
Saturday, January 01, 2011

Bloody start to 2011: Suicide Attack on Egyptian Church; Angry Christians attack police

This Associated Press article appearing today on the Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune website reveals a bloody and violent start for 2011.  It will also no doubt be great grist for the Alliance of Civilizations mill.  Undoubtedly, "religious fundamentalism" will be blamed for both sides of this horrific episode.

Stay tuned and 'Happy New Year'.



  1. Anonymous7:08 PM

    666 written all over it! whats next??? I'm really keeping my focus, to a large extent, on the marriage supper of the Lamb!as things run their course...Strenghten in us Lord, the things that remain, amen in Christ Jesus, amen. tony in vermont

  2. Slumdog7:41 PM

    "Alexandria (AsiaNews / Agencies) – A car bomb exploded last night outside a Coptic church in Alexandria, Egypt, just before Mass ended. The death toll from the bloody attack is, for now, 21 dead and 43 wounded."


    Pope Benedict XVI is convening a 25th Anniversary "Meeting of Faiths" for this coming October. The first one was attributed to Pope John Paul II (Wotyla) but in actuality, per Martin Palmer's book CHRISTIANITY AND THE NEW AGE was convened by Martin Palmer on behalf of Prince Philip and the World Wildlife Fund. Kitty Muggeridge in her important book, YOUR HOUSE IS LEFT DESOLATE, rightfully commented that the 1986 meeting was the low point, apostasy wise, of the Roman Catholic Church. I am deeply concerned about what is transpiring here and would like Susanna's informed perspective on this.

    Here is a link to the New York Times article on it:

    Also, a Catholic News Service about a 2007 visit by Benedict XVI:

    Thank you, Susanna.


  4. Susanna,

    I was going to do a direct article on this, but thought it would be wise to have your input first. I am personally deeply disappointed by the direction I right now suspect it to be going.


  5. Anonymous10:26 PM


    The Pope is very concerned about the sharp increase in violence against Christians!!!

    * Pope to go to Assisi in October, invites other leaders

    * Denounces violence against Christians after Egypt bomb

    * Vatican fears exodus of Christians from Middle East

    VATICAN CITY, Jan 1 (Reuters) - Pope Benedict, worried over increasing inter-religious violence, will host a summit of world religious leaders in Assisi in October to discuss how they can better promote peace, he announced on Saturday.

    Benedict told pilgrims and tourists in St Peter's Square the aim of the meeting would be to "solemnly renew the commitment of believers of every religion to live their own religious faith in the service of the cause for peace".

    He made the announcement hours after a bomb killed at least 17 people in a church in Egypt in the latest attack on Christians in the Middle East and Africa.

  6. Anonymous11:00 PM

    More from previous link . . .

    On Christmas Day, six people died in attacks on two Christian churches in the northeast of Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation, and six people were injured by a bomb in a Roman Catholic Church on the island of Jolo in the Philippines.

    In a message issued last month for the Jan. 1 peace day, the pope said Christians were the most persecuted religious group in the world today and that it was unacceptable that in some places they had to risk their lives to practise their faith.

  7. Anonymous11:26 PM

    The new year, he said, is an opportunity to reflect "on the great challenges that our epoch poses to humanity," calling the threats to religious freedom urgent.

    "Wherever religious freedom is effectively recognized, the dignity of the human person is respected to its root, and through a sincere search for truth and good, moral consciences are shored up and institutions and civil coexistence are reinforced," the pope said. "That's why religious freedom is the privileged way to build peace."

    Benedict also announced that in October he will make a pilgrimage to Assisi and invited non-Catholic Christians as well as world religious leaders to join him in the Umbrian hill town of St. Francis.

    He said he wanted to mark the 25th anniversary of a similar pilgrimage made by Pope John Paul II and highlight his conviction that "the great religions of the world can constitute an important factor of unity and peace for the human family."

  8. Anonymous11:46 PM


    I agree with "Anonymous 10:26" regarding Pope Benedict's focus.

    It would be helpful for you to read the letter that His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI wrote to
    Bishop Domineco Sorrentino
    on the occasion of the 20th anniversary
    of the interreligious meeting of prayer for peace.

    In particular:

    In order not to misinterpret the meaning of what John Paul II wanted to achieve in 1986 and what, to use his own words, he habitually called the "spirit of Assisi", it is important not to forget the attention paid on that occasion to ensuring that the interreligious Prayer Meeting did not lend itself to syncretist interpretations founded on a relativistic concept.

    For this very reason, John Paul II declared at the outset: "The fact that we have come here does not imply any intention of seeking a religious consensus among ourselves or of negotiating our faith convictions. Neither does it mean that religions can be reconciled at the level of a common commitment in an earthly project which would surpass them all. Nor is it a concession to relativism in religious beliefs" (ibid., n. 2).

    I would like to reaffirm this principle which constitutes the premise for the interreligious dialogue that the Second Vatican Council was hoping for, as is expressed in the Declaration on the Relations of the Church to Non-Christian Religions (cf. Nostra Aetate, n. 2).


  9. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Pope Benedict XVI to hold religious peace summit

    Pope Benedict XVI has said he will organise a summit in Assisi with religious heads to discuss how they can promote world peace.

    In a New Year message, the Pope also condemned inter-religious violence, including attacks against Christians in the Middle East.

    The summit in the Italian city will be held in October, 25 years after Pope John Paul organised a similar event...

    Antipope John Paul II taking active part in a pagan ritual!

    The Heresies of John Paul II - a comprehensive presentation [PDF file].

    Very disconcerting!

    A Concerned Watcher

  10. Anonymous12:09 AM


    Also, I would like to say that what Martin Palmer says in his book is not accurate. What was convened in Assisi by Martin Palmer on behalf of Prince Phillip was the 25th anniversary of the WWF which began on September 26th, 1986.

    Pope John Paul's prayer meeting for peace was convened by Pope John Paul II on October 27th, 1986.

    Here is an interesting article - maybe you have seen it:


    Happy New Year!

  11. Anonymous12:12 AM

    I'll try this didn't post the first time.

    Here is an important letter by Pope Benedict XVI that will comfort you:


    In order not to misinterpret the meaning of what John Paul II wanted to achieve in 1986 and what, to use his own words, he habitually called the "spirit of Assisi", it is important not to forget the attention paid on that occasion to ensuring that the interreligious Prayer Meeting did not lend itself to syncretist interpretations founded on a relativistic concept.

    For this very reason, John Paul II declared at the outset: "The fact that we have come here does not imply any intention of seeking a religious consensus among ourselves or of negotiating our faith convictions. Neither does it mean that religions can be reconciled at the level of a common commitment in an earthly project which would surpass them all. Nor is it a concession to relativism in religious beliefs" (ibid., n. 2).

    I would like to reaffirm this principle which constitutes the premise for the interreligious dialogue that the Second Vatican Council was hoping for, as is expressed in the Declaration on the Relations of the Church to Non-Christian Religions (cf. Nostra Aetate, n. 2).


  12. Anonymous12:20 AM

    To "A Concerned Watcher" 12:04:

    WARNING...The "Most Holy Family Monastery" you link to is heretical and fraudulent. For your own sake, read the following articles:

  13. Anonymous2:09 AM

    Dear Constance,
    Alliance of Civilizations highlighted this on their site:

    and this:

    This kicks off the Decade for Inter-religious Dialogue for Peace and Cooperation.

    This looks like converging of all of the previous interfaith initiatives like Charter for Compassion, A Common Word, United Religious Initiative, Alliance of Civilizations.

    The Pope and the Catholic Church have played an important role in all of this starting with Noste Aetate many years ago:

    I've been a reading your blog for a long time, but haven't commented. With all the problems of Middle East peace and religious conflicts and the prophecies coming to fruition, this looks like part of the false peace spoken of by the prophet Jeremiah who said, "The have healed the brokenness of my people superficially, saying there is peace, peace, but there is no peace.

    The apostle Paul repeats this saying"While they are saying peace and safety then destruction will fall on them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with a child, and they will not escape."

    There is a lot of pressure to divide the land of Israel and to come up with a solution to all the religious hatred. The apostasy has to come before the Lord returns, and this false peace, a peace without the Prince of Peace and without His Word looks like apostasy to me. He came to preach peace to those who are far off and those who are near, and to break down the dividing wall between Jew and Gentile. Yes, God wants peace, but He has provided the way.

    It's interesting to see that the Organization of Islamic nations and CAIR are involved in promoting this false peace, but we know that the OIC just wants to have the UN pass laws that forbid people from criticizing Islam, so where is the authentic dialogue?
    It looks more like these organizations want to impose sharia law on the whole world.

    The Lord never asked us to dialogue among all the religions. We are simply called to proclaim the gospel, the good news of salvation which is available to all mankind through the shed blood of our Savior and Redeemer.

    For those who do not have a relationship with Him, my counsel to you is to turn in to Him in repentance and know that your sins have already been forgiven by His shed blood alone. He has paid in full for our transgressions. In Him we have life. Without Him we are lost and perishing in this sinful fallen world. Anything short of this message is pure deception and will lead to death and separation.

    Have a wonderful year as you keep your eyes on the Lord and watch for the signs of His return.

    He is our only hope for peace.


  14. Anonymous2:09 AM

    Dear Constance,
    Alliance of Civilizations highlighted this on their site:

    and this:

    This kicks off the Decade for Inter-religious Dialogue for Peace and Cooperation.

    This looks like converging of all of the previous interfaith initiatives like Charter for Compassion, A Common Word, United Religious Initiative, Alliance of Civilizations.

    The Pope and the Catholic Church have played an important role in all of this starting with Noste Aetate many years ago:

    I've been a reading your blog for a long time, but haven't commented. With all the problems of Middle East peace and religious conflicts and the prophecies coming to fruition, this looks like part of the false peace spoken of by the prophet Jeremiah who said, "The have healed the brokenness of my people superficially, saying there is peace, peace, but there is no peace.

    The apostle Paul repeats this saying"While they are saying peace and safety then destruction will fall on them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with a child, and they will not escape."

    There is a lot of pressure to divide the land of Israel and to come up with a solution to all the religious hatred. The apostasy has to come before the Lord returns, and this false peace, a peace without the Prince of Peace and without His Word looks like apostasy to me. He came to preach peace to those who are far off and those who are near, and to break down the dividing wall between Jew and Gentile. Yes, God wants peace, but He has provided the way.

    It's interesting to see that the Organization of Islamic nations and CAIR are involved in promoting this false peace, but we know that the OIC just wants to have the UN pass laws that forbid people from criticizing Islam, so where is the authentic dialogue?
    It looks more like these organizations want to impose sharia law on the whole world.

    The Lord never asked us to dialogue among all the religions. We are simply called to proclaim the gospel, the good news of salvation which is available to all mankind through the shed blood of our Savior and Redeemer.

    For those who do not have a relationship with Him, my counsel to you is to turn in to Him in repentance and know that your sins have already been forgiven by His shed blood alone. He has paid in full for our transgressions. In Him we have life. Without Him we are lost and perishing in this sinful fallen world. Anything short of this message is pure deception and will lead to death and separation.

    Have a wonderful year as you keep your eyes on the Lord and watch for the signs of His return.

    He is our only hope for peace.


  15. Anonymous3:02 AM

    To anon 12:20. Having gone to the site you suggested, I'd have to say that site is equally suspect.
    And could someone at this blog explain what Catholics are taught about the Book of the Revelation.

  16. Dear Lisa: Happy New Year to you and THANKS for that important link to the history of the TWO Assisi meetings. The mistake it now appears was my assumption that the WWF Assisi conference organiz ed by Martin Palmer on behalf of Prince Philip was one and the same as the one that Kitty Muggeridge rightfully criticized in her book YOUR HOUSE IS LEFT DESOLATE. I am still deeply concerned that both convocations -- wittingly or unwitttingly -- were critical and necessary steps towards the Lucis Trust / New Age Movement's long awaited "New World Religion." The demonically inspired killings doubtedly serve as a CRISIS = OPPORTUNITY moment to implement what will eventually come to be a FORCED syncretistic "New World Religion." No matter how well motivated, these are my concerns on the HIDDEN DANGERS of the "interreligious dialogue" and "interfaith movement" initiatives. Thanks again for the key information.


  17. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Catholics focus heavily on the Book of Revelation every year starting with All Saints Day November 1 until the start of the Advent season.

  18. Steve9:59 AM

    The hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God. And they will do these things because they have not known the Father, nor me. But I have said these things to you, so when their hour comes you may remember that I told them to you.
    MT 16: 2-4

    Seems plain to me that these have come and will continue to come. I haven't read anything about marrying ourselves to the spirit of the age and whoring around with world religions in some 'interfaith dialog'. That's not mentioned as the solution to persecution so far I have read.

    I don't see the Pope calling for more interfaith meetings being particularly helpful to us. Nor do I think it appropriate to grovel at the feet of all other religions and ask for mercy.


  19. Anonymous12:55 PM

    To "Anon 3:02 am"

    What Catholics believe about the Book of Revelation cannot be condensed into the space of a comment. but if you seriously wish to know, I would highly recommend the following book by Michael Barber:

    This explanation of Revelation is based on the authoritative interpretation of Catholic Biblical theology, using the whole Bible in unity and in light of Sacred Tradition.


  20. Anonymous12:58 PM


    Who is groveling "at the feet of all other religions"? if you are insinuating that it is the Pope, where/how do you get that impression?


  21. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Could this possibly be true?

    Since Constance is a member of the Bar, perhaps she can tell us.

  22. Anonymous9:57 PM

    I've been reading much about the Luciferic bloodlines and the Illuminati who are still controlling things.

    This person seems to be the most likely candidate for the AC in terms of bloodlines:

    When the US is completely castrated via Obama, Great Britain will take the lead to fill the void. This should coincide with Will's coming of age (30), war between Iran and Israel and the whole 2012 hysteria plot.

    Wills at that point will be in control of the British Navy and Armed Forces and heir to the throne. He'll have a lot of power. He's going to get a lot of attention this spring. People stupidly love the royals. He will claim ancestry to King David. He's been groomed for this. He was born on June 21, 1982 on the summer solstice and coinciding eclipse. This is Constance's Maitreya. Solana is just a facilitator.

    By the way, did you all know that 33 of the US presidents (Van Buren is the only exception)are related to King John of England, brother of Richard the Lionhearted, also know as John Lackland Plantagenet. Google the guy. He was a murderer, thief and lecher. People who still think that there's a difference between the Republicans and Democrats are living in denial.

    Things will get very interesting soon.

  23. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Quite a New Age site here:

    We are getting close to the end.All of this occult stuff is mainstream now, where it was once hidden

  24. When I first discovered the New Age Movement and its overt Luciferianism back in 1981, it was hard for me to personally believe that there people out there that devoutly believed in Lucifer. Ye"s, they are and they are definitely becoming increasingly emboldened -- AND DECEIVED. Lucifer's goal was to be worshiped as God and sadly he has gotten some gullible mortals to go along with "THE PLAN."

    Thanks for that link. Yes, it is shocking.


  25. Anonymous10:56 PM


    I know this is off topic, but I will to inform you all of the great danger [!] of that most monstrous doctrine of devils, which is Calvinism! [For all you Calvinists out there, there's no need for you to get upset with me, for if I speak falsely, then according to your False doctrine, yes, that 'another gospel' you so cling to, God has ordained that I should expose the rot of Calvinism, I have no choice in the matter. On the other hand, if you WILL acknowledge the truth I'm telling, praise God that you have freely chosen to believe, and you now have a chance of rejecting the vile lies & Scriptural twisting of Calvin et al, and repenting of blasphemously accusing God of being the Author of sin!

    God willing, I will not respond, excepting to sternly rebuke & correct where needed, to any argumentative spirit of Calvinism, as I don't have all day to play ping-pong with Calvinists, just as I don't, after trying to tell JWs the truth, have time to stand chatting on the door-step with those that continue to CHOOSE to reject the true spirit of the Scriptures after their error has been shown to them gently and in love.

    Anyhow everyone, please do view the videos below as there is some valuable insights into the horrors of Calvinism. To Calvinists of a gentler persuasion, or if you know God is convicting you to do so, MAKE THE CHOICE to watch the videos, they may, if you accept the truth in them and repent, save your eternal soul, so you may through faith, repent, be born again, and finally enter into the ranks of the elect!

    Is Keithtruth's "Calvinism" More Dangerous than Benjamin Creme? 1/3

    Keithtruth "Calvinism IS as" Dangerous as Benjamin Creme? 2/3

    The False Gospel of Calvinism

    The False Gospel of Calvinism Part 2

    The False Gospel of Calvinism Part 3

    John Calvin remained an unrepentant murderer all his life. He was also a liar, the tyrant of Geneva, and a monstrous blasphemer.

    If any Calvinist WILL be angry, wait till you've seen the videos, otherwise it's pointless.

    God bless you all and happy New Year,


  26. While Steve Shearer and I are long time friends, I have ISSUES with some of his theories. However, his guess is as good as mine -- until we actually KNOW, we are all guessing. Steve Shearer is the main person behind the CEPHAS website.


  27. To 9:41 p.m.
    I have my deep skepticism of what she is presenting. What also jumped out at me was the BARRY HESS signage. I don't know if he is related or not, but BARRY GOLDWATER had a key aide named KARL HESS who became one of the country's most prominent New Agers back when I first discovered the New Age Movement.
    I don't know who is presenting the material, but my initial hunch is that this is an anti-Semitic game of WATCH THE FUNDAMENTALISTS RUN.


  28. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Another video of note on the purpose of my topic is below. P.S., to all Calvinists, please realise I am a follower of Jesus Christ, not Arminius! I follow the teachings within the Holy Bible only, and am not interested in adding to it with the philosophy of Arminius, Calvin, Luther, a Pope or anyone else! You can refer to me as a Christian, for any call me Arminian that person is nothing but a lying slanderer & a coward!

    Thank you!


    Mans Free Will ; by youtube account name KnowWhatJesusDid

  29. Susanna11:48 AM

    Dear Constance,

    You said in your comment that Kitty Muggeridge "rightfully commented that the 1986 meeting in Assisi the low point apostasy wise of the Roman Catholic Church."

    I can think of a couple of other situations that might qualify as the aforementioned apostasy "low point" in the history of Roman Catholicism, but I will confine myself to addressing this particular issue.

    First of all, I will say that I can understand and sympathize with your suspicions.

    If the Assisi gatherings have been misinterpreted as promoting religious syncretism and religious relativism, the fault lies mainly with Church leaders and the organizers of the Assisi meeting for not putting the kind of safeguards in place that would preclude such misinterpretations.

    Unfortunately, the people who were among the first to use the reported abuses that occurred at the Assisi gathering as an opportunity to viciously excoriate Pope John Paul II in the wake of the 1986 and subsequent Assisi meetings - accusing him of religious "syncretism" and religious "relativism" - were certain radical traditionalist and sedevacantist "Catholics" who see themselves as being "more Catholic than the Pope" and whose self-righteous Feeneyite mentality never fails to send anyone to hell in a handbasket ( including good saintly Protestants ) who do not explicitly embrace Roman Catholicism - according to THEIR pronunciamentos.

    The truth of the matter is that the encyclical DOMINUS JESUS still stands. Pope Benedict XVI is still clearly teaching - as his predecessor did - that salvation is only to be had in Jesus Christ. But as the very practical Pope John Paul II once pointed out, people are not going to be won over to Jesus Christ if the conversion strategy involves spiritually "kicking people in the shins."

    Actually, the main purpose of the Assisi meetings have been to promote world peace and it was C.S. Lewis who once said that every religion at its best - including pagan religions - was at least implicitly based on love of God and neighbor......THE GOLDEN RULE. This is the very thing that makes any "joint commitment to peace" possible. In fact it was Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople who said in 2002:

    “Gathered here in Assisi, we have reflected together on peace, a gift of God and a common good of all humanity. Although we belong to different religious traditions, we affirm that building peace requires loving one's neighbor in obedience to the Golden Rule: Do to others what you would have them do to you. With this conviction, we will work tirelessly in the great enterprise of building peace.”


  30. Susanna11:52 AM


    The following is a 2006 article from the National Catholic Reporter. In the article, Pope Benedict admits that not enough safeguards were put in place to avoid the kind of misinterpretations of the Assisi meeting that occurred.....again, namely, that of appearing to promote religious syncretism and religious relativism.

    'Reformulating' the spirit of Assisi: Pope affirms peace summit, but wary of relativism, says Sant'Egidio leader
    National Catholic Reporter, Sept 15, 2006 by John L. Allen, Jr.

    ........Pope Benedict XVI is "reformulating" the spirit of Pope John Paul II's historic 1986 summit of religious leaders in Assisi, one that seemed to mark a new openness to prayer with the followers of other faiths, according to the organizer of an early September event marking that summit's 20th anniversary.
    The comment came Sept. 5 from Andrea Riccardi, an Italian Catholic church historian and the founder of the Community of Sant'Egidio, which organizes an annual interreligious gathering in "the spirit of Assisi," referring to John Paul's 1986 initiative.

    Benedict still wants conversation with other religions, but greater safeguards against the dangers of religious relativism, Riccardi suggested.

    That 1986 Assisi summit, which brought together the pope, the Dalai Lama, the archbishop of Canterbury, and a host of other religious leaders, centered on a moment of joint prayer on behalf of peace. The gesture was considered especially dramatic amid the Cold War tensions of the mid-1980s.

    John Paul held two other interreligious summits, in 1993 and 2002.

    The event triggered criticism from some Catholics who felt that it placed Christianity on the same level with other religions, and blurred the distinctiveness of Christian prayer.

    Then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, at the time the Vatican's doctrinal czar, was quoted in the Austrian press as stating, "This cannot be the model." In a 2003 book, Ratzinger wrote it is "indisputable that the Assisi meetings, especially in 1986, were misinterpreted by many people."

    On its 20th anniversary, some expected Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, to issue a "correction" of the 1986 gathering.

    In fact, the message Benedict sent to the Assisi gathering was broadly affirming of his predecessor's initiative.

    "[John Paul's] invitation for a choral witness to peace served to clarify, without any possibility of misunderstanding, that religion can only be a source of peace," Benedict said.

    "We need this 'education to peace' more than ever, especially looking at the new generations," he said.

    At the same time, however, Benedict emphasized the need to avoid any appearance of religious relativism, the idea that Christianity is simply one religious option among others.


  31. Susanna11:56 AM


    "The convergence of diverse representatives should not give the impression of a concession to that relativism which negates the very meaning of truth, and the possibility of taking it in," he said.

    During a Sept. 5 news conference in Assisi, Riccardi was asked if this meant Benedict was preserving the "letter" of Assisi but "suffocating its spirit."

    "I think I understand the logic of messages and texts from the church on the subject," Riccardi said. "When I defend what the pope said, it's not merely because I'm obliged to defend it. Relativism is a concern not just of Benedict but also of John Paul II. Both in 1986 and 2002, people were worried about the dangers of mixed prayer."

    Riccardi pointed out that Ratzinger himself had attended the 2002 event. On that day, participants were transported from Rome to Assisi and back on a rarely used papal train. Riccardi said he spoke with Ratzinger on the way back to Rome, and that Ratzinger said the summit "had gone very well, he was very happy with it."

    "I would rather say that Ratzinger the theologian is reformulating the spirit of Assisi," Riccardi said of Benedict's message for the Sant'Egidio event, and his general approach to exchanges with other religions.

    "The pope knows we have to dialogue," Riccardi said, pointing especially to Benedict's interest in exchange with Muslims.

    The Sept. 4 and 5 Sant'Egidio summit brought together 150 religious leaders from around the world. Dozens of Muslims, Shintoists, Buddhists and others spread out across Assisi to pray in various locations, and later came together for an evening procession for peace. (The Shintoists, for example, used the garden of a Franciscan convent for their rituals.)

    The participants issued a joint appeal for peace.

    "No conflict is a matter of fate, and no war is ever natural," it said. "Religions never justify hatred and violence. Those using the name of God to destroy others move away from true religion."

    * "A careful explanation of what happens here and what does not happen is most important.... What is happening must be so clear in itself, and to the world, that it does not become a demonstration of that relativism through which it would nullify its own significance."

    As for interreligious prayer, Ratzinger expressed doubt that it is theologically possible entire article.....

    If I were to respond to Ms. Muggeridge, I would certainly have to agree with her concerns over the possibility of the Assisi meeting being interpreted as promoting religious syncretism and religious relativism.

    But if she is condemning the Catholic Church for reaching out even to those who do not now Jesus Christ, I might also quote her a passage out of your book HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW where you remind everyone ( and I am paraphrasing from memory here ) that there might be a few surprises on Judgement Day when some poor pagans who did the best they could with what little knowledge they had stand before the throne of Our Lord joyous and redeemed while certain so-called "Christians" who could and should have known better remain standing on the outside looking in.

  32. Anonymous1:56 PM

    I know I've been hard in my approach but the fact that Calvinist James White believes that child rape is decreed by God, left me extremely angry!

    Anyway, here's one more video exposing Calvinism.

    'Ex-Calvinists For Christ: A Call To Repentance' by youtube account holder, excatholics (Ex-Catholics for Christ).


  33. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Susanna & Lisa, thanks for the explanations. :-)

  34. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Have scientists discovered how to create downpours in the desert?

    Technology created 50 rainstorms in Abu Dhabi's desert region last year.

  35. Susanna3:20 PM

    Constance, Anonymous 2:19 and All

    Here is the rest of my comment that posted but "disappeared."


    "The convergence of diverse representatives should not give the impression of a concession to that relativism which negates the very meaning of truth, and the possibility of taking it in," he said.

    During a Sept. 5 news conference in Assisi, Riccardi was asked if this meant Benedict was preserving the "letter" of Assisi but "suffocating its spirit."

    "I think I understand the logic of messages and texts from the church on the subject," Riccardi said. "When I defend what the pope said, it's not merely because I'm obliged to defend it. Relativism is a concern not just of Benedict but also of John Paul II. Both in 1986 and 2002, people were worried about the dangers of mixed prayer."

    Riccardi pointed out that Ratzinger himself had attended the 2002 event. On that day, participants were transported from Rome to Assisi and back on a rarely used papal train. Riccardi said he spoke with Ratzinger on the way back to Rome, and that Ratzinger said the summit "had gone very well, he was very happy with it."

    "I would rather say that Ratzinger the theologian is reformulating the spirit of Assisi," Riccardi said of Benedict's message for the Sant'Egidio event, and his general approach to exchanges with other religions.

    "The pope knows we have to dialogue," Riccardi said, pointing especially to Benedict's interest in exchange with Muslims.

    The Sept. 4 and 5 Sant'Egidio summit brought together 150 religious leaders from around the world. Dozens of Muslims, Shintoists, Buddhists and others spread out across Assisi to pray in various locations, and later came together for an evening procession for peace. (The Shintoists, for example, used the garden of a Franciscan convent for their rituals.)

    The participants issued a joint appeal for peace.

    "No conflict is a matter of fate, and no war is ever natural," it said. "Religions never justify hatred and violence. Those using the name of God to destroy others move away from true religion."

    * "A careful explanation of what happens here and what does not happen is most important.... What is happening must be so clear in itself, and to the world, that it does not become a demonstration of that relativism through which it would nullify its own significance."

    As for interreligious prayer, Ratzinger expressed doubt that it is theologically possible entire article.....

    If I were to respond to Ms. Muggeridge, I would certainly have to agree with her concerns over the possibility of the Assisi meeting being interpreted as promoting religious syncretism and religious relativism.

    But I might also quote her a passage out of your book HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW where you remind everyone ( and I am paraphrasing from memory here ) that there might be a few surprises on Judgement Day when some poor pagans who did the best they could with what little knowledge they had stand before the throne of Our Lord joyous and redeemed while certain so-called "Christians" who could and should have known better remain standing on the outside looking in.

  36. Susanna3:27 PM


    "The convergence of diverse representatives should not give the impression of a concession to that relativism which negates the very meaning of truth, and the possibility of taking it in," he said.

    During a Sept. 5 news conference in Assisi, Riccardi was asked if this meant Benedict was preserving the "letter" of Assisi but "suffocating its spirit."

    "I think I understand the logic of messages and texts from the church on the subject," Riccardi said. "When I defend what the pope said, it's not merely because I'm obliged to defend it. Relativism is a concern not just of Benedict but also of John Paul II. Both in 1986 and 2002, people were worried about the dangers of mixed prayer."

    Riccardi pointed out that Ratzinger himself had attended the 2002 event. On that day, participants were transported from Rome to Assisi and back on a rarely used papal train. Riccardi said he spoke with Ratzinger on the way back to Rome, and that Ratzinger said the summit "had gone very well, he was very happy with it."

    "I would rather say that Ratzinger the theologian is reformulating the spirit of Assisi," Riccardi said of Benedict's message for the Sant'Egidio event, and his general approach to exchanges with other religions.

    "The pope knows we have to dialogue," Riccardi said, pointing especially to Benedict's interest in exchange with Muslims.
    ( especially now in the wake of the murders of so many Christians in Iraq.)


  37. Anonymous3:49 PM

    See this New Age Church. I guess this is the world's church of the future...maybe

  38. Susanna4:10 PM


    The Sept. 4 and 5 Sant'Egidio summit brought together 150 religious leaders from around the world. Dozens of Muslims, Shintoists, Buddhists and others spread out across Assisi to pray in various locations, and later came together for an evening procession for peace. (The Shintoists, for example, used the garden of a Franciscan convent for their rituals.)

    The participants issued a joint appeal for peace.

    "No conflict is a matter of fate, and no war is ever natural," it said. "Religions never justify hatred and violence. Those using the name of God to destroy others move away from true religion."

    * "A careful explanation of what happens here and what does not happen is most important.... What is happening must be so clear in itself, and to the world, that it does not become a demonstration of that relativism through which it would nullify its own significance."

    As for interreligious prayer, Ratzinger expressed doubt that it is theologically possible entire article.....

    If I were to respond to Ms. Muggeridge, on the one hand, I would certainly have to agree with her concerns over the possible danger of the Assisi meetings being misinterpreted as promoting religious syncretism and religious relativism.

    On the other hand, if she, like the aforementioned Traditionalists and Sedevacantists is deliberately choosing to "misinterpret" the Assisi gatherings as part of some hidden agenda, I might also quote her a passage out of your book HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW where you remind everyone ( and I am paraphrasing from memory here ) that there might be a few surprises on Judgement Day when some poor pagans who did the best they could with what little knowledge they had stand before the throne of Our Lord joyous and redeemed while certain so-called "Christians" who could and should have known better remain standing on the outside looking in.

    As the well-traveled wife of the late English journalist, author, media personality, and satirist Malcolm Muggeridge before both became Roman Catholics in 1982, it seems to me that Ms. Muggeridge should indeed know better.

  39. Anonymous4:30 PM

    UNderground New Age Temple

    "So if they say to you, ‘Behold, He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out, or, ‘Behold, He is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe them..." Matt 24:26

  40. Susanna5:06 PM

    To: A Concerned Watcher

    I am not in any way trying to dis you, but for the record, The founder of the "Holy Family Monastery" cult happens to be a bogus "monk"/ Sedevacantist crank named Michael Dimond.

    Sedevacantists are those who believe that the papal chair is currently empty and has been since the death of Pope Pius XII - more recently, some maintained that Pope John Paul II was not the pope at all, but an anti-Pope....some even going so far as to call him the "anti-Christ." It is highly likely that they feel the same way about Pope Benedict XVI.

    To many Sedevacantists, the SSPX founded by the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre is a "modernist" enterprise!!!

    Here's an article from This Rock about Sedevacantists.


    Here is the lowdown on their "main man" the late Clemente Dominguez y Gomez....a.k.a. "Pope Gregory XVII"


    Here is a site with a picture of "his holiness."

    Here is Rick Ross's section on the "other pope."


    The brothers Dimond ( Michael and Peter ) are also heirs to the heresy of the late Father Leonard Feeney who taught that all non-Catholics automatically go to hell.

    I hope you find this information helpful.

  41. The new logo for the Rio 2016 games is out.

    Am I just seeing things or does anyone else see the 3 "6"s?

  42. Anonymous6:48 PM

    To Anon 3:02 am...

    You are right, the sites I linked on the "most holy family" monastery are very suspect. My intention was to show you how illogical and extreme is what they claim. Also that the propagandists can't even agree. Unfortunately, the paragraph explaining this somehow was deleted before I posted and I didn't realize it at the time.


  43. Anonymous6:50 PM


    Excellent information on the Dimond brothers.

    Thank you!!!!!!!

  44. Susanna6:58 PM

    Anonymous 6:50

    You are welcome! :-)

  45. Steve7:11 PM


    I don't recall picking a fight with you nor will I. What's the deal with your response to me? I don't claim to be represented by a pope and he doesn't speak for me. If you want to be represented by him, that's your business. I expressed my belief and didn't ask for your argument. Who is pushing a view? Not me. I commented on a blog with mixed views and you, out of emotion, tried to persuade me to argue. I won't.

    Now and again I'll comment but not very often. Where in the Bible does it say that we are to try to get along with other religions that aren't Christian??? It doesn't say that. It says we will be persecuted for our faith.

    And the ones that got blown up in Egypt and are getting blown up in in Iraq are CATHOLIC. Think please before you respond. I believe they were at Mass when the bombs went off.

    I don't think I excluded any Christian in my comments other than stating that I think the pope should not be tossing the Gospel out before the 'leaders of the world's great religions' to be trampled upon. If you can find a biblical reason he should do so, state it. Otherwise, support the religions that are killing Christians and beg them for mercy for your life...or be willing to die for the Gospel that saved you.

    Our lot in life isn't to accept everything and every religion. It is to spread the Gospel. It certainly isn't to find ways to get along with all religions and become part of some 'interfaith' version of God. And our witness isn't to beg them for mercy for our earthly lives. Name an Apostle that did that. They all died for the Gospel and nothing else.


  46. Susanna,

    I'm reading and digesting your thoughtful posts. The "Sant Egidio" references refreshed a memory for me. The Sant Egidio community in Rome was criticized for buying up other Catholic churches and then curtailing their availability for devotions and regular mass schedules. The Sant Egidio community is also, as I recall it, the one order with relatively close connections to otherwise anti-clerical JAVIER SOLANA. I bought their prayer book as a Kindle edition some time ago to analyze. Something strikes me as "off" with that community, although my investigation continues. Its head won the same award Javier Solana won: THE CHARLEMAGNE PRIZE (Karlpreis).


  47. Anonymous7:32 PM

    The fact is that only Christ can really satisfy God; only Christ can do God's will and God's work. Only Christ can overcome the spiritual forces of evil. Yes, only Christ can really live the Christian life. Hence, the one great inclusive and crowning reality of a Christian is - Christ Himself WITHIN! Paul later put this in these words:

    "Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Col. 1:27).

    This becomes true by a definite act when we believe. The Holy Spirit takes possession of us in an inward way. This indwelling of Christ had never been known by any man in history until Christ had died and risen and been glorified. It is therefore the peculiar wonder and glory of the Christian. It is this very thing that explains the New Testament term - "born anew". There was nothing like it before.

  48. Riccardi was the one who won the Charlemagne Prize:

    Andrea Riccardi, a Catholic historian who founded the Sant'Egidio Community in Rome, has been awarded the prestigious Charlemagne Prize at a ceremony in Germany.

    Riccardi, 58, was honoured in the city of Aachen for his exemplary demonstration of Europe's humanistic convictions and spirit of solidarity, as well as his promotion of world peace.

    "Riccardi founded the Sant'Egidio lay community in Rome with friends 40 years ago. The organization now has more than 50,000 volunteers in 70 countries, who work with the poor as well as with drug addicts, Aids sufferers and social outcasts.

    "Aachen Mayor Juergen Lindner praised Riccardi as an "ambassador and representative of European values."

    In his acceptance speech, Riccardi expressed his support for a strong and united Europe. The continent, he warned, was in danger of exiting the history books and reverting to "national and regional egotism."

    "The world needs Europe, its humanity, its rationality, its capacity to mediate, its economic might, its culture," he said.

    Despite its world wars and the Shoa, Riccardi said, Europe could become a 'paradigm of peace.'"

  49. Anonymous9:58 PM


    I'm sincerely sorry if my question offended you. I was asking out of a sincere interest because the following comment that you made piqued my interest:

    "I don't see the Pope calling for more interfaith meetings being particularly helpful to us. Nor do I think it appropriate to grovel at the feet of all other religions and ask for mercy."

    In re-reading my question, I can see that it sounded a bit gruff. However, I was not trying to pick a fight - I am just always interested in where people are getting their information as there is an over-abundance of mis-
    information out there.

    I have never heard of any pope groveling at the feet of other religions and asking for mercy.


  50. Anonymous10:14 PM


    I'm sincerely sorry if my question offended you. I was asking out of a sincere interest because the following comment that you made piqued my interest:

    "I don't see the Pope calling for more interfaith meetings being particularly helpful to us. Nor do I think it appropriate to grovel at the feet of all other religions and ask for mercy."

    In re-reading my question, I can see that it sounded a bit gruff. However, I was not trying to pick a fight - I am just always interested in where people are getting their information as there is an over-abundance of mis-
    information out there.

    I have never heard of any pope groveling at the feet of other religions and asking for mercy.


  51. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Oh... here's pt 3 btw.

    Keithtruth's "John Calvin" - The Man - The Murderer- Part 3

    Thank you for your patience Constance, I believe this is an important issue that must be addressed. I hope this is the last needed on this subject.


    God be with you,


  52. Dorothy12:13 AM

    Anonymous 4:30 pm. That sure is a spooky place. It is dedicated to paganism obviously. While looking at youtube, I decided to go see what else there was about the place. If you haven't already seen it, check this out.

    "Damanhur, is an eco-society based on ethical and spiritual values, awarded by an agency of the United Nations as a model for a sustainable future.

    "Founded in 1975, the Federation has about 1,000 citizens and extends over 500 hectares of territory throughout Valchiusella and the Alto Canavese area, at the foothills of the Piedmont Alps...."
    (more at the link) videos about the making of the place.

    It's part of the global ecovillage network.

    They have these kind of places all over the world.

    They have quite a network.

    All under the banner a "Laboratory for the Future Development of Humanity."

    I haven't researched it to find the deeper connections.

    Thanks for posting the video with the new information for us.

  53. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Anon 3:49

    Shocking but not surprising!It is indeed the `New Age of Barbarism` cloaked in religiosity! Thank you it just opened my eyes to the extent of the `New Religion`

  54. Dorothy1:03 AM

    Funny, if you put in the link for the network, nothing comes up, but when I got to it, it had 69 events listed which started like this:

    69 events were found (sorted by Country). Click on the titles for more details.

    a spanish course in bolivia?
    Ongoing / All Year Round - Marquina Cochabamba, Bolivia
    Presenter(s)/Facilitator(s): Oyunn Gulliksen
    Course/Training/Workshop - Topic: Ecological Living Practices
    Associated Ecovillage: El Poncho Ecovillage in Marquina / Ecovillage Network of the Americas

    awakened life permaculture experience
    Ongoing / All Year Round - Benfeita, Near Coimbra Arganil, Portugal
    Presenter(s)/Facilitator(s): Pete & Cynthia Bampton
    Apprentice/Internship Program - Topic: Permaculture Design

    awakened life transformation retreat
    Ongoing / All Year Round - Benfeita, Near Coimbra Arganil, Portugal
    Presenter(s)/Facilitator(s): Pete & Cynthia Bampton
    Apprentice/Internship Program - Topic: Other/Various Topics/Activities

    bolivia in a nutshell!!! come with us from the andes to the amazon
    Ongoing / All Year Round - Marquina Cochabamba, Bolivia
    Presenter(s)/Facilitator(s): Enrique Hidalgo - Oyunn Gulliksen - Maria Ros -
    Travel Program - Topic: Ecotourism
    Associated Ecovillage: El Poncho Ecovillage in Marquina / Ecovillage Network of the Americas

    cultural heritage project in ecotourism village in cyprus
    Ongoing / All Year Round - Buyukkonuk Village, North Cyprus, Cyprus
    Volunteer Program - Topic: Ecotourism
    Associated Ecovillage: Buyukkonuk, north Cyprus

    expand the box 3-day communications trainings
    Ongoing / All Year Round - See calendar at www.callahan-a, Germany
    Presenter(s)/Facilitator(s): Clinton Callahan and Marion Krause
    Course/Training/Workshop - Topic: Group Dynamics (bio-energetics, communications, etc)
    Associated Ecovillage: Possibilica

    You'll just have to play around with the links.

    It turns out these people are associated with Ervin Lazlo, the Club of Budapest and the World Wisdom Council.

  55. Dorothy1:08 AM

    The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors is one of the ecovillages that are around the world.

  56. Susanna7:50 AM

    Dear Constance,

    I also recall the controversy over the St. Egidio Community.

    It is the lay association known as the Sant Egidio Community that has been organizing the Assisi gatherings since the first one in 1986 when the Catholic Church was reproached for the appearance of syncretism.

    The most prominent event in the way of dialogue between religions has arguably been the 1986 Peace Prayer in Assisi to which Pope John Paul II, against considerable resistance also from within the Roman Catholic church, invited representatives of all world religions. This initiative was taken up by the Community of Sant'Egidio, who, with the support of John Paul II, organized yearly peace meetings of religious representatives. These meetings, consisting of round tables on different issues and of a common time of prayer has done much to further understanding and friendship between religious leaders and to further concrete peace initiatives. In order to avoid the reproaches of syncretism that were leveled at the 1986 Assisi meeting where the representatives of all religions held one common prayer, the follow-up meetings saw the representatives of the different religions pray in different places according to their respective more....

    But getting back to the controversy related to the Community of St. Egidio, I believe the following article from Chiesa was posted here in the past. Originally, the Community of St. Egidio was not happy over the election of Pope John Paul II to the papacy!



    I personally believe that it would be next to impossible for the present pope to abolish the Assisi gatherings without dire consequences.....especially with regard to the persecution of Catholics and other Christians in certain non-Christian countries.

    I don't know what the latest is on the relations between the Community of St. Egidio and Pope Benedict XVI, but if, behind the scenes, said relations are less than amicable, perhaps the strategy on the part of the Pope for dealing with it can be summed up in the advice given by the Godfather to his son Michael Corleone in the famous movie:

    "Keep your friends close and keep your enemies even closer." :-)

  57. Hi Susanna,

    Thanks, as always, for your brilliant contributions here. I am just starting to read the leads you gave me. I did not know before that it was the Sant'Egidio community that had worked to put the first Assisi in place.

    I have the most disturbing feeling that they are the "termites from within" on the apostasies which plagued the Catholic Church for a long time before Pope John Paul II issued his first strong statement against the New Age Movement in early June 1993 as published then in L'Osservatore Romano."

    What drew my attention to them was nothing more than the Javier Solana - Charlemagne Prize connections. I now see that it is deeper -- much deeper. I will continue to explore and the more you can add to this, the better for all -- both in Catholic Church and out.


  58. Extremely revealing information on Sant'Egidio, its alleged strategies and alliances are in this article from Chiesa:


  59. Translated: "Enigma of Sant' Egidio: It was war and they called it 'peace.'

  60. From Chiesa: BETWEEN OPUS DEI AND THE DALAI LAMA: portion of THE GREAT BLUFF Susanna called my attention to:

    But otherwise they are like the legendary group Opus Dei: impenetrable. Not eventhe Vatican knows much about what they do among themselves. Not even the Popeknows them, although he is friendly toward them. If he knew that the members ofSant´Egidio have practically abolished the sacrament of Penance, practicinggeneral confession instead in their group meetings, he would rebuke them severely.If he knew about their abuses in matters of matrimony and procreation, he wouldleap up into the cathedra. If he knew that during their Masses the homily is alwaysgiven by their founder and head, Andrea Riccardi, who is not a priest and istherefore not permitted to preach the homily (an absolute prohibition just recentlyrestated in a Vatican instruction), he would immediately recall them to obedience.

    Are these the Church´s internal affairs? Yes and No.
    Because what is now referredto as "The U.N. of Trastevere" is not a secular organization like "Doctors withoutBorders," but emerged as an essentially Catholic community. And it still presentsitself this way: as a citadel of God in a world invaded by barbarians. It is by virtue ofthis identity and with the Pope´s blessing that Sant´Egidio offers itself "to the cityand to the world" as a peacemaker in war zones - apart from offering itself as abridge for dialogue among religions.The members of Sant´Egidio were the ones who organized the interreligiousmeeting in Assisi in 1986, with the Pope praying side by side with the Dalai Lama,Orthodox metropolitans, Buddhist monks, Jewish rabbis, Muslim muftis, and gurusand shamans of every creed. Since then, Sant´Egidio has recreated the model ofAssisi each year: the last time in Padua and Venice; on other occasions in Rome,Florence, Milan, Bari, Warsaw, Brussels, Malta, and Jerusalem. And there has beena crescendo of spectacular choreography, with ceremonies broadcast worldwide,with a whirl of distinguished guests, summoned from five continents, paid andpampered. The cost of each meeting runs to at least a half million dollars, coveredby government and private subsidies." . . .

  61. Here's betting MARTIN PALMER and SANT'EGIDIO talk FREQUENTLY!


  62. Well, I didn't have to look far for that suspected Martin Palmer - Sant'Egidio link. Palmer is co-author of a book that praises the Sant'Egidio community. Snakes of a feather slither together!

    Catholicism & Orthodox Christianity By Bender Richardson White, Khaled Anatolios, Stephen F. Brown, Martin Palmer

    Martin Palmer is the editor!


  63. Anonymous12:34 PM

    @ Anon at 9:41 PM
    This sounds like more Jordan Maxwell, he is a heavy occultist and should be trusted as far as you can throw a house.
    There are those who seek to destroy america to bring in the one world government, what better way then to have the americans destroy it themselves believing this will "free" us.
    I have not suffered from slavery by the english throne and doubt I ever will.

  64. Martin Palmer, a top advisor to Prince Philip, is a wonderful REVERSE INDICATOR of what is good and what is bad. Catholic lay groups he likes a kit include



  65. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Yes folks, this diatribe of James White asserting that God decrees child-rape is Calvinist Doctrine alright!:

    'If James White is Saved, You'll Want to Go to Hell'

    Posted by


  66. Susanna3:50 PM

    Hi Constance,

    Here is the English translation - such as it is - of the Chiesa article you posted at 10:52 A.M.

    Enigma Sant'Egidio. It was war, and called it peace

    Who I am. What they do. What they want. The peacemaker of Trastevere accused of promoting Islam armed. Unauthorized History of a very special community

    Sandro Magister

    The woman in the photo is named Khalida Messaoudi. It is Muslim, lives in Algiers and founded the association Rachdi against the oppression of women and the reform of the Family Code. Sentenced to death by Islamic extremists in 1993, has escaped two attacks. It's deputy in parliament since 1997 entire article


    I have a problem with the way the following article refers to the Sant' Egidio Platform as "the Rome Accord" - as if this "platform" is somehow the official stand of the Roman Catholic Church.


    Another thing I found a little unsettling was the reported partnering of the Community of Sant' Egidio with the NGO known as PLAN INTERNATIONAL.

    PLAN ( aid organization )

    ...Donations are used to finance projects that benefit the entire community in which the child lives, and are not given directly to the child. This offers the opportunity of development to the sponsor child, as well as their community. Plan's approach is called Child Centred Community Development. Plan has programming work in Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD); Sexual and Reproductive health, including HIV prevention, care and treatment; Education; Water, Sanitation and Hygiene; Child Protection; Citizenship; and Disaster Risk more...

    My question is as to whether or not programs for "sexual and reproductive health" includes abortion.

  67. Susanna4:05 PM


    More on the "Sant'Egidio Platform" ( a.k.a. "Rome Accord")

    Hopes for Algerian Peace Fade as Rome Plan Is Rejected by Militants on Both Sides
    January 23, 1995

    The following is another revealing article from Chiesa.



  68. Anonymous6:23 PM

    To Steve, I enjoy your contributions but you are a real grouch sometimes. Lay off Lisa please and take a chill pill!

  69. Steve6:30 PM


    I meant no harm. Grace to you and may God bless you. If I took your comments the wrong way, I apologize.


  70. Steve6:53 PM

    Anon 6:23

    I'm not a grouch. I believe what I believe, like everyone else here. My comments are no more harsh than anything else that goes on in the context of this blog.

    Lisa was graceful in her response to me and I appreciated that. I'm not out to convert anyone or to be mean. Everyone here has an opinion they believe is the right included. It's an open format and we can choose to take offense to one another if we want.

    Unfortunately my 'tone' has been a cause for defensive responses and I will apologize for that.

    I love my Bible and all that it says. I don't put much stock in the thoughts and politics of men.

    But I'm every bit as rotten as anyone else here or anywhere and just as capable of getting irritated and upset as anyone else that posts here.

    I'm sorry for sounding grouchy and I'll try to be more graceful in the future.

    May God bless you.


  71. Susanna7:47 PM


    According to the following Chiesa article, Focolare was also reportedly involved in the organization of the 1986 Assisi gathering. You don't want to miss this article.


  72. Susanna9:10 PM


    According to a March 23, 2010 article by Bjorn (farmer).

    The Community of Sant'Egidio, with which Solana has excellent links through its headquarters in Madrid, is well known in foreign ministries around the world, who see it as a kind of informal diplomatic corps who works closely with the Secretary of State for the Holy See."


    Website of the Community of Sant'Egidio

    They have been present at the first Alliance of Civilizations Forum in Madrid in 2008.

    Saint Egidio (english: St. Giles), Athenian by birth, is the cities patron of Edinborough (Link), where Solana's grandmother Constance Archibald lived and published. At least two famous fairs in England are connected with St. Giles' Day: one in Winchester, no longer extant; the other at Oxford, where his mother Hayat Nieves Mathews de Madariaga lived and published. Just to add to the list: Solana named Gilles de Kerchhove (meaning "Giles from the Churchcourtyard") as the Anti-Terror-Zar of the EU (Link)...
    read entire article....

    As JD pointed out last April,

    Solana's involvement with Sant' Egidio is through a company called La Caixa. It is a company similar in nature to MCC, building microcredit and promoting sustainable development. La Caixa also has a alliance with Grameen, Accion', and other microcredit lenders promoted under the Treaty on Alternative Economic Models, which was adopted under the Earth Summit/Earth Charter Initiative.

    From a World Bank report we also find out that there has been MCC involvement in Sant 'Egidio through a subsidiary called Millenium Challenge Account. Of course through World Bank we can also see ties to Raj Patel and other nefarious people. Any body else see the pattern emerging?

    La Caixa almost sounds like a Spanish version of the failed ShoreBank Chicago.

  73. Hey guys and gals. Check out

    We're covering the dead animals, UNASUR, and Israel's solar eclipse today.

  74. Anonymous12:54 PM

    There is an interesting piece and video on George Soros over at Bob Mitchell's blog, Shofar Ministries.

  75. Anonymous4:03 PM

    May God Bless you too, Steve.

    Anonymous Critic

  76. Anonymous6:20 PM

    In 1994 Claverie attended the Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops in Rome, but the year also witnessed the assassination of four Missionaries of Africa and four other religious in Algeria. Claverie denounced the cowardice of the murderers but declared that Christians in Algeria were in the right place -- at the foot of the Cross, along the "fracture lines" of Algerian society. In 1995 the misguided attempt of the Community of Saint Egidio in Rome to broker peace between Muslims in Algeria, led to a serious misunderstanding with the Algerian government. The Algerian bishops, who had not been consulted about this initiative, were torn between their loyalty to the government and their desire for peace. Three more religious sisters were assassinated at the end of the year and then in 1996 the seven Trappist monks of Tibhirine. Claverie took comfort from the poem of Hawa Djabali, composed in honour of the Christian martyrs. "They stayed and we asked why. There was no answer. It was a long fidelity." He took even more comfort from Dietrich Bonhoeffer's heroic fidelity to the Kingdom at the end of the Second World War. Bonhoeffer had written, Claverie recalled, "The Kingdom comes for us in our death."

    Claverie took precautions for his own security, but was spiritually well prepared for the end when it came on August 1, 1996. As a Muslim friend (Redouane Rahal) said of him: "Algeria, which saw the birth of Saint Augustine and Sheikh Ben Badis, is honoured to have sired a Pierre Claverie. For them and for him it was the same journey in the fight for justice and the respect for others in their difference."

    Read entire article...

  77. Susanna8:15 PM

    Anonymous 6:20 P.M.

    Great post! Bishop Claverie and the 19 others - all members of religious orders - were murdered following the misguided interference of the Community of Sant' Egidio. This interference was seen as appeasing the Islamic extremists and legitimizing their brutality and their butchery.

    Among the nineteen religious who were murdered were the seven Trappist monks of Tibhirine who were kidnapped from their monastery and subsequently beheaded. Bishop Claverie was murdered two months later.

    Claverie was never one for fashionable, politically-correct forms of inter-religious dialogue. He shunned large-scale Christian/Muslim meetings, feeling that the slogans such encounters tend to generate, such as that we are all “children of Abraham” and “people of the Book,” or that we all believe in the “one God,” artificially gloss over deep theological and spiritual differences.

    Claverie was certainly no Pollyanna when it came to the reality of the Islamist threat, frequently denouncing “the cowardice of those who kill in the shadows.” His clear-eyed assessment led him into conflict with the Community of Sant' Egidio, an international Catholic movement known for its efforts in conflict resolution. In the mid-1990s, Sant' Egidio sponsored a "Rome Platform" for dialogue among the warring Algerian parties, including the extremists. Claverie and the other Algerian bishops felt betrayed, arguing that the negotiations lent legitimacy to forces butchering anyone who stood up for a non-Islamist state. They also struggled to explain to democratic activists in Algeria, who were laying down their lives to resist the Islamists, that the Sant' Egidio initiative did not represent the official position of the Catholic church.

    Bishop Claverie and the nineteen other religious who were murdered are referred to as "the Algerian Martyrs" and their cause for sainthood was opened just a few years ago in 2007 or 2008.

  78. Susanna9:08 PM


    Scroll down to pages indicated to see participants.


    (Madrid 15-16 January 2008)

    p.1 - Ban Ki-Moon, Secretery General of the Unied Nations

    p.3 Javier Solana Madariaga

    p.17 - Karen Armstrong

    p.51 - Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, chairman Cordoba Initiative USA ( of Ground Zero Mosque notoriety)

    p.23 & 56 - Jan de Volder, Representative of the Community of Sant'Egidio in the EU

    p.67 - Jaine Lanaspa, Executive Director La Caixa

  79. B R I L L I A N T information SUSANNA and the ANONYMOUS who posted on Claverie. The Chiesa article you referred me to was an intense page turner. It should be required reading and I am more disturbed than ever by what I am finding has emanated from the Sant'Egidio and Foclare movements.

    But then, Martin Palmer and Prince Philip like them, so I suppose all is well! [SARCASTICALLY SPEAKING, THAT IS!]


  80. Found another fascinating one on the same roster, Susanna. Dr. Joel C. Hunter, from the National Association of Evangelicals. He appears to be active in all sorts of New Age "dialogue" stuff, including but not limited to Alliance of Civilizations, World Parliament of Religions, Organizing Director "The Green Bank." I noted with no small degree of interest that he was a graduate of the Denver Seminary's VERNON C. GROUNDS INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC ETHICS. Vernon Grounds was one of the leaders in what I termed the "Denver Disinformation Conference" of 1985 along with his underling, Dr. Gordon Lewis for what was supposed to be the first Evangelical Conference "against the New Age." The conference was really to fight me per J. Gordon Melton's HANDBOOK ON THE NEW AGE. Vernon Grounds and Gordon Lewis were a part of Doug Coe/Paul N. Temple's tidy little network that was truly "A BRIDGE" between the New Age Movement and sold out aspects of Christianity.


  81. From the Wikipedia article on Dr. Joel C. Hunter, we read:

    "Creation Care

    Hunter was asked in February 2006 to sign the Evangelical Climate Initiative, a document recognizing global warming based on the findings of the Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Fellow signatories included Rick Warren, the presidents of 39 Christian colleges, and the president of the Salvation Army. In the spring of 2006, he was asked to host a TV advertisement by the group .[12] In the summer of 2006 and 2008, Hunter was invited to symposiums on creation care at Windsor Castle where he heard from, among others: theologian N. T. Wright; former chairman of the IPCC, Sir John Houghton; and Prince Charles. He has since been named by Grist magazine as one of the top 15 religious leaders in creation care, along with Pope Benedict XVI and the Dalai Lama.[13]"

    Of course, he's tight with Rick Warren!


  82. Susanna,

    Please, please tell me how you italicize your quotes here. I have never figured out how to do it on this comments section, but think it important that I learn.


  83. AND, since he was once asked to be head of the "Christian Coalition," that implies that he is/was close with Pat Robertson as well!


  84. Anonymous5:27 AM

    In your update of the 29th of December you wrote : « I'm sorry, I just don't understand. Maybe somebody can "enlighten" me. Personally, I would call for a Congressional investigation of this misguided maneuver!

    Well I knew I read about it. Now here is the article I read at Cutting Edge :
    In 1952, in London, the Illuminati sponsored a meeting to re-draw the world into military regions after the One-World Government had been established. In the early 1920's, Russian Communist leaders learned a very valuable lesson: they learned that ethnic troops could not be depended upon to be brutal to their own people . Therefore, Russian Communists devised a plan whereby Muslim Russian troops would be stationed in non-Muslim areas, and vice versa. Therefore, troops would have no difficulty oppressing, jailing, and murdering people not their own. As you will shortly see, this plan applies these lessons worldwide. We have much to fear, as you will see in just a few moments.
    In 1952, the World Association of Parliamentarians for World Government decided which areas of the world would be occupied and patrolled by which troops. These worldwide forces would be commanded by a World Director, who would have an organization of 8 zone directors and 51 regional directors. No regional director would ever be responsible for his own country, and no military troops would ever be stationed within his own country. [This information taken from the National Economic Council of New York City, 1962]
    American troops were assigned six regions of the world, as we have listed below.
    Region 12 -- Australia
    Region 32 -- Uruguay, Argentina
    Region 75 -- India, Nepal, Turkmen, Uzbeg, Tadzhik, Kirghiz, SSR
    Region 58 -- Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia
    Region 55 -- Yugoslavia, Greece, Albania, Romania, and Bulgaria -- the Balkans Region [NOTE: Serbia, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Croatia, and Macedonia were originally part of Yugoslavia; See CIA map of this Central Balkans Region, at You can also view the general map of Europe at ]
    Thus, American troops would be responsible for a huge chunk of Europe, from Czechoslovakia to Greece, and as far east as the border of the Ukraine and Turkey!
    at here some more. Go to the article for more information.
    But, then, Scott Gulbransen delivers the devastating news, toward the end of the article. After quoting Virginia Kice, a local spokesperson for the Immigration and Naturalization Service's Western region, where she officially denied any such shoot-out occurred, Gulbransen wrote that Asians and other non-Hispanics had been observed in the area!

    Everything get in place.
    Hope this can help

  85. Anonymous5:31 AM

    In your update of the 29th of December you wrote : « I'm sorry, I just don't understand. Maybe somebody can "enlighten" me. Personally, I would call for a Congressional investigation of this misguided maneuver!

    Well I knew I read about it. Now here is the article I read at Cutting Edge :
    In 1952, in London, the Illuminati sponsored a meeting to re-draw the world into military regions after the One-World Government had been established. In the early 1920's, Russian Communist leaders learned a very valuable lesson: they learned that ethnic troops could not be depended upon to be brutal to their own people . Therefore, Russian Communists devised a plan whereby Muslim Russian troops would be stationed in non-Muslim areas, and vice versa. Therefore, troops would have no difficulty oppressing, jailing, and murdering people not their own. As you will shortly see, this plan applies these lessons worldwide. We have much to fear, as you will see in just a few moments.
    In 1952, the World Association of Parliamentarians for World Government decided which areas of the world would be occupied and patrolled by which troops. These worldwide forces would be commanded by a World Director, who would have an organization of 8 zone directors and 51 regional directors. No regional director would ever be responsible for his own country, and no military troops would ever be stationed within his own country. [This information taken from the National Economic Council of New York City, 1962]
    American troops were assigned six regions of the world, as we have listed below.
    Region 12 – Australia Region 32 -- Uruguay, Argentina
    Region 75 -- India, Nepal, Turkmen, Uzbeg, Tadzhik, Kirghiz, SSR
    Region 58 -- Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia
    Region 55 -- Yugoslavia, Greece, Albania, Romania, and Bulgaria -- the Balkans Region [NOTE: Serbia, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Croatia, and Macedonia were originally part of Yugoslavia; See CIA map of this Central Balkans Region, at You can also view the general map of Europe at ]
    ….But, then, Scott Gulbransen delivers the devastating news, toward the end of the article. After quoting Virginia Kice, a local spokesperson for the Immigration and Naturalization Service's Western region, where she officially denied any such shoot-out occurred, Gulbransen wrote that Asians and other non-Hispanics had been observed in the area!

    Hope this can help

  86. Italics and Bold8:46 AM


    I tried to post instructions here for posting italics and bold, but it will not allow me to use the symbols without actually doing them.

    I will send an email with the subject lines “Posting codes”.


  87. Here's a revolting development dated today: Pope congratulates Focalare and Sant'Egidio Movements!


  88. Anonymous1:47 PM

    The article about the Focalare movement etc is actually dated 01-1-1970. However it does refer to Benedict XVI and in the text says, quote, "In this respect, the next Synod of African Bishops, which is due to take place in 2009", suggesting it was written in 2008.


  89. Anonymous2:40 PM

    It appears that an internecine strugle may have begun in the EU:


  90. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Jews living near the German capital Berlin are being warned not to wear items of clothing that identify their religion as fears of neo-Nazi attacks rise.
    Sixty five years after the end of World War Two and the Holocaust, a leading rabbi in the state of Brandenburg is urging Jews not to wear yarmulkes (skul

    Read more:

  91. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Dear Constance,

    How are you?

    Fwiw, would like to draw your attention to the fact that certain extremists seem to gaining in boldness, with regard to attacks on churches.

    1) There are the recent, tragic rash of attacks on churches in Iraq, considered a somewhat unstable country:

    2) Then there was the very recent, also very tragic attack on the Egyptian Coptic church; Egypt generally being considered a more stable country (they are also now making contingency plans for the Orthodox calendar, Christmas Eve celebration, may God have mercy):

    One might be forgiven for wondering if the progression in boldness of attacks will continue,
    perhaps to coincide with Passover celebrations, and the suggested "ultimatum" with regards to Israel and the EU letter, in April, which is not to frighten anyone with regard to Easter ceremonies at the Vatican, only to serve as a warning.

    Have a great day.


    A fellow watcher

    P.S. As you mentioned previously, "birds of a feather flock together," and there seems to be a concurrency of mounting boldness taking place both among certain extremists in the M.E. and among former EU leaders (would personally characterise it as "the mystery of iniquity at work.")

  92. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Link for EU April "ultimatum" letter:

  93. Anonymous4:54 PM

    P.S. #2: See Dan. 11:37-39 for a possible connection.

  94. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Constance, here is an interesting article on the Pope's association and acceptance of lay movements;

    He is supposedly closely associated with the following;

    Thought you'd like to check it out.

  95. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Interesting article on the pope and lay movements

  96. Susanna9:46 PM


    Sometimes lay Catholic movements can start out well enough and then later go south.

    Sometimes these groups are infiltrated by agenda-driven individuals whose general strategy involves a very subtle hijacking of already established groups which are then used as recruiting grounds for "inner circles" established within said established groups - whose clandestine activities may not always be known to the rest of the rank and file members.

    Unfortunately, when the doody hits the fan, the reputation of the whole group is sullied.

    I personally know of one now - defunct lay Catholic group in which this happened. The leader of the group even received the blessings of Pope Paul VI....or so it was reported.

    It is possible that the problems this group caused could have been nipped in the bud if the local bishop in whose diocese this group originally operated had sounded the alarm to his fellow bishops.

    Why he didn't do so is anybody's guess. But when the group's activities were exposed, the situation became pretty traumatic for all parties concerned.

    Regarding the Pope's praise of Focolare and Sant' Egidio, I couldn't help but notice in the article you linked us to the number of bishops who were reportedly present. I don't know anything about these particular bishops, but in general, it is unfortunately true that there are many Catholic bishops who merely pay the Pope lip service and then proceed to do their own thing behind his back.

    I can tell you one thing. What the Pope means by "ecumenism, and interreligious dialogue" may not necessarily be the same thing that certain elements within the Focolare and Sant'Egidio movements mean by those terms.

    Definitely something to watch!

  97. To Anonymous 2:40 p.m.

    Your analysis is correct. The Hungarian law, however, is despicably dangerous. I believe in freedom of speech.


  98. Susanna,

    You are correct. Lee and I tried to analyze it based on the 39th anniversary of the Focalare Movement and I think we came up with 2007 or 2008. The publication date at the top threw me.


  99. To Susanna 9:46

    Your points are well taken. I have had my own work bastardized by enough sources to know that it can happen to others.


  100. Susanna2:22 PM

    Constance, 12:44,

    Exactly! I am well aware of how certain people have not only bastardized your work but also have dumped on those of us who have defended both you and your work.

    I became one of your admirers and defenders after reading the passages in your book HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW where you expressed your admiration for the anti-modernist encyclical PASCENDI DOMINICI GREGIS by Pope Pius X, and declared that Pope Pius X was very likely "a prophet as well as a prelate."

    He makes some salient points about the "termites from within" that you so often mention.




  101. Susanna2:42 PM


    Here is how to italicise.

    At the beginning of the paragraph or phrase you want to italicise, type <+i+> without the plus signs.

    Just type the arrows and the small letter "i" between them as shown. I am only using the plus signs to separate the other characters....namely, the "<", the "i" and the ">". Otherwise, they will automatically disappear when I publish this message.

    At the end of the same paragraph or phrase, type <+/+i+>.....again eliminating the + signs so that you are only typing the four characters.....the "<", the "/", the "i" and the ">".

    The "/" serves to end the italicisation where you want to end it.

    So here is what it will look like.
    Remember, when you type this, omit the plus signs.

    <+i+>Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the Grand Old Party.<+/+i+>

    When I omit the plus signs, here is what it will look like in its finished form:

    Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the Grand Old Party.

    As you can see the characters that you will have typed in the box will have disappeared in the preview and in the published form, and you will only be left with the desired italicised paragraph or phrase.

    I hope you have found this helpful. What you need to do is some practice runs. Try it here using the phrase I gave you as an example.

  102. Susanna,

    I learn something new everyday!

  103. Is < i >this< i > how it is done?


  104. Susanna,

    That is how I thought it was done; however, everytime I have tried it, I get the following:

    "Your HTML cannot be accepted: Tag is not closed: I


  105. Testing the italicization; testing the italicization

  106. Took me a long time, too, to learn to tie my shoes, but I eventually got this as well as this!



  107. Susanna,

    A CATECHISM ON MODERNISM and Pascendi Dominici Gregis the papal encyclical upon which it is based are still two of my favorite library possessions.


  108. Susanna2:57 AM

    Constance and JD,

    You both get A+ !!!!! BRAVO!!!

  109. The Council of Europe still has a GROUP OF EMINENT PERSONS. It is chaired by JOSCHKA FISCHER (former German Prime Minister and former Bader Meinhof gang leader) and JAVIER SOLANA is a member.

    Turkey, which holds the rotating presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, will be venue for a meeting of the Group of Eminent Persons, which was formed following an initiative by Ankara. The group is chaired by former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer. The EU’s former top diplomat, Javier Solana, and former EU Commissioner Emma Bonino are members of the group, which is mandated to find answers to the current threats from intolerance and discrimination in Europe. The group will conclude its work with recommendations to the Council of Europe at a ministerial conference to be held in İstanbul in May 2011.




  110. Thank you "R" for posting my videos on Calvinism! Keithtruth "Calvinism IS as" Dangerous as Benjamin Creme? 2/3 and Keithtruth's John Calvin the Man the Murder part 3.

    You are so right. Calvinism is spreading like wild fire! I pray this is not something that others over look! Thank you and God bless you!

  111. Anonymous9:05 PM

    You're welcome Sek4110 and thank you for your kind words. I am the one, however, that should be thanking you, so THANK YOU!

    Your videos are refreshing and I am convinced your purpose is so that others repent and are not lost, as is my intention also.

    I have not posted my threads for a 'take a pop at Keith' opportunity, on the contrary, I have posted them in the hope that he repents from disseminating the false gospel of Calvinism. This cultish ideology of John Calvin's followers breeds prideful vanity and a lack of love for others. Nothing hardens the heart more than pride, and Calvinism is rotten with it.

    I believe that God has given us free-will as an expression of His Love for us, so that we can freely choose Him as an expression of our commitment of our love and obedience to Him and His Commandments. We can, it is true, without God do nothing. This is the irony, God has given us freewill to choose, repent of our sins, and follow Him through Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, we are truly free when we say (and commit ourselves to) not my will but the Will of my Father in Heaven be done. God never forces, he prompts & convicts us through the Holy Spirit, and there is none as gentle & as loving as God.

    May God bountifully pour out His blessings upon you Susan [Sek4110],


  112. I do not talk about keith in the video. I put his name in the title because he is now promoting and teaching Calvinism to his subcribers. As you know, Calvinists believe that God created some men/women for salvation and he, according to Calvinists, created others for no other reason than to toss them into the lake of fire. According to Calvinist these individuals/humans that God created and predestined for destruction are ineligable for salvation. Calvinists also teach that God causes and is the author of all sin in the world, to include the rape of a child. According to Calvinist the rape of a child is decreed by God and has both purpose and meaning. Well as you know God is not the author of confusion nor is he the author of sin. God does not tempt any man to commit evil and Christ Jesus died for the sins of the whole world! Calvinism, is an attack on the very nature of the God of the bible! I have spent so much time focusing on exposing the new age movement I had no idea what was going on in my own "Christian" backyard. God bless you and thank you again!

  113. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Dear Susan,

    I know you don't talk about Keith in the video/s. I understand the reason you have put his name on title or two of your videos is because of the immense power Keith weilds over the young and vulnerable that have followed him for some time now. Keith used to speak alot of sense in his videos, exposing the NAM & NWO(which is why others have remained so patient with him and his turn to heretical nonsense for more than a year).

    His decline into Calvinism is very sad indeed, and he has woefully become one of the most persistent young expounders of that false gospel & doctrine of devils.

    I understand your point about not realizing straight away as to what was going on in our own back-yard as Christians. Of course, I'm sure you'd agree, the New Age nightmare has also infiltrated the Church with the likes of kundalini mesmerisers such as KT Benny Hinn, CFR 'Illuminati in America' member Rick Warren, et al, as well as their friends, such as false teacher Calvinist John Piper. Yes the false teachers spewing their Calvinistic & NAM deceits, have certainly crept in unawares! We must take heed and be vigilant in rebuking them, in praying that they repent, and in really getting to know our Holy Bible, into prayer, and obeying God's Commandments in Jesus Christ's Holy Name, and therefore spreading the Truly Good News to a lost world.

    Yes, we do have sinful natures as fallen human beings, but we are not totally depraved [most at least, though there are those on close to it, having their consciences seared with a hot iron, Jean Calvin for instance]! Satan is totally depraved, and the more we allow him to influence us, and the more we give in to sin temptation the more depraved we become. We are not righteous, our righteousness is in Christ Jesus, and through Him we can overcome. Yet we must have faith and therefore we exercise our freewill in being dead to self & self-will
    and being alive in Christ & submitting to His Will. Yes it is God & God alone who does the work, but we must exercise our freewill, through faith, and surrender to the Will of our Loving Father God! How Great is our God!

    'Calvinism Exposed & Refuted'

    God bless you Susan.


  114. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Dear Susan,

    I know you don't talk about Keith in the video/s. I understand the reason you have put his name on title or two of your videos is because of the immense power Keith weilds over the young and vulnerable that have followed him for some time now. Keith used to speak alot of sense in his videos, exposing the NAM & NWO(which is why others have remained so patient with him and his turn to heretical nonsense for more than a year).

    His decline into Calvinism is very sad indeed, and he has woefully become one of the most persistent young expounders of that false gospel & doctrine of devils.

    I understand your point about not realizing straight away as to what was going on in our own back-yard as Christians. Of course, I'm sure you'd agree, the New Age nightmare has also infiltrated the Church with the likes of kundalini mesmerisers such as KT Benny Hinn, CFR 'Illuminati in America' member Rick Warren, et al, as well as their friends, such as false teacher Calvinist John Piper. Yes the false teachers spewing their Calvinistic & NAM deceits, have certainly crept in unawares! We must take heed and be vigilant in rebuking them, in praying that they repent, and in really getting to know our Holy Bible, into prayer, and obeying God's Commandments in Jesus Christ's Holy Name, and therefore spreading the Truly Good News to a lost world.

    Yes, we do have sinful natures as fallen human beings, but we are not totally depraved [most at least, though there are those on close to it, having their consciences seared with a hot iron, Jean Calvin for instance]! Satan is totally depraved, and the more we allow him to influence us, and the more we give in to sin temptation the more depraved we become. We are not righteous, our righteousness is in Christ Jesus, and through Him we can overcome. Yet we must have faith and therefore we exercise our freewill in being dead to self & self-will
    and being alive in Christ & submitting to His Will. Yes it is God & God alone who does the work, but we must exercise our freewill, through faith, and surrender to the Will of our Loving Father God! How Great is our God!

    'Calvinism Exposed & Refuted'

    God bless you Susan.


  115. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Dear Susan & others,

    Please see:

    Calvinism vs. Early Church - Free Will - Kerrigan Skelly

    Have a look at his other videos refuting all pretences of Calvinism of its being orthodox and historical. Don't make me laugh! It's only history lies in the lies of Calvin, the later utterings of Augustine, and before that, by GNOSTIC HERETICS rebuked by the Early Church!


  116. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Here's another two from youtube/user/refutingcalvinism, i.e., Kerrigan Skelly

    Calvinism vs. Early Church - Age of Accountability - Kerrigan Skelly

    Calvinism vs. Early Church - Conditional Security - Kerrigan Skelly

    Please see videos before making judgements, do not pre-suppose about the complete content, just because of titles or by only watching part, watch them fully first.

    God Bless,


  117. Anonymous3:27 AM

    I'm glad to see Calvin being excoriated here. He was as cruel in his despotism as the Inquisition.


  118. Thank you R...for your links I will most certainly check them out! Calvin said ONE thing that I agree with, he said the dog barks when his master is being attacked! This is an attack on our Master. This is an attack on the very nature of the Just and Rightous God of the bible. Oh and by the way...if you google "Time Magazine and Calvinism" you will see that they report that the new
    re-emerging Calvinism is one of the top ten best ideas changing the WORLD right now! The more I look into this, the more I am shocked by what is taking place. God bless, Susan

  119. Anonymous11:35 PM

    I navigated to this authoritative, obviously anointed website to find out if Javier Solana was still the true Anti-Christ (or Obama), only to discover that it might actually be William Windsor, the not-yet-designated heir to the British throne. Is Solana getting too old? He has the perfect guise: mild-mannered, etc. He must be fooling millions. But, I'm confused: Is he or is he not the Anti-christ that the principal of this anointed website broadcast pointed to far and wide. End-time prophecy does move on through time, does it not?

    What is constant, is the rank looniness. Some people sure will have some 'splaining to do about their Inquisition-like accusations of who is the Anti-christ. Keep me informed. In 2050, who might it be? 2080? Will your Inquisition turn inward upon yourselves?
