
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sleepless in Michigan -- I wonder what Herb Peters would say about this: "Damascus shall be a heap . . ."

Prophetic incitement?

I'm sleepless in Michigan this early Sunday monring.  This is yet another one of those many days when I'm missing being able to pick up the phone and chat at length with Herb Peters (1947-1967) about our respective prophecy interpretation perspectives.   Here was Herb's take on Isaiah 17:1-3 back in 2004:

Sep 3, 2004 ... Bye Bye Damascus? — What Herb Thinks. It's a mistake to make Israel too mad. And, I think Syria may have made that mistake. What caught ...

Well, it now appears that Syria may have made many countries very angry.  Interestingly, also, is that Syria helped defeat a pro-population control initiative in Rio de Janeiro at the 20th anniversary of the Earth Summit.  Dorothy Margraf sent me links to that interesting story the other day. Author Lee Penn and I had an interesting discussion about same on my internet radio program, MY PERSPECTIVE.

If Syria was on the side of the angels for the anti-abortion forces, it has been on the other side as of late with Christian as well as Israel interests.   The Pope recently condemned Syrian violence.  However, the violence to the Christian communities has generally been coming from rebel forces.  In Syria, as was the case in Iraq, the pre-war government was more tolerant to the Christian communities than were the incoming rebel aspirants.  That has also been happening in Egypt.  Christians were expelled in a Syrian community by rebel forces, according to Vatican sources.

Now, we see serious news reports of a Turkish plane having been shot down by Syria over Syrian coastal waters.  To my estimation this is an action which may well entail an escalated reaction.

I have to wonder if the entire "Arab Spring" was not a hoped for Christian exodus.  At any rate, I think that the "Damascus shall be a heap" prophecy no longer looks so remote.

Disturbingly interesting.  As both Herb Peters and I often put it,




  1. Here is the text of Isaiah 17. It looks remarkably like what is shaping up, post-Arab Spring of 2011:

    Isaiah 17
    1. The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from [being] a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
    2 The cities of Aroer [are] forsaken: they shall be for flocks, which shall lie down, and none shall make [them] afraid.
    3 The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus, and the remnant of Syria: they shall be as the glory of the children of Israel, saith the LORD of hosts.
    4 And in that day it shall come to pass, [that] the glory of Jacob shall be made thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean.
    5 And it shall be as when the harvestman gathereth the corn, and reapeth the ears with his arm; and it shall be as he that gathereth ears in the valley of Rephaim.
    6. Yet gleaning grapes shall be left in it, as the shaking of an olive tree, two [or] three berries in the top of the uppermost bough, four [or] five in the outmost fruitful branches thereof, saith the LORD God of Israel.
    7 At that day shall a man look to his Maker, and his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One of Israel.
    8 And he shall not look to the altars, the work of his hands, neither shall respect [that] which his fingers have made, either the groves, or the images.
    9. In that day shall his strong cities be as a forsaken bough, and an uppermost branch, which they left because of the children of Israel: and there shall be desolation.
    10 Because thou hast forgotten the God of thy salvation, and hast not been mindful of the rock of thy strength, therefore shalt thou plant pleasant plants, and shalt set it with strange slips:
    11 In the day shalt thou make thy plant to grow, and in the morning shalt thou make thy seed to flourish: [but] the harvest [shall be] a heap in the day of grief and of desperate sorrow.
    12. Woe to the multitude of many people, [which] make a noise like the noise of the seas; and to the rushing of nations, [that] make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters!
    13 The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters: but [God] shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind.
    14 And behold at eveningtide trouble; [and] before the morning he [is] not. This [is] the portion of them that spoil us, and the lot of them that rob us.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Here's relevant text from the article about Christians being expelled in parts of Syria:
    BEIRUT -- Much of the Christian population of the besieged Syrian city of Qusair has abandoned the town after an “ultimatum” from the rebel military chief there, reports Agenzia Fides, the official Vatican news agency.

    The ultimatum expired Thursday, the agency reported, adding that most of the city’s 10,000 Christians have fled the city, situated in the battleground province of Homs.

    "Some mosques in the city have relaunched the message, announcing from the minarets: 'Christians must leave Quasir,' " read the report from the Vatican agency, which has sought to document the parlous plight of Syria’s ancient Christian community.

    Qusair has been the site of intense clashes for months between armed rebels and forces loyal to President Bashar Assad. The strategic city is close to the Lebanese border and has been a smuggling hub for arms and medicines destined for rebel forces in the embattled city of Homs, about 15 miles to the northeast, which has already seen its large Christian population flee, the Vatican agency reported.

    A Jesuit priest, Father Paolo Dall’Oglio, had recently remained in Qusair for a week, “praying and fasting for peace in the midst of the conflict,” the Vatican report said.

    The reasons for the ultimatum ordering Christians to leave Qusair “remain unclear,” the Vatican agency said. “According to some, it serves to avoid more suffering to the faithful; other sources reveal ‘a continuity focused on discrimination and repression.’ Still others argue that Christians have openly expressed their loyalty to the state and for this reason the opposition army drives them away.”

    Christians represent about 10% of Syria’s population, but their status in Syrian conflict zones has become more and more tenuous. Many Christians remain loyal to Assad because his government has been tolerant of religious minorities. Many fear an Islamist takeover could result in the kind of repression that occurred in neighboring Iraq after the U.S.-led invasion in 2003 that ousted Saddam Hussein — who, like Assad, was a secular autocrat. Militants in post-Hussein Iraq bombed churches, torched Christian shops and forced hundreds of thousands of Christians to flee to Syria, long regarded as safe for Christians.


    Constance Cumbey (Google Account) –

  4. Constance,
    I'm reposting this in case you missed it on the last thread. I'm sure it would be relevant to your upcoming
    work on the Gaia "GEESE" as it would have to be an awful thorn in their side. You might eve3n say that their goose is cooked.

  5. Whoops, this is what I meant to repost:

  6. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Published: 25 June, 2012, 07:41

    Drills of the dead: Maine prepares for zombie attack

    "Emergency officials in Maine have taken part in a training exercise in preparation for a zombie apocalypse. This comes just weeks after the federal government publicly denied the existence of zombies.

    ­Around 100 emergency responders from eight different counties participated in the event in the quiet city of Bangor.

    The premise: an unknown virus originating from Jamaica has reached Maine, turning the infected into zombies. Once infected, the virus quickly spreads to the brain, and turns the host into a full-fledged zombie, who has only one thing on its mind: biting other people.

    The officials were armed with two would-be vaccines – one to prevent the infection from reaching the brain, and one to bring the zombies back to life..."

  7. Anonymous8:12 AM

    That nasty man, Paul, is once again posting his subversive links, which reveal undercurrents of major antisemitism surfacing along with what he is doing now.

    Paul, I suspect you´re a fond follower of Eustace Mullins, Jeff Rense, and other major antisemites.


  8. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Paul, promoting James Lovelock as though he´s suddenly rehabilitated is low even for you!

    He´s in sync with the rabidly antisemitic baloney of Barbara Marx Hubbard, etc. Totally NAM! Have you lost your mind posting this without a even caveat?


  9. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Just letting you know...Now I guess I will have to post under another name or go anonymous since someone is using my name. Maybe I just won't post.

    Whoever you are, why not just be bold enough to post under your own first name if you don't want to go anonymous.


  10. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Lol! Dorothy,

    anyone can see by the syle of writing and your vitriolic trademark that the last comments are yours. You obviously realized a bit late that your comments to Paul have no merit as all he did was show the green movement looking ridiculous with their dramatic u-turn.

    As the old song goes, Dorothy, You Can't Pull The Wool Over My Eyes !


  11. Anonymous11:01 AM

    In a featured article called, SYRIAN STRIFE LINKED TO BIBLICAL PROPHECY, SCHOLARS SUGGEST, the Christian Post quotes..., “The turbulent situation in Syria has prompted some theologians to remind observers of the biblical writings of Isaiah, who scholars say prophesied that Damascus, Syria’s capital, would be destroyed.”

  12. now Mohammed Mursi has won the election in Egypt. He has declared the capital of the united arab states will be in Jeruselem and he wants to become friends with Iran. Another prophecy being fulfilled right before our eyes.

  13. Anonymous4:58 PM

    June 18, 2012 Special Dispatch No. 4791

    Egyptian Commentators In Heated Debate About Egyptian Cleric Safwat Higazi's Proposal For A United States of Arabs With Jerusalem As Its Capital

    Following are excerpts from reactions by various Egyptian commentators to statements made by Egyptian cleric Safwat Higazi on May 1, 2012 and translated by MEMRI TV, in which he called for martyrs to restore Jerusalem to Arab rule, and make it the capital city of an Arab union of countries. The reactions were aired on Rotana TV on June 10 and 11, 2012.
    For the original statements, translated by MEMRI TV, see
    Excerpts From Original Footage
    Egyptian cleric Safwat Higazi: "Our capital shall not be Cairo, Mecca, or Medina. It shall be Jerusalem, Allah willing. Our cry shall be: 'Millions of martyrs march toward Jerusalem.'"
    Crowds: "Millions of martyrs march toward Jerusalem."
    Safwat Higazi: "The United States of the Arabs will be restored by this man [Muhammad Mursi] and his supporters. The capital of the Caliphate – the capital of the United States of the Arabs – will be Jerusalem, Allah willing."
    Reactions to Higazi's Statements
    Farid Zahran, member of the Egyptian Democratic Party: "That man is not talking about Egypt. We are Egyptian citizens, with a long history on a certain territory. We are Muslims and Christians, Bedouin and Nubians. Egypt has a certain population fabric, and we want our country to prosper. That man does not care about that. He's talking about a completely different plan. At the end of the day, his plan is for us to generate problems with Israel, to wage jihad, [to cry:] 'No voice is louder than the sound of battle,' and to lead the people with an iron fist, as was the case for many years.
    "That is the bleak scenario that I am anticipating. We will make provocations that will lead to the country's destruction, and then we will cry: 'No voice is louder than the sound of battle.' That is the jihad he is talking about. There is no other jihad." […]
    TV host Hala Sarhan: "When Dr. Safwat Higazi says these things in the presence of Dr. Mursi, does this mean that Dr. Mursi agrees with these statements, and that this is his elections platform and his plan for the future of Egypt? These are dangerous statements. We would like to know whether the candidate is responsible for the statements of his supporters." […]
    Egyptian journalist Farida Al-Shubashi: "I would like to ask that man, who delivered a speech to millions of cheering supporters: Do you plan to march on Jerusalem with the weapons of the American masters, or what? It is a disgrace to lead the people so far astray.

  14. Anonymous4:59 PM

    "It was America and global imperialism that planted Israel here. How does Safwat Higazi plan to go and liberate Jerusalem? I'd like him to tell me how he plans to do it."
    Egyptian lawyer Essam Al-Hafnawi: "Would you like me to answer that?"
    Farida Al-Shubashi: "Go ahead."
    Essam Al-Hafnawi: "Our Lord guides all creatures to Islam at the end of their days…"
    Farida Al-Shubashi: "Pffft… What kind of answer is that? Don't answer me with illogical stuff."
    Essam Al-Hafnawi: "The revolutions of the Arab Spring are being led by Islamic movements. Perhaps Higazi's goal is to unite all these countries… Gamal Abd Al-Nasser wanted the same thing…"
    Farida Al-Shubashi: "That was something completely different…"
    Essam Al-Hafnawi: "[Higazi] was talking about Muhammad Mursi's aspirations to become president not just of Egypt, but of all the Arab countries…"
    Farida Al-Shubashi: "What Egypt?! He says there's no Egypt and no Cairo…"
    Hala Sarhan: He said there would be no more Cairo…
    Farida Al-Shubashi: "No Cairo. He decided that Jerusalem would be the capital." […]
    Hala Sarhan: "[Higazi] said: 'millions of martyrs' and 'Let's march on Jerusalem.'"
    Egyptian MP Sha'ban Abd Al-Alim: "These are merely emotional chants…"
    Hala Sarhan: "The conscience of the masses is very important."
    Sha'ban Abd Al-Alim: "He was expressing his own desire to commit martyrdom…"
    Farida Al-Shubashi: "Let him go martyr himself."
    Hala Sarhan: "He can martyr himself, but he shouldn't say this to the Egyptian people."
    Sha'ban Abd Al-Alim: "Did he ask you to martyr yourself too?"
    Hala Sarhan: "He talked about millions of martyrs."
    Sha'ban Abd Al-Alim: "There can be millions without Farida. Don't worry."
    Hala Sarhan: "My son might hear him and follow his lead."
    Farida Al-Shubashi: "He said: 'We are all Hamas.' He might be Hamas, but I'm not. I don't think Hamas has fired a single bullet at Israel for years."
    Sha'ban Abd Al-Alim: "They waged a war for many days…'
    Farida Al-Shubashi: "Where is that war?"
    Hala Sarhan: "Are we Hamas? He said we are Hamas." […]
    Dr. Tharwat Al-Badawi, expert on constitutional law: "He said that Cairo would not be the capital, and I say the same."
    Farida Al-Shubashi: "And I tell you that Cairo will be the capital."
    Tharwat Al-Badawi: "No."
    Farida Al-Shubashi: "Without Cairo, there will be nothing."
    Tharwat Al-Badawi: "Let me repeat what Safwat Higazi said: Cairo won't be the capital. Jerusalem, for example, could be the capital."
    Essam Al-Hafnawi: "Jerusalem is the promised land, people."
    Farida Al-Shubashi: "You go to the promised land. I want my own country. I can't just forget about Cairo. […]
    "I would like to declare that I reject those statements – from the hair on my head to the toes on my feet. […]
    "We don't produce even this pen I'm holding. How do we expect to liberate Jerusalem? These are empty words. We should work hard and make progress, so we can be competitive in science, rather than talk nonsense. […]
    Tharwat Al-Badawi: "Safwat Higazi was talking about uniting the entire Arab world… Let me finish… This is impossible…in the face of the fierce and barbaric campaign of the United States and the West in general, against Islam. He is calling to unite the Arabs, or even the Islamic world, in order to confront that fierce campaign. The U.S. army itself is planning how to conquer Al-Madina militarily."
    Farida Al-Shubashi: "Well, my mind is limited. I can't figure out why the West would be afraid of me. Would I cut off its supply of cellphones, computers, cars, airplanes, or health?"

  15. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Mohammed Morsi - "Our Capital Shall Be Jerusalem, Allah Willing"

  16. What just happened ?
    If James Lovelock is an antisemite it's news to me.
    This article was the first time I've even heard his name.

  17. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Moreen, Constance should be able to check where the first two comments came from. I don't deal with Paul's comments as he seems to have Constance's protection. Whoever signed the name Dorothy to those two posts must come from a world where truth has no value. Could be you.


  18. The point about Lovelock if he is the green leader who is repudiating a lot of the global warming stuff, is that this guy, because of his status with them, can be used against them to derail some though not all of their nonsense.

    nothing else about him is relevant, only his retraction of some positions that the eco-fascists use.

  19. James Lovelock was the "worship Earth as 'Goddess Gaia' and "it's all Christianity's fault" guy! He's an icon of the "deep ecology" movement.


  20. precisely why his repudiation of some of the global warming necessitates takeover thing is a talking point in dealing with such people who dig his Gaia position. THINK TALKING POINTS.
    This guy has credibility with them and now disagrees on a key point of interest to you? Use him!

  21. Anonymous7:28 PM

    "James Lovelock was the "worship Earth as 'Goddess Gaia' and "it's all Christianity's fault" guy!"

    Well Constance, James Lovelock is no great friend to Christianity, but he is a secular scientist who has never been New Age and he nowhere advocated earth-worship. He was persuaded to adopt the name of a Greek goddess for his view, that the earth including humanity can meaningfully be regarded as a single ecological system, by a novelist friend with a vivid imagination. Admittedly he yielded to the same anthropomorphic temptation in regard to the earth as people who talk about "selfish genes," but he obviously does not regard the earth as volitional, let alone intelligent. That view came from New Agers who enthusiastically adopted his views.

    And now he has repented of his belief that human carbon dioxide emissions are going to cause us all to fry. I agree with Christine - use him against people to whom Gaia and global warming were starting points held by faith, rather than things that they could argue for using reason.

    The REAL action regarding global governance and New Age in the last 7 days was the failure of the Rio Earth Summit to reach any consensus about how to tax and control the peoples of the earth. That is tremendously good news, for once, and it is due mainly to sustained pressure from global warming skeptics making clear that these people had been rumbled. In 2010 the co-chairman of one of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's working groups, Ottmar Edenhofer, stated that: “we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy... one has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore.” They failed to get away with it at Rio. The conference was horrendously undemocratic, globalist and totalitarian:

  22. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Has America become an end times civilization?

  23. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Anonymous 7:51,

    I hope that's meant to be a rhetorical question. I'm tempted to answer it with a "well, duh..." Of course it is--that is certainty.

  24. Susanna5:14 PM

    Anonymous 7:28

    Speaking of "globalist" and "totalitarian," I just saw this Der Spiegel article posted over at Free Republic...


    The World From Berlin 'States Must Sacrifice Sovereignty to Save Euro'

    Do European leaders trust each other enough to take the steps necessary to secure the long-term existence of the euro? German commentators warn that fundamental questions must be answered at Thursday's EU summit.

  25. Anonymous5:43 PM

    The Euro is toast. The gamble that it would induce closer political union has, thankfully, failed. Greece faces two alternatives: (1) stay in the Euro with 50% unemployment indefinitely; (2) leave the Euro, see the new Drachma plummet, then a few years of extreme pain, then a normal economy as the new exchange rate makes it internationally competitive again.

    Greece can leave the Euro at any time, but the world financial system would then not lend it any more money for it would have defaulted on its present debts. I am not convinced that inability to borrow is a bad thing: the Greek government would then have to learn fiscal responsibility, something it badly needs to do. As to whether Greece stays in the Euro, that is not for it alone to determine.

    Spain is nearly as bad. There has been massive financial corruption in these places, but if you keep unemployment at 40% indefinitely then you are going to get fascist or communist governments elected.

    It might be better for the Euro to split into two, Germany and the strongs, and Spain and Greece and the other weaks. If the strongs didn't want France then I'd laugh like a drain as Paris has played this system to its own advantage, telling Germany to throw its money at Greece and Spain for too long.

    It is not fair to complain that Germany is insisting on some oversight before it commits more of its money to corrupt and bankrupt nations and that this is empire-building. Unlike Hitler (to put it bluntly), Germany is giving Greece a genuine choice: if you want our money then accept our conditions. But you are free not to. That is perfectly fair.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. German courts make circumcision for religious reasons illegal:

    This effects both Jews, Christians and Muslims.

  28. no Christian circumcises for religious reasons, except a few OT law reviving cults, condemned by St. Paul already.

    The Jews could probably evade this by citing health reasons.

  29. Anonymous7:22 AM

    You just don't get it, Christine.

  30. For those interested, here’s the final installment of the current series on Bill Johnson’s Christology comparing it to New Age. This one takes Alice Bailey’s five ‘initiations’ of Jesus - Birth at Bethlehem, Baptism, Transfiguration, Crucifixion/Great Renunciation, and Resurrection, which signify “The Path” of the individual aspirant - and compares to specific quotes of Johnson with respect to the individual:

    In addition, it revisits Georgian Banov’s two anointings (initiations) ‘from the Lord’ spoken over Todd Bentley at the so-called Lakeland Revival on June 23, 2008. Before bestowing these ‘anointings’, Banov claims God told him to tell Bentley that he is a “well pleasing son”, the very words spoken over Jesus at both Baptism and the Transfiguration. In the first ‘anointing’, Banov quotes Isaiah 53:4-6, Scripture describing the Crucifixion. In the second anointing, Banov quotes from Psalm 45:6-7 / Hebrews 1:9 which pertain to Christ’s Resurrection. Hence, we have Banov bestowing a ‘crucifixion’ anointing and a ‘resurrection’ anointing. Are these New Age intiations, or is this just a coincidence?

    Interestingly, Bentley himself speaks of “resurrection life” in a monologue on manifested sons of God teaching about 6 weeks later on 08/08/08.

  31. The ashes are falling:

    Two explosions near Turkey-Syria border. Turkey sends military convoy to border.

  32. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Re: ObamaCare

    Rush Limbaugh: "What we now have is the biggest tax increase in the history of the world."

  33. yes I get it, this is a veiled attack on Jews. However, it is evadable. So far.

  34. Bentley stuff, yes, this is a very nasty kind of self deification thing. We are called to be initated into Christ and His death and Resurrection, by means of baptism, to duplicate incarnation, transfiguration, etc. is implying something like us being Christ.

    Unfortunately, some people who are not MSOG see the metaphysical identity of the Church as Body of Christ, which is metaphorical and also about His presence through us, as being literal. There is a big difference between some employee being someone's "hand," and that employee being identical physically and personally with the employer!

    That is the kind of difference involved, it is at the root of the MSOG heresy and of many subtle errors.


    Romney's advisors exposed as globalists

    americans being prepared for full spectrum tyranny

  36. To Anonymous 7:28

    If Lovelock came out against Global Warming, that's good, to a point.

    But what do you mean, he never advocated earth worship???!!!

    He's THE ONE who came up with the GAIA concept!!!!


  37. Craig,

    That is an excellent article on the Bill Johnson "Christology." Are you the author?

    Thanks for the reference!


  38. To Dorothy:


    Thanks for alerting me to them!


  39. Anonymous12:07 PM


    In your article heading up this thread, you typed:

    "Herb Peters (1947-1967)"

    Surely, those dates are incorrect.

  40. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Dear Constance: Lovelock used the word GAIA as shorthand for a scientific hypothesis. The name was suggested to him by a novelist who had a better understanding of the zeitgeist than he did. The New Agers loved it. But Lovelock himself is secular, of a sort that would regard earth-worship ceremonies as ridiculous. If you believe he has advocated earth-worship, as your words imply, please furnish a quote from his own writing. I believe you will not find one - Anon@7.28

  41. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Dear Constance: Lovelock used the word GAIA as shorthand for a scientific hypothesis. The name was suggested to him by a novelist who had a better understanding of the zeitgeist than he did. The New Agers loved it. But Lovelock himself is secular, of a sort that would regard earth-worship ceremonies as ridiculous. If you believe he has advocated earth-worship, as your words imply, please furnish a quote from his own writing. I believe you will not find one - Anon@7.28

  42. Constance,

    Yes, I'm the author of the article. Of course, I'm indebted to those who've come before me such as yourself and others.

  43. Anonymous4:18 PM

    From the free dictionary -
    "The Earth personified as a goddess, daughter of Chaos."
    Greek mythology. If that doesn't sound like New Age...

    And from Wikipedia "While the Gaia hypothesis was readily accepted by many in the environmentalist community, it has not been widely accepted within the scientific community."

    Is it possible that we get the Gaia hypothesis out of the Chaos of the environmentalists?

    I'll bet he liked being lionized for the Gaia Hypothesis.

    Why the backout on his part? I would say he didn't want his legacy to be that of affiliation with the manipulators and liars of the environmentalist movement. All of the exposes of that movement were already done before he spoke up. He had nothing to add except to Cov.. Hs..As.. Pity.

  44. Anonymous1:31 PM


    I would be very interested in your feedback.

    Today (Saturday, June 28, 2012) - the headlines are screaming about the weather affecting 9 to 12 states from the Midwest to the Mid-Atlantic.

    "Millions without power"
    "Record breaking heat in triple digits"
    "Storms with straight line with winds of 81 - 91 mph"

    Now, we have something new called the 'Super Derecho'....
    (A derecho is defined as a widespread and long-lived wind storm produced by a band of rapidly moving showers or thunderstorms. The most severe derechos are given the adjective "super.")

    Do you attribute these catastrophic weather patterns to the (very justifiable) wrath of God?

    Or, could this also be attributed to weather manipulation by H.A.A.R.P.?

  45. sorry to weigh in before Constance does, but I do not see there is an inherent conflict between these two
    explanations. Remember that in the OT
    God often used the actions of men to accomplish his wrath.

    such as foreign invasion. Or the actions of animals and lower life forms, such as plagues and locusts.

    God could be allowing - and exacerbating - HAARP because of His wrath.

  46. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Is it also possible that HAARP could be expecting people (especially Christians) to assume that this is coming from God's wrath and, therefore, be more resigned and accepting of HAARP's various methods of manipulating the weather?

  47. Anonymous12:56 AM

    How Religious Pious Mush Has Made Millions of Christians Culturally Irrelevant

    posted on June 30, 2012 by Gary DeMar 50
    Comments 86

    The after effects of the Robert’s decision on Obamacare got my blood boiling as I read blog posts and comments about the decision. I fully agree that “God is sovereign” and “God is in control,” but that does not absolve us of the responsibility to act. God designed us to reason, make choices, and act.

    Too many Christians say a prayer, repeat that God’s in charge, and then go home and wait for God to act. This is not the biblical way:

    Follow the link.

  48. Anonymous1:02 AM
    ....The latest comes from Mike Malloy, one of today’s liberal “talk-nuts.” He wonders whether our nation’s temporary heat wave and floods isn’t some sort of divine retribution for conservative policy initiatives.....
    I wonder what Malloy and the Daily Kos think about the deadly storms that just blew into Washington, DC? Divine retribution for the Supreme Court’s decision on Obamacare?

    Read the comments. I've had trouble with this website on both Firefox and Internet Explorer. Play around to get it all. Worth it.

  49. A Bend, Oregon man likely has the Bubonic Plague disease, Oregon health authorities say. I spoke in Bend, Oregon in 1982. That is a disturbing public health development, if true.

    Hopefully not shades of THE RIDER ON THE PALE HORSE? AIDS was already a type of that rider. Bubonic Plague wiped out nearly a third of Europe's population in the Middle Ages.


  50. Herb Peters


    I must have been very tired when I posted that!!!!



  51. plague happens every so often in the US especially when you live near a plague vector like some kinds of field rats etc. its endemic but not that big of a deal.

  52. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Blogger Constance Cumbey said...

    "A Bend, Oregon man likely has the Bubonic Plague disease, Oregon health authorities say. I spoke in Bend, Oregon in 1982. That is a disturbing public health development, if true."

    I hope there is no connection Constance. If so, wherever you spoke in the past had better be watchful.

  53. John Rupp7:44 PM

    Thank you for alerting me to that story about the plague likely affecting a man in Bend, Oregon. I am here in Salem. I didn't even catch it on our local news at the time.

  54. Anonymous9:33 PM

    It a sign that we are living in a fascist country and that the black community is being used as the tinderbox.

  55. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Add this to the previous link.

    I can only feel sorry for those in the black community doing these things. In the long run their community will be hurt in ways that they can't envision now. It's the way of that movement.

  56. War on Christians is intensifying in Kenya:

    NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — A Kenyan police official says 10 people have been killed and 40 wounded in simultaneous attacks on two churches in northeastern Kenya near the Somali border.
    Police commander Philip Ndolo said gunmen threw grenades during the Sunday attack and shot at the congregation as church members rushed to flee.
    Somali militants have carried out several cross-border attacks in Kenya in recent months, but Sunday's ranks as the deadliest of those attacks.


  57. Anonymous1:37 PM

    CERN may confirm the 'god particle' on July 4th???

    (Wouldn't these arrogant people, filled with false pride, be shocked if God decided to 'confirm' the big bang theory by blowing up the earth?)

  58. Anonymous4:34 PM


    ALL! -



    Hidden Truths - 2008

  59. Anonymous5:23 PM

    No physicist has ever called the Higgs particle the "god particle" in any serious scientific exchange. The label was dreamed up by the semipopular press because of the unique and important role of the Higgs particle in the main theory that predicts it.

    As for HAARP, which has been mentioned by contributors to this thread: it pumps into the atmosphere an utterly negligible amount of energy compared to that already in the atmosphere, this energy is absorbed far above the weather-determining part of the atmosphere, it takes place in Alaska far from the rest of the USA, and this alreadysmall amount of energy is dispersed from that point and cannot be reconcentrated. The idea that it influences the weather of the other states is absurd.


  60. the "God particle" I recall suggesting that if it were connected to God or at least as per the presumptious intent I would add and probably was thinking,

    perhaps God would not be happy at someone trying to give Him a hot foot.

    As for HAARP, that statement is the sort of thing that makes me wonder about whoever said it, that the energy put in is negligible compared to total amount.

    Whether it is or not is irrelevant.

    It is highly concentrated energy at a narrow point.

    I suggest you read the patents on the stuff that HAARP consists of and some other things incl. by scientists, and the HAARP operations itself, and get wise.

    I have doubts about its ability to make earthquakes however, though it is possible it could affect timing on something about to go anyway.

    There is another explanation for what has been going on, Crustal Displacement a la Charles Hapgood, with or without help from a passing brown dwarf.

  61. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Christine, please stop talking nonsense about HAARP. Yes it is highly concentrated energy at a small point above Alaska but it fans out and gets weaker with distance just like water waves the further away from the point where you threw a stone in. Have you any idea how weak HAARP is by the time it reaches the rest of the USA? Or how tiny HAARP's energy is compared to the input of energy to the atmosphere from the sun? Or how HAARP radiation is absorbed at a different altitude from weather anyway? I can answer those questions in mathematical detail. If you can't then please desist from talking about things you don't understand. Some weeks ago I did my best to explain some basic physics to you here; others said they understood, but you preferred to trust conspiratorialist websites run by people patently ignorant of basic science. I said that henceforth I would post not to try to educate you but to prevent others from being taken in by the rubbish you wrote on scientific subjects. That is why I am posting this comment.

    PhD in Physics

  62. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Christine says she has 'doubts about its ability to make earthquakes however'

    With respect Christine, such ability to make earthquakes is alleged to be Tesla weaponry not HAARP!

    Conspiricist without Phd.

  63. Anonymous7:58 PM

    " the resulting babies each have three, not two, parents (at least, with regard to DNA.) As these children grow and have kids of their own, this hybrid DNA will be passed to their own children. In effect, a new strain of humanity has been introduced...."

  64. well not a new strain of humanity, because all the DNA is human. But it IS a forensic nightmare. Same problem with cloned animals or a cloned human. THE MITOCHONDRIAL DNA IS NOT THAT OF THE PERSON WHOSE DNA IS USED FOR THE CLONING, OR IN THIS CASE OF THE BIRTH MOTHER MOST LIKELY.

    This means subsequent generations being tested for identity of ancestry are going to be wrongly seen as not related to who they are related to.

    unless very good records are kept. This is worse than adoption, because records usually are kept.

  65. "Have you any idea how weak HAARP is by the time it reaches the rest of the USA? "

    HAARP is not focussed on the ground. It is an ionospheric heater, not the only one on earth but possibly the strongest. Now, what these things do is alter the ionosphere above it or at an angle, making it supercharged and a mirror effect to whatever.

    At that point something can be bounced off it.

    And ever hear of a microwave that is coherent? that won't fan out so much if bounced.

    The ionosphere has an interlock to the rest of the earth's electrical system and affects weather to some extent.

    I would be more worried about HAARP causing a tornado or a supercane than about an earthquake. i don't think it would be directly but by affecting the ionosphere to set up a beginning of a system below it.

    Tell me if you know about coherent microwaves, physicist.

    I can't remember the details right now on HAARP but some scientists were afraid it would, at full power, cause an electron cascade like giant thunderbolts to come down to the ground, and travel around chewing up who knows how much ground (and whoever and whatever was on it) but this doesn't seem to have happened. Maybe that was the grace of Almighty God, maybe the exact conditions for the scenario haven't
    been met and the theorists didn't know all of them, and maybe their scenario was wrong, or one of those things that can happen in a pristine laboratory, but not in the messier real world.

  66. "Some weeks ago I did my best to explain some basic physics to you here; others said they understood, but you preferred to trust conspiratorialist websites run by people patently ignorant of basic science."

    as I have tried to point out to you, basic physics and science are only a starting point. These things are a bit beyond that. But I refuse to get into arguments with you that will detract from the proper focus of this blog.

  67. "With respect Christine, such ability to make earthquakes is alleged to be Tesla weaponry not HAARP!"

    HAARP is partly from Tesla technology, but I still doubt it could make an earthquake unless somehow the beam was sent sideways and down a bit, and even then I am not sure it would do it.

    The possibility would depend on radio signals produced before and during earthquakes not being a causally incapable byproduct, but indicating some electrical involvement that powers the earthquake.

    Meanwhile, I have another worry.

    All that oil we've been pumping out billions and billions of gallons for over 100 years.....what if that was supposed to mostly function as LUBRICATION, to make tectonic action gentler? hmmmmm?

  68. Anonymous1:31 AM

    "But I refuse to get into arguments with you that will detract from the proper focus of this blog"....Christine

    Thanks for the huge laugh Christine. It kept me going for at least five minutes.

  69. I take it you never heard of a coherent microwave, physicist?

  70. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Christine, you wrote: "HAARP is not focussed on the ground. It is an ionospheric heater, not the only one on earth but possibly the strongest. Now, what these things do is alter the ionosphere above it or at an angle, making it supercharged and a mirror effect to whatever."

    An almost wholly incoherent statement that shows your lack of scientific understanding. Furthermore I neither said nor implied nor meant that HAARP was focused on the ground. If it is focused at all then it is is focused FROM the ground.

    "At that point something can be bounced off it."

    You don't need HAARP to modify the ionosphere in order to bounce radio waves off it. Why do you think you can hear radio stations whose transmitters are located over the horizon? We have been bouncing radio transmissions off the ionosphere for more than a century now. Remember the Titanic?

    "Tell me if you know about coherent microwaves, physicist."

    Yes of course, a routine wavelike solution of Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism. I have solved them in countless situations in student exercises and in my research papers. Tell me if you know about Maxwell's equations, Christine. Would you recognise them? Could you solve them in simple situations? As for coherent radiation, this is found in a laser beam, for instance, and microwaves are simply radiation from a different part of the electromagnetic spectrum than optical radiation. But laser beams maintain their coherence and travel in a straight line; the bending of any coherent radiation by the turbulent ionospheric electron medium would totally wreck coherence and the radiation would then spread out according to the inverse square power law and be utterly negligible by the time it reaches other US States.

    Me: "Some weeks ago I did my best to explain some basic physics to you here; others said they understood, but you preferred to trust conspiratorialist websites run by people patently ignorant of basic science."

    Christine: "as I have tried to point out to you, basic physics and science are only a starting point. These things are a bit beyond that."

    Now you claim to understand where and why the laws of physics break down when applied to HAARP, so please do me the favor of explaining in detail. I'm sure Constance will be proud to host the first publication of a Nobel-prizewinning piece of research, even if it is a little off the subject of New Age.

    Christine, you can't reject conventional science until you know what it is. And you are almost wholly resistant to learning that, which is why I no longer write to educate you (as I once gladly did) but to prevent others from being taken in by the nonsense you speak when your statements here intersect with physical science.

  71. Anonymous7:15 AM

    "Tell me if you know about coherent microwaves, physicist."

    'Yes of course, a routine wavelike solution of Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism'

    Just excellent! Lol

  72. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Monsieur Physicist, at 5:21 AM, you asked Christine if she could "remember the Titanic(?)"

    I'm sure on those days her mind is not absent through antiquity she not only remembers the Titanic but also the US Civil War vividly.

    Still - Dorothy's decades older isn't she! I'm sure old D's brains recall the Salem witch trails. I wonder who could have let loose that plague you mentioned earlier? Oh yes ....

    A concerned citizen.

    A Young Whipper-snapper

  73. " As for coherent radiation, this is found in a laser beam, for instance, and microwaves are simply radiation from a different part of the electromagnetic spectrum than optical radiation. But laser beams maintain their coherence and travel in a straight line; the bending of any coherent radiation by the turbulent ionospheric electron medium would totally wreck coherence and the radiation would then spread out according to the inverse square power law and be utterly negligible by the time it reaches other US States."

    nice slippery approach. neither denying nor acknowledging the existence of coherent microwaves, just admitting they might exist.

    They are called MASERS and are the backbone of the research that led to the laser.

    My guess is, since you couldn't come up with that, you don't know.
    I threw that in as a test, and your reaction is yet another reason I suspect your PhD from Cambridge is nonexistent. I might be wrong. But somehow I think a normal physicist would be able to answer "maser, but it can't do the job" instead of well, lasers, coherent microwaves another part of same spectrum (so you imply it is possible) but can't do the job.


    Yes I know lasers can lose coherence fired through a turbulent atmosphere, but again you miss the point about HAARP.


    The problem is what a supercharged segment of the ionosphere - which is what that huge array is SUPPOSED to do and DOES do you ignorant twit, just go read the HAARP page etc. - might do when interacting with the rest of the Earth's electrical system.

    As for causing earthquakes, I think HAARP is a non starter, it would have impact on weather not earthquakes, and earthquakes would require a beam fired to the ground, which HAARP is not apparently set up to do.


    Now as for Maxwell, his original equations were written in quarternion precisely because he believed the ether theory of physics, which was never adequately disproved anyway, and done this way what is zero in normal linear equations is instead a something, and that something you can tap into which explains some anomalies like unexpected yields in atomic tests and some oddball electrical stuff.

    As for getting around basic physics, 1. Newtonian works fine normal situations, not so well in others. That is a precedent right there, and the reason for quantum physics. 2. when you pulse, and when you do phase conjugate you create a whole other effect.

    Now, I am not going to tell people here how to blow themselves up and I don't have the energy to dig up everything I've read and some names I prefer not to cite because they will lead into all sorts of bad directions for the gullible and spiritually unstable. But I think if you are what you claim to be, you can start digging and figure some out on your own.

    The very fact that you can argue the total energy added by HAARP is negligible shows you don't know the difference between a whack with a board and a misfired staple gun of same velocity. or, why a 7.72 full jacketted will do comparable damage as a .45

  74. Anonymous8:40 AM

    What is a MASER?

  75. Anonymous8:49 AM

    The 'physicist' wrote: "I'm sure Constance will be proud to host the first publication of a Nobel-prizewinning piece of research..."

    Too late! Because the Einstein.Stanford.Edu link ( notes that:

    'The first papers about the MASER were published in 1954 as a result of investigations carried out simultaneously and independently by Charles Townes and co-workers at Columbia University in New York and by Dr. Basov and Dr. Prochorov at the Lebedev Institute in Moscow. All three of these gentlemen received the Nobel Prize in 1964 for their contributions to science.'

    See more:

    Conspiricist without Phd

  76. "You don't need HAARP to modify the ionosphere in order to bounce radio waves off it. Why do you think you can hear radio stations whose transmitters are located over the horizon? "

    not the point. enhancement is the point. And once you do that, you can do other things as well.

    "Built by BAE Advanced Technologies (BAEAT), its purpose is to analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for radio communications and surveillance.[2]"

    also noted in this article is that HAARP does this

    "Some of the main scientific findings from HAARP include

    Generating very low frequency radio waves by modulated heating of the auroral electrojet, useful because generating VLF waves ordinarily requires gigantic antennas
    Generating weak luminous glow (measurable, but below that visible with a naked eye) from absorbing HAARP's signal
    Generating extremely low frequency waves in the 0.1 Hz range. These are next to impossible to produce any other way, because the length of a transmit antenna is dictated by the wavelength of the signal it must emit.
    Generating whistler-mode VLF signals that enter the magnetosphere and propagate to the other hemisphere, interacting with Van Allen radiation belt particles along the way"

    and precisely in those low frequency ranges are where you have a frenquency the brain entrains to and other stuff of some interest to the conspiracy crowd and the so called mind control crowd.

    Considering how much effort and money MKULTRA and related released papers show was put into this subject, it is real unlikely there isn't effort going on now, though how effective is another. I for one don't think you can blame every damn fool inclination or idea you have on HAARP or anything else. HOWEVER, the best solution to this is self control and evaluation of all thoughts and feelings and impulses before acting on them or speaking them. This would work against mind control, personal foolishness, peer group semi hypnotic group think effects, witchcraft and demonic messages.

  77. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Way to go!!!! You tell him like it is Christine, go girl!!!!!

  78. Anonymous9:42 AM

    This would work against mind control, personal foolishness, peer group semi hypnotic group think effects, witchcraft and demonic messages.

    All of that? Wow.

  79. Anonymous9:42 AM


    For you to call me slippery shows that you have learned the standard rhetorical trick of accusing your opponent in debate of doing what you are doing yourself. You duck questions by ignoring them or by answering slightly different questions. You have far greater facility in that than in scientific reasoning, yet you presume to comment on science. The paragraph I wrote about what happens to HAARP radiation in the ionosphere was to explain something relevant, rather than an answer to your question. It is them for whom I write nowadays, even when I am responding to you.

    Today most people have seen a laser pointer, with its beam that does not spread in contrast to a torch beam. That is why I used the concept of lasers (rather than masers, which of course I am aware of) to explain coherent radiation. A basic rule of scientific explanation is to extend the discussion from what people are familiar with.

    I profoundly wish to preserve my anonymity in discussions with you. That does enable you to question my credentials instead of engaging with my scientific arguments, but you might recall that Susanna, a regular poster here, knows me and has vouched for me, and that Constance does the same for Susanna. In any case I always give scientific explanations rather than say "trust me".

    "Now as for Maxwell, his original equations were written in quarternion precisely because he believed the ether theory of physics, which was never adequately disproved anyway, and done this way what is zero in normal linear equations is instead a something, and that something you can tap into which explains some anomalies like unexpected yields in atomic tests and some oddball electrical stuff."

    Quaternions are just the Clifford-Grassmann Algebra of 3-dimensional space. Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism can be written in standard vector notation or in Clifford algebraic form (although it's best done using the Clifford Algebra of 3+1-space). The physics is the same but the mathematical notation is rather different in the two cases. This has nothing to do with aether, which was decisively shown to be an undetectable and non-useful concept by the experiments that verified Einstein's special theory of relativity.

    I repeat my question: If I wrote down Maxwell's equations on a piece of paper, would you recognise them? Could you solve them in any simple case? And will you duck this question again?

    If you believe that defects in Maxwell's equations are responsible for unexpected yields in early atomic tests, before chain reaction propagation through bulk matter was well understood; and responsible for anomalies in fringe experiments conducted many decades off the pace, then do write down and justify the corrections to Maxwell and win undying fame and a Nobel Prize.

    "The very fact that you can argue the total energy added by HAARP is negligible shows you don't know the difference between a whack with a board and a misfired staple gun of same velocity."

    OK Christine, I'm going to use your rhetorical trick. Go do the calculations yourself, I'm not going to do them for you. Look up what HAARP puts into the ionosphere, compare it over North America with energy already in the atmosphere. Nice calculation and student exercise for you. You will find that I am right.


  80. Anonymous9:45 AM

    To Anon@8.49am, I wrote "Now you claim to understand where and why the laws of physics break down when applied to HAARP, so please do me the favor of explaining in detail. I'm sure Constance will be proud to host the first publication of a Nobel-prizewinning piece of research, even if it is a little off the subject of New Age."

    It remains the case that anybody who demonstrates errors in the laws of physics known today will win a Nobel. That was my only point. There is no error of historical or scientific fact there. If you want to get specific and discuss maser physics with me, that's fine with me although it is way off-topic in a blog about New Age. To which I hope we can return the moment nonsense about physics ceases to be written here.


  81. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Want to learn how New Age propaganda works. Read it here in the context of climate control.

    “Probably the majority of the world does not read news at all. They don’t look at news as to change, to get their information or to change their behaviour. If climate change is about behavioural change, ultimately which I believe it is, then from a media perspective you must, you must look at it in a way that it’s not just about news. It’s about creating an imagination, and a vision, of what a climate change world- or a successfully avoided climate change world- will look like. That will come through film, it will come through soap operas, it will come through reality TV, it will come through novels.”

  82. Anonymous11:04 AM

    New Age is a resurgence of the Nazi movement. Here Nazi style violent techniques are used against a pro-life family. How many will start to keep quiet and how many will stand up to what is going on will determine the direction of the country.

  83. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Well Christine, the physicist has given you the emabarrassing coughing material, all you've got to do now is pack it real firm in your intellectual pipe of ponder and smoke it!

  84. not a question of errors but of incompleteness under some conditions. or incomplete understanding and application. you can for instance use the phased conjugate approach to radio wave propagation to punch through turbulent air.

    I am not going to do calculations and I wasn't being rhetorical. There is a big reason which will NOT be taken into account in making calculations the way you do, in why a 7.72 does as much or more damage as a .45. And the principle is similar to the whack.

    With the board whack, the mass and velocity at impact are distributed over a larger area, and the board being wood will absorb some of the impact.

    The fired staple gun, however, construction quality, has all the power impacting in a small point. that makes it penetrate instead of bruise.

    now while the former can be figured with calculations somewhat, the second example incl. something that you probably won't think to include.

    The speed of sound in water.

    A 7.72 round will hit that speed in flesh, which is mostly water. That means it makes a "sonic boom" like shock wave, which ruptures cells all along the track, tearing a bigger hole and going probably deeper, because of its smaller sharper tip, than a fatter and slower travelling .45 slug.

    So you see, my remark was NOT RHETORICAL.

    and my remarks ARE NEVER RHETORICAL.

    I don't care what your calculations say if there is a chance they are leaving something out. And if you leave out the speed of sound in water for the bullet, you will giggle at the high velocity small caliber round. Until you see the damage.

    Even more damage is done by another kind of round, larger, but hollow looking solid. fragile. breaks open and shrapnel built in inside scatters. This was a round the Russians developed in Afghanistan,
    used in an AK7 variation called the AKM or AKS I forget which.

    See, again, your calculations based solely on shape, weight, speed of projectile and density of target, would leave you scratching your head at the results.


  85. one last thing and then I ignore you. This is getting back to inappropriate for this blog.

    The point about Quarternion which you spewed, is precisely the point you are missing, though you spoke it. And didn't realize what you were saying.

    3 D space.

    Quarternion writing was done by Maxwell in order to express an extra layer of physical reality, which physics back then called ether. The rewrite was done expressly to remove all mystical elements, because it irritated whatsisname who rewrote them.

    But that 3D approach shows an additional layer, for lack of a better phrase, of energy to tap into, which the other notation doesn't show. And that other layer
    is what oddball Tesla physics and other stuff (which sometimes fails because it is tricky) depends on
    and draws on. The problem is engineering to fit it, OR, figuring the equations to make sense of the results.

    NOW I AM IGNORING YOU. all readers, do your own research. and be on guard against mystical misapplication ranging from modern quantum to early ether physics.

    And if you decide to experiment in your basement or garage, first read up on safety procedures in high voltage work. Don't forget the story of the lineman who had all his flesh blown off his bones.

  86. Anonymous3:44 PM


    We were talking about electromagnetic radiation from the HAARP project. YOU introduced the analogy with bullets and guns. It is not a particularly accurate analogy, which is why I didn't comment on it. You have now provided some basic qualitative projectile damage analysis. Good for you, but it is basically irrelevant to what I said about HAARP.

    "you can for instance use the phased conjugate approach to radio wave propagation to punch through turbulent air"

    Radio waves go straight through air anyway. It is ionized gas, in the ionosphere, that is relevant to radio wave propagation. The ionosphere reflects radio waves back down, which is why we can hear radio stations whose transmitters are far over the horizon. "Punch through" it and you don't get any reflection and the wave is lost to space.

    Regarding quaternions (please spell the word correctly), there are several points that need disentangling. First, Maxwell was writing at a time when aether was believed to be necessary for electromagnetic waves to propagate through, just as sound waves need air to propagate through. Sound cannot propagate in a vacuum. Electromagnetic waves can, however. Thankfully, Maxwell was enough of a genius for this not to get in the way of his correct formulation of the equations of electromagnetism.

    Now, Maxwell had an understanding of the physical ideas about electromagnetism that he wanted to express. They can be expressed in mathematics using regular vector notation or using quaternions. These are best thought of as two different methods of shorthand. (In fact the best mathematical shorthand of the lot uses not quaternions, which are the Clifford algebra of 3-space, but the Clifford Algebra of 3+1-space.) But whichever method you use, you will get the same answers to any physical question - the same predictions for what an experiment will show - just as, if you expand two different shorthand techniques back into English, you get the same thing.

    Physicists have looked to see if Maxwell's equations are missing any physics for more than 100 years now, and to accuracies of better than one part in a million. These equations have consistently been confirmed. We are not complacent, though, and whenever new technology means we can test them to better accuracy, we do. Feel free to believe that they are lacking if your conspiracy theories bring you comfort, but do not confuse that with anything real.

    Third time lucky: If I wrote down Maxwell's equations on a piece of paper, in quaternion or conventional vector notation, would you recognise them? Could you solve them in any simple case? Or do you literally not understand what you are talking about, and will you duck this question again? (For a bonus point: What is a quaternion?)

    There is nothing wrong with not knowing about something, but attempting to talk authoritatively about it, and spurning the opportunity to be educated, send signals to Constance's readers that you might do well to ponder.

  87. John Rupp3:59 PM

    Bill Gates and present CEO of Microsoft each donating $100,000.00
    to marriage equality.

  88. John Rupp4:02 PM

    Anon 11:04 am,
    Thank you for sharing that story. That is definately a good example of how the New Age is using Nazi tactics.

  89. Anonymous7:12 PM

    It is rather ironic that everyone who posts on this blog believes that there is a New Age Movement and a New World Order, but dismisses the capabilities of H.A.A.R.P. to modify and control the weather.

    This article (in the link below) is a must read:

  90. take it up with Tom Valone he does practical experiments. quaternion was based on the assumption of the necessity of the ether. not being necessary doesn't mean it isn't there. quaternion has to do with rotation of direction. ether or no ether, put spin into something and you change features in practice. just look at a top or gyroscope.

    "Gary Johnson (1992) reported that electrically induced explosions in water
    exhibiting free energy are relatively easy to produce with a 2 micro-farad
    capacitor charged to 10 kiloVolts. "Expanding steam does not seem to be the
    main cause for the explosions. Similar explosions are obtained with
    significantly different peak currents, which raises questions about the
    longitudinal Ampere forces being the primary cause. It is therefore
    conceivable that we are tapping a new energy source." (Of course, this
    technique may not be the optimum one to extract this energy. But it could
    lead us toward a better understanding of this source.)"

    "Bruce dePalma (1991) points out that the key to understanding and explaining
    the baffling situation of anomalous excess electrical energy generation in
    free energy machines lies in a re-interpretation of magnetism as not being a
    property of the magnet, but of space itself. The Primordial Energy Field is
    then also distorted as a consequence of the spatial reaction to the
    centripetal force field existing within a ROTATING magnetized conductor.
    Bruce says that a N- machine/Space Power Generator is an electrical machine
    which has the capability of producing electrical energy with significantly
    less mechanical power input than the presently employed induction machines.
    In 1978, he constructed such a rotating device, the Sunburst machine. In
    1985, tests were performed under the direction of a well-known Professor
    Emeritus of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. The test report
    quotes: "Known for over 150 years, the Faraday homopolar generator has been
    claimed to provide a basis for so-called free energy generation, in that under
    certain conditions the extraction of electrical output energy is not reflected
    as a corresponding mechanical load to the driving source. During 1985 I was
    invited to test such a machine. While it did not perform as claimed, REPEATABLE DATA SHOWED ANOMALOUS RESULTS THAT DID NOT SEEM TO CONFORM TO TRADITIONAL THEORY.[MY EMPHASIS] ... DePalma may been right in that there is indeed a
    situation here whereby energy is being obtained from a previously unknown and
    unexplained source.""

    I don't do math too much trouble I understand the concepts and what is explained. But I think in rather different terms. Math is really an after the fact effort to describe something and then predict how to get it to happen again.

    When that rotation and angle direction thing on quaternions was explained by a person whose seductive bad theology arguments I prefer not to risk spreading, it was quite an eye opener and made perfect sense. I think in concrete terms, pie graphs and visual thinking.

    In regular notation a sum in zero in quaternion it is more like a potential or actual presence? engineer something to tap that presence.

  91. Anonymous8:18 PM


    I've better things to do with my time than discuss what happened in experiments written up in a single paragraph by someone who wasn't present. When they come up with a perpetual motion machine that gives free energy I'll be impressed and eat humble pie. People have been claiming this for centuries but it hasn't happened yet and there is no greater reason to suppose it is just round the corner.

    "quaternion was based on the assumption of the necessity of the ether. not being necessary doesn't mean it isn't there. quaternion has to do with rotation of direction. ether or no ether, put spin into something and you change features in practice. just look at a top or gyroscope."

    It's quaternionS, Christine. Plural. Invented by William Rowan Hamilton and a piece of pure mathematics. You misunderstand the relation between math and physics. Quaternions have nothing whatsoever to do with aether; they constitute a highly economical mathematical way to describe events and interactions in 3-space, particularly those involving rotating objects. Aether was a putative physical substance pervading space. It was in question at the same time as quaternionic notation had its first vogue, and some aether theories used quaternions. But there is no special relationship between aether (a question in physics) and quaternions (a question in math). You are very plainly out of your depth.


    PS To Anon@7.12pm: Don't believe everything you read online about HAARP. The internet is full of trash, and you don't have to fill your head with it. I've explained above why HAARP cannot be a systematic long-distance weather modifier.

  92. MY LAST REPONSE, because arguing with you derails the blog,

    "Quaternions have nothing whatsoever to do with aether; "

    I apologize for being tired enough I misstated what I think is already obvious, given the Maxwell context.



  93. Anonymous12:46 AM

    I have not been here for a while but stopped in for a look and I see nothing has changed. Christine is as boring as ever and it is she who derailed this blog.

  94. Anonymous5:11 AM


    We all make mistakes when we are tired. But the mistakes you are making obviously derive from basic lack of understanding of math and physics. I can tell because I regularly set and marked undergrad student work. You know a little of the jargon (we use jargon as shorthand, not for obfuscation) and mix it with guesswork in a semi-random way that is characteristic of a student who is well out of depth in an exam.

    You wrote: "I don't do math too much trouble I understand the concepts and what is explained." Well, Christine, I understand in principle how to play the piano - you put your fingers on the right keys and press - but if you gave me the score of even the simplest piece I could not actually play it, because I never have done. That is what you are like here with the mathematical laws of physics.

  95. Anonymous5:45 AM

    For when irresponsible journalists and scientific popularisers trying to increase their readership by mixing today's discovery with religious talk, here is what has actually happened...

    Physicists are looking for a key component of the standard theory of elementary particles, a particle called the Higgs boson. They've found a particle with a size and some other properties consistent with it being the Higgs. Further properties of what they've found are yet to be measured and compared against what theory says about the Higgs. Only if it passes all of those tests can the particle they've discovered be definitely declared to be the Higgs, and the basic theory bolstered. But, because of the importance of the Higgs to the basic theory, and because of the magnitude of the search, even the present discovery is big news in physics. It has absolutely no consequences for everyday life, however, unless you are a particle physicist.

    The Physicist

  96. Anonymous7:51 AM

    New particle fits description of elusive Higgs boson, scientists say

    (CNN) -- "Scientists said Wednesday that they had discovered a new particle whose characteristics match those of the Higgs boson, the most sought-after particle in physics, which could help unlock some of the universe's deepest secrets."

    "We have reached a milestone in our understanding of nature," said Rolf Heuer, the director general of the European Organization for Nuclear Research, which has been carrying out experiments in search of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world's largest particle accelerator."

    "The discovery of a particle consistent with the Higgs boson opens the way to more detailed studies, requiring larger statistics, which will pin down the new particle's properties, and is likely to shed light on other mysteries of our universe," Heuer said."

    "The particle has been so difficult to pin down that the physicist Leon Lederman reportedly wanted to call his book "The Goddamn Particle." But he truncated that epithet to "The God Particle," which may have helped elevate the particle's allure in popular culture."

    "More: Why the 'God Particle' may be key to universe ... "

  97. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Christine (she jolts awake as if momentarily exiting her delirium - 'tired' she calls it), how's that pondersome pipe smoking going?

    Hopefully you've begun to realize that it sure is better to stick to what you know. Hey, if you did that, despite all your enthusiasm, you'd hardly ever post here again!

    Think about it .... it's never to late to learn, even for you.

  98. John Rupp1:34 PM

    This is a very interesting article on President Vladimir Putin's recent visit to Israel back on June 25th. It has some interesting information on how Putin thinks of the United States. I got this link from Javier Solana's website.

  99. Anonymous2:41 PM

    It's a good job that the Higgs boson happened to be in Geneva when the particle detector there was switched on.

  100. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Why to get involved if Israel attacks Iran, and why not to fear doing so, by a top historian:

  101. John, interesting article. pretty accurate as far as I can tell, but the details on Russia and Syria were new to me.

    Sounds like everyone in the Middle East and Russia are one big edgy family of potentially hostile cousins and half brothers and so forth, the sort who run businesses together but also launch brawls over family get together dinner table with food and crockery flying at times, and some long lost member is buried out in the back 40....

  102. from an air force site a .mil site, at the article at the weather modification link

    "Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally... It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog, and storms on earth or to modify space weather, ... and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of technologies which can provide substantial increase in US, or degraded capability in an adversary, to achieve global awareness, reach, and power. (US Air Force, emphasis added. Air University of the US Air Force, AF 2025 Final Report, emphasis added)"

    the link is now dead, but the Wayback Machine has this

    scroll down and click on Final Report

    apparently this capability is something the Air Force considers a likely future situation and that can only be based on existing research.

  103. Anonymous7:24 AM

    The Hidden Faith of The Founding Fathers 2010

    "The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers" by Adullam Films, written & directed by Christian J. Pinto. The full presentation is 3 hours long, and covers the beliefs of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, and John Adams. The film also gives a Biblical view of what these men believed, and how their philosophies are acknowledged in Bible prophecy. Learn more at

    Hellfire Club - Ben Franklin...

    Guess what Ben Franklin did in his free time while in Britian!
    They also found bodies of adults and children under his flat in London when they were renovating it for historical purposes. Bohemian Grove ring a bell?

    T. Jefferson was blasphemous in the extreme, rewriting the Holy Bible to suit his lies & expressedly supporting the illuminati and Weishaupt in his writings.

    A nation of rebellion against that which God had instilled was created he same year as the jesuits officially set up their strawman organization, with Jesuit trained Weishaupt, the illuminati in 1776!

  104. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Given that the military sometimes gets even military matters wrong, it is not surprising that they sometimes get science wrong. They have a strong motivation for weather modification and they will listen selectively to (and pay large consultancy fees to!) scientists who tell them that this can be done. But can it?


    In general you can only tease lightning from clouds with a stepped laser beam if they are already thunderclouds. You can only make clouds rain by seeding them if they are already present and are quite close to precipitating anyway. There is no feasible way to influence the amount of moisture in the atmosphere in the first place, which might condense into clouds.

    In general, anything that man can do today is in practice far too small, relative to what nature is doing, to make any significant difference to the weather in a region. That is why I believe Wikipedia rather than internet trash or reports issued by generals who are not getting value from their consultants.

  105. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Sounds sane to me, 11:04 AM. It's good to see the more sober such as yourself and our pet physicist coming to the fore. Such sound judgement is needed to anchor the folk in to today's reality, otherwise the USS Cumbey is liable to drift into unsure waters of speculation and risk capsizing in a tsunami of lies. Yep, better to be anchored at Anchorage, than folk's reasoning to be swept away and lured along with the flotsom and jetsom into fictitious crags of Gakona by a rabied siren called Christine pretending to play the haarp!

  106. Anonymous12:33 PM

    She sure is away with the faries!

  107. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Greetings Anon@12.30pm,

    This is Anon@11.04am. I am also the physicist here - I forgot to sign that one!

  108. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Physicist, John Rupp, Susanna, JD, - calm voices that keep the blogger side on topic. Thanks folks.

  109. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Hi physicist,

    this is anon 12:30 here. I fully understand. Once again, you're a breath of fresh air 'round these parts.

    Thank you!

  110. Anonymous5:08 PM

    This is Anon 12:30 PM here, I totally agree, anon 2:39 PM and couldn't have said it better myself!

  111. Anonymous5:09 PM



  112. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Hello all,

    just want to put my cents worth.

    Christine is getting it heavy, I dont post here much, more of a reader.

    She has good points, just hope she would give others more of a chance to post. If she calmed down a little and didnt try to be so agressive and right always.

    Id hate to see her bullied out.

  113. Anonymous6:31 PM

    It would take a bulldozer to bully Christine out. She loves to see herself in print. Besides, she's anonymous. Nothing can bounce back into her day to day life. Anything that makes people who look into New Age look like wild eyed speculators discourages further input. Unless we face off against ideas that look far off the wall, it looks as if we agree with it.

  114. Anonymous6:38 PM


    You wrote: "Unless we face off against ideas that look far off the wall, it looks as if we agree with it."

    I profoundly agree. That's why I take up trash physics when it appears here (from anyone!)


  115. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Why oh why do I keep finding things I feel the need to share with others!

    A few paragraphs. Read the entire thing on your own.

    "Muslim witch hunts aren’t only limited to Saudi Arabia. In Iran, Ahmadinejad’s allies have been accused of being sorcerers. In Pakistan, witch hunts end the old fashioned away, with a bonfire. One woman, accused of burning the Koran in a magical ritual, had her fingers cut off, her eyes poked out and gasoline poured all over her body. “She burnt the Koran, so we burnt her,” was the explanation.

    In the Maldives, Sheikh Abdullah Bin Mohamed called for the passage of an Anti-Sorcery Act. The Maldives already has its own witch hunts and in 1993 arrested a witch for giving magic scrolls to a presidential candidate to help him win an election—a novel form of electoral fraud. It doesn’t however mandate the death penalty for witches, which is what the Sheikh is calling for, in line with Sharia law. “Sorcery has become a social plague in the Maldives which needs to be cured,” he said. And Islam has a reliable way of curing things by chopping their heads off.

    Black magic is also a serious problem in the United Arab Emirates...."

    It looks as if there is a lot of belief in paganism there.

  116. Besides, she's anonymous.

    er, what? I have my full name and information other than home address and phone number available through the live link on my posting name which is my middle name on my birth certificate. If you use a pay search you can probably find that stuff as well.

    Physicist is totally anonymous.

    nothing can bounce back into my day to day life? here, bounce all you want.

    530 558 8039

    anyone who knows me will sooner or later hear everything or the sort of things I say here.


    and the complaint is that the poor cost money?

  118. Anonymous4:18 AM


    Because Islam imposes itself top-down, ie convert-or-die (that's in the koran), it has a problem with lingering paganism to which people have allegiance of the heart. The result after many centuries is what is called folk Islam, which mingles koranic Islam and paganism. Where Christianity has attempted to spread by converting a ruler and then getting him to impose the faith, the same problem has arisen. True Christianity is a grassroots movement.

    Folk Islam remains widespread in many so-called Islamic lands. Strict monotheistic Islamists are then liable to call people witches. This is often done selectively, against people they dislike.

    Although Christians should not take the law into their own hands, let us not forget that God himself called for the execution of witches in the Law of Moses.

  119. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Anon@4:18 a.m.

    Black magic is also found in India, China, and even the U.S. When I was in school, the kids were into both black and white magic. A lot of very gruesome murders have had people involved in the occult.

  120. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Anonymous 4:18

    When I sent out the information to my email list, I added this paragraph:

    It looks as if there is a lot of belief in paganism there. Dare we call it New
    Age thinking? One possibility is that there is a reality to the supernatural
    which is behind paganism. That would account for beliefs that aren't logical.
    If there is no reality to the supernatural world, just believing there is can
    lead people to believe things emotionally rather than logically. Either way it
    accounts for the irrationality in those countries. There is more here than I
    can research on my own.

    Anonymous 11:02
    I agree. Hoodoo, Voodoo, Voudou, Voudon, Santaria, you'll have to look them up to see the differences. They all delve into the supernatural emotionally.

    New Age occult practices just put an intellectual spin on the same kind of efforts. They can be dangerous on many levels even though practitioners rationalize the benefits.

    This kind of thinking is quite different from Judaism and Christianity. Look around the communities that practice those listed and see what can take over the US.

  121. Anonymous1:52 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  122. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Anon. 7:24: I too fell for the notion of Thomas Jefferson being a Christian Reprobate, but was relieved after seeing David Barton, a guest on the Joni Show- on Daystar TV- the show originally played July 5th. The shows are archived, and easily accessed on "Daystar On Demand". It seems that the aggressive Atheists and Agnostics are very eager for Americans to believe that the Founders of the country are in their Club. Barton's book is "The Jefferson Lies"; his website is: Barton's evidence is compelling, and I recommend that installment of the show for history buffs concerned about the trashing of the Founders by the MSM- at least in the case of Thomas Jefferson. Will

  123. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Christine and Justina are the same person. So much for the intelligence of the poster. Dorothy must have gotten to the heart of something to set off that nut case. Wonder what it was.

  124. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Well, at least the poster could have been more original. Stealing from Shakespeare - Macbeth, Act IV, Scene I

    How tacky.

  125. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Constance, please delete that nasty post about Dorothy and Christine. Such a little person does not deserve a forum.

  126. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Anon 3:14 3:24 4:02 - Dorothy?

    I think the lady does protest too much! Lol!

  127. Anonymous6:42 PM

    You may have meant it as a compliment to Dorothy, but it's pretty insulting to the rest of us to suggest she's the only one who could recognize lines from Macbeth

  128. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Yes it is generous to cast Dorothy as having particular talent regards MacBeth. I couldn't think of a more appropriate person.


  129. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Yes it is generous to cast Dorothy as having particular talent regards MacBeth. I couldn't think of a more appropriate person.


  130. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Obviously whoever posted the lines from Macbeth is more comfortable with the kind of plotting than she is. After all, posting the lines from Macbeth and attributing them to someone they don't like is something that the characters in that play would do. It was something that so easily came to their mind.

  131. Anonymous7:56 PM

    7:44 PM, my oh my, it took you so long to reply ... what a poor attempt at pop psychology you make. You sound like a grizzly with a thorn in its paw. Dorothy, it is you isn't it?

  132. Anonymous7:56 PM

    7:44 PM, my oh my, it took you so long to reply ... what a poor attempt at pop psychology you make. You sound like a grizzly with a thorn in its paw. Dorothy, it is you isn't it?

  133. Founding Fathers - in Russia it is called "Dvoeverie" or double faith or dual belief, Christian but retaining folk customs that derive from false religion before Christianity, and some outright magic. This was always denounced by the priests. Where there is freemasonry you automatically have this hypocrisy and double think.

    Though the less well known signers of the Declaration of Independence incl. legitimate Christians, the high profile founding fathers had other agendas as well. Masonry has always had a pagan angle to it, and this may have become emphasized with time, I have read Capt. Morgan's expose, and the original ceremony of initiation incl. the novice rising up from the coffin with help from two others, the novice maintaining a stiff as a board position.

    Now THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT IS DESCRIBED IN CLASSICAL NECROMANCY, where a fresh corpse is dug up and a demon conjured into it with a blood sacrifice, and the reanimated corpse croaks and creaks out some statements in answer to questions. The corpse pitches board stiff upright onto its feet.

    This brands the foundations of masonry as connected to the worst of black magic.

    Of course this is kept under cover and people in it don't understand and they are taken step by step.

    All this talk about ancient mysteries and so forth, predisposes the more curious to pursue things not directly spoken of in masonry, but the initiate is pointed in that direction. Personal research will take him further.

    The big problem is not the obvious devil worshipping nut case on meth with wierd clothing, it is the respectable church goers who have another side to their lives.

    The Founders were engaged in a mixed kind of thing, but the American version of revolutionism was more Christian influenced than the continental versions.

    Also, the American Revolution was more of an upholding of an earlier English tradition of rights and so forth, which a German derived king was violating. Though The Enlightenment played a role, it wasn't the only thing. A concept of freedom rooted in Christian responsibility, instead of either demonic anarchy or feudal Christianity being the options offered.

    America has always been a mission field, just look at the history of revivalism and gun toting preachers on the frontier and wild west. Between up front evil livers and hypocritical pharisee type church as part of social order versions of Christianity, conversion was needed in all generations.

    If you dig into history, you find a lot of wierd stuff in the USA and among the colonies only a few were religious based.

  134. why do some people hate Dorothy? is it because she often hits on some real important stuff that some don't like being discussed? moles? or just that she's Jewish?

    To the latter I say, in the words of a Russian bishop who opposed pogroms

  135. Our power is out until morning. I am reaching you now on my portable internet, but little juice is left. Please, please, please stop sniping at one another.



    federal prosecutor John Loftus interview on treason by big money during WW II and two rival elements within the CIA and more.

  137. Anonymous3:45 PM

    To Constance & everyone ~

    Even though this story has been all over the national and local news (not to mention Google and Facebook), I just want to remind everyone that on Monday, July 9th - the FBI will turn off servers linked to cyberthieves and thousands of people may lose Internet access.

    Yesterday, our Houston Chronicle provided the following link to check to see if our PC is infected If a PC has the DNSChanger malware, links are provided to resources to remove it.

  138. John Rupp9:52 PM

    Is this for real?? I had to think twice about what country I live in when I first read this!

  139. "were against the city's building code, Fox News Radio reported.

    "They're cracking down on religious activities and religious use," Salman told Fox News Radio. "They're attacking what I as a Christian do in the privacy of my home."

    Vicki Hill, Phoenix's chief assistant city prosecutor, said religious freedom had nothing to do with it and that it was a matter of public safety.

    "Any time you are holding a gathering of people continuously, as he does – we have concerns about people being able to exit the facility properly in case there is a fire," Hill told Fox News Radio. "It came down to zoning and proper permitting.""

    I can understand their point, however I strongly suspect that if a moslem mini madrassah was set up in that neighborhood you would have the ACLU screaming bloody murder.

    Perhaps he should go to the ACLU about this.

  140. Anonymous10:14 AM

    The White House
    Office of the Press Secretary
    For Immediate Release

    July 06, 2012
    Executive Order -- Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions
    - - - - - - -
    By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
    Section 1. Policy. The Federal Government must have the ability to communicate at all times and under all circumstances to carry out its most critical and time sensitive missions. Survivable, resilient, enduring, and effective communications, both domestic and international, are essential to enable the executive branch to communicate within itself and with: the legislative and judicial branches; State, local, territorial, and tribal governments; private sector entities; and the public, allies, and other nations. Such communications must be possible under all circumstances to ensure national security, effectively manage emergencies, and improve national resilience. The views of all levels of government, the private and nonprofit sectors, and the public must inform the development of national security and emergency preparedness (NS/EP) communications policies, programs, and capabilities.


  141. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Because of the way posters here can be treated by the blog owner, as if they are all equal inferiors to her who are to fight it out among themselves in some sort of blog version of a Roman coliseum while she waves her handkerchief and says "don't fight", I no longer will post here. Those who make an effort to share information about the New Age movement deserve respect from her as well as from other posters.

    For over 30 years I've been sharing information with her and others, including all of the years I've posted on the blog, about the movement. She has not fought the battle alone by any means. Those who are still reading here know my posting style and what I've had to post anonymously.

    Anyone who wants to join my mailing list can reach me with a little effort. If you don't put out the effort, you don't deserve to learn.

    I'm not open to hearing about wheat and chaff or any of the many excuses used.


  142. Anonymous4:39 PM


    This is Physicist (and occasionally Anon - it was me who told you how to split up posts that kept getting rejected).

    I for one will miss you; I have learned from you, have largely agreed with you, and where I have occasionally disagreed have never responded with insults. I see why you have had enough, but the Law of Moses says that certain things are wrong (such as envy) without specifying any penalty, and Constance is following the same model when she says that sniping is wrong without refusing those nasty posts. Hate speech is the cost of free speech, and I believe the price is worth paying.

    Every blessing to you.

  143. Susanna7:45 PM

    Dear Christine,

    Bravo to you for the way you defended my friend Dorothy!

    You and I have not always agreed on everything, but anyone who knows me knows that I am always willing to give credit where credit is due.

    Again BRAVO!

  144. Susanna7:55 PM


    I will miss you here on the blog as well.

    Like my friend the Physicist, I have learned much from you and hope to continue our conversations off blog.

    I agree with anonymous 3:14 P.M. who suggested that you must have rattled somebody's cage with your astute observations.

  145. thank you Susanna and ditto.

    Dorothy I would like to subscribe to your email list.

  146. Please pray for us and forgive my lack of participation. Our power has been out since Friday night. I'm using my very limited battery and Verizon portable "hot spot" to check on repair times. We were first promised early restoration. A few other homes are affected. 22 in our zipcode. The issue they say is "transformer trouble."


  147. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Dear Dorothy:

    You know that you always have my loyal support.

    I agree with everything that our mutual friends, Susanna and 'the Physicist' have said. So, while I am going to miss the benefit of your brilliant 30 plus years of research and valuable participation on this blog (they are the losers here)...this is not goodbye, as we will continue our stimulating discussions off line.

    ~ Rita (who posts as 'anonymous')

  148. Anonymous1:40 PM


    I think Constance deserves the benefit of the doubt on this one. From her 10:45 post, it appears that she was writing very much in haste, and did not have time to review the entire thread. She may not even have seen the original post that started this and which someone asked to be removed. I hope you will at least give Constance a chance to clarify, and then reconsider your position.

  149. Anonymous1:41 PM

    In addition, Constance is having power trouble. It is quite possible she has not been able to address this matter yet and will do so when she is back online.

  150. Anonymous9:18 PM

    AP) Episcopal bishops OK trial same sex blessing service; full church backs transgender ordination

  151. Our power came back on about 10 p.m. I have been extraordinarily busy in my usual underpaid fashion on a number of legal cases I have taken responsibility for. Between that, need for assistance to family members, and the power outage, I haven't been as active here as I ordinarily am. Indeed, I did not have the opportunity to review the whole thread. On the weekend, I had to jealously conserve battery time as we were operating on flashlights and stored battery power and I needed to save the computer for emergency use only. Thanks for everybody's patience.


  152. Scanning quickly, I perceive the offending item was the anonymous 1:52 which I have deleted. I'm sure it was very funny to the author who obviously has a "gift" of undetermined sources for what is either black comedy or occult formulae. For the record, he/she/it needs a spellchecker. It is NOT "caldron" -- it is CAULDRON -- or at least so I thought -- I just googled it and discovered it is an alternative spelling.


  153. That stuff was from Shakespear where some witches are blithering over their cauldron in one of his plays.

  154. "I would be remiss if I left readers with the impression that the Christian faith is the sole source of some of these critical features of the American brand of democracy and ordered liberty. It is not. Another major inspiration for the American founding was the Roman Republic. There, too, one could find things like checks and balances, a degree of democracy, and the separation of powers. It is a fault of some scholars that they want to give all the credit to classical (Greco-Roman) sources and none to Christian ones. I won’t make the same mistake in reverse.

    It would be more accurate to say that our enduring and successful constitutional republic was founded by Americans drawing from both sources (which is a point Michael Novak has made). One can effectively derive support for freedom and democracy from the Christian tradition alone, without reference to the Greco-Roman precedents, but it would be wrong to suggest that the American Constitution was inspired in that way. The American founding was a fusion of Christian and classical sources. Happily, the Christian influence successfully modified some of the worst elements of the classical tradition, such as its deficit in virtues like humility, mercy, and compassion.

    What I do think is incontestable is that a strong Christian influence arose from ordinary citizens living in an American culture thoroughly permeated with the Bible and the church in various manifestations. At the popular level, there was no contest; the Christian faith was the greater influence by far. The Bible was the one book everyone owned and most read."
    Calls for Freedom, Democracy & Secularism End Up with None of the Above

    by Hunter Baker Touchstone Magazine

  155. Anonymous8:11 AM

    hub bub

  156. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Yawn Trollothy. As you see, MOST here want rid of you (As their silence implies). How dare you be so abusive to the administrator of this blog, who has done nothing but support you (removing the allegedly offending post & remaining silent despite your nasty tirade against her).

    You're a control freak Dorothy and the sooner this blog and others like it are rid of you the better. Sure, you have some valuable finds once in a while but nothing more than other regs here who no longer post because of you and your sicophant Christine.

    Most of what you produce, however, is worldly tripe and offensive control methods against anyone you choose without reason to despise. I for one will be glad to see the back of you and I am certainly not alone.

    A long time reader and certainly no fan.

  157. "Most of what you produce, however, is worldly tripe"

    Whatever her motives, the research and information looks good. I would say this blog is worldly focussed in its concerns about euro politics anyway.

    Exactly what would you consider NON worldly as opposed to her worldliness?

    Given the infiltration of New Age and disguised new age emergent and growth church stuff in the evangelical churches, I would say that you DO need to say more than "accept Christ," if the next thing the person is going to run into is someone spouting Fox and Cosmic christ stuff.

    naturally being Jewish and not a committed Christian she is going to have a slightly different slant on things. But whether you are worried about the antichrist being around the corner, or an aggressive antisemitism or an aggressive occultism or an aggressive atheism, your target for criticism is usually going to be similar, and your research on totalitarian trends the same.

    "and offensive control methods"

    meaning what? when she disagrees she says so, if she thinks something is bunk she says so? if she thinks she spots a hidden agenda with someone she says so?

    maybe you are the control freak and don't like anything resembling competition.

    Please give an example of what is worldly, of what you would consider a non worldly approach to the same subject and what was control freaking methods?

    Dorothy dumped on me once I recall, but that's okay. If she's right, and most of the time she is, then she's right, and anything wrong can be discerned and set aside and use the rest. I probably still hold whatever position she thought was dumb, but mostly she posts good stuff.

    Like I said a while back to Constance, I think there may be New Age or other undesirable plants here, who don't dare attack Constance's posts of course, but attack the exact same kind of research and writing she has done in her books and sometimes here.

    Kabbalah is a mixed bag of tricks, and frankly the more I read about it the less I think any of it is useful, but the average committed Jew who gets into some of it is probably thinking more along the lines of glorifying God in how you use the creation, than the deeper darker Kabbalah stuff. Book Briah is the least objectionable. Zohar is flat out crazy and Yetzirah is, well, looks boring and alphabetical and is probably a list to use in making amulets.

  158. Anonymous11:17 AM


    you may think you're helping Dorothy but if she wanted you to patronize her I'm sure she'll tell you, how's that? Dorothy can fight her own battles, she's a tougher lady than you think.

    She has hardly had a run in with you. Yet strange as it seems, I wouldn't be surprised to find out you are the anon poster against Dorothy. Is that it? So you can pretend to step in and defend her, so everyone pats your back?

    The one ruining this blog with your swearing, fairy-science and New Age ideas about aliens and more is you. There are so few posters worth anything here these days, ever since you arrived.


  159. I am not patronizing anyone. I am simply calling it as I see it. And what I see, is that anytime anyone gets on the main track Constance used to do and sometimes still does, instead of euro politics, the track of a combined view of occultism, politics and social movements and stuff, and notes corruption as well on the right, they get attacked and mocked.

    Very odd.

    Aliens are not a new age idea. but they often promote such ideas themselves, which tells me some are demons and some are totally amoral and probably demonized people who will block anything incl. Biblical Christianity that interferes with their use of psychic powers on someone or interferes with mind control that might not be psychic but induces passive victimizable trance states.

    mathematics is essentially a waste of time. All it is is the result of measuring realities, then using the measurements as a template you can duplicate the realities and sometimes push the envelope to more realities.

    But the history of mathematics is a history of inventing new mathematical ways every so often, as realities start to include stuff or need reorganizing more efficiently, that needs some different kind of practice to make a template and reproduce, or make it fit to an existing framework.

    Logarithms, calculus, trigonometry are all examples.

    Now, fairy science doesn't produce enough energy to ratchet up pressure to make a fatal explosion in a lab as happened with one cold fusion experiment.

    and the Japanese who are pouring money into such research aren't fools. Something is there worth working on.

    Any "physicist" who can't be bothered to examine something that can be described in a paragraph, isn't worth my time or anyone else's.

    I suppose you consider demons to be a new age issue also. Well, if someone says "multidimensional different density intelligence," that person is new age, but what they are describing is a demon.

  160. Anonymous12:42 PM

    "Kabbalah is a mixed bag of tricks" ...

    What has Dorothy to do with the Kabbalah as you imply Christine?

    Evidence from her posts supporting such will suffice. Please provide it.

  161. What has Dorothy to do with the Kabbalah as you imply Christine?

    Evidence from her posts supporting such will suffice. Please provide it.

  162. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Wow Christine, thanks!

    Dorothy is straying into promoting the same stuff as NAM then!

    Paul was right and that's why she hates him so much.

    She even claims as though we are all part of God in a New Age 'borg' way, even capitalizing, where she talks of man being created in God's image and therefore they have "the Divine Spark within them". She ignores the fall of man and that man being created in God's image is broken and can only be fixed by being reconciled to God. How? Through accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Dorothy of course rejects this.

    I agree with Pete from your link, posting at 9:37 AM, where he states:


    You said:
    "If I were you I would be very careful about what you call evil. It is an attack that can backfire if those in authority do not like how you think"

    Isa 5:20 says "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

    I am curious about your position on Kabbalah, you seem to be advocating Mystisism.



    Dorothy's position reminds me of a certain Doreen Dotan who goes by the youtube name SiverRedIndigo.

    Watch her being exposed here and see what I mean.

    Kabbalah Secrets Revealed! An Expose 1/2

    Kabbalah Secrets Revealed! An Expose 1/2


    The info exposed in the videos above is probably why Dorothy replies to Pete, 2:23 PM:

    "Tell you what Pete. I agree with you in that I think Christians should stay far away from even thinking about all of the Kabbalahs, much less writing about them. Too many Christians can't even get the books of the Jewish Bible right. See what you can do about that. Since I'm not Christian, your efforts won't affect me."

    To which Pete at 3:49 PM rightly replies:

    " ... I just hope that you are aware that God forbids such practices. Deut 18:10-12"

    Which Constance Cumbey to her great credit and courage has already rightly pointed out: "...I do believe that the Kabbalah and the clear Torah mandates of Deuteronomy 18 are incompatible."

    Dorothy then sarcastically snipes at 4:46 PM:

    "Pete, thank you for telling me God has authorized you to speak for him."

    Now I see why she's so unliked, though there are gentler ways of
    dealing with her than some have done so, we must expose her NAM position and the evils of Kabbalah.

    Thanks for the info,


  163. well, well, well. more fairy science I suppose, different track though. ancient genetic engineering by mad scientists of ages past modern genome pointers in that direction re platypus

    "One interesting finding is that the male platypus chromosome (Y in mammals) is more like a bird's male chromosome (Z in birds). The female chromosome (X in mammals) is more like a bird's female chromosome (W in birds). Unlike other mammals, the playtpus male testes remain internal and never descend.
    What if this really shows the results of ancient genetic engineering?
    The genome of the platypus is primarily mammalian, but it also contains gene sequences of birds and reptiles."

    article at

    now, back to my theory that at least some aliens are in fact genetically engineered humans from ages ago, who survived the Flood offworld, and are coming back.

    Probably some cataclysm offworld also, which crippled their ability to return for a few thousand years.

  164. Dorothy makes clear that God's image and sparks are not pantheism or identity between God and creation.

    However, for the simple minded, it is a difficult distinction and as one post notes, the Jewish rabbis said o one should study Kabbalah under 40 years of age.

    Dorothy, what did you mean that Christians don't get Jewish Scriptures right? if you are talking about the absence of the word Christ in OT, that is Greek Christos which means Anointed One, the Hebrew of which is Messiah.

    That Daniel is not among the Prophets in Jewish categories but Writings, is a development after Rabbi Akiva c. AD 90, because Josephus mentions Daniel as among the prophets in his time. There was quite an overhaul under Akiva at Jamnia, with a view to countering Christianity, at the time still a Jewish sect.

    Did you have something else in mind?

  165. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Perhaps I shouldn't have been harsh on you Christine.

    In retrospect, I was rather shocked to find Dorothy had actually said those things on the link you gave.

    I do find some of what you say interesting, it just seems a bit off course to me sometimes. I do find the physicist has been hard on you too but am sure he meant well.

    We may disagree on many things but you're not so bad after all.


  166. Dorothy may have some flaws from a Christian perspective, inherent to her not being a Christian, but we should be able to get around that and appreciate her research.

  167. Christine,
    Did you say that mathematics is a waste of time?
    Wow, who knew ?

  168. Anonymous5:04 PM

    I think I spoke a little soon in my last post to you Christine.

    Dorothy is ever the blind gnostic, spouting NAM ideas and reiterating the lie from the Garden of Eden.

    Those "Jewish" "Rabbis" you speak of are children of the Devil to suggest even people over 40 should study or be permitted to study the Kabbalah, implying to believe and fopllow its evil doctrine rather than expose it!

    There are Jewish Rabbis who are totally against Kabbalah and its racism. I suggest you see the two videos I provided for education and exposure purposes.

    The Kabbalah is an abominable book straight from the pit of Hell.

    Did you have something else in mind?


  169. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I realize you're as NAM as they come Christine.

    Thanks for letting us know about Dorothy, even if you do somewhat retract from the findings.

    To sum it all up, I guess addition was never really your strong point Christine. However, this forum minus you and Dorothy would amount to a great deal more in value that's for sure!

    Well said Paul at 5:03 PM.


  170. I can add and subtract fine.

    and no I am not NAM at all. I know the existence of certain things, that they falsely claim supports their theology, and also the dangers of them. Most of their ideas about the energy body are based in the false idea that physical matter is evil or at best illusion, and their idea of healthy or spiritual is usually wrong.

    I have seen the golden usually particulate and sometimes red tinged or brassy glow on some people that Theosophy says means they are highly spiritual.

    Theosophy is luciferic.

    those people I saw were into demons etc. all those I knew enough about to know one way or another.

    And lucifer is latin for helal, which a masonic apologist said meant the golden glitter of a king's robe, pride, power, wealth and mental scattering.

    I thought BINGO! that's what I've been seeing.

    It is a pity that RC iconography makes otherwise natural looking people have such glows, Eastern Orthodox art and halos are very stiff and artificial and colors relate to symbolism of this and that, and you won't get confused and misled this way. One monk with some "sight" said that the holiness color that the iconographers were trying to depict was more like a pale beige almost silvery trace gold, and the best they could do was gold.

    But the cartoon like figures in icons do not set you up to think such a glow shows holiness, it is too sharply demarcated and artificial looking. no pretense at depiction of anything you would see.

  171. That particular expose only deals with a part of Kabbalah, and one can play pick and choose with it.

    Personally I agree with the rabbi who said that Kabbalah was "a disease of the mind." Between Luria's ideas about creation and the stuff that woman the kabbalist was blathering is a big leap. Perhaps Luria taught this also. I don't know. I do know that some of his ideas made the Shabbatai Zevi debacle possible, according to Gershom Scholem.

    The whole point about don't study Kabbalah until at least 40 is that you are less likely to get caught up in its dangers and errors, and be able to extract and use what is safe. Why they don't work up an expurgated version that is safe is anyone's guess.

  172. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Christine, I'm only trying to be nice in letting you know you sound and are, obviously to everyone reading, confused dear.

    Are you or should you be taking any medication we ought to know about?


  173. Anonymous5:37 PM

    There's nothing safe about Kabbalah. It is Babylonian yeast, the leaven of the pharisees, and it is poisonous through and through.


  174. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Christine has directed us to where Dorothy wrote: "Judaism teaches us that all human beings are created in the divine image and therefore are linked to God by the Divine Spark within them... As far as Ein Sof, the idea is not that the sparks are parts of God as if everything is a big jigsaw puzzle. The spark is more like the feeling you get when you love someone."

    There is simply not enough information in this quote to determine whether Dorothy is or is not New Age. "Divine Spark" is merely her translation of NESHAMAH, the Hebrew word signifying what God blew into Adam. I urge folks to read more of her output before reaching any conclusion.

  175. Anonymous6:20 PM

    I urge folks to be very careful before accepting anything a promoter of kabbalah says.

    See the links exposing the views of those who practise and promote it.

    Kabbalah Secrets Revealed! An Expose 1/2

    Kabbalah Secrets Revealed! An Expose 2/2



  176. Anonymous6:31 PM

    "Any "physicist" who can't be bothered to examine something that can be described in a paragraph, isn't worth my time or anyone else's."

    Ah Christine, you said in capital letters that your remarks ARE NEVER RHETORICAL. Another falsehood, as your words above demonstrate by example. As to the matter of fact involved, readers can look back up this thread and decide for themselves whether my comment was reasonable.

    "mathematics is essentially a waste of time. All it is is the result of measuring realities, then using the measurements as a template you can duplicate the realities and sometimes push the envelope to more realities. But the history of mathematics is a history of inventing new mathematical ways every so often, as realities start to include stuff or need reorganizing more efficiently, that needs some different kind of practice to make a template and reproduce, or make it fit to an existing framework. Logarithms, calculus, trigonometry are all examples."

    Allow me to explain this a little more clearly. Mathematics is the formal expression of pattern. The patterns arising in the natural world therefore inspire mathematics, and the resulting mathematics often finds application in fields beyond the one that inspired a piece of mathematics. If you think it is a waste of time, you are entitled to your opinion but without modern mathematics the computer on which you typed that and uploaded it to the internet would never have been developed.

    "I can add and subtract fine." But you couldn't recognise Maxwell's equations let alone solve them, could you?


  177. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Let me be clear! I have not an anti-Semitic bone in my body. I have Jewish (racially, although they are Christians) cousins and love them dearly.

    I am against Kabbalah and will expose individuals, Jewish or gentile, who hate Christians and do their best to villify them when they expose that which is false.

    If anyone claims otherwise about me they are a liar and creating an ad hominem to divert attention. I made a distinction earlier between Jewish rabbis and "Jewish" "Rabbis" the latter (unlike the former) being those promoters and practitioners of Kabbalah who pretend they are Jewish but are of the synagogue of Satan.


  178. Anonymous6:48 PM

    "Now, fairy science doesn't produce enough energy to ratchet up pressure to make a fatal explosion in a lab as happened with one cold fusion experiment... and the Japanese who are pouring money into such research aren't fools. Something is there worth working on."

    Well Christine, You have to start by putting some energy into any system that is intended to generate (more) energy, or it would have started spontaneously and run away to create an explosion. It is entirely possible that the sudden and accidental release of that initial energy input was sufficient to cause a fatality. Cold fusion has been under study for more than 20 years now and for all of that time it has been touted as an easy just-round-the-corner way of getting energy. Well if it was easy we could have it by now. And it continues to be studied because the experiments are inexpensive and the payoff if cold fusion is a reality is huge. You can be sure that if the experiments are costly or the payoff was negligible then it would long ago have been written off as a failure.

    Fusion means the coming together of two light atomic nuclei, which fuse into one. For certain light elements the mass of the result is less than the mass of the original two nuclei, and the difference is released as energy according to Einstein's famous equation E=mc2. But atomic nuclei are positively charged, containing only protons (positive) and neutrons (negative). And like charges repel, if you recall high school physics. So it is not easy to get them close enough for fusion to take place. The only way is to get them moving fast enough that head-on collisions occur at such speed that they come close enough to fuse. That is called hot fusion. And unless there is a loophole in this explanation then cold fusion is impossible. We physicists do not rule out our explanations being fallible, but we have high confidence in this one.

    Christine, you need to realise that when people do experiments they sometimes make mistakes. I certainly did in high school physics, which is why I specialised in theoretical physics, using mathematics to describe the physical world. Physics needs both experimentalists and theoreticians working in parallel. Now, an experimentalist might find five datapoints in his experiment, four of which lie on a straight line when he plots them, and the fifth well away from that line. moreover the theory of the relevant phenomenon predicts a straight line. What does a prudent experimentalist do - announce new physics, or recheck his experiment? The internet is full of trash physics of the former sort. And you seem to be particularly susceptible to believing it, which is s pity for you and secondarily for the people who read you here.


  179. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Physicist, your comments here are written for the layman, but please beware that Christine couldn't tell the difference between high-brow and eye-brow, let alone count a pair. It is challenging for her.

  180. Anonymous7:36 PM

    It's hard to know who is writing what on this blog. The posters are making anyone who is concerned about the New Age movement look like a bunch of crackpots, and that includes Constance. It doesn't matter any more how much research she has done in the past. A person still is known by the company they keep. All of the warning she has done is being made useless.

  181. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Need information:

    I do a ton of checking things online and often fail to keep a record of all the things that I come across.

    Some time ago, I remember reading somewhere regarding "The Great Courses". It seems to me that the there was some direct connection to a NA source.

    Obviously, when you go to the TGC website, you see all kinds of books on a variety of NA themes. And a couple of books from TGC are listed on the Theosophical Society's Olcott Library list.

    But I am looking for a direct link between TGC and the NA organizationally. Does anyone have information of such?

    Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

  182. "But you couldn't recognise Maxwell's equations let alone solve them, could you?"

    Doesn't matter. The results have been explained by those who can, incl. the implications of his original ether physics dependent theory to express which he had to use quaternion notation.

    you wouldn't have theoretical physics without the practical. scared of making mistakes, eh? again, I detect laziness. And a desire for safety, for a comfort zone. On the laziness, one paragraph explanation should set you looking if you were any kind of explorer, but of course you are just as dillettant like any number cruncher.

    But it was the explorer's work that all physics is based on.

    Get off your ass and get into a laboratory. on the other hand, no, you might blow yourself up.

    sooner or later you would hit on a mix of conditions that would ramp up a reaction beyond what is nomally predictable.

  183. ""Any "physicist" who can't be bothered to examine something that can be described in a paragraph, isn't worth my time or anyone else's."

    Ah Christine, you said in capital letters that your remarks ARE NEVER RHETORICAL. Another falsehood, as your words above demonstrate by example. "



    What a colossal ego, that you ASSUME that my remark is rhetorical, but of course, he simpers, she cannot actually think a personage so exalted as himself is not worth her time.

    Ah but that IS my opinion.

  184. Again, hello, and hope to have a new column up very soon. Have been in court near daily and with the trials and tribulations of the power outages and I was under the weather this week (longed to stay in bed, but no time to be sick), am behind here. I see that the unkindness to my dear friend Dorothy continues and I would ask all to be kind to all.

  185. Anonymous2:35 AM

    "you wouldn't have theoretical physics without the practical. scared of making mistakes, eh?"

    At the research level, Christine, the subject long ago diverged into theoretical and practical physics, in healthy dialogue with one another. It is generally regarded as a wise principle to stick to what you are good at. I recommend this principle to you.

    "I detect laziness. And a desire for safety, for a comfort zone. On the laziness, one paragraph explanation should set you looking if you were any kind of explorer, but of course you are just as dillettant like any number cruncher."

    I was taught that people resort to insults when they run out of arguments. I say again that I am happy to wait for a perpetual motion or cold fusion machine to be marketed and I will then eat humble pie. There is a track record of failed attempts more than a century old.

    "Get off your ass and get into a laboratory"

    You are the one who claims these things are true and that you understand what is going on better than the professionals, so go do it yourself. Make a name for yourself instead of wasting your and everybody else's time here with your trash talk. Or are you going to give us an excuse why you can't, when the real reason is that you would need some of the expertise in physics that you hold in such contempt?


  186. I caught this tail end while looking at something else, the post I am waiting to see appear.

    legitimate question.

    "so go do it yourself. Make a name for yourself ... Or are you going to give us an excuse why you can't, when the real reason is that you would need some of the expertise in physics that you hold in such contempt?"


    NO MONEY and MINIMALLY SAFE ENVIRONMENT probably wouldn't engage the neighbors if it went horribly wrong, but I don't want the trust that owns the property to get pissed off if I blow a hole in the garage roof or torch part of the place by accident.

    really. that's it. Also, I have some capacity in the realm of being a klutz, and most of these things require high voltage, and I am hesitant lest I find more bone than flesh showing suddenly.

  187. Anonymous6:08 AM

    As someone above said, the real action regarding global governance and New Age since this post of Constance's went up was the failure of the Rio Earth Summit to reach any consensus about how to tax and control the peoples of the earth. A rare piece of good news in these end times, and clearly the front end of a fuller story.

  188. probably the result of Lord Christopher Monckton and his crew attending and making trouble. This guy is a long standing debunker of manmade global warming and onto the globalist plans for eugenics and depopulation. The first I knew of him was from an Alex Jones show.

  189. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Hello Trolothy,

    your post at 7:36 PM is a bit harsh. It is you isn't it? Why don't you let this blog get back on track and clear off!

    You're intent on derailing it and insulting the administrator.

    Grow up!

  190. Anonymous7:42 AM


    Why not invite your fans to email you at:

    Or join you on facebook:

  191. I'm trying to imagine how a person could be lazy,
    and still somehow obtain their PhD in Physics.

    Or, conversely how a person could dominate a blog with pure wild eyed conjecture about every possible
    subject, including subjects that they know absolutely
    ZERO about, and be anything BUT lazy.

    Christine, you've become a parody of yourself
    and you just keep digging deeper.

    "Math is a waste of time"...LOL
    And now we're told that because you have
    "vision" you can see different colored
    auras, etc. ?

  192. Anonymous9:28 AM


    Some of the comments have been a bit severe about you. However, if you realized that your snide and cruel comments are uncalled for, you'd understand why.

    I'm sure if you issue an open apology to all you've hurt, defamed, degraded and insulted on this blogspot over the years the anger would abate. Your apology should be unconditional and open, addressing many including Pete, Craig, Paul, and especially Constsnce, as well as those you've forgotten.

    Just a suggestion, I hope you make the wise and mature decision and apologize swiftly. So all of us can get on being pleasant with one another.

    A friend.

  193. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Yep, thast could work, as long as she stops promoting Kabbalah Zohar mysticism, and stops attacking those who rightly expose its sorceries.

  194. Anonymous10:05 AM


    Your vile swearing and violent depictions make my stomach churn in revulsion. How dare you attack the Physicist. Like many here, he's shown tremendous patience with you.

    Enough of your New Age mumbo-jumbo! Seeing auras, promoting your own version of the demonic so called 'ascended masters' that according to you are aliens, which are in fact, still according to you, very old genetically modified human hybrids that will return to Earth (with the mythical planet Nibiru?).

    I wouldn't be shocked to learn you're into cards and crystals too.

    P.S. Well said Paul at 7:48 AM!

    And well said, anon 9:28 AM, and Anon 9:34 AM!


  195. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Some of the comments have been a bit severe about you. However, if you realized that your snide and cruel comments are uncalled for, you'd understand why.

    I'm sure if you issue an open apology to all you've hurt, defamed, degraded and insulted on this blogspot over the years the anger would abate. Your apology should be unconditional and open, addressing many including Pete, Craig, Paul, and especially Constsnce, as well as those you've forgotten.

    Just a suggestion, I hope you make the wise and mature decision and apologize swiftly. So all of us can get on being pleasant with one another.

    Interesting how you encourage Dorothy to apologize, without any mention of the many times, too numerous to count, that she has been provoked by slander, defamation, and insults not only to her but to her religion. Most of the people here sat by and did nothing when this happened.

    Those who tar Dorothy with the brush of "New Age" have obviously learned nothing from reading this blog or Constance's books. They are so far off base that one suspects they are trolling.

    Dorothy is not high on my list of "most favorite people", but she has much to teach all of us about the New Age, and this blog is a much poorer place without her input and influence.

    I can only hope Constance, when things settle down for her, will give her friend Dorothy a call and these two brilliant people can work this out, and the blog can be brought back to where it was when both Constance and Dorothy were contributing regularly.

  196. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Again, hello, and hope to have a new column up very soon. Have been in court near daily and with the trials and tribulations of the power outages and I was under the weather this week (longed to stay in bed, but no time to be sick), am behind here. I see that the unkindness to my dear friend Dorothy continues and I would ask all to be kind to all.


    Be kind to yourself with all the stress you are under. When things settle down, think about giving Dorothy a call. Don't let childish internet trolls achieve their objective of driving a wedge between you and Dorothy.

  197. "paul said...
    I'm trying to imagine how a person could be lazy,
    and still somehow obtain their PhD in Physics."

    the degree, he said, was in theoretical physics aka a category of math. In this he is safe, he admitted lab situation can make mistakes.

    So rather than take any risks or make errors (that might endanger getting the degree I guess that he uses for whatever purpose), he goes
    for where all you have to do is memorize formulae and theorems and do some number crunching.

    But no experimentation.

    now, someone said I make violent depictions?

    I assume you are talking about the descriptions I have made of the reality of what can happen when high voltage plus high amperage experiments and stuff like that go wrong?

    really, you are very dainty. It is a good thing to understand risks and capabilities of what you are messing with, before you do it.

    Did you ever see films of the medical consequences of car crashes in driver education in high school?
    perhaps not. But these scenes on the asphalt and in the emergency room in color on film made me a safer driver.

    now as for the rest of your rant, what I have said is that what are called aliens, are most likely in some cases demons, in other cases human based GE people and perhaps some real aliens who are pretty evil and may be partnered with demons.

    you can leave the genetic engineering, flying saucers, and offworld angle out, and see this any day walking down the street (an evil person who may or may not be in cooperation with a demon).

    New Age blather keeps turning up in supposed alien source information usually but not always channeled so I can only assume these creatures are either demons or demon cooperating humans or similar.

    What is so odd about that?

    Auras don't get visible to me unless intense, and that in itself means something is dead wrong since
    they shouldn't be that intense.

    The pattern recognition and research I did, pointed to a demonic angle on such at least when the color yellow is involved.

    I would think that this, which shows the theosophical based aura interpretation is dead wrong, would be a welcome addition to your ammunition against the New Age.

    Finally, as per the prohibition in Deuteronomy, where God speaking for Himself made a list of things that were prohibited and are in the category of occultism, Dorothy no one spoke for God, she merely quoted God, however, the vast majority of Kabbalah has NOTHING to do with sorcery, though some has to do with bad philosophy and theology.

    There IS an element that does have to do with contacting spirits and activating artificial life forms like the Golem, but that is a minority of it and most Kabbalah students probably don't even hear about this.

  198. Anonymous1:26 PM


    Einstein was a purely theoretical physicist too. So your criticisms apply to him also. And to everybody in the many Departments of Theoretical Physics found in our universities today.

    I don't think they are trembling at your comments.


  199. If the Agenda 21 topic is still alive, here is a very good presentation on it. The video covers the origin and the progress of it.

  200. Anonymous11:30 AM


    Thank you so much for your earlier post on the valuable information exposing Kabbalah!!!
