Maybe Pope Francis needs to read up on what the "Global Warming" cum "Climate Change" (and before that "New Ice Age") pushers feel about his Church. I suggest he carefully and prayerfully review THE POPULATION BOMB by Paul and Anne Ehrlich. He would find this language included in that 1968 book that was seeking the same New Age/New World Order change as they do now.
Here are quotes and page numbers from that book to help him. For the record, it was from the mass market edition:
In these largely Catholic countries politicians have generally been far behind those of India in recognizing the root of their problems in overpopulation. P. 41.
Turning to Colombia, we find an almost entirely Catholic country with a doubling time of 22 years. Death control did not reach Colombia until after World II. Before it arrived, a woman could expect to have two or three children survive to reproductive age if she went through ten pregnancies. Now, in spite of malnutrition, medical technology keeps seven or eight alive. P, 42
The Catholic Church recommends the rhythm method of contraception. Unfortunately, people who practice this method of contraception are commonly called ''parents." P, 82
All these are hopeful signs, but unhappily the Church hierarchy and certain conservative Catholic groups are still hard at work to raise the death rate by fighting effective moves to lower the birth rate. It takes a great deal of patience for a biologist familiar with the miseries of overpopulation to read through documents that represent the views of even "enlightened" Catholics. P. 144
In short, Catholic witnesses are opposed even to attempts to institute inadequate federal programs of population control. Catholic politicians at home and abroad operate in many ways to obstruct population control. They often effectively block action on population control at the international level. And population control, of course, is the only solution to problems of population growth. Unless the Pope does a complete about-face, I think we can count on continuing and effective Catholic support for raising the death rate. P. 146
Basically, I think the Catholic situation is much more amenable to solution than that associated with our current views of economics. The winds of change are clearly blowing in religion -blowing too late, perhaps, but blowing. P. 148True, we must bring pressure to bear on the Pope in hope of getting a reversal of the Church's position. Probably the best way is to support those American Catholics who already realize that opposition to birth control is automatically support for increased misery and death. If such a reversal can be obtained, mankind's chances for survival will improve somewhat, and millions upon millions of Catholics will be able to lead better lives. But the population problem will not be "solved." P, 147Biologists must promote understanding of the facts . of reproductive biology which relate to matters of abortion and contraception. They must do more than simply reiterate the facts of population dynamics. They must point out the biological absurdity of equating a zygote (the cell created by joining of sperm and egg) or fetus (unborn child) with a human being. P. 147Finally, if you are a Catholic, you should let your Church know that you strongly disapprove of its policies on birth control. You can withdraw your financial support from the diocese and channel it into liberal Catholic causes. Remember that any organized religion is also a political organization and therefore responsive to grassroots pressure. The Church has survived for almost two millenia by adjusting, under pressure, to the times. You can help it survive by pressuring it to change. P, 181
Also, and even worse, Paul and Anne Ehrlich gave their scenario for a cheerful 1974 in that 1968 book:
SCENARIO III. In 1974 the United States government finally realizes that the food-population balance in much of Asia, Africa, and South America is such that most areas cannot attain self-sufficiency. American expeditionary forces are withdrawn from Vietnam and Thailand, and the United States announces it will no longer send food to India, Egypt, and some other countries which it considers beyond hope. A moderate food rationing program is instituted in the United States. It further announces that food production in the United States will be increased only so long as the increase can be accomplished without damage to the environment of the North American continent. Pope Pius XIll, yielding to pressure from enlightened Catholics, announces that all good Catholics have a responsibility to drastically restrict their reproductive activities. He gives his blessing to abortion and all methods of contraception. Several cheap, long-term anticonception drugs are developed and made available for wide distribution. PAGE 78Well, it's a tough question, but somebody's got to ask it. Did Paul Ehrlich, Anne Ehrlich, John P. Holdren, Maurice Strong, and the rest of their cohorts get what they wanted back in the 60s as their then "Impossible Dream" with this now Pope Francis?
May the Lord help us all. Let your priest and bishop know. Tweet the Vatican. Tell them "you don't like it and you don't think God likes it either!"