Tuesday, July 27, 2021

 Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Fred Upton, Peter Meijer:  Republican Profiles in Courage

Adam Kinzinger & Liz Cheney:  Two very courageous Congress members.

To my readers:  I composed this piece on June 26th for our local Republican Club newsletter.  Because it was over-sized, it will not be run there until I excise about half of the content.  I think all the content is important.  I had no plans to publish it here, but after a conversation with Grant Sutton of New Zealand tonight, I thought important that I do so.  Grant had expressed the view that Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney had "played into Democratic Party hands."  I respectfully disagreed with him and shared this material with him verbally while on the phone.  Today, the initial House Committee Committee was held.  It is time that "Conservatives," "Evangelicals", and "Republicans" were honest with themselves.  

July 27, 2021

Like many  loyal Americans, I was dismayed at the events of January 6, 2021.   Inter alia, I believe it caused the USA security problems, perhaps showing foreign aggressors that our perimeters were easily breached.


 I was also equally disturbed at the left-wing pattern of lawless chaos and rioting in American streets after Minneapolis Policeman Chauvin sat on George Floyd’s neck for the recorded 9 minutes.  I could condone neither his act nor the massive street rioting that followed it in too many American cities, Detroit happily excluded.  . A combination of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and anarchists were majority participants in those ugly events involving looting, burning, glass shattering, and traffic blocking.

Just as apparent to me was that those involved in the Capitol insurrection were NOT BLM nor Antifa people, as too many Trump supporters tell me they believe to be the case.  It was obvious that this riot mainly consisted of ardent Trump supporters, Qanon participants, and yes, like the BLM and Antifa crowd, likewise anarchists, supplemented by militia and white supremacy group types such as Proud Boys and militia members.  I am dismayed  at the cult-like intensity of those claiming the January 6th riot was staged by BLM and Antifa!   I didn’t see many Black faces in that Capitol mob.  Am I supposed to believe that they were there in “White Face”?!   Highly unlikely!

I have spent the past 40 years of my adult life battling the cult-like influence of the New Age Movement over American (and elsewhere) culture.  Those Evangelicals concerned about the New Age Movement should know that QANON has obvious New Age roots and direction.  If you don’t believe me, just pick up and read the book Mike Lindell is promoting on his website, “LOVE JOY TRUMP.”  The author, one “BethAnon” (an obvious Qanon moniker) has been following her Hindu guru Prem Rawat daily and faithfully since 1982, the year my own work against the New Age Movement went national.  In that book that purports to be "A Chorus of Prophetic Voices", we learn:

  • Trump is ushering in the Millennial Reign of Christ on Earth"

  • Trump is God's chosen instrument to save the entire world.

  • Trump is ushering in the Age of Aquarius

  • Qanoners will physically eradicate all followers of what they define as "evil" from the world.

  • Trump will enable Gaia (Earth Goddess) worship

  • Trump is ushering in 1000 years of peace

BethAnon claims her book is "fighting Luciferianism."  I have big news for her.  It is Luciferianism!

Unfortunately, this type of non -discerning nonsense is being espoused in too many Republican, Evangelical, and even conservative Catholic circles.  No man (nor woman) should claim God-like powers and authority.  To allow it about oneself in in their respective circles, turns followers of such condoning persons into little more than cultists.  

Sadly, My Pillow entrepeneur Mike Lindell has branded himself  as Qanon.  He does so in this very book LOVE JOY TRUMP for which he wrote the foreword.  I'm told that he was marketing it at the very recent Antrim County (Michigan) rally.  I have seen for myself that he is energetically  promoting and selling it on his business' website.

"Where we go one, we go all (WWG1WGA)"  -- I don't think so, count me out!.  

HBO recently released an informative documentary 6 part series on QANON.  It is called “INTO THE STORM”.  If you have HBO (available on Comcast)  or Amazon Prime, you should be able to view it..  The series presents convincing evidence that it got to the bottom of “Who is Q?”  While per this series, Qanon supporters and strategizers have included Major General Paul Vallely (retired), General Flynn, Jerome Corsi, and even Donald Trump (making many intentional retweets of Qanon messages), it appears that the actual “Q” anonymous persona was Ron Watkins.  Ron Watkins is the son of Jim Watkins, the owner of 8Chan renamed 8Chun, the network used by Qanon for circulating its "memes" and "cues."  Watkins acquired the network from its original founder, a wheelchair bound Fred Brennan.  Watkins had Fred Brennan relocate to Manila.  After Brennan viewed with dismay mass shootings committed by 8chan users, he decided to distance himself from his internet created channel.  The network's rationale for allowing such speech was "Freedom of speech."  Ironically, after Brennan turned against his network, renamed 8chun by Jim Watkins, Watkins aggressively pursued Philippine prosecution of Brennan for "cyberlibel," a felony in the dictator controlled Philippines government.  Brennan had to flee back to America to avoid cruel prosecution and probable incarceration in the Philippines.

So, if you find much of this distasteful after checking out such obvious Qanon, pro-Trump sources as LOVE JOY TRUMP and many other QANON books, where do we go?

Well, I realize I'm probably a distinctly minority view in current Michigan Republican, if not national circles, here's where I've gone.  I've watched with interest the very courageous work of Congressman Adam Kinzinger of Illinois.  Although I was not a previous Cheney fan, I am impressed with Liz Cheney's brave stand.  I was more than a little disconcerted that Kevin McCarthy took the lead in seeking her unseating from Republican House leadership because she took a stand against January 6th events.  To my mind, that was nothing short of hypocritical because Kevin McCarthy had earlier reported that he unsuccessfully tried to talk President Trump into calling off the Insurrection forces while the January 6th event was in progress.

I am also impressed by two brave Michigan Congressmen, Fred Upton and Peter Meijer.  I think it reprehensible that Michigan Republicans sought to censure them for voting their consciences vis a vis the January 6th event.

I am dismayed at reports this week that allegedly conservative Christian Evangelicals booed Mike Pence and called him a "traitor" for not refusing to certify the Election results.

Today, it was announced that the Michigan Republican led Senate investigation results found the election results fair and not indicative of widespread fraud.   That should put it to rest, but I'm fearful it will not.  The events of January 6th, including Trump's summoning a huge crowd to Washington for his "Stop the Steal" rally, his obvious frequent retweeting of Qanon messages, his failure to timely stop the Capitol riot remind me ominously of a similar event in Germany in 1923.  It is commonly known as the Beer Hall Putsch."  It was Hitler led and Hitler was sentenced to two years in prison for it.  While in prison, Hitler's forces were organizing all over Germany and Bavaria.  Like us, Germany was recovering from a pandemic, from massive inflation and instability from many left-wing "Bohemian" forces.  Hitler indeed came back and assumed massive power.   Like the LOVE JOY TRUMP and 1000 YEARS OF PEACE Qanon books, Germans thought that was what Hitler was doing for Germany then.  The results then were catastrophic -- both for Germany and the world.

Qanon is advancing ugly anti-Semitic views.  That with the other items I mention, amount to too many ominous parallels.  Do we really  want to go there?  I for one, do not.

Yes, there were good things that happened during Trump's presidency.  There were some excellent judicial appointments, the globalists were definitely slowed down, and Christians were treated in Presidential circles far more kindly than they were in the Obama Adminstration or than they definitely would have been treated had Hillary been elected.  That, however, being said, does not give one a pass to ignore the Constitution, threaten officials for doing their duty in certifying elections, and give aid, comfort, and even motivation to those who would tear us apart by "Civil War."

I know the above is not popular in many Republican circles, but for now, this is where I stand.

Constance E. Cumbey

June 24, 2021


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Anonymous said...

5:23 PM

It sounds by the info you passed along that that 11:11 number is a number of great disorder by the ones you mentioned making such a big deal of it. Disorder would be about that in a numerology use for sure.
The number 13 is the number of rebellion in the Bible according to what I have read up on it. That number is used a lot when people talk about it being unlucky.
God doesn't do luck/unluck so that would be using it in a rebellious way.

Craig said...

Vaccines driving the evolution of new COVID variants (from Livestream #86)

DarkHorse Podcast Clips

Vaccines driving the evolution of new COVID variants. Clip with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying.

Anonymous said...

I just answered the 5:23 PM post you addressed to me about the 11:11 number. I haven't seen anything else yet.

Craig said...

As regards Trump and the 'lab leak theory'

The public discussion has gone to noise (from Livestream #85)

DarkHorse Podcast Clips

GrantNZ said...

Just as it was at Jesus's trial the crowd cried for Barabbas to be freed.
Jesus wasn't the political radical they were looking for.
Jesus proclaimed His Father's Kingdom was not of this world.
In America and even worldwide people are looking for a political Messiah (saviour) isn't that the furtile ground for antichrists or even the Antichrist.
Just look at history and more importantly the Bible.
Look up the Greek meanings for the word Antichrist etc.
I see it as a type of christ not the real one, a anointed one or one who claims to be anointed and a sent one.
Now just think of the last decades of error being preached and those speaking error and false words...that they claim they are anointed and sent ones.
Ask yourself the question sent by whom?.
By their fruits you shall know them.

Craig said...


--Thomas Sowell 7/27/2021

GrantNZ said...

Have you considered the occasion where two of the Apostles showed fear and tore their clothes saying what have we done that men should think this.
It was when the people called them "gods".

GrantNZ said...

Watch out when you ever place God like status on mere men.
We are made in God's image but we ain't God

Anonymous said...

"We do not want another committee, we have too many already. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people, and to lift us out of the economic morass into which we are sinking.

Send us such a man, and be he god or devil, we will receive him." Paul-Henri Spaak

GrantNZ, it appears to me that the world is pretty much ready as of this moment in time for the man Paul-Henri Spaak was speaking of.

"Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God." (2 Thess 2:3-4)

I believe the falling away (from the true faith - the apostacy) is happening now in bigger and bigger numbers. So many are easily buying into the narrative that is fear driven so that people will abandon God for another "savior", a counterfeit to the real Savior, with what they perceive as the attributes of God but aren't, of course, because they want this world & the now...

An amazing time to be alive isn't it?

GrantNZ said...

Anon 9:02
I agree with you.
I attempt to try and make people consider the times so they reach a conclusion from their own efforts of exactly what you have eloquently put.
As they heap upon themselves teachers for their itching ears its ever more harder to reach those who become unteachable because quite literally they do no not won't to know the truth only wgat suits their purpose and personal agenda.
Deception is rampant even amongst those who have spoken against it and should know better.
There's a steady wearing done of all that's good.

Anonymous said...

Goofball premises such as espoused by a select group within the ranks of the Republican Party that would tempt tacit if not intellectual acceptance by a man who is unusually egotistical and that would pragmatically seem to promise an increase in voter enthusiasm amongst some of the electorate are conveniently applied to...

Guess who?


This rabid hatred of him by some for tacitly accepting the goofball premise is going overboard, true. BUT the 'looking the other way" by those that should know better (especially 'higher-ups' in positions of power) and who have the ear of adherents to the 'Love Joy Trump'-type creed (which I really don't think that we have any here at this blogspot BTW) and who don't verbally (up to and including, as may be necessary) 'pin their ears back' for indulging in such baggage-laden balderdash are by default complicit in the stupidity by their standing by and saying nothing. This LJT-type set of beliefs is an insidious poison and MUST be as much as possible eliminated from the electorate, that is abundantly clear. Nothing good can come of it.

That being said, let us not overestimate the understanding of Trump concerning the religious ramifications of LJT-style beliefs either:

New Trump Bible gaffe draws laughs at evangelical college: He says 'Two Corinthians' instead of 'Second Corinthians'


Bottom line: PRAY for Trump and the electorate to have their eyes fully opened to the falsehoods of the LJT-type set of beliefs and reject them.

Anonymous said...

Is Coronavirus (Covid) mentioned in the Bible as one of the deadly pestilences (diseases)?


Anonymous said...

Gov. Greg Abbott claims Biden administration has caused a 'constitutional crisis' after DOJ sues Texas to prevent troopers from stopping cars carrying migrants

Abbott made the statement after AG Merrick Garland announced the DOJ filed a lawsuit over an executive order the governor signed Wednesday

Executive Order GA-37 tasked state troopers with stopping any vehicle suspected of carrying migrants and reroute them to their origin or arrest them

Abbott claimed that the migrants pose a risk of spreading the COVID-19

His executive order came even after he ended many of the Lone Star State's protective measures amid the pandemic

He signed an executive order Thursday night preventing mask and vaccination mandates to promote 'individual right and responsibility' in Texas


Craig said...

Anon 12:51 AM,

I'm not opposed to the overall tenor of your statement, but I must correct a few things. First of all, Trump's "gaffe" was 4.5 years ago. Secondly, he's technically not incorrect. Modern convention is at odds with the manuscript tradition. And thirdly, in comparison, Biden's gaffe was real. I wrote a brief post about this late last year.

Contrasts: One Reads “The Palmist”; the Other “2 Corinthians”

RayB said...

CDC: Almost 400 reports of heart inflammation in children after Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine



Anonymous said...

BREAKING: CDC, FDA faked “covid” testing protocol by using human cells mixed with common cold virus fragments… PCR tests are merely detecting the common cold!!!


RayB said...

More than 125,000 breakthrough cases…

"WASHINGTON — At least 125,000 FULLY VACCINATED Americans HAVE TESTED POSITIVE for Covid and 1,400 of those have died, according to data collected by NBC News.

But the total number of breakthrough cases is likely higher than 125,683, since nine states, including Pennsylvania and Missouri, did not provide any information, while 11, like Covid hotspot Florida, did not provide death and hospitalization totals. Four states gave death and hospitalization numbers, but not the full tally of cases."

Read more here ...


RayB said...

Does this question even need to be asked ...?

Is Joe Biden a Pathological Liar?

Biden’s past lies resurfaced this week


Anonymous said...

Craig 10:04 AM,

Thank you for 'correcting' me.

Now let me correct you.

1) "First of all, Trump's 'gaffe' was 4.5 years ago."

That is irrelevant. All that it definitely means is ONLY that we may now take it for granted that he'll say "Second Corinthians" (etc.) when announcing what book of the Bible he may quote from in the future. That HARDLY means that he's been fervently dedicated to becoming a Bible scholar in the past 4-1/2 years.

2) "Secondly, he's technically not incorrect."

2 Corinthians (not second) is pretty common UK speak (where his mother immigrated from).

Granted, Donald Trump himself is not from the UK.

So no, Trump didn't really mess up.

"Except that he probably did."


Trump 'Isn't Familiar With the Bible,' Tony Perkins Says After Trump Blames Him for 'Two Corinthians' Gaffe


3) "And thirdly, in comparison, Biden's gaffe was real."


That is not just irrelevant, it is UTTERLY irrelevant.

I'm quite amazed that you even said it.

TRUMP is the topic.

(The book is not LOVE JOY BIDEN.)

Craig said...

Here's some real news: MSNBC is actually covering news rather than spreading narrative:

Whistleblowers: We Were Told To Downplay Covid Outbreak Among Kids At Migrant Shelter

Whistleblowers have come forward to allege that HHS told them to downplay hundreds of Covid infections among children held at a migrant shelter in Fort Bliss, Texas.

Looks like these children are crowded in cages. Where's the outrage?

Anonymous said...

CDC’s Own Data Shows 15% of In-Hospital CV Deaths in May Were Among VACCINATED Patients... Not ‘Under 1%’ As Officials Claimed


Anonymous said...

As for the 2 Corinthians remarks.
I think that I have said 2 myself.
Especially if reading from notes.
Given the use of teleprompters its likely you would say two if it's displayed as 2 rather than 2nd.
Anyway under the current administration I don't think you will need to worry about biblical quotes it goes against what they stand for.
If anything they will be pushing to ban it.

LSWA said...

5:21 PM

Yeah, it is like someone working quite hard to split extra fine hairs, just looking for fault.

Is enough proof to me that whatever our former President Donald Trump may have not done that well or may have actually done wrong, it still doesn't come up to the level of evil as the media always - always - makes sure they portray about him. The overbearing and actual false information and constant streaming dialogue about him (even still finding fault and he is not in the White House anymore, yet this way that he has been treated tells me he had to be (and he truly was) doing some really big things right, to have those extreme people of the progressive left, those from the Marxist globalist side of things, that determined to bring him down. He never advertised himself as a deeply spiritual man anyway, who should be surprised that he isn't??

Biden advertises himself (Pelosi too) as committed and spiritual people, very religious, but those hacks worship only themselves.

Anonymous said...


Looks far left to me.

And he has handled Covid about as well too.

Craig said...

From a YouTube comment:

ME: CDC, should I get poke if I already had Covid?

CDC: “Yes, you should be poked regardless of whether you already had COVID-19. That’s because experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19.”

ME: Oh, okay, we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts. Got it. So, how long does poke-induced immunity last?

CDC: “There is still a lot we are learning about COVID-19 pokes and CDC is constantly reviewing evidence and updating guidance. We don’t know how long protection lasts for those who are poked.”

ME: Okay … but wait a second. I thought you said the reason I need the poke was because we don’t know how long my natural immunity lasts, but it seems like you’re saying we ALSO don’t know how long poke immunity lasts either. So, how exactly is the poke immunity better than my natural immunity?

CDC: …

ME: Uh … alright. But, haven’t there been a bunch of studies suggesting that natural immunity could last for years or decades?

CDC: Yes.

NEWYORKTIMES: “Years, maybe even decades, according to a new study.”

ME: Ah. So natural immunity might last longer than poke immunity?

CDC: Possibly. You never know.

ME: Okay. If I get the poke, does that mean I won’t get sick?

BRITAIN: Nope. We are just now entering a seasonal spike and about half of our infections and hospital admissions are poked people.

ME: CDC, is this true? Are there a lot of people in the U.S. catching Covid after getting the poke?

CDC: We stopped tracking breakthrough cases. We accept voluntary reports of breakthroughs but aren’t out there looking for them.

ME: Does that mean that if someone comes in the hospital with Covid, you don’t track them because they’ve been poked? You only track the UN-poked Covid cases?

CDC: That’s right.

ME: Oh, okay. Hmm. Well, if I can still get sick after I get the poke, how is it helping me?

CDC: We never said you wouldn’t get sick. We said it would reduce your chances of serious illness or death.

ME: Oh, sorry. Alright, exactly how much does it reduce my chance of serious illness or death.

CDC: We don’t know “exactly.”

ME: Oh. Then what’s your best estimate for how much risk reduction there is?

CDC: We don’t know, okay? Next question.

Craig said...

ME: Um, if I’m healthy and don’t want the poke, is there any reason I should get it?

CDC: Yes, for the collective.

ME: How does the collective benefit from me getting poked?

CDC: Because you could spread the virus to someone else who might get sick and die.

ME: Can a poked person spread the virus to someone else?

CDC: Yes.

ME: So if I get poked, I could still spread the virus to someone else?

CDC: Yes.

ME: But I thought you just said, the REASON I should get poked was to prevent me spreading the virus? How does that make sense if I can still catch Covid and spread it after getting the poke?

CDC: Never mind that. The other thing is, if you stay unpoked, there’s a chance the virus could possibly mutate into a strain that escapes the pokes protection, putting all poked people at risk.

ME: So the poke stops the virus from mutating?

CDC: No.

ME: So it can still mutate in poked people?

CDC: Yes.

ME: This seems confusing. If the poke doesn’t stop mutations, and it doesn’t stop infections, then how does me getting poked help prevent a more deadly strain from evolving to escape the poke?

CDC: You aren’t listening, okay? The bottom line is: as long as you are unpoked, you pose a threat to poked people.

ME: But what KIND of threat??

CDC: The threat that they could get a serious case of Covid and possibly die.

ME: My brain hurts. Didn’t you JUST say that the poke doesn’t keep people from catching Covid, but prevents a serious case or dying? Now it seems like you’re saying poked people can still easily die from Covid even after they got the poke just by running into an unpoked person! Which is it??

CDC: That’s it, we’re hanging up now.

ME: Wait! I just want to make sure I understand all this. So, even if I ALREADY had Covid, I should STILL get poked, because we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts, and we also don’t know how long poke immunity lasts. And I should get the poke to keep a poked person from catching Covid from me, but even if I get the poke, I can give it to the poked person anyways. And, the other poked person can still easily catch a serious case of Covid from me and die. Do I have all that right?

Craig said...

It's all about nuance and proper definitions:

COVID prophylaxis, treatments and regulatory capture (from Livestream #87)

DarkHorse Podcast Clips

paul said...

Craig, I also believe that I got, and got over, the Covid-19 over a year ago.
And I also have a couple questions for them:

1.What exactly are the ingredients in the jabs? Why is it a secret?
2.Which is best, Pfizer, Astra-Zeneca, Johnson & Johnson, or Moderna, and why are there any differences?
3.What is a virus? I understand that it's not even a living thing until it's able to get past the body's defenses and actually inside of a living cell where it hijacks the living cell in order to multiply, but for a non living thing, it's very clever, no?
4.Isn't it in fact always the human body that kills viruses, not vaccines? Isn't the whole vaccine idea to simply show our bodies T-cells exactly what a given virus looks like, so that the human body can get to work creating an antibody?
5.If there isn't even a vaccine for the Common Cold that works, why should a Covid-19 vaccine work? Isn't Covid-19 the most recent and therefore the least understood? The common cold (rhinovirus) has been around for thousands of years hasn't it?
6.Will boosters become the new norm? How many times a year?
7.Why in this world should I or anyone else trust Big Pharma companies?
8.Why should I trust my doctor? Aren't they almost all beholden to the Big Pharmas? How many of the doctors today are complicit in the Opioid Epidemic? I know that there have been a few wrong diagnoses and some downright malpractice on me in my life, so why should I trust them? (Obviously I don't)

_And really, many more questions as to why the whole thing appears to be theater; the inflated numbers, car crash victims being listed as Covid-19 casualties, etc, and the complete absence of any talk about vitamin D, Zinc, vitamin C, or quinine, as preventative medicine (the best kind of medicine), and also dietary issues and exercise.

Anonymous said...


Are you familiar with it being the practice of medicine, not perfection of medicine?

Jenner discovered cowpox prevented smallpox around the year 1800 and 180 years later on May 8, 1980 smallpox was eradicated despite the complained of “evolutionary risk of vaccine pressured variants”.

This fear and snowflake tears is just too much. Vaccine denial and vaccine hesitantly will likely go down in history as one of Trumps greasiest failures as a president & supposed politician as well as one of Russia’s most successful and deadly destabilizing misinformation campaigns (see https://brooklynworks.brooklaw.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2252&context=blr )

I watched your links and though Brett & Heather seem soft spoken and rational I think they are full of crap and simply saying whatever to build and please their audiences while “having conversations” essentially telling people what might happen to a few people who die wearing their seatbelts. The example he used IS what they are doing. All mutations so far originated prior to the vaccine. All the viruses we vaccinate against historically “could have” or still “could” mutate and such threat hasn’t stopped us vaccinating any other illnesses in the past and even eradicating some. An old school vaccine is coming on the market this fall and the targeted MRNA vaccines can be modified over time too as the virus/vaccine gets resequenced. Plus, Heather and Brett have incorrect in several or most of their other videos as well demonstrating their incompetence in the face of the assessments and evidence provided by true real experts as well as the over 96% of the prestigious physicians affiliated with the American Medical Association (even about 50% of the quack doctors in the AAPS are vaccinated).

All the misrepresentations, politics and deliberate misrepresentation aside, bottom line, today, the current evidenced science remains you, your family and friends are more likely to be hospitalized, die or become disabled from Covid unvaccinated than vaccinated. The “new data” still supports that actually demonstrating the urgency that we make a concerted effort NOW to get control of this virus.


Anonymous said...

X, we'll take all of your advice right after your advice on voting for Biden to be anti-abortion pans out. Deal?

Anonymous said...

Take these shots DAILY after being exposed until such time as this blogspot is no longer infested:

These are newly updated at least every single day or sooner:





And this is newly updated at least every (regular) weekday or sooner:


Anonymous said...

Comedian Jimmy Dore — ‘I have spike protein side effects after the Vaccine’

'They damaged my brain…'


Anonymous said...

Information security expert reveals Pfizer COVID jab contracts: ‘There’s good reason Pfizer fought to hide the details’

The revealed contract of COVID jab manufacturer Pfizer, was described as being 'WORSE than it seems.'

Fri Jul 30, 2021

July 30, 2021 (America’s Frontline Doctors) – Unredacted contracts for the experimental biological agent known as the “COVID-19 vaccine” between the Pfizer corporation and various governments continue to be revealed.

Information security expert Ehden Biber told America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) Frontline News that the first document to recently emerge was discovered by Albanian newspaper Gogo.al. Biber then was able to locate the digitally-signed Brazilian contract, and at least two others, one with the European Commission, and the other with the Dominican Republic.

AFLDS Chief Science Officer Dr. Michael Yeadon responded to the revelations after perusing the Albania contract, saying it “looks genuine.” He continued: “I know the basic anatomy of these agreements and nothing is missing that I’d expect to be present, and I’ve seen no clues that suggests it’s fake.”

Yeadon noted what he found “the most stunning revelation,” citing the clause that stipulates “if there are any laws or regulations in your country under which Pfizer could be prosecuted, you agree to CHANGE THE LAW OR REGULATION to close that off.” (emphasis his)

In a Twitter thread that has since been removed except the first tweet in the thread, Biber explained the significance of the revealed agreements: “Because the cost of developing contracts is very high and time consuming (legal review cycles), Pfizer, like all corporations, develop a standardized agreement template and use these agreements with relatively minor adjustments in different countries.

“These agreements are confidential, but luckily one country did not protect the contract document well enough, so I managed to get a hold of a copy.

Anonymous said...

“As you are about to see, there is a good reason why Pfizer was fighting to hide the details of these contracts.”

“First,” Biber continues, “let’s talk about the product: The agreement not only covers manufacturing of vaccines for COVID-19 and its mutations, but also for ‘any device, technology, or product used in the administration of or to enhance the use or effect of, such vaccine’.”

“If you were wondering why Ivermectin was suppressed, it is because the agreement that countries had with Pfizer does not allow them to escape their contract, which states that even if a drug will be found to treat COVID-19, the contract cannot be voided.”

“Supplying the product: ‘Pfizer shall have no liability for any failure to deliver doses in accordance with any estimated delivery dates… nor shall any such failure give Purchaser any right to cancel orders for any quantities of Product’.”

“‘Pfizer shall decide on necessary adjustments to the number of Contracted Doses and Delivery Schedule due to the Purchaser … based on principles to be determined by Pfizer … Purchaser shall be deemed to agree to any revision’.”

“Just to make it clear: ‘Purchaser hereby waives all rights and remedies that it may have at Law, in equity or otherwise, arising from or relating to:.. any failure by Pfizer to deliver the Contracted Doses in accordance with the Delivery Schedule’.”

“Once again: ‘Under no circumstances will Pfizer be subject to or liable for any late delivery penalties’,” noted Biber.

“You can’t return the product, no matter what,” he observed: “‘Pfizer will not, in any circumstances, accept any returns of Product (or any dose)…no Product returns may take place under any circumstances’.”

“Now for the BIG SECRET: $12 per dosage for about 250K units. Funny that this is the price for a small amount of dosages when Pfizer was charging the U.S. $19.50 per dose,” continued Biber.

“U.S. taxpayers got screwed by Pfizer, probably also Israel,” he suggested.

“About payment, the country has no right ‘to withhold, offset, recoup or debit any amounts owed to Pfizer, whether under this Agreement or otherwise, against any other amount owed (or to become due and owing) to it by Pfizer or a Pfizer Affiliate’.”

Anonymous said...

Interesting questions Paul.


1. Here’s an article on common cold from 2009 so they e been working on this for awhile. This new MRNA vaccine technology might very well be the first step eradicating the common colds.

“ More than 200 different viruses are known to cause the symptoms of the common cold. An estimated 30-35% of all adult colds are caused by rhinoviruses. In people with asthma, particularly children, rhinovirus infections are also frequently associated with flare-ups. Scientists had previously identified 99 distinct rhinovirus types. Recently, however, a number of unknown types were detected in patients with severe flu-like illnesses.

The scientists sequenced the complete genomes of 70 known human rhinoviruses and 10 others from nasal-wash samples of patients with rhinovirus upper respiratory tract infections. The final collection, including the previously published sequences, consisted of 138 full-length human rhinoviruses genomes.

The researchers compared all the sequences to determine how they are related. Based on these relationships, they discovered that there may be up to 4 different species of rhinovirus.

Rhinoviruses contain all their genetic information on a single strand of RNA (a molecule related to DNA). The researchers found that all the virus RNA strands feature a cloverleaf-like shape at one end. Nearly every virus had a unique sequence in a section of this region. Analogous regions in related viruses have been shown to affect how pathogenic the viruses are. The researchers believe this stretch of sequence might play a similar role in rhinoviruses.

The scientists also found evidence for distantly related strains swapping sections of RNA. Exactly where and how the viruses exchange genetic material in the body is uncertain, but multiple rhinoviruses are known to infect people simultaneously.

These study results provide a framework for analyzing human rhinoviruses that may strike in the future. The information can be used in studies to track the movement and evolution of new viruses. It may also prove valuable for developing antiviral medications and vaccines.“

“Understanding a Common Cold Virus”

2. Don’t know about car accidents but in Florida Desantis complained last year that a motorcycle crash victim was included in death totals but it turned out the accident victim did catch Covid while recovering from the accident in the hospital. The Covid killed the guy who would have, I presume (I wasn’t there), otherwise survived. Probably the same or similar thing happened in the “car crash” Covid cases that are troubling you.

3. I think bc the vaccine is not the whole weakened virus like a old vaccine technology each little “variant” might mean boosters and or an all inclusive booster. If we eradicate it… our grandkids and their grandkids might not need anything.

4. Either way u r part of the experiment. Choosing to wait out of fear is a choice and makes you part of the control group. Good luck. I pray your choice doesn’t cost you or a loved one. It’s a false equivalent to pretend the odds are the same.


Anonymous said...

“Damaged goods: THE ONLY WAY to get a recall is if you can prove cGMP fault,” explained Biber.

“‘For clarity, Purchaser shall not be entitled to reject any Product based on service complaints unless a Product does not materially conform to Specifications or cGMP’.”

“This agreement is above any local law of the state:

“Long-term effects and efficacy: ‘Purchaser acknowledges…the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known’.”

“Termination for cause: There are clauses about termination possibility, but in fact, as you saw so far, the buyer has almost nothing that can be considered a material breach, while Pfizer can easily do so if they don’t get their money or if they deem so,” added Biber.

“You must pay Pfizer for the dosages you ordered, no matter how much you consumed, regardless if Pfizer got it approved (it was a pre-EU approval) or if they delivered the Contracted Doses in accordance with any estimated delivery dates set forth herein,” he explained.

“‘Purchaser hereby agrees to indemnify, DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS Pfizer, BioNTech (and) their Affiliates…from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, demands, losses, damages, liabilities, settlements, penalties, fines, costs and expenses…’”

“The state must defend Pfizer,” noted Biber: “ ‘(Pfizer) shall notify Purchaser of Losses for which it is seeking indemnification… Upon such notification, Purchaser shall promptly assume conduct and control of the defense of such Indemnified Claims on behalf of (Pfizer)’ ”:

“However, ‘Pfizer shall have the right to assume control of such defense… and Purchaser shall pay all Losses, including, without limitation, the reasonable attorneys’ fees and other expenses incurred’.”

“Pfizer is making sure the country will pay for everything: ‘Costs and expenses, including… fees and disbursements of counsel, incurred by the Indemnitee(s) in connection with any Indemnified Claim shall be reimbursed on a quarterly basis by Purchaser’ ”:

“Liability: ‘This shall not include, nor constitute, product liability insurance to cover any third party/patients claims and such general liability insurance shall be without prejudice to Purchaser’s indemnification obligation as set out in this Agreement’.”

“There is no limit to the liability of the country in case of ‘the indemnity given by it under Section 8 (Indemnification)’ or if the Purchaser failed to pay Pfizer:

Anonymous said...

“The Purchaser waives any right for immunity, it give up any law that might cap the obligation to pay damages to Pfizer. Comment: The court in New York has the capacity to hold international assets of a country if the country failed the contract.”

As for the “Condition to supply,” Biber noted: “Purchaser must provide Pfizer protection from liability for claims and all Losses, must implement it via statutory or regulatory requirements, and the sufficiency of such efforts shall be in Pfizer’s sole discretion.”

“Confidentiality, part 1: ‘Each Recipient shall safeguard the confidential and proprietary nature of the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information with at least the same degree of care as it holds its own confidential or proprietary information of like kind’”:

“Confidentiality, part 2: ‘Recipient shall disclose Confidential Information only to such of its Representatives who have a need to know such Confidential Information to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement’”:

“Confidentiality, part 3: The contract must be kept confidential for 10 years. Why 30 years in Israel?” questioned Biber.

“‘The provisions of this Section 10 (Confidential Information) shall survive the termination or expiration of the this Agreement for a period of ten (10) years’”:

“Arbitration and governing laws: Arbitration must be done in New York, in according to Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA:

“If a specific ministry was assigned to safeguard the contract, they must continue to so: ‘…attempted assignment of rights or delegation or subcontracting of duties without the required prior written consent of the other Parties shall be void and ineffective’.”

Biber explained how he came across the contract and thus revelaed it to the world. “I first stumbled upon a document, called KONTRATEN-E-PLOTE which translates to ‘read the full contract’. Only later I discovered it was Albanian website that has published it on January 2021. They deserve ALL the credit for the leakage of the document, and journalists around the world deserves the shame for not discovering and reporting it.”

“Countries might claim they negotiated a better deal,” he added. “But based on the evidence we have received from South America it seems this contract is real, and that it’s similar to what was used worldwide.”

“‘One Health Ministry official, Yaron Niv, said in a separate Kan interview that each dose cost Israel $62.’ Netanyahu is indeed a magician – he got Israel to pay 5 times more than Albania and made people worship him for this BAD deal.”

“This contract is actually worse than it seems,” observed Biber.

“Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) is regulated by the FDA. cGMP will tell you NOTHING about mRNA, because we never had cGMP of mRNA vaccine, so you cannot prove cGMP malpractice.”

“Addendum: Former president of Pfizer in Brazil and CEO for Latin America testified to the Brazilian committee that Pfizer demanded the same condition for vaccine purchase from all countries:

Anonymous said...

“Former president of Pfizer in Brazil and CEO for Latin America Carlos Murillo today said in testimony to the COVID CPI that the clauses proposed by the pharmaceutical company for the offer of vaccines to Brazil are not ‘preeminent’, as stated by the former minister of Eduardo Pazuello Health.

“According to Murillo, Pfizer demanded from all countries the same conditions for the purchase of vaccines against COVID-19. In addition, he said that claims that the drug maker would have demanded state assets such as embassies and military bases as collateral are not correct. ‘It’s distorted information,’ he declared.”

Biber concluded: “To those think it is a fake: My university law professor said laws are like computer code. They use legal functions, and variables, and processes. I worked in Big Pharma, I reviewed many contracts in my career, and this document seems to me as real as can be.”

“I wrote this on the 13th of July: ‘Israel has turned into a pharmaceutical Banana Republic, where the priorities of a multinational supersedes the priorities of its citizens. It is no longer the Jewish motherland, it is Pfizerland.”


Anonymous said...

"This fear and snowflake tears is just too much"

The fear and snowflake syndromes belong to your progressive liberal side.

We are just fine without your fears and reasonable demands, thank you very much.
Stop your whining and constant complaining about others health choices and take care of your own.
You are free to bow before your government "saviors" and science "gods".
You are free to wear your mask, take your vaccine...and we are free not to.

Get a life will ya?
And leave the rest of us alone.

Anonymous said...

12:05 AM,

You're asking an AWFUL LOT from an Opus Dei obsessed scummy socialist troll on a mission, aren't you?

Anonymous said...


Plandemic lockdown enforcing MILITARY HELICOPTERS warn kids to stop playing basketball, or else...


Anonymous said...

x can have his confused covid misinfo and disinfo applications and that's fine by me.
He thinks he is equipped to speak as some type of medical professional...
...but only knows enough to be dangerous.

And thinks we are interested in what he thinks.
So for some he is possibly dangerous, and definitely a bloviating wind bag.

Anonymous said...

12:15 AM,

Come to think of it, I believe you are right.

Anonymous said...

"An interesting perspective on forced Vaccinations."


Anonymous said...


"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds... of spying on Americans."



Anonymous said...

GOP Senator Kevin Cramer — I am grateful to the officer who executed ‘criminal Ashli Babbitt’


Anonymous said...

Sweden Chief Epidemiologist warns against ‘far-reaching conclusions’ about Delta Variant…

Mask-free Sweden nears zero daily Covid deaths

As the CDC urges Americans to mask up against the Delta variant, Sweden’s chief epidemiologist has argued that more data is needed about the strain’s infectiousness.

His mask-free nation is hovering at zero Covid deaths per day.

Anders Tegnell said on Friday that there was “a lot we do not know” about Delta and cautioned against drawing “far-reaching conclusions” about the coronavirus strain. He noted that the variant had been circulating in Sweden “for quite some time” with little effect, particularly in high-risk settings such as nursing homes.

It is difficult to say how contagious Delta is, as when it comes to chickenpox, we have been able to follow the disease for several years. The infectivity of Delta seems to be very uneven – in some cases, one person infects a hundred people, then we have other occasions when an infected person does not infect anyone at all,” he told Sweden’s Aftonbladet.

In separate remarks, he pointed to the fact that one-third of the country’s municipalities reported zero new Covid cases over the past week.

And while US health authorities are pressing Americans in “high transmission” areas to mask up, Sweden dropped its last remaining mask recommendation – related to public transport – on July 1.

While Sweden’s public health agency has supported measures such as social distancing and remote working, it has no recommendations for the use of face coverings in public spaces.

Reviled by the media for refusing to impose harsh lockdowns, Sweden’s less draconian approach to the health crisis appears to be paying off: The Scandinavian nation has recorded a total of eight Covid-linked deaths so far this month, an average of 0.25 deaths per day.

Daily hospitalizations have also hovered near zero in July: On most days this month, the country saw between 0-2 Covid-cases requiring hospital treatment. At the same time, daily cases have fallen sharply since April.

Sweden Covid Report




Anonymous said...

Here’s the data on ‘breakthrough infections’ the CDC didn’t want you to see…


Anonymous said...

Wise words from R.K.…

‘People are not afraid of the Delta variant’



Anonymous said...

CDC Admits — 74 percent of Covid cases from Massachusetts outbreak were fully Vaccinated…


Anonymous said...


Businesses will be fined $13,000 for allowing the Un-Vaccinated into stores



Anonymous said...


Just when you thought Major League Stupidity couldn't get any worse...

Cleveland Indians new name already taken

In announcing the Cleveland Indians will become the Cleveland Guardians, management overlooked one tiny little thing.

There already is a Cleveland Guardians team.

The Cleveland Guardians are a roller derby team.

Anonymous said...

Biden — I want a nationwide ‘mandatory’ Vaccine…


Anonymous said...

Vaccine truth censored on Sydney radio…

Pauline Hanson was on the Kyle & Jackie O this morning. They censored out most of what Pauline was saying because it’s not “government approved”.


Australian military patrols Sydney streets…

Lockdown shock troops


Anonymous said...

Members of Congress BLOCKED from seeing conditions of January 6th political prisoners!

Gaetz, Gohmert and MTG LOCKED OUT


Anonymous said...

Why Are Globalists And Governments So Desperate For 100% Vaccination Rates?

What if the vaccines are a pivotal part of their “Great Reset?”


Anonymous said...

But what if the elites know exactly what the side effects will be? What if the vaccines are a pivotal part of their “Great Reset?”

Anonymous said...

“You are free to wear your mask, take your vaccine...and we are free not to”


“Vaccine Mandates Are as American as Apple Pie: Those who claim that vaccine resistance is an expression of liberty are historically illiterate” : https://newrepublic.com/article/163122/vaccine-mandates-american-apple-pie

“The first vaccine mandate in American history came from none other than George Washington at the height of the American Revolution. America’s struggle for independence coincided with a major smallpox epidemic that raged through North America in the 1770s and 1780s, and it was an omnipresent threat to the ragtag Continental Army. “By January 1777 [Washington] ordered Dr. William Shippen to inoculate every soldier who never had the disease,’” historian Ron Chernow wrote in his 2010 biography of the first president. “‘Necessity not only authorizes but seems to require the measure,’ [Washington] wrote,“

Anti-vax groups often allude to basic American values to resist vaccine mandates, asserting that they have the liberty not to take steps to ensure they don’t spread infectious diseases to other people. Public health officials, in their version of events, are derided as authoritarian and tyrannical figures. This juvenile worldview could not be more backward. Getting vaccinated is as American as baseball and apple pie—and so is compelling those who refuse to do so voluntarily.

When Covid-19 vaccines became widely available this spring, the immediate priority was ensuring that those who wanted to get the vaccine could do so. Millions of Americans did their patriotic duty to one another and rushed out to get the jab. But millions of their fellow citizens did not. For all the anti-vaxxers’ talk of liberty and personal freedom, the nature of pandemics and infectious diseases means that everyone else is forced to suffer for their short-sightedness.
Such is the nature of living in civilization. “There is, of course, a sphere within which the individual may assert the supremacy of his own will, and rightfully dispute the authority of any human government, especially of any free government existing under a written constitution, to interfere with the exercise of that will,” the Supreme Court wrote in Jacobson (the case that found compulsory vaccinations constitutional). “But it is equally true that in every well-ordered society charged with the duty of conserving the safety of its members the rights of the individual in respect of his liberty may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand.”


Anonymous said...


“ For all the anti-vaxxers’ talk of liberty and personal freedom, the nature of pandemics and infectious diseases means that everyone else is forced to suffer for their short-sightedness. Covid-19 has imposed its own subtle tyranny upon our lives for the past 18 months. Even if they do not get sick and die, people have been unable to find work, to meet family and friends, to go on dates and fall in love, to hold weddings and funerals, and to enjoy the full blessings of everyday life without risking their own health and the health of others. If anti-vax folks mistake a key for a shackle, that’s only because their selfishness is part of the problem.

This dilemma, too, the Supreme Court once foresaw. “We are not prepared to hold that a minority, residing or remaining in any city or town where smallpox is prevalent, and enjoying the general protection afforded by an organized local government, may thus defy the will of its constituted authorities, acting in good faith for all, under the legislative sanction of the state,” the justices wrote in 1905. “If such be the privilege of a minority, then a like privilege would belong to each individual of the community, and the spectacle would be presented of the welfare and safety of an entire population being subordinated to the notions of a single individual who chooses to remain a part of that population.”

Washington, for his part, had some sympathy for vaccine-hesitant individuals. His wife, Martha, had become one of them after witnessing her son Jacky’s adverse reaction to smallpox inoculation when he was young. As a result, as Chernow noted, she did not enter Boston after the Continental Army liberated the city, for fear of catching smallpox from one of the town’s residents. But she eventually yielded under pressure from her husband and out of wartime necessity. After a slight fever and a brief quarantine, she was safe. The Covid-19 vaccines are substantially more safe when compared to smallpox inoculation—and the rewards for mandating them will be just as great.


Anonymous said...

Regarding 1:44 AM's claims...

There is (very unfortunately) NO real comparison between what George Washington could trust as being a legitimate vaccine product then and what we have today, well over 240 years later.

The Top 10 Most QUESTIONABLE INGREDIENTS Purposely Put In Today’s Already Dirty Vaccines

Monday, May 17, 2021 | by: S.D. Wells

(Natural News) Today’s vaccines are “dirty” for more than a few reasons, and in many different ways. First off, FDA inspectors recently found horrific conditions at a plant that was manufacturing J&J vaccines, and more than 15 million doses of the batched, contaminated and outright dirty concoctions had to be trashed. We’re talking about epic failure when it comes to quality control here.

The Baltimore factory that Johnson & Johnson had contracted to make their Covid-19 vaccines is obviously riddled with poorly trained staff and just a total boondoggle when it comes to following procedures. Besides all the insane ingredients vaccine manufacturers already use to juice up inoculations and cause horrific side effects for babies, children and adults alike, employees were caught dragging unsealed bags of medical waste around the lab, and then there was some suspicious ‘brown residue’ discovered on instruments.

This is documented by FDA inspectors, mind you, recently, in the Covid vaccine-making dungeons they call labs. This is like drug dealers making crack or meth in their basement. Our country’s medical establishment has gone completely psychotic. Plant workers were outright IGNORING procedures, as noted by U.S. Food and Drug Administration inspectors. They even managed to cross-contaminate J&J’s shot ingredients with those of AstraZeneca’s toxic Covid jab.

In other words, these vaccines are already “dirty” in the sense that they cause the human body to create prions and proteins that can cause blood clots, cancer and dementia, but they’re also “dirty” meaning contaminated with bacteria, viruses and other pathogens that aren’t even part of the insane concoctions’ formula. Get it? It’s like the three stooges are running these vaccine labs all across America.

That brings us to the top 10 insane ingredients that vaccine manufacturers purposely put in today’s already dirty vaccines:

#1. Infected African Green Monkey Kidney Cells

#2. Peanut Oil

#3. Prion-Creating mRNA

#4. Mercury – aka Thimerosal

#5. Deadly Wild Pig Disease “Circovirus” Strains I & II

#6. Formaldehyde

#7. Monosodium Glutamate

#8. Animal Blood And Organ Tissue

#9. Aluminum

#10. Human Abortion Cells

Oh yes they did.

Anonymous said...

The insidious vaccine industrial complex uses dangerous and outright deadly ingredients to brew and concoct those dirty vaccines, especially the Smallpox vaccine. Live Smallpox viruses are literally grown in… wait for it… African Green Monkey kidney cells, as listed on the insert sheet for the ACAM2000 Smallpox vaccine, that’s approved by the FDA and highly recommended by the CDC, the American “Center for Disease Creation.”

Ready to solve the childhood peanut allergy phenomenon, that didn’t even exist before vaccines?

Since vaccine manufacturers began using peanut oil, peanuts magically became the second most common food allergy in children. At least one in every fifty kids are so allergic to peanuts they can go into anaphylaxis shock and die, like when they get a new vaccine that contains traces of peanut oil (called antigens), not even listed on the ingredients insert. Oops. Blame it on genetics, like those quack MDs always do. “Sorry about your loss. Do peanut allergies run in the family, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson?”

Deadly mRNA “technology” and blood from other animals, including from humans, could very dangerously affect 150 million Americans' brains very soon

Inflammation is the root of nearly all diseases and disorders, and that’s exactly what the mRNA prion-creating jabs cause. The China Virus inoculations are causing deadly blood clots and people are dying from them, but the mass media is funded by Big Pharma and the VIC (vaccine industrial complex), so it’s not covered in mainstream news anywhere. Johnson & Johnson’s jab and AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccines have been recalled and put on hold for this same reason. Vaccine recipients, including test subjects in animal models tested in laboratories, are suffering from developed spongiform and neurological diseases commonly described as mad cow disease.

Animal organ tissue, animal cell lines, and animal blood are used to develop vaccines, and it contaminates them beyond “scientific” controls. Just as Covid-19 is currently morphing into different, more virulent strains, these viruses and pathogens, when combined, become exceptionally dangerous. The “proof is in the pudding,” as they say, and today’s vaccines contain impurities from animal cell lines that are included in the formulation that is injected. Let that sink in for a minute. We’re talking about animal tissues that are toxic to the human body except for when eaten normally and digested.

Anonymous said...

This is the secret of the vaccine industry they don’t want you to understand: Vaccines bypass all body filters, including lungs, skin, and the digestive system, with these contaminants. These animal proteins include the following, and you can verify this on the CDC vaccine ingredient website yourself: monkey (kidney), cow (heart), calf (serum), chicken (embryo and egg), duck (egg), pig (blood), sheep (blood), dog (kidney), horse (blood), rabbit (brain), guinea pig, aborted baby fetus tissue, and of course, human albumin. All of this is mixed together in a filthy facility and inspected by the very people who run the only medical industry that can never be sued.

That’s why there’s a huge black market for human abortion organs and tissues. These biological warfare freaks are using human tissue to breed new diseases inside the vaccines (think chicken pox, Hepatitis-A, and Rubella jabs) from combinations of viruses, bacteria and deadly pathogens that now have gain of function capability, meaning diseases that once only spread from animal to animal now spread to humans and between humans. That, my friends, is what is meant by “dirty vaccines.”

Tune your internet frequency to ChemicalViolence.com for updates.


DIRTY VACCINES 101: Dangerous mRNA Covid inoculations explained in laymen's terms for concerned people to understand


DIRTY VACCINES: Human allergies and systemic disorders on the rise due to corrupted inoculations


Today's DIRTY VACCINES and the coinciding spike in blood disorders, allergies and more


Dirty vaccines are proof that the RISKS outweigh the benefits – a look into the health repercussions from vaccines over the past 75 years


Anonymous said...

And as far as masks...

Dozens Of Peer-Reviewed Science Papers Prove That Face Masks Are Dangerous, Ineffective

July 27, 2021 | by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) At least 47 published scientific papers confirm that face masks are utterly useless at preventing Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) infection and spread, while another 32 point out the specific health damage caused by wearing a mask.

Contrary to government and media claims, face coverings are not in any way a solution to the alleged problem of Chinese Germs – even if fake “doctors” like Tony Fauci insist otherwise. At best, they are a placebo that make the fearful feel protected. At worst, they are a ritualistic rite of passage into the “new normal” that causes plenty of bodily damage along the way.

Dr. Paul Elias Alexander wrote an article highlighting the litany of lies and misinformation that are being spread by the government about the plandemic, one of the most prominent being the idea that covering one’s breathing holes is somehow good for health.

One of the studies he highlights came from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which found that a whopping 85 percent of people who contracted the Fauci Flu back in July 2020 were mask wearers. A mere 3.9 percent who tested “positive” for the Chinese Virus never wore a mask, demonstrating that not wearing a mask minimizes one’s risk of contracting the dreaded Wuhan Flu.

He also looked at a study involving “frontline” health care workers, which found that medical-grade face coverings were ineffective at preventing Chinese Virus infection and spread. If even these higher-tech breathing passage blockers did not work, how in the world can anyone say that a piece of t-shirt cloth or Chinese plastic works any better?

Wearing a mask is a recipe for early death
Several of the studies Alexander looked at found that it matters not whether a person wears a mask: rates of contagious disease are the same regardless, if not more prominent among people who mask up. Part of this is due to the fact that face coverings fail to prevent seal leakage.

Not only that, but the holes in most face coverings are far larger than the size of viral particles, meaning when a person breathes those pathogens move right through the fabric with ease – much like how mosquitos can easily pass through a chain-link fence.

The problem is even more pronounced when a person sneezes, which sends even more particulates through the already porous mesh due to their high velocity. One may as well not even be wearing a mask in the case of a cough or sneeze due to the fact that the viral material easily passes through the material.

Another consideration with masks is the way they tend to harbor disease-causing pathogens. Children who are forced to wear a mask at school all day, for instance, are potentially breathing in deadly viruses and bacteria, which are lodged right in front of the nose and mouth.

Anonymous said...

There is simply no sound science anywhere to be found that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that wearing a mask does anything other than virtue signal and show that you “care.” As far as providing any kind of protection, well, that is all just a bunch of pseudoscientific fantasy.

“No mask is available that will keep you safe,” wrote one commenter at Life Site News.

“An N-95 is for sanding. HD says ‘not for medical use.’ It will filter some wood while sanding. Look it up. The bug is in the micron range and lower. You have to use a rebreather, a sealed system, or air from home in scuba emergency air containers. You cannot breathe from your nose. Doing that will negate the point.”

The latest news stories about Chinese Virus deception can be found at Pandemic.news



STUDY: Masks are exposing children to a horrifying array of deadly pathogens


Chipped "smart masks" that are traceable and trackable are the ultimate globalist control mechanism


Anonymous said...

Nobel Prize Winner Warns Vaccines Facilitate Development of Deadlier COVID Variants, Urges Public to Reject Jabs


Anonymous said...

Swedish Top Scientist Warns Against Relying on Masks to Stop COVID-19


Anonymous said...


Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

Someone once asked why elites and banksters would want to crashthe economy - answer, so they can buy up everything at pennies on the dollar.

So what if Trump says two instead of second Corinthians, why such a big deal? they are essentially the same thing.

Aliens - they are not coming to save us, but to enslave or kill us.

Rosin having a new age angle on her makes me figure she lied about von Braun's warning, though he might have lied to protect nazis in space from competition. and the Nazis might have had some help a little bit from a saucer crash in the 1930s in some forest.

the coverup - its not the mean old government doing it on their own. the aliens ordered it, they could go public any time they wanted to.

I don't have space to defend the following. Briefly, genesis 6 is about putative not literal children of fallen angels, since angels don't reproduce, they taught humans to fine tune the genetic enginering they were already working on there were giants in the earth in those days (before the angels came) AND AFTER when the sons of God etc. etc. the society was violent so supersoldiers would have been valued. space faring likely also. Those who were on MArs were hit with a lesser disaster perhaps God saw them as more sinned against than sinning and those who fled at least believing His warning, though not willing to make major changes.

Standard population increase from Noah to now charts ignore dieoff, real problem is time from Flood to Abraham to get enough people for those civilizations, people coming back from Mars would solve the problem. most were regular or pass for pure human, some GMO human also. Ubaid has figurines of reptillian looking humansw incl. a female with boobs nursing an infant. pseudo reptiles like scaly armadillo and pangolin mammals. Mantid aliens have four appendages not six, so the insectoids are basically human plus mantid DNA.

And they want their old homeland back. Several ways to do this, some involving world government, some rewilding to live where we leave, some just mass murder. Some hybridization breeding those with lesser telepathic power than they have but still able to influence everyone in a few blocks, pass as human control populations that way. Derrel Sims, Dr. David Jacobs of Temple University, Budd Hopkins are researchers in alien abduction. NEVER trust channeled or suchlike info, only what abductees have overheard or observed the aliens don't want us to know.

There IS a demonic component, there is a physical component. One greyskin told a human "there is a devil and we are more afraid ofhim thanyou are." on different occasions, two greys, a reptoid and a nordic told humans their people originally came from earth. This supports my bible based theory.

So aliens claim they designed us? propaganda, have everyone know we designed them that would be a great arguing point against their lies. This fits them into a six day creationist framework where all intelligent life begins on earth.

As for corrupting the gene line so the Messiah couldn't be born, no pure humans, NEVER is that even hinted at biblical or extrabiblical writing on this. Always the issue the motive was lust. always. And we are 98% same as chimp (100+ k genes make us human) they fudge the numbers probably 80% some viruses are always shifting genes from one species to another most get rejected. ALL creation is to be restored, so it wouldn't matter what was in Jesus' ancestry. I smell a holdover eugenics racial hygiene notion as origin to some of this talk. And nephilim doesn't mean fallen but giant a vowel difference andseptuagint chose giant as did most translations. That could be a mere 8 feet tall compared to 5.1.

Craig said...

X @ 1:44 AM,

Quoting New Republic, you wrote:

“By January 1777 [Washington] ordered Dr. William Shippen to inoculate every soldier who never had the disease’”…

The bold is a VERY IMPORTANT QUALIFIER! The fact that the CDC and WHO are not separating out those who’ve already had CV19—those with at least some natural immunity—is a HUGE red flag for me. At minimum, these individuals should be studied in order to attempt to determine how long such natural immunity lasts.

I can just anticipate your response: “Oh, but this CV19 is different!” How can anyone possibly draw such a conclusion when there is NO EVIDENCE to support it, because there’ve been no studies?


X @ 11:28 PM,

You wrote: Are you familiar with it being the practice of medicine, not perfection of medicine?

No, I’ve never seen this phraseology, never seen anyone make such a comparison. Do you have a source to back this up? Would we draw the analogy:

Practice of law is not perfection of law.

Relatedly, you mentioned a while back you have a doctorate (I forget at which prestigious school). For the record, what do you have your doctorate in?

Anonymous said...

From Newsmax...

Special: Shocked by Joe Biden's Really BAD Decisions?

Do You Know the REAL Joe Biden?

Now a powerful new movie reveals his stunning 50-year record!

In his nearly five decades at the very top of American politics, Joe Biden has often been an embarrassment to the nation — flip-flopping on issues like war, immigration, and taxes, spouting disturbing racial comments as he enriched his friends, allies, and family.
Now, for the first time, Newsmax TV’s movie special Bad Decisions: The Joe Biden Story presents a powerful, unflinching, and balanced look at the checkered record of the 46th president of the United States.
The American media have never examined his real record as a senator, as vice president, as a citizen and public figure.
Until now.
Until Newsmax TV, America’s fastest-growing cable news channel, first aired this powerful documentary.
Now, for the first time, it is available on DVD so Americans like you can get the full, unvarnished truth about America’s 46th president.
As a six-term senator from Delaware and two-term vice president under Barack Obama, Biden has consistently portrayed himself as a solid policymaker, a centrist, and an honest, middle-class American.
But Bad Decisions provides startling evidence — based on Biden’s own words, deeds and the people who knew him the best — that his policies have often been disastrous with damaging consequences for the millions they impacted.
Bad Decisions, a one-hour special documentary program, reveals how Biden:
Flip-flopped on the plan for a U.S. surge in Iraq that saved thousands of American lives.
Openly opposed the operation to kill Osama bin Laden, considered the hallmark achievement of the Obama presidency.
Approved a border wall long before President Trump ever advocated for it.
Opposed amnesty for illegal immigrants, then supported it.
Was derided by Obama’s own Defense Secretary Robert Gates as “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”
The truly shocking story of Biden’s role in Ukraine.
How the Penn Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania was backed by Chinese donors.
Seesawed on taxes — approving of a payroll tax cut during the Obama years, then slamming President Trump’s tax cuts.
Supported mass incarceration for minor drug offenders that almost destroyed the African-American community.
Lauded Sen. Robert Byrd, a former Ku Klux Klan member who opposed federally-mandated desegregation and civil rights, as someone who “elevated the Senate.”
Supports defunding the police by “redirecting” money from the enforcement on streets to education.
“Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”
— Robert Gates, Pres. Obama’s Sec. of Defense
In the heated 2020 campaign for president, the public was missing the real Joe Biden story — one that shows decades of policy decisions and secret efforts to benefit him and his family . . . all at the expense of the American people.
As Bad Decisions points out, even The Washington Post has reported that Biden has made a “significant move to the left” on “everything from climate and guns to healthcare and policing.”
And now, with over $6 trillion in new spending, Joe Biden is already the most radical left-wing president in history!
You owe it to yourself and America to watch Bad Decisions, this special program produced by Newsmax TV.

RayB said...

Make sure you take the time to go to the link and read the entire article, posted by Anonymous @ 1:43 AM (see above) ...

"But what if the elites know exactly what the side effects will be? What if the vaccines are a pivotal part of their “Great Reset?”

Craig said...

paul @ 11:16 PM,

I think I may have had it, as well. If so, such natural immunity should be considered in any calculations on herd immunity. But this goal of 100% inoculation is extremely suspicious.

As to your questions, I will respond.

1 Good question!
2 I’ll add: why isn’t there more specific data relative to supposed ‘breakthrough cases’ with respect to which of the four.
3 Another good question!
4 yep, that’s my understanding
5 good point
6 I think we know what they answer will be
7 We shouldn’t, for they’ve given us plenty of reasons to remain skeptical
8 Same here

I take Vitamins C and D, zinc, and quercetin daily. Well, the D not so much now, as I get plenty of sunshine.

paul said...

Does it occur to anyone else that these vaccines, containing various poisons, are exactly the same as the concoctions that were the very heart of Homeopathic Medicine, which, about a hundred years ago, was equally respected, practiced and patronized as was the Allopathic medicine that is The AMA today, which vilified, lied about, and eventually killed the Homeopathic business?
The Homeopathic system was to use poisons in extremely low doses, in order to "kick start" the human body to defend itself.
Homeopathic medicine routinely used mercury, lead, aluminum and formaldehyde in their preparations. Hmmm...
It was highly respected for a long time and had as many or more customers as the now monopoly system of the AMA, until the AMA began to do all the things that the DNC does now to completely eliminate their competition; slander, ridicule and ad hominem attacks as vicious as they deemed it necessary, like Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff, and Chuck Schumer, and Maxine Watters, et al, do in everyday practice. Their end justifies their means,(especially since they apparently don't believe that there is a God in heaven who knows all about their lies and viciousness.)
So, the AMA is now the number one provider of Homeopathic medicine, which they ran out of town a hundred years ago, saying it was deadly and extremely dangerous.

paul said...

But you forgot that they ALWAYS begin their answers to questions that they'd rather not answer with; "Thank you for that question".

Anonymous said...

Why Are Globalists And Governments So Desperate For 100% Vaccination Rates?

July 29, 2021
By Brandon Smith

I don’t think I am the only person that has noticed it – There has been a sudden deluge of covid vaccination propaganda and vaccine passport propaganda in the past month, more so than I think we have seen since the beginning of this year. I am speaking of the US in particular, but it is important to point out that in the US the establishment is still desperately clamoring for a much higher vaccination rate. In places like Europe, the UK and Australia vaccinations rates are higher and governments have moved on to the vaccine passport phase of their agenda.

Some people may be confused by the obvious lockstep that most nations are moving in as far as covid mandates and restrictions are concerned. How is it possible that almost all the governments on the planet are in agreement on medical totalitarianism? Well, it’s rather easy to understand when you realize the majority of them are linked together through globalist institutions like the World Economic Forum, which has repeatedly called the pandemic a “perfect opportunity” to push through their plans for a “Great Reset”.

The “Great Reset” is a long term ideological usurpation of what’s left of individual freedom and free market economies, and it’s goal is the imposition of a global socialist/communist dictatorship. Globalists wrap these objectives in pretty sounding words and humanitarian sounding aspirations, but at bottom the “Reset” is about an end to liberty as we know it. This is not an exaggeration, this is reality; this is what these people desire above all else. But how to achieve such a goal?

Well, interestingly enough the WEF and the Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation described exactly how they planned to do it during a “simulation” they held in October of 2019 called “Event 201”. During the event, they imagined a massive coronavirus pandemic, spread supposedly from animals to humans, which would facilitate the need for pervasive restrictions on individual liberties, national economies as well as the internet and social media. I’m sure it’s all a coincidence, but the exact same scenario the globalists at the WEF played out during Event 201 happened in the real world only two months later.

In any case, the pandemic itself has been a boon for the globalists. We have not seen a far reaching government power and corporate power grab since the rise of the National Socialists in Europe and the spread of communism in Russia and China almost a century ago. In fact, I would say that what humanity as a whole is facing today is much worse than what those wretched empires ever could have produced.

There is no doubt; globalist institutions and their government “partners” are the greatest beneficiaries of the covid crisis. They stand to gain ultimate social and political power if their agenda to exploit the pandemic succeeds.

That said, there a few hangups in their plan, and this is why I believe we are seeing an aggressive propaganda push in recent weeks. For example, as I outlined with extensive evidence in my article ‘Biden’s Vaccine Strike Force Plan Stinks Of Desperation’, it appears that the vaccination rate, especially in the US, is nowhere near as high as the elites would like.

While the Biden Administration and the CDC claims an overall vaccination rate of 67%, numerous other stats including the Mayo Clinics state map numbers indicate that only four states in the US actually have a vaccination rate over 65% (for one dose or more), and the majority of states have rates around 50% or less. Even large population blue states like California and New York are not above the 65% mark, and frankly, those numbers are going nowhere as vaccinations are dropping off a cliff.

If someone has not submitted by now with zero wait times and ample doses everywhere, then they are unlikely to ever be vaccinated.

Anonymous said...

Contradictory stats suggest to me that Biden and the CDC are inflating their vaccination numbers to create the illusion that a larger majority of Americans support the jab. And if this is the case, it explains why Biden, Fauci and the mainstream media are force feeding the public with pro-vaccine hype that consistently contradicts the real science. They are not getting the fear and public compliance that they had hoped for.

But why do they want 100% vaccination? Why are they so desperate for every single person in the world to get the mRNA jab?

After all, the average (IFR) death rate of covid is a mere 0.26% of those infected (this is a stat that the media consistently and deliberately refuses to mention to the public). This means that 99.7% of the public is in NO danger from covid whether they are vaccinated or not.

Do the vaccines ensure better odds? Well, according to recent statistics from Massachusetts, not necessarily, as they report over 5100 infections and 80 deaths of fully vaccinated patients. The media keeps telling us that only the unvaccinated are dying, but this is a lie, like so many other lies they have been peddling when it comes to covid. So, what’s the point of taking an experimental vaccine if the death rate of the virus is so low and the jab doesn’t necessarily protect you anyway?

There is no point. The science and the stats do not support it. The vaccines can’t even be credited with the decline in infections and deaths this year; the numbers plunged in January – Only 5% of the population was vaccinated by February. The only explanation for this is that the population hit herd immunity many months ago. Remember when governments said that they needed 70% herd immunity or vaccination to stop the lockdowns and mandates? The goalposts have been moves several times and the government “science” changes monthly. Now they claim herd immunity doesn’t matter and demand 100% vaccination.

We must ask the question again – Why the relentless government push for total vaccine saturation? It’s not saving lives, and the mandates remain regardless, so why?

I can only posit theories based on the evidence at hand, but I think it’s clear to most of us that the vaccines are NOT about public health nor are they about saving lives. They are obviously about something else…

As numerous virology and vaccine experts have warned over the past year, there is a great risk of harmful health side effects when it comes to experimental mRNA technology. Even one of the creators of mRNA vaccines has suggested that there are dangers in rolling out these gene manipulation cocktails without more testing. Of note are concerns about longer term disorders such as autoimmune disorders and infertility.

The mainstream media and the globalists will argue that there is “no evidence” that the mRNA vaccines will cause deadly side effects or infertility. I would argue back that there is NO EVIDENCE that they are safe. Most vaccines are tested over the course of 10-15 years before they are released to the public for use. The covid vaccines were unleashed on the public within months. Honestly, I have no intention of acting as a guinea pig for an untested vaccine.

But what if the elites know exactly what the side effects will be? What if the vaccines are a pivotal part of their “Great Reset?”

The infertility question in particular is drawing the most fire from the establishment, and I would point out a particularly insidious narrative being implanted in the media. Whenever people question the chance of sterility caused by the vaccines, bureaucrats and media talking heads go on the attack, and then say “There’s no evidence that the vaccines cause infertility, but Covid-19 might cause it…” Just watch this recent speech by the governor of Arkansas where he and his medical flunky were almost run from the podium by an angry audience for peddling the same propaganda.

Anonymous said...

And there you have it. The stage is being set, in my view, for a mass infertility event, and covid will be blamed in place of the experimental vaccines. This is why the establishment needs a 100% vaccination rate; unvaccinated people would stand as evidence of their crime. Let me explain…

My concern is that Klaus Schwab’s reset agenda is impossible to enforce in a permanent way unless the human population is greatly reduced over a short period of time (a generation or two). Globalists are constantly talking about population control and reduction. Elites like Bill Gates are famous for it. Is it any wonder that they would devise a plan to institute it?

What if, as many experts have suggested, the vaccine side effects create this condition of a diminishing population? What if they are meant to? We will not know for certain for a couple of years at least as autoimmune disorders and infertility take time to become visible in a population. The average timeline for actually diagnosing an autoimmune disorder is 4.5 years. Infertility can take six months to a year to diagnose.

If a large population of millions of people remain unvaccinated after the next couple of years, then they will represent a sizable and undeniable control group. A control group is a group of subjects that act as a pure sample untouched by a drug or vaccine experiment. If the vaccinated group becomes ill or dies from specific conditions and the control group does not have those same conditions, then that is a pretty good sign that your vaccine or drug is poison.

The 50% of Americans and smaller percentages in other nations are a control group for the experimental vaccines.

If something goes wrong with the vaccines, then we will be the proof.

I suspect this is what the elites are really afraid of.

Anonymous said...

They have to force us to be vaccinated as well – ALL of us, so that there is no control group and thus no proof os what they have done. They could simply blame mass health disorders on covid itself, or some other false culprit.

If the vaccines are a Trojan horse that causes widespread illness or infertility, and the globalists get caught because a control group exists, then it will mean outright rebellion along with ropes and lampposts for them. Their “Great Reset” will fall apart.

To be sure, this might happen anyway. Vaccine passports are the line in the sand for most people. We are even seeing extensive protests and riots in places like Italy, France, UK and Australia over the draconian passport scheme. The US, though, is where the biggest fight will take place, in my opinion. We have an armed population, millions upon millions of trained combat veterans and civilians, a military with around 70% conservatives and independents and a historical understanding of asymmetric warfare. As we have seen in places like Afghanistan, tanks, jets, missiles and drones are no guarantee of victory against a guerrilla force.

Vaccine passports are not going to happen here. We simply won’t allow it.

The globalists have set in motion an end game – It could be an end game for us, but it also could be an end game for them. They are on a strict timeline. They must get near 100% vaccination rates in the next couple of years or sooner. They must get their vaccine passports in place in the next couple of years or sooner. And, they must instill permanent lockdown conditions in the near term to stifle growing dissent. We are now in a kind of race in which the globalists must implement their agenda as fast as possible while we must hold out and hold them back until the truth becomes obvious to the masses; the truth that the lockdowns, mandates and vaccines were never about safety and were always about control – from social control to population control.


(If you would like to support the work that Alt-Market does while also receiving content on advanced tactics for defeating the globalist agenda, subscribe to our exclusive newsletter The Wild Bunch Dispatch.)

paul said...

I think the first question that you asked in your awesome dialog above is the most pertinent of all.
They say they don't know how long natural immunity lasts. I was always told that it lasts a lifetime. Isn't that what a mother's first few ounces of breast milk, which is called Colostrum, is all about? The mother has built up immunity to countless diseases by the time she has a baby, and she then inoculates her child with this miraculous gift of immunity. Praise God! (Whoops, sorry.)
_And they admit that they don't know how long this artificial immunity lasts, but they insist that we need it, not the immunity that the Creator God, (Whose name is Lord of Hosts), gave us.
I've got to ask again, Why should anyone in their right mind trust these people?
In our present scenario, people like George Soros and Billy Gates figure that they are Gods, and that they need to cull the herd from time to time. It's called Eugenics.
It must be an awful heavy burden for these grandiose billionaires. I mean, just look at tireless Melinda Gates who has personally made sure that millions of doses of anti malarial drugs have been given to young women in Africa, even though there is no evidence that they have effected malaria at all. Malaria kills many times more people than Covid-19. It's the worst disease on earth and there is no cure, but many many people live through it and then possess immunity.
The most common way to die on earth, is by dehydration from malaria and/or the flu.
But the Gates gods are actually most concerned about overpopulation, and oddly enough these anti malaria drugs seem to be leaving thousands of these young women sterile and childless. What a coincidence!
Bill and Melinda advertise/identify themselves as philanthropists, as does George Soros. I guess if you're going to tell a lie you might as well make it a real whopper, right?
Come quickly Lord Jesus.

Anonymous said...


Love you brother but you make no sense!

Don't you trust 'X'? Of course you do. We ALL do.

So then why don't you trust George Soros and Bill & Melinda Gates?

Makes no sense!


paul said...

Yeah, you're right.
They are philanthropists after all. They only want what's best for us all.
I just still can't figure out how a new mother could be passing along perfectly good antibodies to her newborn child. Doesn't she know that her immunity to dozens of diseases couldn't possibly still be strong? I mean she herself probably got most of her immunity from her mother, who got it from her mother, etc.
We obviously need poison jabs directly into our bloodstream from a modern scientific laboratory, not this primitive outdated immunity that people seem to still trust. And it doesn't matter how clean the lab is, that's just an insignificant detail.
Yeah, the fact that I got every cold, flu, mumps, pleurisy, and strep in my youth has nothing to do with the fact that I wasn't breastfed at all. There is no connection between the two. If only I could have been jabbed more when I was young.

paul said...

Actually I have tremendous respect for anyone who has the courage to sign their name as X. It just shows how terrorized he, or she, or it must be. Yet they still have the courage to bloviate their opinions even at the risk of someone finding out who they are! OMG!
And the few brave souls who are so courageous that they "come out" as gay and/or transgender, even though the whole world comes back and screams hatred at them. Why, I met a young man a while back who was so brave that he came right out and told me that he gets beat up EVERY TIME HE LEAVES HIS HOUSE! This was in response to my question if he had ever been punched or hit for being a very loud obnoxious sodomi...er, gay? Can you imagine the courage that that took? Heroic. Absolutely heroic!
He wasn't bruised at all that I could see, so I figured this must have been his first trip back out on the street where he was standing, after a very long time alone in his apartment, waiting for all the bruises to clear up before venturing out onto the street where he was trying to pick up a new...date. As I walked home I thought about how by the end of this evening he would likely be all battered and bashed up again by morning. His story really stayed with me and I never forgot it. _The way these butch gays treat all their Femme gay friends is just atrocious!

Craig said...

Hmmm.... Here's more from Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying--whom X "think[s] are full of crap"--regarding analysis of the VAERS reports and what this portends:

VAERS data analysis preprint summary (from Livestream #87)

DarkHorse Podcast Clips

A snippet: ...Reuters [fact checker] is lying to you, and the FDA is lying to you...

Say it isn't so!

Anonymous said...

Re: "Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying--whom X 'think[s] are full of crap'"

What a socialist-agenda-driven troll SAYS about something or someone and actually THINKS about them aren't necessarily always the same thing. Serious threats to socialist agenda MUST be neutralized, even by outright LYING about them.

paul said...

I can't seem to sort out how it all works in the heroic LGBTQ+ community. They don't agree with each other at all.
The lesbians don't like men. The gays don't really like women, (unless they can do their hair and nails), so you'd think that the "L" couldn't possibly get along with the "G".
While the "B"s seem to be saying that they're up for anything, but that's at odds with the "L"s because they don't like men, and it's at odds with the "G"s because they don't like women, (unless they can help them with their wardrobe"), so that's two impossibilities.
And the "T"s hate the gender that they are and prefer the gender that they aren't, so they're either going to hate the "L"s or the "G"s depending on which one they are, ...or is it which one that they aren't? It's one or the other, but I'm not sure which.
Meanwhile the "Q"s are mostly little children who haven't even thought about such things until some L or G or B or T comes along and informs them that they are questioning their sexuality and that they are probably not what they think they are, but they probably are something else, even though at the age of three or four, most children haven't given much thought to sexual things, much less thoughts that they might be, in the future, something really weird compared to what they feel comfortable with right now.
PLUS nowadays men have to be so careful and take care of their health because recent sociological discoveries has shown that men CAN have babies. No it's never happened yet but it will happen a lot after we tear down these artificial walls of tyrannical patriarchal hatred!

So L and G and B and T only have one thing in common; they're all sick, self absorbed malcontents. They are a confederation of people who actually despise each other and themselves. But they do all agree that they need to focus on the little children while they're still young enough to completely brainwash and confuse, into their unhappy filthy self imposed victimhood.

RayB said...

Christine (aka Justina) stated:

"Ubaid has figurines of reptillian looking humansw incl. a female with boobs nursing an infant. pseudo reptiles like scaly armadillo and pangolin mammals. Mantid aliens have four appendages not six, so the insectoids are basically human plus mantid DNA."

The following video may help enlighten what exactly Christine is referring to ... in particular "insectoids" being "basically human plus MANTid DNA."


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

(It just shows how gender terrorized he, or she, or it must be.)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Amazing Mr. X

The Amazing Mr. X is a 1948 American horror thriller film noir directed by Bernard Vorhaus with cinematography by John Alton. The film tells the story of a phony


Anonymous said...

X at 3:28 AM
Since you are protected by the vaccine and no doubt you mask up too, why do you unreasonably impose yourself (and your choices healthcare) onto others?
Because masks work and vaccines work... ;) ;) (LOL)
Tend to your own knittin' and quit the brown shirt routine.

Anonymous said...


Christine is a 1983 American supernatural horror film directed by John Carpenter and starring Keith Gordon, John Stockwell, Alexandra Paul, Robert Prosky and Harry Dean Stanton.


Anonymous said...

Odd Thomas

Odd Thomas is a 2013 American supernatural mystery thriller film based on Dean Koontz's 2003 novel of the same name. It is directed, written, and co-produced by Stephen Sommers and stars Anton Yelchin as Odd Thomas, with Willem Dafoe as Wyatt Porter, and Addison Timlin as Stormy Llewellyn.


Anonymous said...

The Biden Administration As Seen From Overseas

Moonbats screeched that the prior administration made us look bad in front of other countries. How does the Biden Administration make us look? Let’s ask Cory Bernardi of Sky News in Australia, who refers to it as “Weekend at Biden’s” and calls it a “true to life mockumentary”:


Thank you, Democrats, for restoring America’s standing in the eyes of the world.


Anonymous said...

FAUX-chi: People who don't wear masks are 'encroaching on others' individual rights.' (Next, it will be 'people who don't get vaccinated are killing others."


LSWA said...

"So L and G and B and T only have one thing in common; they're all sick, self absorbed malcontents. They are a confederation of people who actually despise each other and themselves. But they do all agree that they need to focus on the little children while they're still young enough to completely brainwash and confuse, into their unhappy filthy self imposed victimhood.

2:22 PM"

Yes and add to that that they bully to recruit among the young by molesting them like they were molested. The younger the better. Molested minds and molested bodies. (that was a very hard sentence to type).

The Alphabet people are such winners in life aren't they? Their "goodwill" toward others is so much winning they want to make sure others get in on the benefit..

I think the abominable evil "Q" you brought up is worse than the stupid "Q" this blog has been so ramped up about.

Anonymous said...

For Majority of UK children, COVID Mortality is ZERO

July 30, 2021

The most comprehensive and perhaps important COVID-19 study to date was released in the U.K on July 7th. Although largely ignored by the mainstream press, the study is of great importance because it actually quantifies the health risks of COVID among children and teenagers.

Impressively, researchers from prestigious U.K. medical institutions reviewed every COVID case involving children and young people (CYP) hospitalized in the U.K. in the first 12 months of the pandemic.

Among the Study’s Key Findings:

Only 25 children aged 0 to 17 in the U.K. died of COVID in the pandemic’s first 12 months.
Of these 25 deaths, 19 (76 percent) occurred among patients who had pre-existing “chronic co-morbidities” and/or “life-limiting” medical conditions. Only 24 percent of COVID deaths occurred among children with no “underlying health conditions.”

This means only six “healthy” children and young people in this nation of 68 million people died of COVID.

Among the 12.023 million children and young people in the U.K., the mortality rate was 0.002 percent. Expressed as a probability, COVID mortality in CYP was 1 out of 480,942.

However, the vast majority of CYP in the UK (or any Western nation, including the U.S.A.) do NOT have “chronic co-morbidities” and/or suffer from “life-limiting” medical conditions.

Continues at...


Anonymous said...

American Physicians and Surgeons Group rejects mandatory Vaccination

Group Rejects AMA Support For Vaccine Mandates

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons is rejecting the Joint Statement by the American Medical Association (AMA) and others supporting mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for all health care workers.

American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) president Paul Kempen, M.D., Ph.D. outlined the reasons the group believes the mandate is not only a violation of individual rights, but wholly unnecessary:

·As of mid-July, 30 million people have recovered from COVID-19 in the U.S. and have natural immunity. Vaccination of these persons confers only risk with little to no benefit, yet these mandates do not exempt them.

·Serious side effects have been identified, including paralysis and inflammation of the heart muscle, which may not resolve and may cause death.
As variants multiply, “booster” shots may be required, with increasing risk of allergic phenomena.

AAPS statement in opposition:

“The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) declares that all human beings have the right to liberty, which they do not forfeit when they serve the sick or the disabled. The ethical commitment to protect others does not require workers to surrender their bodily integrity and self-determination….

“Risks and benefits differ in individual patients and differing circumstances. Achieving a stamp of approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)—premature because studies are not scheduled to be complete before the end of 2022—does not confer safety or effectiveness. FDA-approved products have frequently been withdrawn….

“The Joint Statement recognizes only a medical exemption, and omits mention of a religious exemption though many workers object to receiving these products based on their religious beliefs. Medical exemptions are virtually never recognized for the COVID vaccines because there is improper denial that they cause harm to anyone.

“Long-term effects of these novel, genetically engineered products cannot possibly be known at this point. These could include autoimmune disorders, antibody-enhanced disease, infertility, cancer, or birth defects….

“AAPS favors insistence on fully informed, truly voluntary consent for all medical intervention. This includes full disclosure of all risks, and a diligent effort to identify and track risks…. Our medical organizations should be advocating for free and open discussion and opposing censorship….

“Without freedom, there is no safety for either workers or our patients.”


Dr. John Campbell on Vaccine longevity




Anonymous said...

Remember these are newly updated at least every day or sooner!




Top 300+ Conservative News Websites

And this is newly updated at least every (regular) weekday and some weekends:


Anonymous said...

The irony is that the vaccinated are afraid to be around those of us who are UNvaccinated. The reality is that even Pfizer acknowledged (3 years ago) that vaccines cause SHEDDING!!!

Currently, there are TWO groups of people (those who have taken the shots and those who haven't). The CDC, Joe Biden, FAUX-chi, etc. want 100% vaccinated... so that there will only be ONE group left... those who will gradually get sick and die.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When Identity Politics, CRT, and Feminism Get Together!


YouTube July,31,2021

RayB said...

Like they used to say on the old Dragnet TV series ... "Facts Mam ... just the facts."

CDC: 11,940 DEAD 618,648 Injuries and 1,175 Unborn Babies DEAD Following COVID-19 Shots

NOTE: Keep this in mind; these are the "official" CDC numbers. I have a very strong suspicion that the ACTUAL numbers are far worse.


Anonymous said...

Gibraltar, Iceland See MASSIVE Covid Spike Despite Over 90% of Population Vaccinated


Anonymous said...

CDC warns covid vaccine causing 74% of new cases!!!


(Last year, the hospitals were empty... now they are full of mostly VACCINATED patients!!!)

Craig said...

Some Health Care Workers Choosing Not To Get Covid Vaccine

NBC News

Across the country, about 1 in 4 health care workers still aren’t vaccinated against Covid-19. NBC News’ Gabe Gutierrez speaks with a group of them in North Carolina to find out why.

GG: You're entitled to your opinion but these are the facts

Healthcare worker: are they though? Are they facts?



Anonymous said...

Check this commenter out:

"Known for his frank common-sense approach, Cory Bernardi brings deep insight and his broad political experience to the stories that matter to you."

Bernardi Podcast (Latest) - About Covid-19 Excuse Government Actions


The Cory Bernardi Podcasts

Video - Corey Bernardi: Questions To Ask A 'Lefty'





Anonymous said...

Another SkyNews commenter, Alan Jones:

The free world is being run by a person 'who probably couldn't find his way home after dark'


Craig said...

Rand Paul Takes Down Delta Hysteria With Cold Hard Facts

Essentially, it's this: the "Delta variant" is more contagious but less deadly.

Anonymous said...

There’s always talk between moms about what essential items you should pack in your delivery bag to prepare for your overnight/multiple night stay at the hospital after giving birth and it occurred to me that nobody’s had that discussion with those awaiting inpatient hospital admission for COVID. If you’ve left yourself willfully unvaccinated and practicing little to no precautions to avoid a Covid infection, then there’s a chance you could be signing up for a lengthy hospital stay. Hypoxia comes on relatively quick with this disease course. I’ve found that many of my patients are caught off guard. They’re dropped off at the ER by a family member and then they just never come out. Visitors are prohibited in most hospitals for Covid + patients so that makes getting home essentials difficult. So my advice is, have a bag packed just in case. Here’s a few things I recommend including in your Covid bug out tote:

-cell phone/iPad charger and iPad to communicate with family
-chapstick (ours is flavorless yuck & your lips will dry out from the flow of oxygen across your face)
-wet wipes & lotion (you’re not getting a regular shower for a while)
-hair ties/rubber bands & a comb (fever and hypoxia make you really sweaty, you’re going to want your hair up if you have long hair)
-comfort item (in the absence of family many people request something that smells like or reminds them of a loved one)
-a Bible
-your favorite pillow (hospital pillows are often wipeable plastic and flat)
-books, magazines, crosswords, a deck of cards, etc. (there’s only so much TV you can watch & solitude makes time go by slow)
-underwear (our mesh panties suck. Don’t bother with pajamas, we need to get to your chest for monitor leads)
-pictures of family
-a change of clothes, including shoes (in case you make it to discharge home.)

These items will come in handy while you remain conscious & keep you more comfortable during your stay. There’s also a few things you should consider getting in order at your house, as many people are left scrambling to have social workers help them tie up loose ends.

-make sure you’re not the only one with a key to your house
-arrange emergency pet care, someone you can rely on to step in on short notice. (I’ve had SO many patients brought in by ambulance that are concerned about pet care)
-have a durable power of attorney (someone who’s designated to make decisions for you if you become unconscious. Make sure they know your wishes and are capable of executing them)
-have an advanced directive drawn up (a paper that says whether or not you want heroic measures)
-consider a living will & securing a life insurance policy for your family. Make sure your family has enough funds to survive 6 months without the life insurance money. Life insurance policies are only paid out once an official death certificate is issued.  In many states/counties, death certificates are on a 3-4 month back log due to medical examiners being overwhelmed with bodies.
-make sure someone you trust has important passwords/access to your bills/financials
-check to see which hospital in your area is contracted with your insurance group. (No guarantees here because you could be transferred out of network due to bed space/necessary services, but it’s always good to try for admission at a contracted hospital first to keep costs manageable)

Following these helpful tips will make your Covid hospital stay less stressful & as comfortable as possible. Remember, there’s been a lot of misinformation regarding the severity of Covid infections. Studies have shown that of lab confirmed covid + groups, up to 40% of those with at least 1 underlying condition are admitted to the hospital and about 9% of healthy adults are admitted. Chances of hospitalization are likely higher than you have realized. Although the true percentages are probably lower than that, because not all cases are lab confirmed, the rates are still high enough to consider hospitalization from Covid common. Being prepared is wise.

Anonymous said...

11:15 PM

Are you a "do-gooder" ?
Aren't you being a tad too obvious?

Anonymous said...

If you’ve left yourself get willfully vaccinated and are practicing government-advised 'precautions' to avoid a Covid infection, then there’s a chance you could be signing up for a lengthy hospital stay.

I’ve found that many of my Opus Dei obsessed and other fearmongering mental patients are caught off guard.

Remember, there’s been a lot of misinformation regarding the 'safety' and 'effectiveness' of Covid-19 vaccines.

That brings us to the top 10 insane ingredients that vaccine manufacturers purposely put in today’s already dirty vaccines:

#1. Infected African Green Monkey Kidney Cells

#2. Peanut Oil

#3. Prion-Creating mRNA

#4. Mercury – aka Thimerosal

#5. Deadly Wild Pig Disease “Circovirus” Strains I & II

#6. Formaldehyde

#7. Monosodium Glutamate

#8. Animal Blood And Organ Tissue

#9. Aluminum

#10. Human Abortion Cells


DIRTY VACCINES 101: Dangerous mRNA Covid inoculations explained in laymen's terms for concerned people to understand


DIRTY VACCINES: Human allergies and systemic disorders on the rise due to corrupted inoculations


Today's DIRTY VACCINES and the coinciding spike in blood disorders, allergies and more


Dirty vaccines are proof that the RISKS outweigh the benefits – a look into the health repercussions from vaccines over the past 75 years


CDC Admits — 74 percent of Covid cases from Massachusetts outbreak were FULLY VACCINATED


Anonymous said...


I knew Pelosi's pocket pal was nothing but an attention hound.

Blocking handicapped access now Mr Self-Important Kinzinger?

He should stick a pacifier in his fake crybaby baby face and shut up.

Anonymous said...

And remember, there’s been a lot of misinformation regarding the 'safety' and 'effectiveness' of government-advised Covid-19 'precautions'.

Which brings us to 'mask wearing':

DOZENS Of Peer-Reviewed Science Papers PROVE That Face Masks Are DANGEROUS & INEFFECTIVE


STUDY: Masks are exposing children to a horrifying array of deadly pathogens


Anonymous said...

11:15 PM,

You're a silkily smooth talking one to be sure!

A silkily smooth talking what, you ask?

Why a silkily smooth talking scumbag!

Craig said...

It is truly amazing how much our media has turned into propaganda. Here's another example, from WIRED:

The Dam Is Breaking on Vaccine Mandates
Hopes for a “normal” fall have been dashed by variants and low vaccine uptake. Businesses and the White House think requiring shots can turn things around.

It didn’t need to be this way. This spring, as people lined up for newly available, miraculously effective Covid-19 vaccines, it was easy to imagine a direct and speedy path to a protected society. The curve of administered doses appeared limited only by the supply, and the curve was looking good—perfectly calibrated for things to be normal (at least by some definition of the word) by the end of summer, just in time for schools and workplaces to reopen. So long as the vaccination rate kept pace.

Which, of course, it didn’t. Much too soon, the curve reached its inflection point, shifted from the upswing, and flattened itself out. Add to that a euphoric, masks-off reopening in much of the country. Then add the more transmissible Delta variant. Result: a pandemic of the unvaccinated that, because of its immense scale, now threatens even people with two shots, thanks to the possibility of breakthrough infections.

"miraculously effective", eh? And, of course, no mention of natural immunity for those who've had it and recovered. And, of course, no mention of the rising VAERS database. And these 'breakthrough infections' MUST be from the Great Unvaxxed.

Anonymous said...

Damning Republican report into Wuhan lab claims COVID LEAKED out in September 2019 shortly after it tried to improve air safety and waste treatment systems

An addendum to a report being compiled by Republicans on the House Foreign Affairs committee adds further questions to the Wuhan lab leak theory

It says that months before the Covid-19 outbreak a Wuhan Institute facility sent out a request for bids for ventilation and waste management system renovations

The facilities were less than two years old, raising questions, the report says about how effective they were

It is part of a larger report due in September, in which Republicans on the committee seek prove the coronavirus escaped from a Chinese lab

The report also claims an earlier timeline for when the virus first began to spread, and that various measures were undertaken to cover it up


Anonymous said...

In Israel, the most vaccinated country in the world, HALF of all new “delta” infections are occurring in “fully vaccinated” people


Richard said...

At Dawn the Negro Sleeps

Apparition from the Ghetto lands,
Knives and guns, dripping from his hands,
Full of blood, the reaper slowly reaps,
Addicted to the crime,
At Dawn the Negro sleeps.....

Lyrics by Anonymous
Music by RayB, Richard

Actually, the American Negro (barbaricus americanus) sleeps until at least mid-day,
or Noon hour.

Anonymous said...

Don't by modest, say it LOUD, say it PROUD:

Lyrics by Asswipeus Moronicus Fuckheadius

Anonymous said...


Prepare for the end of the world as we KNOW it!!!


Anonymous said...

Those who have been VACCINATED are the ones who are bringing about this 'delta variant'.

RayB said...

Talk about propaganda ...

Recall when reports first starting coming out from China regarding the "dangerous" spread of COVID?

Do you remember the Chinese "wet market/bat" LIE that initially used as the "cause & effect?"

Do you remember the news videos of "dead" Chinese people lying on the streets and sidewalks? (COMPLETELY STAGED EVENTS)

Do you remember seeing Chi-Com government teams rounding up people, against their will, that were suspected of being infected, in order to put them in "quarantine?"(And no doubt, never to be seen or heard from again. Dead people don't talk, they only vote in American Democratic strongholds).

Do you remember seeing American "news" accounts of hospitals in NY City being "overwhelmed," with "long lines of patients" waiting to get in? (At the very same NY hospital, at the very same time, citizen video journalists filmed no such thing).

Do remember Gov. Cuomo scoffing at the idea of Trump sending "only 40,000 ventilators ... what am I supposed to do with that?"

Do you remember the "HOPE hospital ship" being sent to NY ... that was NEVER used?

Do you remember the "refrigerated trucks" parked outside the hospitals that were needed to "store the overwhelming numbers of dead bodies" ... all due to COVID? etc., etc., etc.

Why is the Government rewarding hospitals monetarily for listing "COVID" as a cause of death on death certificates, while ignoring more predominant, and obvious, co-morbidity causes?

Why did the ELITE shut down the world's economy over a "virus" that has a 99.7% survival rate?

Why is there a need for an "emergency" EXPERIMENTAL injection (it is NOT a vaccine) for a "virus" that isn't any more deadly than the standard seasonal flu?

Now, ask yourself this question: What, and WHO, is behind all of the cohesive, HYSTERICAL, LYING, COVID hype that continues to be conducted simultaneously on a GLOBAL basis?


Anonymous said...

On behalf of X & the NWO:


...like a good little boy.

RayB said...

I should have added this to my post @ 1:25 PM ...

The exaggerated COVID hype was also used as the excuse for MILLIONS of unsolicited "mail in ballots," all under the guise of "public safety," thereby providing for MASSIVE, wide-scale ballot fraud which cost Trump (and the people that voted for him), the election of 2020.

Anonymous said...

Remember the charming little sweet darling who did an in-your-face photo shoot holding a gory severed Trump head?

Kathy Griffin has lung cancer


Anonymous said...

They’re pushing the trans agenda on your kids now with MUPPET BABIES


Anonymous said...

Social-Emotional Learning: “Trojan Horse” For Ideology in School

August 2, 2021
by Alex Newman

So-called Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is actually a “Trojan Horse” for indoctrinating children in school with ideologies that contradict Christianity and family values, warned education activist and Choose Now Inc. director Marsha Metzger in this interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman. The establishment is using SEL to manipulate children and gather unprecedented amounts of data in preparation for a fundamental transformation of society. The rabbit hole goes very deep, and very few critics of this SEL have as much insight as Metzger.


RayB said...

Elections Expert Seth Keshel Releases National Fraud Numbers: Finds 8.1 Million Excess Votes in US Election, Affirms Trump Won PA, MI, WI, NV, AZ, GA and MN


Anonymous said...

Word to the Wise: Our Nation Doesn't HAVE to Mutate Just Because COVID Does

August 1, 2021
by Selwyn Duke

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) itself told us that during the 2017-18 influenza season, the flu vaccine was only 40 percent effective. Why is well understood: The strain of virus a vaccine is derived from often will not be the same one that’ll be prevalent during respiratory disease season. This is because viruses mutate. That’s what they do.

What public officials, not exactly like George Washington and the cherry tree, do is mutate their positions. This brings us to CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky’s statement, at a July 28 press conference, that the “big concern is the next [SARS-CoV-2 ] variant that might emerge, just a few mutations potentially away, could potentially evade our vaccines.”

Now, the vaccines were sold with, and many Americans took them predicated on, the idea that they’d keep us safe from COVID-19. The people were promised that après le injection, normal life could resume. “Ha, psyche!” as the kids used to say.

Of course, the vaccine-normalcy promise was the position mutation after “We can’t re-open until there are 14 days of declining infections” (which was the position mutation after “just a two-week lockdown to flatten the curve”) and before the position mutation “Well, maybe we can’t reopen till 2022.” Now it’s essentially, “Viruses mutate! Deal with it! COVID Ritual forever!” Anthony Fauci calls this, I believe, gradually “moving the goalposts.”

Reporting on this Friday, American Thinker’s William Dodd surmises that Walensky’s warning about vaccine-resistant China virus strains “is likely a de facto admission that such mutations already exist.” He also theorizes that this may explain the CDC’s sudden flip-flop where it again prescribes mask use — even for the vaccinated. (Of course, widespread masking appears counterproductive, so the Centers for Disease Confusion can’t be accused of Following the Science™.)

Dodd further points out that if these vaccine-happy China virus strains do exist, “there are two significant conclusions,” writing:

– The resurgence of virus cases is not due to the unvaccinated as the politicians would like us to believe; the unvaccinated made the correct choice in avoiding inoculation. The new virus strains are from mutations that have survived the DNA/mRNA-based vaccines. As a virus mutates in a vaccinated environment, those versions that evade the effects of the vaccine and survive usually become a more durable and potent strain. Remember from Darwin: “survival of the fittest.” The new delta mutation is a “survivor” that is also more contagious. According to Walensky, there may be more such mutations on the way.

– Mandating the use of the current vaccines on the market or any future untested vaccines should cease immediately. First, the vaccines now being distributed are likely ineffective in dealing with the current mutated viruses, and second, these vaccines are causing the ongoing mutations of the original COVID virus.

Anonymous said...

Another most significant point, however, is that any health official worth his salt had to know about the virus mutation factor all along. I and many others did, after all. As I wrote April 8, 2020, some experts maintain, and logic dictates, that a vaccine won’t help. “‘If we’re putting all our hopes in a vaccine as being the answer, we’re in trouble,’ Jason Schwartz, an assistant professor at Yale School of Public Health who studies vaccine policy, told me,” wrote the Atlantic’s James Hamblin in February.

…The reason? Viruses mutate, and Hamblin states that the Wuhan flu, being in the single-strand-RNA virus class, is likely to do so. (Another question: Does prolonging the outbreak increase this risk by providing more time for mutation?) This means that the Wuhan virus strain a vaccine would be derived from might not be the strain prevalent during a “second round” with the virus.

Am I a genius? Well, maybe, but that’s not the point. Rather, it is that this is yet another example of how the Faucians have been playing the citizenry (and a few illegals) for fools. Fauci recently sloughed off the CDC mask flip-flop, saying that the science didn’t change; the virus did. He’s right, actually, too: The “science” didn’t change.

And it always told us the virus would.

But Fauci, who helped create COVID in the first place with his NIAID’s funding of China’s gain-of-function research, is the king of the flip and the flop. Just consider the must-watch two-minute video below and see if you can count the flip-flops:


Any public-health official who sincerely played the vaccine-as-panacea tune should be immediately fired for incompetence and possibly charged with criminal negligence; any public-health official who knew better but dissembled should be charged with malfeasance.

As for the way forward, it was hinted at in the earlier cited piece in the Atlantic, a liberal magazine. Author Hamblin, a medical doctor himself, wrote that “‘cold and flu season’ could become ‘cold and flu and COVID-19 season’” — and he wrote this last February.

In other words, we’re likely going to have to live with the China virus. The only question is if our nation is going to die not of it, but because of it. We can allow the Faucians — who are driven by greed, narcissism, power-lust, and/or other motivations — to continue to mutate our civilization into something we don’t recognize.

Or we can recognize that the disease is treatable, as renowned COVID doctor Peter McCullough has pointed out, and that it doesn’t have to be a death sentence any more than the flu does, even for the vulnerable.

Then we can treat it when necessary, and go on with our lives.

It also wouldn’t hurt to then treat the COVIDiots and Faucian medi-tyrants with a good dose of accountability.

Selwyn Duke (@SelwynDuke) has written for The New American for more than a decade. He has also written for The Hill, Observer, The American Conservative, WorldNetDaily, American Thinker, and many other print and online publications. In addition, he has contributed to college textbooks published by Gale-Cengage Learning, has appeared on television, and is a frequent guest on radio.


Anonymous said...

Elections Expert Seth Keshel Releases National Fraud Numbers: Finds 8.1 Million Excess Votes in US Election, Affirms Trump Won PA, MI, WI, NV, AZ, GA and MN

[US Election Fraud Map]

By Jim Hoft

Retired Army intelligence captain, elections data expert, and former sports analyst Seth Keshel released his final national fraud numbers over the weekend.

Seth Keshel examined the final vote counts in all 50 states compared to the estimated numbers based on changing state dynamics and trends to come up with his estimated voter fraud in each state.

He published his results on his popular Telegram page: https://t.me/RealSKeshel/721

Keshel confirms President Trump won: PA, MI, WI, NV, AZ, GA and MN.

And Keshel also believes cyber-flipping may have affected the results in NM, VA, NJ, and NH.

According to Keshel’s investigation there were conservatively 8,144,000 excess Joe Biden votes recorded in the 2020 election.

[US Election Fraud Chart]

Here is Seth Keshel’s post from this morning:

Here is a tale of the tape for Excess Biden Votes based on trend analysis in the modern political era, considering population growth/decline, recent voter history, and registration information, including registration by party.

My estimates are always lenient, and do not account for cyber flipping of votes.

Trump won: PA, MI, WI, NV, AZ, GA, MN

Likely/Possible Trump if cyber flipping occurring: NM, VA, CO, NJ, NH

Closer than you thought: WA, OR, RI, CT, HI

Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.


Richard said...

"Don't by modest, say it LOUD, say it PROUD:

Lyrics by Asswipeus Moronicus Fuckheadius

12:00 PM"

No, you just don't have a sense of humour, you Puritan prude. And mine sounds better.

Track continues:

Blood sucker Black boys of the night,
Nocturnal goblins hiding from cops' lights,
Cries screaming out from every fight,
Eagerly awaiting bites.....

Anonymous said...

Richard The Dickless 'Dick'

Anonymous said...

Please weigh in, RayB,

'Richard' used YOUR name in its 9:15 AM post as a contributor.

What do you have to say about his posts?

Richard said...

Second track just for you, Anonymous

Masters in mayhem,
Guide us with every first step,
Our Mac10's are shining with fire and fury,
Soon they'll be nothing else left.
Midnight has come, our Bling bling strapped on,
Tyrone now is at our command....
They clash with the red caps and conquer new 'hoods....
Eatin' up all that we can...

Anonymous said...

1:25 PM

It was the COMFORT ship in New York Harbor... and the Jacob Javits Center in Manhattan that President Trump generously made available to Gov. Cuomo last year. Both were large, empty spaces to use for Covid patients... rather than order all New York State nursing homes to admit infected Covid patients. Trump was willing to put aside his feud with Cuomo to do the right thing, but Cuomo completely rejected his offer.

As that whistleblower nurse, Erin (who worked in a public hospital in Queens, NY) pointed out last year: covid patients, who were placed on ventilators, didn't go home... because a ventilator will blow the air out of the lungs of a Covid patient... and they will DIE!!!

Cuomo has the blood of TENS OF THOUSANDS of Covid patients on his hands.

Anonymous said...


The Comfort Ship and Jacob Javits center were set up and only ready at the very height (or just past the peak) of the emergency in New York when everyone and every place was in crisis mode and unable to really coordinate effectively. If they had arrived earlier and been better coordinated in advance, perhaps they could have been more helpful.

It also wasn't really a waste --- because when the process of setting that all up, nobody could say where the peak would end up and how bad it was really going to get. It was awful...but it could have been a lot worse and just kept growing. The US was very fortunate this really spread first in democrat states that strong lockdown and mask mandates earlier than republican states (other than Ohio as I recall).

Cuomo, Murphy and Whitmer were largely blindsided with very little time to prepare as the Trump administration remained in denial and trying to use "positive thinking" to magically defeat the virus they knew was airborne and gonna be horrible. That failure to communicate and begin large-scale preparations even led to the issues with nursing homes in New York and Michigan as they lacked the personal protection equipment to fully stock hospitals, let alone nursing homes as well as having PPE and the personnel necessary to safely transport nursing home patients to and fro and all around had they even the ability to do such.

The "lost month" screwed the US and made us 2020 most Covid impacted country in the entire world (you'd think we are a 3rd world country how we managed this).

Trump and his inexperienced juvenile administration has the blood of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS, perhaps MILLIONS of Covid patients on his hands when you add in the spread from the US to other countries due to his/their denial and ineptitude.


Anonymous said...

X, you said... "Trump and his inexperienced juvenile administration has the blood of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS, perhaps MILLIONS of Covid patients on his hands"

Again showing what a scumbag you are.

Oh, by the way, oh 'concerned' one: How about the deaths of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS, perhaps MILLIONS of unborn babies that YOU have cold-bloodedly AIDED BIDEN and HIS ADMINISTRATION IN CAUSING BY TELLING EVERYONE TO VOTE FOR HIM?


Anonymous said...

Sorry, didn't mean it look like I signed your name.

Anonymous said...

Fox News fires analyst Andrew Napolitano after accusations from male producer that he made sexually suggestive comments towards him

A producer claims that while working at Fox News personality Andrew Napolitano stroked his arm and made suggestive comments towards him

The encounter is alleged to have happened in 2019 while in an elevator together

On Monday night, Fox News Media said that it has 'parted ways' with legal analyst Andrew Napolitano, following the allegations made

John Fawcett, 27, made the allegations in a lawsuit against Fox News network

While working on Larry Kudlow's show, he claims he heard the host use racial slurs and make sexually inappropriate remarks without any recrimination

Fawcett, who was hired in March 2019, claims 'sexual harassment, sex discrimination, and racial discrimination are still tolerated at Fox'


Anonymous said...

Says X at 6:53 PM who arrogantly gloats that he has all of the answers... when, in fact, he has NONE of the answers!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

It is not hard to know who you meant that the dirtbag is, 7:11PM.

The trolling disinfo agent wants to blame cast others but it is he who is complicit with those responsible for the most wrongful deaths of all time.

The blood is on his hands for helping to aid and abet the Biden death machine.

Craig said...

Restaurant owner who took on CNN live speaks out | STINCHFIELD on Newsmax

NewsMax TV

California restaurant owner Tony Roman wants your proof of being UN-vaccinated. He took on CNN's Chris Cuomo about his policies and speaks to Grant Stinchfield about the experience.

Anonymous said...

Did Trump Mishandle Covid-19?

September 20, 2020
By Michael Greer

Presidential candidate, Joe Biden just made the claim that President Trump is responsible for ALL the COVID-19 deaths (whatever the real number might be). This accusation has been made by many Democrat politicians, as well as, many in the media.

Let’s look at the facts objectively. I know many on the Left aren’t great fans of the facts, but let’s look at them anyway.

Neither Trump or Biden…..or the Clintons, Obama or any other President for that matter, has been a doctor or an expert in infectious diseases. Each has to depend on the advice of the experts at the World Health Organization, the CDC, the NIH or any other experts they may seek out. And each would receive the SAME advice from the SAME people and agencies. Presidents may come and go but most of the career government employees in those agencies are there throughout many administrations. After all, Fauci has been head of the NIH for 36 years.

Biden and others keep saying Trump should have acted sooner. They say he should have acted in December or January. Really? Is Trump clairvoyant? Trump was given the same advice Hillary Clinton would have been given if she were President and that Biden would be given if he became President. What were the “experts” saying back then?

Well, let’s see. In December and January ALL the experts at all the agencies were saying COVID-19 was nothing for America to be concerned about.

January 24, Dr. Tedros Adhanom, Director of the WHO, said the virus was a regional problem but couldn’t spread from human to human.


January 28, Tedros said China was doing a wonderful job and was transparent.


JANUARY 31, Trump saw people in China dying of the virus. He listened to the experts and his own advisors and in spite of ALL advising against it, Trump went with his instincts and imposed a travel ban on China. This before there was one COVID death in America.

Anonymous said...

January 31, The Daily Show mocks Trump’s travel ban.


February 3, Tedros said to go on with travel, nothing to worry about.

FEBRUARY 3, Tedros says travel bans not necessary.


February 13, NY Mayor DeBlasio goes to Chinatown.


February 24, Nancy Pelosi says everyone should go to Chinatown.


March 8, Fauci says people shouldn’t be wearing masks.


March 10, Fauci says cruises fine for the healthy.


April 13, Fauci says continue daily activities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7Ds6BiND9U

It wasn’t until MARCH 11 that the World Health Organization said COVID-19 was a pandemic. https://time.com/5791661/who-coronavirus-pandemic-declaration/

Anonymous said...

March 12, Biden calls the travel ban xenophobic.


In contrast, The World Health Organization declared H1N1 a Pandemic on June 11, 2009. President Obama didn’t declare it an emergency until October 24, 2009 after at least 20,000 Americans had been hospitalized and 1000 had died.


H1N1 had more than 60 MILLION cases in America. Not world wide, just America. These weren’t “tested positive” cases. We didn’t test healthy people during H1N1. These were people who had symptoms and sought treatment. Today we are counting asymptomatic people who aren’t seeking treatment. As of today, America has had 6,819,709 cases of COVID-19. That’s about 1/10 of the H1N1 cases.


To date WORLD WIDE there have been 30 Million cases of COVID-19. That’s half the cases of H1N1 just in America. Were there daily briefings on H1N1? Did the media have hysteria in a daily basis over H1N1? Did the media give a daily death count for H1N1? Were businesses shut down for H1N1? WHY ARE WE WEARING MASKS, SOCIAL DISTANCING, BEING LOCKED DOWN???

Please, Uncle Joe, explain to us why anyone would have acted sooner than Trump did? Trump is not a doctor or expert in infectious diseases. Whose advice should he have taken if not the WHO, CDC and NIH? The media dutifully writes down what you say you would do about COVID-19 without noting they are all things Trump has ALREADY done and without pointing out you did none of those things for H1N1.

Anonymous said...

Trump not only acted early against the advice of every agency, he quickly put together a task force, restored the depleted PPE’s & ventilators, sent hospital ships to both coasts, etc. Even Governors, Newsom and Cuomo said Trump gave them everything they asked for often by the next day. Trump got rid regulations that slowed down progress in getting whatever was needed. He gave daily briefings to let people know what was being done. He called in CEO’S of major companies to see what they could do to help.

And he did it all while being wrongfully impeached, constantly slandered and given no credit for any of his accomplishments.

These slanderous accusations couldn’t be made without the help of the media. They have more access to this information than I do. They have the same video’s I posted. In some cases the videos were on their own networks….on their own shows. They know Trump acted faster than anyone would have, certainly faster than Obama acted for H1N1. They know Trump provided everything needed more quickly than anyone could have or would have. They knowingly keep information this information from the public.

How long are we going to allow them to?

Michael Greer's website is:


(The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.)


Anonymous said...

Good thing Michael they looked at it objectively. lol

You point to criticisms by others of the limited things Trump tried to do early on in the pandemic as proof others would have been equally as inept or worse than Trump but, as Bob Woodward discovered last summer/fall, Trump KNEW how bad it was and he and his administration deliberately downplayed it the end of January and feb 2020.

Biden, Hillary, Pelosi, Obama, even Bush ....anyone but Trump would have made better choices in January and February 2020 that would have, in hindsight, probably saves hundreds of thousands of lives. It was just another "Bunker Trump" moment of the most calamitous presidency our nation has ever endured (and still, in some senses, enduring as agencies have been gutted and destroyed and years of experience just gone from too many of our federal institutions).

"Bob Woodward: Historians will write about Trump's 'lost month of February' for decades" : https://news.yahoo.com/bob-woodward-historians-write-trumps-142700591.html


"Woodward reports in his new book Rage that President Trump told him he deliberately downplayed the threat of COVID-19 even though he was aware it was deadly, and speaking to Today on Monday, Woodward expressed his shock that Trump learned details about how "this is a coming pandemic to the United States" in January but did not tell Americans "the truth" during the State of the Union days later.

"Forty million people watched it," Woodward said of Trump's State of the Union address. "He had an opportunity ... He said, 'Well, we're doing everything possible.' At that moment, if, like Franklin Roosevelt after Pearl Harbor, [Trump] had told the American people the truth, a lot more could have been done."

Woodward added, "Historians are going to be writing about the lost month of February for tens of years."

In Rage, Woodward quotes Trump as describing COVID-19 as "deadly stuff" in February, but the president admits he wanted to "play it down." The quotes from Trump have generated a firestorm, with Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden saying they demonstrate Trump's "life and death betrayal of the American people." Trump has argued that he simply did not want to create a panic and that he wanted to "show strength as a leader."

But Woodward told Today that after covering nine American presidents, the fact that Trump "possessed the specific knowledge that could have saved lives" is "one of those shocks for me."

THAT should shock you too.


Anonymous said...

Woodward is just another proven biased lying hack.

All koolaid x will listen to is hacks and quacks.
Got another sour tum tum posting that poison you swallow?
Hate goes down bitter and comes back up even more bitter.

What is shocking is how you can consider yourself educated.

Craig said...


What is your doctorate in?

Craig said...

Tim Pool 'can't believe' people are falling for these narratives

Fox News

'Timcast IRL' host calls out escalating violence across the country and how Democrats are using the pandemic as a scapegoat.

Anonymous said...

Craig at 9:13 PM,

X has a PhD in Socialism from the University of Saul Alinsky.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Trump DELIBERATELY arranged the deaths of "hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions" UNLIKE Biden who ACCIDENTALLY arranged the deaths of hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of the unborn.

Which our wannabe blogspot conscience 'X' shamelessly aided and abetted by the way: "Vote Biden!"

Anonymous said...

Why Bob Woodward’s Anti-Trump Book ‘Rage’ Can’t Be Trusted One Bit

Bob Woodward helped to bring down Richard Nixon, but it WASN'T because he told the truth about Watergate.

By Geoff Shepard

After observing celebrity author Bob Woodward in action on one of his books—a biography of the late John Belushi—the famed director Penny Marshall was unimpressed. The well-known leftist activist reportedly remarked that Woodward’s account was SO SLANTED AND INACCURATE, “It makes you think that Richard Nixon may be innocent.”

The point, as many other of Woodward’s supposed sources have learned over the years, is that the Watergate reporter’s version of the truth serves his agenda, not an unbiased reporting of the facts.

Woodward has another “tell-all” book due out on Donald Trump this month. Just like the one he published only a year ago, it will have anecdotes and “shocking” revelations tailored to reflect his agenda and the conventional wisdom of the moment. This is why Harper’s magazine, hardly a right-wing rag, labeled him a “political weathervane.”

I know nothing about events inside the Trump administration that Woodward is claiming in his new book, but am sure his version will be repeated without scrutiny across multiple media outlets. That said, I do know something about events that are the foundation for his subsequent fame and fortune. It wasn’t just that Woodward loathed Richard Nixon, it was that he committed journalistic malpractice in his drive to bring him down through Watergate.

First among the instances of his disregard for journalistic ethics is his 30-year refusal to identify the person he claimed as his primary Watergate source, the infamous “Deep Throat,” on whom most of his insider stories were allegedly based.

What Americans did not know at the time is that Deep Throat was a literary invention from the outset. The Deep Throat reference was not in Woodward’s original manuscript of his Nixon-era memoir, nor was that name used in the course of any actual reporting.

Alice Mayhew, Woodward’s Simon and Schuster editor, urged the inclusion of such a nicknamed character to spice up their narrative. Even Washington Post executive editor Ben Bradlee doubted the accuracy of Woodward’s new character, and many still believe Deep Throat was a composite.

For 30 years—until 2005—speculation over Deep Throat’s true identity was a favorite topic of cocktail conversation. One “fact,” however, was made perfectly clear by Woodward: Deep Throat was a disillusioned member of Nixon’s White House staff, so disgusted with its supposed criminality that he leaked helpful stories to Woodward.

It turns out none of that was true, despite what Woodward wanted us to believe. In 2005, former FBI Associate Director Mark Felt, a man who never worked in the White House let alone was close to Nixon, came out as Deep Throat, although at that point Felt was too senile to confirm any details.

Later, Max Holland’s 2012 book, “Leak, Why Mark Felt Became Deep Throat,” described why Felt had leaked information to Woodward: not to destroy President Nixon (whom he supported), but to show that Acting FBI Director Patrick Gray was unable to control the Bureau.

In other words, if he was only Felt, Deep Throat had an agenda: not to “get” Nixon but to hurt his superior at the FBI so he could have his job. A fair and impartial reporter, as Woodward so self-righteously claims to be, would have informed readers that his principal source had these sorts of biases and motivations.

Anonymous said...

Woodward knew these facts for three decades, yet he knowingly allowed the false impression that he had created to persist. He need not have identified Felt by name, but deliberately encouraging the American public to believe his source was an aggrieved Nixon staffer was a fraud of immense proportions.

Another outright distortion in “All the President’s Men” was the story of “Z,” supposedly a Nixon campaign committee secretary, secretly sharing insider stories with Woodward. “Z” was actually a Watergate grand juror whom Woodward had improperly contacted and was revealing information about pending investigations. Again, Americans were misinformed as to the propriety of Woodward’s actions and to the identity of a key source and blind to that person’s motivations.

Woodward’s contemporaneous notes reveal he should also have been aware of Watergate Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski’s series of secret meetings with trial judge John Sirica. Knowledge of such collusion between judge and prosecutor would have invalidated virtually all Watergate convictions since under the law Nixon’s defense team should have been party to all such conversations.

Jaworski certainly hinted at this, but it didn’t fit Woodward’s agenda, so he never followed up on Jaworski’s comments. It was not until 2013 that I discovered and disclosed records of those highly improper meetings.

One journalist who worked for Woodward went public with his concerns about his mentor’s journalistic malpractices. Jeff Himmelman, who worked for both Woodward and Bradlee, uncovered embarrassing Watergate files that Woodward wanted him to overlook. Woodward subsequently waged a campaign to discredit Himmelman.

Throughout his career, Woodward has been repeatedly accused of “tilting the facts,” of “misleading remarks,” of “disingenuous statements,” and of placing “book sales above journalism.” Woodward’s decades-long approach to reporting, beginning with Deep Throat, is never to identify to the public his supposedly unassailable sources.

This secrecy allows him to make sensational claims that can’t be fact-checked, concerning sources whose true motivations can’t be examined. It also allows him to have a series of too-good-to-be-true anecdotes that conveniently fit his storylines.

We can expect at least a week of breathless media coverage at the anonymously-sourced “revelations” from “Rage.” Even if most of Woodward’s colleagues in the media will continue unquestioningly carry his water, the rest of us at least ought to at least remember his decades-long track record of putting his personal brand—and book sales—before the truth.

Geoff Shepard joined Nixon’s White House staff as a fellow in 1969, upon graduation from Harvard Law School. He stayed for five years as a member of the Domestic Council and also served as deputy counsel during Nixon’s Watergate defense.


Anonymous said...


SEPTEMBER 17, 2020

Watching 77-year-old former Vice President and Democrat nominee Joe Biden’s lead shrink in national and in key battle ground states to a virtual dead heat, the anti-Trump press continues to hit the president with everything but the kitchen sink. Promoting his new book, “Rage,” a compendium of politically biased spin about 74-year-old President Donald Trump, 77-year-old former Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward preaches to the anti-Trump choir, pretending he’s a journalist when he’s no different than Trump’s niece Mary L. Trump, 71-year-old former national Security Advisers John Bolton and 54-year-old former Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen, all capitalizing on the Election Year to sell books. While such low-lifes are expected from Trump’s enemies, it’s not from a once esteemed journalist who helped save the nation with his 76-year-old Washington Post colleague Carl Bernstein.

In the nearly 47 years since Watergate, Woodward has capitalized on his fame, selling enough books and speaking engagements to make him filthy rich. Now he’s embraced by today’s generation of corrupt journalists, crossing that sacred line between politics and news. Woodward’s book “Rage” stands as one of worst examples of pernicious propaganda, designed to advance the Democrat strategy of defeating Trump on Nov. 3. Once Joe’s polls started to drop, unknown women are coming out the woodwork together with new defamatory books designed to discredit the president before the election. Woodward recorded Trump in a Feb. 7 interview saying the coronavirus was “more deadly than even your strenuous flus,” insisting Trump knew how deadly the virus but didn’t properly warn the American public. Woodward insists Trump knew everything Feb. 7.

When Woodward interviewed Trump Feb. 7, it was only a week after he banned flights from China, attributing the virus spreading from Wuhan, China. Woodward knows on Feb. 7 that the World Health Organization [WHO] confirmed Jan. 14 that there was no “human-to-human” transmission in Wuhan, China, the presumed origin of the virus. Woodward’s case against Trump is the most flimsy, most twisted, most malicious interpretation of Trump’s remarks. Trump went against his handlers’ advise granting Woodward any interviews, knowing his anti-Trump bias. When Trump told Woodward, “this is deadly stuff,” he wanted Woodward to know he wasn’t minimizing the virus. “You just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed.” Trump said. “This is deadly stuff.” From those words, Woodward concludes that Trump knew more than the World Health Organization.

Anonymous said...

Woodward’s indictment of Trump is so obviously political, giving the president no benefit of the doubt but leaping to the most malignant conclusions. It’s obvious Trump was trying to show Woodward he wasn’t minimizing the seriousness of the virus. At the same time, there were only a few cases of coronaviurs and no deaths until Feb. 29. Woodward acts like Trump should have gotten on his White House bullhorn and announced a major infectious disease crisis before the National Institutes of Health [NIH], Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], and, most importantly, the World Health Organization. How biased, how misguided, how perverse, how insane are Woodward’s statements from his Feb. 7 tape recording of Trump. Woodward acts like Trump had a crystal ball, knew everything that would happen with the virus before his medical experts or world health authorities.

When 55-year-old Ethiopian-born WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom held a news conference Feb. 5, he told the world that Trump’s decisions to ban flights from China was premature, unnecessary, an overreaction, when WHO said Jan. 14 there was no human-to-human transmission in Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the virus. Yet to Woodward, because Trump acknowledged the potential seriousness of the virus, it means he deliberately withheld vital information to warn the U.S. public. How misguided, how foolish, or more to the point, how devious of Woodward to spread such pernicious propaganda, ignoring all the relevant facts about the virus back in February. In another tape recording of Trump March 19, Trump said, “I wanted to always play it down,” Trump told Woodward. “I don’t want to create a panic,” the day when the U.S. recorded only 52 deaths.

When Trump was looking at 2018-2019 data about 34,500 seasonal flu deaths, how could Woodward expect Trump to take only 52 deaths from Coronavirus AKA SARS CoV-2 or Covid-19 as a national emergency. Woodward’s book find a ready audience in the anti-Trump crowd, ready to lap up his nonsense. Why no one calls Woodward out a complete charlatan is anyone’s guess. Riding on his past reputation, it’s obvious he’s out to get Trump, using his book and interviews to upend Trump 2020 presidential campaign. Woodward never asked Trump why he didn’t shut down the economy or warn U.S. citizens about the seasonal flu. No, Trump knew everything Feb. 7 or March 19, far more than the NIH, CDO or WHO.

Woodward expected Trump to forecast Feb. 7 the nearly 200,000 deaths, something even HEALTH EXPERTS couldn’t do!

Where’s the objective scrutiny of Woodward’s nonsense?


RayB said...

Fully-vaccinated Lindsey Graham tests positive for the Wuhan Flu…


Anonymous said...


Please weigh in,

'Richard' used YOUR name in his 9:15 AM post as a contributor.

What do you have to say about his posts?

RayB said...

Another "Never Trumper" bites the proverbial dust ...

BREAKING: Judge Napolitano at FOX News Is Accused in Lawsuit of Sexually Harassing Young Men at Work

"A lawsuit was filed this morning in New York accusing FOX News of allowing select individuals at the company to harass others at the company. Judge Napolitano was singled out for harassing young men at the company over many years."


UPDATE: The "honorable" Judge has been fired by FOX.

PS: I NEVER liked this man. There was something about him that led me to believe he was a fake and a fraud. During the bogus "impeachment" hearings, he bent over backwards in order to twist everything against Trump, and, to provide legitimacy to the Kangaroo Court proceedings.

RayB said...

Now for the latest from the EU ...

20,595 DEAD 1.9 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Official Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots


Anonymous said...


I respectfully decline to answer such.

I think I saw you say you've were doxxed at some point in time on your blog and Paul was doxxed and viciously personally attacked by the Roman Catholics very recently here.

Such information is quite unique and not widely known/held so I'm not gonna help them narrow me down with specific information.

I share my personal opinions here. Sorry.


Anonymous said...

Yes indeed "sharing" what field that you CLAIM that you have a degree in without naming either the year received or the name of the institution conferring it would jeopardize your identity.


But THIS way of course you can be a degreed expert on ANYTHING! LOL

And to have the unmitigated GALL to feign worry over being doxxed when it was YOU who was calling people "Stephanie"! What a loser you are.

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight, Trump is not to blame for anything related to Covid. He did the best he could at that time given the information he had, however, Cuomo, Murphy and Whitmer have the blood of thousands on their hands?

Lock up Hillary for the Benghazi attack, blame Carter for the failed hostage rescue mission, blame Obama for H1N1 or not getting us out of Bush's endless wars in the middle east (that Trump didn't get us out of either), blame democrats for Roe v Wade or Obergfell v Hodges issued by a court they haven't controlled since the 1950's...

However, when 630,000 Americans suffocate in hospitals and nursing homes from an illness almost every other country more successfully contained and limited such outbreak, the republican man who was in charge and who continues to really allow such healthcare issues to be politicized in his name unnecessarily... isn't somehow responsible. Since when are Presidents graded upon the curve "He did the best he could"?


Anonymous said...

Sorry Stephanie.

Anonymous said...


This is NOT some gay 'porno' playing in an Adult Movie Theater, this is now MAINSTREAM televised 'entertainment', it is UNBELIEVABLE:

Lukas Gage Explains What It Was Like Getting R****d on Set for HBO's ‘The White Lotus’


I wouldn't normally put a link to such an article but the reading of it throws very cold water indeed into one's face as to how very bad things have actually gotten. If you know someone who doesn't think things are "that bad", have them read this article.

That'll wake 'em up.

Anonymous said...

11:35 PM

X that post excelled in the stupidity of half baked assumptions, biased presumptions, and general falsehoods from an underthought, overly simplistic, loose handling of history, based on your cafeteria approach to facts, heaped with ungratefulness.
Your gloss coating, broad brushing, mean Pharisee spirit tells the entire world that you have graduated to the highest level of bitterness seen here, maybe anywhere.

Your hatred for Catholics is epic. And basic hatred for anyone not of your stripe is a stench from within you in your "personal opinions" (propaganda). Your constant need to smear (post) is the overflow of your gall. Out of the abundance of your heart your fingers type and is not even remotely Christ-like.
And what sad commentary of whoever you are from whatever doctorate you hide behind.
A true ingrate. You should leave this country to live in the deep Congo with the Boa's and wild boars because you are that out of touch with how blessed you have been to live in the United States of America that has seen great grace from God, but not according to you. It's all bad, all the time. Are you a bosom buddy of Bill Ayers or similar?
I have never seen or heard of a Christian as full of bile as you before.
You miserable wretch.
You need to be saved..from yourself..because it's got to be hell being you.

Anonymous said...

RayB 10:59 pm

I'm pretty sure the numbers from that Health Impact News article you linked here as supposedly coming from the linked Eudravigilance adverse reactions website are a deliberate overstatement. It pretty simple to figure out how they probably did it. Just follow their link to the Eudravigilance website and then click on the "Understanding these Reports" drop-down Tab. Then click on and check out the "Covid 19 Important Messages" Sub-tab (link provided by me below). Thereon you will see the website is clear that any death and/or injury could be represented in multiple sub-catergories of symptoms/reactions.

I'm not running through the actual data to see if maybe they processed the data taking such into account; but, the breakdowns tables HealthImpactNew provided in the article seem to very clearly indicate they just reported all the reactions and fatalities and straight added up the raw numbers versus understanding they were adding together the same fatalities and same adverse reaction EVENTS multiple times.

It's probably safe to say they made other misrepresentations of the data as well.

Here's what the Euravigilance website clearly stated about the data:

COVID-19 important messages:

Important information to consider before looking at ADR reports for the COVID-19 vaccines


*Each individual case generally refers to a single patient; however, more than one side effect may have been included in a single report. Therefore, the number of side effects will not be the same as the number of individual cases.

*The data included in this website reflects the reports submitted by national competent authorities and pharmaceutical companies. They may contain duplicated information. EMA checks the reports as part of its scientific assessment and that also includes the identification of duplicates.

Warning for cases with a fatal outcome

*This website does not provide the total number of cases reported with a fatal outcome. It provides the number of cases reported as fatal for specific reactions groups (e.g. cardiac disorders) and for specific reactions (e.g. myocardial infarction). Since one individual case may contain more than one suspected side effect, the sum of the number of fatal cases per reaction group will always be higher than the total number of fatal cases.



p.s. - what's sad is you won't appreciate me finding fault with such numbers and helping you figure out you were lied to by health impact news. Correct me if I'm wrong but accuracy just doesn't seem as important to you as political expediency.

Anonymous said...

You knew this was coming...

YouTube Suspends Australia’s Sky News Over COVID-19 Reporting


Beat The Ban!



LSWA said...


..without lifting a tyrannical finger.....

Anonymous said...

The Cult of Trump?

By Eli Friedman

Leftists and their fellow travelers on the right like to talk about the "Cult of Trump." The evidence they present for this theory is nonexistent, as usual. But they're right to the extent that we have had this president's back more than any conservative president or political leader before him.

What's the story behind our fervent support of Donald J. Trump? Answer: Trump is nothing more than an avatar, an embodiment of a large segment of the American people who have been marginalized and abused. That is why he is so "loved" by so many. That’s also why he’s "hated" by so many others.

Notice that the people who love him now didn’t necessarily care for him prior to 2015 and some are still uncomfortable with his lifestyle and personality. On the other side, the people who hate him now were once his biggest supporters; he embodied a successful life to them. He was king of the New York tabloids and had a monster TV show on NBC, hardly conservative bastions.

Why the sudden and dramatic turnaround? Because when Donald Trump rode down that escalator and began promoting "normal" ideas without equivocation (Don't call them "conservative" because at this point it's not about liberalism vs. conservatism, it's about normal vs. crazy), he ceased to be Donald Trump and became us. Me. You. All of us who have seen the decline of this country accelerate exponentially these past ten years and are worried sick about it. Donald Trump the person is not the target. Donald Trump the symbol is.

His attack on the rot that is eating America was all-encompassing. Not only did he unapologetically advocate for specific conservative policies, he was a branch in the leftist wheel of removing sanity and logic entirely from the public sphere. Here was the first legitimate pushback against the attempted destruction of truth, objectivity, fairness, justice, liberty and freedom.

Here was the manifestation of the people’s cry that the emperors of this country have no clothes, that family and marriage are sacred, that biology, facts, truth and real science are what they are, not what the craziest amongst us say they are. That religion doesn't take a distant back seat to every other right discovered in the nethermost regions of the most feverish minds never to see the insides of an insane asylum. That is who Trump is, to his supporters and to his detractors.

Anonymous said...

When we see him smeared, libeled, disrespected, scorned, and abused, we know that the ultimate target of it all is us. It's religious people who wonder if there's a future for them in this country. It's people with conventional ideas of life, family and community who dread being forced to speak and act against their conscience in the Orwellian name of progress and equality. We see the edge of the cliff in real terms and we're scared, as we should be.

When the media and the left can launch multi-year investigations of a sitting president of the United States, how hard can it be for them to take on and destroy any other conservative target they desire? If the media can completely smother the NY Post and their Hunter Biden story just because they want to, is it so hard to foresee a day when they launch an all-out attack on our way of life and silence any voices in our defense? Months of deadly rioting causing 30+ deaths, 700 injured police, and $2 billion in damages are ignored, pooh-poohed and even encouraged, while a fraction of the same at the Capitol is hysterically condemned as another 9/11. Why? Because the wrong people did it. Shouldn't that cause a shudder to run down the backs of those who traditionally are the first to lose when society goes nuts? When the same people attacking Trump are the ones attacking conservatives, singling us out as Nazis, fascists, deplorables, disease spreaders and lawbreakers, while bending over backwards to excuse the egregious sins of anyone on their side, does that not tell you that this is not about Trump at all?

That is what Trump is to us. To get a bit Biblical, Trump is the dove sent from the Noah’s Ark to scout the landscape. That is why we are so dismayed when we see him being mistreated the way he has been. That's why we don't want to hear a bad word about him.

They don't mean him, they mean US.


Anonymous said...

P.S. Are there fanatics who follow Trump? Yes. And there are fanatics who follow Biden.

Fanatics are NOT what Eli Friedman is referring to. He is referring to the very vast majority of Trump supporters, who are the NON-fanatics. The NON-Q Balls. The NON-LJT'ers. The Deplorables.

Craig said...

More transmissible, less lethal:

“It Makes No Sense and the Science Doesn’t Support It” Dr. Paul on New Mask Mandates July 29, 2021


The Senator on Tucker Carlson's show.

RayB said...

Dear Constance,

Do you think Adam Kinzinger & Liz Cheney will show some "Profiles in Courage" and demand that the MURDER of Ashli Babbitt on Jan. 6th. be thoroughly investigated by the Jan. 6th. Committee?

Do you support such an investigation? Do you support the appointment of an Independent Special Prosecutor in order to investigate the murder of Ashli Babbitt?

Anonymous said...

"I’m An ICU Doctor And I Cannot Believe The Things Unvaccinated Patients Are Telling Me“: My experiences in the ICU these past weeks have left me surprised, disheartened, but most of all, angry.”

August 1, 2021

Guest Writer: Thanh Neville, M.D., M.S.H.S., is an ICU physician and researcher at UCLA Health. You can follow her on Twitter at @thanh_neville.

Article: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/icu-doctor-health-care-workers-unvaccinated-patients_n_6102ad2ae4b000b997df1f17?ncid=engmodushpmg00000006

"------- My experiences in the ICU these past weeks have left me surprised, disheartened, but most of all, angry. I am angry that the tragic scenes of prior surges are being played out yet again, but now with ICUs primarily filled with patients who have chosen not to be vaccinated. I am angry that it takes me over an hour to explain to an anti-vaxxer full of misinformation that intubation isn’t what “kills patients” and that their wish for chest compressions without intubation in the event of a respiratory arrest makes no sense. I am angry at those who refuse to wear “muzzles” when grocery shopping for half an hour a week, as I have been so-called “muzzled” for much of the past 18 months.

I cannot understand the simultaneous decision to not get vaccinated and the demand to end the restrictions imposed by a pandemic. I cannot help but recoil as if I’ve been slapped in the face when my ICU patient tells me they didn’t get vaccinated because they “just didn’t get around to it.” Although such individuals do not consider themselves anti-vaxxers, their inaction itself is a decision — a decision to not protect themselves or their families, to fill a precious ICU bed, to let new variants flourish, and to endanger the health care workers and immunosuppressed people around them. Their inaction is a decision to let this pandemic continue to rage.

And meanwhile, immunocompromised people, for whom vaccines don’t generate much immunity, are desperately waiting for herd immunity. I have no way to comfort my rightfully outraged transplant patients who contracted COVID-19 after isolating for over a year and getting fully vaccinated as soon as they could. With angry tears, these patients tell me it’s not fair that there are people who are choosing to endanger both themselves and the vulnerable people around them. They feel betrayed by their fellow citizens and they are bitter and angry. I cannot blame them.

I am at a loss to understand how anyone can look at these past months of the pandemic — more than 600,000 lives lost in the U.S. and more than 4 million worldwide — and not believe it’s real or take it seriously. But the unhappy truth is that there are people who do not. They did not in the beginning and many are doubling down now.

I thought when this pandemic began that we were all in this fight together, engaged in a war against a common enemy. Now, I painfully realize: Perhaps we were never on the same side and we never had a common enemy. Perhaps the war has been among ourselves all along. We have won many battles but unvaccinated America is choosing to let COVID win the war.

Richard said...

The last thing that ya see,
is the hunger in Neegrah's eyes.

Blood sucking Black boys of the night,
Nocturnal goblins hiding from cop's lights,
Screams coming' from the alley fight,
Eagerly awaiting bites....
Apparition from the Ghetto hell
No time to see where they dwell,
Insane with lust, the monkeys start to sneak,
addicted to your daughters.....at Dawn the Negro Sleeps.

Next track -

a Minute seems like days
Since Biden ruled the lie
The red caps became the beggars,
And the left became more wise,
Memories linger in Black boys brain
burning from self-inflicted pain
A pain he never have won.

No suburb here remains
No future and no past
No one could foresee
The end that came so fast
Hear the Negro boys stretch their mouths
Saying paradise is in the South,
So join him now for the Run!

Anonymous said...

10:39 AM

You are not AWAKE yet to the truth... or you would know that the VACCINATED are the ones who are 'choosing to let covid and the evil Globalists win this war' against HUMANS... this 'planned-demic' is their goal and agenda to DEPOPULATE the world.

WAKE UP BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE... for all of us!!!

Anonymous said...

TWO more DC police officers involved in Capitol riot response die by suicide, bringing total to at least 4


LSWA said...

To whomever that posted 10:39 AM

The anger of these people in the article is misplaced.

If the vaccines work, they are protected from those not vaccinated. (though I think what will protect them from the vaccine they are counting on??)
Why is this so difficult for so many to see? If so determined, so bought in, take your vaccine and take care of yourself, regarding things that come to you by way of self-inflicted troubles and sickness or troubled in body and soul by things not your fault, things outside your control,
it's okay. There is help that can tailor to your needs. Be thankful for that.
While you are at it look at Sweden's response. There's a big lesson there. https://www1.racgp.org.au/newsgp/gp-opinion/was-the-swedish-approach-to-covid-19-really-a-mist

On the other hand, it should be okay for people who are not sick and have nothing to pass on to you, because they are okay, too. This whole covid episode is 98% survivable by most. In case you haven't noticed, 10 out of 10 die..of something, many things horrifically worse. Why is covid the be all, end all, of dying these days? Media dominates in this topic, why are they allowed to do the thinking for a vast number of people is my question..

I still believe, live and let live.
Unfounded fear can't drive this to any place good, yet people choose to check out of reasoned thinking and let fear drive their emotions and decisions, and that can definitely lead to self-centered angers. Too many folks today are not of the pioneering stock that built our nation 2 centuries ago.
We are in trouble with the many me-me-me people motivated by misplaced anger and deep seated lacks of common sense, without the sense of the common good.
It's shameful, really.

Anonymous said...

Dear Constance,

Do you think Adam Kinzinger & Liz Cheney will show some "Profiles in Courage" and demand that the MURDER of Ashli Babbitt on Jan. 6th. be thoroughly investigated by the Jan. 6th. Committee?

Do you support such an investigation? Do you support the appointment of an Independent Special Prosecutor in order to investigate the murder of Ashli Babbitt?


Do you think RayB will show a "Profile in Courage" and demand that the poster 'Richard' not associate his (RayB's) name with the racist posts Richard is putting on your blog (such as was done at 9:15 AM) as well as outright denounce him for posting such things in the first place?

Do you support such an demand? Do you support an outright condemnation of Richard for his racist remarks by RayB? Do you think that the reason RayB up until this time has refused to do so is because he is a closet racist and so actually approves of such posts?

Anonymous said...

Just here...

You've mentioned Sweden a couple of times here and as of this moment Sweden's response to Covid has been a disaster when comparing their statistics to those of their neighboring nations, like Iceland, Norway and Finland where they too, eat a lot of vitamin D rich seafood diets and supplement with fish oil regularly. For example, Sweden's rate of Covid fatalities is about 10 times that of Norways.

While it's true they didn't initially have the same "mandates" as other countries, they did rely on providing their citizen's specific guidance and limited gathering to 50 people which shut down many establishments and initially helped THERE because their citizens are more trusting and compliant with their government. However, by 2021, after seeing how their way wasn't working last fall, they moved to the middle of the pack in Europe as far as government rules and regulations surrounding Covid and had essentially shut down all bars and restaurants banning grouping of 8 or more individuals and most travel. Despite that, it was too little too late and the Swedes endured the highest case and death totals in their region.

They only just recently came down off a huge wave this spring and now seem just as concerned with the Delta variant starting to take off there as other countries in the region. Hopefully, it doesn't take off there this fall but time will tell.

Just beware of misinformation websites that like to spin Sweden as a utopian example of freedom from Gov restrictions working better because it's not true. As I mentioned they HAD rules and now have just as many mandates as most other European countries and their results were not good regionally. Maybe in a few years there will be actual data backing up their initial choices as maybe natural immunity will last longer or be more protective of variants down the road and we'll see Norway and other Scandinavian countries struggle more than Sweden. Perhaps THEN we'll all wish we did what Sweden did, but until then, their policies haven't worked out for them.

Further, I did notice that although they are hovering at around 50% fully vaccinated right now population-wide, it does appear they have focused on getting their older citizens vaccinated first. It appears about 90% over age 75 are fully vaccinated in Sweden versus about 78% over age 75 in the US this may or may not help Sweden keep down their mortality rate this fall/winter.


p.s. - Of note, Sweden is ranked as one of the healthiest countries in the world.
With a diet that's low in carbs and high in the right kind of fats, Swedes are second among Nordic countries in terms of life expectancy (82 years, closely following Norway's 83 years - the US is now at 77.3). They SHOULD do better than other countries.

"The 4 main fault lines that divide the vaccinated and the unvaccinated: Age, race, income, and, of course, politics": July 29, 2021


"Charts: How do vaccination rates differ by age, gender and region in Sweden?"



Anonymous said...

3:35 pm

I don't think RayB is a "closeted" racist. He's pretty out and open about it.

Even his sudden concern over events in South Africa attests to it.

Then again...it's tough to say here what someone may or may not be like in real life. Republicans have used racist dog whistles for so many years it has become so ingrained they may not really even hear themselves doing it. They just say what supports them politically even though they themselves don't care...they just appreciate those other racists voting for their candidate. Whatever it takes to sow fear, whereas, in real life, RayB may just be a cuddly teddy bear with close friends of all races.


Anonymous said...

Gaslighting much X?

Is it your hobby or are you full time?

I think you are the the type that is challenged in this department: you think you know enough about the subjects to think you're right but don't know enough about any given subject to know you're wrong.

It makes you a condescending snob.

Anonymous said...

Says hater x @ 4:05 PM.

LSWA said...

You know what X? In light of the post following yours at 4:41 PM it seems like you very likely do not know enough about Sweden's response to speculate. My bet is you are wrong about this subject because you are not thorough enough, and come from an angle of bias from the outset. I am finding much in your many posts here to be questionable at best.

Their charts are showing almost nil in covid deaths.
Their stats are glaring to show what they did right without lockdowns and overreaching mandates, while taking measured and good precautions in particular among the most vulnerable of their population. Many publications are indicating this to be the case. And not politicized as you want this topic to be.

It may be safe to assume you do not have a doctorate in Mathematics and Applied Statistics.

Anonymous said...

Scientific Compendium Proves Lockdowns DON'T WORK... They Actually COST Lives!

Thursday, December 10, 2020 | By: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Stay home: It could save lives, they say. But does staying cooped up inside really protect against Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infection? Not according to science.

A new collection of papers put together by The Fat Emperor definitively shows that lockdowns do not save lives, and in fact costs them. Here is what we know:

1) Staying home provides a false sense of security

Research published in the peer-reviewed Elsevier journal EClinicalMedicine found that lockdowns do not lead to any noticeable reduction in mortality rates.

Elderly people are still more at risk than everybody else of getting sick or dying, while those at low risk who are stuck inside only end up losing wages and adopting bad habits like smoking, which is far more dangerous than contracting COVID-19.

2) Coronavirus “cases” started dropping before lockdowns, masks

Early on in the “pandemic,” the argument went that lockdowns resulted in fewer “cases” of COVID-19. However, research out of Germany found that the spread of the novel virus had “receded autonomously … before any interventions” were imposed.

It is now believed that so-called “herd immunity” was achieved all on its own, making mask mandates and forced lockdowns a pointless effort, despite their continued persistence.

3) Sweden did things RIGHT by preserving FREEDOM & LIBERTY

Similar observances were noted in the United Kingdom, where lockdowns were some of the strictest in the world. Researchers there discovered that the COVID-19 caseload had begun to plummet before lockdowns were imposed.

“A Bayesian inverse problem approach applied to U.K. data on COVID-19 deaths and the published disease duration distribution suggests that infections were in decline before U.K. lockdown, and that infections in Sweden started to decline only a short time later,” a University of Bristol paper found.

4) Illogical circular reasoning was used to justify lockdowns

Another similar paper out of Germany was more direct in declaring that the purported effects of lockdowns are “pure artefacts” that “contradict the data.”

The researchers involved with this one determined that lockdowns in the U.K. were “both superfluous and ineffective,” as was “social distancing.” Sweden, meanwhile, was:

“… the only country in the dataset that refrained from strong measures, but has lower corona deaths per capita than Belgium, Italy, Spain, or the United Kingdom.”

5) COVID-19 infections decline all on their own, without government intervention

Prof. Isaac Ben-Israel back in April determined that no matter where COVID-19 strikes, and no matter what the government does to try to stop it, the virus declines to almost zero after 70 days regardless.

Paralyzing the economy and plunging the masses into isolation and depression, it turns out, does nothing to affect this inevitable outcome, meaning the best thing to do is to simply let COVID-19 run its natural course.

Anonymous said...

6) Social distancing only damages fabric of society, providing NO benefits

As for staying six feet apart from all other humans, this, too, is a fruitless effort with serious long-term consequences.

Humans are social creatures, and depriving them of natural human interaction can take a much more serious toll on health than a virus with a 99.9-plus percent survival rate in most demographic categories.

7) Closing schools only hurts children, who have an almost zero chance of suffering complications from COVID-19 infection

In a panicked attempt at stymieing the spread of COVID-19, some countries like the U.K. shut down all schools, forcing children into isolated remote learning. Doing this accomplished nothing, though, and only ended up harming children who were deprived of healthy interactions with their friends and teachers.

School closures, it turns out, actually increased the death rate among young people, who have almost no risk of getting sick from COVID-19 alone.

8) There’s no such thing as asymptomatic spread

Despite continued media and big government fearmongering, healthy people who are asymptomatic are not “carriers” of COVID-19. In fact, there is no such thing as asymptomatic spread; it was all a farce to keep people masked and living in fear.

9) Destroying the economy does not cure COVID-19

It might seem like common sense, but forcing small businesses into bankruptcy and depriving people of their livelihood is never an appropriate response to the spread of any kind of sickness.

Sick people and those susceptible to illness can choose to stay home if they feel doing so will keep them protected during a plandemic, but forcing everyone else to do the same is both foolish and futile.

10) PCR tests produce false positives almost 100 percent of the time

All that testing taking place at drive-thru clinics is a complete waste of time, seeing as how the PCR “nose javelin” test is wrong more than 97 percent of the time.

A Portuguese court found that the PCR test is medically useless and basically a hoax, but it is still being used across America to pump up the COVID-19 numbers and make it appear as though we are still in some kind of fictitious “second wave.”

The moral of the story with all this is that every government intervention taken to “save lives” did the exact opposite of what the “authorities” claimed they would do. Even so, many of these interventions are still being “mandated” across America because the delusion is strong.

“[T]he lockdown ideology is destroying our societal health, selling the lie of saving lives,” reports The Fat Emperor. “Lockdowns cost net suffering and lives – by a huge margin. Here we gather together the evidence.”

(For more related news about COVID-19, be sure to check out Pandemic.news)


Anonymous said...

Take these shots DAILY after being exposed until such time as this blogspot is no longer infested:

These are newly updated at least every single day or sooner:





And this is newly updated at least every (regular) weekday and some weekends:


Anonymous said...

The Vaccine Antibody Dependent Enhancement Is Extremely Dangerous and They Knew It


Anonymous said...

Humans Become Toxin Factories With COVID Injection, Warns Dr. Kaufman


Anonymous said...

WHY The Deep State is Sexualizing Kids


Anonymous said...

Trump issues statement on ‘Election Fraud Numbers’

“Highly respected Army intelligence captain, Seth Keshel, has just released his Report on National Fraud Numbers with respect to the 2020 Presidential Election. I don’t personally know Captain Keshel, but these numbers are overwhelming, election-changing, and according to Keshel, could be even bigger in that they do not account for cyber-flipping of votes. They show I won the election—by A LOT! Now watch the Democrats coalesce, defame, threaten, investigate, jail people, and do whatever they have to do to keep the truth from surfacing, and let the Biden Administration continue to get away with destroying our Country. The irregularities and outright fraud of this election are an open wound to the United States of America. Something must be done—immediately!”


Steve Bannon interviewed Seth Keshel this morning:



Anonymous said...

Merrick Garland THREATENS PRISON TIME for organizers of ‘Election Forensic Audits’


Anonymous said...

‘Federal Hate Crime To Criticize Fauci’


Anonymous said...

Sounds like Trump is running in 2024


Anonymous said...

Top Biden scientist admits — ‘Cloth masks do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING’


Mexico's President issues warning on Vaccines


Fauci admits the truth about The Vaccine


Craig said...

The channel's content is generally good (though not Christian).

Do We Live in a Brave New World? - Aldous Huxley's Warning to the World

Academy of Ideas

A world ready for servitude.

Anonymous said...

Expert Says Fauci Responsible for Hundreds of Thousands of American Deaths


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