
Saturday, June 27, 2015


President Barack Obama who once falsely campaigned per his former aide, David Axelrod on plank that he blieved marriage to be between a man and a woman, now openly rejoices in his victory over traditional morality and sanctity of marriage as created and ordained by God as between a man and a woman.  CNN reported today that the White House celebrated its SCOTUS victory until very late at night and into the wee hours of the morning.  The White House was lit up in the rainbow colors of the LGBT Rainbow.  There are many pictures of this White House into LGBT Rainbow Flag colors on the internet.  This one is clipped  from the ABC News website.    This is a sad week ending for America!  Come quickly, Lord Jesus!


  1. Well, in our current obvious Satanic House of Horrors, I do believe I have seen "what's next" with this crowd: Trans-species dating? Marriage? Relationships?

    The Huffington Post (Arianna Stassinopoulous Huffington, New Ager extraordinaire)published this lovely little piece on Japanese women "going ape" over handsome gorilla. it was published in many other places as well.

    and/or tinyurl

    Oh well!


  2. Homosexuality was an issue that would be used to combat terrorism as discussed at the Alliance of Civilizations and the Council of Europe's "Why Terrorism" counter terrorism conference.

    UNESCO’s Rosa Guerreiro, program specialist for Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue addressed homosexuality as she wrote:

    “UNESCO promotes respect for all dimensions of cultural diversity since it is the very fabric of humankind and the “common heritage of humanity”, as stipulated in the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, unanimously adopted in 2001. The Declaration furthermore aims at preserving cultural diversity as a living, and thus renewable treasure that must not be perceived as static but rather as a process guaranteeing the survival of humanity. At the same time, the Declaration is dedicated to preventing segregation and fundamentalism which, in the name of cultural differences, could sanctify those differences and in doing so, counter the message of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is extremely important to stimulate the respect of all cultures including religions. As we can read in the article 4 of UNESCO’s Declaration on Cultural Diversity: “the defence of cultural diversity is an ethical imperative, inseparable for human dignity. It implies a commitment to human rights and fundamental freedoms…..No one may invoke cultural diversity to infringe upon human rights guaranteed by international law, nor to limit their scope.””

    We have arrived at a legal threshold where their defined root causes of terrorism will be weeded out. What can we expect next? According to the Organization for the Security and Co-operation of Europe's Role of Religion and Belief in the Fight against Terrorism:

    "…it recognizes that in democratic societies, in which several religions coexist within one and the same population, it may be necessary to place restrictions on this freedom in order to reconcile the interest of various groups and ensure that everyone's beliefs are respected.

  3. let's see, opposition to homosexuality is the root cause of terrorism?


  5. The point is that homosexuality would be a vehicle to identify religious fundamentalism (intolerance), i.e., the "root cause" of terrorism.

  6. Anonymous11:41 AM

    This is a moment to evangelize, so wipe your tears and get busy. The new paganism will not be won over by argument, or culture-war mongering. But, by a joyful witness to the Gospel fully lived.

  7. St. Paul said to beware of the concision and beware of dogs, slang for buggery.
    reviving circumcision as a religious requirement may be gone now, except for a few
    extreme sacred name types maybe, but the homosexual crew incl. pedophiles (the
    majority of this activity is with children of the same sex as the perpetrator, I am
    not counting teenagers who in past centuries would be considered marriageable age
    and who can pass for legal age now) get into places and bring their own in soon
    after and create a "homintern" as it was called in Hollywood.

    if you aren't gay or at least supportive of them, you get nowhere in your career
    usually. Another angle is blackmail of straights who would normally oppose them.
    This can be done regarding heterosexual "indiscretions" and if one was drunk or
    drugged enough to be posed for photos without knowing it, or to try a one time
    exception experiment sexually and got photographed, you can be blackmailed.

    A lot of respectables have a double life. The idea that its okay as long as you
    are discrete lets them keep status and influence with people who are more socially
    than godly oriented.

    Then we get the antinomians in Christianity, who argue "we are not under law but
    grace," and don't even know what that means (thanks to Protestantism slogans).

    Paul addressed the Mosaic Law requiring you to be circumcised and keep food laws
    and holy days and Sabbath to be in covenant with God. The Blood of Christ isn't
    enough, you have to do these things as well.

    Paul also reiterated the moral law in Moses as still valid, and Abraham's remark
    that some pagan kings would kill him and take his wife BECAUSE they didn't know
    YHWH shows a moral code was always in play.

    Jesus makes it clear that we are saved not to sin freely but to obey Him as King,
    and that we believers will face judgement, and severe disobedience will bring
    discipline and in some cases full exclusion from the Kingdom of Heaven "I never
    knew you workers of iniquity." IT IS ONLY BY READING A FEW VERSES HERE AND THERE
    GRACE VS. LAW NONSENSE OF TODAY GETS GOING, which is not the grace vs. law that
    Paul spoke of.

    Jesus didn't have to address homosexuality, because He dealt with Jews and rarely
    with pagans. When He said "repent for the Kingdom of God is near," He addressed
    Jews who ALREADY knew that homosexual acts, incl. the male role player, are
    abomination. Paul had to go into details because he dealt with pagans whose formal
    laws might run against some things, but whose day to day culture and traditions
    included them as okay, which were abomination in the sight of God.

  8. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Like I have stated several times in the past, the two biggest NA 'change agents' Pope Francis, and his pal Obama!

  9. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Unleash the Beast-Order Out of Chaos

    Tuesday, June 23, 2015 post

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  12. Anonymous5:16 PM

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  13. Anonymous5:18 PM

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  14. Anonymous5:22 PM

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  15. Anonymous5:31 PM

    This fulfilled what God has spoken through the prophet: I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things hidden since the creation of the world"

    Matthew 13:35

  16. Anonymous5:41 PM

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  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  19. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Rich 9:09 AM

    Thank you for your report on "Homosexuality was an issue that would be used to combat terrorism as discussed at the Alliance of Civilizations and the Council of Europe's "Why Terrorism" counter terrorism conference."

    The strong, rapid acceptance of homosexuality as normal is not a result of just changing public sentiment, although that plays a role, but more importantly has the imprint of "the Spirit of Anti-Christ" predicted in Scripture which is enabled by the UN and UNESCO.

    Dave in CA

  20. Richard7:55 PM

    "The Huffington Post (Arianna Stassinopoulous Huffington, New Ager extraordinaire)published this lovely little piece on Japanese women "going ape" over handsome gorilla. it was published in many other places as well"

    If the Japanese men would do their business with their women and have children as they ought to, would this be happening?

  21. it wouldn't matter if they did or not. same as with men who have
    plenty of sex at home but like other eye candy. in this case,
    a bit perverted.

  22. Anonymous8:29 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. To Rich,

    Good to see you here again. Thanks for the excellent input!


  24. To Christine re 11:16 post.

    Thanks for the excellent link to the article "Orthodox Christians Must Now Learn To Live as Exiles in Our Own Country". I recommend it be read by all.


  25. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Christine is clearly unwell, perhaps criticism wherever possible should be done with a gentler approach albeit done still in a Frank manner of correcting, refuting, rebuking and exposing when necessary. Just a thought.

  26. I have removed several comments: One was from Christine calling another site "New Age Crap". I looked at the site and have not yet reached those conclusions. I also removed the posts calling Christine's posts the same.

    I hate to exercise censorship, but the topic at hand is so serious, I cannot stand to see us "bite and devour one another" as the Scriptures warned. Let's all be more thoughtful and careful with our posts.


  27. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Constance & Rich,

    Would love to hear your thoughts on this:

    If I'm understanding correctly, all the responses to gay marriage ( and other events) are being analyzed by some computer program. If this woman has it right, the beast system is up and running.

  28. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Our PM is against gay marriage. How is he going to stave this off when all and sundry are doing everything they can now to bring it into Australia, particularly since the Irish and now US decisions? I never ever thought I'd see the day that something so completely unthinkable would be forced on people as 'right'. Once you say yes to one wrong, how do you stop all the other wrongs that people will want to be made acceptable?

    From OZ.

  29. anon 12:36

    sounds like from as far as I have listened to this, that Jade is a super charged up
    version of PROMIS. For details on what this was capable of search for "INSLAW Scandal" and PROMIS and INSLAW without quotes. that was back 30 years ago, think
    what it would be capable of now.

  30. "it is a self reactive, self adapted, self modeling program for predictive force
    deployment in other words it can predict conflicts before they occur and react in
    a pre emptive manner."

    sounds like "Colossus: the Forbin project." you can probably get this movie on
    youtube. When I heard this I put my head in my hand. Let's all pray they don't
    hitch this to the nuclear system.


  32. Anonymous3:52 AM


    Thanks for recognising that there are some legitimate Catholics (Susannah etc), plenty actually, who are not of the same ilk as Matthew Fox and company as you noted on the previous posting. And as someone else noted in that posting, Antonin Scalia was not on board with the final vote for Same Sex Marriage. He's Catholic and I am recalling that interview last yr or so where when he said he knew the Devil to be real the interviewer actually seemed thrown. I wonder if she might understand now what he meant.

    The last couple of questions from her to Antonin:

    Isn’t it terribly frightening to believe in the Devil?

    (Antonin) You’re looking at me as though I’m weird. My God! Are you so out of touch with most of America, most of which believes in the Devil? I mean, Jesus Christ believed in the Devil! It’s in the Gospels! You travel in circles that are so, so removed from mainstream America that you are appalled that anybody would believe in the Devil! Most of mankind has believed in the Devil, for all of history. Many more intelligent people than you or me have believed in the Devil.

    I hope you weren’t sensing contempt from me. It wasn’t your belief that surprised me so much as how boldly you expressed it.

    (Antonin) I was offended by that. I really was.

    Strange that this interviewer is actually surprised by Antonins boldness in expressing his beliefs. Soon folks, we won't be able to express such beliefs I fear !!

    From OZ

  33. Anonymous6:39 AM

    The Obama administration declined help to Nigeria in fighting Boko Haram Islamic fundamentalists conducting a civil war (and kidnapping an entire school class of pubescent Christian girls) in the north of the country. Washington has intelligence info which it refused to share, because of Nigeria's stance against abortion and same-sex "marriage".

  34. Anon 6:39
    That tears it.
    I was doing my best not to jump on the bash Obama bandwagon, but this little tidbit
    that you shared above is the last straw.
    The man is a child of the devil.

  35. Christine,

    I confess to being either "culturally deprived," "scientifically illiterate" and/or "in the dark" about your post describing "JADE" and "PROMIS." I "googled" PROMIS and found it is an acronym for "Patient Reported Outcomes Measuring System" and a version of it (PROMIS II) is now in use by National Institutes of Health.

    Then again, there is the Inslaw program PROMIS that stands, per Wikipedia, for "Prosecutor's Management Information System." It is a tracking program that was used and per its developers pirated by the United States Government that refused to pay for the enhanced version (See Wikipedia article on INSLAW).

    Which version did you mean? I have found an "energy tracking" program named JADETRACK.

    Is that what you meant?


  36. The CHRISTOCENTRIC link on my site has invaluable resources, particularly as it applies to the same sex marriage issue.

    Today she has a link to an article by the Heather of "Heather Has Two Mommies" book that was used to indoctrinate children as to the acceptability of homosexuality. Heather is now grown up, the mother of four children of her own and confesses that her mother's lifestyle left her feeling very empty.

    Essential reading. The Christocentric Press website is an invaluable and reliable resource for us.


  37. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Best book: Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert by Rosaria Butterfield, a lesbian academic in "Queer Studies" who became an evangelical Christian and is now happily married (to a man!)

    How reliable is the info that Obama was once part of Chicago's gay/bi scene?

  38. Constance,

    it was the prosecutor's version that was the original one. the patient tracking
    one must have been developed from it. The capabilities were amazing. Did you
    listen to the
    it is two hours long, skip to the actual interview with the gal who dug up
    what the Jade part of Jade Helm 15 refers to. I ran across that one but didn't
    realize its capability myself. several
    articles on the INSLAW scandal which was about the DoJ having essentially
    stolen the program, gave it a tweak and sold it without permission.
    The tweak was a backdoor, that allowed DoJ to access what was on it in the
    hands of anyone who had this.

    other articles some not relevant here

    it is an artificial intelligence program, capable of
    1. doing the "Minority Report" movie thing,
    2. making decisions whether regarding individuals, organizations or foreign
    3. issuing orders and sending out armed drones on its own authority.

    the geek in the video link explains better than I can.

    this thing is way beyond a mainframe, using "quantum computing" with
    "qubits" which are some subatomic particle weirdness I forget what
    it is and tunneling (too early in the morning for me explain or dig
    it up) and is beyond anything both the program itself and the
    computer it runs on, that is commercially available.

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.



    Though this is oriented around the Orthodox Church, there is much
    in here that anyone can benefit from.

  42. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Christine has 14 of 40 posts so far.

    Right on track.

  43. Anonymous4:12 PM


    This just came to me. If Jesus is fully God and fully Man, then sexual difference protects the distinction between Christ and the church, between God and humanity. Gay marriage and the LGBT movement reverse this distinction. It's pantheistic paganism.
    The churches that embrace it are in for a slow, but steady dismantling of the Creed itself.

  44. Greekwatch4:17 PM

    This is off topic. seems like Greece is the word, the big buzz of the day. All ready, the stock markets are dipping. How the EU responds to a possible Greek default is worth watching. I hope others are keeping their eyes on this one.

  45. Anonymous5:23 PM


    This situation goes so much deeper and is extremely evil. Go to done by Tony Pantalleresco who has researched natural healing and what is causing some of the situations we face in today's world. The Chemical being used to chemically castrate men is Atrazine which is a pesticide used on many things we eat. It is a potent endocrine disruptor
    Go to his radio program archives for the month of June. This should be the first article for the first week. The entire package for June has some vital info which we as humans need to understand and how we are all being manipulated… Very scary and sick Luciferians which you must understand to be able to over come their war against us all. Thank you for your time.

  46. Anonymous7:44 PM

  47. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Greece vs Germany in the context of the EU is simply a game of financial brinkmanship on the large scale: do the Germans want to throw more good money after bad, and/or do the Greeks want to give up sucking on the teat of the EU's financial system even though it means 25% unemployment of the 20s generation? It's complicated by the fact that the Germans actually do well out of having lousy economies like Greece in the Eurozone because it depresses the value of the Euro currency and keeps German exports competitively priced in world markets, and by German war guilt (google what they did to Greece). Also by the precedent it sets for larger lousy euro-economies. A Greek exit can be contained as the place is not very big, but what if the markets then attack Spain or Portugal?

  48. Concerned9:26 PM

    For decades, Benjamin Creme has claimed a Sword of Cleavage was coming. Could ISIS and similar groups be part of this plan? I wonder. If only the Rapture would come soon to rescue our Christian brethren from such level of persecution. "Blessed are those who are persecuted for my sake..."

  49. Concerned,

    the sword of cleavage sounds more like Barbara Marx Hubbard's line of
    talk, and it would be between new agers and non-new agers, especially

    an advantage the Kurds have female combat troops, aside from them being
    as good as the men (an American ex serviceman who joined the Kurds in Kobane
    was impressed with them as being as good as any men he had served with), is
    that ISIS/ISIL thinks that a man killed by a woman won't go to heaven. I have
    no idea why, but they get scared.

    a weakness is internal Kurdish tribal loyalties and politics at least in
    northern Iraq, aka southern Kurdistan (Syria has western Kurdistan, Turkey is
    east and Iran is north, of this bunch only Rojava canton Syria and Iraqi
    Kurdistan has autonomy, and China opened either an embassy or a consulate in
    the latter this year).

    One Christian analyst who knew them personally thinks they have a prophetic
    future role, because they are descended from the Medes. Maybe so, but I doubt
    it is what he thinks it is.

    Kurds vary from jihadi minded traditionalists to secularists and the moderate
    muslims among them I would call liberal muslims. Outside of Assad controlled
    places, only Kurdish controlled places are RELIABLY safe for Christians.
    Kurdish involvement in massacre of Christians by the Turks earlier in the 20th
    century has been repentded of and repudiated by the modern ones.

    (the article of course speaks of the true meaning of islam being perverted by
    ISIS, but this is the view of either liars or of people who really think
    their westernized minimalist islam is true islam, though it is a bit closer
    to Koran than the complicated and more seriously depravity permitting loophole
    filled shariah).

    10% of Kurds are Christian, apparently although honor killings occur and
    such would also kill Christian converts in the family, this is the safest
    community to be in if you convert from islam to Christianity. A leader in
    Iraqi Kurdistan during an uprising in the 1930s declared for Christianity
    without it bringing him any trouble since his career seemed to continue
    after that.

    ISIS may get wiped out in Syria and Iraq but metastasize into Afghanistan,
    Pakistan and Africa where some have declared loyalty to them already, and
    of course north Africa and Europe and USA. their heaven seeking crazy
    aggression may result in their extermination here, however. at least one
    European country has a law being presented in whatever they call their
    legislative body to make islam illegal.

  50. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Come on with the Benjamin Creme crap!

    He is a complete nut job and has proven time and again that he is a joke and a fraud.

    Do not fear Creme. He is absolutely no one at all to be concerned about.

  51. Concerned8:23 AM

    Perhaps Benjamin Creme is a crazy old man, but The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow begins highlighting his claims of the "Christ Is Now Here." This blog is very much a product of Ms. Cumbey's investigation into the New Age, in part because of Benjamin Creme. Anyone who dismisses his contributions to the New Age is foolish and naive.

    Has he delivered Maitreya yet? Well, he claims Maitreya has been giving television interviews around the world. I'm skeptical. However, his involvement with the New Age stems from his study of Alice A. Bailey. So, Creme is well aware of the New Age Plan, which seems to be nearing full implementation throughout the world. This is why one has to look at ISIS, Boko Horam, and similar terror groups as the Sword of Cleavage that Creme has threatened would fall upon those not willing to bend themselves towards the "New World Order."

    Look at where we are with gay marriage being approved by a supposedly conservative Supreme Court. How does that happen? Obama was granted "Fast Track" authority to approve matters relating the Trans-Pacific Partnership. It was opposed by Democrats and approved by conservatives in Congress. I thought the Dems were the wackos. How does this happen?

    And then there's Greece. A defaulting Greece probably won't have immediate impacts on the American economy. But, perhaps it's the first domino that begins to undo the fragile world economy. The New World Order has been waiting for a chance to introduce a new economy--one that isn't based on the U.S. dollar.

    Ignore Benjamin Creme? No way! I'm going to keep my eye on this nut job. Maybe he ends up being a fraud...but if anyone doesn't want Creme's name brought up on this blog, you're just going to have to find a way to cope.

  52. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Waste of time watching Creme. Just like watching Solana.

    You would be better served watching others.

    Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow was great for it's time. But it is over 30 years old and hasn't given Constance's followers the foresight to recognize the real players of today.

  53. This is a well researched read. I greatly recommend it. http//

  54. Anonymous12:40 PM

    In the last few weeks we have seen Pope Francis and his ridiculous climate change encylical, as well as him recognizing the Palestinian state.

    And no thread about either one?

    The ridiculous encylical speaks for itself for those who have looked in on this blog and noticed many comments over the years trashing anything or anybody related to such garbage.

    But not the Pope?

    Also, his recognition of the Palestinian state is a huge development. It does not have to be a formal treaty, or politically binding to mean anything as someone so ridiculously suggested on a previous thread.

    The enormous stature that this man has, MAKES IT A VERY BIG DEAL for him to even mention it.

    Nothing on that either?

    If it were someone else involved, I'm sure we would have heard much more around here.

    As long as it's not about anything catholic, or is about Creme, Solana, Bailey or the same old tired names and old research, etc., etc., etc. then all is good.

  55. Anonymous12:54 PM

  56. There were earthquakes in two interesting and unusual places this morning: Mississippi and right here in my home state of Michigan. Mississippi, per reports had a 3.2 quake and Western Michigan of 3.3 in Union City, Michigan. The quake was felt in Kalamazoo, Battle Creek and other areas. It is not too far from where a 4.2 quake hit in Galesburg.

    Signs of the times? Earthquakes in divers[e] places.

    The events of the past two weeks, Greece included, have been, needless to say, sobering.


  57. Well, I'll confess to an author's bias, but personally, I believe and have been told by many that HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW is now more current than when it was written.


  58. Christine,

    Although there are perhaps well founded beliefs in the Obamas' gay sympathetic tendencies, I believe the accusations here, particularly as to Michelle Obama are in poor taste and not worthy of this site. I felt the same way about the birther stories about his allegedly being born in Kenya. I do believe the "Dreams from My Real FAther" directed by Joel Gilbert is far more likely although my personal jury is out on that as well. I'm deleting the post where you suggest that Michelle Obama is a male or masculine oriented.


  59. To Anonymous 12:40

    You either are uninformed, don't listen to my radio broadcasts, don't read all the postings I have made and/or have a very nasty agenda that might be inclusive with the New Age one of pitting target groups against each other. I have had multiple posts expressing deep concern over the stowing away of Benedict XVI (Cardinal Ratzinger) and the "global warming"/climate change/gay friendly apparent agendas of the newest holder of the Papal seat. You choose to ignore them. You are free to post relevant information here as are the others, but you might pray about your obvious spirit of self-righteousness.


  60. For our 4th of July broadcast on, Cliff Kincaid will be joining me on our mutual concerns about the new papal encyclical and the Supreme Court decision allowing same sex marriage in all 50 states. That will be 10 a.m. Eastern time, 7 a.m. Pacific time on Saturday morning, July 4, 2015.


  61. Anonymous1:59 PM

    It's author's bias. The Hidden book is a great beginner's book. It definitely isn't useful after that. Your second book is more useful than the first one.

    Much more valuable on a practical level is The Whole Again Resource Guide which came out a few years after yours. The website is gone and Amazon says no copies are available. However going through and there are a few copies available though whether they are the first or second editions is not clear. The book calls itself the best guide to networking the New Age movement and goes by categories of sources. The second edition has over 3,200 links. There are many sites and books on the occult/pagan side of New Age but very few on the cultural and political side. For a while the blog was the best place to gain information on the political side of New Age, so perhaps going back to the beginnings of the blog would be worthwhile.

  62. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Constance, as a lawyer do you have any comments about the Constitution through Congress putting limits on the Supreme Court and how even now they could be used? Mark Levin talked about this last night.

    Jack Cashill's books on Obama are excellent and well-documented. Obama's connection to the New Age group out of Princeton has never been well explored as far as I know.

  63. Anonymous3:34 PM


    Why is it when you are ACTUALLY questioned, that the person must have a nasty agenda?

    There is nothing in my 12:40 post that is nasty at all.

    I did see your two threads about your concern regarding the direction Pope Francis was headed. But that was it, just a passing CONCERN about what might be transpiring.

    Nothing at all since the encylical was actually made public and confirmed many of our fears that Pope Francis is in bed with the powers that be that are promoting this junk.

    And nothing about him recognizing the Palestinian state?

    With your experience, I'm sure you know that this is huge despite not being a formalized treaty or politically binding.

    With all due respect, and this not being nasty nor is it agenda driven, if it were Solana involved in any statement even remotely involved, you would be all over it and not just express a passing concern.

    And before you label me anything but catholic, I was a practicing catholic for over 30 years and just about all my family still is and, I love them very much.

    I am also not a Protestant as that term related to the "breaking away" from the Catholic Church hundreds of years ago. I realize the term Protestant is still used, I just don't apply it to myself as I feel that 90% of the Protestant churches are not any better.

    I'm sorry, I think your favoritism of RCC is quite obvious and would like to see you do a piece on what is really happening now. Not the Matthew Foxes, not just mentioning that Pope Benedict may have been pushed out, etc.

    But that it is POSSIBLE (I didn't say definitely) that there is a GREAT EVIL at the top of the largest and richest religious institution the world has known.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Blogger Constance Cumbey said...
    The Wikipedia article on the Supreme Court accurately says:

    The Federal court system and the judicial authority to interpret the Constitution received little attention in the debates over the drafting and ratification of the Constitution. The power of judicial review, in fact, is nowhere mentioned in it. Over the ensuing years, the question of whether the power of judicial review was even intended by the drafters of the Constitution was quickly frustrated by the lack of evidence bearing on the question either way.[141] Nevertheless, the power of judiciary to overturn laws and executive actions it determines are unlawful or unconstitutional is a well-established precedent. Many of the Founding Fathers accepted the notion of judicial review; in Federalist No. 78, Alexander Hamilton wrote: "A Constitution is, in fact, and must be regarded by the judges, as a fundamental law. It therefore belongs to them to ascertain its meaning, as well as the meaning of any particular act proceeding from the legislative body. If there should happen to be an irreconcilable variance between the two, that which has the superior obligation and validity ought, of course, to be preferred; or, in other words, the Constitution ought to be preferred to the statute."

    The power of the Supreme Court was pretty much determined by the Supreme Court itself. The first case we were taught in school was MARBURY v MADISON, as I recall. The Constitution of the United States says in Article III, Section 1 re the Judiciary:

    The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office

    It's been a long time since I studied Constitutional Law which was my favorite and best subject in law school, from which I graduated 40 years ago.


  66. To 1:59 p.m.

    You've definitely got your own bias, not to mention "axes to grand." The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow is still a very valuable book and gives a very necessary overview of the three primary goals of the movement: 1. NEW WORLD ORDER; 2. NEW WORLD RELIGION, and 3. NEW WORLD 'MESSIAH'.


  67. Further to 1:59 pm, vis a vis the WHOLE AGAIN RESOURCE GUIDE that you say came out "a few years AFTER . . ." HIDDEN DANGERS was first released in 1982 and it incorporated the International Psi Guide to Periodicals." It was from a very large operation called "Source Net." I deeply apologize that you feel I am inadequate for not matching the listing of the thousands of organizations listed in that book. For the record as you say it came "several years later" than mine, it was released in 1982 and it was one of the books I used in researching HIDDEN DANGERS. It was copyrighted in 1982 by Tim Ryan and SourceNet. The Lipnack and Stamps works on Networking, also released prior to my book and used as part of my research were probably superior overviews.


  68. Further, 1:59, for the record, as you may or may not recall, HIDDEN DANGERS was released right around Memorial Day, 1983.


  69. To 3:34 pm

    Considering I'm still practicing law, have a disabled husband, and a household to maintain, I do the best I can. You are more than free to email me with articles you would like to submit on all the aspects of the International News Bureau you obviously feel I should be maintaining sans financial resources nor time for all.


  70. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Constance, we all have our problems. I do not need to share mine to make my research worth listening to. No one has ever taken away from your abilities as a researcher. Each researcher has a human personality which determines how their knowledge will be presented. My only agenda since I first started heavy research in 1979 was to expose the network of lies we are being fed. My early research before I met you covered communist front activity (learning from a woman whose files and books internet.. large numbers of shelves, file cabinets, bookcases),the international Humanism network, anti-abortion pro-life activity with its information about SEICUS, etc. what was happening in the schools, etc. It was only because your research on New Age brought a new angle to the research I did that we came across each other. I learned much from a variety of researchers who did much earlier work in these areas. I was an activist, as I am now, long before I ever met you. It's just my nature.

    You are correct about The Whole Again Resource Guide, first edition, which came out in 1982. It had 1500 listings with descriptions. The second edition which I was more familiar with came out in 1986/7 and had over 3,200 listings. The 1,500 were broken down by category which featured Animals, anti-nuclear, appropriate technology, birth, bodywork, channeling, communications, community, conservation, cooperatives, death, diet, directories, drugs, economics, ecotopics, exercise, feminist, gay, holistic health, homesteading, human rights, mindwork, native peoples, new age, natur religions, paths of devotion, peace and social justice, public interest, psychic studies, sex roles, solar energy, spiritual growth, UFO & fortean, yoga. As New Age planning came through all of these areas, it was easy to see how they were being used. Used in connection with your book the picture became clearer. You brought information on the pagan/occult side of New Age to the surface.

    No one ever expected you to do all of the research yourself. Such a big project required the efforts of many people. After your book came out you were in a very favorable position to learn more about New Age than other researchers because when people had information they wanted to share they would head straight to you. Whether you wanted it or not, you became a gatekeeper to New Age information.

    I watch what is going on at this blog just as I watch other sites and read much. My library is also huge and without counting I probably have over a thousand books. Why? Because I know the dangers coming from the huge New Age network of organizations. Very few people realize that what is happening politically now is the result of New Age planning that began in the early 1900s although branches of it started much earlier as we all know.

    I would suggest you present better when you keep your insults to yourself. It's not you versus the whole world or only you versus the New Age movement. Though your research on New Age was the best of what I have seen anywhere else, it's not the entire picture.

  71. Constance asked, perhaps rhetorically, "What comes next after gay marriage?" I think the answer to that lies in this New York Times article on paedophilia:

    Ditto in UK:

    The UK Column got in touch with the writer of the latter article, and asked him where he had got the statistics he quoted, which suggested that a high percentage of men had paedophiliac tendencies, and he was unable to give them a satisfactory source.

    "The cultic acts of Satanic pedophilia in the Catholic Church are considered by professionals to be the culmination of the rites of 'The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer' in the Vatican"
    Fr. Malachi Martin - 1990

    And if anyone here has not watched 'The Kinsey Syndrome', I highly recommend it.

  72. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Disappearing posts again. Full thing was up before but now it is gone. Maybe it was too long so I'll break it down into two parts.

    Constance, we all have our problems. I do not need to share mine to make my research worth listening to. No one has ever taken away from your abilities as a researcher. Each researcher has a human personality which determines how their knowledge will be presented. My only agenda since I first started heavy research in 1979 was to expose the network of lies we are being fed. My early research before I met you covered communist front activity (learning from a woman whose files and books internet.. large numbers of shelves, file cabinets, bookcases), the international Humanism network, anti-abortion pro-life activity with its information about SEICUS, etc. what was happening in the schools, etc. It was only because your research on New Age brought a new angle to the research I did that we came across each other. I learned much from a variety of researchers who did much earlier work in these areas. I was an activist, as I am now, long before I ever met you. It's just my nature.

    You are correct about The Whole Again Resource Guide, first edition, which came out in 1982. It had 1500 listings with descriptions. The second edition which I was more familiar with came out in 1986/7 and had over 3,200 listings. The 1,500 were broken down by category which featured Animals, anti-nuclear, appropriate technology, birth, bodywork, channeling, communications, community, conservation, cooperatives, death, diet, directories, drugs, economics, ecotopics, exercise, feminist, gay, holistic health, homesteading, human rights, mindwork, native peoples, new age, natur religions, paths of devotion, peace and social justice, public interest, psychic studies, sex roles, solar energy, spiritual growth, UFO & fortean, yoga. As New Age planning came through all of these areas, it was easy to see how they were being used. Used in connection with your book the picture became clearer. You brought information on the pagan/occult side of New Age to the surface.

  73. Anonymous7:02 PM

    PART 2

    No one ever expected you to do all of the research yourself. Such a big project required the efforts of many people. After your book came out you were in a very favorable position to learn more about New Age than other researchers because when people had information they wanted to share they would head straight to you. Whether you wanted it or not, you became a gatekeeper to New Age information.

    I watch what is going on at this blog just as I watch other sites and read much. My library is also huge and without counting I probably have over a thousand books. Why? Because I know the dangers coming from the huge New Age network of organizations. Very few people realize that what is happening politically now is the result of New Age planning that began in the early 1900s although branches of it started much earlier as we all know.

    I would suggest you present better when you keep your insults to yourself. It's not you versus the whole world or only you versus the New Age movement. Though your research on New Age was the best of what I have seen anywhere else, it's not the entire picture

  74. Constance Cumbey said...
    To Anonymous 12:40

    " .... I have had multiple posts expressing deep concern over the stowing away of Benedict XVI (Cardinal Ratzinger) and the "global warming"/climate change/gay friendly apparent agendas of the newest holder of the Papal seat. You choose to ignore them. You are free to post relevant information here as are the others, but you might pray about your obvious spirit of self-righteousness."


    I read Anonymous' post @12:40 and am completely baffled as to how you would conclude that this poster has an "obvious spirit of self-righteousness." What exactly are you basing such a serious charge upon??

    The post @ 12:40 raises some very valid questions. Furthermore (at the risk of sounding "self righteous"), I'm also kind of baffled by your "... deep concern over the stowing away of Benedict XVI (Cardinal Ratzinger)." Why is there concern for Benedict? Did you express any "concern" over the documented fact that, as Cardinal Ratzinger, he headed up the Vatican department that had complete oversight and jurisdiction over the GLOBAL pedophile priest scandals ... for 10 YEARS .... and did absolutely NOTHING but cover-up these crimes ! Was and is the Vatican "righteous" in the manner they continue to handle this scandal?

    The Roman Catholic Church stands diametrically opposed to the true gospel of grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. ANYONE with even a marginal knowledge of the RCC law/tradition/works based "gospel" knows that it cannot be reconciled to that of the true gospel of Christ. Paul very clearly speaks against a works based salvation and states that those that teach such "... pervert the gospel of Christ." He goes on to state: "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed." Galatians 1:8,9

    Constance, you need to ask yourself the question "why am I not critical of the RCC and its false "gospel?" Indeed, why is that?

  75. To Anonymous @ 3:34 PM ....

    Recently, I had a long conversation (one of many) with two dear friends of mine, both life long Catholics, both twin brothers that just turned 90. These two gentlemen are still practicing attorneys (part-time). In this latest conversation, I talked at length about the all suffficiency of Christ's once and only sacrifice for sin, and that the doctrine of Purgatory was a declaration against Christ's sufficient payment for sin. Although they listened intently, the conversation ended by the one saying "I wish I had an answer for you ... but I don't." What is really sad, is that these life-long, devout Catholics have no sense of true forgiveness, but actually believe they DESERVE Purgatory in order to cleanse them of sin ! This is not surprising, because "being good enough" will never be good enough to earn salvation ... NEVER!

    I have known hundreds of Catholics in my life, and I have NEVER found a single one that has a true sense of their sins being forgiven because of Christ's sacrifice on the cross. More often than not, they state that they "hope they are good enough" to make it to heaven. The truth is (I know you know this), there is "none that are good, no not one." "By the WORKS of the law, NO FLESH shall be justified." Christ said: "I am the door. He that seeks to enter in by any other means is a thief and a robber."

  76. follow up ...

    "For by grace are ye saved, through faith; and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast." Ephesians 2:8,9

  77. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I felt the same as you RayB as to Constance's reply to Annonymous 12:40 P.M. I thought it was a valid post, and to call the poster "self righteous" is nonsense.

    Thanks for proclaiming truth, and presenting the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

    The gospel is the only way to 'fight' New Age. In this age of increasing lawlessness there is no other way!

  78. To 7:02 pm

    I have a library far exceeding 50,000 books on the subject. I had countless files and over a terabyte of archived material.

    Every time I tried to boost you as a researcher, give you credit in an article and/or radio time, you started fresh attacks on me and my work.

    I fear that you do not understand the full spiritual implications of my work. Moreover, we have serious differences of opinion on the Cabala and anthroposophy.

    I have done the best I could with many obstacles. I have kept up with the subject, far more than you will ever know. I have been involved in deep archiving and preservation of my work since the summer of 2010, the year I closed my long time separate law office suite and moved my operation home.


  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. I don't see how Hidden Dangers is so out of date. Even if everyone in it were dead, and all named organizatins defunct, all you'd have to do is look for the individuals
    mentioned in the personal back ground connections of moderns, and the organizations]
    in the organizational pedigree of a modern organization.


  82. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Constance, you and I see differently the relationship we had. I'm not about to dredge up my analysis. It would be useless. You have authority over your blog and how other contributors are seen. The bottom line is how to go forward. I would encourage you to share your information and views with facts more than an occasional article and dialogue with contributors, not as a superior controller but as someone open to other views. If you disagree, spell it out. I would encourage you to take charge of your blog and not leave it to Christine who you "love". I will continue to share with others what I know where I think other listeners might be and contribute here what I think others might find of interest. Information about the New Age movement is a big broad field which should be of interest to many more than read this blog.

  83. Anonymous3:26 AM

    If there are others who want to keep up to date on the changes in the culture leading to New Age control, regularly read the information at Mew Age won't be mentioned, but you can put the pieces together your self. Understanding New Age as the overview of what is going on, that site will give you the pieces to put into the jigsaw puzzle of the total changeover.

  84. looking it over, it is just the usual parade of perversion and corruption
    and assorted public boring - yes there is a desire for this in the NEw Age.
    I would think anyone would know by now that corruption is part of the elites'
    games and would be legal if they could have it legal, and homosexuality of
    course is one of the hairbrained schemes by depopulation people, not that it
    hasn't been around longer than they have. you can get the same picture by
    looking at any pop culture and daily news site. So what?

    What is going on for instance is the IMF and austerity demands and looting
    poor countries with lure of big loans. Iceland did the right thing, default
    permanently and jail some bankers. But someone here argued NOT from a Christian
    position but from a worldly fleshly position that he would want austerity
    taken on to pay back a loan to him.

    Meanwhile, usury (i.e., any interest) once condemned as a deadly sin by
    Christians and pagans alike now is taken for granted. yet this debt slavery
    is one of the tentacles of the octopus, and it game was going not from JEws,
    latecomers to it on the big scene, but by the very gentile venetians many
    centuries ago.

    and this debt slavery is one of the tentacles of the NEw Age globalist octopus.

    the most crippling and diversionist thing here on this blog is the refusal of
    some to recognize that the New Age is NOT only politics and NOT only "spirituality"
    and the occult but BOTH and you can't separate them at the top and they work
    together at several rungs down the ladder. Meanwhile the average person involved
    in all this doesn't give a rats ass about anything that doesn't help their bad
    nerves (so they meditate) or doesn't advance their health and economic personal
    interests (solutions range from pop occultism to word of faith and prosperity
    gospel and "healing ministries") which of course means some of them can be
    gotten to work against such New Age things as Agenda 21 when they see how it impacts
    their preferred lifestyle, though they continue with other stuff.

    yes Solana was a waste of time and trouble though not entirely, because there are
    some odd things about him and his family, but these are like red flags of trouble
    rather than indicators he's the antichrist.

    and while worrying about New Age incursions into Christian churches, worry about
    worldly standards. you don't do homosexual acts even once? good. now how about the
    ambition and national glory and greed and resenting the poor and things like that?
    To rephrase Jesus, This you should have avoided, and not failed to avoid the other

  85. Anonymous6:08 AM


    The Holy Spirit is come to convict (in context, convince) believers of their RIGHTEOUSNESS before God, thanks to the Cross. It is the (rest of the) world that the Holy Spirit convicts of sin. Try telling them that.

  86. Anonymous6:28 AM


    This is Anon 12:40 & 3:34 from yesterday.

    I can email you articles but, I have posted about many articles on the blog without much input other than being labeled a "basher" which is ridiculous as I have stated many times that I was catholic for many years and I have mostly all of my family who are still practicing and love them very much (growing up Italian-American, you can just imagine that mostly ALL of my family are still practicing).

    This is not meant as nasty or sarcastic towards you but, a few of the things I have posted in the last several months:

    Pope's meeting last year with Copeland, Osteen, and the Arnotts to name a few, for those of you not familiar with the Arnotts, John was the architect of "The Toronto Blessing" and the mentor of Todd Bentley.

    Some responses on that one:

    * being a basher and a catholic hater.

    * he's probably trying to show them the way

    * and no comments from you that I recall

    The Pope's new age healer when he was still in Argentina.

    * I think you expressed concern "if it were true" but nothing else.

    * that the article was not true, but nothing really to back it up.

    The Pope's defense of Islamic religion recently and claiming they worship the same God as Christians. Even though they deny the divinity of Jesus as Son of God and having denied He was crucified and risen. This even fails your test for spirit of antichrist.

    * the usual responses of being a hater and a basher.

    * I don't recall much from you on the subject.

    The Pope's involvement with new ties between US and Cuba, not that this would be bad ordinarily but, a major religious figure involved with something this big politically that is huge news to the entire world is not a good thing in my opinion.

    * not much input at all

    And obviously the most recent stories about the Pope's encylical and recognizing the Palestinian state.

    We all know some responses from those as they were very recent.

    Would emailing these articles to you give them greater precedence than posting them on your blog?

    I'm not trying to be sarcastic or nasty. I think you are a VERY intelligent person. I'm just at a loss as to why you ignore some of these huge developments within the RCC.

  87. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Dorothy at 3:08 AM,

    You're about as anonymous as a great white shark and as merciless!

    How dare you speak so degradinglyand brashly to Constance! You are truculent, arrogant and well above your station ... I've seen your facebook page and it bears all the hallmarks of a self-absorbed and unbearable narcissistic bitter old woman with delusions of grandeur. You are nothing more than pomp and parade with no substance! Your site is boring and unduly self-appraising. Get down off your high horse and eat humble pie! You are all knowledge and no perception, puffed up, proud, boastful and blind! You may have material wealth but you are spiritually poor , wretched and destitute, denying the Heavenly Father because you do not know Him nor can spiritually understand those who do whatever their background!

    You have no right attacking Constance like that, you are a disgrace and a pretender, insisting everyone should drop their values and morals just for you as though the World is to revolve around you, wonder after you and bow down to you ... now who does that remind me of... No, I don't mean the Heavenly Father, I mean your spiritual father for you do the things he does. You know nothing of the value of true friendship and how to respect others, you have wrapped yourself in the cloak of Brutus and oh how you wear it well! Constance is well shot of you, you spiteful, jealous, treacherous and downright nasty individual: you should be ashamed of yourself!

  88. To "anonymous" 3:08 a.m.

    Your deliberate misconstruing of what you know (or should know) was my attemt to tactfully ask Christine to more carefully craft her posts is nothing short of shameless innuendo. Some of what Christine has contributed is valuable if her links are followed. Some of it I have questioned. Rudy was chased off this blog, Joyce was chased off this blog mostly by your own posts that contained unquestionably nasty material. As many times as I had requests by you to ban Christine from posting here, I had requests from others to keep you from posting here. Both i refused. Yes, you do excellent research. There are also times I felt you shot from the hip without proper analysis of all the elements. In fact, that is how we first met. You called TV 39 in Chicago and "informed" them that I had to be "anti-Semitic". This happened in early 1983. When they passed this on to me, I demanded to know who had made such a statement as I had diligently and intensely battled anti-Semitism over the years. I never tolerated neither racist nor anti-Semitism from my friends and challenged my non-friends when I head both advanced. I recall asking you how you could have possibly reached such a conclusion about me. You informed me it was because I was quoting sources that had also been quoted by one Ron Miller from (as I can now best recall) something like Lonsdale, Minnesota. I told you what I had quoted had been the product of my own independent research reading the Alice Bailey and other books that I had purchased in the Detroit metropolitan area. Finally, I said to you when you reiterated that he was anti-Semitic and claimed a Jewish conspiracy, "if that is what he is saying, he's lied. The Jews are clearly a target of the New Age Movement. I quoted my sources. You then said you would check out what I said and if I had lied, I would never have an enemy like you. On the other hand, if I had been honest, you would be my best friend.

    To be continued

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. To "anonymous" - CONTINUED

    Yes, I have been proud to call you a friend over the years. You did much to disseminate critical information on the New Age Movement -- particularly to the Jewish community.

    This was important, particularly considering the dissemination of what I considered nothing short of disinformation by those using the antisemitic ravings of writers such as Eustace Mullins in their books: Texe Marrs, Gary Kah, Tal Brooke, and others.

    Unfortunately, you failed to recognize that I had been up against serious persecution and even blackballing. The Gold Lake conferences, the 1985 Denver Seminary Conference, what I had gone through in El Toro, California in late 1983, and so much more made it unlikely that the New York Times would be banging on my door to publish or promote my work. I will note, however, that the New York Times did use me as an UNACKNOWLEDGED source on the first major article they did on the New Age Movement on September 24, 1986 (Robert Lindsey). There was pressure by seminaries to students not to acknowledge me as a source, ditto with newspapers.

    You were happy when NEWSWITHVIEWS invited me to be a columnist. After you had a disagreement with its publisher for whom I intervened to dissuade him from his threat of litigation with you, you literally sulked and threw tantrums when I submitted articles to them. That had far wider circulation than my modest blogspot and many times stories I wrote and were posted there were posted by Google as important news stories on the subject -- not just routine "hits."

    I still consider you a friend, but too often a moody and unpredictable one. Sometimes I have felt, not without justification, that with "friends" like you, I didn't need enemies.

    This was/is a shame, because we both have valuable contributions to make, but I sometimes find it difficult to work when depression starts to set in -- the type of sniping I have perceived receiving from you reminds me of dealing with one who literally makes others "walk on eggshells" -- one who is thin skinned themself, but expects others to have elephant hide.

    Unfortunately, I do not have elephant hide. It is a shame that we have to communicate this way, but perhaps this will give the message and set the record straight for others that are mystified by your "anonymous" exchanges.


  91. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Vatican Hosts Anti-Capitalist Climate Changer ....

  92. Cliff Kincaid will be discussing both the Vatican Encyclical / Conference(s) as well as the Same Sex Marriage SCOTUS decision this coming Saturday morning, July 4, 2015, 10 a.m. Eastern Time, 7 am. PACIFIC TIME.


  93. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Constance, I'm not going to respond publicly in kind. There would be no point in that. I've been around too long long to be bothered by anonymous emotional responses to what I post or by other challenges. Exposing the New Age movement is more important to me than anything else. I don't keep the kind of company you have been comfortable with over the years. You are what you are and I am what I am. I will continue to post what I find important in exposing the New Age movement as long as I can. If I lose the ability to post at this blog, it won't stop me from exposing New Age elsewhere.

  94. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  95. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  96. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Constance and Dorothy,

    I've learned so much from both of you over the years. Thank you for all of it.

    Constance, I actually stopped reading this blog because of Christine's contant commenting. I just got tired of scrolling through her multiple comments, responses to those, etc. The blog would be improved greatly if you were to actually limit her to 2 or 3 posts per day. It would force her to present her material in a readable way. It would allow the excellent commentary from your many knowledgeable readers to shine through, and perhaps excellent commenters like Rich and Dave in BC would return. Everyone (including Christine) would benefit from some quality control


    this has to be the best argument against an Internet of everything you can imagine.
    sure there is wifi to bridge gaps created by such events, but at some point things
    are PHYSICAL and VERY DOWN TO EARTH which means they are NOT DEFENDABLE by the
    usual anti hacker measures.

    instead of warning about the antichrist or even dubious possible control freak
    and other games by govt. and elites, when dealing with people who don't think
    in these terms or are primed against them, once you know in advance you are
    dealing with such use this kind of argument.

  98. Anonymous2:06 PM

    "The Holy Spirit is come to convict (in context, convince) believers of their RIGHTEOUSNESS before God, thanks to the Cross. It is the (rest of the) world that the Holy Spirit convicts of sin. Try telling them that."

    "really? that's assuming you have no sin since you got baptized or at least
    since your last backslide and repentance."

    If you cease to trust in Jesus and walk away from him then you will eventually stop hearing from him and you will lose your salvation. I am not advocating Once Saved Always Saved. But if you genuinely believe in Him then Yes, really. Believers don't need the Holy Spirit to tell them that they have done something sinful. Conscience does that unassisted. Can you find a single verse in the New Testament stating the the Holy Spirit convicts BELIEVERS of sin? In contrast there are hordes of Christians walking round who don't really believe that they are forgiven and who live depowered Christian lives as a result.

    We confess because we are forgiven, not in order to be forgiven.

    Many of the other things you say are not responses to what I said or to things that follow inevitably from it.

  99. "When the pontiff John Paul II ascended to the Temple Mount in 2000, Judaism’s most holy site, he wasn’t welcomed by Israeli officials, but by representatives of the Palestinian Authority, and the holy complex was bedecked in Arab flags. It was the Pope's implicit recognition of Islamic hegemony. It was taken to mean that Islam and Christianity superseded Judaism and have the right to “inherit” its holy places.

    Since then, the Holy See’s taking a stance as the ally of the heads of the Palestinian Authority in the place most holy to the Jewish people, became almost a fait accompli.

    The Catholic de-legitimization of Israel passes through the war on Jerusalem and the war on Jerusalem passes through the Temple Mount. The site where the Jewish people worshipped for hundreds of years and the focal point of every practicing Jew’s prayers is under assault from the Vatican.

    The Vatican-PLO agreements have been signed to enable the eviction of the Jews from Jerusalem. This follows a memorandum signed by Palestinian and Vatican officials in 2000 which repeated the Vatican call for an international mandate to preserve “the proper identity and sacred character” of Jerusalem. It means a return to a time when half of Israel’s capital was under Islamic control, the Old City was closed to Jews, the synagogues were desecrated, and walls, barbed wire, and snipers divided the city by force.

    The Vatican is consistent. In 1964, when Pope Paul VI made the first papal visit to Jerusalem, Jews and Christians with Israeli passports were barred from entering the Old City. And no Vatican official complained about that. "

  100. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  101. Anonymous2:52 PM

    The way I see it too, 1:26 PM.
    The comments section of this blog has become a waste of time simply because of Christine Erikson. Thank God for the main page.
    She offers so little real help to it because for every one single right link she posts, she posts 100 off topic, (really) off track ones. And her "must be the top dog" antics are so off-putting.
    Have seen others (myself included) trying to get links noticed that are topic pertaining, only to see them abandoned in the morass she creates.
    She must be Constance Cumbey's charity case is the only thing I can come up with as to why she is not reigned in (has never worked). She has only been emboldened.
    Go figure....

    She has muddied and bloodied this blog to the harm of Truth itself.

  102. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Check the Greek word for Confess in 1 John 1:9, Christine. It means "agree" - in other words, if we are in agreement with God that we sin then he forgives us. No need to keep muttering endlessly "I'm sorry" under our breath, or formalising it in a ritual humiliation among believers. This is an attitude and it comes from conversion and the knowledge that we are forgiven - as I said.

    Me: "Many of the other things you say are not responses to what I said or to things that follow inevitably from it."

    You: "they may not follow inevitably, but they are relevant"

    I do not agree. And neither, I am sorry, do many others here agree that your posts keep themselves on-topic. I regard much of what you say above as a response but not a reply, and I am not going to divert into other issues or repeat myself. Let me add only that I am not giving license to sin.

  103. "Check the Greek word for Confess in 1 John 1:9, Christine. It means "agree" - in other words, if we are in agreement with God that we sin then he forgives us. No need to keep muttering endlessly "I'm sorry" under our breath, or formalising it in a ritual humiliation among believers. This is an attitude and it comes from conversion and the knowledge that we are forgiven - as I said."

    agreeing that something is a sin and forsaking it and what leads up to it, its all
    the same thing. Why not mutter "I'm sorry" when the matter comes to mind again,
    and pray for the persons affected not to mention any subtle sense of pleasure that
    come with the memory? does the se3nse of being forgiven mean you are NOT sorry?

  104. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Of course I am sorry but we'd be muttering "I'm sorry" all the time. God doesn't want that, for it is a form of bondage to law. Certainly it is incompatible with the joy of the Christian life spoken of in the New Testament, so which do you choose? God wants an attitude of quiet confidence that we are forgiven, out of which we are equipped to forgive without effort others who trespass against us.

  105. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Thank you Anonymous 1:26. It appears we both know the dangers of the New Age movement.I truly doubt Christine has brought a single soul to the Christian faith though she has chased many away.

  106. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  107. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Anonymous 7:02 who appears to be the QUEEN OF INSULTS: You are insulting Constance and then have enough chutzpah to tell HER to keep her insults to herself.

    C - H - U - T - Z - P - A - H

    Anonymous, too!

  108. keeping the sobriety of repentance.

    "In every person who lives unrepentant in sin there lives a demon, as if in a house, who takes charge over everything within him. When by the grace of God such a sinner comes to contrition over his sins, repents and ceases to sin—the demon is cast out from him. At first the demon does not disturb the one who has repented, because there is much fervour within him in the beginning, which burns demons like a fire, and repulses them like an arrow. But then, when fervour begins to grow cold, the demon approaches from afar with its suggestions, throws in memories about former pleasures and calls him to them. If the penitent does not beware, he will soon pass from a sympathy to a desire for sin; if he does not come to his senses and return himself to the state of his former soberness, then a fall is not far off. From desire are born the inclination for sin and decision to commit it—the inner sin is ready; the outer sin is only waiting for a convenient occasion. When an occasion presents itself, the sin will be accomplished. Then the demon will enter again, and begin to drive a person from sin to sin even faster than before. The Lord portrayed this with the parable about the second return of the demon into the clean, swept house."

    St. Theophan the Recluse

  109. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Good for St Theophan the Recluse. Maybe; maybe not, but I've better things to do than a comparative essay of his words against holy scripture.

  110. if youi STUDY Holy Scripture and get it in your blood, you will find this does not
    contradict it. it is the testimony of experience and observation and you could
    start with something about guarding your heart because out of it are the issues
    of life somewhere in Proverbs.

  111. Anonymous2:55 AM

    I have studied it, Christine, and don't need advice to. Come out from under law.

  112. you obviously like everyone who talks like this, do not kmnow what
    the law is that Paul talked about. This is the result of assuming
    the Bible means what you are told it means and accepting things
    preached out of context.

    The Law is the ritual law of Moses, the legalists are those who
    taught that to be in relationship with God we need more than the
    shed Blood of Christ we need to be circumcised keep food laws holy
    days and Sabbaths.

    read context including the larger context of the entire epistle
    the word is in, read any epistle the word law is in AT ONE TIME
    like you would a letter sent to you personally.

    Paul is explicit. the entire Epistle to the Galatians is written
    to this matter..

  113. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Thanks but I don't need you to interpret the Bible for me, Christine.

  114. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  115. ephes 4:28 those who used to steal should not only stop stealing
    but go the opposite direction, work to have enough to share.
    applied as general principle this would have one keeping an eye
    on prior sins as indicative of what to watch for incl. the
    states of mind that led up to them. the whole person needs a
    radical reorganization, not a mere whew I'm not going to hell
    now I can get on with life again.

  116. Anonymous12:53 PM


    " Anonymous said...

    I have studied it, Christine, and don't need advice to. Come out from under law.

    2:55 AM"

    Dear 2:55 AM, But you have not studied it according to her precepts.
    (She does not even know or preach Grace).
    Her "biblical" version is her own ruler in one hand and a hatchet in the other.
    Also, she runs this blog or didn't you know this?

    You need to shape up because Christine Erikson intends to bulldog you until you see her point of view.



  117. anon 12:53

    I have adopted Jesus' point of view and the Bible unmediated by
    the twists of Luther's narrow focus and Calvin's near blasphemy
    of double predestination.

    we are saved by grace unmerited favor into the Kingdom of God
    and what do you do in a kingdom? you obey the king, Jesus. Like
    I said, read the Bible without the blinders.




    how to tell muslim from Sikh etc., and subtle indicators

  121. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Says You, Christine.
    You don't have a chapter(s) and verse(s)to support your version of "law" and "obedience". The Holy Spirit (who by faith (not works) indwells only true believers) can fully keep the law and obey God's word. You have lowered the bar so low that you think you are obeying, making it about your flesh attempt at godliness.
    How convenient.
    Plus, it is wrong to put "your yoke" on others.
    Has not one thing to do with the names you dropped about twisting scripture.
    Take that up with God----not us.
    Take that up in another venue----not here.

    Can it.

  122. anon 2:58

    I have given chapter and verse just on self watchfulness, but you are very
    poor at bible understanding if you need chapter and verse all the time.
    you shouldn't even ask for "verse" but "verses" plural.


    one chapter and verse I gave was on change of law in Hebrews.

  123. Anonymous3:29 PM

    "poor at bible understanding if you need chapter and verse all the time"

    That accusing statement is proof you are off on own own and not directed by God's word.
    Biblically speaking you should tend to your own "knittin'".
    No one wants your preaching. The Spirit of God, you ain't.
    Jesus said "Follow ME" not follow My followers.
    You are off on your own path, anyway.....won't be following you...anywhere.
    Can it.

  124. wrong. I've read it straight through in a few months so I don't
    lose so much and keep it in mind while reading the next books
    in it, on three occasions. I have enough I remember I can locate.

    you didn't pay attention to what I said.

    you ask for chapter and VERSE SINGULAR. how about VERSES PLURAL?


    Did I say follow me? no.

    I said, in effect, stop following the traditions and opinions of
    men and LET THE BIBLE SPEAK FOR ITSELF if you have a problem dig
    into archaeology, history, word meanings, and check for every time
    the subject is dealt with in the Bible.


    instead of "study the bible" I should say READ THE BIBLE.

  125. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Come on, really???
    You should stop ordering people around about how to read and study the Bible, Christine, **as you are taking up valuable space here**, just so you can pontificate.
    We should be Spirit-led not man-driven with it. The Holy Spirit is not a nag so you should learn that from Him (humble yourself and listen).
    That is what you don't get.

    So, why don't you just live it instead of talk it? (let your words be few is wisdom).

    Jesus told us in the word not to argue with a Pharisee.
    Talking to you is pointless.

    And I'm done with your "sermon".

  126. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  127. Anonymous6:05 PM

    "others who read this may benefit"


    Not when you have a real penchant for taking discussion into the ditch.
    People really don't need your constant arguing. Your "stuff" goes nowhere fast. Other More important things to focus on, without people like yourself, taking up valuable time and space to nag (while you brag) to attempt to force others to your personal point of view.

    No way. I'd rather chew on chalk than discuss anything more with you.

  128. Anonymous7:33 PM

    When I come here I'm able to discern between the false anti-Christ spirit and the true and authentic spirit of others--- and what a blessing.

    This part of 2 John 1:9-11, is speaking to me now, since the court has made it's decision.

    "Any person who drifts away and fails to live in the teachings of the Anointed One, our Liberating King, does not have God. But the person who lives in this teaching will have both the Father and the Son.

    10 If any person comes to you with a teaching that does not align with the true message of Jesus, do not welcome that person into your house or greet him as you would a true brother.

    11 Anyone who welcomes this person has become a partner in advancing his wicked agenda."

    Oh, what a Liberating King we have, Christ Jesus our LORD!

    Constance, may you continue to have enabling grace to speak the truth, because you love the Father and His Son.


  129. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Dear Christine, although you are still being bashed sadly and I still think some of your ideas are still not right (I am sure not all mine are either) what you have written in your last few posts pertaining to obedience is spot on!

    Also, what you have said about Calvin and Luther is spot on too and how you have shown that we should let the Holy Bible speak for itself (with the guidance of the Holy Spirit of course, for Scripture is not for private interpretation: whether such private interpretation is given by a Pope , a Patriarch, Luther or Calvin, etc, or even done by ourselves)!

    I have witnessed a marked change for the better in what you write , write about, and how you conduct yourself personally here. I have been dreadfully unkind to you in the past and I am deeply sorry for all the wrong things outside of God's will that I have thought about, said and done to you.

    I used to see you as a relentless New Age / occult troll ... I was wrong and am deeply sorry.

    When I see the marked change in you , I think of 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8.

    May God continue to guide and bless you greatly. I understand why Constance has said she loves you, you are lovable Christine and I as a fellow brother in Christ love you too!

  130. Anonymous4:33 AM

    As I said at 10.35am above (which was my immediately preceding post) I don't need you to interpret the Bible for me, Christine. I read it for myself plus plenty of commentaries, from all denominations but not from dilettantes.

  131. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Argue with this Cristine Erikson.

    for July 3

    "Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips."
    Isaiah 6:5

    When I get into the presence of God, I do not realize that I am a sinner in an indefinite sense; I realize the concentration of sin in a particular feature of my life. A man will say easily - 'Oh, yes, I know I am a sinner'; but when he gets into the presence of God he cannot get off with that statement. The conviction is concentrated on - I am this, or that, or the other. This is always the sign that a man or woman is in the presence of God. There is never any vague sense of sin, but the concentration of sin in some personal particular. God begins by convicting us of the one thing fixed on in the mind that is prompted by His Spirit; if we will yield to His conviction on that poin t, He will lead us down to the great disposition of sin underneath. That is the way God always deals with us when we are consciously in His presence.

    This experience of the concentration of sin is true in the greatest and the least of saints as well as in the greatest and the least of sinners. When a man is on the first rung of the ladder of experience, he may say - I do not know where I have gone wrong; but the Spirit of God will point out some particular definite thing. The effect of the vision of the holiness of the Lord on Isaiah was to bring home to him that he was a man of unclean lips. "And he laid it upon my mouth, and said Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged." The cleansing fire had to be applied where the sin had been concentrated.

    This is what true scriptural repentance, and then it's natural outflow, that is loving devoted obedience, looks like.

    You need less try and more simple trust, then you will quit imposing yourself upon others, letting GOD do His work to educate and train HIS (not your) disciples.

  132. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Yes 4:33 AM.

    What good is a virtual, an armchair christian?
    We can't think and try our way with continual morbid remorse browbeat ourselves into believing.

    We cannot remake ourselves.
    God did the extreme exchange and the extreme makeover by way of the cross of His Son.
    Ours is to humbly submit, take in,....and then...take on, Christ.

  133. anon 10:09

    it would be interesting to know if you are the same anon who claimed
    the Holy Spirit doesn't convict a Christian of sin. Good post until
    you try to apply this to my posting. tell the same to anyone who
    writes Bible commentaries or even to Constance, anyone would fit the
    last sentence incl. a street preacher, an evangelist, even the Apostles.

    anon 4:33

    conviction of sin isn't about browbeating yourself into believing,
    and when I got saved I didn't have that much sense of sin, since I
    wasn't doing the one thing I thought was really serious. I turned
    from and dumped other stuff (and later fell into a trap God got me
    back out of) but thought I didn't need a Savior, but since Jesus is
    the coming King I should obey Him so I accepted Him as King and He
    led me to see what a mess I really was.

  134. Anonymous1:25 PM

    "anon 10:09 it would be interesting to know if you are the same anon who claimed
    the Holy Spirit doesn't convict a Christian of sin."

    Nope. That was me and I didn't write the 10:09 post. Your conscience - or your spouse - will convict you of sin without need of the Holy Spirit. If you have put on Christ and are covered by His blood then your identity before God is "Holy One", not "Sinner" - even if you sin. The job of the Holy Spirit is to help you believe these truths in your heart as well as your head.

  135. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  136. that contemporaneous thing relies on two points in the words
    of Daniel which can only be ignored (as they usually are) not

    the fourth beast does not include the others but tramples
    them all. you could argue Persia trampled Babylon, but you
    can't argue Rome trampled Babylon.

    and the angel tells Daniel that these are FOUR kingdoms that
    will arise. if these were the ancient kingdoms the angel
    would have said THREE because Daniel was already living in
    the first one, with the second beginning to develop on the
    horizon. but the angel said FOUR.

    this is not private interpretation. this is looking at what
    the Bible SAYS.

  137. Anonymous7:04 PM

    As I said, Christine, I (Anon@1.25pm) don't need you to interpret the Bible for me. Calling what I am saying "private interpretation" is just a lazy way to argue.

  138. anon 7:04

    there is nothing lazy about it. This is a MAJOR ISSUE of your kind of thinking.

    so you say you let The Holy Spirit interpret Scripture for you. Give me an
    example. Pick some SCripture at random or something you recently got an interpretation
    regarding, and post it here. Prove you in fact have such help preferably three

    I learned decades ago the hermeneutical rule of let Scripture interpret Scripture,
    compare Scripture with Scripture, and of course check what language issues and
    history/archaeology can explain about something you don't understand. use commentaries with caution, especially regarding prophecy there is too much people
    want to read into it of their own current events, nation, etc.

  139. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Arguing is like breathing for some. A very lazy approach to life period.

    Submitting oneself to God, to ask and yield ourselves to the mind of Christ, allowing the Spirit of the Lord to rub us right down to the nub in an issue, circumstance, or question awaiting an answer, is hard.

    I'm learning to trust the Holy Spirit, not not always as yielded as I want to be. Salvation happens in a moment, sanctifying us in grace takes a lifetime.
    But some don't approach God this way, these don't see the need, so their faith is actually in themselves, and the fighting within them causes friction to come out of their words and actions.
    That never ends well.

  140. I find arguing tiresome but some things need to be addressed.

    as usual, you like others refuse to get specific in some cases they
    won't define what they think the NEw Age while saying I don't know,
    in your case you won't submit examples of Scripture getting interpreted
    by The Holy Spirit so anyone can tell whether or not this interpretation
    fits the obvious meaning of Scripture at all or not.

    for all I know you are opening at random and assuming whatever you see
    is a personal message. Meanwhile platitudes fly. sorry, you don't have
    any credibility.

    interpreting Scripture and reading what it says are not necessarily the
    same thing. but when it says specific A and you say it can only mean
    specific totally different B, and not because of some other relevant
    Scripture that gives a bigger picture, something is wrong.

    I kept trusting for years in the stuff I heard or read over and over
    was what the Bible meant or said blind to what it said. God opened
    my eyes, in some cases directly in other cases through others whose
    words fit what was on the page and in the language help stuff like
    Strong's better than what I was being told.

  141. Anonymous10:43 AM

    As I said Christine, I don't need you to interpret the Bible for me.

  142. Daniel 7:17

    "These great beasts, which are four are four kings, WHICH SHALL ARISE out
    of the earth."

    how do you propose to interpret that? you can't. you can only read it and
    take it for what it says.

    who does the angel speak to? Daniel. Where and when? Daniel 7:1 he is in
    Babylon under the king Belshazzar.

    so how are the four beast which SHALL ARISE including Babylon that cannot
    be part of "SHALL" because it already IS?


  143. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Your Daniel argument is with another Anon than me; I am the one who insists that I don't need you to interpret the Bible for me and that the Holy Spirit convicts Christians of their righteousness before God.

  144. no, my Daniel argument is with you. you brought it up not needing
    help interpreting the Bible because The Holy Spirit interprets it
    for you first in
    context of this, and have repeated it in that context AS WELL
    AS THE OTHER ISSUE so how about answering it?

    and I suppose you NEVER got convicted of sin since your conversion
    or baptism? my my either you got a seared conscience, or you
    are one PERFECT person.

    But lets get back to Daniel. If you don't need anyone to tell
    you what the Bible says, how about telling us your take on
    that passage.

  145. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I have in fact discussed Daniel 7 here anonymously in the past. I'm not going to discuss it now because it is unrelated to anything in our present dialogue. I have sinned and I still sin (and it is obvious to me without the Spirit's help), but since my conversion and baptism my fundamental identity before God, thanks be to Jesus Christ, is Holy One rather than Sinner. The Holy Spirit convicted me of that and it brings inner peace. In response to your insults, Bless you.

  146. what insults? and discussing Daniel 7 isn't the issue. it is what do
    you think this or anything is saying on the basis not of the words
    written but on some witness from The Holy Spirit?

    or for that matter any Scripture cite. lets see this in action.

  147. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  148. Anonymous1:03 PM

    MCE keeps baiting a hook but we don't have to bite.

    It is her amusement and her whole life, needed "filler", living to start any argument anywhere, anytime, with anyone.
    A very discontented and unresolved soul, and about bored to death on top of that.

  149. and it is very related to the present dialog, because this is a verse
    that only be interpreted ONE WAY if you don't spiritualize or otherwise
    ignore it. So show me how you interpret it and why. Ambiguous verses
    elsewhere well, a witness from the Holy Spirit might be a witness
    from the Holy Spirit.

    but unless you can show me how a man being told of future kingdoms
    is told they are four and not three if he is living in one of them
    at the time, it follows that you aren't getting a witness from the
    Holy Spirit on that verse if you don't see it that way.

    and I have said this before I made it clear this IS relevant, both
    because you started this no need to interpret thing on this matter
    and because you have answered this matter with that statement

    I hope when you get this conviction of being okay it helps you to
    gain power over the sin and stop sinning? and an urge or at least
    an idea that you need to fight the sin inclination?

  150. Anonymous1:11 PM

    "I hope when you get this conviction of being okay it helps you to
    gain power over the sin and stop sinning? and an urge or at least
    an idea that you need to fight the sin inclination?"

    Yes Christine, that's right - great! It - actually, HE - does help one gain power over the sin. Christians are well aware that the sin inclination needs to be fought but it is a losing battle unless you are livingly aware of who you really are. Your very identity shifts when you convert. This is understood in the head from good Bible teaching, but only the Holy Spirit can shift it to the heart. That is why I say the Holy Spirit comes to convict believers of their righteousness.

  151. Anonymous2:11 PM

    John 16:5-15 explains the Spirit's part.

    And so The Spirit came at too, we must let Him come to us to indwell us, and experience our own personal Pentecost, just as we let Him come to us personally as our Passover Lamb applying the Blood to our hearts doorposts. All this is by faith. Hebrews 11:6

  152. anon 1:11 fine, though there is a hyper grace teaching out there that
    has all our sins covered future and current as well as past so that we
    can sin all we like. It is hard the way you guys write to tell what you
    are actually meaning.

    But as for only needing The Holy Spirit and no human help at all to
    understand the Bible, the promise regarding lead into all truth and
    bringing to mind all Christ said was given to the APOSTLES which was
    given them in perfection so they wrote the NT, while we usually get it
    in a lesser way. We are, as Paul said, an organism and an organism
    or body has many different segments or parts different gifts different
    abilities and all work together.

  153. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Nobody is disputing that here. But human input cannot be at the expense of what the Spirit shows us but an addendum to that as long it is of the mind of Christ. The Spirit of God never lacks the mind of Christ but men may be very lacking. The apostles were Spirit indwelt and filled and led. That is what we should be too. it is still a surrender that cannot be sidestepped or the pride of our minds will take over. James 1:5 addresses this. It is a grace that God gives to the humble asker and obedient seeker.

    Should sin abound that grace may abound? God forbid.

    To love God is to hate sin but it not born out of morbid fear that we follow (though a holy fear is part of it) but devotion for having been forgiven in that precious Blood of His Only Son that makes us despise what hurts Him (and others).

    That is the difference between have-to and want-to. Loving the Lord with our whole selves is all the want-to to follow Him in even the worst of times-with no turning back because we are filled with His presence and power.

  154. The apostles were a special non repeating case. though they are to some
    extent in faith and lives a model for us, we can't think in terms that would
    open the door to new revelation on a par with Scripture. like the modern
    "apostles" do. James addresses getting wisdom that makes your mind better
    not surrendering your mind per se just humbling yourself and asking with
    all your heart for wisdom.

  155. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Provided that people affirm, as Paul did, that "sin should not abound that grace may abound", then the more grace the better.

  156. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Reply to 12:16 AM

    "To love God is to hate sin but it not born out of morbid fear that we follow (though a holy fear is part of it) but devotion for having been forgiven in that precious Blood of His Only Son that makes us despise what hurts Him (and others).

    That is the difference between have-to and want-to. Loving the Lord with our whole selves is all the want-to to follow Him in even the worst of times-with no turning back because we are filled with His presence and power."

    I agree--- you said it so well.

    To know Him is to love Him more--- even in the worst of times. When I had cancer--- through all the treatments, I had a sense of His presence that was so real that I knew I was not going through it alone.

    I have the best Father in the world--- I want to be a Father pleaser because He's like no other earthly Father I know.

  157. To 1:11 pm -- While I'm strugging with some of Christine's lengthy posts that I hardly have time to keep up with, I'm struggling with yours also. The theology you set forth of knowing who we are in Christ and being convicted of "our righteousness" reminds me of Norman Grubb. Are you familiar with him and his work while living called "Union Life." Grubb borrowed heavily from William Law and Jacob Boehme. I have concluded his teaching is best called "gnostic."


  158. This comment has been removed by the author.

  159. To 4:02, This was included in my New Age Monitor of June 1989:

    A. It is a world-wide coalition of networking organizations.
    It also includes individuals bound together by
    common mystical experiences. There are more than
    10,000 New Age organizations within the United
    States and Canada alone and probably several times
    that world-wide. The New Age Movement is particularly
    active and influential within New Zealand and
    Australia. It has many manifestations within Europe,
    as well, the most visible being the Green political party
    of Germany. Alphabetically, the network ranges
    from Amnesty International through Zero Population
    Growth. (See The Whole Again Resource Guide by
    Tim Ryan with Rae Jappinen, Capra House, P.O. Box
    2068, Santa Barbara, CA 93120; Networking: The
    First Report and Directory by Jessica Lipnack & Jeffrey
    Stamps, Doubleday, 1982; New Age Politics by
    Mark Satin, Dell Books Division of E. P. Dutton,
    1979). New Age organizations (include, but are not
    limited to) the following types: . . .

    I saw a typo in the above "myatical" instead of "mystical" and so I have reposted the comment for reasons of accuracy.


  160. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Dear Constance

    Please take my post at 1.11pm together with my clarification at 4.10am plus the fact that our own conscience (or spouse) convicts us when we sin - no need for the Holy Spirit to do so. With those things understood, I affirm my words at 1.11pm.

    I have read one book by Norman Grubb and certainly found that it gave off a strange odour.

  161. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Hello Constance.
    Below is what you stated:

    "While I'm strugging with some of Christine's lengthy posts that I hardly have time to keep up with"

    Well, join the club.
    Doesn't have to be such a struggle though, if you would stick to your word and limit Christine Erikson to one post per day.

    That would uncomplicate many things. For your blog and us who visit it. We cannot easily follow your topic leads here in the comments section, with the circus music playing so loudly coming from the vast majority of Christine's posts. For the once and a while pertinent ones she posts-there are dozens that are really in the way of the actual subject material, and end up going nowhere (and for her amusement).

    One per day from her would stop a whole lot of argument for the sake of argument, and rid your blog of much frustration.

  162. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Constance said, "It is not taking long for major denominations to start caving in on millennia of established moral and religious principles."

    We have some in our immediate family who think the Bible is an antiquated book that doesn't speak to our culture today--- and they tell us so.

    These family members say we are progressing beyond it(the Bible) to new religious principles. Many so called Christians won't say it out right but believe the same thing.

    On another note. I have two cousins who are brothers,who are homosexuals--- both with partners for over 35 years. The nicest guys you'd ever want to meet.

    I love them dearly. They know how our family believes and are never in our face with their lifestyle.

    I'm sure many families are dealing with this same issue. Anyone else dealing with this in your families?

    Cindy Warner
