
Sunday, June 18, 2023

Very Brief - Please read the Cliff Kincaid article about New Agers in the Trump circles

 To our readers:  Please read, print, download and otherwise circulate the attached very valuable article by Cliff Kincaid on his America Survival site.  I'm making this brief, because I don't want to detract from Rich Peterson's very excellent article that is currently posted.  The article which appeared in late 2021 (I'm still not sure how I missed it!) is entitled New Agers and Russian Agents in Trump Circles.

Stay tuned!


  1. Anonymous9:44 AM

    With the revelations coming out concerning the likely reason the Deep State is fighting so hard to bury Trump, being his great opposition to their endless wars. This stated, Trump seems the moral superior of at least the four presidents before him. Yet someone here is still suffering miserably with TDS!

  2. Anonymous10:30 AM

    When Trump is seen as morally superior to anyone, you know the Russian propaganda is working.

  3. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Indeed, someone here is suffering miserably from TDS - Trump Delusional Syndrom

  4. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Joe Rogan and billionaire Elon Musk have lashed out at a vaccine researcher, Dr. Peter Hotez ~ who dismissed Rogan's recent interview with anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as 'nonsense'.

    Dr. Peter Hotez, a pediatrician and dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, on Saturday tweeted his concerns about Rogan's interview with Kennedy, a longshot Democratic presidential candidate.

    Kennedy in the interview repeated his claims that common childhood vaccines cause autism, which Hotez called 'just awful' as he lamented 'it’s clear many actually believe this nonsense.'

    Joe Rogan: "Peter, if you claim what RFK jr is saying is 'misinformation' I am offering you
    $100,000.00 to the charity of your choice if you’re willing to debate him on my show with no time limit."

    Elon Musk quickly chimed in to goad on the drama, tweeting that Hotez 'just hates charity'... saying the scientist is 'afraid of a public debate, because he knows he’s wrong.'

  5. Anonymous1:05 PM

    When Trump is demonized and seen as 'orange man bad'... you know the Biden Administration / pro-Ukraine propaganda machine is working.

  6. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Yes... there is clearly more evidence to reveal 'TDS' (Trump DERANGEMENT Syndrome).

    Just turn on the TV... and the American people are hit right between the eyes with indoctrination 24/7 from: ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN ('Chicken Noodle News'); MSNBC (M-'MESS'-NBC)... not to mention the late night 'comics' (when was the last time they said anything funny?)... "The View" (where only Liberal thoughts & opinions are allowed)... to parrot the narrative of the day.

    Anyone brave enough to challenge the accepted narrative (using logic and common sense)... will be bullied / shut down... or worse (cancelled / destroyed).

    Globalists and New Agers have a LOT in common... their goal is complete CONTROL over the masses.

  7. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Marla Maples and Tiffany Trump are very involved New Agers. Yet, Trumpists want to give him a pass, as though he doesn't know what's going on.

  8. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Top Prosecutor in Trump Case Had Unethical Past, Court Records Show

    Court records show that the top prosecutor in the classified documents case against former President Donald Trump was previously cited for unethical behavior in a federal drug case, according to the New York Post.

    Karen Gilbert, who is currently playing a key role on Special Counsel Jack Smith's team, was required to step down as the head of the narcotics division in the Miami U.S. Attorney's office due to her involvement in illegally wiretapping a defense attorney in 2009, according to court documents.

    Around that time, Florida family medicine physician Dr. Ali Shaygan was pitted against Gilbert. In June 2007, Shaygan's patient, James Brendan Downey, died after receiving a prescription for methadone. During the litigation process, Gilbert and her colleague Sean Cronin suspected the defense of witness tampering. They then decided to wiretap Shaygan's lawyer without approval from the local U.S. Attorney at the time, R. Alexander Acosta. Despite Gilbert's efforts to throw ethics, the wiretap ended up providing no useful information.

    In an interview with the Post, Shaygan, who was found not guilty on all charges, told the publication that Gilbert is unfit to be a federal prosecutor.

    "I have no reason to believe that she will behave ethically in any circumstance," Shaygan said. "I do not find it appropriate for her to still be employed by the Department of Justice. She was a sorry sack of lies."

    Following the decision in Shaygan's case, it was described that Gilbert and her team had acted in "bad faith" and with "gross negligence." As a result, U.S. District Judge Alan Gold ordered the government to pay $601,795 in legal fees to Shaygan.

    "The government acknowledges and deeply regrets that it made serious mistakes," the Justice Department wrote in court papers.

    According to records from the Federal Election Commission, Gilbert has also been criticized for her past political donations to Democratic candidates running for federal office. This includes over $2,000 given to the presidential campaigns of former President Barack Obama and current President Joe Biden.

  9. Anonymous2:02 PM

    1:40 PM

    Neither Donald Trump nor his supporters are responsible for any choices that Marla Maples or Tiffany Trump make in life.

    For that matter, most people probably have at least one screwed up 'new ager' in their extended family (perhaps a sister-in-law, or a cousin, etc). That hardly makes ALL of their 'relatives' New Agers.

    Just like many Christians have agnostics or atheists in their family.

    Nice try though (LOL).

  10. Anonymous2:53 PM

    To Anonymous @ 6:08 PM (on the PREVIOUS thread)...

    Re: "Trump Arrest EXPOSED The REAL STORY They're Not Telling You"


    FYI: When I clicked on that YouTube link you provided, I received the following message...

    (Surprise, surprise. LOL)

  11. Anonymous3:15 PM

    The REAL reason why the Biden Administration supports Ukraine in their war against Russia...

    The Globalist Deep State Cabal want to ERASE EVIDENCE of their corruption in human trafficking, arms trafficking, drug trafficking, and money laundering schemes.

    Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton don't want the world to find out that they have been using Ukraine as their base of operations!!!

    Ukraine-Globalist-Deep State Cabal

  12. Anonymous7:08 PM

    "Normal" isn't coming back.

    Jesus is.

  13. Anonymous7:10 PM

    True that...2:02 PM

  14. Anonymous8:26 PM

    'Double-Talking Vaccine Scientist Refuses To Debate RFK Jr Despite 1.5 Million Charity Pot

    Hotez prefers the 'safe space' of MSNBC...

  15. Anonymous8:39 PM

    People 'Up To Date' With COVID-19 Vaccines More Likely To Be Infected: Study

  16. Anonymous9:51 PM

    7:08 PM

    Yes, we realize that 'normal' isn't coming back.

    But, what's wrong with calling attention to (acknowledging) how ABNORMAL the world is now?

  17. Anonymous9:52 PM

    The past 3 years have felt like we're living in 'the twilight zone.'

  18. Anonymous10:20 PM

    9:51 PM

    I didn't weigh in on that. Comment about that all you want to.
    My comment hit the fast forward about where this is all headed.

  19. "But, what's wrong with calling attention to (acknowledging) how ABNORMAL the world is now?"

    I think its good to call attrntion so people don't get used to and accept abnormality.

  20. Anonymous11:08 PM

    MCE @ 10:51 PM

    There is nothing wrong with that. Who said there was?
    But that is done a lot.
    My 7:08 PM comment took things to the vertical and bypassed the horizontal, for once.


  22. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Scientists create a model human embryo with its very own heartbeat that could spill secrets about the first weeks of life

    It was created from human stem cells without eggs, sperm or fertilisation

  23. model? its a human preborn infant! calling a model makes it sound llike some nonliving thing that is okay to experiment on or kill.

  24. Anonymous3:39 AM

    Yes, Christine @ 3:35 PM... I agree with you.

    (These are dark, EVIL times we are living in.)

  25. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Joe Rogan's complete (unedited) interview with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

  26. Anonymous8:05 AM

    "My 7:08 PM comment took things to the vertical and bypassed the horizontal, for once."

    Finally, a refreshing comment here. Thanks for that. LOL

  27. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Peter Hotez is a serious scientist. Why would he platform or in any way legitimize anti-intellectual propagandists (murderous misinformers) like rfk, Elon musk or Rogan.

    There are facts and there is grifting entertainment.

    Unwillingness to participate in a puppet show doesn’t make the puppets real or accurate.


    P.S. - still find it hilarious that conservatives are promoting the faux environmentalist RFK

  28. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Trump and his worshippers can cry and make up all the stories he/they want about the "deep state." But true patriots know that there's no excuse for espionage. He belongs in prison, not the White House.


  29. Anonymous10:50 AM

    X @ 10:23 AM

    "anti-intellectual propagandists (murderous misinformers)"

    X AGAIN describes himself to a tee!

  30. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Are You Ready For Today's Juneteenth Federal Holiday?

  31. Anonymous11:02 AM

    10:50 am

    Your "I know you are but one am I" argument is so intellectual.

    You smart.


  32. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Harvard Poll: Most Voters Say Trump Indictment Is Election Interference, Believe He’ll Be Acquitted

  33. Anonymous11:04 AM

    ESPIONAGE! Big scary word, no reality.

    Barack Obama used the Espionage act more than all other presidents combined. Enough said.

    The reality is that Trump, the narcissistic, flesh indulgent one, is by far the moral superior to greatly deceived, ultra left wing, warmongering, woke 'christain' Constance Cubey!

    And that isn't likely to change anytime soon given the hard headed, stubborn nature of pharisees.

  34. "But true patriots know that there's no excuse for espionage. He belongs in prison, not the White House."

    you can't talk espionage until you establish he transferred any to some foreign agent or to outside the country, or tried to do so. And we have to be sure the Presidential Records Act doesn't cover any of this.

  35. Anonymous11:12 AM

    10:49 AM

    You are 'coo coo for coca puffs'...

    Your comment should have been: "True patriots know that there's no excuse for espionage... and JOE BIDEN belongs in prison, not the White House."


    (Anyone who can't SEE this has their head so far up their a--, they may never see the light of day again.)

  36. Anonymous11:19 AM

    It is just so much easier to strain at gnats, than deal with reality.

  37. Anonymous11:23 AM

    11:19 AM

    So please stop 'straining'... we wouldn't want you to become constipated.

    (P.S. I prefer my reality to your 'reality')

  38. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Gavin Newsom is running a shadow campaign for President

    This explains why the Deep State is pointing out all of Biden's scandals - they may want to replace him with Newsom

  39. Anonymous11:27 AM

    11:04 am


    Prosecutors have charged Trump with violating a section in the Espionage Act which applies to someone who has "unauthorized possession" of national defense information - the same crime to which former intelligence contractor Reality Winner recently pleaded guilty.

    This section of the law makes it a crime to willfully retain the information and fail to deliver it back to the proper U.S. government official.

    Such section has nothing to do with delivering to a foreign agent or outside the country.


  40. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Trump Delusional Syndrome (TDS) has some pretty severe symptoms. A brain paralysis belief that Trump has moral superiority over all republican candidates.

    Those stricken see Trump as their only choice. They ignore the fact that he and his endorsed candidates are unelectable. He will never convince the electorate in a minimum of three swing states to vote for him again. Those with TDS prefer to see republican losses rather than cast aside this “morally superior man” because they know the “storm is coming”, not to be confused with porn star Stormy Daniels.

    Christians who aren’t convinced of Paula White’s testimonial that she led the Donald to Christ have become enemies of those suffering from Trump Delusional Syndrome (TDS). Christians who dare voice criticism are greeted with their spoon fed mantra “orange man bad, orange man baaaaaaad” as though they are goats hurling insults.

    We roll our eyes at those who suffer from TDS syndrome. They are too far gone. They look for a political salvation.

    There are those of us who vote republican who never will vote from Trump again. We would prefer to sit out the election just as we did when given the choice between Romney and Obama.

    We need a new slate. The republicans have one but those with TDS (Trump Delusional Syndrome) intend to blow it up.

  41. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Lil Luciferian X, just can't see past the lies of satan, and focus on the obvious. It ain't his nature.

    Perfect sock puppet for Constance. Just the same as Biden is the perfect sock puppet for the Deep State.

  42. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Biden is behaving like a DICTATOR!!!

    This (past) week's arrest of former President Donald Trump shows the abuse of justice against a political opponent that dictatorships would envy, Rudy Giuliani told Newsmax.

    "The most important historical point that emerges from this is this is probably the most complete destruction of the Department of Justice as an instrument of justice in the history of this country," Giuliani told "Saturday Report." "No attorney general, no president, including Watergate, have ever taken it over quite the way these people have.

    "You can't really tell the difference between the FBI, the Justice Department, and the state police in East Germany or Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia right now, or in China."

  43. Anonymous11:51 AM

    11:43 AM

    That is completely false!

    As posters here have repeated ad nauseam, but falling on deaf ears, is the FACT that there are no Trump worshipers here! There are some, I'm sure, in the greater populace, but not here. However that matters not to the narrative directing Pharisee, and the little cult-lings here, because their nature is to serve the Prince of this World.

    Enjoy the fruits of your passion!

  44. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Very nice 11:43.... I do also always get a kick out of the Trumpers trying to use TDS to describe discerning individuals who ascertained long ago that Trump was an unqualified unelectable reprobate narcissist who represented a grave danger to our country.

    Maga is a derangement


  45. Anonymous12:17 PM


    Even without the Espionage Act, walking away from a government agency with ANY confidential documents or highly classified information is a serious legal violation with serious consequences.

    Trump could have turned this situation around at any time by returning the documents when asked to do so. Instead, he chose to "hide" them in the bathroom next to the toilet and a copy machine. There's no getting around his open defiance of the law.


  46. Anonymous12:27 PM

    This article, The Dark Historical Roots of Starseeds, ties it all together, New Age, Theosophy, UFOs, QAnon, white supremacy, and more.

    I’d never heard of starseeds before January 6,2021, when one of them stormed the Capitol building in DC. In the days after, I was researching Jake Angeli, the ‘Qanon shaman’, and discovered he ran something called the ‘Starseed Academy'. Like other ‘starseeds’, Jake thinks he is a highly evolved soul from another planet. I wondered what a psychedelic hippy alien was doing mixed up in a quasi-fascist insurrection.


  47. Anonymous12:41 PM


    I'll be interested in your take on the Prime Video Shiny Happy People exposing the Duggards and Gotthard cult.


  48. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I know we haven't heard from Constance for quite awhile as apparently she is still recovering from her serious disease of Trump Derangement Syndrome, aka TDS.

    Obviously, Cliff Kincaid must have caught her from her, or vice versa.

    Hey Cliff & Constance: any weirdos in the Biden Administration? Just asking.

  49. Anonymous1:10 PM


    Any comments on the 1800+ boxes of documents that was found to be in possession of Joe Biden? Or are you also suffering from TDS? (Don't bother answering, I already know the answer)

  50. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Anonymous 11:43 AM and X @ Noon: I agree on every point. Very well said.

    TDS brain paralysis is rampant among evangelicals and charismatics. The NAR and word of faith 'apostles' and 'prophets' are declaring a coming Trump victory in 2024. They are the same deceivers and liars that were WRONG in 2020. I don't believe God will allow a Trump win in 2024 that would give legitimacy to these false ministries.


  51. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Yeah, Linda @ 12:17 PM

    Because a much better option would be to store your classified documents in the garage next to your Corvette? (LOL)

  52. Anonymous1:25 PM

    The 1:15 PM Linda sure sounds an awful lot like our Constance.

  53. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Opposing Critical Race Theory Doesn't Make You a "White Supremacist"
    06/02/2023 Julian Adorney The Mises Institute

    Read the entire article here:é

    Crenshaw, one of the founders of critical race theory (CRT), recently decried what she called the “war on wokeness” (by which she seems to mean a war on CRT). According to her, this “war on wokeness” is “the road to an authoritarian state that’s paved through the history of white supremacy.”

    It’s true that the “war on wokeness” has taken on authoritarian overtones of late. Many Republicans are rejecting the ideas of pluralism and free speech that underpin the American ideal and pushing through broad laws aimed at banning the teachings of CRT. In their desire to stop “wokeness,” these laws often muzzle dissenters and are so broadly written that they can throw the baby out with the bathwater. Free speech advocates have roundly condemned these laws and for good reason.

    But it’s also true that critical race theory has serious problems. You don’t have to be a “white supremacist” or trying to promote an “authoritarian state” to be skeptical of CRT.

  54. Anonymous1:29 PM

    1:25 PM

    If it walks like a Constance, talks like a Constance, quacks like a Constance, it must be a Constance!

  55. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I don't believe God will allow a Trump win in 2024 that would give legitimacy to these false ministries.


    1:15 PM

    You're so right. Your 'god' is on the side of the wild eyed murdering abortionists that are fighting desperately for the right of the mother to kill her baby!

    The 'god' you serve Linda is well known, his name begins with the letter "L"

  56. Anonymous1:33 PM

    X @ 12:00 PM

    The only 'discerning' that you Globalist TOOLS do is to recognize that Donald Trump getting re-elected President in 2024 is ALL that is standing in the way of a complete and total takeover of the United States of America UNDER JOE BIDEN!!!

    (Therefore, Trump is a 'grave danger' to people like YOU.)

  57. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Oh, I don't know, Linda @ 1:15 PM...

    God 'allowed' Joe Biden (and his evil minions) to STEAL the November, 2020 election.

  58. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Exactly what I said, the one suffering from Trump Delusional Syndrome (TDS) now has no recourse but to accuse others who dare criticize his god of being in the Biden camp. Don't offend his political salvation otherwise you're woke, leftist, communist, immoral, baby killer, etc.

  59. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Those who reject the Donald and his immoral compass in favor of a new republican slate are all part of the "cabal" which Qanon said they intend to firmly deal with. And there are those who insist here they aren't Qanon.

  60. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Humanity will destroy itself if we don't change course!!!

  61. Anonymous2:01 PM


    Have you ever, for even a moment, considered that the REAL God of the Bible gave us Joe Biden as a judgment against us?

    What makes you think that a nation that has the blood of 60 million+ innocent babies on its collective hands deserves anything but judgment?

    America has also spread its evil wars, many of which are based on total lies, and has killed and maimed countless millions of innocent lives. Do you think that is just given a pass?

    We're also the biggest exporters of pornography, out culture is almost complete filth, and guess what, Joe Biden and his ilk are at the center of it all promoting it.

    You are judging everyone in here. You'll be held accountable for your judgment, by being judged by the same standards.

  62. Anonymous2:02 PM

    To Qanon-obsessed @ 1:46 PM

    Most of us who voted for Trump aren't even Republican. We are Independents.

    I voted for Ross Perot in 1992... until I realized too late that voting for the 'spoiler' candidate in 1992 is what catapulted Bill Clinton into the White House... since 'the conservative vote ended up being split' between George Herbert Walker Bush and Ross Perot. Lessons learned.

    Those who are unable to DEBATE why we should hate Trump... just settle for labeling us all 'Qanon'... because THAT'S ALL THEY'VE GOT.

    The arguments for why we should prefer Biden over Trump as President of the United States are either weak... or NON-EXISTANT.

  63. Anonymous2:04 PM

    For what it is worth re: "The Miles Institute" located in Auburn, Alabama.

    In the early 90s, Austrian economist Steven Horwitz called the Mises Institute "a fascist fist in a libertarian glove."

    In 2000, a report by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) categorized the Mises Institute as Neo-Confederate, "devoted to a radical libertarian view of government and economics."[27]

    In 2014, when a New York Times reporter requested a tour of the institute, [Lew} Rockwell asked him to leave, saying the reporter was "part of the regime."

    I know many of you will discount such but Lew Rockwell has a history of bigotry and anti-semiticism ...

    For example, this New Republic 2008 article about Rockwell's ghost writing racist newsletters for Ron Paul, Sr...

    ...The people surrounding the von Mises Institute--including Paul--may describe themselves as libertarians, but they are nothing like the urbane libertarians who staff the Cato Institute or the libertines at Reason magazine. Instead, they represent a strain of right-wing libertarianism that views the Civil War as a catastrophic turning point in American history--the moment when a tyrannical federal government established its supremacy over the states. As one prominent Washington libertarian told me, “There are too many libertarians in this country ... who, because they are attracted to the great books of Mises, ... find their way to the Mises Institute and then are told that a defense of the Confederacy is part of libertarian thought.”

    Source: Angry White Man

    And I'm not defending CRT, only pointing out that real racists are utilizing the "war of woke" to awaken racist neo-confederate ideology and as an opportunity to white wash history.


    p.s. - another funny thing...Alabama is 26% black...take a look at this page on their website of faculty and staff at the mises institute. It shows the names and photos of approximately 128 Fellows, Senior Fellows, Associated Scholars and Staff and not one single black person can be seen among them. Sure, "You don’t have to be a “white supremacist” or trying to promote an “authoritarian state” to be skeptical of CRT"...but it helps.

  64. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Anonymous 12:41 PM I had not planned to watch that video. Maybe I will since you ask.

    I knew someone years ago that was a disciple of Bill Gothard. The little that I heard, I thought was legalistic and a lot of mind over matter, rather than spiritual. I never paid any attention to the Duggards either. I'm not against big families, but it seemed they were having children for the sake of money rather than personal conviction. One of my parents had 16 siblings and my children have been homeschooled so there are probably things that I can relate to in their story. We're not born with parenting skills. They are developed and can change as we have children. I want to be fair to the Duggards, maybe they didn't always do everything right, but they did what they believed according to their faith. What all that had to do with Bill Gothard or a cult, I don't know.

  65. Anonymous2:07 PM

    To 2:01 PM

    What you are saying makes so much sense... that God may have in fact withdrawn His 'mantle of protection over America'... due to abortion, pedophilia, child sex trafficking, etc.

  66. Anonymous2:08 PM

    2:01 pm

    Is that your judgement?

  67. Anonymous2:15 PM

    1:46 PM

    Those who vote to re-elect Joe Biden and 'HIS IMMORAL COMPASS' should be tried and hung for treason for contributing to the downfall of the United States of America!!!

    (Even though they just 'insist' they are just looking for the Anti-Christ.)

  68. Anonymous2:17 PM

    2:08 PM


  69. Anonymous2:18 PM

    What a surprise! X quotes the radical left wing disinformation rags the New York Times and the New Republic. Then, as icing on the cake, he also quotes the extreme radical, pro-Marxist Souther Poverty Law Center!

    Is it any wonder why no one on this site (except for Linda, Constance, who very well might be the same person) takes x seriously?

  70. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Let's not forget, that x, by his own admission, voted for and supported the two most radical pro-abortion presidential candidates in American history: Barak Hussein Obama and his lacky Joe Biden!

    But don't let that bother you, x is really, really, really a conservative bible believing 'Christian.'

  71. Anonymous2:27 PM

    To 2:04 PM

    Please help me understand...

    So if Trump voters are not Qanons... they are all in cults like the Duggards???

    Thanks for giving me my laugh for the day. I really needed that.

    P.S. I guess I better get busy and go out and join a cult... since I have been living a pretty boring (and quite normal) life for my entire life.

  72. Anonymous2:29 PM

    2:20 PM

    Well, just as long as X and Constance are 'on the same page'... I guess that's all that matters here on the blog.

  73. Anonymous2:35 PM


    Let's not forget, that 2:20, by her own admission, voted for and supported a mormon candidate, Mitt Romney, three lifelong unrepentant adulterers in Reagan, McCain and Trump as well as two lying war-mongers in Bush and Bush II.

    But don't let that bother you, she is really, really, really a conservative bible believing 'Christian.'

  74. Anonymous2:44 PM

    X @ 2:18 PM

    And how do you explain 'the carnage and HATE' coming from the Radical LEFT... since the stolen election of 2020 that drop-kicked China-puppet Joe Biden into the White House (because he can be shaped and molded like silly putty)???

    Christians have NOT 'failed to love'... since most of us would be willing to sacrifice our lives to save our country from being taken over by Communist tyranny.

    God KNOWS what is in our hearts. You do NOT.

  75. Anonymous2:46 PM

    2:04 pm

    Considering your background I'd be even more interested in your take.

    I never watched the show or followed them all that much.

    I find it interesting this website never discussed Bill Gothard that I can find. The documentary appears to tie them/him to "the family" as well as Mike Huckabee, the tea party and that political idealogy movement. The para-military and political training of the boys is interesting.

    I'm not opposed to all homeschooling but this kind, where the leader/organization promotes NOT educating girls and does so for the profiteering of its organization and leader is quite despicable. It's how I feel about roman catholic schools too where unpaid nuns and "brothers" are put in place as educators while the cult church pockets the tuition (including any government vouchers).

    Anyway. Thanks. It's interesting.


  76. Anonymous2:50 PM

    The irony:

    Constance believes Trump supporters are Qanon cult members...

    Yet, she was UNABLE to see through Liz Cheney!!!

  77. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Is X talking to himself again??? LOL

  78. Anonymous2:53 PM

    2:44 pm

    Seems fascist tyranny is more the immediate risk yet you still support its de facto leader.

    Those of us opposing Maga Trumpism are the real patriots.

  79. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Can anyone here name even ONE demonic freak appointed by Biden? No, of course you can't!

    They are all sweet, loving, kind, normal, patriotic, easygoing, and middle of the road!

    Like me!


  80. Anonymous3:23 PM

    "We Do Not Support Taiwan Independence" - Tony Blinken Gives Green Light to Chicoms to Invade Taiwan(VIDEO)

  81. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I don't know what you're smokin' X at 3:10 PM... but, you need to STOP (before it destroys what's left of your remaining brain cells).

  82. Anonymous3:35 PM

    X, Are you like Sam Britton and Rachel Levin?

  83. Anonymous3:36 PM

    EXCLUSIVE: Banky panky! Hunter Biden gave his passport details and income statements to Burisma executives to set up ACCOUNT with a corrupt foreign bank that was shut down for breaking money laundering rules

    Ukrainian gas firm Burisma worked with Hunter Biden to set up an account in Malta at

    Satabank, emails from the First Son's laptop reveal

    Satabank was shut down in 2018 after an investigation found 'gross deficiencies' in its adherence to the country's anti-laundering and terror financing laws

    Emails show Hunter gave income statements, passport details and utility bills to a Burisma executive to set up an account at the now-defunct bank in 2016

  84. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Former Green Beret confronts Rochelle Walensky before hearing: “I really look forward to you testifying about your involvement in murdering 38,000 Americans due to the jab”

    The outgoing director of the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Rochelle Walensky, testified before the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic this week. And right before the proceedings began, a former Green Beret and lawyer by the name of Ivan Raiklin confronted Walensky to say that he was “really looking forward” to her testifying about her “involvement in murdering 38,000 Americans due to the jab.”

    June 18, 2023

  85. Anonymous4:08 PM

    3:35 pm

    Are you like Richard Grenell?


    p.s. - the 3:10 pm post wasn't me

  86. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Anyone and everyone that ever disagrees with Constance/Linda automatically makes you a cult member. Either you're in the Trump the Messiah Cult, or the QAnon Cult, or both.

    The only cost for membership is to disagree with Constance.

  87. Anonymous5:00 PM

    OR... you belong to the 'Constance CULT'?

  88. Anonymous5:07 PM

    The very broad side swipes of those who misjudge and mischaracterize others as Linda and X so prone to do by the sheer volume of their accusations, are constant reminders that Jesus said:
    "Judge not, lest ye be judged".
    The words of Jesus Christ are real, they weigh a ton.
    Those words apply to them like they apply to anyone, everyone else, is that not correct?
    Insults and generalizations are not facts. Facts are facts. Where are the facts then?

    Are you two individuals better people than others to be so assured that your opinions and accusations are actually to be taken seriously--on your own word alone?
    We don't know either of you (your moniker/name has no verification so remain anonymous to go by) and you know none of the rest of us as to what we actually believe or live so how can you make generalized summations to accuse anyone at all?

  89. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Reading through the posts here I don't think there is a Cumbey Cult, either.

  90. Anonymous5:30 PM

    The ARROGANCE coming from both X and Linda (who are just so damn 'sure' of themselves) speaks more to cult-like behavior.

  91. Anonymous5:41 PM

    The Cumbey Cult is a Cult of those influenced by, or possessed by, a Luciferian spirit. As are Pharisees in general. Read what Y'shua spoke to them! They are the children of the Devil. Blind + stubborn.

    They strain at a gnat, Trump, whose future is in the hands of the Deep State, unless God says otherwise. And they swallow O,Biden(current threat), the worst, and certainly the most dangerous, and subversive 'president' in modern history. As well as all the Synagogue of Satan democrats, and, the perverted, O'Biden appointees.

    They can be as ignorant, blind, and foolish as they want. But unless they repent, their future is dark.

    Anyone believing Constance, X, or Linda, is just as looney as they are.

  92. Anonymous5:54 PM

    5:07 PM

    Your sentiments are drivel.

    Constance, X, and Linda have revealed their true nature, and beliefs quite thoroughly.

    When Constance accuses those here of being under the influence of, or possessed by a Luciferian Spirit, as well as "cesspool swimmers", because they voted for Trump over Hillary, then they must speak to that rude, and nonsensical statement! To not do so, is to accept nonsense, and psychotic evil lies.

  93. Anonymous6:04 PM

    "We Are Restricting Freedom...For The Common Good: Irish Green Party Calls For Limiting Free Speech

  94. Anonymous6:12 PM

    My granddaughter just finished the first grade and she’s already reading at a Trump supporter level.


  95. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Anonymous 1:10 PM "Any comments on the 1800+ boxes of documents that was found to be in possession of Joe Biden? Or are you also suffering from TDS? (Don't bother answering, I already know the answer)" Then you know, your claim is false as fact checked by AP.

    CLAIM: President Joe Biden withheld 1,850 boxes of classified documents from his time as vice president.

    AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The National Archives and Records Administration says the boxes of files referenced in that figure are actually Biden’s Senate papers, which are housed at the University of Delaware. The federal agency told The Associated Press the files of Congress members are considered their personal property and are not subject to the same restrictions as presidential records, which are considered government property. While the FBI has searched the Delaware university records as part of a larger search for classified documents, there is no evidence they were withheld from authorities in any way.

    THE FACTS: As former President Donald Trump faces federal charges of illegally hoarding White House documents, he has repeatedly drawn comparisons to 1,850 boxes of government records kept by President Joe Biden as proof he’s being unfairly persecuted.

    “By the way, Biden’s got 1,850 boxes,” Trump said at a campaign rally in Georgia over the weekend. “He’s fighting them on the boxes. He doesn’t want to give the boxes and then they say, ‘Trump is obstructioning’.”

    On social media, supporters have echoed the figure, suggesting Biden has been fighting the release of thousands of boxes of highly sensitive government documents dating from his time as vice president under former President Barack Obama.

    “Joe Biden was withholding 1,850 boxes of classified documents from when he served as VP with no declassification authority,” reads one widely shared post on Facebook that lists the University of Delaware and other places where the allegedly sensitive documents were stored.

    A popular tweet also compared the allegations against Trump to Biden’s “1800+ boxes of documents.”

    But the 1,850 boxes referred to in these claims are being falsely conflated with classified documents from Biden’s time as vice president that have been found in other locations, such as one of his former offices in Washington and his Delaware home.

    Instead, the university documents are from the Democrat’s many years serving in Congress as a U.S. senator from Delaware, according to the National Archives and Records Administration or NARA, and the University of Delaware. Biden donated the files to his alma mater more than a decade ago.

    This is part of AP’s effort to address widely shared misinformation, including work with outside companies and organizations to add factual context to misleading content that is circulating online.


  96. Anonymous6:17 PM

    I'm sure your granddaughter is a LOT smarter than you, X. (LOL)

  97. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Anonymous 1:25 PM Constance Cumbey would have no reason to pretend to be Linda. I comment here, in my own words, when I feel like it. Deal with it.


  98. Anonymous6:37 PM

    What absolute political hypocrisy... that former President Bill Clinton was allowed to keep audiotapes in a SOCK DRAWER... yet, former President Donald Trump is facing federal charges involving classified documents at his home.

  99. Anonymous6:40 PM

    No, Constance is not posting as 'Linda'.

    Constance is not an aggressive person (like Linda)... plus, Constance has more CLASS.

  100. Anonymous6:41 PM

    X relies on the ultra left-wing radical New York Times, the New Republic, and the Southern Poverty Law Center for his 'sources.'

    Linda relies (and apparently believes) the AP reports.

    Constance never did tell us what she relies on, she just attacked every news account that differed from her's as "fake news."

  101. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Anonymous 6:12 PM Funny. I was just marveling at the reading level here.


  102. Anonymous7:13 PM


    I know, right?

    There is a least one Russian troll here stirring up stuff.

    English is certainly not his/her first language.

    Math isn’t their strong suit either. How many people, like Mrs Cumbey, my wife, and so many others jumped off the Trump train and opened their eyes after January 6th which was AFTER Trump already lost the election (and his second loss of the popular vote). How exactly could he ever make up that math and get elected again? His nomination is just gonna motivate every blue voter to show up to vote against him (and for every blue candidate down the ticket).


  103. Anonymous7:37 PM

    X @ 7:13 PM...

    I wouldn't count Trump out just yet. (They don't call him 'TEFLON Don' for nothing.)

    Trump didn't 'lose' the election; it was STOLEN from him... that was a well planned COUP.

    January 6th was a total 'set up'... with plenty of enthusiastic participation by both the FBI and Nancy Pelosi.

  104. Anonymous7:39 PM

    The Synagogue of Satan Loves Their 'president' Biden

    The Utter Failure of Merrick Garland: Turley

    Garland has continued to refuse to appoint a special counsel in the investigation of Hunter Biden

  105. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Rampant groundwater pumping has changed the tilt of Earth’s axis

    Human depletion of underground reservoirs has shifted the global distribution of water so much that the North Pole has drifted by more than 4 centimetres per year.

  106. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Maybe Constance can pass this along to the devout Catholic Cliff Kincaid? It would be great to hear what Kincaid thinks of his pope pushing the Climate Change hoax.

    (The Climate Change hoax is being used to usher in the One World Government that the Pope no doubt will play a major role in.)

    John Kerry Meets with Pope Francis: Fighting Climate Change at ‘Heart of Morality’

    ROME — Pope Francis received John Kerry in private audience at the Vatican Monday, where the two discussed the importance of combating climate change for the good of the planet.

    Kerry, in Rome as United States presidential envoy for climate, praised the pontiff for his leadership on the topic of climate change and suggested that fighting global warming is a key element of Christian morality.

    Pope Francis has “remarkable leverage” on the question of climate change, Kerry asserted in an interview with journalists, “because he has constantly been an outspoken and engaged advocate on this issue, he believes it very deeply.”

  107. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Please define "climate change hoax".

    Why are you carrying water for the oil and coal industry and repeating their propaganda?

    Just because climate change policy could be exploited by the pope, doesn't make climate change a fake. Further, fascists could just as easily be pushing anti-science disruptive disinformation contending climate change is a hoax to usher in their own version of new age alt right One World Government.


  108. So sorry to see so many here who apparently worship Donald John Trump rather than Jesus. Trump has done nothing to discourage such adulation of himself -- calls himself "the Chosen One" and sometimes wears Qanon insignia and plays theier music at his rallies. Mike Lindell, a key Trump supporter and now advisor has done just about everything to foster this culture. He wrote the foreword for LOVE JOY TRUMP and has sold it from his website. He has given financing to many of these groups by a device where he supplies them with discount codes for their followers to use. That code is used to then send 25% of cost of his expensive items purchased to the person/organization promoting this Trump adulation.

    Melissa Redpill (probably not her real name) infers she has heavy Mike Lindell support at her website


  109. I voted and even campaigned for Donald Trump for President TWICE. I personally believe that God may have allowed him to be there for the one 4 year term so we would have a more Right to Life Supreme Court. Post January 6, 2021, I would never support nor vote for Trump again -- even for Dog Catcher! And the lies spread by many Trump loyaists that those rioters were "Antifa, FBI, and Black Lives Matter people dressed up in MAGA clothing even more reinforce my belief that Trump is a dangerous man who does not have the best interests of our country at heart. I don't like Biden either, but Trump clearly has shown dictatorial aspirations of which we should all beware.


  110. Trump has been described as gullible and obviously he's got an ego problem, he is flatterable. The New Age ad NAR stuff surrounding him is disturbing, and he seems to have been srrounded also by saboteurs and the covid thing derailed a lot of his potential.

    Biden and the crew behind him is far more dictatorial, but in a incremental way. Trump is so out there that it is easy to spot and challenge overreach.

    Most importantly, he was ot in some light trance chronically as others are, and their reaction to him was like that of those in the Body Snatcher movies who would point ad scream at one they sensed was not like them.

    At this point I don't know what I would do votewise, unless the other option was Biden. de Santis seems good but seems under Bush and related influence.

    As for his personal immoprality, it is no worse just less hidden than that of most of the past decades of presidents, Reagan and wife were into the occult especially astrology. reagan seemed to be in a dream state sometimes, and contaging it to his hearers if possible, and sometimes related fiction stories as historical fact.

    WHAT IS VERY INTERESTING is the apparent overlap between new age and NAR and some charismatic thinking , and The Family Constance reported on that Lindell is part of that prayer breakfast thing.

    Reminds me of what Maw Brussel noticed i the JFK matter, that verious individuals and organizations that publicly were't on speaking terms were in each other's pockets in private and definitey overlapped i the assassination. A perfect storm of agreement in wantig JFK dead, for various reasons.

  111. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Too many people describe Trump as being naive or gullible. If that is the case, he has no business being president. There's an old saying that you can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep. Trumps inner circle Mike Lindell, Marjory Taylor Greene, Mike Flynn, Paula White, Sidney Powell, etc. all have espoused Qanon lore. Qanon is not unique to the United States. It is a global movement. Trump must have heard of this in his briefings. When asked about Qanon, Trump said they sound like good people, so he is aware of the movement.

    No, Trump is not naive. These people are in his inner circle for a reason. Flynn's calls for a "common religion" to unify the people or Greene's "national divorce" may separate the wheat from the chaff are not things Christians should excuse nor sneeze at.

  112. When looking at QAnon ideas, you have to be careful to distinguish those that have been researched before QAnon existed, and the spin and exploitation by QAnon.
    One thing that the guilty (and those too afraid it might be true to face the possibility) will try to dismiss is anything relating to elites (often falsely called a code word for Jews when in fact most are not Jews) and the pedophilia, adrenochrome and satanism and human sacrifice stuff.

    And some people have limits, were seduced by tak of truth ad how we shouldn't be lied to, to go for new age ideas packaged with that, who will expose some stuff going on but are incompetent beyond that point.

  113. Anonymous8:50 AM

    No one here worships Trump. No one here has ever thought he would deliver us from evil. There has never been a perfect 'king' seated over any nation. King David was a BIG TIME sinner....yet, he was a man after God's own heart!

    Trump must be one of the best presidents in this nation's history, or he wouldn't be under a different degree of law enforcement!

    No 'leader', whether real, or a sock puppet, can go against the warmachine, or the Globalists agenda.

    I don't care if Trump is an egotist/narcissist, or a purple hippopotamus. If he is better than the Demon Obama, and Hillary, then that's where my vote goes.

    The New Age is as prevalent as 'strings', as in string theory. Trump is not a threat because of any New Age attachments he may have. He is not the Antichrist as you may think Constance. Joe Biden is the set-up man for the Antichrist. You should take off your blinders, and maybe you could see reality. But I highly doubt your capability to do so as you are bound by your Pharisaic thinking. Generational demons are a bitch!

    Im deeply troubled that you claim to be a 'christian' while supporting the war in Ukraine, and the Nazis on the Ukrainian side. It is your 'woke jesus' Constance that isn't in the bible! There is scanty evidence that you are a true Christian yourself. Rather ample evidence that you are a leftist religionist, a Pharisee, and little more than that!

  114. Anonymous8:55 AM

    United Nations Planning Digital ID Linked To Bank Accounts

  115. Anonymous8:59 AM

    The fact that X, and Linda seem to be front and center in Constance's view, does not speak well of her character.

  116. Anonymous9:04 AM

    The fact that 8:50 thinks Ukraine should behave similarly as Paris when the Nazis stormed in does not speak well for the Russian troll.

  117. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Are You A Conspiracy Theorist?

  118. Anonymous9:09 AM

    9:04 AM

    There was opportunity for peace talks over the conflict, but that was vigorously opposed by the West.

  119. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Ron Paul: We Need A Peace President

  120. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Russian Troll at 9:09 really believes Ukraine would have been fine without Western NATO talks.

    From "Putin's Brain"

    Foreign policy analysts have since looked to Dugin for a more fulsome understanding of Putin's goal in Ukraine. Specifically, they turn to Dugin's magnum opus, a 1997 book called The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia.

    Published a quarter-century ago, Dugin's book prescribes that for Russia to rebuild its power globally, it would need to use disinformation, destabilization — and annexation. One of the targets for Russian annexation, he wrote, should be Ukraine.

  121. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Turning Point Australia tour with Donald Trump Jr is planned for July. Australians are petitioning to bar Jr from entering the country.

  122. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I don't like Biden either, but Trump clearly has shown dictatorial aspirations of which we should all beware.


    6:37 AM

    You claim to not like Biden either, yet, you almost never criticize anything that Biden and his Administration does. With you, it's Trump, Trump, and more Trump.

    You claim you wouldn't vote for Trump for "Dog Catcher," yet you don't make the same claim for Biden. Why is that Constance?

  123. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Constance says:

    "So sorry to see so many here who apparently worship Donald John Trump rather than Jesus."

    Isn't it amazing that Constance somehow is able to know everyone's heart? Here's a revelation to Constance: you are not God. Only God knows a person's heart, so claiming that voters of Trump are somehow 'worshipping him rather than Jesus' is pure evil. You will answer for your numerous, judgmental slanders that you've thrown at Trump voters.

    Apparently, Constance believes you CANNOT BE A CHRISTIAN and cast a vote for Trump!
    But X can vote for Obama twice and Biden, the two most radical pro-abortion POTUS candidates in American history. Do you ever see Constance criticizing X, or questioning his faith? NEVER!

  124. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Hey Constance ... somehow you must have missed the numerous criticisms of Biden that was written by Cliff Kincaid. Apparently, you only read his critiques of Donald Trump.

    Here's a sampling:
    Biden is toast: The lies of Obama-Biden

    By Cliff Kincaid
    January 12, 2023

    The lies of Obama-Biden are far more significant than those of one member of Congress—Rep. George Santos—who claimed to be gay and fudged the facts about his background. Obama campaigned under false pretenses as a Christian when he was a Marxist mole in the American political system. Now, Obama-Biden secret documents are being found in a closet and a garage. I suspect Obama’s hand is behind Biden’s latest scandal.

    For his part, when he ran in 2008, Obama must have figured that since the major media were failing to seriously examine his background, they would be prepared to overlook or at least minimize Joe Biden’s history of plagiarism. It was a good bet. Charges of plagiarism drove Biden from the presidential race in 1988. But they didn’t become a factor in 2008, when Obama picked Biden as his vice-president, or in 2020, when Biden ran as president.

    Everybody knows that Biden, like Santos, had a tendency to exaggerate or embellish, but Biden’s career flourished since those incidents. It’s because he served the interests of the elites devoted to what Biden—in a March 21, 2022, speech before the Business Roundtable’s CEO Quarterly Meeting in DC—called the “New World Order.”

    Now, apparently, Biden can be discarded. I suspect Obama is pulling the strings behind the scene. After all, to repeat, “Obama-Biden documents” are being discovered.

    In terms of Obama, at the real center of this scandal, we don’t need a special counsel to learn that Barack Hussein Obama campaigned in 2008 as a Christian but was never baptized a Christian in the traditional sense. On the other hand, Biden campaigned as a Catholic who didn’t take Catholic teachings seriously.

    Since Republicans seem overwrought at the lies that were told by George Santos, let them use their new-found power in the House to open a full-scale investigation into how Barack Hussein Obama came to power and why he chose Biden has his vice-president. It is never too late to put the facts on the record, especially since Obama is widely perceived to be calling the shots in the JoeBama Administration and may be orchestrating the removal of Biden.

    Read the article here:

  125. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Obviously BayB still posts here.

  126. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Obviously. BayB can't think outside of Trump and Biden. Can't have one without mentioning the other.

  127. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Remembering some of the equal opportunity criticisms.



  128. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Yes 2:45 PM,
    I have truly wondered, where did all those astute criticisms go once her TDS set in?

    She used to give equal opportunity critique to all the sides and shades of globalism/globalists and the One World governing/New Age thrust.

  129. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Yes 3:14, when did you start taking offense at equal opportunity criticism? Once your TDS (Trump Delusional Syndrome) set in?

  130. Anonymous3:39 PM

    RayB was not a bad person at all. He shot from the hip, and if anyone disagreed with him he didn't call them names, unlike the nasty name calling X did toward RayB.

    Constance seemed to not like RayB much, so to me that means he was a decent guy. Constance likes to rub elbows with the lowest of the low, and RayB didn't even like "cesspools."

    3:14 PM

    Actually Constance has always leaned hard left, she was a Democrat for most of her life, and that hasn't really changed. When I first started reading her posts, and comments about 22 years ago, there were many times I had to ask myself 'this person is anti NA, and a follower of Christ'???? It is no different now.

  131. Pme thing Trump was doing was UNDOING the globalist gains. stopped NAFTA and renegotiated it, got s out of the WHO was starting to distance us from NATO by demanding they pay their own way put up that border wall.....

    But he does "mean tweets."

    That's the problem. Constance is as I said a polite society chick. Now I did NOT mean that a compliment. a polite society person is shallow, vain, follows trends, cares aout form ot substance and in general is good for nothing except for a few of them, blid as a bat lacking discerment or else has a unexamined instinct to follow discernment in the wrong direction, and if in power wants to spend, spend and get us in wars or at least wallow at the feet of the classy, powerful ad estalished.

    Constance will not tolerate New Age propaganda, so as long as someone is not spouting that, she was will consider a person beyond question, and baby eating sataist depraved scum will go right under her radar as long as they have good manners.

    That's the problem. Trump's mean tweets and his tendency to not hide anything much.

  132. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Pharisees are filthy. No wonder There is so much 'plain speech' from our Savior to them.

    They are children of the Devil for sure!

  133. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Rand Paul: "Bill Gates Is Largest Funder Of Trying To Find Viruses In Caves And Bringing Them To Big Cities"

    "This is up there with the danger of nuclear war. But this is much more insidious."

  134. Anonymous4:17 PM

    THIS IS WHY THEY SMEAR HIM... Robert Kennedy Jr Takes On War Machine:

    "Biden Administration Deceiving American People On Motives - Whole World At Risk Of Nuclear Conflagration"

    Same with Trump. Oppose the Warmongers, go to jail, or worse!

  135. Anonymous4:29 PM

    I would be interested in reading examples of Constance's "hard left" statements. Not paraphrased but actually sourced statements. Now is your opportunity to put your money where your mouth is. I, for one, would like to read these statements so I may discern for myself whether or not she leans hard left.

  136. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Re: "So sorry to see so many here who apparently worship Donald John Trump rather than Jesus."

    You have made an outrageous and FALSE statement.

    Only God is able to read our hearts... not YOU.

  137. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Not going back 22 years! Her general demeanor in her posts over the years, including 'way back', has been obviously pro-religious, but obviously less friendly toward conservative followers of Christ. Just as now.

    If that isn't good enough for you, go back to sucking your thumb.

  138. Anonymous4:38 PM

    LOL 4:36, you have absolutely nothing but a big mouth to back that bunny ass!

  139. Anonymous4:46 PM

    My experience has taught me that "too nice" people can't really be trusted.
    They compromise too much to make sure people like them and keep their boat afloat. They keep a false peace and throw truth under the bus too easily. "Good" in name only is generally the way that rolls.

    And peoplepleasers actual goal is to please themselves while they seem on the surface to want to please you. They like their status quo and it's amazing how much they are "not too nice" when you rock their boat.

    Fake outrage from the supposed "too nice and polite" has been on display here, big time.

    It's been pretty stupid really.

  140. Anonymous4:51 PM

    My experience has shown that people who are nasty to the bone is exactly what you get. They lie and can’t be trusted. That, too, is prevalent here on this blog.

  141. Anonymous4:54 PM

    4:33 PM

    Constance is the 'Queen of Lies' here. That is why she is so proud of X

    The blindness + stubbornness is staggering!

    Christ did not speak kindly to The Pharisees:

    "Do you know how to discern the appearance of the sky, but cannot discern the signs of the times?"

    Constance is obsessed with hatred for Trump, and ignorantly accuses Trump voters of worshiping him. Even being "possessed" of an evil spirit! Yet she cannot "discern" who, is really in control of this country, and the world in general. The very same oligarch who will not allow Trump, or Kennedy to run for President! Gnat straining, while Great Tribulation is at the door! She has ZERO relevance! NONE

  142. Anonymous5:17 PM


    I called Rayb a liar.

    He is/was a liar here.

    I debunked many of his lies as well as lies of others he knowingly and recklessly shared here.

    Lying is unbiblical.

    He refused to apologize, retract or seek repentance for such lying/lies and I stood/still stand ready to forgive him.

    How is that nasty?


    p.s. - I haven't read Constance saying anywhere that a previous vote for Trump indicates you aren't a Christian, however, continuing to support Trump today, in spite of all the evidence of his crimes, authoritarian tendencies and connections to new age thinking, theology and persons, certainly makes ones faith in the one Jesus Christ suspect. As Spurgeon once said: "We have ever been ready to suffer, as our martyrologies will prove, but we are not ready to accept any help from the State, to pro$titute the purity of the Bride of Christ to any alliance with the government, and we will never make the Church, although the Queen, the despot over the consciences of men". (From The New Park Street Pulpit, Vol.VII, Page 225).

  143. Anonymous5:28 PM

    4:54 pm

    Mrs. Cumbey has not once stated pride towards or about me.

    She's hardly acknowledged me.

    From all I've read here (I've read just about the entire site), I'm not surprised by her discernment regarding Trump and his associates. My guess is that although she won't vote for Trump (and will vote against him in the primary, I'm sure), that doesn't mean she'll be voting for any Democrat in the upcoming general election. Just a guess but, like my wife, she'll probably just abstain if Trump is the candidate whereas I feel motivated by more patriotic feelings to not only not vote for Trump (or any other opus dei candidate) but I will most assuredly vote for their opponent to further guarantee what I view as the immediate continuation of our democracy. IMO, America is under threat (not hyperbolic -- this experiment has ALWAYS been under the threat of the despotism and corruption of man).

    Unfortunately, she's not been around all that much the last few years that I've been participating so I can't say for sure and I certainly do not mean to speak on her behalf in any manner.


  144. Anonymous5:33 PM

    5:17 PM

    You are the first in line to throw real Christians to the lions.

    And you lie constantly to do it.
    You're a shameful example of a godly man.
    So obtuse as you stand in need of forgiveness so this is you Drama Queen X:
    Proverbs 30:20
    “This is the way of an adulterous woman:
    She eats and wipes her mouth
    and says, ‘I’ve done nothing wrong.’

    You are cringe personified.

  145. Anonymous5:48 PM

    5:33 pm

    What lies?

    False Witness much?

    Please seek repentance.


  146. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Speaking of lies, 4:54 opens up with a big lie. Constance never said anywhere she is "so proud of x".

    4:54 is the liar and projects it upon others. A true Luciferian spirit within that individual.

  147. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Thank you 5:49.

    I know there are some unintelligent people in this world but these attacks all seem calculated and deliberate.

    If you aren't part of the are "them" and therefore associated with "them".

    It's kinda like there are maga pronouns where there is "us" and "others" and it's all that matters to the cult.


  148. Anonymous6:50 PM

    'No perp walk, no cuffs, no press conference': Tucker Carlson excoriates Biden's DOJ over Hunter Biden's 'sweetheart' plea deal and says 'a lifetime of sins was washed away in an instant'

  149. Anonymous6:52 PM

    If Trump supporters were a CULT... this is the last place we would waste our time posting comments.

  150. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Maybe the Covid VAXX has destroyed a few brain cells of those who were naive enough to take it. After all, it is a bio-weapon.

  151. Anonymous7:00 PM

    What is YOUR 'pronoun' X? It???

  152. Anonymous7:06 PM

    There is no one on this blog more 'calculated and deliberate' than X (who lives on this blog 24/7)... making one aggressive attack after another to those who disagree with him (in other words just about everyone).

    That alone sounds like 'cultish' behavior.

  153. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Blogger Christine Erikson (aka Justina) at 3:43 PM sums it up quite accurately, although I think the tone could have been a little less harsh.

  154. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Another lie

    "When Constance accuses those here of being under the influence of, or possessed by a Luciferian Spirit, as well as "cesspool swimmers", because they voted for Trump over Hillary"

    Constance never said it was over a vote for Trump over Hillary. She herself voted for Trump twice. Probably the same person who tells us Constance posts "hard left". They hear only what what exacerbates their hatred towards her. Nothing they say can be believed. That's what happens when one hosts the Luciferian spirit. Repent.

  155. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Attention Attorney at Law Cumbey. What are your thoughts on this? It sure seems like there is one set of rules by the Biden Justice Department and another for one Donald Trump, and another one for the Biden Crime Family:

    Conservatives Slam DOJ’s ‘Sweetheart Plea Deal’ for Hunter Biden: ‘Two-Tiered Justice System’

    Hunter committed 3 federal crimes, and gets no jail! It's not what you know, it's who you know.

    Any thoughts Constance?

  156. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Christine, the one to evangelize Mars has Constance pegged. LOL!

  157. Anonymous7:21 PM

    1st time IRS criminal prosecutions rarely result in jail time.

    It’s not like Hunter was an insurrectionist or convicted of espionage.


  158. Anonymous7:44 PM

    LOL! How true @ 6:52 PM!

    The triggered troll needs converts but he is at the wrong missionary field.

    If X gets paid by the scalp this is an unwise choice trolling here LOL!

  159. Anonymous7:45 PM

    7:21 PM Trump is guilty of neither of those.
    Get a clue.

  160. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Last week’s indictment of Donald Trump is the latest example of why liberals really should have read my book, “Resistance Is Futile.” Or Aesop’s fable “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.” Either one.

    After years of making insane accusations against Trump, from Russian collusion to indicting him for misdemeanor record-keeping errors in his blackmail payments to a porn star, liberals finally have him dead to rights committing serious felonies. And no one believes them.

    It’s your own fault, liberals.

    Much to my surprise, the documents Trump had spirited away to Mar-a-Lago were not cheesy souvenirs appealing to his juvenile sensibility, like Shaquille O’Neal’s shoe or a picture with Kim Kardashian.

    No, the documents he’d stuffed in Mar-a-Lago’s ballroom, bathroom and shower (among other highly secure locations) included information about our nuclear weapons programs, the defense capabilities of the U.S. and other countries, potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack, and plans for possible retaliation.
    As Trump’s Attorney General Bill Barr said in an interview with “Fox News Sunday,” these were “among the most sensitive secrets the country has.”

    In another reminder that Trump defenders need to wait a beat before repeating his claims like trained seals, the government has Trump on audiotape boasting about how incredibly “secret” and “highly confidential” the documents are — as he showed them off to people at his Bedminster Club. “As president I could have declassified it,” he told the non-security-cleared person, “Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret.”

    How many Republicans have sworn up and down that Trump had declassified all the papers he removed from the White House? Now he’s on tape admitting that that was a lie.
    Trump’s excuses — I declassified all of them! I complied with the Presidential Papers Act! It’s a political hit job! — are not only false, but irrelevant to the obstruction of justice counts against him. You can be completely innocent of the underlying charge, but you still have to produce documents in response to a subpoena. If a grand jury requested it, you’d have to produce Shaquille O’Neal’s shoe.

    This is a basic requirement of Anglo-Saxon law. Otherwise, targets of investigations would fire up the shredding machines, evidence would disappear, and the legal system would grind to a halt.

  161. "information about our nuclear weapons programs, the defense capabilities of the U.S. and other countries, potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack, and plans for possible retaliation."

    sounds like stuff you can find online wikipedia etc.

  162. Anonymous9:15 PM

    8:49 PM

    I'm kind of surprised an uppity society chick like you uses wikipedia.

    You said earlier: "Reagan and wife were into the occult especially astrology. Reagan seemed to be in a dream state sometimes, and contaging it to his hearers if possible, and sometimes related fiction stories as historical fact.

    I wonder how many "soceity chicks" here voted for the new age, baby-killing (he signed the nation's 1st abortion rights law as Governor in California in 1967 before Roe v Wade), adulterer, satanist, depraved scum Ronald Reagan over the Godly Baptist Sunday school teacher and peanut farmer, Jimmy Carter.


  163. Anonymous9:23 PM

    It’s unlikely that Wikipedia information on nuclear weapons (nuclear weapons, yes we have them) and White House classified documents are remotely similar. Stick to evangelization of Mars, things you know.

  164. Anonymous10:38 PM

    7:13 pm

    Guess what?

    Turns out Trump himself appointed the United States attorney who signed off on the agreement.

    As Newsweek reported...

    .... However, U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who offered the agreement to Hunter Biden, was appointed to that position by Trump.

    Weiss, the U.S. attorney in Delaware, launched the Hunter Biden probe in 2018 after being appointed to the role by Trump in 2017. The U.S. Senate confirmed his appointment by voice vote in February 2018.

    Newly-elected presidents typically request their predecessors' U.S. attorneys step down when they come into office, but Biden has refrained from removing Weiss over the Hunter Biden investigation, as doing so would likely draw criticism and allegations of trying to interfere in the investigation.

    Former U.S. Attorney Gene Rossi told Newsweek in a phone interview that while parts of the deal may be generous to the younger Biden, the fact that a Republican-appointed attorney made the call likely indicates that "politics did not sway the deal either way."

  165. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Godly Baptist Sunday school teacher and peanut farmer, Jimmy Carter.


    9:15 PM

    "Godly" Jimmy Carter is a full supporter of abortion on demand. He is also pro-homosexual marriage.

    You can attack Reagan all you want, and that's fine, but like Constance, while doing so, you ignore and deny the incredibly gross sins of your false political idols.

  166. Anonymous12:23 AM

    x @ 5:28 PM

    You are crippled too high for crutches.

    And there is a mean spirit in you than makes Trump look sweet.

  167. Anonymous10:42 AM

    YouTube Censors Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

    "YouTube will not allow users to hear what it considers harmful thoughts"

  168. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Hungry Teens Loot McDonald's and Steal the Cash Register after Juneteenth Celebration in Leinert Park

  169. now I got Constance figured out, I understand how the often very hostile pushback against her valiant anti New Age efforts often came from evangelical and charismatic circles was such a surprise to her. Hit like a sucker punch (a blow unexpected, no warning, from an angle you can't see it coming.) apparenty she couldn't see beyond the smiles on their faces, and did't see anything wrong with that condition. God give her wisdom.

  170. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I guess not everyone here was willing to overlook her insane nonsense., and her unabashed rudeness.

    Not everyone here was a sycophant.

    Anyone who is generally in agreement with her myopic, pharisaic spirit, deserves to be misled!

  171. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Rep. Lauren Boebert Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden, Forcing Imminent House Floor Vote(VIDEO)

    While it would be lovely to see this POS go down in disgrace, it would not change a thing. President Kamala Anyone?

  172. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I think those of us that have lost friends like Mrs. Cumbey herein have had to confront a very hard truth. Our friends were always mask on with us until Trump made anger, racism & hatred of America and fellow Americans part of his/their brand and they then felt comfortable enough to express such letting their own depravity slip out.

    And as the saying goes “in for a penny, in for a pound”.... You can’t be “sort of fascist.”

  173. Anonymous11:34 AM

    'Blatant Provocation': China Lashes Back After Biden Labels Xi A Dictator

  174. Anonymous11:38 AM

    11:32 AM

    "Trump made anger, racism & hatred of America" his brand?

    You need to pull your head out of CC's rear end.

  175. Anonymous11:50 AM


  176. Anonymous12:01 PM

    "Our Findings Were Sobering": John Durham Gives Fiery Testimony On FBI Abuses, Schools Schiff

  177. I knew something was wrong when Constanced obsessig on Solana. The whole Euro-American centric view of prophecy struck me as unlikely even though I wasn't savvy to Daniel chapter 7 at the time. Its jut so ridiculous, all these candidates for the antichrist over the ceturies, interpreters take a few verses here and there out of cotext nd run with it regarding whoever is a big deal at the moment.
    Another BIG problem to me is that people seem to be looking for the antichrist (even if not in joyful anticipation) than looking for Jesus Christ.

    With the fall of the Soviet Union all the prophecy experts went in the trash as far as I was concerned. They should have seen that coming ad they didn't.

    The present focus of some is what I and one other on youtube called nephilim nonsense. Its one of those things about which I say that someone has ahold of something, but its not what he or she thinks it is. Maybe I will get onto this matter later.


    Let us encourage more of such activity on her part.

  179. Anonymous12:24 PM

    This is the 'spirit' that X embraces. Amazingly, X gave Biden/Harris credit for ending Roe v Wade! (I wonder if Constance "wouldn't vote for Harris for dog catcher?)

    Harris: When Roe v. Wade Overturned I WAS ANGRY, EXTREMELY SAD

    Vice President Kamala Harris said Tuesday on the MSNBC special “One Year Post Roe” that when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, she was “angry” and “extremely sad.”

    Host Joy Reid said, “I would love to know first how you felt not only as the first woman vice president of the United States but also as a former prosecutor, as a Momala of two lovelies, as an auntie, as a woman, as an American, to that moment, when you knew that Roe was gone?”

    Harris said, “I’m also someone who was motivated to become a lawyer because of people like Thurgood Marshall, one of my inspirations was RBG, and the idea that the highest court in our land just did that and rolled back rights that had been recognized was incredibly shocking. I knew it might happen. The decision had been leaked. I called my husband, I called Doug immediately because he was the only one I could really just like let it out with words not for television at this moment. But again, you know, the thing about our nation I believe one of the strengths of our nation is, yes, we are a work in progress and the progress we have made, one of the attributes has been about our collective fight for the expansion of rights. This was such a stark restriction of rights that had been recognized. I immediately knew when that decision came down what it would mean for real people almost immediately in our country who for the most part many will suffer in silence and are alone and without resources of many types. I was extremely sad for that reason as well. When that decision came down, angry, you know, and extremely sad about what it would mean for real people.”

  180. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Get ready. The day is coming that NAMBLA will be included in this perversion cult.

    To Infinity and Beyond! Latest LGBTQIAP2S+ Pride Flag Features Rainbow Infinity Symbol

    BREITBARTEnable Accessibility
    To Infinity and Beyond! Latest LGBTQIAP2S+ Pride Flag Features Rainbow Infinity Symbol
    LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 28: Valentino Vecchietti attends the DIVA Awards 2023 at 8 Northumberland Avenue on April 28, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Tristan Fewings/Getty Images) Valentino Vecchietti, TwitterGetty Images/Valentino Vecchietti, Twitter
    KURT ZINDULKA21 Jun 2023252
    The latest update to the ever-evolving LGBTQIAP2S+ Pride flag now literally includes an infinity sign intended to symbolise autistic people.

    Valentino Vecchietti, the creator of the ‘Intersex Inclusive Pride’ flag, which added a yellow chevron and a purple circle to the ‘Progress Pride’ flag in order to symbolise intersex people — those who are born with ambiguities in their sexual organs — has updated the flag, as apparently, it was not inclusive enough.

    Despite previously claiming that her flag was a “flag for everyone”, Vecchietti evidently evolved on this thinking and saw fit to add a rainbow-coloured infinity symbol to “recognise the broad and varied experiences of those with neurodiversity who wish to feel visibly included in our Pride flag.”

    Vecchietti, who goes by she/they pronouns, added: “I hope it brings you joy this Pride Season. The detail of the flag: the rainbow infinity symbol touches every colour and every section of our Pride flag. I am happy to freely share the flag files of this version of the Intersex-Inclusive Pride flag.

    “I created this version of my flag simply as an offering for those who wish for it. Please remember that there is already an Autistic Pride flag which you can download on wikipaedia: it has the rainbow infinity symbol on a yellow background.”

  181. Anonymous12:30 PM

    The Mainstream Media; news that you can trust!

    Ex-CNN Producer John Griffin Sentenced to 19 Years for Child Sex Abuse

  182. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Juneteenth Celebration!

    "Teens" Loot McDonald’s and Steal the Cash Register after Juneteenth Celebration in Leimert Park

    (No doubt this will all stop after they start paying Reparations)

  183. Anonymous12:55 PM

    The 1st. Amendment now only applies to the radical left:

    Wearing Shirt Saying 'There Are Only Two Genders' Not Protected Speech, Rules Obama-Appointed Judge

    School administrators were not infringing on a student’s constitutional rights when they ordered him to remove a shirt that said “there are only two genders,” a district judge ruled on June 17.

    Massachusetts middle-schooler Liam Morrison’s lawyers said the order violated his First Amendment rights to free speech and his Fourteenth Amendment rights to due process, but U.S. District Judge Indira Talwani said the violations have not been proven.

    The school “permissibly concluded that the Shirt invades the rights of others,” Talwani, an Obama appointee, said.

  184. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Famous rapper's lawyer blasts Hunter Biden's sweetheart deal after his client received prison for same crime

    The lawyer for a prominent rapper is speaking out over Hunter Biden's sweetheart plea deal that allows him to avoid prison for illegally possessing a firearm.

    In 2019, rapper Kodak Black pleaded guilty to providing false information on a federal form when purchasing multiple firearms.

    Black pleaded guilty to violating 18 U.S.C. § 922(a)(6), using false statements to obtain a firearm. Biden was charged with violating 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(3) and 18 U.S.C. § 924(a)(2). The latter statute says that anyone who who "knowingly violates" several subsections of 18 U.S.C. § 922, including (a)(6), can be imprisoned for up to 10 years.

    Thus in the eyes of the law, Black and Biden committed the same crime. They both provided false information on federal forms to acquire firearms despite being legally disqualified from making those purchases.

    Yet Black was sentenced to nearly FOUR YEARS in FEDERAL PRISON for his crime. Biden, on the other hand, was given pre-trial diversion and the opportunity to expunge the charge from his record after 24 months.

    Attorney Bradford Cohen, who represents Black, called out the glaring disparity in outcomes.

    "There's no such thing as not getting jail time on a gun charge, on any kind of gun charge," Cohen told Fox News. "I've never seen anyone where this offense was charged and they didn't get some sort of prison sentence. And in fact, most of the time in federal court, you very rarely see people get anything but a prison sentence."

  185. Anonymous4:35 PM

    The judge was appointed by Trump. No shenanigans there. I'm sure Hunter Biden got what he deserved.

  186. Anonymous4:58 PM

    The judge was appointed by Trump. No shenanigans there. I'm sure Hunter Biden got what he deserved.

    4:35 PM

    Of course! And all appointments are 100% carbon copies of those that appointed them, right? Glad you straightened this all out ... "no shenanigans there." LOL

  187. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Oh, you didn't get that memo? It's been pointed out many times here - it always happens with Obama appointed judges,too.

  188. Anonymous7:04 PM

    US approves lab-grown CHICKEN: Stores and restaurants can now legally sell man-made poultry

  189. Anonymous7:12 PM

    "Strange Days"

    "Team Brandon has also made the USA utterly toxic to 80% of humanity. Sort of what they accused Trump of doing but they actually did it!"

  190. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Kodak Black had/has a rap sheet a mile long. It appears in the 8 years since he turned 18 he's been arrested 21 times with many of those arrests involving MULTIPLE charges.

    such criminals don't typically get deals anymore...

    But boy o' boy this kid got LOTS of deals along the way. He got the deal of the century when Trump granted him Clemency on the federal weapons charge and, thereafer a South Carolina state judge gave him a no prison time deal for pleading guilty to sexually assaulting a young woman in Florence, South Carolina, in February 2016. The woman reportedly accompanied him to his hotel room after his show at the nightclub Treasure City. Soon after entering the room, she said, the rapper ripped off her clothes, bit her, and raped her. He was charged with criminal sexual misconduct.

    NO PRISON for rape, really?

    Here is his history:

    Attorney Bradford Cohen is more than just Black's attorney. He's a Fox Faux contributor and a well known Trump apologist having appeared as a contestant on Trump's Apprentice show.


  191. Anonymous7:33 PM

    To Christine @ 12:13 PM

    Yes, I absolutely agree.

    If I hadn't read Constance's books: "The Hidden Dangers of The Rainbow"... and "A Planned Deception: The Staging of a New Age Messiah" back in the early 1980s... I would have never known about the New Age Movement... and its extensive world wide network of networks. And, of course, we continue to learn more and more every single day.

    I have been following and contributing to this blog (off and on) since late 2006. Also, I've developed close friendships with 9 others who have posted here over the past 17 years. Their shared research has been invaluable to me... as 6 of us continue to remain in close touch by email.

  192. Anonymous7:59 PM

    DIRTBAG DEMOCRATS RALLY AROUND ADAM SCHIFF ON HOUSE FLOOR - Cheer for Serial Liar After His Censure Vote, Pat Him on the Back! - He Did His Job in Smearing President Trump and These Sick People Appreciate It

  193. X,

    In a general sense, what is your view of Darwinian evolution? Is it valid?

  194. Anonymous7:00 AM

    “How MyPillow guy Mike Lindell came to Jesus — and to Donald Trump: Mike Lindell was just a guy who sold pillows on TV — until he met Dr. Ben Carson at the National Prayer Breakfast“

  195. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Pope Kisses Communist Lula on the Cheek as South America Falls Under Dark Cloud of Socialism

  196. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Mike Lindell and The Family -- no wonder he's such a new age mess.

  197. Anonymous10:31 AM

    9:30 AM

    No surprise there. Nelson Mandela, along with his wife Winnie, were both avowed Marxists, and Pope John Paul II praised him as well.

    The Mandelas were terrorists that committed, and encouraged, numerous murders. They're favorite method was necklacing, in which their political opponents would have a tire placed around the neck, fill it with gasoline, and set it on fire! Nice people.

  198. Anonymous10:32 AM

    We've known it all along. What will happen? Nothing!

    Durham Confirms Under Oath: Crooked Hillary Funded the Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax

  199. Anonymous12:34 PM

  200. Anonymous12:42 PM

    The UK Guardian is about as radical left you can get. What a shock that they're doing a hit piece on Mike Lindell, Trump and the "2020 election lie."
