Sunday, July 12, 2020

Signs of the time - Church Burned With People Inside: 3 Phases of Persecution


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Anonymous said...

My 7:06 post should have read 'ray' of sunshine, not 'day' of sunshine. But Christine always drops by on Sunday to bring light to our otherwise 'less bright' 'day'! 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎💡💡💡💡💡💡💡☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️🌄🌄🌄🌄🌄🌄🌩️🌩️🌩️🌤️🌤️🌤️🌤️🌤️🌤️🌤️🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Anonymous said...

At the above BIN link, scroll WAY down to find this BOMBSHELL information . . .

5g is a weapons system rollout!!!

Engineer discovers 5g hardware cicuit board labeled COV-19!!!

Scientists have produced evidence of nano-bots present in vaccines / food and Chemtrail poisoned air. These Genocide technologies could easily be designed to work together such that they lay in waiting in our bodies until hit with a certain frequency Trigger broadcast from Cell and other antenas (5G?) which could be designed to specifically excite the manmade pathogen that has been unleashed to infiltrate its way in to our bodies. Perhaps by the means of even a GOV ID 1984 TEST.

Just consider how a cell tower causes your cell phone to “ring” when the right signal is broadcast to your phone! Now consider an Oxygen atom, nano-bot or other compound being activated when it is hit by the right frequency broadcast to it from some remote antenna!

Do you remember the stories coming out of Wuhan? Were they not engaged in a massive 5G test of some 10K 5G Towers which were on the back of a vaccination program?
Video showing dramatic footage of people in Wuhan, China collapsing suddenly . . .

Anonymous said...

EXCLUSIVE: Trump may have canceled GOP convention in Florida because of threat of INDOOR drone weapon deployment with fentanyl payload from China

*This could also explain what may really be going on at the Chinese consulate in Houston!!!

Anonymous said...

Did Anthony Fauci’s promotion of dangerous research help create the COVID-19 pandemic?

Anonymous said...

Protests Erupt Across Country; Black Militia Members Accidentally Shoots Comrades In Park

RayB said...

Christine (aka Justina) said @ 4:52 AM (in part):

"I think RayB gets his notion about Jesus' body changing from Turettin. This is a gnostic idea basically."


First, I have, to the best of my recollection, never even heard of "Turettin," so getting my "notion about Jesus' body changing" from him is a gross misstatement. I get my "notion" regarding the resurrection from the Scriptures. Here it is, taken from the 15th. Chapter of 1 Corinthians:

Paul is writing extensively regarding Christ's resurrection, and ours. He emphatically states that Christ rose according to the Scriptures in verse 4 "And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:" and that he was seen by "Cephas, the twelve apostles, above five hundred brethren, then James and all the apostles." Then Paul moves on to the subject of the general resurrection, which among them, there were some that denied. Paul clearly connects Christ's own resurrection with the resurrection of all believers: verses 20 & 21: "But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead." He emphasizes again the believer's intrinsic connection to Christ's resurrection in verse 22 "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." While all that are in Adam die because of their inherited sin nature, Christ's own resurrection is the FIRST FRUITS of the resurrection of all believers.

RayB said...


Again, from 1 Corinthians Chapter 15:

42 So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption:

43 It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power:

44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.

45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.

47 The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven.

48 As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.

49 And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.

50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.

51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

When Christ came to earth, He took on human flesh. Although it was SINLESS human flesh, it was, nevertheless mortal human flesh that suffered and died because of OUR sins. Had He at that time been PHYSICALLY IMMORTAL, He would not have died physically upon the cross. He died physically because He was in a MORTAL human body, which was CHANGED into His IMMORTAL, heavenly body at the resurrection. This is exactly what believers share in ... Christ's CHANGED, resurrected, Immortal heavenly body that can NEVER DIE !

READ the verses above ... better yet, study the entire 15th. Chapter, verse by verse.

RayB said...

When it comes to images, the issue is not just regarding images of Christ, etc. It is this:

Exodus Chapter 20:

4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

NOTE: the clear prohibition is in making "ANY LIKENESS of ANY THING that is in HEAVEN above, or that is in the EARTH beneath, or that is in the WATER under the earth." This commandment is compounded by the ADDITIONAL warning of treating these images with the respect and worship that is reserved for and only deserving of God.

Christine is comes from an Eastern Orthodox background which uses images extensively, just as the RCC does. So it is not surprising at all that she will twist every which way in order to justify her church's own erroneous position.

RayB said...

One more thought in order to clarify the 1:14 PM post:

Clearly, this prohibition is related to RELIGIOUS observance and has nothing to do with SECULAR practices, as some have attempted to argue.

Anonymous said...

California Church Defies State Lockdown

The pastor and elders of a prominent evangelical church in California issued a statement on Friday explaining why they will no longer comply with the state’s mandate ordering them to refrain from in-person gatherings.

John F. MacArthur, the 81-year-old senior pastor of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, also claimed that the state had overstepped its legitimate, God-given authority. Citing Christ and the Bible as the ultimate authority over his congregation, MacArthur wrote in the lengthy blog post replete with scripture that “we cannot and will not acquiesce to a government-imposed moratorium on our weekly congregational worship or other regular corporate gatherings. Compliance would be disobedience to our Lord’s clear commands.

Anonymous said...

Ray writes: 'Look, let's quit messing around. This Plandemic, I mean, Pandemic, is extremely serious and we all need to follow our experts..'

'Forget about what he said before, you need to be like him; wear the mask, practice social distancing (and scold those that don't, even at the risk of being called a "snowflake," or worse, a "Karen"), and wash your hands.

Trustworthy Dr. Fauci leads us by his inspirational example..'

No, no. I don't forget that in March Fauci said one should not have to wear a mask because 'health care providers' will need them, only to tell us the opposite some weeks ago. The illness did not change, why did his opinion then change?

RayB, Fauci should be taken into custody and interrogated, perhaps water-boarded, because he PERMITS your tax money to be sent to laboratories in a communist nation doing who knows what. And now either by accident or intention, the lab set loose this virus, so-called. But then again, it's not the virus that is crushing our country, it is the STATES locking work down.

People have such short memories in this stupid place because they are on information OVERLOAD. Who can possibly remember two weeks ago anymore? Get rid of your f**kin phones and return to 90's technologies. It's killing this place.

Craig said...

I forgot about this until I just played this again. It’s definitely applicable today. The following is a 1978 track from avant garde/rock band Pere Ubu (yeah, I’m sure many here will not approve of the music here, but so be it). Check out the haunting lyrics, and especially the similarly haunting outro beginning at 2:40:

Pere Ubu - Chinese Radiation

He'll be the Red Guard.
She'll be the New World.
He'll wear his grey cap.
She'll wave her red book.
Then he'll tell her, I want you all ways, one way.
Then they'll sin.

Listen to me.
I was lost at sea.
She was lost with me.
Then across the broad horizon
out on the Big Waves
I saw it coming.

I saw the Red Guard.
I saw the New World.
I saw the Big Wall
out on the Big Waves.
It was an experience!

We will purify.
We must purify.
For that bright security that we all want
we will purify.
You know what I'm saying!

Here comes the Red Guard.
Here comes the New World.
Here comes the Big Wall
out on the Big Waves.
Hooray! Hooray!
We will purify.

He'll be the Red Guard.
She'll be the New World.
He'll wear his grey cap.
She'll wave her red book.


Though the point of the lyrics (and music) was as a warning, Leftists today would champion the idea.

Anonymous said...

A nation on fire.

And Barry Soetero is smiling !

Craig said...

Anon 5:22 PM,

Unless I'm wrong, it seems you mistook RayB's satirical verbiage as fact.

Craig said...

This is GREAT!


Anonymous said...


Satire is overrated. If it was, what was the purpose of his satire here?
Hey RayB, don't forget your OLD, (oxygen limiting device).

No mask, no service today
No vaccine, no service tomorrow

Mandatory vaccine = assault
Only YOU decide what's is put inside YOUR body.

Craig said...

Anon 7:04,

The link he provided at the bottom of that comment illustrated Fauci's (faux-chi) hypocrisy, in that after throwing the first pitch (I'll refrain from commenting on this portion) with mask he was later found sans mask in the stands talking to two others who were masked.

It's all about context.

Craig said...

Bet most here haven't heard about this rally, which took place today:

Demonstrators gather in Baltimore for #WalkAway Rescue America Rally

Anonymous said...

Trump and the FauciFlu — Don't call it the China Flu, call it the Fauci Flu.

I can’t find too much fault with his Trump's moves on this because I think they triangulated him. Just as we thought we were headed out of this a couple months ago, “they” appear to have re-seeded it (in conservative states, at that!) AND have further ramped their fake death count tactics. I think Trumper saw the writing on the wall (“they” designed it and have the upper hand b/c of that) so, he’s rolling with as best he can in a re-election year.)

Anonymous said...

Brookings shock.
Solana buddy Strobe Talbot the Clinton insider.
All networking to unseat Trump to finally get the global show on the road.

Anonymous said...


RayB said...

Vatican sides with Soros backed, radical leftist group in Spain in calling for "mass regularization of illegal immigrants" in Spain:

Anonymous said...

Caught. I hope a whole lot of indictments and jail time are forthcoming. Top to bottom...

paul said...

Oh Christine,
You're confused by a typo of mine?
That is truly rich.

RayB said...

Democrat Congressman Nadler: Weeks of Violent Protests in Portland ‘a Myth’

That's why we can eliminate and/or defund the police .... BLM/ATIFA violence is all just "a myth."

Watch–Doctor Dispels Coronavirus Fears: ‘99.8 Percent of People Get Through this with Little to No Progressive or Significant Disease’

But let's shut down the economy in because the "deadly effects" of the Pandemic isn't "a myth."

We are living in the Twilight Zone.

Anonymous said...

Looking back over these past 4+ months... who would have ever dreamed in a million years how EASY it was for the United States of America to be brought to its knees (without even firing a shot!)... this complete control over the masses, having us stay in our homes quivering like little bunnies... waiting for future orders and more of our rights to be taken away from us???

We truly ARE living in the Twilight Zone. By the time everyone wakes up to the real goal and agenda behind this PLANDEMIC, it will be too late!!!

Anonymous said...

Revelation 6:2

And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown (corona) was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer

Anonymous said...

Oxford University and AstraZeneca Making Coronavirus Vaccine Using Cells From Aborted Babies

paul said...

Ray B,

I've long thought of Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.
The only real myth going on is that either one of them wants anything other than the destruction of the USA.
That either one of them is capable of telling the truth is also a myth.

RayB said...

Supreme Court says Nevada can impose tighter virus limits on churches than casinos. This ruling will be used as a precedent as governments continue to move to shut down church activities by limiting attendance to minuscule numbers.

Who was it that sided with the 4 liberals?

None other than Roman Catholic, Jesuit educated Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court John Roberts.

Roberts voted to allow the State of Nevada to limit church attendance to 50 people, while casinos are able to operate at
50 PERCENT. Think about that. If a church has a 2,000 person capacity, only 50 are allowed to attend a service.

Freedom of Religion, and the freedom of assembly are rights that are guaranteed by the US Constitution, gambling is not. Yet,
the Supreme Court rules that casinos have more protected rights than do churches.

From the news account, "The majority did not explain its reasoning." Why? Because CONSTITUTIONALLY, there is no reason that can be offered.

RayB said...

Don't be duped into believing that BLM & ANTIFA are fighting against racism and police brutality. Peal away the facade and you'll see what they are really working towards ...

Why Marxist Organizations Like BLM Seek to Dismantle the "Western Nuclear Family"

NOTE: The Communist Manifesto called for the elimination of the traditional family unit along with the destruction of traditional moral values. Have you ever wondered why it is that Hollywood, the "music" industry, TV, etc., etc. puts out such trash? It's a plan folks, to weaken us morally, and yes, there really is such a thing as an international Communist conspiracy !

After the old Soviet Union fell and KGB files were opened, it was revealed that Sen. Joseph McCarthy's Committee SEVERELY underestimated Communist infiltration. Countless Communist agents had been appointed to high positions throughout the government (mainly under FDR & Truman) and had infiltrated the movie industry in Hollywood, along with the news media.
For over 50 years, liberals screamed against the charge that FDR protege` and 2nd. in command at the State Dept., Alger Hiss, was wrongly accused of being a Soviet Spy. The opened KGB files proved in fact that he was. When the story broke, "newspapers" around the country quietly reported it deep inside their papers and the entire matter was quickly dropped.

America is literally hanging on a thread. Once this country is lost, our freedoms as citizens will be gone forever.

Anonymous said...

“Nobody Needs to Die” – Frontline Doctors Storm D.C. Claiming “Thousands of Doctors” are Being Silenced on Facts and Treatments for COVID

Anonymous said...

"America's Frontline Doctors" --- fake news ---it's so obvious comrade

"AFD was founded 0n 07/16/2020 by Simone Gold with the domain registered in Toronto Canada, America’s Frontline Doctors is a website that consists of a group of doctors that report information on COVID-19 from a conservative perspective. The website lacks transparency as they do not provide an about page or disclose ownership, however, they do provide a page that lists their leadership, which does not contain an Epidemiologist, Immunologist, or Infectious Disease expert. If they do have qualified physicians and researchers on staff they are not listed on the website.

In the video of their press conference that aired on 7/27/2020, a Pediatrician and religious minister named Stella Immanuel claimed that with Hydroxychlorquine “You don’t need masks, there is a cure.” Both of these statements are false. Hydroxychloroquine is not an effective treatment/cure for Covid-19 and mask coverings are an effective way to limit transmission. According to Johns Hopkins University infectious disease expert Lisa Maragakis, M.D., M.P.H, “Face masks help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Because it’s possible to have coronavirus without showing symptoms, it is best to wear a face covering even if you think you are healthy. A mask helps contain small droplets that come out of your mouth and/or nose when you talk, sneeze or cough. If you have COVID-19 and are not showing symptoms, a face mask reduces your chance of spreading the infection to others.” Stella Immanuel has also made questionable claims in the past such as “Endometriosis is caused by people having sex in their dreams with demons and witches,” and that “alien DNA is currently used in medical treatments, and that scientists are creating a vaccine to prevent people from being religious.” She also claims that the government is run by “reptilians.”

In general, America’s Frontline Doctors lack credibility as none of the Doctors are specialized in the field of infectious diseases. Further, much of the information they present is not supported by the scientific consensus regarding Covid-19. Lastly, the group appears to be connected to the Tea Party Patriots, which is owned by the Tea Party Patriots Fund that lobbies for small government and conservative causes.

Overall, we rate America’s Frontline Doctors a quackery level pseudoscience website based on the promotion of false or misleading information regarding Coronavirus that does not align with the consensus of science. We also rate them Low for factual reporting due to a lack of transparency as well as using known pseudoscience sources to draw their conclusions. (D. Van Zandt 7/28/2020)"

For more of the backstory on this crazy lady: Simone Gold see:

Anonymous said...

Federal officers in Portland may have been PERMANENTLY blinded by rioters with lasers

RayB said...

As usual, Congressman Jim Jordan knocks it clear out of the park:

Craig said...

Anon “comrade” 1:57 PM,

You’ve managed to get three logical fallacies into one post: (a) genetic fallacy, (b) straw man fallacy, and (c) ad hominem fallacy. You’ve—that is, you and the source you use to critique Anon 1:13 AM’s post—nearly summarily dismissed the content because of the source (a), specifically because it is linked to Tea Party Patriots (yeah…and?) and includes Dr. Stella Immanuel, whom you refer to as a “crazy lady” (c). You pick the lowest hanging fruit, such as Immanuel’s ‘questionable claims’ (a, b & c). Now, I don’t disagree with the substance of some of questionable claims, at least as presented, but what does that have to do with the reason the group, “America’s Frontline Doctors”, was in DC? Do their protocols work?

The website’s “About” tab indicates that most are MDs, i.e., frontline doctors. Should we summarily dismiss their anecdotal evidence because of (a), (b), and (c)? Well, after beginning this post, running a bunch of errands, it is hours later and the website is now ‘expired’. Obviously, it was merely temporary. Does that mean we just cast the entire thing aside? I want to know more about what they presented. I did see their promotion of HCQ, zinc and Zithromax; but, there were other protocols. HCQ has proven safe for malaria and lupus, and thus has a long track record of safety. What’s the harm in trying it either prophylactically or as initial treatment?

As to the claims regarding masking, I’ll raise you and call you:

Fauci’s 60 Minutes claim that masks don’t work.

The WHO site:

Studies of influenza, influenza-like illness, and human coronaviruses provide evidence that the use of a medical mask can prevent the spread of infectious droplets from an infected person to someone else and potential contamination of the environment by these droplets.13 There is limited evidence that wearing a medical mask by healthy individuals in the households or among contacts of a sick patient, or among attendees of mass gatherings may be beneficial as a preventive measure.14-23 However, there is currently no evidence that wearing a mask (whether medical or other types) by healthy persons in the wider community setting, including universal community masking, can prevent them from infection with respiratory viruses, including COVID-19.

Note the distinction above between a “medical mask” (i.e., respirator masks) and “other types”.

Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures:

…Although mechanistic studies support the potential effect of hand hygiene or face masks, evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza…

Why would we think it would be different with CV19? Basically, the data is all over the place; there’s no ‘settled science’. Moreover, what about the adverse effects from constant mask wearing (inhaling your own CO2, not receiving enough O2, etc.)?

But, again, the important question to answer is: Do AFD's protocols work?

Anonymous said...

Trump promotes Dr. Stella Immanuel . . .

Craig said...

...And we've got the genetic fallacy and ad hominem just in the title of the article @ 10:49 PM.


Anonymous said...

Hundreds of migrants escape quarantine camps in Italy . . .

Craig said...

Here is a collage of AFD speakers regarding HCQ:

Why did both the usually respectable New England Journal of Medicine and Lancet Medical Journal publish separate studies claiming HCQ did not work only to later retract them?

Craig said...

In my suggested feed today was this NY Times article. Since I have reached my monthly limit of free readings and I refuse to buy a subscription, I cannot read it, but following is the title and blurb:

Masks May Reduce Viral Dose, Some Experts Say

People wearing face coverings will take in fewer coronavirus particles, evidence suggests, making the disease less severe.

OK, I’m not an immunologist or epidemiologist, but to me this sounds a bit like getting ‘a little pregnant’.

RayB said...

Just a couple of thoughts on "masks," etc.

I felt this way from the start, so this is not a "Johnny come lately" position.

The bulk of what I am seeing in public are of the homemade variety, which are made of standard material, either cotton or a poly/cotton blend, neither of which can adequately filter micro bacteria. Furthermore, if the mask comes in contact with bacteria, that bacteria will live on the mask for an extended amount of time (the time of which has been widely disputed). While that bacteria is on the mask, it is being ingested deep into your system with each breath that you take. All of this, along with what Craig pointed out, while limiting the amount of required oxygen due to the mask itself. Also, because many people are struggling to breathe, they end up breathing through their mouth. Mouth breathing is not the same as breathing through your nose, meaning, that the potential bacteria is entering deeper into your system than it would if you were breathing through your nose. Check into this ... I'm not making it up.

Regarding the handling of the mask itself. I have seen numerous people immediately take the mask off once they reach the parking lot, mingle it with their germ infested keys, handle with their unwashed hands, put it in their unsanitary pocket, etc., etc. With the lack of personal sanitation being practiced, what percentage of these masks do you think get washed and sterilized after daily use? Answer; very, very few.

My wife & I went to a big box store yesterday and of course masks were required. A barricaded line was created where you had to stand in line outside while being "counted." There was no temperature checking at the entrance. Sanitized carts were provided. Once inside the store, I noticed a number of customers "wearing" their mask with it not properly covering their face. One father and son had theirs hanging past their chin, thankfully there were no "Karens" that saw it, otherwise there would have been a major scene, possibly even a riot.

My wife & both refused to wear the mask but now have to in order to comply with the orders of our esteemed Governor. I said this too from the start; wearing this mask has a dehumanizing effect. People no longer say much of anything to strangers, etc.
Increasingly, we seem to be morphing into zombified robots, with all traces of our individuality being erased. And all of this happened, with very few exceptions, without so much of a whimper of protest.

Anonymous said...

Craig- I'm surprised you were unable to discern immediately that AFD is simply a political operation. The articles/links I provided went beyond the ad hominem. Sure it's the "practice" of medicine so who's to say, but over the last few months many real frontline doctors, hospitals and medical/health organizations have found this groups claims to be fallacious. Dr. Simone Gold is a doctor but she claims to have only prescribed HCQ twice to "good results" but these are not bed-ridden ICU patients because she's not on staff at any hospital right now. It's apparent she is seeking attention as a conservative pundit and trading her professional opinions for notoriety. This also isn't Ms. Gold's first political rodeo. She's been on Faux News several times this spring as a part of Trump's "Save Our Country Coalition" which, in hindsight, is partly responsible for the resurgent outbreaks and deaths across the south and west. They were wrong.

As far as Dr. Immanuel. She's definitely a misguided "minister" of a charismatic church worshipping a different Jesus than you and I. Her out-patient NON-emergency home health medical "practice" is run out of a Christian Bookstore in a strip plaza. She's hardly "front-line"; but, rather, a doctor with a prescription pad willing to write dangerous prescriptions for sick and desperate people that believe Trump knows more than the entire medical establishment. Her run-down Katy, Texas Church "Fire Ministries" comes complete with a Bethel Prayer Room. You'd never take medical advice in your real-life from this quack and her statement about 325 patients taking HCQ successfully isn't verified (once they get sick and go to the hospital and maybe die--- they aren't her "patients" anymore are they?)

But I shouldn't have to post proof. It's obviously a political hit job on its face. These people are clearly coordinating with a Trump campaign desperate to provide the remaining bunker trump deluded with talking points and cover that aren't true. Truth and honest medical opinions and advice isn't the point. They just seek to frame issues to be able to blame shift this on China, the CDC, WHO and Fauci instead of Trump. It's all BS and just so STUPID.

Anonymous said...


After that Craig, you quoted an inconclusive survey study of masks ineffectiveness published by the CDC undertaken by Chinese researchers...people you don't trust at all. Aren't the Chinese trying to kill us? Isn't Trump currently posturing for war with China?

Here's a more recent CDC Article that's pretty compelling especially when compared with stories like the 145 Covid cases linked directly to one night at Harper's Restaurant and Brew Pub in East Lansing, Michigan. This CDC article discusses the success of masking policies at a hair salon in Missouri where two covid positive hairstylists interacted with 139 persons in the salon over several days and no one else caught it.

And finally -- you're point about being a "little pregnant". I presume they are speaking about viral load. That covid is not like a sperm where if just one covid particle reaches your mucus membranes you get morbibly sick; but rather, the MORE viral-load you initially take into your mucous membranes the more likely you are to get severely sick. It's akin to a race between your immune system and factors such as the health of your immune system and the initial viral load (and as Ray said--- perhaps where that load lands) all affects the outcome of such race. A larger viral-load likely gives Covid a head start. Although Covid is itself very small, it is being "delivered" airborne in droplets MUCH larger such that most "masks" can offer some protection. Further, even if the particles were smaller than the N95 filter size, the erratic motion of particles that size and the electrostatic attraction generated by the masks themselves means they would be consistently be caught as well. Thus..facial coverings are a win even if some still get sick as masks should generally lower the initial viral load - especially if that load has to circumvent TWO "masks".

I've lost 2 friends to Covid. One just last week in Houston. Others I know that caught it describe it as the worst sickness they have ever experienced. I've been very fortunate and healthy my entire life; but, if I catch this...I hope it's a small viral load and I quickly recover and acquire any immunity without much death or suffering. Prayfully this won't be forever.

Masks also make everyone more careful about social distancing. If only there had been a federal mask mandate back in March or even April...just in case it really helped -- America might have been actually great again by now.

Anonymous said...

Lockdown-free Sweden is seeing a 'very positive' downward trend in cases, country's coronavirus expert reveals as he dismisses wearing masks on public transport as 'pointless'

Anonymous said...

During A Total Collapse, Learn the Safest Places to Live in North America

Must see video...

Craig said...

Anon 2:05/2:07 PM,

You brought discredit to your earlier post (and yourself) by your use of the logical fallacies. Though I read the media bias link, I didn’t bother going to the other two. I’m a huge UNFUN of attacking the messenger (ad hominem). Let’s discuss and counter positions, not attack people—especially for things absolutely unrelated to the topic.

That said, I don’t care if Immanuel and Gold (and in re-reading I see I have conflated the two in your post) have hyper-charismatic leanings. I don’t care if they are flat-out heretics, any more than I’d care if they were atheists, Mormons, etc. What matters here are the protocols: Do they work or don’t they?

Immanuel said she’s treated 350 (325?) CV19 patients with HCQ, zinc and Zithromax—her oldest being 92—some with what are considered comorbidities, yet all got better with this protocol and none perished. Have any subsequently regressed to the point of hospitalization and death? Given the political hot potato here, I’d think there’d be media all over this, if so. Yet all we have are emotionally-laden hypotheticals (once they get sick and go to the hospital and maybe die--- they aren't her "patients" anymore are they?).

The key to Immanuel’s treatment is early intervention and correct (small) dosage. Once in the ICU, patients’ chances of survival drop, and an entirely different protocol is required. In addition, Immanuel claims to have about 100 on HCQ prophylaxis. The problem she and the others are addressing is the CDC limiting its use by draconian measures, such as allowing pharmacists to DENY a doctor’s prescription. All due to faulty information and fear-mongering, aided by some of our politicians and media. And if this is such a dangerous treatment, wouldn’t there be calls to revoke her (and others’) license to practice? Yet, she remains so passionate about the treatment.

I recall the hysterical cries that HCQ is ‘unsafe’, generally. This despite the fact that it’s been used in the treatment of malaria for 65 years, and is currently used for Rheumatoid Arthritis and lupus. Of course, like all medicines of this sort, it should be under a doctor’s care—which is precisely what Immanuel has done.

I’m sorry you lost two friends to CV19. Perhaps an early intervention of Immanuel’s protocol would have saved them. There are other protocols in use, as well. But these are stifled by the CDC in collusion with the media and Big Tech, all in possible collusion with Big Pharma.


Craig said...


Believe what you want about “viral load”. Maybe it’s true. Maybe I’m showing my ignorance. But color me skeptical, given everything else I see/read. I’ve seen plenty of fear-mongering. My skepticism comes, in part, from what we know of how the virus replicates. It does so inside the body. From the evidence I’ve seen, it’s not as though a patient is going to be given either one or a multiple of ‘replication viruses’ (“viral load”?), but rather, once inside the body, the (singular) virus will replicate based on comorbidities and the relative strength of the patient’s immune system. Thus, I see the replication as the problem, not some presumed “load”.

The key is to halt its replication, and ventilators appear to enhance it. Increased oxygen via ventilators fuels replication. Better, to this layperson’s way of thinking, is to put the patient on something like IV vitamin C, zinc, and the like, in order to have the patient stop the replication via his/her own immune system.

Our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made by our Creator. To the extent possible, I believe we should allow our bodies to fight off bodily invaders. I think the Sweden model is the way to go, so as to achieve herd immunity. The longer we mask ourselves, the more we prolong God’s healing via immunity. Keep a healthy lifestyle: eat well, get moderate exercise, get sunlight (natural vitamin D), etc. This is the best way to stave off CV19. And if the healthy body does get it, it’s more likely to fight it off.

The young lady who cuts my hair is a full time elementary school teacher. She is READY to get back to school and teach. She has friends who have had CV19 with little to no effects. My neighbors have extended family in Mexico, and one family unit ALL got sick after a boat outing. They all recovered, though some got pretty sick. The age ranges were fairly wide.

The key to herd immunity is to allow the low-risk populations to intermingle so that the virus eventually stops spreading. This is basic immunology/epidemiology. This is what happened with SARS-Cov. And, this “novel” coronavirus is not that much different than its predecessor, which we are now pretty much immune to.

Big Pharma is doing its best to keep doctors from using available—and much cheaper—protocols, so that it can come out with a vaccine, with which to cash in (and who knows what else?). Crisis = opportunity. And many of our politicians are in on the scheme.

Anonymous said...

Before I read further --- don't take legal advice from clowns. At some point the messenger IS relevant and no one has to go through and disprove their stupid claims. They are clowns.

And when clowns are the best a desperate campaign can come up's not very persuasive. HCQ has proven to be more harmful than helpful. Masks are demonstrably working and Americans needed a strong leader - not a blame shifter that desperately seeks out fringe medical opinions to gaslight the country regarding his own failure to lead.

PLUS --- these are the same people and dark money groups that gave bad "medical" advice back in May and responsible for wasting the entire shutdown of the country when they encouraged states to open up their economies too early and the world's most stupid politicians did it.

My hypothetical of Dr. Immanuels "patients" no longer being her patients when they died is quite likely. 350 supposed patients, some even taking HCQ prophylactically is very insignificant when there is only about a 1% mortality rate for Covid this time of year (Summer when Vitiman D levels are at their highest). At least 322 orof these supposed 346 patients should have survived anyway but at these numbers if only 1 or 2 died or 5 or 6 it really doesn't say anything about the efficacy of HCQ. Absent a documented widespread "study" of 1000's simply taking her word for success with HCQ is a reach. It's not "success' yet and other widespread documented studies contradict her anecdotal experience. Plus----taking her word she's even had "success" with those 350 involves assessing her character and expertise - where she fails immensely.

Craig said...

Anon 5:17 PM,

Yet you persist with ad hominem ("clowns"). You wrote: HCQ has proven to be more harmful than helpful. Evidence of this "proof", please.

And you wrote, Masks are demonstrably working. Show me how this has definitively been demonstrated. And do you disregard the CDC link I provided earlier (which is from May, 2020) in regards to masking effectiveness? Though it was specifically in reference to influenza, why would we think it would be different for CV19? That is, logically, would we think that the results would have been 'better' if the study was CV19 instead of influenza? If so, why?

You wrote, My hypothetical of Dr. Immanuels "patients" no longer being her patients when they died is quite likely. You're just syllogisticly making it up as you go. The mortality rate is not 1% of people who've been treated with HCQ, zinc, and Zithromax--there's no such data on this specific criteria.

Come back when you have real data.

Anonymous said...

Dr Fauci tells people to wear eye shields for 'perfect' protection from coronavirus amid growing evidence particles can get into eyes - as deaths surpass 150,000 and seven states smash daily fatality records

Anonymous said...

Rioters and George Soros-funded provocateurs never seem to get Covid-19.

So, I suggest that we all sign up to RIOT in the streets... AND get paid for it!!!

Anonymous said...

First -- this Frontline Quack group claimed HCQ + Zithromax was a cure. It is certainly not a cure. It is a potential treatment which to date the studies have not been overwhelming. At Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit - they had 2541 Covid positive patients over March 10th and May 2 and experienced an overall mortality of 18.1%. 157 of the 783 patients given both HCQ + azithromycin died (20.1%) whereas "just" 162 of the 1202 patients given just HCQ died (13.5%). But these results are statistically insignificant especially considering the inclusion of more "untreated" early deaths being were used prior to more widespread "testing" a little later as greater and greater levels of survival were generally being experienced throughout the country as spring unfolded and sunshine increased vitamin D levels throughout the human herd. Still interesting that the inclusion of zitromax made the outcomes even worse. Henry Ford is currently setting up a prophylactic study of HCQ utilizing their staff and seeing if HCQ helps them avoid Covid this fall when mortality rates begin to climb again.

And here is an article explaining how more and more studies are coming in adding to the case against HCQ (it's certainly not a "cure" but it is still being studied as a treatment):

Masks ARE effective: A much more expansive survey study (than the limited Hong Kong Fuey CDC survey study you cited earlier) reviewing 162 studies regarding masks and Covid/Sars and MERS from 16 countries estimated, based upon such studies, that the transmission risk when wearing a mask drops from about 17% to 3%.

If also made social distancing estimates. Finding that distancing 3 feet reduces risk from about 12% to less than 3% and if you social distance 6 feet down to 1.5%.

So even if masks just make people more conscious of social distancing --- something I have definitely experienced myself, it still is helping.

Anonymous said...

BREAKING: YouTube de-platforms Del Bigtree’s “The Highwire” channel after his investigations questioned the rigged COVID-19 narrative of the WHO and CDC

Anonymous said...

Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Media are waging an all-out WAR against humanity, and their goal is to mass murder as many human beings as possible before they are stopped

Anonymous said...

Covid truths BANNED and CENSORED by Big Pharma

Anonymous said...

The Military, Medical, Industrial Complex

Craig said...

Anon 12:35 AM,

The statnews article you linked to references a study which merely used HCQ. It did not add the zinc and Zithromax. Might the latter two have made a difference? The dosage was also higher than Immanuel prescribes.

I also note the setting: Internet-based trial across the United States and Canada (40 states and 3 provinces). “Internet-based”, eh? And this one statement causes me pause: Medication adverse effects occurred in 43% (92 of 212) of participants receiving hydroxychloroquine versus 22% (46 of 211) receiving placebo (P < 0.001). Wow, adverse reactions in almost half! This drug is clearly unsafe! But why has it been proven safe for the treatment of malaria (65 years), RA, and lupus? It’s all so confusing!

Where’s the link to your definitive mask study? Here’s the thing, it’s virtually impossible, if not impossible, to provide an A-B comparison of mask in/effectiveness. How can you possibly account for all the variables in some sort of double-blind? (Were active CV19 infections present or not? Were ‘asymptomatic spreaders’ present or not? To what extent did people engage with others? Etc…)

Yes, masks are so effective that Faux-chi himself wore one in his (embarrassing) first pitch at the Washington Nationals’ season opener, as RayB showed in an earlier comment:

Anthony Fauci to Throw First Pitch for Washington Nationals’ Season Opener

But what’s that we see later? A photograph showing Faux-chi with his mask under his chain, while flanked by two people in the stands as he talks to them (these others are masked)?

In any case, this whole mask thing sure has evolved. First it was only for healthcare providers caring for CV19 patients. Then a distinction was made between N-95 masks and ‘others’. The ‘others’ are only effective for other people, not the wearer. If you don’t wear an ‘others’ mask you simply have no regard for anyone else’s health! Now it’s also protection for the wearer. And it should be augmented with a windshield.

I know that when I must wear the mask, I’m constantly fiddling with it. And so are others. And should we think all are consistently practicing ‘proper mask hygiene’? Of course not, and this can bring about other, unrelated health issues.

I will say this. In places where masks are not mandatory, when I see another wearing a mask I steer clear of him/her, out of respect for their fears. Also, I don’t wish ‘Karen’ to glare at me or scold me. In places where masks are mandatory, I don’t always see antisocial distancing practiced. In fact, that was the point of masks: to wear them where the 6’ antisocial distancing was near-impossible.

At the end of the day you will believe what you want to believe. But one should ask oneself why individual doctors (MDs) would risk their personal and professional reputations as AFD did. And we should all ask why these and other healthcare workers that questioned the narrative were silenced. Their claims may not all be true, but should we think they are all false? Shouldn’t they be heard and properly critiqued?

Oh, and Orange Man Bad, of course.

Craig said...

Relatedly, the CDC, FDA, etc. mostly refuse to acknowledge benefits of natural products. For this reason, vitamins, herbs, and the like usually must publish some sort of disclaimer. The most innocuous I’ve seen is exemplified on my Nature’s Way brand Nettle Leaf capsules, “…If pregnant, nursing or taking any medications consult a healthcare professional before use.” That’s good advice, anyway. Now, I can tell you, from my experience, it has been effective for mitigating occasional sinus drainage and congestion.

But, most carry stronger verbiage, such as my Walgreen’s brand Zinc Lozenges:


The asterisk is linked to two separate statements:

- May help reduce the duration of common cold symptoms*
- Homeopathic*

But anecdotal studies sure do seem to confirm zinc’s effectiveness in, and its safe use for, reducing the duration of colds. And directly under the name of the product (Zinc Lozenges), it reads: ZINC GLUCONICUM 2X / COLD RELIEF. So, it’s “COLD RELIEF”, but it only “may help reduce” duration of cold symptoms, yet it “HAS NOT BEEN DEMONSTRATED TO BE SAFE OR EFFECTIVE TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, PREVENT, MITIGATE OR CURE ANY CONDITION OR DISEASE”.

Let me get this straight. Walgreens can make a product that “may help” with cold symptoms, but it “HAS NOT BEEN DEMONSTRATED TO BE SAFE OR EFFECTIVE TO…TREAT” them. Sounds like this product is potentially unsafe and possibly ineffective. Better to trust Big Pharma, amirite? Can I get a witness?

But why can’t homeopathic remedies by subjected to double-blind studies? Well, theoretically, they can be, but ya can’t make any money from any positive results! And least not BIG money.

Anonymous said...

From today's Drudge Report . . .

Mask Fatigue: Some North Texas Workers Claim Headaches, Shortness Of Breath And Anxiety

Anonymous said...

Scotland - UK - developing story to watch!

SNP's new hate crime law could lead to prosecution simply for owning a BIBLE warn priests

CATHOLIC BISHOPS have raised concerns that possessing the Bible could become an offence under proposed new hate crime legislation.

Full story -

~ K ~

RayB said...

Very informative ...

Heated Vaccine Debate - Kennedy Jr. vs Dershowitz

NOTE: In case you are wondering what is wrong with RFK jr.'s voice; RFK jr. has Spasmodic Dysphonia, which Is a neurological disorder that affects the voice box.

Anonymous said...

Must see video: Glenn Beck's interview with Dr. Simone Gold, founder of America's Frontline Doctors

Glenn Beck: Doctor Exposes the REAL Reason Why the Media, Left HATE Hydroxychloroquine to Treat COVID-19!


American life has fallen casualty to a massive disinformation campaign. We can speculate on how this has happened, and why it has continued, but the purpose of the inaugural White Coat Summit is to empower Americans to stop living in fear.

If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease.

Press Conference:



Craig said...

Anon 8:02 AM,

It may have proved a bit more helpful had you included this from the link you provided:

If your only source was the mainstream media, you might think hydroxychloroquine is an extremely dangerous drug. But ER Doctor Simone Gold speaks to Glenn, and she sets the record straight: not only is it a noncontroversial drug that’s commonly used around the world, but it could even be bought over the counter in some countries (like France). So why, then, did that all change when President Trump spoke about its potential use in the fight against COVID-19? Why did France remove it from its shelves? And WHY did the media begin praising another drug — Remdesivir — when early trials didn’t show immense promise? [Dr. Simone] Gold answers all these questions, and more.

Glenn Beck …You may leave this disagreeing with [Gold]. But, what is more important than allowing voices to be heard


In light of much of what I’ve been witnessing of late, I wrote this short blog post:

Consider the Source

Craig said...

Consider the Source

RayB said...

For those that are still under the delusion that our Government isn't tremendously corrupt, and, that there are not rampant "conspiracies" designed to enhance, and, cover-up this wide spread corruption, one only needs to look into the Epstein/Maxwell child prostitution cases.

Here is just the tip of the iceberg .... the US Justice Department and the FBI knew what was going on with Epstein FOR YEARS, and did virtually NOTHING:

Here Are The Top Highlights From Ghislaine Maxwell's Unsealed Court Records

Craig said...

Talking Heads - Don't worry about the government

[For my humor-impaired and lyric-misunderstanding readers, consider the words as sarcasm.]

I see the clouds that move across the sky
I see the wind that moves the clouds away
It moves the clouds over by the building
I pick the building that I want to live in

I smell the pine trees and the peaches in the woods
I see the pine cones that fall by the highway
That's the highway that goes to the building
I pick the building that I want to live in

It's over there, it's over there
My building has every convenience
It's gonna make life easy for me
It's gonna be easy to get things done
I will relax alone with my loved ones

Loved ones, loved ones visit the building,
take the highway, park and come up and see me
I'll be working, working but if you come visit
I'll put down what I'm doing, my friends are important

Don't you worry 'bout me
I wouldn't worry about me
Don't you worry 'bout me
Don't you worry 'bout me

I see the states, across this big nation
I see the laws made in Washington, D.C.
I think of the ones I consider my favorites
I think of the people that are working for me

Some civil servants are just like my loved ones
They work so hard and they try to be strong
I'm a lucky guy to live in my building
They own the buildings to help them along

It's over there, it's over there
My building has every convenience
It's gonna make life easy for me
It's gonna be easy to get things done
I will relax along with my loved ones

Loved ones, loved ones visit the building
Take the highway, park and come up and see me
I'll be working, working but if you come visit
I'll put down what I'm doing, my friends are important

I wouldn't worry 'bout
I wouldn't worry about me
Don't you worry 'bout me
Don't you worry 'bout ME..

Anonymous said...

I believe that I am exactly where I am supposed to be... and that my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will lead me (according to His will) down the right path and show me the way.

Even if it leads to the end of my life on this earth... it will just be the beginning of my next life... eternity in Heaven!!!

None of us (who have faith) should be 'worried' about anything!!!

Anonymous said...

FULL INTERVIEW: Houston-area doctor in viral video touting hydroxychloroquine as virus cure doubles down on claims


Houston-area doctor in viral video claiming there’s a cure for COVID-19 tells her side of the story

Anonymous said...


I don't think Simone Gold has a professional reputation at risk. She's a pundit presenting political, not medical, information. If Clinton was President, she wouldn't be there OR she'd be saying claiming Hillary should be in prison due to her responsibility for the likely 5,000 Covid American deaths thus far.

Whereas Dr. Immanuel -- she BELIEVES she's right. Her crusade differs but is still, I believe, misguided. After more in-depth study I will concede, to some unknown extent she MAY be right. Just as I truly believe Vitamin D deficiency is one of the largest or the largest morbidity factors she is set on HCQ as a "cure".

I may have figured out why they are being silenced and it makes a boat-load more sense than it's the MSM doing it because Trump supported it or big pharma wants to sell other medicines. The problem may be entirely a supply issue. There is currently only enough HCQ to provide the medicine to the people that need it for their current medical conditions (lupus & rheumatoid arthritis) AND any and all excess beyond that has gone to the hospitals to treat and evaluate the effectiveness on the most in need Covid+ persons presented. In other words, the government is rationing HCQ.

I also read that this fall, Henry Ford Hospital will commence a widespread evaluation/study of the benefit of HCQ use prophylactically by their medical staff. To me this correlates perfectly with a timeline of a worldwide expansion of the production of HCQ. While I do not currently believe HCQ alone is going to prove to be the "cure", it's limited effectiveness in the hospital treating critically ill patients may be exponentially overcome by studies where they first give the drug to Covid+ as homebound outpatients (w/a z-pack and zinc and vitamins) upon diagnosis (which will only be more effective once they have accurate and immediate testing so every person with a cold or other illness doesn't required such treatment). Then they may roll out more blanket prophylactic use by medical personnel, emergency personnel, then at-risk populations and then, perhaps, broader populations as both the effectiveness is measured AND the necessary availability is achieved. could show Trump and Dr. Immanuel to be correct but, in doing so, still reveal their quackery. Bunker Trump's premature declaration @HCQ was a mistake. It created a rush in the marketplace and threatened existing stockpiles of HCQ while also risking US access to foreign-made HCQ (as other nations necessarily consider the needs of their populations). We also can't have every general doctor around the US/world deciding to prescribe HCQ for all their patients prophylactically right now despite the fact it MAY actually protect their patients to some degree because by doing so, in larger and larger numbers would suck up all existing and soon to come on board available HCQ such that some actually Covid+ patients won't be able to obtain it themselves, not to mention all the others that need it.

Anonymous said...


I found a March journal article discussing supply. Prior to Covid the world produced about 300 tons of HCQ and the US utilized about 100 tons of that. To treat about 6.5 million Covid+ Americans annually (we've already had 4,700,000 US cases) we'd need 40 Tons more HCQ while at the same time the rest of the world would need about 500 tons more HCQ to treat maybe 80,000,000 cases. That's nearly tripling production. However, when you expand that in an attempt to prophylactically treat just 1,560,000 of the world's 7,800,000,000 population it would require 10,000 tons more HCQ or 33 times the current production levels. Although that is not is certainly a supply-side problem that would require internationally coordinated and concerted effort (not a Trump administration strong suit).

In the end...the Government MAY necessarily be lying about its potential broad effectiveness. Dr. Immanuel's 350 person undocumented trial aside, it makes no difference because there isn't enough HCQ to treat the desperate Covid+ needs at this time and, quite certainly, if the government came out admitting they are correct or PROBABLY correct to some extent -- human nature being what it is -- would create a run on HCQ. People would start hoarding it.

Thus – it's not a conspircay but, rather, our government and the medical establishment obfuscating by necessity.

Craig said...

Anon 6:05/06 PM,

You must not have heard the Dr. Gold was just fired.

Anonymous said...

Fired by who???? Her condo association??

Here's a picture of the address she lists as her office:,+Los+Angeles,+CA+90024/@34.0633756,-118.4311379,3a,75y,279.39h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2RKyFbNdCmu9eF1CftrwYg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x80c2bc78f3b1aa6d:0xc1204b2bb8030152!8m2!3d34.06341!4d-118.4314844

A bunch of hospitals disclaimed affiliation. Her website claims she's related to Adventist Health Bakersfield (a 1 hour and 45 minute drive from her office/condo/home) --- sure????

Lin Wood got nothing for Sandman and is a Qanon devotee. He is only a threat because he is a publicity hound. The rights new Gloria Allred. What's an Atlanta attorney gonna do in Los Angeles, CA???

Craig said...

Dr. Simone Gold on Tucker Carlson 7-30-2020

Anonymous said...

Yeah...I saw that video. Still unclear WHO fired her?

My best guess is there is some hospital out there she had a loose association with that withdrew her privileges out of embarrassment.

She's going a long way around trying to create the inference that is/was ACTUALLY a frontline worker in this COVID situation versus a political opportunist.

Anonymous said...

The last days of 'Babylon The Great':

Seattle Moves To Replace 'Racist' Police With "Trauma - Informed, Gender - Affirming, Anti - Racist Organizations"

Anonymous said...

"Seattle Moves To Replace 'Racist' Police With "Trauma - Informed, Gender - Affirming, Anti - Racist Organizations"

Seattle is not America. Neither is Portland or NYC. Let them burn. What do we care? Just don't come to other areas in between or they will learn a violence they have never seen before.

Anonymous said...

If this Covid is so lethal as they portray it to be, why is there no requirement or instruction on how to dispose and handle the mask? Should not the mask be labelled as a biohazard? I have seen masks on the pavement sidewalks, on the floors in parking lots for cars, etc.

I think it's a three pronged attack to bring America down.

1. covid was created HERE and set loose in China to make it appear China set it loose
2. Floyd was set up to start the riots
3. lockdowns were set up to destroy the economy

YOU are all under ASSAULT! America is the last stone in the path to world government.

Anonymous said...

"on the pavement sidewalks" - as opposed to grassy or gravel sidewalks?

"parking lots for cars" - as opposed to parking lots for water buffalo?

Go back to your rice paddy.

America is under certainly under ASSUALT -- from foreign disinformation agents and bots [as well as the tea party and pope but that's another story].

Coronavirus is way too weak a virus to have been purposefully dropped on society. Why the need to even go with a new virus at all when something like Ebola could be stolen and spread around Wuhan or New York City and create much more panic, fear and unrest than this one. It certainly sucks but people are generally somewhat ok with losing older and generally less healthy persons versus kids dying and bleeding out in the streets. As a biological weapon -- Covid would get a solid C primarily for it's inciduously slow economic impact it's having. But it's not like some evil group of monsters were like "let's go with covid so we don't kill that many people".

Anonymous said...

""on the pavement sidewalks" - as opposed to grassy or gravel sidewalks?

"parking lots for cars" - as opposed to parking lots for water buffalo?

Go back to your rice paddy."

You're a dozey little pr*ck, aren't you?

"Coronavirus is way too weak a virus to have been purposefully dropped on society."

Weak compared to past plagues, yes. But it's done a bang up scary job on scaring the hell out of people and killing off plenty of old folk.

"America is under certainly under ASSUALT -- from foreign disinformation agents and bots"

You need more life experience before you come on here with this tripe.
Back to your mum's attic, now.

Craig said...

As They Turn To Burning Bibles, Portland Rioters Show Their True Colors

While rioters previously attacked federal buildings, businesses, and even officers, this weekend, they found a new target: Bibles.

A video posted to Twitter on Saturday shows rioters holding Black Lives Matter signs tossing Bibles into a fire. Bystanders stood and watched as the flames licked away at the pages of the books.

“Left-wing activists bring a stack of Bibles to burn in front of the federal courthouse in Portland,” wrote the Twitter user, Ian Cheong, who posted the video.

Later in the Twitter thread, Cheong pointed out that the violent and chaotic nature of these protestors is not correlated with “protesting against police brutality.”

“I don’t know what burning the Bible has to do with protesting against police brutality. Do not be under the illusion that these protests and riots are anything but an attempt to dismantle all of Western Civilization and upend centuries of tradition and freedom of religion,” he continued.

Donald Trump Jr. also commented on the video criticizing it as an escalation of Antifa.

“Now we move to the book burning phase. I’m pretty sure ANTIFA doesn’t actually stand for what they say it stands for. Maybe just remove the anti part of [their] name and it’s perfect,” he wrote.

Other Twitter users acknowledged that burning Bibles confirms what many have thought all along about the riots.

“There is a purpose to this. The protesters are signaling they will dismantle and replace our whole entire narrative,” tweeted another user.

The Portland riots have been raging since George Floyd’s death in early May, even before “the ramped-up federal presence.” While many have claimed that these riots are “largely peaceful,” “gunfire, arson, stabbings, and other violence followed rioters” well through Saturday morning.

Anonymous said...


Are governments preparing for a global financial reset?

Anonymous said...

August 1, 2020


Austin Police warns public to brace for terror attacks and mass shootings as Communist takeover of downtown kicks off

Craig said...

Interesting contrasts here:

PICTURED: Armed BLM protester shot dead alongside his quadruple amputee fiancee during Austin march by motorist who drove into crowd and opened fire compared to:

Austin Police Release Driver Who Shot And Killed Antifa Protester Garrett Foster – Photo Allegedly Shows That Foster Was Pointing His AK-47 At The Driver

Craig said...

Setting aside a few unnecessary vulgarities, Maher's message here about obesity is spot-on:

New Rule: The Quarantine 15 | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Craig said...

From one month ago:

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Treats Covid-19 With Hydroxychloroquine & Zinc - Dose Of Dr. Drew

Craig said...

From the video above:

"Why is science getting encumbered with politics? It's gonna kill people if we're not careful." - Dr. Drew @ 16:03

"So, people are not dying from Covid-19 anymore; they're dying 'death by politics'." - Dr. Zelenko

Craig said...

A young Black woman offers a very interesting perspective, one at odds with the current narrative in race relations in history and in our current socio-political climate. The author’s name is Morgan Jerkins. This reminds me of the Bill Withers song “Use Me”, and its later cover by Grace Jones, in which it takes on a completely different meaning. Both sexes have used the other for their own advantages.

Following is a portion from a recent interview (bold added):

“Because it doesn’t fit the narrative. I’m not going to speak for everybody. I’m going to speak for me. When I was growing up, this was the narrative of Black history: Our ancestors were captured somewhere near the coast of West Africa. They were brought over the Atlantic to the docks of southern Colonies and then they were emancipated — reconstruction, Harlem Renaissance, civil rights era, Obama. That’s it. I was not taught at any time in my life that there were Black slave owners. I was not taught that anyone other than white people participated in the plantation economy. I was not taught that there were free Black people, free people of color prior to Lincoln.

“I think it bothered people for that reason because Beyoncé’s Creole. When people say Creole people only think, Oh they light-skinned bougie people. They don’t want to be Black, they think they better than Black people. And it’s like yeah, that’s true. I’m sure that’s true, but at the same time, according to Louisiana history prior to them even becoming a part of the United States, Creole was a particular distinction and it was a particular status aside from Black people. That’s just the truth.

“On the one hand, I think other people were upset because she’s hinging her ancestry on whiteness, and I get that. That’s very valid. I think another part of it is we’re not comfortable talking about the sexual lives of enslaved Black women. There are scholars that do it. I’m going to shout them out because I used them in the book: Treva B. Lindsey, Jessica Marie Johnson, wonderful scholars. But we are not comfortable as a whole discussing enslaved Black women’s sexual lives, because automatically we think if sex happened it was rape. My question is — and granted I’m not there yet because again, I’m uncomfortable — but is that always so?

I understand the risk because if you start talking about enslaved Black women having the ability sometimes to choose — and I’m going to take it a step further, having the ability to pleasure and mixing that with survival — you might have some bad faith white people that are like, Okay so it wasn’t all that bad.

“I understand the risk of that. But for me, in my research after going to Louisiana and talking to these people, I’m like, Did they ever get to choose? And is it wrong for me to ask that question? It was complicated. I’m never going to know, but I feel like it would be wrong for us as curious Black people to just be like, No, no she was a rape victim.

“I don’t want to believe that enslaved Black women never experienced pleasure. I don’t want to believe that.”

Anonymous said...

CIA Fabricated Russiagate "Evidence", Says Former NSA Tech Chief

Anonymous said...


The Bible burning incident looks faked or staged to me.

Ian Miles Cheong is a pro-trump activist that lives in Malaysia.

Then see here on a youtube Ruptly (Russian Media) video how an apparent American Flag burning incident is mash-up with completely different group that burned a bible (maybe two but I don't see a "stack" of bibles???). On close inspection, the bible burning groups certainly looks completely staged, the background chanting sounds dubbed and they appear to me to likely be foreigners. (I'm linking to the area of the video where it transitions and more footage of this group is found)

Another clue is it appears Ian Cheong only posted an 8-second clip whereas if this was what it claims to be, a broader video with multiple angles would tell an even better visual story and be more compelling. Maybe he did and maybe there is more but I didn't see it on a cursory search.

I could be wrong and I find bible burning (no matter where it occurs), just as offensive as you but a couple of white guys out on the streets somewhere building a small fire, burning a bible while holding a BLM sign can't really fairly be attributable to an entire movement. BLM may be misguided politically in many aspects and extreme at the leadership level but such can be no more attributed to the majority of the peaceful protesters at the individual level than Trump's Army inciting violence in Portland or his blasphemous and dominionist (heretical) use of the bible as a "name it and claim it" prop in front of St. John's Church in Washington D.C. can be attributed to you and me as proper Bible Christians.

Craig said...

Anon 1:52 PM,

Bible burning would not be inconsistent with the beliefs of either BLM or Antifa, both of which have White members. And whether or not Cheong is a pro-Trump "activist" is quite beside the point (again, if you haven't already, you should read my brief "Consider the Source" blog post). Is it faked/staged? Who knows for sure. Like most of what we see.

You wrote: ...Trump's Army inciting violence in Portland....

Don't look now. Your bias is showing.

Anonymous said...


5G Whistleblower: Coronavirus Test Spreading Virus! You Cannot Catch the Coronavirus / Covid-19 Unless You Take the Covid-19 Test or the Covid-19 Vaccines!

How 5G poisons cells in the body... which tries to 'fight' that radiation by excreting that poison through the nose and the mouth... which then produces a virus.

How 5G (which is 10 times more powerful than 4G) is connected with the Internet of Things... and ultimately the A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) goal and agenda.


(Proof that we are being LIED to by the lamestream media every single day!!!)

Anonymous said...

Russia has not had a 5G roll out in their country... AND they have no coronavirus deaths!!!

Anonymous said...

Big Pharma achieves total legal immunity for coronavirus vaccines; even as vaccine injections will be FORCED onto billions of people, potentially killing tens of millions

Craig said...

Love this! Rockford, IL police arrest individuals (primarily for mob action). HOWEVER, the also posted were arrest photos and descriptions of their related offenses. I'm not sure, but the primary speaker (Black woman) appears to be the DA for Winnebago County:

Rockford Police announce charges against protesters arrested Friday, Saturday

Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...

Craig, you are talking monophysite heresy.

The ousia or substance of Jesus' divinity most definitely is NOT the same substance as that of His humanity. Nestorius as most heretics do confused nature or substance with person, you are doing the same, and developed a position that was two persons being Christ instead of two natures. The monophysites (looks like you are one yourself) did the same in the opposite direction, confusing the two natures into one compound hybrid whatnot nature. Such is neither fully divine nor fully human.


"Christine is comes from an Eastern Orthodox background which uses images extensively, just as the RCC does. So it is not surprising at all that she will twist every which way in order to justify her church's own erroneous position."

WRONG I come from a generic protestant background at one time highly anti RC. I even beieved a lot of Hislop's slop. After some years of study on my own, I converted formally to Eastern ORthodoxy in April 15, AD 2008 Baptismal name Justina.

There is NOTHING in that Scripture you quote that says Jesus body changed except to become immortal and indestructible as we will, but still physical and each still recognizeable as him or herself. The other scripture refs that some didn't recognize Jesus ALSO says their eyes were held, they were supernaturally prevented from recognizing Him for a while.

the issue is this change visibly and substantially different. Paul talking of a spiritual body is like comparing a model T to a ferrari, or the plains indian calling a horse a "medicine dog." super dog. Could do all a dog could and more.

Immortal is not indestructible, immortal = you don't die on your own, indestructible = you can't be killed. The new bodies will be both indepstructible and immortal but PHYSICAL we won't just be haunts.

The RC and Orthodox did vernacular translations a classic example being the Latin version when everyone spoke Latin. It only became the language of scholars much later as local dialects altered the once universal language throughout europe of latin. transubstantiation or rather some similar transformation is real. sacraments are valid papacy is a presumptuous fraud, the mass or Holy Liturgy is real. you can find biblical basis for these if you aren't reading Scripture through a delusional grid shaped by your teachers. Luther actually retained recognition of the real presence of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist and veneration of Mary. Calvin took it farther. Wycliff in denying the transformation brought the wrath of the church and secular authorities on him, it wasn't for translating Scripture. Huss and/or Wycliffe got trouble not because of translation but because of soe mistranslation and denial of the real presence of the Body and Blood of Christ is the Eucharist.

Despite the misunderstanding of many prots, some RC even a few Orthodox Jesus is not re sacrificed on the altar, His ONE TIME sacrifice is re - presented, wht is actually sacrificed is bread and wine, and this is returned to us as His Body and Blood. never mind how. This is a mystery beyond the understand of the finite mind. Jesus DID NOT SAY IT WAS METAPHORICAL or explain it away when people were angered by this, or when He said it, unlike other things that WERE analogies, parables, metaphors.

MASKS - "protect" is only with a hazmat suit and separate air sourcoe. CDC doc saying masks don't protect also said EMT and medical people need them don't hog them all yourselves. It is the difference between a water PROOF watch you can scuba dive with, and a water RESISTANT watch that only be in water a little while and not too deep.

Craig said...


You wrote: The ousia or substance of Jesus' divinity most definitely is NOT the same substance as that of His humanity.

I never said nor intimated anything of the sort. I'm quite familiar with Eutychianism, aka monophysitism, and steer clear of it.

But nice attempt at dodging the issue.

Christ's Divine ousia is inseparable from His Divine-human 'Person'. Thus, there is no valid defense to making any sort of image of God, i.e., Jesus, aka, YHWH/God in flesh. None. Therefore, we cannot make any image of Jesus. It's as simple as that.

Craig said...


You wrote (snippet): wht is actually sacrificed is bread and wine, and this is returned to us as His Body and Blood. never mind how. This is a mystery beyond the understand of the finite mind.

Yeah, “never mind how”. It’s just a ‘mystery beyond understanding’.

Continuing your words:

Jesus DID NOT SAY IT WAS METAPHORICAL or explain it away when people were angered by this, or when He said it, unlike other things that WERE analogies, parables, metaphors.

Jesus also didn’t say that gouging out your right eye or cutting off your right hand was hyperbole, either. Or are we to take that literally?

There’s a very simple understanding for the Bread of Life Discourse in John 6. Jesus is describing Himself as the Paschal Lamb that is to be metaphorically eaten and whose blood we metaphorically drink, i.e., to be believed upon for His atoning sacrifice. Why do I say this with such confidence? Because, this is to thereby fulfill Exodus 12. And this is precisely why John’s Gospel portrays Jesus as dying on Preparation Day (of the Passover). We symbolically drink Jesus’ blood (Exodus 12:7: blood on sides and tops of doorframes, i.e. the vertical and horizontal posts of the CROSS) and eat His flesh (the Lamb’s flesh in Exodus 12 = Jesus’ flesh) in remembrance of His atoning sacrifice. Recall that Jesus’ legs were not broken, either (Exo 12:46). Why do you think Jesus was given hyssop (Exodus 12:22)?

None of this magical hocus-pocus, presto-chango, pagan transubstantiation thingee.

If more Christians of ALL persuasions would invest time in our Jewish roots and in NT historical background, we would come to realize we’ve got a LOT of things wrong.

Anonymous said...

"If more Christians of ALL persuasions would invest time in our Jewish roots and in NT historical background, we would come to realize we’ve got a LOT of things wrong."

Yes. God is consistent, while He steps up revelation to a higher level or fulfills and/or obsoletes things from His written inspired Word (not traditions but actual canon of Scripture), often from a literal to symbolic higher spiritual meaning (that might be yet to happen), or a symbolic meaning to literal fulfillment, that may even have dual revelation or fulfilling to an instance, all this at His discretion. And some things will just have to wait till eternity...
Is more than the finite human mind can understand as God continues to reveal His nature and His ways to fulfill what He has spoken. Staying with Scripture, waiting for God's timing, and not leaning on our own understanding, is His wisdom to show us that we need to walk by faith and not by sight.
The Lord is worthy of our trust in the knowns and the unknowns, and at all times.
Now we all see through a glass darkly, but then in the face to Face, we will know and know perfectly.

Craig said...

I’ve become so frustrated with all this Christian factionalism.

Regarding John 6, if Jesus is speaking literally, but He cannot mean literal cannibalism, how are we to make sense of the passage so as to follow His instructions in a literal fashion? Apparently some Hellenistic Greek, semi-literate in the Tanakh (“Old Testament”), decided to semi-literalize Jesus’ words: ‘Well, ya see, they’re not really literal, but kinda so; so, we’ll construct a mystical kinda-sorta literal doctrine.’ (Anyway, it’s not as if individuals could literally eat His flesh and drink His blood after the Resurrection!) Returning to seriousness, I just cannot fathom how anyone can interpret this in any kind of literal manner.

Maybe I’m having a bad moment, but I’m to the point where I care not if adherents to this or that version of Christianity become offended. Though some “Protestants” think Come out of her my people refers to the Roman church, I’m more inclined to think it’s much broader, to include ALL or most all “ecclesiastical” structures. I put “ecclesiastical” in quotes, for the root word is the Greek ekklēsia, which, at root, means “assemblage of people”. Thus, it refers to people, NOT institutions. In Matthew 16:18, this is the last word in the verse, and it means “assembly” or “congregation”. Unconvinced? Look up the term in your favorite online Greek study tool and see that it is used in Acts 19:32, 39, & 40. There it is translated “assembly”; whereas, everywhere else the anachronistic “church” is the usual translation.

Yesterday, after going to David Alan Black’s blog, I was led to write a short post titled Independent Thoughts. It’s basically a call for individuals to assess their own beliefs and to become more faithful worshipers. I sent it to a friend of mine—one who is fairly congnizant of the current socio-political climate. Though formerly in some sort of cult (I forget which), he became a Christian, attending non-denominational ‘churches’, yet converted to Roman Catholicism a few years ago. In response to my post he wrote, “To be Catholic, Philippians 2:2.” Knowing that each of us knew the other’s basic beliefs, I sincerely assumed he meant the more ecumenical “catholic” (lower case “c”). But, he didn’t. That, frankly, ticked me off.

Thinking for a bit, I asked him the following—which I pose here for consideration. For background, most scholars believe John the Revelator to have written the Book of Revelation late in the first century. Given this, If Roman Catholicism (or EO) is the one true “church”, I wonder why Jesus didn’t instruct each ekklēsia in Rev 2 & 3 to simply heed the words of the Vicar (Bishop/”Pope” of Rome or Bishop of Alexandria, Antioch, Constantinople, etc. whatever) whom He (supposedly) appointed as His spokesman, His earthly representative over the entirety of Christendom.

Each of our ‘church’ institutions has issues. Take the Southern Baptists, e.g. They have in their history condoning and promoting slavery, because it’s ‘in the Bible’. Well, yeah, it’s mentioned in Scripture, but it hardly promotes it, it hardly advocates the lording/mastering over a slave as something ‘Christians’ had some sort of right to. It’s quite the opposite, in fact.

Then there’s the issue of Scripture. Which text? The Latin? The Greek Textus Receptus? The Greek “Critical Text”—but then, which “Critical Text” exactly? Do we choose one in order to exclude the others, because ‘God has preserved His [exact] words’? Can you imagine if there really WERE just one text, one actual written document we were all to share? Can you imagine the Bibliolaters fighting: “It’s mine!” “No, it’s mine!” We’d have to get Solomon to suggest chopping it into pieces to divide it up.

The true ekklēsia is the invisible ekklēsia, not the visible institutional “church”—whatever the ‘flavor’.

RayB said...

BLM applies the very same shakedown techniques that have been practiced against businesses by the MAFIA, and the "reverends" Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Read all about it here:

Shakedown: BLM Demands Cut of Louisville Business Profits for Protection

PS: ALL businesses have been suffering due to mandates implemented by Federal, State and local governments. Now, along with all of that, add BLM/ANTIFA and the "peaceful protestors" to the mix. How on earth can small businesses survive in this environment?

RayB said...

Is this what is next on the BLM agenda for those businesses that refuse to comply with their social mandates?

April 1, 1933, SA members standing outside of a Jewish-owned store in Berlin during the boycott against Jewish businesses ...

PS: Notice in the photograph the two SA officers standing in front of the Jewish business. The clear message was "shop here at your own peril." The Nazis identified businesses with signs indicating that they were Jewish owned. Many of these businesses were vandalized and ulitimately destroyed in a very similar manner that we witnessed during our own "peaceful protests." Small businesses, typically owned by middle class entrepreneurs, represents the essence of true capitalism.

Crushing the middle class is always the primary goal of totalitarians. America's small business community is being literally destroyed via forced shut downs and severe controls implemented by our totalitarian politicians under the guise of COVID 19. While big corporations and banks receive bailouts, small businesses are offered loans that must be paid back, loans that are extremely difficult to get in the first place.

Keep in mind, this is happening on a world wide basis. IMO, we are very close to seeing the elitist dream of a One World Government coming to fruition. What's left of the capitalist economies must be destroyed. After the economic collapse, all of which will be blamed on capitalism, the global managed economy will be created. If you are an advocate of Climate Change, this will be your dream come true, but it won't last. All those extra, useless eaters (as in billions) that have "carbon footprints" are going to be eliminated. Bad news is this; when totalitarians gain power, useful idiot liberals are always the first to get the bullet to the back of the head.

Anonymous said...

It was all planned long ago RayB. We largely became a nation of lazy, fat, dumbed down citizens. We let subversion happen continually, on every watch. We were pacified by hope of living the American Dream. We trusted Walter Cronkite, and Dan Rather, etc. We saw Doctors as god-like (Dr Kildare, Ben Casey etc etc). And of course our political fervor replaced our need to trust in our Creator. After all, our leaders truly do care about our happiness, and well being!? Not to mention the media lies, and brain washing, the corupt, murderous,intelligence agencies, the public schools(indoctrination centers). This is the bottom of the ninth inning, the 'Nationals' are at bat, and down by one run, two outs, no balls, and two strikes on the left handed hitter, who is blind in his right eye. We are going to wiff, and Babylon will fall. The first seal is open, and now, world wide violence increases daily. Our Lord will return soon, and He has a wrecking bar to destroy this corrupt system, clear the debris, and His Kingdom will stand forever!

Anonymous said...

Singapore to make travellers wear electronic tags to enforce quarantine

Anonymous said...

The coronavirus VACCINE is the “final solution” depopulation weapon against humanity; globalists hope to convince BILLIONS of people to commit “suicide-via-vaccine”

Anonymous said...

YouTube supports FAKE studies that have been retracted, but censors REAL studies about hydroxychloroquine

Anonymous said...

NEVER FORGET: Swine flu vaccine rushed to market ended up paralyzing 500 Americans – Will the same or worse happen with the extremely rushed covid-19 jabs?


Anonymous said...

Sean Hannity's "Live Free Or Die" tops Amazon with first book in 10 years

Anonymous said...

I've worn Alexa-enabled glasses for two weeks. They're driving me bananas.

What do you call it when there's a little voice in your head only you can hear? A hallucination?

Amazon calls it progress. I've been living with its latest talking artificial intelligence product, called the Echo Frames, for two weeks. They're glasses with tiny speakers and a microphone so you can have your own private conversations with Amazon's Alexa virtual assistant everywhere you go.

This new version of Alexa is much more proactive about chatting - and it has driven me bananas. "WashPost," chirped my glasses over my morning coffee to let me know about a news alert. "Outlook," Alexa said minutes later, interrupting a real conversation with an offer to read my latest email. All day long, Alexa whispers notifications from apps into my ear: "Slack." "Battery is at 20 percent." "Outlook." And more "Outlook."

After two weeks with the $180 Echo Frames, I can report that you have to really love Alexa to want to wear it on your face. But the Frames offer a fascinating view of the state of the art in virtual assistants - and perhaps also the state of our dystopia. They're one of Amazon's first true "hearables": wearable tech designed for hearing information, rather than seeing it.

Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos owns The Washington Post, but I review all tech with the same critical eye.

To be clear, there's no image projected inside the lenses of the Frames, as was the case with Google Glass. The Frames are Amazon's audio-only baby step into the weird, possibly world-changing niche of face computers. Apple, Microsoft and all the big tech companies are also working on smart glasses.


Craig said...

Another church burned. Arson?

Another Church Burned!

Dr. Taylor Marshall

Craig said...

Christine (and all),

Here’s more regarding the Bread of Life Discourse of John 6.

In reading through F. F. Bruce’s Hard Sayings of Jesus (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 1983), I came to his sourcing of Augustine. There are two, the first of which comes from On Christian Doctrine 3.16, in which the ‘Church Father’ (“Doctor” of RCC) acknowledges that it cannot be literal, “it is therefore a figure, bidding us communicate in the sufferings of our Lord, and secretly and profitably treasure in our hearts the fact that his flesh was crucified and pierced for us” (Bruce, p 24).

In Homilies on John 26.1, Augustine writes the pithy epigram Crede et manducasti, “Believe, and you have eaten” (Bruce, p 24).

Craig said...

I love this guy's humor!


Craig said...

Important and informative message by Andy Ngo, Prof. Jonathan Turley, and Kyle Shideler. But, of course, we can count on Rep Hirono to come up with some idiocy, this time a straw man and a red herring:

Andy Ngo Speaks at Congress About Antifa

RayB said...

The "Eucharist" is the quintessential doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church. Without it, the Mass becomes unnecessary, as does the office of the Priest.

By eating the flesh of Christ via the Eucharist, Catholics believe that this act is "receiving Christ." Their "Christ" must be continued to be received in this manner via WEEKLY Mass throughout their lifetime, in order to remain in a "state of grace." The Eucharist is so essential, that, to miss Mass , puts the Catholic in Mortal sin. If they die before this mortal sin is confessed and forgiven by a Priest, a Catholic is sent to Hell for all of eternity.

In the very same chapter in which the RCC bases their claim that the Eucharist is the LITERAL body and blood of Christ, they ignore what Christ Himself said regarding this subject:

"It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life."
John 6:63

Christ is clearly saying here that he was speaking figuratively regarding His reference to the eating of the His flesh and blood.

Anonymous said...

Catholics also teach that redemption comes through the ongoing sacrifice of the Eucharist. “Every time this mystery is celebrated, the work of our redemption is carried on” (CCC, para. 1405). This heretical practice/belief/tradition certainly denies the testimony of Scripture. When Jesus… "Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us." Hebrews 9:12 KJV

Anonymous said...

John 6:53-57 Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA)

53 The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying: How can this man give us his flesh to eat?

54 Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say unto you: Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you.

55 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day.

56 For my flesh is meat indeed: and my blood is drink indeed.

57 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him.


Why Catholics receiving the Holy Eucharist is not cannibalism. We are RECEIVING THE LIVING CHRIST, WHOLE AND ENTIRE, BODY, BLOOD, SOUL AND DIVINITY (... and not the dead flesh of a dead human being).

RayB said...

The verse that Catholics love to ignore ...

"It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life."
John 6:63

RayB said...

Hebrews 10:10-14

10 By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

11 And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins:

12 But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;

13 From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.

14 For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.

Anonymous said...

What RayB continues to IGNORE . . .

Like I have explained in the past... your 'debate' is NOT with me (an average devout traditional Catholic out of 1.2 BILLION Catholics worldwide). Your argument is with Jesus Christ HIMSELF. When you die, IF you are lucky to get past St. Peter at the gate, you can ask Jesus ALL of these questions. I would suggest that you check your pride and arrogance 'at the door' first though. One thing is absolutely certain... you WILL be getting answers!!!

Anonymous said...

Craig said: "Important and informative message by Andy Ngo, Prof. Jonathan Turley, and Kyle Shideler. But, of course, we can count on Rep Hirono to come up with some idiocy, this time a straw man and a red herring:"

Homosexual and alt-right activist pretending to be merely an innocent journalist attacked by an Antifa crowd, Andy Ngo, Turley and Shideler all also provided idiocy, straw men and red herrings. They basically painted anyone opposed to Trump as communists and Antifa. This appears staged by Ted Cruz of Opus Dei in their continuing effort to entice Christians into supporting their ecumenical one-world religion Roman Catholic agenda.

As far as Rep Hirono. Aren't her opinions and statements just a valid and worthy of consideration as the others?

Glenn Beck once said: You may leave this disagreeing with [Hirono]. But, what is more important than allowing voices to be heard.

A friend of mine penned this wonderful article that may help with your future discernment when evaluating speakers.

Craig said...

Anon 11:39 AM,

As regards Ngo:

A) you imply his homosexuality--which he openly admits--has some sort of bearing on the truthfulness of his testimony. Please explain.

B) please define "alt-right"

C) did you see video of his unprovoked attack perpetrated by a mob identifying itself as "Antifa"? I did. I've been watching Ngo's material for a while.

RayB said...

What really is the Sacrifice of the Mass?

The Council of Trent declared:

"The Sacrifice is identical with the sacrifice of the cross, inasmuch as Jesus Christ is priest and victim both. The only difference lies in the manner of the offering, which is bloody upon the cross and bloodless on our altars."

The Council of Trent also declared, in no uncertain terms, that "justification" with God is something that must be earned, and that justification is an ongoing process. In order to remain in a "state of grace," the teachings of RC must be strictly believed and obeyed, otherwise, the believer is no longer in a "state of grace," but rather, has lost his/her grace and has entered into a graceless state of Mortal Sin. The Council also declared that no one can be secure in the knowledge that they ARE "saved," and that anyone that holds to such a view are cursed with an anathema.

RayB said...

The Council of Trent vs the Scriptures:

John 10:27-29 - My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

John 6:37 - All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.

John 10:28 - And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand.

John 5:24 - Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 17:1-4 - These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that they Son also may glorify thee: As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.

Romans 11:29 - For the gifts and calling of God [are] without repentance.

Jude 1:24 - Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present [you] faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,

1 John 5:13 - These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

2 Corinthians 1:22 - Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.

Romans 8:38-39 - For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Ephesians 2:8,9 - For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: It is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Philippians 1:6 - Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform [it] until the day of Jesus Christ:

Anonymous said...

It never ceased to amaze me . . .

With real problems in the world (e.g. pandemics and 5G technology capable of destroying mankind)... there are a couple of you who WASTE SO MUCH TIME and energy on petty attacks on Catholics (ad nauseum).

Memo to Protestant Evangelicals: The definition of 'insanity' is repeating the same behavior... and expecting a different outcome.

You are NEVER going to change our minds about what we believe... so, do yourselves a favor and accept the things you can NOT change... and the wisdom to know the difference.

Anonymous said...

Andy Ngo is a well-known right-wing homo-nationalistic troll.

Undercover in Patriot Prayer

Homosexuals, like adulterers (Trump, Reagan, McCain, Gingrich) and drug addicts (Limbaugh) are unrepentant reprobates that have chosen sin as a lifestyle. By definition, they are men of ill-repute and untrustworthy.

Alt-Right: a right-wing, primarily online political movement or grouping based in the U.S. whose members reject mainstream conservative politics and espouse extremist beliefs and policies typically centered on ideas of white nationalism"

Homonationalism: The relationships and associations between queerness and Islamophobic nationalism. It is a crossroad between US nationalism, queer sexual politics and the desire for "homonormativity". In essence supporting, adopting and promoting these supposed "patriotic" nationalistic movements helps the homosexual individual feel more accepted by the broader more conservative population.

It's not a new phenomenon. The Irish were hated, until they joined all the natives in hating the Greek/Italians, who battled for acceptance until the Polish, who suffered indignation until Mexicans, Puerto Ricans and Slavs could replace them and that all disliked homosexuals, Jews and blacks. But now that all the minorities have been somewhat normalized ( except for Muslims and homosexuals - homosexuals naturally have to be the most outspoken haters of the Muslims if they want acceptance in the greater culture.

In other words...there is a long history of marginalized groups rising only by stepping upon or replacing themselves with another MORE marginalized group. This is one reason I don't fear Antifa - they are merely a reactionary group devoid of any centralized philosophy (much like "Occupy Wallstreet"). I know Marxism/Communism is wrong and destructive but I don't fear it here in the US because it'll never happen here; however, there is a whole lot more to fear from a white nationalist backlash. The "patriotic" "religious freedom" conservative right controls the money, the guns and most of the territory in this country and they are the ones really being manipulated into FEELING like they are now a "marginalized group" --- that, consequently, and inevitably will have to "step upon and marginalize "others" to reclaim their feelings of superiority and illusion of safety. The FAR-left is way wrong and bad --- but nowhere equivalent to and as dangerous and violent as Alt-right (what is becoming the center right).

Anonymous said...

You said: "Memo to Protestant Evangelicals: The definition of 'insanity' is repeating the same behavior... and expecting a different outcome."

That is incorrect. Insane people don't EXPECT anything -- they're insane.

You may THINK our cult-deprogramming efforts to assist God with "saving" Roman Catholics is a waste of time however, I have personally witnessed His remarkable grace as he's freed several of my friends and neighbors from her and granted them repentance.

We'll keep a light on for you.

Anonymous said...

You said: "With real problems in the world (e.g. pandemics and 5G technology capable of destroying mankind)... there are a couple of you who WASTE SO MUCH TIME and energy on petty attacks on Catholics (ad nauseum)."

Since roman catholics don't know the bible:

"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." Mathew 10:28 KJV

Us "protestors" are much more concerned with your salvation and deliverance from the roman catholic church than 5G and other bogus conspiracy theories. The only conspiracy is the conspiracy of Satan that keeps you and countless others in bondage with Rome.

Anonymous said...

To RayB & any Anonymous 'Hater':

Here is a news flash for you, from a few of us Catholic 'regulars' on this blog... the sun doesn't rise and set on your Protestant Evangelical viewpoints / beliefs. Please get over yourselves!!!

You are so full of hubris... and seem to enjoy basking in your own 'cloud of hot air'... typing away (or copying & pasting) to an audience of one (yourself). Most of us either condense or skip over your lengthy diatribes entirely.

A few of you are far removed from the definition of what a real 'CHRISTIAN' should be: "Love thy neighbor as thyself" (no love coming from you, only contempt for others.)

The ones who urgently need 'saving'... are those of you who are so filled with HATE!!!

It is so very sad that your arrogance keeps you from seeing yourselves as others see you.

'Judge not lest ye be judged'... or be prepared to suffer the consequences!!!

Anonymous said...

I got a question about the rapture and the beheadings of Christians in the last 3.5 years.

If there is a rapture, then how does antichrist have Christians beheaded by the hundred million even though they were pre-trib raptured. ? Pardon me, I'm ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Pre-trib is a false teaching

Anonymous said...

6:26 PM

Why would you think that anyone has been 'pre-tib raptured' yet?

Anonymous said...

"If there is a rapture, then how does antichrist have Christians beheaded by the hundred million even though they were pre-trib raptured. ? Pardon me, I'm ignorant."

I haven't personally made up my mind about end-times theology. My best guess if that happens is the vast majority of the multitudes of post-trib Christian Saints will be born-again former Roman Catholics and Jews. I've got some wonderful Jewish and Roman Catholic friends that I love very much so I like to imagine that they will survive and get a another shot at salvation. The Anti-Christ Pope of the New One World Roman Catholic Church won't make the same mistake again and tolerate these new anti-fascist and divisive "protestants" ------> the "Good News" will be called "fake news" and if they refuse to renounce Jesus Christ and stand stead-fast in their faith, they will end up beheaded.

Craig said...

Ngo on Laura Ingraham:

Andy Ngo: Democrats won't condemn antifa violence

On 4 Aug. 2020, Andy Ngo spoke with Laura Ingraham about his senate testimony about antifa.

Ingraham is as appalled as I was with Hirono's pathetic response to Ngo's testimony.

Craig said...

What was in the cup in the following?


20:22 But Jesus answered, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink?” They said to Him, “We are able.” 23 He said to them, “My cup you shall drink; but to sit on My right and on My left, this is not Mine to give, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by My Father.”

26:39 And He went a little beyond them, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will.”


10:38 But Jesus said to them, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?” 39 They said to Him, “We are able.” And Jesus said to them, “The cup that I drink you shall drink; and you shall be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized.

14:36 And He was saying, “Abba! Father! All things are possible for You; remove this cup from Me; yet not what I will, but what You will.”


18:11 So Jesus said to Peter, “Put the sword into the sheath; the cup which the Father has given Me, shall I not drink it?”

What Was in the Cup? | Paul Washer | Shepherds Conference 2016

RayB said...

To Anonymous @ 4:13 PM ...

Just a clarification regarding some of the points that you made in your post.

I am not speaking for the "Anonymous" person that your referred to, but only for myself.

I do not consider myself a "Protestant/Evangelical," nor would I agree with much of the "Evangelical" beliefs and viewpoints, particularly when it comes to systematic theology such as Soteriology (doctrinal beliefs regarding salvation), and, their standard views on Eschatology (doctrinal beliefs of the end times & pre-millenialism). Dispensationalism is also a vast system of beliefs that is predominately believed by Evangelicals, a system that I completely reject. In short, in no sense of the word am I an Evangelical. I have not been shy about stating, on multiple occasions here, when the opportunity arrises, why I reject much of what they believe as being "un-Biblical."

The term "Protestant" is also a term that I reject, and was one that the Reformers also rejected. Why? Because Christianity based upon the Scriptures did NOT begin as a "protest" in the 16th. Century, it existed from the very beginning in the 1st. Century, as evidenced by the Epistles. Scripture Believers of course also existed in the Old Testament as well and are referred to in multiple places in the OT as the "remnant."

It may come as a surprise to you when I say that my purpose for posting here is not to "save" anyone. That is God's work that He accomplishes through His Sovereign will, using His Word, and is the work of the Holy Spirit. Man cannot "save" anyone. The Christian's duty is to faithfully declare His truth through His Word. The rest is left to God.

I'm sorry that you are offended when I point out the actual teachings of Roman Catholicism, much of which most Catholics are not aware of. My intent is not to attack any person here on a personal basis, but rather, to challenge them to examine what they profess to believe and compare those beliefs with what God's Word declares. What the hierarchy of ALL religions teach should be fearfully examined in light of the only true standard, God's Word. When Jehovah Witnesses come to my door, it is not THEY that I am opposed to, but rather, what they have been taught by their hierarchy.

All religious belief systems profess a "belief" in God's Word. By making such claims, they are to be held to the standard by which they profess to base their belief systems upon. This is exactly what Paul and the Apostles did, as evidenced by their Epistles. Christians are not exempt from this responsibility either, as Jude states in verse 3: "I ... exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints."

Declaring the truth always makes enemies. Christ, came not as a "uniter,' but as a "divider" ( "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:" Luke 12:51). The truth He declared was hated and rejected because men loved darkness rather than the light (John 3:19). Declaring the truth is precisely why the O.T. prophets were killed, why the Jewish hierarchy hated Christ, Paul, Peter, why Bible Believers were tortured and burned at the stake for 600 years during the European Inquisition.

"If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you."

"If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." words spoken by Jesus - John 15:18,19

Anonymous said...

FILII + 53
DEI +501
= 666

Anonymous said...

" The Anti-Christ Pope of the New One World Roman Catholic Church won't make the same mistake again and tolerate these new anti-fascist and divisive "protestants" ------>"

Do you really believe the POPE will be the Anti-Christ?! No way.

The traditional and rabbinical Jewry will never accept a Catholic pope and declare him as the long-awaited Moschiach. This is if we still assume that the Anti-Christ claims to be the Messiah of the Jews. Some people think he will not necessarily claim that.
I suspect the Noahide laws will play a part, though not completely.

I don't even see the Pope playing the role of a false messenger or false prophet. The Malachi prophet nonsense of Peter the Roman being some kind of messenger is not believable. The Jews wait for Elijah to turn up to herald the Messiah, and he must also be a Jew. They even put a place at the table every Passover for him, some opening their front door at night to let him in. They will indeed open the door to the wrong man. The real Elijah will turn up with Moses later on.

Anonymous said...


FACT: Protestants did 'protest' against the Catholic Church... whether it be Martin Luther,
King Henry VIII, etc. Your are ALL 'protesters' or derived from protesters... no matter what you decide to 'call' yourself in the year 2020.

The sooner you accept this FACT that you can not change, the better... no matter how many 'words' you post on a blog to attempt to convince yourself otherwise.

Anonymous said...


Re: "I'm sorry that you are offended when I point out the actual teachings of Roman Catholicism, much of which most Catholics are not aware of. My intent is not to attack any person here on a personal basis, but rather, to challenge them to examine what they profess to believe and compare those beliefs with what God's Word declares."


1) The only thing that I am 'offended' by is your absolute ignorance and hubris!!!

2) Which 'God's WORD'??? You have so many Protestant VERSIONS of the Bible that you Protestants can't even AGREE among yourselves... and you don't even realize how you contradict and MOCK the actual original WORDS of Jesus every single day.

3) The TRUTH has no 'versions'... and the fact that you continue to wallow in your own delusion is pathetic.

You need to get down on your knees and beg forgiveness from God for the ERROR of your ways.

We Catholics KNOW that Jesus Christ created our Catholic Church... and we don't need to DEFEND our faith to you or anyone else on this blog.

But, YOU and others WILL have to explain your constant attacks on Jesus Christ's Catholic Church on Judgement Day. I feel only pity for you.

Craig said...

Anon 2:47 AM,

I wish to query you strictly on your 2): Which 'God's WORD'???

Implicit in the entirety of your statement 2) is that the RCC has one fixed Bible. Which one? Is it:

-- St. Jerome’s 4th century Latin (claimed to be taken from the best Greek manuscripts—those available to him, at least)? If this is the case, what was in use as the official Bible before Jerome?

-- The Douay-Rheims 1582/1610—the English translation of Jerome’s Latin?

-- The Douay-Rheims 1899 revision of the 1582/1610?

-- The NAB, which takes its text from Jerome’s Latin, but updating portions of the Latin (using textual criticism) via recently unearthed Greek manuscripts, etc.

-- The NAB(RE), which is a revision of the NAB?

-- Or is it the newest Latin text, the newest portions translated from some of the recently unearthed Greek manuscripts (via textual criticism), etc. that underlies the NAB/NAB(RE)?

Anonymous said...

To Craig:

We Catholics use the Douay-Rheims 1899 revision of the 1582/1610.

In your ego-tripping attempt to play 'gotcha' (you should go to work for CNN and MSNBC)... you are missing the entire point of my argument. (No surprise here.)

You Protestants have so MANY MANY MANY versions of the Bible that passages contradict each other (no wonder you have to have 'bible study' every week!). When words are added or subtracted or re-interpreted... the entire meaning of the ACTUAL words spoken by Jesus up through 33 AD gets CHANGED... and THEN becomes ERROR!!!

You Protestants arrogantly 'decide' you don't like 'thees' and 'thous' and 'shants'... and you Protestants DARE to 'decide' to INTERPRET what YOU THINK that Jesus MEANT by 'the rock' and Peter's role, etc. (Jesus did not speak in riddles... He was very direct.)

The HUBRIS just goes on and on . . .

Anonymous said...

11:07 AM

We Catholics?

So all Catholics read, and sound, and dialogue like you?
No diversity of thought, or openness, at all?
If you think others are sounding self-righteous and full of hubris, then you should step back and read your own posts, with an objective view, and see you are outing yourself.
You play the "us against them" game as good as any, so you are not standing on higher ground.

Craig said...

Anon 11:07 AM,

Implied in your comment is that Catholics do not read and use the NAB(RE). I know of Catholics who do use the NAB(RE), so you cannot be speaking for all Catholics. This illustrates that your earlier comment, which implied supposed RCC uniformity in the Scriptures, is clearly not the case. Thus, I’ve refuted your point.

Moreover, in your response to me your tone and your attempt at ad hominem (and false analogy) are not, shall we say, ‘very becoming’.

In any event, having illustrated you are incorrect regarding a one-version-only RCC Bible, let me show you just one of a number of examples in which there are some substantial differences between just these two versions, specifically in John 1:18:

No man hath seen God at any time: the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. (Douay-Rheims 1899)

No one has ever seen God. The only Son, God, who is at the Father’s side, has revealed him. (NABRE)

See here for the two versions side-by-side.

Oh, and though you will likely continue to protest the following, I’m not protesting, and I’m not a “Protestant”. I’ve stated this on numerous occasions.

Anonymous said...

We TRADITIONAL Catholics ARE united... and remain very CONFIDENT in the knowledge of a very important TRUTH and FACT... that Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ started our Catholic Church back in 33 AD and made Peter the first Pope... and that the uninterrupted line of popes from Peter to the current Francis PROVES that our church of 1.2 BILLION people has survived... and will continue to survive until the end of time... in spite of any and all attempts of radical New Agers to infiltrate the Catholic Church (as well as infiltrate YOUR Protestant churches).

(We have the PROMISE of Jesus Himself: "The gates of hell shall NOT prevail against it." AMEN)

Anonymous said...

You ARE a Protestant... and you ARE a 'protester' (LOL)

RayB said...

Anon @ 11:40 AM ...

IMO, you make a very valid point. From childhood on, I've known literally hundreds of Catholics in my lifetime. There is no such thing as a "we Catholics" as in a united group of people. As I stated before, most Catholics don't even know what their Church actually teaches. Typically, if they attend Mass at all (the majority do not), they do so out of habit because that is the way that they were brought up.

I have known Catholics (even in my own family) that hadn't attended Mass for years, lived profane lives, etc. and yet, when they died, sure enough, they were granted a "Mass of Christian Burial." I've attended these funerals. Every single time, the Priest talks about the deceased as if they were a devout Catholic that are now in heaven ... (they NEVER mention Purgatory), but then ... they utter prayers for their soul which they just proclaimed to be in heaven ! So, they are in "heaven," which denies Catholic teaching, then their souls are prayed for ... talk about a confusing, chaotic message.

Aside from religious discussions, I've also entered into countless political discussions with Catholics, many of which argue FOR the "pro-choice" position. In fact, virtually ALL Catholic politicians that are members of the Democrat Party are outwardly "pro-abortion." Many of the laity vote that way as well, as evidenced by the fact that they voted overwhelmingly for the pro-abortion candidate Bill Clinton in both of his Presidential elections. Obama, the most pro-abortion, pro-homosexual candidate in USA history, also won the majority of Catholic votes in his two elections. Catholics also voted in a majority for Hillary Clinton in 2016. None of this comes as a surprise to me, as most of the Catholics that I have talked with and have known express views that are quite liberal.

Within the Church itself (i.e. "we Catholics"), there is a very large contingency of both the laity and the hierarchy that supports the LGBTQ+ agenda as well. This support is rampant in the Vatican itself and goes all the way to Pope Francis, as evidenced by his consistent support for, and, appointments of, pro-LGBTQ+ Bishops, Cardinals, etc. An outspoken critic of this movement, along with the priest/pedophilia scandals and subsequent lies and coverups, is Archbishop Vigano. To this very day, Archbishop Vigano, a man of conscience, remains in hiding out of fear for his life !

The Catholic Church is very, very far from being monolithic. It is extremely diverse, with "members," more often than not, denying large amounts of the doctrines and dogmas of the very church that they profess to believe in, and yet, they still call themselves "Catholic." Statistics prove that the vast majority of "Catholics" do not even attend weekly Mass, rarely, if ever, go to confession, etc. which means this; the vast majority are living outside of a State of Grace and are, in fact, living in Mortal Sin. According to what their church teaches, when Catholics die in Mortal Sin, in spite of what the "priest" declares at their funeral, they do not go to heaven, they go directly to Hell for all of eternity. How many of "we Catholics" are even aware of that?

Craig said...

Anon 1:07 PM (and 11:07 AM, etc.),

Are you identifying yourself as a Catholic Traditionist.

Craig said...

Adding onto 1:18 PM,

...If so, which flavor? Sedavacantist? Do you reject Vatican II?

Anonymous said...

Yes, there IS such as thing as 'WE' Catholics. YOU are just upset because Protestants are NOT united about anything. (Awww... don't cry.)

Just because you knew some wayward or lukewarm Catholics. So what... and your point is???

I am a traditional Catholic... but, I am not happy with Vatican II. (I am more of a Pre-Vatican II conservative Catholic.)

However, I take comfort in the fact that God is still very much in charge and in control, as He sees 'the big picture'... and that's really ALL we need to know.

I would gladly give up my life here on Earth for my faith. How many Protestants can say that and mean it???

If a few of you spent as much time and energy (over the past 15 years) trying to straighten out all of your many Protestant sects (and MANY conflicting versions of the bible)... instead of attacking Catholics 'for sport' (entertainment)... this world would be a better place!!!

You just keep stepping on your own air hose. LOL

Anonymous said...

I have known many Protestants who have led 'profane' lives (multiple marriages, abortions, never attending church, etc.). What does that prove??? That ALL Protestants are 'bad'???

Enough with your weak and ridiculous arguments . . .

Anonymous said...

Also, God will be dealing DIRECTLY with anyone (Catholic or Protestant) who supports abortion or homosexuality... which are SINS against God's laws / commandments.

We can only PRAY that, before they take their last breath, they will repent and ask for forgiveness.

That's why God has commanded ALL of us: "Judge not lest ye be judged."

Anonymous said...

Harris Faulkner is Laura Ingraham with a suntan!

RayB said...

Anonymous said @ 2:58 PM ....

"We can only PRAY that, before they take their last breath, they will repent and ask for forgiveness."

NOTE: Is God mandated to answer such a "last breath" request "for forgiveness"?

What does His Word say?

Proverbs 1:24-33

24 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;

25 But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:

26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;

27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.

28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:

29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord:

30 They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.

31 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.

32 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.

33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.

RayB said...

Anonymous @ 2:58 PM said:

"That's why God has commanded ALL of us: "Judge not lest ye be judged."


Are you saying that we cannot make a judgment AGAINST homosexuality or abortion, or, against those that support such abominations?

What exactly are you saying?

Anonymous said...

I am saying that GOD is our final judge and jury. That is not our 'job' (or role) here on this earth... to sit back and pass judgment on other individuals or groups.

Evidently, the thought of minding your own business cramps your style, RayB... but that's exactly what we should all be doing... minding our own business!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear 1:08 PM,

The very long list of abuses of the RCC were cataloged way back when, so there was much to protest about it. There is no sense trying to pretend that all away.
Turning a blind eye to systemic sustained grievances starting with the the Vatican especially, is why there are many Catholics who are nominal only, because they don't know how to get out of the system, yet they are continuing to be hurt by it.
I have numerous friends and family that fit this description.
Same for some who have been hurt by abuses in other denominations.
The Lord will clean house, it's coming. Persecution is the way that happens and the Church everywhere it is found, is going to have to be cleansed. Some are already going through this and the results of that brand of suffering, that turn hearts back to Jesus in wholehearted love, trust, repentance and obedience, please God.
The Bible says judgment begins in the house of the Lord.

Anonymous said...

6:12 PM

No one is 'trying to pretend' anything away, you self righteous hyprocrite!!!

Open your eyes... sexual abuse is happening EVERYWHERE. And if you think that it's not happening in your very OWN Protestant Churches... you are completely delusional. It is happening in the schools, in the home, in the Boy Scouts, in the military, in the Amish Community. Satan knows that his time is growing shorter.

Look in the mirror and remove that spec from your own eye.

There is plenty of 'abuse' to go around --right here on this so-called 'christian' blog!!!

Anonymous said...

Also, the 'persecution' that is coming is the beheading of all of the members of TRADITIONAL religions of the 'old age'... which will include Protestants, Catholics and Jews... to make way for a ONE WORLD RELIGION.

Beheading should be very quick... and I am more than ready to spend eternal life with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Heaven.

Anonymous said...

My 6:12 comment included this:
"Same for some who have been hurt by abuses in other denominations."

The whole point went right over your head.
My statement was inclusive.
(My gosh, with knee jerks like that how do you walk?)

Why don't you get a grip? I called that out about other denominations too---but you did not even note that, you just slam others because you want to keep playing your us v them game.

A goodwill ambassador for your Catholic denomination you are not..
You seem to lack goodwill period.
So have a cow about it.
You have a good start on a herd.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I have plenty of 'goodwill' in my heart... for those who are TRUE Christians.

What is very revealing to me are those of you who go out of your way to distance yourselves from your Protestant roots. Maybe you want to align yourselves with, and eventually join, that New Age One World Religion that will persecute the traditional 'old age' religions?

Anonymous said...

"Same for some who have been hurt by abuses in other denominations.
The Lord will clean house, it's coming. Persecution is the way that happens and the Church everywhere it is found, is going to have to be cleansed. Some are already going through this and the results of that brand of suffering, that turn hearts back to Jesus in wholehearted love, trust, repentance and obedience, please God.
The Bible says judgment begins in the house of the Lord."

I am sure that means the Lord knows how to clean and sort everything, not you.
I distanced nothing, I embrace all the church history, the good, the bad, and the ugly and there is nothing new under the sun. God knows how to call out sinners from anywhere, everywhere to Himself.

7:54 PM You found nothing relatable to my statement @ 6:12 PM? You should have appreciated that I was speaking of the Church, what God calls His church, and I said from everywhere, an inclusive statement, but you hammer your RCC on everyone else, as the only true church and the rest of us as derelicts so you are playing an exclusive game of us v them.
Sorry, but that is not goodwill.
Am I to discern that according to your statement you have no goodwill except only for those who are churched by your church?

One more question: light of all you scream in CAPS about, and call hypocrites, are you one of those who will be doing lots of persecuting of others who do not believe that same as you?

Anonymous said...

No, I will be one of the ones who will actually be persecuted... kind of like what has been happening for the past 15 years towards my Catholic friends on this blog!!!

And, after knowing some of you... I am actually looking forward to the beheading. LOL

Anonymous said...

8:52 PM

comparing yourself to those who really are persecuted?


poor you.

Anonymous said...

10:26 PM

No, 'poor YOU'... posing as a christian.

Anonymous said...

^Interesting how the 'judge not' tends to boomerang^

Anonymous said...

interesting how the truth hurts so bad yet your denial and your own judging is in flaming display 11:14 PM

RayB said...

Anonymous states @ 5:53 PM:

"I am saying that GOD is our final judge and jury. That is not our 'job' (or role) here on this earth... to sit back and pass judgment on other individuals or groups."

"Evidently, the thought of minding your own business cramps your style, RayB... but that's exactly what we should all be doing... minding our own business!!!"

NOTE: No one here is claiming to be the "final judge and jury." However, God does want His people to exercise wise judgment and descernment based upon His Word. Here are just a few examples:

"A man that is an heretic after the first and second admonition reject;"

"Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself." - Titus 3:10,11

NOTE: You can't conclude a man/woman is a heretic without making a "judgment" that is based solely upon the Scriptures.

What "judge not, lest ye be judged" really means ,,, from Scripture:

"Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things." - Romans 2:1

NOTE: Obviously, if you are guilty yourself of a particular sin and you "judge" another that is guilty of the same exact sin, you are a hypocrite and are condemning yourself even further because you are guilty yourself of the same sin. God hates hypocrites, as evidenced by the numerous times Christ referred to the religious rulers of His day as "hypocrites."

"Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." - John 7:24

NOTE: Judgment is to be exercised in righteousness, without hypocrisy, and is not to be based upon the inconclusive evidence that "appearance" only offers.

Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, wrote the following broad "judgment" regarding who would NOT "inherit the kingdom of God":

"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,"

"Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." - I Corinthians 6:9,10

NOTE: This is just a very small sampling on the subject. Judgment and discernment is taught throughout the Scriptures in both the O. T. and N. T.

Anonymous said...

"NOTE: Judgment is to be exercised in righteousness, without hypocrisy, and is not to be based upon the inconclusive evidence that "appearance" only offers."

Is that what 11:14 Pm can't or won't get a handle on?
Sure looks like it by the snarling posts.
Judging others using the standard as themselves is a no-no. Jesus Christ is the standard by which all feet should be held to the fire, only He can be truly righteous and fair but He does give us the discernment for that to do it correctly based on God's Word, if we use Him as the standard for ourselves first, and then others actions too, but when you are so "righteous" in your own eyes as that poster is the whole concept as Jesus taught is thrown out and their own unrighteous standard replaces His. God sees the motives in the truest form and technically we can only go by our own or others actions or non-actions.
Shameful way to read the Scripture with one's own (blind) interpretation as 11:14 PM repeatedly does, but claims to have "goodwill"..
..Well, not so much..

Anonymous said...

Well, it is equally 'SHAMEFUL' how a FEW so-called 'Christians' on this blog have spent so many countless hours over the past 15 years going after Catholics... for their own 'sport' and entertainment.

FYI: Constance NEVER set her website up to be a 'Protestant blog'. Whenever, she shows support for Catholics... you go after HER too!!! You have never accepted the FACT that New Age infiltration is happening in ALL of the churches (both Catholic and Protestant). You continue to live in your 'Ivory Tower' mentality, smugly setting yourselves 'above it all'... as if you were OUR 'judge and jury' (absolutely laughable!)... condemning us to hell.

Meanwhile, I KNOW that my relationship with Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is a good one... and that I am going to be spending eternity in Heaven with God and His angels.

Christ's greatest commandment is to "Love thy neighbor as thyself"... but a few of you have failed miserably in that department.

When a traditional, conservative Catholic (like me) finally decides 'enough is enough' and DARES to fight back against the bullies on this blog... your ARROGANCE and HUBRIS just goes into over-drive.

I continue to pray for you though.

RayB said...

Anonymous @ 3:02 PM said (in part) ... also note the violation of Anon's "judge not" edict:

"Christ's greatest commandment is to "Love thy neighbor as thyself"... but a few of you have failed miserably in that department."

NOTE: What does the Bible say regarding the "greatest commandment" ?

Matthew 22:36-40

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Anonymous said...

Well, 3:02 PM,
The problem is you make it about being Catholic, period.
When it was recently pointed out that the problems are throughout the Church, everywhere, all the denominations, you alone felt victimized, you scream and rant even more. Why are you making it about your pet issues, your pet religious leanings you are extra but needlessly defensive about? The Lord's body is bigger, is broader, than your myopic, very subjective, view of it.

This is why you miss the whole understanding to begin with and that is a sad, and quite judgmental of you.
So much for you having a heart that recognizes others to love them as you love yourself, because you can't do that and make this only about your church brand, too. I did not single out Catholics, I said the Church everywhere, but that statement is lost on you.

Anonymous said...

Do not even attempt to insult my intelligence... or deflect from having to take responsibility for your own actions here on this blog. (Remember, God is watching!)

For 15 years, there have been a few of you (and you know who you are!) who HAVE most certainly gone after Catholics on a regular basis.

There are a few of you who have NEVER made us feel welcome here on this blog. (Yet, Constance, who RUNS this blog, has always been kind and treated us with utmost respect.)

It's a fact. My Catholic friends know it's a fact, and GOD knows it's a fact.

Anonymous said...

more clanging cymbals @ 6:45 PM...
and God hears them too.

Anonymous said...

There is no love coming from a few of you Protestant Evangelicals' clanging cymbals... that's for sure. LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm guilty. I've "gone after" roman catholics...with a smile and Bible and out of concern and love. To share the Gospel and to pray for the gift of salvation in the hope that they may be born again in Him, as tactfully and urgently as possible.

Im not a jerk about at all. They don't KNOW I'm doing it because I don't believe them to be Christians; but, time is of the essence and God does the actual saving so it's really not that pushy. In fact, because they think they are Christians it's easy to garner an audience with them and talk about religion. My community is still 50% roman catholic so it's kind of a sad yet abundant mission field.

Anonymous said...

10:36 PM

Oh, yes you ARE a jerk... because, we Catholics don't need 'SAVING'... and the fact that you just don't 'get it' makes you an even BIGGER jerk. LOL

'Time is of the essence' that you cease and desist. How do you issue a court order on a blog? LOL

We don't WANT any part of your 'mission field'!!!

What's really 'sad' is how you fail to realize that... "Insanity is repeating the same behavior and expecting a different result." It just is NOT going to happen!!!

(It's like trying to break up with an obsessive lover who just won't accept reality... that it's O V E R!!!)

Anonymous said...

Jesus said: you must be born again. John chapter 3, 11:08 PM. That is salvation and you don't get it when you are born into this world and baptized as a baby. You must be born again, born a second time, a spiritual new birth. Catholics are not taught that because they are trying to be good on their own, or with help of saints, rituals, icons, and may mean quite well but fall short, and their priest fills in beyond that for them supposedly, but Jesus needs no one, nobody! to do His job as Savior. He alone qualified for that role. His Spirit makes us born again, He gives us the gift of repentance and faith to believe Jesus has already paid for all our forgiveness. The just shall live by faith, the faith that saved them can keep them too, keep us in surrender to follow Jesus through all of life when we are saved. And the debt we owe then is gratitude. I have to go back again and again in prayer to be filled up with gratitude and glad that God hears my cries for help!
Jesus lived a perfect life in our behalf to give us His goodness and righteousness because our human righteousness falls short, it is rags. So, like Jesus said, we must be born again, spiritually made whole because we are all born sinners, broken pieces, but he is our spiritual healing. God raised Him from the dead because death could not hold down, nor hold back His power to give eternal life. We deserve eternal death, but He is merciful to the humble believer who calls on His name.
So...born twice, die once (physical death)...born once, die twice, (physical but also eternal) eternal death. Our choice because God gave us a freewill to choose or reject his offer.
Read Romans 10:13. Don't miss out.

Anonymous said...

To Mr. HUBRIS @ 12:29 AM

First of all...

You don't know me. You don't know what is in my heart, or in my soul... or anything about my personal relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To assume otherwise (and to dare to paint all Catholics with such a broad brush) is absolute STUPIDITY and IGNORANCE on your part. And Jesus will have plenty to say to you (on my behalf) on Judgement Day.

Really looking forward to seeing you there!!!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter if I know what is in the heart of anyone or not (and I don't, only my own heart), 9:30 AM. Quoting Jesus Christ directly is the all important thing I shared with you and inescapable. He meant what He said, He repeated it, it is not a suggestion, it is a distinct directive directly from Him.
I am sure He meant what He said and I am sure it is meaningful or He would not have said it.
Jesus does not waste words.

The point is: what have you done with what He said?
That is yours to give Him your response, not to me, or anyone else actually,
so do with that what you will, as you have your own freewill.
It is because He said it, I shared it.
Simple as that.
I received His words with repentance but also gladness in my heart and my life, that became a new life, all my sin gone by His wash of my soul by His blood, and filled with His Spirit, when I turned to Him to be born anew, and have not been the same since. That was 44 years ago. I was young then, and so thankful to be walking with the Lord - everyday I am reminded that His love is very great, His mercies are new every morning.
I can hope that same release and joy for anyone....

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