
Friday, January 07, 2011


This story appearing today, January 7, 2011, on Global Research, C.A.'s website originally appeared in Le Monde Diplomatique on January 3, 2011.

  ". . . The US’s failure under Barack Obama to impose peace between Israel and the Palestinians makes a new war likely . . . "

Read the whole story by CLICKING HERE.  

Quoting from the article:
"Israel’s refusal to accept Obama’s proposal to halt settlements on the West Bank (but not in East Jerusalem) for three months in return for unprecedented promises – or bribes, according to columnist Thomas Friedman (2), who is not known for sympathy to the Arabs – confirmed that Obama is unable to exert any real pressure on Israel and that Netanyahu rejects any compromise. Netanyahu, like his predecessors, claims to want peace but he wants the humiliating peace imposed by conquest and based on denial of Palestinian rights. In secret negotiations over the past year, he has repeatedly told the Palestinians they had to accept Israel’s “security concept”, keeping Israeli troops stationed in the Jordan valley along the “barrier” (on the Palestinian side) and the occupation of a substantial part of the West Bank (3). He did not say how long the occupation would last.

"This deadlock is forcing the Israeli army to draw up plans for further wars based on the “security concept” – that anyone who refuses to accept Israel’s rule in the region is a “terrorist” to be eliminated. No other country, not even the US, has such a comprehensive security concept, which means that Israel is permanently at war. Who will the Israeli army attack next? Gaza? Two years ago Israeli tanks and aircraft reduced buildings to rubble and killed hundreds of civilians in what the Goldstone report describes as “war crimes” and probably “crimes against humanity”. But Hamas is as strong as ever. How long will Israel tolerate this? Lebanon? In July-August 2006, the Israeli army failed to bring down Hizballah but succeeded in destroying the country; Hizballah is now stronger than ever and the Israeli high command cannot rule out the possibility of a major operation and occupation of part of Lebanon (4). Iran? At the risk of starting a major conflict from Iraq to Lebanon, Palestine to Afghanistan?In the Middle East unrest inevitably leads to war.
This time, unlike 1973, Israel would take the first direct step, but it will face far more effective enemies and, as Israeli peace campaigner Uli Avnery points out, the hostility of world public opinion (5). Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina have recognised the Palestinian state within the pre-1967 borders and there has been a letter from 26 European elder statesmen (including Chris Patten, Giuliano Amato, Felipe Gonzáles, Lionel Jospin, Hubert Védrine, Romano Prodi, Javier Solana), who are anything but extremists, calling on the European Union to impose sanctions if the Israeli government has not reviewed its policy by the spring. Human Rights Watch published a report on 19 December (Israel/West Bank: Separate and Unequal) about the systematic discrimination against Palestinians, calling on the US government to withhold US funding from the Israeli government equivalent to expenditure on settlements (more than $1bn).

Avnery concludes: “Somebody wrote this week that America’s support of Israel is a case of assisted suicide. In Israel, assisting suicide is a crime. Suicide itself, however, is allowed by our laws. Those whom the gods want to destroy, they first make mad. Let’s hope we recover our senses before it is too late.”

 Very serious news, indeed.  It brings to mind a certain passage, Zechariah 12:3:

And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. 

Stay tuned!



  1. YesNaSpanishTown7:29 AM

    Born to Watch notes the following article found at:,7340,L-4010110,00.html


    The EU foreign policy chief called on Thursday for the Quartet of Middle East mediators to meet early next month to help Israel and the Palestinians overcome the deadlock in peace talks.

    With negotiations in limbo for the past three months, the European Union's Catherine Ashton said the EU, Russia, the United States and United Nations should schedule a high-level meeting to revive the peace process and put it back on track.


  2. Born to Watch link does a good job of keeping up with this. Thanks, YesNa!


  3. Dorothy9:02 AM

    Please note "have long been known to be receiving monies from the European Union
    and/or Arab countries. Remember European Union is very involved with the New
    Age movement - the one world government part in particular.

    Knesset Votes to Investigate Radical Left Funding Sources
    by Hillel Fendel

    After a stormy session Wednesday afternoon, the Knesset voted by a 41-17 margin
    to establish a parliamentary investigative committee to look into the
    activities and funding of cradical left Israeli organizations.
    The Knesset House Committee is to decide, in the coming days, the precise
    composition and authorities of the inquiry board. MK Danny Danon of the Likud
    will chair the committee.
    Many of the organizations to be investigated – B’tselem, MachsomWatch, Adallah,
    and others – have long been known to be receiving monies from the European
    Union and/or Arab countries. MK Fania Kirschenbaum (Israel Our Home), who
    initiated the inquiry, said the groups’ efforts to hamper Israel’s right to
    defend itself are very grave, and that the Knesset must get to the bottom of
    the issue.
    Knesset Members from the radical-left Meretz party were angered by the vote; MK
    Nitzan Horowitz has asked Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein to ascertain if the
    idea is legal. He said the “extreme right” is trying to “silence legitimate
    criticism.” (more at the link)

    It certainly is similar to what is happening here in the US. Israelis with ideals are fighting the same kinds of individuals who are willing to sell out to power, in this case Saudi Arabia and the EU.

    Then there is the whole apathetic middle who just wait and watch, who live for the moment, who will yell and complain afterwards if things go bad for them.

    Whether in America or Israel or anywhere, I am sick to death of the apathetic middle and not just those who sell out to power.

    If America or Israel falls, it will be because of the apathetic middle and not because of those who sell out to power who are much fewer in number. We must continue to expose the efforts of sell-outs to power whether through behind the scenes capitulation to power or who engage in disinformation. It is the apathetic middle who give the sell-outs power here in America and in Israel. No need for physical confrontations. There are other ways.

    I address this comment to those of the apathetic middle who read here but do nothing. I state this as someone who has been actively fighting the New Age movement for 30 years now, having made many sacrifices to do so. I have seen the apathetic middle who make excuses continuously for their do-nothing stands.

    I am not addressing those individuals who have gotten out of their comfortable seats and worked to expose all of the infiltrations of the New Age movement into everyday culture. I thank those people.

  4. YesNaSpanishTown9:15 AM

    Yet another inroad....

    ...Egypt can tell us what to do...

    Egypt Threatens Removal of Ancient Central Park Obelisk


    PS. My Word Verification today is coldfal. HA! We're having a lovely snowfall in the northeast. I'm on the lower edge of it, so I can say "lovely". Hope it stays that way!

  5. Susanna2:45 PM


    I posted italicisation instructions on the last thread for you.

    Let me know if you have any questions. :-)

  6. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Obama administration removes death panels after pro-life backlash...

  7. Anonymous6:19 PM

    YWCA in London drops the word 'Christian' from its title...

  8. Anonymous7:00 PM

    This is disturbing...


  9. Anonymous10:54 PM

    This Freemasonic NAM painting is total blasphemy!The Apotheosis of Washington, US Capitol Rotunda - Washington, D.C.

    "The Apotheosis of Washington depicts George Washington becoming a god (apotheosis). Washington, the first U.S. president and commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, is allegorically represented, surrounded by figures from classical mythology. Washington is draped in purple, a royal color, with a rainbow arch at his feet, flanked by the goddess Victory (draped in green, using a horn) to his left and the goddess Liberty to his right."

    Shocked Citizen

  10. Hi Susanna,

    GOT IT! Thanks! I left some comments for you on the last post and you will see my struggles in "getting it, i.e. the art of internet html italicization!


  11. Anonymous12:45 AM

    From the EU Times:

    Birds and fish are now dying all around the world...


    Hosea Chapter 4:1-3 (KJV)

    "Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away."

  12. To Anonymous 12:45 a.m.

    I have suspected likewise! The Rider on the Pale Horse seal perhaps opening as well?

  13. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Britain's most senior policeman has launched a stinging attack on the ‘paramilitary style’ uniforms being worn by many forces.

    Sir Paul Stephenson, Commissioner of the Met, spoke out against the all-black

    Read more:

  14. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Apologies-its off the topic but who knows-Israel can be `watched ` as well and who else? Is nt it `nice` to be a `fly` in space googling-oogling -what happens in other countries /communities. So kind of `big brother` to watch Sudan to avoid genocide.


  15. Anonymous11:20 AM

    article at borntowatch
    China Wants To Build And Operate A High Speed Train And Rail System In California
    and the beginning of a commentary : Mighty curious venture they want to delve into isn’t it? … Is it simply about profit and wealth? … Or is there more to it?

    Strange but Cutting Edge is often right and this may correspond to the Soldiers getting in Kosovo.

  16. The Council of Europe still has a GROUP OF EMINENT PERSONS. It is chaired by JOSCHKA FISCHER (former German Prime Minister and former Bader Meinhof gang leader) and JAVIER SOLANA is a member.

    Turkey, which holds the rotating presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, will be venue for a meeting of the Group of Eminent Persons, which was formed following an initiative by Ankara. The group is chaired by former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer. The EU’s former top diplomat, Javier Solana, and former EU Commissioner Emma Bonino are members of the group, which is mandated to find answers to the current threats from intolerance and discrimination in Europe. The group will conclude its work with recommendations to the Council of Europe at a ministerial conference to be held in İstanbul in May 2011.




  17. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Fischer was not "former Bader Meinhof gang leader", but was symphatetic to them.

  18. Anonymous12:01 PM

    I didn't have the courage to follow these links, but maybe some of the brave souls here will do it and report back. Evidently you can track the Illuminati on facebook. The links are all here on this comment thread:

    If you go down the comment thread to April 6, 2010, Concorde Warrior writes:

    The 'Evelyn Rothschild' Facebook page contains a central link directly connecting to the bizarre RAELIAN movement - a sinister New Age cult . The group's website states: "The Raelian Revolution is boldly bringing about a complete paradigm shift on our planet." This cannot be ignored, given its claim that a who's who of the world's elite, including Barack Obama and Tony Blair, are its "friends."

    'Evelyn Rothschild':

    The cult is headed by a man they call RAEL MAITREYA - Maitreya being a Sanskrit word for the anticipated 'new Buddha', or 'enlightened one'. The term has been absorbed within New Age and Theosophy terminology, where it has come to mean; the coming WORLD TEACHER. Others, especially bona fide students of the Bible, from many mainstream, non-cult, religious groups, believe this Maitreya to be a future manifestation of the ANTICHRIST.

    Since it mentions Maitreya, I thought some here would be interested. I found the thread while doing research on Sir Richard Branson and his connections to the elders.


  19. Anonymous12:18 PM

    If you want to see something pretty shocking, here is an ad for Branson's Virgin Atlantic. The occult symbology is so blatant that it's mind-boggling:

    Some things I saw were the apple across the moon, the all-seeing eye, and the blatant symbols of X ray scans at the airports. Wonder if the ad came out before Thanksgiving when the scans were implemented? There's a scene at 54 seconds that shows shrimp on a fork. I took a snapshot of the screen, flipped it horizontally and then rotated it to the left. The shrimp become two sets of 666 with the last 6 replaced by an upside down fork- symbolizing that they are almost there, I suppose. The people's legs turn into snakes and there's a reference to holograms at the end.

    By the way, Virgin America is also part of Branson's Virgin Group. I flew on Virgin America about a year ago and thought it was a fun flight. The crew was very obviously gay and really had everyone on the plane laughing throughout the flight. Even the directions for emergencies that are routinely given out at the beginning of every flight were hysterical. But after seeing this ad, I'll never fly Virgin again.


  20. Anonymous12:24 PM

    My posts are disappearing again Constance, and my post about Sir Richard Branson, the Elders and Maitreya was pretty shocking but I can't recreate it.

    Here's a link for anyone who wants to follow what I said:


  21. Anonymous2:45 PM

    More young people are winding up in nursing homes...

    SARASOTA, Fla. – Adam Martin doesn't fit in here. No one else in this nursing home wears Air Jordans. No one else has stacks of music videos by 2Pac and Jay-Z. No one else is just 26.
    It's no longer unusual to find a nursing home resident who is decades younger than his neighbor: About one in seven people now living in such facilities in the U.S. is under 65. But the growing phenomenon presents a host of challenges for nursing homes, while patients like Martin face staggering isolation.

    The number of under-65 nursing home residents has risen about 22 percent in the past eight years to about 203,000, according to an analysis of statistics from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. That number has climbed as mental health facilities close and medical advances keep people alive after they've suffered traumatic injuries. Still, the overall percentage of nursing home residents 30 and younger is less than 1 percent.

    Martin was left a quadriplegic when he was accidentally shot in the neck last year by his stepbrother. He spent weeks hospitalized before being released to a different nursing home and eventually ended up in his current residence, the Sarasota Health and Rehabilitation Center. There are other residents who are well short of retirement age, but he is the youngest.

    For more...

  22. Anonymous2:56 PM

    'Mother,' 'Father' Changing to 'Parent One,' 'Parent Two' on Passport Applications

  23. Anonymous7:37 PM

    The Murderer who has just attempted to murder Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, murdered her staff members, a 9 year old girl, and Judge John Roll among others, is a mind-control loving New Ager!

    I've posted his youtube channel address below.


  24. Anonymous7:40 PM

    The Murderer who has just attempted to murder Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, murdered her staff members, a 9 year old girl, and Judge John Roll among others, is a mind-control loving New Ager!

    I've posted his youtube channel, "Classitup10", link below.


  25. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Interesting information:

    Numerical significance of today's date plus the city of Phoenix, Arizona . . . and the possibility of today's tragedy becoming a crisis equal opportunity 'false flag' event . . . and completing a NWO agenda.

    Today’s date 01/08/11 is significant: 1 + 8 = 9 plus 11 gives you 9 11.

    The mythology of the phoenix burning itself out before being reborn from the ashes . . . destroying the ‘eagle’ (old America) and re-birthing it as the 'phoenix' - a new One World government?

  26. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Interesting note, a recent article I think AP pointed to the "VitrioL" of all sides and arizona being center of "vitriol" encouraging those unstable...

  27. Dorothy5:33 AM

    More information on the Arizona shooter showing his leftist connections as

    Watch how the media doesn't report his connections.

  28. Anonymous6:27 AM

    I have not been here at this blog for a while. I find all hell is breaking loose. Must be time for the rapture.
    Sure hope so. Pray pray pray!

    What is the alternative to the rapture, you guys? Being destroyed by New Agers? You think God wants that for his kids? Yes I know, there have been a million martyrs. Does God want more now, with their very minds pulverized as well as their bodies? Doesn't sound like God to me.

    Talk about troubling times!

  29. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Arizona Assassin Obsessed With Mind Control

    January 8, 2011

    Jared Loughner, the gunman who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, and numerous other victims including a Federal Judge and a nine-year-old girl during a political event in Tucson today, was a US military recruit who was obsessed with mind control, mirroring the circumstances of many other mass shooters in history.

    Loughner’s You Tube channel contains several rambling text-based videos which discuss his fascination with mind control.

    In one of his online rants, Loughner said that he was a “United States Military recruit at MEPS in Phoenix”. Reports suggest that he also may have been deployed to Afghanistan at one point.

    “The mission of USMEPCOM and the Phoenix MEPS is to process individuals for enlistment or induction into the armed services,” states the website of the United States Military Entrance Processing Command.

    The fact that Loughner was part of the US military and yet is being characterized as an anti-government conspiracy nutcase by the establishment media is a complete contradiction. Loughner’s multitude of viewpoints seem to transcend political classification. Watching his You Tube videos, he is clearly a schizophrenic who is obsessed with mind control and other bizarre leftfield issues of minutia.

    Loughner’s vulnerable and psychotic profile, combined with his interest in mind control, mirrors other famous assassins such as Mark David Chapman, John Hinckley, as well as Columbine killers Harris & Klebold.

  30. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Very interesting....because two of the very first news reports yesterday described Jared Loughner as an 'Afghanistan veteran.'

    As with the shootings in Fort Hood Texas last year (eye-witness reports of 'multiple shooters'), it is very important to pay close attention to the first reports - because within 24 hours, they may not be repeated again.

    Also, it does make sense that the military would now want to disassociate themselves from this person.

  31. Anonymous11:02 AM

    My post disappeared; so I will attempt to post this again.

    Arizona Assassin Obsessed With Mind Control

    January 8, 2011

    Jared Loughner, the gunman who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and numerous other victims including a Federal Judge and a nine-year-old girl during a political event in Tucson today, was a US military recruit who was obsessed with mind control, mirroring the circumstances of many other mass shooters in history.

    Loughner’s You Tube channel contains several rambling text-based videos which discuss his fascination with mind control.

    In one of his online rants, Loughner said that he was a “United States Military recruit at MEPS in Phoenix”. Reports suggest that he also may have been deployed to Afghanistan at one point.

    “The mission of USMEPCOM and the Phoenix MEPS is to process individuals for enlistment or induction into the armed services,” states the website of the United States Military Entrance Processing Command.

    The fact that Loughner was part of the US military and yet is being characterized as an anti-government conspiracy nutcase by the establishment media is a complete contradiction. Loughner’s multitude of viewpoints seem to transcend political classification. Watching his You Tube videos, he is clearly a schizophrenic who is obsessed with mind control and other bizarre leftfield issues of minutia.

    Loughner’s vulnerable and psychotic profile, combined with his interest in mind control, mirrors other famous assassins such as Mark David Chapman, John Hinckley, as well as Columbine killers Harris & Klebold.

  32. Anonymous11:09 AM

    My post disappeared twice; so I will attempt to post this a THIRD time.

    Arizona Assassin Obsessed With Mind Control

    January 8, 2011

    Jared Loughner, the gunman who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and numerous other victims including a Federal Judge and a nine-year-old girl during a political event in Tucson today, was a US military recruit who was obsessed with mind control, mirroring the circumstances of many other mass shooters in history.

    Loughner’s You Tube channel contains several rambling text-based videos which discuss his fascination with mind control.

    In one of his online rants, Loughner said that he was a “United States Military recruit at MEPS in Phoenix”. Reports suggest that he also may have been deployed to Afghanistan at one point.

    “The mission of USMEPCOM and the Phoenix MEPS is to process individuals for enlistment or induction into the armed services,” states the website of the United States Military Entrance Processing Command.

    The fact that Loughner was part of the US military and yet is being characterized as an anti-government conspiracy nutcase by the establishment media is a complete contradiction. Loughner’s multitude of viewpoints seem to transcend political classification. Watching his You Tube videos, he is clearly a schizophrenic who is obsessed with mind control and other bizarre leftfield issues of minutia.

    Loughner’s vulnerable and psychotic profile, combined with his interest in mind control, mirrors other famous assassins such as Mark David Chapman, John Hinckley, as well as Columbine killers Harris & Klebold.

    11:02 AM

  33. Anonymous11:13 AM

    My post disappeared 3 times; so I will attempt to post this a fourth time (with times noted at bottom of the page).

    Arizona Assassin Obsessed With Mind Control

    January 8, 2011

    Jared Loughner, the gunman who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and numerous other victims including a Federal Judge and a nine-year-old girl during a political event in Tucson today, was a US military recruit who was obsessed with mind control, mirroring the circumstances of many other mass shooters in history.

    Loughner’s You Tube channel contains several rambling text-based videos which discuss his fascination with mind control.

    In one of his online rants, Loughner said that he was a “United States Military recruit at MEPS in Phoenix”. Reports suggest that he also may have been deployed to Afghanistan at one point.

    “The mission of USMEPCOM and the Phoenix MEPS is to process individuals for enlistment or induction into the armed services,” states the website of the United States Military Entrance Processing Command.

    The fact that Loughner was part of the US military and yet is being characterized as an anti-government conspiracy nutcase by the establishment media is a complete contradiction. Loughner’s multitude of viewpoints seem to transcend political classification. Watching his You Tube videos, he is clearly a schizophrenic who is obsessed with mind control and other bizarre leftfield issues of minutia.

    Loughner’s vulnerable and psychotic profile, combined with his interest in mind control, mirrors other famous assassins such as Mark David Chapman, John Hinckley, as well as Columbine killers Harris & Klebold.

    11:02 AM

    11:09 AM

  34. Anonymous11:15 AM

    My post disappeared 4 times; so I will attempt to post this a fifth time (with times noted at bottom of the page).

    Arizona Assassin Obsessed With Mind Control

    January 8, 2011

    Jared Loughner, the gunman who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and numerous other victims including a Federal Judge and a nine-year-old girl during a political event in Tucson today, was a US military recruit who was obsessed with mind control, mirroring the circumstances of many other mass shooters in history.

    Loughner’s You Tube channel contains several rambling text-based videos which discuss his fascination with mind control.

    In one of his online rants, Loughner said that he was a “United States Military recruit at MEPS in Phoenix”. Reports suggest that he also may have been deployed to Afghanistan at one point.

    “The mission of USMEPCOM and the Phoenix MEPS is to process individuals for enlistment or induction into the armed services,” states the website of the United States Military Entrance Processing Command.

    The fact that Loughner was part of the US military and yet is being characterized as an anti-government conspiracy nutcase by the establishment media is a complete contradiction. Loughner’s multitude of viewpoints seem to transcend political classification. Watching his You Tube videos, he is clearly a schizophrenic who is obsessed with mind control and other bizarre leftfield issues of minutia.

    Loughner’s vulnerable and psychotic profile, combined with his interest in mind control, mirrors other famous assassins such as Mark David Chapman, John Hinckley, as well as Columbine killers Harris & Klebold.

    11:02 AM

    11:09 AM

    11:13 AM

  35. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Anonymous 6:27 am,

    Erm... No! It's time for the Tribulation, the rapture comes afterwards. So, get close to God, feed your neighbors, clothe them, visit them in hospital & prison, pray, and read your Bible!

    There's no secret return of Jesus Christ, if anyone tells you He's in the desert or the secret place, don't believe it! When He returns every eye shall see Him, the Son of Man coming in the clouds with Great Glory! The dead in Christ shall rise first THEN (i.e., afterwards) we who have not tasted death shall be CHANGED in the twinkling of an eye.

    But take heed! For that Day shall NOT come UNTIL the falling away (Great Apostasy) has occured & the man of sin has been revealed!

    Get ready for persecution such as the World has never seen before, stand firm in the Faith once delivered unto the saints & ask the Holy Spirit to guide you, trust in Jesus Christ no matter what you face, for if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived!



  36. Anonymous1:49 PM

    P.S., 6:27 A.M., you stated: "You think God wants that for his kids?"

    God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. We know that not all will come to repentance, however, yet with the saints, sealed in their heads by God to protect us from the plagues poured out during His Wrath, there will be many more people turning to God, refusing to take the mark or worship the beast and his image, and being therefore saved by the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

    God's love is great indeed!

    Anon 6:27 A,M., you then stated: "Yes I know, there have been a million martyrs..."

    More than that! Yet God did not suddenly whip them all out and up and away, did He? Why? And Why are we any different to all those Christians that have gone before us? As the World persecuted Jesus Christ so it will persecute believers who truly follow Him and obey His commands. NO servant is greater than his Master! The Christians of bygone times were not whipped up and away because they like we are called to be, were commissioned to be witnesses of the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, and also in our actions.

    For God SO Loved the WORLD that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER should believe on him should not perish but have everlasting life.


  37. Anonymous3:22 PM

    My post disappeared 5 times; so I will attempt to post this again (with times noted at bottom of the page).

    Arizona Assassin Obsessed With Mind Control

    January 8, 2011

    Jared Loughner, the gunman who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and numerous other victims including a Federal Judge and a nine-year-old girl during a political event in Tucson today, was a US military recruit who was obsessed with mind control, mirroring the circumstances of many other mass shooters in history.

    Loughner’s You Tube channel contains several rambling text-based videos which discuss his fascination with mind control.

    In one of his online rants, Loughner said that he was a “United States Military recruit at MEPS in Phoenix”. Reports suggest that he also may have been deployed to Afghanistan at one point.

    “The mission of USMEPCOM and the Phoenix MEPS is to process individuals for enlistment or induction into the armed services,” states the website of the United States Military Entrance Processing Command.

    The fact that Loughner was part of the US military and yet is being characterized as an anti-government conspiracy nutcase by the establishment media is a complete contradiction. Loughner’s multitude of viewpoints seem to transcend political classification. Watching his You Tube videos, he is clearly a schizophrenic who is obsessed with mind control and other bizarre leftfield issues of minutia.

    Loughner’s vulnerable and psychotic profile, combined with his interest in mind control, mirrors other famous assassins such as Mark David Chapman, John Hinckley, as well as Columbine killers Harris & Klebold.

    10:52 AM
    11:02 AM
    11:09 AM
    11:13 AM
    11:15 AM

  38. Anonymous3:25 PM

    My post disappeared 6 times; so I will attempt to post this again (with times noted at bottom of the page).

    Arizona Assassin Obsessed With Mind Control

    January 8, 2011

    Jared Loughner, the gunman who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and numerous other victims including a Federal Judge and a nine-year-old girl during a political event in Tucson today, was a US military recruit who was obsessed with mind control, mirroring the circumstances of many other mass shooters in history.

    Loughner’s You Tube channel contains several rambling text-based videos which discuss his fascination with mind control.

    In one of his online rants, Loughner said that he was a “United States Military recruit at MEPS in Phoenix”. Reports suggest that he also may have been deployed to Afghanistan at one point.

    “The mission of USMEPCOM and the Phoenix MEPS is to process individuals for enlistment or induction into the armed services,” states the website of the United States Military Entrance Processing Command.

    The fact that Loughner was part of the US military and yet is being characterized as an anti-government conspiracy nutcase by the establishment media is a complete contradiction. Loughner’s multitude of viewpoints seem to transcend political classification. Watching his You Tube videos, he is clearly a schizophrenic who is obsessed with mind control and other bizarre leftfield issues of minutia.

    Loughner’s vulnerable and psychotic profile, combined with his interest in mind control, mirrors other famous assassins such as Mark David Chapman, John Hinckley, as well as Columbine killers Harris & Klebold.

    10:52 AM
    11:02 AM
    11:09 AM
    11:13 AM
    11:15 AM
    3:22 PM

  39. Anonymous3:36 PM

    More about Jared Loughner (the gunman who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and numerous others) . . .

  40. Steve4:12 PM

    A valuable article from October 2010. Looks like a lot of what was predicted is happening.

    HK--was going to e mail it to you but figured you'd find it here.

  41. Anonymous4:29 PM

    I pray you do not loose your faith when you are not whisked away.

    Don't become depressed or hopeless when this does not happen.

    I remember leaving an apostate church full of lies, and even then the depression and doubts were crushing, then God fed me more bread (the truth in the gospel) and I was renewed, like a person in the desert who found a well of sweet water.

    Our walk with Jesus will ebb and flow at times, sometimes we will even be deceived, If you listen to that still small voice in your heart, the Holy Spirit will lead you out of deception, don't loose heart as you wander the desert of self doubt, you will not perish if you continue in the basic things you were taught, God will lead you to a well and feed you bread.

  42. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Manchurian Candidate?

  43. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Anon 4:29

    I'm thinking you're also R. Interested in your view of the rapture and would like to discuss it more but privately. Any chance of getting that opportunity? Not that I want to argue over e mail but maybe I might want to. Depends. I think I partly agree and know where you're coming from. Regardless, your posts are a good bit appreciated.

    Someone you might agree with...

  44. Anonymous1:27 AM

    I don't know if this has been posted here before. Here is a video of Maitreya. I don't know if he's the real one or if he's the one being referred to by Benjamene Creme since the name "Maitreya" is being used alot. He also looks like the 1988 picture of Maitreya's "apparition" on Share International's site. See for yourself and please comment. 2 Videos.

    Pat from Manila

  45. Anonymous1:31 AM

    Here is the website btw.

    Caution: eerie chanting..

    Pat from Manila

  46. Anonymous10:16 AM

    The fastest way to bring riches to a small village-spread a rumour that it will be the only place on earth to survive 2012! LOL!

  47. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Here is a good website to add to your favorites. It tracks all the global disasters and emergencies as they happen.

  48. Anonymous4:02 PM

    The Passionists have gone New Age

  49. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Deepening crisis traps America's have-nots...

  50. Anonymous3:49 AM

    Is it true or what reason would the EU have for putting this story out? Thoughts?

  51. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I just made a very disturbing discovery. Every one of my links on facebook has been disabled effective today. Most of them had to do with the NWO. I was trying to get as much info as possible out about the Luciferian agenda. This is major censorship and I suspect we'll be seeing more of it now!

    Anyone else have a similar situation with their FAcebook accounts?


  52. To Anonymous 11:37 There are many credible sources detailing Joschka Fischer's Bader Meinhof affiliation/association, whatever. Here is an excerpt from a cogent piece by one of his critics:

    Mr. Fischer, who are you?

    You are the foreign minister of Germany. You have been that since 1998, when Germany's left-wing Greens Party, of which you are a leader, won enough in the polls to force the Social Democratic Party into the so-called Red-Greens coalition government.

    But for the formative years of your political life, you were no man in a blue government suit. You were a man in a black motorcycle helmet. That is what you were wearing on that day in April 1973 when you were photographed, to quote the New Left historian Paul Berman, "as a young bully in a street battle in Frankfurt."

    In 2001, Stern magazine published five photographs of you in action that day. What these pictures depicted was described by Berman, in a deeply informed 25,000-word article, "The Passion of Joschka Fischer" (The New Republic, Sept. 3, 2001). The photos showed you, Mr. Fischer, inflicting a "gruesome beating" on a young policeman named Rainer Marx: "Fischer and other people on the attack, the white-helmeted cop going into a crouch; Fischer's black-gloved fist raised as if to punch the crouching cop on the back; Fischer's comrades crowding around; the cop huddled on the ground, Fischer and his comrades appearing to kick him ..."

    As Berman reported, Mr. Fischer, you rose in public life as an important figure in the anti-American, anti-liberal, neo-Marxist, revolution-minded German radical left of the generation of 1968. This was the left that produced and supported the Baader-Meinhof Gang (or Red Army Faction), which, as Berman wrote, "refrained from nothing," including "kidnappings, bank holdups, murders." You were not a terrorist yourself, but you were a good and active friend to terrorists, weren't you, Mr. Fischer?

    In 1976, to protest the death in prison of Baader-Meinhof founder Ulrike Meinhof, you planned and participated in a Frankfurt demonstration in which, Berman wrote, "somebody tossed a Molotov cocktail at a policeman and burned him nearly to death." You were arrested, but not charged. In 2001, Meinhof's daughter, Bettina Rohl (who gave those damning photos to Stern) told the press that you were responsible for the throwing of that firebomb. Other contemporary witnesses, Berman reported, said that you "had never ruled out the use of Molotovs and may even have favored it." You denied it, for the record . . .

  53. Dorothy5:23 PM

    Susanna has exposed the fact that the EU Times article comes from Sorcha Faal, a well known disinformation individual. Who is Faal? Here's some discussion on the individual.

    Thanks Susanna.

  54. Anonymous11:42 AM

    @ anon 7:24 PM

    What do you mean you think I might be R.? What does R. mean?

    About what I believe concerning the rapture, I believe it will happen after the tribulation when Jesus comes back to defeat the antichrist.

    With this being the second time someone has tried to get me into an email relationship on this blog I am getting freaked out. Why is that necessary? To plot an uprising against Constance?
    Or to get at and harass me?

  55. Anonymous12:39 PM

    January 12, 2011

    Sarah Palin's video message and response (complete and unedited) to the January 8th tragedy in Tuscon, Arizona.

  56. Anonymous1:08 PM

    “The time has come to deepen economic and currency union,” Germany’s most influential banker said in a speech in Berlin late on Monday. “For this renewed push towards integration we need strong political leadership...”

    Thanks to Pastor Brian for the link.

  57. To Anonymous 4:02 and several other times. I checked my comments section and found to my chagrin your several times repeated post in the spam section. Google must have made the determination, I had not. I checked them as NOT SPAM and now all are posted.


  58. Anonymous3:41 PM

    "Working Monday to Friday might be fine for a jobsworth public official or serial quango/Lords appointee but it’s not good enough for an EU foreign minister. People who want to change the world have to give up prosaic ideas like the work/life balance...Being a national foreign minister, let alone the EU’s, is a seven day operation. Politics has no room for part-timers and nor should it...Political respect is earned...

  59. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Hello anon 7:24pm, I am not the same person who posted the 4:29am thread, or the person responsible for the 11:42am thread. However, I do agree with the sentiments of his or her 4:29 post.

    I see it seems, if indeed we may suspend judg(e)ment that the two may possibly be different posters, he or she has responded to you.

    I have not looked at this particular page for a few days. Please forgive my late response. I agree with the sentiments of the 4:29 poster.

    I am sorry to say that I also feel much more comfortable having this discussion in the public forum. I hope you understand this is nothing personal.

    God be with you,


  60. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Anon 11:42

    Maybe just to have conversation with a like minded person. Don't be so paranoid. I had no ulterior motive and I've posted my e mail address here a number of times.

    Since you aren't R. and R. has posted since, it seems clear that the three of us have some similar views. Won't ask again.
