Tuesday, April 04, 2023

The Plight of Dr. Aaron Edwards (and us all)

By Rich Peterson

 “I’ve just been dismissed by a Christian college for tweets on homosexuality – if I wasn’t safe, no one is.” 

These are words written by Aaron Edwards, a former lecturer of theology at Cliff College, an evangelical Bible college in the UK.  Aaron Edwards was removed from his position for bringing “disrepute” to the college. The offense was that he expressed the Biblical position on homosexuality over  a public forum.  Specifically, Twitter. The college demanded he remove the tweet. Edwards’ refusal led to a two week suspension followed by termination.

Mr. Edward’s suspension was followed by a hearing where, reportedly, should he be asked by same sex attracted students for prayer how he might respond. Various news articles report Mr. Edwards was threatened with a referral to Prevent, the deradicalization component of the UK’s counter-terrorism strategy. Read here, here, here, and here. 

Cliff College principal denies any threat.  Perhaps it was a promise?

Whether or not Prevent was mentioned to Dr. Edwards is unclear but it certainly is not a stretch to accept that would have happened.

Aaron Edwards’ experience brings to memory thoughts of the Alliance of Civilizations and the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy of which I had written about a few years back. The Alliance, becoming the “Mother Tongue” of the UN, would also become the “global conscience” in the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. The UK Home Office eagerly partnered with the Alliance to harmonize its counter-terrorism efforts with the UN Global Strategy.

The Alliance of Civilizations uses religion to combat religion. Its definition of extremism, the root cause of terrorism, is especially hostile towards Christianity:  one cannot be an adherent of an “exclusive truth” claim.

The threat to refer Dr. Edwards to Prevent (or not), is consistent with the counter-terrorism strategy’s goal to combat religious fundamentalism. Back in 2007 as I read the through the Alliance of Civilizations/Council of Europe counter terrorism materials, I recall thinking they  intend to use beliefs about homosexuality as a means to categorize people as either tolerant or extremists.


“No one may invoke cultural diversity to infringe upon human rights guaranteed by international law…”  Ponder that.

UNESCO policy is to include sexual orientation as part of cultural diversity. For Aaron Edwards to speak openly of homosexuality as sin would be viewed as an infringement of another’s rights.

What happened to Aaron Edwards speaks volumes. His words of warning are ominous:

“Whilst my situation remains difficult for me and my family, it is also a microcosm of the greater difficulties awaiting other Christians in the post-Christian West. The growing expectation is that we should keep quiet about our beliefs, especially if they may offend others.”


“Western progressive ideals of inclusivity no longer include many Christian beliefs. Indeed, the vociferous responses to my tweet demonstrate the problem my tweet was highlighting. There are some Christian beliefs that Christians are no longer allowed to express, not even to other Christians.”


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Anonymous said...

UC Berkeley Hosts Exclusive "Blacks Only Graduation Ceremony" in Defiance of Civil Rights Laws That Forbid Racial Segregation(VIDEO)


Anonymous said...

LA TERROR: Angry Thugs Brutally Beat, Kick and Stomp On Helpless Man for Several Minutes in Downtown Los Angeles(VIDEO)


Anonymous said...

Just had to post this:

Disease X is coming, and with it the next global pandemic, scientists warn


Anonymous said...

DOWD: Is Biden trying to help or destroy our country?


Anonymous said...

Hope you all had a pleasant weekend...

As an update...it's been more 25 months since I received my 2nd MrNA covid vaccine and I'm not dead yet despite the claims of anti-vaxx disinformer Luc Montagnier, who stated two years ago this day that:

"If you took the shot, make your peace, ask for forgiveness.
All Vaccinated people will die within 2 years"

In the shocking interview, May 2021, Nobel Prize Winner Luc Montagnier had confirmed that there is no chance of survival for people who have received any form of the vaccine.

The only person in my family that is dead is my 60 year old cousin who contracted the delta variant, August 2021, while UNVACCINATED thinking himself smart and too healthy to need the supposedly sketchy vaccine that would have spared his life. I'm sure there are many stories of vaccinated deaths as everyone is eventually going to die but I don't personally know a single dead vaccinated person let alone anyone who attributed their illness and/or deaths to the covid vaccine.

An estimated 20 million lives saved by the vaccine worldwide versus what, 5 - 10 confirmed deaths worldwide due to adverse reactions. It was so staggeringly successful it remains shocking to me people still try to act like it wasn't. Sadly one of the greatest accomplishments in public health is being compromised and used to create mistrust by political ideologists and dominionists. If the next pandemic is an even more viral and deadly pathogen, we are in deep trouble.


Anonymous said...

1:21 PM

Nobody cares about you and your clot shot.

Anonymous said...

Good to know the old x is still on this side of the sod;)

The next pandemic: same song, second verse

Anonymous said...

Also from Gatestone:


Christianity 'Must be Eliminated': The Persecution of Christians, April 2023

by Raymond Ibrahim

Ongoing slaughter..

Anonymous said...

"The above ward-by-ward figures for the town equate to a population survival rate of 99.61% over a three-year period. Put otherwise, 0.39% of 79,757 people died. As these are deaths by definition involving Covid–19, (meaning that Covid was mentioned on a death certificate along with other causes of death) the ‘virus’ may not have been the true cause of death of even those people. Therefore, in my view, they should not have been considered definitive Covid deaths and deserve to be questioned. Even with that caveat accounted for, it can be clearly seen that the ‘virus’ was having a very small effect, and the repeated claims of pandemia in 2020 to justify draconian restrictions were not supported by reality."

National Records of Scotland


Anonymous said...

So this “concerned citizen”, David Tate (not a doctor or scientist) has made 177 freedom of information requests in Scotland wasting taxpayer money so he can then cherry pick numbers to support his crazy notions. I mean covid denial is just hilarious at this point with nearly 7 million dead worldwide (and another 20 million that WOULD HAVE also died had we not largely vaccinated the world).

I don’t know why Tate doesn’t just try to minimize covid deaths by saying JUST 7 million died or even 27 million would have died out of nearly 8 billion of the world population would maybe make him seem a bit like Dr Mengala so he just cherry picked the local hospital with the least amount of deaths compared to the entire population in that area to try to make his crazy point. It appears about 452 people in his city of around 80,000 died from covid, many more were hospitalized and according to another request he made inquiring about long covid about 1 in 50 local person suffer or suffered long covid symptoms. He has all that data too but that doesn’t fit his narrative apparently.

Here’s a list of his 177 freedom of information requests. Some of them are quite interesting like the one showing no increases in myocarditis and pericarditis over the last 20 or so years including 2021 and 2022.



Anonymous said...

2:26 pm. Said “and your clot shot.”

Do you have evidence supporting your claim the mRNA vaccines are, indeed, “clot shots” or are you complicit to murder and an unrepentant liar by way of disinformation?


Anonymous said...


Do you have any concrete proof, other than guesstimates, that the COVID vaccine saved 20 Million lives? Is your source the same people that PROMISED that if you got the vaccine, you could not be infected?

We now know that people that WERE vaccinated, still got infected, often more than once. Also, the survival rate was always close to 99%, so if the survival was so high, how on earth did the vaccine save 20 million?

Craig said...

A video collage, lest we forget:

THE UNVACCINATED | "Nobody is Safe!"

Matt Orfalea

Bill Gates @ 9:48, “We didn’t really understand the fatality rate; ya know, we didn’t understand that it’s a fairly low fatality rate, and that it’s a disease mainly of the elderly. Kind of like flu is, although a bit different.”

Anonymous said...

x it's your personal business, not ours, about your decision to take the clot shot.
But you make it your business to virtue signal everyone about what they do or don't do (according to you).

Sorry, but nobody has to care one iota about your personal crap.

Anonymous said...

7:37 PM needs a hug.

Anonymous said...

No one cares about your fabricated lies about the covid vaccine that, together with other liars like you, had the real world consequence of premature deaths for so many naive persons.

I care about truth. Liars like you killed my cousin.


Anonymous said...

20 million lives saved


Ps - notice this estimate is through December 31, 2021 so it does not include all the millions saved since Jan 1, 2022 thru todays date.


Anonymous said...

Read and learn from 2:52 PM's article bedwetter at 9:35 PM.

Proof (again) nobody even needed the vaccine, except the elites who wanted control over people and make their billions from it.
P.S. Craig's post could help you get a clue too.

Anonymous said...

A stupid collage of insulations isnt evidence of anything. It’s actually an example of how desperate the deniers have become as the data and gaps in our knowledge has shown how effective public health was overall.

No one knew how bad or how much worse the covid virus was or was gonna be while it remained novel to an unvaccinated population. It’s crazy stupid to try to pretend in hindsight a virus that killed 7 million worldwide and would have killed another 20 million plus unmitigated wasn’t a serious public health concern.

My cousin and so many others who died unvaccinated during the delta variant period, the summer and fall of 2021, sure needed the vaccine.


Anonymous said...

It seems that one or more of the many of the posters here may have lost a loaned flag, or be on friendly terms with someone who has lost one.

I suggest you contact the Washington D.C. Police Department ASAP and let th know you wish to retrieve your flag.

'Nazi swastika flag found after truck crashes near White House
Driver detained but Secret Service reports no injuries as cause of crash remains under investigation.'


Anonymous said...

Re: flag.

One thing's for sure, it doesn't belong to X or others who do not, have never, or no longer support No. 45. No, these real Republicans and conservatives do not disrespect America's war dead, who gave their lives on D. Day fighting against Trump, erm, sorry, I mean Hitler (an easy mistake to make, after all, Trump and Hitler are two cheeks of the same racist and fascist backside).

The Trump adoring, brain-fogged, projecting morons are the veritable Republicans in name only and such are those here who disregard the principles of people such as Honest Abe, and instead, cheer the Confedarate flag of tyrrany and oppression. Yes, you truly do have Trump Derangement Syndrome, for you through the wickedness of your own hearts have turned away from the Lord Jesus Christ to worship one who comes in his own name, Donald John Trump, therefore you have been given over to a great delusion, growing more and more deranged as you follow such an evil person as Trump is, calling evil 'good' and good, 'evil'.

Anonymous said...

No doubt such Trump supporting morons, you know, the kind who denegrate women who bring and win lawsuits against monsters who have sexually assaulted (and, allegedly, raped) them, will claim the attack on the White House was a false flag, yet if such Trumpzis do so, such would be because they are engaging and emulating in their Malignant Narcissist in Chief (DJT), who is adept at playing the sick and twisted Darpo game of deny, attack, reverse victim and offender.

Yes, it is the very mentality of such deranged Trumpzis that led to the dehumanization, scapegoating and mass murder of millions of Jews, Slavs, Gypsies and true Christians, that is, those Protestants, Orthodox followers and Roman Catholics, who stood up against the Hitlerian regime and its puppet states.

Shame on you!

Craig said...

In the "You Will Own Nothing and You Will Be Happy" department:

The death of ownership

Companies are taking away your ability to actually own the stuff you buy


Modern software allows manufacturers to tether product users to them, forever. Companies are just beginning to monetize this control, with dystopian methods and the assistance of America's unbalanced copyright laws. But there are ways that consumers and policymakers can push back on this corporate attempt to redefine what it means to "own" a product...

...In other cases, companies have tried to block consumers from accessing certain features at all unless they pay up first. Car companies have taken the lead on pushing this trend. Mercedes-Benz and BMW made headlines for charging users monthly fees for better acceleration and the use of heated seats, respectively. You already bought the seat heater (and the luxury car that contains it), but now you need to pay for the right to turn it on? Printer companies have used similar tactics to get people to sign up for subscriptions that remotely monitor ink levels but can also shut off your machine if you fail to pay. Imagine if you had to pay the contractor who built your house a monthly fee so the light switches would work!

Finally, manufacturers use internet connectivity to monitor and control what you do. If they detect you did something they don't like (maybe hot-wiring your heated seat), they can take away or disable other features. Tesla has been accused of revoking charge capacity, fast-charging compatibility, and other features remotely. Consumers are afraid to do anything that displeases manufacturers, knowing that they can be punished.

Anonymous said...

Clearly X has been triggered again, and mr nasty has come to take over.

How sad that the lil Luciferian thinks we murdered his cousin.

Anonymous said...

When You say Jews control the covid agenda

When THEY say Jews control the covid agenda

Must watch video


Anonymous said...

Target Partners with Satanist Designer Abprallen for Gay Pride Collection

Abprallen mixes a good deal of satanism with its pro-LGBT activism, asserting on its Instagram page that “Satan loves you and respects who you are; you’re important and valuable in this world and you deserve to treat yourself with love and respect.”

“LGBT+ people are so often referred to as being a product of Satan or going against God’s will, so fine. We’ll hang with Satan instead,” it declares.

“So, naturally, Satan respects pronouns. He loves all LGBT+ people,” it states.

Abprallen’s owner, a self-identified “gay, trans man” known as “Erik,” said that the “Satan respects pronouns” pin, which features an image of the demon Baphomet, is one of “my favourite and most popular designs, and the one that gave Abprallen its proper footing and direction.”


Anonymous said...

Poster Craig should be commended for posting this very valuable video that documents a concerted, organized effort to spread FEAR PROPAGANDA. If you haven't taken the time to watch this, you should.

A video collage, lest we forget:

THE UNVACCINATED | "Nobody is Safe!"


Matt Orfalea

Bill Gates @ 9:48, “We didn’t really understand the fatality rate; ya know, we didn’t understand that it’s a fairly low fatality rate, and that it’s a disease mainly of the elderly. Kind of like flu is, although a bit different.”

8:45 PM

Anonymous said...

Poster x needs to listen to poster Craig. He makes a lot of sense, while x makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

Great news from Dr. John Campbell:

UK stopping COVID primary vaccinations (unfortunately, long after a lot of damage has been done which dramatically increased the death rates across the UK)


Anonymous said...

RINO fake conservative Mitt Romney has another challenger:

BREAKING: A Mitt Romney Challenger in Utah Senate Race Makes His Announcement

Conservative Republicans have another fighter in the ring for the Utah Senate election for Mitt Romney’s seat.

Mayor Trent Skaggs has announced that he is jumping into the fray against Romney, a multi-millionaire financier and former presidential candidate.

Anonymous said...

EMBARRASSING! Bumbling Biden Spews Word Salad in Japan
(Not only is he a babbling puppet for the elite, practically everything he stated in this video is a lie!)


WHEN did Biden "balance the budget?" WHEN? A balanced budget means there is no increase at all in debt. Biden has exploded the national debt with his alarming rate of deficit spending. We're heading into insolvency. There's coming a time when the world will no longer buy our debt. When that happens, it's game over.

Anonymous said...

Report Confirms Dozens of Senators Are Being Issued Taxpayer-Funded Satellite Phones in Preparation for a "Disruptive Event"


Anonymous said...

10:08 AM

Either one of two things will occur. Biden will claim he pulled off a last second 'deal' with the evil Republicans, and tell everyone what a great hero he is. Or, he will remain resistant to any deal, the stock market will crater, and he will blame the whole catastrophe on the MAGA Republicans, white supremacy, and a whole pile of other demonic lies.

If O'Bidens mouth is moving, he is lying.

But it's "folksy"!!!!

What a hellish nightmare.

Rigged elections have consequences.

Anonymous said...

8:17 AM post for Craig is different.
It highlights blue when he posts.
That one doesn't.

Anonymous said...


Marriage that is Biblical is love affirming from God's standard not human standard, not lust affirming as the world demands of the church of Christ (or it is not considered loving), is what separates the liberal progressive socialist view fully embraced by the left and also tolerated or even embraced also by the compromised right and much of the inbetween too.
It is the mark of this age (along with the many other sins of selfish human worship in this world that is now more than ever on the upward trend) and why America, and the nations are now ripe for judgment in this global age.

It is time for those who truly name the Name of Christ Jesus to take the stand with the Bible, the inerrant Word of God, regardless of how the world reacts to reject it.
We were bought at a price as 1 Corinthians 6:20 is clearly saying and following Jesus Christ comes at a cost in terms of our flesh and worldly things. The body of the believer is the Lord's temple, no longer the world's trash can. Eternity is at stake in the hearts of people everywhere.

Jesus said: If ye love Me, keep My commandments, which still stands and sets the true Christian apart from the world.
Come out from among them My people remains God's call.

Anonymous said...


America has our first “drag laureate”

If you’re tempted to give up and withdraw your children and grandchildren from our fallen culture, you understand the gravity of the situation. But there is nowhere to hide from this. Next month, every tool in the arsenal of social media, television, music, and other popular culture will be conscripted in this comprehensive strategy to normalize LGBTQ ideology and behavior, starting with our youngest children.

I suggest that we make three biblical commitments now in preparation for what is coming.

One: Pray fervently for our children and grandchildren, asking the Holy Spirit to hedge them with his protection.

Pray for God to equip and empower parents, teachers, coaches, and other role models who can help them think and live biblically. Remember: “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness” (Ephesians 6:12).

Two: Discuss these issues with them personally and practically.

It is important to choose our words carefully and in age-appropriate ways, of course. But it’s never too soon to begin teaching kids that God made them as they are—boys and girls—and loves them as they are. “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God” (1 John 3:1). (See also Janet Denison’s “Why is he wearing a dress?”)

Three: Use our influence to stand for biblical truth and morality as clearly and compassionately as possible.

Your place at work, school, and home is your mission field. “Speaking the truth in love” is your commission (Ephesians 4:15).

Anonymous said...

From the year 2014

"Innocide – the slaughter of innocents
On a recent trip to Israel, and just ahead of the Pope, we visited Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem. A couple of years ago we had similarly visited Auschwitz, so felt prepared for the horrors, but even so, walking through the crowded galleries leading off either side of the prism that houses the complex and seeing the tributes to the six million Jewish dead was both poignant and painful. Even now, the attempted extermination of an entire race beggars the imagination – yet it happened. And for no other reason, it would seem, than because these people were different. They were hard working and successful in a society still struggling with recession … and the newly emergent Nazi powers, who enforced their rule by repression and intimidation, were looking for a scapegoat. . ."


". . .The planet groans under the weight of this unfulfilled and lost potential! We, who are alive, have surely been immeasurably impoverished in ways we will never now know. We need a similar memorial to the one in Yad Vasham to the millions of lost children who have been denied all possibility of life. We need to honour and grieve for them. We need to remember. "

PS: Trans-ed children, too ) - :

Anonymous said...

2:15 PM

Two very differing scenarios.
You totally cheapened the suffering plight of those who were cruelly dealt real injustice by including those "suffering" from their own personal self-indulged fantasy choices into the other's story.
There's a sadness for it all but you failed to with make the real distinction and marginalized and cheapened real injustice by equating them.

That PS is pathetic.

Anonymous said...

I knew a guy who just died this year she must have had a sex- change early on because they were in their 90s. His family had nothing to do with him fortunately for Old Bill our DIL and grandkids moved in next door to to help and love him in the end. Yes, pathetic. The flood gates have opened. Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump’s 2024 chances sink as the New York judge in Manhattan prosecutor Alvin Bragg’s criminal case against Trump announced that the case will begin on March 25, 2025 — right smack in the middle of the Republican primaries.

But it gets even worse for Trump…

The judge also banned Trump from scheduling anything that would conflict with the trial, which would make it nearly impossible for Trump to campaign during the trial — not to mention the massive negative press from having to attend court to face dozens of criminal counts of falsifying business records to hide a payment of hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential election to keep her from talking about an adulterous sex they had.

Anonymous said...

O'Biden says white supremacists are America's greatest threat then a car load of ammonium nitrate disappeared then a white supremacist in a U-Haul crashes the white house gate then . . .

(connect the dots)

Anonymous said...

1:30 am

Are you insinuating the dots suggest a false flag operation by the deep state with the obvious purpose to eventually take away our fertilizer?

Anonymous said...

"Yes Virginia. There really is such a thing as a war criminal. Sometimes, they even slip up and even admit that they started a war (that killed hundreds of thousands and maimed countless more, including our own service men). But if these criminals know, and, serve, the right people, they often get away with their crimes Scott free."



Anonymous said...

It's all been proven to be a complete lie by the Durham Report, but, Biden, Obama, Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Nadler, and ALL of the rest of the liars will get away with it:



Anonymous said...

Demonic Nancy Pelosi claimed Trump was not mentally fit for the Presidency. She also stated "no one is above the law".

Now we have a brain dead criminal pervert, and his fellow criminal cabal ruling us by their will, with ZERO citizen representation! YET CLAIMING TO BE DEFENDING DEMOCRACY!

This is thermonuclear hypocrisy!

You will eat bugs, own nothing, and be happy! OR ELSE.

Anonymous said...

Look at the Russian troll at 11:27 am repeating George Bush's misstatement about Iraq/Ukraine from May 2022.

Then following that up with a fake description of the waste of taxpayer money Durham report, which, if you actually read it, justified the investigation. It cost six million dollars. It went on for four years and it failed.


Anonymous said...

11:32 AM

"Biden, Obama, Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Nadler, and ALL the rest of the liars will get away with it."

Two ultra left wing 'catholic' perverts, one LGBTQ+ Antichrist muslim, and three Synagogue of Satan members in good standing.

Right now they are destroying any remaining crumbs of wholesomeness, and virtue in this whole world. They get their power from satan, and it is being allowed to happen up until the Wrath of God is poured out upon the earth. Right after the rapture. Justice will be served!


Come back soon Y'shua

Anonymous said...

Hello lil Satanist X!

X prefers his manna from hell very heavily leavened.

But Constance doesn't ALWAYS agree with him.

Anonymous said...

Just heard on the Boston news @ 12:09 PM

Biden claims "nowhere near an agreement on the debt ceiling"

What a surprise! Who saw that coming?

O'Bidens mission to completely destroy this nation forging ahead unimpeded.

But Satanist X, etc., will blame the whole complete disaster on the orange guy!

Just makes it less complicated to be simple minded, and veiled.

Anonymous said...

Hey x, did they ever find the weapons of mass destruction that they used as an excuse to invade a country that had nothing to do with 9/11?

Anonymous said...

Evil X should get a big kick out of Bush making fun about the 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' lie being joked about by Bush. Hundreds of thousands of INNOCENT Iraqi citizens lost their lives. Countless U. S. servicemen were killed and maimed ... ALL based upon a lie that Liar-In-Chief Bush joked about:

George W. Bush - jokes about weapons of mass destruction .flv


paul said...

Sub-zero cold, X cracks his limbs,
How long can he last in this icy chamber burial?

Tony sews, he's stitching heads,
Skulls of babies screams upon this blood-red mural...

Anonymous said...

His seas of blood, he buries life,
Joe sniffs his palm of hair that he pushes into you;

Deracinate, the eyes that bleed,
X is screaming for an end to this never-ending nightmare....

Lyrics by Richard, paul

Anonymous said...

Watch the pain, he's out for you!
Fauci's face of death is staring down, the blood's running cold;

Injecting cells, shark-dead eyes.....
His victims left to die, bodies left to stew!

Anonymous said...


I should not be disrespectful to a standing president. I apologize.

I didn't say false flag, you did. It could all be a elaborate ploy for more free Senatorial perks (satellite phones)

Anonymous said...

I didn’t support or vote for Bush.

He is/was a complete idiot copted by Opus Dei and the so-called “religious right” dominionists.

So u are just peddling more blood onto GOP hands and I agree. George jr was just trying to finish the war his dad didn’t have the balls to complete.

Why would anyone support a party they absolutely hate? Trump didn’t make the GOP better, he just copted their insanity and magnified it exposing the entire right for what it is. A false religion built on a foundation of ecumenical lies.

CUNO’s repent.


PS and I’m not celebrating the Democratic Party either, they are just the only patriotic political party remaining representing and protecting freedom over tyranny.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

4:12 directly above,

I coudn't agree with you more.
The current Democrat party is Satanic.

Anonymous said...

White House Says There Will be a Recession and Millions of Jobs Lost if Republicans Don't Bend to Biden's Demands on Debt Ceiling(VIDEO)


Anonymous said...

x has to be government funded to shill so often for them because he's one of them __ "representing and protecting the freedom of criminals, sodomites, warmongers, Globalists, baby murders, child mutilators, liars etc. etc. etc."

He traffics political and religious scum so he can't do anything but endorse these many evils.

Anonymous said...

X's tireless efforts and endless carpet bombing of anyone with a conservative point of view, is the best evidence for the clear sense that the Demoncrat Party is off the rails.
It is brilliant to invent falsehoods. It is articulate to defend evil. It understands the deeper things of Satan, so to speak.
X is swift to run to it's own destruction. X is strong to withstand lots of alcohol. X is creative to invent lies. X is loyal and dependable to stand up for Ha Satan.

Anonymous said...

I like how you post multiple times affirming yourself and pretending to represent a crowd of anger and hate toward me.

It is indeed the GOP that is the true party of satan representing and protecting the freedom of criminals (like Trump and so many in his family and administration), sodomites (Trump hired gays and courted the gay vote), warmongers (Bush Sr & Jr), Globalists (rome - opus dei - Heritage Foundation), baby murders (GOP has controlled the US Supreme Court since the 1950's - they established Roe v Wade and kept it legal nearly 50 years all by themselves), child mutilators (GOP led US Supreme Court validated Gay Marriage and open the floodgates to this stuff), liars (no one, besides Hitler, lies/lied more than Maga Republicans and Trump) etc. etc. etc.

I am very conseravative. I don't approve of transgenderism and LGB sexualities but sexual sin is sexual sin and it's why I deemed a lifelong sexual deviant and unrepentant adulterer, like Trump, completely unfit for office. It's hypocritical to hate on gays and transgendered non-believers while also supporting a reprobate adulterer such as Trump.

That said, your anger, lack of discernment and unsupported diatribe I take as further validation Mr. or Mrs. Luciferian.

Thank you


Anonymous said...

Black Lives Matter is headed for INSOLVENCY after plunging $8.5M into the red - but founder Patrisse Cullors' brother was still paid $1.6M for 'security services' in 2022, while sister of board member earned $1.1M for 'consulting'


Anonymous said...

Hey, people... we've got bigger fish to fry than all of this constant (not going anywhere) BICKERING on this blog 24/7!!!


NO DEAL! Biden, McCarthy fail to reach an agreement on DEBT CEILING just days from potential default


Anonymous said...

JAN 6 FBI BOMBSHELL - you were right


Anonymous said...

Will this be a 'crisis equals opportunity' for the Globalists to use THE GREAT RESET to collapse / crash the American economy???


Anonymous said...

NESARA/GESARA: Muted IRS, Credit Cards Wiped, Credit Scores Increased, Bank Accounts Changing!


Anonymous said...

Black Lives Matter went through all those Billions that they 'Jesse Jacksoned' out of corporations? Say it aint so!

Maybe their cheerleader x will send them some of his earnings that he makes to troll on Cumbey 24/7?

Anonymous said...

A 6.6 earthquake strikes the Caribbean in the Darien Gap between Colombia & Panama

The DARIEN GAP is a dangerous 66 mile dense jungle area between Colombia & Panama... where migrants travel from South America BEFORE they reach the Mexican Border!!!

The region shaken is home to the Darien Gap, a sparsely settled area of dense jungle that is a primary land route for migrants heading north out of South America. Hundreds of thousands of migrants have passed through in recent years.



The quake was felt around Panama, including in the capital Panama City and its neighboring region of West Panama as well as in the Caribbean region of Guna Yala, according to Panama's National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc).

The area includes the Darien Gap, a dangerous corridor for migrants trying to reach the United States.



More information on the Darien Gap...

The jungle may swallow you; surviving the Darien Gap

CBS Video (2021): Darien Gap ~ A Haitian Exodus

Anonymous said...

If you want to understand the spirit that is behind the Great Reset, you have to be knowledgeable, and, informed regarding the declarations of Yuval Noah Harari, the WEF's primary philosopher.

Harari is a homosexual that is married to a man. In the video linked below, Harari states several times that "if something exists, it is by its very nature natural."
Take this to its logical conclusion, one can say that murder is natural because it exists! Or, more to the real spirit behind such a statement; if pedophilia exists, it is natural. Keep this in mind; when Harari speaks about something being natural, he is doing so in the context that it should therefore be accepted.

Watch this short video. Keep in mind that this man HATES God, and, in particular, Jesus Christ. In other videos, he is on record blaspheming Christ.

Also, this may provide some insight as to what is behind the global manic push for the LGBTQ agenda.


Anonymous said...

The dangers of surviving the Darien Gap include: venomous snakes, heat, humidity, mosquitos, hunger, thirst, smugglers demanding money along the way (who may rape and even kill them).

Anonymous said...

Regarding the video posted at 7:17 AM. Make sure you take the time to read the comments. It's very enlightening to see how many people expressed their support for this utter nonsense!

Anonymous said...

'UNDER THE SKIN': Klaus Schwab advisor Yuval Noah Harari on the new age of digital surveillance


Anonymous said...

Do you buy, wear North Face? If you do, you might want to give it some thought.

Way before the corporate mania to promote the LGBTQ agenda, North Face promoted it as well. Here's an ad that ran a year ago, entitled "The North Face Summer of Pride"


Read the comment section. It's very encouraging to see so many people standing up against the woke mania.

Anonymous said...

Two Righteous Jews helped bring us Y'shua our Savior. Now the Jews are zealous to bring us the Antichrist.

Anonymous said...

People are getting fed up with shoplifters out here


Anonymous said...


"Missouri v. Biden was filed on May 5, 2022. Since it was initially filed, it has taken quite a trip through the court system. The complaint has been amended 3 times, with the most recent Amendment being to transform the case into a class suit – due to the overwhelming evidence of broad harm to the constitutional rights of all Americans. You can view the docket by using this link. Part I:

The complaint alleged that the US Government was not only threatening and coercing social media companies to censor Americans on social media, but they were also working WITH social media companies to accomplish that goal.

It alleged that topics surrounding COVID-19, the origins of COVID, the Great Barrington Declaration, election integrity concerns, the COVID shot, the Hunter Biden laptop story (and more) were under scrutiny by the White House and other government agencies – and that the government had very publicly threatened to take action against social media companies should they not act to censor viewpoints on those topics that were disfavored by the government.

The Plaintiffs in the case (the states of Missouri and Louisiana, along with several other private plaintiffs) moved for expedited discovery to be able to obtain a limited set of evidence as well as depositions of certain officials. They argued that this evidence would allow them to make the case for a temporary injunction to stop the government from infringing on the first amendment rights of Plaintiffs and their citizens."

Anonymous said...

7:17 AM

I have posted a good many links here for well over a year on this guy and he gets hardly a notice at this blog.

This information is key to the current state of affairs of the entire world right now.

All the political and religious ruckus we see on very large scale now is about bringing what he is promoting into every nation, home, neighborhood, and person. Sovereign nations and sovereign persons are not in their playbook, not in the least.

Anonymous said...

10:56 AM

If Yuval Noah Harari was ORANGE, Constance would be all over it!

Anonymous said...

10:47 am

Freedom of Speech can be legitimately limited by time, place, and manner. Limitations based on time, place, and manner apply to all speech, regardless of the view expressed. They are generally restrictions that are intended to balance other rights or a legitimate government interest.

If we've learned anything in the US after this covid pandemic it's that we need more careful restrictions on social media where disinformation proliferated and cost the lives of so many Americans in the summer and fall of 2021 when the Delta Variant was killing so many disinformed naive unvaccinated persons throughout the country.

Social media killed my 60 year old healthy unvaccinated cousin.

Public health IS a legitimate government interest.

Of course, now that Opus Dei controls our US Supreme Court they may decide to restrict the government's ability to work with social media companies battling disinformation, thereby weakening our Government's future ability to thwart misinformation and save US lives...but the destruction of Protestant America is rome's goal so that makes sense, doesn't it?


Anonymous said...

More evidence the vaccines reduce/reduced Long Covid...

Long COVID risk and pre-COVID vaccination in an EHR-based cohort study from the RECOVER program


Abstract: Long COVID, or complications arising from COVID-19 weeks after infection, has become a central concern for public health experts. The United States National Institutes of Health founded the RECOVER initiative to better understand long COVID. We used electronic health records available through the National COVID Cohort Collaborative to characterize the association between SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and long COVID diagnosis. Among patients with a COVID-19 infection between August 1, 2021 and January 31, 2022, we defined two cohorts using distinct definitions of long COVID—a clinical diagnosis (n = 47,404) or a previously described computational phenotype (n = 198,514)—to compare unvaccinated individuals to those with a complete vaccine series prior to infection. Evidence of long COVID was monitored through June or July of 2022, depending on patients’ data availability. We found that vaccination was consistently associated with lower odds and rates of long COVID clinical diagnosis and high-confidence computationally derived diagnosis after adjusting for sex, demographics, and medical history.


Anonymous said...

1:21 PM

Your source is dubious.

Many other sources shared here, beg to differ with your "information".

Maybe you should be open to more than one take on the issue?

Anonymous said...

1:26 pm

Dubious? What exactly is wrong with the study and/or Nature.com? Do you have anything claiming they are "dubious" at all?

"Many other sources...beg to differ" -- really, such as?

I'd be open to other sources, can you name any/some?


Anonymous said...

To 7:17 AM

Yuval Noah Harari and the WEF and the Great Reset

The Great Reset Has Already Happened...

Anonymous said...

Go back and look for yourself, 1:55 PM. You have the time since your business and family don't take you away from posting here nonstop.

You're the "ahead of the curve" guy, remember?
Ahead of the curve doesn't place limitations on the freedom of information or short the timing for allowing it to process, but uses discernment with more than one take on any given issue so truth can actually come forward.

Surely, no one needs to hold your hand?

On this issue in particular, I think you're behind the 8 ball.

Anonymous said...

2:41 PM

So in other words you FEEL my source is dubious and you feel there are other sources which dispute the conclusion provided by the Nature.com printed study but you can't list, refer to or show them. As far as you know, they don't really even exist yet you felt the need to claim they do (i.e. - lie).

I've already read hundreds of scientific studies and reviewed a lot of epidemiologic data. Despite some twisted logic and cherry-picking here and there by non-scientists and really dubious "studies" most of which have been contradicted by other more in-depth studies/research and/or they were eventually withdrawn. I've read nothing which actually legitimately supports anti-covid vaccine sentiments.

Everyday more and more the scientific consensus proves you wrong. There comes a point where you just have to give it up like RayB did.


Anonymous said...

There is information all over this blog and a host of other places that refute you and your sources.
You'll give it up one day, when forced to.

As of now you're too lazy academically and morally to really get ahead of the curb as you tend to brag of yourself.

So keep swallowing and choke on it if you insist.
People don't care what you do or post, either way.

Anonymous said...

Talk about lazy academically. The nature.com article I just shared was dated May 22, 2023. No one has posted or shared any studies or evidence "refuting" this brand new study OR it's source, nature.com, on this blog.

You seemed to care enough to post empty lies in response.

Did you even READ the study?

We found that vaccination was consistently associated with lower odds and rates of long COVID clinical diagnosis and high-confidence computationally derived diagnosis after adjusting for sex, demographics, and medical history.

What are you suggesting? That the vaccinated are really suffering more from long covid than the unvaccinated and that people shared evidence of such "all over this blog"? When did anyone share anything stating anything like that here?

You don't have to admit you are a liar...just repent.


Anonymous said...

Shaming men for the last eleven years, Ann is one of the best writers out there, and you can bet your bottom dollar (gush) she has beautiful handwriting too ♥️


Anonymous said...

I think RayB gave up because he came to fully realize that Constance + you X, are stubborn Pharisaical religionists, possessed by a Luciferic spirit.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on. If I were truly a Luciferian, RayB woulda loved me as would you.

He left after getting tired of being exposed as a liar.


Anonymous said...

3:25 PM
The only ones I personally know who have had Covid, and got it at least twice (2 people I know each got it 3 times) are fully vaccinated people.

One friend in our neighborhood was much sicker with Covid on her 2nd time. She was fully vaccinated in between bouts.

You spread government poison.

Anonymous said...

Don't kid yourself RayB is here. Paul/RayB/Richard their name is Legion for they are many. They post and affirm themselves ad nauseam. They hate X and Rich and Constance. Connect the orange dots. They end with RayB.

Anonymous said...

5:49 pm

You should write to nature.com and let them know that your personal observations of "ones you personally know who had covid" completely debunks their analysis of 47,404 and 198,514 actual patients with documented medical records cohorts.

Maybe publish a paper about it as your anecdotal evidence is so countervailing.

I hope those friends and neighbors didn't shed all that covid vaccine poison all over you as they were sharing their medical records and histories with you.


p.s. - Ever notice how the unvaccinated try to pretend they didn't get or suffer from Covid at all? Well, perhaps it because the unvaccinated that got it real bad are largely dead so it's tough to interview them.

Among patients with a COVID-19 infection between August 1, 2021 and January 31, 2022, we defined two cohorts using distinct definitions of long COVID—a clinical diagnosis (n = 47,404) or a previously described computational phenotype (n = 198,514)

Anonymous said...

You post in a certain pugilist fashion, 6:26 PM.

Your 'beating the air' style, while 'beating a dead horse' type of wasting time and space.

I guess you have to be good at something.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I am good at refuting nonsense and misinformation as well as discernment. God gifts us all in unique ways.

I wonder if you have a gift. You should pursue that.


Anonymous said...

David Martin Addresses the EU Parliament: Covid Is 'Premeditated Domestic Terrorism', an 'Act of Biological & Chemical Warfare'


Anonymous said...


The same dirty tricks (antics) used here by the trolling gasbag x.

Anonymous said...

9:41 pm

Yes, Fox News …that bastion of truth, where honest dialogue goes to die.

They lie even more than you.

They lie like Nazis.

Anonymous said...

X claims he has the gift of discernment!

Your woke phoney 'jesus' has given you the desire to lie, and deceive dr X. But you can't "discern" that!

Anonymous said...

Antitrumpers, don't fret, he won't be selected because if he were he'd end that little dude with the Napoleon complex's war toot sweet.

Anonymous said...

Biden Regime Lumps Christians, Conservatives, and Republicans into Same Category as Nazis in New DHS Anti-Terrorism Program


X is a carbon copy of his hero O'Biden. Birds of a feather swim in the cesspool together!

Enjoy Hell X, it is full of your ilk.

Anonymous said...

LIVING RENT FREE IN THEIR HEADS: CNN and MSNBC Mention Trump 399 Times in 10 Hours(VIDEO)


Anonymous said...


"Japanese Professor Murakami of Tokyo University expresses concerns over the alarming discovery of Simian Virus 40 (SV40) promoters, associated with human cancer development, in Pfizer vials:

"The Pfizer vaccine has a staggering problem. I have made an amazing finding. This… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… "

"Microbiologist Kevin McKernan discovered concerning levels of DNA contamination in Pfizer and Moderna vials, including Simian Virus 40 (SV40) promoters tied to cancer development in humans:

"It's in both Moderna and Pfizer. We looked at the bivalent vaccines for both Moderna and… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… "

Anonymous said...

“New York State voters are assigned two identification numbers. This study has discovered strong evidence that both numbers have been algorithmically manipulated to produce steganographically concealed record attribute information.” The “secret fraudulent phantom voter infrastructure” allows for the manipulation of elections in a way that is not easily detectable. Dirty voter rolls are often a primary vector for election fraud."


Anonymous said...


How One Man Ran America's Election System For 40 Years
Forget names like Washington or Jefferson or Lincoln. The most important name in our banana republic is: Urosevich.

Anonymous said...

10:06 pm

That's cute that the neo-nazi fascists at TGP think THEY are the Christians.

Maybe TGP is just hurt they weren't specifically named as a neo-nazi feeder group when they specifically listed the other neo-nazi feeder organizations, including: The Heritage Foundation, Fox News, the National Rifle Association(NRA), Breitbart News, PragerU, TurningPointUSA, the Christian Broadcasting Network(CBN), the American Conservative Union Foundation(ACUF) and the Republican National Committee.

Plus...the actual report described one of the programs as:

establishing “media literacy and online critical thinking initiatives” among other so-called training seminars to upend conservatives, Christians and the Republican Party.

God forbid --- teaching people "media literacy and online critical thinking".

Come to think of it... so many of you should enroll.


p.s. - PLUS -- the FBI should be infiltrating and watching the opus dei traditional Latin mass roman catholic churches as well as some of their ecumenical dominionist partners. They certainly aren't Christians. They are neo-nazi fascists bent on the desmantling of American Protestant institutions, currently focused on disrupting and compromising the police and the FBI while continuing their war on public education (our schools).

Anonymous said...

10:03 AM

True that Trump will NOT be selected. He has a narcissist/hero complex, and wants to throw all the criminal Deep State(Luciferians),Synagogue of Satan, apostate Catholics, pagans, sodomites, and demonic Globalists etc., into jail. Yes sure, like that is going to happen! NOT! That didn't go down during his first turmoil, why would it happen during his next turmoil? . Nevertheless, our oppressors won't take any chances on that ever happening! They even said so repeatedly.

What I see now, and time will tell if I am wrong, is that the above mentioned MSM servants of satan, and the criminal DOJ, will illegally harass Trump, into a deeply crippled campaign, while promoting Desantis, who they feel they can control. On the other side, there is no way they want Kennedy in the White House, so Michelle Obama will run and be promoted HEAVILY, by the MSM as was his husband! As Opera stated, "He's the ONE" They are both he's, so one flesh=same, "The ONE"!

That's the setup for the AC Obama, to be revealed after the U.S. is completely destroyed by Russia, from which four kingdoms will arise from the ashes. And Obama as the Phoenix, arises from those same ashes.

Do you ever wonder why modern day churches never admit to the fact that Satan runs the world. It's made so clear in the bible that he holds the key to the kingdoms of this world.

"Come out of her(Babylon) my people"!!!

Anonymous said...

Rupert Murdoch Hosted Ron DeSantis at His California Ranch and Told Him FOX News Will Support Him


Anonymous said...

Suspect Who Fatally Shoved Man Onto Minneapolis Light Rail Released Without Charges(VIDEO)


Anonymous said...

Nice attempt at peddling racist “brute” fear by THP like Minneapolis is lawless letting some black man go whom TGP claims “shoved” a man to his death.

There’s apparently video of the incident. Maybe they were defending themselves and the deceased was the aggressor??

It’s not like no charges will ever be filed… this is the statement that a accompanied the real story

“On Wednesday, a spokesperson with the Hennepin County Attorney's Office said charges were deferred pending toxicology results, a final autopsy report and further investigation. The spokesperson did say there was a video of the interaction between the two men, but added that it "raises questions and legal issues that must be resolved to ensure any possible charges are supported by sufficient evidence to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in court and that the state is able to overcome possible defenses that could be raised."

The real question is why are these kind of stories about black crime being repeated to right wing Maga audiences in alt right media this particular way? TGP clearly misrepresents the story, why?

My best guess is because it gets them clicks and shares. Surely the homosexual, Jim Hoft, married to a childlike Filipino boy doesn’t really care about how black criminals are managed in Minneapolis. He just wants to grift off white nationalists who click, read and share such trivial nonsense. Lots of criminals are released pending charges and indictments, especially if they are white.. look no further than Trump .. he’s a criminal that’s been allowed to walk the streets for years. Justice will eventually find them…if not in this life, afterwards.


PS - and u wonder how Maga republicans could be labeled neo-nazis??? Hitler blamed the Jews, Maga GOP blames the blacks, the Jews, the gays, the media, the deep state, the immigrants, the non-ecumenical Christian’s, etc. when r u going to discern that your the problem, it’s you!

Anonymous said...

So we hear from the snake pit again.
No, I blame his woke socialist Saul Alinsky methodology.
And I think it is great that Trump lives rent free in his empty head.

In his empty heart x, is not interested in true justice, that is God's brand of justice that is no respecter of persons. All he's got is his prejudice and bias that his damning ineptitude and total lack of humanity can muster.

I think it's a hellish home where snake x lives.

Anonymous said...

2:58 pm

You are rambling nonsense again.

Did you mean "ideology", not 'methodology" right? I was a teenager when Alinsky died and I've never even read his books so what do I know about his "methodology"?

Also...where did I ever utter anything "woke socialist" at all?

I love how these Alt-right disinformation channels have gotten you (and so many others) to misapply labels like that all the time... all willy-nilly without any context or actual meaning. It's not like the US is pure capitalism. Pure capitalism isn't found anywhere so we are all "socialists" to some degree.

Anyway...I think you need to calm down and take your medicine.


Anonymous said...

Oath Keeper leaders get jail time for Jan. 6 Capitol riot


Oath Keepers extremist group founder Stewart Rhodes was sentenced Thursday to 18 years in prison for orchestrating a weekslong plot that culminated in his followers attacking the U.S. Capitol in a bid to keep President Joe Biden out of the White House after winning the 2020 election.

Rhodes, 58, is the first person convicted of seditious conspiracy in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack to receive his punishment, and his sentence is the longest handed down so far in the hundreds of Capitol riot cases.

It’s another milestone for the Justice Department’s sprawling Jan. 6 investigation, which has led to seditious conspiracy convictions against the top leaders of two far-right extremist groups authorities say came to Washington prepared to fight to keep President Donald Trump in power at all costs.

“The Justice Department will continue to do everything in our power to hold accountable those criminally responsible for the January 6th attack on our democracy,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement.

Kelly Meggs is an Oath Keeper from Florida who pleaded not guilty to federal charges related to the U.S. Capitol riot.
Florida Oath Keeper chapter leader Kelly Meggs, of Dunnellon, was sentenced later Thursday to 12 years behind bars.


In a first for a Jan. 6 case, the judge agreed with the Justice Department that Rhodes' actions should be punished as “terrorism,” which increases the recommended sentence under federal guidelines. That decision could foreshadow lengthy sentences down the road for other far-right extremists, including former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio, who have also been convicted of the rarely used charge.

Before announcing Rhodes' sentence, U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta described a defiant Rhodes as a continued threat to the United States and democracy. The judge expressed fear that what happened on Jan. 6 could be repeated, saying Americans will “now hold our collective breaths every time an election is approaching.”

“You are smart, you are charismatic and compelling and frankly that’s what makes you dangerous,” the judge told Rhodes. “The moment you are released, whenever that may be, you will be ready to take up arms against your government.”

Anonymous said...

Snakes gonna snake just like woke gonna woke.

Both do apply to you but I was talking your methods here.

Slither on back and continue to channel your government idols 4:04 PM.

Anonymous said...

5:35 pm

Oh...like your Luciferian methodology.

You should try slithering more quietly. I can hear and see your evilness. You don't even make a good demon.

Do you actually have ANYTHING substantive to add to this comment section other than stalking me and losing arguments?


Anonymous said...

You deserve the attention you crave x!

Even a bad "love" is better than no love at all.

Hating on others is your specialty.
You hate my links, my comments, just hate people like me for just being, being not you, LOL.

So here's your dose of medicine blog hog.
Your exercise for learning grace is little ole me.

So far you flunk the course.
Try harder.

Anonymous said...

Massive Brawl at Chicago Airport


Anonymous said...

Russia will launch a preemptive if the West provides Ukraine with nukes, Moscow warns: Dmitry Medvedev says West underestimate Putin's willingness to bring about Armageddon.


Anonymous said...

6:27 pm

You are projecting.

I'm happy-go-lucky.

Easy going.

I LOVE debunking your links and dismantling your comments.

Mostly I'm just last wording you. I told my wife yesterday that you were one of those stubborn people that just can't give up the last word and I've demonstrated that mightly.

Guess it's you taking the medicine afterall.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Being that Constance Cumbey almost never posts any comments here anymore, this blog has become owned and operated by X.

Why not just make it formal and name the blog "His Perspective: What X Thinks?"

Anonymous said...

the Luciferian at 10:28 pm

That sounds better than a neo-nazi white nationalist blog full of misinformation and irrelevant links promoted by homosexuals who defend Jan 6 Maga insurrectionists, promote murderous anti-vaccine propaganda and want to dismantle our republic, public education and the FBI/police & prosecutors offices that you and Rayb would prefer.

Until Mrs. Cumbey comes back and tells me otherwise, I'll keep fighting heretics, defending Christ and seeking/promoting truth, as I discern it, on this blog.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Constance has no need of posting here anymore, as X expresses her opinions perfectly well.

"What X Thinks" is, for the most part, "What Constance Thinks"

Anonymous said...

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Calls on Joe Biden to Honor His 1992 Vote and Release the John F. Kennedy Assassination Documents


Anonymous said...

SHOTS FIRED - WILD BRAWL BREAKS OUT on North Avenue Beach in Chicago on First Day Beaches Are Open for the Season - Video


Anonymous said...

X @ 11:03 PM offers up more evidence of his deeply psychotic, satanic mindset.

"That sounds better than a neo-nazi white nationalist blog full of misinformation and irrelevant links promoted by homosexuals who defend Jan 6 Maga insurrectionists, promote murderous anti-vaccine propaganda and want to dismantle our republic, public education and the FBI/police & prosecutors offices that you and Rayb would prefer."

X believes, and perhaps he is right about "Mrs. Cumbey" supporting his "fighting heretics, defending Christ and seeking/promoting truth, as I(X) discern it, on this blog."

Anonymous said...

Dodgers Announce ‘Christian Faith and Family Day’ Amid Pride Night

(Now, isn't that just wonderful? That will make the "Christians" happy, won't it? I mean, after the Dodgers hold a night to celebrate Sodomy, etc., it's nice to balance things out, right?)

“Excited to announce the relaunch of Christian Faith and Family Day at Dodger Stadium on July 30th,” Kershaw tweeted. “More details to come— but we are grateful for the opportunity to talk about Jesus and determined to make it bigger and better than it was before COVID. Hope to see you on July 30th!”

“Join us at Dodger Stadium on 7/30 for Christian Faith and Family Day. Stay after the game to celebrate and be part of a day of worship. Stay tuned for more details,” the team’s official account tweeted.

Dodgers Announce ‘Christian Faith and Family Day’ Amid Pride Night Controversy

Anonymous said...

Sam Brinton is in the news again, this time, it isn't for stealing luggage at airports.

(Is it possible our X is Sam Brinton? Just asking.)

‘Genderfluid’ Former Biden Official Sam Brinton Led Anti-Catholic ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’ Group

“Non-binary” former Biden administration official Sam Brinton led the Washington, DC, chapter of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a radical anti-Catholic drag queen group at the center of the Los Angeles Dodgers Pride Night controversy, Fox News reported.

The drag queen group made headlines this month after being uninvited, then re-invited to the Dodgers’ tenth annual Pride Night celebration on June 16.

After receiving backlash from religious groups, the Dodgers rescinded an invitation to the radical anti-Christian organization. However, the Dodgers walked back its decision and announced Monday that the drag queen group would be re-invited to the team’s Pride Night.

The Dodgers offered “sincerest apologies to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, members of the LGBTQ+ community and their friends and families,” in a statement issued after the announcement.


Anonymous said...

North Face Slammed over Ad Featuring Drag Queen Urging Viewers to ‘Come Out’ in Nature

(Any comments Constance, Linda, X et all? I read where you all posted very positive things about people that you know to be LGBTQ+++ etc.

Commercial starts out with the guy stating his name and saying that "Yes, I'm a real homosexual." How nice.

IF YOU claim to be a Christian, and you knowingly spend money that supports this LGBTQ mania, YOU are just as guilty as these woke, anti-Christ corporations. Maybe the "mark of the beast" is entirely a spiritual mark?)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So SamB, aka X, voted for Obama Twice!!??

X needs to come out of the closet.

Anonymous said...

My name is Joan Rivers, and I fully agree with 11:34 AM

Anonymous said...

"I'll keep fighting" "as I discern it"

And there you have it @ 11:03 PM.
His hard heart and deaf ears have no discernment, just fight (for the godless globalist agenda).

He's not interested in real truth and honest good as he resumes his blog takeover.

Anonymous said...

Politics is no longer left vs right

It’s truth versus Maga republicans

For example, the Maga Luciferian above claims Linda and I said very positive things about people we know to be LGBT whatever.

I never have.

I don’t hate them either. I don’t subscribe to all this cultural war deflection crap but I don’t otherwise support or enable those lifestyles.

My war is with the principalities of darkness, not individual sinners who are only selected over say, adulterers, because they are weak, poor and different.

If Maga wants to take such morality stands why not disparage reprobates like Trump or Jim Hoft? Where is Breitbart when we need them?


Anonymous said...

11:34 pm

SamB...does that mean you voted for another lifelong unrepentant adulterer, John McCain and/or the Mormon cultist, Trump buddy, and globalist neo-con Mitt Romney?

Figures... no discernment whatsoever. Someone had to clean up the mess George W. Bush made.

As a Christian Conservative, I was slowly coming over to the Republican party. I was never a registered Democrat. I was an independent. I am currently a registered Republican but, unfortunately, the party has moved so far to the right I don't find many Republicans I can support beyond Adam Kinzinger.

I will not likely cast my vote for a gay man or woman, an orthodox roman catholic (Kennedy and Desanity), an ecumenicist, nor an unrepentant adulterer in either party.

Caveat - to save our republic I'd consider it my patriotic duty to vote for anyone opposing Trump


Anonymous said...

And now the latest from "His Perspective: What X Thinks"

X says the Democrats are TRUTH PERSONIFIED! Everyone against Make America Great Again is a liar.

What a complete nutcase.

Anonymous said...


Stop calling yourself a Conservative and a Christian. You're neither.

Anonymous said...

As far as Tulsi Gabbard---

She's Hindu. The Maga Gop is the political folding of the undiscerning new age left into the "manifesting" qanon conspiracy new age heretical right.

It makes sense she'd be enticed to partner with rome and it's money (Brietbart is opus dei affiliated)


Anonymous said...

Poor lil Luciferian X thinks that there is a threat from Maga Republicans + "white supremacists" to "dismantle our republic."

Since when has this nation been Republic, X? We don't even have a Representative democracy. The Democrats and their RINO ilk control the Warmongering, Globalist, New Age, Luciferian, Military Medical, Financial, Industrial Complex police state,

That suits you and your Prominent supporter here, just fine. But you're not far from reality. You both just need to turn 180 degrees, and maybe, by God's Grace, your veils will fall off? Then you wouldn't have to strain so much.

Anonymous said...

150 Ways Biden Has Made It Harder to Produce Oil and Gas: Energy Institute Report

(Think about this when you pull up to the pump, pay your gas and electric bills, along with skyrocketing inflation on everything else)

The Biden administration has implemented multiple policies that have harmed America’s domestic energy production and weakened the country’s standing internationally leading to gas shortages and the highest-ever prices in the nation’s history.

“President Biden and the Democrats in Congress have a plan for American energy: make it harder to produce and more expensive to purchase. Since Mr. Biden took office, his administration and its allies have taken over 150 actions deliberately designed to make it harder to produce energy here in America,” according to a May 23 Institute for Energy Research (IER) report.

Anonymous said...

1:01 pm

You'd like that wouldn't you? I'm not going to deny Christ no matter how much such would please you.

Perhaps the anger you feel at hearing His name should tell you something.

The glory is for God and God alone.


Anonymous said...

Decisions, decisions, decisions ...

Who's side would you be on POLITICALLY?

X the radical liberal heretic that voted for Obama TWICE and Biden?

Or Tulsi Gabbard the Hindu?

Duh, this isn't about religion, it's about politics and policies.

What an absolute retard.

Anonymous said...

So X, what is worse, a Hindu with eyes to see, or a dorky, white trash, lying, Holy Spirit of Wisdom rejecting 'baptist' like you?

What say you?

Anonymous said...

This is what Biden supports, and X supports Biden:

Divisive Societal Collectivism Is A Primary Driver Of Total Control Over The People

The might of the State relies exclusively on the destruction of the individual, and participation, acceptance, allowance, and support of State as god, by the collective members of ‘society,’ who have succumbed to the State’s efforts to divide them into a multitude of groups at odds with every other group. The focus of this purposeful mass antagonism is to build differing aggressive personalities in order to set the stage for unrestrained division and chaos.

Much more here: https://conservativeplaybook.com/2023/05/27/divisive-societal-collectivism-is-a-primary-driver-of-total-control-over-the-people/

Anonymous said...

Don't expect X posting much for the rest of the day. I think he's off to Targay for a lengthy shopping spree.

Anonymous said...

Seriously true and funny, with a side order of deep sadness.

Anonymous said...

Tar-Gay Is FAR Worse Than You Thought: Leaked Memo Says Only “Extremists” Are Concerned About Sexualization of Children by J. D. Rucker

Chances are, you think that floundering retail giant Target is pretty bad for hiring satanists to indoctrinate children and advance the trans-supremacy agenda. You may even think they’re awful for not instantly and unambiguously apologizing for sexualizing kids.

A leaked internal memo indicates it’s actually worse than that. They’re not just unrepentant. They believe YOU are the problem and that you’re an “extremist” for thinking children should not be made into victims of sexual brainwashing.

As Target faces backlash, resulting in monetary losses over its Pride collection, the company has sent an internal memo stating that those who worry about the sexualization of children are extremists. The line includes clothing and accessories for children, including shirts that read “Queer! Queer! Queer!” and onesies about how trans is beautiful.

The internal memo, titled “Threat Overview,” states that “as political and social tensions rise ahead of the 2024 presidential election, Target will face a continued increase of physical security threats related to our commitments on contentious social issues including support of the LGBTQIA+ community and Pride Month.”

The retail giant stated that online campaigns and boycotts that have emerged in the wake of Target launching its Pride collection “have the potential to motivate extremists to violence.”

Listed as “recent extremist focuses” is the “‘sexualization’ of children, gender issues, and drag performances.”

Target stated that store shoppers may “express their opposition to Target’s support of the LGBTQIA+ community” through disruptions in the store or making threats of violence.

At this point, we can’t boycott Target hard enough.

Anonymous said...

1:10 PM

Words that X lives by!

Fits X like a fine Armani suit!

Anonymous said...

But X stands on the side of "truth" against those MAGA protesters that are boycotting Tar-Gay, Budweiser, the North Face, Disney, Major League Baseball, etc., etc.

But really, really, really, x is a "conservative and a Christian." Absolutely nothing will ever prevent him from denying highly liberalized Baptist "religion."

Anonymous said...

The dichotomy of the 2 posts at 1:05 pm is just so hilarious if it wasn't so sad...

The first post at 1:05pm tries to pin all the globablists and "industrial complex" on democrats and rino's while the 2nd post then quotes from the "industrial complex" think tank trying to undermine the democrats.

The Institute for Energy Research was started and is funded by Charles Koch and his buddies and billionaires in the oil and gas industry.

They like Trump because it's chaos and they can pay him to deregulate their industries (and appoint judges who will support their industry). The opus dei US Supreme Court, to the delight of the Oil and Gas and chemical industries, JUST DECIDED a case this week making it much harder for the EPA to regulate and enforce the Clean Water Act.

PLUS - the report is a lie --- Biden has expanded our energy independence and supported our oil and gas industry's stabilization after Trump decimated all the little players in the industry in favor of the big guys (around 450 bankruptcies total 2017-2020 to just 21 in 2021 Biden's first year).


Anonymous said...

1:19 PM

You have a better way with words than me. I appreciate that!

Spot on truth, with a side of euphoria inducing laughter.

Anonymous said...


The Democrats "undermine" themselves!

There is a very deep 'pit' beneath them, and you can get to explore its mysteries with them.

Anonymous said...

X ....doesn't your nonstop lying, and slithering, ever creep you out?

Well I guess if you substituted The Only True Holy Spirit for your Luciferian spirit, it probably would creep you out.

You certainly creep me out.

What say you Constance? Does X's Luciferian spirit creep you out?

Anonymous said...

man...the Luciferians be buzzing today.

Talk about "Divisive Societal Collectivism Is A Primary Driver Of Total Control Over The People"

Hello Pot...just read how divisive you are being.

LGBT+ persons are our mission field. It's no wonder why they hate the God that made them when they see all these heretics running around using Jesus's name to hate on them and base their political propaganda on them.

Why not boycott Trump? What's the difference between him and a gay person or some gay beer or gay bathing suit? When did his adulterous relationship with Melania stop being adultery? If you rob a bank, is it truly repentance when you keep the cash?

I get hypocrisy from non-believers, but supposed believers?


p.s.- I pray you find yourself an expository preaching bible church as you are sorely in need of correction, leading to understanding, leading to repentance.

Anonymous said...

Texas AG Ken Paxton: It's an ILLEGAL Impeachment

May 27, 2023


Is Joe Biden RETALIATING against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton for filing a lawsuit against the Biden Administration last Tuesday???

Texas Sues Biden Administration for ‘Illegally Pre-Approving’ Migrants Through Mobile AP

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit against President Joe Biden’s administration on Tuesday, May 23rd for “illegally pre-approving” migrants to enter the United States through a mobile app that Paxton argues encourages illegal immigration.

Paxton said the Biden administration “deliberately conceived of this phone app with the goal of illegally pre-approving more foreign aliens to enter the country and go where they please once they arrive.”

Paxton said in a statement: Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas, and the entire Biden Administration have prioritized creating and protecting new ways for illegal aliens to stream into this country, no matter the cost or consequence to struggling American citizens. Time after time, my office has shown that we will fight back in court to defeat their unlawful open-borders policies. We intend to stop this rule from wreaking further havoc on the people of Texas.



Anonymous said...

Ummm…Ken Paxton was recommended for impeachment by a Republican led legislative investigative committee. Remember republicans firmly control the Texas Legislature.

How Biden could “retaliate” in this manner is a pretty ferdutzt accusation.



“…the Republican-led General Investigating Committee notified Paxton that it had been investigating him for months, and it unanimously recommended that the attorney general be impeached and removed from office. Alleged bribery, obstruction of justice and abuse of public trust are among the items of alleged behavior cited by Texas Republicans in the articles of impeachment to be presented Saturday.”


Anonymous said...

What X Thinks says:

"LGBT+ persons are our mission field. It's no wonder why they hate the God that made them when they see all these heretics running around using Jesus's name to hate on them and base their political propaganda on them."

But what does the Bible actually say about WHY people actually reject Christ while hating God?

"And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved." John 3:19,20

Who should we believe? The radical X or the Bible? LOL

Anonymous said...

Bet u didn’t know this as you pretend to be anti-elitist.

Alex Marlow, the editor in chief at white nationalist promoting Breitbart news went to Harvard Westlake prep school in LA where tuition is $40,000 per year and then he went to Berkeley (tuition $44,00 per year) where he was hired by Andrew Breitbart as a 21 year old intern.


These blue bloods use every trick of the pen they can to fill your minds with propaganda and get u to vote for their continued control over you while they rob you blind while blaming the Democrats (or the gays or the blacks or the Jews)


Anonymous said...

2:03 pm

So are you saying the light that reveals and then covers your sins couldn’t do the same for certain other sinners?

Did/does your sin make you hate the spirit?

How do you decide which sinners are worthy of Jesus and the Holy Spirit?

You can’t horde the Gospel.


Anonymous said...

"I get hypocrisy from non-believers, but supposed believers?


p.s.- I pray you find yourself an expository preaching bible church as you are sorely in need of correction, leading to understanding, leading to repentance."

Your own words are spot on-for yourself-X.

Anonymous said...

Take him or leave him but one thing William clearly sees is that the agenda of the leets comes from Satan.


Anonymous said...

'An Iranian Serpent, A Hungarian-American Beelzebub, And Barry's Third Tour Of Duty.'


Anonymous said...

3:40 PM

Thank you.

It is what I figured out within 6 months of BHO "reign", and indeed, it is ongoing.

Sorazz got him notice and position in the first place, by hook and by crook, and remains the puppet master with a very extensive network for undermining all opposition, from any and every corner possible.
His aim has been to deliver America up to the Globalist cabal.

They have succeeded in my book.

Craig said...

It's been awhile since I posted anything by Tony Heller and the "Climate Change" ideology, so the time has come to rectify this:

The Climate Crisis Of 1896

Tony Heller

Tens of millions of people died around the world during 1896 from heat, drought, fires, tornadoes and floods. Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels were below 300 PPM, which climatologists say is very safe.


And speaking of 'Messiah' BHO:

Appeals to Authority

Tony Heller

I realized a long time ago that the climate debate had nothing to do with science. What has kept me interested is that it has given me an opportunity to study how propaganda is structured and propagated by the press and governments.

Rest assured, "Climate Change" is real.

Anonymous said...

3:40 PM

Good find!

These critters that control Mummyman, state they are concerned with U.S. National Security, and U.S. strength in the world. Obviously they are not. Satan's servants always lie like Hell. They, like their father, only seek to destroy, and create a dystopian hell on earth.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the video link Craig.

The dandelions that grow on the side of the road are 10 times the size of the biggest ones in my yard.

More CO2 accelerates photosynthesis causing plants to grow faster, a phenomenon known as 'carbon fertilization'.

Anonymous said...


What does the weather in certain locations at differing dates in 1896 have to do with worldwide climate change today?

It’s “true” but irrelevant.

The best propaganda is that which contains a truth which leads someone to believe a lie, and this is a classic. Scientists call this kind of thing cherry picking.

Tony Heller is not a climate scientist, he’s a propagandist who has made money from and been a speaker at many industry sponsored climate denial think tanks and lobbyists. He is not part of the actual debate, to the extent there is a debate.

He’s right about science not being a part of the climate change denial part of the “debate”.

Anti-climate change is new age fantasy. The lie conditions you to accept and promote so many other lies they fill your heads up with. If you buy Hellwrs lies, they’ll tell you the vaccines will hurt you and the election was stolen and the Jews are gonna get you.


Anonymous said...

CNN Poll Says 66% Of Americans Believe Another Joe Biden Term Will Lead To Disaster.


One commenter said it best: "Lead to Disaster?" WTF do you call this?

Anonymous said...

"Anti-climate change is new age fantasy." "The lie conditions you to accept and promote so many other lies they fill your head up with."


Craig said...


You wrote: What does the weather in certain locations at differing dates in 1896 have to do with worldwide climate change today?

Everything. Heller has taken actual newspaper clippings from the relevant time period for comparison. Are you saying we cannot compare 1896 temps with today's temps? Even if we were to accept the supposed 'time of temperature taking variance' or the supposed 'difference in thermometers', we'd STILL have data that contradicts the "Climate Change" narrative, to include the bogus Mann 'hockey stick' (see latter part of his vlog).

Moreover, Heller even includes historical data of then-current 300 PPM carbon dioxide levels—levels that the new climatologists claim we should strive to achieve. So, this concurrently calls into question the validity of this aspect of the current “Climate Change” narrative.

One doesn’t need to be a ‘climatologist’ to use the ‘climatologist’s’ arguments against him—and you, X, are not a climatologist, thereby rendering this part of your counter-argument moot, anyway. Unless you wish to advance the appeal to authority fallacy (see 2nd vlog @ my 7:01 PM comment).

Can you refute the data he provides rather than resort to your typical ad hominem/genetic fallacy and emotional arguments? What exactly about his data renders this particular vlog an example of “cherry picking”? He’s taken (available) data from all over the globe during the relevant time period. It’d be one thing if he took only two or three hot temps in one region, yet he provided a large number of temps from various places on the globe:

Began in autumn of 1895:
-NY, 9/21/95 as part of “hot wave”, newspaper article including MA and VT .
November, 1895:
-WI had fires as a result
-CA fires
January, 1896:
-1/2 through 1/25 Bourke, NSW averaged 114F
-LA, CA record for 5/24 of 95F in 1896 has stood now for over 125 years
-Reports of then-record tornados (to implicitly compare with current “Climate Change” claims of increasingly bad weather due to “CC”)
Summer, 1896:
-8/96, NY experienced 10 day heat wave that killed 1500 people
-7/11/96, Europe (London, Spain, specifically noted) heat wave recorded

“Tens of millions of people died around the world from the horrifically bad weather of [late] 1895 and 1896. Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels were below 300 PPM which climatologists say is very safe. There was a record Heat Wave and drought in 1896 around the world but NASA shows it as being one of the coldest years on [relatively recent] record.

“If government climate scientists were actual scientists they would want to understand the heat of 1896 rather than tamper with the data to make the heat disappear.”

Craig said...

Gays Against Groomers

Gays Against Groomers directly opposes the sexualization and indoctrination of children. This includes drag queen story hours, drag shows involving children, the transitioning and medicalization of minors, and gender theory being taught in the classroom.

Gay Man Just Gave The Best Rant You'll Hear Today


Frank Rodriguez From Gays Against Groomers Received Ovation For This Speech

Craig said...

At The Bottom Of The Hockey Stick

Tony Heller

Our leading climate academics say the years from 1908-1911 was the coldest four year period on record. In this video I examine the cold, safe and stable climate of 1911.

At the end of this vlog, Heller quotes now centenarian (?!) Henry Kissinger, who, essentially, told us what the elites—of which he is—are and have been planning:

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

Anonymous said...

Blasting their way through the Gates of the Hood,
nothing can stop them tonight;

They take on your world with hatred inside,
destruction the reason they fight....

Surviving elections and taking them all,
then Joe returns from the dead....

Thrusting now more with thrice as much strength,
X bulges then lifts up his head!

Anonymous said...

{Group Chorus}

Biden! X spreads the lies

Biden! We've no disguise!

Biden! X sucks his soul!

Biden! The wrath unfolds...

lyrics by Richard

Anonymous said...

Satan Joe's master in wicked mayhem,
he guides X with every last step.....

His bullsh*t keeps growing with power and fury,
soon they'll be bucket-loads left....

Anonymous said...


Climate change is measured in decades and centuries. There are heat waves and cold snaps somewhere every year but trends and human effects upon such trends can be analyzed by actual climate scientists to develop and test/confirm scientific theories and consensus on the subject. I didn’t watch this new video as I’ve debunked Hellers 1911 claims before (my guess is it’s another cherry picking analysis where he again shows clippings somewhere in the world at a single point in time where it just so happened to be hot in 1911 as though that is relevant data - as in “see 1911 couldn’t be actually a cold year”)

I’m not some big climate change advocate or guy. I’m not a scientist but I know liars and Tony Heller is a professional liar who uses the very tricks he claims to despise (best defense is a good offense).

Oh… not to mention, I challenge u to provide evidence that Henry Kissinger actually said the following (I know it’s been repeated many times and is found on various quote websites but actual attribution is left wanting)

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” —not Henry Kissinger

I think someone like Heller at some point just twisted up the Orwell quote “He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future.” -George Orwell


Anonymous said...


For example summer of 2022 was the 2nd hottest ever in Texas averaging over 100 degrees.


50 years from now, if Tony Heller were still alive he’d be showing headlines about the 2021 and 2022 Texas cold snaps claiming they somehow refute the indications and trends of increasing summer heat in Texas (as though the reports and summer observations were questionable).



“Overview. Extremely cold air mass shifted over Texas on December 22, 2022, causing temperatures to plummet across the state. Much of Texas endured temperatures below freezing - in some cases well below freezing - for dozens of hours.Dec 22, 2022”

https://tdem.texas.gov › disasters

Then Heller would throw in something random like this irrelevant fact from Australia as though that it changes data for a whole year everywhere and/or makes the statements about weather in Texas questionable.

“Australia saw its coldest spring in decades and wettest on record for some regions”



Ps : despite that cooler spring in Australia …. climate change data focuses on long term trends such as…

“Longer-term trends: Australia's climate has warmed by around 1.47 °C in the period 1910–2021, leading to an increase in the frequency of extreme heat events. Southern Australia has seen a reduction of 10 to 20% in cool season (April–October) rainfall in recent decades.” —- http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/ahead/outlooks/

Anonymous said...

X @ 12:00 AM

Despite your endless attempts to educate us here at this bog with your worldly Luciferian views on EVERYTHING, God is in control of this planet, NOT YOU!

You can join hand in hand with all the little Gaia goddess of Earth worshipers, including the commie Pope, and it will not change anything!

The late Pastor David Meyer said it best. "It isn't global warming, it's global sinning."

Craig said...


I won’t bother to address your 12:00 AM speculation/straw man. I will come back to Tony Heller later on; but, for now here’s John Coleman:

The experts explain the global warming myth: John Coleman

Feb 5, 2010

John Coleman is the founder of the Weather Channel, the original weatherman on Good Morning America and now the lead meteorologist here at KUSI-TV.

@ 2:50 LONG TERM PICTURE FROM ICE CORE DATA implies no correlation between carbon dioxide levels and temperature variations, whether increasing or decreasing

@ 4:01 Graph illustrating, in part, Medieval Warm Period (MWP), followed by Little Ice Age (LIA), and the emergence from the LIA and our current warming trend beginning ca. 1880.

@ 4:35 AN ACCURATE TEMPERATURE CHART. “An increase of ½ of 1 degree since 1880.” Yet, the IPCC says, “These aren’t natural, but they’re the result of our burning of fossil fuels.” And note the dip/pause from 1940 to mid-‘70s, in which the post-war industrial boom resulted in increased use of fossil fuels (ffs)—how can we say there’s a direct correlation between increasing ffs use and rising temps? And do recall that in the 1970s there were claims by climatologists we were entering an ice age, given recent data.


@ 6:15 IPCC computer model ‘predictions’ vs. actual

@ 6:35 ClimateGate emails showing data had been manipulated to continue CC narrative

@ 7:00 North Pole ice extent INCREASING, not DECREASING; polar bear population expanding concurrently



Craig said...

CORRECTION in my 8:43 AM:

@ 2:50 implies no correlation between carbon dioxide levels and temperature variations should be implies no correlation between man-made carbon dioxide emissions (fossil fuel use/non-use) and temperature variations

Anonymous said...

836 am

Is that your lesson?

I didn’t bring the subject up. Craig started the lesson on climate change by introducing videos from a well known heretic and industry lobbyist Tony Heller aka Stephen Goddard. Perhaps it is Craig you should be lecturing “God is in control of this planet” so he doesn’t have to propagandize us with lies.

My advice… go to an expository Bible church today and pray for the gift of repentance.


Craig said...

From the above data we might be able to say that increasing CO2 levels may correlate with warmer temps, but we’d have real difficulty claiming man-made CO2 emissions are a or THE primary driver.

From Dr. Judith Curry’s Senate Commerce Committee Hearing:

“…Human caused climate change is a theory in which the basic mechanism is well understood, but whose magnitude is highly uncertain. No one questions that surface temperatures have increased overall since 1880, or that humans are adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, or that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases have a warming effect on the planet. However there is considerable uncertainty and disagreement about the most consequential issues: whether the warming has been dominated by human causes versus natural variability, how much the planet will warm in the 21st century, and whether warming is ‘dangerous’.

“The central issue in the scientific debate on climate change is the extent to which the recent (and future) warming is caused by humans versus natural climate variability. Research effort and funding has focused on understanding human causes of climate change. However we have been misled in our quest to understand climate change, by not paying sufficient attention to natural causes of climate change, in particular from the sun and from the long-term oscillations in ocean circulations.

“Why do scientists disagree about climate change? The historical data is sparse and inadequate. There is disagreement about the value of different classes of evidence, notably the value of global climate models. There is disagreement about the appropriate logical framework for linking and assessing the evidence. And scientists disagree over assessments of areas of ambiguity and ignorance.

“How then, and why, have climate scientists come to a consensus about a very complex scientific problem that the scientists themselves acknowledge has substantial and fundamental uncertainties?
Climate scientists have become entangled in an acrimonious political debate that has polarized the scientific community. As a result of my analyses that challenge IPCC conclusions, I have been called a denier by other climate scientists, and most recently by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. My motives have been questioned by Representative Grijalva, in a recent letter sent to the President of Georgia Tech.

There is enormous pressure for climate scientists to conform to the so-called consensus. This pressure comes not only from politicians, but from federal funding agencies, universities and professional societies, and scientists themselves who are green activists. Reinforcing this consensus are strong monetary, reputational, and authority interests.

“Given that there really isn’t a consensus among climatologists, why are we constantly told that there IS a consensus? And why is it that it is only those with the ‘correct’ ideology—for that is truly what it is—receive funding, and that those who challenge this “consensus” lose their funding and are called “climate deniers”? As far as I know, there is not ONE politician with the requisite background to be conversant in climatology; so, why are they speaking as if they know the truth?”

Anonymous said...

"We can define an expository sermon as text-driven preaching, where we derive the sermon's main point and outline from the correct interpretation of the text of Scripture."

So, X, does the church you grace with your presence believe in a pre-trib rapture? Maybe Pre-wrath? Or some other variation? By what mechanism do they have "the correct interpretation?"

Why is it that many of the "expository Bible churches", that I have been in over my nearly 70 years, have a christmas tree? I guess that's biblical in their 'book'?

To tell you the truth, there is a lot of good preaching, and not so sound preaching in many churches, very much including the so-called Fundamentalist bunch.

Your strong desire to lie, twist, and spread mass quantities of left wing propaganda here kinda puts a damper on your virtue signaling.

Anonymous said...

Where can I find in scripture, dr X, where it is ok to accuse brethren of MURDER for not taking a demonic shot that has cell signatures from an aborted baby etc. etc.???

What kind of bible do you study X?

Sounds like that one Anton Lavey published.

Anonymous said...

All of the Grooming Pornography and Filth in Classrooms Goes Back to Obama - The Obama Regime Was Promoting It All (Warning on Content)


Anonymous said...

President O'Bidens Hellish America:

Teens Rob High-End Clothing store in Lower Manhattan, Stealing $10,000 Worth of Merchandise


Anonymous said...

President O'Bidens Hellish World:

Russia Claims They Collected Evidence of Avian Flu Pathogens with Lethality Rate up to 40% in Humans


Anonymous said...

Gingrich: Where Are Woodward And Bernstein When We Need Them

"Today, there is only a corrupt media protecting a corrupt establishment..."


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We know, by his own admission, that the "conservative Christian" X voted for Obama TWICE. (He also voted for the pro-abortionist team of Biden/Harris).

Check this out:

All of the Grooming Pornography and Filth in Classrooms Goes Back to Obama – The Obama Regime Was Promoting It All (Warning on Content)

Retail giant Target has partnered with GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network) for years. They believe this is a noble cause. GLSEN is a group that provides sexually explicit books to schools, pushes gender ideology throughout public school curricula, and advocates policies that keep parents unaware of their child’s in-school gender transition .

According to reports, GLSEN is a radical education group leading efforts to create ‘inclusive and anti-racist environments’ for LGBTQIA+ students.

“GLSEN believes that every student has the right to a safe, supportive, and LGBTQ-inclusive K-12 education. We are a national network of educators, students, and local GLSEN Chapters working to make this right a reality,” the website reads.

Target Corporation confirmed its collaboration with GLSEN and expressed pride in their decade-long partnership. The company has been making annual donations to GLSEN, emphasizing its support for the organization’s mission.

But when did this all start? When was this introduced and promoted in public schools?

It Was Barack Obama Who First Pushed Teaching Sex Education to Kindergarteners Back in 2007 – He Even Pushed Sex Ed to Kiddies Legislation

In 2007, as The Gateway Pundit reported at the time, Barack Obama gave a speech to Planned Parenthood where he pushed teaching sex education to little kindergarteners.

The media mostly hid this from the American public.

And Barack Obama was serious. He said he wanted to fundamentally change America and he did.

More here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/all-grooming-pornography-filth-classrooms-goes-back-obama/

Anonymous said...

Maybe Constance would be interested in joining, being that Flynn is against the COVID vaccines. I recall reading a post in which Constance stated that both her and a close friend suffered the identical health issues within "3 days" of taking the booster. Constance also stated that she would never get another booster.

Constance, here's the link that Linda posted in case you're interested:


Craig said...


Only once you’ve had a chance to view this morning’s 8:43/8:49 AM and 9:19 AM and interact with or attempt to rebut—without resorting to any strawmen, red herrings, or ad hominem/genetic fallacies—do I suggest you read the below.

I’m willing to concede that the Kissinger quote may not be his exact words—more on this below. In the interim, I must say you’ve really boxed yourself in, such that you’ll have extreme difficulty punching your way out. I am referring to your counterclaim that the quote is not Henry Kissinger. Proving a negative is tough, even for such a pugilist as you.

I don’t think it likely that someone took the well-known Orwell quote and conflated it with and/or adapted it to Kissinger. Much more likely, I think, is that someone amalgamated and distilled a number of Kissinger’s actual statements and positions into one saying, and later someone else, thinking it a quote, proceeded to present it as such. And then the internet took over. A starting point for my hypothesis would be “Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (THE KISSINGER REPORT) from December 10, 1974.

Regarding Heller, I think you may be missing two key points: (a) Heller’s sarcasm and deadpan humor; (b) the fact that “Climate Change” is equivocated as a synonym to the old “Global Warming” and the new ‘hot-or-cold-or-extreme-weather-events’. In other words, any sort of ‘anomalous’ weather event is attributed to ‘Anthropogenic Climate Change’. Like Constance stated years ago (paraphrase), “They’ve found the enemy and she/he is you and me.” I refer you back to THE KISSINGER REPORT.

@ 11:18 PM you wrote: Climate change is measured in decades and centuries. I agree; however, you must keep in mind point (b) just above. You are either naively seeing this term as it should be understood and failing to see its use in the current narrative, or you are purposefully furthering such narrative and using the equivocation I point out above as a means by which to feign ignorance. You tell me.

At the end of my 9:23 PM, in which I quote from Heller directly in his vlog, the ‘300 PPM’ Heller refers to is the supposed end-goal of current activists. This level is supposedly “safe” to the point that we will no longer experience “Climate Change” as defined as ‘hot-or-cold-or-extreme-weather-events’. Heller implicitly shows this whole notion wrong. THAT is one of his points. The other is to show that temps were hotter than the manipulated data shows. You can see an unredacted NCAR graph from 1974 in the next vlog I shall post below, which indicates that both 1896 and 1911 WERE in fact warmer than what the manipulated data shows.

Anonymous said...


A example of brainwashing, and according to my father they were brainwashed in World War Two. He told me (he stood guard) the Germans were no different the us, they just wanted the war to end so they could go home. He mentioned this, if I recall correctly, during the Geo. W. Bush's push on War on Terror.

And since it's Memorial Day weekend a remembrance: he also picked up a wounded German (against orders) who turned out to be a general. This fellow said if all Yanks were like my dad he want to help, which he did and shortened the war to which dad was awarded a Mentioned in Dispatches with Cross. By the way, he loved Geo. Patton. (He never told a word about this until he was in his 80s)

Anyway, a word to the wise: They have way better ways to brainwash you now days

Craig said...

In this vlog Heller first shows two different unredacted temp graphs, then he shows the new NASA graph with manipulated data. The two show different temp trends. One of them is at odds with historical data regarding glacier contractions (diminishing sea ice extent) and reappearing glaciers (sea ice extent increasing). Guess which is accurate.

The Knockout Punch

Tony Heller

In this video I do a simple experiment which demonstrates that NASA's global temperature graph does not accurately represent Earth's temperature history. It is the first of a series.


The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Cooling Or Warming?

Tony Heller

In this video I show how the current symptoms of global warming are identical to the ones which were blamed on global cooling 40 years ago.

To recapitulate, I'll once again show the Leonard Nimoy-narrated video from the late '70s on the impending Ice Age:

Ice Age 1978 Leonard Nimoy

Marluc Bella Vita Ranch on Lake Godstone

Climate Change according to scientists in 1978 was a far cry from what you hear from scientists today.

Now that's an understatement!

Craig said...

Giving back:

Behind Bill Gates' Philanthropy


I'm probably late to this one, but I just stumbled upon it. I'd never heard of Wilson Phillips (or Pentatonix), so I had no idea what to expect. My first reaction was sorrow, and as I scrolled through the comments I grieved more and more. That is, until I reached Catherine Brown's comment: Funny, how John Owen’s prestigious work on the Holy Spirit never mentioned that chant. Nice to know heresy can be spread in catchy jingles on national television:


Anonymous said...

O’Biden is RayB’s signature. Still lurking around baby Ray?

Anonymous said...

This is irrefutable:

Excess deaths, COVID-19 deaths, and vaccinations, tracked for 2 years over the entire population of Cyprus, Greece (> 1 million people).

Excess deaths correlated with COVID-19, not vaccines.

Antivaxers, you have to stop lying...

Lack of association between vaccination rates and excess mortality in Cyprus during the COVID-19 pandemic


Excerpt: Methods: We calculated weekly excess mortality for Cyprus between January 2020 and June 2022, overall and by age group, using both a Distributed Lag Nonlinear Model (DLNM) adjusted for mean daily temperature, and the EuroMOMO algorithm. Excess deaths were regressed on the weekly number of confirmed COVID-19 deaths and on weekly first-dose vaccinations, also using a DLNM to explore the lag-response dimension.

Results: 552 excess deaths were observed in Cyprus during the study period (95% CI: 508–597) as opposed to 1306 confirmed COVID-19 deaths. No association between excess deaths and vaccination rates was found overall and for any age group except 18–49 years, among whom 1.09 excess deaths (95% CI: 0.27–1.91) per 10,000 vaccinations were estimated during the first 8 weeks post-vaccination. However, detailed cause-of-death examination identified just two such deaths potentially linked to vaccination, therefore this association is spurious and attributable to random error.

Conclusions: Excess mortality was moderately increased in Cyprus during the COVID-19 pandemic, primarily as a result of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 deaths. No relationship was found between vaccination rates and all-cause mortality, demonstrating the excellent safety profile of COVID-19 vaccines.

Craig said...

X @ 10:04 PM,

Pardon me if I a priori question this study, given that it seems all of The Science™ has been captured politically in furtherance of hidden agendas.

In any case, I observe the obvious: For ALL of 2020 and likely the first part of 2021 “COVID-19 deaths” were unvaccinated.

How is “laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 deaths” defined—by what measure? For example, is it broken down by “OF Covid”, “WITH Covid as subsumed UNDER other comorbidities as likely PRIMARY cause”, and “INCIDENTAL Covid”?

How is “lag-response dimension” defined with respect to “first-dose vaccinations”?

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