
Monday, July 18, 2016

Very clear New Age influences on Baton Rouge police killer

I'm going to bed very, very late -- but decided to check the news one more time before doing so.  I discovered something very significant about Gavin Long, the decorated former marine who shot six police officers in Baton Rouge yesterday, killing 3 and injuring 3 others, one critically.

This is what I read tonight from the WASHINGTON POST article posted on MicroSoft's news offerings for Windows 10 users:

Long posted a video online that seems to show him distributing his book to people on the street, and his cousin said he believed that is what Long may have been doing in Baton Rouge. The book, “The Cosmo Way: A W(H)olistic Guide for the Total Transformation of Melanated People,” is styled almost as a self-help guide.
Under the pen name Cosmo Setepenra, Long claimed in the book that he had a “spiritual revelation” while in college and soon sold his cars and gave away his “material possessions,” packing just two suitcases for a trip to Africa — his “ancestral homeland.” He wrote that he traveled across the continent learning from its “native spiritual practitioners and elder holistic healers” and was concerned in particular that people with darker skin lead healthy, holistic lifestyles.
“Not only have we not been taught how to treat our bodies and spirits in order to live a healthy and holistic lifestyle, we have also lost touch with the ancient teachings of our spiritual elders that would help us to live a healthy holistic life in harmony with nature,” he wrote.
Those familiar with the New Age Movement, its beliefs and altered state practices should recognize the above as a familiar part of the New Age mindset.  Also, I recently heard there may be connections with the Nation of Islam.  This brings back memories of old battles in Detroit when New Age elements attempted to set black and white neighborhoods off against each other in a battle over the Malcolm X Academy.  I was furnished at that time with evidence that Afrocentric and white supremacy organizations were collaborating in an attempt to repeal the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution and form three new nations:  White Mountain Republic; Republic of New Africa; and ZOG (Northeast United States as "Zionist Occupational Government."

It looks like all of those ugly elements are on the march again, in ugly combining with the OCCUPY MOVEMENT which clearly has played an important role in the Black Lives Matter demonstrations about the country, furnishing organizers for same.

I will have much to say about this in the days to come.



  1. Gavin per this source converted to Nation of Islam 3 years ago.


  2. " an attempt to repeal the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution and form three new nations: White Mountain Republic; Republic of New Africa; and ZOG (Northeast United States as "Zionist Occupational Government." "

    they'd have to repeal the whole Constitution not just the 14th to make separate nations.

    Great find, Constance! keep up the good work!

  3. well here's a new war scenario, not necessarily WW 3, that no one ever thought of including me. Did Turkey Just Threaten War Against the United States After Failed Coup?

  4. Marko8:37 AM

    For all who are interested, Sputnik News is (like RT - Russia Today) an official news agency of Moscow and the Kremlin, and should be viewed as a Russian propaganda outlet. I would take everything they put out with a huge grain of salt.

    I don't think Joel Harding is overstating the case when he says:

    "Sputnik and Russia Today are to journalism what Jeffery Dahmer was to “culinary arts.”

    Just ’cause something looks like meat and is served on a plate, one still ought to inquire as to the source."

  5. Anonymous10:37 AM

    "that no one ever thought of including me."

    Once in a great while your posts good, but your hubris and pride is always bad. Really you are promoting yourself and what you "know". That is beyond immature. A back-handed slight and it's actually profoundly mean-spirited, often obscuring the truth. This whole blog knows this from way back, your track record is so bad. You had to be reprimanded recently again so it's you that has some real learning to do.
    You're off-putting and keep others from sharing here. I only sometimes read your short ones now, but with lines like that that I quoted for you, I'm sorry I read even a short one. The very sight of your name has become a bummer. I'm not overly sensitive, I just don't want to suffer a fool anymore and suffering your foolishness has gone on long enough.
    We all just need information, not ego-driven commentary.

    Please respect others, and nix the off hand remarks, or get off Constance's webpage.

  6. Anonymous10:41 AM

    You've got that right, Marko.

    Putin's always got a friend in Erikson.

  7. Physicist,

    I was wondering if you've heard of the "Hydroplate" theory, which was developed to provide an alternative explanation of plate tectonics. It also happens to fit better with the Biblical account of the Flood of Noah's time. I found it an interesting theory after a brief look, but that's all I've done so far - briefly look at it. I just wondered if it was worth spending more time looking into.

    Here are some links that a friend sent to me (see email copied below). If you have time, would you care to look into this and let me know your thoughts?



    Hi Mark, these links explain the Hydroplate theory. The last one is very detailed but after watching it I don't see how anyone could not see the logic fits the observed features of the world better than the plate tectonic theory.

    Dr Walt Brown:

    Excerpts: RSR's Global Flood and the Hydroplate Theory

    Hydroplate Theory Overview (parts 1-6 combined)

  8. Marko, source reuters, Sputnik probably picked it up from them or ran their own news from hearing it themselves.

    Foreign press more often tells you what's going on than American press. or sooner.

    As of last night, Turkey still had Incirlik (and 90 American nukes) locked down. this has happened in the past, but any system that can run on 8.5 floppys should be easy enough to hack if you have physical access to the system (to get launch codes or calculate from what information is in them what it might be). We will see.

    snide commenters - obviously I didn't prevent you from posting. you make yourself look foolish.

  9. Anonymous3:35 PM


    Sorry, not my field; I suggest you google "hydroplate theory wrong" to see secular (and one or two old-earth Christian) critiques of it in parallel with enthusiastic expositions of it, and then make your own decision. Apologies if I led you on!


  10. Marko3:44 PM


    That's quite alright... no apologies necessary. I find it interesting, but really, with all that's going on in the world, have other things I'm focusing on now. Thanks for responding!

  11. Anonymous5:35 PM

    The sight of your name is enough to make people turn away from this blog.

    Rich of Medford (who knows you will argue with wallpaper), Dorothy, Grant, and OMOTS (and Physicist above who won't answer to you demanding he tell his identity because look for every opportunity to argue with him when you don't even know his field as a subject enough to comment) and others are only a few examples of those not sharing here because of you and your ego-driven drivel.
    It is most definitely you who has been foolish...


    best refutation of hydroplate theory you could ask for and Brown can't even decide if the Flood was inevitable from a natural process or brought by God.

  13. Hi Physicist,

    Here is an interesting perspective about the earth.

  14. How about comments from same on shooter Gavin and his conversion to Nation of Islam, i.e. Farrakhan movement.

    If anybody wants a copy of the article documenting the relationship between them as given me by a "mole reporter" who later became a Michigan State Representative. Email me at and put in the subject line "Farrakhan - Willis Carto links". I'll send it back to you in .pdf form -- it is a 2 page typed document that was given me by the person covering the 1988 event in Washington, D.C.


  15. Anonymous7:06 AM

    I didn't read the links advocating hydroplate theory closely enough to check whether it answers my immediate objection: where is all that water today?

    The Flood narrative does not state that it left the earth and atmosphere for space, so it should still be around. If it is today's sea and polar ice caps, it can have covered all of the land only if the earth were far flatter. That is a hypothesis which has already been covered (and, so far as I am concerned, disproved) in other Creationist-vs-scientist debates.

    My own best guess is that the Middle East, where all of the humans and nephilim were, was under water, but the rest of the earth was blanketed with snow in a brief global cooling event. That achieves the same end while remaining consistent with the Book of Genesis and doing the water accountancy correctly. There might be other ways of satisfying all these criteria, of course.


  16. Physicist,

    tsunami events during the Flood would wash critters off high ground while most of
    the water stayed in the lowlands. If you look at the globe minus water, you notice
    that there are continents and continental shelves. My guess is that those were the
    original sea edges and that the water above them came from the Flood. The aquifers
    were probably fuller then than now, but not like the hydroplate theory.

    Another thing: Mars looks like it once had seas and continental shelf effect with
    the land pretty much one location. If water was yanked off Mars during a really
    close swing by (miraculous not regular or nibiru/venus/whatever displacement per
    Velikovsky) it would leave as a column and arrive here dissipating as rain. We got
    a flood they got drought. If pre Flood civilization had gone offworld, and terraformed
    Mars, there would be people there Incl. GMO humans from earth that needed judging
    also, but perhaps were less culpable, and might have included people who believed God
    enough to flee but not enough to repent so were still evil but some credit given them for believing at all? This would explain the excess water here.

  17. Christine Erikson (aka Justina) wrote (in part) @ 8:12 AM:

    "We got a flood they (i.e. Mars) got drought. If pre Flood civilization had gone offworld, and terraformed Mars, there would be people there Incl. GMO humans from earth that needed judging also, but perhaps were less culpable, and might have included people who believed God
    enough to flee but not enough to repent so were still evil but some credit given them for believing at all? This would explain the excess water here."

    Question for you Christine ... how exactly did the "pre Flood civilization" do "offworld, and terraformed Mars" ???

    Note: if this isn't New Age nuttiness .... I don't know what is. This is also what happens when a person uses sources (her imagination) outside of the absolute authority of God's Word, which is the basis, by the way, of ALL Man-Made religion.

  18. Anonymous12:54 PM

    "what happens when a person uses sources (her imagination) outside of the absolute authority of God's Word, which is the basis, by the way, of ALL Man-Made religion."
    MCE's empty life and heart, empty of God's word as the authority above all others, have given place for the devil to roam freely. Could very well be the living example of Matthew 12:43-45 since the virtues of God's holiness, love, mercy and forgiveness are absent from her thinking and posting. Talk about dry places...
    She "knows better" than God when you read her posts.

    You said it, RayB. Extra-biblical, unbiblical drivel (lies) that her excessive ego must plaster all over the place. Weird and confused beyond words.

    Her new age/pagan/occultic dabbles haunt her brain...and she haunts this blog.

  19. RayB "Note: if this isn't New Age nuttiness .... I don't know what is. "

    you just showed you have no notion of what the New Age is. it can involve an
    effort to misapply science (electromagnetism in the old days, quantum physics
    nowdays) to promote occultism and philosophy of a practical sort, which they
    then wrongly claim automatically proves their theology and eschatology. (and

    they will take the idea of lost civilizations that might have known more than
    we think, to validate whatever pagan abominations of thought and/or practice
    these people were into. And to push for their altered states of consciousness
    and supposed superior spiritual condition to get from it, that supposedly
    characterized said Atlantis or whatever.

    but that is totally irrelevant to the issue of lost civilizations that were
    not knuckle draggers. the bagdad battery and the antikythera device show that
    some people were farther ahead than we realized. The only reason you would
    see remnants of advances in the ruins of our civilization in centuries future,
    is because of the mass use of such.

    TIMES, AND THEN WAS THE RESULT OF THE PATENT OFFICE which guaranteed an inventor
    pay for development and use of his or her idea, instead of having to hide the
    invention whether device or process, to keep all income from its sale to oneself
    and one's family.

    anything especially noteworthy would not have been for general use, but to
    promote the illusion of divinity of priesthoods and kingship. occasionally for
    military use.

    think robotics is fairly modern? when Christians destroyed pagan temples, there
    were devices found that made statues move and so forth and ways of projecting
    a priest's voice to give the illusion that a god was speaking. such things are
    toys and games now. they were dead serious secrets then.

    take that notion and apply it to everything.

    how would they get offworld and terraform Mars? same way the modern scientists
    are planning to do, but without the wasteful and inefficient rocketry. more like
    that gizmo that shouldn't work but does and gets propulsion from microwaves that
    NASA is working on. and the sort of thing that I forget his name invented as a
    power device (free energy, zero point energy) that unless bolted down would take
    off and punch a hole through the roof.

    such things are often pursued by people who see them as mystical and a lot of
    1800s and early 1900s scientists were also occultists and mystics to some degree.
    But these are distinct issues.

    The biggest New Age myth is that spiritual evolution parallels physical (racial)
    and technological evolution. (there's that cult of evolution again.) of course
    their idea of spiritually advanced is not Christian. but they tend to ascribe
    nonviolence to such cultures.

    As someone pointed out, to disprove this, the most technologically advanced
    civilization in the first half of the 20th century was Nazi Germany. go figure.

    so if you think everything unusual but physical is new age nuttiness, you might
    as well dump the internet, stop using cars and public transportation, leave off
    clothing with synthetics in them, forget the phone and even telegraphy, and go
    live in a hovel somewhere on a mountainside.

  20. anon 12:54

    name one thing in God's Holy Word that rules out anything I've been saying, and
    explain how anything I've been saying is THEOLOGICALLY relevant. (which also means,
    if it isn't theologically relevant, you won't find much more than a hint in
    Scripture if that, because Scripture is about theology and morals, not technology.)

    of course, maybe you are a hard core amish, in which case how do you get online?
    failing to limit your thought to Scripture is exactly what will keep you out of
    any vehicle but a horse drawn wagon because other type vehicles aren't mentioned
    there. or even keep you from using electrical systems at all.

    you make such fools of yourselves. you must think that I worship and adore various
    created things rather than God. And if so, that is a really seriously inaccurate
    effort at mind reading at best, something I don't do, I calculate likely agendas
    and attitudes from expressed in writing statements of others, and deliberate
    malicious slander at worst.


    might correct some wrong ideas some of you people have about interpreting

  22. Christine ...

    AGAIN ... please explain EXACTLY HOW and by WHAT MEANS "pre Flood civilization had gone offworld, and terraformed Mars."

    I can't wait to read your theory ... especially being that you are an "expert" on the subject of a "POSSIBLE" History of Life on Mars, blah, blah, blah.

  23. not going to spend time here on this. Constance doesn't like it. look into the
    subject of zero point energy and antigravity for yourself. rule number one: once you have fire, glass, and electricity, you can do anything. or get there. I don't spend that much time on this but get my book and study up on and and so you at least know what I am saying before you criticize. most of the time you and other critics don't know what you are talking about when you level your accusations. that NASA thing the microwave propulsion unit is an eye opener.

  24. Anonymous3:10 PM

    If your miles of posts were in paper print MCE, they wouldn't be good for anything except fire starter, needing a hazard duty officer in attendance for a controlled burn.

    Constance doesn't like it is right. The rest of us don't either. "Aliens" aka demonic beings are not redeemable because human beings alone were made in God's image. On that note, actually you need redeemed.

    Leave that anti-bible rubbish at your own personal blog, the disinformation station where you are not fighting the new age, you are wallowing in it.

  25. Oh come on now Christine, enlighten us as to your informed theory on how these "pre-flood" humans made their trip to Mars.

    I'm sure Constance would be interested as well to read what you have to say on the breathtaking subject.

    Also, I find it very nutty that you actually think all of that "extra" water on earth somehow made its way here from Mars. LOL !!!

  26. ""Aliens" aka demonic beings are not redeemable because human beings alone were made in God's image. On that note, actually you need redeemed"

    not to talk about aliens per se, but to defend myself against the usual false accusations.

    I have always distinguished between demons pretending to be aliens, and physical beings that are most likely not descended from a separate creation by God but from HUMANS who were genetically modified by mad scientists with fallen angel aka demon help in developing the technology implied in Genesis 6 (children don't have to be blood children can be putative those ascribed to or born to women you own or are
    associated with).

    the human is not redeemable because made in the image of God but needs redemption because of the fall, and is redeemable by the Blood of Christ. non humans not made in God's image are not lacking a relationship with God. God told Noah that He made His covenant with Noah and his family and ALL CREATURES WITH NOAH.

  27. Christine Erikson (aka Justina" said ...

    "I have always distinguished between demons pretending to be aliens, and physical beings that are most likely not descended from a separate creation by God but from HUMANS who were genetically modified by mad scientists with fallen angel aka demon help in developing the technology implied in Genesis 6 (children don't have to be blood children can be putative those ascribed to or born to women you own or are
    associated with)."

    And what exactly is the evidence that you have to support such a wild assertion of "mad scientists with fallen angel" ... "genetically" modifying humans???

  28. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Yes RayB and you have to wonder about the catapult to jettison things there too. LoL!

  29. Anonymous4:07 PM

    "the human is not redeemable because made in the image of God but needs redemption because of the fall"
    That is a given.
    And you still need to be redeemed. I assume you are human and are certainly living in a fallen spiritual state.....

  30. Christine,

    MY Bible says ALL MEN ARE ONE BLOOD. What does yours say? How do you square your "alien" theories and "Man Made Humans" with THAT?


  31. Anonymous4:01 AM

    how would they get offworld and terraform Mars? same way the modern scientists
    are planning to do, but without the wasteful and inefficient rocketry. more like
    that gizmo that shouldn't work but does and gets propulsion from microwaves that
    NASA is working on. and the sort of thing that I forget his name invented as a
    power device (free energy, zero point energy) that unless bolted down would take
    off and punch a hole through the roof.

    Would you care to provide a reference, Christine?

    look into the subject of zero point energy and antigravity for yourself. rule number one: once you have fire, glass, and electricity, you can do anything... that NASA thing the microwave propulsion unit is an eye opener.

    I have, actually, Christine: I have a doctorate in theoretical physics. Zeropoint energy is real but untappable because it is the lowest eigenstate, and as for antigravity the graviton is a spin-2 particle which means gravity is always attractive and never repulsive in contrast to electromagnetism.

    Some speculative schemes and papers try to get round these things and, in view of the rewards for success, they is worth pondering, but again and again errors are found in these once they have been subject to sufficient scientific scrutiny. This takes time, of course. If you read only these papers and do not have the scientific background to evaluate them, you will be forever surfing on a wave of speculation that you mistakenly take for established fact. That is where you are, Christine.

    The shortcut is, of course, to build a machine that does what the theorists say is impossible. Again, when a claim is made, time always appears to debunk it: the report proves to be inaccurate or the inventor refuses open scrutiny citing commercial confidentiality, or something else that leads to absurd conspiracy theories. Again, if you jump the gun, you risk making a fool of yourself.


  32. "...that gizmo that shouldn't work but does and gets propulsion from microwaves that
    NASA is working on. and the sort of thing that I forget his name invented as a
    power device (free energy, zero point energy) that unless bolted down would take
    off and punch a hole through the roof. "

    I understand that manure is sometimes flammable, even explosive.
    There must be a way to harness all your words Christine. You could speak into
    a microphone and the technology could convert that to an endless fuel source.

  33. Constance,

    God made all men of one blood. that does not preclude mutations and does not
    preclude recombinant DNA using genes yanked from animal and insect species into
    a human to produce specific changes of use in extreme environments. goats with spider genes to get spider silk proteins in milk. another makes human insulin in its milk from human genes added. is it still a goat or a cow? yes. obviously.

    extrapolate that to humans.

    "[NASA] has launched a competition for scientists to create a thick and functional skin tissue that could survive off the planet.

    The space agency is studying the health risks and improvements needed to medicine keep space crews healthy during future, longer, space missions.

    It was worked with Methuselah Foundation's New Organ Alliance to investigate how to improve bioengineering through a competition called the Vascular Tissue Challenge.

    The agency fund to three teams asked to create a "metabolically-functional" human vascularized organ tissue that can be artificially controlled inside a laboratory.

    To win, teams have to produce a 1cm-thick tissue that can maintain more than 85 percent survival of its cells over 30 days.

    Steve Jurczyk, associate administrator for NASA, said: "The humans who will be our deep space pioneers are our most important resource on the Journey to Mars and beyond."

    The competition will test if the human tissue can withstand the factors involved in deep space explorations. "
    what kind of genes would go into this? strictly human with chemical tweaks to change functions? or more likely other genes besides.

    I checked to be sure this guy exists. yep.

    Physicist, I am not going to have this discussion with you again. engineering something starting with math is not the issue. you weasel and shift ground which is either irrational or dishonest. I haven't time or interest for either.

    What's been done already and what's being worked on, are the tip of an iceberg when it comes to genetic modification. If you can produce babies that have three parents genetically, not just socially, you can produce babies that have totally non human elements added in.

    our genes are already 98% the same as chimp which figure is fudged by including genes with the same function but not identical but the latter exist. also potato genes. don't ask. search "lateral inheritance" for what goes on in nature that
    the GMO crew borrowed.

    social insect genes to make better team players? mantis genes to make supervisors that don't get involved with the underlings? water breathers? what could one do? anything just about. has it been done ages ago? maybe. it would explain some things that people kidnapped by aliens and hybrids bred from them report. (Dr. David Jacobs, and Derrell Sims.)

    what about now? nothing new under the sun says Ecclesiastes.

    is it being worked on now? yes.

  34. Physicist, you have not looked into zpe beyond the mere theorizing you bleat about. you have not looked into practical experiments and results. THAT is all I care about or talk about or gets my attention.

  35. the big alien deception that might be foisted on us, either from returning GMO humans or things produced in underground labs to be fake aliens, is that they made us, and we should let them run us and solve all our problems. (with the elites we
    learned to hate running them or, if returnees, in a deal with them.)

    this line of thought I have been pushing is the best antidote. we (our ancestors) made them. so they can shut up.

  36. Anonymous11:02 AM

    We know weird science has big ideas to "recreate" and "create" a new narrative for life on earth, but what I and others also know is, you spend your energy every single day, trying extra hard in your exorbitant leisure time, living parasitically off of the backs of others, is to establish your many deceived notions (vain imaginations) as fact.
    So much disinfo and so little time........

    God's eternal word, the utter and unalterable truth, given time (and ears that hear), exposes all lies.......exposes, you.

  37. Anonymous11:04 AM

    MCE and Buzz Aldrin have sipped way too much cosmic koolaid.

  38. Paul said @ 6:39 AM re: Christine:

    "I understand that manure is sometimes flammable, even explosive.
    There must be a way to harness all your words Christine. You could speak into
    a microphone and the technology could convert that to an endless fuel source."

    Kind of like the "Doomsday Machine" from Dr. Strangelove? Scary to even think about.


  40. Anonymous2:41 PM

    I was wondering if today was a full moon! So I looked it up! No it was last night!
    The blog owner, after telling the EЯIKSON to leave her moon beams or Marz lights to home, she now succumbs to dialog with demons?

  41. Anonymous4:04 PM

    "you won't find much more than a hint in
    Scripture if that, because Scripture is about theology and morals, not technology.)"

    So technology which is man-made but made using elements made in the first place by God, does not bow to God huh?

    You have a multitude of blasphemous ideas because the Spirit of God does not possess you. You are possessed of another spirit, actually many. All your talk of God proves you really have no relationship with Him and means you need to be recreated by the Spirit (born again). Born once, die twice (spiritual death)<>born twice, die once (physical death). Jesus said: you must be born again. (and you don't get it but think you do)

    As of right now Matthew 12:43-45 most assuredly reads like it is you.

  42. anon 4:04

    ""you won't find much more than a hint in
    Scripture if that, because Scripture is about theology and morals, not technology.)"

    So technology which is man-made but made using elements made in the first place by God, does not bow to God huh?"

    exactly what does that gibberish mean? God has given us free will and only to some extent intervenes. you are saying it should be impossible for man made devices and processes to work against God's will - well, the word of God condemns you.

    read all the prohibitions on murder and theft and digging holes without covering them and soforth. notice reference to murder with weapons I don't mean war. These are man made devices and absent divine intervention they will work against God's orders in the hands of men who are working against God's orders.

    you need to get your self exalting slanderous spirit under control.

    when was the last time you saw man made things bow to God and computers refuse to be used to hijack a bank account (theft) or transmit pornography or messages facilitating adultery or murder?

    when was the last time you heard of man made things like knives bow to God and refuse to be used to do evil?

    when was the last time you heard of man made things like cars bow to God and refuse to be used to run some innocent person or animal over on purpose?

    when was the last time you heard of man made things like hypodermic needles bow to God and refuse to be used for drug abuse or to deliberate administer poison?

    you are a liar.

    when was the last time you heard of man made things like printing presses bow to God and refuse to be used to print NEw Age books?

    when was the last time you heard of man made things like laboratories bow to God and refuse to produce evil stuff?

    I have NO blasphemous ideas I have reported what has happened and extrapolated that to what likely could have happened to result in what has been reported NOT CHANELLED, REPORTED PHYSICAL EXPERIENCES LEAVNG FORENSIC EVIDENCE AND SCARS AND MEMORIES THAT ARE ONLY PARTLY REMOVED FROM CONSCIOUSNESS.

  43. Anonymous5:19 PM

    In your "scarred consciousness" (aka your unforgiving bitter heart incapable of truly bowing to the Lord), it is you who treats the subject as though those things are outside of the realm of God to do anything about. Like God hasn't spoken in power over and against anything the devil inspired can think up to do? He has all power. You believe in, to promote, a lesser god here than the one of the Holy Bible and are a self-serving, self-promoting, severe hypocrite. You limit God by exalting what you think.
    You are so impossibly proud and full of yourself, in need of saving---from yourself!
    May God forgive you.

  44. "it is you who treats the subject as though those things are outside of the realm of God to do anything about."

    since when? you must be in a dream world or ignorant or one of those who promotes
    lies about what God will and won't do will and won't allow as routine doing or
    allowing, which are false ascriptions to God of promises He did not make except in
    a limited and conditional sense. THIS ENDANGERS THE FAITH OF THOSE WHO BELIEVE SUCH

    But God has warned the reality WILL NOT include routine always divine intervention
    to stop something. otherwise we wouldn't have the atom bomb would we? and we
    wouldn't have the New Age Movement would we?


    "and Like God hasn't spoken in power over and against anything the devil inspired can think up to do?"

    He has forbidden certain actions but THE BIBLE SHOWS HE ONLY HELD SOME BACK AND

    "He has all power"

    that isn't the issue. no one said He lacks power.


    In Genesis God said He was letting the evil of the Amorites (aka Canaanites) become
    full and then would give the land to Israel.

    In Romans we are told that God often shows His wrath by letting people go their own
    way from sin to sin and not stop them, thus they wrack up more wrath at the

  45. thou shalt not is not a prediction. it is a command. which can be obeyed or
    disobeyed. but not disobeyed without consequences.

  46. Anonymous6:17 PM

    "Physicist, you have not looked into zpe beyond the mere theorizing you bleat about. you have not looked into practical experiments and results. THAT is all I care about or talk about or gets my attention."

    Christine, it is that "mere theorizing" about zeropoint energy which inspired people to try the experiments you speak of. You would not be able to get beyond the first line of a paper that discussed such experimental results and sought to harmonise them with prevailing theories. The thing you can do that is of value is point to the places in the literature where others can learn more. So, please give a reference in sufficient detail for anybody reading this to be able to find it and read it for themselves. You say that you care about these experiments and they have your attention. The essence of science is that it is an open process so, please say: which experiments? Conducted where? Written up by whom, and published where (online or on paper)? You should not assume that I know nothing of experimental results in this area, by the way.


  47. Anonymous6:18 PM

    "In Romans we are told that God often shows His wrath by letting people go their own
    way from sin to sin and not stop them, thus they wrack up more wrath at the

    What spin you come up with to misapply what is said. You go out of bounds against god repeatedly here. Against good science and good reason to promote your godless anti-bible beliefs. No wonder so many have left this site because you twist all they say. You are truly incorrigible. Your posts are rightly described as manure. That is the confusion of hell coming from you.
    And it is your own words that should scare the hell out of you about coming judgment upon yourself for the things that you are still proudly disobeying God in.

    May God forgive you.

  48. physicist,

    "You would not be able to get beyond the first line of a paper that discussed such experimental results and sought to harmonise them with prevailing theories."

    that is your weakness. to be able to look at something and say, even if you saw it
    working, that it doesn't exist because it doesn't harmonize with prevailing theories.

    That microwave thingy didn't harmonize either, shouldn't work. some guy redid the
    math and theories and found there is a rationale for it working, everyone else
    missed it. But unless it was tried against prevailing wisdom and found to work, no
    one would have reworked the math.

    now, as for examples..... several videos, this is the thing that if not bolted
    down will crash through the roof. or his first working model did.

    it doesn't work as well with magnets that aren't neodynium so something is not
    understood yet about this sort of thing.

    there's other stuff out there. search Townsend Brown or T. T. Brown and the Biefield. don't forget, a lot of math was invented to deal with realities the then
    existing math wasn't good enough for.
    Brown effect.

  49. Anonymous7:44 PM

    "that is your weakness. to be able to look at something and say, even if you saw it working, that it doesn't exist because it doesn't harmonize with prevailing theories."

    Christine, I am well aware that physics advances in two ways: when theoreticians make a new prediction and hand it to experimentalists to test; and when experimentalists say to theoreticians, "we've come up with this observation that your theories don't predict, so please look for an explanation".

    Your weakness, in contrast, is that you haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about. Literally. Anybody could build a perpetual motion machine powered by a concealed power source and fool you using long formulae and you wouldn't know you were being fooled. But I would, because I'm a physicist.

    John Searl? The guy who calls himself a professor but never went to university??


  50. Searl or Searle is a self appointed professor of his own invention. a video shows
    it can fly. If there was fraud someone would have caught it by now with others
    working on it independently of him (which I understand if I recall right, he doesn't
    really like happening). Searle is a selfish ambitious bastard. And he was
    claiming if we didn't get this alternative power source going the world would end
    in 15 years back 20 or 30 years ago. he likes to feel important.

    that has no bearing on his system accidentally knocking out the power in his
    neighborhood. or one of his systems. My guess is, Searle got ahold of some system
    or horked the core of it off the DePalma N machine and something else, and didn't
    expect it to fly but he wants his followers more than anything else. the guy is a
    real loser.

    Also a bit new agey in the philosophy but hey, Edison was a member of the
    Theosophical Society and not the only concurrence between invention and occult
    philosophy. ignore that and pilfer his technology.

  51. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Blogger Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...
    Brown effect.
    7:01 PM

    Toilet Paper anyone?
    There is a place where you can freely play and leave Constance's blog alone.
    Christine it is called 'Cumbey Blog Wreckers'. You can post there and then leave comments about your posts!

    Cumbey Blog Wreckers:
    mostly anonymous posters wreaking havoc with attack posts are targeted me but also others, go on anti christian and NewAge rants usually historically and definitely doctrinally ignorant, I suspect that Christine is one of them. HOPEFULLY THEY WILL ALL BE DUMPED HERE IN FUTURE, THAT IS UP TO CONSTANCE. NOTE TO ALL: BLOGGER APPARENTLY USES COOKIES, I EAT THEM ALL SO YOU CAN OPT OUT, SO I WILL REPOST YOUR COMMENTS AT YOUR OWN RISK.

  52. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Erikson can't be taken seriously about any subject.
    Her "stuff" is bogus and in reality it wouldn't even make good toilet paper.
    Just a wannabe..riding equal opportunity hater and overall malcontent.

  53. Anonymous2:43 AM

    "Searl or Searle is a self appointed professor of his own invention. a video shows it can fly."

    In other words he has never been awarded a professorship by any kind of academic institution but just tags the word before his name. Do you recognise him as a professor, Christine?

    "If there was fraud someone would have caught it by now with others working on it independently of him"

    And if it was genuine then someone working independently of him would have replicated his experiments by now, after many decades. Do bear in mind that the same technology that gives us YouTube gives us video equivalents of Photoshop.

    This guy falsely calls himself a professor, has been jailed, and has failed to get to market what would, if true, be the greatest and most lucrative discovery for a generation. Draw your own conclusions.


  54. She be jammin'

  55. Anonymous11:05 AM

    and crammin'

    she just goes under for a bit till some heat is off...then comes back in googled vengeance.

  56. Physicist,

    his credentials or lack of same, his fourflusher qualities (an Americanism meaning
    someone who cheats at poker where you only can have thee flushes in a deck) are
    irrelevant. either the device works or it doesn't. The only way anyone can know
    is build one to specifications and see what happens.

    Searle as I said probably is working off other people's stuff with a tweak to it.
    if you don't like him, try something less problematic like DePalma's N Machine.

    This is getting beyond answering Constance's question. Again, of course God made
    all men and all other critters. Did that mean you can't snip a glow in the dark
    gene from some bug or jellyfish or whatever and put it in an embryo and get a
    glow in the dark rat or mouse? no it doesn't because it was done.

  57. Anonymous12:52 PM

    No. There are people doing evil's dirty work, alright, MCE at 12:10 PM.
    Who doesn't know that by now if following this blog?

    But you glorify it.

    Just like you glorify Putin's evil, your "seer's" "abilities", and your so-called intellect and massive ego-driven need to correct the entire world (but won't correct yourself).
    Shame on you.

    You are beyond answering and beyond reason.
    Totally predictable with your bogus googled madness...and boring as hell.

  58. Anonymous2:04 PM

    "his credentials or lack of same, his fourflusher qualities (an Americanism meaning
    someone who cheats at poker where you only can have thee flushes in a deck) are
    irrelevant. either the device works or it doesn't. The only way anyone can know
    is build one to specifications and see what happens."

    But he has not put details sufficient to try to replicate it in the public domain, Christine. That is why we have to go ad hom.


  59. Physicist,

    the details on making it are in his book, they are in videos and articles online, and ditto he rest of the devices others work on. Tom Valone published a collection in one of his books and if it wasn't him then one of the others in the same field.
    ad hominem is laziness and weaseling. if you don't want to be bothered or can't afford it, or don't have the time, just say so instead of trying to take a moral high ground.

    What I found interesting years ago, and put my attention on Valone, was that at some alternative energy etc. get together or conference, a demonically seeming person harassed someone to stay away from Valone's work. Valone seems the sanest and least new agey of the lot.

  60. "No. There are people doing evil's dirty work, alright, MCE at 12:10 PM.
    Who doesn't know that by now if following this blog?

    But you glorify it. "

    first off, while such extremes as glow in the dark mammals don't generally result, or if they do get eaten fast and leave no descendants because too easily seen by predators (same reason most unusually marked or white domestic animals occur only in their domestic forms not the wild forms and disappear after a while in the feral populations)

    the same thing goes on naturally by viruses snipping genes and transplanting them into other creatures, usually somewhat related but also very much nonrelated.

    I am reporting the situation and its proof of the potential for more extreme stuff.

    also called horizontal gene transfer. (aside from this, hybridization occurs in the wild a lot some species being in fact hybrids that were fertile or fertile if backcrossing to one of the parent species.)

    whether any of this is a result of the fall or inherent as an option God approved is another matter.

    right now, you got two populations of human, overlapping all races. those whose retinas are diurnal red and those who have a thin reflective layer behind the retina and reflect light back white not red. nocturnal eye or rather, imperfectly developed nocturnal eye.

    Since God used to walk with Adam and Eve in the garden in the evening, my guess is the white retina (not the disease caused version, but where there is no eye problems other than astigmatism) is the original human eye, and the red eye is from the gene controlling expression of the low light operations eye being switched off.
    Both are human. inheritance of the white retina or semi nocturnal retina is like an imperfect dominant. If present at all there is some effect, if absent no effect if double present great effect. Typical eye doctor won't catch it as anything but give it a label and move on, but when I ran this past a vet at the SF zoo she said "you're getting this white light off a HUMAN EYE?!" she understood the implications of this, the typical doctor has forgotten comparative anatomy.

  61. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Constance Cumbey said...

    ONCE AGAIN -- TMI, TMW!!!!!!!!!!


    Hey blog hog do you ever shut up?

    You disrespect Constance, everyone, and anyone, but especially her, since she is the host.

  62. Anonymous3:09 PM


    If FULL details really are in the public domain - and you only really find out if something is left out if you try to construct one - then how do you explain that nobody else has been able to replicate his results in many decades, given the great potential value of success?

    "if you don't want to be bothered or can't afford it, or don't have the time, just say so instead of trying to take a moral high ground."

    I suggest you take your own advice. You haven't constructed such a device, have you?


  63. I didn't have the space or money. being a klutz I am hesitant to play with high voltage stuff.

    enough for now. on anything. I am going quiet again to save space and prevent Constance being irritated. I started as an answer to her question and got beyond that.

  64. Anonymous5:20 PM

    So.....Physicist holds drama queen MCE feet to the fire ("I suggest you take your own advice. You haven't constructed such a device, have you?") and then the excuses start..

    ...and another mini (teeny weeny) vacation.


  65. Ruth of Exeter5:22 PM

    I came to the comments hoping to hear some responses to Constance's posts about the divide et impera stuff going on! Though if we are going to get into Mars and all, I would recommend Spike Psarris' You Tube talk on the planets - entertaining and informative.

  66. Anonymous10:57 AM

    The mind and blog of Mary C Erikson, is a toxic waste dump, 12:51 AM.

    And she'll be back shortly to remind us all of that again, Paul. She is a jammin' fool..

  67. Anonymous12:22 PM


    Had you seen this news? I guess this type of thing will be the norm in no time at all. Very sad indeed.

    Sorry this is not directly related to the topic at hand.

    From OZ

  68. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Thanks OZ. But really it is the topic at hand.......
    Persecution is here now, too.

    May the true church, those who love the Lord and follow him, rise to exalt Christ Jesus as only Savior, and it's numbers increase to the glory of God, to see the lost become found, as we who were once lost have been.

  69. Susanna5:11 PM


  70. Hillary Clinton has chosen Sen. Tim Kaine for VP. Kaine is a "devout Catholic" that graduated from a Jesuit High School and has had a life-long association with the Jesuits, including doing missionary work with them.

    As a "devout Catholic" politician (one among far too many), Kaine is also devoted to being Pro-Abortion (of course he makes the typical claim that he is "opposed to abortion, BUT stands for women's "right to choose"). I have always found this to be a curious stand for one to take (I didn't want to use the term hypocrite ... it wouldn't be nice) if one holds to the view that the human life inside the mother's womb is being terminated (much gentler way of saying MURDERED).

    So we have another "devout Catholic" that very well might end up in high office ... one breath away from the Presidency. Gee ... I wonder what type of Federal judges a Clinton/Kaine duo would seek to appoint?

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.


    this is labeled as moslems cutting open Christians to get organs for sale. But this
    isn't cutting to get organs. This is cutting to get meat. I'd read of reports of
    cannibalism before. And in Syria a fighter cut out the heart of a dead opponent on
    camera and ate it. A couple fleeing honor killing in Syria told the interviewer that
    their parents would kill them, and cut off their genitals and eat them. Peculiar traditions can hark back thousands of years.

    typical moslems would reject cannibalism at least converts in the west, but most don't know their religion as well as the salafist type do, including ISIS/ISIL who
    do not limit themselves to the Koran but rely heavily on the hadiths. David Wood
    on youtube details outrageous stuff in these. And these traditions of what mohammed and his immediate friends did and said are the basis of shariah law.

    mohammed did not keep Jewish food laws and their dictates and rationales, according to which we are unclean animals - we don't split the foot or chew the cud. All
    moslems are told is don't eat pork. so anything goes.

  73. I apologize for this being "off topic" ... but feel it is very important:

    More on Dem VP Nominee Kaine ....

    Kaine favors strict gun control laws (i.e. take away the right of innocent citizens to protect themselves, while criminals will NEVER give up their guns).

    Kaine favors internationalist trade policies that are punishing American workers. He voted for the highly secretive Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) that removes American sovereignty by allowing foreign nations to dictate to the USA economic policies, leading ultimately to global control by the New World elitists. (A policy position that will make One World Order "pope" Francis very happy).

    Kaine favors amnesty along with a basic policy of open borders. I see another smile appearing on "pope" Francis's face.

    Although Kaine is in favor of murdering innocent children in the womb, he stands firm against the death penalty for murderers. No surprise there being that the Bible teaches an "eye for an eye."

    Kaine has supported the Obama/Clinton foreign policies that has literally led to chaos, murder and destruction for millions of innocent people in the Middle East, which has led to the chaotic mass migration into Europe and North America. Kaine also supported the Obama/Clinton Nuclear deal with Iran which will most certainly lead to Iran obtaining (if not already) nuclear weapons.

    In short, Kaine's policies are completely in line with the radical Clinton. Complete sell out to the Globalist's plan to create a despotic One World Government out of the chaos that they are working to create.

  74. Just getting ready to go on air -- please call in if you want to talk about topic this blogspot to 208-935-0642 and/or 208-935-0094!

  75. Christine,

    The stuff on Mars and cannibalism is too much for my sensitive stomach. Ruth of Exeter's comments to me are well regarded. P L E A S E cut it out. This is my blogspot, NOT THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER!


  76. How do "black nationalism" and "White Aryan Resistance" tie together? I'm talking about that on the air today. We're a little late getting started -- a couple of small technical problems in the studio they're fixing.

    FIXED! We're on!


  77. Constance

    the only reason I got back on Mars and aliens is because you asked me this,

    "Blogger Constance Cumbey said...

    MY Bible says ALL MEN ARE ONE BLOOD. What does yours say? How do you square your "alien" theories and "Man Made Humans" with THAT?


    3:16 AM"

    sorry I turned your stomach. frankly, grotesque as it is, I think this is less serious than rape and honor killing. after all, the victims in the film are already

  78. Anonymous2:04 PM

    That, from Constance at 3:16 AM, was meant for you to internalize and think over to ponder, not absolutely required to respond to. Every thought you ever have does not deserve airing. Your comebacks are generally, at the least anti-social behavior,..or worse...
    What is so noticeable is you don't internalize and think things over to actually grow and learn. You think and then splat it all by keyboard on blogs, leaving empty husks with no real kernels left behind. Just because you think something (or "report") it does not mean it is instantly worth knowing or telling. Have you no depth within yourself at all?

    Your thinking is miles long and a 1/4" deep, making you rude, crude, disdaining and disrespectful.

    Somehow you manage to abuse topics (pick one-pick any), unnecessarily obscuring the truth rather than telling it.

  79. anon 2:04

    so now you are trying mind readin? I never did I just came to conclusions only occasionally in error (and then I only got the other person's word for it) based on what they wrote.I answered it and there is no conflict and I don't see how anyone can even suspect a conflict.

    As I showed.

    I do not obscure truth (except your delusionary misinterpretations of the Bible and/or misapplications of it)

    I show how nothing is a basis for doubting the Bible on the one hand, and that (addressing New Agers and compromised sloppy thinking Christians whether liberal type sloppy or extreme conservative type sloppy such as the racists who don't consider that humans that don't look like them are part of the one blood God created all men as)

    there is nothing disproved about the Bible if intelligent clearly physical life is found elsewhere. and you can't trust their word for anything any more than you can trust humans.

    and since war has always been the jump starter for technology including not directly weapon stuff, it follows that anything claiming to be superior and peaceful etc. who has the technology to get here or mess around here or can defend itself or enforce peace it offers to impose

    is lying, and not "evolved" not "angels" not created superior and not separate creation that didn't fall not Adamic descended from children not mentioned in the Bible born before the Fall and taken elsewhere by God before they could eat the forbidden fruit also

    I look at all possible arguments ahead of time and answer them all.

    you people may be deluded into thinking that only the posters are here, but in fact there are likely 20 to 100 people reading here each day who have NEVER posted.

    how do I know? the number of visits to my pages that have almost no comments.

    I write for whoever reads, not just whoever I am talking to. And you who think your behavior is known only here, should think again.

  80. Anonymous3:24 PM

    "I look at all possible arguments ahead of time and answer them all."

    Well, who knew??? ;)
    You anticipate them, you start them, you manipulate them to never end them, you always attempt to have the last word like an arsonist setting needless, destructive fires. Your posts are USELESS, but those stupid "you people" have got to have an answer LOL!
    The sloppy thinker is you--miles long and 1/4' deep just like I told you. No need for discussion, no need for facts, that is too civil for you, so you argue pointlessly with that proud smug "my way or the highway" lectures-when nobody is reading them! You mistakenly think I read your post. No, I just saw picked your stupid one liner and went from there.

    Constance has to repeatedly tell you to stop the bad behavior.
    " P L E A S E cut it out. This is my blogspot, NOT THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER!" she just wrote to you but you won't and there's no vacation from your googled tripe.

    You sit on your duff morning, noon, and night, ignorantly thinking that people are interested in your every thought.
    You're laughable and so is whatever you "think"....
    Oh yeah, and don't forget--boring enough to induce a coma.

    Paul's idea to harness the methane gas coming off of your posts as a fuel source for the world is a great one.

  81. "I just saw picked your stupid one liner and went from there. "

    I guess that's why you never deal with much I post. no discussion? no facts?
    you want to degrade this blog into a coffee klatch of ignorant housewives babbling?
    I post plenty of facts and draw conclusions from them. in the space you waste attacking you could discuss plenty. in a sane and polite manner relevant to the statements.

  82. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Well, I used to read them, and there were no facts to be found from to post to post to post, from thread to thread.
    This one above was short so I read it.
    Still no facts to be found....nothing to discuss...and regrettable like omots said.

    The only babbler here is you, hausfrau.
    On second thought, that is the seer.

    You must be his Commandant?

  83. the facts including some links are to be found in what you don't want to bother to read and the rest are answers to remarks. some of the facts I would bring up are known history known other stuff or easy to research. If I don't hash them in detail then I am not doing anything. If I do then I am boring and overwhelming or whatever.

  84. Anonymous4:49 PM

    "If I do then I am boring and overwhelming or whatever."
    You are also the blog Nazi.
    On a blog that isn't yours.

    Get a life.
    And some facts.
    Maybe then someone will find a reason to read your posts.

  85. Anonymous7:05 PM

    28 of 85 posts are from Cristine so far, thats 32.94"% lets round it to 33% for ease of measure.
    If we were to do a word count in blog space terms (and I coundn't be bothered) Christine then occupies the largest
    portion of the blog by words without a doubt, and seems to on every thread.
    So if "possession is nine tenths of the law" then Christine "possesses" this site whilst Constances merely runs it.
    Therefore whatever or whomever controls Christine then possesses the most individual voiced opinion and doctrines on this blogspot, close on 2/3rds.

  86. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Would be interesting to know if it is 2/3rds given the length of the comments it probably is.
    If you add the comments from other generated as a result of some of the stuff she has said it would the percentage would be huge probably over 66.6%.

  87. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Sadly, the dominance of comments by a single anti-social wolf have served to disperse many lambs and sheep and undermine the credibility of the blog author.

    ~ K ~

  88. The thing is; that for the purpose of CONFUSION, Christine
    defending herselfover and over is just as good as anything
    else on this blog. She's a mole and we're all playing
    It's all good for her purposes because the raison d'être for
    being a Jammeris to jam up a blog, or a convention, or a
    classroom, or even just a private conversation. One can jam
    up a blog with anything or any topicincluding endlessly
    defending her bogus points, or arguing science with an actual
    scientist, which she clearly is not. She may or may not even
    believe herself, as long as confusion reigns.
    If she's not a jammer, she must be the most insensitive
    person who ever lived.


    if you want to see where some Catholic thought is going, after hashing over
    legitimate reasons to not take action to save life or prolong your own such
    as over concern with what you eat or fear of danger or of great pain from
    an amputation in the days before anesthesia, he ends with shutting off a
    ventilator is not murder because the action can foreseeably result in death
    but the death is not intended. ditto withholding food and water from a
    vegetative patient (which modern medicine does not define as comatose but
    conscious enough to look and move a little).

    this is not about the pope but the direction one goes when extracting principles
    and building on them and growth of thought is the basis and you evolve your
    thought on this and that.

    so for corrupt influences in the RC here's an example. and it doesn't fit what
    John Paul II said which Scott Sullivan said was disturbing to some. The article
    was in some Bioethics journal, which is not surprising. Medical ethics organization
    exists to figure out how to make the once unthinkable and illegal seem ethical
    and become routine.

  90. paul I don't defend myself so much as I was asked a quaestion and I answered it.

    and I correct half truths spewed about me.

    I don't jam and I don't make confusion. there is nothing confusing about what
    I write.

    if you run into intelligent PHYSICAL alien or alien looking alien claiming
    life, your belief system is likely to be shaken. Unless you either decide God
    made life elsewhere, OR you adopt the assessment I gave.

    you people don't want to fight the new age, you want to snivel and complain
    about it. you don't do apologetics, you don't know squat about spiritual warfare
    you want to get decorously warned so you can hide.

    fine. some people can only hide. and they need help doing so.

    But don't attack those constructing weapons against the arguments of the new agers,
    or finding how some ideas in their talk can be turned against them. you only
    serve evil when you do that.

  91. Anonymous8:41 AM


    Certainly the latter, but as for the former...

  92. I've heard that if you ignore them they go away...

  93. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Christine said, "if you run into intelligent PHYSICAL alien or alien looking alien claiming life, your belief system is likely to be shaken. Unless you either decide God
    made life elsewhere, OR you adopt the assessment I gave."

    Christine, you have written your alien book and you have your many blogs. It is very offensive of you to continue to abuse the goodwill on this blog in an attempt to pass off this grand delusion of yours. Please, return to your own blog which Constance has kindly provided a link for.

    ~ K ~

  94. Another priceless gem from Christine (aka Justina):

    "if you run into intelligent PHYSICAL alien or alien looking alien claiming life, your belief system is likely to be shaken. Unless you either decide God
    made life elsewhere, OR you adopt the assessment I gave."


    Is this the type of lunatic fringe nonsense that Christine wants to promote (via your blog) and use in the epic "fight" against the New Age Movement?

    This woman has spewed more falsehood on your blog than any 10 people could hope to in a lifetime.

    My own personal opinion (along with many others) is that this type of falsehood, lies, distortion and disinformation helps further the cause of the ultimate liar Satan.

    Years ago, I quit visiting this site entirely due to the craziness of Christine's posts. I began visiting this blog several years ago after a long absence. I'm again thinking ... "why am I wasting my time here?" I am positive I one among many that feel this way.

    I am dumbfounded as to why you put up with this. She is completely ruining your blog !

    PS: "Precious are the wounds of a friend ..."

  95. - K -

    "Christine, you have written your alien book and you have your many blogs. It is very offensive of you to continue to abuse the goodwill on this blog in an attempt to pass off this grand delusion of yours. Please, return to your own blog which Constance has kindly provided a link for."

    Constance asked me how God having made all men of one blood fit GMO humans as aliens. I answered, then answered attacks from others to my answer and got dragged into a dispute (I should have known better) with Physicist.

    If you have any memory you would know that. I don't deny demons are involved in the alien thing. just as they are with sorcerers and new age channelers and cult leaders.

  96. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Christine writes "I don't jam and I don't make confusion. there is nothing confusing about what
    I write."

    Yes another 2 of 8 posts since the last post count are from Christine.
    She continues back on some of her regular blog jammers the Roman Catholic Church and Aliens.

    Constance please ban Christine for this very good reason.....
    By allowing Christine to continue posting heresy year in and year out is to condone Christines sin and is providing an avenue for her to continue sinning.It puts temptation in the way of someone who has little or no control and who refuses concerted attempts by geniune Christians to bring correction. It does her no good at all... it just re enforces her aberant behavior and can harm others.

    When its within the power of a Christian to do away with an avenue of sin ... then it should be done away with.

  97. Anonymous3:45 PM


    I do believe that has been tried before but she's made of teflon (thinks she's bulletproof) as long as Constance abides her antics unrestrained. Look how long she has gotten away with deplorable posting behavior. I went back and looked at when she started and she started slowly at first but increasingly and quickly became OBNOXIOUS. Over time many have posted and gotten tangled in her web just trying to clear up and clean up the mess she made of what they shared here in good faith.

    She is the type that can only be banned to be rid of.

    If she recognized the truth in others posts to uphold it and not suppress it by constantly fighting and overwhelming it, and confusing issues to twist them, bury them, distancing conversation from them that should be being discussed here, in order to pronounce and promote her own versions of the truth, her pet topics and pet indulgences and sins..then she would have curbed, even stopped her nasty behavior long time ago after hearing so many come out against her antics.

    She is desperate for attention from an audience.........and the web is a very very wide one. This blog is hers in her estimation, so until such time as she no longer has access to it she will continue to stomp all over it in her high and mighty "I alone am fighting the new age" cleats. If this were a televised show for viewers, every time she appears it would be akin to the "Jerry Springer Show".
    Constance doesn't deserve that, but she alone can get rid of her bad guest.

  98. "By allowing Christine to continue posting heresy year in and year out "

    I have NEVER posted heresy. that is about things in the Creed about the Trinity,
    about Christology, about Christ's atoning death and resurrection and eventual second coming. About the Holy Spirit being a real person not a force.

  99. Constance,

    please, next time you want me to explain how GMO humans as aliens fits with God making men of one blood please call me or email me. I can't afford to answer here. you see the results. If you insist I answer you here I will do so. but absent that request explicitly, I will answer such questions you post here if any by email.

    these people do not respect you or they would leave my answer to YOUR question alone.

  100. Susanna4:13 PM


    Re: Tim Kaine.

    FYI, I wouldn't vote for Tim Kaine as dog catcher! I feel the same way about all the other so-called "personally opposed, but..." politicians who call themselves "Catholic" as well. As the article linked to below rightly points out,

    You do not have to be Catholic, Jewish, or any Christian denomination to know that abortion is the killing of an unborn child, although the religions do make it clear that the unborn child must be protected.

    There is an old philosophical truism to the effect that "if you don't act the way you think, soon you begin to think the way you act." That is why, when all is said and done, wearing the "mark of the beast" on one's right hand will be punished just as severely as wearing it on one's forehead.

    Tim Kaine is not considered a "devout Catholic" or a so-called "Pope Francis Catholic" by pro-life Catholics who follow Catholic teaching.

    He is considered a hypocrite who has shown himself willing to act contrary to his beliefs, and in so-doing allow his lust for power to outrun any scruples he might have left....and all for the sake of political expediency.

    He has only fairly recently gone over definitively to the dark side on the abortion issue in order to be in sync with Hillary's radical leftist pro-abort position in anticipation of being chosen as her Vice Presidential running mate.

    July 24, 2016

    Catholic Tim Kaine insane on abortion

    By J. Marsolo

  101. Susanna4:41 PM

    P.S. RayB

    As a firm believer in 2nd Amendment rights I also disagree with Kaine on gun control. 2nd Amendment rights were not formulated to give American citizens the right to go hunting. They were formulated with a view to protecting people like us from people like the ones currently running our our detriment.

    I disagree with Kaine's and Hillary's position on amnesty, "open borders" and TPP.

    I am against globalism and the anti-democratic unelected Marxist bureaucrats who are peddling it using their grievance-mongering and politics of envy otherwise known as "community organizing."

    I am in favor of the United States of America remaining uniquely AMERICAN and maintaining her strong national sovereignty in the face of UN and other tin pot dictators who lord it over third world socialist crap holes and want to "transform" America into another similar crap hole ....( I heartily cheered the pro Brexit voters! )......who want to drag everything and everyone down to one dead level of mediocrity.

    Quite frankly, I wouldn't even want to try to imagine what kind of Supreme Court Justices might be appointed by Hillary Clinton. But Ruth Bader Ginsberg's recent rant against Donald Trump ought to give us a clue with respect to their left-leaning bias and disrespect for the U.S. Constitution.

    Kaine may also be another corruptocrat like Hillary insofar as he accepted "gifts" while in office. he and Hillary have already been described as "a team of grifters."

  102. Anon 3:45 PM,

    I’m speaking mainly of the anon’s here who, in apparent frustration over her antics, entice her to continue posting, perhaps without realizing it, with their posts about her (she craves the attention and just can’t resist responding in some form).

    You wrote: Over time many have posted and gotten tangled in her web just trying to clear up and clean up the mess she made of what they shared here in good faith. And I’ve been one of those, as well as one who tried to correct her comments. It became futile, and I largely stopped posting here altogether.

    Earlier on this very thread she blatantly and gratuitously broke the 1st Commandment. On that basis alone she’d be banned from my blog. This is not the first time she’s done that, using those very same words. I called her out then (this was years ago) with a blog comment, and to my amazement, no one else mentioned it, including Constance. It was at that point that I took this blogspot off my blogroll.

    Of course, this is not to mention the rest of her verbal vomit ad nauseum and, seemingly, ad infinitum. It matters not that on rare occasions she actually contributes something of merit, that is both intelligible and stated with tact; these are overshadowed by all the other times she exhibits poor writing style, a rude and condescending tone, etc.

    I’m all for free speech, but in discourse a certain amount of decorum must prevail. Otherwise there’s anarchy in the form of the Christine’s out there.

    She is the type that can only be banned to be rid of.

    I agree. And it’s WAY past the time for that.

    All those on here who profess to be Christians should realize that we are to be salt and light. Importantly, non-Christians watch us, including here, and posts which reflect an unchristlike attitude do not (by definition) reflect well on the object of our faith: our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

  103. Craig,

    this is not about attention, this is about YOU breaking the commandment about bearing false witness.

    "Earlier on this very thread she blatantly and gratuitously broke the 1st Commandment."

    prove it. repost cut and paste and time stamp my words. now. also the other places you said I did this in the exact same words.

    you are a liar and a false accuser.

  104. Christine,

    I stand corrected. I’m not a liar as you charge, I’m mistaken. It was two blog posts ago here in your post at 8:59 PM about “the ________ Mormons and jws”.

    I may or may not try to find your earlier instance.

  105. Christine,

    …and here is another:

    … when he got grabbed by reptilians his _______ traditional teachers… at 12:30 AM.

    I don’t feel the need to go on.

  106. Craig

    you certainly are mistaken. the phrase at issue is " the goddam Mormons and jws"

    " doesn't sound that bad and keeps the goddam Mormons and jws off your doorstep so far I can't find an actual copy of this law and I suspect its overblown"

    that is not violating the 1 st commandment, which is to have no gods but YHWH. Mormon doctrine some of it downplayed but never repudiated puts them outside of Christianity and into polytheism and God as an evolved human. JWs are a retread of almost all the ancient heresies (Jehovah's witnesses) you can't argue it is taking God's name in vain because it is a fairly accurate description of the situation and that commandment about taking the Lord's Name in vain looks more like about perjury and casual oath spewing, also speaking of Him in some derogatory way. Calling Him to witness something false than cussing. That is not the 1st commandment.

    Craig, I suggest before you try denouncing evil or being salt and light or whatever you think you are doing that you get acquainted with the Bible starting with the Ten Commandments, get your accusations rignt.

    and I didn't break any of them on this thread or any other.

  107. Mea culpa. Obviously, I was mistaken as to which Commandment, as it is the 3rd that you broke:

    You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.

    If you wish to try to argue that you'd not taken the LORD's name in vain, I will not indulge you.

  108. "Mutwa doesn't seem to notice the implications of what he tells, when he got grabbed by reptilians his goddam traditional teachers treated it as okay though it filled him with shame and horror."

    I think God would agree they are goddam more than the average unless they abandon their false faith.

    If you want a display of a lot more intense reviling in detailed terms, just read the Gospels where Jesus denounced the Pharisees.

    it is not taking God's name in a worthless way to cuss people like Mutwa's teachers, and it is not off track to call him a fool, when despite their failing him and telling him it was special and he was blessed by the attention when it was horrible, sexually molestive and made him feel unclean, that he adhered to them anyway instead of reconsidering his rejection of Christianity which was based on the problems made for a mixed marriage of believer and pagan one of his parents or both I forget.

  109. Susanna5:51 PM

    Debbie Wasserman Schultz Served Class Action Lawsuit for Rigging Primaries

    This is the first of many consequences the Democratic Party will face for manipulating millions of voters

    By Michael Sainato • 06/30/16

  110. Anonymous7:18 PM

    33 of 110 comments are Christines.

    30% ... she still has the largest amount of posts and largest realestate on the blog by word count for sure.

  111. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Mary C Erikson thinks she is good.

    She has a huge problem then, since her own words tell on her.
    She should beware because Matthew 7:21-23 spells out what Jesus will say to those that think they are good, so good in fact, in their way of thinking they do God a favor. The self-righteous religious spirit is so ugly and Jesus says to them what are some of the saddest words in all of scripture.

    The humble won't argue with the Savior Jesus Christ, just submit.
    They confess to Him (even publically as many did in the bible) that they are not good, repent, turn away from sin and self, turn to Him for pardon....because He is LORD.
    Ps 51:17 says: ...the broken and contrite heart the Lord will not despise.

    It isn't just words, nice sounding religious's a life, a walk of faith before God and our fellow man, a lifestyle of doing good because these trust they have been made good-clean and whole-trusting in the blood of Jesus, the only mercy there is for us all.

  112. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Christine said; "Constance asked me how God having made all men of one blood fit GMO humans as aliens. I answered, then answered attacks from others to my answer and got dragged into a dispute (I should have known better) with Physicist.

    If you have any memory you would know that."


    I hear you Christine. I read that as a rhetorical question! Constance was the root and cause of your alien posts?

    I am unable to remember that which I have not previously read. I read comments by Constance, Physicist and the other folks who contribute here but very rarely read yours.

    Yes, you are correct, Physicist is a blessing to all of us here. He speaks wisdom with authority and dispels much pseudo science in relatively few words.

    ~ K ~

  113. Susanna9:22 PM


    Yes, Physicist is indeed a blessing here to all of us. He is not only very generous in sharing his time and his wealth of knowledge, but he is also a kind and patient gentleman.

  114. Anonymous10:39 PM


    You say that Physicist is a kind and patient gentleman. This comes as no surprise, it always shines through in his posts. He communicates his expert knowledge in a manner that can be readily comprehended ... that is indeed, a God given gift.

    Physicist - if you're reading ... you are appreciated. Thank You.

    ~ K ~

  115. RayB

    I forgot to answer your question. "And what exactly is the evidence that you have to support such a wild assertion of "mad scientists with fallen angel" ... "genetically" modifying humans???"

    Biblically, Genesis 6. angels being nonreproducing sterile species but capable of shape shifting the ones seeking to experience sex could alter themselves to do this, but could provide DNA. their unusual children had to be putative children. and obviously of use militarily.

    the nephilim nonsense crew figure these all died in the flood, but ONLY Noah was pure, either spiritually or in the nephilim theory pure in blood so we all got a dash of it. Because if ONLY Noah was pure in blood, then his wife and sons were not.
    nor their wives. Of course this isn't about purity of blood.

    modern type proof? I can prove we are starting along this line as I've shown. There is no reason it could not have been done before. and again more recently. Physicist, don't even bother.

  116. ~ K ~ (8:23 PM),

    Like you, I thought the question was rhetorical.

  117. Anonymous12:06 AM

    I understood Constance's 3:16 AM question posed to Ms Erikson to be rhetorical as well.

    Ms Erikson misses all the cues because she is always too ready to pounce on every topic and tell us all what for, including Constance, and this isn't her blog.
    She has shamelessly disrespected everyone here for a long while now.

    And she's a better christian than the rest of us put together according to her...

  118. I doubt Constance is stupid enough to play around with rhetorical questions. of course any statement that might shoot something down is going to be answered since it doesn't shoot it down. Apparently she has been too busy and stressed to understand the difference between the issue of creation and what God created originally, and what has been made of it or has become later. For instance God didn't make any of the races as such, it was something capable of producing the rest as variations. Adam and Eve weren't white and weren't black. Might have looked something like Neanderthals.

    I don't know why she brought that up which has no bearing on the scenario I paint that is the product of submitting all speculation to the word of God. I even checked the number code on the lower left corner put cursor on blue name to be sure it was her. a modified human is still a human even if it has other stuff in it.

    IF God made another bunch of people elsewhere to be the managers of their planet under God like we are here, it would make sense that He designed them genetically compatible with us so even in that scenario, they and us would be of one blood anyway in the sense of bio equivalent and easily fertile miscegenation. (miscenation's real fear to racists was that it proved the various races were essentially one.)

  119. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Erikson is beyond pitiful (as anyone can readily see from her post just above this one).

  120. Anonymous1:37 AM

    So following your twisted logic, Constance is not stupid enough to ask a rhetorical question, but given some benefit of the doubt, she might be stupid?

    I am so glad that you have this hybrid/alien/martian issue all figured out for us, God, and the Constance Cumbey!

    This is indeed rich!

  121. Anonymous2:12 AM

    Sounds like Christines reading David Icke's reptillian garbage with a touch of Mormonism added.
    That crazy guy claims he's Jesus (no surprise).
    When you fill your mild with demonic inspired fables you will get scrambled when it comes to the truth.

  122. "So following your twisted logic, Constance is not stupid enough to ask a rhetorical question, but given some benefit of the doubt, she might be stupid?"

    no. just that she asked a question expecting an answer not the game playing of rhetorical questions.

  123. Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said @ 12:31 AM:

    "Adam and Eve weren't white and weren't black. Might have looked something like Neanderthals."

    Where in the world do you get this stuff from? Now, according to YOU, our original parents looked "something like Neanderthals." Other than your fertile imagination, and perhaps that liar Charles Darwin and his ilk, what is your source?

  124. RayB

    you don't need evolution and Darwin to recognize change within species.

    Do you deny Neanderthal existed? That theory of them being just aged people whose bones kept growing doesn't wash there were younger ones also.

    Did you know that Neanderthal DNA has been sequenced, and though rather different from the present human population it is in the present human population? Neanderthal was an extreme development of homo erectus which had a smaller brain case, and I've seen intelligent people with small crania. The increase in skull size could have been part of the curse on Eve of more difficult childbirth playing out. Neanderthal cranial capacity average was greater than that of Cro Magnon which was greater on average than modern.

  125. I don't buy the Australopithecus as human. probably an ape ancestor. Creationists and evolutionists differ more on when and how than what happened.

  126. correction Neanderthal and Cro Magnon average were similar, both were more than modern average.

  127. Behold the vine of the wood. It springs up quickly and would climb up
    the trees and choke them to death. The Bittersweet vine serves no purpose
    and is only good for throwing in the fire. Unfortunately it doesn't even provide
    much heat as firewood.
    It has to constantly be cut back as it just springs back immediately despite
    all the efforts of the gardener/groundskeeper.
    Alas the Bittersweet vine.

  128. First we have God's account regarding the creation of Adam and Eve:

    "And God said, LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR IMAGE, AFTER OUR LIKENESS ..." Genesis 1:26

    "So God CREATED MAN IN HIS OWN IMAGE, IN THE IMAGE OF GOD CREATED HE HIM; male and female created he them." Genesis 1:27

    Then we have Christine's account:

    Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said @ 12:31 AM:

    "Adam and Eve weren't white and weren't black. Might have looked something like Neanderthals."

    A couple of observations can be made about our friend Christine. First, she clearly is stating (without any authority whatsoever) that God's "image" is one of the likeness of a Neanderthal (i.e. ape like creature). Second, by making such an absurd, unfounded statement, she is giving credence to the lie of Darwin's God denying THEORY of man evolving from an "ape like" creature to what we are today.

    Just another illustration of how she attempts to spew forth her worthless (but evil) theories.

  129. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Where the bible is silent, so should we be, until revealed by the Spirit of God. These things are too deep for the finite.
    MCE is not possessed by the Spirit of God so in her fleshly, proud and self-exalting mind she demands audience to hear her "knowledge" to lecture about what is still not fully known, yet she alone has it all calculated (by her confusion)
    She not only gets ahead of God in her thinking, she shoves aside his wisdom that this realm is his to reveal, and not hers to broadcast without the full truth, so of course, she treads where angels fear. She manhandles, tramples, and generally despises what is sacred to vaunt herself above any and all-----including the Lord.
    She'll answer for it one day.

    The just shall live by faith, and know (to know the unknowable because God promises to show the humble his ways and does reveal the supernatural when needed to know) obediently waiting on the Lord for this "daily bread". The just take their understanding and cues from him, giving glory to him and not themselves. The proud rushes to his (or her) own destruction. Much is knowable in the here and now, revelation still and increasingly unfolding, the Lord is at hand.

    But the Lord God gives this understanding to the humble, and never to the proud, that they may fall into the pit they have dug, shovelful by shovelful, (in her case post by post) for themselves.

  130. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Absolutely right, RayB. She is blasphemous in her mistreatment of the Word of God.

  131. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Christine said,

    "... the game playing of rhetorical questions."

    "I doubt Constance is stupid enough to play around with rhetorical questions."


    Thanks heavens Jesus our great teacher likes to play games and ask rhetorical questions!

    The peace of the Lord be with you all.

    ~ K ~

  132. Anonymous12:19 PM

    @ 11:13 AM I also should have gone on to say that there is room for speculation. God is gracious and so should we be, but we should not have a proud air about us to do so, when we do speak about things from the Lord's word to push our own conclusion when God isn't done revealing. He still has surprises and unkowns to unearth and unravel before all is said and done. That confusion trips others on their way to understanding and why we have to trust the Lord, not our own thinking and somebody else's (proverbs 3:5&6). We must remember our place and not go beyond it as proud people push and shove to do. (a prime example of that is MCE)

  133. So now she's gone from being a pretend physicist to a pretend geneticist, which
    is much safer since there aren't any genetics experts on this blog, so she can pretend
    But there is Dr. Ben Carson who does know what he's talking about where it comes to
    genetics and he says that there's really no good proof that any of these primate
    fossils are necessarily proto-human and given all the variables in the human genome alone
    there's no reason to insist that Cro-magnon, nor Neanderthal, nor Australopithecus,
    nor Piltdown, nor any of the others really need to be anything other than human;
    human dwarves, humans with megancephaly, humans with purposely misshaped skulls,
    humans with diseases, etc, etc. or just various monkeys and / or apes gone extinct.
    And Ben Carsons views are endorsed by Dr. Walter Viet who is a zoologist and well versed in
    a number of subjects.
    See the two of them in joint videos where they take turs lecturing on YOUTUBE.
    search you tube "Walter Vieth and Ben Carson"
    But then, Christine Eriksin is our resident professor on all matters, despite her complete
    lack of any credentials past high school.
    Did she complete high school? Perhaps she knew everything by then so high school wasn't

  134. Anonymous5:26 PM

    That is why she is way beyond what could be deemed reasonable speculation as she couples her calculations with near zero fact checking from credible sources, and with her skewed, often heretical, views of the infinite timeless word of the Lord that is the final authority on all matters in the long run, then it is no wonder she finds many ways to twist and contort subjects to fit her view of history, science, culture, and spiritual topics.

    Her whole lump of so-called knowledge is leavened, corrupt.......

    She should be sent packing back to her wolf den.

  135. Are Allah and the God of Christianity the Same? Nabeel Qureshi Answers

    A short, 2:15 video at the link.

    Spoiler alert: The answer, from a former Muslim, is "No."

  136. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Anyone looking at this blog because it is connected with the name of a woman who exposed the New Age movement many years ago must think that anyone who now says there is a New Age movement is a tinfoil hat conspiracy nutcase. Is it really the same woman?

  137. Susanna1:58 AM

    At least one Roman Catholic Bishop has spoken out on Tim Kaine's "Roman Catholicism." Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, head of the Catholic Diocese of Providence,
    R.I. (Diocese of Providence)

    Bishop Tobin: Tim Kaine’s Abortion, Gay Views ‘Clearly Contrary’ to Catholic Teaching and Pope Francis

    By Michael W. Chapman | July 25, 2016

    Although some analysts describe Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential pick, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), as a devout, “Pope Francis Catholic,” whose faith is “central” to his work, Bishop Thomas J. Tobin said Kaine’s pro-choice position on abortion and support for gay marriage and women priests are views “clearly contrary to well-established Catholic teachings.”

    Bishop Tobin, head of the diocese of Providence, R.I., added that Kaine’s positions on those issues are also “opposed by Pope Francis.”

    “My faith is central to everything I do,” said Sen. Kaine in an interview with the Kingstowne-Rose Hill Patch.

    However, in a July 23 post on Facebook, Bishop Thomas J. Tobin wrote the following,

    “VP Pick, Tim Kaine, a Catholic?

    “Democratic VP choice, Tim Kaine, has been widely identified as a Roman Catholic. It is also reported that he publicly supports ‘freedom of choice’ for abortion, same-sex marriage, gay adoptions, and the ordination of women as priests.

    “All of these positions are clearly contrary to well-established Catholic teachings; all of them have been opposed by Pope Francis as well.

    “Senator Kaine has said, ‘My faith is central to everything I do.’ But apparently, and unfortunately, his faith isn’t central to his public, political life.” more...

  138. Anonymous2:15 AM

    Christine false doctrine has crept into your house

    2 Timothy 3:1-7

     1  This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

     2  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

     3  Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, note

     4  Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

     5  Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

     6  For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

     7  Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

  139. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  140. In this video, watch as Zombie Democrats express their "belief" that Hillary Rotten Clinton picked Republican (actually RINO) Speaker of the House Paul Ryan as her VP running mate. I think this illustrates more people than one might think as far as their "thinking" process. Most people "believe" whatever they perceive is an "authoritative" source. This has taken root in not only politics, but religion, academia, the main stream media, etc. as well.

    Take a look and see a fine illustration of the Zombie mind-set:

    PS: While you're at it, look at the side bar on Youtube and you'll find numerous other examples of idiots willing to expose themselves as official members of Zombies USA.

  141. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Normandy church terror: ISIS knifemen slit throat of priest, 84, and take nuns hostage

    More terror attacks in France. ISIS knifemen attack RC church south of Rouen during morning service - 84yr Priest killed. News report at Express -

    ~ K ~

  142. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I just came in to leave the info on the priest killed in France but see its up already. Terrifying.

    From OZ

  143. Susanna12:13 PM

    ~K~ and OZ,

    Here is the report form the Daily Mail.

    Islamist knifemen forced priest, 84, to kneel and filmed his death as they slit his throat: Hollande says 'France is at war with ISIS' after jihadists storm French church during Mass chanting 'Allahu Akbar'

  144. Susanna12:27 PM

    Delegate slams DNC for not donating leftover food to poor

    By Daniel Halper

    Delegate slams DNC for not donating leftover food to poor

    By Daniel Halper

    Delegate Slams DNC for not donating leftover food to poor

    DNC creates a gender neutral bathroom for attendees


    Democratic Platform calls for carbon tax

    Tim Kaine promises bill to legalize illegal immigrants in ‘first 100 days’

    And what is my point???? I watched the convention last night with a view to being informed, and NOT ONCE was ISIS mentioned!!!

  145. Susanna12:38 PM

    Judicial Watch: Obama Attendance at Paris Climate Change Conference Cost Taxpayers $2,976,296.20

    JULY 26, 2016

  146. From the link above on the Paris Climate Change Conference:

    ...Travel to the conference reportedly burned 300,000 tons of carbon dioxide, seemingly defeating the purpose of the meeting of world leaders...

    That’s what I was looking for you. Anyone know how to calculate one’s “carbon footprint”?




  148. Sorry and many thanks, Susanna --

    I posted without reading preceding comments. This is a very sad time for the world.


  149. Christine,

    I just read your request about "the next time." Indeed, the reason I posted the "question" was to make the point that the scriptures are clear on this point -- clear enough to rule out your mixed "alien"-human theory IMHO. I'm not smart enough to second guess God and his Word trumps all else, including human Martian theories.


  150. Constance

    I don't see how you can make such a conclusion from that Scripture.

    first as I have repeatedly said it is not mixed alien human it is aliens ARE
    human plus animal incl. insect DNA. Second if there was a separate creation it
    would be biologically compatible with us therefore effectively of one blood.

    please study up on recombinant DNA and the links I gave showing what is possible
    and horizontal gene transfer.

    Genesis 6 points to either a hybridization with angels or more likely GMO the
    results being putative children and that's God's word also.

    Finally that Scripture you cite talks about what God originally made not what
    happened later and is in context of lineage based hostilities common then and
    now. 2 o 3% of our DNA is Neanderthal (which is just another mutated variant
    human anyway) and Paul's statement is a general one undercutting bias developing
    against those who look different.

  151. Well, Christine, I think I can trace my lineage back to Adam and Eve, and generations later to Noah. Where do your hybrids fit into that Mix? Sorry, I think your theory could be both occultic and a basis for racism.


  152. Like I said over and over, human i.e., descend from Adam via those Adamites
    who had some genetic engineering done on them. non human DNA snipped and
    added on a human substrate is still human.

  153. nothing paranormal involved so not occultic.

    racism manages despite those verses arguing "men" means white and Adam from
    adamah red earth means ruddy cheeked white. Actually it would indicate a
    red brown skinned intermediate type from which came all the variations of
    human we see now.

  154. HGE human genetic engineering
    being worked on step by step persuasion and ability to do so already here.
    this only deals with human DNA.

    this is a mix. whether by snip and add DNA or just sling tissue together. what DARPA is working on now

  155. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Very clear New Age influences on Rocklin Mars nutter.

  156. anon 7:19

    you have no idea what New Age is if you can spew such confusion.

    New Age is "spirituality" and politics. it is not technology. It would, some
    of them, use genetics and technology to try to advance their goals. that does
    not make genetics and technology new age. a NEw Age motive can exist for DARPA's
    antics, with pragmatics not spirituality or higher race development being
    admitted as a motive, but the pragmatics are drivers without the racism or

    it may use or warp technology to its goals but it is not technology. Are you
    perhaps one of those who considers racial equality to be New Age? If some of
    these experiments going on by humans on humans NOW results in a GMO human are
    you going to dismiss them as non human and kill them on general principles and
    condemn as new age anything and anyone that disagrees with you? I think the
    last issue of how to define new age is what you are doing anyway.

  157. Anonymous8:45 PM

    So, of course, you major in the minors again, still......the blog is getting saturated and sedated again by lil ole you ;) ...
    I (and I bet others also) don't need all the minutia to know I smell a rat in philosophies that drive people (elitists) to do the things they do using many means to do it to manipulate and control others. That is warning enough. The people who visit this blog can think for themselves, Erikson. You should respect that, expect that, but you're pretty much a jerk so you don't.

    So really because of your antics, I smell a rat in how you attempt to manipulate and control this blog environment also. Same drive and philosophy that is in you as in any elitist type personality.

    Without dredging up all of the incrementals and incidentals that aren't needed, that make your posts way too long and boring as hell, why don't you just post links with little (very) or better yet, no commentary at all, then others interested can look at those links at their leisure, without the blog having to abide your manipulation of the subject(s)? And..if......someone is interested to comment on those links you've supplied, then the "discussion" can be routed over to your wolf den, and they can have your undivided attention to it there.

  158. " The people who visit this blog can think for themselves, Erikson. You should respect that, expect that, but you're pretty much a jerk so you don't."

    how many here ever heard of the experiments being done now?

    how many are prepared to explain away a physical arrival of aliens as humans plus
    genetic engineering plus bad theology no different than and no more credible than
    any others from India or Europe or America who preach new agey stuff? or otherwise
    criticize Christianity? don't think for a minute such an event wouldn't undermine
    the faith of those who have barely resisted evolution, if not eradicated their
    faith would be strained a lot. more compromise possible.

    one of them in the past claimed to have some video proof of history for a million years or something. talk about fraud.

    incrementals and incidentals that aren't needed - OH YES THEY ARE. YOU MISS THE

    if you personally think you don't need to figure out how to deal with stuff in
    advance don't bother trying. but this isn't about how to deal with demands to
    worship false gods this is about more subtle issues that might be used in such
    a demand but are in fact irrelevant.

    you see some reengineered super soldier and get told this proves man is god
    because he can make such a thing. the proof of its existence is in front of you.
    do you cave? do you yell fraud? go into denial? or challenge this as irrelevant
    and indeed a working out (however badly) of God's giving us dominion over the
    earth the ability being made in HIs image to do a lot more than an animal can?

    do you have the brains let alone the biblical knowledge to do so? did this statement
    even cross your mind?

    if it did what about the rest of you out there reading this? get ready to shoot
    down arguments.

    We were made to dwell on the earth. does that mean we got no business going into
    space? maybe. but we are there. does that invalidate God's word? no. it either
    proves we have ability to make things and get into inhospitable environments animals
    can't because made in God's image, though this MIGHT be an example of misuse of
    that ability.

  159. there is no manipulation of the subjects. a quick label showing what each
    refers to all are not entirely relevant. their reason to be here at all?
    to show what can be done, therefore will be done and MAY have been done
    in the past.

    And these last two posts would not have been made if you'd kept your moth shut.
    Indeed it seems to me you are TRYING TO KEEP INFORMATION and writing showing

    why would that be?

    right now there are people deluded into thinking that if someone isn't of the right race (white or non white) they aren't human and can't be saved. Those who think,
    rightly or wrongly that they are hybrids, and WRONGLY think they therefore can't be saved. this is all lies.
    how do you propose to deal with it? There is Scripture that CAN deal with it,
    do you know what it is?

    "WHOSOEVER COMES TO ME I WILL IN NO WISE CAST OUT." Jesus said that. no demon will
    come to Him. But lots of people do who are dismissed by others as deceived and
    can't possibly be accepted by Him because they don't look like the viewer's own kind.

    and it doesn't matter if there is no such thing as hybrids among us. telling such
    people they are deluded solves nothing. The solution is to bypass that and deal
    with Jesus' words not the authoritative sounding wild speculations of closet racists
    who shift the issue to "nephilim."

  160. and among those who deny that anyone of the wrong blood and looks can be saved
    is whatshername who comes after (if the scheduling is still the same) Constance's
    program on the radio, I cornered that woman in the chatroom and she hemmed and
    hawed over a non white who accepts Jesus and said that's up to God. These people
    exist. It isn't Constance's fault that this kind of trash who twists the Word
    of God and applies extrabiblical nonsense and even warps that is on the same
    radio system. It would be nice if we could all work on finding Constance some other
    place to have a program on, so that we don't support the creeps by sending money
    to keep her on the air, which goes to the station owner to keep himself on the air.

  161. Anonymous9:41 PM


    Please note my reply to MCErikson @ 8:45 PM.
    Isn't it reasonable for her to do this, giving links only, and carry on her favorite topics and beliefs that run counter to your blog over at her own blog?
    You've suggested she post just links on your blog before and surely her own blog is the place for her to spout her views in whatever gratuitous detail she wishes. She's still trying to convince everyone that Jesus' plan of salvation includes saving aliens.........
    Come on! Really? I read your rhetorical question and she is still insisting on a topic you told her point blank P L E A S E cut it out! Oh the many thread topics and discussions she has ruined here.....

    I am not reading her reply because just the bare skim showed me that she is insulting and still trying to "educate" (convert) me to her views, using your blog to manipulate the subject(s).

    Seriously, are't you tired of her controlling, domineering behavior tactics and superiority complex to browbeat us all and every topic? Your blog is a shadow of itself ever since she started manhandling every single thread. That is a long while now.

  162. It wasn't Constance it was someone else who said posts links no comments. you would do well to READ before drawing conclusions.

    I don't run counter to Constance's views 90% or more of the time. this one little
    issue is a matter of working up AN ANSWER to those who exploit the idea of alien
    life. you think it won't be found I think it will be found OR faked. in EITHER case
    my scenario throws it back into compatibility with 6 Day Creationism.

    you are the one who is domineering, controlling and has a superiority attitude.
    ditto those who talk about submitting to the word of God ALL MY THEORIES ARE THE
    POSSIBLE ACCORDING TO THE WORD OF GOD (a bit difficult since it has very little
    to say about such things).

  163. Constance statement does not indicate it was rhetorical, and if it was it still
    needed an answer because ANY misapplication of Scripture needs an answer. That
    particular one has no bearing EXCEPT MAYBE TO DENOUNCE GOING OFF WORLD AT ALL since
    we were made in order to dwell together ON EARTH. And this is something I am
    worrying about now.

    And the only reason we got on this is because of her statement, and THE ONLY

    you don't read the answers you admit. so you have no grounds to speak at all, since
    you don't know what you are talking about. read then critique.

  164. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Constance is right, it IS occultic nonsense you are drooling here Cretine. It is supposedly 'hidden knowledge ' which only you in all your gnostic hubris has access to. You're encouraged, no doubt, by your "ex" Satanist co-fornicator and occult practitioner "Resident Seer" in deseminating sich garbage. You're about as Christian as Alistair Crowley!

    Shame on you!

  165. Anonymous11:51 PM

    And who can forget that blatantly occult ad of yours we saw here?

    Sick and lazy!

  166. "Constance is right, it IS occultic nonsense you are drooling here Cretine. It is supposedly 'hidden knowledge ' "

    nothing hidden about it its all over the web and books. identifying occult as merely meaning hidden plays into occultists' hands who argue occult isn't evil just
    "hidden" when it is hidden because dangerous at best evil at worst.

    on that definition you can throw out all electric devices and get off the Internet
    (that would be nice!) because they depend on invisible hidden processes and
    despite all the posturing the scientists still don't really know what goes on and
    you can't see a magnetic field only its effects. So its HIDDEN ergo OCCULT.

    "And who can forget that blatantly occult ad of yours we saw here?"

    WHICH NEVER HAPPENED. and to avoid more false accusations, I can't delete and rewrite and repost I have to clog things up with extra posts so no one will lie
    and pretend I posted and deleted something evil.

  167. Anonymous2:44 AM

    Hey Christine did you know...

    The average adult human body is 57-65% water and the percentage of water in infants is much higher, typically around 75-78% water, dropping to  by one year of age. Body composition varies according to gender and fitness level, because fatty tissue contains less water than lean tissue.

    Just because humans are 50% water doesnt mean we are related to clouds.

    Time to get your thoughts out of the clouds and realise every living creature has some commonality when it comes to genes etc... reason being theres One Creator.

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  171. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Well said, 2:44 AM. I am surprised she's not here again already. .. her, sleep? Nah... no rest for the wicked. ..she's probably off promoting the seer's ungodly wares somewhere or leering over her posts on tantric sex magic and Satanist encouraged fornication in some wicca forum or other.

    She's been clever in rewriting history and getting others here to forget about that "ad " of hers , that's for sure!

  172. Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said @ 10:05 PM ...

    to say about such things)."

    Finally some honesty from Christine. She actually admits her speculations are outside of God's ALL authoritative Word because "very little" is said in God's Word "about such things."

    That doesn't stop this blog's Official Disinformation Agent from spewing forth her unsupported and utterly WORTHLESS imaginative theories.

    Either Constance should ban her, or, do an official renaming of this blog to (only a suggestion) "What Christine Erikson (aka Justina) Thinks."

  173. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Men are from Mars, women are from Venus... except one...

  174. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Hi Ray B, you've hit the nail on the head there... it's a real pity we can't get hold of that 19th Century missionary cannon contraption to catipult her off to where no nut has ever gone before...

    And she's STILL denying that "ad" of hers despite the sheer volume of witnesses having seen such a posting from her.

    She's utterly shameless, with a seared (or should that be seered)
    conscience to boot!

  175. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Christine Erikson (aka Justina) said...
    10:05 PM

    Why do you expect us to embrace your THEORIES as fact?

    Romans 3:10-18
    As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
    Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness:
    Their feet are swift to shed blood:
    There is no fear of God before their eyes.

    Why not restart your journey here: Job Chapter 40

  176. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Dear 1.34pm: In fairness to Christine Erikson, someone else did post here briefly under identical name but a different blogger profile number. This number is viewable at bottom left when you put the cursor on her blue name. I never saw the ad but I don't doubt it existed; whether it was the Christine who harangues this blog is open to question.

  177. anon 6:03

    thank you.

    and those who think it is me are unimaginably idiotic. everything they call occutic
    on my part has been explicitly against the occult and fighting it and some here even
    are so ignorant of such matters (need grounding in spiritual warfare and exorcism
    something not taught in most churches now) that they even call such things
    "delusions" and equate telepathic takeover with mere manipulation of kids by parents. These subjects were taken more seriously in the 1980s. Constance made
    reference negatively somewhere to someone maybe Sanford talking about influencing
    her kids by visualizing what she wanted them to do.

  178. Monday, July 25, 2016

    Church and State in America: The International Agenda

    John Foster Dulles of dirty games and import Nazis fame was also pushing an
    agenda of build the kingdom of heaven on earth by political means, in other
    words, dominionism. to do this churchmen had to get more involved politically.
    details in this article and another linked to it. Those were pretty much his
    words, indicating also that national identity has to be undermined.

    the co opting of the churches into building a one world government goes back
    father than now. but it was subtler, frankly I think Dulles had other goals
    than building the kingdom of heaven, just used that to get Christians on his

  179. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Dear Christine
    From someone who does have experience in the ministry of deliverence and given consideration of a great portion of the comments you have written throughout the blog.
    One of the major grounds a person gives to come under the influence of demons is taking on harbouring long standing bitterness and unforgiveness.
    You exhibit this and other manifestations that are consistant with a person suffering demonic oppression.

  180. anon 2:41

    the best way to reject influence is to take a righteous anger and thoroughgoing
    rejection. Otherwise you slip slowly back into the states of mind the person
    was getting you into in the past, bit by bit compromises and concessions and this
    not necessarily in terms of specific actions as in the usual corruption pattern,
    but in attitude. The attitude of slipping into a trance.

    now as for forgiveness, that is only an issue if they are repentant. I have
    repeatedly cited the verses where Christ addressed this. Also the example of Jacob
    and Esau, if there is forgiveness and cessation of hostilities, the best thing
    in SOME cases is to go your separate ways before proximity can trigger temptations
    of one sort or another.

    Facing reality is important. I was in denial in a split minded way for years
    about how bad she was.

    as for demons, yeah, I think it might be an issue, but not for the same reason
    you give. sure, anger at evil can morph into an all consuming evil thing I knew
    one person like that.

  181. I strongly recommend that those hung up on unconditional love and
    unconditional forgiveness read chapters 5 and 6 of CHRIST OR THERAPY?
    which shows how totally unbiblical these are, kindle look inside

    the description someone gave here of what forgiveness entails is
    totally inappropriate for anything but the very minor stuff that
    people build years of grudges and even kill over. It is a recipe
    for disaster in dealing with a malignant narcissist or psychopath
    and John the Baptist in asking the Pharisees who came to him what
    they were doing there showed the recognition of false repentance
    and manipulation and wasn't going for it.

    The book's rejection of medication, however, strikes me as an
    overreaction. regardless of the failure of the chemical imbalance
    theory to be solidly proven, some of the antidepressants DO work.


    "Should the Trilateral Commission have this kind of access to and influence within the Department of Defense? Given their goal of creating a “New International Economic Order” (which is Technocracy, or Sustainable Development), certainly not."

  183. Anonymous6:52 PM

    I can hate behavior of someone and still love them, I can hate behavior and still forgive them, but it doesn't mean I have to have a close fellowship with them. Christ is the divider. I can love someone and not like them even, because I love their eternal soul, not their personality. Can't you differentiate these things? The dividing between soul and spirit is what the word of God does (Hebrews 4:12). You need the Spirit of God to show you this.
    I have someone in my life to keep at arms length right now, but that person is still loved by me and already forgiven in my heart. I habor no ill feelings and/or bitterness for this person, and pray and wait for a right relationship to be restored. If it never comes at least I was right on my end of the relationship. I answer for my own heart condition, not theirs. I do not want to grieve the Holy Spirit. Obeying the Lord is what that is about. If I love the Lord, I will obey him. That is what the bible says. Eph 4:29-32 is huge! And so is...He (first) loved me while I was still sinning and he demonstrated that by forgiving me (at the cross). See Romans 5:8 to grasp it-read v 6-21 to get a fuller view of this. Mine was to receive it by faith (repentance - confessing, admitting & submitting for change in my mind about what sin is and trust from the heart in His atonement so my mouth and my life can call him Lord). That was when the mercy that he had already given, was real to me.

    I've read you're manifesto on "love and forgiveness" that you have posted here before (multiple times) and you are straight up unbiblical, Mary Christine Erikson. You fall short in this, terribly.

    You are a very bitter person. It rats on you.
    It might be that your anti-depressants are helping you deny the truth about your heart (spiritual) condition.
    Repentance is more than regret (in our mind), more than remorse (in our feelings), it goes further, deeper into the life, by bypassing those to go straight to the will of a person for the change and healing to actually take place inside somebody. That's what Jesus Christ can, and wants to do, and will, for those who are humble to allow him to.
    Repent is what John the Baptist said..and...of course...Jesus himself.

  184. "I've read you're manifesto on "love and forgiveness" that you have posted here before (multiple times) and you are straight up unbiblical, Mary Christine Erikson. You fall short in this, terribly."

    Take it up with Jesus and the Apostles. I repeatedly quoted at length not just cited the book chapter and verse.

  185. I doubt very much that that person was a psychopath with some paranormal ability and a strong desire to get you into a state of retardation and able to put a seductive
    (because it erased painful memory one should remember and act on) false peace
    state in you. Which does more crippling.

  186. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Unrepentance (and that equals unbelief) is the crippler.
    Forgive as you've been forgiven (by Jesus). You didn't read the passages from the bible did you? The bible is clear.

    Check out Corrie Ten Boom's testimony, forgiving a Nazi responsible for her sister's (and many others) death.

    That's biblical.

  187. YOU didn't read the passages from the Bible. to which I could add escape from this
    corrupt generation in one of the epistles.

    Jesus doesn't say to forgive the unrepentant but to ostracize them.

    Forgiving those it is not dangerous to forgive who are not repentant is a good idea
    considering how much we either don't realize is sin or underestimate or haven't
    repented of. God overlooks a lot while working on us. (that is NOT the heresy
    of "unconditional love" debunked in that book I listed earlier and nowhere to be
    found in the Bible.)

    your idea of forgiveness is put yourself in striking range of more trouble. bit by
    bit they weasel back and one day you are back where you started trying not to go
    into full schizophrenic vegetative withdrawn condition.

    the woman who keeps forgiving the "repentant" man who keeps beating her is the
    victim of misapplied Scripture (turn the other cheek is obviously about a slap
    not a serious blow or you would be on the ground maybe unconscious and no condition
    to turn the other cheek. no condition to do anything. Jesus' not defending Himself
    when the Roman soldiers came for Him is irrelevant, He came to get crucified and
    come back to life in the first place.)

    and the hypothetical woman or other victim of repeated evils of a great sort is
    also fooling herself that the perpetrator won't do it again and has changed.

    if the perpetrator will not examine and reject the states of mind that led to the
    action, then the action will occur again. probably will get angry if you try to do this, which shows the "repentance" is false.

    your line of talk is unbiblical and EMPOWERS EVIL. and you have experience in
    dealing with occult problems? sure keeping grudges on minor things can be the result
    of demon influence. rejecting witches is not such a result. mind invaders. I mean
    for real, not just manipulators. you don't know what you are talking about or else
    you aren't paying attention.

  188. Anonymous12:14 AM

    "sure keeping grudges on minor things can be the result
    of demon influence"

    You have surpassed grudges and have gone deep into bitterness.
    Regarding forgiveness, people can't give away what they don't have in the first place.

  189. Anonymous3:33 AM

    Christine how do you twist the scriptures below from Matthew 18 to fit your heretical excuse for not forgiveing people?

    Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?
     22  Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.
     23  Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king, which would take account of his servants.
     24  And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him, which owed him ten thousand talents.
     25  But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife, and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made.
     26  The servant therefore fell down, and worshipped him, saying, Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay thee all.
     27  Then the lord of that servant was moved with compassion, and loosed him, and forgave him the debt.
     28  But the same servant went out, and found one of his fellowservants, which owed him an hundred pence: and he laid hands on him, and took him by the throat, saying, Pay me that thou owest.
     29  And his fellowservant fell down at his feet, and besought him, saying, Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all.
     30  And he would not: but went and cast him into prison, till he should pay the debt.
     31  So when his fellowservants saw what was done, they were very sorry, and came and told unto their lord all that was done.
     32  Then his lord, after that he had called him, said unto him, O thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all that debt, because thou desiredst me:
     33  Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant, even as I had pity on thee?
     34  And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him.
     35  So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.

  190. Anonymous3:40 AM

    You can't get pass this one

    " So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses."

    By the way I think brother is interchangeable with any person ( Mother, Father, Sister, Stranger, Cousin etc)

  191. "Christine how do you twist the scriptures below from Matthew 18 to fit your heretical excuse for not forgiveing people?"

    not those, the ones before. Matt. 18:15-17
    and if after those efforts he still won't hear you, "let him be unto thee as a
    heathen man and a publican."

    I copied the whole verses out at least once and referenced this cite several times.

    If you bothered to READ not "study" but READ the Bible like you would any other
    book, cover to cover or at least that approach per books in it, you would know this.

  192. "Regarding forgiveness, people can't give away what they don't have in the first place."

    I've forgiven a lot of people a lot of things.

  193. Anonymous5:51 AM

    How about your Mother Christine?

  194. Anonymous5:55 AM

    After all our efforts you wont hear us about your living in sin (unmarried) Christine.
    So then what are we to do regarding you?

  195. she didn't repent as far as I could tell. only decent while on risperdol towards
    the end of her life.

    in any case, any lessening of hostile feeling towards her risks reactivating the
    mesmerism she had on me. trance state. crippled peaceful no reason to live
    eventual state if allowed to go on catatonic or nearly so.

  196. "After all our efforts you wont hear us about your living in sin (unmarried) Christine.
    So then what are we to do regarding you?"

    why don't you just take your unbiblical and of the world as well as in the world
    attitudes and go away. (and ask God to forgive you for your adulterous marriage
    after you abandoned the boyfriend or girlfriend you told you loved and would be true
    to and had sex with when you were a teenager, THOSE ARE VOWS. that was marriage
    in God's sight. This is of course assuming you have this history. Maybe you
    facilitated that. Maybe you made such a stink about the shame and bad example of
    unwed motherhood you encouraged some girl to get an abortion even if you didn't
    intend to. Only you and God know.

    Jesus said not to take oaths, remember? your yes should be good enough your no
    should be good enough, if you have to take oaths to be reliable then you are
    evil and dishonest. He said whatever is more than yes being yes and no being no
    is of the evil one.)

    Palestinian liar tries to claim his family goes back to canaanites in Jericho,
    but his family migrated in the past 200 years from Arabia part of the Huweitat
    tribe. Canaanites were either killed or displaced, many remained and corrupted
    Israelites resulting in foreign conquests as discipline in Judges and finally
    what was left of Canaanites disintegrated into the background mixed population.
    the rest were Carthaginian also eventually destroyed.

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  200. Anonymous10:51 AM

    "in any case, any lessening of hostile feeling towards her risks reactivating the
    mesmerism she had on me. trance state. crippled peaceful no reason to live
    eventual state if allowed to go on catatonic or nearly so."

    We are asked to give up everything to follow Christ, including the right to "not be harmed". Complete forgiveness, 100%. No excuses. It's hard, but that's why we are asked to count the cost beforehand.
