
Saturday, May 21, 2011


Well, it may not be the end of the world or Judgment Day TODAY, May 21, 2011 as Family Life Radio owner Harold Camping predicted; but it does look like the long observed "New Age Movement" cum "Global Civil Society" or whatever current moniker is in use is at least setting the world up for a hastened rendezvous with one.  Today, it appears to be Spain's turn.  I wonder what Javier Solana would have to say about that?

From the linked BBC story:

"Tens of thousands of Spanish protesters are continuing to defy a government ban by camping out overnight in a square in the capital, Madrid.
The protesters are angry with the government's economic policies and have occupied the Puerta del Sol area of the city for the past week.
Here, readers in Spain describe the scene at the protests and their reaction to the demonstrations.
Carlos Gomez, Madrid:
This is an historic moment. Thousands of people have been camping in Sol since last Sunday with no flags or affiliation to any party.

Young people, old people, families, it does not matter.
Everything is organised. There are tents to place your suggestions to the movement.
There are tents with food, where people are giving to the campers, tents with political debates, even one for childcare.
We are not just asking for jobs. We are asking for a change in the political system.
We have no option but to vote for the two biggest parties in Spain, who are more or less the same. They are unable to solve any problem, it is just a nest of corruption.
We are tired. In short, we want a working democracy. We want a change."

What jumped out at me from this:  "EVERYTHING IS ORGANISED  . . ."

This is eerily reminiscent of what happened in France in 1799, Mexico 1926-1935 and Spain, 1936-1939.  In those times and places God and Christianity were outlawed, "reason" (or lack thereof) was enthroned and glorified; churches and monasteries were sacked and burnt -- sometimes with occupants inside.  In Mexico, dead Catholic Christians swung from utility poles or were shot dead on a mass scale.

Disturbing times indeed!

Stay tuned!



  1. According to Reuters, Palestine is set for a UN statehood bid in September:



  2. Marko1:04 PM

    The big question for me, regarding all the "revolutions" occurring and the general world mindset for "big changes" is this:

    Are the revolutions taking place the "last gasp" of materialistic Marxism / Communism, which will culminate in the final "World War" between East and West (Russia/China vs. America/etc), after which will come a "spiritual" rejection by what's left of the world of this present world and its "warrior" mentality for Something New?

    I just don't see a lot of New Age-ness in the current revolutionary mindset, esp. in the mindset of the current Russian and other Communist regimes, who seem to be behind (or at least taking advantage of) most of the revolutions currently going on.

    The New Age seed has been globally planted, but it will take yet one more world war and threatened total destruction before that seed begins to flower and bloom.

    That's how I see things, anyway.

    But then, come 6:00 pm tonight, maybe it will all be moot. ;^)

  3. Anonymous1:53 PM

    May 21, 2011

    AOL has an actual Rapture 2011 Apocalypse Now (LIVE BLOG) plus a phone number (To report what? That we're still here...until 6 PM Eastern Time?)

    One of the blog comments:
    "I think it's beginning! Ten minutes ago, there was a group of people waiting at the bus stop outside my house. Now, they're all gone!"

    Yesterday, someone on another blog wrote:
    "If my husband forgets my birthday on Saturday, it WILL be the end of the world for HIM."

    Maybe we all just just need to be reminded to read...

    Matthew 24:36 (KJV)
    "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."

    (And that does include YOU, Harold Camping!!!)

    And - even more important - that we should all be 'READY' no matter what time, day, month, or year we are living in!!!

    God bless all of you.

  4. Anonymous4:23 PM

    "Barghouti is considered to be mastermind of the Second Intifada. He has been in Israeli prison since 2002, and his name is often mentioned in possible prisoner exchange deals between Israel and the Palestinians.

    'We should take all of the Palestinian, Arab and international energy and go in September or even before that to the UN so that a an independent state with '67 borders and Jerusalem as its capital will be recognized,' Barghouti told the Egyptian daily.

    Barghouti said: 'We can not delay, we must continue in this direction. I'm sure that the unity deal [between Hamas and Fatah] will help us reach this goal.'


  5. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Palestinian group calls for more 'Nakba Day' style riots
    05/21/2011 15:09

    The Pro-Palestinian group that organized "Nakba Day" marches announced on Saturday that they were planning further protests on June 5, the day that the Six Day War broke out. The announcement, which was published on the Internet, called on Palestinians in foreign countries to fly to Israel and land at airports within the state...


  6. Anonymous4:28 PM

    "With the possibility of reprofiling looking less likely - and Greek hopes of securing additional loans from European partners also looking politically unpalatable - markets appear to be pricing an even higher probability that Greece will be pushed to declare a default on its debts."


  7. Anonymous4:34 PM

    "The WEU permitted West German rearmament with various restrictions imposed, and was specifically responsible for West Germany becoming part of NATO. In total there are currently 28 members of the WEU, with various standings within the organization itself. It is largely defunct as most of its objectives (collective defence) have been taken over by NATO and institutions have become parts of the European Union. It is doubtful that the WEU will continue to exist for much longer.


    * * *

    Apparently, some uncertainty exists. Fwiw.

  8. Anonymous4:37 PM

    "According to Spanish news agency, Efe, a total of some 60,000 protesters has gathered across Spain, in Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Bilbao as well as the capital."


  9. "I just don't see a lot of New Age-ness in the current revolutionary mindset"
    Oh, yes, they are very much connected. Many of the same players from the NA movement are also players in the globalist/marxist movements. I have written multiple posts on this. Here is just one example involving Van Jones and Pachamama:
    Here is another on the "Church of Earthalujua":

  10. Marko,

    It is PURE "New Age", "Global Civil Society". Please go back and review my pieces where I gave evidences of prominent New Agers (Rene Wadlow for one) bragging about same.


  11. Dorothy2:04 AM

    TexMom, your many interests are confusing. When I clicked on your name it took me to the blog, an active blog. Your blog seemed to end in 2009 The blog, Natural News, you follow,appears to be a somewhat New Age alternative health website. The Newsrealblog you contributed to makes me think you are interested in the Jewish view of things. If you are Jewish, I would like to be in touch with you to share what I've learned over the last 30 years. Your comments about the ongoing New Age movement are insightful.

  12. Anonymous1:02 PM


    I'm the anon from last thread, wanted to send a new blog I ran across, Tristan Cosgrove. We communicated last year about the Julian Frisch blog which has since been shut down. This site has extensive information on the EU and it's many processes and policies, with everything from names and titles to security and defense agendas.

    I have not had the chance to research the blog owner as of yet, but, it looks like some pretty good info. Here is the link if you or anyone else are interested:


  13. Hi, Dorothy-
    I do follow a lot of things for research purposes, so that won't necessarily reflect my personal views.
    (I am Christian, not Jewish, by the way.)
    You're a good researcher yourself:)

  14. Susanna2:36 PM

    Anonymous 1:02 P.M.

    Thank you for the link. It looks like a very fascinating blog. There was one error in the link you posted....a missing " . " between "blogspot" and "com."

    The link should read:

    By the way, did you read my last post on the previous thread about Christine Lagarde and her support for, among other things, Muhammad Yunus?

  15. Anonymous3:14 PM


    Sorry about that link. Yes, I did see your post on Lagarde, thank you.

    I am very aware of Lagarde and her background because I keep a close eye on Sarkozy and his circle.

    I would like to say that something will "undo" him, but I don't see it. There has been so much already that should have "undone" him, but, it just doesn't seem to happen.

    Since entering office he has been involved in everything from the Georgia-Russia truce to strong arming the Lisbon Treaty to being the catalyst and manipulator who installed Van Rumpoy as EU Pres to being a huge force in the Greece bailout to leading the charge to bomb Gaddafi and MUCH MUCH more!

    I think he is a big part of something we have been seeing, and will play a big part in what is to come. I have mentioned him on this blog several times and only saw responses from you. I think he is a man who should be taken VERY seriously.

  16. Anonymous3:18 PM


    I meant to add to my last post:

    I know the man is a weasel and nobody likes him, but, there he is, still around, getting things done, and for the most part, getting them done his way a lot of the time.

  17. Just in from Fort Wayne, Indiana where I did a Cable TV public access taping with Patti Hunter, a former New Ager who I had the joy of helping to lead out of the New Age Movement in Toronto, Ontario back in 1988.

    We taped two programs and as soon as I get the DVD's, I can duplicate them.


  18. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Enthroning "reason". I was raised by two atheists who enthroned reason and expected it to change the world if it got a chance. No Christianity allowed in house, not even a Bible from grandma. I insisted on becoming a Christian at 19, however, but I kept trying to solve things through reason, as instructed by my communist sympathizer (literal) professors. Failed.

    I believe strongly that we must use our reason as much as we can, but always understand that our human reason is incomplete. Only God knows everything. We cannot even be sure that a course of action we take is actually rational...we may see later that we based it all on wishful thinking. It makes one throw himself on the ground and cry with Job that no one can adequately understand the Lord or his creation. If one does that, it may be safe to tentatively poke out a feeler of reason to see if we
    got something right. Once in a while we get something right!

    How much we need the Holy Spirit to guide and protect us.


  19. Susanna1:00 AM

    Anonymous 3:14 P.M.

    Having studied the history of the occult revival of the 19th-century with a special emphasis on
    France, it is interesting to compare the relationship between France and Russia in our own time with the relationship between these two countries that existed in the 19th-century - especially in relationship to the utopian socialism which was blended with Polish Messianism and the occult.

    Thanks to Dorothy and my late friend Carrie Tomko, I was introduced to the writings of the late occult historian James Webb who wrote THE OCCULT UNDERGRUND and THE OCCULT ESTABLISHMENT.

    Nicholas Goodrich-Clarke has lauded Webb as a "serious researcher of occultism."

    Nicholas Goodrich-Clarke has also been involved with television productions on the occult roots of Nazi Germany that have been broadcast on the History Channel.

    I am currentl;y in the process of collecting all of Nicholas Goodrich-Clarke's books as well as the writings of James Webb.


    If you have any questions, by all means contact me at:

    By the way, the "Eye of Newt" is a family joke and does not in any way mean that I am into either the New Age or the occult.

  20. Susanna1:25 AM

    Mariel 11:24 P.M.

    Re: I believe strongly that we must use our reason as much as we can, but always understand that our human reason is incomplete.

    BRAVO, Mariel!!!

    The reason why our human reason is incomplete is because we do not naturally have direct access to the mind of God!!!

    I have no wish to be a "blog hog" here. So if you wish to discuss anything with me in great depth, by all means contact me on the e-mail provided on the previous post - and also here @

    Label your message clearly so it won't get lost in my spam folder!!!

    God Bless,

  21. Dorothy3:53 AM

    And I have Constance to thank for introducing me to the Webb books. I was so excited when learning about them that I drove several hours to LaSalle, Illinois to get them from the publisher, Open Court.

    Webb must have had a fascinating library to work with as Open Court was involved with the Theosophical Library as I learned later from an article. Open Court started in 1887. You can find information on the internet showing that Paul Carus who was editor in chief at Open Court played a major role in the 1893 Parliament of World Religions in Chicago. It was that set of meetings which introduced the West to the Eastern religions, leading the way for the ideas of the New Age movement.

    Who would have thought that a small town in the middle of Illinois would play such a major role in the Theosophical Society.

  22. It looks like the end of the world in
    Joplin, MO.

  23. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Is anyone familiar with Chris Pinto's new website?

    I am wondering what your opinions are of the "Catholic"/"Jesuit" conspiracy theory he presents.

    Are they truly THE group behind all the other front groups?

    I would value your opinions on the subject.

    Thank you,


  24. Susanna1:42 PM

    KC 9:37 A.M.

    First of all, let me make it clear that the Jesuit Order like all other Roman Catholic religious orders not only does not have any independent magisterial authority of its own, but it is also not indispensible.

    Proof of the latter is to be found in the fact that the Jesuits were suppressed by the Pope in the 18th-century. The suppression was the result of a series of political moves rather than a theological controversy.


    See also...

    The Suppression of the Jesuits (1750-1773)

    While the Jesuits have their fair share of apostates to be sure, it really wouldn't be fair to tar every member of the order with the same brush.

    Among the individual heretical members of the Jesuits ( a.k.a. Society of Jesus ) was Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

    Another was the late politicking Jesuit priest Father Robert Drinan who not only bears a heavy responsibility for turning the democratic Party into the "party of abortion," but was also ordered by the Pope to retract statements he had made in support of then President Bill Clinton's position on partial birth abortion.

    Moreover, the late John Cardinal O'Connor gave Drinan a public dressing down in a June 20 column in his archdiocesan paper, Catholic New York,where he
    took strong issue with the Jesuit.

    "I am deeply sorry, Father Drinan, but you're wrong, dead wrong,"
    Cardinal O'Connor declared,
    adding: "You could have raised your formidable voice for life;
    you have raised it for death.
    Hardly the role of a lawyer.
    Surely not the role of a priest."

    Among the Jesuit saints are the eight Jesuit missionaries who came to be known as the "North American Martyrs." The National Shrine of the North American Martyrs is located in Auriesville, New York.


    Many Jesuits were either deported or martyred by the Nazis.



  25. cont.

    There was also Father Miguel Augustin Pro, S.J. - a.k.a. Blessed Miguel Pro - who was martyred in Mexico
    during the Cristero uprising.




    It is to be borne in mind that that Javier Solana's grandfather, the very anti-clerical Salvador de Madariaga - who was so anti-clerical that he would not even allow his daughter Nieves to be baptized - appeared to give tacit approval to the persecution of Catholic and non-Catholic Christians in Mexico and to the slaughter of the Cristeros.

    In fact, on December 18, 2007 Constance wrote:

    When Mexico persecuted its Christians, starting with the Catholics, and then extending to all forms of Christianity, from 1926 to 1935, there were those who sought to keep her out of the League of Nations. It was Salvador de Madariaga's proclaimed advocacy for an understanding of those actions that resulted in Mexico being admitted to the League at the height of that carnage.

    Many more Jesuits were martyred under the communist regimes of China and the Soviet Union.

    Another Jesuit priest who lived a very holy life and was one of the most prominent Roman Catholic theologians of our century, is the late "Servant of God" Father John A. Hardon, S.J. whose cause for beatification and canonization is underway.


    By the way, there is an entire Wikipedia article devoted exclusively to "Jesuit conspiracy theories."


    I can tell you this much. From the research I have done, it is my opinion that modern day "Jansenists" pose a greater threat in terms of being behind any New World Order schemes than do the Jesuits.

  26. Susanna2:44 PM


    Are you aware of who Chris Pinto is, who he is associated with and whose ideas he promotes?

    By the way, the Jesuit myth that Captain Edward Smith was a "Jesuit temporal coadjutor" simply CANNOT be true since Constance Cumbey has already been given first divs on that title!!! LOL

  27. Anonymous4:48 PM

    EU told to 'put aside' differences over foreign policy

    By Martin Banks - 23rd May 2011



    Addressing a conference on the future of the European "neighbourhood policy", Martens called for a "bold and daring" neighbourhood policy.

    He said, "The EU has an important role to play in the Middle East and it must not shy away from its responsibilities."

    "It must keep up the momentum of the recent revolutions in the Arab world and produce a bold and daring neighbourhood policy. This policy is an important tool for the EU...

    * * *


  28. Susanna6:54 PM


    Zapatero's Socialists defeated by People's party in regional elections


    It will be interesting to see how this election effects the European neighborhood policy.

  29. There is a new paper up about the European Neighbourhood Policy in light of the current Mid East situation. The paper is from the EUISS -- the same organization cooperating with US forces in regards to the 2020 and beyond global governance security scenarios. The author is a Sabine Fischer with Erwin Lannon. Here is the link:



  30. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Dear Constance,

    How are you?

    Think you may find the following article, entitled "Five Reasons Why Europe is Cracking,"
    published by the European Council on Foreign Relations, interesting, particularly in light of who is praise, and who is not:


    Have a great evening.


    A fellow watcher

  31. Anonymous11:33 PM

    P.S. Make that "praised."

  32. YesNaSpanishTown7:26 AM

    British doctor stands to lose his medical license for sharing his faith with a patient.

  33. Anonymous10:04 AM


    Could you please give me more information as far as Chris Pinto and who he is associated with. Are you just referring to Alex Jones or is there something that I am missing.

    Thank you.


  34. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I found this recent post and thought it was a good intro into the New Age and the coming persecution.

  35. Susanna11:24 AM


    Pinto's affiliation with Alex Jones should be enough to make anyone wary - along with his support of professional anti-Catholics like Dave Hunt.

    But according to the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon - whose researchers the late Carrie Tomko and I found to be, for the most part reliable after doing our due diligence, have reported that Chris Pinto has been associated with people who promote anti-Semitic literature.

    Since the completion of Riddles in Stone in the late summer of 2006, Pinto has entered into an extended promotional campaign. Entering the earlier videos in The New York International Independent Film and Video Festival (NYIIFVF) on September 15, 2006 and the Tahoe/Reno International Film Festival in August, 2006 is reasonable and to be expected. And, also understandably, he has made the rounds of the political spectrum of radio talk shows.

    Two appearances do stand out: the East Coast Prophecy & Bible Conference, September 7-9, 2006 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and an earlier appearance in July of 2005 on the radio talk show, World Independent News Group, a group that promotes such books as Synagogue of Satan, the secret history of Jewish world domination, William Guy Carr's Pawns in the Game and Milton William Cooper's Behold a Pale Horse more...

  36. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Lucinda here,

    Does anyone have any information on "the Black Pope."

    How does he play into the new world order?

  37. Dorothy12:43 PM

    Anonymous 10:31
    Thank you for that link. I learned of many new sources of confirmation in it. I plan to share it with others.

  38. Anonymous1:21 PM

    'e-G8' Forum in Paris today...

    This should be interesting to see how all of this all plays out - as far as the future impact on our Internet freedom.

  39. Anonymous2:26 PM


    I was going to post a similar remark to anon 1:21. Do you see what are little buddy is doing over there in France? Some pretty big fish in the business/internet world. This is dangerous stuff.

    This is how Sarko works, he gets the ball rolling on things and others finish it up. Do remember a few short months ago when Sarkozy was blasted for the strong rhetoric in bombing Libya? When he was blasted for being the first to formally recognize The Libyan Rebels?

    Now, not only is Libya being bombed (French warplanes were the first to do so), but obviously NATO is running things.

    The Libyan Rebels? Well, Catherine Ashton was there last week setting up an office for the EU. And they have now been invited to open an office in Washington, DC.

    I don't have an answer as to what Mr. Sarkozy's role in all this may be, as we approach very serious times, but, he is someone to be watched.

  40. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Senate Debates President's Power During Cyber-attack

    (Existing law crafted in 1934 for radio)

  41. Susanna12:47 PM

    Anonymous 2:26 P.M.

    Just a few thoughts.....

    It will be interesting to see how the recent Socialist defeat in Spain effects the Sarkozy-inspired situation that more or less merged with the Barcelona Process - especially given the fact that the policy of the Council of the EU has been to fully integrate Libya into the Barcelona Process.

    ...Finally, the long-term objective of the EU policy towards Libya is and remains Libya´s full accession to the Barcelona Process and participation in the European Neighbourhood Policy. This would enhance the promising potential for joint co-operation in important international issues such as migrations and development in Africa....

    See also.....

    .....Both Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat had high praises for Solana's coordination of the Barcelona Process. Ehud Barak said they had all beaten their swords into ploughshares and that at last Israel had joined the "European Club". Libya was not present at the Conference as Colonel Gaddafi claimed it was a blatant European attempt to gain hegemony outside its borders. However, in 2000, both Gaddafi and his country acknowledged and signed up for the principles laid out in the Barcelona Process. The Barcelona Process, developed after the Conference in successive annual meetings, is a set of goals designed to lead to a free trade area in the Middle East by 2010. Solana has said that by the tenth anniversary of the conference true Middle East peace might be achieved. The Euro-Mediterranean free trade area (EU-MEFTA) is based on the Barcelona Process and ENP. The Agadir Agreement of 2004 is seen as its first building block.

    Current situation

    By some analysts, the process has been declared ineffective. The stalling of the Middle East Peace Process is having an impact on the Barcelona Process and is hindering progress especially in the first basket. The economic basket can be considered a success, and there have been more projects for the exchange on a cultural level and between the peoples in the riparian states. Other criticism is mainly based on the predominant role the European Union is playing. Normally it is the EU that is assessing the state of affairs, which leads to the impression that the North is dictating the South what to do. The question of an enhanced co-ownership of the process has repeatedly been brought up over the last years.

    Being a long-term process and much more complex than any other similar project, it may be many years before a final judgement can be made.

    In 2007 French President Nicolas Sarkozy proposed the formation of a Union for the Mediterranean which would consist principally of Mediterranean states and presumably operate outside of the auspices of the European Union.

    From what I have read, it appears that Sarkozy's proposed "Union for the Mediterranean" was at first looked upon by Spain as a rival to the Barcelona Process. Libya, which had never been integrated into the Barcelona Process is still merely an "observer state" of Sarkozy's Union of the Mediterranean.

    Do you think that this might in any way have something to do with Sarkozy's recent warmongering policy with regard to Libya? Inquiring minds want to know. :-)

    The following article is very informative.


    Recall, that Christine Lagarde is pals with Sarkozy and wants to make Paris a capital of Islamic finance - that is, unless her "good friend" Sarkozy leaves her holding the bag over the Bernard Tapie scandal that the French Socialists are hollering about so loudly.

  42. Susanna2:35 PM


    Anonymous 2:26 P.M.

    It looks like I am not the only one thinking along the lines I have just described.

    Monday, April 4, 2011

    However, I am somewhat lacking in total confidence in Sarkozy's reportedly being "extremely friendly to the U.S. and Israel."

    Sarkozy's realpolitik-fueled zeal has tended to outrun his scruples just a little too often.

    Also....the following Brussels Journal article mentions the perennial Franco-German rivalry that appears to be part of the mix.

    Surprise! Surprise! The Germans supported the original Barcelona Process!

    LOL By the time the Germans got done "editing" Sarkozy's proposal, it wound up looking merely like a "jazzed up Barcelona Process."

    They probably have had more than one taste of Sarkozy's hissy fits.

    While European leaders are all but swearing the print out of the Bible that it didn't happen,(except for Zapatero who confirmed that it did) Sarkozy was alleged in 2010 to have threatened to ditch the euro and the EU, pick up his francs and go home unless there were unified agreement in favor of the Greek bailout. Greece is a member in the Barcelona Process. Must have been those parcel bombs delivered to Sarkozy from Greece.


  43. Susanna2:37 PM

    Anonymous 2:26 P.M.

    This message disppeared a while ago.

    Just a few thoughts.....

    It will be interesting to see how the recent Socialist defeat in Spain effects the Sarkozy-inspired situation that more or less merged with the Barcelona Process - especially given the fact that the policy of the Council of the EU has been to fully integrate Libya into the Barcelona Process.

    ...Finally, the long-term objective of the EU policy towards Libya is and remains Libya´s full accession to the Barcelona Process and participation in the European Neighbourhood Policy. This would enhance the promising potential for joint co-operation in important international issues such as migrations and development in Africa....

    See also.....

    .....Both Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat had high praises for Solana's coordination of the Barcelona Process. Ehud Barak said they had all beaten their swords into ploughshares and that at last Israel had joined the "European Club". Libya was not present at the Conference as Colonel Gaddafi claimed it was a blatant European attempt to gain hegemony outside its borders. However, in 2000, both Gaddafi and his country acknowledged and signed up for the principles laid out in the Barcelona Process. The Barcelona Process, developed after the Conference in successive annual meetings, is a set of goals designed to lead to a free trade area in the Middle East by 2010. Solana has said that by the tenth anniversary of the conference true Middle East peace might be achieved. The Euro-Mediterranean free trade area (EU-MEFTA) is based on the Barcelona Process and ENP. The Agadir Agreement of 2004 is seen as its first building block.

    Current situation

    By some analysts, the process has been declared ineffective. The stalling of the Middle East Peace Process is having an impact on the Barcelona Process and is hindering progress especially in the first basket. The economic basket can be considered a success, and there have been more projects for the exchange on a cultural level and between the peoples in the riparian states. Other criticism is mainly based on the predominant role the European Union is playing. Normally it is the EU that is assessing the state of affairs, which leads to the impression that the North is dictating the South what to do. The question of an enhanced co-ownership of the process has repeatedly been brought up over the last years.

    Being a long-term process and much more complex than any other similar project, it may be many years before a final judgement can be made.

    In 2007 French President Nicolas Sarkozy proposed the formation of a Union for the Mediterranean which would consist principally of Mediterranean states and presumably operate outside of the auspices of the European Union.

    From what I have read, it appears that Sarkozy's proposed "Union for the Mediterranean" was at first looked upon by Spain as a rival to the Barcelona Process. Libya, which had never been integrated into the Barcelona Process is still merely an "observer state" of Sarkozy's Union of the Mediterranean.

    Do you think that this might in any way have something to do with Sarkozy's recent warmongering policy with regard to Libya? Inquiring minds want to know. :-)

    The following article is very informative.


    Recall, that Christine Lagarde is pals with Sarkozy and wants to make Paris a capital of Islamic finance - that is, unless her "good friend" Sarkozy leaves her holding the bag over the Bernard Tapie scandal that the French Socialists are hollering about so loudly.

  44. Anonymous2:55 PM


    Intersting you mention Med Union and Libya. I was just telling someone that Sarko gave speech to his nation a few months back after his cabinet reshuffle, and mentioned something about "breathing life" back into the Med Union. Just a few weeks back he mentioned that reviving the Med Union would be a great thing given the developments of the "arab spring".

    From 2008 the person most outspoken in opposition to the Med Union, even organizing meetings with peers to stop it? Gaddafi.

    Who led the charge to bomb Gaddafi?

    I get the feeling you don't take Sarko very seriously.

  45. A must listen to! Brannon Howse makes connections between Glen Beck's Black robe regiment and the New Apostolic movement, Rick Warren, and the Dominion movement!


  46. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Will threats of cyber attacks be used as a 'crisis equals opportunity' for our government to take over the Internet under the guise of 'protecting' the American people; when, in reality, we are being censored by having our First Amendment right to freedom of speech severely restricted in the very near future?

    Must see video (CBS News 04/22/11):

  47. Anonymous5:41 PM

    From the Wall Street Journal
    (May 24, 2011)

    Google to Unveil Mobile Payments Platform

    Google Inc. is expected to disclose details about how consumers will be able to make store purchases, redeem coupons, and get loyalty points by waving smartphones in front of a small reader at the checkout counter, said people familiar with the matter.

    At an event Thursday in New York, the Web-search company is planning to show off the technology, called near field communication, which is embedded in newer smartphones powered by Google's Android software and that can help turn the devices into a kind of electronic wallet, these people said.

  48. Susanna9:21 PM

    Anonymous 2:55 P.M.

    First of all, one of the comments on Sarkozy I posted has disappeared.....TWICE! Here it is again.

    Anonymous 2:26 P.M.

    Just a few thoughts.....

    It will be interesting to see how the recent Socialist defeat in Spain effects the Sarkozy-inspired situation that more or less merged with the Barcelona Process - especially given the fact that the policy of the Council of the EU has been to fully integrate Libya into the Barcelona Process.

    ...Finally, the long-term objective of the EU policy towards Libya is and remains Libya´s full accession to the Barcelona Process and participation in the European Neighbourhood Policy. This would enhance the promising potential for joint co-operation in important international issues such as migrations and development in Africa....

    See also.....

    .....Both Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat had high praises for Solana's coordination of the Barcelona Process. Ehud Barak said they had all beaten their swords into ploughshares and that at last Israel had joined the "European Club". Libya was not present at the Conference as Colonel Gaddafi claimed it was a blatant European attempt to gain hegemony outside its borders. However, in 2000, both Gaddafi and his country acknowledged and signed up for the principles laid out in the Barcelona Process. The Barcelona Process, developed after the Conference in successive annual meetings, is a set of goals designed to lead to a free trade area in the Middle East by 2010. Solana has said that by the tenth anniversary of the conference true Middle East peace might be achieved. The Euro-Mediterranean free trade area (EU-MEFTA) is based on the Barcelona Process and ENP. The Agadir Agreement of 2004 is seen as its first building block.


  49. Susanna9:23 PM


    Current situation

    By some analysts, the process has been declared ineffective. The stalling of the Middle East Peace Process is having an impact on the Barcelona Process and is hindering progress especially in the first basket. The economic basket can be considered a success, and there have been more projects for the exchange on a cultural level and between the peoples in the riparian states. Other criticism is mainly based on the predominant role the European Union is playing. Normally it is the EU that is assessing the state of affairs, which leads to the impression that the North is dictating the South what to do. The question of an enhanced co-ownership of the process has repeatedly been brought up over the last years.

    Being a long-term process and much more complex than any other similar project, it may be many years before a final judgement can be made.

    In 2007 French President Nicolas Sarkozy proposed the formation of a Union for the Mediterranean which would consist principally of Mediterranean states and presumably operate outside of the auspices of the European Union.

    From what I have read, it appears that Sarkozy's proposed "Union for the Mediterranean" was at first looked upon by Spain as a rival to the Barcelona Process. Libya, which had never been integrated into the Barcelona Process is still merely an "observer state" of Sarkozy's Union of the Mediterranean.

    Do you think that this might in any way have something to do with Sarkozy's recent warmongering policy with regard to Libya? Inquiring minds want to know. :-)

    The following article is very informative.


    Recall, that Christine Lagarde is pals with Sarkozy and wants to make Paris a capital of Islamic finance - that is, unless her "good friend" Sarkozy leaves her holding the bag over the Bernard Tapie scandal that the French Socialists are hollering about so loudly.


    I do take Sarkozy seriously, but not as seriously as I take Germany or Angela Merkel.

    If Sarkozy is the big stink he tries to make everyone think he is, why were other EU "powers that be" able to "persuade" him to allow his Mediterranean Union proposal to be brought into conformity with the original Barcelona Process to a point where it came to be regarded as merely a "jazzed up Barcelona Process?"

  50. Susanna9:26 PM

    Anonymous 2:55 P.M.

    This comment has disappeared 3 times!

    Anonymous 2:26 P.M.

    Just a few thoughts.....

    It will be interesting to see how the recent Socialist defeat in Spain effects the Sarkozy-inspired situation that more or less merged with the Barcelona Process - especially given the fact that the policy of the Council of the EU has been to fully integrate Libya into the Barcelona Process.

    ...Finally, the long-term objective of the EU policy towards Libya is and remains Libya´s full accession to the Barcelona Process and participation in the European Neighbourhood Policy. This would enhance the promising potential for joint co-operation in important international issues such as migrations and development in Africa....

    See also.....

    .....Both Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat had high praises for Solana's coordination of the Barcelona Process. Ehud Barak said they had all beaten their swords into ploughshares and that at last Israel had joined the "European Club". Libya was not present at the Conference as Colonel Gaddafi claimed it was a blatant European attempt to gain hegemony outside its borders. However, in 2000, both Gaddafi and his country acknowledged and signed up for the principles laid out in the Barcelona Process. The Barcelona Process, developed after the Conference in successive annual meetings, is a set of goals designed to lead to a free trade area in the Middle East by 2010. Solana has said that by the tenth anniversary of the conference true Middle East peace might be achieved. The Euro-Mediterranean free trade area (EU-MEFTA) is based on the Barcelona Process and ENP. The Agadir Agreement of 2004 is seen as its first building block.


  51. Susanna9:33 PM

    Anonymous 2:55 P.M.

    My other comment on Sarkozy has disappeared three or four times!

    Here it is again.

    Anonymous 2:26 P.M.

    Just a few thoughts.....

    It will be interesting to see how the recent Socialist defeat in Spain effects the Sarkozy-inspired situation that more or less merged with the Barcelona Process - especially given the fact that the policy of the Council of the EU has been to fully integrate Libya into the Barcelona Process.

    ...Finally, the long-term objective of the EU policy towards Libya is and remains Libya´s full accession to the Barcelona Process and participation in the European Neighbourhood Policy. This would enhance the promising potential for joint co-operation in important international issues such as migrations and development in Africa....

    See also.....


  52. Susanna9:38 PM

    Anonymous 2:55 P.M.

    I do indeed take Sarkozy seriously.

    There was another comment I posted previous to my 2:35 P.M. post script with other information. It has disappeared about four times!!!

  53. Susanna9:41 PM

    Anonymous 2:55 P.M.

    Just a few thoughts.....

    It will be interesting to see how the recent Socialist defeat in Spain effects the Sarkozy-inspired situation that more or less merged with the Barcelona Process - especially given the fact that the policy of the Council of the EU has been to fully integrate Libya into the Barcelona Process.

    ...Finally, the long-term objective of the EU policy towards Libya is and remains Libya´s full accession to the Barcelona Process and participation in the European Neighbourhood Policy. This would enhance the promising potential for joint co-operation in important international issues such as migrations and development in Africa....

    See also.....

  54. Susanna9:42 PM

    .....Both Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat had high praises for Solana's coordination of the Barcelona Process. Ehud Barak said they had all beaten their swords into ploughshares and that at last Israel had joined the "European Club". Libya was not present at the Conference as Colonel Gaddafi claimed it was a blatant European attempt to gain hegemony outside its borders. However, in 2000, both Gaddafi and his country acknowledged and signed up for the principles laid out in the Barcelona Process. The Barcelona Process, developed after the Conference in successive annual meetings, is a set of goals designed to lead to a free trade area in the Middle East by 2010. Solana has said that by the tenth anniversary of the conference true Middle East peace might be achieved. The Euro-Mediterranean free trade area (EU-MEFTA) is based on the Barcelona Process and ENP. The Agadir Agreement of 2004 is seen as its first building block.

    Current situation

    By some analysts, the process has been declared ineffective. The stalling of the Middle East Peace Process is having an impact on the Barcelona Process and is hindering progress especially in the first basket. The economic basket can be considered a success, and there have been more projects for the exchange on a cultural level and between the peoples in the riparian states. Other criticism is mainly based on the predominant role the European Union is playing. Normally it is the EU that is assessing the state of affairs, which leads to the impression that the North is dictating the South what to do. The question of an enhanced co-ownership of the process has repeatedly been brought up over the last years.

    Being a long-term process and much more complex than any other similar project, it may be many years before a final judgement can be made.

    In 2007 French President Nicolas Sarkozy proposed the formation of a Union for the Mediterranean which would consist principally of Mediterranean states and presumably operate outside of the auspices of the European Union.

  55. Susanna9:44 PM

    From what I have read, it appears that Sarkozy's proposed "Union for the Mediterranean" was at first looked upon by Spain as a rival to the Barcelona Process. Libya, which had never been integrated into the Barcelona Process is still merely an "observer state" of Sarkozy's Union of the Mediterranean.

    Do you think that this might in any way have something to do with Sarkozy's recent warmongering policy with regard to Libya? Inquiring minds want to know. :-)

    The following article is very informative.


    Recall, that Christine Lagarde is pals with Sarkozy and wants to make Paris a capital of Islamic finance - that is, unless her "good friend" Sarkozy leaves her holding the bag over the Bernard Tapie scandal that the French Socialists are hollering about so loudly.


  56. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Lucinda here.

    Thanks Susanna for the information on "the Black Pope."

  57. Susanna11:52 PM


    You are entirely welcome. Glad to have been of service.

  58. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Big changes... grrrrrrreat..
    but DO you really know what that change will look like?

    What happens if you get your change..and the changers.. DONT like you either.. and come after you and your KIDS and your beliefs..

    Wont you be dismayed???
    oh and by the way the NEW AGE.. has nothing to do with 'revolution'...

  59. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Privacy Group Sues Big Sis Over Secretive Mobile Body Scanners
    Steve Watson | Feds blocking release of smoking gun documents on TSA surveillance expansion.

    Rage Against The TSA: Protesters Storm Texas Capitol

    Paul Joseph Watson | Demonstrators led by Alex Jones chant “treason” in response to federal government threat to close down Texas airports.

    Republican Lt. Governor Killed TSA Bill For Obama
    Paul Joseph Watson | Creature of federal government played role of Judas in betraying his own state

  60. Anonymous1:00 PM

    For those concerned about Israel, consider this viewpoint: Guillermo

  61. Anon 1:00 ,
    The Tiny URL isn't working

  62. Anonymous11:45 PM

    I'm not anonymous 1:0 but the link is without Guillermo
    Guillermo is the signature.

  63. Scientific proof for karma? York U study finds small acts of kindness have big impact on emotional well-being

  64. Anonymous3:18 PM

    The EU's foreign policy 'facing axe' from her £250,000 EU job because she's 'too weak'

    Only question seems to be whether the "axe" will fall next autumn, or next year.


    Thanks to FP for the link.


  65. Anonymous3:19 PM

    P.S. That should be "foreign policy chief."

  66. Anonymous8:25 PM

    O no! USA Today challenges Oprah on Jesus Christ

    'Absolutely contrary to the true teaching of Scripture and historic Christianity'

  67. Anonymous8:49 PM

    With no labeling, few realize they are eating genetically modified foods...

  68. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Oprah and Jesus Christ. A few days ago on TV I watched/heard a celebrity express her view that the two people who are her guides are Oprah and Jesus.

  69. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Walter Veith says pretty much the same thing as Chris Pinto. You can google Walter Veith under videos to see his lectures. He also has a video of his testimony posted.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Ian Paisley also says the same thing as Walter Veith and Chris Pinto. When you read the papal bulls, titles and discriptions posted at, how can one come to any conclusion other than these three researchers are only reporting on what has come out of the horses mouth?

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  74. 메이저사이트5:41 AM

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