
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

International Temple Mount Awareness Day - TODAY - March 16, 2010

View this in conjunction with yesterday's articles. Many thanks to researcher, par excellence, Dorothy Margraf, for passing this on to the rest of us in our comments section forum!

Stay tuned!



  1. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Regarding the third temple...

    School is being built in Israel to develop / teach Rabbis and Priests to serve in the third temple (youtube).

    Dave in CA

  2. Everyone NEEDS to pay close attention to this one.

    Moody's fears social unrest as AAA states implement austerity plans

    The world's five biggest AAA-rated states are all at risk of soaring debt costs and will have to implement austerity plans that threaten "social cohnesion", according to a report on sovereign debt by Moody's

    The US rating agency said the US, the UK, Germany, France, and Spain are walking a tightrope as they try to bring public finances under control without nipping recovery in the bud. It warned of "substantial execution risk" in withdrawal of stimulus.

    "Growth alone will not resolve an increasingly complicated debt equation. Preserving debt affordability at levels consistent with AAA ratings will invariably require fiscal adjustments of a magnitude that, in some cases, will test social cohesion," said Pierre Cailleteau, the chief author

    We are not talking about revolution, but the severity of the crisis will force governments to make painful choices that expose weaknesses in society," he said.

    If countries tighten too soon, they risk stifling recovery and making maters worse by eroding tax revenues: yet waiting too is "no less risky" as it would test market patience. "At the current elevated debt levels, a rise in the government's cost of funding can very quickly render debt much less affordable."

    Moody's said Britain has been slower than Spain to "rise to the challenge" and may be at greater risk of smashing through buffers of AAA creditiblity if rates suddenly rise. Spain made errors at the outset of the crisis but has since become a model pupil, pledging to cut the budget deficit from 11.4pc of GDP to 3pc by 2013.

    Britain is moving much more slowly, cutting its deficit to around 5.5pc of GDP over four years – though written into law, unlike Spain's pledge. At best, debt is likely to stabilise at 90pc of GDP. It could reach 100pc by 2013 if growth falters.

    The Treasury said the assessment is unduly gloomy given that the maturity of UK debt is over 14 years, double the AAA average. This greatly reduces roll-over risk, giving Britain time to steady the ship.

    The concern is what will happen as the Bank of England stops purchasing bonds. An IMF study said quantitative easing had lopped 40 to 100 basis points off debt costs. "The discontinuation of these purchases creates upside risk to yields," said Moody's.

    Moody's said the saving grace for both Britain and the UK is a good a track record of belt-tightening when necessary, and a tax and spending structure that makes it easier to whittle away the debt once recovery starts. Concerns about a hung Parliament in Britain appear overblown given the broad political consensus on the need for austerity.

  3. Anonymous9:20 PM

    With that oversized compliment, I had better start doing some serious research again. I'm getting lazy these days and blaming it on my age. The kind of research JD and Suzanne are doing makes me feel like a real New Age research beginner. I'm not fishing for compliments. I mean what I say.

    I hope that some of you caught that picture of Obama from the New York Times as well as the fishing for sympathy article from the Washington Post I posted. The DC Messiah is going on Fox. There are going to be some serious efforts to rehabilitate his image is my guess. Maybe picture of him kissing a kitten.



  4. Leana9:41 PM

    Saw this last night and almost spit out my tea... Benjamin Creme being mentioned on Stephen Colbert's show.... anyway, it had to do with Raj Patel appearing and Stephen making a tongue in cheek comment about Raj being the Messiah/Maitraya.

    Thought you'd all get a kick out of it.


  5. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Just looked at the video Leana. I had nothing to spit out, but just plain old laughed.
    from Monday the 15th.


  6. Thanks Dorothy for the better link, I was kind of busy with kids and couldn't look it up at the moment. Yeah, it was funny.

  7. Dorothy,

    I know how seriously you take exposing the lies that are being perpetrated on the public. While you may feel out of shape in the research department, most of us know what you have given to build the level of knowledge that is out there.

    It is a fact that if it were not for researchers like you, Constance, Cuddy, and many others who came before, Susanna and I would not have had anything on which to build. I know in my case if it were not for you and Constance, I would have still been oblivious to the New Age agenda.

    You are not the type to rest on past success. This tenacity is one of the many things I respect greatly about you. I also know that if you wish to, you still have the ability to hit on hard subjects and teach many here how to properly stand up. No one else may want to admit this, but these are qualities that in some instances are desperately missing these days.

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  9. Constance,

    You are a woman ahead of your time!!! (But we all knew that!) Lighthouse Trails has posted an article from Christian Post writer Lillian Kwon. "Hologram Preachers Slated to Appear in Churches".

    Apparently this has been controversial for a while now, but not for the reasons Constance points out in her books.

    The real danger is in the conditioning this will provide to deceive "even the very elect".

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I will be doing a radio interview 4 p.m. Pacific time with Dr. Stanley Monteith. (7 p.m. Eastern time, USA).


  12. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I found this on the Born To Watch website. Not sure how legitimate it is.....

  13. Susanna9:14 PM

    JD and Dorothy,

    JD, re your comment:

    It is a fact that if it were not for researchers like you,(Dorothy) Constance, Cuddy, and many others who came before, Susanna and I would not have had anything on which to build.

    I agree wholeheartedly with you, JD. Our research has not taken place in a vacuum. We are indeed building upon the valuable research of dedicated and talented researchers like Dorothy, Constance, Cuddy and others.

    I am grateful for all that I have learned from them about the New Age Movement and its agenda.

  14. Susanna,

    I tried not to speak for you in my sentiment to Dorothy, though I knew you would agree. I pray you are finding peace in what certainly has been a difficult time for you. You continue to be in my prayers.

  15. Would like JD's comments on this:

    I am in office late, post Dr. Monteith broadcast. I have CNN on. They have in last half hour featured two intriguing ads -- one personally tempting to me if I didn't have as many apprehensions as I do:

    The first was for an online billing and payment system for professionals (American Express). Since asking for and collecting money has never been easy for me, it is a temptation.

    The second was for "digital money" for paying things such as cab drivers. That ad
    was VISA's.


  16. Constance,

    I actually posted about Visa's digital currency system back in the Ashton dangerous gauntlet thread, which I will repost below. I am unfamiliar with the AmEX system but will check up on it and post my findings. The Visa system named Currency of Progress is being sold as a SUSTAINABLE safe system. Many aspects of it mirror CREDITZ system, albeit this is a more americanized version. My previous post:

    As I type this, the system I am writing about is being sold to the american public. I have been sitting with CNN on in the background, when I have been caught off guard by two commercials back to back. The first was for Visa's new digital currency system, fully selling a cashless system. The second was for GE's digital medical records system, again selling information integration to the public.

    From Visa,

    Visa is a global payments technology company that enables consumers, businesses, financial institutions and governments to use digital currency instead of cash and checks.

    You can see the GE commercial here.

    They are selling this system to the american public. Next they will sell the benefits of a chip in conjunction with these systems. It's all down hill from here.

  17. I nearly forgot, the Currency of Progress site has several videos showing the "benefits" and goals of the system. EVERYONE should watch the one under innovation, as it openly promotes RFID and other information capture technologies. Telling the story of how a woman in Taiwan never has to swipe her card.

  18. One more note, the GE system in my post is called Healthymagination. GE also has available a new line of Smart appliances and green technologies called Ecomagination.
    They are not even trying to hide that these seemingly unrelated topics are interconnected in their operability and design.

  19. Constance,

    I am having troubles seeing which AmEx system you are refering to. Mostly because they offer so many options and systems. If by chance you knew which it was that would be of tremendous help.

  20. Constance,

    You may be aware that these digital currency systems as well as microcredit fit nicely into the Treaty of Alternative Economic Models that have been adopted as part of the Earth Summit/Earth Charter Initiative. I have this treaty as well as the Treaty on Consumption and Lifestyle posted in the comments section of my latest update on my blog.

  21. Anonymous2:46 AM

    I would suggest that anyone interested in the idea of a third temple not take the ideas of any single organization as representative of ideas in Israel and all Jews. There are many different groups interested in the idea, and they don't work together toward one goal. Here is comprehensive overview.
    The long history of preparations toward a third temple.
    The main website.

    Could New Age leadership attempt to infiltrate and push their ideas about an ascended master under the label messiah through one of the many organizations? Sure. It's happening in many places.


  22. Anonymous7:07 AM

    police state spying

  23. JD,

    I remember several years ago when you could just wave a little techno-keychain-fob at the gas pump at various Mobil (I think) stations to pay for your fuel purchase. I didn't use this system, but I also haven't heard anymore about it recently, and it didn't appear to take off much, as others haven't seemed to adopt it.

    Seemed to be somewhat the same with regards to the Innovation promotion on the Visa site.

    take care,

  24. Sarah,

    The system you are refering to was called speed pass, which was for Mobil. The keychain was a simpler form of a RFID chip creating a link to a customers account with Mobil. The reason this did not appear to take off was that there was a limited number produced. These were actually picked up quite quickly by customers who had Mobil accounts. Mobil then discontinued the speed pass program stating lack of cost efficiency. In simple terms, this was nothing more than a test run of the technology. What is particularly interesting is despite Mobil discontinuing the project, all of their stores I have encountered, including some built post the project, still have these readers built into their pumps.

  25. Susanna2:44 PM


    You were right in knowing that I would agree with your sentiments - especially about our fellow researcher, Dorothy.

    I also want to thank you for your kind words.

    I still have lots of things to take care of, but I will be in touch as often as possible and as time permits.

  26. sarah2:45 PM

    Yep, that's the name, thanks!... I agree it was a test run... Small little incremental steps of drawing the noose tighter.

    take care,

  27. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Pamela Geller over at Atlas Shrugs has been reporting on a series of volunteer and other programs coming from the federal government that are meant to shape how program participants think. Socialism was creeping into our system, but now the move into our lives is taking place at full speed.

    Here are links to the four stories at Atlas Shrugs.
    Obama's Private Youth Army: Recruiting 8-Year-Olds
    "Service Learning" "Servant-leaders, ages 14-21"
    Nationalized Health Corps Workforce Army
    "Lurking within the recently-released Reconciliation bill is a brand new corps of government workers.....It speaks of regular and reserve Officers, scholarships, loans, obligated service, individual contracts, training centers, the traditional income redistribution scheme of grants and grant proposals, etc..."

    If you wondered why educational funding is in the health bill, check out this article from American Thinker. They will pay for your training in the field of health, but you better toe the line as far as standards set up by the government such as support for abortion, euthanasia and medical limitations, or owe the money used for your training to the government.
    "An awful lot of stimulus dollars and Americorps resources are going into prisoner re-entry. Americorps' VISTA program handles re-entry of convicts into society. "Faith based" groups (like the notorious Gamaliel) and other "stakeholders" often work in partnership with Americorps in VISTA re-entry program (ACORN like CCCs are considered "stakeholders")....rom the Urban Institute-Faith based mentors and prisoner re-entry--point made regarding Nation of Islam mentorship in prisoner re-entry---and subsequently funded and endorsed by said AMERICORPS: (here)

    "To be certain, religious institutions have long run prison ministries. Christian churches, following the suggestion of the Gospel to visit those incarcerated, have offered direct spiritual counsel to prisoners. Islam, of orthodox (especially Sunnite) and heterodox (Nation of Islam, Five Percenters) traditions alike, has established a considerable presence in penal institutions as well,..."

    I really am more than uncomfortable to learn of the possibility that under the guise of training for re-entry into society, former prisoners may be trained and paid for doing 40 forty hour work weeks by Farrakhan's Nation of Islam people or Islamic groups. One of the commenters wrote: "The hiring of ex-convicts and possible current criminals is something Obama has copied from the Islamic republic of Iran: the Basiji.

    "Throughout the Iranian people's fight to get rid of their evil dictatorship, the Basiji have stabbed and shot innocent people in crowds, raped both girls and boys, tortured hundreds of innocent people who were peacefully protesting, to death.

    "The IRI has placed young male students in prison with the most hardened of violent criminals. They heard the people they have arrested into shipping containers and rape and torture them in front of each other. All this is documented if you follow iranelection on twitter."

    Here is the website for Americorps.

    Why is community service being defined, controlled, almost regulated and dictated by the Federal Government? Is it when the government is paying it controls the individual's thinking?


  28. All,

    I have added more information in the comments of my latest Update. These include connection between microcredit and Hamas, UN involvement, and a teaser for a upcoming article.

  29. Jaclyn8:22 PM

    JD and all, this is a MUST SEE!


  30. Jaclyn8:32 PM

    By the way, while watching the youtube mentioned above, pay CLOSE attention to the code words and phrases DHS uses and displays on the screen...things like,

    "Risks occur when dangerous people try to evade identification"

    OUTRAGEOUS! Their agenda is so obvious, it's staring us in the face.

    "And he shall cause all both small and great to receive a mark...."

  31. Jacklyn,

    Many thanks! While I still see this as part of a much larger system, this should definitely make people aware that the table is being set.

  32. Anonymous12:42 AM


    Last month, Virginia lawmaker Mark Cole, a Fredericksburg Republican, sponsored a bill in the House of Delegates to prohibit the involuntary implantation of microchips into human beings. “My understanding—I’m not a theologian—but there’s a prophecy in the Bible that says you’ll have to receive a mark, or you can neither buy nor sell things in end times,” said Cole. “Some people think these computer chips might be that mark.”

    In spite of some ridicule, Cole’s bill passed the Virginia House of Delegates by an overwhelming 88-9 majority—because, as his fellow Republican David B. Albo opined, “The fact that some people who support it are a little wacky doesn’t make it a bad idea.”

    Cole is not alone among state legislators nationwide. Wisconsin, California, and North Dakota have already passed legislation to protect their citizens from unwanted subdermal implants. A similar bill has just passed the house in Tennessee. The Georgia State Senate also passed an anti-microchip bill last month, sponsored by two Chips: Republican State Senators Chip Pearson and Chip Rogers, both Baptists and active in their churches.

    The sponsors of these bills, all of them Republicans and outspoken conservative Christians, claim that preventing the forced implantation of microchips is a civil rights issue: they seek to protect citizens from unwanted bodily intrusions by employers and especially what they depict as a big brother-esque government. Yet the technology to embed radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips into animals and people has existed since the early nineties, and so far no one has attempted a forced implantation of the populace.

    There are, of course, purely secular reasons against forced implantation of RFID chips and in favor of policies that particularly protect the truly vulnerable. But the true impetus behind these laws (give Cole points for honesty here) appears to lie squarely in Christian dispensationalism and speculation about “the mark of the beast” described in the Book of Revelation.

    For the rest of the article:

  33. Anonymous12:48 AM


    Last month, Virginia lawmaker Mark Cole, a Fredericksburg Republican, sponsored a bill in the House of Delegates to prohibit the involuntary implantation of microchips into human beings. “My understanding—I’m not a theologian—but there’s a prophecy in the Bible that says you’ll have to receive a mark, or you can neither buy nor sell things in end times,” said Cole. “Some people think these computer chips might be that mark.”

    In spite of some ridicule, Cole’s bill passed the Virginia House of Delegates by an overwhelming 88-9 majority—because, as his fellow Republican David B. Albo opined, “The fact that some people who support it are a little wacky doesn’t make it a bad idea.”

    Cole is not alone among state legislators nationwide. Wisconsin, California, and North Dakota have already passed legislation to protect their citizens from unwanted subdermal implants. A similar bill has just passed the house in Tennessee. The Georgia State Senate also passed an anti-microchip bill last month, sponsored by two Chips: Republican State Senators Chip Pearson and Chip Rogers, both Baptists and active in their churches.

    The sponsors of these bills, all of them Republicans and outspoken conservative Christians, claim that preventing the forced implantation of microchips is a civil rights issue: they seek to protect citizens from unwanted bodily intrusions by employers and especially what they depict as a big brother-esque government. Yet the technology to embed radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips into animals and people has existed since the early nineties, and so far no one has attempted a forced implantation of the populace.

    There are, of course, purely secular reasons against forced implantation of RFID chips and in favor of policies that particularly protect the truly vulnerable. But the true impetus behind these laws (give Cole points for honesty here) appears to lie squarely in Christian dispensationalism and speculation about “the mark of the beast” described in the Book of Revelation.

    For the rest of this article:

  34. steve8:20 AM

    Has anyone checked the Herescope blog? What an odd turn of topic but warm and inviting at the same time.

  35. Hi Constance, you may be interested in this article:

    Temple Institute wants to Offer Biblical Passover Sacrifice

    by Maayana Miskin

    Portion of the article says--

    "The Temple Mount Institute has filed suit in its fight for the right to sacrifice a sheep on the Temple Mount prior to Passover, as commanded in the Torah."

  36. Steve,

    I don't know that I would call herescopes latest article, which is meant as preperation for persecution, as a odd turn. I do agree though that it was a more than needed piece.

  37. Earth Summit 2012
    On 24th December 2009 the UN General Assembly passed a resolution agreeing to hold a 'Rio+20' Earth Summit in 2012. The resolution outlines four areas of focus for a UN Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012:

    Review of Commitments
    Emerging Issues
    Green Economy in the context of Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development
    Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development
    The resolution was welcomed by governmental and non-governmental stakeholders alike, many of whom had been advocating for a Rio+20 Summit for over a year. Stakeholder Forum played a key role in organising a number of events and bringing together key stakeholders at crucial points in the run-up to the Resolution.

    Stakeholder Forum will continue to play a key role in the preparatory process for Earth Summit 2012, and will provide updates, background information and analysis on this website. The scope and focus of this website will expand significantly in the run-up to the Summit, so please visit regularly to keep up to date with recent developments.

    In this section of the website you can find out more information about the milestones leading to Earth Summit 2012, the thematic areas to be addressed by a Summit, and the activities of the Major Groups. For more details on Stakeholder Forum's activities, please visit the 'Activities' section.


  38. Prep Comm 1 for Earth Summit 2012

    Prep Comm 1 will be held between the 17th and 19th of May in UN headquaters New York post CSD-18. Stakeholder Forum will be holding a conference on the 15th of May which will be focusing on many aspects of the Rio +20 conference. More details to follow soon

    The New Economics Foundation have produced a report linked to the Green Economy

    "Growth isn't possible" Why developed countries need a new economic direction has been produced by nef. You can read the complete report here.

    Maurice Strong on Rio+ 20
    Maurice Strong former Secretary General of the Rio and Stockholm Earth Summits has been interviewed by Mirian Vilela of the Earth Charter on the proposed Rio+20 Summit, click on the picture below to see a recording of the interview

    PAY ATTENTION!!!! We are being told that nations are being coerced to make changes in preperation for this summit by the UN and their NGOs.

  39. "TOWARDS A WORLD SUMMIT ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2012" a conference by The European Economic and Social Committee and Stakeholder Forum
    On the 1st and 2nd of October in Brussels the Economic and Social Committee and Stakeholder Forum presented the first major conference to be held in Europe on Rio+20. A number of key speakers in the field of sustainable development and environmental governance gave presentations. To view the presentations click here.

    Read the Swedish Presidency response to the conference where they welcome the focus on a Green Economy and reform of International Environmental Governance here

    European Union wants 'Green Economy' as part of Earth Summit 2012
    The EU has welcomed the Brazilian Government offer to host a United Nations high-level event on sustainable development in Rio de Janeiro in 2012. Both parties shared the view that the 'Green Economy' should be one of its main focus. The EU and Brazil agreed that the event could renew political commitment towards this key issue of sustainable development and define appropriate new initiatives. They agreed that the event could also offer an opportunity to advance issues that have taken up prominent positions in the international agenda.

    Civil Society in the USA call for an Earth Summit
    Civil Society Organisations across the USA representing more than a million US citizens have written an open letter to President Obama calling for the USA to endorse the current proposal before the United Nations to hold an Earth Summit in 2012 in Brazil.

    To read the letter click here

    France endorses Earth Summit
    In a meeting between President Sarkozy and President Lula on the 6th and 7th of September France announced their support:

    "France fully supports the desire of Brazil to organize in 2012 a new Earth Summit, 20 years after the first Summit had been held in Rio de Janeiro. This new peak may be an ideal opportunity to make decisive and necessary progress for international governance of the environment."

    Read French Governments Statement here

    United States stakeholders meet to discuss Rio+20.
    Two meetings where held in Washignton DC in July which brought together a range of stakeholders to discuss views and opinions on the issues to be addressed at a possible Earth Summit in 2012. One of the meetings was hosted on the 6th of July by Justice and Sustainability and on the 7th of July the meeting was hosted by National Resource Defense Council.

  40. New MoD Strategic Report Extends Vision to 2040
    Foresees the rise of a global elite that "sits above the level of individual states and influences the global agenda"

    Old-Thinker News | March 18, 2010

    By Daniel Taylor

    In 2006, the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defense published the DCDC Strategic Trends 2007-2036 report, outlining possible scenarios for technology, society and world politics. Among other issues, the 2006 report accurately envisioned a "revolutionary middle class" that would revolt against economic hardship and burdens of debt, and described a future population implanted with brain chips. A new report from the MoD titled Global Strategic Trends - Out to 2040 was published in February of this year, and extends the Ministry's strategic vision to 2040.

    Amidst the 168 pages of the report, these are a few highlights. The newest MoD paper, drawing influence from its predecessor, describes rapid changes in society that threaten to "radicalize" individuals who seek to maintain traditions and beliefs, while a global elite "...sits above the level of individual states and influences the global agenda..." By 2040 the MoD envisions a "global society" plagued with tensions brought about by globalization, and high technology exaggerates differences between haves and have nots. The MoD report states,

    "The social tensions caused by intrusive global culture are likely to be most acute amongst those who seek to maintain their indigenous and traditional customs and beliefs, and feel threatened by changes. This is likely to lead to an increasing number of individuals and groups, many of whom form around single issues that differentiate them from wider society, becoming marginalised and possibly radicalised."

    These issues, along with the public response to economic hardship are driving the strategic vision of governments in the western world. In 2008 the Army War College released the report Known Unknowns: Unconventional Strategic Shocks in Defense Strategy Development. “Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security," states the report. The western world has seen an unprecedented build up for domestic unrest as the machinery of governance built for anti-terrorism is turned inward.

    Additionally, the latest Global Strategic Trends report peddles the climate change fear that more and more people are rejecting as an excuse to impose draconian measures on their lives. Indeed, the MoD report foresees a move away from "freedom of choice" to more "sustainable" practices in response to climate change. Chillingly, the paper states,

    "The developed world is likely to experience a degree of transformation as it moves from a consumerist society based on freedom of choice to a more constrained, sustainable societal model that provides financial and social rewards to encourage greener practices and discourage waste."


  41. cont.

    "Emergence of a global elite"

    The state will remain the predominant player in world affairs according to the MoD report, but "...the emergence of a global elite, a powerful network of individuals and institutions that sits above the level of individual states and influences the global agenda, is also possible." While the report foresees the rise of a global elite, the existence of a global elite is a well documented fact. One method of influence that the global elite wield is through large foundations. As the MoD report states, these operate above individual states and influence the global agenda.

    In an interview with the Seattle Times, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was asked, "Some say the emergence of super rich philanthropies like the Gates Foundation has undermined the effectiveness of the U.N. and its member organizations, like the WHO." Moon responded,

    "On the contrary that is what we really want -- contributions from the business community as well as philanthropies. We need to have political support, but it doesn't give us all that we need. NGOs and philanthropies and many foundations such as Bill Gates Foundation -- they're taking a very important role..."

    In May of 2009 the so called "Good club" met in New York at the home of Sir Paul Nurse, president of Rockefeller University. According to the London Times, the meeting was so secret that, "...some of the billionaires’ aides were told they were at 'security briefings'". David Rockefeller Jr, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey were all in attendance. The Times reports, "Over dinner they discussed how they might settle on an “umbrella cause” that could harness their interests." The Times interviewed a guest at the meeting, who said that the group wanted to meet in secret because they didn't want their statements ending up in the media, "painting them as an alternative world government."

    In defense of the secrecy, the guest said that, “They need to be independent of government agencies, which are unable to head off the disaster we all see looming.”

    "To be disconnected may be considered suspicious"

    By 2040 - and likely before then - many futurists and scientists are projecting that technology will have advanced exponentially, bringing the much anticipated "singularity" closer. The MoD hints at some of these possible developments, including the emergence of an internet of things, radical life extension technology, and surveillance of personnel via mood sensing devices.

    Computing will become pervasive everywhere in the environment. According to the report, "The virtual networks will consist of communications servers linking individuals and objects, many of which will be networked through individual Internet Protocol (IP) addresses." Ultimately, as stated in the paper, it may become difficult to "turn the outside world off," and "...Even amongst those who make an explicit life-style choice to remain detached, choosing to be disconnected may be considered suspicious behaviour."

    Furthermore, life extension technology will "have a significant impact on global society," and "...initial access... could be highly unequal and only be available to wealthier members of society."

  42. Agie954:05 PM

    More on RFID:

    Rice University helps create RFID tag using Nanotechnology.

  43. Norbs,
    Talk about your significant events.
    If these sacrifices were to start,
    and continue for a time, (which
    could be a very short time), and then
    someone were to come along with the
    authority to halt the sacrifices, guess
    who that person would be?

  44. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Interesting. Where did everyone go? Conferencing? Let no one deceive you.
