Wednesday, January 10, 2024

An excellent video from a political science perspective about Trump, Populism, cults, and followers

 To all:  My last and recent site still needs to be watched by all who have missed it.  I updated it so refresh your browser for that post -- on it I included in the middle a video by a Christian watcher who had concerns very, very similar to my own.  His conclusions were that Trump did some good things while in office, but his present positions in the "God Made Trump" video approached very, very close to blasphemy.  This morning I discovered a vifdeo from a political observer named Leeja Miller.  I know nothing about her religion nor other preferences, but I was an undergaduate Political Science major holding major political jobs (Administrative Assistant and Legislative Analyst to the MichiganSpeaker of the House) and thereafter before starting law school in January 1972 as Executive Assistant to the Mayor for the then more viable city of Highland Park, Michigan, an enclave of Detroit.  You need to watch her video.  She featured some material by Steve Hassan, a cult expert who was once a Moonie.  He left the Moonies after his parents had him deprogrammed and he has been eternally grateful to them for that intervention.  He has carefully studied cult tactics.  At any rate, without further ado, here is Leeja Miller's video.  Many of you will probably scorn it, but it is well worth watching and considering.

Respectfully submitted,



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Anonymous said...

11:14 AM

IF you are a member of the Globalist Elite (evil-doers) you can probably 'mess with' anyone you want... including Texas.

Anonymous said...

The Globalists know the plan, and are dividing the spoils early!

Daniel Chapter 8 fulfillment, 'dead' ahead.

Anonymous said...

Ramaswamy is out of the presidential race and this might explain why.

Despite never having created anything in his life other than a series of companies engaged in various blatant scams, Forbes recently estimated Ramaswamy's net worth to be more than $950 million.

But it gets worse, because as it turns out the very corporations such as BlackRock and Vanguard that Ramaswamy has been vehemently denouncing were doing business with him all along.

Is Vivek Ramaswamy A BioTech Ponzi Schemer & Deep State Asset?

Anonymous said...

12:12 PM,

Daniel 8 is not about us. It is about ancient Israel. The Little Horn of Daniel 8 was Antiochus Epiphanes. He established public brothels in the Jerusalem temple, set up altar to Zeus in the Holy Place, sacrificed a pig on the altar. He slaughtered or sold into slavery about 80,000 Jews. His reign of terror of 171-165 BC was described in the books of Maccabees.

Anonymous said...

They knew.
And we knew they knew....

Anonymous said...

5:11 PM


Anonymous said...

Voters are skeptical of Biden’s age. But Trump’s notable flubs risk drawing unwelcome attention, too

Anonymous said...

If you read Genesis 49:1-12 you will find the first use of the words "the last days." Jacob says in Genesis 49:1, "And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days."

If you read through it, you will notice that in Genesis 49:10 that the last days are the times of Shiloh and that, when Shiloh comes, the scepter will depart from Judah. "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be." Bible commentators have always agreed that Shiloh is a reference to Jesus.

Therefore the use of "the last days" by Jacob refers to the "the last days" of the tribes of his twelve sons and the "the last days" of an earthly king from the line of Judah ruling from Jerusalem.

Every time you see a reference to the latter days or the last days in the Old Testament, therefore, do not automatically assume it is a reference to the end of the world. Daniel 8:23 says, "And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up." If "last days" can be used by Jacob as a reference to the last days of the tribes of his sons, then "latter time" can be used by Daniel in the same way.

Jesus told us what He wanted us to know about His return. The important part to know is that everybody will be judged some day, and that how you live while you are waiting for Him to return, will play a role in how you are judged. He never encouraged a focus on any kind of initiation into a secret gnosis about the ruling archons of the world. He encouraged us to watch for Him, but more so we wouldn't be caught off guard not living right and too late to repent.

We were exhorted not to follow Antichrists but not to wait and watch for them to appear on the world stage. He was more focused on our discernment of wolves in sheep clothing, false prophets and Antichrists, of whom He said there would be many.

I sometimes wonder if Constance has, with the best of intentions but in a misguided way, helped to create the monster which has grown up and turned upon her on her own blog. Years of watching for the Antichrist. Years of keeping tabs on every manifestation of developing conspiracies to create the final beast kingdom of the Antichrist. I don't think the Hebrew prophets ever did this. They were always morally focused. The point was: you'll have blessings if you turn back to God. You'll have curses if you don't. You are warned that if you don't repent you'll be carried into captivity to Babylon. Then at the end, Jesus warned, if you don't repent, your house will be left to you desolate, and the kingdom will be given to another people bearing its fruits.

There isn't usually much moral focus in all this beast kingdom watching and all this antichrist watching. Even now with the focus on repenting of following Trump, it's more because Trump might be the Antichrist, less because following Trump in an uncritical way that involves defending everything he says or does is enabling of sinfulness.

No Antichrist could ever be followed, and no beast kingdom could ever be enabled, while following Jesus and keeping the focus on sin, repentance, justification and sanctification.

It's an unfortunate widespread trend the characterizes the entire drift of the approach to Bible prophecy in North American conservative Evangelical circles ever since Israel became a nation state.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Constance, X, et all say this 'couldn't be done?'

BREAKING: Professor and Election Expert J. Halderman Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine in Court on Friday in Georgia in front of Judge Totenberg USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS

Anonymous said...

Americans Are Fighting For Control Of Federal Powers That Shouldn't Exist

Today's federal government is almost completely unconstitutional

Anonymous said...

The GP article says Halderman hacked into the Dominion machines but the above article says the judge gave him the passwords. It looks like the GP is deliberately misleading.

Anonymous said...

Re: TDS; this morning while waiting for the downpour to stop I said that I didn't think Trump was as bad as people make him out to be.

She said don't say that name in this house.

I said but he makes me laugh.

She said I don't care.

I said I think you have Trump Derangement Syndrome, when is this rain going to stop (she's the weather geek and I thought it wise to change the subject)

She said it not going to stop. It's supposed to rain all day.

Then, the rain stopped

I looked at her and jokingly said; Trump stopped the rain

She said, doubling down, no he didn't. Dutch did (dutchsinse)

I said that I was going out to take care of everybody then we can listen to Dutch, okay?

She said okay
Hey I'm not carrying water for no one but just before this conversation I had finished my morning prayers which concluded with Amalija Knavs next to the last.

Anonymous said...

Re: dutchsinse - in the last year or so Dutch has been talking about giant star forts made of mountains ranges and that an ancient race built them and can you imagine the power needed for that, like giant speakers.

Rings of Power

The Silmarillion - The Music of the Ainur (Ainulindalë)

PS: I'm the Tolkien geek

Anonymous said...

^Post 420 LOL

Anonymous said...

Messianic Trump Syndrome: The “Shared Psychosis” of Trumpianity

“I am your voice.”

“I am your warrior.”

“I am the chosen one.”

“I am your retribution.”

“I’m being indicted for you.”

The “I am” statements keep coming from the self-proclaimed messiah who in reality is a malignant narcissist, pathological liar, sexual predator, career conman and America’s biggest criminal—and a man that millions of white American Christians actually believe is their messiah. His dark charisma is so appealing to so many that for much of white American Christianity today, being a follower of anti-Christ Trump is their very identity.

Anonymous said...

I see that crazy talk on the internet (Gab) usually followed by advertisements for 'I'm Saved' t-shirts. Seems contrived to me.

Anonymous said...

Interesting comparison. . .

Portland’s Encampment Kids

Empire of Hope: A Review of ‘Cabrini’

PS: No comment

Anonymous said...

5:29 PM
I suggest a heavy dose of Metamusil for you. Start right away and stay on it at least through this election year.

You sound very stuck and toxic.

Anonymous said...

Americans Are Fighting For Control Of Federal Powers That Shouldn’t Exist
Today’s federal government is almost entirely unconstitutional

The Establishment Uniparty government has been feral for quite a while now.

Anonymous said...

No 8:36 PM you cannot. You are the one who needs to clean the crap out and leave the cult of Trump. Anyone who supports a man who speaks of what it would be like to sleep with his daughter both are sick people.

Anonymous said...

6:34 AM AND TRUMP KNOWS what it's like to sleep with his daughter. He's projecting the negative energy to his followers.

Anonymous said...

The Antichrist contender seems to be losing what's left of his mind and of his ability to speak coherently.

You can't say the media is just making Trump look bad. Watch the videos for yourself. He is making himself look bad all on his own. I don't even see CNN or MSNBC running with stories about this. "They're" probably hoping you will still vote for Trump in the primaries so they can make political ad compilations of all his incoherent and senile rants and run the ads in swing states in the general election.

In this video he says:

"Take a look at Truman. If you think of Hiroshima, not exactly a nice act, but it did end the second World War probably… He wouldn’t be doing that. He said, 'I do not want to do that because my opponents would indict me.' You have to give a president full and total immunity."

In a political speech in Rochester, New Hampshire on January 21st, Trump started talking about rogue cops and said that's why he needs immunity.

"And you will have the rogue cop, the bad apple, and perhaps you'll have that also with president But there's nothing you can do about that. You're going to have to give the president immunity. I hope The Supreme Court will has the courage to do that."

Anonymous said...

I never thought much about Nikki Haley before, but it occurs to me sanity is better than senility or craziness; and health and energy are better than feebleness.

Anonymous said...

And then there's RFK, Jr.

At least he didn't pardon Big Pharma, enrich them with billions through Operation Warp Speed, and enable Fauci spite of sometimes giving him dirty looks or whining about him in such tough fashion...Those mean tweets sure did tell Fauci! Not.

I bet Operation Warp Speed was an even bigger government giveaway than the Too Big to Fail / TARP bank bail-outs.

Anonymous said...

8:06’s dismissal of Trump’s vile talks of sleeping with his daughter is his way of sweeping filth under the rug. The cult of Trump needs to go to their Qanon boards where they are like minded.

Anonymous said...

Trump rallies don't show a lot of enthusiasm from his base this time around. He has moved the rallies to smaller venues so that the videos won't show empty seats. I'm surprised any venue will host a Trump rally anymore. He's stiffed them so often on the payments he's owed to them.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if he still plays The Rolling Stones "Sympathy for the Devil" song at every rally.

Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man's soul and faith

Anonymous said...

New document reveals scope and structure of Operation Warp Speed and underscores vast military involvement

"Now, an organizational chart of the $10 billion initiative, obtained by STAT, reveals the fullest picture yet of Operation Warp Speed: a highly structured organization in which military personnel vastly outnumber civilian scientists."

Only 24 members of Congress attempted to demand transparency.

Anonymous said...

As Donald Trump returns to court over defamation, Mitt Romney weighs in

“You had a jury that said that Donald Trump raped a woman. And that doesn’t seem to be moving the needle. There’s a lot of things about today’s electorate that I have a hard time understanding,” Romney said.

Anonymous said...

Misery loves Cumbey

Boris Johnson Says Davos Elite "Trembling Violently" At Return Of Trump

Establishment "shrieking" in terror at prospect...

Anonymous said...

Looks like demon possessed Cumbey has put in another call to rent-a-troll.

Anonymous said...

The only spirit I’m guilty of possessing is one who rejects Trump’s vileness.

The spirits you’re guilty of possessing are the ones that support Trump’s vileness and they are legion. Your salvation is a political one.

Anonymous said...

8:54 AM
Jealous much?

Anonymous said...

Rasmussen Poll: Majority believe that OBAMA runs the White House & Joe Biden is a 'puppet'

More than six in 10 voters say they believe former two-term Democrat President Barack Obama is influencing the current Biden administration, including 53% who think that President Joe Biden is a "puppet" in a third Obama administration, according to a
Rasmussen Reports survey released Friday.
The poll found that 63% of likely voters say Obama is at least influencing Biden, his former vice president, including 40% who say it's "very likely." Even 56% of Democrats say it's "somewhat likely" that Obama is exerting influence on Biden.

In addition, 37% say they "strongly agree" with Rep. Greg Murphy, R-N.C., who said last July that Biden is "a puppet for a progressive left committee … headed by Obama." That includes 53% of unaffiliated voters; 28% of Democrats at least "somewhat agree" that Obama is running the Biden White House.
Rasmussen surveyed 935 likely voters in the U.S. from Jan 15-17. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

Anonymous said...

10:22 AM

Joe Biden's VILENESS is light years AHEAD of Donald Trump's so called vileness any day of the week... and not just words, but ACTIONS for the past 3 years + 1 month!!!

Joe Biden's irresponsible decisions are taking the United States of America down the toilet with a big flush economically... plus, HE IS FAILING TO DO HIS JOB of protecting our Southern Border by allowing 7 MILLION illegals into this country since HE has 'occupied' the Oval Office.

Anonymous said...

9:22 AM

I guess Mitt Romney also has a hard time understanding that, since HE HIMSELF once ran for President as a Globalist-controlled puppet... that's all the Globalists want is Presidents who they can CONTROL.

That's the reason why previous Presidents, like JFK & Trump, become the Globalists' ENEMY. JFK ended up with a bullet in his head... and Trump has been persecuted by the mainstream news media for the past 7+ years!!!

Anonymous said...

9:39 AM
Re: "Boris Johnson Says Davos Elite 'Trembling Violently' At Return Of Trump"


I'm sure that's true!!! The LAST thing that the Globalist ELITES want is a U.S. President who THINKS FOR HIMSELF.

But, that's EXACTLY what America needs!!!

Anonymous said...

2:05 PM I don't know who thinks for Trump, but it's not The Donald. IMO, not much thinking being done. It's whatever regurgitates when mouth is open.

Anonymous said...

2:20 PM

Since you admit that you 'don't know WHO thinks for Trump'... is it possible that Trump does in fact think for himself? LOL

Even though those close to him WISH he would think before he speaks (e.g. when insulting his enemies)... he is still the smartest person in the room. Also, he seems to be "Teflon Don" since his political enemies have (so far) been UNABLE to destroy him.

Anonymous said...

Well, although I am no FAN of New Ager Marianne Williamson, she is right about Biden...

Democrat 2024 presidential candidate Marianne Williamson on Monday scolded President Joe Biden, saying on Newsmax he should be "ashamed" for having "suppressed" other Democrats who are running in the White House race.

In an interview on "Wake Up America," Williamson blasted Biden ahead of the New Hampshire primary, declaring that on Tuesday, "Democratic voters will see through that and will make their own voices heard, and will not be just parroting the narratives of the [Democratic National Committee.]"

"I would tell [Biden] that with all due respect that you should be ashamed of yourself, sir, because this is the way that you and your administration and the DNC has suppressed other candidates, opposing candidates in this primary season has been undemocratic and should not happen," she said.

Anonymous said...

Satan Chose Trump

“And on June 14th, 1946, the Devil looked out upon the paradise he had wrecked and said he needed a deceiver. So Satan chose Trump.”

Anonymous said...

Top comment on video “Satan Chose Trump”:

“ This is the best video ever!!! Wish every human being would listen to this....this is exactly what the Bible says will happen, why don't our Christian brothers, sisters, families know this and recognize it? I have worked in medical records for 10 years, had my own office, just recently, I am sharing my office with a female Pastor. The Lord has a sense of humor because we have so much in common. Long story short, I really want to ask her about her thoughts on Revelations and the End times but afraid she might be a Trump supporter, sad state of affairs ”

Anonymous said...

Strange Marks on Trump's Right Hand

“ A photo of Donald Trump with strange marks on his right hand has been causing a great deal of speculation online. Could it be a disease? Bruising from playing too much golf? Or perhaps even symbolic of bible prophecy?”

Trump's Enemies Continue to Fall - Is God on His Side?

“ Today we saw yet another one of Trump’s enemies fall, as Ron DeSantis officially suspended his 2024 presidential campaign, and – as is common for the GOP these days – he promptly endorsed Donald Trump.

This leaves only Nikki Haley as, theoretically, standing in the way of Trump’s march to his party’s nomination. But, it is just a matter of time before she, too, ends her campaign, and most likely, endorses Donald Trump.

Outside of the political arena, Trump’s legal enemies are also running into their own problems. In Georgia, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is facing allegations of misconduct, in that she had an improper relationship with the lead prosecutor in the case.

Trump also continues to hammer away at the people involved in two New York cases, a defamation suit by E. Jean Carroll, and the civil case by Attorney General Letitia James. We can be sure that Trump and his allies are looking for any dirt they can dig up to sabotage those cases.

In addition, Special Counsel Jack Smith is pursuing a criminal conspiracy case against Trump, while Trump himself proclaims that he had total immunity while president, and cannot be prosecuted for ANY actions while holding the office.

Trump’s legal problems connected to his time as president will undoubtedly disappear upon his returning to power, as we can be sure that one priority of his would be to pardon himself. In fact, in Trump’s first term he talked about how he had the absolute right to pardon himself.

As Trump’s enemies fall one by one, his Christian supporters interpret it as even more evidence that God is on his side. To them, surely no man could overcome what Trump has, unless Divine Providence is the reason. The truth, however, is precisely the opposite.

Bible prophecy describes the Antichrist as being a man exactly like Donald Trump – and it tells us that this man will be strong and succeed in all that he does. But it’s not his own power that gives him this strength. Rather it is after the working of Satan.

So as we see the enemies of Trump falling one after the other, and can’t help but feel that there’s a supernatural force empowering Trump in all that he does, remember this: the god that is on Trump’s side isn’t God above, it’s the god of this world.”

Six Fingered Trump

“ Today on Truth Social, Trump "ReTruthed" an AI generated image of himself praying. The image is intended to perpetuate the myth that he is a prayerful man who seeks God's guidance. The odd part about the image, though, is that AI rendered it to give Trump SIX fingers on his right hand.”

Anonymous said...

Now 10:22 AM

You're possessed by a lying spirit. My salvation has never been a political one. Like others here, I still believe Trump is/was vastly superior to Biden or Hillary. So my great sin, is that I voted for Trump! Which is horrific, according to the New Age Demonic Cumbey Death Cult.

Anonymous said...

The marks on Trump's hand are, more likely than not, from syphillis.

Tracks with him being a Hitler wanna-be

Anonymous said...

Reply to 3:38 PM & 3:40 PM...

That video "Satan Chose Trump" is supposed to be a JOKE, right?

Because, Donald J. Trump has been fighting FOR the American people... who are 'all that is true, noble and decent.' (Remember... before Biden, Obama, & the Clintons came along?)

And of that takes a LEADER who is TOUGH (not a 'snowflake').

If Donald J. Trump truly 'cared only for himself' (NOT)... he wouldn't have sacrificed the last 7 years of his life to fight FOR the American people... while actually LOSING MONEY doing it.

Donald J. Trump does not 'instill FEAR'... rather he makes us laugh out loud whenever he 'calls out' people who deserve to be called out.

Where is your EVIDENCE that Donald J. Trump 'opposes' Jesus Christ???

I am waiting... (Meanwhile, all I hear are crickets)

Anonymous said...

“The American people are turning us off. They’ve been clobbered by Vietnam, Watergate, the inflation, the depression. They’ve turned off, shot up … the American people want *someone to articulate their rage.”

*What about Forrest Trump?

PS: sure some fantasists about today ( - : an indication someone is over the target?)

Anonymous said...

6:57 PM,

I see I have upset your fragile ego, nay, enraged you, for having shared hometruths about YOUR chosen [false] messiah, YOUR Dear Leader, Trump, with your projections of snowflake.

The videos are there to see and those channels are full of all the evidence needed if you TRULY wanted to discover why Trump matches all the criteria of the Antichrist, the man of sin. Now, I,have guided you to my 'bundle', contanimg all the exibits of evidence. It is now up to you to provide your counter evidence, though I doubt in your great delusion you are able to truly evaluate such.

Anonymous said...

Be careful 2:31 AM,

It's not just an internet troll match. You're handling Holy scripture, too.

Lots of men over the years have been interpreted as Antichrists.

I'm no Trump fan, but Brother James Key and Brother Paul make a lot of mistakes in their handling of prophetic scriptures.

Anyway, fearing Trump just makes him look powerful and serves to prop up his image longer.

Anonymous said...

7:15 PM,

That's a bunch of interpretation. But you need to go back to Daniel and read how the angel interpreted things to Daniel. Begin there. It should serve as a frame of reference and set some parameters.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand Donald Trump, but I recognize three big and reality-based reasons why he still has so much support, besides the cult of personality he has formed around him:

1) The ongoing problem of the border states and other pockets in the nation being overwhelmed by massive immigration

2) The dissatisfaction and frustration a majority of Americans feel with the way things are going in the country and the economy

3) The lack of trust in and respect for major institutions of civil life, including the legacy media, the government, its bureaucracies like the CDC and the NIH, and the universities

4) For Christians, additionally, most feel they can't possibly enable the LGBTQ+ agenda or a pro-abortion agenda

For me, although I see the above things, I also see the parallels with German history, which also feared communism and cultural decadence and struggled with loss of standing in the world and with economic hard times. I have become distrustful for many reasons that aren't going anywhere. I have a lot of thoughts and feelings that are sincerely held, and it isn't going anywhere. It's not going to be mocked away or intimidated away.

Maybe it's time that we realized there are two sides that both sincerely hold their beliefs and start listening, because these beliefs aren't going away. They are only getting stronger.

Anonymous said...

I stand with Constance on worrying about proto-fascist tendencies in American far right and pro-Trump politics. I don't think Trump is the Antichrist. But it would be kind of a low bar, ethically, to think that as long as Trump isn't the Antichrist it's okay to defend everything he ever says or does.

I'm reading The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Lutheran pastor who chose Jesus over Paul--unlike Martin Luther the rabid anti-Semite whose writings were used to support the Holocaust. I found a free pdf copy of The Cost of Discipleship at this link:

Bonhoeffer was martyred by Nazis but not before leaving behind very profound writings that American Christians would do well to read and to heed.

The men in history who have chosen Jesus over Paul include quite an illustrious set:

John Locke
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

John Locke was a founder of the original liberalism. It's a lie that liberalism only comes from atheism. The word "liberal" is constantly misused. The strong anti-liberal trend on the Right has more to do with following Constantine, less to do with following Jesus. It was Constantine who found the Pauline epistles convenient so that he could think to change times and laws (Sunday worship instead of Sabbath worship, Easter instead of Passover, and more).

Tolstoy pointed out that Christianity, because of Pauline epistles, became only metaphysical but not ethical. Ethics became a matter of "do what you're told."

Now it seems that the Jesus of the Pauline epistles is for your salvation in the next life, while the ethics in this life can be handed over to Donald Trump. Just follow him because he is fighting the NWO. It's okay to be deceitful like he is. It's okay to be hateful like he is. It's okay to to think selfishly like he does. To be greedy like he is. To hit enemies ten times harder in revenge like he does. It's all because he's the lesser evil. You don't need to listen to Jesus. In one statement, the lesser evil, you can void everything Jesus ever said. But you can still be saved by Him. Paul told you so.

Anonymous said...

While Constance was asleep ...

WEF Mastermind Yuval Noah Harari Says Human Rights Are Fiction, Just Like God

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to this blog site?

At one time, a LONG time ago, there actually were good posters on here that made sense. Now, we have nutcases that attack the Apostle Paul 24/7, along with those that think nothing but TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP, and those that state their wild theories about the identity of the Anti-Christ. In short, it's really a waste of time, and it's the reason why I seldom even bother visiting this site. It's even become too much for Christine, along with many others such as Paul, Craig, Rayb, etc., etc.

Anonymous said...

I missed an i in haitian @ 11:38 AM

Anonymous said...

Constance is censoring her critics. Like 11:38 AM post

Anonymous said...

If satan chose Trump, who chose Hillary?

See 11:44 AM link

Anonymous said...

Ditto, 11:07 AM.

This place has devolved into meaninglessness because biases are too strong, have become unreasonable.
Both sides, I see it, but most prominently the biases of establishment left, with the blessing of the establishment who go along to insure keeping their power on the right, who never think anymore, just parrot them. All of the above line their pockets at our expense keeping their 'fatcat' jobs, while throwing ours away. The State is their god, who abused the grace that brought all our freedoms with it.
They've forgotten what this country was founded on (maybe they never knew). The healthy tussle, in the constitutional process between people holding differences of opinion and methods, is lost in the extremism of the left with the upper hand.
A globalist hand has manipulated them all. They're doing the work of the devil, so what's the use of coming here to let sycophants (including blog owner now) shout in your face?

Anonymous said...

This gives a whole new meaning to 'rigged' elections!!!

The Hildabeast was involved in the rig, and the "Russia was involved" lies.

No wonder she was so pissed! The spell they cast, didn't work.

Anonymous said...

Deceiver/Antichrist Trump Wins Evangelical Voters In 2024

Antichrist Donald Trump is the inevitable GOP candidate for president in 2024, and we believe soon-to-be US president one year from now. Trump is the person who fulfills all the Bible prophecies concerning the end times Antichrist. We believe this is Trump's destiny as the Antichrist/Beast in these last days: To be elected the last US president just as Julius Caesar was the last head of the Roman Republic - the dictator who turned the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. In a campaign speech Saturday, Trump said it's "nice to have a strongman running your country.” A dictator. Trump will take the White House and use the powerful US military to go out conquering - subjugating any world nations that refuse to accept his rule. Here's something made abundantly clear in Iowa last week: Trump has completely won over the "evangelical" vote in 8 years since 2016 when he lost that year's Iowa caucus.

Anonymous said...

11:56 am

Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get another job or two.

It's been the American right, since Reagan set out to destroy unions by dramatically reducing taxes for largely the very rich and incentivizing the tax code to ship American manufacturing jobs overseas.

Such destructive policies were continued by "K Street" (opus dei) Republicans (via congress & the white house) and even including the few of the remaining "dixie-crat" democrat facsist congressmen from Reagan through Bush.

It's time to take this country back from the "globalist" aims of Rome (and their unwitting WOLVE partners in the heretical word of faith, prosperity and/or NAR churches).


Anonymous said...

If you wonder why Constance touts The Atlantic Magazine, and rarely ever, if ever, criticizes the Soros duo, then this is a must read!

While you read this post, ask yourself why Constance vigorously attacked the first link I ever poster here to Tierney Real News Network! Eye opening to say the least!

Did Soros issue a threat? You decide.

Anonymous said...

12:57 PM,

I guess it's because you're an absolute douchebag.

Anonymous said...

You're one, by your answer, is one who must really never have known never how to process the facts on the ground from the country's beginnings.

Your beef is with the grace build into the constitutional fabric that provided a platform for right and wrong to work out between equals. Since you think yourself transcendent (no one else your equal) to that, in your pretense, thinking yourself as the arbitor between rights and wrongs, it's easy to see your confusion. Instead of the justice of the Judeo-Christian ethic established in those beginnings (that have taken this long for a nation of human beings to grapple with) it's just like you to confuse it all in your elitist self-aggrandizing favor.
Your argument, and your behavior, is no better than those you accuse of doing what you do yourself.

It's comical watching you be your own punching bag.

Anonymous said...

Yep, 1:42 PM.

x @ 12:47 PM deserves to live with cannibals.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:42 PM
I should have proof read my edit in the first line!
But surely you should be able to get the point, 12:47 PM.

Anonymous said...

Dear Constance,

Read your book "Hidden Dangers of The Rainbow" and have seen the world quite differently every since.
I very much agree with you on several Trump points. However, your silence on the current presidents' policies makes me wonder: "WHY the silence"? Many in this cabinet seem outright demonic to me. The current state of the world isn't about politics anymore. Your research over the past several decades is a testament to this fact.

This is the future of our children's children.

The democrat party isn't the democrat party of JFK. It hasn't been for at least a decade or two or three. The party is infiltrated just as the new world/age order has infiltrated every facet of our society. Thus, they are in control of The USA. What says you?

Anonymous said...

"Kammy Comes to West Noplace"

Anonymous said...

Abortion Revelations River of Blood 2

Anonymous said...

1:38 PM

I'm sure you have researched those feminine hygiene products thoroughly.

Not a valid tool for discerning truth though.

Anonymous said...

X @ 12:47 PM

Same story every day! Wash rinse repeat. Like a perpetual motion machine!

X sees through a pinhole darkly.

Is your General Baptist Church, or Baptists in general, that preach a pre-trib rapture and cessationism, superior to Word of Faith, or NAR Churches? I have been in both camps, and your Baptists are, not entirely of course, but largely, lukewarm, and worldly, often dumb as dirt, junk food loving, false teachers. So you fit right in being a pinhole pinhead!

The saddest thing though dr X, is that nearly all the Baptists I have ever met, and that is quite a few, are much better folks than you! And that isn't being judgemental. It's just as plain as day!

Anonymous said...

Jan 6 Committee Deleted Over 100 Encrypted Files Days Before GOP Took Majority

Anonymous said...

12:14 PM

No, Donald Trump does NOT meet all of the requirements of the Antichrist. If he DID, you would be able to specifically LIST each and every one of them... along with the particular passage of the Bible that supports each reason.

But, you didn't... so you deserve to be called out. You are filled with wishful thinking (wanting it to be true).

And, the fact that no one here on this blog is able to DEBATE the reasons why Emmanuel Macron does not meet 24 (twenty-four) of the Bible's criteria... speaks volumes.


Anonymous said...

It is TIME for every single one of us to WAKE UP to what is happening at the border...

Bombshell interview with Michael Yon: Investigative Journalists Infiltrate Massive U.S. / Chinese-Funded Illegal Alien Invasion Camps

Must see video...

Anonymous said...

3:53 pm don't even go to church. As a lying, luciferian, maga qanon cult member...I take your criticism of my church as a compliment.

And's superior to word of faith and NAR groups (not churches) because it's actually a Christian church that spends time reading the Bible and sharing the Gospel.

And yes, there are some very nice people there and it's barely political there --- as it should be.


p.s.- Why the childish antics of stalking me and constantly criticizing me personally versus trying to refute the substance of my posts???? Didn't you once proclaim the following... "Childish antics from professed adults bore me. Day after day, it's the same old tiresome, childish tactic with a heavy emphasis on lies."- Rayb 2021. You're the one who was and has always lied on this forum and now you're just so ashamed to even sign your name to your lies anymore. Shame on you pretending to be a Christian. Repent & sin no more.

Anonymous said...

1:50 pm

If your post(s) were directed at me they surely didn't make any point that I could decipher.

I sometimes refer to such meanderings as "fool's gold". Lot's of meaningless pretty words strung together almost poetically while trying to sound smart.

One thing I can explain is that discerning right from wrong (i.e. - like discerning Trump is a rapist, lying, luciferian, con-man & reprobate unqualified to be leading anything & his ineffectiveness is and always was a result of his own deficiencies as a person, man & leader vs excusing it & crying like babies claiming he was somehow handicapped by the left) isn't, in any way, being an arbiter of right and wrong.

Right and wrong just is. The Constitution isn't about helping us find some compromised political 'right and wrong'. If you need help with your discernment --- Read your Bible.


Anonymous said...

The xhristian at 5:59 PM thinks he can somehow call out another's beliefs when there is no one more compromising of the Gospel than faux-christian, x. Your socialist globalism betrays you.
You are a straight up political animal of the wolverine variety.
And you lie with sheer hostility like I have not witnessed in real believers.

Anonymous said...

"If your post(s) were directed at me they surely didn't make any point that I could decipher"

You are right about one thing. I gave you more credit than you have coming.
You think you are a person who discerns right from wrong, but you flatter yourself. Your prideful advice to another is what you should do. Read your Bible, read some real history, and get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

Expert shows how to tamper with Georgia voting machine in security trial

Anonymous said...

I’ll consider myself eradicated.

Qanon extremists have hijacked the Republican Party.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mister (6:28 PM) better than all others,

Quit your whining.
You know you love (need) the attention..

Anonymous said...

Trump and Vivek as VP

Anonymous said...

Edward Dowd: "Something horrible is going on, but no one wants to talk about it."

Anonymous said...

Well, it’s Biden, Kennedy or Trump - Haley’s batting against great odds. The question is, will an independent Kennedy thwart the chances of Biden or Trump?

Anonymous said...

New Hampshire Primary Takeaway: We Are Not a Serious Country

It’s time to drop the crap about reluctantly making a “binary choice” or Trump being the “lesser of two evils” when compared to Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden. Having rejected the options of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis or U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, you decided to give us Barabbas. Again.

Republican voters aren’t merely settling for Trump. For many, his chaotic behavior is a feature, not a bug.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many Trump supporters on this very blog, if they had lived in Germany during the rise of Hitler and Nazism, would have accused Dietrich Bonhoeffer of being a Communist, just because of his single-minded discipleship in following Jesus, even if it meant costly grace? I wonder if a certain commenter would have been right there calling him a heretic nutcase, and saying Hitler isn't so bad compared to the decadence of Berlin night clubs, and the Jews are terrible and deserve everything they get?

This quote from Dietrich Bonhoeffer below is fully incompatible with both Nazism and Communism. Have we lost the sense of being able to single-mindedly follow Jesus, instead of choosing one ideology vs. another? Are we so dumbed down? Are we so hardened of heart? Where are the American Christians who talk like this or write like this? Your ethics are needed in the world right here and now, actively. You're not supposed to hide your light under a bushel basket. If you think anything like this, now is the time to speak up. Why are there so few other voices? Don't be ashamed and don't be afraid. Shine your light in the darkness.

"When the Bible speaks of following Jesus, it is proclaiming a discipleship which will liberate
mankind from all man-made dogmas, from every burden and oppression, from every anxiety and torture which afflicts the conscience. If they follow Jesus, men escape from the hard yoke of their own laws, and submit to the kindly yoke of Jesus Christ. But does this mean that we ignore the seriousness of his commands? Far from it. We can only achieve perfect liberty and enjoy fellowship with Jesus when his command, his call to absolute discipleship, is appreciated in its entirety. Only the man who follows the command of Jesus single-mindedly, and unresistingly lets his yoke rest upon him, finds his burden easy, and under its gentle
pressure receives the power to persevere in the right way."

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul: Don't Tax The Rich. End The Fed!

Anonymous said...

HALF of the New Hampshire Primary voters were not even Republicans

Anonymous said...

9:03 AM

Yes Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a true believer.

However 9:03 AM, your first paragraph assumes much, and you're using Dietrich to spin the real nature of the fervent discord on this largely secular blog to favor the blog owners glaring Cultish rabid hyper political tendencies. How unchristian of you!

Anonymous said...

X at 5:59 PM

Who exactly is "RayB" that you are referring to?

Anonymous said...

9:03 AM

I wonder 'how many on this blog' realize that when we vote for President this November, 2024... we are NOT choosing an 'ideology'... we are choosing the ONLY ALTERNATIVE to Joe Biden (who has been taking us on the road to madness and the destruction of the United States of America)... by choosing Donald Trump as the only SANE choice!!!

Anonymous said...

Nikki Haley is working with Team Obama

Anonymous said...

Bombshell interview with Michael Yon... as he reveals the shocking TRUTH about what is going on at the Darien Gap (between Colombia & Panama)... and how many groups are in collusion with the processing of thousands of migrants every single day.

Must see video...

Anonymous said...

Nikki Haley has got some dark forces (Globalists) behind her... they are the 'anybody but Trump' contingent.

Anonymous said...

9:03 AM

Yes Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a true believer.

However 9:03 AM, your first paragraph assumes much, and you're using Dietrich to spin the real nature of the fervent discord on this largely secular blog to favor the blog owners glaring Cultish rabid hyper political tendencies. How unchristian of you!

9:21 AM

I'm not spinning a thing. It's my sincere perspective and opinion.

Politics is an extension of loving our neighbors. It's not inherently sinful. It's an extension of ethics. It's only sinful if it becomes unethical. It can become unethical not only in its ends but also in its means. If the ends are used to justify the means it has then become at temptation and a pitfall to Christians.

Trump may not be the final Antichrist, but for all practical intents and purposes, he is our American Antichrist as Hitler was Germany's Antichrist.

It would have been easier to unite with you against Biden, Soros et. al. if you had not chosen Trump as your political avatar, with whom you're willing to "ride or die."

When flirting with blasphemy is the price of "the lesser evil" I have no choice but to stand well back from all the playing footsie with blasphemy and idolatry. When evil means are justified as supporting fighting the other sides evil ends, I have no choice but to speak out against the evil ends. When deception is widespread I have no choice but to avoid the purveyors of B.S. and do my own research and my own thinking.

You have forced my hand by supporting, enabling, defending, or looking the other way when it comes to relentless vileness of spirit, mouth and deed. Had you chosen a less evil lesser evil, then we could talk.

Anonymous said...

A Qanon, Monnie president isn't not an acceptable alternative.

Anonymous said...

9:53 AM stated:

"You have forced my hand by supporting, enabling, defending, or looking the other way when it comes to relentless vileness of spirit, mouth and deed. Had you chosen a less evil lesser evil, then we could talk."

You have summed up the blog owner to perfection!!! BRAVO!

Anonymous said...

9:55 AM

That's pathetically weak.

How many different scripts do you type from?

Anonymous said...

9:55 AM doesn't make any sense.

Anonymous said...

Biden Warns Trump: "Don't Mess With Uhhiminauhwemerica"

Anonymous said...

9:55AM obviously has severe comprehension issues or is an outright liar given the mountain of evidence that has piled up.

This blog has become a cesspool of far right wing Qanon Trump cultists.

Trump Resort to Host Pro-QAnon Speaking Tour

Trump Seen Moving Closer to QAnon Conspiracy


Under pressure, Trump revives QAnon cult -- around himself

Cult Vibes: Trump Ends Rally In Bizarre Fashion, Leaving Crowd Mesmerized

Trump spoke at a 9/11 'Moonies' conference organized by the widow of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, praising the controversial Unification Church

Anonymous said...

10:21 AM

Those are old posts!

If I were Trump I would gather all the support I could be that the children of the Devil are at my heels continually!

And being that the U.S. is a secular nation, founded without biblical mandate, largely by Freemasons, this is not morally condemnable by a nation completely without morals!

Unless of course you're a puffed up, vain member of the New Age, Globalist, Warmongering, Cumbey Death Cult.

Then all things of lesser evil, if not good, are fair game!

But that's just the twisted logic of this Pharisee Death Cult.

Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

In your little pea brain head, old posts = ignore, can’t be true because its date is older than today’s.

Trump/Qanon followers such as yourself are the children of the devil.

Anonymous said...

The only 'cult' on this blog are those who are OBSESSED with hatred for Trump... who INSIST that he is the Antichrist... without ANY evidence to support their rants.

Anonymous said...

You just ignored the Qanon evidence because the posts are “old”.

It is not hatred toward Trump, the word is disgust.

I am disgusted that Trump surrounds himself with Qanon personalities and send signals that he is part of Q.

I am disgusted that Trump would tell others he wonders what it would be like to have sex with his daughter Ivanka, etc., etc.

You need to stop worshipping Trump and put your faith in Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Coincidence or not, Biden in the picture shows only one eye, not two. One eye is covered up by his hand. No matter who you vote for, I hope you want to know the truth. I hope you love the truth. And I hope you tell the truth. If I vote for Biden to stop Trump, because I don't think Biden is charismatic enough to be Antichrist material, and if Gavin Newsom runs next I won't vote for him, I will still not defend everything Biden says or does. I'll still vote for Republicans in the house and senate as long as they are not rabid sold out MAGA candidates. Isn't it the least you could do to try to get Trump to be a better man even if you vote for him? Could you try to love his sinfulness less than you do?

After Trump’s NH win, Biden gets the opponent he wants

Anonymous said...

About the concept of the lesser evil. Blasphemy is the unpardonable sin. It's that way in both the Old and the New Testament. Jesus said blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. In the Old Testament the Israelites knew that taking God's name in vain, or blasphemy, was the commandment that could not be forgiven. Breaking any other commandment could be forgiven after repentance and restitution and turning back to God with a contrite heart.

Be very careful about defending, minimizing or enabling Trump playing footsie with taking God's name in vain, with misrepresenting His character, with misrepresenting His will, flirting with Messiah insinuations, encouraging a quasi-religious cult of personality, etc.

It doesn't really matter if you think you win arguments here. Will you win arguments with Jesus on judgement day? Think about that.

If you plan to vote for him, at least send an email to his campaign to object to the sustained pattern of playing footsie with blasphemy and idolatry. Do not think to yourself that just because you vote against abortion it will get you off the hook for defending or enabling the unpardonable sin.

Please at least bring yourself to rebuke it even if you do vote for him. Don't do it for my sake. Do it for God's sake and for your own sake.

He backed away from pushing COVID vaccines after getting booed for it at his rallies. If he knew his Evangelical base would object to something, he would not promote it, nor would the higher ups who help him campaign and serve as political ops for him.

Insult me all you want, but don't enable insulting God. Please don't do that, for your own sake and for God's sake.

Anonymous said...

In no way, shape or form, did Donald Trump ever declare himself to be the Messiah.

Anyone making such a claim is a LIAR of the highest order.

Anonymous said...

11:29 AM said:

After Trump’s NH win, Biden gets the opponent he wants

Question: then why is it that the Democrats have been working so feverishly to keep Trump off the ballot? Your analogy makes ZERO sense.

Anonymous said...

11:19 AM

Mary Trump is a laughable source.

Funny that you ignore the FACT that Joe Biden actually DID take showers with his daughter Ashley. Ashley actually grew up as a self admitted sex addict, who wrote about her strange, inappropriate relationship with her father in her personal journal. Ashley also had enter a clinic as a means to address her addiction to illicit sex.

Why don't you talk about any of that? I got it. You're in the Biden Death Cult and are worshipping at the feet of the statue of Molach, where babies are sacrificed under the name of 'choice.'

Anonymous said...

Random Quote of the Day

"The key to a serene relationship with sharks is simply this: Bear it in mind that they are so dumb, you can neither anticipate nor outwit them." - William F Buckley, Jr.

Sauce -

Good old Bill Buckley

Anonymous said...

Trump declares himself to be ‘the chosen one’ - After promoting claim that Israelis ‘love him like he is the second coming of God,’ US president defends China trade war by describing himself as the messiah

Trump Declares Himself “King of Israel,” the “Second Coming of God”

Rick Perry tells Donald Trump: 'You really are the chosen one

In recording, Parnas and Fruman compare Trump to messiah

Jewish Mystics Hope Trump’s Israel Visit Might ‘Raise The Temple’

‘Trump Is a Messianic Figure in the QAnon Calls’ - Trump’s embrace of the conspiracy theory is growing stronger. An extremism expert is worried.

Trump begins openly embracing and amplifying false fringe QAnon conspiracy theory

Anonymous said...

Super Trump

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Skip to the Last Paragraph

"Whoever attentively reviews the life of St. Francis will discover that, from his earliest years, he was a model of sanctity. He was not a gloomy, austere saint but was most amiable and friendly with all, so much so that it can be said of him most truthfully, “her conversation (wisdom) hath no bitterness, nor her company any tediousness, but joy and gladness.” (Wisdom, viii, 16) Endowed with every virtue, he excelled in meekness of heart, a virtue so peculiar to himself that it might be considered his most characteristic trait. His meekness, however, differed altogether from that artificial gentility which consists in the mere possession of polished manners and in the display of a purely conventional affability. It differed, too, both from the apathy which cannot be moved by any force and from the timidity which does not dare to become indignant, even when indignation is required of one. This virtue, which grew in the heart of St. Francis as a delightful effect of his love of God and was nourished by the spirit of compassion and tenderness, so tempered with sweetness the natural gravity of his demeanor and softened both his voice and manners that he won the affectionate regard of everyone whom he encountered."

Anonymous said...

That’s lame and imagined 2:09 PM

No-where did I say I was a Biden supporter. I have many times said that I will sit this election out if the choice is between Trump and Biden. You on the other hand see evil as a trade off, a compromise. You point one finger at others being Pharisees what all your other fingers are pointed back at you.

Anonymous said...

By the way, Mary Trump was not the source.

Ex-aide: John Kelly was disgusted as Trump wondered what it might be like to have sex with Ivanka

Anonymous said...


1:42 PM post is smart because it shows this blog what piss poor values you really have.

Your Trump, and Trump supporter, venom shows us how much you foam at the mouth over the topic.

Just be honest and come out and really join the left you represent. Would be fun to watch you cannibalized by your own.

Anonymous said...

I'm not 2:55 PM. I'm the one who said I might vote for Biden to stop Trump.

If we're to blame for the sins of the people we vote for, or the sins of the people who vote for the people we vote for, and we're supposed to choose the lesser evil...I'll not choose to vote for blasphemy, the unpardonable sin. Therefore I will consider voting for Biden to stop Trump. I will, however, split my ticket so that I vote for the Republicans for house and senate as long as I have minimally decent GOP options (not rabid).

Evangelical women get abortions as often as secular women do. When they are surveyed about it, they say they know it's wrong, but they expect to repent and to be forgiven. Well, Paul did write that nothing is unlawful, but it's just that not everything is expedient. Ever since 1910 in North American Protestant churches, Jesus' costly grace gospel and narrow gate have not been preached so much. Paul's cheap grace and broad Roman Road to Salvation have been preached much more.

Not only that, but have you looked lately at what Trump has been saying about abortion, or is that one more thing you intend to look away from?

And, I must ask you, if it's wrong to abort a baby--and it is--is it wrong to kill small children with razor wires on the border?

Did you know your fellow MAGA mouth foamers have been having fits on social media because Amy Coney Barret ruled against allowing Texas to use razor wires on the border and mocked that the reason why was because she was a woman feeling sad about it?

This hypocritical combination of survival-of-the-fittest with judgement of the sinful (as long as it's not me or Trump!) can no longer be enabled. Enough. Enough! Enough!

Anonymous said...


Former President and current presidential candidate Donald Trump made a big pronouncement on China Joe Biden’s digital, programmable “funny money” this weekend. Meanwhile, momentum is building around Congress and more and more members are signing on to a very critical bill.

Read on to see why “the Don” says America will never use a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)...

The CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act now has 46 co-sponsors in the House, (where the measure is known as HR 1122). Our staff on Capitol Hill expect that number to increase to 75 co-sponsors in the very near future.

Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R- MN) sponsored the House version of the bill in September. A statement released by the Majority Whip’s office notes that “[u]nlike decentralized cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, a CBDC is a digital form of sovereign currency that is designed and issued by a government and transacts on a digital ledger that is controlled by that government.”

Rep. Emmer went on to say: “In short, a CBDC is government-controlled programmable money that, if not designed to emulate cash, could give the federal government the ability to surveil Americans' transactions and choke out politically unpopular activity” (emphasis added).

“The administration has made it clear: President Biden is willing to compromise the American people’s right to financial privacy for a surveillance-style CBDC,” Emmer says.

President Trump’s announcement has given HR 1122 and S 887 a boost in support. But while the number of HR 1122 co-sponsors is growing, so far there are only 46, and S 887 only has three co-sponsors.

We need your help to get this legislation passed — pronto! Please take a moment right now to fax Congress and demand they VOTE YES on the CBDC Anti-Surveillance Act, HR 1122 and S 887.

Anonymous said...

Digital Currency (Continued)...

Sadly, former President Donald Trump has personal experience with tyrannical attempts to silence and eliminate political enemies. His opponents have lobbed 91 separate criminal charges against the former President in a blatant effort to prevent him from running for office. They include 34 charges in New York alone, which are clearly geared to financially punish the outspoken billionaire.

In a January 17 speech in Portsmouth, NH, President Trump announced, “Tonight I’m making another promise to protect Americans from government tyranny. As your President, I will never allow the creation of a Central Bank Digital Currency.”

“Such a currency would give a federal government, our federal government, absolute control over your money. They could take your money; you wouldn’t even know it was gone,” Trump told the crowd. “This would be a dangerous threat to freedom, and I will stop in from coming to America.”

In other areas of the world where CBDCs have already been introduced (like Communist China), CBDCs are used to force citizens into behaviors they wouldn’t normally choose.

For instance, in China, if one has used more gasoline than the Chinese Communist Party feels is appropriate, they simply prevent your card from being used at the pump — no matter how much money is in your account.

And if one is a Christian, the CCP may consider that person to be a cult member, and simply shut off access to their own money.

Specifically, the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act prohibits the Federal Reserve from issuing a CBDC directly to individuals, ensuring the Fed cannot mobilize itself into a retail bank able to collect personal financial data on Americans,” Emmer says.

“It prohibits the Fed from indirectly issuing a CBDC to individuals through an intermediary, preventing the Fed from launching a retail CBDC through our two-tier financial system. Finally, it prohibits the Fed from using any CBDC to implement monetary policy, ensuring the Federal Reserve cannot use a CBDC as a tool to control the American economy,” Emmer continues.

The legislation also serves to protect cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, the digital cash alternative that cannot be seized, sanctioned, or stolen by any government or central banker.

But most importantly, HR 1122 and its Senate companion bill, S 887, serve to protect Americans from an increasingly nosey and control-minded federal government.

President Trump’s announcement has given HR 1122 and S 887 a boost in support. But while the number of HR 1122 co-sponsors is growing, so far there are only 46, and S 887 only has three co-sponsors.

We need your help to get this legislation passed — pronto! Please take a moment right now to fax Congress and demand they VOTE YES on the CBDC Anti-Surveillance Act, HR 1122 and S 887.

Anonymous said...

POT MEET KETTLE: Liz Cheney calls Elise Stefanik (Trump's top contender for his VP running mate) 'a total crackpot'...

Elise Stefanik of New York, a top House Republican and a leading contender to be Donald Trump’s presidential running mate, is “a total crackpot”, the former Republican congresswoman Liz Cheney said.

Cheney threw the barb on Tuesday, in response to a statement in which Stefanik called the House January 6 committee on which Cheney was vice-chair “illegitimate and unconstitutional” and claimed it “illegally deleted records”.

Cheney said: “This is what Elise Stefanik⁩ said, in a rare moment of honesty, about the … attack on our Capitol."

Cheney posted Stefanik’s statement from 6 January 2021, the day Trump supporters stormed Congress after he told them to “fight like hell” to overturn his defeat by Joe Biden, a riot now linked to nine deaths.

Cheney added: “One day she will have to explain how and why she morphed into a total crackpot. History, and our children, deserve to know.”

In her original January 6 statement, Stefanik lamented “truly a tragic day for America” and “condemn[ed] the dangerous violence and destruction that occurred today”. The perpetrators, she said, “must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law”.

Stefanik also “prayed” that “colleagues on both sides of the aisle, their staffs, and all Americans … remain safe”, and thanked police, the national guard and Capitol staffers for “protecting the People’s House and the American people”.

Anonymous said...

4:40 PM

Re: Liz Cheney added: “One day she will have to explain how and why she morphed into a total crackpot. History, and our children, deserve to know.”


Hey, Liz... one day YOU 'will have to explain' WHY you have become a puppet for your father Dick Cheney's GLOBALIST ELITE's policies??? These policies are a betrayal of the American people... and are slowly destroying our country. Our children deserve better.

Anonymous said...

4:40 PM

Liz Cheney, you should KNOW better than that...

You took Elise Stefanik's statement of January 6, 2021 to "fight like hell" completely out of context. You took it and RAN with it... in spite of the fact that there was NOTHING in Elise's statement to suggest that anyone should storm the Capitol.

All because, not just Elise, but tens of thousands of peaceful demonstrators let their VOICES & SIGNS be heard & seen that day that they truly believed that the November, 2020 election had indeed been STOLEN.

Meanwhile, FBI double agents (posing as Trump 'supporters'!!!) decided to STORM THE CAPITOL.

All clearly with Nancy Pelosi's 'blessing'... because SHE stood down and did absolutely NOTHING... including take Donald Trump up on HIS suggestion to call in the National Guard.

And God was watching this whole CHARADE!!!

Anonymous said...

Arizona Republican chair Jeff DeWit RESIGNS over bombshell audio bribing Kari Lake to stay out of office

Last year Kari Lake claimed she had been offered a BRIBE to get out of politics.

On Tuesday, published audio of the meeting at her home.

A little over 24 hours later, Jeff DeWit announced he was resigning.

Anonymous said...

How can you people support Joe Biden, the Leader of the MABA (Make America Bad Again) Cult?

Anonymous said...

I think you mean Make America Bad Always..
JoBama has insured that would happen and wants that to be permanent.

Anonymous said...

7:54 PM

How can you people support the Joe Biden 'abortion up through birth' holocaust CULT???

(Just an extension of the DEPOPULATION agenda CULT... evil, evil, evil!!!)

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden says: If Democrats win control of Congress, I'll sign bill for abortions up to birth?

Joe Biden headlined a pro-abortion rally today and promised he would sign legislation to kill babies in abortions up to birth if Democrats win complete control of Congress this November.

“Give me a Democratic House of Representatives and give me a bigger, bigger Democratic Senate where we will pass a new law restoring and protecting Roe v Wade, and I will sign it up immediately,” he said.

On the flip side, he promised to veto any bill that limits abortions, even abortions up to birth.

“As long as I have the powers of the presidency know this, if Congress passes a national abortion [ban] bill, I will veto it,” Biden said.

Anonymous said...

Well, okay, but just don't kid yourself about it. DeSantis had better positions and a better track record with abortion and LGBTQ+ issues. But MAGA wants Trump, not DeSantis.

Notice what Biden said he would do if Democrats retake the House of Representatives. Let's hope having Trump on the ballot doesn't hurt the Republicans running for the House in the many swing districts and moderate districts scattered throughout the country.

Not every district in the whole nation is either bright red or bright blue. You know that, right?

Not everybody who dislikes Trump marches in gay pride parades, lines up to get every COVID booster shot every time, tries to contact the spirit world on ouija boards, lives on a free love commune, watches The View every afternoon and Rachel Maddow every evening, aborts every pregnancy, and treasures a pink pussy hat as a keepsake.

Many people who dislike Trump work, raise families, love and protect their children, never jammed up traffic in a protest in their life, and never had a political yard sign or bumper sticker in their life.

Don't you commenters know any people who aren't just like you? Haven't you ever gone anywhere or met anybody in your whole lives? Most of you are old with experience of the world.

I just don't get you people.

But for my part as a swing voter in a swing district I intend to vote for any minimally decent GOP candidates. I have lowered my standards. At this time the basics are looking pretty good to me. In fact, I'd say that I would even vote for somebody who I wouldn't want to hire to be a restaurant manager. I just want somebody who's not crazy, not a sociopath, of only average moral compromise, and of at least average intelligence. I just don't want to elect a criminal, a manbaby, a lunatic or an idiot. I really, really hope I am given that option. I'm not asking for much anymore.

Anonymous said...

Be honest now. Why do you really like Trump. Does he make you tingle more than DeSantis does? Is it because he can say things like, "I am your retribution," to wild cheers and applause, but DeSantis just doesn't have that dark MAGA aura about him?

Anonymous said...

So, this Pentagon Rabbi guy Zakheim writes what we need is a new Pearl Harbor to start a war in the Middle East, then a year later after writing we need a new Pearl Harbor to start a war in the Middle East the Pentagon loses 2 trillion dollar and the next day The Events of 9/11 happen and this Pentagon Rabbi dude Zakheim is involved in a robot aircraft company (I know, it's a stretch). Hmmm.. Fast forward to the October surprise where Netanyahu gets caught with his pants down and the next day Rabbi Zakheim says it's all over for Bebe. Hmmm. But what about The Rebbe's (Menachem Mendel Schneerson) prophecy that Bebe Netanyahu was going to be the last Israeli Prime Minister handing the torch to the mashiach Reb. Zakheim?

Just an observation but it's looking like Netanyahu may be a pasty or maybe the antichrist is in the offing. Keep watching.

Anonymous said...

PS: Zakheim latest thing is Biotech ) - :

Anonymous said...

8:50 AM,

Do you have a link to source your claim: "But what about The Rebbe's (Menachem Mendel Schneerson) prophecy that Bebe Netanyahu was going to be the last Israeli Prime Minister handing the torch to the mashiach Reb. Zakheim?"

When I searched it was hard to find much about Zakheim in relation to Messiah fervor, but I found Messiah fervor surrounding Yehuda Ben David.

I found a rather sensationalistic video about Yehuda Ben David that claimed he was recorded on live Israeli TV walking on water in the Sea of Galilee. Many other claims are made like even resurrecting somebody from the dead and turning water into wine and healing a girl instantly of cancer as confirmed by the doctor and the girl's parents.

If video footage of the claimed miracles really exists, it was not incorporated into the Youtube video. So it makes me skeptical. Somebody is trying to create Antichrist buzz around this guy, I suspect.

Anonymous said...

9:11 AM

Anonymous said...

9:24 AM,

Your video didn't say anything about Zakheim. It was a short video of the Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson telling a young Netanyahu that God is on his side and wishing him blessing and success and telling him to avoid war. Netanyahu thanked the Rebbe and said he would continue to seek his advice. There is nothing at all in the video about a prophecy that Netanyahu would be the last Prime Minister of Israel before the torch gets handed to the Messiah, who will supposedly be Zakheim.

Are you sure you're not here to create a distraction? Look over there!

Anonymous said...

Pretext For A Fedsurrection

The Big Lie of the January 6 "insurrection" is falling apart before our eyes

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump Warns That The Government Can Confiscate Your Money With Digital Currency

Banking giant Morgan Stanley says...
"central bank digital currencies (Digital Money) may contribute to a shift away from the US dollar."

Donald Trump warned New Hampshire voters that a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) or a Fed-controlled Digital Dollar "would give our federal Government absolute control over your money."

"They could take your money, and you wouldn't even know it's gone. This would be a dangerous threat to our freedom."

Anonymous said...

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, on Wednesday accused the federal government of breaching "the compact between the United States and the states" as relates to border security, The Hill reported.

His statement follows a recent Supreme Court ruling that allowed the Border Patrol to cut or remove razor wire installed by Texas along the U.S.-Mexico border.

"The federal government has broken the compact between the United States and the States. The Executive Branch of the United States has a constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting States, including immigration laws on the books right now," Abbott's statement read.
"President [Joe] Biden has violated his oath to faithfully execute immigration laws enacted by Congress," the statement read, as well as "instructed his agencies to ignore federal statutes that mandate the detention of illegal immigrants," reported Mediaite.

"James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and the other visionaries who wrote the U.S. Constitution foresaw that States should not be left to the mercy of a lawless president who does nothing to stop external threats like cartels smuggling millions of illegal immigrants across the border," argued Abbott. "That is why the Framers included both Article IV, § 4, which promises that the federal government 'shall protect each [State] against invasion,' and Article I, § 10, Clause 3, which acknowledges 'the States' sovereign interest in protecting their borders.'"

Abbott has tested constitutional boundaries in state versus federal jurisdiction over border and immigration enforcement for nearly two years. His legal team, led by state Attorney General Ken Paxton, first hinted at formally declaring a border "invasion" in April 2022. Abbott formally declared the invasion in September after writing to Biden in November, invoking the state's constitutional right to wage war when invaded.

Since then, the governor has systematically increased the border enforcement roles of the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Texas National Guard, emphasizing the constitutional authority for a state to defend itself against invasion.

In his Wednesday statement, Abbott asserted, "That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary."

Anonymous said...

A long time ago, Constance Cumbey said that she does not believe in conspiracies. Well, I wonder what she has to say about this?

Kari Lake Obliterates AZ GOP Chairman for Bribery Attempt

I'm absolutely sure that Constance will do a complete thread on this ... exposing the corruption of those very powerful people within the GOP that oppose Trump and Kari Lake. (I'm being sarcastic, of course)

Anonymous said...

Transcript of the call between the Arizona GOP Chairman and Kari Lake, candidate for U. S. Senate:

Kari Lake: Jeff. So what’s going on? What is it? (rustle, crunch)
Jeff DeWit: I've got a proposition for you.
Kari Lake: Oh? What kind of proposition?
Jeff DeWit: Well, there's some very powerful people back east who want you out of politics for a couple of years. They really want someone different.
Kari Lake: And what do they want me to do?
Jeff DeWit: They want you to stay out for two years. I can tell you what I can offer you. They're willing to pay you a lot of money and put you on the payroll of a company. Whatever we need to do.
Kari Lake: Are you serious? (slurp)
Jeff DeWit: Yes. It's a good offer. You could take a break from politics and come back in a couple of years.
Kari Lake: I'm not interested in being bought off. This is about stopping Trump! I don’t think that’s good for the country.
Jeff DeWit: It's not about being bought off. It's about taking a step back and letting things cool down.
Kari Lake: I don't need to cool down. I'm fighting for what's right. This is a hill worth dying on.
Jeff DeWit: I understand that, but this could be a good opportunity for you. DC is a big back-scratching club. You’re in no position to scratch anybody’s back.
Kari Lake: I don't need any opportunities from those people. I'm going to keep fighting. The battle is right now, Jeff, not two years from now. They’re going to have to kill me to stop me.
Jeff DeWit: Alright. Just thought I'd let you know about the offer. You should be honored. I wish you’d just make me a huge counter-offer. Gimme a counter. Is there a number where you’d … just take a pause?
Kari Lake: No. No. I have to go work on my book. I’m flattered, and offended. But thanks for letting me know. Bye-bye.
Jeff DeWit: Goodbye.

Anonymous said...


Note that DeWit refers to "some very powerful people back east." Who is he referring to? These people are the East Coast Establishment, aka, the LIBERAL Rockefeller Wing of the GOP. The Rockefeller Wing has ALWAYS been working for the interests of the New World Order. David Rockefeller actually admitted this in a book, in which he stated: "I've been accused in the past of working towards the establishment of a One World Government. To that, I plead guilty."

Today we hear the derogatory term RINO being used to describe those that only appear to be conservative. RINOs are actually those that are controlled by the East Coast Establishment, which make them 'offers,' which they willingly accept. That's why in the past, you saw John McCain ALWAYS supporting the expansion of endless war, which benefits the Military Industrial Complex. Sen. Lindsey Graham is McCain's twin when it comes to being controlled by these conspirators.

The other 'wing' of the GOP has been known in the past as the Taft Wing (after "Mr. Republican, Sen. Bob Taft of Ohio). It has also been known as the Goldwater Wing, and after Reagan, Reagan Republicans in order to categorize true conservatives that oppose, for the most part, the East Coast Liberal policies. These conservatives, increasingly, are becoming a rare breed.

Anonymous said...


The East Coast Establishment also controls numerous Democrats. As long as they are able to 'buy' politicians, party affiliation means nothing to them.

Both Trump and Lake are outsiders, that have not bowed to the pressure of these very, very powerful people. That is precisely why they have received the 24/7 attacks by the media (whom they own) and other politicians (whom they also own).

With this recorded 'bribe,' you now have PROOF of the existence of these conspirators that are pulling the strings from behind the curtain.

Anonymous said...

Why all the whining 1:10 PM?

The answer is simple. Rather than your constant bellyaching that the topics you want to see covered aren't being covered here, start your own blog.

Anonymous said...

9:58 AM

Forgive my wild ramblings. It came to me early this morning and I wanted to write it down before I forgot. Please carry on, and never mind my distraction distracting you all from your distractions ( - :

Anonymous said...

R-La. Senator John Kennedy endorses Trump!!!

Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., is backing former President Donald Trump after Trump's primary victories in Iowa and New Hampshire.

In a post on X, Kennedy said he waited to give the endorsement until seeing Trump's win in the New Hampshire primary.

"Competition makes us all better, so I let the primary play out, but this thing's over," Kennedy wrote. "It's going to be Pres. Trump versus Pres. Biden: A choice between hope and more hurt. It's not even close. I choose hope. I am endorsing President Trump and look forward to working with him."

Anonymous said...

8:30 AM

Cheer up, there is a lot of 'dark aura' around Joe Biden.

Anonymous said...

10:30 AM


Thanks for sharing this with us.

Anonymous said...

Working at The New Woke Times

Bari Weiss: Why I Finally Had Enough Writing for NYT | Jordan Peterson

Anonymous said...

George Conway is looking handsome. He's lost a lot of weight. He looks like he feels at peace. It seems like being divorced from Kellyanne has been good for his mental and physical health. He is aging better than she is.

George Conway Explains: Trump’s 91 Problems (& Jail is One)

Top comment:

"I am a retired attorney. No one is explaining what a long criminal trial would be like for Donald Trump. Most of the legal talking heads did civil cases or were prosecutors. I sat next to many criminal defendants during trials. It takes a huge toll on people psychologically. And almost all criminal defendants are way younger than Trump. It is a rare sight to have a client over 50. Trump is 77. Even a 2 day jury trial is exhausting. The defendant has to be there in court every day for the entire trial, unlike civil cases. He has to just sit there and take it as witness after witness testifies against him. He cannot speak. And he is on stage in front of the jury and the jury will take into account any misbehavior, inappropriate displays of emotion, and outbursts. If Trump acts like he did in his civil cases, the jury will not like him. He will be in court all day, every day. No time to campaign. The trials will destroy him psychologically, plus he will get convicted. It will be an ordeal for Trump and for the country. I suggest you get someone on your show who has conducted lengthy criminal trials as a criminal defense attorney. It is the psychological equivalent of running a marathon every day for a month."

Anonymous said...

Is the US Headed for Civil War?

Trump Tells States to Send National Guard to Texas

Anonymous said...

'Appalling': Romney accuses Trump of trying to stop [immigration] bill to blame Biden

Anonymous said...

Right-wing media escalate civil war rhetoric after Supreme Court rules against Texas in razor wire case

Anonymous said...

With beds scarce and winter bearing down, a tent camp grows outside NYC’s largest migrant shelter

Anonymous said...

Speaker Johnson Joins The Ingraham Angle

Laura Ingraham to Mike Johnson. “The president [Trump] actually just got off the phone with me right before the show, and he said he has spoken to you about this deal, and that he is against it, and he urged you to be against this deal, he was extremely, President Trump was extremely adamant about that.”

(If you haven't been following it, the Republicans have made more Ukraine aid contingent upon passing something for better border security. Biden caved on almost everything they wanted for the border, in return for getting more Ukraine aid passed.)

Anonymous said...

A Shocking Number of Americans Want to 'Just Let Them All Burn'

A study measured the 'Need for Chaos' that leads people to spread online misinformation and vote for politicians like Trump.

They asked whether participants would share a variety of statements that were either obviously untrue or extremely hard to assess (i.e., "Former President Obama has been creating a 'shadow-government'… to take down President Trump"), and also assessed a factor they called "Need for Chaos," or NFC. They did this by asking their subjects if they agreed with statements like:

- I fantasize about a natural disaster wiping out most of humanity such that a small group of people can start all over

- I think society should be burned to the ground

- Sometimes I just feel like destroying beautiful things

- There is no right and wrong in the world

What the researchers found is that after controlling for gender, age, education level, and ideology, NFC was strongly correlated with a willingness to spread hostile rumors online. Younger, less educated men were more likely to have a strong NFC, as were people who were lonely and perceived themselves as lacking social status.

Anonymous said...

Speaker Mike Johnson to Colleagues: Senate Immigration Deal ‘Dead on Arrival’ in House

Anonymous said...

FBI warns of invasion at the Mexican Border...

In a letter to congressional leadership, 10 retired FBI directors and counterintelligence experts warn that the Biden administration's border policies have enabled a "soft invasion" of the United States at the Mexico border by young, military-age men.
"In its modern history the U.S. has never suffered an invasion of the homeland, and, yet, one is unfolding now," the FBI officials wrote. "Military age men from across the globe, many from countries or regions not friendly to the United States, are landing in waves on our soil by the thousands — not by splashing ashore from a ship or parachuting from a plane but rather by foot across a border that has been accurately advertised around the world as largely unprotected with ready access granted.

"It would be difficult to overstate the danger represented by the presence inside our borders of what is comparatively a multi division army of young single adult males from hostile nations and regions whose background, intent, or allegiance is completely unknown. They include individuals encountered by border officials and then possibly released into the country, along with the shockingly high estimate of 'gotaways,' meaning those who have entered and evaded apprehension."

Anonymous said...

URGENT Video: The latest intel from Michael Yon in Panama.. as he WARNS us about all that is currently happening at the Darien Gap (66 miles of dense jungle between Colombia & Panama)... and the planned invasion and coming Civil War.

The Darien Gap

Anonymous said...

10:15 AM

You should be dizzy for posting so much spin.

There's not a need for chaos, there is chaos. And it has been manufactured by Radical Leftists already, funded, fueled, and fostered by our current President Puppet Joe and his handlers.

Anonymous said...

GOP Senator Thom Tillis slams his “immoral” Republican colleagues for scuttling an immigration-Ukraine aid deal on behalf of Trump:

“I didn’t come here to have the president as a boss or a candidate as a boss. I came here to pass good, solid policy.
It is immoral for me to think you looked the other way because you think this is the linchpin for President Trump to win.”

Good for him.

p.s.- The truth is The Hertigage Foundation (Opus Dei) doesn't want immigration reform. The more roman catholics crossing the border the better. The GOP failure to negotiate in good faith and/or pass immigration reform is deliberate and has been since the late 1960's. Trump is just carrying water for the globalist one world religionists. The president of the Heritage Foundation even spoke at Davos this year.

Anonymous said...

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's message to Joe Biden (over the razor wire)...

"Come and take it."

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness, Carroll has won her lawsuit against the Rapist in Chief, which so many foul-mouthed, vemom-hearted, deluded CINOs (Christians in name only) here have been worshiping. Let's hope others come forward (whom the Rapiat in Chief has 'grabbed by the [expetive deleted]') and further expose him.

Anonymous said...

5:57 PM

Looking forward to the day when they 'expose' Joe & Hunter!!!

Anonymous said...

Right Wing Talk of Invasion and Civil War

Right-wing influencer Charlie Kirk, leader of the MAGA youth groups Turning Point USA and Students for Trump and the host one of the most listened-to podcasts in the United States, encouraged his listeners this week to take up arms in preparation for an “invasion” of immigrants at the southern border.

“The break-ins, the looting, the murder, the rapes, the arson, it’s — by the way, this is just getting warmed up,” Kirk said Wednesday on “The Charlie Kirk Show,” echoing white supremacist talking points depicting immigrants and asylum seekers as inherently criminal. “You got 15,000 fighting-age males that are getting deployed all across the country. Native-born Americans, you better buy weapons, everybody. Have a lot of guns at your disposal. I would never leave your home without a weapon. It’s the new country we live in. It is ‘Mad Max.’ [President Joe] Biden is creating ‘Mad Max.’ You’re on your own.”

The day before, Tucker Carlson, who had hosted the former Fox News prime-time juggernaut “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” had also suggested it was time for civilians to take matters into their own hands.

“It’s unanimous: Everyone in power, from the White House, to the hedge fund managers, to the Supreme Court of the United States, has decided to destroy the country by allowing it to be invaded,” Carlson told his 11 million followers on X (formerly Twitter). “That leaves the population to defend itself. Where are the men of Texas? Why aren’t they protecting their state and the nation?”

Kirk and Carlson — both of whom have long promoted the “great replacement theory,” falsely suggesting Democrats are bringing migrants into the country to “replace” white people — were responding to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling earlier this week that said the federal government could remove dangerous razor wire Texas had installed along its border with Mexico.

Anonymous said...

In his response to the ruling, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) released a statement Wednesday that used language eerily reminiscent of Southern states’ statements of secession ahead of the Civil War: He threatened to defy the Supreme Court decision, declaring that the “federal government has broken the compact between the United States and the States.” The next day, Republican governors from 25 states issued a joint statement supporting Abbott, praising him for “stepping up to protect American citizens from historic levels of illegal immigrants, deadly drugs like fentanyl, and terrorists entering our country.”

It was the latest, most dramatic escalation between Abbott and President Joe Biden over the situation at the border — an escalation experts say has corresponded with increasingly dangerous rhetoric from prominent conservatives that could encourage violent vigilantism targeting immigrants.

Anonymous said...

Christian Nationalists Team Up on Illicit Push to Get Churches to Campaign for Trump

Far-right “apostle” Lance Wallnau and Turning Point USA are partnering on a campaign to turn swing-state churches into Trump turnout machines

Anonymous said...

Don't worry 4:12 PM in a couple years they'll be 'nones' (Terry Mattingly explains)

) - :

Anonymous said...

What's really going on at the Texas border?

Anonymous said...

5:37 PM
Yes. Let's hope others come forward with material like this.

Anonymous said...

10:32 PM we know the filth Trump goes for. We don't need to have their social media porn posted here.

Anonymous said...

"social media porn" is E. Jean Carroll's whole lying despicable life.
That's the filth she wallows in and drags into court with only the express purpose of trying to stop Trump. She's no victim.
But so many have caught on to why they want him stopped--because they intend to stop the American people from the their free speech and free and fair elections to completely gut this Democratic Republic. Her case is paid for by Elitists because she's only one of their tools.

They are being exposed.
Just wait and see what is soon coming out about Tides Foundation and Open Society Foundation and see where the real evils are coming from. The Alinsky Rules for Radicals crowd is going for broke in all their handiwork.

Anonymous said...

The Little Flower of Jesus - Saint Therese of Lisieux (inspirational story ever told)

Anonymous said...

Hello CINO 12:19 PM,

I see you like denigrating women who have been sexually assaulted or raped, in favor of the Rapist in Chief you worship.

Well, your IP address is tracked and I do hope you have a large enough of a bank balance for any damages you might have to pay due to your evil. I am sincerely considering sending the details of your footprint here to the Carroll team.

Anonymous said...

US embassy in Bahamas issues travel warning to Americans as 18 people are murdered 'in broad daylight' in January

The US embassy in the Bahamas has released a security warning and advisory

It warned American tourists about rising levels of gang violence and homicides

As many as 18 murders have been reported in the island country in January alone

Anonymous said...

Protest Convoy Heading to Southern Border is Calling Itself an Army of God

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Hello CINO 12:19 PM,

I see you like denigrating women who have been sexually assaulted or raped, in favor of the Rapist in Chief you worship.

Well, your IP address is tracked and I do hope you have a large enough of a bank balance for any damages you might have to pay due to your evil. I am sincerely considering sending the details of your footprint here to the Carroll team.

2:43 AM

2:43 AM,

I don't like Trump, but don't do that here. It doesn't belong here. It's not helpful.

Anonymous said...

I don’t follow your rules, 9:03 AM,

And, with great respect, won’t be shut down by you as to what is or isn’t ‘helpful here’.

I have written what I have written in defense of a woman who has been sexually assaulted (at the very least), as has been proven in a court of law twice, by a vile man many here are following via the evil and foulness of their own fascist hearts.

I don’t like Nazis and will speak out against them wherever they may be, including against Nazis supporting the murder of Palestinian Christians and Muslims at the hands of the racist Zionist entity in its genocidal acts against the INDIGENOUS people of Palestine.

Trump supporters are scum, full-stop!

Anonymous said...

9:14 AM,

I stand against neo-Nazis but not with neo-Marxists.

What I objected to was your (empty) threat to dox the other commenter. You are behaving as an internet SJW. It actually makes you the perfect foil.

No, you don't need to follow my rules. I hope that you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord and have decided in your heart to follow His rules.

WHY do we object so much to Donald Trump? Is it because he breaks YOUR rules, or isn't the better reason, because he breaks JESUS' rules?

Anonymous said...

Re: 'social media porn' those tweets had the earmarks of a witch

9:03 AM

I'm really not on anybody's side but I surely know which side I'm not on

Have a nice day

Anonymous said...

PS: never, never have s*x with a witch

Anonymous said...

9:19 AM,

1) Ridiculous.

2) I personally believe E. Jean Carroll because Trump fought hard against the admission of DNA evidence, and he confused a younger picture of her with Marla Maples, proving she indeed was his type when she was younger. She admitted she had flirted heavily with him prior to being assaulted. It's likely she would have welcomed his advances had he not charged her, banged her head against the wall of the dressing room twice, crushed her against the wall and grabbed her by the you-know-what immediately.

I don't think even a loose woman deserves to be treated violently and without respect and as if she doesn't matter at all. I recall that Jesus treated women with respect and compassion. They spoke up boldly to him, and not through a father or a husband. That included loose women. The Samaritan woman at the well was living with a man who was not her husband. The woman who cried and wiped Jesus' feet with her tears and her hair was a loose woman.

It disturbs me that Evangelical Christians are heartless to sexually abused and assaulted women and children, as evidenced by their responses to pastor sexual abuse scandals in their churches. Before they gave Trump a pass, they were giving pastors a pass for even worse patterns of behavior.

But in addition to all of that, what actually happened was the media cried wolf too many times at the outset of Trump's campaign for the presidency. In a way it inoculated his supporters from believing any further allegations. Many of those first allegations against him were quite weak. It became readily apparent that the media was out to get him. Steve Bannon cynically--but also logically in a completely cold blooded manner--made the double standard and lack of real concern for victims even more readily apparent by seating the accusers of Bill Clinton at the debate between Trump and Hillary and in the first row.

The media and the Democrats have no credibility now and they deserve no credibility. The problem is that even though they cry wolf so much, once in a while, there is a wolf. But half the country will not care, will not listen.

That is where we're at. It doesn't mean half the country are Nazis.

Anonymous said...

If the Christian trucker protest convoy headed to the border really has Christians, I hope they will show it by putting the Christ in Christian and being good Samaritans to any injured small children they find drowning in a river well bleeding out and caught and lacerated on razor wire. I wouldn't do that to an animal, let alone any human being. I wouldn't even do that to a mouse in a mouse trap. Christians who think that is okay will be in for a rude awakening on judgement day. They'll answer for it some day.

Anonymous said...

To 9:49AM

Your observations of media credibility is the same as mine. The left wing media stretches truth to the point of being ridiculous as it melts down into hysteria. The right wing media follows Steve Bannon's prescription to "flood the zone with shit".

Anonymous said...

10:13 AM

IF, you were a real 'christian', you wouldn't be so blatantly ignorant. The truckers are not going to the border to act as physicians, they are protesters. The truckers will not hinder rescue efforts at all.

What about the tens of thousands of people dying at the hands of the invaders? Fentanyl, murder, rape, home invasion, carjacking, and the list goes on!

Rigged elections have consequences!

There are so many self appointed fake 'christian' judges here at the Demonic Cumbey Death Cult.

Stop idolizing politicos, and the tottering crone.

Anonymous said...

What's really going on at the Texas border after the SCOTUS ruling?

Anonymous said...

9:49 AM.

1) not as ridiculous as Trump being the antichrist

2) I don't watch the television so I have no idea (thankfully) what you're talking about

3) thank you for your courtesy

Anonymous said...

x-tian at 2:43 AM

God's tracking you.
So what? They can kill me but they can't eat me (unless your avowed utopia has it's way and makes soylent green out of me) my future and hope are in the Lord so what does that matter?
Your Alinsky rules to follow are godless. You persecute christians now so how heinous will you be when your tribe rules this doomed earth?

But there's still time. Repent your snake ways.

Anonymous said...

12:37 PM

Judas the spy is tracking you and reporting to the pharisees

That's the world we live in

There ought to be a law against that sort of behavior but unfortunately the Pharisees make the laws

Anonymous said...

PS: I can imagine the traffic to this site dropped today

Anonymous said...

Yes wackadoodle E. Jean Carroll probably received threats from some Trump supporters. And you probably think your woke 'jesus' is going to save you, and that he gives you the go ahead to be a good Laodicean 'christian' as well.

But you're not my judge, and I want nothing to do with your leftist foolishness.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the words 'Left' and 'Christian' should never be used in the same sentence.

Anonymous said...

Border Patrol Says Agents Will Not Remove Texas Razor Wire Barriers

Union says agents will not interfere with "lawful" operations to protect the border...

Anonymous said...

If you stumbled upon this blogspot, beware, the blog owner and her cult followers are lunatics, and quasi 'christian' at best. Luciferians always!

Anonymous said...

Reply to 9:49 AM

Regarding E. Jean Carroll: "I don't think even a loose woman deserves to be treated violently and without respect and as if she doesn't matter at all."



However, if ALL of the 'loose women' in America thought they would end up being 'rewarded' with $83.3 MILLION... there would be a lot MORE 'loose' women out there ready and willing (with their attorneys on 'speed dial') to file lawsuits!!!.

That judgement was just a bit over the top, don't you think???

Anonymous said...

2:29 PM

Yes, please know that you are not 'allowed' to disagree with the blog owner that Donald Trump is the Antichrist.

(Now... which one is the 'cult' again? I forget...)

Anonymous said...

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to Newsmax: SCOTUS Decision Doesn't Stop Us

The U.S. Supreme Court siding with the Department of Homeland Security to allow federal border officials to cut state-installed razor wire along the Rio Grande "does not stop us from protecting our areas that we control, that are owned by Texas governments," says Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.

"All they did was remove the injunction from the federal government to come onto our property and cut down wire," Paxton said Friday during an appearance on Newsmax's "Carl Higbie FRONTLINE."

"It does not stop us from protecting our areas that we control, that are owned by Texas governments, and it does not stop the state of Texas from continuing to put up fences and wire, so it doesn't do anything to change what we should be doing," he added.

Related Stories:

Texas Right to Defend Itself From Biden's Border Disaster

Rep. Van Duyne to Newsmax: Biden Created Border Crisis

Anonymous said...

2:47 PM,

E. Jean Carroll's lawsuit was not a criminal case. It was a defamation case in civil court. She wrote in her book about her memory of the department store sexual assault. He defamed her character repeatedly after that. She sued him for defamation. Because of New York state laws she became able to do that. Something to do with statute of limitations in civil court in New York. I don't think the statute of limitations is the same in every state.

So, to answer your concern, it can't happen in every claimed rape case, since it wasn't even a criminal rape trial but a civil defamation trial. Judges can't be that arbitrary about defamation amounts awarded. It depends on income and assets, too. And it couldn't have happened in every state.

Trump originally was going to pay $5 million. He kept on insulting E. Jean Carroll because he has the impulse control of a toddler, and he's never been held accountable in his life. All he had to do was to keep his mouth shut.

In fact, if he had been innocent, all he had to do was to allow her to admit the DNA evidence instead of fighting its admission. It would have put the case to rest immediately.

But I'm not going to gaslight you about this. The $83 million was shockingly high, and I think even the jury gasped at the amount.

I hope that you won't gaslight me that Donald peed in his own well, and now he's drinking the water. But if you do, oh well. I'm just developing radical acceptance. When the weather is cold, you put your coat on. When you live where the roads get icy, you get spiked tires if they are legal. If you have a crocodile in the swamp in your backyard, don't feed it dogfood every day. Etc., etc.

Anonymous said...

Trump tore into E. Jean Carroll on Thursday, right after saying these words: "I’ll say it again, a thousand times." Judge Kaplan told the jurors that Trump’s comments meant he’d continue to harm Carroll "unless you make it stop."

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