
Friday, June 26, 2015

Mourning, sackcloth and ashes -- Proper dress in the USA for this day - SCOTUS ruling on Same Sex Marriage

Google news top story today, June 26, 2015
I am deeply distressed by today's Supreme Court decision setting aside millenniums of morality and overruling the sanctity of God ordained marriage between a woman and a man. Sackcloth and ashes are the only proper mode of dress today, in my humble opinion. I'm in mourning. It appears there is no longer room in the United States of America -- and a good share of the rest of the world -- for God fearing believers who take His word at face value! I fear real persecution is about to begin. May the Lord help us and our children!   

We are worse than Sodom & Gomorrah when God visited judgment upon it.  They had a judge, Lot, Abraham's cousin.  His "righteous soul was vexed" per Scripture at what he saw there.  He "sat in the Gates" meaning he was a judge.  At least they had the good sense to use a judge who didn't bless their deviant lifestyles.  We want to disqualify from public life those here who refuse to bless same.

Stay in prayer, stay tuned.  Jesus said, "when you see these things come upon the earth, know that your redemption is near, even at the door."  It is time we make peace with our Maker before the prophesied time arrives when the Holy Spirit will no longer strive with man and God declares, "let he who is righteous be righteous still, let he who is filthy be filthy still."  

Nobody in their right mind, "gay or straight" should wish to be on the wrong side of THAT 'digital divide.'

Stay tuned -- stay in prayer!  "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call upon Him while He is near."  If that be "patriarchal," so be it!



  1. This so called equity in marriage issue has always been driven by some very powerful people whose intent is the destruction of Biblical (is there any other?) Christianity. Next up for this agenda will be law suits involving churches that these radicals will single out, knowing full well what churches will not perform this travesty of a ceremony. This is exactly what happened in Britain. Under British law, the churches were exempt from their "marriage" law. Within 2 WEEKS, a lawsuit was filed against the Church of England by a "couple" demanding that their civil liberties were being violated by the church. The same will happen here.

    Who would have ever believed that Christians in this country would be fined for simply refusing to bake a "marriage" cake for homosexuals? This same scenario is being played out all over the world ... with the exact same tactics being employed by these cultural Nazis. Too strong of a term? I think not. With the Nazis (and ALL totalitarians),individual convictions were swept away and those that refused the state's edict suffered the consequences.

    Without the destruction of BIBLICAL Christianity, the despotic One World Government cannot be implemented. Modern day Christians have been duped into believing the Pre-Trib Rapture theory and, as a consequence, have been virtually removed from the cultural fight that should have been waged by Christians. Couple that with the heirlings in American pulpits that appear to be afraid of their own shadows, along with their fear of losing their tax-exempt status, and the cultural battle is lost by default.

    Several years ago, I remarked to a "fundamentalist" Baptist Pastor that Canadian Christian churches were suffering persecution due to their hate crime legislation (amazingly he knew nothing about this). Why were they being persecuted (and still are)? Because some faithful pastors were preaching the truth; that Homosexuality is sin and an abomination in God's sight. I told him then that this exact same thing is coming to the USA. His response? "I think it might be time to retire." !!!

    America as a nation crossed the Rubicon a long time ago .... Roe v Wade in 1973 was an enormous turning point. This USSC ruling is another. No nation is exempt from God's judgment. It is true for nations as well as for individuals: "God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man sows, so shall he reap." Remember too: "Judgment begins at the house of the Lord."

  2. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Any thoughts on Francis referencing St. Francis Canticle of all Creatures in his Gaia laced encyclical?

    Mother Earth
    Brother Sun
    Sister Moon

    Sounds bad to me. It doesn't matter that the language used was several centuries ago.

    It is still new age talk and I don't think Francis of Assissi gets a pass either just because it was so long ago.

    For, Satan works in mysterious ways also.

  3. Amen Constance.

  4. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Constance, you effectively gave up the fight against the New Age movement and in effect turned the battle over to Christine to handle it, one who has not been able to handle it. Why are you so dismayed about the Supreme Court ruling? If you cared that much you wouldn't have walked away. You know more than 98% of those opposed to the New Age know what is going on. You stopped working to share it. Oh well. You are just as human as Christine.

    Ray B, most who have worked against the New Age movement have known that and more over the years. Share more of your factual information.

    Time for more people with factual information about the homosexual movement to come forward. Start with The Homosexual Network: Private Lives and Public Policy Hardcover – June, 1986 by Father Enrique Rueda (a Catholic priest) 670 pages. Chapter titles: 1. Acceptability of Homosexuality in the United States. II. The Homosexual Subculture. III. Ideology of the Homosexual Movement IV. Homosexual Movement, Variety of Organizational Components, V. Goals of the Homosexual Movement, VI. Homosexuality and Religion, VII Relationship between religious organizations and the Homosexual Movement VIII The Homosexual Movement and American Liberalism IX The Funding of the Homosexual Movement Appendix 1. Alleged Supporters of the Homosexual Movement II. Homosexual Rights and the Foundation of Human Rights III The Gay Pride March: Not just Another Parade IV Communication V Homosexual Marriage Rituals VI Homosexual Religious Orders VII Dignity Chapters VIII Integrity Chapters IX Homosexual Synagogues X Homosexual Student Groups VI Political Organizations XII Homosexual Interest Groups

    Interestingly as this book came out in the '80s, Hidden Dangers was one of the books purchased along with Rueda's book according to the Amazon page. That's how important Constance's work was at the time. Times and Constance have changed.

    The homosexual network is huge and its supporters are many. How many generals would go into a battle without sizing up the enemy and seeing what kind of troops they have to oppose the enemy? At the very least everyone can use the internet and share what they find with others. Let's see who will be the first one to come up with information showing the ties between the organized New Age movement and the organized homosexual movement.

  5. anon 2:08

    that always bothered me lot what St. Francis said. the
    entire cantcle is here
    and it sounds like he was influenced by the Rennaissance. the really odd
    thing is where he refers to "Sister Death" when this is not a "relative"
    in creation so to speak so much as an enemy. PAul says the last enemy that
    shall be overcome is death.

    anon 4:11

    "Constance, you effectively gave up the fight against the New Age movement and in effect turned the battle over to Christine to handle it, one who has not been able to handle it. Why are you so dismayed about the Supreme Court ruling? "

    oh for God's sake, since when is Constance and her blog a primary force EVER
    in the world? a lot of Christians are helped by her work, a lot were turned off
    it by people who criticized it in worldly terms already endemic in American
    Christian attitudes, and the majority of American population probably never heard
    of it except as a "conspiracy theory."

    There being Constitutionally no belief requirement to be in politics and probably
    not in the Supreme Court they could all be atheists.

    Another problem is going on, people can be totally non New Age in any theological
    sense or even in the typical political sense that is talked about here, but are
    compromised by AMERICAN notions of equality and tolerance and by twisted versions
    of the doctrines of love and compassion and non judgementalism.

    There was a good Christian man who was a cop, but ON HIS FREE TIME, NOT AS PART
    OF POLICE DUTY ASSIGNED ON ORDERS, was a security guard for an abortion clinic under
    threat by antiabortion activists. And he died in a bomb attack on the place.
    Frankly I think he was in sin in doing this guarding. It might not be sin to
    argue such people should only be rebuked and not killed. It is not sin to say they
    deserve to die but that this should only happen as a result of legislation and
    due process prosecution and conviction this having been made a capital offense.
    It is not sin to go out of your way to prevent someone raping one of these
    because this is worse than murder in and of itself and a perversion so should not
    be done period. It is sin to so sympathize with them while claiming to be personally
    against abortion but people should be free to make their own decisions, that one
    goes out of one's way to protect them.

    No one I read stepped up and said he died in sin.

    If your view of the whole situation is that Constance is the only one who can
    very twisted.

  6. To Anonymous 4:11

    I have given up the fight against nothing and I do believe I know who you are. I have stayed in this battle since 1981. If anything has slowed down the fight, it has been your unfair carping and sulking for times such as when I wrote extremely effective articles for that has a huge viewing audience. I have busy archiving, indexing and preserving research for writing I'm doing. You are free to go and start your own blogspot. webspot, radio and/or write your own books. You drove away several good contributors to this blogspot. Yes, I wish Christine had fewer and better written contributions, but online bullying does not wash with me merely because you consider those commenting here "unworthy" of your supposed superior abilities/standards.




    if this is going on for decades in the RC church, what do you expect
    in the world and the sloppy protestant churches?


    a review of The Homosexual Network: Private Lives and Public Policy Hardcover – June, 1986 by Father Enrique Rueda (a Catholic priest) 670 pages

    lots of information in the review about how the people who actually make the
    decisions and have a role in legistlation and become judges and politicians
    and have money to put into causes have been compromised in their ideas.

  9. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Vatican Signs Treaty With State Of Palestine

  10. Richard9:58 PM

    Will there be any more nails in this coffin or is this it? Perhaps we deserve to get our arses kicked up and down for this, but not by human hands of course. What a tragedy, and such a day of three massacres in other countries.

    Let us see in September or October.

  11. Anonymous10:00 PM

    I hope some reading here have been learning from what I've posted. Many, many things. For instance, Christine didn't come up with the link to Rueda's book on her own. I figure there must be one or two individuals who are still interested in exposing the New Age movement which is out to destroy every single individual in the US, and I'll help any one I can.

    Thanks to a chance meeting with you before your first book came out, I've been solidly researching New Age on my own, never stopping, continuously reaching out to warn others. Others, not you, have tried to help me set up a website, but realistically it is very hard to develop a following when people still think of you as the main researcher. Posting elsewhere? Most websites with some New Age information are just out to make a buck off other Christians. You never did that. If you know of a serious place where I can post what I know about New Age so that others can learn, other than Facebook, I'll gladly leave here.

    As far as writing, you started writing that book about Solana in 1995. Publishing date? Nada.

    As far as News With Views, I just called to your attention the connections with the owner of that site which I tried to expose only to find myself attacked by writers who didn't much care who they were associating with as long as their material found an audience. Kind of like all of the business men who found good reasons in their mind to do business with the Nazis. There are still people doing business with New Age leaders for the same reasons...what's in it for them.

    I truly believe God chose you, giving you an opportunity to warn others about New Age. When I see you generally turn your back on the gift you were given to serve Him, I can't just ignore that. Others can just serve by calling others back to belief, but you were given the brains to deal with factual information regarding New Age. That's a gift given to few.

    I have no idea who may have been driven away. Don't try to lay a guilt trip on me. I'll just throw it off. Anyone who leaves a place that could expose New Age does so because they see nothing happening, no battle. Excuses have uses.


    "DeBoer agrees with Chief Justice John Roberts that the reasoning in Obergefell v. Hodges could just as easily apply to polygamous marriages as gay marriages. He notes that now that child-rearing has been rejected as the rationale for marriage, traditional arguments against polygamy have been weakened."

    child raising has nothing necessary to do with marriage, it is about monogamous
    pair bond and sexual exclusivity. only royalty divorce and remarry over lack
    of children and even that was difficult to do.

    polygamy would made child rearing easier, and perverts can and do adopt.

    But the problem is, this has opened the door to polygamy which is of use to phase in shariah which is in the works in some places though still fought where it is
    being attempted.

  13. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Repeat posting Part I
    I hope some reading here have been learning from what I've posted. Many, many things. For instance, Christine didn't come up with the link to Rueda's book on her own. I figure there must be one or two individuals who are still interested in exposing the New Age movement which is out to destroy every single individual in the US, and I'll help any one I can.

    Thanks to a chance meeting with you before your first book came out, I've been solidly researching New Age on my own, never stopping, continuously reaching out to warn others. Others, not you, have tried to help me set up a website, but realistically it is very hard to develop a following when people still think of you as the main researcher. Posting elsewhere? Most websites with some New Age information are just out to make a buck off other Christians. You never did that. If you know of a serious place where I can post what I know about New Age so that others can learn, other than Facebook, I'll gladly leave here.

    As far as writing, you started writing that book about Solana in 1995. Publishing date? Nada.

  14. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Repeat posting part 2 of 2

    As far as News With Views, I just called to your attention the connections with the owner of that site which I tried to expose only to find myself attacked by writers who didn't much care who they were associating with as long as their material found an audience. Kind of like all of the business men who found good reasons in their mind to do business with the Nazis. There are still people doing business with New Age leaders for the same reasons...what's in it for them.

    I truly believe God chose you, Constamce, giving you an opportunity to warn others about New Age. When I see you generally turn your back on the gift you were given to serve Him, I can't just ignore that. Others can just serve by calling others back to belief, but you were given the brains to deal with factual information regarding New Age. That's a gift given to few.

    I have no idea who may have been driven away. Don't try to lay a guilt trip on me. I'll just throw it off. Anyone who leaves a place that could expose New Age does so because they see nothing happening, no battle. Excuses have uses.

  15. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Yes, the implications of this are enormous.

    We are all waiting for the first "same sex" couple to show up at conservative church or synagogue to test the courts again and see what they will do if a Pastor or Rabbi stands up and says, "No I can't marry you it's against the Bible".

    You do not have to be a Prophet to see the handwriting on the wall. The militant homosexual community will put this to the test and legal precedent against people who believe in the Scriptures will be set.

    Very sad days for US, and the powers that be are trying to push this on the world.

    Our only consolation is that God truly is sovereign and he is also holy and there will be a price for those who are shaking their fist at him in rebellion. For those of us who still have the fear of him, there are some darker days ahead, but we do know the end of the story and we are on the winning side in him.

    Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted. I think we who believe in the God of the Bible are all in mourning today. There will be more tyranny ahead, you can count on it.

  16. "Christine didn't come up with the link to Rueda's book on her own."

    I didn't say or imply I did, and since your presentation of it was on the
    same page here that would be obvioius to anyone. sorry I didn't sy thank you.

    but no one can know what you have posted or haven't posted, whether you
    have contributed anything but complaint, as long as you do so anonymously.
    we all have only your word for it, and you might be lying or exaggerating.
    anonymity is good for humility but bad for any glory you might seek. and
    leaves you with no proof in an argument about what you did or didn't do.

  17. won't post where blog aims to make a buck? but they usually
    have the best advertising skills and you can get what you have
    to say to the readers even denounce profiteering.

    connections of person owning newswithviews? I got problems with
    some of the writers there. businessmen didn't stay with Nazis
    just for profit, but because Nazism was an extreme development
    of ideas that were mainstream American and british ideas in the
    late 1800s and early 1900s, Nazism ruined their reputation.

    leave because no battle seen here? what do you expect, a fight
    between new agers and Christians here? the battle will be out in
    the world. reports from the field so to speak posted here might
    be of interest, if you want to see a battle going on.

  18. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Anon@10:52 p.m.

    At this point in time, nobody can force a religion to marry someone. What they can do however is legally bully religious schools, and other organizations, if they won't accept the new LGBT Orthodoxy, in their employment and teaching.

    It would also help if churches get out of civil marriage. Stop acting as agents of the state when marrying someone.

  19. anon 11:08,
    a civil marriage is one that is NOT performed by a clergyman but by an officer
    of the state. the Church performs a marriage pursuant to a license which allows
    the couple to marry (originally the idea was blood tests and make sure they are
    not closely related, but most places seem to have no waiting periods now), which
    is needed for a civil or religious marriage to be legal.

    those churches who decide to do marriages without licenses, will basically be
    blessing the couple to live together unmarried, without any legal benefit of
    marriage before the law, and should equip them with the legal forms and what the
    laws are to legally designate each other (with witnesses to the signature if need
    be) as having access to information and visitation if one is in the hospital,
    or any other matter that usually goes with legal marriage. In a few states (used
    to be most states) after living together a certain number of years they will be
    automatically legally married, though they may have to report and register the

    these rules affect things like custody of children, who has care of them (insteqad
    of this defaulting to the state) in case one of the couple is ill or dies, etc. etc.
    medical decisions regarding the children, school, etc. ALL THIS YOU WILL HAVE TO

    Granted most authorities and individuals will not ask questions but take you at your
    word if you say you are married. If you want to change your name on your driver's
    license or anything you may have to get a name change done in court.

    If your spouse decides to leave you, unless it is spelled out in legal paperwork,
    you will have NO right to child support except in states that consider a parent
    even illegitimate is responsible for upkeep, and NO right to alimony. neither will
    there need to be grounds for divorce or any procedure, as long as you are not
    living in a common law marriage state having started your "marriage" there for the
    required length of time or have done so then moved to non common law which recognize
    common law if it was done in a common law marriage state, as long as you don't
    qualify as common law married there is no divorce procedure needed and no claim
    other than the usual partnership issues on co owned property.

    go through a divorce before you can marry withoiut being guilty of bigamy.

    If you have church only marriage, no license no nothing, technically your children
    will be illegitimate, without signed paperwork providing for them they up the
    creek without a paddle. the surname will be whatever is put on the birth certificate
    however. most of your acquaintances will condemn you as living in sin unless in
    the same church.

  20. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Here we go again.

    Christine has 7 out 18 posts.

  21. if one spouse alone owns the house, and dies, the other spouse
    does not get to stay there, it defaults to other relatives or
    the state absent a will. Children would inherit maybe, but they
    are illegitimate other relatives could contest this, but they
    would be under conservatorship and not necessarily that of the
    surviving blood parent, if the marriage is in church without
    state licensing and filing. legally all you will have been doing
    is living together.

  22. It was trumpeted over and over, 'We need a conservative court' since these decisions of consequence will fall into the favor of the righteous.

    Well we now have a majority catholic supreme court!
    It coddles that which the Hole-ly See gave lead in this recent pontificate of the Francis.
    That move toward socialism on the political side of things and that of LBGT-syncretism on the spiritual side. They have been mixing strange fire since Constantine. Blending of the holy and the profane.

    RC has always relied on the majority point of view to be relevant and to show their perceived (or desired) global dominion of which they are neither.

  23. Fr. Rueda did some excellent book. I had his book somewhere in my library. It might have been the victim of a water break we had in the early 90s. HOWEVER, he had, as I recalled, some disturbing affiliations with Unification Church supporters that diminished his credibility in my opinion. I am going to try and relocate his book and take another look. I might have to go to Amazon. Looking in my personal library can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. That is why I have been taking extensive time the last 4 years to go through, review and organize the materials. I have a long way to go.


  24. Dan, there are Catholics (Like Susanna, OZ, etc.) and then there are catholics (like Matthew Fox, Justice Kennedy, Joseph Biden who don't take many of the points of their Faith to heart. I used Capital letter on the first, and the small "c" on the second to make my point.


  25. Re Solana book. I halted when confusion was thrown into his genealogy. When I started my work he was Nieto (grandson) to Salvador de Madariaga. My intelligence was that Salvador de Madariaga's mother Nieves was his mother. Then, after the Squeakbox interferences, suddenly he became a "great nephew" and the reason he was a "great nephew" was because "their grandfathers were COUSINS." That would not make Javier a "nephew," but a very distant cousin indeed. My belief is that he was Salvador de Madariaga's grandson. But I had neither the resources nor the Spanish language ability to see it through. Accuracy is very important to me and I didn't want to have obvious errors in the business of his lineage. Solana did co-author a book, that I own. Unfortunately, it is also in Spanish. I've been trying to learn Spanish from Rosetta Stone, but along with my knitting time, that too has suffered.

    I've done what I could with the very limited financial resources I have. Yes, I do think the souls saved either directly or indirectly because of work done by others is the key thing here. Education, not litigation nor legislation are the main necessary tools to fight the battle I have fought. I do believe I have been fighting the "good fight" given the many, many handicaps and obstacles I have had along the way.

    I have deliberately refrained from monetizing both my spot and my work because I didn't want that association to taint the integrity of my motives and research. There are already enough liars out there such as Stephen Sutphen and "Queeny Cameron/Keef Twoof" making such absurd claims that I have. Those who know me and have been especially in my home know better.



  26. Christine, please refrain from legal advice on this site. I don't want anybody relying on legal advice from a non-professional and charging responsibility for any potentially bad advice to me.

    I'm licensed to practice law and can and sometimes do give legal advice, but I try to limit myself to my known areas of competence and primarily where I am licensed - Michigan.

    I do agree that there are legal problems with marriages where a license was not obtained in the jurisdiction where it was incurred. The laws all vary from state to state.


  27. I am sad to see that Roman Catholic Faithful is shutting down. They have done some excellent work informing many over the last 30 plus years.


  28. Well, as regards the Politico-Op-Ed call for legalized polygamy, I will admit that I have said on several occasions that after same-sex marriage, that in my opinion is worse than polygamy, I just could no longer get that excited about polygamy. Our society is now so upside down and insane, I predict it might be just a short period of time before somebody proposes marriage to their Golden Retriever. What an act of animal cruelty that would be!

    Oh well, God did give us a sense of humor as a safety valve, IMHO!


  29. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Anon 8:26 post about Vatican signing recognizing state of Palestine is accurate. It is carried by several reputable news outlets.

    And not any discussion afterwards?

    Typical around here I should know.

    We are now looking at the real possibility of the pope being the false prophet.

    Just look at what he's done in the last year:

    Meeting with false prophets like the Osteens, Copelands and Arnotts to name a few.

    Easing of harsh look at the LGBT community.

    Behind the US- Cuba diplomatic change.

    His Gaia laced climate change encylical.

    And now formally recognizing the Palestinian state.

    And no one here (save a few) are even commenting????

    We can talk about Nazis, rainbows and what new brand of underwear Solana is wearing.

    But no intelligent discussions on what looks like the biggest snow job by one individual in a very long time?

    The topics I have listed above involving the pope's actions over the last year have been railed against by many of you here, EXCEPT when the pope is involved.

    Let's tell it like it is without worrying about offending Catholics (of which I was for 30+ years and all of my family who I love very much are still practicing) or covering for his actions by claiming Catholics pass the test of "spirit of antichrist."

    He will be leading most of the world's Catholics down a very slippery slope. If they follow him, and they will as most think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread, there will be no turning back for them.

    I guess I should no better around here by now.

  30. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Well said 6:37 A.M.

    Seems reality will never fly here!!!

  31. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Vatican Signs Historic First Accord With 'Palestine'

  32. To the Anonymi who are jumping all over Constance:
    Did you read the the blog entry above?
    The Comments section of the blog is just an add-on
    that gives people a chance to see themselves in print,
    and air their own opinions.
    The blog itself is the thing, and the above blog entry by
    Constance is just about the bravest, boldest and strongest
    bit of Truth that I've seen anywhere on the internet
    in recent years.
    For an Anonymous @ 4:11 to say: "Constance, you effectively
    gave up the fight against the New Age movement and in
    effect turned the battle over to Christine to handle it, one
    who has not been able to handle it."
    _is truly laughable, and completely inaccurate.
    That statement shows that you have always equated a
    comments section with the actual blog writers' entries,
    and that's just stupid.

  33. paul,

    well said.

    anon 6:37

    if you would get out of the amero/euro centric false eschatological view for a
    minute, or even without doing that,

    and look at RC theological thinking which is REPLACEMENT theory, you would
    not think it any big thing for them to recognize Palestine. various protestant
    denominations have the same idea, but they are not geographic political
    nation states like Vatican City so they can't "recognize" or make formal
    treaties with anyone.

    Otherwise several Protestant churches would have done the same thing already.
    Arab Christians have been as subject to restriction as Arab muslims, and often
    make common cause with the latter because of shared Arab sense of identity

    to top it off, RC only abandoned the "Christ killer" view of Jews officially
    in the 20th century. Though Vatican II has problems and I suspect was
    influenced by people who had a masonic (read: pagan friendly to downright
    satanist) agenda, the fact is (contrary to many RC traditionalists) that
    the "Christ killer" idea is wrong. The curse the JEws who wanted Christ
    crucified took on themselves was fulfilled in AD 70 them and their children
    having His blood on them, and likely mitigated by His prayer "Father forgive
    them for they know not what they do." the lot of us being guilty of personal
    sin and carrying the stain and warp result (as distinct from personal
    quilt) of Adam's sin put Christ on the Cross in that this was made necessary
    to save us.

    Constance, I wasn't giving legal advice I was giving legal warning and
    mentioned it varies from state to state. Essentially if your marriage is
    not licensed and filed as accomplished, it does not exist in most states.
    I researched this a while back. I didn't say you can do this and be
    legally safe anywhere in USA, I said you CAN'T do this and be safe except
    MAYBE after a number of years in some states that recognize common law

    People have a dangerous way of thinking marriage is whatever their
    religion says it is. Which makes the extra wives in polygamous Islamic
    households legally nothing but live in mistresses and their interests
    and their children's interests, should they land in court, in danger.

    This shortsighted view could be very hazardous for Christian couples
    who decide to go off the grid, so to speak, not just survivalist style
    but get govt. out of their proposed marriages, and this is being
    talked about here and there. One church even said they'd do this.
    There is no reason a lot of people won't get on board just like the
    home schooling thing got popular.

    They need to be warned they are getting themselves into a legally
    anomalous situation. Theoretically you could have people even getting
    church marriages to several different people because there isn't
    that much overlapping communication and authority structures to keep
    track and prevent it.

  34. A pop song from the eighties with an apropos title

  35. Anonymous11:56 AM

    This I am directing to you Christine as well as general readers, I directed my comments directly to Constance and then readers in general. Your intellectual level could be compared to a valley, a bottom feeder, while her's is a mountain top. Her importance to exposing New Age is shown by her early opposition to New Age, the first of its kind, the number of her books sold, the length they stayed in print, the number of translations into other languages, the places she has been asked to speak, how many academic references there are to her information, whether positive or negative and the fact that her information was archived by the University of Michigan. On top of that, she has high level legal credentials. That's a heck of a resume. She is a high level intellectual.

    As a result of her high profile, those who have information on New Age activities would contact her, given her openness, than they would ever consider contacting unknown me. It's why I stayed in contact with her. I would be just considered as a follower of Constance Cumbey as others are. I've often used her high profile to get others to listen to my own research. Not jealousy on my part. Just a realistic assessment.

    The negative side of all of this is that what she does affects many behind the scenes researchers. Undoubtedly she is watched and probably has been told about it. That she has continued at whatever level is to her credit. On the other hand, her very high profile protects her. On a personal level, there is no backup group to her work. After 35 years of research there is no one I can contact with what I've found, other than some foolish individuals who think it is my "mission" to supply them with information they can use to give them more credentials and more money.

    Christine, you might just be a diversion. Why, I don't know. You might be described as a "true believer" in something going on, intelligent enough to keep a lot of investigators busy. The comments section here is so far away from serious understanding of what is going on that it is scary.

  36. Anonymous12:56 PM


    The current Supreme has both Catholic and Jewish Judge. Justice Scalia was in scathing dissent on the legalization of gay marriage. Justice Scalia is a faithful Catholic, Kennedy is not.

    As for conservative, no we do not need a return to culture war mongering. There are conservative libertarians who also support gay marriage and have no use for conservative Christians.

    What we need is to be a witness with our example, rather than legislation, in a post-Christian culture, that now sees us as the enemy.

  37. Anonymous1:04 PM


    Catholic theology rejects replacement theology. V2 was stating the Council of Trent on Jews. There are no fixed views on Mid-East politics, and there are more Jews that support a Palestinian state than Catholics do.

  38. anon 12:56

    "As for conservative, ...There are conservative libertarians who also support gay marriage and have no use for conservative Christians."

    Bingo! THAT is what is really going on, the paths through the swamp are more
    complicated than many posters here seem to think. Or that is a big part of what
    is really going on.

    now as for you who talk about a lack of "what is really going on" being posted
    Apparently it doesn't include ANYTHING routinely discussed here even when the
    discussion is on track with Constance's latest post on the front page.

    while you're at it, put a name to the post, a fake one if need be, and DO NOT

    anon 1:04

    "Catholic theology rejects replacement theology."

    Since when? I am not sure what you meant by V2 stating Trent on Jews. unless you
    mean repudiation of the Christ killer idea. Which repudiation has been denounced
    by mostly otherwise worthwhile catholic traditionalist groups.

    the number of catholics vs. Jews supporting Palestinian statehood means nothing,
    my point is that it is surprising this didn't happen before, given the replacement
    theology, which is that all promises to the Jews have shifted to the Church, and
    anything political in them might relate to Catholic rule here and there and if not
    are just to be spiritualized away. that since the Church is spiritual Israel which
    outranks physical Israel (yes Paul said that) there is therefore no more Jewish
    relevance of any kind (Paul did not say that but the opposite). Orthodoxy developed
    the same idea, both probably under the influence of Origenistic allegorization
    and spiritualization tendencies. while the extreme results were repudiated, the
    essence remained often. Individual catholics are another matter.

  39. To Anonymous @ 6.37 AM ...

    I agree with you. I'd like to add to what you posted with the following:

    The HEIRARCHY of the Roman Catholic church is the most deceptive, cunning, manipulating religious body on planet earth. When it comes to spreading darkness (via a false gospel), they have few equals. In fact, when it comes to darkness, they have enslaved FAR more souls with their false gospel than the New Agers could ever hope for. Just two quick examples; without the Papacy entering into the Lateran Treaty (I believe the year was 1923) with the Fascist Benito Mussolini, Mussolini was aided in obtainig dictatorial powers in Italy. One of the paybacks to the Papacy was to officially declare Roman Catholicism Italy's state religion (all others were outlawed).

    With the Vatican/Nazi Concordadt of 1933, signed with Adolf Hitler and his Nazi government, Hitler was able to operate with virtually NO OFFICIAL OPPOSITION by the Roman Catholic Church in Germany. Hitler, while persecuting Bible Believers, had a "hands off" policy when it came to Catholicism (Hitler was himself a "son of the church").

    The Vatican will cooperate with evil when it is in their best interests to do so, and history has proven this to be the case over and over again. They also have one of the most effective propaganda machines known to mankind. The Jesuits are, and always have been, masters in the field propaganda.

  40. Anonymous1:41 PM


    Constance Cumbey is the bravest, boldest truth on the Internet in years?

    Really?? Again, really??

    Considering she's been wrong about Benjamin Creme, the Catholic Church and Solana. I think you need to find new heroes.

    Laying it on kinda thick huh??????

  41. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Christine, Constance knows who I am and why I post anonymously. What you know, given the level of your understanding, is not important. If Constance would feel the need to attack me by name and what she knows about me, I would respond. I'm up to that. I don't think she would be that petty knowing her as I do. As for you, just go on doing what you do. She "loves" you and so you have a back-up. I can't change the nature of the responses here which are generally responses to you. Discuss theology and religious establishments rather than expose New Age information. Maybe given the long run your information may be more important than information exposing the New Age movement. I hope I've been given others something to think about.

  42. Anonymous1:48 PM


    "Catholic theology rejects replacement theology."

    "Since when?"

    Have you read Nostra Aetate.

    Ray B,

    May God forgive you for your lies. All National Socialists were excommunicated by the Catholic church. Pave the Way Foundation has the official documents to prove it.

    Both Catholics and Protestants who stood up to the regime were persecuted. This has been throughly documented.

    These lies have been refuted over and over again, but people still continue to repeat them. This is intellectual dishonesty.

  43. anon 1:48


    this is strictly about being nice to them and looking forward to their eventual
    conversion to Christ (which all replacement people do), replacement theology is
    not the same as Christ killer label. separate issue entirely.

    This document is probably the only reason that instead of opposing Israel outright
    the Vatican merely supports a splitting of the land. Nowhere does it say that
    any of the prophetic promises by God to Israel will come to pass regarding Jews
    that are not also Christians. nowhere does it say that total shift of all promises
    to Jews from Jews to Church did not occur.

  44. Anonymous1:55 PM


    There has been no recognition of a Palestinian State BTW, the treaty, deals with the activity of the church in the region, where Arab Christians are under persecution. It's not related to other political issues.

  45. BTW that document's phrasing in the early parts is the most
    New Age potential imaginable. It is no wonder that aside from
    their own "contemplative prayer" which is NOT what the Desert
    Fathers did but a warp that developed in medieval monasteries
    in the west, so much yoga and related philosophy and pantheism
    (never mind panentheism there are several conflicting versions
    of this so it is hardly a legitimate term at all) has snuck
    into Catholicism over the past decades.

  46. anon 1:55

    "There has been no recognition of a Palestinian State BTW, the treaty, deals with the activity of the church in the region, where Arab Christians are under persecution. It's not related to other political issues."

    that is not the impression given by the very fact of having a treaty with the
    Palestinian state and the call in it for negotiation to result in a separate
    Palestinian state.

  47. Anonymous2:08 PM


    Scripture supports the eventual conversion of the Jewish people to Christ. This is not replacement theology, it's just scripture.

    Thanks for not reading the document which says:

    "The Church, therefore, cannot forget that she received the revelation of the Old Testament through the people with whom God in His inexpressible mercy concluded the Ancient Covenant. Nor can she forget that she draws sustenance from the root of that well-cultivated olive tree onto which have been grafted the wild shoots, the Gentiles."

    If you mean we do not tie the land with Neo-con warmongering hopes for Armageddon, where Christ will return to fight. then you are correct.

  48. Anonymous @ 1:48 said:

    "May God forgive you for your lies. All National Socialists were excommunicated by the Catholic church. Pave the Way Foundation has the official documents to prove it.
    Both Catholics and Protestants who stood up to the regime were persecuted. This has been throughly documented.
    These lies have been refuted over and over again, but people still continue to repeat them. This is intellectual dishonesty"

    You are off subject. There were individual Protestants and Catholics that opposed the Nazi state and were persecuted for their actions. However, the Papacy DID in fact sign a Concordadt with the Nazi Government, a provable fact. How is it that you claim I am lying about that? Are you also denying the Lateran Treaty the Papacy signed with the Facsist Mussolini ??? Who is the liar here ??

  49. Anonymous2:16 PM

    "that is not the impression given by the very fact of having a treaty with the
    Palestinian state and the call in it for negotiation to result in a separate
    Palestinian state."

    It's call for peaceful negotiations on both sides. And the Vatican has no authority under international law to establish a Palestinian State or any other state. The United States has more authority to legally do this, as do other Western nations.

    It's simply calls for a peaceful solution on BOTH sides.

    It chooses to remain neutral, just as the Orthodox churches do. It's not their job to play party politics.

  50. "Scripture supports the eventual conversion of the Jewish people to Christ. This is not replacement theology, it's just scripture.

    "Thanks for not reading the document which says:

    "The Church, therefore, cannot forget that she received the revelation of the Old Testament through the people with whom God in His inexpressible mercy concluded the Ancient Covenant. Nor can she forget that she draws sustenance from the root of that well-cultivated olive tree onto which have been grafted the wild shoots, the Gentiles.""

    Jesus Christ.

    "If you mean we do not tie the land with Neo-con warmongering hopes for Armageddon, where Christ will return to fight. then you are correct."

    neo con warmongering for Armageddon is bad eschatology anyway.

    replacement theology position regarding the present circumstance, with the make
    nice bias in the document, would be expected to be as follows:

    a. Jews have no divine right to the land of canaan/Palestine anymore.
    b. Jews are nonetheless present there in large numbers and at risk of near
    extermination in a war, including many who did not presumptuously come to
    conquer but came for refuge and those born there and those who came out of
    sentimental concerns.
    c. Arab neighbors, muslims who we normally wouldn't give a rat's ass about anymore
    than we would the Jews but who now thanks to vat. 2 we need to concern ourselves
    about, have some rights also. they also stand to lose population in a serious
    war regardless of who wins. Arabs who are Christians are there also, which is
    very important.

    d. therefore given the failure to prevent a creation of a state of Israel,
    measures should be pursued to ensure safety of the Christian population from
    harassment by muslim neighbors in Palestinian controlled land and to ensure
    that the Palestinians are granted their own state in the location. We do of
    course officially ignore that no PALESTINIAN land was EVER taken there having
    Jordan having decided to not get involved is not therefore involved.

  51. Ray B

    those treaties were walking on eggshells to avoid Nazi persecution of
    RC, in Germany where protestants who could easily be stirred up to old
    hatreds dominated, and in Italy where most of the population didn't
    give a hoot and were nominally RC if at all.

    those treaties made possible the saving of hundreds of thousands of
    Jews and probably others by giving them passports.

  52. Anonymous2:32 PM

    "the Papacy DID in fact sign a Concordadt with the Nazi Government, a provable fact"

    A Concordat is not an agreement amongst friends. One does not have to have a friend put in writing that he will recognize your rights, rather it is more like a temporary truce between opposing enmities.

    Catholics were a minority in the majority Lutheran country. The Concoradat was signed to stop the persecution of the church in Germany, after excommunication of National Socialists failed.

    Then the Corcordadt too failed.

    The treaty signed with Mussolini was not a treaty among friends either.

    It reduced the influence of the church, not increased it.

    Since, you hate the Catholic church, you should be happy about the decreased influence, not mourn over it.

  53. Anonymous2:42 PM


    Do you seriously understand what replacement theology is? Its the idea that the Jews have rejected Christ, so God has rejected the Jews. The document does not state this. All informed Jewish scholars agree the Catholic church rejects replacement theology.

  54. God rejecting the Jews never meant they couldn't convert and join true Israel.
    God rejecting the Jews meant they had no more prophetic role or salvific role.

    that document does not repudiate it, does not mention it, and does not say
    anything that contradicts it, merely looks back appreciatively at their past
    relationship with God as foundational to the Church, which it is and which
    replacement theology also does, and looks forward to their future conversion,
    which replacement theology does and considers that all religions, including
    modern and all AD Judaism has some truth in them that God can use to draw
    them to His full truth, and that those who seek desperately towards their
    concept of God (the ref. to Hinduism ignores that it is polytheistic and
    until relatively recently did not posit anything like a supreme being or
    a unifying albeit pantheistic theology) should be admired for their desire
    for God (however much in error they are about Him which is left out).

    How do you manage to see this as a negation of replacement theology, unless
    you buy into the idea of all religions being almost at the truth just needing
    a slight modification?

  55. Anonymous3:10 PM


    I am now confused about what you are trying to say. Yes, the church does not target Jews for conversion, anymore than it targets Protestants.

    You do not win converts by attacking someone else, but by attracting them to Christ.

    One of the reasons I find Catholic bashing done by some Protestants unattractive.

    I want to know what you stand for, not what you are against.

  56. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Christine, it would have been helpful on Constance's part to train you to the complexities of New Age. You are like a beginning swimmer thrown into an Olympic pool, trying your best to keep up. You should thank heavens there are very, very few Olympic swimmers here. Most of them have left as others have said they would. You keep Constance's name alive by keeping the blog going. For that she should thank you big time.

  57. anon 3:10

    what I am saying is this: replacement theology (which is that God has
    now put the Jews in the category of heathen and transferred all promises
    to the Church) is not repudiated by looking fondly to their past, nor by
    saying that we look forward to their eventual conversion.

    neither does the document even mention the subject.

    therefore you cannot say the document repudiates replacement theology.

    one does not have to reject Jewish role in the world in prophecy to reject
    trying to force God's hand by causing a war that Christ will intervene in.

    one does not have to accept that Jewish temple ritual if re established,
    or that Jewish law keeping now is acceptable to God like the Crucifixion
    and Resurrection of Christ

    in order to recognize that they are the root that bears us, that we are
    grafted into them (effectively we are a Jewish sect the correct one) and
    that beliefs of a people or large number of individuals in that people
    has no bearing on what God has decreed would be the role of that people, or
    a recognizeable and named segment of it, in upcoming world events (even
    if these take another thousand years to play out). For instance, let's say
    Iran were to split into two or three segments, at least one would be in
    play to fulfill prophetic roles for them in the future, assuming such in
    fact has not already been fulfilled.

    a major problem with prophecy experts is writing their current events and
    nation into prophecy. makes you feel excited and special. Even when 90% or
    more of such interpretations are thrown in the dustbin, you are left with
    a few that look like indeed, something will happen in future.

  58. Anonymous4:10 PM


    There is no middle Eastern war that Christ is literally going to appear to stop. This is heresy. Since, there are only two advents of Christ, not three.

    This is not tied in with the New Age, as someone else said, you just do not know what you are talking about.

  59. anon 4:10

    I totally agree I was describing the attitudes of some.

    but the problem is, that the pre trib rapture and extreme dispensationalism
    which posits that God will deal with the Jews again after the Christians
    are gone, has proto New Age elitist money connections.

    Besides which, any erroneous notions need to be addressed. The big picture
    is a lot more complex than EU politics-common core-agenda 21-whatever you
    think it is. and it includes efforts to mess up Christians one way or another.

    how about telling us exactly what you think the New age is and isn't?

  60. Dear Constance,
    I will give concur with your point of big C and little c. They are indeed both different.
    One is definitely bigger than the other, so I will refer the entity as the Roman Church (RC)
    The RC did, does and continues to embrace pagan tradition, be it New Age or otherwise
    Is this video not a rearview prophetic mirror of the RC prior to the reformation?
    When the Roman Church Ruled the World.

    Heretics, must be extirpated and exterminated from the face of the whole earth. We will neither spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. If not done in the town square, then in dungeons, if not there, then by any expedient means public or private.
    (Here I depict the inquisition prior to the Protestant Reformation)
    This practice went underground with the formation of the Jesuit and their oath of orders.
    They may change color from time to time, but never the stripes.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. to 7:52 pm

    I just went to the website So far I definitely DO NOT TRUST the site. On the Jesuit oath page you referenced, I saw Alberto Rivera's picture below. As Roy Livesey's excellent research proved, Alberto Rivera was never a Jesuit. He was, however, for a while, a priest in the Liberal Catholic Church which was a branch of the Theosophical Society of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and then Annie Besant and successors. The material on the Reformation site looks suspiciously to me like the material generated by "Bro Eric" and his book "Jesuit Assassins." It is published by a New Age press with a New Age agenda and clearly its calls to murder all the Jesuit priests in America and have their blood run in the streets is the furthest thing from Christianity of which I can conceive.

    Never forget that the strategy of the New Age planners (Alice Bailey, Gina Cerminara, Peter LeMesurier and so many others was to pit the target groups of Jews, Christians (Catholic and Protestant) and Moslems off against each other so we would kill each other off and then they could be the Phoenix to arise from our ashes.

    Read Barbara Marx Hubbard's THE BOOK OF REVELATION, THE BOOK OF CO-CREATION if you don't believe me.

    Please don't play into or promote their Armageddon Script. The material you have of a supposed high level Jesuit oath is of dubious authenticity. I suspect it is a total fictional fraud just as were the supposed Protocols of the Elders of Zion.


  63. Here is a link to Roy Livesey's important research:



  64. To Dan Bryan ....

    As a young Christian (about 1978), I came upon Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica in a public library and checked it out. As you probably know, Aquinass is considered to be THE Theolgian of the Roman Catholic church. What shocked me then as I read his work was what he had to say about "heretics" ... as defined by the Catholic church, but more importantly, WHAT should be done to them. In unambiguous terms, Aquinas repeatedly stated in Summa Theologica that heretics should be put to death.
    I am continued to be amazed at what this "church" has gotten away with. The enormous pedophile priest scandal (went on all over the world ... and continues)and the Vatican's intense cover-up (which enabled the criminals to remain in contact with more victims), 620 years of torture and murder committed against Bible believers in the Inquisition, forced conversions of the Serbs in Croatia during WW II with the aid of the "Black Hand" i.e. the Ustasia (250,000 were MURDERED by these butchers that refused to "convert"), etc., etc.

    Yet, people continue to make excuses and look the other way ! "This is the condemnation, that men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil."

  65. Here is another useful link.

    The article re Roy Livesey's research on Alberto Rivera is on page 6. Also, this quote from

    Photographed as priest

    In 1967 he returned to Spain where he was employed in a Christian school and again dismissed. He then secured work with children in a Catholic parish. It was in this era that he had his photograph taken in priest's clothes on an identity card, and also obtained a certificate from the Archbishop of Madrid 'confirming' his status as a Catholic priest, which he was not.

    In a brief visit to London in 1967, he encountered the Church of God in Prophecy and went to work with them in Tennessee, but was dismissed in 1968. He reappeared dressed as a priest in Puerto Rico in 1968, but returned to Florida in 1969 as a Protestant. In 1969 he functioned briefly as a priest in the Liberal Catholic Church, but left Florida suddenly and went to Seattle in Washington State. Eventually he ended up in California.

    It was here that he established himself as an anti-Roman evangelist, and was also ordained as a Baptist minister. He claimed to have been a Jesuit agent, undermining Protestant churches, and to have knowledge of various atrocities, including murder, by Catholics. This message was carried around the world in millions of tracts.

  66. I reading the original Jesuit Oath in an 1800s book online before Ribera
    was around of course. The Jesuits made themselves so odious a pope
    shut them down dissolving the order. it was revived some time later,
    presumably with a somewhat different oath but there is nothing in it
    that is inconsistent with Aquinas or the normal behavior PROTESTANT
    AS WELL AS CATHOLIC of Ignatius Loyola's time.

  67. Other sites containing or publishing the information vis a vis the Liberal Catholic Church connection are:

    And here's an English Theosophical group admitting and even bragging about it and making the false claim that Rivera "escaped from the Jesuits" and "confirmed the Jesuit oath":

    Of course the Theosophists would never lie or repeat one as gospel! Or would they?????!!!!!! Yes they would!


  68. that book from 1843 they reference, I think it is the one I read online
    from a photocopy of it.

    aside from other considerations which ramped it up, you have to remember
    that the RC considered itself in a war for souls and the civil authorities
    were naturally to protect citizens against dangers such as false teaching
    that endangered their souls.

    protestants were no different in their behavior Calvin's record in Geneva
    was pretty bad. I don't care about severus or whoever he was preaching
    against the trinity severus gets killed so what. But Calvin ordered a man
    killed for making a cartoon of him, I read that in a book unfortunately
    and not online so it won't be easy to locate, and in general was extreme.
    not only that his preached notions that DO endanger the soul with ideas
    of despair, excuses to sin and excuses to reject the Gospel because one
    is perhaps not elect, instead of fighting against the urge to reject
    the Gospel. predestination especially double predestination is something
    that is not biblical except in an ambiguous way and limited to some
    individuals not mankind at large.

  69. Constance,

    With all due respect, don't make the mistake of throwing the baby out with the bath water.

    This Jesuit Oath remains on file in the Library of Congress ... made public in 1833:

    The Jesuits, along with the HIERARCHY of the Roman church are very much interested in playing a big part in the coming, despotic One World Government. Satan has many fellow travellers with him in his quest to bring this about, and the New Age movement is certainly not the only ones involved in attempting to bring this about. In fact, when it comes to real power as it is being played out in global geo-political affairs, I believe they are relatively small in comparison to the Papacy's ongoing attempt to construct a new, global religion ... with of course the Pope as its head. If you doubt this, google "Pope world's religions Vatican youtube" and see what comes up. They have been working towards this goal for years.

  70. There are apparently several one world new orders being planned.
    one of course is the anglo American empire, which already hosts
    most of the disease. another would be the overly theosophically
    founded UN and another is the RC plan I forget where I read this
    it goes like this:

    all religions get organized into a relationship of concentric
    circles, or else in orbit so to speak around presumably subordinate
    and responsible to the religions in the inner orbit.

    Christianity is the inner orbit and RC the top dog of that.

  71. Richard11:46 PM

    "I believe they are relatively small in comparison to the Papacy's ongoing attempt to construct a new, global religion ... with of course the Pope as its head. If you doubt this, google "Pope world's religions Vatican youtube" and see what comes up. They have been working towards this goal for years."

    No doubt to enter into the New Age and its Luciferianism (that we all can reach godhood and our next step in evolution) there must be a type of pantheistic system introduced. We know they would like to eliminate the 3 main faiths of Abraham. How can they do this?
    He's not promoting Islam or even Chrislam. Keep a record of what this Pope has said concerning 'extra-terrestrials' and the Church's silent activity in the search for extra-terrestrial life.

  72. Richard12:51 AM

    "The appearance of our spacecraft in your skies will be the fulfillment of the scriptural prophecy and will mark the beginning of a new vision for the next cycle of evolution of the race of cosmic man."(Galacticom #2 The promise of earth's redemption being fulfilled p.9)

  73. if you want to know about aliens don't listen to channeled stuff. look into
    alien abduction, Dr. David Jacobs phd Temple University; Budd Hopkins;
    Derrel Sims (forensic work on trace evidence) most of these have interviews
    on youtube. If any aliens are back of those messages it is definitely a
    psychological operation by them.



    the first inventor of "carrying capacity" which is back of depopulation plans.

  76. and to bring this all up to the present time and its relevance to some
    of the new age movement,

    "The Societe europeenne de Cutlure, a think tank created in 1950 through the efforts
    of Venetian intelligence operative Umberto Campagnolo, has for the past three
    decades pulled intellectuals from both East and West into organizing for an
    "international cuture," based on rejecting the existence of sovereign nations. The
    SEC counted among its members the cream of the postwar intelligencia: Adam Schaff
    of Poland, Bertolt Brecht of East Germany, Georg Lukas of Hungary, and Boris
    Pasternak of the Soviet Union, as well as Stephen Spender and Arnold Toynbee,
    Benedetto Croce and Norberto Bobbio, Julian Huxley and Thomas Marin, Francois
    Mauriac, and Jean Cocteau. Later, the SEC launched the Third World national
    liberation ideology.

    "Today, the Club of Rome is the institution that represents the most concentrated
    essence of Venetian influence and the Venetian method. The Club of Rome wants to
    convince the great powers and peoples of the world to commit collective suicide by
    accepting the genocidal doctrine of zero growth. It also hopes to abolish the
    sovereign nation as a vehicle for economic growth and scientific progress.

    "Club of Rome founder Aurelio Peccei has just written a book title One Hundred
    Pages for the Future, a global review of the impact of the Club of Rome, and
    particularly since its 1972 release of the zero-growth model Limits to Growth was
    published, a series of social movements has sprung up under the sponsorship of
    the ideas in the book. These - the women's movement, the peace movement, Third
    World national liberation movements, gay rights, civil liberties, ecologists,
    consumer and minority rights, etc. - must now be welded toghether into one
    movement for single strategic goal: the implementation of a zero-growth
    international order."

    The Venetian Conspiracy, chapter one of Against Oligarchy.

  77. Hey, is exactly 1year my lover came back to me, I’m letting you know how i got my ex back because this Christmas holiday everyone need there love ones around them not just your love ones but your lover, a year ago i was heartbroken and i knew i could not spend the holiday alone that is when i was looking for how i can make my lover come back to me so that we can make things right, to cut the long story short on a faithful day i came across the details i will be dropping on the internet, someone talking about how she got her ex back so i took this details I’m dropping via email: or +2347050270218 and i contact him and i told him that i want my lover to come back to me, today I’m with my lover. Thanks you Dr. EKPEN TEMPLE for the help.
