Tuesday, April 04, 2023

The Plight of Dr. Aaron Edwards (and us all)

By Rich Peterson

 “I’ve just been dismissed by a Christian college for tweets on homosexuality – if I wasn’t safe, no one is.” 

These are words written by Aaron Edwards, a former lecturer of theology at Cliff College, an evangelical Bible college in the UK.  Aaron Edwards was removed from his position for bringing “disrepute” to the college. The offense was that he expressed the Biblical position on homosexuality over  a public forum.  Specifically, Twitter. The college demanded he remove the tweet. Edwards’ refusal led to a two week suspension followed by termination.

Mr. Edward’s suspension was followed by a hearing where, reportedly, should he be asked by same sex attracted students for prayer how he might respond. Various news articles report Mr. Edwards was threatened with a referral to Prevent, the deradicalization component of the UK’s counter-terrorism strategy. Read here, here, here, and here. 

Cliff College principal denies any threat.  Perhaps it was a promise?

Whether or not Prevent was mentioned to Dr. Edwards is unclear but it certainly is not a stretch to accept that would have happened.

Aaron Edwards’ experience brings to memory thoughts of the Alliance of Civilizations and the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy of which I had written about a few years back. The Alliance, becoming the “Mother Tongue” of the UN, would also become the “global conscience” in the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. The UK Home Office eagerly partnered with the Alliance to harmonize its counter-terrorism efforts with the UN Global Strategy.

The Alliance of Civilizations uses religion to combat religion. Its definition of extremism, the root cause of terrorism, is especially hostile towards Christianity:  one cannot be an adherent of an “exclusive truth” claim.

The threat to refer Dr. Edwards to Prevent (or not), is consistent with the counter-terrorism strategy’s goal to combat religious fundamentalism. Back in 2007 as I read the through the Alliance of Civilizations/Council of Europe counter terrorism materials, I recall thinking they  intend to use beliefs about homosexuality as a means to categorize people as either tolerant or extremists.


“No one may invoke cultural diversity to infringe upon human rights guaranteed by international law…”  Ponder that.

UNESCO policy is to include sexual orientation as part of cultural diversity. For Aaron Edwards to speak openly of homosexuality as sin would be viewed as an infringement of another’s rights.

What happened to Aaron Edwards speaks volumes. His words of warning are ominous:

“Whilst my situation remains difficult for me and my family, it is also a microcosm of the greater difficulties awaiting other Christians in the post-Christian West. The growing expectation is that we should keep quiet about our beliefs, especially if they may offend others.”


“Western progressive ideals of inclusivity no longer include many Christian beliefs. Indeed, the vociferous responses to my tweet demonstrate the problem my tweet was highlighting. There are some Christian beliefs that Christians are no longer allowed to express, not even to other Christians.”


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Anonymous said...

Unsaved people who are aggressively political are like alligators, and Christians are not to mud wrestle with the alligators! We are to stand our ground, on our own high and dry ground, NOT playing their game. We have our own game to play, Jesus' game. We can be humans, saved humans, standing on our own high ground, and we can let the alligators be alligators in their swamps.

We are not to try to become a bigger, meaner alligator and mud wrestle the alligators in the swamp! Nor do we need to live in the swamp with the alligators as smaller, weaker alligators being bitten by them!

Nor do we need to exhaust ourselves trying to reason and converse and reach resolution with alligators. Alligators have no interest in conversing with humans. They have no interest in conflict resolution with humans.

We are to be humans, saved humans, and accept that the alligators are beyond redemption unless the hand of God beckons to them and chooses them for conversion.

Meanwhile we can try to find unsaved humans who are less likely to bite us and actually talk to them about the gospel and actually model Christianity for them.

Eventually God will judge the alligators and drain the swamps.

Anonymous said...

I never knew Tucker was an antisemite! (Maybe because he openly opposed the never ending war policies of the NeoCons?)

From an article that appeared on the Forward:

Tucker Carlson is leaving Fox — will veiled antisemitism and the Great Replacement Theory go with him?

The news host is famous for promoting conspiracy theories and antisemitic dogwhistles on his primetime show. (REALLY?)

"He also frequently alluded to the great replacement theory, a conspiracy that Jews or other racial minorities are attempting to exterminate or replace white people, though Carlson’s references to it were always just veiled enough to maintain plausible deniability against accusations of racism or antisemitism. Dog whistles were frequently employed on his show; he repeatedly vilified George Soros while lauding the nationalist and antisemitic leadership of Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban."

Read more bunk here:

Anonymous said...

Trans Teen Died From Vaginoplasty Complications During Landmark Dutch Study Used To Justify Child Sex Changes


Anonymous said...

What did the Apostle Paul, having been inspired by the Holy Spirit, have to say about Jews that were OUTSIDE of Christ?

For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:

Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:

Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost. 1 Thessalonians 2: 14-16

What is the "spirit" of the antichrist? It's the spirit that denies that the MESSIAH has come "in the flesh."

And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. 1 John 4:3

Anonymous said...

12:38 said: Also, I noticed that you must be very WOKE, because you referred to this man, who wears women's clothing as "SHE."

Good example of me misspeaking. I didn't watch the actual video (bc I don't give opus dei Breitbart clicks and the pertinent words had been seemingly provided) so I had just somehow presumed the trans-activist was a biological woman after reading his words like "my girlfriends".

I don't think young girls would be safe in a restroom with either the violence suggesting tran activist or violense suggesting Emerald. If only we had gun laws to keep violence threatening people like these two from bearing arms.


Anonymous said...

It is also written in Romans 11:

17 If some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root, 18 do not consider yourself to be superior to those other branches. If you do, consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you. 19 You will say then, “Branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in.” 20 Granted. But they were broken off because of unbelief, and you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but tremble. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either.

Anonymous said...


Nicely put.


Anonymous said...

12:51 PM

The Forward

The Forward identifies Tucker Carlson as anti-semite. That makes him anti-semite.

Anonymous said...

Tucker's father, Richard Carlson is a director of Policy Impact, a lobbying firm. The firm has lobbied the United States on behalf of the Viktor Orban government in Hungary.

Anonymous said...

Tucker's fan base is anti-semite and anti-semite leaning (no "other" is beyond scrutiny, blame and fear), so he says scripted anti-semite things and uses anti-semite dog whistles on air to make money and satisfy his audience.

It's a schtick, not a personal conviction.

Infotainment is not to be considered sincere.

Anonymous said...

4:21 PM

Give us some examples of Tucker Carlson saying "scripted anti-semite things" and using "anti-semite dog whistles on air."

If you don't give us some specific examples in order to back up your claim, we'll know that you are just another LIAR that trolls here on Cumbey's blog.

Anonymous said...

4:21 PM
You bring nothing to the table but disinfo, (and no one expects to be entertained) in fact, you haven't got one sincere bone in your body and you criticize others?
Your personal convictions seem much more to be personal vendettas there is so much anger in them.

You have a national forest in your eye as you search for a splinter in others.

STHU for once.
It would almost make you seem like a caring, thinking person.

Anonymous said...

So the Forward cannot be biased because they are "Jewish. Independent. Nonprofit."

And if they act as thought police, prosecutor, jury and judge, that settles it. Sounds more like the way the Nazis operated.

Anonymous said...

4:59 pm referring to a Jewish news operation as Nazi-like is, itself, anti-Semitic, if not just plain dumb & insensitive. Not unlike the Russian disinformation apparatus claiming Zelensky is a Nazi (while Russian troops target Ukrainian women and children)

4:56 pm Platforming Kayne West's anti-Semitic interview and invoking the Soros anti-semitic dog whistle while stoking great replacement theory propaganda would be a couple examples of Tucker's anti-Semitic practices at Fox News.

Anonymous said...


You said: "And if they act as thought police, prosecutor, jury and judge, that settles it. Sounds more like the way the Nazis operated."

How is ONE article in a Jewish Independent Paper referring to verifiable anti-semitic things Tucker said on air in any way "operating a rigged 'justice' system, Gestapo-like with Nazi juries and Nazi judges?

btw...I wasn't the one to share the Forward Article by Mira Fox but Jewish sensitivity to white nationalist maga qanon rhethoric and propoganda is certainly earned and NOT nazi-like in any way.

I DO understand history which is why I try to immediately confront blatant anti-Semitism when I see you posting it. Find yourself better history books.


Anonymous said...

Back up your claim with specifics X:

You said this: "How is ONE article in a Jewish Independent Paper referring to verifiable anti-semitic things Tucker said on air"

Provide proof to validate your claim that Tucker Carlson made "verifiable anti-semitic" statements "on air."

If you can't, you have been caught again in another one of your infamous lies.

Anonymous said...

The Forward has a responsibility to proclaim the truth, and not engage in character assassination by using innuendo.

They, like x, are willing to trash a person's character by posting lies and innuendo. That's why I said they are using tactics just like the Nazis did, and, I might add, the Communists.

If you're going to make a claim, you should be ready to back up your claim with factual information. Otherwise, you're nothing other than a lying slanderer, and 'false accuser.'

Anonymous said...

Read the article...

I concur with Mira Fox

She gives examples


p.s.- why are you so invested in defending the character of a well-known self-confessed (by his own emails/texts) liars and purveyor of misinformation like Tucker Carlson? Why don't you apply your standard to his years of lying, character assassinations and innuendo about a lot of people?

Anonymous said...

My friends and I confronted executive editors on their censorship of Seymour Hersh, Uhuru, Julian Assange, Tucker Carlson, Russiagate..Then the Dean of Columbia and security pushed me to the ground and tried to silence me.


Wow. He had me until he called the Dean Karen.

As far as race replacement theory goes. . . it's not a theory it's a fact and I can't believe how fast it was accomplished

Anonymous said...

x is lying again when he states:

Read the article...

I concur with Mira Fox

She gives examples


Mira Fox gives NO EXAMPLES.

Why on earth do you lie so much x? Why? What exactly is your agenda? Is it to just spread lies? Are you really a servant of Satan?

Anonymous said...



Where are your examples of Tucker Carlson's "anti-semitic things Tucker said on air"

Provide proof to validate your claim that Tucker Carlson made "verifiable anti-semitic" statements "on air."

If you can't, once again, you have been proven to be a LIAR.

Anonymous said...

Does Constance Cumbey support poster x's non-stop lying on her blog?

Is this actually the purpose of this blog, to give x an avenue in which to spread lies?

Is this blog some type of psyop being used, with Cumbey's approval, to spread lies in order to advance some type of unknown (to us) agenda?

What is the motive here? Why doesn't she ever step in and say "enough"?

Anonymous said...

8:55 pm - I shouldn't have to do this since it's a well known fact about Fox News and Tucker Carlson but here's some videos for you to watch documenting some of his on air anti-semitic racist bullcrap at fox:

1. ADL CEO calls for Fox News to fire Tucker Carlson


2. Tucker & Fox Go Full Antisemitic with George Soros Special


3. Abby Grossberg: Tucker Carlson made 'my life a living hell':Former Fox News producer Abby Grossberg reacts to the ouster of Tucker Carlson and details the hostile work environment at Fox that she faced and is suing the company over.


4. Kanye Takes His Antisemitic Meltdown To Fox News


5. Then there is this gem...where he shares lies about the Ukranian war to boost his claim for supporting the nazi fascists in Russia claiming it's from the Texiera leaked documents when it was really a counterfeit version of the leaked casualty report that greatly exaggerates Ukrainian casualties and downplays Russian casualties. It had been circulated online by a pro-Kremlin social media personality who styles herself “Donbass Devushka.” “Donbass Devushka” who is actually a37-year-old former U.S. Navy legal clerk Sarah Bils, who presently resides in Oak Harbor, Washington, near Naval Air Station Whidbey Island where she once served.

In other words --- Tucker is either a Russian operative himself or just DUMB.

Tucker Carlson: This will make you sick to your stomach


Fact Check: Fact Check: Tucker Carlson Cites False Ukrainian Casualty Numbers:The numbers cited by the Fox News Host are fabricated.



Anonymous said...

8:57 pm

If you signed your posts she might address YOU and say "enough".

They aren't lies just because you say so and I don't see her buying your non-evidenced allegations of lies.

Please document a single lie I have spoken otherwise YOUR claim is, in fact, the lie itself.


Anonymous said...

Aren't x and the Democrats that he votes for great? Why, just look at what they push:

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Showcases Lesbian-Themed TV Shows For ‘Lesbian Visibility Week’

As the nation’s first “openly queer” White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre on Tuesday observed “Lesbian Visibility Week” by inviting cast members from two lesbian-themed Showtime series to join her in the White House briefing room.

“So this week is Lesbian Visibility Week, and as the first openly queer person to hold the position of press secretary for the president of the United States, I’m honored to welcome the cast of the ‘L word’ and ‘Generation Q,’ two Showtime series that chronicles the friendship, the love, the challenges and the triumphs of strong, funny, and resilient queer women!” Jean Pierre proudly proclaimed.

Anonymous said...

x posts this as his PROOF that Tucker Carlson is an antisemite:

Tucker Carlson: This will make you sick to your stomach


Here's the problem with this; the video that x uses as his proof is of the radical left winger David Pakman, who just so happens to be Jewish that imagines antisemites are everywhere. In this case, Pakman asserts (with no proof) that Tucker has to be an antisemite because ... ready for this? ... Tucker exposes George Soros (who is Jewish) as an elitist GLOBALIST that is spending countless millions of dollars in order to spread his Marxist ideology into every country of Western Civilization, particularly the United States. Soros helps to finance the terrorist groups ANTIFA & Black Lives Matter. Soros also finances political campaigns for radical Marxist District Attorneys such as Manhattan's Alvin Bragg. His purpose is to create untold chaos so that America collapses, whereby the Great Reset is then implemented.

The Great Reset, which George Soros fully supports, is a world wide Communist Revolution, in which they boast "YOU WILL OWN NOTHING, AND BE HAPPY." The problem is, THEY will own everything, and YOU will be a slave to THEM." It's the Beast System, and Soros is working for it!

Obviously, x is at the very least in league with these Satanists!

Tucker Carlson should be applauded for bravely standing up to this thoroughly evil and disgusting man, George Soros.

Anonymous said...

God has dealt with beast systems since the beginning of human history. (Remember the Tower of Babel?) He can deal with any coming beast system, too. That is, if it doesn't self-implode anyway.

When people sin God lets them do it for a while and stretches out His arms. But eventually He lets them have their sin. He seems to be saying to people, "If you liked that, you'll love this." Then He gives them over to their sin. For the children of Israel, it meant being taken into captivity by the very people whose idols had been worshiped. For radical feminists, it could possibly mean transgender men will continue to invade the turf of women and girls, whether it be in women's prisons or girls' bathrooms.

Please, please, go back and read your Bible sometimes, in between reading the news.

You are being constantly influenced by people who don't believe in God but only believe in Western civilization or traditional values.

It makes a big difference actually having faith versus really not having any faith. It's the difference between being willing to pay any price for living one's faith, versus deciding to fight evil with evil for the sake of being able to win.

God is not fooled. God doesn't care about narratives. God doesn't care about spin. God isn't impressed by mind games or troll games. Do you really believe in Him?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't go so far as to say God doesn't care about the narratives. Or that God doesn't care about spin. That is foolishness to say.

"My people perish for lack of knowledge".

"No lie is ever of the truth"

Anonymous said...

Of course. Correction. God is not impressed by narratives. God is not impressed by spin.

Anonymous said...

"God is not fooled. God doesn't care about narratives. God doesn't care about spin. God isn't impressed by mind games or troll games."

True, but in another sense, maybe better said?:

God is not stopped by the antics of men (X or whomever else).

They can even be worked to His advantage because He has all power.
Evil may be a "weeding" tool in His Hand. What the devil intends for harm, God, because He is God, can turn it to work His Will in the grand scheme of things.
We, the finite, aren't God so we can't and shouldn't intend or do that so beware of the evils you condone, in any way, associate to (X).

But God does care very much about justice so narratives, spin, mind and troll games He will judge.
Every motive weighed and evil will land in the pit.
Separate from those things of the pit or they will cast you there too.
“It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Hebrews 10:31

Fall, instead, at the foot of the cross, the only place where mercy and justice are found.

Anonymous said...

They are attacking a blind White Woman


Anonymous said...

9:55 AM,

I love it.

(X is all about circular conversations, but he's not the only one.)

Anonymous said...

The best rant you'll see as this American Patriot goes off on the dishonest media


Anonymous said...

10:23 AM

You are so right.
And thanks.

Anonymous said...

Tucker doesn't 'give a FOX' . . .

EXCLUSIVE: 'Appetizers plus entrée!' Looks like Tucker Carlson doesn't give two Fox about his ouster from network - gleefully telling DailyMail.com his future plans while tooling off to a romantic date night with wife Susan

Tucker Carlson was 'blindsided' by the news that he was let go from Fox News on Monday after spending 14 years at the network - despite being the network's biggest primetime star

'I haven’t eaten dinner with my wife on a weeknight in seven years,' the TV firebrand told DailyMail.com

Tucker spent Tuesday huddling with right-hand man Justin Wells - who lost his executive producer gig - as the cable news veterans plotted their next move


Anonymous said...


War Threatens Ukraine Auto Empire of Biden Megadonor Urging Greater U.S. Role

All at the expense of the Ukrainian people.

And Biden/Media want us to believe Putin is the lone evil player here.

Anonymous said...

11:15 am

It's not like anyone expected Tucker to be repentant, right?

Sitting there like a monkey for 14 years reading white nationalist alt-right fear & hate script he and others wrote.

He is going to answer for all of his vicious attacks and lies ... mark my words.


Anonymous said...

There really is no difference between Democrats and Republicans, right?

In your wildest dreams, can you imagine Republicans introducing legislation like this?

Here it is:

Democrats Float Bill To Allow LGBTQ Migrants To Walk Into U.S. Unrestricted

Just say you’re gay and you’re in

Democrats in the House and the Senate have floated legislation that would allow undocumented migrants to effectively walk into the U.S. unrestricted if they declare they are LGBTQ+, prompting border officials to warn that suddenly “everyone is going to be LGBTQ.”

The legislation, introduced last week, would make it more difficult to detain illegal immigrants if they are catagorised as “vulnerable persons.”

The wording of the legislation, titled The Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act, makes it clear that anyone who is “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or intersex” is thereby subject to a greater risk of persecution and discrimination in their home countries, and so should not be detained or removed from the U.S. by authorities.

Anonymous said...

Well, slanderer-in-chief 11:48 AM, with a tongue that "kills" (Matthew 5:21-22), maybe it is you who should unmark your words.

Ps 140:11 says
Let not an evil speaker be established in the earth: evil shall hunt the violent man to overthrow him.

Anonymous said...

Democratic Lawmaker Caught on Camera Swiping Bibles, Flees When Reporter Calls Her Out

(She's an "Ordained Minister" but obviously hates the truth of the Bible)

When Bibles started disappearing from the House-members-only lounge at the Arizona State Capitol, security officers hid a camera in the room in an attempt to identify the responsible party.

It turned out to be Rep. Stephanie Stahl Hamilton, a Democratic state lawmaker who is also an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church, USA — generally considered one of the more liberal denominations in the U.S. (as opposed to the similarly named but much more conservative Presbyterian Church in America, or PCA).

Journalist David Caltabiano of KPHO in Phoenix asked Hamilton about the Bibles, but she wasn’t talking.


Anonymous said...

I noticed that x didn't say anything about this. He's too busy attacking Christian journalist Emerald Robinson for being "violent."

TikTok ‘Trans Lesbian’ Threatens Christian Conservatives with Violence; Urges ‘Allies’ to ‘Arm Up’

In a “call to arms” posted onto TikTok, a user who goes by the name “Tara” and who identifies as a “poly trans lesbian” threatened Christian conservatives and urged fellow travelers to “arm up” to fight them in a recent rant on the Chinese-owned platform.

“If you back a wild animal into a corner, they will become a dangerous animal,” he said. “So if you want to die on that hill of yours of righteousness and moral majority, then you go right ahead.”

Tara, who doesn’t come close to passing as female, threatened violence against women who object to biological males invading their public restrooms.

“I dare you to try and stop me from going into a women’s bathroom,” he warned. “It will be the last mistake you ever make.”

The transvestite continued: “I dare you to try and stop a transgender woman in my presence from using the bathroom. It will be the last mistake you ever make.”

Anonymous said...

Catholic Civil Rights Leader Requests Nashville Police Department Release Covenant Killer’s Manifesto


What are they hiding? RELEASE THE MANIFESTO!

Anonymous said...

Poster x,

I read in one of the comments that you have a Doctorate degree. In what, may I ask?

Anonymous said...

Accused Pedophile Socialite Worked at Pro-Trans ‘Ready Kids’

Eleanor Hoppe is accused to sharing child rape porn with federal investigators and traveling to a hotel to rape a little girl. She formerly worked at the pro-gay, pro-trans "Ready Kids" non-profit in Charlottesville, VA.

Eleanor Hoppe, the Virginia socialite and ex-wife of a federal judge who was arrested by the FBI in an anti-pedophile sting operation, previously worked at pro-trans, pro-gay ReadyKids, a Charlottesville non-profit that maintains direct access to children through “counseling” and “family support” programs. Hoppe, whose ex-husband was appointed to the federal bench under the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION, is the “scion” a major Virginia legal family that donates millions of dollars to the uni-party.

Anonymous said...

part 2

According to Hoppe’s LinkedIn profile, the accused pedophile and child porn trafficker formerly worked as the “ReadySteps Program Leader and Early Learning Specialist” at ReadyKids in Charlottesville, while overseeing “all early learning playgroups” in a trio of Charlottesville, Virginia neighborhoods.

“As the ReadySteps Early Learning Specialist in charge of all early learning playgroups in [the Charlottesville neighborhoods of] WestHaven, Friendship Court, and Greenstone,” Hoppe’s LinkedIn summary of her ReadyKids employment, which lasted from 2016-2017 reads, “I exceeded the agency targets for both enrollment and engagement…”

Anonymous said...

12:48 pm

None ya

My doctorate is too specific and not relevant or related to the political debates herein.

Going to college for a long time doesn't, alone, make anyone smarter than others and that's probably (I don't recall) the context in which I mentioned it one time here.

Again, I choose not to divulge personal information to you or anyone else who may or may not be attempting to dox me. I've given far too much personal information as it is. Did you even see what the Luciferians did to the poster Paul here?


Anonymous said...

Florida surgeon general altered key findings in study on Covid-19 vaccine safety


Excerpt: Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo personally altered a state-driven study about Covid-19 vaccines last year to suggest that some doses pose a significantly higher health risk for young men than had been established by the broader medical community, according to a newly obtained document.

Ladapo’s changes, released as part of a public records request, presented the risks of cardiac death to be more severe than previous versions of the study. He later used the final document in October to bolster disputed claims that Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines were dangerous to young men.

The surgeon general, a well-known Covid-19 vaccine skeptic, faced a backlash from the medical community after he made the assertions, which go against guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and American Academy of Pediatrics. But Ladapo’s statements aligned well with Gov. Ron DeSantis’ stance against mandatory Covid-19 vaccination.

Researchers with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and University of Florida, who viewed Ladapo’s edits on the study and have followed the issue closely, criticized the surgeon general for making the changes. One said it appears Ladapo altered the study out of political — not scientific — concerns.

“I think it’s a lie,” Matt Hitchings, an assistant professor of biostatistics at the University of Florida, said of Ladapo’s assertion that the Covid-19 vaccine causes cardiac death in young men. “To say this — based on what we’ve seen, and how this analysis was made — it’s a lie.”

Anonymous said...


You do realize "The Tennessee Star" is just a GOP propaganda outlet, right? While I agree the manifesto should be released, the gop speculation tying it to the shooter's gender dysmorphia or a broader attack by all gender-confused kids upon Christians is completely speculative. Interesting and disturbing spin though. It's mindboggling the stuff the GOP puts out.

Republicans launch propaganda sites designed to look like local news outlets: The Tennessee Star claims to be the "most reliable" online local paper in the site. In fact it's just a GOP front


Excerpt: ... Politico first reported last year that Tea Party-linked conservative activists Michael Patrick Leahy, Steve Gill and Christina Botteri were behind the "Tennessee Star,” a website that purported to be a local news website but mostly posted content licensed from groups linked to big Republican donors.

But the coverage is hardly by “unbiased journalists.”

Gill, who is listed as the Tennessee Star’s political editor, owns a media consulting firm that at least one candidate and one political action committee paid before they received positive coverage on the website.

Kathleen Bartzen Culver, who heads the Center of Journalism Ethics at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, told Snopes that political operatives are free to launch their own news platforms, but it's a problem if they are trying to deceive readers into believing the sites are nonpartisan local news.

...“I have no problem with advocacy organizations creating content that reinforces the positions they take on public policy issues on the left, right or center. The issue comes in when they’re not transparent about that advocacy,” Culver said. “In this case, if you have a conservative take on a policy issue and you want to promote that take, go ahead. But just claim it for what it is.”...

“The information sphere is so polluted right now that the average citizen has trouble telling what is real and what is not,” Culver told Snopes. “I find that very troubling within a democracy.”

Anonymous said...

12:37 pm

I did... you musta missed it.


Anonymous said...

1:52 pm

I'm seeking truth and defending the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I also believe/believed there to be some legitimate Christians here that appear to have lost their way and are following wolves in sheep's clothing. Legitimate conservative Christians are not required to be Republican or Democrat.

Other times I'm demonstrating, by mockery, the fallacy of 4th generation warfare.

What motivates YOU to "turn mega pharisee on me here, making it your business to think you know me, telling me what I think here, who I am and who you malign me to be by YOUR calculations?

Why do you (figurative you now since none of 'you' take ownership of your entries in any way) get to throw around accusations, labels and question my salvation (or anyone that's not on board with MAGA, Dominionism, Rebellion theology, Anti-vax and/or qanon) without evidence, discernment or fairness?

What's good for the goose much?


Anonymous said...

What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. . .

This sums up the replacement theory

Anonymous said...

Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom

Fear of The Jew is the beginning of slavery

Anonymous said...

Did BlackRock also play a part in Tucker's firing?

In February, BlackRock Inc. increased its position in Fox Corporation (FOXA). BlackRock now owns 15.1 percent of the company. BlackRock’s enhanced position in Fox Corporation explains, in part, the Tucker dismissal, and it was a dismissal, not Tucker’s choice.

Why would BlackRock, headed by CEO Larry Fink, pressure Fox News to axe Tucker? For one, Tucker was known for his scathing criticism of Ukraine’s corruption, which put him at odds with the investment giant. In January, Carlson reacted derisively to a video of Ukrainian President Zelensky thanking BlackRock, J.P. Morgan, and Goldman Sachs for “rebuilding” the country. Tucker referred to Zelensky, not as a hero, as the establishment would have it, but as a dictator. Carlson has also been critical of BlackRock’s push for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing, claiming, rightly, that ESG is a means of circumventing legislation and thus subverting democratic processes. ESG thwarts the will of the people and installs a “climate change” dictatorship in its place.

BlackRock also has enormous holdings in pharmaceuticals companies, as one of the three largest shareholders of Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Merck. And Tucker recently interviewed Robert Kennedy, Jr. A presidential candidate, Kennedy has lambasted the covid-19 vaccines as “deadly and worthless.”


Anonymous said...

X at 11:49 AM

When are YOU 'going to answer for all of YOUR vicious attacks and lies'?

(Soon, the 'woke' will actually WAKE UP... and ALL WILL BE REVEALED.)

Anonymous said...

"I'm seeking truth and defending the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

You can't be accused of that X.
There's not enough evidence.

Anonymous said...

I noticed you haven't said say anything about all the GOP perverts and pedophiles I exposed recently. Maybe you support them? or, maybe you've just been too busy attacking my Christian truth seeking...

Another GOP pervert...

Stop the Steal’ Organizer Apologizes After Being Accused of Asking Teen Boys for D*ck Pics: “I apologize for any inappropriate messages sent over the years,” said Ali Alexander, an ally of former President Trump and white nationalist Nick Fuentes.


Excerpt: A key figure in the pro-Trump “Stop the Steal” campaign has apologized after being accused of asking teenage boys for sexual pictures.

Ali Alexander has become one of the most ubiquitous figures in the MAGA movement. Trump himself reportedly requested that Alexander speak at his rally before the riot, with his appearance only quashed by a last-minute intervention from Trump’s aides. But this week, Alexander stands at the center of a scandal that raises questions about how powerful men in the far-right treat their younger acolytes.

“This is too gay,” Alexander said in a statement issued Friday night that addressed the allegations in broad terms.

Alexander, who has described himself as bisexual in the past, added that he was “battling with same-sex attraction.”

The budding online scandal has also roiled the pro-Trump and white supremacist “America First” movement, just months after it reached new levels of notoriety after its leader, Nick Fuentes, dined with Donald Trump and rapper Kanye West at Mar-a-Lago. Now Fuentes is facing backlash from his own supporters over whether he ignored warnings that Alexander, his friend and ally, was allegedly soliciting nude pictures from young men within Fuentes’s movement..."

Anonymous said...

3:23 pm

It's time we gave Fox News the Bud light treatment.

Boycott Fox Light!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see President Trump back in office.
Make America Really Great Again.

GrantNZ said...

I really wonder how much this blog would improve if people had to registar rather than use " anonymous ".

Anonymous said...

Its a good point.
X could well be multiple posters who would know.

Anonymous said...

"Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom

Fear of The Jew is the beginning of slavery"

Then stop fearing conspiracy theories about Jews.

Anonymous said...

Narcissists, circular conversations and word salad. See if you spot anything familiar.


This is a very short video that introduces the topic. It's called, "The Circular Conversation Of The Narcissist That Goes No Where On Purpose."


Anonymous said...

The literature about NPD says narcissists with full blown NPD don't change but get worse with age and don't improve from therapy. They may even use therapy as another source of narcissist supply. The ONLY thing that changes individuals with NPD is ... guess what ...

corrective life events.

The hand of God reaching out in grace and love (tough love)?

Guess which particular movement in American society is filled with narcissists to about a 70% extent? The transgender movement.

In general, guess whether the very most politically active and aggressive individuals are more likely or less likely to have NPD? If you guessed "more likely," you are correct!

Anonymous said...

As the age of the Rump Ranger comes to an end so is Francis (a kind man whose office has amplified his human faults)

No more limp noodles please

Anonymous said...

Ex-Catholic Exposes the TWISTED Teachings of the Catholic Church | Mike Gendron


Anonymous said...


Bias with aggression against someone she has never even met.
How familiar this blog is to that same tactic.

You know who you are with your political/"religious" agenda.

Anonymous said...

10:42 AM

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

"Other times I'm demonstrating, by mockery, the fallacy of 4th generation warfare."

Get this straight and keep this straight.
You're not on the moral high ground, so mockery is your go-to.

It speaks volumes about how little actual content you have worth posting.

Anonymous said...

Well, who knew?
Facts are the high road in dialogue and mockery is the low road!

That is why X uses mockery!!

Anonymous said...

It's Communist Lesbian Visibility Week!


Anonymous said...

Jerry Springer was a lifelong Democrat and former Mayor of Cincinnati. Because of his TV show, few in the history of America had more to do with the degradation of American culture. For 27 YEARS, Springer peddled mindless filth and perversion over the airwaves, and he did it all for the money. Now he's dead, and the only thing left for this pornography peddler is eternal judgment.

Anonymous said...

What a shock! Jerry Springer was Jewish. Why are there so many Jews in the entertainment and pornography business? By their own admission, they control Hollywood and the entertainment business. Ever wonder why there's so much filth being put out by Hollywood?

From the Los Angeles Times by Joel Stein

Who runs Hollywood? C’mon

I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe “the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews,” down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood.

How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah.

Read the rest of it here: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2008-dec-19-oe-stein19-story.html

Anonymous said...

Can anyone name a city that is run by Democrats that is safe and thriving? I'm stumped. I can't think of a single one.

Anonymous said...

Those are Jewish people who happen to have those positions in those places.

Please be careful not to slant negativity toward Jewish people as a whole.

Anonymous said...

At one time (I understand) Bill Cosby was going to purchase NBC. . .

Anonymous said...

If audience members didn't buy filth, Jews wouldn't sell filth.

Anonymous said...

3:39 pm

I shudder to think how much worse, violent and bankrupt they would be if Republicans ran them.

The GOP can't run big cities.

The GOP campaigns on the fear of 'others" so it's not likely they could even win an election among purposeful conglomerations of 'others'. 'Others' live in big cities because, for them, there is more safety in numbers.

Often, a big part of the problem is state legislatures robbing the big cities and it's tax base to fund rural projects.

Finally, don't buy the propaganda whereby big city violence by minorities is highlighted by alt right media when per capita violence is much bigger in rural red states than blue states...thus demonstrating GOP run areas are just as, if not more, violent.


Anonymous said...

8:17 I knew a drug dealer like that

Interesting observation: Catholics make the best long term narcotic pushers in my limited experience

Anonymous said...

Whistleblower Dr. Gal Luft - Ready to Reveal "Explosive" Information on BIDEN FAMILY CORRUPTION - Has Miraculously Disappeared....


Anonymous said...


"Notably, Peter Daszak with the EcoHealth Alliance, Inc. was awarded one of the NIH-CREID grants. Daszak’s grant launches the “Emerging Infectious Diseases – South East Asia Research Collaboration Hub (EID-SEARCH)” to study “novel [zoonotic] virus spillover” and their links to “syndromes” in the region. Daszak is notorious for his gain-of-function (GoF) research and its almost untraceable funding trail, which allowed Anthony Fauci to tell “noble lies” to Congress when asked whether the NIH was funding GoF research. EcoHealth also has questionable ties with the intelligence community partnering with China and other countries whose interests may not align with the U.S., especially in the area of national security."

Trusting these people to begin with has left a trail of destruction in their wake

Anonymous said...

Deranged Maga, alt-right, pseudo-Christian, narcissist, shock jock Steven Crowder goes nuclear on his pregnant wife.

The way he does this is so symbolic of the depth of derangement found in the maga, alpha male, red pill, self-help, neo-liberal masculinity movement.

Exclusive: Video Reveals Steven Crowder Emotionally Abusing Wife. In Statement, Hilary Crowder's Family Says She Hid His Emotionally Abusive Behavior For Years



p.s. - For those unsure what I mean by Red Pill neoliberal masculinity:

The “Red Pill,” a term that comes from the 1999 film The Matrix, has become a framework for individuals to describe their awakening to some previously hidden supposed reality. The major contemporary secular male supremacist movements—PUAs, men’s rights activists, The Red Pill, and Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW)—all use this terminology to describe their “realization” that men do not hold systemic power or privilege. Instead, they awaken to the “truth” that socially, economically, and sexually men are at the whims of women’s (and feminists’) power and desires. As in the film, to be blue-pilled is to accept the mainstream narrative and choose to live in ignorance of the truths of the world. Red Pillers see themselves as intellectually superior to “blue-pilled normies.” The Red Pill terminology grew in male supremacist forums and was adopted more broadly by far-right and white supremacist groups to describe their own versions of awakenings, conspiracist worldviews that often overlaps with male supremacist positions, such as antifeminism.

Anonymous said...

According to whistleblower documents provided by whistleblower Kendal B. Price, the wife of Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts made $10.3 million in commissions from large law firms, per Business Insider.

Here are some of the details of the allegations:

- Jane Roberts, after her husband was confirmed as the chief justice of the SCOTUS in 2005, changed her career description form lawyer to “legal recruiter" to avoid concerns of conflicts of interest.

- Between 2007 and 2014 Jane Roberts brought in $10.3 million in commissions from corporations and legal firm. Her job was to act as a matchmaker connecting high-price lawyers with large corporations.

- At least 1 of the law firms tried a case before Jane’s husband John Roberts in the SCOTUS.

- The whistleblower, Kendal Price, worked with Jane Roberts at the recruiting firm and says that she was soliciting business from law firms while her husband was Chief Justice.

This doesn’t come nearly as close to the allegations against Justice Clarence Thomas, but it definitely seems to have been a conflict of interest.

Anonymous said...

The two hardest thing I had to quit: smoking & TV

Anonymous said...

Crowder has narcissist tendencies. Narcissists implode. Are you a narcissist, too? I hope not.

He rejected a $50,000,000 offer to join the Daily Wire, calling it "slave wages."

Now that he's imploding, he's getting no sympathy from prominent far-right personalities such as Mike Cernovich, Candace Owens and others.

The problem with a narcissist is not toxic masculinity, which would imply we're dealing with an emotionally full grown man in a narcissistic male. Every toddler and every teen-ager is a natural narcissist. Narcissists don't emotionally grow. They don't self-scan or self-update.

The word "narcissist" isn't found in the Bible, but the Bible has a lot to say about pride, and it isn't anything good. God made King Nebuchadnezzur eat grass on his hands and knees for seven years to humble him.

What is sad is that Crowder professes Christianity in an aggressive and public way and then gives it a bad name.

The ancient Israelites were a tribal people who had tribal accountability. The early church, with its Jewish roots, had church accountability. This meant that narcissists were more likely to be held accountable for how they treated their intimate family members.

It's not the case that the Bible teaches unconditional submission to a husband/father. The New Testament says to rebuke an old man gently like you would rebuke your own father. It never says not to rebuke an old man.

We're under grace, not under the law. Being under grace, not under the law, means just that for the "big wife" - the New Testament church - and the "little wife" - the Christian woman - who is meant to be a pale reflection in her marriage of the relationship between Christ and the church.

The law of Moses afforded ancient Israelite women more rights than the women in the surrounding heathen nations. Sometimes the most authoritarian members along the continuum of the religious right behave as if the law of Moses was replaced by an even stricter law, the law of ancient Roman paterfamilias, which was just one law - submit - unconditionally.

This is but a symptom of the sad legacy of the Romanization of the Christian church, which lost its Jewish roots, with many consequences and ramifications. It is so important to read the Old Testament as a cross cultural reading, an ancient Hebrew reading, and to comprehend it as the foundation for the New Testament.

Anonymous said...

Trump, for all his faults, is still just a guy that is a problem solver, unlike the venomous globalist snakes running the show currently. You don't have to agree with everything he says or does to still appreciate the real he is about.

World leaders could and do respect Trump, the straight shooter, who looked them in the eye and stayed on point to protect America and her people in the world, while extending a hand to other countries to work through the tough problems in the world today.

There's no guesswork in why the Globalist Elitist Scum (and supporters of their ilk) hate him so much.


Anonymous said...

The Persecution of Christians by Zelensky’s Ukraine

“Ukraine’s security forces are carrying out raids of churches and arresting their clerics on accusations of treason.”


Anonymous said...

9:02 AM

I fully agree! The U.S. and the world was in a better and safer state under imperfect Trump.

Now we have a president, that when he speaks, only lies -- "folksy" the leftist media calls his lies! Who, in his Nazi red satanic set, called out "MAGA Republicans" as a threat to democracy, etc. What democracy is president satan referring to? We do not have a democracy, where we have fair and equal representation. President satan must mean the Globalist NWO mob? That must be the definition of democracy to the ultra left now? It is!

The sad fact is that the demonrats know they have a mentally diseased critical mass, so they do whatever criminality they desire, and label it democracy! The whole government is literally weaponised against true Americans, and those weapons are pointed at us, under the banner of "protecting democracy".

The devil is allowed this now, in these last, of the last days. The only hope we have is Christ, and prayer(spiritual weapons). We know that it will not end well for our enemies.

Anonymous said...

CNN: Trial began this week in the defamation suit E. Jane Carroll filed in 2019 after now-former President Donald Trump accused her of lying about being raped by him. Carroll herself took the stand Wednesday, and began with a powerful statement: “I’m here because Donald Trump raped me and when I wrote about it, he said it didn’t happen, he lied. He shattered my reputation, and I’m here to try to get my life back.” But she didn't scream.

NBC: Micki Larson-Olson, who was jailed for her involvement in the January 6th insurrection, drove from Abilene, Texas to meet Trump for the first time Thursday night at his campaign stop in Manchester NH. Larson-Olson was among Trump's supporters that stormed the U.S. Capitol building and called for the execution of Mike Pence. After serving 160 days in jail, she said she would do it all over again to support Trump. Trump embraced her, signed her backpack, told her to "just hang in there," and called her a "terrific woman."

"If I were to imagine what it would be like to hug Jesus Christ—not that I'm saying President Trump is Jesus Christ—but if I was to imagine what it would be like to hug Jesus Christ, that's what it felt like for me," Larson-Olson said of her encounter with Trump. It was so personal and intimate."

Anonymous said...

Elon Musk and Bill Maher Discuss the 'Woke Mind Virus' and Radicalization of the Left(VIDEO)


Anonymous said...

Im happy for Micki Larson-Olsen. Glad that she clarified Trump is not Jesus Christ. Just a genuine person.

Her close encounter with Trump went far better than this poor little girls meeting with JB.

Joe Biden squeezing the nipple of an 8 year old


Anonymous said...

10:42 AM

That's one sick post. Juxtaposing a woman's rape (and defemation pertaining to her rape at the hands of Trump) against a treasonous qanon quack expression of blasphemy comparing Trump's embrace to Jesus Christ is just over the top victim blaming and shaming.

It's in-group narcissism, not unlike roman catholics who rationalize and justify child pedophilia by priests saying things like the children obviously weren't getting enough hugs and love at home.

Many or most rape victims don't scream. They are shocked or panic and freeze.

I pray you can extract yourself from that Luciferian spirit.


Anonymous said...

"treasonous qanon quack" said X


Anonymous said...

Nikki Haley Says Joe Biden Will Likely be Dead within 5 Years(VIDEO)


Anonymous said...

Cumbey Cult members need to apologize and ask for forgiveness for pushing this utterly false narrative.

Here's the story:

Biden Camp Called Mike Morell After Debate with Trump to Thank Him for Creating Bogus Letter on Hunter Laptop Signed by 51 Intel Operatives and Lying to American Public

This weekend Jim Jordan and Kash discuss how Mike Morrell confessed under oath that the Biden campaign was behind the letter signed by 51 IC agents to suppress the laptop story.

The Biden campaign wanted something for Biden to use to defend himself during the debate against Trump, so they just made up an extravagant lie and recruited 51 intelligance leaders to sign the letter and lie to the American public about the laptop THEY ALL KNEW belonged to crack-head Hunter Biden.

The laptop included bank statements, incriminating emails, and photos of meetings and gifts from their Chinese Communist business partners.

The Biden campaign even hand-picked which reporter would receive the story and they even called Mike Morrell after the debate and thanked him for lying to the American public for them.

Mike Morrell still holds a security clearance.

So when does the impeachment trial begin, Republicans?

Anonymous said...

Just try to imagine what a catastrophe it would be to have this woman serve as President!

Armstrong: Kamala's Affair - Sleeping Her Way To The Top

Since the media is shining a light on Trump’s affair, it is only fair to point out similar actions taken by those on the other side of the aisle. Kamala Harris is not a particularly intelligent or charismatic individual, but she managed to work her way to the top by dating men in positions of power. In the 1990s, 29-year-old Kamala Harris dated married 60-year-old San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown. Harris was 31 years younger than Brown, who was married with a family at home.

Harris accompanied Brown on his campaign trail and made connections along the way. She cannot deny the affair and claims that it is now “an albatross hanging around my neck.” Clinton used to call Brown “the real Slick Willie” for his playboy ways, which is saying something coming from blue dress Bill. “The measure of his flamboyance is he’ll go to a party with his wife on one arm and his girlfriend on the other,” James Richardson, a reporter for the Sacramento Bee told People Magazine in 1996.

Anonymous said...

part 2

Kamala Harris secured a job at the California Medical Assistance Commission through Slick Willie, although she had no medical background.

He also appointed her to the state’s Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board.

She was later appointed as the district attorney in San Francisco in 2004.

Meanwhile, Slick Willie was under investigation for gifting his friends city contracts. He never came under fire for promoting Harris to positions of power.

But by then, Harris was on her way to becoming attorney general and did not need the support of her older married boyfriend.

“His career is over. I will be alive and kicking for the next 40 years. I do not owe him a thing,” Kamala shrewdly stated.

Still, Brown assisted her in her 2016 bid for the Senate and spoke favorably of her over the years.

Harris refuses to acknowledge that her time as Slick Willie’s mistress is what propelled her career.

Brown is not remaining quiet.

“I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker. And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians. The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I ‘so much as jaywalked’ while she was D.A. That’s politics for ya.”

But it is (D)ifferent!

And that, folks, is how the leading world power found its second-in-command with absolutely no qualifications for the job.


Anonymous said...

Remember during the Democrat Primary debates she attempted to tag Joe Biden as a RACIST, while claiming (falsely) that she suffered as THE "little girl" because of Biden's refusal to back forced busing?

Not only is Harris corrupt, she's thoroughly immoral, and, incredibly stupid. Just listen to her attempting to make a speech. Every time she's in front of a microphone, she makes a complete fool of herself, much like Biden. The woman makes no sense. What makes even less sense is the Biden picked her, a candidate that finished polling at a whopping 2%.

Of all the people in America, we have be led by these two, the worst in our history.

Anonymous said...

Evil. Pure EVIL. But Constance would rather have Biden than her imagined "dictator Trump"

Biden DOJ: Kids have A Constitutional Right To Puberty Blockers

The Biden Administration has a new and unhinged constitutional theory: the 14th Amendment protects the right of a child to take puberty blockers. Bans on hormone treatments for children with gender dysphoria, such as the prescription of testosterone to a transgender 12 year-old, violate the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause.

That’s the Administration’s position in LW v. Skrmetti, a lawsuit filed in a Nashville, Tennessee federal court by the families of three transgender children – a fifteen year-old transgender daughter (who thought he was transgender at age 12), a fifteen year-old transgender son, and a twelve year-old transgender son. They’re challenging a new Tennessee law that “establishes prohibitions related to the performance on minors of certain medical procedures related to gender identity, creates private causes of action for violations, and establishes additional penalties for violations.”


Anonymous said...

I don't know red pills from blue ones but bend over Joe because you're about to get an orange one for that constipated thinking of yours

Anonymous said...

Did Jesus visit the Paiutes in 1890 at Walker Lake Nevada??? What do you think??? -Terry Carter; Treasure Hunter

Funny that the United States built HWAD (the world's largest weapons depot) at Waker Lake after it was prophesied to the Indian People's in 1888 the age of the gun was over. Actually thought Hawthorne seems like a pretty good town.

Anonymous said...


Kirk Cameron Urges Christians to 'Stop Complaining' and Instead 'Plant Seeds of Truth'

Anonymous said...

“If you’re a parent, if you long for a return to wholesome, God-honoring values ... if you want to salvage this country and its biblical values for your children ... stop complaining about the culture,” Cameron wrote. “Instead, be brave and start creating the culture you want for your children. Lead by example. Show your kids and grandkids what genuine faith and moral integrity look like. Steel your God-given backbone. Let your love for your children conquer your fears. Use your own home as a safe place to lovingly uproot the power of evil in your neighborhood.

“Plant seeds of truth, beauty and goodness. Pray up, speak up, and get in the fight now. Embrace your children; warm your country; Your God is eager to use you.”

Anonymous said...


Here's what my tour around America taught me about the weird, woke and wicked

Anonymous said...

BOMBSHELL – Pfizer and FDA Knew in Early 2021 That Pfizer mRNA COVID “Vaccine” Caused Dire Fetal and Infant Risks, Including Death. They Began an Aggressive Campaign to Vaccinate Pregnant Women Anyway.

April 29, 2023 • by Amy Kelly, Program Director of the War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Project

The April 2023 batch of Pfizer clinical trial documents released under court order by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) contains a shocking, eight-page document titled, “Pregnancy and Lactation Cumulative Review.” The data in the Cumulative Review are “…from the time of drug product development to 28-FEB-2021,” and Robert T. Maroko of the FDA approved the Review on April 20, 2021. It reveals that Pfizer and the FDA knew in early 2021 that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID vaccine, BNT162b2, resulted in:

Adverse events in over 54% of pregnant women including:
Fetal deaths.
Fetal tachycardia requiring early delivery and hospitalization of the affected neonate for five days (outcome “unknown”).
Premature labor and delivery resulting in:
Neonatal deaths.
Neonatal severe respiratory distress.
Neonatal pneumothorax, which is a collection of air between the lung and the chest wall that develops when air leaks out of the lung.

More here:https://dailyclout.io/bombshell-pfizer-and-the-fda-knew-in-early-2021-that-the-pfizer-mrna-covid-vaccine-caused-dire-fetal-and-infant-risks-they-began-an-aggressive-campaign-to-vaccinate-pregnant-women-anyway/

Anonymous said...

It's probably true. Even the side effects of the class of drugs known as statins have been minimized by weeding out the people in the studies who had the side effects by calling them drop-outs. The reason why they dropped out of the studies was their side effects. Side effects were above 30% for statins, not down to a low single digit number.

Anonymous said...

Build-A-Bear has launched a Drag Queen Teddy Bear - Mama Ru. The bear is designed after international drag queen RuPaul Andre Charles. If you're like me, you've never heard of him. He is best known for his hit MTV series "RuPaul's Drag Race." Contestants compete each week to perform the best drag act with one crowned as season winner. Some named as participating guest judges in this madness are Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ariana Grande, and Justin Trudeau. The bear can be purchased on Build-a-Bear’s sub-brand’s website The Bear Cave, which offers products for those aged 18+.

I concur with the author of this article that this bear will eventually appear in the retail stores for kids. I learned when my son was young that the kids' channel Nickolodean and MTV were owned by Ted Turner. Cable TV companies were required by contract to carry both Nickolodean and MTV and they had to be next to each other on the television dial. Consumers were not given the option to have one without the other. My son loved the rap music and the energy of MTV. The temptation was too great for him, so we completely cancelled cable TV which was a good decision anyway. Twenty years later, I imagine cable TV has only gotten worse. It's likely that today's kids are already familiar with RuPaul and the drag queen contest.



Mark Nowak said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Montana Governor Signs Bill Banning Transgender Surgeries For Children


Anonymous said...


Comer Raises Alarm About Biden Team and Possible Intimidation of Witnesses, 'They Fear for Their Lives'

Anonymous said...

“We’ve got witnesses that are scared to death to come forward. They fear for their lives,” Comer said, adding that the Hunter Biden legal team has been “testing the limits with respect to witness intimidation.”

Anonymous said...


Full Comer Interview: 'We already have many gun laws on the books'

Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) rejects calls for legislative action to address gun violence and calls for increased support for policing.

Anonymous said...

X said, "Juxtaposing a woman's rape (and defemation pertaining to her rape at the hands of Trump) against a treasonous qanon quack expression of blasphemy comparing Trump's embrace to Jesus Christ is just over the top victim blaming and shaming." I agree.

Anonymous said "Her close encounter with Trump went far better than this poor little girls meeting with JB." This statement seems to ignore that a woman was raped and to imply that Biden is more evil than Trump. It's common for victims of rape and molestation not to scream, just as the little girl in this video didn't scream. That doesn't make it any less evil.

Trump and Biden are both sexual predators. To think that one evil is better than the other is insane.


Anonymous said...


I was referring to Micki Larson-Olsen's meeting with Trump. Pay attention!

One evil isn't "better" than another evil. But things are evil by degree. We are all born in sin.

Things were 'LESS EVIL' during Trump's tormented term. Things would be much better today, had the Globalist satanist biden not been installed.

At least with Trump, the U.S. wasn't the laughingstock of the whole world. There was some class. Melania Trump comported herself as a lady, and seemed to have compassion for her fellow human beings. The biden crime family are sleazy white trash. But if you and X prefer white trash, and sleaze, you should be ok with the country going down the toilet.

Anonymous said...

Democrat Cities Have Biggest Homicides Rate Problem, Study Finds

Democrats have yet to take accountability for their failed social justice reforms


Anonymous said...


I can't vouch for all that Biden has done behind closed doors but pinching an undeveloped 8 year old child, to the extent he appears to do so (don't know if video was altered and/or enhanced) and where he may have done so, while not even looking at her or focused on her at all, while engaged in a conversation with the young girl's Aunt and Uncle, who were the focus of the event... all ON CAMERA certainly does not appear to be behavior for sexual gratification or power. Contrast that with Trump's behavior --- cornering a grown adult 20 something year old woman in an elevator, intentionally and deliberately sexual molesting her in a sexual and power exploitative manner.

The now 14 year olds supposed social media account regarding the incident is not fully a confirmation other than she said "yes" to the question of whether she recalls being pinched. It's not confirmed as "nipple pinch". Lots of people overly kiss, hug, tussle with, tickle and pinch young children in a playful, loving, completely appropriate manner. Again -- I don't know Biden's mind at the time but politicians are handed kids and take political photo's with kids all the time. I've seen video of Biden with many children being very warm, sincere and loving.

Joe Biden has had a 51 year political career beginning with his election to the US Senate in 1972. If he had a long predilection of inappropriately touching young girls (most of whom would all be adults by now and able to speak freely about such encounters) in private and/or in public as the linked video and discussion therein do suggest happened with this young girl...I think we'd be seeing a long list of such victims just like we see with Trump who IS actually a lifelong unrepentant sexual adulterer and self-admitted filanders who has a long list of women accusing him of inappropriate conduct (some of whom were minors at the time, as I recall one incident involved a 13 year old girl).

Remember -- Joe Biden was honorably serving our country and actually passing laws to protect women and children while Trump adulterating around with many women including 2 adulterous wives or off chasing NFL cheerleaders on camera with his pal and wingman, Jeffrey Epstein. Same is true while Trump was galavanting around with Billy Bush getting caught on a hot mic bragging about grabbing women's genitals without permission.

Joe Biden may be guilty as all heck. I don't live in his mind and I'm not privy to his all his actions. The jury is still out on Biden. I'm willing to be convinced otherwise but this one video isn't it.

The most shocking thing about this complaint to me is that any GOP voters seem to actually care about sexual misconduct at all. If Biden's somewhat suspicious actions trouble you - how could you ever have voted for Trump?


p.s.- figurative "you", I'm not attacking or calling you out Linda - just sharing my perspective. I respect you if you feel otherwise about it.

Anonymous said...

1:57 pm

Thanks for sharing that...Such an odd analysis...

...Just the first quarter of 2023 in 45 large cities only comparing the first quarters of 2023 with the first quarters of 2022 and 2021.

Large cities, and particularly, large Democrat cities had more covid restrictions for a longer period of time, especially in the North which might be skewing this data set to some degree. Jan 2021 was the height of the pandemic and there was a covid wave being endured by most northern big cities (much more likely to be Democrat) whereas southern cities experienced summer covid waves by and large. In Jan 2022 we were all experiencing the onset of the Omicron variant. Another contributing factor might be that while southern states had been open fully for months by January 2022. Also, many southern states and cities hardly experience much in the form of lockdowns and mandates so things kind of remained steady. Weather, too, 2023 has been a mild winter.

Just look at the list -- it's almost all Democrat cities in Republican states that weren't allowed by their states to shut down. Memphis City Council is non-partisan but Republican controlled while also subject to the GOP stranglehold at the State legislative and Governor level. Even Governor Whitmer, in Michigan, had been reined in by the Republican legistlature revoking her "emergency powers" and curbing her ability to protect the public from covid in 2020....leading to an expansion of death and eventually crime in the city of Detroit in 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Again...this data is just one quarter, over 3 years, affected by Covid AND only covers 45 big cities. I'm sure there are many small towns that exceed these numbers PER CAPITA...especially in the more violent rural red south.

Also...look how much better Los Angeles, Atlanta and even Chicago are than their perceptions and what you'd expect. I propose that no one who watches Fox News regularly would ever expect those three cities to all be better than Richmond, Virginia, Durham, Dallas, Vegas, Nashville, Pheonix, Tuscon, Austin, Garland, and Virginia Beach.


Anonymous said...

10:29 am

It's amazing how interested the anti-vax community is with their attempts reframe and misrepresenting numbers derived from the Pfizer pre-market authorization study on about 40,000 people (as I recall) some of whom got pregnant and had mild adverse effects and some who had miscarriages -- in line with the 10-15% national average for miscarriages prior to the end of the study, Feb 20, 2021 (with many pregnant women unaccounted for who may have then been pregnant themselves and/or didn't report any adverse events or the fact they were even pregnant)....simply because the real world experiences and after market studies and analsys done around the world on millions upon millions of vaccinated persons, including millions of pregnant women confirmed, overwhelmingly, that the Covid vaccine was safe for pregnant women and fetuses and saved the lives of thousands...even hundreds of thousands of pregnant women and fetusses around the glove over the last several years while the covid virus was novel.

Way too many pregant women died from Covid simply due to vaccine hesitancy caused by misinformation (that, shamefully, continues today).

COVID Poses Severe Risks during Pregnancy, Especially in Unvaccinated People: Pregnant people infected with SARS-CoV-2 are more likely to be admitted to an intensive care unit or die than those who are uninfected, but vaccination significantly reduces the risk



Anonymous said...

X's defense of Biden is extremely wicked in and of itself.

The smell from the backside of fisherman's wharf and the feed lot is extra strong with him today.

Anonymous said...

Before I step out...

Unlike Trump, Kamala Harris's affair with Willie years ago does not indicate she actually committed the sexual act of adultery with him, but either way, she had at some point indicated she regretted and repented of the extramarital relationship with the man (he was estranged from his wife for over a decade so it's wasn't a home wrecking, blindside, secretive relationship like so many of Trump's extramarital secret trysts, turns and even adulterous marriages)

Kamila is a happily married Christian woman now to her first husband.

Say what you want but her decades ago sin is as far from the east as the west.


Anonymous said...

No comments on the article about James Comer's claims regarding witness intimidation?

Or is this just like sexual misbehavior? It's always a lesser evil when it's done by somebody whom I perceive to be on MY side?

I wonder how God looks at it? I wonder how many commenters truly believe in God.

Anonymous said...

Kamila looks like our Palestinian daughter in law. Smart. Blood of Abraham smart. Anyway something cool: the Grandson got a VR headset for his birthday and Grandma showed him around Jerusalem where she grew up. Her old house still stands. Amazing. Grandma's a Catholic by the way x but not the bad kind( - :

Anonymous said...

First, Melania Trump is an unrepentant adulterous 'horror' (sic)

As far as James Comer - he is a well-known maga liar.

But I find his statement telling...

"pushing the limits" means not quite out of bounds nor illegal.

Actually, James Comer is the maga guy trying to stymie the investigation into Trump's obviously questionable tax returns.

Then there's this, Comer is just trying to avoid being prosecuted himself (any seeming good offense against Biden, whether it's all lies or not... makes a good defense claim that you're just being prosecuted politically and should have to answer for your crimes)...

...Recently, Comer was the subject of a New York Times profile that told his political origin story. You might not believe this, but in the halls of the United States Capitol, the ultimate “you’ve made it” moment is becoming the subject of such an expansive piece from the “paper of record.” Why else would a Republican like Comer, who routinely attacks the establishment media, participate in such a story.

As the old adage goes, when you fly this close to the sun, it’s easy to get burned and in this case, Comer set himself on fire. In his interview with the Times, Comer bragged about illegally obtaining emails about a political adversary and leaked them to the press to aide his 2015 campaign for Kentucky Governor. Kentucky law makes it a felony to unlawfully access any “computer software, computer program, data, computer system, computer network, or any part thereof.” The Congressional Integrity Project sent a letter to the Fayette Commonwealth’s Attorney Kimberly Baird calling on her to launch a criminal investigation as misusing electronic information in this manner is a felony: “At the very least, it now appears that Chair Comer has admitted that he knowingly received – and then used, distributed, and leaked for his own political gain-emails that he knew to be unlawfully obtained, in violation of KRS 484.855...”

Investigate the investigator: James Comer must be sidelined pending thorough inquiry


Anonymous said...

X you are the 'horror' of this blog.

There are good, and bad in both parties. There are certainly more decent Republicans than Democrats. Democrats who are Luciferian child corrupters, and so so much more.

The cities you listed at 3:12 PM Dr X, as worse, all began their decent because of Democrat policies. That is a complete deception on your part. But your a 'fake christian' serving your 'woke jesus'. So being a liar, and deceiver is the
only thing you can do!

A leopard can't change it's spots

Anonymous said...

@ 4:06 PM X's defense of Kamala Harris is equally wicked.

He knows these people he supports are indefensible.

He's just here to troll.

Kamala Harris is fight dirty street smart, not smart in the real and decent sense of being wise.
But she is smart compared to X, the globalist socialist progressive who licks elitist toes.

Anonymous said...

This is an interesting website concerning the origins of evil in the United States


"Dracula seduced people much like the Golden Calf seduced the followers of Moses and fire at night seduces insects to come too close and bring about their own destruction. Bram Stoker's Grand-Nephew said that he died of syphilis that he got from loose sex. (The Man Who Wrote Dracula, Page 235) Stoker was enamored by Walt Whitman and his sexually charged poems. He made the mistake of following Whitman and Oscar Wilde, becoming a victim of seduction. The story is somewhat of an allegory of what he saw as a seduction of society by evil writers. Towards the end of his life he publicly condemned writers that included sex in their books. Quite a turnaround from when he was younger and promoted the works of Walt Whitman. This was because he knew he was slowly dying of syphilis.

Thus the book "Dracula" is a warning to all that dare to follow Whitman down the Primrose Path."

Pay heed!

Anonymous said...

"Vice President Kamala Harris is drawing criticism for again claiming that Americans of any religion can support abortion in accordance with their faith."


Anonymous said...

In an email interview with Religion News Service, Harris shared that, on Sundays during her childhood, her downstairs neighbor, Regina Shelton, often took Harris and her sister, Maya, to the 23rd Avenue Church of God in Oakland, Calif.

At the church, which had Pentecostal roots…

Harris was also immersed in the faith tradition of her mother’s heritage. As a child,
Harris took trips to India, where she visited Hindu temples with her relatives.


Emerald Robinson according to X

Absent recent repentance, Emerald Robinson is surely no Christian.

She was raised a Pentecostal, apparently making her susceptible to many heresies including dominion , word of faith and/or new age rebellion theologies (a different Gospel).

Kamila Harris according to X

Kamila is a happily married Christian woman now to her first husband.

Say what you want but her decades ago sin is as far from the east as the west.

Whichever way the wind blows X.

Anonymous said...

How can X claim Kamala Harris "is a happily married Christian woman" ???

She supports abortion

She has performed same sex marriages.

She is pro LGBTQ+

I guess being a Baptist is different now?

I wonder if X's pastor knows that X is a flaming liberal?

Anonymous said...

At White House Dinner Joe Biden Tells Regime Media It's Over for Tucker Carlson to Vocal Gasps


Anonymous said...

"How can X claim Kamala Harris "is a happily married Christian woman" ???"

X has a very, very liberal view of what a Christian is, because that's what defines HIM.

X has it all inverted. X thinks that there is a WIDE path that leads to eternal life, instead of it being a straight and NARROW way.

I wouldn't pay too much attention to what x has to say, unless you want to study how an enemy of the truth actually thinks. If that's your goal, x offers an abundance of evidence. Just go back and read his archived posts. He's always been a stealth enemy of the truth.

Anonymous said...

Newt Gingrich - Republicans Better Pay Attention To Michelle Obama


Anonymous said...


Could very well be the case.

Anonymous said...


His take on the impact of the Supreme Court leak.
Damage was done alright.
Turley is very astute and fair minded.

Anonymous said...

Vice President Harris might have been raised around false teachings but she's a member of a Baptist congregation now, 3rd Street Baptist in San Francisco, so unlike Emerald Robinson, she was able to escape her Armstrong upbringing. Exposure to Hindu just makes her more well-rounded. There's nothing indicating she's a practitioner.

That said, I don't share her more progressive Christian beliefs. I'm a registered republican so I didn't vote in the Democrat primary but I probably would have support her, as a Baptist, over Joe Biden, a liberal roman catholic. I recognize the Jesus of love, empathy and compassion but I find the many black Baptist congregations tend to be much too tolerant of LGBT behavior, abortion politics (they all certainly think abortion is a sin) and they get caught up in divisions of race (which isn't their fault in a world filled with persistent and even resurgent white nationalists).

I doubt I would sit under Kamala's pastor and though I take issue with 2nd and 3rd tier issues I recognize a sister in Christ.

Yes it is a narrow path and I could be wrong. I don't know Kamala Harris all that well. She and Biden were simply the only alternative to the abstract evil of Trump and his administration.


Anonymous said...

Abortions, gay marriage ceremonies, etc. Overall a well rounded Baptist.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan Turley is certainly a member of opus dei. He will say whatever the organization tells him to say.

Also, with regards to VP Harris supporting a friend's gay marriage... recall, Trump's attorney general, William Barr (also an opus dei member) was a big friend to the LGBTQ community himself:

Gay friend defends Trump’s pick for AG amid concerns from LGBT groups: ‘He’s been a huge force in my life’


excerpt: A longtime gay friend of William Barr, President Trump’s pick as the next U.S. attorney general, has come to the defense of the nominee amid concerns from LGBT groups he’d continue the anti-LGBT legal positions of the Trump Justice Department.

Paul Cappuccio, a former general counsel for Time Warner who’s raising children in a same-sex marriage, told the Washington Blade during an interview Friday he worked for Barr when Barr served as attorney general during the George H.W. Bush administration and said “there’s been no one who has been more supportive of my same-sex family than Bill Barr has, not only with my partner, with my children, for whom he’s ‘Uncle Bill.’ I know several people who are openly gay — who he has mentored — front and center,” Cappuccio said. “I was not open the entire time I knew him, but I was open a lot of the time I knew him.”

Cappuccio, who said he’s “thrilled” Barr may come back as attorney general, said the Trump nominee “feels extremely passionate” that “justice is about fairness for an individual, and people are entitled to be treated as individuals no matter what their political views, their race, their religion, their sexual orientation.”

“About that, he’s always been passionate, and I’ve seen it with a first-hand seat, including sitting next to him in the attorney general’s office for a couple years, so I feel quite comfortable and happy that Bill could be attorney general again,” Cappuccio said.

Cappuccio said Barr is “a person who is about enforcing the laws, not undermining them, not trying to remake them” and that he “accepts precedent,” which Cappuccio said bodes well for preserving the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court decision in favor of marriage equality nationwide....

Anonymous said...

Time for some whataboutisms x?

Matthew 7
7:17Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. 21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Anonymous said...

12:45 pm

I know, right? That's what I've been telling these Trump worshipping maga qanon types for years now here.

They've been so upside down for years now you can't speak directly to them. They've been so indoctrinated to calling lies truth it's impossible. Mocking and allegoric speak is the only thing that seems to be working as more and more of them reach the end of the line with their lies being called out and/or mocked one after another.

I don't believe the moral highground begins and ends in Kamala Harris. But, at least Kamala Harris isn't hypocritically, heretically and blasphemously pretending to be a religious Jesus-like leader.

Both sides offer a "corrupt tree". If you participate, you are participating with evil. Measuring "evil fruits" is just an exercise in futility and bargaining with the devil.

I choose to remain hopeful, not for this world, but for the spiritual world of Jesus Christ beyond this world. Hope trumps fear. Hope wins in the end.


Anonymous said...

Hi lil Luciferian X

Anonymous said...

Students Brutally Beat Assistant Principal Sending Her To Hospital


Anonymous said...

3:36 pm

Figures that happened in Texas. GOP run state.


Anonymous said...

Some day dat wah be yer keeeds mr satan X mahbe evin yer sowrie azz beech

iz haaad fer de republeekins to git dem keeds in laan mr satan X

Anonymous said...

11:51 AM

Why are you here?

Nobody cares what you think.
Especially when none of your dots connect in the rambling mess of
politically charged religious blather you constantly splat on to this blog.

For all your talk, you're unbiblical in ethics and morals, worldview, and in relating to God and your fellow man.
There is no actual love thy neighbor as thyself anywhere within your rambles. There is no glory to God in the things you post here. Man pleasing, globalist serving garbage that you think we somehow need from you is what you posit here. Narcissism much?????
One would think a man of business would not have time to lend himself to such a waste of time and space as you opine.

I guess being a gasbag and manure spreader is your calling in life (your doctorate?) and this blog is your personal potty since you only post foul smelling crap (that you're "noseblind" to) every single day.

The career trolling has made a baboon of you.

Anonymous said...

I'm quite sure X would be on the side of Chelsea Clinton on this one, being that X lamented against the "banning of books" awhile back, and, because he has supported radical, evil left wing issues and people in the past:

Chelsea Clinton Comes Out In Favor Of Porn For School Kids

Says “bans” on sexually explicit books are “harmful” to children

Bill and Hillary Clinton’s daughter Chelsea Clinton appears to have taken on a new activism project, defending attempts to force kids as young as Kindergarten age to be exposed to sexually explicit “LGBTQ+” material at school.

Clinton tweeted the following post, claiming that Republicans are trying to “ban” books and that it is harmful to children to remove material with LGBTQ+ “themes”.

A LOT more here: https://summit.news/2023/05/01/chelsea-clinton-comes-out-in-favour-of-porn-for-school-kids/

Anonymous said...

Do you ever hear X's "Sister in Christ" Kamala Harris (that's hard to write, trust me) talking about any of this???

The Number of Missing, Trafficked and Abused Children Grows (video)

By The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson, 28 April, 2023


Anonymous said...


Read it and weep.

Liberal/Socialist's like X and their sicko politics religion (godless) blend of enabling "principles" and "practices" supposedly to bring equity and justice to the whole of society are now producing even more, and deeper, levels of mental illness.
Woke equals warped, and it's the polar opposite of compassion and health to bodies and minds.

Proverbs 14:34
Righteousness exalts a nation: But sin is a reproach to any people.

Anonymous said...

I wish I knew all you persons in real life and if you even attended a church I'd want to speak with your pastors about Church Disciplining you.

9:04 pm - Getting lectured on mental illness by the opus dei roman catholic writers at Breitbart is pretty ironic. Wasn't it the roman catholicism that invented mental illness.

8:38 pm - I'm not reading anymore Luciferian Emerald Robinson propaganda. Generally, the world is MUCH safer for all children than it was 50 years ago so her entire premise is a lie. Additionally, as a former prosecutor and Attorney General for the state of California, Harris had built much of her career looking out for victims of exploitation, whether that was child abuse or sex trafficking. She was instrumental in making “revenge porn” illegal in California as well as a championing a controversial law that made therapists "mandatory reporters" thereby compelled to disclose known or suspected child abuse to law enforcement. I'm confident Kamala Harris has done more to prosecute and punish sex offenders, pedophiles and criminals than the psuedo-rebellous keyboard 'warrior' Emerald has even thought about as she tries to blow up and lie about the issue as a dominionist propaganda.

8:28 pm - Yes, of course I oppose fascist book banning in public libraries and state book banning in school libraries. I'm an American. Don't know if I agree with Chelsea Clinton or not but, generally, parents are in charge of what their children read, not politicians. My opinion goes all the way back to when the Republican Supreme Court started banning the Bible and prayer in public schools. Or even further back to when the roman catholic church forbid Christians from owning or reading Bibles. Book banning is dumb.

4:44 pm - Hi Luciferian. Thank you for letting me know how trouble you are hearing truths.


Anonymous said...

You post like you could very well be a reprobate 9:34 PM.
I hope you turn back from the direction you are headed at this point.

May God have mercy on you.

Righteousness exalts a nation and persons but sin is a reproach to any. Your self-righteous pride and sin is glaring in the things (and people) you enable, excuse and endorse.

Anonymous said...

Don't know why you lecture me. You voted for Trump, twice and enable, excuse and endorse all sorts of heretics. How about another homosexual gateway pundit link or opus dei quote?

I keep hoping you'll finally get it. You can't lecture me with that without indicting everyone else here as reprobates for all the GOP pedophiles, adulterers, abortionists, sex offenders and heretics they "enable, excuse and endorse".

May God have mercy on you & them.


For those of us here who actually believe in Jesus Christ, as I do, He is our righteousness.

God is not from a single nation; He is the Father of a holy nation.


Anonymous said...


Doomscrolling: What It Is & How to Stop

Anonymous said...

It is laughable, how X, and his nearly identical twin Constance, criticize gateway pundit for homsexuality, when, in fact, the Legacy Media that they trust, is the mechanism that exults, and promotes, vile sexual perversion Globally!

It is like comparing a paper airplane to a Stealth Fighter.

It's how Phareeses do.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Take your medicine phony X.

That pungent fish smell in your posts needs fumigation and purged.

Anonymous said...

9:24 am says: X, and his nearly identical twin Constance

Why are you here? To disparage Mrs. Cumbey on her own blog? To attack an elderly woman without the time and ability to tend to and moderate or dispute you? Do you often attack elderly women that no longer appear fully capable to defend themselves?

Nobody cares what you think.

Especially when none of your dots connect in the rambling mess of politically charged heretical blather you constantly splat on to this blog.

For all your talk, you're unbiblical in ethics and morals, worldview, and in relating to God and your fellow man.
There is no actual love thy neighbor as thyself anywhere within your rambles. There is no glory to God in the things you post here. Man-pleasing, globalist serving garbage that you think we somehow need from you is what you posit here. Narcissism much????? Such a waste of time and space as you opine.

I guess being a gasbag and manure spreader is your calling in life and this blog is your personal potty since you only post foul smelling crap (that you're "noseblind" to) every single day.

The career trolling has made a baboon of you.


Anonymous said...

Oh Mrs. Cumbey has plenty of time, and is certainly able to answer for herself. She pleads the 5th, because shes is a shrewd lawyer.

Mrs. Cumbey SHOULD be stressed out by you destroying her blog X!!! But she isn't, because she is just like you! The good posters have largely gone! Now she is left with you to maintain the blog cesspool turbid waters.

So shove your whiney disingenuous blath up your lower brain cavity.

You should be ashamed of yourself X for your wicked lying attacks on conservatives here. Plus your support for satan's agenda!

Anonymous said...


For the troll at 12:53 PM.
Deviants love the politics and religion of X...

P.S. 9:24 AM quote was not me. I don't disparage Constance.

However as I stated, and the entire virtual world can see, your career trolling has made a baboon out of you.

You only think you know what or who you are talking about.
You're above your morality pay grade again.

Let your words be few phony X.

Anonymous said...

You know our culture is in big trouble when Paul Stanley (singer and guitarist for KISS), is more rational and moral than Keith Olbermann (MSNBC host). Dee Snider of Twisted Sister supported Paul Stanley. Ben Collins of NBC News had almost as negative a response to Paul Stanley's opinions as Keith Olbermann did. Just amazing.

Paul Stanley of KISS dives into debate over transgender acceptance versus kids transitioning


Anonymous said...

The church in Kenya falling under pentecostal influence.


Anonymous said...

1:18pm said You only think you know what or who you are talking about.

1. Do you often express opinions or talk about things you don't think you know something about?

2. Prove me wrong. Provide evidence. Cite reputable studies and/or fact-based studies/articles, etc. Have a discussion about it. It is possible YOU are mistaken too. Unlike God, knower of all things, none of us know everything.

3. If you believe something I post is truly inaccurate or a lie - quote it specifically so I can clarify, offer more evidence or retract. Simply calling me a liar without evidence is ineffective when I have no history of dishonesty. My conservative Christian bias notwithstanding.



Anonymous said...

Democrat run city, new norm.


Anonymous said...

3:20 pm

Good example.... do you have evidence of me labelling an honest person as a liar without any evidence? I try to always demonstrate or provide evidence of their lies as I did with Emerald Robinson, Jim Hoft, RayB, natural news, the anti-vax community, etc.

In the summer and fall of 2021, the politically (not medically) unvaxxed disinformers are, as a whole, responsible for spreading the Deltra variant and killing thousands upon thousands of Americans, including my cousin, intentionally and unnecessarily. I said it then while it was happening and, in hindsight, it's even more apparent. If you were one of the rare unvaxxed that did it out of your own convictions, who didn't pass along misinformation to others, who stayed home as much as possible and masked up in public every time they went out being certain and careful not to catch the virus or risk, unwittingly, passing it on to others if you did, then I apologize for disparaging you. The rest behaved murderously.


Anonymous said...

Link doesn't work at 2:57 PM.

Anonymous said...

The deal with you X is that you have little to none, when it comes to Holy Spirit wisdom! Why did you come to a blog that is supposedly against the Globalist New Age and jump on board with the Globalist New Age population reduction shamdemic, and it's NAZI anti-christ lockdowns??? You're no christian whatsoever! You embrace that wide path to hell. Enjoy

Looks like you get paid for trolling here!

If not, then go far away.

Anonymous said...

27 Democrats Vote to Protect Predators Who Flash Children in Colorado

27 Colorado Democrats voted to protect sexual predators who are caught indecently exposing themselves to minors.

Republicans in the state House introduced legislation to make it a class 6 felony for anyone to indecently expose themselves to children.

In Colorado, it is currently only considered a class 1 misdemeanor if a person indecently exposes themselves in the view of a child, if it is the first offense.

Despite the presumably nonpartisan nature of the bill, Democrats fought to the bitter end to block it.

Anonymous said...

Demoncrat Chelsea Clinton Comes Out in Favor of Porn for Children

Says “bans” on sexually explicit books are “harmful” to children (she gets roasted on Twitter)

Bill and Hillary Clinton’s daughter Chelsea Clinton appears to have taken on a new activism project, defending attempts to force kids as young as Kindergarten age to be exposed to sexually explicit “LGBTQ+” material at school.

Clinton tweeted the following post, claiming that Republicans are trying to “ban” books and that it is harmful to children to remove material with LGBTQ+ “themes”.

"... the truth is that no one is calling for the books to be banned, but many are calling for the books that contain pornographic images and even pedophilia themes, as well as unscientific statements about biological gender, to be removed from school libraries."

Check out the detailed information here:


Anonymous said...

5:32 pm

Another good example of an alt-right media lie...

That Colorado Indecent bill was actually introduced and championed by 3 Democrats:

Rep. Michaelson Jenet
Rep. Shannon Bird
Sen. Rachel Zenzinger

The Dems control the legislature in Colorado AND the bill passed the House...thus, the "nay" votes were just symbolic of the Democratic Party's fight against overzealous legislation occurring in other states along with a fear, among some Democrats this bill might someday be used by republican in Colorado to unfairly target the LGBTQ communities.

At no time was a single Democrat actually voting to protect sexual predators that flash children.

It should also be noted this bill is amending a section of the revised Colorado criminal code passed originally in 2003 when Republicans controlled the house, senate and Governor's seat in Colorado thus it was originally the GOP that "voted to protect sexual predators who are caught indecently exposing themselves to minors" way back in 2003 when they originally made it just a misdemeanor to for their GOP donors, friends and families to expose themselves to anyone.

In other words, this is a good example of Democrats cleaning up a child predator mess made by the GOP.


Anonymous said...

BREAKING: A Florida woman faces criminal charges after she allegedly threw a glass of wine at accused child sex trafficker Rep. Matt Gaetz and swore at him during a food and wine festival.

Selena Chamber, the heroic woman in question, has been arrested and hit with a count of misdemeanor battery and one felony count of battery on an elected official. She was arrested on $1,000 bail.

Chambers is a Pushcart Prize-nominated feminist writer. She maintains that she tripped and spilled her drink on the MAGA congressman.

Republicans are up in arms about the incident, but conveniently they don't care about Gaetz's alleged human trafficking or his pushing of policies that result in widespread death and suffering.

Please pray that Chambers beats the charges!

Anonymous said...


My Wyoming relatives are very thankful for Harriet Hageman.

Constance "worried" that without powerful Liz Cheney Wyoming would lose representation.

Loser Liz out and Hageman in has been a real win for their state! DC Liz let them down (big time!) and Wyoming born and bred Harriet is only just getting started protecting Wyoming and American resources and freedoms.

Anonymous said...

3:06 PM Your posts affirm your liberal socialist globalist positions.

I haven't got all day and night to repeat all you post here that shows, literally proves, you are anything but a Conservative or Christian.

This is your game.
I ain't playin'.
But it's fun to nail your big behind to the wall every time you post against what is reasonable in Conservative values and Christian belief and practice.

You're here for attention only, like the good attention whore you are.
I'll give you some then.

Your career trolling for your godless agenda is against everything right and holy. What you are all you are about. It is why you are here.

Do you have all this time to waste here because your business went bust "go woke go broke" or you on corrupt Soros and government payroll?
I say the latter, elitist troll.

Anonymous said...

Cheney chose America over herself. One American’s patriot is another’s pariah.


Excerpt:Two years, a pandemic and an entire political lifetime ago, U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney cruised to a GOP primary victory by 47 percentage points, nary breaking an electoral sweat as her Wyoming constituents expressed contentment with her rock-solid conservative bona-fides as the No. 3 House Republican.

Then came the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection, and her subsequent quest to make sure American elections remain secure - and that Donald Trump never returns to office. As she stood before her supporters Tuesday night following a primary loss of more than 35 points to Trump defender Harriet Hageman, Cheney reminded us she could have done what many GOP leaders undoubtedly continue to do: ignore her own conscience, maintain her position of power, and keep on winning.

“I could easily have done the same again. The path was clear - but it would have required that I go along with President Trump’s lie about the 2020 election, it would have required that I enable his ongoing efforts to unravel our democratic system and attack the foundations of our republic,” she said. “That is a path I could not and would not take.”

We used to call people who put country over party patriots. In today’s GOP, they’re pariahs...

Anonymous said...


Too bad you don't have the time to even try...

Giving you the benefit of the doubt that you even are a Christian?

There is nothing "right and holy" about idolizing and worshipping Trump and subcribing to and/or enabling maga, qanon, dominionism and/or white nationalism. Being against and opposing maga, qanon, dominionist and/or white nationalist propaganda doesn't LITERALLY prove me to be "anything but a conservative or a Christian".

Maybe this will help you:

Romans 11:

17 If some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root, 18 do not consider yourself to be superior to those other branches. If you do, consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you. 19 You will say then, “Branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in.” 20 Granted. But they were broken off because of unbelief, and you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but tremble. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either.


Anonymous said...

BREAKING: Right-wing personality Steven Crowder's scandal worsens as it's revealed that he allegedly ran an "abusive" company and frequently exposed his genitals to his co-workers and employees — in one instance going so far as to allegedly place "his junk" on a former producer who had fallen asleep in a van.

The disturbing allegations come shortly after a video went viral of Crowder verbally abusing his pregnant wife, ordering her to do chores, and yelling: "I will fuck you up!" The clip emerged after it became public knowledge that Crowder and his wife were going through a divorce.

The new allegations claim that Crowder acted like a complete monster and regularly harassed his employees, acted like a "bully," and displayed his penis and testicles without consent.

It should be noted that Crowder once ran a "Change My Mind" segment in which he claimed that "rape culture is a myth." Once again, we discover that a prominent Republican is a depraved predator and pervert.

Anonymous said...

Passed in the Florida Legislature by REPUBLICANS, and signed into law by GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis:

DeSantis Signs Bill To Authorize Death Penalty For Child Rapists In Florida


Anonymous said...

When it comes to lying, X has met his alter ego:

Watch: Biden Press Secretary Claims Illegal Immigration DOWN By 90%

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed on Monday that illegal immigration has dropped 92% under the Biden administration.

"When it comes to illegal migration, you have seen it come down by more than 90%, and that’s because of the actions that this president has taken," she said.


Anonymous said...

8:56 pm

The key word there is "illegal" immigration.

It is not illegal to cross the boarder, turn yourself in and seek asylum.

As I recall, the first two years of Biden's presidency, an opus dei Texas Federal Judge blocked him trying to fix Trump's disastrous border policies which resulted in the continuation of the same illegals being shipped back to Mexico, getting involved with drug cartels and repeatedly comining back into the US, getting arrested and sent back to Mexico time and time again (inflating the numbers - especially gross border apprehension numbers the alt right media likes to use)

Biden has reinstituted flying people back to their countries and compassionately not exacerbating the border crisis for political propaganda purposes.

ICE is still resisting working with the Biden administration.


p.s. - The roman catholic Knights of Malta continue to feed, fund and facilitate the efficient moving of largely roman catholic migrants from South America through central america and into the US. It's not white people they are "replacing", it's just protestants.

Anonymous said...

Flordia needs to be DeSantized.

As a Christian, I personally am opposed to the death penalty. Too easy to make a mistake and just a step towards the day the roman catholics will rationalize and justify killing Christians who refuse to bend a knee to her and/or take some mark of rome.

I don't think supporting the death penalty is unChristian.

To each their own.


Anonymous said...

It isn't going to be the Roman Catholics killing Christians X. It will be the Luciferian Globalists and their Central Bankers by the hands of their armed servants.

Your such a paranoid dumb azz white trash hillbilly. You will line up just like you did for the satanic shot.

Not a normal brain cell in your head.

Anonymous said...

X and Joe, both on the take,
Toxic texts, leave death in their wake;

Campaign contributions,
nothing but bribes;

His mouth grows fatter,
to Hell with kids' lives!

Ron grabs them hard, hair's such a mess,
he throws them in the waste;

Look how they float, now in the cess,
Such a fucking disgrace!

Lyrics by Paul, Richard

Anonymous said...

10:21 pm

Interesting it's the opus dei controlled roman catholic media in conjuction with their foolhardy ecumenical dominionist, NAR, the Family and corporate (Koch Brothers, etc) partners who have spent years convincing you that:

"It will be the Luciferian Globalists and their Central Bankers by the hands of their armed servants

The "Globalists" and "Bankers" (why don't you just say "Jews" when it's them you mean) aren't politically centralized and they are incapable of themselves obtaining, maintaining and exercising full political & military control without any religious underpinnings and approval from the worlds largest cult in rome. They are concerned about MONEY and as long as rome & their ecumenical partners (largely the GOP in the US) allows them to continue they will have no problem taking that wide path.


Anonymous said...

10:33 pm -- Hi Luciferian

Anonymous said...

10 Swedish Words


(11th: 'maligning')

Anonymous said...

"about idolizing and worshipping Trump"

You're more shallow that words can say.
I didn't make it about Trump. You did.

Being Conservative and being a Christian does not equate to idolizing a man or a political party in my world.

Being Conservative for me is a view with biblical principles to implement in personal and civil life, in a fallen world, as best one can, where one can, whether the world changes or not. I hold those values dear.
Being a Christian is having a Bible Gospel inspired born again conscience and will, that believes Jesus Christ is Lord no matter what the world chooses to do or believe. Jesus is Savior and All to me.

Politics and this world will burn one day.
My advice to you: Don't be so about the politics of this world that you burn with it.

If you are a believer as you say, and you seem all talk, then you need to take a break from blog commenting and go deep into God's word and don't come up for air until you lose that mile wide bitter streak.
Somebody said it. You love circular conversations. You get nowhere with those antics.
You make yourself look bad. That's on you.

Anonymous said...

@11:59 PM

Why 'Luciferian' ? Think the lyrics are apropos.

Anonymous said...

Conservatives protest against stolen elections. Left-Wingers protest against banning CHILD MUTILATION SURGERIES. Where's the FBI??

VIOLENT Left-Wing Insurrectionists Invade Texas State Capitol and Shut Down Proceedings on Bill Banning Child Sex Surgeries – State Police End the Commotion in Epic Style (VIDEO)


Anonymous said...

The hoser meets a hero then tries to malign him as a conspiracy theorist then the subject of museums comes up and the H word is dropped

Cometh the Horsemen: Pandemic, Famine, War | Michael Yon | EP 274

How's the new job Dr J? the great man of the people

Anonymous said...

11:58 AM...... X

I was trying to be decent for a change, so I didn't say they were Jews! You're the perfect person to point that out! Thanks

Why is it X, that you're so obsessed with Rome? The Synagogue of Satan is the greatest force for perversion, evil, and death! Jews are almost always in the very center of wickedness wherever it is found. Why one sided? I don't hate Jews, Jews are in my family on both sides. Thank God for Jews. They prove anyone can be saved!!!

When Christ returns, and that is very near, He will cast the money changers out of the temple for the last time. Hallelujah!!!!

Anonymous said...


The last paragraph of your 11:58 AM post is completely false.

The big bankers are of, and serve the Synagogue of Satan. That is where their power comes from. To the degree God has allowed!

Christ will remove them soon! Hallelujah

Anonymous said...

7:57 PM

As I read it, I don't know which was louder in myself,
the laugh out loud or the groan at the absurdity of your post.

Abusing power toward her idea of 'patriotism'
(with lots of help from the Establishment good ole boy network
of abusers from both parties)
instead of letting Constitutional process work (already in place)
told me all I needed to know about her self-serving motives.
She, like many others, has enriched herself greatly in the interim.

Exploring the events, to fairly, completely allow and uncover
where and what lies were told, and by whom, (regardless of who told them)
would have let it all come into the light of day.
Operating behind dark shutters and behind closed doors
put power mad people in charge, with extreme edit powers of their scissors and scotch tape
worked their magic to 'save' us.
Give me a break.
No surprise given the day and age we live in.

Having that general good of all put into play,
the result would have, could have been
that we would still have a Constitutional Republic
instead of 'Banana Republic' governing that Washington D.C. handed us over to.

Anonymous said...

11:08 am & 11:16 am

this is speculation

Come that time...those 'temples' will be roman catholic churches and administrative buildings/banks ('synagogues of satan') run by roman catholic bankers managing the vast wealth of rome, its opus dei prelate, and its vast network of opus dei (and heretical ecumenical partners) controlled corporate oligarchs.

remember -- corporations are people according to the GOP.


p.s.- who is telling you it will be the Jews? You say "bankers" as if they are a monolith. Individual bankers come and go. Wealthy people come and go. Their wealth may carry on in the hands of their progeny but such inheritances would necessarily be spread and likely managed by different "bankers". Rome has propagandized successfully for you to fear these shadow unnamed bankers and their Jewish lineage all the while taking your fear votes and accumulating power.

And..I don't hate Catholics. Some of my closest friends are Catholic. I, regretfully, have a roman catholic family member. I hope there are many Christians to be found within the larger cult itself that I pray I will see in Heaven with Jesus someday even though I'm told the path is narrow.

Anonymous said...

I sincerely doubt that I'm the only one to have noticed how this blog has deteriorated. It's become X's personal disinformation blog, with virtually no intervention from Rich or Constance Cumbey. The only thing that makes any sense about all of this is that they must agree with the never ending lunacy of X. What other reason can there possibly be?

I recall Constance stepping in to argue with numerous posters, many of which have left. But when it comes to X, Constance and Rich are 'hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.'

Anonymous said...

Yuval Noah Harari claims that AI could start a new world religion with its own sacred texts.


Anonymous said...

Beware the not so hidden dangers of the LEFTIST WARMONGERING CUMBEY RELIGIOUS CULT

Anonymous said...

Biden facing another huge scandal tonight


Anonymous said...

11:43 pm said It's become X's personal disinformation blog

You reveal yourself when you label my words as "disinformation" among what used to be (before I exposed it) a sea of disinformation from such promininent known Luciferians and other disinformation propagandists as gate way pundit, citizen free press, info wars, alex jones, stuey peters, mike lindell, donald trump & his psycophants, qanon...etc.

I spin things 180 to show you just how easy it is to frame any isse or story right back against conservatives, I dubunk maligned, twisted, distorted, misinterpreted and fabricated data and statistics to demonstrate how the misinformation/disinformation presented here are lying to you.

Before me, there really weren't many honest people posting here and you were being trolled by Russians. Mrs. Cumbey, Rich, Craig and Paul, though we disagree about many things, seemed to me to be under attack here.

I'm a Christian conservative just like some of you (supposedly), but, I just got back on the narrow path before you. Please come with me and disassociate with this new age dominionist/opus dei world take over plot designed to confuse, anger, scare, frustrate and usurp you. The GOP is no friend to Christians (neither are the Democrats but I'm hopeful that could be changed, the GOP, not so much).


Anonymous said...

Dr Vladimir Zelenko (of blessed memory) on Yuval Noah Harari (be accursed)


Anonymous said...

A dreary Congress nestled somewhere in time,
Unsuspecting children, no warnings, no signs......

Judgment day, the Second Coming arrives,
Pedo's see the light, but first they will die!

lyrics by RayB, paul

Anonymous said...

Quote: We are on a downhill slide into a leftist abyss, there’s no turning back.

And if you’re banking on the next election to revamp things, then you’re living on a different planet.

After 59 elections, each one sliding America deeper into the pit, all of a sudden number 60’s going to get it?

You got two chances, zilch and nil. /Quote

Anonymous said...

Former NFL player and Congressman Colin Allred has officially announced his entry into the race to tackle and replace Senator Ted Cruz!

His campaign launch video today shows footage from January 6th, in which he texted a farewell to his Wife before taking off his jacket and “got ready to take on anyone who came through that door.”

Meanwhile Ted Cruz, who ironically egged on these attackers, hid in a storage closet. "That’s Ted for you: All hat, no cattle,” Allred said.

Cruz is also notoriously known for supporting Trump after calling Cruz's wife ugly, and for abandoning Texas residents during a deadly winter storm, headed to Cancun.

Anonymous said...

The Jury in the E. Jean Carroll rape lawsuit watched a recorded Trump deposition today as the trial heads into its final stretch. One of the more shocking, and I'd argue disgusting statements made by Trump in the deposition today is as follows:

Carrolls attorney, Roberta Kaplan was seen asking Trump if he felt that stars could actually grab women “by the pussy.”

Here is Trump's reply:
“Historically that’s true with stars. If you look over the last million years, that’s largely true, unfortunately—or fortunately.”

Fortunately? Are you kidding me? It makes a person 'fortunate' to sexually assault a woman?

Kaplan then asked Trump if he considers himself a 'star'.

Trump replied: "Yeah".

I want to hear how anyone can support what Trump said here. Can anyone do that?

Anonymous said...


We got BIGGER problems in life that than, bucko. Get stuffed.

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