Monday, September 04, 2023

Rod of Iron Ministries & MAGA - Another compelling reason to be wary of Trump cultism

This is a sleepless night for me -- fortunately, I keep a computer bedside just in case.  If the night leg pains get too intense, I can sit up and research until sleepiness might set in.  That is what is happening with me now.  I have been paying attention recently to the continued spread of the Moonie cults and former President Donald Trump and company's relationship to it.  I have found something extremely disturbing -- Huang Jin Sean Moon founded "Sanctuary Church" a/k/a "Rod of Iron Ministries."  I ordered his book, ROD OF IRON KINGDOM and perused it tonight.  

Rod of Iron Ministries Church is founded by Huang Jin Sean Moon, one of Reverend Sun Myung Moon's 12 "  Look carefully at the crown on his head -- it is formed of bullets.  

This variation of Moon's "True Parents" calls for members to be armed with AR Automatic Assault rifles.  The Church believes that January 6, 2021 will be remembered as a sacred and holy day in American history.  It also believes it is preparing its people for war.  As I showed in an earlier post, Donald Trump went to Korea last year and thanked Unification Church and the Moon founders for vastly improving the planet.  The Pennsylvania based Rod of Iron Church has been visited and spoken to by Steve Bannon, Eric Trump, Doug Matriano and other members of the Trump establishment.

They believe they are preparing our country for civil war and they intend to be "God's instruments" fighting it.  They take out of context a verse from Revelation (Revelation 2:27) that Jesus will rule us with a "Rod of Iron" -- and of course, since the Moon family think they are the ones completing "Jesus' unfinished work" they are standing in for Him!

They have bought a large compound near Waco, Texas and another in Grainger County, Tennessee.  

For the record, Rev. Moon's "new gospel" was that Jesus failed in his mission which was to succeed and replace the race of Adam by marrying and having children.  His crucifixion represented "a failure".  Rev. Moon says he was called by God to fulfill that mission which he and his wife Jak Ha Moon (currently the head of the international church) did by having their 12 children.  Huang Jin Sean Moon tries to sound like a Christian in his book ROD OF IRON KINGDOM.  His theology is that his parents are the "True Parents" and their message the "true gospel."  If you don't believe me, take a peek at their websites for "Rod of Iron Ministries" and "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary Church". 

The Moonies are an important component of the New Age Movement of which I have warned for the past 42 years.  One of their important spokesman admitted to me that they were working with Benjamin Creme and Tara Center (January 1983 - Joe Tully).  Tully is the same person who assaulted Josette Sheeran's father when he tried to extricate his daughter in 1979 from the Moon cult.  

This cult hooked up with the MAGA Movement, with a goal of restoring Donald Trump to the Presidency, treating January 6, 2021's assault on the United States Capitol as sacred, is armed and dangerous.  Most certainly, there is no room there for any TRUE Christian.  Donald Trump and his close supporters have done nothing to discourage it -- but to encourage it.  I submit, that if you are in MAGA and/or Qanon, it is 'time to come out of her, my people."

Another example of NAR Trump idolatry -- this one in my email box from Elijah list this morning!

Stay tuned -- I will be writing more on this later.



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Anonymous said...

Well now Constance, this country was founded by insurrectionists, and it's currently being run by Satanists. So I guess this is just some BLOWBACK!

Anonymous said...

This is a stunning research finding, Constance. It's interesting that your first troll didn't attempt minimize or explain away your finding. Instead he or she went straight to the last stage of the narcissist's prayer.

That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did, you deserved it.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting for all the MAGA hysteria, and the Trump hysteria, and all the White Nationalist hysteria etc. etc. that goes on here. Plus the NAR hysteria, on and on, and round and round it goes, it will never stop everybody knows. The Demonic, Psychotic Cumbey Death Cult, and the nut job extraordinaire dr of horse droppings, Biden Cultist X, and the Brother James Key Cult here too!!! These Trump obsessed Pharisees are even more dangerous, extreme, and aberrant than those they accuse so vigorously, and passionately of being!!!

Maybe the title of this blog should be, 'What Constance + Sycophants Think; You Don't Want To Know' Cuz We Are Nuts!

Anonymous said...

How can anybody take Cumbey seriously when she has gone so far off the rails! Yes, she has great knowledge of New Age machinations, and that's all well and good for a college course at MSU. However we are officially in the full bore churnings of the New Age right at this moment. No amount of gnat straining, myopic psychosis, or voting for candidate X, Y, or Z. Is going to change that one tiny little bit.

The only thing that will make any degree of difference is prayer and supplication. And personally removing oneself from Babylon.

Anonymous said...

"And personally removing oneself from Babylon."

Agreed, with the caveat that Babylon is two-faced. She has one face for the Left and another face for the Right.

Anonymous said...

8:20 AM

"This is a stunning research finding, Constance."

I have misophonia, and I find your sucking sounds offensive 8:20 AM

Why should you be "stunned", Nancy? The world is awash in splinter groups. Gnat straining doesn't push us all into the same boat! Just cuz someone voted for Trump doesn't mean they are militia! Oh but wait, I forgot, this is the Psychotic Warmongering Cumbey Death Cult!

Anonymous said...

I think I covered that 8:53 AM in X, Y, or Z

Anonymous said...

Fair enough 9:02 AM.

Anonymous said...

British Court Rules That Competent & Conscious Patient Can Be Denied Life Sustaining Treatment Against Her Will

The logic of the decision is chilling...

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that Satan's house isn't divided against itself. Wherever there is sin, by default, people are snared in the trap of the enemy.

It takes a hardened heart to deliberately seek to worship and serve Satan. Humanity is born afraid of Satan or of Satanic-like monsters - but also born with a heart that is rebellious against God.

Nonetheless, being in sin means being caught in the trap of the enemy, even without deliberately seeking to worship and serve Satan.

Satan is an immortal being who can outsmart the most ingenious mortal who ever lived.

Don't think you can study conspiracies to figure out how to defeat a real or imagined Satanic elite.

Jesus showed us the way to defeat our enemy. You're free to choose not to follow His way, but if you're not for him, you're against him. Being for him involves more than just lip service.

If God wills the time is ripe for America to be judged, it will happen. If God wills to extend mercy to his remnant in America, it will happen. Meanwhile we don't know exactly what Providence has in store, but it will all work out in the end.

Some day we will be with our Lord, and things that don't make sense now will make perfect sense then. Our joy will be so great we won't care anymore.

God bless all the true Christians here and God help the commenters snared in the traps of the enemy.

Anonymous said...

A note about Donald Trump:

The book of Judges is full of judges who started out well but then faltered later in various ways. One of the most famous is Samson, a very special judge who was a Nazirite.

If judges who were annointed by the Holy Spirit could falter, how much more could a contemporary erstwhile King Cyrus falter?

The books about the kings of Israel illustrate the two best, David and Solomon, faltered during their lives.

If the kings David and Solomon could falter, how much more could Donald Trump falter?

In other words, if Trump was used as a chosen instrument of God, it doesn't mean that He has to necessarily continue functioning as God's chosen instrument. Conversely, if he isn't God's chosen instrument now, it doesn't mean he couldn't ever have functioned in that way.

We don't really know, do we?

What is readily apparent is his passivity in response to the evils that swirl around him. If he were truly the Antichrist, he would be playing an active leadership role, but he isn't.

In my opinion, Donald Trump was good at branding, salesmanship and showmanship. The real operators are using his brand and working behind the scenes and even grooming his two older sons, Eric and Donald, Jr.

In my further opinion, the NAR is more powerful than QAnon. It has existed a lot longer than QAnon, and it has more seats in higher places at more powerful tables than QAnon does.

I think Liz Cheney didn't pay attention to the obvious clues to NAR involvement in January 6th political violence because the NAR is an essential part of Republican politics, going back at least as far as George W. Bush, the administration in which her own father participated, if not earlier.

I wish Constance would pay more attention to the NAR. It is the fastest growing sect of Christianity in the world.

Anonymous said...

"If God wills the time is ripe for America to be judged, it will happen."

Open your eyes, 9:22 AM, it will intensify more and more.

Wax worse and worse as the bible says.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

The New Apostolic Reformation drove the January 6 riots, so why was it overlooked by the House Select Committee?

As the U.S. Capitol building was under siege January 6, four of the six protest permits issued that day were to independent charismatic Christian groups that had spent the previous two months waging a spiritual war focused on overturning the election.

Eight days prior to the attack, 15 of these independent charismatic leaders held a meeting for more than two hours at the White House with “high-level Trump administration officials” to talk about a spiritual war strategy that would “join the natural to the spirit.”

Anonymous said...

Some trolls possibly need to quit straining at gnats on CC's blog and attend to the camels of sin within their own hearts.

What does it mean to strain at a gnat but swallow a camel?

This proverb is spoken by Jesus in Matthew 23:24. On His last trip to Jerusalem, Jesus spoke at length about life under the oppressive reign of the Pharisees. The religious leaders tested Him continually “and plotted how to entangle him in his words” (Matthew 22:15). In Matthew 23, Jesus pronounced seven woes against the scribes and Pharisees, accusing them of hypocrisy, laying heavy burdens on the people, exalting themselves, and preventing people from entering God’s kingdom. He was especially harsh in His assessment of their strict adherence to the laws of tithing while they “neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness” (Matthew 23:23). He concludes by saying, “You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel” (verse 24).

The KJV translates the first part of the proverb as “strain at a gnat.” That wording gives the impression of choking while trying to swallow the gnat while easily gulping down the camel. But the better translation is “strain out a gnat.” The Greek word refers to straining water through a cloth or sieve to remove impurities. The GNT translates it this way: “You strain a fly out of your drink, but swallow a camel!”

The Jews had a law that forbade eating any flying insects that did not have jointed legs for hopping (Leviticus 11:20–23), and in this they were strictly observant. Because water could have insects and insect larvae in it, pious Jews were careful to strain the water through a cloth before drinking it. They did not want to accidentally ingest an unclean insect and thus violate the law. Jesus mentions this practice in His proverb and then contrasts it with a hyperbolic picture of gulping down a camel. In this way, Jesus accused them of taking great pains (straining out gnats) to avoid offence in minor things of little importance, while tolerating or committing great sins (swallowing camels) such as deceit, oppression, and lust.

Christ’s fifth woe relates to the same type of hypocrisy (Matthew 23:25–26). All Jewish sects agreed on the need to wash their dishes in order to maintain their ceremonial cleanness, but Jesus pointed out that it is senseless to clean the outside of a cup and leave the inside filthy. But this is exactly what the actions of the Jewish leaders achieved. They focused on outward behavior but neglected the most important commands—loving God and one another. They strained at a gnat, mistakenly believing that external conformity to the law was enough, while not seeing that the evil in their hearts was a camel-sized problem. The Pharisees were scrupulous in counting out their mint leaves and tithing their “dill and cumin” (verse 23), but their hearts were full of envy, pride, greed, and malice. They strained at the gnat of ceremony, but they ignored the camel of sin in their hearts.

Anonymous said...

Instead of rebuking Constance for not loving God and one another, trolls rebuke her for not hating their chosen enemies enough. It's gotten old.

Please stop with the vain repetition.

Constance Cumbey said...

As regards the NAR and Evangelical participation in January 6, out of fairness, while some of their group were major players in ORGANIZING the January 6, 2021, rally, they were probably not the hard core group such as Oathkeepers and Proud Boys active in storming and invading the Capitol offices. You can pull down materials concerning the January 6 Committee work from this site. Last December I downloaded and read most of their materials.


Constance Cumbey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Who are these yahoos planning on civil warring against? Blacks?

PS: motes & timbers

Anonymous said...

Interesting interview and he mentions Biden

Constance Cumbey said...

This is a report on Christian Nationalism that I just discovered from the Baptist news site:


Constance Cumbey said...

Reverend Moon, True Parents, Rod of Iron KIngdom are indefensible!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hope I'm wrong...

But I fear that many formerly intelligent, good people ~ who have been VAXXED ~ may possibly be suffering a MAJOR side effect: the LOSS of their once brilliant critical thinking skills.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Seems to me we've been living in a age of ill manners; such as tipping your hat to a lady or standing when a lady enters the room etc. And as far as the lady's demesne goes you might say - who chases two rabbits catches neither.

Anonymous said...

*NOT tipping your hat

Constance Cumbey said...

To 12:14 PM -- you are obviously very full of yourself and uninformed. I was among the first to warn about WEF and Klaus Schwab 4IR programs (4th Industrial Revolution). I am suspecting you are not worried about Unification Church, Rod of Iron Ministries, the Capitol Insurrection of 1-6-2021. The Scriptures tell us that the Godly King Josiah walked neither to the left nor to the right but strictly in the paths of God. As long as it glorifies your evident "God" Donald Trump, you seem to have to problems. When are you going to realize that Satan works both sides against the middle? You are justifying the wicked when you defend Trump's obviously lying actions, Qanon, the January 6 insurrection, and arming congregations with AR47 weapons such as Rev. Moon, Jr. (Huang Jin Sean Moon) does. For the record, the Bible says they overcame the Beast with the blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death. Also, those who didn't fall for the antichrist "received not the love of the truth." 2 Thessalonians. You seem to have no problems with ignoring the truth as long as it comes from what you consider "the right side".


Constance Cumbey said...

Correction to last post by me "As long as it glorifies your evident "God" Donald Trump, you seem to have NO problems" -- not "to problems."


Constance Cumbey said...

I am very saddened to see such a large Trump worshiping group on this website. It's time to substitute Jesus Christ for him in your personal worship!


Constance Cumbey said...

An interesting Youtube video on Rod of Iron Ministries:


Anonymous said...

"I was among the first to warn about WEF and Klaus Schwab 4IR programs (4th Industrial Revolution)"
Yes, so was I on it, very early. I can research without you as the only source, you know.
So other huge staged fronts in NWO should be searched into as well.. but where are you?

Why have you abandoned it to exclusively chase all things Trump?

Pardon me, but perhaps you have become very full of yourself?
I did not glorify Trump, in any way, I said I agree with a lot of what you have said, but not all. Trump has never gotten a total carte blanche from me, but you talk down to me as though I think he's somehow golden. You are wrong for that, Constance. Shame on your very poor cookie cutter judgments of people.
I disagree with your very limited scope on all of the current happenings to follow only one aspect of things. Sorry, you don't like what I see of this entire scenario.

You proved again your exclusive bias against people who actually see more than you think.

Anonymous said...

"while Apostasy is in --please note-- Every Sector of the Political Religious scene."

Attention Constance Cumbey:

Why did you skim read my post and conclude what I obviously did not say???

Anonymous said...

Since 'alphabet soup' double agents deliberately 'set up' Trump supporters on January 6th, 2021

Are Fed-controlled Nazis preparing to launch an American Civil War in 2023???


We can only hope and PRAY that this is NOT true!!!

Anonymous said...

8:45 AM

Well, that was the PRE-vaccinated Constance we all knew and loved.

Anonymous said...

Methinks Constance trusts way too much in her Republican favorites versions of events, who at this point are holding all the cards in the unbalance of power that, as of right now, I don't think will change. How does she not to see their deep compromises with the NWO that are every bit as worrisome, perhaps even more so, than those who religiously follow Trump?

The whole ball of wax is bad, very bad, but she makes exception for her "political darlings" she evidently thinks are (using the word above) golden.

How unwise.

Anonymous said...

(Even the) NY Times Wakes Up to Corruption in Ukraine as Officials Admit Military Contract Money ‘Vanished’

The critical reporting of the issues of corruption in Ukraine from the hitherto vociferously supportive paper may signal a shift in attitude overall towards the war and perhaps the Biden administration’s strategy of dumping weapons, hardware, and money into the conflict.

The Elitists love the morass called Ukraine.

Constance Cumbey said...

Why does the Burning Man Festival 1973 remind me of the Woodstock Festival 1969? Both were mockery of God events, both had huge cripplig rainstorms.


Constance Cumbey said...

To Anonymous 1:26

I reiterate -- you need Jesus -- not Donald Trump -- as your Lord and Savior! If you see no problems with Rod of Iron Ministries, Unification Church theology, the January 6th riots, you have a VERY BAD PROBLEM!


Anonymous said...

1:26 PM here.

Your trust in Washington DC elites (globalists) is what I find alarming and overly simplistic, Constance.
Trump couldn't fix DC, in fact, nobody but God can. Nor do I think God will.
Too late, too far gone.

My trust was never in Donald Trump, just my vote. Capiche?????

In fact I have gone so far as to say I don't believe there will be any more elections.
Because - **normal isn't coming back--Jesus is.**
You really should get over your obvious bias and judgmental bent and stop cherry picking what people say or don't say.

Anonymous said...

Wow, those Moonies sure are powerful. Why aren't they ruling the world???

Anonymous said...

Between the very biased ANTI-Trumper, Liz Cheney... and the LIBERAL state of Michigan (where Constance resides)... I am afraid that we have 'lost' our former Constance (who was always so full of grace & wisdom while sharing her 'big picture' perspective).

Anonymous said...

And constant 'slaps in the face'... either accusing us of being Q-anons... or 'worshipping' Donald Trump.

Constance Cumbey said...

To 3:47 pm



Anonymous said...

Constance can't manage to do the fast forward or click to zoom anymore when she does her research. I always thought she had a knack for that since she used to hold views that questioned much deeper all TPTB. Not anymore.

I guess to her Trump holds all the power.
I never in all my born days would ever give him that much credit.

Constance Cumbey said...

To 4:02 PM -- researching is one of my strong suits. I'm afraid you have practiced the art of "projection" your deficiencies to yours truly


Constance Cumbey said...

Liz Cheney is a brave and courageous woman -- more than I can say for Kevin McCarthy and others who knew and initially condemned the January 6, 2021 doings but then, in the face of votes they thought the would lose from Trump's obviously hypnotized base, lacked the courage of their initially expressed convictions. Had Liz Cheney not taken her courageous stand, she would have been the Republican caucus leader. Equating me with Michigan's present political leadership is ridiculous. The reason they were re-elected had much to do with Trump's taking down of good Republicans as "RINO" for his own selfish, narcissistic ends. "RINO" = ANYBODY RAISING AN EYEBROW AGAINST DONALD TRUMP.



Anonymous said...


Since you seem to have a very LOW opinion of those who have been posting here on your blog for too many years to count, I would just like to say this...

Although I am unable to speak for everyone here, I feel that I can safely say that the majority of us have no intention of taking up an AR-15.

What we do plan to do is make our voices HEARD at the voting booth in November, 2024... and to continue to PRAY for our country.

Dear Jesus, my Lord & Savior: THY will be done; not MY will. AMEN)

Anonymous said...

Constance @ 4:01 PM

The shoe does NOT fit.

(And there has NEVER been one shred of evidence that it EVER did.)

Anonymous said...

Constance @ 4:18 PM

What is your definition of a 'good' Republican?

Certainly not George Herbert Walker Bush, or George W. Bush, or Dick Cheney, or Mitt Romney and others... who were more than willing to be CONTROLLED by the Global Elite!!!

How refreshing it would me to have a President who does not belong to the Bilderberg Group, The Trilateral Commission, or the Council on Foreign Relations.

Anonymous said...

Constance @ 1:09 PM
Re: "As long as it glorifies your evident 'God' Donald Trump, you seem to have NO problems..."


As long as we are going to talk about glorifying people's evident "God," what about your evident "God" like former money grubbing Judge Michel Luttig who abandoned the bench for a far more lucrative gig with a company named Boeing... that put profits before safety and wound up paying millions of dollars in fines as a result.......after Luttig jumped ship when the CEO on whose watch this disaster happened was given the boot. If Luttig hadn't jumped ship, he might have gotten the boot as well. And let no one say that Luttig cannot in any way be held responsible. The job he had helping Boeing deal with the legal fallout from Boeing's exclusively profit - fueled decisions was created for him by Boeing for just this purpose.

Top Boeing attorney who oversaw 737 MAX legal fallout to retire | The Seattle Times

Lawyerly Lairs: Luttig in Lap of Luxury (Plus info about his current compensation.) - Above the Law

Anonymous said...

Cheney (among many others) is a swamp creature. Your allegiance to such is very telling.
She did a very poor job by WY because she helped Washington D.C., not her State, which by the way she doesn't even live in, she just jets in for visits.

She did not lift a finger to help out that State's economy as she helped federalize issues and needs there even more. She got the hatchet because she was horrible representation for that State, and she's horrible for the state of our Union. She reversed her former Conservative stands on "same-sex marriage" and the Abortion issue also that you were so proud of her for. She is Uniparty approved to scratch each others backs at our expense. Good riddance RINO/CINO.

Because of her last name she has prime multi-million dollar property near Jackson Hole where the Global elites from all over the world come to vacation and plot against the rest of us. She's one of them.

Thanks for really proving you care very little for once great American values, Constance. You're compromised standing with the likes of them.

Anonymous said...

WAS @ CC 4:12 PM.

Anonymous said...

Republicans Last Chance: "A Dreadful Time Of Testing Whether The Country Can Endure Any More Of This"

If you are shocked and bewildered that totalitarian tyranny creeps through our country without opposition, the reason is simple: there is no official opposition...

The plan is 'NO OPPOSITION' to the tyrannical state! So Kennedy will not be allowed to run, and Trump won't be allowed to run! Nothing dangerous about that. No problem! Just ask the Synagogue of Satan here. They will tell you so! They aren't nuts or anything like that.

Anonymous said...

Constance is doing quite a bit of pontificating and YELLING today.

Constance Cumbey said...

Surely there must be better choices for the country than Biden and Trump! I watched the debate last week -- apart from Vivek Ramaswamy who was obviously sucking up to Trump in hopes of becoming a Vice President in case Trump returns, any one of them could have governed better and more truthfully than Trump has. Right now, Trump plays to his base. If he returns, you can bet he will believe his business interests lay in a different sphere. He will turn on us as he has on just about every loyal servant he had in cabinet offices incuding Jeff Sessions, Rex Tillerson, Mark Esper, Ms. McEnany, and just about anybody else who dared tell him the truth.


Anonymous said...

Burning Man vs. Bohemian Grove

1) Burning Man has a ceremony, where they set fire to a 'man'.

2) Bohemian Grove has a "Cremation of Care" ceremony.

Although Burning Man fans see themselves more like 21st Century 'hippies'... just having 'harmless fun' in the sun... in the Black Rock City, Nevada desert.

Constance Cumbey said...

Why among most of you, no concern about the militant mission of Rev. Moon's son and one of his heirs, Hyung Jin Sean Moon? I did not fight the New Age Movement in all of its many manifestions to run a pro-Trump cult! Jonestown and Heaven's Gate were available for that!


Constance Cumbey said...

To 6:30 PM -- you need to do more studying up on Burning Man Festival and the history of its organization -- New Age in just about every ugly manifestation since its inception. Obviously, it appears that you have no historical memory of Stonewall 1969.


Constance Cumbey said...

To 5:23 pm -- I am not going to fault Luttig for leaving his government job to take the Boeing position. He had children to put through college -- you should know that would have been difficult for him on his previous salary a a federal appellate judge (I believe it was probably about $159,000 a year. After thinking about all the Evangelicals and "Conservative" organizations (Jerry Falwell, Tim LaHaye, Donald Sils that accepted BIG MONEY from Unification Church), he is looking like an honest person taking the Boeing job which was honest employment.


Anonymous said...


There are much bigger things you should be seeing, but you are blind, stubborn and prefer straining at gnats instead. Too stubborn, and set in your foolish ways to admit that apart from your knowledge of NA, you are wrong constantly. You're really good at it!

Your relevance score is ZERO!

Constance Cumbey said...

And for the record, I give courage kudos to Governor Kemp of Georgia and Secretary of State Raffensberger for courage. Tell me -- what moral justification was there for Trump to demand Raffensberger find him 11,780 votes "one more than I need". And his threatening Raffensberger that if he didn't, it might have criminal consequences for Raffensberger. And sadly, that did not seem to bother too many participants on this blogspot.


Constance Cumbey said...

To 5:28 pm Elizabeth Cheney did live in Wyoming with her husband and five children. I don't know where you get your "information" -- it is not accurate. I voted (and even supported) Trump twice. Now, I see him as a definite SWAMP CREATURE! "Woe to him who calls evil good and good evil."


Constance Cumbey said...

And if the gallows set for Mike Pence and Trump's failure to condemn them, but instead incite the rioters by saying Pence had "lacked the courage" to violate the Constitution -- if you see nothing wrong with that, you really do have problems. Adding to my list of people Trump turned on, I include: William Barr, Mike Pence, Senator Mitch McConnell.


Constance Cumbey said...

First four results on "Burning Man Festival" and "New Age" google search:

About 27,400 results (0.32 seconds)
Burning Man is an 'experiment in temporary community'; a mass gathering of people where absolutely anything goes. For many it's an energising experience that draws on elements from new age spirituality, art, music, architecture, perma-culture, politics, identity and plenty more.Apr 4, 2022

Dawning of a New Age: Burning Man Festival - PILOT GUIDES

PILOT GUIDES › articles › dawning-of-a-ne...

About featured snippets


Robert Brennan: At Burning Man, freedom doesn't mean free

Angelus News › Voices

5 days ago — Burning Man festival in the Black Rock Desert, Nevada. ... against putting their “faith” in man-made New Age precepts designed by people who ...

Desert rain leaves thousands stranded in deep mud at ... › article › desert-rain-leave...

14 hours ago — New Age, a Dhaka-based leading English language daily newspaper, ... 2023, after heavy rains turned the annual Burning Man festival site in ...


Anonymous said...

You read biased reporting Constance. Weak case against Trump.
Dershowitz does a breakdown on the transcript that I suggest you read. Turley too.
Context and plain English will help you see what that was about.

The TDS is bad with you. It's colored your world ~ orange. You only read his haters material. Why is that?
Real world has much more flesh tone to it. But Establishment good ole boy and girl Uniparty politics has colored your world bitter, too.

Anonymous said...

6:52 PM
Uniparty RINO's all.

Anonymous said...

My Wyoming family knows what you don't know or don't want to know about Liz Cheney, ma'am.

I suggest you stick to info you do know.

Cheney's have property in Wilson, Wyoming.
They "visit".

BTW her lawyer husband does work for Chinese Company.

Anonymous said...

Does the CIA train NAZI mercenaries in Ukraine

'The CIA tries to tie the very NAZIs they train to MAGA'

Anonymous said...

What does one thing have to do with the other. . .

Burning Man 1991 :: 2nd Year in the Desert

Billionaires buying up land to create utopian city in Bay Area.

. . . probably nothing ) - :

Anonymous said...

Cause My Mother's Heart, transfixed by sorrows that rent Mine, to be loved.

Constance Cumbey said...

To 7:15 - What is "Tierney Real News"? What are its credentials. I just looked at some of its sites and it looks like another Shill operation for Trump to me.


Constance Cumbey said...

I saw that Tierney (whoever or whatever he/she/it is had things to say about the World Economic Forum -- warnings I have been given you for the past few years and you were as dismissive about some of those as you are the MAGA - Rod of Iron Ministry issues.


Anonymous said...


Mrs. Cumbey....I assume Tierney Real News is the substack for alt-right journalist, contrarian and libertarian John Tierney.

Things I noted:

1. He's probably Opus Dei (I note the background - Catholic High School, Yale and his affiliation with William Casey's Manhatten Institute);

2. He left his wife of 20+ years and child to date and marry new age self-help, Kinsey Institute affiliated "love expert" Helen Fisher in 2020; and

3. His ex-wife, Dana Tierney, may have been ill as she died February 7th, 2020

As a likely adulterer married to a new age guru, he's lost his mind in Trump world now -- grifting to support his lifestyle after losing half in the divorce several years ago. He's 69 and Helen Fisher is 75 so independent journalism is their income now. The Maga Qanon types are dependable for clicks & profitable -- if nothing else. Gotta feed that cognitive dissonance.


p.s. - Helen Fisher and John Tierney are married but apparently choose not to live together.,%2C%20don't%20live%20together.

Constance Cumbey said...

To x: I hope your name is not Johnny Cirucci -- if it is, I am serious issues with your book EATERS OF CHILDREN that I have perused and am 75% through reading the Kindle version. Lots of information in there, but way too many suppositions and false premises -- but hopefully, you are not him. Circcci used Madame Blavatsky and Matthew Fox as good reputable sources -- which they clearly are not.


Constance Cumbey said...

To 6:56 -- for the record, I AM A LAWYER and one who knows the difference between weak and strong evidence. I once had respect for Durshowitz, but as of late, he has become a shill for Trump. There were allegations he had favors from Geoffrey Epstein. I don't know -- as far as I'm concerned, he's innocent until proven guilty on that one.


Constance Cumbey said...

To 6:56 -- for the record, I AM A LAWYER and one who knows the difference between weak and strong evidence. I once had respect for Dershowitz, but as of late, he has become a shill for Trump. There were allegations he had favors from Geoffrey Epstein. I don't know -- as far as I'm concerned, he's innocent until proven guilty on that one. ''


Constance Cumbey said...

Out of fairness to Dershowitz, here's another story on Epstein's Island and allegations --


Anonymous said...

Constance @ 6:44 PM
Re: "... what moral justification was there for Trump to demand Raffensberger find him 11,780 votes "one more than I need". And his threatening Raffensberger that if he didn't, it might have criminal consequences for Raffensberger. And sadly, that did not seem to bother too many participants on this blogspot."


'What moral justification'???

The fact that a great MANY people now believe that Trump not only WON the 2020 presidential election... but, that he won in EVERY SINGLE STATE... and by as much as 80%.

It is mathematically IMPOSSIBLE for Joe Biden to have received enough votes to be elected President ~ period. It just doesn't ADD UP. (No way, no way, no way.)

So, I would say there is plenty of MORAL JUSTIFICATION, Constance.

P.S. Also, there SHOULD be 'criminal consequences' for Raffensberger!!!

Anonymous said...

To Constance @ 6:34 PM


I have BIG problems with Burning Man. That's why I brought up the comparison to Bohemian Grove. I was opening it up for a discussion on this blog... hoping others would jump it and contribute... regarding all of the dark symbolism behind having a closing ceremony of setting FIRE to a 'man'... vs. Bohemian Grove's 'cremation of care' ceremony and what that really MEANS.

When I mentioned that some Burning Man fans SEE THEMSELVES more like hippies, having harmless fun... that does not mean that I SEE THEM THAT WAY.

I definitely see their New Age, Occult-themed message... and it is quite disturbing indeed.

Constance Cumbey said...

To 12:38 -- thanks for clarifying and your Burning Man fears are valid! There was curious irony to the washouts of both Woodstock (1969) and Burning Man (1983). Both events were thoroughly washed out. I erroneously called Woodstock "StoneWALL -- DON'T KNOW HOW I MANAGED THAT ONE.


Anonymous said...

Burning Man descends into chaos as revelers finally snap and fight during mass exodus from washout festival as officials name 32-year-old who died and admit rain and mud delayed their rescue response

Burning Man concluded on Monday night with the burning of 'the man' at 9 pm local time

About 64,000 people remain on the site in the Nevada desert after Friday's rain turned the site into a quagmire and closed the exit routes

The local sheriff condemned those who left trash, and said some lost their tempers: he also named the man who died as Leon Reece, 32

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

q. I dont read or post once the posts reach 666 so anything anyone said to me after that should be repeated here.

2. I am alarmed at what Constance has found out about the Moonies lasts plans. This is damn serious.

A long time ago, varioius charismatic leaders like700 club boss wehatsis snake glitter eyed name said that those who believe in God any concept of God should unite against atheism (aka communism and suchlike) and this excused getting financial aid from the moonies. This being the days of the Cold war, it also helped the military industrial congressional complex, whih spends wads of money, a lot of it getting back into the pockets of the politicians who voted for its spending, and sells us stuff that doesn't work that well.

The bought off mainstream American and British press is begrudgingly beginning to tell the truth about Ukraine as it becomes apparent it is going to lose.

Give it another year or so, and we will probably see the truth only the alternative press and German and some other countries would publish about Russia and Ukraine and perhaps Constance will realize there is nothing "strange" about my lack of support for Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the moonies are becoming yet another potential militia in a multisides civil war that would rival the chaos in Africa and Syria at times if it breaks loose.

Anonymous said...

Hi Christine. I'm glad you're back. I'm glad somebody else is taking the Moonie militia seriously.

Anonymous said...

Hey, all you people suspicious of the American mainstream media, how about being suspicious of the Russian mainstream media, too, while you're at it?

Putin would love to balkanize the United States of America.

America has always had regional divisions because of centuries-old settlement patterns. Now it faces the risk of a collapse into autocracy or dissolution. A majority of both Biden voters and Trump voters say in polls that "blue" and "red" states should secede and form separate countries.

It's not all about commies and globalists versus real Americans. There have always been regionally different real Americans. Yankees have always been different than Appalachians and Deep South. The rest of the West has always been different than the Left Coast.

Constance Cumbey said...

To Christine, 1:53 Thank you for your remarks and perspective.


Constance Cumbey said...

To 8:11 AM - Well chosen words. Thank you!


Constance Cumbey said...

To 1:05 pm Thanks for the Burning Man Festival information -- I'm curious about the shieriff's criticism of those "leaving trash behind." I would think that extrication and pickup might have been well nigh impossible given the deep mud conditions.


Constance Cumbey said...

To 12:05 pm -- you are compounding Trump's BIG LIE. So you actually believe that Trump won in every state???? You think Raffensberger should have 'criminal consequences'?? You are Exhibit A of the damage Trump's lies have done to this country! So why did every last Court Trump took his lies to find no merit to his case? That includes many of his own hand-picked judges ruling against his lost election cause. Only a very sick person would want an honest election official such as Raffensberger to have 'criminal consequences" for doing their job honestly and withstanding high pressures to lie such as Trump had put on him -- Trump's statements that we all heard. I thank God that Raffensberger had the foresight to record that phone call: "Find me 11,780 votes"


Anonymous said...

Constance the rabid Nazi Trump hater who supports the war in Ukraine, and its Nazi President, from the very beginning, before even using her last crusty brain cell to 'think' about the situation a bit more. But with only the New Age Deep State(credentials) to back her Luciferian 'opinions', what can one expect?

Plus she obediently, again, NOT THINKING, lines up for the New Age Luciferian Death shots, still not taking the time to think!

And acting the fool repeatedly, and very well, people still listen to her very lopsided views!

Anonymous said...

Constance I suspect 9:56 AM is only a troll or a bot and is not the same commenter as 12:05 PM. 12:05 PM posts with the same style as a long time Catholic commenter who's been with your blog for many years.

Notice how fixated the troll is on your support for Ukraine. It's the first topic that he, she or it (to make it easier I'll just say "it" from now on) led its diatribe with.

I strongly suspect 9:56 AM is a paid troll or a bot working for Russia.

Because its spelling and grammar are perfect, I might be more inclined to guess it's a bot.

More evidence of bot-ness is that its "arguments" are so generic. It seems to have been programmed to use loaded language just as frequently as possible.

Anonymous said...

11:03 pm

Mrs. Cumbey,

I am NOT Johnny Cirucci.

I've spent too much time last night and today reading his materials and checking out a few videos. He may help with my research on Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta but wonder if it's calculated misinformation itself pretending to be uncovering misinformation in a controlled manner.

Such an odd collection of information. He's got videos with your friend and opus dei operatives, Michael Voris as well as Mike Adams (not the Mike Adams of naturalnews, I presume as the videos themselves were removed). I have not watched them yet.

He seems qanon adjacent...while pinning it all on the Jesuits.

He seems quite anti-Semitic.

His relationship and videos with SDA Steve Wohlberg are strange too.

IMO there is an internal war brewing in the RCC between the Jesuits and the more supposedly Orthodox RCC monied groups like Knights of Malta and Opus Dei. From my brief reading of the Mr. Cirucci and the way he is blaming the "Jesuits" for everything, including Obama, the Clintons and everything on the left, it seems to me he's picking and actively fighting for the anti-Jesuit side.

This RCC war is going to be coming to a head when Francis dies and his now voting-age majority in the Vatican convenes to elevate the next pope. Will there be a split?

Yet he claims to be an EX Catholic. He apparently came to Christ through what he calls (and I agree) were the false teachings of an Albuquerque Calvary Church (Frisbie). Where he attends church now I am unsure as of yet --- maybe SDA? Perhaps his RCC upbringing has damaged him to much against organized religion (a God unto onself).

In my cursory review, I've already seen many examples of what you rightly discerned to be loose "suppositions and false premises" in his writings and whatnot.

I am a Baptist. I do not consider theosophist Blavatsky and/or mystic Matthew Fox as good reputable sources for anything other than a research paper on Lucifer, perhaps.


Anonymous said...

Digital Currency / Digital Surveillance of Citizens (one step closer to the Mark of the Beast???)

Will The Dollar Be Revoked, Replaced With A Government Controlled Digital Coin?

Wired Magazine Says It's: "A Tool for Government Surveillance of Citizens and Control Over Their Financial Transactions."

Special: Feds' New Digital Currency Gives IRS Agents Access to Your Accounts. Steps You Can Take Now

Anonymous said...

Constance Cumbey said...

"Liz Cheney is a brave and courageous woman..."

TRUTH: During her primary election, Cheney sought Democrat support by encouraging them to declare that they were Republicans so that they could vote for her.

During the primary, a key abortion bill came up in the Congress for a vote. "Brave and courageous" Cheney abstained, so as not to offend her PRO-DEATH Democrats, while hoping the the Pro-Life Republicans didn't notice. Her "brave and courageous" move didn't work. Voters saw right past this fraud conservative and voted her OVERWHELMINGLY OUT!

Constance Cumbey continues to show her true colors!

Anonymous said...

Constance @ 9:13 AM

"What is Tierney Real News? What are its credentials. I just looked at some of its sites and it looks like another Shill operation for Trump to me."

Mrs. Tierney's bad, was, she has the audacity to suggest Ukraine is as crooked as a dog's hind leg! Where all manner of NASTY takes place, and the See I Yeah, is training mercenaries for the Deep State to use against us, and some of those were used @ J6!

The reason this caused Cumbey to foam at the mouth, is that even if partially true, then she is wrong again for the zillionth time!

To Dear Death Cult leader, if you have an opposing view of her TDS, then you need credentials! But the See I Yeah saturated 'trustworthy' MSM, has no such requirement!

Lassen Sie mich ihre Papiere sehen!

Anonymous said...

This is really a sad thing to watch, but it is perfectly obvious to those that have "eyes to see."

Constance has become a One Trick Pony, and that pony's name is Trump.

With all of the earth shaking things going on in the world, including Biden's obvious corruption, her only concern is her blind hatred of Donald Trump and his supporters.

She literally worships at the Trump hate altar that she has erected, while praising evil people like Liz Cheney.

Anonymous said...

Thread topics that Constance has ignored:

1. The Plandemic and its subsequent clot shots which have caused countless deaths and debilitating diseases.

2. The hysteria surrounding the trans movement.

3. The massive corruption surrounding the Ukraine War.

4. Our wide open borders.

5. The Biden Crime Family.

6. The Marxist organizations of ANTIFA & BLM.

7. Massive amounts of unverified, mail-in ballots in the 2020 election, along with Democrats not allowing any monitoring.

8. Marxist Jesuit Pope Francis and the false gospel of Roman Catholicism, effecting the souls of 1.2 billion people.

9. Exposing the goals and agenda of the LGBTQ+ movement.

10. Exposing the evils of Agenda 21 & Agenda 30 (both of which Pope Francis supports).

11. The ongoing attempt to create a one world economy and one world government.

12. The Climate Change HOAX, and why it is being promoted.

There's more that Constance has totally ignored while focusing her entire attention on Trump!

Anonymous said...

Another perspective on Trump's famous call, by Derschowitz-

Anonymous said...

Constance Cumbey,

I share your concerns over the Rev. Sean Moon's Rod of Iron Ministries a/k/a Sanctuary Church. The church is located in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Sean Moon leads Peace Police Peace Militia. They were at the Capitol Insurrection on January 6, 2021. It has been reported by news sources that Moon has become more militant since then. I haven't been able to verify that with actual video footage.

Moon's older brother, Justin Moon, is founder and CEO of Kahr Arms/Tommy Gun Warehouse in nearby Greeley. Kahr Arms is a gun manufacturer and has created a line of Trump commemorative firearms. Eric and Laura Trump attended the August 2016 grand opening of the Tommy Gun Warehouse, and Eric Trump was one of the guest speakers.

The annual church-sponsored Rod of Iron Freedom Festival in the Poconos is coming up next month, October 7th and 8th, at the Kahr Arms/Tommy Gun Warehouse property. It's marketed as a fun celebration of 2nd amendment rights and open carry for the whole family. Based on previous years, attendance is expected to be around 5,000. Just to show connections, Steve Bannon, defeated gubenatorial candidate Doug Mastriano and Pastor Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church (NAR) and ReAwaken America tour were featured speakers last year. This year's speakers so far, other than the Moons, names are not so easily recognized (at least not by me). They're representative of the MAGA/QAnon disinformation cults. I've shared the link below, you can see the speakers and click on name for bio.

Kahr Firearms Group Presents: The 2023 Edition Trump AR15


Anonymous said...


Any "concern" over the Mormon cult? It just so happens to be the fastest growing religion in the entire world. Your thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah...I'd researched that before.

Tierneyrealnews is NOT John Tierney's website/substack, my bad.
I just hadn't looked close enough to see it was a homespun website lacking any and all journalistic credibility.

Instead it's run by Peggy Traeger Tierney's.

Peggy is just some high school educated maga qanon lady from nowhere Minnesota who has devoted her retirement & life to the worship of all things Trump.

Here is her facebook:

It's sad, really.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

There are roughly 33,000 gangs in the U.S., with over a million members! Robbing, raping, murdering(guns,knives,fentanyl,heroin,etc.), its merry heart out. All greatly exacerbated by President Satan's wide open Borders! But we need to not fret about it, because the Moonies are the real BIG threat!

Maybe Linda + Constance can collaborate and post on Amish crime! LOL

Anonymous said...

Sorry entry appears to be responding to your inquiry about Mormons. I was responding to an earlier post referring to tierneyrealnews creator being a "she" which led me to realize I made a mistake yesterday that I needed to correct asap.


Anonymous said...

Retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin, former military intelligence official, is a frequent guest speaker in well-known NAR churches. He claims to be a Christian, whether that's true or not, I don't know. He is a Board Member of Rick Joyner's (Morningstar Ministries) OAK Initiative. Lance Wallnau, 7 Mountains and Reawaken America is also a Board Member of Oak Initiative. Joyner has "prophesied" for years that there is an inevitable Civil War coming to America. For the record, I will state that I don't believe Rick Joyner, and I'm not in fear. This post is just to put things in perspective as to how religion and politics are converging at the present time.

Lt. General Boykin spoke at a fund raiser at Colorado Christian University in Lakewood, Colorado in 2011. He said, "The Lord is a warrior and in Revelation 19 it says when he comes back, he's coming back as what? A warrior. A mighty warrior leading a mighty army, riding a white horse with a blood-stained white robe ... I believe that blood on that robe is the blood of his enemies 'cause he's coming back as a warrior carrying a sword.

And I believe now - I've checked this out - I believe that sword he'll be carrying when he comes back is an AR-15.

Now I want you to think about this: where did the Second Amendment come from? ... From the Founding Fathers, it's in the Constitution. Well, yeah, I know that. But where did the whole concept come from? It came from Jesus when he said to his disciples 'now, if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.'

I know, everybody says that was a metaphor. IT WAS NOT A METAPHOR! He was saying in building my kingdom, you're going to have to fight at times. You won't build my kingdom with a sword, but you're going to have to defend yourself. And that was the beginning of the Second Amendment, that's where the whole thing came from. I can't prove that historically and David [Barton] will counsel me when this is over, but I know that's where it came from.

And the sword today is an AR-15, so if you don't have one, go get one. You're supposed to have one. It's biblical."


Anonymous said...


Maybe another Linda, but I didn't ask a question about Mormons.


Anonymous said...

Actually Linda, if you want to defend yourself, and family, if you have a 20 gauge shotgun in Auto or Pump, you're good! Home invasions are through the roof(pun), with the open borders and all. I live very rural so that's not my concern.

I'm considering getting a Glock 10 for Bear protection, as I love to hike. I have come upon so many bears this year. More than ever before, and they express little to no fear of me, even when I'm yelling, and throwing rocks at them, which is what the Game Wardens recommend.

Anonymous said...

More on Burning Man...

MOST people who attend the annual Burning Man event no doubt see it as their 21st Century 'hippie' / fun in the sun (sex, drugs and rock 'n roll) good time in the desert of Black Rock City, Nevada.

What they are NOT understanding is the DARK occult symbolism (deeper meaning) behind Burning Man's closing ceremony: Setting FIRE to a 'man' (although not a real person) and watching 'him' burn for hours and hours.

This reminds many of.Bohemian Grove's 'cremation of care' ceremony in the woods of California, north of San Francisco...

The deeper occult meaning is the BURNING (destruction) of man's ability to 'CARE' about the deaths of their fellow human beings. Before dismissing this as 'no way'... stop and think about the New World Order's long term goal & agenda to DEPOPULATE the world DOWN to a population of UNDER 500,000,000.

The Georgia Guidestones (the NWO's 'Ten Commandments'?)
Built on March 22,1980 in Elbert County, Georgia / but, destroyed by bomb on July 6, 2022...
the No. 1 'commandment' is:
1. Maintain humanity UNDER 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

(Although again... I want to state that I truly believe that the 'AVERAGE person' attending the annual Burning Man event has NO CLUE about any of this... and is only there to have 'some wild fun in the sun'!!!)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:20 PM

"The entire, evil, New Age Movement has been overshadowed by Donald J. Trump and his supporters."

The New Age Movement hasn't been overshadowed. The Trump cult movements are the New Age "false light" and are important tools to The Plan of bringing darkness to light. They need a personality like Trump to pull it off. Unfortunately, he's running for President in 2024 and he will continue to dominate the news every day, just as he has done since 2016.


Anonymous said...

Linda @ 12:49 PM
Re: The Second Amendment... where did the concept come from? It came from Jesus when he said to his disciples 'now, if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.'


Please list your source (chapter & verse in the Bible) for this passage... plus what words preceded it and followed it (so we can understand it in CONTEXT).

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:03 PM

I'm not anti-gun, but you will never find me with a gun. I believe in the right of every citizen to bear arms. I do object to guns being a part of worshiping God and I certainly don't think that Jesus is going to come back beaaring an AR-15. Jerry Boykin and Rod of Iron believers missed the fist part of Rev. 19:15 out of his (JESUS) MOUTH goes a SHARP SWORD, THAT WITH IT HE WOULD SMITE THE NATIONS.

Revelation 19:15 “And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.”


Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:16 PM

That wasn't my word. That is what Jerry Boykin said in his speech. I believe this is the scripture that he was referring to. If you're interested in context, look up Luke chapter 22 in your Bible. I hope you're not trying to justify that Jerry Boykin is correct in what he said.

Luke 22:36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.


Anonymous said...

Actually, those with TDS ('Trump Derangement Syndrome') are the ones 'OVERSHADOWING' (more like obsessing) all things TRUMP on this blog... to the exclusion of everything else!!!

No more discussion on the New Age, the New World Order, the Antichrist, the Mark of the Beast, the cashless society, the EVIL Globalist 'puppet masters'... and their CONTROL over we, the people... as they slowly 'chip away' at our freedoms... forcing us to live in increasing misery and pain here on this Earth.

EXCEPT what they can NEVER TAKE AWAY from us... is our absolute faith and trust in Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ... knowing that death will be a welcome relief... as we spend ETERNITY with HIM in Heaven. AMEN.

Anonymous said...

Linda @ 1:31 PM

There is need to 'read' anything more into my post than what I stated at 1:16 PM.

All I was asking for was your SOURCE (period).

It's not up to ME to search for that source. That's YOUR job.

(Just like, whenever I post a comment on this blog, it's up to ME to supply that source. Understand?)

Anonymous said...

So let me get this right; some Moonie dude with a gun factory produces Trump commemorative pistols and this makes Trump a Moonie? My question is: do they come with pearl handles?

Anonymous said...

PS: that explains why Trump's boys were there paying respect for their father. It was nothing more.

Anonymous said...

1:52 completely ignores the fact that Trump and his spiritual advisor Paula White attended "Mother Moon's" ceremony to heap up praise for the Unification cult.

Craig said...

Just for and to clear up the record:

Linda @ 12:49 PM:

You wrote: …Joyner has "prophesied" for years that there is an inevitable Civil War coming to America. For the record, I will state that I don't believe Rick Joyner, and I'm not in fear. This post is just to put things in perspective as to how religion and politics are converging at the present time.

Joyner’s “prophecy” was about a 'spiritual' war within the ‘Church’—not in the greater American socio-political realm, let alone America at large. See here:

MorningStar Prophetic Bulletin #16

A snippet [bold added]:

Like the American Civil War, the coming spiritual civil war will also be between the Blue and the Gray. In dreams and visions blue often represents heavenly mindedness (i.e., the sky is blue), and gray speaks of those who live by the power of their own minds (i.e., the brain is often called "gray matter"). This will be a conflict between those who may be genuine Christians, but who live mostly according to their natural minds and human wisdom, and those who follow the Holy Spirit.

Now, that’s NOT to state Joyner hasn’t subsequently claimed a different kind of ‘Civil War’ that I may be wholly unaware of. If there IS a different kind, “an inevitable Civil War coming to America” that is socio-political in nature, could you provide substantiation?



Though some have framed AR-15s as “assault weapons”, I would like to clarify just what these are. First of all, the “AR” stands for Armalite Rifle. And AR-15s are semi-automatic-AND LEGAL. This is as compared with AK-47s, which are fully automatic—AND ILLEGAL.

Now, none of this means I am making excuses, etc, ad nauseum, for this Moonie and any of its ‘Church’ adherents. I’m merely wishing to frame this correctly.

Anonymous said...

2:43 PM This one?

The event, called "Rally of Hope," focused on world peace and reunification of North and South Korea and drew an estimated audience of one-million people worldwide.

Anonymous said...


The thing that grabbed my attention was the double rainbow that appeared.....perhaps God's reminder of the Flood???

This festival is basically pagan and while the "Burners" themselves would deny this, the festival seems to be based on an old Celtic wiccan ceremony called "Wicker Man" which involved human and/or animal sacrifices.

Here is the lowdown on Burning Man and on this year's "feast of the beast" suitably dubbed "animalia" this year at the "devil's playground" called the "playa."

As you can see, co-founder Larry Harvey took pains to ward off references to "wicker man."
Burning Man began as a bonfire ritual on the summer solstice. Sculptor Mary Grauberger, a friend of Larry Harvey's girlfriend, Janet Lohr, held solstice bonfire gatherings on Baker Beach for several years prior to 1986, some of which Harvey attended. When Grauberger stopped organizing it, Harvey "picked up the torch", with Grauberger's permission, and ran with it.[21] He and Jerry James built the first wooden effigy on the afternoon of June 21, 1986, cobbled together using scrap wood, to be torched later that evening. On June 22, 1986, Larry Harvey, Jerry James, and a few friends met on Baker Beach in San Francisco[22][23] and burned an 8 feet (2.4 m) tall wooden man as well as a smaller wooden dog. Harvey later described his inspiration for burning these effigies as a spontaneous act of "radical self-expression".[21] In 1987, the Man grew to 15 feet (4.6 m) tall, and by 1988, it had grown to 30 feet (9.1 m).[24][25]

By 1988, Larry Harvey formally named the summer solstice ritual "Burning Man" by titling flyers for the happening as such. This was apparently done to ward off references to "wicker man", the reputed Celtic pagan practice of burning live sacrifices in human-shaped wicker cages. Harvey has stated that he had not seen the 1973 cult film The Wicker Man until many years after and claims it did not inspire the action.[24][26]

Burning Man - Wikipedia

Compare Burning Man to the following. The difference is that there are no overt human or animal sacrifices at Burning Man. Nevertheless, there has been at least one instance where a person voluntarily ran into the flaming effigy at Burning Man and was burned to death.

Burning Man fire victim's horrified parents refuse to believe he committed suicide after running into flaming effigy | The Sun

Anonymous said...


The British horror film The Wicker Man (1973) brought the wicker man into popular culture.[7] In recent times, a wicker man (without human or animal sacrifices) has been burned at some neopagan ceremonies, and festivals such as Burning Man.[7] It has also been referenced in music and art...

... While other Roman writers of the time described human and animal sacrifice among the Celts, only the Roman general Julius Caesar and the Greek geographer Strabo mention the wicker man as one of many ways the druids of Gaul performed sacrifices. In the mid-1st century BC, Caesar wrote in his Commentary on the Gallic War that a large wickerwork figure with limbs was filled with living men and set on fire.[3] He says that criminals were the preferred victims, but that innocent people might also be burned if there were no criminals.[8] Writing slightly later, Strabo says in his Geographica that men and animals were burned in a large figure of wood and straw, although he does not make clear whether the victims were burned alive. He adds that the ashes were believed to help the crops grow.[3]

Wicker man - Wikipedia

In addition to the "burn the man" ceremony, Burning Man is a drug-fueled, festival dedicated to every species of debauchery.

Burning Man 2023 - Wikipedia

The 2023 Burning Man meltdown: A moment-by-moment look at the festival's descent into chaos (

Organizers delay trademark effigy blaze at Burning Man for second time amid flooding | Washington Examiner

Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page with Eric Schmidt who is an executive at Google hired by Brin and Page at Burning Man, are among the alumni of Burning Man as are Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos of Amazon and Elon Musk just to name a few.
Eric Schmidt confirms it: He sealed the deal with Google at Burning Man | VentureBeat
Rich techies at Burning Man are spending thousands to stay in air-conditioned storage units (

Among the aforementioned "species of debauchery" is The Orgy Dome.

Since 2003, they have housed “The Orgy Dome” where “all couples and moresomes can escape the dust and heat of Black Rock City,” according to organizers. The air-conditioned space has been an integral part of the festivities and a place for attendees to revel in the free-love ethos of Burning Man.
Look inside Burning Man 2022's wild free-love scene (
#MeToo’s bad news for Burning Man’s Orgy Dome (

There is also the "Temple of Babel."
Organizers delay trademark effigy blaze at Burning Man for second time amid flooding | Washington Examiner

Anonymous said...

What is a Wicker Man??? (Burning Man sets fire to at their closing ceremony.)

Anonymous said...

12:21 PM

Do you think it's possible that ... some of those GANGS committing crimes are among the 7 MILLION illegals who have crossed our Southern Border... JUST SINCE O'Biden has been in the White House (in 2021, 2022, & so far in 2023).

Nah... I'm sure THEY are ALL very nice people, who are crossing our Southern Border.

And notice how they are being so 'warmly' welcomed by our SANCTUARY CITIES, too (me rolling my eyes).

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Wow, those Moonies sure are powerful. Why aren't they ruling the world???

3:34 PM"

Oh but wait! There are more powerful people to deal with than them.
Just ask Linda. The Amish are out of control!!!!!!!

Ok. All kidding aside (sorta).

Yes, the Moonies are up to no good. That's not news that has been ongoing for a while. Just another wrinkle in what CC posted. Ok. Got it.
Yes, QAnon is real and stupid and has some influence. Check. But that's not news either. I live in a Red State surrounded by Trump voters and in all these years now since his presidency I have heard two people talk "Q talk". One isn't from this State he's from Texas. Maybe it's a thing there. The other is a friend all wound up in the New Age. I talk Gospel and she shuts the conversation down. So we don't talk much...
I'm sure Rod of Iron ministries is just more of the same garbage coming out of the woodwork in these last days. The devil has set many fires ablaze. But he really hopes you folks are distracted well enough by all that.
Anyway, I didn't dispute any of this.
I just didn't make a huge deal out of it because I just don't think it is the highest level priority that Constance does because she has made absolutely everything all about Trump in her sniping yelling posts.
That is her distraction, not mine. There's bigger fish to fry people (what this blog used to do).
So set your faces like flint, I say, normal is't coming back...Jesus is. I wear a hat with that Jesus slogan on it not a red maga hat (I voted for him 2x too but no more) even though CC accuses me and others of worshiping Trump because -- ahem -- because I don't get as wadded up about her current research as she does.

There are even weightier matters bearing down on everyone now and giving Trump all the oxygen in the room (but keep it up I guess because you are helping people want to vote for him) by the over the top attention and obsession that is letting the devil get away with a whole lot of what he really ants accomplished right under your noses.
You divide and conquer people are doing a bang up job of helping the devil out.

Anonymous said...

Please note:

Bohemian Grove's 'Cremation of Care' Ceremony could also be interpreted as LOSING one's EMPATHY for his (or her) fellow man.

Anonymous said...

Those Amish are out of control, aren't they?

Happily living off the grid... riding around in their buggies... never getting vaccinated... AND never having Covid.


Where do I sign up to join an Amish community in Ohio, Pennsylvania, NY???

Anonymous said...

Thank you, 4:05 PM


Anonymous said...

Not too sure that Jesus would approve us taking up AR-15s...

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus spoke to the gathered crowd: “You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. ' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.” (Matthew 5:38-39).

Anonymous said...

I believe that Jesus wants us to prepare for SPIRITUAL warfare.

Craig said...

Anon 5:03/05 PM,

I'm VERY sure Jesus wants us to engage in spiritual warfare (Eph 6:10-17), not carnal warfare using AR-15s.

Anonymous said...

4:22 PM

They got covid.
Still they didn't mask, vaxx or distance. In fact they all purposefully drank from same communion cup in an article I read by Sharyl Atkinson that interviewed those folks. They reached herd immunity very quickly. They were not hospitalized, almost no one died.

You know.
They were wise.

Look at the damage the "wise"guy covid nazis did.
Big difference. It made all the difference.

Anonymous said...

4:22 pm

The Amish and Mennonites DID get vaccinated to some extent and many did catch covid and died from covid.

Spending time outdoors (Vitamin D) has been shown to be a natural protectorate which is probably (I'm not an epidemiologist so this is just my observation and my own research) one reason why the Amish, as well as the Haitians, many Caribbean islands, and Aricans faired so well. Haiti and most of Africa also did well due to having much younger average aged populations. In Haiti, it's like 23 years old is the average age.


Anonymous said...

Craig 2:49 PM
I didn't find a date on the Morningstar Prophetic Bulletin #16. In the beginning, Joyner did only speak of a spiritual civil war. Sometime after Trump was elected in 2016, he "updated" it to an actual American Civil War. He advised Christians to arm themselves and prepare for war. The videos of that have all disappeared or are no longer available on the internet. I've tried several search engines. Here is a link to an article and video clip by Right Wing Watch that still works.

It's my personal belief that Joyner always intended for an actual civil war but introducing the idea slowly to his followers. You probably are aware he was one of the Kansas City Prophets and believers in raising up a Joel's Army. I had planned to post this anyway, but hadn't done it yet because my notes are scattered. From the website, Morningstar University offers a Special Forces Program - an intense training program designed to prepare students in spirit, soul, and body to handle the demands of servant leadership for “The Great and Terrible” times we live in.

Established in 2005 by Rick Joyner, this program was inspired by his association with the elite U.S. Delta Force and his desire to see the church raised to a similar standard. The Special Forces Program is unique in the world of ministry schools because it combines classroom teaching along with hands-on, real-world, situational training.

It sounds spiritual and nothing to be alarmed about, unless you know what Joyner really believes. Taking into consideration that (a) Retired Lt. General Boykin, former commander of Delta Force and all military special forces, is on the Oak Initiative Board, and (b)Lance Wallnau is also on the Board. Wallnau promotes Christian Nationalism and encourages pastors to enlist in the Black Robed Regiment which joined with the Oath Keepers Militia in the January 6th insurrection, raises questions in my mind. Where is all of this leading?

This is the link to Morningstar University


Anonymous said...

He’s a Famous Evangelical Preacher, but His Kids Wish He’d Pipe Down: The Rev. Rick Joyner has called on Christians to arm themselves for civil war. But his children would be on the other side.

March 2021

Excerpt: ...I called Pastor Joyner to ask if his children frustrate him as much as he does them. “It’s about even,” he said dryly, and he seemed proud of them but pained that while he has won over vast throngs of strangers who see him as a modern prophet, he can’t persuade some of the people he cares most about. None of the children identify as evangelical, and all deplore his politics.

“One of my goals as a parent was to raise strong, independent children,” he said. “But I think I overshot the runway.”

The minister, 71, conceded that in the civil war he expects to break out soon, “we would be on opposite sides.” But he hastened to add that he doesn’t plan on exchanging rifle shots with his children. “I hope my kids don’t get involved in the violence, but it’s coming,” he said.

A former professional pilot, he is known for his best-selling books, his television appearances, his fervent endorsements of Donald Trump and his dismissal of Joe Biden as a Marxist who stole the election. He claims liberals are in league with Satan and Democrats are plotting “to criminalize Christianity.”

Of course, I may not be a fair narrator. Joyner also says that journalists constitute the “worst terrorist threat.”

Joyner’s rants leave his children furiously texting back and forth in exasperation (they say their mom is somewhere in the middle). Other kids wish they could take away an elderly parent’s car keys; the Joyner kids wish they could take away their dad’s megaphone.

“There is a responsibility to hold those you love accountable,” said Amber Grace Joyner, 30, a musician. But how? The siblings disagree among themselves. Aaryn Joyner, 34, a farmer and florist, is the peacemaker in the group. She says she’s disappointed by what her father says, but “I’m not willing to sacrifice my relationship with him to call him out.”

The most outspoken is Anna Jane, who says her father’s rhetoric became more extreme in recent years. She had her first falling out with him when she became a Democrat and an environmentalist while a sophomore at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He cut off her college funding, and she moved to New Zealand. Soon after, she nearly died in a boating accident — and the first person she called was her dad. They reconciled.

He resumed paying her tuition, and after graduation he supported her so she could take an unpaid internship with the Sierra Club, an organization he disapproved of. He also promoted a film by his son Ben about a gay man in the South, even though it likewise had him gritting his teeth.

I told Rick Joyner that I thought his struggles with his children reflected a larger generation gap and dwindling of influence of the religious right. To my surprise, he agreed. “The church in America has been tremendously weakened,” he acknowledged.

If the Joyners are a microcosm of a nation divided, perhaps they also offer a ray of hope in their ability to bridge differences. They remain close and get together for holidays, even if gatherings are tense.

“At what point can I no longer go home for Thanksgiving and watch football with my dad?” Ben mused. “By doing so, am I condoning his behavior? It can be hard to draw that line in the sand, especially when you love this person.”

Anna Jane put it this way: “Is it OK to just talk about movies and dogs with someone who’s trying to incite civil war? I don’t know.” ...

Craig said...

Linda 5:49 PM (and now Anon 6:00 PM [“X”?]),

With respect, it appears to me you are conflating and/or confusing some things. There were three “Kansas City Prophets” (KCP): Bob Jones, Paul Cain, and John Paul Jackson. These three spoke at and were closely affiliated with Mike Bickle’s then Kansas City Fellowship (before IHOP-KC). Joyner certainly travelled in some of the same circles, attended similar conferences, some of which included the KCP. As far as I know, he never referred to ‘Joel’s Army’ (as did Cain, Jones, e.g.). The spiritual Civil War was between those loosely or strongly affiliated with the NAR (“Blues”) and the rest of Church (“Grays”).

In the beginning he advocated for Cain as a “Prophet” (as did John Deere), but he would not ‘restore to ministry’ or make excuses for Cain when Cain refused to repent for his later, uh, indiscretions.


You wrote: It sounds spiritual and nothing to be alarmed about, unless you know what Joyner really believes.

And I submit you don’t know what Joyner “really believes”. You’ve not produced [nor has Anon 6:00 PM] any convincing evidence. And, to be clear, I do not like at all what Joyner stands for. From the evidence I’ve found, he’s part of the NAR, which is, I do believe New Age to the core. But I DO NOT see any of the evidence you’ve shown to indicate he is (a) advocating for a new American Civil War (he’s merely expressing this as what he sees as an inevitability, given the socio-political divide in this country); (b) advocating taking up arms in an offensive way (on the contrary, he’s framing it as DEFENSIVE, as I read him).

Anonymous said...

5:28 PM
No source.

That means you wasted your words.

I have posted (I think 3 times before) this report by Sharyl Atkinson who spoke directly to Amish Mennonite leaders in the middle of Covid lockdowns etc. They did as I said from her report not what you posted.

Sourced for you: They know what they lived. You don't.,vid:O1DgWYdukZU,st:332

Anonymous said...

After Mar-a-Lago Search, Talk of 'Civil War' Is Flaring Online

Anonymous said...

Linda thinks those danged Amish are out of control. Those hoodlums anyway! LOL

And that video is proof they are decidedly out from under control of wannbe potentates who think they're better so they are entitled to 'lord it' over others.
Looks like their trust in ways they believe God taught them was worth it.

Good on ya you Autonomous Amish! ;)

Anonymous said...

Pro Coup Evangelicals Align Themselves With Putin

now it makes sense.

Anonymous said...

If dissolved, the Unification Church would lose its status as a religious corporation and be deprived of tax benefits, although it could still operate as an entity.
. . .
In total, the agency has sent out more than 600 questions, but with each round, the church has provided less and less documentation and even declined to answer in some instances.
. . .
Good idea

Anonymous said...

"The rumors on the ground here are that there's some sort of virus on the loose at Burning Man that causes boils/vomiting/hemorrhaging."

Anonymous said...

Craig said: But I DO NOT see any of the evidence you’ve shown to indicate he is (a) advocating for a new American Civil War (he’s merely expressing this as what he sees as an inevitability, given the socio-political divide in this country); (b) advocating taking up arms in an offensive way (on the contrary, he’s framing it as DEFENSIVE, as I read him).

I think you would agree that MANY or even MOST wars are undertaken from a defensive framework.

As far as Rick Joyner, even when Joyner does handle the Word of God, he distorts it terribly and comes up with weird subjective interpretations. The interpretations are esoteric, off the mark and ignore the cultural setting and context, if not actual scripture. Everything is twisted to fit into the Dominion message. His ideas have been variously labeled as Joel’s Army, Kingdom Now and Dominion Theology, although it is more gnostic ramblings than theology. So much of the repackaged Latter Rain teaching demotes Christ and the Scriptures and deifies man. For example, he is perfectly fine with a very restrictive totalitarian "defensive" takeover of the US with "liberty" to follow ONLY once people learn to behave however he and/or the totalitarian "Apostles" prophesy they must.

Oh...and shockingly, but not surprisingly...I just discovered he's a member of the Knights of Malta. Were not the 1st and 2nd Crusades were also framed as "defensive" in nature?

Q. Why did I join the Knights of Malta?


Anonymous said...
US Careening Towards the Abyss of
Fascistic Violence and Civil War as Election 2024 Approaches

Anonymous said...

I learnt a new word today: Yooper Code

Chief says the county is at the boiling point and that people talk but that doesn't necessary mean they will act

Constance Country ( - :

Anonymous said...

PS: we have alot of First Apostolic Lutheran Church people up around Battle Ground. The locals call them bunners cause the girls long hair buns I guess.

Anonymous said...

6:59 pm

One news story with anecdotal stories and interviews is not proof of the Covid experiences of the Amish and/or Mennonites across the country.

It's only because these communities do not openly and regularly participate in public health statistics that you are able to make this claim at all. There are no death certificates to analyze.

I've refuted your claims and the claims of that newstory several times in the past. I think the first time I even went to the hospitals in Amish country and shared covid bed counts and covid ICU counts. Others have observed and counted excess deaths by reviewing Amish/Mennonite funeral notices to determine unreported covid spikes and covid deaths in such Anabaptist communities.

Finally, google says there are only about 350,000 Amish total. Without death certificates and access to hospital records there is no way for anyone to make a claim these tiny rural populations were truly effected more or less than other rural unvaccinated populations.

Here's a source if you are to actually read facts:


p.s.- The covid vaccine saved at least 20 million lives worldwide by the end of 2021 and somewhere around Fed/March/April 2021 Covid deaths were almost entirely a disease killing only the unvaccinated for a solid 9 months or so (until the Omicron variant came along).

Anonymous said...

Former Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio has been sentenced to TWENTY TWO YEARS for seditious conspiracy.

This is one the strongest January 6 sentences to date.

Tarrio was convicted of orchestrating a plot for members of his far-right extremist group to attack the U.S. Capitol.

A jury in Washington, D.C., found Tarrio guilty of seditious conspiracy after hearing from dozens of witnesses over more than three months in one of the most serious cases brought in the stunning attack that unfolded on Jan. 6, 2021.

It’s a significant milestone for the Justice Department, which has now secured seditious conspiracy convictions against the leaders of the two major U.S. extremist groups.


Especially for those of us who respect the rule of law.

Anonymous said...

Trumper Senator Tommy Tuberville is hit with devastating news as the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force publish a brutal op-ed demanding that he end his “dangerous hold” on the confirmations of hundreds of military leaders.

I’m their blistering op-ed, the secretaries accused Tuberville of “attacking” the “men and women” who serve our country —- and of causing them personal and professional hardships simply because “a single senator wants to “politicize” our armed forces.

They wrote:

“We know officers who have incurred significant unforeseen expenses and are facing genuine financial stress because they have had to relocate their families or unexpectedly maintain two residences.

Military spouses who have worked to build careers of their own are unable to look for jobs because they don't know when or if they will move. Children haven’t known where they will go to school, which is particularly hard given how frequently military children change schools already.

These military leaders are being forced to endure costly separations from their families — a painful experience they have come to know from nearly 20 years of deployments to places such as Iraq and Afghanistan.

All because of the actions of a single senator.

Rather than seeking a resolution to this impasse in that spirit, Tuberville has suggested he is going to further escalate this confrontation by launching baseless political attacks against these men and women."

You know that it’s bad when the secretaries or three major branches of the Armed Forces are publicly calling you out. Senator Tuberville bit off way more than he could chew — and American voters will make him pay for it.

Constance Cumbey said...

To 9:54 AM

For the record, I have payed enormous attention to NAR over the years, including one of its major components, the Manifet Sons of God Movement (Bill Britton, Kelly Varner, Earl Paulk and many, many others. Read the chapter in my second book (A Planned Deception) entitled "A Secret Kingdom." I turned the researchers following up on the Kansas City "Prophets" Movement on to their research. Herb Peters' daughter Holly Pivec is the author of an important new book about the New Apostolic Reformation and for the record, she too had things to say about the Trump cult.


Craig said...


You wrote: I think you would agree that MANY or even MOST wars are undertaken from a defensive framework.

No, X; no I wouldn’t. I’m not even sure I know what you’re trying to convey. Wars are started by aggression, not defensive postures.

You wrote: As far as Rick Joyner, even when Joyner does handle the Word of God, he distorts it terribly and comes up with weird subjective interpretations. The interpretations are esoteric, off the mark and ignore the cultural setting and context, if not actual scripture. Everything is twisted to fit into the Dominion message.

Essentially, we agree here.

You continued: His ideas have been variously labeled as Joel’s Army, Kingdom Now and Dominion Theology, although it is more gnostic ramblings than theology.

It matters not how someone else tries to label his writings (e.g. Joel’s Army). What does he actually write? Like all NAR leaders, he’s Kingdom Now (espousing “the Gospel of the Kingdom”), which includes Dominionism. He’s post-millennial in eschatology. “Christ” cannot come until the world is sufficiently ‘Christianized’, according to the NAR view of this. I think this all parallels New Age theology.

You continued: So much of the repackaged Latter Rain teaching demotes Christ and the Scriptures and deifies man.

I would change that to: So much of the repackaged Latter Rain teaching demotes Jesus and the Scriptures and deifies man.

If one looks closely enough, their Christology is separationist: Jesus is only “Christ” in virtue of the anointing by John the Baptizer. The Scriptures are subordinate to ‘new revelation’. The idea here can be found in Alice Bailey’s Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle.

Craig said...


Holly Pivec does excellent work, properly nuanced, and she's not given over to guilt-by-association, UNLESS she has direct links between the individuals in question.

Craig said...

Let me state this:

The NAR largely supports Trump (for their own aims), but not everyone who supports Trump are members of or sympathetic to the NAR.

Anonymous said...

Craig said No, X; no I wouldn’t. I’m not even sure I know what you’re trying to convey. Wars are started by aggression, not defensive postures.

I repeated your use of the word "framework", not posture.

What I'm conveying is that the aggressors in many/most wars CLAIM a defensive "framework" for their aggressive "posture" and/or their undertaking/commencement of a war.

For example, the Confederacy may have claimed war was necessary to preserve their way of life, right to autonomy and/or self-determination. I've got family that still refer to it at times as "The War of Northern Agression".

Hitler's multi-faceted defensive framework consisted of combating communism and protecting the master race from the Jewry.

The dominionists may end up justifying an actual war as defending themselves from "them" globalists claiming it's either kill or be killed. Somebody needs to defend the "Apostles" and they better take control NOW before the minorities take control.

As this relates to Joyner and all/most of the dominionists, I think you'll probably be hard-pressed to ever see them claiming the civil war they are anticipating, prophesizing and preparing for portrayed aggressively as in they need/want to absolutely and brutally kill the heathens and reprobates. They may be false tearchers but they still need to pretend they aren't.

This is a lesser point. I hope you get my meaning and we don't need to belabor this point.


Anonymous said...


Holly Pivec's new book, "Counterfeit Kingdom".

My wife just mentioned that to me the other day.

She's good.

I've never equated Trump support with being in the NAR. My own wife HAD supported Trump and she's definitely not NAR.

I've NEVER understood why anyone ever would support Trump.


p.s. Summer 2023 is over -- Isn't it nice that we've had 3 generally pretty much peaceful summers in a row - no massive riots --- even Portland and Seattle are peaceful these days.

Anonymous said...

X @ 9:57 PM
Re: "The covid vaccine saved at least 20 million lives worldwide by the end of 2021 and somewhere around Fed/March/April 2021 Covid deaths were almost entirely a disease killing only the unvaccinated for a solid 9 months or so (until the Omicron variant came along)."


Your nose is going to grow really long... for telling such an outrageous LIE (with absolutely no basis in fact) ~ especially one that no one but you believes.

Anonymous said...

Craig at 10:44 PM

Yes, indeed. And it doesn't automatically mean that Trump goes along with NAR aims, maybe he does, but I doubt that. He just wants their votes.

You've tried to convey what you stated about that before, certainly others have too, but to no avail.
Constance can't bring herself to take that large hint that cookie cutter judgments are often wrong. Neither does x.
They tend to equate the two just for having any little something positive to say about Trump. I still feel thankful for what he accomplished outside of stupid and corrupt DC politics but believe those days are gone for good.

It's gotten so ridiculous and redundant, the almost instantaneous knee jerk (x might even start twitching too) at his name's mere mention.

Anonymous said...

"I've never equated Trump support with being in the NAR."

You lie.

You have repeatedly done exactly that to myself and others here when I've been obvious in my takedown of NAR/Dominionist beliefs (Q too).

You have a penchant for very broad swipes to paint others in the worst light possible to misrepresent people to make your "point".

Anonymous said...

A message to the Population Reduction crowd: be careful what you wish for. . .

A talk by Dr. Marian Horvat, entitled "The Latter Day Apostles & the Victory of Our Lady", explains the prophecies regarding the Latter Times, gives some examples of transhumanism's nefarious plans, and assures Catholics of Our Lady's victory.

Included in the explanation are:

- Advanced technology in the Old Testament with the Age of the Giants, a race of devil-humans;

- Names of some of the main leaders of transhumanism, and actual quotes revealing their plans;

- Why a chastisement is necessary;

- Proofs from renowned theologians and Saints proving that the end-times will be a Judgment of Nations (Chastisement), followed by the Reign of Mary (1,000 years, or a very long time), followed by the Last Judgment, and the end of the world.

Anonymous said...

12:05 am

Most remaining Trump supporters probably don’t go to any church at all or simply claim to be “spiritual”.

Even my criticism of orthodox RCC cult members being Trump supporters refuted me liming everyone into the NAR.

Craig obviously isn’t NAR and I don’t think I’ve ever accused him of such; though I surmise he’s not a Baptist.

Even most NAR attendees probably attend, on average, 3 or 4 times a year.

One of them back home offers just 2 services weekly on Sundays and one Wednesday night but come Christmas and Easter it’s like 20 services to handle all the couple timers feigning religiosity.


PS - u still aren’t getting that many of my broad brushes r mocking y’all who paint me into various corners just because I don’t subscribe to the Trump brand of Maga white, pseudo-Christian, qanon nationalism. Mrs Cumbey is getting all sorts of broad brushes & she even voted for Trump twice. Perhaps your O’Biden derangement syndrome is flaring up causing u to misremember?

Anonymous said...

Your long winded response is all to say you can't humble yourself to admit you really do that.

I think your religiosity is full of pomposity simply because you won't admit it.

Anonymous said...

I think I got it figured out, x has degrees in B & S

Craig said...

X @ 11:00 PM,

I supposed I'm annoyed that this whole thing about Joyner was brought up as if he is somehow related to this Moonie "Rod of Iron". Let's not fall prey to 'guilt-by-association'.

And, please don't repeat anything akin to that ridiculous list ‘supporting’ 'guilt-by-association' that you provided in the last thread (Did anyone ever see Hitler, in person, kill a single Jew? Did YOU see it?).

Allow me to provide what I think is more legitimate guilt-by-association. Many of those associated with the NAR publish books under the Destiny Image imprint. These are usually explicitly endorsed by other NAR associates, who, in turn, have works published on Destiny Image, and the circle perpetuates itself. When, e.g., Bill Johnson endorses a book written by Todd Bentley, it’s reasonable to assume Johnson has read the book and agrees with the thrust of its contents.

Anonymous said...

7:52 AM


Constance Cumbey said...

Relevant information here:


Anonymous said...

To X @ 12:37 AM

Here is your Broad Brush #298:

"Most remaining Trump supporters probably don’t go to any church at all or simply claim to be 'spiritual'."

Craig said...


With respect, the first first paragraph of the piece demonstrates its inherent straw-man:

In a blunt-talking column published by the Charlotte Observer, a lifelong Evangelical expressed dismay that Christians have been taken in by Donald Trump who could not be less like Jesus Christ.

Who really thinks Trump is Christ-like or even actually Christian?

Anonymous said...

Craig, your ignorance is astonishing. Take a good look at this picture then go back and read what these evangelicals had to say about Trump.

Constance Cumbey said...

If you need to, refresh your browser to see the Youtube video about Rev. Moon's son and his Rod of Iron Ministries.


Anonymous said...

Trump's spiritual advisor Paula White

Anonymous said...

Dear Constance @ 8:07 AM ~

I just clicked on your suggested link of 'relevant information':

The following two paragraphs jumped out at me:
Referring to comments made by Christian leader Russell Moore about the INFLUENCE the former president has had on parishioners who are now claiming the words of Jesus show weakness, Bailey wrote, "Maybe in their minds, TRUMP IS THE JESUS OF REVELATION. He’s the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords with a sword in his mouth who has come back to judge the righteous and unrighteous, to wage war."

With that in mind, he continued, "It’s why they view every Trump indictment not as democracy working as intended, upholding the principle that no man is above the law, but as akin to a lash from a Roman soldier’s whip on Jesus’ back. I wish it weren’t true. But it is."


My reply:

1) WHO are the low IQ IDIOTS who believe / or even think like this??? Because, THEY are not US!!!. Those of us on this blog ~ who voted for Trump twice & may believe the 2020 election was stolen ~ KNOW for a FACT that Trump is NOT 'Jesus Christ'... and it is a 'slap in our faces' that you keep insinuating otherwise...and completely without merit.

2) The fact that you, Constance, have such a LOW opinion of us, who have been posting here for many years, is INSULTING.

3) We can't help but wonder if your friend, Liz Cheney (who is well known to be ANTI-Trump) may be having a very strong influence on you these days.

4) We'd like to have our 'old Constance' back again ~ a woman filled with WISDOM and GRACE... who, above all, was ALWAYS FAIR.

Anonymous said...

8:53 AM

That's Brother Craig for ya. The Narcistic Ignoramus thinks EVERY comment about Christians applies to him personally.

Anonymous said...

Billboard Hailing Donald Trump As Second Coming of Jesus Appears in Georgia

Anonymous said...

Craig @ 8:35 AM
Re: "Who really thinks Trump is Christ-like or even actually Christian?"


AMEN, Craig!!!

Also, GOD knows what is in our hearts and minds (even if Constance doesn't).

Anonymous said...

To 9:45 AM


How FUNNY!!!

The same state that worked OVERTIME to STEAL the 2020 election from Trump...


Anonymous said...


Trump's picture and comparison to Jesus on the billboard in Georgia brought in almost 12,000 votes for Biden.

Anonymous said...

8:08 am

Ya Think.

Oh, the irony.

You must be one of those 3 times a year NAR congregants like all those other remaining Trump supporters.


Anonymous said...

If they insist on imposing Trump on us, many of us will abstain from voting. They'll be whining and crying again that the election was stolen.

Anonymous said...

9:45 AM

Newsweek wants to sell it's articles.

The media (90% of them from whichever side of the aisle or religion anyway) need splashy headlines whether true, half true, or plain false. They put it all in a big blender and press it into whatever narrative they want. No difference to them!
Plus they carry water for TPTB so is it any wonder the hype is off the charts?

This is why I don't have TV or subscribe or listen to 98% of media.
Rushes to judgment move the needle to get the devil's work done.
Every damn day. And more and more every damn day.

It's easy to see that hype will move the needle further down the road to chaos and too many buy it.
Including Constance.

Anonymous said...

x why aren't you working today? Labor day weekend is over.
Don't you have a business to run?

Oh that's right.

Sniping from the weeds at a blog is your business.
In your line of work facts need not apply.

You sound like a bitter religious malcontent with time on his hands thinking you know how to judge all people's spiritual habits and beliefs.

Who you so bitter against with all your spiritual baggage hanging out around here?

Anonymous said...

"If they insist on imposing Trump on us, many of us will abstain from voting. They'll be whining and crying again that the election was stolen." Yep, that's why they're pumping up their base for civil war.

Anonymous said...


Seriously, do you ever think about anything other than Trump?

Is Trump the only evil in this world?

You have a large platform in which to express your views and influence people in a positive manner. You've chosen to ruin that mission by focusing almost exclusively on Trump, 24/7.

Anonymous said...

Trump vs Biden

Closing the borders

Trump yes, Biden no.

Appointing pro-life justices to the Federal bench and USSC

Trump yes, Biden no.

Putting tariffs on China in order to balance our trade deficits

Trump yes, Biden no.

Supporting the sovereignty killing trade bill the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Trump killed it, as promised, in the first week of his administration. Obama and VP Biden supported it.

Putting America's interests FIRST over globalism

Trump yes, Biden no.

Paramount issue of our times; abortion

Trump NO, Biden YES

Energy independence by supporting fossil fuel exploration and development

Trump yes, Biden no.

Forcing NATO nations to pay their fair share

Trump yes, Biden no.

Promoting policies that expand the manufacturing base on American soil

Trump yes, Biden no.

There's certainly more. Can anyone in their right mind argue that America is better off under Biden?

Anonymous said...

"Former Vice President Mike Pence will warn in a major speech in New Hampshire on Wednesday on "Populism vs. Conservatism" that the right's populists and the left's progressives "are fellow travelers on the same road to ruin."

"A leading candidate last year called for 'the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution' … while his imitators have a demonstrated willingness to brandish government power to silence critics and impose their will on opponents."

Anonymous said...

How many of you were fooled into believing that the Ukraine war was being fought (HOPELESSLY) against that mean and nasty Putin and the evil Russians?

Corrupt Billionaire Behind Zelensky's Rise To Fame & Power Arrested

With an estimated fortune of just under $1.7 billion, Ihor Kolomoisky is among Ukraine's top five richest citizens. Over the weekend he was arrested by Ukraine authorities on an array of fraud and money laundering charges, at a sensitive moment the government is trying to show the world it can tackle deeply rooted corruption.

A Saturday statement from the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) said that the billionaire, referred to as the "de facto owner of a large financial and industrial group" – had allegedly tried to launder over 500 million Ukrainian hryvnia ($13.5 million) by "transferring it abroad, while using the infrastructure of banking institutions controlled by him."
Writes the NY Times: "His business interests have included oil and banking, and he was once considered a patron of Mr. Zelensky, a former comedian whose popular shows were broadcast on Mr. Kolomoisky’s television channel before he successfully ran for the presidency."

Anonymous said...

11:51 AM

Yet Pence PRAISED what was accomplished during the Trump Administration, claiming that he was "PROUD" to be a part of it!

Pence is against populism because he is a globalist. He supported the Trans Pacific Partnership which would have literally destroyed America's control over our trade. It was the biggest attempt at World Government yet, and was so secret, that even U.S. Senators were only able to view it behind closed doors.

Trump killed the TPP in his first week as POTUS, just as he promised.

Trump is hated primarily because he is against the globalist takeover of sovereign nations.

If YOU are against policies that put America FIRST, YOU are a globalist that is advancing the despotic ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Once your freedoms are gone, they are gone forever!

Amazingly, Constance, whether she knows it or not, is advancing the cause of the Beast system!

Anonymous said...

As the dangerous 'vaccines' are being again pushed ...

Maryland School Implements N-95 Mask Mandate After 3 COVID Cases

An elementary school in Maryland has reinstated mandatory mask requirements, as Joe Biden appeared in front of the press wearing a face covering Tuesday.

Constance stated that both her and her friend got extremely sick, with the same symptoms, three days after receiving either the 'vaccine' or the booster. She stated at that time that she would not be getting anymore shots in the future.

Since then, why has she been completely silent about her experience, and, her position regarding these dangerous 'vaccines?'

Anonymous said...

Why aren't we hearing about BLM & ANTIFA terrorists being arrested en masse, being prosecuted and tried for their rolls in arson, looting, rape and murder?

22 Years for Enrique Tarrio WHO WASN'T IN THE CAPITOL ON JAN. 6

Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years in prison after being convicted of “seditious conspiracy” due to his role in the January 6 Capitol protests that he never even attended.

He wasn’t in the Capitol, but received the longest sentence.

Federal prosecutors had asked for Tarrio to be sentenced to 33 years in federal prison. By way of comparison, the average murder sentence in D.C. is seven years.

Mr. Tarrio’s co-defendants received devastating sentences as well. Ethan Nordean – 18 years; Joseph Biggs – 17 years; Zachary Rehl – 15 years; Dominic Pezzola – 10 years.

“We need to make sure the consequences are abundantly clear to anyone who might be unhappy with the results of 2024, 2028, 2032 or any future election for as long as this case is remembered,” prosecutor Conor Mulroe said. “This was a calculated act of terrorism.”

Anonymous said...

Rand Paul: ‘It’s a Crime Against Children — We Should Never Put Our Kids Back into Masks’

Constance Cumbey said...

Important video warning to Evangelicals re Donald Trump:


Anonymous said...

Trump arrest prompts Jesus comparisons: ‘Spiritual warfare’

Anonymous said...

"Pence is against populism because he is a globalist."

Globalist? Exactly why Trump picked him to be next in line for the presidency. Oh, I forget, it's never Trump, it's always the everyone else surrounding him.

Constance Cumbey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Constance Cumbey said...

To 12:14 pm -- Tarrio was, as the learned Judge said, THE GENERAL in the Proud Boys' attempted coup d'etat. Bad as Antifa and BlM often were, they didn't invade the Capitol, sack Capitol offices, etc. And the lies spread that the MAGA demonstrators were FBI, BLM, and ANTIFA dressed up in MAGA clothes defied credibility. Question, if this lie which was the Trump group's initial story were true, why were Trump, MAGA supporters so concerned about their "due process"?? Are you now telling us that the prison insurrection choir was composed of FBI, Antifa, and BLM?? Christians should have a higher regard for the truth than to buy the dressed up as MAGA story. The real generals, I believe on 1-6-2021 were higher up than Tarrio and they should include President Trump and General Flynn.


Anonymous said...

Donald Trump Now Says He’s a “Nationalist and a Globalist”

"Here’s what the president told the Wall Street Journal as part of a larger story about why he may not be undoing NAFTA after all:"

"Mr. Trump dismissed talk about a split inside his White House between aides with a nationalist or globalist orientation. “Hey, I’m a nationalist and a globalist,” he said. “I’m both. And I’m the only one who makes the decision, believe me.”

Constance Cumbey said...

to 11:51 am -- You are wrong -- Trump's actions are giving lots of excuse for the One Worlders to move in against Christians. When are you going to realize that the New Age and related crowds work both sides against the middle. They used to refer to it as Hegelian dialectics.


Constance Cumbey said...

To 9:45 AM Thanks for the heads up on the Billboard matter. I've now inserted it close to the end of the blogpost.


Constance Cumbey said...

to 9:27 AM - I'm the same person, still strong. No, Liz Cheney does not think for me. For the record, Liz Cheney voted for Trump twice (as did I) and backed him through the first Impeahment proceedings (over the Ukraine issues). When his obviously false election denials and refusal to peacefully transfer power, she saw the light. My final day of determination on Trump was January 6, 2021 and what happened to the Capitol.

I think for myself and constantly pray for wisdom. Deception needs to be spoken out against. I have no intention of fronting for another Trump cult! Again, you need Jesus -- not Donald -- as your ultimate hope and Savior.


Anonymous said...

Constance, regarding the Trump billboard, Craig and I discussed it on the last thread.

Craig said...

Anon 10:18 AM,

It IS interesting that the results of ‘Trump the Antichrist’ yields more Left-leaning sources than Christian (or ‘Christian’), or Right.

And I note the author of the opinion piece in the Baptist publication is the very controversial Brandan Robertson. I’ll let the reader do their own search. Nonetheless, the billboards shown in that piece are quite shocking.

@ 12:36 PM,

I’m very surprised by the Snopes check. It appears to be very balanced. “Brother/Prophet Paul” should read it and retract some of his false caricatures of Trump.

8:21 PM


Anonymous said...

The Pro-Trump Bible quoting billboards that were pictured in the article by the TikTok pastor are still mysterious as to who sponsored them. DDI Media and the Reagan media company, the two media companies that were paid for the billboards, said it's not their policy to disclose their sponsors.

A FaceBook group called "Make the Gospel Great Again" took responsibility for one billboard but claimed that they weren't comparing Trump to Jesus but were instead suggesting that he was a messenger of God.

10:57 AM


Craig said...

Anon 10:57 AM,

You wrote: A FaceBook group called "Make the Gospel Great Again" took responsibility for one billboard but claimed that they weren't comparing Trump to Jesus but were instead suggesting that he was a messenger of God.

I'm familiar with the NAR's use of John 1:14. Bill Johnson quoted this while gesturing to his Bible in one YouTube video:

It’s the Spirit of God that makes this thing [the Bible] come alive to where we actually have the privilege of the Word becoming flesh in us again, where we become the living illustration and manifestation of what God is saying.

Taking this and other statements he has made in this vein, I concluded that Johnson was talking about the Word of Faith rhema word, i.e., "new revelation".

But, even if we accept the source you identified and interpret it as I'm confident Bill Johnson and other NAR leaders mean it, it only suggests that someone NAR-influenced paid for that billboard. This DOES NOT mean that Trump believes this to be true generally, or true specifically of him. We would need corroborating evidence of such to make the case against Trump--as I feel sure you'd agree.

12:02 PM

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