
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Other BIG Names on Global Governance: ANNE MARIE SLAUGHTER

Prominent academic, Anne Marie Slaughter is the author of A NEW WORLD ORDER, an important book in my library of what's happening in world government, oops, "Global Governance."  She is also one of the authors of the Brookings Institution latest book in its global governance rational series:  Rising States, Rising Institutions.   She is playing a much larger role as a key policy making assistant to Hillary Clinton these days.  She has critical inputs on Israel, the restructuring of the G-8 to G-10 and beyond, and so many other facets of what Barbara Marx Hubbard called in 1988, "end runs beyond national sovereignty."

She is running the Princeton project on "global security."  While political figures are getting the headlines, Anne Marie Slaughter appears to be one of those  now becoming increasingly visible in global governance circles literally writing the scripts.

She is influential with the Council on Foreign Relations where she is an elected board member.  She is the Dean of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University as well as Co-Director of the Princeton Project.

Here she speaks on many of the rationales for global governance.

This is another on "citizen diplomacy."  The first mention I heard of "citizen diplomacy" was by Barbara Marx Hubbard in 1988 speaking of the Soviet-American Dialogue Project.

This is enough to make you aware and get you started.  My profound thanks to Rich of Medford who took me on an interactive "" tutorial on how to use video embedding!

Stay tuned!



  1. Sabina8:32 AM

    Allah is great! Allah will defeat his enemies, do not fear Mrs.Cumbey. Thank you for respecting Islam.

  2. Sabina,

    That's an incredibly cheap shot. Islam undoubtedly has a role to play in bringing forth a global order. But last time I checked apostate Judaism and Christianity have been equally involved.

  3. Sabina,

    I pray that you will learn of our deep trust in the saving gospel of Jesus Christ who we as Christians believe died for our sins for those of the whole world. Our gospel may be read in our New Testament, John 3;16:


    I do believe that Mohamed was a son of Ishmael and Ishamel was a son of Father Abraham.


  4. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Who is Sabina? Is he/she for real? Or is it maybe Rick Abanes under a different cloak?

  5. To all:

    I know we do have Moslem readers. I have occasionally had telephone calls and lengthy discussions with some.


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Here's a video featuring Matthew Bishop, who apparently has written a book concerning philanthropic billionaires and how it affects the world economy. It's a lot more than that, but you can go right to a video here:

    You can see a series of videos on the official book website. The book is called "Philanthrocapitalism" and this ties into everything JD and Susanna have been uncovering. I have yet to listen to all these videos. Here's the link to the series of videos:

    After the whole thing with Glenn Beck calling George Soros the "puppet master," I think it's safe to say there are a team of puppet masters out there. And these people have gobs of money. If you wanted to build a global government, you want these guys to help finance it.

  9. Sabina3:34 PM

    I'm real. I was just thanking her for respecting us. Please everyone relax. There was no cheap shot in anything I said.

  10. What's interesting about these "philanthropic billionaires," is that it makes me think of a section in "The Purpose-Driven Life". On pages 267-268 Rick Warren writes:

    "In chapter 31, I mentioned two kinds of people: Kingdom Builders and Wealth Builders. Both are gifted at making a business grow, making deals or sales, and making a profit. Wealth Builders continue to amass wealth for themselves no matter how much they make, but Kingdom Builders change the rules of the game. They still try to make as much money as they can, but they do it to give it away. They use the wealth to fund God's church and its mission in the world."

    Warren, R. (2002). "The Purpose-Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For" (pp. 267-268). Zondervan: Grand Rapids.

  11. BC David:

    Yes, and Warren, while claming 'reverse tithing' on his book(s) -- ie, giving away 90% on his books' earnings -- it's been reported that the money goes to his own charities from which he pays himself:

  12. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Rick Warren at Clinton Global Initiative

  13. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Rick Warren, Leonard Sweet and the Chris Consciousness

  14. Anonymous10:03 PM


  15. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Jesus Christ is greater! JESUS CHRIST HAS DEFEATED HIS ENEMIES!!!


  16. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Rick Warren's Dirty Dominionist Secret

  17. Anonymous10:37 PM

  18. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Rick Warren even finds a place in the new age community as a guru

  19. Anonymous10:59 PM


    Google these terms for some interesting results:

    "Rick Warren" guru

  20. To 9:34 PM

    Thanks for the incredible video link on Rick Warren. I hate very much to say it, but it sounds like he is advocating a global redistribution center centering about churches, mosques, Buddhist temples, Hindu temples. Sounds so very similar to the Biblical profile for the False Prophet. Wonder how he gets along with Javier Solana. They have to know each other!


  21. Very important link over at "Report: EU pushes USA away from Israel"


  22. Constance,

    Yes, Warren is doing the same thing as Tony Blair. I wrote an article on this about 2.5 years ago: here's part of it:

    ...The Tony Blair Faith Foundation was initiated in May 2008 with one of its goals to work toward increased understanding between the major faiths of the world. His new Faiths Act outlines a plan to eradicate malaria promoting an interfaith effort toward this cause.

    My first question regarding this is: Why the need for an interfaith effort to help in the fight against malaria when Blair could just as well promote his cause without using religion as a vehicle? Why not send aid to local governmental officials directly who could then disburse it? Surely, governmental approval would be necessary before such an interfaith outreach as proposed by Blair could be enacted anyway.

    Quote from video/audio:

    “Faiths Act will mobilize global faith communities to come together and achieve multi-faith action on issues of crucial importance in pursuit of the Millennium Development Goals. Our first goal is to end deaths caused by malaria. Put simply, between one and three million people die of malaria each year most of them children under five and pregnant mothers living in sub-Saharan Africa. Their deaths are preventable. In Africa 40% of the victims are Muslim. But across much of Asia malaria continues to strike and combating it is a huge opportunity for people across the faiths to act in unison: Hindus, Sikh, Buddhists as well as the Abrahamic faiths. We call, therefore, on the four billion people of faith in the world to help do more to end the scourge of malaria.”


  23. cont:

    “…Churches, mosques, other places of worship are ideally placed to be centers for distribution networks and community-based health education initiatives.”

    Blair’s plan sounds remarkably similar to Rick Warren’s P.E.A.C.E plan with respect to Warren’s fight against AIDS/HIV. This is not surprising as Warren, a member of the Council of Foreign Relations and Oxford Anayltica, is on the Advisory Council of Blair’s Faith Foundation. Could this be a step toward the redistribution of wealth and one world religion as outlined by the channeled writings of Theosophist Alice Bailey among others and as prophesied in the Bible?

    16 He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. [Revelation 13:16-17 NIV]

  24. There is another important video where Rick Warren, Richard Land (Southern Baptist Convention and long time enemy of my work against NAM, per now deceased Ann Frazier who sat on various boards with him and reported back to me), Jim Wallis are together


  25. Anonymous1:31 AM

    this blog is slanted/biased by the author who exposes apostate christians without exposing apostate catholics and muslims...

    the beam in your own eye constance before the mote in others ...

  26. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Byzantium, where the pagans debauched pure christianity ...
    roman catholic beginnings ...

    and for you who have a broken arm ...

  27. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Why is it that no-one considers what is the most important thing and get caught up on peripherals?

    What is more important? To defend the Catholic Church as the only root to salvation, defend all other denominations or STAND UP TO PREACH JESUS as the ONLY way to salvation.

    No church, sect, cult, religion, denomination can save us.

    It is only JESUS alone who saves us. We don't need church or denominations etc to receive Jesus as our personal Saviour. It may help point us to Jesus but it doesn't save us!

    The way into His immediate presence is now available to all through His blood that was once and for alltime poured out for us to forgive us eternally.

    All we need to do is repent (change our thinking and behavior),ie believe mentally that Jesus is who He said He was (The Son of God, the Word of God made flesh, ie fully man and fully God, born by the Holy Spirit within a virgin, not created but always existed as ONE with God, died for our sins, risen physically from the dead, coming back again.

    After accepting these things intellectually, you need to receive these things into your heart emotionally, for it says that "even the demons believe but are not saved". You need to be born-again by allowing Jesus into your heart (after confessing to God direct that you are a sinner who needs salvation).

    You will then be transformed by having the nature of Jesus inside you, changed by the Holy Spirit to follow Jesus.

    LOOK Church etc is an extra and is designed to help in the discipleship process, but it DOES NOT save you. Church is designed for fellowship, but it DOES NOT save you.
    Okay it is true that we need to be aware of lying deceptions like NA but it will not take true born-again believers out of God's Kingdom because they cannot be spiritually unborn once they have been born into His kingdom.

    Receiving Christ is not the same as the NA Christ who apparently is created in us during a process of the "god within us" becoming realised and actualized bringing us to divine state.

    That NA teaching is error. We are talking about the Jesus who died for our sins living in us from the moment we believe in Him.

    Those who embrace NA show that they NEVER truly believed or repented in the first place.

    We are supposed to focus our attention on Jesus and His commandments. If we do this then NOTHING will separate us from God.

    Jesus said "if you love me, obey my commandments" "to those who believed in Him, Jesus said if you follow my teachings you will know the truth and the Truth will set you free". Jesus is the Way, the TRUTH and the Life. His TRUTH and He (as the Truth) will set us free from things like NA. Our job is to focus on JESUS only.

    CONSTANCE I have a question (not yet answered). You say that all we need is a love for the truth. What truth? Truth is absolute. There can only be one truth. Any truth that contradicts THE TRUTH is false. We should not love the false but the TRUTH. Jesus IS THE TRUTH. Your truth, my truth and others truth are all in dispute. We may love what we believe in, but loving our subjective truth is not enough. NA teachers love THEIR truth also.

    The plumbline for real truth HAS to measure up with what Jesus taught because HE IS THE TRUTH.

  28. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Why is it that no-one considers what is the most important thing and get caught up on peripherals?

    What is more important? To defend the Catholic Church as the only root to salvation, defend all other denominations or STAND UP TO PREACH JESUS as the ONLY way to salvation.

    No church, sect, cult, religion, denomination can save us.

    It is only JESUS alone who saves us. We don't need church or denominations etc to receive Jesus as our personal Saviour. It may help point us to Jesus but it doesn't save us!

    The way into His immediate presence is now available to all through His blood that was once and for alltime poured out for us to forgive us eternally.

    All we need to do is repent (change our thinking and behavior),ie believe mentally that Jesus is who He said He was (The Son of God, the Word of God made flesh, ie fully man and fully God, born by the Holy Spirit within a virgin, not created but always existed as ONE with God, died for our sins, risen physically from the dead, coming back again.

    After accepting these things intellectually, you need to receive these things into your heart emotionally, for it says that "even the demons believe but are not saved". You need to be born-again by allowing Jesus into your heart (after confessing to God direct that you are a sinner who needs salvation).

    You will then be transformed by having the nature of Jesus inside you, changed by the Holy Spirit to follow Jesus.

    LOOK Church etc is an extra and is designed to help in the discipleship process, but it DOES NOT save you. Church is designed for fellowship, but it DOES NOT save you.
    Okay it is true that we need to be aware of lying deceptions like NA but it will not take true born-again believers out of God's Kingdom because they cannot be spiritually unborn once they have been born into His kingdom.

    Receiving Christ is not the same as the NA Christ who apparently is created in us during a process of the "god within us" becoming realised and actualized bringing us to divine state.

    That NA teaching is error. We are talking about the Jesus who died for our sins living in us from the moment we believe in Him.

    Those who embrace NA show that they NEVER truly believed or repented in the first place.

    We are supposed to focus our attention on Jesus and His commandments. If we do this then NOTHING will separate us from God.

    Jesus said "if you love me, obey my commandments" "to those who believed in Him, Jesus said if you follow my teachings you will know the truth and the Truth will set you free". Jesus is the Way, the TRUTH and the Life. His TRUTH and He (as the Truth) will set us free from things like NA. Our job is to focus on JESUS only.

    CONSTANCE I have a question (not yet answered). You say that all we need is a love for the truth. What truth? Truth is absolute. There can only be one truth. Any truth that contradicts THE TRUTH is false. We should not love the false but the TRUTH. Jesus IS THE TRUTH. Your truth, my truth and others truth are all in dispute. We may love what we believe in, but loving our subjective truth is not enough. NA teachers love THEIR truth also.

    The plumbline for real truth HAS to measure up with what Jesus taught because HE IS THE TRUTH.

  29. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Part 1
    Why is it that no-one considers what is the most important thing and get caught up on peripherals?

    What is more important? To defend the Catholic Church as the only root to salvation, defend all other denominations or STAND UP TO PREACH JESUS as the ONLY way to salvation.

    No church, sect, cult, religion, denomination can save us.

    It is only JESUS alone who saves us. We don't need church or denominations etc to receive Jesus as our personal Saviour. It may help point us to Jesus but it doesn't save us!

    The way into His immediate presence is now available to all through His blood that was once and for alltime poured out for us to forgive us eternally.

    All we need to do is repent (change our thinking and behavior),ie believe mentally that Jesus is who He said He was (The Son of God, the Word of God made flesh, ie fully man and fully God, born by the Holy Spirit within a virgin, not created but always existed as ONE with God, died for our sins, risen physically from the dead, coming back again.

    After accepting these things intellectually, you need to receive these things into your heart emotionally, for it says that "even the demons believe but are not saved". You need to be born-again by allowing Jesus into your heart (after confessing to God direct that you are a sinner who needs salvation).

    You will then be transformed by having the nature of Jesus inside you, changed by the Holy Spirit to follow Jesus.

    LOOK Church etc is an extra and is designed to help in the discipleship process, but it DOES NOT save you. Church is designed for fellowship, but it DOES NOT save you.

  30. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Okay it is true that we need to be aware of lying deceptions like NA but it will not take true born-again believers out of God's Kingdom because they cannot be spiritually unborn once they have been born into His kingdom.

    Receiving Christ is not the same as the NA Christ who apparently is created in us during a process of the "god within us" becoming realised and actualized bringing us to divine state.

    That NA teaching is error. We are talking about the Jesus who died for our sins living in us from the moment we believe in Him.

    Those who embrace NA show that they NEVER truly believed or repented in the first place.

    We are supposed to focus our attention on Jesus and His commandments. If we do this then NOTHING will separate us from God.

    Jesus said "if you love me, obey my commandments" "to those who believed in Him, Jesus said if you follow my teachings you will know the truth and the Truth will set you free". Jesus is the Way, the TRUTH and the Life. His TRUTH and He (as the Truth) will set us free from things like NA. Our job is to focus on JESUS only.

    CONSTANCE I have a question (not yet answered). You say that all we need is a love for the truth. What truth? Truth is absolute. There can only be one truth. Any truth that contradicts THE TRUTH is false. We should not love the false but the TRUTH. Jesus IS THE TRUTH. Your truth, my truth and others truth are all in dispute. We may love what we believe in, but loving our subjective truth is not enough. NA teachers love THEIR truth also.

    The plumbline for real truth HAS to measure up with what Jesus taught because HE IS THE TRUTH.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Anonymous7:05 AM

    CONSTANCE I have a question (not yet answered).

    You say that all we need is a love for the truth.

    What truth? Truth is absolute. There can only be one truth. Any truth that contradicts THE TRUTH is false. We should not love the false but the TRUTH. Jesus IS THE TRUTH.

    Your truth, my truth and others truth are all in dispute. We may love what we believe in, but loving our subjective truth is not enough. NA teachers love THEIR truth also.

    The plumbline for real truth HAS to measure up with what Jesus taught because HE IS THE TRUTH.

  33. Anon. 9:34;

    That video really almost says it all about what Warren is focused on. In one of his books, and I'm not sure where (although I've been searching), he attempts to distant himself from the New Age Movement He says that he disagrees with the notion of finding "God within," so this means he's not involved in the NA.

    As I'm watching that video, I'm thinking (screaming, actually), what happened to going out and making disciples in Jesus' name. I thought even Warren's focus was "winning one more for Jesus." What about man not living on bread alone? Yes, we are to feed the hungry and cloth the naked. More importantly, though, is giving people salvation. Whenever a Christian prophet gets away from a Christian focus, he becomes more of a false prophet. (I made that up myself.) I don't know if RW is the False Prophet or a false prophet. Maybe he has a Christian focus and I'm just not seeing it. But, it's video's like these and other statements he has made (and things he's involved with) that make me wonder what's going on.

  34. BC David:

    With two "E"s in his P.E.A.C.E acrostic one would think at least ONE of them would be "evangelism."

  35. Wow Constance,
    Congrats on the new video link
    Tres moderne.

  36. Slumdog7:54 PM

    Hiding the sword of Islam!

    "It is hard to imagine that President Obama would be praising the tolerance of a Christian nation if it had witnessed the burning of 700 mosques since 1998. However, Obama would search the nations of the West in vain to find one in which violent religious bigotry is tolerated the way it is alleged to have been in Indonesia."

  37. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Another important link on Rick Warren

  38. Anonymous8:11 PM

    And you shouldn't miss Rick Warren on this Alliance of Civilizations panel at the 2008 World Economic Forum.

  39. To Craig:

    I'm catching up reading the comments here, but Rick Warren and Tony Blair are very closely allied and have active communication with each other. There are numerous Youtube and other videos. Do a Google video search of Rick Warren and Tony Blair

  40. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Rick Warren and Global Spheres

    Global Spheres: "A new Apostolic-Prophetic-Evangelistic-Deliverance Governmental Structure that will be ready to be used in the nations. This will be wineskin for the transformational thrust to "turn the world upside down in this era".

  41. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Rick Warren's strange bedfellows

  42. To Slumdog:

    Your point on the burning of 700 Churches in Indonesia is well taken. Thank you!


  43. To Slumdog:

    Your point on the burning of 700 Churches in Indonesia is well taken. Thank you!


  44. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Jesus Christ is GREATER!


  45. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Jesus Christ is GREATER!
    Jesus Christ "HAS" DEFEATED "ALL" HIS ENEMIES!!!

