
Friday, May 28, 2010


Many thanks to email reporter Darrell Trees for calling this to my immediate attention.  Things are decidedly heating up in the Middle East.  Is it "The Armageddon Script" in action a la Peter LeMesurier's 1981 book?  Is it one more false alarm?  Time and events will tell!

And as to Javier Solana's current activities -- here's one of them -- still talking about Europe and the world speaking with ONE VOICE:

Stay tuned!



  1. Slumdog6:08 PM

    Who didn't see this coming?

  2. Anonymous6:15 PM


    In response to your remarks about my post (2:45), I categorically state that I do not follow Anthroposophy.

    I was emphatic about my belief that the modern approach to spirituality that characterises the New Age Movement belies its true nature. I believe its ultimate source is Gnosticism and its ultimate hierarchy is a Gnostic cult that orchestrates the vast endeavour that is the New Age. For, behind the apparent anarchy and benevolent image of the New Age lies a very ruthless and focused cult that is its dark, sinister organising mind. This is a very ancient cult that practises a very ancient religion. It practices Luciferianism.

    I do thank you for your sincere prayers for me.

  3. So, we're just going to demand Israel give up it's nuclear weapons. Hah, no way! That hasn't worked with North Korea or Iran. I know, Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons yet, but they will.

  4. Anonymous6:19 PM


    Blackwell Briggs

    JD and any others who might be interested - this entire Blackwell Briggs is some bad taste marketing 'story game' funded (evidence points to, so far only) by Nokia. It never rang true to me and that's probably because I am in the UK and it 'speaks' in a culture and language known to me - so the recipe is very subtle and believable, mixing truth, lies and fear.

    The 'Sir Ian Briggs' character does not exist. 'Blackwell Briggs' does not exist. The 'missing person' does not exist. It's all lies - all 'story game', all 'entertainment'.

    Where it's leading I don't know - that's part of the game. There are clues and codes to crack.

    YesNaSpanishTown described 'storygame' well.

    Watch out - this is one of the online routes marketing campaigns are taking these days. We saw something similar from a futuristic sci-fi movie a good few months back - I can't remember the name of the movie but it seemed to be about the earth ending and only so many people being able to escape the doom and gloom. I remember someone here on the blog being very concerned about the site that went with it and their claims or issues.

    When we sit and watch Lost, Heroes and other such stuff we knowingly go to the fiction and enter into the 'game'. When the game comes out of nowhere and appears on YouTube we receive what is thrown at us with no warning that what we are about to view is fiction.

    Why Nokia should create such a poor taste campaign, I do not know.

    Hope this helps.


  5. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Blackwell Briggs

    Somebody who is much more eloquent than me with words has written a helpful article about the Nokia viral marketing campaign on his blog Look Up Fellowship;


  6. I'm still trying to sort out the Blackwell Briggs thing, but if it is a hoax, it is an exceedingly clever one. This is its at least purported website:

    At Blackwell Briggs, we have a long history of developing our society while caring for human rights and the protection of our planet.

    Our founding father, Mr John S. Briggs had a prescient vision of how to provide what we today call ”the means to a sustainable future”.

    These ideals, industrial development hand in hand with social responsibility and security, has been the hallmark of the Blackwell Briggs family from the very beginning. From the founding of the first Briggs textile factory, 1763 in Stalybridge, to our latest pipeline project in Africa, we have stayed true to our creed.

    Today, Blackwell Briggs prides itself on being a multi-national corporation based in a deep tradition of excellence that spans the boundaries of business.

    Blackwell Briggs – Our world, Your Choice!"

    There was a statement on the site about the video hi-jacking:

    "URGENT: Statement regarding The Pirate Bay and The Conspiracy For Good

    "On the 18th of May 2010, a group of individuals identifying themselves as The Conspiracy For Good and acting as cyber-terrorists stole a piece of private material. They then leaked the file into the public forum via The Pirate Bay. Purporting themselves to be nothing more than purveyors of free speech and Robin Hoods of the internet, The Pirate Bay and to a greater extent, The Conspiracy For Good are not just mischief-makers and petty thieves, they are criminals. These are individuals that compromise the advancement of the free market, attack personal privacy and corrode intellectual property and the ownership of information. Leaks of this nature are a testament to why extreme measures must be taken when protecting the safety and security of society. As a shareholder in the company, you can be rest-assured that Blackwell Briggs takes attacks like this very seriously and we assure you that measures have been taken to assure these frauds and felons are halted from future activities of this nature.

    Thank you,

    Blackwell Briggs"

    To be continued . . .


  7. Blackwell Briggs Business facets (maybe they can help clean up the mess in the Gulf!)

    Blackwell Briggs Drilling is leading the industry, in drilling wells faster, safer and more accurately. We optimize drilling efficiency through increasing rate of penetration and lowering non-productive time. We place wells precisely to maximize reservoir drainage. Real-time operations are core to our delivery - from remotely operating rigs to consultant solutions.

    Our offerings include:

    • Directional Drilling: extensive experience in drilling the most complex directional wells with conventional, performance, automated and unconventional drilling systems.

    • Drilling Optimization: experienced personnel model, measure and optimize drilling performance using a suite of advanced software and hardware tools.

    • Measurements While Drilling: wellbore directional surveys in real time while drilling.

    • Logging While Drilling: advanced petrophysical measurements while drilling for precise wellbore placement for maximum production.

    • Surface Data Logging: intelligent rig monitoring and geological mudlogging services.

    • Optimized Pressure Drilling: custom-tailored managed pressure and underbalanced drilling solutions for complex reservoirs.

    • Multilateral Systems: advanced reservoir drainage systems for increased production.

    • Real-Time Services: solutions that allow experts to be there without actually being there to make drilling safer, faster and more accurate.


  8. What is below may mitigate in favor of evidence of a SPOOF:


    "Blackwell & Briggs is not only a global-leader in innovative technology, public and private security solutions and diverse international development. In addition Blackwell & Briggs is also one of the largest growing and ever expanding work forces in the world today. Take your first step towards an exciting and lucrative career today. With employment offices and annexes in six continents and a full staff waiting for your application, the time has never been better. Apply for a career opportunity with Blackwell & Briggs above.

    Will Arabella Mayor be the one who finally takes down known filesharing host Pirate Bay?
    2 days ago
    Blackwell Briggs just signed contract to develop in Southwest United States. Offices to be located in Phoenix, Tucson and Flagstaff.
    2 days ago
    Arabella Major will take over as head of Blackwell Briggs legal department due to the Pirate Bay crisis. #thepiratebay
    6 days ago
    Urgent message to our shareholders regarding the unfortunate breach of internal security;
    6 days ago
    All positions have been filled, we wish our new team good luck!
    8 days ago "

  9. But this part looks serious, IF TRUE:


    Blackwell Briggs was at the forefront of oilfield cementing and currently leads the world in effective, efficient delivery of zonal isolation and engineering for the life of the well. Operators consistently rank Blackwell Briggs Cementing No. 1 in total value provided to customers.

    Blackwell Briggs Intra-African Pipeline 
The Blackwell Briggs Intra-Africa Pipeline construction project is one of Africa's most important crude oil pipeline endeavors, and stretches for about 1,710 km, currently transporting approximately 600,000 metric tonnes of crude oil per annum.

    In the next five years the BBIAP plans to increase the length of the pipeline by another 2,000 km and increase the crude oil transport by over five hundred percent.

    The Pipeline

    The onshore pipeline is currently 1,710 km in length from Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania) to Ndola (Zambia) with a mix diameter of 8 and 12 inches. It has been refined and rebuilt multiple times since its initial construction in 1969. The Blackwell Briggs Corporation uniquely owns this property and leases its structured construction, highly professional and trained employees in its function each year. Originally the pipeline was designed for a throughput of 1.1 million tonnes per year however, by the end of 2010 if all directives and work planning is met, the pipeline will be capable of handling approximately 2.8 metric tonnes per annum.

    Why does Blackwell Briggs work so closely with local initiatives to transport oil? Efficiency. The pipeline is supported by equipment and infrastructure owned by Blackwell Briggs. 
(a) a 46 inch diameter sub-sea pipeline and 3.3 km in length, 
(b) the single point mooring buoy (SPM) held steady by catenary anchor chains concreted into the sea floor and can rotate and hold offloading tankers of a capacity of up to 90,000 deadweight tonnes,and 
(c) Kurasani oil jetty for offloading tankers of a capacity of up to 40,000 deadweight tonnes through an 18 inch diameter pipeline.

    The tank farm, also owned by Blackwell Briggs, includes six tanks onshore at Dar-es-Salaam which comprise three tanks of 36,000 m3 capacity and three tanks of 41,000 m3 capacity. There are seven pump stations in total between Dar-es-Salaam and Ndola: five stations in Tanzania and two (with three more in the process of being built) in Zambia."

  10. At least on paper, BB is claiming 98,000 employees:

    Blackwell Briggs is a knowledge leader in security, which means that we know our customers and their markets, in order to understand their specific needs.

    Everywhere from small stores to airports, our 340,000 contract employees are making a difference. We have operations in 97 countries in North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia, Middle East, Australia and Africa. Our global market share of the outsourced security services market is approximately 22 percent.

    Blackwell Briggs protects homes, workplaces and society. We can respond to unique and specific security challenges facing our customers, tailoring our offering according to their specific industry demands. The services we provide are specialized guarding and mobile services, monitoring, and consulting and investigations.


    In addition to our 98,000 full-time salaried employees, our company has a contractual-employee base some 340,000 in the security and surveillance fields with an additional 450 in research and development. In 2009, total sales from continuing operations in the Blackwell Briggs Group amounted to in the excess of bn£ 22.
    (22 billion British pounds!)

  11. Refresh your browser. I'm adding a page about an old friend's current activities -- at least one of them.


  12. Anonymous9:44 PM

    A search of companies listed at the NY Stock Exchange turns up

    No results for "Blackwell Briggs" in All of

    Same for the London Stock exchange.

    For such a HUGE company (98,000 employees???) to not have a footprint anywhere seems like a pretty good tip off to me.


  13. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Blackwell Briggs

    A really useful article written just over a year ago which gives a taster of Tim Kring's Alternative Reality Game ARG.


    Heroes Creator Introduces New Genre of Entertainment
    Written by Sarah Perez / April 2, 2009 8:30 AM

    First there were movies, then there was TV, now prepare for the entertainment platform of the future: the "mobile immersive experience." That's actually not it's official name, but is a term that was invented on the spot this week at a dinner gathering of Nokia execs, journalists, and oh yes - Tim Kring, the creator and executive producer of NBC's "Heroes." He was there to talk about what is the first attempt at a new entertainment experience using mobile as the platform. And it's going to be nothing like anything you've ever seen before.
    What's TEVA?

    Thanks to Nokia's partnership with Kring, their upcoming Ovi Store (aka the Nokia App Store) is going to kick off with some of the most innovative content that has ever come to the mobile platform. It's set to open in May soon after the store will feature Kring's new project and is code-named TEVA. As for what exactly TEVA will look like and what it will be about...well, details are still vague. Kring wants to make sure spoilers don't ruin the fun for the audience...or perhaps we should say "participants."


    Full article here;


    The Company P ... the production company;



  14. Anonymous 2:45 (from previous post):

    Please tell us more about the Christ impulse. I don't recall anything about that in the Bible. Please also tell us your source.

  15. The Christ impulse mentioned by Anonymous 2:45 is the term used by Rudolf Steiner of Anthroposophy.

    You can also learn more about the "Natural Moral Order on Earth" from a site:"--A VERY ANTISEMITIC SITE.

    Sorry, Anonymous 2:45, I don't buy it!

  16. Look carefully at the symbol in the "Empowering Europe" picture of the Madariaga Foundation. It is a crown of stars surrounding a yin-yang symbol.


  17. Anonymous11:27 PM

    FP carries a comment today on tolerance education. Check it out.

  18. Anonymous12:24 AM

    CC the ying yang also appears to have the "eye" look

  19. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Blackwell Briggs ARG

    Following the money trail on this new game, Dave Stewart (from the band the Eurythmics) is also connected with it.

    Two search enquiries on his fansite site threw up some helpful results;

    search results for "kring";

    and search results for "teva";


  20. Anonymous7:59 AM

    From BREITBART (05/28/10):

    Frozen human embryos 'not life forms': S.Korean court

    South Korea's Constitutional Court has ruled that human embryos left over from fertility treatment are not life forms and can be used for research or destroyed, a court spokesman said Friday.

    In its ruling Thursday the court upheld an existing law allowing the use of leftover embryos for research. The law also allows fertility clinics to dispose of frozen embryos five years after fertilisation treatment is completed.

    "The ruling means that human embryos that are in their early stage and are not implanted into a mother's womb cannot be seen as human life forms," the spokesman, Noh Hui-Beom, told AFP.

    The ruling came after a group of 13 people including pro-life activists filed a petition with the court against the current bioethics law, which allows the use of leftover embryos for research.

    Following the ruling, shares related to stem-cell research surged on the local market.

  21. This may be a little off topic, however this link is to an interview with Catherine Fitz and pertains to the financial meltdown.
    Please listen to this, this lady was an insider and gives a clear tutorial on the world financial markets.


  22. Anonymous8:40 AM


  23. K,

    Thanks for the update. 2012 may be the movie you are thinking of, as Institute for Human Continuity was a viral marketing campaign for the movie that was built like a actual organization looking to save people from disaster. It can become increasingly difficult to discern topics when the truth is so mired with these types of things.

  24. Anonymous9:31 AM

    JD - yes, you're right, that's what I was thinking.

    One of the links I posted above is to an article on a techie news site called ReadWriteWeb (which has a yin yang logo!). If you're not familiar with the site it might be of interest to your ongoing studies;

    It's been a good experience for me looking into the 'why' of what I now know to be the Teva-Kring-Stewart-Nokia alternative reality game which didn't ring true. There's huge amounts of money and creative personnel behind this 'techno-creative' entertainment project - my suspicion is that this game might lead it's participants to concerts, rallies and fund raising events while all the time making it's creators some good money on sales of the Nokia Game Apps and phones, Music and concert sales. I don't like the direction it appears to be going in - as it's not up front and open and seems to be created to suck gamers in to wherever it is that it's leading. It reminds me somewhat of the Zeitgeist movie movement.


  25. megaflashmob

  26. Susanna3:54 PM

    Just a thought....has anyone considered the possibility that Blackwell Briggs might be a shell company being used by someone to launder money? That might explain its not being listed on the NY Stock Exchange or any of the other makor stock exchanges.

  27. Susanna4:02 PM


    The use of shell corporations is also one way in which intelligence agencies covertly pay the various entities and people who are working for them.

  28. Anonymous5:28 PM


  29. Susanna8:20 PM

    Communists Could Gain in Czech Vote


    Note: the Czech Republic is reportedly part of the previously mentioned La Francophonie!

    Countries in Francophonie that do not have French listed as a language: Cape Verde, Macedonia, Saint Lucia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Poland, São Tome and Principe, Bulgaria, Equatorial Guinea, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania....

  30. Susanna8:23 PM


    The Czech Republic has been a member of the EU since 2004 and a member of NATO since 1999.

  31. Susanna8:34 PM

    Flotilla set for final leg of Gaza blockade-busting bid

    According to some articles I have read, the main beneficiaries of the humanitarian aid allegedly destined for Gaza are the terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah

    Israel's concern: Gaza aid flotilla will help Hamas

  32. Susanna9:00 PM


    Israel says it will not take part in a conference aimed at achieving a nuclear-arms free Middle East, proposed at a UN meeting in New York.

    Nearly 200 nations, signatories of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), backed plans for the meeting in 2012.

    In a document agreed at the talks, Israel was singled out for criticism.

    Israel, which has not signed the NPT, dismissed the document as "deeply flawed" and "hypocritical".

    "It ignores the realities of the Middle East and the real threats facing the region and the entire world," the Israeli government said in a statement quoted by the AFP news agency.

    "Given the distorted nature of this resolution, Israel will not be able to take part in its implementation."

    The statement was issued in Canada, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is visiting.

    In the past, the Israeli government has refused to comment on rumours that Israel has a stockpile of nuclear weapons.

    In April, Mr Netanyahu pulled out of a US summit on nuclear arms after learning that Egypt and Turkey intended to raise the issue.

    'Insignificant' document

    Some 189 nations agreed to the 28-page document following a month-long conference on strengthening the NPT, the cornerstone of global disarmament efforts.

    The document urged Israel to sign the NPT, but did not mention Iran, a nation widely suspected of having a nuclear-weapons programme.

    Analysts say this was a diplomatic victory for Iran, which denies seeking a nuclear weapon.

    The US was among the nations who agreed the document, but President Barack Obama warned that he did not agree with Israel's treatment.

    "We strongly oppose efforts to single out Israel, and will oppose actions that jeopardise Israel's national security," he said.

    Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon promised that his country's co-operation with the US would remain unchanged, but he condemned the document as "insignificant".

    "Iran has signed [the treaty], Iraq has signed it... Syria has signed it, and we see that it hasn't stopped them from seriously breaking the treaty and from trying to bypass it," he said.

    Israel also questioned why India and Pakistan - declared nuclear states who have not signed the treaty - were not singled out for mention.

  33. Susanna9:06 PM


    Six Palestinians have died in an explosion in a smuggling tunnel under the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, medical officials say.

    At least 14 were injured in the blast, which is believed to have been caused by a cooking gas cannister exploding.

    Palestinians regularly smuggle arms, fuel and goods from Egypt in the face of an Israeli economic blockade.

    Egypt is building a huge underground barrier along the Gaza border in an attempt to stop smugglers.

    The Israeli and Egyptian blockade was imposed in 2007 after the Islamist movement Hamas took power in Gaza.

    In an effort to break the blockade, a convoy of ships carrying up to 10,000 tons of supplies and human rights activists are due to arrive in Gaza on Sunday.

  34. Susanna9:14 PM


    By Christian Fraser
    BBC News, Cairo

    Egypt has begun constructing a huge metal wall along its border with the Gaza Strip as it attempts to cut smuggling tunnels, the BBC has learned.

    When it is finished the wall will be 10-11km (6-7 miles) long and will extend 18 metres below the surface.

    The Egyptians are being helped by American army engineers, who the BBC understands have designed the wall.

    The plan has been shrouded in secrecy, with no comment or confirmation from the Egyptian government.

    The wall will take 18 months to complete.

    For weeks local farmers have noticed more activity at the border where trees were being cut down, but very few of them were aware that a barrier was being built.


    That is because the barrier, made of super-strength steel, has been hidden deep underground.

    The BBC has been told that it was manufactured in the US, that it fits together in similar fashion to a jigsaw, and that it has been tested to ensure it is bomb proof.

    US officials have though denied to the BBC that they are involved in building or supplying the wall.

    The reports say the wall cannot be cut or melted - in short it is impenetrable.

    Intelligence sources in Egypt say the barrier is being sunk close to the perimeter wall that already exists.

    They claim 4km of the wall has already been completed north of the Rafah crossing, with work now beginning to the south.

    The land beneath Egypt and Gaza resembles a Swiss cheese, full of holes and tunnels through which the Palestinians smuggle the everyday items they are denied by the blockade.

    But the Israelis say the tunnels are also used to smuggle people, weapons, and the components of the rockets that are fired at southern Israeli towns.

    The wall is not expected to stop all the smuggling, but it will force the Palestinians to go deeper and it will likely cut the hundreds of superficial tunnels closer to the surface that are used to move the bulk of the goods.

  35. Susanna9:26 PM


    See also

  36. Susanna

    Thought you might find these articles interesting regarding the EEAS arm of EU and possible appointments to posts. Looks like we could have another back door deal with Sarkozy and Merkel. It appears the Secretary General in this new division (if approved by member states)will become very powerful:

    Baroness Ashton warned French are trying to steal her thunder

    Belgium outlines ideas on EU diplomatic appointments

  37. Susanna1:03 PM

    Anonymous 10:03 A.M.

    According to the following article, Germany is against the British influence.

    Let's not forget the fact that Margaret Thatcher tried to collude with Gorbachev in an attempt to prevent the reunification of Germany.

    Here is an excerpt from another interesting article.

    From this article it looks like the French are not the only ones trying to steal Ashton's indirectly hinted at in your comment about "back door deals" between Merkel and Sarkozy.


    March 10, 2010

    ..... Germany against the British influence

    March 3, 2010

    The confidential document produced by the German MFA that was revealed by the daily The Guardian indicates that it is necessary to limit – in the opinion of the authors – the excessive, disproportionately large presence of British people in Ashton’s entourage and to weaken their influence on appointments for positions in the EEAS. Ashton's cabinet is composed of four Britons, three British citizens and only one German sit on the 13-person steering group that coordinates work on external action. Germany’s MFA's fears, shared by the French, stem from the fact that Britons hold several other positions that are key to EU external policy (e.g. the Director of the External Service in the European Commission or the main EU foreign and security policy strategist).

    The German personnel policy in the EU

    The disclosed document indicates that Germany sees the threat that its impact on the establishment of EU diplomacy may be marginalised. It would be in stark contrast to Germany's principle of the personnel policy in the EU that has been consistently implemented for almost a decade and that intends to enable Germany to have an impact on the EU legislative process at the earliest stage possible. The present German government continuously gives high political priority to the personnel policy in the EU – in the CDU/CSU/FDP coalition agreement an increase in the German personnel's number in the EU is included.
    Over the last months Berlin has managed to push through important decisions on personnel:
    Johannes Laitenberger was appointed chairman of the cabinet of the President of the European Commission, and Klaus Welle the secretary general of the European Parliament. In June 2011 Uwe Corsepius, an aide of Chancellor Angela Merkel, will take the position of secretary general of the EU Council. Furthermore, Germany is strongly represented in lower-ranking EU officials. Altogether nearly 2,000 Germans are employed in EU institutions, which represents approximately 12% of the entire personnel of EU officials. 1,300 German citizens work in the European Commission alone. Germany also has the largest number of general directors in the European Commission (seven--two more than France). Germany holds 33 positions of directors of departments and 132 positions of heads of unit - the dominance of France (175 heads of unit and Belgium (150 heads of unit) is shrinking.
    The intensified efforts of the German government intended to increase the importance of the German language as the working language of the EEAS that is being established can be seen in this context. As early as during the first meeting with Catherine Ashton, the German foreign minister Guido Westerwelle emphasized how important it is that “the German language that is the mother tongue of over 100 million Europeans was not discriminated against any longer”. On 25 February the German MFA launched an official programme “The German language – the language of ideas”, which is aimed at rebuilding the strong position of the German language abroad.

    (Note: this almost looks like a German version of "La Francophonie!!!!" LOL)


  38. Susanna1:06 PM


    The dispute over competences between Merkel and Westerwelle?

    The fact that this confidential MFA document has appeared in the media may suggest that the question of the German presence in EU diplomacy that is being established is also linked with internal politics. It cannot be ruled out that the leak was engineered by the Chancellor's office that is seeking to increase its control over the German European policy at the expense of the German MFA, other federal ministries, federal states and the parliament. Proponents of this concept point to the weakness of the German European policy that results from an excessively long decision-making process. Angela Merkel's attempts to strengthen the competences of the Chancellor's office can be partly justified by the provision of the Treaty of Lisbon that excluded foreign ministers from sessions of the European Council, the body to which Angela Merkel attributes characteristics of the “European government”.
    The degree of determination with which Germany is taking care of its interests makes it possible to believe that in the medium-term more seats in EU institutions, including those connected with external action, will be held by Germans and consequently Germany's impact on EU policy will be strengthened.....
    read entire article...

    This next article speaks volumes.

    Ashton laps up support

    18.03.2010 / 04:07 CET

    Foreign ministers head north to dispel a frosty reception.
    The Lapland resort of Saariselkä acquired new international status last weekend when Alex Stubb, Finland's foreign minister, chose it as the venue for a meeting with six of his EU counterparts – plus Catherine Ashton, the EU's foreign policy chief, and Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkey's foreign minister.


  39. Big words of caution on CATHERINE FITTS, she has been an open devotee of convicted trunk murderer, former Earth Day leader Ira Einhorn.


  40. From: "Catherine Austin Fitts" To: "David Crockett Williams"
    Subject: RE: Ira Date: Sunday, July 21, 2002 11:58 AM
    David: are the facts....
    1. I knew Ira ---although not well--- when I was a student at the University of Penn. He was
    one of the most respected strategic thinkers in the Philadelphia and Penn community at the
    2. I was Ira's waitress at La Terrasse where he was wined and dined by all the Philadelphia
    corporate leaders. His stories of luncheons are all true. I am a witness.
    3. I reestablished contact with Ira when he was fighting extradition in France
    4. I have been in regular communication with Ira since he returned to the US and have
    visited him several times in jail.
    5. Ira and I are advising each other on our various litigation challenges.
    6. I suspect that Ira's situation involves covert operations networks in the intelligence
    community that are the same or close to those that I am dealing with in my situation.
    7. I consider Ira and his wife, Annika, good friends.
    8. Ira is advising me on the development of the solari model. I consider him one of the most
    knowledgeable people in the world on alternative energy and numerous important scientific
    and social issues critical to sustainable economics and believe his contribution to solari is and
    will be significant.
    New Page 1[5/30/2010 1:23:55 PM]
    9. I believe that a fair trial will result in Ira being set free.


  41. Another article on previous post of EEAS. If this new division comes to frution, I will find it quite alarming at the powers it will hold:

    It's disturbing to read that the useless Baroness Ashton - the most highly paid female politician in the world lest we forget - is allowing France to grab control of the soon to be all-powerful EU Foreign Service.

    "Agreed by European foreign ministers next month, the French power grab could leave Lady Ashton as a figurehead in charge of a powerful EU foreign service controlled from Paris.

    Under the proposal, the EEAS's secretary general will be in direct "day-to-day" command of the EU's intelligence, military and crisis response bodies.

    Pierre Vimont, Nicolas Sarkozy's current ambassador to Washington, is the favourite for the job, giving France a powerful lever for its ambition to create a European army.

    The French "Sec Gen" would control secretive Brussels bodies, including the EU's military staff, the civil-military planning cell and the Situation Centre, a clearing house for intelligence gathered by national secret services.

    In a separate line of command, Christine Roger, another French official, will be in charge of strategic political and security and coordination, giving France a dominant position."

    Ashton, Gordon Brown's key nominee to this imperial post, is proving hopeless, one more manifestation of just how inept his judgement has been and a more danger sign of what lies in store with this posy-Lisbon EU

  42. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Beijing suspects false flag attack on South Korean corvette

    WMR's intelligence sources in Asia suspect that the March attack on the South Korean Navy anti-submarine warfare (ASW) corvette, the Cheonan, was a false flag attack designed to appear as coming from North Korea.

    One of the main purposes for increasing tensions on the Korean peninsula was to apply pressure on Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama to reverse course on moving the U.S. Marine Corps base off Okinawa. Hatoyama has admitted that the tensions over the sinking of the Cheonan played a large part in his decision to allow the U.S. Marines to remain on Okinawa. Hatoyama's decision has resulted in a split in the ruling center-left coalition government, a development welcome in Washington, with Mizuho Fukushima, the Social Democratic Party leader threatening to bolt the coalition over the Okinawa reversal.

    The Cheonan was sunk near Baengnyeong Island, a westernmost spot that is far from the South Korean coast, but opposite the North Korean coast. The island is heavily militarized and within artillery fire range of North Korean coastal defenses, which lie across a narrow channel.

    The Cheonan, an ASW corvette, was decked out with state-of-the-art sonar, plus it was operating in waters with extensive hydrophone sonar arrays and acoustic underwater sensors. There is no South Korean sonar or audio evidence of a torpedo, submarine or mini-sub in the area. Since there is next to no shipping in the channel, the sea was silent at the time of the sinking.

    However, Baengnyeong Island hosts a joint US-South Korea military intelligence base and the US Navy SEALS operate out of the base. In addition, four U.S. Navy ships were in the area, part of the joint U.S-South Korean Exercise Foal Eagle, during the sinking of the Cheonan. An investigation of the suspect torpedo's metallic and chemical fingerprints show it to be of German manufacture. There are suspicions that the US Navy SEALS maintains a sampling of European torpedoes for sake of plausible deniability for false flag attacks.

    Also, Berlin does not sell torpedoes to North Korea, however, Germany does maintain a close joint submarine and submarine weapons development program with Israel.

    The presence of the USNS Salvor, one of the participants in Foal Eagle, so close to Baengnyeong Island during the sinking of the South Korean corvette also raises questions.

    The Salvor, a civilian Navy salvage ship, which participated in mine laying activities for the Thai Marines in the Gulf of Thailand in 2006, was present near the time of the blast with a complement of 12 deep sea divers.

    Beijing, satisfied with North Korea's Kim Jong Il's claim of innocence after a hurried train trip from Pyongyang to Beijing, suspects the U.S. Navy's role in the Cheonan's sinking, with particular suspicion on the role of the Salvor. The suspicions are as follows:

    1. The Salvor engaged in a seabed mine-installation operation, in other words, attaching horizontally fired anti-submarine mines on the sea floor in the channel.

    2. The Salvor was doing routine inspection and maintenance on seabed mines, and put them into an electronic active mode (hair trigger release) as part of the inspection program.

    3. A SEALS diver attached a magnetic mine to the Cheonan, as part of a covert program aimed at influencing public opinion in South Korea, Japan and China.

    The Korean peninsula tensions have conveniently overshadowed all other agenda items on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visits to Beijing and Seoul.

  43. Anonymous4:35 PM


  44. Anonymous4:50 PM


  45. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Farmer has an interesting article called Planetary Citizen Madariaga.

  46. Susanna9:53 PM

    Anonymous 10:03 A.M.

    Sorry the second part of my last post didn't come through. Here it is again. This next article speaks volumes.

    Ashton laps up support

    18.03.2010 / 04:07 CET

    Foreign ministers head north to dispel a frosty reception.
    The Lapland resort of Saariselkä acquired new international status last weekend when Alex Stubb, Finland's foreign minister, chose it as the venue for a meeting with six of his EU counterparts – plus Catherine Ashton, the EU's foreign policy chief, and Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkey's foreign minister.

    The initiative aimed – according to its billing – to dispel some of the frosty reception given to Ashton, and to express high-level support as she tries to become the face and voice of EU foreign policy, and to set up the European External Action Service without terminal damage to EU diplomacy.

    Asked why only six of his colleagues had turned up to enjoy Saariselkä's snow-capped fells, Stubb chose to look on the bright side, arguing that the smaller format allowed more time for in-depth discussion of major issues. Germany's Guido Westerwelle excused himself because of a trip to Latin America. Norway's Jonas Gare Støre was stuck in budget negotiations. Denmark's Lene Espersen, appointed only at the end of February, had other commitments.

    Stubb did not invite Radek Sikorski, Poland's foreign minister, not because they don't see eye-to-eye on issues like the Nord Stream pipeline or relations with Russia, but because he knew that Sikorski would not come. Sikorski is so busy campaigning to be selected as Civic Platform's candidate to be his country's president in elections later this year that he even skipped the informal meeting of EU foreign ministers in Cordoba the previous weekend, leaving his seat to Jan Tombinski, Poland's permanent representative to the EU.

    The UK's David Miliband was also absent from the Lapland meeting. While Stubb's group discussed relations with emerging powers and strategic players like China, India and Brazil, Miliband was actually in China discussing security and energy issues. Finnish media suggested that Stubb may have had an ulterior motive for his public support for Ashton: Finland would like to get at least two top jobs in the new external service, running EU delegations abroad.

    The French ambition to install their diplomats in the upper branches of the EEAS (Pierre Vimont and Christine Roger are leading contenders discussed in earlier Entre Nous pages) is being helped by the absence of serious German candidates. Angela Merkel, Germany's chancellor, has other priorities: she wants Uwe Corsepius, her EU affairs adviser, to be the next secretary-general of the Council of Ministers, succeeding Pierre de Boissieu when he retires, and Axel Weber to be the next president of the European Central Bank, replacing another Frenchman, Jean-Claude Trichet.

  47. Susanna10:06 PM

    May 30, 2010

    Israel stations nuclear missile subs off Iran

  48. Susanna10:16 PM

    Economic woes bring Russia and Europe closer

    By Catherine Belton in Moscow and Neil Buckley in London

    Published: May 30 2010 20:25 | Last updated: May 30 2010 20:25

  49. Anonymous10:34 PM


    Make RP economy knowledge-based BY

    Monday, 31 May 2010 00:00



    At the same time, the XMG Global white paper said that the new Philippine president would have to craft initiatives to strengthen the foundations of e-government in the country. Such initiatives could be implemented in phases, but priority would have to be on online services responding to the Filipino people’s basic social needs.

    Development of a national single window—an online portal for the Philippines—would also have to be undertaken. Such would enable easier use of online trading and other forms of e-commerce while upgrading the standards of the conduct of business in the country, according to the XMG Global white paper.

    Other initiatives recommended by the XMG Global white paper were the following: (1) Creation of an information exchange facility to more effectively tap the talents of Filipino ICT professionals abroad; (2) Resolution of armed conflicts and prevention of violence in the countryside to spur further investments in ICT; (3) Heightened and more effective marketing efforts to protect and enable further gains by the BPO sector in world markets; (4) Enactment of a supportive policy and regulatory framework for ICT, including creation of a formal and binding ICT governing body.

    “Bottomline: ICT is fundamental to growth and sustainability of the Philippine economy,” the XMG Global white paper stated.


    I couldn't find in the article exactly what was meant by ICT, but I suppose it is for Information and Communications Technologies.

  50. Yes things are indeed heating up. The flames have just been fanned, the fire stoked:

  51. Anonymous10:15 AM

    YesNa has already posted one link to this solemn news. Here's another link to the BBC with a video report;

    Deaths as Israeli forces storm Gaza aid ship

    or tiny;

  52. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Great! All in the family. Seems fitting that he would head the organization founded by his Uncle.

  53. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Great. Seems fitting that Solana would pick up his great uncle's mantle by heading the University he founded.

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