Wednesday, January 10, 2024

An excellent video from a political science perspective about Trump, Populism, cults, and followers

 To all:  My last and recent site still needs to be watched by all who have missed it.  I updated it so refresh your browser for that post -- on it I included in the middle a video by a Christian watcher who had concerns very, very similar to my own.  His conclusions were that Trump did some good things while in office, but his present positions in the "God Made Trump" video approached very, very close to blasphemy.  This morning I discovered a vifdeo from a political observer named Leeja Miller.  I know nothing about her religion nor other preferences, but I was an undergaduate Political Science major holding major political jobs (Administrative Assistant and Legislative Analyst to the MichiganSpeaker of the House) and thereafter before starting law school in January 1972 as Executive Assistant to the Mayor for the then more viable city of Highland Park, Michigan, an enclave of Detroit.  You need to watch her video.  She featured some material by Steve Hassan, a cult expert who was once a Moonie.  He left the Moonies after his parents had him deprogrammed and he has been eternally grateful to them for that intervention.  He has carefully studied cult tactics.  At any rate, without further ado, here is Leeja Miller's video.  Many of you will probably scorn it, but it is well worth watching and considering.

Respectfully submitted,



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Anonymous said...

Trump Fans Discover One of My Videos (and they're not happy about it) | Antichrist 45

A little over a year ago I made a video entitled “15 Bible Verses That Identify Donald J. Trump as the Antichrist.” In that video, as you can probably guess, I talked about some of the biblical descriptions for the Antichrist, and how they describe a man exactly like Donald John Trump. Now, my channel is pretty small by YouTube standards, so that video only garnered a couple of dozen views each day … that is, up until a couple of weeks ago. Suddenly it was getting 10 to 20 times more daily views, and a big reason for that is that it starting appearing in YouTube’s suggested videos. In the last couple of weeks there’s been roughly four to five hundred views each day, and a whole lot of them are coming from Trump supporters. Of course, I’m certainly happy that more people are watching it, especially Trump fans, and I’m hoping that trend continues. But to be honest, it can get a bit draining to monitor all the additional comments on this video, because not only are Trump supporters not happy with the message, but, for some reason, they seem to LOVE using profanity. I’ve deleted a few of the more profane or vile comments, but there’s still a few there in case you’re curious how Trump fans feel about that video. But, besides the vulgar language, something else also jumps out: a seething anger, almost hatred, at those who criticize Trump. So if you’re a Trump supporter, perhaps you can help answer this question for me: where do you think this profanity is coming from? What is causing your blood to boil so much that you’re using four-letter words, or such anger-filled comments to express yourself? I’m asking because many of you proclaim to be Christian, or tell me that Trump is a Christian. And yet when you leave some of the vile comments you’ve left on this video, and others, I can’t help feeling that whatever spirit is causing you to say these things, it is NOT the Holy Spirit.

Anonymous said...

15 Bible Verses That Identify Donald J. Trump as the Antichrist

For those of us who are interested in bible prophecy, it can seem a bit challenging to put together all the different verses in an effort to figure out what’s going to happen in these last days.

Fortunately, in the case of the Antichrist, the bible DOES give us a number of specific descriptions to help us identify this figure – and the reason it does this is so that we don’t follow him down the road to perdition.

Therefore, in this video I want to focus-in on fifteen specific bible verses that describe the character traits of the Antichrist, and point out how each of these descriptions perfectly matches one Donald J. Trump.

I want to reiterate that ALL fifteen of these biblical verses about the Antichrist match Trump, and the reason that bears repeating is because some people want to selectively pick and choose from these, in order to make someone else be a candidate for the Antichrist.

After all, many Christians have a blind spot toward Trump, and are seemingly unable to come to terms with the fact that he could indeed be the Antichrist. Because of that, they look for anyone BUT Trump to be the Man of Sin.

So, as we go through these, please remember that we’re looking at these verses in totality. Trump doesn’t just match a few of these, or even most of these – instead he’s a perfect match for ALL of them. More than that, no one else even comes close.

Thus, if you think the Antichrist is someone other than Trump, please take an objective look to see if that person lines up with EVERYthing the bible is telling us. Because if you do that, you will find that no one on the world scene matches ALL of these verses … except Donald J. Trump.

I do want to mention that this is NOT an exhaustive list of every bible verse about the Antichrist that lines up with Trump. In fact, I originally included 12 additional verses, but I’ve decided that those would best be covered in a separate video in the near future.

So let’s begin: here are fifteen bible verses about the character traits of the Antichrist, and which all point to Donald J. Trump as being the Man of Sin.

Anonymous said...

3:16 PM
Re: "Hope that you won't gaslight me that Donald peed in his own well, and now he's drinking the water."


Well, I (for one) am not going to 'gaslight' you.

And only God knows whether Trump is guilty of raping E. Jean Carroll.

What I DO know is that from now until the first Tuesday of November, 2024... there WILL be stepped up efforts to 'take down' Trump so that he doesn't become President of the United States again... up to and including (God forbid) prison time, or even assassination.

As an American, who wants to believe that we STILL live in a democracy... where we all have the right to 'agree to disagree' with each other... I am ASHAMED of what our country has become ~ just in these last 3 years!!!

Anonymous said...

15 Bible Verses That Identify Donald J. Trump as the Antichrist - continued:

#4) The Antichrist is extremely boastful – Daniel 7:8

This verse is also reinforced by Revelation 13:5. While the previous verse described the arrogance of the Antichrist, which is his excessive pride, he is also extraordinarily boastful, meaning he incessantly brags about himself.

There really isn’t any explanation necessary to point out how perfectly Trump matches this description of the Antichrist, as he is constantly speaking great things about himself and what he has accomplished or plans to accomplish.

There are numerous videos on YouTube which detail all the many times that Trump has bragged about himself, and he has done so in every way imaginable. Whether or not the things he is bragging about are truthful isn’t relevant to him, and that brings us to our next verse.

#5) The Antichrist will throw truth to the ground – Daniel 8:12

The meaning of Daniel 8:12 isn’t just that the Antichrist will be a pathological liar, but that truth itself holds no value to him. He casts it to the ground as if it was worthless or irrelevant.

While Trump’s reputation for dishonesty was a known fact for many years before even entering politics, he also is adept at manipulating the truth to suit his own needs. Truth itself doesn’t hold any value for him, unless it can be used in a way to promote himself.

Astoundingly, despite Trump’s casual relationship with the truth, many of his supporters view him as an honest man who tells it like it is. And yet the reality is that he only embraces what is true when it makes him look good. If it doesn’t, he casts it to the ground and calls it lies and fake news.

#6) The Antichrist will deny the Father and the Son – 1 John 2:22

By asking who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ, this verse is not only telling us that the Antichrist will deny the Father and the Son, but that he will do so not out of ignorance, but because he rejects the truth. He is a liar. He will KNOW that Jesus is our savior, but will deny him anyway.

Trump has been surrounded by Christians and embraced by the evangelical community since 2016, and he is fully aware that Jesus IS our savior. Despite this, and in one of the more stunning admissions by any politician, Trump specifically said that he does NOT seek God’s forgiveness.

This is not only denying a need for the forgiveness of God, but it denies the need for a savior. He is clearly fulfilling 1 John 2:22 by not only lying about Jesus being the Christ, but also denying both the Father and the Son by refusing to seek God’s forgiveness.

Anonymous said...

15 Bible Verses That Identify Donald J. Trump as the Antichrist - continued:

#10) The Antichrist is called the Little Horn – Daniel 7:8

One of the more descriptive names given to the Antichrist is the “Little Horn”, which we read about in the book of Daniel. This is a reference to a shofar, which is literally a little horn, being made from the horn of a small animal, usually a ram. The shofar was an early version of our modern trumpet.

What makes that so remarkable is that the word “trump” appears twice in the KJV bible: 1 Corinthians 15:52 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16. In both of these verses, the word “trump” is an abbreviated form of “trumpet” – which is literally a little horn, just like it’s predecessor the Shofar.

Thus Trump’s name appears in the King James bible, it specifically means trumpet, and a trumpet itself is a little horn. And so we see that there is direct connection between the name for the Antichrist, the Little Horn, and the word “trump” in the New Testament.

To reinforce how much Trump matches Daniel 7:8, the Little Horn is also said to have the eyes of a man and to “boast great things”. This IS Trump: The Little Horn or Little Trump who boasts great things.

#11) The Antichrist has a covenant with many – Daniel 9:27

One of the more well-known prophecies involving the Antichrist is that he will put together a 7 year agreement between Israel and her neighbors, referred to as the covenant with many. Halfway through those 7 years the Antichrist will break the agreement, and enter the 3rd temple.

Trump has actually talked about doing a mid-east peace plan since at least 1987, calling it the ultimate deal in an interview with the now defunct magazine Manhattan, inc. He subsequently named it the Deal of the Century in later interviews, with himself, of course, as the Great Deal-maker.

Trump made that deal back in 2020, as his Abraham Accords laid the foundation for the Covenant with Many. In fact, Trump even joked at the time that he wanted to call the agreement the Trump Accords. Those in attendance laughed, but needless to say, Trump wasn’t REALLY joking.

Since Trump left office there have been additional steps to make the Abraham Accords stronger, and to move forward on a number of its ideas. And make no mistake about it, Trump sees this and is fuming that others are starting to get credit for HIS peace deal.

When Trump returns to power, however and whenever that happens, look for him to once again assert himself as the great deal-maker. His Abraham Accords will be confirmed as many more nations join in, resulting in a comprehensive – perhaps even worldwide – peace treaty.

Incidentally, some teach that Daniel 9:27 is a reference to Jesus, but that is impossible because its covenant lasts for only one week, whereas the New Covenant is everlasting. So the fact that the covenant with many lasts only one week is telling us that it’s the false covenant from the Antichrist.

Anonymous said...

15 Bible Verses That Identify Donald J. Trump as the Antichrist - continued:

#12) The Antichrist will disguise himself as an angel of light – 2 Corinthians 11:15

For those who believe the Antichrist will be Islamic or an atheist or clearly anti-Christian, the bible says to expect just the opposite. As one of Satan’s ministers, he will in fact be transformed into or disguised as an angel of light.

Thus, rather than being clearly anti-Christian – the bible is teaching us that we should expect the final Antichrist to come on the scene as a strong supporter of Christianity and of Israel. He will masquerade himself as a force for good, and as a defender of Christian values.

Astoundingly, not only are many Christians casting Trump as a force for good, but so are those in the New Age movement. This portrayal of Trump as a light-worker battling the forces of darkness, or standing up for good in the face of evil, is exactly the kind of deception the bible warned us about.

By disguising themselves as angels of light, Satan and his ministers are actually mocking Christians and Christianity. This is true even on a more subtle level, as the sign that Trump uses to “mark” his properties all around the world is a mockery of the Christian cross.

Anonymous said...

15 Bible Verses That Identify Donald J. Trump as the Antichrist - continued:

#13) The Antichrist will love money as it’s the root of all kinds of evil – 1 Timothy 6:10

It’s noteworthy that the bible doesn’t make such a proclamation about any other sin as being at the root of all kinds of evil. Not murder, not lying, not stealing, not lust, nor anything else. It’s specifically the love of MONEY that’s referred to as the root of all kinds of evil.

This love of money can best be defined as greed – an overwhelming desire to possess more than what we need, especially with respect to material wealth. This greed for money is the root cause of so much sin, and there’s a specific reason why.

You see, the love of money, and all that money brings, is at its heart, a desire for the things of this world. And because of that, the love of money is describing the predominant character trait of the Antichrist. He is all about loving money and possessing the things of this world.

Interestingly, the man who just so happens to match all of the other biblical descriptions about the Antichrist, also talked about this subject: “My whole life I’ve been greedy, greedy, greedy for money. I grabbed all the money I can get, I’m so greedy.”

#14) The Antichrist is revealed by the falling away – 2 Thessalonians 2:3

A remarkable and yet often overlooked meaning behind this verse is that the “falling away” – or those that leave the faith – will be tied in with the revealing of the man of sin. In other words, these two events are related, as those who fall away from the faith will fall TOWARDS the man of sin.

Thus, it is the falling away that reveals the Antichrist, as we simply need to look at those who have fallen away from the faith and see WHO they are gravitating towards. It’s not simply a falling away for the sake of leaving the faith, but a falling away FROM Jesus Christ and TOWARDS the Antichrist.

This is exactly what we’ve seen over the past few years with many Christians and their love affair with Trump. While Trump’s vileness would have been repulsive in any other politician, strangely Christians not only embraced him, but started talking about him as if he was a man of God.

Even worse, some Christians now consider Trump as the savior of America, putting him on the same level as Jesus. But to those of us who are watching, their falling away from the faith helps us identify who the Antichrist is, as we simply need to observe WHO they are embracing instead of Jesus.

Anonymous said...

15 Bible Verses That Identify Donald J. Trump as the Antichrist - continued:

#15) The Antichrist has the ultimate ego to call himself God – 2 Thessalonians 2:4

In this remarkable verse, we are told that the Antichrist will be so full of himself, will magnify himself in his heart to such a degree, and will possess such an out of control ego, that he will actually proclaim himself to be God.

Perhaps this proclamation will come in the form of announcing that he is the savior of the world, since after all, the Antichrist is not only anti-Jesus Christ, but he also looks to replace Jesus Christ.

Who on the world scene, who ALSO matches all the verses before this, can you picture as EVER referring to himself as God, or the savior of mankind? Who else thinks that highly of himself? Who else has that kind of monstrous ego? Does anyone come to mind?

In fact, Trump has already referred to himself as the chosen one, has already thanked those who said he was the second coming of God to Israel, has already agreed that only Jesus is better than he is, and has already embraced the notion that HE is the savior of America.

With Trump’s documented history of elevating himself beyond other people, would it really be a shock to hear him proclaim that he has saved the world? Would that really be SO out of character for him to say? Or, on the other hand, would it fit in perfectly with how he has been acting all along?

Trump’s proclamation that he has saved the world is … inevitable.

The idea of Trump being the Antichrist is a bridge too far for many Christians. After all, they’ve been told for years that he was the great defender of Christianity – a man who battles the Deep State and who tells it like it is no matter the risk. He is a force for good in the battle of good vs. evil.

In reality, none of that is true. Trump isn’t battling evil; he’s battling those who oppose HIM or have come against HIM in some way. Evil has nothing to do with it. Trump’s battles are all about elevating himself and destroying his enemies.

As hard as it is for some Christians to accept, the truth is that Donald J. Trump perfectly lines up with how the bible describes the Antichrist. There is simply no one else on the world scene who is even close.

If this video hasn’t at least made you think that Trump COULD be the Antichrist, then I ask that you please – at the very least – keep your eyes on him. Keep him in the back of your mind over the coming months and years, and watch what he says and does.

Because when he returns to power, however and whenever that happens, and as he pursues his extreme vengeance against his enemies, remember this one thing: the bible has given us many descriptions of the Antichrist, and all of them are pointing directly at Donald J. Trump.

Anonymous said...

6:09 PM,

Hi, but Emmanuel Macron does not fit the attributes of the AC. He is in no way a vile man compared with Trump, and France does not have the capacity to subdue the World, the US does. The architecture, constitution, and framework of the US are based on the Roman Empire. Trump has both Roman and Assyrian heritage, etc.

Thank you, however, for the cordiality of your reply, which is rare here these days.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line: No one knows WHO the Antichrist is... not you, not me, not Constance.

So fasten your seatbelts, everyone and stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

6:23 PM
Re: "Emmanuel Macron does not fit the attributes of the AC. He is in no way a vile man"


The Antichrist is certainly NOT going to come across as a 'vile' man. More than likely... he will have a very outwardly attractive physical appearance (good looking, charming, highly intelligent)... in order to 'deceive the very elect".

So, I have to laugh when I think of 'orange man bad' as the Antichrist (LOL).

Anonymous said...

More than likely, the Antichrist will be 'red'... not 'orange'.

(Sorry, I just couldn't resist.)

Anonymous said...

Sound the Alarm! There's No Doubt WHO Antichrist Is!

22 Jul 2023
No folks, King Charles is NOT the rising Antichrist. Save your money on the book. Since 2015 we have sounded the alarm on this channel. Donald Trump is the end times Antichrist. Because Trump fits ALL the Bible prophecies. For example: ANTICHRIST IS A VILE PERSON. Who is VILE - and who is refined? Is Trump refined and polite, or would that be King Charles? ANTICHRIST IS A LOUD-MOUTHED BRAGGART MAKING GREAT BOASTS. Would that be King Charles or Prince William? Or would that be Donald Trump? "Who can make war with the Beast?" He wields the world's mightiest military - unstoppable. Would that be the UK? Or would that be the American Empire with 800 Foreign Military Bases? Does King Charles even command the UK military? Will re-elected Trump be US commander-in-chief? Antichrist comes on the world stage without the honor of royalty. He will be given a crown. Was there ever a time when King Charles was without royalty? Born into the British royal family? The Antichrist will be non-royalty. Until he rises to world power and is crowned King of the World. When Barack Obama was president and in the news, they said he was the Antichrist. When Steve Bannon was in the news in Trump's White House, they said he was the Antichrist. When Jared Kushner helped enact the Abraham Accords, they said he was the Antichrist. When Emmanuel Macron dominated the European news, they said he was the Antichrist. When Russia's dictator Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine, they said he was the Antichrist. When Turkey's dictator Recep Tayyip Erdoğan crushed opponents, they said he was the Antichrist. Now that King Charles has been given a crown and is in the news, they say he is the Antichrist. This is not my first rodeo. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. Let's stick with the Bible testimony. The good Lord told us about the Antichrist for a reason. That we discern who he is in these end times. We believe the angelic power holding back his revealing has been taken out of the way.

Anonymous said...

24 Proofs Trump Is THE ANTICHRIST!

Anonymous said...

Is it even possible for this blog to become more boring and biased, more mired in it's own sewer??

There's crabby critical Constance, xtra-toxic attention whore x, and people who think they know what God has not yet revealed.

In a word .. pointless.

Anonymous said...

Question for Bible Scholars out there...

How does Donald Trump match up to this passage in the Bible... regarding "42 months" (or 3 1/2 years)?

Revelation 13:5 KJV
"And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months."

Trump has already served as President of the United States for 4 years (or 48 months) from 2016-2020)?

If Trump is re-elected President of the United States in November, 2024... he will serve 4 more years (or 48 months) from 2024-2028... UNLESS something interrupts his SECOND term in office.

Anonymous said...

Hi 9:59 PM,

I suggest you rigorously study your copy of the Holy Bible to understand when the forty two months begin.

Donald Trump fits every detail of the Antichrist to a T (his symbol) and his first term in office doesn’t mean that is when the clock of those forty two months started ticking.

Antichrist Is Revealed Long Before His Temple Abomination

by Brother James Key

The Reign of Antichrist:

7 years or 3 and 1/2 years?

If the man Antichrist and the Beast out of Bottomless Pit are one, how is it that the Antichrist reigns 7 years and the Beast Out of the Abyss reigns 3 and 1/2 years?
As to the apparent discrepancy between the seven years of antichrist's rule and the 3.5 years, the first thing to note is that while the Tribulation lasts for seven years, the Great Tribulation is the second half of that period, 3.5 years, etc.  It will be helpful here to insert a passage from part 3A of the Coming Tribulation series which collects the pertinent passages:
The Forty-Two Months (of Rev.11:1-2: This period of time wherein the gentiles will "trample" Jerusalem is, as explained above, a reference to the Great Tribulation (which commences with the seventh trumpet directly after the termination of the two-witness ministry discussed in chapter eleven). Our Lord makes a similar reference to the trampling of Jerusalem by gentiles in Luke 21:24, and tells us that this situation of gentile intrusion and conquest will continue "until the gentiles' times have been fulfilled", that is, until His Second Advent brings antichrist's control of Israel and Jerusalem to a violent and immediate conclusion. It will be useful at this point to summarize the various scriptural designations for the forty-two month time period covered by the Great Tribulation:
* In Daniel 7:25, the saints of the Most High (i.e., believers) are said to be handed over into the power of the little horn (i.e., antichrist and the Great Persecution) for "a time, times, and half a time", a biblical way of expressing the three and one half years of the Great Tribulation.
* In Daniel 9:26, "the people of the prince which is to come" (i.e., antichrist as the ruler of revived Rome) will make a treaty during the last "seven" and break it in the middle of the "seven", that is, during middle of the seven years at the outset of  the Great Tribulation.
* In Daniel 12:7, the angel speaking with Daniel declares that it will be "a time, times, and half a time" before the persecutions stop and everything comes to an end, that is, the Great Tribulation will last three and one half years.
*  In Revelation 11:2, the gentiles (i.e., the army of antichrist) will afflict Jerusalem for 42 months, that is, during the entire three and a half year period of the Great Tribulation (albeit under varying circumstances).
*  In Revelation 12:6, the woman Israel is said to be protected for 1,260 days, that is, during the whole 42 months of the Great Tribulation (expressed in standard 30 day months).

Anonymous said...

Reply to 9:59 PM continued:

*  In Revelation 12:14, the woman Israel is said to be protected for a time, times, and half a time, that is, during this same period of the Great Tribulation's three and a half years.
*  In Revelation 13:5, the unbridled reign of antichrist is said to last for 42 months, that is, for the duration of the Great Tribulation.
The last passage here is the one at the root of your question.  The Greek of Revelation 13:5b (and the text printed in many Greek versions is not entirely correct: Sinaiticus [Aleph] has the correct reading) states "it was given to him (i.e., the beast) to do what he wishes for forty two months". The precise language here is in complete agreement with what we find in Daniel 11:36 "then the king (i.e., antichrist) will do as he pleases" (with the Hebrew phrase cirtsono, כרצונו, being an exact equivalent of the Greek ho thelei, ὁ θέλει ).  Clearly, in Daniel chapter 11 antichrist has already completed two campaigns against the southern alliance by the time we reach this verse, so that he has not only been "reigning" for some time, but has also engaged in major military aggression before the period of being able to fully "work his will" begins.  And that is the essence of the 3.5 years of the Great Tribulation - there is no longer any restraint upon antichrist, all other major opposition in the world having been dealt with in one form or another.  Among the many horrors which follow is the Great Persecution which will yield more martyrs for Jesus Christ than all persecutions since slaying of Abel put together (cf. Rev.7:9-14). 
Antichrist's gaining of control over Babylon, his seizure of revived Rome, and his successful conquest of the southern Egyptian led alliance all happen within the first half of the seven years, leaving him with a free hand to persecute the people of God during the last three and a half years - and that is why this 42 month period is called "The Great Tribulation" (cf. Dan.12:1; Matt.24:21). 
In God's great grace and mercy, may we be spared from that day, but if it be our lot to suffer through it, may we be blessed to do so in a way that brings honor and glory to our dear Savior who suffered so much for us.

Anonymous said...

3:12 AM,

History is littered with the corpses of dead antichrists and discredited interpretations of Revelation. Caution and humility are wise.

We need not behave as children lying in bed in the dark afraid of the closet. Fear keeps on being used by both sides. Fear of COVID-19 was exploited by one side. Fear of Donald Trump gets exploited by the same side. But fear of the NWO and the Antichrist and the end times gets exploited, too.

The truth is that both sides respond to fear with authoritarianism. We must try to resist it, whether it is the authoritarianism displayed during the COVID-19 pandemic response, or the authoritarianism longed for by the GOP and rationalized as a counter to the authoritarianism that they say already exists.

We are living in times when it's hard to make anybody else better, but it's easy to be made worse by anybody else. We must try not to become worse, even if that's all we can do. It will be enough. Jesus said the kingdom of heaven can be likened to a little bit of leaven that was hidden in the dough and leavened all the dough. Or a seed that started out tiny and grew to a great height with many branches.

We must try to be the salt of the earth that remains good for salt and not only good for being trampled under foot. Important to this is resisting fear. When the whole world is afraid, we must stand for something different, the Gospel, which means the Good News.

Anonymous said...

Hi 9:59 PM,

The three and a half years is not calculated from when Trump was President. Rather, it is a reference to the second half of the covenant with many, as Revelation 13:5 ties in with the prophecy of Daniel’s final week.

Daniel’s week (seven years) begins when the Antichrist confirms the covenant with many. Prophecy shows the AC will break it half way through. That leaves the final three and a half years to go(The Great Tribulation), with the Mark of the Beast being instituted, as well as the False Prophet’s miracles.

This, the three and a half years to continue in a reference to how the AC takes control of the entire World immediately after he breaks the covenant with many. The phrase, “power was given to him to continue”, also indicates the AC may be on the verge of losing his power just before he breaks the covenant with many.

Anonymous said...

9:34 AM,.

Yet, none of those historical figues fulfilled ALL the attributes of Antichrist, but Donald J. Trump does. It is his face on the coins ready for the Third Temple, it is he who has started to get many aboard his 'Abraham Accords' covenant with many, it is he who has both Roman and Assyrian heritage, it is he who is destined by many of his party to become the 'Red Caesar' of the most militarily powerful nation the World has known, and he who fulfils every single attribute of the vile Antichrist, calling himself the 'Chosen One' and stating he needs no forgivess from God.

Still, I understand your frustration, for in the Last Days there shall be scoffers and mockers, devoid of understanding, lovers of self rather than God, whose consciences shall be seared as they fall under the Great Delusion, who will drag the saints to the synagogues and put many saints to death, thinking thry are doing God a favor.

Which side will you be on when the Lord Jesus Christ Himself appears in Great Glory. Will you be watchful or will He come as a thief in the night and catch you without oil?

Anonymous said...

10:01 AM

The very same method of interpretation has been falsely used for well over 100 years. Having said that, it is a modern doctrinal system, and it's utterly false. Beginning with World War I, this same system identified these leaders as the AntiChrist: Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany, Lenin of the USSR, Mussolini of Italy, Hitler of Germany, Stalin of the USSR, Mao of Communist China, Brezhnev of the USSR, Gorbachev of the USSR, Obama, and now Trump. The owner of this blog was pushing Javier Solana for years as her pick for the AC.

Try studying the Bible without notes and commentary. You'll get a far different perspective from what these false prophesy teachers are proclaiming.

Anonymous said...

Brother James Key is a false teacher that is deceiving those that do not truly have a love for the truth. He is playing on people's prejudices and hatred that they have toward Donald Trump. In short, people that follow him, and others like him, have an information bias and only hear what they believe confirms their pre-determined belief system. Constance herself is guilty of this, as are many on this blog.

Anonymous said...

There has never been a time in world history when there has been so much of the light of the Gospel shed, but at the same time, so much false doctrine being proclaimed and believed! That in itself is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy:

"I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." - I Timothy 4: 1-4

Anonymous said...

10:57 AM,

Bonhoeffer in the Cost of Discipleship stated his belief that if Jesus Christ returned today and preached the same gospel that He preached in Judea 2,000 years ago, most Christians would reject it on doctrinal grounds.

Many Christians have been taught a "Christianity without Christ," as he called it. There are many roads leading away from the narrow gate. One road is cheap grace doctrines, which means forgiveness without repentance. Repentance is behavioral and not only mental. Another road that leads away from the narrow gate is through Mariolatry. Yet another road leading away is an over-emphasis on feelings and experiences of the Holy Spirit, as an excuse not to pay attention to Jesus' words in the Bible.

Many of the Reformers taught the costly grace that Jesus preached. Even the mature Luther quietly changed his teaching. Tyndale, Melancthon, Erasmus and other Protestants taught it. Wesley and Finney, too. Kierkegard, Tolstoy and Bonhoeffer. Some Protestant denominations emphasize Jesus more than others.

What is shocking to consider is that seminaries have been explicitly teaching that Jesus' words apply only to the dispensation of Jews, and gentiles only have to pay attention to Paul's words.

Anonymous said...

10:50 AM,

Brother James Key and Brother Paul may or may not be true believers, but I am sure Constance is sincere in her belief. I think it is because she realized from the beginning of her New Ager research how much Nazism was in the Theosophists' ideas. And she realized Hitler had been chosen by them for a time until he went rogue and they turned against him. She sees parallels between Hitler and Trump. I don't think it's just a matter of her hopping on the bandwagon of Brother Paul's Youtube channel. She said from way back that she thought revived Nazism would become the head that grew back after getting the deadly wound.

Anonymous said...

9:34 AM
Re: "History is littered with the corpses of dead antichrists and discredited interpretations of Revelation. Caution and humility are wise."


I agree that caution and HUMILITY are wise.

Anonymous said...

“Now if any man, that submitteth not himself to keep the commandments, do think that he hath faith in God, the same man’s faith is vain, worldly, damnable, devilish, and plain presumption, as is above said, and is no faith that can justify, or be accepted before God. And that is it that James meaneth in his epistle."

“This have I said, most dear reader, to warn thee, lest thou shouldest be deceived, and shouldest not only read the scriptures in vain and to no profit but also unto thy greater damnation."

-- Tyndale, Doctrinal Treatises

Tyndale was influenced by Luther to believe in faith alone when he was young. But as soon as he began translating the Old Testament he began to change his mind. Later Tyndale changed Luther's mind, although Luther changed his mind quietly about faith alone doctrine. Both Tyndale and Luther came to believe in the doctrine known as double justification. That is, faith alone can initially justify a believer who had been a non-believer. But after that, both Tyndale and Luther came to believe, faith must be perfected by obedience. Otherwise if you know the Word and believe in God but don't listen to Him, it can lead to greater damnation.

Fear this more than the Antichrist. Don't fear God the way heathens feared their pagan deities. Love Him. But have awe and respect for Him.

Anonymous said...

Michael Yon warns of possible 'false flag' event at the Texas Border that could be a trap!!!


Anonymous said...

12:01 PM said:

"She (i.e., Constance Cumbey) sees parallels between Hitler and Trump."

What parallels? There are virtually none outside of her wild imagination, which is fueled in large part by her consuming hatred of all things Trump, including those that will vote for him in the coming election.

Historically, Hitler and Trump are two polar opposites. Nazism remains upon the ash heap of history, while Communism, an equally evil system, with the blood of over 100 million innocent victims on its hands, continues to thrive. The Great Reset, the World Economic Forum, etc. is Communism under a different identity, yet regarding Communism, just try to find anything that Constance has ever posted against the evils of Communism. You won't be able to find any, and yet, she continues to spew her venom at Trump the "Nazi" dictator who "admires" Hitler.

Anonymous said...

12:01 PM I agree. You summed up my thoughts exactly. I have never voted for Donald Trump. I don't hate the guy. I view him as the one chosen to shape new age theosophy and revised Nazism into a one world order. Over the last eight years, I've seen nothing to prove any different. When added to Trump/MAGA, the greater Israel agenda, the QAnon psyop, and the new apostolic reformation deception leave little room for doubt. Trump as Antichrist is another part of the psyop that is used for his advantage.

Anonymous said...

2:09 PM

Re: "Michael Yon warns of possible 'false flag' event at the Texas Border that could be a trap!!!"


Those of us who live in Texas are very nervous about this.

Will Joe Biden & the evil Globalists take this 'crisis equals opportunity' to stage a January 6th 2.0 type scenario... making sure that Trump's enemies are carefully mixed in with his supporters? (So, no one knows exactly who is who... or what 'side' they are on?)

Frosting on the cake: Send in the National Guard; declare Martial Law; and even cancel the November Presidential election? And blame the whole thing on Donald Trump.

A win win for Joe Biden?

Anonymous said...

2:26 PM,

12:01 PM said:

"She (i.e., Constance Cumbey) sees parallels between Hitler and Trump."

What parallels? There are virtually none outside of her wild imagination, which is fueled in large part by her consuming hatred of all things Trump, including those that will vote for him in the coming election.

It's her claim and these are her words. The worries about a Trump Hitler parallel are expressed quickly in passing, while recommending books to read. See these 2023 posts:

December 20
December 10
July 29
January 9

One book she mentioned reading was Donald J Trump and Hitler's Playbook by Michael A Eggleston. I'd forgotten about it because I didn't think Trump would even stand a chance for primary voters to choose him again. Now that I know he stands a highly plausible chance, maybe I'll read it. Another book she recommended was War for Eternity: Inside Bannon's Far-Right Circle of Global Power Brokeers by Benjamin R Teitelbaum. Maybe I'll read that one now, too. They seem potentially more relevant than they seemed at the time. Thanks for causing me to go back and look!

Anonymous said...

3:58 PM

Constance's 'Trump/Hitler parallel' are far from being 'expressed quickly in passing.' For example, she went to far length in drawing her imagined parallel between Hitler's 1923 Beer Hall Putsch with January 6th. That comparison is so ridiculous that it is laughable to anyone that is a student of history.

Just a few FACTS that defy her drawing a parallel between the two events:

Inspired by Mussolini's March on Rome, Hitler entered the Beer Hall in Munich, where a political meeting was taking place, with a number of heavily armed Brown Shirts. Hitler FIRED A SINGLE SHOT with his pistol into the ceiling and announced that the revolution had begun. He then took over the podium and gave a short speech, and then cajoled, bullied, threatened the politicians to join him in his march on the Government.

Hitler then left the Beer Hall and LED a march towards the seat of government with over 600 HEAVILY ARMED BROWN SHIRTS. They were met by Munich police in a plaza whereby shots were exchanged, resulting in 4 Police men, 16 Nazis, and one bystander killed. Numerous others were wounded.

Unlike Trump, Hitler was not elected to office (as Hillary Clinton recently asserted). He was appointed as the legal Chancellor by President Paul von Hindenburg. Soon after gaining power, a fire destroyed much of the Reichstag building, which the Nazis quickly blamed on their main political rivals, the Communists. Hitler responded by asking for the LEGAL expansion of emergency powers (think Patriot Act, only weaker) known as the Enabling Act of 1933, which was to expire in 5 years. Instead, Hitler and the Nazis ceased dictatorial power. There isn't a chance in the world that Trump would ever be granted this type of power ... and Constance knows it. Furthermore, the military, the House & Senate, the State's governments (along with their militia), the Supreme Court, etc. would all need to be complicit. IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, yet, ignorant, unschooled liberals continue to repeat this spoon fed garbage as if it is a very real possibility. Brother James Key, Brother Paul and Sister Constance are all in this utterly false narrative. SHAME!

Anonymous said...

I wonder why Joe Biden is never accused of being a Dictator? After all, he's taken it upon himself to violate his oath of office, and, the U. S. Constitution, by refusing to enforce our immigration laws. Instead, he has implemented a policy of OPEN BORDERS, whereby MILLIONS of illegals have crossed over, along with dangerous drugs that are killing Americans by the tens of thousands. Fentanyl alone accounts for over 100,000 PER YEAR in America alone! Yet, Biden does nothing.

Dictator Biden has also ignored the USSC ruling against forgiving student loans debt. When was the last time that a sitting President ignores the Supreme Court?

Dictator Biden immediately put in action PRO-ABORTION policies on a federal level as a means to circumvent the USSC ruling against FEDERAL PRO-ABORTION policies and funds.

Dictator Biden has also attempted to override the state's right to protect their border, as is the case in Texas. Dictator Biden has threatened, ILLEGALLY, to federalize the Texas National Guard and turn them against the government of the State of Texas! What says Constance??

Who's really the Dictator Constance? It's BIDEN!

Anonymous said...

The 42 months does not refer to any of the time Trump has merely been a US president. The 42 months described in chapter 13 of Revelation refers to the time cited in verses 7-8 - "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." That 42 months is the time of his world rule when he will persecute the church, rule over all nations, and be worshiped by everyone except God's people. That time period is also the 3.5 year tribulation of the saints. It is also the 42 months when the two witnesses will be carrying out their end times ministry. That 42 month time period does not begin until the midpoint of the Antichrist covenant, Daniel 9:27. It is the midpoint of the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy.

Anonymous said...

And O'Biden is bought and paid for by the Communist Chinese, and a good number of others too, to sell out his countrymen....for years.
He dictates, that people who much better than himself, are domestic terrorists for questioning his loyalty, decency, and Constituionality, when he has trashed his own word and reputation for the entire world to see. Called the dumbest Senator of all way back at the start and he was smarter and more honest back then than he is now, by a long shot. That's why he was picked as Obama's VP.

On and on and on and yet CC approved.
That's some severe bias to pretend he is somehow okay as Commander-In-Chief. The silence is deafening at what is not said about how egregious all that is.

This blog is a very sick spot in cyberspace.

Anonymous said...

Paul Craig Roberts: RIP, The Western World

I wonder if the author of this article is familiar with the Lucifer serving Idolatrous Cumbey Death Cult???

Anonymous said...

Just an observation: The main reason people dislike Trump is because he says what's on his mind whereas Biden has a teleprompter. People (pablum puckers) now days are used to the fake teleprompter politician. My old mom liked Trump, said he'd make a fine president. Of course she said this when she was in her nineties and as far as I can figure Trump must have reminded her of the pre-teleprompter politicians something people (with skulls full of mush) haven't clue about now days.

Anonymous said...

Requiescat In Pace: Rush Limbaugh

Anonymous said...

5:03 PM

Pure, unadulterated speculation on your part. It's the very same speculation that has been employed for well over 100 years here in America. Incidentally, these strange interpretations, while rejected all over the world, particularly in Europe, have gained a strong foothold here in America. IMO, it's because of the large Bible colleges, such as Moody Bible Institute, Dallas Theological Seminary, Bob Jones University, and virtually all pentecostal and Fundamentalist Baptist Colleges, etc. teach this false system. When their graduates go out into the world, it is this message that they used to 'evangelize.' People often make their 'decision' not upon the Gospel, but on the message of this false system, which is used to scare them into 'deciding' to be on the side of the pre-trib rapture in order to avoid the tribulation. It's a false system that is producing false results.

Back in the 1980's, EVERYONE was talking about the "rapture any day now," primarily due to false teachers like Hal Lindsey, who PROMISED that the Rapture would occur in the decade of the 1980's. He, and others like him, also PROMISED that the European Union would be limited to only '10 nations.' Why? Because THEIR interpretation told them so. The EU now has 27 member nations. You no longer hear the false Dispensationalist 'preachers' talking about a 10 NATION EUROPEAN UNION!! Time after time, they have been proven utterly wrong. They are false teachers proclaiming a false message that is readily received by those with 'itching ears,' that hear only what they want to hear. That's why there is an audience for Brother James Key and Brother Paul types. If you want to be deceived, the Devil has minions just waiting to make fools out of you! "LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU" is Christ's message. Yet, the vast majority are doing just that; being deceived into believing fables.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'd hate to think what the World would be today if Hal Lindsey hadn't come along. Without Watchmen Evil has a complete freehand. Why if it weren't for Hal's warning all those CIA influenced Hippies to change their ways you mightn't be here today writing your bilge ( - ;

To paraphrase the Hippies: keep on keeping on (watch)

Anonymous said...

8:33 PM,

I know what you mean. It doesn't necessarily need the devil. It just needs the human imagination, which can be enough sometimes unaided.

But everything that involves temptation or error can become a snare. Jesus said to cut off your hand so you could go to heaven maimed instead of going to hell whole. It is usually not realized that He was referring to the traps that were set for animals, propped up by sticks. Sometimes when the animals were caught in the traps, only a leg or a tail would be caught. The animal could rip off a limb or a foot or a tail to free itself. It had been lured into the trap by food, of course.

Conspiracy theories can become that food that leads into that snare. It may be better to cut conspiracy theories out of one's life than to become snared. The lure of more political power or influence could become that food that leads into that snare. It could be better to become more detached from politics.

It all depends on what tempts the individual into the snare. That's the reason why the rich young man went away disappointed although he kept the commandments. He couldn't give away all of his riches to follow Jesus. In the Bible being prosperous is not condemned in and of itself, but it is clear that one must serve God, not Mammon. For the rich young man, money was the food leading him into the snare. If he had been willing to rid himself of his chief temptation, his money, he could have become free of the snare but at a cost of cutting his wealth off.

Seeking understanding of Bible prophecy isn't wrong but seeking knowledge above righteousness can become a type of temptation into a type of snare. If we know that something is tempting us it could be best to cut a temptation out of our lives.

In America's case the American churches are snared by Dispensationalism, common grace theology, and end times conspiracy theories. These problems existed before QAnon came along. It goes deeper than QAnon or the Rod of Iron Ministries or the NAR, although these examples are wake up calls that we could be facing a type of civil war within American Christianity soon, and I don't mean a violent one. I certainly hope not. That's the very last thing I would ever want would be a repeat of sectarian blood being spilled, the way it happened with Protestants and Catholics warring in Europe. I doubt if it will come to that, but I'm almost certain that America's churches are going to face a time when most Christians will eventually need to choose a side as to what they stand for and what they stand against.

Anonymous said...

9:41 PM,

"Watch" has a context:

"Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." (Matthew 26:41)

"Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." (Luke 21:36)

When Jesus refers to Himself as the Son of Man, as He did 82 times in the Gospels, it is a deliberate reference to Daniel 7:13-14:

"I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.

And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed."

These are just two of the references to the Son of Man in the New Testament:

"Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels." (Mark 8:38)

"I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8)

"For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." (Matthew 24:27)

Maybe now you will be able to appreciate the full extent of blasphemy in the book that called Donald Trump the Son of Man. Yes, I know it was not a widely popular book, but it was surely demon inspired. Why are demons busy inspiring things like this? It's not normal. It doesn't usually happen. What does it say about the spirit world's relationship to Donald Trump?

Read Mark 8:38 above one more time and reflect on the pastors saying that some of their parishioners are now calling Jesus' words woke. When they are told that they said it about Jesus' words, they are undaunted. They reply things like, "That doesn't work anymore."

May they repent, and may God forgive them, for they most likely know not what they do or say!

Anonymous said...

First, poor Baron. I hate to see him dragged into anything. Second, 5.9 million views is a lot. If even 10% of the viewers take it seriously that's 590,000 people. If 1% of them take it seriously that's 59,000 people. Third, I know nobody here believes this, but the popularity is one more piece of evidence of the cult of personality that surrounds Donald Trump. It's not normal.

'Baron Trump' Book Theories Resurface About Donald Trump's Son

A 19th-century book series featuring a character called Baron Trump and his guide named Don has resurfaced conspiracy theories involving former president Donald Trump and his youngest son, Barron.

Time travel talk was reignited after a viral TikTok on Tuesday, and since viewed more than 5.9 million times, discussed Ingersoll Lockwood's 1888 publication Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey and 1896's The Last President.

Lockwood's stories became a hot topic of conspiracy theorists, some of whom claim the Trump family has a time machine, after the Republican entered the White House in 2016.

In the new video post, user mattyicerants said: "I've thought about this every day for the past two years: In 1888, a man named Ingersoll Lockwood wrote a book called Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey, where a 10-year-old boy named Baron Trump who has a mentor named Don, who is a rich man who lives on Fifth Avenue in New York City. He and Don travel to Russia to find a portal to a magical underground world."

(the article continues for several more paragraphs)

Anonymous said...

Reading further, I find: One TikTok comment that read, "Too many coincidences is mathematically impossible," received more than 16,000 votes.

See, at least 16,000 people are taking it seriously.

Anonymous said...

The insanity of the E. Jean Carroll case

Anonymous said...

Trucker convoy headed for the Border to Eagle Pass, TX, Yuma, AZ, San Ysidro, CA (January, 29th thru February 3rd)

A trucker convoy of “patriots” is heading to the U.S. border with Mexico this week, as the standoff between Texas and the federal government intensifies.

The organizers of the “Take Our Border Back” convoy have called themselves “God’s army” and say they’re on a mission to stand up against the “globalists” who they claim are conspiring to keep U.S. borders open and destroy the country.

“This is a biblical, monumental moment that’s been put together by God,” one convoy organizer said on a recent planning call. “We are besieged on all sides by dark forces of evil,” said another. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God. It is time for the remnant to rise.” (The remnant, from the Book of Revelation, are the ones who remain faithful to Jesus Christ in times of crisis).

“When people believe that they are working on behalf of God, they might be willing to resort to relatively extreme measures,” said Ruth Braunstein, assistant professor of sociology at the University of Connecticut and author of “Prophets and Patriots: Faith in Democracy Across the Political Divide.” ”And so you have a politically volatile situation that could become much more so, in part because of this rhetoric.”

The organizers current plan is for the convoy to depart Virginia Beach on Monday and snake down through the southeast, stopping over in Jacksonville, Florida before making its way to several stops along the border. The convoy will then split up for separate rallies on Feb. 3, one near Eagle Pass, Texas, a second in Yuma, Arizona, and a third in San Ysidro, California.

A group of six patriot-world influencers, including Kim Yeater, who runs a self-empowerment self-help group and an anti-voter fraud group, started organizing the convoy around a month ago. “God’s army is rising up,” she said on the planning call. “We all have been chosen for this time.”

But recent events have significantly raised the stakes for the convoy. Two weeks ago the Texas National Guard seized control of Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, Texas—an epicenter of unauthorized border crossings—and erected razor wire around it, effectively limiting Border Patrol’s access to the area. It was an act of aggression in a simmering dispute between Texas and the federal government over who has jurisdictional authority over the border.
Days later, a migrant woman and two children drowned while attempting to cross the Rio Grande into Eagle Pass. The Biden Administration claimed that the Texas National Guard prevented Border Patrol from saving them, which Texas has denied.

Last week, the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government—not Texas—had authority over the border, and that Border Control could cut down the razor wire. Texas has since doubled down on erecting razor wire, and officials said that they plan to “hold the line.” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott wrote a letter accusing the federal government of “breaking its compact between the United States and the States.” At least 16 Republican governors say they support him, as Biden faces calls from some Democrats to “federalize” the Texas national guard, which would remove it from Abbott’s command.


In other words, what could possibly go WRONG??? Uh, everything...

Prayers needed for the states of Texas, Arizona, California... and for our country!!!

Anonymous said...

9:35 AM The Qanon cultn hierarchy and new agers believe Trump is a time traveler and is Count Saint Germaine incarnated. All ties in with reawaken America and Mike Flynn leading a church in prayer to the 7n rays.

From Wikipedia: Count Saint Germain (also sometimes referred to as Master Rákóczi or Master R) is a legendary spiritual master of the ancient wisdom in various Theosophical and post-Theosophical teachings, said to be responsible for the New Age culture of the Age of Aquarius and identified with the Count Saint Germain (fl. 1710–1784). He is also regarded as the "Chohan of the Seventh Ray".[51] According to The Theosophical Society, the Seven Rays are seven metaphysical principles that govern both individual souls and the unfolding of each 2,158-year-long Astrological Age. Since according to Theosophy, the next Astrological Age, the Age of Aquarius, will be governed by the Seventh (Violet) Ray (the Ray of Ceremonial Order), Saint Germain is sometimes called "The Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius".

Anonymous said...

So now,

There’s QAnon RayD and (the ‘gone incognito’, since X and others exposed him) RayB. Yes, it’s all becoming clearer as to RayB’s delusions - albeit, they are delivered here with greater trepidation and ‘anonymity’ here now.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous8:33 PM,

I’m not here to waste time with you. There has been much posted here pertaining to evidence as to the nature and person of Trump.

If you wish to find speculation and an utter lack of verifiable substance, then you need look no further than your very own posts.

Anonymous said...

Hi 9:09 AM,

Brilliant post.

Unfortunately, those under the Great Delusion in their rabid worship of Donald J. Trump,will neither see nor hear, but will turn as ravenous wolves against God’s sheep and attempt to tear to pieces with the vilest of language those trying to warn them. We have seen it here all to often. They don’t really want Jesus Christ, despite their thinly veiled lip service all to often interrupted by the venomous expletives and personal attacks on anyone exposing the dark filth of their false messiah, they view as true, Donald J. Trump.

By their fruits do we truly know them and the Holy Spirit exposes them to us. They claim they believe, well, even the demons believe and they tremble!

Anonymous said...

1:47 PM

Please explain why the most hostile 'venomous' attacks are coming from the so-called 'christians' OBSESSED with hatred for Trump???

If, "by their fruits ye shall know them"... you ANGRY Trump haters are the real 'cult' here.

Anonymous said...

Nikola Tesla + Donald Trump = ElonX?

Some say Nikola Tesla received his knowledge through some sort of communication with alien looking beings. After Nicola Testa's death Donald Trump's uncle was brought in to evaluate his papers. Donald Trump's uncle said that they contained nothing significant.

Some people are not convinced Trump's uncle was being truthful.

Maybe this is where the time-travel conspiracy comes from?

Anonymous said...

Helgard Muller is not the only one saying Trump fulfills their messianic expections. All of the Qanon books say it. Trump reaffirms it with God Chose Trump garbage.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump vs. Emmanuel Macron

My antichrist can 'beat up' YOUR antichrist.

Hey, Christians: How about waiting to see WHO that is before you go off the deep end?

(The reality is that we don't know what we don't know.)

Anonymous said...

12 More Bible Verses That Identify Donald J Trump as the Antichrist

Antichrist 45 - Bible Prophecy with Brother Paul

Transcript (see also, my above posts from 5:33 PM to 6:06 PM.

#16) The Antichrist is named the Man of Sin – 2 Thessalonians 2:3. In this verse we find the Antichrist referred to as the Man of Sin, or to put it another way, sin incarnate. The sins that the Bible refer to over and over again are those are related to vanity, to dishonesty, to lust, to greed, to envy, and to wrath.
Trump has, in both his personal life and business ventures, lived not only an extremely sinful life by the bible’s standard, but he has actually bragged about his lust, his greed, his desire for vengeance and his inability to forgive.
Trump is not only an extraordinarily sinful man, he has even taken pride in his sinning. He seemingly views his character flaws as badges of honor, as if each sin of the bible were on his personal bucket list waiting to be checked off.
#17) The Antichrist is named the Lawless One – 2 Thessalonians 2:8. In this verse the Antichrist is described as not being constrained by ANY law, whether the laws of man or the laws of God. It’s not that he’s simply a lawbreaker – but that he considers himself to be above the law, or a law unto himself.
Trump’s reputation as the Teflon Don of politics is well deserved. His first term as president saw a myriad of examples in which he not only skirted the law, but was able to avoid any repercussions for his actions. Countless times his opponents thought they had him, only for Trump to slither away.
In fact, the view that Trump felt he was above the law wasn’t wild conjecture, as Trump himself actually stated that Article 2 of The Constitution allowed him to do whatever he wanted. After all, one can’t break the law if one is above the law.
Nixon famously said that when the president does something, it means it’s not illegal. Trump takes it a step further though, and appears to be saying that there is nothing legal or illegal about what a president does because he can do whatever he wants, which brings us to the next verse.
#18) The Antichrist does as he pleases – Daniel 11:36. In this verse the Antichrist is described as doing whatever he wishes, and it expands upon him being the Lawless One. He will not feel restrained by law, tradition, or etiquette, but will simply say or do as he wants whenever he feels like it.
From the moment Trump came down the escalator to announce his candidacy back in 2015, a large part of his appeal has been his willingness to shoot from the lip. To say whatever he wants, without caring if he’s politically correct, who he might be insulting, or even if what he says is true.
But even before getting involved in politics, Trump’s personal life was all about doing as he pleases. This trait of his simply carried over into his time in the White House. It just comes naturally for him. And Trump’s natural desire to do as he pleases leads us directly into the next verse.

Anonymous said...

12 More Bible Verses That Identify Donald J Trump as the Antichrist - Continued.

#19) The Antichrist works deceitfully – Daniel 11:23. This verse is reinforced by Daniel 8:25, and these two verses together tell us that the Antichrist’s modus operandi – or habits of working – are filled with deceit. Deceptiveness is simply part and parcel of how he operates.
Trump’s reputation for being deceptive was a known fact long before he became president. Everything from silly small things like pretending to be someone else on the phone in order to laud himself, to the larger, more serious issues of grossly misrepresenting the value of his properties on loan applications.
In fact, his deceptiveness was so pervasive that even his own bankruptcy attorneys testified under oath that they would only meet with him in pairs – in order to prevent him from giving two different versions of the same story had they met with him individually.
The Antichrist working deceptively is another aspect of his throwing truth to the ground, as Daniel 8:12 states, and as I mentioned in the previous video. Above all else, these verses are telling us that the Antichrist is a deceiver, which is precisely what Trump has shown himself to be.
#20) The Antichrist understands dark sentences – Daniel 8:23. This verse gives us one key insight into the intelligence of the Antichrist: he understands “dark sentences.” Other translations render this verse as “understanding sinister schemes”, and it’s a window into the innate intelligence of the Antichrist.
He is a master of intrigue. Intrigue is defined as machination, which is a scheming or crafty action intended to accomplish some usually evil end. In a way, it’s almost as if the Antichrist will be a savant, in that his ability to scheme, his mastery of intrigue, is the only intellectual trait given to us.
Intrigue was a hallmark of the Trump presidency and has continued on in the years since he reluctantly left office. His sinister schemes to seek revenge, and to even stay in power, were as deliberate in his political life as they were previously in his business career.
#21) The Antichrist attains the kingdom by flatteries – Daniel 11: 21. Some translations render this verse as intrigue, reinforcing Daniel 8:23’s reference to “dark sentences”, but the context of this verse goes in a bit of a different direction.
Looking at Strong’s Concordance, we see that the word used for “flatteries” in Daniel 11:21 more closely means smoothness, slipperiness, or fine promises, which tells us that the Antichrist will attain the kingdom because of his scheming with a small group of people, as Daniel 11:23 references.
Trump’s many legal problems would have derailed any other politician, but not Trump. He is as slippery as a snake, and has not only managed to avoid serious repercussions for his actions, but has parlayed them into seeking revenge and scheming to get back into power.
#22) The bible speaks of nationalism – Matthew 24:7. One of the more famous bible verses about the end times speaks of nation rising against nation and kingdom and kingdom. Nation versus nation is the inevitable result of nationalism, which has swept the world in recent years.
Led by Trump and his MAGA movement, this wave of nationalism has also brought about an extreme patriotism and fervent anti-immigration views in country after country all around the world.
Trump’s specific brand of nationalism in America, however, has one distinct difference from the nationalism in other countries: It serves him in his quest to regain power. And the great power of America is a vehicle for him to seek retribution on his enemies.

Anonymous said...

12 More Bible Verses That Identify Donald J Trump as the Antichrist - Continued.

#23) The Antichrist will amaze the world – Revelation 13:3. This verse tells us that that the Antichrist will be such a unique person, that the entire world will be amazed by him. They will wonder after him, asking who is like he is?
And indeed, Donald Trump’s presence on the world stage over the past few years has resulted in exactly these same reactions. World leaders have been constantly awestruck by him, unable to take their eyes off of him as if they were slowly driving by a serious car accident.
Trump already steals the headlines on an almost daily basis, with one outrageous comment after the other. Imagine how the world will react when he once again takes up residence in the White House, and again becomes the leader of the most powerful nation on earth.
#24) The Antichrist will succeed in all that he does – Daniel 8:24. This verse gives us background on John 5:43, which says that the Antichrist will come in his own name. In short, it tells us that the Antichrist will arrive on the scene having already been a worldwide success.
Trump’s record of success in worldly affairs is certainly notable, as he has unabashedly let everyone know. Even if these successes have been greatly embellished by him, or achieved in ways that skirt the law, he has nevertheless attained everything he wanted. In the eyes of the world, he is a great success.
This tells us of his overwhelming drive for success, to achieve whatever goal he sets his mind to. He simply doesn’t care what he has to say or do to achieve that goal, as long as he gets it. And this verse tells us that Trump will also never stop until he regains power and takes revenge on his enemies.
#25) The Antichrist has a stout look – Daniel 7:20. This verse gives us an intriguing description of the physical appearance of the Antichrist, saying that he looks more stout than his fellows. Stout is defined as haughty, full of oneself, and even heavyset.
Haughty, of course, is an absolutely perfect description for Trump – as it describes someone who is scornfully and condescendingly proud, and also arrogant and overbearing. He is full of himself to an extreme, as Daniel 8:25 also stated.
But in this verse we have the Antichrist referred to as looking stout, which means that he will look heavyset. And just like all the verses before this one, Trump also matches this description in the bible as he is clearly and unquestionably heavyset.

Anonymous said...

12 More Bible Verses That Identify Donald J Trump as the Antichrist - Continued.

.#26) The Antichrist sows discord – Proverbs 6:14. Proverbs 6, verses 12 through 15 are commonly referred to as “The Wicked Man”, and bible scholars generally consider the descriptions in these verses as a reference to the Antichrist.
Verse 14 tells us that one notable trait of the Antichrist is that he will sow discord. The inference being that he is intentionally dividing one person or one group against another for his own benefit. He isn’t simply divisive, but he purposely sows divisiveness to reap the rewards.
Trump intentionally uses a divide and conquer strategy, a sowing of discord, in order to weed out those who oppose him. His framing of any person, group or organization who criticizes him as evil, has the net effect of causing his supporters to believe they’re on the side of good.
#27) The Antichrist is a unique, unstoppable force that can’t be fought against – Revelation 13:4. This verse tells us not only of how incredibly singular the Antichrist is, “who is like unto the beast”, but it also tells us that he is a literal force of nature: no one is able to fight against him.
Indeed, we have seen Trump vanquish one foe after another over the years, as anyone and everyone who has stood up to him politically has either been defeated, marginalized or resigned. His enemies simply drop by the wayside, one by one.
There’s no reason to think that Trump’s vanquishing of his enemies will be constrained to the political arena. He and his supporters have often spoken of seeking revenge on those who opposed him, of putting them in jail and even executing them for treason.
And to the man who values loyalty above all else, being disloyal to him IS treason.

Anonymous said...

11:15 AM

Yes, we need to pray for Texas, Arizona, California... and for our entire county.

Consider these POSSIBLE scenarios...

There will probably be agenda-driven 'provocateurs' mixed in with those 'Patriots' and 'God's Army' groups headed for Eagle Pass, Texas on February 3rd.

IF (God forbid) some false flag event were to occur... the Biden Administration would use this 'crisis = opportunity' to label even those peacefully demonstrating as taking part in an 'insurrection'.

Worse case... what if Martial Law is declared? And even worse, the November, 2024 election ended up being cancelled?

(Of course, all of the Trump-haters would be happy to see Biden continue as President.)

Whatever the outcome... PRAYERS are needed now.

Dear God, let THY will be done (not My will). AMEN.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous2:17 PM,

You do appear very angry today. I see those emboldened to persevere for the faith once delivered unto the saints has become rather irksome to you,given that such includes exposing your idol, Trump, for the blasphemous, vile and boastful man those discerning and guided by the Holy Spirit can so clearly see.

Anonymous said...

2:46 PM

God KNOWS my heart (and my soul)... so what you think of me is irrelevant.

God KNOWS that I do not 'worship' Trump (and never have).

Meanwhile, what you project onto others is a lot of WISHFUL THINKING (that has nothing to do with reality). There is no 'anger' coming from me.

But, as a Christian... I forgive you. May God help you become less CONFUSED... and less judgemental about people who dare to 'agree to disagree' with YOU.


Anonymous said...

St. Francis de Sales’ guide to using social media

Philip Kosloski - published on 01/24/20

Remember these simple principles when scrolling through your social media feed.
Social media, while a great tool in connecting us with people around the world, can also lead us down a dark path of gossip, slander and a judgmental mindset. Our emotions can easily be “let loose,” and the anonymity of the Internet can shield us from the natural repercussions of uncharitable words.

St. Francis de Sales, while he lived in the 16th century, wrote a profound spiritual work entitled Introduction to the Devout Life that contains a wealth of wisdom that can still be applied today, in the 21st century.

For example, he writes, “Do not pronounce a man to be a drunkard although you may have seen him drunk, or an adulterer, because you know he has sinned; a single act does not stamp him for ever … Noah was drunk once, and Lot, moreover, was guilty of incest, yet neither man could be spoken of as habitually given to such sins; neither would you call Saint Paul a man of blood or a blasphemer, because he had blasphemed and shed blood before he became a Christian … what assurance have we that he who yesterday was a sinner is the same today?”

The temptation of social media is to see a news story or a friend’s post and immediately jump to conclusions, forming a negative view of that person with a single post. We all make mistakes and sometimes what we post will paint a negative picture of who we are. However, we can’t be make a judgment based on what we see on social media.

In fact, St. Francis would go so far as to try and make an excuse for the person, seeing them in the best possible light.

When you hear evil of any one, cast any doubt you fairly can upon the accusation; or if that is impossible, make any available excuse for the culprit; and where even that may not be, be yet pitiful and compassionate, and remind those with whom you are speaking that such as stand upright do so solely through God’s Grace. Do your best kindly to check the scandal-bearer, and if you know anything favorable to the person criticized, take pains to mention it.
It does us no good to point the finger at someone else, when we have made no effort to correct the faults in our own lives. We cannot see into the heart of another person, but we can see inside our own heart.

In our posts and comments on social media, St. Francis de Sales has some more specific suggestions.

Let your words be kindly, frank, sincere, straightforward, simple and true; avoid all artifice, duplicity and pretense, remembering that, although it is not always well to publish abroad everything that may be true, yet it is never allowable to oppose the truth. Make it your rule never knowingly to say what is not strictly true, either accusing or excusing, always remembering that God is the God of Truth.
Furthermore, he suggests, “when it is necessary to contradict anybody, or to assert one’s own opinion, it should be done gently and considerately, without irritation or vehemence. Indeed, we gain nothing by sharpness or petulance.”

Last of all, we should stress the quality of our online conversations, rather than quantity.

The silence, so much commended by wise men of old, does not refer so much to a literal use of few words, as to not using many useless words. On this score, we must look less to the quantity than the quality, and, as it seems to me, our aim should be to avoid both extremes.
As you embark on using social media, keep these guidelines in mind and you will do well to bring the light of Christ to others.

Anonymous said...

3:04 PM

Wow... who knew that St. Francis de Sales' documented writings could have an impact on those participating in today's social media? Thank you for sharing.

"Let your words be kindly, frank, sincere, straightforward, simple and true; avoid all artifice, duplicity and pretense, remembering that, although it is not always well to publish abroad everything that may be true, yet it is never allowable to oppose the truth. Make it your rule never knowingly to say what is not strictly true, either accusing or excusing, always remembering that God is the God of Truth."

More on St. Francis de Sales...

Anonymous said...

The Spooky Blackout Of Border News

Anonymous said...

The posts of 2:26 PM - 2:40 PM are so infantile, ludicrous, idiotic, etc. that it's hard to believe Brother Paul has even one follower. Everything he says is a complete stretch of the imagination. As the deceiver that he is, Brother Paul begins with a premise, i.e. Donald Trump is the antichrist, and then sets out to forcefully inject Trump into passages of Scripture (which he conveniently DID NOT POST, but ONLY GAVE THE REFERENCES). Such a technique is used to deceive by every single cult out there.

What's utterly amazing is that Constance Cumbey actually follows this guy and donates her money to him! What does that say about Constance Cumbey?

Anonymous said...

2:46 PM You do need to go back and re-read what was actually said in the 2:17 post! Read it very slowly and very carefully.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous4:42 PM,

You project a lot and deliberately aim to distort both the character of Brother Paul and the Biblical accuracy of his claims without posting anything to support YOUR vacuous assertions.

If YOU feel those Biblical references need written down, then YOU provide them here and explain YOUR ‘reasons’ for stating Brother Paul has alluded to such verses inaccurately. Otherwise, YOU do purposefully falsely accuse Brother Paul.

Still, we shouldn’t expect anything of substance, much less showing good fruits from a Trump worshiper such as yourself.

May the Lord rebuke you.

Anonymous said...

Reply to your 5 posts @: 2:26 PM / 2:30 PM / 2:33 PM / 2:39 PM / 2:40 PM:

If Trump is the Anti-Christ, where are we prophetically in time?

Have we entered Daniel’s 70th week?

Has Trump made / confirmed a 7 year covenant with Israel?

Has Trump rebuilt the temple; let the Jews have sacrifices; and then desecrated it by standing in it and declaring himself God?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous 4:42 PM,

Speaking of infantile, you throw your pacifier in a tantrum whenever anyone criticizes your narcissistic and toddler, Blaspheming and Vile Rapist in Chief, Trump.

What will YOU do when the Lord spits you out of His mouth, telling you, ‘Depart from me, you worker of iniquity to the fire prepared for the Devil and his [fallen] angels,I never knew you’?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous9:45 PM,

Seeing as my posts are a direct report of Brother Paul’s video, ask him.

I will not waste my time with you for things easily discoverable and alluded to in earlier posts here.

Anonymous said...

9:51 PM
Re: Seeing as my posts are a direct report of Brother Paul’s video, ask him. I will not waste my time with you for things easily discoverable and alluded to in earlier posts here."


A true Christian shouldn't have a hair-trigger temper (reaction) when asked to clarify his BELIEFS about the Antichrist. Why would you consider that a 'waste of your time'?

Anonymous said...

Senator John Kennedy (R-La): "This border crisis is insanity"

Video: Kennedy's very powerful speech of January 23, 2024

Anonymous said...

One big upside to Texas secession would be all the money saved on medicare & social security payments, especially if they were to take a bunch of the most federal $$$ dependent states like New Mexico, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Alabama and Mississippi with them.

Of course we'd keep the coastline from New Orleans to the Rio Grande as United States property. It was all built with Federal $'s anyway and keeping the fascist zealots landlocked in the interior would be safer for everyone.

The US would have its own Palestine of religious heretics and fanatics.

Would you give up your social security and medicare for such?

How about sacrificing a few of your grandchildren as fascist canon fodder?

Anonymous said...

See you next Tuesday

Anonymous said...

Great story

The Rosary Stopped Serial Killer Ted Bundy in 1978

Many people are not aware of the tremendous power of the rosary. Keeping a rosary with you at all times can protect you from unspeakable tragedies, just the way it happened in 1978, when the holy object saved a young woman’s life.

For those who don’t know, in 1978 the serial killer Ted Bundy was making victim after victim. At 3:00 AM, on January 15, he entered the Chi Omega sorority house at Florida State University and murdered two girls. He would have made three victims if it weren’t for the miracle of the rosary the third girl was clutching in her hands when the criminal entered her room with a bat for a weapon. The girl had just been praying, and she was still holding her grandmother’s rosary. Later, after he was caught, Ted Bundy confessed that when he entered her room that night with the clear intention of murdering her, he felt a mysterious power that prevented him. What happened was that he dropped the bat and fled.

This incredible miracle of the rosary should never be forgotten. It is proof that God looks after us and protects us if we pray every day. The girl whose life was saved had promised her grandmother that she would pray the rosary every night for protection, even if she fell asleep in the process. Her faith and devotion paid off when faced with one of the worst serial killers of all time.

In his book, “With Mary to Jesus”, Father Joseph M. Esper talks about Ted Bundy’s case and explains to his readers how the rosary undermines the kingdom of Satan. For instance, the famous Vatican exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth once testified: “One day a colleague of mine heard the devil say during an exorcism: ‘Every Hail Mary is like a blow on my head. If Christians knew how powerful the Rosary was, it would be my end’.”

To defeat the forces of Satan, all you have to do is have faith and pray the rosary every day.

Anonymous said...

The "Take Our Country Back" Convoy (estimated to be about 700,000 vehicles strong) left Virginia Beach, VA on January 29th & will arrive in Eagle Pass, TX on February 3rd.

Anonymous said...

10:00 PM,

There’s certainly no ‘hair-trigger’ temper, yet if you find justifiable assertion so emotionally triggering yourself, then I suggest you pray about it.

Regarding as to why I won’t waste my time, I refer you to my earlier post to which you have replied here and kindly ask you to reread it a little more instructively and carefully.

Have a pleasant day.


Anonymous said...

'Diversity' Exhibition Laughably Claims Original Brits Were Black

The book claims that black people built Stonehenge, despite there being absolutely no evidence of this at all...

Anonymous said...

Question: How do you anger a Trump supporter?

Answer: You tell them the truth.

Anonymous said...

YES! We need to dust off our Pagan Rosary Beads and drone on and on with our repetitive prayers, which of course Jesus Himself taught against. But hey! The good "father" says that it stopped Ted Bundy in his tracks, so it must be true. LOL

Anonymous said...

Good morning x I thought that might get a rise out of you *GRIN*

Here's a more sceptical view

I love that she fell asleep praying

Anonymous said...

How do you make a Biden supporter's HEAD EXPLODE?

You tell THEM the truth!!!

Anonymous said...

The Border crisis...

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., slammed the Biden administration's open border policies as "undermining" the nation's security following a talk he had Monday with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

Abbott and Biden have butted heads over the flood of illegal immigrants into his state from Mexico and the governor's efforts to stop it. Abbott instructed the Texas National Guard to put up barriers of razor wire along the Rio Grande River that separates the U.S. from Mexico, and the Supreme Court last week ruled Biden's Customs and Border Patrol agents can cut down the wire.

The Biden administration also is suing to stop a Texas law that takes effect March 5 making it a state crime to cross into the country illegally between ports of entry. It penalizes repeat offenders with up to 20 years in prison. The law allows a judge to drop the charges if the illegal immigrant agrees to return to Mexico. The Biden administration maintains the federal government alone is solely responsible for border security

"Under the U.S. Constitution, the federal government and the state of Texas have a dual and complimentary responsibility to exercise police powers to protect the health and safety of the people," Johnson said in a news release obtained by Newsmax. "Sadly, President Biden and his administration have undermined security, creating an ongoing catastrophe along the southern border.

"While we fight for the federal government to do its job, it is the expectation of the U.S. House of Representatives that the Biden Administration will not interfere as Texas fulfills its responsibilities."

Anonymous said...

The narrow-minded Trump/MAGA Qanon cult followers on this blog refuse to see the truth. TO BE AGAINST TRUMP DOES NOT EQUATE TO BE FOR BIDEN. Both sides are antichrist. Certainly in all of the population of Ameerica, there must be more than two men - not antichrist - who could run and be elected President of the United States.

Anonymous said...

12:29 PM

The TRUTH is we don't know what we don't know... regarding the IDENTITY of the antichrist.

If 'both sides are antichrist'... why is the ANTI-Trump 'cult' spending so much time ONLY attacking HIM... and OBSESSING over HIM???

I'm sure Constance would love for her friend, Liz Cheney to run / be elected President of the United States. (However, the rest of us don't WANT the daughter of 'Darth Vader'... both Globalist 'tools'.)

Anonymous said...

When the voice of Reason is silenced..

Anonymous said...

10:39 AM
Re: "YES! We need to dust off our Pagan Rosary Beads and drone on and on with our repetitive prayers, which of course Jesus Himself taught against. But hey! The good "father" says that it stopped Ted Bundy in his tracks, so it must be true. LOL"


Can't wait till Judgement Day... to watch you complain to Jesus about His Mother Mary's 'PAGAN' Rosary Beads. (Wonder if you will STILL be laughing then.)

And the greatest 'repetitive prayer' of all is the "Our Father" (known as the 'perfect prayer')... because it was taught to us by Jesus Himself.

Your very smug, cocky ARROGANCE (false pride) is showing. ("Pride goeth before the fall" etc.)

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, 11:43 AM,

On the subject of heads, the post at 10:34 AM has clearly gone way over yours.

Do take good care, now.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree, 12:29 PM,
both Biden and Trump are Antichrist and I don't suggest voting for either. Even so, Trump is currently and historically the strongest candidate for the Antichrist because he fulfils all the criteria thereof.

Anonymous said...

11:43 PM,

Even so, perhaps I should thank you for demonstrating strong evidence in favor of my 10:34 AM post.

You're either a real whizz with satirical irony, or, as I suspect is truer of you, you're so deluded and mesmerized by the Narcissist in Chief himself, Donald J. Trump, that hearing the truth creates a state of cognitive dissonance in you, which challenges psycho-defensive mechanisms in you and gives rise to your feelings of rage (hence, your grammatically errant usage of not one, but three exclamation marks lumped together in your post).

You remind me of New Agers when one first tries to share the Good News of the Holy Bible with them.

Repent and stop chasing after the most vile of men, Donald J. Trump, who denies the Father and the Son, attempting to place himself in Lieu of Jesus Christ, so as to gain earthly dominion in this World.

I once more refer you back to my post at 10:34 AM.

Do take care, now.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to this blog?
I used to come here daily but haven't been here in months.
Every time I stick my head in the door it's like a wasteland.
Good bye again.


Anonymous said...

Where in the Bible does it specifically say that Rosary beads are "pagan?"

Actually, the first part of the Hail Mary is the Angelic Salutation spoken to Mary by the Archangel Gabriel in Luke 1:28.

Apparently the Archangel Gabriel was not too proud to honor Mary!!!!!!!!

Douay-Rheims Bible
And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women......

The second part of the Hail Mary echoes the words of Mary's cousin Elizabeth

Where is the Hail Mary in the Bible? - Diocese of Brooklyn

What about when Jesus said to John the Evangelist from the Cross "Son, behold thy mother" and then to Mary "Mother behold thy son?"

How Does John Represents Us All at the Cross? | Catholic Answers Q&A
The Biblical Roots of the Marian Doctrines | Catholic Answers Magazine

By the way, the Devil and the fallen angels despise the Blessed Virgin Mary!

Anonymous said...

One of the benefits of time travel . . .

Donald Trump as Biff Tannen, Back To The Future. (Deepfakes Method).


Anonymous said...

Why I am nervous about February 3rd in Eagle Pass, Texas...

Consider these POSSIBLE scenarios...

You can be sure there will be agenda-driven 'provocateurs' mixed in with those 'Patriots' and 'God's Army' groups headed for Eagle Pass, Texas on February 3rd.

IF (God forbid) some FALSE FLAG event occurs... to create a January 6th-type scenario... you can be sure that the Biden Administration WILL use this 'crisis = opportunity' to label even those peacefully demonstrating as taking part in an 'insurrection'.

Biden would then have the power to declare Martial Law... and even CANCEL the November, 2024 election!!!

And worse case scenario: When the Globalists realize how MANY people (worldwide) are beginning to WAKE UP... they could take us all off the Internet... and OFF THE GRID... or start a Civil War... using those strong young military-aged illegals to rise up against the American people!!! (Remember: the migrants' LOYALTY is to the Democrats, who have handed them a cell phone, cash to spend, and '3 hots & cot'... so THEY think they've died and gone to Heaven when they cross our Southern Border into the United States.)

Then guess what? The rest of the country will BLAME all of this on the Governor of Texas, Texas rednecks & 'racists'. Patriots & Christians... who are just 'fed up' American citizens who have lost their patience with the fact that 7 MILLION illegals have crossed the Texas / Mexican border... just in the 3 years since Biden has occupied the Oval Office... AND our President is doing absolutely NOTHING to protect the American people against 'all enemies foreign and domestic'.

Prayers are needed NOW... for our country and for our world.

Anonymous said...

10:34 AM

Actually, the joke is on you... since there seem to be more 'ANGRY' Biden supporters these days (as reflected in their very angry posts here on this blog).

More and more of the American people are AWAKE to the TRUTH about the EVIL Globalists who are controlling Biden, the Democrats, and the mainstream news media. There is a big difference in 'awake' and 'woke')

(But, continue to enjoy your visions of Trump as the 'antichrist' dancing in your head.)

Anonymous said...

House Speaker Mike Johnson talked with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday...

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., slammed the Biden administration's open border policies as "undermining" the nation's security following a talk he had Monday with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

Abbott and Biden have butted heads over the flood of illegal immigrants into his state from Mexico and the governor's efforts to stop it. Abbott instructed the Texas National Guard to put up barriers of razor wire along the Rio Grande River that separates the U.S. from Mexico, and the Supreme Court last week ruled Biden's Customs and Border Patrol agents can cut down the wire.

The Biden administration also is suing to stop a Texas law that takes effect March 5 making it a state crime to cross into the country illegally between ports of entry. It penalizes repeat offenders with up to 20 years in prison. The law allows a judge to drop the charges if the illegal immigrant agrees to return to Mexico. The Biden administration maintains the federal government alone is solely responsible for border security

"Under the U.S. Constitution, the federal government and the state of Texas have a dual and complimentary responsibility to exercise police powers to protect the health and safety of the people," Johnson said in a news release obtained by Newsmax. "Sadly, President Biden and his administration have undermined security, creating an ongoing catastrophe along the southern border.

"While we fight for the federal government to do its job, it is the expectation of the U.S. House of Representatives that the Biden Administration will not interfere as Texas fulfills its responsibilities."

Anonymous said...

12:33 AM

After reading your venomous post... I hope you are not going around posing as a 'Christian'

May God have mercy on your soul.

Anonymous said...

Trump's base has been ramped up for marshall law since day 1 of his presidency in 2017. Patriots and tea parties and the like were set for the arrest of the Clintons and the exposure of the worldwide network of pedophiles. The Bushes, the Obamas, John McCain were all to be executed by military tribunals. Pandemic, stolen election, January 6th insurrection, red state vs blue state, Texas border, all unleased by Donald Trump and his cohorts.

Anonymous said...

7:03 PM

Time will tell what will unfold...

Stay tuned.

P.S. FYI ~ It's Martial Law (not Marshall Law).

Anonymous said...

7:24 PM

I knew Marshall didn't look right. I'll do better next time. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

12:58 PM said:

"Can't wait till Judgement Day... to watch you complain to Jesus about His Mother Mary's 'PAGAN' Rosary Beads. (Wonder if you will STILL be laughing then.)"

Please tell me where I can find 'Praying the Rosary' in the Bible.

Thanks. I can't wait for your answer!

Anonymous said...

'Prayer' beads are found in the pagan religions of antiquity. It is there where the 'rosary' is derived from. NOWHERE in Scripture is such a thing ever mentioned.

If 'Praying the Rosary' is so important, why is it that the Apostle Peter (falsely claimed by the RCC as the 'first pope) in the ONLY 2 Epistles that he wrote, NEVER mentions the Rosary, NEVER mentions Mary (let alone praying to her ... venerating her, etc.)? In fact, Peter never mentions a single doctrine or dogma that is peculiar to Roman Catholicism ... not a single one!

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump and the God of Fortresses | Antichrist 45

Anonymous said...

8:35 PM:

FYI: It is documented HISTORY that Jesus asked Peter to be the first Pope of His Roman Catholic Church in 33 AD (just before He was crucified and died for the sins of ALL mankind... even the ones like you, who go around DENYING the documented history of the Catholic Church).

Matthew 16:18 (Douay-Rheims 1899)
18 And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall NOT prevail against it.

Anonymous said...

Reply to 8:31 PM & 8:35 PM...

Sola scriptura (Latin for 'by scripture alone') is a theological doctrine held by most Protestant denominations...

However, the Catholic Church does not rely on 'scripture ALONE'... but also on Sacred Tradition. Here is more at the link below...

Unlike Protestants, we as Catholics do not believe in the Bible alone (sola scriptura), but that God’s Word to us is contained in both Scripture and Sacred Tradition. We believe that the Divine Revelation that God gave us is a single, consistent deposit of faith, but that this one deposit is communicated to us through both the written form and the oral Tradition. This oral Tradition has been faithfully passed down in the Catholic Church from the Apostles, who received it from Christ Himself as well as through the light of the Holy Spirit.

7 Reasons Why Catholics Believe in Sacred Tradition, Not the Bible Alone


The History of Honoring Mary (the Mother of Jesus) within the Catholic Church

History of Catholic Mariology - Wikipedia

Anonymous said...

9:33 PM

Actually, throughout the entire Bible, both Old Testament and New, only God and Jesus Christ is referred to as the "rock.' So it could not possibly mean that Peter was the head of Christ's church. In fact, Jesus Himself is the head of the church, and not fallible man. A few points to consider:

1) If Peter were the head of the church and the apostles, why is it that the Apostle Paul severely rebuked Peter for his error, as recorded in the epistle to the Galatians?

2) Why do Catholics ignore this verse? “But he (Jesus) turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.” Matthew 16:23

3) If there is such a thing as Apostolic Succession, why is it that 'popes' do not, and are unable to, perform miracles as the Apostles did? Both Paul and Peter rose people from the dead. If the Papacy really is a direct succession from Apostolic times, why aren't modern day 'popes' performing miracles???

4) Peter wrote only two epistles. In those epistles, Mary is never mentioned, not even once. Mary's 'immaculate conception' is not mentioned. Mary's bodily assumption into heaven is never mentioned. Mary sitting next to Jesus on the throne of God is never mentioned. Prayers to Mary is never mentioned. The RCC title for Mary, i.e. the Queen of Heaven is never mentioned. Purgatory is never mentioned. Indulgences is never mentioned. The office of the papacy, cardinals, priests or nuns ... never mentioned. The Sacrifice of the Mass is never mentioned. Prayers to dead saints is never mentioned. The primacy of the Bishop of Rome is never mentioned. Confessions to a priest, and subsequent FORGIVENESS by a priest for sin ... never mentioned. The pope being the ruler of Earth, Heaven and Hell ... never mentioned. Statues of dead saints and Mary ... never mentioned. The Sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church ... never mentioned, etc. etc.

If Peter really was the first pope, why wouldn't he mention a single peculiar Roman Catholic doctrine and or dogma? The reason? Peter was not 'Catholic' and he was not a 'pope.'

Anonymous said...

Peter wasn't qualified to be a Pope. He was married. Scripture says Peter's mother in law was healed and she ministered to the disciples.

Anonymous said...

The Death Cult of Joe Biden clamps down on Pro-Lifers! Biden's Gestapo Justice Department is at war against INNOCENT LIFE and the righteous supporters of LIFE!

Pro-Life Activists Face 11 Years In Prison After Jury Hands Down Guilty Verdict

Six pro-life activists were found guilty of blocking access to an abortion clinic on Tuesday and could face a sentence of up to 11 years in prison, according to a press release from the Thomas More Society.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) charged 11 pro-life activists in October 2022 with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, which “prohibits threats of force, obstruction and property damage intended to interfere with reproductive health care services,” for blocking the entrance of an abortion clinic in March 2021. A jury ruled that the six defendants were guilty after a six-day trial at the Fred D. Thompson U.S. Courthouse in Nashville, Tennessee, according to the press release.

PS: the very same Biden 'Justice Department' turned a blind eye to the 'protestors' of the 'summer of love' that killed 18 innocent people, while raping, beating, looting, burning, etc., etc. What we now have is the selective justice of a dictatorship!

Anonymous said...

10:20 PM...

I don't have the time or patience it takes to debate someone who freely CHOOSES to be so ignorant.

You can argue with Jesus Christ on Judgement Day with all of your INSULTS about HIS Catholic Church (e.g. Pope Peter I in 33 AD who has been well documented as the FIRST Pope of the Catholic Church... or Mary, the mother of Jesus)

It will be very interesting to see how that works out for you.

Meanwhile, please find someone else to dump your venom on.

Anonymous said...

Documented HISTORY...

The complete list of the unbroken line all 266 Popes in the Catholic Church from the year 33 AD (after Jesus Himself personally selected St. Peter as the FIRST Pope of HIS newly instituted Catholic Church before He was crucified and died for the sins of all mankind).

From Peter I in the year 33 AD up through Pope Francis (2013 ~ ????)

List of popes - Wikipedia


About St. Peter (the first Pope)...
Born as Shimon Bar Yonah, a Jew from Judaea. A peregrinus, free provincial subject of the Roman Empire who was not a Roman citizen. Apostle of Jesus. According to Catholic tradition he received the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 16:18–19). Feast day (Feast of Saints Peter and Paul) 29 June. The Catholic Church recognizes him as the first Bishop of Rome appointed by Christ, and therefore the first pope. Also revered as saint in Eastern Christianity, with a feast day of 29 June.[4]

Anonymous said...

It figures. Using Wikipedia in order to make the case for Peter being the first 'pope,' instead of using the Scriptures to make the case!

Our Catholic friend chooses not to debate me because I am so "ignorant." Yet, if I am so "ignorant," it should be extremely easy to smash the points that I enumerated my 10:20 PM post. The real reason he chooses not to is because he cannot refute those points. Instead, he relies on Wikipedia as his foundation, instead of God's word!

Anonymous said...

11:19 PM

Well, only an IDIOT would attempt to argue against DOCUMENTED HISTORY.

Oh, there are plenty of links (other than Wikipedia) to support the documented history of the 266 Popes of the Catholic Church... from Peter in 33 AD up through Francis in 2013 to the present day.

And yes... "you ARE ignorant"!!!

I could definitely spend more time 'smashing your points' (as you say)... but, after all of my efforts, I am convinced that you would 'ARGUE with Jesus Christ' (if HE were here posting on this blog). Maybe I will get a ringside seat on Judgement Day to you attempting to do just that (looking forward to it). LOL

Frankly, you are exhausting to deal with.

Enjoy the rest of your life.

Anonymous said...

2:05 PM

Where is your EVIDENCE that Donald J. Trump EVER "denied the Father and the Son, attempting to place himself in Lieu of Jesus Christ, so as to gain earthly dominion in this World."

(Wow, the rest of the world must have missed that little bit of news)

Anonymous said...

The Rosary was given to St. Benedict by the Blessed Virgin our Lady St. Mary in the 13th century.

Quote - "At this point Our Lady appeared to him, accompanied by three angels, and she said:

"Dear Dominic, do you know which weapon the Blessed Trinity wants to use to reform the world?"

"Oh, my Lady," answered Saint Dominic, "you know far better than I do because next to your Son Jesus Christ you have always been the chief instrument of our salvation."

Then Our Lady replied:

"I want you to know that, in this kind of warfare, the battering ram has always been the Angelic Psalter which is the foundation stone of the New Testament. Therefore if you want to reach these hardened souls and win them over to God, preach my Psalter."

Look, I don't see anything fancy about a Rosary. You can make it out of string and wear it or carry to the pasture while watching the sheep. Surely many a shepherd or cow herder recited it to their animals (this was the time of St Francis after all). And a Rosary is much more convenient then a prayer book when you're out-of-doors and you don't even have to wash your hands to count the beads (bead is a Old English word for prayer by the way). I'm sure every peasant had one until the reformation (I'm sorry to say) - :

Anonymous said...

Why angry Catholics here supporting Trump? Francis is against Trump. Francis is Pope.

Anonymous said...

6:52 AM

The only 'angry' posters I see are Biden supporters... insisting that Trump is the Antichrist without any real evidence to support their claims (mostly because it is all WISHFUL THINKING).

Anonymous said...

"But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking." (Matthew 6:7)

Anonymous said...

The Bible is so chock full of multiple types, foreshadows and fulfillments that it would be foolish to rule out that there might be more to come. But if nothing else you may be fascinated at the history that you never learned and impressed at the prophecies that came true, proving their divine inspiration.


Anonymous said...

P.S. It's very helpful to compare history to prophetic and apocalyptic scriptures to see what those scriptures actually looked like historically.

How else could you ever calibrate your exegesis of prophetic scripture?

Hint: not by selecting out of context whatever prophetic scriptures seem to support your hatred of your least favorite politician at any given time.

Your only other sure bet is to look at whatever clear statements you can find, as in the times the angel explained Daniel's visions to him. Jesus made some very clear prophetic statements in the Gospels.

Without those clear statements, and without the comparison of fulfilled prophecy to historical event, you are left interpreting cryptic symbols, and there are as many ways to interpret those symbols as there are to hate each generation of politicians.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous9:45 PM,

Seeing as my posts are a direct report of Brother Paul’s video, ask him.

I will not waste my time with you for things easily discoverable and alluded to in earlier posts here.

9:51 PM

If you can't answer 9:45 PM yourself, then you are fully confident in repeatedly sharing a belief in an extraordinary claim that you have not fully investigated. Either that, or you're just a troll who hopes to scare Christians away from voting for Donald.

Donald won't get my vote, but I have more respect for the Holy Bible than to claim Donald fulfills apocalyptic prophecies.

An example of why I just can't take Brother Paul seriously is this example of his eisegesis. It is the type of eisegesis that could only happen if one has not thoroughly studied Daniel and Revelation. Brother Paul claims that Donald must be the little horn of Daniel because his last name, Trump, means little trumpet.

The angel plainly told Daniel what the horns are in the book of Daniel. The beast's ten horns are ten kings. The little horn is a king that uproots three other kings and eventually makes war on the saints and prevails against them.

Please see this commentary on Daniel 8. Because the Bible is chock full of multiple types, foreshadows and fulfillments, it would be foolish to rule out that there could be more to come. But how will you recognize it if it comes in the present if you don't even know how to recognize what happened in the past to fulfill prophecy?

Hindsight is easier than seeing what's happening while you're in the midst of it and it is coming at you. Is it not? If you can't even learn to have hindsight, what kind of vision can you learn to have? I'm afraid that Brother Paul may be a blind guide. I hope he means well, and I can't judge his heart, but I discern that his exegesis appears to me to be unreliable.

Anonymous said...

2:08 AM said:

"The Rosary was given to St. Benedict by the Blessed Virgin our Lady St. Mary in the 13th century.

Quote - "At this point Our Lady appeared to him, accompanied by three angels, and she said:

"Dear Dominic, do you know which weapon the Blessed Trinity wants to use to reform the world?"

"Oh, my Lady," answered Saint Dominic, "you know far better than I do because next to your Son Jesus Christ you have always been the chief instrument of our salvation.""

So for 12 CENTURIES, the Rosary didn't exist in the Catholic Church! Think about this; God almighty's power to 'reform the world' is dependent upon people making *repetitive prayers by using pagan beads!

Also, notice the elevation given to the Catholic 'Mary' stating that MARY, outside of Christ, is the "CHIEF INSTRUMENT OF OUR SALVATION!" What does the Bible say about that?

"No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day." - John 6:44

"Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?

I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase." - 1 Corinthians 3:5-7

NOTE that it is GOD that is the CHIEF INSTRUMENT OF SALVATION and NOT the Catholic invention of their "Mary." By making such a bogus blasphemous claim, they are actually attributing to their "Mary" attributes and sovereign power that only GOD has!

Anonymous said...

Brother Paul and Brother James Key spend virtually ALL of their time 'identifying the antichrist.'

Tell me, Sister Constance, et all, where in the Bible are we instructed to spend our time on earth being obsessed with SPECULATION regarding the identity of the antichrist? Where is it? They won't answer folks, because it is nowhere to be found in the Bible!

For well over 100 years, pre-trib rapture fanatacs have been in the business of end times speculation. Their obsession really ramped up during the outbreak of World War 1 in 1914, in which ALL OF THEIR PROPHETIC PROCLAMATIONS proved to be utterly FALSE! But that didn't stop these false speculators as they've been in the business of being utterly wrong ever since! With their long, well documented record of false predictions, false antichrists, etc., why would anyone be led to believe that they suddenly got it right? Can you really trust a broken clock because it's right twice a day?

Jesus's first warning when asked about the end of the world: "And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you." - Matthew 24:4

Anonymous said...

Regarding repetitive prayers of the Rosary mentioned in post 9:02 AM. The following is taken from an official Catholic site on How to Pray the Rosary:

The rosary is divided into five groups of ten beads called decades. As we pray the rosary we meditate on the events of Our Lord's life and Passion, which are called Mysteries. The repetition of the prayers assists in this prayerful meditation. The rosary, in essence, is a compendium of the Gospel and leads us, through the intercession of Our Lady, to contemplate Jesus Christ.

Begin by praying the Sign of the Cross.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

1. On the crucifix pray the Apostles Creed.
I BELIEVE IN GOD, the Father almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into Hell. The third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into Heaven, and sits at the right hand of God, the Father almighty. He shall come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.

2. Begin the rosary with 1 Our Father.
OUR FATHER, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

3. Pray three (3) Hail Marys for an increase in the virtues of faith, hope, and love, and follow with a Glory Be.
HAIL MARY, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

GLORY BE to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Anonymous said...


4. Next, you will begin to pray the Mysteries, or decades, of the Rosary.
It is suggested you focus on the mysteries according to the day of the week you are praying.

Joyful – Monday and Saturday
Glorious – Wednesday and Sunday
Sorrowful – Tuesday and Friday
Luminous – Thursday
[Read details on the mysteries of the rosary]

4a. Announce the first mystery (Ex: “The first Joyful Mystery is the Annunciation.”)
4b. Pray one Our Father

5. Follow with ten (10) Hail Mary’s for each of the 10 beads in the decade

5a. After, pray one (1) Glory Be

5b. Conclude the decade with the Fatima Prayer
O MY JESUS, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell; lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy. Amen. [Read about the prayers of Fatima here.]

6. Repeat all of step 4 to begin the second decade.

7. Repeat all of step 5 to finish the second decade.

8-13. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the remaining three decades.

14. Lastly, pray the Hail Holy Queen and the concluding prayer.

HAIL HOLY QUEEN, mother of mercy; our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn, then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us. And after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen. V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.?R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
O GOD, WHOSE only-begotten Son by His life, death and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life; grant, we beseech Thee, that by meditating upon these mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Anonymous said...

By the way, in the Apostles Creed, the Catholic version above capitalizes the word "Catholic." In the original Apostles Creed, this word is not capitalized. The word 'catholic' is used to identify ALL believers that belong to the universal spiritual church of which Christ is the Head.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:00 AM,

It is not a case of I ‘can’t provide’, but rather a case of I won’t waste my time answering for someone else who is easily contactable (for his words).

My posts regarding such have not been refuted by you in any way. Also, I suggest you revisit Brother Paul’s site and review his comments on Trump, regarding the ‘Little Horn’ mentioned in Daniel.

Even so, your Preterist link at the bottom of your post tells me all I need to know as to why you reject Brother Paul’s assertions.

In that case, here is a link for you which I hope will be of benefit to you and others here.

Preterism Examined and Refuted:

Anonymous said...

6:52 AM.

Haven't you heard? The pope is no longer catholic and The Environmental Protection Agency no longer allows bears to go in the woods

Anonymous said...

11:22 AM,

Oh, the author at your link isn't even a partial preterist? Then he must not believe that any Bible prophecy at all has been fulfilled? Then he doesn't believe Daniel correctly prophesied about the timing of the first coming of Jesus Christ? Maybe he doesn't believe Babylon fell to the Medo-Persians, either? Or that the Roman empire conquered the Greek empire already?

It's not necessary to accept full preterism to have an interest in studying the history of fulfilled prophecy. It's relevant to partial preterists and futurists, who are on a continuum.

As I said before, it's helpful to calibrate what apocalyptic language looks like in comparison to the historical events it was about. If you can't have hindsight about fulfilled prophecy, how can you ever have foresight about unfulfilled prophecy?

Like I said, the Bible is chock full of multiple types, foreshadows and fulfillments. Therefore it would be foolish to rule out that there is more to come.

Anonymous said...

"As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness." (Psalm 17:15)

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever." (Psalm 23:6)

"And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever." (Daniel 12:3)

"Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear." (Matthew 13:43)

"And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, and was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light." (Matthew 17:1-2)

"For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven." (Matthew 22:30)

"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." (John 14:1-2)

Anonymous said...

To ALL of the Protestants on this blog who have asked Catholics questions over the past 17 years...

Where does the Bible specifically teach that the Bible is the only source of Divine Revelation? “Where does the Bible say everything we believe as Christians must be found in the Bible?” Answer: Nowhere! As one can see, "proof texting" cuts both ways.

In another of your defenses of the Bible Only Rule of Faith, Protestants cite the verse:
2 Timothy 3:16–17, for example: “All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”

Not a single "sola" ("sola" = "only" as in "Bible only") to be fund found there!!! Moreover, the writings we call the New Testament were not yet collected together as Scripture when Paul wrote his second letter to Timothy.

On the other hand:
Catholics follow the biblical command to hold to apostolic traditions whether they are “by word of mouth or by letter” (2 Thess. 2:15).
15 So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings[c] we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.

2Thessalonians 2:15

It was St. John who pointed out that not everything that Christ said and did was recorded in the Sacred Scriptures. But their not being recorded in Sacred Scriptures did not mean that they did not happen...

Douay-Rheims Bible
But there are also many other things which Jesus did; which, if they were written every one, the world itself, would not be able to contain the books that should be written.

See also:
Is Scripture Alone Sufficient? | Catholic Answers Magazine

CRI's Attack on Mary: Part V | Catholic Answers Magazine

Anonymous said...

Continued from 4:33 PM...

The history of the Holy Rosary...

Tradition does hold that St. Dominic (d. 1221) devised the Rosary as we know it. Moved by a vision of our Blessed Mother, he preached the use of the rosary in his missionary work among the Albigensians, who had denied the mystery of Christ.

Other scholars have maintained that St. Dominic not so much "invented" the rosary as he preached its use to convert sinners and those who had strayed from the faith. Nevertheless, at least a dozen popes have mentioned St. Dominic's connection with the rosary, sanctioning his role as at least a "pious belief."

The rosary gained greater popularity in the 1500s, when Moslem Turks were ravaging Eastern Europe. Recall that in 1453, Constantinople had fallen to the Moslems, leaving the Balkans and Hungary open to conquest. With Moslems raiding even the coast of Italy, the control of the Mediterranean was now at stake.

In 1571, Pope Pius V organized a fleet under the command of Don Juan of Austria the half-brother of King Philip II of Spain.
While preparations were underway, the Holy Father asked all of the faithful to say the Rosary and implore our Blessed Mother's prayers, under the title Our Lady of Victory, that our Lord would grant victory to the Christians. Although the Moslem fleet outnumbered that of the Christians in both vessels and sailors, the forces were ready to meet in battle. The Christian flagship flew a blue banner depicting Christ crucified.
On October 7, 1571, the Moslems were defeated at the Battle of Lepanto. The following year, Pope St. Pius V established the Feast of the Holy Rosary on October 7, where the faithful would not only remember this victory, but also give thanks to the Lord for all of His benefits and remember the powerful intercession of our Blessed Mother.
The fact that our Church continues to include the Feast of the Holy Rosary on the liturgical calendar testifies to the importance and goodness of this form of prayer. Archbishop Fulton Sheen said, "The rosary is the book of the blind, where souls see and there enact the greatest drama of love the world has ever known; it is the book of the simple, which initiates them into mysteries and knowledge more satisfying than the education of other men; it is the book of the aged, whose eyes close upon the shadow of this world, and open on the substance of the next. The power of the rosary is beyond description."
Before anyone presumes to call the Rosary "pagan," he might do well to educate himself to the fact that the prayers of the Rosary are Christian as well as the Mysteries upon which a Catholic meditates while praying. The Mysteries are episodes of the life of Christ and Mary.

The Mysteries of the Rosary - The Holy Rosary - The Holy See (
As far as repetitious prayers, go, The use of the prayer-knots or prayer beads originated from the fact that monks, according to the rule of St. Basil, the only monastic rule known to the Greek Rite, were enjoined by their founder to “pray without ceasing” (I Thess., v, 17; Luke, xviii, 1), and as most of the early monks were laymen, engaged often in various forms of work and in many cases without sufficient education to read the prescribed lessons, psalms, and prayers of the daily office, the rosary was used by them as a means of continually reciting their prayers.

Mary was present with Peter & the Apostles at Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended on them in the form of tongues of fire.
Pentecost with Mary, Queen of Apostles | Catholic Culture

Protestants should KNOW that one of their founders, Martin Luther was a former CATHOLIC PRIEST who was especially devoted to honoring Mary, the mother of Jesus...
Martin Luther’s Exceptionally “Catholic” Devotion to Mary| National Catholic Register (

The Extra-Biblical Marian Doctrines | Catholic Answers Magazine

Anonymous said...

I'm not Catholic, but pro-life Catholics are doing good work. This is what a consistent ethic of life looks like.

"Pro-life leaders have told me in recent months that they are focusing on unwanted abortions, with plans to try to hold abortion providers and others who care for pregnant women accountable for not screening for intimate partner violence and other kinds of coercion.

Many of these leaders are also looking at other ways to support women to have a true choice. Hundreds of pro-life activists publicly signed a document emphasizing our support for accessible and affordable health care, expanded child tax credits, paid parental leave, flexible work hours, affordable child care and prenatal child support laws.

The movement is especially advanced in pro-life states, where Catholic bishop conferences and individual dioceses are explicitly working toward these goals, often in partnership with the social-justice focused arms of the church, such as Catholic Charities."

Anonymous said...

7:56 PM

Thank you so much for your words of support.

Abortion has become a world wide 'holocaust' since it became legal in January, 1073.

Anonymous said...

Clarification: That should be 1973.

Anonymous said...

9:02 AM

Haven't you (as a Baptist) ever lead anyone to Christ?

Anonymous said...

Kim came out of the New Age

Kim Buck: Ep 3—Sacred Heart: Apparitions and Devotion

Oh dear, my greatest childhood fear was having a vision

Anonymous said...

​​Jared Kushner as Secretary of State? Trump Insiders Are Buzzing About It

GOP senators are said to be urging the Trump son-in-law to consider the State Department post. Tapping Kushner over a MAGA hard-liner, says one source, “would show Trump is not purely on a revenge tour.”

"With Donald Trump on track to lock up the Republican nomination, speculation has naturally turned to who might populate his future administration. Most of the media’s focus has thus far been on gaming out whom Trump could select as his running mate, from potential veep picks like Senator Tim Scott and Congresswoman Elise Stefanik to Governor Kristi Noem and former Fox News host Tucker Carlson. But no matter whom Trump chooses, it’s unclear how much influence that person might actually have; after all, Trump values personal relationships and his family more than someone’s position in a West Wing org chart.

Which is why it’s potentially more consequential that Republicans are now buzzing about the possibility of Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, serving as secretary of state in Trump’s second term. According to two sources, prominent Republicans are speculating that Kushner is in the running to take charge at Foggy Bottom if Trump wins in November. One source briefed on the conversations said Republican senators have privately asked Kushner to head up the agency. According to the source, Kushner has said he is “focused on his family and his business,” and would wait until late summer to consider serving as the nation’s top diplomat."

Anonymous said...

‘Opportunity Of The Century’: Jared Kushner On His Middle East Peace Plan | NBC News (4 yrs ago)

Anonymous said...

In other words, let's make Jared Kushner the new Henry Kissinger.

Anonymous said...

Trump Responds To Pope Saying He's 'Not Christian' [FULL RESPONSE] (From Feb. 18, 2016)

Donald Trump lashed out Thursday after Pope Francis questioned his Christianity, saying the pontiff will "wish and pray" he the real estate mogul were President "if and when the Vatican is attacked [by ISIS, of whom Donald Trump says that they regard the Vatican as their biggest potential trophy]."

Anonymous said...

Iran, Texas, Palestine's Watermelon Symbol etc.

Anonymous said...

Should we expect Jesus to rule an earthly Jerusalem? Was God's covenant with the day and night ever broken?

Jeremiah 33:17-21
English Standard Version

17 “For thus says the Lord: David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel, 18 and the Levitical priests shall never lack a man in my presence to offer burnt offerings, to burn grain offerings, and to make sacrifices forever.”

19 The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah: 20 “Thus says the Lord: If you can break my covenant with the day and my covenant with the night, so that day and night will not come at their appointed time, 21 then also my covenant with David my servant may be broken, so that he shall not have a son to reign on his throne, and my covenant with the Levitical priests my ministers.

Anonymous said...

Indeed it was. When Jesus was crucified, God's covenant with the day and night was broken.

Matthew 27:45
English Standard Version
The Death of Jesus

45 Now from the sixth hour[a] there was darkness over all the land[b] until the ninth hour.[c]

Anonymous said...

18 For ye are not come unto the mount that might be touched, and that burned with fire, nor unto blackness, and darkness, and tempest,

19 And the sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words; which voice they that heard intreated that the word should not be spoken to them any more:

20 (For they could not endure that which was commanded, And if so much as a beast touch the mountain, it shall be stoned, or thrust through with a dart:

21 And so terrible was the sight, that Moses said, I exceedingly fear and quake:)

22 But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels,

23 To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,

24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.

(Hebrews 12:18-24)

Anonymous said...

Jon Voight Compares Trump To Jesus | Antichrist 45

'Trump and his supporters keep comparing him to Jesus [Christ].

'Did you ever ask yourself why?'

Because Trump is the False Christ'.

Anonymous said...

An above poster has asked why Trump denies the Father and the Son.

Trump has admitted he doesn't ask God for forgiveness, he doesn't bring God into it. Later, due to a backlash from some 'Evangelicals', Trump deceived, he has asked God a little for forgiveness, 'in his OWN WAY'.

Secondly, Trump has called himself 'The Chosen One'.

Stern-faced, sneering, prideful, mocking, of fearful countenance, Trump, a vile man full of lies, blasphemies and devoid of love, is the complete antithesis of Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior.

Yet Trumosters are worshiping one who comes in his own name.

The Great Apostasy will come when men shall not endure sound doctrine. They shall be lovers of selves. They shall kill true Christians, thinking they are doing God a favor.

Anonymous said...

The British newspaper, The Guardian, reports Trump has lost a case in England's High Court to claim damages against those who made the Steele Dossier public, as well as failing in his attempt to censor the document. It is an intelligence dossier exposing Trump's secret collision with the Russian Government against Western interests, specifically, against the U.S., and also exposes Trump for engaging in perverted sexual acts:

Donald Trump’s ‘sex and bribes’ data protection case rejected by UK court
Ex-US president took action over allegations he took part in ‘perverted acts’ and bribed Russian officials

Daniel Boffey Chief reporter
Thu 1 Feb 2024

damages over allegations in the “Steele dossier” that he took part in “perverted” sex acts and gave bribes to Russian officials has been dismissed by a high court judge in London.

Mrs Justice Steyn agreed with Orbis Business Intelligence, the company founded by the former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele, who compiled the contentious material, that the case should not go to trial.

Read more:

Download the Steele Dossier pdf here:

Anonymous said...

Trump the Traitor indeed. Not surprising, then, that he watched the attack on the US Congress by Confederate flag waving Nazi Traitors unfold on the screens from the safety of his bunker, smiling and laughing with his sons.

The Trumpsters' favorite Traitor and Rapist in Chief, indeed!

Constance was right when she admonished such vile Trumpsters here, where she stated they would have defended Hitler.

Yet, AntiChrist Trump shall be worse than Hitler, yet those days shall be shortened for the sake of the elect.


Anonymous said...


By Dr. Cliff Kelly

Anonymous said...

Kushner is merely Trump's ambassador. The Middle East peace plan is orchestrated and devised by Donald J. Trump, 'The Abraham Accords'. It is indeed the Covenant with Many Trump shall implement and then suddenly break half way through.

Anonymous said...

Israeli Rep: "Saudis Sign Trump's Abraham Accords Covenant In 2023"

Anonymous said...

1:32 PM


One thing you can say about the lunacy of the left, they sure do make you laugh!

Anonymous said...

12:51 PM

ROFL !!!

Sure thing. Trump will one day declare that he is 'god' and the whole world will follow him! ROFL !!!

Anonymous said...

This has now become a site where insanity rules.

It never really was much of a site, but it has really digressed into the abyss the last few years.

Anonymous said...

2:27 PM,

QAnon-RayB? Scoff as you may. As it was in the days when God told Noe to build the ark, so shall it be in thw Last Days.

You do know whose head is on the shekels ready for the Third Temple, don't you? Donald J. Trump.

He is being lauded as the Messiah and a king in Israel, and has already been gifted a crown in a glass case by prominent Israelis.

Laugh as you may, Trump is already in his body declaring he alone can fix things and calling himself the Chosen One.

2:28 PM,

Were you and your ilk to immediately stop posting here, the blog would instantly prove far saner a place to be.

Anonymous said...

1:32 PM,

One thing you can clearly say of Trumpsters such as yourself, you don't get that myself, Constance, X, Brother Paul, Brother James Key, are conservativea. Your issue, your delusion, is anyone not a full-on far-right Trump worshiping fascist is of, in your words, "the lunacy of the left".

Anonymous said...

Secret IRS Files Reveal How Much the Ultrawealthy Gained by Shaping Trump’s “Big, Beautiful Tax Cut”

Anonymous said...

Read the Steele dossier, an intelligence document (link in a few posts above), and see who Trump the Traitor and Rapist in Chief really is.

Anonymous said...

Trump: 'The rich will not be gaining at all' with my tax reform plan (Sept 13, 2017)

"You all just got a lot richer," Trump tells friends, referencing tax overhaul (Dec 24, 2017)

Anonymous said...

Israel Heritage Foundation awards Trump ‘crown of Jerusalem’

Trump told the audience, “The United States backs Israel, but they back it less than they used to. I was having a lot of problems getting support for Israel and I can’t really understand it.”

If he decided to “give this up and go over to Israel,” he would be elected prime minister “very quickly,” he added.

Anonymous said...

A Thief In The Night

In the Temple of God, a priest was posted every night on duty to ensure the last sacrifice for the current day was completely consumed. He also had to guard the fire on the altar so that it was kept burning throughout the night ready for the next morning’s sacrifice. The fire was not supposed to go out for any reasons.

Somehow the priest on duty would become tired and sleepy about halfway through the night. If the last sacrifice was consumed and the flames were still burning, he might catch some moments to rest and nap while waiting. He would wake up every now and then to fuel the flames by adding woods and fanning before going back to the sleeping mode again. This happened throughout the night till the rising of the sun.

However it was highly possible for this priest on duty to fall asleep totally, failing to perform his responsibilities of tending to the fire. And the fire went off.

Here the thief in the night would come. Sometimes during the night watches, the High Priest would enter the Temple very quietly like a thief to check and ensure the priest on duty was fulfilling his duties. He might be accompanied by his faithful assistant.

Firstly the High Priest and his assistant would check the fire to see whether the flames were still alive. If necessary, they would add some woods and fan the flames. If the priest on duty was sleeping, the High Priest would take an ember of coal from the fire and sneak quietly around the sleeping priest. He would then place the burning coal on the garment of the sleeping priest.

When his clothes were on fire, the priest would wake up. He would have no choice but to rip them off and run home, naked and ashamed. One thing for sure, he would never fall asleep while on duty again.

These white priestly garments were made of 100% cotton. When soiled, they were torn into strips and used as wicks for the menorah or swaddling clothes for infants.

Thus the thief in the night is the High Priest coming to check whether the priest on duty is carrying out his responsibilities faithfully and doing his work properly. Those who sleep will be punished, but those who keep watch and stay awake will be rewarded.

Anonymous said...

O'Keefe & another ghey honeypot.

Anonymous said...

1:39 PM

No Trumpster here - Count me in with the conservatives. Jo

Anonymous said...

9:51 AM
Re: "By the way, in the Apostles Creed, the Catholic version above capitalizes the word "Catholic." In the original Apostles Creed, this word is not capitalized. The word 'catholic' is used to identify ALL believers that belong to the universal spiritual church of which Christ is the Head."


Actually, you just 'tripped yourself up' with your very last sentence.

Yes... that UNIVERSAL CHURCH (of which Christ is the Head') IS the one that Jesus Himself created in the year 33 AD... it is the 'one, holy Catholic and apostolic' Church. Catholics follow the teachings of Jesus... and what He TAUGHT his 12 apostles during the 33 years that He lived on this Earth ~ until the day Our Savior Jesus Christ was crucified and died for the sins of all mankind.

So, what was that Protestant Reformation all about? When leaders like Martin Luther, John Calvin, King Henry VIII, etc. let their FALSE PRIDE get in the way... to branch off to start their very own Protestant sects... or, spin offs (either way, what amounted to their own 'MAN-made' religion).

Now, here we are in the 21st Century... and now, there are so many VERSIONS of the Bible out there -- so many VERSIONS of the 'WORD' of God -- that your various Protestant sects STILL fight among themselves as to exactly how to INTERPRET each particular 'version' of a certain passage.

Then, Protestants 'branched off' from their Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian roots to "let's just call ourselves Christian Evangelicals"... where various groups (within groups) continue to distance themselves from the others... all while arguing among themselves as to which group is 'right' and which group is 'wrong' (sounds exhausting).

What everyone needs to remember is this: The TRUTH has no 'versions'... the truth is the truth. If you have 2, or 3, or more 'versions' of the Bible... someone is LYING!!!

Anonymous said...

10:48 PM

You not win many friend talking that way 'round here ( - :

Anonymous said...

The King James Bible has practically grown into a religion in and of itself and English has effectively replaced Latin. For instance; I was following a recent Japanese airliner vs Japanese Coast Guard plane crash and was surprised to read that in Japan the Air Traffic Controllers use English and this may have lead to a misunderstanding since the JCG pilots aren't as well versed in English as the JAL pilots.

Anyroad, Exorcists use Latin so if you want to make the Devil mad learn to say this

Rosary Against Modernism (Ann Barnhardt)

PS: sorry x

Anonymous said...

11:47 PM
Re: "You not win many friend talking that way 'round here ( - : "


My purpose is not to 'win friends' with my posts. I am only interested in the TRUTH.

And, by the way, I have been 'round here' (on this blog) for 17 years.

During those 17 years, I have made MANY good friends (who USED to post here on this blog)... and I am still in close communication with them via email.

Anonymous said...

12:00 AM

If you want to 'make the devil mad'... throw Holy Water on him.

Anonymous said...

Trump [pouts his orange stained lips in chimpanzee fashion, devoid of humanity, and] mocks Biden, but wait for it…

Anonymous said...

1:52 AM

OK Boomer

Sorry I couldn't resist

Anonymous said...

I think the Antichrist terminology is being used in the wrong way. It's more of a colloquial, cultural usage than a Biblical usage. The word "Antichrist" is used by John to point to the spirit of heresy, specifically heresy about Christology. The word is not used in Revelation.

Revelation uses the word "beast." The first "beasts" to appear in the Bible are Leviathan the Sea Beast and Behemoth the Land Beast. Later in Daniel the "beasts" were always CONQUERING MILITARY EMPIRES.

It is a mistaken idea that a "beast" must be popular and beloved rather than hated. It is the spirit of heresy that is seducing. "Beasts" are not seducing. You may recall that Nebuchadnezzur was not trying to be popular. He was fine with being worshiped out of fear. But the whole world must have wondered after Nebuchadnezzur. Then the whole world must have wondered after Alexander the Great. Antiochus Epiphanes, who was just a horn and not a head of the Greek Empire beast kingdom, was not trying to be popular, either. He was just fine with being feared, and he persecuted and killed all the Jews who refused to depart from worshiping the one true God.

Then the whole world must have wondered after Nero, followed by Vespasian and Titus, the father and son who were deified in emperor worship, and who led the conquest of Jerusalem during the Jewish Roman war. They were the two horns of the beast that rose from the land of Israel, or from the earth, as the Behemoth of their time. They worked together with the sea beast, reminiscent of Leviathan, which was Rome.

No doubt everybody is familiar with Godzilla, who became the "beast" to Japan after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That was the United States military and specifically nukes. United States military nukes were a "beast" to Japan. Godzilla. That was us! We were a beast to Japan. You can still watch movies about Godzilla to this day. But we didn't compel worship in a religious way. In fact, we secularized their society by seducing it with technology, materialism and commercialism. Japan's own emperor worship withered. The Japanese saw the power of "Godzilla" and knew it came from technology and wanted to master technology to a greater extent.

If there is more to come--either to fulfill prophecy or only as a recurring type--if it is going to be a "beast"--it will be MILITARY in nature. Worship will be COMPELLED, not seduced. I can't think of any people in the world right now who compels literal, obvious, unmistakable worship other than militant sects of Islam. Nobody else in the contemporary world combines military might with devout religious worship in the same fully literal, fully obvious way.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so Pat and Mike walk into a bar — or they try to, but the bar is closed and Pat and Mike are canceled. Welcome to the new Ireland!

No Irish Need Apply

Anonymous said...

Mulling over the events of the first century, since they were fulfilled and could potentially point to recurring types, the false Messiahs were many. There was one pre-eminent false prophet. In what way did they work together with the Roman army? They didn't. Actually, the only "coordination" wasn't human. It was Satanic.

Here's what would have happened to the misled souls. Some were led out into the desert by their "Messiah," where they were promptly killed by the Romans. Some were led by their "Messiah" to fight the Romans and ended up under siege for an extremely difficult five months in which the whole population increasingly became insane and depraved in their behavior with each other internally. Then they were slaughtered or led into captivity (if young enough). But slaves were not in high demand at the time, so even if led into captivity, the young might still get killed just for sport and entertainment.

I think we have to stop thinking in terms of human conspiracy and think in terms of Satanic conspiracy. Satan will always be smarter than any of us. Our only hope of NOT wandering in Satan's labyrinth, getting gored intermittently by the minotaur, is to follow Jesus on his narrow path. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

As for military matters those are ethical and secular, but no Pentagon head or Seal Team will ever be smarter than Satan is.

Whatever God allows to happen is just going to happen because the evil spirit world is smarter. Our only hope of not being outwitted by it is to listen to Jesus. If we keep it simple we will be okay, but if we try to be too smart by coloring outside of the lines of the Bible, just when we think we have it all figured out, we could be the MOST misled at that very moment.

Anonymous said...

PS: 1:52 AM, I forgot to say: you're alot braver them I am ( - ;

Anonymous said...

Dubbing Donald Trump the Little Horn of Daniel 7, because a horn is a trumpet, and a little horn is a trump, may seem compelling on the surface. But in the context, the little horn uproots three horns among ten horns.

Looking at the structure of America's political system, there would be one head, the president. That one head would be bristling with horns, so many horns that it would be like porcupine quills. The quills would constantly be uprooting other quills. Many of them would be frequently and intermittently bending and to prick the head. Many would be falling off. That would represent the cabinet members of the Trump presidency. And the head would be twisting and biting at them and biting them off.

The body politic of America would be like a porcupine, too, because the body would have so many "horns." Every senator and representative would be a "horn," but really more like a quill. Then there would be smaller quills at the city and county level. The quills would be shed frequently. They would be struggling to uproot each other frequently. New quills would be sprouting continually.

The body itself would have babies, and the babies would fight each other. Some of them would turn on the mother. They would all have porcupine bodies, too, with so many horns that they would be covered in quills.

Anonymous said...

1:52 AM sweet. Your little cult following is still intact with private e-mail for 17 yrs. Then Y'all can come on here and bash the blog owner. Nothin to be proud of.

Anonymous said...

Here she is.
A freak.

A tool of the Left.
Only in her dreams she was somehow sexually engaged with DJT...

Trump would be highly allergic to her. I sure am.
I'm ill after watching this horrible person.

Anonymous said...

11:57 AM
Re: "1:52 AM sweet. Your little cult following is still intact with private e-mail for 17 yrs. Then y'all can come on here and bash the blog owner. Nothin to be proud of."


1) First of all, I am not your 'sweet'.
2) There is no 'cult following' (although, maybe it exists in YOUR delusional mind).
3) If you had been participating on this blog over the past 17 years... you would be familiar with every single one of the names of the FORMER posters here.
4) They no longer have the 'stomach' for all of the hate & intolerance on this blog.
5) I'm the only one left (I guess I must be be a 'glutton for punishment'.
6) Occasionally, I will share some of what is being said here.

No one is 'bashing the blog owner'... everyone is just sad that this blog has degenerated to what it has become... when people no longer respect each other's right to 'agree to disagree' when debating an issue.

Anonymous said...

Trump Promises Peace on Earth | Antichrist 45


Today on Truth Social, Donald Trump posted a link to an interview by Hungarian strongman Viktor Orbán, in which Orbán said that, and I quote, “Peace has a name, that of Donald Trump.”

Responding to that over-the-top statement, Trump replied in all caps: “THERE WILL BE PEACE ON EARTH, JUST LIKE THERE WAS FOUR YEARS AGO.”

This is yet another example of Trump either wittingly or unwittingly hinting at bible prophecy. In this case, the prophecy is that the Antichrist will have a 7 year covenant with many between Israel and her neighbors.

I am convinced that shortly after Trump returns to power, wherever and whenever that happens, he will confirm the Abraham Accords with many more nations being added, resulting in a stunning, possibly even worldwide, peace deal.

Of course, the bible also speaks of a time when people will say “peace and safety,” but then sudden destruction will come upon them. This is almost certainly a reference to when the Antichrist will break his own peace deal after 3½ years.

It’s noteworthy how Trump has always gotten along best with those leaders around the world who are strongmen or even dictators – and how they, in turn, seem to also love him. All of them, including Trump, seem to share the same mindset of ruling with an iron fist.

I find that interesting because the bible refers to the Antichrist as the Little Horn, and also describes another 10 Horns who give their power to the beast for one hour. The similarity in names between the Little Horn and 10 Horns could be a sign that they also share the same characteristics.

So, yesterday we saw Trump post a video of Jon Voight comparing him to Jesus, and today we have Trump posting a message that promises he will bring peace on earth. With each passing day, the evidence for Trump being the Antichrist just keeps getting stronger and stronger.

Anonymous said...

3:47 AM,

Did Jesus ascend to heaven to fulfill the prophecy in Daniel that the Son of Man would come to the Ancient of Days, be presented before Him, and receive dominion, glory and a kingdom?

What do you think happened after Jesus ascended to heaven going up with a cloud covering Him, while apostles watched from the slope of the Mount of Olives?

Do you believe that right now, Jesus is Lord and that He has all authority over heaven and earth? He told his apostles and disciples after His resurrection and before His ascension. Do you believe Him?

If you believe Him, then how could the vision in the night in the book of Daniel yet remain unfulfilled, about the Son of Man being presented to the Ancient of Days?

Immediately after Daniel's prophecy about the little horn, follows the vision of the Son of Man being presented to the Ancient of Days.

Is Jesus waiting for Donald Trump to become the "little horn" before He may be presented to the Father to be given all authority in heaven and earth?

Anonymous said...

3:47 AM
Re: "It’s noteworthy how Trump has always gotten along best with those leaders around the world who are strongmen or even dictators – and how they, in turn, seem to also love him. All of them, including Trump, seem to share the same mindset of ruling with an iron fist."


It's also 'noteworthy' that we have had TWO U.S. Presidents who have refused to be PUPPETS on a string for the Globalists: John F. Kennedy (a Democrat) and Donald Trump (a Republican).

JFK ended up with a bullet in his head... and Trump has been verbally 'sliced & diced' for the past 8 years!!!

The fact that Trump knows how to 'handle' dictators is a plus!!!

Anonymous said...

Revelation gives more detail about the very same events. Daniel and Revelation fit together. Daniel was told to seal some of his visions. John was told not to seal the book. Because Daniel and Revelation go together so well, it's likely that John was given the same visions that Daniel was told to seal. Daniel didn't completely understand all of his visions. It's possible that John didn't completely understand all of his visions, either.

Jesus told parables that go together with Daniel and Revelation. Parts of Ezekiel go together with parts of Revelation.

Why did God see fit to scatter the clues? I don't know, but maybe it was a way to hide the truth from the wise but allow the simple to see it. It could be He wanted to hide the truth from the wise because He understands human nature and knows that people will try to fake fulfilments and try to make people believe false prophesies.

Any believers who are able to put all the pieces of the puzzle together can confound the attempts to be manipulative or misleading. Being manipulative would be deliberate, while being misleading would be accidental.

Daniel, after his death, would have gone to Abraham's Bosom in Hades, also known as Paradise, and separate from the other section of Hades. He would not yet have gone to heaven to be near the Father. Why should anybody believe that for 2,000 years, Daniel is still being held in Hades and isn't able to be in heaven?

But if the righteous don't need to be held in Hades anymore, then that would mean that death (spiritual death as separation from God) and Hades could have already been destroyed.

What does Jesus need to wait for? Has He been waiting all of this time for modern Israel to accept Him as the Messiah? If Daniel was to shine as the sun after his resurrection, that would make Daniel's resurrection body a body of light, like the body of Jesus when He was transfigured on the Mount of Olives while speaking to Moses and Elijah, who were also shining brightly.

Jesus said to His apostles that He was going to prepare a place for them in His Father's house, which contained many mansions. Where is the Father's house? It's located in heaven.

When people have near death experiences, they frequently see many levels of the heavens where the cities and the beings shine with very bright luminescence. Some people see a realm that looks like what Jesus called outer darkness. It's a dark realm where shadowy spirits wander.

Why does Jesus need to wait for everybody in the entire world to be judged before anybody, including Abraham or Daniel, or the twelve apostles, or even His mother Mary or James the first bishop of the Jerusalem church and His brother, can be with God in heaven?

Anonymous said...

Why would Jesus make Daniel wait for 2,000 years and counting before Daniel would be able to awaken from his rest to shine like the sun? Does that need to wait for Donald Trump to become the president of the United States of America again and then for Jared Kushner to make a peace deal as the secretary of state of a new Trump administration? And how would that all happen in 3 1/2 years?

In 3 1/2 years, the temple will be rebuilt, animal sacrifices will resume, and the Abraham Accords won't prevent an Arab world meltdown because their mosque was destroyed so the temple could be rebuilt on the temple mount? And it would be demolished and the temple would be standing, all within 3 1/2 years?

Meanwhile right now the United States is undertaking military operations on Middle Eastern targets? Yet starting in 2024 Donald Trump will get right to work on making an immediate peace agreement and allowing the mosque to be torn down and the temple to be rebuilt? Demolition and construction don't happen that quickly, and most of the time when they are happening, terrorists aren't being fended off.

Anonymous said...

8 Signs That Demonstrate How Truly Bizarre Our Society Is Becoming

Anonymous said...

8 Signs That Demonstrate How Truly Bizarre Our Society Is Becoming

Anonymous said...

3:47 AM

I would rather see the U.S. be ruled by a leader with 'an iron fist', than to live in the most vile, corrupt, subversive, perverted, murdering, and lawless nation in the world!

How is it that some misguided posters here believe Trump the AC, when it is the secular/atheistic Luciferian Deep State power holders who hate Trump?

Anonymous said...

I disagree with both 3:47 AM and you, 10:04 AM. You are being swept by very dangerous currents.

But you ask a legitimate question: "How is it that some misguided posters here believe Trump the AC, when it is the secular/atheistic Luciferian Deep State power holders who hate Trump?"

So as not to lose perspective, let's stand back and review history. Historically, the well-established rich classes have resented and resisted the brasher and more aggressive newly rich people.

Therefore I will also pose a legitimate question to you: Are we witnessing a moral struggle or a power struggle?

Anonymous said...

10:22 AM stated

"So as not to lose perspective, let's stand back and review history. Historically, the well-established rich classes have resented and resisted the brasher and more aggressive newly rich people."

Yes, and those rich classes are the powerholders I described! They hate Trump because Trump won't support their wars, and are a threat to their power base!

So let's not lose perspective person 10:22 AM! Do you have a 'doctorate' in the dr X school of twisting reality?

Anonymous said...

Fani Opens Up: Admits To Relationship With Dude She Hired To Get Trump

Notice that the anti Trump troops are all dirtbags? Including cesspool swimmer Sister Constance.

Anonymous said...

"They hate Trump because Trump won't support their wars, and are a threat to their power base!"

That depends on which wars. Trump has signaled that he would seriously consider waging war on both Mexico and Iran.

I think you are right that Trump would not support Ukraine against Russia.

Trump's stances in regards to Israel have not been fully consistent over the years. Trump said he thought Netanyahu never really wanted peace but only tapped him along.

It looks like they all want wars--just different ones. It looks like they all have ambivalence about Israel at various times and in various ways.

Anonymous said...

I have to wonder, what if Russia had attacked Ukraine when George Sr. or Jr. were the presidents? If that had been the case, would the Democrat base have been anti-war, I wonder? Would the Republican base have been pro-war?

How many times will we switch our allegiances quickly back and forth without noticing in our own lifetimes? Just like the people in the novel 1984?

Anonymous said...

Following a presidential candidate is not joining a cult. Whoever is posting in place of Constance Cumbey needs another vaccine and to go join the Liz Cheney Cult and the Jan 6 committee Democrat Party (Satanists). Liz Cheney has also been seen on the Stephen Cobert show and she also agrees with Taylor Swift who has been known to endorse Joe Biden according to Breitbart. Trump DOES NOT endorse Hitler.

Constance Cumbey once said that an AI software program told her who the Antichrist is going to be. That's insane!!

Human trafficking is not human compassion!!

Anonymous said...


If Trump wasn't a "puppet"...why did he nominate all opus dei roman catholic supreme court justice (along with most of his federal judgeship nominations) and turn over 1/3 of our democratic institutions to one world religion fascists?

Why did he appoint Betsy Devos and let her attempt to destroy public education?

Why didn't Trump (and the GOP congress) ACTUALLY do something to stop illegal immigration other than a feeble attempt to build a easily surmountable & silly border wall and, thereby, stop this infux of roman catholics (being paid for by the knights of malta - given food, clothing, protection, cell phones along the entire journey)?

You realize your eventual your choice will be take the satanic eucharist and bend your knee to another Mary or die, right?


Anonymous said...

Trump borrows from the language of Hitler for anti-immigration speech in New Hampshire

Ex-Wife Claimed Trump Kept Nazi Speeches by Bedside

Anonymous said...

10:04 AM
Re: "How is it that some misguided posters here believe Trump the AC, when it is the secular/atheistic Luciferian Deep State power holders who hate Trump?"


AMEN to that.

If "by their fruits ye shall know them"... those EVIL Democrat LEADERS (Biden, Obama, etc.), who are following orders from the EVIL GLOBALISTS, are producing the most ROTTEN fruits!!!

Anonymous said...

And X @ 12:59 has got to be one of those Globalist 'puppets' (happily doing their bidding)...
because he produces the same 'rotten fruit'... with his posts FULL of UNChristian 'word salad'... full of VENOM and hate.

Anonymous said...

12:33 PM exclaimed excitedly, "Constance Cumbey once said that an AI software program told her who the Antichrist is going to be. That's insane!!"

Not exactly. I don't really understand what it means for somebody's name to "run through" prophecies in "crossword puzzle fashion," but that (whatever that means) was the claim. See:

The following is not an airtight claim. It is interesting, and Mrs. Cumbey makes it clear that she is not trying to name the Beast. We give it here only as a point of interest:

Mr. Landis' research leaves me a little in the dust; and I have to admit that I have been more than a skeptic in regards to much of the gematria, Bible Codes business. HOWEVER, I was contacted a few months ago by a young researcher named Kirk who resides in my area. In an email, he told me that I had to look at his CodeFinder software which contained the torah, tanach, Greek New Testaments, KJV Old and New Testament. He had that particular software which he had obtained via the Internet from an Australian enterprise He obtained it because it also contained without spaces, the Greek text. He said he had it and earlier versions and had been shamelessly looking for possible "cryptic clues" to the antichrist's identity. He had run "all the usual suspects" through the programs without finding anything meaningful on anybody.

When he ran Solana's name through, he said it came up in crossword puzzle fashion on EVERY BIBLICAL PROPHECY regarding the antichrist. He brought it here and gave me a copy of the program. I have run it many times. Solana's name crosses every significant prophecy in the Bible that Bible scholars traditionally ascribe to the antichrist. It is not loose ELS (equidistant letter spacing). It runs through -- several times the prophecy, for instance, "here is wisdom, let him that hath understanding . . ." It runs right through "he causeth all . . . to receive a mark". It runs in very tight fashion, crossword puzzle fashion through Matthew 24; Mark 13, and Luke 21 on all the abomination of desolation prophecies. Inputting the name in Hebrew, it runs through all the appropriate Daniel prophecies. It runs directly through II Thessalonians, Chapter 2 prophecies about "now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time . . ."

My personal jury is still out on this, but mathematicians I have shown this to, running the process on my computer with an attached projector to make it wall sized, tell me the odds are literally trillions to one against it appearing all of these times "coincidentally." Now, maybe it is a remarkable "cosmic joke" as the New Agers might express what they call "synchronicity."

Maybe it is a giant coincidence. Maybe poor Javier Solana should sue his parents for giving him such a bad name, but the findings are there. Even more remarkably they even come up on many of the King James prophecies as well as the Greek and Hebrew. Your guess as to the antichrist's identity is as good as mine. It is appearing increasingly, however, that Solana, at least for the present, may be an EDUCATED GUESS.

Anonymous said...

12:33 PM


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