
Friday, August 05, 2016

Janice Daniels, former Mayor of Troy, Michigan, USA hosts my radio program tomorrow Aug. 6, 2016

 My friend, Janice Daniels, the former Mayor of Troy, Michigan -- one of Detroit's largest and wealthiest suburbs will be hosting my internet radio program in the morning.   Janice served Troy capably until she made the "mistake" of politically incorrectly addressing her belief in homosexual behaviors as biblically incorrect.  Taking God's plain words at face value cost her political prestige.

I'm honored that this brave lady will be guest hosting my radio program in the morning.  I will be escorting my three handsome grandsons to a parade where they have an opportunity to ride a float in Oxford, Michigan's annual "Lone Ranger Parade."  Oxford, Michigan is the home of Bruce Beemer, the original "Lone Ranger" actor.

You may call in your questions to Janice tomorrow morning between 10 am and noon (Eastern Daylight Savings Time) by calling 208-935-0642 and/or 208-935-0094.  She is a great lady.   We don't always agree on everything, but our love of God and doing His will is shared.

Tune in and stay tuned.  You may tune in tomorrow morning by going to and/or




  1. Anonymous6:31 PM

    God bless her for standing up when it is not popular to do so.
    The truth is worth it. Always has been, always will be.

  2. Anonymous8:30 PM

    May God bless you, Janice Daniels... for your courage in speaking out on what's right, according to God's word.

  3. Anonymous11:01 PM

    The only way Christians will have an impact on our communities, country, and world is if we stand up for truth as you have done. Thank you! It is deeply disturbing that taking a stand for marriage in America today can cost you your role as mayor.

    Dave in CA

  4. Janice Daniels is a great woman. Thanks for your kind words to her.


  5. Anonymous8:02 AM

    I wonder what Janice would make of MCE being shacked up out of wedlock with a history of fornication with her "ex" Satanist "Resident Seer" (so she can avoid any financial obligations due to her local authority in Plaisir County)?

  6. ah the trouble makers are starting their little games again. I won't waste time rebuking your inadequate (and fornication and adultery aiding) notion of marriage again.

    "Anonymous said...We are asked to give up everything to follow Christ, including the right to "not be harmed"."
    and this in context of the risk of losing sanity and coming under evil spirit influence. THAT IS NOT FOLLOWING CHRIST THAT IS INVITING AND EMPOWERING EVIL. NEW AGE IS VERY BIG ON THIS UNCONDITIONAL STUFF. you are a new ager who perverts Christ's words, twists Scriptures to your own and possibly others' destruction (2 Peter 3:16b) we aren't told to do this kind of forgiveness, but to "save yourselves from this untoward generation" Acts 2:40 John the Baptist rejected fake repentance of Pharisees Matt. 3:7 For the post calling you out as a clever satanist, and empowerer of perverts and faith destroying seducers away from Christ, go to

    Christ commends those who leave relatives for His sake. St. Athanasius rejected Arius fake repentance from his heresy he could tell when others couldn't he was lying.

    if "forgiving" keeps you safe from paranormal and demonic stuff why aren't we told this explicitly? Peter warns us to be on guard. I Pet. 5:8 Paul says put on (not assume we have) spiritual armor Ephes. 6:17 Paul had a mesenger of satan sent to buffet him the thorn in the flesh. evil in high places click Strong's Greek not about political rulers but demons in the sky

    "None of this actually helps fight the new age, she really only calls more attention to it. "


    your words betray you. your hostility is provoked by anything not political. Grant, fine talk about the great deception/apostasy being evangelical/charismatic, are you going to dump the "prophetic" and "tongues" nonsense?

    No complaints against blog clogging protestant vs. Roman Catholic no risk to you Bible refutes both prot and RC errors but rarely handled right but anything about identifying and fighting demonic stuff and humans with paranormal issues and you scream bloody murder, piously and pompously proclaiming your spiritual superiority and falsely claiming I don't glorify the Lord - er, which lord are you talking about? I don't glorify the devil I glorify the Lord Jesus Whose Name is powerful against the devil and against witchcraft whether it uses physical objects or mental attack even if it takes a while to beat them. I'm really not sure who you are referring to as "lord."

    I know someone supposedly Christian I had to discuss difference between the Holy Spirit and some flow you can control and etheric substrate maybe underlying all creation. This person could project a white blur tried it on me I pushed it back invisibly and she never tried again her professional life I saw and heard of wasn't good.

    MY SO CALLED ABUSE OF PEOPLE HERE IS CORRECTION OF YOUR ERRORS AND SLANDERS. I am condemned for being able to criticize the occult in their own language. Paul quoted a pagan poet at Mars Hill and twice elsewhere.

  7. Anonymous9:18 AM

    She was the mayor of Troy, not its pastor.

  8. I have kind of strange hobby that I share with my wife; we like to occasionally go out on our back deck and watch ordinary brown bats up in the sky make their acrobatic twists and turns in the air as they pursue flying insects. Of course, bats are blind and they rely on the "radar" that their Creator gifted them with. Somehow, I was reminded of our friends the bats while reading Christine's (aka Justina) post above. Seemingly "blind" (spiritually that is), her above post reveals a bat-like twisting and turning in every direction without catching a single insect.

    I am increasingly amazed as to WHY Constance allows ANY of her posts to appear on HER blog. Christine's posts will NEVER sway me spiritually, because I am a mature Christian that is firmly grounded upon the sole authority of God's Word. What I AM CONCERNED ABOUT, are novice Christians visiting this blog and being wrongly influenced by such amazing, dark, "spiritual" nonsense spewed forth by Christine.

    Constance ... as the owner of this blog ... you are responsible to make sure that its content does not do harm to the cause of Christ. This woman is NOT working for the cause of Christ. She is a deceiver that is being used to cause confusion and havoc on this blog.
    Satan's primary trick has always been to promote his lies, while using "truths" in order to disguise his lies. This is precisely what Christine is doing! Christine's posts are at the very least extremely convoluted and confusing. God is not the author of confusion, Satan is.

    She needs to be banned from this blog ... COMPLETELY !

  9. Anonymous3:50 PM

    "Satan's primary trick has always been to promote his lies, while using "truths" in order to disguise his lies."

    Precisely why I said this:

    "None of this actually helps fight the new age, she really only calls more attention to it."

    MCErikson calls attention (to herself mainly) not to fight it, but to help the new age message get and keep the limelight so the true message to fight it is harmed. She brings very little truth, but massively smears the blog with error and confusion, and her extremely poor manners, outright uncivil. 1 post of hers to a 1000 is actually helpful so that is a very lousy showing. Tsk,tsk.

    She has the freedom to post her "stuff" for the world wide web to see. So why does she need this blog anyway since she is always "correct"?...

    ....she needs to go get her own credibility (ahem) and quit attempting to rob credibility to supplement her huge lack of it from the blog of Constance Cumbey...the real fighter against the new age.

  10. Anonymous3:58 PM

    "I don't glorify the devil I glorify the Lord Jesus Whose Name is powerful against the devil and against witchcraft whether it uses physical objects or mental attack even if it takes a while to beat them. I'm really not sure who you are referring to as "lord."

    I know someone supposedly Christian I had to discuss difference between the Holy Spirit and some flow you can control and etheric substrate maybe underlying all creation. This person could project a white blur tried it on me I pushed it back invisibly..."

    Case in point. Claims power is from the Lord but personally uses old pagan (rebranded new age) unbiblical "methods". What deliverance has she experienced then? I don't see her life delivered from her anti-bible thinking, saying and doing. Quite the opposite. Her lord isn't my Lord Jesus who does not use the devil's means to do his work.

  11. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Ok. That is once.

    She can't post again for another week. :)

    She has no chapter and verse from the Bible for her way of dealing with the "white blur" thing she mentioned @ 9:00 AM. Maybe she gets her ideas from horror movies, etc. It is spiritual stuff but not Biblical so it's from dark spiritual realm and she keeps much interest in dark things. Because her heart is dark with bitterness and hatred.

  12. Christine wrote: I know someone supposedly Christian I had to discuss difference between the Holy Spirit and some flow you can control and etheric substrate maybe underlying all creation. This person could project a white blur tried it on me I pushed it back invisibly and she never tried again her professional life I saw and heard of wasn't good.

    This reminds me of the teaching of “The Tibetan” (Master D.K.) through Alice A. Bailey in her book Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle (New York, NY: Lucis Publishing, 1950):

    In approaching…the subject of telepathy, it must be carefully borne in mind that the etheric body of every form in nature is an integral part of the substantial form of God Himself – not the dense physical form, but what the esotericists regard as the form-making substance…The etheric or energy body…of every human being is an integral part of the etheric body of the planet itself and consequently of the solar system. Through this medium, every human being is basically related to every other expression of the Divine Life, minute or great. The function of the etheric body is to receive energy impulses and to be swept into activity by these impulses, or streams of force, emanating from some originating source or other. The etheric body is in reality naught but energy. It is composed of myriads of threads of force or tiny streams of energy, held in relation to the emotional and mental bodies and to the soul by their co-ordinating effect. These streams of energy, in their turn, have an effect on the physical body and swing it into activity of some kind or another, according to the nature and power of whatever type of energy may be dominating the etheric body at any particular time.

    Through the etheric body, therefore, circulates energy emanating from some mind. With humanity in the mass, response is made unconsciously to the rulings of the Universal Mind; this is complicated in our time and age by a growing responsiveness to the mass ideals – sometimes called public opinion – of the rapidly evolving human mentality
    (pp 2-3; emphasis added).

    While there is no evidence of an "etheric body" in Scripture, there is a purported one in esoteric literature. And by the description above, it is totally incompatible with Scripture.

  13. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Thank you Craig! You have well and truly exposed her without giving her the attention she craves.

    It should be obvious to all by now just whose side she is really on. This only gives more credence to Ray B's and others claims about having seen her "ad" for her so-called 'seer's' occult talents, which she swiftly deleted.

    She should be banned forthwith.

  14. Anonymous9:11 PM

    The mind games are being played by her. Note the immediate accusation that it is others @ 9:00 AM. She remains an accuser and abuser in need of rebuke, and the best one is to be rid of her from this place entirely.
    From her own words she proves (again) that her thoughts, words, and ways, are totally incompatible with Scripture, just as you have clearly spoken about this, Craig.
    Her game is to tuck her telepathic (she's said this garbage before) and other occultic tricks into posts in the name of fighting the new age, when she is a full on practicer of the dark arts herself. This "waldo" isn't hidden, yet when called out, she runs and hides under some "christian guise". Really?
    Is she so dumb, or thinks everyone else so dumb, nobody will notice?

  15. My (rhetorical) questions center on the latter part of the statement: …This person could project a white blur tried it on me I pushed it back invisibly and she never tried again her professional life I saw and heard of wasn't good.

    Given that this was purportedly a “white blur”, which, by the description is logically visible, how would one know if it were ‘pushed back’ invisibly? How did it go from being visible to becoming invisible? Or, alternatively, was it actually visible when ‘pushed back’, but the means by which it was ‘pushed back’ was invisible, i.e. no one could tell the writer had done it? No matter how ya slice it, it boggles the rational mind.


    I wanted to point out that the Bailey quote above describing the so-called “etheric body” provides the means by which the Theosophical “god” is 'omnipresent':

    …Omnipresence has its basis in the substance of the universe, and in what the scientists call the ether; this word “ether” is a generic term covering the ocean of energies which are all inter-related and which constitute that one synthetic energy body of our planet (p 2).

    This “omnipresence” provides the means by which the transcendent aspect can be “omniscient.” This is a panentheistic view – “god” is in all (immanence), though at the same time all is in “god” (transcendence). To conceive this, think of creation as like an aquarium, with “god” enveloping the whole thing. This is the ‘all is in(side) “god”’ transcendent aspect. Both aspects are integral to the Theosophical version of panentheism.

    This is not at all how omnipresence is defined in orthodox Christian beliefs.

    The etheric body (or “vehicle”, as in the title of the book) is the supposed means by which the “Divine Mind” can communicate telepathically to all those who are receptive, and the means by which humanity can purportedly communicate with one another.

    Having said this, I don’t think Christine was advocating telepathy – at least not in this instance. However, she sure was explicitly promoting an “etheric body”, and, as described above, it is contrary to Scripture, as noted earlier. This is not to say she necessarily adheres to this particular version of it. Can an idea of an “etheric body” be compatible with Scripture? I can’t think of any. But, then I’m not omniscient…

  16. I've been going through my library upwards of the last several months. Occasionally, I find something encouraging. I found this in Chuck Colson's 1992 book, THE BODY:

    Fourth, succumbing to consumerism strips the church of its authority.
    The feel-good gospel opens the door to the most dangerous
    movement of our day
    . Seeking to provide inner peace instead
    of pointing individuals to an ethical ideal of which they now fall
    short, it perilously parallels and makes credible the New Age

    Perhaps this is why, while 80 percent of Americans profess to
    be Christian, about half of all Americans believe in ESP, more than a
    third in mental telepathy, one-quarter in reincarnation, and one out
    of five say they have been in touch with the dead!

    I'm encouraged reading this, but puzzled because Colson was a friend of Paul N. Temple who produced the movie about Colson. Perhaps Mr. Temple still has time to repent of his heavy New Age involvement that obviously was at odds with Mr. Colson's beliefs about the Movement.

    I'd heard in the past that Doug Coe and company had beliefs that Colson had gone "too fundamentalist" for their tastes. If anybody here has insights or information to contribute, I'd appreciate same.


  17. Sorry for not leaving chapter and verse references on the above by Colson. It is on page 46 of THE BODY. Book was published by Word Publishing.


  18. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Well, Christine has had her ONE ARTICLE for this week!

  19. Chuch Colson evidently was thinking deeply about some of the New Age issues. This is from page 175 of his 1992 book, THE BODY:

    No surprise, then, that Earth Day would get more attention than
    Easter. Or that David Brown, former executive director of the Sierra
    Club, writes, "While the death of young men in war is unfortunate,
    it is no more serious than [the] touching of mountains and wilderness
    areas by humankind."

    So millions gather on mountaintops to wait reverently for the
    great moment when the planets pass in such a way as to create a
    "harmonic convergence." Naturalism enshrines nature with its own
    mystique and breeds its own form of worship, which partially explains
    the spread of pantheism and the proliferation of bizarre New
    Age cults.

    One of naturalism's most influential advocates, television mogul
    Ted Turner, argues that we should replace the" outmoded" Ten Commandments
    with what he describes as the "Ten Voluntary Initiatives . . .

    I'm wondering what the final relations between Colson, Doug Coe, and Paul Temple became? This is almost 180 degrees opposite from the Institute of Noetic Sciences and Paul Temple positions.


  20. I am in fellowship with an 85 yr old minister who also rubbed elbows with Doug Coe and thought/thinks he is an ok guy.
    In my exploring their relationship I found that my pastor friend had a very superficial/surface relationship with Doug. He had been introduced to him but did not really get to know him.
    There is allot of this within evangelicalism to try and create a synergy and movement for God with these loose relationships.
    Chuck Colson as you must be aware, started the (ECT) Evangelicals and Catholics Together. I have no doubt that this was the forerunner to Ken Copeland's warming to Rome.

    I think it is easy to put people into the same boat, yet they are not as they do not even know if they really agree with each other. A hidden hand by Coe, with a careful tongue he could be anyone's 'friend' including my pastor friend. It is very easy to judge with some knowledge, as you have pointed out with the recent passage you have found.

  21. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Christine has just one comment per week and its the usual waste of time nasty talk with excuses for being unforgiveing toped off with a new age mystical experience she had that sounds like witchcraft.

  22. The following paragraph about Theosophy panentheism is from Theosophy Wiki.

    Panentheism is a word that derives from the Greek compound term pân (πᾶν) "all"; en (ἐν) "in"; and theós (θεός) "God"; meaning "all is in God". It is a belief system that postulates the divine interpenetrates every part of the universe, while it is not limited to it but transcends it. This is the main difference from pantheism, which holds that the divine is not a distinct but synonymous with the universe.

    Theosophy is a belief system that states that the divine is not only in the universe, but transcends it. The divine is infinite, or bigger than universe. "All is in God", but the "all" (or the universe) is contained within finite boundaries, and God is infinite.

  23. The following paragraph is from an article displayed on a Theosophy website.

    For Christians to describe their God as infinite is a contradiction in terms. They say that their God is a “personal God,” yet a personal God must of necessity be a finite God because if something is “infinite,” it can have nothing finite about itself whatsoever. Unless Christians believe that they are entitled to give entirely different meanings and implications to words which we all use, they must admit that the “Infinite” has to be entirely unconditioned, not-finite, undifferentiated, omnipresent, absolute, immutable, undefinable, indescribable, and impersonal.

  24. Anonymous12:05 PM

    What absolute nonsense, Dahlheimer!

    The personality of God is in no way finite! He is Sovereign. His personality is infinite love, infinite mercy, infinite justice, etc, meaning there are no limits to them and each if these infinite attributes is infinitely balanced and in infinite harmony with the others.

    Now, I would say, 'get lost', yet it is apparent you already are. Therefore, repent!

  25. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I consider what you promote @ 8:44 AM and 11:13 AM as blasphemy. The God of the Bible is not like us in the slightest. Your idea of "god" is a man-made notion. I'm sorry for you to have settled for, to place your belief in what falls extremely short of the real and infinite God, the God found only in the pages of Scripture. But believe what you prefer.

    Why are you here except to stir up dissention and argument? This blog has had plenty of that from one particular person already, and you are dismissed as readily.

    You should repent also as 12:05 PM has told you.

  26. Criag said in his 10:40 post: I wanted to point out that the Bailey quote above describing the so-called “etheric body” provides the means by which the Theosophical “god” is 'omnipresent'. There is not [one] Theosophical version of a panentheistic ominpresent "god".

    A quote from the article located at reads:

    "Many people today are only familiar with the version of Theosophy represented by such people as C.W. Leadbeater, Annie Besant, and Alice Bailey. But their teachings are not representative of real Theosophy at all, ..."

    After the time of H.P. Blavatsky and William Q. Judge, a very different and contradictory system arose, also calling itself “Theosophy” Bailey believed that "the highest conception anyone can form of the Divine is the “Solar Logos,” which she described as the “God of our Solar System.” For Bailey and others, Solar Logos and Planetary Logos are frequently called “God” and are viewed as beings and individual personal entities, spoken of as “He” and “Him.”

    Blavatsky believed in Parabrahm or the Absolute, a non-personal "God" that is in the creation and is also located beyond the finite boundaries of the universe. Bailey believed in the Solar Logos "God" or the World Soul, located solely within the universe. Present-day New Age leaders believe in Blavatsky's version of Theosophy.

  27. Mr. Dahlheimer,

    @ 8:44AM: Respectfully, isn’t that the way I just described it above (10:44PM)? (as I'm posting this I see your post @ 1:09:PM, but, on the surface, I don't see the difference in my own explanation (yes, using Bailey) and your wiki reference.)

    @ 11:13AM: Regarding the following …if something is “infinite,” it can have nothing finite about itself whatsoever…, I’m not so sure that follows. The set of real numbers (which includes all integers, fractions, decimals, etc.) is infinite and uncountable, yet we can pick any number on this infinite number line, or even a subset of it (e.g. all multiples of 12).

  28. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Christine makes one new age comment a throws the whole blog off track as per usual.

  29. Anonymous3:15 PM

    @ 2:28 PM
    She does leave a real stink behind every time she "visits" that is for sure.

    She haunts this poor blog, and apparently so does someone else -- 8:44 AM, 11:13 AM, because they have an agenda.

  30. I posted my most recent comment in a haste, but I see I missed something. I should have said "...all multiples of 12 to 144".

  31. Marko3:46 PM

    Haha Craig.... I didn't catch your error until you pointed it out.


  32. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Dullheimer were aka MCE's 'res seer' himself (that white blur who drives a taxi, that she's able to make invisible,((no doubt she's got him trained!)) ). A plot to throw the theosophical stench off her! Perhaps she hoped for an excuse to get round the overly generous 1 post per week she'd been allocated, by pretending to expose her seer, ehem.. ., I mean Dullheimer. .. picking up brownie points along the way. Well, this time she just wasn't quite quick enough!

  33. Marko,

    Yes, that omission made quite the blunder! Precision is important in these sorts of things.

    Mr. Dahlheimer,

    Thanks for the link which pointed out some of the differences in Besant's, Bailey's, and Leadbeater's "Neo-Theosophy" (a term I'll use to differentiate) and Blavatsky's.

    Having said that, there are certainly more points of contact among them than there are variances between them. In terms of cosmology and "God's" relationship to it, I don't think there is really that much difference between Bailey's and Blavatsky's. They're both panentheistic, and the doctrine is much the same at root. Maybe I'm missing something.

  34. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Craig wrote: "Having said that, there are certainly more points of contact among them than there are variances between them."

    Dear Craig, we should include MCE in that similitude with Blavatsky and Bailey, as you rightly pointed out her theosophical bent earlier.

  35. Anonymous8:57 PM

    I don't know for sure but Christine seems to have a better understanding about the etheric plane than anyone else here. If I ever need help from a good medium I'm contacting her.

  36. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Mr. Dahlheimer said..

    "God must of necessity be a finite God because if something is “infinite,” it can have nothing finite about itself whatsoever"

    How can the finite fully grasp the infinite, our finite view by its very own nature cannot hold the infinite as there is not room enough.
    Acknowledgement of the God as infinite is based on the fact that He created all things.
    This includes time and space as we are within those constraints we are limitted by our very finite nature to fully apprehend the infinite.

    His finite statement makes about as mucht sense as the "No Absolutes" arguement in which they make the self refuteing arguement " you can be absolutely sure theres no absolutes".


  37. Anonymous2:00 AM

    Hey this is sounding a lot like Christine

  38. Anonymous6:53 AM

    @2:00 AM, who is? M. Dahlheimer? No, far too clever... just as New Agey though!

    If you meant Grant, then I can't see how. He is making a lot of sense, with nothing occultic or New Age about his posts, and comes across as very humble and a sincere Christian indeed!

    From what can be garnered so far by looking at the fruits of their posts, Grant and MCE are poles apart from each other: he, a clean living Christian pretending nothing; she, not a clean living Christian yet pretending otherwise in order to deceive and destroy.

  39. Anonymous2:06 PM

    From Anon 2.00AM to Anon 6:53,

    Sorry obviously I meant Dahlheimer is new agey and sounds like Christine.
    Grant is a christian and totally anti the new age... thought that would be completely obvious.

  40. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Well it was not, 2:06 PM due to that post's lack of information and following straight after Grant's post. Glad you've cleared it up now though!

    Yes, Dullheimer and MCE really are two bad peas from the same New Age pod. Aren't they?!!

  41. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Well it was not, 2:06 PM due to that post's lack of information and following straight after Grant's post. Glad you've cleared it up now though!

    Yes, Dullheimer and MCE really are two bad peas from the same New Age pod. Aren't they? I wouldn't be surprised if Mr Dullheimer (aka Tinge?) is none other than MCE's "Resident Seer"!

  42. Dahlheimer is most definitely a New Ager -- I'm well aware of that from reading his blogspot. That's ok -- helps me know what they are up to!


  43. I know Dahlheimer from Wisconsin is a SELF CONSCIOUS New Ager -- I'm not as certain as the rest of you think you are of Christine from Palo Alto, California -- confused, verbose but not maliciously harmful -- but unaware of some of the damage she has done to this blogspot.


  44. If any of you have ever had an eccentric Aunt, that is closer to MCE than SELF CONSCIOUS New Ager would be. I personally believe in being kind to my relatives -- eccentric or not! Some accuse me of being eccentric and/or worse. Bullying and unkind words can hurt too.


  45. I'm afraid many of you may be giving Dahlheimer much material to work with to discredit Christians as "unkind" and "pharisical". Let's remember the "weightier things of the law" such as "charity" Matthew 23:23; 1 Corinthians 13:1. Otherwise, we are like "sounding brass"


  46. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Hi Constance,

    Whilst we must extend charity to all that does not extend to continually accomadateing false doctrine.
    Christine has been a false teacher on this blog and yes we should extend her charity but not provide her a platform to spread false doctrines (sin).
    She has openly advocated and fought for .... defacto marriage being biblical, being against sola scripture , that harbouring unforgiveness is good and a defence against evil, aliens (yes the outer space kind) and a host of other bizarre new age thinkings.
    She has rejected wise counsell done in charity on many occasions.
    This blog has lost much of its credibilty because of it.... but I do note this tgat without her incesessant postings and the replies they generate there is not as much said.... I think thats because so many have gone because of her efforts.

  47. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I'm sorry but I think she is way past "eccentric" because so determined to be scathing in continous argument, not allowing actual discussion when disagreed with, and MCE is quite unchristian and unkind besides very off biblically (but doggedly determined she is exactly so) because she does portray an occultic and new age and at times gnostic bent in her posts, and this is ongoing and indepth from her. That deserves challenged and, yes, sometimes, she gets something less than kind when replied to. That part isn't correct, but the rebuttals to her are called for because of her over the top beliefs and hammering tactics that are ridiculous here. She does have her own blog to spout off at.

    Since you don't follow your blog that closely (we know you have much more to do that keep track of this blog, Constance), you have not seen from a closer look at the long history of her posts, until more recent ones of the past couple of months or so, that got her into trouble.

    Eccentric, as you are referring to, no.
    Trouble, yes.

  48. Constance re: 12:29pm wrote:

    I'm afraid many of you may be giving Dahlheimer much material to work with to discredit Christians as "unkind" and "pharisical". Let's remember the "weightier things of the law" such as "charity" Matthew 23:23; 1 Corinthians 13:1. Otherwise, we are like "sounding brass

    Thanks for stating this. I agree 100%

  49. correct my spelling "pharisical" to p-h-a-r-i-s-a-i-c-a-l.

    Sorry from the former Senior Spelling Champion of Huntington County, Indiana (1962)!


  50. Of course, I've seen what is happening here -- that's why I gave Christine several warnings and now the limits of 1 per week.


  51. To Craig:

    T-H-A-N-K-S and God bless you!


  52. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Dear Ms Cumbey @ 5:25 PM,

    I have wondered, what took you so long?

    Is it real grace to let the truth take such a beating here? Jesus was truth and grace personified. Too much swing to extremes has been going on for a long time, but thanks for throwing the brakes on Christine Erikson.....finally.

    A reader who quit sending my friends to this site

  53. Anonymous3:11 AM

    Constance I really believe Christine has respect for you.
    Please talk with her about forgiveing her Mother ... its why shes in bondage.

  54. Compromising Biblical truth is never an act of "charity." Compromise is the spirit of our age, and is the driving force behind the false ecumenical movement.

    Over and over again, both in the OT & NT, truth is to be defended at all costs. If anyone doubts this, I would be more than willing to supply numerous verses to prove that statement to be true.

    Over the last several decades, I have had numerous opportunities to speak with Jehovah Witnesses, Mormans, Roman Catholics, apostate "protestants," etc. I have never showed any sign of hatred, etc. towards them (knowing full well that ONLY God's Holy Spirit, through a sovereign act of grace can open a spiritually dead heart). Having said that, it is absolutely paramount for a Christian to defend "the faith once delivered unto the saints" but to do so in humility and in the fear of God, knowing that "there go I but by the grace of God."

  55. While watching the "Pope Video" ... ask yourself this question:

    Is this showing "charity" and is it glorifying and honoring the Lord Jesus Christ? If not, who do you think this is pleasing? I'll give you a hint; his name begins with " S "

    PS: "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the father but by me." John 14:6

    Are there "many" ways? NO

    Does God have "many" names? NO

    Are there "many" truths? NO

    Is there life through any other than by Jesus Christ, His atoning blood and His imputed righteousness? NO

    Is "pope" Francis a false witness? YOU answer that question.

  56. I did do a google search on Mary Christine Erikson last night and believe I found one of her blogspots. It did have some relevant and useful information and links, including but not limited to "technocracy" warning sites of Patrick Wood. I saw one piece that I'm checking out on an attached link about UN peacekeeper troops being assigned to the USA to battle extremism. As I have had credible information on that from non-related sources closer to the UN, I am taking it seriously, although not recommending panic. There are still out there many "watch the fundamentalists run" games being played.

    As I've said before, and as the Bible tells us, "take the wheat, but leave the chaff." I'd certainly not want to miss escaping a fire in progress because I disliked the most immediate messenger.


  57. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Constance your Chaff and wheat is out of context that like saying drink the coolaid and spit out the poison.
    It only takes a little leaven to leaven the whole lump.... beware of the seed of the pharisee's...they were teaching works not grace and that had merits in old testament terms but not in terms of Christ making them false.

  58. URGENT to all:

    Google and check out these items:

    1. Strong Cities Network;
    2. Institute for Strategic Dialogue


  59. Hi Constance,

    I looked at the Strong Cities Network and the Institute (its implementation organization) extensively last year. What initially caught my attention were news reports stating that the network is the UN's implementation of global police force.

    While I believe the network will eventually lead to such, the expectation this is a top-down approach is deceptive. Strong Cities is modeled after CIMIC which is a pillar of the global counter-terrorism strategy. Should we look only for a top-down implementation would mean taking our eyes off the ball. The Institute identifies the network as a "soft power" approach, one which directly connects into the global counter-terrorism strategy. They are now referring to it as CVE - Countering Violent Extremism.

    The groundwork is the connection of civil society (religious and educational institutions, community organizations, employers and NGOs) into a local policing interface which will ultimately connect upward.

    Remember the strategy: In a globalized world without borders, the security strategies of nation-states are now obsolete. Radicalization of an individual in one area of the world has an impact upon others across the globe. Therefore, each nation-state is responsible for the shared security of the other by identifying and weeding out the enemies from within its own borders.

    I have watched the EU's open border policies wreak havoc upon those societies. I personally believe this is deliberate as to heighten the strategy's narrative and accelerate a demand for global action. As though things aren't already bad enough, I expect the same situation to intensify soon within the United Sates.

    I wrote a piece on the Obama Administration's 2015 counter-terrorism efforts and the advancement of the Alliance of Civilizations. It included the Strong Cities Network. I may be timely to re-visit that and post it on my blog.

  60. By the way Constance, I very rarely visit your comments section of the blog anymore. I've found the comments section extremely disrespectful, combative and vicious. I happened to look today because I'm on vacation working in the orchard this week and it's a rainy day so I had time to spare.

    It looks like you may have taken control over what's been happening in here for years. I sincerely hope so and that you do not allow that behavior to creep back in.

  61. I was looking up the Strong Cities Network, and was reminded about the Boston-Strong chant. Whether you think that the Boston bombing events etc, were staged to bring the public along...... it is interesting they are holding up these events as reason for action.

    While I was reviewing some of this stuff, I came across an initiative of Billy Graham's Lausanne / WEA Creation Care Network.

    Apparently saving souls is too difficult so we will save the planet instead?

  62. Anonymous12:42 AM

    In the case of MCE, the message and the messenger combined are toxic.
    When she decides to get over herself (humble herself) perhaps then she can let go of the toxic behaviors and bad cocktail of beliefs.
    Even in the once in a while event she posts something worth reading, she still manages make it about herself instead of the material.

    Most unhelpful.

  63. APOSTASY TODAY (whoops, Christianity Today) and Wheaton College are making their apostasy nearly complete. Check this:


  64. How long before they have same sex weddings performed on the Wheaton Campus?


  65. It's just like I was reading in my Bible, "in the beginning created he them male, female, AND TRANSGENDER . . ."

    Or so the latest edition of CT might have you believe!

    Sorry, as I understand God's word:

    It was

    ADAM and EVE


    ADAM and STEVE

    nor was it

    MADAME and EVE

    We're bordering on being worse than Sodom & Gomorrah. They had a judge named Lot who sat in their gates and did not bless their lifestyles. We want disqualify all from public service who now even raise an eyebrow. Either I take the Bible at face value or I have to throw it out and accept this new "political correctness" rapidly becoming "spiritual correctness".

    Well, as for me, I'm not smart enough to second guess the Apostle Paul and God Almighty! I suspect the others are not either, but obviously they must think they are.


  66. An interesting article I just read on the whole transgender mess scene:



  67. Rich, please phone me on the Strong Cities Network. I have some new information that might make this seem more significant -- UN Peacekeepers on the march in the USA?


  68. Rich, you may have read this, maybe not -- but it compares interesting with the "Alliance of Civilizations" scenarios:


  69. Anonymous10:15 AM

    The ecumenical drive is giving the globalist policy makers their leverage to enforce their plans, headed up by the pope as a spokesman and many others already in place with the AOC to get work done through the UN and international law to "correct" every last one of us.

    I think they are major ramping up to do their part for "peace and security".
    Beware when they say peace and safety is what it says in my Bible.

    The targets aren't hard to figure out.

  70. Anonymous1:34 PM

    This priests appears to diminish the dangers of yoga. He does not seem to understand that Hinduism, like Catholicism, has a rigorous orthopraxis in addition to an orthodoxy. This means that physical actions *are* acts of worship, not just spiritual or non-concrete actions.

  71. Anonymous1:35 PM


    In the beginning God made Adam, Eve, and 52 other genders.

  72. Susanna2:01 PM

    Anonymous 1:34 PM

    Re: This means that physical actions *are* acts of worship, not just spiritual or non-concrete actions.

    You are absolutely correct! Yoga is a form of body meditation devoted to the worship of Hindu pagan deities.

    So-called "Christian" Yoga is an oxymoron because the very word "Yoga" comes from a word signifiying a pantheistic kind of "unity" known as "monism" which is incompatible with both Orthodox Judaism and Christianity insofar as it does away with the Judeo-Christian distinction between the creature and the Creator.

  73. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Yoga is about chakras and kundalini. .. such are a deception ... although MCE would differ with that.

  74. Anonymous8:03 PM

    So, of course, Constance is posting about marriage and the gender issues in this latest thread. Now is the time to be all for traditional biblical marriage and MCE would differ with that one too, as this blog is well aware, because it has been thoroughly saturated with her anti-bible views.

    She's out there with lots of things... Doublespeak is what she is about.
    Doesn't work that way in the real world.

    Glad she is being muzzled.

  75. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Re Yoga practise, Centering Prayer, Soaking, Contemplative Prayer and the deception of these forbidden occultic practises entering the Church (fruits often are estatic experiences, angel visitations, hearing voices, trips to heaven, talking to dead saints etc.)
    Eastern meditation techniques were promoted by some of the Catholic desert fathers and now is gaining momentum on a grand scale, a whole new level of mystic invasion amongst the general western church with its resulting expreiences labeled as Awakening, The Great Revival, The Presence etc.
    The New Age Occultists said over one hundred years ago that they had plans of raiseing the comeing christ consciousness "anti christ" by encourageing people to get into alter states of consciousness by any means.

    See below a Neuroscientist Explains the similarities between the brains of nuns practiseing "Centering prayer"and psychedelic drug users.
    "Newberg explained one study that examined the brains of nuns who engaged in “centering prayer,” which is meant to create a feeling one oneness with God. The nuns’ brain scans showed similarities to people who use drugs like psilocybin mushrooms, Newberg said, and both experiences “tend to result in very permanent changes in the way in which the brain works.”
    Some argue that a feeling of spiritual connectivity achieved through drugs is “artificial” compared to nuns who experience the same thing without chemicals, Newberg said, but he’s open to the parallels between them.
    “I always use the analogy about me wearing glasses: When I wake up in the morning, it’s a very fuzzy world. I put my glasses on and I see the world clearly,” he said. “It’s possible these kind of experiences [with drugs] are not artificial or false, but really enable a person and a person’s brain to experience the world in a much more fundamental way.”

    Consider what Newberg has said in relation to this...
    The taking of psychedelic drugs in biblical terms is an act of sorcery " pharmakeia " see for some insite
    "Centreing prayer" has its roots in eastern false practises and the occult and appears to effect the physical brain in the same way as "sorcery".
    Check out "John Crowder and the new mystics" and their extreme drunken glory teaching and practises, Bethel Church and Soaking,
    Theres heaps of evidence if these teachings and the resulting manifestations.
    Most relate it to hindu spiritual Kundanlini awakening but you find it roots in Kabbala and a host if other false religions.
    Man tried to ascend to God with the Tower of Babel, God will not tolerate unholy ways.
    Theres only one mediator between God and man that is His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, beware of the many false christs that are ariseing.

    From the KJV
    "For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him."

    Grant NZ8

  76. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Psalm 46:10

    “Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations.  I will be exalted in the earth.”

    One of the most common biblical verses cited in support of centering prayer is Psalm 46:10, “Cease striving and know that I am God."  But, the verse is not about mental emptiness or physical stillness since that would contradict what the Psalms already teach us about prayer and meditation.  We are to meditate actively, using our minds, based upon Scripture, not empty nothingness and waiting.Psalm 63:6, "When I remember Thee on my bed, I meditate on Thee in the night watches."Psalm 119:15,23,27,48,97, "I will meditate on Thy precepts, and regard Thy ways... 23Thy servant meditates on Thy statutes.... 27So I will meditate on Thy wonders. 48And I will meditate on Thy statutes... 97O how I love Thy law! It is my meditation all the day."

    We are not supposed to empty our minds and let whatever is out there contact us.  Instead, we are to use our minds and meditate upon the word of God.  In fact, Rom. 12:2 says, " transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."  If you are doing nothing with your mind but emptying it in an attempt to reach God, you are on dangerous, unbiblical ground.


    Centering prayer is an unbiblical and dangerous practice.  It can put a person in an altered state of consciousness and open him up to a spiritual connection that is not in harmony with Scripture.

    Instead, we are to seek God in prayers that are non-repetitious, with a focus on God's word and truth, with an active mind seeking to find the true and living God through the revelation of the Scripture and communion with his son Jesus.

    In short, avoid centering prayer and avoid whatever church promotes it.

  77. Well, it's one week later and I'm about to go on the air on Please tune in -- Janice said you were a wonderful audience last week!


  78. To 5:20 am

    Very excellent and thoughtful post -- THANKS!


  79. Grant from NZ,

    Good post, thanks!


  80. Susanna,

    Right on! As usual -- I drive by even too many churches with signs up about their Yoga classes, including CTR (Christ the Redeemer) Catholic parish one mile from my home.


  81. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Re my post at 09.08pm and the 5.20am post on Yoga, Centering Prayer, Soaking, Contemplative Prayer effects and their demonic origins.

    Seems pretty clear proof when you see the cause and effects measured by science showing the same outcome of centering prayer technique and drug taking (sorcery).
    Thats why you often hear people say remarks like "their on something" when refering to members of cults, new agers etc e.g see the video clip below of Bethel Church Redding students behaving this way... actually one if them does yoga in the video (on the street) whilst they challenge a street preacher for what he's saying...

    Their thinking processes are being taken over by forces rather than the mind be washed and renewed by Gods Word to know the Truth and be able to discern the real voice of God.
    The Holy Spirit brings into rememberence that which Christ has said and is never in conflict with Gods revealed Word, Will or Character.
    The Holy Spirit is Holy and will have nothing to do with anything Unholy.... if something is unholy its either of the flesh or demonic.



  82. Constance, thank you for your kind words and rebuke to those people.

    "not allowing actual discussion when disagreed with" meaning I refute you with Scripture and history and facts. I'm a lot more biblical on all issues than you detractors.

    "She has openly advocated and fought for .... defacto marriage being biblical,"
    so do some other Christians who take it too far, ignoring mercy and one church demanded a couple divorce before joining because not virgins at marriage which is not biblical. ALL states recognize common law marriages when accomplished in one of the few that still allow it to be started. If you live next to a couple who started in one of those states, or next to one in one of those states, you got nothing to say. they are legally married even though never did a ceremony.

    "being against sola scripture ,"

    false. I have repeatedly defended what EO and RC share from Scripture and 2nd. century writers show early church was not protestant compatible. (RC has unbiblical issues however.)

    " that harbouring unforgiveness is good and a defence against evil,"

    Matthew 18:15-17 and if that is true regarding personal disputes then more so regarding serious evil

    " aliens (yes the outer space kind)"

    Which I argue are humans from Adam (makes that Acts verse irrelevant ) with some genetic engineering animal and insect DNA added still adamite same experiments are being contracted out by DARPA right NOW. NO CHANELLED INFORMATION USED EVER. this is MOSTLY CONSCIOUSLY REMEMBERED physical kidnapping and forensics a few ultrasounds look wierd disappear no trace of miscarriage later, the woman picked up and the baby extracted to finish in an artificial womb.

    my research is your best weapon against the alien deception that they made us and can solve our problems if put in charge. of course you supposed enemies of the new age despise and hate every weapon against the new age I hand you would unhinge it with non Christians and quasi Christians.

    " and a host of other bizarre new age thinkings."
    chakras and kundalini are dangerous BECAUSE they are real not "deception" = nonexistent. the deception is not their existence but what people are told to do with them.
    recognizing something is real is NOT new age. the problem is viewing it as divine. strip etheric body, chakras, telepathy, bilocation of the false attribution of divinity, and/or of proving divinity of the creature, show they don't prove reincarnation, and you destroy the whole new age framework. all experience and phenomena they use to support their theology suddenly becomes irrelevant.

    I have repeatedly said CREATION IS NOT PART OF GOD. I was the only one to challenge Dahlheimer on TWO prior occasions, and one of you sniped at my two or three posts it took to eviscerate his argument. some enemy of the new age that anon is! what a phony.

    "Bailey quote...describing the so-called “etheric body” provides the means by which the Theosophical “god” is 'omnipresent':" - that is Bailey's view NOT mine. the etheric body is not omnipresent but limited to the person there is no divinity about it or an etheric substrate to everything. (as for white blur think almost invisible thin fog. invisible to normal sight but impinges enough on the mind to be "seen." probably electronic IR or UV sensing would notice. rhetorical? so you can you think shoot me down unanswered? no.)

    you seek to correct me, I (with better Scriptural grounds than you) seek to correct you. We view each other in identical terms - deceived, semi apostate, dishonest, vile and refusing correction, let's leave each other ALONE.

  83. Anonymous7:07 AM

    If anyones tempted to reply to Christine DON'T.
    Its just once a week and the same all boring diatribe anyway.

  84. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Some of the info here is like these.

  85. It appears that spending one entire week in solitary confinement hasn't done Christine aka Justina any good. If anything, she seems even more unhinged, as illustrated by the following very, very weird post:

    " aliens (yes the outer space kind)"

    "Which I argue are humans from Adam (makes that Acts verse irrelevant ) with some genetic engineering animal and insect DNA added still adamite same experiments are being contracted out by DARPA right NOW. NO CHANELLED INFORMATION USED EVER. this is MOSTLY CONSCIOUSLY REMEMBERED physical kidnapping and forensics a few ultrasounds look wierd disappear no trace of miscarriage later, the woman picked up and the baby extracted to finish in an artificial womb."

    My opinion is that Constance should attach a disclaimer on her "once a week" blog post, such as, "WARNING: you are about to enter the Twilight Zone, etc."

  86. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Hi Anon 8.31,

    Those science fiction trailers were funny... highlights the problem when people disconbect with reality and believe some of the fiction on the internet..
    What a laugh... liked the first one on the Mant (human and ant).
    And the second clip with the guy purs on polarised glasses and xan see the aliens.

    2 Corinthians 10:5 (KJV)
    Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

  87. Susanna2:59 PM

    Soros Groups Get Hacked, Hundreds Of Documents Leaked

  88. Susanna3:07 PM

    DC Leaks Publishes George Soros’ Files Showing Millions Contributed to Anti-Israel Causes

    By: David Israel

    Published: August 14th, 2016

    At DC leaks site, click onto categories in black strip.

    DC Leaks

  89. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Once a year of solitary wouldn't help either, RayB.

    Warped is warped, and more warped everyday.

  90. Susanna5:15 PM

    Clinton E-mails Show George Soros Gave Sec of State Foreign Policy Marching Orders

  91. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Erikson just had the one shot this week and blew on that piece a junk comeback ;)

    She's not fighting the new age. Just fighting....

  92. Hey Susanna,
    Great pick-up on the Soros stuff.
    It is about time for a little 'derision' in his court.

  93. Anonymous7:22 PM

    And remember the story of Mant is based on scientific fact.

  94. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Personally, I am missing the Mars lectures. I just had a thought, what if there are Mants on Mars?......


  95. Susanna,

    Thanks for the important information and links on the Soros paper links. Would I love to have access to THAT data base! The left does a lot of talking about "Citizens United", but they conveniently say little about Mr. Soros and his well funded operations that probably dwarf those of the Koch brothers.

    It has long been said that George Soros has his own foreign policy and powerfully executes same. The link about the State Department taking directives from him, seems to help prove that theorem.


  96. Ruth of Exeter3:27 AM

    Hi Constance

    I was fascinated to see your information on the subversive 'strong cities' movement. It is being slid into the UK, and doubtless the rest of Europe, under most folks' radar.

  97. Under the planned New World Order, individual liberties will disappear under the guise of unity of the global community. This includes individual religious convictions that are in conflict with the unity of the One World Religion.

    In order to see who it is that is behind these evil systems, ask yourself the following:

    Who are the people that are promoting a "new economic order?"

    Who are the people that are promoting a "new religious order" under the guise of ecumenicalism? (Note: In this false system, "god" has many names, and there are many paths to eternal life other than the cross of Christ. In order for ecumenicalism to succeed, Christ MUST be diminished and REPLACED by FALSE Christs).

    Who are the people that are promoting "open borders" which will lead to the destruction of sovereign nations?

    The New World Order is Satan's counterfeit "kingdom" on earth in opposition to Christ's ETERNAL heavenly kingdom. The very same people that are promoting the New World Order are working to establish this false, anti-Christ system.

  98. Susanna11:38 AM


    I believe you can have access to that data base - or at least some of it - and I provided the link above. Here it is again. After you click onto the following link, click onto the various countries printed in white on the black strip.

    DC Leaks

    The first is USA. Here is what is at that link.

    When you click onto the document download link, it will appear to the right.


    Here is the link for EURASIA. THAT should be interesting!

    Have a good read.

  99. Susanna11:41 AM

    Dan Bryan,

    Thank you for your kind words. I am following the Soros leaks story closely. Unbelievable!!!

  100. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Soro's billions are working the streets at cultural angles for change with political strings firmly attached to Solana (Brussels, etc) policy making from days gone by. He's been softening up America for quite a while now. That ball is still rolling and gathering much moss and momentum, quietly, underhandedly, and very steadily.
    These people with global initiatives (for our own good ya know) are safely coming into the light of day with virtually no censure whatsoever. Only a few talk about this but they are drowned out because the world is getting ripe and ready ("whether be he god or devil we will receive him"). The 2016 "election" is crucial to finish the job, in my opinion. Thwe world stage is seeing many come and go into the limelight, but follow the money that has bought tremendous influence, and it will lead to those who will be bringing "him" on-whoever this actual "him" turns out to be (for such a time as this).......

  101. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Its also interesting the rise or potential rise of women world leaders... do they have Jezebellic traits with Ahab counterparts (husbands or running mates) towing the line.

    Angela Merkel Germany
    Hillary Clinton USA
    Theresa May England
    Helen Clark United Nations

  102. Marko4:46 PM

    Anon. 12:34....

    "These people with global initiatives (for our own good ya know) are safely coming into the light of day with virtually no censure whatsoever. Only a few talk about this but they are drowned out because the world is getting ripe and ready..."

    So true. The other day on Facebook, someone asked where he could learn more about something called "Primary Years International Baccalaureate schools". One teacher responded:

    "At my school! :) We have been accepted into the beginning phases and are starting this year developing our units. We have an IB coach and are ready to go!!"

    Problem is, International Baccalaureate schools are globalist schools, educating for a globalist world. They sprung from the International Baccalaureate Organization.

    From an article by Carl Teichrib:

    Providing the Earth Charter initiative with advanced support, the International Baccalaureate Organization has agreed to become an Earth Charter partnership entity, along with such groups as the Association of World Citizens, Friends of the Earth, Global People's Assembly, Rain Forest Action Network, the US branch of the United Nations Association, and the World Parliament of Religions.

    (The rest of the excellent article is here:

    It's so easy for people to accept nice-sounding things without looking deeper. The practice of checking something out is apparently a lost art.

    It's getting clearer and clearer to me how even the "elect" will be duped and jump onto a bandwagon they will wish later they had avoided.

  103. Marko6:49 PM

    Anon. 12:34....

    "These people with global initiatives (for our own good ya know) are safely coming into the light of day with virtually no censure whatsoever. Only a few talk about this but they are drowned out because the world is getting ripe and ready..."

    So true. The other day on Facebook, someone asked where he could learn more about something called "Primary Years International Baccalaureate schools". One teacher responded:

    "At my school! :) We have been accepted into the beginning phases and are starting this year developing our units. We have an IB coach and are ready to go!!"

    Problem is, International Baccalaureate schools are globalist schools, educating for a globalist world. They sprung from the International Baccalaureate Organization.

    From an article by Carl Teichrib:

    Providing the Earth Charter initiative with advanced support, the International Baccalaureate Organization has agreed to become an Earth Charter partnership entity, along with such groups as the Association of World Citizens, Friends of the Earth, Global People's Assembly, Rain Forest Action Network, the US branch of the United Nations Association, and the World Parliament of Religions.

    (The rest of the excellent article is here:

    It's so easy for people to accept nice-sounding things without looking deeper. The practice of checking something out is apparently a lost art.

    It's getting clearer and clearer to me how even the "elect" will be duped and jump onto a bandwagon they will wish later they had avoided.

  104. Susanna7:05 PM

    Soros Hack Begins to Reveal the Puppet Strings

  105. Anonymous8:23 PM

    "It's so easy for people to accept nice-sounding things without looking deeper. The practice of checking something out is apparently a lost art."

    I used the word strings in my earlier 12:34 PM post, and I see Susanna's link at 7:05 PM mentions puppet strings. Indeed, the world is being massively played.
    Marko, what you are stating, when you think about it, is what "easy believism" is, and the religious stage is being set. People who won't regard the cost of what is good...or bad, too. Sounds good, looks good, is good, mentality. A lick and a promise, that shallow type of understanding about things that should be paramount, in the religious and irreligious....

    But those who really trust what God has said, and take it to heart, will not be deceived. Deception is darkness, and those who stay in the Light will see past the darkness. The Helper, the Holy Spirit, has been given (as promised) to those who truly believe the Lord, and He won't neglect to Light the Way.
    Incredible times we are living in..

  106. Anonymous9:09 PM

    It's great to see the blog finally functioning again: it's been a long time coming!

  107. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Hi Marko,

    I can see Emergents would involve themselves in what your exposeing...


    Jesus as Seen By the Emergent Church

    Eric Barger: I think some of the Emergent Church leaders would see Jesus as the Son of God, though there are varying degrees of this. Jesus becomes to them more of just a social justice figure. Jesus' ministry to them would have been about feeding the poor and all and not about saving their souls, which must be part of serving the needy.

    The other belief Emergent leaders teach which twists Jesus' teachings is about saving the planet and not lost people. I attended a particular conference in Nampa, Idaho. It'd been two days of redefining Christianity. At the end of a session, Brian McLaren told people to come up and take water from a vat that was up there on the table and rebaptise themselves into the new Christianity. I have never heard of anybody baptizing themselves into the real Christianity. He then said that while you were up there to make sure that you put your hands into the tub of dirt. They had a farmer's tub that you would feed livestock in full of dirt. He then instructed us to put our hands in there to feel what needed to be saved, in other words the earth.

    I was at this conference with another pastor and we had taken copious notes all throughout the conference. That is exactly what we both heard him say. No one went up and put their hands in the dirt, by the way, but the idea was that the earth's salvation is what they advocate.

    Dr. Reagan: Another aspect of this movement that I am picking up more and more on is that more of these guys are buying into the idea that there are many different roads to God. They're asking, "Who are we to say that Jesus is the only way to God?"

    Eric Barger: Yes, Emergent churches are adopting one of two brands of Universalism. One brand says that all paths to God and all religions are equal. The other one says that everybody is already saved. That is a form of Christian Universalism. You would find that teaching in the Emergent Movement more than anywhere

    Grant NZ

  108. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Really enjoying the serious discussion, certainly not missing the wacky stuff.

  109. Grant said @ 4:41 AM:

    "Dr. Reagan: Another aspect of this movement that I am picking up more and more on is that more of these guys are buying into the idea that there are many different roads to God. They're asking, "Who are we to say that Jesus is the only way to God?"

    Hi Grant,

    With the above quote in mind, I'd really like to read your opinion on this Official Vatican video. My opinion is that they are proclaiming the exact same thing. And this video is not the only evidence to support that claim. Beginning with JP II, the Vatican has hosted "the religions of the world" conferences, and has even gone so far as to have the Koran "read" there along with Islamic "prayers." I find this blasphemy along with the clear denial that Jesus Christ is the on way, truth & life (John 14:6) ... what do you think?

  110. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Actions, and/or non-actions, really expose what people actually believe. Patterns in the life that establish who is seated in the throne room of mind and heart. You and I can say Jesus is the Son of God till the cows come home and betray Him as the Son and Lord by what our life manifests. Many dethrone Him, not by their pious sounding words, but in their rebellious thinking, their rebellious ways.
    The pope as only one example, is not standing on, the only good and righteous, Bible ground. He has a lot of company, from within and outside of his denomination, joined with him these days.

  111. Anonymous11:47 AM

    The Un/Brussels shameless agenda for all to see. This hasn't happened suddenly, or in a corner. Are people ever going to wake up? Is it too late, because this really is the new normal.............

    The American presidency has only been Obama's stepping stone, in my eyes, placed there by Soros money.

  112. Anonymous11:49 AM

    And ISIS has been a handy tool, in the tool belt, also.

  113. Susanna1:35 PM

    Hat tip to Physicist for sharing the following story.

    EPA Whitewashes Illegal Human Experiments


    The Obama EPA's Heinous Human Experiments

    Unknowing human guinea pigs fall into in the hands of the Radical-in-Chief.

    April 3, 2014

    Report EPA Tested Deadly Pollutants on Humans to Push Obama Administration Agenda



  114. Susanna1:43 PM


    EPA's secret gas chamber experiments: A deceitful failure

    Here is an article by a Energy, Environment & Public Health Expert Steve Milloy at Breitbart who claims to have uncovered the human experimentation.

    EPA Documents Show VW Cheating Posed No Threat to Public Health

    Milloy is the host of the JunkScience site.

    JunkScience gets major win in campaign against EPA human experiments

  115. Susanna3:28 PM

    These are must-read articles for anyone interested in the Soros hack story.

    Leaked Soros Memo: Refugee Crisis ‘New Normal,’ Gives ‘New Opportunities’ For Global Influence

    Soros Hack Reveals Plot Behind Europe's Refugee Crisis; Media Manipulation; Cash For "Social Justice"
    August 16, 2016

    George Soros was Hacked! — Thousands of Files Expose Election Manipulation & More

    Matt Agorist August 15, 2016

    Mike Doran ‎@Doranimated

    Somebody hacked Soros. His critics will be busy today. This doc alone shows Soros's anti-Israel network |

    10:51 AM - 14 Aug 2016 · Washington, DC, United States


  116. Susanna3:42 PM

    Anonymous 11:47 AM

    The American presidency has only been Obama's stepping stone, in my eyes, placed there by Soros money.

    This is what I have also long suspected.....that Obama was using his position as POTUS as a stepping stone to a global catbird seat. My suspicions have been validated by reports suggesting that Obama is looking to become Secretery General of the UN after he leaves office......which would likely be the reason why he has been trying to do everything in his power to weaken the United States economically, militarily and culturally with a view to "cutting her down to size" before he leaves office.

    Benjamin Netanyahu has said that he will do everything in his power to prevent Obama from beconing Secretary General of the UN.

    Report: Obama Wants to Become UN Secretary General, Netanyahu Doing Everything He Can to Stop Him

    Posted: Jan 10, 2016

  117. Susanna3:43 PM


    One of my e-mails may have wound up in your spam folder. It contained more information on the Soros hack story.

  118. Susanna4:04 PM

    Soros Group ‘Trained’ Socialists To Combat Will Of The People

  119. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Throwing America under the bus very handily, I think, Susanna.
    No stone of the public and private sector has been unturned. All has been turned wrong side out by this man, and he has had much help...(for a long time decline has gone on removing our sovereignty and freedoms parts and pieces at a time)...with much help, foreign and domestic. Many did their part preceding him, of course, but he'll be finishing out his lame duck with some final touches to be sure, that are intended to be irreparable, so all can finally get on the global train ride. Do you suppose he will be rewarded handsomely? I believe, very sadly, he is on a roll and been successful. Unrepentant, unthankful America (speaking broadly here) has turned a blind eye (true for the world at large as well). I think it is prophetic.
    Don't like this at all, of course, but can't shake it that this is how things add up, America subtracted.
    I expect to see good only from God, and from nowhere, no one else, from now on.....

  120. Susanna4:39 PM

    Hacked Soros Memo: $650,000 to Black Lives Matter

    George Soros’s Open Society Institute viewed the 2015 Baltimore unrest following the death of Freddie Gray as opening a “unique opportunity” to create “accountability” for the Baltimore police while aiding activists in reforming the city, according to hacked documents reviewed by Breitbart Jerusalem.

    by Aaron Klein16 Aug 2016, 1:18 PM PDT

  121. Susanna5:10 PM

    Re:I expect to see good only from God, and from nowhere, no one else, from now on.....

    I totally agree.......unless it is in God's plan to allow the United States one more hour of greatness. For as the Scriptures tell us:

    "Unless the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it. Unless the Lord keep the city, he watcheth in vain that keepeth it." Psalm 127:1

    I believe Obama is little more than a puppet who is already being rewarded handsomely!

    He reminds me of the Donkey named "Puzzle" in the Chronicles of Narnia ( irony of ironies that the Democratic mascot happens to be a donkey ) who became the dupe of the "enlightened apes" and their leader "Shift" who found a dead lion skin and used it to disguise "Puzzle" as "Aslan" and make himself the mouthpiece for the fake "Aslan."

    As long as Puzzle didn't bray too loudly or make other donkey noises, his fake lion act would more than likely be able to successfully fool anyone who had never seen a REAL lion.

    In return for his participation in the deception, Shift saw to it that Puzzle lived in the lap of donkey luxury with a nice warm barn to live in, plenty of hay to eat....everything in this world a donkey could possibly want.

    C.S. Lewis’s last book of the Chronicles of Narnia, The Last Battle, begins with these memorable words: “In the last days of Narnia, far up to the west beyond Lantern Waste and close beside the great waterfall, there lived an Ape.

    He was so old that no one could remember when he had first come to live in those parts, and he was the cleverest, ugliest, most wrinkled Ape you can imagine.”

    His name was Shift and had only one “friend”, a donkey named Puzzle. In this friendship the Ape did the thinking while the donkey carried out the hard and exhausting labours of everyday life without questioning or grumbles.

    One morning early in the year the pair of them were out walking along the shore of the dangerous waterfall when the Ape observed a lion’s skin floating on the churning waters. With an adventure that nearly cost his life, Puzzle fetched the skin and gave it to the Ape.

    This seemingly innocent episode led to the ultimate destruction of Beautiful Narnia, for the Ape dressed the donkey in the lion’s skin and presented him to the Narnians as their Great Lion, Aslan, the true King of Narnia. Henceforth, the Ape appointed himself as the mouthpiece of the imposter and began to prophesy in his name.

    His hideous and ultimate aim was to admit the most vicious enemies of Narnia, the Calormenes, into the Land and to subject the free and talking animals into eternal slavery and speechlessness. This eventually led to the Last Battle between the Narnians and the Calormenes.

    The central theme of The Last Battle is that in the final battle between Right and Wrong deception plays a central role.

  122. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Yes, Susanna. God has the sovereign right to do as He pleases to bring about a turnaround.
    And He has the sovereign right to let it finish a course He has set that won't include one.
    He certainly does as He chooses.

    Such a huge question then..just where is this world at in His plan at this point??
    Deception is playing a central role now isn't it? What underhandedness and foul play has been going on! God gave human beings a freewill to choose to believe what we want to, for we are made in His image. His word and His ways, have always intended a good outcome, an eternal one for people, if-such a big word if-they choose Him over all else, and worth it all when faith in His Son is rewarded.
    One thing is sure, He is good and His ways are not ours. And the Bible says the just shall live by faith.
    I pray for more because I can't go by what my finite eyes are seeing.

  123. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Yes, Susanna. God has the sovereign right to do as He pleases to bring about a turnaround.
    And He has the sovereign right to let it finish a course He has set that won't include one.
    He certainly does as He chooses.

    God is a just God.
    He is quick to reward repentance.
    Even King Ahab, one of the most vile kings was given reprieve by God for repenting.
    God does what is just for the actions of his children as well as the wicked.
    He brings wrath upon the wicked and disobedient, yet his arm is out-stretched still. (meaning he is quick to save). Except for God's intervention we will have a dictator and no election, IMO.

  124. Anonymous11:44 PM

    "Except for God's intervention we will have a dictator and no election, IMO."

    We'll see what the Lord does with this. I don't see repentance going on, do you folks? What will that take? So much that is evil has taken a strong grip on this country. And I see multitudes of compromises that have led us to this downward path and inaction to do what is right, keeping us on that fatal course. Repentance is a gift from God bestowed by the Holy Spirit. Make America great again won't happen unless this nation returns to the Lord (as in Hosea 6 as one example). We're toast, if we don't.
    Personally, I think God's kingdom will rise as kingdom America falls, but God is God and I am not, I just know His will is perfect. He's in charge of what becomes of us. In wrath He remembers mercy, and He knows those who are (or about to be) His.

  125. Anonymous2:08 AM

    Hi Rayb 7:16am,

    The contents of that video from the Pope is total blasphemy.
    It proclaims a all embraceing "love god" found in all religions.
    It is conclusive evidence that the Pope embraces and is preaching a false gospel of "all religions as one" .
    Ecumenical, Emergent, Apostate, New Age heresy garbage.


  126. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said [3:02]...

    "Bailey quote...describing the so-called “etheric body” provides the means by which the Theosophical “god” is 'omnipresent':" - that is Bailey's view NOT mine. the etheric body is not omnipresent but limited to the person there is no divinity about it or an etheric substrate to everything.

    Two quotes from the website of the Blavatsky Theosophy Group UK: After the time of H.P. Blavatsky and William Q. Judge, a very different and contradictory system arose, also calling itself “Theosophy” and attempting to supersede the original by claiming to be a progressed, corrected, and improved version. This was primarily the work of C.W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant of “The Theosophical Society – Adyar” but was popularised and prolonged even further by Alice Bailey,...

    The original teachings never use the term “etheric body” and do not recognise or mention any subtle body matching the description that was given to the “etheric body.”

  127. Grant,

    Praise be to God that He has given you a Christ honoring love for the truth! Such a bold stand for Christ is unfortunately becoming rare in this age of compromise. I take comfort knowing that God will always have His remnant that will stand for Him against all enemies of His truth.

    May God bless you in all that you do to His glory and honor!



  128. In case you missed it, this is the Official Vatican video that Grant & I are referring to:

    "He that speaketh truth sheweth forth righteousness: but a FALSE WITNESS DECEIT."
    Proverbs 12:17

    The Pope heads up a church that has 1.2 billion members. He influences countless others via the world's adoring media, etc. Keep that in mind as the Vatican puts forth its "message" of lies and deceit!

  129. Susanna5:14 PM

    Soros Paid Al Gore MILLIONS To Push ‘Aggressive US Action’ On Global Warming

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    Soros Paid Al Gore MILLIONS To Push ‘Aggressive US Action’ On Global Warming

    Photo of Michael Bastasch

    Michael Bastasch

    10:08 AM 08/17/2016






    LE BOURGET near PARIS, FRANCE - DECEMBER 7, 2015 : American politician and environmentalist Al Gore at the Paris COP21, United nations conference on climate change. Credit: Frederic Legrand - COMEO /
    LE BOURGET near PARIS, FRANCE - DECEMBER 7, 2015 : American politician and environmentalist Al Gore at the Paris COP21, United nations conference on climate change. Credit: Frederic Legrand - COMEO /

    Liberal billionaire George Soros gave former Vice President Al Gore’s environmental group millions of dollars over three years to create a “political space for aggressive U.S. action” on global warming, according to leaked documents.

    A document published by DC Leaks shows Soros, a Hungarian-born liberal financier, wanted his nonprofit Open Society Institute (OSI) to do more to support global warming policies in the U.S. That included budgeting $10 million in annual support to Gore’s climate group over three years.

    “U.S. Programs Global Warming Grants U.S. Programs became engaged on the global warming issue about four years ago, at George Soros’s suggestion,” reads a leaked OSI memo......

  130. Susanna5:18 PM

    I don't know what happened on that last post. Here it is again.

    Soros Paid Al Gore MILLIONS To Push ‘Aggressive US Action’ On Global Warming

    Liberal billionaire George Soros gave former Vice President Al Gore’s environmental group millions of dollars over three years to create a “political space for aggressive U.S. action” on global warming, according to leaked documents.

    A document published by DC Leaks shows Soros, a Hungarian-born liberal financier, wanted his nonprofit Open Society Institute (OSI) to do more to support global warming policies in the U.S. That included budgeting $10 million in annual support to Gore’s climate group over three years.

    “U.S. Programs Global Warming Grants U.S. Programs became engaged on the global warming issue about four years ago, at George Soros’s suggestion,” reads a leaked OSI memo......
    read more.....

  131. Take the time to watch this Official Vatican video, and then pass it along to your friends.

    It proves the Vatican is advancing an apostate, blasphemous, heretical New Age position:

    "He that speaketh truth sheweth forth righteousness: but a FALSE WITNESS DECEIT."
    Proverbs 12:17

  132. Susanna5:50 PM

    Memo: Soros’ Investments Led To Senate Passage Of ‘Gang Of Eight’ Immigration Bill

  133. Anonymous7:47 PM

    It seems Susanna is doing her utmost to crowd out Ray B's very revealing posts about the Vatican. I would like to hear Susanna's take on the video in question which Ray B has posted. Also, does she see Francis declarations on morals and faith in the video to be infallibile? If so, why? If not, why not?

  134. Anonymous ... LOL !!!

    You noticed that clever little trick too !

  135. Anonymous11:21 PM

    I don't think that is what she is doing. The article she posted and is following up on are very timely.
    As for the video, it is very revealing. Surely she will weigh in at some point.

    A globalist dream team is forming and Pope Francis is one of the starring cast.

  136. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Thanks Rayb,

    There is absolutely no denying the popes false teaching in the video.
    Its put out by the Vatican so it is the offical position.
    Total heresy... Catholics are now faced with a choice to follow the Gospel according to Jesus Christ or the Popes Gospel which is not Christs.
    There is only one mediator be between man and God and that is Jesus Christ.
    There is only one way to God... Jesus Christ.
    Now that the Pope advocates other religions are all worshiping the same God we know that the anti christ spirit is at work not the Holy Spirit.


  137. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Whow in the video the Pope accepts a statue of a hindu god.... then hes shown kissing a rock... is that the dome of the rock which is worshipped by Islam.

  138. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Just one more graven image to add to the rest

  139. Anonymous6:43 AM

    In the video this is said ...
    Buddist preist "I have confidence in Buddha."
    Rabbi "I believe in God."
    Catholic priest "I believe in Jesus Christ."
    Islamic man"I believe in God, Allah."
    The Pope "Many think differently, feel differently, seeking God or meeting God in different ways," he says. "In this crowd, in this range of religions, there is only one certainty we have for all: We are all children of God."


  140. I would really be interested to read what Susanna and Constance has to say about this very revealing, Official Vatican video:

  141. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Dear Constance,Susanna, and Ray B , many of us, I'm sure, would greatly appreciate Constance's and Susanna's timely response to Ray B's most recent video post, as he has asked for.

    The ramifications are far too great to be ignored. I therefore urge Constance and Susanna to swiftly and earnestly respond and directly address this most pertinent attack on the Christian faith by Francis at the Vatican: for we are either with Jesus Christ or against Him (Pro-Christ or Antichrist ).

    Ephesians 5:11-13 (KJV)

    11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

    12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.

    13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

  142. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Hi RayB and others,

    "The right to remain silent"

    I think many catholics are pleading the fifth amendment ?.

    Wait for Christine to weigh in... her weeks almost up... I give her credit that she can be read the miranda a hundred times and I haven't seen her ever take the fifth.

  143. Susanna2:38 PM

    Anonymous 7:47PM

    I am not trying to crowd out RayB or anyone else.

    Not my style - especially since my Roman Catholic faith does not depend on your approval or RayB's.

    I already explained at 5:18PM that I did not know what happened when I tried to post at 5:14 P.M.

    Besides, who are you kidding? Neither you nor RayB is interested at all in hearing my "take" ( or Constance's "take" ) on that video which, by the way, has been posted before at this blog. But since you want to bear false witness while blasphemously weaselwording the Scriptures, I will repeat what I have said before.

    This time pay attention, because I will not repeat it again.

    The Catholic Church has always taught that if, through no fault of his own, a person has not come to believe in Christ... but nevertheless has sincerely lived to the highest good that he DOES know, he can be saved.....albeit said salvation is exclusively in Christ... whether the non-Christian happens to think so or not on this side of eternity. Pope Francis echoes that teaching in the video.

    I cannot speak for Constance, but I do recall that in her book HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAIBOW she said that there might be a few surprises for certain "Christian" hypocrites on Judgement Day when the pagans who did the best they could with what little knowledge they had stand joyous and redeemed ( in Christ) while the Pharisaical hypocrites weep and gnash their teeth while standing on the outside looking in for all eternity.

    As I recall, someone once asked Mahatma Ghandi why he did not become a Christian - especially snce he so often quoted the words of Christ.

    Ghandi replied:

    "Oh, I don't reject Christ. I love Christ. It's just that so many of you Christians are so unlike Christ. I would have become a Christian if not for Christians"

  144. Susanna2:41 PM

    Hacked Memo: George Soros Lobbied Obama To Accept 100,000 Refugees Per Year — and Succeeded

  145. Susanna responded @ 2:38 PM ...

    "The Catholic Church has always taught that if, through no fault of his own, a person has not come to believe in Christ... but nevertheless has sincerely lived to the highest good that he DOES know, he can be saved.....albeit said salvation is exclusively in Christ... whether the non-Christian happens to think so or not on this side of eternity. Pope Francis echoes that teaching in the video."

    There you have it ... SALVATION WITHOUT FAITH IN CHRIST ! There are so many Scripture verses and passages that teach that this is NOT POSSIBLE, that it boggles the mind.

    But then again, it should not be surprising at all. Roman Catholicism has always based salvation upon strict adherence to their Sacramental/Works ... then Purgatory ... "salvation." However, if one misses Mass on purpose prior to death (just one of many "Mortal Sins"), they skip Purgatory and go straight to Hell FOREVER.

    What an incredibly, dark and demented system this is. It is the antithesis of "Christ coming to set the captives free."

  146. We have yet to hear from Constance on the Official Vatican (New Agey, Apostate, Heretical) video ...

  147. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Susanna wrote: "The Catholic Church has always taught that if, through no fault of his own, a person has not come to believe in Christ... but nevertheless has sincerely lived to the highest good that he DOES know, he can be saved....", [HAS IT ALWAYS REALLY SUSANNA? WHAT ABOUT THE MILLIONS THE RCC TORTURED AND MURDERED (MANY OF THOSE MURDERED WERE BIBLE BELIEVING CHRISTIANS) BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T AGREE WITH ROME!], "albeit said salvation is exclusively in Christ... whether the non-Christian happens to think so or not on this side of eternity. Pope Francis echoes that teaching in the video.", does he really? Is that all he does? Is that why he accepts and kisses pagan images, just like his predecessors (e.g., JPII kissing the Unholy Koran and receiving the demonic mark of Shiva).

    So Susanna, by your mealy mouthed comments we are to take it you agree with Francis and the coming One World Religion (as long as the RCC is heading it, which it is!)! Despite your unchristian swipe, Susanna, there was nothing blasphemous or weasel-worded about my having cited that passage of Holy Scripture from Ephesians. My refrain of such shall therefore be contrary to what you had hoped for. You do not want to come into the light, Susanna, because you love the darkness of RCism rather than the truth yet the light of truth leaves the dark corners of RC deception, and deceptive posts such as yours Susanna, exposed:

    Ephesians 5:11-13 (KJV)

    11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

    12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.

    13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

  148. Anonymous3:44 PM

    RayB at 3:03 PM wrote:

    "We have yet to hear from Constance on the Official Vatican (New Agey, Apostate, Heretical) video ..."

    Let's hope so Ray! There is no point Constance asking for Susanna's mealy-mouthed take on this, as we already have it!

    Hopefully Constance won't remain silent or evasive but will directly address the contents of the video concerned. There can surely be no neutrality here when so many rely on her standing against New Age / Old Babylonian One World Religion blasphemy and heresy, and who (surely noone) can rightly, earnestly and honestly deny that such Antichrist Babylonian doctrines of demons are being lauded, applauded, repeated and disseminated by Francis himself and the Vatican!

  149. Anonymous3:54 PM

    It'd be edifying to contextually see some of the Holy Scriptures supporting your position, and contextually see some of the Holy Scriptures supporting Susanna's position (without her backing off into the dark recesses of the RC Catechism).

    I put the challenge to the both of you.

  150. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Ray B, it'd be edifying to many I am sure to contextually see some of the Holy Scriptures supporting your position, and contextually see some of the Holy Scriptures supporting Susanna's position (without her backing off into the dark recesses of the RC Catechism).

    I put the challenge to the both of you.

  151. To Anonymous @ 3:54 PM & 4:09 PM ...

    Here are a few:

    "She shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:21

    "All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." 6:37

    "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." I Timothy 2:5

    "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 5:1

    "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6

    "For ye are all children of God by faith in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:26

    "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of REGENERATION, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior;" Titus 3:5,6

    "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth." Romans 10:4

    "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we MUST be saved." Acts 4:12

    "I am the light of the world: he that FOLLOWETH ME SHALL NOT WALK IN DARKNESS, BUT SHALL HAVE THE LIGHT OF LIFE." John 8:12

    "The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23

    "Other foundation can no man lay that that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." I Corinthians 3:11

    Who is the "Rock" of God??

    "And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ." I Corinthians 10:4

    "The God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus ..." I Peter 5:10

  152. Anonymous5:30 PM


    Never heard Gospel Question:

    "What happens to those who have never heard about Jesus?"

    Answer: All people are accountable to God whether or not they have “heard about Him.” The Bible tells us that God has clearly revealed Himself in nature (Romans 1:20) and in the hearts of people (Ecclesiastes 3:11). The problem is that the human race is sinful; we all reject this knowledge of God and rebel against Him (Romans 1:21-23). If it were not for God's grace, we would be given over to the sinful desires of our hearts, allowing us to discover how useless and miserable life is apart from Him. He does this for those who continually reject Him (Romans 1:24-32).

    In reality, it is not that some people have not heard about God. Rather, the problem is that they have rejected what they have heard and what is readily seen in nature. Deuteronomy 4:29 proclaims, “But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.” This verse teaches an important principle—everyone who truly seeks after God will find Him. If a person truly desires to know God, God will make Himself known.

    The problem is “there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God” (Romans 3:11). People reject the knowledge of God that is present in nature and in their own hearts, and instead decide to worship a “god” of their own creation. It is foolish to debate the fairness of God sending someone to hell who never had the opportunity to hear the gospel of Christ. People are responsible to God for what God has already revealed to them. The Bible says that people reject this knowledge, and therefore God is just in condemning them to hell.

    Instead of debating the fate of those who have never heard, we, as Christians, should be doing our best to make sure they do hear. We are called to spread the gospel throughout the nations (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8). We know people reject the knowledge of God revealed in nature, and that must motivate us to proclaim the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. Only by accepting God’s grace through the Lord Jesus Christ can people be saved from their sins and rescued from an eternity apart from God.

    If we assume that those who never hear the gospel are granted mercy from God, we will run into a terrible problem. If people who never hear the gospel are saved, it is logical that we should make sure no one ever hears the gospel. The worst thing we could do would be to share the gospel with a person and have him or her reject it. If that were to happen, he or she would be condemned. People who do not hear the gospel must be condemned, or else there is no motivation for evangelism. Why run the risk of people possibly rejecting the gospel and condemning themselves when they were previously saved because they had never heard the gospel?

  153. Anonymous5:33 PM

  154. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Thank you Ray B.!

    Now, let's see if Susanna can be just as graceful and as resourceful in contextually providing the salt and light of Holy Scripture to support her position.

    Ray B wrote also: "We have yet to hear from Constance on the Official Vatican (New Agey, Apostate, Heretical) video ..."

    We're still eagerly awaiting Constance's take on this as well.

  155. Anonymous5:52 PM

    There's also an excellent book on this subject,'What About Those Who Have Never Heard?', by Ronald Nash.

  156. Susanna5:52 PM

    How can those who never heard about Christ be saved?

    by Ernest Valea

    This question is a natural outcome when Christians state that Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross is the only possibility for human salvation. From the very beginning, we have to emphasize an important aspect when assessing this issue: Such a question can be raised only by those who have heard about Jesus Christ. So none of us belongs to the category of those who never heard about him. Therefore posing this question can be either a way of justifying one's adherence to atheism or to other religions (since the answer is not easy at all), or the way of expressing a genuine interest for understanding how one's Christian faith can be reconciled with the claims of other religions. Whatever the case might be, finding a proper answer to this question is important.

    Two extremes must be avoided when addressing the salvation of those who have never heard about Christ. First, if humans can be saved only after hearing about him, the multitudes which never had this chance during their lifetime would necessarily be damned to eternal suffering in hell. It is obvious that such a cruelty would not be consistent with his love for us, which sent Christ to die on the cross for our sins. If God is all-loving, all-knowing and all-powerful, he must have a solution for those who have never heard about his final revelation in Jesus Christ.


  157. Susanna5:53 PM

    Second, if all other religions were valid ways to God, the Christian claim that Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross is the only possibility for human salvation should be rejected. If humans could have worked out their salvation by carefully following any available known religion, God shouldn’t have admitted the crucifixion of Christ. Christianity would have been a mere extra alternative to reach God to those already existing, and Jesus only one religious teacher among others.

    However, Jesus himself claimed to be the only possibility for our salvation and reconciliation with God. He said: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14,6). He commanded his disciples to go and proclaim this truth in the whole world (Matthew 28,18-20; Mark 16,15-16). If other religions were as good as Christianity in attaining salvation, the effort of Christian missionaries would be absurd. Why would so many have sacrificed their lives? Only to proclaim one of the many alternatives to reach God?

    Therefore we cannot sacrifice the uniqueness of Jesus’ atonement on the altar of modern syncretism. According to Christianity, salvation is provided only as a result of the specific historical deeds of Jesus Christ in his life, death on the cross, resurrection and ascension. What he did is absolutely essential for the salvation of any human being who has ever lived, whether thousands of years BC or nowadays. And no human being is excluded from God's plan of salvation. The Apostle Paul states: "God wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth" (1 Timothy 2,4). This is what Christianity holds.


  158. Susanna5:55 PM


    But then we face a difficulty: Is possible that only those who have heard about Christ can be saved? Or is salvation also available for those who haven't heard about him? The element which solves this dilemma is the criteria according to which God will judge those who never heard about Christ and grant them salvation. The Bible states that God is holy and will judge humans with justice (Acts 17,31), according to the available measure of revelation they had and their response to it, expressed through their deeds (Romans 2,6), words (Matthew 12,36-37) and thoughts (Hebrews 4,12). The amount of revelation one has determines a consequent measure of responsibility on his behalf (Luke 12,47-48). In the Western world, almost anyone has elementary knowledge about Christianity, and therefore the terms of one's salvation are clear. As for those who never had the chance to hear the Christian message or heard a perverted version of it, it is obvious that their judgment will require other criteria than responding to the historical Jesus Christ.

    Grace attributed retroactively

    Surprisingly, in Hebrews 11 we can find a whole list of people who never heard about Christ but still are saved. Before analyzing these cases, we must acknowledge that if salvation depended exclusively on how much information one had about Christ, we would affirm a form of Gnosticism (salvation through attaining the right knowledge of spiritual realities). But God does not limit his grace to those who have enough information of him. The examples mentioned in Hebrews 11 prove that the salvation of those who never heard about Christ depends on two basic requirements: 1) their response to the amount of revelation they had, which is their responsibility; 2) the retroactive conferring of Christ’s sacrifice on the basis of their faith, which is God’s responsibility. Let us see how this works.


  159. Susanna5:56 PM

    This text gives many examples of people who lived before Christ and were saved without hearing about him. Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Rahab, David and others, are all considered heroes of faith, despite the fact that none of them heard about Christ. Jacob (Genesis 49,10), Moses (Deuteronomy 18,15) and David (Psalm 22) prophesied about his coming, but had a very limited understanding of its meaning. Others like Rahab (Joshua 2,1-21; Hebrews 11,31), Naaman the Syrian (2 Kings 5,1-19; Luke 4,27), Melchizedek (Genesis 14,17-20; 7,2,15-17) and Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses (Exodus 18), were saved although they didn’t even belong to the people of Israel. They responded with faith to the small amount of revelation they had, and as a result God conferred on them retroactively the atoning sacrifice of Christ. Faith is the key element here. Not knowledge saves us, but God, as we respond in faith to his revelation, no matter how limited it might be. Faith means trusting the promises of God and responding to him through effective action (Hebrews 11,1-3). It is not a mere understanding of the doctrine of salvation.

    Let us notice what these people of the Old Testament were asked to do and how they responded to God's call: Noah was warned about the imminent coming of the flood; his response proved his faith in God’s promise to save him together with his family (Genesis 6-9). Abraham trusted God’s promise that he would be blessed with a son and become the ancestor of a big nation (Genesis 12-22; Hebrews 11,8-19). God proclaimed him righteous because of his faith: "Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness" (Genesis 15,6). Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, the descendants of Abraham, trusted in God and were blessed. Moses trusted that God would free the Jewish nation from Egyptian bondage and lead them into the promised land (Hebrews 11,20-22).

    Not only people belonging to the chosen people of Israel are said to be saved, but also Gentiles. Melchizedek is a mysterious character who had no family ties with Abraham, but still was called "priest of the God Most High" (Genesis 14,18). He worshiped the same God, and Abraham paid tithes to him. Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses, finding out what God had done through the Jewish nation, accepted by faith that the God of Moses was the true god. Rahab, the prostitute (!), risked her life in order to hide the Jewish scouts (Joshua 2,1-21; Hebrews 11,31). This was the effective way she expressed her faith in the true God and therefore was counted among the heroes of faith. Naaman the Syrian (2 Kings 5,1-19; Luke 4,27) banished his pride when he understood who the true God was, proving his faith by the decision to abandon idolatry.


  160. Susanna5:58 PM

    None of these people of the Old Testament were saved through their merits, but through the grace of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, retroactively attributed to them. Their faith was the channel through which God granted them salvation. Today he uses the same channel for all people who accept the sacrifice of Christ as the atoning solution for their sins (Hebrews 11,39-40). Although today we have available the final revelation of God through Christ, the object of faith has always been the same - God himself, and the basis of his forgiveness was always Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Whether one lived before or after Jesus’ crucifixion, God’s forgiveness was always granted through grace and not by one’s own merits, and the proper way of accepting grace was always faith.

    Salvation for those who never heard about Christ but accept the importance of grace

    The above considerations do not imply that all those who don’t know anything other than their native religion are rejected by God. There have been many spiritual masters who recognized the necessity of grace and the impossibility of attaining salvation by one's own efforts. Ramanuja and Madhva are brilliant examples in the Hindu tradition, as is Shantideva in Mahayana Buddhism. The spiritual trend called prapatti in Hinduism and the Pure Land school of Buddhism focus on grace as the only solution for attaining liberation. According to them, the whole merit for being saved belongs to the god (in Hinduism) or bodhisattva (in Buddhism) they worship. There are also many cases of tribal religions in which grace plays a key role in salvation.

    The God who reveals himself in the Bible knows one’s inner attitude and motivation for performing certain religious duties. Any efforts which aim at self-justification are of no value, no matter how impressive they might be. The proper attitude is one of humility and openness towards God's grace, which he offers unconditionally. We have observed this attitude in the prapatti devotional trend of Hinduism, which demands giving up the control of one's personal life to the god Vishnu and leaving to him all responsibility for attaining salvation. The follower of this trend has to acknowledge that he is not good enough to attain liberation by performing rituals and moral obligations. The whole prapatti philosophy can be summarized in the following verse, written by Vedanta Deshika, a 14th century follower of Ramanuja:

    Lord, I, who am nothing, conform to your will and desist being contrary to it, and with faith and prayer, submit to you the burden of saving my soul (Nyasadashaka 2).

    The same is the case with the Pure Land School of Mahayana Buddhism, which flourished in Japan. According to its doctrine, the bodhisattva Amida (the Buddha of Infinite Light) is able to save even the most despised sinner by his grace (tariki). Heaven (Amida's Pure Land) can be reached only by his grace, not by human efforts such as meditation or performing good deeds.


  161. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Just to be sure it doesn't get lost in the shuffle, here's that very revealing New Agey apostate video Ray B kindly provided, which we're still awaiting Constance's position on (we've had Susanna's COEXIST style response, though she's yet to back her position up with Holy Writ).

  162. Susanna5:59 PM

    Such spiritual trends in other religions prove that the Holy Spirit is at work in the world, convincing people of their sin and limitations and turning their hearts toward God's grace. According to the character displayed by the God of the Bible, we can expect that he will save such people, by the grace available for all in Jesus Christ. They will be saved not through their native religions, but despite them, not because they didn't hear about Christ, but despite the fact that they didn't hear about him, as a reward for their humility and recognition of the need for grace. In other words, it is not Vishnu or Amida who saves them, but Christ through his grace, as a result of their need for grace expressed towards Vishnu or Amida. Whether there are many or few people in this category we cannot know.

    A classic example of how people belonging to cultures foreign to the Judeo-Christian world can still have a revelation of God and meet him is the Magi from the east mentioned in Matthew 2,1-12. Despite the fact that they were astrologers and probably believed that human destiny is shaped by the stars, which is contrary to biblical teaching, they were still granted a special revelation from God regarding his intervention to save humankind from sin. They worshiped Jesus as king of the Jews and brought him gifts worthy of a king. Their coming to Bethlehem was obviously not customary. It was not a rule for the Magi to worship a new king born in Judea. Their visit was rather a surprise for all, and a serious reason for Herod to feel his throne threatened. This example shows that God can use unorthodox methods to reveal himself to those who are completely foreign to his revelation in the Bible. He has sufficient means to do it all over the earth. Again we can notice that the most important factor in defining faith is human response to his revelation. The Magi could have ignored the Bethlehem star. However, their journey proves their faith and this faith brings them to worship the true God.

    The problem of humanity has never been the lack of revelation, but rather pride and the refusal of grace. People do not respond to the amount of revelation they already have; they know what to do, but refuse to do it. Most of Jesus’ contemporaries rejected him because they refused to believe despite all fulfilled prophecies, miracles, healings and even despite his resurrection. The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16,19-31) is extremely relevant here. People are given everything they need in order to be saved, but if they refuse the available revelation, they are fully responsible for it and cannot be justified at God’s judgment. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ tells us that humans cannot please God by their own efforts and that God’s grace is an absolute necessity for us.


  163. Susanna6:02 PM

    One more aspect must be addressed here: If people can be saved without hearing about Christ, does it mean that Christian missions are futile? By no means. There are two important reasons for Christian missions in the world. First, Jesus himself commanded it (Matthew 28,18-20). He is the final revelation of God and his message of salvation has to be proclaimed "to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1,8). That people can be saved without hearing about Christ is only a temporary solution, which operates only until his message will reach all people. Second, all people should share the fullness and blessings of the Christian life, not only in eternity, but also during this present earthly life. Jesus came to redeem our earthly life as well, so that we could start to experience his love now, in a personal relationship with him and also in the Christian community.

    If the salvation of tribes living in remote areas depended entirely on missionaries’ preaching, a lot of people would suffer eternal damnation in hell only because Christian missionaries didn’t manage to reach their part of the world in time. In many cases the disobedience of Christians to go into remote parts of the world would be responsible for that. Even worse is the case of missionaries that have reached remote parts of the world but didn't preach the "right" Jesus. Remember how the New World was colonized. Christian missions have not always been inspired by love. They haven't always preached the message of love, but one of greed and hypocrisy. Therefore, God could not condemn people to hell only because his so-called followers perverted his message. This wouldn't be at all consistent with God’s perfect justice and love for the lost.

    God didn’t leave the world without a proper testimony about himself (Acts 14,17) and doesn’t condemn anybody without first revealing his grace. Although this article may not offer an acceptable answer to the question in the title, nobody’s salvation depends on how convincing such an answer could be. The sacrifice of Christ on the cross is and remains the only ground for human salvation. Rejecting it (by those who have heard about him) cannot be justified by the lack of intellectual satisfaction one gets from polemical debates.

  164. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Ok, we've just had Susanna's 'back up' of her position.

    However, we're still awaiting Constance's.

    So it is up to the reader to pray discern, and search the Holy Scriptures to see whether Ray B's or Susanna's position is more plausible... any further comments would be greatly appreciated as we try and unravel this as Berean Greeks would.

    We are still eagerly awaiting Constance's take on this.

    There are those who may serve a mere fallen man (Francis).

    As for me and my house , we shall serve the Lord.

  165. Susanna6:10 PM

    Anonymous 5:58 PM

    Re:Just to be sure it doesn't get lost in the shuffle, here's that very revealing New Agey apostate video Ray B kindly provided, which we're still awaiting Constance's position on (we've had Susanna's COEXIST style response, though she's yet to back her position up with Holy Writ).

    Sola Scriptura is YOUR Rule of Faith, not mine. You have yet to back up YOUR position with Holy Writ. Until you can, kindly refrain from attempting to inflict it on everybody else.

  166. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Dear Susanna, thank you also for gracefully backing up your position.

  167. Susanna6:22 PM

    Ernest Valea is a strict bible-literal Christian and assumes the Christ figure as developed in Paul's letters and the Gospel of John is factually correct. His book "The Buddha and the Christ - Reciprocal Views" comes down to showing that the Buddha had no similarity to Christ in the matters that Valea finds important. In his conclusion, he basically says that he was trying to shoot down Thich Nhat Hanh's calling Jesus and Buddha brothers.

    In part three, Reciprocal Views, Valea compares some major teachings of both traditions in a very even-handed way. He demonstrates his thesis that the teachings of the Buddha and the Christ each work within their religious system, but superficial or improper combinations of their teaching would compromise the integrity of either. This book is e an excellent tool for reasonably comparing belief structures of Buddhism and Christianity.

  168. Susanna6:51 PM

    Leaked Board Documents: Soros Organization Tried To Influence Supreme Court Ruling On Illegal Immigration

  169. Susanna6:59 PM

    Soros fancies himself as a "god" and has said so himself.

    George Soros: The 'God' Who Carries Around Some Dangerous Demons

    ...It seems that Soros believes he was anointed by God. "I fancied myself as some kind of god ..." he once wrote. "If truth be known, I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise they might get me in trouble."

    When asked by Britain's Independent newspaper to elaborate on that passage, Soros said, "It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out."

    Since I began to live it out. Those unfamiliar with Soros would probably dismiss the statement out of hand. But for those who have followed his career and sociopolitical endeavors, it cannot be taken quite so lightly.

    Soros has proved that with the vast resources of money at his command he has the ability to make the once unthinkable acceptable. His work as a self-professed "amoral" financial speculator has left millions in poverty when their national currencies were devaluated, and he pumped so much cash into shaping former Soviet republics to his liking that he has bragged that the former Soviet empire is now the "Soros Empire."

    Now he's turned his eye on the internal affairs of the United States. Today's U.S., he writes in his latest book, "The Bubble of American Supremacy," is a "threat to the world," run by a Republican Party that is the devil child of an unholy alliance between "market fundamentalists" and "religious fundamentalists." We have become a "supremacist" nation......

    ...."Next to my fantasies about being God, I also have very strong fantasies of being mad," Soros once confided on British television. "In fact, my grandfather was actually paranoid. I have a lot of madness in my family. So far I have escaped it."

  170. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Susanna, here are my Scriptural references as to why I hold to the only truly Christian position sustained by God’s Word found throughout the 66 books of the God Inspired Holy Scriptures, which is that one should not add nor take away from the Holy Scriptures, and that, naturally following from this position, each Scripture should be contextually balanced with the rest. Moreover, we are warned about the vain traditions of men, and following false Christs such as the Roman Catholic popes. Such men beguile with their vain traditions and false teaching.

    I was a Roman Catholic, Susanna, it is a cult and no more Christian than David Karesh's or Jim Jones's cults were!

    Revelation 22:18-19

    I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book.

    Deuteronomy 4:2

    "You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.

    Proverbs 30:5-6

    Every word of God is tested; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him. Do not add to His words Or He will reprove you, and you will be proved a liar.

    John 8:32

    and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."

    Hebrews 10:23

    Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful;

    Deuteronomy 12:32

    "Whatever I command you, you shall be careful to do; you shall not add to nor take away from it.

    Matthew 22:29

    But Jesus answered and said to them, "You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God.

    Mark 7:13

    thus invalidating the word of God by your tradition which you have handed down; and you do many things such as that."

    Genesis 3:1-4

    Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, "Indeed, has God said, 'You shall not eat from any tree of the garden'?" The woman said to the serpent, "From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat; but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.'"

    Matthew 24:24

    "For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.

  171. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Susanna, here's some I believe need to be written with more of the surrounding Holy Scripture to get a full understanding of the danger and prohibition of the vain traditions of men such as those found in the RC cult's Catechism:

    Matthew 15Living Bible (TLB)

    15 Some Pharisees and other Jewish leaders now arrived from Jerusalem to interview Jesus.

    2 “Why do your disciples disobey the ancient Jewish traditions?” they demanded. “For they ignore our ritual of ceremonial handwashing before they eat.” 3 He replied, “And why do your traditions violate the direct commandments of God? 4 For instance, God’s law is ‘Honor your father and mother; anyone who reviles his parents must die.’ 5-6 But you say, ‘Even if your parents are in need, you may give their support money to the church[a] instead.’ And so, by your man-made rule, you nullify the direct command of God to honor and care for your parents. 7 You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, 8 ‘These people say they honor me, but their hearts are far away. 9 Their worship is worthless, for they teach their man-made laws instead of those from God.’[b]”

    10 Then Jesus called to the crowds and said, “Listen to what I say and try to understand: 11 You aren’t made unholy by eating nonkosher food! It is what you say and think that makes you unclean.”[c]

    12 Then the disciples came and told him, “You offended the Pharisees by that remark.”

    13-14 Jesus replied, “Every plant not planted by my Father shall be rooted up, so ignore them. They are blind guides leading the blind, and both will fall into a ditch.”

    Mark 7Living Bible (TLB)

    7 One day some Jewish religious leaders arrived from Jerusalem to investigate him, 2 and noticed that some of his disciples failed to follow the usual Jewish rituals before eating. 3 (For the Jews, especially the Pharisees, will never eat until they have sprinkled their arms to the elbows,[a] as required by their ancient traditions. 4 So when they come home from the market, they must always sprinkle themselves in this way before touching any food. This is but one of many examples of laws and regulations they have clung to for centuries, and still follow, such as their ceremony of cleansing for pots, pans, and dishes.)

    5 So the religious leaders asked him, “Why don’t your disciples follow our age-old customs? For they eat without first performing the washing ceremony.”

    6-7 Jesus replied, “You bunch of hypocrites! Isaiah the prophet described you very well when he said, ‘These people speak very prettily about the Lord but they have no love for him at all. Their worship is a farce, for they claim that God commands the people to obey their petty rules.’ How right Isaiah was! 8 For you ignore God’s specific orders and substitute your own traditions. 9 You are simply rejecting God’s laws and trampling them under your feet for the sake of tradition.

    10 “For instance, Moses gave you this law from God: ‘Honor your father and mother.’ And he said that anyone who speaks against his father or mother must die. 11 But you say it is perfectly all right for a man to disregard his needy parents, telling them, ‘Sorry, I can’t help you! For I have given to God what I could have given to you.’ 12-13 And so you break the law of God in order to protect your man-made tradition. And this is only one example. There are many, many others.”

    14 Then Jesus called to the crowd to come and hear. “All of you listen,” he said, “and try to understand. 15-16 [b]Your souls aren’t harmed by what you eat, but by what you think and say!”*

  172. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Susanna, this is also a useful one you should take note of:

    Deuteronomy 12
    Living Bible (TLB)

    12 “These are the laws you must obey when you arrive in the land that Jehovah, the God of your fathers, has given you forever:

    2 “You must destroy all the heathen altars wherever you find them—high in the mountains, up in the hills, or under the trees. 3 Break the altars, smash the obelisks, burn the shameful images, cut down the metal idols, and leave nothing even to remind you of them!

    4-5 “You must not make sacrifices to your God just anywhere, as the heathen sacrifice to their gods. Rather, you must build a sanctuary for him at a place he himself will select as his home. 6 There you shall bring to the Lord your burnt offerings and other sacrifices—your tithes, your offerings presented by the gesture of waving before the altar, your offerings to fulfill your vows, your freewill offerings, and your offerings of the firstborn animals of your flocks and herds. 7 There you and your families shall feast before the Lord your God and shall rejoice in all he has done for you.

    8 “You will no longer go your own way as you do now, everyone doing whatever he thinks is right; 9 (for these laws don’t go into effect until you arrive in the place of rest the Lord will give to you). 10 But when you cross the Jordan River and live in the Promised Land, and the Lord gives you rest and keeps you safe from all your enemies, 11 then you must bring all your burnt sacrifices and other offerings to his sanctuary, the place he will choose as his home. 12 You shall rejoice there before the Lord with your sons and daughters and servants; and remember to invite the Levites to feast with you, for they have no land of their own.

    13 “You are not to sacrifice your burnt offerings just anywhere; 14 you may only do so in the place the Lord will choose. He will pick a place in the territory allotted to one of the tribes. Only there may you offer your sacrifices and bring your offerings. 15 However, the meat you eat may be butchered anywhere, just as you do now with gazelle and deer. Eat as much of this meat as you wish and as often as you are able to obtain it, because the Lord has prospered you. Those who are ceremonially defiled may eat it too. 16 The only restriction is that you are not to eat the blood—pour it out on the ground, like water.

    [To be continued. ..]

  173. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Deuteronomy 12 continued:

    17 “But none of the offerings may be eaten at home. Neither the tithe of your grain and new wine and olive oil, nor the firstborn of your flocks and herds, nor anything you have vowed to give the Lord, nor your freewill offerings, nor the offerings to be presented to the Lord by waving them before his altar. 18 All these must be brought to the central altar where you, your children, and the Levites shall eat them before the Lord your God. He will tell you where this altar must be located. Rejoice before the Lord your God in everything you do. 19 (By the way, be very careful not to forget about the Levites. Share with them.)

    20-23 “If, when the Lord enlarges your borders, the central altar is too far away from you, then your flocks and herds may be butchered on your own farms, just as you do now with gazelle and deer. And even persons who are ceremonially defiled may eat them. The only restriction is never to eat the blood, for the blood is the life, and you shall not eat the life with the meat. 24-25 Instead, pour the blood out upon the earth. If you do, all will be well with you and your children. 26-27 Only your gifts to the Lord, and the offerings you have promised in your vows, and your burnt offerings need be taken to the central altar. These may only be sacrificed upon the altar of the Lord your God. The blood will be poured out upon the altar, and you will eat the meat.

    28 “Be careful to obey all of these commandments. If you do what is right in the eyes of the Lord your God, all will go well with you and your children forever. 29 When he destroys the nations in the land where you will live, 30 don’t follow their example in worshiping their gods. Do not ask, ‘How do these nations worship their gods?’ and then go and worship as they do! 31 You must not insult the Lord your God like that! These nations have done horrible things that he hates, all in the name of their religion. They have even roasted their sons and daughters in front of their gods. 32 OBEY ALL THE COMMANDMENTS I GIVE YOU. DO NOT ADD TO OR SUBTRACT FROM THEM.

  174. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Jeremiah 44 is also worth bringing up here:

    10 And even until this very hour there has been no apology; no one has wanted to return to me or follow the laws I gave you and your fathers before you.

    11 Therefore the Lord, the God of Israel, says: There is fury in my face and I will destroy every one of you! 12 I will take this remnant of Judah that insisted on coming here to Egypt, and I will consume them. They shall fall here in Egypt, killed by famine and sword; all shall die, from the least important to the greatest. They shall be despised and loathed, cursed and hated. 13 I will punish them in Egypt just as I punished them in Jerusalem, by sword, famine, and disease. 14 Not one of them shall escape from my wrath except those who repent of their coming and escape from the others by returning again to their own land.

    15 Then all the women present and all the men who knew that their wives had burned incense to idols (it was a great crowd of all the Jews in southern Egypt) answered Jeremiah:

    16 “We will not listen to your false ‘Messages from God’! 17 We will do whatever we want to. We will burn incense to the Queen of Heaven[a] and sacrifice to her just as much as we like—just as we and our fathers before us, and our kings and princes have always done in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem; for in those days we had plenty to eat, and we were well off and happy! 18 But ever since we quit burning incense to the Queen of Heaven and stopped worshiping her, we have been in great trouble and have been destroyed by sword and famine.”

    19 “And,” the women added, “do you suppose that we were worshiping the Queen of Heaven and pouring out our libations to her and making cakes for her with her image on them, without our husbands knowing it and helping us? Of course not!”

    20 Then Jeremiah said to all of them, men and women alike, who had given him that answer:

    21 “Do you think the Lord didn’t know that you and your fathers, your kings and princes, and all the people were burning incense to idols in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? 22 It was because he could no longer bear all the evil things you were doing that he made your land desolate, an incredible ruin, cursed, without an inhabitant, as it is today. 23 The very reason all these terrible things have befallen you is because you have burned incense and sinned against the Lord and refused to obey him.”

    24 Then Jeremiah said to them all, including the women: “Listen to the word of the Lord, all you citizens of Judah who are here in Egypt! 25 The Lord, the God of Israel, says: Both you and your wives have said that you will never give up your devotion and sacrifices to the Queen of Heaven, and you have proved it by your actions. Then go ahead and carry out your promises and vows to her! 26 But listen to the word of the Lord, all you Jews who are living in the land of Egypt: I have sworn by my great name, says the Lord, that it will do you no good to seek my help and blessing anymore, saying, ‘O Lord our God, help us!’ 27 For I will watch over you, but not for good! I will see to it that evil befalls you, and you shall be destroyed by war and famine until all of you are dead.

  175. Anonymous7:59 PM

    God tells us repeatedly through the Holy Bible that if we love Him we are to keep / obey His Commands!

    We are also told the first commandment is for one to love God with all one's heart, with all one's soul, with all one's strength and with all one's mind, and the second is to love our neighbours as ourselves.

    Also Susanna, both Jude and Timothy urge us to hold fast to sound doctrine and also to the traditions not of men but of God, once delivered unto the saints, which is that contained in harmonious context of the Holy Scriptures!

    Susanna, may you find a way out of the bonds of RCism and truly search God so that God may reveal Himself to you and you may be saved!

  176. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Just to be sure it doesn't get lost in the shuffle, here's that very revealing New Agey apostate video Ray B kindly provided, which we're still awaiting Constance's position on (we've had Susanna's COEXIST style response, which is, I believe, done out of misplaced love due to leaning on her own understanding, and a not so convincing backing up of her position.)

    Grant, what's your view of Ray B's and Susanna's differing takes on this? They can't both be right.

    Ray B, are you swayed by Susanna's reasoning?

    Here's the video of Francis and the sanctioning of all religions lead to God nonsense.

  177. Susanna8:32 PM

    George Soros’s Open Border Foundations

    An inside look at the machinations of the multibillionaire and his mission to destroy national sovereignty.

    August 17, 2016

    Joseph Klein

  178. Susanna8:37 PM

    Hacked Emails Show Soros Plot to Undermine Israel

  179. Susanna8:39 PM

    Money talks? From Ferguson to unrest overseas, new reports reveal Soros influence

    Published August 17, 2016

  180. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Here's the video of Francis and the sanctioning of all religions lead to God nonsense.

    Constance, what's your take on this?

  181. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Here's the video of Francis and the sanctioning of all religions lead to God nonsense.

    Constance, what's your take on this?

  182. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Just to be sure it doesn't get lost in the shuffle, here's that very revealing New Agey apostate video Ray B kindly provided, which we're still awaiting Constance's position on (we've had Susanna's COEXIST style response, which is, I believe, done out of misplaced love due to leaning on her own understanding, and a not so convincing backing up of her position.)

    Grant, what's your view of Ray B's and Susanna's differing takes on this? They can't both be right.

    Ray B, are you swayed by Susanna's reasoning?

    Here's the video of Francis and the sanctioning of all religions lead to God nonsense.

  183. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Pagan Roman Catholic Symbolism and the Rio Olympics

    The Open Scroll Blog

    Thursday, August,11,2016 post

  184. Susanna,

    You have done well in pointing out the patriarchs of old. One of the key ones was the heathen idol worshiper, the Chaldean Abraham. The key to him and all the others was they heard the voice of God and 'Crossed Over' into life, by receiving, believing and being obedient to the words and laws of God.

    Because of the death of Jesus, God's divorcement of Israel ends, and the sin of Israel's adultery has ended with the death of her spouse. Therefore we are now freed from our religious adultery, can return, cross over, have his commandments written on my heart and once again become his bride.

    The video does not show forth agape love but something else.
    The video does not show the crossing over of people groups to the embracing of God's word and laws.
    The video could easily have shown a pedophile, a rapist, a transgendered, and an unrepentant sodomite. They all profess a type of 'love' equally as well?
    The video depicts a 'false crossing over' of the Pontifex Maximus type, IMO.

  185. Article by Javier Solana vis a vis Trump candidacy and other "populist" matters. See Project Syndicate article "Taming the Populists"



  186. To all:

    The number of comments jumped almost 100 since I last looked -- sorry, I will have to catch up -- we had a few nightmarish days here with basement cleanout of dishwasher leakage into basement problems and the insurance work ongoing with it -- I have spent as much time as I could scanning and salvaging. I know it looks trivial compared to the massive and tragic flood problems of too many in this country, but nevertheless, it has limited my online time. I looked at the news stories tonight and spotted the important one by Dr. Solana. Yes, I know there are problems with the present pope -- but I also know there are big problems with the Doug Coe, Billy Graham, Richard Halverson networking with the Institue of Noetic Sciences and Paul N. Temple. No perfect churches for sure because there are no perfect people! It does look like the liberal New Age Catholics I encountered when I first discovered the New Age Movement in 1981 are on the march again -- but then again, we have those such as Susanna who are keeping an eye on things. Carrie Tomko did BRILLIANT WORK in that area when she was living.


  187. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Constance wrote: "It does look like the liberal New Age Catholics I encountered when I first discovered the New Age Movement in 1981 are on the march again -- but then again, we have those such as Susanna who are keeping an eye on things."

    Yes that's the problem, you see: Liberal New Age Catholics such as Susanna with her 'COEXIST' all roads lead to Rome . . . ehem... God attitude are the ones "keeping an eye on things".

    Constance, you've been repeatedly asked to give your opinion on this very revealing New Agey apostate video Ray B kindly provided, you haven't done so yet and we're still eagerly awaiting your position on it (we've had Susanna's COEXIST liberal New Age style response, which is, I believe, done out of misplaced love (not Agape) due to erroneously leaning on her own understanding, and a not so convincing backing up of her position, as Dan Bryan has clearly indicated). Please don't ignore this bombshell of NAM teaching right from the Francis at the Vatican himself!

    Here's the video in question of Francis and the sanctioning of all religions lead to God nonsense.

  188. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Let's bot gloss over this timely and very telling exposé either:

    Pagan Roman Catholic Symbolism and the Rio Olympics

    The Open Scroll Blog

    Thursday, August,11,2016 post

  189. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Constance wrote: "It does look like the liberal New Age Catholics I encountered when I first discovered the New Age Movement in 1981 are on the march again -- but then again, we have those such as Susanna who are keeping an eye on things."

    Yes that's the problem, you see: Liberal New Age Catholics such as Susanna with her 'COEXIST' all roads lead to Rome . . . ehem... God attitude are the ones "keeping an eye on things".

    Constance, you've been repeatedly asked to give your opinion on this very revealing New Agey apostate video Ray B kindly provided, you haven't done so yet and we're still eagerly awaiting your position on it (we've had Susanna's COEXIST liberal New Age style response, which is, I believe, done out of misplaced love (not Agape) due to erroneously leaning on her own understanding, and a not so convincing backing up of her position, as Dan Bryan has clearly indicated). Please don't ignore this bombshell of NAM teaching right from the Vatican's prince, Francis Aka Jorge Mario Bergoglio himself!

    Here's the video in question of Francis and the sanctioning of all religions lead to God nonsense.

    Let's not gloss over this timely and very telling exposé either:

    Pagan Roman Catholic Symbolism and the Rio Olympics

    The Open Scroll Blog

    Thursday, August,11,2016 post

  190. Anonymous @ 8:41 AM ...

    I'm sure Constance does not hold to the heresy (as proclaimed by the Official Vatican video and "Susanna") that "god" has "many names" and that the same "god" of the Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, etc. is the exact same "god" as Jesus Christ. I'm sure Constance strongly, in no uncertain terms, opposes the Vatican's (and Susanna's) heretical views that salvation exists outside of Jesus Christ and His sacrificial death on the cross. I'm sure Constance completely rejects the Vatican's (and Susanna's) belief in the New Age religion of "COEXIST" false ecumenicalism.

    I'm sure of it. I would just like to read that Constance actually opposes this blasphemous (Official Vatican video) and give us a detailed, descriptive answer as to why she does.

    Let's all be patient and give Constance time. She is, after all, cleaning up that mess in her basement because of that leaky dishwasher.

  191. To Anonymous @ 8:59 PM ...

    Personally, I am thankful to "Susanna" for Roman Catholic defense of the Official Vatican Video:

    I'm thankful because she correctly has informed us that the blasphemous video is in fact one and the same with Official Catholic teachings. She has performed a great service to people that have not realized the extent of Rome's heretical teachings. Obviously, they reject completely the ONLY way to the Father, and that is through true faith, via grace, in the Lord Jesus Christ.

    So, again, thanks to Susanna. You have provided much needed clarification regarding the apostate/heretical teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

  192. Susanna is hardly a "liberal Catholic." I haven't seen the video in question yet, but liberal Catholics such as Matthew Fox (now excommunicated), Thomas Berry (recently died), Thomas Keating, Basil Pennington, et al, would no doubt describe her as their worst nightmare.


  193. Anonymous12:43 PM

    The issue is being forced upon churchworld. It's a global pc system and the masses are signing on in droves.
    Jesus is either Lord of all or not Lord at all.
    What say ye, ye fence sitters???

    The video from the Vatican is putting Jesus in it's blender and He comes out a nothing among is their conclusion.
    But not mine.

    The "jesus" potrayed in these circles of ecumenical slop, is not my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ Who is Sovereign God and King, the one and only way to God the father.

    The Bible is hated for what it actually says, and so will those who hold it's truth as supreme.

  194. Constance:

    The Vatican Video in question is 1 minute, 31 seconds in length. Please take the time to watch it and let us know what you think on this extremely important issue.

  195. Susanna3:00 PM


    Re:The video depicts a 'false crossing over' of the Pontifex Maximus type, IMO.

    The video could be interpreted as a "false crossing over" by those who know nothing else about Pope Francis and don't want to know. (I don't necessarily mean you here either)

    For those who do want to know, in some of his homilies, Pope Francis has reminded listeners that practices like yoga aren't capable of opening our hearts up to God. "You can take a million catechetical courses, a million courses in spirituality, a million courses in yoga, Zen and all these things. But all of this will never be able to give you God's freedom", he explained.

    Pope Francis has been so clear in his exhortations, some people have even referred to Pope Francis as "Yogaphobic." But while Pope Francis has declared Yoga to be an erroneous philosophy and spiritually dangerous practice, he is nevertheless willing to consider the possibility that those who practice don't know any better and might be living to the highest good that they do know. It was Jesus Himself who cried as He was dying on the Cross: "Father forgive then....for they KNOW NOT what they do."

    About a year ago, a Hindu community in Ireland asked Pope Francis to punish a priest who said Yoga leads to Satanism and paganism.

    Rev. Roland Colhoun from the Glendermott parish in Ireland was delivering a sermon in the village of Drumsurn dealing with the devil and exorcism when he said that both practicing yoga and getting Indian head massages will lead to the “Kingdom of Darkness,” according to the Belfast Telegraph.

    The Hindu community reacted with anger to Colhoun’s remarks, with Rajan Zed, president of the Universal Society of Hinduism, asking “His Holiness Pope Francis to discipline the Derry Catholic priest who linked yoga to Satan.” Zed has been a major proponent for incorporating yoga into everyday life for people across the world -- especially students!

    Colhoun told the Northern Ireland publication Derry Journal that his opinion was in line with that of the pontiff’s.“ Pope Francis said, ‘Do not seek spiritual answers in yoga classes,’” Colhoun said. He (Calhoun) stood firm in his beliefs, saying yoga poses a “spiritual health risk” and that neither yoga nor Indian head massage are rooted in Christianity. “I would refer people to the evidence,” he said. “The Church documents are written on it. It’s not an exhaustive study as the new age movement keeps changing. The documents give great caution about their practices.”


  196. Susanna3:01 PM


    According to a report from the Guardian, yoga is a “spiritual path, but not a religious one” with an origin that's directly connected to Hinduism.

    Colhoun's opinion isn't unique among the ranks of Catholic priests, according to, which reported the Vatican’s chief exorcist, Gabriele Amorth, said that yoga leads to a belief in Hinduism, and that “all eastern religions are based on a false belief in reincarnation.”

    “The bad spirit can be communicated in a variety of ways,” Colhoun added. “I’m not saying everyone gets it, or that it happens every time, and people may well be doing yoga harmlessly, but there’s always a risk and that’s why the Pope mentioned it and that’s why we talk about that in terms of the danger of the new age movement and the danger of the occult today. That’s the fear.”

    Despite the efforts of the aforementioned Hindus who have urged Francis to denounce Colhoun for his so-called "public yogaphobia," Francis has not acted - a clear indication that he is NOT denying the legitimacy of Colhoun’s statements.

    There is a huge difference between respecting a person's free, sincere religious choice ( as in the video ) and approving of it......especially when in contact with people who have been born into non-Christian traditions. As Pope John Paul II once put it, you can't win non-Catholic Christians to Christ if you go around spiritually kicking them in the shins. Those Christians who have maliciously done spiritual "shin-kicking" in the past - including Catholics - have made Christianity repulsive and incredible to people. This is what is called "giving scandal." In the Bible, millstones are the "reward" for giving scandal.

    In any case, those who hate the Pope are going to interpret everything he says and does in the most negative manner possible.

  197. Susanna3:30 PM

    P.S. Dan,

    By the way, in the video, Pope Francis said "We are all children of God." But he did not say that "all religions are the same" or that "one religion is as good as another."

    Here is the text of the video:

    Most of the planet's inhabitants declare themselves believers

    This should lead to dialogue among religions

    We should not stop praying for it and collaborating with those who think differently

    (then a woman says)
    I have confidence in the Buddha

    (A Jewish man says)
    I believe in God

    (A Catholic priest says)
    I believe in Jesus Christ

    (A Muslim says)
    I believe in God, Allah

    (Then the Pope continues)
    Many think differently, feel differently, seeking God or meeting God in different ways.

    In this crowd, in this range of religions
    There is only one certainty we have for all.

    We are all children of God.

    Then each of them says "I believe in love."

    (The Pope continues)
    I hope you will spread my prayer request this month
    That sincere dialogue of men and women of different faithsmay produce the fruits of peace and justice.

    I have confidence in your prayers.


    Notice that Pope Francis was not praying that sincere dialogue of men and women of different faiths may produce the fruits of a "one world religion." He was praying that it would produce the fruits of peace and justice.

  198. Anonymous4:11 PM

    I'm sorry, Susanna. Your answer is falling very short.
    The Bible says we are all God's creation (made in His image), but we are not all His children.
    Jesus had called religious people children of the devil. Better listen if He said that, not me.

    We have to be born again spiritually for that Father/child relationship. the relationship between Creator and creation is on the LORD's terms, not ours. Again, don't take my word for this. Look at John 3:3 John 3:16-18 as just a couple of examples of what He taught.

    See for yourself what He said.

    Sums up for us like this: (Compare chapters 1-8 of the book of Romans to see if this is correct)

    Born once, die twice.
    physical birth (born sinner) physical death (wages of sin) spiritual death (judged by God a sinner for eternity-separated from Him forever)

    Born twice, die once.
    physical birth (born sinner) spiritual birth (2nd birth into His family by repentance and faith in Jesus) physical death (wages of sin) but judged by God as spiritually alive (forever in the Savior's righteousness-not our own-to live with Him for eternity).

    Every time Pope Francis has the world's ear to proclaim Christ as Savior and Lord he blows it. He told the whole world Jesus failed. The Pope has lowered Jesus in the eyes of the world as only one of the ways to heaven. He has repeatedly lessened what is the Power of the Love of the Cross to save we sinners. He does not exalt the Lord Jesus Christ, he demotes Him. He exalts men and man's way to "relate" to God. Why would he do that? That belief is from the pit of hell.

    What the Pope advocates for earthly peace and justice (a new age/globalist mantra) is a far cry from true eternal peace with God and eternal justice for God that the Bible teaches. Jesus paid for both in His body and blood.

    The Pope's message is way off, and eternity is at stake.

  199. Susanna4:56 PM

    Soros' “Islamophobia” Plot Against David Horowitz Revealed

    The DCLeaks document dump exposes the pro-Islamist Left’s sinister attempt to slime truth-tellers about Jihad.

    August 19, 2016

    Matthew Vadum

  200. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Hi Anon 8:59,

    What did Jesus say to a "good person" .
    Matthew 19:16-22 (NKJV) Jesus Counsels the Rich Young Ruler

    16 Now behold, one came and said to Him, “Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?”
    17 So He said to him, “Why do you call Me good?No one is good but One, that is,God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.”
    18 He said to Him, “Which ones?”
    Jesus said, “‘You shall not murder,’ ‘You shall not commit adultery,’ ‘You shall not steal,’ ‘You shall not bear false witness,’
    19 ‘Honor your father and your mother,’and, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ ”
    20 The young man said to Him, “All these things I have kept from my youth. What do I still lack?”
    21 Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.”
    22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.

    Jesus says "come follow me" .... its totally exclusive.
    Susannas position seems to reflect that of the popes video ... one that is not exclusive at all .
    When the Scriptures are not held as the final and only authority in all matters (sola scripture) anything goes... and shows in the centuries of heresies passed off as tradition.

    Several Catholic traditions and teachings have there origins in pagan roman beliefs that have been mixed into RC in the first two hundred years AD.
    Sounds like "all roads lead to Rome" but theres only one way to God..."Jesus Christ"

    RayB, quotes scripture and trumps Susannas non sola scripture positioning.
    "contra principia negantem non est disputandum"

