no grudge. You shall not be double-minded nor double-tongued, for to be double-tongued is a snare of death. Your speech shall not be false, nor empty, but fulfilled by deed. You shall not be covetous, nor rapacious, nor a hypocrite, nor evil disposed, nor haughty. You shall not take evil counsel against your neighbor. You shall not hate any man; but some you shall reprove, and concerning some you shall pray, and some you shall love more than your own life.

What about this, don't you like it, 10:14 PM?

You shall hate all hypocrisy and everything which is not pleasing to the Lord. Do not in any way forsake the commandments of the Lord; but keep what you have received, neither adding thereto nor taking away therefrom. In the church you shall acknowledge your transgressions, and you shall not come near for your prayer with an evil conscience. This is the way of life.

I see why Trump supporters wouldn't like this:

Chapter 5. The Way of Death. And the way of death is this: First of all it is evil and accursed: murders, adultery, lust, fornication, thefts, idolatries, magic arts, witchcrafts, rape, false witness, hypocrisy, double-heartedness, deceit, haughtiness, depravity, self-will, greediness, filthy talking, jealousy, over-confidence, loftiness, boastfulness; persecutors of the good, hating truth, loving a lie, not knowing a reward for righteousness, not cleaving to good nor to righteous judgment, watching not for that which is good, but for that which is evil; from whom meekness and endurance are far, loving vanities, pursuing revenge, not pitying a poor man, not laboring for the afflicted, not knowing Him Who made them, murderers of children, destroyers of the handiwork of God, turning away from him who is in want, afflicting him who is distressed, advocates of the rich, lawless judges of the poor, utter sinners. Be delivered, children, from all these.

Those ancient Christians were so woke! Those Leftists must have gone back in a time machine and indoctrinated them!

Anonymous said...

Furthermore 10:14 PM,

Read the Didache. Read it and tell me whether you think it is right that "Thou shalt not murder" extends to killing unborn children. It doesn't say explicitly in the Bible.

Read it and tell me whether you think the Didache is right that "Thou shalt not commit adultery" extends to also saying that pederasty is something God does not desire His children to do. Because it doesn't explicitly say so in the Bible.

You've never read it before, have you? Yet you commented on it so confidently and with such supreme self-righteousness. Is that your usual practice?

Anonymous said...

10:14 PM,

Do you want to know why I was drawn to ancient Christian writings? Because I have sensed a soul sickness in the trends publicly displayed by the most vocal American Evangelicals as I know them.

The more I read the ancient writings, the more I realize that the most loudly self-proclaimed "conservative" American Evangelicals are worse in many respects than the ancients are.

Here is one example. Several Pauline epistles contain Christianized treatment of the Roman Household Codes for the obedience of wives, slaves and children that were a part of Roman law and were heavily influenced by Platonic philosophy. When the ancients heard these scriptures read to them, they already knew the Roman parts, and their attention would have been drawn to the Christian rendering: adding love. Whereas, in contrast, some Evangelical women say that in their pews, they have never heard the part about husbands loving their wives: just the part about wives submitting to their husbands. In other words, their pastors select out the Roman parts and ignore the Christian parts. It makes them worse than ancient Christian men were.

Another example is in regards to rich and poor people. In ancient Christian writings one can find a warning to Christians that, when they rebuke sinners, they don't exhibit favoritism. They must rebuke rich people equally. I don't think I've ever in my entire life heard anything from a conservative Evangelical that comes within a hundred miles of such an admonishment.

At this point I expect that troll to come out of the woodwork who always screams, "Your woke Jesus won't save you!!!"

It's pretty bad when 21st century American Christian men are worse than ancient Christian men. It's a very bad sign. It will not end well when they are so convinced they have been deprived of a heritage that God Himself gave to them, but it is partially a fantasy, though.

You know, as a Christian woman, I shunned the women's march, and if Trump were to win in 2024 and there were to be a women's march in 2025, I would shun it all over again.

But you, what about you? What are you willing to sacrifice of your selfishness? Your pride? It's okay, it will all pan out with Supreme justice, eventually.

You still haven't figured it out, as somebody who accepts Jesus as your Savior, have you? If you sin to win, you lose! It's as basic as it gets. But you don't show any sign of understanding it at all. That will be to your ultimate detriment if you don't learn it and practice it before your death.

Anonymous said...

9:05 AM

Yes, I would definitely say that the 6th Commandment covers abortion (even though abortion did not become 'legal' until January, 1973). Also, that the 7th Commandment covers 'pederasty' (the sexual relationship between a man and a young boy).

6. Thou shalt not kill. — God wants us to PROTECT HUMAN LIFE (period).

7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. — God wants husbands & wives to remain FAITHFUL to one another (period).

Anonymous said...

It figures, the poster that promotes the reading of the Didache is the very same poster that denies Paul's Epistles are the inspired Word of God. Of course, Sister Constance never said a word to this poster in order to refute his/her utter lies and nonsense. I wonder why that is?

It's very revealing that Constance's blog attracts such heretics and that she never bothers to rebuke these Satanic lies. Yet, she's geared for Trump, Trump, Trump 24/7!

Who is it that needs a LORD & Savior?

Anonymous said...

There's an old saying that is very true: "If Jesus isn't Lord over all in your life, He isn't Lord at all."

Anonymous said...

9:59 AM,

You misrepresent Constance again. She said that for the record she disagrees with me about Paul, and she noted that the New Agers hate Paul. Did you misrepresent her on accident or on purpose? Will you have the decency to apologize the least little bit if Jesus is really your Lord?

Anonymous said...

Well put 9:59 AM

Anonymous said...

A choir of angels radiant in glory appear and speak to shepherds

Moses and Elijah appear and Jesus speaks with them

Yet protestants are more then hesitant to believe Mary would appear to shepherd children

Anyway take it or leave it: Xavier Ayral

Prophecies & Preparation for 2024 - Part 1 - Trials "that will shake the faith of many believers."

Prophecies & Preparation for 2024 - PART 2 - We're Told These Events Are Coming!

Anonymous said...

The Establishment Is Unmasking Itself

The establishment is unwilling to admit that they are the reason Trump was elected. But ironically, by attempting to disqualify him from participating in the election, they undermine the illusion of democracy...

Anonymous said...

9:40 AM,

I agree. I'm glad you get it, too. Thank you. When I read through the entire Didache I realized I need to be better than I am, because I hadn't thought through every ethical permutation that is expounded in it. The parts about killing unborn children and avoiding pederasty were obvious, but some of the shades of gray covered by the Didache were shades I had not previously paid very much attention to.

I got something out of it, and I don't know why Christians wouldn't use it to prove what the early Christians were taught about abortion. Some Jewish people cite that the Old Testament didn't exact as high a penalty on an attacker if only a miscarriage were to be caused by an assault on a pregnant woman, but the woman remained alive. The Didache was taught in the Synagogues during the brief early time when Christians were accepted as a sect of Judaism, including gentiles who adhered to the Noahide parts of the Torah.

Anonymous said...

10:01 AM,

There's an old saying that is very true: "If Jesus isn't Lord over all in your life, He isn't Lord at all."

Very well put. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Constance, "If Jesus isn't Lord over all your life, He isn't Lord at all."

Anonymous said...

For the record, I tried to back up what Constance had said, and I assume she must have come across sources that aren't easily available through a quick online search.

All I came up with was:

Paul the Gnostic Opponent of Peter
Not an Apostle of Historic Christianity
by Gerald Massey

It was linked to on a Theosophy web site. But the link was dead. The paper could not be found there. I found it elsewhere. It was old, from the 1900s.

Interest in the idea of a Gnostic interpretation of Paul is becoming revived. I want nothing to do with Gnosticism, myself. It's just something to be alert about. Elaine Pagels wrote a book called The Gnostic Paul, and I don't know if her book sparked the revival, but it has at least some online following in some quarters.

Anonymous said...

Why all claims that Trump is following Hitler's rise to power are ludicrous. Such claims have repeatedly been made by Constance (and others on the left) who claims to be an 'amateur historian of the Hitler era.'

1. Prior to the APPOINTMENT of Hitler as Chancellor of Germany by President Paul von Hindenburg in 1933, it was LEGAL for political organizations to have fully armed (including machine guns) private armies. The Nazis had several such paramilitary organizations. One carried the nickname the "Brown Shirts" due to the color of their uniforms. Their real name was the Sturmabteilung, meaning Storm Troopers, and SA for short. Another heavily armed paramilitary group was the Schutzstaffel, or SS. The SS, known for their brutality, was formed in 1925 and subsequently grew to be the most feared organization in all of Europe during WW II.

VERY KEY POINT: after World War I, the Germany military was effectively dismantled and didn't have the ability to oppose the large numbers that made up the heavily armed paramilitary units that were organized not only by Hitler, but also by the German Communists, the largest was the Roter Frontkämpferbund, translated as "Alliance of Red Front-Fighters."

2. The attempted Coup in 1923 by Hitler was carried out by over 600 heavily armed members of his personal militia. With Hitler LEADING the ARMED revolutionaries, hots were exchanged between Hitler's militia and police units. 16 Nazis, four police officers, and one bystander were killed. Anyone comparing Jan. 6th. with Hitler's HEAVILY ARMED Coup is ludicrous beyond reason!

3. Hitler was not 'elected,' he was appointed. He obtained 'temporary' (which was to last only 5 years) extended powers through emergency legislation in 1933 known as the Enabling Act. Hitler never relinquished that power.

4. Unlike Hitler, no POTUS can organize ARMED, paramilitary organizations in order to serve his own personal interests. Any and all attempts to do so would be swiftly crushed by our Justice Department, the Supreme Court and of course the U. S. Military.

5. A man cannot become a Dictator by merely declaring that he is one, or wants to be. Without having HEAVILY armed forces that EXCEED the USA Military, a Dictatorship is impossible.

Anonymous said...

10:07 AM

"Disagreeing" with versus STRONGLY REBUKING heresy are as different as night and day.

"A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject; Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself." - Titus 3:10,11

Anonymous said...

10:39 AM

You are a heretic of the highest order. No doubt, you are being influenced by a heretical cult, and are doing so by your own rebellious will.

I suspect that you living in serious sin, because if you weren't, and you were living in God's will, you wouldn't fall for lies such as what you are spewing.

“If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.” - John 7:17

God does NOT reveal His true doctrine to rebels.

Anonymous said...

11:00 AM,

Paul was anti-Torah. I'm not.

Anonymous said...

Saul of Tarsus was sovereignly chosen by the Lord Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus to be what he became; the Apostle Paul, and writer of 13 Epistles of the New Testament.

In contrast, Peter wrote two, and in those, Peter never even mentions that name Mary, let alone calls for her veneration. Peter never mentions ANY doctrine or dogma that is peculiar to Roman Catholicism, and that includes the Sacrifice of the Mass, Purgatory, prayers to dead 'saints,' prayers to Mary, auricular confession to a priest, the office of the priest, cardinal or pope, etc., etc.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said @ 11:35 AM

"Paul was anti-Torah. I'm not."

So I take it that YOU are superior in authority to the Apostle Paul? Paul is the heretic and you are not? ROFL !!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said @ 11:35 AM

"Paul was anti-Torah. I'm not."

The Book of Leviticus is part of the Torah. Being that you are not 'anti-Torah,' obviously, you favor this:

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." - Leviticus 20:13

By the way, where in the New Testament does Paul or anyone else call for these offenders to be put to death?

Anonymous said...

11:48 AM

The internet as testament to the fact that the amount of writing one does is in noway an indication of wisdom.

The difference between St. Peter and St. Paul is like the different between the shepherds and the three wise men.

And in my unlearned opinion St. Mary has a soft spot for shepherds

Anonymous said...

12:11 PM

How exactly does Peter and Paul differ? Give some precise, specific examples using Scripture, otherwise, you are making such a claim based upon your own opinion, rather than what Scripture clearly declares.

(He/She won't be able to, because it doesn't exist)

Anonymous said...

I've covered my reasons for Paul skepticism pretty thoroughly on a previous thread. Out of respect for Constance, I'm not going to get tempted into a redo. Here on this thread I've decided to limit myself to the comment I made about The Gnostic Paul and the revival of Gnostic interpretations of Paul, because it's more relevant to this blog author's original focus on New Age infiltrations into Christianity. I'm glad you were ROFL over me instead of lying more about Constance. At least I accomplished something.

Anonymous said...

10:49 AM

Unlike Hitler, no POTUS can organize ARMED, paramilitary organizations in order to serve his own personal interests. Any and all attempts to do so would be swiftly crushed by our Justice Department, the Supreme Court and of course the U. S. Military.

FYI: Trump doesn't have to organize ARMED, paramilitary organizations. They have been organized by NAR "religious" groups and networked by QANON. These same paramilitary organizations had a heavy presence at the Jan 6th insurrection and are still active today. MANY of those arrested for the Jan. 6th insurrection belonged to paramilitary groups. They were hoping the day would end in martial law. These same paramilitary organizations are now advocating for an American Civil War. They stand ready and willing to fight against a "stolen election" in 2024. Do the research for yourself.

Anonymous said...

2:43 PM

Son, you are clearly suffering from PMDS

Anonymous said...

3:08 PM

You're too funny. And you think that these imaginary Trump 'paramilitary groups' can overthrow the Federal Government and defeat the USA Military, and thereby crown Trump Emperor? You're not deluded at all. Maybe it's the drinking water, the air, whatever? Do you live near Constance Cumbey?

Anonymous said...

The Marine Corps Patron Saint

Full Metal Jacket (1987) [TV Version] Reveille/The Virgin Mary

Anonymous said...

3:02 PM

Apparently, you just make wild random statements and then, when challenged to provide proof for your assertions, you slink away.

I'll try again:

12:11 PM:

How exactly does Peter and Paul differ? Give some precise, specific examples using Scripture, otherwise, you are making such a claim based upon your own opinion, rather than what Scripture clearly declares.

(He/She won't be able to, because it doesn't exist)

Anonymous said...

4:26 PM,

It's not the time or the place. I have pledged not to discuss my Paul skepticism here, but I have not pledged to hide it. I still declare what I believe rather than hiding it, but I will not defend or explain it every time I declare it. You are free to respond to this as you see fit.

Anonymous said...

4:23 PM

That was funny!

Anonymous said...

5:10 PM

Were you the poster who questioned the validity of the book Of Revelations on the last thread?

Anonymous said...

Liz Cheney Vs. Stefan Passantino: The Jan. 6 Committee Fraud

Anonymous said...

Christian leaders pray on anniversary of the January 6 insurrection

Christians Against Christian Nationalism and Faithful America organized a prayer vigil at the U.S. Capitol to mark the anniversary of the insurrection. Christian leaders prayed on the same ground overrun by insurrectionists two years later.

The gathering provided a different message than those holding Christian symbols and waving Christian flags as they attacked the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Here are just a few of the many powerful prayers from that sunrise vigil.

To read more about the event, visit:

Visit the website of the Christians Against Christian Nationalism campaign: https://www.christiansagainstchristia...

Visit the website of Faithful America:

You can watch the entire prayer vigil, which took place January 6, 2023, here:

#ChristianNationalism #EndChristianNationalism #January6

Anonymous said...

Apparently, you just make wild random statements and then, when challenged to provide proof for your assertions, you slink away.

Sure sounds like Rayb who demands answers and then ignores/denies the proof once you actually do provide it and then, shortly thereafter demands proof again as if you hadn't proved or provided any ever.

I had to show that guy several times his Qanon posts and straight up lies.

I don't agree with the posters views on Paul either but constantly demanding answers doesn't negate or counter her political thoughts and feelings about the Maga trump qanon Luciferians that regularly post here. Her quick reference to the gayway pundit as a response to the criticisms of the maker of the subject video of this thread was tremendous.

The rebuttal that the gayway pundit is news was almost as funny as the rebuttal that Mrs. Tierney is an actual Christian (no Christian can lie that easily while worshipping false maga idols).


Anonymous said...

The last sentence of your 10:06 PM post dr X, is your classic baseless character assault, with ZERO substance.


Anonymous said...

CINO Cumbey, and CINO X both dislike Mrs. Tierney. So that is a solid indicator that she speaks the truth.

Anonymous said...

World Economic Forum Deems Free Speech The Greatest Risk To Their Global Agenda

Anonymous said...

The obsessive anti-Trump cult calls him names like "Hitler" and "the Antichrist."

However the one name they FEAR the most is: "President."

Anonymous said...

UK and US start a Yemen bombing campaign without asking Congress or Parliament. Do you know why the military didn't let Congress or Parliament know? Because both governments are rife with traitors.

Anonymous said...

Thank you X 10:06 PM.

Anonymous said...

5:55 PM Gateway Pundit is endorsed by QANon and featured on QAnon websites.

Anonymous said...

8:04 PM,

Were you the poster who questioned the validity of the book Of Revelations on the last thread?

I'm a pan-millennialist: it'll all pan out.

The poster thought that the book of Revelation was Egyptian influenced, but the problem is that only the Egyptian priests could read the hieroglyphics. By the time of Jesus, Egypt was becoming Hellenized.

Anonymous said...

10:06 PM,

Apparently, you just make wild random statements and then, when challenged to provide proof for your assertions, you slink away.

Sure sounds like Rayb who demands answers and then ignores/denies the proof once you actually do provide it and then, shortly thereafter demands proof again as if you hadn't proved or provided any ever.

Whoever it was, being called heretic of the highest order by this individual was a sucker punch to my gut. I didn't feel angry because I knew this individual believed he was right. I could sense his sincerity that time, unlike with other comments of his. (I sense it's a him, but I've been wrong before, LOL.)

I believe the Holy Spirit helped me vis a vis Paul due to my need to know everything and put it all into practice, and the zeal was killing me, since it had false and self-contradictory aspects. Zeal only works out well with pure truth. My faith was collapsing in on itself. I was in crisis. I tried and tried to reconcile and unify various teachings in various ways, weakening my faith in the process.

If you are a simpler kind of believer, which is not bad, it's good. If you are that kind of believer who automatically gets spirit guided to select the parts of Paul that align with Jesus and the prophets and ignore what doesn't and be untroubled in mind or spirit. If that is you, then don't worry about me or my crisis vis a vis Paul.

In my crisis God met me. In my brokenness He was there. The Holy Spirit is a wind blowing. Right now it blows on many regarding Paul. I've encountered others who used words similar to mine describing the horror of realizing a serpent had been lodged in the garden of their mind and heart and they had never yet recognized it. I'm not alone. If that doesn't describe you, don't worry about it. Maybe you were guided to get the true parts and ignore the false parts. I don't want to trouble the faith of anybody whose faith is just fine.

Anonymous said...

No one here (that I know of) belongs to either a 'cult' or Qanon.

However, Constance still enjoys visions of 'cults' and 'Qanon' dancing in her head.

Which says MORE about Constance than it does about whoever 'they' are.

Aren't attorneys supposed to have EVIDENCE before they make accusations???

(Call me old-fashioned... )

Anonymous said...

Democrats Propose Bill to Prohibit Militia Activity

Two Democratic congressmen are backing a proposal to prohibit private paramilitary activity, a bill intended to prevent future attacks like the one on the U.S. Capitol in 2021.

The Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act would create criminal penalties for people who engage in certain conduct including intimidating elected officials, interfering with government proceedings and pretending to be law enforcement.

Anonymous said...

Quote for the day:

Proverbs 17:15
King James Version

15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the Lord.

Anonymous said...

One more.

Exodus 23:7
King James Version

7 Keep thee far from a false matter; and the innocent and righteous slay thou not: for I will not justify the wicked.

Anonymous said...

Feds charge Maryland elections official with Jan. 6 crimes

Anonymous said...

Former President Donald Trump "makes a compelling argument" that the New York civil fraud case against him was "brought for political reasons," former New Jersey Superior Court Judge Andrew Napolitano told Newsmax.
"He bases that on the words out of the mouth of the AG [Letitia James] herself when she was running for AG, 'I'm going to get Trump.' We know that," Napolitano told Newsmax's "Carl Higbie FRONTLINE."

Anonymous said...

FBI Defies Court Order - Refuses to Turn Over Seth Rich Evidence to Attorney

Anonymous said...

Part of what you stated @ 7:28 AM caught my attention.

"a serpent had been lodged in the garden of their mind and heart". And yes they do not recognize it!

Sums up the blog owner here, and her sidekick X, etc. It also generally, seems to be part of the strong delusion that is spreading like a plague over the apostate 'church'.

They never surrendered their minds to God, for clean-up. They cling to their "vain traditions", their foolish heart, and possessed mind resisting the Holy Spirit. Therefore they stand apart from truth, and wisdom, and are "contrary to all men."

This Pharisaic Luciferian worldly spirit will increase until the Lord returns. They stubbornly refuse to depart from the wide, main stream path. Slander, and stopping their ears to truth is their mode of operation.

Anonymous said...

Report: Fani Willis Secretly Colluded with January 6 Committee; Could Blow Up Case

Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis secretly colluded with the one-sided, Democrat-run January 6 Committee to obtain tips that would help her prosecute Donald Trump — and tried to keep it out of court, and public view, using a procedural trick.
The revelation could upend the prosecution of Trump and 18 co-defendants because the evidence was concealed to keep it away from discovery requirements that would allow defense lawyers to see what was shared, and the extent of the collaboration.


Nathan Wade’s Wife Subpoenas Georgia DA Fani Willis in ‘Contentious’ Divorce

The court filing accuses Willis of orchestrating the hiring of Wade as special prosecutor. The filing accuses Wade of taking Willis on trips using some of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he received from the county for the Trump prosecution. The claim is that this is unethical and possibly a crime.

Anonymous said...

11:17 AM The apostate church a/k/a the new apostolic reformation is Luciferian and supports Donald Trump. They're blending with the Mormon church, the Catholic church, the emergent church to form a one-world religion. Trump is their Cyrus King. The MAGA Trump QAnon cult is Luciferian. Anyone who supports that is joined with the pharisees of our day. If you're a true Christian, you need to renounce and leave the cult.

Anonymous said...

10:30 AM,

Thank you, I know you are sincere. But you are wrong. I do not live in any kind of sexual sin. It's okay. We don't know each other. Actually, I became more convicted of my sins after renouncing Calvinism and its accompanying determinism and passivity and fatalism that had taken ahold of me along with its emotional anaesthetic. Do you know that what was called in the Bible "wormwood" was used that way? It tasted bitter but it was anaesthetic. Wormwood was added to the waters in Revelation. It killed people who drank of it. One third of them. Have you ever wondered what that signified? I don't know, but I do wonder. Living waters for the Samaritan woman at the well, you know what those signified.

You seem to imagine I don't like Paul's "clobber verses" about homosexuality. Yet you know I don't reject the Torah as being completely inapplicable to myself, and you must know that the Torah had words to say about homosexuality as well. Indeed, the Ten Commandments are sufficient, if one understands that the Hebrew word for adultery actually encompassed fornication. (And no, of course it is contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ--the earthly Jesus Christ who had flesh and was not just a bright light that came from the sky like lightning followed by a disembodied voice--you know, the one we learned about in the Gospels--the death penalty for either homosexuals or adulterers.)

I think maybe you are used to thinking that it's a moral free-for-all since we're "under grace, not under the law"--unless we have those clobber verses from Paul!? I'm not sure what you do think. It's okay. I'm not your pastor. I know you mean well. We're not supposed to be discussing this. I won't reply any further. I felt I had to reply because you said you thought I must be living in homosexual rebellion and to have rejected Paul for that reason. Do you imagine I am the queer lawyer who made the video about cults and Trump? I'm chuckling a little bit right now.

Anonymous said...

11:17 AM,

I don't think Constance has a serpent lodged in her brain and heart, but we all need to be careful about condemning online people we don't know from Adam (or Eve). Me too! I try but I get mad sometimes. I repent privately. Usually I feel thick skinned but that comment yesterday about being a heretic hurt me deeply. It made me feel like I should have had more empathy for the feelings of the people who were called Trump worshipers or Luciferian in spirit or under an evil spell. I think Constance means well, just at the commenter who called me a heretic meant well. It's hard to control our fiery tongues online sometimes, ain't it? James wrote that a tongue can set a forest on fire.

Anonymous said...

I think the word heretic slung around by anyone here, either way, is too much.

Calling Constance, basically, a heretic is not holding any water. That's just plain wrong and very uncalled for. That goes way too far.

But Constance is wrong for her penchant for saying terrible slanders against those who want to vote for Trump. She's wrong to assume it is because they think he's 'god' to them all. Yes, to some, but certainly not all. She can't determine who they worship. That's a real mark against her.
Because she readily, easily, believes unquestioningly, in the current Establishment antics and aggressions, that I don't find a bit worthy of trust. At this point I think she has a cult-ish penchant herself, so she shouldn't be casting stones. She lives in a glass house.

Anonymous said...

I know some christians who believe the Galactic Federation of Light are good aliens working with Trump. They believe a good alien and a bad alien got in a fight at the Miami mall so we can know they're here among us and working for Trump. These same christians believe the NESARA great transfer of wealth will happen soon in 2024. They've been checking their bank accounts every day since Jan 1st.

Anonymous said...

12:18 PM
Great response :)

Anonymous said...

The Didache is among the earliest of the Christian writings which contain the teachings of the 12 Apostles.

You can read the Didache here.

Anonymous said...

12:37 PM

What about the 'aliens' working with Biden, Obama, Hillary, etc.???

Anonymous said...

@ 12:37 PM

Thought about this some more...honestly, both angles coming at these issues at this juncture, are in a bad place. Too much coming from either position.

We answer to the Lord, not each other.

Myself, I think God has "voted". This country is under Judgment and the time for the New World Order has come. Anyone's mere speculations, good bad, or otherwise, are nothing to Him since He'll soon have some surprises for everybody...

Anonymous said...

1:30 PM
God will address 'aliens' (demons) wherever they'll be found.
Demons are working overtime in every corner.

I think this is pretty much out of our hands at this point.

Trust Jesus. Not Constance, not any other person, not Trump or Biden etc,.
Save ourselves lots of grief and stick with His Word and don't try to make it read our way.

Anonymous said...

11:17 AM

I'm rubber and you are glue...what you say bounces off of me and certainly sticks to you.


Anonymous said...

"11:17 AM The apostate church a/k/a the new apostolic reformation is Luciferian and supports Donald Trump. They're blending with the Mormon church, the Catholic church, the emergent church to form a one-world religion. Trump is their Cyrus King. The MAGA Trump QAnon cult is Luciferian. Anyone who supports that is joined with the pharisees of our day. If you're a true Christian, you need to renounce and leave the cult."



Anonymous said...

"I don't think Constance has a serpent lodged in her brain and heart, but we all need to be careful about condemning online people we don't know from Adam (or Eve). Me too! I try but I get mad sometimes."

You've told them what makes you mad...expect them to double down on that angle of referring to you as a heretic.

When you divagate from the political cult group think, everything they say thereafter is a probe to find out how to distract, undermine, re-brand, label and counterdict you personally. You are now an enemy of the cult.

Their opinion of me is not my concern or even really my business. Water off a ducks back. Truth preveals.

Their own lies reveal and betray their hearts all by themselves.


Anonymous said...

Inside USG Covert UFO Investigation AAWSAP - YouTube

It is something that can invade people’s lives and it is very deceptive... We were playing cat and mouse with something that did not want to be hunted... I took a leap into the un-known... Anomalies can lead to new doorways in science... That is why society is kind of split, as some people have been awakened to something that should not exist... The non-human intelligence phenomenon is real.
-Colm Kelleher

PS: Colm has also noted this all became a religion in the 1950s
The Vade Retro Satana seems more then relevant now days

May the Holy Cross be my light

May the dragon never be my guide

Begone Satan

Never tempt me with your vanities

What you offer me is evil
drink the poison yourself

Anonymous said...

1:30 PM What about the 'aliens' working with Biden, Obama, Hillary, etc.???

Your response is just .. unbelievable!

I think we need to clarify the definition of 'Christian.' Obviously, you aren't one.

Anonymous said...

Funny observation: in the past I have caught myself trying to expand a picture in a book and just now I caught myself waiting for auto-correct while writing with a pen. - Just an Analog Guy

Anonymous said...

Let's tell the truth, there 's something equally unChristlike about throwing support behind Biden as President, also.

So many people, from the variable political and religious landscape, seem to be getting really weird in their diehard alliances.

Anonymous said...

This is just food for thought, but the year 2029 will be the end of the period of 40 Jubilees counting from when Jesus read from Isaiah in the temple. It could be the end of a period of 120 Jubilee years declared to Noah when the Holy Spirit will no longer strive with mankind. I need to read it and think about it more thoroughly. Feedback is welcome.

Forty Jubilees... End of the Exile?

Anonymous said...

11:36 AM Sounds like Hellboy X?

The people you mentioned, Catholics, Mormons MAGA etc. are not the leaders of the one world government.

More like the Central Bankers, and the people Constance strongly admires! Global Democracy anyone?

Anonymous said...

Comedian X@ 2:08 PM stated:

"we all need to be careful about condemning online people we don't know from Adam (or Eve)"

Said dr X, who repeatedly stated, like daily, for months on end, that the unvaxed were murderers. That we were even guilty of murdering his cousin! And that's just a small sample of mystery dr X's demonic spew. So you're not qualified to dispense nicey-nicey advice you serpent.

Anonymous said...

A TRUE timeline of what really happened on January 6, 2021

Anonymous said...

6:47 PM

X who enoys 'condemning' people (for his own entertainment) on this blog. LOL

Anonymous said...

"11:36 AM Sounds like Hellboy X? The people you mentioned, Catholics, Mormons MAGA etc. are not the leaders of the one world government. More like the Central Bankers, and the people Constance strongly admires! Global Democracy anyone?"

This wasn't posted by X. You have a one-track mind. There's more of us non MAGAs here than you know.

In ancient times, the banks were in the church. Central bankers are Luciferians, too.

Anonymous said...

12:18 PM

I never said that your sin was sexual, nor did I intend to imply that. My point is this; if you want to know the truth, you must repent of sin and turn to the Bible as your authority to reveal true faith. Christ, Who is the Word of God, will reveal Himself and His truth through the written word, taught to humble hearts through the Holy Spirit.

Attacking the Apostle Paul, who the Lord Himself appointed as an Apostle, is not a sign of humility, but rather, rebellion. The Pauline epistles, for the most part, is an instruction manual on how to live a faithful life, once that is, a person has been truly converted. I have read the NT many times, and I have never drawn the conclusion that you have, that being that Paul's writings are opposed to Christ's words.

I've yet to see any concrete examples posted by you that would provide some examples that led you to your conclusions. Please post them.

Anonymous said...

2:40 PM

Your post makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

The FIRST 2:40 PM post is the one that makes no sense.

(There were two comments posted at 2:40 PM.)

Anonymous said...

7:28 AM

Re: simple - I've found that sometimes the smartest people can't understand the simplest things. I've also noticed, like today, when I tossed the heifer three jelly rolls across the fence that she got two but the third fell short and when I pointed at it she looked where I pointed, but if you tried that with our horse he wouldn't get it. So here the thing a lot of people are just like that horse (me included)

PS: OTOH that old horse is smarter then me and that's not saying much

Anonymous said...

How Michigan explains American politics

I'm not pointing any fingers, but. . .

Anonymous said...

The message behind that FIRST 2:40 PM comment is clear...
Re: "What about the 'aliens' working with Biden, Obama, Hillary, etc.???"

It is widely believed that so-called 'aliens' are actually DEMONS from hell (rather than from outer space) and, therefore, more likely to be 'working with' earthly 'demons' like Biden, Obama & Hillary... who (by their past actions while in office) obviously want to see the destruction of the United State of America.

Therefore, the person posting that 2:40 PM comment IS a Christian... who is on God's side (not Satan's side).

Anonymous said...

I know some christians who believe the Galactic Federation of Light are good aliens working with Trump. They believe a good alien and a bad alien got in a fight at the Miami mall so we can know they're here among us and working for Trump. These same christians believe the NESARA great transfer of wealth will happen soon in 2024. They've been checking their bank accounts every day since Jan 1st.

The commment was about christians believing in the Galactic Federation of Light as good aliens working with Trump, and their belief in a coming great transfer of wealth.

But 4:40 AM believes that demons are more likely working with his list of 'earthly' demons Biden, Obama, Hillary.

I think we need to clarify the definition of 'Christian.' THERE IS NOTHING CHRISTIAN ABOUT EITHER BELIEF.

Anonymous said...

There must be a how-to manual for Galactic Federation lightworkers. 'Every good alien must bow to Donald Trump and help make America great again. All other aliens must flee to earthly demoncrats and help in the destruction of the USA.' LOL only in America!

Anonymous said...

10:41 PM,

It was the other way around. When I honestly searched my soul, I had to admit to myself that I was using Paul's teachings to duck accountability and to hold onto security. My confusion became compounded over time, and I cried out in prayer for better comprehension. That better comprehension did not come to me until I became obedient to what, for me, were the most basic things that I was not doing. It wasn't so much what I was doing that was wrong. It was about what I was not doing that was right for me to do. It wasn't that I was living in rebellion to continue doing something wrong. It was that I was ducking accountability to postpone or avoid doing things that were right. I'm done with this conversation now.

Anonymous said...

10:41 PM,

I'm only going to say this one time and you can make of it what you will. Read the Parable of the Sower and then read the Parable of the Tares.

Pray for understanding. Think, before you pray, about this question. If the seeds are the Word, Jesus sowed good seed, an enemy crept in while men were sleeping, and the enemy sowed bad seed...WHERE is the Jesus' Word sowed? Where do you go to learn Jesus' Word?

Jesus said in the book of Mark, know ye not the Parable of the Sower? Then how will you understand the other parables? Jesus said the Father's children understand the parables. The devil's children don't understand them. Theologians who teach in seminaries frequently ignore the parables, saying they are too hard to understand. Think about that for a minute.

Who are the devil's children? They are the tares that look like the wheat for a long time while they are growing, until you finally see that their fruits look different. They grew on the devil's seeds that were planted in the same field where the good seeds were sown. Which field is that? Where do we find the seeds/Words?

Just think about it and pray about it. It doesn't matter what you get me to think. It matters what Jesus thinks. You don't need to be justified before me, and I don't need to be justified before you. We both need to be justified before Jesus.

Anonymous said...

7:33 AM

Every Christian believes there is a Heaven (where GOD resides)... and a Hell (where Satan resides).

While stories in movies & the news media would have many believing in the existence of 'aliens from outer space' as a future threat to the world... most Christians do NOT believe in 'aliens from outer space'.

However they do believe that Satan (as the father of all LIES & the source of confusion) wants the world to believe in 'aliens from outer space'. So, Satan sends his demons (from hell) instead to manipulate and CONFUSE people.

However, we CHRISTIANS refuse to participate in Satan's 'game' of LIES and manipulation. We Christians continue to place our faith and trust in GOD alone... refusing to live in FEAR.

Ultimately, we KNOW that GOD is more powerful than Satan... and that it is GOD who will WIN in the end. Amen.

Now, What part of that do you not understand?

Anonymous said...

8:00 AM

Well Donald Trump did start The Space Force. Coincidence?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

11:07 AM

Check out that large empty SPACE between your ears... which definitely seems to be YOUR problem. LOL

Meanwhile, those of you who like to call Trump names like 'Hitler' and 'Antichrist... the one name you fear the most is 'PRESIDENT'.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be something (after all of this) that Emmanuel Macron turns out to be the REAL Antichrist? Then, will you slanderers apologize to Donald Trump? Probably not...

Anonymous said...

The Orwellian Assault On The Past Continues

Orwell saw clearly where it ends...

Anonymous said...

Let's talk about money!

This is something Radical RINO Cumbey should ponder, and prepare for, rather than be "terrified" by the demonic voices in her head.

Anonymous said...

From what I understand is after Trump's election in 2016 the infamous 'Paper of Record', The New York Times, started running stories about UFOs, and the next thing you know we have a Space Force. My take is people were lead to believe there was a real UAP/UFO threat because the NYT would never mislead anyone, so when Trump said we need a Space Force instead of being laughed at, it happened. Everything is politics even UFOs. Sad

Anonymous said...

She said it perfectly.

Anonymous said...

All of the rulers of this world are antichrist. There's no need to apologize to Trump for anything. He doesn't believe in apologies anyway.

2 John 1:7 - For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

1 John 4:3 - And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

1 John 2:18 - Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

Matthew 24:24 - For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Mark 13:6 - For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

Anonymous said...

He is so corrupt, and a plain as day weirdo.
The old creep is getting creepier.

Look at her move when he moved too close into her space.

Anonymous said...

11:07 AM Good point. Trump did start the Space Force. UFO and alien sightings have been in the daily news for months. In my opinion, they will increase in 2024. The alleged QAnon creator, Code Monkey Z, abandoned ship in 2020 to work on an undisclosed UFO project. Of course, that could only be a coincidence. LOL

Anonymous said...

Space Race OVER? Joe Biden’s plan to ‘make China NASA's partner' as US election heats up
JOE BIDEN could end the new Space Race, experts have warned, after the US presidential candidate revealed he "wanted to make China a full partner in space exploration".

Compared to one of the last safeguards Trump put in place. . .

Quote -:In November 2020, U.S. President Donald Trump issued an executive order prohibiting U.S. companies and individuals owning shares in companies that the United States Department of Defense has listed as having links to the People's Liberation Army, which includes the aerospace industry of China

With China Joe behind the wheel it's a good thing Trump put up some guard rails.

Anonymous said...

The entire Deep State is complicit with the planned UFO deception, but all Cumbey Cult posts point to Trump for everything bad in the whole solar system!

Ship of fools

Anonymous said...

Think again 4:51. Your darling cult leader is part of the Qanon UFO deception.

Anonymous said...

Not my darling. Just better than Hillary.

You are a good Cumbey Cult zombie.

Anonymous said...

9:15 PM why bring up Hillary? She's not running for president, Trump is.

Anonymous said...

“You are a good Cumbey Cult zombie.”

Why? Because I just shoved your crazy cult of Trump back down your throat for which you have no response.

Anonymous said...

So God Made A Liberal...

FYI Paul Harvey was a Seventh Day Adventist. Hmmm 🤔

Anonymous said...

Soon the Iowa caucus will occur, and Trump will probably start his landslide victory in the Republican primary. Nobody here can control what happens next. We can only control our own responses to it. God is watching our responses. He is watching how we treat each other. Will we turn on each other, hate each other, betray each other, lie about each other? (More than we already have?) Jesus could come back tomorrow. You could die tomorrow. When you meet Him, will you want to come to the light that your good deeds may be known?

Anonymous said...

This is currently making the rounds on social media.

"Christ did not come to Earth to be sacrificed so he could "pay for our sins". He came to Awaken us to our Sovereign, Eternal and Divine Nature. He was exposing the lies of the Elite, and that is why they crucified him. If they could do the same to Trump they would."

The Gnostic Journals @gnosticjournals

Anonymous said...

The Second Coming of Literal Hitler

Anonymous said...

Great article 10:25 AM

C J Hopkins does a great job of exposing the warped demonic thinking of people like Constance!

Anonymous said...

8:37 AM

I thought maybe this place was an adult daycare center with a bunch of old curmudgeons fighting over which news channel to watch ( - :

Anonymous said...

PS: I predict if he Trump wins again they will start burning down cites again and if he loses they will continue to lock up more of his supporters

Anonymous said...

Dearest Ms. Constance,

I am very worried, as in VERY WORRIED. Tomorrow, as you know, is the Iowa Caucus. I just realized that today. And I also realized today that since Donald Trump has left office, I haven't watched one single Trump speech, nor have I attended any Trump rally, nor have I watched any videos of such. Here's why I'm worried; does my lackadaisical attitude disqualify me from being a member of the Trump Cult?
Please provide your learned opinion ... and quick ... as I am worried.

Also, I never was a follower, nor am I now, of Q-Anon, but you said I was a Q-Anon Cult Member. I'm the type that likes to belong, and I fear that you might kick me out of the Q-Anon Cult that you said I belong to. Please assure me with another learned opinion, and please make it a good one. I'm worried.

Anonymous said...

Josh Klein: Can we compare America with pre-Hitler Germany? Only if we are willing to examine Christian complicity

Josh Klein, West Bountiful, graduated as the Brigham Young University history valedictorian in 2013. He received a Ph.D. in history from the University of Maryland in 2019, with a dissertation on the history of German conservatism from the 1930s-1950s. He teaches concurrent enrollment U.S. history at Woods Cross High School.

Anonymous said...

Why some New Age influencers believe Trump is a "lightworker" - The New Age philosophy-Trump connection has concerning parallels to the role mysticism played in Nazi Germany

Anonymous said...

3:20 PM

That's old news. I'm sure, as persecuted as Trump has been from the demonic left, he would like to have their votes!

For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not.

Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 verse 20

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous @ 2:34 PM

The good news, dear is that there is no actual Trump 'cult' (just wishful thinking on the part of the Radical Left).

However, there ARE a lot of Americans who believe that the November, 2020 election was in fact STOLEN right out from under Trump, and that he has earned the right for Americans to TRY and make things right for him in November, 2024 by putting him BACK in office for his (interrupted) second term.

That, of course, depends on whether or not the EVIL Globalists are PREVENTED from stealing the election from under his nose once again (in order to put one of their Globalist 'puppets' in the Oval Office to run things THEIR way).

Anonymous said...

1:23 PM

Actually, the 'old curmudgeons' are the ones obsessed with HATE for Trump, with visions of imaginary 'cults' dancing in their heads.

Anonymous said...

What could be worse than calling Trump names like 'Hitler' or 'Antichrist'???

Calling him 'President of the United States' in November, 2024. (The Left's greatest fear.)

Anonymous said...

It seems to me I recall Sister Constance decrying the 'banning of books by Trump and MAGA .... just like the Nazis.' Well, what were those books that normal people wanted to RESTRICT?

“This is the United States of America For God’s Sake!” – Joe Biden Outraged Sexually Explicit Books Banned From Schools (AUDIO)

Joe Biden sat down for an interview with Star 99.7 during his visit to South Carolina last week. The interview aired this weekend.

Biden told the local radio station a series of lies (of course).

He attacked Republican lawmakers for banning sexually explicit books in schools.

“The idea that you can be told that you can’t read certain books. This is the United States of America, for God’s sake! These guys are afraid of the truth!” Biden told host.

Warning: It's disgusting even for adults, let alone children. Go here and there is a sampling of the porno books that are geared to children that those evil GOP types wanted to 'ban.'

Anonymous said...

There are only two choices for the radical left:

Play the race card.

Compare your political opponents to Hitler.

Anonymous said...

3:32 PM

Old news yet ever so relevant.

Anonymous said...

3:52 PM

So, the state attorney general of Pennsylvania said Trump lost 24 hours before the polls closed then took another 2 weeks to finish counting the votes?

Anonymous said...

There's one guy around here reminds me of Francis

( - :

Anonymous said...

I exposed Nazis — I know it’s time to call out Trump
Trump’s meeting with open anti-Semites should disqualify him from the 2024 race. That it won’t reflects on the GOP.

Anonymous said...

Report: Trump Wanted His Military Leaders to Pretend He Was Adolf Hitler

Anonymous said...

Rules for thee but not for me Department: The fact that ALL of Joe Biden's many sins don't 'disqualify HIM' from running as an incumbent in 2024 reflects on the Democrats.

Anonymous said...

3:32 PM,

That's old news. I'm sure, as persecuted as Trump has been from the demonic left, he would like to have their votes!

For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not.

Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 verse 20

"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh." (Luke 6:45)

Anonymous said...

4:47 PM

What a goofy statement. Biden is not a candidate in the Republican primaries, or is he?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Dr. Jane Ruby


Listening to the fire and rescue scanner yesterday; 4 seizures in 3 hours. One 34 year old gentleman had 2. We have a friend in Texas who has been in the hospital for nearly a week with a seizure. When we were told that they had a seizure it was like we were going what in the world!?! A seizure?! How? Than the question everybody asks now days. . .did they take the. . .?

God Bless

Anonymous said...

"NBC News Admits 'Deep State' Exists..." To Save Us From Trump's Return

"We're about 30 seconds away from the Armageddon clock when it comes to democracy"

Anonymous said...

5:21 PM
Re: "What a goofy statement. Biden is not a candidate in the Republican primaries, or is he?


Uh, nowhere does it state that Joe Biden is a candidate in the REPUBLICAN primaries, does it? (However, Biden is running for President this year.)

Therefore, YOU are the one who is 'goofy'.

Anonymous said...

This blog is a waste of time.

Anonymous said...

Happy Festum Asinorum

The following anecdote, told by the Rev John Wesley, in his Journal, would, in other hands, have made a very good one:

'An odd circumstance,' says Mr. Wesley, 'happened at Rotherham during the morning preaching. It was well only serious persons were present. An ass walked gravely in at the gate, came up to the door of the house, lifted up his head, and stood stock still, in a posture of deep attention. Might not the dumb beast reprove many, who have far less decency, and not much more understanding?'

God has chosen the foolish things to confound the wisdom of the world.

Anonymous said...

Former President and MAGA cult leader Trump made his closing pitch to Iowa Republicans yesterday. “You can’t sit home. If you’re sick as a dog, you say ‘Darling, I gotta make it.’ Even if you vote and then pass away, it’s worth it.”

and the Constance Cumbey haters all said 'Amen'.

Anonymous said...

It's five or six below zero in every major Iowa city, and that's before the wind chill advisory.

"To highlight just how intense this outbreak of Arctic air is, over 95 million citizens fall within a Wind Chill Warning, Advisory, or Watch as of midnight tonight," the agency said.

Arctic cold envelops US during holiday weekend, disrupting Iowa campaigning

Anonymous said...

If Buffalo Bills and Pittsburgh Steelers fans can get out to the game in Buffalo, Iowan's shouldn't have any problem getting out to vote. What is that old song we used to sing, 'do or die, do or die, I must get there do or die' ?

Ha! Maybe a good campaign song for Trump.

Anonymous said...

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."

-- Martin Luther King, Jr., Strength to Love, 1963

"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant."

-- Martin Luther King, Jr., Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, Oslo, Norway, 1964.

Anonymous said...

Now if only the white conservative Evangelical church could preach this way, too.

"YOU spoke of our activity in Birmingham as extreme. At first I was rather disappointed that fellow clergymen would see my nonviolent efforts as those of an extremist. I started thinking about the fact that I stand in the middle of two opposing forces in the Negro community. One is a force of complacency made up of Negroes who, as a result of long years of oppression, have been so completely drained of self-respect and a sense of "somebodyness" that they have adjusted to segregation, and, on the other hand, of a few Negroes in the middle class who, because of a degree of academic and economic security and because at points they profit by segregation, have unconsciously become insensitive to the problems of the masses. The other force is one of bitterness and hatred and comes perilously close to advocating violence. It is expressed in the various black nationalist groups that are springing up over the nation, the largest and best known being Elijah Muhammad's Muslim movement. This movement is nourished by the contemporary frustration over the continued existence of racial discrimination. It is made up of people who have lost faith in America, who have absolutely repudiated Christianity, and who have concluded that the white man is an incurable devil. I have tried to stand between these two forces, saying that we need not follow the do-nothingism of the complacent or the
hatred and despair of the black nationalist. There is a more excellent way, of love and nonviolent protest. I'm grateful to God that, through the Negro church, the dimension of nonviolence entered our struggle.
If this philosophy had not emerged, I am convinced that by now many streets of the South would be flowing with floods of blood. And I am further convinced that if our white brothers dismiss as "rabble-rousers" and "outside agitators" those of us who are working through the channels of nonviolent direct action and refuse to support our nonviolent efforts, millions of Negroes, out of frustration and despair, will seek solace and security in black nationalist ideologies, a development that will lead inevitably to a frightening racial nightmare."

-- Martin Luther King, Jr., Letter from Birmingham Jail, 1963

Anonymous said...

8:31 AM

Duh, it was a joke.

As far as "hate" here???, Cumbey instigated a strong reaction to her false labeling of Trump voters. Nothing more, just Trump voters.

Anonymous said...

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker begs for Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to stop sending migrants as new census figures show 4,500 more asylum seekers arrived in Chicago than previously reported

~ The Democrat accused the Republican of endangering migrants' lives
~ Abbott said they will stop sending migrants when Biden 'secures the border'
~ Wind chills in Chicago reached minus 17 degrees over the weekend


The New York Post reports a 'shocking' 3.8 MILLION migrants have entered the United States since Joe Biden took office 3 years ago...

However, those who live along our Southern Border estimate that number is much HIGHER... closer to 7 MILLION migrants within the past 3 years... with 2.76 million just in the fiscal year of 2022 ALONE!!!

Either way, it is time for those states who have VOLUNTEERED their cities to become 'Sanctuary Cities' (e.g. Chicago, New York City, etc.) to 'step up to the plate' and HELP out... since our OWN President refuses to do HIS job ~ by protecting our sovereign nation from what clearly has become an 'invasion'.

(And then people scratch their heads & wonder why Donald Trump is so far ahead in the polls?)

Anonymous said...

As far as "hate" here???, Cumbey instigated a strong reaction to her false labeling of Trump voters. Nothing more, just Trump voters.

11:35 AM

She hates herself, then. She voted for Trump twice.

Either that, or maybe she was rebuking a diehard "defend whatever Trump does or says at any cost" mentality.

It's a bad look to whine for two years about your hurt feelings over Constance's words, but never find anything wrong with the words of the president with the biggest motor mouth in history.

I find Constance blunt most times and abrasive sometimes, but it's almost impossible for me to feel sorry for people like you very long. The reason why is because you are ruthless yourselves.

Anonymous said...

12:03 PM

I agree.

But, it has been an "invasion" for decades!I have lived in Arizona since the mid 70s. Biden was "selected" to destroy the U.S., and he is running his campaign, on 'Protecting Democracy, and Increasing Personal Freedom'. Which, he is doing exactly the opposite!

Maybe demonic Cumbey can take in a nice little immigrant family? Lets see if she does!

Anonymous said...

12:23 PM

Yes, we all know full well that Constance voted for Trump twice. Old news.

And your 2 years argument is tripe, when Cumbey's vitriol is ongoing, and her mental illness is deepening.

Anonymous said...

I find it funny to hear Maga blame democrats for the border crisis when it's the knights of malta and opus dei funding and supporting the roman catholic invasion of the united states (while gaslighting conservatives that the democrats are doing it).

In 2024 give Democrats a super majority in Congress along with the White House and we can finally get immigration reform. Republican'ts have been blocking meaningful reform forever.

Anonymous said...

What Is Tripe? A Nutritious Organ Meat Explained

Organ meats are a concentrated source of nutrients and are included in the traditional cuisines of many cultures around the world.

While people have consumed them since ancient times, the popularity of premodern eating patterns like the paleo diet has brought renewed interest in organ meats.

Tripe is a type of organ meat made from the edible stomach lining of farm animals.

This article tells you everything you need to know about tripe, including its nutrition, potential benefits, and how to add it to your diet.

Constance Cumbey said...

Sucn stupidity and perhaps outright deliberate disinformation! I am referring to the sites quoting Gateway Pundit as respectable source and anything coming against it as "promoting LGBTQ agenda and accusing me of so doing. I have never promoted that agenda, but your precious GATEWAY PUNDIT site and its owner James Hot have. For your reading edification, check out what I just copied and pasted from Google search. I pointed this inforrmation out on this blogspot on more than one occasion in the past, but here is mmore for you to look at --- JAMES HOFT has a HUSBAND!

Engaged: James Hoft and Jezreel Morano

Ladue News › style › weddings › engage...
Apr 11, 2019 — James (Jim) Hoft and Jezreel Morano are thrilled to share the news of their engagement. The couple met in 2016 while on a Christmas vacation ...

Jezreel Morano Age: Meet The Gateway Pundit Founder ...
DigitalOcean › jezreel-moran...
Jan 2, 2024 — People are curious to know The Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft's husband Jezreel Morano's age. The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is a far-right fake ...


GovInfo (.gov) › content › pkg › html
[House Hearing, 115 Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] THE STATE OF INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM IN AMERICA ...

Gateway Pundit's Jim Hoft's Marriage to Filipino Man Isn't ... › forums › 2518654_Gateway-...
Jan 2, 2022 — ... founder and editor-in-chief Jim Hoft is not affiliated with a “satanic pedophilia cabal,” according to a press release from The Stew Peters Show ...

I did not dedicate the past 43 years of my life (solidly since 1981) to warning you of hidden dangers of the New Age Movement only to lead you into Qanon and an obviously growing dangerous Trump cult now openly threatening obliteration and destruction of its opposition. Trump's speech in Iowa Saturday openly made this statement about China's Xi:

"He is very smart man. He controls 1.5 billion people in China with an IRON FIST. This makes him, indeed, a very smart smart man." You can pull the speech up and listen to it yourself. Way too many Christians, I'm sure, applauded that statement -- China the country that totally persecutes non-Atheists.


Anonymous said...

WEF Mastermind *Yuval Noah Harari Says Trump Reelection Would be a Detriment to Global Government

*Harari is an avowed atheist that seeks to eliminate large numbers of people from earth because, due to AI, they are "simply no longer needed." He is also a radical homosexual that is married to a man, has enumerated his hatred of God and the need to eliminate Him from society, etc., etc. Harari has also authored articles for the Atlantic, the magazine that Constance Cumbey has admitted to having a paid subscription to.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms. Constance:

Do you support the banning of LGBTQ porn books from children's school libraries?

Please respond in detail.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Constance voted for Trump twice, but is not a cult member. Constance supported the nomination of Ketanji Onyika Brown Jackson for the USSC, who happens to be very pro-abortion, and, who also couldn't define what a woman is, but Constance isn't a member of the Death Abortion Cult, etc. Constance also accused everyone on this blog of 'racism' for being against this radical nomination. But Constance is a Christian, and you aren't. Constance has also said that she will vote for Joe Biden, the most radical (even worse than Obama) pro-aboriton President in history, but, but, but, Constance really is pro-life and you're a racist.

Constance says that if you vote for Trump a third time, you are a cult member, have denied Jesus as your Savior, worship Trump as your Messiah, follow Q-Anon (even if you don't), and apparently are Hell bound.

Help me figure all this out. The more you read what Constance stands for, the more you realize she isn't standing for much of anything.

Anonymous said...

3:23 PM

CC is, in essence, siding with the likes of Yuval Noah Harari by making sure that her flame-throwing is not against the tried and true Globalists such as he is. I get it about warning about some of what is connected to Trump but to totally bypass what the NA Globalists and their supporters have accomplished, is below par for being a NA researcher of decades.
Talk about drop the ball! ...but then scoops it up, running hard to the wrong goalpost with this play on the field!!

Anonymous said...

No, Gateway Pundit isn't "precious." But there is only one homosexual associated with it. I never knew that before it was brought up here. Your NYT, WaPo, MSNBC, ABC,CBS,CNN,NPR,etc. etc. employ thousands of sexual deviants, and vigorously promote LGBTQ 'lifestyles, as if they were lovely, and normal! Yet you, being a good leftist weirdo yourself, drink MSM lies + half-truths down like it was Jim Jones precious elixir.

So you Constance are the poster child for hypocrisy.

I think it would require an IRON FIST to keep 1.5 billion people in some order! I don't condone persecution of Christians, but perhaps they(commies), see the kind of 'churchianity' in the West, as unstabilizing? No one imprisons a greater proportion of their population than the United States. Why? because the DOJ is foolish,and corrupt.

Anonymous said...

Those nasty, nasty Republicans just want to burn the books because, after all, they're Nazis and Trump is their leader, blah, blah, blah

Biden Angry With Republicans Trying To Stop Kids Seeing Gay Porn

During a radio interview, Joe Biden expressed disbelief that Republicans have a problem with gay porn books being made available to children as young as six years old in schools across the country.

Biden claimed that Republicans are trying to ban books, a tactic that has been repeatedly used to downplay the fact that sexually explicit material and books promoting transgenderism are being placed in school libraries.

“The idea that you can be told that you can’t read certain books. This is the United States of America, for God’s sake!” Biden stated.

He added “These guys are afraid of the truth!”

PS: We need to hear from Constance on where she stands on this issue.

Anonymous said...

3:34 PM

You hit the nail on the head!

Anonymous said...

It all starts in Iowa!

Anonymous said...

The spirit of murder, not just murder, but political violence, too. Where do you stand? Why haven't we heard anything from Trump supporters in the comments? If you don't denounce it, you must support it, right? That's what you say about Constance. Remember, you will be judged by the measure that you use to judge.

Trump supporters reveal what happened when MAGA turned on them

Anonymous said...

It all starts in Iowa, but it really all starts on Super Tuesday. Ted Cruz won Iowa in 2016. South Carolina will be a more important indicator state.

Anonymous said...

Truly a brave lady, and a real warrior for truth!

Interview of a very brave Doctor that is considered an expert when it comes to vaccines. She's had her license suspended because she has consistently spoken the truth regarding these death vaccines, and continues to fight against the powers that be that are pushing this, including the WHO. The worst is yet to come!

Disaster If WHO Gets Total Medical Control – Dr. Meryl Nass

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms. Constance:

Do you support the banning of LGBTQ porn books from children's school libraries?

Please respond in detail.

Thank you.

If Ms. Constance does not answer this simple question, I think we can assume that she is FOR these LGBTQ porn books for children. Yes?

Constance Cumbey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Constance Cumbey said...

Yes, I do not believe that porn books -- LGBTQ and heterosexual ones alike should be in children's school libraries?

I wonder what James Hoft (Gateway Pundit owner) married to a man young enough to be his son really thinks?


Constance Cumbey said...

It is the OWNER and content controller of Gateway Pundit JAMES HOFT who is openly homosexual. I'm assuming he has has not discriminated against others of his kind and I suspect they have quite a few on board.


Anonymous said...

You can suspect like a rabid dog, but the Legacy Media is the big sponsor of sexual perversion.

Anonymous said...

Constance straining at a gnat, and swallowing the Chrysler Building.

Anonymous said...

Reply to 4:16 PM

Re: "The spirit of murder, not just murder, but political violence, too. Where do you stand? Why haven't we heard anything from Trump supporters in the comments? If you don't denounce it, you must support it, right? That's what you say about Constance. Remember, you will be judged by the measure that you use to judge."


Trump supporters have been very vocal on this blog. What are we supposed to be 'denouncing'?

First of all... anything pushed by CNN is propaganda full of half truths & 'selective outrage'... because that is their mode of operandi.

According to that youtube video...

1) Arizona election worker, Lisa was threatened by MAGAS with "you should be in jail; you should be fired."

2) Her replacement, Bob was told by Trump supporters that "MAGAS weren't extreme enough."

3) Rachel regrets that she 'ruined her family's life' by protesting on January 6th... and while she admits to 'breaking a window'... she continues to believe that the election was stolen.

When someone complains that they were "treated better by murderers, rapists & child molesters"... than they were treated by election denier conspiracy theorists... that statement just does not ring true!!!

And when someone complains that MAGAs (Trump supporters) don't 'follow the laws'... when STEALING A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IS AGAINST THE LAW... then you have clearly LOST your entire argument.

So, what exactly are we supposed to be 'denouncing'? Especially when 3 years later... the majority DO believe that the 2020 election was indeed STOLEN... and that there were FBI 'double agents' (dark forces at work) present on January 6, 2021 to 'deliberately set up' Trump. Mission accomplished.

What supports this theory up is that Trump suggested to Nancy that she call in the National Guard... and Nancy REFUSED. Why??? Because Nancy WANTED this staged show to play out on national television for all to see... even though 'nothing was exactly what it appeared' that day was it???

Anonymous said...

Biden Angry With Republicans Trying To Stop Kids Seeing Gay Porn

Anonymous said...

Since Constance seems to be in a candid mood:

She has been asked this numerous times by different posters, but, never answered for some weird reason?

Do you think abortion should be illegal?

You also once stated the Muslims worship the same God as Christians.

Do you still believe that?

Constance Cumbey said...

I don't know who Legacy Media is and I believe you throwing that one out there is your straining at gnats! There are way too many Trump cultists and trollers hanging out here trying to distract people from honest information. You would have defended Hitler!


Anonymous said...

@ 6:17 PM
Constance and her bridge too far..
The bridge she's trying to sell has no buyers who are questioning everything she used to stand for.

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