Tuesday, April 04, 2023

The Plight of Dr. Aaron Edwards (and us all)

By Rich Peterson

 “I’ve just been dismissed by a Christian college for tweets on homosexuality – if I wasn’t safe, no one is.” 

These are words written by Aaron Edwards, a former lecturer of theology at Cliff College, an evangelical Bible college in the UK.  Aaron Edwards was removed from his position for bringing “disrepute” to the college. The offense was that he expressed the Biblical position on homosexuality over  a public forum.  Specifically, Twitter. The college demanded he remove the tweet. Edwards’ refusal led to a two week suspension followed by termination.

Mr. Edward’s suspension was followed by a hearing where, reportedly, should he be asked by same sex attracted students for prayer how he might respond. Various news articles report Mr. Edwards was threatened with a referral to Prevent, the deradicalization component of the UK’s counter-terrorism strategy. Read here, here, here, and here. 

Cliff College principal denies any threat.  Perhaps it was a promise?

Whether or not Prevent was mentioned to Dr. Edwards is unclear but it certainly is not a stretch to accept that would have happened.

Aaron Edwards’ experience brings to memory thoughts of the Alliance of Civilizations and the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy of which I had written about a few years back. The Alliance, becoming the “Mother Tongue” of the UN, would also become the “global conscience” in the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. The UK Home Office eagerly partnered with the Alliance to harmonize its counter-terrorism efforts with the UN Global Strategy.

The Alliance of Civilizations uses religion to combat religion. Its definition of extremism, the root cause of terrorism, is especially hostile towards Christianity:  one cannot be an adherent of an “exclusive truth” claim.

The threat to refer Dr. Edwards to Prevent (or not), is consistent with the counter-terrorism strategy’s goal to combat religious fundamentalism. Back in 2007 as I read the through the Alliance of Civilizations/Council of Europe counter terrorism materials, I recall thinking they  intend to use beliefs about homosexuality as a means to categorize people as either tolerant or extremists.


“No one may invoke cultural diversity to infringe upon human rights guaranteed by international law…”  Ponder that.

UNESCO policy is to include sexual orientation as part of cultural diversity. For Aaron Edwards to speak openly of homosexuality as sin would be viewed as an infringement of another’s rights.

What happened to Aaron Edwards speaks volumes. His words of warning are ominous:

“Whilst my situation remains difficult for me and my family, it is also a microcosm of the greater difficulties awaiting other Christians in the post-Christian West. The growing expectation is that we should keep quiet about our beliefs, especially if they may offend others.”


“Western progressive ideals of inclusivity no longer include many Christian beliefs. Indeed, the vociferous responses to my tweet demonstrate the problem my tweet was highlighting. There are some Christian beliefs that Christians are no longer allowed to express, not even to other Christians.”


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Anonymous said...

Lone Woman Swarmed and Brutally Attacked by Dozens of Teens in Chicago(VIDEO)


Anonymous said...

Speaking Of Christian Persecution


Anonymous said...

11:37 AM

The attack never happened. Don't believe your lying eyes.

Constance has informed us that Gateway Pundit cannot be trusted as a valid news source.

Anonymous said...


No one is denying the attack happened. The GP just takes things like this and twists it to serve its political, not journalistic, purposes. Accuracy and reporting "news" is obviously not their goal.

Black persons and other persons of color get assaulted all the time in "sundown" towns throughout the south. Does GP cover that? No. Because these videos serve a purpose -- to make their white nationalist CUSTOMERS fearful and their eyeballs engaged with the GP.

This story doesn't deserve front-page billing in a political rag. A local Chicago paper and legitimate news organization, sure but including the broader context than just a video emphasizing a group of blacks hitting a white girl.

GP also got the story wrong...probably intentionally. They pretended the girl was alone and trying to enter her home. That is not true. She was apparently with a black male friend "DJ" who was the primary victim of the attack who she was trying to defend. They were on a commercial street in downtown chicago under the "El" (not a place I'd like to be encountering a group of white and black teens on warm weekend night). It was not their "home". The doorway is an empty retail location "for rent" next to a T-Mobile store on Wabash. The GP even had the address in their article and didn't bother to notice it wasn't a residential address. Google 129 N. Wabash and see for yourself.

When framing a brute meme (which is what this is being used for), it sure sounds more ominious to pretend it was "a helpless [white] woman, trying to enter her home, cornered in her doorway by a mob of the rampaging [black] youths" [they don't need to say white and black since the video clip provides all the racial component they seek to convey] than just an unruly crowd of white and black youths assaulting and robbing a young man and his friend.

Go to Panana Beach, Florida or any frat boy spring break oasis and you can watch teenage boys and girls fist fighting, robbing and 'jumping' each other all night long at various locations throughout town.

My son lives very near where this occurred and didn't even know a thing about it until I mentioned it to him on monday. Chicago remains a great town and it's crime rate sucks and its unfortunate Indiana is so close that it's been able to arm every kid in town (and now that the supreme court overturned the gun ban in Chicago it's gotten worse). Despite the headlines, it's not as dangerous as many of the red states, especially places like Alabama, St. Louis and Memphis Tennessee that lead the country in violent crimes per 100,000 people.Alt-right outlets, like GP are lying to you by emphasizing this nonsense as if it's only a Democrat problem because doing so makes you fearful and keeps you reading their homosexual-sponsored content.


p.s. - I'm not defending the assault. The 20 year old woman and her 22 year old companion are reportedly doing well having only suffered minor injuries.

Anonymous said...

Thank you X. You are such a precious lil Luciferian.

Anonymous said...

You're lying again 1:56 PM.

Constance did say GP is not a trusted news source. Not because every story reported is wrong, but because it adds a twist to every story guiding you down the Q path. Obviously GP is your deeply trusted source which is why many here dismiss your perpetual lies and nonsense.

Repent. You are the luciferic liar.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Cumbey is as pure as the driven leaven, so I'm going to subscribe to the New York Times where she gets her truth!

Anonymous said...

%:28 PM stated

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah AND Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah etc. etc. Blah Blah Blah

Me thinks 5:28 PM is either controlled by, or possessed by a Luciferian spirit.

Oanon is fake, get over it 5:28 PM

You, X, and Cumbey are obsessed with foolishness. The three blind Pharisee mice

Anonymous said...

Above should state 5:28 PM stated

Anonymous said...

You lie again 5:47 PM

Mrs. Cumbey told us that she subscribes to multiple news sources and that she doesn't trust sources from either the far right nor the far left. You are so intent on smearing anyone here who doesn't agree with your tunnel vision you resort to lies. You are like your father lucifer. Repent.

Anonymous said...

5:28 PM

You say GP "adds a twist to every story"

That is hilarious!

Your X's pal, and Cumbey gets her brand of reality from the NYT!

You are a comedian, or just not very bright?!

Anonymous said...

You have such a low grade IQ 6:12 that you can only resort to is lies, smear, and name calling.

Anonymous said...

"Constance has informed us that Gateway Pundit cannot be trusted as a valid news source"

But NYT and the entire Legacy Media is!!!!????

You, X, and Cumbey are being led to hell by a Luciferian spirit, that controls, or possesses you!

You 3 are ripe for the Mark of the Beast.

Anonymous said...

Sorry 6:16 PM, you have me confused with dr X.

Anonymous said...

There is no confusion between you and X.

Your father lucifer has put a lying tongue in your mouth. You're sore that your super trusted source GP has been outed for being on the fringe. As a response you lie about everyone else putting words in peoples' mouths. Repent, so you don't share with the fate of your father lucifer.

Anonymous said...

"lies, smear, and name calling"

sorry 6:16 PM, I used your modus operandi

Anonymous said...

6:30 PM

There you go assuming GP is my trusted source.

I use it just to piss off liberals like you 3 amigos! I see it worked!!! LOL

But in reality(sorry that's a stretch for you) I am not the only one posting from GP.

I post from numerous sources.

What is really funny, is that of the last 4 times Constance has thanked someone for posting something she found of value, 3 of the posts were mine! Your Welcome

But you contribute your lies, half truths, and spin.

Manure basically

Anonymous said...

4:57 - thx for clearing that up x.

I never watch those videos. I do remember one similar video that was widely circulated in the Spring of 2020.

I would suggest, folks, not to let some social media meme lead you to hate, for that is the trick of the Enemy

Anonymous said...

6:10 PM

It is interesting that X, Constance, and I assume you, are, "middle of the road"

More comedy

Anonymous said...

Reading only alt-right propaganda leaves you fearful and grossly misinformed. Crime has historically been a very potent political issue. It’s also very anecdote driven which is why individual violent events in Chicago are so often emphasized even though similiar events happen just about everywhere and in higher proportionate numbers in red states. I can't imagine how shocking to conservative cognitive dissonance it must be to learn that red states are actually more violent than blue states...

Fast Facts on the Two-Decade Red State Murder Problem


Excerpt: In March of 2022, we released a report that found murder rates in 2020 were 40% higher in Trump-voting states than Biden-voting states. In our follow-up report, we studied homicide data going back to 2000 to see if this one-year Red State murder epidemic was an anomaly. It was not. Despite a media narrative to the contrary, a wide and widening Red State murder gap has spanned the past two decades.

This fact sheet highlights some of the most illuminating takeaways from our analysis.

The Two-Decade Red State Murder Problem

The murder rate in the 25 states that voted for Donald Trump has exceeded the murder rate in the 25 states that voted for Joe Biden in every year from 2000 to 2020.

For the past 21 years, the top 10 murder rate states have been dominated by reliably red states, namely Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Missouri.

From 2000-2020, the per capita Red State murder rate was 23% higher than the Blue State murder rate.

If Biden states had the same murder rate as Trump states, they would have seen 5,000 more murders in 2020 alone. Between 2000 and 2020, they would have suffered an additional 45,400 murders.
Between 2000 and 2020, the Red State murder gap has steadily widened from a low of 9% more per capita red state murders in 2003 and 2004 to 44% more per capita red state murders in 2019, before settling back to 43% in 2020.

Since 2000, murder rates have increased 39.4% in red states and just 13.4% in blue states.

Even when murders in the largest cities in red states are removed, overall murder rates in Trump-voting states were 12% higher than Biden-voting states across this 21-year period and were higher in 18 of the 21 years observed.

Anonymous said...

Yes 6:47 PM, control the narrative for us. We just don't get enough of that. We need more left wing, Luciferian, 'woke jesus', nut jobs like you to do more of that.

Anonymous said...

Too bad Constance's blog has turned into a cesspool of left wing Luciferians. But she enjoys it so...

Anonymous said...

6:54 sorry if I came across as pretentious

Anonymous said...

Too bad Constance's blog has turned into a cesspool of lying right wing Nazis such as yourself.

Anonymous said...


Medical Murder.

And what I thought at the time, though I hoped it wasn't true.

Anonymous said...

4:57 PM
"Sundown" towns.
On the wholesale scale what you refer to is of the past.
You're full of it.

Tragedy happens for lots of reasons. Stupid happens all across the board. But you relish it to twist it for your woke "talking points"
because you spread discontent and malice wherever you possibly can toward a political aim, not a christian one.
You are a sower of discord according to the Bible.
A while back you were accused of that I recall.
You still fit that description.

Anonymous said...

7:44 pm

I didn't bring it up. 11:37 am shared the divisive and incorrect brute meme of the Chicago assault as propagandized by theG.P.

I merely added context and accuracy explaining to the many maga/qanon proponents here how and why such anecdotal stories are constantly being pushed out by alt-right homosexual propagandists like those at GP.

Lies and misinformation is the work of the devil.

Focusing JUST on black crime is much different that saying "stupid happens all across the board". These crimes are being shared with specificity and purpose. I though you all oughta know.

Seeking truth is all things is Christian.

For those seeking truth and more context to the original story here is a follow up news interview by ABC news with the actual couple that was attacked as well as the black woman that rescued them from the mob, drove them to the hospital and even gave them money to get by with that night. Quite the story of hero'ism and humanity wrapped up in the otherwise violent story. There's hope yet.

Couple beaten, robbed during Chicago downtown chaos over weekend, helped by Good Samaritan



Anonymous said...

7:44 pm said: "Sundown" towns. On the wholesale scale what you refer to is of the past. You're full of it.

They are, largely, a thing of the past but there remains a whole bunch of towns throughout this country that a black man couldn't walk down the street after sunset without getting harassed and/or beat up if he so much as look at someone oddly.

Or...shot "accidentally" for knocking on a white man's door...

Kansas City Man Charged in Shooting of Black Teen Who Went to the Wrong House to Pick Up Siblings: The 16-year-old survived and is recovering after he was shot twice after ringing the doorbell of the wrong house


But tragedy just seems to happen for a lot of reasons.


Anonymous said...

It looks like GP deliberately or incompetently omitted more than half of the story then there are liars on this blog who fully endorse the rag.

Anonymous said...

It is tragic you are such a divisive "christian" since you look for every opportunity to sow discord 8:09 PM.

You shoot your mouth off (posting here) with impunity in your rash judgments.
Jesus would call that murder by mouth when you speak without knowing the whole circumstance, yet you use it toward a political end, not a christian one, so seeking truth doesn't seem to be what you are after or you would wait to know more before making blanket statements implying the worst about "sundown" towns.

Examples like this are why your reputation here is bad.

Anonymous said...

10:16 pm

Is that your judgement?


Anonymous said...

Hear ye hear ye!

Fox settles with Dominion for its lies.


Anonymous said...

A fascist Jesus Christ: MAGA turns Donald Trump into a martyr

Trump's anointment as some type of new Jesus Christ is a symptom of a much larger problem with the Christian right


Anonymous said...

While the left paints Jesus in drag.

Anonymous said...

On Faith: The heresy of Paula White


And she remains part of Trump’s political machinery


Anonymous said...


This is from the Bureau of Justice Statistics. There were, in 2019, 562,550 violent interracial black/white incidents. 472,570 (84%) of them were black on white.

Very sad that politics greatly inflames the issue to keep those numbers high.
Take politics out of it and the numbers would go down. A lot.

Anonymous said...

Fascist, drag

tomayto, tomahto

What's your point? Whataboutisms?

Neither is good.

Anonymous said...

Biden isn't going to like this one. Early on in the conflict, Ukraine wanted to meet with the Russians and negotiate a peaceful settlement. Zelensky was ordered by Biden not to, indicating that Biden (and his handlers) WANTED the war, and the result is hundreds of thousands of deaths, along with massive destruction, while inching the world towards a nuclear conflict. It's amazing that Macron has to turn to CHINA, and not the USA, in order to help broker a peace deal. Why? Because Macron knows that Biden and the military industrial psychopaths do not want an end to this war.

Here's the story:

Macron Working with Beijing on ‘Secret Plan’ for Peace Deal Between Ukraine and Russia: Reports

French sources speaking to Bloomberg have revealed that Emmanuel Macron, who recently travelled to Guangdong to hold talks with Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, has apparently tasked top diplomats from Paris to engage with Beijing in crafting a deal to end the war in Ukraine.


Anonymous said...

Marjorie Taylor Greene Drops Bomb on Biden Crime Family – Oversight Committee Has Evidence of Biden Family Connections to Human Trafficking of Prositututes from US, Russia, Ukraine


Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:49 PM

I have never heard of "vocal fry" and I'm going to look into it further. Also, I was not aware that the Kennedys have used "affected speech patterns as a gimmick." I might have missed something in the comments, but why did you post this now? Does it have anything to do with Robert F Kennedy Jr's voice disorder?


Anonymous said...

You think so highly of yourself 11:31 and yet you get things so wrong. Both are evil and you can’t even admit that. Piety.

Anonymous said...

Weaponized financial system, and weaponized food


Anonymous said...

I fully agree with you 11:31 AM

"unreasoning and unreasonable" you hit the nail on the head!!!

And now Mrs Cumbey's blog is a cesspool. But she has allowed that to happen by largely agreeing with TROLL X, and his fellow ultra left wing 'woke jesus' cultists.

Such a shame really.

Anonymous said...

11:37 AM
Rules for Radicals much, 11:37 PM?

No, it is because I see myself as common, unlike you, that I can and have pegged you. Read carefully above, I see definite, in places sizable problems on the side opposite yours. But you can't say the same. You only blanket blame others. Be fair, you aren't that right.

If you had a common Bible view of the world you would find something to agree on with others here, without your incessant flame-throwing. It shows up in your posts you are above really wanting to agree with anybody, anywhere. Discordant is what that notion is.

Calm yourself down and work on issues closer to home in your own life rather than the "need to fix" a world only God can fix. The only one who is good is God so humbly disqualify your over the top rhetoric for pretending otherwise.
Christine Erickson, by a long shot, is much more Biblical than you are.

Anonymous said...

Radical fascist 12:25?

You see the thorn in others’ eyes but can’t spot the log in your own. You consistently lie about others here to elevate yourself to a higher state. You post half truths then call yourself holy. We all see you to be the liar that you are. You are the child of Lucifer.

Anonymous said...

12:24 am said: This is from the Bureau of Justice Statistics. There were, in 2019, 562,550 violent interracial black/white incidents. 472,570 (84%) of them were black on white. Very sad that politics greatly inflames the issue to keep those numbers high. Take politics out of it and the numbers would go down. A lot.

While I agree that systemic racism and the politics of white nationalism do stoke SOME violent crime, these statistics pulled from Table 15 of the BJS don't really tell the whole story.

Off the top of my head here a few confounding reasons these numbers will never likely be 50%-50%...

1. Considering the US population is approximately 13% black and 60% white, any random crime committed by a black criminal upon a random victim is statistically about 5 times more likely to involve a white person than a black person.

2. Further exacerbating and/or confounding these statistics is the fact most violent crime is undertaken by men (of any color) and much of that is domestic violence between friends, relatives and spouses. The interracial marriage rate of black men marrying white women is DOUBLE that of white men marrying black women and probably three times as many black men dating white women versus black women dating white men.

3. Black single men and all single women (with children, in particular) are statistically poorer and in proximity to one another as well as more likely to be violent and more vulnerable to violence accordingly. Crime, particularly violent crime, is a complex socioeconomic thing, exacerbated by historical and systemic racism. It has nothing to do inherently with race, but social groups do behave differently. For example, the historical violence of the American West where law and order was often abandoned for simplier street justice and mob rule, resulting in the decimation of indigenous peoples by white men was a social construct of it's day. All humans are inherently murderous and adulterous which is why they are included in the ten commandments and, specifically, pedophilia isn't.

Statistically, the world is LESS violent than it's ever been, but news travels so fast and news of violence (if it bleeds it leads) garners so much attention it sure makes it seem the world is a more violent place...when it isn't. Sure we had a surge during the Trump years due mostly to covid and Trump's failed covid policies that continued into 2021; but, the numbers under Biden have once again returned to their downward trend.


Anonymous said...

12:10 pm

Mrs. Cumbey has not "largely agreed" with anything I've said here on this forum. She voted for Trump twice and is a republican delegate in Michigan. She just no longer supports Trump, has flipped on Maga and calls out qanon proponents (despite their acting as though they don't adhere to any qanon false conspiracies). Mrs. Cumbey supports Liz Cheney whereas I'm not a fan of Cheney. Mrs. Cumbey has never said anything about my opus dei conspiracy theories and she's even friends (or acquaintances) with Michael Voris, who is clearly (to me at least) an opus dei apologist who promotes and supports ecumenicism but only under Mary and the roman catholic eucharist. Oh, we do both share concerns about "the Family" which I presume includes it's control over the prayer breakfest and the heritage foundation. She hasn't written about them in years. In fact, Mrs. Cumbey hasn't written much at all....unfortunately.

I don't Linda shares many of my other views either other than being anti-Trump, anti-Maga and anti-qanon.

The conglomeration of the three of us into some cohesive "them" or "Cumbey cult" is really kind of funny. I don't speak for either of them. But I will say this...Mrs. Cumbey was ahead of the curve in the 1980's calling out the New Age for their plotting and conniving and therefore just maybe any of you legitimate participants here who remain doubters or in any way still on the Maga and/or qanon trains oughta consider that maybe, just maybe, Mrs. Cumbey is right again about the take over of the right by the new age alt-right and just consider taking a step towards the middle where you don't have to constantly compromise your Christian principles.


Anonymous said...

6:43 pm yesterday said: What is really funny, is that of the last 4 times Constance has thanked someone for posting something she found of value, 3 of the posts were mine! Your Welcome

So maybe YOU are the Cumbey cult?

Apparently, she's "largely agreed" with you way more than me.


Anonymous said...

You lumped yourself to woke causes 12:53 PM.
Don't stand so close to it if you don't want that smell to adhere to you.

And how does jive with being a believer?

There is so little in that vein that corresponds to a Bible view.
You can't have it both ways. This is real world, not woke fantasy world if you want to be taken seriously.
The way you post, supporting radicalized people, methods and goals, that you have repeatedly aired here for the public to see, are the things that peg you.

Anonymous said...

1:39 P.M. X

I thank you mystery dr X for exposing your slithering self. You do so well at rendering yourself an impeccable subversive. Congratulations

Your last two lines @ 1:39 PM display your never ending game plan. Very boring.

Anonymous said...

Marjorie Taylor Green Alleges Biden Family Crimes


Anonymous said...

No 1:41 I did not lump myself with the woke cause. Unless disagreeing with your slithering ways by default makes me woke. I have pointed out both sides of evil are evil.

Your salvation is a political one. You claim the choice of the “lesser of two evils” is biblical. My reading tells me that evil is evil period, regardless of which side it originates.

You are the false accuser of the brethren.

Wisen up, have some breath mints and repent.

Anonymous said...

Spot-on 1:41 PM

Thank You for speaking the truth in a time of great deception.

Deceivers will increase more and more.

Anonymous said...

1:58 praising himself at 1:41 LOL

Anonymous said...

"I have pointed out both sides of evil are evil"

If that is true then why are you not seeing I have always said the same and acknowledge that?

Because you can't go there to credit my position and stay as woke as you post, apparently.

If not as woke as you say, then is it plausible that you still defend woke and to such a huge degree, because you have a family member who is?? You are at the very least quite compromised if not completely woke yourself by the content of your incessant postings.

Anonymous said...

You again lie and project your ways unto others. Telling lies is not nice. But like father, like son.

Anonymous said...

2:03 PM

Incorrect again

Anonymous said...

Marjorie Taylor Green Alledes Biden Family Committed Major Crimes


Anonymous said...

Watch: Former Director Of National Intelligence Admits That Fauci Lied About Gain Of Function Research


Anonymous said...

Of course, Notre Dame graduate and opus dei operative, John Radcliffe would say that about Dr. Fauci.

Obama put a stop to that gain of function research so if there actually was gain of function research ongoing it would have been Trumps fault.

Opus Dei doesn't care --- as long as they destabilize and undermine the predominately protestant United States.

Shouldn't be long before these GOP bozos get the United States sued as responsible for Covid and all the costs suffered around the globe thereby. Whether it's true or not is of no concern to these people as long as they bankrupt America.


Anonymous said...

America is bankrupting itself X. The FED has been printing for years! You rely on people who have a limited knowledge base. It is how you deceive. That is all that matters to you.

Slither on.

Anonymous said...

5:33 pm

Oh, my…Dunning Kruger much?

Anonymous said...

X stated

"Opus Dei doesn't care---as long as they destabilize and undermine the predominantly protestant United States"

Do you mean "middle of the road easy going" protestants???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Climate Change is a Crisis of Our Lifetime!" - Biden's Secretary of Interior Starts Crying During Hearing(VIDEO)


The real, 'Crisis of Our Lifetime', is that we have a senile old satanic pedophile freak installed as president. Who, only appoints politically correct Low-Brow freaks just like him!

Anonymous said...

Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare

The Peak Season of Satanic Blood Sacrifice Is Upon Us


Anonymous said...

X has repeatedly pushed his crazy Opus Dei conspiracy on this blog site, and he's done it for years.

I think it's high time for CONSTANCE CUMBEY and RICH PETERSON to tell us exactly what their views are on X's Opus Dei conspiracy.

Seems to me that Constance and Rich must agree with X, because you NEVER see them challenge him on his nutty conspiracy theories.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Cumbey may be interested in this. Wonder if she has been removed from her michigan gop delegate seat for not being a Maga loyalist?

I seem to recall her saying Karamo lied to her about her involvement with qanon.

Michigan GOP infighting leads to actual fight between Karamo, DePerno backers


The video on youtube of the incident between these now divided maga factions fighting is very interesting. I'd like to know who the guy in the video is that's braggadociously admitting he's a "Christian Nationalist".

Here's the video on youtube:

Michigan GOP infighting leads to actual fight between Karamo, DePerno backers



Anonymous said...

The Chimera jab


The connection between DNA & LSD



PS concerning JFK et al: all I'm saying is they could/can lay that accent on thick when it suits the purpose.

Anonymous said...

The moral rot of America continues as does persecution of Bible believers:

Preacher Ordered Not to Post Bible Verses Offending LGBTQ Crowd on Social Media for Five Years

A Tennessee street preacher is challenging an Oklahoma court order threatening him with arrest and potential prison time if, over the next five years, he posts Bible verses condemning homosexuality on social media.

Rich Penkoski is the leader of Warriors for Christ, an organization of street preachers that, among other things, attempts to combat the LGBTQ agenda. Its home page, for example, displays a map of the United States indicating “all establishments that have had events that target children for grooming.” One of those establishments is, of all things, a church in Oklahoma, and taking note of it is what has Penkoski in hot water.


Anonymous said...

BREAKING: MyPillow CEO and big election lie promoter Mike Lindell has been ordered by an arbitration panel to fork over $5 million dollars after challenging anyone who could prove his claims wrong, and then being proven wrong.

Robert Zeidman is trump-supporting computer forensics expert whose data analysis proved that Lindell's data did not prove voter fraud, nor was it even connected to the 2020 election.

Zeidman sought arbitration after Lindell tried to renege on the wager, and he now has 30 days to pay.

Lindell is also facing a $1.3 billion dollar defamation lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

Sad day for leftists and Marxists everywhere. Radical left wing disinformation rag is shutting down! Liberalism is so incredibly stupid it doesn't even appeal to their own idiots.

BuzzFeed News Shuttering Operations, Shares Plunge

According to a Twitter post by CNN's Oliver Darcy, BuzzFeed's CEO Jonah Peretti told employees via a memo that the company will be reducing headcount by 15% across all departments and shuttering BuzzFeed News.


Anonymous said...

Eloquent and truthful, listen to what this man has to say. He speaks more truth than I've heard in a very long time, and, does it in brevity.

Bob Woodson Blows Up Dr. Phil Reparations Discussion After Pointing Out Blacks Owned Slaves (video)

Cuts to the root of the matter as to what is really plaguing the black community, and it isn't racism.


Anonymous said...

Illegal Chinese Police Stations Operating in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Houston, Toronto, Nebraska, Minnesota

The New York Post reported that Safeguard Defenders listed illegal Chinese police stations existing in Los Angeles and San Francisco, California; Houston, Texas; Nebraska, and Minnesota. The original 110 Overseas report identified only the New York locations, in addition to three such stations in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


FBI arrest two Chinese operatives for running illegal police station in Manhattan to 'spy on and harass dissidents' as DOJ announces charges on 44 others in major crackdown on espionage on US soil


Anonymous said...

Top Whistleblower Dr. Rima Laibow Warns Globalists Preparing New Bio Attack / Learn the Secret History of COVID


Anonymous said...

Just about everyone that is not black should get Reparations for having to provide food, and housing for a growing entitled criminal element. To say the least!

Anonymous said...

Corporate America deserves Reparations as well for the immeasurable robbery, and destruction of retail businesses!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 5:54 PM

There are just as many white folks, if not more, that are part of the growing entitled criminal element. Many names come to mind especially in the field of American politics. I'll skip them and cite Alex Murdaugh as an example. The increasing number of men that are killing their wives or other innocent women and men are not black.

Anonymous 5:57 PM

Corporate America is responsible for the destruction of retail businesses! How many Wal-Marts were closed due to Covid-19 restrictions?


Anonymous said...


Pay attention from your couch Linda. Duh!

I wasn't referring to corporate monopoly. I am referring to blatant shoplifting, rioting and looting. Blatant violent thuggery in once decent neighborhoods, that force ALL businesses to close down.

Anonymous said...


Do you have any actual proof for the following statement?

"The increasing number of men that are killing their wives or other innocent women and men are not black."

Anonymous said...

Is there anyone on this blog that supports X's Opus Dei conspiracy theories?

How about Constance and Rich? Linda? Anyone???

Anonymous said...

12:13 AM

Linda's post flat-lined (again).
As thought out as her take on rampant Amish crime.

Using x's tactics (antics) will do that to ya.

(Linda, surely you can do better)

Anonymous said...

Update: Suspect Arrested After Injuring 6-Year-Old Girl and Her Parents in Shooting


Read Comments: TRUTH!

Anonymous said...

If you believed the entire "Russian collusion" story, YOU were duped. The entire "Russia, Russia, Russia" mantra was made up in order to FOOL the gullible. How does that make you feel?

From the New York Post:

Ex-CIA chief spills on how he got spies to write false Hunter Biden laptop letter to ‘help Biden’

Joe Biden’s presidential campaign prompted former acting CIA Director Mike Morell to “help Biden” by organizing 50 colleagues to sign a letter in October 2020 falsely claiming that damning emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop published by The Post were Russian disinformation.

Anonymous said...

Former CIA Deputy Director ADMITS Blinken played central role in covering up Hunter Biden Laptop Story

During the campaign, Blinken was a senior campaign advisor to then former Vice President Joe Biden and recruited the direct assistance of then former Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Michael Morell, who was one of the 51 signatories of the public statement. Biden used this false letter signed by former senior intelligence officials, including five former heads of the CIA, from both parties, on October 22, 2020 to disparage President Donald Trump During the final presidential debate.

Biden used the intelligence assessment that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation against President Trump during the campaign. Despite legitimate calls by Trump to have the FBI investigate Biden’s deeply concerning family business ties with China and Ukraine, as well as other allegations contained in the laptop that did belong to his son Hunter Biden, the Biden campaign used its connections within the intelligence apparatus to cover up the evidence, the truth and keep it from the American people.

Anonymous said...

More Biden lies being exposed. It's hard to keep up. Will the duped of this world ever wake up?

Attorney General Merrick Garland is ‘senior’ Biden official in Hunter Biden IRS whistleblower claim


Anonymous said...

Transvestite Terrorist Vows to Murder Anyone Who Doesn't Allow Men in Women's Restrooms

Anonymous said...

To the Racist that doesn't believe the Amish commit crime. If their skin were black, I'm sure you would be appalled at this.



Anonymous said...

It's ironic our Russian participant(s) here are the ones continuing that old hunter biden laptop story as though it's relevant.

Trump constantly lied/lies about accurate reporting in his campaigns and while he was President calling such accurate reporting "fake news" and a "witch hunt" when it wasn't.

When Biden's campaign does it calling something about his son (who wasn't even running for President and isn't in his administration) "russian disinformation" it too is just campaign rhetoric. Putting out a fire and minimizing the impact as best they can of a larger superfluous story about his son (the Judiaciary Committee confirms this by issuing nothing burger statements and no referrals for indictments). Plus...the campaing neither denied or acknowledged the laptop was actually Hunter's, leaving all to speculate as they wished....it was the "spin" about the laptop that was clearly russian disinformation or, at least, speculation the russian social media bots were attempting to spread and massage for all it's worth in their effort to keep their guy, Trump, in the White House.

There is no denying Russia LOVED Trump being President. Not only was he obviously compromised financially and personally to them, he also was an instrument of destruction to democracy and a legitimizer of authoritarians and fascist rulers the world over. They worked side by side with Trump's campaign in 2016 (and the many indictments and convictions and pardon's proved such) and they were clearly doing their best by Trump in 2020, thus, Biden and his campaign's response wasn't a lie.


Anonymous said...


The pipsqueak here who defends sadistic elitism that fostered this sheer needless, but usefully controlling, awfulness will find some way to "fight" it but his argument is (forever) lost, was lost from the beginning. Too bad so many fell for it or worse, were forced into it.

By now the truth has caught up with the lies even though the "lies were halfway around the world before the truth got it's shoes on". Denials of TPTB continue and it will have to be God who brings justice to the injustice.

To defend this now is to be one who will still demand control and profits by inhumane agendas.

Anonymous said...

How do rare events among the entire Amish community compare to the daily mounting crimes by those who are given carte blanche by politicians to score political points against society as a whole?

Your math doesn't add up to prove whatever point you can't seem to make while you race bait the issue.

Anonymous said...

RFK JR on Covid lockdowns:

"If you give a government a license to silence its critics, it now has license for any atrocity."

Anonymous said...

12:14 am said: Is there anyone on this blog that supports X's Opus Dei conspiracy theories?

I'm not seeking consensus.

I don't need the support of others to share my take on a new age conspiracies I see taking place secretly behind the scenes on a blog that was set up to discuss new-age conspiracies.

I don't think anyone here denies Opus Dei exists and that it's very politically active throughout the world.

I don't think anyone here denies the roman catholic church, to some degree or another, will play a role in the coming one world religion and/or one world government.

Many here believe ecumenicism to be dangerous...for Christians.

What is it about Opus Dei you question? Do you believe they are the good guys or are they a meaningless little sect or cult to you?

Why is it that public disclosure statements made by those subjecting themselves to Senate Confirmation for government jobs such as Judges and other presidential appoinments disclose all their social and other organizational and political histories down to even being a boy scout, yet they lie and withhold their involvement in Opus Dei, including the fact, as most members of "the work" are required to "donate" most of their salaries to the organization (which should, at least, require a financial disclosure of such relationship)?


Anonymous said...


You're not seriously comparing crime figures of the Amish with Blacks, are you?

Rev. Jesse Jackson once said: "If I'm walking down a dark alley and a group of young men are approaching me, sadly, I have to hope that they are white."

Is Jesse Jackson a racist, or, is he just commenting on reality?

Anonymous said...

11:42 am

Seems Malone is suggesting Trump be put on trial for crimes against humanity for causing Covid....lol.

Seems Malone is projecting his own guilt for having killed so many with his anti-vax lies and disinformation.


Anonymous said...

But, Trump gets indicted on 34 bogus charges that the Federal Government passed up.

Biden’s younger brother James emerges as a central figure in the family’s big-money deals (and the Big Guy gets 10%)

Seven years younger than Joe Biden, James Biden, 73, never graduated college but has made a successful living with a string of varied business ventures, some of the most lucrative deals secured with Hunter Biden.

The two Biden‘s recently raked in seven-figure payouts from energy firms connected to the Chinese Communist Party, bank records obtained by Congressional Republicans show. The money was wired in 2017 and 2018 to Hunter Biden‘s Owasco law firm and then distributed by Hunter Biden to associates and family members. Hunter Biden gave at least $1.4 million to Lion Hall Group, James Biden’s consulting firm based in Merion Station, Pennsylvania. The president’s daughter-in-law, Hallie Biden, also got a cut of the funds.
Sara Biden did not respond to an inquiry from The Washington Times and a spokesman for James Biden had no comment.

In addition to big payments from the Chinese firms, James and Sara were provided a $100K shopping spree from Hunter and his business associate, Chinese national Gongwen Dong. The two opened a line of credit that James and Sara used to pay for travel, hotels, restaurants and Apple devices, according to the bank records obtained by lawmakers.

Anonymous said...

Where does Constance, Rich & Linda stand on X's Opus Dei conspiracy theories?

Perhaps they believe Opus Dei is somehow a major player in their own New Age conspiracy theories?

Anonymous said...


You're walking down a dark alley at night. Approaching you are several young men. Do you hope they are white amish or, are you hoping they are black?

Anonymous said...

12:02 PM you're just creating a distraction. You keep bringing up my name with the Amish. All I have ever done is oppose your statement that "Amish don't commit crime." Why would you, or anyone else think that there is one people group in the world that doesn't ever commit crime? And now you want to minimize that as though it's not important. You'd rather blame everything on blacks and call others racist.
I will not discuss this with you again. If the truth be known, I would not want to meet you in a dark alley, and I don't care what color you are.


Anonymous said...

12:32 pm

Jesse Jackson made the statement you incorrectly paraphrased in November, 1993 while speaking to a black audience in Chicago about the repercussions and ways to address local black on black crime. There was no mention of a "dark alley" or "group of young men" as I'm sure no black man or white man would be relieved to see a group of youths of any color approaching them from behind in a dark alley.

Jackson was talking about how black criminals were hurting black people, both directly by victimizing them and, regrettably & indirectly by perpetuating the stereotype of black people being criminals. He was confessing to a weakness, even to hypocrisy. He was not defending the feeling.

The quote really is: We must face the No. 1 critical issue of our day. It is youth crime in general and black-on-black crime in particular. There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved. After all we have been through, just to think we can’t walk down our own streets, how humiliating.”

Source: https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1346&dat=19931201&id=rZgsAAAAIBAJ&sjid=cfwDAAAAIBAJ&pg=5089,44540

The context is further important. The "reality" he was commenting on wasn't implicitly racial but local to Chicago and Urban America as in "our streets ... blacks in black neighborhoods. Such "relief" was NOT to imply that he ever felt that way walking down the street in rural Georgia or Alabama where a black man, even in 1993, would be expected to be off the streets by sundown and where "reality" at that time dictates a "group of white young men" approaching from behind would be a lot more threatening to a lone black man than a "group of black young men" because blacks somehow are, in general, more threatening.

There is another "reality" that blacks are a monolith and somehow associated, as a group, with any and all crime undertaken by individual blacks. It is also OK for law-abiding, God-fearing blacks to not like other blacks...especially blacks that happen to be criminals, just as whites don't have to apologize for or like white criminals.

But not of that stops racists from grabbing hold of this one statement of remorse trying to address a local problem from 30 years ago to yet make the implied claim today that the "reality" is people should and it's OK to universally fear primarily black young men.


Anonymous said...

I am 12:02 and notice I didn't mention race but wonder why you throw the Amish into the equation. I'm not 12:40 PM but asked you a fair question.
Pay attention will you?
I never said Amish people don't commit crime.

I'm saying you major in the minors about this issue to bring them up as a comparison.

Quit race baiting. God is no respecter of persons so why are you?

Anonymous said...

12:33 PM.
It more than seems you're an amoral bottom feeder who can't manage to find the truth to post.

Haven't you got a business to run?

Oh wait.
Trolling is your business.

Anonymous said...

Opus Dei may dislike Pope Francis, but in doing so outwardly they distance themselves from rome, attract conservatives and actually partner with other unwitting prominent protestant conservatives.

They are still loyal to the Pope, Mary and the Eucharist and while they find ecumenical partnership fruitful, they have no intention of abandoning rome or ever tolerating "through Faith alone, by Scripture alone, in Christ alone, by Grace alone".

See Opus Dei's Michael Voris's series "The One True Faith" for an idea of how they would tolerate traditional biblical Baptist and Protestant beliefs, here's just one video:



Anonymous said...

MUST WATCH: The Most Evil Religion in the World:
Why Catholicism is dangerous. With Voddie Baucham, James White, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Pope Francis, and Robert Barron.

May 2, 2022


Anonymous said...

It's shocking that X would attack Michael Voris from Church Militant on Constance Cumbey's blog site.

Constance appeared on his Church Militant program. I'm sure she wouldn't have done that had she not agreed with Voris's teachings.

Repent X, seek forgiveness from a priest, pay your penance (probably a million Hail Marys) and attend Mass faithfully.

Anonymous said...

Attention Linda ... another one of those Amish that you seem to enjoy singling out as a group of criminals:

Man Accused of Shooting 6-Year-Old Over Basketball Arrested in Florida

A Friday court appearance is scheduled regarding extradition to North Carolina.

The North Carolina Department of Adult Correction’s records show Singletary “was convicted in 2017 of felonious assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill or inflicting serious injury, and released from prison on parole in September 2020,” NPR indicated.

Anonymous said...

Rome is so last Millennium time soon to move to Portugal

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see Trump in the Whitehouse again.

Anonymous said...

Donald Turmp washed-up like that 420 debacle

Scary out of control launch then auto- destruct

Anonymous said...

Since the criminal coup that installed Obama for his third term, behind sock puppet antichrist, degenerate, child molester Biden, the plan now fully engaged, is to destroy America, and build the NWO from its ashes.

The food supply is being cut by destroying food processing plants, harassing farmers trying to grow crops, and weaning people from meat, to some lab grown abomination 'fake meat', and encouraging eating bugs! That, and much much more is intended to bring the commoner to their compliant knees, and to dramatically reduce the global population.

But the easy way out for those tired of, or incapable of actually thinking, is to strain at gnats. To continually repeat the programed mantra, Trump Trump Trump, MAGA Republicans, MAGA Republicans, Opus Dei, Opus Dei, Opus Dei, Deadly Insurrection, Deadly Insurrection, Deadly Insurrection. Which provides cover for the Tribulation now going on. There is no stopping it. Prophecy is being fulfilled. The most important thing is to not enable/support Babylon through stubborn pharisaic ignorance, but to "come out of it."

You are going to be one of the wise virgins, or one of the foolish virgins. Which one will you choose?

Anonymous said...

More lies from the Demoncratic Party:

Democrat Leader Hakeem Jeffries: Men in Women Sports Is 'An Issue That Doesn't Really Exist'


Anonymous said...

But really, Drag Queen Shows are good and normal, right?

‘Drag Mom’ Who Mentored 11-Year-Old At Satan-Themed Pub Sentenced For 11 Child Sex Felonies

Kelsey Meta Boren, 31, pled guilty on March 23 to 11 counts of encouraging child sexual abuse in the first degree. Another charge of using a child in a display of sexually explicit conduct was dismissed.

She will serve (only) 11 MONTHS in jail and five years probation. She will need her probation officer’s permission to have contact with minors, she will be banned from contact with the victim, and she will have to register as a sex offender.

I wonder if this showed up on any of Constance Cumbey's corporate owned news sources?

Anonymous said...

What is the FBI hiding?

Tennessee Officials Report the FBI Is Hiding the Transgender Manifesto Outlining Objective for Mass Murder

Anonymous said...

President Joe Obama's America

New York Mayor Eric Adams Says the City is Being 'Destroyed' by the Migrant Crisis(VIDEO)


Anonymous said...

Two Chicago teens steal a car, hit a family, kill a 6-month-old baby, and get charged with a misdemeanor and released


Anonymous said...

10:27 am

I think it's more likely they are hiding the tennessee shooter's manifesto because it DOESN'T fit the "transgender manifesto" motiff the alt-right expects, but, instead, the shooter names names and shares her grievances about the powerful wealthy individuals that may have sexually molested her at that school/church when she was a child there as well as those that participated in the cover-up.

There is nothing to indicate this autistic emotionally disturbed girl was a trans-activist.

Manifestos do tend to ramble so I wouldn't be surprised if it addressed upset at the hostility and hate directed towards trans people in Tennessee. Perhaps they'll leak that part?


Anonymous said...

So again, (11:37 AM) in another one of your countless rambles (you love to manifesto yourself here so much) that you still manage to say nothing, nothing that is actually factual and truthful, just spout your obvious biases and flood it with your slanders and gossip. At this rate, I hope you don't have firearms to turn on anyone.

You need to get a life instead of haunt a blog.

Anonymous said...

11:13 am

Such a tragic story. Too bad it's being propagandized due to the preliminary "misdemeanor" charges. I, too, what vengeance for that infant and family.

You do realize additional charges are forthcoming, especially if the 17 year old boy arrested was the driver. He'll surely be charged additionally as an adult. If it was the 14 year old we likely won't hear another word about the juvenile case, he'll be locked up until he's 18, I would think.

Not that that matters to the alt right maga idiots like TBifford. The alt right won't follow up on this at all. This headline pretending blacks can kill babies in Chicago and just get misdemeanors is all that matters.

Meanwhile, pinned to the top of TBifford's feed is a compilation of violent homosexuals beating up and knocking out protestors opposed to Maga Fascism. You can't bemoan crime while also celebrating it. The cognitive dissonance is thick in that one.


Anonymous said...

x loves to grant license to evil (he thinks it's grace).

He calls evil good and good evil, just like the Bible warns us that godless people will do.

Anonymous said...

This is one of the most outrageous, completely baseless claims that has ever been made on this blog, and that is saying a lot. When is Constance & Rich going to do something about this evil poster?

X states regarding the FBI's refusal to release the Christian school shooter's manifesto:

I think it's more likely they are hiding the tennessee shooter's manifesto because it DOESN'T fit the "transgender manifesto" motiff the alt-right expects, but, instead, the shooter names names and shares her grievances about the powerful wealthy individuals that may have sexually molested her at that school/church when she was a child there as well as those that participated in the cover-up.

X is actually making the claim that the MURDERER "may have" been "sexually molested" at the "school/church when she was a child."


Do something Constance. By not taking action, you at the very least appear to be agreeing with this nutcase!

Anonymous said...

Utterly, completely amazing that X is attacking the very people that were ATTACKED by this evil, wicked murderer!

X is providing the murderer with a motive, and, an excuse, for her evil actions.

Fine example of the typical, twisted, radical left-wing thought process!

What do you want to bet that Constance doesn't say a word and does absolutely nothing to stop this evil poster?

Anonymous said...

Define "MAGA fascism" you lunatic liar. Go ahead. DEFINE IT!

Anonymous said...

'A New World Order'? The Iran-Russia-China Axis During The Biden Administration

Tehran Times: "Today we are witnessing the formation of a new world order...."


Anonymous said...

If Constance doesn't do something about X, this site should be shut down, as it is serving not much purpose other than to provide a forum in which X is able to spew his anti-God venom, while serving his master Satan.

How many minds has X infected with his Satanic lies, innuendos, and outright slander?

Anonymous said...

Bud Light's under-fire marketing VP 'takes LEAVE OF ABSENCE' after Dylan Mulvaney controversy and 'is replaced by Budweiser executive'

Alissa Heinerscheid, the vice president of marketing for Bud Light, has taken a leave of absence.

Heinerscheid was brought in in June 2022 with a self-declared mission of making the beer less 'fratty', and on April 1 the beer partnered with a trans influencer

The Dylan Mulvaney partnership wiped $6 billion off the value of the company: Heinerscheid has been replaced by Budweiser global marketing VP Todd Allen


Anonymous said...

Sad that Constance largely agrees with X.

They are of the same evil spirit.

Beware of the not so hidden dangers of the Leftist Idolatrous Luciferian Cumbey Death Cult.

Anonymous said...

Satan made damn sure he infiltrated the 'lesser of two evils' Republican party. Very telling that satan infiltrators are the ONLY 'republicans'(RINOS), that Cumbey can tolerate!

Whose Side Are They On? Republican Senators Help Dems Advance Biden's Judicial Nominees


We know full well whose side Constance is on.

Anonymous said...

The Tennessee shooter's motivations are what they are or were what they were. My speculation isn't baseless and is certainly LESS baseless than 10:27 am who, with no evidence, presumes the FBI is hiding a "transgender manifesto".

Here's the website discussing the old sexual assault allegation at Covenant Church/School...


I have been clear I have no idea if the shooter was actually a victim of sexual improprieties at Covenant church/school but the timetables do add up and such facts would be consistent with her emotional disturbance, mental illness, and even her trangenderism. Her autism would have made her an easy target for an admitted pedophile who was there when she was a child.

Such occurrences do not justify or rationalize her murderous behavior in any way. Just as her struggles mentally do not take away from the fact it's unfortunate and just stupid she had such easy access to assault rifles.


Anonymous said...

Biden ONLY appoints PC, corrupt, perverted freaks. Nothing from the Synagogue of Satan on that!

Fellow cesspool swimmers, that's why!

Anonymous said...

She could have done the same amount of damage with a pistol, or even a knife dr X.

Anonymous said...

Utah State Senator's Home Vandalized Over Law Banning Child Sex Surgeries


Anonymous said...

...The cult of personality is the defining characteristic of fascism and the MAGA movement. Adolf Hitler posed, not as an elected leader, but as the embodiment of the collective will who knew best what his people needed. He scorned elections asserting his rise to power as de facto justification for the right to hold it indefinitely. “One people, one realm, one leader,” Hitler proclaimed.

Donald Trump has the same faith in his destiny and supreme self-confidence in his unique ability to rule. “I am your voice,” he told the Republican convention in 2016. “I alone can fix it. I will restore law and order.”

Fascism and MAGA ideology also share the same faith in big lies. Dictators and demagogues recognize no objectively verifiable facts. Truth is what they declare it to be. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it,” Nazi propaganda minister Josef Goebbels declared, “people will eventually come to believe it.” Hitler claimed that Germany did not lose the First World War but had been “stabbed in the back” by Jews, Marxists and corrupt politicians. Trump insists he did not lose the 2020 election. Approximately 70 percent of Republicans believe him.

Both movements are racist and xenophobic. The Nazis envisioned a Volksgemeinschaft, or “national community,” comprised of pure Aryan Germans. Everyone else was an alien unworthy of citizenship. Jews, Roma and others ethnic minorities had to be expelled or exterminated. The Nazis designated the disabled and mentally ill as “life unworthy of living” or “useless eaters” and systematically murdered them. They labeled gay people as degenerates and sent them to concentration camps.

MAGA espouses a narrow definition of American identity. It insists the United States has always been and must remain a Christian nation. While some members of the movement openly embrace white supremacy, others use coded racism, railing against the unfair advantage affirmative action affords people of color.

Trump has his own list of undesirables. He characterized migrants from Mexico as criminals, rapists and even “animals.” During his campaign for president, he called for a “complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States,” claimed without evidence that Arab Americans in New Jersey cheered as the towers fell on 9/11, and supported surveillance of mosques. He signed an executive order banning travel from seven predominantly Muslim countries for 90 days and suspending resettlement of Syrian refugees. He opposed extending civil rights protection to LGBTQ+ people...

Source: Biden was right: MAGA ideology is fascism


Anonymous said...

Same source:

When it comes to antisemitism, MAGA has taken a page directly from the Nazi playbook. In 2016, Trump tweeted an image of Hilary Clinton against a background of $100 bills with the phrase “most corrupt candidate ever” framed by a star of David. When white supremacists at the Unite the Right Rally chanting “Jews will not replace us” clashed with protestors, Trump said there were “very fine people on both sides.”

Fascism and MAGA ideology oppose freedom of information and ideas. The Nazis banned a free press and burned books. They provided people with cheap radio sets dubbed the “Goebbels snout” so they could listen to government-controlled stations, which played music as well as propaganda, but banned jazz, which was deemed the product of a “degenerate” race.

Trump repeatedly dismisses unfavorable coverage as “fake news” and has called the media the “true enemy of the people.” His followers seek to restrict school curriculums. Sixteen states have laws prohibiting critical race theory. Local school boards have imposed similar bans. Other laws limit or prohibit sex education and discussion of gender identity and sexual orientation.

An Indiana bill stipulates students “must receive instruction that socialism, Marxism, communism, totalitarianism, or similar political systems are incompatible with and in conflict with the principles of freedom upon which the United States was founded.” MAGA thought control extends to banning books with “objectionable” content from libraries.

Violence was stock-in-trade for fascists. During his rise to power, Hitler relied on the Sturmabteilung [assault division]. Nicknamed “brownshirts” based on their distinctive uniforms, these thugs intimidated opponents. After he became chancellor, Hitler unleashed a reign of terror. On the Night of the Long Knives, Hitler eliminated his rivals, including Ernst Rohm, a founder of the Nazi party. Then there was Kristallnacht [night of the broken glass], the pogrom against German Jews that began the Holocaust.

The MAGA movement is no stranger to violence. Extremist groups like the Oath Keepers, the Three Percenters and the Proud Boys have been among Trump’s staunchest supporters. Several group members have been indicted for their part in the Jan. 6 insurrection. Trump himself has been careful not to openly incite violence, but the Proud Boys took his admonition to “stand back and standby” as a call to arms....

Anonymous said...

Same source and I agree:

Not all MAGA supporters are fascists, but the movement’s ideology certainly is.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps Constance doesn't care about this blog anymore because the readership is so low?

Based upon the very small number of commenters, I can't imagine it's higher than a couple of dozen.

Anonymous said...

Equating Make America Great Again with Nazism is outrageous.

X just keeps doubling down on his evil lies. In the end X, you'll pay your dues
to your master, Satan, and it won't be pretty.

You need to repent and humbly seek the true Christ of the Bible, and not the counterfeit that you obviously believe in.

Anonymous said...

Wow X! You sure make Trump out to be a much better person than President Biden, who was installed to destroy. Thank You!

It is always the lesser of two evils! The kingdoms of this world are not currently the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ.

Kinda sucks that O'Biden is the worst president in our history. Both Obama and Biden are not legally qualified to be President. Obama on the fact he was born in Kenya, and Biden in that he is a member of a felonious crime family, and that he was installed instead of elected.

Anonymous said...

Not very chivalrous

Rich Peterson - Medford said...

@12:27 There is a perfect illustration of fascism on this blog;

“If Constance doesn't do something about X, this site should be shut down…”

Like it or not, I'm not going to censor political speech on this site. X can post and others are free to answer. It is the protection of free speech rights; you know, that dirty little thing guaranteed by the US Constitution.

I don't like big tech's censorship. I'm not going to do that to people on this blog over another poster's tantrum.

Anonymous said...

Rich Peterson - Medford, Thank you!

Anonymous said...


X, as much as I don't care for his posts, by his material or tone, are his free speech right.
If people don't like this blog's content or people's comments they are free to leave.

Anonymous said...

Welcome To The Great Spiritual War Of Our Time

A pagan cult of communists, perverts & pedophiles is trying to replace the dominant religion of the West by EMERALD ROBINSON

If you’ve been paying even the slightest attention to the rapid decline of the United States in the last three years then you know that what you are witnessing is not just a political battle — not just a cultural conflict between conservatives and liberals if you prefer those terms — but a great spiritual war that now threatens the continued existence of western civilization itself.

The side of evil should now be obvious to everyone. The perverts, pedophiles, abortion fanatics, and Chinese communist party officials are all on the same grotesque side. It’s the side of the woke and the queer theorists.

It’s the side of the Democrat Party in America and the communist Left all around the world.

This is the axis of evil that I call the Rainbow Jihad.

The Rainbow Jihad is not trying to purify or improve Christianity. It’s a pagan cult that’s trying to replace the dominant religion of the West.

There should be no confusion on that point anymore — least of all from the complacent Christian majority in America whose moral cowardice has led to this crisis in our civilization.

The Nashville killer Audrey Hale was not confused. She knew which side she was fighting for. She murdered Christian children for a reason — the Christians were her enemies. That’s why she left a manifesto rather than a suicide note.

The Christian majority in America must come to terms with their adversaries now. There’s a reason that every week there seems to be another iconic brand putting a transvestite or a drag queen in its advertising as if it’s perfectly normal.

Anonymous said...

part 2
There’s a reason that the now famous transvestite Dylan Mulvaney was hosted at the White House by Joe Biden earlier this year.

The evil of the Rainbow Jihad starts right at the top in America now. It goes all the way to the White House.

That’s why transvestites are four-star admirals and gay Satanists are made health officials now by a man pretending to be Catholic.

The evil has spread far beyond America too.

Just last week a United Nations report was released which called for drug use to be criminalized — as well as sexual activity between adults and minors.

That’s right: our corrupt elites want pedophilia to be accepted as a basic part of international human rights.

The Rainbow Jihad which is pushing to normalize these evils in our churches and schools is conducting a worldwide campaign which pretends to be about your civil rights — but only evil people care about equality and fairness for pimps and pedophiles and drug cartels.

In other words: they are waging a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion campaign for the damned.

The Rainbow Jihad is not an accidental coalition of political groups and cultural forces. There’s a common unity between these people — and the unity is their shared hatred of God. That’s why this evil movement seems to be communist and sexually perverted and Satanic all at the same time.

If you are still wondering why America has reached this abyss so quickly, you are not alone. There’s a few things that conservative Christians and Republican voters need to hear. The old libertarian philosophy of the GOP that we embraced for years — summarized in the phrase “live and let live” — is the moral catastrophe that has allowed America to be turned into Sodom and Gomorrah.

You didn’t want to be called a bigot so you accepted gay marriage.

You wanted to be tolerant.

You wanted to be inclusive.

And that’s why, now, you’re being conquered.

If you do not affirm their lifestyle, if you don’t agree that boys can be girls and girls can be boys then the Rainbow Jihad has no problem killing you. Or getting you fired from your job. Or grooming your kids in public school.

The list goes on and on.

They’re fanatics, and you will be forced to bow down to the Pride Flag or else. They do not believe in leaving you alone. They want to win — and they are prepared to burn our civilization to the ground for their pagan cult.

The question now is: will you fight for your God as well?

We are about to find out.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lol. Emerald Robinson is so whacko alt-right she was even fired by newsmaxx.

She’s now working for new age heretics over at lindellTV…. Seriously.

She and her ilk are a much bigger threat to western civilization & Christianity than anyone else.

Nice try at propagandizing fear & hatred though.


Anonymous said...

Actually X, you and your liberal ilk are a much bigger threat to western civilization & Christianity than Emerald Robinson. Your easy believism, ultra left wing worldly mind is the poison in the church today!

You need to come out of Babylon X, not jump in bed with it!

Anonymous said...

150 Dead Canadian Doctors Since Rollout – the CMA Doesn’t Give a Hoot

April 23, 2023

We’ve just reached 150 Canadian doctor sudden deaths since COVID-19 vaccines rolled out on Dec.14, 2020.

Canadian Medical Association, which continues to push the toxic Pfizer and Moderna mRNA jabs on its own doctor members, has chosen to mark this milestone with a full page Pfizer ad on the back cover of its April 2023 issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal, presumably in exchange for a few pieces of silver.

More here: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/150-dead-canadian-doctors-since-rollout-the-cma-doesnt-give-a-hoot/

Anonymous said...

More insane, Satanic attacks from X. Now, he attacks the character of Emerald Robinson, a Christian that was the White House correspondent for NewsMax, a site that pretends to be 'conservative.' She was fired by NewsMax for telling the truth about the dangers of the COVID 19 vaccines. NewsMax is owned and operated by Christopher Ruddy, close personal friend of the Clintons.

Anonymous said...

Regarding x's post at 2:11 AM.

He is actually claiming that CHRISTIANS like Emerald Robinson are more of a threat than what Robinson states in her column:

"The side of evil should now be obvious to everyone. The perverts, pedophiles, abortion fanatics, and Chinese communist party officials are all on the same grotesque side. It’s the side of the woke and the queer theorists."

READ THE ARTICLE posted at 10:57 & 10:57 PM. This represents the antithesis of what x believes in, and, represents. X hates righteousness and is siding with evil.

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." 2 Timothy 3:1-5

It's been said that x serves Satan. Who can realistically argue against that, being that he so consistently sides with evil?

Anonymous said...

"Entire Downtown Is Effectively Dead:" Baltimore City Descends Further Into Turmoil

Downtown Baltimore is plagued with shootings, carjackings, muggings, and out-of-control- packs of teenagers wreaking havoc(VIDEO)

Baltimore residents can thank five decades of Democrat politicians for mismanaging this once-thriving town.


Anonymous said...

12:29 PM

You cannot state what you stated about X, without applying at least a sizable measure of that same accusation onto Constance Cumbey.

She largely agrees with X, except for the Catholic bashing of X's.

Constance never hesitated stating her disagreement with RayB, and if I'm remembering correctly, even Craig, etc. NEVER from her, a correction, or disagreement with X. Rather, she actually gave X a thinly veiled shout out!!!

To me, what you stated about X, applies to Constance as well.

Anonymous said...

12:36 PM

I'm sure Linda will appreciate you posting more evidence to support the fact that the Amish are behind America's massive crime wave.

Quite a few years ago, I recall my wife & I having lunch in the harbor area, which was back then, very quaint and safe. You couldn't pay me to go there now.

This is what happens when the loonie left Democrats gain control. Nothings left but chaos, death and destruction.

Anonymous said...

Just look at the utter mess the Democrats have created in these formerly great American cities:




Washington, DC








San Fransisco


New York

New Orleans

The list of Democrat run failures goes on and on.

Anonymous said...

New York's Democrat Mayor Says Migrant Crisis Has 'Destroyed' The City, Biden Admin Has 'Turned Back'

(But wait. Biden claims the border is much better than when Trump was POTUS. Silly fact: 100,000 Americans are dying yearly due to Chinese Fentanyl)

The Mayor of New York City says that the illegal immigration crisis has 'destroyed' his city, and noted that the Biden administration has done nothing to help deal with the problem they created.


But hey, at least Biden isn't a "Dictator that plans on using firing squads and guillotines against his political enemies" as Constance has informed us.

Anonymous said...

"The game has been rigged for a long time."


PS dude I LOL every morning at your anti-x posts. Steel on Steel

Anonymous said...

Mueller "Pitbull" Andrew Weissman Believes FOX Should Be Under Government Control


Anonymous said...

Flaming New Ager, Russell Brand, warns of Aspen Institute working to control Mainstream Media content, and therefore the desired narrative!

The same Mainstream Media that New Age/Anti-New Age Cumbey, trusts for her personal reality!!!

"it's a mixed up jumbled up shook up world" - The Kinks


Anonymous said...

As x trashes the conservative Christian Emerald Robinson, this is what x supports:

Ocasio-Cortez: Republican Party Attempting ‘Roll Back of Civil Liberties’ for Women, LGBTQ Americans

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said, “I think we are in a extremely serious moment. I believe that the Republican Party is not starting at Roe. They will not stop at Roe. They will not stop at women’s rights.”

She added, “I believe what we are seeing is a concerted roll back of civil liberties in general. Our right to privacy, our right to bodily autonomy, all right to marry whomever we wish to marry, all of this is at risk. I don’t think they will stop.”

Anonymous said...

12:46 PM

Do you really think Constance Cumbey is as bad as X? Don't you think that might be taking it too far? Linda might be as whacked out as X, but Constance? I'm not so sure on that one.

Anonymous said...

Absent recent repentance, Emerald Robinson is surely no Christian.

She was raised a Pentecostal, apparently making her susceptible to many heresies including dominion , word of faith and/or new age rebellion theologies (a different Gospel).

It’s Sunday. Why weren’t you all in Church instead of attacking Christians like me?


Anonymous said...

x is a christian?

If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?
1 John 4:20

Anonymous said...

Clearly, x supports iniquity, proven by his attack upon, not only the words of Emerald Robinson, but upon her character as well. X repeatedly judges people by their associations, etc. Only God can look upon the heart, yet x pretends to have this ability. Not only that, he continues to judge everyone. He'll be judged by the very same standard that he is using to judge others.

If he doesn't repent, and in sincere humility and, while in a state of FEAR, seek the true Christ of the Scriptures, he's going to be in for a very big surprise:

"And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Matthew 7:23

Anonymous said...

On the General Baptist Church website, they state that they: Believe in a general atonement that ANYONE who is willing to trust in Jesus as Savior may be saved.

Perhaps the General Baptists didn't know, when X slithered into the fold, that X has the power to look into people's hearts?

I hope X's judgement of Emerald Robinson is incorrect! She seems like a sweet lady.

Anonymous said...

Bush, Obama, And Clinton Partner With Corporations, and Soros-Funded NGO To Fly Migrants Into US Interior


Anonymous said...

Read her Twitter feed. Your words condemn her, not me.

She essentially claims everyone that’s not a rebellious Maga qanon warrior is a heretic.


Anonymous said...

LIAR ! When will you ever stop lying?

Anonymous said...

Search her Twitter feed for the word “heretic” and you’ll get a big list of tweets by Emerald calling everyone from Andy Stanley to the Pope.

In 2019 she tweeted: “Pope Francis has brought the Catholic Church to the very edge. If the interview the Pope gave to Scalfari is accurate, then he's a heretic & must be removed. If it's false then his refusal to denounce it is schismatic. Either way: Francis is fallible.”

I don’t disagree with her much there. But in February she tweeted the whole (everybody) in the Episcopal, Church of England, Methodist, Presbyterian and Lutheran churches are all heretics.

She said: “The Church of England has fallen into heresy. The Episcopal church has fallen into heresy. The Presbyterian church has fallen into heresy. The Methodist church has fallen into heresy. The Lutheran church has fallen into heresy.“

It’s not discernment, it’s rebellion and an attack on Protestant institutions by a heretic, Emerald Robinson who has bought the destructive hate message of Opus Dei and the Family via alt right media (who fired her for being too far right and murderous with covid disinformation).

Pray for her repentance.

If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?
1 John 4:20


Anonymous said...

"murderous with covid disinformation" said fake dr X.

X never tires of being a liar when it comes to almost everything!

All the "covid disinformation" X, came from the fake media, and their dear puppet, and mass murderer dr Fauci.

How guilty of murder will your quasi cult Baptist church be, when the misinformed congregants take the Mark of the Beast because of the pre-trib lie they swallowed?

The only murderers here X, are you and your leader here!

Anonymous said...

Isaiah 8:12-13
English Standard Version

12 “Do not call conspiracy all that this people calls conspiracy, and do not fear what they fear, nor be in dread. 13 But the Lord of hosts, him you shall honor as holy. Let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.

Anonymous said...

But Hillary said there is a vast Right Wing Conspiracy. And the Clintons never lie!


Anonymous said...

Feds Now Eyeing Multiple Felony Charges Against Hunter Biden: IRS Whistleblower Story Grows Legs


Anonymous said...

When X speaks about 'rights' for the LGBTQ+ crowd, this is what HE is supporting:

42-Year-Old ‘Transgender’ Dressed as A Schoolgirl Arrested After Taking Photos of Girls in School Restroom (VIDEO)

A 42-year-old man, who allegedly identified as transgender, was arrested by police in Peru after he was caught dressing as a school girl and filming inside the school’s female restroom.

The incident took place at the ‘Rosa de América women’s college in the city of Huancayo, Peru.

The suspect was identified as Walter César Solís Caler.

AND, it's happening every single day in good old USA!

Anonymous said...

12:22 AM
As usual you are clear as mud.

Nobody (meaning nobody) is more compromised than you are. The list is very short of other bottom feeders such as yourself having less discernment than you.

So woke and loveless you have nothing to identify you as a believer in Christ.
You can't get away with trying to straddle between the Bible and Tranny politics. Stand with the Bible or shut up pretending you are for the Gospel. This is simple, Jethro.

You prove by your own words that you are pure a$$ globalist woke Pharisee troll.
End of discussion.

Anonymous said...

Tucker Carlson out at Fox News! His lies have caught up with him! Who will be next?

Anonymous said...

Fox been outfoxed. They lose. Tucker kept them afloat. Others will have to ditch this ship.
Now they sink with Communist News Network and MMessNBC.
Love it!

Anonymous said...

10:39 am

When have I ever advocated for LGBTQ+ rights?

Or "tranny" politics?

So weird how so many here try to put my conservative Christian anti-maga white nationalism beliefs in a box.

I guess thats how you fail to recognize that it was a republican dominated supreme court that overturned Clinton's Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and opened the floodgates for gay marriage in the United States. The GOP is so "woke"...too.

I hate all sorts of extramarital sexual sin, I'm just not a hypocrite who picks and chooses which extramarital sexual sinning persons to not love more than others. My fight is against the principalities of darkness, not individual sinners (which would be EVERYBODY).


Anonymous said...

Again, I challenge everyone to READ the brief article by Christian journalist Emerald Robinson (posted above at 10:57 & 10:58 PM)

After reading it, ponder what this evil man x had to say about it. Realize this: IF you agree with Robinson's article, evil x claims that YOU are a THREAT to Western Civilization and Christianity!!! Here's what this nut job had to say:

"Lol. Emerald Robinson is so whacko alt-right she was even fired by newsmaxx.

She’s now working for new age heretics over at lindellTV…. Seriously.

She and her ilk are a much bigger threat to western civilization & Christianity than anyone else.

Nice try at propagandizing fear & hatred though."


2:11 AM

Anonymous said...

Jethro? Now that's pretentious!

Anonymous said...

1:42 PM. Steel on Steel another QAnon infiltrator ... No one pays any attention to that here.

Anonymous said...


I read Emerald Robinsons nonsense article again and stand by my assessment. How any Christian can read that as Christian just baffles my mind. At the very least all Christians can acknowledge she's a false teacher.

1. She's speculating about Audrey Hale's manifesto and intentions. I don't deny Ms. Hale's actions were inexcusable, criminal and evil...but whether she had a political trans agenda and specifically targeted Christians based upon ideology is still very debatable. Until we see the "manifesto" it's all speculation and certainly not an excuse to start killing people.

2. She lied about the UN report.

UN report did not call for decriminalizing sex between adults and minors


3. She lied about the UN wanting to criminalize drugs.

4. The Rainbow Jihad is a made-up buzz word or personal catchphrase, there is no monolith coalition comprised of all those particular sinners. That's not to say there aren't political individuals within all those groups that are certainly toxic and non-tolerant but many of the actual people just want to be left alone, like any libertarian.

5. She admits she's against libertarianism --- making HER the fascist that seeks to take away and subjugate others

6. Killing others, as she seems to be suggesting over a propagandized illogical fear they are actively seeking to kill you is not Godly or fighting for God.

7. Such unGodly hateful behavior by these heretics, like Ms Robinson which is now directed only at marginalized "others" is what may actually bring the sinners together politically to hate & kill us real Christian.

8. There are just as many, if not more, perverts and pedophiles in the GOP as the Democrats. "Communists" is a leftover meaningless "4th generation" warfare label. There are far more maga qanon white supremecist fascist persons in the US right now versus a handful of Communists.

9. Finally, please notice that at no time does Ms. Robinson share or even allude to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She promotes killing/destroying sinners as the only way versus saving them.


Anonymous said...

More lies from the pit of Hell.

I ask again: what is the purpose of this blog? Why does Constance Cumbey allow such rubbish to be published, without any challenge by her whatsoever? Is it really because she is in agreement with this nutcase?

Anonymous said...

Does Constance stand with x on this?

He states regarding the Christian journalist Emerald Robinson:

"Finally, please notice that at no time does Ms. Robinson share or even allude to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She promotes killing/destroying sinners as the only way versus saving them."


Keep serving Satan x, but know this; your payment will be your soul, and he always collects.

Anonymous said...

Constance is busy with research is my speculation.

Some good links still get posted sometimes, but what
takes up the most space is X the sower of discord and disinfo,
while some others are trying too hard (and failing) to get him to get a clue.
Let him rot.

So the comments section is infested and not worth this blog owner's time really.

X badly needs a woke echo chamber here,
day and night vying for attention, so come to think of it,
this blog isn't worth our time either.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately genetic tampering might decide the election outcome (brain fog) - :

Like Tucker Carlson sez: "some larger force acting upon us"

Hmm, Kennedy & Carlson ( - :

Anonymous said...

In the article you posted heretic Emerald concluded by saying:

“If you do not affirm their lifestyle, if you don’t agree that boys can be girls and girls can be boys then the Rainbow Jihad has no problem killing you. Or getting you fired from your job. Or grooming your kids in public school.

The list goes on and on.

They’re fanatics, and you will be forced to bow down to the Pride Flag or else. They do not believe in leaving you alone. They want to win — and they are prepared to burn our civilization to the ground for their pagan cult.

The question now is: will you fight for your God as well?

We are about to find out.”

“Will you fight for your God AS WELL” clearly implies and encourages her sycophants to kill or be killed…just as the rainbow jihad have no problem doing. What she claims they do, u should do OR you are a heretic.

It’s not much different than other rebellion theology dominionist false teachers like Lance Wallnau has been saying behind closed doors for years while preaching another Jesus.

Barbara Max Hubbard would be so proud of her too.


Anonymous said...

10:10 pm

Doesn’t it get old just baselessly calling me a liar? Why waste your breath?

I’m not perfect and I may make mistakes or misstatements here and I welcome correction and/or debate but it’s only effective and/or warranted with some evidence.

Maybe you could at least identify what exactly u claim to be a lie?


Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 10:10 PM

The purpose of Mrs. Cumbey's blog is not to tickle your ears and please her viewers for more advertising dollars. If that's what you want, you can go to wherever Tucker Carlson goes.

Anonymous said...

The Babylon Bee says Tucker is moving to ... The View!

Anonymous said...

Tucker Carlson is leaving Fox — will veiled antisemitism and the Great Replacement Theory go with him?


Anonymous said...

11:10 PM

I'm sure Mrs Cumbey isn't so busy with research that she couldn't monitor her blog to some degree.

She was not too busy to critique(euphemism) conservative christians here that she disagreed with. So that being said, poster X, is the person she is most in agreement with! She even stated so.

The fact is, Constance is a stubborn Pharirese, with pretensions to superior sanctity. That's why she doesn't answer questions directed at her from posters she thinks are beneath her. I grew up with jewish neighbors. A couple from Israel with a daughter. The wife and daughter were friendly, but if you said good morning to the husband he would look straight ahead and not speak. My mother asked the wife why her husband never acknowledged us, and she said her husband never spoke to people he felt were beneath him! I now live north of NYC, and these people are largely the very same people that Y'shua rebuked! With exceptions of course.

How can Mrs Cumbey support Nazi Zelensky, and war? There is nothing Christian in supporting war! Especially one instigated by the U.S.. How can Constance call herself a Republican when there are no REAL Republicans she likes? She only likes the cesspool swimmers like Cheeney, and Kinzinger! They are Globalist filth! How can Constance claim to be anti New Age, when she willy nilly lined up for the New Age, population reduction Death Shot? She is a complete fraud, and no one should pay any attention to her whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said "Constance is busy with research is my speculation."

I agree. Constance doesn't have the time to waste on disputing x's crazy claims, which doesn't mean at all that she agrees with his crazy claims.

My guess is that she is working very hard in an attempt to find "evidence" to back up her claim that Trump will be a "Dictator" if elected, and will have "firing squads" and "Guillotines" in place in order to deal with his "political enemies."

I heard a rumor that Trump is thinking about growing a funny little mustache. Constance, please research and verify. Keep us posted regarding this very important development.

Anonymous said...

Another twisted, convoluted, post by poster x, full of lies and stretches of his warped imagination. Nowhere does Emerald Robinson even remotely imply that we should use violence against the LGBTQ+ crowd. Yet, evil x does his evil best to pin that on her.

Scripture warned us that in the last days, one of the many signs would be the proliferation of "FALSE ACCUSERS." Poster x is doing his best to help fulfill that prophecy.

Anonymous said...

Why Would Constance be against Dictators? Why would she dispute X?

Constance supports Dictators. Especially if they are anti-christian.

Constance will never dispute X. X is her comrade.

X has a Doctorate that he can't tell you about. He also runs two businesses that he can't tell you about!

They are both frauds, and deserve no audience.

All you who worship The Cumbey Cult leader are idolaters. You properly call out X, while giving Cumbey a pass. That is as hypocritical as you can get. If anything X edges out Cumbey as X understands the Catholic 'church' is a cult. I never saw X say the Muslims "worship the same God as Christians"! Constance stated that, and has never repented.

Beware the not so hidden dangers of the Warmongering Idolatrous Cumbey Death Cult!

Anonymous said...

For adults, does running a kool aid stand and a lemonade stand really qualify for running two businesses? I'm not so sure.

Poster x has a Doctorate degree? In what may I ask?

Anonymous said...

Did Constance Cumbey (that Constance) actually say that Muslims "worship the same God as Christians"! Constance stated that, and has never repented.


Anonymous said...

10:35 AM

Then ask Constance if she stated that? She if she gets back to you on that.

Keep me posted!

Anonymous said...

It's official: Joe Biden is running for another term. Fails to list a single accomplishment, lies again about Republicans wanting to take away Social Security and Medicare. Kamala Harris on ticket. Constance Cumbey's endorsement to be announced shortly.

Anonymous said...

Dear Constance Cumbey,

Did you ever say that Muslims and Christians worship the same God?

The Bible claims that there is no other "way" other than through Christ. Muslims reject Christ as the Son of God. Please clarify your position.

Thank you.

I'm sure an answer will be forthcoming.

Anonymous said...

While x trashes Christian journalist Emerald Robinson, in contrast, this is what x supports (video):

Trans Activist Threatens Gun Violence If Denied Woman’s Bathroom (video)


If you back an animal into a corner, they become a dangerous animal. So if you want to die on this hill of yours, of righteousness and moral majority, then you go right ahead. I dare you to try and stop me from going into a women’s bathroom. It will be the last mistake you ever make. I dare you to try and stop a transgender woman in my presence from using the bathroom. It will be the last mistake you ever make. This is a call to action and call to arms to everybody within the United States that are scared, worried, have children that are transgender, lesbian, bi, or gay…. This is a call to action. You need to arm up. Plain and simple, go out and buy a gun. Learn how to use it, efficiently. Through and through. Because the time to act is now. You need to protect yourself and you need to protect your fellow transgender…. There are lots of people like me who are not afraid to die. I love my girlfriends to death, but I would rather die for them to secure their safety, freedom, and future than to live and not have anything done.

Anonymous said...


So violent rhetoric is only wrong when a trans minority activist uses it?

She’s not saying much different than Emerald and other white nationalist gun advocates pseudo-Christian fascist have been saying for awhile now.

She is legally allowed to arm herself and defend herself were someone to put their hands on her illegally to remove her from anywhere she is legally allowed to be (within the law whatever those laws happen to be in that jusisdiction).

Despite your claims, as a Christian I don’t support the violent rhetoric from either of them (Ms Robinson or this trans activist). Such violent rhetoric doesn’t necessarily lead to actual violence, but it’s a step in that direction. The one proclaiming to be a Christian appears to me to be is more hypocritical, offensive and harmful to the Gospel. Luciferians like both those women love to draw others down into the mud with them.


PS - Mrs Cumbey is elderly and suffering several infirmities. From what she’s said here the last year or so she struggles to see making reading here and keeping up difficult. When she has responded it’s to new posts and topics generally and maybe the first page of comments. There’s a good chance she hasn’t read 10% of what I’ve posted here the last couple years. I do not believe her silence implies agreement with me or anyone here. I also think the luciferians here are aware of this and merely attempting to find creative ways to continue marginalize her blog they have steered towards Maga lies for years instead of exposing the right wing of the new age.

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