
Thursday, July 22, 2010

I'm in the middle of the office move. Dr. Stanley Monteith will guest host my radio program tonight!

Dr. Stanley Monteith has graciously consented to guest host my internet radio program for me tonight.  Pray for him and his important work as well as pray for me as I am in the middle of a stressful move.  It promises, however, to better equip me to give the attention necessary to this work of mine for the past 29 years

Oh, yes.  The program will be live 8 to 9 p.m. Eastern time, 5 to 6 p.m. Pacific time.  Thanks for listening!

Stay tuned!



  1. Anonymous6:39 PM

    This is off-topic but important.

    After gay rights, radical feminism will animal rights be the next thing to break churches apart?

    Anglican church in Canada, gives dog communion.


  2. Anonymous8:52 PM

    ....and while the peasants slept, the lords of the realm consolidated their holdings.

    The RE-wilding or America is in full motion:

    The CLEAR Act of Another Federal Land Grab

    By Cassandra Anderson
    July 21, 2010

    (Article excerpts)

    U.S. Representative Louie Gohmert (R-TX) addressed Congress on July 15th to report the Natural Resources Committee's passage of HR 3534, the Consolidated Land, Energy and Aquatic Resources Act (CLEAR Act) of 2009. Congressman Gohmert said that the bill was to "deal with the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico" but it contains plans for the federal government to acquire land and was introduced in 2009.

    Congressman Gohmert pointed out that a portion of the CLEAR Act contains a provision for the federal government to spend $900 million a year to purchase private land over the next 30 years, for a grand total of $27 billion dollars over 3 decades.

    Gohmert noted that the federal government already owns or manages about 30% of the land in America, most of it in the western states.

    He went on to say that when the federal government acquires land, it makes promises to generate revenue but then fails to utilize the resources; an example is timber, as logging is prohibited in most federal lands. Mr. Gohmert then showed a graph of how much money the federal government has spent to acquire more land over the last few years:

    2008 $100 million
    2009 $150 million
    2010 $300 million

    Read entire article here:


  3. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Text of legislation (HR 3534):

    Section 2 (16 U.S.C. 460l-5) is amended by striking `September 30, 2015' both places it appears and inserting `September 30, 2040'.
    (a) In General- Section 3 (16 U.S.C. 460l-6) is amended to read as follows:
    `Sec. 3. Of the moneys covered into the fund, $900,000,000 shall be available each fiscal year for expenditure for the purposes of this Act without further appropriation.'.
    (b) Conforming Amendment- Section 2(c)(2) (16 U.S.C. 460l-5(c)(2)) is amended by striking `: Provided,' and all that follows through the end of the sentence and inserting a period.


  4. YesNaSpanishTown9:38 PM

    Shadow of AoC rising.

    Romans 1 comes to mind:

    The following are direct quotes from this site:

    GodBlock is a web filter that blocks religious content. It is targeted at parents and schools who wish to protect their kids from the often violent, sexual, and psychologically harmful material in many holy texts, and from being indoctrinated into any religion before they are of the age to make such decisions. When installed properly, GodBlock will test each page that your child visits before it is loaded, looking for passages from holy texts, names of religious figures, and other signs of religious propaganda. If none are found, then your child is allowed to browse freely.


    In the last century, the United States has seen a resurgence of fundamentalist religion. Fundamentalist Evangelicals, Mormons, Baptists, Muslims, and Jews have held back progress in science, human rights, civil rights, and protecting our environment. How can we reverse this trend and join the rest of the world in the gradual secularization of society and government?

    Most deeply religious people are born into their religion, but even children raised in a secular household are vulnerable to content on the web. That's why we've produced GodBlock. GodBlock is a web filter that blocks religious content. It is targeted at parents and schools who wish to protect their kids from the often violent, sexual, and psychologically harmful material in many holy texts, and from being indoctrinated into any religion before they are of the age to make such decisions.

    Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient

    Watch, pray--"Blessed is he who reads and they that heart the words of this book and keep those things that are written in it. The time is at hand." Rev. 1:3

  5. Anonymous11:20 PM

    "protect their kids from the often violent, sexual, and psychologically harmful material in many holy texts,"

    But I suppose it's okay to subject your kids to violent, sexual and pyschologically harmful material on secular television, at the movies, in books , and on the internet"

    The world is upside down.


  6. Savvy,
    At least they named it properly.

  7. Anonymous12:09 PM


    LOL, Yeah they got that part right.


  8. OMOTS,

    Great find! Interesting that like the Patriot Act, this legislation was in existence and waiting for the right disaster to garner support for it.

  9. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Hello Constance

    Be encouraged that your work still inspires and educates so many of us ! You are truly a watch(wo)man on the wall! I pray that your will have renewed strength to continue.

    I am in South Africa and would like to tell you that a previous minister of parliament of the Thabo Mbeki era has started a new newspaper-called `The New Age`

    One of the earlier Communist/ANC publications was also called `The New Age`

  10. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Savvy, Churches shouldn't be like fancy retaurants in Paris, i.e., pets shouldn't be allowed inside in the first place. I heave a sigh of relief this wasn't done by a priest because of what we believe happens to the bread after it's been consecrated. I like Joyce Myers' no non-sense style sometimes: "You can sit in a garage all day, that don't (sic)make you a car". I wouldn't have fathomed "christian" liberalism could sink this low. Indeed the smoke of Satan has entered the christian churches. Errors seldom come alone, they come with disbelief in the deity of Jesus, belief that the Bible doesn't condemn homosexual acts, that accounts of miracles are symbolic etc.A heretic is someones who is "able to choose", who picks and chooses.I'd be curious to hear this woman's creed.

  11. To anonymous 1:42 pm in South Africa. Thank you for the update on that new newspaper called "The New Age" there in South Africa. Is there a webpage for that paper? I would like to see what they are saying in that. I am very interested in what is happening in South Africa.

  12. Wow! I just found the websites on the new "The New Age" newspaper in South Africa. It is very much worth paying attention to. It is even partnered by the Times of India Group. Everyone should definately see this. These are up to the date websites talking about this new newspaper and the "Dawning of the New Age in South Africa".

    Again thank you so much Anonymous 1:42 pm in South Africa! :-)

  13. I sure hope God has a sense of humor. Since He created the dogs, the monkeys, the cats, and US, I assume He does. I don't mean to be irreverent, but given the other elements recently of Canada's Anglican church, gay marriages, homosexual clergy, etc., the dog looks pretty saintly by comparison/contrast!


  14. Anonymous3:01 PM


    I suppose you are right. We already have dogs receiving communion unworthily, maybe they could make the dog the Bishop, he might know the difference between right and wrong. Since a priestess is not a priest, the church is not a church, and the sacrament is not a sacrament. It's all a big joke.


  15. Jaclyn3:23 PM

    Posted on Drudge:

    WalMart using smart tags to track clothing!

  16. Jacklyn,

    Thanks for posting this. I have been following how Walmart is implementing traceability systems since learning of their promotion of GS1 Traceability Standards. Which includes the use of products from Applied Digital Solutions and EPC Global. Unfortunately I am finding this is becoming a trend with major retailers, Walmart is simply more scrutinized.

  17. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Deepwater Horizon alarms were switched off (disabled) 'to help workers sleep'(back on April 20th)

  18. Anonymous5:41 PM


  19. Anonymous5:46 PM

    'Lose Christianity or face expulsion'

    Georgia student told to read 'gay' lit, attend 'pride parade,' change beliefs

  20. I found this on Google News. Another step closer:

    The Internet Is Running Out of Addresses Under IPv4
    By Barry Levine
    July 23, 2010 1:49PM

    Experts are warning that the current 4.5 billion Internet addresses under IPv4 isn't enough and could run out next year. With an explosion of connected devices worldwide, demand for Internet addresses is rising. A newer technology, IPv6, could provide a lot more addresses using 128 bits, but it has not been fully implemented.......

    Verizon, Comcast and some other large telecommunications companies have announced IPv6 trials, and what is being called the Internet of Things -- sensors, power grids, RFIDs -- is increasingly using IPv6 instead of IPv4.

    DT Morris, III

  21. Anonymous7:09 PM


    Thank you for bringing attention to this very revealing and deeply disturbing land grab bill. This administration is so brazen in accomplishing its goals that it is mind-boggling. Americans need to revolt now or be prepared to be treated like nothing more than cow dung in the not-too -distant future.

    I for one, always thought that Agenda 21 was too far over the top to actually get any steam. And yet hear we are passing bills that will allow the gov't to steal our land to the tune of $900 million a year! The economic crash has turned real estate upside down. The Gulf oil spill has devastated property values down here in Florida, where they were already devastated. This administration is stealing thousands of jobs from suffering Americans. Where will it stop? More and more people seem to be catching on. I cannot believe that Obama does not know what these policies are doing to his popularity and to this country. I wonder where all this is going....

    More and more I wonder...


  22. Anonymous9:02 PM


  23. Jaclyn9:07 PM


    Obama doesn't seem too concerned about his popularity or even getting re-elected...THIS IN IT'S
    SELF is very alarming!

  24. Anonymous9:43 PM

    RE: anonymous 5:46PM As the secular world is moving away from Christian absolute truths and values and moving closer to spiritual suicide/ruin, we're bound to see more and more of this type of clash. It will climax when we'll have to choose between renouncing the Faith in Jesus, Son of God ,and basically staying alive (buy and sell). I believe people in general are at worst indifferent to these matters and not necessarily anti-christian, but a minority are hell-bent on wiping christianity off the face of the earth. They wittingly or not make up the assembly of Satan, who undoubtedly is well pleased with them.

  25. Anonymous9:57 PM

    New Age is one of the most reputed newspapers of Nigeria.

    It's always interesting to see how international the NA movement is. Constance's book was translated into several foreign languages in response to what people saw in other countries. NA literature and organizations are all around the world, changing the way people think. But not every time the term is used means it is connected to the movement. Some people just think it's a trendy term. You always have to show the connection facts.


  26. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Nano Technologies and Converging Science


  27. Anonymous12:26 AM

    This was aired recently and is presenting the larger picture of the NWO afresh and up to date to where we are today.


  28. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Thanks John Rupp for acknowledging my post! Great to know you have special interest in South Africa. It is comforting to know that.

    I bought a book back in 1986 at a News Agency, called " a History of Communism in South Africa" by Henry R. Pike Ph.D and published by the Christian Mission International of South Africa - It was the first Edition 1985. I doubt there were more editions.

    What sparked my curiosity was that when I went back to buy one for my father in law and my uncle (both interested in SA History ), there were none left. It was strange -because it could not be popular-history-boring!? That Sunday, in the Sunday Times Newspaper it was announced the book was banned! The National Party banned it?! Weird, I phoned the Mission and they confirmed that it was recalled and not available to the public through retail outlets-but I could still buy directly from them.

    I do not think the term `New Age` is innocent for the current newspaper (The previous one of same title by the SACP/ANC was banned in 1961)This book of Henry Pike mentions the New Age Movement plus the New Age publication and who` who of that publication.

  29. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I was wondering what were the researchers on this sites views on William Milton Cooper. I know he mentioned Constance's first book back in the early 90s when he broadcast his mystery babylon series that went into detail about the NAM amongst many other things.
    I value all the researchers views on this site and was wondering their view on the man.
    Thanks in advance.

  30. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Germany considers tax on obese:

  31. Anonymous1:04 PM

    This article was buried, but I found it. It appeared a month ago in the Sarasota Herald Tribune.

    Well worth reading in terms of the grim parallels between Ixtoc and Macondo.

  32. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Carroll Quigley wrote Tragedy and Hope. In it he said that the middle class had to disappear. It seems they are making it happen.
    The Middle Class in America Is Radically Shrinking. Here Are the Stats to Prove it

    "The 22 statistics detailed here prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the middle class is being systematically wiped out of existence in America."

    Read it and weep.


  33. Anon 7:22,

    This is a person who's name seems to pop up from time to time, that many have a hard time putting their finger on. This is strictly my opinion, but I believe the reason this is the case is because Cooper's body of work changed so drastically over time. I think Cooper was looking for the truth, and fell for some deceptions in the beginning of his search.

    Unlike many others, once he realized he had fallen for false information, he admitted to it, and even refuted information contained within his own book. It wasn't until he began teaching on the mystery schools that he got the negative attention he did from the Clinton administration. Once he realized that he hit a nerve, he pushed back hard in his programs.

    I also believe this is largely what got him killed. If you are looking through Cooper's body of work, I would suggest doing so speculatively. As there is information within it that even he would later admit was not accurate. Beyond that, I can't fault the guy, as his actions tell me he was honestly seeking the truth, and wasn't afraid to admit when he was wrong. Just don't take everything he presents as fact unless you can verify it.

  34. Been busy packing and internet connectivity problems on home system this week -- Comcast slow to respond and service irregular.

    Enormous thanks for the contributions from South Africa and the Walmart underwear tracking which I also heard on news AM radio this week. I will plan on buying my underwear from sources other than Walmart, needless to say!


  35. In saying that I hoped God had a sense of humor, I am not referring to the unmitigated sacrilege of treating holy communion as something for the dogs, but in the context that "God sits in the heavens and laughs -- He will have them in derision . . ."

    Still, given the choice between Matthew Fox (the 'theologian' NOT the actor by the same name) and a dog, the dog looks pretty saintly by comparison!


  36. Anonymous3:02 PM


    I agree that the dog does look saintly by comparison.


  37. Anonymous3:31 PM


    BP is to begin deep-water drilling off Libya, despite environmental concerns following the Gulf of Mexico spill and an international row over the release of the Lockerbie bomber.

    For more...

  38. Anonymous3:43 PM

    A pyramid called the Palace of Peace and Accord? What does `accord` mean in this context? The `home of the World Parliament of Religions? the apex is illuminated at night and clear in the day. Please have a look at this building.

  39. Anonymous3:55 PM

    More visuals of the pyramid. Interior and Apex. Weird....

  40. The New Flood
    I was just flipping through the
    cable channels. I know it's not
    just me being overly sensitive.
    There is a FLOOD of violence,
    sexual perversion and witchcraft/
    sorcery on nearly every channel.
    I mean, it starts out with flaming
    sodomites selling cheap jewelry
    and clothing and proceeds on to
    lying teachers peddling ridiculous
    promisess of self fulfillment and
    self "realization".
    And of course The children's
    programming is the most painful;
    glorified warriors, brutal warfare,
    killing and being killed.

    My daughter came home with a
    new book. It's a modern fiction for
    kids! in which the premise and
    the backdrop of the story is
    that once a year, on live TV,
    two kids have a fight to the death.
    The kid heroin in the story is
    one of the ones who will be
    in that fight. I couldn't believe
    my eyes. I got mad and said
    that it was a disgusting idea
    and a disgusting book. I was too
    upset to even try to explain why,
    rationally. My wife, who doesn't
    share my faith in God and his
    Christ, got mad right back at me
    and informed me that it was an
    award-winning children's book.

    Anyway, I found a few of the Biblical
    references to the word "flood" :
    Isaiah 28:2 says:
    2) Behold, the Lord has a mighty and
    a strong one, which as a tempest of
    hail and a destroying storm, as a
    flood of mighty waters overflowing
    shall cast down to the earth with
    the hand.
    [ and later in that chapter ]
    14) Wherefore hear the word of the
    Lord ye scornful men that rule this
    people which is in Jerusalem.
    15) Because ye have said we have
    made a covenant with death, and
    with hell are we at agreement; when
    the overflowing scourge shall pass
    through, it shall not come unto us:
    for we have made lies our refuge,
    and under falsehood have we hid
    16) Therefore thus sayeth the Lord
    God, Behold I lay in Zion for a
    foundation a stone, a tried stone,
    a precious cornerstone, a sure
    foundation; he that believeth shall
    not make haste.

    Daniel 11:21&22 (speaking about
    "the prince", says:
    21) And in his estate shall stand
    up a vile person to whom they
    shall not give the honour of the
    kingdom, but he shall come in
    peaceably, and obtain the kingdom
    by flatteries.
    22) And with the arms of a flood
    shall they be overthrown from
    before him; yea, also the prince
    of the covenant.

    Nahum 1:7&8 says
    7) The Lord is good, a stronghold
    in the day of trouble; and he
    knoweth them that trust in him.
    8) But with an overrunning flood
    he will make an utter end of the
    place thereof, and darkness
    shall pursue his enemies.

    Revelations 12:15&16 says:
    15) And the serpent cast out
    of his mouth water as a flood
    after the woman, that he might
    cause her to be carried away of
    the flood,
    16) And the earth helped the
    woman, and the earth opened
    her mouth and swallowed up
    the flood which the dragon
    cast out of his mouth.

    (Compare that to John 7:38
    in which the Lord himself says):

    7) He that believeth on me,
    as the scripture has said, out
    of his belly shall flow rivers
    of living water.

  41. The New Flood
    I was just flipping through the
    cable channels. I know it's not
    just me being overly sensitive.
    There is a FLOOD of violence,
    sexual perversion and witchcraft/
    sorcery on nearly every channel.
    I mean, it starts out with flaming
    sodomites selling cheap jewelry
    and clothing and proceeds on to
    lying teachers peddling ridiculous
    promisess of self fulfillment and
    self "realization".
    And of course The children's
    programming is the most painful;
    glorified warriors, brutal warfare,
    killing and being killed.

    My daughter came home with a
    new book. It's a modern fiction for
    kids! in which the premise and
    the backdrop of the story is
    that once a year, on live TV,
    two kids have a fight to the death.
    The kid heroin in the story is
    one of the ones who will be
    in that fight. I couldn't believe
    my eyes. I got mad and said
    that it was a disgusting idea
    and a disgusting book. I was too
    upset to even try to explain why,
    rationally. My wife, who doesn't
    share my faith in God and his
    Christ, got mad right back at me
    and informed me that it was an
    award-winning children's book.

    Anyway, I found a few of the Biblical
    references to the word "flood" :
    Isaiah 28:2 says:
    2) Behold, the Lord has a mighty and
    a strong one, which as a tempest of
    hail and a destroying storm, as a
    flood of mighty waters overflowing
    shall cast down to the earth with
    the hand.
    [ and later in that chapter ]
    14) Wherefore hear the word of the
    Lord ye scornful men that rule this
    people which is in Jerusalem.
    15) Because ye have said we have
    made a covenant with death, and
    with hell are we at agreement; when
    the overflowing scourge shall pass
    through, it shall not come unto us:
    for we have made lies our refuge,
    and under falsehood have we hid
    16) Therefore thus sayeth the Lord
    God, Behold I lay in Zion for a
    foundation a stone, a tried stone,
    a precious cornerstone, a sure
    foundation; he that believeth shall
    not make haste.

  42. _And Daniel 11:21&22 (speaking
    about "the prince", says:
    21) And in his estate shall stand
    up a vile person to whom they
    shall not give the honour of the
    kingdom, but he shall come in
    peaceably, and obtain the kingdom
    by flatteries.
    22) And with the arms of a flood
    shall they be overthrown from
    before him; yea, also the prince
    of the covenant.

    Nahum 1:7&8 says
    7) The Lord is good, a stronghold
    in the day of trouble; and he
    knoweth them that trust in him.
    8) But with an overrunning flood
    he will make an utter end of the
    place thereof, and darkness
    shall pursue his enemies.

    Revelations 12:15&16 says:
    15) And the serpent cast out
    of his mouth water as a flood
    after the woman, that he might
    cause her to be carried away of
    the flood,
    16) And the earth helped the
    woman, and the earth opened
    her mouth and swallowed up
    the flood which the dragon
    cast out of his mouth.

    (Compare that to John 7:38
    in which the Lord himself says):

    7) He that believeth on me,
    as the scripture has said, out
    of his belly shall flow rivers
    of living water.

  43. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Brain implants could control computers by 2020, Intel says;col1

  44. Anonymous5:58 PM

    By the year 2020, you won't need a keyboard and mouse to control your computer, say Intel Corp. researchers. Instead, users will open documents and surf the Web using nothing more than their brain waves.

    Scientists at Intel's research lab in Pittsburgh are working to find ways to read and harness human brain waves so they can be used to operate computers, television sets and cell phones. The brain waves would be harnessed with Intel-developed sensors implanted in people's brains.

    The scientists say the plan is not a scene from a sci-fi movie -- Big Brother won't be planting chips in your brain against your will. Researchers expect that consumers will want the freedom they will gain by using the implant.

    "I think human beings are remarkable adaptive," said Andrew Chien, vice president of research and director of future technologies research at Intel Labs. "If you told people 20 years ago that they would be carrying computers all the time, they would have said, 'I don't want that. I don't need that.' Now you can't get them to stop [carrying devices]. There are a lot of things that have to be done first but I think [implanting chips into human brains] is well within the scope of possibility."

    Intel research scientist Dean Pomerleau told Computerworld that users will soon tire of depending on a computer interface, and having to fish a device out of their pocket or bag to access it. He also predicted that users will tire of having to manipulate an interface with their fingers.

    Instead, they'll simply manipulate their various devices with their brains.

    "We're trying to prove you can do interesting things with brain waves," said Pomerleau. "Eventually people may be willing to be more committed ... to brain implants. Imagine being able to surf the Web with the power of your thoughts."

    To get to that point Pomerleau and his research teammates from Intel, Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh, are currently working on decoding human brain activity.

    Pomerleau said the team has used Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI) machines to determine that blood flow changes in specific areas of the brain based on what word or image someone is thinking of. People tend to show the same brain patterns for similar thoughts, he added.

    For instance, if two people think of the image of a bear or hear the word bear or even hear a bear growl, a neuroimage would show similar brain activity. Basically, there are standard patterns that show up in the brain for different words or images.

    Pomerleau said researchers are close to gaining the ability to build brain sensing technology into a head set that culd be used to manipulate a computer. The next step is development of a tiny, far less cumbersome sensor that could be implanted inside the brain.

  45. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Such brain research isn't limited to Intel and its university partners.

    Almost two years ago, scientists in the U.S. and Japan announced that a monkey's brain was used to to control a humanoid robot. Miguel Nicolelis, a professor of neurobiology at Duke University and lead researcher on the project, said that researchers were hoping its work would help paralyzed people walk again.

    And a month before that, a scientist at the University of Arizona reported that he had successfully built a robot that is guided by the brain and eyes of a moth. Charles Higgins, an associate professor at the university, predicted that in 10 to 15 years people will be using "hybrid" computers running a combination of technology and living organic tissue.

    Today, Intel's Pomerleau said various research facilities are developing technologies to sense activity from inside the skull.

    "If we can get to the point where we can accurately detect specific words, you could mentally type," he added. "You could compose characters or words by thinking about letters flashing on the screen or typing whole words rather than their individual characters."

    Pomerleau also noted that the more scientists figure out about the brain, it will help them design better microprocessors. He said, "If we can see how the brain does it, then we could build smarter computers."

    Read more about App Development in Computerworld's App Development Topic Center.

  46. Anonymous6:53 PM


  47. Anonymous7:16 PM


    you wrote,

    "Carr's works, like many conspiracy type works, tickles the ears of the gullible, making them think they are learning insider information. Since their writings are not critiqued by the academic community who have access to historical information, they can get away with the most outlandish commentary."

    Such as Clockwork Orange you mean? Or 1984?

    "Now disinformation is a skill."

    Then let the people be informed and freed to think for themselves rather than have some set vain contrivances against them!

    In correcting your disinformation I suggest you and others begin with


  48. Anonymous7:38 PM


    what you wrote was outlandishly flimsical, and betrayed an overwhelming ignorance of Acedemia, especially regards the discipline of Literature.

    Why not stick to researching a few basic n/a articles now and then (which you manage so wonderfully)



  49. Anonymous10:38 PM

    TJ, your use of the English language is entertaining. Keep it up. Flimsical is a great new word.


  50. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Flimsical - a combination of flimsy and whimsical which is what a lot of conspiracy material is.

    I would have changed the word acedemia to acidemia though they are pronounced the same. What they teach in most schools is acid that destroys.

    You are original and clever TJ.


  51. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Deep Underground Miles of Hidden Wildfires Rage

  52. Anonymous4:44 AM

    "Flimsical - a combination of flimsy and whimsical which is what a lot of conspiracy material is."

    So right Dorothy. Though "a lot" does not mean all, I'm sure you'd agree. "A lot" of history books are flimsical too, though some are not.

    Discernment, driven by diligence, is the plough needed in the fields of research to rid them of the weeds of disinformation.

    "I would have changed the word acedemia to acidemia though they are pronounced the same. What they teach in most schools is acid that destroys."

    Yes, you're right to correct me here. Ordinarily I would've settled for the "a" that I should've written, however I am in full agreement with you on you point here.

    To complement my points above, I thank you for your gentle compliment, Dorothy.

    The horse of a bandwagon is really never so very high, better not to be on it... so unseemly, don't you think? I personally prefer to walk the narrow path, the only thing is, occasionally I have to shout to warn those riding along the Primrose Way that they are in danger of the Everlasting Bonfire. The only way to get at least a few of them to listen is to get them to climb down from their bandwagon and get off their high horse. For the speed of horse hooves is accelerating and the cliff is getting closer.


  53. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Oh.. and Dorothy,

    You'd know all about acid, wouldn't you dear!



  54. Anonymous8:04 AM


    I am interested in what you have to say but it's like you are talking in code.

    What objections do you have to Dorothy's post about Carr? To be honest with you, I thought much of the excerpt posted from Carr was extremely sound in explaining the tactics of disinformation. I didn't really understand how and why Dorothy targeted it as "disinformation." It's in this context that I am interested in what you have to say in response.

    Can you lay out your arguments clearly and wait for Dorothy to respond instead of you two getting into a mudslinging match?

  55. Anonymous9:47 AM

    paul 5:46,

    Re: The "new" flood...

    And how much do you pay each month to have this selection of filth beamed into your home?

  56. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Thanks Anon 3:43, 3:55 for the Astana links.

    Sinister, albeit beautiful, "new age" city and it's centerpiece, the Pyramid of Peace and Reconciliation. Nice to know were our petrol dollars are going.

    “The initiates accepted the pyramid form as the ideal symbol of both the secret doctrine and those institutions established for its dissemination”
    -Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages

    More Astana pics and commentary on this site:


  57. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Even though this story made the front page of the Houston Chronicle last Friday, July 23rd, much of the rest of the country is completely unaware of just how BAD the reign of terror is in Mexico today.

    There have been 25,000 killings in less than 4 years . . . an average of 6,250 killings per year!!!

    For more...

  58. Anonymous10:36 AM

    acidemia = a place where students are educated by professors who took too many acid trips

    haha no offense to genuine profs who still teach sensibly

  59. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Anon at 8:04 am,

    Thank you for your interest.

    You wrote: "To be honest with you, I thought much of the excerpt posted from Carr was extremely sound in explaining the tactics of disinformation. I didn't really understand how and why Dorothy targeted it as "disinformation." "

    I agree and I would love to hear your reasons why.

    I can lay out my arguments clearly and shall continue to do so.

    Mudslinging? Dorothy and I? Just harmless wordplay. I've accepted Dorothy's compliment gracefully.


  60. Anonymous11:10 AM

    YG, others, what do you see?

    Google Earth

    51° 7'31.15"N


    “The word Astana in Kazakh literally means Capital but the word itself originates from Persian (Astana, from the verb Istadan (آستان) to stand (in respect)), and literally means "threshold" (royal or sacred, where people stand in respect or awe), implying where the court is seated (the capital city) or the body of a sacred person in interred (a shrine town).”

    “Politics and government are the main economic activity in the capital, which also forms a Special Economic Zone. Since the move, Astana has seen one of the world's greatest building projects, as oil money has been spent on government buildings, a massive home for the president, a mosque, and numerous parks and monuments. The project is designed to not just make the town the centre of Kazakhstan, but of all Central Asia."

    I find it intriguing that the name Astana literally means, “to stand”.

    How about, “to stand in opposition”, as in “defy”?


  61. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Anon at 8:04 am,

    what I shall do for you, is repost the initial article which started the attempted character assasination of Carr and his book.

    I am in agreement with the article.


    What is the Illuminati?

    "I recently read an excellent book... PAWNS in the GAME, by William Guy Carr. I am going to share several quotes with you from the book that I think are superb. If you want to learn all the details of the Illuminati and their sinister evil plan to take over the world, then this is the book to read!
    The International Conspiracy
    The following quote is from page IX in the introduction:
    Very few people seem to appreciate that Lucifer is the brightest and most intelligent of the heavenly host and, because he is a pure spirit, he is indestructible. The Scriptures tell us his power is such that he caused one-third of the most intelligent of the heavenly host to defect from God, and join him, because he claimed God's Plan for the rule of the universe is weak and impractical because it is based on the premise that lesser beings can be taught to know, love, and wish to serve Him voluntarily out of respect for His own infinite perfections. The Luciferian ideology states might is right. It claims beings of proven superior intelligence have the right to rule those less gifted because the masses don't know what is best for them. The Luciferian ideology is what we call totalitarianism to-day.
    The Old Testament is simply the history of how Satan became prince of the world, and caused our first parents to defect from God. It relates how the synagogue of Satan was established on this earth, it tells how it has worked since to prevent God's Plan for the rule of the universe being established on this earth. Christ came to earth when the conspiracy reached the stage that, to use His own Words, Satan controlled all those in high places. He exposed the synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9;3:9); he denounced those who belonged to it as sons of the Devil (Lucifer), whom He castigated as the father of lies (John 8:44) and the prince of deceit (2nd Cor. 11:14). He was specific in His statement that those who comprised the synagogue of Satan were those who called themselves Jews, but were not, and did lie (Rev. 2:9; 3:9). He identified the Money-Changers (Bankers), the Scribes, and the Pharisees as the Illuminati of His day.
    Page X brings the conspiracy up to date:
    In 1774 "An Act of God" placed the Bavarian government in possession of evidence which proved the existence of the continuing Luciferian conspiracy. Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit trained professor of canon law, defected from Christianity, and embraced the Luciferian ideology while teaching in Ingoldstadt University. In 1770 the money lenders (who had recently organized the House of Rothschild), retrained him to revise and modernize the age-old 'protocols' designed to give the synagogue of Satan ultimate world domination so they can impose Luciferian ideology upon what remains of the Human Race, after the final social cataclysm, by use of Satanic despotism. Weishaupt completed his task May 1st, 1776.
    The plan required the destruction of ALL existing governments and religions. This objective was to be reached by dividing the masses, whom he termed Goyim (meaning human cattle) into opposing camps
    END" ...

  62. Anonymous1:06 PM

    The Illuminati Chronicles
    Symbols of the Illuminati
    Quotes about the New World Order
    More on the Illuminati...
    For those who have never heard of The Illuminati, or are brand new to the study, and who might ask, “In a nutshell, what the heck is the Illuminati?” Here's the basic assertion in a very brief capsule:
    A man named Adam Weishaupt founded a secret society in Bavaria in 1776, that had as it’s goal, to rule the world. The methods they would use would be assassinations, bribery, blackmail, revolutions, and espionage. Their model of organization was similar to the Jesuit Order and the steps and degrees of Freemasonry. They intended to control and manipulate banks and bankers, money-lending powers, the world’s financiers. They intended to cause economic collapses, wars, bloody uprisings and revolutions around the world, with each upheaval calculated to re-structure the status quo leaving the Illuminati in greater positions of influence, and poised for their next step. The main enemies or “targets” of The Illuminati in the 1700s were the kings and queens, the monarchies of Europe, and, the Church. The two most-remembered Illuminati-caused revolutions in history, were, the French Revolution and Reign of Terror (1788-1799), and the Russian Revolution of 1917 that first made Communism a world power. The Illuminati and it’s diabolical conspiracy was very real. These things actually happened and are a matter of world history. The Illuminati Conspiracy got exposed. The authorities made raids and seized Illuminati documents. In its day this was all public headline news, not some obscure, rare, or arcane knowledge. There you have the basic gist of it. That is the starting point. That is what people usually mean by “The Illuminati.” ...

  63. Anonymous1:07 PM

    ... "But is that all there is to it?
    What has gone on since then?
    And, what is going on today?
    This is one of the best spots on the web for you to get the right slant on The Illuminati. It is easy to get off on the wrong foot with this topic, and to be steered wrong by misinformation. BAD misinformation. Tune in here and get it right.
    There are many links lower on this page, to Illuminati-related things. They are intended to help you see the nature of the conspiratorial network." ...

  64. Anonymous1:08 PM

    People need to realize that the world’s JEWS are NOT the power behind the Conspiracy, as some claim. It is NOT a Jewish plot. There are in fact many extremely ANTI-Jewish, anti-Semitic elements to be found in the ranks of the Conspirators, and in their philosophies. The document called “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,” is not reliable. I believe it was a hoax, a decoy, written, crafted, by the Illuminati, to steer investigators off the trail of the REAL Illuminati, and make them go after the Jews instead. At the time that document was published, the world already KNEW there was a real plot. Researchers and investigators had gotten some of the real perpetrators put in JAIL. The Illuminati was in danger. So they forged a document that “confessed” the real (already known) activities of the Illuminati, but to misguide investigators, they sprinkled wording throughout it such as “we the Jews." And they got the document to fall into the hands of the authorities and the public. Presto! The bloodhounds VEERED OFF and followed the wrong scent from then on. A great victory for the Illuminati. A real coup. Ingenious. Shrewd. A masterpiece of deception! And clear up to this present day, the Illuminati investigators, the very people who COULD help the world by unmasking the plot, are still on the trail of the Jews, who were scapegoated BY the Illuminati! What a tragedy! These “Illuminati”-chasers, “Illuminati”-exposers, are actually serving Illuminati ends, falling for Illuminati tricks, helping to CLOAK the Illuminati, by perpetuating misinformation ABOUT the Illuminati." ...

  65. Anonymous1:09 PM

    ... "So, here also, you will find me in DISAGREEMENT with other believers in the Illuminati. I, for one, am if anything PRO-Jewish, and PRO-Israel. And by the way, some of the best works that have been written to EXPOSE the Illuminati have been written BY Jews. Even some by Orthodox RABBIS! Indeed my own personal favorite of all anti-Illuminati books was written by an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi. Also, the man who first taught me about the Illuminati in 1965, was pro-Israel, and pro-Jewish. He was a 70 year old scholar. He had studied the conspiracy for a LIFETIME. I was privileged to have his LIFETIME of knowledge on this and other subjects imparted to me, and to ADD to that education, the installment of the last 37 years of my own research. I believe that next to the United States Constitution and the Christian Faith, world Jewry and the State of Israel are the greatest obstacles to the Illuminati global scheme succeeding. That is why the Bible depicts all nations aligned against Israel. Israel stands in the way of the satanic agenda.
    Furthermore, the most powerful Illuminist who ever walked this earth was Adolf Hitler. Hitler and the Nazi Party were hatched out of, and sprang from the wings of the ILLUMINATI known as the Thule Gesselschaft, the Germanenorden, and the theosophist circles in Germany. This branch of the Illuminati promoted ancient paganism, the old gods of pagan Germany, and theosophical occultism. It was as thoroughly anti-Christian as it was anti-Jewish. The Illuminati created, shaped and crafted Hitler and the Nazis. Study deeply enough into the occult background of Hitler , Himmler, Rudolf Steiner, Aleister Crowley and Helena Blavatsky, and find out what the Thule Society really was, and you will see. The same Illuminati that earlier launched waves of anti-Semitism with the Protocols trick, launched the Holocaust that murdered six million innocent Jewish people. It is my assertion that anyone hoping to correctly research and understand The Illuminati Conspiracy, must filter out, purge out, and reject as deadly error any and every anti-Jewish allegation or innuendo they encounter in the literature. To fail to screen their research thus, and to fall for even the slightest measure of the slander against the Jews, is to admit the Illuminati’s “Trojan horse” into the work. It will pervert the investigation. It will defeat and destroy it. This is one of the chief reasons why generations of exposés have been impotent against the advance of The Conspiracy. Under investigation, the error of incriminating the Jews is FOUND TO BE error indeed, and the net result is that the entire exposé gets DISCREDITED." ...

  66. Anonymous1:10 PM

    ... "My foregoing plea to purge the anti-Jewish error from Illuminati research should probably be qualified, lest the same kind of error be made at the reverse end of the spectrum, which also would discredit the research and do a dis-service to truth. With all the thousands of human beings involved in the illuminist conspiracy spanning the 225 years since Weishaupt’s hour, and in the millennia that I assert the movement has existed, were none of the players of Jewish extraction? Certainly there were Jews in it, just as there were people in it from nearly EVERY ethnic grouping on earth, Germans, Frenchmen, Englishmen, Japanese, and Tibetans. And from a wide spectrum of religious and philosophical schools of thought, BUDDHISTS, SUFI MOSLEMS, HINDUS, GNOSTICS, ROMAN CATHOLICS, NEOPLATONIST SYNCRETISTS AND ATHEISTS. A false picture is created by singling out those only of Jewish extraction. So many Roman Catholics have been involved through the centuries, that if we were to ONLY look for Roman Catholics and EMPHASIZE their role, the false picture could be painted that the great conspiracy is PURELY Roman Catholic in nature. Similarly, So many Hindu influences have been involved, that if we were to ONLY look for Hindu influences and emphasize their role, the false picture could be painted that the conspiracy is purely HINDU in nature. Any rational person thinking the matter through can see the utter fallacy and folly of building a case on having “spotted a Jew” in the ranks of the conspirators. What of the Roman Catholic Swede seated on his right, and the Tibetan Buddhist seated on his left? What about the Anglo-Saxon Episcopalian, or the Nazi? It is an outrage that some Conspiracy researchers cannot see and DO NOT CARE ABOUT any other ethnic representations in the mix other than Jewish. The twisted obsession with finding Jews in the works has led to false “demographics." " ...

  67. Anonymous1:11 PM

    ... "When discussing things “Jewish” special attention needs to be paid to the matter of the KABBALAH, spelled alternatively Qabbala, Cabala, etc. I cannot here post my entire study, proofs, and reasons for it, but will just state my raw assertion: The Kabbalah and Kabbalism is wrongly seen by Jews and non-Jews alike, as something distinctly “Jewish.” It is almost universally referred to as “Jewish mysticism.” But it is NOT Jewish. Pagan, non-Jewish religions and philosophies, and magical beliefs and practices were THE WOMB FROM WHICH THE KABBALAH CRAWLED. It should never have been permitted to creep in and lodge itself in Jewish circles. My assertion is that the Orthodox Jewish Faith as derived purely and strictly from The Holy Scriptures, the five books of Moses and what we commonly refer to as The Old Testament, is the true “Judaism.” Those who adhere to THAT Faith are what I call true “Jews.” The Kabbalah and Kabbalism did NOT arise from THAT pure stream. It gained access FROM WITHOUT, due to flagrant disobedience to the Jewish Faith. It was a clear command of the Jewish Faith, “Learn not the ways of the heathen.” See Jeremiah 10:2 and Deuteronomy 18:9. In particular, it was the RELIGIOUS “WAYS” and concepts of the surrounding heathen cultures that God forbade the Israelites to learn and adopt.
    The Kabbalah developed in complete VIOLATION of those injunctions. Babylonian, Persian, Neoplatonist and Gnostic religious ideas were learned from “the heathen” and were subtly insinuated into the thinking of fringe “Jewish” cults, RESULTING in that so-called “Jewish” mysticism known as Kabbalism. At times, various Orthodox Jewish rabbis CONDEMNED this pagan invasion. Some rightly denounced practicing Kabbalism as “APOSTACY” FROM THE JEWISH FAITH. Although those righteous voices are today toned down, if not entirely muted, I fully concur: Practicing Kabbalism IS an “apostacy” from The Jewish Faith. It constitutes a revolt from Judaism and adherance to PAGAN, gentile, heathen religion. I assert that he who makes Kabbalism his religion is no Jew. He has changed religions. I further urge that anyone who considers himself a good Orthodox Jew take a stand against Kabbalism, and denounce its INFILTRATION into the Jewish world. Up through history, this was known in Jewry, that going off into the speculations and theosophical mysticism of the Kabbalah was frowned upon by the purest of “Orthodox” Jewish rabbis. And yet, men succumbed to the temptation, and did it anyway. Among the worst types of “ex-Jews” who abandoned Orthodox Judaism for Kabbalism was a sect known as the Zoharists, followers of THE APOSTATE, JACOB FRANK." ...

  68. Anonymous1:12 PM

    ... "The Zoharists or “FRANKISTS” indulged in sex orgies and every manner of blasphemy and violation of and REPUDIATION OF THE JEWISH FAITH. The Jewish community banned these renegade apostates as heretics. These Frankist Kabbalists taught their followers to SECRETLY renounce and leave The Jewish Faith, but to KEEP UP THE OUTWARD PUBLIC APPEARANCE OF BEING PRACTICING JEWS (as the Sabbateans before them had done). Some of these Frankists and other Kabbalists, whom I assert were no Jews, but enemies of The Jewish Faith , did indeed become Illuminati members and operatives. There were some Frankists, Sabatteans, Kabbalists, apostate “ex-Jews” in the Illuminati. To blame WORLD Jewry for the activities of these and other apostate “EX-Jews” is a supreme injustice. Using these apostates as evidence to implicate world Jewry in their activities makes as much sense as using the deeds of Judas Iscariot, the “ex-Christian” as an example of CHRISTIAN activities in our world. My assertion is, that if you want to properly and fairly understand TRUE Jews in our world, you should use as your example “ORTHODOX” OR “OBSERVANT” JEWS AND RABBIS WHO SHUN KABBALAH, WHO HAVE NO TAINT OF KABBALISM IN THEIR RELIGION, AND WHOSE FAITH IS BASED ON THE SCRIPTURES. There you have the world’s “true” Jews. But when you find renegades, apostates, atheists, theosophists and Kabbalists, ex-Jews masquerading as “Jews,” do not use them as a means to condemn world Jewry.
    I also see Jerusalem and the land of Israel in the middle east as rightly belonging to them. I enthusiastically support the State of Israel as it serves such Observant Orthodox Jews as THAT, and I am against all machinations and influences that would take land out of their hands or weaken them in the middle east or make them vulnerable to hostile powers. I favor a strong Israel for the Jewry I have just described. It is complete error for Illuminati researchers to implicate THAT complex, THAT world Jewry in the Great Conspiracy. But it is an entirely different matter when you are discussing so-called “Jews” who are Kabbalists, Zoharists, Frankists, Shabbateans, atheists, the irreligious or non-religious, and those who practice the occult, or who mingle pagan religion into their “Jewish” religion. I confess with sorrow that some of this sort, apostates and heretics, have been found working with the Illuminati conspiracy. But they should not be called “Jews.” It is a tragic fact that they give the legitimate and genuine Jews of the world a bad name. People researching the Illuminati conspiracy need to take great care not to soil true world Jewry with the mud of a few apostates." ...

  69. Anonymous1:17 PM


    for more see:

    What is the Illuminati? "

    Always good to go back to the original post to see what the fuss was all about, Anonymous 8:04am.

    Though I do reiterate in addition:


  70. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Oh, if you've anything to add I'd be glad to learn of it.


  71. Anonymous2:00 PM


    I agree completely. They are literally defying Christianity as they set up more and more symbols of pagan Babylon all over the world.

    This is a great find- I had no knowledge of Astana, this New Age 'center of Asia' before following your coordinates! Interesting that the 'oil' money enabled them to build all these pagan monstrosities.

    The capital is certainly another eye of Horus arrangement, surrounded by a river, as in Strasbourg and other parliament buildings in Europe designed to pay homage to Horus and Company.

    I am wondering if the Pyramid of Peace and Reconciliation was built over the place where women against the regime were sacrificed? What thinks you? You can see the strategic alignment of the eye and the pyramid in the following picture:

    More about the pyramid here:

    I thought this photo of a ruin was curious , too. They're own version of Stonehenge perhaps?

    Thanks for another eye-opener, Omots. This sort of explains the question that someone raised on a previous thread about how communism and Islam are involved in the NWO and the NAM.


  72. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Thanks OMOTS at 10:26am for the Astana info.

    Followed your link

    Also found this

    Sinister Sites – Illuminati Pyramid in Blagnac, France

    "Located in a suburb of Toulouse, the “Place de la Révolution” is probably one of the most blatant displays of Illuminati designs in existence: a huge pyramid hovering atop a map of the world. The symbolic meaning of this structure reveals a rather grim and elitist ideology and seems to confirm the conspiracy theorist’s claims: the world is lead by a secret cabal named the Illuminati"

    And found this

    Sinister Sites – Israel Supreme Court

    "The Israel Supreme Court is the creation of one elite family: the Rothschilds. In their negotiations with Israel, they’ve agreed to donate the building under three conditions: the Rothschilds were to choose the plot of land, they would use their own architect and no one would ever know the price of its construction. The reasons for those conditions are quite evident: the Supreme Court building is a Temple of Masonic Mystery Religion and is built by the elite, for the elite."

    "Built in 1992, the Israel Supreme Court sits in Jerusalem, in front of the Knesset (Israeli legislature). Its peculiar architecture has earned critical praise due to the architects’ opposition of old versus new, light versus shadow and straight lines versus curves. Almost all critics and journalists have however omitted to mention the blatant occult symbols present all over the building. Masonic and Illuminati principles are physically embodied in numerous instances, proving without a doubt who runs the show in there."


  73. You're right, oh brave and
    wise ANONYMOUS.
    Thank you for the anonymous
    guidance and anonymous

  74. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Oh, I forgot to mention the repeat of the bird's nest theme, which we had our full of during the Beijing Olympics.

    From Wiki: Bayterek is the most famous landmark in Astana. The legend behind this tower as a symbol is that it represents a poplar tree, where the magic bird Samuruk laid its egg. In the sphere on the top of Bayterek there is an imprint of president Nursultan Nazarbayev's hand.

    So we replace the phoenix with the Samuruk and we have another abracadabra.

    Very transparent when you've seen enough of these things...


  75. perplexed one2:12 PM

    Hey Paul, have you ever heard the saying "Don't shoot the messenger?"

  76. Anonymous2:17 PM

    I haven't read any of the Illuminati links that someone left , but perhaps I should.

    BTW, slightly off topic, but I thought about it when I saw Horus and Company symbolism again...

    I read somewhere recently that there's a connection
    of the name of the Deepwater Horizon drill platform to the esoteric.

    'Deep Horizon...
    one of the many things I learned when I listened to the late Bill Cooper's "Mystery Babylon" series of audio, was that "Horizon" means "Horus Rising." The platform name was "Deep Horizon."
    Is Horus, aka the (re)incarnation of Osiris aka Lucifer and/or demons,arising from below? Is this the official kick off or starting bell to the next phase?'

    That of course reminded me of The book of Enoch, which was the first thing that I thought of when the explosion happened.


  77. Anonymous2:31 PM

    While I'm on the subject, in addition to the occultic Meyrink prophecy, here's another weird connection to the name "Macondo".

    n García Marquez’ fictional story, 'One Hundred Years of Solitude', an idyllic place called Macondo is a town which grows from a tiny settlement with almost no contact with the
    outside world, to eventually become a large and thriving place, before
    a banana plantation is set up. The establishment of the banana
    plantation ...lead to Macondo's downfall, followed by a gigantic windstorm
    that wipes it from the map. So Macondo is not just about a fictional cursed
    town as the media has been reporting regarding the odd namesake chosen
    by BP for its hellhole well in the Gulf. This is a story about a novel
    forecasting the future reality of corrupt governments in league with
    international business interests violently oppressing human rights of
    their own exploited citizens and then covering up the evil. THe parallels of the two Macondo disasters are chilling, and one must ask the question, "Who gave this well from hell this name?".


  78. Anonymous2:41 PM

    You don't have to go to a certain book to get information on the Illuminati any more. We are in the internet age. You too can become a member of the Illuminati. Join the Global Information Network.

    "In November 2009, these "renegade" members of the most exclusive and elite groups are defecting and launching a brand new association in which all members are allowed to invite ANYONE to join! This has never been done before. Average people will become wealthy, happy and fulfilled overnight!

    "One member has already received a check for over $400,000 during the pre-launch! Every person who is LUCKY ENOUGH to be involved in this ground floor opportunity will experience phenomenal wealth, health and peace."

    On the internet there is much information about the Illuminati. Put in the word and you'll get 9,270,000 responses.

    I'm sure you will believe all of the information provided because it is actually printed with letters of the alphabet.


  79. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Have a look at Jim Onan's pyramid house in Il

    .Publication: Los Angeles Times

    Date: September 18, 1988

    Headline: "A Man Who Believes in Power of the Pyramid Builder Lives in One"

    Excerpt: "Outside the main entrance is a 200-ton statue of Ramses II. The pyramid is an island perched on a concrete foundation in the middle of a 20-foot-deep, spring-fed lake with access by causeway. The 12,000-square-foot glistening roof is made of stainless-steel plates electroplated with gold. There are three garages, all pyramids. Eighty miniature Sphinxes line the driveway to the main structure home. [James Onan] also is building a replica of King Tut's tomb on the property."

    Hotel Luxor Pyramid, Las Vegas

    Illuminati Cities - Memphis,TN

  80. Anonymous3:02 PM

  81. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Yes, some people go through a lot of trouble to sharpen razor blades.

    For those who weren't around at the time of the pyramid craze, if someone put a razor blade in a pyramid, it would resharpen itself.


  82. Anonymous3:05 PM

    One more thing that's been odd in my mind regarding the unexpected capping of the well. There have been dozens of small earthquakes in the eastern half of the US since they capped this well on the 15th. If you go here:

    You can see for yourself. There were six earthquakes in the New Madrid fault in the 24 hour period following the capping of the well. Most in Arkansas and Missouri near the New Madrid fault and that weird anomaly outside of DC the day after in MAryland. IN the week since, there have been even more- two yesterday in West Virginia, and numerous earthquakes in Arkansas and Missouri.

    I actually went to that site and decided to see how many earthquakes had happened in the month before the well was capped.It took a lot of time but basically there was the one weirdo in Canada that Constance felt in Detroit, as well as three in Oklahoma and one in Arkansas. That was it! In the past two weeks there have been about 2 dozen in Arkansas and Missouri alone!

    They drilled straight into very fragile earth to depths of 30,000 feet, even though they had been warned not to. The Macondo well sits right on top of the chasm dividing the North American continent, the New Madrid Fault Line, running from the northern lakes down to the Caribbean sea. The well was about to be abandoned when it blew. It wasn't going to be developed. So why did they go there in the first place? Demons like to create havoc, and havoc has been wreaked here in the Gulf states.

    In view of the $900 million dollar per year land grab signed in to law next week, (thanks again Omots) as well as the use of Corexit, and the totally unexpected capping of the well in spite of BP themselves admitting that the well was damaged down hole, (below the sea floor) one must wonder why they capped it. Surely this is going to put new stress on an area of the earth's crust that was fragile to begin with.

    One wonders if these crazies with their pyramids and Eyes of Horus structures and their Georgia Guideline monoliths touting that the earth should reduce its population by 90% are trying to set off Armageddon or at the very least kill off a ton of people in the Gulf states- the old ones on Social Security in Florida in particular?

    This is the only place where I can say things like this. My family thinks I have lost it.

    But when you read that 50% of Florida's aquifers are vulnerable to contamination by the GOM, one can't help but think these things.

  83. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I forgot to put in the tinyurl for the long link that I left, and I thought it might have been cut off, so here it is:


  84. Anonymous6:01 PM


    you wrote: "if someone put a razor blade in a pyramid, it would resharpen itself." (Naturally, you wrote it without quotation marks).

    You believe this, and would have others believe it too, is that it? Sounds very NA.

    No offense Dotty, but you're beginning to have a whiff of the Old Mother Hubbard about you.

    Thank you for your very own high-brow response at 2:41PM, where you wrote:

    "You too can become a member of the Illuminati... in which all members are allowed to invite ANYONE to join!"

    So let me know how you get on with security at Bohemian Grove; or over at the Bohemian Club.

    Also, why not wobble over to the latest CFR meeting for a chat on the Georgia Guidestones.


    Deepest sympathy,


  85. Anonymous6:33 PM

    European police to spy on Britons: Now ministers hand over Big Brother powers to foreign officers

    Read more:

  86. Anonymous6:39 PM


  87. Anonymous7:15 PM

    To YG @ 3:05 PM:

    Welcome to the club. My family thinks I have 'lost it' too!

  88. Anonymous9:01 PM

    The other night I was following links to Rep. Gohmert's speech after reading Omots post about The Clear Act. Sometimes you just think this is all too surreal to possibly be true- like the gov't putting aside $900 million a year to steal land from the people to protect lizards and stuff, for example.

    But God is so very good! After about an hour of reading, I went and turned on the TV and started flipping through channels- bored. I stopped at the education channel for no good reason other than that the scenery of mountains was pretty and caught my eye. As it turns out, the scene was Wyoming and the story was about how a man trying to develop wind power on lands he owned, and had already received permits on, but was being paralyzed from going any further thanks to the sage grouse. Under The Endangered Species act, he could not proceed because developing the turbines would harm the habitat of the grouse. I said to my husband- 'you know this is just unbelievable, I was just reading about this stuff half an hour ago!'

    Well, today, I chanced upon more proof that the Wildlands Project is alive and well, right in my own back yard. This time it's the panther, an animal that very few of my neighbors really want roaming through their backyards anyhow.

    Thanks be to God that we are being warned about the future through the research being done here and in a few other places.


    Sage grouse could cripple economy:

    Conservancy Petitions Obama Administration to Designate Critical Habitat for Florida Panthers:


  89. Anonymous9:46 PM

    I must be quite a bit older than you TJ. I remember the New Age pyramid craze. I just did a search and found the gullible are still talking about razors and pyramids. As for me, I just use tweezers on the few hairs I have on this old age chin.

    Bohemian Grove is an all male party and so the security wouldn't let me in, my name being Dorothy and all. Darn it. It sounds like a wild party.


  90. Anonymous10:13 PM

    YG, Barry,

    Thanks for the additional links and comments.

    From one of the sites YG linked to, these paragraphs describing the final construction phase of the Pyramid of Peace and Reconciliation struck me as, dare I say, most illuminating….

    “As I left, all of this was rising from a moonscape of caked earth, whipped up into dust-storms in the wind by the huge tyres of the trucks. They were just starting to construct the road to the building. Within days they would whisk away the scaffolding inside and the tower crane outside. The landscaping - already advanced on the eastern approach side - would then be extended over the work site to the west. Whereupon Nursultan Nazarbayev would look out of the back of his palace and, like some modern-day Tamburlaine, see his religious vision on the steppes complete.”

    “It is a strange story. The building looks surprisingly small in the endless landscape, though it will soon be surrounded as Astana continues to expand. It feels more Inca than Egyptian, with its steep sides and its sacred chamber at the top. Like a temple, it is not a thing you can warm to. It is a folly on a grand scale. But it is a place to wonder at.”

  91. Anonymous10:26 PM

    The key word to use in a search is rewilding. Much information there. Here's a good link: It even has planning map.
    It's a UN biodiversity project. The plans were to make 50% of US lands closed to humans.
    Many good comments here.

    Check out the book The Beast in the Garden. It's how city nature people let cougars run crazy in Colorado Springs and what happened as a result.

    A lot of us on these threads did research on rewilding when it became known that cougars were being introduced into areas where they weren't seen before. It's a complex area to understand, and as usual disinformation pops its ugly head up to muddy the search.


  92. Anonymous10:46 PM

    More trouble for internet freedom.

  93. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Anyone researching how the environmental movement is manipulating us needs to check out this website:


  94. The implications of "rewilding" got me to thinking about the fourth seal:

    7When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, "Come!" 8I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

  95. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Dorothy wrote at 9:46PM

    "Bohemian Grove is an all male party and so the security wouldn't let me in, my name being Dorothy and all. Darn it. It sounds like a wild party."

    But at 2:41PM you wrote:

    "You too can become a member of the Illuminati... all members are allowed to invite ANYONE to join!"

    You neither expressed nor implied conditions and restrictions in your overzealous advertisement Dorothy, which would've somewhat curtailed your point at 2:41PM: "You too can become a member of the Illuminati... all members are allowed to invite ANYONE to join!"

    There is of course, the women's 'equivilent' of The Bohemian Grove/Club. It is The Belizean Grove/Club, allegedly founded by Susan Schiffer Stautberg, credited with having set up TARA - YES, you know Dorothy, that New Age monster!

    Now, you claim the Bohemian Grove, where Satanic rituals are allegedly combined with human sacrifices including those of children, "sounds like a wild party". That's a bit sick even from you. Don't you think!

    Dotty, you then wrote at 10:26 PM

    "A lot of us... on these threads... did research on..."

    Bandwaggoning psychology... Steady as she goes! lol.

    "...that cougars were being introduced into areas where they weren't seen before."

    What big eyes you've got Granma!

    "It's a complex area to understand..."

    It's not complex Dotty, you're just a little confused, but that's ok.

    Well at least your modest, Dotty: "I just use tweezers on the few hairs I have on this old age chin...
    ...and as usual disinformation pops its ugly head up to muddy the search."



  96. Anonymous4:57 AM


    Why'd you marry him then Dot?



  97. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Keep writing. I now understand why you find Carr logical. Birds of a feather and all that.
    (Shakes head no longer in wonder.)

  98. Anonymous8:07 AM

    This debate over conspiracy theories is very interesting.

    What is ironic is that outsiders discovering this web site for the very first time probably view this entire blog as one big conspiracy theory.

    If the mainstream media itself is full of disinformation, then what exactly is the 'criteria' for determining which alternative media is valid and which is not?

    It seems to me that there are individuals on this blog who are more selective about what gets exposed, yet seem determined to try to prevent other information from being exposed.

    Each and everyone of us on this blog should be able to feel comfortable and free to discuss his or her theories, ideas and feelings without any one person running roughshod over those ideas and thoughts. (My God - if we can't do it here, where can we do it?)

    The key word here is 'respect' (and especially toward new people, posting here for the first time).

    Debate is always healthy, but trampling over another person's ideas is not.

    Like Constance always says, "Take the wheat and leave the chaff."

  99. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Dearest Dotty,

    at 7:42am

    you wrote:

    Keep writing. I now understand why you find Carr logical. Birds of a feather and all that.
    (Shakes head no longer in wonder.)

    Elaborate on your assertion and evidence it, especially where you conclude with:"Birds of a feather and all that".

    I'm intrigued.

    Yours Curiously,


  100. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Speaking of rewilding, biodiversity and endangered species, as well as the Millennium Development Goals, here we have straight from the horse's mouth "Eight predictions for 21st century conservation". Some of these predictions are rather interesting, especially 'aliens being accepted' (check out the picture of the tasmanian tiger), and using DNA to bring back extinct species.


  101. Anonymous9:41 AM


  102. Anonymous9:49 AM

    France's richest woman questioned over Sarkozy funding scandal...

    Fraud squad investigators are questioning France's richest woman, the L'Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt over a ballooning tax evasion and party funding scandal dogging the government of President Nicolas Sarkozy.

    For more...

  103. Susanna11:52 AM

    Anonymous 9:49 AM and All:

    Europe requires end of Merkel and Sarkozy
    By Wolfgang Münchau

    Published: July 20 2010 23:06 | Last updated: July 20 2010 23:06

  104. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Federal Judge Questions Obama Administration's Lawsuit Against Arizona Law

    U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton (a Democratic appointee) stood her ground in a pointed exchange with Deputy Solicitor General Edwin S. Kneedler.

  105. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Anonymous 8:07
    I know you mean well. Conspiracy "information" that can't be documented can be very destructive, as shown throughout history.

    These threads are far from perfect. No vigorous debate takes place. It's very easy for some to come here, claim knowledge and then be taken seriously by those who are new to the search for more information. Thank heavens it happens only occasionally.

    We, as a country, are in trouble because too many take seriously the "facts" coming from the MSM. They mentally swallow whole what they are told.

    As I've said earlier, those who control the MSM are the same people who provide disinformation for those who want to learn what really is going on. As Webb said, provision must be made for dissidents. Do you understand what that means?

    Too many people are trusting and gullible, trusting those who appear to agree with them that things are going on behind the scenes. It happens across the entire political spectrum. The left provides false conforming information it as does the right for their respective followers. If you go into a communist, New Age, Afrocentric, Nation of Islam, or Nazi bookstore for instance, you will find huge numbers of books for sale, all appearing to tell the reader what really is happening behind the scenes.

    How many reading here are prepared to confront the supposed information being presented in all of the material found in those bookstores? How many do?

    There is a major danger for those of us exposing what the New Age movement is about. Those coming to this blog might see Jew and Catholic hating information with no one opposing those views. There are only two or three of us who have been around for years who have taken on the challenge of not letting some posters get away with planting seeds of anger against Catholics and Jews. It is a very challenging and time consuming thing. I really don't think anyone challenges other posters here no matter how foolish or dangerous their posts are.

    Not everyone who posts here is your friend. There are people who are just as willing to use readers here for their own goals as those who put out the MSM news.

    You've challenged what I've done. That's a good step. I'd like to see your answer to my post.


  106. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Dorothy, you wrote: "Anonymous 8:07
    I know you mean well..."

    I agree. Anonymous 8:07 does mean well, and I believe knows what they mean as well, and no amount of patronizing manipulation from either you, Dorothy, or I should convince Anonymous 8:07, or anyone else for that matter, otherwise.

    Dorothy, you persisted with your tedium:
    "It's very easy for some to come here, claim knowledge and then be taken seriously by those who are new to the search for more information. Thank heavens it happens only occasionally."

    But you do it ad nauseum, Dorothy.

    You have insisted on manipulating and disinforming, attempting to divorce matter from my original post:

    You have provided NO counter- evidence for your pathetic mockery, only derision.

    I have given you enough of my time Dorothy, and can only conclude you're an idiot with something to hide. There is ample proof of the illuminati, I'm not going to humor you. Do the work yourself.

    You're a bitter old lady with far too much time on her hands. Why don't you try knitting instead? You might find it more appealing and after all, it will no doubt endear many more folk toward you than I guess you manage here.

    I'm off to seek better company.


  107. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Just a moment Dorothy,
    there are some serious implications in your paragraph here. I hope you're not linking it to my threads.

    If you are, explain yourself, instead of fearmongering and spreading hate.

    "Those coming to this blog might see Jew and Catholic hating information with no one opposing those views. There are only two or three of us who have been around for years who have taken on the challenge of not letting some posters get away with planting seeds of anger against Catholics and Jews."

    I think the room is waiting for an explanation Dorothy.


  108. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Dorothy (12:35):

    The very fact that you are one of the early researchers of this blog, gives you a perfect opportunity to set an example in teaching others and helping them learn more (particularly new posters).

    Yes, you most certainly have taken on the challenge of not letting posters 'get away with planting seeds of anger against Catholics and Jews.' You have been a true champion and powerful advocate in defending others.

    It's just that you don't have to be someone's 'friend' in order to try to make a conscious decision not to be condescending toward others.

    It's mostly in the 'tone' of your delivery. It's not necessary to talk down to people - like they are village idiots and you are the great 'wise' one.

    For instance, if any posters who frequent this blog were really 'gullible' - they wouldn't even be posting here in the first place.

    Also, please don't just assume that you know what others are (or are not) doing. Many of them may be out there confronting, writing, calling, making themselves heard every chance they get. Just because they don't report this back to Dorothy, doesn't mean they're not doing it.

    That's really all I have to say.

  109. Agie952:17 PM

    Article on Walmart, RFID cards and Dr. Albrecht's work against RFID cards. In the article is an one hour video of a speech she gave last year. Worth the time to listen.

  110. Agie952:56 PM

    One thing on the video, the page refreshes about every 20 minutes. This means the video go back to the beginning, so just take note of where you are every couple of minutes.

    Albrecht has a book on the subject called Spy Chips. She also mentioned RJ Rummel and his work on bar codes, RFID chips, etc.

  111. Dorothy, TJ and others here. I just wanted to thank you for directing me to a research on the Illuminati and other secret societies. I never realized they all have networked into one entity called the "Global Information Network". Wow! what a find! I went into their site and you are right. They aren't keeping that much secret anymore and they are inviting anyone they want into this network. Thank you for this tip.


    Today is the "official" startup of the European External Action Service. I found some things very interesting. Such as wording like preparing for a "Power Shift" and that this is a part of the Lisbon Treaty that went into effect last Dec 1, 2009. That is Javier Solana's famous treaty.

  113. still perplexed3:48 PM


    Sarcasm isa the lowest form of humor. You are one big Twit.

  114. Anonymous3:53 PM

    I see you are still perplexed, Still Perplexed. Any other clichés you'd like to add? Ironic satire is obviously too demanding for you.


  115. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Or, satirical irony, if you can distinguish it from the former.

    Chin up,


  116. perplexed one4:06 PM

    If you want to satirize Dorothy there is a lot of material to choose from. Ridiculing her however makes you a Twit.

    Stephen Colbert you ain't.

  117. That tears it.
    I'm calling Time Warner Cabal,
    ( and that's how I've been spelling
    it on the checks ), and canceling
    my garbage, er, cable subscription.

    Oh happy day.

    I'm sorry to say that the broadband
    internet access will probably be next,
    though not quite yet.
    One day at a time. One prayer at a time.
    Thank you Jesus.
    This is going to feel really good.

    Anonymous, please, even though
    I understand that you're a self
    centered jerk, this action of mine
    has nothing to do with your
    self righteous, yet cowardly
    ( anonymous ) note of 9:47.

    Funny, the word verification
    for me this time is "cableo"

  118. Anonymous4:30 PM

    "Stephen Colbert you ain't."

    Well done Perplexed!


  119. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Pervexed, are you Dotty's nurse or is she yours?

    Just curious.


  120. Anonymous4:39 PM

    That note of 9:47 sure has the style of Dorothy about it, now don't it?

    I'm not saying it is mind, I just thought I noticed a similarity in writing style that's all.


  121. Anonymous4:45 PM


    I'll leave this site when I'm ready. Not because Dorothy and her cronies, only you identified so far, wish to slant things and push me off it with your playground tactics.

    I may be new here, I'm not out to cause trouble, but I am sure as anything not gonna let a bunch of cowardly bandwaggon bandits roll me off it without good reason.

    So put up or shut up, and let me and others get back to posting threads more conducive to the blog's aims.


  122. still perplexed4:55 PM

    To establish credibility here TJ you should start by practising what you preach. Moreover there is an undertone of hysteria about you. You gives me the kweeps.

  123. Anonymous5:05 PM


    TOUGH! I need not establish anything with you with your delusions of grandeur.

    Try working on your own credibility, you insecure stalking troglodyte.



  124. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Anonymous 1:57
    Having been gullible many times over the last 31 years since I've been doing this kind of research, I'm not looking at gullibility as a negative. It's a human trait. No one can know everything about the information they find which purports to explain historical background or to know which individuals to trust and which to ignore.

    For many, many years I hesitated to say anything about the Christian, particularly the Protestant, community that I myself didn't research in person. I knew what was going on in the Jewish and Cathoic communities because I knew many individuals who had done solid research that they could back up when questioned. I didn't know much about the Protestant community and what was going on there until I started to learn about Dominion theology. I spent a lot of time learning before I judged.

    Those who are new to learning what is going on are the most vulnerable. They latch on to those who appear honest and trust information that others know to ignore. It isn't because they are stupid. It is because they don't have enough background to make comparisons. How many people are taken in by Eustice Mullins, LaRouche, Texe Maars, or Stormfront information. Many.

    There was a book on the New Age written by a priest. He was presenting what he said was a Catholic case against the New Age movement. The book sounded plausible, but when I asked Constance about it, she told me she knew him, he had taken her in for a short while until she learned about his connection with the Theosophical Society. It's not always easy to know what information is bad or good.

    Perhaps I was rough on TJ. I tend to get more upset when someone is posting that kind of "information."
    There is no Illuminati. It was a term used by the group Robison exposed in the 1700s. There are organizations, secret and otherwise, who have worked together for "change" that will benefit themselves, but as they are found, their work can be documented. Now the term Illuminati means whatever a writer wants it to mean. The term sounds foreign, secretive, full of pride, as if so many groups are working together, meeting in secret to control the world.

    Most of the groups involved in subverting activity have names like World Business Academy, Apollo Fund, Tides Foundation, Aspen Institute, Templeton Foundation, not exotic names calling attention to themselves like Illuminati. One could go to an annual conference of the World Future Society and unless one knew what to look for, there would be no clue that it is a subverting organization.

    The only thing I could do with TJ when I saw what he was doing was to encourage him to expose himself through his comments. If I tried to argue the excerpts that he posted, I would only be giving him an opportunity to post more of the kind of information that has led to the killing of Jews throughout history.


  125. Anonymous8:19 PM


    my gmail account is


  126. Anonymous8:47 PM


    Dorothy is not Christian, so she can actually step out and look at things from an unbiased perspective, unlike the rest of us, who are so busy looking for the enemy in our scriptures and identifying them with one group or the other, while our own backyards are being taken over by the New Age.

    I can't speak for the Jewish community, but I know that there are many people in both Catholic and Protestant churches who operate with the sole desire to destroy from within. They have caused tremendous damage on both sides. The difference is the Catholic Church has not given in and changed their stance on theology, morality the way the Protestant churches are starting too. Most Catholic New Agers who get kicked out seek refuge in Liberal Protestant churches.


  127. TJ,

    splitting a gut, over here

  128. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Dorothy and Savvy:

    Thanks for the extremely informative posts.

  129. Anonymous7:28 AM


    Dorothy has written that "there is no Illuminati." I never realized that before. My understanding was that the Illuminati was founded by Adam Weishaupt and was one of the forces behind the French Revolution.

    You have mentioned before your research in the area of the French Revolution. Could you please address this? I respect you both so much as sources of knowledge but I am utterly confused now.

    Thank you kindly.

  130. Anonymous7:58 AM

    There is no Illuminati.
    There was no Illuminati.
    These sentences are not the same.

    Don't deliberately distort what I wrote. That kind of game playing is for manipulators. It makes those of us exposing the New Age movement look stupid.

    I am presuming you are speaking of the standard definition of Illuminati as spoken about in conspiracy material. I am not referring to Illuminati used as a name by groups listed at this site:
    none of whom had anything to do with the French Revolution.

    Now I did mention Robison which indicates that there was an Illuminati.

    I would suggest you try wading through some of the researched material from both the right and the left. Here is a piece from the left:

    Also know that because some in the Masonry community are involved in conspiracy (see the Foster Bailey book), this does not mean an Illuminati continued to exist.

    Nice, easy, quick answers are not how history is written.


  131. Agie959:30 AM

    If you want people to leave, to stop attacking someone, or anything similar you should ignore them. All these posts going back and forth is really childish and distracts those truly seeking Christ. Someone comes on here every few weeks and goes after Dorothy or someone else. Stop falling for it. Take a step back and ask yourself is it worth it. You are bickering over someone on the internet...where people speaker louder b/c there are little to no repercussions.

  132. Anonymous10:06 AM

    TJ, A good example of displacement can be found in a story by James Joyce titled "Counterparts". In it a man who has been subjected to various defeats and humiliations all day long goes home and beats his young son on the pretext that he let the fire go out (direct quote from textbook). You're the man, and Dorothy is the son. You also engage in projection, whereby you call Dorothy "bitter" when some of the stuff and the overall tone in your posts suggest you yourself are bitter. You're more than welcome to post here but be prepared to have some of your ideas debated without feeling personally attacked, a "sin" I find myself committing from time to time. (Truly) fraternally.

  133. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Is there a 12 Step program somewhere for "bickers" to attend? :)

    I respect Constance and her views, since the site is called "MY perspective -- What Constance thinks." So I'm going to filter out the "bickers", who engage in petty, bad-tempered quarrels).

    For goodness sakes we are all adults here and can do our own research. I've been told long ago, even if someone is an expert in their field, do your own research, don't just rely on the experts.

    At my house when we "bickered" we got sent to our rooms to think about what we were "bickering" about. It worked for kids believe me. Anyway, who wanted to stay in their room all day. As you can see I use to be a "bicker." It had become a habit for me.

    My two cents is, pay attention to your own attitude, be respectful, and avoid those who can't manage the basic courtesy of commenting on other peoples blogs.

    Lucinda J Warner

  134. Anonymous11:41 AM


    I understand your point. I think, however, the NA has unfortunately gushed in through the doors of the RC and Protestant Churches alike.

    I've no problem with Dorothy on a personal level, but I'm really not into pecking orders, and there are ways of approaching things.

    I don't mind my threads being challenged civilly, but to be jumped on as though I've just stepped out of a KKK meeting without evidence and without knowing me is unacceptable!

    I have gone through past topics and have noticed there has been a constant run of this. It is unhealthy and counterproductive to be so premature in judgment.

    I accept you were a little harsh and so was I. Paranoia is a contagion you know. I disagree completely with you that the Illuminati no longer exists. There is ample evidence if you dig hard enough. Start at the Library of Congress etc. I'm not here to do the work for you.
    Having seen the squabbling that goes on in here, I do not feel this is a place to be. Looking over past comments, there are some sound heads in here, including of course Constance, and then Omots, Paul, Savvy, Susanna, and JD.

    Sadly, however, there's a climate of bickering and control-freakery by what seems to be a clique of regulars, curtailing freedom of thought and speech if it doesn't suit them. It feels a bit too much like a Pyongyang police camp for my liking. No offense to Constance and others outside the clique to whom I do not attribute this.

    So, I think I'll spend my time elsewhere. Pity we all got off on a bad footing eh? Now you can crack open the champagne or think soberly. Your choice.


  135. Anonymous12:43 PM

    More ecotage? This time in Michigan into the Kalamazoo River:

  136. Anonymous12:48 PM

    And yet another leak of a well head off the coast of Louisiana. More money to be made for Nalco, I suppose.

  137. Hi everyone,
    I am not all that good at research and I have to correct myself on something as I looked deeper into it. Earlier I posted that I found the Global Information Network which I thought was the networking of all the secret societies into one entity. That is wrong. It is a network that was formed by some drop outs from different secret societies who are looking to cash in on some of the wealth making secrets. It really isn't a network but looks more like a business pyramid money making scheme.

  138. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Bin Laden among latest Wikileaks Afghan revelations...

  139. Anonymous1:51 PM

    I am so grateful I can scan read- when I scan comment and its all just empty bickering- I just skip it for the more informative ones.

    Behaving like this is like rude house guests! There are blogs where you can rinse your mouths!

  140. Anon 12:43

    I drove by the river today on my way to the Social Security office, and can attest there is a fair amount of oil in it. The river is high and moving quickly due to heavy rains recently, yet the presence of oil is unmistakable. The river is typically pretty nasty any way, as there are factories all along it, and major road ways. I am left wondering what could possibly be done on this end to prevent further spread, as it is impossible to keep isolated.

  141. Anonymous3:45 PM

    There is no Illuminati.
    There was no Illuminati.
    These sentences are not the same.

    Don't deliberately distort what I wrote. That kind of game playing is for manipulators. It makes those of us exposing the New Age movement look stupid.

    Hello Dorothy,

    I am the anonymous who asked Susanna the question about the Illuminati. I did so in good faith with no attempt to manipulate or distort your words or play games. My question was totally innocent and I thought this was clear from the wording.

    I would have appreciated your correction and the distinction you wanted to make had you had the decency to give me the benefit of the doubt instead of assuming bad faith on my part.

    That is all I have to say to you.

  142. Yes, the air had a stench of oil all morning. Usually, it the air in Battle Creek smells like, well, cereal. It was noticable putrid. The company responsible for clean up has a stretch of road here closed. Jackson Street between 20th and Bedford Rd. to be exact.

    They think they can stop this oil, but we had a ton of rain in the past week and the Kalamazoo River is running quite fast. It's on it's way to Lake Michigan.

  143. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Away from the current topic but a few weeks ago there was a discussion here about Nalco. I recall that someone (Maybe Susanna or YG) remarked that Nalco is getting into the potable water industry. I tried to find the thread and the link that was given but was unable to do so.

    If anyone has that information, it would be appreciated.

  144. Anonymous4:02 PM


    Is there any fears of water contamination?

  145. Susanna4:36 PM

    Anonymous 7:28 AM

    While there was indeed such an organization that was once known as the Illuminati, Dorothy is correct in saying that there is currently no known organization that goes by that name - at least none that I know of.

    The last person who tried to revive the Illuminati in Germany was Theodor Reuss who was a co-founder of the O.T.O.

    The reason why Reuss probably didn't have much luck is because historically, the Illuminati was driven out of Bavaria when the authorities got hold of their documents which recorded their radically subversive revolutionary agenda.



    Theodor Reuss (June 28, 1855 – October 28, 1923) was an Anglo-German tantric occultist, anarchist, police spy, journalist, singer, and promoter of Women's Liberation; and the successor to Carl Kellner as head of Ordo Templi Orientis.

    Reuss was the son of an innkeeper at Augsburg. He was a professional singer in his youth, and was introduced to Ludwig II of Bavaria, in 1873. He took part in the first performance of Wagner's Parsifal at Bayreuth in 1882. Reuss later became a newspaper correspondent, and travelled frequently as such to England, where he became a Mason in 1876. He also spent some time there as a journalist and as a music-hall singer under the stage name "Charles Theodore."......

    .....In 1885, in England, Reuss joined the Socialist League as an anarchist. He had been quite involved as a librarian and labour secretary. On May 7, 1886 he was expelled as a police spy in the pay of the Prussian Secret Police. This took place in a sectarian atmosphere, with tensions between anarcho-communist Josef Peukert and the Bakuninist Victor Dave where such accusations were often made without substance. However, this accusation came from the Belgian Social Democrats, and was raised here by Henry Charles. Peukert and the Gruppe Autonomie published a rebuttal of these allegations which appeared in the Anarchist, which also accused Dave of being a spy. However, in February 1887 Reuss used the unwitting Peukert to track down Johann Neve in Belgium, who was then arrested by the German police. This was major coup for the police as Neve had been smuggling arms and propaganda into Germany. He died shortly after, in prison, perhaps murdered. (This incident is touched upon in John Henry Mackay's Die Anarchisten)...

    ......In 1880, in Munich, he participated in an attempt to revive Adam Weishaupt's Bavarian Order of Illuminati. While in England, he became friends with William Wynn Westcott, the Supreme Magus of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia and one of the founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Westcott provided Reuss with a charter dated July 26, 1901 for the Swedenborgian Rite of Masonry and a letter of authorization dated February 24, 1902 to found a High Council in Germania of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. Gérard Encausse provided him with a charter dated June 24, 1901 designating him Special Inspector for the Martinist Order in Germany. In 1888, in Berlin, he joined with Leopold Engel of Dresden, Max Rahn and August Weinholz in another effort to revive the Illuminati Order. In 1895, he began to discuss the formation of Ordo Templi Orientis with Carl Kellner....
    read entire article.....


    As the article states, Reuss was also an associate of the notorious satanist, Aleister Crowley.

  146. Anon 4:02,

    They are saying that drinking water is safe, but the water treatment plant pulls directly from the river, so I am leery. Given the amount of oil I saw with my own two eyes while waiting at a red light on the bridge at Capital Ave and Dickman Rd. That is unless they are taking some measure at the treatment plant, that we are not being told of.

    The river has quite some distance to run before it reaches the lake, so there is a lot of towns that could wind up with contamination. To my knowledge nothing is happening beyond Marshall to contain it, and David's assessment of the river is quite the understatement. The river was high locally prior to the storms we have gotten over the last week, now the water is rushing due to floods and over run swamplands.

    Another concern I have is the area the spill took place in. The area is mostly farms and swamps, which brings up many other concerns about contamination there as well. I have friends who live off Old 27 near where this happened that I am waiting to hear back from, and will post any other info they can offer. As I am sure over 800,000 gallons is going to be hard to keep quiet out there, since everyone knows everyone else and keeps up with the local grapevine news.

  147. Anonymous7:14 PM

    From the Drudge Report (07/27/10):

    Seven people have been entrusted with the keys to the Internet - and hold the power to restarting the world wide web 'in the event of a catastrophic event'

  148. Anonymous7:41 PM

    For those looking for more information on the Journolistas outing, here are two websites. The first lists 121 individuals and their organizational affiliation. The second reports that there two organizations that many have in common, the Democratic Socialists of America and the Institute for Policy Studies.



  149. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Just a reminder - for those who had expressed an interest...

    "Breakthrough" with Tony Robbins is on NBC right now.

  150. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Tokyo trials digital billboards that scan passers-by

  151. Well, I started watching the Tony Robbings think. I was quickly bored so I watched "Wipeout" instead.

    Here's the latest on the oil spill here in Michigan. More storms and rain are in the forecast tomorrow for Michigan. Although there are concerns for water contamination, so far that hasn't happened. At least I'm not smelling oil anymore.

  152. I meant to write "Tony Robbins thing."

  153. The following blurb was sent out to eBay sellers:

    On July 1, a bill was introduced in the United States House of Representatives that would impose complex sales tax collecting requirements on internet retailers and entrepreneurs, including our eBay sellers. If passed, HR 5660, the so-called, "Main Street Fairness Act," would require small online retailers to comply with varying and regularly changing sales tax rules and rates for thousands of tax jurisdictions, and to collect and remit sales taxes from each customer.

  154. Susanna11:03 PM

    Anonymous 4:00 PM

    The thread on this blog that includes the posts on NALCO's incursions into the potable water business is here:

    It is dated Thursday, June 24, 2010
    and is entitled:

    Is the EU losing credibility Palestine?? Strange challenge to EU from Hebrew University scholar

  155. Susanna11:14 PM

    Here is something interesting. BP executive Tony Hayward is being sent off to Siberia.

    BP sends Tony Hayward to Siberia to appease US

    Gaffe-prone chief executive has surprise new role at TNK-BP

    Terry Macalister and Andrew Clark, Monday 26 July 2010 20.47 BST


    By: Jonathan Berr

  156. Still in move - seems endless and moving from larger space with 17 years accumulation to minimized space means many decisions in what to keep and not. Pray for me!


  157. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Forgive me if this is a stupid question- I'm not as on top of connections as some here are-like JD , Susanna and Dorothy.

    IS there any connection between the Blackstone Group and Black Rock? The similarities in names and business venues and connections to Goldman Saks and company are striking. Also, does anyone know of any New Age connections to Larry Fink? I had never heard of him until recently, but he has his hands in everything it seems. In addition to being the CEO of Black Rock, he's the largest shareholder of BP stock, and his company has been called a Shadow government of sorts. His firm monitors the assets of the companies that were taken over by the gov't after the Wall Street bail-out last year. Interestingly, even his neighbors don't seem to know him, or know about him.

    Would appreciate any other insights.


  158. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Continuing my last train of thought, I had been wondering about the ties of Larry Fink to the Obama administration, and then I just found this:

    "I was talking about the Matt Simmons story in BP and the Giant Blender. This is his Bloomberg interview. The Bonnie storm is bad, but if this story is true, a hurricane in the gulf is the least of BP’s problems, not to mention the US Administration. What if they knew? What if this is the Oil Industry’s Lehman Brother’s moment? Just imagine if it turned out that the largest of BP’s US shareholders, a little operation called BlackRock, had close connections to members of the Obama administration. When I say “little operation” I mean about $3.15 trillion under management, which is nearly a $trillion bigger than the Federal Reserve. But what’s spooky, in a Jason Bourne kind of way, is the friendship between BlackRock CEO Larry Fink and Timothy Geithner, the current Secretary of the Treasury. It would be weird if Larry Fink, who was the person who pioneered the Mortgage Backed Securities Market while he was at First Boston, and to whom Mr Geithner turned in his hour of need when Bear Stearns went into meltdown in March 2008, was mixed up in some sort of Oil Industry meltdown as well. I mean, that’s just a terrible run of bad luck. You invent a completely clever way to sell Mortages as a kind of faux investment, and you accidentally bring the global economy to its knees. Then, just when you think things are getting straightened out, you buy into a firm that is drilling for oil in the Gulf, for energy security. Makes sense. It’s really energy patriotism, in a way. But then that stupid bunch at Transocean go and blow the thing up. Just bad luck Larry."


  159. Marko9:27 AM


    I feel your pain! I am a packrat via heredity (my mom and grandparents passed it down to me - haha!) I pity the people who must go through my things when I pass from this world to the next....

  160. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I have had to move 10 times in the last 30 years...

    these last moves were insane, I escaped a second hand smoke torture, only to find I now have nodes on my lower left lobe of my lung, when I moved I signed a no smoking lease and was smoke battered by the bi racial couple living downstairs, of course to my liberal mega church attending landlords, my insistence that the male had been in prison and was smoking everything, cigars, pot, cigarettes and burning that cheap Asian incense, was racism to them (this man told me he was just out of prison)

    I had to become my own legal counsel, I studied the law and proceeded to use U.S. legal forms to communicate with them...

    they sent their hired help to harass me too (maintenance guys who shouted me down weekly)

    I found out I was paying partially for downstairs electric, and was not allowed to use my air conditioner because of always blowing a fuse, yet they were using theirs downstairs, and I was paying for part of that ...

    I managed to procure an old crack house, and have been scrubbing it and bleaching (nuking) it, it still stunk so now I have ripped out the carpets and am hand sanding the floor ...

    I bet you will be fine Constance Dear :), the nerves will calm down and remember you dont have to live my life :D

    I am sure it will be a hell o lot better than mine ...

    my daughter is frightened for me as she states "mom, you have begun the Oregon trail of sanding, please don't die of disentery on the way"

    Gay in Green Bay

  161. Susanna12:30 PM

    Here is some information I thought some of you guys might find interesting.

    It has to do with the stepfather of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.


    Assange was born in Townsville, Queensland in 1971. Assange has said that his parents ran a touring theatre company, and that he was enrolled in 37 schools and six universities in Australia over the course of his early life. During his childhood years, he lived on the run with mother and half-brother. They were avoiding his half-brother's father who was believed to belong to a cult led by Anne more...

    Leaked military files elevate mystery about Wikileaks founder Assange
    Monday, July 26, 2010



    Anne-Hamilton Burne is a Yoga teacher who leads a controversial New Age group that was formed in Australia and called "Santiniketan Park Association" ....a.k.a. "The Family"......a.k.a. "The Great White Brotherhood."


    The following is from Rick Ross's cult information site.


    Here is more about the cult.......

    The Family

    Sunday, July 25, 2004
    Reporter: Peter Overton
    Producer: Stephen Rice

    There's no doubt Anne Hamilton-Byrne is an evil woman. She believes she's the reincarnation of Jesus Christ and runs a sinister cult just outside Melbourne.

    For years, she collected children, locked them away from the real world, brainwashed them, abused them, experimented on them body and soul. Children of 13 and 14 were forced to take drugs like LSD. Some had their hair dyed blond to fit this dangerous woman's idea of the perfect family.

    But now, those children are adults and they're fighting back. After 30 years, justice may at last be done. Anne Hamilton-Byrne may get what she deserves.


    PETER OVERTON: This is Anne Hamilton-Byrne. To her followers, she is Jesus Christ incarnate, the divine one with divine powers. But to those who know the truth, she's a monster.

    LEX DE MAN, FORMER DETECTIVE: Of all the crimes that I investigated, she is the most evil person that I've ever met.

    PETER OVERTON: Former Victorian detective Lex de Man.

    LEX DE MAN: These people truly believe that she is Jesus Christ more....



    THE FAMILY (60Minutes Report)

    October 2, 2009


    Anne Hamilton Byrne - photo gsllery


    Wikileak founder Julian Assange will not discuss the link with Byrne.

  162. Susanna12:38 PM


    I hope this helps.

    BlackRock was founded as BlackStone Financial Management within the private equity firm Blackstone Group in 1988.

    Larry Fink, BlackRock’s founder and CEO, had joined Blackstone in 1988 as a partner, along with Ralph Schlosstein, former White House aide under the Carter administration, and Robert Kapito and Sue Wagner.

    Before joining Blackstone, Fink was a managing director at First Boston, where he pioneered the mortgage-backed securities market in the United States. In 1992 Fink, Schlosstein and Co separated from the Blackstone Group under the name BlackRock and aggressively re-invented it as an independent asset-management company. In 1995, PNC Financial Services Group purchased BlackRock and in 1999, assets under management had grown to $165 billion and the firm decided to go public.

    Much of BlackRock's recent growth has been through its acquisitions. On January 28, 2005, BlackRock purchased State Street Research Management, a mutual-fund business that had previously been owned by MetLife. This acquisition added a sizable equity business to BlackRock's funds, which had previously comprised mostly fixed-income securities. On September 29, 2006, BlackRock completed its merger with Merrill Lynch Investment Managers (MLIM), halving PNC's ownership and giving Merrill Lynch a 49.5-percent stake in the company. On October 1, 2007, BlackRock acquired the fund-of-funds business of Quellos Capital Management.[6] On April 30, 2009, BlackRock hired 43 employees from R3 Capital Management, LLC and took control of the $1.5 billion fund...

  163. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Fascinating stuff, Susanna. Seems Wikileaks is not all it seems...


  164. Anonymous1:04 PM

    From CNN (07/28/10)

    152 killed in plane crash in Pakistan (no survivors)...

  165. Anonymous1:07 PM

    More on Jullian Assange- Wanted by the CIA? Really? The comments are interesting, too.


  166. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Yes the Illuminati were driven out of Bavaria in 1786. By then, however, they'd already established themselves in the Grand Orient Lodge of France, here in the US and elsewhere, where they continued to thrive. Hence the French Revolution in 1789.

    If you change the label from Don's Crunchy Mini-Donuts to Donald's Crispy surprise bites it doesn't mean the product in the bag is different. Even if you just rip off the old label and don't put a new one on.

    If it's on the market shelf, that's where it is. Search hard enough and you'll find the crumb trails that lead you right to it.

    Trust no man. Do your own research.

  167. Anonymous2:31 PM

    YG 1:07

    Thanks for the link. Watch his video interview 14:35 to 15:00 there. He admits to having "run away from a cult".

    This is strong evidence to believe he is opposed to that cult surely.

  168. Anonymous2:34 PM


  169. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I'm with anonymous 2:08, re:doing your own research.

    My guess is that Wikileaks has deep pockets based on the fact they are going to contribute to Manning's defense. They are just another dis-information center like Alex Jones and company being paid off by someone or some entity to follow an agenda that skews the news in a certain way.

    Unfortunately, the MSM gets told to run with things like the Afghanistan leaks story and the American public buys the way the MSM has spun it, hook , line and sinker.

    This is another example of why it is so important to check the sources before believing anything we read online.

    Good article below about the wikileaks:


  170. Anonymous3:15 PM


    Thanks for the link about Black Rock/Blackstone origins.


  171. Susanna3:22 PM


    You are entirely welcome.

    LOL I am sure now that we know a little about the "begats"(i.e. Blackstone exec Larry Flint "begat" Black Rock), it won't be too difficult to dig up other interesting Flint/Black Stone connections.

  172. Susanna3:22 PM


    Guess where Julian Assange emerged from hiding on June 21, 2010?


    According to the following article, moreover, Assange appeared in public in Brussels for the first time in almost a month to speak at a seminar on freedom of information at the European parliament.


    Ian Traynor in Brussels, Monday 21 June 2010

    On July 26, Julian Assange was speaking to members of the press at the Frontline Club in London just days after he surfaced in Oxford, UK.

    And finally......

    July 27, 2010

  173. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Forgot to leave the tinyurl for the link that I just left.

    If you read the link above you see that the Wikileak story did not really give out a whole lot of new information about the war in Afghanistan. However, what it did do was bring back to the forefront of people's minds the fact (or lie) that American troups are killing innocent Afghan people. That was part of the agenda in releasing the story.

    The whole way in which the MSM ran with the story also gives a little more credibility to Wikileaks itself, since the mainstream media would not report on it if it wasn't credible. Hence their (Wikileaks) next outrageous story becomes even more believable.

    The Internet and MSM is a dangerous place. Who knows what is truth anymore. Was reading a book recently called "The Charm School" by Nelson DeMille that goes back to the Communist era in Russia. Russia during the communism era was also expert at feeding disinformation to the public. Sadly, that's where we are.


  174. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Hi Susanna,

    Regarding Wikileaks leaking info in upcoming weeks about BP.

    I doubt that anything more outrageous than what we've already heard will come out. European Union Times told us that North Korea blew up the rig. Matt Simmons tells us an underground lake of fire 7 miles from the place where BP capped a riser two weeks ago is the real source of the gusher and that it can only be stopped by a nuke. Someone else tells us the BP well was just an asphalt volcano that will be conveniently stopped when the pressure is equalized, and its ultimate purpose was to cull the population and in particular the dead beats in the northern gulf states and the old folks in Florida through the use of toxic dispersants.

    So after pondering for weeks on all that stuff , I'm not about to fasten my seat belt for anything more alarming or outrageous. There could be shreds of truth in all of these stories. The fact that the gov't has not been forthcoming with the info that they have is the most troubling aspect of the entire event, IMHO.

    In my (hopefully) still sane mind, there are definite things that need to be addressed and questioned that could point to deliberate sabotage and the saboteur. The cement job done by Halliburton was shoddy and did not seal the well cracks and BP knew it. (Interestingly, Thad Allen just left a comment yesterday alluding to the fact that Halliburton will not be doing the new work.) BP overlooking huge safety controls is another huge red flag. The fact that the BOP was re-configured in China shortly before the explosion and subsequently mal-functioned is another huge red flag. Was there a covert effort by numerous parties to sabotage the rig for a particular purpose? I would say, definitely yes.

    But I doubt if the truth will ever come out in my lifetime.


  175. Anonymous4:07 PM


  176. Anonymous4:38 PM



    I'm anon 2:08,

    The part of my thread that gives me the greatest joy for you or anyone to agree with ( even if it's the only the part of it) is RE: "Do your own research."

    I'm inclined to agree with you here:

    "My guess is that Wikileaks has deep pockets based on the fact they are going to contribute to Manning's defense. They are just another dis-information center like Alex Jones and company being paid off by someone or some entity to follow an agenda that skews the news in a certain way."

  177. Susanna9:23 PM

    YG 3:56 P.M.

    Regarding BP you are so right. I can't imagine the kind of Wikileaks "revelations" that could be more grim than what we have already heard.

    Besides, the more I am reading about this Assange critter, the more I am inclined to think that he is merely acting as a front man for someone else.

    For example, the question as to who is financing him and his enterprise remains a mystery.

    I guess it's a matter of "transparency for thee but not for me." Sigh!

  178. All,

    I was struck with some news on the oil spill here in Michigan that I did not realize I had access to. It seems I know someone who works for Enbridge and did not even realize it. As of 4pm today the leak was stopped at the source. This was news to me as the impression locally was that the leak had already been stopped. Amount estimates are going to rise over the coming days, as the EPA and State officials are all over the company to get accurate numbers out.

    From what I am gathering, early estimates are well over a million gallons. Not surprising considering early reports were already at over 800,000. Many swamps in the area are contaminated, as can be seen from the handful of photos that have been published. Driving past the river today, there is still a distinct smell of oil. This is also not surprising as they have not been able to contain the flow at the source, and it has now reached into Kalamazoo county at the Morrow Dam.

    Here is some interesting information I found on the company responsible. The name Enbridge is actually a hybrid of two words, energy and bridge. The companies name is actually a business statement as their business goal is as a energy bridge between oil and alternative technologies. Enbridge delivers oil and natural gas, as well as works in the fields of Carbon capture technologies, waste heat, and fuel cells. I am trying to see currently where and who this company does business with. I suspect I won't like what I find.

    Here are Enbridge's corporate and US division sites for those that are interested. These include press releases from the company about the spill, which are a little more detailed than what I have heard on local news. I will also update with anything else I can that I hear locally.

  179. Here's an article from the Detroit Free Press that seems to back up what JD said about the Michigan oil spill. Maybe more than 1 million gallons.

  180. David,

    Isn't it interesting that such would happen as they are trying to get a "Clean Energy" Bill through the State Houses? Kind of like the Gulf spill with the national debate over similar measures is it not?

  181. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Whistleblower from EPA claims that public would not be able to handle the truth about dispersants and that the GOM has been poisoned for decades to come.

  182. I was joking with my wife that maybe Mark Schaur messed with the pipe as an election ploy. I'm not saying he did, but he sure is grabbing a hold of this crisis. He's even gotten mad! OOOO! Sorry, Mr. Schaur. I'm not falling for it.

  183. Anonymous11:10 AM

    In today's Herald Tribune, there was an article titled "Where's the rest of the spill?" citing the fact that although oil can not be seen on the surface that's not necessarily an indication that everything is fine and dandy in the GOM. From the article a professor from Tulane University, Caz Taylor, reports that she looked at baby blue crabs and saw something odd under their translucent shells: orange blobs. She speculates that the crabs may have molted in the midst of oil or dispersant and trapped some of it literally inside themselves.

    I believe someone from this site who was a Tulane grad argued a while back that dispersants were harmless.

    In the following article, a group of marine scientists from various universities including Tulane, argue that "Corexit dispersants, in combination with crude oil, pose grave health risks to marine life and human health."

    More here:

  184. Anonymous1:14 PM


    Don't know if you ever read the forums at The Oil Drum, but there is a poster over there called tinfoilhatguy and he just posted the following regarding the oil spills in your neck of the woods and my neck of the woods:

    It is a conspiracy. Of greed and ignoring government regs perhaps, but a conspiracy nonetheless.

    1. In one report, the federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration raised concerns in January about Enbridge discontinuing the use of monitoring systems for corrosion inside Line 6B, saying its plans for ensuring pipe safety while a new monitoring system was brought on line didn't meet standards.

    2. Macondo 252 causes one of the largest oil spills ever.

    3. Enbridge pipeline Leaks in one of the largest spills in the history Midwest

    4. TinFoil finds out Enbridge SEC forms list "Anadarko system comprising approximately 1,800 miles of natural gas gathering and transportation pipelines and 6 natural gas processing plants;

    5. TinFoil finds out Alberta Oil Shale project is at least partly BP and Enbridge driven.

    6. TinFoil sends full alert to media and Congress.

    7. Media and Congressman Running for Re-election did not know and said, "No way, get the **** out of here" Congressman in close race said there is a God. He is going to see if he can do a full court Congressional press on this issue. Hearings are in process of being scheduled. TinFoil may get invited, we shall see.

    Thought you'd want to know about that.


  185. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Obama Warns World Leaders ‘Millions Could Die’ From Gulf Oil Disaster

  186. Hopper,

    Thanks for the heads up. I will have to see what I can dig up along these lines. It seems surreal to me that after months of worrying about how a oil spill could effect my former home state of Florida, I now have one running through the middle of town where I currently live (around 2 miles from my house).

    If you had asked me what type of disaster I thought I might encounter living in Michigan, oil spill would have never crossed my mind. I don't know if David is having similar problems, but I have had a sore throat, severe sinus problems, and periodic head aches since Monday. It worries me a bit having Allie exposed to it, if I am having these kind of problems.

  187. Leana4:00 AM

    I rarely get a chance to check in here anymore, but I thought I had better address anon 11:10 since I am pretty sure it was directed at me.

    I offered an opinion before concerning the dispersants. I used my best judgment in evaluating the evidence that was available. I still stand by what I wrote before because it was written honestly and with as much research as I could find. I interviewed a personal friend who was a bio chemist to get a second opinion, and it had concurred with my own. I had also used the Tulane statements that were issued concerning the dispersants.

    That said, if data now reveals something different, fine. But according the what you posted, they said it could be the "oil OR dispersants". No one could really anticipate the effects on every individual marine species. Nor can they at this time atribute the particular effects on the marine species to any one particular cause. Risks are taken every day and some turn out good and some turn out bad.

    Whether all Tulane professors or other university professors agree with the original assessments coming out of New Orleans or not, I have no control over. This is highly representative of the scientific community in general. Some agree, some don't.

    My original intent of posting to begin with was only to assure people that if proper saftey precautions were taken, humans should not be harmed by the spraying of the dispersants. I remember posting that very little environmental impact testing had been done, but that in general dispersants are deemed safe and that from the data available on the MSDS sheet that Corexit didn't appear any more toxic than the other dispersants.

    I don't believe anyone portrayed disperant use as the cure all for all oil spill clean up problems. It was a tool they could use, amongst other things to fight a huge environmental disaster that was beyond the scope that any had anticipated. I for one, will wait until all the evidence is in before making a judgment.

    As always, when someone offers advice, you can take it or leave it.


  188. "Also know that because some in the Masonry community are involved in conspiracy (see the Foster Bailey book), this does not mean an Illuminati continued to exist.

    Nice, easy, quick answers are not how history is written.


    7:58 AM"

    Keep this quote in mind. Ask yourself:"Is there, was there something called the "Illuminati?"
    Then fasten your mental seatbelts, martial some intellectual honesty,logic,critical thinking, and honest(not hyper) skepticism, and read through the following links:

    Do it on an empty stomach for the informationyou will be reading is for adults, not faint of heart.

    After an honest reading and reflection on the content, draw your own conclusions in light of all that is contained on this blog that evidences the idealogical ("theological"), organizational structures, and influence of the Luciferians.

    Then consider that there is only one source of opposition to it all, and that would be the Grace of God, and Jesus Christ's person and work on the cross of Calvary.

    We are all "destiny's tots", choose your destiny wizely, but, choose you must.

    My hope and prayer is that the Grace of God be with you in such an endeavour.


  189. Am Daniel Caro from AustraliaI am glad today because am now a successful woman of Illuminati, i have taught of been
    one of the Illuminati member so that i will be wealthy for life and my family will be forever rich. I get linked up by a man called JAJA who introduce me to this
    agent who have a successful influence with this occultist Illuminati, so
    he took me joining the team to their real powerful man in Australia who was the head of all Illuminati member to help his
    cousin on belonging to the membership. All because of him,he really did all
    for me, and now am so glad of becoming a Illuminati member, i am now rich and wealthy.Thank your Ben For your support. Illuminati is a great and
    powerful means to get popular in life Do you want your parents to be
    proud of you, or you want to protect yourself as a popular man in your
    country email the JAJA on, or call: +2348158270343, he will help
    you to become rich and achieve all your heart desire.


  190. Am Daniel Caro from AustraliaI am glad today because am now a successful woman of Illuminati, i have taught of been
    one of the Illuminati member so that i will be wealthy for life and my family will be forever rich. I get linked up by a man called JAJA who introduce me to this
    agent who have a successful influence with this occultist Illuminati, so
    he took me joining the team to their real powerful man in Australia who was the head of all Illuminati member to help his
    cousin on belonging to the membership. All because of him,he really did all
    for me, and now am so glad of becoming a Illuminati member, i am now rich and wealthy.Thank your Ben For your support. Illuminati is a great and
    powerful means to get popular in life Do you want your parents to be
    proud of you, or you want to protect yourself as a popular man in your
    country email the JAJA on, or call: +2348158270343, he will help
    you to become rich and achieve all your heart desire.
