Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Merry Christmas, Offered Radio Opportunity, What a year it has been - health, events, and otherwise!

Update:  The FINAL REPORT of the January 6 Congressional Committee has been released and is available for free download.  Click here to obtain a copy.

 It's hard for me to believe that Christmas is almost here again.  The last year has gone so fast for me.  When you are one, a year is the totality of your life and a year seems like a very, very long time.  When you are my age, it seems like a relatively small percentage of same.  I'm not into Einstein, but it does seem to illustrate one of his maxims -- everything is relative!

This year was very eventful for my health.  I was diagnosed with a severe colon-stomach infection and also with an atrial fibrillation heart condition.  I am doing much better now, but I'm still not fully out of the woods on the colon issues.  Neither tubes through my middle nor colon resectioning are acceptable alternatives for me.  The heart condition is being treated with moderate medications.

I have started many writing projects for this blog as obvious BIG events occurred.  Often, I just had to retire for the night before I could finish.  Our Rich of Medford (Rich Peterson) has been a big help.  He too had obstacles in the form of an attempted ransom attack on the firm where he manages the IT functions.  Needless to say, this and weather emergencies that have struck his part of the country have also consumed his writing time.


As most of you probably know, I have done literally thousands of radio and TV interviews  over the past full nearly 42 years (since early 1981) after discovering and starting to warn and report of the New Age Movement and related developments.  After returning to the full tine practice of law and less travel, I did a 13 year radio program for WMUZ-FM radio in Detroit - Southeastern Michigan area.  I had some wonderful opportunities to do exceptional interviews including Demond Wilson (the actor turned minister who had played Lamont Sanford in the long running Sanford and Son series).  Coming from representing a client in the Mt. Pleasant, Michigan area, I spotted a book in the New Age section of a Little Professor Bookstore.  The book was entitled "NEW AGE MILLENNIUM".  Browsing the book, I went to myself -- "this doesn't look like a New Age book -- it looks like an anti-New Age book."  Then I noticed that I was extensively quoted in the book.  I'm human, too.  I went to myself, "obviously the author must be a person of great wisdom and intelligence."  I bought the hard cover book, far more expensive than Hidden Dangers then sold for.  I then stopped in Midland, Michigan to eat dinner and started more extensively perusing the book and its inside jackets.  Then I noticed that it was the famed Sanford and Son actor.  When I arrived home, I sent an email to his publisher and said I would love to talk with him.

Demond Wilson honored me with a 2 hour call the very next day -- his nickel.  He said at the outset, "Constance Cumbey, you've been my hero for years."  We then scheduled the interview he did with LAW TALK, my radio program.

I also interviewed Malachi Martin, Cliff Kincaid, many, many important Detroit political and media figures including United States Senators, State Senators, State Representatives, United States House of Representatives members.  My intention was to expose people to the facts on the New Age Movement and to acquaint prominent Detroiters with the Christian community.  Both attempts were then wildly successful,

In 2007, I undertook an internet radio which lasted for 11 years through 2018.  I noticed looking at theoir website the other day that they still have me listed as a talk show host.  I had some serious disagreements with one of their other hosts -- Mark Koernke who pursued a path of anti-Semitism and militia violence that I could never support.  Neverthless, that also was a fine venue for many years.  

Today I was contacted by Alex Schild of VoiceAmerica networks -- an internet radio network.  He said they were interested in having me do a regular program.  Production costs were about $20,000 a year.  I told him I had always loved doing radio and would probably love it again, but I am now a mostly-retired widow living primarily on Social Security and a small pension from my dear departed husband, Barry MacIntosh, who left this earth a little more than two years ago.

I told him that if he could find sponsorship, I would be happy to try doing the show.  They claim global reach.  I will confess I knew little about it, but his offer seemed sincere and genuine.  He suggested he would try and he also suggested I reach out to my blogspot audience to see if there might be potential sponsors there.  So, I'm doing it here.

Certainly, if I had the program, there is MUCH to report to and educate his audiences.  The World Economic Forum is playing a major role in propagating a "cashless society" and social monitoring programs.  The world has been turned upside down in terms of sexual morality and gender identity.  The New Agers are very much on the march again.  The John Fetxer Institute is one of many major players,.  Lucis Trust reported on their websites (World Goodwill) that the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab, its founder, are a major focus of their meditation groups and the great hope of achieving the agenda laid out in the Alice Bailey books.

Many prominent New Agers have repented of their former involvement and are working to win people to their only true hope -- Jesus Christ.  Such a radio program would give me opportunities to interview them.  Also, I am disturbed about the Qanon cult which has obvious New Age  and Psyop roots that too many Evangelicals seem to be oblivious to.  All of these items and many more need public discussion.

At any rate, pray about it as Rich Peterson and I are also doing.

Merry Christmas to all and STAY TUNED,



«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 389 of 389
Anonymous said...

'I Also Orchestrated It': Uncharged J6 Witness Ray Epps Transcript Released

J said...

Vaccine Skeptics are the True Critical Thinkers
We Overcame the Most Sophisticated Forms of Manipulation

This post is the first in my future series, on how governments and shady non-governmental players psychologically manipulated us during the Covid-19 crisis. In this series, I will highlight various dirty tricks and explain why most people fell for them, one per post.

First, a little personal anecdote.

Richard Thaler is a brilliant behavioral economist, Nobel Prize winner, and a major contributor to the “Nudge Theory”, that provided impetus for the infamous UK “Nudge Unit”. His work on human decision making and cognitive biases was groundbreaking and, in part, helped governments worldwide to hypnotize most people into taking “Covid Vaccines”.

Richard Thaler, around 1999, also taught my favorite class “Decision Making”. He was my favorite professor at the University of Chicago, where I was an MBA student. He taught us a lot about ways that exist to hijack our decision making and how our adversaries use our subconscious biases to make us make wrong decisions — as well as how we can use these manipulations to our own advantage in business.

What I learned in that class was helpful throughout my entire life, affected many investment and business decisions, helped me convert prospects to paying customers, avoid several stockmarket crashes, and much more. This same decision making class possibly saved my life, because it made me able to recognize and resist Covid vaccine propaganda and manipulation. Prof. Thaler ended up on the wrong side of history, supporting Covid vaccine propaganda and the nudge units, but his teachings made me able to recognize manipulation, and resist it.

Thinking about that made me appreciative of people who never took any such class, often had no formal education, and yet they made the right choice instinctively. These people, many of whom are my readers, are worthy of admiration, if for no other reason than remarkable independence of thinking and a clear mind in a very confusing, dangerous, and rapidly shifting situation.

My future posts will go through various psychological manipulation concepts and how they were applied, by shady actors and co-opted governments, and how they affected each of us.

J said...

The Asch Experiment

“All experts agree that the vaccine is safe and effective. ”

That was enough to get most people vaccinated. Except that anyone could ask two questions:

How can I know that all experts agree, if those disagreeing are not allowed to speak up?

How can anyone know that “Covid vaccine” is safe and effective, if no time actually passed to ensure that?

Finally, someone with just a bit of knowledge could also ask a question, “are you sure that it is safe and effective, if no coronavirus vaccine ever worked, and no mRNA product was ever approved”?

The Asch Experiment, conducted by Solomon Asch, found out that most people, when seeing a “consensus” of participants agreeing on something that is fairly obviously false, actually ends up agreeing with those false opinions just because everyone else seems to think so.

The experiment was originally set up with eight persons, only one of whom was an experimental subject, and the rest were actors. These stooges, who the subject thought were other subjects, were all asked the same question, to which they gave an obviously wrong answer. The subject, who did not know he was the only real subject, was to speak up last.

It turned out that subjects of this experiment (it was repeated multiple times), seeing a consensus of seven smartly dressed men, would end up giving the same (obviously incorrect) answer as the stooges. This conformance experiment literally was a clever way to make people hold and express obviously false opinions.

This experiment was repeated many times, and in the most skillfully conducted experiments, they got 62.5% of subjects to agree with obvious nonsense at least once.

Oddly enough, vaccination rate in the US on Sep 1, right before federal vaccine mandates started, was 62.3%. Vaccination was running out of steam, just as Delta was showing that vaccines were not really “effective”.

J said...

It is at this time, on September 2, Richard Thaler concluded that “a nudge is not enough”.

Seeing a slowdown and a dip in confidence, vaccinators realized that they need to do more than mere manipulation with fake “expert opinion”. Vaccine mandates and hate propaganda supplanted “nudges” to drive vaccination forward. That will be discussed in other posts.

We literally lived through a worldwide Asch experiment. Every newspaper, TV station, every YouTube recommended video, kept telling us how the vaccine was “safe and effective” and how “all experts agree”. We were constantly force fed these “expert opinions” nonstop.

Enormous efforts were spent to silence “misinformation”. Why? Because Solomon Asch found out that any expression of disagreement — lack of consensus — immediately kills compliance:

(Image of excerpt from text about Asch experiment)

Regarding mRNA “Covid vaccines”: anyone who would think for a minute, would realize that there was not a way to know for sure that vaccines were safe and effective, simply because not enough time has passed. Similarly, anyone could see that the masterminds behind the lockdowns and vaccinations, the billionaires behind the scenes, and the corrupt governments, all ensured that any dissent would be silenced. Thus, the purported consensus did not, in fact, exist at all.

The minority of people saw through that, decided accordingly, and refused vaccination. Who was that? You, my readers. What made you decide this? I am sure that there were just as many reasons as people here. The main factor is that you all took a few minutes to think about it critically. You were independently minded and decided to think for yourselves.

Was it your general distrust of the government?

Was is your deep knowledge of virology and molecular biology?

Was it your experience with wheeling and dealing, exposure to scams and knowing how con men operate?

Was it your ability to think independently without needing people to agree with you?

Even those who took the shots, and saw the light later, are critical thinkers. What is important is seeing the light — not necessarily the timing of when you saw the light.

To those who survived The Global Asch Experiment, congratulations. Please share what made you hold out, below — Why did you NOT get the shot?

J said...

This can come from any direction, including from somebody who is supposedly "on our side."

It's worth reading again, from my copy and past of Igor Chudov's article:

Richard Thaler, around 1999, also taught my favorite class “Decision Making”. He was my favorite professor at the University of Chicago, where I was an MBA student. He taught us a lot about ways that exist to hijack our decision making and how our adversaries use our subconscious biases to make us make wrong decisions — as well as how we can use these manipulations to our own advantage in business.

Did you get that? "He taught us a lot about ways that exist to hijack our decision making and how our adversaries use our subconscious biases to make us make wrong decisions..."

J said...

The XBB.1.5 Variant Is The Next Big COVID Thing

For the last six months or so, we have had a lot of Covid infections everywhere, and the dominant variant was Omicron Ba.5. This changed recently within about four weeks when a new clade called XBB.1.5 showed up and became the largest circulating variant nearly overnight. Per CDC variant tracker:


In the Northeastern regions of the US, which usually lead with new variants, XBB.1.5 is already fully dominant and comprises 75% of cases:


Hospitalizations, sadly, follow this variant as well. New York hospitalizations are up significantly:


Hospitalizations are also up in Massachusetts, way past summer levels:


Cases are up also, per MA wastewater report for Boston:


Note that, coincidentally, US Northeast is a very highly vaccinated region - and yet it is home to another outbreak that is already outstripping the Ba.5 wave. Another victory of safe and effective COVID vaccines! (just kidding)

The officials did not expect this surge, but it is here:


XBB.1.5 is an offshoot of Ba.2
XBB variant is an offshoot of Ba.2, which went through the USA this spring and has now returned.


J said...

Despite promises of “miltilayered hybrid immunity” from vaccinations and multiple reinfections, there is no immunity in sight. This is already the seventh wave of Covid in New York.

The chart below shows that XBB.1.5 is the sneakiest variant ever to evade vaccinated immunity (an oxymoron by now). It also has a great affinity to ACE2, so very likely it will be able to infect the lungs and the cardiovascular system with worse outcomes than previous Omicron variants.


Overall, it feels like we are entering another major Covid wave. It will prove worse than last summer’s wave, and the most frustrating part here is that Covid is not going away.

The authorities are predictable:

(Image with headline of Eric Adams advising New Yorkers to mask up)

New York is experiencing its seventh wave of Covid, despite (and actually because of) its draconian COVID vaccination mandates that created a perfect breeding ground of people who cannot develop immunity to Covid, reinfecting each other.

Soon XBB.1.5 will be coming to a neighborhood near you.

Some of you would say, who cares, it is just a cold. If Covid was mild for you, congratulations. It was relatively mild for me, also. However, it was not just a cold for many people I know personally, and it was not just a cold for many of my subscribers, also. This was also serious to this Twitter user:

(Twitter image of somebody who said he was on his fourth booster and had COVID three times already, feeling very ill the third time, in spite of mild illness the second time.)

If I could suggest how to stay healthy, it would be to get exercise, get some sunlight if possible, take reasonable vitamins, and stock up on proper Covid medications in advance. This is all that we can do.

Any other health suggestions?

If any of your associates had Covid recently, how did it go? Is Ivermectin still useful?

Please share your experience but be mindful of people’s privacy!

Anonymous said...

"hijack our decision making and how our adversaries use our subconscious biases to make us make wrong decisions"

Right out of the Garden of Eden! Our Luciferian handlers, who are concerned for our well being!

"Why did you not get the shot?"

My subconscious bias was not run over by Luciferian dogma. Ever since I came to know Y'shua at age 6 He has given me understanding. Since that early age I always distrusted Western Medicine. Thank You Lord!

One ingredient in the phony vaxx that I read was 'Blue Monkey DNA'! I had only heard of Green Monkey being associated with the so-called origin of AIDS. But this said Blue Monkey DNA? Why would I want that DNA, and subatomic aborted baby DNA in my God designed body? Should this have needed to be considered by anyone professing Christ? I'm not saying I am holier than any other person professing Christ, but to me, it was an immediate decision.

The magnitude of the well orchestrated fear campaign around the virus, and the Orwellian police state punishments directed at discenters should have alerted anyone to the dangers of compliance. It is a population reduction scheme.

Anonymous said...


Such "hijacking" of decision making is being done by the anti-vaxxers.

Who is supposedly writing these stories as a former MBA student at the University of Chicago (interestingly an opus dei breeding ground)

I guess Igor Chudov did attend UC for his MBA and graduated in 2000. I don't see how a mathematician with an MBA in Business qualifies him as some vaccine expert or government conspiracy expert but maybe his experience moving machinery around Chicago as a rigger taught him a thing or two?

These people just make crap up.

Maybe had everyone got vaccinated we wouldn't be having these waves upon waves of new variants. Further absent the vaccines, the Delta variant would have killed millions more Americans.


p.s. - you may consider yourself a swindler, but I don't. I make my living honestly and pay my taxes. We aren't all "grifters" like Igor Chudov, Trump, DeSantis, Jim Hoft, etc who lie, cheat, scapegoat, blameshift, disinform and kill others for profit and/or power while serving Lucifer.

Anonymous said...

10:50 am

Sounds like an AI bot generated comment again.

"blue monkey dna" -- hilarious

Some monkey cells were used to isolate the virus for vaccine development; but such was never cells were never used or included in the final product of any widely distributed covid vaccine that I'm aware of. Maybe you read such on Igor's cute little fabricated MBA blog?

Same thing for aborted fetus --- Pjizer and Moderna were tested on a line of aborted fetus, not unlike just about every over the counter medicine and cosmedic product manafactured in the last 20 years has been to test for human sensitivity and cellular reaction (so things don't touch us and kill us or cause massive adverse events --- it's a simple toxicity test), but the final Pjizer and Moderna vaccines did not contain aborted fetuses.


J said...

X 11:48 AM,

Well, I don't make any money. So there.

Anonymous said...

12:12 pm

If everyone's a grifter to some extent you must grift for the home?

I joke.

Have a blessed day and New Years. I'm out.


J said...

Unacceptable Jessica (her pen name on Substack) has gone through an Immunology degree program. One one hand, she's not a doctor. On the other hand, she has nothing to lose.

The immunological mechanism of action for lost immunity, a shift to tolerance (and autoimmunity?) from the shots

Have we unleashed a plague of IgG4-related disease on a subpopulation of humans?

J said...

IgG4-related disease (IgG4RD) means FIBROSIS and organ destruction

J said...

X 1:03 PM,

Everybody isn't a grifter in the sense of making money via fraud or deception. But people who write for a living can be accused of having a financial motive, and then you can say that they are a liar and grifter because of disagreeing with their opinions and because of "experts" labeling their opinions "disinformation."

Take Unacceptable Jessica, who has thousands of paid subscribers. She is being paid by her subscribers to write things that were labeled as disinformation on Twitter. She was banned from Twitter. Even Elon Musk has not yet reinstated her on Twitter.

You could call her a grifter, because she's making money off her writing.

I don't mind people paying her if they find value in what they are reading. It takes time for her to do research and write articles. That's time that could be spent in some kind of astroturf place - not a troll farm, of course but a place fighting disinformation - working for the AMA or Pfizer or maybe headed by the FBI or CIA like at Twitter and FaceBook.

She has bills to pay. If people find value in returning to her substack again and again, and they are willing to become paid subscribers, what's wrong with that?

Yet, since she's making money, and what she says could be called "disinformation," she could be smeared as having a financial motive to spread "disinformation." Hence she could be smeared as a "grifter" - as if there's self-evidently something wrong with anybody who gets paid for writing anything on the web that the government disapproves of.

RayB said...

I wonder what Constance has to say about this???

'I Also Orchestrated It': Uncharged J6 Witness Ray Epps Transcript Released

Excerpted from the article:

Ray Epps, the uncharged man identified as a key instigator behind the January 6, 2020 Capitol Breach for telling people to storm the Capitol, said in a text message to his nephew that he "orchestrated" things, according to newly released witness transcripts from the January 6th Committee.

NOTE: Epps was PRAISED by 'Profile in Courage Award Winner" Adam Kinzinger, thanking Epps for his cooperation 'with the Jan 6th. Committee.'

WHY has it taken this long for the Jan. 6th. Committee to release this information??? Why hasn't Ray Epps been arrested???

J said...

Correction: Unacceptable Jessica IS actually a doctor - Dr. Jessica Rose. She is a computational biologist and a VAERS analyst who is not usually anti-vaccine.

J said...

Dr. Jessica Rose has done a lot of interviews:

Anonymous said...

T-Mobile New Year's at the Needle The Black Majick Dream: Raising Osiris

Anonymous said...
-- mechanics of global genocide over the last three years?

· The SARS-COV2 virus has a spike protein developed by the US Department of Defence that was circulating in Europe by June 2019 at the latest. There is evidence that prototypes of the SARS-COV2 virus were circulating in east Ukraine as early as 2015 – called “California Flu” - which was killing and disabling hundreds of soldiers and civilians. The origins of the SARS-COV2 virus did not originate in a Wuhan lab, or with a bat. They evolved over years.

· Shell companies like MetaBiota (Hunter Biden) and EcoHealth Alliance are sub-contractors to the DoD and are funded by the US and other countries’ health agency alphabet soups.

Obama banned gain of function research in the US so it was “offshored” by the US department of Defence to Ukraine and other places around the world.

Russia invaded Crimea on 20 February 2014. This occurred following the rejection of EU accession by Ukraine in November 2013, followed by months of protests and the regime change called the “Maidan Revolution” in a snap election on 25 May 2014. Many contend that the revolution was CIA inspired “regime change” in a country that has long been labelled as one of the most, if not the most, corrupt countries in the world.

Continued shelling and killing of thousands of pro-Russian residents in east Ukraine provoked Russia into the invasion of east Ukraine in February 2022 and the formation of new States. This is leading to an geographic extension of combat between the US and Russia, from Syria to include Ukraine.

The US Department of Defence (DoD) disobeyed US presidential/Commander in Chief orders (Obama) to cease all gain of function research on 17 October 2014 and instead, continued gain of function research in Ukraine and around the world. The chances that Obama did not know of the disobeying of his direct order are slim to nil. Plausible deniability maybe."

Anonymous said...

J @ 7:25 and 7:49,


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

First Draft News, a now-defunct nonprofit that left-wing billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations funded, played a key role in Twitter’s preparation to shut down the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020, according to internal documents published by author Michael Shellenberger as part of Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files.”

The Aspen Institute hosted a September 2020 training exercise for members of the media and social media leaders regarding the handling of hypothetical data leaks which were similar to the Hunter Biden laptop report that broke in October, according to Shellenberger. Claire Wardle, former executive director and co-founder of First Draft News, appeared to be an attendee of the exercise, according to an email published by Shellenberger. (RELATED: Twitter Users Vote For Elon Musk To Step Down As CEO)

The address that apparently belonged to Wardle was one of multiple recipients in an email to top national security reporters, Facebook’s head of security policy and others, according to Shellenberger. The Open Society Foundations, which left-wing megadonor Soros chairs, once funded First Draft News. The organization shut down in June.

10:21 PM
Anonymous said...

Movements such as The Great Reset, Build Back Better, and the ESG agenda were pieced together by WEF “stakeholders” at previous Davos confabs.

The programme for Davos 2023 includes events such as:

“Why We Need Battery Passports”

“Leading The Charge Through Earth’s New Normal” (Featuring Al Gore)

“A Living Wage For All”

“Enabling An Equitable Transition”

“Beyond The Rainbow: Advancing LGBTQ+ Rights”

“Advancing Racial and Ethnic Equity” (Moderated by CNN)

“Decarbonizing Supply Chains” (Moderated by Chinese state television)

“Finding The Right Balance For Crypto”

“Tackling Harm In The Digital Era”

Not nearly enough blowback coming to them IMO..

10:17 PM

Playing God in the Brave New World

"On May 26, 2021, the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR), the international body representing stem-cell scientists, tossed out a 40-year-old 14-day limit on the length of time that scientists could grow human embryos in a lab. For context, embryonic stem cells result from IVF and are harvested by researchers during the IVF process. In turn, these cells can create almost any type of functional cell in the body. As research and technology in this arena move forward at a remarkable pace, the ISSCR removed the 14-day rule and now suggests that studies seeking to grow human embryos beyond a two-week mark should be considered on a case-by-case basis. As explained by Nature: 

“The ISSCR made this change and others to its guidelines for biomedical research in response to rapid advances in the field, including the ability to create embryo-like structures from human stem cells. In addition to relaxing the ’14-day rule’, for instance, the group advises against editing genes in human embryos until the safety of genome editing is better established.” 

According to many scientists, the CRISPR-baby scandal in 2018 might have also helped propel human gene editing forwards. Indeed, it seems inevitable..."

3:20 PM
Social Credit Scores, Woke politics (not just in America) and Woke corporations (worldwide) and what the Twitter Files recently dumped for all to see, on and on and on...many more links like this and others have been shared right here on this blog and you have not noticed?
None of this stuff from last thread (and other threads before that one) is nearly as relevant (because, ya know, Trump/QAnon) to what is really happening globally but you give hardly a mention to these dear
blog owner?

Craig said...


You wrote: I make my living honestly and pay my taxes. We aren't all "grifters" like...

Perhaps you are not technically a "grifter"; however, while you claim you 'pay your taxes', all taxpayers are subsidizing your health insurance, since, by your own admission, you are taking advantage of reductions in health care expenses through our socialized medicine in the form of the Affordable Care Act.

You can show your appreciation by thanking all the taxpayers who subsidize you here on this forum.

Your welcome.

Anonymous said...

"All animals, including humans, are not individuals. They don't have souls..essence..inner core.
They are basically a collection of biochemical algorithms...there is no such thing as freedom...that has no meaning in the life sciences of external entity can understand me perfectly."
He says he can give examples. Really?
This transhumanism and AI brainiac maniac is Yuval Noah Harai, spiritual advisor to Klaus Schwab ("you will have nothing and be happy").
He is all over google and TED talks, etc., every venue he can go to to tell us how useless so many people of the world will become unless there is intervention (his solution). Think he's joking?

New religions of the 21st Century

Anonymous said...

Archbishop Vigano Calls on Faithful to Fast for Three Days for Jan 6 Political Prisoners - On January 3rd, 4th,and 5th

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jordan Peterson: "Chat GPT and AI WILL TAKE OVER"

Anonymous said...

Year In Review: 2022 Top Ten (Real) Conspiracies

Anonymous said...

California is Now a 'Sanctuary State' For Transgender Children

Top recipient of 'Portraits of Courage Award' here, Marjorie Taylor Green, has introduced the, Protect Children's Innocence Act H.R. 8731, which will criminalize genital mutilation and chemical castration of minor children.

Anonymous said...

The facts.

J said...

This looks like it could be a good source.

"The Exposé was set up due to a lack of alternatives to the lying mainstream media, and a lack of alternatives which report only the facts. Other alternative media sites are happy to publish articles backed up with zero or questionable evidence. Whereas the mainstream media simply refuse to publish the truth or publish half-truths, spun in a way to suit the narrative of the very authorities which are funding them through advertising fees for publishing propaganda."

This is a good article:

Confidential Pfizer and Government Documents confirm ADE, VAED, and AIDS due to COVID-19 Vaccination have led to Millions “Dying Suddenly” & still counting

J said...

These are Pfizer's internal documents. Some of them were analyzed to write the article linked in the above post.

These documents are hosted on PHMPT:

Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency

This nonprofit, made up of public health professionals, medical professionals, scientists, and journalists exists solely to obtain and disseminate the data relied upon by the FDA to license COVID-19 vaccines. The organization takes no position on the data other than that it should be made publicly available to allow independent experts to conduct their own review and analyses. Any data received will be made public on this website.

J said...

This is worth quoting in full from the Daily Expose article:

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years despite approving the injection after only 108 days of safety review on December 11th, 2020. The FDA originally said that they were prepared to release 500 pages per month in a response to the Freedom of Information (FOI) request filed on behalf of Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) requesting the safety data.

Instead, in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered them to release 55,000 pages per month. They released 12,000 pages by the end of January. Since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents to its website. 

Anonymous said...

97% of anti semitic attacks in NYC carried out by minorities

Anonymous said...

Fauci Fibbed on the Day Everything Changed

Anonymous said...

J said “ This looks like it could be a good source.”

Looks can be deceiving and you surely recognize that website as disinformation, right?

I’ve personally debunk claims made on the daily expose, in detail, several times on this blog already.

I’ve also explained the non-issue and waste of our taxpayer money that precipitated the “75 year” legal proposal made by fda lawyers who didn’t want to have the limited resources of our gov FOIA office overwhelmed redacting the private personal and medical information of trial participants within millions of pages of what are now pretty much irrelevant documents.

I’m not the only one to have debunked and exposed The Expose as a deceitful website

The Expose is crafted by Jonathan Allen-Walker, a British conspiracist with no credentials, no education, no experience in medicine or science, presumably in his basement while grifting for “donations” to support his campaign of death by deceit.

How many times does it take to prove someone is actually a lying Luciferian versus the victim of some gov conspiracy to shut down dissent and alternative information?


P.S.- Craig- We make too much money for Obamacare subsidies. I presume your opinion means you’ll be rejecting (or have already rejected) medicaid and social security as well as “socialized” military, police, fire, courts and sanitation services opting for private options or self-funding for such? If not, you’re welcome too. Private insurance is the unbiblical swindle, not the people forced to buy it. Finally, I/we could have offshored our company and assets (business, intellectual and personal) to tremendous tax advantages (provided by the GOP) but deliberately chose not to. Interestingly, I would have likely been able to hide income and/or generate leveraged tax losses over the years which could have offset our income and qualified my wife and I for Obamacare subsidies. I also could have easily qualified every other year for subsidies by playing some simply games with the timing of my income. We all have choices to make. There are borderline legal ways to be unpatriotic and selfish. How much is enough?

Anonymous said...

Earth currently experiencing a sixth mass extinction, according to scientists | 60 Minutes

RayB said...

2023 is going to be a very interesting year ...

Conservative Show Host Dori Monson, Who Died Suddenly on New Year’s Eve, Had Adverse Reaction to Covid “Vaccine” Following Second Dose

In his own words:

“I went in positive I wasn’t going to get sick and then it just kicked my butt,” he said referring to his experience with the second dose. “So, Sunday night I’m sick. It’s kind of everything I’d heard about the second dose of the Moderna which is what I got. I’m sick. And I’m still planning on working on Monday.

Trending: Too Little, Too Late: Kevin McCarthy Signals Concessions but Nine Republicans in Congress Aren’t Impressed

“So I got to bed, I sleep about eight hours which is really good for me. And I wake up at 7:30 yesterday morning, right, to do show prep. And then, I’m sitting downstairs with my laptop on my chest and doing show prep and I discovered that I’m falling asleep every three minutes while trying to do show prep. I could not stay awake. And I thought, well maybe I can’t do the show today.”

He then explained how he had a 33-hour stretch where he slept 26 hours.

J said...

X 11:34 PM,

One wonders whether you think the Apostles weren't qualified because they didn't have advanced degrees in theology.

Maybe Mark Twain's novels shouldn't be classics, since he didn't have an advanced degree in English.

How is it hard to put up zip files of scanned pdf documents? I used to be in charge of turning paper files into electronic archives, among many other responsibilities. And I was never trained or certified or qualified to do it. If I could do it, anybody can do it. Poor Pfizer may even be able to afford to hire temp employees to help out with the scanning or the uploading.

Anonymous said...


So a 61-year-old morbidly obese man with at least several years of health challenges behind him has a heart attack and dies and you want to imply the vaccine he received April 13, 2021 (which involved a mild adverse reaction of sleep and one sick day from work) somehow caused it.

Are you mentally challenged? You're like an ambulance chasing attorney. Around 3 million people die every year and a large percentage of them are going to be vaccinated for many things including covid.

I also love how YOU (and J.D. Rucker) headlined this story to make it sound like he just got the 2nd dose of the vaccine recently and died despite the article you linked (and he wrote) clearly indicating Mr. Monson was vaccinated April 13, 2021...625 days or so before his heart attack.

It wasn't a lie --- but certainly a typical and deliberate attempt to misrepresent the facts in a Luciferian manner.


Anonymous said...


It's a lot more involved than simply scanning and uploading documents.

It was 329,000 pages. Each page needs to be reviewed carefully to redact “confidential business and trade secret information of Pfizer or BioNTech and personal privacy information of patients who participated in clinical trials.

Due to the sensitive nature of the information, it's way more than your average FOIA request. As the FDA noted, the branch that would handle the review has only 10 employees and is currently processing about 400 other FOIA requests.

Obviously, the 55 year "request" was absurd, but no more so than the 30 "scientists and professors" request that all 329,000 pages be provided 90 days. Legal strategies and arguments aren't really evidence of any implied conspiracy to "hide" any information and the documents revealled thus far have all stood the test of time when considering just how many millions of lives were saved by the approved vaccines.


RayB said...

"Profiles in Courage Award Winner" Liz Cheney Exits Congress 6 Years Later and Millions of Dollars Richer

From the article:

Cheney will not depart Congress empty-handed. During her six years in Congress, she has become very wealthy. Breitbart News reported in August that Cheney’s net worth ballooned from an estimated $7 million when she first took office in 2017 to possibly more than $44 million in 2020. Depending on the specifics of her latest financial disclosure form, Cheney’s net worth could have skyrocketed up to 600 percent in Congress.

According to her 2020 Personal Financial Disclosure form, Cheney declared a net worth between $10,422,023 and $44,140,000, stemming from assets valued between $10,432,024 and $44,155,000. She reported no earned income, gifts, or transactions. She did, however, declare she held three posts, including a trustee position at the University of Wyoming, membership of a holding company, and what appears to be a position in her family’s trust.

RayB said...


In his OWN WORDS, the recipient of the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine' wrote this:

“I went in positive I wasn’t going to get sick and then it just kicked my butt,” he said referring to his experience with the second dose. “So, Sunday night I’m sick. It’s kind of everything I’d heard about the second dose of the Moderna which is what I got. I’m sick. And I’m still planning on working on Monday.

“So I got to bed, I sleep about eight hours which is really good for me. And I wake up at 7:30 yesterday morning, right, to do show prep. And then, I’m sitting downstairs with my laptop on my chest and doing show prep and I discovered that I’m falling asleep every three minutes while trying to do show prep. I could not stay awake. And I thought, well maybe I can’t do the show today.”

He then explained how he had a 33-hour stretch where he slept 26 hours.

NOTE: Recall Constance Cumbey's expressed regret regarding her taking the 'booster' that made her and a friend of her's very sick just '3 days after' the jab. Both experienced the same symptoms. They're very fortunate to be alive.

RayB said...

When it comes to Ray Epps, the FBI's fingerprints are all over him!

Atomic BOMBSHELL: Attorney Representing Ray Epps Was FBI Agent For 9 Years

RayB said...

Pandemic of the Vaccinated: Wall Street Journal Provides Troubling Data Suggesting COVID Vaccines ‘May be’ Causing COVID Variants to Evolve

Another conspiracy theory turned true.

The Gateway Pundit has been reporting for years that these experimental vaccines are not safe and effective. Now, controlled corporate media finally starting to ask real questions about these shots.

A recent article published in the Wall Street Journal suggested that the Covid outbreak heavily affected most vaccinated people. More and more research points to the possibility that repeated vaccinations make people more vulnerable to XBB and contribute to the rapid evolution of the virus.

It can be recalled that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced it is monitoring a new COVID-19 variant known as “XBB,” which is responsible for all new infections in the United States.

Anonymous said...

Ray@ 6:59

So what?

He had an immune response to the covid vaccine

That’s what vaccines are designed to do…effectuate an immune response to a novel virus such that when one is later exposed to it their immune system is prepared and/or better able to resist and/or fight such infection.

His mild “adverse illness” sure sounds better than a gasping death alone in a hospital bed suffering (or even dying from) a novel delta variant infection as so many others of his size and health condition did the summer and fall of 2021.

There is nothing linking his death with the covid vaccine 625 days prior to his death this weekend other than your weak and disrespectful (exploiting the pain of others for politics) attempt at innuendo.


RayB said...


I'm glad to see that you are still posting. I noticed that you were absent for awhile,
and I was worried about you, thinking that you may have succumb to one of the many dangerous side effects of the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine.'

Anonymous said...


You really need to stop reading and sharing your homosexual Luciferian friend, Jim Hofts’ misinformation.

The fact the less deadly covid virus variants seems to be evolving to best survive and avoid immunity from vaccines AND infections doesn’t negate in any way the fact the covid vaccines saved approximately 20 million lives in 2021 and 2022.

Btw…I haven’t “boosted” since last December. I was looking to time the wave more so I’m my region but considering the new booster doesn’t seem that effective against this variant I’ll probably hold off. Like the flu vaccines, sometimes they just do guess the right variant. I think mRNA vaccines will prove to be much more adaptable and timely in the future.

Happy New Year all.


P.s. - kind of ironic that Liz Cheney proves to be a more transparent and better investor/businessperson than Trump.

Anonymous said...

Ray @8:45 pm

Thanks for your concern. Healthy as a horse. I was just out and about on a week-long bender celebrating Biden's accomplishments.

Gas at $2.59/gallon.

The respect of our friends and allies again (don't have to apologize for being an American anymore while abroad saying "don't blame me --- I didn't vote for that lifelong adulterer")

Ukraine on the road to defeating pedophile Putin

Overturning Roe v Wade

Checking inflation

Draining the swamp of Trump's maga white nationalist extremists and depoliticizing federal agencies

Administering a covid response that saved the lives of millions of Americans and letting the CDC/FDA handle things without over-politicizing matters.

It's been a great first 2 years of his 8 year Presidency.


RayB said...

‘Monday Night Football’ Suspended after Buffalo’s Damar Hamlin Suffers Life-Threatening Injury

NOTE: I watched the video of the play in slow-motion. There is nothing exceptional about the hit, and, it was not 'helmet to helmet.' After Hamlin makes the tackle, he immediately got on his feet, and then collapsed, needing CPR because his heart had actually stopped.

This is very reminiscent of the countless videos of Soccer players in Europe suddenly collapsing on the field for no apparent reason. I've been around sports my entire life. I've NEVER seen anything even remotely close to what is happening.

RayB said...

World Renowned Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough Believes Damar Hamlin’s Heart Stopped Due to Commotio Cordis

From the article:

According to Dr. Peter McCullough, the injury that Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin sustained is known as commotio cordis (a phenomenon in which a sudden blunt impact to the chest causes sudden death in the absence of cardiac damage).

The time delay from the hit until he collapsed is expected in commotio cordis. Peter believes that the ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation could have been set up by the vaccine if he took it. Hamlin was shocked back to rhythm. He now has anoxic encephalopathy. He’s in critical condition at the hospital.

Anonymous said...

I knew you were gonna do that.

Jump on tragedy to further your political disinformation.

How deranged are you?

He took a hit to the chest. Like Chris Pronger did years ago on the ice and many other athletes who suffered immediate heart injury concurrent with a hit to the chest near the heart.

There is nothing tying such injuries to the covid vaccine he probably took, like most decent people did, over a year ago.

Also another reason to believe Dr McCollough has lost touch with reality to imply such while being so aware how common these type of impact injury is.

Chris Pronger was back on the ice 4 days later and remains alive today over twenty years later. I hope any Christians here pray for Hamlin instead of trying to speculate and politicize his blunt force injury into something else.


RayB said...

X stated @ 12:03 AM (in part ... no doubt while slurring his speech):

"I was just out and about on a week-long bender celebrating Biden's accomplishments."

NOTE: This helps a great deal in attempting to understand X's twisted, nonsensical 'thinking.' Obviously, he's not a 'wise' person. What does the Scriptures say about someone that is the type that goes "on a week-long bender?"

"Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." - Proverbs 20:1

And ...

"Who hath woe? who hath sorrow? who hath CONTENTIONS? who hath BABBLING? who hath wounds without cause? who hath redness of eyes?

They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine.

Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright.

At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder.

Thine eyes shall behold strange women, and thine heart shall utter perverse things.

Yea, thou shalt be as he that lieth down in the midst of the sea, or as he that lieth upon the top of a mast.

They have stricken me, shalt thou say, and I was not sick; they have beaten me, and I felt it not: when shall I awake? I will seek it yet again." - Proverbs 23:29-35

Anonymous said...

Yes thank you x,
Of course there's nothing out of the ordinary here. Nothing to see, nothing to see. We can expect NFL football players to go into cardiac arrest any time they experience a hard collision. Football is a rough game. This kind of thing should be expected.
All these multiple heart attacks all over the world are to be expected, and it has NOTHING to do with the experimental so-called vaccine. Just because it's never happened before is irrelevant...
The experimental so-called vaccines have saved millions of lives from the always deadly Covid 19 virus. The fact that the absolute best outcomes against the Covid 19 virus are to be found all over Africa, where so many people have neglected/refused to take the experimental jab, has no correlation to the Settled Scientific Fact that the Pfizer and Moderna jabs are completely safe, without question. They have done nothing but good all over the world.
Yes x, your kneejerk defense of the Eugenicist Gates' rush to save lives is right on the money. RIGHT ON THE MONEY, indeed.
Thanks x. Where would we be without your input?

Anonymous said...

GREAT NEWS: Beginning Today Corrupt and Decrepit Nancy Pelosi Is No Longer Speaker and Liz Cheney Is No Longer in Congress

RayB said...

More and more people (including those that took the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine' jabs) that I come across are expressing their doubts about the efficacy of these 'vaccines.' WHY? Because practically everyone of them has contracted COVID-19! There's nothing quite like experience to teach you a lesson.

America’s Great Awakening? Half of Americans Now Think COVID-19 “Vaccines” to Blame for “Unexplained Deaths”

From the article:

A new Rasmussen Poll of Americans shows that the tide appears to be turning in public opinion regarding the cause of increased “sudden deaths,” with nearly half of Americans now stating that they believe the COVID-19 “vaccines” are responsible, and more than 25% SAYING THAT THEY BELIEVE THEY KNOW SOMEONE WHO HAS DIED FROM THE SHOTS.

Anonymous said...

Ray @ 10:27 am

Rasmussen Poll, go figure, so you're saying NEARLY 50% of conservative Maga voters are being suckered by Covid vaccine disinformation?

It's a demonstration of the effectiveness of extremists in right wing media to unscientifically infect soceity with misinformation more than an indication that the covid vaccines have anything to do with what is now a very moderate "excess deaths" numbers in the US and most of the world even as Covid infections (along with a bad flu season) are still impacting the world.

"Sudden" deaths happen all the time but it's quite a nice tactic to point them out time and time again as though they are related.

It's kind of like the fear the media generates generally over violence, like murder and kidnappings. You'd THINK the world (and US) were more violent and kidnappings were occurring way more than 50 or 100 years ago but you'd be wrong. The world is safter and less violent just have access to more information and the caveat that "if it bleeds it leads" has now transformed into clickbait and it's sad to see white nationalist's like cRayZ and his homosexual friends like Jim Hoft at G.P. trying to exploit the immediate grief surviving families for political gain.


Anonymous said...

Not so fast, 12:33 PM
You are wrong generally about 8 times out of 10 (with a bunch of topics used as clickbait)

People were played.
Some, like you, still want to be.
That, or, it may be, that you are one purposefully, personally, gaining by making sure the "Government/'Science'/Big Pharma/Big Tech" disinformation game is still being played toward ultra progressive ends.
Your posts are DOA.

J said...

THE BIG RESET MOVIE (ENG) The uncensored documentary about the truth of the pandemic

Worth watching. You might learn something new. For example, in the documentary, the claim is made that WHO is a private company that is funded by Big Pharma, with its biggest private supporter being the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Upon checking it out, it is possible to verify quickly by looking at the WHO budget that:

- The US is its biggest financier.

- The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest financial supporter by far.

- Every country that is a member of WHO (an arm of the UN) is assessed a member amount, but it is small in comparison to what the Gates Foundation gives.

There was no breakdown by business of where the funds from the US come from. The WHO has in its bylaws that pharmaceutical companies cannot donate; however, in reality, Big Pharma has found ways to get around this by giving to a third party that then re-routes the funds.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:46 PM sure seems to have a homosexual crush on cRayZ going on - must some 'friend' of his -weird stuff indeed.

Anonymous said...

Now they can fumigate that microphone and get the Bourbon smell out of it, hopefully.

But I'm worried that now Bill and Melinda are going to roll out their newest fake vaccine before China even rolls out it's newest virus.
They may have to, since so many people are exposing them and the only way they can continue to depopulate the planet will have to be through morbid fear; even more morbid than before.

x is a tool.

Anonymous said...

If only we could fumigate this blog and get the stench of Satanic troll out of it that 4:19 PM has left.

Its posts are as bitter as tapeworm bile and as sour as a strychnine cocktail.

Anonymous said...

Any reviews on the Final Report of the Jan 6th Congressional Committee?

Anonymous said...

10:08 pm

Yes...lock them all up.

Maga traitors

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

1. everythinbg that involves government involvement is not 'socialism.' that libertarian privatizeeverything was part of a game toget everyone under control oflayers of corporations you have no recourseagainst, instead of simple governmental agencies that can be identified and sued or whatever ormadean issue at elections.

2. it is not aid to the poor that drags us down, it is the huge military industrial complex revolving door and ginormous amounts of money involved.

lobbying and polityical contributions should be totally eliminated.

3. i understand constance got very sick after the booster/ i hope she has learned her lesson. seems she is rather gullible. Anything controversial is either gateway pundit (my sources do not use that sourse) or q anon which actually hijacked well researched issues from years before them,and put them to bad use.

Anonymous said...


RayB said...

J @ 1:00 PM ...

Thank you for the reference to THE BIG RESET MOVIE (ENG) The uncensored documentary about the truth of the pandemic.

I watched most of it last night ... it is quite riveting. If anyone has any doubts that this whole thing was planned, along with the fictional 'vaccines,' this documentary should eliminate those doubts.

Also, I liked the fact that it represented a European perspective. Here in America, there is a tendency to be myopic, thinking that everything revolves around what is happening here.

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

TRAIN WRECK: Kamala Harris Swears In John Fetterman Who Has No Idea What He's Doing(VIDEO)

Anonymous said...

Elderly Man Has Part of His Face and Ear Chewed Off in a Gruesome Attack on Oregon Train Platform

Anonymous said...

_Said the Satanic troll.

RayB said...

Constance Cumbey said...

To 10:43 - If you use the Gateway Pundit as a reliable source, that pretty much tells me what I need to know about you -- consider the source!


12:05 AM


Although this was not directed to me, I'd like to know which news outlets do YOU consider to be "a reliable source."

I've asked this question directly to you several times. For some reason, you have not posted any response. Why is that?

Anonymous said...

@11:43 AM,

You wrote: '721 -said Satanic Troll'.

You did indeed say '721', 11:43AM, you did indeed!

RayB said...

What took so long?

It's Time to Ask Whether Repeated mRNA Vaccine Shots Weaken the Immune Response to COVID-19

From the article:

A new study out of Germany, funded by the German government, and published in the medical journal Science Immunology, raises the possibility that the so-called vaccine manufactured by BioNTech/Pfizer to fight the mRNA SARS-CoV-2 virus (and possibly the Moderna product), reduces a person’s level of antibodies that fights the virus and increases the level of another kind of antibody that is much less effective at fighting the virus.

First, here are a few basic immunology facts to better understand the new article.

According to the Cleveland Clinic:

Antibodies are proteins that protect you when an unwanted substance enters your body. Produced by your immune system, antibodies bind to these unwanted substances in order to eliminate them from your system.

Another word for antibody is immunoglobulin.

According to Antoine Azar, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University, the body makes 5 major types of immunoglobulins: Immunoglobulin A, Immunoglobulin G, Immunoglobulin M, Immunoglobulin D and Immunoglobulin E:

Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is the most common type. IgG has 4 different subclasses, IgG1— 4. IgG is always there to help prevent infections. It’s also ready to multiply and attack when foreign substances get into the body. When you don't have enough, you are more likely to get infections.

The new article is entitled “Class Switch Towards Non-Inflammatory, Spike-Specific IgG4 Antibodies After Repeated SARS-Cov-2 mRNA Vaccination” and was written by Pascal Irrgang and 23 additional authors. It was published on December 22, 2022 in Science Immunology. The article states that shortly after the initial two shots of the mRNA SARS-CoV-2 Pfizer product, the level of IgG1 and IgG3 antibodies is increased, but that several months later, the levels of those antibodies decreases and the level of IgG4 antibodies significantly increases. This effect is exacerbated by a third mRNA shot and/or by a breakthrough infection with the SARS-CoV-2 disease. The article states that “our results clearly demonstrate that a subsequent infection can further boost IgG4 antibody levels, with IgG4 becoming the most dominant among all anti-spike IgG subclasses in some individuals.”

RayB said...

MUST WATCH: Unearthed Video Shows Animal Rights Activist Jane Goodall Calling for DEPOPULATING THE EARTH to Solve “Climate Change” (VIDEO)

“We cannot hide away from human population growth. Because it underlies so many of the other problems.”

“All these things we talk about wouldn’t be a problem if there was the size of population there was 500 years ago”

PS: And what was the population 500 years ago you might ask? It's the number that is 'coincidental' to the number proposed on the Georgia Guide Stones; 500 Million, which translates to a 'depopulation' of about 7.5 BILLION people.

Anonymous said...


Here's the entire forum discussion from Davos 2020 where Goodal was on the panel....

Securing a Sustainable Future for the Amazon | DAVOS 2020

I know you and your lying homosexual friends at TGP enjoy distorting language and making implications out of individual sentences taken out of context so I challenge you to provide me with the moment in this video where Goodall suggested and/or recommended specifically "DE-populating" the earth or "reducing" the existing population in any manner.

In other words, the observation that humanity faces challenges exacerbated by over-population doesn't equate to any active campaign to systematically eliminate existing populations.

In the past, Goodall has instead advocated for measures like better education and women’s empowerment to slow population growth. For example, she addressed this in a video appearance at the Population Matters conference in 2019. Where she is quoted as saying: "“It’s absurd really, to think that there can be unlimited economic development on a planet with finite natural resources, and the fact that human populations are still growing on this precious population of ours is something that everyone should be aware of,” she said in her message, adding: “It’s been shown all around the world that as women’s education improves family size tends to drop.”


P.S. - this is not an endorsement of Jane Goodall. I don't know her nor know everything she's said or done her entire life. She was born, raised and educated in England and spent much of her professional career studying primates in Africa so tying her unscripted comment at Davos about "500 years ago" to an inscription written referencing maintaining under 500 million worldwide population (after an anticipated Nuclear world war) on the Georgia Guidestones seems a huge reach too.

Craig said...

What did Melinda Gates think of Jeffrey Epstein and Bill's relationship with him?

Bill Gates Ex-Wife EXPOSES his ties to Jeffrey Epstein

Anonymous said...


Can you explain to me the need to personify conspiratorial innuendo and speculation?

That Melinda Gates video is just a mashed-up clip of this CBS interview from almost a year ago...

Melinda French Gates on having no regrets: "I gave every single piece of myself to this marriage"

The fact Gates was targeted by Jeffrey Epstein and met with him a few times (and once rode on his plane from New Jersey to Florida when, apparently, Jeffrey Epstein wasn't even onboard) doesn't make or even imply Gates was in on any of the ped-o king's behavior.

Heck...Trump flirted with teenaged contestants, had been sued so many times for inappropriate behavior, slept with pro$titutes, cheated on several wives and even wing-manned with Jeffrey Epstein for several years and he gets a pass but not Gates' who, it appears, was just looking to extend and enlarge his charitable work. If Gates' was so involved --why even introduce his wife?


Bill Gates Met With Jeffrey Epstein Many Times, Despite His Past


p.s.- Again -- I'm not defending Gates, just refuting this specific unevidenced inference. Epstein's game involved entraping wealthy individuals. It appears he often used underage girls to pose as massage therapists and, I'm guessing, he filmed them massaging wealthy entitled cheating rich men while Epstein encouraged the "therapists" to offer more than just a massage. If they followed through...he had them compromised and trapped helping Epstein ensnare even more wealthy cheating adulterous men. Gates may have done it. Only God, Gates, the girl(s) and Epstein would know. Trump probably fell for it too which is why he ended his relationship with Epstein. We don't know but I highly doubt either Trump nor Gates is involved in any worldwide (or local) ped-o ring of any kind. I don't in any way mind if the truth comes out and any adultery/sex trafficking or whatever is exposed. I'm not vouching for anyone.

Craig said...


My preface states my intent for posting. The guy's extrapolation at the end goes too far. But Melinda Gates' explicit statement about Epstein and her refusal to comment further when pressed about Bill Gates' relationship with him says quite enough for me. She may or may not know anything further, but she sure seems to have an opinion that she doesn't wish to express aloud.

Epstein was clearly a creep; Bill Gates creeps me out.

Craig said...


I didn’t think you were receiving a discount on your ACA insurance, via a reduced premium—a “subsidy”. Yet we must wonder why the ACA is so much cheaper than private health insurers charge small business owners. Given the wide gulf between the two, it is most likely the ACA is undercutting via ‘subsidies’ at taxpayer expense. It’s a great way to eventually realize Obama’s dream of a “single payer” system. And this cannot be considered a ‘loss leader’ program, for the government gets all its money from taxpayers, and this demographic seems to be a bottomless pit of money.


There is no doubt 20 million lives were saved by the jabs. We KNOW this. How? Because THE SCIENCE™ has perfected cloning, and just before all 20 million were jabbed, each was cloned. Post-jab all 20 million cloned/un-jabbed died of CV-19. And all 20 million jabbed lived on. Of course, any of the 20 million jabbed who died (or got sick) within 14 days post-jab were not counted, for they were still considered ‘un-jabbed’ at that point. And any of the 20 million who died after the 14 days were not counted as deaths “of/from CV-19”, for we all know that ‘correlation does not mean causation’. Therefore, all these deaths were COMPLETELY unrelated—they had to be. This is ESPECIALLY true for any cardiac events.

Craig said...

Tucker Carlson: This is one of the most important stories of our time

Fox News host Tucker Carlson calls out government officials for allegedly suppressing speech 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'

All "allegedly".

Anonymous said...


If a small business hires all healthy 20 year olds it can probably save money with a group policy but such insurers aren’t required to spend something like 90% of their gross premiums on claims. In 2020 I even got my December premium paid by a refund bc our insurance company had less claims that year.

Small groups insurance is an illusion of coverage. If Anyone in the group experiences a great loss with continuing expense they’ll never afford renewal, if renewal is even offered. Businesses are extremely motivated to make such employees redundant (replacing them later with healthy young persons).

Keeping actual employee counts under 50 is important, unfortunately.

Many states don’t even have individual insurance of last resort for those “rated” and unable to get coverage anywhere.

It’s super easy yo be “rated”

But it’s nice to know there are true libertarian capitalists such as yourself who will forego Medicare when you come of age. Wouldn’t want any of that single payer crap in your household, right? Let’s bump social security to age 80 or 85 too, while we’re at it and give seniors the opportunity to forego any such “handouts”.


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Anonymous said...

x, the socialist globalist apologist, takes himself to the Mt. Everest of hypocrisy once again.

So few good posters left.

That joker degraded this place when he showed up, not because of his differences in opinions, there is room for that, but because he can't and won't look bald facts in the face.

Anonymous said...

I love human flesh. Especially baby human. I love the way the chewy fetuses feel as I grind them with my yellow teeth.


Anonymous said...

X wants a Quarter Pounder medium rare.

With flies.

paul said...

Blood-sucking Black Boys of the night....
Nocturnal goblins hiding from cops' lights....
Screams blast from the graveyard fights....
Watching neighbours quickly die of fright....

Anonymous said...

Phantom thugs from the Ghetto Hell,
A life of hatred is in which they dwell,
Insane with lust, the creature starts to creep,
Now too late to lock the doors.........At Dawn the Negro Sleeps!

Anonymous said...

I think I smell a Pulitzer Prize in poetry.
Just think of the above verses and how they rhyme and everything!
It's language so deep and thought provoking that he, or she repeats it every time they post.
So it's thematic and it's troubling and offensive and racist; all the ingredients for a Pulitzer.

Anonymous said...

I particularly like the second line; "A life of hatred is in which they dwell," It's irrational and even though the Poet has written it dozens of times, on this occasion he misstypes it; on purpose? Maybe. So it's even more mysterious than usual.
We are in the presence of a genius,I hope everyone here realizes that.
He's only posing as a moron. Don't be fooled. He's only pretending to be a complete an imbecile.

Anonymous said...

@9:24 PM

That's hilarious! Made me chuckle good. He has said he has some website where we can buy his crap lyrics. A real Eric Clapton.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, do the Negras not sleep at dawn?
I know they wake up at the crack of 3pm as I see them just getting started on the corner with their Coronas when I'm driving home at 7 after long day of busting my butt.

niuk niuk niuk

Anonymous said...

So the Satanic Nazi troll of 4:19 PM/11:43AM has decided to go on a roll with his nonsense.

That little troll seems to flare up with sociopathic rage whenever X criticises RayB and his, erhem, friends.

Now, I know X has had it with RayB and his support of rampantly unrepentant homosexuals, but I would be very surprised if even he is impressed by your fawning, psychopathic, sycophantic sicko-fancy.

So your accursed verse, venomed by the mouth of that viper of yore does nothing but speed your journey to the Everlasting Bonfire prepared for the Devil and his [fallen] angels, Satanic troll at 10:44 AM, 10:52 AM, 10:59 AM, 11:01 AM, 11:02 AM and 10:44 PM.

You pitiful, balless incel possesed by every foul thought enslaving your tiny mind from the Bottomless Pit: repent, or forever be accursed.

RayB said...

Latest report from Dr. Joseph Mercola:

Sudden Death: The No. 1 Cause of Death for Under 65s

From the article:

Mounting evidence shows the COVID shots are destroying people’s immune systems and are triggering turbo-charged cancers.

A survey by Steve Kirsch found sudden death is the No. 1 cause of death among those under the age of 65 who got the COVID jab.

Myocarditis as a cause of death is now registering across all age ranges but only for the vaccinated. Cardiac-related deaths are also significantly elevated among younger people (under 65) who got the jab compared to their un-jabbed peers.

Recent research shows repeated jabs trigger a switch in the types of antibodies your body produces and lower your ability to clear viruses. By switching from spike-specific neutralizing IgG antibodies to IgG4 antibodies, your body switches from tumor suppression mode into tumor progression mode.

In addition to the potential for cancer cells to run amok, IgG4 dominance may also have severe autoimmune implications, as the COVID jab spike protein share similarities with human proteins.

Read the entire report here:

RayB said...

High Levels of Circulating Spike Protein Found in Myocarditis Patients Who Took mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine: Study

From the article:

People who suffered from myocarditis after receiving an mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine were found to have persistently higher levels of circulating spike protein compared to those who also received an mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine but did not develop myocarditis, according to findings from a new study.

The study, published Jan. 4 in the Journal of the American Heart Association, sought to understand better the immune profiles—also referred to as immunoprofiles—of people who suffered from myocarditis after receiving an mRNA-based vaccine.

Read the rest of this important information here:

RayB said...

There's nothing to see here folks, just keep moving along, that's right, you're eyes are lying to ya I tell ya ...

More Than 270 Sudden Deaths in US Athletes After Vaccination: Peer-Reviewed Letter

From the article:

Two hundred seventy-nine athletes and former athletes in the United States have died from cardiac arrests and other serious issues after taking COVID-19 vaccines, according to data from a recent peer-reviewed letter to the editor.

Authored by structural biologist Panagis Polykretis, and board-certified internist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, the letter’s cited data found that from 2021 to 2022, at least 1,616 cardiac arrests or other major medical issues have been globally documented in vaccinated athletes, with 1,114 of those being fatal.

The global data also showed that between 2021 to 2022, former and current American athletes made up 279 of the mortalities.

Athletes have a lower chance of cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death as compared to nonathletes. A 2016 U.S. study calculated that nonathletes, compared to athletes, have a 29 times higher chance of sudden cardiac death.

RayB said...

UK: ONS Whistleblower Reveals Massive Spike in Excess Deaths Since 'Vaccine' Rollout, More Than 1000 a Week (Video)

From the article:

Nigel Farage interviewed a former European Parliament MEP and a senior member of the UK Office for National Statistics, James Wells, on the massive spike in excess deaths since the rollout of the experimental Covid “vaccine.”

Wells told Farage that ‘we need an independent public inquiry’ into excess deaths, as they have reached an average of more than 1000 a week for the past six months.

Watch broadcaster Nigel Farge’s shocking interview with whistleblower James Wells on GB News here:

Anonymous said...

Well, someone's gotten real quiet. 'sup, x, all tongue tied?

Thanks, RayB ... great links ... sure glad I didn't take that death jab.

Anonymous said...


You'd think all those vaccinated athletes around the world and in the US would result in bigger numbers than that considering the incidence of Mycarditis pre-covid was already approximately 1:50,000*

*A 2011 NCAA study found the incidence of Sudden Cardiac Death amoung all NCAA athletes was 1:43,770 participants per year. Among NCAA Division I male basketball players, the rate of SCD was 1:3,100 per year and concluded that SCD is the leading medical cause of death and death during exercise in NCAA student-athletes. Source:

I notice the ARTICLE (not a study - just an opinion piece thrown together with loose associations) also included "former athletes". Even then the article you linked states:

In the United States, it is estimated that 100 to 150 athletes die every year from sudden death.

The data cited in the letter, however, showed that in 2022 alone, over 190 deaths from cardiac arrests or other factors have been reported in current and former athletes.

First, I have to wonder how many in their comparison pool were "former athletes" -- as they certainly seem clickbait motivated to increase that 190 death number to the highest possible to make their point. Further... is a 26% increase in incidence the same year the Omicron variant infected just about the entire population of athletes really indicative of injuries from vaccines administered, largely, in 2021?

For example,

Read this 2021 (pre-vaccine) study done by the NCAA on student athletes who suffered covid in 2021 (prevaccine):

May 27, 2021: Prevalence of Clinical and Subclinical Myocarditis in Competitive Athletes With Recent SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Results From the Big Ten COVID-19 Cardiac Registry

Excerpt: Design, Setting, and Participants: Big Ten COVID-19 Cardiac Registry principal investigators were surveyed for aggregate observational data from March 1, 2020, through December 15, 2020, on athletes with COVID-19. For athletes with myocarditis, presence of cardiac symptoms and details of cardiac testing were recorded.... The utility of different screening strategies was evaluated.

Exposures: SARS-CoV-2 by polymerase chain reaction testing.

Main Outcome and Measure: Myocarditis via cardiovascular diagnostic testing.

Results: Representing 13 universities, cardiovascular testing was performed in 1597 athletes (964 men [60.4%]). Thirty-seven (including 27 men) were diagnosed with COVID-19 myocarditis (overall 2.3%; range per program, 0%-7.6%); 9 had clinical myocarditis and 28 had subclinical myocarditis. If cardiac testing was based on cardiac symptoms alone, only 5 athletes would have been detected (detected prevalence, 0.31%). Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging for all athletes yielded a 7.4-fold increase in detection of myocarditis (clinical and subclinical). Follow-up CMR imaging performed in 27 (73.0%) demonstrated resolution of T2 elevation in all (100%) and late gadolinium enhancement in 11 (40.7%).

Conclusions and Relevance: In this cohort study of 1597 US competitive athletes with CMR screening after COVID-19 infection, 37 athletes (2.3%) were diagnosed with clinical and subclinical myocarditis. Variability was observed in prevalence across universities, and testing protocols were closely tied to the detection of myocarditis. Variable ascertainment and unknown implications of CMR findings underscore the need for standardized timing and interpretation of cardiac testing. These unique CMR imaging data provide a more complete understanding of the prevalence of clinical and subclinical myocarditis in college athletes after COVID-19 infection. The role of CMR in routine screening for athletes safe return to play should be explored further.


Anonymous said...

I was right...

Here's the actual letter Epoch Times reported on...

They craftily compared the historical number of young current athlete DEATHS with the deaths AND cardiac events (survived) by current AND former athletes. I briefly perused the list of cardiac events and see all ages including 65, 53 and 56 year old "former" US athletes alone being listed (and I presume included in their counts).

I also see they didn't and couldn't even verify these cardiac events as happening to vaccinated persons. They just listed whatever they could find and implied they were vacccinated. For example, #708, Karuki Moncrieffe (12), a 12 year old Jamaican "footballer" died March 18, 2022 from an apparent Asthma event.

Jamaica didn't vaccinate children under 18 until the summer of 2022 and since when are 12 year olds listed as "athletes" in prior studies of mycarditis and cardiac events among real athletes?

I'm not doing a full review of this garbage when anyone with any level of discernment should be able to read it's just nonsense.


RayB said...

Anonymous said @ 9:31 AM:

Thanks, RayB ... great links ... sure glad I didn't take that death jab.


I totally agree. Not taking it was one of the very best decisions of my entire life.
Here's what's really sad; I keep running into people that HAVE been jabbed by the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines' that now regret it. They can't do much about it other than try to increase their natural immunity.

When Jesus promised that 'ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free,' He was speaking, as usual, volumes.

J said...

RayB 10:54 AM,

I think the truth can set us free in more ways that spiritually. Yet, in context, Jesus in John 8:31-47 is talking about the Jews who believed in Him becoming set free from their bondage to sin.

Immediately after he told them the truth would set them free, their reply was that they had always been free, because they were Abraham's descendants and had not been in bondage to anyone. He then explained to them they would become set free from their enslavement to sin.

I don't want to be contentious, but this is a big deal to me, because I have noticed soft gnosticism at times creeping into my own beliefs. I hope believers will be wary about allowing the same thing to happen to themselves.

I think the NIV states it more clearly in this instance, so I'm quoting that version, although I usually don't prefer it.

John 8:34-37

34 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. 35 Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. 37

J said...

Just before this Jesus had said that the truth about Him is that He is the son of God the Father. So this is the truth that would set people free, but not just from "easy believism" - from commitment. The Middle Easterners who listened to Him in his day and age understood it was not just knowledge that was required of them, but knowledge along with commitment.

Everybody knows this, but it doesn't hurt to remember it from time to time. It's easy to backslide, and I know I do at times.

Anonymous said...

James Wells isn't a "whistle-blower" he is a (former) politician who was a high school dropout absent any knowledge of vaccines or epidemiology.

Further...calling for an examination of excess deaths isn't an indictment of vaccines (other than by forced implication) in the face of an ongoing endemic virus that remains novel to many persons and inflicts long-term (long covid) on some unknown percentage of those infected.

Politicians, vitamin salesman Joseph Mercola, and the Epoch Times are not evidence of anything.


Anonymous said...

I agree with X. The only truthful news sources are MSNBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, NPR BBC, etc.

Anonymous said...

Just kidding!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Russia Deploys Hypersonic Nukes & Poseidon Nuclear Torpedoes

Anonymous said...

cRayZ said: I keep running into people that HAVE been jabbed by the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines' that now regret it. They can't do much about it other than try to increase their natural immunity.

First, I don't know a single vaccinated person that regrets it. Other than some immediate symptoms (by design as it's supposed to create an immune response) I've never heard anyone complain of any adverse vaccine reaction at all, especially over a year later. I live in an urban population where everyone knows many people that died of covid, many who were unvaccinated, so, perhaps it's easier for us. They also aren't likely sourcing their information from clickbait generated by extremist entertainment websites either.

Second, when you say you "ran into them" you seem to be implying they are alive...walking and/or "running" around living their lives when you bumped into them. Maybe you should try walking around cemeteries near you in red county USA and look for all the fresh graves of all the Delta Variant covid dead. I wonder if they were alive today and walking around if they might tell you they regret NOT getting the vaccine? I wonder, too, how many more of these probably conjured up "friends" would be suffering from long covid now after enduring an early novel delta variant infection while unvaccinated?

The Commonwealth Fund estimated the vaccines prevented more than 18.5 million hospitalizations and 3.2 million deaths from December 2020 to last month. Researchers added the vaccines also prevented 120 million more COVID-19 infections and saved the U.S. more than $1 trillion.

Source: COVID vaccines saved 3.2 million US lives, researchers say: 12/13/22


p.s. - I'm not talking beyond rounds 1 and 2 and maybe round 3 boosters in 2021 prior to the Omicron variant. I could see someone who got 5 rounds of covid vaccine and ended up still catching this new BXX more resistant variant "regretting" getting the final 2 rounds of boosters if they had any reaction to it at all. Plus, "regret" in late 2022 and now, 2023 is perhaps based upon knowledge completely unknown in 2020-2021 and early 2022. I got "boosted" in Dec 2021 just a couple months after my cousin died as New York entered it's third HUGE wave of covid infections as Delta tailed off into Omicron late December 2021 into January 2022. Maybe I'd have been better off cathching that mild Omicron variant December/January 2021/2022? Would natural immunity have been better? I do believe those lucky enough to survive a wild infection of the full virus should have longer lasting immunity than a vaccine but at what initial risk for me in late 2021? What if I came upon and caught the last remnants of the Delta variant at that time? I could be dead (small percentage but possible). I can also see those with survivor bias who may have some guilt due to the likelihood of having infected and killed others as having cognitive dissonance being thereby motivated to overestimate and overstate the risks of chosing vaccination. In the end...there are a lot of answers that will be studied for decades but there will be much we will never KNOW. There's just too many variables. God is sovereign. It will be OK. Do not be fearful.

Anonymous said...

11:49 AM

There are exceptions to every general reality

Anonymous said...

9:31 AM

Serpent X is NEVER tongue-tied.


















Anonymous said...

X @ 11:53 AM

YES, by design, the satanic shot is supposed to create an immune response.

But it does so in a very unnatural way. Plus you get the other dirty stuff!

You X like dirty stuff, and you savor twisting, and lying! It gives you that serotonin boost. You know, like a crack addict, always needing another hit.

You X, should never be let off the hook for your incessant labeling of the unvaxxed as MURDERERS!!! Long after it was COMMON KNOWLEDGE that that simply was not true. But like any black heart, you savor the lie long after it is exposed!

Anonymous said...


How convenient that the mRNA bioweapon forces the human body to build its own modem...

Anonymous said...

I perused the posts of this thread and was met with yet another dreadful rant by the resident racist lyricist, Satanic troll, who can't abide the truth that X has once again dislodged his fancy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


I'm not going to read that blog article but I'm betting they are counting weekends Joe Biden has gone home to Delaware as "vacation" time.

2 years x 52 weekends x 2 days per weekend alone would account for about 220 or those 280 days. Pretty loose definition of "vacation"?

Maybe this is a better indicator:

Trump played golf approximately 308 times in his four years as president. Whereas, Obama (who Trump criticized for supposedly playing too much golf) played golf 333 times in eight years as president. Biden played about 10 rounds of golf his first year so it's no more than maybe 25 rounds at this point of his presidency 2 years in.

It's also worth noting... most of Trump’s golf outings were at his own resorts, which allowed him to profit from his leisure. He left taxpayers footing the bill for more than $151.5 million in travel and security costs for his hobby.

Finally...Trump spent a total of 428 days of his Presidency at Trump Organization properties.


Anonymous said...

12:25 AM

You are again assuming, and incorrectly. It isn't RayB who posts from the unmentionable source, but me!

So go ahead and lie out of your ass again, and again. You make the poet seem like a decent person.

You spew more hate than the 'poet'.

Anonymous said...

And again @ 12:44 PM, more twisting, and assumptions on your part!

You and X make a cute couple, 'strong stomach' required.

Anonymous said...

12:57 PM,

What a tiny capability and thwarted capacity you exhibitin your abject and utter failure to comprehend my post, I had dumbed it down specifically with you in mind yet your response shows it has still sailed above your retarded abilities to examine and scritinise text. It is clear you are both the vile lyricist and Satanic troll mentiondd earlier, but of course, you would lie, wouldn't you? For you are of your father the Devil, who has been a liar and a murderer from the beginning.

Anonymous said...

12:09 said: You X, should never be let off the hook for your incessant labeling of the unvaxxed as MURDERERS!!! Long after it was COMMON KNOWLEDGE that that simply was not true.

If it is truly and "simply" "common knowledge" untrue please provide evidence of such. Surely your "common knowledge" is supportable?

Just because SOME covid vaccinated endured covid breakthrough infections in 2021 and some of those persons were found to be contagious and likely/potentially passed on the virus to others doesn't refute the known facts that the vaccinated were largely less susceptible to infection and their infections were less severe as indicated by the substantial reduction in hospitalizations and deaths among the vaccinated in 2021.

I haven't seen a study indicating how long anyone vaccinated, let alone unvaccinated is or remains contagious to others ON AVERAGE; however, it surely varies based upon severity and the simple fact the very ill have to run around to doctors and hospitals and rely MORE on the care of others...including close family. The less severely ill could more easily self-care and isolate at home. This surely indicates the unvaccinated, largely, were substantially more responsible for the spread of the most deadly Delta variant in the summer and fall of 2021. The vaccine and to the extent the vaccinated provided some level of herd immunity protected the population to some extent saved the lives of approximately 3.2 million Americans who would have died otherwise.

Source: Two Years of U.S. COVID-19 Vaccines Have Prevented Millions of Hospitalizations and Deaths

Excerpt: From December 2020 through November 2022, we estimate that the COVID-19 vaccination program in the U.S. prevented more than 18.5 million additional hospitalizations and 3.2 million additional deaths. Without vaccination, there would have been nearly 120 million more COVID-19 infections. The vaccination program also saved the U.S. $1.15 trillion (Credible Interval: $1.10 trillion–$1.19 trillion) (data not shown) in medical costs that would otherwise have been incurred.

Even if you didn't take the shot...your life may have been saved by the vaccine program and you wouldn't even know it. Those decent persons in your community who demonstrated Christian love, faith, hope and showed no fear by taking the life-saving vaccines may have saved your life.

You're welcome.


Anonymous said...

President Satan - untouchable

Anonymous said...


cRayZ posts from the G.P. often as seen on this thread.

Unless it's the troll posting G.P. links under his name??


Anonymous said...

1:01 PM, unlike your perverse self, I am happily heterosexual. You should repent of your sick fantasies, and anyone looking back at your posts with anything other than utter disgust should beware lest they turn into a proverbial pillar of salt.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

X @ 1:12 PM

You're completely screwed up.

You love the broad path that leads to the pit. You turn up the heat on yourself continuously. The middle, worldly path, is a bad idea. You embrace it, because it is your nature.

You X, trust the false science scripture warns of. You embrace the Biden Death Cult, but have the gaul to call out murderers falsely!

When someone receives salvation through Christ, the Holy Spirit begins revealing the true nature of this present world, and its principalities, and powers. You refuse to loosen your grip on these dying principalities, and powers. Your future looks bleak.

Anonymous said...

1:16 PM

X, assuming again.

Truth is your enemy X.

180 degrees opposed to the narrow path. Such a Narcissist.

Anonymous said...

'Such a Narcissist',

Indeed you are, 1:38 PM, you are indeed.

The difference between you and X is you have put your sinister trust in your 'saviour', Donald John Trump, the epitomy of narcissism, just as has Ray B. Trump is the blind leading the blind and he and his followers will fall headlong into the pit.

X, on the other hand, follows Jesus Christ, the True Lord and Saviour.

Anonymous said...

A Special Tribute to Ashli Babbitt's Mom from America's Political Prisoners!

Anonymous said...

1:32 pm

You can't even articulate and defend supposed "simply common knowledge".

You blindly follow, worship and relay demonstrable false political and science fiction.

It's sad, unbecoming and unChristian.


Anonymous said...

1:49 PM

You and X have the same smell(sulphur), to your posts. So to me, you could be X posting another 'fake' supporter?

You and X?, etc.,,,, love to falsely accuse those who certainly do not idolize Trump! He was a better choice, than Hillary, period. I, also others here, have clearly expressed, were disappointed that Trump did not do more to "Drain the Swamp". Not that the hounds of hell, were not at his throat continually! It is not cool to be a Nationalist. Plus he was pro-vax! Now we have President Satan, who has all but destroyed this evil nation. He may bring us to nuclear annihilation? Perhaps his installment is to fulfill prophecy? But we don't want to say anything bad about Dear Death Cult Leader Joe. He is so clean, and holy!

The enemies of Christ here, The Idolatrous Cumbey Death Cult, are not Trump voters, but those who are giving President Satan, and his freak appointees, a pass!

Anonymous said...

Comedian X @ 2:09 PM, doing the ole switcheroo-ny.

Your poor wife X.

Pray for poor X's poor wife.

Anonymous said...

2:15 PM / 2:18 PM,

You sad little incel. I have not bothered to read the content of your post, though of course I glimpsed enough to see the demon possessing your lost soul is raging. The,Lord Jesus Christ rebuke you and cause you to repent. It is a terrible thing to fall under the wrath of the Living God, and your willful stupidity and ineducability will not be any excuse. Repent today, for tomorrow may be too late.

Anonymous said...

Hey, "No, they don't sleep at dawn.
I happen to live with three black guys. We share a house."

Didn't write that "poetry" but I'd still say you might learn the hard way with your lifestyle, dude.

paul said...

I believe it is called "Polar Bear Hunting".


Anonymous said...

Victor Davis Hanson tells it just like it is.

Anonymous said...

For a more thorough debunking of the Goodsciencing article overstating and exxagerating sudden cardiac deaths among athletes see:

Deceptive athlete death claims from Pierre Kory and Goodsciencing

She even points out as I did the discrepancy between the groups of "athletes" (ages and proficiency) and highlights how some of the deceased athletes listed they themselves clearly stated had died of cancer.

Her brief non-exhaustive perusal of the list of persons bogusly claimed to be vaccine injured by this "letter" include:

#9 on the list is Mariam Barbar, former Dallas Cowboy running back who originally died of unknown causes in a hotel room. Subsequently, the Medical Examiner determined his cause of death was heat stroke. Heat Stroke kills approximately 600 persons per year. Cardiac Arrest is a potential symptom of heat stroke, not the other way around.

#100, #261 and #690 were all suicides.

#981 was covid positive at the time of his death

#64 was clearly an epeleptic siezure

#428 died in car accident

#903 died of a heart infection (heart infections aren't related to covid vaccine -- they are bacterial)

#224 police officer "died suddenly" of a fentanyl overdose.


Anonymous said...

Tyrone has seen the depths of Ghetto Hell!
Witchcraft far beyond Nancy's spells;

Inside his crypt he fondles aimlessly;
then kills the child and laughs out endlessly!

lyrics by Richard

Anonymous said...

Tyrone the Crypt-Keeper

Copyright 2021

Craig said...

Update: ANOTHER COUNTER-REPORT of the January 6 Questionable Committee has been released by Tucker Carlson and is available for free. Click below to see and listen.

Tucker Carlson: Lies about Jan. 6 have been relentless

Fox News host Tucker Carlson reflects on the January 6 Capitol breach two years later on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'

Complete with added YouTube "Context" box from Wikipedia with this inflamed verbiage: "On January 6, 2021, following the defeat of then-U.S. President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, a mob of his supporters attacked the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C."

“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.”
– Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn

Anonymous said...

"The Idolatrous Cumbey Death Cult"

Because she is not anti-vaccine, a.k.a., the mark of the beast according to you. You are a complete moron.

J said...

This would mean serious political activism, not trolling. Action, not talk. I wonder, will the base be able to muster it? If so there could possibly be a meaningful check and balance to some extent. But I think the base is mainly out for emotional satisfaction, and the "freedom caucus" members know it. Once they perform their political theater for a while, they can go on to a position as a political commenter on Fox News or somewhere else. What a cushy, fun career that is. More fun and less work. I doubt any of the things "J.D. Rucker" is calling for in this article will really happen. But I could be surprised. I would welcome that.

As Conservatives Shift From Opposing McCarthy to Holding His Feet to the Fire, Here are Five Promises He Needs to Keep

Richard said...

lyrics by paul, Richard, RayB

Be dead, fiend from below,
When darkness falls....

Drop down onto my sights,
Arrow's in my bow.....

Bullets fly through the lines,
Reds all around;

Ghetto thugs of attrition
March on their ground....

Raging Joe's senile age
Hand on his tie;

Scream speech blood-red blows,
Believing his lies....

In the center of Joe's web,
Stuck as before........

What is X's crime?
His Dick forever sore!!!

Richard said...

"War Cocks" Copyright 2021

Be dead, fiend from below,
When darkness falls....

Drop down onto my sights,
Arrow's in my bow.....

Bullets fly through the lines,
Reds all around;

Ghetto thugs of attrition
March on their ground....

Raging Joe's senile age
Hand on his tie;

Scream speech blood-red blows,
Believing his lies....

In the center of Joe's web,
Stuck as before........

What is X's crime?
His Dick forever sore!!!

Anonymous said...


'Arrow's in my bow"

Correct to say "Arrow's through the wall"

Anonymous said...

"Stuck as before........"

Should be "Trapped as before"

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:18, 20, 21, 24 PM,

Grow up.

[Rich, delete this comment once you delete those above]

Anonymous said...

Double board certified Pediatric Cardiologist's Emotional Testimony On Sudden Death & Vax Damage To Young Hearts

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anon 12:18, 20, 21, 24 PM,

Grow up.

Perhaps you too are smoking too much of X's Polish sausage?

Have you had an oral exam by your dentist?

Anonymous said...

Join in Joe's quest to leave our nation upturned,
whilst Jill's out promoting this doom;

Spewing out Turds with the evil he churns,
He wakes up 'ole X from his tomb!

Anonymous said...

Fondling girls' hair, the sensations he's felt,
Enjoying the pleasures of Sin.....

Doing the best with what X has been dealt,
Poaching your boys on their shins!

Anonymous said...


Unleash all his scorching wrath,
perverted, Pedo machine....

X rips down all who block his path,
Rejoice in all that's obscene.........Throne of Fire!!!!!!!!

lyrics by RayB

Anonymous said...

Joe's bedroom's full, nightmarish figures,
Burning! They escape the embers....

Lost are those with X the Liar,
He's on the Throne, the Throne of Fire!

lyrics by Richard

Anonymous said...

Please permanently block Richard.

J said...

A brief history of an Evil Empire: Pfizer
Imagine, if you will, an industry that is hated even more than the government. Within that industry, there is a corporation that has a reputation so low that even among its peers, they were ranked as the worst in 2016, 2017, and 2018.

Now imagine you are told if you do not let that company inject an experimental drug into you, using a never before tried delivery system, you will lose your livelihood, freedom, and possibly your life. You are not in the twilight zone. It is 2021 and that corporation is Pfizer.

The above is the introductory paragraph to a series of articles written by Jestre in early November 2021, titled ‘Guide to an Evil Empire: Pfizer’, which detailed some of Pfizer’s exploits.

In the first of the series, Jestre gave an abridged view of the illegal history of Pfizer – a handful of the many lawsuits brought against the company. “Not all of the cases have been fully litigated; some of the outcomes are unknown. In the majority of cases, Pfizer alleges no wrongdoing even when they pay out a hefty settlement.”

Jestre’s article covers lawsuits regarding:

- Pfizer’s Ibuprofen product, Advil

- Pfizer’s drug for Alzheimer’s, Aricept

- Pfizer’s drugs Bextra, Geodon, Zyvox, and Lyrica. Which also involved “gifts” to doctors, blackmail and bribery to avoid prosecution.

- Pfizer’s drugs Celebrex, Lyrica and, again, Bextra

- Pfizer’s drug Chantix

- Pfizer’s drug depo-testosterone

Jestre’s list goes on with lawsuits involving at least, if we have counted correctly, another 19 of Pfizer’s drugs.

J said...

This is what Constance calls "watch the fundamentalists run." In this case it might be modified to "watch the patriots run." (I don't endorse everything contained on this site, but the writers dig up interesting things that I don't find elsewhere. On most right wing alternative media what one finds can be found repeated dozens of places if you do a search for it. You'll see how it's almost as if it had been syndicated for all practical intents and purposes.)

Candace Owens’ GLORIFi tied to Rothschild & Sons

Classical Hegelian Dialectic: thesis-PayPal; antithesis-Block Accounts; synthesis-Run to Glorifi you stupid patriots (we control it too).

Then, out of nowhere comes the SOLUTION from Candace Owens who runs out in front of the Hegelian dialectic screaming, try my GloriFy app. “I am the co-founder”, this Pilgrim Society puppet claims. We are patriotic and all that. Queue up the sickly sweet video “ready to go” to lure Paypal users and Trump cultists into the next Rothschild banking cartel corral.

J said...

One of the discernment blogs I've been reading said the time may come when Christians can only place their trust in Scripture - because the manipulation is everywhere.

I don't know if these are really the end times or just another cycle of corruption and decline. I don't know if the Great Reset will work or will instead fail while Western Civilization declines into the Great Collapse.

But I do know that the truth will set you free, and that truth is that you have a greater home and a greater citizenship waiting for you, because you have been adopted into the family of Jesus Christ. Your greater home and your greater citizenship are always safe.

And I do know that Jesus said His Word would never pass away. It has not ever passed away. You have access to it. Trust only it.

Extreme manipulation comes from both the left and the right. The right is no longer traditional or conservative.

Donald Trump went along with the uniparty narrative that good immigration = legal immigration and bad immigration = illegal immigration. Immigration increased during his administration. It helps the right wing billionaires who supported him. It helps all the billionaires and all the corporations. Because it lowers wages.

Steve Bannon didn't use the money he took from patriots to contribute toward building a wall on the border.

Don't be fooled.

I don't know who remains here reading the comments any more. I think I'm just going to watch and see if Constance gets her radio show and maybe call into that if she does. I don't know if I will be commenting here any further.

I think I need to take my own advice and study the Bible more to prepare myself for helping missionaries convert Muslims to Christianity. (As my detractor pointed out. It was the one true thing he or she probably ever said about me.)

Anonymous said...

Manipulation has always been everywhere. The Deep State has perfected close elections, Gore/Bush etc. Easier to control the whole circus that way. TPTB have mastered keeping the shift left, as it has been for centuries. The dialectic has gone extreme left. The only thing that would correct the left slide would be a Broad Populous Uprising, and a return to a Republic. That is not allowed! The Global Police State, Beast System, has the reins. Change? No way, no how. How much further left can it go, before fire and brimstone? God has this, prepare accordingly.

There are no alt payment methods. Just the illusion of financial independence. Every exchange invention is, or will be, co-opted. The Central Banks rule the world! See Matthew 21:12. It is prophetic!!!! Prepare accordingly.

Anonymous said...

Amen! Go tell it on the mountain.

Anonymous said...

When one looks at the definition of Psychopath,and then looks at all the machinations of the Pfizer Corporation, you see that the Pfizer Giant is a psychopath.

Anonymous said...

Joe and X, they're all on the take,
Vile polluters, leave Death in their wake;

Nothing but bribes;
Pockets swell at the expense of our lives;

X grabs his own Dick, sick of its taste,
Vax made it so limp, now in toxic waste!

Lyrics by paul, Richard

paul said...

Look at X floating, a swim in the cess,
Such a disgrace, what a sick mess!

Living to make, make a good buck,
Who cares who they kill, not giving a f*ck!

Their mansions are up, up on the Hill,
Twas paid for in DEATH, now real ChemiKill!

lyrics by RayB, Richard

Anonymous said...

"Chemi-Killer" cont'd

lyrics by Richard, RayB, paul

Don't know what to do,
He can't keep it around;

So it's on our back-door,
Down deep underground;

Kids scream and they shout,
Joe cackles and laughs;

Joe runs to the bank,
X takes off his coat,
"Here is your money",
Shoved down through his throat!

Anonymous said...

Babes Offed in the womb,
Right into their tombs;

Retards, crippled, born as ducks lame,
But again and again, they aren't to blame;

Tumors are growing, Gangrene in spleens,
Joe turns kids cold, turning them green;

Peeps are dropping, one after one,
Can this be the end, the end of Joe's fun?

How can they get, get away with all this?
Take Fowch to the courts, but it gets dismissed!

Joe's bought off the judge, so he throws out the case;
There goes the end, of the human race!

lyrics by RayB

Anonymous said...

2022 Tracks with lyrics available on Rich's website:

Saint George Floyd (in Hell)

Tyrone the Crypt-Keeper

The Mad Dr. Gollywog

Ghetto Hell

Urban Warfare


Anonymous said...

lyrics by Richard

Screams and dreams of a life that X flaunts,
Can't stand kids' happiness, their lives he always haunts;

He's lost all control of his heart and soul,
Ole Joe rules his future, watch him behold!


X is against our Christ,
Twas what he was meant to be,
Said, 'Your Jesus left me behind',
And let my soul at last be free!

Anonymous said...


X is against our Christ,
Twas what he was meant to be,
Said, 'Your Jesus left me behind',
And let my soul at last be free!

Anonymous said...

X says:

In search of the answer, Christ hasn't come....
I await my greatest moment, the birth of Nancy's Son!

Anonymous said...

Declassified Documents Reveal Fallen Angels

Anonymous said...

Searching for his answer, Christ hasn't come....
He awaits his greatest day, the birth of Ole Joe's Son!

Anonymous said...

How do we get the comments by the racist white trash deleted?

Anonymous said...

The lewd and rude nursery rhymes need to be banned from this blog.

Anonymous said...


No matter how lewd, rude and outrageous RayB’s lies are I don’t see him getting banned anytime soon.

Constance Cumbey said...

An excellent website commenting on New Age issues from a Christian/Biblical perspective is IN PLAIN SITE by Carol Brooks.


Anonymous said...

3 + 15 + 18 + 15 + 14 + 1 = 66

Anonymous said...


Arise from the well-shaft,
The Negress snaps her jaws;

Arise from the well-shaft,
He's clamped beneath her paws;

Anonymous said...

lyrics by Richard

Arise from the well-shaft,
Eternal is its law!

Anonymous said...

Richard is obviously evil if you count up his posts today they contain exactly 666 letters.

Who knew?

Anonymous said...

@2:45 PM

X, give it up.

RayB said...

I'm so shocked ... and I mean SHOCKED !!!

Biden Center at UPenn Received $54.6M from 'Anonymous' Chinese Donations

"At least $54 million has been donated by Chinese Communist Party-linked individuals or entities between 2014 and 2019 to the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington at the University of Pennsylvania, according to public records reported by the New York Post, where it was revealed this week that Biden had stashed a trove of classified documents."

RayB said...

He's ruining the country ... but at least he's not questioning the validity of the 'elections' of 2020 & 2022

In Mexico, Joe Biden Promotes Plan to Make it ‘Easier’ for Migrants Trying to Enter the United States as Part of ‘Greatest Migration in Human History’

RayB said...

Those evil, evil, evil Republicans are at it again. Check this out ...

Kevin McCarthy: GOP Votes to Repeal Army of 87,000 IRS Agents as Its ‘Very First Act of the New Congress’

RayB said...

Oh no! It gets even worse!! (There's hope; this story appears in the Gateway Pundit, so it must be false.)

NEW: House Republicans Vote to Create New Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government – Jim Jordan Goes Off on Democrats! (VIDEO)

GOP Rep. Jim Jordan (OH) will spearhead the committee.

“We have a duty to get into these agencies and look at how they have been weaponized to go against the very people they’re supposed to represent, how they have infringed on First Amendment liberties of the American people. And we’re going to do that,” Jordan said on Fox News Sunday. “We’re going to do it in a way that’s consistent with the Constitution. But we’re going to do it vigorously. We’re going to do it aggressively. Because that’s our job.”

NOTE: It's worse than I thought! Jim Jordan is an avid TRUMP SUPPORTER, and probably a Q-Anon cult member that reads Blavatsky's 'The Secret Doctrine' on his lunch break, no doubt. Can it get any worse than this? What's next? Are they going to probe into the Biden Crime Family's business???

RayB said...

Undercover Video: Pfizer Scientist Expressed Concern Over Covid Vaccines Causing Heart Inflammation in 2021

"In an undercover video from Project Veritas, a Pfizer senior associate scientist named Chris Croce appears to express concern over the mRNA shots being linked to a form of heart inflammation called myocarditis as early as 2021."

More information and videos available in this article:

RayB said...


RayB said...

They all thought that they were doing the 'right thing.' They were told by their Doctors that the 'vaccine' was safe. Unfortunately, the 'right thing' didn't work out very well. (At least they are alive)

RayB said...

Awhile back, Constance wrote that her and a friend both received a 'booster,' and, both became very sick within 3 days. At that time, Constance said that she would not be taking any more booster shots. From that point on, to the best of my knowledge, Constance never said another word about her and her friend's experiences.

How about providing us with some details Constance? I'd also like to read what your current position is on these EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines,' being that we now have so much more available information on them.

My opinion is that this is the most heinous crime ever committed upon humanity, and, it's been done on a GLOBAL basis. What do you have to say about this Constance?

Anita said...

Dear Ms. Cumbey, HOW you have been a heroine for me sine 1981. When I first received your 1st book, I actually read it aloud to my husband. In Sept. 1982 we moved from the Raleigh/Durham area to S. Florida as church planters. As i read your book, it was like you described so many spiritual warfare things we’d experienced. You were the first person to ‘put the different pieces together’ for me. My husband was a pastor who sought to educate our congregation about New Age, and many became Christians as a result, in the Spring Tx. Area. He died suddenly in 1996. I’ve recently discovered Christians Answers for the New Age, a site, and a bold woman standing for truth. You and she are the only ones that have come across my path, and I’m grateful to ‘find’ you once again.

Sincerely, Anita Onarecker.

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