Tuesday, April 04, 2023

The Plight of Dr. Aaron Edwards (and us all)

By Rich Peterson

 “I’ve just been dismissed by a Christian college for tweets on homosexuality – if I wasn’t safe, no one is.” 

These are words written by Aaron Edwards, a former lecturer of theology at Cliff College, an evangelical Bible college in the UK.  Aaron Edwards was removed from his position for bringing “disrepute” to the college. The offense was that he expressed the Biblical position on homosexuality over  a public forum.  Specifically, Twitter. The college demanded he remove the tweet. Edwards’ refusal led to a two week suspension followed by termination.

Mr. Edward’s suspension was followed by a hearing where, reportedly, should he be asked by same sex attracted students for prayer how he might respond. Various news articles report Mr. Edwards was threatened with a referral to Prevent, the deradicalization component of the UK’s counter-terrorism strategy. Read here, here, here, and here. 

Cliff College principal denies any threat.  Perhaps it was a promise?

Whether or not Prevent was mentioned to Dr. Edwards is unclear but it certainly is not a stretch to accept that would have happened.

Aaron Edwards’ experience brings to memory thoughts of the Alliance of Civilizations and the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy of which I had written about a few years back. The Alliance, becoming the “Mother Tongue” of the UN, would also become the “global conscience” in the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. The UK Home Office eagerly partnered with the Alliance to harmonize its counter-terrorism efforts with the UN Global Strategy.

The Alliance of Civilizations uses religion to combat religion. Its definition of extremism, the root cause of terrorism, is especially hostile towards Christianity:  one cannot be an adherent of an “exclusive truth” claim.

The threat to refer Dr. Edwards to Prevent (or not), is consistent with the counter-terrorism strategy’s goal to combat religious fundamentalism. Back in 2007 as I read the through the Alliance of Civilizations/Council of Europe counter terrorism materials, I recall thinking they  intend to use beliefs about homosexuality as a means to categorize people as either tolerant or extremists.


“No one may invoke cultural diversity to infringe upon human rights guaranteed by international law…”  Ponder that.

UNESCO policy is to include sexual orientation as part of cultural diversity. For Aaron Edwards to speak openly of homosexuality as sin would be viewed as an infringement of another’s rights.

What happened to Aaron Edwards speaks volumes. His words of warning are ominous:

“Whilst my situation remains difficult for me and my family, it is also a microcosm of the greater difficulties awaiting other Christians in the post-Christian West. The growing expectation is that we should keep quiet about our beliefs, especially if they may offend others.”


“Western progressive ideals of inclusivity no longer include many Christian beliefs. Indeed, the vociferous responses to my tweet demonstrate the problem my tweet was highlighting. There are some Christian beliefs that Christians are no longer allowed to express, not even to other Christians.”


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Anonymous said...

3:59 PM

You said it.

Egos clashing for cameras are an American staple while the whole world burns to the ground.
But their clashes are theater and getting in the way of what's really going down.

The tit for tat is stupid but gossip hungry (empty) people like their distractions and drama don't they?

Anonymous said...

Id still vote for Trump over O'Biden(the worst president ever), Trump grabs grown women, Pedo Joe grabs children!

Not to mention, O'Biden has been funding a proxy war that has resulted in Hundreds of thousands!

Dead people covered in blood are worse than grabbing grown women. Wake your sorry azz up!

Anonymous said...

People are caught up in fretting about who might be the next installed President.

I'm quite sure Michelle Obama will be installed as the next President.

Perfect setup for her husband to be revealed as the Antichrist.

Anonymous said...

And what's with De Santis going TWICE to Israel??? I never heard of such a thing.
A friggin govner going to a foreign country? Why not Canada?

He takin' orders from Tel Aviv? Yes, boss. Will do, boss.

Anonymous said...

"Perfect setup for her husband to be revealed as the Antichrist."

What?!?! He was just a smooth0talker.

The little empty suit closet homo commie is body surfing in Marturd's vineyard.
Give it a rest with that guy.

Anonymous said...

Honest question to all of the MAGA supporters who have claimed over and over again that January 6 was just a “peaceful protest.”

What do you make of the conviction of Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio for Seditious Conspiracy? You don’t exactly get convicted of seditious conspiracy merely for protesting, or even rioting.

For those unaware, sedition generally involves conduct or speech that encourages individuals to violently rebel against a government's authority, whereas insurrection involves actual acts of violence and rebellion. In a constitutional democracy like the United States, sedition and insurrection involve inciting or participating in rebellion against the government's constitutionally established processes, institutions, or rule of law. It is impossible to commit sedition or insurrection while claiming to uphold and defend the Constitution. The U.S. government, the rule of law, and the Constitution are inextricably linked, and any violent attack against them is not a protected action.

Isn’t it time that we all admit that January 6 was a seditious rebellion against the United States of America? If not, why not?

Also if Trump was directly involved in pushing the Proud Boys to do what they did, should he also be convicted of seditious conspiracy?

Anonymous said...

He, Obama, is more than a smooth talker. He is very charismatic, to the point he has the same skills/anointing to possess a crowd, as Hitler. Perhaps more so!

I was living in Europe when he was there, and people were crying when he spoke in Berlin. They told me they didn't understand it, but they just cried. Like Beetle Mania 2.0

That is the power the AC will have.

Klaus Schwab is a creepy ugly loser, how will he gain a critical mass? Macron does not have enough charisma. None of the British royalty have what it will take. They won't appeal to a diverse populace.

I am convinced it will indeed be Obama.

Anonymous said...

4:58 thinks they's got it all sewed up. Foul

Anonymous said...

Don't take the bait at 4:58 PM.

Somebody just needs another ton of attention.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous @ 4:58 PM

Re: "Isn’t it time that we all admit that January 6 was a seditious rebellion against the United States of America? If not, why not?"


Here is 'why not' . . .

20 CONFIRMED INCIDENTS AND OPERATIONS: The DOZENS of Feds, FBI Agents and State Operatives Who Infiltrated the Trump Crowds on January 6th at the US Capitol and Led the Protests

INCIDENT 1: The FBI infiltrated the Proud Boys — and their informant exonerated the Proud Boys of any conspiracy

In July 2022 TGP contributor Cara Castronuova released whistleblower documents, text messages, and audio transcripts of FBI informant James Knowles’s communications with his FBI handlers on January 6. The evidence exonerates Trump supporters and the Proud Boys of any conspiracy or planning to storm the US Capitol, to enter the US Capitol, or to overthrow official proceedings.

The FBI had the evidence that there was “no conspiracy” or plans made by the Proud Boys and others to invade and take control of the US Capitol. The FBI ignored this information from their own operative. They ran with lies about an insurrection instead.
INCIDENT 2: The FBI was recruiting men and women to infiltrate the crowds and work as operatives prior to January 6th.

On Thursday afternoon, September 30th, at 3:45 PM Eastern the FBI raided Jeremy Brown’s home and arrested Jeremy. The charge is trespassing. The FBI sent 20 vehicles for his arrest. DHS and Pinellas County law enforcement were also present. The FBI was in Jeremy’s home for 5-and-a-half hours looking for evidence.
The FBI searched his house, RV, and trailer. Then they arrested Jeremy and took him away.

Jeremy’s family contacted The Gateway Pundit the next morning.

March 19, 2023...

Senator Ted Cruz Confronts FBI Official Point Blank About the Feds’ Role in January 6th

June 14, 2022...

Anonymous said...

As I've said before...

I would hope the FBI had agents and informants among the Jan 6 insurrectionists and seditionist groups because that's where the most dangerous anti-american anti-patriot criminals were.

Evidently this "evidence" from an alleged "informant" you speak of didn't truly "exonerate" the Proud Boy defendants as they were convicted by a jury of Americans that got to see ALL the evidence.

Upon further reading it appears that informant, Knowles, had joined the Proud Boys in 2019, he wasn’t a group leader and didn’t know Tarrio or any of the other leaders on trial. He was not in any of the Telegram chats the Proud Boys leaders on trial are accused of using to plot in the days leading up to Jan. 6.

e wrote. The handler’s response was redacted from a screenshot that a defense attorney showed to jurors.

Further...Knowles only sent the message: “The crowd did as a herd mentality. Not organized” after it became clear that he and other members of the Proud Boys could be in serious trouble for their actions that day. The prosecutor also suggested that the informant wasn’t a mere observer to the riot as their was video shown to the jury that captured Knowles helping another Proud Boy use a podium to block a security gate from closing.

Your "incident 2" is ludicrous. Jeremy Brown is a convicted felon who CLAIMS he was recruited to spy on the sedition planning organization, Oath Keepers, where Mr. Brown was a member and that evidence was planted at his house. Evidently he refused to be an information which is actually a further indictment and evidence of his unpatriotic sentiments. He has separate charges awaiting him for Jan 6th.

Senior District Court Judge Susan Bucklew called the claims “ridiculous.” Assistant U.S. Attorney Daniel Marcet argued that Brown downplayed the severity of his crimes. He put people at risk, the prosecutor said, by storing the grenades in an unsafe manner, and jeopardized national security by keeping the classified document. Marcet accused Brown of lying on the witness stand regarding his knowledge of the items. He said Brown exploited his position in the Special Forces. “He used that service as a sword to commit these crimes,” Marcet said. “He cannot now use it as a shield to evade punishment.”

Brown's choice to not inform in December 2020 doesn't prove or evidence in any way the FBI manufactured anything Jan 6th. Again, it's GOOD they were trying to infiltrate and get information about groups plotting to overthrown our government.

Several oath keepers and proud boys were convicted which further justifies the need, prior to such events, to get intel, try to embed agents and recruit informants.


Anonymous said...

What makes you a patriot X?

The fact your a great compromiser, you call yourself an easy going guy, and middle of the road! You thought it was the christian, patriot thing to do to take the demonic shot!

Your neither a patriot or a true Christian. Your a blind and stubborn Pharisee

You and CC belong to the same SoS coven.

Birds of a feather

Anonymous said...

Aren't Democrats just wonderful? Which side are they on, the Dark or Light side?

California Bill Would Require Books on ‘All Gender Expressions’ in Every Elementary School

California Democrats are advancing legislation that would require elementary schools to provide students access to books about radical gender ideology and other progressive causes, an effort to push against the "national Christian white supremacist movement," according to the bill's author.

California assemblyman Corey Jackson, a Democrat, said the legislation "intends to combat the national Christian white supremacist movement, which is aimed to ban books." His bill, which was pushed through committee and will now head to the full legislature, would put a state board in charge of classroom and school library books and texts.


Anonymous said...

Fmr Proud Boys Leader Tarrio Guilty of Jan. 6 Sedition Plot


Anonymous said...

The Rigged Financial System


Anonymous said...

Does Franklin Graham know x?

Franklin Graham: America Is ‘Spiraling in a Heap of Confusion and Lies’

“Our country is spiraling in a heap of confusion and lies,” Rev. Graham wrote to his 10 million Facebook followers.

“As a nation we have turned our back on God and His Word, and we are seeing the results. Violence, crime, and suicide are rampant,” he declared.

(You can look up past posts by poster x and see that he was supportive of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, AND, he supported the candidacy of Biden and Harris, both of which are extremely pro abortion! DISGUSTING. If you can't support the pro life candidate Trump, then don't support anyone)

Anonymous said...

Watch: Progressive Lawmaker Stumbles When asked What a Woman is (video)

“What is a woman?” one activist asked. The question evoked a momentary silence from the politician, who stared into the camera for a number of seconds before eventually giving an answer.

“If you’re asking me about gender-” he began, before being interrupted by his interlocutors.

“No I am asking you what is a woman,” the activist replied. “It is a very simple question. What is a woman? Just give me a definition. You speak English.”

(In a past post, Ms. Cumbey supported Biden's choice for USSC Ketanji Brown Jackson, who also couldn't define what a WOMAN is. Jackson also had a history of being pro abortion. Very strange lack of discernment by Ms. Cumbey)

Anonymous said...

SHOCKING! MTG: 200+ Suspicious Activity Reports on Biden Crime Family Reveal Sex Trafficking, Money Laundering

(Ms. Cumbey would rather have Crooked Joe Biden any day over Trump, because she believes Trump will set up a Dictatorship and will use firing squads and Guillotines in order to kill his political enemies! Also, apparently she has no problem with the pervert Biden taking showers with his daughter!? Biden being a radical pro abortionist? No problem)

Anonymous said...

Why won't the release the "Manifesto"? Is it because it will reveal an organized terrorist plan against Christians?

National Police Association and Other Groups Sue to Obtain Audrey Hale Manifesto

It is not uncommon for there to be a delay in the release of information in a major crime pending investigation. What was weird is that the police quickly confirmed that Hale acted alone and Hale was dead. There is no prosecution that will occur in the case. Yet, it is May and the authorities are still refusing to release the manifesto . . . and they will not fully explain why. Now, the National Police Association and other groups are suing to make the writings and other materials of mass shooter Audrey Hale public.

There were twenty journals, five laptops, a suicide note, yearbooks, cellphones and various notes written by Hale, 28, that were seized from the house she shared with her parents. There have been press reports that the authorities consider the manifesto to be “astronomically dangerous.”

Anonymous said...

Opus Dei Conservative activist Leonard Leo made secret arrangements for SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas' wife, Ginni Thomas, to be paid tens of thousands of dollars and SPECIFICALLY requested for her name to be left off financial records, according to reporting by the Washington Post.

In fact, Leo directed Kellyanne Conway to funnel the funds through the Judicial Education Project, a nonprofit group that filed a brief to the Supreme Court later that year in 2012!

Then, for good measure, Leo told Conway to give Ginni Thomas an extra $25K, but “No mention of Ginni, of course.” All in, Ginni Thomas received almost 100,000 from Conway's firm, the Polling Company, in 2012.

Where there's smoke, there's fire. And there is a 4-alarm fire of corruption burning down the legitimacy of the Opus Dei Supreme Court.

*Leonard Leo - Leo is executive vice president of the Federalist Society and co-director of the board of directors of “Catholic Information Center” which is the headquarters of right-wing Catholic opus dei think tank in Washington DC that raises millions of dollars to promote conservative judges. The Charles Koch Foundation is heavily involved also, having given $30 million to the cause; so too is the NRA. Opus Dei's founder was a fascist Spanish priest and ally of dictator Franco. He was rushed into canonization under Pope JP II faster than any “saint” in history. He also “connived” in his own canonization before he died—the only “saint” I ever heard of who did that.**

Opus Dei is about control, not freedom. Theocracy, not democracy.

Anonymous said...

10:33 am

I previously indicated one possible reason the manifesto is not getting released....because it might name names and make public more information about the Jane Doe sexual assault(s) that took place at that school/church when the shooter was a young girl there and, quite possibly, the actual victim.

Another reason it may be "astronomically dangerous" is that she was slightly autistic and there were mentions that she methodically studied other mass shootings and planned this one methodically as well. Such methodology doesn't need to be made public. I know you are DYING to make this into a transgender versus Christian story...but it won't bring any of the victims back. She was obviously mentally ill so the ramblings of a lunatic really don't matter. She probably wrote all kinds of theories and motivations and delusions throughout her "manifesto" and other scriblings.

I'd LIKE to read it because I'm guessing it doesn't provide the alt-right payoff they are looking for but to keep the public healthy and safer, I'm fine with it being locked away forever. Future public health and safety matters more than politics and stoking the flames of sedition.

To each it's own -- I know the MAGA alt-right isn't as bothered by the bloodshed as I am.


Anonymous said...

FOX news version of X:

Geraldo's Appearance on FOX Abruptly Canceled


Anonymous said...

"guessing" said X @10:42 AM

X is always "guessing" and almost always wrong.

Anonymous said...

There is no "lack of discernment" by Ms. Cumbey. I've been here 22 years!

She is a lifelong progressive liberal democrat. Her "discernment" has always been lacking!

RayB is correct, liberalism is a mental illness.

X + Constance, needs an exorcism.

Anonymous said...

x's tranny politics again.

His baloney meter is broken and worse.

He really does support evil.

His "support evil to make good come about" theory is a severe lack of Holy Spirit wisdom and guidance. Real believers have real convictions that they stand on against the world's ways and means, because they don't want or need the world's approval, they'd rather obey the Lord and stand on Bible ground no matter how unpopular.

He's party to the unBiblical agendas of today's political religions.
He's Opus Dei/NAR/Dominionism/Old Pagan-New Age Tower of Babel Globalism all rolled into one.

Yet he thinks himself a libertarian as he endlessly babbles on. (LoL)
Another joke on him.

In the interest of free speech he is allowed to post that "blah blah rotten blah" to his heart's content. And people counter his blather.

So whatever.
The losing side will find out someday how wrong they are.
He never moves the needle for true Christians to go along with his narrative.

Anonymous said...

EU Displays Satanic Anti-Christian Artwork by Godless Lesbian in Parliament


Anonymous said...

A Kingly Proposal: Julian Assange Pens Letter to King Charles III on His Coronation Eve


Anonymous said...

New Track List on Rich's website (dedicated to X)

Saint George Floyd in Hell
Fauci's Fate (the Toxic Tango)
The Mad Dr. Gollywog
Tyrone the Crypt-Keeper
Ghetto Gates
Throne of Fire

....and many more

Anonymous said...

Joe sniffs the blood as it trickles through the air,
his hand is wandering, a life without a care;

Approaching the boys whilst X freshens his breath.....
....As he ties the tourniquet around your neck!

lyrics by Richard, RayB

Anonymous said...

11:12 am

"Guessing" is being honest. Labeling speculation and theories as my best novice but, educated estimation is biblical. I don't know what that manifesto actually says and neither do the persons pretending, overconfidently (and politically) it portrays a hatred for all Christians.

Pretending all conspiracy theories are facts is unbiblical.

It's lying.

No matter how affirmatively you speak it...it's just speculation and your undiscerning guess.


p.s. - I still welcome you backing up your statement that I'm "always wrong". I know you can't but good luck

Anonymous said...


So you are admitting you care more about politics than the bloodshed of our youth?

Gun control is just "tyranny politics" to you?

Having the Nashville gunman's "HOW TO COMMIT MASS MURDER MANIFESTO" (if that's what it is) is more important for you politically than keeping it secret and preventing more copy cat mass murders of elementary school students.


And why do you dislike libertarians? You've been reading too much Emerald Robinson now, haven't you? She hates libertarians too. Like a recent speaker at CPAC I recall --- we should just start exterminating hand-picked sinners, like trannys.


Anonymous said...

Has x ever been right about anything?

Anonymous said...

Haiti: Vigilante Mobs Go on Another Lynching Spree, Incinerating Alleged Gangsters

Civilians in Haiti reportedly killed five more alleged gangsters and burned their bodies in Port-au-Prince on Tuesday, part of a growing trend of frustrated citizens taking the law into their own hands as criminals run rampant across the country.

One of the incinerated gangsters was dropped off at a nearby police station, whose officials refused to comment on the killings.

There are reports of criminals and gangsters being hung by their necks and hands.
One gangster had his neck broken in half and his tongue bitten out.

Anonymous said...

“At least 18 people have been reported killed by crowds in Port-au-Prince and surrounding areas since last week, although videos and pictures shared on social media suggest the number is higher. The images largely show crowds pelting men with big rocks and setting fire to gasoline-soaked tires placed around or over their bodies,” the AP noted.

Anonymous said...

There are reports of criminals and gangsters being hung by their necks and hands.
One gangster had his neck broken in half and his tongue bitten out.


Anonymous said...

One gangster had his neck broken in half and his tongue bitten out. This was near the tropical Artibonite River.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of literally dead conspiracy theories...

Did “Died Suddenly” just die suddenly as a conspiracy theory?


Excerpt: One of the more pernicious and—let’s just say it—downright ridiculous conspiracy theories to have emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic is the “died suddenly” conspiracy theory. The basic idea is that young, healthy people all over the world have “died suddenly” as a result of sudden cardiac death caused by—you guessed it!—COVID-19 vaccines. The “died suddenly” conspiracy theory takes many forms, such as blaming the sudden on-field cardiac arrest of an elite athlete like Damar Hamlin on vaccines to conspiracy “documentaries” positing a wave of death due to the vaccines, to embalmers misleadingly claiming that they’re seeing more clots than ever, to anti vaxxers swooping down on the families of those who died suddenly to blame their deaths on vaccines, a phenomenon for which the term “ghouling” was coined. Antivaxxers are even branching out with the “died suddenly” conspiracy theory to blame a wave of deaths of zoo animals on COVID-19 vaccines, because why limit your anti vax conspiracy mongering just to humans?

In any event, I decided to look at some actual evidence this week, as a study whose results are completely inconsistent with COVID-19 vaccines causing people to “die suddenly” due to cardiac causes....

The study comes out of the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute and Alfred Health in Australia. In it, investigators led by cardiologist and researcher Dr. Liz Paratz asked the question: Was there a wave of sudden cardiac deaths in young people, especially associated with myocarditis, that could be correlated to vaccination against COVID-19. For this sort of study, Australia has a great resource, a database of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) cases known as the EndUCD registry, which investigates all OHCAs aged 1–50 years in Victoria.
Within the study population of 4 490 483 people, 4 166 442 people were 5 to 50 years of age and therefore eligible for vaccination during the 3-year time period; during this time they received a total of 8 776 089 vaccinations. From February 2021 to June 2021, the BNT162b2 and ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccines were administered in a 50:50 ratio nationally. From June 2021 to September 2021, the BNT162b2 vaccine was the only vaccine recommended for this study population; from September 2021 onward, both the BNT162b2 and mRNA1273 vaccines were available.

A total of 2242 people experienced OHCA during the study period (unascertained OHCA, 223; myocarditis causing OHCA, 13). No variation was seen in median monthly rates of OHCA (P=0.7481), rates of myocarditis causing OHCA (P=0.7378), or unascertained OHCA (P=0.2323) according to the defined time periods (Figure [A]).

Anonymous said...

Conservative and conspiracy theorist lose local elections throughout England yesterday, May 4th, 2023.

Labour and Lib Democrats sweep away 1/3 of conservatives.

Even the Greens double their representation.

It appears every anti-vax conspiracy candidate came in or near last place.

Lying and behaving like tin foil hat nutbags isn't a good look for conservatve values. You just can't make things up and claim any moral, religious or ethical high-ground at the same time.


Anonymous said...

I love libertarians.

Can't find one bit of use for you, though.
You wanted Biden, you got him. Stick with what you know, liberal progressive decay and debauchery.

And you've still got nothing.

I'd sooner forget more to care about than you'll ever know or even attempt to give a flip about, phony x.

Anonymous said...

They want you demoralized; they want you to lose your savoir, they want you to lose your light

Prophet Elvis Mbonye 2018

Anonymous said...

Elvis Mbonye is an obvious false prophet.

The LORD JESUS said that in these last days many will come claiming to be from HIM, but the Day is coming when HE will drag them to hell, only Repentance can save this generation.


Anonymous said...

Maybe Elvis is more of a mystic then a prophet (a misused word)

Fulton Sheen foretold Stalin's demise (which set alot of World leader on their heels) and all he had to say about it was he'd hope what he said that night would not come to pass.

Prophecy of Stalin's and America's Death, talk by Bishop Fulton J Sheen

Anonymous said...

X @ 7:52 PM

Just because Libs won out over Conservatives in England means nothing more than the fact that the BBC controls the narrative.

Your god Lucifer, is a liar, and you are his spin agent.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden's America!

Worst president ever.

El Paso - just look at this nightmare


Anonymous said...

RFK Jr. Says "CIA Involved In Assassinations and Fixing Elections" VIDEO


Anonymous said...

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free… —Galatians 5:1

This is how we know Pharisee x is an extremist.
And guilty of this:

"Don’t get impatient with others. Remember how God dealt with you— with patience and with gentleness. But never water down the truth of God." (which he does to support ungodly culture
while he throws his own book at people of different opinion)

Jesus said, “Go…and make disciples…” (Matthew 28:19), not, “Make converts to your own thoughts and opinions.”

BINGO. x thinks way too highly of HIMSELF.

Anonymous said...

Even though the Baptists have their own false teaching, X doesn't even meet their standard. He must be there to drag that congregation into a further worldly liberalism. Unless they were already there?

Anonymous said...

The Perfect Democratic President?

'He will dutifully get behind his party's latest woke project and ritualistically attack its Republican opponents as white nationalists, sexist and homophobes'


When reading the above statement from the article, it fits X, and Ms Cumbey flawlessly!

We know that O'Biden is completely sold out to serve satan. What does that say about X, and Ms. Cumbey?

Anonymous said...

When Biden gave his address at Philadelphia Independence Hall. Nazi satanic symbolism and all. Biden vomiting forth... "Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundation of our republic."

If Trump and his voters "represent extremism, and a threat to our republic." what is it exactly that we have now?????

Can you possibly imagine, in your wildest imagination, Trump giving the same demon speak directed at democrats?

But yet, Constance did not mention that lying, clearly evil spew, keeps her awake at night! BUT, Marjory Taylor Green does keep her awake at night?

Pharisaic possession!

Anonymous said...

Marjory Taylor Green is a nightmare!

Anonymous said...

Constance uses the saying "even a broken clock is right twice a day".
Well its time see saw a watchmaker if she thinks Biden and Liz are a better option for President than Trump

Anonymous said...

3:59 PM A serial rapist is running for President of the United States, and you don't think it's a BIG problem?

Anonymous said...

A sign of mental illness is to be like RayB and hang out on a blog for 22 years when you hate the blog owner. Constance Cumbey is the most gracious and mentally stable person I have ever known.

Craig said...

Well, I had to return to eat some crow regarding the Bud Light boycott. Man, was I WRONG! And now, after A-B finally condemning the offending ad, it’s even worse for them—not sad to see.


And I wanted to share the following.


When your ‘gotcha’ attempts boomerang right back atcha:

GOP Witness Roasts Sheldon Whitehouse For Membership To Controversial Club, Family Fortune

Forbes Breaking News
May 4, 2023

At yesterday's Senate Budget Committee hearing, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) had a tense exchange with Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Director of the Center for Energy, Climate, and Environment at the Heritage Foundation, in which she called out his membership to Bailey’s Beach Club, and his family wealth.

-Whitehouse: “Did you work for the . . . Manhattan Institute . . . and now The Heritage Foundation . . . and every single one of those groups is funded by the fossil fuel industry?”

- Furchtgott-Roth: “Yes. Well, unfortunately, I don't have the benefit of being able to rely on a family fortune made in the Minnesota gas business or having my spouse’s family fortune come from United Gas; and, The Heritage Foundation is a club anyone can join, not just White people . . . .”

Now, THAT’s a BURN!

Hey you Whitehouse!
Ha ha! Charade you are.

-“Pigs (Three Different Ones)”, as performed by Pink Floyd; lyrics by Roger Waters

GrantNZ said...

Constance elegantly brought to the light many plans of the adversary in her books printed back in the eighties.
Most of those plans are quite manifest now in plain view for all to see and blatantly promoted.
To that end I suppose it should have come as no surprise that this blog would be infiltrated sooner or latet.
But then as we all should know only God remains constant.

Craig said...

I was not aware of the May, 2018 simulation, which came before the similar Event 201 in Oct, 2019.

The Great Reset and the Grand Refusal | Michael Rectenwald


From the Mises Institute's recent event in Birmingham, Alabama, dedicated to the global threat of "The Great Reset". Recorded on April 22, 2023.

In recent years, Americans have suffered from the horrors of covid tyranny, government-directed corporate censorship, and now our current banking crisis. The global elite have never been more obvious in their intentions for the greater control over society. Their aim is further consolidation of power and wealth into the hands of radical ideologues and to transform almost every aspect of human society.

They are not subtle in their ambition. They call it The Great Reset.

Anonymous said...

A THIRD of Americans agree with Marjorie Taylor Greene's 'national divorce' call: 47% of Republicans back bid for red states to split, according to shocking poll


‘Loony right’: Mitt Romney calls Marjorie Taylor Greene’s call for national divorce ‘insanity


Anonymous said...

11:02 PM GrantNZ

How could one corrupt a blog, where anti-christian worldly leftist leaven, has been the "constant"?

I personally know pagans and atheists who were/are anti-NA. It means nothing whatsoever, being opposed to the New Age. Being opposed to NA does not automatically make you a follower of Christ!

Ms. Cumbey and her dear departed husband, are/were, lifelong democrats. How can you cast the NA out of the democratic party? They share the same beliefs, more so than the Republicans do. It is always a matter of the lesser evil, and underlying principles. If you would like to see this blog's posters, you refer to them as "they", how sweet of you, good luck with that. It is a more necessary topic at this late hour, than in times past, due to the scope/speed, and magnitude of the Ministry of Truth.

Rev 3:15-16 I know your works: you are neither cold or hot. Would that you were either cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.

Anonymous said...

The Red Thread of Moderna (mRNAge)


Must view! This push to ensave + corrupt will increase more + more until Christ returns!

Anonymous said...


Link didn't work for me

Excellent video. And following the train of thought of the video producers the mention of Athena (the goddess of the intelligence of war not bloodlust) immediately brought to mind the lady (named Penny!) parading round the coronation yesterday with a sword and wearing a dress copied straight off a grecian urn. I'm sure the symbolology wasn't missed by all the female heads of the European states Oh yeah, the coronation was 6 months 6 weeks and 6 days after Elizabeth's funeral too.

Anonymous said...

Not that I care or am defending Charles or the monarchy in any way (especially all the ecumenism and partnership with Rome) but that 6 month, 6 day and 6 hour just sounded alt right absurd and likely false. Figured I’d check it. Maybe one of the new Ager’s trolling here uses a new age clock or numerology can try to explain it further…. Until then…

British monarchs typically wait a good amount of time btwn death of a previous monarch and their coronation. Queen Elizabeth waited 15 months. They often occur in springtime. King Charles’s just so happens to actually be 6 months plus 6 weeks, however, it’s not 6 hours later. It appears to me the Queen Elizabeth funeral services began at 11am London time which is the same time the Crowning ceremony for King Charles III started.

He was crowned around noon, London time.


Anonymous said...

The question was posed:

"Poster x has a Doctorate degree? In what may I ask?"

I'd venture a guess:


Anonymous said...


Well put! Comforting to know some folks get it.

Anonymous said...

X @ 2:34 PM

dr X, you misread what 2:07 PM posted!

Not that you would purposely seek to mislead. You would never do that of course.

You baptists are so uptight, you end up doing a great dishonor to the Holy Trinity.

No wonder you smell like a Luciferian.

Anonymous said...

3:55 pm

I see that now. My bad. By happenstance it was 6 months, 6 weeks and 6 days.

I don't know why I thought it said 6 hours. Sorry.

Still creepy new age numerology-like to note that.

It's not like King Charles possesses any of the power or likeability of an anti-christ.

He's not even liked in England and his adulterous wife is absolutely hated.


Anonymous said...

Dude, don't let hatred confound you. (By the way King Charles III has a couple of Catholic stepchildren: - )

Anonymous said...

The Coronation paid quite a bit of lip service to Jesus Christ, while denying his authority as Lord of Lords and King of Kings in a variety of ways. One of the ways was to promote 'all religions' as viable.

One of the functions of the ruling Monarch of Great Britain is to be the "Defender of the Faith." Charles broke with tradition and declared that he is the "Defender of the Faiths," as in many. A big difference, and in doing so, he is denying the exclusivity of Jesus Christ as being the only "way, the truth and the life."

Charles, as a married man, had a longstanding adulterous relationship with Camilla Parker Boles, who was also married at that time. Now, he is King and she is Queen.

Anonymous said...

"paid quite a bit of lip service to Jesus Christ"

That's what I think of x too.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

This addresses the inaccurate comment @ 11:19.

Constance Cumbey stated in lectures that she voted for Ronald Reagan. His presidential term started in 1981.

Constance Cumbey advised people not to vote for Al Gore as she compared Earth in the Balance to Mein Kampf.

Constance Cumbey has been active for several years in the Michigan Republican Party. She has served as a party delegate.

Constance Cumbey voted for Trump twice. She now states she wouldn’t vote for him again.

The comment at 11:19 that she is a lifelong democrat is inconsistent with her actions and doesn’t compute.

The Poster at 11:19 clearly has an axe to grind with Constance. The poster regularly exhibits hatred towards the blog owner yet cannot depart from the forum. The poster condemns X for being the master of deception here yet does the same. For example, by stating if Constance or I don’t argue with X then we agree with his posts in their entirety. That is what one would expect from a middle school student. I do not have time or inclination to play political referee on this discussion board. God will judge sin and will sort that out.

I have taken to deleting this poster’s over the top, mean spirited posts which are directed towards Constance, i.e., Cumbey death cult, etc. I will also do so with those posts which place words in our mouths. I will continue to do so without explanation until this poster learns some table manners.

Anonymous said...

"The poster condemns X for being the master of deception here yet does the same"

That is your opinion "conservative" Rich, but simply not true.

If Cumbey were a real Republican, she wouldn't always gravitate to the cesspool swimmers of the party!

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

If I am "conservative" by your standards, how far right you must be. That would place you in the camp of the fascists.

Anonymous said...

So this blog must become a microcosm to the great censorship state that is taking over the whole earth? So who's the fascist again?

Did you censor Constance when she referred to Trump supporters here as "cesspool swimmers"? Or when she accused conservative posters here as "controlled by, or possessed by a Luciferic spirit?"


Rich Peterson - Medford said...

I'm fairly certain you are the poster who has demanded censorship of other posters and called for shutting the blog down. I called you out on that. Since you like censorship so much we'll start with you.

You're on a short leash. Be a bit more respectful in your posts or I'll delete them.

Anonymous said...

Fairly Certain but incorrect Rich. It was not me that demanded censorship of X, and called for shutting the blog down. That was another poster you called out on that issue. I would admit to it had I been that poster. But go ahead and assume yourself silly.

If you're going to accuse me of "putting words in our mouths", in fairness, try not assuming so willy nilly.

Anonymous said...

Chelsea Clinton: 'It is time to force-jab every unvaccinated child in America'


Anonymous said...

10:59 AM

What a great post! It did not go unappreciated.

Never stop speaking the truth.

The enemy hates that!

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

@11:16 - Undoubtedly the Sybil in you is playing games with the blog.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Maybe you're drinking too much coffee Rich?

Anonymous said...

Well 10:59 AM knows the truth!

No Sybil

Anonymous said...

Anyway, the guy on the short leash guy(me) and 10:59 AM are NOT Sybil. Two different people entirely.

Shame on you Rich.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

@11:35 Yeah, yeah.

Anonymous said...

Assuming is what you do Rich. Your twisting, and that is X's job here. Birds of a feather now? The Holy Spirit knows that 10:59 AM and I(leach guy), are two different souls. Play that game now if you are that gutsy!!!

Anonymous said...

Biden's Big Jobs Creation Deception


Anonymous said...

Thanks Rich.

There is much grace extended here (from Constance and I say that while I have upon occasion disagreed with her). Maybe even sometimes too much. Some limits prove helpful.

It's wrong to slam people you don't really know but only assume you do.
That's why merry-go-round and round and round conversations are so pointless.

This blog has certain "conversations" that waste everybody's time (they know who they are).

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

12:56 pm

I submit that if they don't sign their posts in any way, Rich can assume whatever he chooses. It's up to the author to distinguish their words if they really want to separate themselves from the trolls and/or Luciferian(s) here.

I may forget from time to time but I've been pretty good about it.


Anonymous said...

Oh X, you're too modest, you are petty good about it all the time.

Anonymous said...
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Rich Peterson - Medford said...

@2:17 You are the perfect exhibit of the far right fascist extremism on this site.

If you could hold a civil tongue your posts would remain intact.

Anonymous said...

Now Rich you speak childishly. There are no far right posters on this blog. Never has been.

Anonymous said...

Matthew 23:15

"What sorrow awaits you teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of children of hell.

Corsi: Obama's Role Enriching Biden and Hillary

thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/obamas-role-enriching-biden-and hillary/

Anonymous said...

x, you are one of the worst about your circle conversation style of spreading disinfo as well as vast amounts of discord. That doesn't disqualify your posts, but you're disqualified and dismissed from being a decent and considerate human.

Sign them all you want. When you forget we still know the phony baloney of your posts whoever you claim to be.
You are unmistakably disingenuous, and very petty.

The worst for this blog by far are you the snark shark, foul poet, and the person always over the top (needlessly) slamming Constance.

You are one of the reasons this blog can't have nice things.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

Should requiring posters to hold a civil tongue makes me a Pharisee, then I shall consider that title a term of endearment.

Anonymous said...

No one said that Richy! But if the passage speaks to you, don't mock it.

I think it may possibly apply to you, if I'm not wrong, as you have NEVER required such a degree of civility from the far left here!

Pharisee on.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...


I have deleted some of X's posts for far less than the bile you spew. Having read through the nasty exchanges I decided to stop doing that. You know how to dish it out but not take it.

Your posts have no reflection of a peace that surpasses understanding.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden's Sexual Assault Accuser Tara Reade: "If Something Happens to Me, All Roads Lead to Joe Biden"

thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/joe-biden-sexual-assault-accuser-tara-reade-if-something- happens-to-me-all-roads-lead-to-joe-biden?

Anonymous said...

I don't recall any of X's posts being deleted?

Your an exaggerator extraordinaire Rich.

X calling those who rejected the satanic shot MURDERERS, and unchristian isn't vile? He even suggested punishment for refusers! Challenged RayB to fight!

Pull your blue haired head out Rich. Oxegen will do you some good.

Why pursue peace, when Cumbey supports war? Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of Russians, Ukrainians etc. that are in bitter sorrow over the loss of their loved ones! This is NOT a peaceful blog. But you only see out of one eye. My family is slavic: Russian,Ukrainian, and Belarusian. So you can piss off!

You do serve the enemy of Christ very well.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't really seem like Rich has the Peace That Passes Understanding.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...


You are completely clueless. You surmise about much while being wrong about most.

Clearly you think Putin (former KGB) should have plowed over Ukraine. That is your prerogative.

Anonymous said...

Heads up for this week...

1) What happens when Title 42 is lifted on 5/11 (Thursday, May 11th)?
Under Title 42, many migrants were blocked from requesting asylum at all. But with it lifted, the US will return to a policy in which migrants are screened to determine the validity of asylum applications and only deported once it is determined they do not qualify.

2) It also means that the Drug Cartels will no longer be able to make TENS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS for all of the tens of thousands of migrants who had been paying them to enter the United States.

3) These migrants will now be under the protection of UNICEF, the UN and the EU... and be given pre-paid debit cards of $5,000 each plus cell phones... and be driven in air conditioned buses to the Mexican border.

4) Meanwhile, the Gulf and Sinaloa Drug Cartels have formed an alliance and have plans of their own... in the form of retaliation by way of stepped up terrorist attacks within the United States. (Last week's shooting at a mall in Allen, Texas... and the intentional SUV car attack in Brownsville, Texas were just the beginning.)

5) These terrorist attacks (mass shootings, etc.) will cause many weary Americans to demand gun confiscation.

6) Puppet Joe Biden's plan is to never allow a good crisis go to waste. He will push for abandonment of our Second Amendment... with an agenda to 'come to the rescue and become a hero & savior' of the American people.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Rich Peterson - Medford said...


Try again with a more civil tone.

Anonymous said...

3:32 PM

O'Biden makes me sick. Satans faithful servant!

There are crooked/sleazy politicians, and then there is O'Biden.

Hell awaits.

X, the dr, voted for it!

Anonymous said...

3:14 PM

You aren't winning hearts and minds.

Why so angry?

Rich and Constance are not the enemy.

Anonymous said...

Nah Rich, I'm not a dog to heel.

Anonymous said...

I'm not winning Constance or Rich?

Such a pity.

Really? Have you no spine.

You don't have to be a cowering, Idolatrous wimp to be a Christian. That seems to be a Laodicean ideal.

Conservative posters have been kinder than Idol Constance herself has.

If you throw rocks, rocks will be thrown back. Especially if the people throwing first are not worthy of special honor.

Looking back I could have taken a higher road. YES! But, when a Pharisee, refers to Trump voters as possessed by a Luciferian spirit, and cesspool swimmers, shouldn't you start your criticism there? You really should!

Constance has gotten a pass here for years being a heretic!

What ever happened to "reasonable service"? There has always been a lot of toe kissing and sickening degrees of Idolatry here.

That may bring you a charge, but i'll pass thanks!

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

It would be wise to remember your place here. YOU are the guest. If you can't post with dignity then it is time to move on.

Anonymous said...

Ok, well, since the good posters here have moved on, I will too.

I'm a slow learner I guess.

Time to plant the flowers, and herbs. Swimming/hiking/biking etc.


Anonymous said...

Despite being vaccinated...I'll be here when you get back.

Maybe spend some time in your Bible while you gone. You may be surprised to discover you won't find Trump's name in there anywhere.



Anonymous said...

Where I come from we don't call being respectful to a lady toe kissing. I'll miss my lols

Anonymous said...

Adios lasted a total of 20 minutes.

Anonymous said...

She’s probably been drinking bud light all day.

Anonymous said...

‘Economic And Financial Catastrophe’—Yellen Issues Stark $31.4 Trillion Warning After Bitcoin, Ethereum And Crypto Price Boom


Anonymous said...

Bud light, Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit and friends.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

The White House Is Blocking The New York Post From Attending Biden Appearances


Anonymous said...

Still think the LGBTQ movement is rather harmless?



Queen Lead Singer Adam Lambert Says Anti-Grooming Laws Aimed at Stopping Drag Shows from Bringing ‘Light to the World’

Singer Adam Lambert, currently the frontman for Queen, said Republicans have used children as an excuse to ban drag performances.

Speaking in a video message at the celebrity-attended Drag Isn’t Dangerous event, Lambert said drag performers bring “joy” and an “amazing way to bring light to the world.”

“These lawmakers are terrified of just how brightly we’re shining,” he said. “They’re using children as an excuse to take one more thing away from us … they’re clearly threatened that we are living our truth.”

Lambert added legislation that bans drag performances for children has been used to “target and punish people in our community.”

Anonymous said...

Biden & the Democrats favor allowing CHILDREN to make the decision to mutilate their bodies. The following is just ONE example of thousands:

Genital Mutilation Surgeries Linked to Horrific and Often Fatal Infections: “I Now Live in a Painful Body That No Longer Belongs to Me”

The Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology published a study recently about a formerly healthy 18-year-old boy who underwent a ghastly and barbaric transgender “affirmation” surgery that resulted in his death.

The report explains that a team of surgeons castrated the boy before cutting a hole in his crotch to remove a portion of his colon, the material of which they then used to try to create a fake vagina so he could pretend to be a “girl.”

It cannot be emphasized enough that the boy was healthy and normal, at least physically, prior to the surgery. Thanks to LGBT brainwashing, though, the boy lost his healthy body and his life entirely on the altar of transgenderism.

Some states are attempting to ban these types of body-butchering procedures for children, only to receive pushback from the Cult of LGBT which claims that opposition to such horrors is a form of “hate.”

Over the course of the past several decades, the transgender mutilation of children has gone from being a criminal act of bodily assault and attempted murder to being a praised form of “affirmation” for those who we are told were “born into the wrong body.”

“So if you think it might be a bad idea to castrate children, you’re expressing hate,” writes Chris Bray for “Toward Kindness,” his “Tell Me How This Ends” Substack page.

Read more here:

Anonymous said...

Bitter War-Monger Liz Cheney Releases Anti-Trump Ad in New Hampshire(VIDEO)


Anonymous said...

This Share International video explains they expect Maitreya's arrival upon a global economic collapse (minutes 18:45- 19:15)


Anonymous said...

Donald Trump completely melts down after the jury rules in favor of E. Jean Carroll, awards her $5 million in damages, and labels him a sexual abuser & woman batterer for the rest of human history.


Anonymous said...

STAGING FOR THE INVASION: Migrants from around the world are FLYING to America’s southern border to enter illegally after Title 42 expires


‘Invasion force’ of more than 700,000 migrants to be pushed across U.S. border after Biden ends Title 42 this week


Anonymous said...

At least Trump was not charged with RAPE. That would have been an injustice.

Anonymous said...

After reading Jim Hoff’s Gateway Pundit article on Liz Cheney’s television ad agains Trump, I was curious to read how other news outlets opened their coverage.

Gateway Pundit
Bitter war-monger and loser Liz Cheney released a new anti-Trump ad today in New Hampshire. After losing her election in a historic landslide, Liz Cheney is now the voice of the military-industrial complex in America today.

Former congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), who has vowed to do everything she can to keep Donald Trump from returning to the White House, launched a television ad Tuesday warning viewers that the former president “is a risk America can never take again.”

CBS News
MANCHESTER, N.H. — Liz Cheney isn’t a presidential candidate — at least not yet. But the former Wyoming congresswoman launched her first TV ad of the 2024 election cycle in New Hampshire on Tuesday, warning voters of the “risk” of a second Donald Trump presidency.

Liz Cheney wasn’t kidding when she committed to a Trump-focused future upon leaving Congress. The Wyoming Republican, a critic of former President Donald Trump who co-led the House investigation into his effort to overturn the 2020 election, has vowed to break his control over the Republican Party and said she would do “whatever it takes” to keep Trump out of the White House after she was soundly defeated by Harriet Hageman last year in Wyoming’s GOP primary.

Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) is out with her first 2024 TV ad Tuesday, attacking former President Trump and warning that he "is a risk America can never take again."

NY Times
Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) has launched a campaign ad in New Hampshire warning 2024 voters against backing former President Trump.

Anonymous said...

Liz Cheney should spend some time to honestly investigate her liar Father who helped lie us into attacking Iraq over the existence of "weapons of mass destruction," weapons that her liar Daddy KNEW, beyond any shadow of doubt, DID NOT EXIST!

Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George W. Bush, Richard Perle, David Wolfowitz, etc. and the rest of the lying scum Neo-Con warmongers are war criminals, with the blood of hundreds of thousands on their collective hands.

Spend some time there Lizzy. At least Trump was the only President in many, many years that did not cave to the warmongers by starting a new war.

Anonymous said...


New poll finds 84% of Democrats think abortion should almost always be legal, up 21% from 2007

84% of Democrats and Democrat-leaning respondents believe that it ‘should be legal’ to get an abortion ‘in all or most cases,’ compared with just 63% who expressed that belief 15 years prior.


Anonymous said...

Ex-Pfizer VP: COVID vax push a ‘supranational operation’ intended to ‘maim and kill deliberately’

‘Multiple obvious toxicities were deliberately built into [the alleged vaccines’] designs, with the result that there would be high expectations of blood clots, autoimmune attacks and cytokine storms all over the body, depending on where it went in a given individual,’ Dr. Michael Yeadon told LifeSiteNews.


Anonymous said...

9:53 pm

You kinda of left off the part where 40% of Republicans also felt is should be legal to get an abortion "in all or most cases".

That includes Gov Ron Desantis who signed a bill passed by the GOP majority in Florida legalizing abortion for up to 6 weeks and permitting the killing of other babies claimed to be conceived by rape and/or incest as well as for the supposed life of the mother.

Georgia passed similar measures, compromising with pro-choice Republicans to permit the killing of babies prior to 6 weeks and under certain circumstances.

You are also forgetting it was the republican led/majority Supreme Court that legalized abortion in 1973 and kept it legal while maintaining such majority for 50 years.

Finally -- there has consistently been more ACTUAL abortions during Republican administrations than Democrat administrations. I think that is due to Democrats somehow providing more hope to unwed and otherwise pregnant mothers that they and their babies will be supported by our government versus hated by the hope killing GOP administrations.

The GOP is the party of billionaires - they could care less about babies except that it gets their billionaires free single issue votes.


p.s. - Interesting to see opus dei affiliated lifesite news promoting vaccine hesitancy via misinformation from some retired guy who just happened to have been a business side VP at pfizer at one time) when roman catholics were the number one vaccinated religious group worldwide. It appears the church internally pushed it's members to get vaccinated while it's disinformation website undertook to lie and attempt to kill Protestants by bad-mouthing the vaccines that saved so many roman catholic cult members lives.

Catholics the most vaccinated religious group for COVID-19, new study shows


Anonymous said...


Zuck Bucks created a massive event to conduct fraudulent activity

"CTCL demanded the promotion of universal mail-in voting through suspending election laws, extending deadlines that favored mail-in over in-person voting, greatly expanding opportunities for “ballot curing,” expensive bulk mailings, and other lavish “community outreach” programs that were directed by private activists.

CTCL drove the proliferation of unmonitored private dropboxes (which created major chain of custody issues) and opportunities for novel forms of “mail-in ballot electioneering,” allowed for the submission of numerous questionable post-election-day ballots, and created opportunities for illegal ballot harvesting.

CTCL greatly increased funding for temporary staffing and poll workers, which supported the infiltration of election offices by paid Democratic Party activists, coordinated through a complex web of left-leaning non-profit organizations, social media platforms, and social media election influencers.
Staggering Partisan Spending

The amount of additional money these groups poured into elections offices in Democrat-voting areas was truly staggering. To put it in perspective, federal and state matching funds for COVID-19-related election expenses in 2020 totaled $479.5 million. The CTCL and CEIR money totaled $419.5 million. These two private non-profits were responsible for an 85 percent increase in total additional election funding — and that largess was concentrated in a relatively small number of heavily Democratic municipalities.

We have good reason to anticipate that the results of our work will show that CTCL and CEIR involvement in the 2020 election gave rise to an election that, while free, was not fair."

The 2020 Election Wasn't Stolen, It Was Bought By Mark Zuckerberg
by William Doyle
CIA Solicited Signatures For Hunter Biden Laptop Letter, Congressional Testimony Shows
by Sean Davis
Defense Attorneys Allege Massive Misconduct In Georgia's Crumbling Get-Trump Crusade
by Margot Cleveland

Anonymous said...

Web of LLCs, efforts to hide sources of money, direct China cash, influence peddling in Romania

The Complicated Web of Biden Family and Associates’ Companies: Biden family members and business associates created a web of over 20 companies—most were limited liability companies formed after Joe Biden became Vice President.

The Biden Family Received Millions of Dollars from Foreign Sources: Bank records show the Biden family, their business associates, and their companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals’ and their related companies. The Committee has identified payments to Biden family members from foreign companies while he served as Vice President and after he left public office.

The Biden Family Used Business Associates’ Companies to Receive Foreign Funds: Despite creating many companies after Vice President Biden took office, the Biden family used business associates’ companies to receive millions of dollars from foreign companies.

Attempts to Conceal Large Financial Transactions: After foreign companies sent money to business associates’ companies, the Biden family received incremental payments over time to different bank accounts. These complicated financial transactions appear to be meant to conceal the source of the funds and reduce the conspicuousness of the total amounts made into the Biden bank accounts.

Chinese Nationals Hid the Source of the Money:Chinese nationals and companies with significant ties to Chinese intelligence and the Chinese Communist Party hid the source of the funds paid out to the Bidens by layering domestic limited liability companies. The Biden family and associates’ activities in coordination with Chinese nationals and their corporate entities appear to be an attempt to engage in financial deception. Multiple Biden family members received money from the Chinese after it passed through an associate’s account. Additionally, Hunter Biden received money directly into his company’s account from a Chinese-controlled entity.

Biden Family and Associates’ Activities in Romania Indicate Influence Peddling Scheme: The Biden family and associates’ activities in Romania bear clear indicia of a scheme to peddle influence from 2015 to 2017. While Vice President Biden lectured Romania on corruption and ethics, the Bidens received over a million dollars from a company controlled by a Romanian individual accused of corruption, Gabriel Popoviciu, through a Biden family associate.


Anonymous said...

11:00 am

Notice they try to implicate Joe by referring to all these companies as "Biden family" implying Joe was involved at all.

I'm all for investigating corruption and holding people accountable but the beautiful thing about Joe Biden is he's got about 50 years of political experience behind him. He didn't like it when his son started working overseas and he clearly kept his distance from Hunter during those years.

Hunter, on the other hand, clearly profited and traded on the illusion that foreign entities could peddle influence by paying him as a business consultant, corporate director and advisor. He is a lawyer and a Yale graduate so he's not a complete idiot but he's also obviously a man with impulse control problems and problems with women. He's a 53 year old drug addict and serial adulterer who is not controlled by his father.

Unlike Kirschner and the Trump kids, who peddled influence and corruption while actually working in the White House, Hunter and Joe are just a distinguished father with a troubled son.

I'd be shocked if there were ever any indictments.

That's my opinion.


Anonymous said...

This is good news...

As Florida sets out to reduce the AR-15 buying age from 21 back to 18 (the GOP majority partnered with Democrats in Florida and increased the age several years ago after the Parkland shootings)....Texas appears ready to finally curb the sales of AR-15's to minors.

In a SHOCKING move, two Texas Republicans just joined the Democrats to PASS the “Raise The Age” gun control bill out of committee in the Texas Legislature!

That's right – TEXAS!

The NRA is freaking out, because they know this opens up a huge door for the rest of the country. Perhaps some sensible local laws can lead to national exposure — and national CHANGE.


Anonymous said...

Latest findings on the Biden Crime Family Syndicate:

Comer: Bidens Got ‘More Than $10 Million From Foreign Entities’

The Biden family long has been suspected of running an international influence-peddling scheme collecting cash for access to Joe Biden, then vice president and now president. After all, Hunter Biden at one point was getting tens of thousands of dollars a month to be on the board of a Ukrainian gas company, in an industry where he had zero experience.

And that’s exactly what GOP investigators in the U.S. Congress now are charging.
A new report from Republicans investigating vast cash payments to the Biden family over the years, released by Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., has the receipts: “The Biden family and associates’ activities in Romania bear clear indicia of a scheme to peddle influence from 2016 to 2017,” the report said. “While Vice President Biden lectured Romania on corruption and ethics, Hunter Biden received – through Biden associate Rob Walker – over a million dollars from a company controlled by a Romanian individual accused of corruption (Gabriel Popoviciu).”

The report continued, “That work appears separate from a Hunter Biden
representative’s explanation that he referred Popoviciu to a law firm.”

The Daily Signal reported the evidence, revealed in a 36-page memo from the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, charged Joe Biden’s family collected more than $10 million from foreign entities – “mostly while he was vice president.”

The report was compiled from thousands of pages of bank records of the Biden family.

Anonymous said...

‘Bombshell’: Newly Revealed Bank Records Show Bidens Profited from Corrupt Foreign Influence Scheme

House Republicans on Wednesday morning unveiled new bank records showing that the Biden family has been profiting from a corrupt foreign influence scheme since Joe Biden’s time as vice president.

House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) announced the alarming new findings.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps we should go a little easy on x and his fully vaccinated sycophants? We understand x, you just can't help it.

Are the “vaccines” also driving people crazy? (perhaps it's also an increase in demonic activity?)

Bizarre “altercations” all around the world attest to the destructive cognitive and psychological effects of COVID “vaccination”

While tracking the reports of people “dying suddenly,” and falling gravely ill, we’ve also noticed what appears to be a sharp uptick in “shocking” incidents of violence, or “altercations”—sudden melées, screaming matches, physical attacks, breaking out at sports events (including golf matches), on airliners, in restaurants and other places, in what seem to be unprecedented numbers, more and more as time goes on. (Go to full article for dozens of examples from just this past month.)


Anonymous said...


All while media chases politicized gnats about a "he said she said" involving Trump.

Anonymous said...


The New Immigration Bill Is a Trojan Horse for E-Verify and Is a Threat to All Americans

Anonymous said...

Republican Sen. Mitt Romney torches Donald Trump after he lost his sexual abuse lawsuit to E. Jean Carroll, says Trump is "just not suited to be President of the United States" and he cannot be the person we "hold up" to "our children and the world" as the "leader of the free world."

The jury awarded Carroll $5 million in damages and labeled Donald Trump a sexual abuser for the rest of human history.

Romney also smashed Trump's claim that the Carroll lawsuit was part of some "witch hunt," saying that when "people who work with you, your cabinet secretaries, and juries" come to the conclusion that you've "done something severely wrong" it's time to "recognize" that you are simply "wrong."

Anonymous said...

Romney. The south end of a north bound donkey needs attention again.

Anonymous said...

Who cares what the RINO globalist Romney has to say? I put him on a par with Liz Cheney.

Anonymous said...

I’m no fan of Romneys either but at least he’s not a sexual molester and batterer of women.

Trump in his deposition insinuated ms Carroll enjoyed being raped by him and that as a celebrity he was fortunate in that he could sexually molest women at will.

There’s no defending the molester anymore.


Anonymous said...

2:54 PM ~ The north end of a south bound baboon.

Never needs facts, needs no evidence, just slander, in she said he said fashion.
So the baboons have it.

Gossip wins in today's media and why x overlords and overruns the blog.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

The Censorship-Industrial Complex: Top 50 Organizations To Know


Anonymous said...

dr X, member of the TDS Afflicted Cult here.

But President Satan is a good person, and not a criminal at all! Pure as the driven effluent is he!

"My son did nothing wrong"

Anonymous said...

3:16 PM

The E. Jean Carrol; jury weighed the evidence, including the highly incriminating little hand man Trump deposition where he said himself that stars like him are fortunately allowed to sexually assault women and Ms. Carrol liked being sexually assaulted by him.

The fact he wasn’t found guilty of rape, only found liable for sexual assault was because E. Jean Carroll couldn’t tell if it was his penis or his finger…

That really isn’t the win you think it is.


p.s.- Prosecute Hunter Biden to your own delight. Criminals like Hunter seems to be in some regards should be investigated and prosecuted, just as confirmed sexual predator, Trump should be prosecuted for all his criminality. As a conservative I have no problem with holding people accountable. Hunter Biden is not an elected official, I didn't vote for him. He's a 53 year old man with character issues galore. Except for guys like Trump, most 53 year old men don't commingle their assets with their fathers. It's Hunters money, not "Biden family money". His actions have nothing to do with Joe Biden and Joe Biden's administration.

Anonymous said...

3:21 PM says


Remember that Charlie pledged to be the "Defender of the FAITHS," which of course denies the exclusivity of Christianity. (The owner of this blog believes similarly)

The Pagan religion of Druidism is officially recognized as a sanctioned religion in Great Britain. No doubt, King Charlie meant to included Druidism in the "FAITHS" that he is swearing an oath to protect.

Also, the strange figure that many falsely identified as the "Grim Reaper" at the Coronation was actually a purposeful display of a Druid priest in Druid garb. I say purposeful because the security was at the highest level, and a breach of that security would have been unthinkable. It was done on purpose, and it was sending an Occult type message, which is very typical of Occultists.

Anonymous said...

Another whopper posted by the poster that calls himself x:

"Trump in his deposition insinuated ms Carroll enjoyed being raped by him and that as a celebrity he was fortunate in that he could sexually molest women at will."

The thing that I find so amazing about this poster is that he lies with such reckless abandon, and continues to do so, apparently with the blessings of Ms. Cumbey. Why do I say that? Because, to the best my knowledge in reading past posts, Ms. Cumbey has never corrected this serial liar. If she has, please point it out.

I read a post from another site that described this blog as being "very weird" and one that gives an abundance of mixed messages which contained a serious lack of discernment. After reading a bit of these archives, I know what they were talking about.

Anonymous said...

4:45 PM ~ Purveyor of gossip and slander.

Oh wee one, your malevolent mouth is bigger than any and all of your other parts combined.

LSWA said...

"I read a post from another site that described this blog as being "very weird" and one that gives an abundance of mixed messages which contained a serious lack of discernment. After reading a bit of these archives, I know what they were talking about."

Yep. That is when x joined this blog and railroaded it into the ditch.

Anonymous said...

5:39 pm

Did you watch the deposition? Obviously not. I'll just presume you are mistaken and will apologize for making a mistake calling me dishonest.

I didn't put quotes around the statement, it was a paraphrase but it's essentially what his deposition implies.

Trump deposition: Response to 'Access Hollywood' tape question


Here's the full Trump deposition

Full Trump Deposition


28:55..uh well sort of that's what you said I did

29:06 - to her She fainted with great emotion she actually indicated that she loved it

29:12 - okay she loved it, until commercial break, in fact I think she said it was sexy

29:18 - didn't she it was very sexy to be raped didn't you say that so sir I just want to confirm it's your testimony that

29:24 - eating Carol said that she loved being sexually assaulted by you well based on her interview with Anderson

29:32 - Cooper I believe that's what took place you we can we can Define that you'll

29:37 -have to show that I'm sure you're going to show that but she was interviewed by Anderson Cooper and I think she said that rape was sexy...."


Anonymous said...

Republican Chris Christie torches Donald Trump for pathetically claiming that he has "no idea" who E. Jean Carroll is after she was awarded $5 million in damages for him sexually abusing her.

Christie said that the verdict “is a silver bullet that ends Donald Trump’s candidacy.”

“How many coincidences are we going to have here with Donald Trump?" asked Christie. "I mean, he must be the unluckiest S.O.B. in the world."

Christie went on to mock the disgraced, indicted former president by sarcastically saying that there are "random people" he's "never met" who somehow manage to "convince a jury that he sexually abused them.”

The former governor said it's "ridiculous" that Trump is insisting he doesn't know Carroll and that the truth is that Trump "engaged in this kind of conduct" because he admitted to as much on the Access Hollywood Tape.

Anonymous said...

5:44 pm

I'm sorry your russian and white nationalist nazi friends disapprove of this forum. The only thing that was weird here, for awhile, was all the new age alt-right idol worshipping of Trump, his criminal administration and his qanon buddies.

All the made up covid vaccine misinformation was pretty weird too.

I'm sure your friends prefer websites and blog comment sections where they don't get fact-checked and held accountable for lying.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lake Winnipesaukee Sailing Association

Anonymous said...

Poster x says "russian and white nationalist nazi friends" ???

This guy truly is nuts!!!

What must it be like to live with a crazy person?

Anonymous said...

Well, it's appearing to be two birds with one stone; Biden hamstrings his opponent and that'll free up his (ex? I doubt it) opponent's time. . . politics

Anonymous said...

Last night on CNN crazy Trump tried to take credit for reversing the Roe decision. We all know that the Dobbs decision came down in June, 2022 long after Trump was no longer president.

Biden may not celebrate reversing Dobbs, but, God saw fit to have it happen under his leadership.

Also, reversing Roe would not have happened had Trump won. The USSC has been republican controlled since the 1950's. The GOP made Roe and kept it in place, probably for white nationalist purposes since so many blace babies were killed in urban centers where access to abortion clinics was largely permitted, for almost 50 years. They only reversed Roe once it stopped working getting republican's elected...thus, Biden had to win in order for this to happen.

Further...in the CNN town hall, Trump refused to indicate he'd sign a national abortion ban bill if he were to not lose the election again --- he then hinted he favored compromising, permitting abortion for rape, incest and the life of the mother. He hinted a 6 week ban which Desantis permits Florida mothers the opportunity to kill their babies as probably too extreme, Trump maybe wants to give them 15 weeks to murder.

"Compromising" is another word for let's allow the killing of SOME babies -- as long as they are mostly babies of color.

In other words, the GOP is NOT the moral highground on the abortion issue. They are not Christian abortion abolitionists. They are just as willing to "compromise" politically on the lives of our children.

Anonymous said...

11:11 AM

You must be as daft as ignoramus Mittens Romney.
You don't get it either, because you are an entrenched and flaming liberal who compromises everything.
You're pretending you care when you clearly show otherwise.

As for Romney, he is not even a has been, he's a never was.

But you have the free speech right to be as daft and politically polarizing as you want to be.

Don't you have a meaningful family life and job to better take up your time?

Anonymous said...

Every once in awhile I come back to this site which I used to frequent before X's and other trolls hijacked the whole thing.
I see that it's only gotten worse and X is still spewing it's lies and unfounded, irrational hysteria.

Good bye again.

Anonymous said...

6:49 PM

Yes, I agree fully! X is nuts!

11:36 AM

X is a complete fraud. Probably lives in his mothers basement, and weighs 400 lbs.

His only family is his mom, George Soros, and Constance

Anonymous said...

After School Satan Clubs steadily increased in popularity due to legal wins, and their children's educational material is very revealing


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Top 10 Moments From Trump's CNN Town Hall: AOC And Jake Tapper Livid


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

11:44 am and 11:54 am are both complete frauds.

I've got no basis or evidence for such...they just are

(I'm mocking you)

whatever....this place used to be packed with trolls spewing new age qanon and alt right wing lies and propaganda, including, but not limited to Rayb as one of the primary purveyors of nonsense.

A less active honest discussion is better than a barrage of fake GOP infotainment and political spin.

Please repent.


p.s.- guess you didn't leave. Isn't it time to plant the flowers, and herbs. Swimming/hiking/biking etc. Adios

Anonymous said...


"When West Virginia’s Secretary of State, Mac Warner, testified before members of the U.S. House on April 27, he provided one of the most pragmatic and cogent testimonies to date on the 2020 election. Warner’s Post-Hearing testimony examines the widespread, seemingly opportunistic malfeasance at the state level in the 2020 election. His testimony brings substance to the discussion about the 2020 election. He identifies the exploitable gaps in election administration and provides solutions. Moreover, he told UncoverDC on Tuesday that it’s time for citizens, secretaries of state, governors, and lawmakers to work together in earnest to address the laws that invite criminality and opportunistic malfeasance."

Upholding our Constitution to begin with, before and right up to Jan 6 and beyond it, would have avoided the entire debacle.
Where were the leaders of both parties to protect this precious right and freedom? Where were the people of this country to care enough, be thankful enough, be involved enough, to be undistracted enough to keep the charge that our Constitution provided well for from the start?

Selfish ambitions and deep neglect brought us here.

Anonymous said...


A long way from over.

Anonymous said...

The citizen's starter kit to understanding the new global information cartel


Anonymous said...

LSWA open your profile please. I would like to see when it was created.

Anonymous said...

Br. Bugnolo and AJ

How Opus Dei and the CIA control Catholic Media and the many famous Catholic Talking Heads (53 minutes)



Anonymous said...

It's pretty obvious that poster that goes by x lives for this blog, as he appears to be here 24/7. He also is a conspiracy freak, accusing everyone that disagrees with him as a follower of opus dei and being a Nazi. He's a very, very sick individual that needs to get a life.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...


Momma told me at a young age that opinions are like a-holes, everyone has one.

Evaluate, accept or reject content, move on.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that exactly what 7:08 PM did Rich?

Why so much control Rich?

Don't we get enough of that continuously in our lives from every angle?

We come here, and it is more of the Ministry of Truth.

Anonymous said...

Why is the DOJ Lying About Jack Teixeira?


Anonymous said...

New FDA Guideline Allows More Gay and Bisexual Men to Donate Blood Without Abstaining from Sex

'Further proof (if any more was needed) that our government cabal is trying to kill us.'


Anonymous said...

9:43 am

What's funny is Jim Hoft (age 59), one of the gayest men ever, wrote that 'article' himself regarding gays donating blood and the fda guidelines.

Because he's married to some very young boy (age 29 now) he met in the Philippines a few years ago, he can actually donate blood now (presuming he's not in an open marriage like most gay couples).

More proof he's just trolling conservatives for profit and saying/"reporting" whatever it is he thinks they want to hear (and fear). Clickbait.


Anonymous said...

Dem Arizona Mayor: ‘The Border’s Wide Open’

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” Sierra Vista, AZ Mayor Clea McCaa (D) stated that there is “a crisis” along the border and that because Border Patrol agents are being diverted to process migrants, “The border’s wide open. We need it closed.”

McCaa said, “The issue is that our Border Patrol agents are now inside their processing facilities processing the migrants coming into the U.S. And that leaves our border wide open. I just talked with our Sheriff, Mark Dannels (R), this morning, we still have a problem with…fentanyl coming across the border. … And we still just — it’s just a crisis, sir.”

He added, “We want to see more support on the border, sir. Bottom line, we need support down here, federal agents to guard our border, to make sure that we don’t have [any] more high-speed chases through my town, [any] more FENTANYL coming north. We need Border Patrol officials stationed, not — I understand about the migrants coming across and I understand about the processing, but the border’s wide open. I talked to the sheriff this morning. The border’s wide open. We need it closed.”


Anonymous said...

Just 'say' you're an "asylum seeker" and YOU'RE IN! How do you say "Thank you Joe Biden" in about a dozen different languages?

Migrants Travel to U.S. Border to Find Jobs, Flee Crime Despite Asylum Rules

As President Joe Biden’s administration ends Title 42, the public health authority that has been used as a border control to remove close to three million illegal aliens from the border since mid-2020, hundreds of thousands of migrants are waiting in Mexico to rush the border.

Their goal is ultimately to claim asylum and be subsequently released into the U.S. interior, through Biden’s expansive Catch and Release network, while awaiting their immigration hearings in the future.

This week, CNN profiled a number of migrants traveling through Mexico to get to the border in hopes of being released into the U.S. interior. Nearly all said they were fleeing crime and looking for jobs.

One migrant family, a 23-year-old Honduran man named Roberto, as well as his teenage sister and father, told CNN they are fleeing crime in their native country and want to find work in the U.S.

Another migrant from Venezuela told CNN he is fleeing violence as well as the country’s poor economic conditions, saying residents do not make enough money to afford full meals.

Crime and an inability to find a job are not valid claims for asylum, as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has made clear. Asylum is reserved for those who can prove they are being persecuted on the basis of race, religion, nationality, or political opinion. Those persecuted because of their ties to a particular social group can also qualify for asylum.

One such migrant couple from Colombia told CNN they left their five children behind and gave no reason as to how they qualify for asylum in the U.S.

Likewise, the Los Angeles Times interviewed a dozen migrants making their way to the border. Most said they want to enter the U.S. to get a job, flee crime in their native country, and, in one case, care for elderly relatives already living in the U.S.

As Breitbart News has chronicled for years, few migrants end up securing asylum.

Thanks to immense backlogs in the federal immigration court system, many migrants will be released into the U.S. interior and likely remain, regardless of whether they have valid asylum claims. In New York City, for example, some migrants with dubious asylum claims will not have to go before an immigration judge until the year 2033 because of how backed up the system is.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Joe Biden. I promise to vote for you many times in the next election. Thank you. I thank Pope too. He for open borders and no walls to.

Illegal Immigrants Get Free Smartphones Paid for by US Taxpayers – Some Do Not Have Court Dates Until 2035 (VIDEO)

In 2022, the Biden regime reportedly issued over 300,000 smartphones to illegal aliens as part of the “Alternatives to Detention Program (ATD).

According to ICE, smartphones cost taxpayers $361,218.08 per day, per ABC News.

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

Advising someone to not fret over X's posts and to move past them is hardly what I call control.

Anonymous said...

March 27, 2023

No increase in death (cardiac or all causes) in ages 12-29 after mRNA vaccination. There was an increase in cardiac and all cause deaths after a SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Risk of death following COVID-19 vaccination or positive SARS-CoV-2 test in young people in England


Abstract: Several studies have reported associations between COVID-19 vaccination and risk of cardiac diseases, especially in young people; the impact on mortality, however, remains unclear. We use national, linked electronic health data in England to assess the impact of COVID-19 vaccination and positive SARS-CoV-2 tests on the risk of cardiac and all-cause mortality in young people (12 to 29 years) using a self-controlled case series design. Here, we show there is no significant increase in cardiac or all-cause mortality in the 12 weeks following COVID-19 vaccination compared to more than 12 weeks after any dose. However, we find an increase in cardiac death in women after a first dose of non mRNA vaccines. A positive SARS-CoV-2 test is associated with increased cardiac and all-cause mortality among people vaccinated or unvaccinated at time of testing.

Anonymous said...

Robert Kennedy, Jr. Bravely Points Out the Connection Between SSRI Antidepressant Use and Mass Shootings – Something Trump Also Touched On in His CNN Town Hall (VIDEO)


Anonymous said...

Yes, if you are a Democrat make sure you vote for Biden many, many time in the next election.
And make sure you sign all the free mail in ballots that get delivered to your address, and repeat the process as many times as they deliver those unsolicited ballots. This is very important.
Again make sure you vote very early and early and also get out and cast your vote on election day. And get your illegal alien servants and babysitters and yard workers and pool hands to vote too, whether they think they can vote or not. Every vote counts!

Anonymous said...

I have an announcement to make!
I have come to a revelation.I have had an epiphany!
This is really really difficult to admit, but I suddenly realize just how wrong I've been for the last five or six years.
Please, everyone here, I beg you all to accept my sincere and heartfelt apology.
It has dawned on me; more like hit me like a ton of bricks just how utterly incorrect and stupid I have been about all these things that are discussed on this blog.
Please disregard everything that I have stood for and repeatedly argued for and have argued against. I was duped by the forces of Marxism, plain and simple. I was tricked and deceived by the voices of Socialism and I was willing to actually pretend to be a Christian in order to trick and deceive the Christian element here. I considered it a righteous fight. I thought I was actually doing a good thing, even though I was being completely disingenuous and duplicitous, for something that I thought was a greater cause.
But now I see that that cause was a pack of lies, and in fact a formula for death and disease.

Forgive me, please


Anonymous said...

Obviously 2:37 PM is not the X we all know and love.

Anonymous said...

No one knows x and no one loves it.

Anonymous said...


U r correct.

She’s projecting.

She can’t actually debate me or evidence supposed lies so she resorts to middle schoolgirl tactics.

It’s actually sad. I’m praying she receives the gift of repentance (assuming she might actually be a Christian)


Anonymous said...

That was an imposter alright.

Whether a guy or a gal I have no idea, but that was a farce and really dumb.
x plays games, but not that one.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump’s attorneys are telling Trump that he will lose the Manhattan DA’s hush money case and that he should be prepared to serve 1-4 years in NY state prison.

Anonymous said...

6:24 PM

Source? LOL!

Actually, it's not a funny matter to lie.

Anonymous said...

Target Department Store LGBTQ+ ‘Pride’ Collection Includes Items for Children and Babies

Target has released its latest “pride” collection ahead of what society has deemed “pride” month in June, which the far left uses to heavily push their radical gender ideology upon adults and children alike, despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of Americans do not identify as LGBT.

This year’s pride collection, commonly displayed prominently toward the front of stores, features myriad items marketed toward not only adults, but children and babies as well.

A brief look at the adult clothing section online shows men in rainbow-clad pajamas, swim shorts, and rompers. At least two shirts celebrate drag with images of famed drag queens Trixie Mattel and Katya.

Target is also selling a hoodie that reads, “Not a Phase,” and the website also features an image of what appears to be a biological woman wearing a shirt which reads, “Busy Thinking About Girls.” Another shirt on display reads, “Queer Queer Queer Queer,” and another long-sleeved shirt features an abstract rainbow image with the text “Super Queer.”

Another shirt for sale reads, “Live, Laugh, Lesbian,” and the department is also offering transgender butterfly socks and a variety of other pride-themed apparel as well.

There is also a prominent pride selection for children and babies.

More here:


Anonymous said...

Amazing how 6:24 PM knows what Trump's attorneys are telling him in private.

Constance's blog sure is a wealth of valuable information!

Anonymous said...

Just another billionaire weirdo


Anonymous said...

No worries Trumpsters! The golden boy will prevail.


Anonymous said...

Women who protect and defend men like Donald Trump are no better than the sexual predators themselves.

Who else agrees?

Anonymous said...

Republicans conceded that they had yet to find a shred of evidence of a specific corrupt action Mr. Biden took in office in connection with any of the business deals his son entered into.

House Republican Report Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by President Biden: After months of investigation and many public accusations of corruption against Mr. Biden and his family, the first report of the premier House G.O.P. inquiry showed no proof of such misconduct.


Excerpt: ....But on Wednesday, the Republicans conceded that they had yet to find evidence of a specific corrupt action Mr. Biden took in office in connection with any of the business deals his son entered into. Instead, their presentation underscored how little headway top G.O.P. lawmakers have made in finding clear evidence of questionable transactions they can tie to Mr. Biden, their chief political rival....


Abbe Lowell, a lawyer for Hunter Biden, said in a statement that House Republicans had revealed nothing new in their report.

“Today’s so-called ‘revelations' are retread, repackaged misstatements of perfectly proper meetings and business by private citizens.” Mr. Lowell said.

Anonymous said...

2:37 PM
I won't venture to guess what your angle is but it's obvious you are pretending to be x
and it didn't work to convince anybody it was his post.

He isn't humble enough to go there, and whoever you are, that just made you look bad.
Surely you know better.
He is on the low road. Did you really need to go there too?

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