
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Breaking news on Middle East Peace Talks -- Catherine Ashton refuses to attend

Catherine Ashton has said that she will not be attending the Middle East Peace Talks because it conflicts with a trip she has scheduled to China.  Influential French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner (founder of Doctors without Borders and close friend of Javier Solana) has indicated his strong disagreement with her decision to leave Europe unrepresented.  I am suspecting this may have a deep effect on her influence, if not her tenure as foreign policy chief of the European Union.

Can one imagine Javier Solana not going?  I, for one, cannot.  This is bound to make the EU constituent countries very nostalgic for him, in my opinion.  It was Bjorn who pointed out to us in the past week that she had been denied speaking privileges at the UN at about the same time that Solana has been asked to organize a global discussion.

Re-reading Bjorn's recent post, he says that Solana IS involved in the Middle East Peace talks!

Hmmmm . . . .!

Stay tuned!



  1. Anonymous10:11 AM

    U.S. schools are grooming students to accept the surveillance police state....

  2. A recent YouTube video of Bill Johnson of Bethel Church in Redding, CA has some false teaching claiming Jesus was born again. Here's a post on another blog containing it:

    Here's a transcription of the 2nd part from an earlier sermon (beginning at 3:40) followed by my comments on it:

    ”…Did you know that Jesus was born again? I asked… the first service and they said, “no.” But I will show it. It's in the Bible. He had to be. He became sin.

    In Hebrews 1 it says this, "For to which of the angels did he ever say, 'You are my son. Today I have begotten you'?" And Acts 13 explains that: "God has fulfilled this for us their children in that he has raised up Jesus. As it is also written in the second Psalm: 'You are My Son, Today I have begotten You.' And that He raised Him from the dead, no more to return to corruption. He was born through Mary the first time and through the resurrection the second time. He was born again.”

    Did Jesus become sin? As we examine Scripture we find that Jesus was without sin:

    For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. [Hebrews 4:15 NIV]

    And, here we have Peter quoting from Isaiah 53:9:

    22"He committed no sin,
    and no deceit was found in his mouth."
    [1 Peter 2:22 NIV]

    The following passage explains that Jesus Christ came the first time to ‘bear sin’ as a vicarious substitute (propitiation) for our sins with His sacrifice of Himself; and, His Second Coming will be to bring the ultimate fulfillment of salvation to the collective body of Christ:

    26…But now he has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself. 27Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, 28so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. [Hebrews 9:26b-28 NIV]

    The word ‘corruption’ as used in Acts 13 in the Greek is Diaphthora which means:

    1. corruption, destruction
    2. in the NT that destruction which is effected by the decay of the body after death

    By the context of Acts 13:33-37 – the passage Johnson is referring to -- it is clear that definition number 2 above is the one that fits:
    33 God has fulfilled this for us their children, in that He has raised up Jesus. As it is also written in the second Psalm:

    ‘ You are My Son,
    Today I have begotten You.’[a]
    34 And that He raised Him from the dead, no more to return to corruption [bodily decay following death], He has spoken thus:

    ‘ I will give you the sure mercies of David.’[b]
    35 Therefore He also says in another Psalm:

    ‘ You will not allow Your Holy One to see corruption.’
    36 “For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers, and saw corruption [bodily decay following death]; 37 but He whom God raised up saw no corruption [bodily decay following death].
    [NKJV – as this is apparently the one to which Johnson is referring]

    The ‘corruption’ of verse 34 above is defined in verses 35 and 37. So, this context has nothing to do with sin. Hence, Jesus did not “become sin” in that He did not become a sinful being. This, of course, would have negated Jesus’ purpose in the first place. From this false premise Johnson creates the theology that Jesus needed to be born again.

    Does Johnson just not understand rather basic Christian doctrine; or, is he deliberately teaching a false gospel?


  3. Consider this. In the occult doctrine of reincarnation according to The Esoteric Tradition by G. de Purucker, the ongoing process of initiation ultimately leads to ‘resurrection’ into “Masterhood” in the same physical body:

    When a man has received his final degree of initiation he is said to be 'raised' to Masterhood in the same physical body.

    The general case, however, is to be explained by the reassembling of the life-atoms… …These are continuously attracted to and built into the physical body, as it passes from babyhood into childhood into youth, and from youth into manhood - the very life-atoms which had made the Reimbodying Ego's physical body on Earth in the last earth-life. Thus it is that the body of the former earth-life is resurrected - is 'arisen.'"
    [emphasis mine]

    The “Reimbodying Ego” continues reincarnating in perpetuity until it is ‘resurrected’ into “Masterhood.” According to esoteric doctrine Jesus has ascended into “Masterhood” along with Confucius and Buddha before Him. He is a pattern for us to follow. This is what “Tibetan Master DK” [Djwhal Khul] channeled through Alice A. Bailey in her Theosophical book From Bethlehem to Calvary. The book referred to the “five initiations” of the ‘Master Jesus’ as:

    1) Birth at Bethlehem
    2) Baptism in Jordan
    3) Transfiguration on Mount Carmel
    4) Crucifixion on Mount Golgotha
    5) Resurrection and Ascension

    In his exposition on Kingdom Now and associated false doctrine Al Dager states:

    Jesus' uniqueness, to them [theosophists], lies not in His person as the Word of God incarnate, but in His particular anointing as "the Christ" to bring enlightenment and truth for His time in history, just as Buddha and Mohammed did for their eras. Though it is believed that there are exceptional "Christs" for different stages of man's evolutionary journey, we may all become expressions of the "Christ principle" and thus achieve divinity.

    Compare Dager’s words on Manifest Sons of God doctrine to the ‘babyhood into manhood’ of de Purucker above:

    Central to Manifested Sons of God doctrine is the idea that sonship comes through higher revelation. The Christian life is fragmented into stages of maturity: the first step is that of servant of God; the next step is to become a friend of God; following this is to become a son of God and, ultimately, gods ourselves. Yet the Scriptures demonstrate that we are already all three: servants (Galatians 3:10), friends (John 15:14-15), and sons (I John 3:1).

    I should point out that the first step to Christian life is accepting Christ’s Atoning work on the cross and becoming born again. [In esoteric tradition, realizing our ‘inherent divinity’ is the first step.] With this in mind, the ‘first step’ above is actually the second and so on making a total of five steps with ‘becoming gods’ ourselves the fifth. This seems to mirror the outline of the Alice Bailey book above and appears to parallel The Esoteric Tradition as well.

    Here again are Johnson’s last two sentences:

    He was born through Mary the first time and through the resurrection the second time. He was born again.

    Is Johnson teaching reincarnation?

  4. Craig5:08 PM

    Smart grids coming to San Antonio, Texas:

    A 'Smart way to help save electricity
    subcaption:"New meters will allow CPS Energy to reward those who cut usage at peak times"

    The online version is not fully posted just yet; so, the following is from the paper:

    ...The new meters will record energy usage every 15 minutes, encrypting the information and sending it wirelessly to CPS. Customers will still get a bill once a month, but they could go online and she how much energy they've used from as recently as the day before.

    Smart meters alone would not reduce electric bills, but CPS is developing new offerings that would give customers rebates in exchange for voluntarily reducing their energy use at peak times.

    ...In Texas, almost 2 million already have been installed, raising accuracy and privacy concerns.

    ...The federal government has put up $3.4 billion to push development of the new grid.

    Meters are just one piece of the smart grid puzzle albeit a big one from a consumer perspective.

    Don't we know that!

    ...All that additional data being transmitted back and forth also means new privacy and security concerns.

    Not to mention concerns about controlling energy usage!

    "Anytime you have systems that are interconnected, you're going to have vulnerabilities," said Ronnie Killough of Southwest Research Institute..."

    "The Coming Smart Grid" will be the topic of a luncheon on September 16 with the following speakers:

    Les Shephard, director, Texas Sustainable Energy Research Institute

    Cris Eugster, chief sustainability officer, CPS Energy

    Brewster McCracken, executive director, Pecan Street Project, Austin

    Ronnie Killough, director of communications and embedded systems, Southwest Research Institute

  5. Craig5:11 PM

    Oh my! I just noticed the 2nd part of my post @ 12:18pm was double posted while the first part did not show up!

    I will post both parts again.

    I wonder what's going on?

  6. Craig5:21 PM

    [Good thing I saved most of this in MS Word!]

    A recent YouTube video of Bill Johnson of Bethel Church in Redding CA has him declaring that Jesus Christ was born again.

    Here's a post on another blog with the video embedded:

    The part with the "born again Jesus" begins at 3:40. Here's a transcription:

    ”…Did you know that Jesus was born again? I asked… the first service and they said, “no.” But I will show it. It's in the Bible. He had to be. He became sin.

    "In Hebrews 1 it says this, "For to which of the angels did he ever say, 'You are my son. Today I have begotten you'?" And Acts 13 explains that: "God has fulfilled this for us their children in that he has raised up Jesus. As it is also written in the second Psalm: 'You are My Son, Today I have begotten You.' And that He raised Him from the dead, no more to return to corruption. He was born through Mary the first time and through the resurrection the second time. He was born again.”

    Did Jesus become sin? As we examine Scripture we find that Jesus was without sin:

    For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. [Hebrews 4:15 NIV]

    And, here we have Peter quoting from Isaiah 53:9:

    22"He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth." [1 Peter 2:22 NIV]

    The following passage explains that Jesus Christ came the first time to ‘bear sin’ as a vicarious substitute (propitiation) for our sins with His sacrifice of Himself; and, His Second Coming will be to bring the ultimate fulfillment of salvation to the collective body of Christ:

    26…But now he has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself. 27Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, 28so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. [Hebrews 9:26b-28 NIV]

    The word ‘corruption’ as used in Acts 13 in the Greek is Diaphthora which means:

    1. corruption, destruction
    2. in the NT that destruction which is effected by the decay of the body after death

    By the context of Acts 13:33-37 – the passage Johnson is referring to -- it is clear that definition number 2 above is the one that fits:

    33 God has fulfilled this for us their children, in that He has raised up Jesus. As it is also written in the second Psalm:

    ‘ You are My Son,
    Today I have begotten You.’

    34 And that He raised Him from the dead, no more to return to corruption
    [bodily decay following death], He has spoken thus:

    ‘ I will give you the sure mercies of David.’

    35 Therefore He also says in another Psalm:

    ‘ You will not allow Your Holy One to see corruption.’

    36 “For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers, and saw corruption
    [bodily decay following death]; 37 but He whom God raised up saw no corruption [bodily decay following death]. [NKJV – as this is apparently the one to which Johnson is referring; bracketed comments mine]

    The ‘corruption’ of verse 34 above is defined in verses 35 and 37. So, this context has nothing to do with sin. Jesus did not “become sin” in that He did not become a sinful being. This, of course, would have negated Jesus’ purpose in the first place. From this false premise Johnson creates the theology that Jesus needed to be born again.

    Does Johnson just not understand rather basic Christian doctrine; or, is he deliberately teaching a false gospel?


  7. Craig5:21 PM

    [Good thing I saved most of this in MS Word!]

    A recent YouTube video of Bill Johnson of Bethel Church in Redding CA has him declaring that Jesus Christ was born again.

    Here's a post on another blog with the video embedded:

    The part with the "born again Jesus" begins at 3:40. Here's a transcription:

    ”…Did you know that Jesus was born again? I asked… the first service and they said, “no.” But I will show it. It's in the Bible. He had to be. He became sin.

    "In Hebrews 1 it says this, "For to which of the angels did he ever say, 'You are my son. Today I have begotten you'?" And Acts 13 explains that: "God has fulfilled this for us their children in that he has raised up Jesus. As it is also written in the second Psalm: 'You are My Son, Today I have begotten You.' And that He raised Him from the dead, no more to return to corruption. He was born through Mary the first time and through the resurrection the second time. He was born again.”

    Did Jesus become sin? As we examine Scripture we find that Jesus was without sin:

    For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. [Hebrews 4:15 NIV]

    And, here we have Peter quoting from Isaiah 53:9:

    22"He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth." [1 Peter 2:22 NIV]

    The following passage explains that Jesus Christ came the first time to ‘bear sin’ as a vicarious substitute (propitiation) for our sins with His sacrifice of Himself; and, His Second Coming will be to bring the ultimate fulfillment of salvation to the collective body of Christ:

    26…But now he has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself. 27Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, 28so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. [Hebrews 9:26b-28 NIV]

    The word ‘corruption’ as used in Acts 13 in the Greek is Diaphthora which means:

    1. corruption, destruction
    2. in the NT that destruction which is effected by the decay of the body after death

    By the context of Acts 13:33-37 – the passage Johnson is referring to -- it is clear that definition number 2 above is the one that fits:

    33 God has fulfilled this for us their children, in that He has raised up Jesus. As it is also written in the second Psalm:

    ‘ You are My Son,
    Today I have begotten You.’

    34 And that He raised Him from the dead, no more to return to corruption
    [bodily decay following death], He has spoken thus:

    ‘ I will give you the sure mercies of David.’

    35 Therefore He also says in another Psalm:

    ‘ You will not allow Your Holy One to see corruption.’

    36 “For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers, and saw corruption
    [bodily decay following death]; 37 but He whom God raised up saw no corruption [bodily decay following death]. [NKJV – as this is apparently the one to which Johnson is referring; bracketed comments mine]

    The ‘corruption’ of verse 34 above is defined in verses 35 and 37. So, this context has nothing to do with sin. Jesus did not “become sin” in that He did not become a sinful being. This, of course, would have negated Jesus’ purpose in the first place. From this false premise Johnson creates the theology that Jesus needed to be born again.

    Does Johnson just not understand rather basic Christian doctrine; or, is he deliberately teaching a false gospel?


  8. Craig5:23 PM

    Consider this. In the occult doctrine of reincarnation according to The Esoteric Tradition by G. de Purucker, the ongoing process of initiation ultimately leads to ‘resurrection’ into “Masterhood” in the same physical body:

    When a man has received his final degree of initiation he is said to be 'raised' to Masterhood in the same physical body.

    The general case, however, is to be explained by the reassembling of the life-atoms… …These are continuously attracted to and built into the physical body, as it passes from babyhood into childhood into youth, and from youth into manhood - the very life-atoms which had made the Reimbodying Ego's physical body on Earth in the last earth-life. Thus it is that the body of the former earth-life is resurrected - is 'arisen.'"
    [emphasis mine]

    The “Reimbodying Ego” continues reincarnating in perpetuity until it is ‘resurrected’ into “Masterhood.” According to esoteric doctrine Jesus has ascended into “Masterhood” along with Confucius and Buddha before Him. He is a pattern for us to follow. This is what “Tibetan Master DK” [Djwhal Khul] channeled through Alice A. Bailey in her Theosophical book From Bethlehem to Calvary. The book referred to the “five initiations” of the ‘Master Jesus’ as:

    1) Birth at Bethlehem
    2) Baptism in Jordan
    3) Transfiguration on Mount Carmel
    4) Crucifixion on Mount Golgotha
    5) Resurrection and Ascension

    In his exposition on Kingdom Now and associated false doctrine Al Dager states:

    Jesus' uniqueness, to them [theosophists], lies not in His person as the Word of God incarnate, but in His particular anointing as "the Christ" to bring enlightenment and truth for His time in history, just as Buddha and Mohammed did for their eras. Though it is believed that there are exceptional "Christs" for different stages of man's evolutionary journey, we may all become expressions of the "Christ principle" and thus achieve divinity.

    Compare Dager’s words on Manifest Sons of God doctrine to the ‘babyhood into manhood’ of de Purucker above:

    Central to Manifested Sons of God doctrine is the idea that sonship comes through higher revelation. The Christian life is fragmented into stages of maturity: the first step is that of servant of God; the next step is to become a friend of God; following this is to become a son of God and, ultimately, gods ourselves. Yet the Scriptures demonstrate that we are already all three: servants (Galatians 3:10), friends (John 15:14-15), and sons (I John 3:1).

    I should point out that the first step to Christian life is accepting Christ’s Atoning work on the cross and becoming born again. [In esoteric tradition, realizing our ‘inherent divinity’ is the first step.] With this in mind, the ‘first step’ above is actually the second and so on making a total of five steps with ‘becoming gods’ ourselves the fifth. This seems to mirror the outline of the Alice Bailey book above and appears to parallel The Esoteric Tradition as well.

    Here again are Johnson’s last two sentences:

    He was born through Mary the first time and through the resurrection the second time. He was born again.

    Is Johnson teaching reincarnation?

  9. Craig5:23 PM

    Consider this. In the occult doctrine of reincarnation according to The Esoteric Tradition by G. de Purucker, the ongoing process of initiation ultimately leads to ‘resurrection’ into “Masterhood” in the same physical body:

    When a man has received his final degree of initiation he is said to be 'raised' to Masterhood in the same physical body.

    The general case, however, is to be explained by the reassembling of the life-atoms… …These are continuously attracted to and built into the physical body, as it passes from babyhood into childhood into youth, and from youth into manhood - the very life-atoms which had made the Reimbodying Ego's physical body on Earth in the last earth-life. Thus it is that the body of the former earth-life is resurrected - is 'arisen.'"
    [emphasis mine]

    The “Reimbodying Ego” continues reincarnating in perpetuity until it is ‘resurrected’ into “Masterhood.” According to esoteric doctrine Jesus has ascended into “Masterhood” along with Confucius and Buddha before Him. He is a pattern for us to follow. This is what “Tibetan Master DK” [Djwhal Khul] channeled through Alice A. Bailey in her Theosophical book From Bethlehem to Calvary. The book referred to the “five initiations” of the ‘Master Jesus’ as:

    1) Birth at Bethlehem
    2) Baptism in Jordan
    3) Transfiguration on Mount Carmel
    4) Crucifixion on Mount Golgotha
    5) Resurrection and Ascension

    In his exposition on Kingdom Now and associated false doctrine Al Dager states:

    Jesus' uniqueness, to them [theosophists], lies not in His person as the Word of God incarnate, but in His particular anointing as "the Christ" to bring enlightenment and truth for His time in history, just as Buddha and Mohammed did for their eras. Though it is believed that there are exceptional "Christs" for different stages of man's evolutionary journey, we may all become expressions of the "Christ principle" and thus achieve divinity.

    Compare Dager’s words on Manifest Sons of God doctrine to the ‘babyhood into manhood’ of de Purucker above:

    Central to Manifested Sons of God doctrine is the idea that sonship comes through higher revelation. The Christian life is fragmented into stages of maturity: the first step is that of servant of God; the next step is to become a friend of God; following this is to become a son of God and, ultimately, gods ourselves. Yet the Scriptures demonstrate that we are already all three: servants (Galatians 3:10), friends (John 15:14-15), and sons (I John 3:1).

    I should point out that the first step to Christian life is accepting Christ’s Atoning work on the cross and becoming born again. [In esoteric tradition, realizing our ‘inherent divinity’ is the first step.] With this in mind, the ‘first step’ above is actually the second and so on making a total of five steps with ‘becoming gods’ ourselves the fifth. This seems to mirror the outline of the Alice Bailey book above and appears to parallel The Esoteric Tradition as well.

    Here again are Johnson’s last two sentences:

    He was born through Mary the first time and through the resurrection the second time. He was born again.

    Is Johnson teaching reincarnation?

  10. Craig5:24 PM


    Consider this. In the occult doctrine of reincarnation according to The Esoteric Tradition by G. de Purucker, the ongoing process of initiation ultimately leads to ‘resurrection’ into “Masterhood” in the same physical body:

    When a man has received his final degree of initiation he is said to be 'raised' to Masterhood in the same physical body.

    The general case, however, is to be explained by the reassembling of the life-atoms… …These are continuously attracted to and built into the physical body, as it passes from babyhood into childhood into youth, and from youth into manhood - the very life-atoms which had made the Reimbodying Ego's physical body on Earth in the last earth-life. Thus it is that the body of the former earth-life is resurrected - is 'arisen.'"
    [emphasis mine]

    The “Reimbodying Ego” continues reincarnating in perpetuity until it is ‘resurrected’ into “Masterhood.” According to esoteric doctrine Jesus has ascended into “Masterhood” along with Confucius and Buddha before Him. He is a pattern for us to follow. This is what “Tibetan Master DK” [Djwhal Khul] channeled through Alice A. Bailey in her Theosophical book From Bethlehem to Calvary. The book referred to the “five initiations” of the ‘Master Jesus’ as:

    1) Birth at Bethlehem
    2) Baptism in Jordan
    3) Transfiguration on Mount Carmel
    4) Crucifixion on Mount Golgotha
    5) Resurrection and Ascension

    In his exposition on Kingdom Now and associated false doctrine Al Dager states:

    Jesus' uniqueness, to them [theosophists], lies not in His person as the Word of God incarnate, but in His particular anointing as "the Christ" to bring enlightenment and truth for His time in history, just as Buddha and Mohammed did for their eras. Though it is believed that there are exceptional "Christs" for different stages of man's evolutionary journey, we may all become expressions of the "Christ principle" and thus achieve divinity.

    Compare Dager’s words on Manifest Sons of God doctrine to the ‘babyhood into manhood’ of de Purucker above:

    Central to Manifested Sons of God doctrine is the idea that sonship comes through higher revelation. The Christian life is fragmented into stages of maturity: the first step is that of servant of God; the next step is to become a friend of God; following this is to become a son of God and, ultimately, gods ourselves. Yet the Scriptures demonstrate that we are already all three: servants (Galatians 3:10), friends (John 15:14-15), and sons (I John 3:1).

    I should point out that the first step to Christian life is accepting Christ’s Atoning work on the cross and becoming born again. [In esoteric tradition, realizing our ‘inherent divinity’ is the first step.] With this in mind, the ‘first step’ above is actually the second and so on making a total of five steps with ‘becoming gods’ ourselves the fifth. This seems to mirror the outline of the Alice Bailey book above and appears to parallel The Esoteric Tradition as well.

    Here again are Johnson’s last two sentences:

    He was born through Mary the first time and through the resurrection the second time. He was born again.

    Is Johnson teaching reincarnation?

  11. Craig5:26 PM

    OK, I really do not understand how the first post got lost again while the 2nd post was triple posted. I will try one more time breaking up the first post into two and see what happens...

  12. Craig5:30 PM

    A recent YouTube video exposes Bill Johnson of Bethel Church in Redding, CA speaking some false doctrine. Broken up into two parts, the second part has Johnson stating that Jesus was 'born again.'

    Here's a post on another blog which has the video embedded:

    Following is a transcription of the "born again Jesus." This begins at 3:40:

    ”…Did you know that Jesus was born again? I asked… the first service and they said, “no.” But I will show it. It's in the Bible. He had to be. He became sin.

    In Hebrews 1 it says this, "For to which of the angels did he ever say, 'You are my son. Today I have begotten you'?" And Acts 13 explains that: "God has fulfilled this for us their children in that he has raised up Jesus. As it is also written in the second Psalm: 'You are My Son, Today I have begotten You.' And that He raised Him from the dead, no more to return to corruption. He was born through Mary the first time and through the resurrection the second time. He was born again.”

    Did Jesus become sin? As we examine Scripture we find that Jesus was without sin:

    For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. [Hebrews 4:15 NIV]

    And, here we have Peter quoting from Isaiah 53:9:

    22"He committed no sin,
    and no deceit was found in his mouth."
    [1 Peter 2:22 NIV]

    The following passage explains that Jesus Christ came the first time to ‘bear sin’ as a vicarious substitute (propitiation) for our sins with His sacrifice of Himself; and, His Second Coming will be to bring the ultimate fulfillment of salvation to the collective body of Christ:

    26…But now he has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself. 27Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, 28so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. [Hebrews 9:26b-28 NIV]


  13. Craig5:31 PM


    The word ‘corruption’ as used in Acts 13 in the Greek is Diaphthora which means:

    1. corruption, destruction
    2. in the NT that destruction which is effected by the decay of the body after death

    By the context of Acts 13:33-37 – the passage Johnson is referring to -- it is clear that definition number 2 above is the one that fits:
    33 God has fulfilled this for us their children, in that He has raised up Jesus. As it is also written in the second Psalm:

    ‘ You are My Son,
    Today I have begotten You.’[a]
    34 And that He raised Him from the dead, no more to return to corruption [bodily decay following death], He has spoken thus:

    ‘ I will give you the sure mercies of David.’[b]
    35 Therefore He also says in another Psalm:

    ‘ You will not allow Your Holy One to see corruption.’
    36 “For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers, and saw corruption [bodily decay following death]; 37 but He whom God raised up saw no corruption [bodily decay following death].
    [NKJV – as this is apparently the one to which Johnson is referring]

    The ‘corruption’ of verse 34 above is defined in verses 35 and 37. So, this context has nothing to do with sin. Hence, Jesus did not “become sin” in that He did not become a sinful being. This, of course, would have negated Jesus’ purpose in the first place. From this false premise Johnson creates the theology that Jesus needed to be born again.

    Does Johnson just not understand rather basic Christian doctrine; or, is he deliberately teaching a false gospel?

  14. Craig5:33 PM

    cont (part III of III):

    Consider this. In the occult doctrine of reincarnation according to The Esoteric Tradition by G. de Purucker, the ongoing process of initiation ultimately leads to ‘resurrection’ into “Masterhood” in the same physical body:

    When a man has received his final degree of initiation he is said to be 'raised' to Masterhood in the same physical body.

    The general case, however, is to be explained by the reassembling of the life-atoms… …These are continuously attracted to and built into the physical body, as it passes from babyhood into childhood into youth, and from youth into manhood - the very life-atoms which had made the Reimbodying Ego's physical body on Earth in the last earth-life. Thus it is that the body of the former earth-life is resurrected - is 'arisen.'"
    [emphasis mine]

    The “Reimbodying Ego” continues reincarnating in perpetuity until it is ‘resurrected’ into “Masterhood.” According to esoteric doctrine Jesus has ascended into “Masterhood” along with Confucius and Buddha before Him. He is a pattern for us to follow. This is what “Tibetan Master DK” [Djwhal Khul] channeled through Alice A. Bailey in her Theosophical book From Bethlehem to Calvary. The book referred to the “five initiations” of the ‘Master Jesus’ as:

    1) Birth at Bethlehem
    2) Baptism in Jordan
    3) Transfiguration on Mount Carmel
    4) Crucifixion on Mount Golgotha
    5) Resurrection and Ascension

    In his exposition on Kingdom Now and associated false doctrine Al Dager states:

    Jesus' uniqueness, to them [theosophists], lies not in His person as the Word of God incarnate, but in His particular anointing as "the Christ" to bring enlightenment and truth for His time in history, just as Buddha and Mohammed did for their eras. Though it is believed that there are exceptional "Christs" for different stages of man's evolutionary journey, we may all become expressions of the "Christ principle" and thus achieve divinity.

    Compare Dager’s words on Manifest Sons of God doctrine to the ‘babyhood into manhood’ of de Purucker above:

    Central to Manifested Sons of God doctrine is the idea that sonship comes through higher revelation. The Christian life is fragmented into stages of maturity: the first step is that of servant of God; the next step is to become a friend of God; following this is to become a son of God and, ultimately, gods ourselves. Yet the Scriptures demonstrate that we are already all three: servants (Galatians 3:10), friends (John 15:14-15), and sons (I John 3:1).

    I should point out that the first step to Christian life is accepting Christ’s Atoning work on the cross and becoming born again. [In esoteric tradition, realizing our ‘inherent divinity’ is the first step.] With this in mind, the ‘first step’ above is actually the second and so on making a total of five steps with ‘becoming gods’ ourselves the fifth. This seems to mirror the outline of the Alice Bailey book above and appears to parallel The Esoteric Tradition as well.

    Here again are Johnson’s last two sentences:

    He was born through Mary the first time and through the resurrection the second time. He was born again.

    Is Johnson teaching reincarnation?

  15. Craig5:36 PM

    URRRHGGGHH! Now it wrote over part 2!

    Here it is YET AGAIN! {part II of III):

    The word ‘corruption’ as used in Acts 13 in the Greek is Diaphthora which means:

    1. corruption, destruction
    2. in the NT that destruction which is effected by the decay of the body after death

    By the context of Acts 13:33-37 – the passage Johnson is referring to -- it is clear that definition number 2 above is the one that fits:
    33 God has fulfilled this for us their children, in that He has raised up Jesus. As it is also written in the second Psalm:

    ‘ You are My Son,
    Today I have begotten You.’[a]
    34 And that He raised Him from the dead, no more to return to corruption [bodily decay following death], He has spoken thus:

    ‘ I will give you the sure mercies of David.’[b]
    35 Therefore He also says in another Psalm:

    ‘ You will not allow Your Holy One to see corruption.’
    36 “For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers, and saw corruption [bodily decay following death]; 37 but He whom God raised up saw no corruption [bodily decay following death].
    [NKJV – as this is apparently the one to which Johnson is referring]

    The ‘corruption’ of verse 34 above is defined in verses 35 and 37. So, this context has nothing to do with sin. Hence, Jesus did not “become sin” in that He did not become a sinful being. This, of course, would have negated Jesus’ purpose in the first place. From this false premise Johnson creates the theology that Jesus needed to be born again.

    Does Johnson just not understand rather basic Christian doctrine; or, is he deliberately teaching a false gospel?

  16. Craig5:48 PM

    OK, here's my third attempt at part II:

    cont: (part II of III):

    The word ‘corruption’ as used in Acts 13 in the Greek is Diaphthora which means:

    1. corruption, destruction
    2. in the NT that destruction which is effected by the decay of the body after death

    By the context of Acts 13:33-37 – the passage Johnson is referring to -- it is clear that definition number 2 above is the one that fits:
    33 God has fulfilled this for us their children, in that He has raised up Jesus. As it is also written in the second Psalm:

    ‘ You are My Son,
    Today I have begotten You.’[a]
    34 And that He raised Him from the dead, no more to return to corruption [bodily decay following death], He has spoken thus:

    ‘ I will give you the sure mercies of David.’[b]
    35 Therefore He also says in another Psalm:

    ‘ You will not allow Your Holy One to see corruption.’
    36 “For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers, and saw corruption [bodily decay following death]; 37 but He whom God raised up saw no corruption [bodily decay following death].
    [NKJV – as this is apparently the one to which Johnson is referring]

    The ‘corruption’ of verse 34 above is defined in verses 35 and 37. So, this context has nothing to do with sin. Hence, Jesus did not “become sin” in that He did not become a sinful being. This, of course, would have negated Jesus’ purpose in the first place. From this false premise Johnson creates the theology that Jesus needed to be born again.

    Does Johnson just not understand rather basic Christian doctrine; or, is he deliberately teaching a false gospel?

  17. Craig5:50 PM

    OK, here's my third attempt at part II:

    cont: (part II of III):

    The word ‘corruption’ as used in Acts 13 in the Greek is Diaphthora which means:

    1. corruption, destruction
    2. in the NT that destruction which is effected by the decay of the body after death

    By the context of Acts 13:33-37 – the passage Johnson is referring to -- it is clear that definition number 2 above is the one that fits:
    33 God has fulfilled this for us their children, in that He has raised up Jesus. As it is also written in the second Psalm:

    ‘ You are My Son,
    Today I have begotten You.’[a]
    34 And that He raised Him from the dead, no more to return to corruption [bodily decay following death], He has spoken thus:

    ‘ I will give you the sure mercies of David.’[b]
    35 Therefore He also says in another Psalm:

    ‘ You will not allow Your Holy One to see corruption.’
    36 “For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers, and saw corruption [bodily decay following death]; 37 but He whom God raised up saw no corruption [bodily decay following death].
    [NKJV – as this is apparently the one to which Johnson is referring]

    The ‘corruption’ of verse 34 above is defined in verses 35 and 37. So, this context has nothing to do with sin. Hence, Jesus did not “become sin” in that He did not become a sinful being. This, of course, would have negated Jesus’ purpose in the first place. From this false premise Johnson creates the theology that Jesus needed to be born again.

    Does Johnson just not understand rather basic Christian doctrine; or, is he deliberately teaching a false gospel?

  18. Craig5:52 PM

    OK, here's my third attempt at part II:

    cont: (part II of III):

    The word ‘corruption’ as used in Acts 13 in the Greek is Diaphthora which means:

    1. corruption, destruction
    2. in the NT that destruction which is effected by the decay of the body after death

    By the context of Acts 13:33-37 – the passage Johnson is referring to -- it is clear that definition number 2 above is the one that fits:
    33 God has fulfilled this for us their children, in that He has raised up Jesus. As it is also written in the second Psalm:

    ‘ You are My Son,
    Today I have begotten You.’[a]
    34 And that He raised Him from the dead, no more to return to corruption [bodily decay following death], He has spoken thus:

    ‘ I will give you the sure mercies of David.’[b]
    35 Therefore He also says in another Psalm:

    ‘ You will not allow Your Holy One to see corruption.’
    36 “For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers, and saw corruption [bodily decay following death]; 37 but He whom God raised up saw no corruption [bodily decay following death].
    [NKJV – as this is apparently the one to which Johnson is referring]

    The ‘corruption’ of verse 34 above is defined in verses 35 and 37. So, this context has nothing to do with sin. Hence, Jesus did not “become sin” in that He did not become a sinful being. This, of course, would have negated Jesus’ purpose in the first place. From this false premise Johnson creates the theology that Jesus needed to be born again.

    Does Johnson just not understand rather basic Christian doctrine; or, is he deliberately teaching a false gospel?

  19. Craig5:55 PM

    OK, here's my third attempt at part II:

    cont: (part II of III):

    The word ‘corruption’ as used in Acts 13 in the Greek is Diaphthora which means:

    1. corruption, destruction
    2. in the NT that destruction which is effected by the decay of the body after death

    By the context of Acts 13:33-37 – the passage Johnson is referring to -- it is clear that definition number 2 above is the one that fits:

    33 God has fulfilled this for us their children, in that He has raised up Jesus. As it is also written in the second Psalm:

    ‘ You are My Son,
    Today I have begotten You.'

    34 And that He raised Him from the dead, no more to return to corruption [bodily decay following death], He has spoken thus:

    ‘ I will give you the sure mercies of David.’

    35 Therefore He also says in another Psalm:

    ‘ You will not allow Your Holy One to see corruption.’

    36 “For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers, and saw corruption [bodily decay following death]; 37 but He whom God raised up saw no corruption [bodily decay following death].
    [NKJV – as this is apparently the one to which Johnson is referring]

    The ‘corruption’ of verse 34 above is defined in verses 35 and 37. So, this context has nothing to do with sin. Hence, Jesus did not “become sin” in that He did not become a sinful being. This, of course, would have negated Jesus’ purpose in the first place. From this false premise Johnson creates the theology that Jesus needed to be born again.

    Does Johnson just not understand rather basic Christian doctrine; or, is he deliberately teaching a false gospel?

  20. Craig6:00 PM

    Well since part II refuses to post, I'll just post a very truncated version of it.

    Basically, I showed that his analysis of the word "corruption" from Acts 13 33-37 was faulty. It refers to bodily decay following death and has nothing to do with sin.

    Then, I wrote:

    ...So, this context has nothing to do with sin. Hence, Jesus did not “become sin” in that He did not become a sinful being. This, of course, would have negated Jesus’ purpose in the first place. From this false premise Johnson creates the theology that Jesus needed to be born again.

    Does Johnson just not understand rather basic Christian doctrine; or, is he deliberately teaching a false gospel?

  21. Craig6:04 PM

    I came across this today; and, I found it interesting. Some of the comments are interesting as well. For those not aware, Rick Joyner is the one who 'restored' Todd Bentley:

    Recently I ran across a website for a new bottled water company called ZAO.It was advertised as a humanitarian organization working to transform third world communities. They claimed to provide safe drinking water, hygiene education, and hope for people in developing nations. The company's website was very professional and had an earthy, humanitarian feel to it. The pitch was convincing. I reach for their brand of bottled water; a person in Africa reaps the benefits. In fact, so convincing was the pitch, I might have been inclined to purchase this water had I not recognized the Director of ZAO bottled water as Mathew (Matt) Peterson, a former CIA agent employed by MorningStar Ministries.

    Having had my own experience with MorningStar, and knowing they have been less than honest in their financial dealings, I decided to take a closer look. The website for ZAO Water had nothing whatsoever to indicate that it was connected to a ministry, only that it was a non profit humanitarian organization. All non-profit organizations and charities must be registered with the Internal Revenue Service. When I checked the official government website for the IRS – surprise- no ZAO water! I invite you to do the same, here. I then checked the official domain record to see who their internet domain name was officially registered to. When I queried the record for, I made the following discovery.

    Domain Name..........
    Creation Date........ 2003-09-04
    Registration Date.... 2003-09-04
    Expiry Date.......... 2011-09-04
    Organization Name.... Morning Star Publications
    Organization Address. PO Box 19409
    Organization Address. Charlotte
    Organization Address. 28219-9409
    Organization Address. NC
    Organization Address. UNITED STATES
    Admin Name........... Matthew Peterson
    Admin Address........ PO Box19409
    Admin Address........ Charlotte
    Admin Address........ 28219-9409
    Admin Address........ NC
    Admin Address........ UNITED STATES
    Admin Email..........
    Admin Phone.......... (704)52281110


  22. Craig6:09 PM

    cont: (part II of II)

    The domain is registered to MorningStar Publications, which is the publishing side of Rick Joyner's MorningStar Ministries. This is NOT a non-profit organization and is not listed as such with the IRS. The Director of ZAO, Matt Peterson, is listed as the Administrative contact for the domain His email, curiously enough, is listed as Morningstar ministries main office.Peterson is the pastor of MorningStar Fellowship in Winston Salem, North Carolina.

    For those who may not be familiar with MorningStar Ministries, it is run by self-proclaimed prophet Rick Joyner. Joyner is a well known apostate who preaches an error-filled Gnostic, New-Age, Gospel.He is a staunch dominionist, and believes that he and other spiritually elite god-men under the direction of a network of apostles will overthrow the kingdoms of this world and institute a theocratic world government. Once the enemies of Christ have been subdued,(murdered), they will hand the keys to the Kingdom over to Christ, ushering in the millennial reign. Which Christ do you think they are referring to? It most certainly is not the Christ of scripture.

    Many of you may ask why I would find fault in Morningstar's desire to ease the suffering of poor African nations. While that is a valid question, it is critical you view this with a wider lens. It has more to do with a stringent social and political agenda and a move towards world government than it does true human need. It is a social gospel, and a clever ruse. Those who adhere to a social gospel oppose individualism and call for a socially aware religion. They believe the Second Coming can not happen until humankind rids itself of social evils by human effort.

    The Social Gospel was, in part, created by the Council on Foreign Relations. John Foster Dulles, a member of the CFR, and father of the Social Gospel movement worked tirelessly to garner support and acceptance for his world view and penetrate Christian ideology. The CFR's efforts to disseminate a socialist agenda was part of a larger plan to break down social resistance to world government. This fact has been very well laid out and documented in a book by Dr. Martin Erdman entitled Building the Kingdom of God on Earth: The Churches' Contribution to Marshall Public Support for World Order and Peace, 1919-1945 (Wipf and Stock, 2005).

    The CFR's goal to transform America from an ethnocentristic world view to one of global interdependence is happening at an alarming pace. This is due in part, through efforts of Pastors such as Rick Warren. Certainly we know, Biblically speaking, that we are moving towards world government. We also know from Scripture, that the Antichrist will rise to rule a united world, under the guise of peace. How much more acceptable will this melding together of all cultures and peoples be when it is done under the veneer of good Christian goals and purposes.

    Zao water has a very aggressive plan to acquire a bottling facility near Winston Salem and begin marketing nation wide.The water is now available in select stores. While they may or may not be providing wells in Africa, they most certainly are not providing true Living Water.

  23. Craig6:12 PM

    cont: (part II of III)

    The domain is registered to MorningStar Publications, which is the publishing side of Rick Joyner's MorningStar Ministries. This is NOT a non-profit organization and is not listed as such with the IRS. The Director of ZAO, Matt Peterson, is listed as the Administrative contact for the domain His email, curiously enough, is listed as Morningstar ministries main office.Peterson is the pastor of MorningStar Fellowship in Winston Salem, North Carolina.

    For those who may not be familiar with MorningStar Ministries, it is run by self-proclaimed prophet Rick Joyner. Joyner is a well known apostate who preaches an error-filled Gnostic, New-Age, Gospel.He is a staunch dominionist, and believes that he and other spiritually elite god-men under the direction of a network of apostles will overthrow the kingdoms of this world and institute a theocratic world government. Once the enemies of Christ have been subdued,(murdered), they will hand the keys to the Kingdom over to Christ, ushering in the millennial reign. Which Christ do you think they are referring to? It most certainly is not the Christ of scripture.

    Many of you may ask why I would find fault in Morningstar's desire to ease the suffering of poor African nations. While that is a valid question, it is critical you view this with a wider lens. It has more to do with a stringent social and political agenda and a move towards world government than it does true human need. It is a social gospel, and a clever ruse. Those who adhere to a social gospel oppose individualism and call for a socially aware religion. They believe the Second Coming can not happen until humankind rids itself of social evils by human effort.

  24. Craig6:13 PM

    cont: (part III of III)

    The Social Gospel was, in part, created by the Council on Foreign Relations. John Foster Dulles, a member of the CFR, and father of the Social Gospel movement worked tirelessly to garner support and acceptance for his world view and penetrate Christian ideology. The CFR's efforts to disseminate a socialist agenda was part of a larger plan to break down social resistance to world government. This fact has been very well laid out and documented in a book by Dr. Martin Erdman entitled Building the Kingdom of God on Earth: The Churches' Contribution to Marshall Public Support for World Order and Peace, 1919-1945 (Wipf and Stock, 2005).

    The CFR's goal to transform America from an ethnocentristic world view to one of global interdependence is happening at an alarming pace. This is due in part, through efforts of Pastors such as Rick Warren. Certainly we know, Biblically speaking, that we are moving towards world government. We also know from Scripture, that the Antichrist will rise to rule a united world, under the guise of peace. How much more acceptable will this melding together of all cultures and peoples be when it is done under the veneer of good Christian goals and purposes.

    Zao water has a very aggressive plan to acquire a bottling facility near Winston Salem and begin marketing nation wide.The water is now available in select stores. While they may or may not be providing wells in Africa, they most certainly are not providing true Living Water.

  25. Hi Craig,

    Very interesting information you have posted. I am going to have to figure out how to eliminate the duplicates I am certain you did not intend. My old friend Judith Matta wrote a book THE BORN AGAIN JESUS OF THE WORD FAITH MOVEMENT. It is lurking somewhere here, but as it will probably take me months to fully unpack, I will have to once again dig down to it. My second book, A PLANNED DECEPTION, can be downloaded in pdf text form from the "presentations for downloading" link to this blogspot. One chapter is called A SECRET KINGDOM? There is a section on the Manifest Sons of God heresy which you may have already read. The elements of which you speak are people I researched in conjunction with that MSOG/SONSHIP/"Neopentecostal"/Schol of the Prophets, etc., ad nauseum movement.


  26. Constance,

    Yes, I have a physical copy of your second book; and, I'm well aware of that chapter you are referencing.

    As I understand the WoF version of Jesus being born again they believe Jesus went to Hades and became born again as a result of that. This appears to be a different animal (although I'm aware that all those in the MSoG camp adhere to WoF).

    I'm not sure just what is going on with the multiple posts. Some comments showed up for a short time only to have disappeared when I came back!

  27. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Want to know how sick our American society is?

    "Al Pacino wins Emmy for Dr. Kevorkian role Al Pacino has won an Emmy Award for his work in the HBO biopic ‘You Don’t Know Jack.’

    "Pacino portrays Dr. Jack Kevorkian in the piece that has sixteen Emmy nominations. Most of the supporting cast was nominated, as was director Barry Levinson.

    "The TV movie covers the life of Dr. Jack Kevorkian who became known for assisted-suicides."

    Several times they showed Kevorkian in the audience smugly smiling.

    Constance, please review what you know about this evil in a human body.
    Look at the above in connection with this article from NOR which reviews a book on the clergy's role in the US eugenics movement prior to the 1930s.


  28. Anonymous11:58 AM

    anyone else finding "Glen Becks" words and statements surreal and disengenous. A mormon speaking about what is and is not the Gospel and talking generically about turning to God?

  29. Of particular interest to me given my past research is the date of the upcoming conference -- NOVEMBER 20th. Review Herb Peters ( and my old blog posts on "Solana's November Presents."

    November 20th is the 15th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Association between the European Union and Israel. Javier Solana was exclusively in charge and the one signing. I am going to put a picture of THAT November 20th event on line.
