
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Javier Solana, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, and Interfaith Dialogue

This is interesting and personally unexpected. I read something about Javier Solana from a new source on the other side of the world from Europe. The same source, Manila Bulletin Publishing Corporation's release last weekend (March 13th) contained this announcement vis a vis the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and Javier Solana:

Solana in HD Centre
The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) welcomed Saturday European Union dignitary Javier Solana's joining the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD Centre), a Switzerland-based independend mediation group that is a member of the International Contact Group (ICG) for the Mindanao peace process.

Solana held many prominent positions in the European bloc, including serving for 10 years until last year as EU's high representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) last year.

An HD Centre statement on its website, which the MILF reported on, said Solana has joined the HD Centre in Geneva, Switzerland, as honorary president.

Mohagher Iqbal, peace panel chair of the MILF in the 13 years old negotiation with the Philippine government, cited the possibility of Solana, former Spanish foreign minister and secretary general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), helping the peace talks. Iqbal said the EU leader's "affiliation with HDC will definitely add to its clout and prestige by bringing in someone who is not only well-respected in the European Union but also in global diplomacy." (Edd K. Usman)

I'll have to become a regular reader. It also revealed the following BIG "interfaith dialogue" (translate "NEW WORLD RELIGION") event that evidently just wrapped up in Manila:

Inter-faith dialogue
The Philippine National Police (PNP) has tapped the services of at least 5,000 of its personnel to secure the delegates and the venue of the two-day interfaith dialogue in Pasay City starting on Tuesday.

Chief Superintendent Leonardo Espina, PNP spokesman, said the lawmen will provide security to foreign delegates from 105 countries who have already confirmed their attendance to the Special Non-Aligned Movement Ministerial Meeting (SNAMMM) on Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation for Peace and Development on which is hosted this time by the Philippines.

The SNAMMM is the biggest inter-governmental meeting in recent years, and the first of its kind ever to be hosted by the Philippines.

It aims to promote interfaith dialogue and cooperation to cultivate a culture of respect, tolerance, understanding and harmony among people of different faiths, cultures and religions.

Over 105 delegations, including 24 foreign ministers and 19 deputy ministers from NAM-member and observer countries and guest organizations, are expected to participate in the event which will be held from March 16-18 at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) in Pasay City. (Aaron Recuenco)

The Moro Islamic Liberation Front has been a known terrorist operation. It is interesting that they are so enthused about Javier Solana's appointment to a perhaps obscure and remote to them "peace operation." Here is some Wikipedia background information on MILF:

The Moro Islamic Liberation Front is a group established by supporters of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), a rebel organization formed in the 1960s following the Jabidah massacre. The MNLF established the formation of an independent Islamic state in the southern Philippines and took part in terrorist[3][4] attacks and assassinations to achieve their goals. The government in Manila did not recognize this demand and sent troops into the southern Philippines to control the insurgency. The MILF was established in 1981 whenSalamat Hashim and his followers split from the MNLF, due to the MNLF's reluctance to launch an insurgency against the Philippine government and its supporters.[5]

In January 1987, the MNLF accepted the Philippine government's offer of semi-autonomy of the regions in dispute, subsequently leading to the establishment of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao. The MILF, however, refused to accept this offer and continued their insurgency operations. A general cessation of hostilities between the government in Manila and the MILF was signed in July 1997 but this agreement was abolished in 2000 by the Philippine Army under the administration of former Philippine president Joseph Estrada. In response, the MILF declared a jihad (holy war) against the government, its citizens and supporters. A cease-fire treaty was signed by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.[6]

Despite peace negotiations and cease-fire agreement, the MILF attacked government troops in Maguindanao resulting in at least twenty-three deaths in January 2005. The combined armies of the MILF and Abu Sayyaf were involved in days of fighting which necessitated government troops using heavy artillery to engage rebel forces.

The bombing incident in Davao airport in 2003 which the Philippine government blamed on MILF members,[7] raised speculation that the peace negotiations might be ineffectual in bringing peace to Mindanao if the MILF is unable to control its operatives. The MILF denies ties with terrorist group Jemaah Islamiyah, although Jemaah Islamiyah is considered to have provided them with training facilities in areas they control.[8][9] The MILF also continues to deny connections with Al-Qaeda, though it has admitted to sending around 600 volunteers to Al-Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan and that Osama Bin Laden sent money to the Philippines, though the group denies directly receiving any payment.[10]

From June 28 to July 6, 2006, conflict between the MILF and armed civilian volunteers under Maguindanao Province governor Andal Ampatuan who were supported by the Philippine Army had been reported. The fighting began after governor Ampatuan blamed the MILF for a June 23 bomb attack on his motorcade, which killed five in his entourage. The MILF denied responsibility, but Ampatuan sent police and civilian volunteers to arrest MILF members connected to the attack. Four thousand families were reported displaced by the fighting that followed, which was ended by a cease-fire agreement signed on July 10 and July 11.[11]

Well, it appears that both Javier Solana and New World Religion pots are still very much simmering, if not in full boil! Catherine Ashton and the post-Solana watered down European Union "Common Foreign and Security Policy" continue to catch editorial fires. USA analyses from the Heritage Foundation are encouraging the USA to virtually ignore Europe. What next?

Stay tuned!



  1. More breaking news on severe EU rifts:

    Washington Post article.


  2. Anonymous4:29 AM

    I'm from manila and these things are true. There are so many "new age" things along major hi-ways which the common Filipino will not understand or notice at all. Along EDSA hi-way, there were 2 billboards that stayed for only a month that has a heading "unity-in-diversity" and it was being promoted by the EU. I don't understand why they have to put it there and why they have to remove it suddenly. The advertisement is not even enticing and one can hardly notice it. I noticed it simply because I am already aware of the new age terminologies. In some Starbucks outlets, they invite parents to enroll their kids to yoga classes.

    I don't know if it's related but majority of our public buses have "EU compliance" printed just above their mufflers. Is this related to their new world agendas?

    God Bless us all

  3. To Anonymous from Manila:

    Thank you for your valuable contribution to our knowledge base here. I had no idea there was such a European Union presence in the Philippines.


  4. INTERESTING: There is a business named "EU Compliance." It is located in Cleveland, Ohio and it helps countries around the world comply with European Union standards and beyond. Here is its website to assist you in checking it out (at least until it disappears!):


  5. This is interesting to me on several fronts. I had dear friends, Wesley and Jean Gould, whose son, a reporter, had been kidnapped by this operation in the 1960's!


  6. Please refresh your browsers. I have found and included two important pictures. There website addresses are shown on the pictures.


  7. Very, very important interview with Javier Solana in Spanish magazine. Here is tinyurl link. An awkward translation is offered with it. Interestingly, inter alia, he reveals that he talked with Barack Obama BEFORE he became president. Calls the USA a "disaster".


  8. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I have been following this site for more than a year since some of the things that I read from Constance' book are i think already happening sooner than I expected.

    Just to share with guys. There was an old beggar in one convenience store here in Manila wearing a plywood with strings attached to his shoulders saying "Maitreya is the second coming of Christ, he will stop and end the third world war". I didn't mean to say that his words are prophetic but rather I say it exposes some of their plans I guess. Anyway, I have seen that beggar for more than 2 years already and this was the first time he wore a thing like that. I suspect that someone payed him to wear that because he was a common fellow among the grocery shoppers.

    Some buses and jeepneys here in the Philippines have sticker that read
    "Maitreya is Christ".

    If you guys are saying that things are really happening globally, I'm here to testify that it is true here in the east, at least here in the Philippines.

    GP from Manila

  9. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Constance where you aware that there is such a thing as "EU compliance" even before I mentioned about our buses? If so, how come it is already very much here in the Philippines even before it became popular in the west?

  10. I mentioned a few threads back about Solana's involvement with HD centre. I am curious as to this position, as it now makes Javier Mr. UN peacemaker, while from his own words he is still very involved in the European process. He is now in a position to both call for sanctions on Israel via the ENP, while he is also in a better position to now ask that the UN impose their two state solution.

    The accounts from GR in Manila are sobering, but not all that suprising. Given the saturation of EULEX missions in the area, combined with the full on promotion of the EU as the standard bearer of global governance by Brookings, UN, and the many philanthropists promoting such systems. I am going to take a tighter look at EU compliance, the company based in Ohio. This really caught my eye, after some of the recent discussions about the advance of the global system coming from the buckeye state.

  11. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Buckeye State. And don't forget Battelle in all this. They are in Columbus and years ago, when I heard Anita Hoge speak about Outcome Based Education in Pennsylvania and about its coming into Ohio she told about Battelle being involved in that mess.

  12. To Manila:

    I was NOT aware of the EU COMPLIANCE business before your posting. I googled it early this morning upon reading your post and was shocked to find the business itself was USA based.


  13. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Perhaps others like me believed that Stupak of Michigan really was a committed pro-lifer. When he shafted the pro-life community in the last several hours by claiming he could vote for the bill because Obama said he would write an executive order, I believed he was too stupid to be a politician. Then when the bill passed and others wanted an amendment saying that the federal government wouldn't wouldn't fund abortions, Stupak shafted his pro-life supporters by turning against his own earlier words, and saying that the pro-life people didn't care about abortion funding and that they just wanted to stop the bill, I knew that what Susanna sent out that was caught by David Horowitz was the explanation. Stupak, when he didn't think he was being recorded said he would vote for the bill, even if it funded abortions.

    However I also blame the pro-life community in Michigan for not pulling the plug earlier on that against abortion pretender.


  14. U.S. Census Tracks Mail, Raising Fears Among Some

    Census Bureau officials are counting on an advanced postal tracking system to speed up responses and save the government millions of dollars in follow-up letters and visits by census takers.

    But some privacy advocates and lawmakers are troubled by the tracking system, which they say oversteps privacy bounds.

    The 2010 Census forms arrive this week at 120 million addresses across the country. Each piece of Census mail comes with a unique barcode that lets the U.S. Postal Service and the bureau track individual letters as they travel to and from the bureau. Each time a letter zips through sorting equipment—typically five times between the initial mailing and delivery—it generates data that are fed into a computer system that lets the bureau monitor its progress.

    The Census Bureau can check on what letters have been delivered, residents who have changed their addresses, homes and apartments that are unoccupied and who has returned their Census form, all in real time.

    The use of the so-called Intelligent Mail Barcode system added $25,000 to the 2010 Census tab, but it is estimated to save $41 million in postage and could help curb follow-up costs this spring, said Jim Dinwiddie, a member of the bureau's decennial management committee. Those costs are estimated to total $1.5 billion, based on an average cost of $57 for each home visit, he said.

    The system cuts postage because it pinpoints residences that are vacant and takes them off the list for future mailings. It lowers follow-up costs by ferreting out homes where residents haven't responded; those homes get replacement forms, and the Census Bureau has found that this greatly improve response rates. In the past, the bureau sent replacement forms only if requested by a resident. Ten years ago, the Census Bureau couldn't quickly determine which households didn't fill out the forms, so it had to send a census taker to all the residences that didn't reply.

  15. Anonymous3:52 AM

    The close monitoring of the mail is giving privacy advocates and others pause. "I would certainly agree it's more invasive of people's privacy," said Rep. Ron Paul, a Texas Republican, who has opposed the Census because it goes beyond a simple headcount, asking residents 10 questions, including names, ages, race and sex. "It's the environment we live in; the government knows every single thing. It just means there is more pressure, and more likelihood, that you are going to be fined by the government." Rep. Paul was the sole "no" vote on a House resolution this month to encourage participation in the 2010 Census.

    Jay Stanley, who as communications director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Technology and Liberty Program focuses on privacy rights, said Americans should be notified that their mail is being watched. "There is a lot of sensitivity with the Census in terms of privacy," he said. When people don't know their mail is being tracked, that's a privacy violation, he said.

    The decennial count includes several mailings: a heads-up letter that the census form is on the way; the form itself; a postcard reminding that the form needs to be filled out and returned; and a replacement census form to homes that didn't respond.

    Jim Marsden, program manager for printing and distribution with the Census Bureau, says speedier printing and the tracking system have allowed the bureau to send a mass mailing of replacement forms to households that haven't responded. Early Census Bureau tests show that homes that received replacement forms increased their mail-in response rates by 6% to 7%.

    Typically, about two-thirds of U.S. residents mail back their questionnaire, but the bureau is concerned the response rate could slip because foreclosures have displaced many families, and distrust in government and privacy concerns are growing.

    John Deighton, a business professor at Harvard University who specializes in direct and online marketing, said those concerns have more to do with the Census itself than any mail tracking system. "What expectation of privacy are people likely to hold when it comes to the Census, the most intrusive constitutionally authorized demand for personal information that the average citizen will ever receive?" he said.Some companies have been using Intelligent Mail since it was rolled out last May. Crain Communications Inc, a privately owned publishing company based in Detroit, ships about 1.2 million specially barcoded periodicals each week, says Joyce McGarvy, the company's vice president of distribution. The system, she said, cuts the time spent on updating the subscriber databases.

  16. This is personaly one of the saddest days I have ever witnessed as a citizen of the United States. I have already begun discussing the information integration and collection aspects of this bill in my articles. Combine this with the projects that companies like GE, Visa, Cisco, and many others have put forth of late that are leading us into the technocratic society described by Huxley, and one is left wondering how anyone can not see what is happening before them.

    Like a lame horse, our privacy rights have been taken out behind the barn to be put down. Even now, they are spinning those who opposed this as hatefull human beings. Parading Barney Frank on CNN to tell how protesters called him slurs associated with his homosexual lifestyle, or how the same protesters yelled the "N" word and other racial slurs at John Lewis and other black members of Congress.

    We are being villified for standing up for our rights. The sad part is it will only get worse as this jobs bill or immigration reform bill goes forward. All while they use these bills to strip more freedoms from us. These crooks are not even afraid of losing their jobs at this point, as can be witnessed by the vote last night. Not to mention if they do get voted out, they will simply get replaced with more of the same. So my question is, if the one Ace we had to keep these crooks in check is no longer a effective tool, what are we left with as a course of action for preserving our freedom?

  17. Anonymous10:55 AM

    JD, 10:31 AM Said,

    'So my question is, if the one Ace we had to keep these crooks in check is no longer a effective tool, what are we left with as a course of action for preserving our freedom?'

    The answer is Prayer, obedience and repentance. BE YE NOT OF THIS WORLD TRUST WHOLLY IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.

  18. All of this shows that the Tribulation is near. We Christians may not be suffering physically here in America, we are being attacked spiritually. We've been watching for this moment to arrive and it's almost here.

    No matter what, God wins in the end! Jesus suffered and died, but rose victoriously. So, when our time of suffering comes, we know there is something glorious waiting for us.

  19. Anon 10:55,

    I agree completely, but my question was not posed as that of a christian, more of a rhetorical question as a American. It was intended to show how these folks will stop at nothing to achieve their end goal, even if it means squashing dissenting views with propaganda. As we progress into this gloabalist mess the divide will only become greater. How much longer will people of faith continue to chase after Nimrod, hoping to change his mind about the construction project?

  20. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Dear Constance,

    I have been reading your literature/research for about a year and thought you might find the following of interest. I was a member for eight years, (no longer) of a spiritual group that I believe is gaining much interest world wide. It is the Foundation for International Spiritual Unfoldment (FISU). When I was involved with the group, I would often transcribe some of the ‘satsangs’ and an excerpt from one I, with some trepidation, quote: “The teachings of Christ have served their purpose and have served their purpose well… Now it is time for a New way of thinking, a new way of …… “ I would have to refer to the transcriptions I kept to check the rest of the content, but as you can tell, this is very much in line with the ‘new age’ thinking taking hold. Perhaps you might want to check it out when you get time. I also recall that the ‘guru’ informed that he had applied for funding from the UN at one point, but I don’t know if funding was awarded.

    Also, just wanted to let you know that I was traveling home on the London underground last October and I picked up a local paper (Islington Tribune) that had been left on a seat. In there was a 7 x 5 inch advertisement announcing the lecture by Benjamin Creme, Friends House, Euston Road, London.

    This is only the second time I have left a message in cyberspace!

    Best wishes.

  21. Dear L,

    THANK YOU for the valuable information and insights and for having the courage to post it here "in cyberspace."

    Please continue to join us and post here.

