Thursday, February 24, 2022

Has World War III Begun? It looks ominously as it has. "Eve of Destruction" over and over again . . .

 Today is a very grave day in the history of our world.  Frankly, I wasn't as upset about the two Russian speaking territories in the Ukraine (Donetsk and Luhansk) -- the inhabitants of those regions appeared to be celebrating on Youtube clips I watched yesterday.  Inhabitants were walking in their city appearing perfectly relaxed -- or at least they gave that impression.  But, the full scale bombings, air strafing, and destruction that went into the rest of the Ukraine, including its Capitol city, Kiev, was clearly an exercise in barbarity of the worst sort.

My prayers are with all those adversely affected by these actions.  I'm also sharing with you an old Barry McGuire youtube video song -- Eve of Destruction,  It seems very pertinent today. 

I fear that this could well be the start of World War III.  Putin has threatened swift retaliation against any foreign power interfering with his invasion.  There are those inside Russia who were also horrified and bravely demonstrating against it.  I've been watching Al Jazeera's Youtube channel which has had fairly extensive coverage of the events.  Rich of Medford recommended it as a somewhat better source of relatively unbiased coverage.  There was reporting there that anti-war protestors in Russia had been arrested.

Often I have suspected we might be in the time of the Biblical seals of Revelation opening.  The 4th seal was the Rider on the Pale Horse.  Disease, fightings killings were shown there as taking many lives on Earth.  The pandemic has remained upon us with still many, many serious illnesses and deaths since early 2020.  New variants of that disease continue to appear.  Recently, it was announced there was a serious new and highly contagious variant plaguing Denmark.  All the other forms and variants quickly spread.  This one will probably do  so likewise here and abroad.

Such a sobering time and so many things happening.  We need to remember what time it is and to put our trust in the Lord.

Stay in prayer and stay tuned!



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RayB said...

X stated @ 2:37 PM (in part):

"I'm not defending homosexual or transgender nonsense, but I'm wondering, in light of your sentiment above as it relates to a tennis player being banned from competition by a private organization how you feel about the "Don't say gay" laws of Flordia (sic) and Idaho passing laws making transgender stuff a felony."


I find it interesting that you've misrepresented what the law in Florida actually states, which is that "classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in KINDERGARTEN THROUGH GRADE 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards."

It's also interesting that you used the LGBTQ+ slang phrase for the law "don't say Gay." Interesting.

Somehow, you equate the removal of an ADULT athlete from competition over his POLITICAL beliefs with a law, PASSED BY THE LEGISLATURE and SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR.

The Schools are funded by taxpayers' money. The elected officials, whom the people elected, VOTED to protect the children. YET, somehow, you equate the two vastly different scenarios as if they are one and the same! You sir are amazing, simply AMAZING !

By the way, what field did you say that you hold your Doctorate in?

Anonymous said...

Doctors take an oath: "First, do not harm."

How many doctors in the world are doing HARM in their patients by trying to force them to take an injection that has been falsely labeled as a 'vaccine' that will not only NOT protect them... but will do irreversible HARM to them (to their bodies AND their souls)?

These doctors WILL have to answer before Almighty God on Judgement Day.

Anonymous said...

See example of rebellious divination...

this post at 3:06pm: "Ivermectin would have likely saved your cousin but it was withheld from so many sick Americans. Ventilators were killing them. We saw that first hand in a couple of instances. And Ivermectin helped a number of folks I know, and know that first hand, too. Your government fiends at the top of the heap raked in $$$ (always follow the money) as people died under their restrictions to real and viable healthcare. And even at that, 98% still lived. Including my 93 year old Dad."


J said...

This is just getting crazy now.

Anonymous said...

No, X

Actually, YOU are the one who is coo coo for cocoa puffs!!!

You prove it every single day on this blog.

RayB said...

J @ 3:47 PM ...

There must be something in his water supply ... I don't know, I'm only guessing.

RayB said...

What's more than a little unsettling is that Constance said that she "doesn't ALWAYS agree with him."

Anonymous said...

This is a lot to take in in the backstory of Ukraine and it's indebtedness back in 2013 and beyond.
The IMF is a bully in my opinion.
Follow the money is always a rule of thumb to kno what is really going on

What a tangled web this is....

Anonymous said...

X kindles some strange fires. Worshipping government gods will do that to you.
He is whacked, and drinking government koolaid for so long he is poisoned beyond just a taint.

He can't stand anybody going against his own notions--his god complex--of the globalist narrative of what health, morality, and justice are. He plainly goes directly against Scripture he says he believes in, to defend and excuse the godlessness he voted for, is wholesale bought into. Has the gall to preach (screech) at others to castigate them for using their own minds and conscience (many who seek direction because they trust in God) to stand against what evil he represents and calls it what?...rebellious divination??

X is a freak.
And no christian--not even close.

Anonymous said...

@ RayB 3:54 PM

No kidding.

Anonymous said...


It's been MAGA/Qanon crazy here a long time....not just now.


p.s.- Someday it'll be "protect the children" from (psuedo) "christians" liars like RayB. These laws aren't designed to truly protect children. They are theonomic political stunts designed to be mean and hurful towards a small subset of humans in order to legitimize MAGA/Qnan conservatism and distract from January 6th and the rest of the unAmerican MAGA/Qanon disaster. This is not according to God's plan to win over the hearts and minds of America's youth. This is a social gospel.

Anonymous said...

Your easy believe-ism "social gospel" is another gospel that Apostle Paul warned about. Fake jesus--the plastic kind. Seeker friendly easy believe-ism is the no need to repent kind because you are leading them away from the truth, not to it. So you expose how badly you are botching what the Bible says among people who are lost and you just fake love them so they can remain in their sin and yet claim they believe in the Lord. No changed lives, no victories over sin in Christ Jesus--none of that happens in your fake church world, because no repentance is no believing either. Just mouth a prayer and saying Jesus name equals belief? They can never know the joy of freedom from sin and joy in the presence of the Lord is your fake "witness". No wonder you have a double mind--unstable in all your ways, "x".
Your compromises throw the true Gospel out the window and you trample it under your feet.
You can't know the Lord yourself.
That's why you are not convicted of the hate in your own dark heart.
Pride goes before a fall--you have a mighty long drop "bro".
The Holy Spirit would bear that witness if you did feel conviction--but not you! You are proud of your self-righteousness. You remind everyone here constantly how good you think you are. You just want to pretend you love others so you can attempt to turn them into the same child of hell you are (in true Pharisee fashion) by "winning" them as a notch on your spiritual belt. You want carbon copies of your nasty SELF!
Plastic x and his plastic jesus "faith" will be judged by the Lord one day.

You are even more fake than I have previously thought!

J said...

X 5:24 PM,

That doesn't make any sense to me.

J said...

X 5:24 PM,

Now I remember the last time this subject came up. I was focusing on the medical side of at least a subset of kids who experience gender dysphoria. You made a mocking statement as if to imply I believe in Lizard People turning frogs gay.

Did you think that just because I expressed empathy for those kids and their parents that I must think it loving to enable the kids? By the context I hope it would have been clear I was advocating for helping them medically (and I meant helping them with their brain inflammation and biochemical cascades causing them to be psychiatric).

It has never happened to my son, and probably not even to most, but I've been on parent support boards on which the subject has come up. It was very hard to discuss it. A very aggressive lesbian became offended and tried to shame the parents into silence. She didn't like any insinuation that any individual with any kind of gender dysphoria could have either a medical or a psychiatric problem.

As if it wasn't already hard enough for the parents. Do you see who was hurting whom?

My brain hardly dares imagine a kid like that in a classroom with woke sex ed or woke social emotional learning. It's a nightmare. I know the news stories but don't like to imagine past those. It's just too wretched for me.

Anonymous said...


Well...our Founding Fathers understood me...

THE RADICAL THEOLOGY THAT COULD MAKE RELIGIOUS FREEDOM A THING OF THE PAST: Even devout Christians should fear these influential leaders' refusal to separate church and state"

June 2016


"Ironically, for all their talk about what those Founders intended, it seems that dominionists have failed to heed the wisdom of two of the most prominent, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Madison warned that when government prefers one religion over others, religion suffers. A government that can make Christianity the official religion, he observed, can just as easily prefer one form of Christianity over others — for instance, Catholicism over evangelicalism.

For his part, Jefferson appealed to history. Whenever government officials “have assumed dominion over the faith of others, setting up their own opinions and modes of thinking as the only true and infallible” (my emphasis), he wrote, they have ended up creating “false religions.”

Christians who seek political domination would do well to heed those wise words."


Anonymous said...

J said... "It was very hard to discuss it."

That I empathize with. It is. You give tolerance while they offer none. Anything short of acceptance is unacceptable.

I don't recall our lizard people conversation but I'm sorry you took it as an accusation (maybe that's how I meant it so I'm not saying I didn't). My thought on persons struggling with their sexuality or gender issues is they are already mad enough seeming at the God they know, there's no reason to provoke them further into hating God. They are a part of our mission field, not our enemies. We are, after all, the branches of one vine. We flourish or we perish together.” (to paraphrase John 15:5)

I also can't imagine that struggle as a Christian parent. I also do not have a child struggling with any apparent LGBTQ issues.


Anonymous said...

You served up a word salad, with heavy rancid dressing.

Nobody here advocates that. You misapply motives and actions of Christians who are conservative so you can supposedly claim they are the ones pushing to overstep bounds set up in our founding so you can help usher in your godless humanistic manifesto of global overreach that is actually the evil you accuse others of.
You railroad topics so you can spew.

Typical you. Out of context and so often tone deaf here but it's because you are driving an agenda, not a conversation between equals, you set yourself up as morally superior, but you fail.

Just a garden variety freak who pontificates and pretends he is a concerned citizen.

You display many characteristics of an emotional abuser.
Makes me wonder wonder of someone in your circle needs an intervention.
Toxic people like you are the ones who create victims, not solutions and healthy interactions among the many different kinds of people and issues among them.

Anonymous said...

"Republican sen. Josh Hawley posted a lengthy Twitter thread on Wednesday, which he says exemplifies the “appalling” pattern of child offenders sex offenders by Biden Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanzi Brown Jackson.

“Judge Jackson, as a judge and policymaker, has a pattern of leaving child porn offenders hooked to their horrific crimes,” the Missouri Republican tweeted Wednesday. “They are justifying it from law school. It goes beyond ‘soft on crime.’"

Surely you can't get behind this, Constance........

"“In every case where we can find records,” Jackson “has deviated from federal sentencing guidelines“
"This is a disturbing record for any judge, but especially nominated for the highest court in the land,” Hawley tweeted. “Protecting the most vulnerable should not be debated." Sending children to predators should not be controversial.” on behalf of child pornography offenders,” Hawley added."

Anonymous said...

"Surely you can't get behind this, Constance........"

And what makes you think that, 8:33 PM ????

Anonymous said...

anon said: "you just fake love them so they can remain in their sin and yet claim they believe in the Lord. No changed lives, no victories over sin in Christ"

It's funny...a month ago I was a Westboro Baptist type, but now it appears you misread me as some easy believer.

I'm not saying they are born-again believers....they simply know the God of the Bible as all men do and are without excuse.

As the verse below confirms there is no such thing as an atheist (presuppositional apologetics)

God's Wrath on Unrighteousness
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Roman 1:18-21 ESV

Craig said...

Listen especially at about the 9 minute mark plus (stamped at 8:04):

Superior natural immunity

Dr. John Campbell

The situation has changed.

Time to move on.

Anonymous said...

10:05 PM

You have no genuine interest in peoples issues.
If you did you would be civil. But we all know you're not.
You brought up reaching out to young people with what?
"Christianized political softballs"? Exactly what you accused others of wanting to achieve here, mixing church and state. That admix is the social gospel--apostate, not genuine Bible Christianity. Government approaches to the hard issues, not the Bible, not the love of the Gospel to show people their need to repent and know Christ as Savior. What a nasty mixed bag you present.
So you just use people for talking points, in other words, to spew (your hobby).
If you were fair, as you should be, as you say you are, you would extend grace to all people not cherry pick who should receive fairness and who should not, that isn't what right looks like, that's wrong I don't care who you think you are. The way you used that against RayB says everything about how disconnected and messed up you are.
Your social politics are progressive socialist wanting radical governmental change (NWO) and they (gender challenged people etc) come in handy for turning society wrong side out to satisfy your political endgame..
With conservatives you turn full on self-righteous Nazi, because your unworkable endgame needs a fall guy. You pit things (divide) against one another like a good student of the devil does. Anyone can see through you.

You should introduce your left brain to your right brain because you're double minded.
With a very shrunken heart.
You need to repent.

Anonymous said...

"You display many characteristics of an emotional abuser."

"X" likes to play both ends against the middle.
And he is extreme. One minute he demands there be secular humanism leftist anything goes extremes to break down society so the globalists can use that trade off to rule over people, the next minute the extremes of a fundamentalist religious pharisee who is hateful toward people he doesn't deem moral enough, they shouldn't have privileges they work hard for because they aren't as good as he is, don't agree with him.
That's twisted!
A flaming narcissist!

Anonymous said...

11:18 PM

Said very well!

J said...

11:18 PM,

Is that what's happening? I can't make sense of X's statement that he used to be a Westboro Baptist. I wondered if he thought that's what we are like and he was trying to say he used to be like us until he grew up? I just decided not to ask, because I became tired of the thread.

Anonymous said...

J stated,

"I don't believe the vaccine is either the mark of the beast or a precursor to the mark of the beast."

While I agree the vaccine isn't the mark itself, to say it isn't a precursor to the mark is nonsense! Tell me how it isn't a precursor? Can you?

The Beast System is all about forcible control over all people. It demands compliance. People are softened to comply by attack from all angles. Virtue signaling, shaming, loss of job, freezing of bank accounts, non stop media brain washing, and more!

The Fed met yesterday, and raised interest rates a quarter point. They talked up their designs for digital currency. It's mentioned at their meetings continuously. They will get their wish, because Biden will give it to them. Biden is wholly given to evil continuously. The populous will largely applaud it, because they believe in the Beast System. They are prepared for it by years of brain washing, and convenience training. After all TPTB, have our interests at heart. It's for our own good!

The actual 'mark' will follow right on the heels of the digital currency. These things are all done to control, kill, and destroy. So how on God's earth can anyone think the vaccines, and now the soon to come digital currency are not precursors to the actual mark itself?

The sad fact is, that not all Christians alive today will go to paradise. Hell is full of nice people. Sweetie pies. You have to pick which God you want to comply with.

The foolish virgins were probably nice people. They may have been beloved blog owners, or blog posters? But they were foolish!

RayB said...

Anon @ 9:25 AM states (in part):

"The sad fact is, that not all Christians alive today will go to paradise. Hell is full of nice people. Sweetie pies. You have to pick which God you want to comply with."

True Children of God, bought by the blood of Christ on the Cross, born of the Holy Spirit (born again), cannot lose their salvation.

Furthermore, Jeremiah speaks of God putting a mark upon the forehead of those that are his, AND, it is clearly a spiritual mark. It very well could be that the "mark" in Revelation is the same. A person that 'follows' the 'god' of this world, already, in a very real sense, has a mark placed upon him.

RayB said...

Anon @ 9:25 AM ...

Your position is very popular among Charismatics. It has its roots firmly planted in Roman Catholicism, which teaches a system of works, as in, strict obedience to THEIR system. If a Catholic dies in 'mortal sin," (prior to confessing and attending Mass, they go to Hell). Whether you realize it or not, you are advocating the exact same system.

Anonymous said...

Thank for sharing your cult beliefs.

J said...

9:25 AM,

Oh, don't worry, if comes to it, I will not comply.

The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution would be evil. It's just that they would not fulfill Revelation, because Revelation was about the transition from Old Covenant to New Covenant. I know you don't believe it, and I don't intend to debate it. I've explained why I believe as I do. I think I understand futurism and Dispensationalism, and I know good, intelligent, sincere Christians can believe in it. I know it's the most popular end times belief among American Zionist evangelicals.

I worry about evil and elite people trying to force and manipulate a false idea of the Armageddon of the Bible. The Muslim world has their own false prophets and provocateurs. The Jewish world has theirs. I see it as being manipulative. The Zionist Christians have theirs. Take a look around and see the similarities. Do a web search and see the end times expectations of the Muslims. See the similarities. See how slickly produced the materials can be. Take a look at Chabad Lubavitch. Then look at NAR and at some (but not all) Zionists who year for a bloody war in the Middle East.

There is so much slickly produced end times conspiracy theory aimed at Christians and Muslims both. It may contain some truth to get you to believe the lies that are mixed in.

People like Pat Robertson appear to me to be fools at best and provocateurs at worst. Immediately he was saying Putin is Gog and Russia is Magog, and God will drag Putin to attack Israel with a hook in Putin's mouth. A couple weeks later he had softened his stance and said that Putin believed in a great delusion which was his own undoing.

I see many attempts to manipulate Christians.

Anonymous said...

10:02 AM

That's is utter nonsense!!! Your saying things that are not true! Your exaggerating and twisting what I stated. Your on X's team now!

But thanks for defending your big crush!


RayB said...

Correction, I was mistaken when I referred to Jeremiah. The "mark" is found in Ezekial Chapter 9 ...

9 He cried also in mine ears with a loud voice, saying, Cause them that have charge over the city to draw near, even every man with his destroying weapon in his hand.

2 And, behold, six men came from the way of the higher gate, which lieth toward the north, and every man a slaughter weapon in his hand; and one man among them was clothed with linen, with a writer's inkhorn by his side: and they went in, and stood beside the brasen altar.

3 And the glory of the God of Israel was gone up from the cherub, whereupon he was, to the threshold of the house. And he called to the man clothed with linen, which had the writer's inkhorn by his side;

4 And the Lord said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.

J said...

RayB 10:12 AM,

Christians should dare to believe the Bible and let the Bible interpret the Bible.

The Apostle Paul praised the Bereans for searching the Bible to confirm everything he told them.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to pin the tail on this donkey because X is working both ends and twists things so hard left that he shreds a christian stance then quotes the Bible (sometimes correctly) to use it against others he thinks don't measure up..don't march to the beat of the government drum, especially conservatives, that he hates apparently.

This is why I say he is guilty of dreaming like a marXist and hating like a nazi.

He may or may not be from the Westboro Baptist type of background (sounds very hard fundamentalist to me). That was a characterization by a poster, but when he wants to, he flips the script to sound sloppy agape new age social gospel, and he turns it on big time.
For whatever reason he does his chameleon act (antics) he is here with the express purpose to drive conversation his way--the truth becomes the casualty in the meanwhile.
He is smoke and mirrors and wearing the blog down, in concerted effort-he is trolling for someone--maybe his line of work is with pharmaceutical industry (?), because he is a dyed in the wool shill pushing for that.
Trademark accuser of the brethren tactics, common troll behavior.

Very tiring indeed.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for lecturing me J. I really appreciate it.

Fact is, my ex wife had NAR friends, and my wife walked largely in agreement with them. I know all about NAR beliefs, and it's from the pit of hell. My wife divorced me because she claimed God told her, I had to increase my income to a certain level, to be worthy to be married to her! She even had an exact dollar figure that she said God gave her! My ex came from money, and fame, and her circle of friends were wealthy. They thought anyone who wasn't financially blessed was out of favor with God!

You and Ray assume to know, and discern so much! Does it flow from wisdom, or ego?

J said...

10:32 AM,

I'm sorry about your wife, and I'm sorry I brought up a painful subject for you. You clearly know the subject of NAR better than I do, and even up close and personally. I'm so sorry for what you have gone through. It smacks of emotional abuse and spiritual abuse, both.

Anonymous said...

As I read the exchange between J and the poster feeling lectured, I see it only proves we, each of us individually, need to filter everything through the Bible with the Lord's light that comes from His Holy Spirit (the oil in the lamps of the wise virgins) so we can discern more and more, and better and better, just who, and what, is trying to steer us away from the Lord. Some things trustworthy enough in one sense, but the devil is skillful-he knows the Bible too-he just won't use it in truth-but to destroy so we have to be careful.
This is with due diligence and growth we humbly ask for in faith to have that guide us.
We all have a background that colors our understanding along the way--what colors our world so to speak, but we have to set that aside enough at least, to see what is right in front of us because God speaks through our own circumstances with the aim to show us He is, and will be all we need, with a great reset bearing down on us, the mark of the beast coming down the pike.
Time is short and the devil is ramping up his deception game.

I pray we all learn more grace to give each other, but also be assured of the truth that God holds completely, while we see all through a glass darkly at the moment.
Wise as serpents, harmless as doves.
God knows those that are His--where ever we are, in our finite-ness. He promises to see us through the storm.
God bless each of us to set our minds on things above, our faces set like flint.

RayB said...

J @ 10:18 AM ...

That is so true. Unfortunately, far too many church goers just accept everything that is being proclaimed from the pulpit, without doing their own due diligence to verify if the Bible is really teaching what the Pastor is proclaiming.

Quick example; my wife & I were invited to attend a church service that is Arminian to the core. It was a Brethren Assembly and the "Brother" was doing a verse by verse expository on the "high priestly prayer" of Christ in John Chapter 17. As he was speaking he was approaching verse 9: "I pray for them: I PRAY NOT FOR THE WORLD, but for THEM which thou hast given me; for they are thine." Knowing that the speaker rejected the doctrine of Election, I wondered 'how is going to handle verse 9?' What do you think he did? He simply SKIPPED right over it and went on to the next verse, and the congregation, following along, seemingly didn't even notice it!

Another example; early on as a Christian, I rejected the pre-trib rapture doctrine (while attending a Dispensational church). One evening, I received a phone call from an Elder of the church. He said that the purpose of his call was to "take me to task" for "not believing in the pre-trib rapture." I said that I plead "guilty as charged, however, as an Elder of the church, please show me specifically where the Bible speaks of a specific 7 YEAR tribulation, and, where it states that the rapture occurs PRIOR to the tribulation?" His answer was: "I don't have to tell you that." I asked him "are you telling me that you don't know where that is in the Bible?" His answer: "I don't have to know that, I trust my Pastor and he says that's the way it is." Mind you, this was an Elder. Over the years, I've had any number of similar experiences.

Trusting God is really simply just trusting what He declares in his Word, using, as you state, the Bible to interpret the Bible. And, if we don't understand something, there is no sin in declaring "at this point, I simply do not know."

Anonymous said...

J said: "Is that what's happening? I can't make sense of X's statement that he used to be a Westboro Baptist. I wondered if he thought that's what we are like and he was trying to say he used to be like us until he grew up? I just decided not to ask, because I became tired of the thread."

Again, I'm sorry I wasn't clear. In the past, I guess while you were gone, the anonymous poster has gone ALL over the place to label me whatever label of the day he or she thinks might bother me, including accusing me on one hand of somehow being a member of hyper-Calvinistic Westboro Baptist Church and the next day I'm accused of being a social gospel Methodist, then a non-believing Marxist, then, above, referring to me as an easy-believing seeker church guy. THAT is actually being all over the place

I am not, nor was I ever a member of Westboro Baptist and I don't think anyone here is or was or "acts like it".

I am Baptist. I am conservative, just not woke conservative.


Anonymous said...

"I am conservative"


Anonymous said...

anon said: "Fact is, my ex wife had NAR friends, and my wife walked largely in agreement with them. I know all about NAR beliefs, and it's from the pit of hell. My wife divorced me because she claimed God told her, I had to increase my income to a certain level, to be worthy to be married to her! She even had an exact dollar figure that she said God gave her! My ex came from money, and fame, and her circle of friends were wealthy. They thought anyone who wasn't financially blessed was out of favor with God!"

My wife and I ran a marriage ministry at our former church and one of the final straws for us was our attempts to support a betrayed husband in a very similiar situation as your marriage while the church seemingly wanted to support the soon to be divorced and wealthy wife AND her paramour (he's just a friend guy), who was also a member.

Over the years my wife and I made a point of walking alongside men in divorce. Women, much more often than men, initiate divorce and, more often than not, caused the actual unbiblical divorce. I'm sure your wife made a great CLAIM of "emotional abuse" as if YOU were the emotional abuser but, the way I saw it, 9 out of 10 times it was the wife that was the emotional abuser. We also don't believe "emotional abuse" justifies divorce (contrary to many NAR type "christian" books claiming it does).

Another reason we support divorcing husbands is that rarely does anyone do so. Women tend to flock to provide emotional support to their friends going through a tough emotional situation; but, married men typically have fewer male friends and those males don't tend to immerse themselves in emotional supportive situations. Married friends either support the woman OR try to stay nuetral.

The last thing a divorcing man needs is to lean on single (or married) women for emotional support. Especially if he's in a custody battle.

Thus men, generally, endure divorce alone and, as you know, it's brutal.

I'm generalizing but I wanted to express that I'm sorry you went through that likely with zero support. The "prosperity gospel" is a horrible thing that does infect and destroy marriages. Assuming you weren't an adulterer, your wife had no biblical right to divorce you and no church should support her whatsoever.


Anonymous said...

X, the Baskin Robbins variety "believer".
What a menu.
Anything to advance his progressive socialist narrative, trolls for.
In other words, shill and opportunist against anyone actually conservative in their politics and beliefs in the Bible.
So what flavor will you be in the next moment of life?
"just not woke conservative".

Hm. Shills for Big Pharma, and Big Brother government, who loves censoring and marginalizing everyone not his stripe. His religious zealotry
with woke motives and endorsements..on and on for every socialist globalist aim.


Greasy..x...very greasy...

Anonymous said...

You can't go by what he (X) says of himself.
We watch what and who he advocates for instead.

Anonymous said...

At 12:27 PM:

You forgot, x shills for Big ABORTION and Big RACISM (Antifa/BLM).
The globalist dream list is his agenda.

Now let's all sing kumbaya.

Anonymous said...

Looks like X is achieving his goal and agenda: making this blog all about HIM!!!

Anonymous said...

Pat Robertson lost me about 40 years ago, when he tried to convince Christians that "ALL eyes shall see Him" meant that Jesus would return ON the air, rather than IN the air.

This would mean that poverty-stricken people of the world would NOT view the Second Coming simply because they couldn't afford to buy a TV... when we know that Jesus doesn't need electronics!!!

Anonymous said...

If legit why are they afraid of these questions?

Anonymous said...

"In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act."--George Orwell

paul said...

"X has a tongue that just won't quit!" - Barak Obama

Anonymous said...

the paul immediately above is the fraudulent paul, with the nasty juvenile "lyrics"

Anonymous said...

"I am not, nor was I ever a member of Westboro Baptist"

But you hate certain people like one.
The accuser of the brethren thing you do here is your calling card.

The many slanders you post here are over the top, unfounded and/or just don't apply to the context at the time, things and persons you know nothing about, yet still weigh in..with malice.

And the excuses you make for actual criminals and left wing extremists is well known, even quoting scripture to accuse others of being unfair or racist toward them when it's their behavior that is awful, unlawful, and you find some way to give it a pass and throw people under the bus for simply calling spades, spades..

You are all over the map, X.
The uber negativity you are known for because you are very disrespectful to why you receive no respect from people here,
and have yourself to thank for that.

J said...

RayB 9:58 AM,

I agree with what you wrote about marks being spiritual in the Old Testament. In fact, human beings by nature are prone to a tendency to think materially and magically rather than spiritually. I was just thinking this morning that I still haven't gone far enough in comprehending Revelation in a spiritual, as opposed to fleshly, way.

In Revelation John describes what the angel revealed to him about why the judgment of Jerusalem was necessary. But it starts with warnings to the seven churches in Asia Minor. In each case, the church had been infiltrated by some elements of Mystery Babylon. They were told of blessings if they persevered and judgments if they did not heed the warnings against incorporating the elements of Mystery Babylon.

They were given these warnings before the focus of Revelation turned to Jerusalem and her judgment for spiritually becoming Mystery Babylon and breaking the terms of the Old Covenant repeatedly, thus bringing on the seven curses that had been promised by the prophets starting with Moses.

I think we were meant to comprehend why an Old Covenant judgment was necessary and how we may bring a judgment upon ourselves under the New Covenant.

Anonymous said...

EXCLUSIVE: They're as slow as Joe! Sleepy New York Times FINALLY wakes up and admits Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop IS REAL, a YEAR after authenticated its contents and broke dozens of stories about his shady dealings

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking this morning that I need to take Revelation in a more literal way!

J said...

I think you're probably doing both. If you didn't believe in a spiritual world, your beliefs would be nothing but a sci fi dystopia.

J said...

I'm just watching to see what God allows to happen. I think with COVID God allowed the evil doers to believe in their own delusions to the extent of over reaching and jumping the gun and ultimately becoming discredited to the world. He may have done the same with Putin. He did the same with Hitler. But time will tell. Meanwhile, if you are His, you are spiritually safe, whether you die tomorrow or during a near future tribulation. Your reward will be greater if you are martyred. But if you stick around and spread the gospel and act as the light and salt of the world, you will also make Him well pleased with you. You are safe.

Anonymous said...

J said...

X keeps worrying about Dominionism, which means theocracy and no separation of church and state.

I recommend to X a book called, Occult Theocracy, which exposes Freemasonry.

(It just so happens, by the way, that Freemasons are obsessed with rebuilding Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. A Freemasonic Temple exists in Jerusalem adjacent to the Temple Mount.)

Further I recommend taking a look at the history of the twentieth century and observing the results of replacing God with the State among the Communists and the Nazis. One might call these ideologies Secular Dominionism, but I think they had Mystery Babylon working behind the secular facade. In fact, there is a lot of evidence that Karl Marx was a Satanist, and it's well known that Hitler and the Nazis were part of the Thule Society.

I don't think history shows a man-made system of government that has worked better than classical liberalism. Classical liberalism was created as a solution to the religious wars in Europe between Protestants and Catholics. America's founding fathers were very practical men. They were not ideologues. But they were heavily influenced by classical liberalism. Most of them were gospel Christians, meaning they read the New Testament but not necessarily the Old Testament. They didn't found America as a theocracy, but any historian who studies it can see they were influenced by both Christianity and by the classical liberalism.

The social contract of classical liberalism was broken by progressives before it was broken by conservatives in America. Progressives don't let Americans live and let live. They don't mind their own business. They are just like New Agers because they think we all have to evolve collectively, and they fiercely resent the people who are hold-outs against their Mystery Babylon and NWO ideas about collective social and spiritual evolution.

One thing I agree with X about: undoing the separation of church and state only makes it easier to indoctrinate school children into paganism. I disagree that this indoctrination remains only a hypothetical future danger, because it is already happening in many schools.

J said...

Here's a great quote from the Foreward of Occult Theocracy:

Today, most of the good people are afraid to be good. They strive to be broadminded and tolerant! It is fashionable to be tolerant — but mostly tolerant of evil — and this new code has reached the proportions of demanding intolerance of good. The wall of resistance to evil has thus been broken down and no longer affords protection to those who, persecuted by evil doers, stand in need of it.

Anonymous said...


That does sound interesting.

It's interesting too you bring up the term "Secular Dominionism" as 2 days ago my wife texted me a copy of a tweet by Zachary Conover, Communications Director from End Abortion Now which stated the following:

"Secular "conservatism" is a mud fence standing in the way of the cultural tidal wave. If your values aren't grounded in the objective revelation of God's Word, you will soon not even be the enemy of evil, you will be its champion."

I wasn't exactly sure what he was getting at there until I saw on March 16th, Mr. Conover tweeted the following:

"The modern concept of pluralism is to the political order what polytheism is to the religious order. Surely pluralism is the devil's own lie that society can be neutral, neither for nor against God. In reality, no zone of life is neutral, and pluralism is heresy. -James Jordan

My wife thought the tweet was more along the lines of being critical of dominionism but I see now it's the opposite. Dr. James Jordan is reformed and wrote a couple books with one of the grandfathers of dominionism, Gary North.

I don't want to stray too far (or completely off-topic as I'm prone to do) but Dominionism isn't simply theocracy. The magisterial Reformers (think Luther/Calvin) were theocrats, believing as they did in the kingship of Christ over all earthly and heavenly orders, but they were not theonomists, because they denied that the letter of the Mosaic law must be established in every earthly polity; nor were they clericalists, since they did not believe that the ordained ecclesiastical ministerium was the highest authority in organized soceity.

In the Institutes of Christian Religion, Calvin said:

”There are some who deny that any commonwealth is rightly framed which neglects the law of Moses, and is ruled by the common law of nations. How perilous and seditious these views are, let others see: for me it is enough to demonstrate that they are stupid and false."

The weakest form of dominionism is often referred to as "soft dominionism" or "Christian nationalism" — it advocates writing certain Biblical mores into law (e.g., bans on gay marriage) but does not support a full-fledged theocracy. Whereas "Hard dominionism" encompasses openly theocratic ideologies.
"Theonomy" is a subset of hard dominionism — it entails a separation of church and state powers, but with an official state religion and legal system that must conform to Biblical moral codes. Theonomy is influenced by legalistic Calvinist theology and often advocates for a devolution of power to more local levels of government. "Christian Reconstructionism" — launched in large part by R.J. Rushdoony (1916-2001) and his son in law, Gary North — is the most well-known modern incarnation of theonomy. Christian Reconstructionism is also largely hyper-Calvinist even though Calvin wasn't a theonomist. Another branch of this belief theonomic belief system is called "Kingdom Now theology". Kingdom Now draws more on the Pentecostal/Charismatic tradition but is now also entrenched itself in all the non-denominational "seeker" churches.

Secular conservatives/dominionists have no idea just how freedom restricting and just how far from our current Constitution and form of government such a theonomic form of government in the United States (if we were even still united at all) would be.


Anonymous said...


2:52 PM"

Knock yourself out rearranging the decks on the Titanic..

Anonymous said...


Please understand that I am figuring all this out myself. I am not an authority or pretending to be an authority on the subject or trying to "teach" you. I am now more aware my writing comes off like that. It's a limitation of communicating in written snippets and disjointed conversations.

I have dominionist friends, particularly some reformed Presbyterians that I've discussed some of these matters with in the past who are hard dominionists/theonomists.

The Bible SHOULD rule the world. It IS Truth. The only Truth. But I fall back to the position, I think, that I don't believe or trust any man/men, other than the real Jesus himself, are capable to instituting such on earth and only new agers with little knowledge of history could seemingly believe otherwise.

Does that make sense?


Anonymous said...

X still racin' round the rectum

J said...

X 3:04 PM,

Could you explain what you see wrong with what you called "soft Dominionism" and why you called it that?

Doesn't everybody who participates in a democratic form of government have a tendency to some kind of a tendency toward "soft Dominionism" whether secular humanist or religious?

The ten commandments say that we should not murder. We have laws against murder. Are those laws an example of "soft Dominionism?"

Anonymous said...


I know, right?

Where does religious Dominionism, in particular, "soft dominionism" end and a sort of secular "golden rule" begin?

"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" is one of our greatest founding accomplishments while also being, perhaps, its biggest weakness.

I'd say the vast majority of conservatives are very much soft dominionists without realizing the republican leadership has been infiltrated since Reagan by hard dominionists who just limit the outward facing messages to a couple culture war battles (abortion, homosexuality) to keep the "secular conservatives" motivated to support them without really revealing the entire agenda of dismantling Protestant America as they know it and instituting the Mosiac Laws upon everyone under a one world religion.


p.s. - there are pdf version of that book online. Wow. It was printed, posthumously, in 1933 after Lady Queensborough's death. Quite the anti-semetic, kkk supporting, Theosophist conspiracy endeavor.

Craig said...


I’ll preface this by stating that I’ve provided below Brand’s sources used for his vlog. This is for the benefit of all, but aimed at folks like X who preemptively dismiss Brand’s content out of his own prejudice.

Brand @ 10:40: “…as for the pandemic, which, by the way, no one talks about anymore, the question remains the same: Yes, clearly there’s a problem that’s being resolved; are we sure we trust the agenda of the people charged with solving it?”

It’s Sickening That They’ve Done This

Russell Brand

With calls for a no-fly zone in Ukraine as well as a massive increase in arms by the U.S. and NATO to Ukraine, are we sure military escalation is the quickest way to achieve an end to this war, and if not, is anyone profiting from it?


Benzinga: “Members of Congress Buy Energy, Defense Stocks Prior to Russia Invasion of Ukraine: Who They Are, What They Bought”

Business Insider: “American-made Javelin and Stinger missiles are heading to Ukraine. At least 18 members of Congress personally invest in the defense contractors [Raytheon Technologies, Lockheed Martin] behind them.” Who are the congresspersons? The first one mentioned is MTG.

The American Prospect: “Another Possible Stock Trading Loophole”

The Intercept: “U.S. and NATO’s Unprecedented Weapons Transfers to Ukraine Could Prolong the War”

Anonymous said...

x and his penchant to split frog hairs 3 or more ways is coma inducing.

Not going there with him into this side eddy, either.

Long run, short run......
God does the sorting. His Word is all the light we need.
We can save ourselves a lot of time for much better priorities, becoming edified to go love your neighbor as ourselves to simply read and obey our Bibles and pray and trust the Lord's Spirit to discern all we need to meet the hour, the circumstances, the darkness that is falling, while we leave divisive religionists to their many isms and their schisms that they to seem to need to be consumed by.

Thanks, but no thanks...what you present Pharisee x, is as spiritually nutritious as a mouthful of sawdust..and as pleasant..

J said...

6:55 PM,

You're right. The Bible says it best: not by might, not by power, but by my spirit says the Lord of hosts. Very pithy and very profound. It's like an elegant equation, better than a whole chalkboard worth of calculations scrawled all over.

That's why there's no Christian jihad and no Christian Shariah law, right?

Enough said for now.

Anonymous said...

But X plays Lucifer so well to J.

Like watching the fall all over again in microcosm!

Anonymous said...

J said: "That's why there's no Christian jihad and no Christian Shariah law, right?"

You do realize there are many that call the "hard dominionism" behind Republicanism (as in Doug Coe and "The Family")...the American Taliban.

The "ecumenical" collusion between these dominionist groups and the secret original dominionist roman catholic cult and its subsects -- like Opus Dei, Knight of Malta and Knights of Columbus are long storied and just as heretical as a jihad and/or shariah law.

I know it's hard to even consider.


p.s.- why is it that the really slanderous anonymous posters here never get called "slanderous", yet I do when I haven't posted dishonestly ever. No answer necessary, just something to think about.

Anonymous said...

9:17 PM @ J

"not by might, not by power, but by my spirit says the Lord of hosts."
I love that you quoted that particular verse.
That's right. God's perfect 10--His Law given so long ago was given that we could know that God the maker of life (made in His image) knows how life on earth is to be lived and I pray for my life to line up within those 10 commandments (they're not suggestions). That takes the Holy Spirit, invited into a heart and life by faith (for cleansing forgiveness and a new life), to have the eyes of our hearts opened to see Him. The Bible is elegant alright..

btw: I don't agree with 9:29 PM. You study to show yourself approved as you are doing, as I am doing too. God is faithful and made us a promise..James 1:5

Thanks for your comment J.
It edifies.

Anonymous said...

(Accidently deleted this J in my 10:06 post) So we don't need jihad, "religion" from the outside to change us, make life meaningful, we have Jesus to do that work of the heart from the inside.

Craig said...


A while back you asked of an anon about what s/he meant by “jump time frames”. I’m pretty certain I understand; so, I’ll explain.

First, let me state that I agree with you that Matt 24:2 refers to the then-impending destruction of the Temple (‘not one stone on another’). However, I don’t think that’s the end of the story.

In verse 3, the disciples ask Jesus about three things: “Tell us, when shall these things be, and what shall be the sign of Your coming [Parousia] and the consummation of the age?” In order, these three refer to (a) ‘not one stone on another’ (from v. 2); (b) the sign of Jesus’ Parousia; and, (c) the consummation of the age.

I think the “abomination that causes desolation” (and ‘not one stone on another’) could be a prophecy with double fulfillment. But the anon deems it strictly yet future, so your claim that it’s already fulfilled is seen as Jesus’ words construed by you as in two separate time frames: One is AD70; the other two are yet future. I’m not intending on straw manning your position—just trying to frame the anon the way I understand.

Now, I’m sort of in between both of you.

In 24:34, Jesus states, “Amen, Amen, this generation shall not pass away until all these things take place.” Two clearly have not happened.

The question of imminence (“this generation…”) is a problem not easily solved. I have a friend who is a full preterist, and she claims (as does one commentary I have) that all the events HAVE occurred in AD70! In this schema, the verbiage in 24:30–31 is all metaphorical, ‘spiritualized’. If we grant that the destruction of the Temple is “the consummation of the age” of the OT sacrificial system (a position which has problems of its own, given the date AD70 as compared to Jesus’ crucifixion date), then we have to overcome the problem of Jesus’ Parousia. This could be explained as an appearance of some sort (perhaps even a Christophany). But clearly Jesus has not returned to gather his elect (literally) and for final judgment (which I see as “consummation of the age”). Of those things we await.

And all this is why I think there is a yet future fulfillment of the three items asked by the disciples and explained by Jesus in Matt 24.

To see a more expansive argument for Jesus answer to the 2nd and 3rd parts of the disciples question, see How Many Trumpets Herald Jesus? section of Rapture Ready?

Anonymous said...

Why don't you pray (since you claim tou're christian) for people instead of constantly dissect absolutely everyone like frogs, x ??

You don't care enough to do that obviously...
You're an amateur providence, playing judge, jury, and executioner...evidence of the god complex you show us here every day you post because that negativity drives it, all while you are hypocritically all over the map, excusing bad behavior, your own, and those you endorse.

Anonymous said...

I also think there are double fulfillments in some of the prophecies too, Craig (and mentioned this here fairly recently).
Thanks for your post.

Craig said...

Anon 10:32 PM,

You're welcome.

I certainly don't have eschatology all figured out. Not even close. It's more a function of eliminating possibilities, in order to approach something coherent. I've been trying off and on for a while now.

Anonymous said...

Craig, 10:39 PM

Me either.

I keep studying and praying.
I just know God will dot every "i" and cross every "t" to do what He has spoken.

J said...

Craig 10:20 PM,

Interesting study points, thanks.

The word "consummation" stood out to me. I wondered which Bible version you are using, just out of curiosity.

J said...

I'm not saying this is your Bible version, Craig. I'm not as familiar with study of the various Bible translations as you are.

When I searched for "consummation," this helpful table came up. I'm just beginning to study it. I didn't know there was a John Nelson Darby version of the Bible. Anybody who's studied it more than I have, care to comment?

Craig said...


It's my own translation; but, consult Douay-Rheims ("consummation") and Young's Literal ("full end"). A great tool is Bible Hub's multilingual, which provides multiple translations: Matthew 24:3.

The Greek word here is synteleia. It's a compound word consisting of syn ("with") and teleios (“complete”, “perfect”). Jesus’ final word on the Cross is tetelestai, the Greek perfect tense-form verb of the latter: It is finished/completed. When Greek words are compounded (preposition + word), sometimes it’s a literal ‘this + that’; however, many times the prefixed preposition adds force to the other word, hence Young’s “full end”. We might paraphrase the disciples question, “the ultimate end of the age”.

Craig said...

Let me add to the above: Look at the KJV's "end of the world" for Matt 24:3. The KJV is known to be a very literal translation. The final word is the same in the Greek (aiōnos, "age"), no matter if it's the NA28 or the Textus Receptus; so, this is not a factor. Thus, the KJV translators decided NOT to use "age", instead choosing to translate the final phrase "end of the world" in order to capture something like "consummation of the age".

J said...


Thank you for highlighting the Greek translation choices a translator must make. This leads me to believe context becomes even more important for determining meaning. Would you agree?

Craig said...

J @ 10:18 AM,

You wrote, Christians should dare to believe the Bible and let the Bible interpret the Bible.

To be frank, this smacks of arrogance, even in the full context of your conversation at the time. I assume that most interpret to the best of their abilities, under what they presume is the guidance of the Holy Spirit. That interpretations vary, some markedly—especially with respect to eschatology—is a fact; and one should not denigrate another’s viewpoint on the implied (or explicit) basis that ‘my interpretation is “letting the Bible interpret the Bible”, while yours is not’.

I have a book, The Meaning of the Millennium: Four Views (Ed. Robert G. Clouse), and in it I recall verbiage something like, “After reading one view, you’re convinced this is the correct view—until you read the next one.” Eschatology can be like that.

For me, it’s much easier—skeptic that I am—to poke holes in the theories as I go, leaving me with none that are entirely coherent.

We have a ‘great cloud of witnesses’ in the form of various commentaries on Scripture over the years. We should consult as many as we can, in order to carefully form our own views. The pre-trib ‘Rapture’ stance is a non-starter. Post-millennialism is also a non-starter. After that, I cannot say I know.

Craig said...

J @ 8:44 AM,

Yes, context is king. Individual contexts. When a writer sources another Biblical writer, he is not necessarily pulling EVERYTHING from the passage cited/alluded to. Word studies are great, but they do not tell us everything. Words have shades of meaning, and sometimes one shade is meant to be more prevalent compared to another, and sometimes one is to be excluded in favor of another. And sometimes words are used literally, other times metaphorically.

J said...

Gary DeMar, a partial preterist, wrote on March 1 about Matthew 24, if anybody is interested. He recently debated the fulfillment of Matthew 24 with Dr. Michael Brown, who writes for The Stream.

The End of the Age (Part One)

J said...

Youtube has a video of the debate between Gary DeMar and Michael Brown.

Dr. Michael Brown Vs Dr. Gary DeMar: Has Matthew Ch. 24 Been Fully Fulfilled? EP 216

Anonymous said...

Well, the symbol of the planet earth is indeed, as you predicted, the symbol behind the words; "World Economic Forum", on their logo. AND it is the intersection of the three "O"s in those words, with the backdrop of mother gaiaa earth that makes for a nice vertical string of three sixes.
Klaus is so proud of his baby, which no one anywhere elected, and which no country anywhere produced. The very impressive rollout of this um, body? is now in full swing. They have infiltrated every government on earth and they are very bold and proud and they are speaking great swelling words.

J said...


You mentioned a friend who is a full preterist. I have a family member who is, and she, along with some authors, almost persuaded me. This is one of the writers who clarified things for me to the point that I rejected full preterism:

I don't always agree with Adam Maarschalk, and I don't agree with his arguments about when he places the fulfillment of Revelation 20 in history. As an amillennialist, I believe the millennium is still ongoing in heaven.

But his chart he made is very helpful for why Revelation 20 can't easily be regarded as a recapitulation of other sections of Revelation. That's what I found clarifying.

Craig said...


If I'm tracking with you here--your comment about context, then your near-immediate posting of the DeMar/Brown debate--I think you are implying that DeMar is correct in that the context of Matt 21-24 is then and there in the first century. Well, that's certainly true; however, in the latter part of Matthew 24 and the whole of 25 Jesus is talking about His return and final judgment. So, both are in view.

Craig said...


I am more amenable to the amillennial position that to any other.

And presently, I am most comfortable with a partial preterist, yet futurist position. Some things were fulfilled, some things appear to have double fulfillment, and some cannot be but futuristic.

J said...

P.S. In my partial preterist belief, the best I am able to understand it so far, the end of this world will come with no warning, as the flood happened with no warning. I see it through a glass very darkly, of course, and my comprehension is a work in progress, as always.

I'll refrain from speculation about the seven sealed thunders of Revelation. They could indicate that more is yet to come.

In my emerging comprehension of it, according to what I sincerely believe from study, it won't be like 70 AD, with 40 years of signs and warnings leading up to it, recorded by more than one ancient historical source, including some of the Jewish sources besides just Jospehus.

I believe that in general, in every age, God has always raised up teachers to help His people, and this doesn't need to necessarily fulfill prophecy but is just something ongoing. So I'm not saying we've been abandoned.

Craig said...

Anon 9:11 AM,

It took me a bit, but I see now the three sixes in the WEF logo.

J said...

Craig 9:25 AM,

In partial preterism, it's very difficult to divide up what's already happened and what's yet to happen in the gospel. I think it would be necessary to make a big table and fill it in trying to attain complete consistency between Daniel, Revelation, the statements about the "end of the age" or the "end of the world" in the gospels, and more.

In many instances the Apostles in the New Testament tell us which prophecies from the Old Testament are regarded as being fulfilled, and it's so explicit that you just have to pay attention and note it.

In other cases it's necessary to do a lot of back and forth cross-referencing. I'm sure you've become aware of that, too.

Craig said...


You have heard the statement 'the already but not yet'. This is to describe the tension between the present age and the one to come. We are 'already' seated in the heavenlies, yet we are yet still here. I think this also is in play in eschatology. It's not so neat and tidy. Some things overlap.

Craig said...

^You MAY have heard...

RayB said...

WATCH: ESPN Takes Moment of Silence to Protest Florida’s Don’t-Groom-Kids Bill

"There are things bigger than basketball ... Our LGBTQIA+ teammates at Disney asked for our solidarity and support."

NOTE: This bill protects school children attending KINDERGARTEN through 3rd. grade from being indoctrinated with the Satanic LGBTQIA+ agenda. It has NOTHING to do with "human rights." DISNEY (owns ESPN) supports the indoctrination of little children into a perverted, God-denying lifestyle that will destroy their lives and souls. This is straight from the pit of Hell!

J said...

RayB 9:47 AM,

It's even worse than the ancient pagan practices, because they had never yet known God. In our culture, our people have known God, and have departed from the faith. I suspect some people in our culture could become judged more than the ancient pagans. To whom much is given, much is expected.

J said...


Since I place so much emphasis on Revelation 20, it becomes important to determine whether it is literal and physical, or whether it is spiritual. Some writers who believe as I do, as partial preterists, think Gog and Magog will literally surround Jerusalem and literally fight on the plains of Megiddo, where so many past battles were fought between ancient Israel and her enemies.

Others believe the "beloved city" and "the camp of the saints" mean the church. Since the church is worldwide, Gog and Magog would also need to be worldwide. If Gog and Magog are simply the last manifestation of Mystery Babylon and the last manifestation of the statism that seeks to replace God -- i.e. that would make Gog and Magog the New Age movement, "The Plan" of Alice Bailey's channeled demon, and the NWO of Klaus Schwab and co.

In this conceptual framework, then, the provocateurs who are trying to cause the Christians, Jews and Muslims to kill each other in the Holy Land would be fulfilling that part of "The Plan" to get the "people of the book" to conveniently eliminate each other. This would make the "collective evolution" so much easier.

Of course all of this is just my opinions based on extra-Biblical studies of the New Agers and the NWO, and trying to see what would be consistent with both "The Plan" and with Revelation 20. Revelation 20 would need to be consistent with what the Apostles say throughout the gospel, in my mind.

None of this is supposed to be a prediction. It's just my own half baked thoughts at this time.

RayB said...

J @ 9:49 AM ...

Reading your post, I thought of this passage which I think is very applicable; God's judgment is in direct proportion to the amount of light that has been shed:

From Luke chapter 10:

10 But into whatsoever city ye enter, and they receive you not, go your ways out into the streets of the same, and say,

11 Even the very dust of your city, which cleaveth on us, we do wipe off against you: notwithstanding be ye sure of this, that the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.

12 But I say unto you, that it shall be more tolerable in that day for Sodom, than for that city.

13 Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon, which have been done in you, they had a great while ago repented, sitting in sackcloth and ashes.

14 But it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment, than for you.

15 And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted to heaven, shalt be thrust down to hell.

16 He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me; and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me.

J said...

P.S. It's not so much that I want to figure it all out or see into a crystal ball. It's more that I want to determine the ethical choice for who and what to support, as well as have a clue on who to follow and not to follow. There are implications for American foreign policy that has been influenced by evangelical Zionism in the past.

I wouldn't want to play into "The Plan" either through evangelical Dispensational Zionism or through anti-Semitism. I think both of these things could potentially play into "The Plan."

J said...

RayB 10:33 AM,

We should have proper fear of those words. As a culture we no longer do.

Anonymous said...

All heil Klaus Schwab!

RayB said...

"... as we have received mercy, we faint not;

2 But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.

3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:

4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. - 2 Corinthians 3:1b-4

NOTE: Notice that Satan is the "god of this world" and that he is actively blinding "minds" in such a way that "light" of the gospel cannot "shine unto them." Of course, God, through his sovereign mercy, overrides Satan's blinding effect.

Also, since the onset of COVID, aside from Gospel truth, I have noticed a particular, overall "blindness" that seems to have descended upon many people that I come in contact with ... and ... it appears to be getting worse. I've suspected for quite some time now that Satan has been set "loose" and has been given even more authority as the "god of this world." From practically every imaginable angle, people are being exposed to clever deceptions, and, to a degree of which I have never seen before. Any thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of a culture that no longer has the fear of God.

Top Children's Hospital Advises Boys to 'Tuck' Genitals to 'Affirm Gender'

Anonymous said...

Ray B
Yes the eyes of the world are on anything and everything as long as it's not Jesus the Messiah, the savior of the world, the light that came into the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not. This spiritual blindness which has always pervaded the world now seems amplified and normalized and polished and packaged and mass-broadcast over the whole world like never before, and the tipping point has been reached and the honor and glory is given to the god of this world.

There is a great falling away.

Anonymous said...

"the end of this world will come with no warning, as the flood happened with no warning"

I beg to differ J.
Noah was given instruction to built the ark and God had said He would no longer strive with man and put a 120 year cap on that. Noah and his sons were witnessing during that 120 years to those alive at the time in building something nobody knew they would need--rain on the earth was not as we know it now and in this land locked location to build an ark-a floatation device so to speak was no doubt mocked the entire 120 years. But it was clear warning from God so they had plenty of time to to be warned. Noah and sons steadily built it as God told them to in spite of society's mocking and scorn. Noah obviously obeyed to the saving of himself and household.
Also check this out:

Methuselah's name in Hebrew means "his death will bring". The flood came after he died.

See this--another way how the Gospel was given way back in Genesis as a witness the world at that time.
It is found in the genealogy of Adam's descendants names in their Hebrew meaning and strung together, gave the world that knew what all this meant (they all lived a long time the message was not hidden--Noah was true to God's witness to the world he was told to give and demonstrate.).

They may not have known exactly how the end of the world at that time would come but they sure had a witness that it would.
Imagine people beating on the door of the ark to get in after God shut Noh and family in. That pounding must have been deafening to hear of the desperate cries of people wanting on board then, as the waters broke from the sky and underneath and the waters rose, until they were all drowned. They understood too late. They had rejected God too long.
8 people survived it..out of untold millions on the earth at the time.

God has been warning us for a long time now.
How many really want to take heed to the witness that is not hidden now?

Also in Matt 24 I agree that in that chapter there are literal things that applied to what would become of the temple during the time of the disciples of Jesus..but the chapter pivots to a future coming of the Lord that He made sure they knew had a fulfillment--a time such as the world would have never known before. The world carried on in the Dispora after A.D. 70 and though persecution was horrible, though those times were very hard for believers, it didn't reach the level of judgment that is still on it's way--yet future so Jesus spoke of that future happening in that chapter of Matt (24) and also Luke 21 and Mark 13. Strung together you can especially see the gap--the pivot to a future fulfillment because it speaks to the shortened time(AC has a shortened time and an epic throwdown) because it's then that the Lord comes on the clouds (not in the clouds to call the church up so not pre-trib but before the wrath comes) HE comes on the clouds to finish off the reign of terror like none other, that the devil unleashed through his man of the hour-the son of perdition-the global leader of that one world finale.

Anonymous said...

11:21 AM

2 Thess 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

for that day of the gathering (the rapture) won't come before, but after, this:
"falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed"
falling away first COMMA AND that man of sin revealed.....
These statements are hooked together so we can see the urgency for the time..and proves pre-trib is wrong.

To me--maybe to others, this reads that this event is getting very close now.

Anonymous said...

10:25 AM at J

And I also see some of what you bring up.

Not sure myself, but I keep studying and praying to understand (and witnessing).

Jesus did say He told us beforehand and more Light upon these passages is coming.

Anonymous said...

9:43 AM


Something solid (of the past), something still nebulous..(of the future)...still forming and waiting to come out of the "fog" (in proper time and context).

Anonymous said...

10:34 AM at J

I'm with you in what you mention.

And what I was mainly trying to convey about secular Israel and spiritual Israel (those who are still "on their way" yet to know Christ).

I believe there is still a harvest for them as I read in Romans 9-11--a small number, a remnant. And I think it fits. Zechariah 13 speaks of 1/3 refined as silver. The whole chapter speaks this to me.
In that day a fountain (for cleansing) the first verse of chapter 13 says..(chapter 12 says: Jerusalem a gets a pouring upon it..)
Verse 6 and 7 a reference to the crucifixtion and then sheep scattered (the Dispora) the Jews expulsed--exited the land (AD 70) created an abomination of desolation (but there is another abomination coming)--every time this happened in their history God called it an abomination because of His name there (the Lord Shammah) and the people and that land are witness of that so this is partly fulfilled because by chapter 14 we see before the day of the Lord coming (on the clouds His saints with Him) and in 13 the 1/3 is left in the land. This is future.
Obviously the Jews were returned to the land (after 2000 year vacancy) for the final abomination of desolation to occur--(Matt 24, Luke 21, Mark 13) Jerusalem the scene and the Jews flee because of anti-christ's betrayal and then after that Christ returns as described in chapter 14 of Zechariah.

I think the politics of our day is setting this very scene up.

Anonymous said...

Spies who lie: 51 'intelligence' experts refuse to apologize for discrediting true Hunter Biden story

RayB said...

Marxist Pope Francis REMOVES Puerto Rican Bishop for Opposing Satanic, EXPERIMENTAL 'Vaccine' Mandates

"Removed without any formal proceedings."

NOTE: Has the 'pope' ever removed any Priest, Nun, Bishop or Cardinal that is supporting the radical LGBTQ+ agenda? Don't bother looking it up. He hasn't.

RayB said...

More Details on Biden's Supreme Court Nominee ...

Josh Hawley: Biden’s SCOTUS Pick Has ‘Pattern of Letting Child Porn Offenders off the Hook’

Just one example:

“In United States v. Cooper, in which the criminal had more than 600 images and videos and posted many on a public blog, the Guidelines called for a sentence of 151-188 months. Judge Jackson settled on 60 months, the lowest possible sentence allowed by law,” Hawley tweeted.

PS: All of this, along with her history of being radically pro-abortion & pro-LGBTQ+ agenda, would ordinarily be worrisome. However, former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan fully endorsed he nomination ... and THAT folks should be "good enough" for you.

J said...

11:57 AM,

You're right. I shouldn't have said there was no warning before the flood. I should have said there was no prophecy of a sequence of developments that would have to happen before the flood. Of course, people would be able to view the visible progress of Noah constructing his ark in plain sight. They would know the flood wouldn't happen until he finished building his ark.

What I meant to say is that - if I'm correct in my partial preterist belief - the Dispensational sequence of events won't happen before the Gog and Magog surround the camp of the saints. That is, the temple won't be rebuilt on the Temple Mount, a seven year peace treaty between Israel and the other nations of the Middle East will not be broken 3 1/2 years into it, the Antichrist won't sit in the rebuilt temple proclaiming himself to be God, he won't somehow be the head that grew back on the European Union, and all the many other signs that people are watching for, in their many variations on a very similar theme.

If Gog and Magog and the camp of the saints and the city without walls are symbols of spiritual realities, we could possibly expect to become aware of the church being surrounded by Mystery Babylon and the NWO. There is no specific sign to watch for and, in response to that, conduct a specific behavior. The age old instruction against idolatry, against thinking we can be as God, to come out her my people, etc. would apply as always.

But there wouldn't be a sign to watch for and then a behavior to conduct in response, as there was for the first century Christians of Jerusalem. They knew when they saw the city surrounded by Roman armies, it was a sign to get out of town. The first time it happened, the armies withdrew. They left. The unconverted Jews took it as a sign God was on their side and they would be able to win a war against the Roman armies.

I guess that's what I was trying to get at, without putting it into sufficient context, and using sloppy language.

I enjoyed your post about Noah, and the points you made in it are very well taken.

Revelation remains difficult, although I believe I comprehend 90% of it at this point. That's only because of picking some authors who were very good at exegesis of it, by letting the Bible interpret the Bible. I see none of those authors as being completely thorough, and many of them have disagreements among themselves.

It seems, for one thing, that there is not widespread agreement on exegesis of Ezekiel or Revelation 20. That's what really stands out the most, to me as being the most contested ground, among the preterists and the partial preterists.

Because of this I still retain significant doubt and hesitation.

At this point I have no doubt that most of Revelation was about the judgement of Old Covenant Israel, opening with warnings to the seven churches of Asia Minor that they could also be judged for the same sins of idolatry, including the form of idolatry that involves tolerating Mystery Babylon infiltrations into their churches. That's my understanding and belief, anyway.

The question is whether this first century AD judgment was a microcosm of the final judgment. There is some evidence for that, but it seems not to be clear or detailed. It could be we in the New Covenant church are expected to learn from the history in the Bible and understand from it the most important part of all, and that is what we must do to be saved and not judged. Maybe that's just supposed to be enough, since it's no mystery to us who Jesus Christ is and was. As long as we're clear on who He is and was, and we're clear on what He expects of us, maybe we were never meant to have a crystal ball.

After all, if Bible's complete plan was all laid out, Satan and the demons would know it, too. They didn't even know the plan was for Jesus to be crucified. It was kept a mystery in the Old Testament.

Those are just some of my thoughts this morning.

J said...

Correction, I shouldn't have written "no specific behavior." I should have written "no specific action plan."

The moral choices wouldn't change whether you have any physical mark of the beast or not. Physical mark of the beast or no physical mark of the beast, we would be expected to serve God first, period, knowing Who He is from the Bible. Doing so would preclude taking any sort of a mark, spiritual or physical, that would involve any sort of idolatry.

What I meant is that there is no specific action plan like climbing aboard an ark before the door shuts or like leaving Jerusalem before the Roman armies come back to surround it again.

There's no specific instruction to vote only for Zionist presidents, to give money to organizations that try to relocate Jews in Israel, or anything else of the kind.

There's not even any specific instruction to support Russia but not Ukraine in any future war, or to stand back and allow Russia to invade, because this is the time when Gog is supposed to surround Israel with Magog.

J said...

RayB 10:31 AM,

It's very disturbing for a judge to have more sympathy for the child predator than the child.

J said...

1:23 PM,

We can't limit God, and there were seven sealed thunders in Revelation. But the seven fold curses of the tribulation were the judgment that had been promised to Israel from the time of Moses if she repeatedly violated the terms and conditions of the Old Covenant.

The New Testament is clear that the Old Covenant was just about to end during the time of the Apostles and did end with the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. The Apostles were Jews. The first Christian converts were Jews. The gospel was taken to the Jews before the gentiles. Even after the crucifixion of Jesus many Jews, and not only Jews, but also members of the ten lost tribes, came into the church after the day of Pentecost. Even the temple high priest Caiaphas was said by historians to have repented in his old age and to have regretted that he did not accept Jesus as the Messiah before Jesus was crucified.

Whatever God's plan may possibly include for Jews or Israel in the future, the Old Covenant seven fold tribulation already happened.

The purpose of the Old Covenant was to protect a people who would eventually birth Jesus Christ. The Apostles made it clear in the New Testament that Jesus Christ fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies that looked forward to a future regathering of the people of Israel under David the servant and David the king.

Jesus made it clear that his kingdom was not of this world.

I can't discount that God could yet have plans for Israel, because there were seven sealed thunders in Revelation. I find it interesting that so many wars through Israel's history, even after the Jewish Roman war of the first century, have lasted 3 1/2 years. That's half a seven. Seven is the number of completion. 3 1/12 is the number of incompletion.

Yet I think it would replicate the idolatry of the first century unconverted Jews to idolize physical Israel above Christian, Biblical teachings. Their hope for a physical Messiah that would help war on and rule over the gentiles was the reason why they rejected Jesus. They didn't want a Messiah to save them from sin and spiritual death and make it possible for them to be eternally with God in heaven.

I don't think you've ever said anything that would lead me to believe that the above paragraph describes you at all.

It's just that Zionism dances on a thin line.

J said...

P.S. There's no reason the seven sealed thunders should be assumed to be only for Old Covenant Israel. It would actually make more sense to believe they would be for the New Covenant church, or spiritual Israel. The Apostle Paul made clear that spiritual Israel is the one olive tree that is Jewish with Jewish branches broken off and gentile branches grafted on.

Anonymous said...

The names here.

This is getting worse by the minute.

RayB said...

Want to learn a little Russian/Ukraine/NATO history, and what is really behind Putin's invasion of Ukraine? A lot of very good information packed into this 30+ minute video presentation. STRONGLY RECOMMENDED ... you won't get this from the mainstream media:

Why Russia is Invading Ukraine

RayB said...

In response to Sen. Josh Hawley exposing Ketanji Brown Jackson's soft record against child pornographers and pedophiles ...

MSNBC Regular Elie Mystal: Josh Hawley Is Trying to Get SCOTUS Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson ‘Killed’

“Like, I need that level of energy from the Democrats, especially when they come at her with these trumped-up alleged issues about her sentencing for sex offenders because what Josh Hawley is doing, let’s be very clear — what Josh Hawley is doing when he tries to do this, is HE'S TRYING TO GET HER KILLED,” Mystal continued. “HE IS TRYING TO GET VIOLENCE DONE AGAINST A SUPREME COURT NOMINEE."

RayB said...

But, But, BUT ... there really was not any voter fraud in 2020, and Biden really, really did get 81 MILLION votes !

Pennsylvania Video Shows Ballot Trafficker Dumping Handfuls of Ballots into Ballot Drop Box in Montgomery County – Video Shows More than 100 People Dropping More than 1 Ballot into Drop Box in Just a Few Hours (VIDEO)

RayB said...

And there is absolutely nothing to hide. That's why ...

Democrats and Dominion Now Trying to Stop 2020 Election Audit in New Mexico – US House Oversight Committee Getting Involved

Craig said...

His expression in the thumbnail says it all:

A Fourth Dose? | Pfizer applies for EUA for 65 and up | Moderna, 18 and Up | What will happen?

Vinay Prasad MD MPH


Time to reprise this one (when satire becomes truth):

@ 1:10: “…You might do the 4th? I’m hoping to get to 5…”

I hate Big Pharma EXCEPT for Pfizer

Ryan Long

"Conspiracy theorists" are getting righter all the time.

Craig said...

Digital IDs. "They" here is the WEF. Less than one minute clip:

This Is How They Take Over

Russell Brand

Anonymous said...

Hate to burst your bubble Ray but your facts today are a little off again, go figure. It’s really too bad you felt the need to disrupt a nice Biblical discussion with disinformation.

1. If Josh Hawley really cared about children he wouldn’t have dragged his feet investigating child molesting Priests in Missouri when he was MO Attorney General. Further, the reason the sentence Judge Jackson imposed wasn’t illegal is because Federal judges are given discretion and they very often go way outside the sentencing guidelines for any given charges in any particular case. Without full context along with understanding what other federal Judges have done in similar situations it’s impossible to legitimately criticize such decisions in a particular case. Finally, what she wrote briefly in a note 20 years ago in law school is irrelevant today and the creatively spliced testimony transcript Hawley provided was Jackson discussing & relating some experts oral testimony re: sentencing matters with sex offenders not necessarily her own opinion then or now.

2. The PA video appears clipped to make it appear nefarious. Unless there’s more video, to me, I think it’s likely the box was overflowing and the person was trying to get her ballot and others stuck in the top drop bin to drop down into the bottom secure bin. Further, Biden won Montgomery 81%-19% but this precinct area where this box was placed, upper Dublin Township voted 30% for Trump, which to me is an indication IF there was foul play afoot it was most likely a Trump supporter who was able to stuff the ballot box as, largely, across the country more fraud voters, I believe is still the case, have been Trump supporters. Finally, I looked but still can’t find the proffered hours of video supposedly released showing “100’s” of ballots being fraudulently stuffed in that box. Please provide link if it’s real.

3. The Hill explains why the House is investigating (not blocking) the discredited audit group, EchoMail, run by that guy Shiva that I’ve already proved twice in the past here to be a liar. They aren’t covering up an audit but looking into crimes committed by canvassers as they intimidated and threaten voters while carrying out another fruitless canvass & audit in Nevada. It is interesting that absent any and all evidence the proof now is supposedly and investigation into Republican misconduct.


Anonymous said...

Here’s the website I used to figure out where that particular ballot box within Montgomery County was located.


J said...

I need to correct something I stated some time back. I stated that under the Mosaic law, a priest's wife would be burned for adultery. This was mistaken. Under the law a priest's daughter who acted as a harlot would be burned. See Leviticus 21:9

It seems to be a foreshadowing and a type of the judgment that included the Romans burning Jerusalem in 70 AD.

Years ago I learned from a southern Baptist pastor and seminary teacher that the adulterous wife of a priest would be burned, but I had never looked it up to verify it.

It makes me marvel that the same God who prescribed this Mosaic law later entered history and was recorded as preventing a woman from being stoned for adultery. (But when He did so, He was being fully consistent with the Mosaic law. The hypocrites were not.)

Anyway, I just wanted to correct that misstatement.

J said...

After watching the Youtube debate between Gary Demar and Michael Brown, I became curious about Michael Brown. I learned he is a charismatic, he was one of the four founders involved in the Pensacola Outpouring, and he has a video promoting Kaballah.

I became curious about the Pensacola Outpouring and read this eyewitness account of it:

I found the insights of this woman - perceiving a civil war developing in the church because of charismatic revivals - interesting. She said this:

At first, I was devastated. I was so disappointed.. so confused.

Why would God send me to witness such a spectacle. I thought surely

I missed God, either in the decision to come.. or the decision to get

up and leave. As I wept before the Lord, sought His face over the

next few days, I realized why he had sent me. The hurricanes were a

warning. Mighty storms are devastating the church.. the storm

generating from Pensacola, Florida will be twice as devastating and

will come in two phases.. like the two hurricanes. Pensacola has

allready been the sight of great religious deception with the murder

of an abortion doctor. What is being heralded as good is bringing

untold destruction. I also realized that we are about to enter a

period of "civil war" in the church, a battle between the true church

of true faith which will be like Fort Pickens and the deceived church

in rebellion and a counterfeit spirit like the three forts which were

taken over by enemy forces. Those who know the truth, who are loyal

to the kingdom, will be under great assault but as we look to God,

look to the sea of His faithfulness, we too will be supplied and we

will be able to stand and be victorious in the end.

RayB said...

"Anonymous has a tongue that just won't quit!" - Nancy Pelosi

paul said...

X stroke the skin with his boned fingertips,
The stink of dead, cold flesh now on his hips;

Wondrous images, the child's face is so smooth....
....intoxicating aroma by the light of the moon!

paul said...


Ray dances with the dead in X's dreams,
He giggles at the children's' screams;

The dems have stolen his soul,
His member now has lost all control............

RayB said...

Pope Francis condemns 'inhuman and sacrilegious' war against Ukraine

"All this is inhuman, indeed, it is also sacrilegious," he continued, "because it goes against the sacredness of human life, especially against defenseless human life, which must be respected and protected, not eliminated, and which comes before any strategy! Let us not forget: It is a cruelty, inhuman and sacrilegious.”

Then there is this news story:

Pope Francis AGAIN Snubs China’s Uyghurs in Christmas Message

The Chinese Communist Government has been conducting a literal GENOCIDE against the
Uyghur Muslims in China. Concentration camps, torture, starvation and murder are all common policies being implemented by the Chi-Com Government against the Uyghurs.

NOTE: What did it cost the Ukraine Government to get the 'pope' to publicly condemn the Russians? Based on the Vatican's long and sordid history, that isn't a far fetched question. For example; the Chinese Communist Government continues to pay the Vatican $2 BILLION ANNUALLY, in return, the Vatican DOES NOT CRITICIZE the policies and actions of the Chinese Communist Government, hence, the complete silence on not only the ongoing Uyghur genocide, but also, on the incredible oppression and persecution against Christians inside China. If anyone is a 'serious' Christian in China, they are sent to 're-education camps,' where they are literally driven mad with torture and brainwashing techniques. The pope's response? Complete, absolute silence. Not only that, he delegates to the Chinese Communists to hand PICK "Catholic" Bishops (COMMUNISTS) serving in China. Of course these "bishops" are just like Francis ... they are Communists to the core!

RayB said...

Constance & Rich,

When are you ever going to do something about the filthy 'poet' impostor?

At the very least, remove the posts !

Anonymous said...

X, Why do you side with the activist liberal progressive agenda that plays directly into social engineering globalist hands instead of side with conservative views on abortion and social issues, yet state that you are conservative with a Biblical worldview?

The two are opposed to each other. You can't have it both ways.
You endorse the very people who want to keep abortion and make the big $$$ on the pieces and parts of innocents. You side with those who divide, not heal. You are consistent to do this but try to play a "christian" card?
As a conservative pro-life person why do you empower those who are pro-choice (anti-life)?

You keep trying to say that bananas are actually oranges.

So this is how we know you are a troll working your phony disguise on this blog.
But that rat smell still hangs on ya....

Anonymous said...

x plays both ends against the middle.

That is the goal of globalism.

Get rid of the middle. It is the way to pit the haves against the have-nots.

Huge have-not numbers, small elitist entitled class ,the haves.
Give the masses "permission" to take (abort, sexual deviancy, selfish spending, poor work ethic-choose dependency to maintain destructive life style choices, all to suit the compromised and weak with favor(and at times punishment) long as they comply!!!
Perfect set up for NWO---his camp.

He behaves like Squealer the Pig in Orwell's Animal Farm.

Anonymous said...


Why do you side with the activist secular alt-right conservative agenda that plays directly into social engineering surging authoritarian hands instead of siding with Christian conservative views on Government, sharing the Gospel and caring for the poor, downtrodden & widows yet state that you are conservative with a Biblical worldview?

The two are opposed to each other. You can't have it both ways.
You endorse the very republicans who made and want to keep abortion and gay marriage legal and make the big $$$ on the pretending to oppose such sins. You side with those who divide, not heal. You are consistent to do this but try to play a "christian" card? As a conservative pro-life person why do you empower those who are really pro-choice (anti-life)?

You keep trying to say that bananas are actually oranges.

So this is how we know you are a troll working your phony disguise on this blog. But that rat smell still hangs on ya....


Anonymous said...


Review the church’s mandate from Christ (Matt. 28:18-20). God left the church on earth to make disciples (not Democrats or Republicans), I believe the best way a Christian can spend their time, energy, and influence is by preaching God’s Word. The proclamation of the gospel unleashes the power of God to produce the miracle of regeneration. Political activism can not and will not do this.

First, political involvement requires time and energy. Life is short—there are only so many weeks, days, and hours—and a Christian must make every effort to redeem the time (Ps. 90:12; Eph. 5:16).

Second, effective politics requires co-belligerency to promote a common cause or resist a common enemy. When disparate groups take a similar position on an issue like abortion, it’s in their political interest to rally together and unite their voices for greater influence. By its nature, co-belligerency involves compromises that dull the contrasts and accentuate the common ground. The spirit of co-belligerency is the opposite of what the Bible asks a Christian to be —a man of deep biblical conviction. Such men would be disruptive to common political causes, especially among those who pervert or are indifferent to the gospel like most of the MAGA/Qanon folks.

Third, political changes, at best, are only superficial and temporary. The reforms of one generation or administration are quickly undone by the reforms of the next. When a Christian spends too much of his time rallying his people for political causes, he keeps his attention—and the attention of his flock—fixed on the shifting sands, the changing winds, and the ebb and flow of the latest political trend and cultural war battle (either right or left social gospels). The gospel of Jesus Christ, however, is the bedrock of immutable truth, showing the way of eternal salvation. That’s what all people need to be fixated on.

Fourth, political involvement can easily confuse the message of the church. Many unbelievers are totally confused by the testimony of the visible church. It’s easy to excuse them for thinking the cause of Christ is about passing conservative legislation & attacking or championing social causes. The message of the church is that sinners can be reconciled to a holy God (2 Cor. 5:20-21). God has sent His beloved Son to redeem fallen, broken, condemned, and dying people, to turn His enemies into His friends, to adopt and love ragged, throw-away children and receive them into His kingdom. Political involvement undermines and confuses that clear message.

Fifth, political engagement often turns the church’s mission field into the enemy. Political campaigns make this abundantly clear. Fueled by righteous causes, each side wages an optics and disinformation war with all the carnal weapons of this age, and each side demonizes the other, employing the sharpest (and sometimes the nastiest) rhetoric and propaganda. That’s not the mandate for the church. Instead, “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person” (ESV). Those people out there may be the worst of sinners—you know, activist types—but such were some of you. And yet, God washed you, sanctified you, and justified you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Spirit of God (1 Cor. 6:9-11). The world may be the enemy of God, as you once were (Eph. 2:1-3), but they need to be reconciled to God, as you have been (Eph. 2:4-10). The world is our mission field.

It’s not that it’s wrong for a Christian to be involved in the political process. Christians in democratic countries have the opportunity to vote, and there are a number of God-fearing Christians throughout the world whom God has chosen to have political careers. But it is wrong for churches, Christian individuals and certainly pastors to lose sight of Christ’s mandate in Matthew 28:18-20 and stray from the full-time work of making disciples.

Your mileage may vary.

J said...

I only have time for one thought in response to X. I would warn that subtle changes to the true gospel message can matter a great deal. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need," came from the New Testament early Christian community. It was adopted by Marxism. But in the Christian community, it was voluntary. On Marxism, it is not. Further, the Christian community knew their land holdings may not do them much good, since Jerusalem would soon burn, and they may soon be martyred.

I just realized a few days ago that when Jesus was talking about clothing the naked and feeding the poor, it was not only a material action but spiritually symbolic. Nakedness was symbolic of sin ever since Genesis. Food has frequently been a symbol of spiritual sustenance, from manna in the wilderness, to Communion. Even raising Lazarus from the dead was symbolic of regeneration and resurrection.

I'm not saying that how we behave towards others in a material way can be separated from the way we walk with God in this life. I'm just saying the Social Gospel misses the point if it is focused only on this life.

As Constance documented in her book, Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, the New Agers have a lot of programs to supposedly feed the world's hungry (by controlling supply lines and distributing food and other goods). She noted in her book that controlling the supply lines of the world is a New Age and NWO goal of the elites who are tightly networked at the top of the movement.

RayB said...

Lascivious lies,
morbid thoughts come to mind;

X's member,
pushing ever-deeper inside;

He takes control of his prized possession,
licking them raw, his primordial obsession;

Joe's primitive instincts,
his passions for flesh;

Barry's primal feeding,
more kids wrapped up in the mesh;

Masochistic acts,
X's lust is so true...

....While Wrinkled Jill masticates a part of you!

Anonymous said...

Bravo, J.
Good comeback to the smarm of Democrat Socialist MarXist harm,
and his sleight of hand to pretend he cares but doesn't, who has all the charm of a greasy snake, ole sower of discord himself. (woe unto to him through whom offences come--that's the shoe that fits you apostate x.

The social gospel is his "gospel", he is all about plastic jesus of the New Age/NWO.

His agenda is replete with his social engineering way to twist the Bible, and it is that definite hiss you can hear in his posts.

Anonymous said...

The Bible thumper called PhariNazi X is merciless.
If I was dying and he was the only medical aid available, I would still beg that he could not come near my bedside.
His brand of compassion comes from the pit of hell.

Anonymous said...


Can you post a link here to Russell Brand's video titled:

Surprise Surprise


RayB said...

How the "Christian" Church and U.S. Government Work Together to Traffick Children Worldwide Through the Lucrative "Adoption" Business

$200 Million annual operation ... offered "plea deal" in Cleveland Federal Court which would amount to a slap on the wrist "probation." Defendant admitted in her plea that she participated in a criminal conspiracy of bribing two judges in Uganda. The Bush family, former Attorney General William Barr, and a host of 'prosecutors' from Washington, DC to Cleveland are all in on the "fix."

Read it all here, with numerous links to support this news story:

RayB said...

Correction to above ... it is not a $200 Million ANNUAL operation, but rather, a "$200 operation.

Pedophilia and Satanism goes hand in hand, and there are influential Satanists EVERYWHERE inside 'politics,' and that includes local (school boards), state and federal governments.

FBI Declassifies Files on the CIA’s Involvement in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking

Anonymous said...

Aren’t you guys always harping on “follow the money”??

Well they weren’t reporting this in MAGA media…

NETWORK OF RIGHT-WING HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS IS MAKING MILLIONS OFF HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE AND IVERMECTIN, HACKED DATA REVEALS: The data also reveals that 72,000 people paid at least $6.7 million for Covid-19 consultations promoted by America’s Frontline Doctors and vaccine conspiracist Simone Gold.


“ The Intercept has obtained hundreds of thousands of records from two companies, and Ravkoo, revealing just how the lucrative operation works. America’s Frontline Doctors, or AFLDS, has been spreading highly politicized misinformation about Covid-19 since the summer of 2020 and refers its many followers to its telemedicine partner, which uses Cadence Health as a platform. People who sign up then pay $90 for a phone consultation with “AFLDS-trained physicians” who prescribe treatments such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to prevent and treat Covid-19. The drugs are delivered by Ravkoo, a service that works with local pharmacies to ship drugs to patients’ doors. Of course, that’s if patients ever get the consultation; many customers told Time they never received the call after paying.

The data from the Cadence Health and Ravkoo sites was provided to The Intercept by an anonymous hacker who said the sites were “hilariously easy” to hack, despite promises of patient privacy. It was corroborated by comparing it to publicly available information. The Intercept is not publishing any individual patient data and has taken steps to secure the data. After The Intercept reached out, Cadence Health’s Roque Espinal-Valdez said he shut the platform down, not wanting any part in profiting off of Covid-19 “quackery.”

Anonymous said...

Vaxx money is through the roof, hypocrite x.

You must make $ yourself off of the "quack science" of covid/vaccines to try to get people off the trail of the complete ripoff you bought into.

Do some real homework for once, "einstein".

RayB said...

Latest COVID 'vaccine' statistics from Europe:

41,834 DEAD 3.9 Million Injured Following COVID Vaccines in European Database as U.S. Military Deaths Soar 1100%

"The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 41,834 fatalities, and 3,900,241 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots:

From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,814,420) are serious injuries."

Get the full news report here:

RayB said...

Journalist Lara Logan: Ukraine's ‘Puppet’ President was 'Selected', 'We are Being Lied to On An Epic Scale' (Video)

Logan pointed out that Ukraine used to be a headquarters for the SS, and revealed more about the Azov-Battalion’s Nazi connections:

"I mean, you can find pictures of them online holding up the NATO flag and the SWASTIKA. And at the same time, their own emblem contains the BLACK SUN OF THE OCCULt, WHICH WAS A NAZI SS EMBLEM."

Logan went on to link the Ukrainian military to the Azov Battalion, stating,

"... throughout the Ukrainian military you can see that black sun of the occult on their body armor, even on the female soldiers who are paraded in front of the world as being, you know, such an example of Ukraine’s independence and spirit and nobility.”

Watch the video here:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely Hilarious RayB posted Lara Logan.

Richard…check out the new thread.


RayB said...

Pre K-12 School Where Judge Jackson Sits on Board Pushes Cultural Marxism on Kids

RayB said...

Honestly folks, there is absolutely NOTHING radical about Ketanji Brown Jackson!

Watch — ‘I’m Not a Biologist’: Supreme Court Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson Cannot Define ‘Woman’

Jackson, who was nominated by Biden because she is a black woman, could not answer Blackburn’s question.

Sen. Blackburn asked, “can you provide a definition for the word WOMAN?”


"YOU CAN'T? Blackburn asked again. “Not in this context, I’m not a biologist,” Jackson said.

NOTE: I wonder if X or Constance can give us their definition of the word woman?

RayB said...

Ketanji Brown Jackson Has Absolutely No Idea When Human Life Begins. “Um, I Don’t Know”

BUT, former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, who is "pro-life," supports Jackson's nomination, so ... that should be 'good enough' for us !

RayB said...

Was Satan Not Available To Be Appointed To The Supreme Court Instead Of Ketanji Brown Jackson? (Video)

Anonymous said...

RayB @ 12:23 PM

No, he wasn't available. He's been too busy fact checking and responding to comments on this blog.

Anonymous said...

4:48 PM


RayB said...

Tucker Carlson gets banned by Twitter (a badge of honor) for refusing to repeat the lie that a biological MAN cannot be a WOMAN. He also made "offensive" statements regarding USSC nominee Brown-Jackson's refusal to define what a "woman" is because, as she said, she "is not a biologist." Carlson's response to that was: "I am not a Veterinarian, but I know what a dog is." This country is on a very slippery slope and it is leading us into the abyss of a despotic Marxist Dictatorship, whereby, all those that oppose this radical agenda (that is all designed with one purpose in mind; weed out the Christians from society, along with all others that refuse to conform with their Satanic agenda).

Tucker responds to Twitter banning him: ‘The point is to make the rest of us repeat a lie’

RayB said...

How Can Ketanji Brown Jackson Rule In Sex Discrimination Cases If She Can’t Define ‘Woman’?

"If trial courts must call on ‘biologists’ every time the subject of sex comes up, it is hard to see how justice can be done."

NOTE: Sen. Marsha Blackburn missed a golden opportunity to show how ridiculous Jackson's answer was by these two followups:

1. "Judge Jackson, are YOU a WOMAN? Can you ANSWER that question?

2. "President Biden announced that he was going to nominate a Black Woman to the USSC. Are you Black and are you a Woman, because if you are not, then this nomination is invalid."

RayB said...

Another massive blow to the US Dollar's Reserve Currency status:

BOOM! Russia Now Demands Europe to Pay for Their Gas in Rubles

NOTE: How important is the Reserve Currency to the USA? Libya's Gaddafi was planning an "Arab" dollar that was to be backed by gold, in which all oil transactions in the Middle East would be traded with the Arab dollar. The result. WE conducted a violent coup de tat in order to topple Gaddafi.

Make no mistake about this; the primary reason we invaded Iraq was because Saddam Hussein had announced plans to do the exact same thing.

Without the dollar serving as the world's reserve currency, it is game over for USA global dominance. Putin of course knows this and it is precisely why he took this bold action.

Anonymous said...

"leading us into the abyss of a despotic Marxist Dictatorship, whereby, all those that oppose this radical agenda (that is all designed with one purpose in mind; weed out the Christians from society, along with all others that refuse to conform with their Satanic agenda)."
Amen, RayB.

The goal and aim of the NWO and we have been handed over on a silver platter by the governing (of themselves for themselves) D.C. swamp rats, left and right.

Elites gonna elite.

And the Word of God warned us..

J said...


Did you see Constance posted a new blog entry?

RayB said...

Thanks for the heads up J.

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