
Friday, June 08, 2012

How much worse can things get? View this!

Denmark:  "Church bells to ring for gays and lesbians" [weddings]

This I just found.  How much worse can things get??!!  I repeat my recent editorial on the subject below:

Worse than Sodom and Gomorrah?!

It appears to me that here in the USA in this so-called "New Age," we may be as a nation even worse in our immorality than even Sodom and Gomorrah.   Ditto for Canada and far too many countries in Europe.

Abraham's cousin, Lot, lived there.  He "sat in the gate", meaning he was a JUDGE. 

His opposition and disapproval of the lifestyles around him was well known to the Sodomites. 

Well, they had their faults, but they had the good sense to put somebody as their judge who did not bless their lifestyles. 

These days in the USA and Canada, should you hold opinions of the immorality of the plainly Biblically condemned lifestyle of homosexuality, you have little chance of "sitting in the gate."

Moreover, our chief "sitter in the Gate," (President Obama) together with his Vice-President and Secretary of State (next in line for succession to the Presidency after the Vice-President) have applauded same sex marriage.

Our president has long since declared that he will not uphold the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

 Like others who have been involved in politics, I have known people I suspected to be involved in a homosexual life style.  I will say this for them.  They did not flaunt it, they did not rub our noses in it, they did not put it "in our face."  In a word, they had an old fashioned virtue we call "discretion."

The scriptures plainly warned that a day would come when people would not even cover their sins.

The GLBT (gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgendered) crowd not only wants our tolerance.  They want our blessings!  They want our innocent children to be given to them by Christian adoption agencies.  They want to confuse high school children who are still sorting through their personal insecurities and highly susceptible to suggestion with inferences that perhaps they are "gay"  and offer them "gay proms" and school sponsored clubs.  They can be in our faces about their revision of several thousand years of moral codes.  We must be silent about our disapproval of same or risk being labeled with that newly discovered "sin of all sins -- homophobia."

Sorry guys, sorry gals.  It was "ADAM AND EVE."  It was NOT "Adam and Steve."  Nor was it "Madame and Eve."

I never thought I would live long enough to see the public immorality spectacle we now witness.  With millions of abortions over the past 39 years (since Roe v Wade decision of the United States Supreme Court) and now a president who refuses to enforce the Congressionally enacted DEFENSE OF MARRIAGE ACT, how much longer can it be until serious Judgment comes from on high on the United States of America?  Ditto for Canada which has threatened Catholic and Protestant clergy with legal sanctions for preaching long standing moral tenets?

Am I for bullying gays?  NO.  Am I for allowing "gays" to bully and intimidate us into abandoning our God given moral code?  DEFINITELY AND DEFIANTLY NOT!

Here I stand!

May God help us all!



  1. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Constance, I agree with you that it is 'worse than Sodom and Gomorrah.'

    There are some days when I don't even want to leave my house.

  2. Texmom3:19 PM

    No doubt, Constance! They clearly want to wipe out Christianity and morality as quickly as possible. While pretending to ask for tolerance, they actually demand acceptance and demand that we turn our backs on our own faith to accommodate them. Never thought I'd see it this bad, either.

  3. Update: Per the following:

    DENMARK has voted to FORCE CHURCHES TO PERFORM SAME SEX MARRIAGES. One third of the clergy said they would refuse to do so. PRAY FOR THEM (the religious refuseniks!). Also pray for repentance of those trying to force the issues, so much worse will be their eternal penalties should they persist.


  4. Anonymous5:55 PM

    So, you said you would post what was deleted last night. OK. Where is it. Dorothy

  5. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Constance, you are one of the few people who know why such things are happening. There are hundreds of thousands who can take the stand you just posted. Why not be brave and post why this is happening. Dorothy

  6. Anonymous10:25 PM

    This is evil for at least two reasons:

    1) It is rebellion to God's Word and the role the traditional family plays in every culture's success - shaking their fists in God's face
    2) Gays don't reproduce thereby contributing to population control and reduction

    Dave in CA

  7. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Yes...that just about sums it up, Dave.

  8. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Not remotely as bad as Sodom and Gomorrah, where homosexuality was mainstream; here it's still a small minority. The problem is that the silent majority have let them hijack the cultural agenda. Whose fault is that?

    Nor as bad as ancient Greece where men would customarily ejaculate between the thighs of a young teenage boy. Although anal sex was frowned upon in ancient Greece, the sure guidelines in the Law of Moses simply condemn "man lying [sexually] with man." So it's no better.

    State RECOGNITION (this is not about definition) of committed same-sex relationships as marriage is as much farce as it is evil. Far more damage is done to society by adultery - a form of heterosexual promiscuity - than by homosexual promiscuity. The issue is really about freedom of conscience, and it is to be hoped that bishops will support their clergy when the latter are dragged before the courts, rather than maintain a discreet and spineless silence. Don't hold your breath though.

  9. I think there is a central flaw in this talk of what is damaging to society or not.

    The issue is not what is good for society or not. The issue is what is decent what is something so wrong that you shouldn't need divine revelation to know it is wrong, which is evident given the sometimes hostile and other times ambivalent attitude of pagan societies to homosexual acts.

    What is offensive to God is what is important.

    Money lending at interest is offensive to God, but doesn't do much to destroy society. Usury didn't mean excessive interest but ANY interest AT ALL until the Venetians persuaded the pope, and Calvin persuaded the protestants, to redefine usury.

  10. Also, homosexuality didn't do much to destroy Athenian society, since it was woven into it in a way that didn't interfere with reproduction and often played a role in cementing social and inter family relationships.

    That merely means Athens was even deeper sunk in sin, than a culture where the organization is such that homosexuality would have a negative impact.

  11. Anon. 5:53
    While I agree with most of your comment,
    I don't understand why the issue of
    PUBLIC HEALTH is so often completely
    You point out that the ancient Greeks
    didn't actually sodomize those boys, but
    that it's basically, (morally), the same thing.
    I disagree. Real sodomy is a filthy abomination.
    The second chapter of Hosea is very revealing
    on the whole matter of sexual immorality:
    verse 2 says:
    " By swearing and lying and killing, and
    stealing, and committing adultery, they
    break out, and BLOOD TOUCHES BLOOD.
    v3) Therefore shall the land mourn and
    every one that dwelleth therein shall
    languish, with the beasts of the field,
    and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the
    fishes of the sea shall also be taken away.
    v4) Yet let no man strive, nor reprove
    another: for thy people are as they that
    strive with the priest. "

    I'm just saying that sodomy is worse than
    a moral sin, it's bloody and violent and
    the AIDS virus alone should serve as a
    lesson to everyone.

  12. actually there was actual anal penetration, it depended on the parties involved. YES homosexual acts are a health issue also, more so than heterosexual acts.

  13. Anonymous10:26 AM


    This is Anon of 5.53am. I doubt that we are in disagreement. Yes, anal sex, taboo in ancient Greece, carries more physical danger (ie, disease) than ejaculation between the thighs (acceptable in ancient Greece), but I suggest that the moral corruption involved is comparable, and that that is why God decreed that all sexual acts between males were TOEVAH (abominable) and punishable by death in ancient Israel. That's Leviticus 20:13.

  14. Anonymous10:31 AM

    "homosexuality didn't do much to destroy Athenian society"

    Athens lost its greatness at about that time, and I wonder how you could tell whether the political events involved would have been different, eg Athenian society more resilient, without homosexuality?

  15. Anonymous10:35 AM

    "Money lending at interest is offensive to God, but doesn't do much to destroy society. Usury didn't mean excessive interest but ANY interest AT ALL until the Venetians persuaded the pope, and Calvin persuaded the protestants, to redefine usury."

    In the Law of Moses, Jews are forbidden to lend money at interest to other Jews, but not to gentiles. So God does not regard it as wholly evil. Also, Christians are not under Mosaic Law. So why Rome and Geneva banned the practice on theological grounds (moral grounds are more complex) is not clear to me. In any case I regard the wanton printing/minting of fiat currency by profligate governments as a greater evil than interest.

  16. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Kinsey's Secret: The Phony Science of the Sexual Revolution

  17. Ruth of Exeter, UK11:34 AM

    The article cited above is good as far as it goes, but the documentary 'The Kinsey Syndrome' (available on You Tube) is much more damning. The fons et origo of the so-called Sexual Revolution is made brutally clear.

  18. Anonymous11:49 AM

    From the last paragraph in the link posted at 11:17 AM:

    In his book The End of Sex, an obituary of the sexual revolution, Esquire contributor George Leonard accurately observed that “wherever we have split ‘sex’ from love, creation, and the rest of life . . . we have trivialized and depersonalized the act of love itself.” Treasuring others solely for their sexuality strips them of their humanity. When Kinsey tore the mystery of love from human sexuality, he abandoned us all to a sexually broken world.

  19. Anonymous12:01 PM

    The Kinsey Syndrome: full length YouTube video (164 minutes) posted 02/06/12:

  20. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Looking back, it is now obvious that con man, Alfred Kinsey (whose only 'qualifications' were studying the gall wasp) had a lot of legal support in order to complete his agenda to change the morality of America!!!

  21. Anonymous12:43 PM

    E. Rueda's classic Homosexual Network. 680 pages of documentation. It is not a rant. Only $20 plus S&H


  22. Anonymous12:47 PM Selections from the book Pink Swastika dealing with the occult, Gnosticism and homosexuality

    This information should be publicly known in order to protect individuals from being pulled into a homosexual cultural that would be definitely detrimental to their private lives. This negative culture exists today on a very large scale which can be seen by going into any homosexual bookstore and looking at the literature. (Warning: if you are easily affected, stay out. View only for documentation.)


  23. Anonymous1:05 PM

    "As ShmuelBrin correctly pointed out, Jews in Europe were barred from most other professions at many times throughout history. One of the only available jobs left to them was moneylending. The fact is that historically, the Christians followed the Torah's prohibition against lending with interest to ones "brother"; but to the Christian, "your brother" is the Christian! So Christians could not charge interest rates to each other, so the Jew became a moneylender to fill that gap."

    One doesn't charge family interest on a small loan, and Jews are to consider each other family. Even now there are organizations which loan small amounts to other Jews without interest. Much commentary from a Jewish perspective

  24. If you want to keep up with the frontlines of this issue in America, follow Mass Resistance at

    This is the news you are NOT HEARING about what's going on in America with the LGBT agenda.

  25. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Much more....

    Alfred Kinsey should have been tried for acts of treason during World War II.

    About 1 hour and 20 minutes into that 'Kinsey Syndrome' YouTube video (posted here at 12:01 PM)....Dr. Fritz Von Balluseck, pedophile and Nazi officer was on trial for the rape and murder of a 10 year old child. (This was only one of many children Balluseck abused and threatened with death if they didn't submit to him.) During the trial, it was brought out that Balluseck had been regularly corresponding with Alfred Kinsey. During World War II, this information received much coverage in the Germany newspapers, but was virtually ignored here in the United States.


    Another big Kinsey supporter who argued for softening the nation's sex crime penalties was attorney Morris L. Ernst, a founding member of the American Civil Liberties Union.

    In addition to serving as Kinsey's attorney, he also represented Margaret Sanger -- the founder of Planned Parenthood -- the Kinsey Institute, the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States and Planned Parenthood of America.

  26. Kinsey, Sanger, Ballusek, Ernst, etc
    I'm sure they'll all be in the Hell,
    er, Hall of Fame.
    But I feel certain that Freud should also be there,
    and just think of how much he influenced
    our present day culture.
    Freud was a pedophile and a coke fiend,
    among other pursuits.

  27. Anonymous4:15 PM

    "Freud was a pedophile"

    You can back that up Paul? I'd be very interested to see the evidence. Best book on him is "Sigmund Freud's Christian Unconscious" by Paul Vitz, which detonates the image he liked to project of a cool scientist and shows that he was both strongly attracted and strongly repelled by the idea of God and likewise by the idea of the devil.

  28. Anonymous4:47 PM

    I am not sure about Freud, but Jung saw Judeo-Christian sexual morality as the enemy of human freedom. Richard Noll, who wrote "The Jung Cult," has spoken on this. There is a very good interview with him on the EWTN website. Much of modern psychology takes its view of "human freedom" from Jung's principles. Next time you refer a distressed person for "counseling" when confronted with grief or distress (and Christians do this all the time) keep this in mind. Much of "Christian psychology" has been infiltrated with this same kind of thinking (Vitz, amongst others, has written about this topic). There is also a great book written by a secular academic about "psychology as religion." This is a deep subject.

  29. Anonymous5:03 PM

    The book is called "Psychotherapy as Religion: The Civil Divine in America" by Epstein.

    If you care about what is written on this blog, this book is essential reading in my view.

  30. Anonymous5:49 PM

    "Jung saw Judeo-Christian sexual morality as the enemy of human freedom"

    That's hardly surprising given that he had a longterm adulterous relationship with Antonia Wolff.

    "Much of modern psychology takes its view of "human freedom" from Jung's principles. Next time you refer a distressed person for "counseling" when confronted with grief or distress (and Christians do this all the time) keep this in mind."

    On this subject, here is some great wisdom from a Christian called Neil Anderson:

    "I am saddened by how we have separated the ministries of discipleship and counselling in our churches. Christian discipleship too often has become an impersonal program, although good theological material is being used. Christian counselling has been intensely personal, but often lacks good theology… after one of my conferences, a friend shared with me the story of a dear Christian woman who had attended. She had lived in deep depression for several years. She survived by leaning on her friends, three counselling sessions a week and a variety of prescription drugs. During the conference this woman realized that her support system included everybody and everything but God…”

  31. anon 10:31 am breakdown of society and loss of political power are not the same thing. Indeed, political power and empire can be a part of a kind of corruption anyway. Any society will exist fine as such, as long as economic and property use and social networks function.

    The problem with homosexuality is not what it does to society automatically but that it is wrong in itself. As long as reproduction continues and people don't exterminate each other and economic and other networks exist, you have a "society."

    A society can be evil as hell, or it can be righteous.

    But the big flaw in American and other thinking is that "the family is the basic unit of society. "

    no it isn't. The individual is. Families are made of individuals. Society is an interaction of individuals and groupings of individuals. Every act taken, even by a collective, is acts of individuals either singly or in collusion.

    The family probably was viewed as the basic unit in Athens, and not nuclear family which is an oddity. Family was continued by using Athenian women as breeders. The children existed to promote the interests of the family (extended usually in most societies) and the interests were helped by social networks that incl. those consisting of homosexual relationships.

    This is not an apology for homosexuality being okay. It isn't.
    That's the point. If we judge it solely by "society" we don't have a reliable opposition to it.

    The real problem is that it is twisted in itself. And a good indicator of its being evil, is that it seems along with heterosexual promiscuity to be encouraged by evil spirits.

    Some societies try to have the best of both so to speak, chastity and fidelity except in special circumstances like ritual orgies or sacred prostitution.

  32. anal sex was not taboo in ancient Greece. You are being taken in by the denial game of bisexuals. It goes like this. A grown man a real man etc. does not play the role of a woman, he does not get penetrated, this is great dishonor, he does the penetrating. The penetrated is a boy who is not yet a man, or a slave or other lower status lover.

    Same game in prisons and some Amerindian and Mediteranean and Hispanic society. The idea of the pervert is not who he or she does sex with but what role the person plays. This usually involves the idea of equating sex with dominance which is perverse in itself, but more easily disguised.

  33. usury creates debt slavery and the allowing of it to be charged to unbelievers was part of a picture of dominance by Hebrews as blessing from God, the Mosaic Law embodies not just ritual codes but also a lot of moral issues that are reiterated in NT.

    Now, usury was rejected because the barrier between Jew and Gentile was eradicated in Christ.

    But usury or no, all debts were to be forgiven every 7 years and every 50 years plus land restored to original family of ownership except for land in citiees on the 50th years. This was not specified as limited to Hebrews, and with occasional reiterations of one standard for Hebrew and stranger among them this would have applied here.

    Usury was also prohibited by the Church for centuries because it is part of ambition and greed and predation. These are inconsistent with walking in Christ.

  34. Anonymous6:05 PM

    "the big flaw in American and other thinking is that "the family is the basic unit of society"... no it isn't. The individual is. Families are made of individuals. Society is an interaction..."

    Well yes, we are judged by God individual by individual, not family by family; but family is where people most deeply learn the social functions involved in all their interactions, and depending on their family they learn to interact well or badly.

  35. Jung and sex - Jung was involved with the occult and had some familiar spirit since childhood. Again, a connection between sexual wierdness and the occult.

    Adultery is encouraged in european society where marriage for reasons other than love is the norm.

    conversely, in both traditional Swedish and Australian Aboriginal society, a heterosexual couple might not marry until pregnancy was present, to ensure the woman was fertile.

    connecting sex to reproduction can be very exploitive indeed. Genesis 2:18 focusses on relationship and leaves reproduction as an assumed byproduct but the focus is man and woman as partners, quite different from societies where the function of marriage is to link two families.

  36. "Well yes, we are judged by God individual by individual, not family by family; but family is where people most deeply learn the social functions involved in all their interactions, and depending on their family they learn to interact well or badly"

    true, and family should be the training ground for being in the larger society which is a larger family. (All Christians are family theoretically, all humans are part of the same family also physically)

    But the classic view of family (and that extended not nuclear) is that while they may cooperate with other families, they may also prey on them. Not right and wrong but what side is my family on like a Mafia war.

  37. Anonymous6:12 PM

    "Usury was also prohibited by the Church for centuries because it is part of ambition and greed and predation."

    It is worth bearing in mind that people needed money in Mosaic times for reasons a lot more desperate than today. If someone who is not starving wants money for a start-up venture then charging interest is nothing other than a way of getting payment for risk. That's what bonds are all about and it seems reasonable to me.

    The forgiveness of debt every 7 and 50 years is an interesting subject. I don't know of any country that has ever adopted it (is it in Sharia?) and it would make things very different. you would be less and more inclined to offer loans according to the interval to the next round of forgiveness, for instance.

  38. Anonymous6:16 PM

    "connecting sex to reproduction can be very exploitive indeed. Genesis 2:18 focusses on relationship and leaves reproduction as an assumed byproduct but the focus is man and woman as partners..."

    Disconnecting sex totally from reproduction has led to problems too... but I agree very much with your second sentence here.

  39. Anonymous6:24 PM

    I have known several "Christian counselors" who talk a lot about God when you deal with them socially, and I presume also with their patients. They are often leaders in their churches.

    They are, however (and I am very sad to say this), some of the most puffed up individuals I have ever met in my life. Arrogant, self-satisfied, and "false humility" doesn't even begin to describe it.

    I am sure there are some caring ones out there, but my guess would be that it is less than 5%.

  40. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Christine at 5:53
    Could you spend some time documenting your opinions? Or, just label what you write as your special fiction. Many fiction writers are clever writers. Take pride in that if that's your style.

  41. I am always amazed at how much is right there obvious available anthropological literature and reports about rape in prison and standards and so forth and definitions of what is manly and not and no one knows about all this.

    There are is so much I don't know where to begin. Here is something to start with

    "In many cases among men, the partner who penetrates another sexually is not regarded as homosexual among fellow inmates, and the receptive partner (who may or may not be consenting) is called a "woman", a "bitch", a "punk", or a "prag", and is regarded as homosexual, even when he is not.[citation needed] In the United States in particular, rape in prisons is a major problem, and may be perpetrated by inmates who do not view themselves as bisexual or homosexual. One of the conceptions that tends to minimize prison rape and sexual coercion is that the penetrating partner uses the act primarily to assert control or dominance, thus minimizing this activity as an expression of sexuality per se, an idea which is still repugnant to many, including perpetrators themselves. A man who has been raped, or who has been the receptive partner during intercourse, is often regarded as less masculine and hence a target for future rape and other violence.

    According to one study,[4] 22.3% of male U.S. prison inmates had reported being a victim of prison rape. Although the rapist or the male who coerces sex with another male has clearly chosen to have sex with another male, other prisoners will view the male who has been raped or coerced as homosexual if he is unwilling to kill or die to protect himself from rape or is willing to negotiate a relationship to protect himself from attack by multiple rapists, while the perpetrator is not similarly labeled. This encourages and perpetuates sexual violence in an atmosphere where power and the perception thereof is regarded as paramount."

    my knowledge about this oddity of definition of homosexuality, that the male role player is not considered homosexual is based on many reports, and personal conversations.

    The Homosexual Matrix by a psychologist of the old school details four main kinds of homosexuals two of which do not generally consider themselves such, the focus is male.

    many articles here.

  42. Anonymous7:12 PM

    To Christine @ 6:56 PM

    Your third paragraph is TMI!!!

  43. what is TMI? too much information? you want to be superficial? nothing is simple (except when it is, like, simply, do not have anything to do with some particular sin or precursor state).

    The information opinions so called fiction I present is the result of decades of reading a lot of stuff on many things.

    take a speed reading and comprehension class. Then go to work.

    The Bible defines marriage as first you outgrow leave parents then bond with a person of opposite sex.

    In the stories of Lot's daughters, who use his traumatized and drunken condition to trick him into sex with them so they have children from a member of their larger descent group a kind of endogamy, and of Tamar and Judah where she tricks him into sex to get pregnant in the levirate type relative impregnantes widow of brother or other relative who is childless to keep family name of the dead man alive, you see actual and constructive (inlaw) incest, two stories plus an initial curse in The Law and a later (Deut.) toleration provided they are brothers (full half or first cousin can be called brothers in many societies) who were living together at the time of the man's death, which undercuts the impersonality of the deal.

    Clearly, sex is a means of reproduction but we are not to exploit each other to make useful servants and connections to other networks by later marriage of them or selling them or lending them whether to heterosexual or homosexual alliances like in Greece, we are supposed to be marrying the marriage partner not the family and family ties should not be too tight.

    One problem between anglos and the euro imigrants was the clannishness of the latter, though both were technically Christian, the anglos were more likely to deal as individuals, while the euros were going to side with their relatives right or wrong.

    I have been reading up and mourning over the dirt about humanity a long time. No wonder I am on prozac.

  44. Prozac ?

  45. clinical depression. A lot better and gone for several months at a time without prozac, just occasional st. john's wort, since I became EO and use more Holy Water and blessed oil, but on a slight downswing doing 40 mg a day used to do 60 to 80 mg a day.

    There was also a paranormal attack angle I was fighting google chemical exorcism.

  46. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Either you can document or you can't Christine. Saying you've read a lot doesn't stop what you write from being a figment of your creative thinking.

  47. Anonymous7:55 PM

    On what Obama wants taught in schools.
    From Donna Garner's latest column: "Obama’s social justice agenda includes an emphasis on subjectivity, feelings, emotions, beliefs, multiculturalism, political correctness, social engineering, globalism, evolution, sexual freedom/contraceptives instead of abstinence, environmental extremism, global warming, victimization, diversity, an acceptance of the normalcy of the lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender lifestyle, redistribution of wealth, a de-emphasis on factual knowledge, the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Founding Fathers, and American exceptionalism."


  48. AS far as which book on Freud is the "best",
    I'm sure I don't know as there are probably
    a hundred book on Freud.
    As far as him being a pedophile, excuse me,
    I can't prove it, any more than you can prove
    that he wasn't.
    But the man who coined the term "Pansexuality",
    (as he did "ego", "alterego", "id", "superego',
    "psyche", "pleasure principle', and "death instinct",
    all from Greek mythology) ,
    _obviously gave his tacit approval to any and
    all such behavior that is implied by pansexuality, and would have to take much of the credit for the later "work" of such people as Kinsey, etc.
    If the book you read says that he was "both
    strongly attracted and strongly repelled by
    the idea of God" _whatever that means,( since
    it's got to be the most wishy washy phrase I've
    ever heard ), well. he obviously let the latter
    rule his formation of the worlds first completely
    man-made and thoroughly subjective so-
    called science, devoid of any hard facts.
    Freud was a godless, mystic wannabe obsessed
    with sex who laughed up his sleeve at his own


  49. I just did document. pursue it further. read also those points in the Bible, and google arranged marriage and if you are the one who said TMI then you are lazy.

  50. Freud naming and describing is not necessarily Freud approving. Freud supported the suppression and control of these things, which the superego is supposed to accomplish, he merely figured that there is evil aplenty in our guts, though he seems ambivalent at least about God.

    In effect, you can look at what Freud says goes on in the subconscious, look at The Bible saying "the heart is desperately wicked and deceptive, who can know it?" and pray to God "cleanse my subconscious!"

    Freud wasn't so perfect either there is a lot of dirt but pedophile? the interest in cocaine can be excused because the extent of its harm was yet unknown and it was over the counter legal everywhere until the US Harrison Act in the 1930s changed that here.
    Europe probably illegalized Absinthe before it did cocaine.

    But Freud, with all his insight, should have looked at his own feelings and trends under it, and reacted by stepping back from it, he made the mistake of assuming, as do many that something that makes you feel like superman or superwoman is ipso facto good.

  51. Anonymous8:33 PM

    There are many, many references on the internet about the accusation of Freud and pedophilia. Almost all say it's a lot of baloney.

    Anyone can write almost all snowmen are green and then say no one can prove or deny the statement so it might be true because no one can claim to have seen all snowmen.

    People make up a lot of junk and post it in comments sections all over the internet because no one can hold them accountable. "Trust me" isn't useable.

  52. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Christine, I'm sorry to hear about your clinical depression. I will keep you in my prayers.

    Watch out for the Prozac though (and its many side effects). I hope that a doctor is monitoring you very carefully.

  53. I have never had any problems with prozac, most of the wierd stuff reported with it seem to fall into two categories. Either it is violence the patient wants to do, but is too out of it to do, whether to others or themselves, now, with their functionality in general improved, they can act out their desires. OR, it is after it is removed in the case of Columbine it was deliberately stopped to revive the rage and whatnot to fuel their plans to work right.

    Prozac is one of those chemicals that also blocks obsessions and blocks psychic messaging to some extent.

  54. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Christine, I'm sorry but you are over the top. If I delved into the neck-deep details of the morbidness and sickness of humanity as much as you do I'd be depressed too. Read ecclesiastes ch. 12 and note something in verse 12....and much study is weariness of the flesh.(and fleshly mind) Your need for so much information and then the bigger mistake to believe that we all share your level of interest is just wearying to say the least. (How many hours a day do you sit at a computer?) Try setting your mind on things Above as we are admonished by Apostle Paul and turn your eyes upon Jesus and the world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace finding some rest from the troubles of mind and heart that depress you. I say this without malice toward you.

  55. Anonymous10:03 PM

    the comment section of this site wearys me. have at it folks. goodbye.

  56. anon 9:58 you are correct, i recall something Proverbs about much knowledge brings much sorrow. However having the information in my head, I have largely avoided rehashing it except when i have to like here. document it is said then when I do it is complaints I haven't or that it is too much information.

    Also my biological so-called mother was a real horror and deceptive also and managed to harm people who put up with her for my sake, which hurts me worse to think of it now that I am fully out from under her mental thrall.

    one thing I notice, people seem to be more interested in getting raptured out of trouble than preparing to hide or stand and die, which latter is the historic pattern throughout church history, and seem to be looking for the antichrist rather than focussing on Jesus. If they do the latter it is date setting.

    St. Peter says we are to live soberly and godly in this present age, looking forward to Jesus.

    Finally, I think that a lot of people are not necessarily new age plants, because they denounce parts of it but have some false doctrines of their own, it is just an imperfection of theirs, though on the invisible side you could argue they are being so misled as to function like that.

    Others on the other hand are new age plants. I think this more the case in the truth movement where new agers like Icke and Maxwell and
    Tsarion are a major problem.

    I do find Dave Hunt's denial of knowing whatsisname, Grubb was it, that he obviously had some dealings with even if not face to face he can hardly act like he doesn't know him, is damn suspicious.


    well you got warships clustering in the Strait of Hormuz off Qatar, China, UK, and US and one from France off Dubai. Note the Chinese presence. what did I tell you.


    re FEMA camps and look whose back of this, maybe there is something to concerns about extermination.

  59. Anonymous4:01 AM


    You wrote: "As far as him [Freud] being a pedophile, excuse me, I can't prove it, any more than you can prove that he wasn't."

    Excuse me, but I never said that he was or wasn't, whereas you wrote at 4.03pm: "Freud was a pedophile and a coke fiend..."

    I probably dislike Freud's thinking as much as you do, but I don't publicly make grave allegations about deceased people that I can't back up. Suppose someone who disliked your thinking said that about you? Please be careful.

  60. Anonymous4:05 AM

    "Prozac is one of those chemicals that... blocks psychic messaging to some extent."

    Christine, we are not meant to be able to do psychic messaging. It is possible only through demonic means. If you are able to do this then you need deliverance ministry until the ability and demon are gone. I know that you know that Jesus Christ can set you free in this way and I pray that He shall.

  61. Anonymous4:09 AM

    "you got warships clustering in the Strait of Hormuz off Qatar, China, UK, and US and one from France off Dubai. Note the Chinese presence. what did I tell you."

    You don't expect the US's opponents not to have a presence in a hotspot do you? It doesn't necessarily mean that they'll open fire if Iran tries to close the Strait and the US uses force to try to keep it open. Ever heard of bluff? No, I don't know if it's bluff or not, but NEITHER DO YOU.

  62. anon psychic messaging the problem is to NOT get them not to give them. as for what we may or may not be able by nature to do unaided that is an open question, but I categorically don't like it for several reasons.

    The main point is prozac can block or cut back receptivity. it is one of several things some people call chemical exorcism.

    Blessed oils in cat's ears block access to them by a psychic so that tells me either something is wrong in how that person was operating, or something wrong in motive or something wrong in itself.

    However. A St. Benedict medal stopped a psy vampire from feeding when he wanted to do so to make trouble, but not when he was in need. So this is complex.

    I have always tried to avoid doing anything like messaging fearing some evil in my subconscious would go with it. Ditto laying on of hands except in rare moments.

    Communications with animals and with a person once depended on my being in a very strained and depleted state and came spontaneously and I cut it off after a silent Gospel speech.

    I repeat, I study how to BLOCK this stuff not do it.

  63. Anonymous8:27 AM


    I believe that you are host to a demon that does have psychic capacities. That you do not want this capability is wholesome and good and I did not mean to imply that you were meddling with the occult. But it is meddling with you. Possibly you believe that demons are plaguing you from without, but I believe that at least one is plaguing you from within. Any Holy-Spirit-filled Christian can evict it, provided that it is not feeding other unwholesome appetites of yours that you have not yet identified and repented of. I hope you will be free.

  64. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Then prison and ancient Greek cultures have it wrong. God simply prohibited man from sexual acts with man in Mosaic Law. God did not distinguish between penetrator and penetrated. Mosaic Law did not ban consensual acts of anal penetration between husband and wife (although I believe He did not approve of it).

  65. anon 8:27 I think the thing within was evicted a while back. At my chrismation and the exorcism prayers and statements made by the priest, i felt/saw something withdraw but not entirely leave, though I had a long time of peace. Later I stepped outside a blue perimeter (haint blue, a kind of - unknowing to most - constant invocation to God in Heaven the blue of the sky) and told it to get out in Jesus' Name while I held a St. Benedict's Medal, then stepped inside the perimeter again.

    The hereditary objective clairvoyant told me something had been living in me, but wasn't anymore. Before that last mentioned move, I had run into it attacking me while inside the blue, as if I was shield of sorts for it, but this does inhibit activity.

    St. Benedict Medal have a bunch of letters which are the first letters of the following in Latin. On one side, "Begone Satan! Show me not your vain things, your cup is full poison drink your own poison" on the other "The Cross of St. Benedict" and "Let the Cross be my Light, let not the dragon be my guide."

  66. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Sounds like you got rid of one at that time. There may be more. Keep going until you are no longer plagued.

  67. anon 8:37 I agree, they got it wrong. What is interesting is the peculiar double standard of morality for men and women, infecting almost all "Christian" cultures, and the sex role standards that inform the homosexual ideas that infected many cultures even today.

    The Bible does two things: it demands chastity of men as well as of women, even OT God said in Habakkuk that He would no longer punish the men's wives and daughters when they went whoring because the men were doing the same thing with both secular and cult prostitutes. Allowing polygamy was not the same thing as allowing men to sow wild oats and then demand women be virgins. An especial demand for chastity was on the daughters of priests for obvious reasons when you think of the cult related sex around them. Death for sex by fraud is indicated in Onan's story (tricked Tamar with coitus interruptus, not masturbation) and the rule of a girl who pretends to be a virgin to get married but isn't, though this would not apply if it was her fiance who had been with her, and a distinction is made between women who have a lover and have to marry and those who play the harlot with whoever.

    The focus in all the Torah is on the one who leads the way in a matter, and the prohibition on homosexual acts says "you shall not lie with a man as you would with a woman," which directly targets the he man type homosexual who does the penetrating, the penetratee being condemned of course also.

    In the NT the harangues are about male chastity.

  68. anon 8:37 I agree, they got it wrong. What is interesting is the peculiar double standard of morality for men and women, infecting almost all "Christian" cultures, and the sex role standards that inform the homosexual ideas that infected many cultures even today.

    The Bible does two things: it demands chastity of men as well as of women, even OT God said in Habakkuk that He would no longer punish the men's wives and daughters when they went whoring because the men were doing the same thing with both secular and cult prostitutes. Allowing polygamy was not the same thing as allowing men to sow wild oats and then demand women be virgins. An especial demand for chastity was on the daughters of priests for obvious reasons when you think of the cult related sex around them. Death for sex by fraud is indicated in Onan's story (tricked Tamar with coitus interruptus, not masturbation) and the rule of a girl who pretends to be a virgin to get married but isn't, though this would not apply if it was her fiance who had been with her, and a distinction is made between women who have a lover and have to marry and those who play the harlot with whoever.

    The focus in all the Torah is on the one who leads the way in a matter, and the prohibition on homosexual acts says "you shall not lie with a man as you would with a woman," which directly targets the he man type homosexual who does the penetrating, the penetratee being condemned of course also.

    In the NT the harangues are about male chastity.

  69. regarding telepathic stuff, I agree a lot of the time people may indeed be communicating bwecause a couple of demons are talking to each other like message runners.

    But that ignores the question, how the people can be talking with the demons?
    how people can receive the attacks from outside? St. Peter warns to be wary of the devil who roams around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

    The devil was bound in the sense of crippled by Christ, but not bound in the sense of the binding at Christ's return for the first thousand years of Christ's eternal reign, during which the devil cannot even whisper, cannot tempt the nations.

    The devil will be released a short time after that, then bound forever.

    there is a misunderstanding about what "bound" consists of in RC and EO and even some charismatics. But if it were as extreme as these assume, exorcism both of those about to be baptized and sometimes others would not be necessary or done.

  70. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Christine at 9.12am,

    I don't particularly want to discuss demonology. If I was Christian and plagued in that way then, regardless of what happened to me in the past, I would seek out Christians who had the anointing to deal with it.

    God be with you.


  72. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Anyone who believes this will never even try to understand the truth about the New Age movement. Mentions Cumbey.

  73. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Wading through the list of organizations and topics on the left side of the page will provide years of posting about conspiracy without ever getting to the nub of what is going on. Separating disinformation from information can't be done in a lifetime.

    Granted a lot is going on, But...everything is dumped here in an effort to get people running away as fast as possible from even trying to learn what is going on.

    No wonder so many people want to put their heads under the blanket of their religious beliefs. And if you find that comment offensive, tough!


  74. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I should have said the right side of the page. Sorry.

  75. Anonymous6:54 PM


    I have just found your blog in my research of why the world looks like it does today.
    I hope you will look at the videos this man a true christian have posted on YT, they are of such a substance.

    Thank you for a great blog!


  76. My "religious beliefs" are hardly a blanket.
    My faith in Christ makes me an outcast in this world.
    My faith in Christ is like a scarlet letter on my shirt.
    The world hates Christians and it would really be
    much easier in a lot of ways if I could just discard
    this faith that I have in Jesus.
    Once again, Dorothy, you miss the mark completely
    and in the process you make your research endeavors into your own personal idol.
    Are you ready to die for your faith in research ?
    But of course no one would arrest you for that.
    I don't think they even care if you do expose them
    at this point.
    Please don't refer to the Christian faith as a blanket because I'll call you out every time.
    It's the faith in Jesus Christ that they really hate.

  77. Anonymous12:26 AM

    I have great respect for Christians who know what Christianity really stands for. I have no respect for Christians who use Jesus as a good luck charm allowing them to think and do whatever they feel like. We saw what that resulted in when the German Christians followed the Nazis. The Confessing Christians knew what the Nazi movement stood for and how it opposed Christianity.

    Am I just picking on Christians? I am Jewish and Orthodox Jews know what is important. Secular Jews are similar to German Christians because they follow the demands of the moment.

    Paul, I've never seen anything that tells me you know what Christianity has taught. You're no outcast. You are so mainstream in the secular world. You use sources that are very worldly now while believing that saying you are Christian means something to those who know what is going on.

    Constance and I see you very differently. As it's her blog, I'm sure you will stay for a very long time.


  78. Anonymous12:27 AM

    I have great respect for Christians who know what Christianity really stands for. I have no respect for Christians who use Jesus as a good luck charm allowing them to think and do whatever they feel like. We saw what that resulted in when the German Christians followed the Nazis. The Confessing Christians knew what the Nazi movement stood for and how it opposed Christianity.

    Am I just picking on Christians? I am Jewish and Orthodox Jews know what is important. Secular Jews are similar to German Christians because they follow the demands of the moment.

    Paul, I've never seen anything that tells me you know what Christianity has taught. You're no outcast. You are so mainstream in the secular world. You use sources that are very worldly now while believing that saying you are Christian means something to those who know what is going on.

    Constance and I see you very differently. As it's her blog, I'm sure you will stay for a very long time.


  79. anon 1:43 actually that is very accurate up to a point, but seems as far as I scan it, to leave out anything and everything POLITICAL. The descriptions of Cumbey and Texe Marrs are not quite accurate. Icke is a sort of New Age element himself, but opposes the more abusive stuff he personally doesn't like, but doesn't manage to see through all of it.

    The religious side of it could be viewed as how the political gets its grounding in the population, because once you are sold on some part of this, you can then more easily be persuaded to go for control and world govt. plans that support or are consistent with these beliefs.

    That politics is left out and only those who focus on it are mentioned as conspiracy nuts without even reference to the political side of their theories, tells me something is wrong here at wikipedia, ALSO WIKIPEDIA HAS DELETED THINGS ON OTHER SUBJECTS that shouldn't have been deleted, at least retained as an example of views on the subject, that tells me that for some things, Wikipedia is controlled by people with an agenda.

  80. Dorothy, while indeed this may be TMI for one sitting, each of it IS part of the overall picture of what is really going on.

    what would you descirbe "the nub of what is going on" as being, and what topics on that list would seem to be close to it just judging by the titles alone?

  81. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Christine, just recently Constance posted what I thought was the nub of the New Age movement. Please reread that. Constance also said in the past that New Age is a resurgence of the Nazi movement. Hitler took an international movement and made it a national movement. I agree with that. I would suggest you read the second volume of the Evans series, The Third Reich In Power because it explains how the movement manipulated the community and who fought back. I have a huge library but this book deals with practicalities.

    You can explain singular changes taking place, and I do that, but it is important to place things in context and avoid disinformation.


  82. constance posted several things, please repost the part at issue.
    Most of what she says is in one way or another relevant, so I need to know what you consider the creme de la creme.

    Many of the links on that page you reject, are precisely the sort of information that shows a Nazi connection or occult or Nazi friendly connection to a lot of modern politics, incl. the whole idea of the NWO. Alex Jones has been on this trail for some time now.

    Constance puts things altogether but the kind of research many of those links put you on is revealing also.

    A great book is Gene Veith MODERN FASCISM 9.99 for the kindle ed. at and a free preview on that page for it also. Fascism is essentially a revolt against transcendence against the idea of a God above all and objective moral rules over all, and return to pagan values of community feeling subjectivism and bloodshed of the outsider.

  83. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Christine @10.44am,

    Dorothy fairly clearly means Constance's blog post of May 30th in which Constance reproduces and commends Dorothy's summary of NA.

    NA has a far greater component of anarchism than Nazism did, but otherwise I agree they have plenty in common.

  84. I fully agree with that post, however since these other detailed research things show Nazi connections and the fascist ideology and so forth - by the way I recommend Modern Fascism by Gene Veith sells a kindle edition for only 9.99 and gives a free preview - I don't see why theother research is a problem.

    Some things you can't put together in one piecen briefly and showing where it is going without a lot of source support and these types of research show it.

    sure, some research is flawed because of new age tendencies in the writers, but these can be overlooked when they are presenting straight history. the problematic parts, just ignore, and look for their sources on history or their documenting video clips from speeches or events.

  85. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Only the Left call the Nazis fascists. Guess why... because 'Nazi' is an acronym for National SOCIALISM.

  86. anon 12:44 not correct. Nazis called themselves fascists. Fascism is the name they gave their philosophy.

    As for the left, both left and right are controlled by the same people at the top and the same banker gangster system (NOT Jewish) and informed by some rather similar ideas incl. globalism.

    Left and Right originated as the seating arrangement in France for those who wanted some changes and those who didn't. It has no philosophical or mystical validity and is a false paradigm. Nazism is generally equated with the right by moderns because of some superficial similarities.

    When you really study The Bible you find that you cannot categorize politically or economically.

  87. Anonymous10:26 PM

    The New Age movement is a system of beliefs that came together around the 1900s. There were enough powerful and wealthy people to make the movement viable and set it in motion. It was set in motion in many countries around the world, and it was meant to be an international movement. Germany was one of those country.

    However, where the movement was gradually growing in countries, through force the Nazi movement attempted to implement it quickly. Many of the pieces were already in effect there, so it wasn't as if something new was being forced on people. shows the scope of the movement in 1927. As Lucis Trust and the Theosophical Society are rather secretive organizations, it is impossible to know their political connections now. We can only know what they publicly share.


  88. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I met Prof. Gene Veith and read and recommended his book over the years. He is a Christian author who wrote many books but says he was proudest of that one. When he wrote the book he wasn't familiar with New Age. In the book he points out the many Nazi thinkers who came to the US after the war and influenced the culture.


  89. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Is Obama a socialist or a fascist?

  90. Anonymous2:55 AM
    Study suggests risks from same-sex parenting
    Two studies released Sunday may act like brakes on popular social-science assertions that gay parents are the same as — or maybe better than — married mother-father parents.

    “The empirical claim that no notable differences exist must go,” University of Texas sociology professor Mark Regnerus said in his study in Social Science Research...."

    More at the link. Donna Garner's emails are always very informative. She sent this out.


  91. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Above all, the 'secret' of the gay lobby is the positive correlation between homosexuality and child abuse.

  92. Anonymous3:35 AM

    Christine at 1.14pm,

    You are making a false distinction. In the 1930s Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists regarded themselves as National Socialists. I meant (of course) that TODAY's Left never use the term National Socialist, always the term fascist - because they themselves are socialists.

    You are quite right that the political terms Left and Right originated just 1/10th of the Christian era ago, in the French Revolutionary Assemblee. The terms are not without meaning as you suggest, but you are also correct that God cannot be categorized as consistently Left or Right; Mosaic Law reveals a quite different way of thinking. For example, there is no central political body - only the religious function is centralized in the capital city - yet God enforces the Sabbath like the strictest of Trade Unionists.

  93. Donna Garner's email - thank you, this is very interesting. I notice (if I understood this right) that with a single gay father, the problems are less than with a double gay mothering thing.

    Perhaps because the single male parent the child is somewhat insulated from sexual abuse by the incest prohibition and it is other problems it faces with him,

    AND this situation in itself a single sex one parent, duplicates to some extent the situation that many people had where a parent had died and the remaining parent struggled on alone with the kids.

    While the two women, being lesbians, present probably open display of perversion and the message about the kind of pair bonding that should be in child's parents is rather, ah, different, from what we are hard wired to expect.

    This is not like a normal single mother with a sister or mother or other female help. The dynamics have to be different.

    also, where what I would call parasexual activity type abuse is present, it can be more easily disguised as cleaning or whatever, and might fly under the radar of the other parent who might have some limits on this, while with a male parent it is likely to involve more overt stuff that incl. his own more obvious sexual gratification.

    I haven't read the study itself so I can only guess.

    In addition a heterosexual couple where the father - or the mother - is gay but hiding it or being bisexual again duplicates somewhat a normal picture for the kid, and the kid has less to deal with in terms of comparing him or herself to what everyone else has or hear stuff that puts the kid in a bind, like, the kid loves the parents, but the parents are bad, and yes the parents ARE bad, but they are good to the kid mostly, all kinds
    of stressful ambiguities you find less in other kinds of stuff.

    Did the study look at double gay fathering at all?

  94. Anonymous7:42 AM

    No, you didn't understand right. The comparison you cite is not in the article. The article appeared in the Washington Times.

  95. anon 7:42 AM comparison not in article

    oh yes it is.

    "He found that, when compared with adults raised in married, mother-father families, adults raised by lesbian mothers had negative outcomes in 24 of 40 categories, while adults raised by gay fathers had negative outcomes in 19 categories."


    very good discussion with Webster Griffin Tarpley. As usual he goes into background history to over a hundred years of what led up to whatever he is on about at the moment.

    Circumstance, the Rand Paul sellout to Romney, who is a fake conservative and helped write in all that is wrong with Obamacare and has flipflopped on all issues throughout his career, a total opportunistic phony.

  97. Anonymous11:18 AM

    "...while adults raised by gay fathers had negative outcomes in 19 categories."

    Two gay fathers make one set of gay male parents.

    As in "He found that, when compared with adults raised in married, mother-father families, adults raised by lesbian mothers had negative outcomes in 24 of 40 categories, while adults raised by gay fathers had negative outcomes in 19 categories."

    By the way, enlarge the chart in the Washington Times article to see what kind of outcomes the researcher is referring to.

  98. I wonder why that chart doesn't show all the categories, doesn't show all 24 and though the article mentions comparison with gay fathers (without specifying whether a couple or alone) the chart only talks about lesbian parenting.

    I notice a greater risk of molestation or being forced into sexual acts if raised by a lesbian couple.

  99. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Christine, it's a newspaper article, not the entire study. I presume the writer wanted to give examples of what the aftereffects were.

  100. I know that. i don't see any link to get the whole study. I also don't see all 24 things in which the kids raised by lesbian had negative outcomes or often did out of 40 things, the list only shows 14. I wonder why they left the other 10 out.

    Maybe they weren't that interesting and maybe they were more explosive?

    Someone should locate and post the original workup online, it should be good PR against this gay family stuff.

  101. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I was recently sent this article. The author wanted to justify the idea that alternative health is not connected with New Age.

    I was going to respond with links from the website Whole Again, only to learn the website was no longer there.

    If you don't already have the book Whole Again Resource Guide, "the best guide to networking the New Age movement" 1986-87 with its 3000 listings of ideas promoted by NA, there are a few low priced copies still available. Check


  102. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Social Science Research
    Volume 41, Issue 4, July 2012, Pages 752–770

    For those who wanted a more scholarly approach to the information.


  103. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Justina: Please expand on your statement about how you cannot categorize politically or economically after really studying the Bible. Thanks, from Will

  104. for starters, look at govt. in Romans. it is not by of and for the people, it is to restrain evil and reward good. It is also obvious that it doesn't always do this.

    second, you find demands for justice and mercy mixed with specifics about economics and property. Obviously though the latter were coded into the Law, they are not limited to it, but reflect God's standards of what is right.

    third, you can find tribal hereditary and semi democratic and monarchic contexts in The Bible.

    As someone said, God doesn't validate any one form of govt., I would add it is only what will do what He wants in that time and place? Obviously you could argue that the Israelite monarchy was a constitutional monarchy, the Torah as constitution.

    So the idea of having a law code that overrides other law codes and controls how they can go, giving limits but flexibility is a concept that is biblical. (Exact content of said codes, whether moral or immoral, is another matter.)

    The only way you can be sure govt. will do its job, is to have some capacity of the people to have input and you need transparency, here comes freedom of the press and protection for whistleblowers and other so called snitches.

    There was often some choosing by the people or some middle layer of which of the eligible men would be king in Middle Eastern and chieftainship cultures. Some indication of this crops up in Kings or Chronicles.

    absolute freedom is not the ideal, it is rather freedom from pressure to sin freedom to serve God.

    God starts with an individual, Adam, not a community.

    you cannot have total laissez faire and everything a matter of personal choice to do or not, and have the sort of justice, mercy and care for the poor that God demands.

    Neither the left nor right fits the Biblical mould, and every attempt to fit either in involves leaving something out or twisting or reading things into it.

    Before one would try to do the theonomy thing, however, it is good to remember that God says in Ezekiel that He prefers people to repent than to die, which would validate restraint in applying the death penalty for some things, also before we revive the bride price we should remember that this was a custom regulated with a fixed rate, of thirty shekels, and that it was absent earlier, when in Genesis Rachel and Leah complain their father has treated them as strangers, consumed their inheritance and sold them, something that was apparently developing new in Laban's time, but taken for granted later. The sex role thing is absent before the Fall, and Eve's subordination works by her default, caring too much for a man's opinion of her, which is inherently contradictory to the Christian bias of value God's opinion not honor from any human.

  105. alternative health often IS connected to the New Age movement, especially when it involves anything to do with mental processes like meditation or yoga or whatever.

    That doesn't mean that herbal remedies and using pressure points are invalid. Modern medicine started with herbs, went to synthesizing the main chemicals in the herbs, and went on to invent more.

  106. Anonymous4:39 PM


    It's not entirely clear what Justina means by that statement. You can certainly analyze Mosaic Law using modern categories of thinking. That is simply a way of making Mosaic Law more easily comprehensible to the modern mind, although the Judaeo-Christian should be prepared to let his or her mind be educated by God as to the validity of modern categories.

    For example, in the language of modern economics Mosaic Law advocates a free market in material goods, but a controlled market in labour, in money and in property.

    There's plenty more like this in the books Old Testament Ethics for the People of God by Christopher Wright, and God, Justice and Society by Jonathan Burnside.

  107. I agree with Paul that being a Christian is not putting one's head under a blanket. My Christian beliefs have caused me a lot of misery--lots. Even in church.

  108. yes Christ died for the gays as well as the non gays. We are not righteous and perfect just because we don't do perverted or forced sex (which is also perverted) or steal or murder.

    Yes the gays are sinners, and most probably will lead others into sin.

    St. Paul warns that "9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate,[receiver type gays] nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
    [arsenokoites, arsen man defined as man because dominant, strong, agressive, koites coiton, so the actie role player, buggery in general incl. heterosexual the Church councils incl. and by extrapolation anyone using sex to dominate by violaton, treating it as perquisite of the powerful to demand incl. a rapist]

    10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God."

    But he goes on to say,

    "11 And such were some of you:

    but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God."
    I Corinthians 6:9-11.

  109. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Transhumanism - The New Dark Age

    The Global Future 2045 International Congress, led by iconic futurist Ray Kurzweil and held in Moscow a few months back, lays out a stark vision of the future for neo-humanity where AI, cybernetics, nanotech and other emerging technologies replace mankind– an openly transhumanist vision now being steered by the elite, but which emerged out of the Darwinian-circles directed by the likes of T.H. Huxley and his grandchildren Julian, who coined the term Transhumanism, and Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World. Resistance to this rapid shift in society, the 2045 conference argues, is nothing short of a return to the middle ages.

  110. John Rupp1:06 PM

    "Obama Covertly Grants More Power To Multinational Corporations".

    I thought this was an interesting leak that came out yesterday. I first read about it at Huffington Post.

  111. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Thanks John for the information. I just wonder if they are entertaining and distracting us with the stories of Obama and fund raising Hollywood people while ignoring serious information that could be coming out. Today's story is the Jessica Parker one. There's a new one almost every day.

    As far back as I can remember a goal of the one world government is to raise the lifestyle of the poorer countries and lower our lifestyle so make finance equal. All of that is supposed to make peace across the world possible. Your information fits that agenda.


  112. Anonymous1:38 AM

    I sent this out as an email, but as it is long, I'm breaking it up into several posts. It does all go together though.

    Part 1
    Planned evolution under the name of science taking place now?

    Conservative Godfather Politics has had some very interesting columns, and I'd
    like to share with you the direction we can expect the culture to go.

    "Because evolution is said to be a scientific fact like gravity is a scientific
    fact, we are now at the mercy of anyone who can argue for coercion in the name
    of science. Dennis Prager understands the political “evolution” of liberalism:

    "Whereas until now, the democratic left has attempted to persuade humanity that
    left-wing policies are inherently progressive, this Harvard professor has gone a
    huge step further. Left-wing policies are scientifically based. This is exactly
    how the Soviet Communists defended their totalitarian system. Everything they
    advocated was naoochni, “scientific.”

    "Scientism is the god of modern man. It’s a religion, and a very bad one, that
    is being forced on all of us in the name of an enlightened worldview." (more at
    the link)

    Follow to Part 2 - Dorothy

  113. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Part 2

    Now on June 9, we find

    "Co-host Savannah Guthrie raised the issue of ethics about aborting children
    with genetic flaws. Snyderman didn’t blink: “Well, I’m pro-science, so I believe
    that this is a great way to prevent diseases.”

    "What happens if a genetic ‘flaw’ isn’t found until after a child is born? Would
    it be ‘ethical’ to kill him or her in the name of science?

    "What constitutes a genetic disorder? Where on the spectrum of genetic disorders
    do we draw the line? Let’s face it – no one is perfect. Just go to the mall if
    you don’t believe me. What if a day comes when doctors can determine the IQ and
    physical stature in utero with a simple blood test? Where does genetic
    imperfection stop on the spectrum? Will the State intervene in the name of
    healthcare costs and intervene in pregnancies and demand that babies be aborted,
    and if not aborted relegated to second-class status?" (more at the link)

    See Part 3 - Dorothy

  114. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Part 3a

    I'm reading the book The Third Reich In Power by Richard Evans. All of this
    before the mass killing of the Jews although Jews had been targeted as
    individuals during these times.

    Page 506
    In The Spirit of Science

    "...From 1924 at the latest, when Hitler had read some racial hygiene tracts
    during his period of enforced leisure in Landsberg prison, the future Leader
    considered that Germany and the Germans could only become strong again if the
    state applied to German society the basic principles of racial hygiene and
    racial engineering. The nation had become weak, corrupted by the infusion of
    degenerate elements into its bloodstream. These had to be removed as quickly as

    Page 507
    "Practical policies were not long in coming. At the beginning of the Third
    Reich,. Interior Minister Wilhelm Frick announced that the new regime was going
    to concentrate public spending on racially sound and healthy people. It was not
    only going to reduce expenditure on 'inferior and asocial individuals, the sick,
    the mentally deficient, the insane, cripples and criminals', it was also going
    to subject them to a ruthless policy of 'eradication and selection'. ...This
    prescribed compulsory sterilization for anyone who suffered from congenital
    feeble-mindedness, schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, hereditary
    epilepsy, Huntingdon's chorea, hereditary deafness, blindness or severe physical
    deformity or severe alcoholism..."

    See Part 3b - Dorothy

  115. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Part 3B

    Who were the asocials?
    Page 88
    A degree issued on 14 December 1937 allowed for the arrest and confinement of
    everyone whom the regime and its various agencies, now working in closer
    co-operation with the police than before, defined as asocial.. Shortly
    afterwards, the Reich and Prussian Ministries of the Interior extended the
    definition of asocial to include anyone whose attitude not fit in with that of
    the racial community, including gypsies, prostitutes, pimps, tramps, vagrants,
    beggars and hooligans. Even traffic offenders could be included under some
    circumstances, as were the long-term unemployed, whose names were obtained by
    the police from labor exchanges....." Those arrests numbered into the tens of
    thousands and there were many deaths as these people were put in concentration

    The New Age movement didn't begin with the Nazis, but it was certainly played
    out there. We are on our way. Fighting back is even harder than many people
    imagine. In the book there is a huge section on how the Catholics fought back
    by the hundreds and thousands.


  116. Anonymous3:34 AM


    The problem is not scientific Darwinism but social Darwinism, which is an extension of the former based on a misunderstanding. Social Darwinism was propagated by philosophers who thought that the life sciences are trivial to anyone who is bright enough to be a philosopher, and by a minority of scientists with eugenic views. But, when it was combined with the legitimate notion of free trade in inanimate material goods, and taken up enthusiastically by racialist politicians (such as Hitler), it led to horrors like the Holocaust.

    The evidence for an old earth and evolution is overwhelming. And the Hebrew of the Book of Genesis is more ambiguous than the loud young-earthers care to believe.

    Yes, communists claimed that their system was 'scientific' (although I think they meant 'logical'). But they were unable to explain any scientific basis for the setting by central government of the prices of goods, whereas Adam Smith explained it scientifically by the law of matched supply and demand. The so-called Austrian school of economics has been right ever since, and the Keynesians in the Fed wrong. The latter now face an imminent choice between printing money to the extent of hyperinflation or a catastrophic crash.

    Socialists have changed their tack. They used to say that capitalism didn't work. But it demonstrably did (provided that the Fed didn't overprint), so now they say that capitalism works too well and we need to stop producing and consuming or we will cause catastrophic global warming. Another falsehood. I can and sometimes do read the primary research literature on global warming and the claim that (man-made) carbon dioxide is responsible is utterly unproven.

  117. Anonymous7:05 AM

    "Even traffic offenders could be included under some
    circumstances, as were the long-term unemployed, whose names were obtained by
    the police from labor exchanges....."

    The long-term unemployed are exactly the people that many very conservative Christians (those who hold to the Nicene creed regardless of denomination), are labelling with names such as lazy, socialist, parasitic, left-wing secularist/anarchist anti-capitalist, covetous, resentful of the sucesful, entitled, etc.

    There is some serious cognitive dissonance going on in the minds of many conservative Christians who claim to be fighting the New Age movement. There is no clearer example of the seductiveness and subtlety of evil than this kind of thinking. As the Western economies continue their downward spiral and conservative Christians continue to cling to their view that these people are "not like thin" (industrious, hardworking, etc) we will see the underclass continue to swell (with the formerly employed and well-educated) and a continued disdain for them by church-goers who have, through industry and luck, managed to escape their fate. These people are not only your brothers and sisters, folks -- they could be you, whether you choose to recognize that fact or not.

    It is easy to see why Jesus warned that love of money is the root of all evil. By "Love of money" he was not referring only to Donald Trump, Bill Gates, George Soros, and Bernard Madoff.

    Thanks Dorothy for that eye-opening bit of 20c. history.

  118. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Sorry - that should read "not like them" not "not like thin."

  119. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Anonymous 3:34 am
    I'm familiar with Social Darwinism. I wrote about it in August 2008.

    This is a good place to put the information I shared on the radio show as it shows a connection between the IONS and political power today. It's all in the networking, ideas promoted at one base carried over from one base to another.

    Shift in Action builds itself as an upgrade action of IONS. It has quite a full set of links, one of which is Another is the Luminaries link. or

    Now all Luminaries are not equal. Note that the names are listed by the first names. The one I want to concentrate on is Riane Eisler. or

    "Dr. Eisler serves on many boards, commissions, and advisory councils, including the Editorial Board of World Futures, the Global Council of the International Museum of Women, and the International Editorial Board of The Encyclopedia of Conflict, Violence, and Peace. She co-founded the Spiritual Alliance to Stop Intimate Violence (SAIV) with Nobel Peace Laureate Betty Williams (with Council members such as Queen Noor of Jordan, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Harvard theologian Harvey Cox, and global leaders such as Jane Goodall)."

    She is also a Fellow of the World Business Academy, a member of the World Commission on Global Consciousness,, and a Founding member of General Evolution Research Group.

    What I will follow here is the Center for Partnership Studies which she founded with her husband, David Loye.

    David Loye is a Futurist, the name used before New Age came to the surface. Futurists had a huge network. Loye was a former faculty member at Princeton, home of the Bollingin papers and other New Age material at their press, as well as Peter Singer. Loye was also Co-founder of the New Society for the Study of Chaos Theory. Chaos Theory is a NA study in itself.

    Now two offshoots of Center for Partnership Studies are the aforementioned Spiritual Alliance given under Eisler's bio. Another is the Darwin Project. To get an idea of the support this organization has, look at or

    Here are given the names of 50 leading American, European and Asian scientists. Now what they are supporting is not what is generally thought of as Darwin's ideas. Instead they are promoting social Darwinism, what might be called the caring and sharing New Age ideas. The extension of these beliefs are found in another political system we are all familiar with.

  120. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Anonymous 7:05
    I posted that information from the book to show that anyone can be moved down that slippery slope. Yes there were Christian believers at that time, but Christianity had definitely weakened. Eugenics here in the US and in Germany was a product of the secular, scientific, "enlightened" mind, the "I can't possibly be wrong" line of thinking which is growing so rapidly here. I hope you read the two columns from which I took quotes. You'll see that when understanding of the connection between religion and morality is downplayed, the biggest evils will occur.

  121. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Thanks Dorothy

    ENDA, now back in the news, seems to be another big step toward pushing religion out of the equation, making man's view of right and wrong the driving factor.

    Dave in CA

  122. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Thanks, Justina, for your reply. Thanks also to Anon.4:39. Lots of food for thought. In another vein, I remember hearing- 10 or 15 years ago that "the Elite" were targeting South America for economic advancement, and negative advancement for the U.S. This has certainly come to pass. The Economic Growth Rates for almost any given country in S.A. is now 3 or 4 times what ours is in the U.S. One more item: We know the devil likes to piggy-back on things of God, and pretend that they're his ideas. I believe this is true with "Alternative" medicine. So there are many Christians who throw the baby out with the bathwater, and rely totally on Big Pharma and mainstream allopathic medicine for every health issue. I find this very sad, because much of it is toxic, whereas many researchers who've made huge strides battling cancer, for example, were destroyed by that Establishment. Dr. Max Gerson is one. From Will.

  123. Anonymous4:01 PM

    New Age culture is worldwide

    Infanticide and bestiality advocate given Australia’s highest civic award


  124. Anonymous5:22 PM

    This should be the last piece of information for a while. It's meant for those unaware of the extent of the organized New Age movement. It was the introduction to an email I just sent out. I know there are many, many other New Age organizations, but these are two of the big ones.

    Fri, June 15, 2012
    Jewish theosophists in 1927 and the movements now

    The Theosophical Society and Lucis Trust are major New Age occult organizations. Here I speak of organizations, not systems of thought. TS came
    first in 1875 and Lucis Trust in 1922 was an offshoot. TS had a magazine called
    Lucifer. Lucis Trust was Lucifer Publishing originally. Lucifer was not Satan in their eyes. He was the light bringer who came to earth bringing
    supernational information of value. Both organizations since their beginnings
    were haters of Judaism and spelled that out in their publications. They hate
    Catholicism in parallel with the Nazi movement. Lucis Trust is clearly tied to
    the United Nations according to their publications. It has several headquarters
    around the world as does TS. Lucis Trust groups are called New Group of World
    Servers. The Theosophical also has several headquarters around the world and in
    the mid'30s claimed 40,000 members. I don't know what the numbers are now.
    Both groups have branch organizations.

    Size of these organizations hardly matters any more because the values they
    support have become mainstream in countries around the world. Seeds were
    planted and in connection with one world government ideas were given the power
    to sprout. Now like weeds, the ideas are working on a large scale to choke out
    religious values in the cultures.

    Both groups claim to be promoting unity among humans, but both are only in unison with those who think like they do. Antisemitism and hatred of Catholics have been there since the beginning.



    something is wrong, this link goes to this article,
    Famed pro-life Brazilian bishop who sued ‘Catholics for the Right to Decide’ dies at 76

  126. Anonymous7:25 PM

    I just checked the long and short links and both go to the correct story. Are you copying correctly?


  127. Anonymous10:56 PM

    I posted information on Social Darwinism, but it seems to have disappeared. I'll put it in two sections in case it is too long.

    Anonymous 3:34 am
    I'm familiar with Social Darwinism. I wrote about it in August 2008.

    This is a good place to put the information I shared on the radio show as it shows a connection between the IONS and political power today. It's all in the networking, ideas promoted at one base carried over from one base to another.

    Shift in Action builds itself as an upgrade action of IONS. It has quite a full set of links, one of which is Another is the Luminaries link. or

    Now all Luminaries are not equal. Note that the names are listed by the first names. The one I want to concentrate on is Riane Eisler. or

    "Dr. Eisler serves on many boards, commissions, and advisory councils, including the Editorial Board of World Futures, the Global Council of the International Museum of Women, and the International Editorial Board of The Encyclopedia of Conflict, Violence, and Peace. She co-founded the Spiritual Alliance to Stop Intimate Violence (SAIV) with Nobel Peace Laureate Betty Williams (with Council members such as Queen Noor of Jordan, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Harvard theologian Harvey Cox, and global leaders such as Jane Goodall)." See Part 2

  128. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Part 2

    She is also a Fellow of the World Business Academy, a member of the World Commission on Global Consciousness,, and a Founding member of General Evolution Research Group.

    What I will follow here is the Center for Partnership Studies which she founded with her husband, David Loye.

    David Loye is a Futurist, the name used before New Age came to the surface. Futurists had a huge network. Loye was a former faculty member at Princeton, home of the Bollingin papers and other New Age material at their press, as well as Peter Singer. Loye was also Co-founder of the New Society for the Study of Chaos Theory. Chaos Theory is a NA study in itself.

    Now two offshoots of Center for Partnership Studies are the aforementioned Spiritual Alliance given under Eisler's bio. Another is the Darwin Project. To get an idea of the support this organization has, look at or

    Here are given the names of 50 leading American, European and Asian scientists. Now what they are supporting is not what is generally thought of as Darwin's ideas. Instead they are promoting social Darwinism, what might be called the caring and sharing New Age ideas. The extension of these beliefs are found in another political system we are all familiar with.

  129. Dorothy, I highlight all along, copy and paste. I also use Googles option to just highlight an click on go to mini screen that google gives, and it is the same. The link shows above the article on the page. I suspect someone changed the article.

    I just did the latter one more time on both, and this time it worked. Really wierd.


    The Elite's Eugenics Agenda with Lord Monckton Rio Conference plans

  131. Dorothy, that article shows action that supports the perspective Alex Jones has on the British elites. Also, I am not too surprised, because Australia and to a greater extend New Zealand has a satanist presence. Though what shows on the web is the more up front kind of craziness, there are likely more dangerous political elements who are empowered by the rituals of the crazies.

    Ireland and England have had a problem with child abuse and satanic ritual abuse which goes ignored or "debunked" or whatever.

  132. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Christine, if I thought I was posting something that Jones was posting, I would slice my thumb so I couldn't post again. I don't trust anything that man sends out. His information is for those who want to get an adrenalin high. On the recommendation of a friend, I followed him for a bit of time. Checking out his information wasn't worth the effort.

    When people start talking about satanism without giving the cult name, Illuminati and Bohemian Grove as if they are insiders, I know it's time to move on. There is too much important material out there to waste time trying to prove someone's gossip.


  133. satanism has denominations, shall we say. The public ones are too loony to be a political danger, except in the person of secret members. The dangerous ones are secret. Illuminati and Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove are just branches of a phenomenon. They are also the most well positioned to be trouble.

    But to say they are the only ones is like saying Sunni is the only Islam or Shia is the only Islam, or that Shaivism is the only Hinduism or Vaishnavism the only Hinduism or narrow focussed worship of local false gods in India the only Hinduism, or the particular manifestation of Hinduism in a given caste is the only Hinduism.

  134. regarding Alex Jones, sure he plays to adrenalin, that is his personal nature. But use some discernment and common sense which you have to use with ANY source, Constance, Dorothy, and whoever your favorite is.

    I have found Jones making some errors in how he interprets his sources, but especially when he has less frazzled and harried guests on like Monckton (who fights the global warming scam) and Tarpley it is another matter entirely.

    Never swallow anything whole, pick and choose and study and see what fits what you know or can lead you to something you don't know, looking at the latter you might come up with a spin different from Jones and the source and your original take on the matter.

    It helps to take a speed reading and comprehension course this gets you through a lot more stuff.

    If you are left handed or ambidextrous, you can multitask easier, listen to Jones while reading something else, process verbal and visual content separately.

    Of course if anything rivets your entire attention, you focus on that one source, verbal or visual, and lose the other.

  135. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Christine Erickson gives us advice on how to distinguish sense from nonsense online? Whatever next?

  136. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Christine, you don't seem to understand what I wrote. I will not waste my time with Jones any more than I will waste it with Icke, Rense, Maars or any number of other people with websites.

    Constance may have the will and patience to get some meat out of fringe sources. I don't. You, Christine, do things your own way. Tell you what. I have my own way of doing things after 30 years of chasing down information on New Age. I won't ask you to take my advice if you don't give me any. We both post what we think is substantial and valuable. Everyone can take it or leave it. That's it.


  137. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Lev. 18:26-28 I don't know if this appeared based on some feedback.

  138. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Cute...Len (Orthodox Jew) who commented on these posts previously commented on the homosexuality movement to some of us on his email list. I copied the information here. didn't appear. Those of us who care need to refer to Lev. 18:26-28) Will our following of New Age beliefs destroy our world?


  139. Christine E. and anyone else interested:

    I have found a link to a website published by the occultic organization that encompasses the Illuminated Freemason lodges of the world. I believe it is authentic, and it is worth a look I think. You'll notice the index on the left hand side, with Illuminism about halfway down. The Palladin rite is the secret masonic "super-rite" created by Albert Pike which many claim is the actual Illuminati organization

    I would be interested to know if Constance is familiar with it.

  140. Anonymous6:16 PM


    In most Western European countries the pattern was this. Originally, couples simply declared themselves married and informed the local authorities. The authorities need to know who is married so that they can rule who is the legitimate heir and who is not, whether fornication is adultery, etc. Then couples would ask the local priest to tie their knot. Then, because marriages contracted in church were taken more seriously in the event of breakdown than others, the authorities recognised only marriages contracted in church. Then, as secularism spread, the alternative was offered of a marriage ceremony administered by a State employee with no mention of religion. Today, marriages conducted by ministers in the State-recognised church, or by State-employed registrars, are recognised by the State. That is why ministers of the State-recognised church are in the hot seat in regard to legislation about gay 'marriage', polygamy, etc. (I shudder to think what 'etc' can mean.)

  141. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Looking back on Rio Earth Summit:


    Webster Griffin Tarpley on the difference between finance capitalism - doesn't work and oligarchs always hate progress and population because it undermines their privileges and distinctiveness back to ancient Greece - and industrial capitalsim which works. How to fix our country and what Obama has been doing to it (which isn't new).

  143. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Tarpley's a brilliant guy, but he keeps saying B.O.'s not a Communist. This is baffling to me. Will

  144. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Will: At a guess Tarpley is using the word 'communist' correctly to denote somebody who believes in a violent revolution of the working class to instigate a State-run utopia. Obama is a socialist, someone who believes that it is possible to use the ballot box and subversive policies to achieve the same end.

  145. communism defined as Marxism-Leninism is just a category of socialism, there are anarcho-socialists, trotskyites, Maoists (the last two are ML but differ on enough details to be considered heretics by the old Bolshevik crew) national socialists, and probably some others.

    the irony is, that when you have stock purchase possible by employees, or even stock options as part of pay, you have the workers owning part at least of the means of production.

    The real value of workers owning means of production, is accountability to them, in theory. In practice, na da. So votes with stock options and what you buy is more effective at the alleged goal of socialism than is classical socialist revolution.

    Naturally in any farming situation, you have the workers owning the means of production, except in agribiz.

  146. Anonymous said...

    "Tarpley's a brilliant guy, but he keeps saying B.O.'s not a Communist. This is baffling to me. Will"

    I think the understanding lies in parsing the wordplay involved in Marxism. Like all occultic philosophy, Marxism relies in part on the obscurity of masked principles and verbal subterfuge in the revolutionary stage. Not saying that Tarpley is being disinginuous or anything. It's just that he recognizes Obama within the mindset of the Marxist. In the same way that Marxists can truthfully say - often to the bafflement of critics - that "communism has never existed..."

    Obama isn't a communist because that dialectic hasn't been achieved yet.

    What Obama is, is a "communitarian." Which is a newer synthesis of Euro-socialism.

  147. actually, in Marxist ideology, communism is the goal of socialism, the final condition in which the state has withered away etc. and Marxists can be called communists because they are chasing this goal, but it hasn't been reached yet. They always called themselves socialist. That is a transition phase.

  148. Anonymous4:05 AM

    "in any farming situation, you have the workers owning the means of production"

    Surely you are joking Christine? In most cases, such as the medieval feudal system, a small number of landowners extorted rent from a large number of grindingly poor peasants. Class was based on land ownership. To its lasting disgrace the medieval church, which had the example of the divinely ordained division of Canaan family by family to point at, sided with the landowners.

  149. I am talking about present times. In medieval times no one owned any land freehold except rarely, mostly the kings, who had given conditional ownership to vassals conditional on supplying military means and it only became hereditary later.

  150. supportive of allegations of the global elite wanting to create a neo feudalism, is the pattern of behavior - attack on small family farms, even to regulations about runoff and dust from there getting fines, but not for the agribiz farms apparently, and other things that would result in clustering of population into cities and rendering rural places either owned by huge corporations, or "rewilded" and uninhabited. Tarpley (and Jones following Tarpley's lead) calls it neo feudalism.

  151. Anonymous3:04 PM

    In my library I have a quite an interesting book for those who are interested in the start of the political side of New Age.
    The London heretics, 1870-1914 by Warren Sylvester Smith (Hardcover - 1968)There are a few copies available through Amazon or which go for under $2.00. Names covered include Shaw, Wells, Morris, Besant, Stead, Tyrrell, Madame Blavatsky,etc. 319 pages. The second section is on non-Christians, including a chapter on Spiritualism and the London Theosophists. The third section is on The New Christians. Fourth is Independent Seekers and the View Ahead.



    here's a copy free online. Looks interesting. Thanks!


  154. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Thanks for sharing the information that's on line. I would still suggest that anyone seriously interested get the hard copy while it's so inexpensive. I've found that things stored in the computer are easily forgotten whereas things I have in hard copy I can review and share with others. Also, I'm not skilled enough to back everything up in a hard drive. I wasn't ready to read that book although I got it a while back. Just recently I was ready.

    For instance, all of my information on the blog is now lost to me unless I go back through the years and copy them. In the past a search of the blog would review the comments, but now it no longer does so.

    Then again so few are interested in documenting the history of what is politically going on that this has become a hobby rather than a serious undertaking. Why I still bother I don't know.


  155. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Two items of interest related to New Age plans for humanity.
    Top doctor's chilling claim: The NHS kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year

    Professor says doctors use 'death pathway' to euthenasia of the elderly
    Treatment on average brings a patient to death in 33 hours
    Around 29 per cent of patients that die in hospital are on controversial 'care pathway'

    And a big cheer for those who still care:
    Abortion Proponents Admit Defeat at Rio Conference
    RIO DE JANERIO, June 20 (C-FAM) In an astounding show of solidarity, a diverse group of countries rallied together with the Holy See to successfully remove any mention of reproductive rights or population control from the final outcome document produced during the last round of UN negotiations at the Rio +20 conference this week.


  156. Susanna11:37 PM


    Regarding "The London Heretics"...

    It is interesting to consider all the occult - oriented critters who lived in London around the time you mention. Karl Marx was one of them. We must not forget Richard Wurmbrand's evidence that shows Marx to have been a Satanist.

    It is also interesting to consider that Freemasonry began in London England on June 24, 1717 in London. The United Grand Lodge of England is the "Vatican" of Freemasonry. Many of the New Age beliefs and practices are said to have had their origin in Freemasonry. There was - and perhaps still is - in fact, a Masonic magazine that goes by the title The New Age Magazine.

    Oh....and let us not forget Findhorn in Scotland which is part of the UK.

    I have also observed that the politics of the New Age Movement almost always involves some sort of socialism. We must not forget that Nazism was a form of socialism.....National Socialism.

    Here is an interesting article I came across recently.

    Socialism: A Product of the Collectivist Mentality of the New Age Religion

    Another article from the same site:

    The Real Root of the Redistribution of Wealth: THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT
    originally published in 2009

    Pay attention also to the other articles embedded in the ones I just linked you to above.

  157. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Today I came upon a "conspiracy" site with material that was very well written.

    The writer has done his research. Perhaps I am saying this because he has put
    together many of the same pieces of information and has come to many of the same
    conclusions. Then again he has material that I've not considered but which he
    has documented quite well. Also I've not found any New Age antisemitism or hate
    Catholics material in what I've read.

    The main website -

    For instance, his report on Death Summit 2012: A Window Into 21st
    Century Eugenics which is the title.
    Read this to see what was going on leading up to the Rio meeting and see what
    efforts had to be made to hold population control back on a planetary level.
    Read it to understand what is going on behind the scenes.

    Under Other Reports find The Boy Who Cried Wolf: Is Predictive Programming Being
    Used To Weaken The Truth Movement? Are we being bombarded with this to scare
    individuals away from trying to find out the truth.

    Every article I've read is powerful. I question the Alex Jones connection.


  158. I am so sorry. I have a couple of new posts in the draft stage, but have been occupied much more in court than I anticipated. That's good and that's bad for the writing. Check out "GEESE" --

    Gaia Education GEESE Gaia Education was created by a group of educators called "GEESE" (Global Ecovillage Educators for a Sustainable Earth) who have been meeting ...
    Global Ecovillage Educators, GEESE - Gaia Education Education evolved over a series of meetings of international ecovillage educators called the GEESE (Global Ecovillage Educators for Sustainable Earth) to ...
    GEESE Community - Gaia Education GEESE internacional Comunicar, Articular, Documentar, Compartilhar.
    GAIA HOME at the Rio+20 Conference - GEESE Community HOME...A meeting place for ideas, experiences and solutions for a sustainable world at the Rio+20 People's Summit. GAIA HOME will be a meeting place ...

    This is one of my current projects. How I stumbled on to it is interesting. I also have much to write about LANDMARK FORUM and LANDMARK EDUCATION.


  159. Anonymous5:51 AM

    There as as many problems in the American private health care system as in the NHS but they just get covered up. Profit is the primary motivator for the American system. Doctors and drug companies cover up medical malpractice maims and kills innocent and vulnerable people for other doctors on a daily basis and hire expensive private lawyers to whitewash their butchery.

    Anyone can find out what is going on through research. Terms to use include ADR, adverse drug reaction, medical horror stories, etc. Also google stories of what happens to Americans who lose their medical insurance because they lose their job. The term "Uninsurable" is a good search term to use. Most people reading here probably don't care because it isn't happening to them or someone they love. This is typical of many Americans who are so filled with the sin of pride that they believe nearly everything bad that happens to someone happens because it is that person's fault and that they are a whiner for pointing it out. Many are speculating that America is Bablyon and I tend to believe this is the case. The sheer pride of Americans and their worship of individualism (while giving lip service to God, religion, conservative morality, etc) seems to point to this.

    If you think the problem Dorothy cites is linked to "socialized medicine" and not immorality and corruption you are misinformed. Evil, immoral people exist within both systems. Those who turn their eyes to the gross immoralities system to the American for-profit system by externalizing the problem as "elsewhere" are distorting the issues not exposing them for what they are.

    The French and Australian system are socialized health care systems that seem to work better than both the NHS and the American for-profit model. Keep in mind though that no system is perfect just as no person is perfect. It is always a lesser of two evils.

  160. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Anonymous 5:51
    Can you document your comments about France and Australia, including cost, private plans, eligibility and particularly about eligibility for immigrants?

    Having gone through medical difficulties with care for my husband ten years ago before he died, I am well aware of the weaknesses of our medical system here in the US, particularly with group plans like Humana. I also followed Constance's experience with the Kevorkian case.

    However my particular concern is with euthanasia, voluntary or otherwise. Because it is not openly routine here, the elderly are safer if families know what is going on.


  161. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Re. the article Dorothy linked to on the NHS- the 400+ comments give a much more nuanced view of the NHS and the LCP in particular than the sensationalized headline suggests.

    It is a headline that can easily used for propoganda by those with a right-wing political axe to grind, but for people who look at these issues through the lense other than that of partisan politics, there is much to be learned from the comments about the pros and cons of the British system.

  162. Anonymous2:46 PM


    I share your concerns about euthanasia.

    I am not an expert in this subject and don't have facts and figures in my head, but basic internet searches on the French and Australian systems will provide that information. My information about those two systems is based on conversations I have had with a medical doctor in England who has pratised both in Australia and the U.S., and with an Australian citizen who is not a doctor but who is highly educated and has multiple serious physical disabilities.

    Both these people are committed Christians with a high degree of political and social awareness, including awareness about the New Age movement.

    Both place the American for-profit system at the bottom of the list as an unethical system that best serves people with money, whether wealthy or simply financially secure. They object to it largely on that ground.

    Hope this helps.

  163. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Here is a very informative and meticulously documented blog about a growing social problem in the United States, that of crushing student debt.

    It is a problem linked closely to the jobs famine in the United States:

  164. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Anonymous 2:46
    Sorry, but conversations with two people who remain anonymous to me, as you are, carry no weight. I did look up France and Australia health care on the internet before I answered you the first time. I found many negatives given, but I wanted to give you a chance to defend your position.

    Unsustainable costs, refusal of service, private medical care available, difficulty in servicing immigrants were some of the problems I encountered when looking at many web sites. Since these things didn't appear in one place, I couldn't challenge your information except by asking you to support it.



  165. Anonymous3:09 PM
    Let's Hope the Supreme Court Strikes Down the Health Care Act - Room for Debate
    Here are 10 worst things that will be left in the left in the law if the Supreme Court voids only the individual and Medicaid mandates:

    There are many pro and con articles here at the New York Times.


  166. Anonymous3:19 PM


    The Wikipedia articles on both the systems give a good overview, presenting both positives and negatives. If you focus only on the negatives and ignore the positive you will of course find these systems inferior to the American ones.

    Looking disapssionately at the evidence is probably a more logical and fruitful way to approach the evaluation of these two imperfect systems.

    Finally, because I hold these systems in high esteem does not mean I support the particular Obama plan. I don't. But I do support some sort of national health plan for the United States, as do many intelligent people with strong religious and ethical convictions. I doubt I will live to see it, however.

  167. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Anonymous 3:19
    Wikipedia is not a neutral source where anything political is concerned. Could you please state the positives you believe exist. Throwing in praise for those who think as you do and in effect disparaging others is not helpful. Yes, it would be nice to have a free health care system for everyone, but that costs a lot of money.

    What would you be willing to give up for that? Defense of the US unlike France who couldn't defend itself and just gives in? Food stamps in quantity? Lowering Social Security benefits for everyone? Medical research that the US does? Medicaid for the disabled? Smaller medical staffs because of small reimbursements for those trained? Putting medical decisions in the hands of the government's financial offices? As the song goes...somethin's gotta give.

    You might want to check out this website:


  168. the original medical system REQUIRED doctors to not take any set fees, only what the patient could afford or felt like giving as a gift, and REQUIRED the doctors to keep a lot of free patients poverty cases in tow.

    This wasn't law but professional standards and maybe there was some law in play in some places, maybe not, but you didn't get anywhere without agreeing and practicing this.

    Money talks, and those who started working for pay (and before that, medicine was an art and profession above mere trade for pay, but the trap there was status and pride and next step was greed) managed to gain control of medical standards.

    you do not need socialism or new age or anything, to have the idea that people should have access to medical care regardless of ability to pay.

    one way of sidestepping the custom of not paying a set fee to doctors, was apparently for them to be employed and paid by a corporation, a for profit hospital or clinic, and the patients were charged by the hospital, not the doctor. So you get some place calling itself a medical foundation charging $550 for a basic checkup.

    Big pharma and so forth got into the act, and part of the expense is paying for all sorts of overly expensive research and drugs and equipment, not all of which are that worthwhile. Career and money goals control all phases.

  169. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Anonymous 3:19
    Wikipedia is not considered a neutral source, particularly where politics are concerned, which is where Obamacare ultimately stands.

    Please state what you see are the positives. Complimenting those who think as you do while seeming to denigrate those who do not is not helpful. You haven't presented a logical look at the various systems.

    Yes, it would be nice to have available medical care for everyone at all times, but what should we be willing to give up for that? Cut US defense. France has no defense system giving them more money. Cut medical research which the US leads in? Cuts in staff in the medical community as practitioners leave because of the lack of reimbursement? Cuts in social welfare programs? Higher taxes for everyone that pays into the system? Should the bioethics community suggest a growth in eugenics programs? The funding has to come from somewhere. Where do you suggest it comes from?

  170. start with nationalizing the medical profession, putting them in some social work category, and requiring they have to treat 50% for no compensation from the patient or anyone else on their behalf or from any employer. Make for profit hospitals illegal. Make law what used to be custom.

    Do something similar to the big pharma and so forth. Options for pay incl. cut in pay in return for living on the premises.

    The first hospitals were monasteries. something similar can be arranged.

    The founding fathers said that the remuneration for elected officials like congress and prez should be high enough they are not seduceable by bribes, and low enough the job is not sought for profit.

    A similar standard should hold for medicine.

    There should also be a major effort to train up the populace in beginning law and beginning medicine in high school.

  171. oh, yeah, I forgot, cut off the welfare payments to the biggest recipients, the ones we spend billions on every year.

    corporations that get govt. subsidies and kickbacks.

  172. Anonymous5:48 AM

    The Bible forbids making graven images and trying to represent God's creation, but a green Jesus is really over the top.

    The book of Romans says we should worship the Creator, not the creation. Paul wrote that if man does this, he would be given over to degrading passion. This is why we are seeing the environmental movement growing both in churches and outside of churches, There is a direct correlation between worshipping the creation instead of God and the increase in homosexual behavior according to the Apostle Paul.

    The green movement is creation worship, and if we don't believe what the Creator says about worshipping the creation, why should anyone believe what he says about his plan and design for sexuality?

  173. Anonymous5:50 AM

    I an English and live in England and I have seen the problems in the National Health Service (NHS) here grow over my lifetime. Here is what is going on.

    The postwar Labour government declared that medical treatment should be free at the point of use, and instituted the NHS. It worked well for a while, but it is a socialist-fostered lie that before then the poor got no healthcare. There was a myriad of charities, and many doctors regarded it as their moral duty to treat paying clients in the morning and the poor for free in the afternoon. See the chapter on health in the fine book "The Welfare State We're In" by James Bartholomew. (A US book on the inevitability of subversion of welfare is "Man vs the Welfare State" by Henry Hazlitt.)

    The costs of the NHS have grown much faster than the UK economy, for several reasons, some good, some bad: (1) medical science can now do a lot more for people (good!) than in 1950 when the NHS began, and it doesn't come cheap; (2) the NHS has expanded into social programs as well as medical programs (bad!); (3) the NHS has become greatly over-packed with administrators who hinder rather than help medical staff (very bad!) The ratio of administrators to (doctors + nurses) is FOUR times higher in the NHS than in our private hospitals, which provide better treatment. That statistic was found by the hospital consultant medic Maurice Slevin a decade ago. Partly it is because bureaucracy breeds bureaucracy, partly it is politicians from the Labour (socialist) party when in power putting ever more people into the public sector because everybody in the public sector votes Labour (although this reasoning is never admitted, of course). The British NHS is now the largest employer in Europe. And it is not providing value for money.

    The system in France and Germany works better, where people have to pay for part of their treatment (depending in part on what that treatment is for) and the State makes up the rest from tax revenue. They are of course free to take out private insurance if they wish. I am appalled to read above some ill-thought-out statements like this: "start with nationalizing the medical profession, putting them in some social work category, and requiring they have to treat 50% for no compensation from the patient or anyone else on their behalf or from any employer. Make for profit hospitals illegal... Do something similar to the big pharma and so forth..."

    As well as being shamefully totalitarian, this will lead to precisely the same problems that the UK is now facing.

    Regarding involuntary euthanasia in the NHS, nobody must ever have nutrition and hydration withdrawn, and this abuse urgently needs to be challenged under human rights legislation. But the question of how much of inevitably limited medical resources should be deployed to extend the lives of people who are clearly dying has no easy answer. It is impossible to give everybody the same standard of treatment as a Head of State who is terminally ill, for instance.

  174. Constance,
    Before you post that article that you're working on
    about the Gaia knuckleheads, you should probably
    see this, from the man who started it all:

  175. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Anon 5:50 am

    Thanks for that overview - it conforms to what I have heard second hand.

    Dorothy, I am not interested in discussing this topic with you any more. I have seen your debate tactics in action and they tend to boil down to denigrating anyone who disagrees with your political views as "illogical" etc. Liberals use the same tactic all the time with conservatives.

    You are highly intelligent and a superb researcher but humility is not your strong suit, at least at this blog. I prefer to interact with kind people, and humility is a necessary element in kindness. There is way too much meanness in the world already.

    If you want to twist this bowing out to mean that you "won this argument" about health care systems then by all means, be my guest.

  176. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Anonymous 5:50am
    Thank you for spelling out so clearly the negatives of the English socialist health care system.

    Oh I can see the benefits of what they say is cheaper care. It's nice if you can get it. Private insurance though just needs money for its business. The government needs money for all of the ideal goals it wants to reach.

    For many, many working years I paid into medical insurance, costing them almost nothing. They liked that. Now between Medicare and the supplement I still pay in close to $300 a month out of my social security check. The only difference is that now I am costing the system money, even taking into account the pittance they pay for doctor and hospital care.

    Those getting the money want to see money coming in. They don't like to see it going out. The elderly and the disabled cost the system money, so whether it's the Netherlands where euthanasia is rampant, France, England or the US, as money grows tighter the elderly will be at great risk. I saw it happen in my husband's case. Only by fighting back did I keep him alive. The fight took so much out of me, and I was still working full time, that it was a wonder I didn't have a nervous breakdown. Good luck in fighting the government.
    (continued at next post)


  177. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Now take into account the costs of socialized medicine, the growing New Age population control movement, the eugenics movement in connection with most of the bioethics community, the effort to put all medical records into an international database,which is why Obama worked for such fast passage, the push to make all of our diets healthy and you see the direction all of this will be taking us.

    Everyone should read the case histories given in the comments at the link
    They only take into account the case histories of people who have read the article and are articulate enough to write a response.

    In the movie Cabaret toward the end they laughingly sang the song Money. Here are the lyrics.

    Remember that was during the Nazi period and the New Age movement is a resurgence of Nazism.

    And to the mouthy anonymous who so much likes insulting, add this comment from me to you to your list of insults:

    I don't debate with people who come to the debate weaponless.


  178. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Checking back I see the continuation of my comment has disappeared. This time I didn't copy it. I'll try now to recreate some of what I posted.

    We are in dangerous times. With the costs of socialized health care, New Age population control, the eugenics movement along with support of many in the bioethics field, the growing international euthanasia and infanticide movement, the government push for healthy diets (it's your fault if you are sick), and the internationalizing of medical data on individual patients, we need to take a stand as early as possible. Read the Evans book to see what kinds of promotions preceded the killings in Nazi Germany.

    Everyone should read the 400 plus comments following the article from Britain that I posted. Granted these are only case studies from those who have read the article and are articulate enough to post their stories.

    In the movie Cabaret set in the Nazi era, at the end there is a laughingly presented song titled Money. Get the lyrics. It's not about helping those who need help. It's about money.

    And to the anonymous liberal who came on promoting socialized medicine without presenting any facts, I can't win. I don't debate with those who are weaponless.

    Constance can still take my previous post out of the spam folder and I hope she does.


  179. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Checking back I see the continuation of my comment has disappeared again. I had saved a copy though.

    We are in dangerous times. With the costs of socialized health care, New Age population control, the eugenics movement along with support of many in the bioethics field, the growing international euthanasia and infanticide movement, the government push for healthy diets (it's your fault if you are sick), and the internationalizing of medical data on individual patients, we need to take a stand as early as possible. Read the Evans book to see what kinds of promotions preceded the killings in Nazi Germany.

    Everyone should read the 400 plus comments following the article from Britain that I posted. Granted these are only case studies from those who have read the article and are articulate enough to post their stories.

    In the movie Cabaret set in the Nazi era, at the end there is a laughingly presented song titled Money. Get the lyrics. It's not about helping those who need help. It's about money.

    And to the anonymous liberal who came on promoting socialized medicine without presenting any facts, I can't win. I don't debate with those who are weaponless.


  180. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Disappeared third time and it is shorter than the first one.

    We are in dangerous times. With the costs of socialized health care, New Age population control, the eugenics movement along with support of many in the bioethics field, the growing international euthanasia and infanticide movement, the government push for healthy diets (it's your fault if you are sick), and the internationalizing of medical data on individual patients, we need to take a stand as early as possible. Read the Evans book to see what kinds of promotions preceded the killings in Nazi Germany.

    Everyone should read the 400 plus comments following the article from Britain that I posted. Granted these are only case studies from those who have read the article and are articulate enough to post their stories.

    In the movie Cabaret set in the Nazi era, at the end there is a laughingly presented song titled Money. Get the lyrics. It's not about helping those who need help. It's about money.

    And to the anonymous liberal who came on promoting socialized medicine without presenting any facts, I can't win. I don't debate with those who are weaponless.

  181. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Fifth posting
    We are in dangerous times. With the costs of socialized health care, New Age population control, the eugenics movement along with support of many in the bioethics field, the growing international euthanasia and infanticide movement, the government push for healthy diets (it's your fault if you are sick), and the internationalizing of medical data on individual patients, we need to take a stand as early as possible. Read the Evans book to see what kinds of promotions preceded the killings in Nazi Germany.

    Everyone should read the 400 plus comments following the article from Britain that I posted. Granted these are only case studies from those who have read the article and are articulate enough to post their stories.

    In the movie Cabaret set in the Nazi era, at the end there is a laughingly presented song titled Money. Get the lyrics. It's not about helping those who need help. It's about money.

    And to the anonymous liberal who came on promoting socialized medicine without presenting any facts, I can't win. I don't debate with those who are weaponless.


  182. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Either I've been put on the spammer's list or nobody else is posting.

  183. Anonymous5:24 PM

    The government watchdogs must be out running in the yard. And you want to trust the government with all of the medical money?

    WATCHDOGS: Solons worry Medicare billions going to Castro, Cuba

  184. Anonymous5:25 PM

    The government watchdogs must be out running in the yard. And you want to trust the government with all of the medical money?

    WATCHDOGS: Solons worry Medicare billions going to Castro, Cuba

  185. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Strange, when I posted Part 2 and signed my name, the post disappeared five times. No name and two posts stayed up. Just how does the system work.

  186. Anonymous6:51 PM

    We are in dangerous times. With the costs of socialized health care, New Age population control, the eugenics movement along with support of many in the bioethics field, the growing international euthanasia and infanticide movement, the government push for healthy diets (it's your fault if you are sick), and the internationalizing of medical data on individual patients, we need to take a stand as early as possible. Read the Evans book to see what kinds of promotions preceded the killings in Nazi Germany.

    Everyone should read the 400 plus comments following the article from Britain that I posted. Granted these are only case studies from those who have read the article and are articulate enough to post their stories.

    In the movie Cabaret set in the Nazi era, at the end there is a laughingly presented song titled Money. Get the lyrics. It's not about helping those who need help. It's about money.

    And to the anonymous liberal who came on promoting socialized medicine without presenting any facts, I can't win. I don't debate with those who are weaponless.

  187. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Of course, doctors have to pay off all those years in medical school somehow. If I need my appendix out, I think I would stick with a hospital instead of a monastery. A monastery...Stephen Colbert couldn't even be that funny. That's the funniest thing I have heard in a long time. Don't forget the leeches!

  188. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Thanks, Constance, for checking the spam folder and letting the second half get through. I appreciate the effort.


  189. "In the movie Cabaret toward the end they laughingly sang the song Money. Here are the lyrics.

    Remember that was during the Nazi period and the New Age movement is a resurgence of Nazism."

    Apropos of this, Randall Baer, or cyrstal use fame, got a horrifying gllimpse of the horrifying reality behind the veil of love-peace-bliss, and converted to Christianity, though for a while he tried to salvage some new agey things but gave that up.

    anyway, in his book INSIDE THE NEW AGE NIGHTMARE, he noted that there was a lot of money in the new age thing, expensive devices, books, seminars, etc. especially in Santa Fe, where he lectured, and died in a single car accident off a cliff....leaving no skid marks, going through the windshield but leaving no blood to speak of (so he was dead and the blood starting to settle before he went through that windshield), and his briefcase broken open and some things missing on the ground next to him.

    A lot of money to gain, or lose if people stopped listening to the new agers.

  190. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Notice of marriage of Diego Solana Jimenez to Patricia Folla Castineiras
    from 04/07/2010
    Picture of both parents also


  191. Universal healthcare is a frontline construct to control populations using the force of government. Government is force. What we have in "Obamacare" is an unholy alliance of an evil corporate entity "Big Pharma" with ultimate police powers "Evil Big Government" to dominate and control individual life to the extent that individuals can be "profit energizers" until they are discarded, when no longer useful to the "alliance". Here is a very good video that explains the big context framework of this evil alliance of Big Pharma and Big Government.It is long (almost 3 hrs.) but very well done. I submit that it is in everyones best interest to give serious thought to the content of the presentation.

