
Sunday, July 16, 2023

Rev. Moon, Hak Jak Han, World Food Authority, Josette Sheeran, World Economic Forum - Connections?


Reverend Moon is dead and gone, but his mischief lingers on!  One of the first seriously anti-Christ cults to come to my attention was that dedicated to "Reverend Son Myung Moon" from South Korea - Unification Church, a/ka/ hundreds of other names, i.e. World Peace Federation, Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, CAUSA, etc., etc., ad nauseum.

What do the following -- some dead, some still alive -- perhaps surprising names to you have in common?

  • Paula White (Spiritual Director for President Trump)
  • Former President Donald J. Trump
  • Jerry Falwell, Sr. and Jerry Falwell, Jr.
  • Rev. Don Meares
  • Former Vice President Michael Pence
  • Former Secretary of State Michael Pompeo
  • Richard Viguerie
  • Tim and Beverly LaHaye
  • Ralph Reed
  • Jack Kemp
  • Donald Sills
  • George H. W. Bush and George Bush
  • Josette Sheeran
  • Mike Pompeo
  • Mike Pence
  • Rev, Jonathan Falwell

All of the above an many others who should have known better have bowed their knees to Rev. Moon  d/b/a "True Parent" and "The Lord of the Second Advent" and Mrs. Moon - Hak Jak Han - a/k/a "True Mother" and "The Holy Spirit."  Some of it have done it for money, some for power, some out of conviction.  

I wrote extensively about this subject in the earlier years of this blog.   I have now learned that Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, and Newt Gingrich spoke extensively at Unification Church sponsored conferences in Seoul, South Korea last year.  Please use the search box for this blog with the input terms of CAUSA, Rev. Moon, Josette Sheeran Shiner to review.   Or try this link by clicking here.

I have been informed by knowledgeable experts that most likely Josette Sheeran never truly left the Unification Church.  When people do "apostatize" from it, usually Moonie websites have nothing kind to say about them.  It is looking to me as though Josette Sheeran and affiliates are possibly very, very near to implementing Moon's goals of world food control.  Further their power in the USA has increased and not decreased since Moon's death.  The WASHINGTON TIMES is NOT a "conservative" newspaper -- it is an operation that has successfully  bought most Evangelical and conservative opposition to Unification Church and the New Age Movement to a slowing halt.  I have been consumed with new developments on this in the last several weeks -- so much that it is difficult for me to encapsulate my deepening concerns. 

Josette Sheeran is one of the world's top "experts" on ESG (Environmental Social Goals), drew up guidelines and protocols for the UN on the subject.  She is extremely prominent in the World Economic Forum, working closely with Klaus Schwab.  She is a very busy lady on many powerful fronts.  I will be writing more soon.  



  1. Jonathan Falwell, pastor of Jerry Falwell's Thomas Road Church has recently participated in Unification Church sponsored events in Seoul, South Korea.


  2. Mike Pence also disgraced himself, at least in my eyes, by speaking at this same event. A simple five letter word why so many Evangelicals, politicians, etc. have sold out to an organization that claims Jesus failed in his mission -- M - O - N - E - Y. They usually receive elaborate travel accommodations and HUGE SPEAKER FEES.


  3. Lots of information in following article:


  4. Wikipedia list of some of the supporters of Unification Church -- includes "Donald Trump - Real Estate Investor"


  5. More vital info on Washington Times, etc.


    1. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Very interesting article!

  6. Anonymous1:39 AM

    And the Trump bashing continues

  7. Anonymous1:54 AM

    A guilt by association accusers dream come true.
    Do you know the principle of "six degrees of separation" has changed dramatically.
    You can have links now down too just two.
    So we can easily associate pretty much anybody with anything we choose.

  8. Trump is even doubly mention--first as "Former President Donald J. Trump" and second as "Donald John Trump". I don't find it necessary to add the middle name "John", since 'Donald Trump' suffices in the public's view. But adding that middle name identifies an implicit bias, as it is not uncommon to add someone's middle name in scorn--sort of when momma calls out her misbehaving son/daughter by using first and middle names instead of just the first name.


  9. Compare and contrast:

    We’ve NEVER Seen Anything Like This in the Whole History of the U.S. | Victor Davis Hanson

    Victor Davis Hanson

    Victor Davis Hanson is the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow in Residence in Classics and Military History at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, a professor of Classics Emeritus at California State University, Fresno, and a nationally syndicated columnist for Tribune Media Services.

    He is also the Wayne & Marcia Buske Distinguished Fellow in History, Hillsdale College, where he teaches each fall semester courses in military history and classical culture.

    Victor discusses current political and social events and ideas, and current and past cultural trends.

  10. Anonymous8:34 AM

    "We Will Bring YOu Down": German MP Vows To Dismantle WHO's Grip On Governments

  11. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Dark Side of Rev. Moon

    The Original 'Dark Side of Rev. Moon' Series

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      That explains some things. Too much info to digest all at one time. I'll be working on it for a while.

  12. Anonymous9:55 AM

    This bears repeating.

    It is looking to me as though Josette Sheeran and affiliates are possibly very, very near to implementing Moon's goals of world food control.

    Josette Sheeran is one of the world's top "experts" on ESG (Environmental Social Goals), drew up guidelines and protocols for the UN on the subject. She is extremely prominent in the World Economic Forum, working closely with Klaus Schwab.

    I'll type short sentence fragments to make it easier.

    Near to a goal of world food control = BAD.

    Working with Klaus Schwab = BAD.

  13. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Craig "I don't find it necessary to add the middle name "John", since 'Donald Trump' suffices in the public's view. But adding that middle name identifies an implicit bias, as it is not uncommon to add someone's middle name in scorn--sort of when momma calls out her misbehaving son/daughter by using first and middle names instead of just the first name."

    That's a biased and bizzare statement followed by your next post of comments by Victor Davis Hanson. That's just stupid, Craig Craig Craig!

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Anonymous10:43 AM

    9:55 AM Thanks for repeating. It's bad. We've got a lot of Craigs that need to let the Donald John Trump connection sink in. Of course, Trump's not the only one, but that's the only name they'll see and get their feathers rumpled against Mrs. Cumbey.

  15. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Did I get your article wrong? What has it to do with the former GS of the UN, Ban Ki Moon, who is shown in the picture above?

  16. Anonymous10:50 AM

    "Did I get your article wrong? What has it to do with the former GS of the UN, Ban Ki Moon, who is shown in the picture above?"

    Sorry, please forget my comment. I missed the lady in the picture. DUH!

  17. Anonymous11:46 AM

    It's not helpful to single out Craig. Let's stop personalizing it and return the focus to the main subject.

  18. Anonymous12:06 PM

    The cult of Trump follower's little feelings are hurt by the report of the Donald's praise for Mother Moon.

  19. The lady in the picture is JOSETTE SHEERAN.

    Here's something about Unification Church and its exploitation of Japanese.


  20. Ban Ki Moon has also been the object of Unification Church rewards and awards!


  21. You may download John Gorenfeld's book BAD MOON RISING by going to his website.




  23. Anonymous1:16 PM

    12:06 PM it is unfortunate the level politicians will stoop to for votes but they all do it.

    What we need is a King ( - :

  24. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Christ is King. We need no other.

  25. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Bbbbut, but, but she didn't mention the left, boo hoo whaaaa! Whine and cry bawl baby 2:02 PM.

  26. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Hunter Biden photo's reveals...

  27. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Distain for conservatives and Biden Bias is so obvious on this blog.
    A counter cult blog thats becoming a cult.
    Unbelievable but perhaps a sign of the times

  28. Anonymous3:20 PM

    1:19 PM I was joking ( - :

    We're well past the age of Kings unless some worldwide catastrophe befalls us, therefore I'd be grateful to Almighty God for people in charge who fear damnation for evil doings in the meantime

  29. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Moon's 'Cause' Takes Aim At Communism in Americas

    August 12, 1983

    Excerpt: ...In the United States, Causa USA started out as Causa North America, bringing about 200 "friends, contacts and acquaintances of church members and [Capitol] Hill staff people" to its first three-day seminar in Jamaica last February, Causa USA director Joe A. Tully related in an interview. Conference chairman was Lynn F. Bouchey, head of the Council on Inter-American Security, a conservative think tank that has its Capitol Hill office one floor below Causa USA.

    Four similar seminars have take place since: one in Reston, Va., one in Denver, and two here. Participants in each event suggested the names of people to be invited to the next, Tully said, and contacts thus made will be asked to help set up Causa offices in every state starting this month.

    An advisory committee is designing plans that will take Causa's work beyond seminars and into programs that may include voter registration, journals and educational campaigns aimed at members of Congress, he continued.

    Tully, 37, formerly New York director of the Unification Church, acknowledged that the five seminars had cost Causa "close to" $1 million, calling it "seed money" for nationwide expansion.

    "We want to be a grass-roots organization with hundreds of thousands of people involved," he said.

    This unhealthy and ungodly cult relationship/alliance with conservatives for political convenience was perhaps the groundwork or back door model for the Mormons and certainly NY's Fulan Gong (Epoch Times - altered to fighting Chinese Communism).

    The Roman Catholic's originally opposed ecumenically partnering with CAUSA and aggressively resisted their attempted advances under the banner of PSUEDO - "fighting communism" throughout South American...but, now, via Opus Dei and Knights of Malta it appears Rome will partner ecumenically with anyone that serves their political one world religion aims.


  30. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Convincing fundamentalist Protestants they should work with Catholics was a difficult task as they were historically suspicious of “papists” not only on doctrinal issues but from the very founding of their faith traditions as a “protest” against the corruption and excesses of the Roman Church. One of the leading arguments against permitting the earlier in-migrations of Catholics, as well as the candidacies of Al Smith and John F. Kennedy, was their alleged fealty to a foreign power which precluded them from being loyal and patriotic Americans. The neo-Catholics (the term was first used on the Catholic Apologetics International website) would use the Moral Majority, the Christian Coalition, Council on National Policy, Family Research Council, Eagle Forum, Focus on the Family and other such organizations not only to elect Republicans, but also in a broader context to homogenize religious- speak and issues into a “Christian Nationalism” which would overcome denominational differences and unify right-wing Catholics and Protestants.

    Some have concluded that this Catholic/Protestant coalition was the creation of the Vatican and/or American Catholic bishops. The Vatican’s willingness to politically ally with American Protestants will be covered in subsequent chapters, but in fact, Catholic hierarchs were bought and paid for the same as Protestant leaders. The Knights of Malta and Opus Dei are, after all, organizations run by the laity not the clergy.

    The successive “Christian Nationalist” groups which gained national prominence are too numerous to mention, but their positions, presentations and funding were provided by the same think tanks and the following foundations: Sarah Scaife, Castle Rock, Lynde and Harry Bradley, Jonn M. Olin and Sun Myung Moon. The goal was the same—to cast Republican positions as moral and moderate and Democratic positions as immoral, fiscally irresponsible, cowardly and/or unpatriotic. Their goal was to discredit thoughtful dissent as well as the values exemplified by the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. “Brainwashing” may be a term no longer popular, but it best describes how more than a third of Americans even in 2008 could believe that presidential candidate, Barack Obama, was a Muslim and “palled around with terrorists.”

    source: "The Neo-Catholics: Implementing Christian Nationalism in America", Pg 45-46, Betty Clermont, Clarity Press, Inc. (October 5, 2009)

  31. Anonymous4:10 PM

    ...The 1975 congressional investigation of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA) noted the connection between Heritage president Ed Feulner and Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church. The Freedom Leadership Foundation, a political organization established by members of the Unification Church in the US and described as “an organization to be used to achieve KCIA objectives” by the congressional report, was also linked to the World Anti-Communist League. There is also a substantial body of evidence linking Moon to Asian and South American drug cartels.?°

    source: "The Neo-Catholics: Implementing Christian Nationalism in America", Pg 38, Betty Clermont, Clarity Press, Inc. (October 5, 2009)

    The first religious right organization, Christian Voice, was founded in 1978 nominally by Robert Grant. It was an “issues” advocacy group supported by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s Unification network and operated out of the Heritage Foundation headquarters.® In a 1979 news conference, the disillusioned Grant claimed the organization was a “sham...controlled by three Catholics and a Jew’—Paul Weyrich, Terry Dolan, Richard Viguerie and Howard Phillips who had converted to evangelical Christianity.° Weyrich, Dolan, Viguerie and Phillips abandoned Christian Voice

    source: "The Neo-Catholics: Implementing Christian Nationalism in America", Pg 41, Betty Clermont, Clarity Press, Inc. (October 5, 2009)

  32. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Bawl Baby should remember the Donald is a life long democrat.

    “Trump’s entire presidency can be summarized as: obnoxious tweets, followed by immediate and complete capitulation.”

  33. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Must see this video interview with Paul Hutchinson, the executive producer of "Sound of Freedom" (Angel Studios)... as this blockbuster film becomes a wakeup call for America!!!

  34. Anonymous4:50 PM

    X dismisses the idea that child sex trafficking is so widespread in the world.

    I wonder what X would have said about this (had it occurred in 2023, instead of 2010)?

    Remember back in February, 2010 when Idaho Baptist 'missionary' Laura Silsby ATTEMPTED to remove 33 'orphan' children out of Haiti 3 weeks after that catastrophic earthquake? The only problem is that these children were NOT orphans... not to mention the fact that Laura Silsby did not have the proper documentation to take anyone's children out of Haiti in the first place. Also, many of these POVERTY-stricken parents naively believed that our then-U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would be providing their children 'a better life and future' via her Clinton Foundation. (I mean... what could possibly go wrong???)

    February 6, 2010

  35. Anonymous5:38 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  36. Anonymous5:58 PM

    4:50 pm

    The Laura Silsby matter should serve to you and everyone as a cautionary tale about trusting extra-governmental organizations and persons, just like Tim Ballard and OUR with "rescuing" vulnerable children.

    Even if they have the best intentions, like I think Silsby did, they are all still human and all that money, eagerness to do perceived good and/or prestige necessarily puts them in vulnerable positions. For example, Tim Ballard and many of his "operatives" are married men. Is it really a good idea to send married men to foreign countries, with piles of cash, on private planes owned by the likes of new age guru, Tony Robbins, who himself has been accused by at least 10 women of sexual misconduct including a 16 year old, where prostitution is unregulated to go undercover in such environments and try to find and rescue children being sexual exploited? Who is holding these men accountable? What lines are being crossed?

    That's why I mentioned yesterday supporting Polaris. They've been around since 2002 assisting victims of sexual and labor exploitation AFTER they've been rescued by proper authorities or extricated themselves from such exploitation (I have not thoroughly vetted them but they surely are better than OUR).


  37. To 4:17 pm THANK YOU for referring us to the excellent Ann Coulter article. I haven't always agree with , but she is IMHO correct here.


  38. To 3:24 pm x

    For the record, it was the very same Joe A. Tully who said to me at the end of December 1983 at their CAUSA Conference: "Yes, we work with Benjamin Creme AND Tara Center, but we don't all agree on who that new Christ is." I had not mentioned Tara Center to him -- only Benjamin Creme -- I was hoping that if he knew about Creme and his Maitreya message he might do what many other repentant New Agers did -- walk fast away from the NAM.

    Also for the reoord, this is the same Joe A. Tully who admitted to the press that he had gagged Josette Sheeran's concerned father James Sheeran.


  39. To Craig: I accidentally put Trump's name twice -- the first I put in compiling my own list and then I found the Wikipedia article. I put that on the article when I was admittedly overtired last night.


  40. Anonymous6:50 PM

    'Sound Of Freedom' Hit Piece Written By Pro-Pedo Contributor

    "Pedophiles are essentially a stigmatized group"

  41. Anonymous6:53 PM


    On today’s Mormon Stories Podcast episode legendary Utah journalist and investigator Lynn Packer discusses his recent investigation into possible fraud perpetrated by Utah Mormon Tim Ballard and Utah Mormon Attorney General Sean Reyes – as part of Operation Underground Railroad (OUR), which has raised over $30 million claiming to rescue children from sex trafficking.

    Packer has raised concerns about Tim Ballard and Sean Reyes being involved in the following:

    Stockpiling $30M in donations that are not being used to save children.

    Excessive compensation to Tim Ballard (over $300k/year).

    Unethical accounting that now is likely hiding Tim Ballard’s total compensation.

    Lavish expenditures (e.g., first class flights, 5 star hotels, dramatic helicopter appearances) with no financial accountability about how funds are used.

    Using false statistics to over-state the prevalence of child sex trafficking worldwide to lure donors.

    Using excessive emotion and religious manipulation to lure donors, including claims to be called of God, and to be protected by God in OUR’s work.

    Using affinity with Mormon celebrities like Mormon apostle M. Russell Ballard, Glenn Beck, and Elizabeth/Ed Smart to lure donors.

    Claiming credit for raids that they were not involved with. – Engaging in illegal and unsafe raids (jump teams) that often yield no positive results.

    Alleged unsavory behavior of jump team members, including illegal drug use during raids, sexual assault, etc.

    Drawing money and attention away from legitimate charities who are meaningfully providing solutions to the problems OUR decries.

    Victimizing and politicizing the suffering of children for political gain (Sean Reyes).

    Associating with and taking advantage of known false conspiracy
    theories like QAnon.

    Using the LDS Church’s law firm (Kirton & McConkie) to intimidate and silence whistleblowers.

    In summary, manipulating wealthy donors through religious and patriotic emotion and misusing or misallocating funds, all on the backs of a very vulnerable population.

    Lynn Packer is best know for accurately exposing Mormon General Authority Paul H. Dunn for lying to Mormon church members about made-up World War II heroics and about playing professional baseball, all of which led to Elder Dunn being prematurely fired as a General Authority (and which the Mormon church tried to cover up through intimidation)....

  42. Joe A. Tully's obituary from Unification Church (Tparents) website:


  43. Net article on BanKi Moon, Josette Sheeran, Unification Church with significant information:,Moonies%22%20for%20the%20Unification%20Church.


  44. Anonymous7:09 PM

    There is no such thing as 'excessive emotion' when it comes to SAVING INNOCENT CHILDREN FROM SEX TRAFFICKING!!!

    God is watching.

    Lets rescue the children first... and sort out the politics / agendas later.


    God is watching.


  45. I see now the duplicated reference to Trump (“Donald John Trump”) has been removed. I will chalk it up to an apparent oversight (or Freudian Slip? TDS?).

    And, obviously, the statement should have known better have bowed their knees to Rev. Moon is hyperbole. That was clear enough from the start. I don’t imagine any had literally bowed in worshipful reverence to Moon.

    And, unless I missed it, the short Trump video was later added. It shows him being a politician/business person in congratulating another (I’d like to see more context). That’s not at all unusual.

    And from the post: I have now learned that Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, and Newt Gingrich spoke extensively at Unification Church sponsored conferences in Seoul, South Korea last year.

    OK, now that is not something a devoted Christian should do. But, which one of these is a devoted Christian? I’ve never thought any of these were Christians (or ‘Moonies’). Yet if any of these speakers were doing so for business and/or political reasons, I’m not at all surprised.

    Also from the post: It is looking to me as though Josette Sheeran and affiliates are possibly very, very near to implementing Moon's goals of world food control… Josette Sheeran is one of the world's top "experts" on ESG (Environmental Social Goals), drew up guidelines and protocols for the UN on the subject. She is extremely prominent in the World Economic Forum, working closely with Klaus Schwab. She is a very busy lady on many powerful fronts.

    Now that sounds REALLY bad! Thanks for bringing this to light.

    But now I’m trying to figure out what this ‘world food control’ has to do with the bulleted list (absent Sheeran, of course). Particularly, what does Trump have to do with it? Is he in Sheeran’s court with Schwab in an effort to get a piece of the ‘world food control’ Moon pie? Maybe there really is a connection somewhere. Can someone provide it?

  46. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Surprise Hit ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Moves Up In Box Office Rankings Grossing $85 Million

    The PEOPLE have spoken... not Holly-weird... the PEOPLE!!! AMEN.

  47. Anonymous7:53 PM

    This was a real event on March 13, 2004.

    Sun Myung Moon Crowned Messiah in Washington, D.C.

  48. Anonymous9:07 PM

    7:23 pm

    I know you THINK ticket sales is some conservative victory but Sound of Freedom IS just another "holly-weird" story with a bonus Mormon "crowdsourcing" grift and charity donation pandering.

    It was produced by Sante Fe Films in partnership with 20th Century Fox. Disney bought 20th Century Fox and shelved the film due to issues with and investigations of Operation Rescue.

    Mormon friends at Angel Studios saved the movie using venture capital money it acquired in 2022 when Angel Studio raised $47 million in an investment round led by a Gigafund, a venture capital company. Gigafund is owned by Futurist and former member of the paypal mafia, Luke Nosek. As of 2022, Angel Studios had 50,000 individual investors and had over $100 million worth of original content, including 12 titles, in production.

    Examples of other Holly-weird Sante Fe Films:

    We're the Millers (2013) R
    No Country for Old Men (2007)
    The Magnificent Seven (2016)
    Godless (2017)
    True Grit (2010)
    Brothers (I) (2009)
    Paul (2011)
    Only the Brave (2017)

    Then there's the whole Tim Ballard and Mel Gibson being Freemasons.

    In other words, you've been played. Provo-weird is the same as holly-weird. None of it is Christian but at least Holly-weird doesn't pretend to be.


  49. Very, very disturbing article in today's New York Times: TRUMP PLANS TO EXPAND PRESIDENTIAL POWER

    Contrary to those who think Trump (mostly a lifetime Democrat) is "Conservative" -- this is consistent with what his first wife warned about his fascination with Hitler and Hitler's book which was nightly bedtime reading for Trump: "MY NEW ORDER". So many forces making 2025 a very scary year: New Agers "Kali Yuga". I'm somewhat intrigued at the present talk of a "No Labels Party. I pray that both major political parties will find different candidates. Surely we must have different options than Trump or Biden.


  50. Anonymous9:36 PM

    All these people are interconnected in some way, and by some measure, it would seem. However I highly doubt Trump, or Kennedy are even a small fraction as destructive, and evil, as say Biden and Obama. It isn't like we are fighting New Age with any degree of success. It is fully externalized now. We are living in The New Age. If God is allowing this, and the first two or three seals have been opened, then we should focus this time on warning others, that their only way to overcome, is through Christ. Even if that means losing everything, including their heads.Some will die during the great tribulation, and some will make it to the rapture. Some have died already.

    What I see on this blog is division. Perfect one hundred and eighty degree division. The Sheep, and the Goats. One shall be taken, and the other left.

    1. Anonymous1:04 AM

      I agree.
      Personally I think Constance has lost the plot over Trump.
      The man is irrationally hated by so many he can't control the world as some people on this blog seem to think .

  51. Most or all of us here are fully cognizant of dangers on the Left and the more obvious New Age movement (of which UNIFICATION CHURCH is clearly part), but too many of us are unwilling to confront the same forces posing as "benefits from the 'Right'". Its lots of fun to talk about THEM -- but, let's talk about what is deceiving US. Trump and his Qanon allies have told way too many lies -- if I recall part of who was taken in by the Antichrist and who was not (2 Thessalonians, chapter 2), was THE LOVE OF THE TRUTH.

    I deleted Craig's comment with my first, middle, maiden, 1st married name for the reason that I don't want to make it any easier for my enemies to attempt identity theft than already exists.


    1. Anonymous1:09 AM

      It wasn't Craigs comment by they way.
      And your name imformation was straight from the internet.
      Anybody can get it .

  52. NYT is behind a paywall that I'm not paying for, so anyone care to condense? Is it an opinion piece? I admit my bias up front: I don't think NYT will be unbiased re Trump, so I'm skeptical about its validity.

    I want to see FACTS, not speculation and half-baked syllogistic 'connections'.

  53. Anonymous9:46 PM

    What good are candidates. Candidates are installed, NOT ELECTED.

    Either through a favorable media, or cheating.

    Your problem is you live under the strong delusion that we live in a free country, and free world, where a few good men can defeat tyranny.

    If these are the last days, and God is sending this strong delusion, then you have drunk to drunkenness of that Kool aid.

    If this is the Tribulation, then do you have oil in your lamp, or are you hoping to buy some later.

  54. Constance,

    You wrote: I deleted Craig's comment with my first, middle, maiden, 1st married name for the reason that I don't want to make it any easier for my enemies to attempt identity theft than already exists.

    That was NOT my comment! I'll gladly take responsibility for what I actually write, but some anon posters contents.

  55. As far as I am concerned, everybody who accepted Moonie money knowingly "bowed their knee" to him -- "whether in the hand or in the forehead. If anything, those doing it because they were brainwashed or ideologically convicted are less culpable than those who did it for pecuniary gain! Doing it for business or receiving large speaker fees is NO EXCUSE! Sorry, Craig!


  56. Anonymous9:54 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  57. Constance,

    Where do you draw the line? Do you feel the same for those who accept money from Muslims, e.g.? Buddhists?

  58. Anonymous10:00 PM


    The Beast System is comprised of many people, agencies, and nations. Principalities, and Powers.

    Your obsession with lesser, players, tells me, as Paul once said of you. YOU JUST DON'T GET IT.

    Your sadly irrelevant.

  59. Anonymous10:07 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  60. Anonymous10:11 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  61. Anonymous10:15 PM

    The Deep State staged months of violent riots all across the country (even in other countries) to make sure Trump wasn't reelected, then he was. Trump is inconsequential? Maybe, maybe not, but one thing is fer sure, all the smart arses think so.

  62. Constance @ 9:38 PM,

    With respect, 2 Thessalonians 2 (in which I'm currently finalizing a series) is not speaking of "truth" in a general sense in verse 10, it is speaking of the Gospel truth (over against Satan's false signs and wonders). Salvation is not through adherence to the truth of anything but the Gospel.

  63. Anonymous10:33 PM


    You can read many articles behind a paywall by copying the link (or blocked page) and inputing into this website. It doesn't work every time...but usually.


  64. Anonymous10:43 PM

    X @ 9:07 PM

    You keep using the word 'grift' as you continue to bash the movie "The Sound of Freedom"... even though thousands of tickets are being given away for FREE... to encourage everyone to spread the word and 'shine a light' on this EVIL worldwide child sex trafficking scandal.

    What is very curious about you, X is that... it's one thing to debate an issue (day after day)... but, how come everyone here on this blog notices that there is no LIGHT coming from you - only DARKNESS???

    As I said... it's critical that we RESCUE AND SAVE THE CHILDREN first... then, we can separate the 'white hats' from the 'black hats' later!!!

    The fact that you show absolutely NO concern for these children speaks VOLUMES about you!!!

    X, 'you've got a lot of 'splainin to do' when you meet GOD one day.

  65. To 7:09 Yes, human and child trafficking is evil, evil, evil. So are exaggerations, lies, parental killings of their own children -- the blatant things going on with Qanon which has clearly New Age roots.

    But, I sadly suspect you trust the Moonie owned and operated over the Washington Post. Am I wrong?


    1. Anonymous3:16 AM

      The hatred and bitterness you are expressing is pretty aweful.

  66. To 7:43 00 Ditto what I said to 7:09 to you. Maybe you are the same one.


  67. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Constance @ 10:44 PM

    What makes you think that there are 'exaggerations' in the movie "Sound of Freedom"?

    Also, Tim Ballard (the main character in the movie) has DISAVOWED any connection with Qanon.


    Why, Constance?

    (P.S. Actually, I don't know anyone who 'trusts' the Washington Post.)

  68. Anonymous12:19 AM

    10:43 pm

    The tickets aren’t really “free”. They were paid for by people who got grifted in the theaters at the end of the movie they were told was a completely true story. They double dipped emotionally vulnerable viewers with lies then grifted a “pay it forward” donation scheme whereby viewers bought tickets in advance so others could see this movie. They’ve sold over 7 million tickets in advance and any leftover money/tickets will be used to stream out this fundraising movie further and/or for future Mormon productions.

    In 10 years OUR has taken in about $100 million. Where are all these children they’ve supposedly saved? Vigilantes are not effective at this despite their claims. Kids are “saved” by law enforcement and legal systems. Law and order…. Not fancy rich Mormon “operatives” living in mansions in Provo Utah.


    Ps- the movie was written & produced in 2015 before qanon so, of course there is no qanon content, but they are certainly marketing their Provo-weird production to Maga qanon types. The selling grift for a non-governmental child rescue organization just fit so neatly with qanon who think the gov is complicit in child trafficking it’s no wonder. Again I remind you the only part of this Ballard story that is real is when he saved the young boy as an Gov agent with homeland.

  69. Anonymous1:50 AM

    If you notice, Globalist 'tools' like X want to link the move "Sound of Freedom" with Qanon and spread this LIE... hoping you won't go see it.

    The fact that the lamestream media is completely IGNORING the success of this movie (while talking about the latest Tom Cruise, Harrison Ford, or Barbie doll movie) speaks VOLUMES.

    People, who have seen the movie, have heard of it ONLY by 'word of mouth' or Facebook. It has become a blockbuster HIT against all odds... with many theaters reporting many showings were completely SOLD OUT.

    This is NOT a political movie... it is a movie trying to 'shine a light' on the world wide human trafficking problem!!!

    If you don't care... you have NO SOUL.

  70. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Pretending it's not real won't make it go away. Research the pornography if you have the stomach. The one to haunts me is a woman with her legs amputated at the knees and her arms at the elbows so she's on all fours like an animal. I won't say anymore for the sake of the women but do your research before you dismiss it as the rantings of a fantasist.

  71. To 11:22 - Trump and Pompeo were, to the best of my information PAID handsomely to address the Unification Church sponsored events. That should answer your question, unless, of course, you think that is just "hunky-dory".


  72. To 11:20

    I have not yet had the time to fully view your video, but as to QANON, there are no small abundance of lies and exaggerations. I was speaking of Qanon and the Pizzagate theories.


  73. Constance @ 5:23,

    Assuming they were "PAID handsomely", all that shows to me is that Trump and Pompeo are monetarily opportunistic, imparting their own agendas (whatever that was/is) to the Uni Church. I don't think that's "hunky-dory", but I don't find it akin to being either followers of Moon or wholly onboard with any of the Moon agendas.

    Again, I want FACTS to support that either of these individuals (and others) are both onboard with and beneficiaries in the goal of controlling the entire food supply.

  74. To Craig,

    SORRY, but to those accepting money to help facilitate the missions of those so obviously evil and deceived is even worse than those who are deceived into believing. There are descriptive words for such in the English language:

    Shameless Opportunist, etc.,


  75. Constance @ 6:35 AM,

    You wrote: … to those accepting money to help facilitate the missions of those so obviously evil and deceived

    That’s begging the question. Were Trump and Pompeo fully aware of the “missions” of Moon, particularly the goal of controlling the food supply? You and I cannot possibly know either way, absent some sort of supporting evidence.

    Now, I DO agree with the latter part of your comparison statement … even worse than those who are deceived into believing. But unless and until you provide some corroborating evidence of their complicity, you are strawmanning.

    Now, e.g., if either of these individuals were at the coronation ceremony of Moon as “Messiah” on March 13, 2004, then you’d have something illustrating explicit support. Was either one of them?

  76. How could they not be? If they weren't, they aren't competent to hold their offices!!!


  77. Anonymous8:39 AM


    The unification church has, more than most shady unGodly organizations, years of practice washing their political donations through affiliated organizations and after citizens united that’s even harder to trace but Trumps affinity and allegiance to the Heritage Foundation, who themselves have long and strong unGodly ties to Unification money might be telling. Hard evidence of financial ties are probably difficult to establish anymore with all the dark money floating about.

    I think the most obvious “complicity” can be seen in Trump’s inexplicable efforts in North Korea (which included a time in South Korea as well). Trump seemed to wholeheartedly adopt Moon’s conciliatory “sunshine policy” towards North Korea. Moon was born in North Korea and long promoted unification of the peninsula by working with the Kim regime. It was just such an odd move by a POTUS to prop up and legitimize N Korean leaders. It was so questionable many GOO candidates are questioning it still this campaign cycle. He went in June 2019 … why such a relatively early priority and did moonies prep him?it had to be a campaign promise to someone, not unlike the appointment of Betsy DeVos to Education Secretary.


  78. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Most people 50 and older are aware of Unification Churches' theology that Reverend Moon was the messiah. I know that without ever having studied the Moonies. It was common knowledge splashed across the news back when the news had some degree of legitimacy.

    I doubt that Trump didn't know of Unification's many issues.

    The same has been said of Trump knowing nothing of Qanon. Meanwhile a White House aide testified that Marjorie Taylor Greene discussed Q with Trump many times.

    Time to give up that idol Craig.

  79. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Trump Hails 'Moonie' Church Founders In Virtual 9/11 'Rally'
    "Totally normal stuff," scoffed the anti-Trump group Meidas Touch.

    Sept 13, 2021

    Excerpt: Besides providing commentary for a heavyweight boxing match on the 20th anniversary of 9/11, former President Donald Trump hailed founders of the controversial Unification Church in a virtual speech at a conference hosted by the religious group.

    Trump commended the aim of the “Rally for Hope” to reunite North and South Korea. And he praised “tremendous person” Hak Ja Han Moon, billionaire widow of the late church founder Rev. Sun Myung Moon, for her “incredible work on behalf of peace all over the world.”

    What the Moons “have achieved on the peninsula is just amazing,” Trump went on. “In just a few decades, the inspiration that they have caused for the entire planet is unbelievable, and I congratulate you again and again.”

    Trump also hailed the “incredible story” of the Unification Church, whose followers are often called “Moonies.” Church members, who consider that term offensive, refer to themselves as Unificationists.

    Rev. Moon — who considered himself the messiah, as does his widow — notoriously arranged mass marriages for church members who were strangers to each other. Some 20,000 couples were married in a single ceremony in 2010. Former church members tell stories of the organization’s mind manipulation.

    Trump made no appearances at events memorializing Saturday’s 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

  80. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Constance is presenting research, inviting people to read it, and inviting them to share research about the topic. Do the research or don't do it. If you're not interested enough in the topic to read anything about it on your own, then why are you still interested enough to waste her time with circular arguments? You have time to argue. That same time could be spent informing yourself.

  81. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Excellent point 9:48. Here are Congressional records on the Moon organization and its planned theocracy.

    "In many public statements and in applications for tax-exempt status, the goals of the Moon movement are said to be religious. Actions which appeared to be clearly political or economic to outsiders were explained as necessary means to achieve religious goals. The apparent contradictions in many of the activities of the Moon Organization are explained by Moon's overriding religious goal--to establish a worldwide "theocracy," that is, a
    world order which would abolish separation of church and state and be governed by the immediate direction of God. As Moon explained to his followers:

    * * * In the Medieval Ages, they had to separate from the cities--statesmanship from the religious field--because people were corrupted at that time. But when it comes to our age, we must have an automatic theocracy to rule the world. So, we cannot separate the political field from the religious."

    Any presidential advisor worth their salt couldn't have missed this.

  82. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Craig said: Well, you have your opinion devoid of facts. I will wait for facts.

    I'm so saving that quote.

    Wish I had it most when you were sharing speculative covid and covid vaccine disinformation and misinformation.


  83. Anonymous10:24 AM

    10:06 pm

    Of course it wasn't missed since they all have aligned theonomic goals with the Orthodox Roman Catholic Church (Opus Dei and Knights of Malta) and their Dominionist brainchild, born of the Catholic funded "Religious Right" among Evangelicals and NAR types.

    They are interdependently legitimizing one another hopeful the day they all have to duke it out for control of the one world religion will lead to regional control over varying areas of the world with the Unification Church firmly overseeing Asia.

    Interestingly, South Korea is the most politically roman catholic and populated roman catholic state in Asia. Kind of explains GOP alliances and emphasis there versus Taiwan where only 1% of the population is Catholic.


  84. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Craig @ 10:30 PM

    Agreed regarding the meaning of "truth" in context.

    For the early Christians their faith was active, not just intellectual assent. Jesus said that if His followers believed Him they would also obey Him.

    Freedom within love and grace, as opposed to living under the law of Moses, means being given a new heart for truth, rather than simply avoiding lying out of fear of punishment (Thou shalt not lie).

    Part of obedience to Jesus is having a heart for truth. God, however, is omniscient; while mere mortals are not. Thus none of us will ever know perfect truth in this life. But yet the Bible tells me God sees and cares about the heart. God knows whether we have a heart for truth.

    He knows we don't know all the truth but He still wants us to feel motivated to know truth and tell truth, and that includes all subjects.

    The thoughts we think give us the mark of Jesus' redemptive ownership on the forehead, but the active choices we make from our hearts give us the mark of His redemptive ownership on the hand.

    When Trump audiences booed about his statements urging COVID vaccination at his rallies, he stopped making those statements at subsequent rallies. If Trump knew that Evangelical voters really gave a crap about his prostitution to the Unification church, he would drop it. If Evangelicals gave a crap about his flirtation with QAnon, he would denounce it. He knows nobody will boo him for those things.

    God knows and God sees, no matter who wins any argument in any blog thread anywhere.

  85. Anonymous10:40 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  86. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Trump Expects 'Arrest And Indictment' Over January 6th

    "I am a TARGET of the January 6th Grand Jury Investigation'

  87. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Constance displays GOAT characteristics in these last days. Fear of man, with little discernible fear of GOD!

    Especially fear of obvious(to the discerning), lesser players, and dismissal of the perversions of the BIG players!

    Beware of the obvious dangers of the Pharisaic, Gnat Straining Cumbey GOAT Cult

    Where vain tradition, and religiosity, TRUMPS reality!

  88. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Constance continues to be totally obsessed with Trump. She's simply aghast that those evil Republicans (but especially Trump) have appeared at Unification sponsored POLITICAL events. Make no mistake about it; the Unification Church is a cult. But what about Mormonism?

    I've read several books about the history of the Mormons, their 'prophets' Joseph Smith, Brigham Young (aka, Bloody Brigham), their incredible false, occult like Masonic teachings, etc. Mormonism is the fastest growing religion in the world, and, it is a cult, through and through.

    One of Constance's FAVORITE politicians just so happens to be MITT ROMNEY. Romney has even received Constance's "Profiles in Courage Award." Romney doesn't just appear at Mormon sponsored events, Mitt Romney IS A MEMBER OF THIS CULT. And guess what folks? Mormonism is from the Pitt of Hell. It is a blasphemous, evil cult, and, it is far bigger than the Unification Church, by far.

    So, two questions:

    1. Why is it that Constance has everything to say about Trump, and nothing to say about Romney's MEMBERSHIP in the Mormon Cult?

    2. Why is it that Constance NEVER posts detailed threads concerning Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the rest of the Marxist Democratic cabal?

  89. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I have to wonder if Constance, while practicing as an Attorney, would turn down representing a client because they were associated with the Unification cult? Trust me, she wouldn't.

    What's the difference Constance?

  90. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Bawl Baby is crying again over legitimate criticism of Trump. Whaaaa, whaaaa, what about, what about, what about.

  91. Anonymous11:23 AM

    @ 10:52 AM

    I agree that Constance seems to display fear of man in comments about Kali Yuga and 2025 for just one example. You are correct that the Bible instructs us to fear God only.

    There is truth in your criticism of Constance - but there is no love or grace in it.

    Last night I prayed for Constance that she would feel the peace that surpasses understanding, in spite of her work that has involved staring into the abyss for so long.

    She is only human, and you are unkind.

    Her critics display fear of man, too, because they display the need a strong authoritarian (Trump and/or PUtin) to save them from the NWO that they fear. Their denials are only verbal, while their choices betray their true hearts.

  92. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Anonymous said at 3:02 PM:

    "Distain for conservatives and Biden Bias is so obvious on this blog.
    A counter cult blog thats becoming a cult.
    Unbelievable but perhaps a sign of the times."


  93. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Godmother of Transhumanism Barbara Marx Hubbard Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: 'THE BABIES WE EAT!'

    "We are effecting our own evolution."

  94. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Yes Romney is a MORMON. But he is a JACK MORMON, like so many.

    They prefer to be called Latter Day Saints.

    I had a lovely Mormon couple with their two delightful kids, living above me, many years ago, and a hateful(the husband wouldn't speak to us, because "he wouldn't speak to anyone he felt was beneath him"), atheist Israeli couple next door. The wife was friendly though. Guess which one was the good neighbor? The Mormons!

    The Jewish couple, in spite of disbelieving in GOD, were verbally, very opposed to the New Age Movement. Their daughter divorced her nice husband when she 'discovered' she was a lesbian. The daughter + her lover opened a New Age bookstore together, much to the displeasure of the parents. However, it seemed that the parents converted to NA! The husband found out he had liver cancer, and was on hospice care. When he passed his wife banged on our door and asked if we experienced anything unusual? She asked if we felt anything, or saw a flash of light? We said no, and she said her husband just passed, and there was a "flash of light" above her husband's body when he passed. The NA daughter, and her lover, were encouraging the dying husband to 'go into the light' as he was passing.

    It really doesn't matter if you're opposed to NA. Unless you Preach Christ to the lost, they are still lost, whether they are Atheists, Mormons, or New Agers.

    The New Age is fully externalized now. There are no, or at least few, secrets, and the elites do anything they want, when they want. NA is kind of yesterday. Old news, MOONIES, big deal!!! Our current Presidents are demonic. We are pushing RUSSIA TO NUKE US! And they will. Better to prepare for the much much worse that is still to come, than to strain at gnats, and live in fear man. Fear God!

    Straining at Gnats won't save you! Neither will arguing over NA, or liberal politics.

  95. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Philosopher Merold Westphal said that only people who know they’re guilty “can find comfort in finding others to be just as bad or worse.” Although whataboutism can serve to expose hypocrisy and prompt self-examination, Christians should regard it with suspicion.

    What is whataboutism? And why is it so dangerous to public discourse?

  96. Anonymous12:07 PM

    X has a degree in Whataboutism, from the University of Hypocrisy.

  97. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Who Are The People Claiming RFK Jr. Is 'Spewing Disinformation'?

  98. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Agent Ballard: good enought for the CIA but not the XIA?

    If You Wondered What Kind of a Human Being Would Put Politics Ahead of Supporting People Who Are Trying To Stop Child Slavery

  99. Anonymous1:20 PM

    12:28 pm

    Nice opus dei blog...but defending Tim Ballard is a little ridiculous at this point. Neither Utah nor the State of Washington will partner with OUR anymore in any fashion after they made false claims of assisting in law enforcement successes in order to solicit donations......

    Claims of Utah group’s involvement in child exploitation investigations under scrutiny

    Excerpt: ... It wasn’t the first time a law enforcement agency severed ties with OUR. Last year, the Washington State Patrol stopped accepting donations from the Utah nonprofit that had helped fund its controversial Operation Net Nanny stings, which resulted in the arrests of nearly 300 accused child predators but which critics accused of entrapment. When asked about OUR’s partnership with the Washington State Patrol, a spokesperson for the state agency told The Spokesman Review in May that, “it became increasingly apparent that OUR needed us more than we needed them. And they were using our success in the promotion of their activities.”

    Extensive investigations by the news organization VICE have also sounded the alarm about OUR’s inflated claims of being at the forefront in the anti-trafficking fight and its integral collaboration with law enforcement. “What we found aren’t outright falsehoods but a pattern of image-burnishing and mythology-building, a series of exaggerations that are, in the aggregate, quite misleading,” VICE reported in December. More recently, VICE reported it had confirmed through anonymous sources that the Utah investigation by Rawlings had widened to include involvement by the FBI.

    CharityWatch, a nonprofit formerly known as the American Institute of Philanthropy, downgraded its rating of OUR last year to a question mark based on reports of the investigation by the Davis County prosecutor.

    OUR appears to have used its partnership with the Utah AG’s office to make false claims about its involvement in ICAC, despite only donating to the officer wellness program.

    In September 2017, OUR boasted on its blog that its assistance directly helped Utah’s ICAC Task Force in making arrests. The blog post states: “Support provided to Utah ICAC by Operation Underground Railroad within the last 3 months has led to the arrest of 7 more individuals for sexual exploitation of children involving the Internet.” OUR also claimed that the task force was able to initiate nearly 200 more investigations “due to our collaborative efforts in the past three months.”

    In July 2019, the organization made similar claims in a blog post, saying its support of ICAC led to 10 arrests, 24 rescues and 55 investigations from January to April of that year.

    When asked about the claims made by OUR, Piatt, the AG’s spokesman, said the office was not aware of them but acknowledged the agency did provide arrest statistics to the organization.

    “OUR received quarterly statistical reports that showed the number of arrests,” Piatt told the Utah Investigative Journalism Project. “Since they had donated to the Officer Wellness Program, they were kept in the loop about what ICAC had been doing.”

    Piatt explicitly stated that OUR had zero involvement in ICAC beyond its donations.

    “They did not, and wouldn’t be allowed to participate in ICAC operations,” Piatt said. “One hundred percent of OUR’s donations were used for the Officer Wellness program. OUR was not part of active or day-to-day operations of ICAC in any way.”


  100. To 10:54

    I don't recall Romney storming the Capitol or attempting to overthrow an Election. He did have the courage to "call a spade a spade" after the Capitol Insurrection Trump clearly instigated. The storming of our Capitol let the whole world know how utterly vulnerable our major governmental facilities were and are.

    As far out as Mormon theology is, it is nowhere close to the total blasphemies of Rev. Moon -- the same Rev. Moon that Pence, Pompey, Gingrich, Trump, Falwell have praised. Romney probably honestly believes the doctrines he was raised in -- Romney never accepted speaker fees, to the best of my present knowledge, from Unification Church. His Mormon friend, Cleon Skousen did. Yes, Romney was a profile in courage for the stands he took on the Insurrection! So were: LIZ CHENEY, ADAM KINZINGER, LISA MURKOWSI, PETER MEIJER, and anybody else whose name I may have forgotten. The Romney family were decent people and highly regarded in the State of Michigan.




  101. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Constance Constance Constance said at 1:34 PM:

    "As far out as Mormon theology is, it is nowhere close to the total blasphemies of Rev. Moon -- the same Rev. Moon that Pence, Pompey, Gingrich, Trump, Falwell have praised."

    ROFL! You do NOT know anything about "Mormon theology."

    When I have more time, I'll post some of Mormon theology, right from Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, the Book of Mormon (which they claim to be the "word of God). I'll also be posting facts about the life of Mormonism's founder, Joseph Smith.

  102. Anonymous1:42 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  103. Anonymous1:42 PM


    Would you turn down representing a client if they were a member of the Unification cult? Just asking.

  104. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Just a few Mormon beliefs:

    Unlike Christian Trinitarianism (one God existing in three Persons), Mormons believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are three separate gods. They also believe the Father and Son each have a “body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s” but that the Holy Ghost “has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit.” According to Joseph Smith, when Adam was formed in the image of God, it was a physical image. God the Father was once a mortal who lived on an earth. He died, was resurrected, glorified, and grew into his deified status. (According to Joseph Smith, there is a “God above the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”)

  105. The "x" comments of 12:28 disturbingly remind me of a book I have totally perused and am 52% through reading on my Kindle. It claims all sexual perversion is traceable to Catholic sources and/or influences. Further, it uses Madame Blavatsky's ISIS UNVEILED (totally written by her and her sister's statements by 'automatic writing.' It gives incredibly blasphemous and wicked now Episcopalian priest (excommunicated Roman Catholic) favorable treatment. The Communists, World War II, The Cold War, etc., etc. were/are Catholic/Jesuit inventions. The book by one Johnny Cirucci is well written, but still probably one of the worst books I have read from many angles. Cirucci also praied "Bro Eric" whose book called for the blood of all American priests to be shed in our streets. The book brings to mind the leading strategy of the New Age Movement: to pit all target groups aganst each other -- Catholic, Protestant, Jews and Moslems -- the groups labeled by the New Agers as "Peoples of the Book" against each other. X, I hope you are not him.


  106. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Mormons believe in a universal salvation for everyone from death (this is what they refer to when they speak of “salvation by grace alone.”).

    Mormonism has four written books of scripture: The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ (which claims to be a record of God’s dealings with the inhabitants of ancient America from 2000 BC to 400 AD), the Doctrine and Covenants (a collection of “revelations and inspired declarations” given for the establishment and regulation of the Church of Jesus Christ in the last days (1830 AD – 1978 AD)), The Pearl of Great Price (a selection of revelations, translations, and writings of Joseph Smith), and the *King James Version of the Bible (“We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.”)

    *That is, Joseph Smith's version of the KJV. Smith 'translated' and 'made corrections' to the KJV. When they refer to the KJV, it is Smith's version that they are talking about.

  107. Anonymous1:57 PM

    See any blasphemy here Constance?

    God used to be a man on another planet, (Mormon Doctrine, p. 321; Joseph Smith, Times and Seasons, vol. 5, p. 613-614; Orson Pratt, Journal of Discourses, vol. 2, p. 345; Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, vol. 7, p. 333).

    God resides near a star called Kolob, (Pearl of Great Price, p. 34-35; Mormon Doctrine, p. 428).

    “The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s…” (Doctrines and Covenants 130:22).

    God is in the form of a man, (Joseph Smith, Journal of Discourses, vol. 6, p. 3).
    “God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man, and sits enthroned in yonder heavens!!! . . . We have imagined that God was God from all eternity. I will refute that idea and take away the veil, so that you may see,” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 345).

    After you become a good Mormon, you have the potential of becoming a god, (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 345-347, 354).

    There is a mother goddess, (Articles of Faith, by James Talmage, p. 443).
    God is married to his goddess wife and has spirit children, (Mormon Doctrine, p. 516).

    The Trinity is three separate Gods: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. “That these three are separate individuals, physically distinct from each other, is demonstrated by the accepted records of divine dealings with man,” (Articles of Faith, by James Talmage, p. 35).

  108. i have seen 2 posts 1 sez Ballard is a mormon 1 sez he is roman catholic, ???

  109. Anonymous2:00 PM

    The founder had up to 48 wives – while the exact number of women who married the prophet Joseph Smith is in dispute, the only people who deny he practised plural marriage are those devoted to the image of the LDS church. The church keeps sealing records, however, that suggest Smith was “sealed” to a multitude of women.

    The religious literature handed out by the earnest young missionaries in Temple Square makes no mention of the fact that Joseph Smith–still the religion’s focal personage– married at least thirty-three women and probably as many as forty-eight. Nor does it mention that the youngest of these wives was just fourteen years old when Joseph explained to her that God had commanded that she marry him or face eternal damnation.
    ― Jon Krakauer, Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith

  110. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Joseph Smith’s successor, Brigham Young, had 55 wives. *Sealing records show that Young was indeed sealed to 54 women after he became a Latter Day Saint and legal records show marriage to one woman prior. That’s right, the namesake of one of America’s most recognizable post-secondary institutions collected wives faster than I collect hate mail.

    * i.e. marriage

    Both the first prophet Joseph Smith and the second prophet Brigham Young were serial adulterers and polygamists.

  111. Anonymous2:03 PM

    The Book of Mormon states that God cursed people of color.

    Oh, but it gets even crazier. Here’s the gist. Long before the Europeans arrived in the Americas, the Book suggests, there was a group of people living there called the Nephites. They were descendants of Nephi, who was the son of a prophet who had come to the Americas from Jerusalem. The Nephi were people who believed in Christ, even before he was born. Essentially, the group splintered off into two, one of which chose not to live as God commanded. The Lamanites defied God’s rule, and as a result, God cursed them with darkened skin. In anger, they destroyed all the remaining Nephites, so that when the Europeans finally did arrive on the shores of the Americas, they found only dark-skinned inhabitants. To clarify: it is written, in the Book of Mormon, that indigenous Americans are “cursed” with darker skin and are ultimately the descendants of evil, God-defying peoples who slaughtered good, Christ-fearing white folk. I honestly wish I was making this up.

  112. I would never argue for Mormon theology, but on a comparative basis, it hardly comes close to Moon's
    -- Claiming Jesus failed in his mission
    -- that Jesus was to have married and/or have sex with his mother to propagate a new race
    -- that God had proclaimed Moon "better than God himself"
    -- that he was KING OF THE UNIVERSE
    -- that his wife was THE HOLY SPIRIT
    We can rationally discuss the obvious errors of Mormon theology on other occasions -- that was not the subject of this blog post.


  113. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Brigham Young was the leader of the Mormon church when the Saints massacred close to 140 migrants from Arkansas in 1857.

    Known as the Mountain Meadows Massacre, a wagon train from Arkansas defended themselves from a series of attacks by the Saints. Tensions were at a boiling point after the assassination of Mormon apostle, Parley P. Pratt in Arkansas as well as the fall out from the Utah War. The Mormons ended up killing around 140 people in that wagon train. Two years after the massacre, members of the US army arrived under orders to bury the remains of those massacred. When that was complete, they erected a monument over the burial site. A large pile of stone and a cross built of cedar were left to mark the grave site. In 1861, Brigham Young, whose name is on a prominent American University to this day, ordered the dismantling of the memorial after touring the site.

  114. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Brigham Young believed God and Adam are one and the same. Known as the Adam-God theory, believers assert that Adam is “our Father and our God, and the only God with whom we have to do.” According to records, it was Joseph Smith who said this first, and Brigham Young adhered to it. Today, the LDS church rejects this view because it’s easier to rewrite your core beliefs than it is to scrutinize them.

  115. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Joseph Smith’s Youngest wife was 14, Brigham Young’s just 15. Smith sealed his union to 14-year-old Helen Mar Kimball in May of 1843. Also in 1843, Smith took on Nancy Mariah Winchester as one of his wives when she was just 14. Fanny Alger was just 16, as was Flora Ann Woodworth. Sarah Lawrence and Lucy Walker were only 17 when they became wives of the prophet. When Brigham Young was 42, he married Clarissa Caroline Decker who was 15 years old at the time. He also had a handful of 16-, 17- and 18-year-old wives, all of whom he married in his forties.

  116. I've read plenty of nonsense about "Nephilim", no small percentage of which has come from Evangelicals, including my old friend Tom Horn. They would not have survived the Noahic flood -- unless you want to discount that too.


  117. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Constance said:

    "Claiming Jesus failed in his mission"

    Pope Francis, TWICE, clearly proclaimed the "failure of the cross" of Christ. Sounds more than a little cult like, no?

  118. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  119. sorry for typos sexual escapade not escape oen is women puyayive is putative fathers the fallen angels

  120. Anonymous2:17 PM

    The Adam–God doctrine (or Adam–God theory) was a theological idea taught in mid-19th century Mormonism by Brigham Young, a president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). Although the doctrine is rejected by the LDS Church today,[1] it is still an accepted part of the modern theology of some Mormon fundamentalists.

    According to Young, he was taught by Joseph Smith[2] that Adam is "our Father and our God, and the only God with whom we have to do."[3]

  121. Anonymous2:22 PM

    How's this for BLASPHEMY? They actually call Satan a "spirit son of God." Christ was a "spirit" child along with Satan and "hosts of spirit-children."

    LDS Apostle Bruce R. McConkie in his book, Mormon Doctrine:

    "The devil…is a spirit son of God who was born in the morning of pre-existence (p. 192)….Christ is the Firstborn, meaning that he was the first Spirit Child born to God the Father in pre-existence (p. 281)….Christ, the Firstborn, was the mightiest of all the spirit children of the Father" (p. 590).


    "Thus it is shown that prior to the placing of man upon the earth, how long before we do not know, Christ and Satan, together with the hosts of the spirit-children of God, existed as intelligent individuals, possessing power and opportunity to choose the course they would pursue and the leaders whom they would follow and obey." (James Talmage, Jesus the Christ, p. 8)

  122. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Jesus & Satan as Brothers per LDS Doctrine Through the Years

    Joseph Smith, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, selected and arranged by Joseph Fielding Smith, p.357

    "The contention in heaven was-Jesus said there would be certain souls that would not be saved; and the devil said he could save them all, and laid his plans before the grand council, who gave their vote in favor of Jesus Christ. So the devil rose up in rebellion against God, and was cast down, with all who put up their heads for him." (Book of Moses-Pearl of Great Price, Chap. 4:1-4; Book of Abraham, Chap. 3:23-28.)

    A LOT of information on Mormonism's blasphemous belief that Jesus and Satan are brothers. Documents that this horrible doctrine has been taught and proclaimed throughout their sordid history. Go here for much more on this subject here:

    REALLY, really odd that Constance doesn't know this.

  123. Anonymous2:44 PM

    From Anonymous @ 9:02 AM
    Re: "Most people 50 and older are aware of Unification Churches' theology that Reverend Moon was the messiah."

    Constance, just curious... do YOU believe that Reverend Moon may be the AntiChrist?

  124. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  125. Anonymous2:56 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  126. To 2:08 pm

    Nothing coming from Pope Francis would surprise me. I wasn't familiar with that quote and would very much like to have the reference. I have Catholic friends who are very upset with Francis for many excellent reasons. They need to have that source, if it is accurate.


  127. Anonymous3:18 PM

    1:20 PM

    His handle is Old Curmudgeon, what do you expect? Even though he has in the past threaten to beat me about the head and shoulders with his stick he is a kind & caring gentleman trying to make sense of the mess.

    PS his friends have spoken to him about being too curmudgeony (to no avail) - :

  128. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Christine 1:58 PM Ballard is Mormon, the actor playing Ballard is Roman Catholic. The movie is produced by Angel Studios, a Mormon film. Romney is Mormon. Ballard supports Trump. Ballard Good! Romney Baad!

  129. Anonymous4:01 PM

    To be clear.

    I’m not 12:28.

    I’m not the old crumudgeon.

    I didn’t post 12:28

    I’m Baptist, not orthodox Roman Catholic.


  130. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Constance you seem to judge everything on your bias of Anti Trump and Qanon Conspiracy. Seriously you down play Mormonism against the Moonies because Trump did a speech and you support views against Voice of Freedom because it may have Qanon links (and Mormon links).
    Mormonism is way bigger than the Moonies.
    Does Trump need to speak at one of the LDS venues for you to say something.
    You are fastly losing the credibility you had gained with your books back in the 80's.
    You need to talk with someone trustworthy who will be honest with you on how you are fixated on this stuff.

  131. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Constance suffers from a MAGA dose of Luciferian possession, exacerbated by vain tradition, and MAGA loads of gnat straining.

    As relevant as a stone wheel.

  132. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Craig is one of the very select few (few meaning 3 or possibly 4 at most) who holds out for proof and traceable documentation rather than conjecture at this mess of a blog. The wide swath of instantaneous blame casting and overt bias (with impunity) ruin any hope of this blog dispensing actual (verifiable and complete) information. I agree that much of these stories are still being written and much still in the making to see where truth is going to land. The subject of the New Age/NWO is vast, yet now minimized here.
    There are many shades to what Constance posted in this new thread so why is Constance herself still having more knee jerk reactions that muddy the waters at this once useful blog? Bears watching, that is sensible, rather than half-baked assumptions and innuendo that seem to fuel this thread also. Nothing has proven DJT wants to control the world's food supply and a few other grandiose ideas some are touting as fact with again, no proof. (BTW and JSYK Former President Trump doesn't have an automatic vote from me).
    And, Moonies and Mormons are pretty much on equal footing in their big plans for the world! What is more, Romney is (Cheney and others who need their own 15 minutes of fame and lustful for power) complicit with globalism up to his eyeballs so how is he getting a pass?

    MCE has been closer to the truth regarding political topics and players compared to the blog owner, now that's something. And everybody leaves x in their dust when it comes to researching facts. He seems to have met very few of them by his output here.

    This used to be a place of equal opportunity calling out of the New Age from every angle, attempting to leave no stone unturned.
    Those days are gone.
    Distraction is the devil's handiwork and this place is consumed by it.

  133. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Many critical commenters are equally Trump obsessed. Hardly anybody has focused on anything in the current post besides Trump, Trump, Trump.

    Control of the global food supply. Yawn.

    Trump was criticized, so that is THE distraction.

  134. Anonymous7:42 PM

    THE distraction is that very few people are really wanting a big picture, just make their jaundiced opinions fit a narrative.

    I find that sad and very unhelpful for seeing how the truth plays out. Warning is one thing (lots of warning signs from any and every direction), but true fact finding is suffering for all the damn opinions that call themselves facts, before the ink even dries.

  135. To 6:57
    Presently the World Economic Forum with its 4th Industrial Revolution calling for ESG implementation and a known long time Unification Church leader, Josette Sheeran are very, very close to implmenting their agendas of a cashless society, total tracking, and supervisory control over the world food and water supplies. Lucis Trust has placed their meditative focus upon the World Economic Forum and the implementation of its agenda. Josette Sheeran has mapped much of the ESG Agenda. Klaus Schwab has openly advocated in his books and on WEF websites and videos for human implants. Too frighteningly close to Revelation 13. Right now I don't see Mormon leadership. If Trump regains the White House in 2024 (God forbid!), he has clearly announced his intention to vastly broaden the powers of the Presidency and limit the independence of other branches of government. HIS spiritual advisor "Paula White" is as close as close can be to the Unification Church interests and Mrs. Moon. I don't see Romney marching on the Capitol. Trump summoned the mob that on January 6, 2021 clearly did.


  136. Anonymous8:03 PM

    I believe one of the rev moon’s children was there on Jan 6th as well.

    Mormons r leaving the gop in droves and Mormon leaders are advising mormons NOT to be overly or automatic republicans.

    They don’t mind grifting be it multi level marketing or pseudo child rescue charities but I don’t think they r joining in the Maga suicidal revolution set out to destroy America.

    Sure they partner with Rome more than they used to but that’s just a respectability game they are playing figuring to stay out of romes way when they try to take over. They r a minority and aware of how too much Theonomy can spoil the religious freedom that allows them to thrive is.

    I don’t really trust them (their leadership in particular) as they aren’t Christians but every one I’ve met in real life is certainly very kind and outgoing.

    Even the very new age Orin Hatch, has this to say about Jan 6th…

    “ Former Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and co-chair of Latter-day Saints for Trump, said, “Without any pause, caveat, or equivocation, I condemn the riots taking place at the U.S. Capitol.”

    “Enough is enough,” he added. “Our institutions are undergoing a stress test that they can only survive if our elected officials show unity in this critical moment. We are a nation of laws, not individuals — and the foremost responsibility of every member of Congress is to uphold our Constitution and the integrity of the democratic process.”


  137. Anonymous8:41 PM


    Pope Francis originally made the blasphemous statement 6 or 7 years ago at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York. There was an absolute uproar over this. Francis doubled down when he returned to the Vatican after his North American trip, by repeating his "failure of the cross" blasphemy.

    Here's the youtube video for his NY statement:

    Watch As Pope Francis Says Jesus Was A 'Failure On The Cross'

    Here's Pope Francis declaring it again, this time at the Vatican just several weeks after NY.

    Pope Francis : Jesus cross is a sign of God's failure
    (There was a much longer video of Francis saying this at the Vatican, which I saw. It has since been taken down by youtube)

  138. To 8:41 - THANK YOU! If anybody saved the longer version, I would like that one too.
    I will save the link you gave me using my Real downloader.

    I just watched -- he did say "his life, "humanly speaking, ended in failure - the failure of the Cross." It could be interpreted as saying that it was a failure in human terms and the society where it happened but was not a failure for humanity." I can't say for sure what his intent was, but it is not as blatant as Moon saying that Jesus's crucifixion was a failure for humanity -- that Jesus failed in his "mission to marry and start a new race to replace Adam". Unless it is in the larger segment, as much as I personally dislike many of the pro LBGTQ sympanthies and values Francis has been espousing, I'm not sure I can saying that Jesus failed to bring us salvation -- as Rev. Moon did. He may be saying that things humans view as failures are not -- on the other hand, I need more evidence.


  139. To 8:41 - I just watched the second video link coming from the Vatican rather than St. Patrick's Cathedral. It disturbs me much more, but I still would like to see the longer video or a transcript of same to accurately gauge the context. I am going to do web searches to see what I can find, either video or transcript wise. Thank you1


  140. Before anybody jumps on the mistyping of my name, it was an honest typo -- remember, I'm 79 years old with not the best eyes in the world and arthritis in hands.


  141. This comment has been removed by the author.

  142. Is this 2015 "vespers homily" the same one I'm presently downloading it.

  143. Anonymous9:36 PM

    From Mike Huckabee's post

    Here We Go Again:
    President Trump says he received a letter from special counsel Jack Smith telling him he’s a target of the January 6 th  grand jury investigation and that he expects to be indicted and arrested. Apparently for “inciting an insurrection” by urging his supporters to protest “peacefully and patriotically.” So just as no laws at all apply to anyone in the Biden family, apparently, Trump no longer even has First Amendment protections.

    Here are some reactions to the news, including Trump’s statement.

    So far, all we know about this is that Trump confirmed he got the letter. I’m sure there will be much more to follow as the Biden DOJ continues loading bananas onto the banana republic express.

  144. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Changes my views on Trump & the Russian Ukraine War

    People wrote more simply a few years ago

    abyssum's epilogue:

    " I hope that you will forgive an old man this reflection on his 93 years on this earth. I was born shortly after the Russian Revolution which had its inspiration in the writings of Marx and Lenin. I grew up during the rise of the Third Reich which had its inspiration in the writings of Adolph Hitler (Mein Kampf) and I fought in the Second World War caused by the clash of these to ideologies and now as I prepare to leave this world I read of the growth of a new radical ideology that has taken root in Russia, Eurasianism, that yearns for the Apocalypse, which is set forth as the goal in the writings of Alexander Dugin. We have seen the Islamization of Europe and America under our Muslim President, Barack Hussein Obama, and now we are faced with faced with the prospect that Donald Trump who is a great admirer of Vladimir Putin who is a great admirer of Alexander Dugin may unwittingly facilitate the realization by Putin and Dugin of the goals of Eurasianism and bring on World War III. Perhaps now you will understand why I have said that under no circumstances can a Christian vote for Donald Trump. It is not that he is an evil man, because he is not an evil man. But there is no question but that he will not be equal to the challenges that will face the United States in the next Decade. Of course it should not really be necessary for me to state that Hillary Rodham Clinton does not belong in the White House, she belongs in prison. It was the votes of the ignorati in the Spring Primaries that gave us this impossible-to-resolve dilemma for November 8, 2016. God help America, God help us !!! "

  145. "Donald Trump who is a great admirer of Vladimir Putin who is a great admirer of Alexander Dugin may unwittingly facilitate the realization by Putin and Dugin of the goals of Eurasianism and bring on World War III. Perhaps now you will understand why I have said that under no circumstances can a Christian vote for Donald Trump."

    ridiculous. Trump's deal making and peace making skill he displayed would ave prevented the mess we are in ow, which was provoked by NATO'd contant creeping up o Russia's borders and being in position evetually to put nukes in five minutes of Moscow. It is the neocons who are causing ww 3 not Trump and his followers.

  146. Anonymous11:23 PM

    I'll think about it, Christine

  147. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Blogger Constance Cumbey said...

    Is this 2015 "vespers homily" the same one I'm presently downloading it.

    9:34 PM

    This is the homily in which Pope Francis declares the "failure of the cross" in NY.

    As I stated prior, the full homily given in the Vatican in which he again referenced the "failure of the cross" was taken down by youtube. When I saw it, I distinctly recall that the Vatican homily was even worse than the NY homily.

  148. Anonymous12:07 AM

    In the four years of his Presidency, Trump did not start any new war. He was being heavily pressured to invade Syria and Iran. I believe this is one of the major reasons that the Deep State wanted to remove him, and, prevent him from being POTUS ever again.

    In contrast, Biden completely bungled the retreat from Afghanistan. He's allowed the military industrial complex to maneuver us precariously close into a dangerous confrontation with Russia, which has, incidentally, the most modern, sophisticated nuclear weapons in the world, and, the most.

    Ukraine is something that would have never happened under Trump. What's even worse is that Ukraine (without the US & NATO attacking) has ZERO chance to defeat Russia.
    Their much hyped 'spring offensive' has completely stalled, and has cost thousands of lives in this hopeless offensive.

  149. Anonymous12:45 AM

    "Sound of Freedom" movie on human trafficking becomes summer hit (from word of mouth)

    The surprise hit of the summer, "Sound of Freedom," has so far earned $85.5 million at North American theaters in just 2 weeks since its release -- roughly six times its $14.5 million budget.

    Audiences awarded it a perfect score of 100 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, and an A+ on CinemaScore.

    Last weekend, it comfortably outpaced pricey blockbusters like Harrison Ford's "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny."

    The film was originally scheduled for release by 20th Century Fox, but that deal was canceled when Disney bought the studio in 2019, paving the way for Angel Studios to step in.

    Former president Donald Trump is hosting a screening of the film at his New Jersey golf club on Wednesday.

  150. Biden' too demented to be crazy like a fox, but his advisers aren't. the Taliban are attacking Iran over water rights, using thoe abandoned American weapo s. So the people who wanted war with Iran get to have their cake and eat it too. Iran is under fire, but not from USA or anyoe identifiable as a USA agent or over a USA interest.

  151. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Lock them up with him…

    “Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel Charges 16 ‘False Electors’ with Election Law and Forgery Felonies
    July 18, 2023“

    “ Today, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced felony charges against 16 Michigan residents for their role in the alleged false electors scheme following the 2020 U.S. presidential election. The charged defendants are:

    “The false electors’ actions undermined the public’s faith in the integrity of our elections and, we believe, also plainly violated the laws by which we administer our elections in Michigan,” said Nessel. "My department has prosecuted numerous cases of election law violations throughout my tenure, and it would be malfeasance of the greatest magnitude if my department failed to act here in the face of overwhelming evidence of an organized effort to circumvent the lawfully cast ballots of millions of Michigan voters in a presidential election.”

    These defendants are alleged to have met covertly in the basement of the Michigan Republican Party headquarters on December 14th, and signed their names to multiple certificates stating they were the “duly elected and qualified electors for President and Vice President of the United States of America for the State of Michigan.” These false documents were then transmitted to the United States Senate and National Archives in a coordinated effort to award the state’s electoral votes to the candidate of their choosing, in place of the candidates actually elected by the people of Michigan.

    “The evidence will demonstrate there was no legal authority for the false electors to purport to act as ‘duly elected presidential electors’ and execute the false electoral documents,” Nessel continued. “Every serious challenge to the election had been denied, dismissed, or otherwise rejected by the time the false electors convened. There was no legitimate legal avenue or plausible use of such a document or an alternative slate of electors. There was only the desperate effort of these defendants, who we have charged with deliberately attempting to interfere with and overturn our free and fair election process, and along with it, the will of millions of Michigan voters. That the effort failed and democracy prevailed does not erase the crimes of those who enacted the false electors plot.” …”

  152. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Is Michigan leadership trying to upstage California and Oregon for Anti Conservative wokeness.

  153. Rick Ross has a fine volume available through Amazon and other booksellers CULTS INSIDE OUT. This is important material he included on what a Congressional Report had once said about it:

    (1) The UC and numerous other religious and secular organizations headed by Sun Myung Moon constitute essentially one international organization. This organization depends heavily upon the interchangeability of its components and upon its ability to move personnel and financial assets freely across international boundaries and between businesses and nonprofit organizations.

    (2) The Moon Organization attempts to achieve goals outlined by Sun Myung Moon, who has substantial control over the economic, political, and spiritual activities undertaken by the
    organization in pursuit of those goals.

    (3) Among the goals of the Moon Organization is the establishment of a worldwide government in which the separation of church and state would be abolished and which would be
    governed by Moon and his followers.

    This material is found on page 9 of CULTS INSIDE OUT. Ross' book was published in 2014 and he opined then that the cult might be in decline post Rev. Moon's death, but from developments in Japan and Josette Sheeran's high position, the Trump endorsement, etc, that clearly does not appear to be the case.


  154. Christine, you should try Jesus Christ as your savior rather than Donald Trump.


  155. Any honest person with eyes to see and ears to hear should have been turned off by Trump given the January 6, 2021 events. I had campaigned and voted for Trump twice -- given his incendiary speech on January 6 followed by the Capitol riot (yes, "insurrection" is also an accurate term"), I would NEVER VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP AGAIN. If he had kept a civil tongue in his mouth, he probably might have been re-elected, but as it was, he insulted a very high share of his former Republican base and incited mob violence. The constant lies that the mob was "Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and FBI dressed up as Trump followers were disingenuous and disgusting. The whole world saw that our governmental structures and buildings were vulnerable. Trump has brought his legal troubles on himself.


  156. To 10:45 pm - I agree with you completely. Benjamin R Teitelbaum's book about Steve Bannon, WAR FOR ETERNITY has alarming evidence for everything you said. Thank you! Bannon was an engineer of much of the Trump maneuverings -- Bannon wanted Trump as a destroyer.


  157. Aleksandr Dugin is clearly a friend of Steve Bannon. Bannon met with him as recently as 2018 in Italy. Bannon has been an architect of much of Trump's mischief. Benjamin R. Teitelbaum's book WAR FOR ETERNITY about Steve Bannon is required reading!


  158. Constamce,

    I don't know wehere you get your crazy ideas. Trump weas never my lord and savior just God's man for the time and situation as far as I as concerned.

    your use of the term disingenyoys is disengenuous why don't you just grow uup and instead of being a dainty whatever say what you mean that they are LIARS. Now they may not be liars but your effort to e polite just grates my nerves.

    One of the things loved about Trump was his mean tweets he said what everybody thought the way they thought it, no sugar coating no make nicey nice, just for real.

    Trump wu;d have to be lesser of two evils at this point for me to vote for him, because of all the new age false prophets etc. in his retinue. at soe critical point the bad advice can make a wreck and his ego makes hi vulnerale to this.

  159. another reason Trump was loved is that he is not presidential not statesmanlike - in other words, not just another insufferable stuffed shirt stuck up excessively dignified phony.

  160. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Lots of comments about Trump. Almost none about Josette Sheeran.

    Very superficial comments about "Moonies."

    Read up on the vast wealth accumulated by the many business holdings of the Unification Church. Billions.

    Who cares whether somebody says "disengenuous," "lying," or "playing dumb." The main point is the same. How superficial to ignore the substance of the main point and critique its style.

    That's nothing but class envy. I would hardly call Constance a "polite society chick." I find her style and delivery folksy, warm and down-to-earth.

    No, we don't all think in the words that Trump mean tweeted. How sad for a professing Christian to say so.

    The Bible consistently says warns us about our hearts and words and the harm that foul words issuing from foul hearts can do unto others.

  161. Anonymous9:50 AM

    The matter of Josette Sheeran Shiner
    by Damian J Anderson
    April 21, 2007

    Dear readers,

    I have had quite a few inquiries about the articles I have posted relating to Josette Sheeran Shiner, a one time Unificationist who was blessed in marriage by True Parents, and has subsequently separated from the Unification Church. She worked at the News World in New York, and later, the Washington Times from 1982, serving as a journalist, the features editor, later managing editor. Then she went to Empower America where she served as President and CEO. Then she was appointed by President Bush to serve as Deputy United States Trade Representative in the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR). Then she served at the US State Department as Under Secretary, Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs.

    She was recommended by President Bush and appointed to the position of Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Programme.

    Here is my point. Josette Sheeran was educated by True Parents and loved True Parents and the work we do. Whether she overtly maintains a connection to them is irrelevant. Do you think anyone who openly professes a connection to Rev. Moon could be appointed to such positions of responsibility and power to get things done? I do not blame her for denying the connection. What I do know is that when your heart and conscience are moved by God to understand that God's plan is to build His Kingdom, and put an end to the suffering and misery in the world, and you do everything in your power to make that happen, it does not matter what label you have on your lapel badge.

    I applaud the work she is doing, and I wish her well. We met on a few occasions, and we know one another, though not well. I am saddened by all the communications I have received that suggest I am glorifying someone who left our movement. I don't think I have ever heard Josette say a derogatory thing about the church. All I have read is that she is no longer associated with us. She asked me at one point to take her writings off my web site, and I complied. In fact, many people have asked me just the same thing, as they find that their open association with our church has affected their career possibilities, given the climate of prejudice against us. I do not hold that against them, if they want to keep their associations with the Unification movement, present or former, a private matter.

  162. Anonymous9:51 AM

    What do we do with people who are doing great work for the world? We typically nominate them and appoint them as Ambassadors for Peace. I think that Josette Sheeran Shiner deserves that title, and whether she accepts it or not, she is doing the work of True Parents and the work of an Ambassador for Peace. If you are doing anywhere close to as much as she is, do not tell me yourself, I will hear about it from the people you are serving.

    What are the steps in the process of salvation in Unification Theology? First, we make a foundation of faith, connecting to God internally in faith, love and obedience, and learn to discipline our mind and body to live a religious life, gaining the qualification to stand as Abel, or spiritual leader. Secondly, we make the foundation of substance, where we love others to the point where they come to trust us, listen to us, and emulate our example, in the position of our Cains, or disciples. On this foundation, we are qualified to meet the Messiah, and receive God's blessing.

    We must be wary of making the religion OF True Parents the religion ABOUT True Parents. Christianity is not about Jesus, it is about living as Jesus lived. The same can be said of Unificationism. We must we wary of becoming the "dim, sputtering wicks glimmering in the falling darkness" and a "dead body of clergy trailing empty slogans." Father is not teaching the Principle about himself, but is teaching a universal divine principle that he discovered, which, if we live by it, will save this world, and make God's eternal kingdom a reality here on Earth and in the eternal spiritual world.


    Damian Anderson
    Apostle of the Lord

  163. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Notice this part:

    Do you think anyone who openly professes a connection to Rev. Moon could be appointed to such positions of responsibility and power to get things done? I do not blame her for denying the connection.

  164. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Ditto that for me 9:31 AM

  165. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Wow, how quickly this got buried and forgotten and ignored in the comments thread. Please tell your brain not to forget about the first sentences of the whole paragraph once it reaches the last three sentences. Read it again. Slow down. Let it sink in. Try to focus.
    To 6:57

    Presently the World Economic Forum with its 4th Industrial Revolution calling for ESG implementation and a known long time Unification Church leader, Josette Sheeran are very, very close to implmenting their agendas of a cashless society, total tracking, and supervisory control over the world food and water supplies. Lucis Trust has placed their meditative focus upon the World Economic Forum and the implementation of its agenda. Josette Sheeran has mapped much of the ESG Agenda. Klaus Schwab has openly advocated in his books and on WEF websites and videos for human implants. Too frighteningly close to Revelation 13. Right now I don't see Mormon leadership. If Trump regains the White House in 2024 (God forbid!), he has clearly announced his intention to vastly broaden the powers of the Presidency and limit the independence of other branches of government. HIS spiritual advisor "Paula White" is as close as close can be to the Unification Church interests and Mrs. Moon. I don't see Romney marching on the Capitol. Trump summoned the mob that on January 6, 2021 clearly did.


    7:44 PM

  166. "God's plan is to build His Kingdom, and put an end to the suffering and misery in the world"

    anybody notice this dominionist typw heresy? God is recruiting for His Kingdom at present but will bring and install His Kingdom at the Second Coming.

    we should attempt to alleviate sffering, but tat's not about building the Kingdom here.

  167. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Film Critic of 'Sound of Freedom' Leftist Spokesman for Minor Attracted Person Advocacy Group

    'Noah Berlatsky'

    The Synagogue of Satan seemingly always points the way to the cesspool, for swimming lessons! Of course there is none of that here! None whatsoever.

  168. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Constance @ 2:33 AM

    "Christine, you should try Jesus Christ as your savior rather than Donald Trump."

    Christine has never given any indication of believing in "Donald Trump as her savior".

    She has always given an accurate assessment of the man. Good and not so good.

    Very dumb of you Constance!

  169. Christine,

    You MUST read the article 10:45 cited as well as Benjamin Teitelbaum's book. It was your strange opposition to help for Ukraine in the Russian invasion that inspired much of my research as to what was coming from the MAGA and QANON cults. There were too many MAGA people who were anti-UBkraine and I smelled something very strange. Bannon played an effective Christian game for a time and season with his (and David Bossey's) help for Phil Robertson's very Christian films -- produced by Steve Bannon TORCHBEARER. I now know from my research that Bannon made calculated decisions to do this even though he had a very different deeply occult agenda of bringing down society. Trump was his chosen instrument as the "destroyer" do do this.

    You will read all about the Bannon, Dugin Traditionalist Movement in Benjamin Teitelbaum's brilliant book, WAR FOR ETERNITY.

    I am very saddened to see you so apparently taken in by the Trump - Bannon - pro Putin cult interests.


  170. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Mrs. Death Cult leader.

    I'm very saddened to see you taken in by the ultra leftist, pro-perversion, and pro-war Legacy Media.

    Maybe you should make the Real Jesus your Savior, and not your fake, woke, Death Cult 'jesus'?

  171. Anonymous11:18 AM

    "Christine, you should try Jesus Christ as your savior rather than Donald Trump.


    2:33 AM"


    It's why Constance has been summarily demoted in my mind as an influence for good.
    After all the years of good and consistent work she has reduced herself to this.

    What a shame she doesn't have the confidence in her warnings and material that she resorts to meanness to give force and weight to her opinion and research.
    That's no better than Trump does.
    But he does it ignorantly (not even a believer) it is his "style" and Constance does it as one who is a believer so it's unbecoming.
    Trump is merely a secular being with some good direction and strength for leading all while he is a deeply flawed man. So what? History is full of people like that. This isn't heaven the last time I checked..
    But that doesn't not automatically mean people are wholesale worshiping him.

    Maybe you need to regain your "perspective" Constance, at What Constance Thinks.

    Constance you should stick to what you do know.
    But you don't know another's heart and motivation.

    The spirit of that post is awful.

  172. Anonymous11:21 AM

    U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan just ruled that Donald Trump will not get a new trial in the case he lost to E. Jean Carroll.

    Kaplan not only said that Trump’s arguments were all “unpersuasive,” but also said that the idea that the court didn’t find that Trump raped her is not entirely correct.

    Kaplan specifically said that “Carroll failed to prove that she was ‘raped’ within the meaning of the New York Penal Law,” but it’s not true “that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape.’ Kaplan went on to say, “Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that.”

    So technically it sounds like the judge says Trump is a rapist, just not by the NY legal definition.

  173. Anonymous11:26 AM

    10:27 AM Christine.

    It is blatant.
    The same flavor as X.
    Maybe a different angle but same thrust.

    Avoid the wolves that pose as sheep!

  174. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I'm not a big fan of Russell Brand, but he hits the nail on the head in this video!

  175. Anonymous11:59 AM


    Word of Faith Televanglist Kenneth Copeland has also portrayed God as a failure many times throughout his ministry. He's also said Jesus was a failure. I've seen and heard both statements on videos. Here's a quote by Copeland in 1988 on Trinity
    Broadcasting Network. "I was shocked when I found out who the biggest failure in the Bible actually is….The biggest one is God….I mean, He lost His top-ranking, most anointed angel; the first man He ever created; the first woman He ever created; the whole earth and all the Fullness therein; a third of the angels, at least–that's a big loss, man."

    It's no wonder that Pope Francis chose the Southwest Believer's Convention to begin his 'miracle of unity' by an iPhone message to Copeland. That was in 2014. Since then, I don't know that they like each other, but there has been signs of unity between Word of Faith New Apostolic Reformation. Copeland has been speaking at NAR churches, most recently with Bill Johnson, Bethel, Redding, CA. Since I'm on the subject of Kenneth Copeland, I'll also add that he spoke at the Trump Rally at the ReAwaken America Tour last year in Pennsylvania.


  176. Anonymous12:00 PM

    The Clintons, Obama, and Biden all have very deep ties to Russia and China, and Brussels.

    Why doesn't Ms Cumbey pursue understanding the advancements of the New world Order, and it's New Age underpinnings, from their sordid history of complicity with those global players?
    Klaus Schwab hates Trump, but loves that unholy trinity.

  177. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Trump is courting voters, not "religion" from the various and oft times nefarious, self-proclaimed
    "men or women of God".

    He uses them and they use him.

    Just like the Dems use minorities for their horrific codependent relationship.
    So left, right, even the middle, is toast, because God has left the building.

  178. Anonymous12:11 PM


    In case you wish to learn about the Mormon cult, along with its worldwide agenda. When it comes to shear numbers, power and influence, Mormonism dwarfs the Unification cult. In fact, Mormonism is the fastest growing 'religion' in the entire world, and has been for years.

    The God Makers: A Shocking Expose of What the Mormon Church Really Believes
    by Ed Decker (Author)

    “This book is dynamite! The most powerful thing I’ve read on the subject. Get your Mormon friends to read it.”
    ―Dr. John MacArthur
    Pastor-Teacher, Grace Community Church, CA

    Mormons claim to follow the same God and the same Jesus as Christians. They also state that their gospel comes from the Bible. But are they telling the truth? The God Makers, one of the most powerful books to penetrate the veil of secrecy surrounding the rituals and doctrines of the Mormon Church, reveals the inner workings and beliefs of Mormonism. Through personal interviews and well-documented evidence, you’ll discover the true nature of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its hidden worldwide agenda.

  179. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Why is the Death Cult so incredibly obsessed with NAR MAGA Qanon Trump Trump Trump The Insurrection That Wasn't An Insurrection White Folks etc. etc. etc. etc. When in fact it is the Global Fed that is fitting to put the MOTB on yer body, soul, and spirit? All the players are in place, and the setup demon, Biden, is preparing the way for the AC.

    But I guess dried, ground-up Gnats, are the blow for the Cult

    One was taken, the other one left. Lord Lord open unto us!

    Beware of the 'Foolish' Death Cult! Run from it!

  180. Anonymous12:20 PM

    The "woman" that accused Donald Trump of "raping" her inside a NY department store dressing room:

    E. Jean Carrol

    PS: Go to her page by going here:

    The only thing this freaky woman has on her mind is kinky sex, more sex and adultery.
    Not exactly the high moral woman that can be trusted to tell the truth ... but that's just my opinion.

  181. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Danna Nessel, Janet Yellen, Noah Berlatsky, Merrick Garland, Christopher Wray, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari, Adam Schiff, and so so so very many more!

    If Dear Death Cult Leader only focussed on these folks, and their connections, it would do more to expose evil, than straining at Moonies, Trump, and such.

    But majoring in the minors is more fun!

    Entertaining oneself by indulging in their psychosis!

  182. Anonymous12:48 PM


  183. Anonymous12:50 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  184. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I'm reading Phoenix Rising for the first time. I had no idea of the far-reaching influence of the Moonies.


  185. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Ooops, I meant to say I'm reading Bad Moon Rising. I've also just started Phoenix Rising: Birthing of the Strong Delusion. It'sgood reading also, but not pertinent to this discussion.


  186. Constance,
    there is nothing strange about my opposition to Ukyaine if you were following what's been going on for the past decades.

    Russia is in the position almost now, that we were in in the Cuban missile crisis.

    I don't need dugin or putin to know two things: 1. BATO has been encraching and Putin complaining for decdes 2. USA has no interests in eastern Europe and is ignoring iterests at home.

  187. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Appears Sound of Freedom is astroturfing ticket sales and viewership.

    “Is the Success of “Sound of Freedom” Just A Ticket Sales Conspiracy?“

    “….Seats all sold out … but no one’s watching?

    But…and of course, there’s a but — the film has attracted criticism for its connections to the controversial QAnon conspiracy theory. And an interesting story suggests the whole box office success is a conspiracy.

    Twitter user @CyKoore shared that in his local cinema, the film has been sold out in seven out of its nine timeslots, except only seven people showed up to watch the movie across all nine screenings

    And the plot thickens with an odd pattern in seat choice. A screenshot of a Saturday screening shows that while many of the seats have been taken, it’s the seats in the front row and the sides that were actually sold — the same seats normally last to go because they just don’t give you an optimal viewing experience.

    It’s the good seats — the center seats from the third row to the third to the last row — that were still strangely available. And according to the Daily Dot, this pattern holds for seats in screenings into this week. ….”

  188. I have someone at ho,e here saying I had put Tru,p ahead of Jesus no internet useage lots of tv news etc. Dif someone in legacy media start or voice this ide of peoplw putting Trump ahead of Jesus?

  189. Anonymous5:02 PM

    “We should be concerned about this as Republicans. I’m having more ‘rational Republicans’ coming up to me and saying, ‘I just don’t know how long I can stay in this party.
    Now our party is becoming known as a group of kind of extremist, populist over-the-top [people] where no one is taking us seriously anymore.”
    -GOP Senator Lisa Murkowski

  190. Anonymous5:07 PM

    MAJOR BREAKING: Donald Trump is accused by the Department of Justice of breaking THREE laws relating to their investigation of January 6.

    Yesterday, Donald Trump revealed on social media that he received a target letter and that he was given four days to report to a Grand Jury.

    We now know the DOJ will present facts to a grand jury that Donald Trump violated the following statutes:




    The statutes listed likely refer to the prosecutor’s interest in charging Trump with obstructing the election certification process, including Trump’s efforts to pressure Mike Pence to stop the certification of President Biden’s 2020 victory.

    According to a source in his own team, Trump is expected to be charged with crimes including conspiracy, obstruction, and civil rights violations.

    Jack Smith is NOT messing around.

    A violation of the first statute alone could carry a prison term of 5 years in prison.

    There’s no denying it. Jack Smith has the goods.

  191. Anonymous5:23 PM


    Bigger than the Mormons? How many Moonies have you known in your lifetime? In the past 40 years, I met a couple that were Moonies, while I have known countless Mormons.

  192. Anonymous5:37 PM

    In reply to Constance...

    Re: "failure of the cross"
    The quote heard 'round the world from Pope Francis in his sermon at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City on September 24, 2015. Although not articulated in that sermon 8 years ago... Pope Francis was actually echoing the words of St. Paul. See below . . .


    In his homily in Slovakia on September 14, 2021 before a crowd of 30,000, Pope Francis spoke about the cross (echoing the words of St. Paul) . . .

    The pope began his homily by quoting St. Paul, “We proclaim Christ crucified,” a sign of “the power of God and the wisdom of God,” and said the apostle “does not hide the fact that, in terms of human wisdom, the cross appears as a ‘scandal’ and ‘foolishness.’”

    “In the eyes of the world, the cross represents failure,” the pope said, “the latest proof that the course of events in our world does not change: The good are cast aside, and the wicked prevail and prosper.”

    He reminded Slovak believers that they, too, can fall into the temptation of seeing the cross as a failure. “How often do we long for a Christianity of winners, a triumphalist Christianity that is important and influential, that receives glory and honor? Yet a Christianity without a cross is a worldly Christianity and shows itself to be sterile.”

    He reminded them that the apostle John, who stood at the foot of the cross and whose Gospel account of the crucifixion was read before he spoke, “saw that despite appearances, Jesus is not a loser but God, who willingly offers himself for every man and woman.”

    Francis continued: “Jesus could have saved his life, he could have kept his distance from the misery and brutality of human history. Instead, he chose to enter into that history, to immerse himself in it…so that no one on Earth should ever be so desperate as not to be able to find him, even there, in the midst of anguish, darkness, abandonment, the scandal of his or her own misery and mistakes. There, to the very place we think God cannot be present, there he came. And now, with him, we are no longer alone, ever.”

    Francis told those present, and those watching on national television, “Crucifixes are found all around us: on necks, in homes, in cars, in pockets.” But, he asked, “What good is this, unless we stop to look at the crucified Jesus and open our hearts to him…and we weep before the God wounded for love of us?”

    “Let us not reduce the cross to an object of devotion, much less to a political symbol, to a sign of religious and social status,” the pope said. “If we fix our gaze on Jesus, his face comes to be reflected on our own: His features become ours, the love of Christ wins us over and transforms us.”

  193. assuming that story about tickets is true, sounds more like a conspirqcy to keep people from seeing it, ayone looking to buy tickets fids them sold out.

  194. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Christine, I thought about it and i don't think Trump is on the up-and-up. Sorry.

    As far as the Ukraine Russia war and NATO goes, yes NATO has had the former USSR surrounded for years but Russia's invasion had nothing to do with that, in my opinion.

    10 years ago they took Crimea and now if you look at a map they appear to have taken double the land mass as Crimea, again.

    What will Russia do in another 10 years?

    If I lived in Europe I'd be concerned.

    PS give Mrs Cumbey a break Christine, she clearly loves you. Don't make mountains out of mole hills ( - :
