
Saturday, June 27, 2015


President Barack Obama who once falsely campaigned per his former aide, David Axelrod on plank that he blieved marriage to be between a man and a woman, now openly rejoices in his victory over traditional morality and sanctity of marriage as created and ordained by God as between a man and a woman.  CNN reported today that the White House celebrated its SCOTUS victory until very late at night and into the wee hours of the morning.  The White House was lit up in the rainbow colors of the LGBT Rainbow.  There are many pictures of this White House into LGBT Rainbow Flag colors on the internet.  This one is clipped  from the ABC News website.    This is a sad week ending for America!  Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Mourning, sackcloth and ashes -- Proper dress in the USA for this day - SCOTUS ruling on Same Sex Marriage

Google news top story today, June 26, 2015
I am deeply distressed by today's Supreme Court decision setting aside millenniums of morality and overruling the sanctity of God ordained marriage between a woman and a man. Sackcloth and ashes are the only proper mode of dress today, in my humble opinion. I'm in mourning. It appears there is no longer room in the United States of America -- and a good share of the rest of the world -- for God fearing believers who take His word at face value! I fear real persecution is about to begin. May the Lord help us and our children!   

We are worse than Sodom & Gomorrah when God visited judgment upon it.  They had a judge, Lot, Abraham's cousin.  His "righteous soul was vexed" per Scripture at what he saw there.  He "sat in the Gates" meaning he was a judge.  At least they had the good sense to use a judge who didn't bless their deviant lifestyles.  We want to disqualify from public life those here who refuse to bless same.

Stay in prayer, stay tuned.  Jesus said, "when you see these things come upon the earth, know that your redemption is near, even at the door."  It is time we make peace with our Maker before the prophesied time arrives when the Holy Spirit will no longer strive with man and God declares, "let he who is righteous be righteous still, let he who is filthy be filthy still."  

Nobody in their right mind, "gay or straight" should wish to be on the wrong side of THAT 'digital divide.'

Stay tuned -- stay in prayer!  "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call upon Him while He is near."  If that be "patriarchal," so be it!


Thursday, June 18, 2015

Lt. Col. Michael Aquino and General Vallely Connection - I wrote about this in 1986!

My very first two issues of my former newsletter, CONSTANCE CUMBEY'S NEW AGE MONITOR dealt with Michael Aquino and his military protectors, the chief of which was General Paul Vallely.  I have located that back issue.  If you would like your own .pdf copy of same, email me at and put "Aquino Newsletter" as your subject line.  I will do a search for those requests and promptly forward it to you just as I did the Dennis Cuddy chart and the NCEA Muller resolution material that I handled this way in the past.

For the record, here's what appeared in my first issue of NEW AGE MONITOR as a "tease" to what would be in the second issue:

New Age Monitor, Vol. 1, No. 1, May 1986

The next issue, June, 1986 had extensive reporting on both Michael Aquino and then Brigadier General Vallely.  Email me at with the subject line "AQUINO NEWSLETTER" and I'll send you by reply email your own pesonal copy.  You are free to copy the docu ment and "pass it on."  My information source was Linda Blood who is also the author of the book THE NEW SATANISTS.  She was once closely associated with Michael Aquino and his Temple of Set and subsequently repented of that involvement.   I can email you a .pdf copy of that book as well, upon request.

 Stay tuned!


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Careful where you walk -- a real shocker! Paul Vallely, Michael Aquino and Company

A new and very sincere friend who has made a deep and careful study of the World Economic Forum was befriended by American retired generals.  She is a lady of means and resources and cares deeply about what happens to the United States of America.  At the suggestion of three retired American generals:  Vallely, McInerney, and Boykin, she has been developing a multi-state organization to take back America.  Clearly somebody needs to do something and her willingness to put her money where her mouth is can be characterized as nothing but commendable.  I'm withholding her name for the time being.   I spent a couple of hours this afternoon talking with her.  She invited me to be part of the Board of Directors of the multistate organization.  Needless to say, I was honored and flattered -- but always cautious.  I decided to do my research on the personalities she said inspired the project.  I started with General Vallely.  It took me about two minutes of googling to choke on what I found.

General Vallely was deeply linked with somebody he knew was a hard core Satanist -- Michael Aquino, founder of the Temple of Set.  Michael Aquino launched his Temple of Set the Satanic church he founded for himself and followers after he left the Church of Satan.  This was done in 1975.

Google search on Aquino and Vallely
This is doubly shocking because Vallely is a political commentator for FOX News.  He also was one reported to have suggested a million man march on Washington, D. C. last year.  He has suggested to my friends what appeared to be as something that could be interpreted as a paramilitary organization.

The paper Vallely commissioned from Aquino in 1980 was done five years after Aquino organized the Temple of Set.  Here is a link to that document.  Clearly, Vallely knew who and what he was dealing with.

Although I have my deep reservation about LaRouche sources and use them only if I can independently verify same, internet articles from that source also give links between Vallely, Marilyn Ferguson, and Jim Channon's First Earth Battalion.  Remember "The Men Who Stare at Goats" -- the book by Jon Ronson and the movie?

Yes, be very careful where you walk.  The road to hell is often paved with good intentions.   Retired general doesn't always mean "patriot."

Join me in the morning on my Saturday, June 13, 2015, internet radio broadcast by linking to at 10 a.m. Eastern Time.  Consider joining the chatroom.  I plan to share more detailed information on this in the morning.

Stay tuned!